#i stand with dreamers
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hiort · 7 months ago
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dreamers discuss their shared fate
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daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months ago
"But this character is so toxic and problematic-"
Honey, they're not real.
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letsplaythermalnuclearwar · 5 months ago
and what if I said Callum’s recklessly protective nature was because he’s already grieved too much? what if I said he wouldn’t constantly throw himself between danger and Ezran if he didn’t already know what it was to mourn family? what if I said he wouldn’t be so ready to use dark magic to save Rayla if he knew what it was to lose his soul as intimately as he knows grief? what then?
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ceruleanblueshells · 4 months ago
I'm pretty positive Adam Parrish chews on ice to destress himself.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 7 months ago
2.08 — 'do it for helaemond.'
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cabeswaterdrowned · 10 months ago
Jordeclan and Adansey double date scenario but the context is that Rodansey are all together, Pynch have been together long term and Gansey just joined recently so Declan hasn’t been told yet. Declan and Jordan have recruited Adam’s help with a fairy market job because they need a psychic who is down for crimes, and then it turns out Gansey has some connections that will come in handy so he’s tagging along and Declan notices them acting how they usual do read: being freaks, and gets so mad because he thinks Adam is either cheating with Gansey or about to cheat with Gansey. In ordinary circumstances obviously he’d just kill the other guy but it’s Gansey and Declan just got to a relatively better place with Ronan he can’t have that set back over this, so instead he makes it his mission to keep Adam and Gansey from being able to do anything remotely couple-y / cockblock them until either the vibes disperse or they confess / give proof he can go to Ronan with or something. So maybe the business thing involves them traveling together or maybe Declan slashed their tires or something who knows but it turns out they have to spend more time together / go on a lil mini road trip where Declan is getting progressively madder because they’re so Shameless while still not doing anything he thinks Ronan would believe him about, and they end up at this inn that they have to have dinner at then stay the night at and Jordan wants to have like a proper date just the two of them but Declan Insists they all go out together and sits in between Adam and Gansey, when this started Jordan found it funny that Declan was putting his crime skills to use dealing with Ronan’s relationship drama but now she’s getting more and more pissed at him. The last straw is when there are only two beds available at the inn and Declan tries to insist that he and Gansey share a bed while Jordan and Adam share the other, which everyone is aghast about and Jordan settled this by saying she’ll have her own one bed Thank You and storming off, leaving Declan to room with Adansey. Declan realizes he’s gone too far but decides he’ll make amends in the morning the important thing right now is to put this to rest so he can go back to focusing on his Own relationship with his beautiful girlfriend (unsure if they’re married or not yet I don’t even know if this is au or post series). So he then takes Adam’s phone in the middle of the night since he knows Ronan is more likely to pick it up than his, because he spent a while in the bathroom for an IBS episode and when he returned he finally caught them doing something maybe they were already asleep but holding hands and Gansey was sappily saying Adam’s name or some shit, but when he calls Ronan for him to hear this Ronan is like 🫤🫤 okay I knew they do that… why are You sleeping with My boyfriends. And this is when Declan is like wait… boyfriends???
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northstrz · 2 years ago
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post-greywaren pynch w/ some self-indulgent long haired ronan
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delphicstrawberries · 1 month ago
if i had a nickel for everytime i had a blorbo that was a catholic guy with blue eyes, a buzzcut, and a really cool intricate back tattoo that was very devoted to his brother(s) i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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motherlove · 8 months ago
✚ Puppy Petdre。 
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A flag for puppy pet dreamers.
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✚ Kitty Petdre。 
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✚ Kitty Petdre。 
A flag for kitty pet dreamers.
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Requested by : Anon.
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localunseeliefae · 8 months ago
i have an idea for a heart-wrenching iwaoi historic au in which they are growing up together in some village forgotten by the world until the war begins and oikawa doesn't have to go but his passion and pride pushes him to join the army, when iwaizumi stays home and provides for his family because he can't simply leave them to fend for their own (also oikawa makes him promise to take care of his mother and sister othewise iwaizumi probably would go with him)
tooru climbes high in ranks because he is passionate and determined and suprisingly good at reading the enemies strategy and iwaizumi hears about it in bits and pieces through very few, very short letters he receives in the span of those months he is gone;
when the letters stop coming iwaizumi doesnt really worry at first, because from the ones he received previously he concluded that the work of oikawas unit is coming to an end and maybe, just maybe tooru is already coming home and wanted to suprise them with his sudden appearance (after all he always had a flair for the dramatics) but the waiting period begins to stretch excruciatingly long and even though hajime doesn't want burden his and oikawas family with worry he can't help but feel this gut wrenching fear whenever he thinks about tooru
when his pendant comes back to them, carried by a man in the same uniform they probably dressed tooru in, hajime isn't really suprised; he felt it coming for a long time, even though he never admitted it to himself
maybe that's why he doesn't break down in tears like tooru's mother did when she saw the man, maybe the numbness he felt was caused by the fact that he expected to see the man more, than he expected to hear toorus irritating voice making fun of him ever again
maybe that's why he doesn't cry over tooru, not when their families mourn him, not when he digs him a grave in which he will never lie in, not when he rereads the letters tooru send him and he read, not knowing that those would be the last words he ever heard from him
or maybe he did not really mourn him because he could not for his life believe that he would never feel his best friends warm body pressing into his, when he insisted that he was too tired too walk on his own and "iwa-chan how dare you push a man in need away", that he would never see those brown eyes light up when they would speak about something tooru was currently fixated on
maybe that's why despite their families begging for him to not go, he still decided to join the man, the bearer of tragic news, who after a few days rest was to go back to the army stationed nearby
maybe he was convinced, that by joining him, he will quickly find tooru and drag him back to their families, before any harm comes to him or to them
and maybe that's why hajime welcomed his own death with relief rather than fear, because he knew tooru would wait for him for a thousand years if he had to, just like hajime would do for him
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butchsaint · 2 months ago
i know that anti-heroes are the current craze, but i’ve recently become obsessed with main characters that are just really Good Guys. their stories are just as difficult, and by all accounts they should be angry and spiteful about their situations, but ultimately they stay kind and understanding.
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actually Lu is short for anything you want it to be now I’ve decided
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eurovision-del · 1 year ago
We have the results, and Alyona Alyona & Jerry Heil will be representing Ukraine with Teresa & Maria! I think this is a good result – it was the favourite to win and deservedly so in my opinion, even if it wasn't my absolute personal favourite of the selection it's still a song I really enjoy. The performance wasn’t quite as convincing as I would have hoped, but apparently Jerry had some in-ear issues and Alyona still sounded great on her rap verse. Even though it’s a very ethereal-sounding song I could have done with a little more energy from both of them. However, Jerry does have a great voice, which especially comes across on her floating vocal runs. I’m happy for both of them and can’t wait to see what they deliver at Eurovision itself.  
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as-dreamers-do · 10 months ago
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froggyfriendart · 2 years ago
If you want could you possibly. Tell me about your ocs
:O Hey hey I just saw this!! Thank you for taking an interest in them :)
So, my Sky:Children of The Light OCs
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These three are Mercymorn, Arcadias, and Ariadne. They're all three of them rogue actors in whatever world they find themselves in, you can't usually figure out what the hell they're doing or why they're actually there. Do not separate them.
Mercy is a fighter, and one filled with pride at that - they can and they will pick fights to prove a point and they get very petty when they don't win. They're 75% sick moves and 25% gremlin bastard. They'd be the type you see standing in the center of a coliseum or acting all heroic with their cape fluttering in the wind, but they're rather silly actually.
Arcadias is a musician, and a traveler. They play the lute. They're extremely curious at heart and though none of them can actually talk, they love asking questions through mimickry and wide gestures. Behaves like a bird. Actually really sweet, prone to playing pranks, sometimes acts rather childish. The cape they have shapeshifts into wings whenever, they think it looks cool. So do I.
Ariadne is a circus performer. They're the one taking the stage, they're the one spinning the stories and making shadow-puppets against the walls. They will strangle you if you talk slander about their performance. They're also really into fortune telling, but will lie (well, lie through gestures and implication) for shits and giggles.
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Now, this is Eurwen, she's really cool, she's not with those three but she knows them and tolerates them. This artwork is actually a bit older than most of them but it's one of my favorites. Deadpan, ruthless, I literally made her so I could be gay over her muscles and overly serious butch charm. She's everything to me. Other than Arcadias she's the only character I've ever drawn more than once, because I was working on her character sheet which is as of yet incomplete (like. a lot of my art)
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now THIS GUY. he's my specialest little guy, this guy. His name is Lucien Lyfrassir VI. He's in my brain at all times. Fucking shit up and spray painting the walls neon. He wears a cool jacket absolutely covered in neon graffiti-like designs, he wears a cool LED mask/helmet that hides his face, not pictured here. Does Testosterone injections (like. 60% of my characters are transgender. I do make the rules.), his supply is literally a replicator machine that's been replicating the same stuff from centuries ago because it's a pain to hope every new civilization produces it. He jumped into a black hole for fun. Explosions! Mad cackling! Cinematically standing on lamp posts, leaning against walls with dark and dramatic lighting. Fights with gauntlets he built himself. He is also immortal. Absolute vibing. He's just My Guy. AND he's hot. Him and Eurwen are, anachronistically, best friends. God. I fucking love him. His partner is unfortunately not pictured because I haven't drawn him yet. God i care about him.
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This is Dreamer. Their flute is named Lullabye (sic), they were first designed to be a bard in DnD and then they sort of morphed into a different kind of character. They're the man in the moon.
There's a lot more but I haven't got any art for them yet and anyway, you're welcome to ask me about them at any time :) I really appreciate you taking the time to let me talk about these guys. I love talking about these guys. I can do it forever.
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themurdersquashsong2 · 2 years ago
I have officially decided that tumblr is now my own personal skoob bc the actual skoob is all bugged so now all of you are obliged to stand me here 24/7 while I (re)read the raven cycle, sorry people😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚
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