tokkiyuna-rabbit · 16 hours
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A quick redraw of the new art! I think it’s so cool! NI looks so awkward though haha
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 5 days
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Hyeonsik in a Mariachi outfit.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 8 days
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Your favorite cat is back
It’s a really messy sketch since the sketch was meant as a redesign of Haoyu.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 11 days
Thread of Hope
Summary: The war had taken everything from Henri: his family and his home. Now as an orphan, Henri tries his best to survive, but hope is only a small string and his will to live is an even smaller thread. In the first winter of being an orphan, Henri is pushed into an underground resistance. Will he be able to succeed as a member of the Resistance or face death itself?
Unedited, Unrevised Chapter 1
I am not tagging the fandom that this fanfiction was supposed to go. I do not want it to be found lol
I have posted this before on a different account before deleting it. I am the same person
I do not have plans to continue this story, but maybe I will talk about what I had planned out?
Though, I do have a second chapter almost done from what I can tell based on looking back at the document.
Chapter is too long, so I put it under cut.
January 1941
Henri coughed as the cold air-dried his throat as he made his way down a street. The winter wind makes him shiver, and it does help that his clothes are worn out. Henri had never liked winter since he hated the cold, but he also hated winter as it symbolizes death. Thinking of the symbolism makes him want to cry, but he was not allowed to cry, especially during these times. War. A word that he despises. Henri kicked a rock into an alley. If it wasn't for the war, he would be at home with his parents. A warm home and even warmer parents.
He walked into the empty alley and fell to the ground. He cannot help to shed tears as he thinks about what life could have been. Scratch that, what life should have been. He shouldn't be an orphan digging food out of the trash can. An orphan that slept in boxes. An orphan that had no hopes. Henri let out a small whimper as he pulled his knees to his chest. He tried to warm himself up but to no avail. The wintry winds blew, and the sun was too weak to share its warmth. Henri squeezes his knees as he becomes more desperate to warm himself up. Eventually, he angrily stands up and marches out of the alley. There was no point in sitting still if he was going to freeze. He quickly calms down as acting differently from others around him could make the German soldiers suspicious of him. He quickly realizes it was a good thing as he starts to hear shouting. He stops on track and hides behind some men.
"What is happening?" Henri whispers.
"Don't be speaking French. You know that's illegal. To answer your question, apparently the man in that house is a resistance member," the man whispered.
"I thought he was a criminal. Not a resistance member," another man whispered.
"A resistance member is a criminal!" the man hisses.
"What will happen to him?" Henri asked.
"You want to know what happens to that scum?" A rough voice spoke. Henri and the other men jumped as they call turned around. They quickly recognized that the new man was a German soldier. "Those scums are executed. There is no need for pathetic man to be around. Oh, and do not speak in that language. You look like an orphan, so I'll let it slide today." Henri nodded, but he was not entirely sure what the soldier said as he spoke too fast.
"I'm sorry," Henri whispered to the men, who had all turned around and ignored his apology. Henri watched as the man was forced into the back of the car and taken away. People began to walk away, but Henri stood there in disbelief. He hoped the man could escape death. He watched as people started to slowly hide in the nearby stores or in their homes. Henri sighed as he turned around and walked away. These scenes were no longer a surprise, but they didn't stop him from being frightened. He couldn't imagine one day being home and sent to death the next. Henri began feeling sick and hurried down an alleyway, where he vomited. His throat began to burn even more, and his legs shook like a newborn lamb. Eventually, his legs gave way, and he collapsed onto the floor. Henri breathed heavily, hoping it would slow down his heartbeat and bring some coolness to his burning throat. Henri leaned against the wall. He grabbed something from his pocket. The small item was covered in a small cloth. He uncovered it to reveal it was a small doll. The doll was a handmade wooden wall. It had no limbs but looked beautiful. He held the doll close to his chest as he sang a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him. As he sang the last note, he heard footsteps. He quickly covered the doll and put it in his pocket; while the doll was important to him, it was embarrassing that he had had one since he was a boy. Henri looked up to notice a soldier was walking down the alleyway. Henri sat still, wishing he could turn invisible. Of course, the soldier noticed him and stood in front of him. Henri breathed in and stood up, looking at the soldier. The soldier took a quick look over him.
"What are you doing here?" The soldier said. Did the soldier ask why he was here?
"I felt sick, so I threw up in the trash can," Henri responded in Luxembourgish. The soldier looked perplexed.
"Answer me in German," the soldier demanded. Henri looked down. He was hoping his Luxembourgish could help him since the language was quite similar to German.
"I can't speak German," Henri responded. He could hear the soldier becoming irritated. Henri felt terrified, but luckily, he heard more footsteps.
"Stein, we are in the French-speaking areas. He's probably speaking Luxembourgish," another voice called out to the soldier. Henri looked up to see a young soldier.
"I don't care! He should be speaking German," Stein yelled. He looked at Henri with absolute disgust. "I don't know why you are not speaking German, but you better learn it if you know what's good for you." Stein pushed Henri and marched down the alleyway.
Henri pushed himself from the wall and placed his hand on his shoulder. He's ashamed to admit that he was quite frail and weak. He suddenly felt another hand on him, which he knew was from the young soldier. Henri jumped as he backed away from the young soldier. The young soldier apologized.
"You should really learn German. I think there is a school nearby that can teach you," the young soldier said in French. Henri could feel his mouth hanging.
"I can't go there. I don't have money to afford the classes. I learn German through hearing the people speak around me," Henri whispered. The young soldier looked at him with pity but soon looked stern. Heavy footsteps returned. Henri knew it was probably another soldier.
"You! How old are you?!" Henri turned around to see it was Stein again, but with another soldier.
"How old are you?" Henri heard the young soldier hiss. Henri then realized what was happening. They wanted to draft him into the war!
"Véierzéng (14)!" Henri responded. He didn't remember the age when he could be drafted, so he held his breath in.
"You're 14? He's too young then. Even if he was the age, just look at him. He's too frail and week. He'll be dead within a day," the other soldier said. Stein nodded. They both turned around and walked away. "Beilschmidt, you better come." The young soldier nodded as he walked with them.
Henri breathed a sigh of relief. He was just terrifying enough to see a German soldier, but to talk to one? That was death looking at you. Henri spent no time standing around as he quickly made his way out of the alleyway. He did not need to speak to another soldier today.
The sun began to settle down, and Henri was now freezing. In the daytime, at least a small amount of the sun gives him warmth, but the nights are when the cold really begins. His breath was shaky, and his body was shivering. He would walk faster, but his legs would not move faster. It ignored his pleas to go faster. Soon, Henri walked under a bridge where he gathered wood. Over the year of being an orphan, he had luckily learned how to build a fire. He used all his strength, drilling the stick into the others. Sparks flew, and flames emerged. The immediate heat brought comfort to Henri. He leaned as close as he could to the flames. He smiled as the cold soon disappeared, and he could relax. Henri built a fire near the edge of the bridge so he could look at the stars. The stars were his favorite thing about the night. It would remind him of all the times his father took him and his mother to go watch the stars. His face began to freeze, so he turned to the fire but was startled. Henri turned his head completely to the other side and noticed a man sitting beside him. It wasn't uncommon for homeless people to sit with him for the warmth the flames provided, but that didn't stop Henri from being nervous around them. He turned to look at the flames once again but kept his hand on a pocketknife that he had taken from his home. It belonged to his father, and Henri did not want the blood to smear it, but if he had to defend himself, then he will.
"I don't know what you are grabbing, but I am not going to hurt you," the man whispered. Henri loosened his grip on the knife. He turned to look at the man, who was staring at his hand. "Let go of whatever you're holding."
"Why? So, you can rob me? That is not happening," Henri hissed. "Being robbed twice is enough for a lifetime." The man rolled his eyes and looked back at the flames. Henri took the pocketknife, setting it on his side of him. He placed his hands on his knees. Henri could see the man instantly became calmer and relaxed. He turned to Henri.
"You know what? You look familiar," the man said and leaned in. Henri quickly grabbed the pocketknife. The man immediately moved away from him. "I swear I have seen you before. Move your hair."
"If I look familiar, wouldn't you know my name without me moving my hair out of the way?" Henri asked. The man sighed and leaned in again. He quickly grabbed his arm, the one that held the knife. Henri tried to fight the man, but the man was stronger and managed to move his hair.
"Henri? Henri Friedan?! What in the world are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?!" The man shouted. He moved away. Henri moved the pocketknife in front of him. The man knew Henri, but he didn't feel safe with him after what he did.
"Yes? I don't know? I can't exactly make fire out in the open," Henri replied. The man shook his head.
"Where's Lucien, your father?" The man asked. Henri then realized that the man knew his parents. He could feel his eyes watering up now that he had to face reality once again.
"He was sent to the military, but died soon after joining," Henri whispered. He looked at the flames as tears began to fall from his face. He had always been the type to cry, but he hated it. After all, boys don't cry. It's the weakest thing a boy can do. Henri wiped his eyes as he waited for the man to speak again, but there was nothing for a while.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Henri. What about your mother? She still has to be around," the man spoke. It seemed like the man still believed that one of his parents was alive. Henri whimpered as he shook his head. Why could he stop crying?!
"She's gone. I'm out here waiting for the war to be over. Maybe I can find a job once that happens," Henri responded. This time, Henri looked at the man. The man was looking at him. As Henri looked at the man, he noticed that he was wearing a pin. The colors of the pin were ones he was not expecting. It was the colors of the Grand Duchess. "Wouldn't you get in trouble with that pin?"
"No. I don't think I will, and even if I do, then it would be worth it. My loyalty lies with the Grand Duchess, not that toothbrush mustache man," the man laughed. Henri snickered as he heard what the man referred to the German leader as. Now that he thought of it, that man's mustache does look like a toothbrush. Henri then began to laugh out loud. It was the stupidest reference he had ever heard.
"Be quiet!" The man hissed as he covered Henri's mouth. Henri took the pocketknife and placed it on the man's arm. "Ssh! Soldiers!". Henri instantly put the pocketknife away. He turned to the flames and shoved snow onto them to extinguish the fire. Henri and the man sat in silence.
"You two! Out under the bridge now!" Henri and the man looked at each other. The man quickly took the pin off and placed it in his pocket. The man grabbed Henri's hand and walked out from under the bridge. There, Henri saw Stein and three other soldiers. His heart jumped when he noticed the young soldier! Was his name Beilschmidt? "What do you think you are doing here at these hours?"
"I was checking up on this young boy. I thought he was lost," the man responded. Stein looked at him and growled.
"Not you again! Go home or else I'll put you in the army early!" He yelled at Henri. Henri stood still. He was scared. He didn't want to run in case they thought he was trying to escape. He didn't want to be shot. Stein seemed to get angrier as the seconds passed. Luckily, it appeared that the soldier beside was a rank higher than Stein.
"Stein, let the boy go. He's of no threat. That man doesn't look threatening either. Let them go," the high-ranked officer tiredly spoke. The man took no time to run off, leaving Henri alone. Henri sighed but then noticed a glint in the snow. Henri looked at the soldiers, who were walking away. Seeing they were gone, Henri picked up the small item on the floor. It was the pin the man wore! The pin with the colors of the Grand Duchess! Henri placed the pin into his pocket and ran. He had to find a new sleeping spot. Luckily, he could find a box with no snow on it, which meant it was barely thrown out. Henri moved the snow off the ground and found a smaller box to lay down on. It seemed like the night ended in his favor.
He was wrong. Henri was dead wrong. When he awoke, he noticed that something was wrong. He sat up and saw that he was covered in snow. Great, someone had stolen the box he was using for cover, but that wasn't the worst of it. He looked down to see his shoes were missing as well! Henri growled as he held his feet. What kind of scumbag steals from a child?! Henri sat still for a while as he tried to warm his feet up. Once again, his eyes began to water. Out of all the times, why was he crying now?! Henri cursed under his breath and noticed a man and a woman staring at him. The man looked angry and held a hammer in his hand. Henri realized that the man didn't want him here. Before the man could get near, Henri ran down the alleyway.
Despite his feet being practically frozen, he was able to run away. He guesses that's what adrenaline does to someone. He slows down and slips onto the ground. He lifted his feet on a brick. He breathed in and out, hoping to catch his breath. Henri wondered where he could find some shoes. He didn't want to steal shoes, but he didn't have the money to afford shoes anyway. Luckily, Henri, over the months, learned how to sneak around. After all, how was he supposed to feed himself? Once he caught his breath, Henri stood up and walked around. He finally found a shoe shop. He walked to the back and noticed some shoes were thrown away! He quickly hid in a hole in the wall. He would have to skip eating today as he needed to wait for the dark to cover him. Henri began to hum a lullaby once again. In times of stress or sorrow, he could always turn to the lullaby for comfort.
Henri opened his eyes to see that the sun had set. He smiled as he looked out of the hole. Henri slowly walked out of the hole and tiptoed to the garbage can. He peeked and saw several shoes. Henri sighed. Most of the shoes were so worn that it was worthless, but there was one shoe that was barely worn out! He grabbed the shoes and put them on. He then walked down the alleyway. It felt nice to have shoes on again! The best thing is that he was asleep for the whole day, which meant he could stay up for a while to make sure he found a better spot to sleep. He did not need his shoes to be stolen again. Henri found a small makeshift home. He walked around the home and looked in the window. The makeshift home appeared abandoned! Henri quickly entered the house and blocked the entrance. Henri yawned as he sat down on the makeshift bed; before he knew it, he was asleep.
The light of dawn hit Henri's eyes as he woke up. He groaned as he knew he would have to leave the safety of the makeshift home, but he knew he couldn't stay here. There was a reason why it was abandoned. Henri swung his leg off the bed and put on his shoes. Henri held his stomach as it cried a sorrowful cry. He was starving. It was time to find food. Henri quietly and hurriedly walked out of the makeshift home in search of food.
The town's streets were empty, and a slight, white fog blanketed the town. It was an eerie look, but Henri didn't have the time to be frightened. This was the perfect opportunity to find food. He quickly turned to the corner onto a street where he knew there was a bakery and a grocery store. He snuck into the grocery store through one of the windows. When Henri became an orphan, he quickly learned which food was best when homeless. He needed canned food. He realized that he liked canned pork and canned corn. Maybe he could grab an apple to go. Henri needed to eat something but didn't want to eat the canned food until it was necessary. Henri found the canned foods and began to put them in a bag. He had to be quiet and fast. He packed at most a minuscule 10 canned meat and 10 canned vegetables. Henri started to hear footsteps, so he quickly grabbed two apples and climbed out the window. He felt bad for stealing, but he thought he had no choice. Who wanted to hire an orphan anyway? Henri used many boxed to walk on to avoid leaving a trail. Once he was far enough, he got off the boxes and ran into an alleyway. Since he had left footsteps at the store, he couldn't risk returning to the makeshift home. He walked down the alleyway looking for a place to settle for a minute.
Finding a place to settle around these areas was difficult. Henri knew that it was because the business didn't want the homeless here, so it was no surprise many of the spots that would have been good were teared up. Eventually, he found a large box and hid under it. Henri took out one of the apples and bit into it. The apple flavor quickly covered his tongue, and it had been the sweetest food he had eaten in a while, so Henri couldn't help but smile. Unfortunately, the apple was soon gone. He wanted to eat the other apple but would save it for the night.
"Those boxes? Nah, it's all trash. You can take them," a woman's voice was heard. Henri realized that he may be under a box about to be taken! He crawled out of the box and sat still. Henri peeked around the trunk to see the young soldier and Stein! This was terrible news. Henri quickly made his getaway, and it seemed that it did not go unnoticed.
"You! Stop right there!" An angry shot rang. Henri's heart jumped, and he began to run. He ran as fast as he could. The best part about being born in a town and living in it is that you know almost all the shortcuts and hiding spots. Henri could crawl into a hole in the ground and push cardboard onto it. "Where did that kid go?!" Henri could hear the shouts of the soldier. He sat still and waited for the footsteps to disappear. Once they did, Henri sprang from the hole and ran into the streets into a new alleyway, but he crashed into someone. Henri looked up, and paper flew around him.
"I'm so sorry!" Henri shouted as he collected as much of the paper as he could. He held them close to his chest. The man growled as he got onto his knees.
"Watch where you are going!" The man shouted and picked up the other half of the paper. The man looked at Henri as if he wanted to yell at him more but then ran.
Henri turned around to see a German soldier! The soldier noticed him and started to run at him. Henri bolted out of the alleyway and into the streets. He ran as fast as he could while forcing the papers into his bags. He ran into another alleyway and climbed over a fence. Henri began to slow down, but then he heard shoes slamming onto snow and concrete. Of course! Henri should have known the soldiers would be able to jump over fences! Henri tried to leave the alleyway but was slammed onto the ground.
"What's in your bag?!" The soldier shouted. Henri managed to remain on his knees and began to kick the soldier.
"Let me go!" He shouted as he managed to kick the soldier's stomach. The soldier groaned and loosened his grip. Henri used that as an opportunity to turn around and push the soldier. Still, the soldier quickly composed himself and grabbed his left arm. Henri flailed his right arm, hitting the soldier in the face. He used his left arm to hit him, and Henri then grabbed an item from the soldiers' pocket. He pointed the thing to the soldier's face. It was his pistol! Henri's heart dropped as he realized that he had stolen the soldier's gun and could have possibly killed the man. The soldier backed up. "G-go away! I don't know what's in my bag, and I don't want to hurt you!"
"Kid, you can hand me the gun, and we can see what the paper you were carrying was," The soldier pleaded. Henri didn't want to comply. Something about the papers didn't seem right, and the soldier reacted even worse. He shook his head.
"No! Go away! Please!" Henri yelled. The soldier nodded as he backed away from him. Once the soldier was out of his view, Henri ran out of the alleyway without bothering to hide the pistol. He was too startled to think straight and ran into another alleyway. He collapsed onto the ground and hid behind a box. He panted. He needed to catch his breath. Who knew Henri would one day get into a fight, no less with a soldier?! Henri didn't know whether to feel proud or stupid for his actions. Henri grabbed one of the flyers and looked at it. Henri was right about the flyers being suspicious! The leaflets were in French and were propaganda flyers! He decided to feel proud and relieved about his encounter with the soldier. After all, being caught with propaganda flyers could lead him to jail. Henri placed the paper back into the bag. He then remembered that he had that pin with the colors of the Grand Duchess. He took the pin out and looked at it. Would he be considered a criminal now? Fighting a soldier and carrying propaganda flyers wouldn't exactly make him a law-abiding citizen, now would it. He placed the pin back into his vest and held the gun to examine it.
"I was sure the kid ran into an alleyway around here!" Henri gasped as he realized the soldiers were near and we were looking for him. Henri ran from the spot he was in and took the gun with him again. He was not going to jail.
Now in an alleyway further away, Henri decided to take out the flyers from his bag. These papers were only bad news. He had to get rid of them. A hand grabbed Henri's shoulder as he was about to throw them away. Henri spun around and saw a man. The man had spiky blond hair, light stubble, and blue eyes. The man's eyes widened, and he backed up. Henri could feel one of his eyebrows rising. He was confused. Why would the man back away from him? That was when Henri saw the pin with the colors of the Grand Duchess. This man was of no danger to him.
"Umm, why are you carrying that?" The man asked nervously. He kept eyeing Henri's hands. Henri lifted the flyers up. Was he talking about this?
"I accidentally knocked into someone, and he dropped these. I tried to be nice and pick it up for him, but then a soldier came. I had to run from him, so yeah. That's why I have these," Henri rambled. He shoved the flyers in front of himself. Henri looked at the man, who looked confused but relieved. The man even began to chuckle.
"I was talking about the gun," the man pointed at the pistol Henri was carrying," though, that does answer my other question!" Henri sheepishly put down the flyers and looked at the pistol. Henri mentally facepalmed. Of course, the man meant the gun! Why would he be worried about flyers anyways?! Henri looked back at the man.
"Oh.," Henri whispered. It was the only thing he could say. Henri took a step back. He wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out of it again. The man seemed to notice Henri's hesitation and walked up to him.
"Look, give me that gun," he demanded as he grabbed Henri's arm. Henri dropped the gun out of sheer fear and surprise at the man's action. The man grabbed the gun and placed it in his pocket. "Come with me." The man began to pull Henri with him. Henri tried to stop the man.
"Where are we going?!" He shouted. He tried to hardest to remain on his feet, but the man was strong. Henri fell to the ground. He began to hyperventilate. Was this man undercover?! Was he pretending to be on the side of the citizens to make it easier to capture resistance members?! What did he want with him?!
"I'm not going to hurt you! Get up now!" The man growled. Henri shook his head. He didn't want to go with the man. He wanted to stay where he was. The man sighed and stopped pulling but did not let go of his arm. Henri sprang onto his feet, but he felt like the man wouldn't hurt him at this moment. "It's best for you to come with me. Soldiers have recently been catching anyone who appears to be a resistance member. With your bag and having a gun, they might've spotted you and are looking for you. I'm going to take you to an area that is safe."
"H-how do I know you're not an undercover soldier?" Henri sputtered out the question. The man began to chuckle. He dragged Henri close to him and leaned in.
 "I would never be with those people. I would rather die than serve for them like a dog," the man hissed. Henri nodded. He was still scared of the man, but now he felt he had no reason to truly fear him.
"Ok, I believe you," Henri whispered. The man smiled and patted his head. He then pulled Henri towards him.
"You're still going to come with me," the man said. This time Henri did not object. He walked with the man to wherever he was going. Though, he wanted to know where they were going.
"Umm, Mister, where exactly are we going?" Henri asked. The man did not answer, and they continued walking down the alleyway.
The man pushed a door opened, and Henri entered. There were a lot of beds in the room. The man pointed to one of the beds.
"You can sleep here for now," the man said. Henri nodded and sat down.
"Is this an orphanage? I rather not be in one. No one wants to adopt a 14-year-old boy," Henri spoke of his concerns. The man shook his head and grabbed Henri's bag.
"No, this isn't an orphanage. Don't worry, you're safe. I'm going to take the bag to see what the flyers were about. I won't take anything of value," the man explained. Henri sat still and watched as the man left with his belongings. Did he just get robbed? Again?! No wonder his mother was always concerned with him with strangers. He was not observant enough of their personality. Henri groaned and laid down. Luckily, he still had his four most prized possessions on him, so everything will be ok. Henri wrapped himself around the blanket and slumbered off.
"Hey, wake up!" Henri groaned as he slowly woke up. Was someone talking to him? "Can you wake up already?!" Henri's eyes slowly opened to see that the room was dark. He yawned and looked to the side. "You take forever to wake up. Get up." It was the man from earlier. Henri pulled himself out of bed.
"Umm, isn't it nighttime? Why are you waking me up now?" Henri asked as the man again pulled him out of the room, but not into the streets.
"There's something I want you to see and meet," he said. The man opened the door, and there stood a group of men. "Henri, meet the Resistance members, and you all, meet the new recruit!"
End of Chapter 1
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 11 days
Updates on Only a Thread Left:
The story will be told nonchronologically, but not in reverse
The story will be told through short stories
The story will start in the middle
Eunkyu's time in the military before joining the MPs is considered post-beginning, pre-middle part of the story
Stories will no longer be in comic format because Lord knows I do not have time, energy, nor confidence to do one
Unknown numbers of short stories in total
Characters will still existed in their own world, but to make them OCs of SaH is still up to debate
If you like to weigh in that then you can do so (you can do so anonymously)
I promise to post their redesigns soon! I already posted Eunkyu, but I'm going to make a better version of it
One last thing. I want to upload the first chapter of a fanfiction that I wrote many years ago to let you guys know why I don't do chronologically nor long chapters. Also cause it let's you see my writing style. I will upload that soon. That fanfiction is called Thread of Hope... huh. Maybe I should reconsider the title for this story? Maybe not since I don't plan to ever finish that fanfiction.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 12 days
¡Feliz Cumpleaños a mi!
Now, I am a year older (though to the government, I was already 22 on Jan. 1).
I decided for my birthday present to myself that I will do very quick sketches of Dalbit and Eunkyu (from an original story of mine but was originally a SaH OC (maybe I’ll bring him back to this fandom? Along with the others that I made for this story?))
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For those who don’t know my other OC, he’s a MP officer and a sniper.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 20 days
It's time I admit this. And I'm sorry for how cringe it's going to be. I am not seeking anyone's attention. But I owe an explanation to y'all, which is the intention of this post. (Also sorry for bad grammar).
I am sure that most of you have noticed my lack of prescence on this account. And some may even noticed I deleted all of my past post with the exception of a few posts.
You may be wondering why I did so. Why would I delete so many posts that people were genuinely enjoying? What prompted me to do this?
That's what I want to talk about.
No, I have not given up on my characters. Eunkyu, Eunyeong, Siwoo, Haoyu, Hyeonsik, and Aera will always be my precious characters. I worked so hard on them and it hurt when I realized that I wasn't doing them justice. (Honestly, Chunhee and Raon bring too much bad memories that I just cannot. Plus, I kept forgetting about them and realized why I created them...).
I have always been an indecisive person. I have always been a perfectionist that wants to make no mistakes. I want to be error free, but I can never be. I tried so hard to perfect my story that it lead to me losing what it truly was. I cannot even remember how I created my story and kind of story I wanted to tell. I kept changing my mind in hopes of finding that perfect story that would be perfect. And my art just made things worse (I'll touch on this towards the end).
Therefore, the more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. I was never good at regulating or even understanding my emotions. It's not what I am good at. I can't even keep my characters consistent because of that. And I am going to be the most open I have ever been: I have autism. I was clinically diagonsed when I was a baby by a doctor. And one thing that my autism does to me is having a lack of realizing and understanding of emotions. Which is why I can be so emotional about things that may not be that important for others. Heck, this rant can be seen as childish. But, it isn't to me. So combine that with being a perfectionist and that's just a disaster. To which I just ended up deleting everything. To run away from my problems, which is something that no one should be doing (with exceptions of course). Honestly, this part makes me embarrassed, but I feel like I have to get this off my chest. I just want to be honest.
Onto the art, I will be honest. I hated it. I hated how I could not produce the same level of quality of art. Especially since I went abroad and had little time to draw. I lost interest of drawing at the moment. But, it was also this trip that opened my eyes to many new experiences. I tried to show that with my art and story. But, it just didn't make sense. Probably because I was trying to hide this side of me from my classmates, so there was a time where I wasn't thinking or working on this story. Anyways, I just realized that the style I as drawing in wasn't one that I even liked. I just kept telling myself to draw what was popular and it would be ok. If I drew the style that was popular that it would be the perfect piece. But, how could it be perfect if I wasn't happy? Again, it lead to me deleting it because I couldn't stand looking at the imperfections. I was afraid that those who came to like my art and story would be disappointed.
I came to the realization that on my other account, I was much more excited to draw. Much happier even though I was drawing in a style that I believed was lesser because it wasn't popular. No one has ever cared for that art style before. It wasn't perfect. But, when drawing for my other account, I never drew them to be perfect. I was just drawing and I was happy. I was happy with that art style and even the little mistakes I made. After all, I made that style back when I was 15. If I truly disliked it, then I would have abandoned it a long time ago and yet its here still. And what about stories? I haven't made any new stories to be exact. But I do have a new OC and he is lovely. But I didn't create them to tell a story. Honestly, I just think I liked having a character to create stories for.
So what the heck am I even rambling? You will see my OCs again. Not in the old art style but the one I am happy with. Is it perfect? No. Is it the most amazing and eye catching? No. But, that doesn't matter. Art is meant to be subjective anyways, so who cares what style it's in? Art is meant to be expressive of the artist. What about my story? I am still going to keep going. I might post a few things in the future. But mostly redesgining the characters. You'll see those OCs again.
Oh and the fan art was just something to practice my art. I hope y'all don't care that I like that series. I'm not that into it as before.
Well, this is the end of this post. Thank you for reading this post. I will be logging out to avoid seeing notes on this post because I am anxious and afriad of what anyone are going to think about this post.
Fun Fact about Hyeonsik:
If he was a human, he would work as a cosmetologist. Ok, but an actual serious fun fact is that he likes art and often sketches the other characters. He's gotten in trouble for doodling them on official documentation.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 27 days
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 28 days
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 29 days
A Map of the World. Very Limited since it's not too important. This Map was more for fun, but also for my own understanding of this world I am building.
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Note 1: The little regions within the Athian Empire are countries that they annexed. The one area that says Athia is the original borders of the country.
Note 2: The Disputed Territories are areas that Athia wants control over and has sent troops there. They are at war with those Rozuxe and Enurusa. The Disputed Territory to the Left is Rozuxe's territory but both Athia is fighting Rozuxe. However, that territory was already disputed between Rozuxe and Enurusa.
Note 3: There is a small island being disputed by Esmyae and Nisara. Originally, it wasn't Esmyaen land. However, since Nisara at the time wasn't a nation, Esmyae just claimed it and has been using it as a port. When Nisara was claiming sovereignty, they made moves to reclaim the island as it was previously not Esmyaen land and has more cultural ties to Nisara.
Note 4: The reason Athia wants Nisara despite the fact that they have no knowledge of the island is because of the location of it. Nisara sits between the other continent and the Luniskian Peninsula.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 1 month
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Just two doodles of Nyo! N. Ireland. Also, isn't this design so original? I did make a drawing a long time ago with this design but uhh it wasn't good so I never (and will never) posted it.
Oh, I am trying something new with the line art. I think this brush is one that actually fits quite well with my art style.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 1 month
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The fact that Wales has a dragon plushie always makes me smile. Didn’t draw the plushies’ collar though (I forgot 🙁).
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 5 months
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Current design for the new OC.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 6 months
Thanks for answering my ask! I was hesitant to send it since even I wasn’t too aware on what I was trying to ask.
I enjoyed reading this as gives new context to the world that you are building around these characters. I always thought adding some level of psychology into a story is an interesting move. Even if you have a weakness with clinical psychology, I think you did well with writing the response. Then again, I don’t know much psychology myself.
Either ways, I enjoyed reading this and seeing more about the characters as well. Each of them are quite lovely to learn about. (Especially my favorite ones).
I was wondering, if Huchu attempted cognitive behavior therapy then how did he run those sessions in terms of what did he do to try to help the others? Considering you wrote that, in doing so he caused the others to "internalize their problem to the point they cannot be helped anymore including himself". Also, did he think he could be like a psychiatrist (or at least provide similiar service) due to the fact that psychiatrists work with medicine?
I hope my question is clear enough. If not, feel free to ask what I am trying to ask (^^)
Thank you for tuning in to my frequency! The answer contained potentially triggering contents, so I'll hide it under the cut. Please enjoy. ✨
Huchu’s Qualifications
Huchu has bachelor's degree in neuroscience, master's degree in Pharmacy. D. and is currently studying PHD on medical instrumentation engineering. Aside from taking class, he’s a neurosurgeon at marine corps hospital, take shift as a battlefield surgeon at marine camp and use the rest of his free time to operate Lubi service so he has the following active licenses, Pharmacist license and P&S license.
In Northland, here’s the requirements for attaining psychiatrist certification: Be a graduate of an accredited medical school certified by International Red cross committee, complete all trainings in a program approved by Northland mental care bureau, have an active, full, unrestricted medical license, and have satisfactorily completed the Northland mental care bureau’s specialty training requirements.
So do keep in mind that Huchu is not qualified to do psychiatrist work as he lacks item 2 and 4.
Does Huchu think he is qualified to do psychiatrist works?
Unfortunately, yes. Despite lacking all the correct trainings, he tried to be both therapist and psychiatrist for C2ISTAR as you can see Hongcha mentioning Huchu being the one who prescribed Risperidone for Angae in [🌹for Angae].
This is because Huchu think that Clinical Psychology is like Neuroscience but less scientific. Similar to our world, neuroscience is praised as the hardest medical major in the world. So naturally Huchu look down on psychology as an easier neurology mixed with social study. So, in his little head. If mental care staffs can do it, then definitely neurosurgeon can do it too.
Clinical Psychology in the world of C2ISTAR
In the world of C2ISTAR, Mental illnesses are usually deemed as invalid illness, so the mental care industry is constantly being look down upon. The discrimination also discourages many people in this world from studying clinical psychology. Even if Huchu open his mind and take studying clinical psychology seriously, it is still very unlikely that he will produce good result as study material for clinical psychology in this world is ineffective at best from the very beginning due to the lack of interest this world has toward it.
The acceptable branches of psychology are study by the industrial, intelligence and defense service for the purpose of manipulation, interrogation and indoctrination which is very different from clinical psychology in practice.
Clinical psychology is also heavily associated with the Aldehyde cult. A multi-faith cult that believes mental illness is a sign of ascension. The more soldiers lose touch with reality, the closer they are to heaven and if they are close enough to heaven. These soldiers will be able to give birth to the new Angel that will be savior to their world. They often kidnapped veteran from asylum so they can use these veterans to birth a new Angel.
Huchu's treatment on C2ISTAR
Huchu might be well intention and most faults mainly resulted from ignorance, but the damage is still there. In fact Huchu is actually skeptical that CBT would produce result, however, C2ISTAR seems to need it and Huchu is weak to that. Here are the treatments Huchu did on each C2ISTAR alongside its effects.
Orenji’s treatment
Orenji is Huchu's first patient for CBT service with his main problem being Paruresis. Huchu choose Journaling and Cognitive restructuring technique for him. However, the underlying root of Orenji's Paruresis is Urolagnia so Orenji can't quite be honest with his thought. However, the cognitive restructuring is somewhat almost effective due to the other physical treatment. Orenji had chronic UTI that connected with bladder infection, so Huchu often insert catheter for Orenji whenever he needs it. This seems to cause Orenji to associate Huchu with relieve, hence the reason why he can go when Huchu is around. But can't quite do the same with someone else. Orenji also seems to develop some form of incontinence whenever Huchu is around.
Huchu also lose his temper every time Orenji induced temporary amnesia on himself because he knows how fragile Orenji's brain is as he was the one who put Orenji's brain and sculp back together so he's constanly worries about Orenji accidentally killing himself but since Huchu always arrive with Clozapine, he had been unknowingly endorsing Orenji's behavior. Still, after Orenji is back to his sense. He would have to endure a session of outburst Huchu throwing things at him or start hitting him with a chair.
Baegcha/Hongcha’s treatment
The main method is Role playing through puppet activity; the idea was so that Beagcha could see why he need to stop pursuing his stop-list so they can start working on his fear of touch. Usually when a certain method doesn't work, therapist would move on to the next one, but Huchu let Beagcha continue with the ineffective method because this is what Beagcha prefer to do and Huchu doesn't have the heart strip this away from him. Huchu later resort to locking Beagcha in his room whenever Huchu notices things are taking a toll on him and simply use puppet therapy as a way for Baegcha to process what he went through each hunt.
Huchu also deemed Hongcha to be something he need to get rid of because Huchu see Hongcha as the evil alter that endorse Baegcha to pursue the stop-list. The thing is that, neither Baegcha nor Hongcha are the host. Both Baegcha and Hongcha are alters pretending to be the host. Usually alters are protective of each other and take responsibility as a system. However, Huchu intervention had created a dynamic where both alters cannot get along. And because Beagcha trusted Huchu, he begun to think he needs to repress Hongcha to be better and Hongcha became bitter toward the situation, he blamed Huchu for his sour relationship with his alter.
When Hongcha appear mid-session, Huchu would either shock him with electricity or shove him into a small box to chase him away. Huchu did made many attempts to get rid of Hongcha ranging from submerging him in extremely cold water to purposely staving him and since Hongcha is unaware that it is impossible to get rid of an alter. Hongcha see Huchu’s attempts as life threatening situation and in retaliation, he believes that he must kill Huchu which make Baegcha agreed with Huchu even more.
Seoltang’s treatment
After discovered that sedative doesn't work on Seoltang. Huchu would mainly use Imagery and Relaxation training. However, the underlying cause for Seoltang's insomnia is cumulative anxiety of being in disguise. Something Seoltang cannot tell anyone due his true identity. Huchu had no idea about Seoltang's anxiety, so he had no idea why Seoltang sleep schedule doesn't improve not to mention that imagery make him feel worse as it worsens his longing for the place that no longer exist.
Out of concern as Seoltang already show all signs of developing Alzheimer, Huchu decided that any methods that give Seoltang shut eyes will suffice and purposed the hypoxia idea. So instead of having his anxiety treated and get an actual sleep, Seoltang ended up inventing so many self-choking methods that even people with choking fetish would think that this man is a freak. Thus, Seoltang's anxiety was never addresses not to mention that one of hypoxia common symptoms is also anxiety which contribute to his mood swing getting worse as well.
Noeu’s treatment
Noeu is way too shy to address that his overworking tendency came from his constant fear of unexpected death, so Huchu assumed that Noeu is obsessed with conquest and taking control. This led to Moral reconation therapy. However, Moral reconation therapy required to be practiced in groups as one on one session can reinforces narcissistic behavior. Somethings that should not be mixed with Noeu’s competitiveness and ambition.
The therapy also required the therapist to be well versed in the subject of morality to work which Huchu’s morality is ambiguous at best so he can’t always keep up with Noeu’s questions or leaps of logic. This unintentionally validated Noeu’s thought derailment and prompted him to go from weakening other nations then have Northland invade them to the exact same thing but also profiting from them and take advantage of their resources because he’s more confident in his ideal than ever and he now genuinely think he’s doing this world a favor.
Angae’s treatment
Usually, therapist would approach patient with hallucination with Reframing technique. Something that Angae had already accomplish on his own. This is because managing a psychosis episode with medication was proven less effective as medication came with side effect. However, due to Huchu being a neurosurgeon with neurology logic. He goes straight to prescribing Risperidone and focus more on helping Angae with anxiety using Stress inoculation training. However, Angae didn't stress out because he's worrying about having an episode. He has an episode because he's stressed out, so Angae made no progress and Huchu had been accidentally gaslighting Angae into thinking that he had an illness he didn't have.
Angae already questioned reality around him, so he is unsure how valid his opinion is about the topic. This led to Angae letting Huchu continue with the treatment that make no sense to him even though this fueled the thought that he's being held back to fit into a certain explanation.
Yuseong’s treatment
A lot of people with Hyperthemesia has tendency to be obsessed over things easily as well as having trouble moving on from the past because they had trouble forgetting things. So Huchu choose Metacognitive therapy and Distraction technique. Due to the confusion that came with partial amnesia combined with the fact that Yuseong never experience forgetting stuffs before, Yuseong is desperate to seek for things he can identify himself with. This led to his obsession to connecting his identity with the unhealthy diary, something Huchu sees as a form of delusion.
Usually, the first rule of dealing with delusional patient is to validate their experience. Although what happen isn't real to us, it's real to the patient. However, due to Huchu's concern of Yuseong recreating situation in the diary. Huchu usually react very sternly and outright dismissed Yuseong’s belief in the session. Since Yuseong can control his expression well, Huchu had no idea that he is invalidating Yuseong. Although Yuseong still likes Huchu, he began to pay less attention to the session and draw or play with his alphabet book whenever Huchu is holding a session for him. He also hold on to the diary even tighter than before.
Effect of failed treatment on Huchu
Therapy is a stressful and draining job, both therapist and psychiatrist in real life are trained and educated on how they can handle their job without intaking their patient's baggage.
But since Huchu never went through these training, all the negativity goes straight to him and since he is at the end of the line for mental comfort. Combine that with his habit of caring too much, he got stuck in a position where he himself has no one to go to for all the problems above he involves himself in. This of course fueled his urge to go through with unethical method to get what he wants for instead, considering amputating Noeu so he never has to worry about him arriving at ER with seizure again.
Clinical psychology is one of my weaker subjects, so the treatment descriptions are simplified at best and none of my statements should be considered scientifically accurate.
Still, I hope this information suffice you. \(^^ )✨
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 6 months
I wonder in a non-canon situation, if Aera and Seoltang talk to each other about their unit. Let’s say they are at non-canon world peace conference and happen to sat next to each other:
What would Aera deduced from Seoltang’s appearance?
Would Aera start the conversation?
How would Aera introduce herself?
How would Aera explain her organization to Seoltang?
How would Aera talk about each of her agents and officers?
I thought it would be fun if the two units have non-canon interactions through their leader but please feel free to decline if you are not comfortable with it. \(^^ )
I don't mind actually. Sounds fun. But, I would need to warn you that I am pretty bad about understaning other people's characters for a reason. The reason is something I would rather keep quiet because I once told someone and it completely went over their head. I felt pretty disrespected about it since they wanted something out of me that I cannot control.
Anyway, enough of that. Let me answer your questions.
Aera is someone who always wants to see the best in others. And looking at their ages, she would definitely be respectful to those who have more years in service/who are older. Therefore, she probably would think Seoltang is a respectful and diligent individual. A hardworker too especially with how his uniform looks. But, his smiles sometimes feel off... nah, it's probably nothing.
Surprsingly enough, Aera is a bit shy herself. But, doesn't mind starting conversation if she's bored or has been next to someone for a while. She's feel that if she doesn't introduce herself then it would be disrespectful. Though, she would wait until someone else spoke first or if there is a chance to say something.
I would imagine she would introduce herself formally unlike back at her unit. Normally in her unit, she just tells them her name. It thinks a minute for people to realize that she's the Chief and not just some random military police officer. So, it would be somethng like this: "Hello, I am Chief Aera of the Nisara Military Police in the Raelian Mountain Crescent base. It's the base that's really hidden in the inner parts of the mountains." (I know boring name for a base. I might change it in the future).
Now, I am not sure if she has an organization? Or I am mistaking myself on wording? Anyways, she's would just be blunt on what it is. She'll mention the arresting of enemy spies or troublesome soldiers. Describe imprisoning them and interrogating them. Also how they police the mountains since there are no formal police departments there. And how the MP in Crescent base operates differently from other, she won't mention the intelligence department unless if at the time there are more MP intelligence departments or the government allows it.
Aera always has something to say about her agents and officers! And now, I guess it's the best time to show her opinion on each and every one of them:
"I have a Deputy Chief who works alongside me. He's very good at his job! Very dependable and he has an eye for detail. He's very quiet though and sometimes I tend to lose him in the base. But, half the time he just moved to a different part of the room."
"One of the older of my agents is Siwoo. He's a hardworker! Always on top of duties and always willing to guide those around him! I wish he got more sleep though. I don't think I would ever see a desk full of coffee mugs in my life. Even his own friend had to force him to sleep..." (Call back to that short story I wrote some time ago)
"Speaking of his friend. His name is Eunkyu. He's a bit hard to understand because of his accent and he slips into the regional dialect a lot. Though, he is a warm and kind hearted. He smiles a lot too. Despite being new, he does his best to complete his duties. And with psychology knowledge, he's done some excellent work. But, I feel worried about him because I can still see how sad he is."
"Lastly, I have "Haoyu". He's... energetic. Sometimes I feel that I should never put him in guard duty on the watchtower without someone else there. Let's just say he may or may have not attempted to jump off of it in order to help someone else because they were in a fight with a enemy soldier and our comrade... However. he's like the sun. Bright and always full of life. His immatureness sometimes helps brighten the atmosphere!"
However despite all of this answer, I am not sure they would be talking since Aera would most likely be in part of security of the conference rather than be a part of it. Unless she is talked to, she may just be a face seen wandering around or even personally be guarding the conference doors.
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 6 months
I find Angae to be an interesting character before and now he may be one of two of my favorite of your characters! And despite having the “worse friend group”, I find it nice that he can see some positive sides to their friendships (not sure if that’s the right word).
Originally I was gonna ask a different question for him but felt it was mean. And so I asked this one and I’m glad I did!
🌹 for Angae
🌹 - They're lonely/missing home. What do they do?
There’s nothing out of ordinary at Rosemary station, Angae continues to do his work as usual. However, despite not having an episode, Angae is visibly more detached than usual.
This is the last day of the month. Since Rosemary is a top-secret facility, they have to manage all the finance and administration work themselves or they will risk having information about their spending and organizational structure leaked out when submitting info to the defense finance accounting service.
North capital is considering putting Angae out of commission and have other general replace him, which would end in his neutralization considering his position in national threat. Seoltang is a literal doormat at this point, so his authority won't mean much at North capital and Noeu is still being suspected of multiple cases of corruption, so Angae had to find a way to survive on his own. Everything had to be extra perfect, after all losing his job mean losing his life which also means that Angae won't be going home tonight.
Last night Angae dreamed that he’s back home at Tulip Island which dug up a thought he tried to ignore. It’s fascinating that he still misses his home intensely even after 20 years had passed and when this kind of thing happens, he would simply live his day normally until the thought fade.
Gripping his pen tightly, he tells himself to stay focused. If he has an episode now, he won’t be able to finish his work.
Suddenly the light in his entire room flash in Morse code.
[Want some help with your asset report Secretary?]
In an annoyance, Angae leave his office. He walks straight to the west part of his office where the hallway light-no, the light of the entire base flickered in other set of morse code.
[I'm here to help if you just say the word]
Angae arrived at the jail area where they temporary keep threats that they capture in Area 21 until the law enforcement come pick these people up.
The rosemary guard salute at Angae as he appoarch one of the jail cells.
Angae: "Excuse me Hongcha, can you stop playing with the light?"
There is no reply, Hongcha is too focused on messing with the wire he manages to dig out from the electric door that he doesn’t notice Angae. Through the gap between each cell bar, Angae reach to tap Hongcha on his shoulder.
Hongcha jolted in disgust but still try to play it cool.
Hongcha: “Hey secretary, you should thank me for helping you cleanse this base from many fatal security deficiencies”
He put the wire down, studying Angae's body language.
Hongcha: "The biggest intelligence facility in the country using simple AC for electrical route is pretty embarrassing you know?"
Angae: "This base was built before other option was invented. Regardless, can you stop breaking into my base? I have to announce a drop in security every time some of my men pause their patrol to deal with you"
This morning Hongcha attempted sneaking into B2 for an intel on some cases where citizens attempted to report that some of generals and executives SA them.
Hongcha: “Let me remind you that I am not on your side. Baegcha is the only one who agreed to join you guys, I’m not interested in your super villain alliance”
Angae: “To correct you, it’s a neutral mercenary corporation”
Hongcha sarcastically make a laughing sound…either that or he really did laugh but his stone-cold expression make thing confusing as usual.
Hongcha: “Yeah, whatever. But you do realize that keeping me here for too long might draw in some catastrophe, right? We all know he has no problem buried a couple thousand of your men with me in this basement”
Angae pout a little.
Angae: "The underground part of this base is strong enough to withstand air raid and if the entrance and exit are buried, we can always use communication to call for outside help. Beside he will not find you here because of the counterintelligence measure especially SIGNINT unless you call him here before you sneak in just in case you got caught, your plan is to escape while Orenji keep everyone busy and Orenji's air raid will destroy any trail leading to you"
Right at the end of Angae sentence an air raid siren alarm came to life. Angae facepalm.
Hongcha: "Awww, so you do remember my behavior pattern. Unlike a certain surgeon who claim to be helping me yet all he wants is for me to stop existing"
Angae: "You all are too predictable, if there's something you want you just go for it, no precaution or consideration"
Angae decide to drag Hongcha with him outside the station and order all soldiers on the ground floor to turn off the light.
Hongcha: "Hahaha, are you seriously using me as a hostage against myself right now?"
Angae: "If you don't want to die, you better corporate. The visibility is low today because of the fog so we should still be at advantage"
Hongcha: "I didn't poke much but I can tell you are about to have an episode; your eyes are darting like crazy, your shoulder is tense, and your lip is shaking, clearly you are reaching your limit, you can't use your camera because your men will see it and you are out of Risperidone because you didn't have enough time to visit Docs lately. Oh, wait maybe you are already having one..?"
Angae got chill down his spine starting to doubt if the fog in front of him is real and if he just makes a fool out of himself.
Hongcha: "Just messing with you, the fog is totally real"
Somewhere outside Area 21, Orenji is out conducting air traffic.
Orenji: "04 to D44A, stop fire. Enter FL010, head 67 at minute 15. CB10 request approved. 04 to D46A, descend to 50 feet, make 90 degrees turn then open fired at minute 24"
One of the invading fighter jets descend then make a sharp turn to the starboard and open fired in straight line, stopping the Rosemary soldier from leaving the station entrance.
Rosemary's anti-aircraft weapons fired some missile in retaliation.
Orenji: "04 to CB10, drop bomb at minute 50"
A bomber flies by above the missile. A bomb was released accurately right on top of the missiles that had target locked on the closest fighter jet to the facility and because of that, the fighter jet is now able to spot the location of anti-aircraft system.
Orenji: "04 to D46A, approved"
The fighter jet open fire at the anti-aircraft weapon, this prompted the air defense unit of Rosemary base to release their own aircraft for ariel defense.
Angae: "Negative! All pilots remained stationed, suspend all flight activity-"
Two aircrafts lifted off unannounced and went straight crashing right to the anti-aircraft station, a couple of strawberry scatters around as the aircraft explode. The confused Rosemary control tower report that the ground that their frequency was jammed and none of them are able to contact the pilots, it is as Angae fear.
Orenji had jammed the signal that the tower use, then pose himself to the pilot as the ATC from the tower they are in contact with then lead them to their demise. Position them at the angle where hearing anti-collision warning is equivalent to seeing 4 red PAPI during touch down. It's seemed that he too is at advantage with this level of visibility.
Hongcha: "Oh nice! These pilots appear to be on my stoplist, what a coincident!"
Hongcha is crossing names on his stoplist while whistling in which Angae look at him with disgusted expression and yes, 30% of the forest around the base are now currently on fire, clearly this had become a miniature active war site.
Angae vision started to flicker between hell on earth and rainbow flower field, he can feel that he also had to close his eyes longer each time to retain himself. He got to find a way to end this fast.
Angae told one of his men to go get him a Barret M82. At the moment an extraordinary powerful rifle could be a better approach compared to SAM that are not just a bigger target for fighter jet to strike back and easier to spot but also a more explosive one.
The soldier handed him what he asked, but they also have to report him that Angae had took the scope back home with him for a maintenance a couple of day ago and the scope of the other guns here won't fit the barrel. So much so for not making a fool out of himself-
And so, Angae asked his soldier to bring him myopia glasses and magnifying glass.
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Decommissioning the aircraft with sniper gun is impossible as bullet can only travel at 2,600 km per hour and these jets fly at least 1,900 km per hour. But he knows how he can decommission its firearms. Also, he personally doesn't want any aircraft to crash here as it will become his base's responsibility to clean it. So he decided that he should go straight to confront Orenji head on.
Before getting close to Orenji though, Angae want to decommission a couple of his communication equipment but where could Orenji be hiding?
Suddenly a Hydrangea with two comedically huge petals spoke in Hongcha's voice.
Hongcha: “Oh man, if only there’s someone who had 5 years of experience in dealing with first generation Northland combat controller standing right next to you”
It appears that his vision had already switch and he is 100% in psychosis episode now as temporary closing his eyes don't make the vision inaccuracy go away, he won't have much time before the rifle in his hand turn into something else.
Hongcha probaly notice the puzzled look on his face hence asking for involment.
Angae: "I'm not returning your electronic equipments so you can hack into the North capital system and release a conventional war scale missile designed to sink a battleship"
Hongcha: "Come'on. Unlike Baegcha, I won't try to kill Orenji"
Angae sighed, Hongcha is indeed one people with the most information about Orenji and having him completely station here is indeed a waste of resources.
Angae: "Can you pinpoint Orenji's hiding spot?"
Hongcha: "Thought you'd never ask"
Suddenly the comedically large petals on Hydrangea start spinning at turbine speed, then it shoots a gigantic neon blue sausage into the sky. This led to Angae also notice that the fighter jets had turn into a wooden bird.
Alighting the magnifying glass at the right distance, Angae asked Hongcha to hold it still for him. Angae is very curious as to what his brain will interpretated a Hydrangea holding stuff but apparently, the magnify glass simply float in place.
Orenji statled as his radar goes out of commission followed by two of his duplex radios then the RF modulator, limiting his communication route.
Orenji: "D44A, D46A, CB10 return to base"
Orenji inspect his broken equipment, he hopes to fix it as soon as possible and may be ground jack one of the airliners just in case. But then he heard a subtle ruffle sound which prompt him to take his own pistol out.
The intruder fired at Orenji first in which he shoots back in retaliation, he would have D45A take care of the intruder for him however he had no idea where exactly this intruder is. More shot was fired and Orenji continued to shoot back.
While reloading his gun, Orenji hear a quiet thud sound on his left, he looks up from his gun in which he found Angae.
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Angae's eyes are not exactly alight with where Orenji is, clearly mean that Angae can't see where Orenji is and is only listening to his radio. This greatly impress Orenji as this means that Angae recognized the type of his gun purely from the sound, he then precedes to count each shot and took the opportunity when Orenji is reloading his gun.
Angae look at the massive orange tree in front of him, each orange hanging on his branch talk over each other, reporting every single little thing they see. Angae is a bit nervous knowing what he's currently facing. Orenji doesn't sees a single thing on field, everything he know are from his radar and pilot reports.
Angae stare at the orange tree intensely, he didn't intend for Orenji to notice him. He doesn't even know if he's really holding guns right now, he just knows that it sounds correct when he squeezes it.
Both are at stalemate. Either the wooden bird shoot or Angae shoot.
Hongcha: "Orenji...."
Both were taken aback by the approaching Hydrangea that had now grow a pair of chicken feet. The Hydrangea and the Orange tree stay still in front of each other for a couple of second in awe, it's been 3 months since Orenji last saw Baegcha/Hongcha and it's been 6 months since Hongcha last saw Orenji.
Orenji: "Baegcha"
Unlike the rest of C2ISTAR, Orenji called both Baegcha and Hongcha "Baegcha", this is because Orenji want to call his significant other by their preferred name.
Angae can't quite tell what's going on but both plants seem to be giving some sign to each other, wrinkling and shuffling their leaves.
Orenji: "All is worth for ending your suffering Beagcha, I look forward to it. 04 to CV04, drop ladder at 13.68N 100.99E"
A wooden bird fly by then hover above them. One of Orange tree's branch reach out to the chain hanging from the wooden bird. It's seemed that Orenji had escaped with his aircraft.
Angae still doubt the situation. Beagcha/Hongcha was in front of him, but Orenji choose to escape instead of pressing on to putting his significant other out of misery as intended. It was an abnormal sight.
Both Hongcha and Baegcha stay to help Angae out with the bills and incident reports while Angae reorganizing the intelligence in the base. A couple of days later another box of money was drop in front of Angae's house. With a photo of the funeral held for the two Rosemary pilots, seem that Orenji paid for their funeral.
Hongcha: "Here's the conclusion report, are there anything else?"
Angae: "No, that is everything, I'll pardon your jail time as promised"
Finally, being in a less chaotic mindset. Angae now notice that he made mistake in his deduction and what happened is somewhat less obvious than he thought. Apparently Orenji, Beagcha and Hongcha can carry some discreet operation as well.
Angae: "Orenji was the one who paid you to break in here didn't he?"
Hongcha reply with silence.
Angae: "You two are trying to scare the other generals away from this base and you want North capital to think that they need me to fend you two off"
Angae look up from his computer only to find that the secret service was already gone. Angae make a small idiot smile, he definitely has the worse group of friends in this world. But this probably will be the closest things to the homesick pill he will ever get.
Thank you for your patience in the TFC circuit and thank you for tuning into my frequency. CVL2, RWY CLR. 🛫✨
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tokkiyuna-rabbit · 6 months
I’ve seen your art before and thought it was such a unique and cool style. So it’s an honor to see my characters in your art style 🥹😭
I am loving the dress that Eunyeong is wearing and capes always look good on any character haha. The colors look really nice together.
Thank you so much :D
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Quick fanart of Eunkyu and Eunyeong, @cuervolyx's OCs.
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