#i think hair care- especially black and textured hair- is my favourite love language
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andyxcds · 8 months ago
okay imagine this: Evan and Pandora started their loc journey as kids together, as cousins. and i think barty takes an off day to take care of his two best friends. Regulus tried but his fingers got wrinkly and he didn't like it at all. but Barty is devoted to learning about Evan's hair and he helps bleach it regularly.
now Barty can retwist evans locs and gives great tapers🥰
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pinehutch · 5 years ago
Niche Interests
A little while ago, @mia-ugly tagged me to talk about 10 niche interests of mine. I don’t really know what counts as a niche so I’ve been making occasional notes about this over the last week. 
The hardest part of this for me is either that I’m not very interesting or more likely, that I’m a generalist. Like, I would give myself a solid B in many, many areas that could be considered “niche” - I love learning. 
But here are some things that I can and will reliably nerd out over if someone else brings them up!
1. Curly hair care. I’ve got naturally curly hair and didn’t really know how to look after it until my early twenties. Now I know many things about it, including where to get good curly hair products in Canada. Genuinely, if you have curly hair and want to chat about it you can always message me or send me an ask and I’m happy to try to help. (These days I am really loving Inahsi Naturals and Ecoslay;  yes I have drugstore and grocery store recs as well.) 
Also, more seriously: I would also encourage any white or other non-Black person who is frustrated with their own curly hair to also spend some time reading on natural hair movement to try to learn about the history and politics of Black hair in particular. If it’s within your means and you’re already buying specialised products for textured hair, I encourage you to to look into Black-owned businesses. 
2. Canadian Poetry in English, especially 1960-present. I could narrow this down further but c’mon, how many people genuinely want to hear me go on about those slim volumes that I accumulate? But like, I grew up on my mom’s hand-me-down volumes of Canadian poetry from Confederation to the 1980′s; at age 16 I was co-oping for a prof at the local university as part of building a collected works on a Canadian poet and painter, and clamouring to go to lit conferences; in university I showed up with a good chunk of the curriculum already read; etc. Total nerd. 
3.  Edible plants of Ontario. I don’t actually forage because I don’t have access to land where I think it’s appropriate for me to, but I grew up on ~80 acres of mixed forest in central Ontario, and my grandfather liked to show us what was safe to eat. I will never turn my nose up at ramps, and I think I may have remembered my dad’s secret morel spot he took us to as kids, to check out next spring. The list of what else is out there is long and still lodged in my brain. 
4. Fat acceptance, fat positivity, and a bit about plus-size fashion: in the early-to-mid 2000′s I discovered the fatshionista community on livejournal and it changed my life, which I say without hyperbole. I was looking for tips on finding “cute clothes,” and what I found was a pathway into learning about intersectionality. The people who ran and were highly vocal in that community did a lot of hard work in those years trying to dismantle not only internalized and external fatphobia, but also ableism, racism, and queerphobia. I’ve spent over fifteen years now consciously trying to dismantle fatphobia in myself and in the people around me, as a part of the work. (I’m not as well-grounded in the fashion side of things anymore, but I try sometimes.) 
5. History and development of the English language. I’m definitely just an armchair expert, but holy shit do I love this awful language, and how it came to be and continues to become. I minored in linguistics in university, and I used to be able construe Old English on the fly. I believe wholeheartedly in linguistic parity and I don’t mean that English is better than other languages; this is just the one I understand best. 
6. (This one is really boring I’m not even going to bold it)  public sector procurement law and practice in Canada. It’s not a field I’m in anymore, but I was for a while. How (literally, how, not just on what) do your governments spend your money? 
7. Ghost stories, yours and mine. Tell me your spookiest stories, please please please. My favourite thing to do in October is cram my eyeballs full of the entries in the Jezebel scary stories contest, in part because of the conceit that the stories are ‘true.’ I’ve always been interested in the unseen or barely-seen in general, including 20 years with an active interest in modern witchcraft (and a trailing one, still). 
Actually, that’s a good segue to
8. Divination, kind of. I’m not an expert or even any kind of practitioner, anymore, but I know a little bit about a lot of different methods and their histories and application. Enough that I could quickly find my way to good research if I wanted to incorporate some of these things in a work of fiction, and I am always keen to listen to other people talk about their experiences and practices. 
9. Okay, I didn’t want to admit it but: Dragon Age (all media types). I definitely did not intend to become someone with a high degree of fluency in a fantasy video game world but here’s how it happened: about seven years ago I started experiencing chronic fatigue, joint pain, and stiffness. By February 2014 there were days when I couldn’t walk. I was diagnosed (quite quickly) with rheumatoid arthritis and my immune system and I are still in a bit of a fight about it. On one of those days when I couldn’t leave home, I picked up Dragon Age: Origins and started a playthrough, and it turned out that gaming was exactly the right amount of distracting but not intensive that worked for me when I was in pain, most of the time. But I’ve played the games, read the books, own the encyclopedias and the TTRPG books, have read codices and wikis and reams of meta. My DA fervour is pretty low these days (it’s been six years since a new game came out, after all), but it may yet come back. (What I love about it is mostly to do with characters and setting: it rewards close reading and a historiographical lens.) 
The best part about all of this is that I’ve never really been arsed about dragons, as such. 
10. (This feels like cheating but) vegetarian food, and the role of meat and animal products in food cultures. (Also, like, the politics and culture of food in general.) First-off, I should say that I’m not a vegan or vegetarian unless you want me to select my entree for your wedding. I don’t eat meat most of the time, but I do eat dairy most days, eggs a few times each week, and eat fish or seafood semi-regularly. I’ve been meat-averse for most of my life, though there are times when I’ve craved it and continue to. As a result, I tend to plan and cook mostly veg meals; it’s just second nature now. I tend to keep a general awareness of how to Make Things From Plants because it’s also just useful knowledge to have - blender ice cream with coconut milk and peanut butter and cocoa powder is just more convenient when it’s 35C outside than cooking custard, you know? 
I do think that the plant-based eating movement has a huge, huge problem with classism, ableism, fatphobia, and racism, and so I try to keep my own interest in eating in veg-adjacent ways as an interest for me, not as a cause or goal. 
Tagging: @mareebrittenford @taksez @glowcrizzle @thisnewdevilry @19thcenturyfox @kungfulola @horse-badorties @fullcuntact and anyone else that is keen to talk about their niche interests. 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years ago
Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that probably won't happen? >> The thing is, the things I worry about are things that can happen. I know because I’ve already experienced those things happening. It’s the likelihood of the thing happening that may or may not be skewed in my imagination, not the thing itself.
Has your imagination ever made it hard for you to sleep? >> I don’t think so.
Have you ever had a weird dream and obsessed over what it might mean? >> I’ve had plenty of weird dreams, but I didn’t obsess over their possible meaning.
Or do you usually forget about your dreams? >> Nowadays, yeah, I don’t remember my dreams too consistently.
Do you know your heritage? If not, would you ever try one of those DNA kits? >> I know enough, I suppose. I would definitely not do one of those DNA kits, for multiple reasons.
Which languages can you speak? >> Only English with any fluency.
Which language do you speak the most and why? >> ---
Which languages do you wish you were fluent in? >> ---
With films in languages you do not speak, do you prefer a dub or subtitles? >> I greatly prefer subs. I like listening to different languages. Plus, I find that a lot of the times, the dub actors don’t match up well in my opinion.
Which cuisine do you like the least? >> ---
Are there any foods you dislike because of the texture? >> Absolutely.
Which type of chocolate do you like best? >> I only eat dark chocolate.
Do you have a favorite kind of dog? >> Pit bulls, I guess, but I really just like dogs period.
Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? >> I would not.
Do any of your favorite musicians ever write music for/with other artists? >> I mean, probably.
What is your favorite collaboration between two different musicians? >> I can’t think of a favourite collaboration.
Who are your favorite songwriters? >> I don’t have any.
Do you like any of those oldies groups (like the Four Seasons)? >> Yep. I grew up listening to them and I still love a lot of that music.
Do you know who Bernie Taupin is? >> He writes with Elton John, don’t he? They’re associated somehow, anyway.
What are your favorite one-hit wonders? >> Meh.
What celebrities, if any, have you seen naked? >> I mean, whichever ones did nude scenes in movies I’ve seen.
Have you ever seen anybody naked by accident? >> Not necessarily by accident, just... not by my consent. Living in shelters, you see a lot you don’t necessarily want to see.
Have you ever wondered what somebody looks like naked? >> In an idly musing sense, sure.
Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a celebrity? >> When I was younger.
Have you ever changed your clothes in the car? >> I don’t think so, but maybe.
About how quickly does your hair grow? >> Too quickly for my liking, considering how often I have to buzz it.
Do you have to/choose to shave anything unusual? >> No.
Do you groom (wax, pluck, or thread) your eyebrows? >> No.
Most unusual thing you have worn in public? >> I don’t know?
If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands? >> I don’t have any preferred brands.
Do you use flavored lip balm? What about tinted lip balm? >> Nope, just regular coconut-oil lip balm, thanks.
What is your favorite swear word? >> ---
Are you afraid of fireworks or other loud noises? >> I’m not afraid of them, I just have sensory issues and an exaggerated startle reflex. My responses are similar to fear responses, though, so it’s all the same shit at the end of the day, I guess.
Do you make your own iced tea, or buy it in jugs/bottles? >> I buy bottled iced tea.
Have you ever made sun tea? >> No.
Do you use sugar or honey to sweeten your tea? >> I use honey sometimes, but most of the time I drink it as-is.
Do you ever put milk in your tea? >> Not usually. It’s good in chai, but I just never think about it. 
Do you prefer powdered or liquid coffee creamer? >> ---
Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? >> ---
Did you have to wear a uniform for gym class? >> ---
Did you have to take showers after gym before going to your next class? >> ---
Were you in any extracurricular activities or clubs in high school? >> ---
Have you ever picked up and kept a rock because it caught your eye? >> Yeah.
Have you attended any rock (literal rocks, not music, lol) shows? >> No.
Have you ever laughed at a scene (TV/film) that wasn't meant to be funny? >> Oh, absolutely.
Do you think they should make a movie about Hatshepsut? >> I don’t have an opinion on this.
Do you think books are better adapted as movies or TV series? >> I think TV series are better if you want to actually delve into more of the book’s content.
Any great books you would recommend? >> ---
Any great movies or TV series you would recommend? >> ---
Were you disappointed with Fox's version of the Rocky Horror Show? >> I don’t care about Rocky Horror.
Have you ever seen the original Kinky Boots movie? What about the musical? >> Never seen either.
Have you seen any Hannibal movies other than The Silence of the Lambs? >> I’ve seen Red Dragon, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising.
Have you read any of the Hannibal novels? >> Not yet. I’ve considered reading Red Dragon, since Francis Dolarhyde is my fave, but eh. Maybe one day.
Do you like any Indie movies? >> I mean, yes.
Have there been any movies you had fond memories of, but upon a rewatch didn't like as well? >> Absolutely. Tastes and needs evolve over time.
Do you like to go to the movies alone? >> I do, I love it. I especially love it when I go to a weekday matinee a couple of weeks after a movie’s premiere and the theater is empty of anyone save me. It’s the best feeling. I had so much fun watching Venom in an empty theater :)
When you watch movies/TV with people, do you find yourself making sarcastic remarks to each other? >> Well, that’d depend on the people, I guess. And what kind of mood I’m in. And what the movie/TV show even was.
Have you ever dried down any flowers to keep them? >> No.
What is your favorite thing that you have made by yourself? >> ---
Do you like your natural accent (everybody has one)? >> I’m fine with how I speak.
What accents do you find most pleasant? >> ---
Does it bother you when an actor in a musician biopic lip-syncs to a recording of the original artist, or is it better that way? >> I don’t have an opinion about this.
Have you ever read about Dennis Nilsen? >> No.
Do you ever go on murderpedia.org to read about murderers? >> No.
Have you ever read about the Black Dahlia? >> No.
Any other unsolved crimes you find fascinating? >> No, that’s not really something I’m interested in (although I don’t mind hearing other people talk about it).
Do you care what color your socks are? >> Of course I care.
What about your underwear? >> Yes. I won’t wear most colours of underwear.
What part of a man's body do you find most attractive? >> ---
What part of a woman's body do you find most attractive? >> ---
Do you think guys look good in makeup? >> ---
Do you like using clay and/or peel-off masks for skincare? >> I don’t use them. They mostly seem like sensory hell to me.
Have you ever had an asymmetrical haircut? >> I had a wig that was cut asymmetrically.
Have you ever made your own pillow or blanket? >> No.
Have you ever made a pillow out of an old T-shirt? >> No, but Sparrow has.
Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? (Where you can control your dreams) Would you ever want to try? >> I’ve not given it a serious attempt, no.
If you want to be cremated, do you want your ashes scattered anywhere? >> I don’t want to be cremated.
Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? >> No.
Would you ever have a pet cremated? >> No.
What is your favorite sci-fi series, if any? >> I have a few. The Stargates, for example.
Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? >> Yep.
If you could run your own business, what kind of business would it be? >> I really would rather not.
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whitherliliesbloom · 5 years ago
Illya’s Never-Ending Survey
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Rules: Repost, do not reblog
Tagging: I’m sure most people have already done this so I’ll just tag those I know haven’t yet @ofthesilverlining​ , @windup-dragoon​ , @theadventuresofshuri​ and anyone else who hasn’t done this but wants to.
FULL NAME: Illya Skawi
NICKNAME: Magus of the white (by another OC of mine)
AGE: 19
BIRTHDAY: 31st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (31st December)
ETHNIC GROUP: Lalafell / Dunesfolk (Has a hint of hyur from her father)
NATIONALITY: Unknown. She comes from a rural countryside outside Eorzea
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Taken by Alphinaud in the main canon, supposedly single in other AUs.
HOME TOWN / AREA: Black Shroud
CURRENT HOME: Lavender Beds.
PROFESSION: Glorified errand girl, Adventurer, Medic
HAIR: Pure white, usually straight with bangs
EYES: Round and Violet
FACE: Soft, slightly rounded
LIPS: Pale, thin
COMPLEXION: Fair skinned, smooth
SCARS: Scars littering a good portion of her torso
HEIGHT: 2′9′’
WEIGHT: 43 ponze
BUILD: Short, neither chubby nor very slender by lala standards, average
FEATURES: Glossy eyes, button nose, white hair that almost reflects the sun
USUAL HAIR STYLE: Usually loose with minimal styling, bangs just above her eyes and a white hair band
USUAL CLOTHING: Robes, Warm clothing, Armor suitable for whatever class she is, occasionally wears glasses. She’s not picky with her fashion at all.
VOICE CLAIM: Japanese voice: Hanazawa Kana. Something similar to her voice for Nadeko, Kanade and Shiori. English voice: Not a fixed voice actor but her in-game voice is this, which I think is pretty accurate to how she’d sound in English.
FEAR/S: Failure, Being abandoned, Polar Bears
ASPIRATION/S: Acquisition of all the knowledge and skills she can, To finally be someone who is of use to others
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, open-minded, intelligent, curious, hard-working, loyal,  cooperative, empathetic, observant, patient
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Pessimistic, shy, anxious, cowardly, emotionally fragile, envious, weak, passive, dependent, insecure
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic MBTI: INFJ / ISFJ (she kind of tip-toes between both)
SOUL TYPE/S: The Scholar / Server
ANIMALS: Dwarf rabbit 
VICE HABIT/S: Hiding her face when she gets emotional, Twiddling her fingers together, Avoiding eye contact
GHOSTS?: Debatable. She wonders if they are that different from voidsents
AFTERLIFE?: Probably
REINCARNATION?: Possible, but unsure ALIENS?: No
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Basic education
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FATHER : Lachlan Skawi, Midlander Adventurer, alive and active. A friendly, witty and adventurous man who can never stay in one place for too long. His sense of humor and persistence eventually causes a reclusive lalafellin farmer to open up her heart to him.
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MOTHERS : Cocona Coruna, Half Dunesfolk Half Plainsfolk, alive and active. A stern, sharp-tongued but dedicated farmer who provides the strange adventurer shelter in her home after his journey by ship gets interrupted by a band of pirates wrecking the boat.
BOOK: I have no idea but she loves reading a lot
DEITY: Nophica
HOLIDAY: Little Ladies’ Day
MONTH:  Second Umbral Moon. Usually when spring starts
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: Anywhere with lots of flowers. She’s understandably starstruck when she first visit Il Mheg
WEATHER: Clear skies
SOUND / S: Leaves rustling, Gentle breeze, Insects chirping, windchimes
SCENT / S: Anything floral, Freshly baked bread, Herbs
TASTE / S: SPICY, Fruits
FEEL / S: Texture of cotton or wool, warm blankets
ANIMAL / S: No real preference but probably birds
COLORS: Blue, purple
TALENTS: Magic, cooking and baking, gardening, domestic chores
BAD AT:  Physically strenuous labor, Speaking, awful fashion sense
TURN ONS: Courage, Kindness, Altruism, Confidence (because she lacks it herself hah), Loyalty, Independence
TURN OFFS: Manipulation, Bad tempers, Sadism, Selfishness, Too domineering, Perversion or openly lustful behavior, Unnecessary violence
HOBBIES: Cooking or baking, gardening or farming, reading, writing, crochet, sightseeing. magic
TROPES: See this post
QUOTES : “It’s impossible... I’m just... I’m just too weak.”
Q1: If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?       A1: She’s 100% not going to be the star of some action movie. I don’t know what title I’d give it, but probably a slow-paced melancholic movie focusing on character development driven narrative.
Q2: What would their soundtrack/score sound like?           A2: Pianos. Lots of piano tracks. Q3:  Why did you start writing this character?         A3: She just kind of happened. Getting into ffxiv, I wasn’t really expecting to come out of it with a new OC I’d be obsessing over. But as I grew more attached to the story and also came up with headcanons for the player character, Illya just sort of developed into her own character in my eyes.
Q4: What first attracted you to this character?         A4: Not sure if it counts but I was surprised just how much they made the player character so involved in the story, especially for an MMO. Her pro-activeness and continuously being willing to help and save others when I myself would have been too cynical to care made her endearing to me. 
Q5: Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5: I’d like to think she’s a complex character, given how I spend more time thinking about her flaws than actual strengths.. but I do sometimes wonder if she’s too ideal or mary sue-ish. Her aesthetic of flowers, magic and purple has got to be the most overused and cliche combination of aesthetics imaginable. Also she stutters a lot, which makes writing dialogue in her POV slightly annoying. Q6: What do you have in common with your muse?           A6: We’re both introverted and have self-esteem issues. We’re also both rather pessimistic, though for her she’s pessimistic in her beliefs of whether she’ll be able to live up to the expectations of others, while I’m pessimistic about everyone in general. Other than that I think we’re actually rather different. 
Q7: How does your muse feel about you?         A7: Dunno. She’d probably be really scared of me, I think. Q8: What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?       A8: If I had to go into detail about every interesting interaction she has I’d take another six hours to write but in a nutshell:  Meets her best friend and fellow WOL Laurelis near the start of ARR and grows more and more attached and comfortable around her as time goes on despite starting off rather wary and weirded out by her. Meets Alphinaud at the very beginning of ARR but doesn’t really bond personally with him until the very start of HW. They confess some time mid-Stormblood. She has interesting dynamics with other WOL OCs I have too, but they’re a topic for another day. Q9: What gives you inspiration to write your muse?     A9: Just my sheer love for her. I’ve grown to love her like I would any favourite character to the point she sometimes doesn’t feel like an OC anymore. Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?   A10 : Too long. Granted I tabbed in and out, doing different things all at once but I really shouldn’t have taken close to three hours to finish this.
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twistednuns · 5 years ago
December 2019
Maxim calling out of the blue, inviting me to the Mine concert later that month.
Stumbling upon great inspiration for plant-based buddha bowls.
@shitgothssay memes.
Zotter salted caramel chocolate.
Finding out about the fact that you can just add the letter A to some words to transform them into adjectives. Like aglitter or aglow and aglisten.
Ayurvedic Kapha tea with some black tea, honey and milk. Sonnentor Gute Laune tea. Green tea with toasted coconut.
Isana shower oil. Works wonders for dry skin. Such a smooth and creamy texture. Great for shaving, too.
Winning the pub quiz - again! I played with Maggie, Dennis, Daniel and Steffen (Team name: Three geese in a trenchcoat) and we won 178€. However, the best thing about this was when I finally solved the anagram after thinking about it for 10 minutes. It was Greta Thunberg! Winning is lovely, of course, but solving the anagram is already a personal win for me each time.
Tuesdays. Coming home early, sleeping it off.
Being super rested after a nap, cooking a huge pot of veggie stew and my ratatouille signature recipe, even preparing a batch of butter bean hummus and salad dressing. Listening to folk music, singing along, even dancing at some point. Standing there, peeling the potatos… Happy moment.
Signature manicure. Always. This time: bluish iridescent lilac with the obligatory black dot.
A personal realisation. I’ve been massively out of touch with myself. I’ve stopped journaling, stopped doing things for myself because they’re beneficial and not because they’re convenient and numb everything. And why is that a good thing? Well, only being at this point and realising what’s wrong with me makes it possible to do something against it. To come up a self-care plan. To make myself feel better.
Semi-deleting Facebook.
Spending time with Manu for the first time in three months. Watching a documentary about black holes and a cheesy Christmas movie. Ordering south Indian food, cuddling up in bed. Sometimes I don’t know why I keep isolation myself. Being around people can be really lovely and soothing if you can be yourself around them. It’s just that I often feel the presence of other living beings drains my energy.
The best massage I ever had. From now on I’ll always request Yaya as my massage therapist. She is SICK. Strong, merciless, forces me into weird poses and makes my back crack.
Also: the chocolate-filled mint hard candy they hand out at the massage studio. I used to hate mint-infused chocolate but somehow I think these are delicious. Perfect after-torture-treat.
Persimmons. Obsessed.
My eye colour in artificial light. A dark moss green with caramel-coloured speckles and a dark rim.
The National playing a 2-hour-long concert and including some of my favourite songs from the High Violet album. Fangirling with Anika.
The smell of cold. You know, that whiff of cool air you get when you’re sniffing a jacket that’s been hanging on the balcony for a few hours to air out.
Learning more about Claire Saffitz from this article - she likes arts and crafts, is a homebody and has degrees in history and literature! She basically enrolled in culinary school because she was bored after graduation. She’s an enigma of a quirky kind. Not brilliant and scattered, but determined and aimless. Not brave and rebellious, but anxious and creative. She hates change yet pursues it, wants order but trades in chaos. She’s loved because she hates stuff; performs well because she can’t perform. And above all, she’s aggressively regular—and something about this makes the crowd go wild.
Fresh laundry smell on my blankets and pillows. And my new gravity blanket. It weighs 11kg which feels crazy heavy when you carry it but the weight evenly distributes over the body when you’re lying down. Apparently the pressure triggers the release of stress hormones. So far I’m sleeping like a baby and I don’t seem to wake up or move much at night.
Stephanie Madewell. I love everything she writes, her blog is such a godsend of beautiful, important, eclectic ideas. One thing I especially like are her imaginary outfits.
Princess Margaret’s limerick contest with President Lyndon B. Johnson in The Crown. Pure comedy. “There was a young lady from Dallas / who used a dynamite stick as a phallus / they found her vagina in North Carolina / and her asshole in Buckingham Palace.”
Little pieces of string in the corners of a duvet cover. It’s the first time I’ve seen those. So practical for big blankets!
Mental health days. I needed this. So much. Mornings in bed, reading for hours. Drinking a whole pot of tea.
Partner yoga. Chanting the closing mantra together.
Making vegan energy balls for my brother. I adapted the recipe and made my own versions so I ended up with a batch of pistachio/cherry and mango/sesame.
Freaking out whenever I see a cute cat. Damn, I really need to spend more time with animals. My highlight: breakfast in bed, watching a video of an adorable cat giving birth. I cried. Yup.
Going swimming for the first time in, man, I don’t even know. Forever. I didn’t swim for a long time, maybe half an hour, but muscle memory kicked in immediately. Water is totally my element. And, as if it had been destiny: I chose the day they cut the hanging plants in the main hall and the guy gave me a variety of five different cuttings to take home!! He made me a very happy girl.
The ink blue sky right after sunset. / The morning after the full moon in Gemini (the moon still bright and huge, visible in the bluish-grey Western sky). / When the sun suddenly comes out after a very dark and gloomy morning.
Buying a new phone. The old one was broken beyond repair. I even got a nice cork protective case. How could I ever live without an uncracked screen? The battery now actually lasts for more than a day. Nice.
Odd bits of knowledge: A galanthophile is an enthusiastic collector and identifier of snowdrop (Galanthus) species and cultivars. (Wikipedia) // Scientists theorize the Universe might have cracks in it: long thin boundaries that formed as space cooled after the Big Bang. 95 billion lightyears long and a few femtometers thin, these wrinkles in space-time would hold enough energy to bend light and destroy entire planets. (PHD comics) // the word to bloviate (German meaning: schwafeln, langatmig vortragen) // In Japan we have three rituals: HANAMI, TSUKIMI, and YUKIMI. HANAMI is watching the flowers. TSUKIMI is watching the moon, YUKIMI is watching the snow. It’s a beautiful tradition when you invite people to watch with you. I remember them all. (Yoko Ono) // In linguistics, prosody is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments (vowels and consonants) but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech, including linguistic functions such as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Such elements are known as suprasegmentals. Prosody may reflect various features of the speaker or the utterance: the emotional state of the speaker; the form of the utterance (statement, question, or command); the presence of irony or sarcasm; emphasis, contrast, and focus. It may otherwise reflect other elements of language that may not be encoded by grammar or by choice of vocabulary. (Wikipedia) //
I know I mention this a lot but the first olfactory whiff of a freshly cut open passion fruit is one of the best smells I know.
When my breakfast tastes like a candy bar. Which it immediately does whenever I add almond butter and cocoa nibs to porridge.
Yoga at home on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I’m often too lazy to get out my yoga mat but whenever I do afterwards I’m always so glad I practiced. Also: going to yoga class despite being extremely stressed out. It actually helped me silence some of these tormenting thoughts in my head.
Cutting my own hair. It’s kinda ridiculous and layered but I love the new bounce.
Michael Nyman - Musique à grande vitesse x // feels like it makes my pulse quicker, it’s urging and forceful.
My adventures in psychedelia - an article about the therapeutic effect of psychoactive drugs. I’m going to get Michael Pollan’s book about the topic from the library next week. So interesting.
People who are still writing letters.
My pupils. I realised that some of them have become very fine people. Open, compassionate, motivated, interested, bright, polite. Like the students who attended our first school magazine meeting in their spare time - on the last school day before the Christmas holidays - and had all these amazing ideas. Victor, being able to hold a conversation like an adult. Marks cuddling that dog in front of the supermarket. My tenth-graders being really reasonable, managable, easy to talk to.
Liza Weil’s role as Shy Baldwin’s bass player in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It took me three episodes to recognize her.
A little embroidery set. I love keeping my hands busy when I’m watching movies.
Making vegan walnut lebkuchen and a very good batch of crisp bread in one go.
Roast apples with candied almonds and marzipan for Christmas dinner. Some buckwheat chocolate cookies. Actually helping out my mum in the kitchen.
Sitting at the piano with my brother, singing tunes from our childhood series, Disney songs, pop songs… We both had sore throats afterwards.
Visiting Sash’s parents over Christmas. Her mum cooked a pretty great lunch and we played board games.
Learning how to make a monkey fist knot.
Finding a new spot I like in my apartment. The chair right next to the window at the kitchen table. It’s nice and warm because you can sit beside the heater and while you have breakfast or browse through a cookbook you can see what’s going on outside.
Seeing the incredible gobelins at Kunsthalle / Fäden der Moderne exhibition. I loved the Le Corbusier ones.
Visiting Manu at his parents' place. Playing board games together, his mum feeding me with parsley potatoes and a weird _bird's milk_ dessert. Lying on the sofa, watching old movies. It's weirdly nice to be part of a normal family dynamic once in a while.
Andre saving my New Year’s Eve at the very last minute. Out of the blue he suggested a trip to Czech Republic right after midnight the day before. I was like… okay, let’s do this! So I met up with him and three people I had never met before in Regensburg and we drove to Český Krumlov, checked into our fancy hotel and walked down to the city centre. Czech food for dinner, a band playing at the city square. We climbed up to the castle for the turn of the year. This must have been the first year that started out with a proper New Year’s kiss. Afterwards we went to a weird music bar and - apparently - one of the best clubs in the country. I had a lot of fun. Even though getting Andre home was quite a challenge.
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pitch-black-hearts · 7 years ago
Autistic Chuuya HC
Okay, okay, I was going to put this off while I wrote something but I cannot. Slay me @fy-soukoku
(And yes, I, writing this, have autism.)
So basically, I like to hc that Chuuya has at least some mild form of autism, and so I want to share my specific headcanons with you poor tumblr users. Under a cut to not be obnoxious lol.
Sensory Chuuya wears lots of layers, ones he can add on or take off as needed, all made of different fabrics but all of them look relatively soft. He doesn’t button the top of his shirt, but he wears a choker which has some semblance of pressure around his neck, which can be comforting. (Same with his harness things. Pressure is comforting, but restrictive clothing causes anxiety.) He also wears a hat, like literally all the time. Maybe he likes the feeling of it on his head, maybe he wears it because he’s sensitive to bright lights; maybe they’re a special interest. His hair is another point, the way it’s cut. He likes to twirl around and fidget with the long part, but having all of it long felt too heavy; he doesn’t care if people think it looks weird. This man wears seamless socks okay.
Gloves Okay, these get their own bullet point. Chuuya wears gloves, black fingered gloves. They’re not or fashion, they barely work with his outfits. They aren’t because he’s afraid of leaving fingerprints, he’s in the fucking mafia it doesn’t matter. No, Chuuya wears gloves so that he doesn’t have to come in contact with uncomfortable textures and liquids, so he doesn’t have to worry about touching germs, so that he has something to fidget with that isn’t super obvious. He wears gloves because he likes the smooth feeling of leather on his fingertips, the drip of crimson from pitch black fabric after a job, the feeling of peeling them off at the end of the day.
Weight This man’s favourite stim is pressure, or the lack thereof. Floating around, weightlessly. Walking on ceilings and walls and feeling his weight shift with each change in surface. Making his clothes and blankets weight heavier on top of him when he needs that extra pressure. Playing with the gravity against him and how he can make it easier or harder to lift his arms or walk around. His ability is perfect for stimming okay.
Wine Tell me this man doesn’t have a special interest for wines. He loves them, the different tastes that can be achieved from grapes, the history behind different ones. He had a huge collection even as a lightweight, and he loves listening to music and sipping at different ones every day when he gets home. He has lists of wines he owns, has owned, wants to own or try. He’ll kill a man to get at his wine cellar. He uses wine glasses in public for appearance, but at home he just uses a plastic cup so he doesn’t have to worry about dropping it or squeezing too hard. 
French Chuuya likes French, it’s a beautiful language. It runs easily across his tongue, soft and fragile and with less syllables than Japanese. It’s his first language, and he still thinks in it even after years of speaking and reading and writing another language. He loves the soft tones of Kouyou’s voice when she talks in it, the slow melody or quick talking of French music, he just loves French okay. He thinks it’s easier to speak than Japanese. French Culture is probably a special interest.
Empathy Chuuya struggles with empathy, especially after growing up in the mafia, where empathy isn’t the best thing to have. He doesn’t fully understand why Dazai wants to escape, or what to do when Kouyou is sad, or really anything about dealing with Akutagawa’s feelings. He’s learned some, but he doesn’t really get it sometimes.
Trust Chuuya arguably trusts too easily, especially when in the mafia you aren’t supposed to trust anybody. He trusts Kouyou, but that’s because she raised him. He trusts Dazai, even though the asshole abandoned him. He trusts Tachihara who has done LITERALLY NOTHING to earn this trust. He trusts Gin despite the fact that she kills people on a regular basis. He sort of trusts Akutagawa. It’s a mess.
Social Cues Kouyou put a lot of time in teaching a younger Chuuya social cues, he relies on them in his life even when he struggles to pick them out himself. What to say when and why, when to give a smile or drop a hint. How to be manipulative because he’s learned to say what people want to hear. Mori terrifies him in his own way because Chuuya can’t find emotional cues with him.
Stimming This man fidgets, I dare you to tell me otherwise. He taps his feel, or his fingers against his hip. He messes with his hair or his hat, he tugs at his gloves or takes his jacket on and off. He probably has a stim toy or six at home that only Kouyou and maybe Dazai know about. (Because the asshole likes to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.)
There’s more, but I’m probably already rambling and these were the ones I found most important to list.
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ohnohetaliasues · 8 years ago
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• Info
Okay, first off, let me say, she is gorgeous!!!!! I’m in love with her appearance. You’ve nailed the stereotypical Irish appearance, and that has made me insanely happy as a Hetalia OC reviewer, and as a girl of Irish decent. I have that texture of hair, and the eyes are definitely a good color. I actually have green eyes myself. Not that green, kind of dull green, but you get what I’m saying. Her hair is very nice, and I’m okay with the color, as it’s stereotypical, and it’s also a natural hair color, and is something I’ve seen before in nature. The freckles are a good touch, too. I especially like the Celtic symbol on her dress in the first picture. Anyway, onto the info.
Name: Janet O’Connor / Seana Ó Conchobhair. (Janet and Seana have the same meaning, “gift from God”, but Janet is the anglicized version of “Seana” ) She has freckles, red curly hair and pale skin, with big emerald eyes. Her body is kinda curvy: she has wide hips, big thighs and butt, but a pretty narrow waist and a small bust. She has a scar behind her right shoulder from a shot of the 1916 Easter Rising. She’s kinda strong, and has a lot of strenght in her legs (due to step dancing and her love for cycling).
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Very very good representation there. Irish people are stereotyped to be very robust and muscular. I like the work you put into this a lot. I especially like how her name was Anglicized, since the British had control over the Irish for a very long time.
I set her birthday on the 17th of March, Saint Patrick’s Day. I think she might look around 25.
Good. Good age too, considering Ireland is over 3,000 years old. While her birthday is fine, I’d suggest January 21 as an option as well, as that’s Ireland’s independence day from the English.
I started drawing her in this green “celtic/country-like” dress to make her look stereotypical, but of course she doesn’t really dress like this. She likes long and comfy skirts, overalls, blouses and off the shoulders shirts. She would wear any kind of boots. She’s pretty sensitive to cold so she starts wearing sweaters pretty early after the summer.
It gets cold in Ireland fairly early, so good addition.
She is just Ireland, both Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The country was never “split” before 1921 so I thought that she decided to let England control the North together with her after the referendum. I draw her with the flag of the Republic of Ireland because it’s the country she totally takes care of.
Good choice.  
• Personality:
She’s stubborn and extremely patriotic, she says what she thinks and hates being told what to do, but she can be really friendly with people who show respect for her and her culture.
Describes the Irish in a nutshell. Good job. You obviously did a lot of research.
 Also, she’s kinda protective and caring towards the ones she loves, and really welcoming with people who visit her country. She’s very hospitable, and wants her guests to feel great. She’s a daydreamer and has a strong sixth sense, being able to perceive other’s emotions from one look, making her very sensitive and compassionate. She’s loud and energetic, and really proud of irish traditions. In her opinion, anything made in Ireland is the best, and Ireland is like heaven on Earth. She’s really sarcastic, and loves making fun of someone she doesn’t like by making witty comments (she usually swears using gaelic words and phrases). She has always been a rebel, and sometimes she can be moody and really short-tempered. She tends to hold grudges (forgive but not forget) and when she feels blue she often isolates herself from the rest of the world.
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• Interests:
She’s a great fan of rugby (her favourite athlete is Brian O’Driscoll), and she can play a bit of Camogie. She also likes watching boxe, and she’s a fan of Katie Taylor and Conor McGregor. She likes swimming a lot, and often goes to the beach or to the lake to spend a lot of time in the water. She loves gardening and spends a lot of time in it; her garden is full of different kind of flowers and plants. She also cultivates a large number of vegetables, potatoes above all. She likes watching cooking shows (she’s a fan of the scottish cook Gordon Ramsay) and she’s pretty good at cooking “rural/rustic” dishes. I think she was good at hunting, but I imagine that after many battles she’s now a bit tired, and prefers other hobbies, such as playing harp (her harp is a Camac Vendome, and she called it Erin). She loves music, but she’s not so good at singing, though, even if she loves attending folk rock concerts and scream the song lyrics! She’s a big fan of Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, The Cranberries, Clannad, Enya, Sinead O’Connor and many other musicians, but now her favourite band is probably U2. She loves to dance, especially folk music, but in her life she learnt different styles of dancing such as walzer or latin. She’s crazy about DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and the Just Dance games on Wii (I guess Alfred was the one that let her know about these games). She can obviously see magical creatures such as the Leprechauns and all the “aes sídhe”(even the dangerous ones), and she likes telling stories, legends and jokes; she gets really excited for Saint Patrick’s Day and Halloween (Samhain), which originated in her own country. She’s pretty religious and pious, but after all the things she went through in her life she’s far from being bigot or narrow-minded. Plus, she also feels a strong bond with the ancient traditions of her land. So she’s ready to go to mass every sunday but she’s also the first being excited about celtic festivals like Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasa.
I don’t have much to say cuz this is all so great!
She prefers beer over whiskey, and her favourite is Guinness, but her favourite whiskey is Jameson’s. Her favourite dishes are colcannon and Irish stew. Her favourite snacks are crisps sandwiches and beans on toast. She has three rabbits: a white one, a black one and a red/orange one. She called them Columba, Brigit and Patrick, just as the three major saints of Ireland. She’s scared of Banshees (the woman-like spirits that will cry and scream if a clan member from one of the major families in Ireland will soon die -such as the O’Connors-) and snakes, seen as evil spirits by Saint Patrick, who taught her many things when she was very young.
I’m very happy!
•Short history:
Talking about her history, christianity and Saint Patrick’s work had a great influence on her when she was young, but she didn’t forget her past and celtic origins at all. She was an energetic and extrovert child, but she became a little more suspicious towards strangers after the viking invasions in the IX century, but the warrior king Brian Boru was able to get them out of the island after a couple of centuries. Unfortunately, her island was declared as property of the English king Henry II in 1171, who became Lord of Ireland.
Good, I’m so glad you included this!
From then ’til 1542 was the period of Lordship of Ireland, and after this King Henry VIII officially became the first Irish King with the Crown of Ireland Act. The isle became part of the United Kingdom in 1800 (Acts of Union). During all this time Janet has always tried to rebel and gain freedom and independence, in one way or another, for example by joining “The Sea Queen of Connacht” Grace O’Malley during her journeys and fights against the english crown in XVI century. In the XVII century Penal Laws came from England in order to make Ireland accept the Anglican Church, and because of this there have always been many religious fights between them. She suffered the Irish Great Famine that happened in 1845, and she also travelled to the U.S. where she could work together with Alfred for a bit. She still hasn’t forgiven England for that period of mass starvation, even though her country received a little help. She’s grateful towards the other countries that helped her with donations.
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Irish history is full of rebellions towards England and its laws: english government took away many rights from irish people, there was land expropriation, and many cultural things such as gaelic language and traditional dance were banned. Ireland has always tried to keep in touch with England’s enemies like France or Spain in order to get some help, but things didn’t always end up well. At the beginning of the XX century the rebellions ended up in some cruel fights between the two parts, also because of the birth of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) , a revolutionary military organization, born after the famous Easter Rising. This rebellion ended up in a disaster, but the next years were crucial: Ireland became a battlefield in which IRA and civilians fought against the english military forces. Michael Collins was a very important man in this period, and his work determined the end of the Irish War of Independence in 1921. After that, the Irish Free State was born, but the Northern region of Ireland (six counties) stayed with the United Kingdom. After this, a long civil war started between those who wanted Ireland to be unified and the ones who thought that it wasn’t necessary to take things too far and accept the situation. The fight went officially on ’til 1998 with the Good Friday Agreement, a treaty that explained relations between Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and United Kingdom at best. ( still in progress, adding more things in the future! sorry if I made any mistake, I don’t speak english as first language ^^“ )
My god that was amazing. You really did your research and I’m so proud of you! I taught you well, young Padawan.  Your English seemed fine to me! Anyway, on that note, please send in the updates asap, because I’d love to see more of this!
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prismsforeyes-blog · 8 years ago
Ravenclaw Sweater Stands Out From The Rest
At this time, you may see a number of ladies who're taking girls's vest into any outfits, it's a sign that they've made it actually their very own. For this Ravenclaw Sweater go to the Trend Merch site.
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The sweaters had been knit within the round, which meant the clothes did not have seams, and made out of pure thick uncolored wool, the sweaters had been usually in cream, grey, and black and were heavier than normal sweaters made with lighter-weight yarn or wool.
Ravenclaw Sweater;
In time, the sweaters took on the preferences of the innovative Salish knitters and came to be embellished with traditional designs, using the Truthful Isle technique, which employs two to a few colors which are alternated to produce particular designs.
This wave of sweater vests created internationally, made well-liked in North America initially, has also reached the South Asian, particularly Indian shores by means of their hugely widespread film stars who are worshiped and whose style is blindly followed by the plenty.
Whereas they had been largely excluded from society, Salish knitters mustered on, pouring heart, soul and keenness into sweaters that helped them present heat clothing for his or her families, develop cottage industries, and put their stamp on Canadian historical past, earning them the respect they deserved as a hardworking, inventive people.
It has a way of fireside wood nights, trek up a mountain day and weekend on the cabins during winter form of really feel to it. Along with that there's additionally the north face radiance rib Ravenclaw Sweater, KUHL stovepipe fleece pullover, Roxy gentle speed sweater and a lot extra.
Sweaters may be worn with a gown shirt underneath (and optionally a tie ), which has the benefit of permitting the wearer to have the choice of removing the sweater when it is uncomfortably warm and nonetheless looking presentable in lots of conditions.
Knitted fabrics are usually considerably elastic and have a softer hand (feel or drape) than woven cloth, sweaters that are more tightly fitted or have a delicate drape might conform properly to the body without requiring tailoring needed in a woven garment corresponding to darts, flares and gores.
You can simply go for a punk-rock stylish simply by getting a favourite band shirt or vintage tee and sporting a vest over it. Cropped vests look especially cool, but a leather vest that zips up can completely add texture to the punk vibe.
Firstly, is that it is best to know that sweaters for canines is not just an accessory or something that can make your canine look lovable, but it is mainly used to protect your canine from chilly weather especially in case your dog comes from the small breed.
The province of B.C.'s official royal wedding reward for the Prince and Princess of Wales was the Cowichan sweater. For women who have a broad shoulder or want to hide a little bit of their upper body, the poncho type sweaters are the best choice. There are a couple of completely different avatar choice in it, but the sweater is obviously the most effective one. You might be higher off removing sweaters from hangers as them will spoil the form of sweaters over time. Should you feel that sporting a sweater over the costume might be very cumbersome, you possibly can instead received for a easy long sleeve tee underneath a sleeveless gown for a sporty look but not as a formal wear. It's ultimate as an informal wear if the sweater gown is wear with a pair of tight legging or fitted jeans.
One attention-grabbing climate phenomenon in Baja California Sur is discovered within the Bay of La Paz from late spring by summer. Utilizing a bath towel, attempt absorbing extra water after which laying the sweater out flat to dry. Costume for the climate by layering cozy pullover sweaters over our lightweight womens t-shirts and tanks, creating a look that is each sensible and trendy. Fifthly, a canine sweater comes in several sizes so it's best to know the size of your dog before buying one. Larger canine with short hair and slender builds are typically good candidates for needing a bit extra insulation in cold weather.
The federal authorities has designated the Cowichan Ravenclaw Sweater as an object of nationwide historic significance. These beautiful and durable wool sweaters had their genesis with the West Coast Salish folks. The cashmere wool has a silky and splendid touch which makes the cashmere sweater a singular quality and expensively priced. It's not just the end of wool sweaters styles rather there is a good selection that continues to be unexplored. So right here I'm going to talk about a few several types of sweaters you should buy for men.
I put the sweater on, put my shirt over it, and stood there, scared of what came next. A basic black or gray sweater costume with turtleneck and match with a black pump is great to wear to work or for enterprise activities because it looks like formal enterprise attire. But nevertheless, this sort of sweater will create a superb combination with a pair dressy pants. Sweaters are worn by adults and children of all genders; usually over a shirt , shirt , T-shirt , or different prime, however sometimes next to the pores and skin. With so much alternative available it is simple to discover a sweater constructed from the right materials however you do need to think about your overall form. It is best to choose a sweater that ends round your hip bone with this type of physique form as the sweater will naturally divide your physique in two.
SpanishDict is dedicated to improving our site based mostly on person suggestions and introducing new and innovative options that will proceed to assist folks learn and love the Spanish language. The vary of wollen sweaters is right here to keep you fashionably warm all day lengthy. For women the temptation is to go for over the top glitz and glamour but the draw back may be looking like a strolling High quality Street. Carry a chunky sweater in case you are heading out within the night for a yard home party. You'll be able to match your favourite jeans with a simple T-shirt and a cropped, fitted women's vest A white shirt can provide a classic look, however any shade seems nice with a black vest. The sweater vests have seen the sunshine of the day again due to the various celebrities who have made it well-liked. Sweaters are a yr-round wardrobe important with countless styling prospects.
Designers have wrecked a nice havoc within the line of ladies's casual apparel, especially in sweaters. Men will go for sharp and 'man about city' whereas girls need sexy and glamorous. These winter coats for girls are in various lengths and depend upon a girls taste and preferences. Attempt teaming a long sleeved ribbed entrance open sweater with black leggings and a white shirt. The Aran islands have been dwelling to communities of fishermen for centuries and it was they who first wore these sweaters. The humorous thing is, the feelings I felt throughout this ordeal were the identical feelings I felt when I approached girls after I was younger. Also within the spirit of selling, these sweaters are often referred to as fishermen's sweaters to additional drive the point house that Aran sweaters had been worn by fishermen.
There are quite a few landscapes in addition to wool sweater on-line store that offer designer knitwear or woollen jumpers UK of top of the range from a number of the finest suppliers of the country. Many dogs with very quick hair can even profit from the additional warmth of a sweater. A basic look generally is a achieved by matching your vest with your pants or skirt. Care must be given to find a well-becoming sweater that accommodates completely different handicaps. You may wear thinner crew neck sweater in warmer months and thicker ones throughout winter. It is simple to match this sort of sweater along with an excellent pair of denims or pants.
Talented Coast Salish knitters have mixed artistry and talent to create distinctive Cowichan wool sweaters for nearly a century, and the craft is flourishing in trendy instances. The sweaters were not solely knitted by women to keep their husbands heat, but had been additionally made for sale so that the islanders may bring in more money.
Avoid these and that Christmas tree patterned sweater which your Auntie Joan bought you final Xmas or that tie with a flashing reindeer nose which you wore to final yr's office social gathering. The more nervous and scared I looked, the extra nervous and scared girls could be. Begin now, acquire wool sweaters from Goodwill Industries, yard sales, (your personal closet) or the hubby's closet (with permission). The types comprise of the sweater tunics or winter coats and are found in numerous formsThey are cheap to amass them depending on the client preference. For many who are sensitive to wool, but who want to wear a heavier sweater, there are wool mix sweaters that are a mix of wool and linen or cotton.
Males will be equally as dangerous as they usually choose to put on 'fun' or Christmas themed novelty accessories similar to Santa cufflinks which can seem humorous at first but the amusement quickly wears off. A lovely sweater can add plenty of pizzazz to your assortment of informal put on. Sports activities sweaters are often worn on tops of sports equipment whereas touring to or from a sports ground. The sweater as a style ensemble in line of ladies's informal garments is a brand new kid within the block. The fluffy angora sweater coat is ideal to put on on winter months or on the coolest of days.
Purchase sweaters in all colors and kinds and be the style icon amongst your peers with your stylish new kinds daily. It seems stylish and trendy when we wear a sweater gown and match with a pair of ankle or knee high boot. All components combined to create distinctive-trying sweaters and over time, designs and strategies were handed down via families. I feel it is nice for a casual avatar, but even this ratty sweater will cost you for a Ravenclaw Sweater.
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