Pronounced "Semantics"
58 posts
My name is Harper. I go by the pronouns He/him, They/them, and Fog/fogself. Welcome to my art blog :)). Mostly post ocs, and happy to answer any questions about them!
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sumnantics · 26 days ago
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lovely friend mentioned rotoscoping with one of my ocs and i couldnt stop thinking about it so heres wretched bowen
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sumnantics · 1 month ago
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The thing about that flowing water is that it makes the rest of the environment beautiful. But it will wear you smooth.
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sumnantics · 2 months ago
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sumnantics · 2 months ago
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List of the tingly feeling of skin near heat's Accommodations, Itemized:
Adjustive Weights: 4xhead, 2xhip, 2xwrist, 2xboot
The Gloria's home planet had regular gravity variation, related to the partial gas giant's shifting density. In space travel, Gloria wear adjustive weight that shift in time with their circadian rhythm. These weights regulate the Gloria's unstable bone density.
Weighted Blanket
Hearing Aids: 2x
The Gloria's home planet had a background noise level varying between 80 dB and 120 dB. While they have ears, those ears are highly tuned to dismiss large background noise, and so hearing aids that add noise are necessary for communication outside of their home planet.
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sumnantics · 2 months ago
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the rest of the crew<33 Olga (top left) Reldanadler (top right) and Enamphis (bottom right)
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had been drawing her late at night for one of those outfit challenge things
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sumnantics · 2 months ago
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sumnantics · 2 months ago
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The tingly feeling of your skin near a campfire on a chilly night
Nickname: Cozy. She/Her
She hopes to find the scattered remains of her once-renowned family-slash-organization, a Do-Good Band Of Heroes (a ship full of space outlaws, each with a bounty bigger than a moon's whole networth). In the meantime, she's the navigator on a small cargo ship.
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sumnantics · 3 months ago
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sumnantics · 4 months ago
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watched the wild robot recently, it was a very pretty movie and i liked the design of the robot. i went into it with bigger ideals than i should have for a big brand childrens movie, but i just think that they opened too many doors on big topics and didnt follow up.
complaining under the cut, i mostly just want to write my thoughts down. obvious spoiler warning for the movie
i KNOWWW its a childrens movie i KNOWWWW its a big brand name of COUUURSE it isnt going to be all that i hoped i KNOWWW i shouldnt be looking this deep into it and i KNOWWWW i shouldnt have gone into it with the (externally caused) attitude i did.
but it was disappointing mannn it was disappointing. im going to watch it again in theaters to try and introduce more joy into my heart and change my thoughts but this is all first-pass emotions.
they open too many topic doors without properly exploring them.
duck that is a runt but ends up still being accepted by the flock? Awesome, great! when that duck is an allegory for minority kids, varying as both rep for physically disabled or neurodivergent, and the way he gets accepted by the flock is by going above and beyond and ultimately learning to behave the way they do? baddd. doesn't address that no, sometimes people CANT do things that other people can. almost had "sometimes you have to find a different way that works for you" which wouldve been great but as far as i can tell that was only a transitional point and he DID end up behaving just as everyone else did.
robot that doesnt know how to connect with nature ultimately learning to become one with it?? cool, fun!! when that robot is a metaphor for a minority individual having to drop its original personality in order to survive and become accepted by the community? bad, although i cant weigh in on this too much. loses the fun bits of being a robot. i guess the "original culture" was weirdly intertwined with obtuse capitalism advertising but augh. good to unlearn advertising propaganda, bad to have to almost completely remake who you are just to fit in and give your kid a fighting chance?
expressing that animals have to survive and that means hunting each other? cool moment!!! later saying that you CAN unite them and writing hunting with a negative moral weight and later implying that they can just eat fish and live happily together? aughhhh mannn MANNN. like, okay, animals CAN form really interesting pairbonds. but also hibernation is NATURAL. animals dying is NATURAL. they almost went for it in the beginning but towards the end they backed out. rgh.
it just feels to me like if theyre going for a disabled/minority/neurodivergent metaphor, then those characters that are disabled/minority/neurodivergent are shown as having to Save Everyone to be Liked. The robot has to almost completely Sacrifice Herself for people to end up liking her. They wanted to do too many things and it ended up being a real big tangle all around.
designs are pretty cool. i sorta liked how roz resurrected and named rummage. they couldve done more with the fox and saying "violent raising begets more violent raising" but they Really Already Had a Lot on their Plate. i didnt like the evil robot who was a blatant bait character that didnt even have much "robot" in the personality. i didn't like how they handled robots, i didn't like how they handled animals, and when those are the Two Big Main Bits of the movie, WELL,
im sure that i could be swayed into liking it by someone who does like it a lot and ill probably change my thoughts when i go rewatch it. but i needed to nail down and articulate why it rubbed me the wrong way, as a known robot liker and nature liker.
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sumnantics · 4 months ago
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sumnantics · 4 months ago
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sumnantics · 5 months ago
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sumnantics · 5 months ago
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sumnantics · 7 months ago
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Paranoid Intervals / Body Dysmorphia
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sumnantics · 7 months ago
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I redesigned all of Gen's designs. The first was how he was made: a particular beautiful Sand Construct, made to farm in a city. He was obsolete, life made only to show his creator's prowess with sculpture.
The second design is his old design, this is what he's resculpted himself into to live on land. He wore this for most of his existence.
The third design is him currently. He's dedicated himself to reviving the ancient mer magic, and wears recreated traditional robes. He covers his face to distance himself, he's now learned the immortal heartbreak of outliving even those you thought were the same as you.
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sumnantics · 7 months ago
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My attacks from this year's art fight! MOSTLY phighting ocs. It was really fun! TEAM SEAFOAM!!!
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sumnantics · 8 months ago
bh bomb perchance …
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(This ask is referring to my Phighting OC, BH Bomb! I have them uploaded on Art Fight)
This ask got me thinking about BH Bomb during work, so here's some doodles I did! Was mostly thinking about their younger years, back before they were experimented on. Typed up all the notes I wrote on the doodles for easier readability, and I'm going to elaborate more under the read more!
BH Bomb would have had a large interest in space. I don't actually think that space, as we know it, even EXISTS in the Phighting universe, but whatever IS there is what BH Bomb would have been interested in. He'd have used he/him pronouns when he was younger, so I'll use he/him pronouns to refer to young Black Hole as opposed to BH Bomb as they are currently.
His gear would've been pretty powerful already, that's why weapons department wanted to use him, but he was a BAD PHIGHTER. He was bad at strategy, and even worse with teamwork. His gear would be a ranged action where he throws the bomb somewhere, and then it would pull in whoever is in its radius, like Subspace's tripmine. The difference is that its radius was much bigger, and it effected teammates too. This means it would be incredibly good as a positioning tactic. Black Hole, however, would ONLY use it to propel HIMSELF forward: He'd throw it where he wanted to go and then the pull would bring him there. He wouldn't care much that every time he used it it would mess up all his team's positions, and that any range would be pulled off their perch, and any weaker phighters would be pulled into all their enemies at once. This means that all ranged and movement-based phighters would HATEEE phighting with Black Hole.
(This means that when G Balloon coaches them into becoming a phighter, all their prowess with strategy and teamwork and Actually Being Good At Phighting, IS BECAUSE G Balloon taught them that. As silly as she is, G is an incredible strategist and a good coach.)
To be clear, as much as the experiments hurt BH Bomb and terrified them, and as much as they THINK they'd have been better off never being transferred, if they had never been transferred they actually wouldn't have been all that happy either. If they had never been transferred, they never would have stopped to think about their gender identity and would still be going by he/him and would feel stifled in presenting masculine. They'd be swamped with work and never have a moment to themself, being basically a NASA scientist, and while they do like space, they'd never have time feel happy. Certainly they'd be way better off than being a weapon, but they think their life would have been wonderful if not for the experiments and theyre wrong about that.
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