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cronchy-cryptid · 22 hours ago
Tma Headcanon and slight season 3 spoilers.
Ok, so you know how Martin has had a crush on Jon since season 1? And he has a tendency to daydream about Jon to the point of spacing out real bad? Ok put a pin in that.
You know how in season.. 3?? I think it was, Jon started showing his first prominent signs of developing his eye powers. Then later when they got really bad and Jon was trying really hard not to look into people's minds, he discribed it like a door in his mind with an ocean of knowledge behind it and, while he trys to keep it closed, sometimes information will seep through the cracks and he will just know something.
See where I'm going with this?
Ok so, Martin and Jon sitting in a quiet space for lunch because I said so, and they are both saying nothing. Jon is still wrapping his head around everything. He doesn't know the level of danger everyone is in, he's blaming Elias and himself, he's trying to piece together these mysteries without becoming one, and he's really just stuck in his own head.
Then there's Martin also in his own head, but more so worried about everything going on in the institute as well as how they're taking their toll on Jon. It feels like everyone is ganging up on him and he's already shouldering too much. Martin wants so badly to roll him up burrito style in a blanket, make some tea, kiss his head, and make sure he's safe. He sees the pressure he's under and just want's to take it off his shoulder's for a moment. Of course, it's his daydream, so he indulges on the idea of cuddling and light kisses and the soft sence of safety you feel around someone you trust.
At somepoint, Martin looks up to see Jon just kinda looking at him, a bit red. Jon clears his throat a bit awkwardly and thanks Martian for the tea and leaves. Before he fully heads out the door, Martin kinda half calls out like "Everything alright?" And Jon just kinda studder stops, thinks for a moment, then replies "No, but I appreciate the concern... Truly..." almost in a sigh, and leaves proper.
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cronchy-cryptid · 2 days ago
TMA Headcanon/Thought experiment with a bit of Season 5 spoilers
I like the idea of Season 5 Jon talking to Season 1 Jon, and 5!Jon has to sit his past self down to explain in his best way the events that will inevitably unfurl. Like the struggle of not being able to explain everything and being too vague and ominous for 1!Jon to understand.
And while the whole encounter is somewhat confusing and a bit jarring for our skeptic 1!Jon, the most jarring thing 5!Jon tells him is that he needs to be kinder to Martin as he deserves everything the world has to give and them some. That that man means more to him than any person could comprehend. Like, It's obvious 5!Jon loves Martin, but 1!Jon is like That could mean anything... I'm sure it's not what I think it is.
But that idea is shattered when 5!Martin, who was talking to 1!Martin in the other room over comes in, gives 5!Jon a kiss, grabs his hand and they both leave.
Even better, 5!Martin sees how rattled 1!Jon is and just to be a little shit, picks 5!Jon up bridal style to leave. 1!Jon's mind can be heard exploding as they do so. 5!Martin then goes back to pass the room he was talking to 1!Martin just to show him like, "Look who we pulled". 1!Martin goes beat red.
Also, I want to know how similar Lonely!Martin and 5!Martin's conversation from 186 would be compared to 5!Martin and 1!Martin. I think it would be similar, but 5!Martin might be a bit more gentle than Lonely!Martin was.
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cronchy-cryptid · 8 days ago
Okok, so I just finished the Magnus Archives! So, I go frolicking in the fandom, no longer too worried about spoilers (I haven't finished protocol, tho), but now I have one question.
Aren't Breekon and Hope brothers?? Like, when I listened to the podcast, I referred to them as "The Cockney Twins" before I memorized thier names. I always thought they were brothers like the Weasley twins or the Hitachin twins with the whole finishing each other's sentences and being practically two of the same person. But going through the fandom, I see they're a popular ship. Like, either way I know there will be a ship because people be like that sometimes, but now I'm genuinely curious because I see A) how popular it is and B) how little resistance there is against it as compared to other popular incest ships.
I don't remember their relationship ever being specified. I think they came into exsistance about the same place and same time with the same goal, like two halves of a whole. That's a very popular Twin trope, right?
Did I miss something?
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cronchy-cryptid · 4 months ago
I was drawing the icon herself when I noticed this detail.
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I need to know!!!! Is she still married??? If not, are they dead? Did she kill her husband? I can definitely see her in the red "I murdered my husband" robe.
If they're divorced, I can imagine she kept the ring because "I earned it fair and square", "you gave it to me, it's mine" and/or "Bitch I look good in gold"
If they are still together I can see two possibilities. Either they're the classic boomer couple of "Wow! The old ball and chain amiright?? No marriage is complete with out the sufferRING amiright??? My husband/wife is so useless I question everyday why I said yes. "
They bicker but they genuinely like each other. Like, that's just how they connect.
But, like, girl, your MARRIED and, like 60 or somethin. STOP FLRITING WITH THE 24 YEAR OLD PROSECUTIOR!!
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cronchy-cryptid · 4 months ago
Best 👏 Sprites 👏
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This sprite is my favorite sprite! Here's why!
I have only seen this sprite in the context that Klavier is frustrated or perturbed at something (I'm currently playing AJ 1-3 plz no spoilers). I love that choice! He will be absolutely fed up with some bullshit that has decided to test the limits of his patience,
but then,
his two friends
who are completely unrelated to the infuriating situation
(one of them being an actual 15 years old fan [joy in her eyes and hope in her soul] who should not be anywhere near a bloody crime scene)
just decide to show up out of nowhere!
Now he has to quickly and smoothly get his shit together to avoid unnecessarily blowing up at a trustworthy lawyer friend and an actual child.
Essentially, the sprite of him fixing his hair, gritting his teeth and avoiding eye contact in order to talk to Apollo and Truce is him doing this mentally
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Or even this
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And I think he's doing great!
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cronchy-cryptid · 5 months ago
So I'm playing Apollo Justice after finishing the og ace attorney trilogy and I'm loving it!
But this poster in the background caught my attention
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Of course, I see a possible reference to Detective Conan aka Cased Closed,
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but when I looked up whether this reference this was intentional, I found this old movie
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Either way, both feel very intentional at least by the translators if not the og versions.
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cronchy-cryptid · 8 months ago
My favorite thing in any romance anime (or even just an anime with romance in it) is to find these three characters.
The Captian of the Ship: The number one supporter. They give voice to all of us screaming at our screens. The captian has known that these two would be together before they even met. Will fight for the ship, will go down with the ship, will be there to patch up said ship in rocky territory. �� 
The Hater: This character is sick of the lovy-dovey bullshit. They hope your ship burns. No amout of joy is allowed in the presence of this character without being subjected to vast amounts of judgement. Wheather its out of jealousy, a form of protection of one or more participants in the ship, or just plain spite, I love the straight man haters!
The Oblivious: Wow! What great friends these two people must be! They must be the bestest of buds and nothing could ruin this 5 year long friendship these two must have! No mater how obvious the main two are in love, dating, or even married, the oblivious one must have missed every memo and has no clue as to the reality of the situation. Even better if there's a moment where the oblivious one is squinting at the main two and has that "..I think🤔... something might be happening here...🧐". The amount of pride I have for them in that moment is insurmountable.
And these character types are not exclusive. A Hater can EASILY be The Captain or The Oblivious and vise versa. The Oblivious can absolutely accidently Capian the ship, and accidentally burn down something they never even thought was a ship.
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cronchy-cryptid · 11 months ago
* Mini life rant *
It is so frustrating being better than I have ever been and yet no where near where I want to be.
Like, I remember being at a point where I was like, "Yea this is good. What I am doing is exactly what I want it to be" and now it's like "Nothing I do is satisfying me! Its not bad, buts its not there yet"
So I look back to when I did feel like I was "Better", I realize I was WORSE than I am now!
I am closer to my goals than ever before before and I yet I feel further behind.
I think this is the stretch marks the mind. My standers are growing faster than my skill can keep up. Which is good. It means I can still grow. It means I will do greater things, that I will be capable of greater things.
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
Agent assigned to keep watch over Sherlock: I think he me noticed, sir.
Mycroft: I guarentee you he has not.
*Working on a case*
Sherlock * a little high*: I’m serious! They’re watching me! They’ve even got an agent following me! Don’t you believe me?
Miss Hudson: Look, it’s not that I don’t believe you… It’s that I don’t believe you and I don’t care. Just pay the rent and stop making excuses!
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
I love the extra chapter where Xie Lian loses his memory. Its a fun character study moment and really shows Xie Lian's growth!
I would love to read a Hua Cheng amnesia chapter. Like, pick an era, any era, but I wanna see what would happen!! How odd would it be for Hua Cheng to be like a skittish little kid again?? Or cold and militant like wu ming? Or awkwardly feral like when he was a little soldier?
If there is already a fic for this (there probs is I just can't find it), PLEASE share!!
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
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Just gonna add this one
When the genre it’s neurodivergent detectives that fall in love with the serial killer they are investigating
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
Ok but, like, the way that Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are individually the strongest characters of their show, but when it comes to each other they're like daisies?? In the wind?
Like, Hua Cheng, right? One of, if not the strongest ghosts in the entire ghost realm. Always ready to fight. Always prepared. But the second Xie Lian appears
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He is grabbed and just FLUNG across the room!
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The fact that he didn't stick the landing makes me think he just ragdolled! Bruh ragdolled!
And Xie Lian!
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~Just wisped away~
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"Hello again :)"
And Xie Lian's got fast reflexes! Like, remember the dude from season one?
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Not a problem. Not a single fuck to spare.
But this guy
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"~Oh nooo~! I guess I'm slowly getting kidnaaapped!~"
Like, This is intentional! These are moments they both allow to happen!
That is adorable.
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
Me: I have all these great shows! Wish I had someone to talk about anime with :/
Person who noticed my anime jacket: Oh cool! I love that show! What other anime do you watch?
Me stuned into stupid: ... Anime? What's anime?
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
Not me realizing that if I get what I want (which is a book accurate season 3,4,5 etc. of TGCF), then I have to re-live all of the TRAMAIC EVENTS of the books with BREATH TAKING ANIMATION and EMOTIONALLY RICH VOICES.
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
I love it when calm, pretty, mellow mannered, kind hearted characters like Xie Lian are allowed to show genuine anger and frustration and have breakdowns. Like, Yes! Shout, scream, punch a wall! Yell and cry untill your face is scrunched up and unrecognizable because a person can't always be presentable! If your taking the bullshit of the world like a champ, you deserve to fall apart once in awhile.
At the same time, Xie Lian and those like him deserve hugs and comfort and to know that they don't have to be alone when shouldering the bullshit that is breaking them.
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
I love knowing absolutely nothing about classic pop culture. Like, when I started up Moriarty the Patriot, I had no idea who that was. I just wanted to see a silly little guy committing silly litte crimes.
Then some charismatic prick trys to out him? How dare he. Who does he think he is?
I was flabbergasted to find out it was the Sherlock Holmes.
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cronchy-cryptid · 1 year ago
Mu Qing: So.. you don't hate me?
Xie Lian: No, I don't hate you. :)
Hua Cheng: I do. In fact, I hate you enough for the both of us.
Mu Qing: ...
Feng Xin: ..What about me..?
Hua Cheng: Don't worry. I have plenty of hate to go around.
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