#silmarillion male reader
lamemaster · 1 year
Nerdanel's Brother
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Pairing: Nerdanel x Brother Reader
Summary: You were running late today, unlike the past six months. This was weird. You were never late. Nerdanel finds herself fumbling around waiting for you.
(AN: Comforting your soul with this sibling piece. On a tangent I would not forgive Feanor or his sons if they abandoned my sibling as they did to Nerdanel...just saying)
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"Hello, Nesa."
"How are you faring, Nesa?"
"Amme made your favorite, Nesa."
Nerdanel awaits the familiar voice to greet her. At any moment now, her brother will walk in with a basket full of food that is enough to feed six other quendi.
You were running late today, unlike the past six months. This was weird. You were never late. Nerdanel finds herself fumbling around waiting for you.
"Ai, Nesa, forgive me," you barge in, undaunted by the overgrown gardens that line Nerdanel's house, an unwelcoming house that was visited by few. "I got held back by some Eru-forsaken ellon." You roll your eyes as you start unpacking the basket full of food. Even today, Nerdanel's heart lurches at the very sight of you.
You look so much like her Maitimo. Your hair, braided like it had been once for her twins. Too much alike. Maybe it is the absence of mirrors in her new home that looking at your hair, identical to hers, shocks her every single time.
You are young, just like her sons. You were born after Nerdanel had married Feanor and left home to live with her husband. Surprisingly, you are a decade younger than Maitimo. It had been quite a news when Mahtan announced your begetting. A child so late in age was unexpected.
Nerdanel never got to know you as she did for all her other siblings. You were an existence she remained unaware of for the longest time. And then her world came crashing.
Finwe died, and her husband and her sons left. The world plunged into the chaos of change. Exile, kinslaying, the Silmarils, everything became a mess.
And Nerdanel, for once, felt weariness creep up her soul. It was then that she met you, a brother yet a stranger at the same time. You walked into her life when all left.
You called her Nesa with such familiarity that it felt as if you had known her forever. 
Nerdanel, even in her despair, could not ignore you. You shine brighter than anyone. Smiles come easy to you, but so does humility. You walk into the room with a hundred different things from a hundred different people. Some days you sit with her as you complete favors asked of you. 
The world moved on from Nerdanel's grief. Her father Mahtan worked in his forges, Indis lived with her son Arafinwe, the Teleri rebuilt their city. Nerdanel remained waiting, but she was never alone. She was always accompanied by her youngest brother who waited beside her.
Somedays she finds herself telling you all about your nephews and your brother-in-law. On other days, she remains quiet and untouched by any such memories. 
You sit there and listen. On her quiet days, you fill the room with your chatter. She wonders how well you would have gotten along with Maitimo and Makalaure. Maybe you would have befriended a wild Tyelko. Her sons would have loved you. 
Feanaro would have treated you like a son. She was sure of it because she felt a similar maternal love surge in her as she did for her sons.
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"Nesa," you saunter in with a bag full of yarn. By now, Nerdanel is familiar with your spontaneous lifestyle, but she can't help but question the bag almost bursting at its seams with so much yarn stuffed into it.
Noticing her questing look, you rest your bag as you crack your back."Ailma has just received a new batch of yarn and needed help transporting it to Valmar, so I thought, why not assist her," you said. Nodding in agreement, Nerdanel handed you a glass of water. You quickly gulped it down and thanked her. 
"Why don't you join me, nesa?" You asked, stopping Nerdanel in her tracks. She hadn't left her home in years, and now you were inviting her to join you. 
Your expectant gaze found her as she tried to evade it at all costs. Too soon. No one wanted her there anyway. She should no-"I have heard that you studied sculpting there. I would love to see your work, and some of my friends would love to meet you."
"Trust me, nesa," you said, standing up and clutching Nerdanel's shaking shoulders. "You have done nothing wrong to punish yourself in this manner." Your words did little good at first. Nerdanel felt the urge to tell you how wrong you were.
However, you did not falter and spoke with utmost sincerity, "Nesa, you did not do anything wrong. It's not your fault." you continued speaking as you rocked a sobbing Nerdanel. 
It was her first time breaking down in front of another, the first time laying her grief open. It was unlike your idle chatter or Nerdanel's willful reminiscing. 
That evening, you convinced her to accompany you to Valmar. The trip was spent racing mares, playful bickering, but also reassuring nods and hesitant smiles. 
It was not quite healing, but perhaps it was a step towards accepting it. Whatever it was, Nerdanel held it close to her heart.
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cilil · 3 months
Ok, listen… what about Mairon taking dick for the first time…
I would prefer if the reader is gentle at first, but then Mairon demands him to go faster. The reader is a soft dom, but doesn’t talk too much during sex. (Bonus if he has a big dick)
If you’re uncomfortable doing this, I completely understand. No pressure :)
AN: Thank you for the prompt and apologies it took so long. I took some time to give this some thought because I wanted to (hopefully) make it good and when I was finally inspired I had to put the fic aside after a third or so due to exams. I hope you enjoy my take on this :)
Pairing: Mairon x male!reader (2nd person POV) Synopsis: Mairon has recently taken you as his lover and now has an unusual request - he wants you to take him Featuring: Soft dom/service top reader, pushy bottom Mairon, first time bottoming, sex toys (briefly), fingering, anal sex Warning(s): Smut, explicit Oneshot (~1.65k words)
"Are you sure you want to try this?" 
You look at him quizzically, resting next to him on his luxurious divan, propped up on your forearm. 
"Of course I am." Mairon smiles. His lilting, chuckling tone suggests that he finds your concern amusing. "Have you no faith in the strength and capability of my fána?" 
"I do," you reply without hesitation. It's the truth, you know well how powerful he is, yet when you look at his elegant, slender figure, you can't help thinking how awful it would feel to accidentally hurt him. 
Mairon traces the rim of the goblet of wine he's been holding with his index finger. Your eyes follow the movement. 
"I know what I want and how I want it," he says in a low voice. "So when I ask you to take me, I mean it." 
You nod. Your mouth suddenly feels dry and your tongue too clumsy to respond, but it's prickling excitement rather than paralysing fear or any other unpleasant emotion. The thought, now that you allow it to unfold in your mind, is tempting. 
"Will you do as I ask then?" 
You nod again. Of course you will. And you will do your best to ensure that he isn't displeased with you. 
"Good." Mairon leans forward to peck your lips, then pushes his goblet into your hand — a silent order. Dutifully, you take it and roll over to deposit it on the nearest table. 
You hear the sound of fabric. When you turn back around, he has already undone the sash holding his satin robes in place and is in the process of undressing himself. No need for frivolous pleasantries, no waste of time. 
Mairon leans on his forearms and lets his head fall back. In the flickering, warm light coming from the fireplace his skin looks like it's made of pure gold, as if he himself was a marvellous piece of art rather than a living, breathing being, and you take a moment to simply admire him. 
In spite of him not facing you, you feel his gaze on you. Maybe he placed his third eye in the fireplace or a candle flame somewhere, you can never be quite sure. 
"Well? Are you going to sit there and stare or..." Mairon trails off, spreading his legs invitingly. 
He has a way of maintaining control even when he puts himself in positions others might consider submissive. 
You clear your throat in an attempt to regain your ability to speak. "Do you have any oil on you? I need–" 
"Left pocket," he cuts you off. 
Bowing your head, you move to sit between his legs and search his half-discarded robe as you've been told. Indeed, there is a tiny flask of oil in his pocket, but when you bend down and push his legs back, you discover a fine ruby between his cheeks, decorating the end of what you presume to be a toy stuck inside him. 
"I did some preparations on my own," Mairon comments on your discovery. His voice is calm and casual, as if you were discussing minor business or idle gossip instead of sex toys. 
"I'll just make sure you're comfortable, if that's alright," you mumble in response. 
He lets you. When you pull out the toy, you notice that he's as tight as you suspected, but relaxed and well-oiled. Dutifully, you pour a little more oil on two fingers and push inside, finding little resistance. Still, he could use more stretching if he's going to take your cock. 
Mairon watches you, only letting out tiny noises of enjoyment as you go deeper and start scissoring him. You pay attention to the movements of his muscles and the way he clenches and unclenches around you, mindful of any tension you feel. Despite his inexperience with receiving his partner, his control over his fána is impeccable. 
"I should perhaps remind you that I am no fragile incarnate," Mairon says after a few minutes. 
"Sorry. It's just... you see..." You bite your lip and blush. The truth is that you are rather well endowed, something you have become aware of after past experiences and learned to pay attention to with your partners. 
"See what?" Mairon smirks. "Why not show me?" 
You get the feeling that he knows. Maybe it's precisely the reason he chose you as one of his lovers. Nevertheless, you obediently proceed to take off your clothes. Your cock is already hardening, reacting to the delightful sensation of your fingers knuckle-deep inside a gorgeous Maia. 
Mairon stares shamelessly. You even believe to see greed flaring up in his golden eyes. 
"Sorry if–" 
"I want it like that." He spreads his legs wider. "Now give it to me, precious." 
You take a moment to breathe, yet don't dare delay any longer; not only because it's an order, but also because you are eager to do exactly what he's asking for. 
The first thing you feel is heat. For a moment you fear Mairon could burn you, but there is no pain. You begin to feel as though it could be pleasant once you adjust to it. 
"Go on." 
You nod. The second thing you feel is how tight he is, despite your best efforts, though it doesn't seem to cause him any discomfort. Mairon keeps his eyes on you when you push deeper, half-lidded and glowing with simmering pleasure. His lips part ever so slightly, but he makes no sound; you haven't earned it yet, you know. 
Wishing to please your lover, you kiss him instead — a promise, perhaps mixed with an apology. Mairon is not impossible to please, but not easily either. 
He wraps his legs around you and allows himself to sink into his pillows. What he wants is clear, and you don't even need the gentle pressure of his heel against your back to spur you on, though the gesture is welcome. When you lean forward, get on top of him, place your arms at his sides and sink both with and into him, you truly feel it. You are fucking this beautiful creature, and he wants you. The thought is exhilarating, maddening. Your hips begin to move before you know it. 
Mairon's eyelids flutter, and you observe him well, even as you give in to your growing desire. He's content with slow, careful thrusts for a while, enjoying the feeling of your cock filling him again and again, then he speaks up.
"Harder," he commands, "faster." 
You nod. You are no longer at a point where you have the focus or patience to ask if he's sure, and neither does he, you can sense it. Obediently, you increase the speed and vigour of your movements and marvel at how well he takes you, how good he feels, how hot and beautiful and perfect he is. Being taken by you for the first time doesn't prevent Mairon from performing well in his new role, from being as admirable as ever. 
He wraps his legs around you more tightly, pulling you in. You understand — deeper. Shifting your weight onto your knees, you reach for his hips and thighs, angle them to go deeper. Part of you briefly worries that it might cause discomfort, then you hear Mairon moan, long and indulgent. It encourages you to keep holding on to him like this and thrust as hard, fast and deep as you can. 
You intend to keep doing so even if your hips give out. The tight heat of his fána ever tempts you, burning away any exhaustion you may have felt. 
The greater challenge is to last. You wonder, for a second or so, if you are allowed to spill inside, but Mairon hasn't told you otherwise and says nothing whenever your cock twitches inside him — and you know he feels it, you can see him smile and hear him moan whenever it does. Proud and pleased with himself. Even his arrogance is sexy. 
The thought of filling him with your seed as you do with your cock pleases you. He is yours, for a few precious moments at least. But you know Mairon wants this to last, wants to enjoy himself thoroughly. He expects you to give him your best, like he has done for you; even if perfection seems almost effortless on him. 
You do your best to hold on. Focus on the flow of your movements instead of his voice, instead of the maddening pleasure, instead of him. You give it your all, and it works for a time, until exhaustion erodes your barriers and lust floods all your senses and you come with a small grunt. It feels as though Mairon clenches around you with feverish greed, taking all you have, not relenting before you have given it to him. 
Only then his fána lets you go. 
You sit back on your heels and attempt to catch your breath, lest you collapse on top of him like a stag with an arrow in its chest. 
Mairon has closed his eyes for a moment, looking almost peaceful. You see pearly droplets glistening all over his stomach; not even he managed to escape your climax and came with you. Pride makes your chest swell — you succeeded. You pleased him. 
His legs release your hips and drop to the bed. He keeps them spread, allowing you to watch as seed trickles out of him.
"Well done, precious," he purrs. "You may now leave."
"Shouldn't I take care of you first?" you ask. 
"My attendants will see to it." 
You bow your head, accepting his decision. Perhaps, you muse, his decision to let you take him was a first step, a sign of trust, and you will be allowed to care for him and spend the night if he has need for you again in the future. 
Perhaps it wouldn't be entirely foolish to look forward to it. 
 ˚ ੈ✧̣̇·˖  ˚ .   ✶ ˚  ✦ .   ˚ .   . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ .  ˚ 
Thanks for reading! ♡
@angbangbaby @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @uruk-thighs @bluezenzennie @destinyeternity1
@edensrose @elanna-elrondiel @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @just-little-human
@numenhore @sauron-kraut @urwendii @wandererindreams
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weird-addiction · 6 months
"Flowers are Blooming in Antarctica" writing Event
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This is a writing event where you can request from any of the following fandoms and characters and I will write to the best of my ability based around the prompt. You can be as detailed as you want with the request.
⇒ NOTE! : If it says "Entire Plot(s), it means that I am willing to write full stories based around the plot.
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"Flowers are Blooming in Antarctica"
Something that is not meant to happen, and what is happening is disturbing or uneasy.
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All Male Readers!
"Here is the menu, take your time."
Fandoms and Characters:
House of the Dragon - Dance of Dragons [OPEN]
Aegon II, Aemond, Daemon, Targaryen House, Entire Plot
Genshin Impact [OPEN]
Any character (I do not write for female characters)
American Horror Stories - Seasons 1, 3, 5, 8 [OPEN]
Entire Plot, Michael Langdon, etc.
Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit [OPEN]
Legolas, Thranduil, Sauron, Bilbo (platonic), Aragorn, Smaug, Elrond, Lindir, Glorfindel, Entire Plot
The Silmarillion [OPEN]
Maedhros, Maglor, Mairon, Tar-Mairon, Melkor, Glorfindel, Feanor, Entire Plot
⇒WARNING! : "These dishes have not been perfected yet! So whatever you order will be based on limited knowledge that I know! But I will try my best!"
Baldur's Gate 3 [OPEN]
Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Raphael, Haarlep, Gortash, Dammon, Kar'niss, Zevlor, Plots
The Mandela Catalogue [OPEN]
Alternate! Gabriel, Angel Gabriel (my version)
MDZS - The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation [OPEN]
Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, Nie Huisang, Wen Ruohan, Entire Plot
TGCF - Heaven Official's Blessing
Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Jun Wu, Mu Qing, Feng Xin, He Xuan, Plots
Twilight [OPEN] (VERY LIMITED) dont even know why i like this lmao but also dont ask why lol
Male Characters only!
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If you have any questions feel free to send me a ask. If there are requests they will likely take some time to complete. I will be writing some fics to start off. Enjoy this idea of mine.
Also! I will be drawing some of these requests. I will be posting them on my art blog! So if you wished to be tagged please so say!
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fictionfordays · 4 months
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Main Masterlist | Tolkien Masterlist
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Maedhros enjoys flowers. So much so that he takes it upon himself to study them, pressing flowers on a page in a special journal with notes written about it.
While he doesn't study herbs the way someone like Tyelkormo would, he does study the edible and medicinal uses of flowers, making it a point to include flowers in some of the pastries he makes. Topping salads with sugared dianthus, tea cakes made with a creamy chamomile tea, mixing lavender with blueberries in a dish similar to a soufflé pancake, even rose and apple scones.
He loves to look at them. He doesn't mind picking enough to make a seasonal crown, or getting his hands dirty in his own personal little garden. He doesn't mind the thorns on the rose bush that seem to always catch his hair, untangling it from the loose braid he put it in earlier. Or the way raspberry thorns snag on his clothes. They can be mended, after all.
If you prick your finger, he'll dote on you: kissing your little scrape with a small smile. He'll affectionately tell you to be kinder to the roses next time so you won't get pricked again~
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Join the Taglist! || Ko-fi || Artistree || ArtStation
Tags: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @asianbutnotjapanese @eunoiaastralwings @manjirwo @stopisa @wandererindreams
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2024.
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
The Dragonkeeper’s oath
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This is a continuation for Imagine drifting away into Middle Earth with dragon eggs ... so I recommend you read that one first. This one is with a male reader so I hope you enjoy.
You miraculously survived after being trapped in the sea and almost dying from exhaustion. You find your way to the island of Numenor which seemed to be in an internal struggle between its king and the Faithful. You try to live quietly, trying to raise your dead companion’s offspring but find yourself under the pressure when the Numenor’s priest turns his unwanted eye on you.
Warnings: Mentions of war, death, violence, a giant sea snake, missing children, sauron is kinda creepy, some angst and a lot guilt. 
You look over to the horizon as the boat sails across the waves. Feeling the wind on your face and watching as the island in the distance comes closer. It was too far away to see anything in detail, but you could see the great mountain that stood in the middle of the island and the ships that sailed in and out from the cities. 
So this was Numenor. You have never heard about such a place, so you had a nagging feeling that you were no longer in Westeros. It was a sight to behold. You don’t think you have ever seen an island with only one mountain standing alone in the middle, rearing into the sky like an unyielding ruler. 
You had a knack for adventures but felt anxious and frightened due to the late events before your rescue. You were still shaken up by what happened during the attack in the Dragonpit, your escape, the giant sea snake, and— Joffrey. 
You felt grateful to be rescued before the ocean could take you. However, you didn’t know what to make of this world since you didn’t expect to live after pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion and having no hope of ever being found. 
You were tired and didn’t know what you would find once you stepped on Numenor’s soil, so perhaps it was why you felt frightened. 
You touched and felt the hard shells of the eggs inside your bag. They were warm, so you knew they were still alive. You could only hope everything would turn out well for you and Dreamfyre’s hatchlings. 
“A lovely sight, isn’t it?” A voice broke you out of your thoughts. You turn to look at the man beside you, seeing him watching the island. “Yes. It’s pretty impressive. I am curious what I will find when I step on the land,” you replied. “Most likely aggressive street vendors, screaming children, and some men laughing and drinking in the local tavern,” he said, making you snort. “Sounds good,” you said. “I can still remember two of my boys sneaking into one of the local taverns and finding them passed out half naked in the bushes of my home. The scolding my wife gave was unlike any other,” he chuckled, and you smiled at the thought. 
“My uncles did something like that too– except we found them trying to make out with a fish,” you said, making him snort. 
He handed you a wooden box. Curious, you took it and opened the lid, finding cooked fish and vegetables inside. “I didn’t see you dining with others, so I had a feeling you forgot to eat — again,” He emphasized as you lowered your head in guilt. “I’m sorry, Elendil,” You said, taking a bite out of a carrot. 
“It’s alright. I understand it must be difficult to cope after losing your companions to the sea snake and being trapped in the sea for so long,” Elendil said. “I wouldn’t know what to do either if I lost one of my boys or men to the sea,” he said. “I only ask that you at least try to look after yourself. You were lucky that we managed to find you before it was too late,” he patted your shoulder. 
“I know –” You reply, feeling a bit down at the thought of being lucky and the only one to survive. “Thank you. You're more compassionate and understanding than most men I have met,” you stated. 
Elendil hummed with a smile. “I’ll do what I can, and I can ask my father to send out word for people to look out for Joffrey. Maybe Eru will be kind and allows us to help you reunite,” He said, making your eyes widen. “You’re too kind, Elendil. I don’t know how to even thank you for saving me yet,” you find yourself stammering to express your gratitude. 
“It’s the least I can do. My father taught me to help those in need. I think he would beat my arse if I just left you in the streets to fend for yourself,” Elendil continued to smile with the most sincere look in his eyes. Your heart swelled after hearing those words. 
“You know, I’m starting to think you might be one of those Valar the elves keep talking about because I have never met a man kind as you,” Your statement made him chuckle and shake his head in disbelief. “How about you try to eat? It won’t be long before we set foot on land,” He said as he walked back toward the cabin. You smiled and started eating fish and vegetables, feeling your appetite rising after such a long time. 
When you arrived at the nearest port city, you were amazed. It was beautiful. The construction and the architecture were unlike anything you had ever seen in your life. The place reminded you of Dorne in a way, simply less sand and more ocean. 
You follow Elendil to the city and streets after docking and walking off the ship. 
The city was beautiful from an outside view, but it was now even more interesting as you walked through the streets with Elendil. You observed as people walked past you, children ran around, laughing and enacting faux battles. 
There were intriguing smells in the air. You could smell the fish, fruits, and even more exotic scents from nearby shops. A dragon would have felt dizzy with so many smells in the air.
“So, what kind of governance do you have here?” You asked while memorizing all the roads and streets. “A typical monarchy, ruled by a king and a queen. Though the king has taken a liking to decide everything on this island,” Elendil explained, sounding somewhat distasteful. “How come?” You asked curiously. 
“I’m – not certain what is the relationship between our current king and queen. In our culture, there should be mutual respect between the two. However, I have not seen our king Ar-Pharazon show even a speck of respect toward our queen Tar-Miriel, or Ar- Zimraphel since he’s not fond of elven names or anything related to the elves,” Elendil explained. 
“He does not heed her advice on anything, and to me, it seems like he simply keeps her inside like a pet,” he added. You frowned at the thought. “That sounds more like a caged bird. She has a voice but can’t fly,” you explained, thinking about Helaena. There was something oddly similar to her and the Numenor’s queen.
“Well, I think that is the better definition for it. Our queen can’t even use the name she was born with, only to be addressed by the name her husband had given her,” Elendil further elaborated. You re-arranged your thoughts after hearing that– Helaena’s brother was an asshole and raped innocent girls, but compared to Ar-Pharazon, he fell short of committing such vile cruelty to his own wife.
“Some of us want to show support for her decisions, but now with the king’s new advisor around. It has become difficult to have our voices heard,” Elendil said. “Have you heard about Sauron?” He asked, then looked at you with a guarded expression. “No— who is he?” You asked. 
“I’m surprised you do not know. Sauron is the one called the dark lord, one of Morgoth’s mightiest former servants,” Elendil started. “Wasn’t Morgoth the fallen Vala that brought evil across the land?” You questioned. “He was till he was defeated, and Sauron decided to follow in his footsteps, forming his orc armies, enslaving the free people, and even calling himself the lord of men,” Elendil explained. “That was until our king heard about it and decided to march toward Middle Earth to fight him. I do not know all the details, but apparently, Sauron surrendered, and our king brought him here as a captive, but now he is this so-called trusted advisor,” he added, making you frown in confusion. 
“If Sauron’s captive, how is he –” you started. “That is what I would like to know as well. I can only guess that he whispered things to our king’s ear and gained a position as an advisor and a new position as the new priest for a temple at Meneltarma,” he pointed at the mountain. 
“It used to be a place to pray for blessings and good fortune, but now no one knows what kind of things have been happening there,” Elendil said with a sorrow-filled tone. 
You stood quiet momentarily, thinking about the odd similarity between the current situation and what happened with Shepherd and his mob of followers. 
“Well, he must be a talented liar to gain the trust of his captors and gain such power,” you said. “Indeed, I have never seen such manipulation of words, and the worst of all, our king believes everything he whispers to his ears,” Elendil answers. “He had caused a bad trifle between the common folk and the Faithful with his rumors,” he said, catching your attention. “What kind of rumors?” You asked. 
“He claims that the Valar favor the elves. He claims it to be unfair that humans get to live such a short life and get subjected to the whims of death. These rumors have caused issues between the king and the Faithful since they are allied with the elves. I’m worried the rumors might get worse, and someone will get hurt because of them,” Notes of concern fill his voice. 
Your mind returned to the night when the Dragonpit got attacked by the common folk, led by the man who preached about Targaryens and dragons being spawns of hell. It felt all too familiar. 
You could still remember that night like it just happened. 
“But let us not worry about these problems in the court. You are new here, so I shouldn’t bother you with our politics,” Elendil tried to dissipate the heaviness of your conversation. “No, it’s okay. It’s good to know something than try to live in ignorance. Are there other things I should look out for?” You asked. “Stay clear from people who follow Ar-Pharazon’s ideals. They can be troublesome and hard to reason with, so it would be best to stay out of their way,” he explained. 
“But let us go now – there is someone I would like you to meet,” he said as you followed him through the meandering streets. 
You followed Elendil to what seemed to be grand halls. You were amazed by the colors of jade and pearl that decorated the walls. Great white columns stood on each side of the halls and the floors seemed to be sculpted from the finest stone. 
People walked past you, carrying scrolls and looking busy. You and Elendil approached a man who was talking to another. 
“Father, there you are,” Elendil called out to the man. The man turned around, and you noticed similarities between him and Elendil. He looked older and was slightly taller, but despite the differences, the man had Elendil’s gentle smile and sincere gaze.
“Elendil, it is good to see you again. I hope the trip went well,” Elendil’s father greeted him, smiling softly. “I advise you to visit home. I heard Isildur and Anarion have been causing some racket during your absence,” he chuckled. 
“I see. I got to go and see what my boys have been up to once I have finished what I came here for,” Elendil said and turned toward you. “Father, I would like to introduce you to my friend, (Name),” he said pointing towards you. 
“It’s a – pleasure to meet you, my lord,” you bowed nervously. “The pleasure is all mine. I am Amandil. What brings you two here?” Elendil’s father glanced at both of you. “You see, we found (Name) stranded in the ocean. He told us he got attacked by a sea snake along with his companions and was separated. So, I was hoping you could spread some word since there might be a missing young boy somewhere,” Elendil explained. “Oh dear, is this missing boy your son?” Amandil questioned, looking at you. “No, but you could say we’re family of a sort,” You said. 
“Well, say no more. If you can provide some description– I will make sure word gets out for people to keep a lookout,” Amandil said as another person stepped in holding a quill and a board. “Right, his name is Joffrey. His family name is Velaryon. He’s about thirteen years old, about this size, has brown curly hair, and last time he was wearing a black cloak with a red tunic,” you tried to describe while using your hand to show Joffrey’s height. 
The person wrote it all down and then left with a curt nod to Amandil. 
“Once we find something, we'll let you know,” Amandil said. “Thank you, my lord. I fear I do not have high hopes that he’s alive, but it would ease my mind to know what happened to him,” you said. “I will pray fate will be kind,” He said, holding his hand on his chest. “Thank you,” you bowed your head.
“Elendil, there is something I must discuss with you–” Amandil started, and the two started conversing. You waited patiently, allowing your thoughts to wander for a moment. 
Your mind came back to Joffrey and all those times you spent together. You used to find him annoying, sneaking into the Dragonpit and being reckless. He was the very definition of an annoying younger brother, but after everything, you went together… You couldn't help but feel even worse for losing him because you were the one who took him away from King’s Landing and brought him to the sea. He could be dead, and it was your fault. His mother would have you executed if she knew and you would have most likely accepted it. 
You felt shivers run down your back. You turned your head, observing your surrounding. Working with the dragons helped you gain keen senses, so you felt someone was watching you. It felt ominous, sinister, and right behind you. 
In a quick reflex, you grabbed your dagger, twisted it around, and pointed it at the neck of the man behind you. You held your pose, locking your eyes with him and keeping the tip of your blade a fingertip away from his throat. 
You said nothing. The man was tall, towering over you like you were a mere mouse in his eyes. Red locks flowed from his shoulders like a bloody river, his golden eyes sharp like a venomous snake. 
He looked unnatural and almost amused as you held your dagger at the middle of his throat. You could tell from the sharp points of his ears that he was not a human. 
You stared at each other before you pulled back after Amandil let out a couple of coughs to break the sudden tension. “Tar-Mairon, surprising to see you here out of all places,” Amandil stated as you didn’t break eye contact with the red-haired being. 
“I was simply passing by, running some errand for our king,” Tar-Mairon said. A sweet, honeyed sound accompanied his voice, making it sound pleasant. 
“I then heard about Elendil’s return and his new guest. So, I came to greet them myself,” he said, looking at you. “I certainly did not expect to receive such a greeting,”
“I apologize, my lord. I tend to get easily startled when approached from behind unannounced,” you kept your voice contained from expressing your current suspicion while sheathing your dagger back to its place. 
He chuckled. “No hard feelings. Having fast reflexes is a good thing because you never know when something or someone might try to strike you from behind,” he said with an odd glee in his eyes. You could feel your skin break into goosebumps when he continued to look at you with a conniving look, especially with everything you had heard about him. 
“What is your name, esteemed guest?” he asked. “(Name), my lord,” you said, reluctant to share your last name with him. “And what brings you here to our lovely home?” He asked with an airy laugh like it was a joke of sorts. 
“I got lost and was rescued by Elendil. I hope to find someone and simply find a peaceful home here,” you answered. “Aww, then I humbly welcome you to Numenor,” he said with a tiny bow. Mockery of a bow. “I hope you will find all that you seek,” he said, his eyes falling on your bag. His threat did not go unnoticed as you pulled your bag behind you– away from his prying eyes. 
“I will take my leave now. Do visit the temple if you face troubles?” he said and soon walked away. You let out a breath of relief when he was out of sight. 
“We only recently arrived, and we’re already targets of his interest,” Elendil stated, sounding angry and frustrated. “He has Ar-Pharazon’s people working under him, so we must be careful of our actions, son,” Amandil said. “Are you alright, (Name)?” He asked, looking at you with concern and lacing his eyes. 
“I’m fine. I now see what kind of man you’re dealing with,” you said. “So, that was Sauron?” You asked. “Correct. I apologize for the unpleasant experience,” Amandil said. “It’s okay. I have met unpleasant people before, and now I know where not to go when I face troubles,” you said, making them momentarily chuckle in amusement. 
“Come along. I think it’s time to find you a place for your stay,” Elendil said as he prepared to leave. You bid Amandil farewell and followed Elendil to his home, where he introduced you to his family. They were kind and offered you a room to rest in after your exhausting journey.  You didn’t ask for anything extravagant. You only wanted a room with a good fireplace which they kindly gave you one. 
You thanked the maid for bringing you there and enjoyed the peace when you were finally alone. The room was nice and quiet. It had a bed in the corner, and a steady fire was burning in the fireplace, bringing light and warmth to the room. It almost resembled your old quarters in the Dragonpit.  
You took out an empty chest from the corner and started gathering some soft rags inside, building a little nest before taking out Dreamfyre’s eggs and carefully settling them inside the chest next to each other. You stared at them as they lay in front of the fireplace, slowly warming up and incubating the life inside them. 
Tears began to form in your eyes, blurring your vision as you thought about Dreamfyre. You remember how she attacked the sea snake to protect you and Joffrey and how the sea snake pulled her into the sea. You couldn't do anything to protect her. It now felt like all your efforts were for nothing. 
You began to sob, holding your hands against your face. Tears flowed across your face like a relentless river, releasing everything you felt for the past weeks. You thought about Helaena, your beloved queen. 
“Forgive me, Helaena. I couldn't even protect Dreamfyre from the stranger,” you sobbed as you continued to cry alone with nothing but the eggs to keep you company.  
In the morning when vendors prepared for another day to sell their goods. A little hooded figure walked past them. The little figure stopped, observing his surroundings and waiting for an opportunity. He watched a man going inside, leaving his boxes of bread and vegetables unattended. He took the chance and grabbed a loaf of bread, carrots, and apples when no one was looking. 
He then walked away, carrying the stolen food. “Hey!” The man shouted when he saw the little figure, who then ran away– not giving the man a chance for a chase. 
The little figure escaped from the city, walking past herds of sheep and cattle until he found a suitable place to eat his breakfast. Joffrey pushed off his hood, allowing his dirty hair to fly with the wind. He watched the sea, taking bites of his bread and wondering about you and what happened with the giant sea monster that still haunted his dreams. 
He was lucky to survive and found refuge in Numenor, but what about you and Tyraxes? Where were you? Were you even alive? 
He began to remember the voices of people, those who looked down on him and his mother because he was a bastard. They used to say bastards always had the worse luck. They always end up alone, get their loved ones killed, and look where he was now. Alone and lost with no one to turn to. He is most likely the reason why you and his dragon were gone. 
Joffrey screamed and threw the apple over the cliff in anger. Tears fell from his eyes as he stared at the sea.
He held on to his knees, leaning his head against them. He wept alone until his ears picked up something over the cliff. He looked up, trying to listen. It sounded like a shriek of some sort. 
Joffrey slowly leaned over the cliff, trying to see what was beneath. Suddenly, a giant creature with wings and bronze-colored scales ascended before him.
It was moving its wings, creating gusts of wind, and looking down on the little boy. Joffrey held his breath as he recognized the creature. It was no other than his own dragon, Tyraxes, but something was wrong. Tyraxes had this odd look in his eyes, like he did not recognize him. It made Joffrey back away in fear. 
Tyraxes growled, flying over him toward the herds of sheep. Joffrey watched as his dragon breathed fire down on the innocent sheep and snatched one of them, flying away with the scorched body with a shriek. 
The little boy took a deep breath, trying to relax his beating heart. He wanted to feel happy that his dragon was still alive but couldn't shake off the dreadful feeling after watching his mount kill a sheep without hesitation. You taught him it was in the dragon's nature to hunt prey and that they could go wild if separated from their rider for far too long. His dragon has gone wild. Joffrey didn’t know what to do except hug his legs and wonder if his life could turn for the worse.
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polutrope · 1 year
On this final day of @silmsmutweek and in the spirit of going outside one's comfort zone, I am revealing the fics I am the most self-conscious about: x Reader smut! All second person POV (meant to post this for Day 6 second person POV prompt).
They're under a pseud and anon, but I assure you it is me.
Passing Through (E, 2.6k), Maglor x Female Human OC/Reader
A mysterious Elf with a beautiful voice visits your workshop in a village near Himring.
Caress of the Ocean (E, 2.6k), Maglor x Male Elf OC/Reader
You and Macalaurë go for a swim on a warm night in Alqualondë.
The Best Laid Plans (E, 2.5k), Maedhros x Maglor x Female Elf OC/Reader
You've recently fallen into bed with your commander, and he confirms some rather sordid (but admittedly titillating) rumours by way of a proposal to bring a third partner into your affair.
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batsyforyou · 1 year
Little Dove: Part 1
Manwë X FemChild Reader
Warnings/Tags: POV changes, child crying, a child getting lost, child-ish shenanigans, stress, feeling a little ill, slight depression mentioned, future kidnapping, and some political talk is briefly mentioned as well. Everything here should mostly be fluff right til the end. All possible cuss words/phrases have been removed.
Reader Info: Pronouns Used: she/her. I also mentioned that the reader is blonde and female. If that doesn't work with you just imagine what you want.
Elvish words: These are Quenya mostly, nésa (sister), Elleth (elf-woman), Ellon (Elf-man), Atar (father,) Amillë (mother), Ammë is also mother but I stuck with the first one. If I used any of these incorrectly please let me know and I’ll come back and fix it.
Character List: Manwë, Varda, Fingon, Feanor, Finrod, Maglor, Maedhros, Ramtôr (a named guard really/male oc), Finarfin, Olwë, and Y/n.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with The Silmarillion, the Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit. I do, however own my fanfic and I ask that no one reposts or puts my work in an AI system. Thank you.
Author’s Note: So here it is a “couple of days” later lol. Overall I think I did an okay job at characterizing Manwë and the rest. I don’t think it's horrible but it could be better. I worked super hard on this so I hope it reads okay for everyone. And please let me know if I made any mistakes or if you have any tips. I’ll try to come back and fix them if I can.
Ps. Please remember this was a part of a larger work. I'm just dicing it into pieces. And I’ll be posting the second part as soon as I can. This story was supposed to have three-five parts. I don't know if I’m gonna post all five or leave it at three. And a little disclaimer here but I have never written for any of these characters before and I’ll admit that dialogue is my weakest skill. Anyway thank you for reading and I hope you have a very blessed day!
And Flora, thank you so so much for all the love and support you gave me! I really appreciate it.  
Little Dove
POV: Manwë
Manwë was ashamed of himself. Truly, was there no worse feeling in the world? Lord Irmo’s Maia had performed wonderfully in their duties. They had prepared Irmo’s Mansion in festive decor in record time and had managed to provide such scrumptious food for the feast tonight. A task he was sure had been near impossible with the sheer number of elves joining this evening, far more than expected. And here he sat with his fellow Vala at a night of Celebration feeling…unwell, to say the least. The burden he usually carried felt heavier than usual. He sat at the head of his table boneless in his chair and his temples pounding. His nerves were tingling with fire and he was so warm he thought he might turn to ash.
He had desperately hoped this evening would go differently.
Tonight they were to celebrate and bless Finwe’s newest grandchild. The elves were quite ecstatic about the Festivals arrangements even some of his own maia were quite pleased. The Halls of Irmo echoed the sounds of music from lutes to flutes to harps to bells and joyous laughter bounced off the walls. Colorful decorations had been hung and the ballroom floor had been polished with enough shine to mirror the people’s reflections. Chandeliers hung above emphasizing both the vaulted ceilings and the embroidered tapestries. Over high arches there were plants and flowers growing and they wrapped around pillars and over some of Lord Irmo’s statues. In between it all the Elves danced about and ate and drank by their tables and sang. Honestly, it was quite a sight.
Shifting in his seat he rested his elbow on the arm rest and placed his head in his hand. With the insistent pounding in his head he briefly closed his eyes to feel the smooth coolness of his robes upon his skin, almost wishing on Varda’s stars he hadn’t been needed for tonight’s attendance. Perhaps if he had done so he wouldn’t have to sit and listen to all the noise.
But no. He had his duties to perform and besides he’d kick himself if he hadn’t come. Somewhere amongst the merry making elves was a sweet little elleth who’d waited very patiently to meet with them. She’d undoubtedly been anxiously awaiting for her big day with bated breath. Heart filled to the brim with the utmost excitement, most likely annoying her parents in the meantime, and he had no desire to ruin the night for her.  Just the thought of it made his stomach churn with guilt.
However, his mind was occupied with bigger things. As much as he’d like his biggest concern to be the happiness of a young elf. He truly had far more important things to think about. Like young Prince Feanor and his strange behavior as of late. Or that of his brother’s sheer lack of, well, effort he should say.
It seemed everything was losing balance and crumbling in towards his feet. He was not sure what to do with the young Prince; in fact, Manwë would go as far as to say Feanor was paranoid. Though a part of him understood that Feanor had always been protective of his work and he had accomplished much in his time. Perhaps the young Prince was simply fixated on a new project again. It did make him wonder what exactly was going through the young elf’s mind when it came to moments like these. Perhaps he should consult Lord Aulë next he saw him.
His brother, Melkor, was not in attendance tonight. With Melkor’s recent release into Valinor he had thought the celebration would be a perfect chance for his brother to reintroduce himself to the Elven people and bolster his morale but alas Melkor had made other arrangements. Simply put Melkor had made no attempt in connecting with the elves or even acknowledging them. He knew Melkor felt terrible about what happened but further isolating himself didn’t help matters.
Manwë took a breath moving to pinch the bridge of his nose strands of his white hair falling in his face. Why both Feanor and Melkor had to be so stubborn instead of simply enjoying themselves would forever boggle his mind. At the mere thought his head ached and as the minutes drew on, it only got worse. He had over exerted himself and was now paying the price.
His lady wife had warned him, his precious lady was the only highlight of his evening thus far and he was forever grateful. He tilted his gaze and watched her through white lashes as she talked freely with Lady Nienna beside him. He adjusted the grip on his face and felt his rings bite into his skin.
Varda was simply breathtaking. She had worn some of her finest robes in honor of the celebration. They were the color of lavender and her new pretty silver circlet sat upon her brow. A large gem of diamond rested on her forehead, sparkling almost as brightly as the tiny dotting of stars in his lady’s raven hair. Simply breathtaking. Exquisite in the highest regard.
Unable to resist he very lightly let the back of his fingers graze her arm, aware of the public eye. Varda glanced at him and he smiled when she turned to face him. Lady Neinna being momentarily distracted with the arrival of her brother Irmo.
His love racked her eyes over him once whispering, “Darling, you look exhausted. How are you feeling?”  
He ignored her, simply taking his time to admire her form. “You look positively ravishing tonight. Have I told you?” She hummed, leaning in and fussing with the side of his robe. He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. He could smell the oil she had used, the light floral hint and hear the jingle of her jewelry. He could feel the heat of her words by his ear as she spoke, “Yes, three times this evening, my love.”
“Only three?”
“Only three.”
“An oversight on my part, my dear, I’ll have to regale you with praises of your brilliance to make up for it.”
She laughed. “You’ll have to do so in the comfort of our home.” She sat back into her chair, her drink in hand. He watched as Lady Nienna pulled his wife's attention away from him with a smile. Though the sharp glance Varda sent his way told him that his avoidance in answering her earlier question would not last for long.
He averted his gaze from his wife, feeling his blood pulse and his stomach pinch. He rubbed his forehead and felt a slight dew of sweat. Maybe a minute or two away to compose himself would be best. Rid him of his mood. With a word to his wife Manwë excused himself discreetly slipping from the ballroom and entering Irmo’s blessedly quiet halls.
POV: Finrod
Finrod was silent as he watched the crowd, his blue eyes raking across the room. There were hundreds of elves here tonight. A wonderful turn out for him and his family but a misfortune in Y/n’s eyes. He was quite certain, however; that she'd look back at this moment in life and be grateful so many had come. For his part, he was thrilled to see so many elves had come to celebrate his sister’s special day and share in this moment.
He’d be the first to admit that, in retrospect, he could have planned for Y/n’s first public appearance far better than he did. And while that responsibility belonged to his Atar, and his Atar alone, Finrod felt particularly responsible. After all, as her eldest brother she looked more towards him for guidance and reassurance. And his sister was still a young elf, practically a babe, he felt that it was his job to guide her steps when he could and help her adjust to new things as time grew on.
Before tonight, Y/n hadn’t made any appearances or participated in any event. If the public saw her at all it was a glimpse of her hair and gown.
Naturally when she’d first heard of her party and the expected amount of party goers, she’d been reasonably frightened and had spent the last few months dreading the party. She’d tried to find every excuse under the Light of the Two Trees to not come. And he had tried to lessen her anxiety and subsequent panic by taking her out to the market and letting her explore on her own terms. Even if that consisted of her glaring at passerbyers and gripping onto his hand with all the strength a little elleth like her had.
Despite his best efforts and reminders about the importance of her Presentation to the Valar. Y/n had thrown a fit about attending with Amillë earlier and had told him right before passing the party’s threshold that she was scared to go and had asked him to stay with her.
As a result she’d been wanting his attention like no other tonight. Tugging on his robes and pulling his arm, holding his hand, hugging his leg, and mostly clinging onto him. It’d gotten to the point he almost tripped over her, she’d been so close! All of this while many noble houses and their representatives came to speak with her or more rather him. As he would redirect their attention elsewhere.
He understood she was nervous about being out with so many people. And he understood that she felt safer with him. However, her behavior was getting a little . . . much. Though some part of him felt guilty that he hadn’t been able to better prepare her for tonight. If he had she probably would have fully enjoyed her celebration instead of hiding behind him for the majority of it.
Finrod raised his arm, feeling his robes shift with him and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could feel the beginnings of a headache. This evening was dragging on far longer than he’d like.
“Finnie? . . . Finnie!? . . . Finniee!”
He felt an insistent tugging on his robes and held in a sigh. Dealing with a hyper ten year elfling at such a late hour was not on anyones to do list he was sure. He looked down at his sister and found her clutching tightly onto his robes in her pretty pink gown. Her eyes wide and doe like as she stared into his and he felt some of the tension flow from his shoulders.
“What is it?”
She beamed up at him and bounced on her toes.
“Can we get that pretty cake with the raspberries, please?”
He frowned, raspberry cake? He hadn’t seen that particular treat being severed this evening. Not an actual raspberry cake. A cake topped with raspberries, perhaps?
“What cake?”
“The really small, pretty one, over dere!” Y/n squirmed excitedly and pointed over the buffet table, “Over dere! See?” He followed her finger and found that there was indeed a dessert that had raspberries but it wasn’t a cake, it was a raspberry tart. A sweet tasty pastry made with an almond and raspberry filling. Topped with cream and raspberries. He had eaten it before, it was very tasty, full of flavor. And something a ten year elfing definitely didn’t need at this time of night.  
“How about we save one for you tomorrow, hm?”
“Tomorrow?! Why can’t I have it now? ‘Em hungry now! Pretty please Finnie, I promise to be good!” She whined. Her eyes swelled with water and she jutted out her bottom lip, pouting.
Finrod shook his head, chuckling, “Don’t fret, I'll get you something equally as nice.”
“You promise?” She sniffed.
He playfully rolled his eyes and leaned down to pinch her nose, coaxing a giggle from her. “Of course.”
Y/n vigorously nodded her head excited. “Okay! Can we dance after?”
“I’d be delighted too.” Taking Y/n’s hand he led her to the buffet table. It was decorated with a pink tablecloth and vibrant pink colored rose petals scattered underneath the small fruits and dinner appropriate dishes. The decorations for this evening had been up to Lord Irmo's maia to decide. But he remembered how Y/n had been approached by a maia who had asked her what color she favored best. He smiled remembering the encounter as Y/n happily looked through the options.
He watched his sister fondly as she babbled about the berries she wanted and which were best. Her hair had been loosely braided for the evening. And he knew how much she hated having her hair pinned. She made it a common practice to remind Amillë and every other elf within hearing distance how uncomfortable it was. How the pins always pulled her hair too tight and how silly it made her look. He wouldn’t be surprised if Amillë had been regaled with the usual speech earlier in the evening. With a reminiscent look in his eyes he placed his large hand on her head.
Y/n huffed tilting her head up to glare at him.
“Finnie, you're gonna ruin it!”
He smirked, “Oh, please nésa, I’m not ruining it.”
“Oh, come now, cousin. You know how the ladies are with their hair.”
Finrod grinned and turned to meet the voice of his cousin.
“Fingon!” He stepped forward and clasped Fingon’s shoulder. “It's been several months since I last saw you. How have you been? Staying out of trouble I hope?”
Fingon tossed his head back as he laughed, his roped gold braids bumping against his chest. “Ha! If only! How about you, hm?” He raised a dark brow. “Smooth sailing I hope?”
Finrod released a sigh, and let go of his cousin’s shoulder, “It is as you said, ‘if only,’ though it hasn’t been nearly as miserable as last year's . . . festivities, I should say.” Referencing a particularly nasty disagreement between two noble houses that had happened late last year. Both high ranking ellons who served in the royal court. Their bickering had created quite a scandal though no one really knew as to why or what had started it, only that it had something to do with their daughters and that it had been a private affair. In the end, it’d required the King's discretion in ending whatever it was and the King refused to speak of it. Though that didn’t stop the people from speculating nor the raging gossip that had filled the palace halls.  
Fingon nodded in acknowledgment casting his eyes downward as a playful grin crossed his face, “And it appears my littlest cousin is shy tonight?”
Finrod looked down to see the top of Y/n’s head as she grabbed onto his robes partially hiding behind his leg and a surprisingly good amount of berries in her fist. He was surprised she hadn’t taken the opportunity to steal that pastry she wanted.
“If you came around more often she’d be more familiar with you.” He meet Fingon’s eyes while placing a hand to the back of Y/n’s head again. “Nésa, why don’t you say hi, hm?”
“Hi.” She wiggled herself further behind his leg, cheeks blooming with color. Fingon beamed at her, “Hello, Y/n. How are you tonight?”
“Fine.” Y/n muttered and Finrod lightly bumped her side, “And, and how are you? Do you like the party?” She asked. Quickly shoving a few berries into her mouth.
Fingon made an exaggerated nod, “I do!” Then as if he had a secret to share he leaned in close and covered the side of his mouth. “I especially enjoyed the candied fruits they served tonight.” To prove this he pulled a candied strawberry from, seemingly, his robe’s pocket and happily popped the polished fruit into his mouth.
Y/n let out a disbelieving gasp, “What?!”  She turned to him saying, “Finnie! Why does he get to have his treats and I don’t? That isn’t fair!”
Fingon reeled back in mock horror, “What!? Finrod, is that true? You're keeping her from her cake?”
Finrod glared at him while mildly wondering how many other treats his cousin had up his sleeves, “No, I am not. Now just isn’t the appropriate time for cake. She's had enough sugar for tonight.” He crossed his arms and fought a scowl from his face. He’s dealt with his energetic sister all evening and he wasn’t keen on making the inevitable sugar crash any worse than it had to be. “And she wants a pastry not a cake.”
Fingon ignored him and gave another dramatic gasp, “Not on your Begetting Day! Indeed this isn’t fair!”
He rolled his eyes, “Not that I need to remind you but it is also her Presentation to the Valar. Fetching her more sugar would not be a good idea. She’ll feel sick if she consumes anymore. Not to mention that once the sugar rush leaves I’ll have to deal with a very cranky and exhausted elleth.”
“That's all the more reason to let her have it!” Fingon waved his hand, “Besides she’ll be presented to the Valar soon enough. Why not let her have the treat? She can go to bed right after the Presentation as everyone else will be dancing and-” He paused carefully selecting his next words. “And they’ll be getting further into their drink. It’ll not be a party suited for one so young.”
Then Fingon confidently moved forward and wrapped an arm round around his shoulders. “And I am confident that the other little ones that’d been scattered about will also be leaving for their beds as well.”
Finrod only raised a brow and gave Fingon a warning look. Though Fingon continued to ignore him and instead turned to Y/n who’d been oddly quiet, “You know Y/n, why don’t the two of us go get that pastry you wanted, hm? After all, it is your special day. You should have what you want!”
Fingon separated himself from him and took Y/n’s hand into his as Y/n squealed in excitement.
Finrod sighed, leveling Fingon with a disapproving glare though he made no move to stop him. His cousin smirked at him and wiggled his brows as he and Y/n left to travel further down the buffet table.
Finrod felt his mouth twitch as he fought a smile, happy to see the two spending time together, but instead he rolled his eyes. Watching Y/n as she giggled and hopped alongside her, undoubtedly, new favorite cousin. Thankfully the pair didn’t have to stray far and he could easily keep an eye on her and listen to their conversation with ease.
“My Prince.” Finrod blinked.
Behind him stood Ramtôr, a member of the Royal Guard and a long time friend. He was dressed in golden armor and he held a staff in his hand and a sword hung at his waist. His normally loose hair had been pulled back and he wore a bright smile.
Finrod felt a flood of elation race through him.“Ramtôr!” He beamed. In his excitement he had not realized that he had called Fingon’s attention to him and his cousin watched the newcomer with great interest.
Ramtôr bowed his head, “My Prince, I do not mean to intrude but I've been sent to inform you that his Highness, King Olwë has arrived and is waiting in the foyer.”
And with that Finrod felt his heart leap into his throat.
Little Dove: Prologue If the link doesn’t work please let me know!
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Heya Lovie , hope you're doing well😁
I'm obsessed with the idea that Maeglin didn't actually love Idril romantically and it was a rumour made to villainize him to cover up the fact her husband killed him ... I did see a post on it hence why I'm obsessed with it but your thoughts on that?
Second- Maeglin request please if you don't mind 😅 but my idea is a human comes to Gondolin for..whatever reason maybe a black Smith in training? And hence forth maeglin is assigned their mentor. But just said human trying to hide their feelings because insecurity is massive thanks to them gorgeous elves and their annoyingly good looks. I am liking the idea they're a male , even more reason to hide their feelings cause humans don't really accept gay relationships , specially in those times, so safe to assume that elves don't either (but they do thanks to love binds by the soul and not the body of said soul) so just fluff and some young love panic . I completely understand if you don't want to do the whole gay thing, gender neutral is perfect aswell. Take care 💕
Love Through Souls
Tumblr media
featuring maeglin x male reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
warnings ooc, shitty writing. . . and what not
a/n am sorry. . .
You carefully tried to do as Maeglin had instructed you - feeling a little nervous with every move. 
You hoped you weren’t too obvious on how you continuously looked at him.
It was because you couldn’t help yourself - from gazing at the tall and dark haired ellon in front of you.
He was assigned as your mentor the moment you show interest in smith work.
It was rather kind of king Turgon to take in your poor shivering human male soul from unkind lands. 
It was common knowledge that the wise king did let almost anyone into his hidden kingdom - to say you were lucky were an understatement.
Maeglin ordered - keeping you away from the sparks that soared from the fire.
Your heart couldn’t help the involuntary leap it had done when he had put himself in between the fire and yourself - pulling you beside him as it soared.
Maeglin never ceased to mesmerize you everyday with skills and abilities as a smith.
It was rather both inspiring as well as mesmerizing - it had only made you fall deeper for him.
But sadly you knew the case - not only were you a human, but a male. . . besides the young prince had already set his sights on the princess of Gondolin.
She was rather beautiful with her long golden-like hair that seemed to sparkle and tint like of a jewel - and her eyes of deep blue could draw anyone in.
Not only herself - but every elleth and ellon present in your sights only made you question deeper about yourself.
You felt fat and frumpy in the sights of such beauty that left your eyes wide in wonder.
But out of all elves present - especially among the males of course - the only one that truly caught your attention had been Maeglin.
WIth his broody and silent nature - with sharp stares and careful gazes he managed to capture you in at once without taking too long.
You had not meant to fall for the ellon - you had known how humans alone in your village had felt about same sex couples.
Therefore - you could not even begin to think on how elves would react towards it.
So you kept it down - ignoring the hurt that caged your heart every time you spotted Maeglin’s eyes linger on Princess Idril.
But even as you did - everything he said or did, like for example now how he pulled you behind him to protect yourself from the fire - the more you fell and the harder it was for you to suppress your feelings towards him.
It was getting harder and harder day by day to be around him as he mentored you.
Therefore finally you had decided to let it go - for the sake of further humiliation and the ache of your heart you let go of your passion of smithing.
So Maeglin no longer needed to mentor you - and you no longer needed to face him every day.
Your hands delicately brushed over the small metal tag chain necklace you made - it had both your own name and Maeglin’s name carved on it.
It was something you made yourself - sure as you were still learning there were a few dents and misshapes but it was still worth it for you.
You had made it when Maeglin was away with king Turgon in his gardens and was not able to mentor you one day.
While it may never happen - at least you were free to dream about it right? 
Then suddenly your door slammed open - making you jump from the edge of the bed where you were sitting. You instantly hid the chain necklace.
If looks could kill you would be 10 feet under the ground right now - because of how Maeglin glared as he walked over to you.
He reached within milliseconds because of his long strides and you did not even have time to react.
“You could have knocked…”
You said quietly.
“I rather not have - considering how my student failed to attend his class today.”
Maeglin’s deep voice rumbled - making you shiver.
“I had informed the king I will no longer be attending smithwork.”
You said - looking at your feet.
“Yes - I’m aware you informed my ever wise uncle but you did not inform me - nor did you give him my uncle a valid reasoning - therefore I do not approve of you quitting!” 
Maeglin said.
It was the first time you had seen Maeglin react like so - usually he was quiet and reserved but this was like he was speaking before thinking like he usually does.
It means you had struck hard to make Maeglin mad enough to behave like so.
“I apologize for not coming to you. . .” 
You offered a straight heartfelt apology - keeping the chain necklace clasped in your hands and hidden behind you.
Maeglin looked surprised - even a soft red tinge appeared suddenly on his cheeks as he blinked and cleared his throat, looking both shameful and awkward.
“. . .Why have you quit?”
He asked instead - from the sound of his tone, it was easy to tell he had wondered about it too many times and had been trying to hide it. 
But emotions had been something Maeglin always struggled with - either he wouldn’t come to terms with something, or other times he never understood what they meant.
“I do. . . - I do not have the passion for it, no more. . .”
You sighed with a gulp - your hands clasping tighter around the necklace.
“I do not believe that for a second!”
Maeglin declared - making you shocked for a moment.
You only frowned at him.
Then Maeglin tried to peek behind you.
“What is it you hold behind you?”
Your eyes widened and your clasped the necklace tighter.
“Nothing of which concerns the matter.”
You tried to put out formally - then stepped backwards as Maeglin took a step towards you.
Maeglin narrowed his eyes - staring into your eyes as if debating on something in this mind.
This seemed to be the Maeglin you knew  - the one who was careful and calculated, who needed time to formulate his thoughts into words as he stared at the person he wished to speak with. 
Others found it uncomfortable - you did too at first - but later realized it was how he was able to function.
This time however - he swiftly reached behind you.
With this elvish swiftness you didn’t even have the time to react as he quickly grabbed the chain necklace off your hands and dangled it above your head reading engraving on it.
You gasped trying to reach for it - but Maeglin kept it away from your grasp.
“What is this?”
He asked incredulously.
Your heart couldn’t but beat painfully fast.
You managed to grab it back and turned away from him - he probably felt so disgusted.
Tears had pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Let me see. . .”
Maeglin offered - feeling awkward and guilty at the sight of your tears.
“No - you should leave. . .”
You whimpered.
Maeglin gulped.
“Please. . .Y/N - I did not mean to offend you. . .It does-”
“It does not matter, please leave. . .”
You said starting to cry, your heart aching.
Maeglin fisted and unfisted his hands - before he harshly turned away slammed your door shut behind him as you cried.
— — — 
It has been a week since the incident. You had been in the gardens - randomly walking thinking of what to do with your life since you already gave up your passion for smithing.
Then sooner or later become the gossip in the hidden city.
You had thought of leaving - but you knew yourself walking outside these borders was a death sentence in a literal format.
You sat near the fountain leaning against it.
It was no use crying - you already did that a few times, no point in wasting another round of tears that can’t help anything.
You leaned back further - when you suddenly felt something odd against your head.
You turned your head to see a chain necklace hanging off the edge of the fountain.
You frowned and took it in your hands softly.
There was a centre stone - pendent necklace - and it had been your birthstone.
Your frown only deepened - then you turned it as you felt something engraved in the back of it in Sindarin. 
You couldn’t understand it - but you obviously made out your name and Maeglin’s, making your eyes widen.
“From me to you, Y/N. Yours, Maeglin. . .”
Suddenly - you heard his name, making your head snap up at him.
Your eyes were still wide and unbelieving as Maeglin awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.
“May I sit?” 
He asked - when you didn’t respond.
You gulped and nodded.
Maeglin sat down close to you - sending you a disapproving gaze and looked so much like King Turgon’s scowl as you tried to scoot away. 
You sighed staying put.
Either of you spoke for a long time - simply staring ahead.
“You know. . .it is frowned upon. . .and perhaps even wrong. . .”
You bit your lip saying it.
“What is?”
Maeglin frowned.
“Two males. . .in a relationship. . .”
You struggled to stay.
Maeglin didn’t say anything for a moment.
“I have given it thought and I do not see any wrong in us. . .”
He tried to say.
But you shook your head.
“Mae. . .It is frowned upon. They will not accept it. We will be disowned, mocked and gossip.”
You softly said.
“Why do you think they will not accept? Humans do not accept this form of relationship?”
Maeglin frowned - some bit of fury in him rising.
“No. I presume the same for elves.”
You frowned.
“Sure. . .It may not be common and I have not seen another couple such as this. . . but Gondolin will accept us. . .”
Maeglin promised you.
You frowned deeper.
“Because elves do not care for what body your lover is, meleth. . .we love and cherish through souls. . .that is love. . .and that is what my mother has taught me. . .”
He said quietly and softly - still having a hard time talking about his mother.
You blinked, sighing. You were scared that you will not lie about.
“Are you sure. . .they will not. . .”
You struggled to say the words.
“Trust me. . .”
Maeglin whispered and you nodded.
Then he leaned forward - pressing his lips against your lips calming the anxiety in your heart and soul. . .
Maeglin was right. . . this was love through the souls. . .
Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve @bunson-burner
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 10 - Campfire
Summery: You And Gildor are alone on patrol around the borders of Imladris and decide to set up camp for the night, and decide to dance with one another.
Pairing: Gildor x Reader
Warning: Non
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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"We will lose the light soon, we should set up camp" Gildor said you hmmed in agreement, as he scouted a place to set camp you collected firewood, your patrol lasted for a week and this was the first night of it, you tried to talk to Elrond about getting out of it, but he was having non of it.
You had a crush of Gildor for the longest time, ever since you first laid your eyes on the handsome elf at one of Imladris, autumn festivels when you had first moved and he had just got back from patrol, his sweat made the ethereal glow on him brighter, the stars reflected off of him, the orc blood which stained his armor everything about him was perfect.
"Y/n" Gildor called as he walked to you, you made a small hmm of acknowledgement scared he had caught you daydreaming of him.
"I have found a spot to set up camp in a clearing of this forest" Gildor said as he picked up a few firewood sticks before he lead you to the camp, your horses were tied to trees grazing on the grass he had already set up both of your bed rolls, you started the fire, but for some unknown reason it would not light.
You felt Gildor behind you his chest was pressed against your back and he had your hands in his "Allow me" Gildor said guiding your hands the flit sparked and it caught against the firewood and started up.
"That was just luck" you said standing up after Gildor gave you space, the blond chuckled
"You had aimed it wrong" Gildor said taking his pack off of his horse
"No I hadn't" You said
"Yes you had" Gildor said taking out spare arrows which sat in his pack
"I am going on a hunt for some food, so we do not have to use our food resources until dead mans slope, which takes 4 days to cross" Gildor said you sighed you hated that slope the rocks were unstable to walk on and it was void of any life plant or animal
"Why do we have to patrol their it's not like Orcs would attack their it is to open" You said it stuck out like a soar thumb, it was the source of the waterfalls of Imladris it was high up in the valley to far for someone to see unless the traveled to it or took the hidden path and looked that way but people tented to be to amazed by Imladris to do that, the hidden pass cut through it and it separated the slope from the mountain, most roomer that the hidden pass was created by a lightning strike and then the elves made it lead to a cave and put enchantments on it, but that was far from possible the lighting would of just left a fracture or a creator not cut it clean in two, no one even knew how it was made not even Elrond, it was there before he even found the valley he just added the enchantment to it.
"Orcs may not use it, but Goblins have small openings along the peak of it, and come out at night" Gildor said
"Oh great we might get a night raid by Goblins" You said
"I doubt it but there is a possibility give how low we will be and how goblins tend to only go down the other side we may be attacked or completely left alone" Gildor said, You decided to tend to the fire and horses while he was hunting he soon came back with a deer.
You both went to settle down after the meal, the fire had started to act up and got big, you stood, Gildor watched you with a raised eyebrow as you turned to him and held out your hand.
"I have always wished to dance in moonlight and firelight, why not tick two things of the bucket list" You said
"You have a bucket list, who talked you into that" Gildor said
"Estel when he was little" You said as Gildor took your hand
"And You wish to dance with me, knowing the elvish customs towards dancing with another" Gildor said, you started to lead the dance.
"Yes, I have always wished to dance with you Gildor" You said to him
"Y/n" Gildor said but you cut him off
"When I first saw you I always though you were perfect and as I got to know you the more and more I found out it was true, it was as if you had captured my heart in a jar as if you sailed to the stars and brought one back with you, I don't know why I am even telling you this" You said looking down Gildor stood in front of you looking down at you.
Gildor placed a hand on your cheek and lifted your head so you would face him
"The only difference is I cannot capture a star as your father caught them all and put them into your eyes" Gildor said
"What" You questioned the blond infront of you
"I like you two idiot" Gildor said
"But I'm your idiot now right" you questioned making Gildor laugh
"Yes you are my lord idiot" Gildor said he offered you a hand again to dance he span you around and stopped when you did a 180 and pulled you in.
"Gi Melin, Meleth nin May I kiss you" Gildor questioned
"Gi Melin ana Meleth nin, eru Athon, you have no idea how long I have yearned for you to ask me not in some vision of the sleepy mind" You returned in a whisper he span you around and cup your cheek and slowly leaned forward, his lips gently pressed against yours.
"No longer will it stay in the wishes of a sleepy mind, but it will sprout forth into reality Ithildin-nin" Gildor said pressing his forehead against yours.
"I am glad I found me feelings were not one sided, i do not know what i would of done if you had not" you said
"No need to dwell on that, come let us enjoy the fire" Gildor said you nodded, you placed your bed rolls together, you lay your head on his shoulder.
"I was planning to confess my own love to you once we got back, i am glad you did it before me, I would of been to much of a coward to even do it" Gildor confessed.
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silken-moonlight · 4 months
My own introduction:
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Hello, dear reader! I have absolutely forgotten to properly introduce myself. We shall begin with some simple things.
You can call me Moon or Swan, I go by both names. I am twenty-one years old and from europe. I am a writer, making up stories since I can remeber.
I enjoy fantasy books of all kinds. Besides this blog, I actually write high fantasy, but this blog is for my own enjoyment and fun.
My asks are always open to you, for either questions, requests, or anything else. My DMs are open too. I have created a SFW blog for just some fluffy and cute writings, maybe some poetry too. I will probably also talk about books. It is: @strawberries-filled-with-honey
Some rules for my blog:
No hate towards each other. I will gladly listen to criticism or if you do not like something. Keep it respectful, however.
Also: No minors. Absolutly no minors. There will be sexual and kinky content. There will be kinks portrayed, probably also some unhealty relationships.
This is all fictional, a form of escapism. So please be kind and nice to one another.
Also, for all BG3 fans: This page is a safe space for Ascended Astarion lovers. I have seen many people debate about it. Both Spawn and Ascended Astarion are good. Neither is better than the other. It's fiction, and what you prefer is personal preference. It does not make you a bad or a better person for what you like.
Also: Divider Creators I use: @thecutestgrotto and @saradika-graphics
Mythological creatures I want to write about:
Fandoms I am in:
Baldurs Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Silmarillion
The phantom of the Opera
Sailor Moon
The last Unicorn
Sherlock BBC
Good Omens
Hellboy 2
House of the Dragon
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Werewolf Best Friend in a Rut: idea, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
Alpha x Human Waitress Series: Idea, Moodboard, Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Werewolf BF with a Mommy Kink
Werewolf bf being sweet
Double Trouble (Vampire x Werewolf x You) + Idea
Fem Werewolf Sub Reader
Omegaverse Test meets horny werewolf bf
Subby Werewolf BF
Helping out your Incubus friend
Male Omega x Your breast
Adult Entertainment Werewolf BF, Part Two
Teasing your Dom werewolf bf
Connected to his feral side werewolf bf
Werewolf bf and body image
Comforting your werewolf bf (SFW)
Vampire Emporer: Idea, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Lesbian Vampires
Again on Lesbian Vampires
Vampires feeding
Vampire Sugar Daddy
More on Vamp sugar daddy
Vamp Sugar Daddy Spoiling you
Vampire Sugar Daddy and your warmth
Vamp! Sugar Daddy (Nikolai) getting massaged by you
Vamp! CEO
Vamp Ceo taking you out for dinner
Female Vampire Seductress x female human reader
Dystopian Vamp Story teaser
Stag Fae
Bound for Eternity
Silver and Gold
Fae King bf with God-Complex, Part 2, Part 3
Zyran Rosefall
Dragon King Husband
The wild hunt: Part 1, Part 2
Dream Monster
Sfw things:
Werewolf bf pampering you, werewolf bf in your home
Elf boyfriend night routine
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542 notes · View notes
worfs-glorious-hair · 6 months
Pt. 3 Children of the kindly west (Kíli x Reader) — A tale of two dwarven hearts
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This is a translation, more of a re-write, of a fanfiction I wrote first in German during 2013 - 2015 when the Hobbit movies premiered and I was just as obsessed and enamored by that adorable prince like everyone else. And reading the Silmarillion for the first time this year in February brought me back to middle-earth and reminded me of my love of dwarves. And this brings me here today. Enjoy! Cross-posted on AO3 here. P.S. Feel free to tell me if any warnings or tags are missing. And if you want to be tagged in future parts! <3
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 *coming soon*
Warnings: Mutual Thirsting/ Pining, mentions of a naked female body under a nightgown, mentions of breasts, some sexual and romantic tension
New Friends
„Do you like Kíli?“, Syniver asked with an innocent face.
„I really like him!“, she continued. „He is so tall and funny!“
She laughed and rolled over a small sofa in the corner of the kitchen, standing up and giving an impression of Kíli when he huffed and rested his hands on his hips, when he was about to loose a game.
You smiled. You smiled about how wonderful your sister was and how much fun she was having.
But her question continued to linger in your mind, did you like Kíli?
Was one afternoon, one evening enough to say whether you liked your old acquaintance more than you had before? 
It probably was enough. You had not laughed as much in a long time, spending time with him felt natural and easy and you wanted more. 
More of him! You wanted to get to know the man he had become. The man whose eyes sparkled from within!
You met him again on the next day, when he came by to bring some knitted work that his mother had done for Syniver and your mother invited him to stay for an early tea.
And a few days after that you took the long route to the market, that led by the house of his family, hoping that you would see him. And you were lucky, he was outside shoveling snow from the pathway — you smiled at him and waved. He waved back with an excited grin and something deep inside you felt full and warm. 
You stopped to talk with him and he offered to accompany you again.
„But don’t you need to finish shoveling here?“, you had asked and he had just shrugged. 
„I’ll finish it later, or Fíli will do it. Or it snows more and then I have to do it again anyways.“
„Alright“, you had agreed and had taken his arm that he had offered you once again
„And besides“, he had added with the sparkle in his eyes that you had started to always look out for, „ I prefer your company over the shovel’s anytime!“
„I am glad to hear that I am more pleasant to be around than a shovel“, you had laughed but it had died in your throat as you had caught Kíli’s eyes on you and somehow you had gotten tangled up in them.
You had eventually torn your eyes away from his, missing the quick flash of confusion, as you had looked away and got out your shopping list from your pocket, ignoring the way your hands had trembled.
You were woken up by the repeated and unrelenting calling of your name a few days after your last day with Kíli.
You groaned, turned to the side and hoped that Syniver would be quiet soon, if she would not get an answer from you and your closed door.
Speaking of your closed door, you heard muffled voices on the hallway and a half-awake part of your brain chose to listen to them as you caught your name being said.
„Oh yes, she’s here. She’s maybe still sleeping. You can just go in!“, Syniver cheerfully explained and a horrified male voice answered.
„I can not go in there. I will not disturb her privacy!“
„Oh, why?“, asked Syniver’s voice confused and you thought the same.
‚Yes, why would he not come in’, the half-asleep part of your brain wondered, having him here with you would be heavenly, you could breathe in his musky scent of leather, pine trees, smoke and horse and it would surround you completely…
He would surround you completely.
Kíli’s voice sighed and then he answered.
„Just family can go to someone when they are sleeping, I am just a…“ He paused and you felt your heart hammering in your chest, what would he say now? What was he?
„I am merely a friend!“, he said slowly.
Just a friend.
What did you expect would he say?
Sighing, you threw your head back deeper into your pillows and opened your eyes.
Taking in the light of the day that filled your chamber you decided that you were awake now and got out of your bed. You turned to look for your dress that you had laid over a chair the night before.
And then your door opened. Syniver stood there and looked pleased with herself.
„See, she’s not sleeping anymore!“, she exclaimed loudly over her shoulder to Kíli, who stood behind her with a mortified look on his face.
The two of you stared at each other, mouth open and you felt the heat rise in your cheeks and saw how his cheeks reddened as well.
The heavy up and down of your chest brought you back to reality and you stumbled over your feet in an attempt to find something, anything to cover yourself with. You grabbed your dress from the chair and pressed it to your front.
Kíli had moved in the same time as you had come back to your senses, stuttering apologies over and over again and fled from the hallway, you heard his panicked steps on the stairs.
„Can you not knock?“, you asked Syniver over your heavy beating heart with more anger than she deserved.
„This was embarrassing!“, you sank back down onto your bed, resting your head against the bed post, suddenly exhausted, the dress still pressed to your body, that felt uncomfortably hot and aware of the fabric of your nightgown on your skin. You wore a simple white nightgown made from a light, fine fabric that could be quite translucent — oh Mahal, what had he seen?
He was never supposed to see you like this, hair open and unkempt, barely a braid in it and nearly naked. He was a prince after all! And he had offered you his company and his friendship, he had offered you his brilliant grin and sparkling eyes. 
You wanted nothing but to be worthy of his kindness and friendship, you had to be your best self! 
And this was barely your best self, just right out of bed! You groaned and looked at Syniver with pained eyes, who stood confused by your side and wondered why you and Kíli were acting so strange.
While you got dressed and tried to explain to Syniver why knocking is of importance and why you cherished your privacy, was Kíli running out of your house and straight to his. He spoke with nobody on his way, thankfully was no one home when he arrived, and gathered his bow and arrow together with his hunting gear and fled to the woods.
He went by foot, needing to run, needing to move, needing to get the image of you out of his head.
You bathed in sunlight, hair flowing freely over your shoulders, just a few little braids with golden beads on the ends sprinkled through it, cheeks and lips rosy and fresh from sleep —
You standing against the golden sunlight that made the fabric of your nightgown so sheer, that he could see the voluptuous contours of your breasts and the lush outlines of your waist, full belly and hips…
You staring at him with big surprised eyes, lips slightly parted, chest heaving, breasts moving with each breath under your nightgown.
And he had stared, he could not take his eyes away from you and your body, he should have looked away! He should have stopped Syniver when she opened the door!
He did not deserve to see you like this, fresh after the night, glowing like one of the goddesses of old that he had heard so many stories about. 
Who was he anyways? Just the second-born prince of a kingdom he did not even knew, he spat out this title in disgust, even in thoughts. 
And he was so oddly lean, too lean for a respectable dwarven warrior, his hair was too straight and he seemed to be unable to grow a beard.
People had mocked him, they have cackled behind their hands pressed over their mouths for all of his life. 
And amidst everything was you, beautiful, cheerful and well-spoken you.
You, whose eyes and face were kind to him, he felt seen in your gaze. In the best way possible.
When you smiled at him, laughing at one of your own jokes or his, when you two chatted away was he finally feeling like he could just be. 
He felt like he was enough, let the people talk, when he had your smile and your warmth next to him.
You had knocked him off his feet, literally.
Which was surprising and unexpected. He had barely given you a second thought in the past, the daughter of his mother’s best friend. Tiny and always behind him, his brother and other children. You had played together, spending more time arguing about a game than actually playing it. 
But you had found ways to arrange yourself and your games and still, he had never looked twice. You were just there. Until now. 
When your worlds had collided and were joined again by impact.
Oh Mahal, he slowed down his running and sighed, what have you done to me?
Later on the same day were you working in the kitchen, making a fresh batch of bread, and hitting the dough more than kneading it. 
You were still embarrassed about what had happened in the morning, still unsure on how to continue and you did not even knew why he had come to you in the first place.
A knock on the door made you pause in beating up the dough and you wiped your hands clean from flour on your apron while yelling “coming” towards the door.
You went to open the door and it was Kíli’s remorseful face greeting you with a shaky grin.
“Hello”, he whispered with a hoarse voice.
His eyes barely sparkled anymore, you noticed with a growing concern.
Was he not feeling well?
“Can I come in? I have brought you, I mean not you, you, I mean you and your family of course, some rabbits that I have freshly hunted today…”
And indeed, he had five already skinned rabbits hanging over his shoulder.
You smiled carefully and nodded.
“Of course! You are always welcome here!”
He breathed out in relief and his steps got his usual bounce back as he strode confidently into the kitchen.
And when he turned to you were his eyes sparkling again! You grinned, happy at the sight.
He gave you the rabbits and told you that he had already gutted them. 
“They are ready for cooking or smoking!”
“Excellent!”, you answered. 
“Mother will decide later on what will happen to them, my responsibility today is only the bread”, you nodded towards your kitchen’s worktop where still the bread dough rested. He followed your look. 
He kept his eyes on the dough and said quietly: “Can I talk to you? I have to apologise for my behavior today…”
He still was not looking at you.
“Of course…”, you nodded and got up to put away the rabbits into the cold storage room under your kitchen.
“Will you help me with these?”, you nodded towards the rabbits while climbing down the ladder into the storage room.
Kíli got up as well, without saying a word and handed you two rabbits at a time.
After he had given you the first pair he started speaking.
“I am awfully sorry for my disturbance in your privacy earlier! I should have never looked into your private chambers, Syniver had told me that you were still sleeping… I should have left right there.
It will never happen again!”, he said, voice coated with remorse and pain, while handing you the next two rabbits and you stored them carefully away.
“I have already forgiven you”, you answered after a quick minute, where you had gathered your thoughts.
“It was a stupid accident! And also quite hilarious, if you think about it. As if any visitor sees the people in a house in their night wear…”, you laughed and Kíli gave you the last rabbit and smiled slightly in an attempt to answer your laughter.
“Why did you come by anyways?”, you asked, as you climbed the ladder up again.
“Oh, I was just wanting to ask – CAREFUL!”, he suddenly yelled, as your foot slipped from
the last step of the ladder as you had stepped accidentally onto the hem of your dress. 
He grabbed you by the arm and you cling onto  him instinctively and he helped you carefully back onto the safe ground of the kitchen floor.
Your eyes got tangled into each other once again as he still held you close to him. 
*You were already standing safely back on the ground but neither of you moved, the two of you were not even blinking!
You breathed out and smiled at him, breaking the spell. He instantly released your arm and made a quick step back from you.
“Thank you – for saving me. This could have gone very differently without you…”, you shuddered as you looked down the ladder onto the dark, solid ground.
“We’re square now”, he answered with his usual grin. Everything was fine again.
“You ran into, well over, me and most certainly saved me from eventually doing something stupid that day on the market in regards to Fíli’s lover and now I saved you. We’re even!”
“I am glad”, you said. 
“You were just about to tell why you came by this morning…”, you reminded him.
“Oh yes, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend the day with me, hunting, riding in the forest…”, he looked at you with hopeful eyes and your heart melted instantly.
“Can we still do that? This sounds lovely!”
“If you want to, there’s still enough daylight left for a short trip. I know a lovely little pond, it is frozen now of course, but it is beautiful with frozen waterfalls…”, Kíli’s eyes sparkled and sparkled and your heart was full and happy. You wanted to ride through the forest by his side, you wanted to see the beautiful little pond, you wanted to see the world through his eyes!
You wanted to get to know his world!
And so you did.
Today’s ride through the forrest would be the first of many more to come.
He showed you hidden places, full of beauty and wonder. He showed you, where the rare white deer grazed during the winter months and you spent hours watching them from deep within the undergrowth of big, old trees.
„Some say“, he told you one day, „that these trees are older than the elves in middle-earth…“
You cocked your head to the side and looked at the gigantic trees around you, covered in all kinds of evergreens, moss and dead looking climbing plants — you knew that they would become lush and green soon enough when spring would arrive.
The trees were old, sturdy and had a rough bark that protected them from the seasons and weathers and apparently time.
„What they must have seen in all of these ages…“, you wondered and caught Kíli looking at you from the side.
You smiled at him, it was an instinct, you could not not smile when you saw or just thought of him,  and his eyes sparkled, when he returned your smile.
„The most extraordinary wonders“, he answered solemnly and kept looking at you and his smile lit a fire of gold and brown in his eyes, like a fragrant late summer day over freshly dug soil. 
You wanted to keep the happiness that radiated off of him in your life and your heart forever, it made you feel whole.
Of course, you were your own person but with him by your side, it felt like your life had doubled. 
Everything had intensified over the span of the days and weeks since Kíli had come back into your life.
He gave you so much. So much laughter, so much joy, he filled your heart and soul with warmth and let your insides tingle pleasantly.
His smile, his slightly curved pink lips, his sparkling eyes, his strong hands, his skillful fingers that flitted over the neck of his fiddle when he played his happy melodies…
He was all of this and more and you had started to wonder how you were ever able to live without the light he brought.
It was one of the evenings that you had spent with him in front of the fireplace in the welcoming living room of his family’s house — he and Fíli had played their fiddles and you had danced to their tunes, you had hummed along, happy songs about the most beloved treasures, of rare gems and of girls and boys flirting and dancing at their town’s festivals.
You had pressed your favorite book, that you had read to the brothers before, to your chest, taking it as your dance partner and swirled around the room, laughing and swinging…
But your eyes never left Kíli. You kept your eyes on him for the whole time.
You admired how he used his whole body to play his fiddle, how he moved along to the music, how his arms moved when he played, how he kept his full body tension —
pressing his chin gently to his fiddle to keep it stable on his shoulder and how his bow in his right hand danced confidently over the strings all while the fingers of his left hand bounced masterfully over the fiddle’s neck…
He was otherworldly beautiful, like a mythical creature from another realm, his dark hair in contrast to his sky blue tunic, his cheeks reddened from playing and laughing in the warmth of the fire in the room and always his eyes.
Sparkling. Fixed on you. Smiling slightly, as much as his play allowed.
And you danced, danced with your happiness and joy. Danced with a full heart and a soul that felt complete.
In the night that followed you saw yourself dancing in your dreams, your skirts twirled around you and you laughed.  The You that you observed looked directly at you and you saw her smile so brightly, so beautifully.
Your face rosy and a few strands of hair were sticking to the sides of your face, where sweat glittered in the light of the fire.
You were beautiful. Any doubt that you ever had about yourself faded as you observed your dream self.
She was glowing. She was everything. 
And you knew, even after waking, that she was not a creation of your mind, she was you and you were her.
Kíli saw himself this night in his dreams as well.
He saw himself like you had seen him. Beautiful, ethereal and worthy of your admiration.
He did not saw the little boy in the shadow of his brother and uncle, who was always trying to prove himself to them and the world. He saw a man, strong, capable and enough, even handsome, just like he was. And for the blessed moments that his dream lasted, he accepted your vision fully.
He just did not know that it was your eyes he had seen himself through.
Just like you did not know that you had seen yourself through his eyes.
Efís had stopped talking and the children all looked up to her with big eyes, questions flashing up behind their eyes.
“Why were they dreaming of themselves? Don’t you usually dream of other people and not about yourself?”, one of the older girls asked.
“Oh well”, Efís smiled slightly, her eyes fixing at a far point over the fire place, while she thought of her answer.
“There are stories, stories of old, that tell of bound, fated souls, souls tied together by Mahal himself, when He created them. 
Kíli and who was merely just his childhood acquaintance once were always destined to be more than friends or lovers. I believe firmly that their souls were promised to each other by Mahal, just like in the old stories . I believe they were the One for each other.
And the old stories also say that people, whose souls were were bound together in the moment of their creation, were able to see through the eyes of the beloved. Especially in dreams. 
They caught a glimpse of their own soul and it inspired them, healed them, nourished them and made the love in their hearts burn even brighter than before. If it ever was possible.
But the pair in our story, though fated, was not yet aware that it was love that was growing quickly and rapidly in their hearts.
But it would change very soon.
On a fateful day in the deep winter, when Fíli celebrated his 81st birthday Kíli and his One were both met with a burning desire for each other— and burning jealousy. But before I tell you about their hearts matters, do you want more cookies?”
The children screamed in joy and nodded ferociously.
“Very well then, dears, let me get the next platter!”
Efís laughed contently on her way to the kitchen, she was happy that the children, who came to visit her, shared her love for wonderful baked goods and the stories of old. This way was she making sure that the heritage of their people, stories, songs, everything that made their culture so rich, would be passed on for generations to come.
She continued speaking, after she was seated again and the children happily produced cookie crumbs on her carpet and the room was once again filled with eating children, their breathing, their sniffling and the crackling of the fire.
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lamemaster · 1 year
And the Time Stopped (Caranthir x Male Reader)
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An: I wrote this as Caranthir x OC for ao3. I changed OC into the reader for Tumblr. I think it is cute and if you would like to read more of it in Caranthir x male reader format let me know.
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: He exhaled a sigh of relief when the gardens remained quiet as ever. An unnoticed smile crept on the face of the broodiest Feanorian. If anyone were to witness the scene of Morifinwe crouched in a random bush smiling at the ground, they would probably knock on the doors of the nearest healer.
One step and he would lose all the progress. A distant sane part of Carnistir’s mind wondered what the hell was he doing. Telperion’s bloom was halfway through. Sleepy elflings loitering in the streets had been long tucked in their bed by their parents. It was a mellow evening.
Yet, for the fourth son of crown prince Feanor, it was a night of adventure he never remembered asking for. He was hanging from the second highest branch of the tree right next to the window of his room that too without making the wood creak. He was sure that his face was probably flushed red by now. 
Somehow, Carnistir had snuck out without alerting the other 6 menaces that resided in the same house as him. He was particularly proud of escaping from Turco, the famed hunter of Oromë. 
Praying for the last time Carnistir swung his legs and let go of his hands holding the branch. He aimed to land farthest from the wall of his house to avoid alerting anyone of his plan. The Illuvatar listened to his pleas as he landed lightly on his feet closer to the other end of their garden. As soon as his feet touched the ground Carnistir rolled his body towards a bush and waited for any sign of disturbance.
He exhaled a sigh of relief when the gardens remained quiet as ever. An unnoticed smile crept on the face of the broodiest Feanorian. If anyone were to witness the scene of Morifinwe crouched in a random bush smiling at the ground, they would probably knock on the doors of the nearest healer.
His strategy had been way too good for anyone to even suspect him. Unknown to the crouching ellon, his smile turned into a frightening smirk similar to that of a dark lord marveling at their work. Ignorant of his facial expressions Carnistir reminisced about the evening when he started to work on his scheme.
“BAM!” He had slammed the front door of their house. His hair was messed up in a fashion that reassembled a bird’s nesting preference. His face was bright red with evident rage, which unknown to anyone was not really rage but the succession of quick laps he had run in the unfrequented woods. 
“Carn—” Nerdanel, who was in the process of forcing Pityo into his chair to eat, stopped mid-sentence when she saw him. Carnistir felt guilt creep up his gut, but he continued his power walk to his room. This had to be flawless. This would be the building block of ensuring everything ran smoothly for the night. Mentally he apologized to his mother, if it were to be another day, he would’ve helped her with the twins but not today.
As he reached his door, he could hear Ambarussa chattering and Nerdanel shushing them. “No, you cannot go to Moryo today.” The statement was followed by collective whining to which he heard his mother replying in hushed tones.
Not known to many, there was an unchallenged rule in the Feanorian household. It was a rule respected by all the members of the family, even the rowdy Ambarussar had to uphold it, albeit reluctantly. 
In a house full of artisans, it was not uncommon for one-third of the house to have a temper tantrum on a particular day. His father’s frustration with metals, Makalaure’s writer’s block, or his mother’s pilling commissions. It was bound to create tensions. So, the household of Feanor made it a rule to respect an artist’s justifiable irritation and stay out of the person’s way. After several family meetings, it was decided that in case of a rough day the person would be left alone. No one would interrupt the internal war of the fuming member.
It wasn’t surprising that Feanor, Curvo, and Carnistir were the leading participants in this exercise, which was the reason that it came to him like second nature. Thus, it was arranged that no one would be troubling him tonight.
Breaking away from his reverie Carnistir dusted his robes. He had made sure to dress in something darker for the night. After contemplating for an hour, he had settled for a dark-brown velvet tunic. He had himself embroidered its seams with gold thread. As a precautionary measure, he patted his braids, making sure nothing had come undone. 
As if remembering on cue he patted his inner pockets. It would be all for nothing if he forgot the book. Much to his relief, he could feel the minute outlines of the book. 
After looking around for a pair of redheads sneaking around for the last time Carnistir huffed and started making his way toward Tirion’s public library. 
As he walked the relatively quiet roads of Tirion, he couldn’t help but notice the slight rustle of leaves as the wind tussled with them. He marveled at the limestone sidewalk that seemed to be painted silver with the light of Telperion. He spotted a few stubborn weeds growing in-between the paved sidewalk.
Carnistir never cared much for the poetic beauty in everything around him. He had left that to Makalaure. He much preferred to wield a needle to weave colorful threads into a scenery. His grandmother’s art had appealed the most to him and his father had been immensely proud. Feanor admired every single one of his creations and would stand looking at them for hours.
However, these days Carnistir found himself humming a familiar jolly tune, Makalaure had almost tripped when he found his younger brother mindlessly humming a love song. Carnistir found joy in helping his mother with twins, easing Maitimo’s duties. On random occasions, he would catch himself admiring the light of trees, and the chirping of the birds, Huan seemed to get extra pets from him. He even found himself laughing at the Ambarussar’s antics.
All this he had woven in a tapestry. It felt as if the world that felt like an annoyance was suddenly livelier. Something had breathed life into everything around him. The realization made the book in his coat feel so much heavier.
He had been frowning at the same fabric for the past hour. The vendor who was earlier glad that the prince had come to his shop was now exasperated. “My lord, my prince…” Carnistir ignored his whining with immaculate talent. 
Had it been a normal piece he would not have cared that much but this was supposed to be a present for his father. His father, who never celebrated his begetting for the longest time. Carnistir knew it was the lingering grief of Miriel’s loss that still saddened his father. 
“I’ll take this one.” Carnistir flinched at the sudden voice right next to him. He had not heard anyone approaching. Even the shopkeeper seemed stunned at the unexpected interruption.
The next moment the shopkeeper recovered and with a brilliant smile turned to the new customer. Carnistir was indignant at the interruption. He had yet to ask if the fabric was dyed with the specific dye he preferred.
Had this stranger made no sense? How could he just look at a piece of fabric from that far away and buy it? One needs to feel the cloth, inspect the dye, and look at the consistency of the threadwork in the least.
This was atrocious. Ready to educate the fool who was still standing quite a distance away Carnistir turned. “Excuse me, but ho—” and the time stopped to exist.
Out of all the children of Feanor, Carnistir was the least impulsive. He had always planned and weighed his options. Yet, one look at you, who he was about to give an earful, he felt the world turn upside down. 
It was one moment that made him swoon, yearn, and forget whatever he had been doing before this. The stranger with hair of Laurelin’s color and eyes of the color of a lake on a bright day looked back at him equally surprised.
Carnistir, the harshest and quickest to anger out of all his brothers, fell in love at first sight. Almost quicker than the red that instantly colored his face.
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lif3lessb0dy · 4 months
for who i will write? what will I write? please read this before asking for someone
mostly for my crushes but as the title says you can request sth
besides requests I write female x male parings (sometimes F!OC sometimes F!reader)
english isn't my first language and im still learning it so I can make mistakes in grammar etc, pls be understanding & nice
I DONT write incest
I also don't write smut but u can request some nsfw content
Also often don't write character x character
pirates of the caribbean; the witcher(both games and netflix series); hazbin hotel; marvel; helluva boss; tokyo ghoul; devilman crybaby; lord of the rings/hobbit/silmarillion; thundermans; måneskin; encanto; club winx; w.i.t.c.h.; castlevania; stranger things; metal lords; star butterfly vs forces of evil; metal family; lolirock; rebel moon; my candy love; love and deepspace
(will be updated)
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witchofhimring · 1 year
This is my new blog because my old one got shadowbanned. This will likely be my new account. If that changes you will be informed.
About me:
Welcome to my coven my dears. Space for people who love AOT, Silmarillion, Merlin, Remarried Empress, Game of Thrones, Lore Olympus, Harry Potter and more.
Feel free to send me asks!
This is an 18+ blog so minors DNI
-I write smut, violence and may cover topics that some may find triggering so please proceed with caution. I will appropriately label each fic.
-All my fics are afab however if someone requests a fic that is gender neutral or with male reader then I am happy to do so.
Taglist: You will find my fandom and smut tags here so that you may enjoy or avoid them as you will.
-No minors interacting with 18+ content
-No discrimination! If you harass me or someone else on this platform you will be blocked.
-No racism, homophobia, sexism ect.
-I will not write scat or piss kinks, all others are up for grabs.
-I may change my rule list if it suits me
Have fun!
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sotwk · 2 years
Final Call: Valentine Mini Event by SotWK
Announcing last call for requests! 💌 Open for asks until 2/28/23, 11:59 PM PST. 👍
Welcome to my first-ever mini writing event! (Is that the right thing to call it?) This is a Followers Appreciation Event, and therefore open to Followers only. Anon asks for this will be deleted; non-followers will receive a "please follow me" message. <3
Just like Valentine's, short and sweet, here's how it works:
Select your favorite line from the prompt list below.
Send the line to me in an Ask, along with the male LOTR/Hobbit canon character of your desire.
I will respond to your Ask with a Character x Reader romance drabble featuring that exact line (verbatim)!
One request per ask/message, but send as many asks as you wish!
Deadline to submit asks: February 28th.
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A few reminders:
Characters I write best for: Thranduil, Legolas, Elrond, Lindir, Haldir, Thorin, Fili, Boromir, Eomer.
No Silmarillion or RoP characters, please.
Reader will default to female, but if the story doesn't require much gender detail, I can try to keep it gender neutral.
Please be patient and understand that there is no guaranteed delivery time for these fics. I will do my best, but they will be written and completed as time and inspiration allow.
Thank you for your interest!
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Here is the first work I have completed and posted in response to this event: "The Task of Living" (Thorin x Reader). As you can tell, I have trouble keeping things brief.
(Bonus gratuitous GIF! 😉)
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine courting Lindir
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(Sorry for the late delay, I was on a week long vacation and had no focus to publish these till the end of the week. I tried to make this sweet as possible so I hope you enjoy it,) 
(Little note, this is a male reader, so you don’t get confused) 
Requested by @gilairon-deactivated20221015
Warnings: none really, fluff, a possible inappropriate jokes, relationship stuff, Lindir being the sweetes boy. 
-You were one of the guards of Rivendell.
-You didn’t do much, to be honest. You guarded the gates, scouted the borders, and ensured everything was fine before taking the rest of the day off and doing your own things.
-You wanted an ordinary life, away from orcs, darkness, and bad things that once happened in your long elven life. You had seen and experienced too much, so it was time to go on retirement and take things easy.
-Then you met Lindir. He was just the sweetest being you had ever laid your eyes upon, and his voice made your heart beat louder than any war drums.
-When you saw him for the first time – it was like an arrow had pierced through your chest, making you feel immense love for this ellon.  
-You could not help but become friends with him and try to win his heart.
-He was pleasant to talk to, and his giggles and laughs were worth hearing whenever you told him a joke or tried to flirt with him. He often called you shameless or scolded you for the inappropriate jokes, but seeing his flustered face was worth it.
-Over time — you finally asked him to court you. You prepared yourself to face rejection, but to your eternal happiness: he said yes. It was one of the happiest days of your life.
-Same-sex relationships were considered normal in elven communities. There were no ridiculous rules like among the humans, so you didn’t have to fear rejection. If anything, your people were happy for you.
-Your courtship started happily and smoothly.
-You love hearing his voice and music whenever you have free time from your duties. It became your favorite hobby as his voice was beautiful as the voices of the birds. It also helps you sleep better as you love to snuggle into his arms as he lulls you to sleep.
-You sometimes teased him with love songs of your own. You are not much of a singer, so your music wasn’t the best quality, and people might yell at you to be quiet.
-However, Lindir would feel flustered and have a red face whenever you embarrassed him with a new song while playing like a drunkard. He appreciates the gesture, but he will mentally die if you don’t take some classes and start playing well.
-You would do it, but you loved making him embarrassed way too much.
-At the end of the day, you two like cuddle up and read books to each other — telling about your day and sharing the horrors of serving lord Elrond’s family.
-A good laugh would always follow whenever you mention the latest shenanigans of the twins and Glorfindel, who often ends up as the target of their pranks. 
-Talking about the twins, since you and Lindir were together. Elrond had a great idea of putting you and Lindir on duty to watch his children while he and his wife take a break.
-The twins and Arwen were handy, so you and Lindir got busy to ensure Rivendel did not get destroyed and Lindir’s soul would not leave his body whenever you decided to join in the shenanigans.
-You were considered the fun uncle, so you also got scolded if you did something naughty with the twins and Arwen – while Lindir was the one who gave the scolding.
-It was a sight to behold, and Glorfindel once jokingly remarked how Lindir was the wife in your relationship. You did not deny the thought because you planned to make him your husband one day.
-You were passionate about gardening and even had your little garden in your home. Lindir adored it and voluntarily helped you with the plants while you passionately told him about all the plants you had and their qualities.
-Lindir thinks it’s adorable and made him love you even more.
-You sometimes bring him flowers and fruits from your garden, raised by your love for him, which would make him blush and treasure them. He would take good care of your plants and put them in the prettiest vase he has in possession.
-You had no shame in using pickup lines or affectionate nicknames in public.
-You had no reason to hide them and show everyone how much you loved him, so you would effortlessly call him ”Birdy” or “Dear” without fear.
-He would feel flustered and call you a shameless idiot while you would only smile.
-You two keep your intimate moments behind the doors, though you do love to steal kisses from him here and then –flustering him so much that his ears get red.
-Behind the doors, things get more passionate. You found out your sweet Lindir possesses some dominance. You would sometimes be left breathless by Lindir when he suddenly latches his arms around your head and kisses you first, especially when there was pent-up stress.
-It was a surprise when he did it the first time, but it didn’t mean you did not enjoy it. Lindir was sometimes shy to show that side of him, fearing he might appear needy, but you reassured him it was alright because you’re always down to be the bottom if he felt like being on top.
-Saying that constantly earns you a smack on the head.
-Whenever you had to leave and join a battle. Lindir often feared you would return injured or didn’t return at all.
-You have both seen and lost many people, so losing you would break him.
-You would assure him you would be fine and always return to him because no force in Middle Earth could keep you away from him. You would only leave Middle Earth on a boat with him when it was time to return to Valinor and live your lives together on the undying lands till the end of times.
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