#i shouldve cleaned it up more but its done
yarrow-leaf · 5 months
My final animation project is finished! Its a short little Curse of Strahd animatic mostly focused on my players’ characters and snippets of their respective backstories… also Strahd is there! 🦇
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chavatangakwunua · 3 months
sometimes i think about what happens next after one of my failed runs
imagine, anton rayne, cleaned up his predecessors' mess with a vaguely centrist economic revival and a more democratic constitution but gave up to rumburg like a coward even though the army situation wasnt even that bad (it was and i lost to them in this run but let's assume i didnt)
obviously everyone is mad as fuck at rayne for losing all that territory. he just went from a pretty good president to the SCREED OF THE EARTH AND A TRAITOR.
rayne knows this all too well and resigns. retreats out of the public eye and moves to some nondescript house at the edge of the city with the wife and kids.
nobody vists him for years. everyone eventually thinks he died or something. good riddance.
then comes a knock at his door. rayne opens it to see none other than lucian galade himself.
anton smiles at him and invites him in. lucian looks a little taken aback at anton's state. anton notices and says, "not what you expected, huh?"
"it just, does not look like a house worthy of a former president, that's all."
"it's an okay house, just like how i was an okay president. and my childhood home was much worse than this."
"right." lucian uncharacteristically is at a loss for words.
"if youre wondering where the rest of the family is, the kids have both grown old and moved out. monica is still working to further the rights of women in the country so she isn't at home most of the time." anton's face doesn't change except for a slight tick in his left hand. "or, more realistically, she couldnt stand to see my face after i sold the country off to rumburg. she has her own house now."
lucian sees that all the family photos he remembers lining the walls in anton's old house (hes only ever been there once but he has a good memory) are gone. theres a few left, of deana with her friends in kyrute, franc with his wife in united contana, cut-outs of photos of monica in the newspapers. university pictures of anton and petr.
"what about you, mr vice president? i see you still havent married."
lucian shakes his head.
"no. and i see you've been keeping up with the news." of course. rayne mustve seen at least the headlines when scouring for mentions of his (ex?) wife in the papers. of course he didnt miss his old advisor lucian galade managing to score himself the vice presidency without him.
"im not mad," anton assures. "its hopeful to see at least someone surviving the dumpster fire of my presidency unscathed."
"i know," lucian says. anton laughs at this. lucian just stays tightlipped like he always is.
lucian keeps returning after this. brings him expensive wine and cigars and sweets. anton jokingly accuses him of corruption and lucian shuts him down. they play chess. anton tells him about work (he teaches economics) and his personal life (can you BELIEVE what my next door neighbour did yesterday??). lucian, meanwhile, doesnt ever talk about his work or his personal life.
one time anton babbles about something one of his students spat in his face once. hes laughing it off but lucian is bothered. he asks why he lets his students speak to him like that and anton tries to wave it off. "im used to it," he says. "and he was right."
the conversation turns to anton's old presidency.
"why did you do it?" lucian asks.
"i was scared. i knew our army was good but not good enough, and we didnt have enough allies to fill in the gaps. we wouldve lost. and to save everyone the trouble i wouldve killed myself." he turns his hand into a shape of a finger gun and places it on his own head. he mimes a pow and his brain getting blown. "maybe i shouldve done it anyway."
lucian tells him to knock it off. anton just giggles (its the alcohol isnt it) and mumbles something about simply following petr's path.
lucian apologizes for bringing it up but anton keeps on going. how nobody would miss him anyway, how everyone was right, how hes a stain on the nation that must be cleansed
lucian slaps him hard enough to startle anton out of his funk and says lucian is going to miss him, so he better not do it.
anton sputters out an apology, looking completely flushed (is it still the alcohol?) and then they kiss
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malewifesband · 5 months
want to make an analysis post on milsiril and kabrus relationship but i have an earache so nothing is coming out coherent. so heres the gist fir now
she babies him because she cannot manage her own emotions--shes deeply mentally ill and has been her whole life. she takes in children out of pity but also out of a desire to be cared for--i dont believe (and more importantly kabru doesnt seem to believe) that she does this with intent to parentify those kids into meeting her emotional needs, but the result is the same. her children love and adore her the way she wishes other adults could. her children look up to her, see her like a savior, and cherish all that they can learn from her. her children have all been deeply hurt like her, and she can empathize with their pain in a way she cant with people who havent suffered
she never meant to keep kabru like a pet who cant take care of himself, but in the end, she still did. he doesnt know how to clean or cook, he ignores his bodys needs, he lives and breathes for the singular purpose of preventing another utaya. some of this his mother cultivated, some of it was part of him already and will be until he finds new purpose at the end of the story, and there was nothing she couldve done for him. its hard to draw a line between the selfharm and the harm inherited.
hes grateful to her for giving him a broad and thorough education in people, culture, language, and combat. he never learned to be a man, only a tool. milsiril only knew how to be a tool. he cant hate her for acting in her nature, for teaching him only what he wanted to learn
she shouldve been a better mother, she shouldve made sure he knew how to be more than just a tool to stop destruction, but would he have listened if she was even able to teach him that?
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old-stoneface · 1 year
i have soooo much to say abt fallout 4 so far . so ummm
just did the whole kellogg memory quest and when valentine insisted he get the implant connected to his brain i was like NO!!!!!!! but it was already done and valentine wouldnt have refused a chance to do anything he could to help. it was so nervewracking lmao that was such an interesting quest too because while i do know what happens in the game in general, like i know some of the major spoilers, i also really enjoy seeing it all play out. it reminds me of how it felt to play the final benny quest in new vegas and meet yes-man for the first time.....that shit blew me away.
i want to take other companions around w me in fo4 other than nick, but man im really attached to him, and he just asked for my help with tracking down his white whale. so hes sticking with me for a while. needless to say, i love goodneighbor; i think its a very cool community and hancock is a riot . his introduction was a lot lol he really took offense to someone giving valentine trouble. one of the things that i loved about new vegas was the ability to help sort out community problems and make life easier for everyone in the various settlements, so finding new towns and doing fetch quests or clearing out feral ghouls to make life easier makes me pretty happy. its a bonus that valentine enjoys that too.
anyway, back to kellogg. i kind of dont care about him. i understand, and i get it, he kinda does parallel the sole survivor, but that was on him for being a fucking asshole. like. he knew that shit was gonna bite him in the ass. hes not really anything like the pc from my perspective, and im not excited to hear more from kellogg in the form of his ghost inhabiting valentine's brain.
oh i just remembered i also got the home in diamond city!!!!! which was so exciting!!!!!! i spent like half an hour cleaning it up and adding some amenities while valentine sat on my couch. that was really fun. i am getting a LOT of satisfaction from providing homes for other npcs too, putting a lot of effort into improving sanctuary and telling other people to go there, like sheffield and the (somehow unnamed) vault-tec rep. i feel so bad for that guy. they shouldve at least named him.
anyway 👍 thats all. im just having a lot of fun. im not so good at combat but as long as i have a companion i can handle pretty much anything as long as its not a full-on assault from super mutants or anything
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lindsaynooneops · 7 months
Fundamentals: Software Pūmanawa Extra Vector Level Up
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This is the vector i have chosen to recreate. i printed it out on A4 and traced over it with a lightbox.
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here is the traced drawing of the horse vector above and where i believe the anchor points and direction handles will be placed and look like
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this was the process i had made in creating the overall shape of the horse. i felt a little inconfident from the beginning but as i carried on i got better and better with creating broken anchor points and hybrid points.
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after readjusting the anchor points and the direction handles length angle and placement
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looking at the two side by side i was somewhat accurate with the direction of the handles but underestimated the length that they would be especially at the long curves strokes.
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this is the image i will be using for the second graphic (ass there isnt much evidence of shading ill add my own to the illustrastion
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Tracing drawing before the anchor points and direction handles are applied (i hate that i didnt just draw this from reference it hurts)
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Here is where the direction length and placement the anchor points and direction handles will be
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progress made on the outlines shapes and eyes of the character (computer crashed and i had to do this all over again essentially)
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i created the eyes by firstly creating a while oval shape, then created another oval with a gradient for the iris, used the same shape and ctrl + c then hit ctrl + shift + v and held down shift and alt to keep the shape in the centre and downsize it to create the pupil then copy pasted the shape twice to create the white shiny bits of the eye
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the hair was added through creating the shapes under the stroke layer and using the intersect tool where you select both stroke and objects then ungroup and delete the undesired parts of the shapes that go outside of the lines
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i then made certain stroke edges into objects by going Object > Expand and hitting okay allowing me to manipulate the stroke and give it a clean look rather than being a flat end
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this is the end result including the layers used
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as you can see the lengths and directions of the direction angles are a little more accurate compared to the previous project with some missing anchor points
in relfection after many crashes of my system and having to start over again really tested my limits but i pushed through and got it done. i think in future im just going to have to clean out my cpu fan more often because dust buildup caused overheating which caused feezing up and illustrator was hopeless at recovering my files. i feel the creation of these vectors has greatly increased my confidence in use of broken anchor points and creation of characters such as seen above. i know its tuesday and i shouldve finished by last friday but i needed that weekend to focus on myself and chill out for a second before getting straight into school work.
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loss-protocol · 9 months
ove me more love enough to fill me up fill me up fill me full up i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to drown it out drown it out drown me out how do other people live iwonder how they keep it up when today is finally done theres another day to come then another day to come then another day to come back to mine we'll pretend it ends tomorrow i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to fill me up fill me up fill me full up i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to drown it out drown it out drown me out i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to clean me up clean me up clean me up clean me up clean me up i need you to love me more love me more love me more theres nothing left for you nothing in this room try to go outside nothing waits for you you had it once before not anymore so go on to that sweethearts door and find a new you give her all the love you saved for it you could touch fire you could fly it was your right it was your life and then it passed on to someone new itll keep passing on long after you but youre the only one shes counting on theres nothing left for you OHHHI LVOETHIS SONG WOO HOO well iwent through my lsitof friends and found i ha dnoone to tell of this overhwleming clean feeling strange serenity wheni saw a girl lookedJustlike me!!!!!!! and itbroke my heart the lengths youwent to hold me to get to have me cause ihavent given you wha tyou need youwanted me but ciouldnt reach me so you wentinot your memory RELIVEDALL THE WAYSYOU STILL WANT ME!!!!!! ihavent given you whatyou need you wanted me but couldnt reach meimsorry itshouldve been me!!!!!!!! id be going boutmy day untila hand would come and lift me out and drop mein the middle of a labyrinth where id be stuck awhile when isaw the girl looked just like me i thought must be lonely loving someone tryna find their way out of a maze OHI KNOW!!!!!!!!! i havent given youwhat you need!!!!you wanted me but couldnt reach me so youwent into your memory relived all the ways you still want me i havent givenyou what you need you wanted me but couldnt reach me im sorry it shouldve been me im sorry it shouldve been me i guess i guess i guess this is the end ill have to learn to be somebody else its been you and me since before i was me without you i dont quite know how to live if i could keep anything of you i would keep just this quiet after you its still as a pond i am staring into from here i can say thank you from here i can tell you thank you WOAHHTHIS SOGNT OO WOO HOO We fought againi ran out the apartment you say you love meI BELIEVEYOU DO!!!!!!!! but i walk down and up and downand up and down and up and down this street causeyou jsut dont LIKEME!!!! NOT LIKEYOU USED TO !!!!!! thats our lamp it shines like a big moon we may be ending im standing in the dark looking upinto our room where youll be waiting for me thinking thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thinking thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me Woo Hoo How Was The Show
Cheers and claps
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am-i-sans · 10 months
dnd adventures 37
tori and cam are eeby deeby! dess is back though! suzy and inferno are unsupervised while were landing. oh no. they land on their faces. frog waves bye to tori and cam and waves hi to dess.
suzy grabs inferno and starts running, its time for chaos. undyne chases them they cant be allowed unsupervised. kris asks if this is normal and dans says "hes evil and shes prebuscent." undyne whistles and summons soupnik to swoopdown and grabs them in his claws.
suzy elbows kris and demands they get a dragon, again. kris just snorts. soupnik drops them by undyne lol. shes so mad lol. suzy books it again oh no. charity also flees lol. heres comes soupnik! they only grab inferno lol. he goes REALLY high in the sky oh no. HE DROPS HIM! before he hits soupnik catches him and sets him by undyne. frog wants to do that lol.
kris tells dans his kids are funny lol. 'their not my kids but they may as well be.' vani huffs and goes to find lil suzy. shes chilling in a tree. vani is making sad noises and climbs up the tree and tries to make her get on his back. she tries to wrestle him and falls out of the tree. we hear loud yelling lol and go over.
dans asks if lil suzy is done now. she runs off and trips on a rock and lands on her face. dans sighs and says they need to find jevil. everyone else is laughing at suzy and frog goes to help her up. inferno complains she left him. lil suzy tells inferno he shouldve gotten good. inferno walks over and tells her to say it to his face. 'git gud!' he sees undyne and walks away pissed.
vani refinds the trail and off we go. soupnik in the air. dans hands big suzy more jerky. we stumble across a bone i guess. suzy holds it up and dess takes it lol. she rubs her chin in thought like a cartoon charactor. 'well this is clearly a bone.' inferno takes it, bites, and says 'yep thats bone' suzy is mad they wanted to do that lol. inferno finds another one! dans found one too lol. inferno gives it to suzy and she eats it. dans hands it to big suzy as undyne yells at him lol. she yeets it and lil suzy runs after it, fetch!
dess tries to take the bone from suzys mouth and she yanks back lol. dess lies and says its a jevil bone the shithead. back to searching! inferno trips on his face while looking for bones. tori is out of eeby deeby! frog is trying to clean infernos bones lol. kris and dans had been talking and stuff. tori is just confused why do the kids have bones. vani happy dances around tori.
we stumble upon a clearing and theres a guy there, its jevil but we dont know but frog knows and runs over and hugs him! dess yells to not hug the murder clown. he picks up frog and spins them around "look how tall you got!" undyne and tori yell at frog to get back from him, weaponized. frog is just excited lol but jevil is silent.
undyne fucking takes frog away from him frog is so upset. undyne says hes dangerous but frog says shes dangerous cause she has a sword. hes working with steve. frog says steve probably lied to him. inferno is confused about steve and suzy says he has a lot to catch up on.
dess walks up to him and asks if hes been working with any strange men lately xD "which one?" "do you know a guy that would fuck that guy?" she points at dans and he says 'bruh'. undyne points her sword at him and asks if he works for steve. thats not his name so dans asks the real dumbass name lol. yep, oh no. dans him to not work for him and to tell us where he is and we'll leave him alone. its all part of the game? he doesnt know where he is. inferno wants his hat off to see if hes bald sksksk. big suzy also wants to see and kris punches her lol.
inferno walks over and takes off his hat. and smacks his bald head oh no. jevil fucking squeaks like a toy. undyne hands frog to tori. big suzy and kris slap dans bald head lol. jevil asks inferno if hes done lol. dans asks if he knows where steve went or what hes doing. nope frick. frog asks to slap jevils bald head. 'of course!' tori wont put them down sad.
its been 3 hours we have gotten nowhere
tori asks if hes going to work with him. he just wants to play a game, game! he can show us if we like, ummm... undyne no. dont. tori uses stone skin on frog. he leans in to frog and suzy and says its not a game for kids and they should go play somewhere else. dess makes a face thinking its an 'adults' game. tori sets frog down and tells them to go. suzy says lets go find bones and takes them away.
jevil needs more players and he summons a bunch of giant bat skeletons. suzy steps forward 'so its THAT kind of game. better watch out, your dealing with a couple of sharks!'
battle! The World Revolving! Shark To Shark!
dess uses snowball storm on the center of the bad guys. jevil was barely phased lol. undyne attacks! big damage but he does negate some psychic damage. big suzy attacks! missed one her damage is shit lol. jevils turn! he missed dans lol. he also missed suzy. he does hit undyne! big damage. dans hits nice. a bat bites suzy ouch. kris attacks! good job! another bat bites suzy but misses. it hits inferno! tori attacks! she lightnings jevil! infernos turn! he failed. jevil laughs at him.
dess swings her axe at jevil! failed 2 out of 3 swings. undyne goes! so much divine smite. but hes immune to being knocked prone. somewhere in the woods we hear screaming. tori tells undyne if she kills him she has to tell frog what happaned. undyne just wants to knock him out. suzy attacks the bats and kills one of them nice. jevil attacks! he goes after dans! he crits tori! but shes immune to crits! then he uses haste on himself. dans hits big nice. kris is still kinda sucking, frick. suzy yells at them to do what undyne is doing lol. a bat misses. the other bat misses too. tori witchbolts! she crits! thats so much fucking damage wtf. infernos turn! hes fucking using fireball. poor kris they were standing right there they are on fire. jevil stumbles back.
jevil starts laughing and says they did well and he wants to play again, then he fucking disappears and the bats drop dead. he drops a scythe and a crystal. undyne picks up the scythe. dans picked up the crystal. he looks through it and briefly sees mod shade's room. he puts it away and decides he didnt see anything. then he goes and helps kris not be on fire. suzy screams demanding to know who set kris on fire. the knife disappears from undynes hands.
frog shows up and asks where jevil went. it appears in suzy's hands and frog points it out. dans points out inferno for setting kris on fire. inferno is nonchalant. she punches him and it hurts lol. dess says we killed jevil and dans has to yell no they didnt cause frog is upset. lil suzy says they found some bones. inferno takes one of the bat skulls.
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tw: ranting about alcohol addiction and death
i absolutely do not blame myself for my past alcohol addiction. i dont think addiction makes me or anyone else a bad person but holy shit it ruined my life. i was stunted emotionally and socially from 14-17 which is ofc a very important time when it comes to developing mental intelligence and whatnot. i did develop a bit just not as much as anyone else i knew. its really fuckin hard to learn to manage strong emotions and plan for the future and all that when your whole life revolves around drinking.
and yeah i did other things. i had a job and i was in school and i loved my pets. besides the pets (i love the animals) not much mattered to me besides the next drink. the rest of the shit was filler. in my mind trying to do things like becoming more socially and emotionally aware was useless bc it was just more shit getting in the way of my next drink. bc even then i knew that shit takes work and research and time and that i shouldnt do it while drunk. my solution to this was to not do it at all and keep drinking
and now ive stopped drinking and ive done my best to make up for the bad stuff i did while i was an addict. it is so much easier to be kind and to support others and get involved in my community now that alcohol isnt a huge part of my life. it wasnt some major switch. i didnt have a moment where i was like "wow! i died from alcohol poisoning and was revived. my life must have some magical purpose!" i did realize that my circumstances were absolutely amazing and that i was not gonna fuck up my second chance at life.
im not perfect at all and i never will be and i dont wanna be. ill probably never have a normal relationship with substances (doubt ill stop smoking ever) and i have a boatload of mental and physical issues but for once my life is my own. it doesnt belong to a bottle of elderberry pear vodka i stole from my parents or whatever. now im almost 2 years clean and im finally able to notice how much more clear and solid my brain feels. im more in tune with my emotions and i care more deeply than i ever have before. im learning about new shit and changing my mind on things and picking up new hobbies and meeting people and im having an absolute blast.
pretty often i think that this stuff im doing would be more enjoyable if i was drinking still. and that's so so wrong because i would have never done any of this had i still been drinking.
anyway this isnt meant to be some inspirational success story. some ppl might see me as that and there's also a fuck ton that see me as a failure bc im not fully healed and may never be. i really just got lucky enough to live longer than i shouldve and im trying my absolute best with what I've got. idk if im doing any of this right and idc bc for once im just having fun and enjoying things all the time :)).
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edwardglitterhandss · 4 years
Ugh I was supposed to go back and finish writing that paper after my boi fell asleep but instead I just spooned bc my head hurt and didn't get it done :( it's half done but like the harder part is still left and then I have to study for an exam....
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imstunning · 6 years
I’ve had a bad week mentally like having breakdowns and being in the absolute worst mood and tbh I’m so close to ruining my own life from like displaced anger
#like idk why i am so angry but like i am So Angry#I'm going to go home and deep clean my house and probably cry#my boss pissed me off like ya i made a mistake but it wasn't a big deal and I have way too many responsibilites here and its just so#ridiculous#basically anything nobody doesn't want to do I have to do and its p muc everyday#and like one thing I didn't even know I had to do I hae to do? and I did it half assed#and like it shouldn't be my responsibility it shouldve been either the person who set up the event or the people going to do#not mine to prepare the stuff like you guys get the shit done#I have shit to do!!#like I have real responsiblities anad then I haev like office managment bullshit which is so frustrating because the jobs I do in a day are#like individual jobs people would do as their job but I'm doing multiple#and like its just frustrating#like I know I made a mistake but like#im pissed that I had to do it in the first place when like there are other people#also if he wasnt so cheap he could hire more people to do shit so everything is done wel#we allll talk about how we are all spread too thin and there are these unrealistic expectations#and its just like#the most frustrating thing evER#anyway im staying late at work like i do every single day#and dont get paid extra or anything but I'm trying to do my best here#when I go home I am turning on music very loudly and I am deep cleaning until I feel better#which will be never#also this is like the tipping point u know like u ever feel that#the tinest thing just makes u ready to rip faces off
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envysim · 6 years
playlist tag
RULES: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up - then choose 10 people!
I was tagged by @prismatart, and I tag @simbee, @mayshuno or anyone else dksksm
clean - taylor swift
the world according to chris - riverdale cast
new romantics- taylor swift
shake it off - taylor swift
gives you hell - glee cast
how you get the girl - taylor swift
a night you’ll never forget - riverdale cast
I do - cardi b ft sza
halo - beyonce
no option - post malone
you are in love - taylor swift
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reidsconverse · 4 years
lunch break • spencer reid
Spencer x Reader (tried to make this GN)
Warnings: none!
Based off of this request: Can I request a spencer Reid x reader blurb where they goof around on their lunch break?? Somethin real light-hearted! (sorry this took so long anon!)
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“Hey Spence, I’m gonna make lunch you wanna join?” You asked your boyfriend. You both had been working from home due to pandemic and had decided to quarantine together rather than be apart for weeks on end.
“Sure,” He said, closing his laptop and walking over to where you were sat on the kitchen counter.
“Great, whats on the menu today chef.” You joked, pulling him closer by his tie. Even when he was just at home he had to dress smart, not that you were complaining, he looked incredible in a suit.
He smirked up at you and kissed you softly, “I have something in mind.” His lips moving to kiss your jaw teasingly making you laugh.
“As much as I would love that, we only have an hour and I’m actually starving, so we have to make real food.” You said jumping down to open the fridge and inspect the basically non-existent contents.
“Oh wow, we really need to go grocery shopping.” Spencer spoke from behind you, his chin coming to rest on top of your head.
“Yeah, it has been a wh-ooo pancakes?” You said, spying the bottle of batter and reaching for it. “And its not out of date, yes!”
“Pancakes sound great, I’ll grab a pan.” He said, pulling off of you to grab whatever was needed, as you continued to scavange the fridge for anything else that might be edible.
“Ok,” you put the ingrediants down next to the soon to be filled plate of pancakes, “We have blueberries, maple syrup AND I found a can of whipped cream.” You smiled up at him and he returned it with a grin of his own.
“Sounds great babe, these will be done in a couple of minutes, wait watch me flip it.” He moved the pan away from the stove to face you and lifted it up causing the pancake to fly up and fall back down, only it ended up on the floor rather than in the pan.
You tried to hold back your giggles as his face fell into a small pout, “Nice try Spence, leave the flipping to the experts.” You reached to grab the pan from him and poured some more batter.
“No way, that was a fluke let me try again.” He said, but you used one finger to keep him away, before turning to face him with the pan.
“Watch this,” You said, more confidently than you shouldve, because the next thing you know the handle fell off the pan causing it to clatter on to the floor.
You and Spencer both stood there for a few seconds, jaws dropping in shock as you stared at the broken pan, contemplating how on earth that couldve happend. Finally, Spencer let out a loud laugh, causing you to look up at him and giggle uncontrollably.
“Oh my god, how-why- what just happened?” You tried to ask, failing to get through your sentence without bursting into another fit of laughter.
“Well, there goes our plan for pancakes. I suppose we could just have these blueberries... or we could order chinese.” He said pulling himself together before reaching into the drawer to grab a menu.
“Fine, but only if you get those spring rolls I love.” You said pointing the broke handle at him and beginning to clean up the mess from the broken pan.
“Of course, how could I forget....” He said, grinning cheekily at you as you rolled your eyes in amusement.
“Ok Mr. Eidetic Memory, you order and i’ll finish cleaning this up since I, unintentionally, made this mess.” You said. He nodded in agreement and left the room to grab his phone to place the order.
He came back a few moments later, and you were now sat back atop of the counter scrolling through your phone. You placed it down next to you as he approached you, once again settling in his place between your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“All done, they said it should be about 30 minutes so we’ll have to eat and zoom at the same time.” He said, placing a small kiss on your forehead.
“30 minutes huh? I guess we have time to go back to your previous plan...” You said, looking at him with a smirk.
“Yeah?” He asked as you nodded eagarly, squealing as he picked you up by your thighs, ready to move you to the couch.
“Wait!” You practically yelled, causing him to stop in a panic, checking to see if you were hurt. But all you did was look up at him with a devilish grin. “Don’t forget the whipped cream.”
And if you had to tip the delivery guy extra because you made him wait as you cleaned the stickiness off, well, it was worth it.
a/n feedback is appreciated :)
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pinkyoath · 2 years
if nothings done her way then its chaos. why cant it ever be enough for her. if someone does something for them it wont be exactly how they wanted it to be and who could give a fuck about it. in that moment youre just glad they had the right intentions. but it never feels that way with mom. its always bullshit about how we never help in the kitchen but once we do, or even try to do shit on our own, we get bashed about not doing anything right. then whats the point of entering the kitchen. everyone wonders why we like to cook when no ones there. nothing can ever be fun about it. cant clean up after ourselves cause we “dont know how” when its only cause we dont do it the way she likes it. the same goes for so much more. she doesnt like how i drive the car just cause she doesnt do it that way. we have had that talk too but it doesnt seem to get into her head. everything is just so dependent on her. even the mood the house. if shes mad then everyone has to be quiet. and why should it be that way. it was so embarrassing when we went to her friends house last christmas and they fought and her family member kept on asking us and looking at us for lowering our voices and toning our whole mood cause of mom when we shouldve just had a good time. and even if we did have a good time, it felt so bad talking about it with mom cause it felt like it was so wrong of us to do so. this shit is just driving us away from her and i dont see why she cant see it. god knows any second my sister messages me and starts rambling about this shit to me too. and what the fuck do i know what to do. i try to ease the situation but it just ends up backfiring and she gets mad at me too. i dont know how to handle shit. and less do i know how to talk about it. i just want to get away from this
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ivyuns · 4 years
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hwang hyunjin
genre: angst | bit of fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns, blood, death, pregnancy + not proof read oops lol
A/N: lol hyunjin kinda psycho in this
this was drowning in my drafts since may omg
mafia!hyunjin x fembarista!reader
y/f/n = ur fiance’s name
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you owned your own cafe in downtown seoul. your customers and employees were always great people and bought positivity around you. it was currently a busy day and everyone was in and out of the main entrance. the employees were trying their best to stay calm and keep a positivity mindset. you however, were distracted by the co-owner, hwang hyunjin.
hyunjin always seemed like that flirty but a suspicious type. everyone told you to stay away from him since you were little but how could you when you two were inseparable. it all started in kindergarten.
you were running around the classroom til your teacher yelled out “stop” and everyone looked at her. you saw a little boy. next to the teacher, waiting to be introduced. “hello kids, we have a new student! please introduce youself.” the teacher says.
“hi im sam hwang from korea. please take care of me” he says softly and hides. the teacher tells him theres nothing to be scared of and let him wonder around the classroom. you went up to him and introduced yourself. “hi sam! my name is y/n kwon. i’m also from korea!”. hyunjins head went up and eyes went big. “y-you’re from korea?!” he stuttered since he was lowkey excited that someone in his class was korean, just like him. you smiled and nodded your head. you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the playground to continue recess.
2 years later in summer, your best friend came over with his parents to tell these news. hyunjin came in your room with a sad smile as you were playing with your stuffed animals. you looked up and smiled at him, “hi hyunjin!” you said cheerfully, obviously in a better mood than him. “y/n, i need to tell you something” he said sadly. he went to go sit across of you and picked up some of the toys around your room.
“i’m moving back to korea.” you stopped your actions after hearing what he said. “moving? why?” you looked up at him. “m-my parents said it’s best for us to go back to korea because we only came here for my dad’s work, but he ended up leaving the job and now we’re going to go back” hyunjin looks up to see tears falling out of your eyes. he went to your side and hugged you, telling you that you’ll be spending quality time before he leaves.
after moving back to korea after years hyunjin left you, you opened your own cafe. as your shop was almost completed for the grand opening, hyunjin happened to pass by your shop. he looked through the window and saw a girl that looked so familiar to him.
knocking on the window to get your attention, you go the the door to unlock it and stick your head out of the window. “hyunjin?!” he looks at you with his eyes big. “y/n? what are you doing here?” hyunjin asks. “i recently moved here and now im starting a business” hyunjin nods his head.
“are you looking for any employees?” nodding your head. “yeah but i guess around this area, nobody wants to work at a cafe” you joked. “maybe i can help? i-i mean if you want to” hyunjin laughs. nodding your head, you lead him inside the cafe. hyunjin looks at your artwork and the nicely decorated shop, amazed.
handing a paper that has all the requirements and terms in order to start working here. after hyunjin was done signing it, you looked at the paper and gave him a thumbs up. “looks good! ill give you a call whenever we start” hyunjin nods his head and waves a goodbye to you.as hyunjin exits, he now knows where his target is.
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2 hours earlier:
“hwang” chan calls out.
hyunjin looks up from his phone and sees chan carrying files. “remember that girl youd always talk about? kwon y/n? your childhood best friend back in america?” he nods. “apparently her dad is in a gang too and stole our money for whatever reason. so now your mission is to find her, bring her here, and kill her”
hyunjin gulps.‘why? did you do something wrong? what do you have to deal with this? does she know about this?’ all of hyunjins thoughts were about you. “ill do it”he knows he cant do it. but he has to or else he’ll be kicked out of stray kids. after moving back to korea and his parents suddenly passing, he was lonely. until stray kids saved him from being in the dark and invited him to their family. he gladly accepted.
hyunjin goes to his room and does research about you. he finds your instagram and sees that youre opening a cafe around the little area of downtown seoul which was a few hours away from his place. after enough of his little research, he grabs his jacket and heads out to find you.
present time:
the first week of the grand opening was a hassle. the cafe was always packed and made the employees feel stressed. as the cafe was almost settled, you told the workers to take a break as you and hyunjin will do everything else.
finishing an iced americano, you could see from the corner of your eyes and sees hyunjins strange actions. ignoring it, you gave the drink to the correct customer and continued making drinks.
closing time finally happened and everyone left out a huge sigh. having a group meeting, you gave everyone their weekly paycheck. “thank you everyone for working hard. i will see you tomorrow morning!” you waved goodbye and smiled. as soon as you saw almost everyone leave, you turned around and started cleaning.
hyunjin goes next to you and helps you clean the counters and machines. “jin, you know you can leave you know?” you told him as hyunjin lets out a chuckle. “nah its alright. plus as the second ceo, i shall help you” hyunjin winks. stopping your actions, you playfully smack hyunjin across his chest. “hey hey, im just joking. but still, after we finish cleaning, ill take you home” “but you said you have an exam tomorrow? shouldnt you be going home and start studying?” you asked. hyunjin nods his head, defeated. “alright you got me. i promise ill take you home another time” nodding your head, he goes and gets his belongings and leaves.
quickly cleaning the shop, you turn off all the lights and lock all of the doors. turning around to see the whole cafe in one point of view, a smile grew on your face. plugging your earphones in to walk home with your music blasting and texting your family group chat.
y/n: on my way home. the cafe was a success this week :)
mum <3: cheers to a successful opening
dad: come home safely, my son in law is waiting for you
smiling from the excitement, you started walking down the street to get to your house. as you entered this street, it was dark with the moonlight shining. feeling someone following you, you turned around and saw nobody. pulling up hyunjins contact on your phone just in case something happened, you continued walking in a fast pace, turning the volume down.
feeling the same aura from before, you quickly pressed the call button but you heard the familiar ringtone.
“sleep tight princess”
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you wake up feeling sore and lost of warmth. opening your eyes, youre in a room thats filled with drywalls and a hwang hyunjin to your left, sitting on a chair. “h-hyunjin?” you called out his name. he looks up from your phone after reading every conversation you had that was about him. “the princess has finally awoken from her slumber” hyunjin smirks.
hyunjin gets off of the chair and goes by your side, lifting your chin up. trying to protest only to be stopped as you felt your limbs tied up. “now now princess, no need to get feisty” hyunjin laughs. “what the fuck do you want hyunjin” “hmm? you really dont know?” shaking your head, hyunjin gets up and walks around the room.
“so, youre saying you dont know what your dad has been doing? the fact that he stole money from me just to help you other with the small disgusting shop of yours?” it hurt. both you and hyunjin. hyunjin wanted to give his mission up and hug you, wipe your tears away and apologize. you were more than hurt. more like angry. hyunjin knew you wanted a cafe when you grew up and he supported you more than anything.
“the fuck are you talking about? youre assuming that my dad stole money from you? from what information is getting in that head of yours?” you shouted out. hyunjin grabs his gun and clicks it. you hear the click and your attention is immediately on hyunjin. “h-hyunjin whatever youre wanting to do, put the gun down first” hyunjin closes his eyes as he feels fresh tears escaping and shakes his head.
“hwang hyunjin! do you not know what youre about to do? tell me what you want from us. we’ll give you your money back- anything just dont pull it-” you stopped talking as soon as you see him point the gun at you. “please hyunjin dont. im pregnant-”
he pulled the trigger.
everyone in the house heard the gun go off and goes to the basement. stopping as they heard hyunjins sobs, they see him on his knees, holding your bloody body and cries into your hair.
chan goes to hyunjin and pats him on the back. “you finally did it hwang”
as hyunjin takes his seat during your funeral, he sees your family and y/f/n go up the stage. after each family member said what they had to say about you and your death, as well as your unborn baby, everybody was now crying their eyes out. “my sunshine. thank you for everyone you love feel happy and we are deeply happy that you were able to start your own business. with the past events, i shouldve came by and picked you up from work before i lost both you and our child. without your presence, nothing will bring a smile onto my face. i love you so much kwon y/n, and i hope you fly high with our baby girl”
lowering your casket down, everyone leaned on each other, crying after they realized the kwon y/n has suddenly passed for an unknown reason at a young age. hyunjin just leaned on a pole and cried. looking up in the sky, he see something that had a little smile form on his face.
‘you’ll be next, hwang’
hyunjin gets into reality and turns around to see who whispered to him. seeing nobody, hyunjins future is now crumbling.
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END <3
tf is the end 🥴
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sunfortune · 4 years
Sunny, I remember you saying that you would have loved to rewrite parts of the start up to develop characters and make it a more complete story.... if you don’t mind I would love to hear your improved take on it! That show had so much potential and they wasted it for what???
okay! (this is gonna be long. i apologize in advance) 
i think the first two episodes of start up were perfect. like *chefs kiss*. academy AWARD 
(the way the backstory was set up. getting to know young dalmi and her family as well as young ji pyeong and her grandma (🥺). the subsequent tragedies that played out. the jump to the future. showing dal mi’s personality as an adult with how competent/smart she was handling that mess at the coffee shop. the reintroduction of ji pyeong. the introduction of nam do san. the way even with the ridiculous set up and the fact that as a viewer you are already invested in jipyeong they managed to make nam do sans character stand out bc he didnt meet dalmi for any selfish reasons at the end of the day. he just wanted to help this woman he didnt even know bc thats just the type of person he is . like the set up was PERFECT. it was so good. i loved every character)  
my PROBLEM is litchrally everything that happened in terms of character progression after that. i dont mind the way the story went in terms of the main plot points. its just how they got to and through those plot points was just SO uninspired. they WASTED those characters.
as soon as they started prioritizing the love triangle over the individual characters arcs the quality of the writing went down. 
one. everything shouldve been out in the open after dalmi met dosan at sandbox and found out he wasnt rich. there was NO reason to keep the lie going after that and it was a disservice to dalmis character to have her be bamboozled for SO long. they tainted so many of the best parts of the show for that lie. them meeting at sandbox and then being on the same team and ji pyeong as mentor was the perfect opportunity to come clean about the other shit bc the story no longer NEEDED that other shit to continue the plot and even the love triangle. that lie was just dragged out TOO long and in the real world dalmi shouldve never talked to EITHER of them again. (if they revealed it earlier it wouldnt have been such a huge deal)
two. i love ji pyeongs character, i think he was very interesting and complex but i didnt once want him and dal mi to end up together. to me no matter how it wouldve happened they wouldve gotten together for the wrong reasons. she was 26 years old with an unhealthy attachment to her elementary school pen pal that she never even MET. and he had this perpetual sense of guilt for what happened when he was a kid. i wanted them to be friends. i feel like so much of his attraction to dalmi was just loneliness. and it was such a disservice to his character to have him hung up on her until the END?? he was lonely in the whole show and then still kind of lonely at the end? literal whole time jump and he was still inexplicably hung up on her?? that was ridiculous. that was MEAN
three. ji pyeong and dosan shouldve became real friends and ji pyeong shouldnt have liked dalmi until the end (that was mean and dumb). they ROBBED me of ji pyeong/dosan friendship. theyre evil for that. if you think about the way the plot started jipyeong and dosan learned so much from each other about love and friendship. i think ji pyeong really introduced like romanticism and ~love~ to dosan while dosans relationship with his friends showed jipyeong like real loyalty and platonic love without ulterior motive (bc he was always talking about how dosans friends are gonna turn on him bc thats just business) . and the fact that ONE) they never really acknowledge how they changed each other for the better and TWO) they just never warm up to each other?! even after jipyeong bought him home drunk and they slept in each other arms (lmfksjkgf) and also beat the shit out of each other that one time (loved that btw) i think it was really SOOOO wack they didnt become friends. when the pieces were all already in place. WASTED POTENTIAL
four. as a rule i think all time jump character development is bad writing. where instead of doing the actual work to develop a character they just put in a time jump and imply the development all happened off screen. and the fact that they did that with injae’s character was just so corny and LAZY. they had ample time to flesh her out. and with the way the backstory played out dalmi and injaes relationship was arguably MORE important than anything with either of the men. and they just didnt show it?! they just dislike each other before the time jump and then after theyre cool and thats just it?? it was a disservice to her and dalmi and the viewer to just do all that shit off screen so they could keep clowning with the love triangle 
five. the Love Triangle was more between the VIEWER, ji pyeong and dosan than it was DALMI, ji pyeong and dosan. they kept trying to sell the back and forth of the love triangle to US but there was a blatant disconnect in the story on the ji pyeong and dalmi front! dalmi didnt ONCE think of ji pyeong romantically. so much of the love triangle was just pulling the leg of the viewer. (ALSO this couldve been solved if they revealed the truth earlier bc dalmi wouldve at least considered them both) like i dont care too much for love triangles but i feel like if they were gonna spend SO much time and effort on it, the least they couldve done was actually write a love triangle??
six. this is kind of a crack idea (so if you disagree with this its fine) but i think ji pyeong and injae shouldve had something instead of him being hung up on dalmi the whole show. he shouldve realized halfway through he was just lonely and guilty about his past (also he was dalmis mentor) and then they shouldve started peppering in some subtle hints about him and injae. injae was not only older, she had a similar disposition to jipyeong in terms of just her outlook of the world and their work. injae and ji pyeong were both more cynical and also mature in a way that dalmi and dosan just werent. they shouldve at the very LEAST hinted at it instead of them both just being alone at the end?! it wouldve rounded out everyones characters so well. ji pyeong not being lonely bc of his friendship with dosan and falling in love with injae. dalmi gaining her relationship with her sister back and falling in love with dosan and getting that sweet romance she always wanted WITHOUT any big lie. AND dalmi and jipyeong being family bc of her grandma. it wouldve covered everything! 
but NOOOO. start up writers said we are gonna focus all our energy on this love triangle that isnt even a love triangle. fuck you
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
Can I request kirishima and uraraka hcs helping an s/o that gets migraines please? You're gonna do great!
Hey hey anon!! i got you!
Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, x s/o with migraines!!
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he first noticed your migraines, when you left class for a little while, sometimes you came back, and sometimes you didnt.
Aizawa sensei didnt mention it, so it didnt bother him in the slightest.
after you started dating, you told him about your migraines, why you left class occasionaly, and what triggered them.
He was careful about what enviroment he was around you in and makes sure that if you do start expreiencing a migraine, hes there for you.
throughout your migraine he’ll whisper softly to you, that youre doing good, and that he’ll be there until its done, or gets better.
“youre so manly, babe. youre doing so good.”
if its his cologne thats triggering your migraines, he will clean his entire room(with the help of the bakusquad of course), wash all his clothes at LEAST three times.
he gets a cologne that wont bother your senses.
he makes you step away from a conversation, or event if he discovers your struggling with a migraine during.
he wont hesitate even for a second to drop everything and help you.
if you have special medicine that helps relieve the pain, he’ll carry some with him at all times, even if youre not together.
hes more than willing to run across town to give it to you.
“hey babe. im sorry i took so long, but keep being manly! you’ve got this!”
if youre in public, and you have one in the middle of the day, he’ll immediately search for the darkest spot, and once he finds it, he keeps an eye out for danger.
he’ll sit there in the previously found spot and hold you, or if you dont want that just hold your hand.
this rock will not let you down.
Uraraka Ochako:
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same with kiri, she didnt mention your leaving until you left mulitple days in a row.
she made a note to go up to you and ask if everythings okay.
she didnt mean to be intrusive, but you were important to her, you were her s/o!
and when people asked, she felt bad when she didnt know.
when you admitted to her about your migraines she apologized profusely!
“Y/n! Im so sorry! oh my goodness! im so sorry! I shouldve asked sooner!”
you told her it wasnt her fault, and that you were sorry too, that you didnt tell her sooner.
you spent the rest of the night explaining to her how they affected you, what they felt like, and things she could do to help you.( and making sure she knew it wasnt her fault and that you loved her none the less)
she takes note, and starts working the next day!
she no longer wears perfumes, and carries medicine around with her as well.  
shes the best with patience, and can sit through many hours of silence with you.
shes willing to do anything to help you. no matter what.
there have been many times where youve fallen asleep on her lap, and she adores you.
“honey, are you doing better? do you need anything, can i do anything for you?”
is a common line you hear, when you awake or when she can tell you feel relatively better.
she wont take shit from others who shit on you for “not being able to take it”
thats absolute bullshit
she knows that youve got this, and that its real
she will go off on whoever tried to shit on you, and then turn around to face you again and make sure youre okay, all sweet like.
shes not afraid to tear someone apart with no remorse for you, and then turn around and be lovely dovey with you.
Thank you anon! i hope ya liked :)
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