"All i want is a family!"
126 posts
indie RP blog for Vendra Prog from Ratchet and Clank:Into the Nexus game crossover/OC friendly Semi-Selective main blog:the-shadow-from-midnight RP blogs only,please
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nether-witch · 5 years ago
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"Okay,i am gonna admit that you are pretty strong in this form.But i am sure that you have weaknesses as well and i WILL find them,i assure you."she replied coldly.
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"How about a little water?"
Vendra blasted the nearby water conduct and directed the water towards Feedback.
"See, I found the Omnitrix on a camping trip, and it latched onto my wrist, so now I can turn into 10 different aliens." Ben explained. "Mind if I demonstrate?"
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“If you think you are superior to me just because you can change into different alien species,then you are wrong.I got powers beyond your understanding so i suggest you to be careful.”
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nether-witch · 5 years ago
Yeah it may be a bit late for a post like this but hey better later than never XP
1.No rude asks(including anons!)
2.I won't do NSFW.
3.This blog will have a slow activity cuz either RL stuff or lack of inspiration so please bear with me.
4.Only RP blogs as followers,please(unless you have a RP sideblog or are a close friend)
5.I may drop threads if i am not interested anymore(sad but true)
6.Have fun!
If you read this post and agree with my rules,please give it a like.
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
Animal Crossing Mobile Starters:
“Sometimes my curiosity presents itself like anger.”
“When you first invited me to this campsite, I was like, ‘uh, camping? I don’t THINK so’.”
“Did you see that sunrise?”
“You can’t sleep either?”
“Nice night out there, right? Just look at all those stars.”
“Sometimes, I look at the ocean and get mad that I’ll never be as swole as those swells.”
“I’m not talking about the pack of gummy bears that’s been in my pocket for eight months.”
“Those self-help books were right. Being altruistic really does make you feel warm on the inside.”
“Me and mornings don’t mix.”
“You’re/He’s/She’s making me feel feelings again.. haven’t felt those in years.”
“I may need your help.”
“This would be the perfect picnic spot.”
“You should be proud of yourself.”
“Cooking’s not my strong suit… or any of my suits.”
“Do I look lonely to you, or something?”
“Bugs will never complain about your singing.”
“I’m so happy I ran into someone as cool as me.”
“I recently discovered I’m what you might call a ‘sleepeater.’”
“I fell asleep on a bench the other day and when I woke up, it had bite marks all over it.”
“I got two words for you: you rule…. a lot. Wait, that was more than two words.” 
“I’ve got something for you.”
“I can’t imagine doing this trip without you, [NAME]…. Well, I can, but it’s a lot less fun.”
“Let the BBQ begin!”
“I can’t thank you enough.”
“I’m gonna work on my karaoke game a little bit. Let’s do this!”
“Maybe we should stick together and watch each other’s backs.”
“This is becoming the best vacation ever, thanks to you.”
“Did you see that sunrise? And I thought I looked good in the morning.”
“Sorry for always imposing on you like this.. who am I kidding? No, I’m not.”
“You did have breakfast, didn’t you?”
“If there was a design with my face on it, would you buy it?”
“If only I knew how to cook..”
“You might just be the nicest person in the world.”
“So… I have to PAY to be your friend?”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"Oooh that makes the two of us,doesn't it?I too was abandoned alongside my brother in this stupid dimension and now i can't go back.Oh well,i don't want to as well but these are details.Speaking of purposes,do you have one?Or do you just lay around here existing?"
"You are disgusting...i like it!"
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“… Uh-Huh. And you are…?”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"Don't you think you consider yourself a little too important to assume that i specifically came to see you?Well,no,i was just passing by ,hoping to find my brother around here,but it seems that i found something else instead.Anyway,have you seen a monkey-faced brute with pink hair ?"
Then she suddenly remembered her name was somehow familiar.
"Umm,tell me,isn't malachite supposed to be a green mineral found on this planet?I see that you look like a living version of that rock.Guess you are not from here."
"You are disgusting...i like it!"
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“… Uh-Huh. And you are…?”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"...your worst nightmare if you try anything that may anger me.But you can call me Vendra."
"You are disgusting...i like it!"
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“… Uh-Huh. And you are…?”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"T-thank you!For once in many,many years someone besides my brother shows concern about me!" She left a tear,then asked,visibly happier than she has someone to talk to
"So,would you like to come with me and Nef in our spaceship?I know some cool planets we could visit!"
"There are days when i want to run away and forget everything."(Hello nice to RP with you again ^^)
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“I understand that feeling…But running away from our problems only makes them worse. We need to face them if we want things to get better.” A bit of wisdom Jack had shared with her.
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
Send “💋” For a gif of how my muse would KISS yours.
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
While she was 'punching' the tree ogre,she noticed a strange noise coming from nearby while she was moving her head.She stopped,then slowly moved her head left and right.The noise could be heard again!
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"Why you...!You think this is funny?!Take them off my hair,you pathetic excuse for a villain!I see you need to be taught a lesson...again!"
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Without any more words,she projected a powerful energy beam that hit Aku in the face,just like a fist.
"I sincerely don't understand why don't you want to admit that you look both like a tree and old an old man."she cackled.
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“I will admit it when YOU admit you bear a striking resemblance to both a court jester and a faerie!”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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At the hearing of the Yokai's words,she remained speechless for several seconds,then she burst out.
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"That's my hair,you blind idiot!Can't you tell the difference between hair and your stupid burnt branches attached to your head?!I can't believe you are so ignorant!"
Then,visibly angered,Vendra punched the giant demon with her tiny fists.
"I sincerely don't understand why don't you want to admit that you look both like a tree and old an old man."she cackled.
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“I will admit it when YOU admit you bear a striking resemblance to both a court jester and a faerie!”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"A...Jester?!A jester?!What in the world made you think that i look like one?!"
"I sincerely don't understand why don't you want to admit that you look both like a tree and old an old man."she cackled.
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“I will admit it when YOU admit you bear a striking resemblance to both a court jester and a faerie!”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
Another Vendra Prog drawing :P
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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Then,with no hesitation and without a word,Vendra blasted Feedback,hoping that this way she could get rid of him,but she obviously forgot that this alien species can absorb and redirect the energy.Unsurprinsingly,she was hit by her own blast.
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"Fine.If i can't hit you with my powers directly,i will do it indirectly."
Having said that,using her powers,she grabbed the nearest heavy object ehich was a massive container and threw it towards Ben.
"See, I found the Omnitrix on a camping trip, and it latched onto my wrist, so now I can turn into 10 different aliens." Ben explained. "Mind if I demonstrate?"
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“If you think you are superior to me just because you can change into different alien species,then you are wrong.I got powers beyond your understanding so i suggest you to be careful.”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"Then perhaps you could show me what your little toy does and i will show you that ypu are not so powerful as you think you are.What do you say?"
"See, I found the Omnitrix on a camping trip, and it latched onto my wrist, so now I can turn into 10 different aliens." Ben explained. "Mind if I demonstrate?"
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“If you think you are superior to me just because you can change into different alien species,then you are wrong.I got powers beyond your understanding so i suggest you to be careful.”
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"I...i just can't do it anymore.Please,understand.All my life i had to endure the rudeness and wickedness of the others and i just didn't have someone to protect me besides my brother.No paternal or maternal figure."
"There are days when i want to run away and forget everything."(Hello nice to RP with you again ^^)
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“I understand that feeling…But running away from our problems only makes them worse. We need to face them if we want things to get better.” A bit of wisdom Jack had shared with her.
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
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"To be honest i don't think it is that complicated.Most of the people i killed clearly deserved it.Especially those from the Meero Orphanage."
The alien witch simply couldn't understand why this girl couldn't stand blood as for her it was something quite usual.
"You get used to the blood after a while."
“It’s…..complicated.” she’d seen a lot of blood, most from wounds she’d inflicted upon others, but some of them… some of them didn’t deserve it
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nether-witch · 6 years ago
"See, I found the Omnitrix on a camping trip, and it latched onto my wrist, so now I can turn into 10 different aliens." Ben explained. "Mind if I demonstrate?"
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"If you think you are superior to me just because you can change into different alien species,then you are wrong.I got powers beyond your understanding so i suggest you to be careful."
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