#plus I love Bryce too much to bring angst
I know ppl say scout could be faking but really though? There was no reason for him to go back to father bryces desk by himself
I think it'd be cool if he had like.. a flippy happy tree friends thing going on where certain things set him off and he turns out to be a very dangerous chucky and ally, or the brainwashing wears off and we see him slowly become meaner and more violent and once he remembers who he is he grew close to the kids and can't bring himself to hurt them ahsjdksk - Cult 💀
Plus wouldn't Chucky acting like that for manipulation be a bit humiliating for him too?? Just saying!
But that would also be funny even if he did turn back to normal he can't actually hurt them cuz he sees them as family for real now, now that's the angst I need for this show lol!
Thank you so much for coming by Cult! It's really awesome seeing you in here, hope I see you here again and that you have an awesome day!!
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choicessa · 4 years
All Of My Love - Bryce x MC
Pairing: Bryce x MC
Words: 3300 (~ 15 minutes)
Summary: Bryce knew for a long time that Brianna was the only one for him. So when he finally plans to propose, he does everything to keep it a surprise.
Warnings: None! I finally wrote something without angst
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„You really mean that, don’t you?” Brianna crossed arms on her chest and looked down, her brows furrowing when she tried so hard not to look at the person standing in front of her.
“Look, Brianna…” Bryce sighed heavily. “We’ve been dating for some time and everything between us is good. Great even. So why change that?”
“Because we eventually have to move on?” She snorted. “What, you never planned on getting married? Or having a family?”
"I'm not saying that it will never happen. Maybe… One day… I don't know." He shrugged, moving the hand through his hair. "It's just… Marriage is overrated, don't you think?"
“Marriage is what?” Brianna blinked, almost like she was seeing him for the first time in her life. Did he really say that?
“Oh come on, you know what I mean… Paying so many to have a party, inviting aunts, uncles, cousins you hate, but you know, it's appropriate to do that… Politely smiling for the whole night, dressed up, tired but having to look perfect and why? Just because society demands it?"
“Didn’t it occur to you that maybe I want to have that kind of a thing though?”
"Oh come on… But you could spend all this money on something else! Something more important! New apartment, a nice trip… Wedding is not important to me at all."
"But it is for me!" Brianna finally looked up, tears shining in her eyes, yet anger twisting her face. "How can you be so selfish!? Who said anything about demanding a party for 200 people? Maybe I just want a day to remember with a man I care about?"
"You can still do it, with a smaller group?"
“That’s not what this is about… It’s just…” She took a deep breath and sighed deeply, before shaking her head. “You know what? I don’t have time for this. Not right now. I have to go to work.”
“Oh come on, Brianna… Can’t we talk this through like normal adults?”
"No! No, we can't!" She shouted, grabbing her bag and keys. "Because all you care about is your own opinion and what you want.”
“Oh please, you can’t be angry at me for having a different vision for something so stupid!”
“Something stupid? I…” Shaking her head she grabbed the door handle and turned around to look at him once again. “You aren’t having another vision. It’s no vision at all.”
“See ya” she slammed the door behind her back.
Bryce was standing in the middle of the room, looking at the door until finally, he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That could have gone better…” He murmured to himself.
“You think?” He heard another voice and turned around to look at the rest of the friends leaving the other room.
“I must say, when you said what you have planned, part of me thought it won’t work out at all, but now? I think it turned out too good.” Elijah shook his head.
“Do you think she believed in all of this?” Sienna bit her lower lip, worryingly looking at her friends. “She looked really angry…”
“She will be fine.” Jackie waved her hand. “Maybe she will be rude for the patients for the whole day but eventually she will come to her senses and realize that Bryce is made for her, so one stupid fight won’t change it.” She grinned, winking to Bryce who rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I am not sure it will be all butterflies and rainbows. I really made her angry, never before did I see her in such a state…”
“Then you should be happy it was just a pretend fight.” Rafael put a hand over his arm. “It will be fine.”
“I hope. I have the whole evening planned out…”
“And what about, well… You know?” Jackie elbowed him, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.
“Safe and sound.”
“Ohh, can we see?” Sienna clasped her hands and almost jumped with excitement.
“Na-a-h! You have to wait.”
“Pleeeeaseeeee? Won’t you give a peek even for your best friends?” She pouted and Bryce couldn’t resist but burst out laughing.
“Nope. You know, in case she won’t agree, you won’t know what did you all miss.”
“You’re no fun.” Jackie waved her hand again.
“Speaking of no fun…” Bryce hung his voice. “I have to prepare. Go!”
"Can't we stay in the room? We'll be quiet, I promise." Sienna pouted again.
“Nope. Get out, all of you. No matter how much I love you, it’s supposed to be a special evening for me and Brianna.”
“Okay, okay…”
“But you’ll let us know?”
“If not, I will hunt your ass down, Lahela!” Jackie warned him.
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll be the first ones to know.” He closed the door after his friends and took a deep breath.
To say that he was nervous would be the understatement of the year. To be honest, the last time he was that nervous was maybe during his first medical school exam? Or when he was conducting his very first surgery? But there was no coming back, it was now or never. Humming under his breath, he went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. After all, everything had to be perfect.
It all started last weekend when he and Brianna were invited to her cousins' wedding. They had fun, dancing, talking, drinking… Maybe too much drinking… So somehow they ended up talking about the future, about them, about their relationships and about… weddings. And that was when he, Bryce Lahela, in the middle of the night, tired, worn out, tipsy, sitting next to Brianna, realized that he wants to marry that girl. Yes. She was the one he wanted to spend his life with. He could practically see it all. Her smile when she would wake up right next to him, her laugh when they would make breakfast together, her eyes, intensively watching another tv series episode and hissing at him when he tried to interrupt. Her kisses, when she would grab him from behind, arms around his shoulders and her lips peppering with kisses skin on his neck and cheeks. And then? Maybe two little creatures running after each other in their happy home, a boy and a girl, their little treasures, meaning the world to them. Just like she meant the world for him now. One thing led to another and the next day Bryce was driving around the city, from one jewelry store to another, looking for that perfect ring. And he found it. Unique, beautiful, just like his girl and a few minutes later he was leaving the store with the same ring in his pocket. Smiling to himself Bryce reached out to his jeans and opened the box, revealing the silver ring, with a blue gem inside. His smile grew even more when his eyes gave him the vision of Brianna in it, the same ring on her finger… Well, if he will accept his proposal of course. Even though he was sure about her feelings, there was still the tiniest doubt left, making him restless. Especially now, after the "fight" they had. He was simply afraid she may suspect something, after the talks they had, so he had to do everything to make her believe he doesn't want to get married. But seeing her reaction, how angry and hurt she was… With a sigh, he closed the box and put it in once again inside his pocket. There was no overthinking, he just had to prepare the dinner and let the things go their tracks…
~ ~ ~
Bryce was putting the last plate on the table when he heard the key turning inside the lock and with horror, in his eyes, he realized that Brianna was coming back. And he wasn’t ready yet.
“Stop where you are!” He shouted with panic, coming to the door and stopping her from opening them.
Brianna froze in place, the door half-opened.
“Bryce? What the hell is going on there?”
“I just… I need to do something.”
“And that means I can’t come in?”
“You can’t! Just… Give me two more minutes okay?”
Brianna rolled her eyes, yet left the door unopened. She was standing there for a long moment and her annoyance disappeared again, leaving nothing but regrets.
"Listen, Bryce… What happened earlier, what I said…" She sighed. "I'm sorry. I said a lot of things I didn't want to say and…" She shrugged, before realizing he can't see it anyway. "You have every right to have a different vision or life plans, and I was a selfish one for not even listening to you. I just tried so hard to convince you to my point of view I didn't respect yours… I'm sorry…" She hung her voice and frowned at the lack of reaction from the other side of the door. "Bryce? Are you there? Bryce?"
“Just. One. More. Minute… Okay! You can come in now!”
“Okay…” She shrugged again and stepped in, closing the door behind her back.
And as soon as she did, she froze again, this time with utter shock, standing in the middle of the hallway. And for a moment she started to doubt if there was indeed their living room. A big table in the middle, filled with delicious smelling food, two glasses, a bottle of wine, and all of this lit only by the candles, their light being the only source of brightness in the room. And then she raised her eyes and met a pair of dark eyes, right on the other side of the room, Bryce's lips lifting in a smile.
“Wow, Bryce, I… Is it…” She dropped her bag to the floor, still speechless.
"I am sorry too. I truly am. I should have listened to you as well and you know I was never too good with words so I thought maybe if I show you… I show you how sorry I am." He shrugged, strangely embarrassed but to his relief Brianna just smiled, coming even closer to him.  
“Don’t worry about that. It was just a stupid talk anyway, no one is planning any wedding in the nearest future.” She joked and Bryce could hardly keep a straight face at her words.
“Yeah… Right… No one is planning that. ”
Brianna smiled and came closer, planting a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Now give me food cause I’m starving. And then I will tell you what Zaid has done today because I swear, if I wouldn't witness this, I would never believe!"
Bryce theatrically bowed to her and when she sat down he poured a glass of wine and soon they were both eating and chatting merrily.
“And then Zaid told to her to get lost, can you imagine?”
"I would suspect him of many things but telling something like that? It's rude, even for him."
"That's not even the best thing! Dr. Ramsey on the other hand…" Brianna took a sip of her wine and started another story.
But Bryce couldn't even focus on listening to her, no matter how hard he tried. Because the only thing he could think of was the weight of a ring box in his pocket, the one that felt almost like a hot coal in his jeans, reminding him of what was yet to come. He was so sure of his decision and so stressed out about the fight they had, that he completely forgot to be nervous about the thing that was the most important – the proper question. Should he get on his knees? Grab her hand? Should he wait till dessert or do this before? And will asking her will be enough or should he give her the whole speech about how important she is for him and how much he loves her? Gosh, what the hell was he supposed to do?
"Bryce?" Her voice brought him back to reality and with embarrassment, he realized he spaced out for a moment.
“You’re not listening to me.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I’m so sorry, Brianna… I just… I got lost in thoughts for a moment, can you repeat?”
“You are weird…” She stated, eyeing him carefully. “Is it about our fight earlier?”
“No! God, no! Not at all!”
“So what is it? You are so… tense and absent.”
He was already opening his mouth to tell another lie when he realized that he couldn't prolong it any longer.
“Do you remember that song that was playing during your cousins’ wedding?”
“Bryce. It was a wedding. They were dozens of songs. Which one?” Brianna rolled her eyes with a smile.
“You know, the one during the second toast. For all the lovebirds, as the DJ said it.”
“Ohhhh, you mean ‘Easy Living’?”
“What about it?”
“Let’s dance, huh?” He suddenly stood up and rushed to his phone, scrolling through something furiously.
“What, now?”
“Yes!” He put down the phone and with a smile he reached out to her.
“I… But…” It took her a moment before with a shook of her head, she put her hand into his palm and let him led her to the middle of the room.
“You’re crazy Lahela.”
“I know. But you love me.” Bryce winked to her.
“Of course I do.” She laughed. “What now?”
“Now, we’re dancing.”
With a smile, Brianna put her head on his arm and closed her arms. They were swaying around the room, wrapped in each other’s embrace, hands laced together.
“About that fight earlier…” Bryce started suddenly.
“Let’s forget it, okay?” Brianna didn’t even open her eyes, just snuggling closer to him.
“But I need to tell you something. That fight… I didn’t mean anything I have said before.”
“Bryce, I know…”
“No, I mean. Everything I said… They were lies.”
Brianna finally opened her eyes and looked at him, her eyebrows raising.
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted us to have this fight. I wanted you to think I don’t want to marry.”
“But…” She stopped, completely, ignoring the song still playing in the background. “Why the hell did you do that!?”
"Because…" Bryce let go of her, hanging his voice. "I wanted to do this." He reached out to his pocket, and kneeled in front of her, slowly opening the box he held in his hands.
He saw the shock in Brianna’s eyes, pure shock, as this was the last thing she could suspect he would do. But before she had any chance to speak up, Bryce spoke first.
"Last week, during that wedding, we talked a lot. About the future, about life, about weddings… And  I know we both have been tipsy, maybe drunk even, but since that time I know one thing. I can't imagine my life any other way than with you, Brianna. When I first started dating you, I thought it will be just another fling, but… But then it turned out you're so different. You didn't see me just as a handsome surgeon, another play toy, a boy to have fun with. No. You saw the real me, even though I didn't want to show you that part of my life. And that, Brianna, made me realize that you may be the person I have been looking for, for my whole life. I know we didn't talk this through, I know that may be sudden, but… I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, I wanna live together, have children one day, a dog, a cat, whatever pet you want. I want to grow old together and at the end of my life not regret a single thing. You're not only my lover, my girlfriend, but you're my best friend, the love of my life, and the best thing that could ever happen to me. So I ask you now…" He swallowed hard, flooded with emotions, his voice slowly giving up, trembling. "Brianna Spencer, will you marry me?"
He was expecting many reactions, played out all the possible scenarios in his head over and over again, some of them being a polite denial, some others happy acceptances. But to his surprise instead of answering, Brianna dropped down to her knees in front of him, her eyes shining with tears, when her trembling hands gently grabbed his face, thumb stroking the skin on his cheek.
"Bryce…" She whispered, first tear streaming down her face and her lips slowly turning up in a shy smile. "In my whole life, I've never thought I will be so lucky and find someone like you. Someone who is making me laugh when I am sad, someone who is here for me when I need this and someone… Someone who makes me so happy I never thought I ever will be…" Her voice broke as well when she sobbed. "And I will happily try to thank you for this, every day, for the rest of my life…" It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but she covered her mouth with her hands, unable to say a single word more.
"Does it mean yes?" Bryce blinked, not sure how to react. "Please tell me it means yes because otherwise, I will…"
"Of course it means yes!" She laughed out loud, more tears streaming down her cheeks when she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him closer into a hug. "A thousand times yes!"
His strong arms embraced her, tightly, desperately, almost like she was the only thing keeping him alive.
“Oh thank God, I was so worried.” He blurted out into her hair and Brianna laughed again.
“You know, after the fight we had, I just…” He shrugged, parting from her, but still looking into her eyes. “I wasn’t sure if you’re gonna want me…”
“Bryce… Even if this fight was real, I would always want you. I love you, Bryce.”
"And I love you, Brianna. God, I love you so much." Without another word he pulled her closer, closing in his embrace once again and kissed her. In the beginning, his mouth barely brushed hers, sweetly, innocently, almost like it was their first kiss, almost like he was learning the touch, the taste of her lips for the very first time. His hands grabbed her face into a gentle hold, thumbs caressing her cheeks when he kissed her again and again, every each of them more urgent, more passionate, when he was trying to pour out all of his love, all of his emotions into this one kiss. Because he knew that when words fail, gestures were all he had left to show her how much he cares for her. Until finally, they parted, breathless, both covered in tears, but happy, so unbelievably happy. With a smile, Bryce slipped the ring onto her finger and they kissed again.
“Now what?” Brianna smiled sweetly to him, arms around his neck once again.
“Well, first… I need to make a few phone calls.”
“Phone calls?”
“Unless you want Jackie to kill me for not letting them know?”
“Oh… OHHHH…” Brianna threw her head back and laughed. “They gave you a hard time, huh?”
“They even wanted to stay in the bedroom.”
“Oh hell no.”
“That’s what I told them. But I’m afraid Jackie’s threats are real.”
“Go then.” Brianna pressed another kiss to his lips. “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that handsome face of yours.”
“Well, that would be shame…”
“Indeed. Just… wait here, okay?”
“Not planning on going anywhere.” She assured.
She truly didn’t plan to. Not now, not ever. Because they will be together. Forever.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
I have just found this...
... and I love it!
Thank you so much for accepting the suggestion of the anonymous ask (Thank you whoever you are) and portrait that kind of emotions and feelings!
It means a lot in a universal where all mc are physically flawless!
By the way, if you allow me the suggestion, it could be interesting an headcanons list about how Ethan reacts to the snakes who says that he's too hot for her.
Thank you so much again for producing such great content and sharing with us!
Have a nice weekend!
Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your words mean to me ♥ My MC Becca is so flawed in so many ways I never really ever thought to bring her body image into the picture. With her I’m always striving to write real people and their insecurities/outlook - it’s so weird to me that I’ve never thought about this particular struggle! Guess that’s the power of Ethan Angst - just takes over the whole brain lol  
Thank you for the suggestion and taking the time to read my works and share your thoughts 🥰 
> Part 1
a/n: mature content (swearing, mentions of sex) 
Ethan + Becca’s Body Image
“Can’t believe it!”  “How long has it been going on for?” 
“That’s how she ended up on the D.T.”  “No, Banerji gave her the position. We all saw.”  “And who has Banerji’s ear?” 
“Her, really? The guy dated Dr. Emery. How?” “Oh how the mighty have fallen.”   “Think she’s trapping him?” 
“I thought Dr. Ramsey had higher standards.”  “You’re so much hotter than she is.” 
He hears it all - hears it everywhere. Every godforsaken jab at their relationship. It’s not like the mindless gossipers are trying to hide it, or even trying to, maybe they’re doing it purposefully. They’re not afraid of him anymore. That they’re trying to get a rise out the the hot-headed, impatient attending. 
But Ethan Ramsey can’t react. Cannot fall into the trap so easily set for them. 
All of Edenbrook knows about them now. With no small thanks to that scum, Mendoza. 
Ethan Ramsey must keep his head up and his stoic, impassive expression in place and hope Rebecca isn’t being subjected to anything worse than this. 
A part of him knows she is - he hears the unsubtle torments trailing down the hallway - 
“Is her pussy magic? There is no way she’s that good of a fuck for all four of the hottest guys at work to do her - How can she be? I do yoga and pilates!”  
Overheard when walking by the residents lounge, his feet almost carrying him in, the verbal lashing bubbling in his chest. But Bryce Lahela saved him from further embarrassment. 
“The difference between her and you is that Becca doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not. She would never relish in your misfortunes if this happened to you. You got one thing right - she’s magic. Most incredible person I know. Kindly, fuck off.” 
That made Ethan feel better. Knowing she has someone fighting for her while he’s not allowed to. Can’t wait for all this to be over. 
Unfortunately for him it’ll be over all too soon. 
The next time Ethan Ramsey overheard slanderous allegations about his relationship he was prepared. Well, as prepared as one can be to hear people saying the love of his life is bottom of the barrel. 
“Ugh they’re back together. Thought he got out of that one.”  “Honestly, how. She’s not even pretty. So frumpy compared to him! Like, girl, have you heard of concealer, or heels? You’re on the most prestigious team. Dress like it.”  “Not all of us share your dedication, Tori.” “Whatever. At least I look good.” 
“Oh look. It’s Adonis and the pigeon on his shoulder.” 
She has told him more than a handful of times to ignore them. Rebecca doesn’t care, knows they’re just jealous. She’s right, of course. Ethan sees it plainer than day. It still irks him relentlessly that they can’t see her beyond her physicalities and rumors - can’t see her heart or brilliance or that she’s a better person than him full stop.  
He thinks about storming over there to give them the berating that’s been building up for months. 
Instead he thinks of something more embarrassing. 
In the middle of all their gossiping colleagues and many unsuspecting passersby Ethan stops. His large hand grasps Becca’s wrist, tugs her back to face him. Then, Ethan Ramsey kisses Rebecca Lao, long and with nothing to prove once their lips meet. 
His palms cup her cheeks and he kisses her softly, the way he knows makes her delightfully dizzy. 
Becca’s got that blissful dazed smile as he looks into her eyes. 
“I love you,” he declares. “I love you so damn much.” 
She comes back to it then, and that smile turns snide in the stillness of the atrium as she feels every pair of eyes and their partners on her. 
“I love you most.” 
“Not possible,” Ethan responds before kissing her sweetly once more. 
(and on their walk to the elevator becca jokes, “why are you like this”. all ethan ramsey thinks is that he’s never been in love like this before) 
> complete masterlist <
@lucy-268  @thegreentwin  @queencarb  @danijimenezv  @starrystarrytrouble   @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @maurine07  @mercury84choices  @schnitzelbutterfingers  @the-pale-goddess @whimsicallywayward15  @mvalentine  @mm2305 @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine   @withbeautyandrage  @forallthatitsworth   @stateofgracious  @missmiimiie  @uneravine   @iemcpbchoices  @sophxwithers  @quixoticdreamer16 @lsvdw-blog
@adiehardfan @headoverheelsforramsey @dickgraysonsscrumptiousbooty @reputaytion-xiii @jerzwriter  @kachrisberry  @aishwarya26 @rosebudde @gryffindordaughterofathena
@udishaman  @binny1985  @honeyandsunfl0wers @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @ohchoices  @dulceghernandez @blossomanarchy  @stygianflood   @openheartthot @senseofduties  @tsrookie  @kalogh @aworldoffandoms  @takemyopenheart  @ethanramseylover @a-crepusculo @randomperson111   @anntoldst0ries  @aishaaaaaaah @estellaelysian @mysticaurathings @mayarambles
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Famous Last Words ~ 10.2
word count: 2690, chapter rating: PG; chapter warnings: court proceedings, fluff, little bit of angst, let me know if I missed anything. 
a/n: I know that this court thing is not accurate, this is a work of fiction and so please just lower your expectations a little bit and please enjoy. Epilogue coming next week. Plus, I’ve got some oneshots in mind for these two lovebirds! Thank you to everyone who is been reading and reblogging and liking and commenting. It all means so much to me and I’m so grateful for your support!
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Sy’s up before you on the morning of his trial. You wake up to the buzzing of the Sy’s clippers. Slipping out of the bed, you rub your eyes as you head to the bathroom. Leaning against the door frame you watch, Sy carefully shaving his beard.  
“Morning, baby,” you whisper, once he catches your eye.
              He finishes his beard and sighs heavily as he leans on the bathroom counter with slumped shoulders.
You move to wrap your arms around his waist and rest your cheek against his back, “No matter what happens today, Wyatt, I love you and I think that you are an amazing man.”
              Sy smiles sadly, “Thank you, Bug.”
You pull away from him and allow him to turn around to face you. “Do you want me to come today?”
              “You don’t have to. I’ll be fine,” he says, his brow furrowed as he cups your cheeks and strokes his thumb along the apple of your cheek.
You turn so you can kiss his palm, “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I want you to have someone there that you know is in your corner. Besides it’ll keep my mind of hearing back from the law schools,” you say, softly.
              Sy smiles and leans down to kiss you, “Thank you, (y/n/n). If you wanna come then, I won’t stop you.”
You smile and rest your forehead against his. “I’ll hope in the shower and then be ready in a jif.”
              He kisses your forehead, “I love ya, Bug.”
You lift his hand and kiss it, “I love you too, ya big bear.” Pulling yourself away from him, you most to shower.
Within in the hour the two of you are dressed and headed to the address where Sy’s trial was to be held. Major Hawthorne and Sy’s appointed lawyer picked you both up and the two of you sat in the back seat of the car with them, your hands clasped tightly together as Major Hawthorne and Mr. Thurston discussed the details of the how the day would go. Sy nodded, solemnly every now and then as they continue to rehash Sy’s defense and his story as to why he made the that he did.
              Mr. Thurston closes his business folio and laces his fingers together. “Captain, I feel as though you have a very good chance of getting out of this unscathed. Your record proves that you are a man of honor and the fact that you are well loved and highly respected by your men should go far with this judge. I’ve been in the courtroom with Judge Delgado and he’s a very level-headed and reasonable man.”
              “That is good to hear,” he murmurs, swallowing thickly.
You purse your lips and squeeze his hand a few times, reassuringly and when he squeezes back tightly, you can’t help but smile to yourself slightly.
              “Mr. Thurston, what happens if the bring up my time on leave after my nephew was killed?” Sy asks, nervously.
              “Then you be honest, you were struggled, but you sought the help you needed and were cleared by both a medical doctor and a psychologist before returning to active duty. They cannot argue with those reports,” the lawyer says confidently.
              “But what if they try to say that what happened then affected this decision?” he pushes.
              The lawyer crosses his arms and leans back against the seat of the car. “Well, Captain,  did the death of your nephew Bryce Syverson in 2009 affect your decision to pull your men out of the tactical maneuver in question?”
              You feel Sy straighten up next to you in his seat, “No, Sir, it did not.”
              The lawyer makes a gesture with his hand, “Well, there you have it.”
You smile up at Sy weakly and kiss his hand as you pull up to the courthouse. You lean over and straighten his tie, “No matter what happens, I love you, Wyatt Syverson.”
              He kisses your forehead, “No matter what happens.”
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“Please stand for the honorable Judge Victor Delgado,” the bailiff says as the court rises. Sy stands and runs a finger under the collar of his shirt. His uniform feels like it’s stifling him as the judge enters and takes his seat. With a bang of his gavel, the court sits and Sy settles in his seat next to his lawyer.
He sets his jaw as he waits impatiently for things to begin.
              “Today we are here to discuss the docket number 203426 of Captain Wyatt Syverson vs. United States Army. Captain Syverson am I correct in my statement that you were recently put on an extended disciplinary leave due to making a insubordinate call in the field.”
Sy’s lawyer stands, “You would be correct that my client’s superiors have accused him of insubordination in the field.”
Colonel Grey’s cold eyes lock onto Sy as his lawyer stands, “Yes, Your Honor, it is our believe that the Captain’s actions are deeply affected by personal issues due to the loss of his nephew in the field.”
              Mr. Thurston rolls his eyes slightly. “you’re honor, my client’s nephew was killed in over a decade ago. There have been no incidences before now that have lead anyone to believe that Captain Syverson is acting on anything other than logic and skill in the field. His men have spoken highly of his dedication to not only the completion of their missions but of making sure that lives are not lost unnecessarily. He is well respected by his most of his superiors and all of his men, but active and non-active duty. And furthermore, he was cleared by both a medical doctor AND a psychologist after the events that led to his nephew’s death in ’09 before he returned to active duty. As you can see Your Honor, Syverson’s actions could in no way be based in the personal grievances.”
The judge flips through the paperwork for a moment before looking up at court. “I’d like to ask Captain Syverson a question. Is that alright with you?” he asks, addressing Sy’s attorney. The attorney looks sideways at Sy, who give him a slight nod.
              “It is alright, Your Honor.”
              The judge nods and then adjusts in his seat to fix Sy with a look. “Captain Syverson, do you regret making the call that you are currently on trial for?”
Sy takes a deep breath and stands, “No, Your Honor, I do not regret making the call.”
              “And why not?”
“Your Honor, I have given my blood, sweat and tears for this country for 16 years. I went into that mission with the intent to carry out our orders the fullest extent, however, when we arrived on the scene. Our intel did not show any sign of the target being present on the compound. My contact in the local village reported that the previous afternoon, seven hours before we went in, before the order was even delivered to me and my men, there was movement on the compound where the targets men were seen moving multiple storage containers more than large enough to hold a man of the targets size. Our scouting choppers that were sent in the morning before we arrive could find no sign of underground activity on their radar and our snipers could get no visual on the target whatsoever, just multiple heavily armed guards. So, with the chance of getting the target being slim to none, I pulled my men out. I wasn’t going to risk their lives without a single shred of evidence that the target was even there. Those guards wouldn’t allowed themselves to be taken alive and most likely would’ve taken out of the majority of my squad in the process. So no, I don’t regret it because I gave my men another chance to go home and see their loved ones, hug their momma’s and kiss their wives and kids. If that’s worth being discharged, I’ll go willingly. But I request, that I not be discharged dishonorable. I saved lives, Your Honor, and I think that’s probably one of the most honorable things that I could do in the line of duty. I promised to serve and protect, and I did just that. I protected my men. I have lost so much in the line of duty, willingly. I have lost my nephew, who was like a son to me, and I’ve put off settling down and the chance at a family for my job, for this country and I wouldn’t change a thing. But I would hope that this country, that this organization would have just a quarter of the respect for me and my service to it as I have had for them for the greater part of my life.”
              The judge takes Sy in with a neutral face before picking up his gavel and banging it thrice on the desk before him. “I’ve heard enough, I’ll be taking the evening to deliberate, and we shall return here tomorrow at 1200 hours. Court is adjorned.”
              Sy wilts slightly and sinks back into his seat as the judge leaves.
You stand and turn to Mr. Thurston, “What happens now?”
              He looks from you to Sy and sighs, “Now, we wait.”
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The night is rather sleepless for both you and Sy, both of you too worried to actually settle into sleep. Instead the two of you, spend the night talking about your future as you wrapped Sy in your arms tightly.
              “Bug, wanna know what worries me most about potentially leaving the service?”
You rub your hand across his broad back in small circle. “What baby?”
              “Trying to figure out what do next. The army is all I’ve known, for 16 years it’s been my life and I can’t imagine what I’d do next.”
You kiss his forehead and sigh softly “Do you wanna know what I think you’d be good at?” you ask, quietly.
              “Sure Bug.”
“I think that you’d be good at anything in which you get to use your hands. Anything that keeps you moving. You’re not one for a desk job, so I think that going into construction or carpentry or god forbid, even something like becoming a firefighter would be a great fight for you. But no matter what you choose, you have to remember that there will be a leaning curve and you have to be gentle with yourself.”
              Sy pulls you tighter against him and nuzzles his face into your neck, “I did love shop class in school.”
You smile, “Yeah? Did you build anything cool?” You feel him nod against your neck and you smile. “Will you tell me about it?”
              “Well, I made Mama that coffee tables as my final project senior year and it was hard, but I really loved it and seeing Mama’s face light up when I gave it to her for birthday. Man, that’s a great memory. I smile everytime I see it sitting her living room.”
You stroke his head and listen to him, talk about his projects that he made in shop and your heart grows as you think about the amazing things that Sy has in store.
 The next morning, you are up before Sy, who finally feel asleep mid-spiel about how to make the proper kind of birdhouse around 1am. You’d drifted off after him, but had woken with the sun feeling anxiety for the say simmering underneath your skin, so you carefully pulled yourself from his grip and tiptoed from the room to make the morning the coffee for Sy and a cup of tea for yourself with some toast.
              Sy emerged about an hour later, shuffling into the kitchen in his boxers and rubbing his eyes as you smile at him and pour a mug of coffee for him as he settles at the island.
“Here you go, Bear,” you say, softly, pushing the mug across the counter.
              He smiles sleepily thanks you with murmur as he takes it and sips the dark liquid eagerly.
“Feeling like some breakfast?”
              “Yes please,” he says rubbing his eyes once more.
“Ready for the day?” you ask as you crack some eggs into the pan to fry.
              Sy grunts, “I guess I’m as ready as I can be. Kinda nervous, but I guess that’s to be expected.”
You pop the toaster down and then flip the eggs as you turn to Sy. “Yeah, it is, but you handled yourself really well yesterday and I’ve got a good feeling about today.”
              Sy smiles at you, “Glad one of us does.”
You turn back to the stove and plate the eggs then pull out the toast, buttering it and sliding the plate across the counter. “Eat up, baby. We’ve got a big day ahead of us,” you murmur, softly.
Sy thanks you and starts to eat while you make yourself some breakfast too.
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Once again, Major Hawthorne and Mr. Thurston pick the two of you up and you head to the courthouse together. Mr. Thurston murmurs some encouraging words along the way as you and Sy hold hands tightly.
You walk into the courthouse together, hand in hand, and you only let go when you have to take your seat behind Sy as they sit at their defendant’s table to wait for the judge to come in. The bailiff walks in and calls for the courtroom to rise and you stand, smoothing your skirt out as the judge walks out and takes his seat.
              “Good afternoon, everyone. I’ve come back to you all with a ruling today. First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for your service Captain Syverson. I’ve studied your records and taken into consideration the statements from your character witnesses. Based on everything in the records and statements, I find Captain Syverson in the case of The United States Army vs. Captain Syverson not guilty of insubordination.”
              Sy’s shoulder slump in relieve as Mr. Thurston pats his back.
              “I’d also like to say that I’d recommend Captain Syverson for honorable discharge after his 16 years of valiant service for this country. Thank you, Captain, now please go there and make a life for yourself, settle down, start a family, try something new.”
Sy stands and nods at the judge. “Thank you, Your Honor.”
              Major Hawthorne shakes Sy’s hand and squeezes his shoulder. “Congratulations, Captain.”
              Judge Delgado closes his files and bangs his gavel once. “Court is adjourned.”
Sy turns towards you quickly and opens his arms widely as he beams. “We did it, Bug.”
You lean over the partition and hug him tightly. “I told you that everything would be okay, I could just feel it, bear,” You murmur, squeezing him tightly around his neck as he kisses your head.
              “Thanks for believing in me, Bug.”
You smile up at him, “Always.” You pull away and Sy takes your hands so the two of you can leave.
              “Now we just gotta what and see if you get into law school,” he murmurs, and you bite your lip.
“About that, I heard back, and I didn’t tell you because it didn’t feel right with everything looming.”
              Sy pauses and turns to you, “So, did you get in?”
You smile and nod, “Yes! I got in! Not to all of them but to two of them, to good ones.”
              “Bug, that’s fantastic!” he squeals as he picks you up and spins you around.
“Thank you!” you squeal, kissing him as he sets you down. “I am really sorry that I didn’t tell you as soon as I found out,” you murmur, softly.
              Sy cups your face gently, “I understand why you didn’t and I’m so proud of you.”
You turn and kiss his palm. “Thank you. Now, Captain, tell me what you’re going to do with your newfound free time?” you ask with a grin.
              Sy laces his fingers with yours and grins, “I think it’s time for a new adventure.”
You roll your eyes and squeeze his hand, ‘Let’s go, ya big lug.”
              “Right behind ya, Bug,” he murmurs, following you out of the courthouse and towards your future.
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kelseaaa · 4 years
Hii, can you do #23 for Bryce x MC!!! I adored how you write them before and I love to see more of it!! 💕 have a nice day/night! ❤
Sorry for the delay! Finally had some time to write. It’s a bit longer than I planned so most of it is under the cut. I hope you enjoy it!
23. Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Casey Valentine)
Warnings: Some suggestiveness, little angst and fluff
Why Don’t You Stay
“You know, Bryce. If you had told me that your new place was on the fifth floor and that the elevator didn’t work, I would have reconsidered helping you,” Jackie complained as she made her way up the steps for the third time that day.
“Yeah,” Rafael agreed with a huff, “I mean, I’m all for a good work out, but this is a little much.”
Bryce, who was several steps ahead of them, grumbled under his breath. He didn’t know the elevator was going to be out that day. It had worked the last two days when he and Keiki brought the furniture up to their brand new apartment. But of course, the day his friends could help with the last few boxes, it wasn’t working.
“Leave him alone,” Sienna reprimanded her roommates, wiping sweat off her forehead with the sleeve of her shirt. “It isn’t that bad. Plus, since there’s the four of us we’re already almost done!”
Jackie rolled her eyes as she shifted the box in her hand. “There would have been five if the elevator worked,” she griped. Elijah planned on helping but quickly said goodbye when they found out the elevator was down. Truthfully, he was more than happy to head back home and spend his day off in front of the TV.
“Look, guys,” Bryce began as he continued up the last leg of steps to his floor. “I’m sorry about the elevator. But I promise pizza and cold beer will be waiting for us as soon as we get everything in.”
There were several mumbled of “fine” and “there better be” from behind him, but no one else said a word until they made their way into Bryce’s new apartment. It was surprisingly modern given the older building they had moved into. Recently upgraded and remodeled. Bryce was just happy he found a two-bedroom, two-bath so close to Edenbrook.
“So where’s your sister?” Jackie asked, setting down her box on the floor next to the kitchen table, then taking one of the seats.
“School,” Bryce replied cooly from his place on the couch next to Sienna.
Rafael sat down at the table next to Jackie and took a gulp from his water bottle. “And Casey?” he asked.
Bryce bristled at the sound of her name while Jackie and Sienna flashed each other a knowing look. Rafael noticed the shift in the air and looked around the room with a puzzled expression before speaking again. “What did I say?”
There was a beat of silence, then Sienna finally chimed in, “she’s at work.”
It wasn’t a lie, she really was working that morning. However, no one else wanted to mention the real reason why she didn’t ask off that day to help Bryce move. No one wanted to bring up the fight that Bryce and Casey had when Casey asked him if he wanted her to move in and instead of him agreeing immediately, he shrugged his shoulders and replied with “I mean, if you want.”
What Brye meant to say was “yes, of course, please. There’s no one else I would rather be with than you.” But instead, he thought acting “cool” and “not clingy” as he claimed would be the better option. He wasn’t scared of the commitment, he welcomed it. But he was scared that maybe she would realize that he was the one she wanted. That maybe she would realize it was a mistake.
That conversation which should have been simple - a no-brainer - turned into a massive snowball of a fight which resulted in Casey literally pushing Bryce out of her penthouse and into the cold Boston street to walk home by himself.
That was three weeks ago. Casey had barely said two words to him, only conversing when medically necessary for work. Keiki berated him, calling him a fool for letting her just go. He already knew that, and it didn’t help to hear it from his little sister every day.
Bryce knew all her roommates would have heard about what happened. Judging by their silence and worried looks alone, they were painfully aware of how stupid he had been. What they probably didn’t know is how much he really wanted Casey to be there. How bad he wanted her to be the other person moving her things into this apartment. How he wanted to share the large king-size bed he had purchased specifically for her - for them.
“Hey,” Jackie said, breaking Bryce was his thoughts. Her voice was surprisingly soft and kind. “I think there are only a couple more boxes. Let’s go, guys.”
Without another word, the group stood up and made their way back down the five flights of stairs to grab the remaining boxes. They worked quietly, quickly finishing up within the hour. And true to his words, pizza and beer were waiting for them once they were done.
“How was school?” Bryce asked from the kitchen as he pulled plates and cups out of one box to put in one of the cabinets.
“Boooooring,” Keiki replied from the living room where she was working on her homework.
Bryce made his way out of the kitchen and plopped down on the couch next to his sister. “Well, what’s new there?” he said with a laugh. Keiki nudged her elbow into his side but smiled nonetheless.
“Were you able to get everything from the old place?” Keiki asked, her eyes never wavering from the math problem on the sheet in front of her.
“Yep! Turned in the keys before I left.”
Keiki nodded her head thoughtfully but didn’t verbally respond.
“I’m gonna go unpack my room. Don’t stay up too late, okay?” Bryce said as he stood from the couch. Keiki simply waved him off then stuck pulled her headphones over her ears.
Once Bryce was in his room, he looked around the space, taking in the many boxes, laundry baskets of clean clothes, and the large, unmade bed in the center. He let out a sigh, then walked over to one of the boxes he was pretty sure held all his sheets and blankets. He silently cursed himself when he remembered forgoing to label the boxes with their specific items, instead of just putting “B” and “bedroom” on it.
However, when he opened the box, he soon realized it was not his sheets, but instead the box that held the contents of his side table drawer. And there, at the very top, was a picture frame. And in that frame, was a photo of him and Casey at a small nightclub where they had their first “date,” if you could call it that.
Bryce just stood there for a while, staring down at the frame in his hand. He remembered the day he had removed it from his wall and threw it in his drawer, unable to look at it any longer. It was the day after Casey had asked to move in and he essentially said he didn’t care - idiot. He had tried to call her but she didn’t answer. All his texts were left on read and voicemails were not returned. After a while he had gotten angry and grabbed the frame and threw it in, snapping the drawer shut.
He wouldn’t admit it, but that was the first time he had cried since starting at Edenbrook. 
Bryce let out a strangled sigh as he moved over to the nightstand and sat the photo down. If he wasn’t able to physically have her there, the photo would have to do. He continued looking through his boxes, putting things away, and eventually finding his bedding. As he looked down at the freshly made bed, he couldn’t help but feel the ache in his chest, realizing he would be sleeping alone in his new place.
“What are you looking at?”
Bryce’s heart stuttered in his chest and his eyes grew wide. He knew that voice. Longed to hear it for weeks. He quickly spun around and there she was, long, blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun and emerald colored eyes staring right at him.
“Casey?” he said almost breathlessly. “What… What are you doing here? How did you?”
“Sienna gave me the address and Keiki let me in,” she said matter of factly, like that was the answer he expected.
“Don’t,” Casey said, effectively cutting him off. “I… I want to apologize.”
“Casey, you don’t-” she held up her hand, silencing him once again. He nodded wordlessly and let her continue. She shouldn’t be the one apologizing, it should be him. But he wasn’t going to mess this up by not keeping his big mouth shut.
“I’m sorry I tried to force you into something you clearly didn’t want. I thought that maybe this was the next step in our relationship and that you wanted me here, but I must have misread everything. I’m sorry for lashing out at you and breaking up with you.”
Bryce wanted to scream. He wanted to run over and grab her, take her in his arms, and never let her go. But he waited.
She continued. “I understand that I was moving too fast, but I’m here because… Because I still love you and want to be with you. Even if you’re not ready for this step. I just hope you feel the same way. If not then I’ll go and move on and leave you-”
It was Bryce’s turn to cut her off. And he did, by running to her, grabbing her, and pressing his lips to hers in a heated kiss. He was nervous, scared even, when her body went stiff in his arms. But then she was kissing him back. Her hands coming up to the nape of his neck, fingers sliding into perfectly styled hair. They kissed and kissed and soon his bedroom door was closed behind them. Clothes were shed on new flooring. Then a brand new, freshly made bed was broken in. They shared gentle touches and loving caresses, saying “I’m sorry” and “I missed you” between their love.
Minutes, hours, or maybe even days later - Bryce didn’t bother to keep track - the two laid between the sheets, wrapped in each other's arms. Bryce’s hands ran up and down the smooth skin of her back and Casey’s fingers traced along his abdomen, mapping invisible constellations that only she could see.
“Casey,” Bryce said, his voice a barely above a hoarse whisper when he spoke. “I’m the one who should be saying sorry.”
Casey stopped her hand and looked up to gaze into her boyfriend's eyes. “You don’t have to.”
“I do,” he began, “and I owe you an explanation.”
Bryce continued on, telling her how he wanted nothing more for her to move him but that he was just so scared. Scared of his feelings and what she might think if she knew how desperately he wanted her to move in. Scared that one day she would realize that it was a mistake - he was a mistake - and want to leave. Scared to be a regret.
When Bryce finished spilling his heart out, there was silence. He was looking at the ceiling, unable to meet her eyes. He knew that the moment they did, the tear would come. He wasn’t ready for that yet.
But then Casey had to go and grip his chin. The pads of her fingers were gentle, feather-like, as they tilting his face down. And he was right, the brim of his eyes filled with wet which, surprisingly, matched hers, as well.
“Bryce Lahela,” she said, her voice stern but still so full of adoration that Bryce wanted to look away. But he didn’t. “I would never regret you. I would never call you a mistake. I love you and will be here for you for as long as you want me.”
Bryce couldn’t speak, instead, he leaned down and met her lips with his again. He kissed her with fervor, stealing the air from her lungs as his mouth devoured hers in a searing kiss that left them both dizzy.
“I’m such an idiot,” he admitted once they pulled away for air.
Casey laughed. “Yeah, you kind of are.” Her eyes wandered past him and landed on the nightstand next to the bed. She smiled. “I love that picture of us.”
Bryce turned his head and stared at the photo of them he had placed earlier in the night. “You do?” He asked.
Casey nodded her head. “Very much. That was the day I started to fall for you,” she admitted, her eyes gleaming with the memory.
Bryce smiled. “You mean it wasn’t when we made out in the supply closet our first day?” he joked. Casey pinched his side, causing him to yelp and retaliate with dozens of kisses over her face, neck, and chest until she was effectively out of breath.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Bryce turned his body so they were face-to-face in the massive bed. He inhaled deeply before opening his mouth to speak. “Say you’ll stay,” he said, his heart so full is strained desperately in his chest.
Her fingers deftly tucked back a few strands of loose hair from his face. “Forever,” she replied. “Always and forever.”
“I love you,” he promised before leaning in for a kiss. “I love you.” Another kiss. “I love you.” Another. “I love you.”
And he did.
From this writing prompt list
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howlingheartdemigod · 6 years
Request: Jester tries to ask for more "practice" kisses. Beau, a nervous wreck, keeps trying to wiggle out of it until finally Jester is open, she wants to kiss her... Badly. She needs it.
so y’all did not like the fact that I am an angst monster and angsted up the end of THIS THING i wrote up for @iamwalkingdead1 
title from here
one day you will arrive 
Beau spent a week avoiding Jester. It wasn’t like… totally obvious. She was chill. It was chill. They were in Zadash anyway, it was totally normal for her to spend all her time in Zadash training at the reserve. Totally normal.
It just… It was a lot to process, was all. It was a lot to think about. She didn’t know how she felt about Jes on the best of days, and this wasn’t the best of days. This was. Rough. And confusing and every time Beau so much as looked at Jester, all she could think of was the slide of her lips, the rough press of her fingers on Beau’s skin, the feeling of her soft thighs straddling Beau’s hips, and that-
That was not productive. That was not helpful. Jester was her friend. Her friend who liked Fjord, and the Traveler, and guys named Oskar in romance novels. It… It wasn’t gonna happen. And she liked being Jesters friend anyway. She really did.
So Beau spent a week at the monastery. She woke Caleb up before she left, telling him if they needed her that’s where she’d be. Then she didn’t come back for days. She just needed to think. She needed to meditate. She needed the hard scheduled time to push down the feelings and move on. She’d be fine. She’d be fine.
When she left the reserve, robes tied properly for the second time in living memory, she felt… still shit but, better. Not great. Not good, but better. Plus, if she spent another day sleeping on a roll on stone she might actually give herself back problems for real.
She didn’t go straight to her friends, instead wandering around the pentamarket, looking at this and that. She figured she could come back and buy dinner as an apology. Tell them that she’d been planning on going in for a day and then got caught up in a cool new training thing. She didn’t know what she’d show them if they asked what she’d learned, but it was a good enough lie as any.
“Beau?” She spun around, eyes going a little wide. Caleb was standing outside of Pumat Sol’s store, brow lifted. He looked her up and down. “Okay, this was already weird, but, uh, that makes it weirder.”
Beau slumped a little, leaning on her staff. Seeing Caleb sent a burst of happiness through her she hadn’t been expecting. They’d only been a mile away, but Gods knew how much she missed them. The Mighty Nein had become her center, which, she didn’t know how to feel about, except that she couldn’t quite bring herself to be upset.
“Ah, yeah.” she said, looking down at herself. She reached up to scratch the newly shaved back of her head. Her top knot, for once, was well tied. She looked like a proper Monk. “Been training.” She told him, the lie falling flat.
Caleb squinted at her, coming to stand by her. “Hmm, sure.” He looked past her. “You know, what’s funny, as soon as you left Jester decided to throw herself into reading about healing, and historical Clerics, and… she’s been training herself, too, I guess.”
Beau felt like she was talking to Caduceus, with the knowing look in Caleb’s eye. she took a breath, looking past him. “It’s… Look, I… It’s so fucking dumb. It’s like, so teenager. It’s stupid, Caleb. but… we kissed, and I’m all fucked up about it.”
Caleb, to his credit, managed to keep from laughing at her. “She seems pretty fucked up about it too.”
Beau snorted. “Sure she is. No, she’s probably just upset that I pulled my bullshit and left. That’s all I’m fucking good at.”
Caleb fixed her with a look. “You’ve stayed with us considerably more than you’ve left us, Beau. And you weren’t gone. We knew right where you were.” He seemed to think about it. “Maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe you should talk to her. I don’t know.”
Beau took a breath, giving a nod. “We still at the Leaky Tap?” She asked.
Caleb nodded, and turned off. “Let’s head back. I’m sure everyone will be excited to see you. Plus, buttoned up Beau is quite possibly the weirdest thing. Can’t deprive them of that.”
Beau’s return was met with a round of drinks and interrogation about how her time at the reserve had been. But she couldn’t meet Jester’s eye, and felt like there was a pit in her throat, and when a reason to get out of the city, to keep moving, fell into their laps, that was the best thing that could have possibly happened.
Beau could not figure out why she kept finding herself drawn to Jester. It was driving her crazy. She’d be walking along side the cart, and hear a dramatic sigh, and look up to see Jester with her back slumped on Caduceus’ shoulder, loudly complaining about how hot it was while tugging the collar of her blouse. Beau had to actually pinch herself to keep her eyes from trailing.
Jester would offer to take watch with Beau, batting her eyes, and acting a fool. Acting like Jester. It was probably some long form joke, knowing Jester. Or she’d re read Tusk Love. her flirting always got worse when she did that.
Beau would go down mid fight and, even though she knew that Jester was yards away casting spells when she went down, she’d wake up with her head cradled in Jester’s arms, the look of concern melting away.
It was trouble. She was sure she was just magnifying it all. Jester certainly wasn’t actually any more touchy and flirty than before. It was just projection. It was just wishful thinking.
It was hard to convince herself, but it had to be.
Yasha returned to them, which was great. When Yasha was around Beau could get away with not taking watch, with having a buffer roommate. When they stopped in Alfield, which was looking considerably better rebuilt than the last time they’d been there, Beau tried her best to forget that they’d ever even kissed. She flirted with barmaids, she got drunk and challenged Bryce to an arm wrestling match, then Fjord, then Yasha, then Caduceus. She acted like an idiot, really. And she steadfastly kept from looking Jester in the eye for more than a second. When she caught herself looking at the swishing skirts and soft curves, she forced herself to look away and take a shot.
And if she ended up outstandingly drunk muttering to an equally drunk Bryce about how ‘fucking beautiful’ Jester is, and how ‘shit’s fucking torture,’ then that was just fine, because Bryce couldn’t remember the next day anyway.
Everyone was kind enough to give Beau a day of recovery in Alfield before moving on. She needed it too, her head pounding like a drum, her stomach wrenching every time she tried to stand for the first two hours she was awake. She cursed the day she ever learned what alcohol was. She cursed who ever invented it too.
Yasha brought up some kind of broth, and turned the chair to face her as Beau dragged herself upright to drink it.
“You want to explain why you were drinking like the world ends tomorrow?” She asked, leaning on the chair towards her.
Beau let out a little groan. “Trying to wipe my memory.” She muttered. “It’s… I…”
“Is it something to do with why you locked yourself at the reserve for a week?” Beau squinted at her, an unasked question that Yasha shrugged and answered. “Caleb told me.”
“Damn that hobo wizard.” Beau muttered. “God, it’s so fucking dumb, Yash. Jester… she wanted to practice kissing, and I was like ‘yeah, sure, whatever, I’ve made out with straight girls before, no biggie, but then… It was a biggie. and I’m all fucked up about it.”
Yasha squinted at Beau. “So, let me track this. You and Jester kissed.”
Beau nodded.
“It was a good kiss?”
“You ran off to a monastery.”
“To be fair, I’m already technically a monk, but yes.”
“And now, even though she’s basically throwing herself at you, you decided to drink away your feelings instead of just locking the door and going at it.”
“Yeah, wait, no what?” Beau looked up from her bowl, scowling. “What? Jester’s not… that’s just how she’s like.”
Yasha snorted, and pushed to her feet. “If you say so Beau.”
Yasha left the room, leaning Beau to stare at a wall, thinking about it long enough for her soup to go cold.
It was a week later, visiting Marion Lavorre at the Lavish Chateau, when Jester got fed up. She’d tried flirting, she’d tried being super interested in what Beau had to say about training at the reserve, she tried showing more skin. But none of it was working, and it was torture. So she gave up on being subtle, waited until she knew Beau was alone, and stormed into the room, swinging the door shut behind her.
“Okay, I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but” She wheeled towards Beau, who was lounging on the bed a book in hand, looking confused. “I swear to The Traveler Beau, that if you don’t explain right now why you don’t want to kiss me again I’m going to lose my mind!”
Beau sat up, setting the novel aside. “What?” She said, head tilting adorably. ‘God, everything you do is cute.’ Jester thought. ‘It’s rude.’
Jester crossed her arms. “I know I was a good kisser. You were too bright red for me to not have been, but then you went off with your cool Monk buddies for a week and then when you came back you wouldn’t even look at me, so explain what I did wrong, so I can kiss you again and fix it, because, and I’m serious Beau, if I don’t get to kiss you again I am going to explode.”
Beau stared at her for a good ten seconds, and Jester felt like she was going to scream, or cry, or… or she didn’t know what. Then Beau was on her feet in front of her, reached to hold her jaw with one hand, and her waist with the other, pulling Jester close, kissing her like she was water in a desert.
Jester gasped, pressing back into the kiss. She lifted a hand to catch the back of Beau’s neck, slotting herself against Beau. She tilted her head, convinced Beau tasted better than sugar.
Beau broke the kiss. “so… You have been flirting?” she said, brow lifting.
Jester stared at her a second. “You seriously haven’t noticed?”
Beau shrugged. “I mean… People maybe have pointed it out to me but…”
Jester let out a little laugh, and ducked to kiss her again. “that clear anything up for you?”
Beau smiled wide, nodding. “Yeah, but I could use some more clarification on some points, if you don’t mind.”
And that was clarification Jester was more than happy to provide.
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