#i think i caught the virus that my cousin had when i went to my grandparents on Wednesday
wolfchans · 4 months
I've been feeling awful since yesterday lmao 😭 it's like my body decided to give up on me and gave me the most awful migraines known to man
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Resident Evil OC Backstory Oneshot
Broken Truth (Adjusting Neck Gaiter over nose and mouth): @ctitan98 made a Resident Evil Backstory Generator and here are my results: I'm related to Leon Kennedy, taking place in Resident Evil: Outbreak, my partner is Ethan Winters, Fighting Against Alex Wesker, and saving Leon Kennedy. Time to weave some words. (Holds hand out to the screen as the shadows consume the screen)
[Helicopter Hovering Over Racoon City - 3 Hours Before Sunrise]
"Hey, Broken, how are you holding up?" My partner's voice - Ethan Winters -called out to me as I looked at the tablet in my hands before me as my clawed hand swiped to the left to look at the image of our targets. The first target was Leon Kennedy - My Elder Cousin - who was sent to Racoon City to find some kind of Data on our second target - Alex Wesker, a woman who was a part of Project Wesker when Umbrella's Downfall. Alex was a relatively robust woman before her employer went under but she accumulated even more power ever since Umbrella went under, taking control of numerous islands, and being reverted as a Messiah or Goddess by the people of the islands; why she's in Racoon City was still unknown and that's why my cousin was looking up on before they got a message from y cousin, asking for back up before he went radio silent.
That was 3 weeks ago.
Just a little while after the outbreak, people were turned into the walking dead. I think Alex had something to do with it and Leon was following her to get the information he was looking for before he got captured by Alex and I was assigned to find Lon and the information he was seeking. My Friend - Chris Redfield - refused to let me go on a solo mission, regardless of my work better alone, and sent his friend - Ethan Winters - to assist me in this mission.
"Comm Check. Broken Truth, come in." Chris' Voice came from the intercom in my ear, I placed my two fingers on the intercom and spoke through my neck gaiter.
"Broken Truth, reporting in. Ethan and I are approaching the LZ and we'll be on the ground in 20 Minutes." I said with my eyes on the tablet, glaring into Alex's eyes; thinking of all the things I was going to do to her if I found out she hurt my cousin.
"Loosen up, Broken, you need to remember that it's me you're talking to. just remember that we are going to get Leon out of there." Chris said with a tenderness in his voice but I just shook my head.
"You know that I don't 'loosen up' on missions, Chris. Do you have any new information about Leon's Location or what Wesker was looking for in Racoon City after the outbreak?" I asked with steel in my voice.
"From Leon's Tracker, we found out that Wesker is in the Lab where the T-Virus came from. Apparently, there were new versions of the T-Virus and a possible antidote. Most likely, Wesker wanted the new viruses and Leon found out before he was captured. Your mission has been updated: Get Leon, The New Viruses, the Antidote, and deal with Wesker if you can. Understood?" Chris said
"Understood. Broken Truth, out." I removed my hand from the intercom and stood up as the pilot informed us that the LZ was in sight. I got my Katana and secured it to my back as Ethan picked up his guns. I looked at him, "Our mission has been updated. We're looking for the New Viruses, the T-Virus Antidote, and Leon. if we have the chance to get rid of Wesker, we take it. Don't get distracted, Winters."
"Roger that, Truth" Winters cocked his gun before we jumped out of the helicopter a few feet off the ground and charged into the city with our weapons in our hands.
[Days Later - The Main Lab]
I marched into the lab with Ethan covering my six, looking for the container, and spotted it on the counter, opening it, I found the viruses and antidote.
"Truth here. Antidotes and viruses are secure. Looking for Leon and Wesker now. Truth out." I removed my hand from the intercom and handed the container to Ethan, he placed it in his backpack, and that's when I caught a familiar scent flowing into my nose through my neck gaiter.
I booked it down the hall with Ethan on my heels and burst through the door, just in time to see Wesker pointing a gun at my cousin's head; he was bruised and bloody and looked like he was tortured. I grabbed one of the throwing knives out of my chest holster and threw it at the gun, knocking it out of Wesker's hand, causing her and Leon to look at me and Winters.
"Ah. There you are, The Wolf Pup." Alex said as she looked at me with a smile on her face.
"Heh Heh... You came for me, cousin." Leon said as he held his side with blood tinkering down his lip, he tried to smile but he looked like he was in a lot of pain.
"Get away from my cousin, Wesker, before I rip your fucking head off." I growled as I pointed my sword in her direction but she just smiled and began walking in my direction as Ethan pointed his gun at her head.
"Tell me, Wolf Pup, are they treating you right? Don't you think you would be more than you are with them? Come with me and I shall make you more than you are right now." She opened her arms as if to embrace me but I dashed at her and swung my sword at her but she danced around me before running to a corridor I moved to follow her when I heard Leon grunting in pain. I looked down the corridor and looked at Winters.
"Ethan, get Leon and get back to the chopper. I'm going after Wesker!"I barked (no pun intended) before I ran after Wesker but when I reached the end of the corridor - which led to a helipad - and watched as Alex flew away on a chopper of her own, a growled that she escaped but I knew were she was going.
With a snarl, I walked back to my own chopper and reunited with Ethan and Leon before sending a report to him. She may have gotten away this time but at least I managed to save my cousin.
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ordinaryyy-days · 1 month
Two weeks ago, I got sick.
I suddenly had a fever on Thursday August 8. I woke up feeling fine, procrastinated in the morning and began working, when I suddenly felt warm and weak. I was preparing for lunch then. Good thing my mom was at home to take over.
I was shocked to see that my fever reached 39C. It was a high fever! Accompanied by dry cough. I thought I caught the flu. I was able to cook some snacks in the afternoon, made me think that it wasn't a serious illness at all, affirming my thought that I just had a flu.
My fever continued the following day Friday, reaching 40C! I contacted my doctor cousin (a dermatologist) and prescribed me to take some antibiotics and something for the cough. Then on Saturday, my temperature went back to normal. I thought I was already recovering. Night came and again, I had a high fever until the following morning. I told my mom and she had a hunch that I probably contracted the dengue virus. It was a Sunday and no clinics were open. Going straight to the hospital seemed an overkill, and I didn't want to risk getting admitted yet.
On Monday, I went to a diagnostic lab and got tested for dengue. I was positive. My doctor cousin was also hesitant to send me to the hospital since what I had was a viral infection, I just really need to eat well and stay hydrated, to aid my body into fighting the infection. She said to have my blood taken everyday to monitor my platelets. My platelet count was below the normal range. On Tuesday, I had my blood tested again and my platelet count increased albeit still below the normal range.
My mom was already panicking a bit. During the previous nights, she slept in our room to accompany me or make sure I'm still okay while asleep. She was in contact with her friends the whole time I got diagnosed with dengue, asking them for tawatawa plant - a local herbal medicine believed to aid dengue patients to have a speedier recovery from dengue. One of her friends based overseas, a doctor, convinced her to have me admitted to a hospital to make sure that my vitals are being monitored well. I didn't want to be admitted yet because I don't have any health insurance and no money either. I feel bad to have my family shoulder my medical expenses.
She talked to my doctor cousin, and another doctor cousin who is also a daughter of one of her close friends, they both said that since my platelet count has increased even if below the normal range, we could still continue to monitor my platelet count, and it had not reached the critical phase yet which getting admitted to the hospital was more imperative. My mother agreed. The following day, another day to have my blood taken and tested, my platelet count dropped to 40 and my hematocrit increased as well - two signs that my doctor cousins told my mother to watch out for. After getting the results, we finally went to a big hospital to have me admitted.
In a side story of confusion, my first doctor cousin wanted to endorse me to another doctor specializing in infectious disease and who share our surname, making us wonder whether this new doctor is a relative. With the help of my second doctor cousin, we got the new doctor's permission to be my physician. Alas, we were not able to go straight to admission since the endorsement only happened through texts so I was first admitted to the emergency room. It was my first time getting administered with a heplock(?) where my IV will be attached.
First, I underwent some lab tests - a chest x-ray, blood samples, and urinalysis. In the radiology room, the personnel was pleasant and professional. She helped me remove my bra which became a challenge to do so because of the IV. Next was in the hepa something lab to have my blood taken again, this time in the hospital. Earlier, I already had my blood taken for lab but in a clinic. This time it was for the hospital records. The first personnel to do so, a woman, had difficulty finding my vein and drawing blood. It was painful. That was the only time I felt pain while having my blood taken. I didn't know how or why, but I overheard them say that the blood was not flowing smoothly which might affect the sample. She asked for help of another personnel, this time a cute guy. He seemed more competent. Despite already having multiple puncture wounds in my right arm due to the multiple times of having my blood taken, I didn't feel any pain when he drew out my blood. He was also able to get more amount enough for all the tests needed. After successfully taking my blood, he remarked that the entire "ordeal" made him sweat. I looked at him and saw his chest, neck, and face sweaty. It was kinda cute.
After that, I was finally escorted to my room. I was instructed to give a urine sample. I was having my period that time, around a week early than my expected next cycle (probably because of whatever dengue has done to my blood? that made my period come earlier than expected?), and so it was a bit embarrassing.
I stayed in the hospital from Aug 14 Wednesday, with my mom watching over me. My brother took over the following day since my mom had to go to work. I was visited by D on my 2nd day of confinement. On Saturday, the new doctor instructed to have me discharged since I was already past the critical phase when my platelet count tanked on the day I got admitted and the following day. On the 3rd and 4th day Saturday (when I was discharged), my platelet count had been increasing. Doc said that it meant I had entered the recovery phase. I was discharged with still low platelet count; thus I still felt week on Sunday, a full day after getting discharged. I gave myself 3 days before getting back to work. Now, Wednesday, I kind of warmed up with my tasks and so tomorrow I need to start working asap.
I recounted eveything that happened since I got sick but my main purpose for writing this was to thank my mom.
We don't always get along. Actually, I don't always agree with her. I've reached the age where I think I kind of have an equal footing with her. As an adult with different consciousness than her, I just see things more differently than her. She is no longer someone I put in a pedestal for being my mom. I kind of look at her with an "adult" lens.
But this experience of getting sick and having her by my side all the time, caring for me, looking after me... I feel so grateful and fortunate for having a mom like her. I don't know what would have happened to me if she wasn't with me. I know that she would not - never - abandon me or leave me especially when I was sick. I felt like a kid again. I felt that I needed her more than ever, and I could not imagine a time when she wouldn't be with me when I need her like if I get sick again. It makes me sad to think, that as I grow older, the possibility of losing her becomes more and more possible. It's self-centered, I know, to think this way because of how useful she is to me... but was there really any time when I didn't need her? None. Walang panahon na hindi ko siya kailangan. I always need her because she is my mother. The truth is, she could do without me, I am now just a burden to her. I know that she is worried about me, of how I'm gonna live my life after being unemployed for a long time. She has been patient with me, she and my dad. I am so grateful. I don't know what I would do without them. I am still not ready to face the possibility that they might be gone one day.
For now, I don't wanna face it. I don't wanna think about it.
The best thing, I guess, for me to show my love for them is to be a strong person, to be employed again, to show them that I can manage living on my own like if I get sick again. I want to be not a burden to them. I will always need them, yes, but maybe not in a way where it seems like I can't live without them.
This is a new goal.
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apiag · 7 months
My Life Journey From Childhood to Adulthood
Hello everyone I am gian cristel apiag, 18 years old. The story of my Life I have a very fulfilling feeling about what I have been able to accomplish in my life so far. Before my family is so close to many kids, that's why I'm so friendly. I want our house full of kids, so that I have friends to play with. So everyday we played so many games like bahay-bahayan or family roleplaying games, and so we played we cook a rice into the can of milk and our viand is dried fish and we are happy for that. And one time my cousin is cooking a rice and my other cousin put a salt and nips on it, she told us when we put salt and nips we don't needed a viand. So when my older cousin taste it she is so angry because it taste like spoiled rice, and that was the only rice we bought because we don't have enough money, and if we get rice from our house our mother would get mad because they think that we're just playing the rice. And the other day we played again and their is a sofa that my mother throw it away because its broke, and we open the sofa and there is a lot of sacks, so we get it and make a house. When we are done making the house (we make a house with a second floor using a chairs and fly wood) so we played and we slept at the second floor, and when my cousin(boy) is coming with his friends he sat on the chair were we put the flywood to make a second floor, and then he pulled the chair so we fall and he just laughing with his friends and they sing the hala nahulog song, so I get mad. And so, I get a lot of rocks and throw it to them and they cried. So my mother get angry because why were so noisy, so she told me to get inside of our house and they crashed our play house. And many weeks had pass, we have a neighbor that has no TV so my mom let them get inside of our house to watch. And also we have a tree of a guava and the brother of our neighbor climb and get some guava and I ask him if can I have some because I dont know how to climb, and he told me no. And so what I do is I get his slippers and throw it away and shake the tree of the guava hahaha.
And when I get older we did not play a bahay-bahayan anymore, what we play is hide and seek. And we play it at night to make it interesting because it's so hard finding a person at night and also it so scared because it's so dark. And many days we played I getting fall in love with one of my friend, but sadly the one I crush on is have a crush to my cousin. So I did not play with them anymore. I only standby in our house and watch movies. Many years have past and I get older, zia(my cousin) always took us at the mall and eat Jollibee and also she bought us dresses or anything. And also there is a time when I was a kid we make fun of my cousins hair because it is bald, so she get mad and we just laughting and he chase us with a big rock on his hands so we ran and my cousins saw a jeep and they climb on the top of it and I'm the last one who climb and I get caught with my cousin climbing the jeep so he pulled my feet so I fall to the ground from the top of the jeep and my right hand got injured so I cried a lot .Sadly my mom and dad is in the market so my cousins call my dad,so my mom and dad rushed home because they told them that my arms got injured. And they make joked that my hand would cement and put tiles on it so I cried even more. But thankfully it is just a lame, so we went to Lola Carmen to massage my hand.
Time flies when I was in grade 7 I met a lot of people and they become my best friends, and we got a very nice and generous teacher, because every salary of our teacher she free us a snack. And we are very thankful that she is our grade 7 adviser. And when I turned grade 8 I met new people I had 5 best friends, with them I tried going to the beach and going to the mall without my parents. And I'm so happy that I tried those things and I always cherish those times and I won't forget those moments. But sadly there is a virus from china that stops our face to face class. And many people lost their job and especially my father. Thankfully we have a neighbor that sells a vegetables and he let my mom sells those so that my mom can provide our daily needs during covid. Though my COVID days is a bit fun because my relatives always in our house they always cook there and we will eat together, so that I gained a little bit of weight because there is a lot of food those times. And when face to face class are back I was already grade 11 and their where I met those 4 monkeys who makes me happy at school and enjoy my teenage years. Everytime we had achievements we eat at fastfoods nor we go to the beach. And I always thank them for completing and makes my teenage years memorable and unforgettable. Though my life isn't that interesting but the time to breathe before advancing further in my future, the difficult moments instead of discouraging me, these moments give me motivation and the necessary energy to move forward. The journey to childhood to adulthood is not something that happens in the blink of an eye but rather within time.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 5: Master of the House
…in which Ezi is home alone with Harry’s assistant.
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Word count: 4.8k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: PLEASEEEEEE LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! I'll write faster when I get a lot of comments 😩
Harry pulled Ezi down the hallway to find the nearest bathroom. His head started to hurt as he thought about how his mother would react if she found out what Ezi had done. What he had done. He didn’t expect his cousin to run and tell anyone that he’d been attacked by a helpless girl and that Harry had beat the shit out of him afterwards. But someone might have seen that, and words could spread like a virus at these kinds of events. It’d be wiser to just walk away quietly.
When he had found a bathroom, an old lady stepped out, saw them and made a face, probably assuming the worst when she caught sight of the blood on Ezi’s face.
“I didn’t hit her,” Harry told the lady, only to receive a disgusted look in return.
She ignored him and turned to Ezi. “Honey, are you alright?”
Ezi offered a grin, showing her blood-stained teeth. “Yeah. It’s not my blood.”
The lady’s eyes widened in shock. Slowly, she took a step back, then ran off without another word.
Harry immediately shut the door behind them. “Wash your mouth,” he told Ezi, turned on the water, and as she washed her mouth in the sink, he took off his jacket, put it on the marble counter, and rolled up his sleeves.
Ezi hopped onto the counter and watched Harry soak the handkerchief he’d been carrying in his pocket.
“Face,” he ordered, and she lifted her chin so he could gently wipe off the blood around her mouth.
“I was defending myself,” she said once he’d finished and tossed the handkerchief into the bin at his feet.
“I know.” He shifted his eyes back to her. He didn’t mean to sound like a dick, but it seemed like he’d come off as one. He leaned to the side with his hand on the cool surface of the sink. “It’s not your fault. I know my cousin. His family is in debt because of his gambling addiction. I keep telling my mother to ban him from the manor, but she has too much respect for the fucker’s parents to do it.”
“So why did he call you trash?”
At that, Harry couldn’t help but cackle. “He did? Well, I think most people would think so. I haven’t done much to make my mother proud. She wanted her only son to take over our family’s business, but I wanted to become a singer, and yeah…”
Ezi blinked at him. She probably didn’t understand most of what he’d said, so he let it go and worked up a smile. “Sorry for oversharing. You okay?”
She nodded. “I’m not hurt. I was the one that bit him.”
“Are you feeling sorry for him now?”
“No. I would’ve eaten him if you hadn’t shown up.” The way she;d said with a straight face amused and scared Harry at the same time. “Although he didn’t taste as good now that I’m human and need my food cooked.”
“I’ll just assume that you weren’t serious.”
Harry picked up his jacket from the sink. Ezi hopped to her feet and reached for the doorknob, but he pulled her back to him by her wrist and swept his eyes over her body once again. “Where did he touch you?”
She pointed to her waist and showed him the red fingerprints around her forearm.
“Nowhere else?”
“Nowhere else.” She shook her head. “I don’t like being touched.”
A sense of discomfort filled Harry as he recalled how she’d said those same words after he’d yelled at her earlier. She must have been so scared. Tonight he deserved a trophy for being the biggest asshole alive.
“Nobody should touch you. Not even me.”
“You are touching me.”
Harry looked down at his fingers around her wrist and immediately let go. “From now on, nobody,” he said. “Only when you give them permission to touch you, okay?”
“What about handshakes?”
“Handshakes are fine. Wouldn’t recommend shaking hands with everyone, though. Germs and all that.” He stepped in closer and pretended to put his arms around her without touching her, just to demonstrate. “So hugs like this are for friends. You don’t usually do this to people you’ve just met. Unless they’re the ones on the street with the sign that says FREE HUGS. You’re allowed to hug those.”
“Got it.”
“And,” breathed Harry as he grabbed his nonexistent boobs. “This area is forbidden. Nobody is allowed to touch you here...unless you want them too, of course.”
“Why would I want them to?”
Harry ignored the question and went on, grabbing his bum. “Also this and the front area.” He gestured to his crotch. “Forbidden.”
“But I don’t have a tail.”
“You have something else that’s just as important as my tail.” He felt silly to say it, but it would have felt weird to say dick or penis to her face.
She put a finger to her lips; a line appeared between her brows as she pondered. “Speaking of something else, the hole--”
“Okay, not here! Save your questions for when we’re home.”
Harry grabbed her shoulders to spin her around, and she immediately smacked his hands and shot him a glare. “I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”
“Good. Love that attitude. But really, we need to leave before my mother finds out I almost killed someone in her home.”
He reached around Ezi and opened the door, bobbed his chin for her to go first, but she stood still, her face serious. “That wasn’t like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Back there. You became someone else. You were...violent.”
“Well, yeah. Only because he deserved that.”
Ezi cocked her head to the side, her clear blue eyes squinted. “But he was one of your kind. And I’m not. So why were you protecting me?”
“Because he assaulted you. I don’t care if he was the Queen of England. I would’ve beat his ass still.” Seeing her perplexed expression, Harry let out a soft laugh. “Why’s it surprising? Didn’t you save me twice?”
Ezi averted her eyes and gave a small nod. “Yeah.”
“And you lost your tail for it, so it wasn’t a fair trade anyway.”
He waited for her to say something, but she didn’t, so he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders and told her to go.
They didn’t speak on the ride home. Harry wanted to lighten up the mood with his stupid jokes, but he was too agitated to say anything. They had left without saying goodbye to his mother or anyone, so he would probably be in so much trouble tomorrow. He had put his phone on airplane mode; his mother’s harsh words would have to wait. He also couldn’t help but think that if he hadn’t shown up, something worse could have happened to Ezi. Or his cousin. Or both. And it would’ve been his fault as well.
“Next time we go out, don’t do the opposite of what I tell you to do,” he told Ezi when they’d arrived home and gone upstairs to her room. “You’re even more stubborn than my cat. At least she’d stay put when I tell her to.”
“I was looking for you! I thought you’d left me.”
Harry tossed his keys onto a table and turned to look at Ezi. He put both hands on his hips. She was giving him those puppy dog’s eyes while fidgeting with her own fingers as if she hadn’t nearly torn open his cousin’s throat with her human teeth. He could not imagine what she could do with her siren fangs.
He let go a sigh and scratched his forehead. “You thought I’d left you?” His voice was lower now that he’d calmed down a bit. “So you don’t trust me?”
She said nothing, just staring back at him.
Calmly, he went on, “I brought you all the way here to London and risked it all to keep you in my house, Ezi. I had to speak to some of my relatives at the event, but I was going to come back for you. I told you to stay--”
“You lied to me.”
Frozen to the spot, Harry blinked. “About?”
“Dawson,” Ezi said. “I talked to Dawson.”
“You talked to Dawson?!”
“And he was a nice person.” Then, she had to reassure him, “Don’t worry. It was a short conversation, and I didn’t tell him much about myself.”
“Then how do you know he was a nice person?” Harry scoffed. “I mean, you barely know the lad.”
“He told me about manga, and he called me beautiful, and he doesn’t act friendly to his enemy.”
“Enemy?” Harry asked, but Ezi didn’t bother to explain.
“Why do you hate him?” she asked.
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes. “He’s a try-hard. I hate try-hards. My mother loves him, so of course you’d love him, too.”
“I wouldn’t call it love--”
“Good. Because he’s lame.”
Ezi tilted her head, looking puzzled. “What’s lame?”
“Boring. Not interesting.”
“Oh.” She gave an understanding nod. “Then you’re the lamest.”
“Okay, you know what?” Harry exhaled and pointed to her bedroom door. He had never felt more like a dad than he was now. “You’re grounded for a day. That means you’re not allowed to leave your room tomorrow.”
“How will I eat?”
“The food will be brought to your room.”
Ezi’s face turned red as she crossed her arms and stomped her foot. “You cannot imprison me!”
“It’s not imprisoning if you still get to play games and watch videos on your iPad.”
Harry knew Ezi loved the iPad. Her furrowed brows relaxed as soon as she heard that she got to keep it. “Fine.” She breathed. “I don’t want to see your face anyway. I’ll just be in my room with Chilli.”
Ezi shoved Harry aside as she stormed into her room and kicked the door shut. Harry stared at it for a moment. Then, he smiled, shook his head and went back to his room.
Ezili had a nightmare again.
This time, she’d returned to the ocean after failing her mission, and as punishment, her mother had turned her into a shrimp, while her sister had watched with a satisfied sneer.
A few moments after she’d woken up screaming, she heard Harry’s footsteps pounding down the hallway before he burst into her room, panting as he asked if she was alright. She almost said that she was now that he was here, but she didn’t and only answered with a nod.
“Okay,” Harry gave a crooked smile. “Just...wake me up if you need anything.”
“Wait.” The word slipped out before Ezili could stop herself.
Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Yeah?”
She rubbed her hands onto her thighs, feeling the smoothness of the fabric of her nightgown, which brought her a sense of comfort. In the semi-darkness of her room, Harry looked strangely handsome with his messy hair and sleepiness in his heavy hooded eyes. She wondered why he had to be all groomed most of the time when he already looked good without trying.
For a second, she forgot what she was about to say then flinched when he called her name.
“Can you sleep here with me tonight?” she asked.
Harry looked stiff, his lips slightly parted.
“If you want to,” she quickly added. When she was living under the sea, she had hated sharing her space with the other sirens, so she could imagine how uncomfortable Harry must feel about her request. Still, she knew if he was around, she wouldn’t have nightmares. If she focused on his presence, then she wouldn’t think about her mother and sister and the task that seemed impossible to complete. Besides, she wanted to be as close to him as possible, learn his behaviours, and slowly slip into his mind and then his heart.
“I mean…” He scratched the back of his head and awkwardly looked around the room. “I guess I could sleep on the sofa over there.”
“There’s plenty of space on this bed,” she said, patting the spot beside her.
His mouth curled. “I know. I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. After what happened tonight, I thought you wouldn’t want to be near a man anymore.”
Ezili shrugged. “Well, I’ll try not to hate you tonight.”
Harry rested a shoulder against the doorframe and rubbed his chin. “Well, well, well, are you saying that I chase your bad dreams away?”
“Yes, because you’re already a living nightmare.”
Her response made him laugh. At this point, she could conclude that he enjoyed being degraded.
He narrowed his eyes at her. “How’s your English so good? I thought you must speak a language for sirens, no?”
“We speak Séren back home.”
“Oh, cool. Say something in your language.”
“T’ko thikc mei vie mei zua zi.”
“Damn. What does it mean?”
“I don’t like you because you’re ugly.”
Harry’s smile vanished, making Ezili explode in laughter. When she saw the way he was gawking at her, probably because she had never laughed like that before, she forced herself to stop and cleared her throat. “Yeah, so that’s Séren.”
“How do you speak English so well then?”
“Not just English. I also speak French, Danish, and German.”
“Wow. Your fish schools teach human languages?”
Ezili made a disgusted face. “No. I learn them from hearing the conversations of the sailors on the boats.”
“Makes sense.” Harry nodded slowly. “You seem like a fast learner. Way too fast; it’s scary. Maybe your brain is even more developed than mine.”
“Thank you.”
“Now that I’ve entertained you--”
“You’ve done nothing. I did all the talking.”
“I gave you a topic to talk about. Don’t be mean.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Anyway, now that you’re entertained, do you still want me to stay?”
Ezili thought for a second and nodded.
“Alright,” Harry breathed and shut the door behind him. “I’ll stay. Scoot over.”
“You’re permitted to touch me tonight,” Ezili said.
Harry froze when he’d sat down on the edge of the bed. “What?”
Was there something wrong with his hearing? He’d asked her to repeat a lot of things tonight.
“You’re permitted to touch me tonight,” she told him again in annoyance. “You might touch my hand or arm when you sleep. I can’t hold you accountable for that.”
“That’s not--” He exhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed. “You know what? Good for you. Keep that attitude when you’re with any man. I’m a man myself, but most of us are pigs.”
“You mean all of you.”
“I literally just lay down and you’re already insulting me.”
“Fine. I’ll stop,” Ezili said, smiling as she watched Harry adjust the covers to make himself comfortable.
“I can’t sleep with you staring at me like that,” he said with one eye shut and the other half-opened.
Pouting, Ezili turned over with her back to him. Harry’s throaty laugh made her stomach clench, but in a good way. “Ezi,” he whispered. “I was only joking.”
She completely ignored him, pretending she was asleep. He was quiet for the next few moments, and when she looked back to check, he was already sleeping. She thought he was playing, so she called his name and lightly pulled a strand of his hair, but he didn’t react. He was lying on his back, his mouth slightly open as he breathed, chest rising and falling in a calming rhythm. She pushed up on one elbow and peered down at his face. She hadn’t observed him this close before. Well, not since their first encounter on the beach. The last time, however, had been in a different situation, and she hadn’t got time to properly study him. Humans were exquisite-looking creatures. She would never admit aloud, but she had always envied them for it.
She started counting his eyelashes and connecting the freckles on his face. The more she looked, the more fascinating he became. It had amazed her how he’d rescued her instead of another human. And not just any human, but his family. She would never betray her kind for a human. Her rescuing him twice had been an act to gain his trust, when the whole purpose of this mission was to have him dead at the end.
Slowly and carefully, she moved closer and gently pressed her ear to his chest. She could hear it. The thumping of his heart, pumping blood through his veins, keeping him alive. He would be dead without that heart. Sadly, so would she.
“Good morning?” Harry said in a tone of a question when he woke up and found Ezi standing in front of the window with her back straight and arms to her sides, like one of those guards in front of Buckingham Palace. “Helloooo?”
“Shhhh. I’m meditating.”
“Who meditates standing up?” He snorted. “Man, you’ve been watching too much YouTube.”
“TikTok. And I’m not a man.”
“Wait, you’re on TikTok now?”
Ezi released a long breath and turned around to face him, hands on her hips. Sunlight filtered through the thin material of her blue nightgown, and Harry looked away as fast as he could before he got hard over a nipple or something. He wasn’t a bad guy. It was only--
“Seven in the morning,” he groaned into the pillow and fell back to the bed. “Fucking hell.”
“It’s morning, so you’re not welcome in my bed anymore.”
He removed the pillow to glare at her. “Ungrateful little minx. Said that after I’d chased away all the nightmares.”
“Go before I send Chilli to take you out.”
As if she heard her name, Chilli appeared in the doorway and licked her little paw while sending Harry a death look.
“You’re siding with the enemy now, huh?” he asked the cat.
“Why not?” Ezi said. “She’s a smart girl.”
Harry groaned loudly as he pushed himself out of bed and started doing some stretches. “Remember,” he told Ezi, who was watching him with her arms crossed and a judgy look on her face. How did she manage to look this good at seven in the morning? Totally unfair. “Remember,” he repeated as he almost forgot what he was trying to say. “You’re grounded. So you can’t leave your room today, but the food will be brought to you. You’re allowed to use the bathroom down the hall.”
“Fine.” He ruffled his hair and gestured at her. “Now continue doing...that...thing that you were doing.”
“Whatever,” he chuckled. “Weirdo.”
“Good morning, Mr Boss!” said Amy, Harry’s assistant, as he went downstairs. She’d just arrived with the flowers for his living room.
“Morning, Ames. Any updates?”
“All in the email I sent you, Boss. Also, your mother called...52 times.”
“Yeah, I’ll deal with her,” Harry gave the girl a tight smile as he fixed his hair in the giant mirror by the stairs. “Thank you so much.”
“Did you watch the season finale of Master of the House?” Amy asked, smiling at his reflection in the mirror.
He turned around, grinning back at her. He liked how Amy was always so enthusiastic, but at the same time, found it difficult to match her energy. “No, been too busy. What happened?”
“I won’t spoil.” She giggled and started replacing the flowers in the vase in the centre of the living room with the new ones. “You should watch it this week and we’ll discuss.”
“I will.” When he got to the door, Harry did a spin as he remembered what he almost forgot. “Amy, can you stay here and wait for Niall to come? Also, there’s a girl sleeping upstairs. Don’t wake her.”
Amy’s usual grin had never disappeared so fast. Her hand that was holding a rose froze midair when she asked, “Was it the girl I saw the other day?”
“Your new girlfriend?”
“Just a friend.” Harry knew Amy had a little crush on him. It was harmless, so he didn’t really care. “I gotta go,” he told her, pretending he couldn’t see through her frown. “Wait for Niall.”
“Okay.” She forced a toothy grin and waved. “Have a great day, Boss!”
This shirt was too big for Ezili. She shook her head, tongue stuck out at the corner of her lips as she reached further into the closet to get the dark blue t-shirt at the back.
As she pulled the pink shirt she was wearing over her head and put on the blue one. She heard the door to the closet creak open. Her chest nearly exploded. It was just Chilli.
She gave the cat a look. “What?”
The cat meowed at her.
“Yeah, I know he said I couldn’t leave my room and was only allowed to use the bathroom, but I’m bored.” She slipped on a white tennis skirt and sat down on the floor to put on a pair of white shoes. She struggled with the strings, but somehow still managed to tie them into two nice bows like she’d seen on those tutorials.
Twirling in front of the mirror, she asked Chilli, “Do you think I look good?”
Chilli responded by rubbing her tiny head against Ezili’s ankle. Ezili took it as a yes.
Their moment was interrupted by a loud thump from downstairs. Speaking of which, Ezili hadn’t heard from Harry all morning. He’d left breakfast for her at the door and disappeared to who knew where. She probably should go check on him.
Chilli followed her to the living room, both forgetting that Ezili wasn’t supposed to go downstairs. But it didn’t matter anymore, because instead of Harry, she found the green-haired girl lying on her stomach on the white cushioned sofa with her feet in the air and a half-finished bag of chips on the coffee table.. The sound Ezili had heard was the result of the chair this girl had knocked over yet didn’t bother to pick up.
Ezili hesitated for a moment behind the bookcase behind the girl. Before she decided to speak up, the girl did. She was on the phone with someone.
“So the master of the house was taken care of.”
Master of the house?
“Nah, I think that girl is dead, too,” the green-haired girl giggled. What was so funny about death? “No, I don’t mean like dead now. But if she attacks, then the team will take her out.”
Ezili shivered. Could she be talking about Ezili? The master of the house was Harry. This green-haired monster had murdered Harry, and Ezili was the next target.
“What do you mean I don’t know that? I’m the expert. I’ve watched stuff like this all the time. Believe me. There’s no way she’s not getting caught. I can’t wait for the world to find out who she really is.”
Ezili went numb until she felt Chilli around her ankle. She put a finger to her lips to order the cat to stay quiet otherwise they’d both die. Picking up the cat, she walked quietly to the front door and slipped out before the green-haired girl found out she’d left her room. She must run away. She’d rather die by her mother’s hands than become a prisoner to humans.
The problem was: she didn’t know where she was.
How far was the ocean from here? She remembered having flown across the sky inside the iron bird, so this land must be very far from home.
“Watch where you’re going, crazy bitch!”
Ezili screamed when a car made a loud noise that almost blew up her ears. She stumbled backwards to the side of the road as the man inside the car gave her a look of contempt and drove off.
She hugged Chilli tighter to her chest. Relax, the voice inside her head said. I know you’ll figure out what to do.
She inhaled deeply and--
The sound of her name felt like a splash of water on a hot day. She shot her focus to the white car with the window rolled down and saw a familiar handsome face with glasses.
Dawson poked his head out of the window. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans -- the opposite image of the person she’d met last night. “Hey, where are you going?” he asked, looking concerned. “With the cat. Where’s Harry?”
“He’s dead,” Ezili told him quietly. She couldn’t let them find out that she’d escaped.
To her surprise, Dawson laughed. Could it be that he was one of them?
“Sooo dead. His mum sent me to check on him because she’s raging and he doesn’t answer his phone. But don’t worry. This happens all the time. He’s like a cat. Got nine lives.”
Ezili rapidly shook her head. “There was a girl in there. Green hair—”
“Harry’s assistant?”
“Yeah, that girl!” She continued nodding. “She was talking on the phone with someone. She said that the m-master of the house i-is dead.”
“Shit.” Dawson’s face grew dim. Maybe he’d finally understood. “She spoiled you the season finale?”
“That sucks. But don’t worry, there’s still more.”
“Master of the House. The Netflix show.”
It took Ezili’s brain a few moments to process, then she realised she had made a fool out of herself for nothing. Of course the green-haired girl wasn’t talking about killing Harry. It was a Netflix show!
Sighing in relief, she threw on a smile. “Oh, right. Yeah, that really shocked me. Harry’s not home, by the way.”
Dawson grimaced. “You okay? Where were you running off to?”
“Uhhh.” Ezili straightened her back. “W-Where were you running off to? I mean, driving.”
Dawson chuckled. He also had dimples like Harry’s, just not as prominent. “I came to see Harry but since he’s not home.” He peered around her to the front gate of Harry’s house. “I guess I’ll go to the bookstore today.” Another smile at Ezili. Unlike Harry, this one smiled a lot. And Ezili was keen on it. “Wanna come?”
Go with him?
Yes, yes she absolutely wanted that.
Harry wasn’t going to let her explore this new land anyway. And after the incident this morning, it was for the best if she knew her way around here, to escape when she must. Still, she remembered how angry he’d been last night about her not doing what he’d told her to do and putting herself in danger. She was about to turn down the offer when Chilli jumped out of her arms and into the car with Dawson. She sat casually on Dawson’s lap, gazing up at Ezili.
Dawson beamed. “Looks like the cat’s made up its mind.”
Ezili rolled her eyes, threw her head back and groaned. “Her name’s Chilli,” she said. “But, fine. I’ll go with you.”
Niall felt like the main character today as he skipped up the steps to Harry’s door. Harry had asked him for a favour again. Because where else would his best friend turn to when things got rough? Niall knew that he was helpful and the best friend Harry could ask for. Still, he tried to stay humble about it.
“Sup, Ames.” He waved at Harry’s assistant, who opened the door for him. “Did you like my new TikTok?”
“With all five of my accounts. I got you, Nialler,” Amy said as she leaned against the staircase while chewing gum in her mouth.
Niall shrugged off his coat and hung it up. “Thanks, love. Sorry I’m late. Mikasa was wild this morning. I’m literally exhausted.”
“Uh, TMI?”
“What do you mean? It’s just yoga. She and her ‘I’m a therapist. Yoga will be good for your mental health’. She thinks I’m in love with her and would do anything for her. And you know what? She’s absolutely correct. Now where’s the girl?”
Amy looked confused for a second before she realised who he was referring to. “Oh, the pale girl? I saw her leave with Dawson Styles.”
“Yeah, she got into his car with Chilli. Is she really Harry’s girlfriend? I don’t like her. She didn’t say hello to me the first time and not this morning, either.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” Niall grabbed his head. “Sick girl on the loose. Sick girl on the loose. Thanks Ames.” Ignoring Amy looking baffled, he pulled out his phone and called Harry. The endless ringing only got him more frustrated. “Pick up, you motherfucker. It’s always the Nialler who has to save the day.”
Harry picked up after what seemed like a million beeps. “Don’t tell me someone’s injured. It’s only been an hour.”
“Worse!” Niall almost yelled. “Dawson kidnapped the girl!”
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
be stuck with you - owen patrick joyner x (reader)
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Word Count: 2303
Request: YES, from that sweet @idontcare011​, hope you’ll like it ! 
Summary:  you were late and a random boy comes into the elevator at the last minute. By some incredible force of fate (or pretty crappy weather) you find yourself stuck with the young man in this narrow cabin.
Warnings: panic attack and i think it’s all
disclaimer: I don't know Owen personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Owen's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…I heard maybe he has one, so I don’t know but I don’t want to offend her).  All of this is not the reality
Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ 
Thanks God, the quarantine was over and everyone could travel again. However, this stupid virus was not completely gone. Since the health crisis, you have adopted new habits, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. But today, you were in a hurry, so you entered the cabin eagerly. The conference you were due to attend was starting in no less than twenty minutes, and your itinerary had said it would take you 15 to get to your planned location. But with the weather conditions creeping in out there, you were sure you would need a lot longer than advertised. The automatic door was closing when a hand stepped in the way. A young blond man appeared and slipped into the elevator. You grumbled at the action, making you fall a few more seconds behind.
 "Sorry" the boy said through his mask.
 But you didn't answer.
 You had almost ten floors to go down together. You looked in your bag for a while to make sure you had your recorder when you felt an uncontrolled jerk. Your body no longer held you in balance but you caught yourself on a side of the elevator as the young man accompanying you tended to stabilize you. The lights flashed for a while and then went out. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded.
 "oh no no no no no no no. Anything except that, please!" you said, frantically pressing a random button.
 “I think we stuck…”
  "Oh yeah, what makes you think that?" The fact that we weren't moving or that the lights went out? "
 The boy threw up his hands in defense, eyes wide with so much animosity.
 "Hey, I'm in the same situation. You don't have to be aggressive."
You groaned before leaning against one of the elevator walls, peering into the face of your elevator failure companion. He had blond hair; his tips reached the base of his neck. But his expressive blue eyes - seeming constantly anxious - reminded you of someone, but you didn't know who. You have pushed the alarm button to warn the staff that there was someone in the lift.
 “Sorry, it’s seems to be a bad day. I’m late and now I’m stuck in an elevator with a perfect stranger”
 “I’m Owen…Not a stranger anymore”
 “I’m y/n, but yes, you still are”
 Owen laughed at your outspokenness and you gave him a polite smile before you were silent for several minutes.
 After what seemed like forever - when it was only ten minutes - you looked at your phone. No networks. For no obvious reason, when everything seemed to be going well, your heart started to beat faster. The thought of being stuck here forever crossed your mind and ached in your chest. The boy in front of you seemed so calm, which made you even more anxious.
 "How the hell can you stay so calm"
 "Oh ... I'm dying inside, just trying to play it cool"
 You can help with giving him an amused smile, he had been so frank. But this little interaction did not bring you back down from your state. You were breathing harder and harder, your chest was heaving quickly, it was nearly out of control. Owen seemed to notice that and give you a concerned look.
 "Panic attack?"
 You nodded briskly and Owen approached you cautiously. You saw his hands move towards you and your gaze expressed fear but you were paralyzed to do anything.
 "I'm going to take that damn mask off you already."
 Gently, he grabbed the fabric mask and pulled a little on it to lower it, he reproduced the gesture with his own mask.
 "Look at me, just me. There's nothing around us. Take a deep breath. I'll count to 3 and then you'll breathe out. Okay?"
 you nodded and when he shook his to urge you to breathe you took a deep breath, like he told you to.
 You sighed, keeping your gaze on him. You started once more and when the blonde asked you if it was better, you were shaking your head negatively.
 "We're starting over but… take my hands and squeeze them as much as you need. Don't worry about grinding them."
 You grabbed his hands and restarted each step over, crushing his hands. But the contact with matter, your breath and Owen's comforting eyes, help you gently. A soothing silence has settled between you. Owen had helped you through this panic attack when you didn't even know each other. But you could feel deep inside that this man was good. Things seemed to calm down for you and you thanked Owen with a genuine smile.
 “You know how to deal with it ... Thanks for that.”
 “I also suffer from anxiety and panic attack. But the elevator is big enough here that it doesn't cause me one. Although I am a little anxious ...”
 “hey, breathe Owen.” You replied with a smirk
 Owen laughed and shook his head as if to say "that's a good one!" You look at the young man again, staring at him intently. It was very rude but you couldn't put a name on his face anymore. You were sure you knew him. Was he a distant cousin? A neighbor? A guy you knew in high school? Or just a guy you saw in an ad? Maybe the ad for these new cereals!
 “Excuse me but ... I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?”
 “In an elevator, yeah!” he joked
 You laughed he was funny
 “No, I mean ... I feel like I've seen you before but I really can't remember where.”
 he sighed, as if a little tired of the question. You were surprised at his reaction but Owen answers you anyway
 “Yeah, I don't usually talk about that when I first meet a girl, especially when I'm stuck in an elevator with her but ... I'm an actor. I played some stuff on Nickelodeon and now I'm supposed to shoot season two of Julie and the phantoms, it's a Netflix series.”
 You watched him chattering, you nodded then wide your eyes. This is where you saw it! You had been relentlessly browsing the Netflix catalog and seeing the trailer for the series he told you about, but you had avoided it, the show seemed too childish for you. You first reaction was to make fun of him
 "Again, don't forget to breath Owen. But the way, I didn’t want to bother you with that question."
 He laughed lightly then smiled politely at you. You didn't seem to be a hysteric or a weird person. He had a deep feeling that you were a good person, which is why Owen seemed to relax.
 "It's just ... for a while, I thought you were a fan and I didn't want things to be weird all suddenly "
 "Oh don't worry I haven't seen any of your shows.” you said nonchalantly
 Owen burst into laughter. Once again, it was bafflingly sincere and he was really starting to enjoy being stuck in an elevator with you. You smiled, the energy in the cabin was positive that you almost forgot you were stuck with this young man for almost half an hour. You didn't know when you were going to be able to get out of here but you didn't really care anymore for the sole reason that you wanted to get to know this man. You tilted your head back, resting it against the elevator wall before sighing loudly. Seconds later, your gaze turned to Owen again.
 “So tell me about this series that you’re filming. What is it about?”
 "It's a pretty cool show actually. It's directed by Kenny Ortega, I don't know if you see who he is."
 "Hell yeah ... he's the choreographer of Dirty Dancing"
 "Himself ... So what about the storyboard ... It's about ..."
 And then, you listened to him to tell you about the series. Something like a '90s band dying of food poisoning from a bad hotdog and returning twenty-five years later as ghosts to help a super talented young girl to make music after her mom passed away. It made you laugh; it was probably the dumbest death on TV after Marion Cotillard's in Batman. He couldn't even stop anymore so that he sometimes swapped over a few anecdotes from the set. You even got a little exclusive on season two before Owen stopped in the middle of a sentence.
 "Sorry, I got a little carried away. But when you like your job, it's pretty easy to talk about it."
 You smiled at him and Owen started asking you questions, about your work, your life, your passions and you were giving him back. The conversation was fluid, natural You learned that he was German, that his mother tongue was German until he was about four years old, that he had a sister and had lived with his parents until that year when he moved into his own apartment. Getting to know Owen was really nice and you could feel your stomach twist every time he smiled. He was a boy full of humor but also sarcasm.
 You've been stuck with Owen for an hour and a half now. You ended up sitting on the floor of the elevator. Boredom was really starting to take hold of you. You rummaged through your bag for something, anything. An idea crossed your mind when you saw the small block of post-it notes.
 "How would you like to play a game?"
 "What kind of game do you want to play here?"
 "Who am I?"
 "Obviously you are y/n" he tells you with a smirk.
 You laughed before pulling out your notepad and a pencil to show it to the blonde. He claimed to have understood your intention, which made you smile even more. Of course, Owen knew the game you wanted to play. He nodded, and you'd write a celebrity's name on a sticky note before sticking it on your new friend's forehead. He did the same for you. Fortunately, your two post-its are well stuck. Owen spoke
 "I start: am I a man?"
 "Obviously" you say with a smirk, responding to the blonde's previous joke.
 Owen laughed, catching the tone of your voice.
 “But how funny she is! Is my character a man?” He continued.
 You did several parts. You even teased him when he made you guess Julie and the phantoms, because the game didn't stop only with characters, celebrities but also series, movies, musicals. You were laughing when there was another shake, stronger than the first, the lights came back on and you couldn't help but be disappointed. You looked at Owen and he seemed to have the same gaze as yours. The doors barely opened and you found the hotel staff, patiently waiting to ask if you needed medical assistance, while also offering you a bottle of water. You left the elevator car, hurriedly stuffing the many post-its into your bag. You didn't really know how to act with the blond guy next to you. You had formed a little bubble in that enclosed space and now it seemed to have burst. For some strange reason, it made you sad. Now is the time to part ways with your new friend.
 “well, good-goodbye, it was nice to meet you.”
 you rushed into the hotel lobby a little more, but Owen seemed to catch up with you, his long legs only having to take a few strides.
 "wait, y/n!"
 You turned to him, you could see the embarrassment on his cheeks, asking with a frown what was the cause.
 "I think you let that go"
 "No, I don't"
 You looked at the crumpled white paper. It even looked like a piece of chewing gum. And at first glance, Owen's perfectly white teeth were chewing one.
 "I think you did."
 He handed you the paper with a determination that convinces you. You bite your lip as you look at the series of numbers on the packaging: a phone number. His telephone number. Owen swallowed hard as he looked at you. His eyes never leaving your lips.
 "It's pretty spontaneous of me but ... I won't start filming until next week. I hope you're still here the day after tomorrow ... because I would really like to ask you to come have a drink with me ... "
 Your cheeks turned red, did he really just ask you for a date? You did not know what to answer. The urge to say yes was so present but you were afraid to rush. Perhaps humor was your only defense
 "it depends"
 "about what?"
 "Does this appointment include a blocking session in an elevator? This is the only way it works"
 Owen laughed before giving you a genuine smile, showing his perfectly aligned white teeth. God, what a beautiful man.
 "I can try to fix this and find a faulty elevator."
 "So expect a text from me"
 You smiled back at him and gave him a wink before turning on your heels. Owen's heart skipped a beat and he when he arrived several hours late in the hairdressing section of the set, Charlie laughed at him saying that he had never seen him so happy to have a haircut. hair. But in reality, the blond was only waiting for one thing, and that was to receive a message from you, which arrived in a second.
 (y/n) text : "After being stuck in an elevator, here I am stuck in traffic ... Are you sure you want a date with me, you might just end up stuck with me?"
 Owen couldn't help but smile broadly.
 Owen text : "I'm sure. I'd love to even be stuck with you (again).”
(y/n) text : “Fine, ghost boy. See you soon”
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
I got an ask either last night or early this morning asking me to share my Covid symptoms/experience so here it is. Maybe it'll help someone.
December 21st - 24th. I was exposed sometime in this time frame. My uncle and little cousins tested positive on the 24th. I saw my cousins the 21st and my uncle lives with me so safe to say I was exposed sometime around here.
December 25th. I went to an urgent care to get tested. I was asymptomatic. My test came back negative.
December 27th. I felt fine in the morning and I had an important doctors appointment I couldn't miss (it was only 5 minutes - I had to get a heart monitor attached). So I went in, got it attached, then left. Literally on my drive home was when I started to feel ill. I felt it in my left jaw first, that type of pain when you grind your teeth too hard at night. Then it spread to an intense sinus pressure in my nose and cheeks. I started to feel hella fatigued and then the body aches came on, not as suddenly as when I had the flu but it wasn't that gradual either. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I also got a slight fever that night, and I had a migraine. I think the most alarming thing, though, was my heart rate. I'm super cognizant of my heart rate in general but it was through the roof that day. I think my resting heart rate was somewhere between 120-130.
December 28th. I woke up with a pretty high fever, causing me to sweat bullets. Simultaneously I had the chills so I was freezing - it was a fun time. I also had body aches and fatigue. I was just so wiped out and tired - still am. Also felt hella nauseous and couldn't keep food in. Heart rate was mad high. Congestion was worsening.
December 29th. I had an appointment to get flu and covid (PCR) tested so I drove a half hour there and back. Not quite sure how I made it without crashing. I was having concentration issues, on top of everything else. Fever, chills, fatigue, body aches, congestion. I also developed a sore throat and cough (wet).
December 30th. My fever and chills were getting better. I didn't need as much Tylenol. My heart rate also went back to normal. The congestion was a little better - still enough to make me annoyed since I couldn't breathe but it was less painful. My sore throat was bearable. Fatigue was still a bitch, as was the brain fog. My cough was rough (wet and dry now) but I could breathe okay so I figured it wasn't the worst.
December 31st. Barely had a fever. No more chills. Congestion was better. Sore throat was better. Cough (wet and dry) was still there but not awful. Fatigue and brain fog were a bitch.
January 1st. No fever. Congestion was still there but it wasn't the type to make me want to blow my nose. It felt more like my nasal passages are swollen. Also I developed this awful smell of like rotting meat or something. I can still taste just fine but my smells are distorted. Fatigue still there. Brain fog still there. Cough still there, not bad though.
January 2nd (today). Still have that rotting meat smell, I hate it. Brain fog. Fatigue. Muscle aches but not awful - I think it's from being bed ridden. Migraine, which sucks because I'm paranoid about the brain fog. Cough still present but getting better.
So yeah that's where I am now. For the record I'm fully vaccinated (not boosted) and in my early twenties. This is my first time catching covid (although I was diagnosed with a mysterious virus early 2020 so who knows what that was - it was before covid was an official thing).
Overall it's not awful, just alarming. The cognitive part of it is the worst, in my opinion. I've been reading a lot to stay on top of things, as well as drinking lots of water.
I will also say that you don't have to be a doctor to figure out that this strain is 10x more contagious than the other strains. I went to a couple concerts, baseball games, out in general (proper precautions of course) and was fine. I caught this virus from literally staying home.
Hope that helps. If you have questions, please let me know. Also if a medical professional on here could please dm me because I have a question, that would be appreciated lol
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scandalousfemale · 4 years
Ch.1 End of the World As We Know It
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Chinese!OC x Kelce
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Zombies were meant for apocalyptic movies and TV shows where one could binge watch for a day and return to their mundane life. But something happened, a lab test went wrong and suddenly the outbreak started. This story takes place exactly three weeks after zombies slowly started to take over the planet. 
Series master list
WC: 3,445
Warnings: this is a zombie apocalypse fic, mentions of zombies, mentions of death, slight mention of ripping of flesh but not much, mentions of weapons!!! Knives!, mention of sewing up a wound, someone got sliced with a knife and needs to be sutured, mentions of fear
A/N: To every single person who has shown interest in this, thank you so much. Whether it’s because you were excited for a Kelce fic or you were excited for (finally) an Asian oc/face claim, just know that your support kept me writing this. I loved every second of writing this first chapter, it’s one of the first, in a while, that came really easily to me and I am so in love with the characters already. Again, thank you so much for your support and your feedback. You all keep me going. Now, please, jump into this AU with caution. Some might not make it out.
It is widely believed that right before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. Kaili wondered, sitting in the empty and dark pharmacy by herself, if her cousin was granted that mercy. She can still hear the echoes of Wei’s piercing scream, forever haunted by the thought that maybe she could’ve done something to save her. But she couldn’t have. And there was no way that her death could’ve been peaceful enough to collect a couple of seconds to remind her of a life before this.
Hell, it was hard for Kaili to remember a life before this. The scattered news reports said that this outbreak had started about two or three weeks ago— she’s lost count, that there had been a mistake. The labs were trying to test out a new vaccine, one that could cure people of any potential virus that would have affected the human race and become the next pandemic, but something had gone wrong. Though she didn’t trust the reporters to tell the public much of the truth to begin with, the people have been saying that the virus had begun in New York, where scientists were trying to inject an gene editor into the bloodstream. It was supposed to make the recipient stronger and their immune system more durable for whatever that came their way. In a way, it did. When the first volunteer died, their body carried on living...lunging forward, biting, and passing on the mutant gene to anyone else who had gotten bit. 
That brings us to the problem at hand and why Kaili was trying to silently mourn the loss of her family as her backpack full of first aids and snacks were flushed against the wall behind her. She had seen the news of the outbreak on her campus TV and gotten in the car, headed straight for her family. She was just hoping that they wouldn’t have been freaking out, seeing as it would be easy to panic when all they saw were images of people ripping each other’s face off and they don’t understand the language very well
Kaili is first generation American, stemming from Chinese immigrant parents. They worked so hard to make sure that she never had a want for anything that she truly needed but in doing so, they’ve neglected a lot of their own necessities. When she was smaller, she’d ask them for seconds and they would make sure that she’d be full, even if that meant that she ate their food. Of course, once she caught on, she’d stopped asking, even sometimes putting more on her parents plate than her own. 
The feeling of her heart thumping fast in her chest when she saw her house lingered in her still. The anxiety never really rid itself from her. The images of her parents crouched on the front lawn, devouring her aunt and uncle in law still flashed in her head. She didn’t even have time to cry when her cousin, Wei, jumped into her car and told her that she heard it was safer if they started going down south. As long as they got away from the epicenter that is New York. Both girls didn’t have a chance to grieve their parents until they were out of Maryland and on the way to Florida. 
Of course, they never made it that far. They’d spent a week holed up in an underground parking lot, just processing the information. Looking up the news until their phones ran out of battery. Some days the girls barely spoke to each other, they’d just share a knowing look, a touch that would let the other know that the pain was acknowledged but they wouldn’t speak much of it.
Then, when they started to slowly come out of grief and into self preservation, they started on their trip again. Which wasn’t exactly easy. Of course, cars needed gas and people— the living, needed food and sleep. So, even on their journey, they were forced to stop. Sometimes they’d meet others along the way, especially those who swarmed the grocery stores and took everything that their arms could carry but most times it still felt like a normal day. There were people who believed that it was just an isolated incident in an isolated state.
When they reached South Carolina though, it felt like a ghost town. They’d decided to go to a grocery store and usually they were good at their surroundings but maybe the town just felt too safe. Too...empty. Wei walked in without being careful and the flesh eating monsters heard the bell of the door. They’d swarmed her before she even got the chance to pull out her weapon.
Kaili didn’t like sleeping anymore because of that. She doesn’t even remember screaming at the sight but she must’ve because the attention was suddenly drawn on her. And so she ran to the closest empty shop she could find and she’s been stuck here for the past two days.
She’d cried. A lot. She cried so hard that she became tired but she wouldn’t allow herself to sleep, pulling energy drinks from the fridge from the drug store, not like it helped. It’s funny how trauma has a way of taking care of you against your own wishes. Her body had shut down on her and she fell asleep on her pharmacy’s floor. Even if only for a little bit, she woke up only to sob again, knowing that she wouldn’t exactly get far on her own and even if she did, she wouldn’t really know where she’d end up. 
She had forced herself to stay hydrated and eat, even when she didn’t want to. Even when the look of some consistency of food made her vomit because it reminded her of the flesh that the monsters outside the doors would eat, she knew that she had to keep her energy up for when she was ready to make the move. Needless to say, she was scared. She’d never faced one of these creatures alone before but now, she figured it wouldn’t be as different as when Wei and her used to kill them together. She just doesn’t have anyone watching her back this time.
On the afternoon of the second day in hiding, the sound of glass shattering pulled her out of her self pity and planning. She had quickly crawled and hid behind a medicine cabinet, listening for who’d broken into her sanctuary.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think the entire Charleston has heard you, JJ, can you do that a bit louder?” An annoyed female voice hissed.
Great, Kaili thought to herself, I guess dying by the hands of humans might be better than being ripped to pieces. She’d run into other humans before, some nice and others not but in a deserted town like this where not even one car is in sight, she’d doubt that this group of people were all too friendly. 
“Can you two just shut up and fill the bags?” A gruff male voice spoke before sounds of bottles rattling on top of each other filled the space.
While trying to pay attention to the noise and the people in front of her, she had forgotten to check behind her, used to having Wei be there. A rookie mistake.
“What do we have here?” A blond man spoke from behind her. He couldn’t have been older than nineteen years old, yet his cold eyes told a story only that of someone who’d seen too much can tell. Then again, she supposed they’ve all seen too much at this point.
Before she could even register his words and answer them, she’d pull the knife from the band on her thigh, instinct took over. The boy jolted backwards, knocking over the medicine shelf behind him.
“Whoa, there little lady,” the startled boy shifted his eyes around the room, relaxing when his friends came to stand by him. She was outnumbered and though one to three wasn’t that bad of a fight, she didn’t want to take the risk, especially after seeing the man stood by the blond. He towered all three of them.
“Are you alone?” The female spoke, a softness in her tone that Kaili hasn’t heard since the outbreak had started.
Instinct told her to lie but what was the point? So, she nodded once.
“Do you speak English?” The tall boy asked, which earned him a scowl from Kaili and a scoff from the girl next to him.
“She literally just responded to me when I spoke to her, what kind of a dumb ass question is that, Rafe?”
Okay, so the tall one was called Rafe, that means the blond had to be JJ, Kaili inspected them, eyeing their clothes and their weapons— or lack thereof.
“She’s just staring and I don’t know whether to be turned on or creeped out,” JJ said, caught in the middle of the two glaring at each other. A comedic relief, of course.
“I can speak English,” Kaili said, her voice coming off tense and dry. After all, she hadn’t used it in two days except to sob, and even then, she tried to cry in silence.
“Sorry, we’re so rude,” the female shook her head before she stepped forward as Kaili stepped back, not expecting the sudden movement, but the girl in front of her acted like she didn’t notice. Her smile was warm, her age probably mirroring that of the blond.
“My name’s Kiara,” her hand still outstretched as Kaili switched her blade to her other hand and took it cautiously, “this here is JJ,” she pointed to the blond as he flashed his canine at her in a smile that had a deadly edge to it.
“And that’s Rafe,” she pointed at the tall man who seems to be a little older than the rest of them, maybe a little bit closer to Kaili’s twenty-three. 
“I’m Kaili.”
A beat passed, where no one moved or had said anything and Kaili strapped the blade back to the outside of her thigh, alongside the others.
It was as if the group had seen her for the first time and she wondered what that sight must’ve looked like to them because to her, it would seem like she’s a broken little girl playing dress up. 
“Wait, you know how to fight?” JJ asked, not hiding the shock in his voice had he eyed her weapons. 
“I know how to survive,” she shrugged. She had a small obsession with switchblades when she was younger, that had turned into a throwing knives obsession but when it came to shooting or fist fighting? She was at a loss. 
They eyed her clothes. Black pants with a weapons belt wrapped around her hips and down her thighs. Her black long sleeve shirt was tucked neatly into the waistband. She looked like a mercenary and it was all thanks to Wei. The day of the zombie attack was Wei’s birthday and so she was stuck in her birthday dress for days before the younger girl made it a mission to raid an abandoned store for some new clothes. Something about how it’s not practical fighting in a skirt, no matter what comic book says. She used to laugh at the thought but thinking about it now hurts her. 
“Do you know…” Kiara began to ask before Rafe put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head but she only gave him a desperate glance.
“No,” the boy pulled at her but JJ broke his grasp, standing in between them, as if he was protecting Kiara from a potential threat.
“Do you want him to die?” Kiara grit through her teeth from behind JJ. 
“We don’t know her, do you want to die?” Rafe hissed back. 
“We don’t exactly have a choice.”
And so they continued their whispered argument and Kaili pretended not to hang on to every word, when she'd heard enough, she had responded to the question that hadn’t been asked.
“I know first aid, well, a little more than first aid. My mom is a doctor,” a lump formed in her throat when she realized what she had said, “was a doctor,” she corrected herself.
“Then it’s settled,” Kiara spoke, “we will allow you to join our group if you can help our friend. He’s suffering from a knife wound to his abdomen, it’s deep. He’ll need stitches, maybe. I don’t know. We’ve been using cotton and tape for now but he’s losing blood and color and let's be honest, we don’t know anything about what kind of equipment or medicine we need. So, can you help us?” She said with a desperate tinge in her tone.
Kaili had never been so grateful in her life that she had suffered from wounds before from playing rough until her mother had gotten so upset that she’d learn to dress her own mistakes.
“Depending on how much blood he’s lost and if the wound is infected, I can help,” Kaili responded as she went around the pharmacy, getting everything that she thought she’d needed. After about five minutes, she’d met them at the front of the door with six plastic bags.
“In case someone else gets hurt,” was her explanation for the bags. JJ laughed, muttering something about liking her already as he took some bags off of her hands and they walked out of the shop.
Rafe stalked ahead of them, a gun in his hands, as Kiara fell in line with Kaili.
“Thank you, again for this. I know you don’t know us and you could have said no. So, even if that one,” she nodded at Rafe, “isn’t going to say it, just know that we are grateful.”
“Don’t thank me yet, I don’t even know if I can save your friend,” Kaili’s reply was short but not harsh, as she wasn’t trying to be rude. She just meant to be truthful. 
Rounding the corner, a van came into sight. No scratch that, it can’t even be considered that, it was more like a tour bus.
“Topper and his theatrics,” Kiara explained, as if Kaili would know what a Topper is, when she saw the girl’s eyes widen, “Gretchen Wilson was having a concert when everything had gone down. I guess they all died or something because her bus was left behind, with a full tank of gas and water, I might add.” 
Kaili just nodded, a loss for words as she followed them to the bus and then up the stairs to the inside of this luxury transportation. She couldn’t believe it. She took a quick glance around the space noting the kitchen, beds, tv, and bathroom but the most important thing she noted was that there were more people than the group who came and got her. She expected maybe one extra person, of course, the one who was hurt. Not six more people. Kiara had locked the door behind her and suddenly, Kaili was feeling a little bit less comfortable.
“I thought I told you not to pick up any strays,” a voice called from the driver’s seat. An older looking blond boy with blue eyes had faced her.
“Chill out, Top, she’s here to help,” Kiara defended her as JJ called out from somewhere in the bus, “and she can fight!”
That didn’t stop Topper from eyeing her once more before starting the car up again. Rafe had gone up front to Topper and another male, one who barely gave her a glance.
Finally, a boy appeared from the bathroom, looking disheveled and covered in sweat. Yes, she could see it now. He did lose a bit of blood.
Another boy, she later found out his name was Pope, had laid a towel on the floor for the injured boy, John B, to lay on top of. Introductions were rapid before JJ laid the bags on the floor next to her.
Kaili had put on gloves and when she lifted his shirt, she grimaced at the sight. Someone had decided to wrap duct tape on his wound and she prayed that there was a protective layer between the tape and the injury or else there was a risk that she’d open the wound and start the bleeding all over again if it hadn’t already stopped. Muttering a round of sorry’s she was able to breathe again when she saw that there was, in fact, a cloth in between and that his wound had already begun to clot. 
After advising him to eat some food and take pain relief medicine, she began cleaning out the wound, in which John B had let out a whole plethora of curse words at the girl anyway and even more so when she started suturing the cut. She hadn’t noticed the audience that she had attracted, nor that the bus had stopped again, until she had finally wrapped a flexible gauze around his middle and pulled the gloves from her hand.
Putting all of her used equipment into a plastic cup, she then handed it over to a beaming and smiling Kiara who’d thrown it away for her. Then John B was quickly taken back to the end of the bus, to a bigger bed, by a girl named Sarah who’d thanked her endlessly.
After a nicer round of introductions, except for one, she found out that Rafe was actually related to Sarah and that they both had another sibling in this bus who’s name is Wheezie. She tried not to laugh at that. Sarah was dating John B, who were best friends with JJ, Kiara, and Pope. Pope knew a whole lot about dead bodies and he was always reading up on the news. Then there was Topper, who was the main driver, who was also friends with Rafe and the guy who liked to keep to himself mostly. Though Kiara did mention that the guy, Kelce, isn’t usually like this but that it was hard for him to see siblings who made it out together when he didn’t. Kaili didn’t ask for her to elaborate since it wasn’t Kiara’s pain to share.
She got all of that before they asked her if she wanted to use the shower, which she jumped at the chance to. She couldn’t help but feel a little sad though, that Wei wasn’t here to experience this with her. After a quick wash, rinse, cry, and repeat. She pulled her “I heart North Carolina” over sized T-shirt over the biker shorts she took from a store and willed herself out of the bathroom. Fighting the urge to crawl into her bunk and call it a night when a group of them asked her to join them for a movie night as Kiara fixed up dinner with Topper. 
She looked around this group of people, crammed into a stolen bus and she wondered who they really were, what their story was. They didn’t seem like they’d be friends outside of this situation but honestly she didn’t want to ask and they weren’t very keen in sharing, not that she’d mind because she wasn’t jumping at the chance to talk about her life before this mess either.
“Hey,” the boy who didn’t pay her a single speck of attention all day, sat across the way from her. She’d only nodded to him as a response, unable to turn her gaze back to the DVD now that his was on hers. “I’m Kelce,” he offered his hand to her and unlike earlier, she took it immediately.
“Kaili,” she'd said softly but she was sure he’d already known that, if not for Sarah saying it in between her thank you’s, then because of JJ insisting he was the one who had brought her back for his friend. Speaking of which, JJ had strutted out of the bathroom, shaking his wet hair at both of them, causing them to unlock their hands and gaze from the other. She couldn’t help but laugh at his childish antics. He had dropped to the spot next to her and extended his arm over the edge of the seat behind them as he settled in to watch the movie. Though she tried to get back into the actors on the screen, she couldn’t help but notice that Kelce’s eyes kept coming back to her, like hers did for him. It was as if he wanted to say something to her or maybe he wasn’t comfortable with her intruding into his space.
No, she definitely didn’t know what she was getting into.
tags: @rafecameron​ @millyelliot​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @stfukie​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @outerbankslut​ @thegreatestofheck​ @starlightstarkey​ @stargazingstarkey​ @anxietyandtacos​ @spideymyluv​ @pogue-writings​ @bedazzledbanks​ @pankowrudeth​ @bricksatanakinswindow​
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lostmoonbunny · 3 years
Greetings from a Panini World
Yes, I did call this a "panini". I'm hesitant to use the word "pandemic" as I feel many of us have a knee jerk reaction to hide from everything once hearing or seeing that word. However that's the current stat of events. The year? 2021 Where I am located its very much so post quarantine and society has attempted to "return to normal" but its impossible. Between the anti- maskers, anti-vaxxers, and everything else it truly is impossible. "What do you mean?" you ask, well allow me to take you on a journey of a human that has gone through this "history in the making" and share what its been like since January 2020 to September 2021 from the eyes of someone that lived it. -I will preface this with saying, there will be gaps, I have trouble with object permanence, concept of time, and I have memory issues due to past concussions so bear with me as we stumble through the memories of my experiences.
So here we go... Let's travel back to January 2020.
2020..Ahhh the big year of "Clear vision".. HA! No, not today. What I remember was being concerned about this horrible virus but didn't think it would make its way to where I lived.. ( I would be unsurprisingly corrected shortly after this.) I worked, had my birthday, and it was quickly February. The virus was quickly spreading and making its way downtown walking fast faces past.. oops..sorry I got sidetracked, it was making its way down throughout the nation. We celebrated my partner's birthday, and soon after the month was over. February always flies by. March...ahh March, this is where everything started changing for me. Many states were shutting down around us fairly quickly too. ( I have opinions about how the US should've shut down sooner, but we're not here for politics...but yes it should've happened sooner.) My partner, younger brother and I made a last minute trip to the next state for a day trip. Which was fun don't get me wrong but the places we went to shut down for the state's quarantine the next day. My state would follow barely a week later. I was furloughed. That..that was an experience. All of us received the same message as it was a group message. It stated that we were all effectively unemployed ( so we could apply for benefits if we chose to) and that if and when we reopen that they hoped we could come back. I immediately messaged my boss and the boss that messaged us all and double checked learning that I was on the "short list" for rehires. That made me fee a bit better but I was still sad. My partner was considered "an Essential worker" so they worked through the entire lockdown. I swear Animal Crossing New Horizons is one of the only things that got me through that.. from this all the days blended together till June. Not don't get me wrong, plenty of things happened on a personal growth side that was beneficial like I started going to therapy, got even closer to my cousin that lives on the west coast, I played with my cats and dogs more, I caught up on sleep, all sorts of things but the way it had to happen sucked. Also in this time period, my favorite uncle contracts the virus and is put in the ICU on a ventilator. I don't remember how long he was in there but he made it. He is now healthy and survived the virus. So lets fast forward to June. My place of work reopened under specific guidelines. Now I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but I live in the southeast. The southeast, in summer is AWFUL. Its hot, its humid, and then if it DOES rain that humidity just goes up and it gets worse. To give you an idea while the temperature might say its 84 degrees F but the real feel might be 95F. I don't know why they don't just say 95F but that's how it is the southeast... So imagine if you will mid June, being reopened with special rules, masks required for everyone 5 years old and older, and no buildings but restrooms open to the public. The amount of rude, hateful, uncaring people almost made me lose my complete faith in humanity, and its not very high to begin with. Also for context, I work in retail. I feel that says enough there. These rules extend till the end of the year and into part of 2021. While all of this is happening the US is having their presidential elections and everyone has crawled out of the woodwork that you had hoped would stay there. At this point I'm hoping for the best because we really need a paradigm shift in society. We need to truly need to change as a society and in many way, catch up to the rest of the world. I finally gave in a got to tiktok and realize that it is very much a time devourer. I've realized that I feel as if the term "Cassflux" fits how I feel about my gender best, and fully accepted my journey on the path of being a witch.
Lets move in to October, October I ( and my partner) travel to Texas (cautiously) for my cousin's socially distant wedding and our anniversary. That was amazing and the slight escape from reality was truly needed. On our way back we made a stop in NOLA and it was a fun visit, but I realized my baby witch self hadn't veiled or warded myself nearly enough and it got all of "spidey senses" all out of wack. knowing now what I should've done, I do want to go back. The rest of the year went by both incredibly slow and yet in a flash. The US elected a new president, I was working as hard a possible to avoid the virus as much as possible and my partner had gotten a new job with a different company that was making them more happy. So this brings us to 2021. This is the year that I feel that I am truly coming into my own despite living in the middle of a global Panda Express. January brings my turning a landmark age and celebrating it with a new hair style, new outlook on life, progress made in therapy, more self acceptance, and just overall more happiness. The world is still the same, better, but also worse. The vaccine is being produced, distributed, and made accessible. February brings another birthday with my partner's birthday. March rolls around and we jokingly celebrate our work's closing a year prior and then continue to work. The vaccine is made available to retail and food workers so I go and get the first round of the "Dolly Parton" vaccine with my co workers. (If you were wondering its Moderna) We go and receive the second dose later at the correct time. April and May kind of blend together for me because that the ramp up for the busy season at work. June & July are busy but everything is moving forwards. I finally take a step more into the current era of technology and upgrade my phone and computer. ( After several years of going back and forth of not wanting current gen tech or not, because that stuff be expensive!) I reconnect with an old friend and we have a much healthier friendship.
August....hecking August.. We are short staffed at work, busy as heck! My partner is also hecking busy by being called in for almost every problem. The world is deffo changing. The US is in a state of nah nah a boo boo with vaccinating vs not, virus outbreaks having an uptick, universities starting back, Texas deciding that the government gets a say in a woman's reproductive rights... sorry I'll try to not get political. My ( like many others) using tiktok as a means of escape from this reality.. I'm so beyond mentally exhausted by everything that I just want to be somewhere that I can breathe a bit more easy... Its deffo not the southeastern US. September: I. am. exhausted. Working a bunch. Dealing with people doubting the virus, the usual Karens and Richards, counting down my days to vacation. My partner is beyond exhaustion. They've worked more in the past six weeks that they have in two years. The 20th year of 9/11 comes and goes. Not to sound like a country song, but remembering where I was at the moment the planes hit is something that has stuck with me...despite my concussions. I was in my English class and its was between classes and they had the tvs on. So many parents were coming and calling their kids out the school got to the point they weren't going to let kids leave.. ( if the parents complained enough they did.. I was a poorer kid in a more affluent school) My parents weren't going to take me out of school so I finished the day out in a state of confusion, not understanding the gravitas of what was going on, and not understanding was the emotions I was feeling watching the crashes were. I don't claim to even comprehend the emotions of this date to people who lost loved ones in the crashes, or in the oncoming days of the country going to war, I just know how it felt as a child to see something so major happening. I feel its like the kids now living through this panic at the disco. [[If you read this and you lost someone due to either of these horrific events please know that I in no way am invalidating or belittling your feelings or experiences. I merely am trying to describe all of how I feel throughout 2020- roughly current day 2021 and these are the things I was thinking and feeling on this particular day.]]
The days start to blend again as I attempt to countdown the days till my short vacation. Once that starts I get to finally relax as does my partner. The amount of sleep my partner has gotten is incredible and they deserve it dang it! This brings us to today, The last day of September 2021. This are changing at work and I'm not wholly sure of how I feel but I know it will be an interesting discussion for me to have with my therapist coming up. That's all I've got for now.. Hopefully I'll pop back in sooner to give more perspective on what its like living through all of this chaos. Just keep moving forward.
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herstoryherlegacy · 3 years
Expect the unexpected
(Trigger warning - lots of throw ups)
This has never really been my motto. Most things in my life have been expected or I’ve had signs pointed out to me that gives me a hint of what lies ahead. I was not expecting to be in the ER tonight. Actually I was just about to put my makeup on and do a lovely couples photoshoot with my husband when I got the call to come to the ER for possible blood clot in my lungs. Let me back up..
I had been healing from my port placement 3 days ago. Yesterday I was texting Juan updates on how I was feeling. I’m extremely thankful he was so diligent on checking in on me. My main concern was the tightness in my chest, pressure where the port is. I couldn’t take a deep breath. I felt better resting. I had even been doing light housework to stay up and active. Today he checked in again. The chest pressure was better. I could actually take a deep breath with little to no problem. Fast forward to this afternoon. I had went down to my best friend Sam’s salon to get my hair styled for my photoshoot. She’s on the 2nd floor and we took the stairs. My favorite part. I hadn’t exercised since my diagnosis and it’s been killing me. I was so active. Upon reaching the 2nd floor which was not far, I was winded. I text Juan letting him know, and he didn’t respond right away. I sat down, caught my breath, and got my hair done. As soon as I parked at home Juan called. He was consulting his doctor and advised I go in ASAP to an urgent care to be seen. I needed an x-ray, EKG, oxygen levels checked to rule out a possible blood clot in the lungs. Fuck me..
Disappointed to say the least. I walked into my home filled with laughter from my girls and their cousins, everyone gathered at the table for a meal, my in laws were visiting. All I could say was, we have to go to urgent care. I didn’t even kiss my babies goodbye 😕 I said goodbye to them but not thinking I wouldn’t be back tonight didn’t cross my mind. Now I wish I had. I arrived at a local urgent care before closing and the first thing I noticed in the lobby were vases of fake sunflowers. By pure coincidence, I use a sunflower background when I update my stories about my disease. I immediately knew this was God’s way of telling me he was with me and that I would be okay. I went into a room to be evaluated, and guess what kind of shoes the nurse was wearing? I’d never seen these before, but white vans with yellow sunflowers all over. There are no coincidences! However I wasn’t helped and was told to go to the ER.
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No one likes to be in the ER, especially not right now. I had labs drawn, and an x-ray which showed proper placement of the port. Luckily Juan was here working and able to be there for my x-ray. He came to see me once more before he left to tell me he was going to communicate with the doctor about my CT and insulin complications. I had mentioned I was waiting for my husband to bring my charger because I was basically on E, and he graciously went to retrieve his charger to give to me. So extremely thankful for that gesture because alone, with no connection to my family in this place, is NOT the business. A charged phone is a precious lifeline so please always keep yours charged! So now..I wait for the CT.
I had been moved all over that ER. First I came to a bed and talked with a nurse. Then another nurse came in demanding she needed the bed. Once I was done I was booted off that bed so fast and into a chair in a hallway. The place was littered with sick people inside and outside rooms. It was so sad and crowded. I do believe I was mixed with both normal sick people and possible covid patients. To say I was nervous is an understatement. Back and forth I went between rooms, chairs, main waiting room, and scans. The longest wait was waiting to have my CT scan. I was in a room with chemo type reclining chairs. This poor girl in front of me was dealing with pain, bad. I felt so sorry for her. She was doing a good job being quiet but her face and body language looked like she was in active labor, though she was not. After watching I assumed she was suffering some sort of abdominal pain. When it was just us two, I didn’t want to make her talk, but I told her that I didn’t know what she was going through but that I was going to cover her in prayer. Her eyes lit up. She said thank you a bunch and I just assured her that I had her taken care of. I prayed with healing words. No matter what situation I’m in, I would never turn down the opportunity to put myself aside and pray for someone else who needed it more. I have failed this test before many times being too shy to pray, but you never know how those simple words of offering someone prayer may help them feel better. I wanted to cry, yeah I was in here for a possible life threatening issue, but I was nowhere as bad off as these people.
So I prayed for her, and eventually it was my turn to go to my CT. I had an IV put in, flushed, and had 3 medications to help me with my scan. One was Benadryl. I was actually glad to have it because I’ll be receiving it in my Pre-chemo cocktail and I wasn’t sure how I would feel on it. Yes it made me woozy immediately, but it was tolerable. Almost enjoyable in the correct setting. Waiting again, and was wheeled over by this super nice guy who eased the stress with good conversation. If you’ve ever done an MRI with contrast..it’s a fucking insane feeling. I laid down, the nurse flushed my IV and added the contrast. She loaded me in and waited a few minutes for it to kick in. I was in the machine for another few minutes and immediately when I was done I felt the warm rush. I’ve previously been warned it makes you feel really warm and almost like you’ve pee’d yourself. Thank god they reminded me because the warm sensation is explosive. It simultaneously felt like hot water was exploding from both my chest outward and my crotch 😂 indeed I clenched my body in case I did pee, but that’s exactly how it felt!!! So odd. Off to wait again for the results. This is where it for torturous. I am SO thankful for my AirPods and this charger. I have a very sensitive trigger to throwing up. Myself, other people, I can’t handle it. I actually did a good job this last week because both my girls got a virus, and I wasn’t second hand nauseous at all, that’s a victory. But in this ER literally 90% of the patients were vomiting 😑 I cranked those air pods to the max to drown out the sound. Closed my eyes. I don’t want what they got. So I’m in the big chair room again, my poor friend comes back in. Still in pain desperate for relief. Then another person, and another until the whole room was filled with us 5 people. 3/5 with vomiting 😕. Poor baby I prayed for got sick first, she was telling a nurse she was getting sick from the pain itself. Then the girl directly next to me. As she was getting her IV meds she started to get sick. It was a constant rush of nurses trying to get those sick bags in time..bless their quickness. I winced and turned to my left as to avoid being there. There wasn’t anywhere I could go where I wasn’t in the direct line of someone getting sick. I was miserable. Benadryl still kicking, I tried to nap, but had to keep my eyes open waiting for my name to be called. Eventually the time came, I was put in a draw chair outside the big chair room and my doctor read me the good news! I had my IV’s taken out and asked if they wanted me to go back into the big chair room (I don’t want to hog the draw chair in case someone needed it) and he said sure, just as I stood up the first poor girl started wrenching and I said “you know what I’ll stay here” and with a laugh the nurse walked back to their station and printed my discharge papers. I was R E L I E V E D. I was as calm in this situation as I needed to be, panicking and stressing weren’t going to help me. Easier said than done, to just not stress, but knowing how much trauma your body goes through WHEN you stress, it just wasn’t going to work in my favor. I came home famished, ate my dinner at 11:30pm, followed by a bag of popcorn, followed by a small serving of ice cream. Then my blood sugars sky rocketed all night 🙃 eh, not a good thing but I will hopefully have that very taken care of soon. Praise God nothing came out of this, each day has its own surprises, not all good, but also not all bad. The day started well with me sharing that my CT showed no cancer anywhere else in my body. This is EXTREMELY good news, and ended with me in the ER. You just never know how things will play out. So hug your kids, tell them you love them, do something fun. Enjoy the day given, because in a flash it could all be taken away ✌🏻
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cocastyle · 5 years
Change - Ch. 1 | N I N E
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 5,692
A/N - sooo I’m about to go out of the country for spring break so let’s hope I don’t get the corona virus ahaha (trying not to freak out but oh well). my school is out for the rest of the week and I leave early Friday morning so I’m going to try and write as many updates as I can tonight and tomorrow to prepare for next week :)) anyways, I hope you all are healthy and doing well! enjoy this chapter!
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N I N E  - Post-Breakup Stage
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Y/N had never had friends before. At least no friends that were anything like the Losers Club. So when the group split up, Y/N took it pretty hard. She began to fall back into old habits and the girl who had first arrived to Derry at the beginning of the summer was back and maybe even worse than before.
Her smile was mostly non existent, the light gone from her eyes. She rarely talked, only ever speaking to her cousin when needed, and often spent her days silently bird watching in the backyard with Stan while the two tried to ignore the loneliness that was slowly creeping over them.
All she could think about were the Losers and how much she missed them. Mike, Ben, Beverly, Richie, Eddie, Bill. . .she missed them all.
The only person keeping her from falling into the darkness was her cousin. Stan was her best friend for a reason and maybe that's why things weren't as bad as they would've been if the two were to split up as well. They were each other's wall that kept the other from falling apart before their very eyes.
They stayed by each other's side as the days began to creep by. Stan helped keep Y/N's mind off of the Losers and her parents while Y/N helped distract her cousin by rehearsing his lines with him. It was a system that allowed both of them to forget the pain they were going through. But it was those times during the day, when the two were alone and away from each other, that the two were left to their own thoughts.
Having each other was enough to keep them going, but without the Losers by their side, it all just felt sort of meaningless.
Y/N wouldn't admit it, but she missed Bill the most. All she could see when she closed her eyes was the heartbroken look on his face as she had left. But how could she have stayed? She didn't want to be killed or worse get someone else killed in the process. Leaving had seemed like the only logical thing to do, but she didn't realize how losing her friends would hurt more than anything the clown threw at her.
At that thought, Y/N glanced down at her calf which was almost completely healed by now. Only a few scabs were left over from the scratch marks It had given her, but it was obvious there were going to be a few scars left over. The realization that It had made marks on her body that would last a while made Y/N feel sick, so she was quick to look away and pulled on her dress nervously instead.
Today was the big day in which Stanley Uris was supposed to 'become a man.' Y/N and Stan were still not quite sure what that was supposed to mean, but it was obviously important by the size of the crowd that was slowly shuffling their way into the synagogue that warm summer day.
Stan had left with his father about an hour before Y/N left with her aunt, so Y/N was left alone once they got inside while her aunt mingled with the guests before the ceremony was to start. The h/c girl let out a soft sigh as she looked around at the people around her, hoping to maybe see a familiar face.
As if someone had heard her prayers, Y/N suddenly caught sight of a pair of very familiar glasses and it was like her breath caught in her throat once the person's gaze locked with her own.
Richie Tozier let out an audible gasp as the people between him and Y/N moved out of the way, leaving the two standing in front of each other. They hadn't seen each other for a while now and it was obvious neither of them knew what to say. Both of them had left with the same opinion in mind, but the group splitting up meant that Y/N and Stan hadn't even talked to Richie since the big fight.
All Y/N and Richie could do was stare at each other, an awkward silence filling the air around them. Richie coughed awkwardly and pushed his glasses up his nose, but just when he went to open his mouth and say something, Y/N launched forward and wrapped her arms around the boy.
Richie stumbled back slightly and had to gain his balance once again before he looked down to find Y/N hugging him tightly with her head resting against his shoulder. Richie stiffened almost immediately before he swallowed thickly and muttered, "What the hell, Uris?"
Y/N could hear the slight shake in his voice and smiled sadly as she let out a breathy chuckle. "Calm the fuck down and just hug me back, Tozier," she whispered. "You and I could both use one right now."
Richie went silent at that and Y/N merely hugged him a little tighter, knowing that the boy wanted a hug just as desperately as her. He could try and deny it as much as he wanted, but Y/N had always been able to read him and Richie knew that.
There was another moment of silence before Y/N finally felt Richie's arms wrap around her, hugging her just as tight if not tighter than she was him. He tucked the girl's shoulder under his chin and leaned into her embrace more as he held her like he was afraid she would leave him again. His breath was shaky as he held onto her and Y/N had to blink her eyes a few time just to keep tears from coming.
For it was in that moment that the two finally felt a small feeling of relief wash over them after the hell they had been through since the fight. Even if the whole group hadn't made up yet, at least they were on their way and if that meant just the two of them making up at the moment then so be it. It was better than being alone.
The two didn't pull away until everyone was starting to take their seats and even then the two stayed by each other's side, sitting by each other in one of the many rows of the synagogue as they watched Stan walk up to the microphone.
Stan looked around for a minute as if he were looking for someone and it was only when he caught sight of Y/N and Richie that he paused. His eyes stared at Richie like a deer caught in headlights, but the moment Richie sent the curly haired boy a small smile and a thumbs up Stan instantly relaxed.
Stan's eyes then flickered over to his cousin and the reassuring smile she gave him was enough to have the boy smiling softly back before he gained the courage to begin his readings. Richie and Y/N were silent as they listened to the boy speak and both of them secretly fist bumped each other once Stan had finished without mispronouncing a single word.
"Reflecting on the meaning of what I just read," Stan began, gulping slightly as all eyes suddenly turned to him. "The word 'shana' comes up alot. Which means. . .uhm. . .to change, to transform. Which makes sense I guess, because today I'm supposed to become a man."
Stan hesitated for a moment and his eyes flickered over to lock with Y/N's. The girl gave him a questioning look, already recognizing the look in his eyes that said something was wrong.
Stan had to look away and he took in a shaky breath before saying, "It's funny though. Everyone, I think, has some memories they're prouder of more than others, right? And maybe that's why change is so scary."
That was enough to make Y/N still while Richie looked to her confused. Y/N merely shrugged and the two looked back to Stan who was looking around the room as if he were seeing everyone for the first time.
"Cause the things we wish we could leave behind, the whispers we wish we could silence, the nightmares we most wanna wake up from, the memories we wish we could change, secrets we feel that we have to keep, are the hardest to walk away from," Stan said and it was only then that he looked back over at his cousin, his eyes staying locked with hers and he continued to speak.
"The good stuff, the pictures in our mind that fade away the fastest, those pieces of you it feels the easiest to lose. Maybe, I don't want to forget. Maybe, if that's what today's all about, forget it, right?" Stan whispered, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he were coming to a realization and it seemed like Y/N and everyone else in the room was hanging onto every word.
Everyone except for his father.
"Thank you, Stanley," Mr. Uris said as he went to grab for the microphone, but Stan was quick and moved away from his father.
"Uh, uh, today I'm supposed to become a man but I don't. . .I don't feel any different," Stan continued as he walked away from his father who was trying to walk after him. But then Stan was suddenly stopping and he turned to look at his father with a look in his eyes that made Y/N raise her eyebrows in surprise.
"I know I'm a loser," Stan announced, his words making even his father stop. "And no matter what, I always fucking will be."
A loud gasp filled the air as Stan dropped the microphone and walked out of the room. Everyone stared after the boy in pure shock while Richie began to clap and cheer. As for Y/N, she couldn't help but burst out laughing and yell out in pure pride, "That's my cousin!"
Richie's mother was quick to hush her son while Mrs. Uris sent a small glare in Y/N's direction, but both of the kids merely shared a look before getting up from their seats and running out of the synagogue before anyone could stop them.
"Holy shit, Stan the Man!" Richie cried out as him and Y/N began to jog after Stan who was pacing around in the front yard. Stan looked up at that and he visibly relaxed at the sight of his friends before he was tackled in a hug by Y/N.
"I'm so proud of you," Y/N whispered as she squeezed the boy tight. Stan smiled at that and hugged her back just as tight before his eyes flickered over to Richie.
The cousins slowly pulled away from each other and Stan and Richie both stared at each other before smiling softly. "We good?" Stan questioned as he nervously put his hands into his pockets.
"We're good," Richie assured him with a nod while Y/N looked between the two boys with a warm smile on her face. "I cannot believe you fucking did that, Stanley. You should've seen their faces!" Richie exclaimed before dying with laughter, Y/N quickly joining in while Stan blushed.
"My father's going to kill me when I get home," Stan muttered out with a breathy laugh.
"Then let's not go home," Y/N suggested causing both boys to look to her. "At least not yet anyways. You're already in trouble, why not have some fun before we go back?"
"That's the best idea you've ever had, darlin'" Richie laughed as he wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder and turned to look at Stan. "Come on, Stan the Man. We can go to the arcade or something."
Stan was silent as he let his calculating eyes flicker in between Richie and Y/N. But Y/N knew he was only pretending to think about it. After all, her and her cousin were similar in numerous ways and she knew how much they had both been yearning to hang out with at least one of their friends.
"Fine," Stan said as he let out a dramatic sigh that had Richie and Y/N both rolling their eyes with small smiles on their faces.
That was how the three ended up at the Derry arcade not too long after that. None of them had brought their bikes since they had come with their families, so the three had to walk all the way there in their dressy clothes. Richie complained nonstop, but it didn't take much for the Uris cousins to figure out that he was only doing it to hide his excitement about getting to hang out with them.
Y/N had only been to an arcade a few times in her lifetime, each of them being in the Derry arcade during the summers she would spend there. It was Richie's favorite place to go and Y/N still remembered the first time he had introduced her to Streetfighter, his favorite game. The two had played that game endlessly it had felt like and it didn't take long for the two to fall back into their old habits, the two friends trash talking each other as they tried to beat each other.
"Yes! Take that, Uris!" Richie yelled as he not only beat her, but the high score of the whole game as well. Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the small smile beginning to play on her lips.
"You just got lucky," Y/N tried to say, but Richie only scoffed and gave her a look. "Okay, fine. You win," she sighed earning a smirk from Richie before the boy judged her playfully with his elbow.
Y/N smiled at the boy while Stan watched the two fondly. "Okay, my turn," Stan announced as he walked over to the console, Richie instantly by his side.
He began playing and before she knew it, Richie was yelling at the curly haired boy what he needed to do while Stan was yelling back at Richie to just shut up. It was enough to make Y/N laugh and she couldn't help but think about how much her mood had changed just by being able to be with one of her friends again.
This was the happiest she had felt since the argument and for a moment she seemed to forget about everything that was going on.
Y/N began to look around the arcade to see if she could find another game they could play later, but found herself looking out the window. She smiled softly as she watched the people all walking by, some of them laughing and smiling while others conversed with their friends. Y/N didn't even realize she had walked up to the window until her hand was pressing against the cool glass.
A feeling of calm washed over her as she watched the town of Derry go about their lives, the sound of the arcade and her cousin and Richie's bickering in the background.
Something then flashed at her eyes and Y/N grimaced before blinking a few times only to find that the sun had reflected off a silver bike and into her eyes. However, the light was quickly forgotten as soon as she read the word 'Silver' written across the bike, her smile being replaced with a look of pure shock as her eyes flickered up to lock on the person on the bike—Bill Denbrough.
Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of the boy, his hair gently blowing in the wind while he leaned his head back ever so slightly to enjoy the sun's warmth and the gentle breeze. He was perfect just like always and Y/N swore her heart skipped a beat just at the sight of him.
She watched as the boy suddenly sat up straight and, as of sensing her gaze, his eyes flickered over to the window as he began to ride past it. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his jaw dropped open a little as their eyes locked.
It was like a scene from one of those movies where time stood still. A million words were spoken just through that one glance and Y/N felt a sudden sadness wash over her as she was reminded of the heartbroken look Bill had given her as she walked away.
Y/N had to quickly look away, ignoring the furious beating of her heart and the sickening feeling in her stomach. She waited a moment before looking out the window again and watching as Bill rose down the rest of the street, his head hanging a bit lower than before. She frowned at the sight and the sickening feeling in her stomach only got worse.
All she wanted was to run out of the arcade and run after the boy, but she knew she couldn't. After the fight, after the way Bill had acted and after he had punched Richie, she didn't know what to expect. Would he even want to talk to her? Would he even care?
Y/N swallowed thickly as those thoughts began to swirl around in her head. Then, with a shaky breath, the girl turned around and walked back over to Stan and Richie who were complaining about the best strategy to use for the game.
She let her eyes flicker between Richie and Stan and tried to smile, but the happy feeling she had gotten earlier was gone. After all, she had just been reminded about all of the people who weren't with them. She was reminded of the fight and how most of the group was still all on their own. And the pain of the realization was enough to make her happiness disappear.
"Y/N?" Stan whispered causing the girl to snap out of her thoughts and look at the two boys who were watching her with a hint of concern in their eyes.
"You okay, Uris?" Richie questioned, tilting his head slightly.
Y/N blinked and gave the boys a forced smile as she nodded her head. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" she questioned. The two boys shared a look, but didn't get a chance to say anything before Y/N was gesturing towards the game.
"Come on. I want a rematch and there's no way in hell I'm letting you beat me again," Y/N said earning a loud laugh from Richie as she walked over to the console.
"Oh, you are so on, Uris," Richie laughed as he too took his place at the console.
Y/N smiled softly at that before her eyes caught sight of Stan giving her a look that asked if she was really okay. Y/N nodded ever so slightly but the look Stan gave her practically screamed that he didn't believe her. However, before Stan could question her, Y/N was already looking back at Richie was a smirk on her face.
"Loser has to buy the other whatever ice cream they want."
"Oh, you are so going down!"
- - -
Weeks passed and the Losers were still no where close to reuniting. Y/N had seen a few of her friends in passing, but the fight was still too fresh in their minds for any of them to talk to each other. Eddie was the only one Y/N hadn’t seen.
She had seen Mike from across the street and given him a smile and a wave, but he had only smiled at her sadly before walking in to a shop to make a delivery. She had been walking past the library when she caught sight of Ben sitting by a window, but the boy had only lowered his head sadly and focused on his book until she left.
Y/N had been walking out of a store with her aunt when she saw Beverly, but the red head had only given her the smallest of waves before disappearing around a corner. Then there were the few occasions she had seen Bill riding on his bike only for him to stare at her like it physically pained him to see her before he biked away as quick as possible.
Stan and Richie were the only reason Y/N hadn't gone spiraling down the rabbit hole. She spent almost every day hanging out with the two of them whether it be at the arcade or just biking around town. She was starting to do a little better now that she not only had Stan by her side but Richie as well. However, that sinking feeling of her stomach that came from missing the others never went away, especially when it came to Bill.
It wasn't until a couple of days after seeing Bill at the arcade that she had allowed herself to realize why she missed him so much. She liked Bill. She really liked him. And the realization of the fact only to remember that she now didn't even have him as a friend was enough to have her sobbing until Stan found her in her room. He had held her for what felt like hours after that while she just cried and Stan gave her the comfort she needed.
Y/N had confided in Stan about her crush after that and she had never seen her cousin so happy yet so upset at the same time. He was happy that she liked Bill, after all, he thought the two would be a perfect match. But then he saw his cousin's pain and it was like he felt it as well, his heart aching for the girl as he knew how much the fight with Bill must have affected her.
After that night, Y/N tried not to think about the Losers or Bill as much. It was hard, especially when she was alone. However, Richie and Stan helped her get by and before she knew it, it was August.
That meant she didn't have long before she would have to head home and Y/N hadn't realized how much she didn't want that to happen until it was slowly growing nearer with each passing day. Spending the summer with her cousin in Derry may have had some rocky moments, but it was also the happiest she had ever been in her whole life. She didn't want for it to end and she sure as hell didn't want to leave, so there were a few days at the beginning of August where she was a little quieter than usual and wanted to be left alone with her thoughts.
Stan didn't push it, knowing that the subject of her parents and her life back at home was a touchy topic for the girl. He and Richie had made it their sworn duty to make to rest of the summer the best Y/N had ever experienced and they hadn't been doing too bad so far.
In fact, Y/N was going to head down to the quarry with them that very afternoon. But before she could do that, the girl had promised her aunt that she would run to the pharmacy to pick up a few things that they had needed.
Stan had wanted to tag along, but his father was still upset about what had happened at his bar mitzvah, so Stan had to spend at least a couple of hours every day reading from the Torah. Wanting to go to the quarry later that day, Stan had decided it was best if he stayed home to read the Torah then rather than go to the pharmacy with Y/N.
Y/N didn't blame him and had taken the small list of things to get before making her way into town by herself. She hadn't been in the mood to ride Stan's bike, so the girl had resorted to walking, knowing that she didn't have to grab much anyways.
It took a little longer than riding a bike would, but Y/N didn't mind. She got to the pharmacy not that much later and went to open the door only for it to suddenly be thrown open and for someone to rush past her.
Y/N blinked in surprise and let her eyes flicker over to the person who she immediately recognized as Eddie. Her eyes widened at the sight of her friend, but she didn't have long to be shocked because she had caught sight of Eddie's distraught and completely red face as he struggled to hold back tears.
"Eddie?" Y/N questioned in a soft yet concerned voice as she hesitantly walked after the boy. She knew she probably shouldn't be talking to him, especially if his mother were to be around, but she frankly didn't care. If Eddie was upset, then whatever was his problem was now her problem whether his mother liked it or not.
Eddie froze at the sound of her voice and hesitated before slowly turning back around, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of her. "Y/N?" he whispered, his voice shaky as he quickly went to wipe his tears away with the arm that wasn't currently wrapped in a white cast.
"Eddie, what's-?" Y/N began, but she didn't even get a chance to finish what she was saying before Eddie had taken a few quick strides to hug the girl. Y/N blinked in surprise, but didn't hesitate to hug the boy back, squeezing her eyes shut as she held onto the boy who she hadn't even seen since that day at the Neibolt house.
Eddie was shaking as he hugged her, his one good hand balling into a fist around her shirt as he held her like he was afraid she would leave him. For a moment, it reminded Y/N of the hug Richie had given her, but this one was different not only because it was Eddie but because she could practically feel the emotions that were radiating off the boy.
Y/N frowned and pulled away to look at the boy, ignoring Eddie's confused face as she furrowed her eyebrows and wiped away his tears, whispering, "What's wrong, Eds?"
Eddie smiled ever so slightly at the nickname before lowering his head. He let out a pained laugh before whispering, "Oh, it's nothing." However, his eyes betrayed him by flickering down to his cast which Y/N finally was able to see well enough to notice the giant word 'Loser' that had been written in black marker across his cast.
Y/N frowned at the sight and looked back at Eddie who was looking at his cast sadly. With a sigh, Y/N reached out and pat Eddie's shouldn't before saying, "Wait right here, okay? I'll be right back."
Eddie's head shot up at that and he went to question her, but the girl had already turned and was walking into the pharmacy he had come out of only moments before. Eddie frowned slightly before looking back down at his cast, the guilt of what his mother had said to Y/N the last time they were together eating away at him and making him feel sick.
Y/N returned a couple of minutes later to find that Eddie hadn't even moved an inch from the spot she had left him in. She began to rummage through the bag she had as she walked over to the boy, pushing past the things her aunt had needed until finding the one item she had bought on her own.
Eddie could hear the rustling of the bag and glanced up in time to see Y/N pull out a red marker with a smile on her face. The boy furrowed his eyebrows, but Y/N was already gently grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the curb for them to sit down.
Eddie watched as she set her stuff down before the h/c girl turned to look at him with a shy smile on her face. She gestured towards his cast and whispered, "May I?"
Eddie didn't quite understand what she was doing, but he trusted her. He trusted her with his whole life in fact and he had ever since the day the two first met. So nodding his head was almost an automatic response, knowing she would never do anything to hurt him or make him upset.
Y/N smiled softly at that before gently picking up the boy's cast and moving his arm to rest in her lap. She pulled the cap off the red marker in her hands before she began to write on his cast, her tongue sticking out in concentration while Eddie observed her quietly.
He thought back to when he was younger and how, for a whole summer, he had the biggest crush on the girl that sat before him today. She was just so kind to him and made him feel happier than most people did, not to mention she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
It wasn't really a surprise when he ended up having a crush on her, but it took a school year away from her and seeing her the next summer to know that his feelings had changed. Y/N was nothing more than a sister to him and he knew that Y/N felt the same way. The love they had for each other was strictly platonic and always would be.
And in that moment, Eddie wished he had been lucky enough to have been given a sister like Y/N. But it only took him a moment more to realize that although they may not actually be related, he had been given a Y/N as his sister and he would forever be grateful for that.
"There," Y/N smiled as she looked to Eddie and showed him his cast. The boy looked down and couldn't help but smile at the sight. She had taken the word 'Loser' and corrected it with the red marker so that it now read 'Lover,' something that made Eddie blush and let out a breathy chuckle.
His eyes flickered up to look at the girl and he stared at her for a moment before smiling and whispering, "Thank you.”
Y/N merely smiled in response before asking, "Is it okay if I sign it?"
Eddie was a little hesitant to say yes, but he couldn't help himself when his smile grew just a tiny bit. He instantly nodded his head and Y/N grinned before gently taking ahold of his arm once again and neatly writing her name across the white cast, knowing that the boy would want his cast to look as nice and clean as possible.
Once she was done, the girl put the cap back on her marker and shoved it into her bag before looking to Eddie who was already watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. "What?" Y/N questioned curiously as she tilted her head at the boy.
"I'm sorry," Eddie suddenly blurted out making Y/N blink in surprise. "What my mother said was not cool and none of it was true. And I’m just. . .I'm so sorry she said those things to you."
Eddie looked down at his cast and rubbed a thumb over the girl's signature before frowning and whispering, "I really hope you don't hate me for it."
Y/N blinked once before giving the boy a surprised look. "I could never hate you for something that your mother did," Y/N assured the boy as she wrapped an arm around him and rested her head against his shoulder. Eddie leaned into her touch and let his head rest against her own as the two sat there on the curb together.
"Your mother can try and stop us all she wants, but we're still going to be friends no matter what she says," Y/N whispered making the boy crack a smile at that.
Eddie reached his hand over and placed it on top of Y/N's before giving it a small squeeze. "I've missed you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N smiled warmly and held the boy a little tighter as she whispered back, "I've missed you too, Eddie."
A beeping from Eddie's watch was enough to make him snap back to reality, a panicked look on his face as he muttered, "Fuck." Eddie was quick to pull away from Y/N and stood up before wiping the dust from his pants. "I'm sorry, but I've really got to go. If I don't get home soon, my mom is going to go batshit crazy."
Y/N let out a chuckle and accepted the hand Eddie held out to her before he helped her into her feet. "No, I get it. You get home safely, okay?" she said as she smiled at the boy.
Eddie stared at her for a second before quickly reaching out and pulling her in for one last hug, relishing in the feeling of having the girl by his side once again after a torturous and lonely few weeks.
"Bye, Eds," Y/N whispered as she hugged the boy back and for a moment Eddie wanted nothing more than to have a mother who wasn't so overbearing so that he could stay with Y/N for a little bit longer.
He pulled away and let his eyes flicker over the girl's face one last time before giving her a soft smile, "Bye, Y/N."
Eddie then turned on his heels and began on his way back home while Y/N watched after him until he had turned the corner. With a small sigh, the girl bent down and picked her bag back up before beginning the long walk back home to where Stan would no doubt be waiting for her return.
Although this time, she felt a little less alone than before and that was enough to put a small smile on her face.
* * *
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mrs-denton · 4 years
Sappy Paul Denton x OC Fanfic [Part 2]
The Start of the Collapse
After Paul’s departure, Bebe’s eyes struggled to shut. She laid in bed and kept glancing over at her phone occasionally, half-expecting something from Paul to come up. When she realized worrying was futile, she put the phone down and laid it down on its charging pad. She was worried, but she tried equilibrating those thoughts with reasonable positive ones because she was pregnant. She had to avoid as much stress as possible.
Staying up to write, as she did on sleepless nights like these, she scribbled her thoughts into her diary until she crashed. In the morning when she awoke, the unwelcome feeling of first trimester morning sickness sharply seized her from her slumber. She went to the bathroom to alleviate herself from the nausea.
Treating patients at the hospital she worked at, including those with the Grey Death, was dreary. Their spirits were broken and some of them got desperate. She wished she could divulge the truth behind the virus, or at least what she knew, but it would likely get her fired. She made sure to wear the most protective gear—respirator, face shield, gloves, a gown, and foot covers. Her health was going to have to become her top priority if she wanted a healthy baby.
Hours ebbed and flowed with moments of hectic excitement during rushes of patients and emergencies, but inched like slugs when things were slow and she caught herself worrying about Paul. She wondered what time it was in Hong Kong—surely, at least half a day ahead—and if he was alive. She thought about JC as well and didn’t want any harm to come to the Dentons, namely because JC was a cool person, but especially because she knew Paul would be devastated if his younger brother should fall. She scrubbed the pressing thoughts away from the walls of her mind—months of meditation had helped—and she continued to show up at work.
She checked her work emails to see if by some crazy chance, Paul had been daring enough to send her a message there. But of course not—he would never do something to endanger them, especially with the Aquinas net. After what felt like a 12-hour shift, Bebe returned home with takeout and quickly checked her computer. There, an email from Paul—or rather, his alias—was sent hours ago while she was still at work.
“Hey babe. I made it safely to Hong Kong, thank god. Good news—everything’s taken care of. My brother and I are gonna be fine. The bad news is that I’ll have to be living here for a few months as I recuperate, as I predicted. I was in pretty bad shape when I arrived, which is why it’s going to take longer for me to recover. Tong wants to keep me under supervision for a while. But I’m already feeling better.
Things are pretty tight in HK. I’m a wanted man here as well. I don’t think making a move right now is wise, but I can’t wait to see you again. I’ll keep you updated whenever I can. Try to take it easy and don’t worry about a thing—I’ll take care of it. I love you, and I’m always thinking about you. - P”
Bebe typed a reply.
“My darling, I’m glad you’re alright. I was worried about you, but I also knew you’d make it through this. Give the doctor my sincerest gratitude—he saved the man I love. I’m also happy J is fine. I completely understand if you need to stay there—in situations like this, a doctor’s supervision is necessary even after the treatment.
Let me know how things go. I want to be with you but things have to be just right. I love you, P. I hope you get better soon. I already miss you. Hugs and kisses. Yours,
- B”
Within the following day, Bebe received another email.
“Bebe—so much is happening right now. I don’t have much time, and neither does the world. Just bear with me. I’m going to be fine, I think, but my brother keeps unearthing more of this conspiracy. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know something will, and if it does, it’s going to be big. I can’t explain everything over the net, but I promise I will when I see you. I don’t know how much time there is and I know this sounds crazy but you’ll just have to trust me. Withdraw your savings now. There’s a high chance the net might crash and everything will be lost. Savings, records, and all sorts of info. Make sure you have plenty of food and supplies as well.
No matter what happens, I will find you! And that’s a promise. Just stay where you are. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. - P”
Something inside Bebe told her Paul wasn’t lying. Everything Paul told her before and everything they had researched and pieced together made sense. She knew there could only be so much more to this story than most people knew and few had theorized about. After typing her obedient reply, Bebe set off for the bank and asked to withdraw the entirety of her account. Her salary provided her with decent savings she had accumulated over a few years.
But she wondered if the funny look the bank teller gave her was indicative of ignited suspicion. She knew it was. She smiled as the bank teller discussed the request with the manager, who gave her a poorly-disguised look of surprise. Who else but a shady person would just want to remove all their chits from the bank? Only somebody that knew something that most people didn’t know would act this way . . . She would just have to lie and say it was for a potential family emergency. Or that she’s just paranoid and that there are rumors the banks will fail soon. Hearsay type of stuff. But no, the latter would be too suspicious. Just go with the family emergency, she thought. 
Signing some papers that would let the federal revenue office know the reason for her massive withdrawal, she questioned just what the hell she was doing. She stopped for a while and glanced up at the bank teller, who was too busy counting chits to notice her. Bebe questioned herself for a bit--she was blindly obeying Paul’s orders, which wasn’t really a problem in and of itself, but how could she really know what was going on? Paul wouldn’t lie to her though. She knew that man for three years and he never lied. She just had to trust him. Worst case scenario, she’d be tracked down. But if nothing were to happen, she could just say she got worried sick for an ailing family member and took the money out to help with treatments.
“Forty-six-thousand, two-hundred and fifty-nine chits, ma’am,” the bank teller said, fat stacks of the electric green notes neatly sitting on the counter.
“Thank you so much,” she said, handing them the signed papers. “Here you go.”
She opened up her purse and filled it with the money, trying to act naturally. The teller and his manager looked at her strangely, as well as the clients behind her. She felt herself tense up.
“Thank you so much,” she said again. “Have a nice day.” She had a habit of being overly-polite sometimes.
And with that, she carried her loaded purse all the way to her car and drove home, the tunes blaring and the pedal to the metal. Suddenly, the music stopped. Could this be it?
She checked her phone and noticed there was no signal anywhere. The music stream was buffering continuously until it lost connectivity for good. Moving to the network settings, she confirmed there really was no net anymore. She couldn’t believe it at first, and then, she did.
Parking her car, she rushed inside the lobby of her apartment building. There were people standing outside with their cellphones in the air, trying to obtain signal, their faces scrunched in bewilderment. Glancing at the far end of two blocks over where one of the P-Mobile buildings was, people swarmed into the store to complain about their phone services.
“Miss, have you heard? The net’s gone black—disappeared,” the alarmed security guard at the reception said. “Everyone’s internet just shut off. Even the phones, TV, everything. We don’t know what’s going on.”
“Oh my god,” she said. “I’ll have to check mine out. Thank you.”
She went upstairs and rapidly scanned her nanokey to her door, eager to get inside. What would she do now?
She checked her computer. The internet was gone. No new emails from Paul, just the cached one from before. As she sat in her apartment, she heard her neighbors arguing loudly in desperation. Turning on the TV, she checked every channel, finding nothing but static—ultimately confirming everything Paul told her. Glancing outside her window and down at the congested streets, violence intensified.
After a few days to a week of the world descending into darkness, reports of the global net crashing and burning appeared on every newspaper. A national emergency was declared, and speculating specialists wondered who was responsible, pointing fingers at foreign governments and even “traitors” within the United States. The zealously religious stood outside every corner, wailing that it was the beginning of the Apocalypse, and the conspiracy theorists held meetings in their garages, claiming it was aliens. But soon enough, the Dentons were named. Bebe paid close attention.
“It is suspected that terrorist JC Denton and his brother, Paul Denton, are behind this massive communications collapse worldwide. We are slowly but surely receiving letters that confirm the internet shutdowns in every nation. Agencies are investigating the matter as best as they can.”
Her heart pounded in her chest. She just hoped the bank tellers didn’t put two and two together and decided to send somebody after her. After all, there was nothing suspicious about a woman withdrawing all her savings a few minutes before the world collapsed. But she sighed in relief when she knew that they wouldn’t have been able to pull up her personal information without the internet.
She thought about her family. Her dad had left them before she was even born, and her mother died of the Grey Death before Ambrosia was released. Her cousins were all living their lives as married people with children, and her only living aunt was old now. What would they think, though? What would they think if she were to run off with a “criminal”, a “terrorist”, a wanted man? Crises were meant to be times where family stuck together more, but with Bebe leaving . . . would they label her as selfish? Crazy? Bad? She only hoped that one day they would understand that Paul was not the person the media and the government was portraying him to be.
They didn’t even know she was pregnant. Engaged? Yes. They knew Paul and they liked him. But the media was a powerful weapon, especially now that the people’s only source of outside knowledge was funneled via the last remaining newspapers. They could twist and besmirch the Dentons as they wished, and people would buy it. Not everybody, though, as there were people who had been following the Juggernaut Collective—until it disbanded—and a few other rebel news disguised as tabloids and conspiracies. But alas, the perceptions of Bebe’s friends and family could definitely be warped against Paul. She had to be careful.
But most importantly, she had to figure out what the next steps in her life would be. If only she could talk to Paul. She wondered if she should keep going to work—part of her would think it better to disappear from society at once and wait until Paul came back, but the other part of her couldn’t just leave all those poor patients behind. She knew there were other doctors and nurses who would do a fine job—but could she really just disappear now? Did she still have to keep up her façade of normalcy? As if she weren’t the woman of the second-most-wanted man in the world right now?
She got up and started packing, hoping that at least sorting this out would bring her more clarity. What were her favorite clothes? What could she stand to leave behind? What would be useful? She took her favorite shoes as well as personal keepsakes and important documents, neatly enclosed in file folders and manilla envelopes, and put them in a suitcase. Most of the money was also stored there. Then, glancing at her desk, she took note of her journal.
How could she leave this behind? She had to take it. Unless, of course, she wanted to be that mysterious woman who left her revealing memoirs in a secret diary. She considered the thought briefly and then took the journal, the pages automatically splitting upon a section with a dried red rose that had been stamped between the weight of the pages. It was the first flower Paul ever gave her. She instantly smiled as she felt the crispy, dark garnet petals on her fingertips, her mind going back to when the petals were bright as fresh blood and smooth like velvet.
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the neighborhood
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs (just weed, I smoke responsibly sorry if reading about it bothers you), as always stop reading if you don't like it.
Note: idk which twin has the girlfriend, Sam or Harry. So let me know. Also, let me know who you guys want this to be about (Tom or Harrison). Another thing is that I wrote this before my country fully flushed itself down the shitter in chaos and injustice. So let’s all read this to escape a tad and for some metal rest. BLM!
The teaser I wrote to start is here
"Yeah mom.. no I'm fine! Really! Haha promise! They tested me and told me since it's negative then they will add me into the adjusted hours group. They said I can get at least 2 full days a week in rotating with the other keepers. I just gotta fill some paperwork out first." You walked around your back deck and tended to plants while speaking on the phone to your mom back home in Iowa.
"Y/N are you sure? You being in another country during all this makes me so nervous. It's so easy to get sick sometimes." You rolled your eyes at the dramatics.
"I'm set here! I still have a job, a place to live thanks to Renee's husband, and no coronavirus. I'd say I'm alright." Talking to your mom despite her worries did put s smile on your face. The sun was shining and the air was finally not cold as hell in England. You finally felt settled now that you had more time to move into your new home. Your mother kept talking and soon got called that dinner was ready. "Ok mom love you too. Tell dad I said hi!"
After hanging up you looked for the head you noticed peaking at you earlier while you talked. There was nothing, but you did hear the guys who lived next door talking about your cousin's husband as 'old pool guy' and wanting to use the hot tub. It made you laugh and you made a mental note to find them later and invite them since they wanted to hang out so badly.
You didn't know much about them other than it was just guys. They all seemed to know each other for a while and at least 2 of them were brothers. That is all you gathered from some occasional eavesdropping. Downside of social distancing starting right after moving into the cute little place given as a congrats at your first real job. You never saw everyone's faces to distinguish each guy. Your cousin’s husband had the place outside London and never really lived there anymore, and rather than sell it he gave it to you. Easier than finding a shitty apartment with way too high rent. Plus, Renee would not let you say no. So you didn't. Thanks Xander!
After finishing checking the water level on the pool and tub to round out the to do list, you were about to go inside to finish new employment paperwork when a soccer ball got sent over into your yard. It came from the boy's yard. No time like the present to break the ice you thought as walked to get said ball.
Smiling and laughing to yourself you heard exclamations happening among the group of men. You popped your head up by standing on your deck railing and they looked to you. They apologized over nothing and you thought it was sweet. Plus, it was nice to actually get a proper look at their faces. You still didn't really know their names, but at least now they were coming over around 8 for hot tub time and drinks.
"Thanks for letting us come over! Though, sorry for talking about your family and place without even properly meeting you." The man speaking, Tom as you learned, smiled as you handed him a drink.
You shook your head in protest. "Really it's fine. This is my cousin Xander's place. I just got a job at the London zoo and this was a congrats gift. Sorta to take out the struggle of finding a shitty apartment. Plus, I've been busy over there so that's why you have not seen me much. Still working out my schedule, plus a virus." While talking you lifted the cover off the hot tub. "Now, I believe there was a purpose to this visit?"
"Despite my brother's lack of tact before, that wasn't why we actually wanted to hang out with you. We wanted to meet you as well." Tom's smile made you do the same in return. You looked to the guys on your deck and chuckled.
"Then why did you come in swim trunks if that wasn't the objective?" You caught them and knew it based off the blush on Harry's face. "I'm teasing. It's totally fine. You guys get comfy, jet buttons are on the side, I'm gonna change and grab some more beers and such." You let them be as you changed into your suit in your room. You made sure you were all set and presentable. It was quick and you put your hair in a pony tail while walking to your fridge. Grabbing some bottles you made your way back to the group.
Passing them around you spoke, "Sorry if these suck. I'm still figuring out which beers here I like. I had American ones but finished those. So I don't know fully what does and doesn't suck."
They took their bottles and Tuwaine smiled at you. "There are English equivalents I can tell you. Now I gotta ask, and don't take offense. But why does it smell like perfume and weed out here Y/N?"
"Yeah I smelled that too! Thought it was the chemicals from the tub or something.." The man learned to be Harrison looked at the hot tub he sat in in reference. You blushed at being caught. Eyes went wide slightly as well. Then you mentally scolded yourself after turning and seeing your ash tray and formally lit joint on the deck table.
"Haha yeah you caught me. The perfume is Chanel, put that on before you came, and the pot is well.. pot! Smoked that before you came... Y'all aren't narcs are you? If you're chill I'll share." You didn't need things to go sour first time hanging out with neighbors. You needed friends your age here outside of work!
Tom laughed and smiled. "Relax darling, it's fine." He watched you let out a breath of relief. None of them were ones to judge someone on what they do casually in their free time. "Maybe another time on the sharing though, I'm set. Just tell us about yourself."
"Well offer stands and I will finish that in a bit full disclosure. But me, 22, recently employed keeper at the London zoo, umm I'm from Boise, Idaho, mom and dad are back there, very easy going, and a big fan of nature and having fun! I got my degree from University of Wisconsin and this is my first time being overseas, only been to Canada in regards to international travel. Any specific questions?" They all took in your short backstory as you climbed in with them in the tub; instantly relaxing in the hot water, eyes closing as you drank your beer. Harrison was quickly taking in the details of your face. A few ear piercings, long eyelashes coated in pretty mascara, nice jewelry on too. He got the sense you were chill and put together. Plus, you seemed to know how to have a good time regardless of the situation.
"Boyfriend?" Harry's question led to a glare from his brother and a small smile from you.
You shook your head no. "Nope, we ended things a little before I moved here. Mutual thing, he is working on his masters back home. Even if I stayed that would've ended things because it becomes your whole world really."
"You have your masters?" Tom noticed you shaking your head no and listened as you explained you took a job here instead.
"I need money more than another degree. So I'm here kickin' it in a hot tub with 5 fun Brits instead!" Your smile was contagious to the guys. Soon more drinks were had and stories were shared. They all really took a liking to you. “Now tell me about yourselves!”
I am gonna make this a series, length not decided. And for real let me know to have the main love interest be Tom or Harrison. I don’t care either way. 
As always, like and reblog! Feedback is appreciated as well!
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 1x18, Season Finale
One. These writers really are trying their damnedest to make me like Owen Marvin even after death and I’m sorry but it’s just not going to happen.
Two. Carson and Kate kept Nancy’s parentage a secret for 19 years, my girl can’t even keep it a secret for 24 hours. Just saying.
Three. I’m about to fangirl so hard over Hannah Gruen if you don’t understand why pick up literally any one of the Nancy Drew books and you’ll get there pretty quickly.
HANNAH GRUEN. Okay I am obsessed with this keeper storyline. What are they, what is she, how are they chosen, what happened to her hands? The previous keeper apparently had records of some kind so now I’m picturing either a massive wall of filing cabinets or something a la the Book of Shadows from Charmed. Whatever comes of it I need to see more of this character. Hopefully Carson decides to start volunteering at the historical society and she starts popping up more often. First Victoria and now Hannah, these writers really did bring back two out of my three favorite females right in time for this season to end didn’t they.
This show really does have a condensed storyline though like when Lisbeth said think back over the past few days like each episode really does take place over the course of like 24 hours don’t they. At least with this episode we once again got all of the main five working in unison. That seance at the beginning, holy fuck. First the writers continue to surprise me by taking seemingly meaningless things and making them important. Owen knocking over that ghost trap becoming the thing they used to try to contact him? MY GOD. And I would like to see those things actually work one of these days.
Ryan Hudson. Him showing up at the beginning, hesitant and calling Nancy his daughter, saying he was just trying to do right by her. Nancy saying all the women in his lief end up messed up or dead and shutting the door on him. God it gave me so many feelings. And then later George yelling at him about how he made her okay with being a dirty little secret was so cathartic and props to Leah Lewis because she delivered. I only wish it had maybe come earlier in the season before I was so attached to his character and before he became so tragic. Like at this point being awful to Ryan feels kind of like kicking a puppy. BUT before anyone comes for me, I do agree with every single thing George said and have wished for her to say it multiple times. I just wish she’d said it earlier. And speaking of George her storyline with Nick was just so sweet this episode. Her callback to being the girl you keep a secret, not the girl you take to dinner, and him saying he’ll make some reservations. Cavity levels of sweetness. Regardless of how sweet they are I continue to root for Nancy and Nick. Him telling Ace to keep an eye on her? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
BUT THEY KEEP BRINGING UP THAT BUCKET CURSE LATELY. I’m happy they’re not just dropping it but also it is giving me so much anxiety. Like I'm worried now the original season finale would have involved George dying/almost dying or something like that. Believe you me we have not seen the last of the bucket curse.
Moving on, you know what I’m doing right now? Kicking myself. I am kicking myself so hard because in my 1x17 review I wanted to say that maybe Joshua put the nails in Carson’s tires to try and trap him and kill him. Granted that probably didn’t happen but I would’ve called Joshua being back so I would’ve been partly right. And somehow I keep forgetting that Nancy is related to all of these people not just Lucy. Like when she was talking to Patrice it wasn’t until Nancy said she was Lucy’s daughter that I realized “oh shit this is her grandma.” I’d like to see them get a chance to bond a little, but of course as soon as it happens is when Patrice will die because all the writers do is torture their characters. (And it’s awesome.)
We’re going to skip back to the seance because I write these things in a very stream of consciousness fashion. Ugh, these writers have such a gift for making everything so beautifully creepy. I had to go back and pause like five different times to get a good look at the Aglaeca. She looks like a scabbed over mummified mermaid guys. It was horrifying. The whole house jolting. The gang holding onto each other’s hands even as they’re terrified. Ace announcing "Somebody’s here. Somebody big.” The slow rattling of the cups. I got chills. Although I am curious, since the Aglaeca had nothing to do with Owen’s death, why didn’t she want them talking to him? And I want to see a Dead Lucy vs Aglaeca showdown. Maybe the Aglaeca comes for Nancy and Lucy goes all Molly Weasley on her ass, “Not my daughter you bitch,” and ghostly tackles her. It won’t happen but a girl can dream.
Seeing the tension in Lisbeth and Bess’s relationship this episode, I think Bess is going to get caught between the two. I don’t think she’ll spy on Lisbeth though, I think they’ll switch it up on us and Bess will be a mole in the Marvin family. Maybe finding out what happened to the Aglaeca (since clearly the Marvins did something to her) will be what triggers it. (But they’ll make us think Bess is spying on Lisbeth until they pull the rug out and reveal it was the other way around all along and Bess will text Lisbeth all happy like ‘be right over to celebrate’ or something only when she gets there Lisbeth will be DEAD. Ahem. Sorry, went down the rabbit hole for a second there. Moving on.) Get rid of the corrupt and take the rest of the family in a new direction. That being said the cousins Ivan and Cassidy cracked me up. Great comic relief. Though I don’t think we’ve seen the last of that Hall of Tragedies.
Last but not least, those portents at the end. Jesus Christ. If there’s something more ominous than watching doppelgängers of yourselves die in various awful fashions I don’t know what it is. Nick and George drowning, Bess burning alive, Ace hung by a meat hook, Nancy falling to her death on the bluffs like Lucy before her. Yow.
Real fast, I didn’t mention this either in my last review but since Bess got set on fire. Can we take a moment to appreciate the symbolism of Lucy dying in the water and Nancy and Ryan having their parent/child relationship being born in flames as they held hands over the fire? SYMBOLISM. My sophomore English teacher would’ve imploded.
God if this was planned to be episode 18 I can’t even imaging what they had in mind for the finale. I also can’t believe I have to wait until like at least September probably to see what happens next. Y'all had better stay in your fucking houses because I need this virus wrapped up ASAP.
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smallrunningmachine · 4 years
Dear Dad, What the hell? First you blame the virus on China. Not specifically on the animals they believe it originated in, but the whole damned country. Next you rant and rant about how much Trump has done to help with this thing. And you keep ranting about whatever you read on Facebook that China did. You're on your phone constantly, even when Mom or myself wants to talk to you. Then I pick up my phone when I'm alone in my room, and you march in and rail at me for it. You refuse to watch anything but FOX News, and if Mom or I turns on something else, you just sigh and scoff until one of us asks what the problem is and gets a ten-minute rant. Anything I bring up, any joke I make, turns into a condescending lecture. When lockdown was partway over, you went back to work as a Realtor and a general contractor, knowing full well it put your asthmatic wife at risk. Mom is a saleswoman for a furniture company -it's her job to meet people- and she was able to find ways to work from home; why didn't you? You wear a mask infrequently, and if Mom or I tells you you should wear it, you get teed off about that. You've got a daughter who's the same age as her male cousins, yet you give any lawn work job to them without even asking me if I'd like to do that. When the new folks down the road moved in and needed rocks cleared out of the yard, you sent my cousin and his best friend their way, and it was only after they'd stood the neighbors up for weeks that you even asked me (and only under pressure from my mom) if I wanted the job. This is the tip of the iceberg. One of my best friends is a lesbian, and you constantly ask me if I'm worried about her having a crush on me, and when I say no, you ask if I'm gay too. You were pissed at Mom for leaving me home alone for an evening, yet when you went to Mexico for a week and your trip overlapped with my mom's the following week, leaving me home alone for the weekend, you didn't say a word. May I remind you that it takes both parents to leave their child home alone? If Mom or I ticks you off, you hop in your truck and disappear to God-knows-where without a word. I'm still only scratching the surface. The good news for you is that I don't have the time to type out everything else you've done- say, defending a KKK member, making subtly racist and homophobic comments, talking about the protests like they're simply a gross inconvenience -I just heard you cough as I wrote this- and implying that you think the whole pandemic is overblown. And let's not forget how you'd rather do just about anything before giving me a fair chance against a guy my age. You've got the convertible in the barn, and you've promised my neighbor and friend down the road that he can drive it every time you see him, yet when I ask if I can drive it before he does, I get a "we'll see". You tried to live out your soccer star dreams through me, knowing I hated every minute of it. You barely gave a damn about the musical I was on tech for, however, and Mom practically had to drag you to any band event. You also barely noticed when my ADHD impaired my ability to function, let alone depression and anxiety. You'd yell and swear constantly any time you caught me on my phone past nine, even if I was talking a friend through one of the toughest periods in their life. I've dealt with this my entire life, but maybe this weekend I'll get just a little bit of revenge. Just a small personal victory when we go camping. Remember those NRA/gun rights shirts you brought home the other day, acting all proud of yourself like you were a billionaire who'd just donated their entire fortune to starving children? Yeah, those shirts. Mine's way too big for me, and besides, I'd get the living hell beaten out of me if I wore that in public, not to mention ruining the respect from my peers that I've spent years gaining. However, waste not want not. Sawyer and I could use a good-sized tinder pile to get the campfire started, so thanks for the shirt. Other than that, thanks for nothing.
Your daughter,
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yuhimananimegurl · 4 years
Sebastian Meets Ceil’s New Yorker Cousin
Oh my lord, I’m watching black butler and i just had this vision! What if Ceil had a cousin from New York, and Sebastian is so confused when she comes in using our little New York lingo lol
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You were on your plane to London to visit your cousin Ceil Phantomhive in his mansion. It had been a long trip but you were so excited to go there. As a child you always wanted to go London, or at least Paris. So when you heard from your mother that you could visit him, you screamed “YASS!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!” So you can imagine the smile plastered on your face. If anything some people you saw, were a little freaked out at how big you were smiling. You were a very likable person, so you made small talk with people next to you, in front of you, and even behind you. You even had this particular flight attendant who would always cater to you. And yes, the people in your isle noticed it too.
When you arrived you were in awe. It was so beautiful! You had never imagined such beauty in just one place. New York was nothing like this. But you still missed it regardless, after you were greeted by a man a little too formal for your liking when getting off the plane. Even though it had been 4 years since then, when he offered to hold your hand ‘for the steps are gravely steep madam’ you swatted his hand and said “Don’t touch me! cOrOnA vIrUs!!” He was very confused while you silently laughed at your own joke.
When you were down from the plane, and out of their somewhat of an airport, you were so confused on how the hell you would get to the manner. So of course, even as people still wondered what the hell your doing, you asked Siri for google maps. Some people were confused, and some were scared, when your little ‘thingimabob’ started talking back to you!
When you finally reached the manor you were like “BITCH?! HE IS ONLY THIRTEEN! NOT EVEN MY CONDO IS HALF AS BIG AS THIS! WHAT THE HELL?!” And of course saying it the weird way New York taught you to say it, your pronounced it as ‘hail’.
You kicked the door open and screamed “I’m here bitches!!” You saw Ceil and this strange tall ass man, standing right next to him. Before you even greeted Ceil, you turned to this man with a visible WTF face, and you said “Oh HELL NO! Who is you?!” And of course Sebastian was so confused he didn’t even answer. Instead he whispered to Ceil “Is this even our guest?” Ceil sighed. “Welcome cousin! I see you are very bright today! And for clarification, this is my humble butler Sebastian.” “BITCHYOUGOTABUTLER?!” You blurted out. Sebastian had no idea why you were talking like this, so out of plain curiosity he asked “Excuse me, I do not mean to intrude, so my apologies, but why do you speak like.. well... that?” “Oh my lord. It’s cause I’m from New York. teehee.” ‘Interesting’ he thought. He was in so much confusion it hurt when you said, taking this weird thing out of your pockets “Yo my cousin got a fuckin BUTLER! Bish I am poor as hell, like money went YEET. I’m done I can’t even.”
“What is a yeet?!” he almost sobbed. “Again I’m from New York. That’s just how we speak.”
He was hurting, from the confusion he had throughout the whole day. Between you say this “Um chile anyways so” to you looking at the tea’s he made and replying with “What the hell? Oh uh uh. This is why I brought Taki’s and some Pepsi.” he almost cried when you pronounced hell, as ‘Hail’. “Young Master, i really do not understand, this so called ‘Modern Lingo’ that your beloved cousin is using.” When he looked at you, you were on your phone screaming at it saying “YUHHH GETT INTO IT OIKAWA!!!! AHHHHH KAGEYAMA!! OH MY GOD ITS THE GIANT SALT SHAKER!!!!!!” You were practically screeching.
Over the next few months you were staying there, he learned to love that about you. The fact you didn’t care what they thought, the fact you payed no mind to those who stared. You weren’t as enthusiastic as you were on your first day here, but he definitely wouldn’t say you changed at all.
He always greeted you in the mornings by your preference, ‘The My Hero Academia intro’. He caught on pretty fast, what a ‘Weeb’ was, and that you were a major one.
This particular night, you were sleeping and he came to check on you. He knocked but you hadn’t answered, so he assumed you had been sleeping. As he walked in, he saw you on your bed balling your eyes out, with your knees to your face. He was the most worried he had been in quite a while, although he hadn’t a clue as to why. After all, you were only his Young master’s cousin. Correct?
“Mistress? Why are you crying?” he asked in concern. You were to busy crying to realize he had walked in, so as you lifted your face up you jumped before, wiping your tears and assuring him you were fine. Of course he didn’t believe you, he wasn’t blind, you know? You know? More like Yuno Gasai! Ok I’m gone. He walked over to your bed. and sat down beside you. since he had no idea what was happening he assured you “If you do not wish to tell me, you can keep it to yourself. I shall respect that.” You and the Black Butler grew close over the few months you stayed in the manner. “So please, trust me when I say, it is okay to cry. Do not allow me to stop you. Please, let it all out.” And with those final words you were sobbing, in his arms while you both lay on the bed, while he was gently rubbing little circles into your back. Needless to say, you both fell asleep in each others arms. Something Sebastian rarely does, is sleep, so this was something that never happens.
When you woke up, you were cuddled into his chest, while his arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a slight hug. A tint of red crept upon your face, as you lay there silently cuddling into his embrace.
Although you would have loved to stay in the butlers arms, you had checked the time and it was 8:15... Which meant... “I only have fifteen minutes to get ready for class.” You whispered quite annoyed. You had gotten up as quietly as you could, and slipped on your slippers. the black butler must have been EXTREMELY ULTIMATELY ULTRA SUPER ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLY tired, if he didn’t even budge. Honestly you were lowkey surprised, he didn’t wake up yet. So you made your way to the bathroom to get ready, and you quickly did your hair, and put on a white shirt with the prospect I think that’s what it’s called of Isaiah in the back, and the words written in rainbow “GOD GOT ME”.
As you walked out of the bathroom, you heard Sebastian groan, to soon realize how ‘late’ it was. i don’t know, he just has that sense okrr?
“Oh my goodness! Why the hell am I up this late? What if the young master needs me?” So to tease him you said, “Yeah you are pretty late. If i hadn’t woke up I would’ve been mad late to online class Sebby...” You said with a disappointed duck face. He learnt what it meant when you used ‘mad’ in a sentence. Disappointed in himself he said “Mistress! My deepest apologies! I have gravely failed as a Butler. I am immensely disappointed in myself..” Sebby I was kidding. I don’t give a damn if i’m late to class anyways. I hate them, they mad annoying.” Even so! How could the young master forgive him! He slept in and had failed his duties as a butler, he cannot explain how sorry he is an- “Oh my god Seb it’s not that big a deal! If he gets mad, i’ll shut him up. I feel like smackin him on the head today anyway.” You interrupted his rant.
“Even so, please accept my apology.” He bowed. “Yeah yeah, i accept. Now get the table ready I gotta show my face on camera. It’s the least you can do. And i’ll ask Mey-Rin if the little ass is sleeping. If he isn’t i’ll take care of him. If he is.. I got a little surprise for him...” You stated mischievously. “Gladly mistress.” And with that he was off, to get everything ready for you in the living room you spent most of your time in.
When it was around 8:20 you had already been informed of Ceil. And as you thought... He was sleeping... You had already set up a Bluetooth system in his room, so he could listen to pre-recorded music, like a normal person. So of course you went in, set it to the highest volume, and connected your phone. And on the speaker you OBVIOUSLY played the... Monsters Inc. Ear Rape...>:)
As the music blasted you heard Ceil scream “OH MY GOD Y/N!!! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE WITCH! UGH!! TURN IT OFF YOU IDIOT!” You were bawling your eyes out, literally CRYING from the fun you were having. While Sebastian ran over to see what was happening. When he saw you laughing and heard his young master scream at you to turn it off, he knew it was one of those ‘prank’ things you do.
After that situation, you were on google meet talking shit about your corny ass teacher Mr. Y/T/N, to your friend Y/F/N. When Sebastian saw this, he was ever so bold as to whisper in your ear “You shouldn’t talk about people behind their backs..” You blushed so hard. “Um.. well.. I mean I was..” And then you realized. “SEBASTIAN MY CAMERA IS ONN!!!!!!” You rushed to turn it off feeling extremely embarrassed. He chuckled “Oh I know darling...” Realizing what he said, he worried he over stepped a boundary. “So.. I’m your darling now?” He came to a conclusion he actually had over stepped your boundary. As he was about to apologize you said “Tonight, I don’t give a fuck if Ceil needs you. I want you in my room by 8:00.” Shocked, now he was the one who was blushing now. “But-” He was cut off. “That... Is an order.”
“Why yes Milady. What kind of butler would i be to disobey an order? For I am merely one hell of a butler.”
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