#i stan miss lister
charliespringverse · 1 year
i've touched on this before but like . i really do think rowan's feelings get accidentally overlooked by readers that ,,, Aren't a bit obsessed and rereading for the nth time
and it's understandable because the version we primarily get of rowan is fereshteh's warped fanon & jimmy's longtime best friend mental illness riddled descriptions . and Because jimmy is unwell he almost idolises rowan in a way that holds him up as a pillar of stability and permanence — which is what jimmy needs and it's not a wholly negative thing, but he also inadvertently fails to accept any evidence to the contrary
whereas with lister we Learn a lot because jimmy is learning a lot — through deeper-than-usual conversations or blatant cries for help or very revealing behaviours — we don't get to discover anything new about rowan, and so when he's kinda mean or angry or distrusting it's easy to misinterpret that as him being deliberately and needlessly nasty
but if you stop looking at him through jimmy's lens, that boy has had an absolute bastard of a week . the jowan photo leak affects him as much as jimmy (arguably more so, because all the while he's dating bliss, jowan is an Active Lie rather than just an untruth), he's dealing with the same contract stress, his secret relationship has been exposed to the world, his girlfriend is ignoring him at a really difficult time, he's watching his two closest friends fall apart, he's learning that he really doesn't know one of them very well at all, his best friend is missing, the other is definitely an alcoholic making no moves to resolve that, his girlfriend has dumped him, he feels like they (and bliss) are being stalked by a member of a group he already feels like he isn't safe around, he feels like he's losing the two people closest to him
and all this time he's considering himself wholly and singlehandedly responsible for fixing all of this, feeling he has to hold himself and the world together . there's no real safe space for him to unload any of this because the three people he's closest to are either dumping him or going off the rails, and the only way he's ever known how to make himself comfortable is to have complete control over a situation, which just Is Not available to him here
it's not the fault of jimmy's narration that we never get to truly sit with the extent of what's going on with rowan, and in fact it really Really adds to the themes of being unable to truly know somebody and personal perception destroying objective truth
but GOD it breaks my heart to see people say they don't care for rowan, or don't like him, because he's snappy and sweary and short with people . because that's such a natural response to having that much shit piled on top of you in under a week AND losing your only coping mechanism (in this case, taking the weight of everything and moulding it into something tangible and possible to hold)
anyway. i am a rowan omondi stan first and a human being second and WOW rowan needs therapy and jimmy needs to stop idealising him
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 102 - The Past, Present, and Future, Part 2
The Lemons meet up at a nearby bar to get some hang time in with the Sistems and Celeste.
Fan: OMW it's really her!
Marcie: Sometimes I forget you're a celebrity! Look at you and your stans!
Ophelia: Maybe they're cheering for you! You're an author, right?
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The girls chat while the guys play foosball. At least until they're interrupted.
Paparazzi: Hey, over here!
Ophelia: Oh, Brytani Cho must be around here somewhere.
Celeste: I'm pretty sure she's taking pictures of you, honey.
Oh wow… She is! That's never happened before!
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Ophelia's feeling confident, so she decides to tell the pap off.
Ophelia: I'm trying to enjoy time with my friends! I signed up for this, but they don't need to have their faces plastered all over whatever trashy rag you work for! Get you and your stupid little hat out of here!
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A few fans ask Ophelia to sing one of her songs in the lounge upstairs, so she obliges.
Xander: Mars, look! Ophelia's latest song went viral. That's why there's paps and fans following her!
Marcie: Oh my Watcher… Ophelia's a B-Lister!
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After this new revelation, the gang decides to take the party back to the rental so they can have some privacy. Plus, this means Gemma can be part of the fun!
Joaquin helped himself to a taco from the fridge. He knows how to party.
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Gemma doesn't seem as shy tonight. She even babbles at Joaquin a little bit. She must be getting in the party mood!
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Celeste: I can't believe we're hanging out again. I missed my bestie.
Ophelia: There's no reason we can't pick up where we left off!
Celeste: I'd love nothing more, girly.
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Gemma ignores her mom and her old new bestie hugging. She's feeling the groove!
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Xander made cherry bombs for everyone! He and Ophelia get the first two.
Xander: I'd say this trip got a lot more fun, huh, Mrs. B-Lister?
Ophelia: I know! I can't believe it!
Xander: I can. It was only a matter of time.
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Xander: You look gorgeous tonight by the way… But I think that dress would look better on our bedroom floor.
Ophelia: Xander! We have guests!
Looks like at least two of them are pretty distracted.
Xander: Come on, I know you've got flirty moodlets too.
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Xander: What if we just went back to the room for a bit so I could give you one of my world-famous massages. I know the paparazzi stressed you out.
Ophelia: Well… That does sound nice. Alright fine, just a massage.
She downs the rest of her drink before they go to their room.
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Meanwhile Gemma's been left unsupervised for the first time in her life so she's wrecking the bookshelf and everything on it that she can grab.
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Yeah, the massage didn't last long.
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Marcie: Hello, cutie. Where's your mommy and daddy? I actually haven't seen them in a while.
She lifts Gemma into her arms.
Marcie: Don't worry, you can hang out with me, Joaquin and Celeste. I'm sure your parents around here somewhere.
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Oh, don't worry about Xander and Ophelia. They're doing just fine.
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After their trip, life goes back to normal for the Lemons. Ophelia does some chores around the house while Gemma naps, but cleaning this nasty sink is making her feel sick. Maybe it's the smell of the grime or the cleaner, but either way, she feels like she's going to puke.
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Looks like it was more than just a feeling.
Ophelia empties the contents of her stomach into the toilet, the wave of nausea overtaking her.
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Ophelia hasn't felt this sick since she was…
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Ophelia immediately waddles down to Xander's nectar cellar to tell him the news.
Ophelia: Honey, do you have a second?
Xander: Sure thing, Lemon Cake, let me just finish this last bottle up.
Poor sap has no idea what's coming.
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Ophelia approaches him, hands behind her back.
Ophelia: You know how we've been talking about redecorating the nursery since Gemma's going to be a toddler next week?
Xander: Yeah?
She pulls the pregnancy test out to show him.
Ophelia: Well, we might want to keep the nursery.
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Xander stares down at the test, studying the results.
Xander: This is real, right?
Ophelia: Of course!
Xander: We're going to have another baby!
He pulls his wife close and kisses her, the joy from the announcement overtaking him. Another little Lemon is on the way!
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Not that RG and Miss G don’t look like fools at the moment but legit imagine if they had of carried on they way they do and he was an A-lister. TMZ would be reading them to filth and tearing them to shreds….they would be utter clowns/fools not that they aren’t already with their antics 😂🤣.
Literally. I know it's probably the IG stans with tumblr accounts getting the most defensive about the HELLO! article, but I don't think people in this fandom understand how irrelevant R is in the grand scheme - and I'm sure he prefers it that way.
Yes, a lot of celebrity news is leaked via their own camps (ie calling the paps on themselves), but the truth of the matter is that if a media outlet like TMZ deems you click-bait worthy, it will find out any and everything just so it can be the first to publish a headline and therefore get the most traffic. (Otherwise, TMZ wouldn't be able to confirm a celeb death before families even find out...) Ryan's name alone does not catch the public's eye. Since being with 9-1-1, the articles written about him that have nothing to with his character involved the good times in his relationship (the kids) and, ofc, what went down in 2020 because to ignore it would be pointless. We're not getting paparazzi updates on his vacations. We're not getting *continuous* gossip outside of tumblr or wherever else detailing the ups and downs since early this year. We're not seeing tabloid headlines about a "secret life" behind the scenes. For HELLO! to take the time to put that article together, and not take it down (meaning the G's haven't reacted privately to "false accusations")...for there to be no follow up to show that the media will say whatever it wants whenever it wants, legitimacy be damned... ...It's ended up being another example of RG only making headlines when there is something to talk about. Otherwise...nobody cares. (If TMZ doesn't latch onto your relationship drama...are you even famous?)
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ravennazane · 5 years
Gentleman Jack is a super important show for many reasons, but my personal favorite is simply Anne  
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synthezcid · 3 years
I wish MCU would announce Vision’s next appearance so I know when to expect the new Vision comic that just happens to come out around the same time
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tenderobject · 5 years
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Listen i know i’m not really active anymore but since lesbian tumblr is losing its collective mind over Gentleman Jack, here are some pics of me living my best life when i visited Shibden Hall in july 2017. Yes that is me next to her actual bed that she pumped all those women in, yes that is vulgar, no i am not ashamed because she certainly wasn’t and also i’m gay so it’s allowed!!!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Real swing and a miss with the US Weekly love story article. I feel bad that the CW wasted their money on it, not even the Danneel/Jenneel stans on Tumblr are talking about it and those people are so thirsty for content they’re typically the first to shout from the rooftops when they get something. US Weekly didn’t even have the article in their Instagram stories, which is where they normally promote C lister content and fluff pieces meant for clickbait.
The article is also terrible even by US Weekly standards. All old quotes, most of their relationship timeline pictures are random ones from Instagram and it’s clearly all about Jensen despite it being a couples article. They could have at least pretended Danneel was an actress like she claims to be. No one is saying “wow, they’re so in love! So rare to see relationships like that in Hollywood” after reading the article. The aim was clearly to paint the Ackles as a power couple, and they missed by a long shot.
I know that this article is PR clean up to make up for the bizarrely cold and unimpressive showing of the Ackles at Upfronts, but it’s hard to push a love story when everything else points to the contrary. They should have turned their focus onto Danneel, sent a few sighting of her to Deuxmoi and then wrote an article about her holding down the fort and doing her part for CM while Jensen had to be in Europe for The Boys promo. That way she gets a little attention and legitimacy and it turns Jensen ditching her into a business choice.
A better story:
“Jensen would have loved to have his wife by his side, but work never ends for this couple! While Ackles promoted The Boys overseas, the other half of the producing duo was busy networking in New York. It’s nothing new for the couple who recently celebrated their 12th anniversary, this hardworking couple even had to postpone their honeymoon back in 2010 due to Danneel’s busy schedule. The actress may not currently have any projects in production, but that doesn’t mean she’s taking this time to rest! After throwing the cast of her and her husband’s new show The Winchesters a spectacular party to celebrate the show getting picked up, she spent the weekend in the city working out final details with network executives and hanging with the cast of the show. An inside source says that she’s not only a producer on the show, but as already become a mentor to a few of the cast members. She was seen shopping with Jojo Fleites (they’ll be playing Carlos, a hunter who embodies the free spirit of the 70s) and sharing a cozy lunch with leading lady Meg Donnelly, a Disney starlet is launching her post teen career by playing the young and wild version of the Winchester matriarch, Mary Campbell.Jensen Ackles will be returning to reprise his role as Dean, though this time around instead of hunting monsters he’s searching for the truth surrounding his parents and their love story that led to the Winchesters becoming legends in the mystical world of monsters, heaven and hell. And Dean’s involvement in the story opens the door for other fan favorites to return; like Anael (played by Danneel), an angel with a twisted moral compass who only looks out for one person- herself. The Winchesters, best described as a tribute to Supernatural and the era of the 70s, is set to air this fall on the CW.” See, it’s not hard to write a good article.
I can't believe this is what the writer came up with. I mean, US Weekly got paid to run the article and it is so badly written and just a collection of old quotes without threading a beautiful or informative story, just a full on mess and it comes off as the cheapest click-bait. Given the low quality and the miss, I wonder if maybe this article was not actually ordered by PR but by Danneel herself through one of those cheaper publicity websites that have article packages. What you wrote is a better story indeed. Too bad they never focus on doing things with the utmost professionalism and essence. Thank you for sharing your view, Anon.
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zumpietoo · 2 years
B-stans have nothing and they know it, thier girl was just whining about being single and having trouble dating because of the show (funny none of the male cast members seem to have this problem) and her movie had re-shoots and no release date in sight. Why isn't Miss Popular, Industry Darling, Everyone Wants Her invited to any of these events? Oh yeah, I forgot she's just a booty call for A-listers who want to keep things "private" my bad. I'm sure she'll be at the next pre/Oscar party for sure
Ooohhh I forgot about all the soooperrr famous guys she was now a free prostitute to! Oh wait....that was 6 weeks ago, so have her stans!
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mariacallous · 2 years
LMAO girl the d-lister stans are TRULY out in your anona tonight....did not expect fervent defense of TYLER???? POSEY??? In this year of our satan 2022
I mean, I do think it’s kinda apples to oranges comparing Tyler Posey to Harry Styles with what’s going on and I’m also thinking the point is beginning to be missed here a bit. The thread is being lost slightly.
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wernerherzogs · 2 years
you don't have to answer, i dont want to make your askbox intolerabel. but i just realised how much i dislike h**** now when i tried listening to his new album. i cant even like his music... like all the things his said and done these past? 2?3? years im just so tired of him. i kinda miss the whole old 1d days, it all felt abit more like a family (the fans) even tho you hated 90% of them. im sorry just felt like airing it haha i have the feeling you feel a bit the same, but you really dont have to answer. the nostalgiiaaa
anon i'm sorry you feel that way! if you're a long time follower you might be aware that i was struggling with my Stance Towards Harry for quite a long time, but i've found my way to being able to enjoy him again. the secret was: 1. moderation (i don't have to keep up w/ everything he's up to! i can just tune in once in a while!), 2. accept what i can't change (he doesn't deserve to have an acting career, he gets gassed up for things other people have done before him just because he's white and english speaking, his privilege protects him from consequences of refusing to take an elaborate stance on any serious political/sociological/etc. matter he's being asked about, he's actually quite a boring dude beneath all the anecdotes about a listers he hangs out with and books he gets papped with), 3. enjoy what's left (he IS a kind and decent person at heart, as far as celebrities go, i still love his voice and his stagesona and most of his songs, he's a huge reason why i'd found many excellent friends on this hellsite, stanning 1d WAS overall a fun experience that simply came with cons). if you can't reach that stage of being a fan, it definitely is better to just unstan, and move on with your life. it doesn't have to be a bad thing!!! just make sure you're not blaming him for disappointment of having been a larrie and believing in things you used to believe (which i had partly stuggled with, but then successfully dealt with, i think). like that part is not fair to him, and he hasn't actually done nothing wrong, and it's ridiculous to villainize him for saying/doing things that don't align with your past beliefs.
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kentalks · 2 years
It’s on all of our minds.
Two days have passed and our feeds are filled with photos, opinions, and parodies of the Met Gala. 
From Kylie Jenner to Elon Musk, everyone is talking about the outfits worn and the celebrities invited. 
Millions of questions about who will sit where, when we will see the inside of this year’s bathroom, and why so much neon?
We all want to go, whether to watch or walk the famous stairs of the Met. We wonder why Anna Wintour rebels against her own theme every single year. 
Where was Taylor Swift? Harry Styles? Timothee Chalamet? 
All I want to get my hands on is the list of people invited, who rejected the invitation? 
There were a lot of shapes on the carpet this year. The classic triangle; Hailey, Shawn, and Camilla. A hexagon; Phoebe, Pete, Kaia, Jacob, Austin, and Vanessa. Don’t forget whatever shape Chlöe Bailey’s dress was.
Lenny Kravitz killed the carpet and the stage, of course. Nobody was surprised when he looked better than half the people there, as the man was a designer named Cinna in another life.
Now the big question. Why does nobody listen to the theme?
The biggest controversy surrounding this year’s Met Gala theme, “Gilded Glamour”, (and other themes, we are not forgetting the disaster that was punk) was that there were very few people on theme.
I am here to discuss and squash some of these ridiculous opinions that have been circulating TikTok. 
UNLESS you are an A-List celebrity, you will most likely not argue when a designer brand comes to you offering to dress you. So, if said designer brand doesn’t care about the theme and puts you in a 1920′s inspired outfit, you probably wouldn’t disagree. 
BUT, if you are an A-Lister, you would have tons of designer brands begging to dress you, and that is where you have way more creative control. 
So instead of screaming at Sebastian Stan and Maude Apatow, maybe push your attention to Khloe Kardashian, Dakota Johnson, and Ryan Reynolds.
The Kylie Jenner dilemma.
From the rumors I have heard, the outfit she wore was designed by the late Virgil Abloh. This being said, was it on theme? No. Should people be completely trashing it? Hell no.
Neon colors?
Sebastian Stan, Glenn Close, and Gwen Stefani are just three victims of the horror that is neon. While Sebastian looked rather gorgeous in his suit, people wondered how it fit the theme. But apparently magenta was trending during the gilded age. If they had made the suit less modernized, it would’ve probably pleased more people.
Recently the Met Gala has been taken over by influencers. Emma Chamberlain, Olivia Rodrigo, and Addison Rae. Emma Chamberlain is someone who worked her way up to being invited to the Met Gala, and rightfully so. Olivia Rodrigo is questionable, this was her second time attending and her second time failing to fit the theme. Finally, Addison Rae, who is probably one of the most controversial invitees, next to Elon Musk. Not only does it make zero sense for her to be invited, but she practically dressed as a disco ball.
Kim Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian looked amazing in Marilyn Monroe’s dress, but there are many controversies surrounding the attire. One, it’s the completely wrong era. Two, Kim K is now the last person to have worn it. Three, it kind of fucks with history. A dress which was once remembered as Marilyn’s from when she sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to President JFK, is now remembered as Kim’s Met Gala dress.
The woman who outdressed A-Listers.
Genesis Suero, former Miss NY USA winner, and current news anchor for Telemundo, caught everybody’s eye on Monday night. Wearing a stunning princess gown from Lucia Rodriguez, she was the hero we needed to save the theme.
Finishing off strong, Blake Lively.
Blake co-chaired and served at the Met Gala, wearing one of the most gorgeous dresses which changed before our eyes from copper to teal, all while her husband adored her from the stairs. An ode to many buildings and statues in New York, including the Statue of Liberty. This is why I will stan Blake for the rest of my life.
The Met Gala is always my favorite time of year, but especially when it lands on my birthday. So Happy Birthday to me, Donatella Versace, and the Met Gala, which served some of the best and worst looks yet!
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lagossipgirl · 3 years
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It appears that there is trouble in paradise already! In the last 24hrs things have been very juicy around the resort. Like a pack of wild animals, Hollywood’s A-Listers have been making waves and tearing each other limb from limb. Let’s review the facts shall we? 
Tom Holland and Thomas Doherty were seen fighting, yet again. This time following Holland’s secret rendezvous with ex girlfriend Zendaya. Holland was overheard telling Z he missed her and wanted her back, while Zendaya slapped him with a confession that she never even loved him. Ouch! Doherty was seen soiling his oats at the bar last night until bestie, Victoria, arrived to carry his ass home.  
Trouble struck budding threesome, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Lily James after Evans admitted to sharing girlfriends with Stan. Quote: “ Seb and I always make sure to give each other whoever we last dated. almost like we’re each other’s women tester to make sure she’s good for the other.” James didn’t take this confession lightly, feeling like a piece of meat being passed around the lions den. In a freak twist of events, when asked who Stan would save in a freak accident, he threw his bestie under the bus and choose his leading lady. It looks like Evans is being ousted sooner than he thought!
Selena Gomez was seen sucking face with Alexa Demi, in a shocking.. yet refreshing.. turn of events. I can’t say I saw those two coming but I certainly enjoyed the show ladies. 
Ariana Grande is boycotting the Elordi wedding after memories of her failed engagement with Pete Davidson set in. Grande was seen breaking the news to Davidson yesterday, leaving the stoned corpse confused and mildly upset. 
News of Maia Mitchell’s pregnancy scare hit the internet yesterday after a photo of her and bestie Camila Morrone outside of a CVS was leaked to the press. When confronted she told sources it was a scare and no 3ft tall infants would be born anytime soon. When asked how he felt, Elordi said he was relieved to find that his wife-to-be was not pregnant. He was reluctant to admit it and let us know that he had not yet told Maia of his true feelings. Could this be why he was seen sneaking out of their shared cabin before sunrise? 
With a few days left in Paradise, our viewers are anxiously awaiting updates as these events and more unfold. As always, we’re your #1 source for the truth about the hollywood elite. 
You know you love me,
xo xo Gossip Girl 
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charmanoban · 3 years
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(  lisa manoban ,  cis woman,  she+her,  24 ,  little mix / jade thirlwall  )  it's  the  resident  label  of  the  a  -  listers  ,  chariya - char - manoban  !  it  makes  sense  why  all  the  tabloids  call  them  that  —  apparently  ,  they're  super  cynical and  impulsive  .  stan  twitter  never  shuts  up  about  how  they're  warm and  down to earth too  ,  though  ,  so  i  guess  we'll  never  really  know  .  i'm  not  a  huge  fan  of  the  actress/girlband member ,  but  i  remember  seeing  something  online  about  them  this  morning  …  yea  ,  here  it  is  .  it  says  ‘  they’re leaving their band  ’  .  do  you  think  that's  true  ,  or  did  tmz  get  it  twisted  again  ?  (  el  ,  est  ,  25+ ,  she/they  )
hey guys ! its me el , or eleanor , your newest piece of trash of a person . did i think of a good backstory for miss char? no . are we going to wing this and figure this out together ? yup ! 
born in a small town in maine , char was the youngest of two children . though the baby , she was never babied . she was a very independent child, curious about everything and from the time she could talk she was singing and putting on plays for her family 
as she grew, she took up odd jobs, like mowing the lawn, building bird houses or helping paint all in the hopes of being able to afford either singing or acting lessons 
when she was able to get a job her lessons became more and more frequent. she went to a community college and studied the arts, and when she was 18 she tried out for a show, and got put into a band with three others, she wasn’t very thrilled at first as she always saw herself as a solo act but the girls connected and its been a blur since 
the act has won countless awards, seen the world and have five albums under their belt
char has always stood up for the lgbtq+ community. she herself has come out as pansexual
she’s currently been in a movie, and loved the process but music is just something she can’t let go of, and never wishes to 
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brienneevenstar · 5 years
Hi, any recs on modern AU JB fics?
Yasss! It’s my time!
First off, check out my ao3 bookmarks because I might be missing out on some great stuff. Sadly I only started bookmarking regularly very recently (say, after S8 lol) so this list is missing some fics. I’ll go through my downloads again when I have time.
Blessings in Disguise - Former A Lister!Jaime and Stage Manager!Brienne in a production of The Importance of Being Earnest. Hasn’t been updated since 2016 (sobs) but it ends on a good note.
The Contract - both of them are actors this time. I love the social media snippets, the Cereal GC sounds exactly like the Cereal stans on twitter.
Just An Act - High school AU with the ASOIAF cast putting on a Christmas play. Jaime is lead of course. Super cute. Has mild Rhaegar bashing which is always a plus.
Same Time, Next Year - JB childhood friends from ten to 18 years old. Hints of reincarnation au
two halves of a soul - Honestly I think we should credit this fic for helping the JB fandom survive after S8. Make sure to check out angel_deux’s profile for the Jaime POV fic and also some other one-shots based on this series!
dance with me and shake your bones - a sequel to two halves of a soul, this time with p0rn!
Beast and the Beast - not even gonna put a link because I’m sure y’all have read it.
The Higher Education of Brienne Tarth - the grandmother of all school AU’s imo
This is The One - ao3 user disappointed_turtle *zooms in* is muh queen. This one has soccer player Brienne and firefighter Jaime. Featuring other asoiaf ladies as Brienne’s fellow players. Check out their new mod au wip, Cloudbusting as well. It’s quite a bit darker.
St George’s Day - has a similar feel to This is The One. There are a lot of funny JB fics, but this is one of the few that made me laugh out loud. 
The Wake Up - While You Were Sleeping AU. Super soft but hasn’t been updated in a year
Something Blue - Wedding planner Jaime has to do Brienne’s wedding to Hyle Spoiler alert, that wedding does not happen. Has mild Rhaegar bashing, which is, again, a plus.
Clean Hands - obligatory Gwendoline Christie rec
Kismet with a Side of Fries - cute one-shot. tumblr and ao3 user francoeurs please return to me from the war
something good and right and real - single parent Jaime meets newbie single parent Brienne
Working 9 to 5 (for service and devotion) - great p0rn with hints of feelings
Pilot Light - chefs!
Rose-Colored Glasses - fuck yeah, new p0rn!
Ser Goldenpaws and the Wench - does it count as modern if it’s set around 1950′s? This fic is so underrated probably because it’s JB as golden retrievers. But it’s so good and adorable.
Brienne of the Sapphire Isle - yes this is cheating because this is based on Anne of Green Gables which is from the last century. But it is more modern than ASOIAF. So there.
The OTP Series - Myrcella, Margaery, and Sansa love YA author Brienne Tarth and they also love LOVE! So they set her up with Myrcy’s Hot Uncle Jaime. Also one of the JB fics that made me LOL.
Fever - This is a Rodeo AU. The one fic that made me give any premise in a JB fic a chance, no matter how odd.
All the Redemption I Can Offer - a post-ADWD fic, except set in modern times.
Run Fat Knight Run - a mod AU that’s also a S8 fix-it? yeah. Obviously, angsty.
The Wine is Not Enough - JB and a bunch of other characters attend the premiere of Cersei’s new film. It ends well for JB, if not for the film.
Everyone Has Secrets - Girl with a Dragon Tattoo AU. Has one of the best smut scenes in JB fics imo. This one’s darker than the others.
All the Roads are Winding - kinda cheating because this is a multiverse with a mod au, canon-based AU’s, apocalypse AU’s, but honestly, if you haven’t read this one, what are you doing???
The Dark, Dread Toyshop - Has magical realism and sexual awakenings. Go read it now.
LadyRhiyana’s mod au ficlets - especially the ones with Jaime the vampire who feeds on love, not blood 
ddagent’s mod au ficlets - especially… everything in this collection. ddagent tells us to prompt her for sequels to the ficlets we like but we like all of them!
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Did you see how much shit Ashton is getting for replying to The Weeknd?
I just looked because of this ask - I generally only use Twitter to see the actual tweets from the band, the discourse there is rarely productive and so I make it a point not to engage. In that regard, it's not surprising to me that people are missing the point. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The Billboard controversy was covered by a few mainstream outlets but still largely only permeated stan twitter so it makes sense if the majority of people don't know what he's referring to. And while The Grammys absolutely have a history of being sketchy re: race, I was under the impression the narrative surrounding The Weeknd's snub was based around his decision to perform at the Superbowl the weekend before the ceremony. (Despite their stature, the Grammys are first and foremost a TV show and they don't like to share artists with other outlets - there used to be unspoken rules regarding artists not being allowed to perform elsewhere in the weeks before and after the show. It's the reason the AMAs used to be considered a "lesser than" awards show bc they used to air in January - right before the Grammys - and thus never had A-listers in attendance bc the big stars wanted to be featured on the more prestigious broadcast.)
Regardless of all that, it probably wasn't smart for Ashton to reply but for those who know the context, it was pretty satisfying 🤷🏻‍♀️
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skgway · 4 years
1832 Nov., Mon. 12
9 1/4
12 1/2
Pickles came at 9 1/4 which roused me up – To see him after breakfast at Lower place or he to call here again in the evening – Letter 3 pages and ends from M– [Mariana] (Lawton) vide line 27 page 285. Inquiries about Miss W[alker]. Smokes what is going on. Writes with implied affection, true and great as that of former days. Is unhappy and carless off living long, and has made her will and …… the tears started to my eyes and all my own affection burst upon me again –
Breakfast at 10 40/.. with my aunt – George Robinson came almost immediately for near an hour – Settled with him for stone leading for James Smith’s road etc. – He proposed some means of getting rid of Lower Brea lane footpath – To see about another day –
Breakfast at 11 40/.. – Told my aunt of M– [Mariana]’s letter – Came to my room at 12 20/.. – Fire in my room and from 12 25/.. to note 2 pages of 1/2 sheet from Miss Walker at 1 10/.. in consequence of which off in 1/4 hour to Lidgate and there in 25 minutes –
Home again in 1/2 hour at 5 20/.. – At my desk in about 10 minutes – Wrote the last 1/4 of page 3, and the ends and under the seal and finished my letter to Breadalbane MacLean – Began yesterday – Thanks for her letter and the willows (sent off Monday 29th instant from Coll house) 
"which I am very anxiously expecting, not only for their own sake, but because they are associated with many remembrances that I value most highly" –
Should have written some days ago, but waited in the hope of announcing the arrival of the cuttings – Shall write by tonight’s post to Glasgow to inquire about them – Bavardage amical – Wonder how her people did without her so long (5 weeks away) 
"Your life is one continued benefit to them; and a five week’s arrear of such services is hardly to be made up" –
Sorry her father is so dead to the world and that Sir Hector’s health is so failing – Mention the death of old Lochiel on the 19th September – Only known to Lady S– [Stuart] on the 6th ultimo and not known to Vere on the 24th ultimo the date of her last letter to me (from Turin) – Hope 
"if Lochiel is obliged to come over immediately surely V– [Vere] will remain with her friends till he can return for her – I should quite dread her being hurried across the alps at this season of the year …. You would all be pleased at dear Vere’s having got her rank – Surely, it has some value in a world of vanities like this" –
Civil congratulations on  Mrs. Maclean’s being again about to increase her family and sorrow at Mrs. Hunter’s having lost her youngest daughter – The loss of my steward and my aunt’s suffering health have kept me so long here or I should have been on the continent again before this – But my aunt so very much recovered, no longer uneasy about her – She herself spirits me up to get off, and I hope to leave here about the end of January but all things here so uncertain never think much of plans very long beforehand – Kind regards to all I know "and believe me always very truly yours A Lister" –
Had written the following 2 1/4 pages to M– [Mariana] just before being off to Lidgate –
"Shibden Hall – Monday 12 November 1832 
Mary! I have been late this morning, and have done nothing but see and speak to Marian, and breakfast, since reading your letter – It would be difficult to describe the effect it has upon me – It is many months since I have basked beneath the beam of happiness, and without courage to think of the past, or hope to calculate the future, I am attempting to answer your letter –
Your account of yourself unnerves me – I grieve over your leaving Lawton, and tho’ I could, and would, see good in your going to Leamington, if you would let me, I am now uneasy at the thought, and little out of sorts than you can be – The only thing I rest upon, is the manner in which you mention coming here for a few days –
It makes me fancy, nay almost hope, my scheme is not quite impossible – You would have been agreeably surprised, and satisfied to hear what Marian said about it – Say I am not well (God knows I am sick enough at heart) or, which is true, that I am in great perplexity, or that my aunt is poorly (tho’ she is very much better, and probably in no danger) or say what you please, but lose no time in coming to me for at least a few days –
I really do want to see you – I will take the carriage and meet you at Manchester – Do pray make an exertion and get off – At any rate, answer my letter by the second post after you receive it, and tell me if you cannot come off immediately – Nothing like the spur of the moment –
You will get my letter tomorrow afternoon – and, if your answer is off on Wednesday morning, at night on that day I may hear whether I may be off for you on Thursday or Friday morning at seven, or not – Bring merely a few things and yourself – I will take care of you from and to Manchester –
You will see from my manner of writing, that I am not likely to relax my interest while it is yet necessary to your happiness – Your pages of Saturday make me fancy, I may have been mistaken, and that, in the bitterness of disappointment and regret, I may have miscalculated what it was my interest and desire to estimate most correctly 
This here written after dinner –
It is needless to write more – I shall anxiously and impatiently wait your answer – I would give worlds to hear of your being in better health and spirits – I had a letter from Eugénie last night – I consider her engaged; and she is to wait my orders till January –
I cannot enter upon the subject of my friend, as my aunt and sister laugh and call her – I am too much thinking of the interests of other days – Come if you can – You might be almost ride over to Manchester –
But cheer up, my dearest Mary – Time was when I had power to charm you into pleasure-stirring thought, and almost into happiness – I am what I was – And yet this power is gone, – Parted like Aynt never to return? 
God bless you! The heart knoweth its own bitterness – ’Tis harder than you think to break the spell of twenty years – Entirely and very especially yours AL –
Sent off at 8 by John my letter to Miss Maclean of Coll, Coll house Aros North Britain and my letter to Mrs. Lawton Lawton Hall, Lawton, Cheshire and my letter to the “Reverend T. Ainsowrth, at Miss Bentley’s, 1 crescent, Salford, Manchester”
George Robinson then came and staid till 9 – Said Ramsden, now the constable of H–x [Halifax], bought the last ground sold adjoining my Northgate land at 11/6 [shillings/pence] a yard – and Stancliffe bought his ground fronting into Broad street the street given at 12 /. [shillings] or 12/6 [shillings/pence] a yard but then it was cleared, or sunk down ready for building –
Had seen Bates of Washer Lane who said that I might build a good corn mill at Mytholm with saw and goit and wheel and machinery for £1500 and might have 7 to 7 1/2 percent for my money tho’ people in general did not look for much for their money now – 
Some man (Brook?) of Brighouse is letting a mill had 10 percent on his money for the 1st ten years, and then 5 percent rent afterwards – The Embargo on Dutch vessels has already made a great difference – Has stopt the German trade –
Went into the other room for 1/2 hour till 9 1/2 – π [Mariana] thought I might have gone from York to Langton 
"Is it Miss Walker of Crow Nest with whom you seem so suddenly to have formed an alliance? You mention her twice as "my friend" and as you were not wont to bestow this title lightly I am puzzled to unders[t]and, not having ever heard you mention her name,  how Miss W[alker] has so quickly succeeded in adding herself to the list so designated.
You say, "I shall be glad to hear your friend was etc. etc." I am glad to hear anything that gives you pleasure, and so far shall be pleased to hear all possible good of Miss Walker, but as I don't remember ever having seen her. 
She must be satisfied with secondhand interest for I cannot fancy her at all one of those who could herself awaken it. So far as her better health can contribute to your comfort, I rejoice that it is likely to improve and hope by this time she has somewhat recovered the loss of her particular friend" –
You say ‘I always tell you how much better Mr. Lawton is,’ because you always ask me. In bodily health he is certainly better than I have known him for years, but in mind and temper he is infinitely worse. As he improves I fall off, and I have been weak enough to fret and discomfort myself about this Leamington plan until I have almost made myself ill –
M– [Mariana] in very bad spirits about going to Leamington – "and if I could get to you, I should come for consolation" – Should be glad to spend a few days with me but does not know how it can be managed –
Watson more philosophical than π [Mariana], thinks she shall get all her mistresses things off to a place of safety   
"Made my will the other day, and told Watson where to find it – I do not fancy, my dearest Fred, that my health or happiness will claim your attention 20 years longer, so dont relax your interest while it is yet necessary to my happiness. I live in so much discomfort that it cannot be expected that I should covet living forever”
Concludes with 
God bless you Fred. Whatever I have said or may say, trust me, there is not much warmer affection bestowed upon you than that which flows from the heart of yours, very entirely, Mariana –
Poor π [Mariana].
Vide line 4 of today –  The following is Miss W[alker]s note
I have received a letter, which you shall see, but we must meet on different terms. Oh that I had taken you at your word last Monday, and as you said finished the matter on that day.  I should then have spared you this additional bitterness. 
I did hope when my word was once given to you that I should have felt at rest and satisfied, but in reflecting on all you have said and trying to turn it to my own advantage   I cannot satisfy my conscience, and with such sufferings as I have endured since Wednesday, I feel I could not make you happy. That I should only bring misery upon you,   for misery I am sure it would be to you to see me in the state I have been in for several days.
It was this sort of wretchedness that was expressed in my note on Friday. It was these miserable feelings that prompted my request
(that is I suppose for me not to send to York for the ring)
For your own sake, fly whilst it is yet in your power, 
(I smile as I copy this sentence)  
and believe that I will never intrude myself in any way upon you (unless it is your wish) whenever you revisit the neighbourhood. 
Nov[embe]r 12 eighteen hundred and 32 writton [written] on the outside of this half sheet but under cover,
Read this alone
Off I set. Found her twenty minutes ago returned from Cliff hill and lying on the bed in tears. Kissed and soothed her till in a few minutes she went down to dinner. I remained in her room a little while read overMr. Ainsworth’s letter pathetic appeal to her feelings, making sure that she must be engaged and hoping that her choice would do all he, Mr. A[insworth], had hoped to have done.
Begging her to take the scrapbook as a friend and to condescend  to write in answer to say if he might send the book and a narrative of himself. And if this business should be the death of him, he would only pray for blessings on her. But much bad tact and the whole ill done, tho better than I expected. 
I went down before dinner was over. Agreeablized and amused both Miss Parkhill and Miss W[alker]. Then pretending business letters for Miss W[alker] to answer, Miss P[arkhill] left us, and I talked the poor girl into admiration of my conduct and into thorough approbation of my writing and sending (I wrote there and shewed it to her) the following to Mr. Ainsworth,
Lightcliffe Mon[day] 12 November eighteen hundred and 32. 
Sir, I am commissioned by Miss Walker to acknowledge immediately the receipt of your letter of Saturday and to inform you that she has given me for the future, at least for some time to come, the surveillance of all her letters and parcels.
I am Sir your obedient servant, Anne Lister
Before writing I had asked if it was her heart that had changed towards Mr. A[insworth]. No, it was all her conscience. She owned she was not in a fit state to judge fairly and tho she had felt great affection for him, yet she did not know how it was, now all seemed dead. And if she felt at liberty, she did not know or think he was quite the man she should choose, in spite of the two great things, his being a clergyman and liking to live at Cliff hill. 
‘Well, but what would you have done had I not been here?’ She said she would certainly have exone[ra]ted herself now. Would have gone to her aunt Ploughs in London and then brought down the Chapmans with her. She would not have been alone and would have kept out of the way and done the best she could.
This, said I, is enough. In answer to her note said I did not think her at liberty to marry anyone without my consent, in which she agreed, and that Wednesday had given me a power over her which I was determined to use in her service. She would be better by and by and more able to judge for herself, and then she might try again, but now I should not let her.
She might safely trust to my honour, but I pledged myself to nothing. She brightened up and owned how much better she was. I even brought away, with her full consent, and A[insworth]’s letter, and the book of prayers he gave her with a long rigmarole written on one of the flyleaves promising to get her another of the same from London, and on asking for my dirty night things to bring back she said no till I promised to send clean ones, and we parted very good friends. 
She agreeing with me that she had reason to be thankful for the great event of Wednesday – Who could have anticipated such a result as the consequence of her note?  She likes me. But my affections are not so fearfully and I irretrievably hers as she thinks, and I shall manage well enough, tho I really will do her all the good I can –
Writing the above till 11 – Came to my room at 11 20/.. and then wrote note to Mrs. Holroyde
“Mr. T. Holroyde Esquire Solicitor Halifax” in answer respecting the land at Northgate – Not in any way anxious to sell, but would sell lot A as marked in the plan if his client would give my price – But before naming any terms I wished to know what sort of buildings it was proposed to erect –
Wrote to desire Booth to get me Gilpins practical hints on Landscape gardening and theform of family prayers published by Hatchard and Son Piccadilly London 8 edition 1828. 12mo. [duodecimo] pages 159 and 2 bottles of Albin and Chapman’s chemical writing ink – 
Did my clothes for the wash. Very fine November day – Fahrenheit 49º now at 11 40/.. – Sent off my note written last night to Mr. Holroyde –
[in margin] vide line 12 page 286
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nothing like the spur of the moment
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very fine November day
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