#i think someone i thought was cool unfollowed me
joeyalohadream · 3 days
Hi me again.
I saw your post about how you received a negative anon message and was hoping you didn’t mean me? I sent you an ask about how much I loved your clegan childhood best friends idea (like literally can’t stop thinking about it) and just suggested that you could give the idea to another great writer in the fandom. I think it’s just as cool to be the idea maker sometimes and I wasnt insulting you.
I really do love your writing but you do take a long time to post new stuff and that particular idea is just everything to me so I don’t want it to be in limbo.
like you posted a bit of an angsty story the other day and got people excited and now you haven’t mentioned it again. Just don’t want that to happen to the childhood story cause it’s such a good idea.
sorry for rambling I just had to come back and say sorry if I’m the anon that made you feel bad. Wasn’t my intention..
Sorry everyone that reads this but I'm taking some of Swifty's backbone for a minute and answering a negative anon. Hiding my response below the cut so you can scroll past without seeing my drama if you'd like...
Of course it was your message that I was referring to.
In this fandom, full of the most wonderfully kind people I've ever interacted with, your message was the only negative one I've ever received. The fact that you could send that message, and now this one and somehow not understand that you're being incredibly hurtful is beyond me.
I wasn't going to respond to this message at all, just like I didn't respond to the first one you sent (just flat out deleted that one), but someone posted about my 'childhood friends au' today and brought it all back.
I checked out library books for research for that story and wrote the most detailed outline of any story I've ever thought up. And after your message, I returned the books and scrapped the story because you made me feel like garbage.
You flat out told me to give my idea to a specific writer in the Mota fandom that would 'turn it into a masterpiece'. You and I can agree on the fact that the writer you mentioned is one of the most talented fanfic writers around. They are. But to be so blatantly rude to me about my own writing and to call it 'advice'? Come on. You have to know you're being an asshole.
I'm a kind person. I'm also sensitive and hate confrontation and it even makes my stomach hurt to respond to this message because I don't like being unkind to ANYONE. I work two jobs. I work 60 hours a week most weeks. The fact that I find time to write anything is something I'm proud of and you calling me 'inconsistent' is just absolutely unempathetic.
Since you keep choosing to remain anonymous, this is the only way I can know I reach you to tell you this:
If you follow me, unfollow me. Don't interact with my posts. Don't read my stories. And stay the hell out of my inbox.
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dandyshucks · 7 months
i get slightly annoyed when people make community posts that tell ppl to stop doing xyz and use the phrases "they're a FICTIONAL character, theyre NOT REAL" to justify whatever theyre saying because:
1) everyone knows that already, we're all aware these are blorbos from our media;
2) if someone is genuinely struggling to grasp that because of a delusion or similar, a forceful reality check is only going to cause harm rather than help;
3) it just feels so needlessly patronizing;
4) most of the time whatever I see people complaining about is either smth that I never see anyone doing or if it is smth somebody is doing then the block button is a very quick and effective fix for the issue (or even a quick convo w the person in DMs can resolve issues!)
(granted I keep my following circle very small and probably miss a lot but if i can do that then perhaps... perhaps other people can do it too fhfkdl like just prune back whatever u dont like seeing! unfollow or block as needed!)
#speaking as someone who has experienced and occasionally still experiences delusions!!!#reality checks do not help unless we ask for them directly! it's only going to make things worse if u force one on us!#also yes im aware of the hypocrisy of me making a post complaining abt things#but its often just this one phrase that i will see in otherwise decent posts that go around#and im not about to unfollow ppl just bc of this one phrase being used in a post or two that they might've rbed fhfjdl#also this is a niche thing to know about i think? like i dont think most ppl know a lot about delusions#.... as evidenced by ppl using delulu as a quirky meme word. god that one makes me tired and frustrated fjfkdl#but yeah normally i keep complaints and annoyances to myself but this one i figured might actually be helpful to talk about here#since i know theres probably a lot of ppl who have no idea that this is a thing that can actually make things worse rather than better#and like. theres bigger fish to fry i know that! this is a relatively small thing all things considered#but i feel like perhaps if i can make life a little easier for one other person who struggles w mental health then its worth it#if i can convince one person to be more mindful of their language to make the world slightly safer for fellow mentally ill folks then yay!#and i know the internet doesnt need to cater to us crazies but fhdkdl it'd be cool if ppl could just be a tad kinder or more thoughtful#again! not shaming or blaming and I'm not even upset w anyone#ppl genuinely just do not know abt this stuff unless a loved one or they themselves struggle w delusions or psychosis etc#and even then oftentimes its such a stigmatized topic that even ppl who struggle w it themselves might not know or realize it#anyways. climbing down off my soapbox like a kitten clumsily climbing off of a tall couch SBDJSKL#dandy.cmd
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cheswirls · 2 years
ahaha once again i think it's funny how mutuals work on tumblr and how ppl will literally follow each other to the grave. i checked last night bc i was curious and half of my muts are former magi blogs and none of us have made content for magi in years and yet i can still look at a url or a name if they've changed handles n be like oh!! magi mut!!! hell yeah!!!!
also i think it's funny that so many of us have more common interests now. whether this is by osmosis or Unwanted Exposure That Grows On You or w/e it's cute n cool to see that there's still common ground after all this time.
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beforeastorm · 2 months
We used to be a proper fandom (not really)
I'm not going to link or reference directly, because the claims have not been verified to any reasonable degree, but I have watched 911blr descend into... something... over the last couple of days because of a situation(s) involving truly horrendous fics, homicide-this-character accounts, and some pretty intense accusations about who (both specifically and as a group) is culpable for those behaviors. And I have some thoughts.
(Under the cut, because I ramble).
Desensitization and Escalation: The fics/account/posts/tweets didn't happen in a vacuum. They're, unfortunately, a natural evolution of what's been happening for months (before anyone ats me, on both/either side). It starts small: I hate so and so, I hate so and so's fans; so and so is the worst, so and so's fans are the worst. People become desensitized to it and then you're primed to escalate. THIS IS CLASSIC SOCIAL CONDITIONING. From I hate them, to someone should enact violence on them, to they deserve that violence, to I hope they die, to they have to die, etc.
I literally saw a tweet that stated something along the lines of "RT if you think we shouldn't consider (ship stans) humans". I'm sorry why are we questioning folk's humanity? About a television ship? The tweet did very well. Tons of likes and RTs. Anytime someone called them out for it, they were told to lighten up and learn how to take a joke. That it wasn't that serious. Well, here we are, a couple months later, and shit has gotten pretty serious now, eh?
And the longer in-groups permit this behavior, at any level, the more the cycle continues. And yes, it does need to be in-groups holding their own to account. And that's not always calling them out - especially if they're not in your circle. And not that you shouldn't call out behavior from the other side, but also - let's sweep our own kitchens before we call someone else's house a mess.
And, to be frank: both houses are messy so don't even.
And let me clarify by what I mean when I say holding people accountable. Because Tim Minear, to my knowledge, has not made any of us 9-1-1 fandom police, nor appointed a fandom inquisitorial squad. So you don't have to proverbially yell at someone to hold them accountable, though if you think they're open to a dialogue - then go for it. You can also choose not to engage/reblog/like/repost bad content; you can unfollow them, even if they make really cool art or write otherwise awesome fics or have really insightful takes 95% of the time. You can make a counterclaim or disavow a bad take; if it's someone in your circle by all means have a developmental conversation. The (ship) fandom would never! Yes they would. So would (other ship) fandom, and even (third ship) fandom and I've actually never met a toxic Bathena fan so go off kings (/gn) but there's probably one out there somewhere. Liking a ship isn't a vaccine to toxicity. Toxic, damaged people exist everywhere. They've existed since the dawn of time. I don't want to accuse anyone of being naive, but really? All this line of thinking does is create blind spots where we allow bad actors room and space to fester. We can, and should state that there's no space for this in the (ship) fandom, and anyone behaving in such a manner will face appropriate social sanctioning, up to and including ostracization. But to just flatly deny the possibility that someone on 'our side' might be bad is irresponsible.
The remedy is suffocation, not to ignore it: I get that you don't want to, to use fire metaphors because it's 9-1-1 after all, feed the flames by engaging with bad actors and giving them attention. Unfortunately, when you ignore a fire, it can spread unchecked.
Suffocate that motherfucker (metaphorically) and grab the burn kits. Starve them out. Unfollow, block - warn your friends - offer care to any affected. If it breaks ToS - report it. YOU SHOULD RESPOND, but you can choose to respond in ways that don't give bad actors the attention they may be craving.
This act was perpetuated by (ship) stans! I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby Doo. It's not bad (ship) fans, it's (anti-that-ship) fans PRETENDING to be (ship) fans to make them look bad and sow chaos? RIP OFF THE MASK! Was it Agatha all along?
I do believe that happens. I also believe that not every single take that makes your preferred ship/fandom look bad is from a double agent. All pure, immediate, unequivocal denial and accusation does is provide cover and perpetuate the rot in that ship space. Before we immediately accuse the other side, we should show up with some goddamn receipts. (I have yet to see receipts).
At the end of the day - fandom should be joyful. If your entire experience has been reduced to bashing another ship, bashing characters, starting rumors about other fans, complaining about other fans/ships/characters, impersonating fans of ships you're against, or infiltrating 'enemy territory' like you're some kind of spy and not some overworked, underpaid 21st century serf trying to exist under the crushing, existential weight of our capitalist hellscape whose main form of escaping said hellscape is our weewoo show blorbos? Be so for real right now. It's giving Regina George. Why are you so obsessed with them? Choose to engage with joy (or alternatively, choose to engage in really sad fics if you need a good cry because that is fair and also valid).
Stormy out ✌️
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
Some of my manifestations from last week (with photos)
Surprise gifts
My bestie A and I regularly update each other with about our daily plan for affirming etc to keep each other accountable. I said I was manifesting VIP treatment, put on some subs and affirmed while I was making breakfast (yes I’m not a morning person and make breakfast at nearly noon 😭)
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Not even a half hour later, I received a surprise delivery from Amazon:
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My friend L, who lives out of state, sent me food and new bowls for the stray cats I feed, and treats for my cats (Stella & Panini are my cats’ names 😹)
VIP treatment
That evening I worked a brand ambassador gig that I booked only a couple days before. I’ve been avoiding working as much as possible lately lol but this one was nearby and paid well. It happened to be a giveaway event partnering with a local radio station and ended up being fun. One of the radio DJs was there, and me as the sponsor brand representative was given the same level of VIP treatment as the radio DJ! There was an event coordinator who basically did all the work and I just got to stand around looking pretty and getting paid for it. 😭
Gift card
After work I got home and found another package from my friend L with a gift card for me 💕
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More cat food
A few days later, my neighbor left a huge box of cat food at my door. My cats are getting more spoiled than me 😂
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An air fryer
This one is cool because I specifically wanted to manifest this. I had heard about air fryers for a while now and it seemed like something I would use, but I didn’t really feel the need to buy one. A couple weeks ago I was at Trader Joe’s with my mom and the cashier was saying how much he loooved his air fryer and telling me all the things I could make with it. I decided that moment I would just manifest one eventually, and forgot about it.
So the other day my mom comes to pick me up for a family lunch and she has a huge box in her hands - an air fryer?? She says jokingly “happy birthday” - my birthday isn’t for another 4 months! She said she just felt like I needed one 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s so cute and I’ve already used it a couple times 💕
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Attention from sp
Soo I have this crush-type guy we’ll call D. He’s one of my best friends and we’ve talked nearly every day for 3 years. I can talk to him about anything, including all things supernatural and shifting. We have admitted to having feelings for each other, and even had “online boyfriend” vibes for a while, but we live in different states, and he didn’t want to do long distance. I was sad and anxious about it for a while, but since I found out about loa and shifting, I realized none of it mattered and I could just shift to a reality where we’re together already 😂
Anyway I had become detached and stopped really thinking about him in a romantic way for a while. However, I realized since I basically didn’t care and wasn’t thinking about him, he was becoming distant in response. We hadn’t been really flirty or romantic in a few months, and I hadn’t even talked to him in a week, which was unusual. Although I wasn’t anxious about it or anything, I was still missing talking to one of my best friends. So I just started assuming he would go back to blowing up my phone all day, and I sent him some mental telepathy messages about what I wanted.
Monday morning he messaged me apologizing for being distant. He had been traveling for spring vacation and took a break from his phone. He then basically spent the whole week trying to make up for it, being super attentive, listening to my long ramblings about my void and shifting progress, sending me selfies every day, being more sweet and romantic than he had been in months, and kept telling me how pretty I was 🥰
Losing a follower LOL
This is just a funny one to round out my list. I hadn’t been on tumblr in a bit, and when I went to check my asks, I saw I had 556 followers. I thought “darn I missed the angel number, haha maybe someone will unfollow me so I can get the screenshot.” Not 5 min later when I went to look again, it had happened, and I got the screenshot 😂
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(Up to 558 now thank you all 💕)
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
i lowkey disagree w u on ur position on fictional ships and certain portrayals of topics such as incest and pedophilia, but oh my fucking god to have the fucking. AUDACITY to accuse someone of real life pedophila and incest because they MENTIONED being NEUTRAL on a certain topic?? like you didnt even say you think fictional incest is cool and rad or wtvr u afaik (which. even if u did that ask would Still be abhorrent) but ur explicitly Neutral and are VERY carful to tag shit and i just. 1/2
cut for length and also sensitive topics
i cannot fucking imagine accusing someone of such a horrid act with such conviction bc u SLightly DIsagree on a topic. jfc. i block tags and if ur conversations ever drive me over the edge id Unfollow. im so so sorry people are such fucking assholes man. i hope people gain some sense abt these topics im so sorry
yeah no i completely respect your opinion. and i do know where it's coming from. to tell you the truth (basic decency of tagging triggers aside), i DO find most of those fanon portrayals to be cheap and uncalled for a good majority of the time, at least from a literary standpoint. things like dating a minor or your own sibling have serious implications on a character's moral code and interpersonal dynamics where most characters would... not fucking do that! and the moment you don't engage with those implications, it becomes either incredibly ooc or altogether shallow. some people act like a topic being problematic makes it inherently complex and rich, when it can be as tropey and flat as any other "safe" topic. being problematic doesn't make you interesting etc. my point isn't arguing over literary value, it's more like... there's people behaving horribly and cruelly towards the AUTHORS, and making disgusting assumptions like the one that was made against me, all because of fiction you can always filter out at the end of the day (assuming basic tagging etiquette is respected ofc) and like. that's too far. nobody deserves to be treated like this.
not to mention, the "incest fiction recs"/"pro incest posts" those freaks mentioned were literally 1) me gushing about revolutionary girl utena, a deeply feminist and self-aware series that unpacks the misogyny behind anime incest tropes by treating that abuse REALISTICALLY as patriarchal manipulation from a male relative and showing how the female victim suffers and emancipates herself from it and 2) me being annoyed that hs showed one of its characters suffering from csa without acknowledging it AS abuse, even when it would've been not just the morally decent thing to do, but also a genuinely good addition to his character arc (apparently it does do that in the endstory, but i didn't know it at the time). those are both posts about realistic, condemning, and well-thought depictions of incestuous abuse in fiction—which is the only way i ever enjoy the topic btw—but that didn't stop these people from deciding i had an incest fetish and harassing me for weeks on end to the point of accusing me of sexually abusing my teenage brother. like you said, it would be a ghoulish way to treat someone even if their assumption had been right (and it wasn't), but it's like they saw the topic being mentioned and that fact alone was unforgivable, regardless of context. and this crap happens to people all the time! if that's not fucking stupid i don't know what is
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seeminglydark · 2 months
Forgive me if this is weird to say, but as someone who really struggles to get attached to his own ocs out if fear of seeming cringe (and trying really hard to break out of thar) I really admire how much you unabashedly love your characters and how much it shows in your art
hahaha its not weird to say at all, I actually also struggle with this. I get a lot of self embarrassment and feel cringe about the fact that i draw the same things all the time, i dunno if that helps to hear. Sometimes I even refrain from posting things for a few days, or i wont post them in places like patreon or my patreon server or something cuz i have this fear of 'Oh Not Again.'
I think what helps me is remembering that first and foremost, I created my ocs for ME. I draw them for me. everything I do, its for me, coping mechanisms, self therapy, working through issues, or just for fun and aesthetic. They are extensions of me, and loving them is basically learning to love me. I put the care i should have been giving myself all this time into them, and it weirdly helps with my own self love journey, cuz honestly I feel pretty cringe most of the time and like i dont belong in most spaces. My ocs ease that, its a way of putting my heart and thoughts on paper so to speak.
These days i tell myself if people get bored, or dont want to see characters, or think im cringey, they have the freedom to unfollow. The internet is a vast place. When people are jerks about it, which I'll be honest, has happened WAY less than my brain tells me it will, i ignore and move on. No one has to be here. Has it happened? Yeah once or twice maybe, but compared to the positive messages I get its really rare. it's more that i think the rejection hurts us more when we hear it, I combat this by keeping a document where I've copy pasted all the comments/tags/dms that made me feel good, that way i can read through it and remind myself most people that are here love what i do. i like to think thats why people followed me.
And you know what, its so hard to separate ourselves from what people think of us, so remember the good things, cuz its incredibly rewarding that theres people who DO wanna be here. That love them maybe just as much as me. That feeling is WAY Bigger than the cringe feeling. The fact that i CAN be obsessive and cringe and people are on this ride with me? Holy Shit like I cant even describe how good that feels.
Create first and foremost for you. Thats the win, right there. And if it so happens others want to walk that road with you, well you've already won by creating so thats just a really cool bonus. Remember the kind interactions you have with people.They mean so much more than the negative ones. Love your ocs cuz they are a part of you in some kinda way and you deserve that love and care too.
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supercalime · 6 months
i totally agree with the vast majority of what you posted about shayne and courtney and fans entitlement to their private lives. i dislike that the fandom so heavily sees things through a 'shipping' lens - angela and damien look at each other for more than three seconds, so here's fourteen fics about them fucking. like it's so deranged and so so strange and fundamentally unfair for everyone involved.
it is the same when people want them all to be best friends irl so bad it causes them genuine distress when they say 'we're just co-workers who have a good time'. i understand parasocial relationships and am aware that some are closer than others (some are married i've heard lol) but if it makes you want to keel over and die to hear arasha call courtney her co-worker...genuinely seek help, that's not good for you.
as someone who came back in the buy-back era and who was a fan at the height of the defy shourtney shipping era, i think it's okay to be like 'aww in videos i always thought they had chemistry!' but the stalking, obsessive stuff is unhealthy at best and wrong at worst.
i worry now about the hyper-focus that will be put on shayne and courtney in videos, both together and apart. i think it's super brave of them to go public (also something they may have felt they had to do, given public records) and i hope that people will be able to dial in to respect them and their relationship!!
Thank you, I feel like I’m going crazy, I’m glad others agree!
Bro I can’t even IMAGINE what the “fans” are going to act now. I mean, I can, and it doesn’t look good.
Im calling it now, if the “fans” will keep an even closer look on Courtney’s body now. They will try to prove a pregnancy and I think that will be worse than what it has already been. If there’s an actual pregnancy that somehow gets announced this year, how much you wanna bet that they will use the time Amanda mentioned a smosh baby to prove they were right and knew all along?
If this weren’t Shayne and Courtney, who had to endure stalkers, harassment, unwanted sexual advances from fans, fanfics written about them, people speculate their relationship by every single interaction they had at work, I would have just gone “omg, so cool! Good for them”, but this poor couple had to hide their relationship, hide an engagement! Courtney wasn’t able to wear a goddamn engagement ring, all to protect their privacy.
Im happy for them but again, heartbroken by the fandom once again.
Anyway, all these posts, fights and interactions made me resent the channel I’ve watched for more than a decade so quickly it was actually shocking. Which fucking sucks cause smosh has never been about romantic relationships and this news shouldn’t have affected the fandom for better or for worse.
Im gonna take a step back from the company, at least for now. I’ve unsubscribed to all the channels and unfollowed everyone. I hope I can get back to watching them but for now I legit feel icky, as stupid as it sounds.
I also learned my lesson for good, never ever interact with the rest of the smosh fans, it’s almost never worth it.
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epickiya722 · 10 months
This is too funny to me. I know, sounds "salty" but read this and tell me is there any good reason to do this. There isn't, none at all.
Hey, folks! Don't be this person...
In fact, if you're someone who does this, go ahead and unfollow me. I don't want people who like being trolls interacting with me.
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Don't be that person who hates on a ship and purposely tags it for the shippers to see. People like this will turn around and play "victim".
"But I'm just voicing my opinion 🥺".
No, you're just being a jerk and it's not cute. Being hostile towards shippers who haven't even giving you an ounce of attention before for no reason is not cool.
I don't know what's the deal with being mean and thinking it's quirky or whatever, but please stop.
"I tagged so they can see my thoughts."
Clear sign that they're bored and just want some attention because they have nothing better to do.
So why didn't you use the other ship's tag, too? They used the tag of a popular ship!
Again, for attention! Oh, you're definitely going to get but you won't like it.
I can already see what's going to happen. They're going to get several people to tell them off and eventually it will get overwhelming. It will suck, for sure. But to avoid that...
If you hate a ship and post about it, properly tag it. Use the anti-tags, not the main ones.
Or just don't waste your time at all writing about a ship you don't like, I don't get that??? Like, you really have the energy to rant about a ship you don't like???
I get it if someone asks why you don't like a ship, feel free to rant about that! But to just do it on whim?
Don't you want to spend that time rambling about the ships you do like??
Also, come on now.
Bakudeku is a ship where the characters are the same age, aren't related in any way and their development has changed over time.
Comparing to an actual incestuous ship is beyoooond me. Tripping-tripping, for real.
When I say "funny" I mean that I find this highly annoying and it's gotten to the point that it's laughable because people still continue to do this.
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itsclydebitches · 7 months
Have you seen the posts going around saying shit like "If a mutual likes Hazbin Hotel I will block them"?? It's genuinely upsetting me tbh, not just the idea that people don't like the show, but that they despise it so much they can't even stand the thought of someone they know liking the show. It reminds me of the Steven Universe hate train only worse. They also say shit like "the show is just someone saying swear words and expecting you to laugh", and if for a second we put aside the fact that that is blatantly not true, what's wrong with that? I'm allowed to like something that's a bit trash, right? I've already seen two different people I follow reblog posts to that effect (and worse, someone saying all a character boils down to is "i love being sexually abused <3" and i don't know how they ever came to that conclusion) and it's driving me mad. And somehow I just know that they don't actually give a shit about any "controversies" surrounding vivziepop, that's just a convenient excuse for most of them. I don't even care if Vivzie is a bad person, that's none of my business. just live and let live, you know?
Sorry for ranting, you're literally the only blog i follow who posts Hazbin fan content
Rant away, friend! Luckily for me I haven't come across any of those posts yet. Plenty of discourse surrounding whether fans are allowed to make romantic and/or sexual content for Alastor, the expected shipping wars, and - as you say - vague references to Vivzie controversies (which I'm too new a fan to even be aware of yet)... but nothing that's a complete rejection of the show itself. That's probably because I've only engaged with blogs posting a lot of Hazbin content though.
I'm a big fan of old school Internet rules which includes an emphasis on cultivating your own online space. You know, the thing tumblr is explicitly designed for. So in theory I applaud anyone blocking users/tags for a show they're not a fan of. Performatively posting about it more as a way to guilt others for liking Hazbin at all... not so much. If you want to block something just block it. If you're mutuals with someone you both presumably like each others' content. Not all of it necessarily, but enough to have followed in the first place, and often being mutuals for long enough leads to friendship because you're both getting interacting with one another a lot. All of which isn't to say that people don't unfollow mutuals, or that you can't drop a mutual because they've started posting something you dislike. Obviously both situations do happen, but it feels like an extreme enough response that these posters probably aren't actually doing this very often. Most people will wait the mutual out until their interest gets hooked on something new, or block the Hazbin tag and keep the friend, or just block without making a big announcement about it. So posts like that feel more like a way to show off how much you dislike the show and guilt others for their enjoyment which yeah, can be upsetting to see. Especially when, as you say, it costs nothing to just let people like things.
Which might sound hypocritical on my part given my RWBY interests, but I think there's a big difference between critically examining a show while supporting others who genuinely love it, and simplistically blasting it. I COMPLETELY get why Hazbin wouldn't be to everyone's tastes and, like with the SU example, anything that gets popular enough is going to develop its haters (especially cartoons trying to tackle non-childish subjects. That's always going to be a fandom landmine). But if you're going to make claims about a show, at least watch it to ensure you can back up your stance? And if your takeaway is still, "This is the worst fucking thing I've ever watched"... cool. Go forth and write about that on your own, personal blog. But no one should be surprised when they're also blocked for bragging about how many Hazbin fans they've blocked.
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comfort (food)
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day 6: midnight snacks, crying
includes: beel & asmo
wc: .6k | rated g | m.list
a/n: bad friend's suck :( .... for @ombrotherlylove2023
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Stomach rumbling, Beel slides out of bed, careful not to disturb his twin. A midnight snack sounds perfect, especially since he’s pretty sure he saw some waffles in the freezer that he can combine with some of the leftover fried chicken from dinner. Levi thought he hid his leftovers well, but not well enough to keep them from him. 
Drooling at the prospect, Beel walks down the stairs, freezing when he sees someone already in the kitchen. Who else would be up at this hour, and sitting in the dark, no less? 
“I’m turning on the lights,” Beel warns, and does, revealing Asmo. Huh. Usually, he’d be asleep by now, something about body rhythm and skin health and all the stuff Beel doesn’t really get. 
“That’s bright,” Asmo mutters, shading his eyes from the sudden influx of light, but not before Beel sees how they’re red-rimmed and bloodshot. He moves to the fridge, wondering if he should say something. Asmo never cries.
Silence falls between them as Beel pulls out the waffles and finds Levi’s leftovers, but he can only take so many sniffles before he’s obligated to ask, “Is everything okay?” 
“What?” Asmo asks. “Oh, yeah, everything’s fine. Well,” he takes a deep breath, “actually, no they’re not. But it’s stupid. So.” 
“You can still tell me,” Beel encourages quietly, putting four waffles in the toaster. His back is to Asmo, a small privacy in their kitchen. “I don’t care if it’s stupid.” 
“It’s like, really stupid,” Asmo warns, and Beel shrugs. He’s not going to force Asmo to tell him.
“Well, basically, a friend of mine is being really weird and I don’t know why. I feel like she’s been excluding me and stuff, but I also wondered if it was in my head, since we’re usually so close. But then another friend of mine asked me about it, confirming it’s actually happening, which is nice because now I know I’m not crazy, but also sucks since that means she is deliberately putting distance between us,” he says in one breath. “And then I had this gut feeling, and I just checked Devilgram, and she unfollowed me! Me!” 
Beel’s not all that into social media but even he knows that’s a big deal. 
“So anyway, now I’ve been following her one-sidedly for who knows how long, looking like an idiot, and I don’t even know what I did wrong! And she’s being so rude and won’t talk to me, and it sucks because I really liked her. When people you think are cool don’t feel the same it really sucks.” 
Beel pulls the chicken out of the microwave, turning towards Asmo. “I’m sorry that’s happening,” he says seriously. “It sounds like she’s being a real jerk.”
Asmo lets out a watery laugh. “She is.” 
“She’s not worth your time. Anyone who’d blow off you doesn’t know what they’re doing,” Beel continues, words coming out a little awkwardly but heart-felt, something Asmo seems to realize. “Even if she does try to be your friend again, don’t let her. She sounds slimy and fake.” 
“Wow, you’re not holding back,” Asmo observes, and Bele shrugs again. 
“Well. She made you cry. Anyone who makes you cry is demon scum.” 
“Awww,” Asmo says, dabbing at his eyes delicately with his sleeve, “you care about me!” 
“Of course I do,” Beel says quietly, pouring syrup all over his creation. Asmo watches, raptly. 
“Enough to share that with me?”
Bele looks down, at his chicken and waffles, then back up at Asmo, who blinks pleadingly. His stomach grumbles again, but his heart lets out a stronger pang. “Fine,” he agrees reluctantly, circling the island and pulling out the stool next to Asmo’s. “Just this once, though.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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nextinline-if · 1 year
I'm tired of watching creators get stepped on (with a clarified statement regarding the forum poster)
I don't frequent this forum - I went here to investigate pirating. Several people have insisted that the person going by the COG founder's name is not actually him, so here's my updated post. I retract that it's Dan but not what else I said. I still stand by what I said.
Hi, it's me, your friendly Vi with something on my mind. Unfollow if you will but I gotta speak my mind on behalf of the authors who spend countless hours creating the games that bring you joy. Sure, I've been away from Tumblr so I'm probably late to this but oh well. Still decided to post this.
I moved my game to Twine in August because I don't want to be associated with Choice of Games (COG). Here's a great example of why...
People in a forum asking for and sharing pirated content from indie creators' Patreons.
The author saw it and responded:
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[ID: A snippet of what the text reads. Please take this down. This is just...really not cool guys. My hands are trembling as I right this, because I'm both hurt and stunned that someone would take *everything* from my Patreon and post it. If you ever want - redacted game name - to get finished, then try not to do things that will cause me to have a breakdown. Please. /ID]
Here's the response from someone going by COG's founder's name (per screenshots below - apparently it's not him but I do wonder why he lets someone use his name or isn't aware?):
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I know this image is small, so here's what it reads:
"Let me tell you something, those who haven't subscribed to your patreon isn't magically gonna subscribe if they don't get stories elsewhere, and those who have already did that means they care about you and I'm pretty damn sure they aren't gonna unsubscribe anytime soon. If something anything changes due to the leaks then it's your popularity, readers are gonna be more interested in your titles and perhaps once they have enough money then they can even subscribe and donate that money to you, right now many members of this forum don't have enough resources to purchase things online such as patreon subscription, hence they had to rely on leaks to sate their excitement of reading the stories. Do think about it, from their perspective and if you can then try to make old stories and demo available for public this way they may not needs to rely on leaks and will read from official source.
Sincerely, Dan Fabulich"
What I said originally when I thought it was Dan: The guy is probably a millionaire (or, at the very least, well off compared to most indie creators) and he has the nerve to create an entitled response like this to an INDIE AUTHOR who uses choicescript.... wow. To an author who yes, has a pretty good following but is spending 1000s of hours creating for the enjoyment of others.
New statement: It's still fucking the way this person is speaking to an indie author. Still seems odd to allow a forum to use your name (and also basically insinuate it is supported by your company)...I would certainly be angry. But then again, I'm not rich and living off indie authors' work.
He (still) has more money than most of us indie authors ever have in his pocket from creating a company that pays pennies to the writers who make it money. People who just rely on passion to create these stories. Even if you make money on Patreon, most people cannot be sustained full-time. Most of the pirated content is not from bigger authors (but some is).
And before anyone says anything, yes, I am aware that many people can't afford Patreon and "don't want to wait." I get it. I promise you, I know the struggle. But like, it's fucking entitled to think you deserve to read someone's work without their permission.
And it's fucking entitled to throw the authors that pay for your lifestyle under the bus. (I still believe the company does this).
I am SO grateful to the majority of you out there who are kind, supportive, and overall amazing. But this is not okay!
Vi, out.
P.S. as an anon suggested, I will try to contact Dan to see if he's aware of this person using his name to make statements like this
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
Are you aware that I'm-a-gay-fish and Zu ship dr//m/are ?/genq
okay so it took me a while to answer this but i finally found the words to so here goes; yeah i do know, and i totally understand if you don't ship it, neither do i, but there's nothing i can do about it?
they're allowed, so long as they don't harm people, to do whatever they want on their own platforms. and before you ask me if i support *ncest, would you actually ask someone if they support toxic relationships and murder whenever they ship two unhealthy killers with mental problems? because that's funnily enough what most people do around here! you can say it's not the same, and that they're romanticizing it, but i can personally detach myself from fiction enough to realize that while this concept depicted in their art shouldn't be recreated in real life, that doesn't mean they actually engage or support people that do that irl- they asked zu the same question so many times, and frog doesn't either and i've known gayfish for three years! you're well within your right to stop associating with them or distance yourself from their content but i myself won't.
i know fiction affects reality to a degree, don't twist my words please, but if you're too young to consume that kind of content with a nuanced perspective or is triggered/affected by it then as long as they tag their content properly then you can unfollow, block and move on. i have a habit of following and reblogging people's works before looking at their bios and before i know it find myself having to choose between two sides i don't belong to and i frankly don't want to! anti this or proship that- in this online era you have to adapt by keeping your cool and curating your own online experience and viewing people in black and whites is stressful, painful and dangerous for everyone involved. i don't even reblog the content you probably have a problem with, and i'm honestly still scared of the response i'll get-
i will not blame or hate whoever unfollows or blocks me for this, it's to be expected, but please don't think about it like some bad vs good guys dilemma? sometimes thought provoking morally grey ambiguous stories with messed up characters spark more positive discussion and healing than people looking into it because they suffer from the same delusions and want a justification-
like realistically, in my blog, most ppl here are basically shipping two literal skeletons with magic in their bones who are sometimes almost the exact copy of one another, and who theoretically have a very similar dna, and sometimes they make shipkids, which, if you know anything about *ncest, is one of the main reasons why you shouldn't bang your siblings - mostly from a moral standpoint because that's so gross i can't even think of it, but also because any offspring would suffer greatly from physical and mental diseases hidden in their genetic code- like. you could argue it's not the same but it's sancest for a reason. and even when they're widely different sanses, you wouldn't think fell x sans is wrong (at least in this specific community) but really we've all just gotten numb to how weird that sounds. trust me, there's a reason we don't talk about our ships to outsiders HHH
TL,DR: so while i greatly encourage you to block people and content you don't want to see/associate with, including me! i hope i made it clear why i, personally, don't care about dreammare and whoever ships it.
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igglemouse · 7 months
Song of the Day! New Music Friday!
I realized something...this year will be my 10th...yes, 10th year here. I'll probably make a post about it later but it has given me a thought.
I've been here a long time! I feel like a simblr elder, not sure if that is a good or bad thing but...I am surprised to have been here for so long now that I think on it. Even through some times where I wanted to quit. Each time I restarted my legacy was a moment where I felt like just quitting, except the one with the technical issues. Especially that time where a simblr I was very close mutuals with just stop interacting with me and then blocked me. It was very odd. It always made me feel like someone was saying something about me behind my back which was also odd since...I literally just post my stuff here, reblog other stuff, and try to keep positive energy. I remember thinking at the time, was it something I had done? I couldn't figure out why, I'm socially awkward so I thought maybe that was it...
When I started this simblr, nearly ten years ago, I was not in a good place. I was dealing with pretty bad depression, medicated, suicidal, the whole bit. I might have mentioned that over the years here, I doubt it because I'm pretty guarded, but I think back on it posting was the best thing I could have done then. It was a fun escape and knowing that people saw some value in my writing, even if just a little bit, really helped and it pushed me more and more into writing, which was a good thing. It was something I could focus on. I discovered through this that I have this ability to write and write a lot and here I could play out any story idea I had and I've always had so many come and go.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this one! Sometimes, I just have a thought and it turns into something longer. I would say I'll be here ten years longer but honestly who knows?! I think that's more on tumblr than myself lol as I do love tumblr but I hope there's a better platform in that time to migrate to.
I will say, to all the people that complimented me. That said I inspired them to do this or that, reached out to me, to even those that complimented my writing. Even those that did so and seemed really into my stories until just randomly unfollowing and ignoring me...well, no take backs! I've absorbed all the nice and positive thoughts. Not that they would be reading this any way lol.
So, I guess if you wonder "Why does she keep saying stuff like that!" I guess that's why, maybe its being dramatic but since tumblr/simblr played such a big role in me writing in general I know it meant a lot to me when people have shown me love in any kind of way. Taking things a day at a time is also important to my mental I guess that's why I've always tried to post daily. It's something I've been told years ago to always look forward to something tomorrow and keeping my little legacies going is one small thing in my life that has been pretty consistent.
So yeah! Ten years here will be a cool achievement! If I have the time and have the health maybe ten more years! I feel like even if I became a millionaire I'd still be posting >.&lt; and that millionaire thing is ahem...might be a possibility...life is much better for me now then when I started doing this!
OH! For those new followers, sorry, I do this like 2-4 times a month. I do used my SOTD posts for venting, ranting, talking, whatever!
Also Maria and Araceli tomorrow!
It's always too early to quit. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
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matan4il · 1 year
omg, you’re a mileapo stan, hi!!! i had to leave twitter i used mainly for ma bc of the sheer number of insane bloodthirsty shit that started flooding out from ppl i followed on there who i thought were normal??? i’ve been seeing the dehumanization of Israelis and the antisemitism over time but i gullibly thought that was due to the shitshow twitter is right now, but holy fuck, the response to the terrorist attack has been so fucking shocking. I can’t stop thinking about how these people who love to virtue signal their progressive stance would turn is in to the nazis for internet points. what the fuck
Hi Nonnie! *hugs*
Yes, I am! :D I hope you enjoy my silly Mileapo posts, they do make me smile a bit even during these dark days, because they represent this deep, beautiful love to me, and we can't give up on that, especially now, can we?
I feel you so much. I avoided Twitter for months, even before this massacre, because I just couldn't handle looking at the antisemitism I'd seen there before. It says something about how much I love Mileapo that eventually I did venture there. But right now? Every social media site has some good people, and each one has vile, inhumane justification for the murder and abuse of innocent people. I just saw someone whose url on Tumblr is the name of a Jewish character, siding with Hamas. The same Hamas that has called for a day of rage today, calling upon Arabs everywhere to kill Jews. I mean... at least have the decency to not use a Jewish character in your url if you're totally cool with real Jews being raped, mutilated and killed just for being Jewish.
I hope you unfollowed/blocked every single person who is justifying the beheading of kids and burning of babies alive. If you can, speak up, but I know that can be too much sometimes. So also take care of yourself! You matter!
I wish I had more encouraging words. The fact that the supposedly liberal crowd, the people who are meant to uphold humanist values and the rights of marginalized groups, are excluding Jews from the right to a humane fate (and ignoring a lot of Jewish history and the persecution of Jews to do so), it's hard to process. What they're doing is unconscionable. All we can do is speak up where we can, remind people that we ARE human beings deserving of basic human decency, get through this, and then have a long memory, make sure that even when the attacks on Israelis are stopped, that we don't forget this and we don't stop calling out antisemitism in ALL of its forms, whenever it comes from ANY camp.
Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here. And if you're in need of a Mileapo smile, click here)
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fellamarsh · 3 days
One thing I really wanna do moving forward is just like. Post more As Me. I have always struggled with being overly self-editing and the way that manifests online is me wanting to post and then not.
the thought process is always like, I wanna post my thoughts about something -> but what if I'm wrong or misunderstood or I don't write the thoughts good or no one cares -> might as well avoid the chance of failure and just not post
and that's kind of silly. i follow so many people who make text posts about all kinds of things or add their thoughts to other posts etc and I'm never like "well this person is stupid and also they write bad". if someone writes something i disagree with i think briefly about why and what position they might be coming from and continue with my day. if someone writes something ineloquent i'm like cool i'm on the internet and also i still get what they're trying to say so, communication successful. if someone writes something i don't understand i'm like huh and then maybe spend a minute trying to figure things out, or just, again, keep on scrollin. if someone posts about their day or their wip or like a cool rock they saw i'm like nice *thumbs up emoji* or hell yeah or even damn!!! that is a cool rock!!! and i rarely give that sort of post a like even if i Like it because i'm weird (my likes are where i save things for later, generally) but i do read and enjoy basically all of them that come across my dash. so I shouldn't assume that no one sees my posts or that no one cares because they don't get any notes.
i am an introverted guy in general and Being Seen is hard but also this is tumblr. what are the stakes. who cares if no one likes my post about trains that i put on my writing blog for some reason. they can unfollow me if they don't like my vague opinions or my cool post about trains
fear is the mind killer etc but guess what!! this is my mind palace and i have the knife. so who's the killer now
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