#i think im in a good mood today just kinda tired bc i went to bed late
dykeandballs · 1 year
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prestonmonterey · 5 months
(gods im so tired...)
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
no photos today so heres my cat :P
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OPENING NIGHT!!! it went super well!!!!! (i think)
it was PA night so the understudys were percy and annabeth and they killed it!!!!!! :DDDD
also my director gave me a compliment today so im in a good mood (it was somethin along the lines of "you finally did a good job as cerberus" but ill take what i can get...) (i still have beef with him but.. whatever....)
its crazy how fast this show is going and that itll all be over after sunday,, but also i am SO tired bc we literally spend more time at school than at home this week :(
also getting a lotta acne bc im not used to wearing this much make up every day :P
but hey at least ill get to rest a teeny bit on the weekend (just in the morning TwT bc we have matinees)
also my parents and some of my friends are comin tomorrow so they BETTER FUCKIN BUY ME CANDY (i really really really want candygrams... one of the stage managers got like 4 boxes of candy i am so jealous...)
also also also we did the legacy robe last night before preview night and my friend (and mother /ij) got it :DDDD very happy for her
um um um i felt like i had more to say but idk this is already a lot and i cant remember things im kinda tired :P
oh i finally got my camper necklace!!! the beads were missing for like a week but they were just on the table in the costuming room... anyway my friend made it for me during tech class bc shes so so sooo sweet <3 (while i was in math trying to force my friend to study... *stares at neeks* /aff) i got four beads that kinda almost make the ace flag!! (black for tech, silver for the fall play, light blue for this show, and purple for my grade)
idk if i explained it before but all of our necklaces represent how much theater we've done,,, bc its kinda like how long we've been at camp. theres a bead for each grade based on our class colors, and the tlt bead, so everyone gets at least 2. theres also beads for each of the past musicals and plays at school, and a black bead if youve done tech, and a white bead if youve done leadership :D some of the seniors have like most of their necklace filled because of how many shows theyve done
heres another cat pic to keep you engaged and reading this /hj
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also also also many many thanks to my wonderful actor and tech friends i would not survive without them (especially thanks to tech bc they have to put up with us actors... /hj) its poseidon's actors first show i think and they have a LOT of quick changes so their section of the rack is,,, kind of a mess. also the lamp for the oracle scene has broken multiple times i think already... and i already left my make up bag out yesterday and my watch in the cubbies today TwT we are a hot mess
my graphic design teacher was acting today :D (the farmer in drive is a teacher role, and they switch out every night) and i love him being so absolutely perplexed by the energy circle before show :333
also i remembered to put setting powder on for the first time,,, and... i forgot that my mom is SO much paler than me TwT (i was very washed out...) so ill probably stick to spray for the rest of the week :P
sorry i really am rambling tonight...
ok i will probably hopefully do at least one more update after strike on sunday!! (depending on how tired i am,, i might just curl up on the floor and sleep after the sunday show actually...) unless something goes horribly wrong,,, then ill probably post about it too
good night!! i need to collapse in bed and try to save up enough energy for tomorrows show :3
have a wonderful day/night and remember to hydrate! (or you'll die straight...)
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hi covey!!!!
i havent been able to respond and interact with all ur posts since im not home atm but im sitting in hotel room bed writing this rn so! i have found my way to your other account tho😈 so im gonna write a little rant i hope you dont mind (even tho thats kinda what the account is made for, i still feel weird doing it!!) so feel free to ignore i just reallt want rant!
also wanna start it off by saying i hope youve been doing well and the college stress isnt affecting you too much!!
okiiii so anyway its my birthday tofay 😜😜 and for my bday weekend we went to chicago since its pretty close to where i live and i thiight it would be fun but sometjkng about me is just that i hate being away from home like idk i just love my room so idk why i wanted to do thid for my bday but ANYWAY.
friday and saturday were oretty fun even tho its so cold out but ive had an overall good time! the obly downside is my DAD bro. i dont think hes ever experienced true happiness in hus life bc if any tiny bad thing happens he gets so MAD and for NO REASON. i try to stay happy but its literally such a mood killer like how am i supoosed to enjoy my time wjen ur over here bitching and complaing about not getting the corner booth like. get over pls shut up i wanna be happy.
and then today i thoight we were gonna go to this museum and then meet up with my brither to go to the sears/willis tower but it got completely changed and i was so confused and we didnt do anytbing k wanted to do that day. like i wanted kbbq as my bday dinner like it was the MAIN reason i wanted to go to chicaho but they switched uo and said it was too far away. like okay then… im like fine whatever just choose some place else bc idk what i want and i dont wanna decide and THEY KEPT ASKING ME AND BOTHERING ME LIKE PLS LEAVE ME ALONE. and then we were just walking around everywhere trying to fund a place to eat and i was getting annoyed so i just said olay i wanna go here, AND THEY JUSR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE EVEN THO THEY WERE ASKING ME WHERE I WANTED TO GO??? pls.. jusg make up ur mind. and then when we finally got to a place bc i was like yall im tired lets just go to fresking shake shack they starting bitching about the prices and i get we dont have a lot of money but it just made me feel so guilty??
anyway i felt way better bc me and my cousin started making fun of my dad so i felt 10x #wcousin😇
now im in the hotel room listening to my dad snore SO FREAKING LOUF LIKE HOW AM I GONNA SLEEP.
TLDR; birthday was rlly my dads rlly whiny but im chill now!
have a good day/night covey sorry writing so much😭😭
beloved snail anon,
do not feel bad for ranting!! that's the whole point of this blog!! we just need to ignore the fact that i ignored it for so long lmao.
my dad is, from the sound of it, very similar to your dad. and i've grown to kinda just throw it back at him. it took years of warming up to it, but now i just treat him the way he treats us and he shuts up real real quick, ya know?? anyways, im so so sorry that he was being sucky (again kill all men) and you totally didn't deserve that!! wishing you a better birthday for next year!!
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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autumnwritcs · 2 years
after two awful days i can finally say its over. this rant will be either deleted or buried in reblogs so don't mind me.
it was my mom's birthday today, it's always a difficult day at home bc idk, she expects 18k as presents and I'm just a teacher lol i never seem to pick a good gift for her and this year is hard bc she's still angry/sad that i moved out. anyway, been looking for a presents she might like for two weeks only to buy a shirt today, one too damn expensive but my choices were slim so yeah.
I don't think she liked it, plus her best friend was there and the woman made the most stupid and hurtful things about EVERYTHING, making my mom say stupid and hurtful things too.
then my boyfriend kinda got angry bc all of that and bc I spent too much money on the shirt and i just feel like crying but im tired from doing that all day yesterday so venting in here it is bc im pissed at my bf to vent with him even tho he was right.
sorry if you went though all this lol love you all and I'll be here in a better mood to write tomorrow
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astralhugs · 4 years
Hi! May i request the RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC that is too stressed bc of school/work so she starts crying? ♡
I’ve added bonuses bcs yall seemed to enjoy it and its also an apology for taking too long TT enjoy~~
requests : open
* omgomg he understands
* You’d both usually study together, take breakd together.
* It wasn’t too bad.
* Well...until final exams were coming up and Yoosung’s finished sooner before yours even started
* So you didn’t wanna bother him anymore.
* Third day of studying accounting and you passed out on the desk 🤩
* Yoosung was awake in the middle of the night, getting water when he saw you weren’t in bed.
* He checked on the desk to see you, asleep on the desk with some notes and reviews scattered around.
* He also saw some dried up tears probably from a few hours ago due to stress.
* He gently picks you up, checking the clock.
* 1.37 AM.
* The next morning, he woke up extra early to give you breakfast in bed.
* When you were about to leave, he would kiss you for good luck.
* Will help you when you have some problems during studying!
* Would even stop playing LOLOL just to help you study!!
Bonus (since most of yall loved these~) :
MC! Wahh! I can’t believe you made it this far! You did your best this school year, I believe in you okay? I can’t help you study all the time but I’m always cheering on for you~ All the best!! ♡
* he was a good student up until middle school
* so whenever you needed help with a problem uhh he feels bad but he can’t solve it either.
* Unless its like language or a reading comprehension then he’s good at those!!
* A few days before your presentation, about some character analysis that you were still reviewing and ZEN had just gotten a new role.
* Did I mention its a major character role?
* You didn’t want to distract him so...you decided to try studying on your own.
* It was until you got too stressed out about it and started crying.
* You weren’t able to memorize it and had to look at the slides all the time.
* Zen finished his practice when he came back to see you with teary eyes, in a dark room, your laptop with full brightness.
* Zen immediately turned on the lights, worried your eyes would get hurt.
* He saw your eyes were still puffy and immediately held you in his arms.
* “Babe, you could’ve asked me...I would’ve made time for you.” he softly whispered.
* He lets you cool down for a while and asks you with a soft voice to show him your presentation.
* He started to read through it and realized what was wrong with it.
* He started to explain, little by little. Not wanting to stress you out again
* Rewards you with little kisses, be it on the lips or on the neck idk
* Its relaxing studying with him.
BONUS : Babe! <3 why are you stressed out? TT Oh! You’re studying? Take it easy~ I know exams can be important, especially during this time but please make sure to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat, okay? Love youuu mwah mwah mwah
*empty i’ll write hers soon once i know what to write for her*
BONUS : Oh dear...are you still up studying? MC, I’m working late tonight so I can’t help you but I hope you’ve eaten and have been taking care of yourself well! Please know I’ll support you even from the C&R Building to my place and always will!
* He’s smart.
* Like high IQ smart
* Its canon
* Anyways, he saw that you were struggling with your business classes.
* One day, you were finishing up your graphs when Elizabeth got on top of it and scratched it.
* Tearing the paper apart.
* You widened your eyes, you were too tired to scold Elizabeth so you just sat there and shut down for a while until Jumin came home.
* He saw Elizabeth in the front door looking bad and poiting her paws at you.
* Jumin saw you, sitting down, staring at a torn paper and immediately saw what happened.
* He placed Elizabeth on the couch and went up to you and hugged you from behind.
* From there, you started crying.
* “I-i worked so hard on it, I’m not blaming Elizabeth but-“
* “My love, don’t worry. I’ll help you, okay?” he said in his calming voice.
* Starts from scratch with him again.
* It was easy for him because 1. he’s the ceo in line 2. he has a high IQ 3. hes a business man? tf?
* Very relaxing to study with him, though its not often, he’d try to make time to teach you<3
* Won’t yell at you if you get it wrong.
* Rewards you like kisses and ruffling your hair everytime you get an answer correct.
Its you. I’ll be running late tonight, Assistant Kang needed a few more files finalized before showing them to my meeting tomorrow so I won’t be able to come home early tonight. If you’re studying, please be sure to drink and eat somethinf healthy. I’ve asked Mrs. Kim, our maid to watch Elizabeth to watch her to make sure your work won’t be destroyed so I hope that helped. I’ll see you soon, my love. Wait for me.
* Idk if it was mentioned but I remembered reading somewhere he had a high IQ
* Your compsci class was teaching you how to code with C++
* You struggled with ‘HELLO WORLD!’
* Well...Saeyoung and Saeran just reunited so...you obviously didn’t want to bother both of them.
* Saeyoung was peeking around to check if you were eating when he saw your laptop, opened with C++ on it.
* “MC! Where did you learn how to hack?” he asks cheerfully.
* You turned around, tears in your eyes, “Why can’t I do it?”
* Saeyoung was shocked, he saw the piles of papers and the textbook.
* He smiled, while holding your hand tightly, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to you.
* He scanned through your code and immediately saw the error.
* He fixed it for you and taught you the basics.
* Dropped some easy hacking materials for you to impress your peers.
* Would definitely have a study session together! All three (four if Vandy wants to join) once every two weeks.
* Saeran would read the textbooks his brother would give to him and try explaining it to you while Saeyoung does the computer stuff.
* Studying with the choi twins? I’d like that.
DUNNNNNNN! Is my precious MC sad??? :((((, O-oh no, I didn’t mean to make you more sad! Ahh I’m not making this easier for you huh? MC, I hate seeing you sad...even if its just from a screen. Studying may be a bit hard. I was there. But I will always support and love you. Even if we are from different universes so take care, okay? :>
* You were learning about flower languages and you knew Saeran was good at it...while you weren’t.
* So you decide to ask him for help.
* Well...that day, he was in a bad mood but wanted to calm down so he thought teaching and reviewing with you would calm him down a bit.
* Well it for sure didn’t buddy.
* You showed him the book and he scanned through them.
* “How do you not get this? Are you dumb? An airhead?”
* Ever since he stopped drinking the elixir, he never really said those words to you so...it was kinda painful for you to hear that.
* He saw the tears in your eyes and regretted what he said.
* He snapped out of it and immediately held you tight in his embrace, “I’m sorry I’m sorry....” he mumbled, stroking your back gently.
* Tries not to get mad when you get it wrong.
* Would secretly put candy under your book everytime you get a question correct.
* “Princess, is that a candy you placed under your book?” he secretly placed it there.
Ah. Don’t ever think of yourself as an airhead when you’re studying! You’ll feel better when you don’t do that! Whenever I scold you...scold me back! Don’t just accept it and cry- hhh, please take good care of yourself even when you’re studying. I um...I love you okaythisisembarassingbyeee
requests : open~
have a great week guys <3
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
hi, first time asking (i hate being shy) but fluff 18 with osamu (or anyone else really, i just saw it and thought it was kinda made for osamu) please 👉👈🥺
pairing: miya osamu x fem!reader
foreword: ofc ofc!!!!!! is okay being shy, theres always a first time for everything hehe. thank u for requesting! (&thank u for requesting osamu i love him sm; sorrie this took such a long time to post, school rlly sux and im constantly tired bc of school😓but thank u for being patient!
look out for: slight manga spoilers, aged up! characters, slight drinking, fluff
Today was, for lack of a better word, a crappy day. You woke up on the wrong side of bed, were so late to your job that you were reprimanded by your boss, and, to make matters worse, left your umbrella at home when you knew it was going to rain later today. Onigiri sounded really good for you right now, but stopping by your favorite Onigiri Miya’s tiny shop sounded impossible for someone without a car, as it was several miles from where you resided.
And so now you were stuck at home, sitting on the floor of the kitchen in your apartment, still not completely dried off from the heavy rain pouring outside. It also probably didn’t help that the sound of your stomach grumbling filled the empty silence every couple of minutes, along with the mindless noise that came from whatever you were doing on your phone. Some fifteen minutes ago you had texted the better twin Osamu Miya (you’d call him your boyfriend, but that’d be pushing it a little much; he and you were sort of teetering between the “talking phase” and the “dating phase”) about your troubles, but didn’t press the topic. At the time you had texted him, Osamu was responding back during his work hours, as he’d probably slipped out the door at the back of the kitchen despite it being the slow hour of the day.
Having nothing else to stare at the dim screen of your phone, you reviewed your conversation with him again:
>> :(((
>> i’m in the mood for onigiri!!!
>> but i only want ur onigiri
>> & ur v far from where i am
osamu miya
>> do u want me to do anything about it?
>> yes duh,
>> steal sum onigiri from yo kitchen!
osamu miya
>> no????
>> theyre for my customers???
>> am i not a customer??gimme
osamu miya
>> cant i just getchu sum pizza
>> Attachment: 1 Image
You opened up the image Osamu sent you and it was an extremely distorted image of his brother Atsumu holding a box of pizza. You stifled a laugh, then let it all out. You laughed, despite several tears escaping your eyes. Sure, you’ve had your share of bad days in the past, and this one could definitely compare to many, but the build-up of stress that led up to this day can really bring you down sometimes. You groaned, bringing your knees to your chest. There was no doubt that stress was one day going to be the end of you.
You stayed in that position for what felt like an hour, and it seemed to you that you had fallen asleep around twenty minutes into that hour, for you had woken up due to a startling knock that came from the door of your apartment. You paid some attention to it at first, thinking that it was most likely due to post-nap hallucination; however, a second knock, then a third knock came in. Getting up in fear, you speed-walked your way towards the door and looked through the peephole that would provide the fish-eye image of the figure who interrupted your nap. It was a sopping-wet Osamu, still clad in his attire from work, looking down at the puddle he was creating at the doorstep. You opened the door, and he looked into your eyes with a smirk that rested lazily on his face, holding up a plastic bag with his left hand. There was another in his right hand.
Selfishly, you whined out loud, “I wanted onigiri.”
“I didn’t get soaked wet through walking to your house for you to say no to pizza. I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in,” Osamu explained.
As you began to raise a hand to protest his explanation, Osamu held up the other bag, saying, “I also have onigiri. So now ya gotta let me in.”
Flustered from defeat, you stepped out of the way and opened the door wider for Osamu to walk in. He took off his soaked shoes, so he was standing in uncomfortably wet socks. You allowed him to take off his socks as well if it made him slightly more comfortable. You took the two plastic bags from him, and set them and yourself on the kitchen floor, where you previously were. Beckoning the man to come sit with you on the floor, the two of you sat in silence as you began eating.
“You know,” with food stuffed in his mouth, Osamu began, “they say that silence while eating means that the food’s really good.”
Finishing your first onigiri, you scoffed. “Nah, that’s probably wrong. That jus’ means everyone’s eating and they’re bein’ polite. Who ever said that?”
“I did,” Osamu stated. You smacked him on the arm as you rolled your eyes, and he chuckled at your aggression. “Anyways,” he continued, “tell me how your day went. I can tell you were pretty sad.”
You hummed, before taking a sip of your beer. Setting the can down, you explained how for the past several days you had been building up a lot of stress and that this day was your “breaking point.” Osamu listened on without interruption, though he nodded occasionally to show he’s listening. Once you’ve finished explaining, or, at this point, ranting, Osamu placed a hand over yours that’s resting on your thigh. You glanced at him, and he’s got his usual blank expression on his face.
“At least I got you your onigiri.”
Maybe it was the beer, or the fact that you’ve come to terms with the feelings you’ve begun to harbor for him, but the warmth in your cheeks started to show itself. Lacing your fingers between his, your other hand found its way to your can of beer, which you raised. Osamu raised his own, and the two of you clinked your cans together. Laughter rang in the air, as it would for several hours more that evening.
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pupboy-denial · 3 years
day 5 - day 6
didnt rlly have time to write anything yesterday! i went out to eat and had to do homework so i didnt spend too much time edging. i did edge a bit, but i think it was mostly soft edges and nothing too intense..
ive also edged a bit today! if i make it through tomorrow, that’ll be the same as my last record (roughly?) and i’m really excited!! it’s almost been a week with no orgasms and i’m still so excited about it!! sometimes i rlly wanna cum, usually when im close to the edge, but most of the time im happy being like this. it’s nice to just relax and touch myself without having to worry about cumming. i think i’ve gotten a bit past the urge to cum all the time. im kinda used to just playing with myself and then stopping ig? it’s very nice!!
my toy should have come in today and im gonna go get it from the mailbox later tonight owo!! im sooo excited to fuck myself with it! <3 it’s gonna feel soo good to use a toy, my hand just doesn’t satisfy me enough and it makes it hard not to touch my cock when i do it like that.
i have that nice, relaxed feeling of being horny rn talking abt it all hehe. i kinda wanna condition myself to associate the feeling of being rlly turned on and edged with, like, happiness and comfort and bliss. that way when i cum, it’s so upsetting that i just wanna keep myself edged.
i feel like i’ve been happier since i started edging. a night or two ago i had a huge mood drop but i think it was bc i spent most of spring break being unproductive. i think im over that now and i actually kinda feel in the mood to be productive. im gonna do my best to make sure i have to be productive in order to edge myself since break is ending. tomorrow i can start the edging challenge i have!!! im excited about it!!! and i can spend tonight edging as much and as freely as i want and fucking myself with my new toy <33
💙 ...
IT CAME IN AAHHHH. I HAVENT PLAYED WITH IT YET BUT I WASHED IT OFF SO IT WOULD BE ALL CLEAN AND READY TO USE AND ABAJABAB!! it’s bigger than i expected it to be!!! i think i’ll be able to take it tho. the knot might be hard but i can work up to it!
either way, it’s gonna take a lot of edging to prepare for it. im gonna attempt it later tonight, when people are asleep and hopefully after i get my work done. i need to finish up some homework i didnt realize i had abwnsidh but then hopefully i’ll be good to go. oh fuck im so excited to get so filled up. it’s so pretty and squishy and i just want it inside me so bad. it’s exactly the colors i wanted too!! the base is black and the rest is red and it’s hnnnn so so pretty i wanna fuck ittt
💙 ...
anwksidhsv WOW that was really intense fuck.
im rlly tired after that lol but i’ll do my best to summarize! so so i started edging and all and i managed to get ready enough to take the toy and. WOW.
it kinda hurt and it’s not that long yet but it’s still REALLY nice!! i edged on it a lot of times idek how many i just. i got RLLY close to cumming, like RLLY close. for a bit i was like “but cumming wouldn’t be so bad right?” and like for the first time since i’ve like started denial i could rlly just. IMAGINE exactly what it felt like to cum and i was so sure i was gonna. there were a few rlly close calls and im so glad i didnt accidentally cum bc that would have sucked a lot. but. yeah.
i stopped when i started getting too close and now im all cleaned up and stuff and i feel empty and needy <33 im kinda over sensitive enough rn to not be too bothered by it but yeah that’s my update hehe
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regalmadness · 4 years
50 questions you've never been asked
Tagged by @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie thanks love!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
2. A food you never eat
There is something in my country called Auyama... yup that just
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3. Are you typically too warm or too cold
Too cold, like I be cuddling and people will get scared that im as cold as ice and so to ease their worries I just burry my hands and feet into their coat or clothes 🤣
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
5. What is your favourite candy bar?
The ring pop. I love it! It brings back memories. Either that or any white chocolate.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Yes I once had the oportunity to go to a basketball match between the Miami Heat and the Rockets
7. What is the last thing you said outloud?
Take your time its fine, I'll wait
8. What is your favourite icecream?
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
10. Do you like your wallet?
Well it keeps my money safe and its got a cool design I guess
11. What was the last thing you ate?
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 living out of my pj collection lately
13. Last sporting event you watched?
The superball (Go 9ners!)
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
Butter ir cheese
15. Who is the last person you sent a text?
My best friend
16. Ever go camping?
Never have, but Im game all the way!
17. Do you take vitamins?
In case this is ever leaked outside of tumblr and out of the internet I just wanna say from the bottom of my truthfull heart... Mom if you are reading this, yes I am definitelly taking my vitamins every single day without fail. I definitely dont forget and take them daily and not just sometimes.
18. Do you go to church every sunday?
Not every sunday but whenever I can sure
19. Do you have a tan?
In this economy?
20. Do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
Pizza pizza pizza pizzaaaa
21. Do you drink your soda with straw?
I dont have an issue drinking it either with or without a straw but I prefer without since you know *Poison Ivy's voice* gotta do enviroment
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?
Bold of you to assume I only use 1 pair of the same colour and not go all harley quinn on my feet.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When its an urgency type of thing. (Always being caferul) *Insert panic voices in the backround, followed by the 'but did you die' meme* Otherwise I drive as fast as the speed limit lets me.
24. What terrifies you?
Well they dont terrify me but like big bugs are a HUGE NO from me (if it has wings make it an ULTRA NO)
25. Look to your left what do you see?
These handsome boys
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26. What chore do you hate?
Cleaning the bathroom
27. What do you think of when you hear an ausie accent?
28. Whats your favourite soda?
Its a Colombian brand its called cola y pola
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Depends on the mood of the day
30. Whos the last person you talked to?
My best friend
31. Favourite cut of beef?
I like beef I dont have a preference as long as it tastes good
32. Last song you listened to?
Westworld theme (lmao Im just learning piano so I kinda wanna learn how to play it... not because Im still NOT okay with what happened and want to remember Dolores anyway I can, nope Im totally fine with that, Im handling it like a normal grown adult, Im A OK)
33. Last book you read?
Oh wow. Uhhh I think it was a greek mythology one, cant remember the name 😭 its been so long since I've read anything other than the 1000 manuals and documents for work
34. Favourite day of the week?
Kinda varies from season to season, it depends on which tv shows are airing and their schedulle. It used to be sunday bc westworld but now *sighs*
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can do it midly fast in spanish but in english? 🤣 Im like (how do you sing the song backwards again?)
36. How do you like your coffee?
Sweet! And I prefer Ice coffee to regular.
37. Favourite pair of shoes?
Captain marvel addidas sneakers
38. At what time do you normally go to bed?
That depends, are you refering to actually sleaping? Or at what time I tuck in and either spend till sunrise scrolling through this godforsaken website looking at memes or remembering all the emabasing moments of my life in movie secuence in my brain
39. At what time do you normally get up?
40. What do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
I know sometimes bitches be sleeping under 3 blankets, 4 pairs of pillows and butt ass naked because you know life. But you know... its me im bitches.
42. Describe your kitchen plates
Round and white
43. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
Absolutely love cocktails! Anything with blue curaçao or tequila in it Im asfkkshsk! And if I had to choose a plain? Tequila for sure.
44. Do you play cards?
I do like card games and sometimes we play went we get together (family) but im not really good at it I just have fun lol
45. What colour is your car?
Dont currently own one. But my sub card is green if that counts
46. Can you change a tire?
Im a lesbian
47. What is your favourite providence?
Theres a city at the north east of the country called Bucaramanga. Its really nice the weather the people everything!
48. Favourite job you've ever had?
That would be my current job. Flying is my life! (I miss it so much 😞)
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
Long story short my mother was fixing some metal stuff and told me not to come into the house running (I was 5) so ofc I listen to the very wise advise my dear moma gave me and definitely didnt run, hence I definitely dont have a scar on my left cheek (its very tiny now)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy
Gave my mom a letter and a beautiful everlasting rose.
Thank you, this was fun!
Tagging: @fandommember @dino-hoodie @mccdimples @hipesque @duranza @awhitefairytale @dfincher @giffing
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lemonadetyler · 6 years
peter finds out you’re a villain
request: Head cannon on you being Peters nice, shy girlfriend but secretly you being an anti hero and Peter goes to where you are and seeing you in dark, tight spandex makes him very flustered ;)
pairing: peter parker / spiderman x reader
type: headcanon / smut
a/n: i adjusted the ask a lil bit, instead of villain / anti hero i went with vigilante. i hope that’s okay! send me an ask to join the tag list below!!
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“bye, babe.” peter kisses you as he leaves your apartment after riding the train over to brooklyn with you like the sweetheart he is
“see you tomorrow?” you ask all wide eyed and cute like u be
“ofc, darling” he told u
he was always so worried about you
& you can totally handle yourself. you can do a lot more damage than that but if peter knew the truth, he would be crushed & what homeboy don’t know can’t hurt him
so peter leaves & you go into your room
sweater off
leggings gone
scarf deceased
your cute lil usual fit is on the floor
shy & sweet u gone
bad bitch u is here
your sexy ass has squeezed into your suit
u look fuckin good, feelin yourself
but u already knew that
do u cause a lil trouble when you go out? sure, but it’s so much fun
so ur out ur window and hopping rooftop to rooftop like the badass u be
u were kind of like a modern day robin hood but more violent and less predictable
out here avenging the world’s wrongs w/ some fun for yourself on the side
what shall it be tonight? u robbed some wealthy asshole last week. tomorrow ur busy sneaking into a prison & going all mercenary on some dumbass
u were absolutely awful, but only to the people who deserved it most
“god i am so in the mood for torture right now.” u say to yourself
so u do some scouting
tired retail worker = a bad target
lost girl at night was equally uninteresting
man following lost girl? now that could be interesting.
so u watch & wait
but all my ladies out there know damn well what’s about to go down
and yeah, shit hit the fan
but yall coulda guessed that
this dirty vacuum bag really tries to get with this girl, she wasn’t having it, he decides that fucking rape is next on today’s agenda
so u swoop in
see, ur not abnormally strong or powerful
but u have two things that these fuckers out don’t: 1. the element of surprise and 2. a really, really cool bat who you have affectionately named “bubbles”
its cute
anyways, back to the ass whooping you dishing out
so you might have broke into a police car last night
stole some handcuffs
but youre gonna give them back!!
just not at the moment
you handcuff this lil bitch to a bike rack
take the girl into a restaurant
make shes okay and get her a ride home
okay back to this fucker
he’s huffing and puffing like he finna blow this bitch down
like really
get a grip
so you uncuff him
and this man takes off
“i hate the runners” you say
gotta chase after this dude now
finally you catch up to him
knock him down with bubbles the bat
“dude, i just wanna talk” you tell him as he lays on the ground
“really?” he looks at u like he bouta cry
“lmao no.” you laugh and hit him with bubbles again
dumb bitch
but THEN
you’re knocked on ur ass by someone
you start to look up to see who it was
your vision is a lil blurry but u can kinda make out a figure
“is that fuckin spiderman”
“that’s gonna hurt tomorrow, miss.” he tells you
“fuck i wish i had superpowers” you mumble to yourself
you can’t really compete with spiderman
gonna have to talk your way outta this one
“hello, mr. man?” you say all cute like “Imma need you to hand me that man back.” you finish
“no can do.” spiderman tells you
“i really don’t think the spiderman brand should be supporting attempted rapists” GET FUCKED BUG BOY
“did he?” spiderman looks at the man on his arm
“sure did.” you clarify
“i still I don’t think I can condone you beating him like you were.” spiderman tells you
“i’m simply doing god’s work” you say, trying not to laugh
“god’s work.” spiderman looks at you straight faced, unimpressed
now you begin to approach spiderman
“what are you doing in brooklyn tonight, spiderman?” you say SEDUCTIVELY LIKE YES GIRL
“just passing through” spiderman says
“well,” you bite your lip (agh!!!!) “maybe next time you should stick to queens.”
“who are you?” spiderman asks you, genuinely perplexed
“it wouldn’t be as fun if I told you, would it?” you answer.
you grab the man out of spiderman’s hands, walking away, confident as hell
spiderman grabs you by your hips and turns you around
“you sound so familiar” he tells you
like can you fuck off
“not gonna like, i thought you’d be cooler” you respond
the almost rapist takes the opportunity to run away so that’s great
and spiderman just doesn’t care
“what the actual fuck man??” you say “i’m not running after that dumbass again.”
in the midst of your ranting, spiderman rips your fucking mask off
“i knew there was no way you weren’t mine”
before u can even register what has happened, he rips his mask off
“surprise!” your BOYFRIEND PETER shouts, NOT SPIDERMAN
“what?” you say in shock
“you were so confident and out there.” peter says in awe. “it was awesome. i didn’t know you could be so… dangerous.” he says after finding the right word.
“what are you gonna do about it?”
so peter kisses you
but like, aggressively
pushes you up against a wall
“you should wear this more often” he tell you
“you like it?” you ask
“like it? im gonna fuck you in it.”
ur pussy might as well be a super soaker bc that bitch is drenched
peter rips your suit open
“you got more of these?”
“yeah but maybe we fuck in this one from now on”
he’s got your nipple in his mouth
hands down your pants
you might just come right then and there
but peter’s suit is equally tight
and he’s been hard since he first knocked you down
“stop teasing me” you breathe out
slowly, which is basically still teasing, peter slides inside of you
moving in & out of u, his cock coated in your juices
“harder, peter.” you beg as he tentatively hits your clit with each move
boy goes to work
slamming in & out of you
“fuck, daddy, right there.”
also, peter didn’t know about your daddy kink until right now so i guess this is confession night
but he totally digs it
he grabs onto your hips tighter than ever before
sliding you on and off his dick as your back is to the wall
your legs are wrapped around his hips
you’re literally getting fucked hard in an alleyway at midnight by the spiderman
who would’ve thunk it
you both come
, hard
yall compose yourselves
“we have so much to talk about tomorrow.” peter tells you
“you’re spiderman.” you say, it still hasn’t hit you quite yet
“and you’re a vigilante with a daddy kink.”
“touche, parker.”
tag list: @smilexcaptainx @just-an-average-nerd @mstoomanynames @bcndevik @asadmarveltrashbag @bookgirlunicorn @spiderlingsweb @peterlikescats @i-alyssa
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atzfiles · 6 years
the park
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request: “May I request a scenario with Han or Felix where the reader is usually alone and by themselves so he tries to talk to her but she doesn’t want him to but he annoys her to do stuff after school but one day she yells at him to stop talking to her and she regrets it later bc she likes him”
warnings: a lil speck of angst but mostly fluff hehe
we all know han jisung is a huge ball of energy
you on the other hand
polar opposite 
being friends with him was often a little tiring but you literally loved him anyways
hanging out in school was always fun!!
he kept you awake during your boring geography classes
the nations hero
but after school you really needed to be by yourself bc your social battery is d r a i n e d
jisung knowing, that you often just dwell all alone, had the bright idea of going to the overfilled park with you
you agreed first bc you know,,,hes kindA cute and some fresh air should be okay??
oh boy
oh b o y
you expected some chilling, maybe some talking here and there
but he brought a football, frisbee and badminton bats...
“lets go play something!!!!!!!!” he over excitedly yelled
you couldnt say no to his cute face
and he looked so excited :((
you, not really being a sportsperson embarrassed yourself more than just once 
violently kicking the air instead of the ball
there were so many people so you felt kinda meh :// but its jisung so you kinda just smiled thru the pain
thinking this was a once in a lifetime kinda situation and youd never have to go there ever again
next day in school he kept pointing out all the silly things you did like kicking the air or throwing the frisbee into the closest tree
“ha ha ha yeah im such a silly girl haha super funnY!!!”
at lunch he told everyone at the table as well which didnt sit well with you at all
jisung please stop embarrassing your crush 
you just stood up and left mumbling a quick “im not hungry”
he was obviously confused because you seemed to be in a good mood earlier
“excuse me for a sec”
and with that he went after you
he saw you sitting at the entrance of the school fumbling with your bracelet
but you didnt really want to see him bc ughhhhh!! you embarrassed yourself in front of your longtime crush and even tho jisung knows you better than anyone it still bothered you
“why did you leave us at lunch :((”
you just stared at your shoes
“hello silly noodle im talking to you!!!”
“earth to y/n?”
“listen jisung im just?? not in the mood right now,,,,leave me alone”
“we can go back to the park later and we can talk there? i dont want you to be upset”
“no i dont want to go to the park today in fact i dont want to go to any park with anyone ever again >:(”
y/n please calm your dramatic ass phew
the bell rings and youve never left a spot that fast
jisung just stood there like a kicked puppy
your next class was bio how interesting 
you didnt share that class with him so you tried to distract yourself with that
but you kept seeing his saddend face and remembered your harsh words towards him which made you feel 10 times worse
he just wanted to spend some time with his crush friend
maybe you just reacted that way bc you DO want to spend quality time with him outside of school 
but you also have this huge crush on him which kind of gets in between you and your feelings
also you really cant be around people for longer than 8 hours
you decided to shoot him a quick text
meet me at the gate at 3
you almost immediatly received an answer from him
totally not bc he wanted to text you as well but he was too scared hed shoo you away so he just sat there staring at his phonescreen
okay ill be there
you needed to tell him about your feelings but thats weird and you!! dont even know what youre feeling!!
you were nervous as hell but little did you know he was sweating buckets too
he couldnt focus on his maths teacher at all, being called out multiple times for not paying attention
“jisung are you okay youre getting pale??” changbin asked, looking the younger up and down with a slightly concerned look on his face
“do you ever want to tell your crush youre kinda in love with them but theyre also your friend so you dont want to ruin what you have with them and they also kinda hate you but you dont know why an-”
“jisung dont forget to breathe buddy”
“mr han i wont tell you to shut up anymore. keep quiet or leave this class.”
hello mr teacher this is a serious matter let the boy breathe
after class he hesitated to leave but changbin encouraged him to just come clean to you
so he was a man on a mission
lets get this bread- han jisung, 2018
you already stood at the gate anxiously shifting from one foot to another 
he saw you waiting and picked up his pace a little
he breathed out a little “hi” to which you just nodded your head
“lets walk over to my place” you said, planning on talking things out on your way home
“okay listen im sorry i snapped at you earlier,,,i dont know what happened with me, you did nothing wrong and im just out there screaming at you, which you obviously dont deserve...i was a little moody because you kept bringing up all the embarrassing things i did at the park and i guess i just care a little too much about how you think about me and uh yeah....im sorry”
“youre my favourite person in the whole world how could i think any less of you for cutely kicking a ball in the wrong direction???” he asked while looking at you with big eyes
“listen y/n i dont know what this is going to do to our friendship but im losing serious sleep over this and i just need to get it off my chest and i totally undertstand if you think differently but i like you i really do...as in..more as just a friend i guess??”
y/n is sister shook
“y-you like me?”
“uhhhh yes???”
“o h”
cue the intense blushing
“well i like you too..”
you know when jisung is all giddy and he kinda bounces around with that huge grin on his face
this but 10 times brighter
you arrived at your house and jisung hesitated but gently hugged you
“im glad you talked to me and im glad we sorted all of this out” he said in a soft voice
“me too, and im really sorry i snapped at you..my feelings just got the better of me”
“its okay” he said with a cute smile
it grew silent and you could practicaly hear the screws in jisungs head turning, trying to figure out if he should kiss you or not
he eventually just went “fuck it” and leaned in
you just stood there like y/n.exe stopped working
he leaned back and giggled a little because of your flustered state
“ill see you tomorrow at school?”
“bet” you smiled
“oh by the way your way of face planting the ground trying to play soccer made my day”
dude you just got a gf dont mess this up already
“han jisung sleep with one eye open”
uH idek what this is but i hope you like it???? ://
requests are open :)
((i hate the title just as much as you do okay im not creative sigh))
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aegissi · 5 years
my bts concert experience in bullet points
this is gonna be long!!!
namjoon looked so good. litcherally. i was ready to risk it all for him. seeing him on screen during the first song (it was dionysus) felt like getting hit by a train. 
speaking of dionysus,,, everyone looked really hot so i was very flustered sgjfvdgb (especially namjoon. especially him.)
hobi was sooo cute during wings like he did a liddle flying move it was adorable 
just dance was such a fun stage!!!! hobi is so charismatic and he sounded amazing too (he kinda sounded very nasal at the beginning but it stopped after a few moments) the part with the water cannons was awesome btw 
jungkook was so smiley!!!!! he was adorable during euphoria and he looked so happy :((( not to mention that he also sounded so clear so stable and so good (and during the last chorus he was like “sing it!!!!” and when he got back on the stage he did a cute walk as if he was on a school trip ssgjfbhkdn)
taehyung had no business looking that good during best of me. thats all i can remember from this song.
jimin sounded kinda weird at the beginning of serendipity (my friend thought that there was something wrong with the mic) like his voice was way too high?? but it was fine for the rest of the song so idk that was random ghhdgfhdb the dancing was perfect btw he was both delicate and powerful (and during the whole concert he was the one i noticed the most bc he had sm energy and he executed every move flawlessly) the whole stage was so pretty with the bubbles and all 
trivia love was so good!!!! namjoon is an amazing performer and i loved all the hearts they put on the screens too that was really cute (it was written “je t’aime paris” at the end of the song,, that was a nice little touch) 
they looked like they had sm fun during boy with luv (and at the end jk changed his love sign to a finger heart but he couldnt find the right camera it was cute)
taehyung said some words in french (i could only hear fantastique bc of all the screaming) and then he asked how his french was (we all yelled that it was good ofc) and then i think that jin said “you’re killing it” but im not sure shvfjgbk jungkook started singing champs élysées and his pronunciation was pretty good imo
jungkook put the rose from boy with luv behind his ear :(((
the whole dope/fire/baepsae medley was so fun (and yeah hobi did the splits and hip thrusted in our faces,,,, namjoon too)
jimin sounded the best during idol imo (with jin ofc)
singularity was a whole religious experience. the audience audibly gasped when taehyung opened his eyes in that bed like. he was so sultry and it felt like i was being hypnotised. that performance was perfect on all levels (and i loved the effects they put on the screen where he was split in red and in blue) icb i had the honor of witnessing that,,, he looked so mesmerising on the screen im still not over this (in general he looked divine everytime he was on screen,,, the charisma,,,,, the presence,,,,,, the aura,,,,,,,,and he looked absolutely adorable when he smiled)
the fake love outfits. incredible. never been done before. extraordinary. fantastique, as taehyung would say
yoongi’s voice sounded higher than i thought it would during seesaw (during the whole concert actually sjfhbkgb even when he talked??) he looked very pretty but it was personally the solo stage i liked the least :// like he didn’t make any mistakes and he sounded good when he sang but it had less impact than the others to me???
EPIPHANY!!!!!! jin sounded perfect and he wore glasses and i almost died. epiphany is better live than on the album imo,,, i just wish armys would have stayed QUIET!!!!!! they almost sang the whole song like bitch i payed to listen to jin not u!!!!!!! anyway jin was so stable and the background made him look like an angel (which he is) and his last adlibs were *chef kiss*
vocal line was perfect during the truth untold but i wish armys would have just,,,shut up svdbjg like this is a ballad?? why r u yelling??? why r u singing over the professional singers??? i kinda wanted to actually hear jungkook sing the “but i still want u” part???? anyway jimin and jk were in full vocal kings mode at the end it was amazing i’ll never get sick of this song (and taehyung’s voice is a gift, truly,,, jin too ofc) also the outfits were so good pls give the styling team a raise they litcherally looked like princes
TEAR WAS SO FUCKING GOOD OMG SGHVJHBGKJBKDJ okay so first off the effects they put on the screen with the green things were so fucking cool and rap line themselvesb too!! namjoon was incredible but hoseok??? mistre jung????????? in that dior outfit?????????????? his stage presence is unmatched. to be more detailed, namjoon sounded better live and had sm energy and hobi too (his part at the end... i am deceased) but i kinda felt like yoongi was a bit off? he was good ofc but idk it seemed to me that he had less energy than the other two (he was probably just tired or sick idk this is not me saying that he sucks ofc) 
i didn’t film anything for mic drop so i enjoyed it to the fullest hehe it was awesome (especially hobi’s part)
jin wore a cap during the encore. it was great.
anpanman was cute!!! i have to say that i was barely focusing on the song i was just looking at the bangtans playing around on those bouncy things and they looked really happy
my tits were almost out during so what bc i was jumping too much it’s definitely a song u have to see live 
im pretty sure they made us do a wave twice so that jimin could count to three in french and that tae could say “magnifique” afterwards (the army bombs became a rainbow too it was beautiful)
it was difficult to hear them during the ments sometimes bc everybody was screaming :///
they kept saying that they would come next year
jk said “je n’oublierai jamais tous mes souvenirs avec vous” (i’ll never forget all my memories with u) it was very sweet and then he said smth with “pour toujours” (forever) at the end but i didnt catch the beginning of his sentence
jin, tae and yoongi imitated all the people who were trampling on the bleachers (those fans were so loud and did this shit at the randomest times....)
taehyung said his pronunciation wasn’t good but that he prepared a few sentences in french and then he said “paris si vous aimez pouvez vous nous dire (?) l’année dernière était comme (?) pouvez-vous nous (?) s’il vous plaît? j’aime vraiment paris. je n’oublierai pas (?)” (paris if you like can you say (?) last year was like (?) could you (?) please? I really love paris. I won’t forget (?)... and at the end i think he asked us if we would come next year but im not sure bc people were screaming at some points) and he ended by saying i love you in korean and he teared up :((( it was so sweet of him to prepare all of this!!!
jimin talked for a while (in korean instead of french bc he wanted us to feel his sincerity) abt how during this tour he realised that he was really happy being around his members, the staff and the fans and that he genuinely hoped that we were too and that happiness was right next to us (and that he hoped that bts was in that happiness too) and he also thanked us several times and said i love u,,, he’s a sweetheart :((
hobi said that he prepared stuff in french even tho he wasn’t confident and said “aujourd’hui c’est la meilleure nuit de notre tour (?) on a terminé notre tour sans accident et ça nous a permis de sentir à quel point vous nous aimez (?) vous êtes vraiment notre espoir, merci d’avoir passé un bon temps avec nous, je vous aime, merci beaucoup” (today is the last night of our tour (?) we finished our tour without any accident and it allowed us to feel how much u love us (?) u guys are really our hope, thank u for spending a good time with us, i love u, thank u sm) im sorry i missed some words bc i genuinely can’t understand what he said shgvdjf other than that his pronunciation was good and it’s so sweet that he prepared all that,,, he looked kinda nervous but he smiled a lot and i think he was actually reading from the prompter??
namjoon said “do u know why paris is always the last date? bc u guys are the damn best (개짱)” but the interpret omitted the damn sjfdghk he also said “on se revoit très bientôt i love u” (let’s see each other very soon)  and “paris est la ville des lumières” (paris is the city of lights) after making us take out our phones with the flash lights and then it transitioned right to mikrokosmos,, that was litcherally poetic cinema
other random things i remember: taehyung was in a really good mood (everyone actually, they were playing around a lot), hobi’s smile is so sunshiney, they poured water on each other a lot during encore (i watched jin sneaking up behind namjoon and spraying him sgfvjd they also watered jimin), there were some points where the mic quality wasn’t that good? idk maybe i just imagined it, i absolutely love how they used the screens it really added to the concert’s visuals, jin did a flying kiss during the first ment, jungkook went to the audience at the end but i was focusing on jin so i only realised he did that when jin was like “jungkook-ah” sjvfhjdgbkj, they weren’t extremely synchonized when dancing but they have great energy so it still looked good and overall i really enjoyed myself (me n my friend were ready to fight that one girl who kept screeching stuff at jungkook at random times tho,,,, icb she yelled shit at him during the truth untold like have some respect???)
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changji · 5 years
No ac is a big dealbreaker I already deal with enough heat at school and if I had to work at a place with none as well I think I’d cry 😔 smoothies are so good, what do you normally drink? Scooping out ice cream really requires some muscle, it takes me forever to do it myself LOL. I’ll do the same if you hurt yourself as well esp since you’re my soulmate now 😤
I’ve had maple syrup directly from a tree or something like that in my cooking class and store bought (maybe fake?) one too and I still can’t tell the difference. Or maybe it’s bc I absolutely drown my pancakes in syrup to the point where everything just tasted the same
Ohh my school offers Spanish courses as well and last year my class would take place right after a Spanish one, so sometimes there’d be handouts lying around or something pulled up on the projector. I’d try to read it and understand it since some words are kinda like french and English mixed together? and yeah it didn’t work out. Spanish is so hard 😩
Why does this give me Jisung vibes when he said the capital of Colombia was Colombia city,, that cracked me up for a good ten seconds. Now I wanna try peets but I’m guessing it’s only available in the us? I’ve never heard of it here. Sksks arella pls your queen & idol ily2 🤧🤧🤧🤧 is anything ur my source of inspiration 😔😔🥴
Lips are literally impossible to draw. Like they either end up like Kylie Jenner’s lips or the most botched pair of lips you’ve ever seen for me. I love the plot for your chan fic!! I read the preview a couple days ago and I’m in love. I can’t wait to read it when it comes out. Stan talent stan arella 🥺🥺My day was pretty good!! I went out with a friend today and stuffed myself with food. I was so tired after that for the rest of the day which ?? When did I have so little energy. How was yours?
im surrounded by ac im so weak like i need it, but the ice cream coolers and a fan should be enough. my family literally look to me for smoothies, one time they all woke me up and told me to make a smoothie. i was mad but i did it anyway LOL, i normally like strawberry banana, how abt you? i have no muscle tho i was just born to scoop ice cream, its my calling. guess we both have to not hurt ourselves bc we’ll just end up punching each other (in the nicest way possible but STILL)
i forgot maple trees were a thing omg i was all like. it’s only called maple syrup bc it sounds cool LOL i’m so uncultured 😪 i drown my pancakes in syrup too, people who eat pancakes my itself are weird soz. tbh i’m more of a waffle person LOL
here (in all of cali i think) it’s required to take at least like 2 years of a language, we have ASL, french and spanish at my school but another school teaches german and japanese,, kinda jelly ngl but it’s whatever. spanish is tough i’m just bad at language in general, sometimes i cant even english
honestly such a mood, jisung is such a smart idiot i love him 😔 peet’s is so good omg and it was originally based in california, but there are a few location all around america, and i think there’s some in china? i’m not sure bc when i go to southern cali i can’t even find a peet’s and it makes me 😡😡
i tried drawing jisungs lips like, 20 times but then i gave up and decided to take a break but then my ipad died and all the chargers are being used so i can’t charge it 😔 and thank u! ur a chan stan rt or am i dumb. this is for u bc ily 💞 i’ll make it my goal to make ur heart HURT, but stan talent stan ada 🥺 my day was okay,, school drains the life outta me but it’s okay it’s normal, and i took like 3 naps today i am living. ngl i still can’t get over ur chan vampire fic,,,, my favorite vampire fic oops
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aro-aizawa · 6 years
hhhhhhh today has not been good so bare with me whilst i rant. i’ve barely been online bc i’ve been dealing w it all. but basically my mum went on her holiday a few days ago and its always stressful when that happens and i was handling it pretty damn well compared to the other times i’ve done it. even when arguably i’m in a worse position since she can’t afford to give me any food money and we didn’t really do a full shop before she went away.
but then my period kicked in and everything went to shit. i spent most of today in bed feeling sorry for myself, and enduring a long period of time where all i wanted to do was curl up and cry and considering my depression is basically where i don’t feel emotions vividly that was something. plus i was in pain with nothing to soothe it. no appetite either, so i’ve been snacking kinda all day. my dog needs to be walked but i’ve been in too much pain to actually take him out to the park, so i haven’t. felt extra shitty about that. 
i mean most of the pain has let up by now and im feeling relatively back to normal emotions wise just a little emotionally tired i think. still feeling pretty guilty about my dog but it’s dark now so i’ll have to take him tomorrow if im feeling up to it then. idk im just really tired and i really wanted to spend today writing my new fic that im really excited for but i feel like this bad day has almost completely killed my writing inspiration. i mean i’ve been on a roll this past few days, and i got to the computer two hours ago and i haven’t written a single word. i mean im feeling kinda happy about the plans im making for going to a con i wasn’t originally planning on in a couple months, but other than that my whole mood right now could be summed up as one long: 
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comicteaparty · 6 years
September 13th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on September 13th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Gemini Journey  by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Gemini Journey by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero~! (http://geminijourney.com/) Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked when she was getting ready for interviews and she messed up her makeup and her buttons popped 100% relatable
Tenor | Shinavar
Hi Hi! Q1: TOO MANY. But specifically I really enjoyed Veil's anger he morning after Gemini went missing. I just really appreciated getting to see someone actually care someone just wandered off, and him still having lingering emotions about the whole incident of her returning home.
Oh gosh, that one was such a BIG MOOD!!!
whoo-hoo! Thanks @RebelVampire for putting on CTP. And hey all, thanks for coming :)!
Oh, boy, this is a hard one to answer, to be honest! I really liked the first chapter, where Gemini and Veil were going up against the Dragon-Roach... I was like "WAIT HOW CAN YOU HATE DRA--- Oh." Also, this scene: http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=69 Veil. You are the best.
It was fantastic handling of that... Creeper Kappa? Is the flasher a Kappa?
i just give 100% of my heart to Veil he works so hard hes so tired let him rest
Tenor | Shinavar
Flasher, I'd say
Gosh, yeah, the dragon cockroach was really creative and I'm SO HAPPY there's a Kappa and they had to do the "bow" move to "defeat him"
Tenor | Shinavar
But yeah I love how 'street smart' he is about like, everything going on.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
a book nerd with street smarts
Veil has no time for any of these Shenanigans
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
he's amazing
I really love Gemini's "guilt" expression in one of the interviews
yeah i think veil is also a great character balance to gemini. cause when you have someone who is into the shenanigans, you need someone to be a grounding influence
Tenor | Shinavar
I also really like that though because he shows a level of attentiveness and perception to the world around him. <3
yess! It's a flasher Kappa! Glad you liked that scene.
yeah sometimes the "straight man" character can come off as a wet blanket but he genuinely cares for Gemini. i'd like to see more of that, like how they mnet or something one day in the future
Yeah! Veil and Gemini are such a dynamic complimentary duo, from personality, body shapes, and orange and blue colors!
EXCELLENt design
Oh yea, huge props for how polar opposites Gemini and Veil are
OH!!! One of my favorite scenes is when Gemini firsts visits the creepy circus and the scene transitions to her perfectly waking up in bed. That was such a cool transition!
Yes, I agree, the two play off each other well.
It was!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=198 Also, I like this scene, in part cause it reminds me very well of what happens to me some days
I'm really eager to see how the circus devolves and how Veil and Gemini will handle it. Also those rad fox twins!
(I may have to leave at a moment's notice when the baby awakens, if I suddenly go silent.)
You guys are so nice. I don’t know if I can add smilies fast enough haha
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=55 Also, the lighting on this page was woooonderful. I wasn't sure how to read Veil's expression though. It was kind of like... "wait. Do you not want her to move out? Or... Are you just... ....caught off guard by dog fire?" ....Then the next panel is like "Back to reality."
Yeah the scene where it transitions from her as a circus performer to her in the bed was one of my favorites. @saetje really owned that scene
Tenor | Shinavar
I read it as he's a bit hurt at the "You can finally be alone!" more than her moving out
wow that is some really good lgithing
I think that was the first time that I didn’t second guess the panel format
to repeat something already said, i loved the dragon bug. that was such an immensely creative idea, and i think it was a great way to open the comic. we get a great way to get not only the impression of what the world is like, but we get to get a great feel for the personalities of the characters.
I gotta say though, my favourite was apparently Death owning a flower shop that has the slogan "You Don't Gno-me". Gotta love those little details.
Tenor | Shinavar
yeah i give death's appearance an A+. that and gemini's confusion about why death asked about her immortal soul
I looove all the mythology monsters at play in the background!
A lot of those details are thanks to @Jess who does final rendering/lettering. Flower-shop Wraith/Death will actually be showing up again I think next update, haha.
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=45 although i was also distracted by the page right after. this feels so true for getting a job.
It's the Wraith of Khan.
LOL Gemini's entire job ordeal is so relatable. "i workeds hard on this one application im gonna go get a treat" girl, same
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=157 Veil's distress :<
Tenor | Shinavar
Gemini sets off my inner Veil tho bc I know so many friends who do like
1 app a week
UGH hes so cute when hes sad XD
Tenor | Shinavar
Back to what Rebel said though, I agree the dragon as a bug was hugely creative, and a good way to see the main characters play off each other.
Tenor | Shinavar
istg I relate to Veil the entire job process lmao
I love the expressiveness of both Veil and Gemini, but yeah, I really really feel for Veil
I love how much Veil cares! He cares SO MUCH!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Did anyone else notice in he dragon roach scene Veil has Gemini's shoe the whole time as the weapon?
i love that page, @Kabocha like the lighting plus that expression made my heart weep
I like that Gemini did start to take it more seriously for Veil, or at least seems to have been at interviews.
weep so dang much
Tenor: I don't think I picked up on that.
Although, how much is Gemini caring vs the Circus influence infecting her with confidence?
Tenor | Shinavar
I realized it after I noticed Gemini running around without a shoe and had to go back to see where I missed it lmao
@Tenor | Shinavar AH! Someone noticed that!
(I'm gonna go AFK for a bit, got some things I have to do but I'll hopefully be back later!)(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, Veil took Gemini's shoe despite having larger feet than her. I could jsut imagine the behind-the-scenes squabbling about it
OOOH Good point about the influence! I'm really intrigued by the hypnotic circus
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Caring about what, specifically? Like, about the circus, trying to get a job...?
(Sorry if I'm slow on the draw, got kids here )
On our world dragons: Yeah. It came from a conversation that dragons are the pests of the magical/mythical world. To the roach/dragon thing just kinda took form from that Ahahaha
yes i noticed the shoe and thought that was a great art touch of continuity
Ahaha yeah!!! I mean. My boi got nice shoes. He can’t be using them for that
I'm really glad dragons have the roach aesthetic, too! As someone who loves all dragons, I draw the lines at cockroaches XD
yeah that poster at the end threw me for a loop i thought it was a legit magic look-alike so when i saw the poster i was like "whoaaa no way" haha makes me VERY interested to read more
Veil is so clean haha!
@Tenor | Shinavar -- Just in general honestly. Gemini started putting more effort into things, but it didn't feel like she actually really gave a damn more than she had gained some level of confidence.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
i really liked gemini's haunted mascara
I'm glad you all like the Dragon Roach opening/idea too. It's also the idea...trying to imagine how mythical things might have 'evolved' along with our modern world, and yeah. Dragons are pretty much pests you always have to exterminate, yeah?(edited)
Although maybe that's the magic of the circus
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
or maSCAREa
I grinned at it being one of the flying types.
Tenor | Shinavar
Ooooh that's fair, and a good point.
Made me think of ants. I hate the flying ones.
@mathtans directly related to past experience with real life 'flying ones'. Nothing makes a roach worse than realizing it's one of those
omg ants too
Tenor | Shinavar
Saetje: So would this modern world have those 'fortune cat' memes but with the dragons instead? Reblog for good fortune?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
god i related to that line so much bcus of how often i had to deal with flying roaches as a young childe
hmm, fortune cat memes? Like on tumblr when someone reblogs a picture of a cat with money on its head? XD
Tenor | Shinavar
I could do without the flying insects aaaaaaaa
gEmini and Veil on social media haha!
i bet Gemini is a memelord
Yeah!! For the circus - we’re at the point not where we can start unraveling some of the mystery. Throughout the story so far we wanted it to be sorta ambiguous about if that Gemini in the circus was the same one. In the next oncoming scenes you’ll see what’s real and what’s not. But hopefully the way it’s being read is that the readers (y’all) are realizing it might actually be Gem
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd collect flying insects if they were smol dragons justsayin
She is definitely a memelord Hahahah I love that
I doubt about dragons being seen as fortune memes since dragons are seen as pests and they tend to keep you from your money (ala sitting on the horde and breathing fire) or take loose items into their hidey holes-- so they're not seen the same as lucky. But that might just be for Gem and Veil's part of their world
I'm so excited for the Circus to "unravel"
i bet she texts memes to Veil from across the room and then just waits for him to look at her in disapproval =3
Tenor | Shinavar
I've been under the impression the circus might not be entirely real and the performers there are stuck against their will - kinda fae-style. <_< So either she's performing against her will and is not yet fully bound or it's been an illusion to GET her there
is veil thus the type to post all the old timey book quotes then? XD
in regards to the social media thing
Yeah, at first I thought maybe Gemini was just seeing herself in place of who was actually up there, but with the poster it seemed likely that they were actually making her do the things.
Oooh, I think it could go either way with trapped souls and she's not bound yet, or it's all an illusion to trap her.
Also, Veil posts moody aesthetic boards
"Juggling is not a garbage job" :V
yeah we're getting into I guess the third act and I hope it comes together and makes sense. as we unravel some mystery. There's more stories we want to tell after "Barley & Bay-Lily" that all follow continuity, so I want to wrap Barley & Bay-Lily where you all know what's going on but there's more overarching questions than answered in some ways.
I'm loving these thoughts on it!
Clever play on Barnum & Bailey, by the way.
i want to say i loved the juggler. that was a great design and gemini's reaction to it made me laugh. although i do wonder now if the juggler is part of the circus conspiracy
I wonder if it's significant that they seem to be foxes.
Foxes are tricksters, so I mean
Tenor | Shinavar
My fear about the poster though, and why I hink it's a trap, is it said her "final act"
'Tis true.
Also I don’t know if anyone noticed but the juggler was only juggling 2 balls with 4 arms
Very fitting to make them foxes! Cute and mischevious and devllish
Tenor | Shinavar
So lots of talent going on in the streets of New Olympia hahaha
Jess: I caught the four arms. Guess I didn't count the balls. Seems like less of a challenge there.
"mysterious circus ive never heard of down a dark alley? sounds like a great time and not at all suspicious!"
yes, what @Kabocha said. The idea for GJ is this is HER story/myth/hero's journey. Foxes are pretty archetypal to suspect characters in folklore and fairy tale. WHAT they are exactly, well. More to be revealed :' D you guys have some awesome theories.
Maybe there was a chainsaw off panel.
This'll be really cool to see as it approaches the end
(of the chapter, anyway)
Tenor | Shinavar
That’s true! Whether she was a good juggler or not is the true mystery
The foxes are actually out of work actors.
oh god.
Mathtan you figured it out
I misread that as "work out" actors LOL
Tenor | Shinavar
oh even better
Tenor | Shinavar
Explains why they are trying to start their own circus
Appearing next in the Big Top - Jazzercize.
Tenor | Shinavar
Possessed Scary Circus Zumba
Crossfit but its clowns
That’s terrifying
Tenor | Shinavar
I h8 u all bc I can't draw this right now
i would pay to see clowns doing crossfit
now tHAT'S a million dollar comic idea, Shen
or idea in general, yes
I know it's probably way off in the future, but I'm curious about plans for Veil-focused arc in the future
yeah same, im sure its planned but im interested
QUESTION 2. While searching for a job, Gemini clearly has gotten wrapped up in a dangerous situation involving a circus. What do you think the circus’ goal is in general for the people it entraps? Who exactly are the fox ringmasters running the show? Why was Gemini in particular targeted as opposed to other people in the audience? Why did Gemini seemingly come home in a trance, and what do you think it means for whatever is happening to Gemini? How do you feel the performer who represents Gemini’s ideals fits into all of this? Do Gemini’s anxieties have something to do with all this do you think? Lastly, how do you think Gemini will get out of this mess (or is she just doomed)?
i wanna know why he puts up with her tbh ^^; seems like she can be a bit self interested
Also that it's confirmed he has friends cuz of that phone call. I'm sorry, I keep assuming he's a Sad Books lonely boy
no friends its just his mom
yeah you guys don't know if he's just sadly talking to a dial tone
The circus' goal is to... Basically steal her life energy! Somehow. But we'll see. Or enchant her and spirit her away~ Once she becomes part of the spirit world she won't really be albe to retuuuuuurn~
well now you made it sad. XD
@saetje oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
LOL! As for Question 2: Like most shifty magic things, steal her soul! Trap her in the circus
What about Gemini's mom? I'm sure he's probably got her on speed dial
i assume soul stealing. i mean thats pretty standard evil fair. and who doesn't need a good soul
i dont think they targetted Gemini specifically as much as they laid out a trap and waited to see who stumbled in, and she did so they ensnared her
Veil seems too organized to talk to a dial tone. It'd at least be the official time signal.
I think the Circus targets ppl who are down on their luck or confidence or don't have a quote "real job" atm? Like job hunting is really stressful and feels hopeless a ton of times
so it looks for vulnerable ppl imo
Gemini came home in a trance because the cab was too expensive.
That’s how I do too
BRB faking trance to get out of cab faire
To heck with fantasy Uber and Lyft!
It shows them something akin to their best selves, maybe?
what if this is a known phenomenon in their world so when someone says "they ran away to the circus" they mean that whoops, got that soul life energy sucked out
Yeah! The play of "UGH I should just run away and join the circus" it's so cool!
i once saw a video of a woman pretending to be a ghost to get out of paying a toll
Tenor | Shinavar
Q2: The specific part I havenb't already kinda answered is: I feel she is part of Gemini's subconciousness in the sense of having her "act" together. Her life wouldn't be too chaotic, she's able to balance all that is expected of her without being a 'clutz' or anything she seems to think at least minimally negatively on. (seen by her admiring the grace and such)
She's a representation of everything Gemini wants to be?
Tenor | Shinavar
Not exactly but def a bait, in some way
Except moving more toward that ideal means that Gemini gets trapped...
Well, representations don't have to be literal >_>
<_< I figured it was all pretty figurative
Tenor | Shinavar
True true
the thing i cant figure out is why the trance thing. like gemini was in the circus, just suck out her soul. why give her the chance to escape?
Since we see Gemini specifically, I'm assuming the audience members are just an illusion
Maybe these foxes like playing with their "prey" and make it a slow burn
It could be through the music that the circus gets you. That alley cat seemed real scared of it, while Gemini was drawn in.
Alice: Oh, I like that.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rebel: If i works like fae magic, you gota get them to agree to it
Yeah, why play if there's no risk involved?
Rebel: To recharge?
Tenor | Shinavar
You also can avoid like - all legal repercussions if it's "willing" >_>
Ahahaha consensual death is the best ... death?
For lawyers, yES!
Now waiting for the scene where Veil rules-lawyers the foxes.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
thats how it be sometimes
Law & Order with VEIL
Tenor | Shinavar
Also it hurt a lil bit I couldnt resist. Crossfit clown from geminis world lol
omg @tenor hahaha
That's a garbage job. ^.-(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Just like, pops on some glasses and busts out a book from no where
That's Veil's magic power -- BOOK LEARNIN'
Tenor | Shinavar
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
magic is a thing, he probably just pulls out outta his pocket dimension- which is in his pocket
Tenor | Shinavar
He has a pocket just for his books
I love all the art you guys do of Veil with his book beasts! They're the best!
Tenor | Shinavar
all 2k of them
haha,t hat's actually a joke we've been wanting to use somewhere-- "I love your dress" "Thanks it has pocket dimensions"
Omg I love it. All pockets are pocket dimensions from now on
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
pockets are THE BEST
imagine a pocket dimension!
This world gets better and better! Minus the creepy circuses
"My pocket dimension is full of clowns...."
Nooooo worst dimension
I saw a few other people ask it, but... Why is Veil so tolerant of Gemini's shenanigannery? I mean, I am a far less patient roommate than he is...
I figure a pocket dimension dress would have to be some kind of plot device though for a future arc. i mean, HAVE to be.
Tenor | Shinavar
New def to clown car
matth whyyy
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: My shipping side if he finds it endearing
Exhausting but endearing
wellp, clowns ruined it
i do applaud veil's sheer patience
but i do assume the blushing is more than just blushing
Tenor | Shinavar
Ah. Well be answering that soon. I think so far we’ve been focusing on Gem and some of her worst traits - her selfishness, but
Kabocha: Because I can. As to why Veil's tolerant, maybe he knows someone like Gemini in his family or his past.
I figured Veil was kind of perpetually blushing unless otherwise upset.
i am absolute ship trash and i am waiting for this to sail but i am patient
And we’ve focused on veils best - his smarts and his loyalty
Tenor | Shinavar
I keep getting little hints Veil at least Likes her.
Hm. So he knows Gemini could be Amazing if she'd try?
i think there is some of that yes
Tenor | Shinavar
But doesn't push it
wait veil has bad traits?
i dont accept this
Tenor | Shinavar
No he doesn't
don't listen to them
no, veil is perfect
Veil's afraid of bugs....
Veil just likes Gemini for her shoes. Much shoe blushing, wants to wear them.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm sure Veil totally finds Gemini charming and really.. pr-pretty BLUSH
being afraid of bugs is a good trait
It’s true. And he won’t dirty his own shoes
bugs carry disease
Tenor | Shinavar
But is he afraid of bugs
or the fact they can catch shit on fire
Veil is very much a neat freak which is a double-edged sword
Tenor | Shinavar
like his books
and not very impulsive, so Gemini helps liven things up for him
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
tenor raises a good point
thats more "quirky" than a character flaw lol
like "clumsy" girls XD
They're foils for one another, you say? That's how these sorts of friendships balance each other? NEVAAAAAAR! ....I ship them unless there is a reason I should not.
these ship goggles dont come off
Several people are typing...
Yeah, this arc is very Gemini focused and how she needs to grow as a character
I'm excited to see how Veil needs to grow as a character in the future
Gotta take turns!
admittedly i do think veil kind of needs to learn to have fun probably
as a character arc
Tenor | Shinavar
But books are fun
Work is fun
well but organization is fun
although i do wanna know now who veil is calling
and what he does with his not gemini friends
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah, that's definitely something I see with Veil
Tenor | Shinavar
Just what the dr ordered
i agree with organization and books but i meant more in how he carries himself
Oh! It’s a dial tone
gotta learn to tweet those memes back
Tenor | Shinavar
thats fair he could stand to lighten up lol they both need to learn a bit from each other. hes not got time for fun if he has to always be the "responsible" one because someone else took up all the "fun" XD
Yeah! Guy needs to party and have an impulsive time for once rather than strictly schedule
They need to work together
Tenor | Shinavar
I do agree tho, with how in the know he seems to be, I'd like to know who all he's got, esp depending how they'll influence stuff in the future.
bc it seems he's from here whereas Gemini isn't soooo <_<;
Veil can be fun. Veil can't be impulsive.
yeah i do hope this circus experience teaches gemini more responsibility. in that maybe she should fill out more than a few apps XD
Does Veil have a hard time making decisions?
"look how impulsively i filled out your applications for you isnt that fun?"
Alice: Not if blueberries are involved.
And yeah, Gemini certainly learning more responsibility and also, to trust in herself if she applies herself and focuses
Tenor | Shinavar
I think Gemini jus needs to get to the point she doesn't need a child leash
Well and for me - I think when people are going through hardships, like Gem not being able to land a job, sometimes the worst parts of themselves show up. And while I love the character - (and hopefully) she’s shown to be kinda funny and not overly mean - I thought it was important to show her bad side early on
I don't see her as mean, just easily distracted.
Tenor | Shinavar
She's irresponsible but not in a malicious way
Like if she hurt someone I'd be dead up surprised if it was intentional
Yeah, that's definitely it ^^
Tenor: She killed a dragon.
I never thought of her as "mean"
Tenor | Shinavar
she is a sweet widdle cinnimon bun who needs protected from circuses and flashers
I said someone
Not thing
Gemini is Dovahkiin now lol
I'm sorry, Mat, but they're pests in this universe. Cockroaches uugh
Tenor | Shinavar
Difference ;)
oh yeah gemini is still super likeable. its more shes that adult who hasnt quite grown up yet. and youre kind of hand waving her to make stop being a kid 100% of the time.
Yeah! She's like a kid fresh out of college
Oh good! Was kinda worried. But she’s definite selfish and flighty and I’m happy to see that it’s coming through
Without making her irredeemable
Draco Plato
yeah she's definitely still likeable
Open to the free adult world, but still needs to learn how to adult cuz lord knows school prepares us for THAT
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah nah there's not a mean bone in that child's body
Free spirit, I think is a good desc?
The foxes are also spirits, but they're not free.
I'm glad! That's what we're going for- she's not intentionally harmful but has a lot of growing up to do. I don't think she realizes when her actions can hurt someone else.
She's selfish and irresponsible, but there's still potential to be redeemed. She's a well-rounded character that's set up to evolve from this story and that's what makes sticking with this story so worth it!
no one's free when they teach Clown Jazzercise
those poor foxes. gemini is actually doing them a service
I wonder if this world has the Zodiac? Is Gemini's name at all related to that?
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh. <.< Good q
Like, Veil is obviously responsible and an adult, so Gemini doesn't seem to think she has to think about Veil's feelings or words on some matters? He's got it all figured out! Me though? I need help. Veil, veil help me! What applications?! Not boring help ;; That's how I see Gemini
Gemini's the twins, yeah? Does Gemini have a sister, or a hidden second side where she's actually really competent?
Maybe she's the good twin, and the evil one is in the circus.
OOH, I'm curious about that, too, Math. I'm a Scorpio!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
that means you have a scorpion in the circus
"the twins" the foxes...
Ahahaha yesssss
Can't really reveal the Gemini connection yeeet buuut, duality and twins have some play in the overarching story yes!
PS im a Gemini~
Me tooooo!! Yesssss
Are you also plagued by fox clowns out of work
Gemini probably hasn't really taken time to consider other people's feelings long-term. I don't think she's quite there emotionally, but when she actually like.... really has it sink in that she worried Veil, that'll be interesting. Although she did acknolwedge she scared him, so I mean
Secret revealed, Gemini is called Gemini cuz Jess is a Gemini
Tenor | Shinavar
Naaaice ~ Also omg the fox twins ffft- Makes me think
Kabo: Yeah, I don't think she fully got how bad the scare was?
sweet im gonna name my next character Sagittarius
Yeah, it's the depth that I think she lacks
Tenor | Shinavar
Like "I'm sorry for scaring you but not sorry I did the action to cause it :D" levels of immaturity
@saetje What's your zodiac sign if you don't mind sharing?
Plot twist, Gemini sells her soul to the Flower Wraith Shop, and the foxes have to buy it back to keep their shenanigans going.
Tenor | Shinavar
When she gets more insight it'll be awesome as she grows
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeeeeees
She’s two fishes
Yeah, Gemini maturing as an adult is really exciting to wait for
My sister's two fish, too XD
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
twins............. two fish..............................
i see a theme here
Tenor | Shinavar
I really wanna see Gemini work for Death now hhh-
Yes haha!
Maybe a temp job that doesn't work out somehow
Twist: Death only claims dead plants
Tenor | Shinavar
Mostly bc I'm stuck with Death having the VA as the Death from Conker's bad fur day and I just. Can't.
"You should probably hold the scythe the other way."
"You're going to hurt yourself if you trim the shrubberies this way."
Tenor | Shinavar
"Why are you wearing all black it's hot af out go change, child"
i hope death only claims dead plants cause otherwise gemini is basically going from one soul threatening adventure to another
haha so true
Tenor | Shinavar
she just have to give death her soul
it's never said when
Does it have to be her soul, or just a soul? Or maybe soul music?
Tenor | Shinavar
oh god
Just a soul can be how we find out Death accepts plants
death better be a fan of soul music
you've split this concept wide open Maths
the sole of this shoe
Tenor | Shinavar
Shen NO
Another note about this story, is that I think it's a really good Young Adult story, cuz I feel myself and a bunch of other adults or kids coming out of college can relate to Gemini's story of trying to find work after moving out to live on their own
Tenor | Shinavar
That's Death's brother, Reaper.
Veil: "Your spell checker has done you in. Gemini only has to give you her shoe sole."
Awwww!! Thanks so much
Tenor | Shinavar
Alice: Yeees. Tho I think this first big arc is good for younger children too
the shoe in the dragon part was foreshadowing
Tenor | Shinavar
Like my kiddo would love the art and atm if it goes where I suspect it might, it's a great lesson to learn young
Thanks @aliceapproved !! that makes me happy to hear because that's also what we're going for
Yeah actually when whenever we show Gem getting rejected I get real sad. Since some of it draws from our experiences
You guys nailed it
Yeah, it was a big mood for me this year, so this story has been helping
Tenor | Shinavar
Rejeced? D:
Younger out of college Jess applied to be the new death - and I got turned down
QUESTION 3. Though we certainly know Gemini and Veil a bit, much of their past history has yet to have been discussed. Why do you think Gemini has struck out on her own? Do you think it’s just to embrace adulthood, or is there something specific she’s seeking? Was there anything about Gemini’s journey into adulthood that you connected with? What about Veil? What do you think Veil’s backstory is? How do you think Veil and Gemini even know each other? Do you think Veil’s overprotectiveness of Gemini exists for a reason, or do you think it’s just part of Veil’s personality? In regards to their future, do you think that the two will be able to remain friends, or will their differing personalities get in the way of peaceful cohabitation? Do you think Gemini will be able to successfully get a job? Finally, will Gemini move out once she gets a job, or will Veil potentially actively sabotage it?
I guess now that we're getting more shows like "Aggretsuko" I'd say we'd like to hit around that target. Like, we're sort-of 'mature' only because of some of the (not-NSFW) themes resonates more with older folks. But hopefully there's still more to be enjoyed from a slightly younger YA/teen audience.
Interesting last question there - I don't think Veil would actively sabotage, but might passively, without really thinking about it. "You can't move out next week, it's supposed to rain."
i think Gemini's irresponsibility combined with the double life (???????) shes got going on now is leading to a big fight with Veil. I dread it though
A big confrontation scene!
I can feel it coming
Veil finally calling out Gemini
I can only imagine the emotions!
...Can Veil handle confrontation where he gets pushback?
like, he can handle snark, but, an actual argument?
yeah. veil might be the type who cant really deal with confrontation like that
Tenor | Shinavar
3: Gemini is homeschooled. If she's trying to branch out there's a chance she might either feel shackled a bit, or she's been encouraged by her parents to stretch her wings. Gemini ran into Veil lost puppy style, trufax. Brought her in from the rain and cold Veil's personality is probably tied to sorta trying to guide Gemini in the sense of law and order. Everything has a place, so you gotta do it- where you going coME BACK OMG I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU. I do believe here is going to be some strife at some point because Gemini has shown a lack of communication and emotional skill and Veil has shown a lack of willingness to bend. BUT I do believe this will clear up after some resolution from some juicy content So yes I believe they'll stay friends.
although i think the confrontation is coming
That's a really great question, Kabocha. We haven't shown that yet :)c
Tenor | Shinavar
Maybe at worse a temporary not friends moment to crush our hopes and dreams
Or maybe "not speaking" terms atm
actually ya know what i could see as veil's big character arc is addressing change. cause the moving out thing may be more than veil just doesnt want gemini to go. it may be that veil is the sort that completely shuts down when there is change
y'all you guys have such insight, I'm loving your thoughts here. It's a relief to know you guys are getting a lot of what we're trying to put out and I love hearing your concepts, and concerns, for the characters!
I dunno that Veil realizes how overbearing he can be, to be honest. So.. Gemini's gonna get pushed to the edge and push back against him.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rbeel: Oooooh, that can be true too
I think Gemini might resolve to move back in with her mom (which is LEAST wanted thing for her cuz I think she loves being out on her own), but Veil offers that she could still say with him, granted now that she has a proper not circus cursed job
Tenor | Shinavar
SOME chaos is good but what is his limit.
RebelVampire, that's a really good note on Veil!
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeah I get that. He seems so happy to 'help' but because he knows what you NEED to do to get done, he doesn't seem to fully 'get' that it's a lot for Gemini
Veil's very much overprotective
Tenor | Shinavar
A bit of lack of empathy for the situation in the face of necessity?
Yeah, like filling out applications is FuN???
He also doesn't understand how to break things down into smaller more completable tasks
Gemini needs a source of income, maybe Veil's letting her stay for cheap?
he can handle a long list, but.... honestly, Gemini needs to feel accomplished at each step of the way and realize how much progress she's made
Yeah, Gemini is a person that needs to be eased and break down steps, not all dumped at once
@Kabocha exactly- one of the flaws we've hopefully seen in Veil is that he can be pushy (literally physically pushing her around town int he beginning arc) and then tends to put too much on Gemini than what she's ready for at times.
Tenor | Shinavar
I got pushy though I didn' know the physical part was part of it
Yeah! That page with her smushed with all his word bubbles was a great representation of that!
Tenor | Shinavar
I figured him grabbing her was because it was liTERALLY UNSAFE LOL
Veil isn't as observant as Gemini, maybe because she's so distractible. He didn't realize she knew his fave berries and such.
Well I might've misspoke- it was more of a visual analogy for being emotionally pushy than, like, physically harmful or abusive.
He's basically trying to herd her lol
yes like a little sheep dog lol
Tenor | Shinavar
I getcha now lol
Veil is honestly a toothpick and I bet a small breeze could push him over
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Don't insult my son like that
just bc he can takje flight with those ears don't mean nuttin
He's a GOOD SON!
oommg haha
I love him!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
veil is a good boi
Boy ain't gonna win a bar fight is all haha!
Bless this sensitive boy!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=178 "You are in my personal space"
Tenor | Shinavar
Nah legit tho being the tiny I'm surprised he CAN push her, or at least shows she's willing somewhat to be guided
Guys. It’s the nose isn’t it
Tenor | Shinavar
omg someone draw me Veil getting carried off by gemini plz
He can do no wrong with a face so right
Veil has a large picture of Spock in his room. Big fan.
Tenor | Shinavar
That's exactly it Jess
Honestly Gem could just pick him up and swing him around like a baseball bat if she wanted, I think.
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean he is such a stiff
@mathtans definitely a huge Spock influence!
veil's number one advice to gemini is to just think of what would spock do
then gemini asks who spock is
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=186 < a M O O D
Gemini to Wraith: "Dammit Bones!"
oh i loved that page with the giant to-do list
it was a great visual gag
I definitely "treat myself" for small tasks when there are still more or bigger tasks to do haha!
Lol me too
I was REALLY into Star Trek a while back and almost did some 4-panel Star Trek Gemini Journey AU comics...I don't know if I have the sketches anymore though. Kind of psyched myself out of them
I think everyone works differently. You gotta treat yourself once in a while though!
Tenor | Shinavar
But going back to the characters - we hope to focus on their dynamic more and more. We love all y’all insight tho!
Tenor | Shinavar
reating yourself is importaaant
Their dynamic is mezzoforte.
yeah I'm loving hearing all your thoughts and getting some insight into how you all are reading the comic. It can be tough when you're so close to something to really 'see' it anymore
I appreciate your thoughts!
Yes! They're a great duo!
I'm always excited when there's an update and Veil and Gemini are interacting
And yeah! Ofc dude! Lots of pairs of eyes help
Just want to say the style of the comic is really interesting... I don't think I've ever really seen it before, just having the one panel. Most trend to pages or 4-panel or whatever. But one panel can really speak volumes, even if it's just a reaction shot, done in this way.
That means so much to hear!
Tenor | Shinavar
As someone with a messed up wrist I appreciate it too bc scrolling hurts so this worked great
I think the webtoons layout for it works really well for scrolling! I love reading updates before bed It fits so well!
Thanks! Honestly it's how I've always 'seen' it and I'm glad you all like that-- It's been a bit of a point of uncertainty for us. I'm hoping in the future we can get some sort of swiping option for mobile devices to swipe between panels on full-screen instead of always clicking
and yes! Webtoons has done well for us too
Yeah, I'll agree - carpal tunnel makes scrolling format hard, but your website is perfectly suited
thank you for having both options!
I gotta be honest when we made the decision to do it this way - we were so conflicted. We wanted to do this format becuase we envisioned it with simple panels and @saetje really works hard to make things look cinematic
Tenor | Shinavar
omg if you get swipe in I'd be so happy bc I do like 90% of my reading on my phone ;u;
Yeah, I would definitely love that as a feature in the future. Clicking is fine, but it can be difficult going back and forth and waiting for a website to load
Oh yeah! This story really reads well as a show or film! The storyboard format
yeah i was skeptical of the one panel thing at first but once i got used to it i thought it was really nice. especially for how much it allows to be fit on any one "page"
yeah! Tenor, we always wanted it to be REALLY mobile friendly. Like my ideal is to just let the panels fill a mobile screen and swipe to read. We just....aren't really programmers so we haven't figured that out so much yet XD BUT- I'm really happy to hear the one-panel tapping is easy on wrists! I've heard other people call us 'accessible' for that and that was an uninentional side effect but I'm happy to hear it.
Yeah! Plus, you get cool scenes like the circus sequence back to Gem waking up in bed in the same pose as the juggler
Tenor | Shinavar
It's muchly appreciated too <33
on a different note, im really intrigued by the fact that gemini's savings are in the form of like actual treasure. and im really curious if thats literally their hard currency, and if not, where did gemini get all that treasure.
Tenor | Shinavar
I think it is bc she says the coffee was a gold coin + a virgin's tear
I'm back!
"a gold coin AND a virgin tear what a rip off"
They're paste gems.
I think it's Mom's allowance to her before she moved
And glad you're aiming for a smooth mobile experience with the comic.
Tenor | Shinavar
So I'm curious, if you two are willing to answer this (and it's cool if not!) But what's inspired you guys to tackle this story? :D
I have to admit, sticking to one panel per page helps a lot
Yeah, maybe Gemini should store up her tears and sell them on the street?
Tenor | Shinavar
omg math
Tear-able idea, I know.
It’s probably a bit different for both of us: We’re huge myth nerds but we felt like there wasn’t a story that really talked about what ppl just starting their journey was like.(edited)
@Tenor | Shinavar no problem at all! Honestly GJ has been through many iterations including an animated series pitch in 20...12?? It was my and @Jess 's senior project! It was always very heavily myth-inspired because we're really into that. It's a modern hero's journey
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh~! <3
but basically what @Jess said
Did someone say, animated series?
Like the feeling of being unprepared to adult and the lack of jobs. The scariness of being on your own. Finding love, and losing it. And the fear of letting people down.
That's a really good point, a Journey!
It’s why Gemini’s full name is Gemini Journey
Also mythology is SO GOSH DANG GOOD
I thought that was a clever play on words.
I love all the mythical creature references!
And plus—- all this myth jokes Hahahaha
Yeah. What can we say--- we were starry-eyed animation students once (well, @Jess was a graphic design major)
Seconding mythology
and wow, that's quite impressive!
Wouldn't want to myth out.
yes! I'm REALLY into myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Bookshelves are lined with them, and I still don't know everything. It's a really rich topic.
I was not a animator hahah but I like them. They are awesome
World Mythology class was one of my all time favorite classes in college haha!
Me too!!
and your animated ad was BEAUTIFUL
same @aliceapproved !
and thank you!
Seeing Gem and Veil move is gorgeous and I could see little gifs of them interacting
As for the question of the half hour, I'm thinking Gemini answered a "want ad" from Veil, looking for a roommate, and she was the only one willing to take the place. Everyone else thought he was too strict, would get upset if they left the milk out.
oh thats good to know. i did wonder what the significance was in that her name was gemini journey
when time allows to work on those kinds of things haha!
I think myths in general tell important truths about people while still being entertaining. I hope our story gives them justice
You guys totally do!
veil does seem like the type whod make horrified faces at the milk being left out XD
Yeah. It’s a play on the Hero’s Journey
I wonder if Griffins will make an appearance. I love that Teacup manticores exist haha!
Definitely lots of fights about how to load the dishwasher correctly (if they even have one)
Tenor | Shinavar
I believe you guys give them great justice! I's def creative and fun for sure! :D
"You bought the powdered soap again...."
posting a bit early but i feel we are segueing into the next question already
QUESTION 4. Although the world has present-day elements, there are also a slew of magical things. What aspect of the world intrigued you the most and why? Are there tidbits mentioned that you’d love to know more about in the future? Alternatively, is there any magical related creature or being that you’re hoping to see make an appearance in the comic? In regards to actual story canon, do you feel Gemini is familiar with this magical world or that she still has a lot to learn? In what ways do you think magical elements might come into play and make trouble for Gemini? Regardless of magic, what sorts of other conflicts are you hoping to see/do you think we’ll see, especially in regards to Gemini learning to be an adult?
@aliceapproved honestly one of our downfalls is @Jess and I want to showcase TOO MANY mythological animals b/c we love so many of them and have a lot of ideas for how they'd work in our world. But, to what cost to plot, ugh.
and yeah griffins are like on that list b/c GRIFFINS
give me werewolves
ill give you a dollar
Tenor | Shinavar
Magical dishwasher.
Do they have flying cars?
have we seen a minotaur yet? need some minotaurs up in this joint.
and unicorns
What I'm interested is the fact that Gemini is an Antlantean and I wonder how that factors into future story elements if any
And yes, PLEASE griffins, unicorns, and minotaurs
WELL, here's something I think I can give away that hasn't exactly been pointed out a lot of times in our story yet (we are getting to it): there aren't any humans in the GJ universe (http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=74) so a concept of a werewolf to them would really be a "werehuman", haha. But there are other wolfed-figured beings like Wulvers from Irish myth.(edited)
Unicorns, you say?
~~suddenly thinking about centaurs~
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! I remember giggling at that "HUMAN TALE"
Human tale must be so boring to them XD
It's like OUR world, but NO MAGIC
oh wait, they're horror stories
^^ yes
Is Gemini actually a magical girl?
I MEAN, there are some strong "Princess Tutu" influences already and even more so coming up
magical girls are my jaaaaaaaaaaam
did notice gemini was an antlantean, didnt realize there were no humans
i actually hope the gemini veil fight happens
What does the transformation sequence look like
so we can see gemini's home
that sounds amazing
I must know
Gemini is a duck?
how did you know?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Nooooo you figured it out
I wanna meet Gemini's mom haha!
I've seen the art but gosh
or Veil interacting with them
Honestly, Veil and Gemini meet the other's parent(s)
Waiting for the episode where Cupid accidentally shoots Veil with an arrow.
Yeah admittedly - the character designs for gems mom @saetje has done I’m really digging. I can’t wait for her appearance
Veil falls in love with a dial tone. Very embarassing.
I love that
We need to rewrite the next episode stat
He meant to shoot Gemini but Veil protected her.
um YEAH Math is going to be our new head writer
Math, you should re-write all our comics/stories
omg agree
I think you guys have a great Valentine's idea strip coming!
mind blown from the idea of a Math/SJB production
puns and jokes and visual gags everywhere
i hope gemini's mom is super awesome. i feel like she must be and gemini wants to be awesome like her
Let me try to get to 10 people reading my own comic first, maybe.
I read your stuff and it's pretty rad @mathtans
Would Gemini's dad still be in the picture, I wonder?
Gemini's uncle?
Gemini's grunkle?
My dad? your dad?
hahaha, Uncle Saggitarius, Auntie Pisces...
All dads
HAHA!!! Great idea!
I dunno why but i always caught onto the name Saggitarius
in a shocking twist, veil isn't Gemini's love interest hes her dad
Gemini could have two moms for all we know.
and it's totally not because I love centaurs
(I now ship Gemini's parents, I guess...?)
For Halloween, there probably should be a "Scary Human Tale" and it's filing taxes
well to be fair, dont need to be blood related for him to be her dad in a way. i mean he is basically pushing for her to succeed, teaching her stuff, and generally being the responsible adult
Veil is her dad confirmed
he loves and supports her and wants the best for her even when shes at her worst
ps saetje and Jess i hope you guys are in DMs with each other just screaming about all the dumb shit we're saying XD
Are... you here with us
I never thought of CTP's featured creators ever doing that
Repeating what a previous comment mentioned, it'll be fun to see how Veil falls for Gemini, like the spark that ignited his feelings for her and hopefully for Gemini in turn
Veil is actually a magic clone of her dad that was sent by the ghost of her grandfather, Thor?
oh, @Jess is my S/O so we're just chatting in our living room together and loving everything y'all say
But honestly this has been so inspiring
oh even better!
Tenor | Shinavar
BACK. #4: THe aspect that inrigues me the most is how diverse the world is and how it just is all one big melting pot. It's colorful and you've no idea what's around the corner. :D I'm curious if something like a Wendigo might get seen! :D
Daww, that's cute! (edited)
also WB!
Tenor | Shinavar
brb for a sec
Wendigos is scary stuff. O.o
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes they are
I LOVE the myth of Wendigo! No plans, esp. because they start out as human, but. I enjoy that one a lot
Tenor | Shinavar
But also like, one of my favorites so-
That's fair!
can never see wendigo in a positive light. 2spooky.
that eliminates vampires, too....
i hope there are phoenixes. and i hope gemini doesnt know them offhand and freaks out when one bursts into flames.
Would aliens fall into the category or is that too sci-fi?
Lol a fantasy world that has stories that are sci-fi
But what if we made a chain. And it’s a reheaded wendigo that sells burgers with square patties
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean —-
Oh, phoenixes are fun.
Phoenix chicks!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
"We sell Hyumahn meat"
Little baby Phoenixes pls haha!
phoenix lady dating a merman
Fresh from death!
I mean Rebirth!
Jess: I got that.
Sassy twitter extra.
We've been throwing around a phoenix story idea! They're also a personal favorite
again: too many great myth/fairy tale creatures we love, guuh.
Again as said earlier, I'm really happy that Kappas made an appearance, too! I love it when mythical creatures from all over the world are in one place together
i just love how he knew how defeat the kappa lol
"Why's that bird hanging around the Vietnamese shop?" "It's a Pho Enix."
IE: we thought of Veil and Gem "babysitting" a sphinx and Gem keeps feeding it puns and popsicle riddles (junk food) when it needs, like, existential riddles for nutrients, ha.
yes i do think theres a great mixture of things from tons of diff cultures. it really makes the world extra super colorful.
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes plz sphinx bby
i bet veil has some great existential riddles
Aw, those are cute drawings.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'll hate it because the puns will hurt so much but UGGGH IT'D BE SO CUTE I'LL DIE FROM IT
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Awww, Veil, that is just way too cute ^_^
Your sketches are SO GOOD
(Speaking of, when do we get the pastries that I saw on Veil's plate for the CTP today?)
Your guys' ideas are SO GOOD
older concepts BUT. Again. there are SO MANY potential for fun-myth-animal stories we tend to get lost in them, haha. I don't know how much/if any will make it into the comic
I'll mail them out Math!
The pastries were there all along. In your heart
Do you guys plan to do little intermission stories before doing a big arc like this one?
yes! Just like the roach comic
Like the dragon cockroach felt like a good mini-story before we got a meaty story
we plan to do little minis between bigger arcs
Tenor | Shinavar
Sweet! :D
We want to alternate between large stories and smaller world building stuff
Tenor | Shinavar
Anyway, gtg, baby needs me. Best with the comic!
good luck math~!
Best!! And thanks for stopping by!!
thanks for coming Math! Best wishes
Bye, Math!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh more queestions~ Due to how your comic is constructed, do you find you have more time to work on it, and/or you got a good healthy buffer?
oh that's a really good question Tenor!
Originally, for like the last two years we've had almost a 6 mo queue, because also only update bi-weekly. But we recently ran out of that queue because LIFE and freelance hit us hard XDD so we've been trying to catch up somewhat successfully. As far as page-speed creation, I think it can vary widely but both @Jess and I have gotten a lot faster than we used to be. When we're really able to focus after-work hours (no life and freelance jams getting too much in the way) we can do about 4-6 panels in a single week, about 10-20 hours between us
The thing is though, one of the draw-backs of single panel shots is you DO have to show a lot more, I think, than just a page-layout comic.
That's interesting~
also bye Math
like, if we took those panels and made them into a page layout we would get away with showing less, I think, and possibly saving some time? But it's hard to gauge because also there's panel layout and flow and page composition to consider that we don;t have to worry as much about
Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. Actually the full panels largest drawback is that you have to draw sooooo much. In a comic with many panels you could cut to a talking head suddenly - in ours, because of the layout we have to be very careful not to take them out of context too quickly and too frequently
yeah good point Jess
Tenor | Shinavar
That's a good point. It's such an interesting thing o consider because - I guess the easiest way I can describe it is like the illustrations in children's books. They can be just so world building and easter-eggy so it's interesting to consider the differences!
So it’s a mixed bag. On one hand you are making only one image at a time. Sometimes even usi a lot of the same assets. But on the other - it’s a full color illustration and having to show minute changes in expression to keep the pace from seeming too quick can be a challenge too
Yeah that too!!
im curious if you took printing into consideration. idk if youve printed the comic before or ever intended too. just wondering how a single panel per page comic would work in that case.
Yeah, I see what you're saying, do one-panel updates but fill them with lots and lots of detail?
or if the pacing reads too slow too- panel comics (or comics made by animators in general) can also be too slow b/c us animators LOVE showing those minute pose/expression changes, which can sometimes read slow. I'm always stressed about the pace, ha.
Hi! Love the comic
Tenor | Shinavar
I could see, in print form, largely remaining single panel per page, or for the more fast paced ones tweak to 2-3 on the page
@Jess and I always imagined the comic a digital-first production, but if we were to go to print it'd likely be something along the lines of what Ava's Demon did. Just, single panels-per-page. But @Jess being the graphic designer who often works in print too might have some other ideas on that
Hi @whitneyandcompany thank yoouu
So when creating one of the things we did as a priority is consider the mobile screen first. Which is the opposite of what is the norm. If we were to do a book it would be handled where we put a very limited amount of images on a page. Maybe 1-2 similar to Ava’s demon
Yeah, the drawback of single-paged stuff is exactly that. Focusing more on some things, like a character going through emotions can read more slowly even tho it's important to the story
Tenor | Shinavar
ugh ilu for the mobile love lol
Just thought I'd say before the CTP ends- good luck with the rest of Gemini Journey, @saetje and @Jess. It's really coming along well and you're definitely got a good story here to tell as well.
But it works so well for mobile scrolling, it's so friendly!
Tenor | Shinavar
Like I can't express how frusrating it is for me bc there's SO many people who own their own sites and it's not mobile friendly
thanks @Superjustinbros have a good night!
Maybe you could have 3 panels per page if printed?
Tenor | Shinavar
I live on the go I NEED THAT MOBILITY ;n;
You too, and thanks for being here, @saetje!
@Tenor | Shinavar I got to be honest with you- as a webcomic fan and reader for MANY years I feel that
I really look forward to reading this in the future. It's enjoyable and to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure what I was in for at first... BUT it is a pleasure to read!
And cya to you as well, @Jess.
Awwww thanks!!
Thank you for creating an amazing comic. :3
yeah im glad priority was placed on mobile because it is basically the way thing are going, whether ppl want that or not.
Tenor | Shinavar
YES it was a fun surprise! (And def last minute for me bc I didn't realize it was something I could read lmao OTL)
Thank you @Kabocha for your wonderful insights and kind comments! Thanks for coming
and its definitely a beautiful comic. i think the pacing works out great as well~!
You guys are the reason I downloaded the web toon app, I look forward to every update
Thank you for making such an inspirational and gorgeous comic!
Awww well it means so much to hear you guys say that
I always look forward to your updates!
In that case, cya everyone!
And yes, you're the reason I downloaded the web toon app, too!
oommmg @whitneyandcompany , thank you
im glad i got to read this story its so good so far and i cant wait to read more~
It’s been really humbling for us to put our work out there. But I am so incredibly touched right now
Glad to hear~
Thank you @Shen! I look forward to more of your comic as well! I'm glad you like it.
Yeah everyone, thank you for coming and letting us know you thoughts It has meant the WORLD to us
You guys are amazing and I love your work
Tenor | Shinavar
Thank you for signing up so we could disect it /shot
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero, as well, for making Gemini Journey. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://geminijourney.com/
Donate via Paypal.me: https://www.paypal.me/YeseniaCarrero
Tracy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/saetje
Yesenia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Demongemini6
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, September 20th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/the-hunter-of-fenaur
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heyitslapis · 6 years
Ok let's see... its been about 3 weeks since i posted last, give or take a few days. And I'll just say its been an interesting and exhausting few weeks.
Still trying to completely get over my dumbf*ck feelings for Alex. I'm not really doing a super great job at that, and still get random depressive moments that last a varying amount of time, but usually i just push my pity party to the side after about 2 minutes.
On the 3rd of June, Alex went up to see part of her family and join them on a cruise to Columbia. She said wont be back until maybe the 3rd or 4th of July at the earliest. I kinda miss her, but I feel like spending a month physically apart from her will do me some good. Her and i still snap back and fourth to save our streak and to day good morning. Whenever she cant find wifi, she turns on her dad's personal hotspot so she can send me at least one snap to keep our streak rolling (we are the longest streak we have with anyone on our snapchats, and it stands currently at 261 days.) The day after she left the streak sorta died for the day, but she was able to save it cause she was in a different time zone.
Since she's been gone, we've hired several new people at work, many if which being new hosts (thank God tbh, cause this means after theyre all done training and get a couple weeks to get used to everything i can train as a server and hopefully make a little more money). One of them is Giovanni's sister (Gio is a guy that works there. Mostly does dish, sometimes hosts.) And apparently she likes me? About a week before she started they came in to eat with their mom and after they left Gio was like "Dude, i think my sister likes you."
Hey, some random girl actually has a crush on me for the first time in my life? That's cool! Right? It would be, if she weren't 17. If i were still 18 or 19, i wouldnt really care. But now that im 20, even though we only have a 2 year and almost 6 month age difference, i still feel like its weird. I feel like im in a whole new age threshold now that ive hit that 2 decade mark, and she just seems to me like a kid. Anyway, Sammy (thats her) is bi with a preference for girls. She's very forward about asking the girls at work about their sexuality (she'll be mid convo and just be like "wait; you straight?") She makes a hobby of flirting with the straight girls, because as she says it, she can easily flirt with straight girls bc she knows she wont have a chance. As soon as she knows theyre bi or gay, she cant even really talk to them. Sammy flirts with me in excess, has asked me 3 times if im straight, or if im sure that i am (homegirl has only been here like two weeks), and the reason why is because she would happily let me break her heart, and has said thats its too bad im not gay bc if i was she would let me crush her. Also has told me that i remind her of her ex girlfriend, and when i said idk if thats supposed to be a compliment or not, she said "well i really liked her, so..." Oh and btw all 3 times shes asked, I've told her im straight (yknow, bc im not out to the irl general public) and I'll just say that having to lie outloud about my sexuality does not feel that great. Thats not something ive ever had to verbally do before, and now i understand. Tbh i dont really lie, or at least i very rarely do, bc i dont like it, and i want to be seen as trustworthy. i have told my share of lies in my day, but i feel like that was in the top 3 worst lies ive ever told. Simply because i know thats not who i am, yet im saying it anyway.
Besides that, in these last couple weeks ive:
Gotten my computer hacked and almost got scamed out of the piddly $120 dollars total that is in my bank account for me to try to live off of until next Fridays paycheck, and almost got my brother's bank account hacked (looong f*ckin story. Short version, im a gotdang fool, and people are absolute bastards), so now i cant use my computer until i get it looked at, which means no art (sucks bc i wanted to draw myself a bi pride icon)
Put in 103 hours at work in the last 2 weeks
Had our only available car break down twice
Got about half of our kitchen painted. Still need to find time to finish it
Purchased tickets for a convention, and bought almost everything i need to finish my cosplay.
Have a sore in the back of my mouth thats been plaguing me for over a week (finally starting to heal. Its been hurting to do so much as talk, much less eat or drink)
Had to deal with everyone's attitudes at work (some sh*ts going on with the moon and everyones been a pissy ass lately, and im so over it)
The pain in the ass girl at work that we've been trying to get rid of for over a year called in and quit 15 minutes before her literal last shift (Father's day) and our proprietary manager told her "its bullshit that you just found out that your other job scheduled you to work today 15 minutes before you had to come here" and "dont try to come back to this store again". Im ecstatic about it tbqh and feel a small sense of victory about the whole thing.
One of my favorite gays from work had his last shift Saturday night and im still sad about it.
It may not seem like much but its just all around every other day something else small happened to add to the weird and crazy smorgasbord that is my life.
Also bless Sammy bc yesterday was Father's Day, and because of that, i was in the building of my work at 9:45am, started working to get set up at 10, opened around 10:50, and didnt stop until about 8:50pm, 10 minutes before we closed. Our proprietary manager bought us tons of pizza and snacks in the middle of our shift so that we could all take turns having a 10 minute breather, but other than that it was non-stop work and dedication to the customer. At 9:50am my brother went to the Duncan Donuts down the road from us to get the handful of morning people either coffee or bagels or whatever they asked for. I told my brother to get me the english muffin with egg and cheese, and if they had the option, to add sausage to it. Also to tell Sammy i said hi (because she works at that Duncan also, and was there yesterday morning). My brother comes back with breakfast, hands me my food and said that Sammy made it especially for me. (At that time i was also in a bad mood bc i was tired from working four open doubles in a row, and was stressed, so that really lifted my spirits a bit. The food, and the thought that someone made it especially for me.) And i'll just say she just earned my love for the next week at least.
Anyway i think thats all for now loves. I dont have a very eventful life, but i sure do have a busy one.
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