#i think it's post cannon
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toaster-fire-art · 2 years ago
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no thoughts, just hualian
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bacchuschucklefuck · 10 months ago
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beautiful! majestic!
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bloominglegumes · 10 months ago
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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speaking-riddlish · 4 months ago
Thinking about how Riddlish is handled in cannon and in fics. I've seen people just put random things that happen to ryhm anytime they want someone to be speaking Riddlish and it's like, a minor pet peeve of mine? But every time we see Riddlish spoken in cannon, it kind of makes sense in a way? Like, if you think about what is said, and try to piece together any symbolism based on context, you can kind of understand what they're saying. Like Maddie said, "Riddlish is not an exact language". Putting together the metaphor and symbolism gives you the general idea of what they're getting across. And whenever a fic does this well, it's like an instant favorite.
Let's look at and dicect some cannon examples (I've always kind of found these facinating):
"Feathers and Friends, together alone!"
"Feathers" could refer to Raven, since she's named after a bird. She also has feathers fairly prominent in her character design, so it'd make sense for Giles to say this even though he doesn't know her name yet.
"and Friends" probably refers to Maddie, since she's known him for a while and is presumably his friend. It could also refer to their friendship, and maybe even be a way of including Raven in.
"together, alone" They're here with him, joining him in his solitude.
Putting it all together we get "Raven and Maddie, you're here! You came to visit me!" Which lines up pretty well with Maddie's translation of "he says it's nice to have us here!"
"Can a musical chair change its tone, when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?"
"Can a musical chair change it's tone" The music in musical chairs is integral to the game, yet the song played does not come from the chair, but from the people playing. The tone of a musical chair is something fundamental about itself, and also something imposed by something outside itself. Can it change? Can something change something about itself that someone else has decided is fundamental?
"When the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?" A tablet of granite inscribed with something is literally that thing being written in stone, another reference to destiny and inevitability. And what's written on that stone is a bone, is death. Death is what is written in stone. Death is supposedly inevitable here.
From Raven's tone and terrified body language when asking Maddie to translate for her, it's fairly clear that the thing that wants to change is referring to Raven.
Putting it all together we get "Can Raven change from what others have said she's supposed to be, or is death the inevitable consequence of that like we've been told it is?" Which lines up pretty well with what Maddie was asked to translate: "What'll happen to me if I don't sign the book, am I really gonna disapear?"
"The king that sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies"
"pages of sky" is in reference to the book, and maybe the fairytales themselves. The sky is often used to symbolically reference heaven and the divine. The book, determining people's destinies, fits fairly well into that category. It's almost like he's referring to the book as being from above.
"The king that sings with pages of sky" would then be Headmaster Grim. He's in a position of authority over the students like a king is to his subjects. He "sings with" the book/the stories with his constant insistence that people must sign the book and follow their stories, speaking in unison with them.
"fears too much" this part is fairly clear, Milton's paranoid. The consequences he thinks are inevitable aren't as inevitable as he claims.
"the dawn that rises with" would mean something like "the consequences of" or "the fallout from". Then there's one of two ways the rest could be. "lies" could refer to that which is contrary to what the stories say will happen. If you take the stories as "truth" then changing the stories would be "lies". Or, "rises with lies" could mean the consequences coming from Milton's lies being brought to light. The dawn rises as Milton's lies rise.
Yet the whole thing sounds rather foreboding, giving the impression that something is seriously wrong.
Bringing it all together, we either get "Headmaster Grim told you to follow your destiny because he's paranoid about what'll happen if you don't. But those fears are unfounded. Also something is very wrong." or "Headmaster Grim told you to follow your destiny because he's afraid of what will happen when people find out why you don't need to (and its emplied that that reason is something very bad)" This lines up fairly well with Maddie's translation of "There's something wrong with the book, and if you don't sign, your story will continue... I think". I like the touch that Maddie wasn't as confident in this translation, since the last phrase is more ambiguous. It's not really clear how the foreboding tone integrates into the message without more context than Maddie has, so Maddie doesn't really know what it means.
"The baby bird flies. The snake, it slithers. But the cage holds both, to die and to wither."
"The baby bird flies. The snake, it slithers." The baby bird and the snake are two very different creatures, they move and interact with the world in two totally different ways. Most people also would look more favorably on the baby bird than on the snake.
"but the cage holds both, to die and to wither." the cage doesn't care what is inside of it, it will indiscriminately hold them both captive. The things that make the baby bird different from the snake, and the adorable charms of the baby bird will not free the baby bird from the cage, nor will they protect the baby bird from the grisly fate that awaits it in the cage.
The context is also relevant, since she's talking to Alastair and Bunny, two of her subjects who have just been arrested, but also two of her daughter's friends.
Putting this all together we get "Yes, you enjoy privileges that others do not have, but my affection for you will not compromise my judgement. You are not above the law. I am not above punishing you like I would anynother citizen." While we don't have a cannon translation to compare this to, it seems to make sense. Its immediately followed up with her letting them off with a warning, and despite this interaction, Bunny later tells Lizzie that her mom really is a good queen, but that the curse has stressed her out. I think the Queen of Hearts probably made exploring illegal to protect people from the curse. If she really is a good queen, then this type of objectivity ("I don't care if you're my daughter's friends, crime is crime") would make total sense.
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cowardlykrow · 11 months ago
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"Hah, dude doesn't even know he's in my tamagotchi."
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courtesanofdeath · 26 days ago
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happy anpan anpan -
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cronchy-cryptid · 3 days ago
Tma Headcanon and slight season 3 spoilers.
Ok, so you know how Martin has had a crush on Jon since season 1? And he has a tendency to daydream about Jon to the point of spacing out real bad? Ok put a pin in that.
You know how in season.. 3?? I think it was, Jon started showing his first prominent signs of developing his eye powers. Then later when they got really bad and Jon was trying really hard not to look into people's minds, he discribed it like a door in his mind with an ocean of knowledge behind it and, while he trys to keep it closed, sometimes information will seep through the cracks and he will just know something.
See where I'm going with this?
Ok so, Martin and Jon sitting in a quiet space for lunch because I said so, and they are both saying nothing. Jon is still wrapping his head around everything. He doesn't know the level of danger everyone is in, he's blaming Elias and himself, he's trying to piece together these mysteries without becoming one, and he's really just stuck in his own head.
Then there's Martin also in his own head, but more so worried about everything going on in the institute as well as how they're taking their toll on Jon. It feels like everyone is ganging up on him and he's already shouldering too much. Martin wants so badly to roll him up burrito style in a blanket, make some tea, kiss his head, and make sure he's safe. He sees the pressure he's under and just want's to take it off his shoulder's for a moment. Of course, it's his daydream, so he indulges on the idea of cuddling and light kisses and the soft sence of safety you feel around someone you trust.
At somepoint, Martin looks up to see Jon just kinda looking at him, a bit red. Jon clears his throat a bit awkwardly and thanks Martian for the tea and leaves. Before he fully heads out the door, Martin kinda half calls out like "Everything alright?" And Jon just kinda studder stops, thinks for a moment, then replies "No, but I appreciate the concern... Truly..." almost in a sigh, and leaves proper.
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vectorisheree · 9 months ago
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"While the Celestial Wave Project does not usually condone the removal of their ribbons as they are embroidered with unique identification numbers, we have extended this right to Solar as he is rather fashonable" - Dr. Newton, co-head of the @celestial-waves-project
Solar wears fingerless leather gloves due to the webbing between his fingers making it impossible for him, or any of the merr, to wear fingered gloves
Solar, like all characters that come from alternate dimentions in tsams, comes from a nearby shoal
Solar does not take good care of himself and will always put others first, leading to him tearing the delicate tissues around his neck and waist
Solar's star fragment flickers occasionally and feels rubbery, a sign of poor health. Due to this, Solar's heart rate is constantly monitored by the Celestial Waves Project through a device sewn into one of his gloves
He has an interest in fashion being one of the only mer who wear clothing outside of ribbons
As the Celestial Waves au mirrors the main dimention, Solar does die, just not for a while. After a long period of time, Eclipse agrees to share some of the Newton Star's energy with a revived version of him, leading to the two of them becoming very close
After his revival, Solar prefers isolation. He finds it hard to do much of anything and would much prefer to stay in his and Eclipse's cave while he heals
He is months away from being the person he once was between the memory loss and the whole newton star eating him from the inside out thing. He can hardly think straight half the time due to the pain
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noe-clara69 · 11 months ago
If tsc has made me realize anything, it is that we need to portray Neil way more feral and cutthroat in fan media
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jat-a-fan-of-stuff · 4 months ago
Im not THAT obsessed with Coalecr-
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casually-salad · 6 months ago
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love an only carry you so far, before the burning in your chest turns from pain to rage, little filly.
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dreamyblanket · 16 hours ago
Not cr related post jumpscare.
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masterrainb0w · 4 months ago
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No one really knows how to handle what happens after.
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fate-defiant · 4 months ago
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geospiral · 3 months ago
The stage was always Luka’s world, and everyone else was just living in it.
Luka’s first round in the 50th Alien Stage competition was the fourth round, but really it should have been the second given the predetermined matchups. The Segyein were saving his round for later in order to excite the in-universe audience to the previous winner’s grand return.
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(There is no dimmed profile in the second bracket.)
Luka being set up to go against either Mizi or Sua was absolutely intentional; the Segyein knew whoever came out of Round One would be an easy target for Luka’s manipulation, which, in their eyes, would make for a good show. When organizing the rounds, it seems like the Segyein try to go for which setups will elicit the biggest emotional responses out of the contestants. They clearly already knew about Mizi and Sua’s intimate relationship with the fact that the contestants’ profiles are most likely created by the Segyein with little to no input from the humans themselves (probably made with the help of the ever-present camera flowers in Anakt).
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This would also explain why Sua and Ivan were so certain about Mizi going up against Sua in the competition despite them not being told about the round matches yet.
(Take this with a grain of salt because it is possible they were already told who was against whom before this comic, but given how young they look, I'm thinking that it's probably too early for them to know.)
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If Luka weren’t in this year’s tournament, they would have probably set Till up against Mizi in Round 5 instead since the Segyein are aware of how much she means to Till. They technically could have still done that with Luka in the competition and had Round 6 be him vs. Ivan, but they most likely didn’t want to save Luka’s signature act until the final round, which the Segyein would have believed themselves to be doing given how they don’t seem to know how important Till is to Ivan (probably intentionally on Ivan's part).
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(Text: "Intimacy: 70% It feels like I'm being chased all the time, but I can't find any evidence, so the teachers only suspect me!!! I'm so pissed!! He's always done things I don't like, and I don't understand... Anyway, he's a bother.)
Note: While I think the character profiles were probably made by the Segyein, I don't think the intimacy levels from the artbook are. I'm showing Till's intimacy level for Ivan to highlight his comment about the teachers not believing him when he says that Ivan is constantly following him around.
The Segyein knew the two were friends at least, but that seems about it. Maybe that was enough for them to be a possible sixth round setup if they came out of 2 and 3 victorious, but given the vast potential there was for Luka vs. Ivan after a Mizi vs. Till round, I don't think the Segyein knew the depths of Ivan and Till's relationship and therefore didn't care until it became blatantly obvious after the canon Round 6 and could be capitalized upon for the finale.
From a meta perspective, an Ivantill round was obvious, but my personal opinion is that in-universe I think that matchup was more akin to a happy little accident on the Segyein's part.
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This is also all ignoring the huge elephant in the room, which is the Rebellion throwing a wrench into the competition.
I think the biggest change in the direction of the competition (not the results of the rounds but in how the rounds themselves were organized) due to the rebellion was how the Segyein decided to have the finale be mere hours after Round 6. If the fifth round hadn’t been interrupted, I think that the sixth would have been performed right after, like how the first four rounds were. Also, I don’t think they would have tried to aid Luka in his manipulation by throwing up pictures of Ivan on the screens and would have just left him to his own devices like in Round 5. But the Segyein wanted to lure the rebels out to save Till, so basically flashing a big sign that says, "THIS GUY IS MESSED UP FROM THE LAST ROUND AND WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING" was probably the best way to do it.
This is all to say that I think it's a lot more interesting if Luka was being set up to be the winner the entire time. Obviously he still had to work for it, but I like the idea that almost everything was set up in his favor; he just had to take advantage of it. The Segyein wanted a good show, and Luka knows how to perform. He did not disappoint them.
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shelf-cat · 1 year ago
~Did you know love? Did you rest in peace? Did you have a family?~
There is another really cool isat Milk animatic by @artsycloudysleepy that you can check out here!! More people should see it!
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