#Hunting Dog Training
jackpinebarrens · 1 month
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German Shorthaired Pointer Color Combos
Welcome to Standing Stone Kennels! In this video we talk about German shorthaired pointer color combinations and how you get them. Send Us Mail 5919 W Pleasant Valley Rd Pretty Prairie, KS 67570 Links Step-By-Step Dog Training Course: Join our Patreon Community – Our Store – Social Media Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/StandingStoneKennels Instagram:…
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karmicpunishment · 5 months
could you imagine being raised around the hunting dogs??? it is a wonder tachihara is as normal as he is i cant lie
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where-the-water-flows · 5 months
how does di fortress interact with the local economy and what the fuck do their logistics even look like, and other incredibly normal questions to be asking here at 3pm on a work day
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abirddogmoment · 23 hours
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We're learning about grouse hunting together!
I was really undecided on whether I wanted to hunt with Rory for realsies because I don't have a shotgun and I don't really care to get a shotgun (I have a gun license from my time up north). I have a small air rifle and a tactical slingshot (both legal for hunting small game in my area) so I've been taking those for walks in hunting areas, along with all my permits and stuff, just to see what we see.
This grouse woods is in the same corner as my swamp, just a different part of the rec area. You can legally hunt small game during the open season with dogs with some restrictions (certain distance from the parking, some trails close for hunting on a rotational basis for maintenance, etc.) but it's not terribly popular so it's a really good area to learn. We are looking for ruffed grouse and rabbit, both of which are super common out here.
With pointing dogs like britts, you generally don't want to shoot any game unless they're pointing steady (*except when doing gun conditioning, but that's a specific training set up) - it makes sense because a shot bird is the ultimate reward and you want to make sure you're reinforcing the behaviour you want, which is usually a safe steady point. Rory isn't pointing steady yet so there's really not much for me to do on these walks besides reinforce good manners (recall, how far she ranges, etc.).
There's a really well known saying in pointing dogs, which is wild birds make bird dogs. Wild birds flush (fly away) much more reliably than farmed birds so the chances of a dog catching a wild bird is really minimal compared to farmed birds. It's super important to get young bird dogs on wild birds as much as possible so they learn all the important skills: how to navigate terrain, what habitat holds birds, what each bird species smells like, how far they can range, and most importantly, that they need a person to actually get a bird.
(Most of these skills can be taught with planted birds in training, but planted birds may be more habituated to people and dogs so they might not flush reliably. Once pointing dogs learn that they can catch birds themselves, it's much harder to foster a strong stop and point. You might see people using these tip ups, which protect the training bird from the dog. You'll often see training dogs on long lines (called check cords) or with a flank collar to reinforce not getting too close to the bird, but you have to phase those out quickly so the dog doesn't become dependent on them. You also have to be really careful with scent trails when setting up planted birds or you might end up with a dog that follows your scent instead of looking for birds organically. And of course, you have to train without birds sometimes so the dog doesn't get discouraged about not finding birds quickly because sometimes there just aren't birds out there. Lots to consider when setting up training!)
Anyway I've been trying to get Rory out on wild birds as much as possible (with the caveat that we don't run wild birds during nesting season) so we're wandering the grouse woods lately. My early recall training is really paying off because she's been super reliable in terms of good manners, it's wonderful to see!
We've been out four times (1-2 hours each) so far since the season opened. The first two times we're mostly just a pleasant walk in the woods, Rory didn't really know what we were doing so she was just vibing (THIS IS TOTALLY FINE, SHE'S NEW TO THIS). We had a couple chance grouse encounters and I could see the wheels turning, I encouraged her to sniff around where the grouse were sitting before they flew off and I watched her start to connect the dots.
(It's important to remember that dogs don't know what they're looking for until you show them. Most bird dogs are naturally birdy, but they don't know which birds are good and which birds are boring! You have to show them which birds you care about - this is easiest if you can run with an experienced hunting dog, but you can do it alone like I am by making a big deal about any interest in the "correct" birds.)
The last time we went out to the grouse woods, she did a couple of really nice whip-arounds when she caught scent she liked and followed scent off the trail I was walking! This is the behaviour I want to see so it was awesome to watch it start to click! She trailed a moose (don't want that, she found some moose pee to roll in so whatever), a pileated woodpecker (again, don't want that but it was cool to see), and two separate grouse. The first was on the wrong side of the fence so I couldn't do anything about it but she held a really nice point (the photo) and I gave her a ton of chicken and praise for it. The second was a quick point but it flushed really far away so there was no finding it again. Both birds weren't visible when she found them, they were true scent points and she was strategically looking for them so that was super cool!
She's still in heat and super sensitive right now so I wouldn't shoot over her anyway, but I'm getting pretty accurate with my slingshot so I'm hoping we can connect on something this fall - both for her pointing steady and me aiming properly. She gets more steady and more sure of herself every time we go out so it's only a matter of time!
#rory borealis#about aurora#bird dog training#dogblr#this is a long one!#its pretty rambly about my thoughts about grouse hunting training so far#one real issue im having right now is how gear-sensitive rory is#she will happily wear a regular collar (or an ecollar - shes conditioned to wearing it but i dont use it on her yet)#but i cant put a bell or a belly protector on her without her freaking out#it makes her super shut down and upsetti and it sucks#ultimately its not a big deal because she ranges appropriately and i can have eyeballs on her at all times#but i would like her to wear an orange belly protector for these kinds of outings because its hard on her body#i have to revisit gear desensitization once shes done her heat#ive never had a dog that was this avoidant of gear tbh#on the note about gear:#rory has exceptional recall especially for a young bird dog#you'll notice im running her naked without an ecollar or gps collar#if youre following along and want to train your dog for grouse hunting PLEASE use appropriate gear for your dog#dont ruin the privilege of running dogs on public land by not having reliable control over your loose dog#i really dont gatekeep most of the areas i run my dog - i am so so happy to give local people recommendations on where to run#but please please please dont be the person who ruins it for us#i dont say this to be rude like live your dream#but consider the ethics and the privilege of having access to these areas and how easily they could be taken away#(sorry thats a rant but you get it)
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abrahamvanhelsings · 4 months
for the ship asks: joplittle? i know i'm opening pandora's box with this
if someone already asked, then going for any other ned ship you might also like? choose freely my friend
AUGH my beloveds!! ill try not to make this a whole essay so ill point out a couple of things that i love about them at random
the way they interact with each other on screen has me obsessed. i wrote a post a bit ago about how we don't see them talk much together but they have a lot of potential anyway, and then @cinematicnomad made a great point about the fact that they DO interact but a lot it is nonverbal. honestly that opened my eyes to so much little things i hadn't noticed before. that they communicate through glances and gestures and that they understand each other, know each other well enough to have that kind of interaction... they may be background characters and we may not see the progression of their relationship much, but we can tell that it happens, and that they become close. you can tell that being in that precarious situation together, where crozier's alcoholism is affecting the entire expedition but it also has to be kept a secret, and they're the two people who know, and who are responsible for crozier/everything else, that really created a very tight bond between them.
speaking of tight friendships! we can tell that it happens bc edward, famously, is SO happy when jopson is made lieutenant. everyone at that table thinks it's deserved, and is happy for jopson, but edward is a beam of sunlight in that tent. genuinely can't stop smiling. it's so so lovely to me that he can't contain his own glee bc he's so glad and proud. get you a man who applauds your successes like edward little
there are so many ways their personalities fit together so well!! they're both extremely diligent in their duties, but it plays out differently in them both, and they both have different weaknesses. they're the type of people who are generally quiet and unobtrusive but steadfast and loyal, but where jopson tends to go sharp as a knife under pressure, edward always worries that he is doing the right thing (that's also bc for a large part of the expedition they have very different responsibilites and cares, but nevertheless). they're both guarded where it comes to showing their inner feelings, but it feels to me that jopson can provide a firmness, the assurance that edward needs to remain confident in who he is and what he does, whereas edward (once you've cracked him like an egg) has a warmth to him that can fold around jopson like a blanket, to let go of that tightly-controlled professionalism. each other's safety blankets, people who can mitigate the other's shortcomings, and provide space for their better qualities and their feelings to come to full bloom.
lower class/higher class dynamic is a weakness of mine. any fic that has thomas being a steward/valet to edward in any capacity with the victorian slow burn mutual pining/mutual 'he is to good for me' has me on my knees
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tachiharastanacc · 4 months
More Tachi angst ig
Tachihara groaned, rolling over.
“Past, Tachihara!”
Squeezing his eyes shut tighter, he pulled the pillow over his head.
There was blissful silence for a moment. Before…
“Tachihara, you idiot! I’m talking to you! Get up, get up, get up!”
The teenager let out an oof as he was jumped on. He covered his face with his arms as the small girl snatched his pillow and started whacking him with it.
With another dramatic groan, he sat up, picking Teruko up and depositing her on the ground next to his bed.
“I’m bored! Play with me!”
Yeah. That was about what he expected.
“Can’t it wait until morning? I was training with Tecchou all day. And it’s like three in the morning.”
This information didn’t seem to phase the pink-haired girl, who was already climbing back onto his bed to harass him.
“No! We have to go now!”
She was already tugging on his arm again, trying to drag him out of bed. With one final pull, she managed, accidentally flinging him to the floor.
“You’ll get over it! Now c’mon!”
With a deep, suffering sigh, he very slowly stood up.
“Gah, you’re taking forever!”
She morphed into her adult form, easily scooping him up.
“Shhh! We gotta be sneaky! This is a stealth mission!”
“Somehow I doubt this is an actual mission.”
“Lighten up! You’re no fun!”
Teruko continued to carry him until they emerged from the base.
“Seriously, what are we doing? I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“We’re not gonna get in trouble unless your whining gives us away! And stop pouting!”
“I’m not pouting. And I definitely don’t whine,” he mumbled, clearly whining.
“Just pipe down! I have to show you something!”
She set him down on the ground, morphing back to her usual age. Tachihara begrudgingly followed her. The sight of two young kids, one of whom was dressed in a military uniform, walking through the city at night unattended probably would’ve been concerning if it were anywhere but Yokohama.
The two trekked across the city streets. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Tachihara was enjoying feeling the warm night breeze in his hair. It’d been a while since he’d actually left the base. Ever since he’d started pestering the higher ups to let him overtake the mafia infiltration mission, he’d been busier than ever with training.
Finally, they arrived at…
“An abandoned shed?”
Teruko shoved him. “Nuh-uh. It’s your surprise.”
“I didn’t know I was getting a surprise.”
“That’s what makes it a surprise, dummy.”
She gestured for him to unlock it with his ability, which he did, though not without a roll of his eyes.
The girl was practically vibrating with excitement as she shoved him inside.
“I don’t get it, what’s…”
He trailed off, looking around. The interior of the shed was decorated with string lights. A few posters hung on the walls. Two deflated bean bag chairs were placed on the dusty floor in front of a small table, on which sat a vase of hyacinths.
“This is…”
“Ta-da! The Teruko and Tachihara secret base! So that way we can meet up, even when you’re away with the mafia!”
Tachihara was silent for a moment, taking it in. It was a bit of a mess, and definitely assembled from random piece of furniture Teruko had found lying around, but…
He felt his eyes starting to water.
Teruko practically deflates.
“You could just say you don’t like it…”
He kneels down, pulling her into a tight hug. After a confused moment, she hugs him back.
“I’m gonna miss you so much…”
“Tachihara, you dolt. That’s why we have this place! Didn’t you listen to a word I said!?”
“Yeah…and we can hang out plenty when I come back for my surgeries.”
“And we can go on missions and save the world together.”
“Yeah. And save Jouno from dealing with the captain’s stench.”
“I like his stench!”
“You would.”
Passersby that night would see a small shed, a bit worn down and broken, but still cozy and full of love on the inside. Curled up inside were two kids, siblings in this cruel world, peacefully sleeping. Looking at them, it was almost possible to believe everything would turn out alright.
“You could just say you don’t like it.”
“I don’t dislike it. It’s just…”
Tecchou looked around, taking in the clutter amassed over the past six years. He glanced down at the pile of stale chips his foot was buried in.
“We didn’t really have time to clean it before everything went down.”
Tachihara was sitting on one of the beanbags, knees tucked up to his chest. He was poking at one of the lights that was dangling from where the tape had fallen off.
“…I’m sorry. If I was there…”
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“…right. I just mean that-“
One of the nails ripped out of the wall, curling and bending unnaturally as Tachihara clenched his fists. He glared at Tecchou with those cloudy eyes that reminded the older hunting dog so much of Jouno.
Unsure of how to respond, Tecchou awkwardly ducked past a few handmade decorations and plopped down on the other beanbag chair. He did his best to ignore the cloud of dust that flew up as he sat.
“I know you don’t want to talk. We don’t have to.”
He looked down at his once-shiny boots, now smeared with crumbs and dust.
“…I miss them.”
“Me too.”
“…I wish I was there. I wish it was me who died instead.”
Tecchou closed his eyes. The words hurt to hear, but…
“I understand. I feel the same way.”
If he had listened to Tachihara that day. If he had followed Jouno in the airport. If he hadn’t been so blinded that he’d left Teruko and the captain alone…
Tecchou shuffled a bit closer, wincing at the sound of the beanbag squelching under his weight. He wrapped one arm around the younger hunting dog’s shoulders, pulling him into a half hug.
“…what are you doing?”
“Comforting you. Is it working?”
After a moment, Tachihara nodded, leaning into the hug.
“…I wanna fix this place up. Not that I’d be able to see it, but…it’s what Teruko would’ve wanted.”
“I’ll help you. But not now. Right now, you should rest.”
Tachihara curled closer, pulling Tecchou’s cloak around himself.
They stayed like that for a while, the last remaining soldiers of a unit doomed and almost forgotten by the rest of the world.
Still, despite how it seemed on the outside, inside the small shed, it was possible that people could heal. And things would be alright.
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bones-n-bookles · 4 months
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Pride Torch variants for pride 🏳️‍🌈
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jackpinebarrens · 2 months
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13 weeks, first bird.
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largemouthbassnation · 2 months
Kansas Pheasant Hunting With A Young German Shorthaired Pointer
We had a great time on a Kansas pheasant hunt with our young German Shorthaired Pointer, Hex! We did an entire training video series on his development as a puppy and it was awesome that we got to show the culmination of all of his hard work in a fun highlight reel of his Kansas pheasant hunt! This video is a fun watch full of great tips and tricks if you are taking a young dog hunting and how to…
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
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tachihara definitely thought she was his age for a solid week at least before he found out the truth.
teruko thought it was hilarious.
jouno and tecchou thought teruko had already got her hands on tachi and used her ability on him (for fun primarily) when he was first introduced before being told “no he’s just actually a child”
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entomolog-t · 1 year
Prompt 2 Discovery for Promptober!! The speed at which I pumped this out is uncanny.
Dawn investigates - Honey ... does her own thing.
General warning, this chapter is still fairly horror oriented, and a few scenes can best be described as "Yucky." The content warnings are not extreme, but be wary of you're sensitive to any of the topics.
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Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: Chapter 3
Word count: 1685
CW: Gore/Gross out (Blood/viscera, mild body horror, vomit) Mentions of firearms, Adult language.
The silence persisted, yet I sat still- back pressed firmly against the dresser. Time seemed to slip by me. I sat in wait, certain that if I moved an inch- if I made even the slightest sound- the creature would come crashing against the door. I stayed motionless, my every nerve firing with adrenaline. Anticipation weakened my grasp on time, minutes slipping by like sand through my fingers. Minutes turned to hours, and the night turned to dawn. 
As the first rays of soft orange light drifted through the window, my room was cast in a paradoxically comforting glow- a subtle shift in atmosphere occurring. The morning sun breathed life into the world outside; Birds chirped- swooping and diving to catch insects in the early morning mist. It was calm- comforting even. A beautiful and serene atmosphere bent on putting me at ease- which was exactly what I feared. 
Eyelids heavy, my head dipped for a split second, nearly lulled to sleep by the surrounding tranquility- only for me to jerk awake with a gasp- a jolt of fear snapping me back to consciousness. Despite the fear, despite knowing that thing could be right outside, I couldn’t help but nod off in the quiet serenity of the early morning after the toll of last night's events. 
I shook my head. No. Stay awake. 
It was quiet- it had been for hours now. I chewed at my thumb, nervously picking at the skin as I considered my options. I had to get out of here, and there was no way I was getting far without my keys. As if in protest, my mind conjures up memories of the creature catching the bat- crumpling it like tinfoil. Though… that thing had also crumpled… I thought back to its staggered steps, the way it had begun to fall apart right in front of me…  The agonized wails…
The way it had seemed almost scared…
I tasted blood on my tongue as I chewed the skin of my thumb raw. 
Was it dying? Maybe it’s already dead… 
I clenched my teeth, tension growing as I considered what to do. It had been quiet- and I needed those keys. My heart pounded in my chest, anticipation pushing away the exhaustion. 
As quietly as I could manage, I nudged the dresser back, teetering it side to side to walk it back quietly. I paused- met with nothing but silence. A part of me hated that. A cowardly part of me longed for the excuse of needing to stay put- clinging to temporary shelter at the cost of the long term. 
Carefully, I eased the door open- praying that the hinges were good and oiled. Once again, I was met with silence. My hands shook, bracing for whatever sight would great me on the opposite side of the door. My heart thundered in my chest so aggressively I was worried it would summon the creature straight back to me and- 
Honey shoved past me, pushing herself through the door and into the hall as if the events of last night had been wiped clean from her brain. 
No. No. No.
“Honey!” I hissed, whisper yelling through gritted teeth “Get back here.” She turned her head to me briefly in acknowledgement, tongue lolling out to the side before completely disregarding me- instead choosing to sniff a trail down the hallway and out of sight into the living room. 
That fearless fucking idiot. 
After a moment's hesitation I follow after her, steps hasty but light as I power forward. Honey comes trotting back before I can make it down the hall, tail wagging as she carries something in her mouth. 
What does she- 
As she gets closer realization dawns on me- I watch in disgust as she shakes a thick chunk of the creature's shell back and forth as if it were one of her numerous toys. A thick liquid is flung to either side of her as she shakes it, and I can only hope that it's drool and not whatever vile ooze had been seeping from the creature. 
Honey bows down in front of me, butt in there air and tail wagging so aggressively her whole body shakes as she gnaws on it. I suppress a gag. 
“Fuck- ew. No. Honey. Drop it.”  
Honey drops the thick chunk to the ground with a clatter and I flinch at the sound. Even still, the silence persists. I reach down and pick up the chunk. It's thick and heavy- though I don’t take the time to inspect it any further as I toss back into the bedroom, landing it softly onto the bed. 
Honey chases after it. I press on forward. Somehow, despite all the fear and anticipation, I feel a growing sense of annoyance. An emotion that only grows in potency as I hear the clack of her claws against the hardwood as she follows after me, placing the slab of shed exoskeleton in my hand. 
Oh, for Fuck’s sake. 
I open the bathroom door and stick the shed armor on the counter- promptly shutting the door before Honey could retrieve her new found toy. Not in the least bit dissuaded, Honey trots off ahead again, much to my frustration. Though, the silence and the carefree demeanor of my fearless idiot seemed to ease some of the tension. Had it left? 
Was it dead? 
A crunching sound breaks through the silence, my heart lurching into my throat. My pace quickened. 
Fuck. Was it still here?
I rounded the corner and was greeted with a grisly sight. A mixture of relief and unease filled me as the creature itself was nowhere to be seen- well… At least not all of it. 
Honey rolled in a pile of gooey exoskeleton, disturbing the horrific stench of stale rot with her every move. Her warm yellow fur coated in a sickly ooze, a putrid combination of a pussy looking substance and the bloody viscera it had thrown up the night before.  She joyfully wriggled on the floor, its shell crunching beneath her as she chewed at whatever was nearest to her mouth. 
I threw up.
A small heave was all the warning I had before I doubled over, bile and the acidic remains of last night's dinner spilling past my lips- hot and wet. Through teary eyes, I glared at Honey. She stared back happily, moving to chew on a chunk of what seemed to be a part of its arm as if it were a bone. I gagged. 
Fuck it. Let her occupy herself. 
Shooting my dog one last disappointed glare, I passed through the livingroom and into the kitchen. The floor was littered with more chunks of the creature, yet nowhere near the volume of that of the livingroom. Blood and ooze was slick against the linoleum and I carefully watched my step as I tiptoed around the carnage.  
I flinch at the clicking of Honey’s nails on the floor. She struts over, tail wagging as if this is the best day of her life, another gruesome chunk in her mouth- stringy bits of flesh hanging off the piece. I feel bile rise in my throat and forcefully swallow it back down. 
“Get,” I hiss, shooing her away as I peek my head in the dining room.
Behind me I can hear as she tosses the chunk around, clamoring after it with a yip. 
So much for staying quiet. 
I surveyed the room. Not a single thing was out of place. I shiver- something felt off.  
Just where the fuck was the rest of it?
A clatter in the livingroom nearly sends my heart skyrocketing out of my mouth, as Honey continues to play with the carnage. I shudder at the very idea of how I was supposed to clean up the aftermath of whatever had occurred last night.
No… not aftermath.
Something was still very off. Where could that thing have crawled off to…
I feel a chill creep up my spine. Scenes from various horror movies of monsters crawling on the ceiling forcing themselves into my head. Slowly, I look up, heart thundering in my ears- 
I force a laugh. Guess it's not that much of a horror movie. Though even as I chuckle, the unease doesn’t subside- a voice at the back of my mind urging me to go get the gun from the garage. 
As I go to slip out the side door I freeze. The handle doesn’t budge. Dread settles in my gut. I never lock the side door- why was it locked? Realization dawns on me- that persistent off feeling coming to a climax… Hastily, I double back through the kitchen toward the entryway. Honey joins me, her whole body wagging as she carries another chunk of the creature in her mouth. 
My eyes fall on the door and my mouth goes dry. 
The front door is closed- locked from the inside. 
It was still here. 
Another, much more unnerving thought followed. It had known to lock the doors. 
I found myself biting my thumb- regretting the nervous habit after realizing I’d touched that thing’s oozing shed body parts. Where the fuck had it gone? Did it just evaporate under its shell? Some crash landed alien rapidly expiring under earth’s atmosphere? My spiraling thoughts are interrupted by Honey leaning up against me, oblivious to anything other than wanting to play with her new “toy.” 
I exhale. 
That fearless idiot. As I patted her flank I felt as logic eased away some of the tension. Honey would have alerted me if it was in the house, right? I was barely able to call her off that monstrosity last night.
I look down at her, her sweet puppy dog eyes staring back up at me as she wags her tail hopefully. 
Fuck it. 
I place my hand in front of her, signaling her to drop it. 
Excited by the prospect of fetch, Honey eagerly acquiesces. 
The moment the weight hits my hands, I immediately feel something is off- Movement. Whatever the fuck she had grabbed was moving. 
I scream.
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tj-crochets · 2 months
I have new neighbors and today they were out in their yard (the youngest kid saw a cool bug) and their little dog was offleash so I got to meet neighbor dog! Neighbor dog is my new favorite
#the person behind the yarn#neighbor dog is small and has curly fur and tiny little corgi-esque legs#and her tail is so fluffy it drags on the ground when it's down#but she mostly walks around with her tail up and waving like a flag#absolutely adorable! I sat on the ground to greet her (to be less intimidating)#and once I passed the sniff check and she'd greeted my dad and brother too#she came back to me and flopped against my legs for more pets#I am delighted to meet her and hope I will see her again in the near future#and since she's an offleash dog and my yard is not really fenced between my house and my neighbor's#I'm sure I will lol#I do not understand offleash dogs? like. fundamentally don't get it#but also none of my childhood dogs were recall trained#and my main two dogs in childhood were A. a runner. wanted to run more than anything. if the door was open he'd run and run and run#not to get away he just really liked running#and B. my dear Wolfie who had the common sense of a block of concrete#we could not let that dog offleash because he would get lost inside the house#he got stuck up a tree once (only like a foot off the ground)#he was the size of a sort of large rabbit (another reason not to be offleash)#so he was offleash in our fenced in yard but only supervised#either by a human or by our other dog (who was both smart and scary enough to scare away other animals)#okay I guess I had three childhood dogs? I think we got Lilly when I was an adult though#Lilly could not be an offleash dog because she had an EXTREMELY high prey drive. she was a hunting dog#she was also Wolfie's bodyguard
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abirddogmoment · 6 months
Do you know how specific scent training is? Like if you train a dog to find mallards they can find other ducks, but they're not going to indicate at sparrows for instance. So how specific is it?
Hi! So short answer - depends on the dog and how well they contextualize.
If you have a dog predisposed to finding birds, they're probably going to find all birds and then generally learn which ones you (the human) care about. So say for example your dog shows you a crow, a sparrow, a mallard, a teal, and a finch. You reward the mallard and the teal, and you ignore the others. Eventually your dog will release that you only care about some birds and their indication on crows and sparrows amd finches will fade.
If, on the other hand, you have to teach a dog to indicate birds from scratch, you might have to contextualize more. So you'd teach your dog that you reward when they look at ducks in a pond, and then they'd seek out ducks in a pond (hopefully). Then you'd have to teach that you reward when they find ducks in a field. Then ducks on a path in the woods. Then you might have to teach them that you don't care about herons in the pond. And so on and on, depending how quickly they understand what you're rewarding.
It really depends on what connection your dog makes in their puppy brain, and there isn't a good way to control that. But it's a fun thing to try anyway, especially if it's something you and your dog find enriching!
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so many drawings of canine maws biting; and I understand why and appreciate the symbolism.
but I think there is an underappreciated niche for licking hands, being held gently by them. too much golden retriever, not enough "you have been kind even when I have not, and for that I will learn to be kind", not nearly enough "you have spent weeks patiently working to prove yourself, and you have, and you at last have my attention".
...or if this is plastered all over some corner I certainly have yet to find it.
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fratrifags · 1 year
I’m being plagued by visions (thoughts about Sam and Dean)
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