#i simp for Nerdanel
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lamemaster · 2 years ago
Nerdanel's Brother
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Pairing: Nerdanel x Brother Reader
Summary: You were running late today, unlike the past six months. This was weird. You were never late. Nerdanel finds herself fumbling around waiting for you.
(AN: Comforting your soul with this sibling piece. On a tangent I would not forgive Feanor or his sons if they abandoned my sibling as they did to Nerdanel...just saying)
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"Hello, Nesa."
"How are you faring, Nesa?"
"Amme made your favorite, Nesa."
Nerdanel awaits the familiar voice to greet her. At any moment now, her brother will walk in with a basket full of food that is enough to feed six other quendi.
You were running late today, unlike the past six months. This was weird. You were never late. Nerdanel finds herself fumbling around waiting for you.
"Ai, Nesa, forgive me," you barge in, undaunted by the overgrown gardens that line Nerdanel's house, an unwelcoming house that was visited by few. "I got held back by some Eru-forsaken ellon." You roll your eyes as you start unpacking the basket full of food. Even today, Nerdanel's heart lurches at the very sight of you.
You look so much like her Maitimo. Your hair, braided like it had been once for her twins. Too much alike. Maybe it is the absence of mirrors in her new home that looking at your hair, identical to hers, shocks her every single time.
You are young, just like her sons. You were born after Nerdanel had married Feanor and left home to live with her husband. Surprisingly, you are a decade younger than Maitimo. It had been quite a news when Mahtan announced your begetting. A child so late in age was unexpected.
Nerdanel never got to know you as she did for all her other siblings. You were an existence she remained unaware of for the longest time. And then her world came crashing.
Finwe died, and her husband and her sons left. The world plunged into the chaos of change. Exile, kinslaying, the Silmarils, everything became a mess.
And Nerdanel, for once, felt weariness creep up her soul. It was then that she met you, a brother yet a stranger at the same time. You walked into her life when all left.
You called her Nesa with such familiarity that it felt as if you had known her forever. 
Nerdanel, even in her despair, could not ignore you. You shine brighter than anyone. Smiles come easy to you, but so does humility. You walk into the room with a hundred different things from a hundred different people. Some days you sit with her as you complete favors asked of you. 
The world moved on from Nerdanel's grief. Her father Mahtan worked in his forges, Indis lived with her son Arafinwe, the Teleri rebuilt their city. Nerdanel remained waiting, but she was never alone. She was always accompanied by her youngest brother who waited beside her.
Somedays she finds herself telling you all about your nephews and your brother-in-law. On other days, she remains quiet and untouched by any such memories. 
You sit there and listen. On her quiet days, you fill the room with your chatter. She wonders how well you would have gotten along with Maitimo and Makalaure. Maybe you would have befriended a wild Tyelko. Her sons would have loved you. 
Feanaro would have treated you like a son. She was sure of it because she felt a similar maternal love surge in her as she did for her sons.
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"Nesa," you saunter in with a bag full of yarn. By now, Nerdanel is familiar with your spontaneous lifestyle, but she can't help but question the bag almost bursting at its seams with so much yarn stuffed into it.
Noticing her questing look, you rest your bag as you crack your back."Ailma has just received a new batch of yarn and needed help transporting it to Valmar, so I thought, why not assist her," you said. Nodding in agreement, Nerdanel handed you a glass of water. You quickly gulped it down and thanked her. 
"Why don't you join me, nesa?" You asked, stopping Nerdanel in her tracks. She hadn't left her home in years, and now you were inviting her to join you. 
Your expectant gaze found her as she tried to evade it at all costs. Too soon. No one wanted her there anyway. She should no-"I have heard that you studied sculpting there. I would love to see your work, and some of my friends would love to meet you."
"Trust me, nesa," you said, standing up and clutching Nerdanel's shaking shoulders. "You have done nothing wrong to punish yourself in this manner." Your words did little good at first. Nerdanel felt the urge to tell you how wrong you were.
However, you did not falter and spoke with utmost sincerity, "Nesa, you did not do anything wrong. It's not your fault." you continued speaking as you rocked a sobbing Nerdanel. 
It was her first time breaking down in front of another, the first time laying her grief open. It was unlike your idle chatter or Nerdanel's willful reminiscing. 
That evening, you convinced her to accompany you to Valmar. The trip was spent racing mares, playful bickering, but also reassuring nods and hesitant smiles. 
It was not quite healing, but perhaps it was a step towards accepting it. Whatever it was, Nerdanel held it close to her heart.
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noldolante14 · 1 year ago
I absolutely love that Nerdanel was not considered beautiful, because it adds so much to her and Feanor's characters. Feanor is the Greatest Elf of All Time™ who is a PRINCE, and could have married ANYONE, but he chose her.
Like imagine this from an outsider's perspective. Feanor, the most talented and intelligent elf of all time, next in line to the throne, greatest craftsman, presumably very attractive elf falls in love with someone who is considered ugly. Not only do they get married, but they do so almost scandalously young, to the point where it is technically okay but still very young. This and the fact that they had more children than anyone ever just goes to show how much they must love each other.
Feanor is not one to do things by halves. He would put great thought into choosing his wife, and this guy must have been simping SO HARD. Nerdanel is the daughter of his favorite teacher, which makes her even more off-limits if anything. Nerdanel's personality perfectly counteracts Feanor's, and she takes absolutely none of his shit. She was the first person to stand up to him and the only one that can make him listen (until silmaril times). She is a sculpter, so presumably very strong. Feanor marrying Nerdanel likely brought some of his personality to life that others did not see, the part of him that made people follow him.
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doodle-pops · 2 years ago
Omg, a Feanor Thigh-Riding fic????
Girl, have you seen the fanarts of this little fireball of passive and active aggressiveness? His thighs make me swooooooooon...
Okay but my swooning and your "x reader" trope aside, I bet Nerdanel was left completely satisfied with this elf.
Yup, a thigh riding fic for Feanor x reader for Kinktober. But nope, I haven't seen any fanarts that depict his physique. I'm not a simp for Feanor, so I don't go looking for them and I haven't seen any pop up. He isn't my type as he might be for you and others. My type aren't fireballs >.<
I would agree, she literally had a husband who was created with a might body and stamina. He was creative and passionate, so there was lots of satisfaction 😉
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nerdanelsimp · 4 years ago
Istarnië Nerdanel
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made with artbreeder✨
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sauroff · 4 years ago
Silmarillion Characters as Zodiac Signs
by someone who spent most of 2020 fooling around with a zodiacsona, and now can't stop assigning signs to characters.
Aries (Aka "Gets shit done" but also "Impulsive mistakes with potentially cathastrophic consecuences): Fëanor, Lúthien, Tulkas, Haleth,
Tauro (Aka "Enjoys the simple things" but also "Headstrong as fuck"): Nerdanel, Yavanna, Ungoliath
Geminis (Aka "Can't stop learning and talking about things I know" but also "Might love you now, stab you in the back later"): Finrod, Maeglin.
Cancer (Aka "Caring and protective" but also "Simps"): Fingon, Ulmo, Beren, Nienna.
Leo (Aka "Natural charismatic leaders" but also "A bit of an airhead"): Fingolfin, Glorfindel, Turin, Finwë
Virgo (Aka "Centered, rational people" but also "Control freaks"): Sauron, Galadriel, Maedhros, Elrond
Libra (Aka "Good and popular with people" but also "Can't decide shit by myself"): Finarfin, Elwig
Scorpio (Aka "Secretive and mysterious" but also "Resentful fucker"): Eöl, Curufin, Turgon, Mandos.
Sagitarius (Aka. "Adventurous & possitive " but also "irresponsable & potentially dangerous"):  Aredhel, Celegorm, Oromë, Galdalf
Capricorn (Aka."I can achieve anything that I set my mind on" but also "Libertarian"): Caranthir, Ecthelion, Saruman
Aquarius (Aka "Unique ways of thinking" but also "I might set things on fire just to see what happens"): Melkor, Celebrimbor, Aulë (optional Galadriel tbh)
Piscis (Aka "Artistic and sensible" but also "I was too busy daydreaming and forgot about all my responsabilities"): Maglor, Irmo, Manwë, Celeborn
Pls let me know your own opinions. Specially about Mae, Galadriel and Elrond. I changed them like 4 times each, I swear.
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twink-with-an-agenda · 3 years ago
for the character ask: maedhros, fëanor, beren <3
Thank you sm beloved you know me too well ♡
1. Gay as they come
2. Russingon, they are very dear to my heart
3. Him and Maglor, and ofc Maedhros Fingon Finrod friendship my beloved
4. Anyone who makes his life worse than it already is
5. He's more of an academic than an athlete, and likes to spend time indoors. He's also a bit of a polymath who is talented at pottery, painting, calligraphy and glassblowing. And probably also neurodivergent in some way, though his symptoms are of the more "socially acceptable" variety
6. Too many ways, unfortunately. I don't want to know what that says about me so let's move on
7. Uhh killing war refugees wasn't very cool :/
8. Most beloved problematic fave
1. Bi disaster with a preference for women
2. Him and Nerdanel in their youth, him and self reflection after the flight
3. Him and Rúmil!
4. Him and Morgoth I suppose? Or him with any of his half siblings
5. He's an excellent cook! Also are you seriously telling me this man is neurotypical?? Really?
6. We can both be stubborn and single minded
7. Like everything after the darkening
8. Problematic unfave he's a brilliant character but I want to smack him so badly
1. Straight but IMMENSE bi wife energy
2. Him and Lúthien of course! I adore them
3. Him and Finrod
4. None really
5. He's kinda bad at both singing and dancing (but lúthien loves it anyway)
6. I too am a huge simp for my beloved (hey there king 😩)
7. Mmm there's something but I can't remember it right now
8. Feral hobo cinnamon roll
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year ago
alright then - Ig I will get back simping over hot mama Nerdanel💅✨
you're so homophobic!
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literally. . .what ? ? ?
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lamemaster · 2 years ago
Call Me Mommy (Nerdanel x Reader)
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Pairing: Nerdanel x Reader
AN: I love her and I write this with my heart. I am a proud and shameless Nerdanel simp.
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"What are YOU doing here?" Makalaure now known as Maglor asks you.
"Hmm let me think," you dramatically tap a finger on your head as you don a brooding pose. "Wait a second what are you and your brothers doing here? Last I heard you left for the noble quest of avenging your grandfather."
Maglor glares at you with whatever meager rage is leftover after all the ages worth of suffering. "How long have you been here?" In this situation 'here' is the very spacious and 'constructed optimally to capture the best sunlight throughout the day' house that Nerdanel owns.
Despite the confrontational tone, you cannot bring yourself to be mad at the princeling in front of you. "I have been here for four ages," you ease back into your chair trying to ease the pain in your back, age certainly was catching up with you. Despite being immortal it was creeping into your bones. "Someone had to be here," you try not to remember the earlier days of your presence in this house.
It had been a ruin. A house decaying with its owner, who was none other than your friend, Nerdanel. Someone you grew up with. The one you shared your days of prime with. Your partner in stealing peaches from a guarded orchard and your companion in getting caught running away with the fruit.
"Are you trying to take my father's place now that he has been doomed from the world? Trying to woo my mother in her vulnerable state?" Your breath hitches at the accusations. You turn around trying to sense another presence besides yours and Maglor. There is none but relief is short-lived.
Maybe you should have expected this but then again expectations have always failed you...most of them have. "I expected nothing Prince Maglor. I stopped doing that long ago."
It had stopped when your friend gushed to you about the Noldor prince who came to study at Mahtan's. You had smiled with her and laughed with her, you celebrated her love for another with her. You could not fail her as her friend. Your heart would not allow that.
"I have been here nothing more than a friend." You try to ease the agitated elf next to you. It wasn't surprising that Maglor had caught on to your secret. He was smarter than his brothers, sharper with his mind and his notes. "And trust me, I got the hint when she had seven of you with your father." You try not to remember the vivid letter that Nerdanel sent you announcing each one of her pregnancies.
"I will believe what I want," Noldo announces with arrogance lacing his words. Irmo's healers were too good at their job. From the crazed seaside elf to this...they should have worked a little less on his pride.
You stand up from your chair. Straightening your gown you prepare to leave before Maglor can further stall you. "Well then I guess you can call me mommy," you barely restrain your laugh at Maglor's half disgusted, half shook expression.
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Maglor sits next to his mother on a chair so high that his legs barely touch the ground. But he does not care, he is sure his mother will catch him at the slightest falter.
His mother sits on her desk which is sprawling with designs for sculptures and other commissions. However, today a section of the brimming desk is meticulously cleared to spread out a series of letters.
Maglor listens carefully as his mother reads to him every single letter. The letters speak of his grandpa Mahtan's town. They are vivid and written in painstaking detail.
They seem to delight his mother. And Maglor giggles with his mother. He mirrors her smile and laughter.
However, in moments when his mother is caught in reading the words Maglor's smile crumbles. Despite the jolly words and colorful scenes painted by the writer of the letters, Maglor can't help but sense the lingering desire for something unsaid.
Late at night when Maglor lies in his bed he cannot help but imagine a solitary writer putting all those words into a piece of paper just for his mother. A writer who does that with a hidden motive.
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
Hey Mina! I hope you're not getting too overwhelmed with all these new requests, please remember to rest! I was wondering if you accept requests for poly fics? And are there any restrictions on specific couples? (I'm just a silly poor simp for feanaro and nerdanel...... So badly want to read something with them and a modern reader, I'm literally crying)
Overwhelmed? Heavens no! I've been out of touch with writing for 2 ½ months so much that I'm excited by all the intake of requests. My asks are just swimming with ideas 😁
As for your question, I have written one poly fic, Hymn for Eternity, a Glorfindel x reader x Elrohir. I am still new when it comes to writing such type of content, but I'm okay with writing it so long as the pairings aren't related. That's my no-no, incest.
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silmarillaure · 2 years ago
What you're favorite Silmarillion pairing says about you.
Thingol/Melian - You think you deserve everything good the world has to offer, news flash! You deserve nothing! But you have a serious lucky streak.
Finwe/Miriel - You love Feanor. (You might even be Finwe yourself!)
Finwe/Indis - You hate Feanor.
Feanor/Nerdanel - You've simped for every handsome, fictional, broken, angsty, sad boy ever.
Finarfin/Earwen - You just wanted good things for Finarfin, and honestly, who wouldn't?
Maedhros/Fingon - You absolutely adore doomed relationships.
Celegorm/Orome - You like the functional/disaster dynamic they have. (You probably also ship Cherik from X-Men.)
Celegorm/Aredhel - You watch Game of Thrones (or House of The Dragon).
Aredhel/Eol - You have stockholm syndrome.
Aegnor/Andreth - You live for tragic romance.
Caranthir/Haleth - You either self insert very hard into Caranthir and want an awesome GF or you're just a slut for the goth/jock dynamic.
Beren/Luthien - You're dating someone way out of you're league.
Glorfindel/Ecthelion - You literally have nothing going on in your life that you started shipping two pretty background characters.
Idril/Tuor - You're super vanilla. Sorry, but like why? There are so many better couples. The only thing I can say in you're defence is that Earendil's amazing.
Earendil/Elwing - You absolutely love couples who give a shit about nearly nothing except eachother!
Melkor/Sauron - I don't know what to tell you honestly, but you probably have no idea what love is.
Sauron/Celebrimbor - You have a very controlling partner who exhibits red flags constantly.
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nerdanelsimp · 3 years ago
When Nerdanel married Fëanor, others wondered at his choice for she was not considered among "the fairest of her people."
She is so ✨Y/N✨
But also, I don't why people think she is ugly for elven beauty standarts. It only says she is not the fairest, but an avarage. She surpass other people with her strong mind and strength. She is like Hurin (only short male chracter while others are tall as a mountain but strong in mind).
Fëanor was made the mightiest in all parts of body.
Fëanor was a hot bimbo elven prince (bc Tolkien says so) and his simps were jealous. I'm almost sure he was the hot girl everyone wanted when he was single. (Later Maitimo will steal this title) He was tall, handsome, got skilled hands✨And the mightiest in ALL parts of body✨ He was a crown prince with traumas after all 🥺 And they thought they could fix him 🥺 Now look at this mess. Omg.
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