bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 102 - The Past, Present, and Future, Part 2
The Lemons meet up at a nearby bar to get some hang time in with the Sistems and Celeste.
Fan: OMW it's really her!
Marcie: Sometimes I forget you're a celebrity! Look at you and your stans!
Ophelia: Maybe they're cheering for you! You're an author, right?
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The girls chat while the guys play foosball. At least until they're interrupted.
Paparazzi: Hey, over here!
Ophelia: Oh, Brytani Cho must be around here somewhere.
Celeste: I'm pretty sure she's taking pictures of you, honey.
Oh wow… She is! That's never happened before!
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Ophelia's feeling confident, so she decides to tell the pap off.
Ophelia: I'm trying to enjoy time with my friends! I signed up for this, but they don't need to have their faces plastered all over whatever trashy rag you work for! Get you and your stupid little hat out of here!
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A few fans ask Ophelia to sing one of her songs in the lounge upstairs, so she obliges.
Xander: Mars, look! Ophelia's latest song went viral. That's why there's paps and fans following her!
Marcie: Oh my Watcher… Ophelia's a B-Lister!
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After this new revelation, the gang decides to take the party back to the rental so they can have some privacy. Plus, this means Gemma can be part of the fun!
Joaquin helped himself to a taco from the fridge. He knows how to party.
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Gemma doesn't seem as shy tonight. She even babbles at Joaquin a little bit. She must be getting in the party mood!
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Celeste: I can't believe we're hanging out again. I missed my bestie.
Ophelia: There's no reason we can't pick up where we left off!
Celeste: I'd love nothing more, girly.
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Gemma ignores her mom and her old new bestie hugging. She's feeling the groove!
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Xander made cherry bombs for everyone! He and Ophelia get the first two.
Xander: I'd say this trip got a lot more fun, huh, Mrs. B-Lister?
Ophelia: I know! I can't believe it!
Xander: I can. It was only a matter of time.
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Xander: You look gorgeous tonight by the way… But I think that dress would look better on our bedroom floor.
Ophelia: Xander! We have guests!
Looks like at least two of them are pretty distracted.
Xander: Come on, I know you've got flirty moodlets too.
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Xander: What if we just went back to the room for a bit so I could give you one of my world-famous massages. I know the paparazzi stressed you out.
Ophelia: Well… That does sound nice. Alright fine, just a massage.
She downs the rest of her drink before they go to their room.
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Meanwhile Gemma's been left unsupervised for the first time in her life so she's wrecking the bookshelf and everything on it that she can grab.
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Yeah, the massage didn't last long.
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Marcie: Hello, cutie. Where's your mommy and daddy? I actually haven't seen them in a while.
She lifts Gemma into her arms.
Marcie: Don't worry, you can hang out with me, Joaquin and Celeste. I'm sure your parents around here somewhere.
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Oh, don't worry about Xander and Ophelia. They're doing just fine.
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After their trip, life goes back to normal for the Lemons. Ophelia does some chores around the house while Gemma naps, but cleaning this nasty sink is making her feel sick. Maybe it's the smell of the grime or the cleaner, but either way, she feels like she's going to puke.
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Looks like it was more than just a feeling.
Ophelia empties the contents of her stomach into the toilet, the wave of nausea overtaking her.
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Ophelia hasn't felt this sick since she was…
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Ophelia immediately waddles down to Xander's nectar cellar to tell him the news.
Ophelia: Honey, do you have a second?
Xander: Sure thing, Lemon Cake, let me just finish this last bottle up.
Poor sap has no idea what's coming.
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Ophelia approaches him, hands behind her back.
Ophelia: You know how we've been talking about redecorating the nursery since Gemma's going to be a toddler next week?
Xander: Yeah?
She pulls the pregnancy test out to show him.
Ophelia: Well, we might want to keep the nursery.
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Xander stares down at the test, studying the results.
Xander: This is real, right?
Ophelia: Of course!
Xander: We're going to have another baby!
He pulls his wife close and kisses her, the joy from the announcement overtaking him. Another little Lemon is on the way!
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11x13kyle · 1 year
i wonder if people would tweet stuff like “i wish i was as passionate about something as stan marsh fans are about stan marsh” or “if you ever see me spending over $1000 on stan marsh concert tickets take me out back and shoot me” like how people do with taylor swift
see kinda but CRUCIALLY stan is very much a b lister at best so there’s also a bunch of people going “who the fuck is stan marsh and why are all of you freaking out about him being with that weird ginger dude??” so his tickets would never reach $1000. he WISHES. he peaked at 19
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magxit · 1 year
“Will every guy Taylor dates go under the same scrutiny” [Partly a hot take!]: I don’t think so personally. If she dates anyone A list, B list, that doesn’t have unhinged Stan’s (Chris Evans, Adam Driver, etc) types, has a good rep overall, and is established like her (successful in their own right, not a nepotism baby) I think they will be fine. Other than the unhinged Gaylor’s on the other hand. The problem is, most men can’t handle a more successful woman, it’s why JLO had a hard time too. Even with Ben Affleck, despite him being an Oscar A-lister, they still get shit (she does) and the public intrudes into their life. There is always gonna be that pain in the ass at the end of the day. Lot of men also treat Taylor like a burden, like Jake did with the bodyguards, and couldn’t handle too much attention that it made them snap. Which again draws us back to the A board where men can’t handle a more successful woman. They want a trophy wife. Matty was doomed from the get go because the bad PR. If all those vital moments didn’t happen like the podcast etc I think he would’ve been fine, that’s why I think it’s never gonna happen again. Ppl had a wrong vision of Matty
You really think that the next guy she dates isn’t going to have his life completely unraveled by the fandom? That they aren’t gonna be looking at tweets and Instagram likes and comments on Facebook to see if he has ever said one slightly problematic thing? And Matty’s fans had nothing to do with any of this. They were so supportive. It was Taylor’s on the fans who started this mutiny.
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synthezcid · 3 years
I wish MCU would announce Vision’s next appearance so I know when to expect the new Vision comic that just happens to come out around the same time
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Glad I'm not the only one getting odd vibes from the production. I mean idk a lot about tv shows but isn't the showrunner the one in charge? So him saying that he fought for a malina kiss and was stopped, despite that happening in the book...Like baby girl who is stopping you!? Who is that darklina stan on the production that vetoed you? I kid but the show is definitely putting a lot of emphasis on darklina being a romantic relationship and less the Darkling doing a big manipulation.
I know this, based on what has been said and what I know (which isn’t a lot) about production: 
a) they almost definitely blew a good bit of money on getting ben.  he’s way more experienced than most of the cast (the guy playing Matthias had only been in a short before this, so he probably got paid next to nothing) he’d well-known, he’s had significant roles in major shows and movies before.  he’s not like this massive A-lister but he’s a known entity and while I’m sure he “argued for the part” with the the tumblr manips of him as the darkling, he was reached out to first, he did not reach out about the show first, and I would bet that the role was his without him auditioning.  like, if ben barnes wanted the role, his age was not a big issue for them.  he was a priority, and therefore the darkling was a priority.
b) in contrast, and this is NO SHADE to archie, who seems super nice (no comment on his acting skills because I haven’t seen him in much; he was fine as Mal, I just don’t think anyone save like..... someone high caliber could’ve saved that role) but I’m fairly certain that archie got the role in part because he and Ben had played antagonistically against one another in Gold Digger.  he might’ve even had a good word put in for him?  (he played a guy who was mad bc ben barnes was absolutely destroying his mom’s pussy, by the way.). they seem to really get along well.  but if that’s the case, that tells you the level of thought put into casting mal.  like they say it just took them foreeeeever to find their mal like he was some kind of scarlett o’hara, but i just.  don’t.  buy.  it.  especially not when he already had ties to ben.
c) the comments the showrunner made about “fighting for a kiss” are bullshit lmao i’m sorry.  like eric seems like a nice dude, but it’s his show, the kiss was in the books.  the only reason why i can think that they didn’t want to put in a kiss is that if she kissed mal before she kissed the darkling it would look like she was cheating on mal and mal was getting cucked; and if she kissed mal soon after she kissed the darkling everyone would be comparing the malina kiss to the darklina kiss and like..... we know what the darklina kiss came off as.
d) it’s entirely possible that they were surprised by exactly hoooooow intense jessie and ben’s chemistry ended up being while filming?  as well?  
e) i do think they want to please leigh because life is just easier if the original creator likes what you do and isn’t shit-talking it.  and leigh doesn’t like darklina.  which is fine, that’s her prerogative... but as she herself has said, the show is not the books.  the showrunner has to have the freedom to do what he wants and both he and netflix have to have the ability to please their audience and attract and retain viewers.
f) the latter of which, I PROMISE, was a part of why ben was cast.  tons of people are more intrigued by this show because he’s in it, not just because he’s Generational Crush Bin Bons, but because he’s like a Legit Actor and has a vibe that steers the show away from simple YA.
g) so eric (the showrunner) is probably walking a tightrope of not looking like he’s going tooooo off-book and pleasing leigh while at the same time building his own creation and entity.  it’s obvious that production is into darklina based off the soft edit the show gave the darkling and the discussion of it in promo, but they also feel like the best way to fix The Mal Problem is to make mal more likable versus changing canon, because then everyone will be happy.  except mal is a very fucking hard character to make likable, and attempting to do it by beating us over the head with him and meadow scenes didn’t work.
h) they’re between a rock and a hard place.  because they’re selling this series as so solid because it’s based on a very successful book series, but that book series......... had a FAMOUSLY disliked ending.  i wasn’t even into it and i couldn’t get through my dash without running into discussion about how much everyone hated that ending after the final book came out.  darklina shippers were made, nikolina shippers were made, alina independent stans were mad--very few people liked mal. so how do you deal with an ending that so many people liked without insulting the original author or showing a lack of confidence in your original material?
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matty9370 · 4 years
Misogyny & 1D Shipping
Misogyny and ziam / larry shipping go hand in hand.
 Misogyny's an 'entrenched prejudice against women' it’s more subtle than systematic sexism. It’s finding fault in what women do all the while excusing men. "Misogyny" is personalised, intrusive and often sexualised. And what makes the misogyny I’m about to talk about more repulsive & potent is that “hatred” and “prejudice” is coming from a group of young women aka“The Shippers”.
One Tumblr/Twitter/YouTube/Instagram post after another the names and places, dates and scenario’s might change but the narrative is identical:
The woman is the attention and/or money whore revelling in playing the beard while the closet man is the vulnerable victim being “forced” into a web of lies by the invisible men in suits!
Even when the "beards” in question have their own fortune and fame they’re STILL relegated to ruthless predatory media whores. Taylor Swift and Gigi, for example, are at the top of their game, yet they were/are using Harry & Zayn.
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Gigi ...
who grew up in an $85 million custom built mansion in the hills of Bel Air to a  billionaire developer father and a supermodel/reality TV star mom
whose personal net worth exceeds $45 million,
who's been modelling designer labels since the age of 2
who's raised with the who's who children of Hollywood A listers
whose stepdad was an Oscar & grammy winning producer
who year in, year out makes Forbes most lucrative models list
is with Zayn for his fame and money? 
Of all the men in Hollywood Gigi would pursue and continue a relationship with for PR she’d select one of the most reclusive, introverted and private men in the music industry for that charade? Really?
And when her dad Mohammed reminded people that his daughter is with Zayn 'cause she loves him and is successful with or without him, Ziams ridiculously twisted his defence of his daughter as an attack on Zayn. How dare a father say his already millionaire daughter isn’t a gold-digger!
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Now let’s go to Taylor Swift, a woman:
With a net worth close to half a BILLION dollars (quadruple that of Harry)
Who had already won multiple grammy’s and every music award there is to win,
Topped almost every chart in the world and whose songs and music video’s crash the internet
Who rose to fame without the aid of global TV show or the backing of a huge producer
Yet not only are Larries arguing she’d resort to being a beard, but ...wait for it... she had more to gain from faking a relationship with Harry Styles than he did from her!!
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Take the Liam and Cheryle scenario, I can count in one hand the number of interviews where Cheryl even talks about her son or Liam. Yet during their relationship and even immediately after it Liam (positively) did countless interviews where he mentions her and their son. 
But if Ziams are right and she pursued the relationship for PR wouldn’t she be the one doing the talking? 
I also lost count of the number times I’ve read a post by a Ziam that “she’s after his money”, again if she’s contractually a beard and the baby is fake who’s she gonna pull that? 
“East, she’ll pimp the baby all over social media and get magazine deals", hands up if you’ve seen Bear’s face, no, anyone?
What’s weird is that Ziams are quick to dismiss Cheryl’s net worth of $40 million when they tell everyone she’s after Liam’s $50 million!!
Their next move is the ageism, “oh her biological clock was ticking so she used Liam to have a baby!” so now we’ve established she didn’t use her relationship for PR and she’s rich on her own right, so we’re gonna switch to her wanting a baby. There’s a thing called surrogacy, IVF and adoption.
If all Cheryl was after was a baby she could have gone for insemination as other celebs do!!
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Spare a thought for poor Briana Jungworth! An ordinary girl who’s been inundated with hate throughout her pregnancy and long after it. And unlike Taylor, Gigi or Cheryl she doesn’t have fame and money to defend her herself or even her child’s paternity!!
Larries dumbfoundedly kept switching the narrative from her being a beard to her being a gold-digging groupie who purposefully got knocked up to milk Louis for everything he’s got. But which is it? If she’s a beard whose pregnancy is fake or whose son isn’t Louis’s how could she possibly milk him? If Freddie isn’t Louis son why would Louis have been splitting his time between LA and the UK as his mother was dying, to do what spend time with his beard and fake baby??
I said it before and I’ll say it again..
If Freddie and Bear aren’t Louis and Liam’s sons then both these grown-ass men in their late 20s are consciously and publicly playing with minors paternity! And come September the same standard will apply to Zayn! PERIOD! As a Larry, Ziam or a Zerrie a simple question why are you stanning men doing a despicable thing like lying about a childs paternity, and you'll get drivel about A. them being forced to do so (misogyny type 1) and/or B. shift the blame on the "beards" (misogyny type 2). I repeat again, if you're a shipper who believes in the fucked up theory that those babies aren't Louis's, Liam's or Zayn's than immediately unstan those men!!! You can't have it both ways, you can't say the babies aren't theirs than in the same breath try to argue that's not immoral and they're not culpable.
And what’s more tragic about this level of misogyny is that the majority of the shippers are women. Women who pounce on everything other women do or say to debunk and ridicule it, just to keep a fictional ship alive!
However subtle or harshly executed, publicly relegating other women as mere beards, diminishing their accomplishments, faking their reliance on the men, attempting to debunk and twist everything they do and say, doesn’t make you an ally to supposedly closet gay men, it makes you a the worst kind of misogynist, a female one!
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marignytotreme · 5 years
Sometimes when I look around the internet, in all it’s glory, I realise just how fucking deluded people are – especially where Meghan Markle is concerned.
A number of us dislike her, a few really don’t care either way and the rest live with their heads up her arse. For those living with their heads up her backside, I’ve noticed that a lot of what you say about Meghan online is, quite frankly, total bullshit and sometimes so utterly absurd, I wonder if most of you are simply on day release.
So below, I have tackled the most common misconceptions head-on; because we all know I don’t enjoy anything more than putting Sussex fans in their place.  
She’s a style icon
I don’t know anybody on this Earth who has access to so much money and the best stylists you can buy, but still appears to have gotten dressed in the dark most of the time. Yes, she has worn one or two nice pieces; but by and large, she looks like a cheap knock-off of Victoria Beckham and I don’t think that image exactly screams “royalty”.
Until I take my last breath on this earth, I will forever be baffled by how Meghan Markle has gotten it so spectacularly wrong in the style stakes. Some people do seem to like the way she dresses; they see her “style” (if you can call it that) as “fresh” and “modern” – but quite frankly, I prefer Kate’s dress coats and hats, which some have labelled “boring”. I don’t agree at all.
Yes, Kate is the future Queen and therefore has played it slightly safer with fashion; but I do really like her clothing which is usually a perfect mix of the traditional and modern. She looks like a ROYAL. And yes Meghan, those long trousers that sweep the floor as you walk may have looked nice on Vicky B, but she is the wife of a footballer – not a member of the royal family. Believe it or not, there is a difference.
She’s a humanitarian
This one always makes me laugh.
Show of hands please; how many of you know genuine “humanitarians” who visit the impoverished in a coat worth £7,000? I thought humanitarians were meant to have common sense?
Meghan, dear; walking down the road in Kensington with an “alleviate poverty” bag doesn’t make you a charitable person or a humanitarian – it just makes you a hypocrite. Instead of spending thousands of pounds on ugly clothing that you’ll only wear once anyway, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and donate to your chosen charities? Yes, instead of getting your fans to donate to them on your behalf under the guise of a “Global Sussex baby shower”.
And just another tip for the future; humanitarians don’t preach about climate change off the back of a million-pound trip on a private jet to New York for a party. They don’t wear £99k maternity dresses in Morocco. They don’t spend millions of pounds of the taxpayers’ money to renovate one of their many homes. And they certainly don’t visit those living in poverty dressed from head to toe in Givenchy.
She was already famous and rich in her own right and didn’t need Harry’s money
Right – we’ve been through this. How rich do you really think she was before the ring went on? I mean, seriously? Suits was a lowly cable show and she is not an A-lister. And given her knack of merching at every available opportunity, I’m guessing the woman looks for every possible chance to make money. That doesn’t scream “well off” to me.
Meghan has only really ever gone after men who have a lot of money or means to open doors for her toward new opportunities and a better life, and then drops them when they can no longer do anything for her. This is not the behaviour of an independent feminist who is able to achieve things on her own – this is the behaviour of a gold digger.
So sure – Meg had money; from her divorce settlement with Trevor, from her rumoured days as a yacht girl and Soho House regular and from all the merching she did and does for Jessica Mulroney. But was it millions and millions? Clearly not or she wouldn’t have had to marry a Prince.
She’s proud to represent Britain
In two (very British) words: my arse.
In the year and a half since Harry and Meghan became engaged, I have yet to see her wear any British designers or champion much that is British at all. In fact, I’m pretty sure she goes out of her way to actively avoid wearing anything that is British.
There are even rumours that she has apparently hired an all-American medical team to deliver her brat because in Meghan’s expert opinion, our 70-year-old NHS service isn’t good enough to deliver the second coming of Markle and Wales. It was good enough for the future Queen Consort to deliver three children in an NHS Hospital, but no, not for old Meggy.
And when charity patronages for Meghan were announced back in January, it was revealed that she would be focusing on – you guessed it – everywhere but the UK. Africa, the Middle East, Antarctica… you name it – if it’s not Britain, Meghan’s happy to back it.
She is the best thing to hit the Royal Family
I think you’ll find that was Kate eight years ago.
(Happy Anniversary for tomorrow, Cambridges!)
Despite the adamant claims of her fans, so far, I have yet to see Meghan do anything groundbreaking. If you ask her little followers for proof of anything they’re all like:
Oh, and when they’re really stumped, they’ll come out with “yeah? Well Meghan’s only been married a year but Kate’s been on the scene for eight and hasn’t done anything at all.”
Right… Apart from being an ambassador for Britain on several overseas tours, starting the Heads Together charity (amongst others) and birthing a future King?
Meghan has so far, by my tally – cooked once or twice with a few Grenfell victims and gave a bunch of bananas to some prostitutes.
While I’m all for backing any disaster that happens on my doorstep (I live around the corner from where Grenfell stood), I will say this: the tower disaster has had more money thrown at it than you can shake a stick at and it was almost two years ago now – Meghan, it’s time to find something more current to support, not just backing the first “English” cause that you could get your hands on.
As for the bananas – don’t get me started. What bright spark thought it’d be a good idea to give phallic shaped fruit to a group of sex workers? And with messages like “you’re so loved ”… yeah, I’m sure 35-year-old Louise from Dagenham is feeling totally “loved” when she’s shivering at the side of the road waiting for possible clientele to drive by or blowing some guy for a fiver at the back of his Ford Mondeo. Get real, Meghan.
If I were one of those women, I’d tell Her Royal Highness exactly where she could put those bananas – and probably not for the first time either.
She doesn’t want the limelight
Yeah, like a cat doesn’t want the canary.
I have never seen a person so adept at sniffing out a camera from at least fifty miles away. The Cambridges could’ve used her in France seven years ago when Kate was papped taking her clothes off on their villa balcony – with Meghan about, no photographer goes undetected.
Bottom line: Meghan loves herself and she loves the cameras. The two combined thrill her to no end.
The best example of this would’ve been at the British Fashion Awards earlier this year – she was so unbelievably excited to have the spotlight on her where she could squeeze the life out of her bump in front of the UK press for all to see, I’m surprised she didn’t have an orgasm.
I’d put fifty quid on this whole “privacy” thing surrounding the baby’s birth being Harry’s idea and Meghan has just been forced to go along with it. Madam? Give up the spotlight when her mealticket arrives? Once again – my arse.
She could potentially be Queen one day
I know this one sounds totally mental, but please go with me on it – her fans are actually saying this sort of crap on Twitter. They actually believe, in their tiny deluded minds, that this woman could eventually wind up as Queen Consort one day.
And how exactly do you think this will happen?
Perhaps she’ll poison Kate with the contents of one of her diamonds, divorce Harry’s balding, ginger arse and William will marry her after realising the deceptive, social-climbing grifter actress was really “The One” after all? Ah, just like Romeo and Juliet.
For any Meghan fans reading this, please let me say this for the final time, as some of you do not appear to understand how the line of succession works – Meghan will never become Queen. Say it with me now…
No fewer than five people have to cark it in order for Harry to get anywhere near the throne, and no, he does NOT take over if William were to die suddenly while George is still young. In this instance, the throne would be powered by a team of advisors until George turned eighteen, and then he would be crowned officially. Harry and Meghan are unlikely to ever sniff the material the throne is made from, let alone sit on it – sorry Sussex Stans.
She’s here to stay
Incorrect again, I’m afraid.
Given the woman’s track record, it doesn’t appear she sticks around anywhere for very long and the second something better comes along, she’s off.
No, right now, I can’t imagine what could be higher than royalty – but I’m sure Meghan has a few ideas and is probably targeting her next victim as we speak.
What will it be, Meg? A billionaire without the life of restrictions and protocol? Or maybe you’ll run for President? Nah, even though you love the sound of your own voice, that seems like it would be too stressful for madam’s liking.
Whatever her next move is, I have no doubt she’ll be hitting the road in the next two to three years.
Once the novelty of having a title wears off, the royal purse strings are tightened by the Queen and the penny finally drops for Meghan that she’ll never really have her own brand and platform to project her oh-so-wonderful ideas from, she’ll be out of there – with half of Harry’s money and his kid(s) in tow.
Of course, the list of misconceptions about Meghan goes on and on; there is so much utter rubbish spewed on social media by her fans that I can only assume they’re either paid PR people, seriously deranged or Meghan herself. Honestly, you can’t write some of the stuff that comes up – or apparently you can. It’s a crazy world out there.
If you do think any of the above is incorrect, and you believe Meghan really is a stand-up (Non-UK) citizen, you can find me on Twitter to discuss it @CrownofSapphire – I’m always ready and willing to have an argument.
Have a good one, guys!
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The Problem with the Avengers
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 I’ve been reading a lot of Avengers comics recently scattered throughout their history and whilst they often have enough superhero action to kill some time, rarely have I ever found myself that engaged by the stories. In truth I’ve felt that way about virtually every Avengers story I’ve ever read.
In contrast whenever my reading lists took me to a random X-Men or Fantastic Four comic book I found they made for simply better reading.
This got me thinking about how traditionally and even now with the enhanced status the Avengers have in the comic series still seems to generate less enthusiasm than a lot of it’s competition with the really major superhero teams out there.
I think the fundamental problem is that, unlike those other teams, the Avengers is sorely lacking in identity.
I define the major Marvel/DC superhero teams as the ones that have been around near consistently for at least 30ish years and have have bled into multiple forms of other mass media.
So we’re talking the Fantastic 4, the Justice League (regardless of whether it’s called the Super Friends, the JLA, etc), the X-Men (and it’s associated spin-offs, e.g. X-Force, X-Factor, New Mutants) and the Titans/Teen Titans and the Avengers.
Unlike the Avengers, each of those teams has one or more simple ideas and hooks that have, more often than not, defined them and given them a basic but concrete premise to fall back on that the audience can easily connect to.
The Justice League are the All-stars of the DC universe, the team with the truly iconic characters in it’s line up and/or the guys who are at least mainstays of the DC universe in some fashion and well known to comic book readers. They are also at times allegorical to Greco-Roman Gods, e.g. Superman = Zeus, Batman = Hades, Green Lantern = Apollo, etc.
The X-Men are allegories for persecuted minorities and those who face bigotry in some fashion, as well as at times being allegories for adolescence.
The Fantastic Four are a nuclear family of scientists and explorers.
The Teen Titans are the junior heroes, the next generation, a junior Justice League if you will and more often than not the sidekicks to the older iconic heroes.
The Titans are the above but all grown up, independent, a non-nuclear family and in essence the next generation on the cusp of becoming the what their mentors were.
Now the Avengers at face value also have an easily understood hook too. They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes right? They, like the Justice League, are the All-stars of the Marvel universe right? Sometimes they’re talked of as being loosely equivalents to the Knights of the Roundtable.
The problem is that in practice...this is mostly lip-service.
For sure IN-UNIVERSE most people look up to the Avengers or hold them in similar esteem that the DC citizens hold the Justice League.
But as far as the real life audience is concerned for most of the Avengers history they really weren’t the All-stars of the Marvel universe and that comparison to Arthurian legend is really more talked about outside the comics more than it ever was genuine text or subtext in the pages themselves.
Lets put the Avengers into historical context. When the team debuted in 1963, consisting of Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp, all of those characters were less than 2 years old.
And its a matter of historical record that they were neither the highest selling nor the most popular superhero books Marvel was putting out, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four were.
Furthermore the Hulk’s solo title had earlier that year been cancelled and whilst the other Avengers were continuing to regularly appear every month it was in anthology titles where they were simply the main, but not solo, stars. Those titles weren’t even NAMED after those heroes. You had Tales of Suspense for Iron Man, Journey into Mystery for Thor and Tales to Astonish for Ant-Man and Wasp.
Were these guys REALLY Marvel’s mightiest heroes?*
No they really weren’t.
To be frank it seems more like Stan Lee et al were trying to make bank off of the innate appeal of crossing characters over and doing so by grouping together the less successful and less popular characters.
You could make a similar argument for the Justice League of course, except when they debuted most of their members had been around considerably longer and they had Wonder Woman as a mainstay with Superman and Batman at times dropping in too, their presence only increasing across the decades. Nowdays many fans feel its just not the Justice League without the Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
Back to the Avengers, these characters were the revered all-stars of Marvel in name only, with the Hulk even leaving shortly afterwards, replaced by the probably more famous Captain America...who also didn’t have his own book at the time. Cap actually didn’t regularly appear in any title until around a year after his Avengers debut when he began starring alongside Iron Man.
Cap might’ve been a long established hero but even he wasn’t high profile enough to get his OWN solo-series. In fact when he finally did what really happened was he became the solo star of Tales of Suspense (renamed to Captain America) and IRON MAN got his first true solo-series**
To make the matter clearer when the Avengers went through their first major shakeup (less than TWO YEARS after the series began) the cast consisted of Cap (who was still sharing with Iron Man at this point), Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
The Avengers had now been reduced to one character who shared a title with another one and three former villains who’d NEVER had solo-stories before, who weren’t even appearing regularly anywhere outside of the Avengers title.
Creatively this wasn’t all that bad. After all one of the pitfalls of team books like Avengers or Justice League is that often the series is constrained by events happening in the characters’ solo books or the other way around. Like the, F4 Cap’s kooky quartet could grow and develop in the Avengers and the only place you could see that potential growth was IN the Avengers comic itself; Johnny and Ben’s bland and bad solo yarns in Strange Tales notwithstanding.
However Cap kooky quartet was yet more evidence of how the ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ was a cool slogan for the team and nothing more. They were a million miles away from being the Marvel All-stars they were treated or promoted as.
They were just ANOTHER Marvel team, more or less a home for miscellaneous Marvel heroes who were:
a)      Relatively Earthbound
b)      Not overly weird like Dr Strange
c)       Flashier than dude’s without costumes like Nick Fury
d)      Not already on teams
e)      Not independently popular/interesting like Spider-Man
 After all there is a reason so much of Iron Man and Cap’s histories are wrapped up with the Avengers titles and why most adaptations of the characters work in wider Marvel Universe elements. Its because those characters supporting casts and rogue galleries were not strong enough on their own to support their solo titles most of the time, so they essentially became Avengers satellite books.
 This miscellaneous aspect to the Avengers though gave rise to another interpretation of the team, that in fact part and parcel of the point of them was that ANY Marvel hero could join their ranks. In essence that the Avengers could be a grand crossroads of the Marvel universe where any and all characters could pop up.
 Its a nice sentiment but holds little water when you consider how the Avengers in-universe were typically treated as the premiere superhero team and how in practice many characters remained consistently out of their ranks. Even if we do swallow this line of thinking that simply means that the Avengers in being a team where anyone can join simply has no identity at all.
 The X-Men during Claremont’s iconic run had a similar sort of idea of constantly changing up the roster except that book had the fundamental mutant metaphor to hold the shifting characters together no matter what.
 When your team identity is that the identity can be anything your team hasn’t GOT an identity.
 And this problem with the Avengers (a lack of identity wrapped around a false claim of being the Marvel All-star line up) went on and on and on for DECADES!
 It got to the point where the X-Men, who in the Silver age FAILED compared to the Avengers, made good on their second chance and gradually grew in popularity until they clearly eclipsed every other Marvel team and by the 1990s eclipsed every other superhero team and book on the stands, exempting at times Spider-Man or Batman. In that decade anything with an X would sell whilst anything with an Avengers A was B-grade at best.
 Whilst the Avengers claimed to be Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Marvels A-list heroes, Spider-Man and the X-Men actually WERE.
 In 2004 when Bendis created the New Avengers with the explicit intention of re-orientating the team to finally truly be the Marvel A-list squad it had always claimed to be it had 2 big problems.
 The first was that after 40 years and 500 issues the perception of the Avengers within the comic book community had become pretty entrenched. The second was that Bendis only slightly made good on this promise of reinvention.
 By which I mean he added Spider-Man and Wolverine (basically the Superman and Batman of Marvel as far as their popularity went) to the Avengers as mainstays and then kept Iron Man, Cap and added in B-listers Luke Cage and Jessica Drew and not even a B-lister the Sentry.
 To be clear I am not trying to insult Luke or Jessica but most people in 2004 didn’t know who they were and most who did didn’t care about him. they were added to raise their profile which is the exact opposite of what the book was claiming to do.
 Even now with both characters holding more prestige than they did back then, if you were making a truly All-star Marvel superhero team Luke Cage and Jessica Drew probably wouldn’t be on the squad considering neither has a movie.
 Whilst it’s true Bendis made New Avengers an unqualified success if you or I wrote a comic book with the two biggest Marvel characters in it hot on the heels of beloved and acclaimed movie appearances for both (which were sequels no less) of course it will sell like hot cakes.
 But that sales success has absolutely not lasted.
 Because again, the Avengers have no true identity as a superhero team, not even with the raised profile of the more traditional Avengers members afforded by their film appearances. At this point the failure of Iron Man’s popularity in wider pop culture to translate into much of an increase in comic sales is a bad joke. The fact is the comic book reading community still regards Iron Man as of lesser status than someone like Batman or Spider-Man or Wolverine and similarly the Avengers status as a team is still being hurt by the decades during which they were all sizzle and little steak.
 Ironically this effect has been mitigated in adaptations. In cartoons (like Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes) a fresh modern take on the Marvel universe was presented wherein the Avengers characters were among the first  and seemingly only heroes to inhabit that world (as far as the audience initially believed) essentially rendering them Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by default and free of the F4 or Spider-Man as a measuring stick could truly come off as All-stars. It also helped that the team membership was more consistent and a greater focus was placed upon their interpersonal relationships with one another, rendering them either a family or a kind of private little community of superheroes. Plus the show was as much an adaptation of the wider Marvel universe as it was Avengers stories, meaning often they could give focus episodes over to individual members to flesh them out.
 To n extent the same thing happened in the MCU although because the MUC established solo movies for most of the Avengers first it in essence raised the prestige of each character thus justifying their claim to the film Avengers being all-star players. Plus there was a certain glamour and energy afforded the first film from being a never before done experiment in crossing over so many properties, this then fuelling consequent movies like Infinity War.
 What’s ironic about all this is that the false interpretation of the Avengers being the Knights of the Roundtable is actually a way more fertile concept to build the Avengers team identity around and a more compelling hook to sell to the wider audience.
 You could retain the idea that, in-universe, they are the Marvel All-star line up, but in the true substance of the series loosely build the stories and characters more around moderinzed takes upon Arthurian legend and ideals of heroism. Much as the Justice League have at times served as loose allegories for the Greco-Roman Pantheon.
If you look at the original team of Avengers, plus Captain America and Hawkeye, they already fit into loose concepts of Medieval era knights anyway.
Cap is a soldier, in other words a modern day knight, who is the absolute ideal warrior (Lancelot) complete with a form of chainmail armour and a weapon distinctly from Ye Olden Days.
Iron Man has frequently been referred to as a modern day knight in shining armour because he literally wears armour.
Thor is a Viking whom, I’m not sure were exactly around during when Arthurian legend is supposed to happen but like...close enough.
Hulk is perhaps equivalent to a troll, a creature from Medieval fairy tales.
Hawkeye is of course an archer and a clear Robin Hood allegory (Robin Hood is also Medieval).
And you could say Ant-Man and Wasp are akin to pixies. And even if you think not Hank when Giant Man is obviously a fairy tale giant.
I’m not saying every character needs to be as exact as those, but it’s just something for the team to concretely hang their hat on rather than continuing to insist they are the best Marvel characters all in one team when they usually don’t even have Marvel’s most popular character with them!
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The vague reference E.T. made to a Clexa comic on Twitter a few weeks ago made me wonder if she’ll jump back on her Clexa captain bandwagon after her inevitable divorce from B-buser in the future. And will the Clexa fandom welcome her back? If she has no means to make money off it I guess not. It’s annoying that she and the 0.5 people from the 100 that still acknowledge her can do their own cons for the show like the one coming up in the summer and scam the stans for $$$. Why does CW allow that?
I don't know and maybe she was throwing a hook and checking if she managed to catch something? But I mean if you are a Clexa that has some self-respect you wouldn't look back at all. There's no way, Anon.
I don't think the wb can like control those cons but whatever, it's the same clowns believing all the garbage those two have made up, creating that distorted fantasy that doesn't align at all with the canon. Seriously, don't pay them any attention, which is what they might be looking for since they are basically two unknown Z listers lbh.
This is not something that steals my sleep at all, Anon. Don't let that disturb you.
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Last night was the first night that Bear hasn’t demanded us to play and wrestle and was happy to lay quietly on his bed while we were relaxing. We are Dog Behaviour Specialists As soon as you bring your puppy home, step into his mind frame. Dogs are pack animals and like to follow a leader. If you act like one, your puppy’s biggest motivation will become making you happy. Contact SitDropStay Dog Behaviour Australia on Messenger At SitDropStay puppy training consultant will come to your home to help you create a training system that is tailored to your puppy’s specific personality traits, habits and temperament. You are in control each step of the way and get to decide how YOU want your dog to fit into your lifestyle. Our Website Width: px Make Club House and Canteen Level 5 Resend confirmation code Read our latest news, including animal appeals and media releases. Our Shop sells Award Winning Dog DVD, Dog Leashes, Dog Houses, Dog Bowls, Dog Grooming Tools, Dog Muzzles, Dog Collars and Dog Chains and Dog Accessories Related: Puppy feeding guidelines Harnesses Call Us Now: 1300 66 44 66 Contact Us A puppy will begin training with its mother and breeder as an infant. Once you’ve got the go ahead to bring your new canine friend home, it’s vital to know the immediate steps for training. Here, we’ve provided our expert opinion on the early stages of training your puppy. Candy’s Assessment – All About Animals TV Show – Episode 2 How can you help? Fundraising 12 Phone: 07 3459 2121 Youth and Community Programs Car parking for Hays Paddock is available in the Lister St carpark. Reactive Rover Dog Training Course Privacy Policy Boarding and Training Facilities How to protect your people Puppies have a strong urge to eliminate after sleeping, playing, feeding and drinking. Prepare to take your puppy to his/her selected elimination area within 30 minutes of each of these activities. In addition, although some puppies can control themselves through the entire night, most puppies need to eliminate every 3 to 4 hours during the daytime. With each passing month, you can expect your puppy to control themselves a little longer between elimination times. The puppy should be taken to his/her elimination area, given a word or two of verbal encouragement (e.g. “Hurry up!”) and as soon as elimination is completed, lavishly praised and patted. A few tasty food treats can also be given the first few times the puppy eliminates in the right spot, and then intermittently thereafter. This teaches the puppy the proper place to eliminate, and that elimination in that location is associated with rewards. Some puppies may learn to eliminate when they hear the cue words (eg. “Hurry up!”). Always go outdoors with your puppy to ensure that it has eliminated and so that rewards can be given immediately upon completion, and not when the dog comes back indoors (too late!). Once he’s in sitting position, say “Sit,” give him the treat, and share affection. Foundation local trainers more Length: 5wks Terms & Conditions Average. I had to go looking for it. When will you be able to trust your puppy to wander loose throughout the home? PLUS workshops,  ABC Home Working in Communities
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I wish OM or another B lister called out CB, not GFY. CB herself is so thin skinned. She asks for podcast questions, but ignores anything slightly critical (like would you be willing to hire more diverse writers, why do you delete comments) and answers only fluff stuff they’ve addressed before. She knows Kaiser brings the stans & fanatics, which brings the comments, but she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Kaiser is like a twihard, CB handing her blog over to a hateful person didn’t end well.
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