#i should stop talking about ink bro
letsatomicbanana · 3 months
I'm seein' some people asking me on my inbox 'how's ink being soulless makes him disabled?' and all imma gonna say is..just think about it. seriously, just think.
he lacks a crucial 'in-universe' feature that defines 'someone's being' that plays a essential role of monster's bodies well-being/composition , his condition greatily affects his ability to function and perform basic tasks, needs to regularly take paint vials that are statted in helping 'him to maintain a composition closest to a normal one' and a lot of themes of themes around his character are about their own dissatisfaction and feeling of insufficiency with himself (for being the way he is)
It's SO obvious, SO on the nose, it's pratically screaming.
Also, if we actually analyse it futher, on how monster's souls are deeply in tune with their magical bodies (like how they get weaker when their souls are hurt), his soullessness basically makes him physically disabled. (saying this as someone who is too)
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silverynight · 6 months
This is going to be long and forgive my spelling/grammer mistakes I'm a terrible writer
I once thought of an Au where Senjuro somehow get amnesia (But remembers his name is Senjuro) and meets the Kamado family (before Muzan) and they basically take him in as one of their own and he gets super close with Tanjirou and Kie because they feel super familiar to him the most (Big bro and Mom energy) and during his time there he decides to ink his hair black and let his bangs down (Hair would still have red tips) because he wants to fit in with the rest of the family and because he wants to explore his identity to figure out who he was
On the day of Muzans attack Senjuro asked to go with Tanjirou because he wanted to help and wanted to see the Village again (maybe to try and remember) after there interaction Senjuro has a dream with him saying goodbye to what he think is his brother only to wake up to see its morning (Skip to defending Nezuko from Tomioka) Tomioka finds Senjuro familiar but doesn’t really know why he is so familiar but leaves it alone
During Training to be demon slayer Tanjirou gives one of his earrings to Senjuro saying It will protect him and how it would be his way of making sure that he is safe Senjuro knowing the importance of the earring doesn't feel like he should hold on to it Tanjirous says That he will intrust Senjuro with the earling until the day Nezuko becomes human or when they step down as slayer (Tanjirou has one earring and Senjuro has the other) and when they both see that Nezuko is awake they both break down crying -During this time Senjuro talks to Tanjirou about his dreams and what might possibly his memories and Tanjirou help tries to help in anyway that he can but to little to no avail- on the day Tanjirou and Senjuro unshelth there swards Tanjirous changes to black but strangely Senjuro didn’t change at all but is not bothered by it and says ‘Its fine I may not have my color but that won’t stop me from reaching my goal’ (Tanjirou positivity rubbing off him) (Skip again with lower 5) As Tanjirou does that sun breathing move Senjuro joins along with him causing his sword to change black during all this Senjuro finely remembers his father and brother but not there history-During his time with the Kamados he always loved watching the hinokami kagura dance and was even taught parts of the dance-(NOW THE HASHIRA MEETING) 
(Part 1)
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Thanks for sharing.
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amigac0debasic13 · 9 months
hey guys. Do u even care about what I have to say. Thats right baby. It’s a mini rant. Young Garmadon edition and the horrors of white boy Star Wars core.
Okay so. Erm.? I don’t like garmadons child design in the show. This guy is way too twink coded as a young adult for me and that’s wrong. He’s a beast. And also))??? Lots of paragraphs on Wu depression. Thats the synopsis now look below for further horro r
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Hello??? Dang man tatooine is calling ???? IM. SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I’ve always felt like the spinjitzu bro books did a better job with his design, but brunette just isn’t it. Black hair. Right now. Make it naturally white but also make him fucjing stupid so he dyes it with Ink because he doesn’t want whit4 hair cause he’s DUMB.
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Look alive. Make him wear a ponytail and give him the black dyed hair COWARDS.
Anyways that parts over. Now I’m going to talk about my issues with how people draw him in his human form a lot.
I feel like the twinkification is real. All human designs I’ve found of Garmadon that don’t use legos ambiguous yellow color are pasty white and this madness must STOP!!! I think if u wanna make him a cracker it’s ok. It’s fine. But it is a little boring seeing the same designs scatter my Garmadon picture wall(/J I DONT HABE THA)
‘And also while I’m at it, I’m gonna be real and say that any design for wu in the series is pretty good. Still mad he looks like a normal guy. TBH. Many fan designs give him more dragon like traits, and I think that’s so cool, but I’ve always had a specific idea I’ve never seen executed personally. I think Wu would chop his horns off if he had them permanently out.
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Wu clearly isn’t a fan of just showing off his dragon or Oni traits. He straight up doesn’t do it, even as a kid (he should honestly be shown with those traits cause he really doesn’t give a fuck as a child) and I believe that his tormented old man position (see the many drawings and tweets from the shows authors and writers) he wouldn’t exactly be drawn to having his traits on display. The completely reasonable solution? Scar himself permanently by wacking them off with a blade. Sounds like something he’d do in young adult hood. His horns being out insinuates he can’t just shapeshift to make them go away, so erm!! Pretty smart solution ngl!!!
‘’Now it’s time for Wu trauma oooooooo!!!!! Oh my god part of his soul is GONE????
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In one of the spinjitzu bro books Wus soul is forced into a little puppet. At the end of the book, the puppet is still alive and moving. When the ninja ask to see a puppet show before Wu recounts this, he has a physical reaction.
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so. Wu is having a great time. Also, in one of the comics (forgot the name and I can’t for the LIFE OF ME remember where I read this) he confronts. Basically the embodiment of his fears. Basically he doesn’t want to become like his SHIT father who is literally god. leave him ALONE.
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So. Uhm. In conclusion. Whirlwind (wus canon nickname) and Softie (Garmadons canon nickname) need to get their shit together <33333333
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topazshadowwolf · 1 year
A Win and A New Foe
Cross won! The boy did it! But Fell didn't win this time. Error is now the opponent Cross will face. And what a challenge this will be! Cross, the youngest of the gang vs Error, Destroyer of Worlds, Master of Puppets, Guardian of Destruction, Collector of Souls.
Good thing Cross has others to support him! Make sure you vote as I am sure this will be a close one!
Nightmare yawned as he tried to finish his work. The polls had been a distraction, but he had plenty of things to do. He figured he could check in later when a few hours were left. He had been so wrapped up in his work he forgot to check. Instead, he learned the results when he heard a commotion in the hallway.
He looked up in time to see Killer and Horror carrying Cross over their head into his office with giant smiles. “he did it! our baby bro did it!” Killer cheered.
“he beat ink!” Horror added as they set a very anxious Cross down.
“hurray me,” Cross said as he looked down.
“Indeed, it will be you against Fell,” Nightmare started but was interrupted by Killer.
“ehhh, about that boss. error won,” Killer said while putting his hand on Cross’ shoulder. “which is why the oreo is such a nervous nelly right now. he knows who he’s up against.”
Hearing this caused Nightmare to frown as he woke up his laptop and brought up the website. He paused for a moment, then looked back at Cross. “Do not… fret. Regardless of who the victor is, I am just happy you made it as far as you did.”’ A grin grew across Nightmare’s face as he steepled his hands, “Although, I would love to rub it in Error's face that one of my henchmen won against him.”
“i will try my best!” Cross said, saluting.
“I know you will,” Nightmare smiled as he stood and walked over. He rested a hand on Cross’ shoulder, followed by Killer and Horror doing the same. “We are still behind you, doing what we can for you.”
arguments for voting for cross and not error
heya. here’s a list of why you should vote for cross (the baby bro of our group):
he’s a cool dude
he doesn’t go around destroying other people’s stuff
error likes to destroy other people’s stuff. talking about homes and whole worlds here
cross doesn’t like to kill people and steal their souls
error’s main gig is to kill people and steal their souls
he dresses nice for a sans. (you think i have the energy to dress like him?)
he showers daily (i’ve never seen a shower in the anti void. or a wardrobe.)
i’m pretty sure error is that weird smell i notice when he’s around
he doesn’t steal other people’s stuff
error likes to steal and litter other people’s homes/worlds (bad for the environment)
cross helped save an endangered species of butterflies from destruction
except for the few cross saved, error made those endangered butterflies extinct by destroying not just their habitat but the world they came from
cross is polite for the most part (we are a bad influence, sorry)
error is very rude
nightmare would be happy if his youngest “son” won
“Ah, there you are, Dust,” Nightmare’s voice interrupted Dust’s thoughts, and he looked up to see his boss entering his room. “Cross has advanced to the finals.”
“i saw,” Dust said as he started to close his laptop. Nightmare stopped the motion and pushed the screen back to look at what Dust had been working on. The dark guardian then rested a hand on his shoulder as he chuckled softly.
“That you have. It seems you are trying to support Cross in your own way. Still, you should try to congratulate him verbally. He is apprehensive about this upcoming competition. I am sure he will be happy to have your support,” Nightmare said.
“i will,” Dust replied, then looked up at Nightmare. “you look tired, boss. when did you last sleep?”
“I have said it before; I will say it again. I do not require the amount of sleep you four do. Thank you for your concern, but I am doing fine and will retire to my chambers for a rest when this is over,” Nightmare stated.
“alright, boss,” Dust shrugged and looked over his list. “once i’m done editing this, i’ll go find cross.”
“That is fine…,” Nightmare said softly. He then turned slowly and left.
Alone again, Dust sighed. He still had his last “dad” to use. Unlike the others, he barely said the word when he could say it whenever. That word, at one time, had no meaning to him. Now that it had meaning to him, he didn’t want to overuse it. So, he will have to make that one count.
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🎊Swap with Stretch?
This one was so fun to write.
Today Stretch got woken up by his brother who shook his shoulders pretty hard. His sockets snap open and he grabs Blueberry’s hands, looking at him shocked. “Bro! What are you doing?” Holy shit, his bones felt like they were vibrating with how hard he just got shaken! What the heck?
“Stretch!” Blueberry hugs onto him, letting out soft sounds of distress as he asks, “What happened? You’ve been asleep for days.”
Stretch blinks at the hug and that, making a soft oh sound, before slowly hugging back, “What do you mean?” He had been asleep for days? What in the… what was Blueberry talking about?
Blueberry pulls back looking at him, frowning, and responds, “I told you that I was going to be spending time with Dream and Ink; I was gone for a few days and nobody has seen you so I came to check on you, and saw you were still asleep. What happened?”
“Uhh…” He starts, then stops, turning his head down. He knew that he hadn’t been feeling the best, and said he was going to take a nap after Blueberry left. Did that… did he really sleep that long? “Dang…” He rubs at his neck, “Geez, sorry Berry. I didn’t mean to.”
“Well, I know you didn’t mean to!” Blueberry says and starts to look him over, “But you need to be more careful. What if something happened? You don’t have enough magic to do something like that.” he tugs up Stretch’s hoodie, which made him laugh since he was used to Blueberry’s worry.
He didn’t really mind this… “My magic levels have been getting better, I’m all good.” He was going to keep going but realized that Blueberry was still holding up his hoodie so he looks down and then pulls it back to look at whatever Blueberry was looking at.
Oh, that… huh… alright then, that’s his ecto and that is… that is a soul forming in there. Damn. Would you look at that? “Brother what… what is this?” He looks up at him with big eyes. Stretch wasn’t really sure how to respond to his brother. What is he supposed to say to that?
He sure as hell had no idea! Yeah, he had been with Y/n for a while now, and they were really happy together and everything, but he didn't think that they were... how in the world did they have a souling?! Stretch was a monster and Y/n was a human, plus they hadn't even been trying to have a souling.
With monsters and humans, could they have an accidental baby? That makes sense but... fuck. He puts his hand over his mouth letting his hoodie drop back down. "Brother?" Blueberry says, looking worried. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know how this happened," He responds, looking over, "Me and Y/n weren't trying for a souling, do you think that's what made me sleep? To regain my magic or... something?"
"Maybe?" Blueberry shrugs his shoulders, scratching at his cheek then starts to punch lightly at his brothers shoulder, "You can't worry me like that, Stretch! Something could have happened. Then what would I have done?"
Stretch laughs and leans away, waving his arms, "This is abuse of a pregnant person. How could you?" Blueberry just lets out a sound and starts to hit his arm harder. They both knew that he couldn't do any damage unless he REALLY wanted to. That's just how monster damage and magic works... at least to each other, "But really, knock it off. What are we going to do, you think?"
Blueberry huffs and puffs, then sighs, and stands up off the bed, "Well... you should tell your datemate, they have a right to know that they are going to be a parent and... my friends and I will search for someone with the same magic type as you. Maybe they'll be alright sharing?" he rubs his chin mumbling to himself as he walked out of the bedroom.
The taller skeleton watches him go, then looks down and rests his hand on his tummy. Okay... alright this was... this was gonna be fine. He'll just call Y/n and ask them to come over and explain to them that... they were going to be parents.
He lays back down and tugs the blanket up over his head. He's going back to sleep.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Arizona's Journal, Chapter 6: Sign Here, Please
Prev - Sign Here, Please - Last - All - [ AO3 ]
January 30, 2018
“And sign right there, Mr. Prince.” The intake nurse pointed to yet another little rectangle on the Kid’s admission form. His hand shook, starting his name with a jagged scrawl instead of its customary curlicues R.
He snuck a little glance at me, shame filling his eyes. “Keep me away from the ink needles,” he laughed, his joke falling flat. He nodded when the nurse flipped the page and pointed to another place for him to sign. “I didn’t have to sign anything last time.”
The nurse ignored his jokes. “Yes, Mr. Prince,” she nodded and flipped to the final page. “Your last visit with us was invol—“
“I’d let you ink me up anytime, Kid,” I interrupted. The Kid had already emptied his pockets, his phone, wallet, clove cigarettes—“I thought you quit these!”—all tucked safely in my backpack. They let him keep his sketchbook—heavyweight paper and glue top only—and his pastels.
When he’d been feeling a little better, in the middle of his first hospitalization, the Kid had flashed that grin and managed to convince the charge nurse to help him argue that, if crayons were permitted, then pastels should be, too. “They’re basically crayons for grown-ups, after all.” It helped that Dutch used the same word for each. And it helped when the first thing the Kid did with his new pastels was draw a portrait of each nurse and doctor in the place.
The policy change had stuck.
Since then, he’d started a predictable pattern. He’d get out, feeling good. Optimistic. We’d talk for hours about his designs, about his latest boyfriend. He’d start feeling so good he’d plan a trip out to Seattle and he and his brother would tear up the town. Once he’d even drug Roman and Janus out to the shop, pulling out all the stops to convince his brother to get a tattoo with him. The moment he and Janus had stepped into the shop, Janus froze and stared.
“Hi.” His legendary gift of gab had dissolved. I hadn’t known Remus planned to bring them by, but, really, when does the Kid plan much when he’s reveling with his brother? Even if I had, though, I would’ve guessed Janus had been too blind drunk to remember me from his Pride day street brawl with Chad and the other schmucks from Andrey's.
I’d been mistaken.
“Do you two know each other?” Roman grinned a little too broadly. He’d been in the shop before, but hadn’t come by in years. Not since the Kid left for Copenhagen. 
“Yeah, Ro Bro!” If the Kid had noticed Janus’ hesitation, he didn’t let on. “Who do you think did Jannie’s flag?” he asked, pointing to the tiny picture on the wall. It was faded now, a victim of nearly twenty years of Seattle’s excuse for sunlight.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” Ro’s smile softened and Janus shot me a quick look. I just nodded. you didn’t tell me this is where you got it!”
He shrugged and put on this suave air. “I hadn’t realized.”
In the end, the Kid hadn’t been able to convince his brother to get inked, but he did convince Janus to let me take a fresh picture of his. It was nice evidence of how well the lines had stood up over time.
“Thank you,” he’d murmured, letting Remus’ laughter and Roman’s exaggerated offense at some remark of his cover his words. “I… I wasn’t myself that day.”
“I get it. You think you’re the first person who’s looked for the cure to heartache at the bottom of a glass?”
He shook his head and pulled out a bright red sobriety chip. Five months. “No. It wasn’t even the first time for me.”
I could feel the Kid’s eyes on us but I didn’t look away from Janus. “I’m proud of you.” I closed my hand over his and nodded. For a split second, I thought he was offended, then his eyes got all misty and he put the chip away. He looked over to the brothers where they had their faces pressed to the glass, playing the license plate game with the foulest  words they could come up with. The Kid was winning, but Roman was no slouch. 
“They look so young together,” he whispered.
“They do.”
“Re’s so good for him,” he said, hiding a laugh at a particularly creative use of the letter ‘L.’
I patted his arm and tugged down his sleeve. “I was about to say the same thing about Roman.” 
In the end, Remus got back on a plane, went back to Denmark, back to this wonderful life he’d built around the Roman-shaped hole he carried in his heart. Then, a few months later, the emptiness would get to him and we’d be back, filling out forms, collecting bootlaces and belts and pencil sharpeners.
It was approaching that time, and the Kid was moving slower. He’d walked in today. No EMT gurney, no wheelchair this time around. Just broken and still fighting. He’d shoved his hands in his pockets like he was looking for something and shuffled his feet. The first week was hard. No visitors, nothing but his meds. He’d made it before, though. He do it again.
A tuft of green fell over his forehead and I pushed it back like he really was a kid. LIke a kid, he smirked and dragged his curls back down into his eyes. I’d helped him dye his hair the day before, right after my flight landed. Neither of us knew how long this stint would be, but he wanted to start it looking like himself.
“I’ll be okay, Arizona” he whispered when I hugged him a little too tight. “And I’ll come see you.” His laugh came out like a sob and I hid my face so he wouldn’t see I was close to crying, too.
I nodded. “Yeah, I know. You got this.” He’d called me this time. Told me what he was thinking about. Told me what he needed. “You got this.”
“And Dino’s coming by next week, too.” He squeezed me back just as hard. “I won’t be alone.”
Instead of running, like the Kid’s depression was contagious, Dino had stepped up from boss to friend. Dino was the only reason I didn’t push harder for the Kid to come home. “Yeah.” I still pushed a little. “Are you sure you don’t want me to talk to Ro?” I asked again. He managed to hide most of the little flicker of annoyance at the question. “He’d jump on a plane the minute he—” 
“When I’m better,” he said. It’s what he always said. “I don’t want him to see me like… like this.” He shook his wrist with the little lo-jack hospital band. 
“Like you’re getting help?”
“Like I need help.”
“Oh, Kid.” It sucked trying to have a real conversation with him in front of half a dozen nurses and staff, but they were waiting for him and we all knew this was the moment he was most likely to turn around and skip out. They had his chart. “Do you ever wonder if he’s going through stuff, too? Shit he’s keeping from you because he doesn’t want you to know he’s struggling?”
He was quiet for a while, and he traced the edges of his ginkgo tattoo. Finally, he nodded. “When I get out,” he promised. “This time, I’ll call him.”
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Pt. 23 ~
[Time of Sortie - Masamichi Amano]
Homura Akemi : So, after finding out that Maka has been mistaken, The Time Eater told me that I could save 2010s by re-arranging the events that are even happening, eventually, a black known as the lightless black will swallow it hole. And sadly, I didn't even get to say goodbye to the one I truly respected...(sighs) Madoka.
Supreme Kai of Time : Okay, kid. You go for it! Save 2011, stop the events of from ever happening, whatever you do, don't let the Black Hole consume all of Earth!
Trunks : Okay, Homura! Preparing to launch in 5...4...3...2...1...ready for take off! Into 2011!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Wave*
*Sonic SFX : Chaos Control*
Trunks : He we are, kid! 2011 A.D.
Homura Akemi : There it is, the Space Colony ARK.
Trunks : Look alive, carefully. That black hole that appeared in the end of the War of Shadow Realm conflict isn't appeared to be a black hole, it looks like someone used to bomb to open the gates for the Subspace Emissary.
Homura Akemi : Subspace...Emissary?
Homura Akemi : So that giant black hole that is swallowing Real World is the gate to Subspace Emissary! I wonder who did it? Should the power of Chaos Control can work?
Trunks : You say so.
Homura Akemi : Alright. here goes. Wish me luck, sir. Chaos...Control!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Wave*
[Inside the Subspace Area]
Homura Akemi : What the...What is this place? So this is Subspace? I though the Subspace existed from Phantasy Star Universe.
Seto : It's no Subspace to Phantasy Star, it's the Subspace of Smash. Unlike Subcon's Subspace, this is a dark realm thought to be equivalent to the Realm of Darknes itself, it's quite obvious that it's the next of level cosmic horror.
Homura Akemi : Who are you? Are you a friend or something?
Seto : I'm Seto...Seto the Deathless...and you are.
Homura Akemi : I'm Homura Akemi, we'll talk later.
Seto : Indeed. Because we need to defeat that thing swallowing Earth whole.
Homura Akemi : Who?
Seto : The king of Subspace himself, the mastermind behind that incident in the year 2008.
Homura Akemi : Is this a human?
Seto : Worse, theories told me that Tabuu is the father of the child that gave Smash Bros to life.
[Tabuu - Takahiro Nishi]
Homura Akemi : F...Father of the Child!?
Sonic : Let's stick together!
Seto : Hey there, Blue Hedgehog! You were late on saving Smash or saving Nintendo's butt. This guy Tabuu right here, is a human. But it's unkown to it's origins. So now we gotta fight thing!
Mario : No let us do it together!
Sonic : Mario. You finally made it and I saved all your butts.
Mario : Save your strength, blue wonder. Let's show this guy a good clean fight, with style! Smashers! Every Third-party characters for herself! ATTAAAAAACK!!!
All : (battlecries)
Sonic : Let's tear down this realm!
(the battle begins)
Tabuu : You incompetent fools. You are going to fight me for the last and 412th time already? Guess I have no choice, but destroy you all once again! And this time, you will be expunged...Forever!
Seto : Not if we can help it!
Tabuu : Ha! Your attacks won't stop me! I am invincible! Once I swallow the world whole, I will rule the world as much to Galaxy! Even if it costs us the planets! Everything will be a downhill for you! Not a single strand of your heart, soul, and DNA will remain!
Seto : The only thing that will ever remain is for you to shut up about it!
Sonic : It'll take us 10 seconds to beat you! You're only a joke, you'll might even become a spirit one day!
Mario : This will serve you for one-hit killing on us, you weirdly holographic bastard!
Luigi : Let no one pass through!
Tabuu : Fear ye not, mortals! You may have saved your selves from the subspace's corruption, but still...I lived long enough to see this day that the world of Smash will be erased within history! and all of you will face the inevitable powers of a God!
Seto : You a God? No...You're a joke to that! You're just a cosmic horror with an inflated ego! Someone is greater than you being a godly entity for a self-insert human being! Does that make you special for a godlike wannabe!?
Tabuu : Ohhh! Wh...Why you! I'll smash you to a million pieces and forever hold that tongue of yours! You have no idea who you're talking to! So enough is enough!
(during the mid-battle)
Seto : *panting*
Sonic : *panting*
Mario : *panting* So...Aren't we done yet? This guy's got a lot of guts.
Sonic : It might be.
Samus : Damn! He's one hell of an entity!
Donkey Kong : Can't we do something with this guy! He has the nerves to be this intense!
Tabuu : I've just about had it up with you parasites of the earth. I will rid the earth clean, and all of it's inhabitants, starting with you! My wings shall make enough power to destroy each and single one of you! I shall forever remain as King of the Subspace! And not a single soul can stop me!
Homura Akemi : Hey, Ugly!
Tabuu : What...What is this?
Godoka : Then perhaps...Leave that to me.
Homura Akemi : That voice...Madoka?
Tabuu : No! It can't be! The true ruler of the Cosmos has finally arrived!
Godoka : You are not getting away with this and so are you! You and your army had destroyed this planet's peace, and therefore...you shall disappear from the likes of you.
Seto : Hey...Isn't that...
(Madoka appears as a Goddess, Godoka)
Homura Akemi : Madoka!
"Unbelievable! So the ruler of the cosmos..."
"Is the girl who was part of their timeline..."
"A childhood friend to Homura Akemi!"
"How did a middle school student turned into that?"
"Where did Cosmic Horror get to this?"
"Everyone will know that answer."
~ 103th Scene : The Goddess of the Cosmos."
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daydreaming-memories · 10 months
u ask questions u already know the answer to(yes)
yknow i'm gonna answer this by throwing quotes of allie and honeydrop incorrect quotes because i need to so bad think about this duo more
Honeydrop: Are you ready to commit?
Allie: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Honeydrop: We should be partners.
Allie: You mean like, partners in crime?
Honeydrop: Yeah... that’s precisely what I meant.
Honeydrop, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Allie: walks in covered with ink Well, maybe that "squid" was being a dick.
Allie: Here's some advice
Honeydrop: I didn't ask for any
Allie: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Allie: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Honeydrop: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Honeydrop: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff.
Allie: Oh, that was all real.
Honeydrop: Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?!
Allie: If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right.
Honeydrop: You can’t have a gun on stage!
Allie: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.
Honeydrop: Two bros!
Allie: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Honeydrop and Allie, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Honeydrop: You’re not jealous, are you?
Allie: No!
Honeydrop: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Honeydrop: When surrendering, Allie is to hand the sword over HILT first
Allie: Answers phone. Hello?
Honeydrop: It's Honeydrop.
Allie: What did they do this time?
Honeydrop: No, it's me, Allie. It's actually me.
Allie: What did you do this time?
Honeydrop: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Allie: How can you still say that?
Honeydrop: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Allie: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Honeydrop: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.
Honeydrop: How many children do you have?
Allie: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
Honeydrop: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Allie: But ya' didn't!
Allie: Stop doing that.
Honeydrop: Stop doing what?
Allie: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Allie: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby?
Allie: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.
Allie: I also want to softhack his circuits.
Honeydrop: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
Allie, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY!
Honeydrop, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Allie: You know what I’ve realized?
Honeydrop: Some thoughts are better left unsaid?
Allie: Nice try, anyways-
Honeydrop, shakily: Please, just tell me what the book is about. The plot, please.
Allie, reading an annotation on the cover of a book, unfazed: A subversive masterpiece. A deep and touching story. New York Times Bestseller.
Allie, now looking directly at Honeydrop: Go fuck yourself.
Allie: I am 39 cheetos tall.
Honeydrop: Why... are you measuring your height in cheetos?
Allie: Because we're out of doritos.
Honeydrop: Are you this rude to everyone?!
Allie: Yup.
Allie: Don't think you're special.
While planning to break in somewhere
Allie: Hey, let's do "Get Help!"
Honeydrop: What?
Allie: "Get Help."
Honeydrop: No.
Allie: C'mon, you love it!
Honeydrop: I hate it.
Allie: It's great! It works every time!
Honeydrop: It's humiliating.
Allie: Do you have a better plan?
Honeydrop: No.
Allie: We're doing it!
Honeydrop: We are not doing "Get Help!"
A Minute Later
Allie, carrying Honeydrop: Get help! Please! They're dying! Help Them! throws Honeydrop at guards, knocking them out
Allie: Ahh, classic!
Honeydrop: gets up I still hate it. It's humiliating.
Allie, laughing: Not for me, it's not.
Allie: We have a problem.
Honeydrop: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Allie: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Honeydrop: Allie, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Allie: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Honeydrop: Well, I mean yeah.
Allie: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Honeydrop: Wait, you just made them?
Allie: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Honeydrop: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Allie.
Honeydrop is speaking on the phone
Honeydrop: Yeah, I'm with Allie.
Allie: Im fucking dying-
Honeydrop: Yep, they're okay.
Allie: I have a knife in my chest!
Honeydrop: No, they can't talk right now. They're sleeping, sorry.
Allie: Everything’s fine, Honeydrop.
Honeydrop: Allie, I know your relationship with the english language is strictly casual, but you- I- deep inhale ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
Honeydrop: I want a trip down memory lane.
Allie: proceeds to grab every warrior cats book they have and sets them in Honeydrop's lap
Allie: I heard you needed these?
Honeydrop: YES! ALL OF THEM!
Honeydrop: I fell—
Allie: From heaven?
Honeydrop: No, I literally fell—
Allie: In love with me the moment you saw me?
Honeydrop: MY ARM IS BROKEN!
Allie: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest
[^ also fits the drawing i need to do, counterpart to let's get therapy image i did]
Honeydrop: I'm trash.
Allie: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Honeydrop: You smooth motherfucker.
Honeydrop: And yes it does.
Allie: Honeydrop and I are no longer friends.
Allie: Could you rephrase the question, in like, two words maybe?
Allie, to the Squad: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Honeydrop: But how-
Allie, ignoring them: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Allie: I learned a valuable lesson from this.
Honeydrop: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lesson you actually should’ve taken away…
Honeydrop: Why can’t we all just get along?
Allie: Because most of us are assholes, Honeydrop.
Allie: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship.
Honeydrop: These are handcuffs.
Allie: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Allie: So Honeydrop, how did your first time cooking dinner go?
Honeydrop: Pretty good if I do say so myself.
Allie: Oo! Okay, what are we having?
Honeydrop: Alright, so for appetizers, we have a potato.
Allie: A whole potato?
Honeydrop: Yes. And then for the main course, we have grilled cheese sandwiches!
Allie: These just look like big slabs of black.
Honeydrop: Because that's what they are!
Honeydrop: And then for desert, we have chocolate.
Allie: These are just chocolate chips?
Honeydrop: They sure are!
Honeydrop: And then for drinks, we have toast!
Honeydrop: lifts up a glass of blended toast Bon appetite!
Allie: Are we fighting or flirting?
Honeydrop: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Allie: Your point?
Honeydrop: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.
Allie: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
Honeydrop: Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Allie: What the hell!?
Honeydrop: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Honeydrop, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Allie, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Honeydrop: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?
Allie: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt.
Honeydrop: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Allie: Killed without hesitation
Allie: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Honeydrop: steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely
Allie: That one. I want that one.
Honeydrop: Allie, you’re offered 500,000 dollars, but, if you accept it, the person you hate the most in the world gets 1,000,000 dollars. Would you take it?
Allie: Of course! I mean, why wouldn’t I want 1,500,000 dollars?
Allie: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Honeydrop: All the time.
Allie: Then you should be used to it by now.
Allie: Wow, they really hate us.
Honeydrop: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic.
Allie: But we’re not gay, Honeydrop.
Honeydrop: We’re not?
honeydrop: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
allie: Stop romanticizing the past.
honeydrop: Accidentally hits allie in the face
honeydrop: Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'
allie: What’s wrong with you?!
honeydrop: This is such a bad idea.
allie: Then why are you coming along?
honeydrop: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong
honeydrop: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
allie: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
honeydrop and allie skipping stones on lake
honeydrop: It’s such a beautiful evening.
allie, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
honeydrop: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
allie: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
honeydrop: allie was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
allie: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
honeydrop: allie, you ate a chair
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askceruleansans · 1 year
Characters that you can interact with through RP with me!
A Swap with more trauma to process than Cannon!Cross
Horny TM
Can fight, will fight.
Can hear the creators
How'd he get all these scars (you'll never know >:))
has a sacrificial complex bigger than Killers kill count
Is your therapist now.
Mental health? who is mental health?
Will feed you (This is a threat)
Big boyo
Bros with Lust and his actual brother(Paprika) if I choose to make him alive still
Dating The BSG.
Horny TM
Will prank you by stealing your knee caps
Bloodthirsty murderer
soft boi with his husbones
Bros with Color and Ink.
Dating the BSG
✨Traumatized ✨,
Will kill you (affectionate)
Haunted by his brother
Anxious schizophrenic
Currently in a prank war with Killer
Bros with nobody fuck you (Error, he tolerates Error and Cerulean)
Dating the BSG
Daddy issues yeayah!!
Can kick your ass
Sleep schedule????
Struggles with Self harm and hates himself
Strong 💪
Bros with Dream, Cerulean and Epic
Dating BSG
Daddy.. sorry Daddy... sorry.. Daddy
Computer.. what is computer?? HUHH??
Chill... until he's not
He is my father figure and I love him.
Bros with Error, Cerulean and PJ (maybe Dream depending on what Dreams up to)
Dating BSG
Nightmare: (can be the same person as Night)
Will kill you in your sleep
Hates apples.
Flirting on accident
Daddy.. sorry Daddy... sorry.. Daddy
Dating BSG
Nightlight: (can be same person as Night)
Passive Nightmare.
Is a literal father, He has 30+ Kids.
Tired, let him sleep.
Daddy.. sorry Daddy... sorry.. Daddy
WAS dating BSG
Dream: (X-Gaster edition)
Brother stop your evil deeds!!
Loves Night(mare) but doesn't believe he is still the same person anymore.
Hates himself... and thinks you should hate him too
Don't talk about his wings.
Sobbing. *Pulls out a knife*
I can make you happy!! JUST LET ME MAKE YOU HAPPY!!
Bros with Ink and Cerulean and maybe Cross
Daddy issues (rage edition)
I hate you.
Actually a good older brother
Will kick Ink and Error's ass
why you no love me?
Bros with the BSG and Night and Cerulean.
Kill all AU's but make it ✨mercy✨
Forgor his child (PJ)
Dating Ink (Can be toxic)
Bros with Cerulean, BSG and Dream
Make pretty drawing UwU
makes AU.. forgor his kid
Dating Error
Bros with ✨Everyone✨
Can hear your sins
knows your search history
dis unrad bruh
Can kill you... won't.
funny guy
Bros with ✨Everyone✨
Love child of what if Fresh and Cerulean got combined
Daddy issues but make it really fun
Can't say the things he wants
✨Rubber Ducks✨
The 90's lingo is non-negotiable (sadly)
Awkward and hiding something.
Dusts dead brother
Says very disturbing things without realizing it
spicy brain seasoning
Brother!! :))))
Will cook you if food gets tight (this is a compliment)
Dude Bruh...
Rubber chickens
torcheres soul who copes with humor
Thinks Night is pretty chill...
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yoon-kooks · 3 years
how many | jjk | 0
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Pairing: Jungkook x TattooArtist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, BadBoy!AU
Summary: To Jeon Jungkook, you're just the cutie who sits across from him in art class. He doesn’t have a clue that you're also the hidden face of his favorite tattoo artist on social media. When the bad boy notices you've taken a surprising interest in his ink, he dares you to explore every inch of his body until all of his tattoos are accounted for. Tempted by his irresistible smile and delicate touch, you might even let him in on your little secret.
Word Count: 3.2k
Parts: 0 ◆ 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 ◆ 4 ◆ 5 ◆ 6
A/N: hello! this is going to feel more like a series of drabbles with an overarching plot rather than a traditional series. also please note that only certain chapters will contain smut (ill mark the ones that do). this particular chapter has no smut
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Art class isn’t supposed to be scary, but that doesn’t stop you from taking the furthest possible seat from where all the chatty people are getting acquainted before the new semester officially begins. Maybe you fucked up. Maybe you should’ve picked a seat closer to all those extroverts, and maybe you would’ve naturally fallen into their circle. Or not. You wouldn’t blame them.
You decide you’re fine right where you are. It gives you the space you need to ensure no one else sees the internal chaos reflected in the whites of your eyes whenever it comes to social interactions. You’re the opposite of a social butterfly, and it’s at times like this when you wonder how the fuck some like you has such a huge social media following—503,448 followers to be exact. It’s not your personality (you’re too much of an introvert for anyone to really get to know you). It’s not your face (you haven’t posted a single photo of yourself on your account). So it has to be your art.
And although you’re a lover of all different art forms, your true love lies with ink on skin. It’s a bit unexpected for someone like you, a soft girl with not a single drop of ink on her own arms. But regardless of your unassuming appearance and quiet nature, you’ve won over countless people who proudly wear your art on their skin. That’s the business you built for yourself from nothing more than a passion you’d always kept close to your heart.
So maybe you should stop worrying so much about making good first impressions. Your art will break the ice for you.
“Is this seat open?” A finger with a fine crown etched into it points at the spot across from you. Your eyes follow a long sleeve of eyeballs, text, and rock ’n’ roll up to a handsome face with too many piercings to count. He fits the description of someone you’d only heard rumors about but never saw in the flesh. Tatts and piercings? Check. Man bun? Check. Hot as fuck?
You take a quick glance at the boy as a whole. Some of his features are surprisingly soft. His eyes are enormous, his nose is adorable, and his lips are the prettiest pink you’ve ever seen—1775 C in Pantone if you had to guess. He even smells nice. Fuck. Definitely hot as fuck but also lowkey cute.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you say while trying to get your heart rate under control. He nods and pulls his earbuds out as he takes a seat. He uses his phone screen to check his reflection, making more of an effort to rub a speck of who-knows-what off his lip than to make small talk with you. This person is someone who clearly doesn’t give a fuck where he sits, and it’s sad that you’re envious of that.
“Hey, nice tatts, bro,” another guy calls out as he passes by your new neighbor.
“Thanks,” he calls back. It isn’t long before he’s back to his phone. You wonder if he’s too absorbed in his own reflection to hear the girls talking about him at the other table.
“I told you we should’ve sat over there.”
“Does he have a girlfriend?”
“That’s Jeon Jungkook, isn’t it?”
Aha. Jeon Jungkook. That name rings a bell. You whip out your phone and search him up. It only takes a few seconds to find that his Instagram @ArtOfKooking has quite a following too. You scroll through his most recent posts but find none of this “art” that he speaks of in his handle aside from what’s visible on his arm. Imagine having 100k followers just for being an attractive human.
Your mindless scrolling comes to an abrupt stop at a black and white photo from a few months back. He weaves his fingers through his long locks with a killer gaze. You take back what you said about the lack of art on his page. It turns out the boy himself is a work of art and he knows it.
You suddenly remember why you’d avoided searching Jungkook up when your friend Seokjin first mentioned him to you a while back. The last thing you wanted was to fall victim to a pretty face with excellent taste in body art—a deadly combination and one of your biggest weaknesses. But it’s already too late. Your thumb double-taps the photo to trigger the little heart animation.
You study his profile again and identify a bigger problem than your tiny crush on a boy who’s probably going to get you into a lot of trouble. Jungkook follows your tattoo account, which means he’s going to get a big fat notification that you liked his photo from months ago, which means you must’ve been scrolling through his posts for some time, which means you’re clearly intrigued by him, which means you’re actually fucked.
Thank god your professor finally starts the class. You need some sort of distraction from the first-world problem you currently find yourself in with the fine specimen sitting across from you.
“Let’s start with an exercise with the person sitting across from you.” You already hate this professor. “To get better acquainted with your classmates, I want you to draw whatever your partner requests in your own style. The request can be as specific or vague as you want. Oh, and no dick pics or boobs, please. I was told to keep the first day as clean as possible.”
With the assignment underway, you and Jungkook both pull out your sketchbooks. Yours looks practically new despite being halfway filled. His looks like a dinosaur stepped on it with more than a few pages falling out. Without saying a word, he slides his sketchbook over to you, inviting you to snoop around inside his world and waiting for an invitation of his own. Your sketchbook is too heavy to slide across the table, so he watches patiently as you push your sketchbook to him inch by inch until he picks it up with a silent chuckle. Great, he already thinks your weird.
The physical state of his sketchbook is deceptively sloppy. There are probably more torn-out pages than actual drawings, but you have to admit you like what you find. His style is a tad chaotic yet somehow in good taste. You can easily picture these designs somewhere on his body, and perhaps they already are.
Your favorite detail is that everything is in ink.
“You’re incredible,” he says, flipping through your pages. “You’re like those YouTubers who draw soda bottles and shit as if it's sitting on the page in real life. You know what I mean?”
“Thanks,” you nod. The compliment is oddly specific and not exactly your niche or platform, but you do get what he means. You have a knack for replicating what you see. If you were to copy a barcode line by line, it’d probably fool the scanner. That’s the level of precision in your work.
“Ah, I got it.” He twirls his pen around. “Can you draw my arm drawing whatever you want me to draw?”
“Sure.” Of course Jeon Jungkook wants you to draw him. Sounds on-brand for someone who is quite possibly in love with himself. But maybe you can use that trait of his to your advantage. “I want you to draw your next tattoo.”
You see his eyes shift from your art to your face. He studies you for a moment. If you had to guess, he probably doesn’t believe someone like you is actually interested in his tattoos. After all, most tattoo enthusiasts are identified by the ink they proudly wear on their sleeves. Meanwhile, your version of a sleeve is cozy, knitted, oversized, and void of any ink.
“What if I drew one for you instead?” He places the pen down on the blank page in front of him and stretches his arms up toward the ceiling. The upper section of his sleeve peeks out from his black tee. It's even more intense than his forearm. “I’m kind of over the thrill of injecting ink into my veins.”
“Oh…” That’s most definitely not the response you were expecting. Maybe you shouldn’t have assumed that someone with a lot of tattoos wouldn’t mind one more. How dare you make such a bold assumption. You'll never open your mouth again.
“I’d much rather taint someone else,” he hums. His tone is light but his eyes are dark as they pierce the air between you and him. You’d really like to see him try.
“Art can be tainted by people, but people can’t be tainted by art,” you respond. As introverted as you are, you gain a sense of comfort to speak your mind when it comes to an art form that has defined your life thus far. “Unless they have a tattoo of their ex. Then I guess they’re kind of fucked.”
“Truer words have never been spoken. I knew I liked you.” Oh. His nose crinkles and his laugh is much softer than expected. He picks up his pen and starts drawing heavy smooth lines. “I was just fucking with you, by the way. You can never have too many tattoos, right?”
You nod as if you also have a full sleeve of eyeballs and rock ’n’ roll. That’s when you notice he’s drawing in your sketchbook as if what’s yours is his. Whether intentional or not on his end, you don’t really want to swap back.
“I don’t think the professor intended for us to draw in each other’s sketchbook,” you point out as you follow his lead and start marking up the next blank page in the Jurassic artifact. You outline the positions of Jungkook’s arm, your sketchbook, and the top of his sketchbook from your perspective.
“I like it better this way,” he says. His lines are starting to come together, but you still have no idea what it’s supposed to be. You just have to trust the process. “It’ll give me something to remember you by.”
“You make it sound like I’m going to be dead by sunrise.” You try not to look at the smile that forms on his face when you say that. Instead, you focus on the details in his tattoos and transfer them onto your page. Some of the tattoos match the style found in his sketchbook, and it’s not a coincidence. “How many of your tattoos are your own design?”
Jungkook puts a pause on his drawing to examine his arm and run some calculations in his head. His answer isn’t a number. “I lost track, but maybe you can count them for me.”
He gives you a better look at all the art on his arm. He’s practically asking for your attention, and a part of you hates that you’re so quick to give it. Your innocent soul diligently counts all of the ones you assume to be in Jungkook’s style. You count around five. But then it hits you. You don’t know how many other tattoos are beneath his clothes and where they might be hiding.
“How many others are hidden?” you ask.
He shrugs. “Let me know when you’ve found them all.”
It takes you a minute to wrap your innocent head around what he’s implying. You imagine he might have one on his ribs—that’s the most attractive spot you’ve come across as a tattoo artist. But in what scenario are you going to find a shirtless Jeon Jungkook in front of you? Clients strip down for you all the time in the name of art, but it’s not like Jungkook is aware of your inking business. So the only way you’d ever thoroughly explore his bare body is if—
Your mouth forms a tiny O, but no words come out. In fact, you find it pretty hard to do anything at the moment, so you just watch as the boy continues on with his mysterious design. He definitely knows what he’s drawing, and yet you can’t seem to crack the code.
“You’re fun to tease, Y/N,” Jungkook says, nonchalantly flipping your sketchbook back to the inside cover to make sure he got your name right. Of course you’re That Girl with your name written in fancy font on your fucking sketchbook. And of course he’s going to tease you about every quirky thing you do. “I really hope you aren’t dead by sunrise.”
“Unlikely.” You realize you’ve regained your ability to function properly and point to his work in progress. “But if I am, promise me you’ll get that tattooed on your forehead where everyone can see it.”
“It’s a promise.” He plays along with your dry humor before getting back to work with a cute smile. Wholesome smiles always seem to hit different when they’re coming from the people you least expect.
At some point, Jungkook waits for you to finish drawing his arm so that the two of you can complete his design at the same time. He claims his design is only a few strokes away from the big reveal, but you’re still not seeing it.
As class comes to a close, your page is filled with a beautiful arm, two sketchbooks, and a design that’s apparently “only a few strokes away.” Jungkook takes you line by line until you see it. Very clearly, in fact. It’s a bunny with a tiny carrot tattoo, and it’s been staring you in the face the entire time. The boy drew it upside-down from his perspective so that it’d be right-side up for you. You’re thoroughly impressed.
“Is this tattoo for you or for me?” you ask. While the bunny might definitely be on-brand with Jungkook’s art style, it’s not quite as edgy as his other tattoos.
“Does it get your stamp of approval?” He closes your sketchbook and hands it back to you.
“Of course it does.” You try not to smile too much at the fact that Jungkook’s adorable design is forever inked into your sketchbook. “I love it,” you say as quietly as possible.
“Then it's all yours.” He whips out a black marker and gestures for your hand. You give it to him without question. The hand that holds yours is rough (in that he should probably invest in some higher quality lotion) and gentle (in that you never want him to let go). The subtle caresses engulfing your hand distract you from the marker gliding across your skin. Twenty seconds later, you have a simplified version of the bunny on the back of your hand.
You flail your hand about and blow on it in hopes that the ink will dry before it can smug. “If you ever get your license, this is the one I want,” you say.
“Sounds like a plan.” He takes one last look at your completed drawing and tucks it away safely into his bag. For someone with such a beaten-up sketchbook, you expected him to be a bit more careless with his belongings. But maybe he’s a little different from what you thought you knew about him.
In fact, it’s thanks to this boy that your first day in art class went as well as it did. You made him laugh, and he made you smile. Like everything just felt right between you and him.
You feel like you’re forgetting something though.
“Hey, by the way, do you have an IG for your art that I can follow?” Jungkook pulls out his phone because why wouldn’t you have an account to showcase all of your art? You blink at him because here’s your next mistake: Your only Instagram account @snowsleeve is the one for your tattoo business, the one where your identity is more or less kept out of the spotlight. And you never thought to make a separate account with all of your non-tattoo art under your real name.
“I actually don’t… but it’d probably be beneficial for me to make one.” You’re embarrassed that this is your reality. You’ve utilized social media to build a strong reputation for your business, and yet you totally failed to get your real name out there in the art community. Because perhaps someday, you won’t want to be known solely for your tattoos.
“Well, make one and add me,” he says. “I’ll be your first follower.”
“What’s your account?” Of course you’ve already tracked him down at @ArtOfKooking with your subpar sleuthing skills, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“It’s @jjkINK.” He pulls the account up for you to view. All of the art missing from his other account can be found here, and his face is nowhere in sight. Maybe having multiple accounts is more common than you thought.
“Wow, 30,000 followers? I didn’t know I was in the presence of an influencer,” you gasp and make it extra dramatic. After all, 30,000 is a big following for someone who isn’t a celebrity or well-known figure.
“I’m not an influencer.” He laughs and waves off your dramatic performance. “I’m just someone who shares his art with others. It’s really not that impressive, you know.”
“Well I’m impressed,” you say. And you mean it. You find it interesting how he doesn’t just dump all of his art into his @ArtOfKooking account with over three times as many followers. You imagine it’d be pretty tempting to do that for the sake of more exposure.
Once you’ve set up an alternate account under your real name with @Y/NsArtCorner, you hit the follow button on Jungkook’s art page and leave it at that. A few seconds later, you get a follow back from @ArtOfKooking.
“Oh, that’s my main account,” he explains. “I don’t post any art on that one, so you don’t really have to follow—”
You hit the follow button on that account too. “104,343 followers... Are you sure you aren’t an influencer?”
“I haven’t influenced anyone to do anything, for your information.” You feel like there should’ve been a hmph at the end of his sentence. He points to the bunny on your hand and says, “Well, except for you getting that rad tattoo.”
“Hey, don’t go thinking your bad boy self is a bad influence on me,” you say, holding your wrist close to your heart. “I’m totally not against the encouragement of getting something permanent branded into your skin.” You play it off as sarcasm, but that’s how you make bank.
“Would you really get one?” His eyes lock onto your body, identifying it as the perfect blank canvas for whatever he’s imagining.
“How do you know I don’t already have one?” You raise an eyebrow and cross your arms, still careful not to smudge the precious ink on your hand.
Jungkook tilts his head and squints as if he’s trying to see through the knitted holes of your slouchy sweater. As far as he can see, you don’t have any. But maybe that’s the point. Any tattoo you may or may not have would have to be hidden somewhere on your bare skin beneath your sweater, your lingerie, and most importantly, your soft smile. And the thought of that puts a curious little gleam in the boy’s eyes.
“Wait, how many do you have…?” He needs answers.
You throw your bag over your shoulder and shrug on the way out of the classroom. “Let me know when you’ve found them all.”
5K notes · View notes
sibsteria · 2 years
Fog and Clouds
Prologue One
Jake Peralta & Marcus White x fem!Reader
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‘‘He’s here. He’s here! Jake’s here!’‘
I tug my lips up at the remark. He couldn’t contain his excitement.
‘‘Okay, let’s do the prank, where we don’t even acknowledge him when he comes in. Okay? Sh sh sh. Everyone, shhh!’‘
Charles stood facing me, a constipated look on his face.
I notice the leather clad comic behind him. My heart jumps.
‘‘Back in the nine-nine-’‘
‘‘Whoooooo! Jake, jake, jake, jake!’’  He just couldn’t help himself.
Gina stands, a unamused face on her, ‘’Played to perfection, Charles.’’
‘‘God, I missed this place, let me just soak it in.’‘ Jake wafts his hands to his face, inhaling the air.
‘‘Oh yeah, stale coffee, fingerprinting ink, whatever Charles is fermenting in his desk-’‘
‘‘Beans.’‘ Charles and I say in consensus.
Jake points a finger at Charles.
‘‘Beans? It’s like I never left. All right, fill me in, tell me everything I missed.’‘
He pulls me in for a tight hug, I can smell his familiar aftershave as it floods my senses.
‘‘Won’t take long, only four things happened-’‘ We pull away to hear Rosa’s recollection.
‘‘Terry chipped his tooth and had a lisp for a week.’‘ 
‘‘Yeah, I could not take him seriously.’‘ Charles giggled.
‘‘Number two, Santiago and Boyle wore the same outfit to work one day.’’
‘‘It really did look better on Charles.’‘ I shrug.
‘‘Captain banned headphones from the office, due to the Gina Incident.’’ 
‘‘To be fair, she was absolutely jamming.’‘ I point finger guns at Gina.
‘‘What can I say, I have more fun then any of you.’’
‘‘And Y/n got fired for assaulting Hitchcock-’‘
‘‘Wait, what?’’ Jake looks over to me, I look at the floor.
‘‘He grabbed my ass, what was I supposed to do?’‘ I murmur.
‘‘So...that’s it? You won’t be working with me-us anymore?’’ 
‘‘I guess so, Holt pushed for me to stay but unfortunately...I’m gone after today.’‘
‘‘Y/n-’‘ He looked deflated
‘‘It’s okay, I’m gonna move in with one of my friends, back in St. Louis. Besides, I only filed paperwork and Gina can do that without my help.’‘ I hold in my tears as I try to not look at his face.
‘‘Can she?’‘ Rosa retorts.
‘‘Great recap.’‘ Jake says, solemnly.
‘‘Welcome back, Peralta, I’m sure you have heard about Y/n by now-’‘
‘‘Captain.’‘ They shake hands.
‘‘Every one has a lot of work, so you have exactly two minutes to share personal anecdotes and those two minutes began when you entered. You now have...’‘ he checks his watch, ‘’12 seconds left.’’
‘‘Challenge accepted.’‘ Jake turns back around to us but I blank out, I’m gonna miss this place so much, miss everyone.
‘‘-everyone back to work!’‘ His tone change tore me from my trance.
‘‘All right, Jake-’‘ Terry pulls him in for a bro hug.
‘‘Hey, so, figured we should have a chance to catch up, after having that bomb dropped on me?’‘
‘‘Can we talk in private for a sec?’‘
I agree, following him to the evidence room.
‘‘Okay, so, you are...fired.’‘
‘‘I mean, technically speaking, yes. But he deserved it-’‘ He laughs at me, shaking his head. He bit his lip, his smile turning into a frown.
‘‘I really am going to miss you, Jake.’‘
‘‘Did you mean what you said? About moving to St. Louis?’‘ His large eyes bore into mine.
‘‘I did- don’t give me those puppy dog eyes, Peralta!’‘ I whine, stomping my feet in annoyance.
‘‘I’m not doing anything! And it’s Peralta now?’‘ I shrug.
‘‘You didn’t really give an explanation as to where we stood.’‘
My mind thinks back to his last night before going undercover, when he was in fact, under my covers.
‘‘Well, that’s new.’‘
‘‘I...liked it, though.’‘
‘‘Me too.’‘
‘‘We should do it again, you know, when you’re back- o-or not...’‘
‘‘I’d like that, Y/n/n.’‘
‘‘This complicates things doesn’t it?’‘
‘‘I don’t have to go-’‘
‘‘Don’t stop yourself for me, it’s not like we’re...like in love or something.’‘ He shrugs at me.
‘‘Yeah.’‘ My heart drops. I am.
‘‘I guess it was a mistake, I don’t know, I was nervous about going under cover and I think I just kind of freaked out and you were nearby. So...’‘
‘‘A mistake, okay.’‘
‘‘N-no, I don’t mean a mistake- I just-’‘
I smile at him.
‘‘It’s okay, Jake, I get it. Your head was all over the place. it was just one night. And we don’t work together anymore. We won’t even be in the same city by tonight-’‘
‘‘You’re leaving tonight?’‘
‘‘Oh, okay.’‘
‘‘Like you said, it was a mistake, we can forget about it.’‘ I give him another smile, fighting to keep it genuine.
‘‘Of course.’‘ He nods towards the exit door.
I follow after him, he stumbles over his feet slightly.
‘‘You okay?’‘
‘‘I’m good.’‘
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murdereraisuha · 3 years
Chapter 6 Thoughts
This recent story update has left us with a lot to think about, and I am here to blurt out my thoughts and theories before most of them get disproved come late March.
Who will overblot this chapter?
What is the meaning of the “Nice to meet you” at the end of the latest update?
What’s up with Grim?
So, the first big mystery on my mind is the boss fight for this chapter.
My first theory is already explained in this post, so I won’t repeat it all. The gist of it is that Ortho will overblot due the influence of the voice he heard from Tartarus. If we assume that one of the Shroud bros will overblot, for Idia to overblot his curse would have to be broken + something worthy of an overblot would have to happen, so Ortho seems like the more likely option.
However, I don’t think we should assume that the boss fight will be against one of them. Given this chapter’s explosive beginning, all the new info/lore we’ve gotten, and all that stuff going on with Ortho, it feels like we’re entering the end game here. I think it’s definitely possible that the pattern with the overblots will be broken this chapter, especially since also we haven’t had any ink blot cut scenes happens.
Therefore, my next theory, one that I’ve had since this chapter was released, is that the tutorial battle against the big Grim monster actually takes place at the end of chapter 6. I originally theorized that Grim would be made to overblot as part of a STYX experiment, but now that we know that STYX is alright and Grim is actually affected by some ancient magic, my theory has changed. The 2 possibilities I now believe in are:
Grim’s current condition is already unstable and it’s only a matter of time before he overblots
The voice from Tartarus will push Grim over the edge as a part of their plans
If I remember correctly, Grim’s overblot form did have hints of dragon in it, so it’s likely that he’ll only overblot at the end of or after chapter 7, but it would be interesting if he overblotted before then.
Anyway, my final theory on this topic is that the boss fight for this chapter won’t be against a character we’ve already grown to know, but rather against the voice from Tartarus and their “friends”. This is kinda just a derivative of my first theory about Ortho, since there I thought that overblot Ortho would be caused and controlled by the voice. The difference here is that I think there’s a possibility that the group will have the opportunity to stop Ortho from helping the voice, so Ortho will rejoin our side and help us fight the voice. In that case, we would just fight the voice.
That’s my thoughts so far on the overblot, so next up I wanna talk about this specific moment.
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Nice to meet you, Ortho (me).
The obvious thing to be concerned about is the implication that the voice is the actual Ortho who died years ago, and our Ortho is a robotic recreation of him, so that’s why they’re greeting each other as “me”.
The thing I’m concerned about though, is that this looks very similar to the voiceline screen thing that shows up when you pull a new SSR. For reference, here’s the one for dorm Idia.
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After comparing the animations for a bit, I think that the exact same smoke effect is used for both.
Assuming that this parallel was deliberately drawn, the reason I can think of for it is that the voice is being introduced as a new character. Not just a side character like Neige or Najma, but a character that we can pull from the gacha.
If we combine with this the theory that the voice is the actual Ortho, a relevant detail here is how our Ortho’s cards are named: Archetype Gear instead of School Uniform, Burst Gear instead of Ceremony Robes, Ignihyde Gear instead of Dorm Uniform, etc. It’s highly possible the differing names are just because these are literally different bodies that Ortho can use so they can’t call them clothes. However, it still creates a clear distinction between him and the rest of the main characters, perhaps hinting that he doesn’t belong. Furthermore, if the actual Ortho is indeed given cards, this naming scheme means that the card names of Dorm Uniform Ortho and such are free for him to take.
The problem with this theory is that so far, the voice / actual Ortho seems to be an antagonistic character. Furthermore, I don’t think he’s really mortal or a human anymore, and I don’t think NRC would accept some eldritch horror as a student. So, like with any other theory, we just have to wait and see what happens.
Next up, Grim.
To summarize the info we have: he has a incredible capacity to endure blot, his levels of blot keep fluctuating wildly, STYX is unable to treat his blot, and there’s complex magic affecting him that is hundreds of years old and that STYX’s super computer can’t figure out.
From way before this chapter, we also know that Grim doesn’t remember his past and that he is strongly driven to attend NRC and become a great magician.
To me, it seems like his blot tolerance and his goal of becoming a powerful magician are connected. To utilize a strong tolerance for blot, you need to accumulate blot, and casting a ton of magic seems like the most well known path to achieving that. Therefore, assuming the blot tolerance is a deliberate effect of the magic cast on him, perhaps Grim’s ambition was implanted in him by whoever cast the magic. Now, who caused Grim to be like this?
There is a possibility it was Grim himself, but personally I can’t see him as the sort of wise, scheming character that he would have to be pre-amnesia to do that. The next possibility is Crowley, but he seemed too clueless and willing to throw Grim out of NRC for this to be his doing. The already introduced character that I think is most likely to be behind this is Ambrose. There’s a lot of mystery behind him and he seems like he’ll have a bigger role in the plot in the future. However, him being involved like this still seems too far fetched for me. Therefore, I think the most likely answer is that some not yet introduced character is who cast the magic on Grim. Unfortunately, I don’t think we have enough pieces of the puzzle to figure out what’s going on yet.
Finally, I just wanna note that the scale of the plot is getting quite a lot bigger with stuff like the hundreds of years old curses and the Phantoms being able to end the world if they escaped Tartarus. I’m so excited to see where the story will take us, and also curious how they’ll accomplish this stuff given that this is a gacha game. Gonna have characters fighting for the fate of the world or whatever in the main story immediately followed up by an event where they just hang out at the beach or something lol
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charthanry · 2 years
BBS: Deconstructing the Entire Series (Part 6 of 13)
Welcome to my deep dive into each episode where I break down character motives, P’Aof’s delivery, and general musings of all things BBS. Basically, a scene-by-scene recap with commentary from me, your friendly neighborhood commentator. If you missed the previous installments of this post series, you’re welcome to check them out:
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5
Recapping the recap: We left EP5 with Pat realizing and speed running through his feelings for Pran. He handles his jealously poorly by forcing Pran to acknowledge him in front of Wai resulting in violence. This leads to Pat confessing that he missed Pran when he went away and asking what they are to each other. After Pat confirms that it’s not friendship that he wants, our boys finally give into their feelings and kiss. The episode ends on the immediate effects of their kiss with Pat relieved and ecstatic and Pran pained and tormented. 
Episode Six: Games, Changes, and Fears. Where do we go from here? (or AKA “Whoever falls in love first loses. Deal.”)
I’m tagging this one as not-Wai friendly, but when are they ever? But really, Wai defenders should probably not enter. I can’t guarantee a good time.
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EP6 opens with Pran lying on his bed, hours after he ran away from Pat on the roof. Observant sleuths will catch that the clock in Pran’s room reads a few minutes after six a.m. and he obviously hasn’t slept, still reeling from their kiss as his fingers ghost over his lips. I bet he can still feel the lingering reminder of Pat’s mouth against his own. The sweet shape of Pat’s lips and the warmth of his breath are still at the forefront of Pran’s senses. We’re shown a flashback of Pran pulling Pat in for that second, deeper kiss and with this memory, Pran’s face screams what have I done? We hope it’s not regret that you’re feeling, Pran. That your overthinking mind isn’t commandeering your heart? We urge you, in the words of the incomparable Roxette to listen to your heart when he’s calling to you.
Outside his door, Pran’s heart is literally calling to him. I can’t make any of this up, y’all. Pat is calling out to Pran, trying valiantly to get Pran to open up literally and figuratively so that they can talk, but Pran is not ready to face him. Pat stands on the other side, a solid door between them, unable to reach Pran. But for all that we know of Pat, he’s not one to give up once he sets his sights and mind on something. And more than that, his heart is at stake here. Because for Pat, when you realize who you want to spend your days (and nights) with and you learn that the other person feels the same way, you want that first day to start immediately.
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Check out Pran’s version of ignoring Pat, by looking at him only when he thinks he won’t get caught. We’re onto you, bro.
We jump to a day later? Who knows how many days it’s been since their kiss; time is such a fluid concept on BBS. Both the engineers and architects are at the unveiling of the completed bus stop rebuild. Their professors are also present, shout out to both Pichai and not-Pichai. Ink is also there taking photos for the school paper. Pat is trying to catch Pran’s eyes, but Pran is still stubbornly avoiding him, making sure there’s always no less than two people standing between them. Sigh.
Not-Pichai gives Pran the floor to give a speech as the project’s leader. Pran thanks everyone for their part in making the rebuild a success and states that he hopes this project can end the conflict between the two faculties. Yes, but what about the conflict between you and Pat? What about that Pran?
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After posing for photos complete with cringy heart-fingers, Pat manages to find Pran alone and off to the side. He breaks the ice by asking Pran if he’s going to the sponsor, LogTech, any time soon because he wants to stop by the music shop on the way. Aww, look at Pat trying so hard to extend an olive branch to you. He wants to spend time with you. This is the puppy version of bringing you a ball and hopefully wagging his tail. Aww Pat.
Pran ignores Pat’s question and moves to leave but Pat pulls on his arm and asks him what’s wrong? You can just talk to me. I have no idea what to do here. This is new territory for him, too. Pran finally says what’s there to talk about? And Pat, never one to skirt the issue, goes you know exactly what, about the other night. And Pran responds with I don’t have anything to say about that night. To which Pat responds, well, I do and grabs Pran’s arm to stop him from walking away from this conversation and from him.
Before Pat can get Pran to admit to the circumstances of that night, they’re interrupted by Pat’s dad and Professor Pichai. Pran respectfully greets Pat’s dad while Ming explains that Pichai invited him to see the bus stop and to check out the solar panels they used for it. Pran excuses himself and Pat watches him walk away with concern. The distance to reach Pran suddenly feels much larger than a single door.
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To be clear, this isn’t about Pran trying to play hard to get, this is him ghosting Pat altogether. He’s acting like what happened between them didn’t happen. We get that avoidance and repression are Pran’s default coping mechanisms, but I can’t help but feel a little frustrated with him even though I understand what he’s going through. Just talk to the guy, Pran. This isn’t going away just because you’re ignoring him. Pat isn’t giving up on you or what you two have together. He’s here, he’s finally here looking right at you, and you won’t give him the time of day.
What gives me hope though is Pran glances back at Pat as he walks away. His heart truly is at war with his head, isn’t it? Again, Roxette holds all the wisdom, my friend, and you should really listen to what your heart is telling you.
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Cut to later, Pran is at Wai’s dropping off his guitar for safekeeping. He tells Wai that if he keeps the guitar close, he’ll inevitably pick it up and play it. Aww. Pran is speaking metaphorically here of his feelings for Pat where the guitar is a stand-in for Pat, he’s telling us that he has to keep his feelings at bay and distance himself from Pat. We’re not sure if you’re aware Pran, but absence only makes the heart grow that much fonder. Haven’t those three years away from Pat taught you anything?
Wai asks if it’s that serious with his mom, if she catches him playing the guitar will she transfer him again? And Pran says that if she finds out (about Pat) she might. Pran has a lot on the line here. He’s at risk of losing it all, his friends, his current life, and most of all Pat if his mom finds out he’s talking to him again, let alone has feelings for him. And the run-in with Pat’s dad is a cruel reminder of all that he has to lose. 
Rather than be separated from Pat completely, he’ll settle for seeing him from across campus because he CANNOT go back to a life without Pat even if all he gets now is Pat only in the peripheral. And here I want to grab him by the shoulders (where’s my ladder?) and shake him a little and tell him, look at all that you have to GAIN instead. But at the same time, Pran has been here before and knows the feeling of losing everything all too well and he just can’t go through that again. We get it, Pran.
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“Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury.”
And we’re now all sobbing at both the noble idiocy of this boy but also just how much more of himself is he willing to sacrifice for the sake of others? Did that 28-second taste of living for yourself scare you? Let Pat in, let him help you navigate all of this. You don’t have to go at this alone anymore. But Pran’s final words to Wai says everything: we already know how it’s going to end, isn’t it better to not start at all? He leaves but not before giving the guitar a yearning look goodbye, telling us this was not an easy decision for him – letting go of Pat.
This is one of my favorite moments of Pran’s because it’s both sad and incredibly noble of him to walk away. He’s resolute in his decision of finally letting go of these long-held feelings, not because he wants to but because he knows he has to, and I find this entirely too relatable. How often have we warred with ourselves to walk away when everything in our body is telling us to stay?
Remember that Pran is working off the knowledge that Pat likes Ink. He heard this from Pat himself. So, even though they’ve kissed, he’s worried that Pat acted in the heat of the moment, out of jealously for Wai. And Pran pulling him in for that second, deeper kiss revealed Pran’s long-held secret that he’s wanted this, wanted Pat. And now Pat knows and Pran is adamantly trying to cover it up by acting like it didn’t mean anything to him when we know it meant EVERYTHING. But what Pran doesn’t know is it meant everything to Pat, too. Only he can’t tell Pran any of this because Pran isn’t willing to listen.
Having lived for so long with the belief that Pat could never return his feelings, Pran can’t fathom that Pat would suddenly reciprocate these feelings now – not when Ink, a better option without any family entanglements, is right there. So, based on what he knows, we really can’t blame Pran for this reasoning, but also just please talk to Pat. This can all be cleared up in about five minutes. 
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Sometime later, Pat is at home in his bedroom. He looks out his window and catches a glimpse of Pran across the way, he calls out to him only for Pran to continue to ignore him. Pat says you’re really not going to talk to me? Just watch what I’ll do, you’ll see. Pat, you just pushed an entire fandom right to the edge of our seats. What are you planning on doing?
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The next thing we know Pat is outside ringing Pran’s doorbell! OH SHIT! This kid has some cajones. We been knowing this fact, but this right here is proof that fear is not in Pat’s vocabulary. I mean, he wrestles tiny guns away from goons for kicks. You have to commend the guy though for walking right into the lion’s den, or in this case, the lioness’ domain. Pran’s mom comes out to see what Pat wants. Pat greets her and explains that he’s there to see Pran. Dissaya goes what for? Pran has nothing to say to you. And fearless Pat says but I do (have something to say to him). And Dissaya goes kid, do your parents not teach you about manners? 
Then in steps Pat’s dad answering her, we do. We also teach him to be nice to guests when they visit our house. Ooh burn. It’s heating up in here. We are all engulfed and caught in the flames shooting out of Dissaya’s eyes right now. She flings right back at Ming, and do you teach him that when he isn’t welcome, to just stay away? We’re then shown Pran watching all this going down from his bedroom window. 
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Dissaya plows on or maybe he came here because he can’t stand you anymore. This whole scene is deliciously taut and uncomfortable, yet we can’t look away. Ming asks Pat what he’s doing there. Pat explains he has a bus stop document for Pran that their professor asked him to deliver. Dissaya responds with tell your professor Pran will go get it later. Ming is frustrated and says he already brought it here, why can’t you just take it? Ming takes it a step further by asking what kind of person are you? And it’s definitely the wrong thing to say as it triggers Dissaya to respond with oh, and you think you’re so great? Do you want me to say it out loud? Oooh, yes spill all the tea, madam. Our cups are ready.
P’Chai’s spidey senses kick in and he rushes in to de-escalate the situation with can I take the document to Pran instead? Ming agrees and Pat hands the documents over to P’Chai. But Dissaya needs to have the last word and asks is your business here done? Ming mumbles that they never had any business there in the first place, then drags Pat away. We see that Pran has left the safety of his bedroom and is standing behind a column listening to the entire thing.
This heated and tense scene confirms for Pran that his decision to stay away from Pat is the right choice. Their parents can’t even exchange innocuous documents without sniping at each other. We’re frankly intrigued by the whole ordeal as this is the first confrontation we’ve seen between the adults, revealing that the issue is not with the two dads but specifically with Pran’s mom and Pat’s dad. Interesting. I love that the show is giving us bits of the puzzle, one tiny piece at a time. It leaves a lot of room for fan theories and burrowing down deep rabbit holes.
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Pat returns to his bedroom and sits at his drums banging out his frustration while looking over at Pran’s room. I’m with you Pat, I may need to buy me some drums too especially for what awaits me at the end of EP8. It needs to be said though that this is a lot healthier than avoiding the situation. It also foreshadows to later in the show when Pat vents his feelings on the xylophone. Perhaps music is as much an outlet for Pat as it is for Pran. 
Pa hears the loud banging and comes into his room to investigate. She asks if he’s fighting with Pran again. Huh, apparently this is what Pat does when he and Pran are on the outs. It’s happened enough times that Pa recognizes his routine. Interesting. Pa then incorrectly deduces that the two of them are fighting over Ink. Ha! Pa, not everyone is in love with Ink like you are, girl. You’re projecting. An irritated Pat shakes his head and walks away telling Pa to think whatever she wants. Again, these feelings are SERIOUS if he can’t even confide in Pa.
We cut to campus and see a charter bus with a banner reading Architecture Volunteer Camp on its side. On the bus, Wai sits down next to Pran and rudely yanks out one of his earbuds commenting that Pran is in his own sad music video and asks if he’s heartbroken. That’s a little too on the nose, Waisel. Louis says no one from any of the other faculties joined in the volunteer camp this year. He seems bummed and states the purpose of camp is to travel and make friends from different faculties. Be careful what you wish for, boy-o. And right on cue, Pat pops onto the bus asking, may an engineering student join you?
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Pat is out here showing off his huge cajones again. Pran looks on as if to say I can’t believe you’re doing this, but he’s got to be secretly loving that he is, right? I mean, c’mon, Pat is literally joining the enemy’s camp just for the chance to talk to Pran. That has to win him major points. And then we’re given a shot of Wai with his trademark nostril flaring. And I’m just like whyyy, Wai? This has nothing to do with you. Take your pasty, instigating weasel face elsewhere. Stating the obvious, but my commendation of Wai in the previous episode was short-lived. We’re in the Pride Lands now and to me Wai is the uptight Zazu who thinks he’s of greater importance than he is.
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On the bus, Pat patiently waits and pounces when Zazu Wai gets up for some water and plops himself in Wai’s vacated seat next to Pran. Ha! Atta boy Pat! You already know that Pran has a difficult time ignoring your proximity, play it to your advantage smart boy.
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After some prodding from Pat, Pran ignores him by using Pat’s own earbuds! Ha! I will bet all the money in my pocket that there isn’t any music playing through those earbuds right now. I will raise the ante that Pran is stretching all his ear muscles to hear what Pat is saying, he just doesn’t want to let on that he’s curious. Pat says fine don’t talk, but when I get you to talk that means you lose. The gauntlet has been thrown and sorry Pran, but my money is on Pat.
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Wai comes back and demands what Pat is doing in his seat and Pat innocently responds oh you mean this seat? I didn’t know it was taken. Hahaha. Wai flexes some more and Pat gets up with a faux apologetic look on his cheeky face. OHO! Just look at the way Pran is watching Pat return to his original seat. This is not the face of someone who is disinterested. I can almost hear the oh, leaving so soon? not being said.
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Pat is looking over at Pran saying this is a game that you’re not gonna win. I will out-stubborn you. I am tenacious P.
They arrive at the zero-waste village and meet P’Tong their de facto camp counselor. The student volunteers are then handed colored tags (red and green) and are randomly divided into two groups based on the color of their tags. We watch and learn much to our disappointment that Pat and Pran are separated into different groups. Pat is red and Pran is green. Note that both boys eye and catalog each other’s tags. Oh, they are both so aware of each other that I want to bust out my karaoke rendition of well, you’ve done, done me in and you can bet that I felt it. I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted. There’s no need to complicate. This is our fate, I’m yours to set the mood music.
Their first activity is learning how to build a biofertilizer by separating food waste into specific bins. Pat decides it’s time to annoy Pran and edges right into his personal space. He squeezes himself in between Pran and another student as if he’s fascinated by these bins and wants a closer look. Haha, look at this cheeky bastard’s face y’all. I can’t with him. And more than that, he and Pran both know exactly what he’s doing. Cue Wai’s nostril flare. Hey, we should turn this into a drinking game! Every time the bull-weasel flares his nose, take a drink. We’ll all be drunk before we even make it to part 4/4.
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Their next activity involves charades of some sort. Pat and Pran are paired up with Pran having to guess Pat’s gestures. Pran of course refuses to open his mouth and speak so automatically forfeits. They’re then tasked with picking up trash along the beach and Pat flings debris over at Pran to get a reaction from him, and oh he does react, by ignoring him and walking away. Nice try, Pat. You may have to up your game, bro.
The next activity is one of my favorite scenes of the episode and one that I come back to often. In teams of two, the students have to stand on a progressively shrinking newspaper. You’re out if you can’t get both team members on the paper at the same time. P’Tong explains that the newspapers represent our natural resources and each time we use them, we can see how much they decrease. He then instructs everyone to flip over their color tags to find the name of a vegetable on the back and to search for your match. Of course, our boys are matched with each other, there’s no escaping it. Now it makes sense why Pat and Pran are in opposing groups.
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I love how Pran shows some life here by childishly pushing Pat away every time Pat tries to sidle up next to him. Haha. He’s literally trying to keep Pat at arm’s length, but Pat isn’t cooperating. Good for you, Pat. Don’t make it easy for him.
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Pat tells Pran you’re good, but just give in if you can’t do it anymore. Talk to me. And we can see Pran at war with himself. He obviously doesn’t want to lose to Pat, the competitiveness in this one is strong, but he also can’t take being this close to him either. Finally, his drive to win pushes Pran to look directly at Pat. And really, Pat is in a win-win situation here. Either Pran gives in and talks to him, or Pran gives in and makes eye contact. And who can resist Mr. Fierce Eyes?
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Whoever said BBS is low heat? Please check that you have your bifocals on as I present to you evidence to the contrary.
We can see Pat narrowly closing the gap between them inch by inch. It’s completely intoxicating. I find myself watching this play out through the slits of my fingers because the intensity of them gazing at each other is making my heart do summersaults that my limbs definitely cannot replicate.
Pat only has one foot on their little square of paper and pushes his momentum forward to get the other foot on there as well, but in doing so he gets a little too close for Pran’s comfort. Pran then moves to back up, to put some space between them, and instead finds himself unintentionally falling backwards. Pat instinctively reaches out and cradles the back of Pran’s head to brace his fall – and this has to be the most chivalrous, romantic and most of all telling of how he feels about Pran – move in all of let me catch you if you should fall history. Pat’s priority and intent is to soften Pran’s landing, and I don’t know about you, but I’m over here fanning myself.
I have to ask you, Pran. Is this giving you flashbacks to your rooftop kiss when Pat cradled your head in both of his large hands? I’m gonna come out and just say it. Pran has a hand kink, and more specifically Pat’s very large and very capable hands do it for him. Oh yes, they do. See all the times Pat covers his mouth with his hand and now this. Oh, you’re telling me that it’s not Pran who has the hand kink but me? Oops, my bad. But just look at how Pat’s single hand covers nearly the entire back of Pran’s head and tell me you don’t think that’s hot.
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They land in the sand with Pat on top of Pran and I’m visualizing Pran relishing the sturdy weight of Pat’s body above his. Not in a sexual way (for once, ahem, no need to be alarmed, it’s really me guys, I haven’t been mind-swapped) but in a solid, dependable feel me, I’m here, let me be your anchor kind of way. Let me be strong for you. You’re allowed to lean on someone. You just have to let me in. And note that neither boy is in any hurry to get back on his feet. Like I said, intoxicating.
Wai predictably rushes over and pushes at Pat demanding what the hell he’s doing and Pat responds playing a game, which is true on many fronts – in reference to the camp activity but also this push and pull between himself and Pran. Wai gets all worked up and Pran intervenes by saying it was his fault and that he fell on his own.
Wai, I get that you’re being protective of your friend but what exactly do you think Pat is going to do to Pran in front of all these witnesses? And do you not think Pran can handle himself? Stop with this gross display of ownership. If I was Pran, I’d be really ticked off by Wai’s supposed heroics here. Like dude, let me handle my business. I’m not some damsel in distress. I can think and act for myself. And notice that Wai doesn’t rush forward to check that Pran is physically okay, his first thought is to confront Pat. Stop using your friend as an excuse to act aggro, you weasel.
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Wai angrily walks off as though he’s the one that’s been wronged, ugh typical victim complex- make this all about you, and Pran gives Pat a look before presumably chasing after Wai to smooth things over. It must be exhausting being Wai’s friend. I love Pat’s smirk here because HE KNOWS, and we know that he’s getting to Pran.
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Cry some more, Waisel. Please continue to justify my Wai hatred by being exactly who you are. A sniveling weasel who thinks everything is about himself.
It’s lunchtime and the architects are eating at a table while Wai rants about Pat. Wai blathers on about being at the end of his rope (really?!! just by Pat existing? that’s a short rope you’ve got there) and what the hell does Pat want from them. Uh, absolutely nothing. He’s not here for you, pasty. Why would you automatically assume that he came here for you? Don’t make me laugh. Stop these theatrics and go get yourself some much needed vitamin D. Louis chimes in that the engineers never joined their camps before now and that Pat has crossed a line (how exactly has this imaginary line been crossed? Does your camp rules specifically say no engineering students allowed?)
Pran has heard enough and raises his voice to say Dammit can’t we just ignore him? Yes, Pran! Defend your man. It’s a case of no one else gets to slander Pat but him. And everyone looks at Pran in stunned silence. He then adds that someone like that will quit bothering them once he’s had enough and to just ignore him. Uh Pran, I think you underestimate Pat’s ability to annoy. Right as Pran says this, along comes Pat. Hahaha. He has his lunch plate and is pulling along a chair. He invites himself to join their table and plops himself in between Pran and Wai. OMG, I love the steel nerves on this kid. He takes it a step further by asking Wai if he’s gonna eat the meatball on his plate and helps himself to it. Pfft.
Wai gets up and knocks his chair over as if ready to throw down right then and there. Oh please, you’re just acting all pseudo-macho because your boys are here, and you’ve got backup whereas Pat is alone. Sit your ass on down, your daddy is eating a meatball. Pran finally speaks up and tells everyone, and Wai specifically, to cool down. This is their faculty project and he’ll talk to Pat. YESSS!! Victory is Pat’s!! But then Pran gives Pat THIS LOOK and if looks could kill, Pat would be incinerated on the spot. Pran must have inherited the eye glaring gene from his mom. Fortunately, Pat is too busy congratulating himself over this win to let it bother him.
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It’s nighttime and Pat is alone at the beach deep in thought. He’s looking more serious than when we last left him. Contemplative Pat is a sight to behold.
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I love this shot of Pat from behind. Something about it sings to me. Is it the lean? The hands in his pockets? The background/foreground of the water? The reflecting lights in the distance? I can’t say exactly what it is that grabs me, maybe it’s all of it. He seems both as sturdy as a pillar here and yet so very, very alone. 
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This is another beautiful shot of Pat. Look at those eyes. These are eyes that have a story behind them. One that he desperately wants to tell but only to one very specific person.
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Pran approaches and immediately drills into Pat you asshole! didn’t you get what I said? But instead of jawing back at Pran as Pran seems to have expected him to do, we see Pat softly say are we talking now? Aww. It catches Pran off guard and we can see him visibly deflate.
Pat urges Pran to talk to him, to tell him what’s running through his mind. He asks Pran what game he’s playing at and confesses that this tension between them is agony and makes him uncomfortable.
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Pran tells Pat that he’s not the only one uncomfortable here and tells him to stop making things more complicated than they already are. Pat seems confused by Pran’s request, especially when Pran ends it with a Please, just leave me alone and walks away, once again leaving behind a reeling Pat.
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The next morning, Pat runs into Junior and asks him if he’s seen Pran. Junior leads Pat to P’Tong who is standing by his truck and who should be in the back of the truck but Pran. Junior tells P’Tong that Pat needs a ride to the market and P’Tong readily agrees. Pran seems to be in a better mood today and even laughs at P’Tong’s adorable dad joke. I suspect it’s because he’s not surrounded by his architect friends and doesn’t have to put up as much of a front with Pat since their current audience (Junior) has no idea of their history. We feel you Pran, putting on a mask of indifference when puppy Pat is happily wagging his tail in your face is exhausting. It’s nice for our boys (and us!) to take a break from Wai and his tiresome dramatics.
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Seemingly making small talk, Pat asks Junior what grade he’s in and if he has lots of friends. Junior replies that he does. Pat then asks if Junior has a friend that won’t talk to him. And that whatever you say to him you’re met with silence. He ignores your questions, and you don’t know what’s happened with this friend. Junior gives it some thought and responds that he doesn’t have this kind of friend and innocently comments that no guy acts like this, right? Hahaha.
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Pran may major in architecture, but he minors in the perfect execution of the eyeroll. Bless him.
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Pat smirks and looks over at Pran. He then tells Junior that there is such a guy! And what does Junior think Pat should do about this friend? After some consideration Junior suggests, end your friendship with him? Pat says isn’t that too harsh? Pat tells Junior he feels sorry for this guy because he doesn’t have many friends. Falling right into Pat’s trap, Junior looks over at Pran and asks him if he has lots of friends. Pran replies that he does. And here, I want to affectionately smack the smugness right off Pat’s face. Don’t count all your chickens yet, my guy. Junior then asks Pran what he would do if his friend refused to talk to him. Pran pretends to give it some thought then says he doesn’t know what he’d do because he only has talkative friends. Annoyingly talkative. Super annoyingly talkative. HAHAHA touché, Pran. Well played.
Pat is saved from further demise at Pran’s awesome wit when P’Tong returns with the truck keys. P’Tong asks Pat since he’s going to the market would he mind picking up some printer ink for him. Pat agrees and off they go. Pat asks Junior if they’re really headed to the market and here interestingly, Pran says what, you’ve never been to a market before? UNPROMPTED. P’Tong begins driving and Pat loses his balance causing Pran to smirk and laugh and it’s the cutest thing.
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This is the exact moment when Pat loses balance and Pran smirks in response like he can’t help himself. Adorable. This is probably the first time he’s allowed himself to openly react to Pat in DAYS.
At the market we get a song montage of our boys shopping and really, it’s Pran shopping and Pat annoying him by making a simple trip to the market an entire adventure, which is such a Pat thing to do. He’s like a puppy out for a walk with his favorite human. Pat teases him at a vegetable stall and the shop owner comments that they’re cute together. Aww. The shop owner is US! They both BEAM and say thank you.
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Look at the boys’ faces as they respond to the shop owner’s compliment. I love that we get two different reactions befitting of their personalities, Pat is basking and Pran is smiling shyly.
On the way back to camp, their truck gets stuck in mud so Pat and Pran get out to push it. Their first attempt is a fail and Junior teasingly asks if that’s all they’ve got. Cuuute. Pat and Pran pretend to take offense and are determined to push the truck out on their next attempt. And they do, but following the momentum of the moving truck, Pran slips and falls into the mud himself. Pat laughs because really, who wouldn’t? Pran gets up and makes a point to wipe his muddy hand all over Pat’s neck as he walks away. Well, I guess that’s one way to feel him up. There’s a funny bit where Pat gestures in response as if to say what did I do? I’m just standing here. Then gestures at the mud as if to say this is who you should be mad at, not me. Hahaha. These two are killing me.
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Blink and you’ll miss it, but Pat’s soft smile as Pran walks away after wiping his muddy hand on him is everything. Pat should be annoyed but he’s instead ecstatic that Pran is showing signs of life. He’s so in love, your honor, even dirt is making him smile.
We’re gifted with another montage of Pran at the beach washing the mud off his clothes and Pat ‘helping’ him by splashing him with water. They end up goofing around, splashing each other and all the weight and stress of the last few days recedes with the tide. They’re now simply enjoying each other’s company.
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Drying up on the shore, Pat voices the question that’s been on his mind. Will you tell me now what’s been going on with you since that night? Pran responds with Can we not talk about that? Pat says fine and they both fall silent. After a couple of beats, Pran looks over at Pat and asks the question that has apparently been weighing on HIS mind. Do you hate me? Aww, Pran. Has this been bothering you all this time? How long have you sat with the misconception that Pat hated you? Do you go to bed each night believing the one you love hates you in return? Oh Pran, this makes me so sad.
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Pat seems surprised at his question but then says I used to ask myself if you ever did anything to make me hate you. When he doesn’t continue, Pran prods him with did I? Pat smiles at him and says ever since he’s known Pran, his life has been a lot harder, that he’s forced to compare himself to Pran in everything he does. And Pran looks out at the water and quietly says you must hate me a lot for that, don’t you? Pat says I should, but then I tried to think it through. You were put in the same situation as me. That’s why I couldn’t force myself to hate you. Pat is saying I had every reason to hate you, I even tried to, but found that I couldn’t.
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He turns it around on Pran and asks what about you? And there’s a long beat where they’re both just looking at each other, no pretenses, no masks, and no audience to dictate their response. Pran says when you were the reason I got transferred, I was so angry at you and my mom. Pat takes a long moment to consider Pran’s words and says I’m sorry. Pran tells him it’s fine, it was just anger, not hatred. The two smile softly at each other, the air between them finally cleared.
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Fingertips puttin’ on a show, you’ve got me now and I can’t say no ♫ ♬
Pat says without other people around, I can sit beside you just fine but when there are other people, just talking to you feels like a matter of life and death. Pran says what can we do? We were born into this. Pat looks at Pran and asks want to try it for a while? Just sit here and be carefree. Our boys lean back and bask in the warm sun and companionable silence. Pat shifts his weight, and his fingers end up touching Pran’s in the sand. Their eyes connect meaningfully. He asks him why are you so quiet now? And Pran confesses speaking nicely to you, I don’t know how. And this is probably the most honest Pran has ever been with him. Pat laughs and says it’s the same for him. And the unspoken look in Pat’s eyes says let’s navigate this together, how to be nice to each other.
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If anyone has read my crack analysis of Pran’s nightstand photo, this here is a replication of that come-hither look. It’s the chin propped on the shoulder that does me in.
After another beat, he says thanks and Pran looks at him as if to ask for what? And Pat goes for saving Pa. And again, what is left between the lines is Pat’s unspoken I know it’s taken me a long time to say this but thank you for what you did to help me and my sister all those years ago. Pa might not be here if it weren’t for you, and I never thanked you for that so I’m saying it now. I hope it’s not too late. And from the look Pran gives Pat in response, it’s right on time.
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Pat then asks Pran have you ever pictured what it’d be like if our parents didn’t fight? What would it be like if this rivalry between our families didn’t exist? And Pran starts saying if our families weren’t enemies… but then trails off and just looks at Pat and the two smile at each other, a tacit understanding between them.
Our boys, showered and clean from the beach, look for P’Tong when Junior finds them first. Pat decides to refill P’Tong’s printer with the ink he picked up from the market. He tests out the printer by printing a picture from his phone; it’s of a sleeping Pran. AWW you guys! I can’t handle the cuteness here. You’re telling me that Pat’s camera roll features candid shots of Pran that not even Pran knows about?!
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This has to be a photo from Ohm’s camera roll. The bus seats were black not tan. Ohm probably said I have the perfect picture for this scene! I love how BBS has OhmNanon’s footprints all over it.
Later that evening, the student volunteers are drawing lots for where they’ll be sleeping that night. And like the newspaper game, the two people with the same vegetable will be paired together. Pat raises his hand when his vegetable is called and looks expectantly at Pran, but it’s not Pran’s arm that goes up but dun dun dun… Wai’s who gives us a, you guessed it, nostril flare. Drink up!
Everyone queues up for dinner and Pat asks if he can skip the line and moves ahead of Louis who happens to be standing behind Pran. Out of nowhere, Wai comes into the frame and menacingly stares Pat down. And I’m just like, bro, why you be staring at your daddy unblinking like that? Pat stares back not knowing why he suddenly got challenged to the world’s most awkward staring contest. He then helps himself to a piece of squash on Wai’s plate. Oh no you didn’t!! Get a load of this guy. Pat is out here with zero shits to give. I read on twitter that the name of this squash vegetable is a Thai homonym for fuck you and I’m just like Pat, you are enjoying this a little too much, but also hell yeah Pat, don’t let pasty push you around with his foflex.
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Anyone catch that Pat looks over Waisel’s shoulder at Pran before walking away? He must have caught something in Pran’s expression that told him to just walk away. I love how they communicate without words and how subtle Ohm plays this small glance.
Chewing on the piece of squash, Pat walks away. Wai tells Louis that he’s had enough (again, I ask enough of what exactly? Of Pat existing?) Louis asks Wai what he’s going to do, and Wai comes back with tonight, Pat’s going to have the sweetest dream ever (read: he’s gonna be knocked out unconscious). Pran hears all this and has a worried look on his face.
Pat is at the next table and notices that Wai and the others keep glancing in his direction. They’re biding their time for Pat to finish eating and to walk off alone so they can follow and jump him. Pat’s not dumb and can read the atmosphere. And so can Pran. Wai and his minions get up on the pretense that they’re off to bed, but Pran questions where Louis is off to since he and Pran are paired together. He then turns and asks the others why they’re all going to Wai’s room (also Pat’s room) if it’s just to sleep. And then he outright asks if they’re going to beat up Pat.
Here's my take on all this: if Wai was going to confront Pat alone, that would be one thing and I’d be like turn up the volume and pass me the popcorn. But instead, Wai is bringing along back up and that’s just not cool. And Louis aside, what did Pat do to the other two other than breathe the same beach air?
If we’re comparing this to EP1 where Pat’s gang chased after a lone Wai, recall that once he had him cornered, Pat gave Wai the opportunity to call his friends for back up. Yet Wai can’t extend the same decency here? The whole bullying incident at Wai’s bar/workplace was immature and beyond idiotic. I still side-eye Pat for that to this day. Pat may not have actively participated but he sure as hell did not put a stop to it either. Wai is right to be pissed about that, only maybe not so much at Pat but more at Korn and the others – the actual perpetrators of Wai’s humiliation that night. I get that he’s grouping the entire engineering gang as one and sees Pat as their leader, but this is very shortsighted of him.
Pat just so happens to be here for reasons unrelated to Wai and is taking the brunt of Wai’s fixation of the engineers. And seeing how the numbers are to Wai’s advantage, this feels like a calculated move. One where Wai is using Pat’s presence at their camp to incite the others to join in his payback. Because nothing Pat has done these past two days justifies a beating unless you consider eating a meatball and a piece of squash as warranted, as those are the only two incidences where Pat did anything to Wai directly. Also, have the architects conveniently forgotten that the bus stop rebuild would not have been completed without Pat and his friends? Pat basically saved their asses on that project. How short are their memories?
GAH! I hate that I’ve spent so much of this recap talking about Waisel. I blame P’Aof for giving him so much damn screen time.
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Back to Pran asking Wai and co. if they’re off to beat up Pat. Wai tries to reason with Pran by saying look at what Pat’s done (he dared to eat my meatball and squash, I won’t let this stand! CRY MORE) and they should teach him a lesson. Pran tries to reason that they’re at a volunteer camp and Wai responds that they’ll do it quietly and no one needs to know (you fucking coward). Pran tries to buy more time by telling Wai to wait until they get back to campus and deal with Pat then. Louis chimes in by asking Pran what faculty he belongs to and why is he protecting Pat. Pran denies it and Louis pushes on saying everyone feels that Pran is taking Pat’s side.
The screen cuts to Pat in his room staring intensely at the door waiting for an ambush. He then pushes back his non-existent sleeves in preparation. Oh GOD, GUYS IT’S HERE. The inexplicable pushing of the sleeves.
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The music, intensity, and seriousness of Pat’s face in this scene only to be transcended by the pushing up of the non-existence sleeves, is the most bad buddy thing this show could ever do to us. What did we do to deserve this, guys?
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Back to Pran and the architects, Wai asks Pran point blank if there is anything going on between him and Pat that they don’t know. For those keeping count, this is the third time Wai has given Pran a chance to come clean about his relationship with Pat. Pran doesn’t answer and Wai seems to take this as a green light to go ahead with the beating. As the guys clear away their plates and leave, Pran blurts out that he has a confession to make. Whaaa??
Later, the architects are surrounded by cans of beer and drunk Wai slurs Really, Pran? Your first love is now in a new relationship? So that’s why you didn’t seem to enjoy this trip. Louis ever the chimer-inner, says You need to move on. Pran responds with we’re on a trip. I didn’t want to bring everyone down and spoil the fun, but now that I have poured my guts out to you, you all must stay with me ALL NIGHT and points at each of them. Pfft, we see what you’re doing Pran.
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The others are all well on their way to being four sheets in the wind. And we watch as Pran acts drunk and dumps his beer over his shoulder when the others aren’t looking. I LOVE THIS. Manipulator Pran is the best Pran. Louis continues to console Pran by telling him not to worry, that someone as perfect as Pran won’t stay available for long. He asks him what’s his type since he knows lots of people and can set him up. Unless you know a hot, chaotic goofball, who likes wearing muscle tees and insists on helping without being asked, who safeguards Pran’s beloved guitar as if it were his own, I highly doubt you can find Pran’s exact type. Pran quietly says more to himself than to his drunk friends that he should take a break, that it still hurts. And we can see that he isn’t lying.
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Later, Pran is alone walking on the beach. He has his ever-present-Pat’s-earbuds with him and sighs to himself. We watch Pat approach. Pran looks over at him only to find that Pat is already looking right at him. When is he ever not looking at you, Pran? Pran pockets the earbuds and proceeds to walk away and Pat walks forward as if to meet Pran halfway. Pran intends to walk right past Pat and ignore him when Pat stops him with a hand to his wrist. It’s Pat’s way of saying don’t go, please. And the two engage in their own staring contest, one that’s layered with so much want and meaning.
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They find shelter against the side of a boat and Pat picks up a stick and writes something in the sand. He says you won’t allow me to talk about it, so here I am not talking. He finishes his sand word with a question mark, and we see that he’s spelled out KISS? He’s asking Pran about their rooftop kiss and what it meant to him.
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Pran evades and says it’s nothing. But Pat pushes on and asks what does he mean? Pran says he’s not trying to mean anything, and Pat says if Pran doesn’t say it, how will Pat figure it out? How can he possibly understand him? Pran says Pat doesn’t need to understand him and that Pran doesn’t want Pat to understand him. Pran goes back to his old reliable and tells Pat to just mind his own business. Except now Pran is Pat’s business.
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Pat studies Pran for a beat then brings up Ink and tells Pran that he talked to her. He says he doesn’t think that he likes her in that way. This news catches Pran off guard and we see the sparks of renewed hope curling in his chest. Trying not to sound too eager, Pran asks how do you like her then? Aww, he needs to hear Pat say the words. But Pat throws Pran’s earlier words back at him instead and says you don’t need to understand because I don’t want you to understand me either. Touché. Pat is saying you want to tango? Let’s tango.
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This is Pran’s face right as Pat tells him that he doesn’t like Ink. We see that he’s trying (unsuccessfully) to school his face, but the spark of reignited hope is working its way through his veins. Hope springs eternal, indeed.
Pran smirks at Pat and tries a different approach. He says he knew it, that Pat is terrible at flirting that’s why no one likes him back. And Pat rebuts with like you’re so good at it. I’ve never seen you succeed at using your charms either. Uh Pat, you’re on precarious ground here, don’t make Pran show you his arsenal of moves, believe us when we say you couldn’t handle it. Pran goes maybe so, but there’s this one guy who followed me here all the way from Bangkok, wanting to make up with me. AWW he’s acknowledging the lengths Pat has gone to for him. I told you it would gain Pat major points! Pat responds with well there’s this guy who refused to talk to me all day. What do you think that means? Oh! I’ve got him confused about his feelings for me. They both smirk at each other not caring that this talking in circles is getting them nowhere.
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Pran finally turns towards him and asks why can’t you just admit it? Pat faces Pran and says admit that you like me already, just say it. Pran denies it and Pat says oh, but you do. And Pran shoots back that you’re the one that likes me. It’s so obvious. Pat laughs and says fine, let’s compete then. I’ll show you how I flirt. I’ll go after you so hard and sweep you off your feet. Pran replies with game on, I’ll make you get down on your knees declaring your love for me. OHO! Pat laughs and says someone like you will fall for me in no time. Pran tells him he’s all talk. Make it happen first then you can brag about it later. They both look at each other grinning and then both say: Whoever falls in love first, loses. Deal! And they seal it with a fist bump, which is the best callback to their fist bump, ever.
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We’re treated to an end credit scene where it’s the next day and Pat is standing alone munching on crispy seaweed. Pran approaches him and points out that people are preparing to get on the bus. Pat says there are too many people over there, but don’t worry when the bus comes my boyfriend will come and get me. Pran smirks and says who’s your boyfriend? Pat looks at Pran meaningfully and guys I am squeeing so hard at these two. Pran says there’s the bus now, we leave in 15 minutes. Pat smirks and says well, that gives me 15 minutes to put some moves on you right here.
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He then offers to feed Pran some of his seaweed snack, Pran declines and says he’s not hungry. Pat proceeds to nom delightfully and makes it look so good that eventually Pran gestures for him to share. Pat holds out a piece and moves as if he’s going to feed it to Pran, who opens his mouth to take a bite, only for Pat to finally get the chance to pull the ol’ Charlie Brown football away at the last second and say I know you want it. Be my boyfriend first. Pran gives him a look and says so that’s your move? But it’s more of a is that all you’ve got?
Pat polishes off the piece of seaweed he offered to Pran and puts his hand in the bag for another only to be halted by Pran’s own hand. He pulls out Pat’s fingers which are now covered with the snack seasoning, stares Pat dead ass in the eyes and proceeds to LICK HIS FINGER. PRAN!!! In public?? Think of the children. He then uses his tongue to taste the seasoning residue on his lip and says you’re right, it does taste good. And the look on Pat’s face can be summed by two words: HUBBA HUBBA. Pran, the almighty and powerful, has rendered him speechless. Pran picks up his bag and says see you later, FRIEND and flashes his dimple like the boss that he is. And Pat can only watch him leave, shellshocked. And we can see all the possibilities swirling in Pat’s head. Pran has just upped their flirting game to a level that has Pat gleefully smiling at what’s to come.
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An entire series of screenshots that have no need for captions except to say that Pat, it was nice knowing you, my dude. You brought this on yourself when you challenged Pran to tango, er, tangle.
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Look at this face. This is the face of a guy who just got annihilated and is still smiling like the lovesick fool that he is. I will never look at cripsy seaweed the same way again. Y’all ruined me.
This concludes our sixth hour with our boys and oh what a fun hour it was! All the Wai shenanigans aside, for me this was the most enjoyable episode of the show so far. I am a sucker for the chase trope, but here instead of a cat and mouse game it’s an eager puppy and his sourpuss kitty, where at the end the kitty has turned the tables and is biting licking back. I’ve always been weak for the push and pull between characters where they’re both moving towards the same eventuality but one of them doesn’t realize it yet.
I love how smart and patient Pat’s approach is at getting Pran to talk to him. It shows how well Pat understands Pran’s needs and psyche. He recognizes that Pran is at his most comfortable when they’re competing against each other so plays that up for him. He tells Pran to give in if he can’t take it anymore but assures him that even if he’s not yet ready to throw in the towel, Pat isn’t going anywhere. He’s here to stay and showing Pran through his actions that no matter how hard Pran pushes him away or ignores his efforts, Pat isn’t giving up on him. And for someone who is unsure of Pat’s feelings, Pran needs this affirmation that Pat can’t easily be driven way. That on Pran’s worst days, Pat won’t abandon him. He’s in this as much as Pran.
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Pat is telling Pran – and again, it’s important that he does so through his actions and not just words – that hey I get it, these feelings are overwhelming and scary, and I know you don’t do well with change, so let’s not change anything. This is just you and me as we’ve always been. But for the record, I like spending time with you, I like sharing your space and breathing the same air as you, so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to continue doing that. To be near you in whatever capacity you want, no expectations, no assumptions. And when you’re ready for more, I’m game for that too. This is entirely your call. But I’m here right where I want to be and nothing you do or say could make me run away. I’m not leaving you. I’m all in.
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The confrontation between Ming and Dissaya was both revealing yet at the same time didn’t give away too much. P’Aof and his team are so adept at dangling that carrot stick, giving us just enough that we’re intrigued but not so much that we’ve figured out their endgame. At this point in the show, Pran’s mom is depicted as the villain while Ming, though an ass in his own right, is shown as being more reasonable. We’re pointing our fingers at Dissaya and saying the hostility stems from her, and Pat’s dad is just reacting to the negative energy she’s putting out there – not knowing that the entire script is going to be flipped on us later. And I really must commend P’Aof and his scriptwriters for pulling the wool over us. It makes the story that much more compelling when you’re set in your beliefs of it going one way but are shown that things aren’t always what you see on the surface. Ahem, EP11.
And it goes without saying, but I feel should still be highlighted, that the veteran actors brought their A-game to the series. We spend much of the show singing Ohm and Nanon’s praises (as we should), but the actors tasked with bringing the intensity of Ming and Dissaya on screen are equally phenomenal especially considering that their screen time is so limited. With the precious minutes allotted them, the parents delivered their portrayal so deftly that we feel how high the stakes are for our boys. They aren’t evil caricatures representing insurmountable obstacles but are written as three-dimensional people with their own reasons and justifications for their choices and behavior. So, kudos once again to the BBS casting director and to P’Aof for challenging his actors to translate all this on screen.
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Speaking of direction, this episode was a masterclass in gorgeous cinematography. I’ve always favored taking the characters outside of their usual environments and plopping them in unfamiliar territory. This allows not only for a change of scenery but also a possible change in mindset as well. But having said that, there’s a fine line between taking the characters out of their norm just because you can or because it serves the story. And as we’ve learned with P’Aof, everything in BBS is driven by this very specific love story that he wants to tell.
A good question to raise is would Pran have acquiesced to Pat’s efforts and risen to the challenge of their bet if all this took place back on campus? How much easier then would it have been for Pran to ignore him and how many more walls would Pat have had to scale to reach Pran? So, in addition to being a nice change of pace, taking the show on the road made sense narratively in that it forced Pran to confront his fears and face Pat.
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I’ve already touched on my personal affinity for Pat standing by the water in the moonlight but wanted to add that the entire truck scene was a feast for the eyes. The coloring was soft and warm in contrast to the starkness of Pat and Pran when surrounded by the architects. And I think this was intentional. Their time with P’Tong and Junior and after on the beach, felt ethereal and almost dreamlike in the sense that by letting go they’ve finally arrived at their personal paradise, however fragile and fleeting it may be. It’s only when they’ve set aside their obstacles, if only temporary, does life seem to take on a far rosier outlook, and Pran especially, needed to see that this was and has always been a possibility if only he lowered his walls for Pat to climb and reached his hand out to him.
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Their talk on the beach was long overdue and necessary to move their relationship forward. They needed to both be on the same page, just like in the newspaper game. I thought it interesting that Pran has been worried this entire time that Pat might hate him. It tells us that while Pat may be insecure when it comes to Pran, Pran is just as insecure, needing to know that what Pat feels for him now isn’t some poor substitute for the possible hatred that he may have felt for him then.
Pran needs to know that Pat’s feelings come from a place not born from hate. And I get that. Because when you replace a strong emotion, such as hate with love, you doubt the sincerity and longevity of these feelings and worry that old feelings of hate may one day take over. So, it’s comforting for Pran to hear that no matter how reasonable it would have been for Pat to hate Pran, he was never able to and the same can be said for Pran. And I love that Pat doesn’t sugarcoat his response, he admits that it would make sense for him to hate Pran but couldn’t find it in himself to do so. And Pran needed to hear this.
I’m happy that Pran admitted he was angry with Pat for being the reason he transferred, and that Pat apologized for his part in it. They’re both acknowledging their past to pave the way for their future. Pran, by letting go of his hurt and anger and Pat, by releasing the weight of his guilt. I love this so much for our boys.
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Pran protecting Pat from being beaten up by his friends showed us that no matter how upset or annoyed he is with Pat; he could never see him potentially get hurt and not step in to prevent it from happening. It makes me wonder how many times Pran has intercepted on Pat’s behalf during their long history together, because while Pat’s eager puppy personality is sunshine to most, there may be instances where he’s rubbed people the wrong way with his penchant for teasing. In this sense, has Pran been Pat’s protector this entire time? And Pat never knowing? There’s something so endearing about this possibility that squeezes at my heart and refuses to let go.
We’re gifted with a new closing song this episode with Our Secret and it’s the show’s way of telling us that we’re entering the next phase of Pat and Pran’s relationship. Only this time they’re both in on it and the feelings are no longer one-sided. They’ve made amends for their past and look towards the bright future ahead. EP6 was great in that it served as a bridge from the first five episodes (foreplay) to the final stretch of the show (climax).
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Pat asking Pran what if, in a perfect world, our parents weren’t an obstacle standing in our way. What then? And Pran answers with it wouldn’t be difficult to imagine how different our lives would be. I love that Pat was brave enough to ask this question and Pran equally as brave to answer it. They’re both acknowledging their feelings for each other here, only words aren’t necessary because they can feel it. We see this in the knowing look and secret smile they share. Being here with you, with the ocean waves lapping at our toes, where the shared silence is equally as welcome as the conversation, there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be and no one else I’d want next to me. So, when you ask me how I’d picture our lives if we weren’t born as rivals? I’d picture this. You, me, and an entire ocean of possibilities.
And that wraps up my deconstruction of EP6, thank you for reading and reliving the episode with me. I can’t believe we’ve reached the midway point of the show. All said, I’ve written nearly 45k for this DTES post series and it’s mind blowing to me that 1) I have that much to say about two boys falling in love and 2) you all want me to say more. Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey and encouraging me to keep going. Up next, there’s more fun and hijinks to be had as Pat and Pran try to out-flirt each other. See you then!
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Norman Headcanons
The biggest gossip girl, bro would love pretty little liars. (i actually wouldn’t know I’ve never watched the show)
Born fall in 1881 (65 time of death in 1946)
Black, born to a couple of factory workers
a bastard as parents were not wed and never wed
worked as a paper boy in his youth and loved listening in on the neighborhood drama
where he figured he liked snooping around
Was always kinda nosey, never like pushy but he would be real quiet and wait for people to forget he was in the room and just listen
he’s  like the secret kid from craig of the creek
Got into projectors as they were something the factory his parents worked at made
His father would talk about his love of movies and how the reels worked but also how sad he was bout not being able to afford taking them
Norman voice “I’ll bring them here pops,” *builds a projector for him*
Doesn’t charm secrets out of you but gets you to do specific denial which causes you to spiral and break
Joey hired him after Norman read him front to back like a pamphlet at the dmv on a busy day.
Joey was unnerved in an impressed way and liked his skills with a reel
A simple man, hated lavish things as he saw it as a waste (also cause he realized hed never achieve that lifestyle and take care of his folks)
Doesn’t get visibly mad in the moment but do expect a whisper behind your back and a secret no one should know to start circulating the office
Got infected when a bulb blew and cut him and he used a not so clean rag to cover the wound
Besties with Grant and Susie: The office gossip group
As the Projectionist
Joey made the decision ot put the projector and speaker on him
it was a way to... uh... pay “respects”
Defends the hearts like they were the many secrets he kept when he was alive, afraid they’d get into the wrong hands and be abused.
Stays in the lower levels as the upper levels are too bright
literally only sees well in the dark
Body has too many mechanical parts to return fully to the ink hence why his mind is so scattered
his body/soul never recovers or leaves and it’s a lot of stress
Isn’t mindless, is just hurt, confused and in pain
would rather talk than scream if he could
Is the only “warm” ink creature
Plays the only cartoons on the days the pain is not as bad and he’s more lucid
If its a really good day the butcher gang and searchers may stop and enjoy the toon he’s playing
Fights inked bendy for fun and enrichment
His vision (if you ever saw his POV) has a tear in it like a burnt film reel
Talks to the other projectors and cares for them the best he can
If he hears a certain song he’ll play the toon that goes with it
Related to above he can hear but it’s extremely muffled so you have to be loud, but that’s not a good idea when the demon is about
remembers all the sound cues to start the toons or play certain parts
thus he remembers sammy
If only he told the police instead of just keeping all his secretes in his voice activated diary from Claire's 
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jemmo · 2 years
my sister watches bad buddy - ep 4
- pat is the definition of these muscles are here for nothing pls protect me
- omg he went for the waist
- look it’s an actual cat (not pran the cat)
- i rlly wanna see what long haired guy (she means korn) looks like with his hair down
- does his shirt say friend (me like 👀👀👀 she noticed)
- why are they dressed like church boys
- omg it’s the lesbian!!!!!!
- wow she’s bold for the first day
- *trips* wow i would’ve run away and changed schools
- oh sorry pran let me accidentally walk into you head on
- oh sorry pran let me accidentally get in your way when i can fully see where im going and have my hands out ready to hold your waist
- oh it’s pat, that’s the pat face (when pran looks through the keyhole)
- pats rlly out here like “do you not understand how far were in to this relationship, I’m moving in”
- pat rlly like “come and sit down honey stop disturbing domestic time by trying to kick me out”
- oh yeah this is what bros do, just shoving heads up shirts
- and take your whorish lil flip flops with you
- he’s insufferable i adore him (and yes, shes talking about pat)
- pran really shut that door like i just saw heaven. and then proceeded to sit on his pat infested sofa and bask in all his sweat. fuck that boys got it down bad.
- pran: leave me alone. also pran: wtf why aren’t you texting me to tell me where you’re going
- uh oh pat been caught playing away from home
- i know i should be rooting for pat and pran but pat and ink would make the hottest couple ever
- pat looking at ink like oops my bisexuality is showing
- *sees inkpa interact once* hmmm yeah I like them
- oh shit pats been caught playing away AGAIN
- prans like “oh sorry I was just having a gay hallucination”
- i approve of his short shorts
- who’s he looking at!!!!!!
- both pran and ink like my homosexual ass?? like you????
- look at him taking in the stray puppy
- stop sniffing!!!!!
- come on he just wants cuddles. you can’t deny those biceps
- *rubs hands together* yesssss the bracelet jealousy
- *chanting* say no. say no. say no.
- NO!
- oh fuck that hurts
- no, no, I know you don’t mean it but pls stop talking pat, you’re just making it worse
- that’s what heartbreak looks like *points to his single tear*
- you may have stole my heart but you will never steal my duvet!!!
- *fades to black* *she turns to me* i’m not ok
(ep 1) (ep 2) (ep 3)
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revivemyreverie · 2 years
∅ for ur rosecrux baes opinions on cat & the hellhaven bros on arma !! (it’s a tall order so feel free to choose one if it’s too much)
NO ORDER IS EVER TOO TALL!!!!!!!!! Also yay I get to use my banners🥳🥳🥳🥳
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“An annoying pain for my files, that Chessur. She’s never revealed her unique magic, not publicly at least. It makes her an anomaly, which is never good for a researcher like me.
However, there’s always a good trait in WHA’s leaders, and Chessur is no exception. I don’t talk to her much, just like every other leader. But as her classmate, she was quite helpful when I first… arrived at this academy. And, she appears to be quite a revolutionary, almost enough for Rosecrux.
Overall, a nice girl, but I’d rather know everything about her. After all, a mouse should learn to outsmart a cat before it eats them, no?”
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“That weirdo dorm leader??
I mean, Cat’s a pretty nice upperclassman, but shes…quirky? Unique??? She scared the crap out of me once when I was looking for Tomomi once. Cat just popped out of nowhere, and I nearly whacked her with my training sword! She ended up being pretty helpful in the end, though, pointing me the right way and all.
I heard that she’s a rebellious gal, so that’s pretty cool. Maybe even someone to learn tips from! Tomomi wouldn’t like that though… eh, I’ll just tell her I was doing club work.”
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“Miss Cat… an odd maiden, but in a cute kind-of-way, no?
I heard that she and miss Ali are best friends. With how they are, it’s like they were made for eachother. It’s so sweet— and reminds me of me and Kazue! She might disagree, though.
Those tattoos… Hm~ quite unprofessional if you ask me, even as a dorm leader, and especially as a lady. They don’t make her look quite noble or anything, rather, it feels inappropriate. The only people back in my homeland who wear tattoos are vagrants and criminals. Maybe she’s having a rebellious phase?
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“A great businessman, and an even better dorm-leader. Doomsday is a fellow that I could learn a lot from. He’s certainly… eccentric, though.
He’s been offering to show me the Ink and Paint club to relax, but it’s always while I’m working, so I’ve been rejecting Doomsday every time. What I’ve heard, however, is that the drinks are phenomenal. If this rumor is true, I might ask him and his club to cater drinks for Caldera’s next party. Any price should do, they just have to be good enough for our tastes.
Other than that, he’s got quite the personality, puns and all. Mimia and Daryn don’t like the fact that Doomsday smokes, but I honestly don’t mind. I’m already used to that kind of smell back home. Of course, I don’t smoke myself, Kendrick might end up doing it then.
Huh? Kendrick’s having trouble with him?
…Haah, I’ll see if I can talk with my brother.”
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“Upperclassman Arma? He’s so cool! I’ve been wanting to visit his bar, but I heard it’s got a roach infestation. Although, maybe I can grab my group and go when it’s fixed!
…Pfft, Ahaha! Sorry, I can’t contain it anymore, the image of that buffoon’s enraged face popped in my head! He was raging and ranting when he found out I spread rumors about his little club. Truly, Arma is a good dorm leader, but he’s total shit at acting. And being bold is fine, as long as it’s not with me. It was just a few questions, too. Not my fault he’s so sensitive about lending me some dirt.
I will admit, I’m pissed that he destroyed some of my undead, but it’s fine. After all, they always come back to me~. Andreas is probably gonna give me a lecture, so I’ll stop messing with that idiot eventually. But for now? Let’s get revenge for his little fight with my corpse friends this time.”
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