#i swear it looked fire in ps
violaobanion · 4 months
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MASTERS OF THE AIR (2024) part seven, dir. Dee Rees
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seafarersdream · 1 month
Thinking about Reader who has the ability to sleep everywhere and the cast always bothers her for that and they put things on her to see how long it takes her to wake up. But on one occasion she falls asleep on Ewan/Tom's shoulder and he's just a mess?? 😭
I don't know if it makes sense but the idea is there!! I love your work by the way
Out Of It (Ewan Mitchell x Y/N)
Y/N had always considered herself pretty grounded. Sure, she got to hang out with the cast, swapping jokes and stories like they were all old friends. But there was one little secret she kept tucked away, like a guilty pleasure—a huge, and she meant huge, crush on Ewan Mitchell. But, she reminded herself on the regular, it was just a celebrity crush. Nothing serious. A harmless little fantasy she kept to herself, because let’s be real—she was just the makeup girl, and he was, well, him. Then, one day, the universe decided to have a laugh at her expense.
TW // Strong language and profanities.
PS: I decided to take a different approach to the plot, hope it’s okay!
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The sun was barely rising over the horizon when the makeup department bustled with activity, its team members moved with choreographed precision. The trailer was alive with the scent of coffee mingling with the chemical tang of latex and adhesive, the lifeblood of the team that assembled at ungodly hours to work their magic.
The door creaked open, letting in a gust of cool air, along with the unmistakable presence of Ewan Mitchell. He leaned against the doorframe for a moment, taking in the scene with a wry smile. Dressed casually in a worn leather jacket, another one of his band t-shirt, and dark jeans.
“Morning, sunshine,” Y/N greeted, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she glanced up from the prosthetic jaw she was carefully painting.
“Morning, Y/N. You look absolutely thrilled to be here,” Ewan replied dryly, his mouth curling into a smirk. He perched himself on a nearby chair, his lean frame relaxed but his gaze keen as it flicked over the team’s work.
Tom Glynn-Carney was already in the chair, his eyes closed as he tried to find some inner peace amidst the whirlwind around him. His usual charismatic energy was subdued, replaced with a resigned patience that only came from enduring this process multiple times. “Fucking hell, Y/N,” he muttered, peeking out from under his lashes. “Are we sure we need all this crap? It's just a flesh wound, right?”
Y/N laughed, a bright sound that cut through the tension like a knife. “Just a flesh wound? Sure, if you call half your face melting off just a flesh wound.”
He groaned slightly as one of the other makeup artists adjusted a piece of latex on his forehead. “Maybe just light me on fire for real next time.”
“I swear to God, Tom,” Y/N said, her voice cutting through the soft murmur of the trailer. She leaned in, squinting at the edges of the prosthetic around his left eye. “If you move your face one more time, I’m going to staple it in place.”
Tom’s laugh was muffled, careful not to disrupt the delicate work being done on his cheeks. “Sorry, boss. Just trying to keep the old face from going numb. Can’t feel my arse either, for that matter.”
“Is he behaving, or do I need to step in?” Ewan said from behind them.
“Barely,” Y/N replied without looking up, her hands steady as she pressed down the edge of the prosthetic along Tom’s jawline. “You can take him if you want, though. Maybe scare him into sitting still.”
“Fuck off,” Tom muttered, his voice laced with annoyance. “Last thing I need is Ewan glaring at me while I’m trying to get through this torture.”
Ewan chuckled as he stands up and walked further into the trailer, his boots making soft thuds against the floor. “Don’t worry, mate. I’m just here for moral support.” He glanced at Y/N, his eyes lingering a bit longer on her than the others might have noticed. “How’s it going?”
“It’s going,” Y/N said, her tone matter-of-fact. She finally glanced up, meeting Ewan’s gaze briefly before returning to her work. “This is a fucking beast of a job, though. Five hours minimum, and that’s if Tom doesn’t fidget.”
Ewan nodded, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned against the counter beside Tom. “You’re a miracle worker, Y/N. Don’t let this tosser tell you otherwise.”
“Hey, I’m the victim here!” Tom protested, though his grin betrayed the seriousness of his words.
“Victim, my ass,” Y/N shot back, a playful edge returning to her voice.
Tom chuckled, though the movement caused Y/N to pause and glare at him. He immediately stilled, raising his hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll be good.”
Ewan watched the process with interest, his eyes following Y/N’s every move. He was always impressed by her skill, the way she could take something so gruesome and make it look so real. It was an art form, one that required patience, precision, and a bit of madness. And Y/N had all three in spades.
As Y/N worked, she could feel Ewan’s gaze on her, a constant presence that was both comforting and distracting. She ignored it as best as she could, focusing on blending the colors to create the perfect shade of burnt skin. But it was hard to ignore the way her pulse quickened whenever he was around, the way his voice seemed to vibrate in her chest whenever he spoke.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N finally leaned back, surveying her work with a critical eye. The prosthetics were in place, the scarring realistic and horrifying, just as it needed to be. She let out a small sigh of relief, wiping her hands on a cloth before tossing it aside.
“So, Ewan,” Y/N said, breaking the silence, “what do we think? Does our dear Tom look like he’s had a close encounter with dragonfire?”
Ewan stood, walking over to examine Tom up close. His face was thoughtful, eyes narrowing as he took in the horrifying sight. “You know, I think we could go a bit heavier on the singed eyebrows. Aegon doesn’t exactly seem the type to worry about grooming after this.”
Tom let out a groan. “Fucking hell, you two. I’m gonna look like I went through a meat grinder.”
Y/N laughed again. “Relax, Tom. You’ll be the prettiest corpse on set.”
Ewan smirked, stepping back to lean against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. “Gorgeous, really. You’ll be the talk of King’s Landing.”
Tom rolled his eyes, clearly fed up but too deep into the process to protest further. “Great. Just what I always wanted.”
As the final touches were completed, Y/N stepped back, her eyes scanning over her work with a critical eye. “Okay, you’re done. How does it feel?”
Tom slowly opened his eyes, his gaze meeting Y/N’s in the mirror. “Like I’ve been fucking roasted alive, which, I guess, is the point.”
“Perfect,” Y/N said, satisfaction in her voice as she began cleaning up her tools. “Alright, Glynn-Carney,” she continues, with a wave of her hand. “You’re done. Get out of my trailer before I change my mind and add a few more scars for good measure.”
Tom stood, stretching his arms and rolling his neck. “God, I can’t wait to see the reactions on set. Thanks, Y/N. You’re a fucking genius.”
“Don’t I know it,” Y/N replied with a grin. She watched as Tom exited the trailer. A spring in his steps.
Ewan stayed where he was, watching Y/N as she cleaned up her station. “You really are something, you know that?”
Y/N glanced up at him, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Just doing my job, Mitchell.”
“No,” Ewan said, shaking his head slightly. “It’s more than that. You’ve got a talent, Y/N. And a way of keeping us all in line.”
Y/N felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. “Somebody’s got to keep you lot in check.”
Ewan’s smile was slow, genuine, and it made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. “Lucky for us, we’ve got you.”
They stood there for a moment, the silence stretching out between them, thick with possibilities. Finally, Y/N broke the gaze, clearing her throat.
“Well,” she said, her voice a little softer now. “Off you go then.”
Ewan nodded, still watching her as she moved around the trailer, his eyes never leaving her. “Yeah… I’ll see you on set.”
“See you,” Y/N replied, her voice barely above a whisper as he turned to leave.
As the door clicked shut behind him, Y/N let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she continued to tidy up.
A hush falling over the room as the cameras rolled. The bedchamber set was dimly lit, the heavy velvet curtains drawn to block out the sunlight, casting long shadows that danced eerily across the stone walls.
Y/N stood on the sidelines, her arms crossed loosely over her chest as she watched the actors take their places. Andrij Parekh, the director for this episode, was seated in his chair just a few feet away, his sharp eyes focused intently on the monitors in front of him.
On the bed, Tom, fully transformed into the broken and battered Aegon II, looked like a man who had been to hell and back. The prosthetics had turned his face into a grotesque mask of burns and scars, his once vibrant features now hidden beneath layers of latex and makeup. His eyes, however, remained sharp, flickering with a mix of pain and defiance as he prepared for the scene.
Ewan, in full costume as Aemond Targaryen, stood near the foot of the bed, his posture rigid, every inch the cold, calculating Prince Regent. His long silver hair cascaded over his shoulders, the eyepatch over his left eye adding to the menacing aura that surrounded him. There was something chilling about the way he carried himself, a quiet intensity that made even the most seasoned crew members uneasy.
“Action,” Andrij’s voice cut through the silence, a single word that set everything into motion.
Ewan stepped forward, his boots barely making a sound on the stone floor. “Brother,” he began, his voice low and smooth, almost soothing, though the underlying threat was unmistakable. “How fortunate that you are awake. I was beginning to think you might sleep through the entire war.”
Tom shifted slightly on the bed, his movements slow, labored, as if even the act of breathing was painful. “Aemond,” he croaked, his voice hoarse, almost a whisper. “What… what do you want?”
Ewan’s lips curved into a thin smile, the kind that never reached his eye. “Only to ensure your comfort, Aegon. You’ve been through a lot, after all. It’s a wonder you even survived.”
Tom’s gaze flickered, a mix of confusion and fear crossing his features. “I don’t remember,” he muttered, his brow furrowing as if trying to piece together fragments of a nightmare. “I don’t remember what happened.”
Y/N watched intently, her eyes following every subtle shift in their expressions, every carefully chosen word. This was the kind of scene that could make or break an episode—the tension between the brothers, the unspoken accusations hanging heavy in the air.
Ewan leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a near whisper, yet each word was laced with ice. “Good. Best you don’t remember. There’s nothing to be gained from dwelling on the past, after all. The future, however… that’s what matters now.”
Tom’s eyes darted to Ewan’s face, searching for something, anything, in the cold, indifferent mask that stared back at him. “I don’t… I wouldn’t…”
Ewan cut him off, his tone sharp, his patience clearly wearing thin. “You wouldn’t what, Aegon? Speak of things best left unsaid? Confess to some… imagined slight? No, I’m sure you wouldn’t.” He straightened, the threat clear in the deliberate casualness of his movements. “We’re brothers, after all. Blood of my blood. We wouldn’t want anything to come between us. Not now, not ever.”
Tom swallowed hard, his throat working as he tried to form words, but nothing came. The fear in his eyes was real, a reflection of the strained relationship that had been growing between the two of them, now laid bare in this moment of vulnerability.
“Good,” Ewan said softly, almost tenderly. He reached out, his hand hovering over Tom’s burned face, but he didn’t touch him, didn’t need to. The implication was clear enough. “Rest now, Aegon. Leave the burdens of the realm to me. You’ve earned your peace.”
With that, Ewan turned and walked away, the scene coming to a close as Andrij called out, “And.. cut!”
The tension in the room broke, the spell lifted as the crew sprang into action, adjusting lights, resetting props, preparing for the next take. Ewan relaxed his shoulders, the hard edge of Aemond’s persona slipping away as he returned to his usual self. Tom let out a long breath, his body sinking deeper into the bed, clearly relieved that the intense scene was over.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, impressed by the depth they’d brought to the scene. Ewan caught her eye as he walked over, his expression softening as he approached. “So, what do you think, Y/N?” he asked, his voice warm, a stark contrast to the cold menace he’d displayed just moments before.
She raised an eyebrow, her smirk playful. “Not bad, Mitchell. You almost made me believe you’re the cruel bastard you play on screen.”
Ewan chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. “Almost?”
“Hey, I know you too well,” she teased, crossing her arms as she leaned against a nearby prop table. “But seriously, you guys nailed it. That was intense.”
“Thanks,” he replied, his smile genuine, a hint of pride in his eyes. “It helps when you’ve got a good team watching your back.”
Y/N spied Tom’s hand moving from the corner of her eyes. “Fucking hell,” Tom muttered, reaching up to touch his prosthetic-covered face.
“Don’t even think about it,” she scolded, her voice carrying a mix of playful sarcasm and genuine concern. “You start messing with that, and we’ll be here for another few hours fixing it.”
Andrij approached them, nodding in approval. “Great work, everyone. We’ll take a short break before moving on to the next scene.”
As the crew began to disperse, Y/N caught Ewan’s eye again, her heart doing a little flip at the intensity of his gaze. There was something in the way he looked at her, something that made her pulse quicken, but before she could dwell on it, he was already turning away, slipping back into the role of Aemond, preparing for the next bit.
The set was finally quiet, the last echoes of the day's filming fading into the background as Y/N, Ewan, Tom, Fabien, and Phia settled themselves near the steps of the Iron Throne. The towering seat of power loomed above them, but for now, it was just a backdrop to their impromptu snack break.
“God, I’m starving,” Tom groaned as he unwrapped a sandwich, his voice muffled as he took a massive bite. “You’d think they were trying to kill us with these hours.”
Phia laughed, shaking her head as she reached into a bag of crisps. “You’re such a drama queen, Tom. It’s only been, what? Twelve hours?”
“Twelve hours of torture,” Tom countered, wagging the half-eaten sandwich at her before taking another bite. “I deserve a medal, not just a bloody sandwich.”
Fabien grinned as he popped open a can of soda. “Maybe we’ll get you one shaped like the Iron Throne. Then you can lord it over everyone else even more.”
Y/N, perched comfortably beside Ewan, raised an eyebrow as she munched on a kebab. “Speaking of the Iron Throne, did you know that Emma and Matt tried to recruit me to Team Black today?”
That got their attention. Ewan, who had been quietly eating beside her, looked over with a curious glint in his eye. “Oh yeah? How’d they manage that?”
Y/N leaned in, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “They promised me a seat on the Iron Throne, no questions asked. Said it’s about time someone else gets a chance, since someone” she shot a pointed look at Tom, “—has been hogging it all season.”
Tom feigned shock, placing a hand dramatically over his chest. “I’m just fulfilling my royal duties, Y/N. It’s not my fault you lot don’t have the je ne sais quoi to claim the throne.”
“Je ne sais quoi? Really? You’re so full of crap.” Phia repeated, barely containing her laughter.
“Exactly,” Y/N chimed in, leaning back on her hands as she eyed the throne. “But seriously, Tom, I need that selfie, okay? You’ve been banning everyone else from even getting close, and I’m not above switching sides to get my shot.”
Fabien smirked, leaning back against the stairs. “It’s true. You’re a tyrant, Glynn-Carney.”
Tom shook his head, his eyes narrowing playfully. “You all talk a lot of shit, but the throne belongs to me. You want a selfie? You’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
“That can be arranged,” Ewan deadpanned, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
As the conversation continued, the weariness of the day began to catch up with them. The energy slowly ebbed away, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. Y/N, who had been unusually animated, started to feel her eyelids grow heavy. The warmth of the room and the low murmur of voices lulled her into a drowsy state, and before she realized it, her head began to droop.
Without warning, she leaned over, her head coming to rest on Ewan’s shoulder. The sudden contact made Ewan go rigid, his eyes wide with shock. His pulse quickened, and for a moment, he didn’t know what to do. Should he move? Say something? Wake her up? But the last thing he wanted to do was disturb her, especially since he had been harboring a massive crush on Y/N for what felt like forever.
Tom, who noticed the situation first, nearly choked on his sandwich, desperately trying to stifle his laughter. He nudged Fabien, who quickly caught on and shot Ewan a wicked grin. “Looks like someone’s got a new pillow,” Fabien teased in a singsong voice, causing Phia to glance over and giggle.
Ewan’s face turned an impressive shade of red, his usual cool composure completely shattered. “Shut up,” he hissed, his voice low and tense as he tried to keep still, not wanting to wake Y/N. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, her hair tickling his neck, and despite his best efforts, his heart raced.
Y/N, oblivious to the chaos she’d unintentionally caused, snuggled a little closer, her breathing soft and steady. Ewan’s mind was in overdrive. Okay, don’t freak out. She’s just tired. She doesn’t even know she’s leaning on you. Just… act natural.
Tom, unable to resist, leaned over and whispered, “Careful there, Mitchell. Wouldn’t want her to wake up and realize she’s been cuddling with you.”
“Tom, I swear to God—” Ewan began, his voice a strained whisper, but he was cut off by Y/N shifting slightly in her sleep, making him freeze once more.
Phia, trying to be the voice of reason but failing miserably, leaned in with a grin. “Maybe she just knows you’re a softy, Ewan. Perfect for napping.”
Ewan shot her a death glare, his embarrassment only growing. “You’re all assholes, you know that?”
Fabien chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, but let’s be real, mate—this is adorable.”
Ewan groaned inwardly, knowing there was no escaping the teasing he’d endure from this moment. But as much as he wanted to retort, a part of him couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of Y/N resting against him, even if it was just because she was exhausted. His hand twitched slightly, tempted to brush a strand of hair from her face, but he resisted, not wanting to push his luck.
The ribbing continued around him, but Ewan barely heard it, his focus entirely on Y/N. For now, he’d let her sleep. And if it meant enduring the endless teasing from his friends, well… it was a small price to pay.
“Just wait until she sees the photos,” Tom whispered to Phia, pulling out his phone to capture the moment. Ewan’s eyes widened in horror, but it was too late.
“Don’t you dare!” Ewan hissed, trying to keep his voice down so he wouldn’t wake Y/N, but Tom just smirked, already snapping a few shots.
“This one’s going in the group chat,” Tom said smugly, causing Fabien and Phia to dissolve into laughter.
Ewan could only sigh, resigned to his fate. But despite the teasing and the inevitable jokes that would follow, a small, secretive smile tugged at his lips.
Y/N had barely made it through the door of her flat before she collapsed onto the couch, her body finally catching up with the exhaustion of the day. She kicked off her shoes, letting them land haphazardly across the room, and leaned back with a groan, rubbing her temples as she tried to shake off the lingering embarrassment from the day’s events.
The picture of her sleeping on Ewan’s shoulder had exploded in the group chat, with the cast and crew having an absolute field day over it. The jokes had ranged from harmless teasing to outright accusations of a backstreet romance, leaving Y/N feeling mortified beyond belief.
God, I can't believe I fell asleep on him, she thought, covering her face with her hands for a moment before letting out a frustrated groan. She knew she had to address it, to apologize for the awkwardness, but the thought of actually texting Ewan made her stomach churn with nerves.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she steeled herself and typed out a message.
Hey, Ewan. Just wanted to say sorry for crashing on you earlier. I was so embarrassed when I saw that picture in the group chat. I hope I didn’t make things weird or uncomfortable for you.
She hit send and then dropped her phone on her lap, closing her eyes and letting out a long breath. The flat was quiet, save for the distant hum of the city outside her window, and for a moment, she allowed herself to simply exist in the stillness, trying not to overthink the situation.
When her phone buzzed a few minutes later, she opened one eye and glanced at the screen. Seeing Ewan’s name made her stomach flip, and she quickly unlocked her phone to read his reply.
Hey, sleepy head. Honestly, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all. You looked like you really needed the rest, and it was no trouble at all. Seriously, it’s no big deal.
Y/N felt a small wave of relief wash over her, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. But just as she was about to put her phone down, another message came through.
Fuck it, this is me shooting my shot—are you free this weekend?
She froze, staring at the screen as her brain tried to process what she was seeing. Was Ewan really asking her out? She reread the message a few times, half-convinced she was imagining things, but it was still there, plain as day.
A mix of shock and excitement surged through her, making her heart race. She sat up straighter, her mind spinning with possibilities. After what felt like an eternity, she finally mustered the courage to respond.
Wait, are you serious? Because if you are, then yes, I’m free. But if this is some kind of joke, I swear to God, Mitchell…
She held her breath, waiting for his reply, her fingers tapping nervously against her thigh. When her phone buzzed again, she almost dropped it in her haste to read the message.
Not a joke, I promise. I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, just never found the right moment. And, well, maybe now’s the time.
Y/N felt a giddy warmth spread through her, the earlier embarrassment completely forgotten. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she tried to come up with something clever to say, but in the end, she opted for honesty.
I’d love to, Ewan. I guess I’ll see you this weekend then?
His reply came swiftly.
Definitely. And hey, if you need a nap while we’re out, I’ve got a shoulder for you anytime.
She couldn’t help but laugh, the tension in her chest finally releasing as she typed out her response.
You better be careful with offers like that, or I might just take you up on it.
Another ping.
Looking forward to it, Y/N.
As she put her phone down, Y/N found herself grinning like an idiot. She curled up on the couch, the weight of exhaustion lifting slightly as she thought about the weekend ahead. It seemed like this little nap incident might have been the best thing that happened after all.
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theonewiththefanfics · 10 months
Seal It With a Kiss (one-shot)
Synopsys: After a looting session goes wrong, Astarion and Reader have to face the music and confront their feelings. Whatever they might be.
Pairing: Astarion x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: talks of blood, injuries, swearing, mentions of abuse, but nothing explicit
Word count: 3234
A/N: I have not played Baldur's Gate 3 (I don't own a PS or a PC where to play it. all of this is based on the info gathered online and through Neil's own gameplay etc. Please be kind :) )
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The light was too bright. And the ground was too hard. And the pillow too tough and lumpy. And why did Y/N feel so hot when it was literally snowing? And, actually, when had it started snowing? From bright blue skies, might she add?
Slowly, haziness dissipated from her eyes, and the world around came into sharp, painful focus. The light was too bright because half of her surroundings were on literal fire. The ground was too hard because she was half on rubble that once was a palace roof, and the tough, lumpy pillow was a rock her head had smashed against, while the snow was ashes flowing down, covering everything, including her, in a grey layer of soot, the sky peeking in from the hole above.
Although her sight was clearing, a sharp ringing pierced her ears. Or was it shouting?
A shadow crossed the sky, and above her, she could see their resident vampiric elf’s mouth moving.
“ – were you thinking?!” Finally, her ears started to clear as well. “You absolute imbecile! Why would you do that?!”
Y/N just groaned in response, as her memories came back in quick flashes. Everyone was arguing about where they should look for another magical artefact, Astarion shooting down what Gale had proposed, Wyll trying to make a sensible plan while Lae’Zel interrupted Shadowheart at any given moment. A deep rumble from the depths of the abandoned palace they were in silenced them all, Karlach throwing them a worried expression. And then the whole building exploded.
On instinct, Y/N had pushed Astarion as far away as she could before the ceiling came crashing down on top of her. It was nothing short of a miracle, she had managed to survive. Bruised, battered, no doubt with broken bones, but alive nonetheless. Maybe she’d have to thank a goddess or two. That was if Astarion didn’t rip her to pieces beforehand with how furious he looked.
Slowly Y/N tried to lift herself onto her forearms, and for all his admonishments, Astarion was quick to crouch down and help her, putting his arms under her pits and letting her rest against his chest.
“Oh dear,” she mumbled, noticing a large bannister lying across her leg. “That’s not good.”
“Not good?!” Astarion practically shrieked, his hands tightening around her ribs. “How hard did you hit your fucking head? This is so beyond not good I can’t even think of a level!”
Y/N winced at his tone. “Can you stop shouting, please? Gods, my head is splitting.”
“Oh, is it now? It would be quite the fucking miracle if it wasn’t, seeing as a whole fucking palace just toppled on you!”
“Quit being so dramatic and help get that thing off me! Where’re the rest?”
“Frankly, I don’t fucking care right now!” Astarion gently laid Y/N back down and went to the large boulder.
His arms strained as he lifted the piece of the pillar, her eyes widening at the display of strength.
She sometimes forgot how strong Astarion actually was, how easily he could snap her neck with just a twist of his hands if he so wished while Y/N allowed him to drink from her. But he was always gentle instead, with how he held her nape, fingers soothingly pressing into her scalp and knuckles brushing against her collarbones once he was done in a sweet gesture of thanks.
As quickly as she could, Y/N scooted from under the rubble, Astarion dropping the boulder back unceremoniously, and he was back by her side in a second, an arm wrapping around her waist, so she could lean on him.
“We have to find the others,” Y/N hissed as she stood. Her whole body screamed in pain, but they had to get out of the now-ruined palace, lest another explosion happen.
“They can find their own way out,” Astarion grunted, as he led them towards the exit.
“No!” He snapped his head to look at Y/N, and his scarlet eyes held such a desperate gaze in them, that she pinched her lips shut. “I will knock you out if I have to. I am not letting you get hurt again.”
“Astarion, they’re our friends,” Y/N’s voice was gentle. “We have to help them if we can.”
For a moment, Astarion truly looked like he might just throw her over his shoulder and march out of the place. But then he sighed, hanging his head in defeat before looking at her with pain distorting his features. “Why do you always have to be so good?”
Something tugged at her heart. That expression on his face, as if it physically put him in agony to lead them around the ruined palace in search of their companions, as he flinched and tightened his hold on her whenever something crackled, ready to throw his own body atop hers, in case something happened. It wasn’t selfishness, not one bit. Something deeper lay beneath Astarion’s reluctance.
It took them a while to find their party, but luckily no one was injured, and Y/N was the worst one off.  Shadowheart was by her side in an instant, giving her a healing potion.
“Should keep you set until we get back to camp.” She patted her shoulder. “I’ll heal you fully once we’re out of immediate danger.”
“Thank you.” Y/N smiled at the cleric.
She was just about to ask Astarion whether he was alright, but the vampire had already detached himself and was glaring at the ground, arms crossed over his chest ten feet away from her.
Y/N couldn’t deny – it stung. He’d been so worried just a few moments ago, yet now he couldn’t even look at her?
Her feet worked on their own accord, moving in his direction, but the way he turned his back to her, told her all she needed to know – he didn’t want to talk.
Pain shot through her heart, and it was definitely not because of the explosion, but Y/N respected his privacy, so she didn’t approach him any further, even though they always, always, walked next to one another.
“We should head back,” she spoke up, eyes remaining on Astarion’s taut back. “Maybe get some rest as well. We still have tomorrow anyway to search this place.”
When Astarion left the palace without even waiting to see if anyone was following, Y/N could do nothing but sigh and depart as well.
The walk to where they’d set up their camp was uncharacteristically quiet, especially from the pale elf’s side. He’d usually fill their travels with mindless talk and sarcastic quips, but this time around, he hung towards the back of their group and was as mum as a grave. He didn’t even comment on whatever Gale was saying, which made Y/N all the more uneasy.
She couldn’t wrap her mind around why he’d become so distant all of a sudden. What’d happened at the palace was nothing unusual. They risked their lives on the daily, saving others and themselves, so why in the world was Astarion so pissed about this, she had no clue.
Karlach leaned to the side, watching as the vampire entered his tent, closing the laces immediately. “Fangs is quite in a bad mood. Anything we should know about, soldier?”
Y/N huffed. “Probably broke a nail or something. In any case – nothing important enough to be acting the way he is.”
“Maybe I should go and – “
She put a palm on Karlach’s shoulder, stopping her, and giving her friend a wry smile. “I’ll talk to him. Better he’s angry at me and only me, not someone else as well. Apparently, I’ve pissed him off as is.”
“You sure?” the tiefling asked.
“Yeah.” Y/N nodded. “I think we need to have a talk anyway.”
With a “good luck” from Karlach, she sighed and steeled herself against whatever the vampire would throw her way. She unlaced the ties and lifted the flap to the side. With crossed arms, she entered Astarion’s tent, only to be greeted by his back as he stubbornly kept looking at a book in his hands, not even acknowledging her.
“Are you seriously pouting right now?” Y/N asked after a minute of silence.
“I’m not pouting, I’m brooding. There’s a difference.”
“Well, does brooding involve giving the silent treatment, or can we talk?”
Astarion threw a withering gaze over his shoulder. “What is there you want to talk about? Unless it’s an apology, I don’t want to hear it.”
Y/N let out an exasperated huff. “I’m sorry to disappoint, but I won’t apologise for saving your life.”
“By putting your own life in danger?!” Astarion spun around, throwing the tome he’d been holding onto his bedroll.
“Comes with the territory.” She shrugged. “You should know how it is.”
“Letting a whole building collapse on top of you is very different to knocking a blade out of the way!”
“Why are you so angry with me?” Y/N raised her voice, matching Astarion’s furious tone. “I saved your life!
“I didn’t ask for you to!”
She let out a disbelieving scoff. “Well, sucks to be you then! Because I was not just going to let you get crushed underneath all that rubble! Your life is just as important as everyone else’s!”
“Not to me! Not when it comes to you!”
Now that shut her up completely, her lips pinched in a thin line, eyes wide in shock. She and Astarion were friends, at least Y/N would've liked to think so. She most definitely had developed deeper feelings than that, but would only admit to it over her own dead body. The thought of Astarion’s rejection made her want to crumple into a small heap, but his reaction put thoughts in her head that maybe, just maybe, her feelings weren’t one-sided.
“What do you suppose I would do if you – if – if,” he stumbled on his words. “If I had to go on without you? If you were no longer with us… with me…”
“Do you understand how it felt to see you go down?” He sighed, hanging his head. “When I saw the roof caving in and then felt you push me away before you vanished beneath rubble and dust and ash… I’ve never been more terrified in all of my life, two hundred years of which were spent under the rule of an absolute sadist, where horrors awaited around every corner.”
His eyes bore nothing but pain and despair he’d felt in that moment. “I heard everyone else screaming - Shadowheart calling out, Wyll and Karlach making sure Gale and Lae’Zel were alright but nothing… not a single whisper from your voice. You tell me I’m pouting, but all I can see when I close my eyes is you… how you would look… dead. Your eyes closed forever, your blood spilling out of your body and I… I have to stand and watch as I am unable to save you.
“But I’m alright.” Y/N stepped up to him, taking one of his palms in hers, and squeezing it. “Astarion, I’m alive, and I’m fine.”
“But you almost weren’t!” he hissed, pulling her closer, bringing their clasped hands to rest against his chest. “And all I would have been left to do was wait for the dust to settle and dig out your broken body. You would have condemned me to eternity without you… I just almost lost the person I love... and that fear is something I never wish to experience again.”
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat at such an honest confession. “I umm I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” Friendship was one thing, but love? That threw her completely off balance.
“Feel? Felt? What does it matter anymore? Clearly, it’s not like it’s reciprocated.” He scoffed, back the mask of bravado and not caring, but Y/N wasn’t having any of it.
“It matters to me.” Her brows furrowed. “It matters a great deal to me. Why do you think I did what I did, exactly? Because it’s fun? Because I enjoy blocks of buildings dropping down on me? Because it’s such an absolute delight to realise - if I don’t push you out of the way, you will be in direct line of fire, and I might lose you?”
Astarion’s mouth opened and closed. “I didn’t – I –“
“No!” Y/N pointed an accusatory finger at him. Now she was angry. “You don’t get to play the "I'm in love with you" card and be angry with me. Not if you dare tell me how I feel without asking first!”
“You...” He shook his head, a crease to his brow. “You never indicated you held anything more than… friendly affections towards me.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Yes, because I let everyone in this party use me as their personal snack each night. I’d say that should’ve been your first clue.”
“I’d say you’re a full-course meal, my darling, but I understand the sentiment.” And though back was his usual air of sarcasm, a deep vulnerability could be seen shining in his crimson eyes as he weaved a gentle hand to wrap around the small of her waist, brushing underneath her sleep tunic to rest against her skin.
Cold met warm, and Y/N gasped as a shiver ran down her spine. His slender fingers dug into her back as he pulled Y/N closer, their breaths mingling, and if they only moved just a couple of centimetres, lips would touch.
“I just – I cannot stand and watch you throw your life away for someone like me. The thought of your brightness being extinguished because of it… I couldn’t bear it.”
Y/N tilted her head to the side. “Someone like who exactly? Someone who I’ve grown to look at as my dearest confidant? Someone who I know will always tell me the truth and be there if I cannot handle it? Or someone who so deftly has stolen my heart, he cannot even comprehend it’s been his the whole time? Besides, even if it wasn’t reciprocated...” She played with the string of his shirt, “you can’t tell me to be more careful, to not save you when you do the exact same thing.”
“How can I not?” Astarion’s voice was uncharacteristically soft, and for once, he seemed to want the moment to reflect what truly lay in his soul. “You make my heart beat on its own. If I had to give up walking in the sun for the rest of my life, I would. As long as it meant you were safe and happy. I’d even gladly go back to Cazador if you were on the line. Without a second to spare.”
“Don’t you dare fucking say that!"
“But it’s true.”
“Not if I can help it,” Y/N grumbled, tightening her hold on his shirt by his hips, pulling him closer like she had to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere. “He’s not ever going to get near you. I’ll level the whole of Baldur’s Gate if I have to.”
“And I am being honest when I say, if I had to choose between you being unhurt or me being imprisoned, being used as I was, I would always put you first.”
Y/N was on the verge of tears. “You listen to me you pompous blood-sucking elf – you will do no such thing. Whatever comes, we both will get through it. And Cazador will have his head ripped from his shoulders, but not before I gouge his eyes out, and do every single vile thing he did to you back onto him. I will skin him alive and then throw him in a tomb with nothing but cockroaches. Let him drink his own blood and see how he likes it.” She shuddered, taking in a deep breath. “Your life is not worth less than mine. Don’t you ever dare think that way.”
A watery chuckle escaped Astarion, and his eyes brimmed with silvery tears. “Can I kiss you?” He didn’t dare lift his gaze, focusing on their intertwined fingers, resting against where his heart no doubt would have been rattling a crazy rhythm if it still beat.
“If you want to.” Y/N’s reply was as quiet as his question had been, but there was no teasing in her tone.
His eyes flashed for a second, but she didn’t get a full grasp on what it was she saw. Maybe surprise. Maybe gratitude? She couldn’t tell really, all she knew was that the emotion caused a pang to ring to her very core. She’d kill Cazador with her own bloody hands.
“I want it.” He nodded. “More than anything.”
“More than my blood? That first night you almost drained me dry,” Y/N’s words, though true, held no malice, only gentle teasing.
“And how do you know that first time I wasn’t trying to wake up the sleeping princess with a magical true love’s kiss? The feeding just ended up being a bonus.” He brushed her nose with his, and couldn’t help the way his own lips turned up as Y/N smiled.
“Well, this sleeping princess would’ve punched you in the nose, had you awoken her for such silly things. Besides, you did miss my lips.”
Astarion chuckled, relishing the way her body pressed against his. “But I am allowed to awaken you to drink from you?”
“Well...” She nudged his nose with hers now. “Seeing as you become absolutely unbearable when hungry, I think for my own peace and everyone else’s, that does count as a vital reason to rouse me."
Gentle hands cupped her cheeks. “Allow me to demonstrate then how vital a kiss can be to one’s survival.”
And then their lips met.
She’d never admit it out loud, for his ego would surely grow larger than it already was, but it did feel like a magical kiss of life. Her whole body sang as his fingers slid against the nape of her neck, pulling her closer, almost like Astarion was afraid she’d pull back, but she could never. Not when he slipped his tongue past her lips, and her knees almost crumbled.
Y/N had to tighten her hold on his waist to not completely lose it, and she could feel the smirk growing on the vampire’s face, as he realised just how incapacitated his kiss had made her. He nipped at the bottom of her lip and relished in the small whimper he got to devour.
After what felt like ages, they pulled back, panting, but not going too far as Astarion rested his forehead against hers.
Y/N smiled. “True love’s kiss you say?”
“It feels like it,” he mumbled, allowing himself to indulge in the tender touch of her fingers skimming up and down his back. “Though I don’t know much about… love… I’d like to experience it with you. All of it. The good and the bad that might come with it.”
“I’ll be here,” Y/N promised. “As long as you want me to, I’m not going anywhere.”
“And if I ask for forever?”
She let out an over-exaggerated, dramatic sigh. “Forever’s quite a long time, don’t you think?”
“Not long enough,” Astarion replied, a smile tugging up his lips. “It’d never be long enough with you.”
Y/N quirked a brow. “Is that a challenge?”
He chuckled at that. “I’d say it’s more of a promise, if anything.”
“Seal it with a kiss?”
“Deal, my love.”
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @m-a-t-91 @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @lestersglitterglue @im-squished @strangersstranger
Astarion tags: @spacebarbarianweird
A/N: my tags are always open, so just drop a message if you want to be tagged :)
P.S. do not plagiarise my work or repost it on other platforms!!!
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yawnderu · 7 months
delulu time🤭
Everybody keeps talking about how Simon’s hands are constantly cold… But I have a feeling this man is a fucking furnace.
He’s so big and burly, so warm and cuddly… He’ll take off his hoodie and give it to you and it would as warm as if it just got out of the dryer. He’s so warm his cologne just spreads out like from an oil diffuser.
He’s looking so warm and cuddly just laying on the couch, you just want to put your hands down his sweatpants🤭 He’ll let you lay down on his chest, pulling his hoodie over your head and body.🦘
And with Simon being such a girl dad we have to talk about the ‘hot balls’ phenomenon. A theory that athletes and physically active people have more baby daughters because of having a slightly higher body temperature and the heat destroys male spermatozoa😭🫶🏼
I also believe he always wears a lot of layers, as many as the weather allows. He’ll always spare you his jacket… He has so many hoodies, socks, it’s insane… He’s so clean and disciplined, folding his clothes impeccably, his bed always perfectly made. His apartment is so neat, a remnant of his army ways.
Only problem is his place is always a little cold, he simply doesn’t need the heating like you do :( Your feet would get so cold he would simply have to warm them up in his lap, rubbing your soft soles against and tenderly kissing your pretty toes… He secretly loves it and that’s why he never puts the heating on :(
Don’t get me wrong, Simon isn’t a feet guy per se, but he adores every single part of you… He worships the ground you walk on. So he’s utterly blind to the fact that you’ve been feeding him so well these past months all in an attempt to get him to the optimal cuddling weight🤤 (photos for reference🤭)
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Ps. This is so discombobulated and corny but I can’t stop thinking about it. I swear I’m a better writer in my native language.🎀
I used to date a guy who was ALWAYS a fucking furnace. It was lovely during winter, but summer were nightmares in a small bed. x_x
Yeah!! I'm also a firm believer of Simon always having VERY warm hands, to the point he can easily sandwich your cold hands and heat them up almost instantly. Simon's body is always very warm, yet he uses long-sleeved shirts out of habit, keeping his tattoos hidden from his enemies to keep both of you safe and away from Ghost and his enemies.💗
One of his favorite things is putting his hoodie over your body when you're cuddling or standing together at home, watching your pretty face peer up at him from the fabric has to be the closest thing to heaven he's ever gotten.
The ‘hot balls’ phenomenon made me giggle GRJFEHJB God, he's such a girl dad that it hurts. I can see him cuddling his baby daughters, holding them close to his bare skin because they find it comforting and always sleep through the night without waking up whenever their papa puts them to sleep. <3
YES!! Simon loves rubbing and kissing your feet, simply because he loves you and loves using his body to make you feel better, his warm breath tickling your feet to the point you've been close to accidentally kicking his face more than once, yet it's worth if for him the moment you start thanking him for warming you up, rewarding him with a rapid-fire of kisses all over his rough face.
I stand by the fact that the easiest way to Simon's heart is his stomach. He needs to eat plenty of calories to maintain his body mass and keep growing muscles, coming home especially hungry after being at the gym, ready to eat whatever hot meal you've prepared for him. :((
Sometimes you have to remind him to eat slower, yet the small hiccups he gets after eating fast serve as reassurance that he absolutely adores and devours anything you cook.<3333
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matthewtkachuk · 3 months
last night (blame it on the vodka)
They say drunk words are sober thoughts, so what are drunken confessions of love?
pairing: matthew tkachuk x reader
warnings: a pinch of angst, swearing, alcohol (and its after effects - aka a fat hangover and a twinge of regret)
word count: 3k
a/n: matthew tkachuk is a stanley cup champion!!!! you know i had to do it to ya. ps this idea was formed a million years ago (pre trade) therefore I have simply plucked Cowboys from downtown Calgary to downtown Miami deal with it. big ups to @wyattjohnston for the edit and for outsourcing my geography queries. title and inspo from the song by the same name by lucy spraggan. enjoy my loves and let me know what you think <3
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You’re never drinking again. 
It’s a mantra you repeat all morning, from the minute you’re dragged back into consciousness by the sound of construction down on the street, to when you finally pull from bed to dramatically slam the window shut, to the one-two-three-four times you end up with your knees on the bathroom mat and your head in the toilet. 
You’re far too old to be drinking like that on a nearly empty stomach, far too old to be drinking like that regardless. Okay, maybe that’s a tad dramatic, being a mostly single twenty something year old in downtown Miami. Mostly single in that every time you drank, your painfully unrequited crush on probably the one guy in all of Florida you couldn’t pull came out with a vengeance. 
Looking at your phone and all the unread texts you groan, realizing that the little girl who used to write ‘Mrs. Matty Tkachuk’ in all of her diaries came out in full force last night. 
Hyping yourself up, you type out and forward the message ‘What the hell did I do last night?’ to everyone you remember being out with you. Everyone, that is, except Matty himself. 
Brielle: Last night you told him you loved him 
It’s not atypical for you to be out on a Friday night, a group of your closest girlfriends at your side. Neither is it uncommon for the night to begin with the three of you taking thirst traps for the ‘gram before taking shots as the Uber pulls up. 
Cowboys is a favorite place, certainly not for the high class atmosphere or clientele—of which you’ll find neither. But who doesn’t love to let loose in an environment where the city boys of Miami don Stetsons and large belt buckles? And okay, maybe you’re a bit of a gambler—though, with money or love as the currency depends on the night. 
Tonight you’re pressing your luck, drinking enough to dull the edge and to keep you from overreacting to Matt’s response to the aforementioned Insta story. It’s a simple message, a string of fire emojis, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t refresh the app until his username appeared as ‘Seen’ under the story. 
You don’t want to think it means anything when he shows up with a couple of his boys an hour into dancing with the girls. Cowboys is a popular place, evidenced by the crowded dance floor and the complete lack of personal space. So what Brielle was wearing a cowboy hat in one of the pictures and so what everyone and their mother knew this bar was your favorite place to spend Friday nights and so what you’d even tagged the place in a boomerang of your shot glasses five minutes after arriving. 
It didn’t mean anything—doesn’t mean anything. 
That thought doesn’t stop you from abandoning your friends the second you see the all too familiar head of curls.
“Hi Matty,” you greet, stumbling into him and sliding your hand around his waist. He feels solid beneath your fingertips, warm and secure and everything you’ve ever wanted. His resulting grin could build and topple empires, you think. 
But then reality all comes crashing down again as he slides his arm around your shoulders in turn, squeezing gently as he replies, “Hey, Kid.”
It’s the gentle reminder you’ll never be anything more than the annoying girl next door who used to follow him and Brady around like they were the greatest thing in the world. 
If he notices the way you deflate, he doesn’t say a word, though his hand rubs comfortingly at your shoulder for a moment until you can’t stand it anymore and go back to your friends and their sympathetic faces. 
The thing about you when you drink is the filter comes off. Normally you play your cards close to your chest, making it very hard for others to know your emotions. But a little vodka and you’re suddenly ready to face your feelings head on. 
It starts off innocently enough, an over exaggerated ‘I love you!’ when he brings you a drink without you having to ask. But then Georgia is all but holding you down to prevent you from running after him and professing your love. She doesn’t succeed, what with you running into his arms midway through the night anyway. 
He has that same grin on his face as you tell him how much you love him, and though he doesn’t mean it the way you do, he tells you that he loves you too just the same. 
Though you haven’t eaten in at least twelve hours, the thought of food makes your already upset stomach turn some more, and so you settle for making a cup of tea to get some fluids back in you. 
Not quite ready to face the music in terms of what your alcohol fueled self did last night, you ignore the unread messages to flip through some Insta stories. There’s cute pics and videos of you and your girls, you screen shot your favorites and tap away until you pause on a boomerang of Georgia and Brielle. It’s cute enough if you ignore the small stain by Bri’s collar where she’d lost some of the second tequila shot. Oh, and you looking up at Matthew with the most pathetic lovesick look on your face in the background. 
It unsettles your stomach further, and so you abandon all plans of tea—turning off your kettle and grabbing the water bottle you’d prepped for yourself before you left last night and taking up residence on the couch. 
Putting on a random movie from your childhood on Disney+, you lay back and cover yourself with your favorite quilt. Another wave of nausea washes over you, and so you prop yourself up with a few extra pillows and fall asleep sitting up. 
It mustn’t be more than half an hour of uninterrupted sleep before you’re pulled out of it by the incessant buzzing of your phone. It’s a set of four pictures of you on Matt’s lap and another incriminating tidbit from the night before. 
Georgia: Last night you told him you need him
“Shut up Sammy,” you glare, angrily poking his chest with your index finger. You’re grateful for the uncharacteristic change in nail shape at your last manicure, the stiletto tip serving as a makeshift weapon that actually makes him wince before laughing in your face. 
Truthfully, you’re not sure how the night got to this point—you and your girls hanging around a table with Matty and his boys. You’re not complaining though, not with how your bare legs pressed to Matty’s jeans or how his arm rests above your shoulders, fingertips brushing your skin now and then. 
Matt can spot a fight coming from a mile away, well versed in the language that is your rage from the countless years he was the source of it, pulling on your pigtails and breaking your barbies. 
“That’s not my name,” Sam rolls his eyes, rubbing his chest and stealing a swig of your beer. “Lightweight.”
He’s referring to your drunken state and the fact that Matt himself had to drag you to the table with the promise of a Bud Light if, and only if, you drank an entire glass of water. Narrowing your eyes, you begin to lunge at him again, stopped only by the force of Matt pulling you onto his lap and wrapping an arm around your waist, one hand resting on your stomach and the other on your bare knee. 
The effects of being wrapped up in him are almost instantaneous. Your rage quickly simmers, your body relaxes and you all but sink into the embrace. You quiet then, content to let the rest of the table do the talking for the moment while you memorize the feel of his arms. 
It’s a nervous habit to fiddle with the small charm around your neck, something you do unconsciously, not even noticing until it’s somehow come undone in your grasp. 
“Matty, I need you,” you whisper against the side of his face, watching his eyes darken and the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. He opens his mouth to speak but you interrupt with your fist coming at his face with your necklace clenched tightly within. 
He visibly relaxes, motioning for you to lean forward and swiping your hair to the side.You grab the strands of your hair after he takes the necklace from you, shivering as his cold hands drag across your skin. 
Georgia is shaking her head at you from across the table, having clearly read your lips and witnessed the little moment. You just smile and shrug at her before pressing a chaste kiss to the skin of Matt’s jaw. “Thank you.”
You’re pretty sure you’re dying. By the grace of some higher power, you haven’t seen the inside of your bathroom in a hot minute. Yes, you’ve finally moved past stage one of your hangover, however you’re not out of the woods yet. You’re dying a slow death on the couch—feeling yourself dip more and more into dangerous dehydration levels despite the giant water bottle on your coffee table that had been a gag gift from Matt last Christmas. 
Truthfully, the room is still a little spinny and your stomach still a little unsettled, but perhaps the worst of it all is the splitting headache and the sore throat. Both ailments make sense, you’re a yeller when you drink and you’re certain last night was no exception—even if the memories are slow to return to you. 
It’s not aggression, not really. It’s more that your body can’t contain all the emotions that you so carefully hide in your day to day life, and without the control that sobriety brings, you’re wont to let them all spill out. 
And really, you can’t linger on the what ifs too long, so you settle back in for another nap as an attempt to sleep off the symptoms of your poorly thought out night out with another movie playing as background noise. 
Elizabeth has just rejected Darcy when your phone lights up three times. 
sam: let’s just say you’re screwed if you ever wake up in vegas
you: fuck off sammy
sam: still not my name, lightweight 
sam: at least I didn’t propose last night 
“You know, Sammy,” you slur, no longer angry but keeping up the nickname in hopes that the table will think you are and Matty will let you stay in his arms. “You’re very lucky Liz agreed to marry you because other than the hockey thing you really have no redeeming qualities.”
“At least someone wanted to marry me,” he retorts not unkindly. 
“Matty would marry me,” you state confidently, tilting your head back to look up at the man beneath you. “Wouldn’t you, Matty?”
“Gonna have to get down on one knee, Kid,” Matty laughs, shaking your body slightly from where it leans against him. The dopiest smile crosses your face at the sound and you know you’re being far too obvious but you can’t help it. Matty laughing is your favorite sound, and happiness looks so good on him. There’s nothing you hate more than seeing him sad or upset. Nothing except dirty, sticky bar floors, which makes your next actions even more comical. 
Pulling from his arms for the first time in what feels like an eternity—not that you were complaining—you jump from the table and dramatically flop down to one knee. 
“Matthew—M-Matty,” you hiccup, keenly aware of the dozens of eyes on you and yet utterly uncaring of any of them except the icy blue you stare into now. “You’re my b-best friend. Marry me?”
The look he gives you is fond if frigid, not at all the passionate love declaration you were hoping for. Pouting deeply, you don’t move to pull up from the floor. “Is that a no?”
“It’s a ‘not right now’,” he answers, getting up himself and pulling you up by your armpits. You wrap around him like a vine, not even protesting as he leads you to the bar to grab another glass of water and some appetizers for the table. 
God, you really regret asking about last night. Maybe it was better to live in beautiful, blissful ignorance — if you never remembered all the embarrassing behavior did it really happen? 
Unfortunately your vibrating phone simply refuses to let that happen. 
brielle: and you totally ate shit on the pavement leaving the bar last night 
That certainly explains the dull ache of your biceps, having caught the weight of you alongside breaking your fall. Luckily that appears to be the extent of the damage, given you can wiggle all of your fingers and toes and no other part of your body stings. 
Just your ego is bruised. 
“Why would we go home?” you ask, gesturing wildly at the emptying bar around you as though it were still the hopping venue of an hour ago. 
“Cause the bar staff would like to go home too,” Brielle explains kindly. 
“So we go to the next bar? I’m sure there’s somewhere still open, it’s only midnight!” 
Matty’s arm is heavy and warm and secure as it wraps around your shoulder to guide you to the exit. “I’ve already called us an Uber.”
You preen at the mention of an ‘us’ between you and Matt, suddenly docile and calm, allowing him to guide you outside. 
Far too preoccupied with the weight of him, you miss the broken piece of sidewalk and subsequently toe pick the crack, ending up face down on the pavement. 
Matt is quick, pulling you to your feet with ease and examining your face and upper body for damage. “You alright?”
“If I say no, will you kiss it better?” you crack back, only half joking. 
Shaking his head at your antics, he guides you into the waiting car before sliding in beside you. 
You’re quite content to lean your head on his shoulder the whole drive home, arm curled around his before letting him lead you to your bed.
A joke about inviting him into your bed doesn’t leave your lips, momentarily mesmerized by the gentle way he tucks you in, the soft press of his lips to your forehead. 
Could it possibly get worse, you wonder. 
Matty: let me up?
He’s got a key for emergencies, and although you usually appreciate that he doesn’t misuse it, in this case you almost wish he would let himself in. 
It would give you some extra time to compose yourself and—to be quite honest—you do yet harbor a little fear that getting vertical might have you running for the bathroom once again. 
Neither of those things happen—he doesn’t let himself in and you don’t throw up on your way to the door. You make quick work of the lock before opening the door to reveal Matthew looking as well rested as you’ve ever seen him. 
The contrast between the two of you is likely a stark difference, but his face doesn’t give anything away if he’s thinking it too. 
His first words to you are simple, full of care and compassion. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a bus that then backed right over me again,” you answer truthfully. 
His responding giggle makes your insides feel warm and you can only hope you don’t have the tell tale lovesick look on your face. There’s a moment of quiet contemplation—his chest visibly puffs up and then deflates as he takes a steeling breath. 
“You said some things last night,” he says and you feel your blood run ice cold in your veins. 
You attempt to deflect. “I say a lot of things, Matty. Especially when I’ve gotten into the Tito’s.”
He shakes his head and takes a step towards you. “Last night you said you loved me.”
“Of course I love you, you’re my best friend.” It’s not a lie, not completely anyway. You love him. He’s your best friend. So what if that love you have for him is something a little bit more than friendship? 
He shakes his head again, little ringlets of curls shaking with the motion. “Didn’t sound friendly. You said you needed me.” His voice is rough, tone something heavy. 
“To fix my necklace, Matty. What are you doing?” Your voice in response is a little wild—short clipped sentences spoken in quick succession.  
He appears frustrated. Not necessarily at you, you don’t think, but it’s clear on his face.  “That’s not—You said you wanted to marry me, got down on one knee even. 
“I was drunk, it’s not that deep.” 
He takes the remaining steps toward you, crowding your space and boxing you in with his arms. Yet you know with one word he would back off if you asked. 
You don’t ask. 
“But what if it is? What if I said that I love you too, that I need you too? That the only person who I’ve ever thought about marrying was you?”
“Matty, what are you doing?” you ask lowly, heart pounding so loud you fear he might hear it. 
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” he murmurs and leans in until your lips barely touch. 
It's the invitation you feel you’ve waited a lifetime for. No amount of doubt or hesitation or uncertainty is going to stop you from wrapping yourself around him and deepening the kiss. 
It’s soft and sweet—two decades of buildup, of a beautiful friendship turned something more. It’s you and Matty the way it was always supposed to be—the way it was always going to end up. 
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Can I request a yandere!ceo x male reader please
Ps, I love your writing ♥️
Thank you!
I hope this was to your liking,
I am working on next request and it will be posted tomorrow.
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You are sure your boss hates you.
Sighing dramatically you are met with eyes of worried co workers that are looking at you from behind a comically large stack of documents.
You try to smile at them, then your eyes scan the paperwork again.
You will have to stay after work to even get rid of almost half of the documents.
You rub your face sighing dramatically.
It was tiring, you even regret getting this job in the first place.
You feel a light tap on your shoulder, you slowly turn around to face the person who disturbed your moment of self reflection.
It was May, your co worker, she smiled apologetically.
“The big guy wants to see you. What on earth have you done this time man?” She laughs quietly, you join her.
May must be one of the nicest people you have ever met.
“Man, my excuse of ‘the dog ate my homework’ didn’t go through?”
“It seems like it”
She looks at your pile, her cherry red lips forming an o shape.
“Don’t even start May I swear to God”
“What? What? I haven’t said anything”
She huffed.
„You better go, or he will kick your ass out.”
You groaned, lazily moving your body out of the uncomfortable chair that you are pretty sure has reflected shape of your because of the amount of time you had to spend to sitting on it. May patted your back as you dragged yourself out of the office.
You really REALLY don’t want to go there.
Finally you got to the black door, only now you noticed how sweaty your hands were when you were about to open the door your boss did it first.
You came almost face to face with him, he was slightly shorter than you.
He looked at you with a scowl.
“I was about to get you, come in.”
You only nodded, following him in and quietly praying you won’t die in there.
You sat in front of him, eyes scanning the environment and coming in contact with plate containing his last name.
Oh right, you are so used to calling him big man you actually forgot his name.
“Sir L/n, I am not satisfied with your work.
You are lazy, you are coming late.”
Ouch, that’s, that’s not true, you might have been late few times but you are working as hard as everyone else.
“I was thinking about firing you actually”
Your heart sank, mouth opening to argue. Nothing came out.
“You are so lucky I like you.”
“I’m- I’m sorry?”
“I like you. I thought I was clear.”
Your face burned. How is he even saying it so bluntly???
You saw him get up and walk to the big window that was behind him.
He motioned you to come. You did, you swear you couldn’t feel your legs. You wobbly walked next to Kingston. Your eyes looked at the city underneath you.
“Please go out with me”
That didn’t sound like a question nor request.
“You don’t have a choice really, I can make your life a living hell y/n. I can ruin your image, make you loose your job. You don’t want that do you?” he smiled at you,
You swallowed weakly, nodding.
“Great, I will pick you up at seven tomorrow.”
He clapped his hands.
“You aren’t getting rid of me, you belong to me now honey.”
579 notes · View notes
Twice bitten
Why is my dream to be a housewife? I’m handy okay I have a wild amount of skills I swear I’d be an amazing housewife
Pairing: Buck x Eddie x reader
Word count: ….s’all in da notes app. But I did it okay 🥹🥹🥹 I wrote a longer one it’s a miracle
Notes: I didn’t realize how desperate I was for these two until I tried finding fics for them. Whoever writes them I love you, thank you. Ps, I don’t edit shit I’m sorry
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⭐️Day 16: Double Penetration⭐️
It was normal on certain days of the week for Buck to rush home, the guys teased him for it but he just laughed it off claiming he was excited to just pass out after the long day they’d had.
It was normal for Eddie to crash at Bucks place on certain days.
Why no one noticed these days coincided with each other neither man was sure, but they sure as hell weren’t going to point it out.
Everyone knew you were Bucks longtime girlfriend, you’d met after the neighbors in your apartment burnt down their own home and half of yours. There was nowhere to go that night as you sat in the back of an ambulance, an oxygen mask over your face. Buck approached you first after the fire was out, he had been watching you for a little bit and you hadn’t moved in the last 45 minutes. He looked around, uneasy at first because he knew this was stupid. But you just looked so helpless… and your house had literally just burnt down.
“I uh- I promise I’m not a serial killer” Buck joked as he approached you, you looked at him- your eyes red-rimmed and puffy.
“Okay? Cool?” Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, and Buck inwardly cursed himself. That was weird as hell
“I just- you- you don’t have anywhere to go and okay I know this is weird and my boss would kill me for this… but I have a bed! And oh my god that’s not what I mean I swear it’s just-“
“Are you asking me to stay at your place?” You look up at him and his heart breaks all over again for you.
“Yeah I am” he sighs quietly “I have an overnight shift tonight and won’t be home. So, I can take you there. I’ll just say I need to change or something, just. Consider it? Please?” He handed you a piece of paper with his number on it and the rest was history. Buck could remember the night Bobby had found out he’d done that for you, he was on dish duty for two months after that.
Four months after the fire, you still hadn’t found a place to live. It was weird at first, Buck gave up almost everything for your own comfort, often crashing on a coworkers couch. But one night he came home, and you’d made dinner for him as a surprise. The moment he walked through the door you knew something was off, he let his bag fall to the floor as he kicked off his shoes and went straight to his bed, crashing on it and putting a pillow over his head.
“Buck?” You asked softly, but he continued to ignore you. You sat at the edge of the bed and lifted the pillow a bit.
“Evan?” You whispered, and he reached out, pulling you down with him and nuzzling his face in your neck.
That was the night you and Buck had gotten together.
Two months after that, Eddie showed up at the apartment to drop something off and found you there, he knew Buck was seeing someone but he didn’t know it was you he was seeing. The conversation was light and awkward but very flirty and you found yourself comfortable around him immediately. He came around more often for “just hanging out” purposes but Buck knew there was an ulterior motive.
“Do you like my girlfriend?”
Buck cornered Eddie behind the fire truck one day as they were taking a breather, getting drinks from a corner store.
“I’m sorry, what??” Eddie wiped his mouth as he nearly spit his drink out, he coughed a couple times and looked up at him “Do I like who?!”
Buck crossed his arms over his chest “My girlfriend. Y/N? Do you like her?”
Eddie’s cheeks reddened as he tried to hide it behind the bottle. He shook his head as he took another sip. “ I mean- I- she’s cool yeah I like her she’s a nice girl!”
“You know that’s not what I’m asking you” Buck rolled his eyes.
Eddie sighed as he leaned against the truck, he looked down at his hands for a moment “Yeah” he said softly “Yeah I like her”
“So just tell her”
That night Eddie came over to Bucks house and asked you to be his girlfriend too. Buck had been suspicious for a little while before he started asking you questions and the truth came out. You did like Buck… but you just happened to also like Eddie. The immense guilt you’d been feeling went away very quickly when Buck laid back on his bed, his hands behind his head
“Yeah he’s kinda hot isn’t he”
you both laughed as you laid your head on his chest and just talked about Eddie, like two school girls with a secret crush. That was also the night Buck and Eddie decided it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing if they both found each other attractive.
This brought all three of you to today. Buck got home first, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you like he hadn’t seen you in months, he was stuck at work and then crashing at Eddie’s place for the last six days in a row.
“I missed you so much pretty girl” he breathed against your neck as he kissed it, inhaling your sweet perfume.
“I missed you too babe” you laughed as he pushed you against the counter and lifted you onto it.
“My gorgeous sweet toy” He whispers. His hands slide up your side and go to take off your shirt when the door starts to unlock. Eddie walks in, looking equally as exhausted. He slowly puts his keys into his pocket as he raises an eyebrow.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks as he sets his bag down by Bucks, and leans against the closed door
“Not if you wanted to join us.” Bucks eyes sparkle as he smiles widely. Your mouth drops as Eddie shakes his head chuckling. He removes his jacket and sets it on the hook.
“You sure she’s ready for that?” He walks over and gently turns your head to him, giving you a dizzying kiss. Buck and Eddie had been toying with the idea of talking to you about sleeping with the both of them together. It had just been taking turns or one of them watching the other with you, never all three of you at once.
“Yeah I think she might be” He starts kissing your neck again, easing your shirt over your head.
“R-ready for what?” You ask as Eddie keeps kissing you. You feel Bucks hands slide between your thighs as he leaves kisses down your neck.
“We were wondering, if you’d be up for having us both.” Eddie asks as he pulls away for a minute, smirking at the dazed look in your eyes.
“You can definitely say no and if you say yes you can absolutely use your safe word.” Buck says as he pulls away as well.
“What do you mean by ‘having you both?’” You ask as Eddie picks you up and takes you over to Bucks bed. Buck pulls off shirt as he follows and as soon as Eddie sets you down he eases you onto your back, pulling off your bra and sucking your nipple into his mouth. His hand comes up and massages your other breast as he moans softly.
“We both want to be inside you, Y/N” Eddie says as he pulls off his shirt and starts kissing you, he picks you up and puts you on top of Buck, Buck goes to your other nipple, biting and sucking at it. You moan as you tangle your fingers in Bucks hair, pulling his face up to make out with him. You lightly grind against him and Eddie smirks as he watches your body. He pulls your shorts down and leans forward, giving your cotton panties a sweet kiss.
“What do you think Y/N?” Buck asks between kisses. You reach down and unbutton his pants and Eddie helps pull them off.
“We won’t be upset if you say no, you have full control baby.” Eddie reassures you as he starts to rubs your clit through your underwear. Your hips stutter as you grind against his hand and Bucks cock through his boxers.
“Y-yeah I want to try it.” You pant as Eddie pulls your panties to the side and easily slips his fingers in your soaked cunt.
“Fuck I’m into you” Buck laughs breathlessly as you agree to it. Eddie pulls off his pants and grabs your hips, pulling you a bit closer to him. He pulls his fingers out and you whine, angling your hips towards him.
“Shhhh mi vida it’s okay” He starts to grind his cock against your ass, pushing you against Buck. Buck groans loudly as he starts to grind back. Your gasps and moans come sharper from the pressure of both of them.
Eddie finally pulls off your panties, and your legs start shaking a bit. He chuckles and helps Buck pull off his boxers.
“You ready for this pretty girl?” Buck asks as he wraps his arms around you, kissing you softly. Eddie reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out a small bottle of lube and puts some in his hand, stroking his cock and then rubbing it between your ass. This wasn’t the first time you’d done anal but it sure was the first time with the two of them. He reaches down and lifts your hips a little grabbing Bucks cock and coating it too.
“I-I’m ready” you’re a bit nervous, Eddie rubs your back lovingly.
“Remember you can stop us if you need to but we know you can take it.” Eddie lines Buck up first and he pushes into you easily, your eyes roll back in your head as you moan together, Buck can’t help the way he pumps into you immediately. Eddie chuckles and holds his hips
“You’re both so eager”
He teases your tight hole with his cock a bit and you gulp, you angle your hips a bit and bury your head in Bucks neck. He chuckles and reaches his hands down, spreading your cheeks open for Eddie.
Eddie taps your hole again and pushes in slowly. Your body jerks a bit as he fills you, he pours a bit more lube on his cock and pushes in more. You hold onto Bucks body tightly as they both fill you, your cunt squeezes tightly around Buck and he groans, fighting to keep his hips down for you. Eddie throws his head back as he moans loudly, his grip on your hips tighter and bruising.
“Fuck that’s good, fuck” he leans forward with his head on your back as he waits for you to adjust. Your body is trembling as you lay between the two of them, filled to the brim and trying to adjust to being completely filled.
“Oh my god” your voice is high pitched as Bucks hips snap and he finally loses it, thrusting into you and holding onto Eddie’s arms above you. Eddie groans as he starts thrusting too and you feel like you’re being torn apart in the best way possible. They take turns thrusting in and out of you as you cling to Buck, gasping and crying out their names.
“Ah ah fuck Y/N shit you’re so tight” Bucks mouth covers your moans as he kisses you, it’s messy with the way they’re both pumping in and out of you but it feels good. Eddie wraps his hand around your hair and tugs it back gently, pulling you up to him and starts kissing your neck, his hands slide up your sides and cup your tits as they bounce in his hands, he reaches down and starts rubbing your clit.
“Fuck you better cum pretty girl, make a mess in Bucks lap.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, whimpering and whining as Buck grabs your hips now slamming you down on them. You scream their names, babbling incoherently as you cum all over their cocks. Bucks mouth drops in awe as he watches you squirting all over them both. Your body jerks as Buck holds you down on their cocks, they both hold onto you tightly as they come together inside you. Bucks hips stutter as he pushes his cum deep inside you. Eddie pushes his cock in to the hilt and squeezes your tits, pushing every last drop inside you. He pulls out and lets you fall forward into Bucks chest, his cum drips down your pussy and over Bucks balls.
“Fucking hell man” Eddie laughs as he pants, he turns to Buck and grabs his face, kissing him softly. “You both did amazing. Especially you mi amour” he reaches for you and Buck pulls out, handing you over. Your body is shocked and exhausted as you cuddle between the two of them.
“Promise me we’ll do that again when I can feel my body again?” You ask sleepy and both Buck and Eddie chuckle as they kiss your cheeks.
“Yeah we promise we can do that again.”
463 notes · View notes
corroded-hellfire · 2 years
The year is 1986. Eddie is in danger of not graduating (again). Reader is his girlfriend, and she’s tired of him not taking his future seriously, so she breaks up with him. He finally decides to get his sh*t together and buckles down. But is it too late? Will he graduate? Will the love of his life take him back? Up to you, bb!
xoxoxoxo, @munson-blurbs 💚💚 PS ily
Anything for you, my love! I hope you enjoy the way I broke Eddie’s heart. It hurt me more than it did him. ily2💚
Words: 5.2k
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“Eddie, we’ve got to study,” you say. He’s kneeling behind you on his bed, pressing soft kisses along the back of your neck as you try to focus on the textbook laying open in your lap. 
“How am I supposed to concentrate, hmm? With you sitting on my bed, looking so beautiful,” Eddie says against your skin. 
“Okay,” you say, letting your book thump onto his sheets. “I’m gonna quiz you on stuff that’ll be on our finals. For every right answer, I’ll take off a piece of clothing. For every wrong answer, it’s an extra fifteen minutes of study time.”
“Fire away, baby.” Eddie lounges back against his wall and tucks his hands behind his head, a sinful smirk on his lips.
“Let’s start with English,” you say as you shift on the bed to face him. “What two Shakespeare plays are written entirely in verse?”
Eddie purses his lips, eyes searching his bedroom ceiling as if the answers were written across it in big bold letters. “Hamlet and…McBeth?” 
“King John and Richard II,” you say with a sigh. Eddie groans and lets his hands fall down to his lap. 
“Ehh, shit,” Eddie says. “But just because it had two answers doesn’t mean that’s half an hour of study time! That was one question, so only one fifteen-minute addition.”
“Fine,” you say, silently knowing this is all in vain anyway. Eddie’s been caring less and less about school lately, to the point where you’re afraid he’s going to fail senior year for the third time. “We’ll move onto biology.”
“Take your clothes off and I’ll give you a biology lesson.”
“Eddie,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“Fine, fine, sorry. Go on.”
“What part of the brain deals with balance and coordination?”
One of his dark brown eyes squeezes closed and he tilts his head from side to side as if he’s deliberating what he wants for dinner. 
“The left part. No, wait, that’s a joke! I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Um…the frontal lobe?” Eddie winces, knowing that this was just a wild guess—it was the first part of the brain he could think of. 
“The cerebellum,” you say.
“Okay,” Eddie says, nodding his head. “I’ll remember that. The cerebrum controls balance and coordination.”
“The cerebellum,” you correct. 
Eddie groans, rolling the tension out of his neck before letting his head thump back against the wall. 
“Come on, hit me again.”
“Last one,” you say as you adjust your legs tucked underneath you. “History this time. What city was the first capital of the United States?”
“I know it wasn’t DC,” Eddie says, pointing his finger at you. “Hmm, what other cities were important then? Boston, Philly…Philly! Philadelphia!”
At the shake of your head, Eddie slumps down on the bed.
“New York City,” you tell him. 
“Ugh, fuck me.” Eddie rubs his hands over his face, and you give him a pat on the leg. 
“Not tonight, hot shot. Grab your books.”
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Spending your free period in the library, pouring over books, you’re jarred out of the world of microeconomics by the chair across the table from you screeching against the floor as it’s pulled out. A dark figure plops down in it, and you glance up to see the dark leather jacket and black Judas Priest t-shirt that you’d sat next to in last period English. Eddie runs a hand over his unruly curls and shoots you a smile.
“Hey, babe.”
“Eddie, what the hell are you doing here?” you get out through gritted teeth. You’re almost certain the pencil in your hand is going to snap in half. “You’re supposed to be in history.”
“Ugh, O’Donnell,” Eddie complains, dropping his head back. “I swear, she was there for half the shit she’s telling us about. God, I couldn’t take it anymore. She’s just droning on and on. Told her I had to take a leak and knew this is where I’d find my best girl.”
“Eddie!” You all but shout his name before remembering you’re in the library and you lower your voice. “Eddie, you’re already in danger of failing her class. Among others. Should you really be skipping class?”
“Babe, it’s been five minutes,” he says with a chuckle, his carefree attitude that you usually love grating on your nerves. 
“Okay. So, go back and pay attention now.” Your tone is sharp and curt, but you’ve put up with this long enough. 
“Trying to get rid of me?” Eddie asks, jutting out his lower lip in what is an admittedly adorable pout. He leans forward on the table, letting his hand slide over to rest on top of one of yours.
“Trying to get you to graduate,” you say, snatching your hand away. Your boyfriend watches you with wide eyes as you slam your book closed and shove it into your backpack. Slinging it over your shoulder, you stand up and nod your head towards the library door. “Let’s go.”
Eddie follows behind you like a lost puppy as you storm out of the library and stalk down the hall. Once you’ve turned down an empty hallway, you spin around to face him. The anger in your eyes takes him aback, and he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“You’re mad,” he says softly. 
“Yes, I’m mad,” you snap. “My boyfriend doesn’t seem to give a shit if he graduates high school or not.”
“I care,” Eddie defends weakly.
“If you cared, you’d be in class right now. Or would study with me when I ask—or at all! Jesus, Eddie, I’ve been trying for months to get you to take your future seriously.”
“My future with you is what’s most important,” Eddie says, hand reaching out for you. Hurt flashes across his face when you pull away, and it hurts you too. This isn’t what you wanted. You’ve never wanted to be the reason Eddie’s in pain. But you also can’t just sit by and let him do this to himself. 
“That’s part of the problem, Eddie. You’re so focused on me and not enough on you.” 
“Because I love you,” he says.
“I love you, too, Eddie,” you reply, tears starting to fill your eyes. “That’s why I’m so concerned about you. About your future.”
“I’ll go back to class,” Eddie says, taking a step closer to you. “I-I’ll study with you. Baby, I promise.”
“You’ve said that before.” You squeeze your eyes closed, resolving yourself to what you know you have to do. As much as you don’t want it. As much as it’s going to break your heart. “It’s not enough, Eddie.”
“Then what?” Eddie rests his hands on your upper arms. “Tell me what to do.”
“It’s too late,” you say, shaking your head. 
“W-What do you mean it’s too late?” But the dread in his eyes says he knows exactly what you mean. 
“You’re not taking your future seriously. I’ve tried so hard to help you, but there’s only so much I can push you. At some point you have to do it for yourself. I’m so tired of waiting for you to do it, though. It hurts me to sit here and watch you not care about you as much as I do.” 
“Sweetheart, please—.”
“Eddie, it’s over. We’re over.” 
Tears flood his eyes as his jaw hangs open. Eddie’s hands slip from your arms, and he stumbles back a step. You know the pain on his face must be reflected in your own. And maybe it means you’re a coward, but you can’t look at his broken expression anymore. Tucking your thumbs into your backpack straps, you turn around and walk down the empty hallway, away from Eddie.
Eddie feels numb. He’s walking around school in a haze. Friends try to talk to him in the hallway, but they sound like they’re underwater and Eddie can’t understand them. Gareth waves his hand in front of Eddie’s face, but he doesn’t even blink. Jeff grabs his shoulder, but Eddie doesn’t even feel it, he just keeps walking. It’s not until Dustin grabs Eddie by the zipper of his leather jacket and pushes him up against the lockers that the twenty-year-old snaps back to reality.
“What?” Eddie asks, big brown eyes blinking as he tries to focus on the shorter man in front of him.
“Are you okay? What the hell is going on?” Dustin asks. Eddie’s eyes find the floor and he shakes off Dustin’s hands. 
“She left me,” he mumbles. 
“What?” Gareth asks, leaning in to hear him better.
“She fucking broke up with me, okay?” His friends flinch as Eddie pushes himself off the lockers and runs his hands over his hair. They back away, giving him room to pace the small area around him. 
“Why?” Jeff asks, sounding half afraid to ask the question to his hot-tempered friend.
“She said I’m not taking my future seriously,” Eddie answers. “That I don’t seem to care that I’m failing classes. Again.” Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie can see his three friends share a look. He stops pacing and stares at them. “What?”
“I mean,” Jeff starts quietly, “she has a point.”
When Eddie just continues to stare, Dustin decides to speak up as well.
“She’s been trying real hard to help you, man. You haven’t seemed to care, though.”
“I…I care,” Eddie says. 
“When’s the last time she tried to get you to study?” Dustin asks.
“The other night.” Eddie remembers, thinking about how he failed your quiz. 
“And what did you do?” Dustin asks.
Eddie sighs and rubs a hand over his forehead. “Tried to have sex with her.” 
“This is probably a good thing,” Gareth says, shrinking in on himself when Eddie glares at him. “For you. So you can focus on school.”
Eddie scoffs. “She really think I’m gonna be able to focus on school after she shatters my heart like this? Fuck, I love her so much.”
“I’m sorry, man,” Jeff says. 
“Fuck this shit.” Eddie slams his fist against the lockers and strides down the hall, towards the exit.
When Eddie gets home, Wayne hasn’t left for work yet. He’s sitting on the couch, remote control in his hand as he points it at the small television and clicks through the channels. Eddie wrenches open the front door, dirty black boots stomping into the trailer before banging the door closed behind him. Wayne pauses his channel surfing to raise an eyebrow at his nephew.
“What’s the matter with you, boy?”
Ignoring the older man, Eddie strides down the hallway to his bedroom, footsteps so heavy they rattle the mugs hanging on the living room walls. Wayne was no stranger to Eddie temper tantrums—having raised him through puberty—but this is a level he hasn’t seen since the last time a letter from his father arrived. He gives it a few moments before deciding to see what’s going on with the brooding boy. Wayne hoists himself off the couch, groaning as his bones click and muscles tighten. 
The bedroom door isn’t fully closed, so Wayne swings it open to see Eddie lying flat on his back, staring up at the water-stained ceiling. He hadn’t even bothered to shed himself of the leather jacket or boots before plopping down. 
“I know I may not have taught you much in life, boy, but I know I taught you manners,” Wayne says. 
Eddie stays silent, which is never the case. That worries Wayne more than anything. 
“She dumped me.”
Wayne takes a moment to process what his nephew says. He places his hands on his hips and blows out a breath. 
“What happened?”
Eddie rubs his hands over his face before responding. When he does speak, his tone is bitter. “She said that I don’t care about my future. That she’s tired of sitting around while I’m out here being a dumbass.”
“She wouldn’t say that,” Wayne says with a shake of his head.
“Maybe not with those exact words.” Eddie forces himself to sit up, shoulders slumped. “But the same messaging.”
Sighing, Wayne sits down next to him and pats his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry to hear that. She’s a good kid.”
“I always told her that you like her more than you like me,” Eddie grumbles. 
“Only sometimes,” Wayne jokes with a small smile. “Now, you’re allowed to wallow for one day—two at the most. Then you get your ass in gear and get your act together.”
With a low groan, Eddie flops back down on the bed. “Don’t wanna.”
“Well,” Wayne says, pushing himself off the bed. “The girl is either gonna be right about you or wrong. It’s up to you which one it is.”
Wayne makes his way out of the bedroom and Eddie rolls over so he’s face down on his bed. He squeezes his eyes shut as the first of the tears begin to burn his eyes. The way his throat begins to tighten has Eddie gripping his blanket in his fists. Wayne’s words repeat in his head. Would you end up being right? Is everything you said about him true? Of course it is, he thinks to himself. He’s about to fail senior year for the third time—and he didn’t even care. Until now, he decides. Pushing himself off the bed, Eddie yanks his leather jacket off. He tosses it in the general direction of his closet, not caring where it lands as he bends down to pick his biology textbook from the floor. 
“Should be able to read this whole damn thing before finals.”
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Eddie’s friends hardly recognize him at lunch the next day. Instead of arguing over Lucas missing another Hellfire meeting for a basketball game and munching on pretzels, he has his nose buried in a book. 
“Now I’ve seen everything,” Gareth says, dropping his tray on the tabletop. His brows pinch together when Eddie doesn’t even lift his head. 
“Is that Eddie Munson reading a book?” Jeff asks.
“And not just a book,” Dustin says as he slides into the seat next to his Dungeon Master. He picks the corner up to take a look at the cover to confirm his suspicions, but Eddie’s quick to slap his hand away so he can keep reading. “Eddie is reading Romeo and Juliet.”
“Look at this cultured man,” Gareth says. Still, Eddie doesn’t lift his head. 
“How far do you think this will go?” Mike asks. “Think we could shit talk Metallica?”
“I’m reading, I’m not deaf,” Eddie says. 
“Is this about—” Lucas starts but Dustin elbows him in the ribs. 
Finally, Eddie raises his eyes from the book and sends a death glare to all of his friends. He slams the book closed and snatches it up before striding out of the cafeteria. Weren’t these the same assholes who had told him that you were right about him not taking his future seriously? But the moment they see him trying to improve himself, they decide to make snide jokes. Eddie grumbles as he makes his way to the library, banging the door open and ignoring the sneer from the librarian as he drops down at a table. With a sigh, he opens the book again and continues where he left off before he was rudely interrupted. 
Two periods later, Eddie’s pretty sure Mrs. O’Donnell is going to have a heart attack after he raises his hand and answers a question correctly. The crone takes a moment before continuing her lecture and Eddie smirks in self-satisfaction. 
Once Eddie gets used to his eyes being tired from reading so much, and his headaches from the information overloads start to abate, he manages to bring his grades up. It takes a couple of weeks for him to finally see the difference, but when he does, he feels something that he’s not sure if he’s ever felt before: pride. Being proud of himself is odd at first, and he smokes a bit more than usual to dull the sensation, but he soon comes to enjoy it and the pleasant buzz he feels has nothing to do with the weed. 
A few weeks out from graduation, Eddie’s lounging on the wall in front of the school, stretched out as the late spring sun warms the afternoon, reading the assigned chapter in The Outsiders. A shadow falls across the pages of his book and Eddie squints as he looks up, finding you standing next to him, thumb hooked in the strap of your backpack, a strained smile on your face. 
“Hey, stranger,” you say. 
Eddie pushes himself into a sitting position, letting his long legs dangle over the side of the wall. He closes his book, keeping a ring clad finger between the pages that he’s currently on. 
“Hey,” Eddie says. This is the first time you’ve talked to one another since that day in the hallway. Neither of you had even contacted one another to give back stuff that was at the others’ houses. Eddie knows there’s a handful of his t-shirts at your place and he’s not sure if it comforts him or causes him pain to wonder if you still wear them to sleep. And he knows exactly where the David Bowie tapes that you left in his room are—one is in his stereo right now. He’s managed to either hide or push down the pain from the breakup, but he still spends most nights falling asleep to Space Oddity or Ziggy Stardust. It even got to the point where Wayne had come into his room and said, “As glad as I am that I don’t have to listen to your screaming music, you’ve gotta stop wallowing in pity. Or at least listen to Elvis or somethin’ while ya do.”
“I saw you in the library last week. And I’ve heard that you’ve been working really hard,” you tell him. “I’m glad, Eddie. That’s amazing.”
“Uh, thanks,” he says, nodding his head. Under the guise of avoiding the bright sun, he ducks his head down and looks at his white sneakers. But really, he’s not sure if he can look you in the eye for more than a second at a time. The sadness had given way to anger, which gave away to an empty, aching pain in the pit of his stomach. “I, um, started because I didn’t want you to be right. Apparently, you weren’t the only one who thought I needed to get my shit together. But, uh, now I’m doing it for me. Trying to put me first.”
“Good,” you say. Eddie looks up to see you giving him a genuine smile. The one not many other people got to see. You’re not attempting to give him a pep talk or play some kind of game with him. Eddie can tell that you’re being authentic and really are pleased to see him succeeding. “You deserve it, Eddie. I’m proud of you.”
The words affect him more than he would’ve thought. His throat feels tighter and suddenly the spring day feels like it’s a blisteringly hot August afternoon. “Thanks,” he manages to get out. 
“And I—um, I’m sorry. I really hope you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know.” And he does. Now. He’d had moments of thinking you had done it as a way of calling him stupid or pathetic. But once the haziness of the initial heartbreak wore off, he realized you would never think that, let alone be cruel enough to insinuate it. 
“I guess I’ll see you around, Eddie,” you say, offering him a small wave. He nods his head in acknowledgment and tries to get back to his book. But too much of you fills his head for him to be able to focus on what Ponyboy is talking about.
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Finals come and they go. Eddie waits with bated breath for the results, feeling more on edge, even with kicking up the pot smoking again. When Eddie sees that he’s passed every single exam, the high he feels is better than he could’ve imagined. Not quite as good as some drug highs and definitely nowhere as near the high you gave him, but it’s still good. For the first time in his life, Eddie is excited to come home and wave a school paper in Wayne’s face. In the past, it’d been a detention slip, a letter of reprimand from the principal, or a failed report card that he needed to have signed and returned. But this is something good. Better than good, Wayne tells him. 
“Looks like you’ve got to get yourself a cap and gown, boy.”
So, he does. When he puts them on the morning of graduation though, he groans at how the shade of green looks on him. Black was his best color, according to him, so something this bright just wasn’t him. 
He strolls over to his stereo near the window and firmly presses the play button. Heroes by David Bowie fills the small bedroom as Eddie takes another look at himself in the mirror. No one would look good in this color, he thinks. Well, he muses, that’s not true. You would look good in this color because it’s impossible for you to ever look anything less than breathtaking. 
I, I will be king 
And you, you will be queen
Eddie sighs and turns away from the mirror. Grabbing his keys off of his bedside table, Eddie clicks the pause button on his stereo before heading down the hallway. 
“See ya at the ceremony, old man,” Eddie says to his uncle before he’s out the trailer door. 
Only the graduates and school faculty get there this early, so the parking lot is relatively empty when Eddie pulls in. He hops out of his van and sees Jeff getting out of his car a few spaces over. 
“Glad to see you look as awful as I do in this shit,” Eddie says as he makes his way over to his fellow Hellfire member. 
“Black robes would’ve been brutal under this sun though, dude,” Jeff replies.
Eddie shrugs because he knows his friend is right. Together they walk towards the football field, a place Eddie actively tried to avoid all the years he spent here. It looks like most of the students are here already. Not long after Eddie spots Jason Carver straightening his tie, even though it’s under the gown, all the students are herded into the gymnasium to wait for the ceremony to begin. The gym smells even worse than normal with the whole senior class shoved inside. Eddie spies you off towards a corner, laughing about something with Nancy. It wouldn’t surprise him if you’re trying to make her laugh to take her mind off of the valedictorian speech she’s about to give. Eyes taking in how you look in the green cap and gown, Eddie knows he was right before; you are the only one who looks drop dead gorgeous in the graduation garment.  He knows his eyes have been on you for too long, but he can’t bring himself to tear them away.
“So, what’s going on there?” Jeff asks, seeing where his friend’s gaze lies. “You did what she wanted, right? Are you going to try and get back together with her?”
Eddie sighs and finally breaks his gaze away from you. Instead, he looks up into the rafters of the gym, squinting as the bright lights shine down.
“I don’t really think this was a ‘if you fix this, we’ll get back together’ type of situation,” Eddie says. “Besides, it’s been months. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been on dates with a bunch of different guys by now.” 
“You still love her, though.” It’s not a question from Jeff, it’s a statement. A fact that was as obvious as the scuff marks on the floor of the gym. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, not adding anything further. 
“Shouldn’t you at least try then?” Jeff asks. “You did all that hard work.”
“But I didn’t do it for her,” Eddie answers with a shake of his head. “I did it for me.”
“But you still did it,” Jeff points out. “It won’t be in vain either way, man, because you’re here right now. About to graduate. I’m just saying you should talk to her. See where things stand.”
“Maybe,” Eddie says with a sigh. 
Mrs. O’Donnell bustles into the room—well, as fast as she can at her age. Taking stock of the children around the gym, she claps her hands together to get their attention.
“Okay, okay, everyone. Time to line up. We’ll be starting soon.”
Jeff and Eddie let themselves be herded with the rest of their class and listen half-heartedly at instructions shouted at them as they make their way back outside. 
Once the ceremony starts, it’s long and boring. Nancy’s speech isn’t as bad as Eddie expected, though. But Principal Higgins has to talk, then just about every other school official that Eddie swears he’s never seen in the front office even after all the time he’s spent in there. Then the never ending list of names begins. Of course all the names are familiar to Eddie, but that doesn’t mean he cares enough to watch each of them walk across the stage, shake hands, and get their diploma. There are only a select few people that Eddie actually pays attention for. 
“Nancy Wheeler.”
“Robin Buckley.”
“Jason Carver.” Eddie pretends to gag.
“Chrissy Cunningham.”
“Jeff Donaldson.”
Then it’s your turn. Eddie can’t take his eyes off of you or the big grin on your face as you hop up on the stage and go through the long line of people none of you had ever heard of to shake their hands. Your eyes light up as your diploma is handed to you. Eddie doesn’t even realize he’s smiling along with you until his cheeks begin to ache. That settles it, he thinks. I have to talk to her. 
“Eddie Munson.”
Hearing his own name called over the loudspeaker jars him out of his thoughts. He’s distantly aware of people cheering for him as he makes his way to the stage, but it feels too weird to be real. People didn’t even cheer for him at Corroded Coffin shows. Eddie takes the steps up to the stage two at a time and forces a pleasant smile to his lips as he shakes Principal Higgins’ hand. The rest of the faces become a blur as he moves from person to person until he finally gets his diploma. He grins at the simple rolled up paper in his hands. It’s just a blank piece of paper until his real diploma comes in, he knows, but it means so much more. It’s proof that he did it. That he graduated at long last. The now-familiar pride swells up in him as he heads back to his seat among the students in the green sea of their robes. 
When the ceremony finally comes to an end, there’s hugging and crying and squealing coming from all around the football field. Eddie makes his way out into the parking lot where families are taking photos with their graduates, all smiles and congratulations. Wayne’s truck is hard to miss in the parking lot; by far the oldest vehicle there. Eddie heads in that direction and is greeted by a beaming uncle.
“M’so proud of you, boy.” Wayne pulls Eddie into a hug, which wasn’t a usual occurrence in the Munson household. “You put your mind to something and ya did it.”
“Thanks,” Eddie says, smiling sheepishly. 
The familiar voice coming from behind him has Eddie spinning around so fast he hears his neck crack.
“Uh, thanks,” he says. “You too.” 
“C’mon, let me get a picture of the two of you,” Wayne says, pulling a camera that looks older than Eddie out of his pocket. 
Eddie is about to protest, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or feel obligated, but you’re looping your arm through his before he can even open his mouth. You tilt your head, close to Eddie’s shoulder but not quite touching, and smile prettily for the camera. Eddie musters his best look for the picture as well, but on the inside, he’s cringing as he imagines what that picture must look like.
“Perfect,” Wayne says. He unlocks his truck and tosses the camera inside. “I’ll see you later, Eddie?”
“Okay,” Eddie says.
Wayne pulls Eddie in for another hug before enveloping you in one as well.
“I’m real proud of both of you,” he says.
“Thanks, Wayne,” you reply.
Wayne climbs into his truck and gives the two of you one last wave before heading out of the parking lot. 
“So, uh,” Eddie starts at the same time you say, “So, listen.”
Eddie chuckles and nods his head at you. “You first.”
“Oh, I, um, was just going to ask if you were going to the party tonight. At Cat’s place.”
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” Eddie says as he unzips the graduation robe. “Why?”
“Well, uh, I—I was wondering if maybe you’d want to? I mean, I-I’ll be there. But if you don’t wanna, I totally understand.”
“You want me to?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows at you as he slips his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. 
“I do,” you say, a shy look that Eddie is unaccustomed to on your face. “Like I said, I get it if you don’t want to. But I had to at least ask.”
“I guess it wouldn’t kill me to go for a little while. Might be able to sell.”
“You don’t want to celebrate?” you ask. “Dance and drink?”
“Of all people, you should know better than anyone that I don’t dance,” Eddie says with a small smile. 
“But you drink,” you point out. 
“Why do you want to spend time with me?” Eddie asks, tilting his head to the side, like a puppy wondering what it’s human just said. Better to ask bluntly and get a clear answer then try to piece one together in his mind. 
“I need a reason?”
“Kind of. After you dumped me? Yeah, you do.”
“I miss you,” you admit, so quietly that Eddie almost misses it. “I’ve missed you from the moment I left you standing there in that hallway. So many times I almost caved and begged you to take me back. But then I’d see you studying, and it would remind me that you need to focus on you. And you did. Look what you accomplished. I’m really, really proud of you, Eddie.”
“Not bad for the school freak, huh?” Eddie asks, the beginnings of a smirk curling his pink lips. 
“I think you need a new nickname,” you muse. “We’re not in school anymore.”
“Maybe we can come up with one at the party tonight,” Eddie says, causing your face to light up in excitement. 
“Really? You’ll go with me?” you ask, eyes widening in hope.
“I’d be pretty dumb not to.”
“You’ve always been far from dumb, sweetheart,” you tell him. Hesitantly, you reach out and lace your fingers with his. “I think I came up with a new nickname for you, too.”
“Do tell,” Eddie says. 
“No more Eddie the Freak or Eddie the Banished,” you say, imitating Eddie’s Dungeon Master voice. “You are now Eddie the graduate.”
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lemon-boy-stan · 11 months
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Summary: Diluc's always hated birthdays, but ever since he's been with you, they've gotten better. Genre: angst, fluff, light smut, family themes. Warnings: alcohol consumption, mention of family member death, slight alcoholism, sad themes at the start (it gets better I swear), sex, pretty vanilla but still MDNI, unprotected sex, foreplay, breeding, pregnancy before marriage. A/N: I should have saved this for his birthday LMFAO but I WANT YOU ALL TO SUFFER. PS. I have several requests in my inbox and I will get to them, I promise, just have been facing a writer's block so I wrote this to get out of it!! Hope you enjoy this for now.
Diluc hated birthdays; ever since his eighteenth when his father died, but he knew you loved them. Diluc never drank, but on his birthday, he always found himself pouring glass after glass of wine, drinking the bitter liquid, staring ahead at the crackling fire.
The first birthday he spent with you, he forgot you lived with him.
He expected the house to be empty again, it's ghosts roaming the halls, maybe the faraway sounds of the maids cleaning before they go home. Diluc only ever drank grape juice, and watched with disdain whenever he saw someone drinking an alcoholic beverage.
It was late at night when you came back to the Winery, the maids greeting you at the door. "Luc!" Your loud, happy voice sang, a wave of confusion flowing over him.
"Happy Twenty-Fourth Birthday, Master Diluc!" You chirped, finding him at the long dining table, running up to him and flinging your arms around him, before smelling the wine on the table, on his lips. "Master Diluc?" You murmured softly.
He let out an angry, slurred sound. Your eyes began to brighten, and you bit your cheek to stop yourself from crying. "Master Diluc," you said softly, "what's wrong? Why are you drinking? You hate alcohol."
He grumbled wordlessly, "couldn't save him." His eyes bright and firey red, he looked close to tears. He reached for the bottle, pouring the glass for probably the nth time that night. As soon as he filled the glass, you snatched the bottle.
He was glaring at you now, and not his reflection in the window above the fireplace. Good. "Give it back," he hissed, the words slurred. "I'm not arguing, YN, give it back now." His bright, red eyes could've scared away an Abyss Mage, but not you.
You shrugged, finishing the bottle in one drink. The alcohol hit you like a freight train. You didn't drink alot, only on special occasions or when you were invited to drink with your friends, but even still, you were a lightweight.
You lost your balance and fell, crashing to the ground, body hitting the newly-cleaned floorboards of the mansion.
Diluc roared, the sound rattling the walls of the Winery as he jumped out of his chair, the legs squealing on the floor. He didn't care about the scratches.
"ADELINE!" His voice shook through the house and the maid came running to him, no longer dressed in her work clothes, "yes, Master Diluc?" He finally let the tears fall from his eyes. "Get a doctor," he breathed shakily, "now. Please."
Diluc did not drink on his twenty-fifth birthday, instead, he sat with you outside on the roof, watching the stars fly by. He brought you up through the window in the attic; "Kaeya and I used to come up here as kids." It was a very big window.
He turned to you, "do you want children?" Taking your hand, which was cold even though you were wearing his big, red coat. You smiled at him, "I want everything with you, Master Diluc." He smiled back, leaning in to kiss you.
"I didn't know you wanted children," you whispered softly into his lips, his coat making the tiles of the roof more comfortable. "I want them to look like you," he murmured, sliding his hand between your legs, "I want them to have your pretty voice." He kissed your lips, moaning and moving down to your neck.
"Oh, but Master Diluc, won't people be able to hear us?" But you arched your back nonetheless. He smirked, "it's my birthday, love." Brushing his finger against your panties softly. You moaned quietly, "mpph, oh, okay... If you insist... Nggh,"
"I'm going to give you my children," he purred softly, "and then I'm going to marry you." You moaned even louder at this, "oh, Master Diluc." And he chuckled softly, "you like that?" You nodded, "yes, Master Diluc, please." But all he did was smile, "'please' what, hmm? Be specific." Digging his finger into the fabric of your panties.
You moaned again, louder this time. "Please fuck me," you whined. He smirked, "I said be specific, dear." You clenched the coat with your hands, "please breed me, Master Diluc. I want to have your children, please." He smiled again, "good girl."
On Diluc's twenty-sixth birthday, you finally decided to tell him. It was a Friday, and you stayed at home with him the whole day rather than going out to do errands (the maids often did the errands, but you enjoyed going shopping. It was calming.), eating a delicious meal prepared by Adeline, no wine.
He was enjoying his birthday more this year. He was happy, but he was always talking about how he liked throwing parties in the Winery because it was always empty. Two people was a small amount for such a big house.
The other day you caught him at the store, looking at baby shoes. You'd thought you'd blown it already. "Aren't they so cute?" He bounded up to you. "Let's have a baby. Please." Archons, how were you supposed to hide it now??? You smiled and shook your head, "one day, Diluc."
Diluc turned to you, looking up from his meal. "Are you alright, dear?" You smiled at him, nodding. "I have... Another surprise," you said slowly, watching him. He smiled, "you've already outdone yourself with the presents, my love."
"It's... Kind of a present," you looked down at the table, smiling. You took the test from your pocket, sliding it over to him.
He spent a good five seconds staring at it before snapping his head up. Diluc never cried, but tonight there were tears falling from his red eyes. "You're pregnant?" He whispered, as if it was too good to be true. You smiled, "yes," he blinked, pulling you close to him, "Archons! You're pregnant! I'm gonna be a dad! We have to get married! I just can't believe it! How?... When?..." You giggled softly, so, so relieved that he was happy, burying your head into his neck.
"Three weeks ago," you said, "I was feeling a bit sick so I went to the doctor... They told me to take a test." Diluc cocked his head. Ever since his birthday last year you'd been trying, but no such luck. "But how..." He was in awe. You blushed, "remember that night where you got jealous of that random bard flirting with me while you were working?"
Diluc scowled, "oh. Him. But still..." You giggled, hitting him softly on the shoulder, "remember what you did to me after?" And now Diluc was blushing. "But how on earth did you hide it from me?" You grinned, "I have my ways, Master Diluc. You're not the only one who's got secrets!" Diluc kissed you firmly, "Oh, this is fabulous. Archons! I can't believe it... I really can't! ADELINE!"
The maid came running in, clearly still traumatised from last year. "Master Diluc! Is Miss YN quite alright? What's wrong?" Diluc shook his head, "no, nothing of the sort. Please send out a message to everyone! Tell them to come over immediately, we're celebrating!"
Adeline smiled, "a birthday celebration? I'm sure Miss Jean and Mr. Kaeya would love to -" but Diluc beamed, cutting her off. "No, no! Something much better! My beautiful girlfriend is pregnant! We're going to have children!" He looked so unbelievably happy.
Adeline's face lit up, "well, of course! A party surely must be in order... I'll deliver the message right away and call the other maids to help set up! Oh, congratulations, Master Diluc! This is wonderful news!"
You sighed happily, resting your head against his shoulder as Adeline ran off to send the message. Diluc gripped your hand, "I can't believe it. You have no idea how happy this makes me... We're going to have children! My... This is the best birthday ever."
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itskybabes-blog · 2 months
Duke Dennis Drabble
Duke Dennis x fem!reader (no face claim but poc!reader friendly)
Part two: The Confession
Disclaimer: this is written by a dyslexic person – please forgive any grammar and spelling errors
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TW: swearing, drinking and using derogatory language
Plot: After your big night at an AMP pool part (that you probs won’t remember tomorrow), you finally let your lil’ secret slip.
Word count: 672
ICYMI: part one
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“What the fuck am I doing?” You slurred back in confusion. “What the fuck are you doing?”
You rise up from the bed and try to point your finger at him, but stumble forward because you was unaware of your own strength. Duke has to catch you before your pearly whites were scattered all over his floor.
“See, man,” Duke whines with you in his arms, “this is what I’m talking about”.
You move out his arms and squint your eyes at him, trying to focus on all three of him at once.
“Y/N, you can’t stand up straight. You got yourself stupid drunk and started twerking on everyone. Your nipple was fucking hanging out like you’s some fucking whore or sum,” Duke rants.
“Whore?!” – you sober up real quick – “You’re calling me a whore?” you exclaim back, shoving finger quotation marks in his face.
“Meanwhile, you’re here, throwing this stupid party full of thirsty clout-chasing bimbos who only wanna suck your dick, get your Ps and cut! Fucking lodging your tongue down some random girl’s face – you’d be lucky to not have herpes, right now!” You lay into him, using whatever left over competence you have. Dutch courage is certainly real.
“Whore?” You said again, this time with a soft chuckle - which we all know is not good. Duke knows you found nothing funny but couldn’t care because “you’re a fucking embarrassment!”
“Oh my fucking gosh, more fucking names,” you said with a dramatic sigh. You begin to pace around: “What else am I? A slut? A bitch? What else am I, Duke? Tell me!”
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You end up in a couple centimetres away from Duke with a face full of fire and push him weakly (pathetically) away from her. His look of disgust softens – maybe he was being a little harsh.
So, he takes the punk move: “You know what, I don’t care. This is not even worth it, man. Fucking drunk!”
That one snapped a heartstring. Duke’s back faces you as he had his hand on the knob.
“You don’t care? You never cared about me, did you?” You come back at him.
“What?” He looked back, utterly confused you’d ever say that.
“You never fucking cared. I’m meant to be someone special to you – your best friend – and you only ever want me around when you don’t have a fuck buddy around. When you need a girl to make you look good when your hotline hoe ain’t picking up,” you start to spew some of your deep feelings.
Duke lets go of the handle and leans against the door. “Y/N, I-“
“You don’t fucking care about me. I fucking hop on a 2-hour flight weekly to see your ass and look all pretty for your stream. Then, you kick me out to entertain a next bitch, passing me off to the rest of the bros like I’m some community hoe. You never fucking cared about me. You never fucking did. You-“
“Are you jealous?” Duke saunters back to you, grinning. His diamond grill playing tricks with your hooded eyes.
“Huh? Where you get that from?” You feel your cheeks burn, turning your head to the side.
“As a friend, you care too much about my roster,” Duke tries to explain. He drops his head to try and make you look him in the eye, but you keep avoiding his accusatory gaze.
“You talking like we fucking or sum,” Duke continues to press you.
“Why would I want you, like, what? Like, that’s- Ha! Ewwww,” you try to act repulsed but you never got an A in drama. Your acting skills are subpar.
“Oh, OK. Just know: I’d drop my roster just for you.”
Your head whips around and look Duke square in his face. A goofy and toothy smile plasters across his face.
“You fucking play too fucking much. You can’t be trying to tease me and shit. Why would I fucking want you? You never cared about me before, why the fuck no-“ Duke’s pillowy lips press intensely on yours.
“Girl, shut up.”
“Yes, sir.”
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A/N: here’s the second part! Now, I really hate writing smut so pls forgive me but I’m skipping over that. Pls enjoy this quick update :)
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sunraies · 2 years
Happy and High
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Warnings- 18+, drug use, underage drinking, driving under the influence, swears.
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Chilling at the boneyard, at the end of the party. Happy and high, talking with your friends about a conspiracy theory Kelce heard while wrapped in your boyfriend's arms.
Poorly written Rafe fluff. Established relationship. Not canon at all.
The waves crashed gently, stars shone brightly as the fire burned low, having burned down from a big bonfire that lit up most of the beach to a small campfire in which the group huddled around. 
The party had slowly come to an end, people going home for their curfews or finding places away from the main party to hook up. 
Solo cups were scattered along the beach with empty kegs laying toppled over. It was surprisingly clean for a boneyard party. No blood stained the sand. 
For once the Kooks and Pogues had a decent night, enjoying the boneyard how it was meant to be. A place to party away from any form of authority, somewhere to be young, wild and free. 
For the youth of Outerbanks, this was paradise on earth. Music played loudly with booze and drugs in endless supply under fire lit hidden haven. 
You sat on the sand snuggled in your boyfriend's hoodie, engulfed in his smell and cologne. Your back was warmed by his t-shirt covered torso. His arms wrapped around you while you played with his ringed finger, with his chin resting gently on your shoulder.
"Warm enough, babe?" Rafe whispered in your ear as he squeezed you affectionately. 
You nodded, resting your head back to his shoulder, earning a kiss on the cheek. He smelt of beer, weed, and a smell that was distinctly Rafe under the expensive cologne he always wore. 
Although it was the middle of summer and the air was warm, Rafe always worried about you being cold with the evening ocean breeze. Not that you ever complained, any chance to be bundled in him, you took. 
"I'm telling you, man. Microchips!" Kelce pointed at Topper, solo cup in hand and joint hanging out of his lips as he spoke. 
"The government isn't going to suddenly bug our brains" Topper replied as his arm layed over Sarah's shoulders. 
"No, no. Listen, listen, listen" Kelce held up his hands, gaining the whole group's attention "Not bugging or washing. Nah, none of that shit- "
"Hey, Kel. 3 Ps" You cut him off holding your hand out for the joint, having watched Kelce already waste some. He knew the rules of Puff Puff Pass. 
He just grunted and passed it over before continuing his rant. 
"Anyway, none of that. We buy Microchips with any shit we want on it. Like downloading Google!" He pointed to his temple "to our brains!" 
Kelce leant back like he had blown everyone's mind before laughter followed. 
Rafe took a drag as you held it up to his lips before taking a hit yourself. A comfortable silence fell before Topper spoke up.
"So we would be like robots?" He frowned looking down from his star grazing, having been deep in thought. 
"Yeah, yeah like robots, fucking A.Is" Kelce grinned, coming out of his grump of being laughed at. 
"Don't encourage him, man" Rafe groaned, burying his face in your neck. His best friends were dumbasses.
All he wanted to do, even before the night began was take you back to his empty house, eat pizza and fuck you with no one around. 
His dad and Rose were away at the summer house for the weekend, Wheeze was at a sleepover and Sarah would hopefully piss off to Topper's. It was a perfect weekend for just being with you.
But you had wanted to go to the boneyard as soon as Sarah said about Chase (a guy with good music taste) being on the aux and with Chase as DJ, the boneyard was always popping. 
You wanted a night of dancing, getting drunk and high and what Rafe's girl wanted, his girl got. 
"So like you'd immediately know how to do anything uploaded?" You asked as Rafe groaned again. You hit his arm gently and gained a kiss on the neck. 
"Yes, Yes! Exactly!" Kelce's grin widened "I knew I liked your brain!" 
"Alright, so if you could know anything right away," Sarah joined in as she cuddled into Topper's side more "What would the first thing you learn be?"
"Languages," Rafe sat up straighter "I'd totally bagsy languages" 
"Like all languages?" 
"Of course. Understand and speak to anyone in the world! No brainer. It be tight" 
"You already know French and Spanish" 
"Right but with the chip, I'd know them all" 
Sarah shrugged in response as Rafe grumbled in your ear about being questioned. 
"It's ok, baby. Languages are sexy" you whispered which brought a smile to his face and French being whispered in your ear 
"I want to fuck you" 
"Smooth, love, real smooth" you laughed, sitting up more as you rolled your eyes at him. 
"I'd want parkour skills" You announced earning a few raised eyebrows "Who wouldn't want parkour. Imagine running and jumping to anywhere you liked! Get to places so quickly" 
"Parkour isn't a superpower, baby," Rafe laughed. "You wouldn't gain super speed to run places" 
Everyone nodded and laughed while you slumped back into him "Shut up, language boy" you grumbled light heartedly. 
"Nice come back" 
"Nice come back"  
"Real mature. Don't be like that" 
"Real mature. Don't be like that" 
He scoffed at you mimicking and you copied. 
After a moment of mocking each other, Rafe shut it down with a heated kiss. The others ignored it with it being a regular occurrence. 
"Medical" Topper said, nodding his head like it was the best idea in the world. 
"Yeah? Knowing everything medical" 
"Like a brain surgeon?"
"Totally, being as smart as a brain surgeon would be lit" 
"Seems like a lot of pressure. Everyone would come to you" 
"Oh, shit….nah….I'd want Mega shot skill!" 
"Top, what the fuck is mega shot skill?!" 
"You know, like, always being able to score a goal! Never missing a shot" 
"So the ultimate sports player. Calculating accuracy shit?" 
Topper pointed at Kelce and nodded "right, right!" 
"But the chip doesn't give you superpowers" you reminded them as Rafe chuckled. 
"You'd have this while still in your body. Mate that's shit, it would only work if you were already a pro. Not some stick playing beach soccer or volleyball" 
Everyone again laughed at a poor dishearten Topper before Kelce said cooking which no one could find fault with. After picking at Rafe's language choice for being boring and hearing yours and Top's ideas, no one could discredit Kelce's. 
After a while your eyes began to droop as Rafe played with your hair. Topper and Kelce shared the last joint when Sarah finally said her idea.
"Photographer memory" 
She got the response of a bunch of frowns followed by groans.
"Shit, you win"
"How did none of us think of that?" 
"You'd know everything just by looking at how to" 
"How long did that take you to think of?" 
Sarah shrugged with a smug look, she'd won the game, that wasn't a game in the first place but being high and happy, you all let her have her victory. 
"Can we have pizza now?" You said softly to Rafe, curled into him more having been in your own world for a little while. 
"Of course, pretty girl" He smiled down at you "Let's get you home" 
He kissed your forehead before standing up and helping you, brushing the sand off your butt and cheekily pinching it. You squealed and laughed as he pulled you into his side. 
"Pizza?" Kelce asked "I'd be up for pizza" He'd been laying on his back but was clearly still with it enough to hear you. 
Rafe groaned "No, fuck off" 
Kelce pouted "I want pizza too"
"Actually pizza sounds real good right now" Sarah smiled and Topper nodded happily 
Rafe ran his hand down his face "Go to fucking Top's and get pizza then"
He was honestly losing patience, his hopes of the weekend he had planned were back when you asked for pizza. It's all he wanted now. To be rid of these losers and just have you. 
"It's my house too," Sarah protested, folding her arms. Rafe looked up to the sky.
"Kick them out after pizza" you suggested, not wanting this night to end in a Cameron sibling agrument. It'd been nice have your closet friend and boyfriend in the same space, not fighting for once.
Rafe took a few more minutes before looking down at you and nodding "fine" He sighed "Alright! Fine!" 
That's how you all ended up in Rafe's truck, you and Sarah blaring music and singing along. Topper laughing at Kelce as he hung out the window. While Rafe raised his hand on your leg as he drove, praying that pizza wouldn't make everyone stay the night. 
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unforgivenntired2 · 4 months
Flames of desire🔥
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You nervously tapped your foot against the floor, feeling Dabi's intense gaze burning into you. The atmosphere crackled with tension as you stood before him, his piercing blue eyes scanning every inch of your being. His presence alone was enough to send shivers down your spine, igniting a fire deep within you.
"D-Dabi," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smirked, the corners of his lips curling up in a wicked grin. "What's the matter, doll? Nervous?"
You swallowed hard, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks. Dabi's dominance was intoxicating, overwhelming you in the most delicious way possible. You couldn't help but crave his touch, his control, his fiery passion.
"I-I'm just...," you trailed off, unable to find the right words under his intense scrutiny.
His smirk widened, his eyes darkening with desire. In one swift movement, he closed the distance between you, pressing his body against yours. You gasped as you felt the heat of his skin against yours, the electric sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"Tell me, sweetheart," he whispered huskily, his breath hot against your ear. "Who were you talking to earlier?"
You swallowed nervously, feeling his possessiveness radiating off him in waves. "N-no one, I swear," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Dabi's grip tightened on your waist, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Don't lie to me, baby," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "I saw the way he was looking at you. You're mine, do you understand?"
You nodded frantically, feeling a rush of excitement at his possessive words. You loved it when Dabi showed his dominance, when he claimed you as his and his alone.
"I need words, Doll. Words."
"I'm yours, Dabi," you breathed, your heart pounding in your chest. "Only yours."
A wicked grin spread across Dabi's face, his eyes burning with lust. Without warning, he captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth with fervent passion. You moaned into the kiss, surrendering yourself completely to him.
Dabi's hands roamed over your body, his touch setting your skin ablaze with desire. You arched into him, craving more of his intoxicating touch, more of his overwhelming dominance.
"I'll show you who you belong to, doll," he murmured against your lips, his voice laced with possessiveness. "And no one else will ever, EVER lay a finger on you again."
You whimpered at his words, feeling a surge of desire coursing through your veins. With Dabi by your side, you knew you were in for a night of sexual desires and passion.
As he carried you to the bedroom, careful not to break the kiss, his dominance washing over you like a tidal wave, you couldn't help but feel a rush of butterflies in your stomach. With Dabi, every touch, every kiss, every whispered word was like stepping into a blazing inferno of desire.
"Why don't you show me just how much you appreciate me then?"
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Ps- I'd posted this on my other account @unforgivenntired first but it got deleted all of a sudden so reposting it here.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
So this one is angsty (if you squint) basically reader is Bakugos little sibling (by like a year or two to not make it weird) and they grew up together…And this is kinda mean!Izu x reader but whatever
Izu one day just randomly reflects on Bakugos bullying and is like well fuck him and decides to date his younger sibling to fuck with Bakugo as ‚revenge‘
Failing to inform them he was only dating them to fuck with their brother. He‘s still doting and sweet and oh so loving(he also failed to realize he fell for reader fr)…and on one random Tuesday they just overhear him speaking about it like on the phone to his friends being like „yeah Kacchan is totally pissed it worked like a charm“
Reader absolutely breaks down and runs to Kacchan for comfort because big brother is always the solution🤞 so then Izu dosen’t even realize and tries talking to reader and they just cut all contact and Izu panics and realizes what he feels for them but it‘s too late hehe. (I need some sort of happy ending for reader😭)
Bonus ofcourse would be lots and lots of groveling before they eventually restart, or reader moves on if you‘re not the second chance type..revenge is always the answer🫶🏻 idk both ends would be cute Idk when I turned into an angst Whore I used to be a fluff addict😞 #𖢥 izuku anon
i’m not much of a second chance person when it comes to this stuff but……. i like fluff……. so we shall see how the ending goes…….. it’s a wild card for the both of us???
(ps there is swearing bc it’s me…) (pps i did add a part where he said ‘fuckin with my blood’ but i originally had like— an adopted sibling in mind?? so just read however you’d like!!) (ppps i added some comfort from our girlies and kiri bc i LOVE them)
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for this we’re gonna pretend like the boys have had no progress in friendship and that they HATE each other with a passion and that season 6 didn’t happen!! AND that they’re in their second year while you, darling reader, are a first year at UA!!
okay so. despite katsuki being such an asshole and probably the most difficult person to deal with— he has such a soft spot for his little sibling!!
he makes it known that if anyone fucks with you— he’ll beat them worse than they could ever imagine. you thought his normal threats were bad? oh sweetheart, these are far worse!! he’ll go into solid detail and even give ‘warning’ hits.
enter izuku, your longtime crush. ever since you were kids, you have always liked him. loved him, even. you admire how ambitious he is and how far he’s come.
izuku was dense about your crush at first, in all honesty. it wasn’t until he overheard your conversation with katsuki in the dorm stairs one day!!
it was something along the lines of “you can’t love that nerd!” “but i do! and if he feels the same i don’t want you ruining this for me!” “you’re too good for him! plus you’re too young to date anyways!” “katsuki, i’m not a baby anymore! look— if he ends up rejecting me then i’ll tell you. and you can do whatever you want, okay?” “okay. and if he accepts then, i’ll punch him too.” “katsuki no—”
izuku usually isn’t the type for petty revenge but— katsuki has hurt him for long enough. so this would be a great way to get back at him, right..?
now let’s dive into izuku’s little plan—
like i said before, he isn’t one to do this sort of thing. he really isn’t but— katsuki just… fuels a fire in him that he can’t put out.
izuku thought this little idea was crazy (it is), so he confided in someone about it— can you guess who?? wanna know who??? the one and only…
kaminari denki!!
that is correct, he confides in kaminari. see— izuku doesn’t tell kaminari that the person is katsuki’s little sibling.
izuku just tells him “i want to piss this guy off by dating their younger sibling but, i feel like that’s crazy…” and kaminari says “nah dude, if that person is a piece of shit then i say go for it. i mean— if they’re shitty then their sibling probably is too!”
which is very incorrect— you and katsuki aren’t alike.
well— you are?? but also aren’t??? if that makes sense
anyways… izuku was STUPID and took his advice.
so— izuku enacts his plan. he’ll fake confess to you, in front of katsuki. it has to be in front of him. he’ll date you for a bit to make katsuki mad, lead you on a little, then break up with you. easy peasy right?
first off, he did confess in front of katsuki but, katsuki punched him right in the face.
second, when you accepted his confession, katsuki punched him again. this time in the stomach.
but hey— anything for petty revenge… ig…?
anywhooo y’all get into a relationship!! and it’s a dream for you, truly. you’re with the person you’ve been in love with for basically your entire life!! and that person loves you back!!!
literally everyone is jealous because you’re the couple. the blueprint. the outcome. the relationship. (or so you and the others thought….)
the relationship is… healthy? i mean, it is healthy if you ignore the fact that izuku is doing this all to piss off katsuki!!
and oh my god— katsuki is fucking angry. he’s always ‘mean mugging’ izuku. he isn’t doing anything,,, physical because you chewed him out for it. like— you really laid into him when he punched izuku. and you had a very lengthy talk with him. so, he’s keeping his hands to himself— for now.
okay moving on from that??? kaminari doesn’t put two and two together when izuku starts dating you— as much as i love him, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box! yes he’s smart but c’mon……..
which actually brings me to how you found out!!!
so……. one day you and izuku are just walking down the hall to go to his room, y’all planned a cute movie night!!! (which he was really looking forward to) when the lovely kaminari denki comes strolling up to him.
“hey dude! how’s that revenge thing going? it’s been what?? eight?? months— you piss off the guy yet? is he totally mad that you’re with his sibling?” kaminari had the widest grin— he’s so dumb, bless his heart.
“izuku, what does he mean?” “i— kaminari, i don’t—” “huh? he’s dating some guy’s sibling to piss him off cause the dude’s a total piece of shit and i thought maybe the dude’s sibling was shi—” “kaminari! stop it!” izuku slapped his hand over the blonde’s mouth. all you could say was ‘oh’ then you ran towards katsuki’s room, hoping he’d be in there.
“wait— was— was the guy katsuki and the sibling was them!?” kaminari shouted in surprised (jfc…). izuku sighed with a nod. “dude you fucked up. like really fucked up. they were a total hottie?? and super cool?? plus katsuki is gonna be really pissed.” “i know…”
izuku felt so guilty because he was genuinely beginning to fall for you— like seriously!! he’s in love with you and now everything is ruined. i mean, he knew he’d have to tell you at some point because, no relationship should be built on lies but still !!
when you told your brother— he felt beyond pissed, angry, furious, etc. his emotions were indescribable. katsuki genuinely wanted to kill izuku. yeah, he’s always said ‘i’ll kill you’ but it’s not like he ever actually meant it.
but this time—
he really did mean it. he felt like he could commit murder.
“outside.” katsuki grabbed izuku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him through the dorms.
“wait— kacchan just let me explain!” he panicked, he wanted to tell katsuki that he did love you. that his intentions weren’t good at first but his feelings became real very quickly!
“what dumb ass excuse could you possibly have that would make this fuckin’ situation better!?” katsuki’s left hand sparked as he tossed izuku outside the doors.
“i— i’m not trying to make the situation better! i j-just want to explain!” “you have one minute before i blow your head off.”
“i did it to make you mad at first but— but, i ended up really falling for them! seriously! i w-was going to tell them!” “why the fuck would you even think about doin’ that shit!? even i wouldn’t go that low!” katsuki’s hands grew hot. he was on the verge of becoming a murderer.
“i’m sorry! i really am! i just— i was so mad at you and it was petty revenge!” izuku’s hands were raised in defense. “that shit wasn’t revenge! that was fuckin’ with my blood!” katsuki raised his hand to izuku’s face, getting ready to blast him— but he was stopped. “bakugo, midoriya. nezu’s office, now.” a very tired sounding, aizawa demanded.
while that was going down— you were left in katsuki’s room, crying on his floor.
“uhm— hey, it’s just us…” mina, jirou, and kirishima walked in. you wiped your eyes and nose, you didn’t really like being seen in a vulnerable state. something you and katsuki had in common.
“so we uh… kinda heard about what happened from kaminari.” jirou whispered as her jacks poked together. “i’m sorry, he’s a loud mouth…” “and uhm… your brother isn’t exactly quiet either.” kirishima looked to the ground beside you.
“i kinda heard their conversation… midoriya said he loves you…” mina sat beside you. “so what are you gonna do? are you gonna hear midoriya out..?” you shrugged.
even if he really did begin to love you, how could you ever trust him again? and— what if he was lying to your brother just to get an easy out?
you felt sick— and you felt like a fool. you felt so stupid for thinking that your brother’s enemy could actually have feelings for you. you felt like an idiot.
“i think… i think that, maybe, i could hear his explanation but… i won’t forgive him or give him another chance. i can’t trust him again. plus, i’d look like a fool going back to him…” you mumbled into your arms, your knees were to your chest. the three just gave an understanding nod, then, huddled around you for an awkward but, warm, group hug.
“alright.” you heard your brother’s gruff voice from the doorway. “you three, out. now.” he pointed towards his friends and you watched them leave.
“so… what happened?” you asked, your brother plopped down beside you. sitting in his usual ‘delinquent’ position. “almost murdered him. got stopped by aizawa. got scolded by nezu. now ‘m suspended for 5 weeks. gotta do supplementary classes n’ shit.” “i’m sorry, kats.” he scoffed and gave you an ‘are you fucking serious’ look. “why the fuck are you apologizin’!?” you fiddled your fingers, “i got you in trouble…” he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked the back of your head. “idiot, you didn’t. was all me.”
there was a bit of silence, it was a comfortable one. you and katsuki always shared this sort of quiet.
“did they tell you what happened?” he asked in a hushed tone, referring to his friends. “yeah…” “and…?” “and i’m not gonna forgive him or anything. he lied to me. why would i wanna be with a liar? plus, what if he was lying about actually having feelings for me now? i can’t trust him again.”
katsuki gave you a small, smile. one that said ‘i understand. i’m sorry he did that. i’m here for you. and i love you.’
when it comes to him, words weren’t needed most of the time. looks could tell all. and that look told you everything you needed to hear.
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i’ll be so real— i was very a teensy bit drunk writing this… so like if it doesn’t make sense or anything i’m so sorry
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anami-io · 2 years
There's no need to exchange pleasantries.
ღ Scaramouche/Wanderer x F! reader.
Note: A scenario in which you and scara/wanderer/Kunikuzushi head up the mountain to thaw the ice. (I know aether or lumine does it but let's just pretend it was you guys for the time being!) You also happen to run into some old friends along the way. Some jealousy rouses in scara, which causes him to realize his feelings toward you. See what else happens as you read loves! :3 
PS: I listened to the album for dragonspine - Vortex of legends while writing this!
Warnings: Mentions of you getting sick. Slight swearing. 
Word count : 3,966
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You have to admit. heading up the freezing mountain in Dragonspine wasn’t entirely what you’d expected it to be, for starters. You didn’t expect yourself to love the scenery as much as you did before you arrived. The hike was indeed a bit challenging. A few treasure hoarders stopped you in your tracks as you both made your way toward the next huge pieces of ice that you guys needed to thaw. Not to mention some fatui agents had also tried to stop you as well. There was a bit of an awkward silence that sat between you two as you continued your way up Dragonspine. You however were just a bit annoyed, as you recall your earlier attempt of trying to spark up a conversation. 
From Kuni’s perspective, he sighed as the strap on his hat flew against his face, making him raise his arm to move it away. The wind began to howl in your faces, he sighed once more and glanced over in your direction. You squinted and continued forward, your scarf covering your mouth.  Walking up to one of the torches that were lit up near the path. You placed your gloved hands out and sighed for a moment. A certain feeling began to build up inside Kuni as he glanced toward your face. The small glow of the fire illuminated your face in the cloudy atmosphere. He glared a tiny bit. You were talking non-stop before and after you left Sumeru city. Even your journeys after. What happened now? 
“Why are you so quiet?” He asks with a hint of annoyance.
You glanced up at him surprisingly as he said this. Only for a moment, as you stood up straight, your scarf stooping below your chin. You thought for a moment before a smug look was then plastered onto your face. 
“I thought there was no need to exchange pleasantries.” You gave him a small smirk. His eyes widened before he scoffed and turned on his heel. You didn’t see the embarrassment on his face.. 
“Moron,” he mumbles
“I forgot that humans get cold,” Kuni spoke as he then continued his way, taking the lead this time. 
“Wait for me!” you said as you ran after him. He took a turn into some type of cavern. You saw the elemental monuments and took a step forward before you stopped and saw two Ruin Guards who were currently sitting on the ground.  
“Shit.” You whispered.
“I don’t think that they’re powered. Think about it, they would have already gotten up.” Kuni speaks, his back against yours. 
“Yeah but I bet they’ll power up when we finish this puzzle.”
“You said you needed to finish this commission though. We can take them unless you're too weak, I can do it myself.” He smirked 
“Ugh I'm not weak you ass, you’re right about me needing to finish this commission though.” You groaned 
 It took a good few minutes but you got the puzzle done. Your theory had been correct about both Ruin Guards turning on after the puzzle had been finished. Both Ruin Guards indeed stood up, and a strong gust of wind and snow began blowing around you both. Kuni and you both made swift work of taking care of both of them. You let out an exhale when suddenly a huge Ruin Grader crossed your path in front of you. Your breath hitched as you summoned your weapon. 
“You’re fucking joking,” you stated making Kuni hold out a hand in front of you. Standing in front of you as he then rose into the air quickly taking care of the annoying machine. 
“Thanks,” you sighed as you exhaled softly before pausing and sneezing softly. 
“Let's head up.” you finished. Kuni glanced up at the sky for a moment seeing that the once bright sky was now dark and cloudy.
“I think we should find somewhere to stay for the night and get some rest,” he states 
“Why are you tired?” you ask in confusion, it’s hard to believe that he could ever be tired. You thought to yourself.
“It’s not for me,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Are you seriously this dense?” he asks 
“Rude I understand now, I’m fine, let's keep moving.” You started as you made your way back down the path. After fighting a few hilichurls, samachurls, and mitachurls. You finally made your way to a tiny cliff with a clearing. You began to feel a bit weird, tired actually. Panting as you made your way forward. 
“[Name], I’m not kidding anymore let’s head to mondstat and find an inn or-”
“Kuni, I said I’m fine-” you stopped as you felt dizzy, your vision blurring. You heard a ringing noise in your ears whilst also hearing shouting and growling. Your gaze made its way toward a white and blue blur to your left. A Frostarm lawachurl growled and pounded its hands on its chest, getting ready to attack. Your vision began to fade into the abyss as you felt yourself being yanked backward and a blur of blonde and white before the world fell into complete darkness. 
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  ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
Waking up to see a blur of red made you groan softly. You began to slowly sit up before you were pushed back down softly. 
“What the hell are you doing, lay back down.” you heard Kuni’s familiar voice. You slowly regained your vision after blinking a few times.
“What happened?” you asked groggily.
“You fainted because you were beginning to catch a cold, now it’s worse,” he stated before moving the covers above your shoulders. His hand grazed past your cheek making your heart jump for a moment. He then looked straight toward you for a moment.
“Shit, you’re burning up again damn it!” He states he sighs before turning and walking toward another part of the room. It was then that you took a look at your surroundings that you realized you were at an inn in mondstat. 
“Drink, now.” he held a cup toward you. 
“Okay mom.” you joked, making him glare at you for a moment.
You tipped the cup to your lips before tasting the bitterness of what you assumed was medicine. Sucking it up, you finished it before letting Kuni take the cup from you. You sighed and laid back down before resting your eyes once more. 
“Don’t ever do that shit again.” you heard Kuni’s soft low voice reach your ears making you snap your eyes back open. 
“What?” you asked, he snapped his gaze back toward you with wide eyes. 
There was an awkward silence for a few moments as you two stared at each other before he scoffed and got up. He then said something that you couldn’t make out.
“Nothing. I have to go and get something. I’ll be back, go to sleep.” He states without looking back before walking out the door and closing it behind him. 
“Well okay.” you frown as you think back to the look on his face.
Was that..Fear? Sadness? 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
You heard a knock at the door and slowly woke up from your sleep and slowly sat up. 
“Come in,” you stated, throat a little dry. 
That’s when a familiar girl dressed in red walked in. 
“[Name]!” Amber stated as she made her way over to your side of the bed. She reached her arms out and gave you a gentle squeeze.
“You’re okay.” She smiles as she pulls away.
“Amber, it's so good to see you! I missed you!” You smiled before you both began to catch up a tiny bit on things.
“Who is that boy that's been here with you?” she asked as she gave a tiny smug look.
“He’s my travel partner and friend. I call him Kuni.” You held your hands up. 
“Mhm, I see. You know when he and albedo brought you in, he looked so scared. Yelling for us to make sure that nothing happens to you or else. He was pretty scary himself.” Amber gives you a cute eye-closed smile while laughing nervously and scratching the back of her head. 
“Really?” You asked as you then pictured the scene in your head. Your face began to heat up. 
“Yeah well, anyway I brought you this!” Amber smiled as she held out a tiny red pin that resembled the cute bunny ears on her head. 
“I’ve been meaning to send you a letter or find you because I’ve missed you, but you’re always traveling so it was kinda hard ha.” She said sweetly. You glanced down at the small cute gift. Tearing up a tiny bit at how sweet Amber could be. 
“Thank you Amber I love it!” You smile and wrap your arms around her. After pulling away you smile and turn to glance around the room.
“Was Kuni in here or?” You asked 
“Last thing he said was that he needed to get you more medicine, that he was heading to liyue. For now he wanted you to rest so just try to take it easy. Oh! I brought you a book from the library, Here!” 
She reached into her pouch that hung from her belt and pulled out a small book, handing it over to you. 
“I know that you liked these type of books so I picked one up for you since you were practically asleep for a day already-”
“A DAY?!” You thought it was just a nap.
“Hey hey relax! You were really tired and sick! Kuni? Was it? He’s the one who’d been taking care of you all day yesterday and ever since you were brought here into the inn.”
You turned your gaze to glance worriedly out the window, guilt eating your insides. You couldn’t exactly understand why you felt this way. You did know that you deeply care for Kunikuzushi AKA Scaramouche. Ever since you had run into Aether and decided to travel along the famous traveler for a few journeys. You were there the day that those mysterious meteors had appeared, meeting him changed you. From the very moment that you met him, you saw right through him.You recall the night that you had spent camping out near the meteor occurrence. 
You glanced at the dark night sky to see another meteor flying into the ground from afar. Running off toward the sight, your body ached a bit due to being tired. Coming to a halt, the air around you made you feel light headed. It was then that you realized you weren’t alone, over toward the left far side of the crash to see that mysterious boy from earlier. His eyes were closed as if he seemed to be remembering something. It looked like it pained him, the frown on his face was clearly evident that this boy had been through a lot in his past. His eyes snapped open, his gaze flicking toward you. 
“You again.” He grumbled, he then wiped that frown off his face. 
“Where are your f-”
“You’ve been hurt before.” Lips moved without thinking.
His eyes widened, he looked purely surprised to hear you say this.
How could this strange mortal know anything? I can tell that she is being sincere.
Her eyes.
Her expression.
“I’m sorry..” she muttered.
“Nevermind that, It was nice running into you again but I have to go.”  He turned and took off. 
“[Name]?” you heard Aether call out making you turn.
“You can’t just leave like that, you scared me..” Aether trails off, his eyes held fear and worry. Looking as if he was on the verge of tearing up. Your eyes flashed with guilt.
“I know I’m sorry.” You reached out and gripped his shoulders in reassurance. Giving a soft smile before turning to glance in the direction of where that boy had gone, only to see that he had already disappeared. Or so, you thought.
From the top of the cliff above you, his eyes lingered on you as the blonde haired traveler guided you back to your campsite. 
“You’ve been hurt before.”
He watched as you tried looking for him but never spoke of him. Scoffing as he turned and made his way back.
Back to the present
It was already evening in Mondstat, the sun beginning to set and he still wasn’t back yet. 
Where was he?
 You do understand that Liyue isn’t exactly close but still. Archons, you already finished your book Amber had given you. You sat up and pulled the blankets off of you, Getting dressed into your usual gear and outfit. You opened the door to your room and stepped out, making your way toward the exit. Stepping out into the city of freedom, the wind blew softly against your face, and through your hair. Gazing toward the sky and your mind immediately thought of Venti. 
Strolling through the courtyard and making your way toward the Knights of Favonious headquarters. Entering the building made you feel nostalgic as memories of you and the traveler meeting everyone flashed through your mind. Your lips tugged into a smile, beginning to miss him a tiny bit wondering how Aether was doing.
You walked through the doors of the library, and made your way down the staircase, toward the section of your choice. That’s when you heard a familiar high pitched voice coming from another section. You immediately walked toward where you heard Paimons babbling and met face to face with Aether,Albedo,and Paimon. 
“[Name]! What are you doing here?!” Paimon exclaimed in disbelief.
“Yes I was just about to ask you the same question.”
“I see you’re doing better after the attack, I’m glad you’re well, though you really shouldn’t be out of bed and should be resting, how are you feeling?” Albedo’s voice reached your ears.
“Yeah about that-”
“An attack? What happened, are you okay?” Aether asks 
“I’m fine honestly, Me and Kuni were just trying to finish a commission and it was in dragonspine so I caught a cold and almost got attacked by a Frostarm Lawachurl.”
“I was able to deflect the attack and saved her while her partner pulled her out of the way when she fainted. I managed to take out the Lawachurl with one blow, but after that He kept threatening to kill me if I got too close. He seemed very wary of me and didn’t trust me one bit. It took a bit of explaining but we got her to my lab and got her a potion. Brought her to Mondstat where we took her to the infirmary. He threatened me and Amber telling us that we’d better make sure nothing happens to her or else. After she was treated, he took her to the  inn.” Albedo explained, you sighed when he mentioned how Kuni threatened to kill him.
Aethers arms caught you off guard as he gave you a tight hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He whispered, making you smile softly and return his hug.
“I was just thinking about you when I walked in, I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, it’s so nice to see you again-”
“Hey don’t forget Paimon! Paimon missed you too!” you laughed.
“Has your temperature risen at all since then? Shall I prepare some potions?” Albedo places his gloved fingers along your cheekbone. 
“[Name]!” you heard a familiar voice making you pull away from Aether.
You turned and felt your hand get tugged toward Kuni.
“You’re supposed to be resting, you’re still getting over your cold idiot!” He speaks
“Traveler,” There was a brief moment of silence before Kuni pulled your hand again.
“Sorry to cut this reunion short but she needs to be in bed right now.”
“I’m fine!”
Kuni softly smacks his hand against your forehead making you glare at him.
“Your fever is coming back moron, I told you to rest,” He turned toward the traveler and Albedo for a moment.
“Excuse me but I’ll be taking her back with me.” He finished as he began dragging you back to the inn.
“I’ll talk to you soon Aether!” You said softly and he glanced at Kuni and you surprisedly before returning your smile and a wave. 
As you both made your way back toward your room at the inn, he closed the door behind you and pushed you toward the bed. He turned his back toward you and picked up a box that laid on the dresser. He opened it and took a bottle out pouring the substance into a cup. Turning toward you he pushed you to lay back before handing you the cup. 
“Drink it, then go to sleep.” He watched as you took the bitter medicine in before laying down. He walked toward the door and walked out into the living room. You sighed and closed your eyes. Soon enough you fell asleep. 
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“No! Wait please! Anything but the Gnosis! That’s mine, don’t even try!” 
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“[Name]?” Aether called out to you.
“It doesn’t feel like a victory..” You whispered before turning away from the former harbinger. Seeing the pain in his face and hearing it in his voice made you unable to stay any longer.
You sat up with a gasp, tears wanting to prick at your eyes. Those were memories that you hated to remember, due to the way they made you feel. Yet no matter how hard you try to push them back, they continue to eat at your mind. No luck with falling asleep now. Your mind wandered to Kuni. The hurt he must’ve felt. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Kuni?” You call out a bit loudly. 
After a moment you hear some movement and shuffling, before the door opens and Kuni pops in. 
“What?” He asks with a small glare.
“I can’t sleep-“
“No you can’t get up, just close your eyes.” He said as he was about to close the door.
He paused.
“I was gonna ask if you can come and talk with me until I fall asleep?” 
He stood quietly for a moment before closing the door and taking a seat in the chair beside the bed. 
“Thank you,” you smiled before getting a little dizzy, your face fell, laying back into the bed. 
“I wanted to say a few things since we haven’t really been able to talk since I’ve been out. I’ve also been thinking about a lot of stuff.” Your voice made Kuni glance toward you.
“About what?” He tore his gaze from you toward the window.
He sounded a little cold with his tone. Trying so hard not to make eye contact with you.  
“Thank you, for taking care of me, I really appreciate it.”
He continued to glance out the window as you spoke.
“Hmph.” He scoffs 
You frowned softly and scooted toward the side he was near. Grabbing his hands in yours making him glance up at you.
“I really mean it, the fact that you went all the way to liyue to Bubu Pharmacy. When Amber told me, I pieced it together. I really appreciate you, I also want to apologize for not listening to you when you suggested that we should go to mondstat. I was reckless and stupid. I understand now..” You gripped his hand before reaching the other to tilt his hat up to a perfect angle, that way you could see all of his face. 
He looked a little flustered for a moment, like he wasn’t expecting this. Glancing into your eyes before turning his gaze toward the window. 
“Yeah well,” he started before he squeezed your hands as well.
“You should know I’m always right.” He glanced back at you. 
You rolled your eyes.
“I’m being serious here,” You glared 
“I really appreciate everything you’ve done so far to take care of me. We’ve been traveling together for quite some time now. If anything were to happen to you at all. I would do the same for you, because I really care about you. I wanna tell you something.” You pulled his hat off and placed it on the desk. Standing and Pressing both hands to either side of his face while glancing down at him. A stunned look decorating his face. 
“Puppet or not, you and I aren’t that different when it comes down to it, I believe that you have come so far to prove that you have more of a heart than anyone else. You have feelings.” You grabbed his hand and laced your fingers with his. 
“Because in my mind,”
“You’re human as far as I’m concerned.”  You whispered sweetly. His eyes widened, his breath hitching. Those familiar words. His face appeared in mind, the moment that he said those words. The smile on his face. 
“You deserve to be with your family and friends.”  Niwa’s smile and voice found it’s way back into Kuni’s mind.
“I just want you to know that you aren’t worthless. You are so much more. You may have chosen the wrong path once but now, You walk with those who care. No matter what anyone says. You deserve to be with family and those who make you feel like you’re home, I’m glad you’re here.” You smiled at his widened gaze. Tears pricking at his eyes. Teeth clenched. 
“Can I hug you?” You ask softly.
His hands gripped at your arm. You automatically knew that was a yes. So you wrapped your arms around him and hugged tightly. Tears pricking at your own eyes as you softly caressed the back of his head. Playing with his hair. It was at that moment that you pulled him to lay along with you. A warmth spreads throughout your chest, your heart beating rapidly. You two laid there, with him in your arms and you letting him cry everything out.
Opening his eyes to glance around the room. He sat up with wide eyes. 
“Did I actually sleep for a bit?” He glanced down at his hands. His mind wandered to the previous conversation you both had. He smiled softly before turning to glance at you. That’s when his smile dropped. Your eyes were squeezed shut. Your hair sticking to your forehead. Teeth clenched and hands gripped the blankets. Your fever must’ve gotten worse. 
“[Name]!” He grabbed your arm to turn you onto your back. He flinched back once he felt how your temperature had risen. You were practically burning up. 
“Shit!” He ran toward the dresser and checked the medicine box. To your luck there was nothing left. He sighed in frustration before tossing the box toward the wall. Putting his shoes on, hat, putting your shoes on. Draping a cloak over your shoulders before picking you up onto his back and carrying you outside. He had to do something quick before it got even worse. With that he took off toward the gates of mondstat.
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
Part 2 anyone? Anywho I’ve been working on this for maybe a few weeks trying to perfect it I hope you guys love it!🥺 - may <3
sorry for any errors I tried my best to edit it as best as I could! good day loves!
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
CEO!Aegon having you sit under his desk and suck his cawk
Ughhh I’m in such a hot mood for Aeg right now, so the fact I went straight here doesn’t help HAHAHA
hope you enjoy this Bel, this had me in a chokehold xoxox 💕💕💕
Hardly Workin'
PAIRING: Chubby!CEO!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 1,818.
WARNINGS: mentions of an office romance/affair, male oral receiving, exhibition kink (?), slight reference to fatphobic comments, reference to p in v sexual intercourse, swearing.
A/N - I'm so sorry I made him chubby, but also not really because we all know that man would add a few pounds with a desk job and I couldn't help myself. ps I powered thru this because I just couldn't help myself. CHOKEHOLD.
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To have a high-ranking employer that was devilishly handsome and blatantly licentious, was all in all, a dangerous game. Aegon Targaryen, with well awareness, knew the authority and the power he had over his meek, replaceable employees, could be used effortlessly to his advantage. In particular, when it related to work and sex.
Many of the women in the workplace, had whisper giddily amongst themselves of his overpowering demeanour, the way he'd often use his position to sate his own lusts, teasing, sneaking a grope, copping a feel, and yet, earning the full attention of the ladies, nonetheless.
Not to mention, Aegon had quite the larger figure... It seemed the sedentary lifestyle of the corporate world, along with the stress-eating, constant dining out to meet with clients, the late night take-out you'd order for him as he worked late hours into the night, and endless parties and drinking, all came at cost. This did not stop Aegon from claiming what was his. Even using his physique to his fullest advantage, finding himself "accidentally" pressing his swollen frame against your body in tight spaces, especially in the elevator. Feeling your tits press against his fat, rotund chest, always left a sly smirk across his face. Sated with himself, as he often found himself after gorging in a full take-out meal.
You'd heard numerous of times, many of the encounters a few of the "lucky" women had with Aegon: from little rendezvous' and scheduled dates, only to end with them lost, hopeful craving for more corporate cock, only to be met with a dead end.
Aegon did not pursue most, however his situation with you was... Different. You were the only one he found himself helplessly crawling back to, eager for more of your attention and tight cunt. You commenced as his personal receptionist/assistant less than a year ago, for the previous one left for unknown reasons.
The job was stressful and kept you busy, although the paperwork itself was a breeze, in comparison to having to resist Aegon himself when you had initially started. He was handsome nonetheless, his unique features that ran strongly in the Targaryen family, most of his siblings, cousins and father you would see from time to time. They looked completely ethereal in comparison to the rest of you mortals, with their lilac/violet orbs, and silver-blonde hair to contrast one another.
You did put up somewhat of a fight, in comparison to most of the other women, always making Aegon gorge more and in quite an aggressive manner, taking his anger out on other lower ranked employees, the more his frustration brew because of your firm resistance to his urges.
"Made me crave for you even more, but you drove me wild, Y/N," Aegon would openly admit, as his pudgy hands squeezed and dug at your bare ass cheeks, beneath your black midi skirt.
Regardless, once you had finally caved [in much to Aegon's relief], the relationship was layered beneath the disguise of a secret affair [not that Aegon was seeing or exclusive with anyone else, it would mean that he would need to fire you, as it was against strict corporate policy]. Aemond, his younger, much slimmer brother, was head of Human Resources, and if he caught a whiff of his older brother's shenanigans, he would not take it lightly. Aemond often found any excuse to humiliate Aegon publicly, especially if the family were there to witness. Any minor screw up, he would sniff it out like some bloodhound, and yet, with your brightly avid mind, you always ensured Aegon and yourself were a few steps ahead. Not to say you did not have a few close calls, Aegon's arousal often made him unpredictable, and this instance was no different...
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"Such a good fucking girl. My very own obedient, little whore, aren't you, huh?" Aegon breathlessly mustered, leaning back on his grand, swivel chair as he bucked his plump hips forward.
Your mouth too full of his rigid, wet cock, the only response Aegon earned was helpless, feeble gags and moans from your gaping mouth.
"Th-That's it. Doing s-so, so well, taking my fat fucking cock like that, with that pretty, l-little mouth of yours-Ugh-" Aegon gutturally uttered, his breathing audible enough from above. Seated beneath him underneath his spacious desk, between his thick, sturdy thighs, squeezing your smaller frame between his legs.
"Mhmm, fuck baby-"
Your moist, stretched lips persisted with struggle trying to maintain his wide cock inside: your head slowly motioning back and forth, in a steady pace, as Aegon's hot seed oozed inside, coating your throat completely.
Without a moment to spare in intense, bliss silence, Aegon's desktop phone rang, followed by the familiar beep of the voicemail.
"Sir, your brother Aemond, has just arrived at the reception, and wishes to see you immediately, he's heading up right now- BEEP."
"Fuck!" Aegon seethed, as he lunged his mighty frame forwards in a haste and without warning, his cock buried itself deeper, harshly hitting the back of your throat with vigour, causing you to instinctively gag loudly.
"Sorry, m'sweetheart- That twat of a brother of mine is coming, gotta clean up now-"
As Aegon handed you his unspoiled, white handkerchief, you wiped off his fresh, rich residue off the corner of your mouth, as Aegon hastily buttoned up his pants. His stomach sated yet hardened and distended from a big lunch, he struggled to do the final button atop: from the looks of it, you gathered that his leather belt would not buckle, alternatively urging Aegon to remain seated behind the desk to hide the disheveled look, before his rage took over.
Just as you made the final attempts to help tidy his shirt, the sudden opening of the front door caught Aegon off guard. Instinctively, the feeling of his pudgy palm shoved your head aggressively back beneath the desk, as he shushed you before resuming his attention back towards the entrance to his office.
"Pleasure to see you, as always-" Aemond teasingly insisted, as he comfortably sat himself down on the lounge, hearing the dull knock of his feet sprawled upon the wooden desk. You'd witnessed on many occasions, Aemond's egotistical presence, acting as though he'd owned the room upon which he had entered, scoffing that it was his cringe attempt of a "power move".
"The pleasure is mine. What brings you here so suddenly? Not even a call would suffice?"
"I like to make surprises, besides a call would be useless... That pretty, dumb receptionist of yours is nowhere to be found out there."
Aemond's targeted, back-handed comment infuriated you, though not to the extent to which it seemed Aegon was beginning to rile up. His fists clenched into a ball, his knuckles whitening, as Aemond's low chuckle echoed across the silent room.
"I'm only kidding, dear brother. She seems like a real sweetheart... And that figure, Gods did they take their time with her... You must really be enjoying work now, I bet... I know I fucking would."
Aegon instinctively slapped his heavy palm against his sprawled thigh, sighing in frustration, as he urged Aemond to speak.
"What exactly are you here for, Aemond? You do realise you're wasting company time...I don't think father would approve of that very much."
The tense silence had befallen the room once more, as Aemond exhaled defeatedly, before resuming the serious talk. His feet now flat on the floor, he instantly dropped what you presumed to be a dense folder atop Aegon's neat desk.
Aegon leaning forward, as his portly upper body leaned forward against the desk, the opportunity immediately presented himself, quite literally to your face.
His rotund stomach pushed through naturally, forcing his zipper to undo itself, as his stiff cock was practically begging to get out of its restraint. All it needed was a little assistance. Your lips curved cheekily into a giddy smile, your cheeks flushing scarlet. You knew Aegon would advise against this, although a carnal urge to finish what you'd started, desperate to ease Aegon's mind with his brother's tense presence.
Your tender hands moved towards, tugging at Aegon's tight pants just a tiny bit lower, as his stiff, girthy cock plunged forward. The sight excited you like it had the first time, and you felt Aegon's eyes hovering above with dreading suspense. One pudgy hand found its way down to his cock, poorly attempting to act as a barricade, yet you swiftly swat it away, before teasingly biting at his plump fingers. You mindlessly let out a little snicker, which thankfully for Aegon's quick instincts, was muffled with a sudden eruption of a cough.
"Uh- You okay there?" Aemond suspiciously enquired, as his unimpressed gaze pondered over his elder.
"Y-Yes, carry on-"
Your lips eagerly resumed once more, picking up the familiar pace it once ensued, as you coated and lapped at his thick cock. Your dizzy head bobbing up and down, side to side in a sensual motion, your keen tongue slurping at his hot seed pooling from the throbbing tip.
"M-Mhmm-" Aegon hummed, his breathing once more growing denser, as he evidently began to struggle maintaining normalcy.
"Aeg- Do you understand? We need these deadlines to be sorted ASAP. The team needs to reach the target budget or else we suffer a huge loss to our competitors... Those fucking Baratheons-"
"Y-Yep, gotcha. I-Is that all?" Aegon thickly heaved, taking a grand breath in, holding it for a split second to recoup his sense to persevere.
"You sure you're okay? You look a little tense... Did you eat too much again? You do know the food doesn't run away once its cooked, right, hog?"
"Fuck off, dickhead. Close the door on your way out-"
With much anticipation of Aemond's exit, the shutting of the door and your mouthful wonders, Aegon's warm, thickly coated seed shot rapidly down your throat, swallowing his bliss.
Aegon loudly gasped for air, as he slowly regained his senses, pulling himself out. The handkerchief he initially gave, still remained on your lap, reusing it to clean up his enamored mess.
"God, you needy, impatient little thing. You couldn't wait till he left, huh? So desperate for this fat fucking cock, you just couldn't help yourself to seconds, hm?"
"You have a conference meeting in 30 minutes, Aeg... I was simply just being time efficient," You innocently jested, as you comfortably sat yourself down on Aegon's wide, tubby thighs, his plush, meaty stomach pressed against your frame, almost trying to push you off. His pudgy hips pooled at his sides, as you poked at the dense adipose tissue beneath, yearning a sudden yelp from Aegon.
"30 minutes you say? That's plenty of time-"
"Plenty of time for what?"
"To fuck you stupid on this desk till your practically too useless to work for the rest of the evening...Does an early mark sound good, Princess?"
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit
credit for header - @/saradika 🤍
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r3glockets · 1 year
social media au ⭑ timothee chalamet
pairing : timothee chalamet x new actress!reader
warnings : i think none..?
summary : at the met gala you got lost, you come to the met gala with zendaya. You tried to contacting her but your phone died and so timothee chalamet come to the rescue!
a/n : my first ever fanfic i guess lol, so please if i do anything wrong or im just a mess im really sorry! ( ps : i don’t know how to do tumblr )
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liked by chalametupdates and 58,345 others
cnewss After all that kylie and timothee rumors, theres a new c-news that has been caught. No other than timothee chalamet got caught talking with y/n l/n at last night oscar, they were talking or should i say sitting in the side walk? This news has been spreading like wild fire because y/n l/n is a new actress after all. What do you think about this?
view all 12,569 comments
timmylvrs she’s probably hitting on him so she get more popularity’s
user23810 leave her be, u dont even have a chance with him lmao
y/ndaily I JUST WOKE UP TO THIS????
y/nnoticemebrr someone hit me
y/ndaily here let me hit you :)
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liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 1,545,484 others
yourname someone drag me out of this 😕
viewed all 234,567 comments
user92679 take a break y/n 💕
nthng_chal thats good (im literally bawling my eyes out)
tomholland2013 drama queen
zendaya says you..
liked by yourname
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liked by yourname, benbarnes and 3,982,263 others
tchalamet 2/10 for the photo 🤷🏼‍♂️
viewed all 723,986 comments
benbarnes who take this?
liked by tchalamet
tchalamet i have to answer this?
chalametgfz just reveal the girl..
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liked by haileesteinfield, harrystyles and 2,373,202 others
yourname the photographer suck
viewed all 929,259 comments
haileesteinfield you look gorgeous!!!!
liked by yourname
y/ndaily its true yall
yourfavfan10 PRETTY WHAT?
liked by yourname
user1029 i can’t wait no more srsly, JUST TELL THE TRUTH
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liked by tchalamet, yourname and 6,239,102 others
haileesteinfield as much ily guys, get a room
viewed all 876,345 comments
yourname1019fans SCREAMING, CRYING
chalamet_worlds wtf just happened
user5383 this is probably not them
user1029 just accept it damn
user5383 shut up
user1029 GIRL, BYE
liked by chalamet_worlds
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liked by yourname, tomholland2013 and 10,293,299 others
tchalamet Ma fille.
cnewss congratulations!!
zendaya finally 😩
tchalamet hahaha
user2029 congratulations (im literally so jealous)
y/nnoticemebrr i swear if u throw hand or break her heart im going to find you
tchalamet i wont, dont worry
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