#i think i will be fine . i think . i have almost 200 candles and i should have like 250 or more if i get 20 candles everyday wwww
callilouv · 2 years
gna be twinning with blue once days of fortune comes lmao
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awesomerextyphoon · 2 months
Change of View
Summary: You got fired, but one grocery run changed things.
Pairing: Slight Sam Wilson x Black Female Reader
Rating: 16+/Teen
Word Count: 697
A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I had to deal with some things.
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“Hey, sis. So, I got fired. Again. Please call me when you have the chance. Thanks.” You pressed send hoping she would actually call you back soon for once. 
You just had to forget your umbrella in the office that night and catch your boss cheating on his pregnant wife with your ‘hot’ coworker. 
Now you’re the one paying. 
“Fucking asshole.” You muttered trudging your willful feet past the crosswalk. 
This was the 3rd job in eight months! You were an avid saver, but still! 
Why did this shit always happen to you?! 
The gentle stream of raindrops did well to conceal your attempts of not bawling as you made your way to the metro.
You decided to buck up and make some homemade ice cream tonight. You needed today to end on a better note. 
Walking down the aisle bleary-eyed, you were lost to the outside world. Until you bumped into a wall of muscle in the middle of the aisle. 
“Ow! I’m so sorry!” You rubbed your forehead in embarrassment.
The man reached out his hand, “No, it’s okay! Are you alright?”
Taking his hand, you got up and dusted yourself off, “Yeah, I’m fine-“ you gasped stopping dead in your tracks to see Sam Wilson, Captain America, staring back at you with concern.
Sam raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?” 
You forgot to talk. You forgot to move. You just stood there staring and gaping like a deer caught in headlights.
“Um, you can close your mouth now.” 
“Shit!” You swore under your breath hoping he wouldn’t think you a dumbass. 
You had to make up for lost ground, “I didn’t know I would walk into Captain America. I should’ve worn better makeup.”
“Heh. I’m hardly worth the trouble.” Sam chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You were a little taken aback by his easy-going nature
“So, what brought on these tears?” Sam asked noting your puffy eyes and slouchy shoulders. 
“I got fired for almost outing a cheater. I came here to get ingredients for homemade ice cream.” 
“Sorry about your job,” Sam consoled before his slyly suave smirk, “But, homemade ice cream sounds like a good time.” 
“Well, I got a sweet tooth and I’m a picky eater so this comes with the territory.” You admitted now being used to seeing such a person. Your eyes widened at his somewhat hidden weariness through the bags under his eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
“I just got back from a long mission and the press keeps hounding me comparing me to Steve and whatnot.” 
“It’s hard sometimes, you know?” He murmured. 
Even Captain America can have a bad day.
Maybe a cookie will help.
“Um,” you reached into your handbag, “I have a cookie if you want it. I was gonna save it for later, but looks like you need it more than I do.” Handing the hero a large glazed cookie. 
“It’s Lemon Ricotta.” You blurted worried he might think it poison. 
“Thanks.” Sam accepted the cookie, but not before his hand whispered against yours.
He cautiously took a bite before moaning deeply, “Damn!” 
You were surprised no one came over, he was so loud. 
“This is one of the best cookies I’ve ever had!” Sam praised.
“C’mon, it’s not that good.” You deflected shifting your eyes to the floor.
“Seriously! I’ve had one $200 cookie Stark has at his lavish parties and it couldn’t hold a candle to this!” 
Your face brightened at the compliment, “Thanks! It’s one of my favorite recipes.”
“I’ll bet,” Sam concurred after finishing the cookie.  
His eyes lit up for a moment before grabbing a pen and paper, “Hey, if you’re looking for a new job, I know a former colleague who's looking for an apprentice.” Scribbling a contact and then offering to you,  “The pay is amazing!” 
“Just say Sam Wilson referred you.” He winked. 
You took the paper and placed it into your handbag without (somehow) blustering.
Sam turned to leave, happy you would at least consider, “Have a good one.” 
“Thanks again!” 
“Good luck.” 
With a confident breath, you resumed shopping. You had a good feeling that things were finally looking up.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Hii Sora!! I absolutely love your interpretation of the characters!! congrats on the 200 followers, and it's very sweet of u to do match-ups! I hope you're doing well :D
Multiple matches is fine, and I don't mind poly! do whatever u want :)
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: Any!
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Appearance: I'm tall, broad, chubby, i have short n shaggy light brown hair, blue eyes, i wear glasses, i have acne scars, and a few piercings. I have a deep voice with a slight southern accent. my clothing style could be described as grunge and y2k
Personality: introverted, loyal, quiet but talkative at home, sarcastic, a bit intimidating, blunt, hardworking, compassionate, silly, and confident
Soul Trait: Integrity
Hobbies: cooking, drawing, painting, singing, playing piano, studying, finding new music, and playing video games
Likes: music of all kinds, rainy days while staying inside, fidget toys, fluffy blankets, cartoons, candles, learning about random topics, early mornings, pasta, sweets, those so obviously fake that it's funny ghost videos, comedy, storytelling, dogs, cats, and other animals
Dislikes: unexpected loud noises, crowds, arguing, certain textures/sounds (I got sensory issues), and bigotry
Hope that's good, thank you so much!! ^_^
I’m happy you enjoy my interpretations of the boys! Also thank you! I’m doing well, I hope you’re doing well too. Thank you for being patient!
Matchups are closed!
You match with Mastiff and Red!
(SF Papyrus) Mastiff:
Your compassion, bluntness and confidence drew Mastiff to you. But your silliness and loyalty made him stay. Loyalty is a big thing to Mastiff after all, he has a hard time opening u0 to people because of his trust issues. So you being loyal will definitely aid you in the journey of cracking open Mastiff’s guarded shell.
Mastiff is one of those guys who has an intimidating resting bitch face who doesn’t react a lot with his face and instead with his body language. But he’s also that kind of guy who would snort at a fart joke and create chaos with his gremlin tendencies. So when you’re friends or even more, you’ll be getting the honor of seeing this side of him often.
Snorts whenever you get sarcastic, he’s just watching from the sidelines almost eating popcorn as you direct your sarcastic remarks at others. He doesn’t mind if you direct those comments at him, Razzle is a sarcastic ass so it won’t offend him.
Mastiff is not really talkative, he listens more often. Sometimes throwing in a few words but he mostly just enjoys listening to you talking about everything and nothing.
You two often play video games together, sometimes Coal decides to insert himself in your video gaming sessions just for fun, or to tease and be a menace to his brother when Mastiff has a crush on you he has yet to acknowledge.
You got a free taste tester right here if you ever decide to make something new. Mastiff never passes up a good meal, nor does he waste it!
He’s quite interested in those fidget toys you got. He has tried a few out and thinks Coal would really enjoy them too. Whenever he spots some new kind of fidget toys he takes it with him and gives them to you.
Mastiff will always make sure that Razzle talks a bit softer when you’re around because Razzle can be one very loud boy when he isn’t conscious of his own volume.
(UF Sans) Red:
With Red too, loyalty is very important. Without it one can’t get very far with Red.
He likes your silly attitude and likes to joke around with you. This man will legitimately snatch a taste from the food you’re making when you’re not looking.
Red likes to watch you play the piano, he can’t help but be enthralled with the way your fingers move across the keys. The moment you offer to teach him and lay your hands upon his Red’s a goner.
You two are so competitive when playing video games. It doesn’t after if you’re not competitive normally, Red is capable of pressing the buttons that make you competitive.
You two often cackle at those horribly fake ghost videos. Be prepared for Red to bash and roast everything. He’s a bit of a video nerd, don’t mind him.
Red doesn’t like crowds too, so with him you don’t have to be worried about having to be forced into a crowd because he can just shortcut you guys to a more calming place.
I hope you enjoyed!
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
How old is too old?
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Jung Jaehyun x reader // SMUT, SMUT, angst, fluff
Themes: OLDER JAEHYUN, YOUNGER READER, please I’m begging you don’t read my works if you’re not comfortable.
Word count: 5k
Summary: Jaehyun was your father’s best friend and life has it’s own twist of reuniting you again. 
Warnings: OLDER JAEHYUN, YOUNGER READER, BOTH LEGAL AGE, sex, sex, sex, over stimulation, choking, slapping, dom Jaehyun, mentions of other idols, pairing of other idols, swearing,  unprotected sex, rough sex, filthy sex, sad ending, Jaehyun is Johnny’s best friend, Johnny is your dad do the math. Mentions of alcohol, mentions of pregnancy, sad ending
A/N: I did this in one sitting. This is only a made up story and theres no way in hell that this is true. If something about the warning doesn’t sit well on you please don’t read. I would like to thank the anon who pointed out the sensitive topic. I already deleted some parts and edited the fic. Again thank you, and I will be better next time. For the first 200+ readers, I’m sorry if the fic was carrying something sensitive and I was clueless about it but after consulting with some of my fellow writers, I think the edited version of this fic is now safer. Thank you! And if the concept is still sensitive you can message me again I’ll be happy to delete it. 
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Have you ever seen someone so dreamy and handsome that he sparkles every time he’s around? Or whenever he’s around he just lights up the whole room with his smile. He’s like an angel or a saint that walks among us. Mr. Jaehyun or Mr. Jae, as you call him, is the epitome of that description.
Same birthday, different age. 
Years later
“Good morning princess, happy birthday”
The sun is hitting your eyes and you put an arm on your head, not minding the person kissing your exposed thighs. Yuta has been your fuck buddy ever since the day you’ve been introduced to sex. He was your first at everything, but you two never had the guts to take your relationship to the next level. Nonetheless, you’re both still scared to lose each other.
“See you tonight?” you said weakly, admiring Yuta’s angelic features under the bright natural light that comes in your room perfectly.
“Definitely” he kissed your cheek and flopped on top of your naked body, “Don’t forget to clean up well, I came almost five times inside you last night,” he said before he kisses you one last time and leaves you to enjoy your morning.
On your way to the dining room, every one that crosses your path greets you good morning and happy birthday. You respond with a smile and ‘thank you’ as you continue to walk, everyone seems busy for the dinner party tonight.
On the long table, you found your mother and father having coffee and reading the newspapers. “Morning” you greet the before you sit.
“Happy Valentine's day” Johnny, your father, teases you as he folds the newspaper. You roll your eyes at him at let out a small laugh, “You’ll love my surprise for you tonight” he added, chewing his toast with strawberry jam on it.
“Another car? Oh, wait. Did you bought me a whole Chanel boutique already?” you tease your father, even though he perfectly knew you hate material gifts.
“Oh no. You’ll like this one” he smirks at you and stood up to give you a kiss on the forehead, “happy birthday, I’ll be back before dinner and before the guests arrived. Just have to handle a few things at the office”
“Why do I feel like you’re about to buy me a private plane” you tease him again and left you with your mother to enjoy breakfast together.
Living with fame and money all your life didn’t make you a spoiled daughter, or a big spender like your dad. You’re always about the simple things in life that give you genuine happiness, it’s always the people around you are showering you with expensive gifts that you’re grateful for but to be honest, you don’t need it. Family, career, and love. Those are the most important things in your life. But about love, you’re not sure yet.  
During the family dinner, as usual, the house is packed with family, family friends, and some people at work. Champagnes everywhere, people chatting about business or whatnot, families catching up, and friends reuniting.
“Where is dad?” you asked your mother, Seulgi while you wait for both your father and Yuta to arrive. You’re not blowing your birthday candles without your dad.
As you chat with other people and enjoy your celebration, your ears rang when you heard people exclaiming that Johnny has arrived. You walked to the entrance to greet your father, and to your surprise… Jaehyun is with him. Handsome as ever as if those years of not seeing each other didn’t make him age.
“You remember Jaehyun right?” your father introduced you to Jaehyun like one of his business partners, but Jaehyun is more than that.
“Mr. Jae, you’re back- is he, the gift that you’ve been telling me?” the question was directed to Johnny but your eyes are glued to Jaehyun, shaking his hands still.
“You’ve grown so much!” Jaehyun knew it was wrong to scan your hot body but he couldn’t resist. He’s good at hiding it.
Seeing Jaehyun right before your eyes made you feel things that you are not supposed to be feeling. He’s not your uncle, you don’t share the same blood, he’s just one of your dad’s business partners. The lust that you felt the moment you saw him scan your body felt so wrong but good at the same time. How can Mr. Jae do this to you?
As the night became more and more interesting, you and Jaehyun spent hours and hours talking and catching up. You have completely forgotten about your other guests, you just want to talk to Jaehyun the whole night.
He hasn’t changed a bit, the only thing that changed in his life is his steady career. The business in Connecticut made him filthy rich because he put his whole life on managing it. He apologised for leaving you and not saying goodbye, “to be honest I’m happy I didn’t see you before I leave, I knew you would be sad and I couldn’t bear seeing you like that. How are you?”
“The same sweet girl that you left, Mr. Jae” you just flirted and you hope he will just shrug it off. “Managing my own business now, I could live alone already but I’m too attached with my parents-“
“Hey, princess” Yuta came out of nowhere and interrupt you mid-sentence. He kissed you on the cheek, enough to make Jaehyun think that he’s your boyfriend or someone who has your heart. “Didn’t get to spend some time with you tonight, but it’s fine. I left your present on top of your bed, I hope you like it”
Jaehyun was watching attentively the whole time you and Yuta were talking, and after Yuta left you noticed that Jaehyun was smirking while he drinks his wine. “Now, I’m perfectly convinced that you’ve grown. He’s not your fiancé or anything right?”
“No no.” you shook your head nervously, “Just someone, who can provide my sexual needs” you added confidently letting him know that, yes you’re an adult now.
The catching up with Jaehyun continues, but soon your birthday ends and everyone needed to go home. Jaehyun kissed you on the cheek and told you that he was so happy to be reunited with you again.
“Oh, Mr. Jae” you blurted out before he gets in his car, “Happy birthday”
Jaehyun smiled so sweetly, heart-pounding, ear turning red because he’s so happy that you remember. “Happy birthday to us”
Weeks after your birthday, you decided to live separately with your parents and move out of the mansion. Johnny was sad about it, but he clearly knows sooner or later he needed to let go of you. While you were putting your stuff and organizing some of your things, someone knocked at your door but you’re hands are full you couldn’t open the door for them. “Come in, it’s open. Sorry, my hands are full” You were inside your walk-in closet, putting your shoes inside boxes and you wonder who it might be.
“Thought I should say hi to you. Your father is busy taking important calls” Jaehyun explained. 
For a moment, you and Jaehyun chatted and exchanged questions. He asked you what made you change your mind about living on your own, you asked what's his business with your dad lately. Both gave interesting answers until the room became silent as you go back to packing your stuff.
He watches you put your things on boxes, but your Victoria’s Secret satin sleepwear catches his attention. Those thin shorts that expose your butt cheeks whenever you bend over, thin sleeveless top that he oh so wanted to remove, the way your nipples ghost on your thin satin sexy top makes him want to pinch your nipples until you’re whimpering.
You don’t know what he needs, but you feel his breath on your nape. His presence is not easy to avoid when he’s directly behind you and awfully close. “Mr. Jae, do you need something else?” You clear your throat before reaching something but he stopped you from moving. He turned you around and his hands are quick to hold your ass, squeezing them gently with both hands, your body relaxes against his chest but your heart is pounding.
“Put your leg around my waist” it was a stern tone that made you follow without hesitation. He put you on the nearest wall and pinned you the there, his hands are busy removing your shorts and panties. Once you’re naked waist down, he unbuckles his belt and released his thick, veiny cock. The place was dead silent and you couldn’t talk because you can’t believe what’s happening. He kissed you on the cheek before pushing in halfway.
It hurt. But he didn’t care.
He pulls out again only to push right back in a little harder than before. You closed your eyes because it fucking hurts but it felt so good that you part your lips and rolled your head back.
After a few pleasurable thrusts that stretched your walls good, he stopped. The goal was not to have sex and had an amazing orgasm then and there. Jaehyun was testing the waters if you’re up to doing something stupid with him. His main goal for putting his cock inside you was not to give you an orgasm but to let you know that letting him fuck you someday will fucking feel good.
“If you want this to happen again, go to my place tonight. I’ll text you the address” he went down to get your shorts and panties on the floor and helped you wear it. He buckled his belt in front of you without taking his eyes off of you.
Jaehyun left you in your room with a confused mind. Questions over questions but you do know one thing, he will surely see you in his place tonight. And because of that, you finished putting your stuff and took a long bath on the tub. Making sure that every part of your body smells like lavender.
The thought of Jaehyun being your father’s best friend doesn’t sit well on you but the urge and the want of being fucked by Jaehyun lurks in your mind. What’s so wrong about having sex with Jaehyun anyway? Yes, he’s older but you’re an adult too.
As you drive to Jaehyun’s house for the first time, you try not to think about the people who will get mad if they know about this stupid thing that you’re about to do. Jaehyun’s house location is so far from the city, away from every chaos you could think of. As expected, his house is big and well guarded. But it feels cold and lonely.
“You live alone? Mr. Jae?” you asked when you got out of the car, Jaehyun welcoming you with a hug. He looks comfortable in his house clothes, slippers and all.
“Yes. My helpers come and go every weekend to clean the house. How was the drive?” He put an arm around your waist before he opens the door and enter his house, it was beautiful inside. A Chet Baker song was playing somewhere around the house, and it smells good. “I cooked dinner, I hope you’re starving”
You thought that once you stepped foot in his house, he will bring you straight to his room and have sex with you because it’s always like that with Yuta but you’re wrong. He made you dinner and the set up is kind of romantic. The food that he cooked is delicious it made you feel like you were eating somewhere expensive.
And just after dinner and two bottles of wine ago, you two catch up some more. You caught yourself laughing at his stories, giggling when he flirts with you, smiling whenever he looks at you deeply. Then it hit you, maybe he’s just shy to admit that he likes you and that his true purpose is to date you not just fuck you.
“What I did earlier is rather bold and wrong, I’m-“
“It’s okay, Mr. Jae. I’m here, it happened already” he smiled as you sip on your wine.
“Please, call me Jaehyun” he smiled back to you.
When the two of you grew tired of catching up already, finally he brought you to his room. He left you for a minute to lurk around and all you felt was loneliness. The room felt lonely, his entire house too and you’re not stupid to know why you’re here. It’s clear that Jaehyun is lonely in his life even though he has all the money in the world.
“Where are you?” you feel his lips on your neck. Maybe he noticed that you were spacing out. But again, Jaehyun is close to your body just like earlier and it brought you back to reality. You can feel the warmth of his body that you oh so crave, his soft lips that you want to kiss and taste. He turned your body around to face him and just like that he kissed you softly as if he just read your mind.
“Is it weird?” that an older man is kissing you right now? 
“No. Not at all, do it again?” you confidently requested, and he happily did it again. Arms around Jaehyun’s neck, kissing each other like everything is right, your fingers go through his soft hair. Every moan that comes from your mouth goes straight to his cock making it twitch and want to be inside you.
He sat you down on the edge of his bed and went in between your legs, removing your laced panties slowly. Dress all wrinkled and just above your thighs, straps already fell off your shoulders making you looked ruined already.
“I can’t wait any longer,” he said while removing his pants together with his expensive underwear. What’s about to happen is, Jaehyun will fuck on the edge of his bed. He pushed inside you again for the second time today without foreplay, rolling hips slowly making you see how lustful he is.
He was so concentrated on fucking you, but he leaned down for a kiss and pull away again so he can see his cock go in and out of your pussy. Jaehyun’s deep grunts and moans are like music to your eyes while yours are like an achievement for him. Hearing you moan because of him feeds his pride and he loves it.
“That Nakamoto guy you’ve been having sex with didn’t fucked you enough” he informs you confidently with a sly smirk on his face. You were so sensitive by this time, both legs folded and clipped on the edge of the bed giving Jaehyun more access to your cunt, explore angles as he pleases. You wanted to close your legs so bad, but it feels so damn good you force yourself to keep your legs open for him.
“Spread your folds for me” you followed and you let him flick his thumb up and down your slit while he fucks you still, putting pressure on his finger and putting his whole cock inside you.
“Too much,” you said weakly, out of breath, gasping so hard.
“And that’s what makes it feel good, enjoy it.” by this time you don’t know what made you cum so hard, his sexy voice, his cock inside you, or his fingers. The orgasm Jaehyun gave wasn’t something Yuta can easily deliver and you hate that you’re comparing them with each other. You close your legs and shiver on the mattress, feeling your pussy tingle even tho Jaehyun pulled out already.
“Good?” he leaned down on you again and kissed your lips, your neck, your face while you two crawl up to the bed and lay comfortably with the pillows. The kiss was full of hunger and lust as if he’s not letting you rest even just for a minute after making you cum for the first time. It was so intense that you’re high isn’t going away and you can feel him line his cock again while he distracts you with his hungry kisses.
“Jaehyun, I need to breathe” he chuckles and gave your request. He used the time to remove his shirt and get you naked before positioning himself again in between your legs that you refuse to open, “Baby, don’t make me open those legs for you” it wasn’t a threat, but it made you scared even tho he was kissing your neck the whole time he was talking.
His beautiful body is on top of you as you slowly open your legs again for him, he tickled your sides and it made you giggle. “Y/n, relax why are you so tensed?” Jaehyun’s arms are perfectly wrapped around your body and it’s making you blush and shy because it’s such an intimate position, the kind of sex position married couples use.
“I’m not tensed, it’s just everything feels new and were so close-“
“Get used to it then” he proceeds to kiss your neck and make you calm using his lips, he was still embracing you and you doubt that he’s going to pull away any second. “Ready?” he asked, rolling his hips a little and you nod your head ‘yes’.
There’s that stinging stretch again because of Jaehyun’s cock that makes your mouth open and your eyes closed. Your embrace to Jaehyun tightens while he thrust in and out of you slowly, but not for long. His thrusts became hammering pounds, that your head hit his headboard already but no one cares, it feels good. “Harder Jae, harder” it was a breathy tone that Jaehyun loved.
You can’t believe that those hard and piercing thrusts can make you both cum in no time and as expected, Jaehyun is wild. “Jae” you call out his name but he chose not to listen.
Tears on your eyes started to fall because of the overstimulation but the man above you sill hasn’t stopped, deep inside you don’t want him either. Jaehyun was the kind of man who will not stop even though your cunt is overflowing with his cum, he overstimulated you, he overstimulated himself. And just like that you both cum again, moaning as loud as you can because you perfectly knew no one can hear you.
That night, you’ve been fucked far too many times in ways you’ve never been fucked before. Every round was more intense than the last one, you never felt so thankful to whoever invented birth control pills because you’re damn sure than Jaehyun can get you pregnant.
You don’t know how, but you somehow passed out and you woke up clean and covered with Jaehyun’s thick duvet. He wasn’t beside you, so you forced yourself to go up and wear his black shirt as cover to your naked body and went outside his room. The house was so big that you don’t know where to start finding him, good thing you found him sitting on one of his couches facing the lit pool outside with a glass of wine on his hand. Body still exposed but he’s wearing a clean Calvin Klein boxers briefs now.
“Why are you sitting so far away from me, come sit on my lap” the invitation made you smile and you walked slowly towards him and sat on his lap as requested. “I'm sorry that I had to drag you into this mess. I’m too old to find someone that will love me genuinely, that’s why I find people who can satisfy my sexual needs”
See, you’re right. He’s lonely. And he got the idea of making you a target for his needs because he knew about you and Yuta being fuck buddies during that time on your birthday. “Oh, so that gave you an idea, huh” you smirk, and raked his hair away from his face.
“Yeah. I'm sorry”
“No don’t be. Clearly, I loved everything that happened tonight the moment I stepped right in”
“How about your man friend, Nakamoto. Will he be okay about you fucking other people? Older people?” he took a sip on his wine, leaning comfortably on his expensive couch giving you a perfect view of his hot body.
“You may be old but you fuck like a horny teenager. Yuta doesn’t need to know” the conversation is getting serious.
“Good because, what we have, what happened should stay between us. It will ruin my career, my job, my friendship with Johnny, my relationship with you”
Ouch. That hurt you. “So you’re my second fuck buddy now?” how can you even think that he likes you and that what just happened in his bed was not just because he’s lonely. How can you think that he longs for you, need you? You scoffed and tried to get out of his lap but he’s quick to grab you and put his hands on your thighs.  
“No no, I didn’t mean it that way. We’re together. We’re together as we can be, but we can’t go public until we found a solution. Okay? Don’t frown, please. My heart can’t bear to see you sad or disappointed”
“Okay, I’m sorry I overreacted”
“Let's sleep?” you nod your head with a smile and just like that he left his glass of wine on the table near the couch and carried you back effortlessly in his room. You will never forget this moment that you two slept in one bed. Back against his chest, arms around your waist, the air that comes out from his nose hits your nape perfectly like a reminder that he’s close to you.
Days went on and on like this until it turned into weeks then months. Jaehyun didn’t feel lonely in his house big house anymore, and your life is complete now because you found love. He helped you designed your apartment but you never stayed there because you live in Jaehyun’s now with him.
You and Jaehyun go on to dates like a normal couple but with utmost caution. Spending beautiful nights under the stars, celebrating holidays together, going on vacation. You and Jaehyun plan a lot for the future, and it makes you happy because you have something to look forward to.  
As you live with Jaehyun, you became the woman of the house who managed everything even the expenses. Everything was transparent between you and Jaehyun, ‘what’s mine is yours’ as he described it. It was like a trial to married life with Jaehyun, and you’re loving it so far. A perfect love story and no one is reckless enough so not a single soul suspects your relationship.
“My business partners are giving me a headache” he complains as soon he enters your shared room and kissed you. He smelled like car air freshener and he looked like he had a rough day.
You continue reading your book and reply to some of your clients through email on the side while you wait for Jaehyun to come to bed with you. Focused and unbothered, you didn’t feel him kiss your legs as he crawls on the bed shirtless and only wearing hid pajamas.
“Can we have sex? Make my day better please” he asks so sweetly in between kissing you on your neck, your book is long forgotten.
“Thought you were tired?” you caressed his flawless back, feeling his back muscles on your hand, he only shook his head and kissed you down until you reach the fluffy pillows. Swiftly he unbuttons your sleepwear, revealing your boobs that he soon attacked with kisses and love bites. You managed to get him naked and he managed to remove your thin shorts and underwear.
He checked your slit and you were a little dry, so he went down between your legs and spit on your cunt. Filthy but hot. Whenever you have sex with your boyfriend, his cock still stretches your cunt like he’s getting bigger and bigger each day. You never get used to is. You let out a soft ‘ouch’ and Jaehyun heard it, “Yes that’s right. Hurt for me baby”
“I’m not tight you’re fucking big Jae. You’re not even hard enough and yet-fuck!” he interrupted you with a piercing thrust mid-sentence. “Why do you always do that” you whine, he just smirked and continue fucking you wild.
Whenever Jaehyun is stressed like this the sex is always rough and wild, and you love it. He pulls away from kissing your swollen boobs and put a hand around your neck choking you well. His other hand is intertwined yours so whenever it’s too much you can always tell him to stop. But it was never too much for you. The overstimulation, yes. But his roughness, never. “Harder,” you request in between short breaths.
You smiled at him before you cum, eyes rolling back as usual. He pulls out slapped your cunt while you’re still sensitive and shivering, enjoying the view of his beloved girlfriend whimpering on the bed. “Why is fucking you one time is always not enough. We always have to go for a few more rounds. I’m so in love with you” He grabs both of your hands and put it around his neck, “Keep me close Y/n, I love you” he said before going inside you again to fuck you a little bit softer, gentler, and slower.
Having slow sex with Jaehyun is as good as having rough sex with him. “Does it still hurt? I’m sorry” but he still thrusts and puts his entire cock inside you making a bulge on your stomach.
“Fuck I forgot, pull out when you cum okay? I forgot to take my pill this week. Sorry” it was something that didn’t scare Jaehyun. Having kids with you is something he dreamed of happening and he’s ready for it.
“I want to have kids with you” he sounded serious but you’re not on the right mind right now to tell him your answer. You want it too, but you’re not yet ready. You still have so much to unlock in your life. If he pulls out, that will give you relief. But if he doesn't, well, you can just hope that you won’t get pregnant.
After a few thrust,
He pulled out.
What a relief.
That night, Jaehyun stayed in bed a little late just looking at your beautiful face under the nice moonlight shining through his window. He will ask you to marry him and live a normal life, he will face Johnny and handle the situation in his own hands. He will do everything in his power to give you a happy life without hiding from the people who will judge your relationship.
The next day, you woke him up with loving kisses just how he wants it. Jaehyun lived almost half of his life waking up alone in a cold bed, but now that you’re part of his life, he gets to enjoy waking up from your kisses and waking up with a dimpled smile.
“Good morning, you’re up early,” he said groggily but with a smile.
“See you tonight at the party? I have to leave early and take care of some stuff at the office”
He nods his head and forced himself to sit up and give a kiss. A little longer than you expected, but always sweeter than yesterday’s kiss. “I love you. Find me later okay?” you nod your head ‘yes’ and kissed some more.
The annual business party that your dad threw for his company is a big event for him, nonetheless, it’s not stressful just full of people wearing tuxedos, gentlemen with their wives, your dad’s business partners together with their secretaries.
Wearing a beautiful Valentino dress, you walk to the entrance with Yuta hoping that your boyfriend will not get mad because this was just a last-minute thing. Yuta came out of nowhere before you enter the party, and you didn’t want to shoo him away because it will hurt his feelings. After all, you two had a history.
Seated on the same table, you and Yuta, your father and mother, Jaehyun, and his date Yeri. As part of hiding, you and Jaehyun didn’t talk too much but he did tell you you’re beautiful in front of your father and complimented the necklace that you’re wearing which he gave you. Seeing Yeri near your boyfriend hurt you like you two just broken up. Like you and Yuta, Jaehyun and Yeri had a history because they’re ex-lovers.
“Come dance with me” Yuta being the music lover that he is dragged you into the dance floor and made you dance with him. You feel Jaehyun’s eyes follow you even though you were busy dancing under the upbeat music and having fun with Yuta on the dance floor together with the other guests.
Jaehyun on the other hand invited Johnny to smoke tobacco with him. Men with tobaccos stayed in a room where they can play poker peacefully and talk more about business. This is the perfect time Jaehyun thought. The perfect time to tell Johnny about his relationship with you. Seeing you with Yuta was like the push he has been waiting for and now, he’s going to do it.
“Johnny, I love your daughter” he blurted out, holding his tobacco with his right hand.
Johnny chuckled and shook his head in disbelief, “I know right. Crazy how she was just a little girl, felt like only yesterday. Can’t believe she’s running her own business right now and being successful” he smiled, taking a hit on his tobacco.
“That’s all true, but that’s not what I meant” the atmosphere was quiet even though Jaehyun and Johnny are away from the other men. “Were in love Johnny. We’ve been together for ten beautiful months now”
Johnny was speechless and he wanted to punch Jaehyun on the face right then and there, but this is his party. He can’t cause a scene. Johnny is a powerful man, he can ruin anyone and he’s well aware of that. So instead of causing a scene, he fixed his rings and told Jaehyun that, “You’re a well-established businessman Jaehyun. I think you don’t need me anymore as a partner and… best friend. Stay away from my daughter” he pats Jaehyun on the shoulder and made his way back to the party again to find you.
“Can I dance with my daughter, Yuta?” your father smiled at you and took you dancing. You saw Jaehyun sit beside Yeri, smiling so beautifully and making each other smile. “Oh look at my best friend, I’m happy they got back together” it was a lie that Johnny had to made up to ruin your relationship with Jaehyun and also his way to find out if Jaehyun is telling the truth.
Johnny saw the sadness in your eyes, that’s when he confirmed it. “How about you? Yuta looks like a fine man who’s been around. Give him a shot? After all, The Suh and Nakamoto company looks good merging” it was clear that he was suggesting you to marry Yuta someday because of business and you hate it. But you smile and joked nonetheless.
“Arranging me for marriage dad?”
“Psh. No. I’m just showing you a choice. Yuta is a good person, comes from a good family, and-“
“And I’m not in love with him” your dad knew he had to shut up.
You thought that the party will not stress you out and you will have a great time but the opposite happened. Now, you just hope that Jaehyun will turn everything around remove the stress away. But no. He was silent when you got home and didn’t welcome you with kisses that you oh so crave by this time. You went separately, of course, he was the first one who got home but he’s still wearing the same clothes he wore from the party when you found him in the living room drinking hard liquor.
The dress is beautiful, but you wanted to get out of it because it reminds you what your father just told you about marrying Yuta. Soon, Jaehyun joined you in your shared walk-in closet but he’s still silent.
“You didn’t tell me you were going with Yuta. Baby, I was hurt. I wanted to dance with you so bad but-“
“You should’ve danced with Yeri” you blurted out. “She was beautiful Jae, you just let her sit in the table all night. Did you even offered to take her home?”
“Why would I do that, we're together” he watches you unzip the beautiful dress and expose yourself in front of him with only the lingerie that you’re wearing. “Okay sorry I was overreacting” he leans on the door, shoulders crossed, and his bow tie is already undone. “But I told Johnny about us earlier”
You were speechless and disappointed, you scoffed and you can’t believe he did that. “Well you look disappointed” Jaehyun was hurt, he thought you would be happy that he finally had the guts to man up and tell your father the truth.
“I am! Because you decided all by yourself. You didn’t talk about this with me. No wonder my father was acting weird”
“What, do you want to hide forever Y/n? I’m doing this for us. Don't you want to get married and have kids someday?” by this time both of your tones towards each other were a little higher than usual.
“I know your intentions Jae, but it's not yet the right time. I want to have a family and kids with you but not now. I’m just starting to build my life. Come on Jae, you sound like you’re proposing to me now“ you still sound disappointed.
He thought that getting married will make you happy, but now it’s clear to him that he’s wrong. “Maybe I am”
“Well, then I have to say no for now” that was like a bullet straight to his heart. It was like saying ‘Jaehyun, I can’t marry you because you’re too old. Wait for me to get older, then we’ll talk about marriage’ He ignored what you said.
“Wha did johnny told you?” his eyes were cold, there’s no sign of spark in it.
“He said you were back with, Yeri” you were removing your makeup at the bathroom with only your robe covering your naked body.
“That’s bullshit, my own best friend” Jaehyun sounded irritated you can here drawers closing loudly because clearly, he’s not happy that Johnny bad mouthed him in front of you.
“I know its not true, Jae. He was just saying that because he’s concerned and I don’t know, protecting me?”
“Huh? Protecting you from what Y/n? Were together for almost a year now tell me, am I treating you bad? Can you say that you’re in bad hands?” it was not a question. You knew so you didn’t answer.
This is your first fight with Jaehyun and this is the first night that you shared the bed without facing each other. Tonight he lost his best friend, and he can't afford to lose you too. But he was stern. He still wants to make your relationship public and be engaged soon. He not forcing it but you know he wants it real bad.
If last night you fought for the first time, this morning Jaehyun didn’t feel your kisses woke him up for the first time since you two were together. That simple gesture makes Jaehyun happy first thing in the morning and now that you didn’t do it for the first time, it felt like you’re going to leave him soon.
The same argument went on for days, even you don’t know how to fix this problem but still, life goes on. Jaehyun tried having makeup sex with you but you just let him fuck you and it never fixes things. He was so desperate and he was trying so hard to bring back everything but it was not easy. All he ever wanted was to make you stay in his life. But looks like the relationship is ruined.
Finally, he realized a sad truth. Sooner or later he has to let go of you even though he loves you wholeheartedly. When Jaehyun first mentioned the breakup you were furious and mad, “I’m like this Jaehyun because I don’t know how to fix it but I never wanted to break up! But you! How dare you to even make it an option!” of course you didn’t want to break up with the man you love, being not on the same page for now in the relationship is not enough reason to just throw everything away.
“I can’t give you the life that you want Y/n, we continuously hurt each other every day I can’t hurt you furthermore. We can’t be together anymore” he was so calm and you can’t understand how does he do that.
The perfect love story you thought is now ending with tragedy. How can loving Jaehyun become so wrong? But he was right, sooner or later reality will slap you hard and the truth will not be on your side. Loving Jaehyun was something you will never regret doing, but it was wrong because he was your father’s best friend, you two can’t seem to find your way back to each other now.
As you finally agreed to the breakup, moving out of Jaehyun’s house was a fucking torture. You see to it that you get all your stuff during his working hours so he could enjoy the heartbreak that he singlehandedly decided for the both of you. It was a great relationship that deserved a peaceful breakup.
Jaehyun went home on an empty house and it broke his heart to million pieces. Pictures of you and him scattered around the house and letting go of you is life-changing for him in a bad way. Together with the happy memories that you left in his house is the necklace that he gave and every cute note he gave to you whenever he needed to leave the house before you can even wake up. It’s as if you wanted everything to stay in his house, keep everything hidden like it always has, like you and Jaehyun never happened in the first place.
Jaehyun married Yeri a year after your breakup and the news broke you. Deep inside you were still clinging to the chance of getting back with Jaehyun and turn everything around but you’re wrong. No one knew about your relationship except Johnny. That’s good. You don’t need to explain yourself to people.
As years went by, you decided to build your life with Yuta and love him fiercely without worries, without hiding, you told him about Jaehyun and he didn’t judge you not even a bit. The wedding made the news of two companies merging, and the whole country celebrated.  
Years after your wedding, you were at the record store buying lullabies for babies so you can listen to it and hope that your daughter can hear it. You’re seven months pregnant with Yuta’s baby and you’re excited to be a mother.
“Y/n?” a familiar voice called your name and you’re too scared to turn your back and face him but you don’t have a choice.
And you’re right. You haven’t seen him since the breakup and he was like a ghost to you now. He hasn’t changed a bit. After four years, you’re now in front of Jung Jaehyun with a baby on your belly and a wedding ring on your finger.
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aiiwa · 4 years
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✗ REQUEST: can i please make a request of jealous daichi ( a fic if it’s possible). this thought has been living in my head for the past week and i just 🤰. so basically daichi gets jealous of a boy talking to you and flirting with you and just grabs you by the throat/jaw and just tongues you down right then and there. a college au would be great too!
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— sawamura daichi x fem!reader
⤷ genre: college au
⤷ warnings: suggestive content, cursing, jealous (?) or rather possessive daichi, boy who disrespects relationships and doesn’t know when to give up
⤷ word count: 1.7k
— a/n: hi! i just wanted to announce that i actually reached 200 followers yesterday and i am extremely grateful for everyone who takes the time to read, like, reblog my content and for those who even message me! i appreciate everything, thank you so much! 💖
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out of everything you prepared in celebration for your four-year anniversary with your boyfriend, sawamura daichi; the last thing you expected was to spend it tutoring in the hour right before your date.
you had spent months prior planning this special night for the two of you. from having dinner at his favourite restaurant which served the best shoyu ramen, to the rose-petalled bubble bath surrounded by the pine and vanilla candles he’d gifted you last month; and then, of course, ending it in the best way possible with him buried balls deep inside you and fucking you til dawn.
it was while you were getting ready for your date that you received a panicked text message from haru, the sweet freshman you’d been tutoring for the past five months, asking if you could help him today. you tried to schedule a session for tomorrow, but he was insistent almost begging you; and with a discontented sigh you relented, telling him to meet you at the library in twenty. he’d replied with a quick - “thank you y/n-senpai! <3” - and the love heart attached at the end was purposely ignored, as you headed out of your studio apartment.
daichi was less than pleased when you had phoned him, informing him of the last minute tutoring session.
“angel, tell me you’re not serious right now.” his deep voice was clear-cut, despite the sounds of traffic in the background; a tell-tale sign that he was in fact already on his way to meet you.
“i’m sorry, dai. it shouldn’t take too long, haru-kun said-”
“haru? that little shit?”
sighing internally, and making your way towards the red-bricked building with the click-clack of your thigh-high boots against the pavement, you nodded your head as if he could see you. “yes, it was haru-kun who requested the session.”
“you know how i feel about that brat.”
daichi had been more than supportive when you first started tutoring to earn some money on the side, and even though most of your tutees happened to be boys, it didn’t bother him much since they would take one look at him and give up on trying to win over your affection. haru was different. he was the furthest thing from subtle when it came to his crush on you, but you could handle his endless compliments and his attempts to take you out on a date; your boyfriend on the other hand, couldn’t. as intimidating as daichi was, haru had all but given your boyfriend a lazy once over before scoffing and mumbling about how you could do so much better.
that was the first time in a long time that you had seen daichi almost lose his cool. since that day, any interaction between the two of them had been borderline hostile; with your boyfriend hissing whenever haru’s hand would brush against you, and in turn the younger male would complain about how daichi must not be treating you well enough whenever you had chosen to walk home instead of having him pick you up.
“i know, baby, but the session shouldn’t be that long.”
“y/n.” the baritone slivering through his voice had you faltering in your steps. “you know he’s doing this on purpose. that kid has no respect for our relationship, or me- he needs to know his place.”
“daichi…i’ll talk to him today.”
“hm.” he hums in response, his side of the call silent for a beat. you could hear the blinking of his indicator before he asks, “are you at the library?”
“yeah i am, haru is probably waiting inside for me already. i’ll message you, okay?”
“alright, i’ll see you soon.”
the call had been disconnected almost half an hour ago, and you found yourself zoning out for the umpteenth time while haru busied himself by yapping away next to you. flipping your cellphone in the palm of your hand, your brows furrowed, thinking about how daichi hadn’t ended the call with his usual - “i love you, angel.” - perhaps he was mad you? it didn’t happen often, but flashes of you writhing beneath him as his hand cracked against your ass after heated arguments, had you crossing a leg over the other; thighs clenched together in an attempt to relieve some of the tingling pressure.
“y/n-senpai~!” haru waved his hand in front of your face, forcing you to blink away the less than innocent images playing in your mind. “are you okay? i’ve been calling out to you for a while, i have a question.” haru almost whines.
“i’m fine, haru-kun, sorry. please repeat your question for me.”
manicure fingers brushed over the exposed flesh of your plush thighs, between the hem of daichi’s favourite pleated mini skirt of yours you decided to wear for him and the ink coloured boots that wrapped around your calves and past your knees. you hadn’t realised the already short skirt had risen up, and as you tugged it down it was hard not to notice haru’s gaze watching the action intensely. maybe it was time to talk to him.
“haru-kun, i think we should talk.”
his eyes lingered on your legs, slowly dragging themselves past the dip of your waist, over the curve of your breasts, before they met with your own.
his eyes are wide, smirk less than innocent, as he shifts his whole body to face you. “really? about what yn-senpai?” 
“about my relationship with daichi.” at the mention of your boyfriend, haru’s expression morphs into a scowl. “listen, haru-kun.” you start, deciding to ease into it. “i’ve been with daichi for a long time, in fact today marks the anniversary of our fourth year as a couple...”
“and you’ve finally realised that he isn’t worthy of you.” ‘worthy of me?’ you think to yourself, completely taken aback; haru nods his head in understanding, as if he didn’t just completely misinterpret what you were trying to say to him.
“no, that’s not it-”
“come on, y/n-senpai, let me treat you how you deserve to be treated.” he rests his arm on the back of your chair casually. “i could give you everything he can and more. you just have to give me a chance.”
“that’s not going to happen, haru.” dropping the honorifics, tone snappy. you crossed your arms tightly across your chest.
“and why not?” he bites back. “what does he have that i don’t- did you tell him to come here?” he questions accusingly, staring over your shoulder.
“no…? i didn’t...”
swivelling in your seat, your breath hitches at the sight of your boyfriend heading straight towards you. each purposeful stride of daichi’s long legs, had the smooth material of his dress pants tightening around his strong thighs, the silver of his belt buckle glinting under the harsh library lights. his navy blue dress shirt stretched over his wide shoulders, first few buttons popped open to reveal his smooth, tanned skin underneath.
daichi stopped right by your seat, so close that you instinctively pressed the palm of your hand against his hip, feeling the warmth of his body through the thin cotton material. you were instantly surrounded by the sweet and familiar woodsy scent of his cologne, wafting around you and sending your senses into overdrive.
looking up at him, his pretty mouth was pulled into a devilish grin, pearly whites peeking from the corner of his lips and a single dimple poking through his cheek.
“hi, angel.” his voice was low, dripping in honey that washed over you; goosebumps prickling across your skin.
“daichi…?” a whisper was all you managed to get out. “h-how come you’re here...?”
“you look so fucking beautiful, y/n.”
haru’s scoff goes ignored, yanking his arm away from behind you and grumbling to himself in the background.
a warm flush rose in your cheeks as daichi continued to smile down at you, walnut coloured eyes appreciating every curve of your body; searing gaze lingering on your skirt, before he released an airy chuckle, almost kin to a growl. you could feel the heat pool between your legs, unconsciously leaning against his towering frame.
“i’m here because we’re gonna let him know…” daichi starts, loud enough for the boy to hear.
one arm flexes against the strain of his sleeves, sliding behind you to grip the back of your chair; the other reaching a large had to press against your cheek. the callouses on his palm are rough against your skin, thumb rubbing lazy circles before trailing down to the pout of your lips. dragging his thumb across your fullness of your bottom lip, your pink tongue darts out to taste the saltiness on the pad of his thumb. halting his ministrations, releasing a heavy breath out through his nose, he grabs your jaw, grip tight, and tilts your face to meet his as he leans downwards.
“...let him know that you’re mine.”
and then his lips are pressed against yours. it starts off sweet, sighing softly into him for a fleeting moment, before daichi deepens the kiss. it becomes sloppy, extremely possessive, and borderline nasty as drool at the corner of your mouth dripped down your chin; moans trapped down your throat. the lewd sounds of his tongue swirling around yours sensually, exploring your mouth, clouds the thoughts in your mind.
your body has a mind of its own, right hand tugging at the tufts of dark at his nape, while the left moves from his hip to trail across his navel. you grin when he bucks against your touch, yet gasp as sucks on your tongue. he consumes you entirely, and you’re all too willing to abide.
when he moves away, a string of silver keeps the two of you connected. you’re a whiny mess, mewling at him for more, and tugging at his sleeves for attention; while he sets his gaze on the sulking figure by your side.
“we’re leaving now. good luck studying, kid.” daichi calls out, smug look on his face.
he doesn’t even wait for a response, tugging you up and into his chest, while leading the way out of the library. stumbling a bit on wobbly legs, you grip his toned arms to steady yourself, as he holds onto your waist.
“dai.” you murmur, pushing up against him. “are we going to dinner now?”
“dinner?” he repeats, staring at you from the corner of his eyes. nodding your head, you feel the coil in your tummy tighten as his hand trails down to trace the underside of your ass. “forget about dinner, angel, i’m ready for my dessert.”
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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pars-ley · 4 years
Red thread of fate
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Pairing: Vampire Seokjin x Female human reader
Rating: 18+ (NSFW)
Genre: Angst / Fluff / Smut / Fantasy au / Soulmates au / Vampire au /
Warnings: Mentions of blood / mentions of staking / oral f.recieving / foreplay with candle wax / bondage / blindfold / dead body / minor character death / self inflicted wound (not fatal and not a suicide attempt)
Summary: The red thread of fate leads you to your soulmate, when it's someone completely unexpected and completely against your upbringing, how will your family history impact on this match and will going against them come back to bite you.
Word count: 6668 (666 👀)
A/N: This is for my BTS writers group secret santa project for @crystaljins​ I messed up and it ended up being not so secret but I really hope you enjoy this! It’s a bit out of my comfort zone and even though it was stressful, I’ve enjoyed that challenge. Thank you for being so understanding too. 
Beta read by @aroseforyoongi​ thank you for being a life saver! Thank you to @papillonsgf​ for your helpful advice, who else would I go to about old fashioned language use, you’re the queen. Last but not least @wheresmymoniat​ for her ENDLESS help and support! I will never be able to thank you enough.
Running along the beach at night with nothing but the moonlight illuminating your way, may be eerie to some but to you, something about the darkness brought you peace. It soothed your mind and silenced your thoughts. 
You've been following this feeling for years, letting your feet lead you to the pulling sensation and yet never seeming to get anywhere closer to where it wants you to be.
You've ran across this beach almost every night for the past year, against the ingrained advice of your family, warning you about the demonic creatures that prey on the innocent, concealed under the blanket of night.
So far, the only thing you've come across, night after night, are the echoing sounds of despair, calling along the cool night breeze.
The noise frightened you at first but now, you grow curious about it. Where is it coming from? Who or what is it coming from? And why? What could fill someone with that must much distress, that they call out into nothing? Maybe, it's a cry for help. Who knows but you were determined to find out. 
A shadow in the distance catches your eye, a silhouette, someone standing on the wet sand, the low tide pooling around their feet as they stare up at the full moon.
You slow your jogging to a walk, as to not alarm them, the sea lapping against the shore is the only sound you can hear tonight.
As you near, the person turns to you, a man with striking features and broad shoulders. He watches you bewildered as you close the distance between you. Your feet moving on their own, your body being pulled more forcefully than ever before. 
Until you're here, in front of him. The one they all whisper about. Kim Seokjin. The town's resident vampire. 
The many rumours of him insist he's lived here for more than 200 years, pacing the cliff edge each night, never changing and never aging. Most people laugh it off as nothing but myth but you knew different, you knew the rumours were true. And here you are faced with the man, the mystery, the legend himself. The legend who has slain every vampire hunter he’s come in contact with, another fact you were privy to know.
"It's nice to meet you Seokjin." You say confidently.
He smiles warily, an obvious glint of sadness in his eyes. "I see my reputation precedes me?"
"It does. But it's hard not to recognise the only vampire in town." 
He laughs darkly. "Is that what they say?"
You watch him carefully, wondering what could be tormenting him so, a shroud of darkness covering him or keeping him hidden. "It is, but don't worry,  I'm very good at keeping secrets."
"If you believe that, are you not afraid?" He turns to face you with a questioning brow and a menacing grin.
You shake your head. "No."
"And why not?" he asks, his face dropping back into a sorrowful mask as he returns his attention back to the inky sea before you.
You turn too, facing the view of the reflected moonlight shimmering across the water and shrug. "Something is telling me I shouldn't be, call me crazy but I can feel that you won't hurt me."
Glancing over, you see him staring down at your hand, wide eyed and open mouthed. 
"What?" You ask, examining it suspiciously.
His mouth snaps shut, eyes darting back to yours as his face conceals all emotion.
"What are you doing out this late? Did no one tell you of the creatures of the night?" He teases a slight smirk curving his plump lips., so smooth, there’s not a single wrinkle creasing the skin.
You laugh. If only he knew, your family probably knew more than he did about the creatures in question. "I come along this beach every night."
He frowns. "Alone and in the dark...why?"
Will he think you're crazy if you tell him? No crazier than him being a vampire i suppose. "I'm searching for something."
He turns towards you, his body angled completely in your direction, capturing his full attention. "And what is that?"
You shrug, cheeks flushing but hoping the moonlight isn't enough to reveal your embarrassment. "I'm not sure."
He huffs a laugh out of his nose, the sounds of the air leaving his nostrils strong enough to be heard over the rolling tide. "You are a curious creature."
You raise an eyebrow at him, giving him a quizzical look  and he laughs, a light now sparkling in his dark, guarded eyes. 
"Touché. Would you care to walk with me?" He asks, stepping out of the surf and back onto the dry sand.
You nod, following the footprints he's already left behind as he heads off in front.
"You seem to know so much about me and I know nothing of you, apart from the fact you like moonlit walks on the beach every night." He looks sideways at you, waiting for you to elaborate.
"Ok, for every question you ask me, I get to ask you one in return."
His mouth stretches into a smile. "Fine but I start."
"Deal; but you have to be honest. No lying."
With a smirk he stops, gently taking your hand in his and bringing your fingers slowly up to his mouth, his eyes staring into you the entire time. "You have my word." He places a chaste kiss on the back of your hand and it's enough to make your heart hammer wildly in your chest. You wonder, embarrassingly, if he can hear it.
"Ok, what is your name?" He starts.
You tell him, leaving out your family name as it may raise more questions than necessary. A confrontation you're not quite read for.
"How long have you lived here?" You ask.
"Here on this earth, or here in this town?"
You smirk at his smart-ass response. "In this town?"
"Roughly, about two hundred and thirty years." He looks over at you, watching your expression carefully for reaction, all you can do is nod, keeping your face impassive. "What were you searching for on the beach?" 
You grimace, knowing that question was coming but dreading it just the same. "I truly don't know...it sounds crazy…"
Shrugging, he says, "Try me."
Sighing you give in. "For years, as soon as I turned eighteen, things changed, something was pulling me, leading me. It led me to different countries around the world until eventually...back here. I feel like something's calling me but I have no idea what…" You watch him as he stares at the sand he steps on, a focused frown between his brows. When you get no response, you move on.
"Ok, how long have you lived on this earth?"
"Three hundred and seventy nine years."
He says it so matter-of-factly you mouth 'wow'.
"What countries did this feeling take you to?" He asks quickly, before you even have a chance to begin to process his last answer.
"Erm, France first, then Italy, Peru and lastly Finland. What do you eat?...or drink?"
He gives you a dark look and a mischievous grin stretches his mouth revealing his perfect white teeth. Are they sharp? "What do you think?"
"Don't answer a question with a question." You roll your eyes at him and he laughs, a low chuckle that feels like it vibrates your soul, warming you up from the inside.
"As you wish...I drink blood. Does that make you nervous?"
An involuntary swallow makes its way down your throat and your cheeks flush. "A little." You admit sheepishly. "Do you only drink from humans?"
"No, sometimes animals. Do you want children in the future?" 
You choke on air at the strange turn in questioning, always feeling uncomfortable when kids are mentioned, always ready for the judgement your answer brings. "No, I'm not keen on them and they don't like me."
He laughs, the high pitched screech ringing out around you, bouncing off the cliff faces as you walk and you realise you’re smiling up at him in response.
"Do you kill the people you drink from?"
He reels at your abruptness but amusement sparkles in his eyes. "No, they go home unharmed and usually, do not remember a thing. Do you have a significant other?"
"No.” you ignore the tug of loneliness you feel at the reminder but try not to pause too long. “Is that one of your...gifts, you make people forget?"
He nods. "Of sorts. Have you ever been in love before?"
You feel hot under your shirt, the material suddenly too clingy and uncomfortable and the questions getting too personal but you can’t stop answering as you need to know more about him and you can’t explain why. "...no. Have you seen much of the world?"
"I have been to many places in my lifetime and seen many things, yes. Do you believe in love?" 
You stumble slightly and his hand instantly wraps around your arm, steadying you with a firm and yet gentle grip. "Um, yes I do. Where's been your favourite places to visit?"
"I'm sensing you like to travel, hence the line of questioning. Well, most recently, I've been to France, Italy, Peru and Finland." He watches you from the corners of his eye and you frown, curious as to why, when his answer registers.
Your feet stop moving, they can't-won't move. You stare at his broad back before he slows and turns to you.
"When did you go there?" You ask into the heavy silence, no longer hearing the waves lap against the shore.
He looks out to sea, away from you.  "I think you know the answer."
You did, but you had to hear him say it, you needed to hear the words. Your frozen form unmoving with wide, seeking eyes, your mind frantic as you try to make sense of this.
He sighs. "I left here three years ago and returned last year." 
Your mind explodes with questions. How is this possible? And what does it mean?
"Let me ask this then, where is that feeling of yours pulling you now?" He asks, closing the distance between you and gently cupping your face. You find yourself leaning into it, his touch seeming to comfort your wild thoughts, if only for a moment before you remember he’s a stranger to you. You hear his question bounce around in your mind, realising alarmingly that you're not being pulled anywhere. You feel completely in control of yourself for the first time in a long time, completely at ease and at peace.
Your body feels lighter, your mind free of wondering. 
Him. It couldn’t be...could it? If it is him...why?
He must see the question behind your eyes, he strokes his thumb across your wrinkled brow, smoothing the skin and forcing your muscles to relax.
"Tell me, have you ever heard of the red thread of fate?"
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What do you do when you find your soulmate? The person, or vampire in your case, who is bound to you forever…
What could you do? No use fighting fate, you'll only end up being proven wrong. 
You'd listened intently, when Seokjin had explained all about the red thread and told you many true stories of soulmates with both happy and tragic ends, until the sky was light and the sun was almost up and he had to retire back to his extraordinary house on the cliffs.
He had told you that vampires have sight for the thread, only attached to themselves and no one else but that they lack the ability to be able to follow it, unsure as to why, he insists it’s another way for vampires to be tortured. 
You have a lot of information to process and want time alone to do so. 
You lock yourself in your apartment the morning after meeting him. The one your soul is bound to. The one who will have your heart completely. Even as you think it, it feels odd. What are you having such a hard time with? If vampires are real, why not soulmates? 
For days you keep yourself trapped inside, unable to keep your pacing legs still, as you incessantly wear a beaten pathway through the pile of your plush carpet.
The storm swirling in your mind, turning your thoughts into a twister of frenzied energy, you grapple with yourself in a constant battle to keep yourself grounded whilst also listening to your heart over your head. 
This goes against everything you've been raised to believe. Vampires are predatory monsters, who crave on the pure and innocent to torture and outlive their perverted desires.
What would your parents say if they knew? You could envision a few choice words, at the very least but do you even care what their response would be? Definitely not. And yet, here you are, staring absentmindedly out of your window the view of the beach haunting you, possessing your mind with his face, his laugh, his voice. Your head feels torn, split in two, a crack right down the middle of your skull seeping out sanity as you cradle your head in your hands, a feeble attempt to keep it together.
Your clammy palms and racing heart cannot be calmed no matter what you try in the few torturous days you've spent inside. Something's not right, you feel it in your bones. That usual pulling feeling returns with vengeance, fighting the force on your vital organ makes you sick to your stomach. 
You expected to welcome it with open arms, as you'd grown accustomed to it like an old friend, comforted by it sometimes but as you sit, wrapped in a blanket on your sofa, you feel frantic. A sheen of sweat dampens your brow, restless fidgeting of your feet and legs, an uncomfortable pit in your stomach, heavy as a rock. You can't resist any longer. You have to get out. You have to go to him. You swallow a harsh lump in the back of your throat, the need to scream rising with bile and you grab your coat, your legs leading you, running along the wobbly paths, taking you onto the beach and along the sea edge, back to the same place you stood a few nights ago. 
When you see him standing in the distance once again, nothing but the moonlight on him, your legs gain power and charge you towards him. He is your only destination right now, the only end you seek, the only holy grail you desire.
His head snaps up to you as he begins to close the distance too. He's in front of you before you can blink, wrapping his arms tightly around your middle, clinging to your back in sheer desperation as you fling your arms around his neck and do the same. His relieved breath sounds in your ear As you feel all your stress and pain ease away, washing away with the tide that bleeds into your shoes and tickles your feet.
An overwhelming comfort encases you, emotion swelling in your chest and spilling from your eyes. 
Trying to stay away from him had been a mistake, you realise, as you allow yourself to be drawn in and swallowed by him. No more resisting.
"The last few days have been unbearable." He whispers. 
And with his words, you know, everything you feel, he feels too.
You unwind yourself from him, pulling back to witness his beauty and fathom his expression. His brows knit together tightly as his eyes mirror yours, searching for answers in the depths of glassy pools. 
"I was terrified, after years of waiting for you that you would…" he trails off, mouth open but no words escaping.
"I would what?" You reply, stroking his tortured face, trying to ease some of his anguish.
"Cut the thread." He whispers pained, eyes looking away from yours and locked to the ground.
"How could you cut something you can't see?"
He sighs and presses his forehead to yours. "If you were sure in your mind that you wanted nothing to do with me and refused me, the thread would be severed."
You place your palms against his cheeks and bring his face up, forcing him to meet your eyes.
"These few days have been torture for me too. I thought I needed time to think things through and understand but now I see as clear as day, I need you, Seokjin. I need you like I need air."
The relieved smile that spreads across his face contradicts the desperation in his eyes as you find your lips against his, locked in a ravenous dance of love and lust. He pulls you against him, your body moulding to his perfectly, like two puzzle pieces designed to fit.
When he pulls away, you're dizzy and breathless, and yet, still craving more.
"Your lips make me wonder what the rest of you tastes like." He whispers against your mouth. Your throat contracts as you picture his teeth sinking into you, blood trickling down your neck as you're helpless to stop it and panic seizes your heart in a vice grip.
He sees the alarm in your eyes and laughs. "I was not referring to your blood, my love."
His seductive tone has your core pulsing with heavy need, an ache forming and residing there as your mouths meet again, entranced in a ravenous flutter of his pillowy lips against yours. 
You want him. You need him. And he is yours for eternity, you can have him.
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Night after night in his old, gothic mansion, exploring each others minds, souls and bodies, you are weightless with adoration and besotted by the way his mind works. His old fashioned language mesmerising as you listen each evening to his riveting stories and tales. 
You laugh together under a blanket of firelight and warmth with soft, gentle touches across bare skin and fierce kisses trailing a heat you've never felt. And when the sun comes up and the curtains are drawn to keep the daylight at bay, the exploration continues, physically this time, your bodies forming together as one. Touches become hungry and desperate the further you delve into the never ending pit of pleasure. He worships every inch of you, hardly letting you catch your breath before his cool skin is against yours, enveloping you entirely in a euphoric haze you don't ever want to escape from.
"Do you trust me?" He says quietly, breath fanning out over your face.
You nod.
"I need words, darling." He strokes a thumb across your bottom lip and tugs it from between your teeth.
"Yes." You reply, louder than you expect.
"Alright, alright, we are not in the military, calm down."
You can hear the smirk in his voice as you slap him playfully on what you assume is his chest. 
He adjusts the black blindfold that covers your eyes, moving it down slightly to completely conceal your vision.
"Are you comfortable?" He asks in your ear as he checks your rope bondaged arms, tight enough to pinch but not enough discomfort for you to refuse them.
"Yes." You arch your back, pushing your crotch forward, impatient and begging to be touched, the action causing your wrists to pull tight on the rope binding you to the ceiling.
His mouth is on your thigh instantly and it makes you gasp as he leaves light, wet kisses in a teasing trail straight to your core.
"If you want me to stop at any point, you will tell me, yes?" He whispers against your clothed sex, the hot air of his breath making you buck your hips towards him, hoping to find some friction but to no avail.
"So eager." He tuts at you, you might not be able to see but you can imagine the triumphant look on his face.
He hooks a finger inside your underwear, pulling them aside before his mouth is on you. 
Your moan fills the room, bouncing off the cold, stone walls of his old house.
The way he offers up pleasure like a man possessed, his lurid moans only making your need for him grow tenfold. As you writhe before him, desperate for release but also for it not to be over so soon, he holds you firmly at your sides.
The wet sounds his mouth makes fill the otherwise silent room. His name falls from your lips repeatedly, and when you feel the sweet build up begin he slips a finger gently inside you. You gasp, surprised as he beckons your orgasm with his perfectly crooked finger, each movement coaxing it further to the edge. As his tongue moves faster than possible, the sensation breath-taking, you hang off of the woven ropes, your suspended arms making your breaths harder and your head giddy.
"Let go, my love." He whispers against you and at his words you obey, unravelling around him, pleasure pulsating through you with every pound of your heart, just for him. Every arch of your back, every curl of your toes, for him.
You feel his teeth graze your inner thigh, knowing the temptation he feels to sink them into you and taste but his refusal to do it overpowers every time.
He crawls up your body and places his face against your chest, as your hammering heart calms back to its regular beat.
"Does listening to my heart not make you thirsty?" You wonder, wishing you could see his face.
"A little but the more I listen, the more familiar I'll be with it."
"And that means there's less risk of you biting me?" 
He makes a disgusted noise in his throat. "There is no risk of that anyway, I am not an infant vampire, I can control myself, especially with you." He pauses and you hear him sigh. "No, it just means that I will be more attuned to the sound of your heart. So if I lose you in a crowded place, say, I can use it to find you."
Call it naivety, or simply your rebellion against your parents and your refusal to listen to their advice or warnings, but you're still shocked that vampire senses are that impressive.
Your thoughts shatter as his wandering hands and mouth snap you back into the present, deep, hungry need rising fast from the sated pit inside you, once again. He removes your blindfold, pulling the tie with one hand, whilst the other still roams your body. He pulls away, only to remove his shirt and reveal his impressive, broad frame. His bare skin, glowing in the flicker of candle light as he fetches a burning wick and brings it over to your still bound frame.
“Have you ever felt the heat of candle wax?” He asks, his voice smooth as silk and turning your insides to jelly. You shake your head, entranced by the way he’s watching you, like you hold all the answers to life’s questions, like you are his own personal sun chasing away the darkness he stresses is residing in his hell bound soul.
“Would you like to?” 
You nod. Words seeming to have escaped and rendering you incapable.
He brings the candle close to your breasts, his eyes meet yours, you see the heat blazing and baring towards you, sweeping you up as it goes and carrying you to breathless want.
He tilts the wick and as the pooled wax tips over the edge and lands on the skin on the swell of your breasts you gasp. The burn sharp and sudden but as it cools and turns hard the pleasure makes you throb for more. He obliges, hot wax searing and hardening in some of your most sensitive areas and when you think you can’t cope with not having him inside you, he obliges that too. 
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Always the gentleman, he clasps your hand in his on your annual evening walk, his thumb tracing loving circles on your skin. His eyes wandering to your face, not interested in the picturesque views around you. 
"Tell me what you're thinking?" He asks quietly, his voice slicing through the silence like a sharpened blade.
Him. You're always thinking about him. When you're about to be forthcoming with that, you feel him stop moving, eyes far away and scouring the trees that surround you in this woodland. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end in a piercing stance as you too can feel the eyes on you, unsure of their purpose or whereabouts.
“Let us go home. Quickly.” He announces, pulling you close to him as you turn and back track the way you came, searching frantically for the opening where the moonlight can illuminate your path and any predators who may be lurking.
Who would dare prey on a vampire, that is faster and stronger than average? You knew but you were desperately hoping you were wrong.
Your feet struggle to keep up with his pace, him almost lifting you off the ground. His eyes tense and his jaw set as he remains solely focused on your route to safety. Before long you see the opening of the trees parting and just as you pass through them and take off down the hill back to his home, you glance behind you. 
A shadowy figure emerges from the trees, still cloaked in darkness from the overhang of the leafy branches and your heart leaps into your throat at the sight, knowing you were being watched and followed. You can’t take your eyes off the unmoving silhouette as you know his stare follows you down the hill, burning holes into the both of you. When you find yourself wondering who could be interested in the both of you, the figure turns and walks back into the woods. Your body goes cold, blood turning to ice in your veins as your heart stills before hammering wildly against your ribs...as you watch the figure limping back into darkness. The same limp your father is plagued by. 
Jin’s eyes are on your face before glancing quickly at the place your gaze is frozen to, hoping...praying that you imagined that. 
You can’t bring yourself to meet his worried stare the whole way home, as he cradles you into his chest, surrounding you with his warmth, it is not enough to thaw the ice inside you or calm the frantic beat of your heart. And as his comforting arm wraps tightly around you, pinning you to him, you cling to it desperately as if you'll be able to keep him safe just by the action. If you hold him tight enough you won't lose him. If only that were true. You know more than anyone, the determination of your father, if he wants him dead, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, feeling like barbed wire as it travels down slow and sharp. Images of your perfect Jin, wide-eyed, cold and expressionless as he lay on the floor in front of you, your father towering over him, smiling, that same sickly smile that makes your stomach churn.
You must protect Jin at all costs. You can't let anyone else, human or creature, die at the hands of your family.
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Jin's library is something else. Sitting in his ornate armchair, running your hands along the smooth metal arm rests, your fingers following the intricate designs that are carved, you relax into the feather cushions.
While he was out hunting, you came to do some exploring, knowing you had a couple of hours while he was out. After pleading with him to be careful, keep his wits about him and expect the unexpected you had eventually stopped clinging onto him and let him leave the safety of your embrace. He'd showered you with kisses and whispered sweet nothings until it soothed you. You decide best to stay busy while he's gone, as to not drive yourself insane.
He had mentioned before of books written about true life accounts of vampires and other creatures and you couldn't help but wonder if your family would get a mention in their historical tales.
How wrong you were. 
You gently finger the delicate, worn pages, turning through the chapter dedicated to your heritage. All thirty four pages of your family history. Paintings of each member, personal information to use against them and even a mention of when you were born.
The pages quiver in your trembling fingertips as you stare at your parents names and their sketched faces, posed as if for a wanted poster. 
You read the printed words about their escapades. Having learnt about each one yourself, been subject to their bragging sitting behind your desk while they tried to teach you their hate for all things mystical, hearing words like abomination, unnatural, wrong, despicable; all to describe anything different from themselves. You'd never had it in you, the ability to hate anything that much, that you could harm it. And after years of abuse when they realised your mind was nothing like theirs, when they realised you wouldn't carry on their traditions of hunting and murdering they locked you up and tried to teach you that way. Only for it to backfire, your disdain for them growing to an immeasurable amount causing them to disown you. Since then, at the age of 18, you'd gotten as far away from them as you could. Now knowing you followed your heart around the world and back, chasing him. 
"My love, what's wrong?" Jin's voice sounds into your chaotic thoughts, slicing through them and freezing them in their tracks.
You look down at your still shaking hands and feel the wet trails drift down your cheeks, warm pent up emotion leaking out and dripping onto your shirt.
He’s at your side, brushing the tears off your face, his face following your eyes to see what has you so alarmed.
“Why are you reading about this?” he takes your hands gently from the pages and pulls you to him, enveloping you in his arms and kissing your hair. “Don’t worry, those stories are from years ago, most vampire hunters have given up and returned to hiding in their shadows.”
The soothing strokes of his hand up and down your back calm you somewhat, but you shouldn’t be calmed, you need to be honest with him. The truth will come out, it’s better that it comes from you.
You gently push away and steel yourself, bracing yourself for every possible reaction, he watches you bewildered.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He stretches a hand out and you know if you take it you’ll crumble, losing your courage to explain who you truly are.
“I have something to tell you.” you sigh looking at the floor, ashamed of the words you’re about to say. “I’ve not been entirely honest.”
He steps forward, hooking a finger under your chin and tilting your face up to meet his confused gaze. “You can tell me anything, dearest, you know that.”
You swallow the lump that forms in your throat and try to ignore your heart pounding in your ears, making it hard for you to focus on anything else but the incessant thrumming.
“Jin, I—” The sound of glass shattering in the distance cuts you off from your confession. Both your heads snap up towards the doorway, you take a tentative step forward but his arm comes out in front, halting your feet firmly where they are.
“No, I’ll go, it’s probably just the wind knocking over a vase, we wouldn’t want you to cut yourself now, would we?” he offers you a weak smile and exits the room, leaving nothing but a breath of a breeze in his wake.
Of course, if you’re bleeding he might find that too difficult to resist and he’s expressed time after time how much he detests the idea of drinking your blood. 
Your eyes drift back towards the book. The image in front of you, your fathers wrath twisting his face into that ugly mask you know so well, only it’s not a mask at all. His true self reveals in the moments of his most despicable actions. He towers over a woman, a female vampire, the terror in her eyes as she’s staked through the heart. 
You turn the page quickly, unable to look at it any longer. Your heart aches for her, for all those killed in your family’s name. Now you’re met with your family tree, pictures of members you know and some you don’t, all inked in these pages. Some names had gaping holes, almost as if they’ve been burnt from the book, the edges dark and withered. You lean in and touch, feeling the way the page has stiffened along the uneven brim. 
The sound of a scream cuts into the silence, echoing up the halls to you, your head snaps up before feeling uncomfortable heat on your fingers, you glance down and see the page on fire. You snatch your hand away and watch as your fathers face disintegrates before your eyes, the paper peeling off into ashes and floating in the air around you. The fire fizzles out, leaving a hole identical to the others on the page. You frown wondering why the entire book didn’t go up in flames and why these faces have been burnt from the book. As your mind whirls you hear a grunt in the distance, realising you’ve been side tracked you rush out and run along the corridor and along the stairs, eye scanning your surroundings until you find him.
He leans into the table in the dining hall, hunched over. You rush to his side only to be stopped in your tracks by the dead body that stares back at you. The same twisted angry face, even in death; your father. Older and fatter as you last saw him and somehow still managing to look at you with such disgust even with his cold lifeless eyes. But as you stand here, staring at his demise, the part of you that you thought would grieve when you knew this moment had come greets you with silence. She is as still as you are. The only thing you feel is relief, to never see him or be frightened of him again. You tear your eyes away, part of you still apprehensive that he won’t rise up and attack, that it won’t be the end. But it is. 
You touch Jin lightly on the shoulder. “What happened?” you ask to his back.
He turns slowly, supporting himself with the polished wooden surface of the expensive antique. That’s when you see it. The stake, protruding from his side, red darkening the white shirt into an alarming pattern. 
Your heart sinks, falls to the pits of despair as hope leaves you, floating away out of your grasp. This can’t be it. You’ve only just found him, you can’t lose him now, not when you’re finally free of your past. 
“No. No, no, no. You can’t leave me.” you help him as he sinks to the floor, cradling his face in your hands, desperation seeking his eyes for a positive solution. 
“I’m afraid I have to, my love.” His mouth twists in pain as he speaks as his hands rip the stake out of his side. He pushes against it, trying to stem the blood seeping out.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, this is my fault. I should have told you who I was.” you say as tears run freely down your face, anguish twisting your heart into a suffocating and painful embrace.
He gives you a strained smile. “Dearest, I already knew.”
Your breath hitches in your throat. “How?”
“I can read you so well, you’re always so guarded about your family, all it took...was a flick through a few books...for me to figure it out.” He shifts, trying to ease the pain and you place your palms over his wound, your pathetic attempt at stopping the inevitable. “What I can’t understand...is why you wouldn’t tell me? There’s nothing you could do...that could stop me loving you, especially not something so little as...your family name.” he speaks in between breaths, his words filling your heart to the brim with devotion.
“Please, don’t leave me.” You beg, knowing it’s in fate's hands now.
“I don’t want to, my love.” he lifts a trembling hand to your face, cupping it as you touch your forehead to his. 
If only you were not so extraordinarily ordinary, if only you had some power of your own, you could save him, instead of sitting here helpless. If only you had something that could save him. You look down once again at his wound, a blanket of hopelessness weighing you down, the dark red trickling down into a pool on his varnished floor, growing in size by the minute. 
Blood. BLOOD! You have blood. It might not heal him completely but it’s bound to help!
You stand, looking wildly for anything that could help you slice your skin. 
“Darling, what are you doing? Come back to me?” he says weakly.
You spot the letter opener on the table on  the far side of the room, the sharp metal glinting in the light. You race over, grabbing it and returning to him.
“What are you doing with that?” He asks, eyes full of terror. “You have to live, I will find you again in our next life, but you have to live out this one otherwise your soul will—”
You put a finger to his lips silencing him. “If you drink my blood, will it heal you?” 
He looks at the blade poised above your wrist and back at your face. “I cannot, I will not drink from you.”
Your frantic mind screams inside, torment making you impatient and wild, heartbreak making you willing to try anything. “Seokjin, I swear, if you do not try to survive, I will bring you soul back from the pit of hell myself.”
He lets out a weak laugh. “As you wish, but promise me, if I can not stop drinking, you have to do whatever is necessary to survive?”
You nod as you slice across your wrist, watching the blood seep out of the opening, you hear his sharp intake of breath as you hold your arm to his mouth. His lips quickly encase you and he sucks, he takes your blood until he’s on his knees cradling your arm, devouring you like you’re the best thing he’s ever tasted. His own personal banquet.
“Jin, enough now, you have to stop.” you say, sounding surprisingly weak.
He doesn’t respond, just carries on swallowing the life from you. 
“Jin, enough.” you tap him weakly.
At your touch he pries himself off of you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, are you ok?” His panicked eyes search yours. 
You nod. “That was a close one.”
He grimaces and slides an arm under your legs and the other around your back and lifts you, carrying you away from your fathers dead body, away from the blood, away from all of it.
Relief swarms you, heart fit to burst as you watch his handsome face, the colour returned, the life and mischief that sparkle in his eyes and bury your face into his neck, planting small kisses against his skin. “Thank you.” He says to you. “You saved me.”
You smile. He’s ok, he’s with you, you’re both safe. “How could I not? You would have done the same.”
“I would rather die with you, than live an eternity without you.” 
You smile against his throat, his words flutter your insides. “Well, there’s only one way to make sure we spend eternity together.” 
He looks down at you, searching your eyes. You’re not sure what he finds but whatever it is leads him to respond. “That’s a conversation for another night.”
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 years
I lovveeee your work!!! I have read like everything lol! You’re a great writer, can I request a slow dancing scenario??? Thank you have a great day❤️❤️
˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩ 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ✩•̩̩͙* ˚
➶ TXT’s Reaction to Slow Dancing with You
•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩
Genre: literally 200 cups of fluff and maybe a pinch of angst if you squint
Warnings: Unedited, long cheesy stuff but other than that, none !
Song: Domino
(Ahhhh ><, thank you so much ~! This is so sweet of you to say and I hope you have a great day too 🥺💞 i’m so sorry that it took so long but I worked really hard on this one ++ got super carried away so you’d like it ! And since you didn’t request a member, I just decided to do all five in scenario format so you can have all princes hehe~~ anyway, i hope you like this ! ps i rlly popped off on soobin i swear 🗿🗿)
•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩
˚⁺‧. Yeonjun: ˚⁺‧.
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Yeonjun was the sweetest boyfriend one could ever ask for.
You wouldn’t have believed it back then that the boy you met at a store as a soon to be fellow classmate would be your boyfriend in the future, the one who gave you surprise kisses out of nowhere just because he wanted to. 
Well ever since you were children, you’d been best friends thanks to your parents chatting it up a storm whenever there was a party or if they met up randomly in the food aisles of Walmart. It was so boring that you would just rather choose to run away into the toy section to find some amusing things like slime or mud perfume, for example. You always hated waiting for them to finish talking about school and children by yourself as you searched for something fun to play with, and when you saw a boy your age with wide, sparkling eyes gazing at you as if you were a nice toy- that was the start of the roller coaster you could call of being Choi Yeonjun’s best friend.
Two years later after that incident, you could vividly remember the way he asked you to be his wife in the future with a cherry ring pop in hand. It was during recess and most of the other children never bothered with him during that time even if he was one of the popular kids. He was always talking about you, talking about how cool you were even if the two of you found some dirt and cherries from the tree to make mud potions with. Adorable five year old Yeonjun took your tiny hand into his and asked you to marry him due to the times you experienced together like running away from the teacher because she looked like a scary green monster or getting yelled at home together since you wandered off by yourselves. Now you couldn’t lie- the only reason you said yes was to eat it later when you got home. But years later, both of you never took it seriously, you had just assumed it was something silly children did in order to act like grownups. Because of this, you could say you truly grew up together and it was so fond to see how the two of you were in fate stuck together, hip by hip. 
High school was so much fun with him, and college was just the same. Besides studying, Yeonjun always made all of your moments in school happy no matter how sad you were. He’d walk and pick you up generously, even waiting after every single chore you volunteered to do for the teacher plus the clubs you attended to. That didn’t mean he kept whining about how much stuff you had to do. The complaining he had when you dragged him along to the library was quite the endearing bunch though, but you wouldn’t be able to give up any second you had of him. He was always right there, right beside your side where you always wanted him to stay. 
And as inevitable as it was, there were countless people whom you loved and lost, but every single time Yeonjun would thankfully be there for you, handing you tissues when you were a mess in bed, spiraling out of control thanks to what love did. Likewise it was the same for you and whenever Yeonjun had a problem with his significant other- plus they eventually broke off- you would always care for him and give him the love that they failed to give. You both figured that life would be fine together as long as you had each other... and maybe that was the push that finally brought you together.
Every single date and argument you had with him only pressed you closer and there was never a dull moment when the two of you were together. You were deeply and irrevocably in love with him and you knew down in your heart that he clearly felt the same way. Choi Yeonjun, although he wore you out whenever he asked for mint ice cream at 1am on a weekday, was the best boyfriend one could ever ask for. 
There was no doubt about it; who wouldn’t give up their entire life just to marry him? Maybe you would ask him or maybe he asked you but knowing him, he would definitely surprise you with the big news whenever you were ready. 
You opened the door after shopping by yourself for a few gifts for Yeonjun- after all, it was your four year anniversary. The front door creaked when you did so, and you winced at the sound which gave your presence away. Great, now the surprise was ruined... however, Yeonjun standing there with a grin on his face was more than good enough- perfect enough that you were left breathless in awe.
He was dressed up, adorned in a black suit that immediately reminded you of the time he first took you out on a date for a fancy dinner. It was perfect. A spotless black tie and everything, you knew he really did his best with the outfit so you would like it. His messy hair was the complete opposite of his tidied up suit, but you weren’t complaining. He still looked as dashing as ever and it made your heart stop in place when he shot you one of those sweet grins, filling up your entire chest with pure love.
You hastily dropped the gifts on the counter, frowning at the difference between the two of you. In a rush to get the presents after a long day of work, you were in your uniform- something that definitely didn’t suit your liking at all. Your anniversary celebration was supposed to be perfect, but here you were ruining it all with your tardiness and clothing. 
In response, Yeonjun’s eyes fell upon the many wrapped up gifts you had taken upon yourself to amaze him with, and you thought he was going to open them due to curiosity. Instead he just took your hand and pulled you to the living room where there was more space, his hand shuffling comfortably to wrap against your waist. 
“Let’s open them later, right now I just want to dance with the love of my life.”
The living room showed how much effort he put into the celebration. You admired the scenery, wondering how long it took for him to do it. With lit, rose scented candles, red petals of the same gorgeous flower sprinkled on the carpet, a soft instrumental of the song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” playing delicately through his speaker, you came to adore the boy in front of you so much more. His words said a lot about loving you already, but when you looked at his actions, it sized up to merely nothing.
“Jjunie, I look like a mess. Won’t you allow me to prepare first before we dance? You put all of this effort for me and I don’t even look good for it,” you muttered quietly, too quiet that you were sure he didn’t hear it. Oh but he did, and he was left feeling a bit somber about your confidence. In that moment he wished he was able to see how much he loved you regardless of your appearance. 
In doing so he pulled you closer, letting you lean comfortably on his shoulder as the two of you swayed gently back and forth. You melted into his embrace, holding him just as much as he did. The chuckle from his chest almost sounding mocking, and he in turn slowly shook his head for the answer. You sighed, knowing how stubborn he was about things like this but at least you gave a try.
Now Yeonjun was pulling you flush against his chest but still rocking you back and forth with him to the rhythm of the song. You hid your face into any part of him you were able to find, feeling embarrassed that he could still make you feel like a teenager in love. Every day was like this with him trying to make you turn into a burning tomato, but gosh did it still get all the heat explode in your face. 
His breath hitched against your ear, practically nipping on it delicately as if you were the most fragile thing on Earth. You shuddered when his voice conjured up a whisper.
“And what makes you think that? To me, you’re the most beautiful person ever and I wouldn’t think any less of it. You’re perfect to me- I’m in love with the prettiest baby there could ever be and I’m glad to call them mine.”
You bit your lip at his words, knowing fully well that it was genuine. 
“I know you tell me this every second with me, but how can I be so sure? Growing up with you was such a blessing and I’m happy as well to be able to receive it, but I’m sure you would fall for someone better.”
“Please, Y/N,” he muttered with sparkles in his eyes, “I only see you. I only want you. And I need only you in order to smile like I do every moment we’re together. I wouldn’t ever be able to get on with life without you, can’t you see? I’m nothing without you and you’re the only person who’s made me this happy.
“Everyday I’m more than grateful to be able to be with you and I know I don’t deserve such a beautiful person like you, inside and out. I still remember chasing you around the playground one Friday and pulling on your pigtails to the point where you cried. I never told you this but I swore to myself that I wouldn’t make someone I loved like you cry ever again like that. How silly was I to not know that the love of my life was in front of me at that moment?”
Saying this he leveled to the ground, bending down on one knee as you gasped in shock. What was he doing?
“I don’t ever want to lose you- I wouldn’t be able to afford it if I ever did. I just want to be with the one and only person who completes me. The one and only person who I can count on whenever I’m sick with the flu. The one and only person who takes me out to mint ice cream at 1am. The one and only person I could really call mine. The one and only person who I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
His hand shuffled in his pocket before pulling a tiny box out and he opened it, showing a tiny sparkling, ring with a resplendent diamond on the top. Not a ring pop, but a real one. You covered your mouth with your shaking hands, feeling a tear fall against your cheek. His eyes were glistening just like the first time you met him and your eyes were the same as his, tearing up because of his sincere words that were nothing less of the truth. 
“So to the person whom I love more than anyone I’ll ever be able to and my true first love... will you marry me?”
He waited for your answer but you just jumped up and pressed your lips against his, showing how much you needed him in a passionate kiss. 
“Y-yes,” you gasped with all your breath, “I’ll marry you, Yeonjun.”
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˚⁺‧. Soobin: ˚⁺‧.
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Soobin was absolutely intolerable.
If teasing you in class in front of everyone even if it was something he viewed as lighthearted, calling you weird in front of a person that you really liked and proceeded to tell the embarrassing stories of when you were both in freshman year, and even picking you up- quite literally- when you were getting a bit too close with another person, then that was it. 
You were so tired of the tricks he was pulling, laughing when you talked back with a frustrated tone or pushing him on the chest whenever it got too much. No matter how many times you told him to screw off after a bad or good day alike, he wouldn’t listen. He must’ve been deaf or something, that’s for sure- because the amount of times you caught him staring at you was just exhausting. 
And you could imagine it- almost every day at school was like this, and you certainly had enough. When will he ever learn to leave you alone? Just a day, you prayed with all your soul throughout the years of high school. Just a day. Please...? However, a life without Soobin was too much of wishful thinking and you knew it entirely deep down. But jeez, was it enough for you to go one day of class without him bothering you incessantly?
As you slid your outfit on for prom, you thought of the first time you met him.
It was a lie to say he was the most grotesque, disgusting person you’d ever laid eyes on. It was totally a lie. So much of a lie that God wouldn’t allow you into heaven for saying something so wrong. 
Yes, you had to admit it: Choi Soobin, your one and only enemy was just the cutest. 
Well at first... you thought he was adorable. Puffy, mochi cheeks that reminded you much of like a bunny’s munching on soft bread at the table in front of yours, you swore you could say back then that he was the one you were waiting for all your life in your teenage mind that is. He always shot you a kind smile that only radiated warmth and maybe if you weren’t too shy to say something, then the two of you could’ve been great friends or possibly something more. But as always you stayed next to your friends, wanting hopelessly that he would be the first person to make the move. That saying by itself was too much though. If he wasn’t such a jerk, then you were sure you would’ve already fallen in love with him by now. 
Events like this piled on you every week and you found yourself staring at him every lunch as he did the same. The eye contact felt like electricity whenever it happened. You were entirely entranced by the boy before you, gazing wishfully that you two would actually get to know each other. You were dying to know what secrets lied under those doe eyes and fresh handsome face, not even able to eat your lunch from how concentrated you were of him. Plus he wasn’t intimidating in the sense many people think, it’s just that you were afraid he was going to judge you when you obviously liked him that much. Every now and then you would catch yourself staring at him during the classes you had with him, and that already said a lot. 
Now here comes the worst part. The absolute worst part that wrecked your very important first impression of yourself to him. 
The story goes like this. You weren’t watching your step after finishing your lunch tray, thoughtlessly bringing it towards the garbage can right across the corner. And with that you weren’t looking who was in front of you, trying to throw his trash away in the opposite trash can on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, with him coming right at you and with you looking towards the ceiling at the ball somehow lodged under the pipes, you crashed into him food and all flying everywhere... and at the boy you tried so hard to talk to. 
Okay, so maybe you deserved all of this torment.
Soobin’s cheeks were so red when the tray made a clamorous sound of a clunk and all of the people in the room slowly realizing, started to laugh at the scene in the middle of the room. The glare he sent you gave you shivers down your back as you kept profusely apologizing, trying to wipe away the food on his uniform shirt to no avail. It was like hell to you, and you had never felt so embarrassed in front of a boy your whole entire life.
Soobin just furrowed his eyebrows at your shaky apologies, bending down to hand you your tray. Like a fool, your heart was pounding in your chest when he pushed the tray into your arms as you murmured yet another sorry. The napkins were useless. Obviously he wasn’t able to take it but out of all the chaos, you could hear him whisper something of “meet me in front of the school gate after school” into your ears. 
And you being the worst person you were after spilling rice all over him just had to do it out of guiltiness. For sure you didn’t know what you were getting into as soon as he opened his mouth, giving you a list of chores just for the fun of it. Getting a can of coke for him at the very top school floor because the vending machine there was somehow better than the other ones, buying him a new shirt even when he was just kidding about it, letting him do your hair for a day to go to school in was all you needed to do on the list, but the torment kept coming. He never let you live it down and at this point you were 
What you weren’t expecting however, was for Soobin to be right there at the dance floor, searching around for someone who wasn’t there. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him in his raven suit, looking as handsome as ever with his entrancing smirk and grinning eyes. You hushed it down, beating your chest down with a hand when you abruptly heard a familiar voice tug at your ears.
“Ah, Y/N! Thank gosh you look terrible today. I guess I have no choice to be your date today, 
Who else could it be?
“Oh, it’s you,” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes when that endearing chuckle rolled by. What were you expecting? It wasn’t as if he was going to stop making fun of you just because this was supposed to be one of the memorable nights in your entire life. You begged to differ though. Awkward and stiff, you hoped that you didn’t stick out like a sore toe in all this fun. Many other students looked like they were having the time of their life, but they were a bit... sweaty and stinky? Mostly the boys but you weren’t paying much attention when Soobin was right in front of you. 
“And me- being your date?!” You asked incredulously, looking as if he had committed a crime. “Why me when you literally have the attention of people all over the whole school?”
When you said this his cheeks turned red before he swatted the tint away. Looks like you had an effect on him. You were sure you hit a nerve because he was stuttering now, unable to look in your eyes as if avoiding them would do the trick. You wondered what he was thinking of before his eyes flashed with an unreadable mischievousness. 
“Hey, don’t you think we should dance? This opportunity comes only once in our life. And you don’t know what may happen,” he suggested, tugging gently on your hand. You hadn’t even realized he grabbed it but just the feeling of it made your ears turn hot. Anymore of this and you would faint by the end of the night.
In no time, Soobin led you to the dance floor where everyone else was dancing. The music changed little by little and it was finally the time that every couple was waiting for. Grant that you weren’t a couple, but maybe one time you’ll let it slide. He must’ve planned this- to ask you by now; the smirk said everything. You rolled your eyes and just admired the several colors of light reflecting off the disco ball, letting an ardent smile engrave your face. That is, until he spoke up,
“Oh wow, I can’t believe you said yes. I thought you’d slap me because I asked,” he teased, bringing you along the rhythm of his feet.
You scoffed at him, glaring down at the floor and at his polished shoes.
“Well, I should’ve. But I’m not that mean of a person and I wouldn’t want to embarrass you again.”
His hand slowly slid down to your waist almost as if he was teasing you while you just rocked awkwardly, feeling the breath in your lungs deplete little by little from how suddenly gentle he was. You were so caught off guard, almost paralyzed in your spot from how casual he did this, like he had done it every single day of his life.
“Listen, I know you hate me and all, but don’t be so stiff. You know I won’t hurt you,” he whispered gently, taking you into his arms. Your heart clenched at the forbidden feeling called ‘oh my gosh you’re turning into the naive freshman who didn’t at first know Soobin’s colors,’ but your burning throat didn’t allow yourself to say anything. He’d just make fun of you if you opened your mouth to say something.
Instead you swayed along with him, listening to the sweet music the person in charge put on. The voice sounded familiar, sweet and melodic, drifting through the room of many people who stopped to look at the person responsible. You, however, was completely blind to this, only focusing on the fact that you were dancing with your sworn enemy. 
Soobin’s hands danced to your waist and you shuddered, biting your lips when he suddenly spoke up.
“Isn’t it a nice song?”
Was he kidding? The more you listened to it, the more you fell in love with it. It sounded soft, so sincere that you were left wanting more. But you couldn’t put your finger on who was singing, although it sounded so damn familiar. 
You just nodded, looking at his chest more so than his face. You were too shy to look at him straight in the eyes, those eyes that seemed to smolder you every time you made eye contact with him. It reminded of you before the time you spilled that cursed rice on him, but you didn’t want to think about those memories anymore. It’d only remind you of how perfect everything could’ve turned out and that you wouldn’t have to deal with a boy like him.
Somehow Soobin pulled you even closer, letting his hand linger on your cheek where it stayed. He treated you with the utmost carefulness, cupping your cheek softly like you were the most fragile thing. You melted into it instantly, admiring his warmness and how he could act this way so as to not ruin your night.
“Believe it or not, I wrote this song for you... I asked the DJ to put it on today. It’s funny to me that you can’t even hear your own name in the song. I thought my own voice would sound familiar to you, you silly goose,” he choked out, letting a smile adorn his face when the realization caught onto you. 
That voice...
Was Soobin?!
And he wrote it for you?!
You instantly connected the dots together, looking at him straight in the eyes now. He was kidding. He had to be. But this...? You weren’t able to comprehend that it was written for you due to the fact you thought he hated you. He hated you, right? With everything he was doing, it was so obvious! You ruined his image in the beginning of the year and if you were put into his shoes, you would’ve hated yourself too. But... but why did the song have to be so loving with cheesy lyrics and the most important to mention, your name! 
All this tugging and pulling on your heart- you couldn’t take it! You couldn’t take the signals he kept sending you and then pushing away like you were nothing!
You stopped immediately, making him pause as well.
“Why are you acting like this? Do you genuinely enjoy seeing me frustrated like this? If you do, then it’s not funny. You’re just the worst,” You cried desperately, tearing up as the taste of frustration lingered on your tongue. Explaining yourself when you were mad at him was the worst-- especially when you couldn’t help sobbing along at how upset you were when he said unbelievable, sweet words.
You were about to start on your feet, away from Soobin- away from someone you tried so damn hard to hate after everything he’d done to you, pushing yourself away from his embrace when he grabbed your arm.
Looking at him you could see how genuine he was under those sparkling, doe eyes gazing at you intently with a somber frown. It had seemed like he acknowledged that fact already, but it only made matters worse. 
“Y/N, I just... look, it’s so hard for me to say but I... I really, really like you, alright? I’m so in love with you and everything you do for the time I get to see you whether that be in class or at lunch. The way you look, the way you act, the way you carry yourself when things get hard... gosh, don’t you know what you’ve done to my heart? Why did you have to steal it so quickly when we made eye contact for the first time?”
He started leaning in now, but you were standing too still at the confession. It was stupid, but the tears in your eyes were preventing you from saying anything. He must’ve been kidding- he had to be! He had to be lying... he just had to, right? But the heartfelt words being spilled from his lips proved that he was more in love with you than anyone else and he was showing it right now. 
And at the most vital moment- just before touching your lips with his- he stopped. Robbed you of whatever was going to happen. Took away what freshman and present you wanted most. He was just close enough that you could feel his breath fan across your lips, almost mocking you of how close you were going to get him. 
“Is this okay?” He breathed impatiently, almost glazing his lips against yours to the point where you were considering making the move yourself. 
“Yes, yes it is, stupid. And gosh you have to know how whipped I am for you too,” you shakily blurted out, letting him know how much you really liked him as well. Your hands almost covered your big fat mouth from saying much more, but what was done was unfortunately done. 
That was it. He knew it now. The whole truth you were dying to let him know. You finally said it and the prolonged silence between the two of you made you want to take back your words, but the way Soobin reacted the moment you said that-
it was enough for him to crash his lips against yours. 
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˚⁺‧. Beomgyu: ˚⁺‧.
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“My dearest Y/N, what are you doing out here? Please come back with me to the castle; it isn’t safe to be here, you know that.”
Wait... when did he show up here?
And d-dearest? You had to be hearing things! 
Immediately you stopped hiding your sullen face in your gloved hands, slowly looking up to see the boy you were thinking of the entire time. In all of his dashing presence, you couldn’t help but notice there was a deep frown on his face. It was almost as if he was disappointed in you leaving, and the remorseful tone in his words made it crystal clear. But it didn’t make any sense at all... how could he be in the secret garden you always came to whenever things got rough? He wouldn’t have known anything about it, not unless he followed you here. 
You instantly got up from where you were sitting on the white angel bench, struggling to speak loudly enough for him to hear.
“P-Prince Beomgyu...? Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be there trying to find someone good enough for your betrothed? I thought you didn’t see me... leave...”
Ardently the prince suddenly smiled when you said this, shaking his head in amusement while you scrambled to find words that would fill the empty, comfortable atmosphere. He seemed to be teasing you with his adorable grin, eyes filling with luminous sparkles as the eye contact he kept making with you wouldn’t come to an end. It reminded you of the stars you always wanted to see from up close, the beautiful ones you had studied a few months before with the old books the queen had received years ago when she too was a princess. Yet, you hated how nervous he obviously made you and eventually looked away from his enamoured gaze that held nothing but love.
“I was looking for you, and I guess I looked right. Mind telling me why you’re here now, prince/ss?”
His soft voice warmed your ears all the more, its velvet low timbre echoing through the moonlight as he took a few steps towards you. He reached out his hand easily, waiting for you to take it but you just weren’t able to, not with what happened back there. The look on your face must’ve been priceless when you sensed he was coming closer and you instinctively took a few steps back, unfortunately tripping onto one of the rose bush vines and falling backwards.
Preparing to fall to your ultimate demise, you shut your eyes tightly- not caring if you died right then and there. It wouldn’t matter much anyway, right? What a pretty way to die, right there in front of whom you wanted to call your beloved. 
“Hey, be careful!”
In a split second, you felt someone’s arms wrap around your torso, their hands holding tightly around your waist so you wouldn’t fall. It felt way too familiar to you and you opened your eyes, gasping once you saw who saved you. 
Filling your ears again was the warm, tender voice of Prince Beomgyu who stared right down at you with concern in his expression. You looked up to him with wide eyes, wondering when he was going to level you to the ground as expected. However, it seemed like he wasn’t going to do just that yet; you could see the mischievousness in the smug smirk he was wearing. Then to keep you secure, he brought you closer towards him but didn’t dare to let go of his comfortable position over your waist. 
“You just proved my point,” he murmured, “Why did you come out here when you know it isn’t safe here in the first place, dear?”
The moonlight glistened across his face, showing radiantly his beauty as the heart caged in your chest performed several flips. It was always like this whenever you saw him... wherever, really, at the balls or whenever his family made a trip to Amaryllis Kingdom. Before shuffling away from him on your own accord your eyes flickered to his lips, exhausted to see how much you were entranced by him.
“Why did I come out here? And you’re calling me, your dear?! With all due respect, will you stop acting like you do not know?” 
You scoffed tiredly at his words, dusting yourself off as you pushed him away from you. The pent up frustration was clear in your voice and you almost felt guilty for him, if not for what he did back there. What was he expecting to say when you were angry solely at his actions? An okay? An agreement to go to the castle again when he was more interested in what your best friend had to say?
He shot an incredulous look at you, furrowing his eyebrows until they knit sourly together. “What are you saying? I’m flabbergasted here! Tell me what’s been going on so I can make it better!”
You shook your head back and forth rapidly, pursing your lips as he inched towards you through little steps.
“If you wanted to make it better, then you shouldn’t have avoided me like I was the plague! It’s been such a long time seeing you after the last ball, and I- I miss you terribly... I just don’t understand why you had to leave me to seek out my friend.” Your voice became as quiet as a mouse squeaking when you neared towards the end of your words, holding back at yelling at him when it really wasn’t his fault for finding someone better for his betrothed anyway. It didn’t mean it hurt any less still, knowing that you were so close to the chance of loving someone so sweet and caring like him. 
Beomgyu reached out to you tenderly and this time you took it silently without complaint, watching as he pressed a few kisses on the top of your hand. How could someone cause you to feel so many things in a minute, making your anger vanish the second he let those words fly out of his lips? 
“That wasn’t what I meant to do, prince/ss...”
In a crumbling motion, the rest of your resentment dissipated and dripped into the puddle right beside you. It slowly became into a sadness that even his smile wouldn’t be able to heal, showing you how you should’ve never messed with the entanglements and matters of love. It only indicated how much you were doomed to accept the fact that he would never be yours. 
“Enlighten me, please,” you begged now, ignoring how his blossom lips trembled upon hearing your despondent request. 
Instead he just took your hand into one of his, squeezing tightly so that you would listen. His lace sleeve brushed up against your arm as he went to cup your cheek, making you shudder along with the breeze that flew by the two of you. The warmness of his hand made you lean against it, sighing in relief at how long the desire to at least touch him was finally satisfied. 
“That never was my intention, Y/N. I apologize for making you feel like that, I truly am a fool not to notice. I was talking to your friend to know the things you wanted in an ideal prince. I thought I wouldn’t ever be good enough for you so that took way longer than expected... And I guess I’ve missed you for so long too that I was a bit nervous to face you, but I know that isn’t an excuse either. I’m so sorry for my actions tonight. I’ll make it up to you once we get back to the ballroom.” His thumb rubbed softly against your cheekbone as the desperation in his eyes caught onto you, letting you know how much sincerity there was in both his words and lips.
And yet, you couldn’t help but smile. He was always so caring like this, despite making everything out of humor, and maybe that’s why you fell in love with him.
“You should’ve asked me first, Gyu.” He cringed at the way you seemingly forget to mention his title before you continued again. “You know that you’re more than good enough for me. You’re simply... perfect.” You let the word fall off your lip and the prince again shot you another charming grin that had your heart pitter-pattering in your chest. 
“I know that now,” he teased, pulling you closer to his arms in an embrace. You wallowed in it for a few seconds, hugging him back as well. He laughed at this, letting his chin drop comfortably on the top of your head.
“Now come on, didn’t I say I was going to make it up to you? Let’s head back to the castle now, my love.” He started to lead you out of your secret garden and into the royal pathway, much to your despise. 
You weren’t sure what happened... It seemed like the happiness you just experienced crashed on your shoulders in waves, and you screamed unfortunately right in his ear.
You dug your heels into the dirt, forbidding him to go any farther than what he was hoping. He quickly turned back to you after wincing from the abrupt pain, checking up on you worriedly after your outburst. 
“I don’t want to go back there,” you whispered, looking into his eyes this time. It felt like electricity to you- to know that he was right there listening to you, listening to your worries in order to let you know that he cared.
“Why?” He let his hand trail down to tuck a fallen hair strand behind your ear, and you felt all the more guilty for bothering him like this. It was enough for yelling at him needlessly earlier when it wasn’t what he meant to do, but now this? You caught sight of the mud on your ankles, knowing that the king and queen wouldn’t be too happy about it.
“Because... I hate it there. I know we’re royalty- you’re a prince and I’m a prince/ss, but I don’t want any other people looking at you. They don’t know who you’re going to choose as your betrothed yet- it just makes me anticipate whoever you’re going to pick!”
The expression on Prince Beomgyu’s face was absolutely endearing as he ruffled the top of your head, finding entertainment at your embarrassment. You cringed at how your crown almost fell off, trying to slide it back on as Beomgyu did it for you. 
“You’re so cute,” he chuckled, making all the heat in your face become prominent. This effect he had on you was always surprising, and you were sure he knew that from the confession you just made. You internally groaned at yourself. Why should you be shocked when he never misses the chance to say stuff like this?
“Then... how about we slow dance here instead? After all, I’m sure you can hear the blasting music from here,” he suggested, lifting a curious eyebrow for your response. 
True to his words, you could hear most of the strings from the castle below to your secret garden. You weren’t that far from the castle and both of you wanted to give it a chance, so why hold back now? You let him take not only your hand into the melody of “Clair de Lune,” but also your heart. 
He just smiled nervously at you, allowing you to wrap your arms behind his neck. A rush of nostalgia passed through you, reminding you of the time when you first danced together last year at the ballroom. All too familiar, his hands slid towards your waist and you giggled at the tickling sensation, wallowing at how close he was- enough to press a kiss to his button nose. It was easy to follow his swaying movements back and forth, but you were cautious this time not to trip into the thorny rose bushes. 
Beomgyu carefully twirled you beside him, admiring the way your attire followed you along as well.
“Wait, you do know one thing, right?”
You tilted to your head to the side. What he was taking about- you weren’t sure at all. But you let him continue, feeling his arms bring you closer to his chest.
“You do know that... I love you. So much and entirely so. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Prince/ss Y/N. I want to treat you well and make that beautiful smile of yours become a main part of our life together. I want to have children of our own with you and watch them grow up into princes and princesses or whatever they choose to be themselves. I want to love you for the rest of our life and announce you mine.”
He stopped dancing this time, leaning towards you with hooded eyes. You allow him to, choosing to shut your eyes as well. 
“Now tell me,” he whispered, laying a chaste soft kiss to your lips breathlessly, “will you be my queen when the time comes?”
You only nodded back, melting into the kiss as you took him into an affectionate embrace. 
“Yes, of course, my prince.”
Finally... at last, you found your Prince Charming.
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˚⁺‧. Taehyun: ˚⁺‧.
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Needless to say, you were in love with Kang Taehyun. 
You were so in love with the way he made extra time for you in his schedule even if he was busy studying. You were so in love with how he would pick you up despite your protests because apparently he felt unsafe when you weren’t with him. You were so in love with the way he took care of you whenever things got rough and comforted you through the little things like mood swings and disappointment when the waitress forgot to bring out your favorite cake. You were so in love with how he never rushed you into the relationship, promising to wait for you until you were ready. You were so in love with how caring he was towards you; every single day you spent with him made you feel as if you were on top of the world. 
Even curled up in his arms now, you could feel the love you had for him swell in your chest as you looked at the mesmerizing him. He was holding you so gently, so sweetly, letting sweet words fall from his lips in order to make you smile. It obviously worked because you were nothing more than a giggling mess, watching him like a fool to get you to smile. Honestly, he wasn’t that much for public affection, but when it was the only two of you... you were allowed to say that he was clingy and wanted to hold on tight so that you’d never leave. 
The white blanket from beneath you fluttered a little in the breeze and you shivered from how chilly it was. You should’ve brought a coat earlier like Taehyun had said, but it was the summer so it couldn’t have been that cold! You wrapped yourself in your arms, trying to get up if not for the deathly hug of Taehyun. Instead it only encouraged him to hold tighter onto you all the more, squeezing your arms tight in his embrace.
“I told you to wear at least something warmer, Y/N. Now you’re clearly shivering and I don’t want to give up my coat just for you,” he teased and that caused you to hit him playfully on the arm. 
“I didn’t ask for a coat! I love the weather when it’s like this... especially when I’m with you,” you shut your eyes and stuck your tongue at him. The boy just pretended to gag and that made you laugh at his silly reaction.
The birds chirping from up above caught your attention, and you noticed how freely they seemed to be flapping their wings. As corny as it is, maybe one day you’d feel like flying with Taehyun. You weren’t sure how you were going to do it, but you want to make him the happiest he’s ever been in his whole entire life. Hmm... a nice moment of quiet would be good enough for you to think of a solution to that problem. 
Although the silence was nice after that moment, you wanted to do something fun. It’s true that you were already happy since you had the day to spend with him, but this could be the cherry on top before you had to go home. Earlier you went shopping for what he liked and paid for it while he wasn’t looking, despite all of his complaints and tired that definitely hurt your ears. Then the two of you went for ice cream and you teased him about mint flavor before deciding to get the cone. It gave you an idea to have a picnic date with him, minus the food since you already ate lunch together. But it was more than perfect to be with him, really! 
“Taehyun,” you whined, “I’m bored! Don’t you think we should do anything better for your birthday? 
“But it’s pretty,” he pouted, “I thought you liked doing weird stuff like this, you weirdo.”
Rolling your eyes, you picked at the blanket beneath you, kneading it between your fingers as you thought of what to do. “I do, but there has to be a much nicer thing to make your smile wider, you weirdo.”
He let out a huff of amusement, nodding his head along to your idea. “Then what do you think will do that?”
You snickered at his mocking words, swatting his arm away from you so you could get up. He let a grunt of refusal as he let go before you took his hand into yours. He got up soon after with a pearly smile you wouldn’t ever be able to erase from mind. Something like that every day would certainly boost your serotonin if you had to look at it 24/7.
“Hmm... how about we dance?” You shyly suggested, watching his face morph into a sincere smile. It was cheesy, you knew that, but you were hoping Taehyun would at least say yes considering it was his birthday and you wanted him to have fun instead of just looking out into the blue horizon. Not that you were complaining about that though.
“Dance?” He couldn’t help but laugh teasingly at your request, like you had spoken in a language he couldn’t understand. “I know you’re cheesy and all, but dance?! That’s way too-” he gasped when you took him by the hand and started to tug him into a round of slow dancing.
Thankfully you had already set on some light music going on earlier when you had arrived, and it played loud enough so only the two of you could hear it. The one that you heard currently- was it “Sakura Kiss” but the strings version? You recognized it as you watched Taehyun pretend to cringe when you wrapped your arms around him. 
“You’re really weird, I have no clue why I even agreed to do this in the first place.” He stepped towards the back and you were careful not to step on his feet accidentally. Although, that would be pretty funny- not that you’re admitting it!
You just giggled at his words, and he slid his hands to your waist. It felt like sparks to you, pure electricity coursing through your veins the moment he pulled you closer to him. Actually, he was debating whether or not he should start to tickle you, but it would just ruin the moment. Little did you know that he actually wanted to go along with it, guiding you through the music so that you wouldn’t be too stiff when dancing with him.
“But you’re in love with this weirdo, huh?” He wouldn’t answer this one, you were sure. He’d say something about how corny it was and how you could’ve said anything else but that. 
Instead he let one hand come away from your waist before slipping into one of yours.
“Yes, I absolutely am.”
Not only was Taehyun’s wish of being happy on that day came true, but he also got to experience really flying with you even when it wasn’t possible. 
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˚⁺‧. Kai: ˚⁺‧.
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“What are you up to on a late night?”
Well, that’s what you were going to ask your best friend Kai until he so rudely crashed into your house at 1am through the kitchen window despite all of your whines not to do that since he could hurt himself and even worse- break the window itself. You shouldn’t have been surprised at this point when he peeked his head through the door of your room, but how could you not be when there wasn’t any racket downstairs as a sign he was making his grand appearance? And don’t get started on how the door just randomly creaked loudly, giving you a major heart attack that a thief entered your house! 
All of your grumbling and rambling about how he should just go home and rest in his very comfy bed that you somehow accidentally slept in before wasn’t enough for him to leave and he decided to join you in your journey of rewatching Cinderella. You were pleased to have a partner who could make you laugh along the whole experience, but you weren’t sure what he was doing up so late. As it was mentioned above the time just reached 1am and once you were done with this movie, it’d probably be closer to three. Not to mention that it wasn’t safe to come out of his house during the night even if he lived a few houses away.
“Kai, what are you doing here?! Don’t you know how unsafe it is to just randomly pop in to my house at what gosh knows in the morning?” You threw one of the pillows you were laying on towards him, purposely knowing that it was his favorite whenever he came by. Obviously you weren’t going to say you cuddled it to sleep when you missed the boy who didn’t get the chances to visit you, and hopefully he wouldn’t notice how worn down it already was after a few months of use.
Kai just jumped into bed beside you, reaching out a hand to ruffle your hair. 
“Ooh, looks like someone is worried for me~ don’t worry, I brought my favorite plushy to protect me just in case,” he winked at you but you ignored it, focusing on getting the movie on the TV screen instead.
“At least tell me a good reason. I might forgive you this once but it doesn’t mean I condone your actions.” Every time you said this, you forgave him when you really shouldn’t have. It only encouraged him to come all the more, and you knew that through and through. But still! He should really know how worried you get whenever he spontaneously plans his visits to see you! 
Kai just sighed, and you could imagine the disappointed pout on his face. Stealing another glance at him, you weren’t shocked to find out he was doing the exact same thing like you expected. After all, you knew Kai for a really long time not to notice these adorable little habits about him.
“I’m just bored. And Tobin really wanted to see you this time!” He proudly showed the bunny plushy in front of you, and it made you smile a little bit before quickly wiping the effect off. 
“Okay, fine,” you groaned, beckoning him to come cuddle up against you like he always did, “you can stay as long as you like but next time if you aren’t careful, I’m saying no.”
He gladly took the offer, clearly staying in agreement to your words as he snuggled beside you to wait for the movie to finally initiate.
“Ah, thank you, Y/N! I knew I could count on you to be up this late!”
Not even ten minutes passed by since he supposedly broke in like you called it, and heavy rain started to crash down onto the roof. It was nice for moods like this and the white noise of raindrops always managed to calm you down as well, but you were worried for when Kai wanted to go home. How would he get to his house without being soaked? It’d definitely create a wet mess. Well that is... unless he wanted to- no, you shouldn’t get ideas like this, assuming he’s uncomfortable with it! 
But there really was no loss in trying, right? You braced yourself for the hard rejection you knew that was coming. 
“You know,” you bashfully offered, throwing him another fluffy pillow from across the bed so he could get more cozy, “you don’t have to walk out in the rain like that once the movie is done. It’s raining cats and dogs out there. You can always just stay... with me.” You absolutely hated how your voice shriveled up to the end, showing how embarrassed you were to even ask him in the first place. 
He caught it easily, holding it tight to his chest soon after. “You’re acting like I wasn’t going to do that. Why not spend a night with my favorite person in the whole world? Let’s have a sleepover, Y/N~!”
Didn’t he know what he was doing?! And oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you couldn’t believe it- he actually said yes! But of course, with a few pitter-patter comments here and there. 
What were you thinking? You felt all the hot blood rush to your face and you hid it with another pillow close by. Hoping he would’t hear anything, you just muttered how embarrassed you were to yourself but boy oh boy, he caught it all and grinned in endearment at how cute you were. You wouldn’t be able to see that smile on his face anyway, unfortunately not with the pillow you hid yourself with. 
You had been so tangled in the story that you didn’t realize Kai was more focused on you compared to the movie. He would look up to the screen sometimes, however he couldn’t help but look back at you more than the film for some reason. It didn’t mean you didn’t check up on him from time to time to make sure he was feeling completely comfortable. You knew fully well that he was staring at you but you decided to ignore it. At first you thought he was just spacing out, but it was way too coincidental to be true. 
The scene finally got to the part where Cinderella was dancing with Prince Charming, glass slippers and all. As a kid you were always fond of this moment because one day you wanted someone in your life like that. Whoever it may be, as long as they love you for who you really are then you’d be happy to call them your significant other. And yet, every single time you would always be faced with Kai in your mind whenever you dreamed of this. 
“What are you staring at me for?”
“Oh, nothing,” he taunted with a mocking voice before taking your hand into his. Then without a warning, he tugged you up from beside him, pulling you in front of the screen. You laughed at how sudden it was, and cautioned at him a little bit. 
“Kai! Gosh, at least give me a warning before you pull me up,” you whisper-shouted, being careful enough not to create too much noise. Luckily the rain was able to replace the sound of both of you getting up from the creaky bed, serving as another distraction for your parents not to know your best friend was in the room.
As you watched him in confusion, he made no sound grabbing your hands so they’d wrap just below his neck. You asked him what he was doing quietly a few times when he simply shut you down like that, his hands naturally trailing down to your waist as if he was planning something.
When he was done with the finishing dances of preparing the both of you, he noticed you were distracted in Cinderella and the prince dancing and leaned your attention towards him again by grasping your cheek in his right hand. 
“Come on,” he shot you another charming grin that sent your heart into a mayhem, “let’s slow dance.”
You gulped instinctively, nodding your head slowly. 
“O-oh, sure...”
You couldn’t allow yourself to say no. How could you say no when your heart was screaming yes and with him so close to you than he’d ever been? You weren’t the best at slow dancing when you had to cooperate with a partner, but he made it quite easy for you. Although, it wasn’t a big surprise when he could do anything he put his mind to. Kai was simply an excellent musician- he got the hang of the beat so you just followed his lead, letting him sway gently to the sweet song. 
The moment was magnificently magical, enough so that you wanted it to last forever. Eye contact was a bit much for you- especially when you were starting to have forbidden feelings for a friend who most likely doesn’t reciprocate the same ones- but somehow, you found the strength to keep looking at him without quivering up into a nervous ball. As the song played, you memorized every detail of his face as you could, counting his eyelashes to sketching how perfect his nose was in your mind. You were so lucky to have him in your life... you really couldn’t imagine a day without knowing he was there for you.
The rest of the song finished, but you knew he didn’t want to let go just yet. No other words were spoken but with his eyes that followed yours, you were able to tell how much you meant to him. More than a friend or just a friend? You weren’t sure at all, but you knew one thing. With the way he gazed at you- and perhaps you were deluding yourself when you thought this- it was clear to see that his stare was fill of enamor and love towards you and you only. He could’ve been watching the rain fall from outside and race against the windows, yet it seemed like he never wanted to look away either.
Your heart swelled in joy with this, but... at the same time...
When were you ever going to tell him these growing feelings? When were you going to let him know before you inevitably fell in love even deeper? How were you going to do it with all these insecurities of whether he likes you back or not weighing down? There were too many questions for you to really take. In all of this thinking while beside him- you couldn’t be for sure, however you weren’t going to rush yourself because there was still an eternity to spend with him right by your side like he promised. 
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Posted: 4/8/21- 2:15am 
(OKAY SO LIKE IK I WROTE 9k WORDS FOR THIS SO?? IM SO SORRY IF YOU GOT BORED 😭😭 I ACCIDENTALLY USED ALL THE BIG BRAIN WRITING FOR THIS REQUEST OMG 🧍🧍 also peep me posting this at 2am when i said i was supposed to sleep at 11pm)
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
By Drazzilder 
Chapter 19: Birthday 
It’s spring and you are turning 35 today. Normally birthdays never meant anything to you. The most you got in the facility was a prepackaged cupcake to celebrate. You couldn’t even celebrate while on the run for obvious reasons so it’s nice to finally celebrate it. Enji has been very silent about the day except for asking if you want anything special. You don’t really want anything for your birthday, you are just happy to have everything you have now: a family that loves you.
The morning starts off not too different than normal. You get up and start cooking breakfast like normal but there looks to be new pots and pans with matching cooking utensils. Enji must have heard your surprised voice because he came down faster than normal.
“Happy Birthday (Y/N).” he says with the biggest smile.
“Thank you Enji. I love it!”
“With all the cooking you do for the family, I thought some new tools would be nice for you.”
You give him a big hug and kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect. Did you want anything special for breakfast?”
“Why are you cooking? It’s your birthday, I should be cooking for you.”
“Remember the last time you cooked eggs?” you say squinting at him.
“Fair point… I’ll be happy with anything you cook. Don’t forget your going out today with Shoto and Natsuo to the mall to get them new school clothes.”
“Sounds like fun to me.” You smile.
After breakfast, you head out with the boys to go shopping. As soon as the front door closes, Enji and Fuyumi get to work. After some phone calls, a truck comes to the house. Package after package enters the house and start to fill the living room. A 4-foot-tall cake is delivered to the house and placed in the dining room. The last package is so large that it can’t fit in the house so Enji has the workers crane into the backyard to hide it.
“Dad, I know you love (Y/N) and all but don’t you think this is a bit much?”
“He told me he has never had a birthday celebration before so I wanted to make it special. I already missed the past few birthdays.”
“He looked happy just to get pots and pans. I just hope you don’t overwhelm him.”
“He will be fine. What’s next on the list?”
“Ok, let’s keep going.”
The shopping trip is lasting a lot longer than you initially thought it would. Shoto and Natsuo are having a hard time deciding on what to buy. They go from store to store, being indecisive the entire time. Even your patience is wearing thin as the day goes on.
(Y/N): “Can you please just decide on something.” You say in an exasperated tone.
N: “Shoto, what do you think of this?” he says holding up a punk style jacket.
S: “I don’t know, doesn’t really look like you.”
Z: “Ok, now I’m even getting annoyed. If you two don’t pick something, I will make you!” he says as your eye starts glowing brighter.
N: “Just give me a little more time.”
(Y/N): “FUCKING HELL! It’s been 4 hours! I already know that you’re here to keep me away from the house.”
S: “There goes the surprise.”
N: “Did you use your mind reading powers on us?”
(Y/N): “I didn’t have to; you’re here taking forever while your father and sister are at home. It’s obvious. Just tell me how much longer we have to wait.” You say covering your eyes with one hand out if frustration.
S: “Dad said he will text us. What about it being a surprise?”
(Y/N): “I can act when I need to. Can we just stop to get something to eat, Zaheer is getting restless inside of me?”
Z: “This is torture, even for a demon.”
After some lunch and waiting some more, you finally get the text message to come back home. You take the train home to give them more time if they need it. Whatever is going on seems to be taken care of because nothing looks amiss at the front door. However, that all changes when you open the door. Confetti cannons go off as you’re blinded by the paper. Enji and Fuyumi come out as she shouts “Happy Birthday!” You do your best try to act surprised but you are more shocked at everything that is going on. The living room is stacked almost to the ceiling with presents, there are streamers and balloons everywhere, and the birthday cake looks like it might catch fire with the number of candles on it.
Fuyumi grabs your arm and pulls you to the giant cake. “Quickly, blow at the candles and make a wish!”
After blowing out all the candles, with some effort, you look at everything. “You didn’t have you do all of this.”
Enji hugs you. “Well, I wanted to do this for you. You have a lot of presents to open so you better get started.”
(Y/N): “All of those are for me?”
F: “Yea, I think dad went a little overboard. There is about 200 presents.”
“A little?” You say looking at the massive stack of gives. You start with the closest one. Its small but when you open it, it’s a Rolex watch. You look at Enji who has a smile on his face.
“I saw you looking at it one day. After we left, I ordered it immediately.”
“Enji…. I love it but you didn’t have to do this. Are all of the gifts this expensive?” You say in shock.
“Not all of them but nothing is too much for the person I love the most.”
As the day wears on, you open more and more gifts. Designer clothing, shoes, electronics, knives, and anything else you had your eyes on was a present. After all the presents were open, you eat some cake. Between the five of you, you barely made a dent in the cake that could serve 250+. You’re getting more annoyed at this point when Enji says there is one last gift. Everyone heads outside and you see a cloth with a bow on top of a large preset. When you pull the cloth off, it’s the sports car you have been looking at for a while. You are at your breaking point when you finally speak.
“Kids, can you leave your father and I alone for a little bit.”
After they leave with some questioned looks. “Did you have a good birthday, (Y/N)?” he says with a faint smile.
“Enji…. I can’t accept all of this.” You say looking at the car.
“What do you mean? I got you everything you wanted.”
“But I don’t need all of this stuff.”
“Fuyumi told me to get whatever you like. I told her some of the things you looked at and she said that’s a good way to get what you like.”
“That is a good way to do it, but did you think about what you were buying?”
You say coming towards him, holding his hand. “Enji…. why would I need a car?”
“You have been searching that car a lot and I saw you look at it in person when it drove up next to us one day. I thought you really wanted it.”
“But I can teleport…”
“Oh… that’s what you mean.”
“I appreciate all of this, I really do, but it’s too much. How much did this cost?”
“More than I want to admit.” He says turning away from you.
“Ok, can you tell me how many credit cards you maxed out for this?”
“5…” he mumbles.
“And how long have you been working on this?”
“3 months….” He says realizing the problem.
“You didn’t have to do this much for me. I know what you were trying to do but you don’t have to make up for all the birthdays I missed. The pots and pans and maybe some cupcakes would have been more than I ever had before.”
Looking at the car: “I just wanted you to be happy.” as he squeezes your hand harder.
Putting a hand to his face to turn it to you: “And I am. Just being with someone I love on my birthday really is enough.”
With a sigh. “What do you want to do now?”
“I’m more than happy with everything I got before breakfast. I love cooking for you, making your favorite meals after a hard day’s work to make you happy. That to me is more special than any watch or pair of shoes. Let’s make some calls and see what we can return, does that sound good?”
Looking down, “What about the car?”
“Now hold on… maybe we could keep that. I think it’s a little weird for the number 2 hero driving an average family sedan. Why don’t you use this as your daily driver? Well, if you can fit in it.”
“I can, I tested it when I bought it. It’s really nice.” He says rubbing his chin in thought. “It would make a better impression than what I have now.”
“Plus, we can use it for when we want to go on trips just for us and the kids can use the sedan for their own use.”
“That does sound nice.”
Sitting down on the ground: “Come here, let’s lie down and watch the sky. I could use a little relaxation after all that craziness.” You say patting the grass next to you.
“I’m sorry if I stressed you.”
“You didn’t. Just relax with me for a while.”
You both lay down and hold hands. You both just watch the clouds go by as the day slowly turns to dusk. Throughout that time, you talked about the family, about the craziness of how Enji bought everything and brought it home. Finding out how much Enji had to do to make all of that happen makes you love him more, putting in so much effort for you. You both laughed at the thought of what to do with all that cake. When the sun finally set, you both went inside.
F: “Is everything ok? You were out there a long time.”
E: “Everything is fine, we discussed about today.”
S: “Something wrong?”
E: “We will be returning almost everything.”
N: “I knew it. He didn’t like any of it.”
(Y/N): “No, I appreciate all of it and I love that Enji put so much effort and time into this but I really don’t need all this stuff.”
N: “Even the car?”
(Y/N): “No, your father will be using it as his new car.”
N: “Can I use it every once in a while.” He says with a childish grin.
E: “No.”
(Y/N): “Hold on Enji, maybe we can discuss that on another day.”
N: “Really?”
E: “Don’t push it. Right now, let’s just pack everything up. I’ll arrange everything to be picked up tomorrow.”
After packing up, you ask for one last thing: a bath. He draws the bath and you both enjoy a nice soak. You tried something different and Enji rested his head on your chest this time. Even though your smaller than Enji, you manage to find a good position for both of you to be in. Running your fingers through his hair, he hums and rumbles in pleasure as you gently scratch and massage his scalp.
“I can see why you enjoy this so much; I could get used to this.”
“We can do this again in the future. It’s kind of nice giving the affection for once.” You say as one of your hands goes down to rub slow circles over the warm skin of his chest.
“I know the morning wasn’t the best but did your birthday finish better?”
You think for a moment still running your fingers through Enji’s hair. “I think it was perfect.” You say before kissing the top his head.
Next Chapter
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Christmas Specials: Fishcake
CW: Some hint of dehumanization and references to Bahram’s depression/past breakdown at the end, some brief emeto references, but really this is just fluff. Oh, also brief unintentional ableism that Miah calls out.
Introduction | Siren Song | Cries | Here | Not Sure | Draw Blood | Fish | Signs | Stop | Something New | Help | Please Don’t Let Me Drown  | Fish Food | Squeaky Toy | Fading | Fishcake
December 24th, 20XX 11:15 pm Mer in Residence: 71 Days
Miah showed up tonight with a Christmas present for me, and now I feel like a giant dick for not having anything to give her. 
Christmas just isn’t a thing in my family. I mean, I have cousins who go overboard with it, kind of a fitting in thing, but my family never did. Baba does some kind of fast, but for Maman it’s just another day and for me it’s always meant mostly a day where I played video games all day because I didn’t have to be at school or work. 
Oh, I need to call Baba and Maman tomorrow, note to self. She always gets worried about me right around the end of the year, what with how they figured out I was quitting school and everything.
I guess getting a phone call from a hospital leaves a bloody impression.
Anyway, Miah comes in with this big shopping bag in her hand, waving at me all bright and sunny and cheerful. She set the bag down long enough to berate me for - she assumed - having not taken my medicine on time. 
For the record, she was right, but I didn’t tell her that.
Nearly drowning in saltwater made my lungs apparently terribly angry with me, so for the next eight days I’m on a run of antibiotics to handle a lovely case of bacterial pneumonia. Would’ve been far handier to get pneumonia right away, but instead I ended up in Urgent Care yesterday, paying 200 dollars and waiting two hours to see a doctor for less than ten minutes. 
Dr. L says she’ll reimburse me the cost, but still. 
Miah asked me how I was feeling, I said I felt fine, really, and then of course I had an awful coughing fit just to prove myself a wonderful liar. The coughing’s the worst part - every time I really get going, it’s like being underwater all over again. I can feel my lungs fighting to inflate, to take the air in, and I can hear how hard I’m working to get enough air to stop coughing at all. Miah can’t hear it, but she can see it all right, and she looked worried.
I signed, “I’m fine, it’ll stop, the doctor says it will,” and she frowned at me, but let it go, I guess. While she had her face turned away to greet the mer, I opened the pill bottle and dry-swallowed the meds really fast. Sometimes there are benefits to Miah not being able to hear things.
The mer - Kima, I can call him by his name in these notes, the ones only I see - was already at the side of the tank, watching us. He’s perked up a bit lately, since I started giving him live fish on the days Dr. L isn’t around and Miah brought him all these enrichment things. We’re doing what we can, but I know it’s still not enough.
Enough would be figuring out where his bloody family is and getting him back to them, but I just… I can’t even begin to explain, even to myself, the logistical nightmare of hauling a six-foot-long mer back to the ocean and finding someone who would take him back up north where his family likely is in the middle of bloody fucking December.
It’s the right thing to do, yeah.
But it’d just be too hard to pull off, not without losing… my whole taped-together life, yeah? Plus I’m still dealing with trying to figure out who exactly is my real employer at this point - who’s paying Dr. L - and what they want from the mer’s… thing he can do.
Miah glanced over at him and signed, “Don’t worry, I have something for you, too,” and Kima just looked back at her, head cocked to the side. She looked over at me and signed, “It’s a fish-cake.”
I have to admit, it took me a second to even begin to respond. My hands just… hung in mid-air, before finally I asked, “A what?”
“A fishcake. It’s like a fruitcake, but so much worse.” She leaned down to dig around in the big bag and pulled out a box, pausing to add, “I had to wrap it and box it or the car would have smelled horrible for days,” before she picked up and laid the box on my desk, opened it, took out something wrapped in layers of plastic, and unwrapped that, painstakingly slowly.
I glanced over at the mer, who watched with total fascination. Maybe he’d caught the sign for fish, he’s incredibly food-motivated. Which makes sense, of course, probably with his pod he’d spend a lot of his day eating and hunting for more, but
Bahram. Focus.
She was right - as soon as the plastic came off, I could smell it. 
“How can you handle that? Isn’t your sense of smell… really good?” Ah, yes, I am always so proud of myself when I forget a sign for a word I want to say and have to sort of cobble together the spirit of it with other signs.
She looked at me with this sort of dry are you kidding me expression, then signed, “I’m deaf, B, not a superhero,” in a way that made me feel about ten inches tall.
“Sorry. That’s an awful smell, though.”
And it was. I like fish as much as the next man, but this was foul. She grinned at me and picked up the tupperware the fishcake was in using towels to protect her hands from picking the smell up too, I guess, and went over to the ladder up to the platform. Her back was already to me, so I couldn’t ask her the question I had, or tell her not to do that one-handed. Instead, I just sort of… got up and hovered uselessly while she climbed up without looking back, and then followed her up there.
The platform makes me… nervous, now. I stay closer to the ladder, farther from the water. I hope the mer, that Kima doesn’t think I don’t want to be close to him or something.
Miah took the lid off the tupperware and waited. Soon enough the mer popped up near us, interested in what we were doing on the platform. 
I watched those nasal slits open wide when he smelled the fish. And I watched how his eyes went big and shiny with excitement. Whatever Miah had put in the foul thing, he wanted it.
She dumped it into the water - I didn’t see much, other than a sort of loaf-shape and a sense of texture I never want to think about again - and Kima tore into it. It was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen, and I have actually watched Kima eat raw fish that was living seconds before. I had to look away - and so did Miah, but she was laughing. She can’t hear herself, only feel the vibration in her own throat. Her laughs kind of sound almost honking, choked-off, just totally un-self-conscious noises she’s barely aware of.
I should tell her that I like the way she laughs.
Oh, I absolutely should not do that.
Maybe I should, though.
She grinned at me, still laughing, and signed, “This is disgusting!”
“It is,” I signed back, “And it’s your fault, don’t forget that!”
She was still laughing when Kima looked back up at us, fish bits smeared around his mouth, and she signed, “Merry Christmas, K-I-M-A,” to him. He stared back, signed yes, and then dove back under the water, present utterly devoured, leaving only gross little particles I will probably have to hose off the sides of the tank on cleaning day when the filters can’t quite pick them up.
Miah looked at me, and I just thought, you know, she’s really pretty even under the sun lamps, and nobody is pretty in that light. Then she signed, after this moment of stillness, “I bought you a present, too.”
“Me?” I pointed back at myself, blinking, surprised. “I don’t do Christmas, M, I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “I know. But I still bought a present. Can I show you?”
“Um, sure.” I get nauseous when I’m nervous. For a second, climbing back down the ladder, I thought I’d just get sick all over myself. I was badly designed, my defense mechanism is just to vomit on myself to scare predators away, clearly my body thinks pretty women are dangerous and I have to embarrass myself until they stop looking at me.
Finally, though, we were back at my desk. The smell… lingered. I’ve since burned the candle Miah got me, and the sulfur from the matches and the scent of the candle itself have largely done away with it, but when we got back, it was still powerful. 
She didn’t pull anything out of the bag, instead she just took a small card out of her back pocket and handed it to me. 
I looked down at it. “Alborz?” I realized I’d spoken out loud, looking down, and looked back up quickly so I could repeat it in sign, so she could see. “A-L-B-O-R-Z? A gift card to a restaurant?”
She nodded, quickly, signing so fast I was having trouble keeping up. I guess… was she nervous, too? “It’s food like you grew up with, yes?”
“Yeah, more or less. I mean nothing is better than my mother’s food. But why-”
She reached out and grabbed my arm with one hand to stop me, leaned in so close that the smell of this super subtle perfume she wears was stronger, for a second, than the smell of fish. “B,” She signed, with heavy, slow emphasis, “Think about why I bought you this.”
I just looked at her. I didn’t get it at all, and told her so.
I’m so bloody dense.
She sighed, throwing her hands up in the air with an eye-roll and a smile, and then signed, “When are you taking me there?”
She had to repeat the signs three times before I realized she was asking me on a date.
So anyway, I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink tonight, and also I think I celebrate Christmas now.
That was an awful joke. I’m leaving it there just to properly shame myself if I ever reread this.
@astrobly  @burtlederp   @finder-of-rings   @slaintetowhump   @moose-teeth   @misspelledwitch   @whumpfigure   @whumptywhumpdump   @boxboysandotherwhump   @whumpywhumpwhump   @yet-another-heathen   @fanmanga1357-blog @justabitofwhump  
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who’s willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
January 14, 2278.
I woke up feeling confused.
My wife?
Impossible. A ghoul marrying a smoothskin? Fucking insane.
I don’t think I’m even made for something as… normal as marriage. All my skills are geared towards killing and destroying. How can I even build a life with her?
Some people marry out of love, don’t they? My parents did, and they were happy together. When I was little, during their wedding anniversary, they’d leave me with someone else to look after me. Before she went away to study, Aunt Katya would do that for them. After she’s gone, it was whoever babysitter they can find.
They would always come home the next day with smiles on their faces.
When we started to become poorer, they’d spend the evening in the house, a lone candle illuminating the kitchen, and they’d dance to the radio in silence. My mother would look at my father with uncertain eyes, and he'd kiss the worries away.
“Annika, moya solnyshko, we’re going to be fine.”
Solnyshko. If I recall correctly, it’s a term of endearment in my parents’ language. I think it meant ‘little sun’.
I sighed and turned to Percy, still asleep, resting peacefully as the sunlight streamed from the windows and illuminated her face.
Is that something I want to do with Percy?
Hold her in my arms through thick and thin? Call her silly little things out of affection?
Is it love that drives me to dream of being her husband? Or is she just too involved in my life now for me to think of someone else?
Some people married out of convenience, after all. Like Aunt Katya.
I remember bringing the rings on her wedding day. She was already heavy with child, dressed in white. I couldn’t remember if it was in the year 2069 or 2070, but obviously, it was before I was taken away for indoctrination.
“Tetushka,” I remember addressing her during the reception. “Who is he?”
“Artyom, this is Nathaniel. He’s the man I married, and he’s going to be your uncle. Don’t be shy, say hi.”
The man steps closer, and kneels. He had some stubble on his jaw, square and shapely, and his hair is cut neatly, like the soldiers I see on posters.
“So this is the nephew you were talking about, Kitty. Hey there sport,” he greets extending his hand. I remember reluctantly giving him a handshake.
“I know this is all so sudden, but he’s part of the family now,” Aunt Katya explains, smiling, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I think it’s time for the toast, dear. We wouldn’t want to miss it.” Nathan interrupts, whisking my aunt away and giving me a nod and a wink.
That night, as my father drove us home, he spoke to me.
“Artyom, could you make me a promise?”
“What kind of promise papa?”
“Promise me, when you grow up and if you decide to marry someone, make sure that you marry out of love, like I did with your mother. Don’t be like your aunt Katya.”
“I promise,” I tell him. “But what’s wrong with aunt Katya?”
“Ilya, I think we should save this conversation for another day. Our Artyom might be too young,” my mother tells father.
“Nonsense. It’s never too early to let him know. Artyom, your tetushka married that man because she thought she couldn’t take care of a baby on her own. I’m not sure if she loves Nathan, and that’s what scares me. Your auntie is strong. But I’m not sure how she will handle a marriage with uncertain feelings. It could destroy her.”
I blinked a few times. It was too heavy for me to understand back then.
“I think what your father is trying to say, Artyom,” my mother adds, “Is when people marry and start a family, they usually live together under one roof, like your papa and I. When you marry someone and live under one roof with someone you do not love, life can become difficult.”
“I think I understand, mama.”
I do understand now.
My reminiscing got interrupted when Percy cracked one eye open, and reached for me.
“Hey. Good morning, big guy. You slept well?”
I nodded.
“Let’s get some breakfast.”
After waking Butch up, the three of us packed our sleeping bags and went outside to start a fire. The dawn is just breaking, the horizon hazy. I can’t remember being this up early. Our sleep schedule was borderline nocturnal.
As the Cram sizzled on the clean sheet of metal we used to cook on while travelling, Percy was heating some clean water over the fire as well. She used it to rehydrate the Instamash, and the rest went into a cup. My partner then takes out a small sachet, the label washed out, but I can still see what it was.
“Found this in a coat pocket from Moira’s gifts the other day,” she giggles. “Hot chocolate!”
My eyes widened. Damn, I haven’t seen one of those after the war. Is it even safe to consume?
“Man, I miss the food in the vault. Lemme have some,” DeLoria exclaims, excited.
Percy pours it in the cup and stirs it with a spoon. She takes a sip, passes it to Butch, who wrinkles his nose, then to me. Well, if we can still eat Cram after 200 years of it sitting on some shelf, I think I’ll be fine with this ancient hot chocolate.
It’s hot. Comforting. The flavor is a little rancid, but what else is new with these preserved Pre-War foods? It’s still somewhat sweet. The nostalgia I felt for the life I left behind grew. I look into the cup, the dark liquid swirling, reminding me of Percy’s eyes. Then, I pass it back to her.
“You were smiling in your sleep,” Percy quips, looking at me with eyes still heavy with sleep. “Dreamed of something nice?”
Despite the cold, I feel the warmth spreading through me. Of fucking course I just can’t tell her that I dreamed that I wasn’t a monster, and she is my wife, and we had a son who looked like her while we’re frolicking at a beach in California. I have to think of something else.
“I dreamed DeLoria fell down the stairs.”
Percy almost spat out her drink laughing. Butch gives me a dirty look. “Yeah, real funny, you bastard,” he groans.
I couldn’t help but laugh at my own lie, too.
Butch put the fire out with snow, and we’re off again, heading west. The sun’s rising in the east, warming our backs as we pressed on. By the time we got to Lamplight, the sun’s risen, but was blocked out by clouds.
We approached the cavern entrance, and followed the trail inside. There, MacCready is still keeping watch.
“Hey, we got your friends back. Can we come in now?” Percy shouts, keeping a safe distance.
“I guess you’re okay after all, for a mungo. But you better not piss me off!”
As the three of us approached the gate, the kid pointed his rifle at DeLoria.
“Hey wait a second, you weren’t with them when they first came here,” he barks, suspicious.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless. He’s gonna watch out stuff for us while we go in Vault 87,” Percy explains, pulling Butch’s arm hurriedly.
“Who the fuck are you?” the mayor asks Butch, and of course the moron puffed his chest out.
“I’m Butch! I lead a gang called the Tunnel Snakes and I helped them get your friends outta Paradise Falls too!”
“What kind of dumbshit name is Tunnel Snakes?”
Okay, I can’t fucking help it. I am laughing. This kid is just fine.
As DeLoria squabbles with MacCready, Percy sits down in a corner to catch her breath and rest, and I join her. Soon, some of the kids started gathering around us, and among them were the children we rescued from Paradise.
“It’s the ghost and the zombie that saved us!” one of them exclaimed, running towards us.
“Zombie isn’t a nice word to call him, kid. He’s called a ghoul,” Percy tells her, voice a little softer than her usual speaking tone.
“A pretty ghost and a scary ghoul saved you? Wow!”
Soon, the voices of the children grew louder as they chattered about us, the odd group of mungos allowed in the cave.
I felt uncomfortable as the children poked around and asked us so many questions. Some of them are too afraid to come closer to me, while some openly try to climb on my back and gingerly touch some of my scars. I guess the dream I had about having one will remain a dream. These children are exhausting to be around.
Yet Percy takes it all in stride, answering every question they ask her, showing off her stuff, and regaling them with tales from our travels. She’d gently pet the hair of one of the little girls who huddled next to her, and her patience didn’t waver as one of the boys accidentally spilled their Nuka Cola on her jacket.
She reminds me of my own mother. I’m sure she’d be a great mother if she ever decides to be one.
And when that happens, I’m not going to be the one by her side.
“Percy! Tell us another story,” one of the children, who was called Knock Knock, asks my partner, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I think I’ve already told you all of my stories.”
“Well, you can always make one up,” another little girl, the one called Bumble, suggests.
Eyes flicking towards me, Percy offers the children a soft smile.
“Long ago, there was a young maiden, living in a fortress with steel walls. The most important rule was one was allowed to go in and out of the fortress.” Percy starts, leaning her head towards me.
“A maiden? Why not a princess? Princesses lived in fortresses, right? Or was it a castle?”
“Shut up, Zip! Don’t interrupt her.”
Chuckling, Percy clears her throat and continues. “She kept to herself, and kept herself busy with plants and books. The maiden was content with living in the fortress, but she always wondered what the world beyond them looked like. One night, while the maiden was exploring the lower levels of the fortress, a horrible beast took her away, and captured her. He put her in an invisible cage, which keeps her under his control.”
I think I know who this maiden is.
“Oh no, is she okay? Who saved her?”
“We’ll get to that soon. The maiden was kept in a cage for so long, that she thought that she'd never get out. Then, one night, word got around that someone left the fortress. In her desire to see the world, she grips the bars of the invisible cage, and bends it, finally escaping.”
The children were listening in awe. “What happens to the girl? Does she escape the fortress?”
“Yes, and she had to face the monster that captured her in doing so. In a show of courage, she wields a sword, and takes his head off in one slice.”
“Coooool,” one of the kids exclaimed.
“Then, she starts looking for her father. But she couldn’t do it alone. There were many dangers in the world outside the fortress. So, she looks for someone who can watch her back.”
“Is it a knight? Or a prince?”
“Hmm. No, her companion is neither of those. He’s something else.”
“What is he?”
“A ferryman.”
“What’s a ferryman, Percy?”
“Have you kids ever heard of a boat? A ferryman is in charge of running that boat.”
“Oh, so they rode through a boat?”
“Yeah. They did. This ferryman, all he knew before he met the maiden was to take the souls of people and deliver them to Death. Kind of like the Grim Reaper. Everyone’s gotta die some time, and it was his job to ensure that they make it to the other side.”
“Yikes! Why would she ask someone like that to watch her back?”
Percy pauses, unsure what to answer. Her eyes flick to her lap, then, she smiles at one of the kids.
“Because, the maiden knows better than to judge a book by its cover. Turns out, the ferryman was one of the most reliable, bravest, and kindest people outside the fortress, but he’s stuck to his job. So, they burn the boat, and the maiden, instead of facing Death, runs away with the ferryman. The end.”
“Wow, that was boring,” one of the boys quipped, which earned him an elbow from one of the girls.
“Are you kidding? That was amazing!”
“Aw, that can’t be the end! What happens to them after?”
“Do they fall in love?”
A short chortle escaped Percy. “That’s a story for another day. My friend and I need to get going.”
Bumble looks up to Percy with big, begging eyes. “Promise us you’ll tell the rest when you come back, please?”
A chorus of “Please, Percy” fills the cave. I couldn’t help but snort at the overwhelmed look on Percy’s face. Then, she gave them a quick nod, to which they responded with cheers.
“Alright big guy, time for us to go into the Vault. Wait, where’s Butch?”
On the opposite side of the cave, surrounded by mostly boys, including MacCready himself, Butch was shouting and cheering.
“Tunnel Snakes rule!”
“Tunnel Snakes rule!” the boys echoed.
We laughed at the scene. “Hey, looks like Butch have new gang members in no time.”
Striding towards DeLoria, Percy dumps the gear we didn’t need to bring near his feet. She takes off her leather jacket and scarf, and her sneaking suit’s helmet protracted over her face. It was a curious sight for the children, looking at her with bewildered eyes.
“Look after the stuff, Butch. If we don’t come back in eight hours, get help from the Brotherhood.”
“Got it. What but what if something else comes through the door?”
“If it’s not with us, shoot it. Help the kids defend this place.”
Butch gulps. “I… uh…”
“There are spare guns and grenades in one of the packs. You helped us with Paradise, Butch. You can handle this,” Percy encourages him, rubbing the back of his palm gently.
I look away.
“You’re right. See you in a few hours.”
Following a teenage boy who introduced himself as Joseph, who turned out to be the brother of one of the children we got out of the slave pen, we were led to a terminal which accesses a door to the vault. No one bothered to write down the password, so Percy cracked her knuckles and started typing away eagerly.
Eyes still fixated on the glowing green monitor, she had that determined look on her face again.
The door hisses open, and we step in. It was unnaturally cold and silent.
“This is it, Charon. We’re so close.”
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drawlfoy · 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.6
masterlist (catch up on parts 1-5 here!!)
request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: my original idea :))
summary: y/n’s senior year was going to be great, but her British exchange student is a little weird. this is NOT a non-magic AU. draco’s still a wizard in this fsjifkszfjkd
warnings: language, fainting, bad driving, mentions of drinking and drug use
a/n: eeee this is such a fun bit to write. thank you all so much for being there for me. this is definitely one of my favorite fics i’ve written since it gives me so much creative liberty and the fact that i get feedback and readers for it...just warms my heart. if you’re reading this: thank you so, so much for sticking around. i might come around with more oneshots soon. anyways i hope you enjoy the initial descent into the real real plot. also fluff will be coming soon i promise but i wasn’t lying when i said this was slowburn
tags tags tags @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @icintliviinyiniilsiji @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 3.4k
song recs:
a pearl -- mitski
movement -- hozier
revival -- deerhunter
Draco was crying.
Or, at least, someone was. The gasps coming from just a wall away were apparent, but Y/N could hear a voice that didn’t quite sound like Draco--which had to be a trick of the mind, because there could be no one in there but him.
She rapped on the door against her better judgement to be met with a flurry of movement--fabric rustling,  and a soft pop that echoed through the air.
“Draco? Are you alright in there?”
Y/N found herself wishing that he wouldn’t open the door. After the Homecoming ask, the last thing she wanted was to see his stupid pretty face again, but she was a good host sister. Emphasis on sister.
To her shock, the door swung open. Just a few inches, just enough for her to see the pile of black shredded paper in the middle of his room and a drained looking Draco glaring back at her.
“Can I help you?” His once pristine white shirt was gray in some places, like he had rubbed ashes on it. 
“I just thought--did you burn something?”
“No. What is it?”
She looked at him a bit closer. His eyes didn’t look red rimmed with the dead giveaway of a crying session, but they looked close. The furrow in his brow was from worry instead of his usual sternness and he kept nervously pulling down at his left sleeve. 
Draco wasn’t crying, but he was about to.
“I…” There was something deeply unsettling about seeing Draco so uncollected and fidgety--almost like seeing a fish out of water or an American conservative with an adequate understanding of class struggles.The air was charged with something yet again, so much so that Y/N could feel the hair on her arms stand up. She decided to avoid damaging his masculinity any further. “Nothing. It just smelled a little like smoke. I wanted to make sure you weren’t burning a candle or anything. You know how my mom is about that.”
He continued to stare at her.
“Would you like me to leave you alone?”
Well, that was embarrassing thought Y/N as she made her way back down the hall and to her backpack. I get rejected twice in one day. Smooth.
The days following were profoundly more uncomfortable. Breakfasts became uncomfortably akin to the Silent Game and Draco stopped coming out for tea in the evenings. The drives to and from school were decorated only by occasional bits of small talks or grumbles of exams. In short, Y/N knew that she had overstepped a boundary and Draco was pulling back.
School had finally become crazy. Y/N’s life became so entrenched with letters of recommendation and 200 word supplements that the Draco shaped hole in her life was bearable. After all, she was fine before he came, and she was fine now. She’d been silly, allowing herself to fantasize about a kid with some serious trauma and family issues that clearly had personal things that handle before he thought about getting all cozy with someone who was not in the slightest compatible with him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
If someone turned a glass of whole milk into a human, that person would be Chad. He was the poster child of an “American” boy--tall, warm blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, and cornflower blue eyes. 
But his personality? Not so much. 
“My beloved husband!” Y/N called out as she saw him speaking to her mother in the foyer while Draco glowered in the corner. She bounded down the stairs in record time, leaping into his arms as her strappy heels swung from her hands. He smelled of cotton and laundry detergent. 
“Hey nerd,” he said, swinging her around in a circle before setting her down. “Did you finish the Econ homework? I was hoping I could take a picture before I leave…”
Y/N drew back to smack him on the shoulder. “You disgust me.”
“You abuse me.”
“And I’ll do it again,” said Y/N. She had forgotten how funny he was. 
“Oh, you two,” Mrs. Y/L/N cut in, stepping between the two and pressing the boutonnière into Y/N’s hands. “Always bickering like a married couple.”
Lizzy snorted from the top of the stairs where she was struggling to stuff a light jacket into her purse. “Hot take.”
“Hold still,” commanded Y/N, holding the pin and attempting to attach it to his lapel. “I’m literally going to accidentally stab you. Cut it out.”
He made a face down at her. “Do it. You won’t.”
“Oh? I won’t?”
“Y/N,” Mrs. Y/L/N’s exasperated voice warned.
“I’ll refrain, but only because the rug we’re standing on was my Grandmother’s,” Y/N said to him, her voice dripping with sweetness. “Consider yourself lucky that you’re not on the tile.”
“I’ve never been more thankful that my late grandmother-in-law had such impeccable taste.” 
“Suck up.”
“Oh, because you’re such a rebel.”
“It’s called motivation!”
“Honey, I want a divor-”
“For Christ’s sake, stop flirting or I’m going to puke,” a cool voice cut in. The group turned to see Sylvia standing in the doorway, clad in a flowing black dress that just barely ghosted over the top of the floor. 
“You look radiant, darling,” Mrs. Y/L/N said.
“And we weren’t flirting,” said Y/N.
Sylvia sent her a little wink before walking to sit down on the couch across from Draco, who was currently perched cross legged and looking profoundly uncomfortable. 
Sylvia, Lizzy, and their dates all opted to take Lizzy’s car to the city while Chad, Y/N, and Draco took Chad’s. The plan was to drop Draco off at the school with ample time to prepare him for the uniquely traumatic experience that was ASB sanctioned after school events, and to the plan they stuck.
“Yeah, go ahead and treat me like your chauffeur, “ scoffed Chad as Y/N slid into the backseat next to Draco. The sports car was surprisingly narrow with hardly any space between them. If she wanted to, she could easily rest her thigh against his.
“It’s called being polite, dear,” said Y/N, flicking the back of his head before turning to face Draco. “You’re really gonna commit to this? Major props, but, like...you really don’t have to go to this if you don’t want to. You can even stay home. I know how to sneak you back in.”
Draco rolled his eyes. “I’m here for the American experience, right?”
“Hate to break it to you, but there is no uniform American experience. It’s all personalized, and I don’t know if you want yours to be seasoned with 14 year olds T-posing in a circle to...I don’t even know. Chad, what kind of music do they play at those places?”
“Fuck if I know. I don’t go to them either.”
“It’s fine. I told Heather I’d be there.”
“Ooookay, whatever you say,” Y/N said. 
They rode in silence for a few more beats. The wind outside was uncharacteristically strong for an early October day, and it looked like a storm was brewing. In their rush to get to the dance on time, they had neglected to take precaution against the wind and ran outside to Chad’s car without a second thought. Draco’s suit, while posh and put together, had clearly bore the brunt of this choice. His tie had become slightly rumpled and his hair mussed, a look that was all types of wrong on him.
“Draco?” she asked. He snapped to attention. “Your tie is all undone. Can I…?” Y/N motioned to his neck.
Wide-eyed and frozen, he met her with, “er...sure.” 
Y/N leaned forward, trying to think past how her thighs were just barely touching his. Her corsage (a tasteful red, thank you very much) bumped against his chest, flattening a bit. She wasn’t very familiar with ties--she’d never had to be in her past experiences--but whatever his was made of, it was expensive. The fabric felt silky and impossibly smooth in her hand as she carefully untied it.
Chad took a sharp turn into the school drop off lot, prompting Y/N to nearly topple into Draco’s chest. His arms shot out to steady her and retracted so quickly that she was left wondering if she imagined the whole ordeal. 
“So it’s true,” said Chad from the front. “Nerds do have bad upper body strength.”
“Shut up,” she responded. Her cheeks felt unbearably hot as she tried her best to focus on tightening Draco’s tie and ignore the fact that she was close enough to smell his cologne--a soft pine, she observed--and feel the shadow of his breath on her face. His hands were clasped together lap, tight enough to turn the knuckles white. 
It was an odd feeling, getting butterflies in her stomach while she was touching a boy that wasn’t her date as Chad careened towards a parking spot and pulled in so violently that Y/N almost went sprawling into Draco again. She looked up at him, getting ready to crack a joke about the absurdity of the situation or the questionable driving; instead, she found herself staring up into his eyes. 
His normally pale eyes looked darker than usual--his pupils were insanely dilated--but that was because it was dark in the car. Obviously. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see his chest rising and falling with an urgency that she hadn’t noticed before.
“Do you want me to uh..fix your...your hair, too?” Y/N said, mentally cringing at how she stumbled over the sentence. To be fair, his hair was ruffled and out of place. It wasn’t like she was making an excuse to touch it or anything.
To that, Draco jerked away from her, his back brushing up against the opposite car door. “No. No, it’s ok. I’ll fix it myself.”
Y/N was sure that her face was tomato red.
“Alright buckaroo,” Chad said from the front, his nonchalant demeanor never more appreciated. “Your hot date is here. Get out of my car. We have a busy day of antiquing ahead.”
Any semblance of casualness left Draco’s body as his eyes widened. “Antiquing?”
“Yeah, remember the place I took you to right after you came here?” asked Y/N.
“Er...don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Excuse me?” She sat up straight so quickly that she felt her hair come slightly undone at the nape of her neck. “That’s rich, coming from the kid going to a school dance as a senior.” 
“It’s probably not going to even be open. It’ll be late by the time dinner’s over,” he said. 
“Since when do you care? Honestly, quit acting weird,” Y/N responded, scootching away from him as he made no effort to get out of the car. 
“I’m not--it’s--erm, nevermind, forget about it.” He cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and brushed off his lapels. “Heather must be waiting for me. Goodbye.”
After a little struggle, Draco managed to best the slightly confusing door handle of Chad’s car and was out the door. Y/N slid across the seat and out with him, shutting the door and grabbing the handle for the passenger side. 
“Y/N?” Draco’s voice called before she had the chance to fully get in and tell Chad to book it. 
“What’s up?”
He took a few steps forward, pausing just a couple feet away from her. His eyes were cast to the rain puddle ridden cement. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“I should be telling you that, king,” Y/N quipped. “Your first real American dance. If you go to any after parties, make sure to watch your drink. Don’t take any substances from strangers--or, anyone, really--”
“Y/N, he’s not a chick.” Chad, his hands still perched on the steering wheel, turned to peer out at her. “He’ll be fine. I think they have beer in Britain.”
“Well, whatever. Have Heather text me if I need to pick you up anywhere. And don’t get in any cars with someone who’s been drinking!”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming.” She slid into the car, turning one last time to say bye. Draco was already gone. “Only if I drive.”
“So Heather and Draco, huh?” 
Y/N scowled at Lizzy as she speared a piece of her salad particularly viciously. “I don’t know if it’s like that. I think he’s just being polite, or whatever. I think British people are just like that.”
“Why are we even talking about that boy?” Chad asked. “He’s got that whole Timothée Chalamet dying Victorian toddler aesthetic if Timothée was blonde and had a perpetual stick up his ass.”
“In a hot way, though,” said Lizzy, her eyebrows wiggling. Jonathan scowled at her side. “Oh, don’t be so jealous. As if I’d ever go for a kid who doesn’t even know what Snapchat is.”
“I don’t understand what Heather sees in him,” Chad continued, his fettuccine plate long forgotten. “He’s got the personality of a wet rag, and she’s so bubbly and...I don’t even know. Do you guys get what I mean?”
“Draco’s got personality,” said Y/N. 
“Not like Heather.”
“It’s not his fault he’s reserved. He’s actually really funny.”
“And that’s what I like to call rose-tinted glasses,” Chad said, gently poking her cheek. 
“Hey! I’m the one who lives with him.”
“Whatever. Let’s just call for the bill. I’m not hungry anymore.” Chad folded up his napkin, placing it on top of the tablecloth and ignoring Y/N’s protest as he got out his wallet and placed a credit card on the table. “It’s on me, guys. You know how my parents are. They’re just happy that we’re all getting together again instead of holing up in our rooms.”
“Thank god junior year is over,” Sylvia added. “That’s really kind of you. At least let me get the tip?”
As the group bickered over the payment options and flagged down the waiter, Y/N noticed her phone lighting up with a notification.
Heather, 6.48pm: Hey girly! Sorry to bug you on your night but Draco wanted to check in and ask where you guys are/what you’re planning on doing tonight.
“Who’s that?” Chad asked, looking down at the little paragraph in the gray message bubble.
“Just Heather. Draco wants to know what we’re doing. Probably because he’s realizing how sucky dances really are and is about to beg us to come pick him up.”
He snorted. “Yeah. Poor kid.”
Y/N typed out a quick “we just finished dinner and are heading to the antique place now. lmk if i need to pick him up earlier” and tucked her phone away in her purse. As much as she resented it, she couldn’t help but wish that Draco wanted to join them instead.
“Are you guys ready to beat it and hit up that antique place?” Marvin, Sylvia’s date, asked. She rolled her eyes and sent him a lazy smile.
“You sound like a dad.” 
“Off like a herd of turtles, baby,” Y/N offered, gathering her things as they made their way out the restaurant door. “Not gonna lie, this place doesn’t show up on Google Maps or anything. I think I know how to get there but none of you guys are allowed to make fun of me if I take too many wrong turns.”
“No promises,” said Chad, winking down at her and giving her shoulder a little squeeze. 
 As they walked, it became profoundly obvious that Chad and Y/N were the only two who weren’t officially an item. Lizzy and Jonathon were walking hand in hand while Sylvia and Marvin whispered in each others’ ears when they had to wait for crosswalk signals. While she had great chemistry with Chad, nothing ever felt real with him. It always felt like an act.
Perhaps the tension between them was because of that one time they kissed and never talked about it again in freshman year after a particularly nerve wracking competitive math round before she quit--something that she wasn’t exactly going to shout off the rooftops for the masses to hear. Or maybe because he pushed her away right after and said it was a mistake. 
Whatever it was, Y/N and Chad were decidedly not romantically involved. She had been shocked when he’d even bothered asking her for the night. Granted, they were always pals and it shouldn’t have been awkward, but drawing the comparisons between her and the other girls was making the evening very uncomfy. Y/N couldn’t help but pray that Chad was going to be the one to break the ice.
“Where the fuck is this place?” he finally said, much to Y/N’s glee. His grace and manners were absolutely unparalleled. “It’s cold and I’m sure it’s going to start raining again.”
“It should be just a few more blocks and then to the right,” she responded. “Sorry. It’s cool as fuck, though. I promise it’s worth it.”
“This is just her ploy to lure us all away from civilization to off us,” Sylvia said, turning around from a few feet in front of them to raise her eyebrows at Y/N. “Eliminate the competition before college apps even begin. I’m impressed, honestly.”
“Now you’ve gone and ruined it all,” she fired back. “Thanks, Vy.”
She was relieved to see that the antique store couldn’t be missed, even if she tried. The sign, a worn and friendly gold, was illuminated by large lights. The words “My Grandfather’s Attic” had never looked more welcoming as Sylvia gripped the door and ushered them inside.
The moment Y/N stepped inside, something felt...different, kind of like the hair-raising feeling she got when she was around Draco. The electricity in the air she felt with him could easily be explained away by the fact that he was, for lack of a better term, the most stunning person she’d ever seen, but perhaps she was slowly getting over him. Perhaps…
She turned to see Chad, his honey blonde hair spilling over his forehead as he focused on a basket of vintage buttons that seemed to glimmer in the light. The furrow in his brow--the same one that she’d been so familiar with after seeing him solve countless math problems--appeared as he examined the basket, turning a red button around in his fingers, soft and and sprinkled with writing calluses. 
Maybe it had been Chad all along. Maybe Draco was just a detour. 
Before she did anything she regretted, Y/N turned and made her way back into the store. The set up was the same as she remembered--interesting and foreign objects hanging from the walls, ceilings, and congregating in baskets and overflowing shelves. She didn’t even realize that she had migrated over to the opposite side of the room until she felt the solid, cool wood of the black box from her dreams pressed into her hand as she turned it over and traced the strange white sign that was etched into the front. 
The sound snapped her out of her trance to see...Heather and Draco? He was jogging towards her despite the fact that he was wearing a full suit. Y/N made an absent note to make fun of him later. 
“Why are you--”
“Put that down!” He stopped a few paces away, his eyes darting around the store at a frantic pace. “We need to leave.”
“Why? Honestly, if you wanted me to pick you up, all you had to do was…” She had to take a breath to steady herself. Her body felt like it was filled with static. “All you had to do was ask.”
“That’s not...ok, just put it down,” he commanded. “Please. Just put the box down. We need to go home.”
“No! This is my last homecoming. I’m sorry your experience wasn’t great, but I don’t...I don’t, uh, appreciate…” The lightheadedness hit, so suddenly that she almost fell. 
“Fuck, are you okay?” Draco was right in front of her in an instant, his eyes scanning her face.
“I feel...” She took a shaky breath. “I feel...starry?”
The last thing she remembered was Draco trying to tug the box out of her grip, his other hand warm on her shoulder.
And then everything went black.
final a/n: so draco got a howler and some wack stuff happened, huh? tell me what you think. 
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dented-nado · 3 years
So so- James gets sick (you decided how sick he is loll) and Walter/Stolas/both take care of him
Im sorry sickfics are just so wholesome
Takes place before William, Grelle and Ronald were reapers (or even alive at) – For the reaper realm is sort of more in a colonial era vibe, but in the human world it’s currently 1568.
James is a character that’s had one appearance in my Black Butler Fan-Comic Will to Live – Stolas is an upcoming character – and Walter is a fan character that’s formed on our discord server lol.
Hope you like this!!! I kind of hinted at Walter’s existence and helping, but I ended up writing more about Stolas trying to get James just to go heckinnn rest lol. Hope that’s okay!
Anyone who worked anywhere within the reaper realm in England would tell you their general manager was being particularly nasty. There was a rumor going around that his eyes were turning red with rage, Red.
Stolas, being the current head manager of the London Reaper district of course ended up hearing about the rumor. One of those little things that would come up during coffee breaks. Sometimes rumors spread quickly, many of them ended up not being true or over exaggerated… all of them had been there are REALLY long time after all, and sometimes rumors were the only thing that made their grueling jobs a little bit interesting.
This one… however, made Stolas sigh, he knew James too well, if those under him are especially scared of him at the moment, something was up.
Many of his coworkers thought Stolas was insane for remaining cheery with James, or they feared him too by proxy. Stolas wasn’t stupid, he knew why everyone was scared of James – James did it on purpose for Christ’s sake. However, since he had come on some 200 years ago and had many an interaction with the guy, finding himself unphased by his scare tactics... (he had seen men much more monstrous than James after all), he couldn’t help but feel some sort of…. Sympathy? No, that might not be the word? Maybe sometimes he just got a glimmer of the kind of man James could be and wanted to reach out and pull that glittering little gem out. He just hoped he wasn’t seeing something that wasn’t there.
He gazed at the large grandfather clock ticking away in the corner of his office, such a device was new to him, but he had picked it up a little quicker than James had who had kept time by candle for much longer than most of them.
He had 10 more minutes before his break would be over…
Stolas closed his large book he had snuck in to read on his breaks, it was one on the Tudors he had gotten quite lost in. Normally more ancient societies piqued his interest, but it was harder to get good accounts… he half wished he could just explore those ancient cities and discover their secrets himself. But… alas… here he was, not that he could have gone far in his human life either.
He downed the last bit of his tea before sitting up, making sure his ink well was covered and his quill was secure for when he inevitably came back to work.
He walked out of the London office and down the hall, tapping on James’s office door cheerfully, barely waiting for a grunt before coming in.
“What do you want?” James accused, looking up from his paperwork.
Now he did look quite the sight, more tired and grouchy than usual – and judging from the redness of his nose, it was irritated.
“Well now, I had heard you were especially difficult to deal with, and now I know why!” Stolas said, pushing his glasses up his nose and grinning.
James sighed, leaning back and rubbing his left eye slightly, they looked a bit bloodshot.
“Maybe if everyone did their job correctly…”
“Yes, then you wouldn’t be so cross all the time, blah blah blah, I’ve heard the script.” He took a few steps forward, leaning on James’s desk, something only he seemed to get away with. “You’re sick.”
“You’re pissing me off.” James snipped back, baring his teeth.
Stolas shook his head. This man was like trying to be friendly to a wolf on a good day, a rabid one on a bad day.
“Why don’t you just take the day off James? If your sick its not as if you can help it.” Stolas offered.
“I can get up, I can walk, I haven’t sprouted any pustules, not that reapers could get such a horrible thing thank god…” He paused, rubbing his hands together as if having the urge to wash them. “Unless I keel over, I’m still coming into work. Any reaper disease can’t be serious, it won’t kill me.”
“You’re a stubborn man James.” Stolas said, deciding to state the obvious. “What does Walter think?” He asked, furrowing his brows.
Walter was supposedly a ghost from James’s old life that followed him around. Stolas wasn’t entirely convinced he existed, or if he was a ghost in the sense of something James had been through that haunted him, or perhaps was his way of coping with the state of things. He cared for James enough that he didn’t want to try and tell James what he was or wasn’t experiencing… he couldn’t see through his eyes after all. If Walter was real… well… maybe it was good that James still had someone around to keep him grounded. If he wasn’t… what could he really do about that?
“Walter can mind his own business too.” He growled stubbornly, seemingly reading the same sentence on his paperwork a third time over, getting more frustrated.
Stolas narrowed his eyes, he slammed his hands down on the desk briefly, startling James a bit as he suddenly crossed over to his side of the desk, leaning down from his decent height and pointing his finger only inches away from James’s face.
“Either you let me take you home willingly, or I pick you up and carry you kicking and screaming.” He said very seriously.
James’s eyes widened before turning into a glare, leaning up and meeting his gaze with his own threatening one. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Wouldn’t I?” Stolas grinned.
James didn’t have time to run. He growled as Stolas tackled him and lifted him up out of his seat, having no problem lifting the bearded man up onto his shoulder.
Stolas chuckled, he could tell all of James’s teeth were razor sharp just from the tone of his voice.
“You stay out of this!” James then barked, seemingly pointing at thin air in irritation, and Stolas was almost sure the air got colder.
Stolas walked towards the door, ignoring James struggling. “Last chance, I can put you down and you can go with me and retain some dignity…”
James stiffened and stopped flailing before sighing and going limp. “Fine, FINE! Just put me down or I swear I’ll have you- GAH!!”
Stolas followed his order and let James fall off his shoulder, only barely catching his balance.
James breathed heavily before coughing a bit, trying to straighten his hair and jacket. “If… If I’m penalized for being gone today…”
“I’ll take full responsibility. You can say you were kidnapped.” Stolas responded, walking out into the hallway with James in tow.
“…If I were to say you kidnapped me and disrupted my work… you could be put on trial.”
Stolas simply slipped his glasses off, cleaning them as they walked. He knew the halls well enough by now he probably could have found his way around without being able to see at all.
“If it happens… it happens.”
“How can you be so calm about such a thing?” James snapped before sneezing, grumbling, and pulling a handkerchief out of his coat pocket to blow his nose into.
“If that’s my fate, who am I to argue with it. I prefer to do what I think is right James, not what is easy or safe. And right now… seeing you rested is what I believe is right.” He said, looking down at James sincerely as they walked out of the building.
James hung his head for a moment, grinding his teeth slightly before walking again to head to his assigned home, Stolas not far behind.
“You’re a fool.” He said simply, and quietly.
Stolas just laughed. “Maybe. Most people seem to think so for getting within 2 feet of you.” He said softly, nudging James with his arm.
James felt miserable, he was annoyed, and on some level, he was scared.
But despite all that… he smiled.
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All of you a verb in perfect view.
"When you move
I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be
When you move
I could never define all that you are to me"
~Movement, Hozier.
Gable, Travis and Margaret dance and very literal magic occurs.
Margaret was pointedly not counseling them. After the whole Dref ordeal she had punctuated in no uncertain terms she was not working. 
It was just so that them and Travis were in the same room, and that Margaret was there, with her chair half in front of the door having a distinct “I won’t let you leave until you talk” air about her. 
This had become somewhat common, she was just there as an impartial mediator for when they crossed lines. She seemed to enjoy it. She was looking between them with obvious amusement as they both did not look at eachother.
Travis particularly was staring at a fixed point on the wall and shuffling his cards. The effect of him ignoring them was lessened by his legs propped up on their lap.
Gable was pretending to read a book, their hand laid lightly upon Travis’ ankle, occasionally catching Margarets gaze and going back to their book.
“This isn’t a competition you know,” Margaret said, “you aren’t winning or anything.”
“Speak for yourself, I think I’m winning spectacularly.” Travis said, randomly pulling out a card of his deck, pulling the union and quickly shuffling the cards again.
Margaret rolled her eyes.
“I am not here to force you to talk,” she said plainly, “you are welcome to ignore each other how long you want. I am just here so you don’t start a fight again, since that seems to be the only way you resolve tension.”
She had a point. They had recently told her what exactly had happened in Nordia and she was still incredulous at their incapability of conflict resolution.
Gable could hear Travis’ small petulant “we kissed too, you know.” but even he knew that wasn’t that great of an argument. 
Gable sighed. They wanted to talk, but they weren’t sure how to anymore. Nordia had very much felt like the climax of something and they had no clue how to continue.
They reimagined their fight. The rain pouring down on them; Travis’ hurt look on his face; the actual fighting. It had been like a dance.
“I have an idea,” they said, standing up suddenly and almost making Travis fall over.
“That doesn’t happen often.” Travis muttered, ever so helpful.
Margaret just had a single raised eyebrow.
“Yes, Gable?” she asked.
“It’s about learning to be comfortable with each other right?”, Gable said. Margaret at least was interested where this was going.
“You could put it that way.” she said.
“What if we danced?” 
Gable made direct eye contact with Travis, who had a brief moment of several emotions passing his face before he went back to his disinterested smirk.
Gable had their own things around dancing, the way they always fell into the familiar steps of battle. The rigidity of the dances they still remembered they had done before body or time meant anything.
But that’s exactly why this might help.
“I don’t think they even know how to dance.” Travis said to Margaret, but he was standing up nevertheless.
They stood in front of each other somewhat awkwardly, because as much as they hated to admit it, Travis had a point. Aside from an austere angelic version of a waltz and drunk moving around to music in a bar, Gable had no clue how this worked.
But they noticed in Travis’ hesitation to put his arms around them. Neither did Travis.
Margaret was laughing at them a little. They must look like unsure teenagers in their first ever dance.
She came in between them, her arms crossed but she couldn’t fight the smile on her face.
“You two have never danced together before.” she stated and shook her head a bit.
“Well I mean-”
“There was one time in that bar-”
“You were rather drunk-”
“Oh, you should have seen yourself-”
“There was that ball, then.”
“The heist?”
“I would hardly call it a heist, Gable, you killed everyone if I recall correctly.”
“They were red feathers though.”
“I am not saying you were wrong to kill them, I am just saying we didn’t dance.”
“Alright, that's enough,” Margaret said and took them both by the hand. “I’ll teach you a dance from my hometown, easy to do with three.”
She did, it started with spinning together in a circle, holding hands, some careful back and forth steps and then what should’ve been really easy spins and claps. The sort of dance you would dance in a festival, switching dance partners around and clapping along to music.
Gable picked it up surprisingly quickly, Travis not so much, but even then they all fell into a relaxed rhythm as they attempted to master it. All of them only laughing a little bit when Travis tripped over his own feet.
Margaret was a very kind teacher and soon they were all looking at each other with delight as they swayed. 
The size difference was a little bit comical, but it also meant Gable was able to spin them very easily.
They spinned Margaret first, gently and easily, she giggled, and Gable felt the magic filling the room.
Travis was looking at them almost a little breathless, this was going to be fun.
“Feeling left out Matagot?” Margaret said coyly.
He huffed, but didn’t complain when Gable twirled him and by the time he stopped spinning he was fighting a genuine smile.
“I guess you aren’t too bad at this, Gable.” he said, taking their and Margaret's hands again and spinning them in a circle again. 
It felt like flying, their heart racing and power in the room giving them a pleasant buzz. The soft candle light and the stars visible outside made the scene almost idyllic. There was  softness in the moment and all of them felt more relaxed than they had in a good while.
They went on for a bit, reveling in the intimacy, half-stumbling over each other's feet. Occasionally slowing down to lean against each other and catch their breath. They all felt the magic flowing through them like electricity. Although it would take them a while to see the coil of magic forming around them.
Occasionally one of them would attempt to duck under the arms of the other two, laughing as Gable failed to do so, unbeknownst to them tangling the strings of magic around them further.
It was only when Gable tried to twirl Travis again and he tripped over what seemed like tripwire and Gable was only just able to catch him, ending up practically dipping him, that the dance came to a stop and they all noticed the spell they had weaved together.
Gable couldn’t quite see the string, but they felt it tangled around them, they felt the emotion pulsating through it. It was a little like the strings that tied them up in Nordia, if less pressing this time. But it still left all three of them interlaced in the middle of the room.
“Oh dear,” Margaret said, she was looking at the strings around them “You two make quite powerful magic, it seems I may have let it run a little loose as it were.”
Gable had by now helped Travis up properly but was unable still to move away from him. 
“You are saying we accidentally wove a spell.” Travis said, properly exasperated.
Gable felt the wave of fondness that didn’t quite make it into his voice. Travis Matagot was an interesting man to be emotionally tethered to. 
Margaret shrugged.
“I don’t know if i would call it a spell perse, but yes essentially.”
“Can you stop it?” Gable asked, as the idea of fully feeling everything Travis was feeling -and vice versa- was a scary thought.
“Yes, but I have to be careful we shouldn’t-”
She didn’t get further than that Travis plucked one of the strings in an attempt to wrestle out of their embrace.
A wave of more than 200 years of concentrated emotion fell over Gable like ice cold water after a warm bath. 
it was something like the feeling of needing someone so badly it aches, accompanied by brief flashes of something like memory.
“I need your help,” said in a thousand different ways.
The smell of summer rain.
Gable holding Travis’ hand running from someone, both of them almost bursting into giggles.
A hushed whisper Gable didn’t quite catch in the middle of the night.
 It wasn’t too bad, but it was incredibly overwhelming, Gable gasped for air.
Underneath there was the calming presence of Margaret, her composed emotions in the spell, her gentle hand in their hand. 
Like the beacon of a lighthouse Gable thought distantly.
Travis pupils were wide and he was shaking ever so slightly.
“As I was saying,” Margaret said now a little softer, “we shouldn’t just yank at the strings.”
“Got it.” Travis said a little like he had been punched in the gut.
“We are going to try and retrace our steps so as to not disturb them too much, and if needed I’ll help you untangle some of these,” she made direct eye contact with Travis, “Gently.”
“Yes, yes fine I get it .”
They set to work, it was like the string games Jonnit had tried to teach Gable. 
Step over this string, now twirl Margaret counter clockwise, now carefully under a bridge made by their hands.
Occasionally one of them would brush against a string, unlocking a series of weirdly specific hard to pinpoint emotions and memories each time.
A party neither of them wanted to go to that they both begrudgingly enjoyed.
A long forgotten inside joke.
The feeling of drowning. Together. 
Margaret guided them through the steps, occasionally stopping, reminding them to breathe. Gently grounding both of them, like an anchor to reality. 
Guilt and grief so intertwined up in each other neither of them knew which bits were their own.
The shaky exhale of fond annoyance.
Let me take care of you (implied but never said).
So many broken and unbroken promises.
None of them spoke, Gable could feel Travis’ hand gripping theirs fiercely. Margaret gave them an encouraging smile. 
“Halfway there.” she said, squeezing their hand softly.
The surprise when the other asks if they can come with, because shouldn’t it be obvious by now?
“You won’t get rid of me that easily”
Waking up to an empty room.
The coppery taste of blood.
Kisses- desperate, sweet, while crying, while laughing, on the forehead, in the inside of the palm, on the cheek- 
Travis had teared up by now, and Gable felt their knees buckling a bit, Margaret’s energy was somehow still serene. 
“Let's take a bit of a break.” she said.
“Are you alright?” Travis asked her, in a smaller, shakier voice than Gable had ever heard from him.
“Don’t worry Travis,” she said, “this is my job and I am really rather good at it.”
They can all feel her but I am proud of you for asking echoing through the remaining threads of magic.
Gable took a big breath and nodded, adjusting their grip on Travis' hand, and Margaret got to work on the next knott.
Going back to a town decades later and realising the square where you danced hasn’t changed at all.
The anger of loving someone that is so recklessly self destructive.
The helplessness of not being able to comfort each other.
A drink that people haven’t made in over a century.
The oppressive smell of a forest.
They are getting the hang of this, Travis’ confident smirk is returning to his face and Gable gets the urge to roll their eyes at him.
Like it has always been.
fire, destruction, justice.
“I hope we both die” and meaning it.
The feeling of tears into the crook of your neck.
A shared look no one else will get.
The sound of rain pattering outside a quiet room.
“How long do you think this will take us Margaret,” Travis said, “This won't be as easy if I am a snake you know.”
Gable lightly poked him, gave him a familiar look that very clearly meant: behave.
“We should be done before daybreak Travis,” she said, the emotions were clearly starting to wear a little on her, she still had a challenging smile however, “as long as you don’t whine that is.”
Travis rolled his eyes, the bastard.
A chord with indescribable melanchancholy tied to it.
Lashing out. Feeling guilty. Feeling attacked, too vulnerable. repeat.
Laughing so hard your ribs hurt.
So many hugs, while saying goodbye, while fearing death, while celebrating victories, to annoy the other.
They had arrived at the last bit of string. Gable was glad it was over but didn’t regret it; this tedious work was probably still easier than explaining any of these things out loud.
Margaret plucked the last knotted thread.
“This one’s strong,” she warned “then it’s over.”
She pulled it loose.
Love, love so big it felt like religion, not quite want not quite need not quite anything.
Quiet mornings with almost too vulnerable looks that you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge. 
Raw emotion, I care about you, I don’t want to live in a world you are not in, I am better with you, what would I be without you?
Please don’t leave me, please don’t stay.
A constant melody you no longer know how to live without.
Hands stretched out, just about to grab each other but not quite, not yet.
It aches to see you happy, it hurts to see you suffering. 
I have you and that’s the only thing that’s never changed, that I have never lost.
They all collapse into the nearest fainting couch. Gable kindly doesn’t comment on Travis flopping on top of them, exhausted. Processing more emotions than he allowed himself to feel in years.
Margaret looks at them from some distance. She also looks tired and Gable makes an inviting gesture.
Margaret sits next to them but leans practically into their lap. She mumbles something about how now she really isn’t going to work and she will add this to their bill into their chest, Travis mumbles something that might be a quip back.
They just lie there for a while, a half-asleep Travis in their lap and Margaret idly playing with their hands next to them. It’s a pleasant tiredness, like they achieved something at least.
They bashfully kiss the top of Travis head. He stirs a bit raising his head with a sleepy smile 
“Gee Gable,” he says, probably more earnestly than he intends “didn’t know you cared.”
He gets cut off by his own yawn, lying his head onto their chest again, trying to get some sleep in before dawn.
Margaret huffs a quiet laugh, wrapping Gable’s arm around herself tucking herself into their side.
“He is incorrigible.” She says and Gable isn’t sure if she really sounds that fond or if it's the remnants of magic in the air.
Gable shakes their head, looking unashamedly adoring at both of them.
“You should also try to get some sleep, Margaret.”
She murmurs what might be a quiet thank you before dozing off as well.
They’ll all have to talk about all of it tomorrow, what it means, what they are, the emotions and memories. Travis will transform, there will be problems to solve, things to do.
For now they can be intertwined, and Gable can hold them as they sleep. 
They don’t really need to sleep a lot, so they can enjoy the warmth, the calmness of their rhythmic breathing and the familiar sounds of the Uhuru.
They close their eyes and hold on to this moment and finally, they too, drop off
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choicessa · 4 years
All Of My Love - Bryce x MC
Pairing: Bryce x MC
Words: 3300 (~ 15 minutes)
Summary: Bryce knew for a long time that Brianna was the only one for him. So when he finally plans to propose, he does everything to keep it a surprise.
Warnings: None! I finally wrote something without angst
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„You really mean that, don’t you?” Brianna crossed arms on her chest and looked down, her brows furrowing when she tried so hard not to look at the person standing in front of her.
“Look, Brianna…” Bryce sighed heavily. “We’ve been dating for some time and everything between us is good. Great even. So why change that?”
“Because we eventually have to move on?” She snorted. “What, you never planned on getting married? Or having a family?”
"I'm not saying that it will never happen. Maybe… One day… I don't know." He shrugged, moving the hand through his hair. "It's just… Marriage is overrated, don't you think?"
“Marriage is what?” Brianna blinked, almost like she was seeing him for the first time in her life. Did he really say that?
“Oh come on, you know what I mean… Paying so many to have a party, inviting aunts, uncles, cousins you hate, but you know, it's appropriate to do that… Politely smiling for the whole night, dressed up, tired but having to look perfect and why? Just because society demands it?"
“Didn’t it occur to you that maybe I want to have that kind of a thing though?”
"Oh come on… But you could spend all this money on something else! Something more important! New apartment, a nice trip… Wedding is not important to me at all."
"But it is for me!" Brianna finally looked up, tears shining in her eyes, yet anger twisting her face. "How can you be so selfish!? Who said anything about demanding a party for 200 people? Maybe I just want a day to remember with a man I care about?"
"You can still do it, with a smaller group?"
“That’s not what this is about… It’s just…” She took a deep breath and sighed deeply, before shaking her head. “You know what? I don’t have time for this. Not right now. I have to go to work.”
“Oh come on, Brianna… Can’t we talk this through like normal adults?”
"No! No, we can't!" She shouted, grabbing her bag and keys. "Because all you care about is your own opinion and what you want.”
“Oh please, you can’t be angry at me for having a different vision for something so stupid!”
“Something stupid? I…” Shaking her head she grabbed the door handle and turned around to look at him once again. “You aren’t having another vision. It’s no vision at all.”
“See ya” she slammed the door behind her back.
Bryce was standing in the middle of the room, looking at the door until finally, he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That could have gone better…” He murmured to himself.
“You think?” He heard another voice and turned around to look at the rest of the friends leaving the other room.
“I must say, when you said what you have planned, part of me thought it won’t work out at all, but now? I think it turned out too good.” Elijah shook his head.
“Do you think she believed in all of this?” Sienna bit her lower lip, worryingly looking at her friends. “She looked really angry…”
“She will be fine.” Jackie waved her hand. “Maybe she will be rude for the patients for the whole day but eventually she will come to her senses and realize that Bryce is made for her, so one stupid fight won’t change it.” She grinned, winking to Bryce who rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I am not sure it will be all butterflies and rainbows. I really made her angry, never before did I see her in such a state…”
“Then you should be happy it was just a pretend fight.” Rafael put a hand over his arm. “It will be fine.”
“I hope. I have the whole evening planned out…”
“And what about, well… You know?” Jackie elbowed him, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.
“Safe and sound.”
“Ohh, can we see?” Sienna clasped her hands and almost jumped with excitement.
“Na-a-h! You have to wait.”
“Pleeeeaseeeee? Won’t you give a peek even for your best friends?” She pouted and Bryce couldn’t resist but burst out laughing.
“Nope. You know, in case she won’t agree, you won’t know what did you all miss.”
“You’re no fun.” Jackie waved her hand again.
“Speaking of no fun…” Bryce hung his voice. “I have to prepare. Go!”
"Can't we stay in the room? We'll be quiet, I promise." Sienna pouted again.
“Nope. Get out, all of you. No matter how much I love you, it’s supposed to be a special evening for me and Brianna.”
“Okay, okay…”
“But you’ll let us know?”
“If not, I will hunt your ass down, Lahela!” Jackie warned him.
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll be the first ones to know.” He closed the door after his friends and took a deep breath.
To say that he was nervous would be the understatement of the year. To be honest, the last time he was that nervous was maybe during his first medical school exam? Or when he was conducting his very first surgery? But there was no coming back, it was now or never. Humming under his breath, he went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. After all, everything had to be perfect.
It all started last weekend when he and Brianna were invited to her cousins' wedding. They had fun, dancing, talking, drinking… Maybe too much drinking… So somehow they ended up talking about the future, about them, about their relationships and about… weddings. And that was when he, Bryce Lahela, in the middle of the night, tired, worn out, tipsy, sitting next to Brianna, realized that he wants to marry that girl. Yes. She was the one he wanted to spend his life with. He could practically see it all. Her smile when she would wake up right next to him, her laugh when they would make breakfast together, her eyes, intensively watching another tv series episode and hissing at him when he tried to interrupt. Her kisses, when she would grab him from behind, arms around his shoulders and her lips peppering with kisses skin on his neck and cheeks. And then? Maybe two little creatures running after each other in their happy home, a boy and a girl, their little treasures, meaning the world to them. Just like she meant the world for him now. One thing led to another and the next day Bryce was driving around the city, from one jewelry store to another, looking for that perfect ring. And he found it. Unique, beautiful, just like his girl and a few minutes later he was leaving the store with the same ring in his pocket. Smiling to himself Bryce reached out to his jeans and opened the box, revealing the silver ring, with a blue gem inside. His smile grew even more when his eyes gave him the vision of Brianna in it, the same ring on her finger… Well, if he will accept his proposal of course. Even though he was sure about her feelings, there was still the tiniest doubt left, making him restless. Especially now, after the "fight" they had. He was simply afraid she may suspect something, after the talks they had, so he had to do everything to make her believe he doesn't want to get married. But seeing her reaction, how angry and hurt she was… With a sigh, he closed the box and put it in once again inside his pocket. There was no overthinking, he just had to prepare the dinner and let the things go their tracks…
~ ~ ~
Bryce was putting the last plate on the table when he heard the key turning inside the lock and with horror, in his eyes, he realized that Brianna was coming back. And he wasn’t ready yet.
“Stop where you are!” He shouted with panic, coming to the door and stopping her from opening them.
Brianna froze in place, the door half-opened.
“Bryce? What the hell is going on there?”
“I just… I need to do something.”
“And that means I can’t come in?”
“You can’t! Just… Give me two more minutes okay?”
Brianna rolled her eyes, yet left the door unopened. She was standing there for a long moment and her annoyance disappeared again, leaving nothing but regrets.
"Listen, Bryce… What happened earlier, what I said…" She sighed. "I'm sorry. I said a lot of things I didn't want to say and…" She shrugged, before realizing he can't see it anyway. "You have every right to have a different vision or life plans, and I was a selfish one for not even listening to you. I just tried so hard to convince you to my point of view I didn't respect yours… I'm sorry…" She hung her voice and frowned at the lack of reaction from the other side of the door. "Bryce? Are you there? Bryce?"
“Just. One. More. Minute… Okay! You can come in now!”
“Okay…” She shrugged again and stepped in, closing the door behind her back.
And as soon as she did, she froze again, this time with utter shock, standing in the middle of the hallway. And for a moment she started to doubt if there was indeed their living room. A big table in the middle, filled with delicious smelling food, two glasses, a bottle of wine, and all of this lit only by the candles, their light being the only source of brightness in the room. And then she raised her eyes and met a pair of dark eyes, right on the other side of the room, Bryce's lips lifting in a smile.
“Wow, Bryce, I… Is it…” She dropped her bag to the floor, still speechless.
"I am sorry too. I truly am. I should have listened to you as well and you know I was never too good with words so I thought maybe if I show you… I show you how sorry I am." He shrugged, strangely embarrassed but to his relief Brianna just smiled, coming even closer to him.  
“Don’t worry about that. It was just a stupid talk anyway, no one is planning any wedding in the nearest future.” She joked and Bryce could hardly keep a straight face at her words.
“Yeah… Right… No one is planning that. ”
Brianna smiled and came closer, planting a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Now give me food cause I’m starving. And then I will tell you what Zaid has done today because I swear, if I wouldn't witness this, I would never believe!"
Bryce theatrically bowed to her and when she sat down he poured a glass of wine and soon they were both eating and chatting merrily.
“And then Zaid told to her to get lost, can you imagine?”
"I would suspect him of many things but telling something like that? It's rude, even for him."
"That's not even the best thing! Dr. Ramsey on the other hand…" Brianna took a sip of her wine and started another story.
But Bryce couldn't even focus on listening to her, no matter how hard he tried. Because the only thing he could think of was the weight of a ring box in his pocket, the one that felt almost like a hot coal in his jeans, reminding him of what was yet to come. He was so sure of his decision and so stressed out about the fight they had, that he completely forgot to be nervous about the thing that was the most important – the proper question. Should he get on his knees? Grab her hand? Should he wait till dessert or do this before? And will asking her will be enough or should he give her the whole speech about how important she is for him and how much he loves her? Gosh, what the hell was he supposed to do?
"Bryce?" Her voice brought him back to reality and with embarrassment, he realized he spaced out for a moment.
“You’re not listening to me.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I’m so sorry, Brianna… I just… I got lost in thoughts for a moment, can you repeat?”
“You are weird…” She stated, eyeing him carefully. “Is it about our fight earlier?”
“No! God, no! Not at all!”
“So what is it? You are so… tense and absent.”
He was already opening his mouth to tell another lie when he realized that he couldn't prolong it any longer.
“Do you remember that song that was playing during your cousins’ wedding?”
“Bryce. It was a wedding. They were dozens of songs. Which one?” Brianna rolled her eyes with a smile.
“You know, the one during the second toast. For all the lovebirds, as the DJ said it.”
“Ohhhh, you mean ‘Easy Living’?”
“What about it?”
“Let’s dance, huh?” He suddenly stood up and rushed to his phone, scrolling through something furiously.
“What, now?”
“Yes!” He put down the phone and with a smile he reached out to her.
“I… But…” It took her a moment before with a shook of her head, she put her hand into his palm and let him led her to the middle of the room.
“You’re crazy Lahela.”
“I know. But you love me.” Bryce winked to her.
“Of course I do.” She laughed. “What now?”
“Now, we’re dancing.”
With a smile, Brianna put her head on his arm and closed her arms. They were swaying around the room, wrapped in each other’s embrace, hands laced together.
“About that fight earlier…” Bryce started suddenly.
“Let’s forget it, okay?” Brianna didn’t even open her eyes, just snuggling closer to him.
“But I need to tell you something. That fight… I didn’t mean anything I have said before.”
“Bryce, I know…”
“No, I mean. Everything I said… They were lies.”
Brianna finally opened her eyes and looked at him, her eyebrows raising.
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted us to have this fight. I wanted you to think I don’t want to marry.”
“But…” She stopped, completely, ignoring the song still playing in the background. “Why the hell did you do that!?”
"Because…" Bryce let go of her, hanging his voice. "I wanted to do this." He reached out to his pocket, and kneeled in front of her, slowly opening the box he held in his hands.
He saw the shock in Brianna’s eyes, pure shock, as this was the last thing she could suspect he would do. But before she had any chance to speak up, Bryce spoke first.
"Last week, during that wedding, we talked a lot. About the future, about life, about weddings… And  I know we both have been tipsy, maybe drunk even, but since that time I know one thing. I can't imagine my life any other way than with you, Brianna. When I first started dating you, I thought it will be just another fling, but… But then it turned out you're so different. You didn't see me just as a handsome surgeon, another play toy, a boy to have fun with. No. You saw the real me, even though I didn't want to show you that part of my life. And that, Brianna, made me realize that you may be the person I have been looking for, for my whole life. I know we didn't talk this through, I know that may be sudden, but… I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, I wanna live together, have children one day, a dog, a cat, whatever pet you want. I want to grow old together and at the end of my life not regret a single thing. You're not only my lover, my girlfriend, but you're my best friend, the love of my life, and the best thing that could ever happen to me. So I ask you now…" He swallowed hard, flooded with emotions, his voice slowly giving up, trembling. "Brianna Spencer, will you marry me?"
He was expecting many reactions, played out all the possible scenarios in his head over and over again, some of them being a polite denial, some others happy acceptances. But to his surprise instead of answering, Brianna dropped down to her knees in front of him, her eyes shining with tears, when her trembling hands gently grabbed his face, thumb stroking the skin on his cheek.
"Bryce…" She whispered, first tear streaming down her face and her lips slowly turning up in a shy smile. "In my whole life, I've never thought I will be so lucky and find someone like you. Someone who is making me laugh when I am sad, someone who is here for me when I need this and someone… Someone who makes me so happy I never thought I ever will be…" Her voice broke as well when she sobbed. "And I will happily try to thank you for this, every day, for the rest of my life…" It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but she covered her mouth with her hands, unable to say a single word more.
"Does it mean yes?" Bryce blinked, not sure how to react. "Please tell me it means yes because otherwise, I will…"
"Of course it means yes!" She laughed out loud, more tears streaming down her cheeks when she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him closer into a hug. "A thousand times yes!"
His strong arms embraced her, tightly, desperately, almost like she was the only thing keeping him alive.
“Oh thank God, I was so worried.” He blurted out into her hair and Brianna laughed again.
“You know, after the fight we had, I just…” He shrugged, parting from her, but still looking into her eyes. “I wasn’t sure if you’re gonna want me…”
“Bryce… Even if this fight was real, I would always want you. I love you, Bryce.”
"And I love you, Brianna. God, I love you so much." Without another word he pulled her closer, closing in his embrace once again and kissed her. In the beginning, his mouth barely brushed hers, sweetly, innocently, almost like it was their first kiss, almost like he was learning the touch, the taste of her lips for the very first time. His hands grabbed her face into a gentle hold, thumbs caressing her cheeks when he kissed her again and again, every each of them more urgent, more passionate, when he was trying to pour out all of his love, all of his emotions into this one kiss. Because he knew that when words fail, gestures were all he had left to show her how much he cares for her. Until finally, they parted, breathless, both covered in tears, but happy, so unbelievably happy. With a smile, Bryce slipped the ring onto her finger and they kissed again.
“Now what?” Brianna smiled sweetly to him, arms around his neck once again.
“Well, first… I need to make a few phone calls.”
“Phone calls?”
“Unless you want Jackie to kill me for not letting them know?”
“Oh… OHHHH…” Brianna threw her head back and laughed. “They gave you a hard time, huh?”
“They even wanted to stay in the bedroom.”
“Oh hell no.”
“That’s what I told them. But I’m afraid Jackie’s threats are real.”
“Go then.” Brianna pressed another kiss to his lips. “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that handsome face of yours.”
“Well, that would be shame…”
“Indeed. Just… wait here, okay?”
“Not planning on going anywhere.” She assured.
She truly didn’t plan to. Not now, not ever. Because they will be together. Forever.
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queenlists · 4 years
Missing Pet: Found
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Summary: Not being a fan of school, the reader never paid much attention in class until the new teacher came in. Not long after, she became a teacher’s pet. After things took a turn, the reader left town to uproot a new life not knowing she hadn’t escaped from her past.
Word Count: 3564
SPN Taglist: @morguleth​ @yeolliedokai​ @sammykb1994​
A/N: Hey all! This is the end of the Teacher’s Pet series. If you haven’t read part one (click here) or two (click here), please do so! If you’re interested in more of my multi-fandom content, check out my masterlist here. We’re at 172! Closer and closer to 200.  I can never thank you all enough. I really hope you enjoy this ✌
Post Date: 05/18/2020
My life is completely ruined. Everything is ruined.
Life is good. It’s actually very good.
I’ll never be happy again!
I’m content.
What am I supposed to do with you?
I don’t really know what I’m going to do with you, but we’ll be okay.
“Ms. Campbell, the client with the order of twenty cupcakes will be swinging by during closing time. I have their cupcakes ready for your magic touch!” I smile as I hand Ms. Campbell the basket of edible decorations. “Thank you sweetheart! They look wonderful,” Ms. Campbell compliments as she takes the basket “Also, I’m tired of telling you to call me Mary! We sit on the floor and eat the leftover baked goods, talking about anything and everything. I think we’re way past the formalities!” “Okay, okay!” I giggled, shaking my head as I made my way to the front.
 I work with Ms. Campbell in her bakery. She’s owned it for about four years now and I’ve worked there for almost the same amount. She hired me on the spot, covered in flour with stress withered all over her face. She was going through a terrible divorce at the time along with a lot of familial conflict. She didn’t expect the workload that piled up on her and I came right as she was plastering the ‘Help Wanted’ sign up. Perfect timing, huh?
Mary lives by herself. Her two sons are states away and her ex husband is nowhere to be found, but it's not like she is searching for him either. I live with my son as a single parent. I needed a mother figure just as much as she needed someone to mother, so we meshed well. Our lives became more and more personal by the day. We ate dinner together most nights. We talked every night. We were the missing pieces to each other's loneliness. It's Mother's Day weekend and Mary's sons are visiting her for the first time in years!
 As I walked towards the front, I heard the bell chime
“Hi! Welcome to-” I stopped in my tracks as the customer came into view. That short dark haired man wearing jeans and a flannel was anything but unfamiliar.
“D-Dean?” I gasped, my heart sank as his eyes widened. “Y/n,” the corner of his mouth twitched as his eyes looked me up and down in disbelief “It’s been-” “Three almost four years,” I finished his sentence, clenching my jaw as tears threatened to spill. Dean nodded as his mouth hung slightly open, his tongue pressed against his teeth.
What is he doing here? Did he know where to find me? If so, how and why? Should I ask him what he wants from the bakery? It is a very nice bakery and we have a lot of selection. I should let Mary handle him. Introduce her to the jerk that I’ve cried to her about a million times before. I can’t-
“Hey Dean!” Mary chirped as she quickly took off her apron. I shook my head as I snapped out of my thoughts to watch the two interact. Mary pulled Dean into a tight hug, her eyes lit up as she smiled big “Oh, I’m so happy that you’re here! I love you,” Dean looked me in the eyes before saying “I love you too, mom,”
I felt like the air was knocked out of me as I slightly stumbled back. This had to be a dream! It just had to be. Mary pulled away from the hug as she walked over by me “This is the lovely, Y/n! The young lady that I’ve been raving about on the phone! Y/n this is my eldest son, Dean. You will meet my youngest, Sam, later on. They came to visit me this Mother’s Day for a week! Speaking of Mother’s Day, hand over the apron!” Mary giggled, handing me a bag full of treats “You’re off for the day. Happy Mother’s Day!”
I watched as Dean cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows knit together. “Tell Levi aunt Mary will see him later, okay?” Mary beamed at me. “Y-yeah, of course!” I gulped as I took my apron off, handing it to her before giving her a goodbye hug. “I..uhm..I will definitely tell Levi that his favorite aunt will stop by! Thank you for the treats. Happy Mother’s Day, Mary! Bye Dean,” I weakly smiled at Dean as I walked past him and out of the door.
My heart was heavy and my mind was racing as I walked to my car. I could hear footsteps from behind me. I stopped in my tracks before turning around to see Dean standing right there, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath “H-ho-how...You walked so fast! Hold on a minute. I don’t run around like I used to!” Dean panted. I looked away for a moment as I felt a grin coming on before looking back to a serious Dean. “How old is Levi?”
This was a conversation that I didn’t think I’d ever have to have. I moved halfway across the country, embracing the single parent life that I had chosen for myself. I see glimpses of Dean everyday in Levi, but I never thought I’d lay eyes on Dean Winchester ever again. Unprepared, my mouth opened and shut as I couldn’t find the right words to say. I shook my head at him as I felt my palms begin to sweat. “Please tell me how old Levi is,” Dean whispered as he took a step closer.
“Three. He’s three,” I watched as Dean’s eyes glazed over. “Duncan’s three as well...Levi’s mine, isn’t he?” Dean gulped, the tips of his ears going red. I sighed as I nodded “He is,” Dean stood there, staring at me blankly. His eyes filled with hot tears as his shoulders slumped forward. I knew it was a lot for him to take in. He has a three year old son that he didn’t even know about. That in itself would stun the toughest of people. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I stepped closer to Dean, showing him pictures of Levi “He is a wild one. He has a love for cars like you. Those beautiful eyes remind me of yours. At first, it was hard to look into them but it got easier as time went by,” I let go of the phone as Dean gently took it from me, scrolling through every picture slowly and watching every little video. Tears spilled down his face as he smiled, laughing whenever Levi spoke or giggled.
Dean tapped on Levi’s birthday video. The most recent video that I had:
“How old are you, Levi?” I giggled. There were balloons and banners in the background. Levi was wearing a party hat along with a big cheesy smile “I free! I free, mama!” “Yes! You’re three, big boy!” I cheered from behind the camera. “Let’s all sing the birthday boy the happy birthday song!” Mary came into the camera frame, holding the candle lit cake “Y/n, give me that phone! You should be the one being recorded too,” “Ms. Campbell, it’s fine!” I protested, the camera shaking a bit as Mary tried taking it. “I told you to call me Mary! Give me that phone,” Mary giggled, taking the phone. The camera pointed to me playfully pouting before walking over to Levi and picking him up. “Alright on a count of three! One, two, three...Happy birthday to you” Mary began to sing and everyone else joined in. Levi blew out the candles in the middle of the song before yelling “I’m free!”
I looked at Dean who was grinning at the video footage, tears still spilling out of his eyes. I bit my lip as I watched the tears roll down his cheek to his chin before dropping to the ground. “Can you two come for dinner? I want to meet him,” Dean sniffed, wiping his hand over his wet face. “You should check with your mom first. I don’t want to ju-” “My mom adores you and Levi. She would be more than happy to have you two there,” Dean interrupted, handing my phone back to me “Please, consider it?”
My eyes searched his as I chewed my bottom lip. "Please, Y/n" I watched his lips as he spoke. They quivered around my name. I gulped down my pride as my eyes wandered down to his hand. That ring. "Will.." I sighed, shaking my head before looking back into his eyes "Will Jo be there?" Dean must have caught on to what I was implying as he quickly held his wedded hand to his chest. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat, his eyes looking everywhere but at me "Jo and I...we...Jo and I split. We split a few months ago. I just never took it off," I nodded as I watched Dean stare at the ring "It's hard,"
Dean's mouth twitched into a frown as a tear escaped his eyes, slowly falling down his face. Instinctively, I gently placed my hand on his face and swiped the single tear away with my thumb. I felt Dean relax his cheek into my hand, closing his eyes with a content sigh.  The warmth of his face against my hand awoke the love I had for him. The love that had been buried underneath the piles of hatred for years now. "Please, come tonight" Dean purred against my hand, his eyes still closed.
I pulled my hand away and heard Dean whine from the absence of my touch "I'll consider it," I turned on my heel and continued to walk to my car. "See you later, Dean" I called from behind me, not looking back.
 Dean's Point of View
Y/n was still as beautiful as ever.
I could see the years of pain I had caused.
The years of hurt. The years of confusion.
Why didn't she tell me about Levi? Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant or at least believed she could be pregnant? Oh yeah, I threw money at her and told her to take care of it.
I knew deep down inside that there was a possibility and I did not want to think about what that would do to my marriage or even my career. A student pregnant by a professor is not a good look, but being an absent father isn't a good look either. 
Little did she know, I loved her. I still love her. I've always been in love with her.
After she left the hotel room, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think straight. Life buzzed around me as I drank myself into a stupor every single night. Jo and I were split before it was official. She knew where I had been all those times I was wrapped up in Y/n. I didn't hide it well. I didn't even try to.
I tried my best to look her up on social media just to get a glimpse of her, a taste of what she was up to. I never got anything. She must have blocked me.
I was convinced, sadly convinced that I would never see her again. That I would never hear her sweet voice serenade my ears ever again. That I would never feel that gentle touch or smell that sweet perfume ever again. But here I am. The smell of her lingered the air on this graveled parking lot. My cheek still warmed with her graceful touch. My eyes watched as her car drove away until it became invisible.
This whole time she's been in my head. I cried over the thought of her forgetting me. She's young. She has a whole life ahead of her, so I figured that after some time I would be out of her head, out of her heart. Little did I know she held a part of me inside of her and then in her arms. My son. Our souls were one in a tiny three year old body and I didn't know until now.
"Dean, you okay?" I heard my mom's voice call from behind me along with the crunching of graveled footsteps. "Yes, I was just making sure Y/n got to her car alright!" I turned around, smiling at my bright eyed mom. "She's a catch, huh?" My mom wiggled her eyebrows, giggling "Come inside! I made a fresh pie specially for you this morning. I warmed it up when you left,"
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket "Thank you mom," I smiled at my mom as I fished for my phone in my pocket, slowly walking towards her. Glancing down at my phone and swiftly unlocking it, I saw an unfamiliar notification. A friend request. My heart raced as a toothy smile grew across my face. A friend request from Y/n. I quickly accepted it, not wanting to waste time. Not wanting her to take it back. I couldn't help myself but to click onto her profile and soak up every post. I swiped and swiped, my eyes reading every little status. My smile grinning at every little picture and muted video. Laughing at every cheesy meme. I couldn't get enough until..
"Dean? Are you coming?" I snapped my head up from my phone, stuffing it into my back pocket. "Yes! Pie time," I smiled as my mom took my arm in hers, leading us back to the bakery.
 Y/N's POV
I couldn't help but to wonder if I was doing this to introduce Levi to Dean or to see Dean again. Maybe both?
I walked up to the brightly lit patio, knocking on the dark front door. I looked down at my smiling son who was grasping onto his toy dinosaur. "Aunt Mary's house!" he cheered as the locks jingled. The door swung open revealing a smiling Mary "I'm so happy you came! Hey Levi. I love that new dinosaur. Does it have a name?" Mary picked Levi up and disappeared into the house. I followed, closing the front door slowly as I looked around. I could smell spices, fresh herbs, and Mary's favorite spring candle in the air. I took a deep breath as I savored the comforting smell.
Walking closer to the kitchen, I could hear the voices of two men. I could make out Dean's voice, but not the other man. My heart thudded hard in my chest. So hard that if I didn't know any better I would have thought my heart would burst through my chest at any moment. I tried my best to steady my breathing as I heard Mary coo "You're going to get to meet my other babies! They're much bigger than you are, but they were your size before. They loved dinosaurs and cars too,"
"Why won't you ever get another car?" "Baby is a one in a million...No, a one in a billion kind of girl. I would never insult her like that!" I heard Dean hiss from inside of the kitchen. "Dad had Baby before you were even a thought!" "Yeah and she runs better than your little frilly thing out there!" I heard Mary laugh as she shook her head, stepping into the kitchen.
 "Mom I'm seri-" I stepped into the kitchen as Dean stopped speaking. His eyes widened as he looked between his mom, Levi, and I. His eyes fluttered as they fixated on Levi. "This is Levi! Levi is Y/n's son!" Mary beamed as she bounced Levi on her hip as he hid his face against her shoulder, holding up his dinosaur in an attempt to block his face.
"Hey, Levi! I'm Sam. I love your dinosaur. I had one just like that as a kid," Sam grinned, nudging a speechless Dean. Dean cleared his throat, shaking his head a little as he tried to gather up his thoughts "Uh, h-hey!" Dean was visibly in shock as Levi stared at him. As if Levi saw himself in Dean, he leaned towards Dean with his arms outstretched. Dean hesitantly took him from Mary's arms, bouncing him in his arms "Hey dude," Dean smiled. "His name is Toby!" Levi beamed, waving his dinosaur in Dean's face. "Toby? Toby the dinosaur? That's such a cool name!" Dean glanced over at me and mouthed "Thank you" before taking Levi into the next room.
I felt a stab in my heart as I heard Levi erupt into a fit of giggles. He had never talked to anyone he just met, let alone willingly let them take him into their arms. I deprived them both of a relationship, thinking that what I was doing was for the best.  I felt tears sting at my eyes as I left the kitchen. My feet carried me out of the door and into my car where I was safe to cry. I let the tears flow as my mind replayed Levi reaching out for Dean. There was no denying that Levi knew his father. Their souls were one.
I jumped as I heard a tap at my window. Mary. I wiped at my face as I unlocked the car door.  Mary made her way to the passenger side, opening the door. She was silent as she climbed in. "I'm just emotional today. I don't even know w-" "Why didn't you tell me?" Mary sighed before looking at me.
Dean must have told her.
I felt my heart sink deeper into my chest as I tried to think of what to say. "When I first saw Levi, I saw my son. That nose. That smile. Those eyes! There was no denying that Levi belonged to my son. See, I heard all about you. I just didn't know that you were you until I laid eyes on Levi. Jo only confirmed my suspicions," Mary didn't seem angry. She didn't seem hurt. She seemed calm as if she expected this to happen. 
"The more you talked to me about this mystery man the more it confirmed that it was Dean. My Dean. My son. When he told me that he was coming to visit, I intentionally had him come to the bakery. I needed that final nail," Mary continued on, her smile twitching at the corners as tears filled her eyes.
 "The way you two looked in each other's eyes. The way Dean chased after you. The smile on his face after he walked you to his car..There are some things mothers can pick up on and I sense the love. He loves you and you love him. Levi deserves that family that you two want," Mary looked at me with knowing eyes as I gasped. I loved Dean. I love Dean. He's hurt me, but I've hurt him too. "With work, you two can make this relationship last," Mary whispered, sniffling. I wiped away tears that I didn't know were falling as I rushed out of the car.
I ran. I ran into the house. I ran through the kitchen. I followed the giggles and the dinosaur noises. I ran until I saw Dean twirling Levi around in circles. Dean stopped as soon as he laid eyes on me, he slowly lowered Levi to the ground as his eyes followed a tear that was sliding down my face "Y/n?"
I couldn't lie.
I couldn't hide away from the truth.
Mary saw through me.
I saw through me.
I walked up to Dean, crashing my lips onto his. Dean's hands landed onto my hips as he kissed me back. Our lips danced together in sync. I closed my eyes as I savored the taste of his lips against mine. He pulled away and stared into my eyes "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you," his voice shook as he began to smile. I looked down at our interlocked fingers with a smile on my face "I never stopped loving you," I gulped, looking Dean in the eyes again. "This is gross," Levi broke the silence as he pointed at Dean and I, sticking his tongue out and making a disgusted sound. "I agree, buddy!" Sam joked, smiling "Can someone explain this though? I'm lost!" Mary rolled her eyes, shaking her head "Winchesters sure know how to ruin a moment!"
  "Mom, I'm catching the bus today okay?" Levi grabbed his bagel off of the plate as he rushed towards the door. "Oh, okay! Don't forget your lunch and your backpack," I called from behind him. "Oh shoot! Thanks mom," Levi smiled at me as he ran back upstairs to get his backpack. "I'll see you two after work!" Dean straightened his tie as he leant down to kiss me and then my swollen stomach. "Alright honey! Don't forget your briefcase," I smiled at Dean who started looking around before running his hand over his face. "You're a lifesaver!" Dean ran back upstairs to get his briefcase. 
"Watch the suit, man!" I heard Dean yell from upstairs as I watched Levi run down the stairs "I love you!" I called after him as he sprinted out of the door. "Love you too!" Levi grinned before slamming the door shut behind him. 
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are weird: Planetary Defenses: The guns of Mars
“Commander to the command deck. I repeat, Commander Drake to the command deck. Your presence is requested at once.” It’s too damn early for this bullshit... Commander Drake had at first thought the announcement was just part of a dream as he curled under his warm bed sheets and hadn’t bothered to move. It was only after the fifth announcement that to his dismay he realized it wasn’t a dream and he must now leave the comfort of his warm enclosure for the dry and dull venue of the command deck.  His first notion that something was amiss was how everyone around him was running as he yawned once again and shuffled to the CD in a scruffy uniform he threw on. This wasn’t your normal “late for a meeting” running, there was more panic in the crew’s steps as they sprinted by. Drake began increasing his pace as he saw several squads of marines stomp past in full combat gear followed shortly by teams of medical staff running between storage rooms to stock the med bay. Something was very wrong he thought as he began sprinting himself to the CD.  “Status report!” Without bothering for niceties Drake pushed past several people to enter the CD and saw the place abuzz with running people, flashing warning lights, and information reports scrolling past the screens.  “A large unknown fleet has just entered the system.” His second in command Helen brought up a display. The picture was from a surveillance satellite that orbited at the very boundaries of the system. A massive armada of unknown vessels streamed past clearly armed for war. Drake noticed several smaller groups splitting off from in different directions but the main force continued onwards to what Drake could only guess was Earth.  “Were we scheduled for any sort of visit that the politicians failed to inform us of?” He hoped that this wasn’t an invasion fleet but some sort of misunderstanding about alien traditions, but he already knew what the answer would be.  Helen shook her head. “I already checked. Nothing of this scale was announced. I’ve been running the ships frames through the computer and the database is showing that these vessels belong to the Gloven Empire, a highly militarized society to our galactic east.” “Then we will treat this as an invasion.” Drake said dryly as he walked over to his command console. He flipped several switches and leaned down for the mic. “This is commander Drake to all personnel. Man your battle stations, I say again, man your battle stations; this is not a drill. I want gunnery crew primed and loaded but do not deploy your guns until I give the word. I want marines manning critical checkpoints and prepared to repel boarders. Medical staff, ready every medical deck and gather any supplies you need. All other non essential personnel are to report to their nearest safety room and await further instructions. That is all.” “Sir,” he turned to see Helen stroking her chin as she watched the armada, “I don’t mean to question your orders but could this really be a misunderstanding? There have been plenty of species with warlike traditions that are common greetings for their people. Could we be misreading this?”  He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. “It doesn’t matter anymore. They are uninvited, so we’ll show them the door or we’ll show them the barrels of our guns.”  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours passed by in a hectic haze as Drake readied his station for war when the first sign of the enemy came in. “Enemy fleet is approaching, 2000 miles and closing.” “Numbers?” “I count at least 200 ships. Majority appear to be cruiser class, a few in the front are larger and may possibly be battleship class.”  “Possibly?” Drake chimed as he took a look at the display for himself. “Now is not a time for possibilities sub commander Helen.” She shrugged and brought up a camera visual. The distance was pushed to the extreme but even with the grainier picture they could still make out sizes of the enemy ships. “We have no record of Gloven military designs. For all we know they could be freighters.” He nodded and sat back into his command throne. “Fair enough.”  He studied the enemy formation but no matter how he looked at it something was still off. “Why did they deploy their heaviest ships to the front? Why are they not using their cruisers as a screen?” “Unknown. Like i said, we have no information on the Gloven military, tactics or otherwise.” “It’s a foolish move. You save your heaviest ships for when the enemy is pinned down and you can focus their fire. It’s almost as if they don’t realize we are armed.” There was a silence over the deck as both Helen and Drake continued watching the enemy fleet approach closer to the effective range of their energy lance emplacements and missile silos. “Could it be that they don’t know about our weapons?” They looked at each other in amusement. “What, do they seriously think we’d leave the largest shipyard in the system undefended?”  “We’re getting a transmission from the enemy fleet!” the comms officer shouted interrupting their discussion. “Put them through.”  The screen changed from the tactical display to a view screen of what Drake assumed was the Gloven commander. “Humans, this is your one and only chance to surrender. You are outnumbered and your facilities are unarmed, you have no chance at surviving. Surrender now and you will be spared.”  “Christ,” Helen whispered under her breath, “they really do think we’re unarmed.” With his suspicions now confirmed Drake smiled as a devious plan began to take hold. In the corner of the screen he could see the first of the enemy ships begin to enter the firing range of his lances.  Drake leaned back in his throne and entwined his fingers.“What assurances can I be given that if I do surrender my crew will not be harmed in any way?”  Helen looked at him with shock until she noticed that he was using his entwined fingers to point at the tactical display showing the enemy fleet approaching missile range and she nodded.  “You will be given no assurances as offering them would only be reserved for an equal in war. You are not my equal. Surrender at once.” The Gloven was certainly full of himself, Drake even wagered he’d be on one of the leading larger ships.  Drake checked again and saw that the enemy had just entered missile range. “That is a mighty fine offer you have. Here’s my counter.”  He killed the communication and switched over to gunnery comms. “All crews deploy! Deploy! Deploy! Target lead large vessels and begin working backwards. Missile crews give me maximum barrage after the first salvo is fired!”  Across the shipyard panels began opening revealing large cannon barrels slowly protruding outwards. Missile launchers on the opposite side of the base opened up as well, their rows of compact missiles glistening in the light of mars.  “Targets acquired sir, awaiting your order.” Helen replied. The enemy fleet began reorganizing as it finally dawned on them this was anything but armed. The larger ships began turning suddenly as the cruisers began rushing forward, but in their haste to screen their battleships they cause chaos in their own lines and Drake saw several enemy ships collide with each other as they maneuvered. Drake stood up and announced to the station over the speakers. “This is not some backwater outpost on the edge of known galaxy. This is not a colony at the fringes human space beset by the pirates and criminals. This is not even Earth itself, cradle of humanity. This is the planet of war! This is the planet died red in the blood of our enemies! This! Is! MARS! FIRE!”  The shipyard shook as every energy lance fired at once. Fifteen lances of pure light streaked across the void between the station and the enemy fleet like shooting stars followed swiftly by far more numerous missiles following closely behind.  The larger ships realized they were the targets and hurried to move out of the firing arch, but their haste to bring forth the cruisers as a screen now meant that they were surrounded by ships moving to the forward line and in their attempt to escape caused even more panic as they smashed into ships. A few were able to make it to safety but the majority were too slow and were struck full on by the lances.  Decks were carved through like butter, the edges melted like candle wax from the impacts. Unaware of the critical locations of systems aboard Gloven ships the gunnery crews had guess where vital components would be. Some struck home and set off a chain reaction of explosions, others only grazed the battleships. It didn’t matter though as the following missile barrage finally caught up.  The missiles were a mixture of armaments intended to cause panic among the fleet. Ship sized flash bangs exploded alongside hull buster warheads, mini mines spread out and deployed forming kill-zones for any ship that strayed too close made even more deadly as electromagnetic bombs detonated leaving ships adrift. Some didn’t even detonate at the front ranks and continued past into the advancing ships behind and corkscrewed into them leaving crazy streaks of smoke that interfered with sensor equipment.  Drake watched the battle unfolding, making the occasional remark to call out a specific target but otherwise leaving his gunnery teams to themselves assured they were top notch. The stations array of weapons was intended to hold off any potential small raiding force, but Drake had long ago submitted programs for dealing with larger fleets.  The key was to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible with the missiles to limit any command and control network the enemy had in place while the lance batteries picked off targets.  He was holding the line but he knew it would only be a matter of time before they reached close enough to return fire. Drake had considered sending a call for aid but reports he had been getting told him a similar situation was playing out across every military installation in the system. He would have to hold with what he had and pray the fleets would return in time.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a side story from the main invasion which can be found here: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/187112050596/humans-are-weird-planetary-defenses  
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