#oc: bh bomb
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sumnantics · 8 months ago
bh bomb perchance …
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(This ask is referring to my Phighting OC, BH Bomb! I have them uploaded on Art Fight)
This ask got me thinking about BH Bomb during work, so here's some doodles I did! Was mostly thinking about their younger years, back before they were experimented on. Typed up all the notes I wrote on the doodles for easier readability, and I'm going to elaborate more under the read more!
BH Bomb would have had a large interest in space. I don't actually think that space, as we know it, even EXISTS in the Phighting universe, but whatever IS there is what BH Bomb would have been interested in. He'd have used he/him pronouns when he was younger, so I'll use he/him pronouns to refer to young Black Hole as opposed to BH Bomb as they are currently.
His gear would've been pretty powerful already, that's why weapons department wanted to use him, but he was a BAD PHIGHTER. He was bad at strategy, and even worse with teamwork. His gear would be a ranged action where he throws the bomb somewhere, and then it would pull in whoever is in its radius, like Subspace's tripmine. The difference is that its radius was much bigger, and it effected teammates too. This means it would be incredibly good as a positioning tactic. Black Hole, however, would ONLY use it to propel HIMSELF forward: He'd throw it where he wanted to go and then the pull would bring him there. He wouldn't care much that every time he used it it would mess up all his team's positions, and that any range would be pulled off their perch, and any weaker phighters would be pulled into all their enemies at once. This means that all ranged and movement-based phighters would HATEEE phighting with Black Hole.
(This means that when G Balloon coaches them into becoming a phighter, all their prowess with strategy and teamwork and Actually Being Good At Phighting, IS BECAUSE G Balloon taught them that. As silly as she is, G is an incredible strategist and a good coach.)
To be clear, as much as the experiments hurt BH Bomb and terrified them, and as much as they THINK they'd have been better off never being transferred, if they had never been transferred they actually wouldn't have been all that happy either. If they had never been transferred, they never would have stopped to think about their gender identity and would still be going by he/him and would feel stifled in presenting masculine. They'd be swamped with work and never have a moment to themself, being basically a NASA scientist, and while they do like space, they'd never have time feel happy. Certainly they'd be way better off than being a weapon, but they think their life would have been wonderful if not for the experiments and theyre wrong about that.
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tagetesxd · 10 months ago
decided to make a relationship chart of my ocs :P
W = wing
Bs = bewinged spear (wings sis)
Bt = btools
Sib = squid ink bomb
Bh = black hole
P = pie (the oc from the “concept of a new oc” post, I decide she should go by she/her :D)
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miss-spooky-eyes · 4 years ago
OC Inspirations: Devinahl & Indy
I was (delightfully) tagged by @vespertine-legacy​ a while ago and I’ve hesitated to do this because I knew I was going to talk WAY too much - but it was weighing on me, so I decided to open up about the sources from which I stole, that is, drew inspiration for Devinahl and Indirae.
What three fictional characters is your OC a combination of?  
This doesn’t apply to every OC - not even mine - but its certainly true for a few : Many of our characters are, to an extent, inspired by characters we see in movies, books, games, TV shows, etc.
Does this apply to any of your OCs? Was it a conscious decision on your part or not? Is your OC a combination of three (or more) fictional characters?
If so - post some GIFs / pics and tell us about them! What does your OC draw from other characters?
Too much Devinahl & Indy chat after the cut.
The truth is that when I came to creating my Imperial Agent Devinahl, and in particular fleshing out her backstory in far, far too much detail, there were some sources that I went to extremely explicitly and deliberately. And chief among them was ...
1. Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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That’s right. Garak from Deep Space Nine. Plain, simple Garak. Outcast. Exile. Spy. Addict. Perennial liar. Patriot. Terrorist. Would-be genocider. Very good tailor.
(If you haven’t seen DS9, then you need to. It’s like Star Trek, but if it was actually good? And Garak is a big part of what elevates it.) 
Is it weird to compare my ancient video game Barbie/gorgeous sex bomb badass assassin and seductress to a cold-blooded space lizard who spends his days hemming pants? Possibly. But there are aspects of Garak’s character that, consciously and unconsciously, I made parts of Devinahl’s DNA. 
Firstly, Garak is a patriot. He loves Cardassia so much that despite seeing its flaws with absolute clarity, despite having been exiled and reviled by it, he would die without question to serve it (of course, he’d much rather make someone else die). And while seeing that as a weakness, despite knowing that the Cardassia he has committed to serving is disappearing before his eyes, there is still a part of him that believes that that commitment - that neverending sacrifice - is noble. The only noble part of him. That’s central to Devinahl’s character (which is, in turn, the way I made sense of the IA storyline). That while hating and despising the Sith, she would nevertheless believe in the Empire - not so much believe that it is good (at best, I think she sees it as order and stability where the Republic is corruption and chaos) as believe that her commitment to it is the only redeeming thing available to her.
Secondly, the way that Garak will take his needs, vulnerabilities, sincere emotions and package them in ways which gets him what he has to have to keep going, without ever giving up full control? Particularly in the extraordinary episode The Wire, in which a dying Garak tells Dr Bashir a series of lies about himself in order to elicit Bashir’s forgiveness, because he needs to be sincerely forgiven but without ever telling the truth?
Out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren’t? My dear doctor, they’re all true. Even the lies?
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That is everything I tried to do with Dev, particularly in my fic about her and SCORPIO, particularly when it comes to her and Arcann. To know what she needs, as Garak needs absolution from Bashir, and tell just enough truth - put herself into just vulnerable enough a position - to get it, but never without reserving something, holding something back, whether it’s the knowledge that she can maneouvre herself out of SCORPIO’s clutches at any time or her real name? That’s a fucking survivor.
Thirdly, the relationship between Devinahl and Sifter (the spymaster who finds her as a traumatised child and grooms her for Intelligence) and specifically, the deathbed scene I wrote in Riddle was directly inspired by Garak’s relationship with Enabran Tain and that death scene. 
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Yes, Devinahl was not Sifter’s actual daughter, but in every real sense she was formed by Sifter - and had Sifter had just one day with Dev like Tain had with Garak, Dev would have been lost. She would have turned herself into a carbon copy of Sifter, and she would have died. But the bittersweetness? The acknowledgement that the parental figure you love will never, not even now that they’re dying, love you as you want them to?
‘I should have killed your mother before you were born. You have always been a weakness I can't afford.’ ���So you've told me. Many times. ...’ ‘Elim, remember that day…in the country. You must've been almost five.’ ‘How can I forget it? It was the only day.’
(The love and infinite sadness with which Andrew Robinson says that line, ‘It was the only day’? I’m crying just thinking about it. Anyway, it was everything I was thinking about and wanted to achieve in that scene.)
Oh ... and Devinahl’s ambiguous relationship with her implants? Well, Garak also has an implant in his head. And that’s all I’m saying about that.
2. Oryx from Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood
A novel character rather than from TV or movies, I hope that’s OK. And I know that there are ... very problematic elements to the way Atwood writes about Oryx, her family, her culture, her background. But she was one of the strongest elements that went into creating Devinahl and her backstory.
There were specific aspects of the story Oryx tells to Jimmie - particularly the parts about being told to scream and make a fuss if a man tries to take you away to a hotel room, and then being told not to make a fuss when a man tries to take you away to a hotel room - that became part of Dev’s story. But there was also a general attitude and way of looking at life I wanted to capture and incorporate. Oryx’s philosophy of value?
Of course (said Oryx), having a money value was no substitute for love. Every child should have love, every person should have it. . . . but love was undependable, it came and then it went, so it was good to have a money value, because then at least those who wanted to make a profit from you would make sure you were fed enough and not damaged too much. Also there were many who had neither love nor a money value, and having one of these things was better than having nothing.
I wanted to create a character who could look at life and suffering and abuse, even her own, and view it in that dispassionate way which horrifies someone from my middle-class Western background - and then I wanted to test that idea, to bring it up against SCORPIO and have SCORPIO try to break it down with torture, to see if it was just a cool facade/necessary illusion. I wimped out of really testing that belief, instead having Dev always know that she could get out of her situation/having her find a way to be loved without truly having to sacrifice her protective patterns ... but if I was a little braver and better, I’d have tested it to breaking point. How far can a character go who thinks like that while still remaining, on some level, compassionate/human/likeable?
3. Saffron (Firefly)
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I could have gone Black Widow (definitely the inspiration for Dev’s aesthetic in terms of outfit etc). But the plain truth is that I thought more about Saffron while dreaming up Devinahl/writing her backstory than I did about Black Widow (yes, Widow turned her weakness into strength in a manipulative fashion all the time, but Garak did it better, and other than that she mainly looked after boys in a way that I did not want Dev to be limited to). 
Firefly, for a show that had - what - 13 episodes? - exercises far too much of a hold on my imagination and Saffron, especially in the first episode in which she appeared, was such a tremendous character. The way that she found exactly the triggers to turn each member of the crew inside out? (And if she’d had more time, it absolutely would have worked on Wash and Inara, too - it only didn’t because she had to hurry.) Dev has that. I can’t write it, because I suck, but she has it. 
Oh, and nobody will ever know Devinahl’s real name (apart from you, if you read my fic about her backstory) and she’d die before letting you know it. That’s straight from Saffron. As is, I suppose, the man who would accept her just as she is without needing to push to know her secrets, except it worked out a little better for Dev and Arcann than it did for Yolanda and Durran Haymer because Dev and Arcann will always have pegging.
(This will be a lot shorter than the section on Devinahl, I promise.)
1. Steve Rogers, Captain America (and whatever else)
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I have never been super into the MCU, but the key reference I used to find a way into Indy’s character, back when she was nothing more than a cool-looking Cathar Bounty Hunter, was Steve Rogers. (November can attest to this)
Indy’s physical size - she’s six foot if she’s an inch, and big - is key to her personality, but equally key is the idea that she would always experience that size as uncomfortable and slightly alien to her. Like Steve Rogers, she started out as the scrawny kid always getting beat up by everybody ... And when she got her strength (with a hefty assist from the toxic waste run-off into what was her family’s only source of water) and suddenly got TALL and STRONG? She did not like bullies - which was what led her to help Coda out of a jam at the spacesport and started them on their road.
(If there’s a better way to play the BH storyline than as a stone-cold mercenary with an utterly unwilling heart of gold ... then I don’t know about it.)
2. Xena, Xena Warrior Princess
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I’ll be completely fucking straight with anybody about this (so to speak): I love Xena, I had an obsession with it as a teenager I’m still unpacking, and the show tends to feed into my characters in an ... odd way.
Indy is physically imposing like Xena, is the main thing; and her dynamic with Coda owes a lot to Xena’s with Gabrielle (although Coda is as big and tough as Indy, she is the fast talker/smooth operator to Indy’s laconic strongman). I wanted Indy to dominate action scenes the way that Xena does, be that kind of a force of nature; and watch her struggle to find ways to channel that charisma, to need Coda’s help to understand how to do it.
3. Dottie Henson, A League of Their Own
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OK, first of all, I do not want to hear any kind of mockery. This is, unironically, one of my favourite films of all time.
Again, we come back to the core theme of a character struggling with her own greatness/potential. That’s what is the most fascinating through-line of A League of Their Own: Dottie, this unbelievable baseball player/physical presence (yes, she’s very tall, just like Indy) who is so terrified to admit that she wants anything more than her smalltown life and dreadful husband, even while the evidence of her talent and passion for the game is burning up these ... fields? Diamonds? I don’t know baseball apart from this film.
Indy certainly hides behind not wanting to be a bounty hunter. She doesn’t believe in any Mandalorian nonsense about romanticising what is an unglamorous job. She’s just doing it for credits and afterwards, once she’s secured her family’s future, she’s totally going to go home and settle down in some acceptable, domestic way. Being on the Mantis with Coda, it’s absolutely just a means to an end. She doesn’t want to be there, she doesn’t care about it, it’s not who she is, she doesn’t need it. This life, the adventure, the freedom, the fighting for survival, it’s certainly not what gets inside her and what lights her up, no, not at all. 
Oh, and Dottie is also a reluctant leader. She doesn’t see why her talent should put her in the position of telling other people what to do - but then, on the other hand, she sees so clearly what they need to be doing, and when she says to do it, they listen. She doesn’t want to carry this team, but they’re only a team so long as she carries them.
(Don’t worry, Coda’s not going to let her lie to herself for too long.)
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cultist-thief-employee · 5 years ago
Hello! it seems that you’ve stumbled across this blog! Now this is a self indulgent blog for Villainous that will follow my OC, Cherri Bombe. Now this post will contain mainly information about Cherri that I haven’t covered in my reference sheet for her. However, there will be some information upon the world and various other little facts that you might want to check out? IDK. It’s up to you. It’s all under the ‘keep reading’ if you’re interested. 
-Cherri was born into a cult following Black Hat. Her father is a polygamist(?) with ten wives. Between these ten wives he has had seven children, Cherri being the ‘runt’ as she is the youngest and the smallest in both height and muscle mass. 
-Cherri comes form a long line of occultists following BH. They’ve been there through thick and thin, preforming petty thievery to high stakes hostage situations. The Bombe’s don’t remember the original agreement of the deal that was made over two centuries ago due to the different generations that have passed. However, they do not care as most, if not all of them, have devout themselves to Black Hat entirely. Wishing for fame, and recognition from him in any form, including their own deaths. 
-All the Bombe’s have a tooth gap.
-Cherri often forgets to eat whole meals, instead favoring eating small snacks that consist of only dark chocolate and cherries. 
-Cherri attended Black Hats School For Villainous Intentions from the ages of 5-17 when she graduated. 
-Cherri is an excellent thief, managing to break into locations and leave no trace of herself at all except for destroyed evidence and a tell tale marker of BH Org.’s logo spray painted on various surfaces. 
-Cherri is not strong but she makes up for this in smarts and speed. despite her “head empty, no thoughts” campaign she rolls over herself she is very intelligent and works well under stressful situations. 
-Cherri is great at sneaking around, being able to make no noise at all and seeming to ‘appear’ in rooms before anyone knows. She can hardly be snuck up on herself (unless its by Black Hat or something like him) due to her acute hearing. 
-Cherri tends to flirt out of fear, making people suddenly confused and flustered at her ‘advances’ so she can escape. 
-Cherri’s Bowie Knife is named Al.
-Cherri cannot deal with loud noises due to her acute hearing, any thing louder than the “indoor” voice volume and she gets a migraine. This is where her fear of thunder stems from as one clap and she has a migraine from hell that only gets worse with each boom.
-Black Hat is known all over the world by Hero Organizations as a potential threat yet they never send much of an attack to infiltrate the facility. their attempts are always in vain either way.
-All the Bombe’s have a choker that is really a collar. they cannot take it off once it is put on as it becomes bound to their skin. it’s like a tattoo as it doesn’t move but it feels like velvet. the only one who CAN take it off is Black Hat himself but, if he does take it off, whoever is having it taken off is instantly decapitated. 
Well that’s all I can think of for now. if you’re still here then here’s some badly made pics I’ve created that are the background and avatar (as of may 12th 2020) for this blog!!
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sumnantics · 9 months ago
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For prep this year for Art Fight, I uploaded three new characters! Duckie is a revamp of an old oc I've never posted, turned into a Phighting character. G Balloon is a Phighting character based off of last year's oc, BH Bomb. And finally, Vinny! Who's going to be a pretty prominent npc in the object show-themed campaign I'm running right now.
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