#i think im gonna tag these as
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Operation I Listen To One Album From Each Country Volume 1
Caifanes - El Silencio (1992)
Starting my journey around the world with Caifanes, a band hailing from Mexico City, Mexico. I enjoyed this one, I tend to enjoy something with a good blend of things happening in them. Lately, I've found myself drawn a lot to new wave and goth rock, and this implements things I like about the genres. The keyboard, the guitar, the dreamy sounding vocals, all present and accounted for here. The horn section only added to my delight here. I can see myself returning to this album, and I definitely will be exploring the rest of this groups discography. And one last casual observation, the vocals here remind me of Julián Mayorga and (just a tad) Shinji Sato of Fishmans fame. Needless to say an almost androgynous style that I can really get behind.
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collgeruledzebra · 4 months
the thing about trying to recommend fiction podcasts to someone who isn't familiar with them is that not only are so so many genres represented but also the level of production can fall anywhere from "basically an audiobook" to "major motion picture minus the pictures"
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umblrspectrum · 17 days
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part 4 of a lot funnier in my head than on paper
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newttxt · 8 months
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pls read the zosan fic “utilities included” and enjoy sanji making his own life as miserable as possible in plain view of his new roommate
from ch. 1 of utilities included (mind the tags and rating)
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u3pxx · 9 months
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percycoolguy · 3 months
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onion skin!
fun gif under cut
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now you get to pretend that ur flipping through the frames
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why haven't i posted this yet
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tubbytarchia · 9 months
I've been curating some of these things and I think it's time to let them loose into the world. My hope is that at least one of them is funny
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verflares · 4 months
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new link design goes crazy
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due to the amount of blogs i follow, the length of time i have had tumblr and the amount of fandoms i have been in, i really see a range of opinions on this over my dash so its time for a poll:
* please be nice to each other in the notes, this poll is purely for my own curiosity because i see such a varied range of opinions of her on this site and not because i want to cause drama!
** im well aware this poll will probably be biased because in my experience, once the swiftie side of tumblr gets a hold of a poll, thats when it gets the most reblogs, so if youre not a swiftie seeing this, please reblog to help get a bigger sample size (thats not to say swifties cant reblog this though, please do!!)
*** i wanted to add more categories cos i get that peoples opinions are more nuanced but im limited by the tumblr poll format lol, so if none of these fit, select the closest option and explain in the tags!
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
im not american but some of you guys are just fucking stupid ong what do you MEAN youre not gna vote because you disagree with like one part of what youre voting for. like okay me when im fucking thick
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deep-sea-anemone · 6 months
Yes, yes, Sanji letting Zoro help in the kitchen by letting him chop vegetables because he's good with pointy objects.
BUT. Have you considered?
They live in a world without most electrical appliances. A FUCKTON of physical labor goes into baking (and keep in mind how often Sanji bakes treats for the girls).
Sanji being tired (physically) and not feeling like taking 10 min to whip whipped cream. Being tired (mentally) of Zoro making fun of him for never working out. Sanji saying "fuck it" and just starts putting him to work.
The foccacia dough needs to be kneaded? "Have fun working a sticky mess for 20 minutes, asshole"
Need meringue? "No, STIFF peaks marimo. Don't tell me you're wimping out already"
"Are you even TRYING to flatten that steak Marimo?"
"Yes, it needs whipped cream. YES, I know you just made some yesterday. We need more"
Zoro's shoulders are burning but he's trying SO HARD not to lose face with the cook and meanwhile Sanji is silently losing it at Zoro's shock that cooking can in fact be a workout
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
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Pokemon Scarlet has been a comforting distraction for me lately. 🥹 Fightin those baddies. Collectin them shiny things and catchin them all's. Amongst other things-
But what's been the most fun about it is imagining my Haunter and Sylveon being extremely stupid and also being bestest friends forever and ever XDD
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newttxt · 10 months
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the best way to luffy’s stomach is through his heart (or something like that)
a four page one piece fancomic in which luffy and law talk about luffy’s stomach
page 1
panel 1: a top view of luffy and law sitting in grass. luffy is leaning back on his hands with his legs outstretched. law sits crosslegged between them. they are both looking down at the hole in luffy’s abdomen, where law has used his devil fruit power to remove his stomach. “whoa! cool!” says luffy, while law hums, “hmm… interesting.”
panel 2: a close-up of law’s hand holding luffy’s stomach in its cube-like container. “it looks surprisingly average,” law says, “for a bottomless pit.”
panel 3: “isn’t it weird?” luffy asks. he is sitting with his back to the viewer, but his smile is still visible as he leans into law’s space. law is still crosslegged, holding the stomach, and he looks vaguely uncomfortable as luffy keeps talking. luffy says, “that thing can make food stop looking like food and start looking like poop! huh. wonder how it does that…”
page 2
panel 1: law looks off to the side, sweating and kinda grouchy. knowing he’ll regret this, he mutters, “i… know how… at least for NORMAL humans.”
panel 2: the back of luffy’s head takes up most of the panel as he demands, “what?! i wanna know too!” law grits his teeth and shouts back, “you’re just gonna fall asleep!” and luffy yells, “nuh-uh!”
panel 3: luffy grins widely, throws his arms out to the side, and flops onto his back in the grass. he’s loudly yelling, “tell me! tell me, traffy!”
page 3
panel 1: law is visible from a low-angle, as if from luffy’s pov on the ground. he sighs, “fine. here’s how it works.”
panel 2: this panel looks similar to the previous, but its slightly darker, with gray bars at the top and bottom, narrowing visibility to show luffy’s eyes are closing. law continues, “the stomach has two main functions.”
panel 3: law is now barely visible through the gap. luffy is almost asleep. law says, “the first, as YOU know, is the storage of food.”
panel 4: the background is completely dark, and law’s words trail off, “the second is—“
page 4
panel 1: a large, top view of luffy lying on his back in the grass. his arms are thrown wide still and his eyes are open. he has just jolted awake, saying, “hmm?” off-screen, law complains, “i don’t know WHY i bothered.”
panel 2: law accuses, “you didn’t listen to a word i said.” luffy sits up, his lips pursed and eyes narrowed because he’s a terrible liar. he says, “sure i did,” dragging out the “sure.”
panel 3: luffy breaks into a grin and proudly declares, “it’s a mystery!” law cuts him off with a “NO,” his speech bubble literally dripping with disdain.
panel 4: the silhouette of luffy and law sitting side by side. law is whapping luffy on the head with a light fist. law says, “idiot…” before bonking him. luffy yells, “hey!” but he is laughing, and a small “heh” shows law is too.
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dookiespooky · 5 days
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Driftingstars and dreamcaptor fusion au thing! This takes place right after mabel falls through the portal ig dk what im doing lmaooo
(Dreamcaptor au belongs to @neonross )
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cicada-candy · 3 months
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jonny dville,,, worlds babygirlest Absolute Worst Guy Ever i love him
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