⋰ ✦♡✦ ⋱ “Art is a way to heal the soul from the ever draining life we exist in” ⋰ ✦♡✦ ⋱Chío | 22 | Univeristy student | 𐑲 𐑤𐑲 𐑒 𐑑 𐑛𐑮𐑷 𐑯 𐑮𐑲𐑑
Last active 4 hours ago
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When days are this boring, I start to miss the past. Y'know when I was able to call people for hours or hang out with my friends. Now, I am mostly alone. Sure I have my family, but they all have other prioties in their lives. My sister is married. And my mom is obviously also married and has to take care of my brother.
I don't have a lot of friends and even if I did, they are busy with their own lives. We are adults now, so we have responsibilities. I am still close to one of my friends and we got to hang out yesterday which was a lot of fun! I enjoyed every bit of those hours. Though, I think that's why I feel lonely since I miss those days we got to just hang out and be dumb kids. Oh, and for my classmates, I am only acquainted with one person but they are way older than me and she has a family.
Sometimes, I can't bare this lonliness. And the only thing I know to do is cry. The one thing I do is use character AI because I don't know what else to do.
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Now that I think about it:
I never make characters based off my own ethnic group or nationality. I always turn to make them from foreign countries instead. And I don’t know why.
Perhaps because I still carry some self-esteem issues regarding my own ethnic background. Now, I was never bullied or anything regarding my background. It’s more of it all being in my head type of shit.
And regarding nationality, I think I hold some shame for what my country has done to others. And with the current state of things, ummmm… it’s a miracle that I still refer to myself as an American lol.
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I lost my pen for my drawing tablet lol.
Just when I wanted to try something new with drawing, it decides to just not be there for me.
That pen is anything but reliable. So is the tablet.
Pencil drawing I guess. It’s fine, I like to draw both digitally and traditionally.
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I found a post on spinosaurus you might enjoy. I can't send complete links over the ask box so I broke it up a bit.
h ttp s : / /w w w. reddit . com/ r/Dinosaurs/comments/1i7t6l0/a_message _t o_ the _dinoscalers/
Mystery as in you don't know why you made the character part of the Jiangxi province. You might be able to figure it out if you posted her and talked to people, I was thinking, but I could be wrong.
The library of Alexandra may not have even been destroyed by Caesar. Some records state that Alexander was accidentally blocked by a bunch of Egyptian boats (ironically enough), and had then burned to get them out of the way, which spread and may have only set part of the library on fire, mainly the storehouses. Which, while they held many books, is a far cry from the entire library.
Also, since it was part of a larger international educational campus of the Mouseion, it is unlikely that they held the only copies of all the texts contained within. After all, people from all over the world came to study, and we know texts were translated for that.
The entire Library of Alexandria would probably have been destroyed along with the entire city by Aurelian about 100 years later. And apparently it was already in decline, with the scholars being expelled from the city, so they would have taken texts with them. There may be some records of the campus and the books being moved to a new location, as well.
So, If the Library of Alexandria was part of the Mouseion, and the Mouseion still existed long after the fire, then it is unlikely that the library was destroyed by Caesar. Especially given how meticulous Emperor Caesar was with keeping texts and records in the first place, I doubt he would have wanted to risk it burning.
And still, with all of that, we still don't definitively know where Punt was. The Red Sea region, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen, the horn of Africa? Who knows? Somalia did name a region Puntland after the mysterious old kingdom, though.
I used to want to be an archivist or librarian as well, but I hear those are actually way more fast paced than how they are depicted. Also, I don't think the pay is high enough to live on nowadays.
I see your own archivist is evolving, lol. I think she looks and sounds great! Funny thing is, I remember from older posts and discussions that Nayeon was almost named Tokki, as well. But we still can't figure out on if we thought Yamato was named in relation to Yamatai.
The king not wanting to be recorded falling off his horse was definitely Joseon. Given what we know of the utterly strict caste system, making extra records was probably the only way they could ever rebel and have some power in their lives. After all, they would have been born into the role with no other options in life. It could have even been fun for them, given their protections. The real question is which ruler gave the record keepers and archivists immunity to retaliation for keeping the records, and was it a forethought or a law created later.
Actually, looking it up, the records are a Korean national treasure called the sillok (Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty), and appears to have been primarily started in the Joseon dynasty. Although the records of the last two kings may actually have been compromised due to Japanese rule.
All the same, it appears as if the records are complete enough for a movie to have been made about one of the rulers, known as Diary of King Yeonsan. Which could be interesting to watch if it follows what the archivists put down!
From a religious standpoint, the Latin word for left is similar to the word sinister, so there are groups that believe left handedness is a sign of evil. It's a real issue in some religious schools, from the stories I have heard. In other places it is just culturally considered rude to use your left hand instead of the right.
Yeah, my dad still sees me as his little girl, so he likes my BF but also pretends he does not know we are dating sometimes.
I love the image on Reddit! And it's so true. I swear T-rex fans are annoying (just kidding. I don't actually care about it). Anyway, the image is adorable and I love it. Thanks for showing it to me!
Oh that! Yeah, I am still curious about that. Though, I think I remembered. But, the reason is too dumb that I cannot bring myself to admit it. I am also too shy to say anything. I don't wanna look like I am obsessed with their country cause we all know how well that goes.
If that is truly what happened, then that has to be the most misfortunate thing to happen. Considering you mention Emperor Caeser was with records and such. And even if only the storehouses got burned, it is still sad to hear.
I hadn't been aware the library was part of a bigger sysetm. This is my first time hearing this. Though, it would make sense. Translations of texts have always been a thing hasn't it? Especially if scholars from different places gathered up in certain places from time to time.
Regardless on who destroyed the Library, it's gone for good. A bit sad nonetheless. Even if we think that hadn't had the answer of where Punt, they still must of had something that perhaps we will never get the chance to know.
I wished I could still be an archivist. Studying for a career I don't have too much passion in is annoying. The pay is somewhat ok. But, considering that my boyfriend is going to have good paying career then I feel like I need a career that makes money too. I mean I went to university for 4 years. My other option was to be a teacher, but with how things are then I will rather not.
Also, thank you! So far, I love on what I am doing. Originally, I wasn't going to make her have a prosthetic because I was too hesitant to draw it (and cause I just have some bad memories associated to character designs with prosthetic). But, after looking at some, I decided to just try it. So, now her design is there. Nayeon's name being Tokki is a nice choice. Though, I would say it would definitely make her sound part of the show since some character names are just their species. By Yamato, you are referring to Japan right? I am not too familiar with Japanese history or names, so I never heard of Yamatai. I did search it up and it could be a strong possibility. But, I wouldn't be sure either.
I assumed it was Joseon. For some reason, I also assumed it could have been the predecessor as well. And definitely, I mean if the King was bad then the archivists would hesitate to put that information down. Especially if they had immunity and the ability to do so. I am sure all historians are thankful on whoever gave them such immunity. I mean, so much history perserved and less likely to be bias (Well, not true because humans are biased creatures. There are rarely unbiased things).
I remember hearing a lot of books were destroyed by Imperial Japanese troops. So, the last two Kings' records being compromised isn't a surprise at the slightest. I mean, if they compromised it and made it seem the country was in a decline then they could justified their actions (though I think they believed themselves to be the best "race" of Asia? So, who knows on that?)
That sounds like it would be an interesting watch. I will have to watch it whenever I don't have 4 assignments due on a Sunday. I hope it does follow the archivist. I wonder if there are other stories of any mischief from them and others.
I can understand the cultural side of things. I think it has to do with restrooms or something. Religiously, I guess I can see where they are coming from. But, I mean if you are still writing down what you are being taught then it really shouldn't matter. Then again, I am not religious so I don't know if it would be right of me to say anything. All I know is that my classes at a Catholic church did not seem to care or there were no left handed people in my classes.
Oh, so your dad is aware of your own boyfriend. My dad is unaware and it will probably stay like that until further notice. My boyfriend told me that once he settles in his career field then he would probably want to talk to my dad.
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I’m sure you could find a few people who would be happy to give you a few pointers about the Jiangxi province on Xiaohongshu! Or at the very least, encouragement. Either way, you might figure out the mystery of you start posting about the character.
It seems like the library of Alexandria held most Greek Literature and quite a lot of Egyptian records, so it could be likely that they might have known. But I think they made exact copies of the original texts, so if the Egyptians didn’t write down where Punt was because it was obvious, then it would not have been recorded in the library.
The library of Alexandra isn’t even the oldest library in the world. I think the Library of Ashurbanipal was the oldest and even held some of the Epic of Gilgamesh. And there were other super old libraries and record places around Africa that were not destroyed, so if none of them mention where Punt was, then the library of Alexandria probably didn’t have it either.
The Apis Bull was a figure in Egyptian mythology. As the son of Hathor, he was constantly reincarnated as a bull. So they weren’t mummifying bulls as much as this one temple in the Memphis region was mummifying this one particular bull they raised and pampered there as a god. And since it was a rare event, they had to write down the mummification process.
I keep forgetting that it was a Korean King that fell off the horse and tried to stop the record keeper from writing it down, resulting in a whole Tom and Jerry shenanigans thing. For some reason, I keep thinking it was a European king every time I hear about it.
Makes me think of your archivist OC, though. Acting very demure and traditional while also making copies and hiding the records from her boss. Although that also makes me think that she could actually be in OFP also recording corruption and stuff, but that’s your eventual decision because it could definitely work as a different type of AU altogether. Seeing that list and then reading about the Korean archivist just gave me a random connection, sorry! Ignore that if you want.
It’s just that old dining room sets from the 19th century had three shakers and the instructions would call them ‘salt,’ ‘pepper,’ and ‘the usual condiments?’ And we have no idea what it could be. I think one could research the area it came from, the main demographic of the area, and the main demographic of the people buying the sets and make some educated guesses, but that might be what historians are doing.
As far as religion goes, if I’m with someone religious I’ll make sure to do things with my right hand instead of my left. I was taught to write with my right anyway. I’m not even sure if I’m left handed, I just think it is stronger and has some better control than the right.
It is not rude! The show was kind of stupid for that. And Tumblr really hyped it up as funny.
Yeah, pretty much. I wasn’t really interested in Men until I met my SO, and even then I wasn’t interested until about a year after we started dating. Our parents were really concerned about us being single.
Oh, I just cosplayed Japan every year. I think I was China once. No one I knew collages as Homestuck trolls, but I feel like I know the story you are talking about.
I did post a sketch I made, but got too shy and took it down haha... I am going to make a digital drawing later down the line. And I am not too sure on what you mean by mystery.
I would have thought the library may have had something. I am not too sure about what kind of information were written down during that time era. Though, if it really was that obvious then I can see why it wasn't written down. I mean, it's not like we have to write down to not commit crimes (other than writing down for formal/legal reasons, but in terms of every day writing). So, I can see that.
I never knew there were older libraries! It is really interesting to know there were older libraries all over Africa! It makes sense if you consider places like Timbuktu, a place renowned for scholars. All of this reminds me of learning such amazing facts in my AP World History class. (Oh, I like to mention that it is not like I didn't think libraries existed in Africa, I am just surprise that they existed since I have never heard of them).
More facts that I never knew. I never knew much about Egyptian Gods/Goddess since I was obsessed with Anubis. I keep forgetting how strange these mythical figures are (in terms of comparing them to modern day, well-known religions and such). Though, all of that does explain the process being written down. Who knew the process would be written down because of a bull? Not like it's a bad thing since it offers a lot of information of the past, which is always amazing.
I always see his story around! So, that is how I remember the King was from Korea. I can't remember if he was from the Goryeo or Joseon. I love this story because the historians were doing their job, but it feels like they were being a bit sassy based on how they wrote the records lol.
For a second, I didn't realize who were talking about until you mentioned OFP. I do love her design and I like her character. I have always enjoyed female characters who appear demure but can a bit different when comfortable. She likes to think of herself as a lady and follows traditional rules (not all of them because she's still quite independent). Though, I hadn't thought much of her role either. I do enjoy the idea that you put out there. So far all I have down is her personality and what type of job she has (I used to want to be an archivist). I definitely want to draw her more. I felt embarrass drawing her at school though lol. Oh, and I am not sure about adding her to OFP because I am nearing the end of that AU (at least the stories, I only need to write 3 more and I have 4 ready to post). Though, she can be an extra? I am not sure. She's a fun character though so I want to make more content on her.
"The usual condiment" sounds one heck of a title. I wonder what caused this "usual condiment" to essentially disappear. Could it have been that it was made with something no longer around? Or due to lack of it. Historians could just look at a region, but even regions have placed with their own unique customs. So, that will be a hard mission to accomplish. I wish them luck on it.
I never heard of doing things with your right hand? I know some places you should use your right hand. But, in relation to religion? And yeah, I also tend to just go along when I am with religious people out of respect. Especially when I used to go the Bible study as a teen (but I will be honest and say I mostly did it to hang out with my friend since this was around the time I was sort of rejecting Catholicism).
Same! Everyone and me always thought I would be single until I met my boyfriend. It took a while for us to date though for some reasons. My mom wasn't worried or anything, but she's happy I found someone. And my dad, yeah I think he's hoping that I would be single forever. Funny enough, my mom told me a story. My dad was making a joke that my brother should marry someone in the neighbor's family. Then my mom, who wanted my dad to be quiet, said: Oh. what about Chio marries (some dude). That shut my dad real fast and he told my mom to not be ridiculous.
Sounds fun! I would have cosplayed Vietnam, but I felt worried since I am not Vietnamese nor Asian. I did have an ao dai that was given to me by my Vietnamese friend. But it was red (and it would have felt rude to wear a tradtional clothing as cosplay y'know). And the sharpie story is somewhat known in the cosplay community, but it is an older story and the fandom isn't seen much anymore.
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Post contains politics and political topics. If this is not something you wish to read, then please feel free to ignore this post. I hope you have a nice day/evening. I will like to add a disclaimer: that there are parts that I may be wrong on and some are just things people have been saying. Also, thanks to those who have been concerned with me based on my previous post.
Note: I added some links and images in the post
Yeah, my country is a fucking joke and now a oligarchy state (no longer a Federal Republic).
I am not sure if any of my non-American followers are aware, but there are now huge ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) raids occurring. Now, my family and I are not worried about ourselves since we are legally in the country. Anyways, there was a law that stated that ICE raids could not occur at schools, churches, hospitals, etc. Now, Trump had reversed that law and causing ICE raids to occur in those places. [Source]
And it is so fucked up. Parents are now no longer sending their children to schools and I think people are now avoiding churches. ICE are waiting outside to ask CHILDREN about their legal status. They are even at school bus stops too. Honestly, I think that is just deplorable to go after children.
Also, apparently for Bakersville, CA, 75% of workers for farms are not showing up. This is going to fuck the economy up. Many farms in the United States rely on those immigrants to do the job. Because Americans will not do it. This was proven when Florida went after immigrants. There were videos of Americans doing hard labor and they could barely handle it. It was honestly embarrassing. And look, I know I can't handle that work either so I don't wanna be too mean. Also Americans were asking for increase in prices and benefits, which owners of farms did not like. That is why they liked undoucmented workers because they cannot ask for more because they had no rights.
Now, onto a different topic: Tariffs. Oh my goodness are Americans/MAGA stupid as fuck. They don't know how tariffs work! Now, as a business student, I had to learn about tariffs. So, I can confidently say: putting 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico is not going to fucking work. You are punishing AMERICAN companies for importing goods from those countries. They don't realize that Americans are the ones paying the prices for tariffs. Here, let me brake it down:
Tariffs are taxes that are placed for goods coming from a specific country. Which means, if you put tariffs on Mexican product, this is how it is going to work:
A product will be produced in Mexico -> An American company will want to buy that product to sell in the States -> Product is imported from MX to USA -> taxes will be imposed onto the company for importing MX goods -> American company pays of the tax and other tax liabilities they have
It is not the best explanation since I am bad at it. Oh yeah, both Canada and Mexico have come out to say that they will retaliate if tariffs are placed. And you may be wondeirng: if American companies have to pay the tax then why are they mad? Because it means American companies will slow down imports from those two countries which will impact their economy as well. This is pathetic. Especially since Mexico is already showing signs that they will not mind doing business with China. The literal thing that the US have been preventing. Who is to say Mexico will not import and export goods from China?
Now, MAGA are talking about going to war with MX or at least have the army go into Mexico to fight the cartels. Like huh??? Why??? I get that the cartels are an issue, but that is for Mexico to deal with. Not us. *And plus, we all know the true intentions. They don't want to stop the cartels. They want to invade the country to put under American rule*. Trump has already spoken about Mexico joining the United States. Does he not think that the cartels and the army will put their differences aside to fight agaisnt the US? Because Mexican people are proud people despite the shit they are in. Also, if they do that, they will destroy their relations with the rest of Latin America because despite the hate between the LATAM nations, Mexico is still family. This will push the region become pro-China (maybe not pro-Russia, but who knows?).
*This is just my opinion and allegations based on other stuff said by MAGA and Trump and based on a YT video I saw so I can definitely be wrong here w/ the US wanting to go to war with MX
The current government does not understand international relations. We legit got a Danish politician saying "Fuck you" to Trump when he talked about taking Greenland. Like that is embarrassing. There are Germans online telling Americans to fear what is happening because all of what is happening now is similar to what acertain Austrian painter did in the 1930s-1940s. The United States is losing. And China must be estatic. They recently won a huge soft power battle with Americans on Xiaohongshu who are willing to listen to them.
OH oh, get this: The rich folks and companies are getting tax cuts. While those who are not are getting tax raise. The middle class and lower class are going to be the one to pay the price for the fuck up that is happening. Below are some charts from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy:
Also, it's funny how Elon Musk did a WW2 salute on national tv!
I say funny because you have people who never once advocated for autism say that "oh but Elon is autistic!" To that I say: so what? I am also autistic but you don't see me doing that! How dare you try to use autism to justify this shit?! MAGA has already proven themselves to be ableist and willing to cut disability benefits. So, how dare they try to use a medical condition that they hate in order to defend a stupid man. I never want to hear MAGA say shit about neurodivergent people!
Final thing: apparently now having children is a "social obligation". I heard that the government is trying to punish those without children by putting higher taxes on those without kids. While they are trying to get rid of/lower child tax credit.... I still am not going to have a child and the government can fight me (and my boyfriend).
To end this, let me lighten the mood with something hilarious:
So, now that "legally" there are only two genders in the US? Turns out, there is only ONE. Why? Well...
To combat transgender, the Trump administration said that gender is based on what gender someone was at the time of conception. And well, are babies are off as female. So, that means all the men in the country are women! Lol. There are people in the comment section saying that is how that works But it is lol. I guess my brother is my sister, and my dad is my mom as well. My dad will not be happy to hear this. I now made a $20 bet with my sister whether or not she will call our dad "mom".
#long post sorry :((#I hope this is the last post I make on politics#I know people don't want to see it
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Kinda sorta chose to leave the country for a bit while we decided to wait for things to settle down a bit ourselves. At least Xiaohongshu is creating a bit of a melting pot and destroying misconceptions.
Well, there is something to be said about old legends and civilizations and them omitting pertinent information due to it being super obvious at the time.
Punt, for example. The Egyptians loved working with the nation of Punt. But who are they? It wasn’t written down because everyone knew where Punt was. It could be Ethiopia, but that’s inconclusive. We know Egypt imported non native baboons, historians think from Punt, and the information we have suggests Ethiopia since they have similar baboons, but still, inconclusive.
The full process of Mummification was also considered obvious and not written down if not only passed down from master to student. I think we mostly know a lot about the mummification process due to the Apis Bull mummification. That was written down because the bull in question was allowed to live out its life before being mummified, and since they lived about 25 years the process was written down. Now, if the exact same mummification process was done on humans as it was on the bulls, historians and Egyptologists aren’t really sure, but rid whah we have to go on.
Or historians not bothering with mundane things, so we know about the exciting and gossipy things happening in ancient China, but not really how the farmers lived.
Or the mystery of the third shaker in old dining room sets. Salt, pepper, and a third shaker whose contents were not named other than ‘the usual condiments,’ so nowadays we have no idea what it was.
So maybe the Otherworld being in Carterhaugh, as well as why Janet was allowed to have the place, was super obvious back when the legend was created, but has been lost to time.
At least we figured out Roman concrete.
Speaking of old languages and mysteries, have you heard about the Escúllar (Almería), Spain stele that was found with a possibly unknown script? The language and date of the stele have not yet been identified, but the alphabet shows similarities to the Libyo-Berber and Tifinagh scripts. Although some people say it looks similar to Greek.
Yeah, I try to be careful around religion and policies as well, but I’m pretty relaxed about it at this point honestly. I’m not really getting upset over religion anymore.
Paranormal Home inspectors is like, a couple that collects dolls claims ghosts must be moving the dolls around. The medium says there are ghosts, the psychic says ghosts of children are moving the dolls around to communicate, and the home inspector points out that they have multiple kids under the age of ten and two golden retrievers and don’t lock the rooms where the dolls are kept, so of course they are getting moved around.
Or you know, raccoons in the attic, bad DIY jobs, that kind of stuff that the other two scream is ghosts, and sometimes the narrator would agree with them and abruptly end by saying the house was haunted.
I have no idea. Were they in an area with no sunlight? Either way, I commend Stephanie M for trying to write for a modern audience outside of her super strict religious upbringing and life that made her think romance was like that. At least she tried, then took her money and left, so I can respect her for that.
I keep seeing live action pictures when I look up the dinosaur king anime. Is it interspliced with live action? The girl’s hair style kind of reminds me of Sari from the Transformers Animated cartoon.
Otherwise, I used to go to anime conventions dressed as Japan from Hetalia. It was pretty popular at the time along with the Onceler and homestuck costumes.
I wish I could leave already, but I am a broke college student. Once I finish a volunteer of doing something, I am going to look for work. Then leave. Also, yeah Xiaohongshu is nice! I like the people there. I wanna start posting there. I am even reviving/redesigning an old character I have just to post them on there (the character is Chinese from the Jiangxi province. And I honestly don't even remember how I even decided any of that for them and a lot of it could be subject to change).
Honestly, I can see that. Information never being written down simply because everyone knew about it. I have never heard of Punt before. So, all of that information is new to me. I wonder if the Library of Alexandria ever had records of Punt? Though, considering there seemed to be a strong connection, it is odd that they don't have old tablets or something that mentions them. I did a quick Google search and it mentioned Somalia. But, then again, like I said, I did a quick Google search so I am not getting the full picture here.
I didn't know the process of mummification was a mystery either. Then again, I never had interest about mummies before. So, I hadn't known much in the first place. But it is interesting that the human mummification process could have possibly been similar to bulls. Though, I am not sure why bulls were mummified.
True. I can not get over the random tidbit of dramatic part of history because it's so funny and interesting. One of my favorites, that pops into my mind immediatey, is the one about a Korean King. The King had fell off his horse and quickly asked if any historians were there. Those historians apparently recorded everything. He tried to get them to not write it down, but failed. So it was just "King fell off his horse. King asked if historians were around. King threatened historians to not write it down. He did not get approval". Now this is all paraphase because I can't exactly remember all the details. I know you mentioned China, but I actually don't know much (which is funny since I took a class about China two years ago when I was a history student).
Wait! You are telling me that it was never just salt and pepper? But, that there was a third one?! Why is this the first time I am hearing about this! That sound cool!
Perhaps. I mean, you did establish that a whole country was lost only because no one bothered to even record their name since they were well known. So, it is possible that the story neglected to add that information since it was already well known to the locals.
I haven't heard of Escúllar (Almería). I also can't seem to find much on it either. Though I did see a reddit post of the stele. It looks cool. I don't know much about other scripts, so I agree it looks Greek. Only because I am aware of how Greek is written.
Same. I am strict on religion either and I don't go around pretending either. The most I do i say I am Catholic. And I honestly don't care what religion someone is, in terms of: someone's religion is not going to affect how I view a person.
So, that Paranormal show is just: yeah, we think the dolls are haunted even though there is a high possibility that our kids and dogs are moving it. I am not sure what to think of that. I don't want to be rude about it, so I will just keep my own thoughts to myself (though i wouldn't actually be rude, but idk how to write it). I do find it humorous on how abrupt the show ends. I don't think I will watch it since I think I would get annoyed lol.
I have to seriously remember that you said that you didn't read the book. Your responses are quite good that it made me forget completely. Though, I do apologize for not remembering. The setting was in Washington state or somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. The film made it seem like there was limited sunlight. And hey, you're right. Even if I don't like the book, there was clearly a large number of people who did. It isn't easy to do that. The author clearly knew what she was doing. I was the kid that was: "I am never getting a boyfriend" and "Eww, romance". So, of course I didn't like the series.
The dinosaurs are more realistic when they are summoned from the cards. However, the rest of the series is 2d. I never saw Transformer animated, but I do have to say that Sari and Zoe's hairstyle are definitely similar to one another.
Hearing the characters you cosplayed makes me feel old. Now during those days, I was in middle school and clearly now I am an adult. You must be aware of that one cosplayer who tried to turn their skin grey by absorbing sharpie right? I feel bad for them cause they got ink poisoning and given a huge bill to pay since they messed the water up. People don't really cosplay any of those characters you mentioned anymore huh. I wanted to cosplay a Hetalia character before. But, I don't look similar to any of them and I don't own a wig to have a different haircolor. There are barely any character with short brown hair... though nyo! Japan was probably a character I could have cosplayed.
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Post contains Politics and Political stuff. If you don't wanna see that then skip this post and have a nice day/evening.
Wish me the best of fucking luck for the next four years.
Trump has already submitted for the United States to leave the World Health Organizations. Like huh??? Like we do have the CDC, but they are not the most reliable folks since they can obviously be influenced by the government unlike WHO (an international organization). He also delcared the cartels terrorists and expressed wanting to send soldiers into Mexico. Which would legit just be invading another independent nation whether or not you like them.
Also, for some reason, Instagram is acting werid. You try to look up the Democrat tag (one of the two major political parties) or anything related to it, it is considered "may contain sensitive content". But the Republican tag works normally. Also, the option to view such content appears to be gone???
On TikTok, which seemed to be bought by META (Facebook, Instagtam), you cannot search up "Donald Trump Rigged Elections" or anything negative about him. According to some folks, there are now a shit ton of new videos that are being hella weird about praising Trump. Idk. I don't go on that app.
Also, it appears the government has taken down the federal website for reproductive rights. Which is weird. They complain about abortions and stuff. But that website was helping people not get pregnant in the first place to not have an abortion. You're telling me that the government didn't care about abortion in the first place and just want women to pop out babies? Because fuck that. I refuse to get pregnant.
So in summary, my government is fucked and are censoring everything they don't like. And it is actually scaring. I hope to graduate soon and just leave the country immediately.
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Haha, I just happened to be waiting for the plane and had some time. I might not be able to respond every day for a while.
There’s a few cultures around the world that have cryptids and local legends of creatures (humanoid or other) that can impregnate young unmarried women that are probably meant as ways to cover up extramarital affairs. Not something that’s easy to look up, though.
I mean, the men would be kidnapped in some legends I think (mostly male children, although there’s what could happen to adult men if they messed with sacred areas), but the fact that nothing happened to the men around Carterhaugh is probably why Janet’s father didn’t think it was connected to the Otherworld. He even thinks Janet has been meeting with one of his soldiers out in the woods and doesn’t believe that Tam Lin is the father of her child. Bit then has he really been out there making girls pregnant, or did people attribute that to his disappearance? Why did that story exist in the area? You would think Janet would be upset that she wasn’t the only girl.
It’s not rude! It’s what the church did. Same with trying to compare local gods and such with the saints and angels as a way to turn residents of different areas to Christianity.
I haven’t watched the series, but I have read plenty of ghost and hauntings books! I have seen Paranormal Home Inspectors though, and I don’t recommend it. The pacing is terrible and sometimes they don’t even tell you what they found that is ‘so terrible.’
Rimworld has action and a story, with multiple storylines interacting, although you only have to choose one if you want. Basically you (and others if you want, or you can start off as a displaced native tribe) crash land on a planet and have to survive and find ways off the planet. Very violent though. There is a peaceful mode if you want.
Haha, I think he might have gone to university a few times? Just as far as he could go before the lack of aging would be questioned and he had to start over in high school. Edward probably is smart, but methods and ideas and answers change over the years, so every few decades he might be back at square one, like with all this ‘new math’ stuff going around.
I’ll have to look it up later!
Oh no, it's ok! I don't expect you to respond quickly. Always respond when you are free to do so. There are other things that are better to be doing then responding to me. Not sure what you are up to, but have fun and be safe!
Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. Then again, I can see it happening. And yeah, it would be hard to search that up since there are a huge gap of time from the origins of such myths and what we know about it. I wouldn't blame them though.
True, there are stories where are affected. Though, I think those are less common? As I said, I don't read much mythologies so it's possible I missed a few. From what I remember, it is super easy to stumble into the Otherworld. So, if things are not happening then yeah perhaps the father assumed the place was safe. So many questions and little information on it. As much as we spoke about the mythological world, none of it answers the location answer. And for the last sentence, I am sure someone from that time period will say: "You can't get upset when you got pregnant outside of marriage". Cause it would be less of an issue of Tam Lin getting more than 1 girl pregnant then getting pregnant outside of marriage during those times. Of course, I don't agree with that. I am not sure how people during that time would actually think, so this is base on what I remember hearing. I can be wrong though.
I know, I just get worried about offending people. Religion is a touchy subject and some people get annoyed easily. So, I was being careful.
Aww what? So, what was the point of that series? It legit sounds like they never actually found anything. That's boring. The series I spoke on is humorous. I enjoyed it a lot. So, if you ever check it out then I hope you will enjoy the series as much as I did.
The game seems interesting. Though, not sure if it's my thing. I might check out a few gameplays to see what the game is about. No guarantee that I will play it. I think you may have notice how easily I lose interest. (That along with a few other things is starting to worry my family, but I'm fine)
Ooh! You're right! Math is always evolving, so he would definitely need to go back to learn the basics again. So, he is being a bit smart then. I am not sure if I remember, but why can't he just leave the area? Oh wait, I think it's cause the area they are in doesn't lt in too much sunlight and is secluded. Hmm, I guess ignore my question on that. At the end of the day, it does not change the fact that I dislike the series. I will never forgive how boring it was for 12-year-old me when I could have been reading Harry Potter instead.
You should! The series was cute and fun. Though, I never finished it lmao. I think cause by that time I lost interest in dinosaurs and was getting interested in Pokemon instead. Then later on Hetalia. So, I never looked back and left it in my childhood.
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Lmao. My country actually did ban TikTok. I can’t use the app and it’s gone from the Apple Store.
Good thing I have Xiaohongshu lmao
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To be fair, it is suggested in some versions that Janet was lonely, and was interested in seeing if there really was a cute guy in the woods who would appear if she walked in and made to leave without leaving a gift. The pregnancy was a surprise to everyone, so I wonder if the rumors of the otherworld being there weren’t assumed to be an old timey excuse for ‘mysterious’ pregnancies that happened when young ladies went out unsupervised into a more remote area, so it was disregarded. Especially if they always returned, after all, and nothing happened to the men that went there other than Tam Lin.
Hell itself is directly referenced as the otherworld giving a tithe to them that night, so you may be right in the idea that the church was connecting them.
The leading theory is that the three men were washed away, and the fourth who was still in the lighthouse panicked and ran out to try and save them without even putting on his gear. Apparently there was some rule was that one man should always stay in the lighthouse to report if the others got washed away, which suggests that it is a fear with lighthouses.
If I had stocked up on food and water, had WiFi, and didn’t have to leave the lighthouse, it could be nice.
It seems like we get to feed the birds, so there could be a risk of one gets over excited.
I’m not good with video games in general. I just like setting up nice little farms like in Rimworld and Stardew Valley.
I don’t find either of them attractive for some reason. It takes me years to be interested in someone or even start finding them attractive. And isn’t Edward ‘smart’ because he’s hundreds of years old and just keep retaking classes as a cover? That’s practically cheating, lol.
I think mine heard of Dinosaur King but I’ve never seen it! I’ll have to check it out!
That was the quickest reply ever.
It could be. I mean even today when women get pregnant for having a night out, they are looked down upon. Imagine what the past would have been like. And you are on a good path, since I also don't know of any tales where men were kidnapped into the Otherworld by faes or other beings. I mean, even the stories about Tír na nÓg have the men willingly go there. I know Tír na nÓg and the Otherworld are not the same. But both are worlds the supernatural existed in.
The Otherworld was definitely made out to be Hell in Christainity. I mean, remember the Church were trying to get rid of the local religions and beliefs to spread theirs instead. The Church was against anything that wasn't their religion. It's why Pagan religions/celebrations are still stigmatize to this day. I don't mean to be rude about it though.
No matter what, I will always refuse to live or work at a lighthouse! I cannot even swim, so it would be the least ideal place for me. Actually, have you ever seen the Buzzfeed ghost hunting series? There was an episode where they went to a haunted lighthouse. Absolutely scared the shit out of me. I am adding that to my list of: never live in a lighthouse.
Ooh more fun. Not for me though. I am scared of interacting with animals. I prefer to stay away and just watch at a distant. But true, some birds get hella excited for food (just like any other animals and humans). I'm sure there will be people who will be able to help out as soon as something happens. So, I won't worry too much if you are ok with handling animals.
I don't play video games either. I remember playing Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Marvel vs Street fighters with my boyfriend. Chunlee will always be my favorite. I also liked Psylocke too (for the Marvel vs Street Fighter). I have heard of Stardew Valley but not RimWorld. I am not sure what games I like. Since I find most of them to be boring. I guess action games are for me. But I also like a story to be told. I am just not a patient person for games I guess.
Look, I was 10 years old and never saw the films 😅. Cut me some slack here 😭😂. I only knew he was smart because my friend told me lmao. And honestly, you are right. He be cheating the entire time. I wonder why he never bothered going to university. It actually would have been easier to hide since university people tend to not know other people too well and he could have scheduled the classes to be at night. Dang, he ain't smart at all. Good thing 10 year old me forgot about him as soon as the Twilight phase (for my classmates) ended.
Oh you should! I remember liking it as a kid. Haven't seen it since the stopped airing the show back a long time ago.
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Yeah, that is probably what I would do, especially since you seem to have a separate blog for Squirrel and Hedgehog.
I just use computer paper for the most part as well.
No, I did not now all of that, it is pretty interesting! Supposedly Tam Lin disappeared while out hunting with his grandfather, so I could see the family wanting to sell the place. Then again, in some versions, Janet may actually be a princess, so her father could have just given her a pretty area regardless of who owned the land.
Then again, there was quickly a rumor about needing to give something to Tam Lin to be allowed to pass through the forests, so something must have been happening over the years.
Also interesting is that it is associated with Halloween specifically, which makes me wonder if all the similar tales were being Christianized into one, and Carterhaugh was just the place that was chosen. Kind of like what happened with the Poetic Edda being a heavily Christianized version of whatever pieces of North Mythology could be twisted and disguised enough to sneak past the church authorities. Same with King Arthur, I have heard. He may have been an ancient god of the area but he was Christianized into a human king.
Yeah, Red and Blue are fun with the OSP.
I think on a lighthouse, you have to worry less about being murdered, and more about other mysterious disappearances, like the Flannan Isles Lighthouse incident. Personally, I think they were washed out to sea. There is no reason for them to leave, and it would be too early for them to have been captured for war reasons.
I think it is mostly a tropical bird exhibit, like parrots and lorikeets. Some of then have strong beaks, so I am a little nervous around them as well.
The games were apparently complicated. Plus, you could apparently see one villain doing something obvious, and follow them and arrest them, only to lose the scenario because even though Carmen was doing something shady, she didn't steal what you were tracking down.
I kind of just liked whoever seemed to have it together. I never actually read Twilight. My parents read it since it was popular, and then forbid me from touching it and gave me lectures on proper relationships and behavior in relationships for days. They really did not approve of how the men treated Bella. My school did have team Edward vs Team Jacob spirit stuff though.
Glyptodons are related to armadillos and share a common ancestor, but armadillos are not direct descendants. Apparently the shell structures are different enough for there to be a distinction.
Where is that Spinosaurus from? That looks fun!
Computer paper is cheap. And they are reliable for pencils.
The way I wrote it made it seem like I only learned it recently, but it was something I learned a long time ago. Anyway, I am not too well verse with the story of Tam Lin. And you'd be right that Janet's family, if royalty, could just say that their land was theirs. Though, I wonder how her family gave her the land if the land was owned by the Queen of Faeries. You see, in Celtic mythology, you can always stumble into the Otherworld whether you liked it or not. So, it makes me question why they would give her that land specifically. In ancient times, Scottish folks would stay away from faes in fear of angering them. After all there are two courts: the Seelie and Unseelie court. One court was for benevolent faeires and the other is the opposite. Did they fear that Janet could have been accidentally taken away like Tam Liin? I guess they just didn't know? And again, a part of that was mostly meant towards anyone who isn't well verse with Celtic Mythology.
It is possible! It is during these times that Christanity become the religion of Great Britain. Heck, the Otherworld has been misrepresented as Hell. Samhain is such an interesting holiday. I studied it when I considered becoming a Wiccan in the past. Anyway, the possibility of this being the answer is high. After all, folktales/mythologies were scrunitized under the Church's authority.
Ah yes, my other fear. Of suddenly disappearing without a trace. I saw about that incident. Didn't the waves reached really high? If so, they really could have been washed out to see to never be seen again. Let's add that to my list of: Never live at a damn lighthouse.
Tropical birds :0 Sounds cool! I wouldn't worry too much. If the birds were the type to bite or peck at someone, I doubt they would be there or be an a uncaged area. Though, I never been to an aviary so I am not sure about any of it.
Ah, so it's one of those games. It tricks you into thinking you were on the right track only for it to be a completely different case. The only mystery game I have played was Criminal Case and that game was direct. So, I would definitely fail to complete any games from that series. It sounds fun though.
Like I said, I only chose Edward because I thought Jacob looked ugly in the movie. And I feel bad for it now. Since I didn't see the movie, I also based it around what my friends said. Apparently Edward was smart (look I read that book, but I have suppressed the memories so far back of my brain that I only remember learning what the word lust meant at 12 years old). And since I have a thing for smart people, I just chose him. You know... having a thing for smart people kinda explains why all my crushes were the smart kid in class.
Oh! Ok! The world isn't as dark as it seems. Thank you evolutions for making them related (ok I am being dramatic here).
It's from an anime called Dinosaur King. Though if I remember correctly, the anime revolves are dinosaurs battling each other. And we really don't see the small version of the Spinosaurus (named Spiny) a lot since he belonged to the enemies.
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I am hungry. I want to order food, but it's like $20 dollars to do so. Plus it's late.
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Welp, I have never expected to get in lectured while using character AI and "speaking" to a character. Got told that my tendency to self-isolate and not leave my house is indeed not normal and bad for my health. They even told me that I need to socialize more. Which going to school is more than enough for my anxiety-filled heart...
You know what, it is kinda sad I find joy speaking to an AI rather than a person. Or the fact I even use it because I am too anxious to talk to others.
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Maybe start out with the drama piece in here and then move it into a side blog if you decide to make it a larger series?
I find the pencil issue changes with type/brand/quality of the pencil and type/brand/quality of the medium you are writing on. So you might have to try a few.
Yeah, I think the manuscript will have to go the way of Linear B of the Minoans. We will study it, but we wont' really come close to figuring it out.
The thing about Carterhaug that stands out, is that the basic premise of saving a man from a strange being by holding onto him while he shape-shifts for a bit appears in other stories before Tam Lin, so it is a type of standard trope. Which makes this one story taking place at a definite location all the more mysterious. So, Tam Lin is a local myth, but has tropes from non local myths. I can understand why the guy was there in the first place if he owned the property and then was captured because he fell off his horse, but you would think there would be stories of him going missing before the area was bought again and given to the girl.
Oh yeah, no, the painting was in the Smithsonian and I don't think I will be finding any of his art where I am going. I feel like it was around the Renaissance period. Have you ever checked out Overly Sarcastic Productions on Youtube? They have a lot of history and mythology videos that are fun to watch. Although they do go pretty fast.
I have a collection of lighthouse photos because I just think they are really pretty! The more remote the better.
For instance, the Thridrangaviti Lighthouse is small, but looks like a really cozy place to live if one liked small places. Stannard Rock Light could be fun if you liked isolation from people, but I would at least like to see land (and also maybe grow some food, so nice farming) and have an internet connection. I guess certain types of people would have to live there.
I would not mind being a lighthouse keeper or live at a firewatch station for shot periods of time. At least you have nice views. But I could like some company sometimes and that would be hard.
If we have time we might check it out, but we also might go to the aviary nearby instead. Which sounds nice, but it is expensive, and I can go to a local zoo nearby for much less. But, these are different birds so it might still be fun.
Yeah, those Carmen Sandiego games had quite a few manuals that had to go with them. I think they were complicated on purpose since the games were a puzzle to begin with?
Personally, I thought Manny was more attractive for some reason. Maybe because he knew what he was doing.
I confused myself since I suddenly started seeing it as Glyptodont when I previously wrote Glyptodons, but apparently 'Glyptodon is a genus of extinct mammals, while Glyptodont is the subfamily to which Glyptodon belongs' as per google. A shame they didn't evolve into armadillos, though.
Spinosaurus going from big scary monster to the big goofball who sleeps and waits, just chilling, haha. I want to give one sunglasses.
Maybe when I get back we can go around the subreddits.
For one minute, I was confused on the first part. But then I suddenly remembered what I posted. I wrote that just before class started. Got too busy thinking about gross margins. Anyways, I might do that. Start off things here and just properly tag/link it so it could be easily found.
I just use computer paper and a mechanical pencil. Very cheap stuff. i want to learn to draw without needing a guideline, but I gotta learn to draw more confidently to do that.
Yeah, that was I was thinking. We are so disconnected to the past that may have influenced the manuscript. But you never know, sometimes some things work out in the oddest of ways.
Ok, I am starting to understand more on why this specific myth is interesting. I think I mentioned before that I don't really read on myths, so I hadn't known this was a common trope (non-local). So, now it is even more strange was this place was specified. Because if it had been just a local myth with this being a more original tale then it wouldn't be that odd. There should be stories of him missing, unless if its similar to Tír na nÓg, where time is different between the Otherworld and ours. It could explain why the story of the man going missing wasn't mentioned since too many years passed. It's a simple theory, but I am sure this is debunkable. After all, it seems Tam Lin is a Scottish tale and Tír na nÓg is an Irish one. Both places did heavily influence each other, but the story of Tam Lin takes place far away from the west coast and closer to England. I searched it up and it seems the people of this area were closer to Brythonic people (most likely the Pictish people) than the Gaels. Of course, Pictland ceased to exist when they merged with Dál Riata to form the Kingdom of Alba (Scotland). And here I go with random information that you may already know (though this is information that someone reading this might not know, so I am leaving it here). Either ways, I do know the Otherworld is normally depicted their time working differently from ours.
I haven't heard of their channel. I searched them up and tried to see if I had possibly seen a video of theirs. But, nope. I will have to check them out eventually. Edit: Never mind, I have seen one of their videos summarizing the history of Wales. I think perhaps I saw the one about Ireland too.
Oh! That must be nice to have. Usually when taking pictures, I just take images of whatever looks nice like buildings or scenery. I don't take pictures of specific stuff.
I am someone who probably wouldn't live in a lighthouse. While I do love being alone and away from others, I would be to paranoid of someone murdering me and no one ever knowing because I was in a remote area. Even for a short amount of time. I am way to anxious to exist somewhere like that since I only think of the dangers.
Aviary sounds fun too! There are tons of beautiful birds out there. It depends which birds they have. I have always been a fan of colorful birds. Or birds that are red, blue, or black. Though, I can see your point of the local zoo being cheaper. For me, I have been to neither. I feel like most zoos have the same animals anyways. But that's my opinion. It's up to you to decide where to go. I am not a fan of animals, so I probably wouldn't really go in the first place.
Complicated games are not my thing. I probably would have quit then as a kid. Cause child me had no patients. Probably for the best that I didn't play the game as a kid (would have def quit as soon as I couldn't pass a level).
Child me did not like Manny because I didn't like elephants. I also just like Diego's voice more. Look, I had basic taste as a child. I just went with what everyone said. Except in the 5th grade (my whole class was into Twilight and there was this Jacob vs. Edwards discussion. I never saw the movie, but for some reason I thought Jacob was ugly. So, I went with Edward. I later ended up hating the film and I hated reading the damn book. All because the other girls in my reading group wanted to read it. I persoally wanted to read Harry Potters)
"Glypto- don't jump off the cliff!" Ha, I'm funny (no I am not and it's 1 am when I wrote this. This is a reference to the Ice Age movie). No, but are you serious? They didn't become armadillos?? They look so much like an armadillo. Though, the only armadillo I ever seen was a dead one. Didn't know they lived in my state. Anyway, I feel like this has to be unfair. Oh well.
Yes! I could see people just loving them. That sentence reminded me of this guy:
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Should I make a side blog for a short story I am working on?
Here's the title and summary. Both are subject to change based on how the outline turns out. I only have chapter 1 done and am working on chapter 2. I am aiming for 10 chapters in total since the story is told through series of shorter stories and are loosely connected to one another.
Title: Shattering the Mirror (I am thinking of changing this).
Summary: Hyejin Soo is an assistant to an upcoming actress. Though, she hates her job and dislikes the actress. Hyejin has always believed beautiful people had life handed to them. That their lives were always easy since their beauty excused them of every wrongdoing. However, unbeknownst to her, the one person she dislikes for her beauty has secrets and a story that will change the perception of this young woman as she sees it all unfold.
Genre: Short story, Drama
I will talk about the characters in another post. Anyways, the main focus of the story is that Hyejin's perception will change while the actress will learn to confront her past (which is the part that Hyejin will see that she was narrow minded).
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I wonder how people draw with pencil without it smudging.
I wanna draw Hyejin Soo and the Actress (already have ideas of designs for them).
Sometimes I wonder if I should just reveal the name of the actress. Y’all know her surname. The reason her name hasn’t been revealed for a reason.
The reason is because Hyejin doesn’t bother to use her given name because she doesn’t respect her. Also because Hyejin doesn’t know who the actress is. She can’t tell the difference who she really is and her impersonations. And sees her relationships with her as only a employer-employee one.
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