#Faele agrees
lark-tier-shit · 5 months
wowowowow I’m finally doing a pinned post
Hiya!! My names are Z-Fey, and Faele (pronounced fey-elle)!! I am the host of a median collective, and this is my/our main blog. You can find our plural side blog here: @treehousearchive
I go by Fae/Zi/It/They pronouns, and idrc how the grammar around them works (so you could say “fae are a person with adhd” or “fae is a person with adhd.” Please use my neopronouns as much as, if not more than you use they/it
if you misgender me I’ll eat ur knees /hj
I am faekin and foxkin, and I’m absolutely amazing at it. Don’t try to disprove alterhuman shit. I won’t listen. Also keep any alterhuman discourse off this blog. All nonhumans are welcome here. Yes even physical ones. Yes even ones that truly believe they are an animal. Yes even mentally ill/delusional ones.
Collectively we are aspec and arospec. Afaik that goes for everyone in our collective but I could be wrong.
currently I don’t check my discord, if you need to reach me my asks and DMs on here are the fastest ways.
I use a lot of emoticons, abbreviations, and tone tags :3
tone tag key:
/lh- light hearted
/j- joking
/hj- half joking
/sarc- sarcasm
/nm- not mean
/nf- not forced
/gen- genuine
/aesth- aesthetic (used to describe aesthetic attraction. Ex. “He’s hot /aesth”
if I ever use one u don’t understand just ask! I’m more then willing to inform!
Pedos. Like genuinely. Pedos maps etc fucking disgust me. Stay tf away from my blog
Zionist. Yeah nuhuh. If u support genocide I don’t want to talk to u.
Homophobes/Transphobes. I’m gay asf. I don’t think you want to be here.
Zoophiles. No. Just no.
Anti furry/Anti alterhuman. Once again. I’m a therian. Y would u want to be here???
Sexual/kink blogs. Nothing against you, have ur fun. Idrc. I’m just not comfy w that.
Anti-endos. I don’t want that negativity on my blog. All good vibes here.
If you demonize mental illnesses (like schizophrenia or npd) fuck off. If you use “delulu” or treat serious mental illnesses as silly little things fuck off.
Anti aro/aspec. This shouldn’t even be a thing? Just let people exist?
if I don’t like u I’ll block u.
With all due respect, which is none, leave me alone.
#Happy Fox Hours
Foxkin euphoria and just generally happy foxkin related stuff
#Happy Fae Hours
Second verse, same as the first but w fae stuff this time.
#Zi speak!!
text posts and me ranting
#Soda Spill
My writing. Includes poetry and short stories/snippets from bigger stories. (Please note that since originally making this I have stopped using the name Soda, as that has gone to one of my headmates. This tag may change soon.)
#Faele agrees
Rebolgs!! I might forget to tag my rebolgs. I’ll try my best but if I do my apologies.
#Sad bitch time
vents n stuff. Me being depressed.
Boundaries: mostly im fine with anything.
pls don’t tag me in angelic/religious stuff, or send it to me. Especially if it has eyes featured prominently.
uhh i feel like this shouldn’t need to be said but just in case: foxes are a game animal where I live. I already see my kind’s hides enough. Don’t show me pics of that.
just yk… if i ask u to quit do so please. There’s nothing rly big other than those two things that I can think of. Be nice.
My filter tag list is here. If you are intentionally rude and disrespectful about it you will be blocked.
I have a side blog for Will wood stuff called @willwooddaily
thank you for your time!!
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littlest-w01f · 3 months
Little Family
Cassian x Luna
Summary: When Cassian comes to pick Feyre up from her work, he sees a new girl with her, a girl who sits to herself silently and doesn't talk to any other children, his whole world shifts on its axis when the girl's mother walks in to take her home
Cw: None
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part one - part two - part three - part four
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In the busy city of Starlight, it was another day for Nova, but she woke up different than she had weeks before, she was excited to go to art class, her teacher's friend, Cassian, would meet her most days, sitting by her and trying to converse with her, more than others had. He didn't act negatively to her wings like most kids did, he didn't whisper about how her wings took up too much space in the room, she had a friend.
She was happy, her things gathered on her table, even if her mom couldn't afford a lot of expensive things that a few other faelings had, it didn't bother her, since her teacher, Feyre, provided everyone with anything her students needed anyway.
Luna was up the first thing in the morning, already ready for the day when she knocked on her daughter's room, "Nova? Are you up, little bat?"
"Yeah, mama." Nova said back loud while she was up from her bed so that her mother would hear, "Just woke up."
Luna smiled, she used to have to force Nova out of bed before, but recently her daughter had made her first friend, even if that friend was a male her age and her mate.
It had been two weeks, since Luna had met her mate, Cassian, General of Night Court. The bond had snapped the second she laid eyes on him, she had chosen to take Nova home instead of acknowledging it, hoping it was a mistake and she would never have to see the male again. She had just gotten free of a male, her late husband, a male she had realised stopped loving her when she was with his child but had made her unable to escape, she didn't want another so soon.
But Nova had taken a liking to Cassian, the 6-year-old talked of the Illyrian male all the time after she had met him, which despite how Luna felt, was a happy change in her home, seeing Nova happy and talkative. Cassian had started talking to her child, making slight conversation, complimenting her wings when she had pointed his out.
"Morning, Princess." Luna smiled, watching Nova walk out of her room, she was dressed up for the day.
Nova sat down, pulling the plate of pancakes to herself, "Mornin' mama." She devoured the plate, making Luna snort slightly, taking her own plate.
"Relax love, no one is take that away from you." Luna smiled, packing Nova's lunch for later.
Nova nodded, holding her glass of milk, "Have to get to class, I am doing a piece."
"Oh?" Luna tilted her head, "Tell me more, if you want."
"Wings, I want to paint wings, miss Feyre is helping me." Nova picked at the berries on her pancakes.
Luna smiled softly, "That's wonderful, love."
The two females sat together for breakfast, smiling and talking, "So, miss Feyre has invited us to have dinner with her family tonight, if you want to join."
Feyre had asked Luna to meet her family, she had said no once but Feyre was adamant, and Luna could see the matchmaker in Feyre's eyes. So, Luna had agreed.
"We're going to miss Feyre's house?" Nova asked excitedly, "I want to join, ma."
"Well then, I'll let her know. Come on," Luna smiled, watching Nova rush around gathering her things for her class.
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Luna was working in a jewellery shop, smiling at the customers, making sales, she hadn't had time to herself in quite a long time, working a few hours in a bakery in the morning, then by the afternoon she would be working in a bookshop, just cleaning shelves, and now in the late evening, working in the jewellery shop.
She didn't have a proper education to aim for a single high paying job, so she managed to make ends meet by three of them.
Luna sighed as she finished cleaning up the last display case in the jewellery store. It had been a long day, but she loved every minute of working in the jewellery shop, she wanted to give Nova a more than comfortable life, and if it meant working away in multiple places to buy her anything she needed after keeping their place and having their lights on, she would.
The delicate glint of the precious stones under the store lights always brought a smile to her face. She adored the way they caught the light, how they seemed to come alive when they were worn by someone special, she had found her calling in making sales, in matching the jewels with their perfect person.
"This would suit you both so perfectly," Luna smiled at two females who had been looking for their wedding rings. Luna gently guided the two females over to a beautiful set of diamond engagement rings and matching wedding bands.
"These are stunning, aren't they?" The females whispered to each other, their eyes wide as they admired the glittering diamonds. They looked back at Luna, their faces filled with anticipation. "We've been looking all over town for something like this," one of them said, her voice filled with awe.
Luna grinned, her hands moving gracefully as she opened each ring box one by one. "I'm sure these will be perfect for your special day." Her words were gentle, filled with genuine enthusiasm. She could feel the joy radiating off the couple, and it made her heart swell with happiness.
She had made another sale, taking the rings the females had chosen to the counter to wrap in a velvet box, finishing off by tying it in a satin ribbon, she motioned for them to join the line of Fae paying for their jewellery, adding them to the line. The last customers before closing.
"Anything for me, miss?" A voice called to her, a male, Cassian. Luna spun on her heels to face the male, leaning over the countertop, avoiding the glass parts of it, a smirk on his lips.
Luna straightened, ignoring the shake in her heart that his voice had made her feel, there was no avoiding it, Cassian was her mate, and they both knew it, she walked to him, "What are you looking for, general?"
Cassian was looking at a couple necklaces, "Well, you see, my sister has invited this gorgeous female and her adorable daughter for dinner with us, what according to you would be the best gift for them? Something matching would work best, right?"
"Well, I'm sure neither of them would want something so expensive on their first proper meeting." Luna blushed slightly at how blatantly he had told her he was buying a gift for not just her but her daughter too. "If you want to give them something, I'm sure something simple would work just as well."
Cassian chuckled, eyes still on the matching pairs of necklaces, "Aren't you meant to be making sales? You shouldn't be driving customers away." Cassian shook his head at her, he was determined to not go.
"How did you find me, Cassian?" Luna asked softly, picking out a necklace that Nova had always wanted whenever she came with her, a necklace Luna knew she wouldn't be able to afford, the necklace wasn't something the shop owner would've graciously offered to sell at a lower price, even if the pendant was little.
Cassian shrugged, eyes on the necklace Luna held, "Nova only ever talks about you, she told me you work here, wasn't hard to find this place from it's name."
"Is this the one you want?" He asked, hand tracing the butterfly pendant in the middle, it was made of red precious stones, his siphons shining with the same shade.
Luna smiled, "No, it's something that Nova's wanted for a while," She placed a couple of her coppers in front of him, "If you want to gift us something, we can share the cost of this."
"Oh no," Cassian hummed, pushing her coppers back, moving to the counter and dropping a handful of silver marks, "Please pack the necklace. It's a gift for a faeling who deserves it."
Luna sighed, putting her coppers back and beginning to pack the necklace, the image of Nova smiling when she received it couldn't stop a smile from forming on his lips.
"I'll see you later tonight, sweetheart." Cassian smiled, moving to take the packed charm jewellery.
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{General Taglist: @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot}
{Little Family Taglist: @littlelunatica @journalofthedamned}
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scribe-of-stories · 1 year
Smith of Masks: An Old Friend
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[Urban Fantasy/Nior-esq/690 words] @flashfictionfridayofficial
Ashley was on vacation, a sudden windfall of canceled family plans left her free and halfway across the world. So it fell on me to man the office. Or maybe the term was 'to wyrd' the office? Haunt? Yeah, it fell on me to haunt the office. Not that I minded it. She deserved the break, and the community knew that I could use one as well.
My office building was an unassuming place, but it had grown stranger since I became aware. Used to be my office neighbors were lawyers and office workers. These days they were petty mages and alchemists. Though there was still a lawyer kicking around, but she had stopped hiding her horns. I had thought to share a lunch with her, if the day was slow enough.
Sadly that didn't end up being the case.
Smith and Byrne Investigation Agency was scrawled across the fogged class of my office door. The locks were simple, the wards more complex. Which made the fact that someone was already standing inside all the more worrying.
Unnervingly perfect in one too many ways. Red hair and an amount of Irish descent now mixed with the intoxicating delight of Fae physiology. It failed to compel me now just as it had back when we first met.
“Smith, a pleasure to see you again,”
Annabelle’s tone was disarming, words an enticement. I wondered which part of me she was referring to: the Smith as it is written on my door, or the Smith of Masks. I doubted she even knew there was a difference. Some nights I might agree.
I closed the door behind me, made my way to a bookshelf, and chose one at random. The pages had words this time, but it didn't relieve me any.
The faeling chuckled with a lifted hand to her mouth. A measured set of movements. “Ah, you remember our first meeting.”
“Hard to forget your first encounter with the supernatural,” I brought the book with me to my desk and relaxed into it. Technically it wasn't my first, but no need for her to know that. “You can cut the court act.”
Her soft features and mannerisms melted away ever so slightly to something more natural. The amused smile turned coy and a touch smug. Fucking courteers.
“Ashley's on vacation, why are you here?”
The amusement in her eyes deepend, “You're the investigator, read the narrative.”
Fucking hate Faes. Acting like they were in control all the time, holding all the cards. It was even more annoying that they often were.
We shared a moment of annoyed silence while I stared at her. I wanted to see if she would hand over the information if I didn't answer; but I was also taking the time to put the pieces together. She held her tongue, and my own thoughts were fighting to leave my skull.
“Your family ends up canceling their plans for a get together in their homeland, but Ashley's calendar was already cleared and her tickets paid for by then. She texts me this morning that she landed safely, and shortly after you show up at our office.
“I'm guessing there was no planned family vacation, just you pulling strings to get Ashley away from here or to somewhere you've already made safe. I'm reading that you have a job for me, and it's something you wanted to keep your dear sister away from.”
“And I've come to the best paranormal investigator this side of the Mississippi for help,” Annabelle took a seat across from me and folded herself up into a proper, courtly, posture.
I got out my notepad, ripped the pages from the last investigation off of it, and settled in for another job. “First things first, the fees. Though half of this office's investigators are gone I'll be asking for our usual price, considering the circumstances.”
Her false softness returned and she put on a sad tone like a clown puts on makeup. “Oh? No favors for an old friend?”
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morganthepen · 1 month
here’s the original prompt from @writing-prompt-s
Stella - main character who makes the deal with the Demoness to save her mother. She lives in a small village called Fael and works as a tailor
Anniren - the Demoness. Also lives in Fael. Occasionally someone’s cat will go missing and everyone blames her first.
Kraytor - Stella’s husband and the father of her son. Lives with Stella and he is a professional hunter
Magnus - Stella’s son (the baby she had so she could cure her mother)
Nallu - Stella’s mother
le ✨outline✨:
Anniren & Stella make a deal, as described above
What Stella fails to realize is that, (by the laws of a little bit of worldbuilding that has yet to take place) in any agreement involving the exchange of children or babies, the person giving the child (in this case, Stella) is required by law to aid in parenting the child alongside the person they have agreed to give it to (Anniren).
One small issue. Stella already has a husband LMAO and didn’t read the ✨fine print✨
If Stella doesn’t help Anniren raise the child then the deal is off and her mother will die of the illness, so she begrudgingly agrees to those pesky terms and conditions.
For a while, Stella lives a double life. During the day, she works, then goes home to her kid to see him for a bit before he goes to sleep and then she spends the night at her cottage with Kraytor because obviously she is not in love with Anniren—in fact she is extremely angry at her.
HOWEVER. Eventually she realizes it technically isn’t Anniren’s fault—all of this is because of that stupid and weird law. Also Anniren is surprisingly a very good mom and Stella learns eventually that she always really wanted a kid but didn’t know how to get one in Hell because there are no children there.
Anniren also proves to be a much better partner over time, as Stella’s husband becomes increasingly jealous and bitter, which would be understandable if he had not supported her decision to make the deal in the first place and then switched up on her and became a childish manipulative asshole and withdrawn all his support once it started to affect him 🙄
So eventually Stella ends up dumping her husband and decides she wants to be with Anniren (YIPPEE) who had been holding back the entire time because she had fallen in love with Stella oopsie daisy
thought concerns questions prayers put em in the comments 🫶🏻
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I read one of your responses about SJM's worldbuilding and structure of magic and I agree that it's very messy. What exactly is cardinal magic? How is it different from other magic?
Typically, you have intrinsic/elemental magic and cardinal magic.
So for example, in SJM's world, all High Lords would have their 'special' magic which is specific to them, or to their kind. So with Rhys, it would be the manipulation of night/darkness, with Tarquin, it would be water magic, with Helion, I suppose it would be fire/light, with Kallian, I guess, it would be cold/frost. Beron and Tamlin are unclear and I don't really understand what their elemental magic is.
In other books, we had Aelin with Fire and Rowan with wind.
Furthermore, we assume from what Lucien said and from what we saw during the war, that all HLs have a beast inside of them, that they can unleash.
Rhys also has his daemati powers, which are specific to him.
All HLs would be able to winnow any distance. All would have 'innate dominance' which they could use to force others to heel or to do their bidding.
Cardinal magic is usually 'learned' magic--aka, it's an ability that technically all Fae should have, but it's not intrinsic to them and requires learning. That would typically include any kind of healing (I would assume that the more powerful you are, the better healer you are), invisibility, object manipulation and spells. So when Amarantha stole the book of spells from the King, that's how she managed to weaken and lock away all of the High Lords' magic.
It gets messy with SJM when she doesn't define what High Fael vs Lesser Fae vs High Lords can do, and what is elemental. We don't know if all High Fae have some kind of elemental magic to them, and what it might be. Like is glamour something all high Fae can do? or is it cardinal magic, which they learned? So when Lucien glamoured Feyre, and even Rhys couldn't see her, what is that exactly? Same with LoA--when she helped Feyre UTM, is it because she is a Lady or because she is a High Fae?
The problem also continues, for example, with Rhys UTM--he could still use his daemati powers, but nothing else. So, is daemati then not his natural magic? But it would seem that it is, but why would he be able to use it on Lucien and others? And why not on everyone? And why were Lucien's mental shields so weak? OR, when Rhys picked up all the lentils for Feyre from the fireplace--why was he able to do that, but not other things?
There are lots of inconsistencies, especially when it comes to Rhys--SJM keeps wanting to make him oh-so powerful, which is fine, but then like why can't he deliver his baby without killing his wife and his kid? Yet, at the same time, he is able to shield an entire city from discovery for 50 years and move huge armies to his heart delight.
I mean, even with Nesta, for example--why couldn't Feyre or Rhys technically daemati her into a different behaviour? (yes, it sounds terrible and totally invasive) but logically, it would make sense? and Rhys sounds like a guy who would do something like that? Or like, why can't he daemati Kier?
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roccinan · 9 months
1/n Oof, it sounds lovely to be called the 'hermanos stan' :D It's been nearly 2 years and I still miss them, so it's such a pleasure to talk abt them with you! No, I didn't think you'd heard of it but Cricket as a sport is extremely popular where I'm from, even moreso than Football! You can't really avoid it this time of year which is why I put all my annoyance into Andrés lol. Yeah i agree, I think Sergio looks at it more as a team bonding "exercise" that is helpful even if he doesn't have any great liking for it, and when he watches like he said, he's more interested in rooting for the underdogs. Andrés too is probably just a casual watcher so the idea that they both assumed the other was OBSESSED is hilarious to me, it makes them feel more like real siblings growing up together and trying to find some common ground :')
Hi somerain/royalpaperhouse/my favorite hermanos stan! I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. It's been a whirlwind of a couple months for me! This string of lovely messages has been sitting in my inbox since. I can't believe it's been nearly 2 years since they entered our lives aaaahhh, but it's been such a pleasure talking to you about them <3 OH, that's cool- cricket being bigger in your country than football is certainly interesting! LOL I get that- I hope you were able to channel your "frustrations" onto Andres XD Agreed haha- Andres just pretends he knows what he's watching while Sergio's only here to see if the underdog team wins, and they're both sitting through all those hours because they've convinced themselves the other is obsessed with football (a role Martin will fulfill in their lives soon LMAO). Ah, I'm glad that hc makes them feel like real siblings bonding!
2/n Your hermanos musings water my crops and butter my bread Rocinan!! Gracias for all your kind words, truly (and yes hehe I wasn't expecting that punch either.... it just happened and I couldn't resist) <3 Right?? I love Serquel and Berlermo too, both ships are very interesting in their own right but something just *hits* different when it's the hermanos. Hermanos redux gives me ALL the feels, I don't think I can ever forget the special mix of heartbreak and heartwarming that au gives me.... Big Brother Sergio and Little Brother Andrés live in my head rent free! Awww I'm so happy I can always pop into your inbox with my rambles <3
That makes me so happy to know! Your remarks and support water my crops too :D Thank you for all your kind words and thank you for that punch- absolute chef's kiss! Exactly!! Serquel and berlermo are great in their own right, but with the hermanos, it's just a different texture TM. AH, I'm so glad hermanos redux continues to give you feels :'D That really means a lot and same here. Big brother Sergio and hermanito Andres will always live in my head. And yes of course!! I may be slow in replying as you can tell :') but you're always welcome to pop in and talk about the hermanos whenever you want!
Oh gosh, I'm touched that my support means so much to you 🥺❤ I can never thank the universe enough for making me stumble onto Dies Irae (yes that's another fic of yours that captured my imagination like nothing else) and I hope you know you deserve every bit of it!! Life's been a little rough but your works have been such a bright spot of light thought it all, even the wacky ones like the Toy Story AU, Your unique and varied ideas never fails to amaze me and I'm so glad to have you in the hermanos corner (and our other pals) too! :D Ugh, r*fael is the Bane of lcdp, asfdfjsk I don't give him the privilege of his full name. He's no Fonollosa/Marquina to me!
It truly does :D As long as you enjoy my hermanos content, then I feel that my mission is complete and I feel motivated to make more! AH thanks for the shoutout to Dies Irae as well- I will always cherish those amazing comments you left on it <3 definitely a fic that's very special to me. Aww I'm glad my stories could help provide some bright spots in your life (hang in there! We're all in the same boat!). LOL Glad even silly things like the Toy Story AU and Cut it Out (thank you so much for those heartwarming comments you left!!) were fun for you :) I'm happy to be in the hermanos corner with you (and the rest of our lcdp pals too)! PLEASE, so true, friend. Who even is Rafael?? certainly no true fonollosa/marquina!
3/n Glad to know you enjoy my rambles lol, and I love your blog too! thank you for welcoming me back :) soooo grateful to have a fellow hermanos stan in you too! Ah, Corners my beloved, it's so special to me as well cause I feel that Andrés is the closest we can ever see of the backstory behind s1-s2 Andrés, the dark and insane and terrifying man he was, like someone mentioned before Part 1 Andrés would shoot spinoff Berlin on sight 😭 They feel like completely different people! You can't convince me that Andrés in his 20s had fricking SPACE SUITS, I definitely feel like if we stick to canon, the true canon of the Initial seasons of lcdp (even upto s3 and the few glimpses of the dark parts of his nature in s4) your headcanons in Corners are much more fitting. They are the Real~ canon to me asdfjsk, and I'm sure andrés would agree!
I absolutely love your rambles :D and you're always welcome, no matter when and where! I'm so grateful to have a fellow stan in you too! Your review on Corners + what you're saying here makes me :') That's literally how I envisioned it too, and why Corners is so special to me despite being such an odd little fic. It was the one (aside from substitution) that built most from the Andres of s1/2, and a part of how I imagined he could become someone as insane and terrifying as Berlin. And YET the spinoff is telling us berlin was just his evil twin or something?? Exactly LMAO what even is with those space suits? At what point did he live in a romcom when the whole point of his character is that his romanticized life only exists in his own head? s3/4 Andres was "softer" but he still had plenty of the darkness and edge that would lean into Berlin. So I'm glad my fic could fill that gap haha and I"m hugely honored you feel this way about it!
n/n LOL My absolutely self indulgent and utopian idea of a Berlin spinoff would just be the extended version of "Hermanito", the hermanos as kids becoming the Professor and Berlin as we know them, but seeing how 2 kids growing up in poverty and illness make it and rooting for them, and maybe even exploring how their different personalities and moralities (!) play off each other, there's so much to think about there. But ofc, what we REALLY need are more rafaels and characters no one cares abt 🙃 Ohh I'm just happy EC fit with your ideas about him and andrés, I would LOVE a hermanos centric event omg, if and when it ever happens!! Thank you for everything again! 💌
I am Honored you think so! And also same haha- if it was up to me, the spinoff would just be "Hermanito" + "Corners" XD asdfasdf now you're just making me mourn what we could have had again!! Exactly, I don't even care if pedro and alvaro played 17yos- it's a far more interesting story to see how and why they became who they are, and yet remained so close despite the differences between them. But nooo, more rafaels and characters nobody asked for lmao The gift more than fit with my ideas :D And I'm so happy you're interested in a hermanos event! We'll definitely keep you posted if it happens- might have to be in 2024 lol, but I'm sure our hermanos gang can figure something out. Thank you again for everything!
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jeffreystewart · 2 years
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Fala, The Giant Troll Witch of the Long Sharp Nails - v2 Well here we are on another ThorsDay with another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic, sometimes Celtic) mythological characters. This week it’s a second, more Troll like version of Fala / Fála of the Trolls or Jotnar (Jotun / Jotunn / Jetten / Giant). Mentioned in the List of Giants in the Nafnaþulur of the Skáldskaparmál, in the Prose Edda.
Fala / Fála , translated as ‘’frightening” or “terrifying” from the Old Norse Faela /  fæla, and “witch” or “old hag” from the Old Norse fala / fála. And “Appaling” from the old Norwegian fael /  fæl. Also translated as “fiend” or “monster” in Old High German. It’s generally agreed to mean “troll woman” in this context.
She’s described as hulking, terrifying and appalling to look at. With long sharp nails and huge stature. A giant troll who may be a witch or sorceress.
Not much else is known about her.
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mayhemthemamp · 2 years
Polin Prompt:
So back when I was just a little faeling, I had a friend who always called their edibles “Cosmic Brownies.” The name was appropriate since they sent you into another galaxy. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I learned that Little Debbie also had a snack cake called a “Cosmic Brownie.”
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Up until that point I thought a TON of people were a lot cooler than they actually were whenever they said they were “treating themselves to a cosmic brownie,” only to find out they meant the snack cake.
So prompt idea:
So Colin invites Penelope over to have a movie night and “split a cosmic brownie.” Penelope, thinking he means the snack cakes, agrees. But Colin was referring to the Purple Palm Tree Delight “cosmic brownie.”
So Colin and Pen get high, and then Penelope starts having a minor freak out “Colin why am I high?” And then they have to have the conversation about how Cosmic brownies are also a mass produced treat, and then any other hijinks you wish to include.
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Imagine making a flower crown for Violet Bridgerton.
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You spent hours sitting in the gardens, watching as couples passed you by and smiling wistfully at them. There was one you loved as fondly as these couples did each other, and she was always on your mind. You were weaving together a flower crown of violets for her. Your dearest Violet Bridgerton. Violets for Violet, you thought to yourself with a small chuckle. She did pull off their color so well.
It was when you saw Daphne strolling by with Simon that you knew Violet wasn’t far off. And just in time. You weaved in the last of the violets you’d picked and prepared yourself to gift your creation to the woman herself.
Your heart beat loudly in your chest as you approached Violet. Lady Danbury noticed your approach first, and smiled your way, knowing your intentions. She looked back to Violet. "I believe you have an admirer," she lightly teased, causing Violet to laugh nervously. It had been a long time since she’d had anyone vie for her attention. Lady Danbury bid farewell to Violet, so the two of you could have some privacy.
"Hello," Violet greeted cheerily, giving you that smile that always made you weak in the knees.
You returned the greeting and offered her the gift you’d spent the morning making for her. "Is this really for me," she asked. "It’s beautiful." She curtsied, allowing you to place the flower crown on her head.
"Allow me a promenade," you asked, the crown of violets now resting in her hair.
"I believe I’d love nothing more," she agreed.
For @farahs-faeling
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Violet Bridgerton: @ladybridgerton39, @riveranddoctorsong123
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youralienfblagent · 2 years
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Warning: This is just a (A GAME) theory, which may be ruined by the next episode or episodes.
Taking all the available information that the writers gave last season of Eldaria and this one, I wanted to put together a more or less adequate picture of the world. What might have actually happened, without the victim and abuser positions.
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In the beginning, humans and magical creatures really did live in peace and harmony. Humans used technology to develop the world, while magical beings controlled magic. Mana was the main source of 'fuel' for the mechanisms that, at that point in history, humans used. The MCs helped with everything. But because humans were weak and fragile, and only acted with their invented stuff, some MCs rebelled and upstaged the rest of the MCs who might have double-mindedness or something. Naturally, there were also those who treated people well.
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Reasons to think so: Origins! Lance, Purrekos and the Kitsune. The first though wanted to destroy Eldarya, but also didn't like humans very much, the only reason not to kill Erika was because Leifthan had his eye on her. Purrekos, it's very clear from Purriry, but she doesn't have a negative attitude towards people or anyone else, if it pays, fine. But she has made her position clear that people are barbarians, in her mind. The Kitsune have literally killed every human that has entered their territory, do I really have to say here? There were marriages of MCs and humans, the faeylins showed up. And as you can understand, those marriages weren't exceptional. Also before all this the MCs and humans lived in peace.
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The war between the MCs and humans could easily have been fought under such conditions. The kidnapping of one of the nobles among the MCs (the elf queen) could really have been a turning point in the battle. And the MCs, who were for world peace, friendship and chewing gum, along with the humans, who had the same point of view, proposed a peace deal. The MCs, who were negative in their views, agreed, but, as we can see, with the conditions of some, with the MCs in another world, Eldarya, that the strongest representatives among the MCs and the faeliens must create.
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The creation of Eldarya was what both sides had come to. And here's the best part, the missing mana and the dragons. From Charles' words and the video he showed, the dragons were the ones who were very active in this war and at the same time they were willing to sacrifice themselves? Sounds like nonsense for the sake of sacrificing themselves after an abusive. I mean yes, I already said that the MCs could have been speaking for different sides, but if those agreed to such a thing, then something is not clear here. Could the dragons, demons [aengel] and Fenghuangs that were on the MC's aggression side have "mucked around" with the mana? Pretty much. That, by the way, could have had a bad effect on the fertility of Eldarya's lands. By the same action, they took away the powers of the very faelings that were heavily dependent on mana, making them just as "weak" as humans. And the different kinds of hunting, on the MCs and their descendants, by people who remember the aggression and fear a repeat of history with the MCs is pretty logical. The only ones left are those who look like humans, or at least can take human form permanently without mana, that is, neither this nor that.
For people, such tales of dragons, vampires, elves and the like became fairy tales and the ravings of madmen over time, because someone had seen it? Captured it somehow? No, of course not, and the technology wasn't there for that at the time. And now, it's just a story. So, by the way, the Eldaryans' forays to Earth, for sustenance, could be passed off as "are you crazy, what werewolves?" or start a new alarm among a population that doesn't know, but believes the stories of their ancestors, that their great-great grandfather was mauled by a notional vampire. In Eldaria they could use spells to erase all or part of the population's memory, to rewrite history in their own way so that they lived in peace and thought nothing of it. Again, the "obfuscation" of knowledge could be part of the Blue Sacrifice. And since there are many long-lived people in Eldarya who could not hear from their grandfathers but could see what was going on, it was a great plan. By the way, the Fenghuangs could have been involved, given their status, but that's just a guess.
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Reason to think so: The situation with Lance. No one says a word towards Lance, don't you think that's odd? Could it be one of those kind of spells? Or the effect of some kind of potion? Yes, it's been seven years, I understand, but I'm sorry, he wanted to destroy the world. THE WORLD. And now he's just walking around HQ, being head of the guard and all. The worst thing he gets is spit in the soup from Karuto. The Kitsune's attitude, as a different people, towards Lance. Yes, they're aware of the fact that HQ just has a hand dragon. Not what he wanted to do, but just having a dragon. Eldarya is medieval, the only way to send a message is to send a familiar, and how quickly it will reach (and whether it will reach at all) whoever is supposed to get the message is debatable. The only ones. Who were aware of what was going on, other than HQ, were the Fenghuangs. And, at the moment, the one in charge at HQ is Huang Hua. Are there any coincidences?
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Missing and returning people, as was the case in the story of the monk and the farmer. Again, there was a side among the MCs that favoured peace, friendship and gumption, so if a person might escape and find the likes of them, with a chance some might bring him back to Earth. Or he would escape to Earth himself by chance. HQ is not as good as it seems, let's be honest. They're not as good as they think they are, and it's not fair to say there's a lot of people in there who are also for peace and cheese for breakfast or just running away (Ez ran away because he made a mess of helping humans, Nevra and Karen ran away because of the looks, Miiko ran away because of the gene etc), but they still make forays to Earth for provisions (that was in the past), were wary and even aggressive to people who got into Eldarya.
Erika and Mathieu serve as the exception to the rule here. Erika didn't really turn out to be that kind of person, and Mathieu came to Eldarya during a more or less safe period in history, when the main character's heroic story was on the radar.
The interesting thing is that portals were not guarded in Eldarya. If a man got in, he would be killed, no matter who or how, but he would be killed, and with a very good chance. On Earth, on the other hand, there were only beliefs that it was forbidden to enter around mushrooms or whatever, but that too has been erased over the years because people considered it superstition, because nothing could have happened (the portal could have already been used).
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
Made up fic title:
"Once I dreamed..."
thank you!! so...you know how Riya's dreamer found a way to make the dreams stop? I would write the opposite of that.
at first Riya goes to her dreams to fix the thing like she did with the faelings or when she tries to contact a dead person
but of course it doesn't work. So she keeps forcing herself to sleep so she can fix it
until eventually, she can't wake up again
and maybe, along the way, she accidentally creates a dreamworld in which she succeeded and everything is nice and perfect and the way Riya wants it to be
Since they were always sharing rooms/a bed, Kira of course notices that Riya won't wake up and there is nothing she can do
but she knows that some people can go into other people's dreams. Riya also told her of one specific person who can Dream similarly to Riya, someone who has a special connection to Riya and would surely be able to help her
so Kira goes to find Sabil
Sabil agrees to help Riya, of course. Surely, it won't be hard for her to convince Riya to come back into the real world, right?
Well. When Sabil joins Riya in her dream, she realises that she's not the one who can convince Riya
bc in this dreamworld of Riya's, it's not Sabil, who's there with her. It's Kira. They are happy together. No more shyness, no more doubts about whether the other person likes her
Meanwhile, Kira is sitting by Riya's bedside, waiting for her to wake up. Sabil does. Riya doesn't
Kira is devestated. Because if Sabil can't convince Riya to come back, then nobody can
Sabil tells Kira that she's the one Riya loves and Kira probably doesn't believe her
but she still steps up bc Riya is in danger and Kira swore to protect her, so she will do everything she can to bring her back
Sabil teaches her how to Dream. It's hard. Only those of strong mind can do it. But fuck, Kira has never been more determined to do something
So...Kira? You Dream.
She finds a way into Riya's dream and oh. Sabil was right. Kira sees Riya, holding hands with a different version of Kira, smiling up at her
So Kira goes up to her and pleads with her to wake up
and...Riya looks at her Dream-Kira. And she hesitates. Because in the real work, she isn't together with Kira. She can't just kiss her and tell her she loves her
And then Kira manipulates Riya's dream. She shows her how they danced on the bridge. How they sat awake on the boat after Norrlo died, Riya's head on Kira's shoulder, finding comfort with her. How they fought together, sang together, laughed together. How Riya made a flower crown for Kira and how Kira gave her the Grüne Lappen. And all of it is real.
"and this is real too," Kira says, and kisses Riya. Kira closes her eyes and when she opens them again, she's back in her room. in the waking world
for a moment, she panics bc shit, what if she went to far and Riya didn't want that and she rejected her and ejected her from the dream?
but then she feels a touch on her hand. Riya is reaching for her. She's awake and she's looking at Kira as if she's never seen anyone more beautiful
"now it's real," she says, and kisses Kira again
the tell me a fake title and I'll tell you what I would write for that
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
Lady Bloodshed
Cassian x Assasin!OC (Kiera)
Summary: She was the deadliest assassin in the Night Court, someone who could do anything for the right amount. Her newest mission was to take down the general of Night Court, but something held her back once she was face-to-face with him
Cw: Suggestive MDNI
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part one - part two - part three
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The Court of Nightmares was silent, hushed whispers flowed in the air, the clicks of heels sounded, and the owner of those heels smiled at the people who skittered away at the closeness with her, she stood in front of the diaz where the High Lord sat, his inner circle surrounding him.
"Happy winter solstice, My lord." Kiera bowed in greeting, her red glittering dress flowing perfectly down her toned body, the bodice sticking to her upper body like a second skin, gold and diamonds decorating her neck, shoulders and arms, a tiara on her head, a deep blood red siphons on the back of both her hands, her hair was half up in a bun and the rest flowed down to her hips.
"Kiera," The High Lord said strained, "It is a surprise to see you here, lady."
Lady. Lady Bloodshed. The subtle title made her smirk, "It usually is, my lord. Can't a female enjoy a party?" She raised her brow at him, Rhysand knew she wouldn't cower to him, he had stopped trying years ago.
"Of course, you can." His voice didn't match his words, she could see the gears in his head turning, trying to figure out what she was up to. She took that as her leave and moved to the table set up with different types of wine, taking a chalice and drinking deep.
She felt someone approach her before they could even get within arms reach of her. She spun around a knife that was in her bodice now that the male's throat.
Cassian raised his hands in surrender, his own glass of wine in hand, a deep chuckle leaving his lips, "Now, now, my lady, I'm just here to introduce myself to the female called my darker half."
Introduce, because they weren't the same people they were while they were faelings.
"Of course," Kiera smiled, setting her knife back to her bodice in a way that Cassian couldn't figure out, "Lord of bloodshed."
"In the flesh," Cassian smirked, his siphons glowing red with a slight pride in them.
Kiera turned away from him to walk but Cassian followed, "Did Rhysand ask you to babysit me? I think we stopped that years ago."
The four of them had been friends, her, Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel, they had been close, but now they were merely familiars. She had taken the counterpart of his title after she had left the adoptive brothers, as an insult or to use as an extension, she couldn't decide.
Cassian gave her a grin, "Well, Rhysand thinks whoever you are here to kill might just be under out noses."
Right under your nose. She didn't say. She was here to assassinate him, Cassian, the general of Rhysand's armies, Lord of bloodshed. But he bathed in blood during war, she had grown up around it.
"Well, whoever poor sod it is, should feel lucky they are under the High Lord's protection." Kiera chuckled, letting him walk with her.
"So, would you like to dance, my lady?" Cassian asked curiously, a smile still playing on his lips as he offered her his hand.
She looked at his hand, she needed him vulnerable if she were to take his life, so she agreed.
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Perhaps it was a mistake, to accept his offer. Kiera thought as he twirled her the music, the rest of the inner circle had also joined in on the drinking and dancing under the eyes of their High lord.
Cassian and Kiera were shamelessly using the dancing as an excuse to feel each other up, two hundred years, it had been two hundred years since the last time they had met. Cassian had changed a lot physically, a lot more than she had, and she did not pass up the opportunity to feel his biceps from over his clothes.
They danced in the middle of the halls, Cassian's hands held her tightly, feeling up her waist and hands, a smirk on his lips as he couldn't help but note how much smaller her hand was in his.
She tried to ignore the feeling of his hands feeling up her body, the teasing smile that formed on his face as he brought her in closer, "For someone with such a feared background, I thought you would've gotten taller. At least you are a little more muscular."
"Oh, Cassian, you know what they say about small packages..." Kiera rolled her eyes at that, trying to not let the fact that she had to tilt her chin up to even see him get to her. "We carry more of a punch."
Cassian twirled her around so she was pressed chest to back to him, his hands feeling on her waist, then she realised, he was looking for where she hid her knives. "Well, this package here isn't small in any sense. Never really has been. Still has the same punch though."
"Is it always sexual innuendos with you, Cassian?" She inhales sharply, feeling something poke her at the base of her spine.
"Not just innuendo, my sweetheart." She could feel his hands inching towards her breasts as he leaned down to whisper. "I could show it to you really well."
Hours. It had been hours of them simply dancing and having their back and forth. Teasing touches all over, Kiera found her hands playing with the base of his wings, teasing the membranous wings that he carried, hence the hardness she felt pressed against her now.
She turned around to look at him, her hand once again tracing the thick membrane of his wing, both their eyes dark in lust as Cassian growled, "I'm taking you home, my sweetheart, sorry, my lady bloodshed."
Kiera smirked, he had given her a chance to pull away, but she reached up on her tiptoes, licking across his lips when something in him snapped as he gripped her tightly in his arms and flew her up and out of Hewn City, the scent of their arousal making the other crazy as it coated the air.
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{Cassian Taglist: @novalovi}
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askthefaeling · 2 years
Goodbye (3/3)
“You…” Vellner began, before realizing he had no idea how to reply to that. He hadn’t expected Kiran to say, well, any of that, and certainly not with any degree of genuine feeling. Not to mention the human was right- he didn’t really deserve Vellner’s forgiveness, not with what had happened.
And maybe that meant he was right about the rest of it, too. Vellner’s life couldn’t get better, not with Kiran around. Maybe it was time Vellner actually tried to get better.
“Thanks for the apology,” Vellner eventually said, which was as close to acceptance as he was going to get. Kiran just nodded, as if he’d expected that. “So you’re just going to leave me in the forest then, huh?”
“Pretty much.” Kiran attempted a smile but it came across as more of a grimace. “If all goes right, you’ll never have to see another human again.” Kiran turned to Lyra and added, “But if he does, I mean if any of you do, you know where to find me. These woods are mine now, and I’ve made them off limits to anybody else, so they should be as safe for you lot as possible. If not, I can rain hell upon whoever comes to bother you.”
Lyra looked suitably confused and suspicious about that, but Vellner suddenly understood. “Your birthday present,” he realized. Kiran looked at him and nodded, a faint smile on his face. “You asked for these woods. For this?”
“For this,” Kiran agreed. “Not entirely selfless, I must admit, but… hopefully a step in the right direction.” His haughty demeanor fell away somewhat and he added, more hesitantly, “It’s not enough to make up for what I did to you, I know. Probably nothing is. But you once told me I was the latest in a line of the worst humans the world could find.” Vellner raised his eyebrows, recognizing his own jibe when he heard it, but Kiran just looked determined. “Well, I promise I’m going to be the last.”
Vellner hesitated a moment, the familiar preservation instinct surging and clamoring at him to not believe that, lest he get his hopes up too high. But this was new. A human never gave him up once they had him, not until now. Maybe… maybe this time, he could take a chance with hope. Maybe this time it would work. “I… I guess this is goodbye then, huh?” he said.
“Yeah.” Kiran looked uncomfortable, but nodded anyway. “Goodbye, Vellner.”
“Goodbye, Kiran.”
Vellner watched, heart heavy with emotions he couldn’t rightly name, as Kiran turned and walked out of the clearing. His footsteps crunched along the undergrowth until they couldn’t be heard anymore.
That was the last time the faeling saw the prince.
Lyra swooped down, alighting on the branch next to Vellner and taking a seat to be closer to him. She looked at him with a furrowed brow, the concern in her eyes clear as day now that she was so close. “Are you okay?” she asked, as the forest around them rustled with the brush of wings and the mutter of confused fairies.
Vellner looked over and met her gaze. He swallowed, hard, and something within him seemed to settle. “Yeah,” he replied. “I think I will be.”
She smiled at him, worry and hope and kindness mingling in her open face, and offered him her hands. “Good,” she said.
“Let’s go home.”
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kurogoesinthedas · 3 years
🪞 for any oc !!
I'm doing Fael for this actually, because I don't think I ever got the chance to mention it before.
How does your OC perceive themself? Do they believe themself to be attractive, unattractive, or average? Does their view of themself affect their self-esteem, or are they unbothered by their physical appearance?
To say that Fael doesn't care about his appearence would be a blatant lie, the guy takes a great joy in curating his own style. But that doesn't actually affect in any way his view of himself. Fael doesn't think he's exceedingly handsome, or bad looking, he considers himself quite average actually. In his mind, he just is, there's no point in overthinking it. 
He's more concerned with how he wants to appear, how he wants other people to perceive him, in order to play on that. Not for a self-esteem reason, he has plenty of his own based on his wit alone. If someone thinks he’s attractive, that’s appreciated. If someone think he’s not, he doesn’t really care. But, way before Haven, when he was but a lone Dalish who wandered the world, looking untreatening and nondescript and plain could be useful, attract as little trouble as possible. For a long time, het hrived on being underestimated, because that's the lot he was given. Then the Anchor, the inquisition came, and that changed. There's a dialogue you can have with Vivienne, right after you take Skyhold, in which she offers you to introduce you to her personal tailor, and she says something along the lines of how being Inquisitor means looking the part as well. And Fael couldn't agree more. (also, he likes his nice clothes) His lack of pointed vanity plays also in the way he looks at his scars, all the ones accumulated during the years, and the loss of his left arm. Fael ends up with a lot of scars on his face too, and he doesn't like them. But they're there, and really there's nothing to be done about it except for illusions maybe, and if there's something that Fael doesn't do, is hide himself. Maybe those scars are not pretty, but they're proof that he survived, that despite everything, he came out on top. There's pride in that.
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
What is Rightfully Theirs
Summary: Roman leads his mysterious doppelganger to the moonlit revel, hoping that the fae will allow Roman to trade places with Remus. Logan, the fairy moonlit king, is rarely so generous.
October Prompt #4: Moon.
Check out more of my work at @hiddendreamerwriting!
“This way.” Roman instructed, leading the way through the forest. He knew the path well, better than perhaps he knew himself. 
Of course, Remus, being a newcomer, was not nearly as careful traipsing through the forest. His loud stompings were certain to aggravate the few pixies who made their homes on the forest floor.
“And cut that out!” Roman hissed, shoving Remus’ head down so he didn’t hit his head on a branch. “You’re behaving worse than an imp.” 
“It’s only my nature!” Remus grinned, his pointed ears waggling a bit in his excitement.
Roman sent him a frown, turning back to the path ahead. It was strange, meeting Remus. A brother, but not. Like a distorted mirror of Roman himself; Roman wondered what Remus would look like without his glamor thrown up to disguise himself as a human. Of course, the notion was ridiculous- Remus could no more drop his glamor than Roman could shed his human skin. 
It was, as Remus so delicately put it, in their nature.
“We’re nearly there.” Roman murmured, peering through the trees to the moonlit clearing beyond. Already the fae had begun to gather, their music and voices and laughter floating along the night breeze with the same vibrant energy as the stars that twinkled above. It seemed the revel was already in full swing.
Roman had to go about this delicately- moonlit revels were a very sacred tradition. There was etiquette to be followed, and one wrong step could land them both in dangerous waters.
But of course, Remus had no mind for any of that.
“Who’s ready to PARTY!” Remus whooped, sprinting into the clearing.
“REMUS-!” Roman cursed to every deity he knew, flying in at Remus’ heels. Immediately their entrance was noted, a large portion of the festivities coming to a screeching halt. Only the most drunk fae continued their celebrating, not caring to stare at the newcomers as they danced beneath the soft moon glow.
Roman shifted, gripping Remus by the arm as he nervously eyed the crowd. So many familiar faces, but right now none felt very friendly. Roman hated the idea that he might just have isolated himself from this group entirely. Certainly no fae would look him in the eye the same way again; from now on Roman would be one half of a pair, not his own person. Why was he doing this again?
There was a shift of blue light to his left, causing Roman to stiffen as a stray moonbeam seemed to curl in on itself, compacting into a singular bright light before beginning to take form. The shimmering light looked almost inviting as it floated lazily in front of the two, inspecting their nearly identical features. 
Slowly, the light faded, and as Roman blinked away the spots in his vision there appeared a singular blue fairy floating before them, merely the height of Roman’s palm. Roman, having lived with the fae for so long, knew better than to be fooled by appearances. 
“What’s with the firefly?” Remus joked, his ill-mannered comment sending several gasps through the crowd. Roman squeezed Remus’ arm so tightly he was certain to leave fingernail scars, and Remus yelped in surprise.
“Roman.” The fairy said, his voice carefully level. “You never told me you had a twin.”
Roman paled, knowing that the fae was mocking him. The moonlit king knew better than any fae here exactly what Remus was- what he had become.
“Remus, I presume?” Logan nodded to the second. “Join the revel. You are welcome here.” The fae seemed to murmur amongst themselves, confused by the king’s sudden mercy. Logan gave a glare over his shoulder. “My spawn has returned, if only for an evening. I expect to see rejoicing.” 
Well, they certainly didn’t need to be told twice. Eager to welcome one of their own back into the fold, two dryads took Remus by the arms, yanking him from Roman’s grasp. Roman watched helplessly as Remus was led into a dance, his movements so awkward and brash against the natural flow of the moon.
“Did you really think I would not notice a change?” Logan raised an eyebrow, staying behind with Roman. Here on the edge it was still quiet, and Roman could feel the winter fae’s presence chilling the air around them. “Do you intend to insult me?”
“No!” Roman hastily answered. “No, I would never, Logan I am so grateful for what you’ve given me, truly, but-”
“But it’s not enough?” Logan guessed, interrupting him. “You find you’re unsatisfied, wasting away at the border for a life that was never yours to have? They would no sooner accept you than they accept him.”
“You- “ Roman froze, having never had the gaul to speak back to Logan like this before. “You don’t know that.” He finished, softly. “You never gave them that choice.”
“If your mother wanted you, she would have noticed your absence.” Logan’s sharp tongue cut as deep as ever. 
After all.... Fae can’t lie.
“We don’t belong here.” Roman murmured, watching the harshness with which Remus traversed amongst the crowds and the way Roman was still too soft for fae culture. 
“No.” Logan agreed. “Not yet. But you belong to me, and you need to accept that.”
Roman felt his gaze snapped to the side against his will, forced to meet Logan’s eye. The fairy brushed at Roman’s hair, in a way that might have been soft if Logan was not made of edges. 
“You feel lost.” Logan noted, watching the way his sons both interacted with his moonlit kingdom. “One born wild, one growing wild. Neither yet finding peace, but Remus will find his way back in his own time, leaving behind the chains of civilization to join us in the woods. It is in his nature.”
“And what about my nature?” Roman argued, but his voice lacked bite. It was cold, like his father’s, the fire in his heart fading with the years spent in the Winter Court. “Why can’t I find my way back as well?”
“The human world has nothing for you anymore.” Logan assured him. “You’ve grown up in these woods. There is too much fae in you; sooner or later you’d grow just as restless and make your way back to me.”
After all, such is the way of a Changeling pair. A human replaced for a fae child, the human to be raised as a fae in the woods, and the faeling a devilish creature that wreaks havoc on the human household until also returning to the woods. The fae always reclaim what is theirs.
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jeffreystewart · 2 years
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Fala, The Giant Troll Witch of the Long Sharp Nails Well here we are on another ThorsDay with another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic, sometimes Celtic) mythological characters.  This week it’s Fala / Fála of the Trolls or Jotnar (Jotun / Jotunn / Jetten / Giant). Mentioned in the List of Giants in the Nafnaþulur of the Skáldskaparmál, in the Prose Edda.
Fala / Fála , translated as ‘’frightening” or “terrifying” from the Old Norse Faela /  fæla, and “witch” or “old hag” from the Old Norse fala / fála. And “Appaling” from the old Norwegian fael /  fæl. Also translated as “fiend” or “monster” in Old High German. It’s generally agreed to mean “troll woman” in this context.
She’s described as hulking, terrifying and appalling to look at. With long sharp nails and huge stature. A giant troll who may be a witch or sorceress.
Not much else is known about her.
Not completely happy with this one. I might do another version.
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