#i swear i'm going to be so mad at myself if i get through may without writing Lestat Fucking That Fish
hekateinhell · 1 year
GUESS who just finished reading your latest magum opus? ME FAM, DA!!! Transformative experience from start to finish, I’d missed reading your stuff SO much. So evocative, so vivid, so sensual. Felt like coming back home after a long trip, like cool breeze in my hair. I lived, I died, I lived again. 
First of all, the flower motifs were there right from the start (and I might’ve spoiled myself a lil with you latest post), but when it dawned on me what Armand was about to do to Lestat I was like OH MY GOD SHE DID THAT and I had to put my phone down for a minute. The chokehold these bitches (and you) (affectionate) have me on is insane. 
Again, perfection from start to finish, so here are my top 10 moments in no particular order, hopefully it makes sense (literally just finished it so I’m not really coherent rn) 
*drum roll*  🥁 🥁 🥁
1. “Yes, yes, let me be your co-conspirator. Tell me your secrets! I'll keep them all, good or bad – place them in a box and swallow the key, no one else will ever know.” INSANITY. The devil’s minion till the very end alright. 
2. “Daniel could've sworn he felt the blood rush through his retromandibular vein, every cell alive and awakened and thrilling at the closeness of its source and exhilarating at the thought of returning to its original host.” INSANITY X2. And also it’s such a wonderful callback to that one bit in QotD where it’s mentioned that all of Daniel’s “molecules were dancing with Armand’s invisible chemistry”. It DO be like that with them. Down bad for Armand on a chemical level, and you got that across so incredibly well. YOU GET IT. 
3. Armand noticing right away that Lestat hadn’t shaved and worrying if something might be wrong because why wouldn’t Lestat shave before flying to see him? Was Lestat telling the truth there? Was he aching for Armand’s company so badly that he didn’t have it in him to shave? Of course Armand would notice and of course he would worry.
4. “Daniel had worn a black cursive A right over his left pelvic bone for the remainder of his mortal days.” EXACTLY. There’s absolutely no way this didn’t happen. 
5. "And how would you have me, maestro?" Lestat inquired. His knee bouncing as he leaned back against the table, crossing his arms over his chest. Daniel didn't have to read Armand's mind to know that the immediate answer might be, "In so many ways," yes ma’am 🥵🥵🥵
6. “Lestat was at the perfect height for Armand to stand between his legs, a hand over each knee, as he bent his head to Lestat's chest and closed his mouth over a rosy nipple. He suckled at it for a moment before angling his head, and Daniel realized what Armand had done when he saw the grimace on Lestat's face.” god this is so hot. You didn’t even HAVE to write it but I can guarantee that every single person who reads that will be able to picture Armand’s fang piercing through Lestat’s nipple vividly. The writer that you are 🥹
7.  “It had to be said—it has been said—Lestat was a large man” THERE IT IS, Priapus makes its grand entrance. Love to see it, always. 
8. Daniel’s possessiveness??? Have you awoken a new kink in me?? It’s not like I didn’t think Daniel was possessive of Armand before, I did, but the way you had him contemplating the scene before him in awe but ALSO on so many different levels did something to me. He knows he’s no match for Lestat but he has A FEW things going for him and he’s going to let Lestat know about them, damn the consequences. He’s careless and immediately regrets it but he can’t help himself. He even resents the fact that Lestat didn’t bother removing his rings before touching Armand. Yet he guides him through it and desperately wants for Armand to enjoy this. He’s such a good boyfriend pls, always has been 😭😭😭
9. Armand being like “I THINK THE FUCK NOT” when Lestat offered Daniel a taste of his blood, so good. Lestat puts out so easily (figuratively but also literally and good for him tbh) while for Armand it’s such a sacred thing and he’s not about to let his only baby drink from another (not even their prince) like it’s no big deal. But also YES @ both of them eating Armand’s ass and Daniel getting a taste of Lestat that way. You truly put that out there and you should be proud 🥹 
10.  "We could simulate it sometime” yes they could and they SHOULD godddd part two incoming y/y?
I honestly could go on but I think I’ve made myself clear now lmao. It was magnificent, comeback of all time from one of my all time fave vc queens xoxo DA  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Lovely to see you as always 💖 I was wondering what you would think of this one — my 9lbs. 9k baby. It's May, it's spring, I'm in my flower era and I'm dragging everyone along with me!
It was all about the flowers lmao that scene stressed me out more than anything because it's the... set-up for the rest of the fic??? Armand conveying his affections for Lestat in a very intimate way—using his art—but it's low risk in a sense because the physical evidence is gone the next day. Anyway, I thought tattoos would be cool to play with because I've never seen that come up in VC fic before and Anne said they could have tattoos even it's just temporary, okay? I'm gonna exploit that!
Haha you gave me an ao3 style comment so I'm going to work through it ao3 style 🖤
Yes, this is so important to me when I think about post-canon A/D! I need them to have the elements of their OG dynamics but healthier and improved.
omg okay you're the only so far who's commented on me giving Lestat some stubble and it was so important to me 🤧 I cannot express the sound I made when I realized that canon doesn't specifically tell us if he wakes up completely clean-shaven, or if it's part of his grooming routine like filing his nails every night in IWTV. I threw in a bit of my meta re: Magnus and Lestat's turning and well there you go — it's my story and I'm sticking to it. And as usual, you're right on the money... Lestat DID want Armand to notice because he knows Armand's caregiver tendencies with his loved ones. And then he got mad about it when Armand reacted accordingly and read him to the filth. Can't win with this guy. 😔
I believe with my whole heart Daniel was walking around with an A or even a Property of Armand tattoo on a private area from 1977 to 1985. I've said before it and I wrote it now and I'll do it again, don't test me.
Daniel being an expert on Armand comes in handy all the time, and he's officially known since 1985 how down bad for Lestat Armand has been. RIP. I also wonder how many times Armand randomly mentioned Lestat to his boyfriend during DM era aside from the Rutger Hauer moment. There's no way it was just the one time.
I loved writing that bit! In my head you could almost hear the soft sounds of Armand making those little bites into Lestat's nipples and I tried so hard to translate that onto the page. 🥹
Legit I'm one more smut fic away from tagging Lestat's dick as it's own character: Priapus (Vampire Chronicles). I'm not joking, I'm such an unserious person lmao
YES you get it! I feel like a lot of times we think Daniel would just be totally down for everything no questions asked, but like talking about the evolved DM dynamic earlier — now Daniel has all this knowledge of Armand's history with Lestat that he didn't have before. He's an understanding guy and he's open to a lot, but it's a very complex situation and I think it's natural that some feelings will come up here and there in the early days. Also, I left it ambiguous on purpose, but it's not clear just how much Daniel was in on regarding Armand's plan here. Was it something they discussed prior, like in explicit detail with the date marked on the calendar and circled in red? Did Armand plan to get that far in the first place or was it a surprise to him as much as it was to Daniel? Or was it kind of inevitable... "Yeah, get these guys in a room for the 50th time in 200 years and this time, they're gonna fuck"?
asjkgfasgk that was exactly Armand's thought process - fucked out and high with Lestat's blood in his ass, and all he can think is that Lestat better not touch his husband/baby unless Armand's ordering him to. The audacity, only Lestat fr 🤧 I got creative with vampire anatomy there and ~membranes~ and yk what I'll do it again it's free real estate
100% (now I just need something else to get meta about so I can write porn around it, it's the only way I know how to operate 🥲)
I wrote so much here lol I'm embarrassed but full transparency, it might not have been an angsty or heavy fic (and it was never supposed to be!), but I did pour myself into it and it makes my heart happy you enjoyed it! 😭🌸
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mr-ribbit · 8 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
One of the firsr times MK actually sees Luzhen acting serious and maturely is during the New Years fiasco. When Wukong got captured by the Spider Queen, Luzhen has wanted to go to him immediately but Wukong had mad him swear to make sure MK and his friends are safe first so he ended up with the team that went to the Celestial Realm, this ended up being a benefit because that means they had someone familiar with he place.
He and MK ended up pairing up to get the Furnace, but they both ended up trapped inside. While they were there, Luzhen had a lot of memories and regrets from long ago pop up, being in the same device that was once used to torture and nearly kill his older brother. The Furnace that took Wukong away from him. And MK notices this during his own self-deprication episode.
MK, feeling bad for himself: This is all my fault, why did I ever think I could ever do this!? I can't ever live up to the Monkey King!
Luzhen, quietly and turned away from MK: Yeah, I know the feeling, kid.
MK, realizing for the first time he wasn't ghe only one trapped: Huh? Luzhen!?
Luzhen: Yeah. I'm stuck here too, kid.
MK: Oh great, not am i useless. but I got the Monkey King's brother trapped there too!
Luzhen: Kid, it's not like that. I'm in here... because I jumped in on my own. Same as you.
MK: You... jumped in on your own? Why!?
Luzhen: Aw, c'mon kid, you know the story don't you? How did Dage get his Eyes of Truth?
MK: The gods put him here, in an effort to burn the immortality elixir out of him... right? Only instead of killing him he got gold vision.
Luzhen, nodding: For nearly fifty celestial days and night my brother anguished in here, burning alive from the heat of a primordial flame... all because I made a mistake that he took the fall for.
MK, suddenly realizing: Oh...
Luzhen, quietly, eyes dtill fixated on the corner wall: Wukong... I owe hin so much. He's my older brother, he always took care of me... protected me. I knew he was special, even moreso than me, and I swore I would repay him his kindness and care one day by making sure everyone knew thay. I hadn't meant to hurt anyone but... Wukong was so shy and timid back then, still is in some ways. So when he learned the truth about how much of an insult the position of Biwamen actually was and was going to just... let it go... I snapped.
MK: Are you saying you're the one who... caused the Havoc?
Luzhen: No. I caused the events that led to the Havoc. I'm the one who threatened the dragon gods and removed my brother's name from the Book of the Dead, I'm the one to let all the horses loose and then declared for all to hear that Wukong was the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Everything that happened after... *Luzhen shakes his head as he starts to get emotional* I owed my brother everything, but my stupid, reckless actions were what led to his downfall.
MK, worried about the implications: Luzhen... why did you jump in here?
Luzhen: ...I-I don't know... *huffs in hysterical amusement* I guess... I guess wanted to. No... I needed to know. What he went through in here, to try to get an idea of what I did to my brother. See what it was like for myself. The stories say that he survived because he his himself in this corner right here. *points to the side he was facing, where a very old imprint of scratch marks lay, as though something had been clawing at the walls* It's marked by the wind trigram and had less of the fire. That it was his cleverness that let him succeed... but I know my brother.
*Luzhen runs an hand along some of the faded scratches*
Luzhen: Wukong wanted to make sure he could come home... the only reason he survived was because he was determined to make it home to us... to me.
Luzhen may not have known it at the time but hearing his own thoughts on the Furnace and how Wukong had survived had inadvertently given MK the push he needed to find a way to get them both out. After all, if Wukong had survived being in here for that long to get back to his family, the least they could do was escape the damned thing and save him in return! Both MK and Luzhen have a silent pact not to bring up what happened in the Furnace or the conversation they had up, What Happened in the Furnace, Stayed in the Furnace.
Luzhen is such an interesting character to unpack in this au simply due to his role as the "dodged culprit" in the Havoc in Heaven. And he's never forgiven himself for it.
He's suffered the ultimate pain of being the younger brother who Wukong would do anything for. Nearly losing him.
A lot of MK's feelings of unworthiness are mirrored in Luzhen, who's lived his entire life as a mere shadow to his brother, not even believed to be a real person by many.
His big bro's successor is a good kid. Not like him. He shouldn't have to worry about this junk,
Though I love the idea that they spent the time in the Furnace hashing out emotional issue they have, and both agree that "Furnace-stays in the Furnace"
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plscallmeeren · 1 year
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Severus Snape x Reader
Request: yep, by @Chloelouise02
Summary: (Y/n) was Snape's only friend back in their time at Hogwarts, but they had a falling out just before they graduated so he doesn't know how to feel now that she had been appointed as his assistant. This takes place during the golden trio's third year, or, more specifically - in their first lesson.
Warnings: a swear word or two?; dementors; shouting; pretty much just fluff
Word Count: 1.7K+
"Clean up that mess", he drawled lowly, and for the hundredth time that week I fumed at his attitude.
"Magic word?", I seethed, not moving a muscle to reach for my wand.
"If you wanted me to Imperio you, you could just say so", even through all this I heard his suppressed smirk that I would have loved to see after all this time, but apparently wasn't worthy of.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes in disbelief, and was inevitably reminded of our past shared moments. I'm not sure if it made me sad or happy thinking about. Maybe nostalgia is meant to have both.
"How about the other one?"
After a very long and over-dramatic sigh he gave in, boosting my serotonin levels drastically, at least that's what I think this feeling was.
"See? Was that so hard?" He didn't answer but his expression suggested it was indeed so hard.
I pulled out my wand reluctantly and swung the wood wordlessly, the puddle of rainbow-coloured failure vanishing in thin air.
I mean hey, at least it wasn't as bad as Seamus' rumored explosive draughts.
In fact, there were many rumours about all students of Hogwarts as well as teachers from other schools and Rosemary or someone of the likes from down in a Hogsmeade pub.
If I'm being honest, the teachers' room possessed more qualities of a gossip girls set-up, a talk show or a Comedy Drama movie than a teachers' room at all; but I wisely decided a while ago already to keep this to myself.
Severus apparently enjoyed the talk just as, if not more than anyone else, not that he would ever dare to admit it.
It felt strange calling him Severus. It felt stranger calling him Snape, though, so to his dismay that's what he was going to have to put up with. We just weren't on good enough terms again for, well, honestly? Anything.
Now you may be wondering how we ended up like this. To keep it short: I'm the second-last week of our last school year he kissed me. And for whatever reason I kissed him back because apparently I had a stupid crush on him; but then he felt guilty because of Lily (am I a joke to him?) and just left and refused to talk to me again.
Great way to treat your best friend. Really. Wicked.
"Is it just my imagination or are you particularly moody right now? Because I could swear I made you laugh an hour ago and I've basically just lost all of my progress." His lip twitched upward as he positioned himself behind one of the front desks, but maybe it was a trick on the eyes.
"No. I am not moody. I am never moody. And I am most certainly not more moody than usual." Those were the most sentences I had gotten out of him in a row all day, but my accomplishment was quickly forgotten at the rubbish he had just made me hear.
"You're never- oh, I get it. I know you're not Mad-Eye. Believe me. You just haven't got the looks", I grinned, before my face fell and I grew serious for once.
"No, seriously. Have you got a bad relationship to the Potter kid or something? Everyone talks about him so much but never in relation to you. Is that it? Are you dreading him?"
I'm pretty sure if you held a really exact ruler to his eyes and you weren't shaking at the look he's giving me now, you would have seen they'd widened a couple of millimeters. But unfortunately I guess no one's gonna take over that job, are they?
He simply stayed silent until all the students had come in and positioned themselves at their desks, including the Potter boy, who was sitting next to who I think was a Weasley.
The lesson began and I watched in curiosity as his eyes flicked to Potter more often than not, although the possibility was still there that it was only because I had brought it up. I gradually regretted not saying so after the lesson more and more.
"This is my new assistant, Ms. (L/n). She will be helping me keep your dim-witted souls under control and prevent you from destroying anything as best as possible", he sent a sharpened glance at Finnigan as he said the last part, making the boy gulp. That has to count for something, right? He hadn't put it that way all the times he introduced me until now, so maybe he was warming up to me again.
I could tell the students wanted to start whispering, but their fear of Severus seemed to surpass even that.
Once he gave the assignment, however, and they started working, I heard my name mentioned in their conversations more often than i would have liked under any circumstances.
I can't believe how judged and pressured you can feel by a bunch of teenagers, even as an adult.
The amount of times it was suggested Sev and I were together or he had a crush on me or something was even more unsettling, yet aside from a casual blown up cauldron on Seamus' behalf the rest of the day went by rather eventlessly.
And so did the rest of the week. And the next. And the next. Although I did get rather invested in the drama of Mulligan's relationships, but who didn't?
The dementors on the grounds were becoming more and more annoying, and I was thoroughly sick of them to say the least.
One Saturday I dared to pass the lake and sit down on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I wanted fresh air, and above all - I wanted to be completely undisturbed.
So, lying down on my jacket I pulled out Tiffany Aching: I Shall Wear Midnight and started reading.
I think I lay there for hours before something happened. Or more accurately, disturbed me.
The air grew cold fast but the wind stood still, as if balancing in the tip of its toes, threatening to plunge forward in one great gust.
As a familiar feeling of sadness invaded me it didn't take long for me to come to my senses and realize what was approaching me.
Dementors. Patronus. Quick. Now.
I spun around, just to look right into it's disgusting face - well, I wouldn't call it that, but then again, what else can one call it?
But before I could do more than draw my wand, before I could utter the words, before a clear thought could even fully pass through my head -
- someone else yelled the spell.
The voice was suspiciously familiar, so I wasn't all too surprised when I saw the figure of Severus standing on a rock, panting as he held out his wand. The questions that remained were why, how, where and when.
The dementor was being chased away by-
Something that couldn't possibly be true. Anyone who knew Sev - so, not many, I guess - knows that- no, it's can't be.
The figure of a tiger was attempting to pounce on the Dementor, which was gliding away as fast as seemed dementorly possible.
But- a doe- it can't be!
"What were you thinking!?", he raged, marching up to me, wand still raised, "Oh, yes, why not just lie around at the edge of the Forbidden Forest-"
"-and read a book! Who cares about the dementors whirring around here like a pack of bees!"
"And what-
"SEV!", I called, but he just yelled louder.
"How stupid are you!? You were never responsible, I guess that never changed, did it? I always have to fucking save you-" That's it.
That seemed to do the job.
"Don't you go on about you saving me, and don't you dare try and embarrass me or something just because you felt embarrassed yourself back then when you were seventeen! How petty can you be? It was one kiss, I don't care!" My breath fell short as I shared the thoughts I had been dying to tell him. "And since when is your patronus the same as mine!?"
He stayed quiet yet again. God, I hate it when he does that. Well, no, I don't, but I hate it when he does it after I confronted him with something.
"I didn't-" Silence again.
"It's been a tiger since the day we kissed." He seemed to deem that enough said as he sulked and began turning away.
Oh, no you won't.
"Is it because you don't regret it?", I called, barely keeping control of my words at this point. "Because you still want to?"
He halted suddenly, whisked around in one motion, and walked up to me. He stood mere inches from me and for the life of me I couldn't tell whether he was about to yell at or kiss me.
The latter was the case.
He simply pecked my lips once before smiling slightly-
I repeat, smiling!
-and walking off yet again. But this time I didn't stop him. In fact, I didn't do anything much as I watched his cape hide him until he felt beyond the horizon.
And I had never minded as much as now.
Oh, to be an assistant...
This was fun, but my autocorrect is actually killing me. Like really. I have French, German, English and emoji keyboards on here and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose it
Like every time I'm writing in one language it is ALWAYS, I repeat ALWAYS in a different one.
Anyways, hope you liked this, I would appreciate every comment you can spare :D
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raina-at · 5 months
In celebration of this fandom and how much fun I'm having right now, with the May prompts and the fic club, have a bonus ficlet set in my theatre universe . (Another one of my AUs ticked off the list) (short premise for those not familiar: John is a stage manager and Sherlock is an actor. Mary, Molly and Sally are all part of John's crew.)
This is especially for @totallysilvergirl and the members of the Johnlock fic club. You all know why.
Warning, mention of an accidental animal death.
Also, this is loosely based on a true story.
“What on Earth are you doing?”
“Be quiet,” Molly shushes Sherlock as she drags him through the stage door into the green room area.
“Oh thank god.” John sighs in relief as he sees Sherlock enter the room. “Save me from this madness.”
“Sit back down, Watson, this is all your fault after all!” Mary snaps. She’s pregnant again and the glare she gives him is filled with the homicidal rage of the permanently uncomfortable.
John sits back down and sighs. “Okay, fine. Let’s get this over with.”
Molly pushes Sherlock into a chair. “You be quiet now, we’ll be done in five minutes.”
Molly sits on Mary’s other side on the floor and takes Sally’s hand, completing the circle.
Mary gestures to Molly. “Do you have the object?”
Molly produces the live mousetrap and puts it in the middle of the pentagram Mary has drawn on the floor. 
“I hate to repeat myself, but what the actual fuck are you doing?” Sherlock asks, watching them with a mixture of curiosity and disgust. 
They all turn their heads in surprise, because they all know how rarely Sherlock swears. 
“We’re doing an exorcism,” Molly explains. “John killed a mouse and now we’re haunted.”
“I didn’t, I repeat, DID NOT kill a mouse!” John very nearly yells, sick and tired of this argument. 
“You left the live trap open over a bank holiday weekend,” Mary growls. “The bloody mouse sprung it, died of thirst in it, and ever since we’ve had one accident after another. First my fucking brand new moving head blew on its second night, then Molly twisted her ankle, and yesterday you were nearly hit by a stage wall.”
“So did I understand this correctly? You, rational, adult, competent professionals, had a few easily explained accidents and then came to the inevitable conclusion that you’re being haunted by the angry spirit of a common house mouse?” Sherlock asks, steepling his hands under his chin. 
“Duh,” Molly mutters, rolling her eyes. 
“Anything to say, genius?” Mary asks, glaring at Sherlock in a way that makes John hope that Sherlock will consider the words that come out of his mouth next very, very carefully.
“You need sage,” Sherlock says after a moment of silent contemplation. “And candles.”
“You’re not fucking serious!” John stares at Sherlock as if he’s grown a second head, which would frankly have surprised John just a tiny bit more than the current development. “You’re superstitious? Since when?”
“All actors are superstitious,” Sherlock says, ducking into the tiny theatre kitchen. “It’s the better safe than sorry principle.” He comes back with mixed herb salt and some tealights. “This should do nicely. Budge over.” 
He sits between Sally and Molly and takes their hands.
“This must be what going mad feels like,” John mutters, but he takes Mary’s and Sally’s hands and completes the circle.
Mary shushes him and lights the candles. Then she shakes a bit of the salt over the live trap. She turns to John and gestures to the trap. “Now apologise.”
“But I—”
“I said,” Mary says with a smile sharper than a battleax. “Apologise.”
John clears his throat. “Um.” The thing is, he is sorry. He never meant to cause an animal’s death, even indirectly. They only ever use live traps for a reason. But he feels slightly ridiculous all the same. 
He knows this is necessary, though. Theatres are places where legends and superstitions and rituals live for generations. Case in point, no theatre person in their right mind would ever refer to the Scottish play by its actual name. Case in point, you never say good luck backstage. This is no different, he knows this.
Of course the knowledge doesn’t stop him from feeling completely ridiculous as he says, “I’m sorry, mouse spirit. I didn’t mean for you to die. Please forgive us and stop haunting our theatre. We’re really sorry.”
He puts a piece of cheese into the trap, and every member of his crew follows suit. Sherlock contributes another sprinkle of the herbal salt, and then Mary, in lieu of setting the trap on fire, which would trigger the smoke alarm, bashes it in with a cricket bat. It’s horribly loud, but the trap is unusable afterwards.
“Be at peace, little mouse,” Molly whispers, and John can see the tears in her eyes.
They all share a long look over the mouse trap, and then they burst out laughing.
“You’re all insane,” Sherlock says, but he’s laughing as well, and there’s a lot of affection in his voice.
“Yup,” John answers, still giggling a bit. This is my crew, he thinks. Dangerously foul-tempered, certifiably insane, scarily silly at times. And I couldn’t love them more for it. He looks at Sherlock, who’s watching him with sparkling eyes and so much unguarded affection, and he smiles. “And you fit right in.”
Tags under the cut as usual.
@calaisreno @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @catlock-holmes @peanitbear @meetinginsamarra @friday411 @inevitably-johnlocked
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for... well... kidnapping several people?
Listen, pal, I'll be honest with you. I know the answer here. But there are only so many things to do while I'm stuck here.
Now, the relevant people in this story are myself- 56m. C, 34f. And W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, and W. Assorted ages and genders. I'll, uh... delegate them nicknames if they come up.
Now, I don't want to go too far into the whole 'tragic backstory' thing. What's important is that through a long series of events, I've come to be in control of a place.
At first, it was just me and C. And C, well... she's not who she used to be. Not exactly pleasant company. And I suppose I deserve the silent treatment she's giving me.
But I discovered something. Through the same... abilities that brought me here, I could get people to join me here. They had to agree, though.
It's important to note- this place doesn't really work chronologically the same as the normal world. See, it can intersect, but it doesn't progress linearly. I've been here for thousands of years, but it doesn't quite work like that. So all fourteen Ws are from different times.
The first one, I'll call him... WH. I had to guide him on how to get himself taken. Built a whole machine together. When he showed up, he was mad, sure, but I sent a pack of hounds after him and that kept him busy for a while.
Used that technology to get everyone else. WC (and, I suppose, A...) came willingly. WV came because I promised I'd make her a star. I may have lied to a few of these people. I was... really lonely.
I'll admit, pal. This place changes you. And I'd be a liar if I said it was for the better. Still, when I show up to help him restart, WH has taken to swearing at me and throwing anything nearby. And the others aren't exactly happy either.
Except for the mime. He seems pretty content. I think. He kind of creeps me out.
Anyways. AITA? I know I'll never have to talk to them outside of this, but I can still feel the guilt creeping in.
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chaeminnieya · 11 months
Midnight talks
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Synopsis- you’ve had a hard time getting any sleep so you turned to Soyeon for help, only in the end she was the one with no sleep 🙁
Warnings- not much just swearing😈
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“Soyeon..? Are you awake?” You whisper while softly pinching Soyeon’s cheek, you have had a-lot of trouble sleeping as of late so the best option for you was to spend the night at Soyeon's apartment.
“Soyeon…wake up.” You whined while rolling over and hanging off the bed, a muffled and quiet “go to sleep” was heard from Soyeon as she covered herself with blankets, trying to ignore your antics
A sigh was heard from you as you got back onto the bed and laid next to Soyeon, staring at her “thanks for letting me stay the night.” You whispered “huh?” Soyeon mumbled while still keeping her eyes closed “I'm just thankful for you.” You mumbled.
“For a while I just thought that I’d just work myself to death...Then I met you, you kind of gave my life more structure…probably because your constant nagging.”
Your words sort of stung Soyeon's heart but also warmed it, she loves her role as a leader and is so grateful she got the chance to meet the six girls of (G)-IDLE but sometimes she wonders if it was the right choice, I mean being a idol is hard and she doesn’t know if she’s got what it takes to get through that.
“I miss her.” You mumbled while admiring the small heart tattoo on the inside of your finger, the one that you and her got together
“I do too.” Soyeon muttered in response as she stared out the window, at the crescent moon trying not to let a tear slip out
“go to sleep.”
“I’m not sleepy.” You were.
“I am.”
“I’m bored.” You weren’t.
“Then sleep.”
“I can’t.” You probably could, if you felt like missing these precious moments that could be taken at any second.
“Why not…?”
“Because I'm bored!” You say while throwing your right arm around Soyeon and hugging her, being with Soyeon brought you peace..a sense of home, she was always waiting with open arms..there to catch you whenever you fall.
“I swear if you don't go to sleep I will make you sleep outside and have you use a leaf as a blanket.”
“You’re so annoying.”
Soyeon is currently wide awake, tracing the tattoo on your arm “But I'm thankful for you too.” Soyeon mumbled
“quit flirting with me”
“I am not!” Soyeon gasped while pushing your tattooed arm away “I wasn’t complaining geez” you said softly while staring holes into Soyeon’s side, watching her shoulders rise and fall slowly in all honesty Soyeon is in the top three girls you’d date…but no…or?
“Quit staring at me.” Soyeon scolded softly making you shudder in the process “cant help it, you’re so pretty” “you’re looking at the back of my head.” “Its pretty to me.”
“Take your ass to sleep.”
Not another word was spoken after that only the soft snores that came from you.
and as fast as the moon arrived, it left even faster as the sun arose and shed light to the dark city and peeked through the curtains Soyeon realized, that the Midnight Talk you both had shared made her miss her whole nights worth of sleep, but she wasn’t mad at that, because for all she knew this may be the last midnight talk the two of you ever have.
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HINT!: put all the bold purple letters together
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nephriteknight · 10 months
Highlights From My Bells Hells Playlist
So I have a Bells Hells playlist that has some really perfect songs if I do say so myself, and I want to talk about my choices! So here's some of my favorites. (Here is the full playlist btw, with songs ranging from word-for-word-perfect to Just The Right Vibes Idk Man)
Rule #2 - Moonlight by Fish in A Birdcage For Orym :) About a person on the moon singing to their lover on Earth. "All I want is to come home to you." Is this song about Will or about Dorian? I think it's even better because it works for both. There are lines that are for Will and lines that are for Dorian and it's all mixed up and full of longing and in light of recent confessions? Just perfectly heartbreaking. "Finally broke down / Houston, please come in / There's someone that I need to talk to / Honey, how've you been? / I miss you, my dear / There's something that I have to say" "It's good to hear your voice / I'll tell you what the world looks like from up here / there's hurricanes / and blizzards too / please stay safe and warm 'til I get to you"
Control by Halsey For Laudna. This one is very straightforward. "And all the kids cried out please stop you're scaring me / I can't help this awful energy / Goddamn right you should be scared of me / Who is in control?" The rest works pretty well too, there's more lines that feel Very Delilah, it just works.
Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives For the whole party! I happened to get into this song right when the whole "powder keg" conversation happened, and it's only gotten more relevant. "Are we allies or enemies? This will be the death of me." It's great it's perfect it's them. "What happens now? / Do we have another go / Do we bow out / And take our seperate roads / I'll admit I've had my doubts / But I want to be let in not out" "Remember when I could tell you not to smile when you were mad / And you would always crack / And we'd both be laughing in the end? / Now you're not so quick to forget"
Moving in Place by Shauna Dean Cokeland This song is so Ashton. It's about using drugs as a teenager and feeling stagnated, blaming things on other people, drowning in daydreams where you're awesome, spending time with a group of friends you really care about.... It works quite well. (I also really recommend this song if you have ADHD/use music to stim, it's got really great overlapping vocals and kinda scratchy sound--this is the song I put on when my brain is eating itself and no other music can get through to it. It's great.) "Take me to the far side of the beach / Before it falls into the ocean / Before you notice I'm eroding / I know you don't wanna be lonely / I know 'cause I would feel the same thing" I'm having trouble picking out specific quotes because they're all really wordy and long, but trust me it works and it's a great song.
Soap by The Oh Hellos Ashton! I especially like this for Ashton and Orym (platonic or romantic both are good) but it also works for Ashton and the Hells—and once again, this song hits even harder after the shard incident. As far as picking specific lines I just want to quote like the whole song, but I'll exercise some restraint. "I've heard since I was younger / That oil and water don't mix / They're polar opposites / With a molecular rift you can't fix / But I swear with all your burnt bridges / You can leech what's caustic and find / A rudimentary lye / Some kind of miraculous bind" "Oh, no / I think I'm not quite ready / To let you circle the drain / All the things we've broken / Can be puzzled together again / All your sums and your pieces / Are enough to clean up all / The messes you've made" "I think that you're worth keeping around. I think that you're worth holding onto." "I've heard if I were tougher / Then maybe I'd make it alive / I've got a tender side / I'll need a harder shell to survive / But if seeing is believing / I don't know I've seen a thing grow / Without an open coat / Not without a softness showing / I know maybe you're not quite ready / To loosen your hold / On the safety blanket you've been keeping around your shoulders / But your sums and your pieces / Are enough to make you whole / You gotta let go" "It's gonna hurt like hell / but we're gonna be well / I'll give you my best shot" Oops I basically just quoted the whole song. But look how perfect it is!!
The Leaving of Liverpool (folk song; I like this version by The High Kings) This one's for Dorian! Specifically, for Dorian leaving :( It's an old folk song about going away from home and leaving your love behind. It's not as character specific or detail heavy, but it just feels so right for Dorian having to leaving Orym and Fearne in Jrusar. "So fare thee well my own true love, and when I return united we will be. It's not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me, but my darling, when I think of thee." My mom and I go to a Celtic Christmas concert every year, and one of the last songs is always this one. Everybody knows it, and they invite us all to join in the chorus. It's a beautiful moment, and I'm so grateful to Brian O'Donovan, the host, who passed away this year. He brought so much joy and gave so many people a piece of their home to enjoy here. He will be missed.
Canary in a Coal Mine by The Crane Wives If the title didn't clue you in, this one's for FCG! It's not just because of the mine, though, it all works really well. This song is about the 'canary', who puts so much into a relationship, doing everything to keep their partner happy and support them, but fears that when they need help themself their partner will abandon them. "Feed me promises, keep my heart well / I'll sing you songs until the darkness does recede / But if in the end I lose my voice / Will you forget about your love for me?" "Let the dirt hang heavy in your chest / Drag me deeper down the long, dark ground / Know that all my love will your breath / I will save you when your lights go out"
Bonus: A Convocation of Fauns (A Faunvocation If You Will) by the Oh Hellos Fearne. The title says it all. (It's just instrumental lol)
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urfavoritedcwhore · 15 days
the russian boy//part seventeen
chapter two
warnings: swearing, oral s3x, smoking, edging, !minors DNI!
not proof read
lowercase intended
part seventeen, chapter two: the beginning of something new
i walk in my house, heading straight for my shower. i walk up my stairs, through my room, and into my bathroom. i look in the mirror and inspect myself. my face is more red then it's usual pale color and my hair is absolutely crazy. i take down my atrocious bun, and run my fingers through my hair. my extensions are falling out big time. there is nothing i hate more than taking my extensions out myself. normally, my dad would pay for me to go to a hairdresser, but that's not really an option anymore. i grab my eyebrow scissors and feel for the thread in my hair. i cut it off, and begin working my fingers through the sewing. it takes me all of 15 minutes to get them out, my arms burning from keeping them up at my head for so long. i lay them out on my bathroom sink. i'll have mom reinstall them tomorrow. just as im thinking of her, my phone rings with her contact picture. i my phone up and answer the call, "hey momma!", i say cheerfully. "hey baby.", she says with a suspicious hint of "something's wrong" in her voice. "you okay?", i ask concerned. "yes, yes i'm okay hun. but i do have something to ask you.", she says warily. "would you be super mad at me if i told you i have a date tonight and that i may not come home till tomorrow afternoon?", she blurts out fast. i think for a moment. usually it would upset me that she's bailing on me, but the fact that she's going on her first date since dad excites me. i laugh, "oooo a date? no i'll be fine, we can watch movies tomorrow.", i say cheerfully. i don't want her to feel guilty about putting herself back out there. i can practically hear her smile through the phone, "yes! a super nice man from work wants to take me to the casino and have a few drinks! i figured i better stay at marcy's, (her new friend from work she's mentioned to me a few times) , if im gonna be drinking.", she tells me. "that sounds really nice mom. i'm so excited for you!", i say, half truthfully now that i know she'll be drinking tonight. "your the best daughter in the world you know that?", she says laughing. "actually i do in fact know that.", i say back cockily. she laughs for a moment again, "well can one of those boys take you to school tomorrow?", she asks me. to be completely real, i had forgotten about school completely. "yea, im sure they wouldn't mind.", i say, knowing that i would most likely have to beg boris to let me drive to school myself if i had my truck. "awesome!", i can hear someone talking to her as she responds. "well im gonna go take a shower, have fun momma!", i say trying to not hold her up from her date. "i love you lucy bug, be good!", she tells me. "im always good, YOU be good. have lots of fun and text me when you get to marcy's tonight.", i say back slightly feeling like im parenting my mother. she giggles her signature high pitched giggle and we say our goodbyes.
i hang up the phone and let out a breath as i return my gaze to the mirror, inspecting my hair again. without my extinctions, my hair falls just above my shoulders. it's not a bad look, but i still prefer having my long hair. i walk over to the shower, twisting the knob and turning on the hot water. i take off boris's sweater and the mystery girls shorts from theo's room, laying them on top of the toilet. i remove my undergarments, flinging them into my dirty clothes hamper, and step into the shower. the warm water instantly relaxes me. i let it hit my face before grabbing my shampoo bottle and lathering the shampoo on my hair. i massage it into my scalp, realizing i used slightly too much. i always do that when i take out my extensions. i rinse it out, and apply my conditioner, letting it sit while i wash my body. after about five more minutes, i wash the conditioner out of my hair and step out of the shower. i grab a towel from the rack on my wall and wrap it around me. i go to the mirror and grab my blow dryer from under my sink. with the length of my hair right now, getting it dry barley takes any time.i run my fingers through my, now dry, hair and leave the bathroom, walking into my room and throwing on shorts and a sports bra. i sit on my bed and pick up the book im reading, losing myself utterly in it. i glance up at my alarm clock after what feels like twenty minutes of reading, and see the time read: 10:43pm. i close my book and make my back to my bathroom, brushing my teeth in preparation for bed. as i turn off the water i hear a tiny knock in my room. i walk out of my bathroom, half expecting to be knocking at my door, ready to tell me that her date was a bust. i open my bedroom door and see no one outside of it. i hear a louder knock behind me. you've gotta be kidding me. i turn around and low and behind, boris is knocking at my window with a toothy grin.
i roll my eyes and walk to my window unlocking it. i open it and move out of him way as he crawls into my room. "boris. when the truck isn't here you can use the door.", i remind him letting out a sigh. "you say your mom was home tonight?", he replies looking confused. "she was supposed to be but...she got held up at work.", there's really no reason for me to not tell him about the date. i just don't want to. i hear laughing from outside of my window. i hold the seal and look down. "potter say i climb funny.", boris says lighting a cigarette with his back to the window. theo's standing in my yard absolutely dying. "go home decker!", i shout down at him shaking my head and trying to repress a laugh. "oh lucy lu, lucy lu, let down your hair!", he calls back laughing even louder. i look up at boris as i laugh, "is he drunk?", i ask glancing back down at him. "nie, just high. he sleeps at my house tonight. when we get back to potters after dropping you off, xandra and larry were there fighting. we leave and go back to my house. he say he will stay in my room with popchyk.", boris tells me shrugging. i look down at theo, slightly guilty at not inviting him over. boris sees my face, "is fine. he wants to be alone tonight.", he tells me, placing a hand on my back. theo's laughter dies down, "goodnight!", he shouts up, beginning to walk to boris's house. "goodnight!", i call back down before closing my window. i turn back around and look at boris, "i assume your planning to sleep here?", i say looking at the small backpack he has on his back. "yes, i always want to sleep next to you lu.", he tells me before walking out to my bedside table to put out his cigarette.
i follow him, plopping myself back down on my bed. he stands over my for a moment, studying me. he combs his fingers through my hair, "is short.", he states like he's telling me something i didn't already know. "i took out my extensions.", i reply to him, looking up at his puzzled face. "extensions?", he asks back confused. "fake hair that you put on to make your real hair look longer.", i explain to him without going into too much detail. he smiles at me, his fingers still running through my hair, "i like.", he tells me genuinely. i smile up at him, "thank you.". he walks over to the other side of my bed, sitting down beside me. he turns his body towards me, "spread legs, let me play Kochanie.", he says with a smirk, so nonchalantly i thought i must of heard him wrong. "what?", i ask back, my face slightly red. "you hear me.", he says back to me, still smirking. i guess we're really doing this. i look down at my shorts with my face red, beginning to slide them off. he grabs my wrist softly, "nie, not yet.", he says, his eyes still on me. i move my hand from the rim of my shorts, and prop my back up against the head board. i drag my knees up, spreading them apart as my feet flatten on the bed. i would be lying if i said i wasn't nervous and fucking thrilled at the same time. he crawls to the opening in my legs, laying on his stomach, his face INCHES away from my pussy. his smirk is so big i wouldn't be surprised if his face was sore tomorrow. he shifts his eyes between me and my core. he brings a hand to my left thigh, gently squeezing it, "is okay, yes?", he asks looking up at me. "yes.", i respond back, my breath hitching on my answer. his eyes return to my clothed core, he begins sliding on index finger up and down my slit. i let out a sigh and try to move my hips against his finger.
he looks up at me pulling his finger away, "no move.", he tells me raising his eyebrows. "haven't you teased me enough today?", i blurt out in a tone more whiny than i intended it to be. he chuckles, "let me...what is word?", he thinks for a moment, "savor? ah yes, savor this, okay?", he says returning his finger to place it just was. "do you want me to go easy on you lalka?", he asks me still looking at me. what is this man talking about. "easy?", i ask slightly confused. he chuckles again, "do you want me to be gentle?", he rephrases. i think for a moment before shaking my head no. he smirks and nods his head, "good.". "lift up hips.", he says as he gets on his knees. i lift up my hips quickly in hopes he's going to remove my shorts. he does just that. he hooks his fingers around the hem of them and strips them off of me, throwing them to the ground. he looks back down at my bare pussy, "no underwear?", he says chuckling as he turns his head to the side, to look at me from all angles. "very good.", he says before i can speak. "can i play?", he asks still staring at my bare core. i don't know what it is about him using the word, "play", but im absolutely loving it. his accent twists the "a" sound the word makes, and it makes me feral as fuck. i nod frantically. he laughs softly. he slides one finger down my slit and pops it in his mouth, licking my juices off of it. i swear i see his pupils grow and his eyes glow with hunger. he looks up at me and mutters a polish word under his breath. before i know it, he's grabbing the unders of my thighs and sitting them on his shoulders, pulling me flat on the bed. without wasting a moment, he immediately begins licking my pussy up and down. i moan louder than i think i ever have before. he takes his finger and begins rubbing my clit while i pushed his tongue in and out of my entrance. i close my eyes, letting his movements engulf me. i move my hips back and forth in his face as i let out high pitched whimpers. now i want to make one thing clear: i am not the type of girl who cums super fast...usually. but as i've stated before, it's been months since i've gotten any type of action. i speed up my hips, rolling them faster on boris's face. right as im about to reach my high, that fucker drops my legs and disconnects his mouth from my body. i whine impatiently and prop myself up on my elbows, “whyyy?”, i question half annoyed and half even more turned on. “i want to watch your face when i make you cum for the first time, and i can’t do that when head is buried inside your legs, yes?”, he says pushing back the curls of his hair draped in front of his eyes. he looks at me when his hair is out of his eyes, i feel my face hot and most likely red. “you are so beautiful.”, he says moving up to me and cupping my check with his hand. i’ve had just about enough of him being sweet, i want his to fuck my brains out. i guess im just gonna have to tease him as hard as he continues to tease me. game on.
A/N: mwahahahaha dw, the next part will be even smuttier.
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monodramatic-cannibal · 3 months
⚠️☣️💛Pinned Post💛☣️⚠️
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This is my Undertale au (Mainly Sans aus) blog, my main is @cryingbluez. Will mainly be posting my own artwork, and answer asks. I will sometimes reblog others posts too.
Asks are open, also may do doodle requests too. You can also send me random head canons or thoughts on characters too, I'd love to hear them!
Asks will be open for both me and my characters/aus just make sure to specify who the ask is for. If no one at all is specified and its not clear who its for I will just use any character to answer lol.
I'm also super okay with unhinged asks/tags on my stuff (as long as it isn't nsfw) I'm also okay with spam likes/reblogs/asks. I'm also okay with anons wanting specific anon names e.g. an anon referring to themselves with an emoji.
Also I'm okay with fanart of my characters! :D make sure to tag me and you can even send an ask in to make sure I see it lol. And I'm also okay with your ocs interacting with mine. Either it be through asks or art.
I'm also prone to adding random bits of info in the tags, not on all my posts, but a lot of my posts have stuff in the tags too, of me talking about something lol.
(This blog will have swearing in it. So if that's something you don't like please be careful when viewing my content)
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You can call me Monodrama, or just Mono for short. Heres the ref for my skelesona.
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Some lore on my sona :D :
Despite the title of ‘Skelesona’ my technically not a skeleton. More so some sort of parasite controlling a puppet/doll that looks like a skeleton.
Monodrama means ‘a dramatic piece for one performer’ (Nickname "Mono"). Given me saying my skelesona he’s actually more of an oc/mascot he doesn’t fully act like me, he's more so a being I can talk through.
His eyes and the bunny features as well as the horn and tail aren’t actually his own, since he’s a sort of parasite he can consume people/monsters and can gain a feature or two that he can use whenever he wants. E.g. he ate someone who had yellow eyes, giving him yellow eye lights, he ate a rabbit monster gaining bunny features, and he ate a reptilian monster for the horns and tail. (Also it explains my blog name lol)
Does have ecto, but rarely has it active
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This blog is just a place for me to shove my Undertale au/Sans au artwork, feel free to send asks or doodle requests in. I have a few undertale ocs too :D
I'm open to answering asks about myself or any au/oc stuff I do, I will try to include doodles whenever I can, so bear with me if I don't answer it quickly. If you sent a doodle request and I don't do it please don't be mad. After all it's free art, I get to choose what I want to draw.
I do utau ships, and have my own sans au that I'm working on. Main utau ship I like is CrossMare (Cross x Nightmare), I enjoy drawing Nightmare a lot so you will see a lot of artwork of him. I tend to go for either fandom versions of characters personalities or my own interpretations of them.
Some of my fav bands/artists are, Glass Animals, Vundabar, Girl in Red, Rio Romeo, TV Girl, Machine Girl :DD
My writing style tends to be very blunt, so I try to put in emojis/emoticons. I try not to spam them, but just warning ppl that I don't mean to sound mean I just type like that D: .
I'm still trying to figure out how I wanna draw skele's, so bear with me with that, my style might change.
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Some links to posts of mine that I find relevant! :D (will be adding to this as I post more)
Info/boundaries on oc/au ask stuff
OC refs:
My sonas ref (I count him as an oc as well,ik his ref is above, but this is it's separate post)
Raiden's ref (Crossmare ship kid)
Nix-Ceto's ref
Tanue's ref
??? au (No name for the au yet):
Memento Cadre (Omen's team info)
Omen's ref (Omen=Nightmare)
Orca's ref (Orca=Cross)
Cleaver's ref (Cleaver=Horror) (not posted yet)
Alloy's ref (Alloy=Killer) (not posted yet)
Soot's ref (Soot=Dust) (not posted yet)
Renegade au:
Renegade info (Ut sans au)
Renegade au refs 1 (Can also look at my tag '#Renegade ref' to find refs)
Renegade au refs 2
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Tags I use (will be adding to this as I post more):
#Monodrama #Monodrama rambles | These used for posts of my sona, or me answering things, or just random text posts
#Monoart #Monos art #art #digital #digital art | My art tags
#Renegade au #Renegade #Renegade!(insert character name) #Renegade info | Tags for a ut sans au of mine
#ask #asks #doodle response #text response #anon #(insert user of who sent the ask) | tags for asks, doodle response is when I reply with a doodle, text response is when I respond with text (will probs end up using both tags since I have a feeling I will include both text and a doodle). Anon or someone's user is when either an anon sent an ask or whoever the user is that sent in the ask.
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DNI Homopobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, etc Racist, Sexist, Ableist, misogynistic, etc Proshipers, Pedophiles, etc Just basically all the problematic stuff. I also won't be responding much to people who try to start things with me, I will just block people. I just don't have time for it, if your polite about it I will most likely have a discussion with you.
Page divider (user @.animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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reverseflashes · 1 year
I’m trying to write a story or at least a short one. Where Constantine and Raven cross paths with the Rogues. I have a pretty good idea for it but even though I’ve read comics. I still don’t fully understand them I need an idea about there personality and fighting style. I’m hoping that with your help and a few other Rogue fans. I can get a better idea. Cause finding proper information is like finding a needle in a haystack for them. Constantine is literally the easiest out of all of them.😭
I really hope for good information. I want to do right by them.🥺
Anyway my chosen Rogue’s are… Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Trickster (Axel Walker).
Basically the ones in comics right now.
P.S. I’m also mad about Owen. He had so much potential.
Every time I checked my inbox and saw this meage on top, I reminded myself to answer it some time the same day. And every time, I forgot. I don't even know where to begin to apologize, nonnie, especially it's been exactly a month since you've sent me this. I hope, if you are still around, and if you see this, you can forgive me. And if you are pissed at me, then you are completely right too I'M SO SORRY I SWEAR
To be honest, I can read every issue every Rogues member has ever appeared in (and for some members, I did lol) and still would not be good at answering questions like this. I'll tag few blogs I know post about the Rogues at the end of my response and tag this properly so that more people will see it and hopefully share their opinions as well. :)
I apologize in advance if this is very scattered, all over the place but I've never been very good at explaining stuff like this so... yeah.
I'm assuming the fight takes between John&Raven and the Rogues.
The Rogues are Flash's villains. And Flash has superspeed; and having superspeed comes with infinite amount of skills and abilities. There is really nothing a speedster can't do. So how does the Rogues, a bunch of non-powered criminals (except for Mark, if we want to go into a bit detail lol) with only their gadgets and costumes keep up with him? How can a speedster like Barry Allen can struggle against the Rogues sometimes?
The answer is that the Rogues have the advantage of planning their heists in advance. Excessive planning, may I add! Rogues don't have to keep up with Flash's whereabouts, because Flash will always go where the Rogues exactly want him. But the Flash doesn't have the advantage of always anticipating the Rogues' next move. There are so many other reasons of course but no need to go into more details. So, in your story, whether the Rogues plans the fight with John and Raven ahead or if it occurs completely spontaneous, I believe the Rogues wouldn't be caught off guard. I mean, they fight speedsters on a weekly basis, so it is hard for them to get intimitated by anyone else.
Now another thing, and I don't know if it's just me or if it is a fandom thing, but I always got the impression that Rogues hate magic. Like I always believed that to be a fact. They don't like it at all. Maybe "superpowers" is what they really don't like but I guess, to them, it's all the same.
Len in The Flash #750
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Rogues don't want to get involved in anything that is above their paygrade. They hate their plans getting out of control and things getting messy and magic IS messy, that is an understatement. So you can use this in the story; they will fight John and Raven if they have to, but they won't care about winning. Of course, they CAN win the fight, but if you use the canon fact that the Rogues never faced John and Raven before in your story, then I assume winning wouldn't be their priority. They'll buy themselves time while putting the capes through their paces (damn right 😎).
You can focus on the Rogues' gadgets as well. In my personal opinion, Mirror Gun is the most powerful and dangerous out of all of them: it can open portals, it can create duplicates, it can fire bolts of light energy, IT CAN HYPNOTIZE AND MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, it can be used to transmute objects into glass, it can be used for dimensional travel, it can trap people inside those mirror dimensions etc... (SOURCES: here and here)
Here is a panel of Sam blinding Wonder Woman with his Mirror Gun. Justice League America #158
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I put this panel especially because Wonder Woman is heavily affiliated with magic.
You can find more info on their gadgets on the internet, and if you'd like, I can look into it and send you some links if I can find anything.
I was gonna mention Hartley and his flute too but I realized that he isn't in the Rogues in your story so I'll skip that.
And lastly, I'd recommend you read New Year's Evil: Rogues, a one-shot where the Rogues are in the land of Zhutan searching for a powerful sun disk of Meshta (the creator god of the Saravistraism- DC’s version of Zoroastrianism) to make their souls eternally free from Neron (DC’s version of Satan). It involves heavy supernatural themes so maybe it helps.
Also, Teen Titans: Cold Case might be a good read. There is a fight between Teen Titans and the Rogues and although magic isn't in the center, Rogues fight against members Cyborg, Red Devil and Wonder Girl (Cassie). (And Vic and Tim actually admit that they couldn't take the Rogues!)
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And most importantly, they fight as a TEAM and a FAMILY. Their diverse skills and abilities complete each other, thanks years of working and planning and fighting together side by side.
Soooo yeah. I'm pretty sure I forgot half the things I was gonna add and forty thousand anecdotes but that's why I'll tag some of the awesome people in the Rogues fandom underneath this so that they can add their own opinions as well. If they want, of course, no pressure! Please feel free to ignore this.
Thank you so very very very much for your message nonnie. And I'm so so so very sorry for taking so long to answer it. I hope I made it up to you a little.
@gorogues @tricksterrune @t-bombs @longitudinalwaveme @belphegor1982 @saltywithsarcasm @smartshipfriday my brain is all over the place rn i can't think of anyone else but if you see this in the search or on your dash pls feel free to reblog it and share your opinions <33
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sansxfuckyou · 11 months
maybe it's just me (built to snap eventually)
Summary: Technoblade and Dream have a rivalry, and the both of them are sure it's as simple as that, a rivalry- definitely not something that'll lead to an all consuming culmination of hatred and obsession, it couldn't be
Warnings: heavy gore, graphic & poetic character death, awkward conversations, the rivalsduo is meant to be read as a possessive/obsessive thing instead of a romantic thing, injury recovery, swearing, not actually character death, funerals, please read with caution
Authors Note: you know, this was originally an SBI-centric fic in my head, but then I had a lot of fun with the rivalsduo dynamic, so here we are now. I don't even know how we got here, but the end product is really fun. rip awesamdude. @sobredunia i subjected you to some of my mad ramblings, heres the full thing, i'm too tired for the ending to be perfectly formulated. hope ya'll enjoy, and if you do consider dropping a reblog, ao3 port comes out hopefully tomorrow
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"Look, Techno," Phil began with as he glanced at his second son. His beloved son, who he cared for dearly despite his rather odd choice of form, "We need to have a talk."
The Piglin hesitantly made eye contact, "Yeah dad?"
"You have the most non-human blood of all my sons, given the fact you can shape-shift. I still don't get why you want to be a pig, but you do you. Really though, a pig?" Phil rambled.
"Dad. The point," Techno said rather sternly.
"Right, yeah, this conversations topic," Phil said cautiously.
"Is this about sex? I know about sex," Techno blurted out before he could stop himself from making an assumption.
"Fuck no, definitely not," He answered with, his wings gave a fluff of discomfort. He cleared his throat, "But, as you may know, immortals grow attached to mortals. Usually picking a specific one without realizing it in the moment, and sometimes we take it upon ourselves to protect them until they die of natural causes."
"That explains Wilbur's obsession with Sapnap," Techno mused with an eye roll.
Phil gives a hum, "No, he just really wants to fuck Sapnap- it's Tommy's situation with Tubbo though."
"Ah," Techno said, a wave of understanding washed over him, "I don't have one of those."
"You do," Phil answered with, "It's not always friendship, or romance, sometimes it's hatred. Immortals grow deeply attached to a mortal to the point of obsession, brutalization even, to make sure we can take care of them or take advantage of them. It's like," He paused, "It's like our tether to mortality, we live mortal lives through their existence. Even if their mortal lives put them so close to death everyday; even if the mortal lives they lead are ones we hate them for; we grow obsessed and can't help it."
"An example," Techno demanded.
"Well," Phil said, "I don't have one of the aggressive type off the top of my head, but I'd say it's similar to your predicament with Dream, no?"
Deep red flared on Techno's face at the accusation, it didn't show much considering the hue of his skin. He cleared his throat roughly and gave a feeble defense, "Is not."
"Is too," Phil countered with.
"I fucking hate him! I want him dead! I would never do anything to protect him, ever," Techno snapped aggressively. And the way he snarled and nearly yelled would scare everyone but Philza, Tommyinnit, and Wilbur Soot. They were just used too it.
"What if I said he was dying right now, what would you do? He's on the floor, bleeding out, what do you do?" Phil asked.
It made Techno pause, he hated the fact it did but he needed to think about a question this grave. He dropped further into his chair, cape awkwardly pooling around him. He opened his mouth to speak but paused, "I'd kill him I'd finish him off myself."
"Why," Phil demands.
"Because blood loss is a terrible way to go," Techno answered with.
"What if someone else was about to finish Dream and you could save him momentarily? Then what?" Phil asked carefully. Each word interlocking to paint a beautiful picture in Techno's head.
"I'd save him, and then I'd kill him," Techno answered with, and he sounds ashamed of his answer even though he can't say someone else gets the honors of killing Dream. He takes a heavy breath, "I save him, kill his attacker, give him a potion, tell him to find me once he's healed, and then I'd kill him."
"Then go," Phil said as he stood up, "You don't have any omnipotence yet, but I do, and I just wanna say that you're about to lose him."
"What? He can handle some fucking bandits," Techno said defensively as Phil started to walk off.
There's a hum, "Yeah, but I doubt he can handle someone like Sam given his new Netherite gear."
Techno stayed silent, a deep knot of confusion settling in his gut. He stays here and lets Sam kill his one true rival, or he goes out there and tries to find said rival before Sam does. He gives an annoyed groan as he flips onto his side, "Sam can kill him."
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me then," Phil answered with, a smirk on his face but Techno can't see it.
The second that Phil is in the kitchen the piglin is on his feet and leaving, he can already feel his tusks jut out a little bit more than usual. Stupid divinity in his genetics, he hates and loves it. But, he'll put that godly wrath to good use, just to make sure he's the one who gets to kill Dream in the end of it all.
An axe is in his hands when he reaches the door, diamond, enchanted, it will tear open someone's skull once again. He doesn't bother to grab any armor, a totem and he's well on his way out the door and into the wilderness.
He really hopes that Sam has a spare life, just to make sure he'll wake up and understand why people don't mess with an immortals mortal.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you down?" Sam asked as he took another step into the bloody snow, a deep crimson turning to ice from Dream's previous death.
The man shakes his head as the tip of a sword goes to reach under his chin. He lifts his head with the blade, "How long?" He gives that trademark grin, that undying smile, the thing he's known for most on wanted posters. His hands are resting in the snow behind him, and his jacket is slashed up, no armor, he didn't think he'd need it. How wrong he was.
"Months. I spent fucking months trying to track you down after you got out just so I could have the pleasure," Sam explained in an exasperated tone. He jutted he sword forward and Dream lurched backwards till he was flat on the snow. A paw came to rest on his knee and pressed until it shattered, he bit his tongue and didn't scream, "And you have more fucking lives than you're supposed to. You should be dead right now, unable to return."
Dream laughed, "Naw, that's not how someone like me works. I can't let you of all people kill me," He tries to push himself up to face the centaur, resting on his elbows, "Only one person out there gets the honor, and trust me, he won't be pleased to find you trying to steal it."
"We all want you dead, and you think any of us care who finishes you? They don't," Sam snarled as he leaned in, raising his paw up to Dream's femur and presses until it shatters, a bloody burst as the bones splits roughly, "I'll be fucking praised."
There's an amused hum from Dream at the sudden lurch back on Sam's end, the way his ears swivel around. Snow crunching under feet, fast, closing in on them very fast. And in the instant that Sam is looking back to see who it is, he's being tackled down by a seemingly amorphous wild boar. Tusks sharp as an axe tearing into his hide and cloven hooves (almost paws), the fur is pink, striking red down the back.
"Technoblade," Dream said as he looked at his temporary savior, "He was just bluffing."
The beast whips it's head around to snarl at Dream. The beast-like characteristics are fading, until the red separates into a cape and the horns to a crown. His breathing is labored, eyes still glazed over red, he can form words just barely; "Your life is fucking mine."
Dream would stand up and walk condescending circles around Techno at this point, but considering how ruined his left leg is he can't do so. He shrugs, "I think our friend the prison warden understands that now."
Techno still indulges, killing Sam rather swiftly, tearing out his chest and spreading the ribs. A gut wrenching scream, and a snap of teeth around a heart, he's gone before he can ask why. The boar still feasts, the boar feasts until the human half of the corpse has been thoroughly desecrated, to the point it can barely be called a corpse.
Dream just watches, fully aware of the fact that'll be him one day, when Techno has finally decided to end their game of cat and mouse. Dream quite likes this right now, just watching, mentally preparing himself for the final bell to toll. Readying himself for the day Techno decides that killing someone when they're wounded is viable and far better than letting them heal to fight at full strength.
When he raises from the corpse, so close to just being another guy, but bereft of the simplicity of a human form, he looks at Dream. He licks the blood from the back of his hand before walking over to his rival, his enemy, his beloathed, but he wouldn't dare call him a friend. He crouches down and gently prods at the shattered limb and Dream hisses, "Guess you can't make it back to your place on your own."
"Kill me now, I'm on my last life," Dream answered with, "You want too, don't you?"
"Not when you're pathetic like this," Techno said bluntly as he slid an arm under his rivals knees, black pants still intact but in need of being cut up to tend to the wound. He slides an arm around the shoulders, lowering to his back and picking him up, "I'll patch you up."
Dream feebly pushes against the torso of his rival, "No, fuck you. I have an extra life, let me freeze to death."
"That's a lame way to go," Techno said as he carried Dream, he was cold, worryingly so. Techno catches the clasp of his cape on his task and attempts to swing it over.
"Are you using your cape, as a blanket?" Dream asked, he did reach for the velvety red fabric to curl himself up in it a little bit.
"Like I said, it would suck to freeze to death," Techno said as he clutched his rivals body a little closer, he can hear a zombie groaning below the ground. It's a defensive motion, like hell he's letting Dream get struck down permanently by anything other than his own two hands.
Dream hums, "I've frozen to death before."
"How was that for you?" Techno asked as that purple glow of the portal came into view past the trunk of a tree. He slows a bit, can sudden shift from cold to hot kill a human? Demi-human, because he knows that some part of Dream isn't human just like he isn't.
Dream shrugged, "It was lame, just cold," His raises a hand to touch one of Techno's tusks and the hybrid bites, fangs just barely nipping the edge of Dream's fingernail. Shock is on his face, it's pure shock, usually held behind an arrogant mask. Techno revels in the fact he's one of the few who gets to see Dream with the mask off, even if only for a second, "Dude, dick move."
"I know," Techno said, and he grinned, it made Dream's blood boil.
He crosses his arms like a defiant teen, which, yeah, he never really grew out of the defiant part. He rests his head on the fabric of Techno's shirt, and despite the pain coursing through him he keeps a straight face. He's felt worse, "Fuck you."
Techno gives a singular laugh, "I would never."
"Neither would I," Dream spits back, "I was using hyperbole."
"Shut up before I strangle you into a coma," Techno threatened.
Dream shut up.
"Hey dad," Wilbur began with as he walked past Techno and into the kitchen.
"Yeah Wil?" Phil responded with as he pivoted on his heel to face his first son.
"Why is Techno sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling?" Wilbur asked, "His hands are bloody."
Phil shrugged, "He has an 'acquaintance' over and he's worried about how Tommy will react," He gestured around vaguely with his spatula as he spoke.
"Oh my fuck, Techno got a girlfriend?" Wilbur asked excitedly, trying to keep his voice hushed but failing.
"I do not have a girlfriend!" Techno shouted from the living room.
"Trust me, this visitor is not a girlfriend," Phil said with an amused hum, "Far from it."
"Who is it?" Wilbur asked, making a point of getting up in his dads face as he spoke, the Elytrian shifter edged back.
"You'll have to wait and see," Phil said as he pushed away his son with the tip of his spatula, "Go bother Techno about it."
"He'll rip my head off dad," Wilbur said, he snatched away the Elytrian's cooking utensil, "I'll help cook instead."
"An extra set of hands is always welcome in my kitchen," Phil said as he grabbed a spatula for himself.
On the other side of the house Tommy, the youngest of Phil's sons, is kicking off his boots and shaking down his tail of the snow. Striped fur stands on end when he catches the scent of blood, heavy on the air. Before he can even announce he's home he's following that fresh blood smell that burns his nose down the halls to Techno's room.
He doesn't knock, just swings open the door, "Techno are you-"
Words die in his throat as he stares at the man in his brothers bed, it isn't his brother. His heart rate picks up when that cunt in green tilts his head to be greeted with the sight of the blonde. There's a small smile void of malicious intent, but Tommy sees violence in those emerald eyes. He slams the door shut before Dream can even get out a weak 'hi,' his fur is bristled now.
"Technoblade, why the fuck is Dream in your bed?!" Tommy exclaimed as he walked into the living room.
"I don't fucking know!" Techno shot back as he snapped up from his sitting position, "I couldn't just let him freeze to death, that'd be cruel!"
"I thought you hated him!" Tommy practically screamed.
"I do hate him! I promise, but I need to be the one to kill him! And you wouldn't fucking get it!" Techno roared back at the considerably smaller of the two.
"Then why in the name of Philza Minecraft, Foolish Gamers, and so on and so forth! Is he, in your, bedroom?!" Tommy yelled, his throat hurt just a bit, "If you're fucking him I'm going to disown you."
"That's disgusting! I would never fuck someone as low as him," Techno snapped, tone lowering as he spoke. He heaved a long sigh, "He's staying."
"I'm killing him in his sleep," Tommy said venomously.
Techno would be snapping Tommy's neck right about now if they weren't brothers, instead he stands up and walks past Tommy who gives an annoyed sound. He leans in the doorway of the kitchen, "Is dinner ready yet?"
"I take it you don't want to eat dinner with us?" Phil asked as he portioned a couple of diagonally cut sandwiches onto a platter.
"Not if Tommy is being a bitch about Dream staying here," Techno said as kindly as he could, which wasn't kindly at all. He crossed his arms bitterly, "Can I have a plate?"
Phil hands the plate to Wilbur who hands the plate to Techno.
"Thanks," Techno said.
The living room is empty, his bedroom door is propped open. He tries to stay calm as he enters his room to find Tommy above Dream, dagger so close to piercing his heart. A pair of weak hands grasp desperately at the blade to stop it from puncturing his skin.
"Tommy," Techno said coldly, he placed the plate of sandwiches on his desk.
The blonde looked up, "This isn't what it looks like."
"Yes, yes it is what it looks like! Get this thing off of me!" Dream snapped as he attempted to use his one good leg to kick off Tommy. His attempts were feeble, he just wanted to scare off the Procyonidae, not hurt him.
"Dream, shut up," Techno snapped, "Tommy, get out of my room."
"But-" The plead was desperate.
"Now," Techno snarled and the raccoon was skittering out of the room in mere seconds. He heaves a sigh before grabbing the plate of sandwiches and dropping down his bed beside Dream.
Dream reaches for a sandwich and Techno shifts the plate a little closer.
"Think twice before badmouthing any member of my family," Techno said.
Dream nodded, "Got it."
"Sorry that Tommy just, did that," Techno said weakly as he tore a chunk out of his sandwich, cheese stuck to one of his tusks.
"I probably deserved it," Dream answered without any chalantness in his voice as he ate his sandwich.
"If you want to stay here,"
"I don't,"
"You'll have to live with that, and Wilbur, and Phil, and the humans they drag along. You aren't gonna have any control here, you're just here to heal up,"
"I didn't want to be here at all,"
"I know, but I couldn't let you freeze to death, it's so fucking lame,"
Dream gives a small sigh, "Thanks anyways."
"You're welcome," Techno said and it hurt to say it to Dream, "On account of the fact that you're sleeping in my bed-"
Dream quirked a brow and smirked at the words.
"Not sexually," Techno quickly defended with, "Fuck, you have a dirty mind."
"That I do," Dream said with a small laugh, "Please continue."
"I'm sleeping on the couch now, so if you need me, just roll out of bed and drag yourself across the floors and wake me up," Techno said.
"How hospitable," Dream said with a roll of the eyes, "I'll keep that in mind."
Techno grabs another triangle of cheese and bread, "Yeah, yeah, get some sleep."
Dream gives a sickly sweet expression, "Good night, Techno," His voice was sugar sweet and it made the piglin gag, that made Dream laugh.
"Watch your fucking mouth bud," Techno snarled out, "I'm not above killing you in your sleep."
Dreams legs are shaking, and he's holding onto Techno's hand like a vice as he tries to take steps. Everything still hurts so much, and his bones aren't quite set, but he needs to try. He's already overstayed his welcome and he needs to heal up and learn how to walk again.
"Hey, dude, you can just lay down again," Techno offered quietly as he led Dream to the kitchen, "I'll bring you some leftovers."
He shook his head, "You said that Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were bringing over their mortals, I want to be at the dinner table."
"Uh huh, and whys that?" Techno asked, tilting Dream off balance just a bit. It garnered a heavy glare that made the Piglin grin.
"I'm your mortal according to Phil, so I want to be there," Dream explained as he took yet another shaky step. At least it wasn't bleeding anymore, the gauze holding his leg in one piece.
Techno nearly laughed, "You're definitely not my mortal, I just want to be the one who kills you," He knocks his tusk gently against the side of Dream's head, "Is it not fair for me to make sure you're at your best when I do?"
"It's kinda gay, that's what it is," Dream accused rather boldly, "But really, it's just like what Phil was telling me about. You act like you own my mortality, more so than usual," He pauses, "I appreciate all the help getting back to my best again but people don't just do that."
Techno paused, "I'm built different."
And Dream just laughs, "Yeah you fucking are, you're built like a brick house and a pig for fucks sake! I'm lucky to have an enemy like you."
"I'd say the term 'rival' works better," Techno corrected as he rolled his eyes and led Dream into the kitchen.
Tommy glances up and instead of doing anything he just leans further into Tubbo. His breathing picks up.
"Dream! Glad to see you're joining us for dinner," Phil said with a grin.
"Can't stay in Techno's room the whole time I'm here, it'd be rude," Dream said, almost nervously, but not quite.
"I trust everyone here knows each other?" Phil asked as he glanced over the table.
Dream sat down next to Phil, Techno sat down next to Dream, acting as a comfortable barrier between Tommy and Dream. Schlatt leaned over the table a bit, to get a good look at the man Dream had become. He's softer now, just as gnarled with scars but physically, he's softer, less malnourished.
"Not personally," Schlatt said, "But we all know Dream."
Quackity gives a hum of agreement, "We know him very well, I guess having bad taste in men runs in the family."
Both Phil and Techno glare at Quackity.
"I'm just being honest," Quackity mused.
"Firstly, fuck off," Techno said, "Secondly, I hate this man," He gestured to said man who was sitting beside him, "Thirdly, Wilbur has dogshit taste in men and you're proof of it, lastly Tommy is, he's Tommy."
"I love debates," Tubbo said, butting into the conversation with ease, "But can we not kill each other over this little dinner?"
"Sounds fine," Quackity said as he glared at Techno, "Peachy keen."
Techno lounged back further into his chair and grabbed his plate, "I'm going to my room."
Dream gave an offended gasp, "You're gonna leave me out here to die?"
"No I'm not," Techno said before roughly hoisting up dream and slinging him onto his shoulders.
Wilbur gives a hum, "Don't be too loud, might ruin our appetites."
The glare Techno shoots at Wilbur is sharp enough to cut through steel. Wilbur just smiles.
"You're gross," Techno said.
"And hot," Wilbur answered with, "One of those two things, you aren't."
"I am this fucking close to throwing Dream at you, he will claw your eyes out," Techno threatened, holding his fingers mere millimeters apart.
"I'll have to agree with Wilbur," Quackity said smugly.
Techno places his plate down on the table and gently lifts Dream from his shoulders.
"Hey now, let's be rational, we're all adults here," Dream said rather nervously as Techno shifted how he was held.
"Yeah, and what's a couple more months with you healing up," Techno said, and despite phrasing it as a question it was a statement.
"And that's enough! From the both of you," Phil demanded as he stood up, voice cold and stern in such a way it made his children freeze. He glared at each of them, "None of you are going to your room, I plan full well on having dinner with my family present for the first time in over a month."
"Since Dream got here," Tommy muttered.
"What was that Tommy?" Phil growled out.
"He takes up all of Techno's time! They have to be doing something right under our noses," Tommy accused.
"I would never!" Techno snapped back, "I hate him."
"Then how come you're taking care of him?" Wilbur asked before Tommy could.
"Because," Techno faltered, "Because I, he-"
"He owes me one," Dream quickly stepped in with, "I saved his life and he's doing the same."
Phil knows that Dream is lying, omnipotence will do that to you. He doesn't say anything about it though.
"He doesn't have to do so in the house I live in," Tommy answered with, extremely exasperated at that.
"Tommy, Dream is a guest in our household and I expect you to at least try and respect him," Phil said, "I don't like it either, but he's Techno's mortal, we're respecting that."
"He fucking isn't!" Techno said desperately.
"Kid," Schlatt began, "Look at yourself, you're fucking obsessed with that green guy- he's your mortal, and you're his immortal, whether you like it or not."
"He's not my fucking immortal," Dream spat venomously.
"That's what I said when Phil started fawning over my existence, making sure I didn't get hurt and shit," Schlatt said as he stood up, "Porch?"
"Porch," Dream answered with as the rest of the family argued over the table.
"Look, I'm not an expert on this shit," Schlatt said, "But I sure as hell have experience."
"Then start talking," Techno demanded.
"Watch your tone, I could have smited for that," Schlatt said as he pointed to Techno with his cigar.
Dream scoffed, "Sure."
"When you sleep with someones dad anything can happen," Schlatt said with a casual shrug.
"I'll be up questioning my life decisions tonight," Techno said, "Forget late night training."
"Do you want my advice or not?" Schlatt asked coldly.
They both nodded.
"You, green," Schlatt started with, "Deal with it, Techno is gonna be making sure you don't die for a very long time. Even if you do die, I wouldn't put him past trying to bring you back if he didn't get the honors. No one will so much as lay a hand on you if they find out that you 'belong' to Techno."
"But I hate him," Dream said as the Piglin unloaded him onto a lawn chair.
"For now. You hate him for. I hated Phil and here I am, fucking him," Schlatt said with a bit of a laugh, "I guess some of me still hates him, and I'm not trying to say you two will end up fucking, but you belong to each other now."
"Like some fucked up and lazy soulmate trope?" Techno asked.
"Exactly like that," Schlatt answered with, "You're a fast learner."
"Thanks, I've been told I get it from my dad," Techno said stiffly.
"Where was I? Right, Piglin," Schlatt said, "Dream belongs to you, you can defy it, distance yourself from him, try to forget him- but if you catch wind of anyone trying to hurt him you're gonna end up fucking them up. Like what you did to Sam. Tommy would do the same for Tubbo, but that's because he cares about Tubbo as a friend, not because Tommy wants to be the one to kill Tubbo."
Techno nodded.
"You want to kill Dream when he's at his full power, you'll do anything you can to make sure you can fulfill that. Your obsession turned into a necessity somewhere along the line, sure, if you fail to kill him permanently, you'll move on. But there will be a very long mourning period of something you failed to do," Schlatt tried to explain.
"So, basically, I have a divine being here to protect me, so he can kill me?" Dream asked, "Cause that is, it's kind of stupid and hard to wrap my head around."
"How do you think I feel?" Techno asked, "We were supposed to be killing each other, dying of blood loss in a heap on the ground, buried in the same coffin."
"See? That's the whole 'immortals have a mortal' thing kicking in," Schlatt said.
"I've always thought of Dream like that," Techno said.
"And that's always how I've thought of Techno, we're supposed to die together, he kills me, I kill him," Dream defended.
"That won't happen," Schlatt said, "Techno is immortal."
"Then I'll find a way to kill him," Dream said, "I have too."
Schlatt's eyes widened a bit, "Okay, this is clearly a lot more in depth and messy than whatever Phil thinks it is that you too have going on."
Techno hoisted up Dream, "That was useless advice then."
Before Schlatt could say anything else Techno ferried Dream throughout the house, his family was still arguing. He dropped Dream down onto the bed, then he laid down on the ground.
"Don't you sleep on the couch?" Dream asked.
"They're screaming at each other, I do not want to be out there," Techno said.
Dream took a tentative breath, "You don't have to sleep on the floor."
"I'm not fucking you," Techno said.
"I'm not asking you to fuck me," Dream said, "That would sound a lot more like 'we should have sex to piss them off' instead of what I said."
Techno sat up and pulled himself onto his bed, tossing aside his cape and gently placing down his crown. He laid down on his back, Dream rested on his side facing away, towards the window.
"Don't make this gay," Techno said before Dream could even bother to say anything.
Instead he rolled over until his head was resting top of the Piglins chest, "Okay."
"This is pretty fucking gay," Techno said carefully. Maybe he enjoyed having someone lying down on top of him, it's a nice pressure, like a weight blanket shaped like a human.
"Don't care, go to sleep," Dream said, "I'll be gone in the morning."
Dream wasn't lying when he said he'd be gone in the morning.
When Techno woke up he was alone in bed, and when he opened the top drawer of his dresser one of his shirts was gone along with a gem out of his crown. Dream's mask was there, the physical one, the cracked and bloodstained porcelain left behind on top of Techno's desk. He lifted it up and out fell a small note.
I really hope that you do end up killing me, and I want to kill you too, ask Phil to bury us together, that would be nice. I want to rot with you, I want to die with you, it'd be a lot harder to say this in person, so I wrote it, and left. Like a pussy. Because sometimes you gotta be a bit of a pussy, if you ever want to find me you should be able to use the pantleg you cut off to scent track me
When you decide that it's time, make sure it's somewhere they'll find our bodies
I would say yours truly, but if you're so concerned about it being gay, I won't
There goes Techno's concerns of Tommy scaring off Dream. He places the letter down gently and clasps his cape around his neck, velvety fabric flowing comfortably. He rests his crown atop his head, now he has even more reason to kill Dream, he stole one of the crown jewels.
He finds Tommy sitting on the couch and he looks guilt ridden. He glances up to see Techno, alone, without Dream. A little bit of worry worms it's way into Tommy's stomach, did he fuck it up that badly? He really hopes he didn't, "Where's Dream?"
"Gone," Techno answered with, "You didn't cause it."
His nerves ease just a bit, "Sorry," He doesn't mean it, Techno chooses to believe he does.
"Don't worry about it," Techno said, "Just do me a favor."
"What is it?" Tommy asked.
"Make sure that me and Dream go down in the same coffin when we die," Techno said before pushing his way into the kitchen where he found Wilbur biting through an apple at a worrying pace.
Techno grabs a cooked strip of beef and tears into it as he leans against the counter.
"I'm engaged to Quackity," Wilbur said quietly, "It happened last night, when you weren't in the room."
Techno nearly chokes on his food, "Really?"
Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, really, I was waiting until we could all be together to get down on one knee. It's a big deal."
"Sorry," Techno said quietly.
"Is Dream still asleep?" Wilbur asked.
Techno shook his head, "Dream left."
"He could barely walk," Wilbur said, "Where are you going?"
Techno shrugged, "On a walk, don't know if I'll be back."
"I'll tell Phil," Wilbur said.
"you know he's a bit omnipotent, he already knows," Techno said bluntly before starting on his way off.
The morning air is cold on his face, he doesn't care about that though. Not when he has a brand new search to begin anyways, it's been forever since he's had a chance to hunt someone like Dream. The difference is that this time he's actually going to kill what he finds, and he hopes that they both go down in flames by the end of it all.
Dream is holding a dagger in his hands when Techno finds him, it's enchanted, a deep purple hue that keeps flashing this sickly green. He stuffs it in his pocket and flops onto his back, the Piglin joins him on the ground.
"You know what I've been thinking about lately?" Dream asked.
"Enlighten me," Techno answered with.
"What you said when Schlatt took us aside to try and explain the 'immortals having a mortal' thing," Dream answered with, "How we've both always thought of rotting together."
Techno gives a hum, "Doesn't everyone think that way about their true rival?"
"I don't think so, Techno," Dream said with a laugh, "It's been months since we last met, I talked with my acquaintances who have rivals, they don't think like that of their rivals. They just want their rivals to die so they can come out on top, they don't want to die with them, they'd kill their rivals in their sleep, Techno."
"Oh," Techno said quietly.
"What we have isn't normal for rivals," Dream said, "It's so fucking stupid, we hate each other, we need each other, and then, we'll kill each other."
"We're supposed to do that," Techno said.
Dream shook his head, "One of us is supposed to come out on top, we aren't both supposed to end up in the dirt."
Techno sat up, "We've dreamed of rotting together since we first met. Dream, we've wanted to slit each others throats for as long as I can remember, so fucking what if it's not normal?"
"It's pretty fucking gay," Dream said as he sat up.
"To die together? For me to rot in your arms and you in mine? That's just fucking destiny, how is that pretty fucking gay if we don't have control?" Techno questioned, "I'm dying of blood loss, and you're going down with me, understood?"
There's this odd stinging at the corner of his eyes, he classifies it as crying even though he shouldn't be. They're talking about how they're meant to die together, to be buried together, because that's their twisted rendition of this song and dance immortals do. He nods, "Yeah," He pulls out the dagger, "I found an enchantment to make sure you'll die with me."
Techno bumps the side of a tusk against Dream's head, "Thank you," He's not quite sure why he's saying thanks over a promised death, but he is.
Dream heaves a sigh, "I suppose this is it then."
"I don't want this to be it," Techno said, "I want to keep living so going down with you will be even better."
"I made stew last night," Dream offered awkwardly, "Beef, lamb, potatoes."
"No pork?" Techno asked.
"I can't eat pork even if I wanted to," Dream said, "It feels, wrong."
"Could I have a bowl?" Techno asked.
Dream gestured to the campfire behind him, "It's boiling away in the pot, help yourself."
The answer is a quiet, "Thanks."
"I don't want to kill you tomorrow," Dream said rather absently.
"Neither do I," Techno answered with.
"Then when?" Dream asked.
Techno didn't know, "I guess we'll just know when it's time."
Dream nodded, "Yeah, yeah that sounds good to me."
There's this gravitational pull when it's finally time to close the circuit, the both of them swirling to the same point like they've been caught in a hurricane. Drawn to the center point where everything coalces and becomes one, rage, blood, hatred, bones, screaming, crying- they both know why they're gridlock.
Blade of an axe pressed to the edge of Dream's sword, bright blue diamond edges clashing and shards splitting off. It blends with the sand below them, glassy, glimmering, red spills into it and darkens it in splotches. Technoblade's blood isn't red, Technoblade's blood is maroon and it shines like oil, it's not mortal.
A heady exclamation as they lurch back from each other once again, breathing labored. A dagger is raised, the one and only, the blade that will seal their fates, the blade that will spell out the ending of their tales as one. Two creatures so different brought to the same point all over again, they both started with the same weapon, and now they'll both end with the same weapon.
Technoblade loses his form, axe in one hand as he lunges at Dream, the humanity of his form fading until he's naught but a beast. A wild animal, eyes glazed over in red, crown turned to horns built to rend flesh like his tusks. And Dream just grins even wider, this is it, this is time.
He is finished. His god is finished. His god will finish him. He will finish his god. They will end it all. They will fade in each others arms. They will be go rancid in the desert heat. Their bones will twine till archeologists don't know what they are. They will end everything. His god will feast on his flesh in their last moments. He will drink his gods blood until he sees the light of reincarnation.
A tusk tears into his stomach and tears up behind his sternum, he screams and it sounds like a laugh despite how guttural and agonized it is. The hand with the dagger is pressed flush in Technoblade's throat, the enchantment shooting through the immortals blood, destroying divinity. Allowing him to die with Dream like they're supposed too, like they've been meant to do since before they were born, even in the afterlife they'll kill each other.
They'll kill each other in every world because who else is bold enough to kill either of them? Who else is smart enough to figure out the enchantment to kill a god?
Who else is meant for Technoblade the way Dream is and that in itself begs the question of who else is meant for Dream the way Technoblade is.
There's a laugh as the enchantment winds through Technoblades veins, destroying him as he destroyed Dream. The tusk is unmoving in Dreams chest as he laughs with Technoblade, even as fangs bite into his flesh. He is meat. He is flesh. He is sustenance. Technoblade is a predator. Technoblade is a devourer. And he will die of food poisoning because nothing else can kill him.
A hand, slowly losing strength because Dream drank his potions like a good boy, raises up to clutch at Technoblades shoulder. Blunt nails tear into the fabric as he laughs. It's a wet sound. He sounds like death. And he supposes that killing a god could make him death. He takes a breath, deep despite all of the red in his lungs, and he speaks.
"This is how it was meant to be," The words come out on a whisper, spoken with reverence because this is how it's supposed to be. Technoblade kills him. He kills Technoblade.
And the god gives a deep hum, a reverberating sound that shakes into Dreams bones. His immortality is being stripped from his blood, the oily sheen, glistening a rainbow of colors in the most unnatural way, is gone. He can feel himself fading and he's glad that it's Dream who did it. A hand, rough, desperate, hungry, clutches at the small of the mortals back and clutches him so very close. Snout burrowing around inside of Dream's chest, everything he has to offer in this destined death until Technoblade is choking in it all.
Strangled in greed or strangled with gifts he can't tell the difference, all he knows is that the taste of Dream's blood is perfect. The way bloody hands tangle into pink hair so long and left unbraided. Head mashed into his shoulder and breathing a susurration against his ear, it's hedonism with how much he keeps taking even though they're both to die in moments.
"I love you,"
Neither of them know who said it, they both know those aren't the right words with how sick this fulfillment of their existence is. The engulfing and ever consuming flame of obsession ate them both. The difference is that Dream's god is still eating him even as he fades and slumps further into the warm body just barely holding on.
And when it's finally over, they lay in the sand. They go rancid in the heat. They rot in the heat. Limbs entangled and weapons caught in each others flesh even as their corpses release everything else. They fade from reality together as they were meant too. Neither of them know. Neither of them see. They are gone.
Phil is the only one who knows they rotted out there for a week when someone finds their corpses being picked at by the vultures. Phil is the only one who knows what went down with the curse of his omnipotence. And even as he hates having to bury his own son, he knows in the back of his mind this was inevitable. Dream was his sons mortal. His on was Dreams immortal. It was bound to spiral, it was bound to end in bloody promises.
"How does it feel Phil?" Schlatt asked as Phil sat down beside him.
"How does what feel?" Phil shot back with weakly.
"Attending your kids funeral," Schlatt said.
"Terrible, you're staying at my place tonight," Phil answered with, "For emotional support."
"Figured as much," Schlatt sighed.
Wilbur is the final person at the casket with the rotting bodies, Quackity stands beside him. They both place a flower on the rotting flesh.
"This sucks ass," Wilbur choked out quietly.
Quackity nodded, "Definitely."
"There goes Techno, my favorite brother," Wilbur said, "What am I gonna do now?"
"You have me," Quackity supplied gently.
"I know I do, but it's not the same," Wilbur said, "It's just, not the same."
Tommy is crying, head buried in his hands as the smell of rotting flesh makes his stomach turn. He hates it. He feels like he's going to vomit even with a hand rubbing gentle circles on his back.
"Hey, dude," Tubbo said gently, "It's gonna be fine."
"It would be fine if he didn't make me bury him with Dream," Tommy practically sobbed into his hands, "That cunt broke me, and Techno gave him the honors to be buried together."
Tubbo just pulled his friend into a hug, silently.
"I'm gonna do it though," Tommy said weakly, "Because that's what he wanted."
Techno revives with Dream in his arms and while it isn't unwelcome it is unexpected. They did die like this, it makes sense they'd revive like this. He recognizes the room as his own and Dream is still asleep, locked firmly under one of Techno's arms.
They weren't supposed to revive, that was supposed to be it. He's never lost a life, he must've had extras. So much for that whole event happening. It was for absolutely nothing aside from feeling a little bit less weighted about the odd form of rivalry he holds with Dream.
Said man is starting to wake up, shuffling just a bit. He goes ramrod straight in mere moments before sitting up, "We should be dead."
Techno gives a hum, "Oh well."
"What a fucking waste!"
"Dude! Keep it down, Phil isn't a heavy sleeper,"
Dream dropped down onto Techno's chest again, "This is bullshit, it took me so long to find that dagger, and get the resources to actually kill you."
"We could do it again," Techno offered.
"That's not," Dream began, then he stopped himself. Right, they already aren't conventional rivals. They're already breaking the fundamental rules of rivalry, "Yeah, sure, we'll go on some grand adventures to find ourselves and end up in each others arms all over again."
"Don't make it gay," Techno said quietly.
"It already is gay," Dream said.
"Again, not gay if we have no say in how shit happens," Techno said, "Besides, I still hate you deeply."
"And so do I, fuck, we were supposed to stay dead," Dream gave an exasperated sigh, "It would tie off all those loose ends."
"Life isn't simple," Techno said as he shrugged off Dream and moved towards his desk. Everything ached from the brutality of his death, he picks up the mask, "You left this here."
Dream gives a hum, catching it when it's tossed over, "Thanks."
"How long do you think we were dead for?" Techno asked.
"A month, maybe two," Dream answered with, "Wanna go give Phil a heart attack?"
"Oh, absolutely," Techno said as he tugged Dream off the bed.
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cleolinda · 1 year
Licorice, feat. Hypnotic Poison, Lolita Lempicka, and more
HYPNOTIC POISON, briefly (Dior, 1998)
Black Opium (YSL, 2014) and Black Opium Extreme (2021) retried
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You don't wear Hypnotic Poison perfume, it wears you: that is the credo of this magnetic eau de toilette. The sultry fragrance bathes the skin in a mysterious and irresistible scent, like a bewitching elixir. (dior.com)
I forget how I recently came across this fact, but I found out that Hypnotic Poison, eau de parfum concentration, has licorice in it, which I most certainly had not perceived in the original eau de toilette, nor is it listed as a note. So I got myself a sample of that to compare to my bottle of the EdT. (It's the only Fancy Perfume I have an entire bottle of: a birthday gift.) I've tried them both multiple times now, but last night I actually wore one on each hand, and I wore A FULL SPRAY of the EdT, which is absolute madness compared to a single molecule just about choking me out five months ago. Apparently, I really am starting to tolerate perfume now.
The thing about EdPs and EdTs is that sometimes, it's not just a different concentration; they can actually be formulated with different notes. Curiously, in the case of Hypnotic Poison, the eau de toilette came out in 1998, and the parfum concentration didn't come out until 2014—a pretty wide gap there. Looking at the notes, we have—
Annick Menardo and Christian Dussoulier's original composition: Coconut, plum, apricot, Brazilian rosewood, jasmine, tuberose, rose, lily of the valley, caraway, vanilla, almond, sandalwood, and musk
François Demachy's EdP concentration: Licorice, almond, jasmine sambac, orange blossom absolute, vanilla, and tonka bean.
Somewhat hilariously, it's the EdT that smells simpler to me. I actually was not smoked out of the room by the tuberose this time, which is a massive plot twist in my personal development; the perfume had more of a jasmine-angel food cake vibe. Like, specifically the almondy meringue lightness of angel food cake, not a heavier almond-coconut-vanilla pound cake. (My mom bakes a lot, what can I say.) I don't see licorice listed in the notes, but I swear to you, I can smell it now. There's a—licorice connotation? It's there, somehow, so I'm going to guess Dior is using jasmine sambac in both concentrations—as I mentioned last time, jasmine sambac and licorice seem to blend amazingly, and the jasmine (and maybe the caraway?) is managing to imply an anise-type note, if one isn't really there.
As I also mentioned last time, the reason you (I) kind of want to be like, "you know, licorice/anise/whatever fragrances" is because we're actually talking about a compound called anethole; it's in star anise, fennel, and magnolia flowers as well. (As a side note, I have three magnolia trees in my neighborhood, and the scent has been floating through the air this past week. It's not the most anisic smell in the world, but it does remind me of my jasmine sambac/mogra sample, and it's been really nice.) So, "licorice fragrances" may also throw in a little aniseed here and there (and vice versa), because we're really talking about the more general scent of anethole.
(Bonus fact: anethole also causes the "ouzo effect," or "louche effect," which famously makes absinthe cloudy when you add water. My understanding is that absinthe generally gets the anethole from anise and fennel, not licorice root, but a perfumer might make a different judgment call there. I'm almost certain I have an absinthe-themed perfume oil around here somewhere, so we'll see.)
Now, something that's really interesting here is that Annick Menardo also created the eponymous Lolita Lempicka perfume in 1997, and as Bois de Jasmin says, that's the fragrance that "brought licorice notes to the mainstream." Hypnotic Poison arrived only one year later, and even though it doesn't have licorice listed, you can smell something, I swear.
While we're here, let's have a dance break for Lolita Lempicka (the 1997 original, not any of the do-overs called “Premier Parfum” or “Original”), which I bought last year when I first dipped my toe into the world of Fine Fragrance Samples:
If you were reading fashion magazines in the late '90s, you most likely know this one, and you know the bottle. Which I still covet.
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When I first got the sample a year ago, I tried it... and just kind of got a watery green (ivy, I guess) with some cherry, maybe a slight licorice, deep in the background. But the notes include star anise and licorice, ivy, cherry, violet, iris and orris root, amaryllis, vanilla, praline (someday I am going to have to write a post about wtf "praline" means in perfume), tonka bean, vetiver, and our old friend white musk. Like. Surely it can't just be "green"?
After what happened with Black Opium Extreme, I tried it again last week. Yeah. !CHERRY PRALINE LICORICE! Anything "green" was incidental on me, although the vetiver probably provides a bit of enchanted forest. Completely different from my first wear. And it's easier to see a family resemblance to Hypnotic Poison when those gourmand notes come out.
Let's jump back to Hypnotic Poison—this time, the newer EdP concentration. Much like Black Opium Extreme, it's not just a higher ratio of perfume to alcohol. It's actually a simpler yet woozier composition: licorice, almond, jasmine sambac (for sure this time), orange blossom absolute, vanilla, and tonka bean.
There's no coconut or fruits or rosewood or extraneous flowers. This is ANETHOLE and WHITE FLORAL and ALMOND VANILLA. It is not fluffy or angel-foody. This one, I actually get why you would call it "poison"; it's almost cloying, not in the sense that it's sugary-sweet, but in the sense that it's very deep and very heady. It feels like you could spray it on a handkerchief and chloroform somebody with it. I actually like it, but it's A Lot, and the fluffy eau de toilette with its smoke-and-mirrors suggestion of licorice feels more wearable to me. Which is a wild thing to say, given that I started writing about perfume on Tumblr by saying that a single whiff of it nearly made me pass out, but here we are.
When you set the Black Opiums next to the Hypnotic Poisons next to the Lolita Lempicka, you start to see why you'd use anethole notes in a fragrance. Even though people talk about how sweet licorice root is—and it is; I made myself eat some very fine Australian licorice candy for this post—the scent is sort of dark and... I don't know how to describe it. Like mint going through a goth phase? Aniseed seems more herbal-spicy to me, more like fennel (goth mints going out to get pizza). (Aniseed was also in the Australian soft licorice, but I had licorice-only jellybeans to compare it to; this is the attention to detail that you can expect from Cleolinda Industries.) I can see how you'd also put anise into Lolita Lempicka to keep the cherry-praline a little wild, a little sylvan, and why you'd only put licorice into the Hypnotic Poison(s) to underline something dizzyingly smooth. And yet, again—it's not that the 2014 Hypnotic Poison is sugary; it's that it's darkly, swooningly overwhelming, with a goth candy jasmine that somehow pulls it back from being saccharine. That's why you'd use licorice, to put a little bit of wicked queen into it—into Hypnotic Poison, into Lolita Lempicka, into Black Opium.
Offhand, I do have two other fragrances with anethole notes, although they deserve further entries of their own: Pink Sugar (Aquolina, 2004) and L'Heure Bleue (Guerlain, 1912), which COULD NOT BE FURTHER APART on the prestige scale. And both of those are stories for another time, but I'll say that Pink Sugar tries real, real hard to tame its ethyl maltol with some grown-up raspberry, licorice, and fig leaf notes, and it fails. Utterly. I was already a grown-ass woman when I chose to buy a full bottle of the stuff 10-15 years ago; I am not a snob. I love sugar perfumes! I defend them! You could actually knock someone out with this. It's Glinda with a glittering pink skirt so big that the Wicked Witch simply gets bowled over in the first act.
Guerlain's L'Heure Bleue (1912), on the other hand, is the pre-WWI sister to their golden post-war Mitsouko (1919). I would rather write more fully about L'Heure Bleue in the context of iris or even citrus, but the hidden darkness of its anise note, I think, contributes a lot to its famous sense of melancholy: "the blue hour," with war on the horizon.
As vastly different as these perfumes are—two femmes fatales, one enchanted princess, a sugar bomb, an elegant rumination—you start to see how anethole notes can add an olfactory "minor key" to fragrances. Whether you use an herbal anise or a more candied licorice (or both), you can add something more serious, wistful, or vampy to your fragrance, depending on what you combine it with.
Meanwhile, I have washed my hands a dozen times and also showered since last night, and I can still smell Hypnotic Poison, both concentrations, on my hands. Let’s hope Santal 33 goes well with licorice.
Perfume discussion masterpost
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 132: Victory and Defeat
Makoto: Eh…?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium (LIVE)
Makoto: Eh…?
W-We lost…?
Subaru: It's a lie! I won't believe it, we used everything we had! Even more than everything we had, so why…!?
Mao: So this means that in the end our hope was beyond our means of accomplishing. Damn it, that's vexing!
If only I had done my utter best for Trickstar without wandering around aimlessly…!
Hokuto: It's too late to say that now. Though I also feel the same.
The wall we know as fine is high and bulky, and we weren't able to conquer it.
That's what this result means.
We have to accept it… Shit, damn it all!
Makoto: Ah! Hidaka-kun who always keeps his cool actually sweared! But first, stop punching the wall with your bare fist, you'll get injured!
Urgh, but I'm also vexed! I also want to scream and cry!
Subaru: Grgh. The audience is watching, we have to at least not show them an unsightly attitude. Argh, why! Why did it come to this!?
Tori: Kyahahaha ☆ Did you see that, this is reality! This is the gap between our and your skill, to think you even had me in suspense!
But that's all over now! What a shame, overthrowing us was impossible from the start ☆
Yuzuru: Young master. Please refrain from making any statements that insult the defeated, it's not very elegant.
Tori: But, but, I'm just so glad! Lalala, did you finally realize the extent of fine's power! The prez's power…!
After all, this is the limit to what you thrash can do ♪
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Subaru: Urgh, it's vexing, but there's nothing I can say! Just shut up, isn't it fine already!
Sorry Hokke, Ukki, Sari! Transfer student! We couldn't win! Aaaaaaah…!
Hokuto: You don't have to apologize, Akehoshi. If it's someone's fault we lost, then it's ours. You who served Trickstar until the very end are not wrong in the slightest.
I'm sorry. I really don't know how I could ever apologize.
Wataru: Well oh well! It turned into an even more boring conclusion than I could have imagined.
Tori: Huh?! Just what is boring about this, long-hair! Isn't this the best result?
Right, prez ☆
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Eichi: … …
Kunugi-sensei. Though it may be impertinent for me to say this, but that's just too mean.
I myself have also gone through the act of calculating the votes for both units however…
Although I am grateful that you look at me and the student council in a favorable light, this could even be seen as cruel.
Please announce the results properly and impartially.
Jin: 'Eh, what? Akiyan, did you lie about the result of the voting?'
'You can't do that, that's unfair! Everyone please listen, we have a corrupt teacher here! Even though usually he gets mad at me for smoking or drinking alcohol ♪'
Akiomi: 'You all be silent for a moment! Especially Jin…!'
'I did not lie! The only thing that happened here is that you people went ahead and started screaming and chattering before I finished stating all the facts…!'
'Ah, I apologize for making a fuss. Let me supplement the statement I made just now.'
'Under normal circumstances, fine should have been the ones who conquered the final match of the DDD.'
'The result of the voting also reflects that. fine has collected more votes than Trickstar.'
'The voting data will momentarily be displayed on the screen on stage… As well as the breakdown of the votes, so please confirm it for yourself. '
'As you can see, though it's only a little, fine has more votes, right?'
'As deserved. fine is our school's pride! They can't be compared with the problem children who caused the school trouble!'
'They are leagues above the others in skill, talent, experience and everything else!'
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Chiaki: Shut it, four-eyes! Stay out of this! First of all, hurry up and explain just what is going on, without talking about trivial stuff!
Akiomi: 'The one jeering from the audience seats is Chiaki Morisawa from class 3-A, isn't it? You won't be able to fool these eyes and ears of mine, you better report at the reflection room after this!'
Chiaki: Geh, that teacher has uselessly good eyes! Why can he see all the way here, even though it's so dark and I'm this far?
Shinobu: Fufufu, Kunugi-sensei's classes are said to be extremely sleep-inducing, but as soon as you start dozing off, he'll notice instantly and knock you back to consciousness, he's like a persecutor from hell!
He's a person worthy of my respect, he might have ninja blood in him…☆
[ ☆ ]
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Whenever you get to season 4 of b/sd, I would literally kill for a prompt involving numbers 47, 32, and 34 for mushitarou/ango pairing.
(as usual, thank you for the ask!!) I have gotten there, and OH BOY was I excited to fill this one hehehe~~
I will caution, I've only watched it once, and that was yesterday, so I'm not certain I have their voices/dynamics down perfectly, but I gave it a shot!! Hopefully you'll still be able to enjoy it <3
3.1k words (oops- haha~) prompts 47, 32, and 34, story under cut!
32. “Are you sick?” 34. “I don’t care if you’re sick. I’m not leaving.” 47. Hiding sneezes 
(References to swearing, a bit of severe coughing, and implications of contagion [minimal but there], just in case anyone doesn't like any of those!)
Ango had called the meeting a few days ago, and Mushitarou had agreed. There was no reason not to, he knew Ango wanted to discuss plans with him, and he had ideas to share. There was no reason not to… until it was too late. He woke up an hour before he had to leave with a miserable cold that had, as usual for him, chosen the worst possible moment to announce itself.
This is how he finds himself standing just down the hall from Ango’s office, having ducked into an empty room. Mushitarou pushes the door shut behind him, bringing a hand up to scrub at his irritated nose. ‘Of course today of all days I get sick. It would never be on a day when I have nothing to do, no no, it has to be when I have a meeting. And a meeting with him of all people.’
“gehhHh-! Damn it!” 
His hand swipes at his nose again, letting his eyes unfocus as he stares up at the ceiling. ‘Come on… just come out so I can go in, I don’t want to be late. He’s gonna be so mad if I’m late… I can’t embarrass myself like that, I want him to thin- to know I’m a professional.’ The tickle dances along his sinuses, tormenting him as it crawls at a steadily slow pace. 
Sneezes for him always seem to take forever to build, but once they do, they release in a dramatic fit he’s never been able to control. Which is why he’s standing in an empty office waiting for his nose to have a bit of relief while he still has a touch of privacy.
“huHhh…. hihh… hiH-! F- finally- kATSHh’diew-! hEhh-! C- come on… hAhh-! heH- AITCH’iue-! hADTchhew-! hh- dATZshhiew-! haiZSHh’diew-! hehh- eh’kAShhew-!” 
The fit finally over, ‘For now…’ he opens the door, giving his nose one final squeeze as he knocks on Ango’s office, collecting himself with a quick hand through his hair as the voice sounds from inside.
“It’s unlocked, Mushitarou.” 
“It’s still eerie how you do that, Ango.”
“It’s quite simple, really. You’re my only appointment today, and you’re exactly on time. Wasn’t hard to figure out who it must be.” 
Ango’s eyes are hidden as his glasses tilt up, the light catching them at an angle he seems able to find anywhere. He gestures to a chair across the desk from him, Mushitarou taking a seat with a tight nod, hand raising to brush his throat before he can process the movement.
‘I’m blown! He had to have seen that, he knows I’m sick now and he’s gonna kick me out and yell at me for coming in anyways and-!’ He casts a nervous glance at Ango, but the lack of reaction calms his mind immediately. ‘Hah! I’m a master of disguise. He can’t notice anything wrong, such a trained member of the government and I’ve completely fooled him!’ 
“If at all possible, may we save the pleasantries for after? I think it best we get right down to business. There’s much to discuss, after all.” 
“Sounds exce- hH- excellent to me.”
“Everything alright, Mushitarou?”
“Y- yes. Of course it is! Why would anything be wrong?”
Mushitarou pauses, arms still extended upwards as he surveys Ango’s face for any expression that indicates he’s been caught. None comes, Ango simply pushing his glasses up, and continuing on. Try as he might, Mushitarou can’t seem to focus on what’s being said. Instead, his attention is drawn back to his rapidly increasing symptoms as a cough starts to bubble up in his chest.
“-and so I don’t want to use our abilities, if at all possible. I’d rather not give the enemy a chance to fool us with manipulative tactics or frame us as criminals. Instead, if we- are you listening?”
“To the briefing. Are you listening?”
“Yeah, yeah. Something about abilities, something about manipulation. We still haven’t gotten to the part where you ask me for my help. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? If yo-heh-! you don’t need abilities, what skill exactly are you asking of m- hAh- me? If you want detective work, shouldn’t you go to Poe, or Ranpo?” 
‘Shit- this is bad, this is really bad. I don’t think I can hold it off much longer. Why did I come in!? I should be at home dying in peace instead of sitting here trying to assist on a pointless case! But... he asked me to come...’ Mushitarou’s thoughts swell, his fingers flexing against his side as he fights the urge to scrub at his nose again.
“I don’t want just any detective work, I want you. My need isn’t for someone who can just solve a crime, I need someone with cunning. Someone like you.” 
“W- well, then I suppose I’ll cooperate. C- geH-! could be fun, after ahhll.” 
“Don’t get the wrong idea. This is a job, I’ll expect you to do your best.”
“I’m offended at the suggestion! I always give my best. You would do well to remember that.” 
Ango offers a vague expression, before continuing with the briefing. Mushitarou’s focus once again pulled to the itch crawling through his nose, building in intensity as the seconds seem to drag on. ‘I- I need to sneeze… I ca- hehh- can’t keep this up… m- maybe I can stifle them, but first I n- eH! Need a distraction… so I can pr- heH! practice…’
“D- hehh! Do you happen to hhahhave any tea? If we’re going to be wo- work… haH-! Working together, I’ll require a certain level of amenities to be provided.”
“Very well. The supplies to prepare tea are in the other room, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get something started.”
“Thhhank you.” 
The second Ango’s footsteps start to fade, Mushitarou brings the back of his hand up to his nose once more. The damp feeling as he rubs it nearly sends him over the edge, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.
“O- okay… let’s see i- hehh… if I ca- can… heHh-! hH’ANGZShhiew-! D- damn it… hhaah… okay another try…. eH’DNNGA’shhiew-!”
His nose trembles at the attempts, fingers pinching it shut as he tries to keep the attack at bay. Another hitch brings his eyes crashing shut, tears starting to flow down his cheeks at the force of the itch. 
“hh’GNZSHHh’diew-! Closer, I think… A- another’s coming… hehh’INDGT’chuh-! Oh, I did it! B- but oh s- shit… it tihhhckles…!” 
Mushitarou’s eyes dart back to the door as Ango’s footsteps start to draw near. ‘Damn it… I st- still have… have to…. hehh! I did manage to st- heH! Stifle but it… ihhht…. Made the tickle so much wo- worse…. hahH!’ The door creaks open as Ango steps inside, tray of tea in his arms. Attempting nonchalance, Mushitarou reluctantly lets his hands fall back to his side. 
“I went with Sencha, I hope that’s alright.”
“Y- guh… heHh-! Yes, that’s f- fine.” 
“Are you alri-”
“huH’GNT’chh-! eH’KGNDT-!”
“Oh, I se-”
“hh’DNXT’shh-! hahh-! Ihh…. hh- eh’dNZEShh’diew-! hAhh… I- I can’t… I ne- heHhh-! Need to- haH’AITCH’diew-! hah’AIZSHh’ieew-! E- excuse me.”
“Blessings. Sorry- that’s a habit I picked up from Dazai. Haven’t been able to shake it.”
“Quite alright…”
A slight flush starts to fight its way onto Mushitarou’s face, so he reaches for the tea to distract himself. ‘I had wanted to suppress them entirely but I underestimated how much it would increase the itch. I’ll be prepared next time.’ Taking a sip he allows the warm liquid to soothe his aching throat.
“Shall we get back to business? I mean, if you’re-”
“I’m fine. Yes, we should. You were telling me what you require me to do?”
“Correct. The first step is-” 
Setting Ango’s voice to background noise, Mushitarou attempts to keep his breathing even. The tea had felt wonderful against his throat, however the steam had spread down into his chest, sparking the cough he’d been hoping to avoid. ‘A few sneezes can be overlooked, but if I start coughing he’s gonna figure me out for sure!’ 
Unfortunately the choice is made for him, a hitch catching on his breath as his nose decides to get back in on the action. He’s able to hold the sneeze off, but the sudden breath triggers the bout of coughing. Leaning into his arm, he barely manages to set his tea down in time, Ango pausing his planning to offer a concerned glance.
“Oh- are you alright?”
Mushitarou attempts to respond, but each word gets cut off by another cough spilling out. After what feels like hours, but was most likely just a minute or so, he manages to get control back over his spasming lungs. ‘Rotten body, betraying me like this, and in front of… him… of all people!’
“The tea simply went down the wrong pipe, that’s all.” 
“If you say so.”
“I do! S- say so, I mean. I do say so. Yes.”
A ghost of a smile flickers across Ango’s face before his stern expression studies once more. Mushitarou takes the opportunity to bring the cup of tea back to his throat, letting his hand brush against his nose in a desperate attempt to alleviate the growing tickle.
“So let’s get down to the heart of the matter. I need you to prove that our agent is being framed. I hesitate to go to Ranpo for a variety of reasons. However, all you need to know is I would prefer you, should you be available.” 
“I d- do believe I am. Though, we should di- heHh… discuss compensation.”
“Of course. What do you have in mind?”
“Well. My services are quite v- valuable… hAHh… E- excuse me I fear- f- fear I… heHh-! I may... hh’gNXDT-! heHh- eh’dNTZ’diew-! hAH-! hh- guh’AITZShh’diew-! eNGTSHhew-!”
“hhH- AiTCHH’iew-! eZShhjuu-! heh’dATCHh’diew-!”
“And again.” 
His hand still pressed against his nose, Mushitarou risks a sniffle, paling slightly at the wet quality of it. ‘Gotta be careful not to irritate my sinuses further. I can’t risk another fit, he’ll definitely be onto me after three. B- but… it already tickles again… Curse this insatiable itch!’ With a wave of his hand, Mushitarou attempts to continue the previous conversation, guiding the topic away from the attack.
“Thank you. As I was saying, my services are quite valuable. I am uniquely situated to provide them, no one else matches my intellectual ability in this area.”
“Are you sick, Mushitarou?”
“It’s a simple question, really. Are you ill?”
“No! Of course I’m not sick. You really think I’d fall prey to such things as illness?! I’m a master of my craft, a detective slayer, I’m not taken down by such… such weaknesses!”
Ango’s expression darkens, Mushitarou feeling the colour drain from his face at the sight. Sweat starts to form at his brow, not entirely from the fever he’s finding harder to ignore with each passing moment. ‘He’s angry… he’s seen through me… Damn it, how could I be so stupid? Of course he wouldn’t fall for my lies, he’s always known how to see through-’ 
“Who said that it was weak.”
“H- huh?” 
“You said you weren’t taken down by such ‘weaknesses’. It’s an interesting word to use, ‘weakness’. I don’t think it came from you. So I’ll ask again, who told you that it was weak to be sick?”
“Why does it matter?” 
Mushitarou’s voice is quieter, the hoarse nature starting to seep into his speech. His eyes have dulled with fever, a cough starting to pour from his mouth as Ango’s face twists into a grimace. ‘I guess my cover’s blown, no point in hiding the symptoms now. I’ve already failed.’
“Because you matter.”
The statement freezes him in his tracks, Ango’s office snapping back into focus as his eyes widen. The cough continues to burst from his lungs as they relentlessly try to free themselves from the irritation. Before he can gather what’s happening, Ango’s hand is rubbing short circles on his back.
“I- I hhhaahh… Have to-”
“It’s alright, Mushitarou. Go ahead.”
“heHh-! eh’GNXT-!”
“You’re only going to hurt yourself doing that.”
“On top of that, it only seems to make you sneeze more. That can’t be helpful.”
Mushitarou only manages a slight nod before the itch swells once more, little gasps dropping from his lips as it torments him. Before he knows what’s happening, something soft is pressed into his hands. He manages to pry open his eyes long enough to recognize the tissues, bringing them to his nose as another gasp breaks through. 
“hih- enZSHHH’diew-! hah’AITZdjuu-! hehh… hiHH-! ih’hADTSHh’iew-! iNSHHEW-! dAZSHH’kiew-!”
Before he can process all that’s just happened, Mushitarou feels a touch against his face, jumping at the contact. He quickly calms down though, a cool sensation rushing through his head. With a moan falling from his lips, he leans into the touch. It takes him a beat to process that Ango’s hand is currently pressed to his forehead. Once he does, however, he finds his eyes scanning over to the man, noticing the concern flash across his face.
“Quite the fever you have there for someone who’s ‘not sick’.”
“I… uh…”
“You lied to me.” 
Their eyes never part, Ango’s expression calm yet stern, causing a pain to start to flood through Mushitarou’s heart. ‘I messed up… he knows… and worse, he knows I lied to him… why did I lie to him…’ Tears pool in his eyes, Mushitarou frantically attempting to blink them away, a nervous fluttering beginning in his chest. The same nervousness is mirrored through Ango’s eyes as he watches, hand never leaving the ill man’s back.
“P- please don’t go…” 
It’s strangled, and leaves Mushitarou coughing, ducking into his lap with the rattling noises. As one particularly rough batch leaves him unable to catch his breath, he kneels on the floor, head nearly touching the ground in an attempt to suck in some air. A firm hand grips his arm, another lightly tapping his back through the fit, until finally he manages to get in a solid breath. 
Mushitarou manages to lift his gaze back to Ango, noticing the way he tilts his glasses so the worry in his eyes is plain to see. Ango’s hand continues running circles across his back, despite the coughing having ended.
“I don’t care if you’re sick, I’m not leaving. Okay? I’m not leaving you.” 
“Not leaving.” 
Tears start to fall down Mushitarou’s cheeks once more, this time having nothing to do with his illness. ‘Ango’s all I have. I never thought I’d have anyone… not again… not after… I just- I just thought I didn’t have anyone. But I have him… he’s all I have. I have him, and… he’s not leaving me.’ The strong hands grip his arms once more, Ango helping him to his feet, then pointing him towards the corner of the room.
“There’s a couch in here, please help yourself to it. It’s not much, but you’ll be able to rest while I prepare for us to return home. I just need to grab a few documents to work on.”
“H- home..?”
“Yes. I’m taking you home with me. I can properly care for you there in ways I couldn’t if you went back to your own place or we stayed here.”
“hEhh-! aITZSHh’diew-! ehh… hih- eh’dATCHH’iew-! enGZSHJ’uu-! huhh… heehhh- hH’kETchh’diew-!”
Sinking into the couch, Mushitarou finds his hand still gripping Ango’s arm. ‘He’s not leaving me. He won’t leave,’ repeats in his mind, playing on a loop as Ango lets his fingers brush against his forehead once more.
“I need to grab some paperwork, but I’ll come back. I’ll be right over there at the desk, you’ll be able to see me the whole time.” 
A small smile crosses Ango’s face, a warmth that Mushitarou decides suits him perfectly. ‘He doesn’t smile enough… he should smile more. That kindness… it fits his heart. He should wear it more often.’ Ango gently pulls out of his grasp, grabbing the files, careful to stay in his line of sight like promised. Once Ango’s gathered what he needs, Mushitarou finds himself being gently helped to his feet.
“I care about you a great deal, Mushitarou. I won’t leave you alone. Especially not when you’re ill.” 
Letting himself lean into Ango’s embrace, Mushitarou replays the words in his mind again. 
‘I’m not leaving you. I won’t leave you alone.’ 
~~~ Time Jump: 5 Days ~~~ 
“nGT’chh-! eh’NXT-! gehNDT’choo-!”
“I’m so sorry Ango, I didn’t mean to get you sick-”
“dNT’chh-! heh’inGT’shh-!”
“I mean- I did tell you I was contagious, and you did make me stay over anywa-” 
Ango glances up at him from underneath the pile of tissues, eyebrow raising behind his glasses.
“Make you? eh’GNT’choo-!” 
Mushitarou blushes, waving his hands in the air as he attempts to continue his sentence.
“Anyways-! My point is, it’s really it’s not my fau-”
“Mushitarou. It’s alright. hH’KNGt-! Excuse me. I knew the risks when I signed on to take care of you.” 
“Well, now it’s my turn to take care of you! Oh- I know! I’ll make you some tea and soup!”
A smile slips over Ango’s features, quickly replaced by a grimace as he recalls the last ‘food’ Mushitarou had attempted to make. Nearly burning down the entire building. With a pot of rice. 
“I don’t know if I trust your cooking enough for that…” 
Huffing, Mushitarou starts to retort, stopping himself as Ango turns away to lightly sniffle. Mushitarou watches as his nose twitches a few times before he switches from sniffling to rubbing the tip. After about a minute of this, a frantic look flashes across his face as he grabs a tissue and holds it against his nose, eyes unfocused. 
 “Are you gonna sn-”
“hH’INGT’choo-! ah’gnT’choo-! dnXT’choo-!”
“Bless you.”
“Western blessings?”
“I- I picked it up somewhere and it just stuck. Same as you I guess. D- do you mind..?”
A faint blush creeps it’s way against Ango’s cheeks as he buries his nose back into the tissue for a blow, before tilting his glasses at that perfect angle so Mushitarou can no longer see his eyes.
“N- no. It’s quite alright. eH’KNT’choo-! eNXT’choo-!”
“Well then, bless you again, Ango~.” 
“Thank you, Mushitarou. hH’iNGT’choo-! ndGT’choo-!”
They share a smile as another box of tissues is handed over, Mushtarou heading off to the kitchen to attempt some tea as Ango remains on the bed. Neither of them know what this is, or what it could be. Nor do they know what they want it to be. But they do know one thing:
They’re not leaving the other alone.
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nonadjacent · 1 year
live reacting to ii3 e13 bc i haven't done one of these in a while
i genuinely forgot ii is releasing a new episode today good thing i pushed through with my sleep deprivation
inanimate insanity season 3 episode 13 spoilers
cw // silver spoon slander haha, caps, swearing
non-binary solidarity real
flip that that that that that that that dwijibeo dwijibeo
oh lord what are they up to now...
intro jamming time to wake myself up i am going to pass out soon enough
oh lord i am already having a bad feeling yin yang may get eliintated this episode
oh lord. isnt. one of them lactose or um. gluten intolerant.
see i am still. mad at silver spoon. bastard
i am so sleep deprived im so sorry
cabby yes
silver shut up already i m not in a good mood tonight
oh hm i remember this course so deja vu
cabbyang alliance please oh lord
they are holding my sanity in place
the nickloonbot siblings are cool but you two are holding my sanity ocmpletey
side. view. yinyang.
oh lord
grappling hook obby ii (real)_
aib and ii episode 1 moment
wait why are they on ice
i follow the bickel ceo on my personal tiktok they are so cool side tangent
wait did he die
i got. a fucking. tang fruit juice ad. after he got squised.
cabby officially did the bee roblox game face
god i'm so going to sleep after this
did yall know i beat my 40 lines record at tetrio today i got 40 lines in 1:55 that's awesome for me
i'm not gonna be a good psychologist, aren't I haha
nickloon divorce era
i am
i have a pit in my stomach right now actually
they're really making us never forget aboutclover baptising nickel with luck aren't they
welp now nickel's no longer invincible
candle. i am sad you're gone but can i be honest it's kinda well-deserved.
why is he smiling like a frog
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you know when i thought ii
you know when i thought ii3 would be a funny haha season as a break from the depressing ii2? yeah, no. consider me wrong teehee
adam i do not have the money nor time... to buy my loml's plush...
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