#i support gay wrongs i do i have nothing against angel but…
sleevebuscemii · 2 years
everyone tryna throuple the love triangles in 1899 like bestie…not everything can be polyamorous….sometimes a bitch has just got to choose…..that being said. i think lucien clemence and jerome have explored and should continue to explore each other’s bodies
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sweet-drmzzz · 5 months
wowowowow I’m finally doing a pinned post
Hiya!! My names are Z-Fey, and Faele (pronounced fey-elle)!! I am the host of a median collective, and this is my/our main blog. You can find our plural side blog here: @treehousearchive
I go by Fae/Zi/It/They pronouns, and idrc how the grammar around them works (so you could say “fae are a person with adhd” or “fae is a person with adhd.” Please use my neopronouns as much as, if not more than you use they/it
if you misgender me I’ll eat ur knees /hj
I am faekin and foxkin, and I’m absolutely amazing at it. Don’t try to disprove alterhuman shit. I won’t listen. Also keep any alterhuman discourse off this blog. All nonhumans are welcome here. Yes even physical ones. Yes even ones that truly believe they are an animal. Yes even mentally ill/delusional ones.
Collectively we are aspec and arospec. Afaik that goes for everyone in our collective but I could be wrong.
currently I don’t check my discord, if you need to reach me my asks and DMs on here are the fastest ways.
I use a lot of emoticons, abbreviations, and tone tags :3
tone tag key:
/lh- light hearted
/j- joking
/hj- half joking
/sarc- sarcasm
/nm- not mean
/nf- not forced
/gen- genuine
/aesth- aesthetic (used to describe aesthetic attraction. Ex. “He’s hot /aesth”
if I ever use one u don’t understand just ask! I’m more then willing to inform!
Pedos. Like genuinely. Pedos maps etc fucking disgust me. Stay tf away from my blog
Zionist. Yeah nuhuh. If u support genocide I don’t want to talk to u.
Homophobes/Transphobes. I’m gay asf. I don’t think you want to be here.
Zoophiles. No. Just no.
Anti furry/Anti alterhuman. Once again. I’m a therian. Y would u want to be here???
Sexual/kink blogs. Nothing against you, have ur fun. Idrc. I’m just not comfy w that.
Anti-endos. I don’t want that negativity on my blog. All good vibes here.
If you demonize mental illnesses (like schizophrenia or npd) fuck off. If you use “delulu” or treat serious mental illnesses as silly little things fuck off.
Anti aro/aspec. This shouldn’t even be a thing? Just let people exist?
if I don’t like u I’ll block u.
With all due respect, which is none, leave me alone.
#Happy Fox Hours
Foxkin euphoria and just generally happy foxkin related stuff
#Happy Fae Hours
Second verse, same as the first but w fae stuff this time.
#Zi speak!!
text posts and me ranting
#Soda Spill
My writing. Includes poetry and short stories/snippets from bigger stories. (Please note that since originally making this I have stopped using the name Soda, as that has gone to one of my headmates. This tag may change soon.)
#Faele agrees
Rebolgs!! I might forget to tag my rebolgs. I’ll try my best but if I do my apologies.
#Sad bitch time
vents n stuff. Me being depressed.
Boundaries: mostly im fine with anything.
pls don’t tag me in angelic/religious stuff, or send it to me. Especially if it has eyes featured prominently.
uhh i feel like this shouldn’t need to be said but just in case: foxes are a game animal where I live. I already see my kind’s hides enough. Don’t show me pics of that.
just yk… if i ask u to quit do so please. There’s nothing rly big other than those two things that I can think of. Be nice.
My filter tag list is here. If you are intentionally rude and disrespectful about it you will be blocked.
I have a side blog for Will wood stuff called @willwooddaily
thank you for your time!!
(userbox by @/plural-userboxes)
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Roll for Persuasion
I'm back with more Shaw Mates group chats. And it's still literally nothing but crack. Enjoy!
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CW: GN Listener characters (any gendered terms are purely used for the meme and should not be taken seriously), Cursing, Crack, Kind of suggestive because Angel can't stop
<< Previous -- Redacted Masterlist -- Next >>
Summary: Angel needs to be jailed, Baabe is an accomplice, Sweetheart has a masterplan, and Sam is barely surviving in this.
Taglist: @wib-was-here @4letteraroace @moon0o
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Angel: i learned smthn togay
Baabe: to gay or not to gay that is the question.
Sweetheart: Is this an actually valuable lesson or do I need to call the morgue to prepare for your body to come in
Angel: ...
Angel: n e wayz
Angel: i learned that daveys bag is in fact not waterproof
Sweetheart: Oh my god what did you do
Baabe: howd you find out?
Angel: i spilled water in it
Baabe: water in his valentino white bag?! WAGAOUWAH
Angel: mm doesnt hit the same
Baabe: no it really doesnt.
Sweetheart: Youre fucked
Angel: ah ha ha chad lip bite
Sam: Put it in the dryer?
Angel: ...
Angel: oh
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Baabe: i just banged my ankle.
Angel: oh my god why did u do that
Angel: ehrfiuerhfr i just dont know why youd want to fuck your ankle
Baabe: i banged it against a cabinet corner! i bruised it. it hurt. i did not fuck my ankle whats wrong with you?
Angel: must be the lack of oxygen
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Sweetheart: I just went through the drivethru like twelve times and left each time because i didnt want to talk to people
Baabe: omg thats so asher coded of you.
Sam: I promise it will be okay. You'll even get food.
Angel: you were comin and goin
Angel: kum and go
Angel: ejaculate and evacuate
Baabe: i hope you know that jesus sleeps in your hair every night.
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Sweetheart: Peanut butter is an ointment fight me
Baabe: i want proof.
Sweetheart: Its thick and can be used as a protective coating
Angel: you know what else is thick and can be used as a protective coating
Angel: daveys
Sam: That's enough internet for Angel.
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Sam: Lirc?
Sweetheart: If I remember correctly
Sam: What's that?
Baabe: acronym for iirc.
Sam: What's iirc?
Angel: if i remember correctly
Sam: Remember what?
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Sweetheart: I am fearing for my life
Sam: Why?
Sweetheart: Im home alone and theres a single slice of cheese on the counter
Sweetheart: Just lying there
Sam: Oh dear?
Angel: were in your walls
Baabe: feed us the cheese
Baabe: we crave it
Angel: c h e e s e
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Angel: what uni did yall go to
Baabe: stanford. worst years of my life
Sweetheart: DAMN
Sam: Same as Sweetheart.
Sam: What about you, Angel?
Angel: i went to ugh
Sam: I don't recognize that acronym.
Angel: university of giving head
Sam: Goodbye.
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Sweetheart: This is why we need to destroy capitalism
Sam: What the hell is Catsup Blast?
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Sweetheart: Unrelated but Im seeing a lot of 6 x Gabriel stuff
Baabe: not surprised.
Sam: Is this that "old man yaoi" Angel keeps talking about?
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Sweetheart: Sometimes self care is watch an hour and a half video about the JFK assassination
Baabe: you might benefit from some therapy.
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Sweetheart: Homestuck is for true warriors. Those who have been heartbroken so many time they dont know how to feel or see anymore. Homestuck is for those who have experienced true pain yet still push through knowing no matter how much they face Homestuck is by their side supporting them. Homestuck is the reason for so many differences in the world and is the reason outcasts and popular kids have one thing in common. Homestuck is for those who dont feel emotions as theyve lost the ability to feel them years ago when that flame died out because of childhood issues and now the only thing they have left to bring them the tiniest bit of inspiration is Homestuck. Homestuck is for kids that have no where to turn to, teens who are on the brink of killing off their family, and for adults who have lost complete control of their lives. Homestuck is badass. Homestuck has caused many wars and won all of them, Homestuck has no barriers and does not abide to any man nor woman nor god, homestuck is above god itself. Homestuck doesnt even have a concept of god inside its intellectual brain because it knows its the reason for every good, bad, and neutral thing to happen to mankind and thats what matters. Homestuck could be legally clarified as a bible. Homestuck is for the fainthearted and isnt for the sensitive types or the crybabies. Its for true motherfuckers who know where they are in life and what the fuck theyre doing with themselves. Of course you think its cringe but maybe youre just projecting onto the homestuck because you have never felt such power or control over your own life and need to belittle those who have something greater than power. They have homestuck. Homestuck fans are the type to find your exact location and multiple different closed off social medias because you dont have the same opinion as them. I suggest next time you know your place and keep your mouth shut. Homestuck isnt cringe and isnt for weak nerds like you
Baabe: fuck you im not reading all that.
Angel: all i asked was if you wanted pesto on your pasta or marinara omg calm down
Sam: What is Homestuck?
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Baabe: i havent cleaned my kitchen for a month blegh
Sweetheart: If it isnt gross I think youre fine but if it is then clean your damn kitchen
Angel: HOLY SHIT a month??
Baabe: yeah theres twelve of them.
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Angel: *leans on expensive buffalo* heyyy
Angel: *bugatti
Baabe: nope youve sealed your fate.
Sweetheart: Im gonna cook your buffalo.
Sam: I'm done.
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mousegard · 2 years
i feel like so many of edelgard's positive qualities don't get enough attention in the fandom. like yes she's gay and beautiful and you can kill the pope together, which is wonderful, but it wouldn't be as wonderful without...
her humanism and her staunch faith in her ideals, namely that humans deserve better than magic dragon blood based feudalism— being so unwavering in those ideals that even at her worst and most desperate, she doesn't waver. she witnessed firsthand all of the worst humanity had to offer, and instead of closing herself off and becoming a misanthropist or a bitter pessimist, she committed herself to revolutionary humanism at an expected immense personal cost
she strives to be the best leader she can be and brings out the best in all the people around her, even if it takes her a little while to figure out what "the best" looks like in someone like linhardt. even in non-cf routes the absolute loyalty she has endeared herself to among her men is highlighted on multiple occasions
she's ruthless, but merciful. she treats even her worst enemies as mercifully as she can and exhibits a steadfast refusal to prioritize revenge over restorative justice. her wide perspective and compassion for all the world acts as the foundation for all of her values. and it's just there beneath the surface and the ice-hearted facade for those who care enough to look
she's soberly self-aware and at every step of her journey understands the full consequences of her actions to the best of her capabilities, and does everything she can to mitigate those consequences and wage as clean a war as she possibly can given her circumstances and constraints (raising the thorny issue of how "clean" a war can really be and how much culpability she bears in routes where she has less leverage over the agarthans)
one of edelgard's greatest flaws is that she can be quick to assume she knows what's best for everyone, and i love how that flaw is explored and overcome in canon vis a vis the support chains she has with linhardt and caspar, for example, where they push back against that tendency and she gains a better sense of what they really need as opposed to what she thinks they ought to need. i think it's that growth that ultimately separates her from people like rhea, seteth, and dimitri, and also that demonstrates that she among all the characters in three houses has the greatest aptitude for real and effective leadership (claude is a close second, and i love that they're both very good and effective leaders for different reasons). and, if i can get on my crack crossover bullshit for a sec, that's one axis where i think her personality and toriel's intersect, so it's been fun writing my undertale crossover and having them butt heads over being actually too like each other)
her most tragic flaw, of course, is that she thinks she's become something nobody could love or trust, and thus is resigned to dying alone as the villain in everybody's story. but the better angels of her nature are always fighting against that flaw. she honestly cannot fucking help but reach out to people, make connections, and give them helping hands, even if she lives with the constant sword of damocles looming over her head that it will all come crashing down and she'll be alone again. but she can't help herself. because that is who she is. nothing about her at heart is solitary. and that's one of the magical things about cf! validating her for reaching out in spite of everything! showing that the bonds she formed with her classmates and teachers weren't all for naught! showing that she doesn't have to live a solitary life as a tyrant and cement a place for herself on the wrong side of history! she is going to live and love and thrive and she will not do it alone. it's so beautiful. she's so beautiful
it's not that everything she does is good or right, or that she doesn't have blood on her hands. if that moral complexity wasn't there and she wasn't fully conscious of the oceans of blood she wades through in pursuit of a better world she would be such a less interesting and thought-provoking character. it's not that she's perfect... it's just that there is literally nothing i would change about her*
if you delve deeply into 3h's use of religion and religious symbolism in its story, there's a very interesting subtextual narrative that paints edelgard as a revolutionary who is not just a staunch humanist but also inadvertently doing the work of the goddess, even though she lost her faith long ago, and is willing to die and go down in history as a devil if it means having the slimmest chance of rescuing humanity from the tyranny of a false prophet
i honestly think she's one of the greatest revolutionary humanist icons i've ever seen in a video game. maybe any piece of mainstream media outside of a terry pratchett book. she's mary wollstonecraft with a giant fuckoff axe. she's napoleon meets emperor meiji. she's not the messiah, she's a very naughty girl. she's a female cringe ass lobster. she's as gay as the day is long. she's edelgard von hresvelg and i've written two million words about her and could easily write two million more
* except her species, of course
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moosensquirrel · 3 years
Alright, here comes another rant of mine because once again, a part of the Supernatural fandom has gone too far. (Scroll down past if you don’t want to read plz)
Hellers, answer me this. Why do you claim to be fans of the show when you so obviously are not? I’ve seen countless hellers openly admit to skipping the first 3 seasons of the show (which are VERY IMPORTANT as they establish the main characters, their backgrounds, their motivations, and the world in which this show takes place). I’ve seen you tell others that the first 3 seasons aren’t important and that they can skip then (again wrong).
I’ve seen multiple people say that they skip any episodes that do not contain Cass (lol which is so many you’re missing like 90% of the storyline, especially in later seasons).
You hate the fact that the show was about FAMILY LOVE and the love between Sam and Dean and try to shove romance into the plot where it doesn’t belong/is not needed. (Speaking of LGBTQIA+ you to realize that asexuals do enjoy seeing non-romantic mainstream shows right? And to try to say no the shows about romance and if you don’t see that you’re homophobic etc etc)
You go out of your way to openly criticize the actors/people behind the scenes who don’t agree with your viewpoint, even going to far as telling people they should kill themselves/should have aborted their daughter etc (I’ve already ranted about these so let’s move on).
I’ve seen you use stupid things such as the color of someone’s shirt, the way someone sits/lays on something as showing how “gay” or “bi” they are (which is horribly stereotyping which I’ve also seen multiple people who are gay/bi call out out for).
You ignore actors who have told you MULTIPLE TIMES that their character is STRAIGHT and a LADIES MAN, and how he NEVER PLAYED THE CHARACTER LIKE THAT all because it goes against your narrative of how your ship is totally cannon in the show.
You attack others who don’t ship your ship, calling them homophobic (even if they are, in fact, part of the LGBTQIA+), you cry about how it’s for REPRESENTATION even while completely ignoring cannon gay/lesbian couples unless they support the narrative you’re trying to spin.
An actor says “love can be anything, it doesn’t have to be romantic” and accuse him of being homophobic.
You’ve gone as far as using the color of a characters clothing IN A SHOW THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPERNATURAL as proof that your ship is cannon (seriously that stupid “omg it’s hunter green and angel blue it’s so saying our ship is cannon” was ridiculous and over the top)
Your sub section of the fandom is one of the most toxic, abusive things I’ve seen in my life.
You’ve all just shown that you didn’t really like Supernatural, you like the version of Supernatural that you built up in your fanfics and in your echo chambers of shipping buddies. And when the real show ended without making what you thought was going to be the end game relationship real, you all exploded.
You’ve taken a character I used to love, who I thought was a badass and turned him into a crying lovesick teenager who I can’t even stand to see. All because you insist on shoving your narrative into a show that never fit it in the first place.
Thank you for reading my rant (if you did) I might add more later, but I’m done for now.
(Also don’t come @ me with “YOU SHIP WINCEST” as a legit answer, such answers will literally be ignored)
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charleslucid · 3 years
Tommy knows Billy is a fag gay. He’s known for a while.
Watching him sneak glances of Stevie in the showers, and not showing as much interest in women as Tommy does has definitely proven it. He wasn’t very sure for a while though, but what definitely convinced him was when he got a sneak of Billy getting head from one of the band boys when he forgot some of his stuff from basketball practice.
He didn’t say anything though. He may not get the whole boys liking boys thing, but he isn’t like his peers. The ones who would probably tell the whole entire school if they just saw two boys hugging. And Tommy kinda gets it, girls can be annoying, so why not play for the other team. Maybe boys give better blow jobs. Whatever the reason is, he doesn't care. He supports Billy through and through.
He turns his head to Billy who's sitting next him, taking a hit off his cigarette. They’re in the quarry, laying on the roof of Billy’s car looking at the stars. He’s always loved the stars, when he was little he got a book with all the stories of the constellations. Managed to memorize them all in just three days. Occasionally on quiet nights he’ll take his siblings out back and tell them the many stories that come with the little balls of light in the dark skies.
He takes one last drag of his blunt before turning his head to Billy, and without a thought, he goes for it, “I know by the way.”
The blond pauses, his shoulders tensing and he turns to him with fearful eyes. And Tommy somewhat gets it, they’re is a lot of hate— especially in Hawkins— for people who are gay. And his voice is so small when he speaks, so different from his usual tone that can easily take over any conversation, “Know what?”
“That you’re,” he waved his hand motioning at nothing in particular, “You’re gay.” Billy’s breath hitches, so he quickly continues, he doesn’t want Billy to think the wrong things, “I don’t care, I’m not like- I’m not against it. Just thought you should know that I- well- know.”
Billy’s shoulders relax, but they’re still a bit tense. He takes a long drag from his cigarette, smoke flooding out of his mouth as he talks, “How did you know?”
“I saw you getting a blow job from one of the band kids,” Tommy laughs a little, “and you look at Stevie like you wanna eat him.” It earns a small chuckle from Billy.
“Yeah, he’s- he’s very” the sentence trails off and Tommy watches Billy slowly sit up, “Is he- have you ever seen him look at other boys?”
Tommy sits up with him, for some reason the question doesn’t sound weird. A boy asking him if his ex-best-friend, a boy, likes other boys. “Maybe, it could have happened and I wasn’t looking. Do you really like him?”
A nod, “He’s cute. And his eyes are so pretty. He’s like a fucking angel or something. And his smile, god, he has such pretty smile frecks, it’s not even funny.”
“Yeah I get that- not the- not the boy thing. But definitely the really liking someone thing.”
And for the rest of the night they talk about the attractive people of Hawkins. Just sitting there, their legs dangling off the Camaro, under the pretty stars.
“What about me? Would you say I’m one of the hot boys of Hawkins?”
“Yes, but only because of your freckles. If you didn’t have those you’d be at the bottom.”
Note: Tommy thinks that being gay is a choice in this by the way lol. He doesn’t really understand it but he’s trying his best.
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p-redux · 2 years
I don't call out specific Extreme Shippers and their straight out LIES very often anymore because it's more than OBVIOUS and CLEAR that Cait is married to Tony McGill, and they had their first child together...and the SamCait ship was a LIE all along. BUT...
I just got these screencaps in Twitter DM of an old time Extreme Shipper who, not only refuses to accept the TRUTH, but is still trying to SPREAD lies about the faux ship. Not sure what purpose there is now, except to be cruel and lead newbies on, or rile up OG shippers with false hope. But it was too easy to disprove what she's saying, so I'm taking a few minutes out of my Sunday and doing just that.
Click on Keep Reading for the rest. 
Extreme Shipper, Cathy used to be what I call a Pollyanna Extreme Shipper. She's been around for years and used to be all sunshine and rainbows. She was one of those shippers that had the attitude: "lalalala, I don't seeeee anything, I don't heeeeear anything" that went against the ship." There was no rocking her boat back in the day. But I guess something changed once Cait actually married Tony and Not Sam, and now she's gone from Chipper Cathy to Bitter Betty. She posts negative stuff any chance she gets and worse, she's trying to FOOL newbies or revive old Shippers' hopes. Not cool, and sad she wants to set up people to continuously be disappointed.
This is her latest deception. 👇
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WRONG. There WERE pics and video in 2014 and early 2015 showing Cait with Tony and those were BEFORE the pics she’s referencing of Cait with Sam. 👇 In 2014, I posted on my old Twitter account, that I had a Tony family source--someone who knew his family from Glasgow (her brother went to school with Tony) and that this source had told me Cait was dating Tony McGill. My info went viral and I was attacked mercilessly by Extreme Shippers, everyone doubted it was true. And then we got picture and video PROOF that I was telling the truth and Cait was indeed dating Tony McGill and not Sam. Below, is a pic of Cait and Tony at the airport in 2014. My source told me that Cait spent Christmas 2014 in London with Tony and his dad (Tony was living in London for years at the time and owned a bar/live music venue in Islington, London called The Library and then later he opened a second one adjacent, called The Reading Room). After Christmas in London, Cait and Tony went to Cait’s native Ireland to spend New Year’s with her family and friends. 
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Below, is Tony looking warm and cozy, right next to Cait in Ireland with two of Cait’s besties. 👇
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And here is a screencap of the infamous “lapman” video, where Cait is sitting on Tony’s LAP, joyfully playing, while he taps her hips to the beat. I mean, you’d have to be BLIND to not see that look of love and that smile on his face. That’s NO “assistant” I’ve ever seen. 👇
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And LOOK, BOTH Tony’s hands are firmly on her hips and butt. Again, not very “assistant” like, and definitely not “gay assistant” like...more like VERY MUCH BOYFRIEND like...👇 And now HUSBAND.
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Here's the video for those who haven't watched it. 👇
In 2014, I posted my Tony family source info, THEN the pics and video posted above of Tony and Cait came out and proved I was telling the truth. MY source info AND those pics and videos WERE out there for ALL to see WAY before the pics Cathy is referencing came out.  Look at the dates 👇  
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If you look at the pics above WITHOUT Shipper Goggles on, all you will see is two good friends and costars hanging out together, hiking with a sibling. Look closely, Cait and Sam aren’t even hugging, Cait’s arms are around her sister, Anne-Marie, NOT Sam. This is friends’ pic. Nothing more. 
Then, in February 2015, Cait leaves Los Angeles briefly and flies to London to support Tony for the opening of his second bar in Islington, London--The Reading Room. 👇 She spends Valentine’s Day in London as well. The new bar is an absinthe bar (a type of strong liquor) and Cait uses a play on words: “Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder,” instead of “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Gee, WHOSE absence was she referring to? Why, Tony of course, since she hadn’t seen him since January for New Year’s. Cait hasn’t been hiding anything, all the info has been out there for all to SEE...but you have to have your eyes and minds open and not be wearing Shipper Googles. Simple as that. 
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After her visit to Tony in London, Cait returns to Los Angeles. Up until then, she had been living in L.A. in a condo with her roommate and friend Simon Kassianides. So, for the pic below of Cait joining Sam on the L.A. Marathon route in March of 2015 👇 it’s because her condo was RIGHT by where the L.A. Marathon ran. The only reason she ran out to take a pic with Sam and say hi and show her support in person was because he was literally running by her condo. It was not a big effort for her to be there. Again, a very FRIENDS thing to do. It’s only shippers who made it “proof” of Sam and Cait’s “epic love.”
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And guess what else Cathy is ignoring? The fact that in the Spring of 2015, Jess, the ex-Queen of the Shippers sent her then best friend, I’ll call her “K,” to Tony’s bar in London. “K’s sole purpose in going to Tony’s bar was to try to prove that my source info about Cait dating Tony was wrong. Weeellll, much to Jess and ALL shippers’ SUPRISE, “K” talked to people who worked at Tony’s bar, showed them a pic of Cait and found out “yeah, that’s Tony’s girlfriend.”  In shock, “K” went back to the shipper leader fold and reported on her findings. Long story short. Jess and the other shippers treated “K” like crap, bullied her, and ultimately banished her from shipperville, simply for doing what they asked of her, and for her ultimate sin, finding out the TRUTH and posting it PUBLICLY. 
In summary, Extreme Shippers have been LYING for 8 years and CONTINUE to LIE now. I know with 100% certainty through my insider sources that Cait and Sam were NEVER romantically involved, no, not even once. The SamCait ship was never real. The TRUTH is out there with plenty of PROOF. Don’t buy into what the few remaining drowning Extreme Shippers try to sell you, it is a LIE. 
If any newbies have any questions, please Search my blog or simply Google, and it is ALL out there. If you still can’t find something you have a doubt about, please send me an Ask or DM me. My Direct Messages are open to everyone. However, I go through my “meh” periods in this fandom, so if I don’t answer it’s because I’m busy, bored, or I’ve answered the SAME questions over and over again for years. Again, the TRUTH is OUT THERE...for those who WANT to SEE it. 
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Hallo! I greatly enjoy your writing, for everything really, and whenever you get the chance and some inspo hits, wouldya write somethin sweet and gay? Whatever you're feeling, I'm sure I'll enjoy it! Thank you v kindly and I hope you have a lovely evening/day!
Kara shifted in the chair, feeling a tiny bit uneasy. Her nurse—a young woman who introduced herself as Nia when Kara had been called from the waiting room—smiled kindly and paused her typing on the desktop situated on the study table in the examination room.
“First time getting your eyes checked?” she said knowingly, voicing the question though the answer was clear in Kara’s fidgeting hands and on Nia’s computer screen, proclaiming Kara to be a first-time patient. “You shouldn’t worry, Dr. Luthor is the best ophthalmologist in the business. She’s world renowned, not that she’d ever admit to it.” It seemed like that last part was more for Nia’s benefit than Kara’s, said in a slightly miffed mumble as she turned her attention back to the computer. “Any known allergies?”
Kara blinked, feeling a bit trapped. “Um, no, but—”
“—we don’t have any medications listed for you. Is that right? You’re not on any prescriptions?”
“Oh, no. I’m not. But I—”
“—I see you wear glasses. When was the last time you got a prescription? Did you want to get new frames, we can—” Finally Kara had enough. She reached out and grabbed Nia’s hand, causing her to fall silent. “This is weird. Is this a come on? Because you’re really pretty, but I don’t swing that way.” 
“No, I—wait, what?” Kara released Nia, feeling as though she’d been burned. “No! Not a—not a come on, I would never—”
“Look, it’s okay. I didn’t think so, you seem...well, nice. But I have a lawyer friend who owes me a favor so...I can have you sued. Just so you know.” She narrowed her eyes in an attempt, unsuccessful unfortunately, to look intimidating. “So what is it? You look like I tried to drown your cat.”
“I shouldn’t be here,” Kara confessed, meeting Nia’s eyes steadily. The nurse blinked owlishly at her, clearly lost.
“I don’t follow,” she said, confirming what Kara already knew. 
“Look, I’m going to trust you, okay? There’s nothing actually wrong with my eyes. Or my health in general. I’m in like perfect health. By human standards, maybe more than perfect. But I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything, you know?”
Nia’s head was cocked to one side as she studied Kara. “Sorry, I still don’t follow.” 
“I’manalien,” Kara said in a rush, and judging from the way Nia’s eyes widened and her expression cleared, she understood Kara perfectly. 
“Well that explains all...that,” she gestured wildly to Kara. “So what’s the issue? Dr. Luthor is super supportive of aliens. She’s one of the only doctors in National City to—”
“—I don’t need glasses!” Kara interrupted, not really needing to hear about Dr. Luthor. “Look, I’m only here because,” she paused, not sure if she was willing to give the long explanation of how her work mishap, the stupid excuse she’d mumbled out, and a well-meaning coworker’s insistence to help (with a voice in Kara’s head that sounded suspiciously like Alex reminding her to keep her secret identity secret when she tried to get out of the whole thing) led her here to this moment, “it doesn’t matter. I just need your help. Tell the doctor I don’t need to be seen, give me a fake prescription, and I can go on my way.” 
Nia frowned, shaking her head. “Dr. Luthor would never buy it, and she has to sign the prescriptions. She’s very particular about it. You’re here, you may as well just...get your eyes checked?”
“My alien eyes that can shoot lasers and see through anything but lead? Those eyes?” 
“That’s so cool,” Nia breathed out, but she was focused. She pulled a drawer open and pulled out to eye drops. “One is to numb, the other is to dilate.” She paused, eyeing the bottles then Kara. “Would you even need a numbing agent?” 
Kara resisted the urge to tell Nia that her cousin once had a bullet to the eye and it just dropped to the ground, harmless to a Kryptonian. Instead, she leaned her head back, allowing Nia to apply the drops, reassuring her the whole time that she’d help with Dr. Luthor. She winked at Kara before slipping out of the exam room, leaving only a single dimmed light on, assuring her the “doctor would be in soon.” 
Kara closed her eyes—which felt no different from before she’d gotten the eye drops—and leaned her head back. She couldn’t leave, she didn’t want to stay, and she was just about to declare this one of the worst days in the last year at best, when there was a knock at the door and it swung open. 
And standing there, bathed in the bright light of the hallway, was the most beautiful woman Kara had ever seen, a grinning—and all too smug—Nia standing right behind her. 
She had long dark hair, brilliantly green eyes, wore the tightest dress Kara had ever seen, with heels that she was sure were murder to walk in all day. The sleeves of her white coat were rolled up to her forearms, her bright red lips were curved into a breathtaking smile. 
“Hi,” said the walking angel, “I’m Dr. Lena Luthor. Nia tells me you wanted to check your eye pressure and get a new prescription?” 
Kara nodded numbly, struck dumb by Dr. Luthor’s easy grace. 
Nia snickered, actually snickered, as she closed the door behind them, leaning against it as Lena pulled a chair in front of Kara and motioned for her to bring her face up to the tonometer. “Forehead against, yes, and chin on the rest down there...perfect,” Dr. Luthor said gently, her voice like honey. Kara couldn’t help it, her eyes followed Dr. Luthor’s, wanting to memorize the shade. She was so busy trying to decide whether it was an emerald or sea green, forgetting entirely her misgivings about being here in the first place, that she missed the first part of Nia’s attempt to ‘help.’
“—quite extraordinary, don’t you think?” Nia finished, causing Dr. Luthor to pull slightly away, cheeks tinged pink. 
For the first time, Lena Luthor was something just below perfection, stumbling over her words a little as she responded. “Oh, yes, um. They are. Looking at eyes is my job, Ms. Danvers, but yours are—well, like Nia said, so unprofessionally, they’re quite extraordinary.” She leaned back in, looking a little interested. “In fact, they’re almost—”
“—your eyes are very green,” Kara blurted, both because she was thinking it with Dr. Luthor’s face so incredibly close and because she wasn’t sure if she wanted a world renowned ophthalmologist looking too carefully at her eyes, lest she see something, well, inhuman. “Do your patients ever mention that?”
“For sure, but you’re probably the first person Dr. Luthor wants to hear it from,” Nia said, which had the doctor in question turn around and flash her a dirty look, and had Kara spluttering. 
“Your lawyer friend should sue you,” Kara managed before refocusing her attention on Dr. Luthor. “I’m really sorry about commenting on your eyes. That was rude. I said the quiet part out loud. Can the numbing agent for the eyes cause a loose tongue?” 
It was the stupidest thing to say, Kara knew it as soon as the words escaped her, embarrassment heating her cheeks and the back of her neck as Nia choked on laughter and Dr. Luthor seemed, well, angelic. 
“You know, Nia tells me you have very interesting eyes,” Dr. Luthor said, her tone and the stressing of ‘interesting’ making it very clear Nia had told her about the laser vision. “You don’t need a doctor.”
“I need a fake prescription.”
“I can write you a note instead,” the doctor offered, getting Kara to lean back in her chair and tugging the tonometer out of the way. “Would that work?” 
“Could you say I can’t see with my old glasses and that’s why I ran into a table and knocked over a coworker’s favorite mug, not that I broke it by trying to heat their coffee with my laser vision?” 
Dr. Luthor laughed, the sound like the jingling of bells. It was beautiful and was thoroughly distracting. “I think that’s a lot for a note. What about, you have vision issues I’ve never seen before?” 
Kara thought about it for a moment, then nodded, sticking her hand out for the doctor who stared at it with a fond smile on her lips. “You’ve got a deal, Dr. Luthor,” she said, waiting for the angel to take her hand. After several seconds, during which Lena Luthor met and held Kara’s gaze, she reached out and took Kara’s hand, her index and middle finger sliding against the inside of Kara’s wrist. She opened her mouth—to say what, Kara wasn’t sure—when Nia cut in.
“In return for the note, Kara will take you to coffee. Oh look you shook on it! That’s an oral contract, my lawyer friend will sue you if you don’t go on that date.”
Kara blushed and glared at Nia, ready to let the doctor off the hook, but Dr. Luthor’s grip on her hand tightened. And when Kara’s eyes met Lena Luthor’s incredibly green ones, she noticed they were crinkled in a smile. 
“When we go to coffee,” she said softly, “you have to call me Lena. All my dates do.” 
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futures-tense · 3 years
Oh man I need enzo and tk content so so bad I have so many head canons including enzo being Jewish too and the only reason TK stayed connected to his culture and TK came out to him first and TK told him first about his addiction in high school and enzo stayed with him through detox, it would be so sweet to see young TK and enzo in a scene like that where they’re on the bathroom floor with TK hurling his guts out through detox and enzo just rubbing his back and holding him, brushing his hair out of his face and saying reassurances?!???
And 2 months and 4k words later, I present to you:
what i really wanted was a father // 4.9k words //
trigger warning: implied drug use, hospitalization, implied homophobia
NYC, 2008
TK pushed the door to the apartment open, twisting his fingers around the key ring.
Was he honestly thinking about doing this? What if he’d read Enzo wrong? He did have a habit of doing that.
He heard a door open down the hall before Enzo turned the corner a moment later.
“Hey, kid,” he smiled. “How was school?”
The tension in TK’s shoulders seemed to slip away as he let his bag fall against the wall.
Enzo narrowed his eyes at him slightly, like he knew something was wrong.
Oh, god, he knows already.
TK shifted. “Uh, can-can I talk to you about something? Like...just between us?”
Enzo raised his eyebrow, “yeah, of course. Do you mind if we talk in the kitchen? I’m making challah.”
TK grinned at that. “Can I help?”
TK followed him into the kitchen, washed his hands, and sat at the counter. Enzo placed a chunk of dough in front of him and he set to work. He rolled it out into a long line, tore it about a third of the way from each end, and lined the pieces next to each other. He felt the other man’s eyes on him and took a breath before looking up.
“So that secret thing you wanted to talk about?”
TK looked down at the dough and started to braid the pieces together. One over the other, then the next, and the next. His shaking hands were making it that much harder.
“I think,” he started slowly, “that I might be gay.”
He didn’t know what he was expecting. He didn’t think Enzo would lash out or anything. But when he looked up he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Enzo finished the braid, scoring the end of it with a toothpick.
He met TK’s eyes. “I’m glad you told me. And I’m very proud of you; I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been for you.”
TK’s voice caught in his throat and he shook his head to try to push back the tears. It had the opposite effect so he covered his face as a muffled sob tore through him.
“Hey,” Enzo softly, rounding the counter and pulling him close. “Hey, it’s alright. Look at me, TK.”
TK looked up at him hesitantly, sniffling a little.
“You’re going to be fine. You’re always going to have my support. Okay? So, just breathe. Everything Is going to be okay.”
Austin, 2021
Carlos watches his boyfriend, still and silent. Unchanging. Maybe it’s a trick of the light or maybe the bruise around TK’s left eye honestly is looking better than yesterday. The cast around his foot and lower leg is sticking out from the edge of the blanket. He has a cut in the corner of his lip that looks suspiciously like the one from that night at the station.
The same as he had been the past nine days.
“You know…this is why we never go anywhere,” he says, leaning forward. “Shit like this never happens when we stay home, or- or go to a movie, or-” He clenches his jaw and shakes his head. “This never would have happened if you would have just let me cook.”
It was their anniversary so they’d gone to the same honky-tonk from that first night-- TK’s idea. And they danced and had fun. After a while, Carlos said he wanted to show him something-- something he’d love.
As long as you’re there, TK said, I know I’ll love it.
Carlos had rolled his eyes playfully. What happened next, must have been the mistake. Or maybe his mistake had been earlier- pressing TK against the wall and kissing him carefully after a round of darts. Maybe it was the extra few moments he’d spent in the car, smiling like an idiot before he’d pulled up.
Maybe it was nothing he’d done. Maybe if he’d stayed with TK nothing would have been different; maybe he’d be in a bed next to him.
He reaches out and carefully lifts TK’s hand to his lips, careful of the cuts and abrasions that are there.
“You can’t keep doing this to me, Ty.”
“Any changes yet?”
Carlos jumps slightly at the voice, smiling faintly at Gwyn. “No, not- not yet.”
She leans against the door, looking over her son like some kind of guardian angel.
Carlos takes a small breath. “Gwen, I… I wanted to, um…” He shakes his head; he wants to look up but instead keeps his eyes on his hands. “This is all my fault.”
Gwen takes a step, her shoes squeaking on the tile as she does.
Must be raining, he thinks.
“This wasn’t your fault.”
“I left him alone for one minute and-”
“Carlos, stop. None of this is anyone’s fault except that asshole who-”
“If I had just-”
He shakes his head, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Gwen puts a hand on his shoulder and pulls him close. “It’s alright, Carlos, he’s going to be okay.”
He shakes his head again. “I don’t know what I’ll do if he’s not.”
Continue reading on Ao3
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 4 years
What Dean Has To Say a destiel fic by alsaurus | rating: T | word count: 3.8k When Cas comes back, he disappears.
He’s supposedly still in the bunker. According to Sam, he doesn’t seem to have left the building at all since he arrived.
Dean wouldn’t know, because Cas is avoiding him.
It’s the only explanation. Why else would it be impossible to find his best friend even though they’re under the same roof 24/7? Not that Dean has really gone looking for him, but still. They haven’t crossed paths once since Cas got back three days ago. This wouldn’t be so weird on its own (yes it would), except Sam sees Cas all the time. So what gives?
Dean knows what gives, but at the same time? He doesn’t really. Cas is obviously reluctant to talk to Dean after what he’d said to trigger his deal with the Empty. He’d said all that under the assumption that he’d never have to face a response. Dean understands. He would definitely feel the same if he were in that position. But Cas? Cas is the bravest, purest, and most sincere person that Dean has ever met. How could someone like that be afraid to talk to someone like Dean?
This isn’t how Dean had expected this to go.
He’d wanted Cas back more than anything he’s ever wanted in his life. He’d never felt joy the way he felt when he saw Cas out of the Empty, back in the bunker where he belonged. Dean knew he needed to be with Cas, that Cas was it for him.
But he’d also kind of assumed that Cas would take the lead, here. Cas, who was so straightforward and free of human insecurities, would be the one to bring it up - if only just to assure Dean that nothing had to change. Then Dean would have the perfect opening to tell him he felt the same. If words failed him in that moment, Dean was also prepared to let his body do some of the talking.
Dean had not imagined that Cas would just straight-up hide from him for days on end. It’s frustrating, but also a little endearing.
Okay, it’s a lot endearing. Very endearing. Some might even say it’s adorable. Not Dean, though. Sure, Cas is so flustered at the idea of talking to Dean about his feelings that he literally won’t show his stupid angel face - so what? What’s even cute about that?
Dean is starting to get antsy about the whole thing. He’s not exactly anxious, but he’s so amped up that his body interprets it as anxiety. He had to cut down on the caffeine because he’d started to feel like he was vibrating out of his skin. For someone Dean never sees, Cas sure does occupy a whole lot of space in Dean’s head most of the time. He finds it difficult to really focus on anything else, so he’s watched a LOT of movies the past few days - just zoning out with only half his attention on the screen.
“Why are you sitting here in the dark by yourself?” Sam asks from the doorway, making Dean jolt in surprise.
Dean hadn’t realized he’d turned the TV off after Dirty Dancing had ended. He really is just sitting in the Dean Cave, in the dark, by himself. Awesome.
“What‘s it to you? And who am I supposed to be sitting with, anyway? Not like Cas wants anything to do with me,” Dean grumbles. Laying it on just a little thick, since he knows better than Sam why Cas isn’t here.
“What is up with you two, anyway?” Sam asks, and it’s obvious that he’s been waiting for the opportunity to do so. He flips the light switch and comes to sit in the other chair. He’s perched on the edge of it, leaning towards Dean as if to signify how very important he finds this conversation. How he’s not going to let Dean out of it.
“Cas is just being a baby. He thinks he can just confess his undying love for me and peace out, and then once I rescue his ass he can just avoid dealing with the whole thing,” Dean starts. Then he finds he doesn’t want to stop, despite Sam’s eyes going wide in shock. “Seriously, man, I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Like how long am I supposed to wait? We should have spent these whole three days in bed doing all kinds of freaky shit - but look at me, Sam! I’m sitting alone in the dark without even realizing it because the dude lives rent free in my freakin’ head!”
“Umm,” Sam says.
“I get that he’s nervous, but so am I! I mean, he’s the one whose cards are already on the table. I’m the one who has shit to say! I don’t even know if I’ll be able to say it, but I’ll never find out if I never even see the guy!”
“Okay, hold on. Just a minute. You’re saying that Cas told you...?”
“That he - “
“And you want to say it back.”
“Sure. If you wanna call it that.”
“Come on, Dean.”
“I mean yeah, Sam, what do you want me to say? I have no idea how it’ll go down. I still haven’t seen him since we got him back.”
Sam starts to smile, and Dean doesn’t like the look of that.
“So what, he’s avoiding you because he’s scared of what you’ll say?” Sam asks.
Dean shrugs.
“I guess. Why else would he avoid me and not you?”
Sam’s smile grows as he sits back in the chair, settling in. He watches Dean for a few moments, eyes twinkling like he’s about to say something really stupid. Why did Dean think that opening up about this would be a good idea?
“That’s actually kind of cute,” Sam says.
Dean rolls his eyes so hard he has to throw his head against the back of the chair.
“Don’t you start with that!” Dean groans. “It’s not cute, it’s annoying. It’s cowardice, is what it is!”
“Have you tried to find him?” Sam asks. The smirk on his face tells Dean he knows the answer but is asking just to be a little bitch.
“Shut up. Why does it have to be me, huh? Why do I have to be the one to bring it up?”
“I didn’t say you had to bring anything up. I just mean have you tried to talk to him at ALL? You say you haven’t seen him, but have you looked for him?”
Dean has not. But -
“I already looked for him, in the Empty! And I pulled him out. It was a whole thing! I think the ball’s in his court now.”
“Dean, think about it. You have a lot more experience with this kind of thing than he does,” Sam reasons.
It’s true. But at the same time -
“I have never experienced anything like this. Ever. Especially not with a dude,” Dean says. He feels out of his element, too. That’s why Cas was supposed to take charge! (Dean knows that doesn’t make sense, and he doesn’t care).
The smile on Sam’s face turns gentler, any trace of teasing disappearing.
“I’m surprised you’re even telling me all this,” Sam says.
“Sam, come on,” Dean protests, because he really doesn’t want to get into it.
“No, really! In the past you’ve been… very adamant about being straight.” Too adamant, is what Sam means. He’s not wrong.
“What’s your point?” Dean asks.
“I’m just glad this is happening, I guess.”
Dean can’t help but melt a little at that sentiment. Inwardly. On the outside, he’s still trying to act put out, but the longer he sits there trying not to confide in Sam, the stronger the pull to do so becomes. Like being caught in a wave, Dean finally lets it pour through him.
“It’s Cas. You know? It’s Cas. I spent too long worrying about all that. I’ve lost him too many times, Sam. I can’t really care about all that stuff anymore. So I just want him to know, you know? I don’t want my crap to keep Cas from getting what he wants. He deserves to get everything he wants. He can have it. I want him to have it. And I want him to know that.” Dean stops. Takes a deep breath, because that was a lot. Then he wraps it up. “And that means you’re gonna have to know at some point anyway, so. There you go.”
Sam looks shocked again, but in a totally different way that Dean doesn’t recognize at all. Which makes sense, considering this is the first time Dean’s ever admitted to having gay feelings for an angel of the Lord. It’s an unusual situation.
“That’s amazing, Dean. Seriously. I’m really, really happy for you,” Sam finally says.
Dean can tell he means it. He’s actually not sure he’s ever seen Sam so sincerely pleased. But Dean frowns at that last sentence.
“I don’t know what you have to be happy about just yet. Dude won’t even talk to me.”
“You said yourself that you haven’t even tried!”
“Yeah but I can take a hint, man. He doesn’t want to see me. Otherwise he’d have seen me.”
And it boils down to that, Dean realizes. Because while he understands that Cas is reluctant because he’s afraid, Dean is also hurt. It’s irrational, but he wants Cas’ love for him to be stronger than that fear. He aches for Cas every moment of every day and every night. He’s barely functioning because he feels like his entire existence is on pause - he hadn’t expected to be in this prolonged state of limbo. He’d been ready for Cas. But it turns out he’d been ready for a different Cas, one he’d thought up in his head - because the real Cas, the Cas he loves, is too afraid to face him and Dean has no idea how long that’ll last. He has no idea when or even if Cas will come to him. Every moment that passes could be the moment before Cas finally talks to him. It’s agony. It’s wonderful.
But he meant it when he said that Cas deserves everything he wants. So why should Cas have to seek it out, when Dean could just give it to him?
“I need to find him, huh,” Dean says, and it’s not a question.
“Yeah, man. You should do that,” Sam agrees. There isn’t an ounce of admonishment in his voice. He’s just supporting Dean, and for once, Dean is grateful.
“Thanks, Sammy,” he says,
Time to find the angel.
concluded in chapter 2. read the rest on ao3.
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kirain · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and VivziePop Drama
I've been hearing/seeing a lot of drama concerning Hazbin Hotel and it's creator VivziePop, and while I don't know her personally or really care what people think, I do hate slander and the spread of misinformation. Truly nothing in this world upsets me more than when people believe rumours while making no effort to fact check, and that's exactly what's happening right now. That said, I wanted to try and clear up some of the rumours going around about Vivzie and the show, because I think some of them are absolutely outrageous and need to be addressed.
1. Vivzie hired an abuser onto the show.
Now, I’m not here to burn anyone at the stake, especially since I don’t know anything about Chris Niosi (the alleged abuser), who I believe openly admitted to the allegations? Regardless, this is a moot point. He’s not credited anywhere at the end of the episode. So either he was booted before production wrapped up or he had nothing to do with the show in the first place.
2. Vivzie supports bestiality.
Admittedly I thought this one might be true, since she draws so many anthropomorphic animals. In the very least, I figured she was probably a furry, but I haven't seen any evidence supporting this accusation either. Near as I can tell, this rumour started for two reasons. One, because of her famous Zoophobia comic, which revolves around a therapist named Cameron who gets assigned to work with human-like animals. Ironically, poor Cameron suffers from crippling zoophobia, which makes for some pretty decent comedy. I didn't read the whole comic because, quite frankly, it’s not my cup of tea and I just don’t have the time. But from what I saw there are no examples of bestiality anywhere in its contents.
Two, this message, which blew up all over social media:
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To me, this just proves that people are more interested in virtue signalling than checking to see if their claims are actually true. Everything about this message is 100% false, which I’ll touch on in my next point.
3. Vivzie is a pedophile and she’s drawn child porn.
This is hands down the worst allegation and holy shit, I really wish people would stop using it to defame someone when they don't have any proof. This is a life-ruining accusation and you're disgusting if you believe it based solely on hearsay. This rumour began to spread when Vivzie allegedly shipped the two underage characters in the above photo and drew them NSFW-style. At the time, one character was 19 while the other was 14, and the relationship was a very illegal student-teacher relationship.
This is WRONG! The characters were not 14 and 19, they were actually 18 and 19, the legal age of consent! Additionally, the relationship wasn't student-teacher. One character is a student and the other is Alumni (a student teacher). This one pisses me off the most because it’s obvious the person who sent that message didn’t even bother to conduct any research. They said, “He’s a teacher, she’s a child.” Both characters are MALE!
Since then, Vivzie has apologised for any NSFW art she drew in the past and stated that it's not a reflection of her art today, and I'm inclined to believe her. Almost every artist has drawn NSFW content at some point in their career, and hers wasn't even distasteful. Other than this one example, there is no evidence anywhere that suggests she’s drawn “child porn”. In fact, she’s never even drawn explicit NSFW.
Please stop spreading this rumour. It’s dangerous and completely incorrect.
4. Vivzie said the "N" word!
No, she didn’t. It was a fabricated tweet. That is all.
5. Vivzie is copyright striking every video that criticises her!
No she isn't. YouTube’s DMCA is automatically striking people who are using full clips without permission. Vivzie has gone public several times, telling people exactly how to avoid getting a copy strike from the algorithm, which is something she absolutely does not have to do. At this point, she doesn't owe you anything. In my opinion, she should just sit back and watch these channels burn.
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6. Vivzie copies and traces other artists’ work.
This is another one I’ve seen going around, but I looked into it as thoroughly as I could and failed to find any concrete evidence to support the allegations. As of right now, there are only two examples of Vivzie “copying” or “tracing” other artists’ work, and both of them can be explained. The first is a gif she made with a character from her Zoophobia comic, which looked a lot like the girl from ME!ME!ME!:
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Damn, that’s pretty incriminating. She obviously stole-- oh, wait. This gif was part of a ME!ME!ME! MEP (multi editor’s project) and Vivzie didn’t take full credit, despite the fact that it’s not even a direct trace. It’s supposed to look like the original, which she fully cited. The second example comes from a short dance sequence from her Timber video, which seems to have been inspired by several Disney movies. As Vivzie herself stated, that was an homage to the original animations. Lots of artists and shows do this, including the beloved Stephen Universe series.
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Regardless, this doesn’t count as stealing character designs or plagiarising someone’s work. It’s meant to be respectful, an admiration of other projects. Other than these two instances, however, there is no evidence of her tracing or stealing other people’s art. From what I’ve discovered, all other designs she’s been accused of “stealing” are characters she bought and paid for. They’re quite literally HER characters.
7. Vivzie supports problematic creators.
I’m getting really tired of guilt by association. Vivzie follows and enjoys some controversial figures, but who cares? We can argue all day about whether or not the accusations against them are true, but it ultimately has nothing to do with the show or Vivzie as a person. I do the exact same thing, to be honest-- follow and listen to people on all sides so I can learn, understand, and form my own opinions. The fact that some people think this is bad, to me, is absolutely mesmerising. Vivzie doesn’t control what the people she follows post, and if they do something overly questionable she publicly criticises and denounces it.
From Vivzie:
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Now that that’s been dealt with, I’d like to address some complaints/claims about the actual show.
8. Vaggie is an angry Latina stereotype and a lesbian stereotype. Vivzie is appropriating Hispanic culture and misrepresenting the gay for profit.
First off, I see a lot of people passing around yet more misinformation regarding Vivzie's race. So many people seem to think she's white? Well, I'm here to tell you they're wrong. Very incorrect. Vivzie is in fact Latina, and Vaggie is meant to mirror some of her own personality traits.
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Second, who is Vaggie mad at? Context matters, and if we take a look at the episode, we see that Vaggie is literally only mad at two specific people: Angel Dust and Alastor. Why? Well, for starters, it's her girlfriend's dream to run a rehab hotel for sinners, and Angel Dust nearly demolishes that dream single-handedly. Vaggie has every right to be over-the-top vitriolic. Then there's Alastor, a known sadist, narcissist, and murderer who loves trapping people in his nefarious schemes. He invites himself in, effectively takes over the hotel, and pushes both her and Charlie aside. At one point he even sexually assaults her by slapping her butt during his musical number. So yeah, I think her seething ire is totally justified. Keep in mind, however, that when she's around Charlie she's calm, collected, and happy. I wouldn't call that a stereotype.
Thirdly, the lesbian stereotypes. I keep hearing this argument but I really don't see it. Both Vaggie and Charlie have so much personality and trust for each other. Maybe I'm wrong, but the stereotype I know always totes a more butch, tomboyish woman with a ditsy, innocent, naive woman. Charlie is optimistic, but she isn't stupid. She refuses to shake Alastor’s hand because she knows he’s likely trying to screw her over. She’s also not entirely innocent herself and uses words like “fuck” and “shit”. I also wouldn’t call Vaggie butch or tomboyish. She has a cute, girly presentation, complete with a pink ribbon in her hair, lace stockings, and a dress. She's protective of her girlfriend, as I think we all are with our partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're flawed characters, as every character is meant to be. This isn't a problem.
9. The show is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
I’m amazed this is even an argument. The show is supposed to be a dark comedy that takes place in HELL. You know, the place the worst of the worst end up after they die? What were you expecting? Everyone gets a shot or two fired at them, but that doesn't make them bad characters nor does it make the show itself horrible. Take, for example, Katie Killjoy, the news reporter so many people are up in arms about. She says she doesn’t “touch the gays” because she has “standards”. Well, here’s a newsflash of my own: we’re not supposed to like her! She’s an antagonist. Not to mention ten seconds later Charlie insults her and isn’t the least bit slighted by her pretentious attitude. The characters are strong and don’t take shit from anyone, because to some degree they’re all terrible people who can throw down when it’s called for.
Obviously if you don’t like the show or think it’s offensive, I’m probably not going to change your mind. That’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to your opinions and you don’t have to watch the show. Just stop lying and stop trying to take it away from everybody else. Stop attacking Vivzie and spreading misinformation without checking the facts. I realise a lot of people probably aren’t trying to be vindictive and only want to do something good, but just remember this: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Let’s analyse - the fight against Abaddon
Brought to you by that one anon on @khaleesiofalicante ‘s blog that’s been driving me crazy. They clearly don’t seem to get the gist of the scene, so here I am... *sigh*
Oh, and I am once again asking y’all to learn and develop critical reading skills asksdgfhh
This is gonna get really long, so I’m gonna put it under a cut. Ciao! (Also, I’ve added alt text to all the images, so don’t worry about that!)
I’m gonna focus mainly on Alec in this analysis, on what this fight meant for his character development, and whether or not it determines his worth as a warrior.
First let’s review - what happened before the fight took place?
Let’s start with the confrontation scene between Alec and Clary. Specifically this part, where Clary’s anger gets out of hand and she lashes out at Alec;
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However, if you look back to what Jace actually said...
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Jace only said that Alec has never killed a demon, and not that he was ‘too afraid’ to do it. It was Clary, unfortunately, two twisted his words. *sigh* anger brings out the worst of people, huh?
However, at this point, the damage has been done, and Alec believes that Jace thinks he’s a coward or something, because he’s never killed a demon. Which plays right into his insecurities of not being a good enough shadowhunter. And the morning before they go to Dorothea’s house, this happens -
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From Jace’s point of view, he only spoke the words out of mild frustration over why Alec, his parabatai, wasn’t supporting him, and clearly meant them as a way to convince Alec to come along. He didn’t meant it maliciously. However, to Alec, who’s probably been stewing over what Clary said to him a while ago, it’s only a confirmation that what she said was true, that Jace thinks he’s too afraid to fight demons/forsaken.
Misunderstandings are a bitch.
After that comes this,
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I’m including this scene here for two reasons - one, there’s clearly some tension between Jace and Alec, and two, Alec is clearly shown in an archer’s getup, with a quiver of arrows strapped to his back, and a leather bracer on his arm.
But then, we get to this scene, right before they go to Dorothea’s and after they check the demonic activity levels,
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Alec ditches his bow and arrow at the last minute in favour of a feather staff.
Why? Because he knows there’s low demonic activity, and therefore low risks of facing demons and/or forsaken.
Because at this point, he wants to prove to Jace (and Clary) that he’s not afraid of killing demons.
At this point you might be thinking, What? That’s so stupid? If he wants to prove he’s a good warrior, he should do it when there’s high stakes. This just proves he’s a coward and a bad warrior!
Wrong, wrong and wrong.
Alec initially has his bow and arrow, when they’re expecting more trouble while fetching the cup. But when he finds out that there’s little to no risk of coming across demons and forsaken, he switches to the feather staff, because he’s thought this through. In a high stakes battle, switching from high-range-defence (which Alec specialises in) to low-range-offence, could be a serious liability and could result in Jace and Isabelle getting hurt with no one to watch their backs. Alec weighs the risks of him switching fighting styles against the stakes of the fight they’re going into, and only when he knows that the stakes are very low, and that Jace and Isabelle won’t be getting hurt that he decides to take up low-range-offence. Like he says to Isabelle, he knows what he’s doing.
Even when his feelings are hurt and he wants badly to prove that he isn’t afraid, he still puts the safety of his siblings first, which is... maybe the opposite of selfish. The irony.
So, yeah. Once Alec knows that his siblings won’t get hurt in his quest for bravery, the mission, for him, becomes all about him trying to prove to Jace (and Clary) that he can be a brave, badass warrior who kills stuff, too. Note how his behaviour changes abruptly in this scene. (“Let’s kick some demon butt!” the second hand embarrassment omg)
And also in this scene:
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Alec is generally very goal oriented. Like we see in future books, for missions like these, Alec always focuses on the final goal (retrieving items or rescuing people, etc.) and the demons/forsaken/cult members/whatever he’s fighting on the way becomes secondary to him. Yet here we see that he seems to be equally prioritising retrieving the cup and fighting forsaken, while even Jace is indifferent to the forsaken. Because like I said, at this point he only wants to prove that he’s not afraid.
Now onto the actual fight scene....
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All three of them - Jace, Isabelle and Alec, were expecting low demonic activity and low risks. No one expected a fucking greater demon to pop out of nowhere. To them, it’s like... in terms of a video game, playing until level 15 and then jumping to level 95 or something. All three of them are clueless.
And at this point, if you’re holding only Alec at fault for being clueless, when all three siblings are scared shitless (yes, including Jace. It’s canon that he uses humour in a fight when he thinks he’s going to die.)... you’re the one holding gay characters to a much higher standard than the straight ones. Stop doing that, dumbass.
Now, at this point, Alec is in a fix. He’s set his mind on proving to Jace that he can be a brave warrior too, but now he has to protect his siblings too. Except he’s already ditched his bow and arrows, which means there’s no going back. He has no choice but to go on low-range-offence.
So, he does both.
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He gets in between Jace and the demon, effectively preventing Jace from getting hit, and strikes at the demon at the same time, injuring it. Basically, Alec tried to hit two birds with one stone, with a weapon he wasn’t as familiar with as he was with the bow. From his point of view, it was foolish - like we see in the graphic novel.
Except... that was a pretty brave thing. He charged in front of a greater demon even though he was clearly afraid of it, for Jace. His fear wasn’t greater than his instinct to protect, even if the need to prove himself was still there in his mind. In the end, Alec was brave. (But at this point, Alec probably thinks that fearlessness and bravery are the same thing, and it may not be until the third book that he realises the difference).
You know Magnus says ‘I think you were I injured in an act of bravery’ or something like that in the graphic novel? Bitch was right. (Damn, now I wonder just how much Alec needed to hear that).
And now, enter Simon
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Yes, what Simon did was amazing - but can it really compare to Alec’s archery skills? Now, what Simon did was more endowed in strategy than skill. He knew about the skylight, knew that sunlight is harmful to demons, and utilised that knowledge to his advantage. But the skylight, in an earlier page is described as a single wide pane of glass. Now, you tell me, what’s easier - shattering a pane of glass, or killing a level 95 boss with weapons?
And... why do people feel the need to point out that Simon killed the demon while Alec specifically couldn’t? Why don’t I see people comparing Isabelle and Jace to Simon? Why the gay shadowhunter vs the straight mundane? Why not straight shadowhunter vs straight mundane? Why are you holding Alec to such high standards and say nothing about how Jace, the greatest warrior of his time, couldn’t kill a demon while a mundane could? Double standards, that’s why.
And now for our grand finale-
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At this point, Alec doesn’t know the full extent of what really happened. It’s unclear how much he’s processed, but it’s clear he remembers until the point he attacked the demon. He was unconscious for a while, so he may not have witnessed Simon’s entrance. It’s pretty hard to say. But this scene here just goes to prove my earlier point once again - he just wanted to prove to Jace (and Clary) that he was a brave warrior, that he could kill demons too. And now, in his mind, he did kill a demon. He’s proven himself, even if he’s gravely injured now.
(Someone give him a damn hug omg)((Also bless Clary for coming around and being an Angel))
And the rest... well, you know.
Actually, you know what? Thank you, you mean ass anon. You helped me understand my favourite character a little better. I’m only realising now just how much Alec’s arc in the first three books revolves around the idea of fearlessness and bravery. Maybe that’ll be an analysis for another day.
Goodbye for now! And pay attention in English class, folks! Especially the reading comprehension stuff!
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calumthoodshands · 3 years
Hi officer yes this is the one this post right here
created by the lovely codie! Fun fact this is the first 5sos post I ever reblogged clearly I have always had incredible taste. Also you don't know how many 5sos themed cakes I just found while looking for a photo for you. Anyway! Shutting up now! Have fun <3
Oh god team. Thank you. I guess. For anyone who wants to know what the post is i’m linking it here. Let’s go!
Okay so this fic is a little more sad because i’m me and the boys are the boys. Things is, they haven’t been on stage in two years because of the pandemic. Calum knows that luke doesn’t have stage fright, but he knows that luke is incredibly nervous about going back on stage, especially after such a long time, and especially after it came out that he and calum had… a thing going on while everything had been slowed down for months. Hey, it was bound to happen. Calum stayed too often at luke’s, luke stayed too often at calum’s, and maybe those childhood crushes they’ve had for each other never really completely faded away. So it happened. They kept it lowkey for the most part, they tried not to be obvious when they were around, but it was hard when you wanted to hold your boyfriends hand, ok? It wasn’t calum’s fault that luke always had warm hands that could warm up his cold ones. So the big secret came out when they got caught in a park where luke gave a lying down calum just a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to send the media and foremost the fandom into a frenzy. And so now the attention was on them heavily, and while no one seemed to mind that they were gay, or in a relationship, luke was still anxious about actually having to face people. Not just social media strangers, but actual people who would come to their comeback concert. And the night before, he made the worst mistake of going on the wrong side of twitter, and he sees. All the tweets of people who insult them, or him or calum specifically, who tell other people not to go the show and support f***, and he breaks down bad. He spends the whole night crying and panicking over it, and calum tries his best to calm him down, but the minutes before the show, he can see luke’s fingers trembling, his face pale, drops of sweat already glistening on his temples as they wait to get on stage, the crowd outside already loud and singing.
“It’s gonna be okay, luke,” he tells him even though he knows it doesn’t do much. Maybe it does, luke doesn’t say anything, but he also doesn’t pull back when calum takes his hand to squeeze it. “You’re luke hemmings. Lead singer of 5sos, one of the most successful bands right now. You’re not going to let these stupid assfucks ruin the comeback concert of the year for you, you hear me?” The ‘assfucks’ makes luke laugh a little, and his shoulders aren’t as tense anymore, and he nods when ashton asks if they’re all ready. And they go on stage… and it’s like nothing ever changed. And yes, calum looks over to him for reassurance a bit more often in the beginning, but when he sees luke beaming in the spotlights, shining like an angel in that white shirt and with his shiny curls, singing back to the crowd with a wide smile and playing like he’s never been more alive, calum relaxes and let’s himself go as well. And it goes wonderfully, even if it takes everything from them. Luke is absolutely exhausted afterwards, he gave his all and calum knows it, admires it, because he knows no one who gives so much of themselves on stage like luke, so when they’ve bowed and said goodbye and walk off the stage, calum just pulls him in for a hug, and luke falls against him completely while calum just whispers to him “you were amazing”, pulling him close and not letting go until they’re off the stage.
Luke keeps a bit of a distance from social media after that, and the next time they’re waiting backstage to step in front of crowd, luke kisses him, just because. “Thank you,” he tells calum, none of the weight from last time weighing on his shoulders. “For what?” Calum would ask, and luke would shrug with a smile. “Being there for me.” He’d glance at calum, who wasn’t really sure what to do with that, but he didn’t mind being confused if luke was happy like this, so he followed him onto stage and just enjoyed that warm and fuzzy feeling in his stomach every time he and luke locked eyes while singing. And that feeling got even stronger when luke came over to him while it was calum’s verse, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Calum was pretty sure the screaming of the fans destroyed his eardrums right there and then, that his happy grin would hurt hours later still, but he didn’t mind at all, not if everything was as it should be. That day after the final bow, Luke is grinning from ear to ear when calum hugs him on their way off stage, and presses a kiss to his temple, and calum doesn’t let go of him even after they’ve left the stage.
New ask game!
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Call Another Friend
(Story Post)
Nathan’s first day alone with the twins without any extra help was exhausting. He didn’t realise how much he depended on Dax to be around at least a fraction of the day so he could rest. He felt like Korsgaard had to be lying when he said they were angels all weekend, because as soon as he got them home, they went feral. They were like having two new puppies in the house, except bigger, stronger, and one’s a bear. Even in human form, they were crawling already and getting into everything. Not to mention, they wanted to nurse all the time, especially Gabriel. He drank a lot more than his sister and when Grace was done, Nathan often switched Gabriel to the other side to balance things out. He would be left dry, and sore, and praying that he would feed them enough to make them sleepy. He loved them to death, but he needed some moral support. “How can I help you, laddie?” “Reid, oh my god…” Nathan sighed as he got the doctor on the phone. “Are you working?”
“No, I’m off for the evening, but if there’s something I can do—” “I need someone to talk to. Do you think you could come over? Like, as a friend?” There was a pause on the other end. “…Are you joking?” “I’m sorry, I mean, if it’s weird, or—” “No, no! I’d love to come over!” “There isn’t something inappropriate about it? You know, messing with the patient/doctor relationship?” “If we’re not boning, we’re peachy,” Reid said, chuckling a bit. “I’ll be over before you can spell ‘friendship’.” “Haha, okay…” Nathan smiled. “Thanks, dude.” “Don’t even mention it.” “See you soon.”
It wasn’t long before Reid was knocking on the front door. Nathan had plopped the twins down in their playpen and went to let his friend inside. Reid looked very excited as he stepped in. “I hope you understand that when you become my friend, you cannot get rid of me,” Reid said. “You have the curse of Reid now. I am a tattoo.” “Hopefully a tasteful one,” Nathan joked. Reid shrugged. “Probably not.” He made grabby hands. “Where are the beasties?” Nathan took him to the living room which was pretty much completely taken over by the kids play area. Gates separated it from the kitchen and the hall, and another gate was put up in front of the sliding doors to the backyard. Nathan climbed in and sat down on the couch while his offspring started to crawl toward him. “Come sit.” Reid gladly climbed into the living room and sat with him, bringing Gabriel and Grace up onto his lap. “Hello, sweethearts! You're growing so big! I can't believe it!” Grace cooed at him and Gabriel tried to put a wad of his shirt in his mouth. “So. You have to tell me how it went with Kent.” Nathan threw his head back and groaned. Reid tilted his head. “That bad?” “I... I'm going to put them down for a nap because I'm ready for foul language...” Nathan said, scooping up his kids. Reid pouted as he’d just got a chance to see them, but he let them go. “…Aye, best they don’t pick up any curses just yet. They’ll be talking sooner than you know.” “Yeah… Alright, I'll be right here.” When Nathan got back, he proceeded to tell Reid everything that happened. He didn’t leave out any details and the doctor hung on every word, confused but invested. “Oh my god.” Reid had tucked his feet up under his legs and he leaned on his knees. “So, you kissed Kent but then Dax fucked him.” “Yeah… It’s all really fucked up… I don’t know how to feel about any of it,” Nathan said. “I feel guilty for kissing Kent but at the same time, I don’t know what to do with the whole…Dax and Kent thing. It’s so wrong.” Nathan paused. “Why are you smiling?” Reid was grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, sorry. It’s nothing.” “What are you thinking?” “Och, I dunno…” Reid waved a hand. “I mean… It’s all kind of perfect.” Nathan blinked and stared at his companion. “…Um, I’m sorry. Did you hear anything I said?” “Yes.” Reid straightened up. “You should go for it.” Nathan shook his head. “For what? You can’t mean Kent…” “Kent. Dax. You. You clearly all like each other,” Reid said. “I think you should go for that.” Nathan was taken aback. He opened his hands. “Are you insane?” “My therapist says no, but, I love love. I think you’d all make quite the incredible item,” Reid insisted. “Think about it. You love Dax, but he doesn’t tick all your boxes. Kent makes up for that. And Dax clearly adores you, but at the same time my impression of him is that he is incredibly versatile and both of you could be more sexually satisfied with a big bear in the mix, no pun intended.” “…Okay, I see. So, this is the curse of Reid.” Nathan tapped his own lip. “You’re crazy if you think I want to be in a throuple with Kent.” “Come on, now, Nathan,” Reid sighed. “When have I been wrong about you?” “What are you talking about?” “I was right about you and Dax. You work so well together. You’re a perfect couple.” “So, why in the world are you trying to inject Kent into it?!” “Oh laddie, he’s already in it,” Reid said. “He’s the twins’ father, he’s going to be in your life a lot more now. It’d probably all be easier if you’re all open about your feelings for each other. I believe in you.” “Kent doesn’t do ‘open feelings’,” Nathan said. “He thinks if he admits he likes men, he’ll be tarnishing the memories of his late family.” “Now, you say that, but he’s already opened up about wanting you to live with him. And he liked your kiss,” Reid said. “He’s coming out of his shell. Just be gay around him and it’ll rub off eventually.” “Even if he comes out, he’s still a horrible man!” Nathan said. “He swears up and down and every sentence is an insult. He…He laughed at my chest!” “To get you riled up enough to turn,” Reid said. “He’s clever. He’s patient. He’s as big as a house and I bet he’s hung like a horse. What do you want?” “He’s on the other end of the province!” Nathan said. “That’s a bonus!” Reid said. “You don’t have to see him every single day! He likes being alone, so you can just visit him whenever you feel like having your needs met, and then you’re out of there as soon as you can’t stand each other anymore. Win/win.” “That sounds like he's just a booty call,” Nathan said. “Well, no. Not necessarily. Needs can be affection, general time together. Time for him with the kids. Anything you need it to be,” Reid said. “You need to establish boundaries and everyone needs time to grow. Kent has been checked out of society for over two decades. Not to mention, I think he was raised on a farm anyway? You’re a city boy with a masters in education and your support system is here. He’s not going to fit right into the life you've moulded for yourself immediately. That whole grungy, off the grid, lumberjack living isn't your thing.” Nathan sighed. “You say all that like I like Kent.” Reid threw his arms up. “Are you kidding me? Nathan, you're obsessed with Kent. You have been this whole time. Did I tell you about the night he left the facility?” “No...” “You broke out to try and go after him,” Reid said. “A guard and I had to chase you through the facility. You were inconsolable. You didn't even eat anything that night.” “That was the wolf, not me,” Nathan said. Reid sighed. “Lad, you need to stop separating yourself from the wolf. It's still you. I've known you as the wolf. It's still very much you in there. You just lose your inhibitions. You feel the rain on your skin.” Nathan groaned. “I fucking hate you.” “No one else can feel it for you.” “Stop.” “Only you can let it in.” “Yeah, well you're trying to speak the words on my lips!” Nathan growled, hitting Reid with a throw pillow. “But you can't!” Reid grinned. He leaned over and took his friend’s arm. “Nathan. Tell me the truth. Do you have feelings for Kent?” Nathan hesitated and crossed his arms. “That's... I barely know him.” “That's not a ‘no'.” “Reid... He's not an option,” Nathan said. “We don't even get along. If I have any feelings for Kent, it's frustration, rage, hate.” “Grief, loss, yearning, relief, appreciation,” Reid added on. “You've exhibited all of those towards him as well.” “You're full of bullshit, Reid...” Nathan growled. Reid patted his leg. “You don't have to act on any of it, but you can't deny that you're very happy he's alive and you're a little excited to see him again this weekend.” “I am not. I'm more afraid to see him than anything,” Nathan said. “I have to go up to the middle of nowhere with my babies. Without Dax... I... It's scary.” Reid tilted his head. “Scary because you're taking your weans off the grid or ‘cause you're scared to face you feelings alone?” “Reid...” “Well, I could go with you,” Reid said. Nathan blinked. “You could?” “Of course! I'd love to see Kent again,” Reid said. “I've only spoken to him once ever.” “You don't have work?” “No, Syd still doesn't entirely trust me to take on a full workload, so I can get a whole weekend off, no problem.” “Are you still in recovery?” Nathan asked. “Well, sort of...” Reid said. “I've been fine for weeks now, I'd say. But Aoife and Syd both are teamed up against me. They're worried stress could trigger ‘relapse' and I ‘need to take my medication on time'.” “You do need to take your meds on time, what?” Nathan frowned. “No one gets it,” Reid sighed. “Not taking regular medication helped me get closer to my breakthrough. The whole ghost thing worked best when I wasn't medicated! A clean, chemically unaltered vessel made it work!” Nathan hesitated. “Maybe you shouldn't come up with me.” “No! Nathan, come on!” Reid shook his shoulder. “I’m not allowed to practice my research anyway, so I've been on my meds this whole time. I swear it. I'm just expressing my desire not to be for educational research purposes...” “That's still very concerning,” Nathan said. “I swear to you, I will be on my best behaviour,” Reid promised. “I want to see Kent again.” Nathan took a deep breath. “Why do I feel like a parent being begged to go to the candy store?” “Please. And any time you want to talk to Kent alone, or be alone yourself, I will watch the twins for you,” Reid said. “I don't even know if I'm comfortable with that.” “I'll change the dirty diapers all weekend.” “Deal.” “Ahh! Thank you!”
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stanzoeywade · 4 years
Dating Poppy Min-Sinclair
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I lowkey headcanon Poppy to look like blonde Chungha, and omfg she looks so good in this gif.
Summary: An enemies to friends to lovers trope, sign me the fuck up. I hope you guys enjoy and if you want more please like or reblog. If you want to be added to the tag list please reply. :) I'm also working on the third part of my Poppy x MC series and I oop I'm gay.
Taglist: @somewillwin @origmansello @kamilahtrash @poppysminion @captain-hanadeleine​
It was hate at first sight (sure, jan), but in all honesty your first impression of Poppy was that she was gorgeous. The scowl on her face did nothing to change your mind. The very first words she uttered to you was "Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to worry about who she is. It's me you have to worry about.
As soon as those words leave her mouth, the only part of the sentence your brain focuses on is the word 'sweetheart' and the way she said it, voice dripping with sarcasm. It did nothing to stop you from thinking how hot Poppy was.
You're suddenly pulled away by Zoey, who tells you about the whole ranking system and she takes you out to hang out at a speakeasy, with your new outfit.
In order to get your mind off of Poppy, you decide to flirt with the stranger at the bar (who ends up being Professor Kingsley), but even as you spent time and slept with them, all you could imagine was Poppy, and how she would feel under you.
You learn that Poppy was the resident HBIC of campus, and a sort of rivalry forms between the two of you.
Poppy won't admit it to anyone but she actually found you attractive when she first saw you, even though you were wearing non-designer clothes. Probably annoyed that she actually found you attractive, she acts extra mean, because she's confused and not good with feelings. (PB please let me romance Poppy)
Not anyone is safe from Poppy's wrath, and its extra hard for you because she becomes extra mean, her words are harsher and actually stings a little.
Poppy seems shocked that you actually got hurt, and opens her mouth about to apologise until she remember that she's the queen bee, she doesn't apologise.
You don't back down and insults are exchanged between the two of you, whenever you meet or bump into each other.
Poppy actually starts to look forward to your banter with each other, and she makes an effort to bump into you a bit more.
When you learn of Kick-off day, you and the quarterbacks team up to create a performance for half-time.
Poppy for sure gets annoyed because who do you think you are trying to compete with her, the queen of Belvoire.
After you show her up and kiss Zoey, she feels a pang of jealousy, which she mistakes and takes out as anger against you. She has a meltdown, breaks up with Carter and everyone stares and start to berate her.
Poppy walks out the field and you run after her, feeling shitty because even if she was mean, she didn't deserve to be shit on in public like that. You feel really bad and run after Poppy to make sure she's okay.
You catch up to Poppy find her all the way on the other side of the campus, she's by herself and you see her crying her eyes out. Her eyes are red, and once you see her your heart breaks a little because seeing her like that made you feel like the worst human being, especially since she was crying because of you. Even though, she's crying she looks as beautiful as ever and you can't help but stare.
You approach her and she notices and sneers at you. "Come to kick me when I'm down? Go ahead, newbie. Here's your chance."
And if you thought you couldn't feel worse, you felt you heart break even more as the words escapes her lips.
You put your hands up in surrender and let out a sigh. "Look, you don't have to believe me but I just really wanted to apologise. Even if you were being mean, you don't deserve that." She eyes you suspiciously and says "What's it to you if I'm upset, Farmsville? Just fuck off, I don't need your pity."
Not backing down, you stare at her in the eyes and say sincerely. "I never really wanted to be part of this stupid ranking thing you guys have, I don't even want to be the queen bee. Especially, if it means that you or anyone else gets hurt in the process."
Poppy looks at you stunned, like she can't decipher why you're being so nice to her, and you continue "Plus, I can't say I didn't enjoy our banter, that was fun." You wink at her cheekily and she can't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
You smile at her softly, happy that you managed to make her feel a little but better and you realise that Poppy has such a soft laugh and you want to hear it again.
Poppy's eyes soften as she stops crying. She looks at you and says "Thanks Farmsville, I needed that." You don't know whether your eyes are playing trick on you but you can swear that you can see her blush.
Meanwhile, Poppy feels her cheeks burn and her heart beat a bit faster. 'Damn you for being sweet.'
Smiling sincerely, you ask "Truce?" and Poppy raises her eyebrow at you amused but agrees albeit nonchalantly.
This then starts your sort of friendship with Poppy, but instead of hurling insults at each other, the both of you engage in playful banter (no one knows that you guys are friends). She turns a bit softer, in a way where she always looks at you with an inquisitive gaze to check if you were okay with the banter.
Cue the late night messages, where the both of you stay up late to talk about random nonsense that happened that day, or when Poppy's annoyed she sends you rants where she complains about how stupid everyone is, and vice versa.
Both of you being confused af because is she flirting with me or is she being nice???? (basically is he gay or European but lesbian) The two of you have each other's back, if someone says shit about either of you the other one is quick to defend. Zoey notices your change in attitude towards Poppy and she asks why you're defending your "enemy". You shrug it off by saying "If they're gonna say shit, they should say it to her face, not talk behind her back." Zoey finds that a little bit suspicious, but she doesn't say anything.
This then leads to an actual good support system for both of you, and an actual friendship is formed.
This is when Poppy realises that she actually has feelings for you, and she's quick to yeet out of there, because ewww feelings. She starts to act distant and you're confused because you think you did something wrong.
It's not that Poppy wants to avoid you, she's just really confused about her feelings and she doesn't want to ruin the friendship you two have. Chloe notices that Poppy is acting weird and decides to confront her about it.
Whilst Chloe is usually oblivious, even she suspects that something is going on between the two of you, and she begins to ask Poppy questions. That's when she finds out that Poppy has feelings for you. After her small 'EUREKA!' moment Chloe decides to tease Poppy, and queen bee is not amused. "If you tell anyone that I have a crush on her, I will have you cremated and eaten by the dogs." yells Poppy as Chloe just laughs in amusement.
Chloe lowkey trying to be a wingman, but Poppy tells her off and you just think that Chloe's just being weird, and it just confuses you even more. Like what???
Mutual pining, because the both of you are too stubborn to confess how you feel. Poppy just doesn't even know what to do because feelings. And you don't know whether she likes you back and don't want to risk your newfound friendship with her.
Cue Poppy seeing you flirt with someone else, (Carter, Zoey or Veronica or whoever) and Poppy loses her shit because she's jealous.
Thinking with anger and not her head, Poppy decides to kiss you in front of the whole school. Long story short, everyone sees and it's all over social media, that's how they find out that the queen bee has staked her claim.
Poppy is touch starved and craves affection. This probably comes with the fact that her parents weren't really the affectionate type, which is why she acts the way she does. Her parents probably ingrained it into her head that she has to be #1 for everything and anything below that is the same as being nothing.
She would never admit it but Poppy adores cuddling and lazy days where the both of you just chill out and share soft and sweet kisses, in which neither of you stop until your lips are bruised.
She's also the little spoon (fite me), and you don't mind because she's so soft and you're weak for her.
Poppy is also the type to pamper you with expensive ass gifts, even when you tell her that she doesn't have to give you anything, but it makes her happy so you're happy.
Waking up next to her is probably the equivalent of seeing an angel. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep and you can't help but stare because you don't have the heart to wake her up.
Poppy can't cook for shit, because why would she need to know how to cook, she's rich??? Probably so bougie she's never had fast food in her life, so the first thing you do is take her ass to McDonald's.
Arguments usually occur when both of you are stressed and this leads to angry make out sessions where both of you are marked up with hickeys for everyone to see.
This girl needs some TLC, so please be gentle and patient because she's not used to affection.
People probably think that Poppy's a pillow princess and sometimes you joke and tease her about it, but in all honesty she can top. Her strap game is impeccable, 10000/10 would reccomend again.
When you go down on her she always tugs at your hair, and you can't help but groan as her nails brush against your scalp. Additionally when she's bottoming, she becomes a little bratty and you have no choice but to play rough and she doesn't mind.
When the two of you argue, this can lead to some intense angry sex, all bets are off when you're arguing, everything is messy, rough and passionate. The two of you don't remember the reason why you were arguing after.
The moans, groans and noises that comes out of Poppy's mouth is music to your ears. It's probably the sexiest thing you've ever heard, and you can't get enough.
When she rides the strap, it's the hottest thing you've ever seen. The way her sweat clings to her body making it glisten, and the way her body moves and convulses as she's riding makes you go insane. 10000/10 would do again.
The type to annoy you by sexting you in class, purposely riling you up, she especially enjoys annoying you when it's Professor Kingsley's class because she's petty like that. It gets to the point where you're so riled up that you just get up and leave class. She loves sending you photos with nothing on but her underwear, almost always pink or white. It's one of her favourite past times really. You can't even get angry because each photo is so good so you can't complain.
She's also the type of girl to get flustered when you sext her back, and it's honestly the cutest thing. It becomes a game of who can rile up the other person more.
These are just my headcanons and you don't have to agree with them hope you enjoyed reading. :)
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 25
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on, on Mayans M.C., are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambiguous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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After their middle of the night conversation and subsequent make-up sex, Nina and Angel got a few hours of sleep.
The sound of the birds in the tree outside, and a hard knocking on the front door, woke Nina up. Turning her head, she saw that Angel was still sound asleep, with Bug nuzzled up in the crook of his neck. Finding the sight too adorable to disturb, Nina quietly crawled out of bed, and put on her sleeping shorts, and one of Angel’s shirts. Putting a bit more weight on her pained leg than she’d been able to a few days earlier, she made her way to the front door, and looked out the peep hole; before opening.
“Good morning”, EZ said; holding up two paper cups of coffee. “He’s still sleeping”, Nina said, and moved so he could enter. “In the bed?”, EZ asked disbelievingly. “He told you…”, she muttered. “He’s my brother. He told me you guys weren’t doing so good… But, you’re better now?”. “We’re working on it”, Nina shrugged. “I’ll go get him, so you can give him that”. She nodded towards the coffee. “No, this is for you”. EZ held out a cup for her, and she took it confusedly.
She limped over to sit on the couch, and lit one of the cigarettes from Angel’s pack. Bug slipped out through the crack of the bedroom door, and when he saw EZ, he hissed. “What the hell is that?”, the prospect asked. “Bug… Her cat”, Angel grunted, as he came out after the cat; rubbing his eyes. He’d taken time to put on sweatpants and a beater. “Our cat”, Nina reiterated. “It looks… sick”, EZ said, giving Bug’s one and a half ear and skinny body a hesitant look. Angel walked over, and gave the cat a quick scratch behind the ears. “He’s a fighter”, he said, and went over to sit down next to Nina.
EZ sat down on the recliner, and looked down at his own coffee. “I would have gotten you one, but I didn’t know if you’d already left”, he muttered at Angel. “It’s good bro”, Angel said, and nabbed Nina’s cigarette. The prospect gave Nina a half smile. “It was kind of a peace-offering. You’ve been staying away from the clubhouse”. “I’m not mad at you”, Nina said. “I’m just… I don’t know if I’m ready to face Bishop and Taza”. “Taza hasn’t been around either”, Angel said. “You guys didn’t… He’s ok, right?”, Nina asked worriedly. She was angry, but she didn’t want Taza hurt. “We haven’t done anything to him… But we have a vote later today”, Angel said. “We need to decide whether he and Bish’ are keeping their posts”. “Why?”, Nina guffawed. “Because they went behind the club’s back; pulling that shit with you and Palo”, Angel said. “Bishop has stepped down temporarily, until we decide what to do. He’s been around, but Tranq’s taken the head of the table for now… He ain’t president material, though”. “And Taza?”, Nina said. “If we vote Bish’ back in, I’m guessing he’s gonna want him back as VP… If we let Taza come back at all”, Angel said.
EZ took a sip of his coffee, and leaned forwards; giving his brother a hesitant look. “Where do you stand on all that?”. Angel took a deep draw from the cigarette, and blew out the smoke while shaking his head. “I’m not sure, man…”, he admitted. “As prez’ and VP, I didn’t ever have a problem with them before. But they lied to the club… And this shit was personal to me. They put Nina in danger”. “You don’t have a problem with Taza being…”, EZ said, trailing off. “It’s called gay… homosexual… He likes men. You can say it”, Nina scolded him. “Yeah, I can say it…!”, EZ exclaimed. “It’s just one of those rules I’ve had trouble dealing with. I follow the club on a lot of things; but that…”. Nina gave him slight smile; happy that he felt like she did. “I don’t have a problem with that”, Angel shrugged. “No one should”.
Taking sip from the cup, Nina then traded Angel the coffee for the cigarette. She took a deep drag, before stubbing it out. “Well, it looks like you have stuff to do today”, she said. “I guess me and Bug will just hang out here”. The cat came over to brush against her good leg. He’d been good with leaving the pained one alone. “Hank wants you at the clubhouse…”, EZ muttered, giving her a hesitant look. “He sent me to get you… We didn’t know if you and Angel were talking”. Nina sighed. “I don’t know… EZ, all that shit that went down…”. “That’s why he wants you there”, EZ said. “He wants the club to hear your side, before they take the vote”.
Looking up to meet Angel’s eyes, Nina found nothing but warmth and support in them. “I’m not gonna make you do anything. It’s up to you, ma’”. She took the cup from him, and emptied it; before getting to her feet. “I’m gonna need more coffee…”, she grunted, and limped in to the bedroom to get dressed.
The scrapyard seemed like a completely different place to the last time Nina had been there. There was tension in the air, as EZ and Angel – with Nina behind him – rode up to the clubhouse. Chucky gave her slight wave from the front office, when they passed it.
Coco and Gilly came down from the porch to greet them as they arrived, and Nina gave both of them a warm hug. “Are you ok?”, she asked. “I know there was at least some fighting the other day…”. “We’re good, niña”, Coco said. “How’s the leg?”. “Much better”, Nina said. Letting Angel put his arm around her waist, they all walked up to the porch, and into the clubhouse together.
Inside, the rest of the charter – except for Taza – were spread throughout the room. Bishop sat alone by a table in the corner; and gave her short look. He almost looked embarrassed. Hank walked straight up to Nina, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks for coming”, he said warmly. “We need your take on all this”. “I don’t know what you want me to say… I’m not happy about what happened”, Nina said. “We just need you to be honest”, Riz said, having come over to join them. “Shouldn’t come as a problem…”, Creeper muttered sarcastically, and stubbed out his cigarette. Nina frowned confusedly in his direction. “Where are we doing this?”, Angel asked. “Templo…”, Hank said. “And we should get to it. We got Reaper incoming soon”. Nina swallowed thickly. Being in the room with Bishop was hard enough, but having to face Filip was something she hadn’t been prepared for. “It’ll be ok, cuervo”, Angel said below his breath. The nickname struck her as odd at the moment, but Nina decided against challenging him on it; and simply let him lead her into templo. EZ stayed behind in the bar area, looking worried, and prepared for anything to happen.
Letting his hand brush against his usual chair, Hank went to sit at the head of the table. He looked very uncomfortable with his current station. “Please…”, he said, and gestured for Nina to take the seat at the other end of the table. The rest of the Mayans took to their own seats; with Bishop taking the one furthest from his regular seat. This meant he sat just around the corner of the table from Nina, making her unable to ignore him. Angel shot her a comforting smile, before looking to his temporary president.
Seemingly waiting for someone else to begin, Hank finally realized that was his job; and cleared his throat. “I guess… we should get started”, he said. “Nina; thanks for coming. I asked the prospect to bring you, because we have an important vote coming up; but we need to know what to base our decision on”. Riz let Hank out of his misery, by taking over. “We already heard from Bishop. He let us know that you weren’t aware of his and Taza’s decision to go behind our backs…” “Yeah, they behind our backs, but so did she…”, Creeper interrupted. He looked hard at Nina. “You might not have known the real plan, but you went against the club’s decision; and snuck off to do your own shit”. “Sure, but she’s not a member of the club”, Gilly said. “Pretty damn close”, Creeper said.
Angel looked at Creeper; the promise of a serious beating almost written in neon over his head. “What are you trying to say? You wanna punish her?”, he said. “I didn’t bring her here to get…”. “I’m just telling it like it is”, Creeper said. “Nina tricked me in to letting her sneak away”. Bishop chuckled slightly. “Maybe you shouldn’t be so easily tricked…”, he said. “Careful, Bishop”, Riz said. “You’re the one on trial here, and Creep isn’t wrong”. Nina threw up her hands, and sighed. “Why don’t you just get to it then. Punch me around, and degrade me to toilet-cleaner. I’ve been through much worse lately!”. “Everyone calm down!”, Hank said. “Nina, you did go against the club. You broke our trust…”. “At the time, you didn’t even know Bishop was in on it; so, on top of that, you went against the president’s direct orders”, Riz said. Creeper nodded in agreement.
“Ok”, Nina said. Every face at the table turned to her. “What? You wanted me to apologize? I was trying to save your asses”. “Technically, she did”, Coco said. He grabbed a cigarette from his back and lit it; before sliding both the pack and his lighter down the table to Nina. She took one of the smokes, and lit it; sending Coco a slight smile. “If we’d gone to war with VM… fuck”, Coco said, visibly shuddering. “We voted for war”, Creeper said. “You didn’t seem like that’s what you wanted at the time…”, Gilly said. “But that’s how this shit works!”, Creeper said. “This club is a democracy…”. “El Padrino was in on it”, Angel said. “At the end of the day…”. “He doesn’t call the shots here”, Riz said.
Nina took a deep drag of her cigarette. “Riz… I’m sorry you’re angry that I went against the club by going with Taza. I’m not gonna apologize for actually doing it, though. If the plan he told me about had worked out, it would have been the best move for your club. That’s a fact you can’t deny”. Unable to come up with a reply, Riz shrugged in something resembling agreement. “It didn’t work out, though”, Creeper said. “That’s not my fault”, Nina retorted. “And honestly, I think your butthurt mostly has to do with the fact that another woman managed to trick you”. “Nina…”, Angel said warily. Creeper’s expression grew saddened. “If you’re talking about Camille, you’re right. She got to me. But that was just a fling with a hangaround…”. His brows furrowed, and he shook his head defeatedly. “You’re family… You were supposed to have our back… My back. Not lie to me”. Nina swallowed thickly, feeling choked and ashamed. “You’re right… I’m sorry for lying. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t trust me anymore; but I understand it”. She sighed deeply. “I’ll take whatever punishment the club decides to give me”. “There won’t be no punishment”, Angel said. “If there is, I’m out of here”. “Angel!”, Nina exclaimed. “Nah, mami… They ain’t touching you”.
“We’re not going to punish Nina”, Hank declared. “She’s right. Taza’s fake plan would have been a good move; and she did what she did to help the club. She wasn’t a part of the official vote, and she’s not a patch. She doesn’t owe us to follow orders; and she didn’t owe us to try to help the way she did”. He looked deep into Nina’s eyes. “You risked your life for the MC… Thank you”. Angel relaxed in his seat. “I get what you’re saying, but…”, Creeper began. Hank slammed his fist into the table. He looked angrier than Nina had ever seen him; but then again, digging through her memories, she’d never seen him angry. “I’ll be happy to take it to a vote; but even with Angel stepping out for being biased, it still looks like punishment will be off the table”. Creeper raised his hands in defeat, and leaned back in his seat.
“If no one else has anything to say, then let’s get to why we’re here”, Hank said. “Nina, what’s your view on what happened the other day?”. Nina took another drag of her cigarette. “Taza called. He said he had a way of avoiding a full-blown war, and asked me to meet him; so we could go see Palo”. “Did you know he’d told Palo that he would hand you over?”, Riz asked. “Yes…”, Nina said, meeting Angel’s eyes for a short second. Anger ghosted his face, but he held his tongue. “He told me we’d be able to reason with Palo, and I thought so too. He seemed about to go for it as well, but… He said he wanted his pound of flesh; and that’s when they brought in Angel”. “Which wouldn’t have happened if…”, Bishop began. “Fuck you, Bish’!”, Angel said. “You ain’t president right now. I’d be happy to show you around the cage…”. “Angel!”, Hank said. “Nina, please…”. “Palo wanted me to shoot Angel, but Bishop and the rest of them arrived in time to…”. She couldn’t finish the sentence; feeling tears welling up. “Taza killed Palo, and that was it”, she finished, and wiped her eyes. “And how do you feel about being lied to about what the real plan was?”, Riz asked. “Come on, Riz…”, Coco said. “I’m not trying to stir shit up, man”, Riz said. “We asked her to come here, to tell us about her experience with all this”. “Yeah, but this ain’t Oprah”, Gilly said. “It’s fine… I’ll answer”, Nina said. “I feel like shit. My decision to go with Taza on this, was based on me not wanting anyone else to get hurt… But Sala was shot, and Palo’s neck was slit right in front of me”. She stubbed out her cigarette. “I might be safe from VM and Palo, but it came at the cost of even more lives… Daniella; Camille; Sala; Palo… Those were all because of me, and what I did to Gael in that alley two months ago…”.
Self-hatred washed over her, and she got her feet. “I don’t think you should punish Bishop, or kick Taza out of the MC… All of this is my fault. I’m sorry I came here and messed up your club”. Ignoring the pain in her leg, Nina stormed out of templo. EZ and Chucky – who’d come in to the clubhouse, while she was in templo – gave her confused looks, as she ran out of the clubhouse, and slammed the door shut behind her. She sat down on the stairs, and buried her face in her hands, letting her tears fall.
The door opened and closed behind her, and she looked up; confused to see Creeper sit down next to her. “This isn’t your fault, Nina”, he said. “I thought you were pissed at me…”. “I was… I am. But not because I think you’re to blame for all this. You worried me… us. Putting yourself in danger like that…”. He sighed deeply. “The thing about you going behind our backs… You’re a part of the family. I expected you to act like a patch; but that’s not fair. We won’t let you wear a cut, so I can’t assume that you’ll act like you are”. “I’m sorry for tricking you”, Nina croaked. “I should never have come here… You lost your president, your VP… You almost went in to full on war!”. Creeper put his arm around Nina’s shoulders. “We haven’t decided on Bishop and Taza yet”, he said. “And war with the Vatos has been under way for a long time. Even before you got here”.
Nina sighed, and looked intently at Creeper. “Don’t punish Bishop and Taza. Don’t take away their flashes”, she said. “They had to make a quick decision; and they wouldn’t have done it if they didn’t think they were doing what was best for the MC… Just because they’re leaders, doesn’t mean they’re infallible. Give them a chance”. Creeper narrowed his eyes at her. “I know Angel said you were smart; but that was almost sage wisdom”, he smirked. “Where do you get it from?”. Nina let out a soft laugh, and wiped her eyes. “I knew a guy who had to make a lot of hard decisions”, she said. “Some of them were really shitty, but they all came from a place of love for his club and his family”. Creeper pressed a kiss to her forehead; then got to his feet, and helped Nina up to stand. “I’ll tell them what you said”, he smiled. “But I won’t use words like infallible. I don’t think half of them know what that means”. There was the sound of glass shattering from inside the clubhouse. “You should get back inside. Gilly’s physically holding Angel down in there”.
He supported her weight back to the door, and opened it for her. Chucky was sweeping up a broken beer bottle, and Angel was struggling to get free from Gilly’s grasp on his arms. Nina walked over to him, and as Gilly let him free, Angel wrapped her into his arms. “Are you ok?”, he whispered into her ear. “Yeah… I’m ok”, Nina said. “He…?”. “We’re good. Really”. She got on her toes, and caught his lips in a warm kiss. “Go vote… Make good decisions”. Angel nodded, and stole another kiss from her, before following his brothers back in to templo.
Nina limped over to sit down by a table, and blew out a deep breath. After four days of hiding at the house, eating microwave dinners, and cursing her own inability to cook; she was overjoyed when EZ came over, and placed a Tupperware box in front of her. “Gaby?”, she asked with bated breath. “Uh huh”, EZ smiled. “I’m serious, Ezekiel. I will marry her myself, if you don’t!”. The prospect let out a warm laugh, and sat down next to her, producing two forks. Chucky came over with two cold cokes for them, before going over to count the chairs in the room, for some reason. “Chuck? What are you doing?”, EZ asked. “I need to make sure we have enough seats for the wedding”. Nina laughed, feeling herself brighten up slightly.
They were seated, eating straight out of the box, and trying to keep each other’s moods up, when the door opened, and Taza stepped inside; his cut hung over his arm. He nodded solemnly at them, and walked over to the ornate door of templo; seemingly taking a deep breath before stepping inside, and closing the door behind him again. “What do you think that means?”, Nina muttered. “I don’t know…”, EZ said. “Hopefully it’s good news”. He noticed Nina’s strained expression, and squeezed her shoulder. “Are you ok? I know you’re not happy about how things went down…”. Nina sighed. “You all keep telling me I’m family… But they forced me to be a part of something I was trying so hard to avoid. Is that how you treat kin?”. “If family doesn’t know what’s best for them, then maybe… yeah”, EZ said. “Palo wouldn’t have let you go. You’d be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. Hurt feelings; you can get over shit like that. But death is kind of final”. “Maybe… But I wish they’d told me the truth”.
They sat in silence for a long moment. “Is you dad mad at me, for stealing his truck?”, Nina asked quietly. “You parked it by his shop. He was ok”, EZ replied. “Yeah, but…”. “Nina, you make Angel happy; and pap’ sees grandkids in his future”, EZ chuckled. “You can do no wrong in his eyes”. “I’m not pregnant!”. “Not for lack of my brother trying, I’m guessing”, EZ smirked. “We’re not having this conversation!”, Nina said. Ezekiel shrugged in surrender. “Just… If you do make me a tío, don’t let Angel name the baby”. “Why?”. “He named your cat Bug!”, EZ laughed. Nina punched his shoulder. “That was me…”, she pouted.
The door to templo opened, and Hank stepped out, giving them a warm smile. Bishop came out behind him, and they gave each other a warm and very masculine hug. “Thanks for taking the gavel when needed”, Bishop said. “Thanks for taking it back”, Hank smiled. “That chair is uncomfortable”. Nina couldn’t help but smile, and Bishop met her eyes; giving her a half smile in return.
The rest of the Mayans emerged from the room, with Taza coming out lastly; wearing his cut. Nina let out an audible, relieved gasp. Getting to her feet, Angel went over to support her. He let her lean against him, as she walked up to Bishop and Taza. “It looks like we have you to thank for keeping these flashes”, Bishop said. “I think we’ve got more than that to thank you for”, Taza smiled softly. Nina shook her head. “Just… trust your family with the truth in the future. It might be painful, but it’s the better way out”, she said. “Alright”, Bishop said. “Still; thank you…”. Nina grinned at him. “You’re fishing for a hug again, aren’t you…?”. “Yes he is”, Taza said.
Nina put her arms around the president, and hugged him tightly. He gave as good as he got, and turned to whisper in her ear. “I’m sorry, mija…”. “I forgive you”, she replied. Taza was next, and Nina gave him a short kiss on the cheek. “I forgive you too, Scarecrow”. Taza pulled back, and looked down at her. “I’m not that sharp on my Judy Garland, but I’m pretty sure the line is I’ll miss you the most… Are you going somewhere?”. “Nah”, Nina said, and looked around at the faces of her family. “There’s no place like home”.
There was a rumbling of bikes outside, and EZ looked out of the window. “SOA”, he said. Nina took Angel’s hand, and let herself be tucked into his side. “Better break out the Jameson”, she said. “Can’t Chibs drink anything else?”, Angel asked. Nina sighed. “It’s for me…”.
Happy, Tig and Rat came through the door, and made a beeline for Nina. It was a clusterhug, that ended with her having to waving her hands in the air, to be allowed to breathe. Once released from their grasp, Nina looked behind them with a confused expression. “Chibs?”, she said quietly. “Outside…”, Tig said. “Did you vote yet?”, Nina asked hesitantly. “What vote?”, Happy asked. “You think we’d take the chance to let Tiggy be president?”. Rat visibly shuddered, and Tig smacked the back of his head; making the younger biker let out a yelp. “We get why he did it”, Tig said. “We didn’t like it, but… He’s not the first SAMCRO president to make decisions behind the club’s back, to protect a family-member”. “That’s what he was doing. You know that”, Happy said. Nina sighed, and began moving towards the door. Rat grabbed her arm to halt her. “Rat, I’m sorry for tricking you, but…”, she began. “No… I get it”, he said. “I just wanted to say; don’t be too hard on him. He loves you”. Nina nodded, and went outside.
Filip was leaning against his bike, when she came down from the porch. “Hi…”, she said quietly. “Hello… I didn’t want to come inside, if you didn’t want me there”, Filip said. “It’s not my house”. “Yes, it is”, he smiled softly. Limping halfway over to him, Filip hurried over to grab Nina’s arm. “Is that leg not doing better?”, he asked. “Yeah. I’m just cutting down on the painkillers”, she said. “Good… That’s smart. But you shouldn’t overexert yourself”.
He led her over to lean against his bike. “How angry are you?”, he asked. “Very… You knew how I felt about the bloodshed… Too many people had died already”, Nina said. “But I understand why you did it. You were trying to protect me”. “I really was, luv’”, Filip sighed. “But it’s like you didn’t respect me enough to make me part of the plan”. “I respected you too much, Nina!”. Filip grabbed her hand, and held it tightly. “You’re too good for decisions like the ones we had to make that day… And what you said about Jax…”. “I shouldn’t have brought him up”, Nina said. “No, you were within your rights to”, Filip said. “But… I think he would have made the same decision, little sister. Anything to keep you safe”.
Sighing deeply, Nina pulled at Filip’s hand, to make him wrap his arms around her. She threw her own arms around his neck. “I love you, big brother…”, she croaked. “But don’t ever lie to me again, or I’ll stab you in the balls with a rusty screwdriver”. “That’s oddly specific”, Filip muttered. “I wanna make sure it’s extra painful”. “Fair enough”.
He kissed her temple, and together they made their way back to the clubhouse.
“That’s a long ass ride to take, just to come see me”, Nina said, as she sat on Angel’s lap, surrounded by her SAMCRO brothers. Apparently, the Mayan felt that they’d spent too much time apart in the last four days, and after she came back inside with Filip, he hadn’t left her side. “We never left”, Happy said. “We’ve been staying at Vicky’s… It’s quite comfortable there”, Filip smirked. “Venus good with that?”, Nina asked Tig. “We’ve been doing facetime”, Tig winked at her. “I don’t need any of Vicky’s girls, when I got a woman at home waiting for me”. “You thinking about putting a ring on that?”, Angel asked. “She wants to fully transition first”, Tig shrugged. “I told her, I don’t care, but it’s important to her”.
EZ came over with a tray of shots. “What’s this?”, Rat asked. “Mezcal”, EZ said, and shot a smirk at Nina. “In that case, I’m out”, she said. “Just plain old tequila, then?”, Creeper asked, and set down a full shot glass in front of her. Nina rolled her eyes, and picked up the glass; cheering with the bikers. “It is time for us to go, though”, Filip declared, once he’d finished his drink. “We have a business to run”. “Wouldn’t want the line in front of the shop get too long”, Angel smirked. “People need their ice-cream”. “We do milkshakes too”, Rat smiled brightly. The rest of the Sons laughed at their endearingly naïve brother, and got to their feet.
Saying goodbye was less melancholic this time around. Nina managed to avoid completely soaking Angel’s shirt, as she hid her face against his chest, after waving goodbye to her Charming brothers; when they drove off the lot. Chucky, on the other hand, had to take a few minutes to himself in the garage. Coco went after him, and they emerged moments later, with Chucky wiping his eyes, as Coco muttered encouraging words in his ear.
After they all went back inside, Bishop cleared his throat. “Yo. Listen up”, he barked. “It’s time to get back to business around here. We’ve got a few runs to prepare for, and the yard looks like shit”. “It’s a scrapyard, jefe”, Coco said. “It’s supposed to look that way”. “Let’s take the day off”, Taza said. “We can get back to it tomorrow”. Bishop grunted in agreement, and the Mayans all looked like excited frat boys. Creeper and Gilly got to work, calling in some hangarounds for an impromptu party.
Nina – tears dry, and peaceful at heart – got on her toes, and kissed Angel’s cheek. “You can stay… I’m not really in the mood for partying”, she muttered. Angel snaked an arm around her waist, and brushed his lips against his ear. “Nah… I’ll go with you. The only party I wanna go to, is in your panties”, he hummed. “You’re so eloquent”, Nina chuckled. “So elegant…”, Angel nodded, and squeezed her butt; before quietly leading her out the clubhouse.
“Ow!”. “Sorry, mami… Maybe try turning the other way”. “My hair is stuck in the handlebars…”. “There… You’re free”. “Someone might see!”. “No, we’re good… Fuck! Don’t stop moving like that”. “Ok, yeah… Wow… Angel, please…”. “Fuck, yes! Put your foot on the fender… That’s right. Take it!”. “I’m so close… Angel!”. “You gonna come?”. “Uh huh… Holy, shit… Harder!”. “Me too… You feel so good…”. “Yes!”. “Oh fuck… I’m coming…! Ahh… Shit, I love you…”. “Te amo, papi… Wow. That was…”. “Uh huh…! I can’t believe we pulled it off…”. “Yeah… Now we just gotta figure out how to get your bike out of the front door again”.
To be continued…
tags: @cole-winchester @doloreschanal
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