#they only really spent one summer together didnt they
honeyplus · 5 days
the angst of jondami is that jon leaves FIRST!!!! to space with his grandpa!!! to the legion!!!! to the league!!! he is constantly turning his back on damian. if u read the supersons comic it's damian tapping on jon's window goading him into adventuring. its him convincing jon to break the rules.
damian was hostile during their first encounter but he was also surprisingly open, telling jon about his pets. his fucking PETS!!!! even when damian is on an island of child assassins who know exactly what hes been thru he still isnt as open (robin 2023)
damian has an open interest in jon. in this 4 million word essay ill explain why he would fall in love first but jon would fall harder
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septemberpdf · 4 months
2 days to graduation. i can’t help but feel as though i’ve been pretty significantly missing out on something i didn’t know that i wanted until now
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rapunzelbro · 28 days
The Act of Stealing a Loved One |2| (Stanley Pines x Reader)
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This chapter is a flashback. So are the others. Enjoy! It's super long lmao
Story Guide
It was the Summer of 1972 when you first met Stanford. You remember it almost all too well. You went to a college for the arts, majoring in music composition. Oh! And you were in a band! It was not good by any means, you all were figuring this out as you went but you were all having fun so it didn’t really matter to you. It’s kinda funny looking back on how the two of you somehow became a couple considering how different the two of you were.
You two only met after you accidentally stumbled in his room one night after you partied too hard at someone else's dorm. You thought his room was your friend's room. His dorm had books scattered around, posters of some scientists on the wall and an absolute mess of notes on his desk. Stanford did not want to spend his night with some random drunk girl in his dorm, but he knew he had to let you in, not trusting what any of the other men on the campus would do if they saw you like this. He didn’t know why you made him so flustered, maybe it was your vulnerable state, or just because you were a girl, talking to him.
It was probably both.
“You know, I never wanted to go to this, it was some promotional stuff for my band. Did I tell you I was in a band? We are amazing!” You were laying on the floor staring at the ceiling smiling goofily, flipping onto your stomach to look at the flustered man whose dorm you broke into. He took a glance over his shoulder to look at you, trying to tell you he was listening, even if you didnt care if he was or not. “Okay so that might be a lie, Gabs is super pitchy, Jamie is still figuring out the drums but that's besides the point..I met you by going to this!” you finally sat up running a hand through your hair “You're so dorky it's kinda cute” you let off a soft giggle pointing at him.
This made Stanford physically freeze, his breath hitching slightly “Thank you I suppose, Are your friends looking for you?” He quickly changed the subject, turning around in his chair, looking at you “I think, I dunno… I kinda wanna stay here with you” you smirked. “Well I-” he started before he heard a female voice yelling in the hallway “Y/N! We gotta go!” “Oh that's Gabs! She’s my friend!” You stumbled up before heading towards the door, pausing before going back over to the man kissing his check with a giggle, causing Stanford's face to turn bright red “Thank you for saving me! I’m Y/n by the way!” “Um… It's Stanford, Call me Ford..” he managed to get out, quickly writing the phone number to the telephone that was in his room, down on a piece of notebook paper. “Just.. Call me when you get to your dorm safe..” he quickly turned back to face his textbooks he had his nose buried in hours ago “Aw you care about me… Okay loverboy. Seeya around!” you poked his shoulder before leaving, yelling at your friend ‘Gabs’ to get her attention
Ford had no idea why he did that, he never had the balls to do this sort of thing. Especially with someone as beauti- No why the hell was he having these thoughts? You weren't going to call him. He has to forget about this encounter, he concluded, going back to his uneventful night.
He got a call the next day, it was you. There was some sort of music in the background, he couldn't place what it was, some pop music maybe. “Oh my gosh is this Ford? I kinda crashed at your dorm last night, I am sooo sorry I am super embarrassed.” you rambled on before Ford let off a slight chuckle “No it's fine. I’m glad you're safe, you seemed very out of it last night” he leaned back in his chair slightly as he spoke “Ugh don't get me started about the hangover” you groaned causing him to laugh.
After that was the beginning of a relationship, you spent your off time together, he helped you with classes and you expanded his music taste, well tried to at least.
It's been 4 months since you two started dating. Ford even told his brother about this, and to say Stanley was shocked was an understatement, he rushed over surprising Ford “So you finally found a girl who doesn’t run off screaming? Tell me all about her” Stanley smirked looking at his twin brother, noticing a photo of you on his desk in a frame, you had a microphone in your hand giving a peace sign to the camera with your other hand. How the hell did his brother score you? Ford went off to ramble about you, he was a love sick mess, but the way his eyes kept shifting to the photo of you when explaining you made Stan confused, why did he have to keep looking at it to talk about you?
He noticed a few flyers to some music festivals, they looked untouched. “Who gave you these?” he picked one up, the show was for tonight, in a few hours. “Oh Y/n did. She’s in a band” Ford looked at the flier before directing his attention back to the textbook that was in front of him “You plan on seeing her right?” Stan raised an eyebrow looking at his brother “Too busy, I have an exam tomorrow” Ford shrugged it off flipping to the next page in his book “You’re joking right? Have you been to any of her shows?” Stan narrowed his eyes in disapproval, Ford didn't say anything “Some boyfriend you are” He muttered looking down at the flier in his hands. He knew what he had to do, he wasn’t going to let Ford ruin the only potential relationship he would probably ever have.
Taglist: @bluepanda08 @slay-thou-pookie @karmaisacatluzi @fries11 @marvelous-maniac @cherryblom @leo4242564 @zuzzybakaemperiment
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elithe31st · 1 year
Can we just get Noah as a boyfriend general head canons where Noah and Gn reader met on TD set? (Btw I love your work, your literally the only person who frequently writes for Noah and I love u for that ❤)
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noah tdi x gn reader
'' i've been watching you for quite a while now ''
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you two were on the same team
had to share a bunk with you
when the cameras weren't rolling, you two spent some time together
not a lot
just talking about random stuff
you asked him what book he was reading once
turns out you loved it
so you bonded over that
teased him nonstop for the ear kissing thing
when he got eliminated you were sad, but oh well
got eliminated in place of katie
in playa de losers it was even better
i mean, not having to live in that crappy summer camp anymore? awesome
noah just made it a whole lot better
you were on team e-scope
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you were in the peanut gallery with him
didn't really do anything
when the aftermath show wasn't being aired, thats when your relationship started
noah told cody and then cody started hyping him up
the last episode was when he confessed
you said yes, of course
during when he was chris' assistant he didnt want you getting wrapped up in anything
definitely told you about all the crazy shit
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competed with him AGAIN
but you two were a couple nowww
no one knew except cody
hung around you most often
you both agreed to NOT trust alejandro
alejandro probably tried to woo you or something
noah got all defensive but in his cool calm collected way
alejandro found out after that
toooootally didnt use it against you
totally DID
when noah got eliminated you were pissed
had a very not nice conversation with alejandro after that
you got booted next
cheered noah on when he was doing that disco laser thing
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now you two never competed on td again, got a cozy little apartment somewhere and go on cafe dates regularly ❤
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showyouhowiswing · 4 months
Some chyan headcanons:
most people think they became friends during that summer at Lava Springs, after the baseball game and Ryan became more inmeshed with the general student body
it's true enough, kind of.
they weren't friends during junior year, before all that shit went down with Troy and Gabi and the school musical, but they were something
they hooked up a few times during Darbus's detentions, backstage where no one would ever find them and once in the rafters while they were supposed to be painting the top bit of a set
it didnt mean anything. they didnt talk about it. it just sort of happened numerous times. they were both totally chill about it and Chad definitely didnt spend many nights by himself, thinking about what it would be like to not be so lonely. Ryan didnt either.
the first actual night they spent together was after the infamous baseball game, and at some point lying in the dark, tangled up in each other, Chad admitted he didn't know why they hadnt done this before.
"No beds backstage, and we were on a timecrunch. Besides, you wouldn't have said yes if I invited you over."
once they really became friends, Chad spent most of his friday nights at Ryan's, even after senior year started.
it was only a little bit about sex.
Chad eventually confessed that Ryan was his queer awakening. Ryan refused to believe him because he knew he wasn't the first guy Chad had fooled around with.
it's true though.
sophomore year Ryan became the mascot, and the first time Chad saw him take the head off Ryan was drenched in sweat and his hair was sticking to his forehead. Chad went home that night and dreamt about it.
he did hookup with a guy on the track team, convinced that his fixation on Ryan was a fluke.
it wasn't a fluke.
Ryan knew about track team guy not because Chad told him, but because he also used to hook up with the guy and he saw some rather incriminating texts on his phone.
junior year Chad kissed Ryan first, but only because Ryan egged him on.
"If you dont want to chat, Danforth, maybe you should find something else for us to do."
yes it was because of the texts, no he didnt think Chad would actually do it. he was pleasantly surprised though.
after the game it was also Chad who initiated, although it went a little differently.
"I'll do the show on two conditions, Evans. One, you go out for baseball this year. I don't care what your sister or anyone else has to say about it."
"And the second?"
"Take your pants off."
over the course of senior year, everybody kind of figured there was something going on with them, but it wasn't confirmed until the morning after prom. they all shared a handful of hotel rooms, except Sharpay who fucked off to god knows where, and Ryan who specifically got his own room to get away from the eventual chaos.
and Chad, who was of course the exception to the rule.
Zeke woke them up the next morning for brunch, and Ryan (in an attempt to be helpful) tried to cover and say he slept on the floor, obviously there was nothing indecent going on.
Chad, from under the duvet, announced that Ryan was a terrible liar because not only did they definitely have sex last night, it had been going on awhile, and also Chad was very bisexual and anyway they'd be down for brunch in half an hour.
he made a similar speech at brunch minus the duvet and specifics regarding the sex.
everyone was chill, though money did exchange hands. Kelsi was miffed they didnt wait until after graduation so she could win the pool.
they're happy together.
so incredibly happy.
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flnpushy · 1 year
Classic Story...
all birth stories
My old Story: Anna's Birth Struggle Anna had recently graduated and was college bound. Being 18 was fun for Anna and she enjoyed the graduated life. Her boyfriend Tom was also looking forward to college as well, but the two would be separated as they had been accepted to different schools. On the final night before moving away for school, they spent the evening together. Alone. Three months had gone by since the two had been together. Things were going well for him, but no so well for Anna. She was sick most mornings, and just felt off. A couple more weeks went by before she finally called her mom. She told her about her morning sickness and other symptoms. Her mom asked if she had taken a pregnancy test. To that she answered “Are you nuts?” “I’m not pregnant.” A few more days passed, she finally gave in and took a test. The test said she was indeed pregnant. She didn’t believe it so she took another. Same result. She called her mom in disbelief. “Mom I’m Pregnant.” Anna said. “OH my goodness....” Her mother replied. “What about school?” She asked Anna. “I don’t know mom, I don’t know what to do.” Regardless her mom was actually very excited, but Anna was far from excited. She had waited years to go to college and now it was all at risk. She visited the doctor where they confirmed she was about three months along. Much to far to go back now. Anna Couldn’t believe it. A baby? She didn’t want to have a baby! She then had to let Tom know. She didn’t know how he would react. She was very nervous making that call. “Tom, Its me, Your going to be a dad.” Anna said. There was a brief silence on the line.... “Oh my god are you serious?!?” He said excitedly. “Are you mad.” Anna asked. “Of course I’m not mad, Im absolutely ecstatic.” “Why would I be mad Anna, Its my fault your pregnant!” He said. “Oh thank god your happy.” Anna said. “What about our schooling?” “Its ok Anna, we will make it happen no matter what, I’m here for you!” Tom said. Most days Anna had morning sickness and other issues. Pregnancy was not easy for her. Anna was a petite brunette. She was small overall. She has a small frame, tiny arms, and she was only 5 foot 2. She was still just a girl in reality, but she now was going to become a woman faster then she had ever imagined. She continued her studies as best she could. Eventually the ninth month had arrived. Annas belly was like a basketball protruding from her body. Anna knew she would birth at home as this was her wish. Her mom Mary had been preparing thier home for months. Everything Mary could afford to get she got in preparation for the birth. Finally summer break arrived and a very pregnant Anna returned to her home, and Tom did to. One morning Anna awoke early to pains in her belly. This wasnt unusual for her as the baby frequently moved around in her belly causing discomfort. These pains were different however. She felt around the top of her belly. She could feel a little baby foot squirming around within her. Anna was grossed out by the babies movements, she didnt like the idea that a baby was inside her. She was ready to be done, ready to give birth and be back to being a normal girl again. Anna prepared a breakfast and joined her boyfriend Tom on the front porch for a Saturday morning conversation. Tom asked how Anna was doing and knew that she was in some type of pain. “I think it may be happening.” Anna said “Ok honey, lets get things ready.” Tom replied. Tom prepared her bed with clean sheets and comfortable pillows. He also layed out towels in the bathoom and on the bed to catch fluids during the birthing process. A couple hours later Anna was in real pain, labor had begun and her belly squirmed wildly as the baby moved toward the birth canal. The contractions were sharper and shaper and it wasnt long before Anna was really hurting. She layed sprawled out on the couch, trying her hardest to bear
through each contraction. She was wearing a light shirt, bra, and panties. She fought the pain as best she could, but still yelped in pain with each contraction. Tom had read up on birth and was going to school to be a doctor. He figured this would be a good training opportunity.
“My poor baby girl.” Tom said, sitting beside her. Anna continued to struggle through the pain. Anna entered transition, this was the worst pain she had ever faced. “Oh my god, oh oh oh, help me, ahhhhhhh” Anna yelped. She continued her struggle. Till finally transition had ended. The baby was now low in her belly and engaged in her pelvis. “Ok its time to check your cervix to see if you can push.” Tom said Anna sat upon the bed and Tom inserted a finger to check Anna. “Good girl Anna, your right on the money, 10 centimeters!” “So now what do I do?” Anna asked. “Time to push that baby out hun!” Tom replied. “Im scared.” Anna said. “I know baby girl, but its so close to being done now.” Tom said. Anna endured another couple of contractions. She was ready to get over to the bed, but the next contraction brought a tiny gush of fluids. “Whats happening!?!” Anna shrieked. “Your water broke baby, The baby is coming now!” Tom replied. Anna and Tom went to the bed, Anna waddled as it was so strange to her having so much pressure between her legs. They arrived at the bedside. Anna took off her shirt, bra, and panties, then climbed into bed. “Wow look at my beautiful baby girl” Tom said. “You are so beautiful.” “Ok how do I do this.” Anna asked. Tom put several pillows behind his pregnant girlfriends head, he put an absorbent pad under her butt as well. “Lift your butt baby.” Tom said as she slid the pad underneath. “Ok now we wait for a contraction and you push.” Tom said. “I will teach you how to push.” Tom stated. Tom put a finger in her opening. “Feel my finger?” Tom asked. “Yes.” Anna replied. “Ok when a contraction comes, your push like your having a bowel movement right at this spot.” He said “Ok” Anna replied. It was time to put her newly acquired knowledge to the test. A contraction came. “Ok baby, pull your legs up toward your chest and push like your pooping.” Tom instructed. Anna pulled back her little legs and pushed. “Grrrrr.” she grunted out. She then stopped. “Good girl Anna.” Tom said. “Hold those pushes good and long.” Tom stated. Anna pushed again. “mmmmmm grrrrrr ahhhhhh.” She grunted hard. The contraction ended. “Good girl baby!” Tom said. “Now relax.” “How many pushes will I have to do?” Anna asked. “Could be a few minutes, could be a few hours babe.” Tom said. “A FEW HOURS!” Anna yelled. “Yes baby, pushing a baby out is a long process. Your young and small, The baby has to stretch you out to get free.” Tom said. “You will be ok. Just breath and relax.” Another contraction came.
“Ok baby girl, here goes.” Tom said. Anna pulled back her legs and grunted. She pushed good and hard this time, curling her little toes in protest of the pain. “Good push girl! And again!” Tom said. Anna pushed again and again till the contraction was over. “Ok babe, lets see what we can see.” Tom said. Tom used both hands to open her opening. He poked around a bit. ‘“Ok girl, heres a contraction, push hard.” He said Anna pushed with all her strength. “Ohhhh!!! We have something here!” Tom said. “I see something!” Tom said again. “We have a little baby head!” “I wanna see the baby!” Anna said. Tom grabbed a large mirror and placed in in front of her, she then pulled back her opening once more. “Ok push hard and watch the mirror” Tom said. Anna pushed, in the tiny little back of her opening a tiny spot of hair was visible. As the push stopped the spot went away. “Where did my baby go?” Anna asked. “Back in your tummy.” Tom said. “Why in my tummy, I want her out!” Anna stated. “Birth is a two steps forward, one step back process baby. The baby will come out a bit, then go back in a bit, remember she is stretching you out so she can get free.” Tom said. “ I want her out!” Anna said. “Honey, she will come out, you have to push her out. “ Tom said. Anna dropped her legs as the contraction ended. Tom grabbed more pillows as it was a struggle for Anna to push and hold her legs open. He put pillows under Annas legs to support them. Then another contraction came. Anna moaned as she pushed, she struggled and quivered. Her perineum however was starting to bulge a bit with each push. “I’m uncomfortable.” Anna said. “Change positions honey, you have the whole bed.” Tom said. “Try side laying, I’ll support your upper leg when you push.” Anna slowly moved from laying on her back to laying on her side. Her cute little Belly touching the mattress. Another contraction came. Tom supported her upper leg as she began to push again. Anna dug deep and bored down with all her strength, the perineum slowly bulged outward. As the push ended the perineum bulge disappeared. The contraction continued so Anna pushed again. Once again the bulge appeared, and then slowly disappeared as the push ended. “Good girl Anna, your making her move in there!” Tom said. “With every push your helping the baby escape from your womb.” Tom laid down first and let Anna lie down on his lap. He did this to comfort Anna and help her push the baby out. The mirror was positioned so that Anna and Tom could see the progress. Little did Anna know this was just the beginning of the battle. Another round of contractions Hit Anna. Assisted by her boyfriend she began pushing again. Anna drew back her legs and let out a push. She curled her toes as she pushed, her Tummy shook and quivered as she pushed hard to free the baby. Her perineum bulged as she continued to push the baby. The next push brought the bulge out further. It was becoming evident that the baby's head was close to the opening. A few moments later another push came over Anna. She strained and struggled, but her efforts were awarded. She pushed again, the perineum bulged farther this time. Anna continued to struggle, however she was about to be rewarded. As in her vulva, a tiny tuft of hair protruded. “Good Girl baby!” We can see that little Head! Tom said.
As the push came to an end the tuft of hair receded from view. The contraction ended. Anna relaxed in between the waves. Less than a minute later the next contraction started. Tom assisted Anna in drawing her legs back. Anna pushed with all of her strength. The tiny tuft of hair appeared in the opening once more.
“Reach down and touch the baby.” Tom said Anna reached down with her hand, and for the first time touched her baby's head. “Ewww its slippery and gross!” Anna said. Tom just laughed. The next contraction started. Anna Drew back her legs once more and pushed. The baby's head became slightly more visible this time. However as the push ended the baby's head drew back inside of Anna’s tummy. She was so close, but yet so far. When pushing she could see her baby, but the battle was far from over. “Ok baby girl, the next stage is the tricky one. The babies head will fight your perineum to get out. When you push the head will come out, but when you stop it will roll back. The perineum skin will hold the baby inside of you. You must overcome this skin to get the baby out.” Tom instructed. It was time for Anna to dig deep. Her baby's head was stuck in between her legs, and only she could free it. It did not matter how much assistance her boyfriend gave her, it was totally up to her to give birth to the babies head. Anna knew that Tom could not pull the baby from within her. It had to be done on her own. The next contraction came. Anna's Little body strained as she began to push. Below her belly the tiny baby Head was starting to emerge. It seemed so much more fluid in her. The head was more responsive to her pushing now. Even a tiny push had a reaction on the baby. Tom layed behind her and watched the action unfold in the mirror. He was so proud of what his girl was doing, and slightly aroused. Anna pushed again which revealed the baby's head once more, however as she stopped the head receded back in. The battle between baby and skin had begun. Every push moved the head into the opening, but at the end of every push the baby went back inside of Annas tummy. The battle continued. Anna pushed down hard, the baby responded this time, and the head protruded quite far. However with the end of the push the baby went back into her tummy. Anna made tiny moaning sounds as she pushed hard to free her baby. She needed a position change to see if she could push the head free in a different position. Lying on her back was obviously getting her nowhere as the baby continued to go in and out. She once again switched to side lying. Tom supported her upper leg as she pushed. The baby's head came into view then slowly rolled back in as Anna stopped pushing. The little baby head was not coming anytime soon. It's almost as though the baby preferred Annas tiny little Tummy. Anna continued to struggle, but the babies head remained firm in her. It had now been two hours since Anna began pushing. She had made good progress, but the babies head was still within her. The baby had made an appearance several times, but refused to stay in the opening. Anna's Young perineum skin just was not allowing the baby to come forth. Anna was becoming desperate. She wanted the baby out of her badly but no matter how hard she struggled the head would not come free. Still on her side she began to wiggle her tiny hips back-and-forth. “Good girl Anna. Move those hips, it may help her out.” Tom said. “Follow your instincts.” Anna resumed another push. As she wiggled her hips back and forth the baby's head started to make more headway. The tiny tuft of hair head become the top of the babies skull. A tiny teardrop shape was starting to happen. Anna's perineum skin was finally starting to stretch. “Good job baby girl, wiggle that tummy and get that baby out!”Tom said. “Uhh, uhgrrrm, ooh god, mmmmm.” Anna moaned as she pushed. Anna was getting tired And frustrated. It was time for an all out massive push. “Im going for it.” Anna said. “Hold me open.” Anna waited for the next contraction to set in, Tom held her opening below to allow more space for the babies head. Anna breathed in any gathered all of her strength. She dug her feet into the mattress, strained as hard as she possibly could and let out the biggest push she had
ever done. She wiggled from side to side as she pushed. The baby's had came far into the opening. The furthest it had been yet. Even a small portion of the babies forehead was visible. However at the end of her massive push, the babies went back inside the tummy. “Wow honey, I was for sure that would have her out!” Tom said.
“I dont think I can get her out.” Anna stated. “You can honey, I will coach you.” Tom said. Tom began the coaching. He came around from behind her to assist the perineum in opening. “Ok baby, hard push.” Mary said “1 2 3 4 5... “good let go.” Tom continued coaching her for another 15 minutes. The baby's head continued into yo-yo action. Slowly coming visible with the push, and receding back in with the end. Finally after a few more pushes the head was starting to come forth far into crowning. Even though the baby's head was starting to crown, at the end of the push the head was still receding into Anna's tummy. Tom continued to coach his girlfriend, but the head refused to come free. The perineum skin was still fighting to keep the baby inside. No matter how hard Anna pushed the baby continued to recede in at the end. Tom assisted her by pulling back the skin as she pushed. Anna was taking a real working over and Tom knew that she would soon tire to the point of exhaustion. “I cant get her out.” Anna said. “Ive been in the same spot now for 45 minutes and the head is still stuck.” “I know baby girl, you have worked so hard, your perineum is just so tight.” Tom said. The babies head remained in the vulva. Visible, but not able to get free of the perineum. “Help me, I cant get her out.” Anna wailed. Anna began to doubt, she had worked so hard, but with no avail. Tom had doubts as well, seeing his poor girl struggle was starting to make him wonder as well. They took a break for a few minutes and regained composure. “Help, help me.” Anna said. “There is nothing I can do to free the baby honey, you just have to keep going.” Tom said. Anna let out a tiny grunty push. The head moved, but barely. She pushed again. Once again the baby responded, but it was little effort against the tight perineum. The baby receded back into Annas tummy. Once again becoming clenched by the Tight perineum. It was time to take a break and give up for a while, it was becoming apparent that Anna was not going to be able to free the baby. She was simply too tired, and her skin too tight. Anna drew her legs together and the baby disappeared from the Vulva back into her tummy. Anna stood up. It was time to take a break and walk. The walking motion and the movement of her hips might help the baby get into a better position to get free. The baby now back firmly in the tummy made Anna upset. She had carried this baby for the last nine months, and now it was so close to coming out, but yet she was unable to get it out. She could feel the baby moving within her, she could feel it kick and struggle to get free of her tight skin. She began to wonder if the baby would actually fit out of her. Anna endured more contractions as she paced around the bedroom. She could feel the babies head just inside her rubbing the perineum as she walked. It was a strange feeling. After 30 minutes of walking around, it was time for the inevitable. Anna needed to starting pushing again. Anna returned to the bed with Tom at her side. She drew back her legs and began pushing once more. She breathed in and bored down, her skin bulged below. She pushed again, the skin bulged farther and the vulva opened. She pushed again, the head came back to view then slowly receded with the end of the push. The next contraction came. Anna pushed hard and the head came to view, as the push slowed the head went back. Anna was grunting will all her might to free the little baby, but it was stuck. The tiny head held tightly in place. She took a breath. The head slipped slowly back in. “Good girl Anna, it will happen, just stay with it.” Tom said. However after several hours of pushing Tom was starting to get worried she would not be able to get the baby out on her own. Secretly he was turned on by this. Anna kept at it though, pushing hard to get the head moving, then watching it go back inside. She knew she really had no other choice but to get the baby out. The morning turned in to afternoon as Anna continued
to push the baby out. The head had now been going in and out for two long hours. Anna had now been pushing for five total hours. Anna’s body was covered in sweat, and she was becoming very exhausted. “Tom, the baby isn’t coming out.” Anna said. “I’ve been at this for hours.”
“I know babe, but the head is right there in your opening, It will come.” Tom replied. “Yes I know Tom, but her head has been there for two hours!” Anna said. “Are you enjoying seeing me like this?” “No babe of course not, I mean you are quite cute when you push, but I want the baby to come out to.” Tom said. Anna returned to pushing, she grunted hard and long. The babies head was right there at the opening, but just refused to come out any farther. Anna tried and tried again to get the baby out but with no prevail. “Ok Tom, I’m throwing in the towel.” Anna said. “Your baby isn’t coming out.” Anna felt trapped by this. She had a baby stuck in her, she couldn’t get it out, she began to feel anxious. Her anxiety made her tense up. This made the baby retract back inside her. As the baby retracted her tummy got bigger. “Looks like your still pregnant.” Tom said. “Yes, but I’ve been trying to get un-pregnant now for hours!” Anna said. “Why did you have to put such a big baby in me Tom? Anna asked. “I’m not sure its a size issue, I think there is another complication.” Tom replied. Anna went to say something again but was stopped by a contraction. She pushed hard and the head moved out to its farthest yet. The head stayed in the opening for a few seconds before slowly retracting back inside. “See babe, your getting it, that was the farthest its been out yet.” Tom said. “Well ok, I’ll keep trying.” Anna said. Anna pushed again with the next contraction, the head came slowly into view. The babies hair was dry now, it had been in the same spot for so long. Feeling the head going in and out was starting to become natural to Anna. It was actually starting to become slightly pleasureable. She pushed again feeling the head push against her opening. She was becoming aroused. Tom noticed this. “Starting to like it babe?” Tom asked. “Well.... I mean I want it out, but the feeling.....” Anna said. Anna continued to work the baby in and out of her. The head would slowly decend and push her opening, then retract back within her. Anna continued this until she could handle the pleasure no more. Her body shook and quivered with pure sensation. As the sensation overtook her she pushed, her opening contracted in and out. The babies head did the same, however it wasn’t popping out as she thought. The tension of the contractions held the baby tight within her. “Ok Tom thats it, your baby is stuck in me and I want it out now.” Anna said. “Get this baby out of me or else.” “Ok ok, lets see whats going on in there.” Tom replied. Tom reached in Annas opening, he felt around the babies stuck head with his finger. He got around to the bottom of the head and found the problem. “Ok so first of all we have a hand here, and second of all the baby is face up.” Tom said. “Theses two conditions make birth just about impossible.” Tom then withdrew his finger. “I suppose I could pull the hand free making birth much easier.” Tom said as he took a step backwards. “Ok so do it then.” Anna said. “Nah your ok babe, Just keep pushing.” Tom said as he stepped farther away. “Are you nuts Tom!” Anna said. “Your just so cute when you push.” Tom said. “Tom I command you to pull that hand out.” Anna said straining to push. “You’ll get it babe.” Tom said.
“TOM!!” Anna yelled. Tom slowly sat back down at her side. Anna desperately reached down and tried to feel for the babies hand. She could get her fingers just inside, but her belly was to big to be able to reach far enough inside. She gave up and moaned in protest. “Good girl Anna, just keep pushing.” Tom said. “Oh I’m going to get you for this!” Anna said. Anna went to move toward Tom but was hit with another painful contraction. She pulled her legs back and pushed as hard as she could. “Mmmmm Ahhhhhh, COME OUT BABY!” She yelled. She pushed hard again. “OHH MMMM AHHH, COME OUT!” She was gaining traction on the baby, moving its head ever farther out of her opening. However the babies little hand was preventing escape. She pushed hard again, her belly covered in sweat. She could feel the baby kicking and squirming inside to try and get out. Anna put her legs up on the headboard of the bed and continued to push with all her might. She pushed on her belly with her hands to help the baby. But it wasn’t moving. The baby was stuck just prior to full crown. The forehead was visible, but the face had yet to come. “TOM!” Anna said. “Good effort babe, But your still pregnant.” Tom said. “Make you a deal.” Tom said. “Ok what.” Anna said. “If I can impregnate you again in the future, I’ll pull that hand free.” Tom said. “NO, I don’t want another one of your babies inside me!” Anna said. “Ok keep pushing then.” Tom said. “Quick tip, wiggle your hips.” Anna stood up and got on all fours. Then went into a squat. She pushed and wiggled her hips as much as she could. The babies head began to come forward. She pushed harder and harder, the head began to finally stay down. With the next push the face came forth. It retracted a bit with the end of the push. The next push was a struggle but the baby was moving. “AHHHH MMMM.” Anna grunted as she pushed. The head was coming slowly out. The babies ears started to show. The end of the push had the ears disappear back in, to Toms pleasure. “Good Girl Anna, just keep pushing.” Tom said. The baby was coming but it was also continuing to recede back at the end of the pushes. The next push was finally the one that Anna had been waiting for, with a epic push and struggle, the head finally emerged. It was a relief to Anna to finally have the head out. She wiggled and pushed again, the first shoulder popped free. With the next push the other shoulder and body slipped free. Anna was elated to finally have the baby out. She got to know the new baby, and allowed Tom to bond as well. “So, when can we have another Anna.” Tom said. “Don’t get any silly ideas.” Anna said.
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chifuyudck · 9 months
obey me brothers x gn!mc ~ SFW
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summary: after talking lots about christmas on how you can’t wait for it, one of the brothers asked you “what is a christmas.” you were shocked, they didnt know what christmas was?!
a/n: guys i wrote this fic in summer break and i didn’t even post it on time, no way!! anyways enjoy! (sorry for grammar mistakes, english isn’t my first language)
you were outside together with mammon, after you kept bugging him to go outside with you, he finally agreed, you recall him saying something like “my human can’t go nowhere without me.” this was kinda true, because lucifer wouldn’t allow you outside alone, since the snowy weather is way more extreme in devildom than in the human realm.
even when you were wearing thick layers of clothing, you couldn’t help but to shiver, which didn’t go unnoticed by mammon. he sighed looking at you, with slight worry in his eyes. “oi, human, how are ya’ still cold with all those damn layers of clothing? i don’ get ya’ at all.”
“i cant help it mammon, it’s cold here.” you reply, a tiny cloud from condense slips from your slightly parted lips. “i’m not that blind, ya’ know?” he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist. “what’s better than havin’ the great mammon warm ya’ up when you’re cold?” his cocky façade rather quickly breaks as a warm blush appears on his cheeks.
you giggled softly and nodded in agreement, it was nice to have him warm you up, “what’s up with you wantin’ to go outside all the time anyways?” he suddenly asked. “umm.. i just love snow, and the month december in general, because it reminds me of christmas!” you said awfully excited. mammon slowly nodded, having no clue what christmas is, but it hurts his ego too much to ask a mere human what the meaning of the word is.
a notification was heard on both of your d.d.d, mammon grabbed his first, “hm? oh, levi says dinner is almost ready, ‘nd we should come home before beel starts eatin’ it all.” you both sighed, mammon because his alone time with you was over, and you because you haven’t spent much time in the snow, than you wish you could’ve.
luckily you were not that far away from the house of lamentation, as soon as you got inside you went towards your bedroom to take off all the layers of clothes you had put on. after you had freshen up and changed your clothes you walked into the dining room, which was quite chaotic since lucifer was the only brother not there yet.
you sat between satan and belphie, who were both saving a spot for you, “finally you’re here mc, it was boring without you.” satan said, having belphie nod in agreement. “mc, wanna do something to make us feel less bored?” you looked at belphie in confusion, “umm, sure?” you said not knowing what to expect from them.
“what! you want me to pie-face lucifer, are you crazy?” you said, causing a sigh slip from belphie’s lips. “it’s alright, no pressure mc.” satan said, although it would’ve been a funny sight seeing that happen to lucifer he understands your answer.
as soon as lucifer steps into the dining room, the brothers start devouring their foods, you start eating too, spacing a bit out while looking around in the dining room, you come to the realisation that there aren’t any christmas decorations in this room, no, there aren’t any christmas decorations in the whole house!
after swallowing the piece of food you had been chewing on, you part your lips to ask a question, “so why aren’t there any christmas decorations around the house? it’s almost christmas..” your question causes some eyes to pop up to you, and some are too focused on the meal before them.
your eyes shoot over to lucifer, as he clears his throat and seems like he’s about to say something, “i’m not quite sure what ‘a christmas’ is, mc.” then your eyes shoot over to asmo who seems like he’s about to say something too. “hmm, now that you mention it, i never really understood anything you said about this christmas thing, hon.”
you look at them in confusion, suddenly satan starts speaking, “i have read something about christmas before, it’s some sort of holiday, i didn’t really understand what it was all about though.” you were shocked, this must be some crazy prank they’re pulling on you… no.. lucifer wouldn’t play a part in pranks, and mammon has been awfully quiet, right… mammon knew what christmas was, right?
your eyes shot up to mammon, who tries to avoid looking in your eyes, “mammon, you know what christmas is right? we talked about it just now..” mammon simply nods, keeping quiet. you squint your eyes, he’s lying. you take a moment to think this through. “wait… am i about to introduce you all to christmas?!” only thinking about it makes you squeal in excitement.
all the brothers looked at you a bit confused, except for beel, who didn’t even mind gazing towards you since he was a bit too busy with finishing his 4th plate already.
lucifers’ room was up for christmas decoration, all though you weren’t really sure if you’d even get him far enough to decorate his room. you knocked on his door twice, hearing a soft sentence of your approval to enter from him, you didn’t waste a second to open the door.
“lucifer, your room is up for christmas decoration!” you exclaim excitedly, you walk in with a box filled with different types of decorations. “i’m not that interested mc, you should spare it for the rest of the house instead.” you immediately shake your head, as expected, he’d make some form of an excuse.
“no excuses lucifer! i’m already unpacking. and is that classical music i’m hearing? didn’t i tell you to listen to christmas music instead?” you shake your head in disappointment. “i only listen to music from recorders, whereas i don’t own any christmas recorders.” lucifer said, you grabbed something from your box, a christmas recorder, “i got it just for you!” you walk over to swap the recorders, the first song that starts playing is joy to the world, you noticed lucifer looked a bit annoyed, he’ll get over it soon anyways.
you walked back to the box with decorations, you were going to keep it as small as possible since you knew lucifer would be upset if you made too many changes in his room. you reached out for a christmas sock you made for him, with his name sewn on it and having cute reindeer patterns.
you tip-toed to reach out for the part of the wall you wanted to hang it on, but to your surprise, you couldn’t quite reach it. your eyes went around the room, searching for something you could possibly stand on to hang the sock up. this didn’t go unnoticed by lucifer, he stood up from his desk and walked away from his office, into the bedroom that was attached to it, and where you were.
he took the sock from your hands and hung it perfectly on the spot where you wanted it to be, you smiled softly at him. “thank you, lucifer.” you said, he reflected your soft smile back to you, “it’s nothing.”
you pick up the box from the ground, ready to leave his room, as you turn around to leave, lucifer’s voice sounds, “hold on… is this everything my room gets?” he asks, he actually doesn’t really care about the decorations, he just likes it when you accompany him. “hm? i thought you wouldn’t like more decorations..” you say, actually surprised. “well, you’re wrong then, mc… i’ll help you decorate the rest of the house too... i just don’t want you to get injured, because that would be hurting lord diavolo’s image…” he says, you nod, excited. “alright, let's get started then!”
you were humming a familiar christmas song quietly, while making your way to the kitchen. as you enter the room, like usual, beel is rummaging through differents cabins and the refrigerator. “hi, mc.” beel mumbles while chewing on some crisps satan had left on the counter.
your eyes quickly fall upon the box on the table, which pulls a relieved sigh from you. when you start opening the box, beel’s eyes shoot towards you, most likely because of the sound of the plastic wrap around the various foods. “what’s that?” beel asks curiously as he gets closer.
“a gingerbread house! do you want to make one together?” you ask him, and he quickly replies with an excited nod. he truly is adorable, no clue what a gingerbread house is, but still willing to play a part in making them.
as you start working on getting the gingerbread intact, beel unconsciously gets closer, really close to the point we’re he’s standing behind you, and towering over you, to reach the gingerbread house on the kitchen table.
a small blush creeps on your cheeks, however beel doesn’t even seem to notice how close you guys truly are. not like you mind, it’s peaceful working together like this.
that is until a loud mammon barges into the kitchen, “where’s mc- here ya are!” he says excitedly, beel unconsciously moves away from you as mammon gets closer. mammon points at the gingerbread house with raised eyebrows. “what’s that… thing?”
“a gingerbread house.” you and beel both say in union, mammon shrugs, still unsure what that means. “you wanna help? mc is really good at making them!” beel asks mammon, which turns your lips in a soft smile. mammon gazes at you for a second, and starts blushing, “leave it to me!”
now you have both mammon and beel standing behind you and towering over you, looking closely at your creation which you are still working on. with mammon’s rather special questions he comes up with, and beel eating the decoration, the three of you manage to finish the gingerbread house quickly.
as you we’re tying your shoe laces together, a busy leviathan almost stumbled over your crouched figure. he lets out a gasp, dropping his phone, which he held horizontally, on the floor. “a-are y-you ok-kay?” he asks with a flushed face, flustered by what happened.
you let out a soft giggle as you nod, “i’m fine, levi.” he lets out a relieved sigh and fetches his phone from the ground. as you finish tying your shoes, you stand up and realise he’s wearing a coat. “are you heading out, levi?” you ask quite surprised, since levi barely goes outside, even for school.
“yeah, i’m going to a second-hand figurines store, supposedly there’s a rare TSL-figure of the lord of corruption from volume 2, you could only get one in a specific TSL-convention, sadly they ran out before i could get my hands on one.” he says in almost one breath, you chuckle softly, intrigued by how quickly levi starts oversharing when he’s excited.
“well since i’m heading out to buy christmas presents, we should go together?” you ask him, a blush creeps on his cheeks and before he can reply with loads of stuttering, asmodeus chirps throughout the hallway. “take me with you!”
you both turn towards an excited asmo, which makes you smile softly at him. “sure, come with us.” quickly the aura shifts, which gives you a frightened feeling, levi is envying asmo over this interreaction. you quickly place your hand in levi’s which makes him forget about asmo. and the three of you go outside.
asmo is hanging onto your arm, getting closer and closer by the second, while levi is barely holding your hand since he’s too flustered to strengthen his grip, the difference between them makes you giggle. “what’s so funny?” asmo asks, genuinely curious, “nothing.” you snicker.
you’re in satan’s bedroom, sitting on his bed in particular. you’re just fiddling with your d.d.d while satan reads a book about different holidays. “who came up with the idea of bringing bad kids to spain if they misbehave?” your eyes shoot up to him as he suddenly starts quizzing you.
“what?” you let out a laugh as you crawl closer to him, to see where he got that information from. he looks at you with raised eyebrows as he’s unsure of what this means.
“i think this is a different traditional holiday, satan.” you snicker, and his eyes widen, “i think this one is from, the netherlands.” you tell him. he closes the book with a satisfying thud and lets a sigh as he lays down on his bed. “i hate to say it, but i don’t understand these holidays at all.” he says.
you chuckle and lay down next to you, fitting precisely between a pile of books and satan. “do you want me to explain it to you, again?” you ask him, he nods and turns towards you. although you’ve already explained it to him a few times, you don’t mind telling him again.
on december 24th, everyone is getting ready for the evening you planned, it was christmas eve, you noticed everyone was busy getting ready except belphegor.
which a soft sigh you knock on the twins’ bedroom door, which beel immediately opens, “hi mc- wow, you look amazing.” he says, you smile softly as a blush creeps on your cheeks. “thanks beel.” you say.
beel unnanounced lets you into the bedroom, and your eyes fall upon belphie’s sleeping figure in his bed. as you make your way closer to him beel mentions that belphie has been napping for a while now. you sit on belphegor’s bed and pull his comforters away slightly. a chuckle errupts from you as you notice that belphie is already wearing a suit.
since you’re already ready to go, you decide to help belphie get ready. by starting off with combing his soft hair, you had never noticed how healthy it truly was. you use one of his colognes on him, which makes him sniffle a bit. beel looks at the both of you with admiration as he loves his favourite people caring about each other.
he continues sleeping peacefully until he stirs awake when you put a face mask on him. “mc? what are you doing here?” he mumbles, obviously still drowsy. “helping you get ready, you fell asleep belphie.” you tell him softly, and help him sit up while he lets out a yawn.
you remove the face mask from his now soft and glowing face while he stares at you in awe. “hmm, oh.. your mascara smudged.” he mumbles, and he wipes it away with his finger. now you’re both helping each other get ready.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Always You
Quinn Hughes x reader
** I had a bunch of ideas for this but didnt want it to be too long. Enjoy:) **
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-> gif from Pinterest
You and Quinn had been close friends since childhood, with his family moving a street over from yours in Toronto. Being in the grade between Jack & Quinn, you ended up around them lots, walking to school together & playing outside whenever the boys weren’t playing hockey.
Hell, Jack was your first kiss during a party when you were 13, egged up by your mutual friends and a game of truth or dare. But it was always Quinn.
From as early as you can remember, you’d crushed on the older boy. There was something about him that had always drawn you to him. Brushing it off as nothing more than a childhood crush, you didn’t do anything, until it was too late. One day you’re chilling in their basement, trying to figure out how to tell one of your best friends that you really like him, next thing you know, Quinn’s telling you he’s going to Michigan for the National Development program for the next two years.
It was tough seeing him go, and you cried hard when you said goodbye, but keeping in touch wasn’t a problem. You still had Jack and Luke who were basically your brothers by that point, & Quinn came back to Toronto when he had breaks, the few that there were. After your 16th birthday rolled around the March after he left, and you got your licence, you took your shitty, beat up old car (and Jack) and made the trip down to surprise Quinn one weekend.
Two years flew by, & despite his hectic schedule and all his new friends and experiences, your friendship stayed strong and you talked almost every day. You even went to his prom with him, where some prodding from Brady led him to tell you that he was in love with you. A long conversation later, he finally kissed you and asked if you would be his girlfriend.
The two of you knew it would be hard, with him heading to Michigan in the fall and then on to the NHL while you still had another year of high school and then University. But you were determined to make it work. and honestly, nothing much changed. You already talked everyday & hung out when he was back in Toronto, dating just meant that the two of you snuck off more to spend time without Jack or Luke, and you made a trip out to the lake house that summer.
That summer brought another bittersweet goodbye, as the Hughes family made the move down to Michigan when Jack started in the program. On one hand, you were losing your second family, on the other now you would always have someone to stay with if you wanted to visit Quinn. And visit you did.
Your grade 12 year was hard academically, but you worked your butt off to be able to have one weekend a month where you would hop in your car & jam out for a few hours while making the drive down to see Quinn. Your family had moved closer to London because of your Dads new job, so your drive was only 3 hours instead of the 5ish from Toronto. Your parents didnt love you driving cross border, but they were glad that Ellen & Jim were around when you were there.
The visits were timed for home game weekends and you finished classes at noon, so you’d drive down Friday afternoon & be there when jack & the boys got out of school so you could hang out with them for a bit, drive in to Ann Arbour to watch the game & then spend the rest of your evening with Quinn in his dorm. Friday nights weren’t too crazy because the boys had another game Saturday.
Saturdays were spent catching up with the rest of the Hughes and exploring with Quinn before another game and parties afterwards. Sundays brought goodbyes and promises of see you soon before you’d head home in the afternoon. It was difficult but you wouldn’t change it for anything.
At the same time, you were applying to universities & waiting anxiously to hear back. You applied all over the country, but your heart was set on one. UBC had been your dream school for as long as you could remember. It was where your parents studied, where they fell in love, and had some of the best programs in the world. You had worked your ass off for the last three years to be able to apply early decision to their Commerce program, and if you get in, there’s was no question of where you were going.
Quinn was declaring for the draft that year, which brought more concern from friends and family. “What will you do if he ends up…” was a phrase you heard often over the course of the year, but your response was always “we’ll figure it out” because you knew you would.
The weekend you visited in January (2018) you finally had that conversation with Quinn. After his game Friday, you were in his room when you got the notification. UBC release early application decision. Terrified, you couldn’t bring yourself to check. As much as you wanted it you were afraid of what moving clear across the country would do for you & Quinn. You told him your fears, that the distance, time difference & uncertainty of where he’d be after he joined the league, coupled with you being there for four years would be too hard for the two of you.
“I’d wait my whole life for you if I had to” he told you and you believed him without a shadow of a doubt because you’d do the same. His reassurances made you feel better, and you opened the portal. Accepted. All those years of working had paid off, and you cried. You & Quinn would figure things out, but you were headed to your dream school and he was headed for his dream.
Within a week you had solidified your decision and were bound for Vancouver come September.
That June, you accompany him to Dallas for the draft. As things get underway you sit there, squeezing his hand. The first few picks happen and you can’t help but be relieved that he’s not headed clear across the country. He’s projected to go top ten so when Vancouver come to pick seventh, you hold your breath. Surely you wouldn’t be that lucky.
Quinn Hughes.
You don’t think you’ll ever forget the feeling that hearing his name called by the Canucks brought. He wraps you in a hug & whispers in your ear “told you it’d all work out” before hugging his brother & parents & heading down to the stage. You’re so proud of him, but more than that you’re excited for what the future holds, especially with the two of you in the same city. There’s always the possibility of him being traded before he ever get to Vancouver, but you’re hopeful.
Two weeks later you’re officially a high school graduate & it’s time for summer. You split your time between your home in London & visiting the Hughes lake house, spending as much time with all your friends and family as you can before heading off to Vancouver. Quinn heads back to Michigan for his sophomore year & you head west.
That year was hard, really hard. Being away from your family for the first time, you and Quinn struggling to find time to talk to each other and the time difference meaning accidental calls in the middle of the night, all balanced with your classes and trying to get involved on campus, late nights in the library, pressure from your new friends to go out with them, missing everyone and an overwhelming amount of assignments leads you to a breakdown first semester.
It hurts Quinn that he can’t be there to hold you as you sob on the phone, but the five hour flight between Detroit & Vancouver is just too much. He knows that your relationship is putting extra strain on you, but he can’t even fathom breaking up or taking a break because that would break him. Slowly you’re able to sort your head out, and as your first semester draws to a close you’re doing much better and have a handle on things.
Excited to see your family and Quinn, you jump on the first flight you can after finishing your finals, bound for Toronto. You were heading home to London and Quinn planned on coming up for a bit since he saw his family pretty often, but then he was chosen for the World Juniors squad. Thankfully it was in Buffalo, so you celebrate christmas, and on the 26th make the drive down. Youre able to spend a week there, cheering Quinn on & hanging out with Ellen & Luke.
It’s during this week that Quinn tells you that he’s signing with the Canucks at the end of the Michigan season.
You needed the break & went into your second semester feeling strong and more confident in your ability to manage everything. Winter in Vancouver is fairly mild and soon enough, Reading Week arrives in February. Many of your friends are heading south for a bit of sun, but you head to Detroit. Michigan have back to back home weekends and Jack’ll be around too.
During the week you spend time with Quinn, working on assignments while he’s in class & just enjoying time together, also visiting the Hughes household and hanging out with Jack & his friends there. Sunday you fly back to Vancouver, ready to finish out your semester.
A few weeks later you get the call. It’s official, Quinn’s coming to Vancouver. You borrow a friends car & are waiting for him at the airport. You’d think it’d been months if you’d seen your reunion in the arrivals area of the airport, not mere weeks.
Quinns thrown right into the Canucks and the adjustment to the pros is hard, but knowing you’re only 20 minutes away makes it easier for him. You spend as much time together as you can, with you acting as tour guide & showing him around your favourite spots in the city.
Your friends don’t understand how you don’t miss him too much when the team goes on road trips, but two years into your relationship & you’re finally in the same city for an extended period of time & can see him mostly whenever you want so a week or two apart doesn’t phase you.
You get close to the team, always Quinns date to functions & occasionally spotted around the arena. Petey becomes a good friends of yours since he’s rooming with Quinn & you spend enough time in their apartment.
Many of the fans & people online come to know you as “Quinn’s girl”. Any home game you’re right behind the bench, cheering your heart out for the Canucks and chirping the opposing team (especially if its Ottawa. Brady & Josh hate playing in Vancouver because of you.) Once Jack gets to the NHL ooh boy. That man knows no peace when the Devils play Vancouver. It’s one of the only away games you ever go to (if they play in Jersey) mainly because you get to see the rest of the fam.
I mean you grew up in Toronto & around these boys. You couldn’t not take an interest in hockey. At that point you know someone on every team through Quinn & spend your time terrorizing them when they’re at Rogers. The fans absolutely love it though. Hell, half of your friends are hockey fans now, forced to watch games when the Canucks are away or Jack and Luke play.
The two of you spend summers back east, between working, visiting family & days at the lake. You’re able to get internships that are remote so you could still work on your career plans but enjoy your summers , and by the end of your third summer you have a job offer from a firm in Vancouver. Fourth year brings lots of fun & final memories with your college friends before you all split off to different parts of the country.
The end of Quinns third year in the league comes at the same time as your graduation. His family & yours come out and Quinn drags a bunch of the team with him too. When your name gets called out, that section is by far the loudest of the day.
Your friends are convinced that he’s going to propose that weekend. In fact, many of them are surprised that you aren’t already engaged, you’ve been together for 5 years at this point, but both of you are still young. You have had the conversation, but you know that you’re going to be together forever so the timeline isn’t that important.
What he does ask you that weekend, is to move in with him. You’ve spent the last 3 years living with your friends close to campus while Quinn’s been living downtown near the arena. It’s an obvious yes, especially since you spend almost every night there when he’s home anyway. You spend the week with your families and move into a new apartment, excited for what’s coming next.
Living together isn’t seamless, but you & Quinn make it work. The beginning is difficult, not having your own space but soon you fit into each others lives easily. You work during the week & go to games if they’re at home, you spend time exploring new areas around the city & nearby & you fall more in love with Quinn every day.
He brings you coffee in bed each morning because he’s up for workouts, date nights at home cooking dinner and lots of fun over the summers with family & friends. Winter trips to the mountains when you can and fall in the city, you usually separate in the heart of summer since you can’t take that long off & he’ll head to Michigan but it doesn’t phase you.
Which brings you to today. It’s late April & its been two years since you moved in together. Quinns killing it for the Canucks, breaking records & their season has just ended, you’ve just been promoted and life is going well.
The city is coming more alive as winter’s on its way out, you're getting ready to take a few weeks break & head east to see both of your families. Luke has made his NHL debut & the Devils have made the playoffs so you’re going to cheer your boys on.
You’re making dinner when you hear the front door open & Quinn comes through the door after final team meetings for this season.
“Hey babe” he comes up behind you and gives you a kiss before heading into your bedroom to shower & change. You pour another glass of wine as you stir the pot, your go to playlist on with a mix of soft pop, indie and chill country coming through the speaker. Ten minutes later Quinn comes back out & you hold up a spoon for him to taste the sauce.
“Few more minutes” you say as he tastes it & he nods. “Delicious”
The two of you stand there at the stove, his arms around your waist as he sings along with the music softly & you sway. A few minutes later, the song Never seen anything quite like you starts & Quinn reaches over & turns off the stove.
He pulls you towards your living room and you laugh as he pulls you into a high school style dance where you just sway & shuffle in a circle.
The song plays in the the background as you stare up into Quinns eyes and he sings along, more grateful than ever that you found him. The love you have for this man knows no bounds and he’s still giving you butterflies & making you feel giddy with just a look after seven years.
He sings along with the song and you feel every word in your soul.
I think I want you more than want
I know I need you more than need
I want to hold you more than hold
When you stood in front of me
I think you know me more than know
And you see me more than see
I could die now more than die
Every time you look at me
Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on
And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom
But then he switches it up
“I’d be blessed as a man to see you in white”
Wait what?
he pulls away and sinks to one knee in front of you, and your hand comes up to your mouth. Reaching into his pocket, he takes out a gorgeous simple ring
“When I first came to Vancouver, everyone kept asking what my first big purchase was going to be. The day I signed my contract I bought this. I’ve known since I was 16 that I was in love with you. That love has only continued to grow & I want nothing more than to spend every day for the rest of my life loving you. You’re my light in the dark, the one I look for in a crowd, the only person I always want around. It’s always been you.
It’s a privilege to call you mine, but it would be an honour to call you my wife. So y/n my love, will you marry me?”
You hiccup out a yes, tears streaming down your face & you sink to your knees beside him
“I love you so much” you pull him into a kiss. He slips the ring onto your finger & pulls you to him, pressing kiss after kiss to your face. You giggle & say
“A thousand times yes, in every universe”
Note: if you were wondering the actual lyrics are
"I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white But I've never seen anything quite like you tonight"
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year
man, its fuckin weird when someone youve literally known your whole entire life, someone whos only a year older than you and grew up down the street, someone you played with your entire childhood, someone who you spent countless halloweens with, someone who called you to tell you she got 3 cabbage patch dolls for christmas that one year, someone you could get in trouble with, and jump off roofs with, and ride bikes with, and got a huge chunk of skin on you leg gouged out with, on her sisters ten speed bike's metal pedals, someone who was always laughing, someone who could make you laugh like no one else, someone with who you sang, at the top of your lungs, whitney houston's 'the greatest love of all' together with, at her parents kitchen table because it was a huge hit and we both loved that song, someone you spent countless summers nights running around her neighborhood playing hide and seek, and then manhunt when you got older, someone who's house you were always upset to leave when your parents said it was time to go, someone you ran to the phone to call to tell them you saw two people having sex in a baseball field, someone who freaked you out when she did that stupid choking thing where she choked herself until she passed out, someone who you also started to lose touch with around your early/mid-teens when school friends started getting more important, someone who treated you kinda shitty that one time at the roller rink because her friends were there, and she didnt really want you around, someone you started to mildly resent because of it and when you started high school and college basically lost complete touch with, someone who changed just like you did, someone who invited you to be apart of their wedding and you accepted and had a great time, someone who you would only see at family functions and would still want it to be like old times, but you really felt fundamentally different from, someone who lost her husband a few years ago, someone who just died today and you cant get your fucking mind around that fact. someone you are absolutely fucking dreading seeing in a coffin in a couple days. man its fucking weird when all that happens over the last 48 years.
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electricpurrs · 5 months
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i am actually so suspicious of this god damn moth post but i cant find any concrete evidence to prove theres something wrong with it other than my gut feeling and i feel insane
like of course first of all this post is from 2013 and im not really willing to believe any given post from 2013 is true specially when the post is this amazing coincidence of this person coincidentally finding those two coincidentally aesthetically pleasing moths and managing to get them coincidentally snuggling together for a picture. yknow. it does feel too weirdly good to be true
BUT SECONDLY im so weirded out by these two moths specifically.
ok bear with me. the little one is very obviously a rosy maple moth. (which is also coincidentally one of the most famous moths specifically for being pretty)
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but im willing to believe any given english speaking tumblrgirl at the time could find one considering they live seemingly accross the united states and canada. fair enough
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BUT my problem is the big one. of course everybody even in the notes seems to be classifying it as a luna moth (ALSO a famous moth species for being pretty) you can also feasibly find them in north america, ok.
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theres also the point of their lifespans
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luna moths as adults live only for about 7-10 days, and i had a harder time finding info for adult rosy maple moths but it seems its about the same
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the source of this is an old article from someone actively breeding maple moths x but i believe its the same with moths in general, since they literally dont have mouths and cant eat so they just mate and die.
SO youre gonna have a small time span to find one. both moths are also mainly nocturnal, which makes even weirder that op found both of them during the day.
theres also the point of WHEN are they adults. aka maply moths seem to show from from may through the summer
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luna moths though, seem to vary in when they show up depending on place. some do include late may or early june on northern regions, ans a generation in july in central states.
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which means you could, feasibly, have a span of about a week or so in may, june or july where both maple moths and luna moths are adults and alive at the same time.
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thats NOT when adult rosy maple moths show up, much less both of them.
though maybe im just being too pedandic with specific dates and theres margin for variation, but its, again, some real big coincidences
BUT FINALLY theres the fact im suspicious about this luna moth IN THE FIRST PLACE.
i might just be going actually crazy here, but for this we've been assuming the luna moth is the species that exists in north america (otherwise these two wouldnt be in the same place at all)
and like this is what the luna moth looks like
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(pictures from wikipedia)
and you see how theyre kinda weird compared to the one in the pic.
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the luna moths are mostly green, with much less of this pretty pastel pink of the one on the tumblr post. you could argue they have pink markings but in most pictures i see they seem more like a dark red/brown with a remarkable very thick marking on the wings
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you see how the moth in the pic just looks kinda weird. but that can also be from filters or editing to make the photo prettier making the colors different.
(i also think the tail looks weirdly long, but there seems to be variation in the tail length in various luna moth pics ive seen, so i cant speak for sure about that)
(i also cant tell you whether the sizes in comparison to each other are right cause i suck at visualizing size comparisons and its not like theres any other pic on earth of the two together so.)
CONCLUSION: i dont fucking know. i spent an hour looking moths up online and didnt get any reasonable answer to my doubts. i guess in the end THERE is, even if small, a chance of you finding both these boths alive at the same time in the same place so i can fully discredit the op. i give up im going to have breakfast
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justices-blade · 21 days
☆ did someone say anniversary munday
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from neffi!! thank you :D
celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
repost, don't reblog. only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
happy anniversary, TOA! here's to many more years spent together.
name: leo
pronouns: he/him
birthday: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
where are you from? what is your time zone? the states, but im in europe now and i aint plannin to leave, baybey. CEST!
how long is your roleplay experience? uhhh 13 years of which 11 were on tumblr. the passage of time is horrifying
how were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? deviantart sonic oc self inserts. dont say anything
how were you introduced to TOA? im an avid skimmer of the tellius tag on tumblr and saw toa crop up a few times in the past but the concept of fodlan as a setting fundamentally scared me for a good while because it was the only fe game i wasnt even remotely familiar with. then one winter holiday in 2022 i saw neffis leonardo crop up in the tag and i was like lmfao it would be fucking hilarious if i started writing edward again right and then i blacked out for the next 12 hours and suddenly im here.
do you have any pets? nope. i do want a rat a spider or a snake though. maybe a toad even
what is your favorite time of year and why? autumn... its the cusp of summer and autum weather rn actually and im freaking thriving
what is your IRL occupation? graphic design student (help)
some interests and things you like/enjoy? gaming and writing are the no-brainers, but i also love dnd, drawing and making cosplay. despite being easily scared i also really like horror. also frogs are eternal i love frogs forever and ever
what non-fire emblem games do you play? currently it's mostly warframe, elden ring and arknights with some enstars on the side HAHA maybe xiv'll suck me back in soon < his ass still hasnt played dawntrail
favorite pokemon type & pokemon: favorite type is ghost, but the charcadet line has RICOCHETED to the top of my favorite pokemon list over spiritombs throne LMFAO
tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! i once wrote a poem based off of haurchefant greystone of ffxiv fame for korean school because i could not fucking think of anything else and i won a fucking award (minor) for a competition i didnt even know i was getting myself into????
i also inject frogs into any art assignments that i really dont want to do so i find the motivation to do them lmfao
how did you get into fire emblem? smash bros brawl baybey. i watched my friend play awakening for a bit but i only owned a wii (region locked. american. we were in europe) so i crawled to my dad all sopping wet and pathetic to ask if he could pretty please buy me por while he was on a business trip to i think LA. he brought back rd instead.
what fire emblem games have you played? hilariously exactly the same amount as last time (sorry) (gba, tellius, 3ds, engage)
first & favorite fire emblem games: radiant dawn all the way babyyyy
list your 5 favorite fire emblem characters across the series! chad leonardo edward limstella micaiah. yep
who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? can be any context and reason! leonardo showed his pretty face on the screen when i was 14 and it was over for me
any fire emblem crushes? 😳leonardo showed his pretty face on the screen when i was 14 and it was over for me.
jokes aside im not sure i do crushes but if we're talking about current i think pandreo applies
if you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first s support? who would you s support nowadays? - awakening: stahl or miriel - fates: hinata... or beruka - three houses: jeritza probably i am going to be so real - engage: pandreo.
favorite fire emblem class? are thieves meant to be a gimmick/utility class. yes. do i care? BOY OH BOY. rogue my beloved... (also i inevitably end up doting on at least one archer and anima mage)
if you were a fire emblem character, what would be your class and stats? would you be playable? weirdly magic-heavy thief i think. playable only if he likes your vibes. probably have to recruit him like cath. i'm not even that good i'm best used for meteor/bolting/bersesrk etc bait
if you were a three houses character, what would be your affiliation? golden deer!
if you were an officers academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? boon in faith+axe, bane in riding+heavy armor, hidden talent in authority. no it does not mean i want to be in charge. but alas im reasonably good at it.
if you were an engage character, which nation would you originate from? i thought on elusia for a while but honestly i think its firene for me. i will never say no to citrus.
how do you pronounce TOA? 🤔toe-ah...
current TOA muses: edward, chad, denning
past TOA muses? its just been these three so far baybey
who was your first TOA muse? if you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? [gripping edward really hard as i hold him out towards the camera] this boy has lived in my brain rent fucking free for 11 years he is a vital part of my deciding whether i get fries with my burger order atp
do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? reiterating this from the last time i filled this out: little guys and pensive freaks. i also fundamentally like characters who experience internal conflict of interests between their morality and their loyalty/duty/other social trappings. its tasty!
do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? i love digging deep into lore and piecing it together even if its not immediately evident and a bit fragmented (its the soulsborne enjoyer in me). BUT if i need to do this for a main or major character with a bajillion dialogue and context clues strewn across three playthroughs of a game and i could easily overlook things i would be a little too scared of getting soemthing wrong. "oh x loves orange juice" "WRONG x said as a one off in the middle of this heavy story segment that he hates orange juice and prefers strawberry milk actually" i would fucking die. i would die
what kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? UNRELIABLE NARRATION. shit you look at and go "hm that aint whats going on rn at all". love that shit. i try to not overuse it but i love when it becomes more evident midway through a scene. good stuff. i also love writing impulsive stupid responses and vividly descriptive scenes, but also i love writing affection and devotion in general, even if exceptionally gooey and cavity-inducing, even if ill-advised and misplaced. there's so much more i can add here but i love writing i love writing with people i love writing with y'all. love and peace.
and violence. i used to be scared of fight scenes but now i love thinking in those milliseconds between the violence. flurries and slurries of blood. can i rip more shit apart pretty please
do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man i hope i get to write this one day”? [stuffs my fist in my mouth and screams]
incredibly loosely speaking. i want edward to realise he's been a bit fucked up actually and have to sit in that thought instead of shrugging past it as usual. i want chad to sit with someone and just connect with them so they don't feel as alone (yes this has happened i just love when this happens). i want denning to forcibly feel an emotion, and whether they get better or worse from it might depend entirely on their company.
favorite TOA-related memories? sorry that i keep bringing up edwards 37.5 damage astra during the final fight of apollyon ouranos i just can't stop thinking about it. that's so much fucking damage. that said i loved banding together against the impossible and FUCKING WINNING
present or past tense? uhhh present < just had to go back to check
normal size text, small text, no preference? normal size is a bit easier for me to read, but i have no real preference
got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 either you know my delusions or you don't . at any rate i don't think my rosters going to move anytime soon
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maiackmn · 1 year
Valorant Chamber x Reader
Chamber and Reader met in a Bar
Requests are open btw! 🕊
(My Instagram : maiackmn , have fun! <3)
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More than just a summer fling
Chamber's POV
It was late at night, I was having a drink at a bar trying to forget all stressful things from my private life. I was only interested in drinking drink after drink, I just wanted to get drunk ans forget everything else, but that changed when I spotted a beautiful young woman sitting down besides me at the bar.
I could tell that she was enjoying my company, and I couldn't help but feel a rush as I realized I had a chance with her. We laughed and flirted for hours, she told me that she loved my french accent, and told me that she thinks I'm very handsome and attractive. I was charmed and happy to know that we both felt the same.
,,Can I take you home? Its already late and I don't want to worry about you getting kidnapped Mon chéri" She laughed and said that it was no Problem and that she would love to use the time that we had on her way home to talk more. So she let me take her back home. As we walked up the stairs, our hands casually brushed against each other, and the electric connection between us was undeniable.
When we entered her apartment, the tension was palpable. I took off her coat slowly, her eyes never leaving mine, I was looking deep into her eyes. My face approached her more and more.
,,Can I, Chérie?" She didnt hesitate and came closer to me so that our lips met. The moment our lips met, I could feel my soul ignite with love and desire.
The night went on, and our passion only grew. Every moment together was like a dream, and the hours slipped away in an instant. The tension was building to a breaking point, and the only thing we wanted was to be close together.
In one bold move, I took her by the hand and led her to her bed. We kissed passionately, our hearts beating as one. As our bodies intertwined, we forgot about everything and everyone else. All that mattered was here and now, and the overwhelming sense of love and connection.
The morning light slowly poured into the room, and the reality of our night together sank in. We got up, and she walked towards the window.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said, gazing out at the day.
"It is," I replied, walking up behind her. "But nowhere near as beautiful as you."
She turned around slowly, a blushing smile on her face. "Thank you," she whispered.
We shared a kiss before she turned to face the morning sky once more, her eyes full of a joy and love.
As I embraced her again, I looked into her eyes and felt my heart race. Her warm touch, her soothing presence, they made me feel like there was nothing else in the world that mattered.
In that moment, I realized that thise was'nt only a one time thing, I wanted to know her better, to see her again and I knew I would do anything to make that happen.
"Can I see you again?" I asked, my voice shaking with emotion.
She looked back at me and smiled. "I want to," she answered. That was all I needed to hear.
Over the next few weeks, we spent every spare moment together. We would meet after our work shifts, go on walks through the park, played games together and more. She even met my Co workers. Jett treated her like her own sister, and the others liked her. Others like Phoenix thought Y/N and me were dating.
,,Daamn thats your girl? She's adorable"
You don't have to tell me, I already knew it when I saw her for the first time.
The more time we spent together, the more connected we felt. I don't wanted to imagine my future without her.
One day, as we were taking a break from a long walk, she turned to me with a cute little smile on her face and said, "You know, I was thinking something..."
"What's that?" I asked, my curiosity peaked.
"You told me you have a really nice kitchen at your place. Why don't we go back to your place and cook something together?"
"Of course," I smiled. "Sounds like a great idea." With that, we started walking back to my place. I couldn't wait to show her how much fun I could be in the kitchen.We walked back to my place, my mind racing with the possibilities of what might happen. As we walked through the door, she looked around the apartment with curiosity and admiration.
"It's beautiful in here," she said, as she took in the artwork on the walls, the cozy furniture, and the warm, inviting atmosphere.
"Thanks," I replied, smiling at her reaction. "You ready for that home-cooked meal?"
"I'm always ready for a good meal," she playfully answered. "But I have a feeling that's not all you have in mind tonight."
She walked over to me and put her arms around my neck. "You're right," she whispered. "I want more tonight.
My heart started beating faster as I looked into her eyes, her gorgeous lips so close to mine.
"I want you," she continued. "I want you more than anything."
Before I could react, she pulled me in for a passionate and deep kiss, her body pressing against mine. I was so caught up in the moment that I lost myself in her touch and her smell.
As we continued kissing, our passion only continued to grow. We moved to the living room and laid down on the couch, our bodies tangled together.
She was so beautiful, her cheeks flushed with desire, her lips so tempting. I kissed her again and again, her body responding more and more. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be here, with her in my arms. After a while, she pulled away from me and looked into my eyes with a playful smile. "What if I told you I have a surprise for you?"
"What surprise?" She asked.
"Close your eyes," I said and grabbed a little box from my bag.
She closed her eyes and took the little box from my hands. "Can I open my eyes now?" She asked calmly, feeling the excitement and curiosity build up.
"Yes, of course," I said with a smile. As she opened her eyes she saw a beautiful jewelry box.
"What's this?" She asked, feeling my heart race even more.
"Open it,"
She opened the box and saw a stunning necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. "Is this for me?" She asked, surprised. I nodded, her eyes filled with love and happiness. "But... this is so expensive," She protested, her face turning red.
"Nothing is too expensive for me when it comes to you Mon amour. It's my way of showing you how much I care," I replied, reaching out for her hand. "I know we've only known each other for a few weeks, but I feel like there's something special between us. And I wanted to surprise you with a gift that shows how special you are to me."
I put the necklace around her neck and I softly kissed her cheek. "Thank you," she said, I looked at her lovingly. "You can thank me later," I said playfully.
Before I knew it, her lips were on mine again, her hands exploring my body. I felt her warmth, her touch, and my desire for her was only growing stronger.
She gently pushed me back onto the couch, pressing her body against mine. My breath was getting deeper, my heart beating faster. I wanted to hold her in my arms, to love her and protect her and give her everything she wanted. As we laid there, our bodies pressed against each other, I felt a rush of euphoria and passion. My mind was spinning as our fingers interlocked, our tongues meeting, our breathing getting heavier.
I looked into her eyes, feeling my soul entangled with hers. She was so beautiful, so perfect. I wanted this moment to last forever, to freeze time and live in this moment for the rest of eternity.
She looked back at me, her eyes shining bright with love. "I love you," she whispered, her voice so sweet and full of emotion. We kissed passionately, our lips pressed together, our hearts beating as one. The world around us seemed to melt away, and there was only her in my mind and my heart.
I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. She was my everything, and she made me feel alive like never before. In that moment, I wanted nothing else but to be with her, to hold and cherish her forever.
She pulled away from the kiss, her soft lips still on mine. "I love you too, Chérie" I whispered, her eyes shimmering with Love.
It was more than just a summer fling, we both we're filled with love for each other.
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tervioza · 3 months
also i met a girl today on a bus we locked eyes for maximum of 3 seconds we were inseparable when we were younger we spent one whole summer together i think she was the first person ever that i loved i still miss her a lot just walking around the same 3 shops and the same 3 benches the whole summer before middle school doing fuck all watching creepypasta videos and playing movie star planet and annoying the employees at the local rossman together when my parents werent home. just generally i loved her a lot and she knew what i went through shes the only person that knew me back then . we drifted apart quite a lot because she moved to London and i think got even more into christianity. she was still very important to me i remember sneaking into her school during freshman year always making time for her really only wanting to make time for her . i still tried so hard because that relationship was the Most important to me. anyways so then when i tried killing myself it was kind of awkward because she got a call from M about it so she would call my parents, because well M didnt have their number. and it got awkward we didnt really talk about it at all to be honest. then one time a year later she came over and watched evangelion the whole night and dyed her hair in my bathtub with henna and stayed over we ordered pizza and then she never spoke to me again ever i tried calling her asking what i have done wrong but she never answered and she never called back obviously an argument couldve been made that i was there for her when she was at her lowest and just telling me to Fuck off would have been better than this but i guess we all go our own ways. anways she saw me and i just walked across the bus to where she was sitting because i wanted to say anything and she didnt look up but she looks the same
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sumnantics · 4 months
After attending Once Upon an Elemntary together, and surviving Highs And Lows School (which everyone really just shortens to Middle School), they spent freshman year of highschool in different schools. Maisie went to Ever After High, and Neijiderick attended Beanstalk High, wanting to practice flying in the clouds. ...Not being a giant, he was ostracized and transferred to Ever After.
In the first year of her life that Maisie had not been locked at the hip with Neiji, she made close friends that werent him. ...And she realized that she wasnt feeling *best friendship* for Neiji, she was feeling *a crush.*
In the summer before Sophomore year started, Maisie confessed to Neiji.
It destroyed their friendship. He rejected her with GREAT vehemence. When they started school again, he completely ignored her in the halls. It was easy to avoid her-- being a villain, he had a completely different schedule than her, and being a Royal, he had completely different friends.
Maisie is an extremely perceptive girl. She may not be remarkable enough to make lasting impressions, but shes happy fading into the background. She does well in classes, but shes never perfect enough to shine. Graceful, elegant, scholarly, she doesnt need to try in her princess classes. Shes happy for that for the same reason-- she can people watch.
She's always been very mature. Perhaps its because she had to grow up too fast, shouldering her mother's emotional weight. This whole argument between royals and rebels all seems very silly to her-- The dramatics, that is. Because the moment she heard other students were planning to change their destiny, she wanted in.
She's never too worried abt Neiji. She *knows* him. She knows him better than he knows himself, shes perceptive and hes been all shes looked at for years. Shed answer his questions before he asked, shed figure out why hes upset before he even had a chance to feel it. She knows he needs time-- and she knows that, eventually, theyll both be in that tower. Alone. for years. And she figures theyll talk it out then.
As much as she retains her composure in most situations, theres one thing shes sensitive about-- her nobility.
Her *Destiny* is being a PRINCESS in a tower. But, generations ago, her family lost their nobility-- they had to sell it, their family too poor, and needing food more than a title. And since her story calls for a *Dragonslayer*, not a *Prince*, her family has never had a chance to regain their title.
A classmate, in an argument during class about who's on what side: Maisie's a Royal, *obviously.*
Maisie: Actually, I'm a Rebel.
Classmate: What? But... youre a princess?
Maisie: I'm a *Maiden*.
Classmate: Well, but you've got a Prince Charming?
Maisie: No. My story has a Dragonslayer.
(She corrects this constantly. everyone thinks shes a princess, and its the one assumption she will never not correct)
Neijiderick had felt growing resentment towards Maisie through all of Middle School. She was better and better at reading him-- and she was a middle schooler, who wanted to show off, and didnt have too much social awareness yet. She doesnt remember doing this, or at least how often, but she would constantly tell him what he was feeling-- "He just ignored you! Even though you waved. You must be angry, and hurt. I think he's going to his friends. I dont think he saw you, Neiji." Which seems benign enough of a thing to say, except she did it Constantly. he wouldnt be able to FEEL THINGS, and certainly he couldnt figure out his own feelings on his own. he felt exposed. He used to be able to take pleasure in sniping back at her when she got something wrong, but that only ever made her better at it.
He chose a different high school than her to get away from it all. That... didnt work out. The giants were cruel, and the teachers didnt notice-- or, they pretended not to. It made him spitting mad!!! But, he didnt know how to handle that anger, because he had always had Maisie-- either she'd help, or she'd try to help and then he'd redirect that anger at her for reading him too easily.
(He knows something about her that she doesnt. He knows shes not *that* good at reading him. Cuz she never read the growing resentment towards her correctly.)
When she confessed-- he ran. he ran immediately, squashed any reaction, left before she could read him-- he needed to figure this out *himself*.
And he did! And hes FUCKING PISSED. She's been hurting him all this time-- but, well, he never told her she was hurting him. She shouldve figured it out! But, well, he's GLAD he can keep SOME secrets. She KNOWS what his destiny is!
And there it is, he thinks. destiny. Hes never once considered that shed like anyone before her Dragonslayer. He thought he'd die before she loved someone. Maybe that was stupid? Plenty of people date in highschool, before signing the book of legend.
But why *him?* She knows more than anyone that he *cant return her affection.* He's got a time limit! And, even then-- He's going to be a DRAGON. dragons dont *kiss princesses.*
Thats right. Dragons dont kiss princesses. Dragons are ruthless, and mean, and *fucking cool*. And HES a dragon. (Wyvern, actually, but semantics.) He's going to sign the book of legends, and then after graduation like all the other magical beast characters, he's going to wake up the next day permanently in beast form.
So he ignores Maisie. Like a proper villain, and to avoid her seeing through him, and because-- look. he doesnt like her back. And, being her friend now would be *weird*. Knowing that every time they joke, every time they hang out, she'd be thinking of.... *romance.*
He changes his nickname. Avoids anything the reminds him of Maisie, actually-- she calls him Neiji,
So he goes by Ricky now. Ricky Fang. And he aces his classes, and he learns cool things like firebreath and attacking knights, and how to hold a Maiden in his claws-- a *princess*, he means, how to hold a *princess* in his claws to fly away with her.
and in his Villain classes, he meets--
Ramona Badwolf. Transferred to the school halfway through the school year. Immediately began gathering extra credit in her classes to make up for missing it, and almost as quickly made herself *known.* She was proud, and she was sly, and she was confident. She had an unwavering strength in herself-- she growled *scram*, and the halls cleared. And she was *incredibly pretty.*
Ricky was very interested in her. And he was even more interested when *she was interested in him*.
Turns out they have a lot in common-- theyre both gonna turn into magical beasts, theyre both going to have to dodge hunters, and they both know that being a msgical beast is going to be so fucking cool that it will all be worth it. Ramona asks him out, and he almost thinks he says yes too fast.
Ramona changes him, but really not by much. He was already punk, she just taught him how to show it. He cut his jacket into a vest, he collected all the shiny baubles he didnt before.
He has cultivated a very specific persona at Ever After High-- he's aloof, and distant, and hes quiet. He HATES the idea of someone being able to read him. And its hard to do, but he painstakingly makes certain he keeps those walls up around Ramona.
They date for a year, and it ends in flames. Literally. Their breakup is known throughout the school because they MADE IT KNOWN. They consistently make it known every time they see each other in the halls.
Ramona had gotten sick and tired of the mysterious facade. Sick of the distance. in their first Big Fight, she told him "I KNOW YOU, Ricky!" She didnt know that it would immediately terrify him, that hed get so defensive.
Ultimately, she knew the problem was this: He didnt see them as "serious" enough to trust her with his secrets.
He knew the problem, too! She seemed to think they were gonna stay together after graduation. can you imagine a WOLF and a DRAGON kissing? obviously not.
really, he was scared. Why else do people hide? if you cant see this part of me, ill never have to see you reject it. and really, she was scared too. She was scared he was hiding from her because he didnt ever actually like her, that she had been vulnerable in front of someone who was laughing at her the whole time.
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out-of-control · 1 year
hi i sent the original jaxjim theory anon and im keefed and i didnt realize that yoru discord usernames were usernames and i thought you were saying "dick game baptismal they fuck like crazy KILL YORUSELF they fuck like crazy dick game baptismal" and so on and so forth. can u guys elaborate on all the insano car crash metaphors in jaxjim divorce saga.
KATZ: before meeting Jim, Jax already has a relationship with car crashes. his mother was killed in a car crash and so even though he was never in it, it's become this thing that looms hugely over his whole life. like he and Erin were so close and he sees the crash not just as something that killed her but something that Took Her Away From Him and so since he feels so alienated from and by the crash and he's spent years and years trying to understand it/get closer to it. like when he was a teenager he dug up fucking police reports because he was obsessed with the idea that by understanding everything about her death he could sync up with her again somehow and maybe fill this hole that opened up inside him when she died. like. Jax didn't get Erin's birth date tattooed on his arm, he got her death date. so even before Jax ever meets him he has this whole thing going on where he's obsessed with the crash from his own past and. feels left behind by not having been in the car crash and so he tries to map out other violence onto his body to make up for it.
but in addition to having his weird like desire to manifest car crash stigmata to honor his dead mother, he also is deeply affected not only by the violence of her death but the isolation of it. she died alone and scared and in pain. and that breaks his heart. and it's that whole thing more than the violence aspect that first drives him towards Jim, actually. because he sees Jim as alone. and his brain sort of makes the connection between Jim the car crash victim and Erin the car crash victim, but ALSO between Jim as a literal car crash survivor and Jax as a more metaphorical car crash survivor (he wasn't in it, but it ruined his life regardless). and it was that sort of empathy of being like. so you went through this horrible traumatic pain and now there is no one to help you carry it. and subconsciously at least Jax wanted to shoulder that. just a little. he wanted Jim to not be so sad on a summer's evening. so he said do you wanna get out of here.
so that's the background. and although it's lovely that car crash related trauma brought them together it's also absolutely part of the reason it drove them apart. after Erin died, Jax sort of lost the ability to see her as a person. to an extent I think most people do that with their mothers but since she was dead too Jax heaped all of his misery into the same pile and really developed this belief that if only she had lived, his entire life would be perfect. which is of course silly. some things would undoubtedly be better, but some things are unavoidable. and although Erin can't really be affected by this on account of being dead, I think that the whole "let me sanctify you" thing freaked the fuck out of Jim. because well Jim is just some guy but Jax treats him like he's holy. lot of pressure there.
FEO: <- has nothing to add to this
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johntuckermustdie · 4 months
Found this deep in my drafts, not sure if there's still a market for obx fanfics but ohh well...
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pairing: rafe x oc
summary: Rafe attempting to get clean 💀
warnings: drug use, a lil bit of angst, bad grammar and typos
word count: 2.1k
He watches her from across the dark room. She's talking with one of her friends, chatting more animatedly than usual, her system wraught with alcohol.
If theres anyone else in the room, he doesnt seem to notice. He's been watching her for almost an hour, since his bleary eyes caught a glimpse of her brown hair as she waltzed through the doors.
He's perched on a couch, his friends nearby slung over cushions as they ride out the high of the cocaine. He's riding it too. Pupils blown out, heart racing. He's barely moved from his spot in two hours, only moving slightly to refill the drink in his hand.
She's been ignoring him the whole time, going about her night like she doesn't notice. She knows he wants to talk but she's not doing it when he's like this and for once he seems to respect that. He hasn't even tried to make a scene, but she knows the nights not over yet.
He would've caused a scene if he wasn't too fucked up to walk. The coke and alcohol in his system make it hard to string sentences together and the last time he tried to move he almost fell.
If he'd have known she was coming he wouldn't have gone so hard. But hindsights always a wonderful thing.
Shes wearing the dress he bought her, its pastel purple (her favourite colour) and clings tight to her form, showing off the soft curves of her body. She had wanted to get his attention, even to just make him regret his decision, but she'd be lucky to get any legible words out of him in his current state.
She spends the next few hours laughing with friends and dancing with tourons, she ends up with a dark haired boy who says he's from Georgia. She moves against him on the dance floor, his hands on her hips as they sway. She cant remember how many songs she'd been dancing with him for, but based on the hair sticking to her sweaty forehead and the burning in her lungs as she tried to catch her breath. It had been some time.
Rafe having been overcome with drowsiness, had fallen asleep. But as he finally comes to, the party is still in full swing. Hes by no means sober but his legs seem to be working again, which is great because he needs to piss.
Theres no sign of her as he walks the halls looking for a bathroom, maybe she left he thinks to himself. She wasnt usually the kind to stay out all night. Theres a deep growl in his stomach, then it lurches. Saliva fills his mouth. He really didnt need this now considering he hadnt found a bathroom yet. He stops for a moment, with the intentions of letting his stomach settle, within moments the feeling subsides and he continues his search.
She's by the pool with the touron boy, sitting on the side their legs dangling in the water. The buzz she'd had rushing through her head when he first asked her to dance had gone. He seemed nice, he was funny too. They were currently talking about surfing. He was surprised how she'd spent the last 5 summers in OBX but had never learnt how to surf. He offered to teach her, she laughed.
"How does a boy from Georgia think he can teach me how to surf? Aren't you guys landlocked?" she laughed.
"Well," he starts, his speak slightly slurred, "I guess I'll just have to google it."
Rafe had found a bathroom and now his next mission was to locate Ti. He asked around for a few minutes unsteadily pacing the halls before he thought to look outside.
She was by the pool with some guy he'd never seen before. His money was on him being a touron. He was getting close to Ti, too close.
Even with the music that carried outside. she still heard him coming, his shoes scuffled loudly against the concrete as he made his way towards her.
"Hey Ive been looking for you," Rafe confesses, his speech slurred, her eyes are on him, watching him expectantly, but shes not quite sure what to expect.
He walks closer to where theyre sitting with their legs dangling in the pool, plopping himself ungracefully besides ti. He puts his arm around her shoulder, moving his face close to hers, she can smell the alcohol on his breath as he plants a wet kiss on her cheek.
His unsteady hands reaches around the side of her head bringing her even closer so he can lay sloppy kisses on her neck. The familiar sensation makes butterrflies flutter in her stomach, but she can't.She pulls away from him, meeting his eyes. The blue glow given off from the pool reveals his glassy eyes and unfocused gaze.
'What?' he voice slurs with an affronted tone,'I can't even kiss my girl anymore?'
She shakes her head, incredulously,'You made it very clear last week that I wasn't.'
He'd been having withdrawals when he said it but the words still stung. So much so she'd walked out and hadn't talked with him since, ignoring all his calls. It wasnt just the words that had hurt, it was the fact that he'd promised he would to try stop drugs but he hadn't. She was done. So done with having to act like his Mom all the time, reprimanding him, it wasn't her job.
He tries to lean closer again,'Rafe' she warns.
'I just. I just wanna talk,' he whines.
'Leave me alone, I'm not talking to you when you're like this.'
As much as the words had hurt, she still loved him and it killed her having to ignore him but she didnt know what else to do. All she knew was she couldn't watch him self destruct anymore.
'Please,' he begs, as he tries to clasp her hand in his.
His stomach betrays him a few moments later, he lurches forward, his vomit projecting into the pool and also landing on his jeans.
She sighs, shaking her head again. She turns her head to the right to the dark haired touron who has fallen silent beside her,'I am so sorry,' she says to him as she gets to her feet.
'Get up Rafe,' she says to his hunched form. He looks up at her, wiping his mouth with the back of his palm before struggling to his feet.
She didnt know how her night was gonna end but this was not what she had in mind. She gives the touron boy a final nod before she clasps Rafes side and begins to walk him back towards the house.
He doesn't protest, he barely says a word as she walks him to one of the upstairs rooms, him stumbling up the stairs as they go. A few of the rooms are occupied but she manages to find one. She pushes open the door, revealing a fairly large guest room complete with an ensuite and a queen sized bed.
"Stand here for a minute," she tells him unclasping his arm, leaving him standing beside the bed. She tugs on the white material of the covers, pulling them away from the edge, revealing the sheets below.
She turns back towards him, watching as he sways slightly on the balls of his feet. Her eyes travel to his jeans and the vomits soaked in the parts of the material.
"You're not getting into these sheets with vomit on you, so take your jeans off."
He fumbles with the belt for a few moments before she replaces his hands with hers, undoing the buckle like she'd done so many times before, this time with absolutely no passion behind her intent.
"I fucked everything up didn't I?" he mumbles as she pulls the comforter over his brief cladded form, "I always fuck things up," he confesses, his voice slurred. There's a pained expression on his face, his eyelids hang low.
"You know I didnt mean that shit Ti."
She watches him and in that moment she no longer feels contempt but instead pity.
"I dont care if you meant it or not,' she says, her expression hardening, 'Look at you,' she says as she gestures a hand towards him,"You're a fucking mess. You cant even stay clean for one day."
"Babe," he whines, one of his hands moves to grasp her wrist, but this time she doesnt try to pull away. His hands feel clammy against her warm skin, "Please just give me one more chance."
He tugs on her wrist, trying to pull her down to the bed,"Can you lay with me please?"
She sighs, fighting the urge she has to march out of the room and leave him
Finally, she gives her head a small nod. She pulls away from his grip, making her way to the other side of the bed.
She crawls her way over the sheets and moves to lay beside him. His eyes are barely open, his hair is slightly dishevelled. She puts a gentle hand through it, trying to comb it back into place.
"I keep fucking up," he utters. He moves so his body presses closer to hers, so his head is close to the crook of her neck," I don't know what to do," he continues, his voice cracking slightly. There's a shudder that wracks his shoulders that tells her he's crying.
Her heart breaks in her chest. She rubs her hand against his back,"You need to get some help Rafe."
"I know," he sobs.
When he wakes up his head is pounding. There's a dull pain behind his eyes and his mouth is dry. Ti's side of the bed has gone cold, but the sound of the tap running in the adjacent bathroom tells him she's in there. He gives a groan as he gets to his feet, the world spins around him like its just been hit off its axis. But regardless he makes it to the bathroom.
She's standing in front of the mirror, her face over the basin as she cleans her face, trying to rid it of the makeup from the night before.
"Morning," he says as he takes a place behind her, leaning on the wall behind him. Even though there is still a slight spin to his world, he watches her intently.
"Hey," she says as she raises her face from the basin. Meeting his eyes in the mirror. Her eye makeup is smudged, black stains around her eyes, "How you feeling?"
"Like shit," he mumbles as he moves a hand to rub the sleep from his eyes.
She gives a quiet laugh, shaking her head.
She leans her head back down, continuing in silence. She scrubs her eyes until there are only slight traces of last nights eye liner.
He remains behind her, waiting until her face finally peaks back out of the sink.
"I fucked up last night," he sighs.
"Barely," she says as she brings the towel to her face, wiping away the last drops of water, "You've done worse.'
He shakes his head at her, his eyes rolling, "That's not the point Tee. Okay?" he sighs, "The point is… I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?" she says incredulously, her eyebrows raising, "you been saying that alot lately Rafe."
His eyebrows scrunch in annoyance, "Yeah cause I'm sorry,' he says it like its the most obvious thing in the world.
"No you're not!" she says, her voice raising,"You keep saying it, but you're not. If you were sorry you'd try to get your fucking life on track."
"I am trying Tee," he says, his arms moving like he's making a point.
She scoffs again in disbelief," Trying what?" she yells, "To kill yourself? Because last night it looked like you were giving that a good go.'
He looks away from her, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, avoiding her gaze, "I…," he stutters,"I didn;t know you were coming."
"So what?" she spits,"If you knew I was coming you would have pretended you're not some coked up piece of shit for a night!?"
The words are like a slap to his face, she regrets them as soon as they leave her mouth. but it's too late now, they're out, hanging in the air like a bad smell.
Her voice softens,"I'm sorry. I didnt mean that."
Although the words weren't far from the truth, she never thought she'd hear herself say something that hurtful out loud.
"No, I know you did," he says eventually, a defeated sigh escaping his lips, "Its true."
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