#i should start getting help for this issue so i can stop being annoying complaining about it for
bugfishh · 2 years
i have adhd. no i don’t. yes i definitely do. i need help
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euthymiya · 3 months
camera roll — ft. ryomen sukuna
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sukuna doesn’t appreciate how often his annoying little nephew comes over and takes up your time—until you share a few pictures of you and him to little yuuji. maybe the runt’s starting to grow on him
before you read: fem reader ; non curse au/modern au ; established relationship ; uncle sukuna and nephew yuuji ; mentions of itadori jin and kaori ; mentions of reader wearing heels and being carried by sukuna ; sukuna being a terrible influence to children (and being a softie on the low)
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Sukuna doesn’t like children. They’re little troublemakers. They’re nuisances. They take up space and cause chaos. They whine. They cry and kick and scream. They don’t pay bills and eat away at your wallet. They’re clingy and talk a lot. They don’t have jobs and never contribute to the economy. The list goes on.
(You like to point out this mindset is just a byproduct of his upbringing, and that he should heal. He thinks that’s a load of bullshit. He grew up just fine. He doesn’t need to heal from anything—he’s just right. Kids are weird and unsettling).
Yuuji is no exception. The kid is an irritating spawn of his brother—they even have the same smile. Too happy, too nice, too talkative, and too bubbly. So what if Yuuji is his nephew? He doesn’t have to enjoy the runt’s company just because he’s family. (You like to really put emphasis on the family part).
And you’re persistent. You invite the little runt over every chance you get. You always agree to babysitting so his brother can have his date nights and spend quality time with that equally as annoying wife of his. (It’s Jin’s fault for not thinking things through. If he just kept it in his pants, he could easily find time to have dates and spend time with his lousy wife, but no. He decided to knock up the woman and make it Sukuna’s problem too).
It’s an eyesore to say the least to walk into his living room and see a small, useless child curled up in your lap, taking his place where he should be resting his head, and giggling to yourselves.
Irritating. Nauseating. So outright infuriating.
Sukuna hates kids.
“And that’s uncle ‘Kuna and me at the beach,” you grin, “see that castle? He helped me build it. Don’t tell him I told you that, though or he’ll eat me.”
“Woah,” Yuuji gasps, staring in awe at the photo in your phone. Sukuna’s eye twitches. You promised not to tell anyone he helped you build that stupid sand castle. He just wanted you to be quiet when you kept whining for his help. “Uncle ‘Kuna’s got big muscles!”
“Yeah, he does,” you nod, grinning. You swipe through a few more photos before stopping at another one. Yuuji’s eyes bulge even wider. “See? That’s him at the gym. Sometimes I go and watch him. Doesn’t he look so strong?”
“Uh huh,” the kid nods furiously. “He’s so cool,” he adds, voice laced in admiration.
Well, at least the runt has a brain. He definitely didn’t get it from his father, but it’s there. That’s a start.
“And that’s us on our first anniversary. See how sweet your uncle is? He’s carrying me to the car because my feet were hurting.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes. He told you those shoes would hurt your feet, and then your whining would make it his problem. Evidently everyone he surrounds himself with likes to make things his issue to deal with. And he was right—you did end up whining about those damn heels. (They did make your legs look good, he’ll admit that much. But still, you didn’t need to go through the trouble of wearing them only to bugging him with your complaining. He finds your legs hot regardless of what shoes you wear).
“Uncle ‘Kuna’s so nice,” Yuuji nods, giggling before he looks up at you, poking a chubby finger into your cheek and says, “so pretty!”
“Aw Yuuji,” you grin, “aren’t you the sweetest little man?”
You lean in and press an attack of kisses to the brat’s cheeks. Sukuna crosses his arms and glares at the way the runt laughs in glee at your affection. Who does he think he is, feeling your lips on his skin?
Once you settle down, you pull him flush against your chest again, back pressed to you as an arm wraps around his tiny frame, holding him close.
“Look, this is when we went on our first vacation! See how your uncle likes to sleep on my chest? He says he hates cuddling but he’s a liar.”
“Lies are bad!” Yuuji gasps, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah,” you nod seriously, “super bad. You’ll always tell the truth right Yuuji? Don’t be like your mean uncle, okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees, nodding like he means it.
If it was up to him, Sukuna would grab the kid off your lap and set him out on the streets to find his own way home. How dare the brat sit on his couch with his girlfriend and act holier than him?
And it’s not a lie. Sukuna thinks cuddling is stupid. Using your chest is a pillow isn’t cuddling, it’s getting comfortable. You’re the liar.
“And see this one? That’s us having a picnic. You know your uncle ‘Kuna surprised me with that? He can be really sweet, y’know. He just likes to pretend he’s all tough.”
Yuuji giggles again—and then his eyes land on Sukuna at the entrance of the living room, brightening at the sight of him.
Great. He’s been spotted. Just want Sukuna needed after a long day of work. More annoying people.
“It’s uncle ‘Kuna!” Yuuji points his pudgy little finger at him before waving a tiny hand. “You’re back!”
“And you’re still here,” Sukuna’s eyes narrow, “why?”
“That’s no way to greet your nephew, Sukuna,” you scold, earning an eye roll from your boyfriend.
He trudges over, (carefully) pushing Yuuji to scoot over on your lap so he can lay his head where it rightfully belongs on your legs and settle on the couch. He sighs and closes his eyes as your fingers gently weave through his hair.
“Had a long day at work, I don’t need this brat still taking up my space. Tell ‘im to pay bills if he wants to stay so bad.”
“Oh c’mon, he’s been waiting for you all day,” you grin, “haven’t you Yuuji?”
“Uh huh!” The runt nods, leaning down to hover over Sukuna’s face. He opens an eye, peering up at the kid as Yuuji pokes a finger at his cheek. “Wanna play?”
“No,” he grumbles, pretending to bite at the finger.
Yuuji shrieks, pulling it away quickly and earning a low chuckle from Sukuna while you glare.
“Hey!” You scold, “you be nice to—”
“Again! Again!” Yuuji laughs brightly, holding a finger to hover over Sukuna’s lips. You blink and so does he, staring at the child before Sukuna’s lips curl into a small, smug grin.
“If you say so, ya runt.”
He snaps at the tiny finger Yuuji holds over his lips again, this time getting in a (gentle) nibble that makes the child squeal and laugh brightly.
“Uncle ‘Kuna’s gonna eat me,” he laughs.
“S’right, I’ll eat ya like you’re dinner. So quit comin’ over, you wretched brat.”
Yuuji, as innocent and hopeful as a little child is supposed to be, takes Sukuna’s smirk as a sign his uncle is happy to play. So he crawls off your lap, plopping himself to sit on Sukuna’s chest and smile happily down at him while you coo at the sight.
“Oh my gosh, he’s too cute! Sukuna don’t even think about moving—I’m getting a picture. Jin will love it!”
“Don’t take a fuckin’ pic—”
“Do not curse in front of a child!” You follow your scolding with a smack at his head, making him grunt angrily.
“I swear if you get a damn photo of—”
The sound of your phone’s camera going off cuts him off, silencing him with a wicked glare he sends up at you from your lap. It’s not so menacing when you take in the fact that his hand has securely planted itself at the base of Yuuji’s back, keeping him from falling over.
Sukuna hates children—he reminds you of this fact constantly. He has a soft spot for his little nephew, though. You don’t point it out so he can keep his facade up for his sense of dignity, but you know the facts.
Yuuji’s favorite snacks are stocked up in the cabinets for his arrival today—and you certainly haven’t had a chance to grocery shop this week. A small, tiny little inkling tells you that your boyfriend is developing something of a soft spot for his nephew.
“Look Yuuji,” you grin at the small child, ruffling his hair as you turn your phone to face him, “it’s you and uncle ‘Kuna! Your very own picture together! Isn’t that nice?”
“Yay!” He claps, eyes crinkling excitedly as he smiles happily at the picture.
Sukuna’s eyes soften just a bit before he’s back to frowning, a grumpy crease of his forehead as he huffs.
“I’m sick of this darn brat.”
————— bonus —————
“Fuck!” Yuuji says as he drops his sippy cup.
Sukuna freezes, eyes quickly darting over to you from the sink where he’s washing the dishes. You stop, stilling where you’re clearing the table. Your hand pauses mid air from its path to pick up glass, head slowly turning to look over at the child.
“Yuuji,” you say slowly, “where did you learn that word?”
He better not—Sukuna stares holes into the kid’s head. The runt better not rat him out or he really will eat him. Maybe even do worse. He’d better keep his annoying little mouth shut before—
“Uncle ‘Kuna!” Yuuji points to Sukuna, as if he wants the man to die.
Your eyes instantly glare over at him. Sukuna tenses, clenching his jaw as he shoots a dirty look at his nephew.
“You damn snitch! They ought to teach you about tattling at that fancy day care of yours—”
“Quit yelling at him for your doing! Just you wait till he’s home,” you glower, “I’ll deal with you later.”
Sukuna scowls, returning to washing the dishes with a sulky frown on his face as you bend down and gather Yuuji into your arms.
“Is that awful man being a bad influence on you?” You coo, “he is, isn’t he? Don’t worry, I’ll teach that terrible uncle of yours a lesson, okay? But don’t use that word, Yuuji. Only non self respecting people use that language.”
Yuuji doesn’t even understand what that means, he wants to say. He holds his tongue, though, just to save himself from even a little of your wrath—but the runt is never welcome back to his home again, Sukuna thinks, grumbling to himself under his breath as you offer Yuuji the last of his ice cream.
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High key I don’t know how to write children so Yuuji’s parts might be cringe but just look away OKAY
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Heya! I love your "half a bed" fic!!
You said to drop any "only one bed"-trope ideas in your inbox so I'm hoping I did this correctly? But I'm thinking for Asterion x Tav that since Cazador controlled Star so much, he doesn't really own anything for himself? And maybe Tav notices and because the others are already asleep, she offers for him to share her bedroll? He's snarky and rude and she's unimpressed but it's the start of a mutual very strong infatuation and eventually relationship?
Heyo sorry it took so long!! Had some trouble overcoming the writer's block for this but hey I did it in the end! Hope you like it!
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"I don't recall giving you my bedroll." You raise an eyebrow at the pale elf who has taken to using your bedroll every night ever since you first offered to share it with him.
He yawns, flashing his fangs at you before grinning, "we're sharing it, are we not? That means I have every right to lie on it."
"It doesn't mean you can take up the whole thing! Where am I going to sleep?" You attempt to shove him to one side but he refuses to budge an inch. "Move!"
"Nope." He pops the 'p' on purpose, knowing it will irritate you. You scowl and shove harder, half ruing the night you offered to share your bedroll. He laughs at your futile attempts, a genuine smile playing on his lips until you give up and flop onto him, causing him to yelp in surprise. You glower when he complains about you being too heavy, giving his side an annoyed poke but you can't really bring yourself to be mad at him even if he just stole your sleeping spot.
Then again, you always had a soft spot for the vampire spawn.
The first time he shared your bedroll was early on in your adventures. Everyone else had gone to sleep but he had remained outside, seated by the dwindling fire with the excuse that he wasn't tired yet. You'd woken up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself, noticing that even though the fire was long gone, he remained outside his tent.
"Still not tired?" You ask, slightly concerned.
"No." He answers curtly, leaving no room for further questions. You sit next to him, much to his chagrin and he shifts away ever so slightly. You notice it, of course, but choose not to comment on it.
"You should still try and trance, you'll need your strength for tomorrow," you hum, looking up at the night sky. The stars are bright tonight, shining in stark contrast to the dark sky.
"Shouldn't you take your own advice?" He snorts.
"Well, I'm not the one who has been out here the whole time," you retort, suppressing a yawn. He notices, however, the twitch of the corners of your lips and rolls his eyes.
"Go and sleep, idiot. Can't have our dear leader collapsing midway because they didn't get enough rest can we now?"
"Is that concern I hear?" You smirk.
"No." He scowls, sending a glare your way. You give him a look of disbelief, which then morphs into amusement and you grin.
"You're terrible at hiding it you know?" You huff, giving an amused shake of your head.
"Hiding what?"
"Your concern for my well-being."
"What concern?"
"That concern." You fold your arms across your chest, undeterred.
"Tch, stop bothering me and go back to sleep." He snaps, looking away. You, however, remain undaunted by his attitude.
"Is there a reason you can't trance?"
"Stop it and go back to sleep."
"There has to be a reason. Nightmares perhaps?"
"Shut up and stop asking so many questions."
"I'm trying to help you here."
"Then stop trying to help me. I don't need it."
"You don't want it, you mean."
"Yes, finally, you get it. Now leave."
"No." Your response surprises him.
"No?" He asks incredulously. "What do you mean no?"
"I'm not going to leave you to deal with your problems alone. We may not be friends yet, but we are companions. If you're stuck dealing with your own problems, you're not going to be able to fully contribute to the party and that's an issue. So we're going to solve it together, with me helping in whatever way I can and you doing the rest." You put your hands on your hips, daring him to talk back.
"And what if you can't do anything to help solve 'my problems'?" He sneers.
"Then I'll accept it and rely on you less so you can sort your own issues out first." His eyes widen slightly and you can see the panic that flashes across his face. Your heart aches upon seeing his reaction but you steel yourself, reminding yourself that it is for the greater good of the party.
"I —" He pauses, looking down. He sighs, looking back up at you reluctantly, all the fight having left his body. "I don't exactly have a bed roll to sleep in, you see. Cazador never allowed any of his spawn to have any personal belongings, everything belonged to him and he 'loaned it to us out of the kindness of his heart'. Trancing on hard ground is…difficult."
"We can share my bed roll if you're comfortable. Each of us can take a half, it should be big enough for us both."
He blinks, surprised. "Are you…sure? We…" He swallows hard.
"We've slept together before, don't tell me you're squeamish about sharing a bed roll." You raise an eyebrow.
"I'm not. It's just that…"
"Don't worry. I'm not some horny bastard who can't go a night without lying with someone. We can have our own side of the bed roll, no physical contact required." He still looks uncertain, and you sigh. You can't exactly fault him, he's dropped enough hints about certain aspects of his past and you're not going to tear open any of those wounds.
He laughs, the sound ringing hollow. "Are you sure about that, darling? It would suit my taste better if you were~"
It's your turn to roll your eyes. "Yeah, right. Anyways, are you going to take me up on my offer or not?"
"I'll take you up on it if you don't mind, darling." His usual smirk replaces the quiet sad look on his face.
"Well, come on then. We don't have much time left."
You can't help but smile upon remembering that night. He'd come so far since that night, the two of you had grown more comfortable with each other, and even after you had bought a bed roll for him, he still preferred sneaking into your tent to steal half your bed roll.
"What are you smiling about?" He pokes your cheek with a huff.
"Nothing." You grin. He rolls his eyes in response, running a hand through your hair. You bury your face in his chest, letting the gentle feeling wash over you. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, loving the way you sprawl on top of him without a care in the world. He's a vampire, for goodness sake, and yet you bare your neck to his fangs like that, not the least bit worried he take advantage of the situation and drain you.
"Hmph." He wraps his arms around you, nuzzling into your hair. As much as he complains about it, your weight is comforting. It reminds him that he isn't alone anymore, that he has you to turn to when he needs someone to lean on, and that you have him to lean on in return.
"Good night, Star." You yawn cutely, stretching your limbs.
"Good night, love." He murmurs back, pressing one last kiss to your head before he drifts off into a trance. You watch him for a while, smiling softly at the way he slowly relaxes as the trance takes hold, worries forgotten for the night.
Wrapped in the cocoon of your vampire lover, you too drift off and let sleep claim you, knowing that when you wake, he will be the first thing you see just as he's always the last thing you see before you sleep.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
Can you do one with Chris where he overstims the reader until they use the safe word??🩵
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris has been in one of his moods lately, and when Y/N doesn’t like it….Chris gets a little upset, and takes his anger out on her. This is for this request I got, and another request asking for an angry Chris🫂
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT!! There’s spit, smacking, use of the word slut, dom Chris, overstimulation, and I think that’s all🤭
Song for the imagine: Bathroom, Hotel-Montell Fish
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I wasn’t too sure what was wrong with Chris lately, but he’s been so aggy and rude, and I had given him some space for a few days, because honestly me and a rude Chris equals me cursing him out and telling him to leave
I hadn’t seen him in three days, and we texted here and there but he was back at the house with his brothers. Nick and Matt created a groupchat with me and not Chris to tell me how fucking annoying and rude he’s been.
I honestly wasn’t shocked. Chris gets like this every few months. He gets all bitchy and annoying, and usually I have to fuck him, so he gets whipped back into shape. But I wasn’t his mommy, and this behavior had to stop
Nick was texting the groupchat about the latest issue between them
-Y/N Chris is so fucking annoying I’m not even sure how you deal with his annoying ass….like I’m about to put his ass out, and change the locks on the door-Nick
-It’s that fucking bad? What’s the issue now???
-He started complaining while we were filming about how the car video was stupid, he was hot, he was annoyed and that Nick and I couldn’t get our shit together-Matt
-The fuck is wrong with this kid?? Is he a fucking child?
-He might as well be. We had to stop filming because he started cursing like crazy, and started to hit us and shit. He fucking knocked me in my mouth and I started to bleed-Nick
-he’s so fuckkkg ridiculous…like I’m getting tired of putting up with this shit….
-Yeah, and then when we went back home, he started going off about the garbage not being done, and the fucking dishes not being done, but like when I told him to do he started flipping the fuck out-Matt
-Where’s he now??
-in his room yapping like an annoying bitch-Nick
-oh brother…let him calm down he’s having a temper tantrum
-yeah..put his ass in time out next time you see him -Matt
-I sure will LMFAOO
An hour had gone by, and I was just at home chilling. I had showered and I was reading a book when I got a text message
-Chris is on his way over to you…he literally flipped out on us again-Matt
-oh brother….time to play mommy with this kid
-LMFAOOOO lord help you idk how you do this-Nick
About thirty minutes later I heard my front door open, so I knew it was Chris
“Babe” he called out
“In my room” I yelled to him
I heard his Timbs hit the ground in thumps, and then suddenly my door busted open
“Yo” he said taking his hat and shoes off at my door
“Yo? Am I your homeboy” I said raising an eyebrow at him
“I’m not in the fucking mood” he said bluntly
“Oh excuse me…you better fix your attitude because I’m not doing this temper tantrum bullshit” I told him shutting my book and placing it on my nightstand
“Listen I’m not in the mood okay. I just want to see my girlfriend and decompress” he said walking over to the bed, taking off his shirt
“Yeah, and you’re not going to come in here with an attitude and bark at me about what you want to do in my HOUSE” I said rolling my eyes at him
“You piss me off sometime” he said looking over his shoulder and scoffing at me
“Well then….the doors right there Christopher” I said to him
“Stop fucking doing that….stop fucking calling me Christopher and talking down to me like I’m some fucking child whenever we get into an argument” He said giving me his back
“Don’t act like a fucking child, and I wouldn’t have to do this” I said to him
“I should fuck the shit out of you right now, so you know your place” he said running his hands through his hair
“Please Chris….we both know I fuck the SHIT out of YOU” I told him staring darts into the back of his head
“I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll won’t even know where you’re at” he said finally turning around and looking at me
“Try me then” I told him
Immediately Chris got up and came over to me looking down at me like I was his prey
He grabbed my neck and immediately my hands grabbed at his hands, and he smashed his lips into mine sloppily making out with me
He pulled away still looking down at me
“Fucking slut” he said and smacked me. I loved when he did that
He roughly grabbed my boobs through my shirt, squeezing them hard
“Can’t wait to fuck you dumb” he said ghosting his lips over mine
He removed his pants and was just down to his underwear’s.
“You’re so hot when you act like this” I said removing my shirt
“Shut up” he said pulling me in by my neck and making out with me, he then roughly pulled me away
“You gonna use that big fucking mouth of yours to suck my cock?” He asked
“Whatever you want” I told him
“Good…I trained you well” he said
He took his underwear’s off, and stood in front of me before once again grabbing me by my neck to bring me up to eye level with him
“Open your mouth” he said, and I obliged
He spat into my mouth and pushed me away
“Fucking suck my dick” he said sternly, and I immediately went to his dick
I started to lick the tip before hallowing my cheeks out
“Fuck yeah…so hot when you’re not barking at me and just sucking my cock” he said immediately putting his hands in my hair to push my head down causing me to gag
“Awww too big?” He said in a mean way
At this point he was just face fucking me. I was gagging and my eyes were watering non stop
“So good to me, but I’m ready to fuck you” he said immediately pulling me off of his dick
He swiftly removed my underwear and flipped me over so I was on all fours
“I love when I get to fuck you like this” he said smacking my ass
“OW ASSHOLE” I yelled at him
This caused him to pull me up by my hair causing me to wince
“Watch the way you fucking talk to me doll face” and then he threw me forward
He smacked my ass again and then massaged the ache away, spreading my legs and spitting on my pussy
“FUCK, CHRIS” I yelled out moaning into the sheets
He slowly rubbed his cock up and down my pussy causing me to whimper, and then suddenly he slammed into me
“CHRISSSSS” I moaned out loudly
This only amped him up because he started to pound into me so fast and hard I couldn’t even think at all
“Taking me so well like a good slut” he said smacking my ass and fucking into me
Chris was gripping my waist so hard while pounding into me non stop, I had never been fucked this hard by Chris and I was loving every second of it
“FUCK FUCK FUCK” I started screaming out as he drilled into me
“Take it slut fucking take it” he said grunting from behind me
Chris attack wasn’t slowing down, and I was drooling all over my sheets….he was literally fucking me dumb
“Is she drooling everywhere….pathetic” he said smacking my ass again
He grabbed my arms and started to pound into me, my nails scratching and digging into his arms….he would for sure have marks
“Chris Chris I’m gonna cum” I yelled out, and immediately came all over his cock while moaning like a bitch
“I didn’t say you could cum…just for that you’re giving me two more” he said
“No Chris I can’t” I said whimpering
“YES YOU WILL” he said pulling out of me, and flipping me over to face him
He smacked my cunt and then spat on my pussy again. Causing me to moan out
He immediately slammed into me causing me to shiver because I was so sensitive still
“Youre gonna take it, and you’re gonna take it good” he said slamming into me and coming down to leave sloppy kisses all over my neck
I had my legs wrapped around his waist while he relentlessly pounded into me. I started to grip and scratch at his back
“FUCK CHRIS” he screamed out scratching harder
“Fuck baby keep doing that” he said as he started to kiss my neck and slowly taking one nipple into my mouth
“Oh god” I moaned out throwing my head back
Chris was pounding into me, and then suddenly he brought his hand down to my clit to start rubbing ruthlessly
“FUCK FUCK IM GOING TO CUM” I screamed out gripping onto his hair with my right hand
“Come on baby you still owe me one more” he said as he fucked into me harder
I felt myself clench down on Chris, and suddenly my back was lifting off the bed as I was cumming all over Chris’s cock again
“AHHHH” I started to yell out as my nails scratched harder
“One more” he said still pounding into me
“CHRIS NO NO” I said moaning out
“YES” he said, and continued to pound into me
Causing me to whimper and tears to form in my eyes
“Keep on baby cum on my cock so I can fill you up” he said thrusting into me harder
Chris was pounding into me so hard my mouth fell slack and my eyes shut. He was grunting above me and his sweat started to drip down onto me
“Oh fuck Chris” I said as I felt another orgasm beginning to form
“Come on baby give it to me” he said thrusting into me harder
“FUCK” I screamed out as my legs began to shake and I came all over Chris again. I was seeing flashes of white, and my body was shaking from how hard I just came
Chris soon came into me while moaning out my name with a slack jaw. He was fucking into me still trying to ride out his high
“ROSE ROSE ROSE” I started to scream out our safe word as it was becoming too much for me. He immediately pulled out
“Sorry baby. Are you okay?” He asked coming and laying next to me
“Yes baby…it was too much” I said weakly
“I’m sorry my love” he said running his hands through my hair
“It’s okay…that felt amazing” I said looking at him with lazy half lidded eyes
After Chris had fucked the shit out of me he had to help me to the bathroom, and we showered together, and went to lay back in my bed
“I’m sorry for being such a dick” he said stroking my hair
“It’s okay baby. You just gotta talk about your feelings more” I said kissing him on the cheek
“I’m trying, I will do better” he said kissing my forehead
“I love you, and know that I’m always here to talk to you” I told him
“I love you too baby, and yes I know that, so from now on I’ll come to you, so I’m no longer in these weird funks” he said to me
That night we fell asleep in each others arms, and the next day Nick had asked me to come over so we could have a pool day, so Chris and I got ready and headed back over to his house
When we got to the house Nick and Matt were already sitting in the pool chairs getting ready to get in the water at any moment
“Heyy guys” I said as Chris and I walked over to them
“Hey Y/N…..how’s the baby?” Matt asked laughing at Chris
“He’s better now” I said looking over at Chris and pinching his cheeks
“Fuck off” he said laughing and pulling away
We had all been sitting around for 20 minutes before deciding to get in the water
Chris removed his shirt, and when he turned around to jump into the water my mouth dropped
The scratches….he had scratches all over his back and arms
“No wonder he’s in a good mood” Nick said looking over at me
“Oh my god” I said starting to giggle
“The fuck ya talking about” Chris asked turning around
“Your back looks like you got into a fight with an animal” Matt said
“No wonder my back was burning” he said rubbing his chin
“Yall make me sick” Nick said
“Sorry I was fucking the shit out of her last night that would explain the good behavior on my part today” Chris said smiling at them
“CHRISTOPHER” I yelled, and then pushed him into the water
When he came to the surface he reached up and pulled me in by my arm. That day we spent the whole day in the pool, laughing, chatting and just have a good time
I kind of want Chris to get in those moods more often….loved the way he treated me yesterday
The End
Alright here’s some Chris smut for yall! Hope you enjoyed and I hope the people who requested this liked it🖤🖤 thank you all for 365 followers . This is insane like a week ago I had 60 followers??🥹🥰
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deja-yu · 1 year
Miss you - Choi Jongho
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Genre: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fluff ig
Warning: none, i just miss him so much if you hear someone crying it's me. And I can attest to the cuddlebilaty of the yunho plushie none of my exes have matched so i would recommend a yunho plushie over a date any day! <3 (it doesn't give you trauma)
Note: I write x gn reader unless specifically stated otherwise.
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Jongho isn't the jealous type, but he is feeling a certain way about your closeness to the other boys..
Seongwha is dangling a cute keychain in front of your face and your face lights up. “Oh my god! That is adorable” he laughs at your grabby hands before handing the keychain over. “That’s not all” He says with a grin. Twirling around to show you the matching one he had on his bag. You giggle and excitedly put yours on your bag. “Look Jjong we’re matchy” you stand next to your friend and together you pose for your boyfriend who smiles softly. “Very cute” he replies. Jongho took the pictures of you and Seongwha which you happily uploaded on instagram.
You can’t hold back the squeal of joy as the box pops open to reveal Yunho’s birthday plush. After seeing it you might have texted him about how cute it was and Yunho being a very giving person had sent one to your house. “What’s that?” Jongho asks while walking in the room, coming to see what you are freaking out about. Without a word you stand up and hold up the still vacuumed plush in front of you with a big grin. “Oh, he sent you one?” you nod and start tearing at the packaging to free the plush. That night Jongho pulled you into his embrace like every night you two shared a bed. But now his hands were around the soft tummy of the plushie, which you were holding tightly, instead of yours. A three man cuddle if you will. He sighed softly but couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face, unable to deny how cute you were.
Mingi has recently found out about your baking and cooking skills, so he keeps inviting you over to the dorm. Because every single time you will bring homemade sweets or meals. He would invite you over when he knew Jongho was staying in the dorms, when a new movie got added to netflix which you guys should totally watch together. Jongho didn’t complain, but when Mingi ungracefully beat him to the door with a shove to help you get inside… His fist might have clenched with ill intend. Good thing for Mingi that you immediately asked where Jongho was. And when you saw him ignored Mingi to go get a kiss from your boyfriend. 
Jongho wouldn't say he was quick to jealousy. But when San lifts and twirls you around in a hug that has you laughing, he feels a tang of something. Not being automatically matched with you in the 4 people bowling match you were having was a bit annoying already. And now he and Wooyoung are losing to you and San… As you take your seat back on the couch across from Jongho and Wooyoung you tilt your head in question at the intense stare your boyfriend is giving you. He just smiles and gets up to throw after Wooyoung. You can tell something is up though because his eyes stay on you with the same look for the remainder of the game. 
“Jjonggie~” You muse to try and get his attention. The bus ride to your house wasn’t long but Jongho still insisted on taking you home. He would normally stay over but he has work tomorrow which means he’d probably go home after making sure you are safely inside. Now he is just staring out the window and only hums in acknowledgement of your call. “Is something wrong? You have been quiet all evening” He turns to you and gives you an unexpected peck on your lips. You hit his shoulder in response before looking around to check if the two other people in the bus noticed (they did not). “I don’t like sharing what is mine” he says when you look back at him. You can feel your cheeks heat up at his words. “What do you mean?” it comes out soft because you can kind of guess but you never saw it as an issue, how close you are to his (and your) friends. He studies your face for a second before the bus announces your stop. He looks out the window again to check before tapping your thigh to get you up.
Once off the bus he starts the walk to your apartment but you tug on his arm. “What did you mean?” He chuckles at the puppy eye expression you are giving him. “You know I only love you right? Well I love the others but not the same obviously but…” taking a step closer to you Jongho effectively shuts you. “I know, baby. I don’t dislike how close you all are, they’re as much your friends as they are mine. But…” He pauses to stroke his hand over your cheek before taking a hold of your chin. “I can’t help but want to hog you all to myself. Now I am even fighting over your attention in bed against that dog” he says with a laugh and you can’t help but laugh too. You narrow your eyes at him playfully “I did catch you cuddling with him too, a couple nights back…” he laughs again releasing your chin and taking your hand in his. “He is very comfortable. I'll give him that. I just miss you, I feel like it always us and one of the guys these past weeks.” He softly tugs you along to start walking to your house. 
You were the one to ask him to stay the night, wanting some alone time with your man too. But now you were rushing to finish in the bathroom before him. He didn’t want to mention it when you seemed so determined so he only chuckles when you dash out the bathroom. Jongho eventually steps into the bedroom he spots you doing skincare so he shrugs it off but as he sees the bed empty he turns on his heels to you “where is he?” “where is who?” you questions with a mischievous smile. “Did you get rid of him for me?” “Well, just for one night” he chuckles.
Comfortably wrapped in your boyfriends arm you let out a content sigh. Jongho kisses the top of your head. "I missed you" he confesses once again making you giggle. "I never knew you were quite this dramatic and clingy" he huffs before answering "because of you". when you bug him more calling him cheesy he eventually shuts you with a kiss which soon turns into something more.
“Whenever he is on the bed... It’s a bit like he is watching” You note as Jongho’s eyebrows shoot up you laugh "THE DOG??" “I’m just saying!”.
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
Hello love! Hope all is well 😁 I'm not sure if you feel comfortable writing this, but a scenario where Midorima's gf is getting abused at home and she doesn't know how to tell him but maybe Takao assumes something is going on?
you’re safe with me
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midorima shintarou x f!reader | angst + fluff | words
warnings: mentions of physical/psychological abuse, depression, anxiety, mild violence
a/n: this is the 2nd request i've gotten about abuse in like less than a week 😔 are y'all okay ? you can talk to me about anythingggg !! also,, this got really long + self indulgent, i hope you enjoy 💕
characters can be aged up to 18+ if reader is 18+, otherwise, no smut so minors feel free to interact
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Kazunari wrung his fingers as he paced in his room, unsure of exactly what to do. He had just gotten off the phone with you. You, who were sobbing and telling Kazunari that your mother was after you again. After soothing you as best he could, he got you to open up and tell him what had happened. 
You knew that your mother had taken a strong liking to Shintarou. She had said that he reminded her of your father back in the day, but now your father was gone and your mother was bitter. She couldn't stand to see you so happy when she was in so much pain. This, however, did not excuse her from treating you the way she did.
You had come home late after a night out with Shintarou and were feeling content. You explained that you had told your mother of your plans and she didn't seem to have any issues with it. She had actually told you to go have fun and stay out past your curfew if you wanted to. But when you got home, she was waiting up for you, furious. She immediately began to scream at you, telling you how inconsiderate you were, how you were a bitch, and how she wished she would have never given birth to such a bitch like you.
When you started to recount the physical abuse that your mother had imposed on you, Kazunari stopped you, unsure if he could stomach any more.
“Why don’t you tell Shin-chan what’s happening? Of course, I’m your friend and I care about you, but I feel like your boyfriend deserves to know. I know he would really appreciate knowing. He could probably help you more than I can.” Kazunari had said slowly, trying to make sure his best intentions came across.
He knew that Shintarou would be both hurt and furious to find out you’d been keeping this from him. It had been going on for far too long, anyways, to continue hiding this from him. He was your boyfriend and he loved you—so why did you feel so afraid to tell him?
You had sighed. “I really want to. But…I don't know. Part of me feels like I’m just complaining about it, and the other part of me feels like he wouldn't want to be involved with someone who has such an unstable family.” You sniffled. “I mean, you know, Kazu! The Midorima’s are practically perfect. Why would Shintarou want to be involved in my family drama?”
Kazunari didn't want to speak for Shintarou, so he didn't. He just told you that he thought you should tell him, solely because Shintarou cares about you more than anyone else. You had ended the phone call with a small chuckle, that had worried Kazunari, because why would you be laughing in a situation like this?
Now, he's seriously debating whether or not he should tell Shintarou what happened. He glanced at the time, one in the morning. No doubt, Shintarou would be in bed by now.
In an instant, acting on his impulse for your well being, Kazunari pressed the little phone icon next to Shintarou’s name. He tapped his foot impatiently while he listened to the monotonous ring, anxiously waiting for Shintarou to pick up. He didn't. So, he called again. And again. Four times he called, until an extremely annoyed Shintarou picked up.
“Takao, you better have a good reason for calling me four times at—” Shintarou brought the phone away from his ear to check the time, “one in the morning, nanodayo.”
“Shin-chan!” Kazunari felt his anxiety evaporate after finally getting a hold of him. It returned just as quickly though, once he realized the hardest part was not done yet. His tone got more serious. “I have to tell you something.”
The lack of the usual lilt in Kazunari’s voice made Shintarou straighten up. He'd only ever heard Kazunari be serious on a few occasions, so he knew this must be real. “Well, out with it.” Shintarou fidgeted with the hem of his nightshirt.
“It’s about y/n.” Kazunari sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “She…she's been having a hard time.” Shintarou’s silence signaled Kazunari to continue. He told Shintarou of how your mother had been beating you, shouting at you, and how you were afraid to tell him.
“Why wouldn't she tell me?” Shintarou’s soft voice startled Kazunari. He had never heard Shintarou’s tone reach that level of softness. He didn't even know it was possible.
“She believes that you wouldn't want to be involved in her family drama. I told her you care about her, but that's all I said. I think she needs to hear that from you.” Kazunari huffed. He felt better after he had looped Shintarou in on what was happening, but he still felt bad that he had gone against your wishes. It’s for her own good, though, he reasoned with himself.
A couple of seconds of silence followed. Kazunari got nervous. What was Shintarou thinking? How did he feel? Would he be mad at you and him for keeping these secrets?
After more silence, Shintarou finally spoke. “I’m going to go check on y/n.” 
Kazunari’s eyes widened. He leapt up from where he was sitting on the floor of his room. “It’s almost two in the morning!”
“I won't be able to rest until I know she's okay.” Shintarou stood beside his bed and folded the sheets back over neatly. He walked over to his closet and pulled out joggers and a sweatshirt. He noticed his fingers were trembling.
“I understand that but shouldn't you deal with this after some rest?” Kazunari began to pace again.
“You're the one who decided to call me at one in the morning, nanodayo. Four times, I might add.” Shintarou quipped. Kazunari realized he was right and stayed silent, listening to the rustle of clothes as Shintarou got dressed.
“Sorry, Shin-chan. I just felt bad keeping it from you, and I was worried about y/n.”
Kazunari could hear the jingle of keys and shutting of doors. He heard the wind against the receiver of Shintarou’s phone, signifying he had made it outside. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” Kazunari asked, breaking the tense silence.
“No, Takao, you’ve done enough.” Kazunari immediately felt bad. He'd probably ruined Shintarou’s night. He was about to apologize when Shintarou spoke up again. “Thank you.”
Kazunari smiled at his tsundere friend’s forced thanks. But he knew he meant it. He could tell. “You’re welcome, Shin-chan. Please let me know if y/n’s okay.”
Shintarou grunted in response and hung up so he could start running to your house. It wasn't that far, just a ten minute walk, so that would make it a four or five minute run, right? However, Shintarou felt like it took hours to reach your front door. He had never been so worried about anything in his whole life. 
Images of you with bruises and cuts and a tear stained face flashed in his mind as he knocked on your front door. He shifted his weight from foot to foot as he waited. He raised his hand to knock again but was incredibly relieved when he heard the door being unlocked, then his uneasy feeling settled back into his stomach.
“Oh, Shintarou-chan!” Your mother beamed at him. “It’s pretty late, what are you doing here? An excellent young boy like you needs his rest.”
“I’m here to check on y/n.” Shintarou said, anger bubbling up inside of him. Seeing your mother standing there, acting like she hadn’t just ruined the beautiful night that you and him had just shared, made him furious. He tried to hide it, though, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“She’s sleeping, so I’m afraid you can’t see her right now.” Your mother’s eyes began to dart around nervously, hoping that Shintarou wouldn’t insist on seeing you. He’d see the redness and swelling of the cheek that she had slapped just hours earlier. He’d see the fresh, red cut from where your mother had dug her nails into your arm. He’d see your tear stained face. 
“Please, I insist.” Shintarou bowed politely before pushing past your mother into your house. He had never blatantly respected his elders, but in this moment, he didn’t care. Your mother did not deserve any respect—she had hurt you. That was unforgivable.
Shintarou didn’t hear the protests and babbles of your mother as he made his way to your room and knocked on the door before deciding to just open the door. He couldn’t wait another second of not seeing you. 
Your room was dark and you were in bed, turned on your side away from him. He could tell you were awake, though, because he could see your thumb scrolling on your phone and hear music overflowing from your headphones. He walked in and shut the door behind him, locking it, so that your mother couldn’t intrude. He could hear her wailing outside the door, but still decided to ignore it. What an unstable woman. 
He approached your bed and lightly touched your shoulder, causing you to jump up and cower in fear. His heart ached at your reaction to being touched. You had never been like that with him, you must’ve thought that he was actually your mother coming back to harass you.
You relaxed once you realized it was your boyfriend. “Shin? What are you doing here?”
“I-I came to check on you.” Shintarou took a deep breath. “Takao told me everything.” 
Your bottom lip wobbled as Shintarou told you everything that Kazunari had said. You weren’t mad at Kazunari at all, you were actually grateful that someone was able to tell Shintarou that you needed help. You didn’t want him to think you were weak, or a complainer. You collapsed to the floor in relief, sobs wracking your body. 
Shintarou moved over to you and wrapped you up in his arms, gently bringing your head to rest on his shoulder and stroking your hair as you sobbed.
“You are so brave, love. I can understand why you didn’t want to tell me anything, but just know, I am always here for you. No matter what.” Shintarou let out a dry chuckle. “That’s why I’m here at two in the morning.” 
You sniffled against Shintarou’s sweatshirt, muttering a small but sincere thank you. He just squeezed you tighter and held for a moment, letting you cry your heart out as much as you needed. But he desperately wanted to make sure you were okay. 
“Can I see you?” Shintarou asked softly, using one of his hands to reach to your bedside lamp and turn it on. You hesitated but eventually backed away from his shoulder. Shintarou felt his breath get caught in his throat as he finally got a look at your face.
He saw a bruise forming over your right cheek, as well as a long and fresh cut along your neck. He clenched his jaw as even more rage welled up inside of him. He had never wanted to commit an act of violence against another human being, but your mother would have been an exception to him at the moment. He decided to focus back on you.
“Does it hurt?” Shintarou asked softly, reaching up to lightly graze your cheek. You winced a little bit, causing him to draw his hand back.
“Not anymore. Just kind of stings when you touch it.” You offered him a reassuring smile. Shintarou stared at you for another moment or two before abruptly standing up and moving to your closet, throwing it open.
“Pack what you need, you’re leaving this place.”
“What?” You stood to approach him and he turned to you, his face slightly red with adrenaline. 
“You’re staying with me for a while.” Shintarou rummaged through your closet for a duffle bag or suitcase, and upon finding a small suitcase, brought it out and placed it on your bed.
“Shin, I can’t just leave!” You protested, watching as he opened the suitcase to prepare it to be filled.
“Yes, you can, nanodayo. You’re not safe here. Either you’re coming with me or I’m calling the authorities on your mother.”
Even though you know she’d deserve it, you didn’t want that for your mother. You sighed in defeat. You knew you couldn’t continue to take your mother’s abuse. Even if you were her daughter, you didn’t deserve this. You moved to the closet and began to take out some clothes that you wore often.
“We can go shopping for toiletries tomorrow, just clothes and underwear.” Shintarou instructed. Your hesitancy left your body as you continued to pack, feeling excited and relieved to finally be leaving this place for a while. Once you were packed, Shintarou unlocked your door and stepped out into the hallway, making sure that your mother was not around. Once he decided it was safe, he grabbed you by the hand and ran out of your house with you, not bothering to close the front door behind the two of you.
You both ran until you were down the street and around the corner, far enough away that your mother wouldn’t be able to see. You let go of Shintarou’s hand and stood still to catch your breath, leaning on Shintarou as he wrapped an arm around you.
You felt your eyes begin to well with tears again. You couldn’t believe that you had just run away. Even more, you couldn’t believe that your prim and proper boyfriend had just helped you. You dropped your suitcase and threw your arms around Shintarou’s neck, letting yourself cry into his shoulder once again.
“Thank you, Shin.” You choked out. “I love you.” 
Shintarou smiled softly and held you firmly, certain that he would never let you go again. “Of course, y/n. You’re safe with me.”
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soft-jihoonie · 1 year
I Hated You But I Want You - Chapter 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x f!reader
Genre: University AU - enemies to lovers
Warnings: none currently, may change throughout the series
Words: 1,094
A/N: As always, if you like the fic please like, reblog or reply! I’d love to know what you think
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Park Chanyeol is just about the smuggest dickhead you’ve ever met, and now you’re forced to cooperate with him.
You never really thought having to do partner work on projects at university would be an issue, you’d been paired up with plenty of people with no problem at all. Chanyeol though, Chanyeol is a problem.
It’s not like he’s the worst person in the world, sometimes he can be fairly amusing, but the way he gets away with doing the bare minimum of work through his charm riles you up way too much. So you’re understandably annoyed when you check your email from your lecturer with a spreadsheet of who’s partnered with who, and find your name right next to Chanyeol’s.
You’ve heard many stories from your friends of how Chanyeol will barely contribute till the last minute, turning his portion of the work in the morning of a project being due some times. He knows he’s good at the degree, and that drives you up the wall that he won’t be a cooperative team member, only caring about his own grade.
You can’t help but groan audibly when you read his name, leading Kyungsoo, your friend you’re hanging with before class, to ask, “Who’s your partner? I got Minseok.”
You mumble out, “Lucky”, as you turn your phone screen to Kyungsoo, pointing at Chanyeol’s name.
Kyungsoo pulls a sympathetic face and says, “Man, I feel for you, I hated working in a group with him, partners is going to be way worse!”
“Thanks for the confidence, Soo.”
He laughs and says, “Speaking of that class, we should probably head towards the seminar room before we’re late.”
You nod, gathering up your items and following Kyungsoo to the room, idly chatting with him along the way.
As if the universe was looking to mess you around further, Chanyeol was standing outside the seminar room, laughing obnoxiously loudly at something his shorter friend has said.
You don’t manage to suppress your eye roll, Kyungsoo quietly laughing when he sees you do so. He stops on the other side of the seminar room door to Chanyeol and leans against the wall and you follow suit.
Your idle conversation with Kyungsoo is being interrupted moments later, and you hear Chanyeol’s voice say, “Ah! You’re my partner on the new project!”
Mentally reminding yourself to act nice, you turn to face Chanyeol and respond, “Yep that’s me!”
Chanyeol grins and you can’t deny that it’s sort of endearing, he responds, “Y/n, right? I’m Chanyeol.”
You can’t help but chuckle at him introducing himself when your names had been on the spreadsheet saying you were partners. Chanyeol seems to realise this as he says, “Ah right, you probably already know that.”
Deciding to take pity on him, you smile and say, “Yeah I do but thanks for introducing yourself anyway!”
Chanyeol grins back at you and then the two of you return to your conversations with your own friends. As your listening to Kyungsoo complain about another module he has that you don’t share, you find yourself thinking that maybe Chanyeol isn’t that bad. He seems like a nice enough guy, maybe your friends had been exaggerating.
That thought is quickly disproven once the seminar starts. Your lecturer tells you to sit in your pairs and after giving a run down of what’s expected of the project, sets you to all start planning together. You pull up a blank word document on your laptop and turn to Chanyeol as you ask, “Alright, what should our projects focus be?”
Chanyeol doesn’t look up from his phone, shrugging as he says, “Honestly pick whatever you prefer, I don’t really mind.”
You don’t hold back your annoyance as you say, “Seriously? We’re meant to be working on this together, you should at least have a say.”
Chanyeol’s eyes finally leave his phone to look at you, seeming a bit surprised at your response. He shrugs once more and says, “I don’t know, tell me your ideas and I guess I’ll say which one’s I like.”
You’re close to raising your voice at him from annoyance but seeing that the lecturer is glancing your way, you take a deep breath and begin typing down your ideas onto the word document. Rolling your eyes when Chanyeol goes back to his phone.
Coming up to the end of the seminar, you’ve managed to force Chanyeol to pick a project topic with you and decide which parts of the project you’ll each focus on specifically. You’re packing away your laptop and notebook when you see Chanyeol’s phone shoved in front of you.
Sending a quizzical look his way, you glance back down at his phone screen to see it open on a new contact. Chanyeol says, “You should put in your number so we can keep in contact about the project.”
You’re definitely surprised that Chanyeol’s initiating this when he’d been so reluctant to cooperate with you all class, but you still take his phone and put your number in, passing it back to him when your done.
Chanyeol smirks at you and says, “Easiest way to get such a pretty girls number”
You roll your eyes, picking up your bag as you stand up and walking off towards Kyungsoo. You can’t help but scoff at Chanyeol’s comment, thinking he’d never have a chance to get your number if it wasn’t for this project.
Chanyeol isn’t unattractive. He’s definitely one of the more conventionally attractive men on your course, but his personality puts you off him easily. You’ve never really liked the joker fuck boy types, and Chanyeol fits right into that category.
Kyungsoo swings an arm around your shoulder as you head out of the seminar room, introducing you to Minseok who walks out with you. Minseok already seems to be a much nicer partner than Chanyeol, and he gives you a sympathetic look when you begin to complain to Kyungsoo about your partner.
As you settle down at a table in the library about 10 minutes later with Kyungsoo and Minseok, your phone buzzes in your hand. Checking the notification you see it’s an unknown number messaging you.
Opening the message, you see it says, ‘so when can I see you next baby? - Chanyeol aka hottest guy you know’
You roll your eyes, typing back ‘next seminar session’ and then saving the number in your phone under the contact Pain in my ass.
You choose to ignore the frowning emoji Chanyeol sends back in return and get to work starting on the project.
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majoringinsarcasm · 2 months
People will scream their lungs out that disabled people create their own problems and they should make sure their homes are entirely accessible and call ahead to restaurants and double check their mobility aids can be used in places.
And then when a disabled person shows up in public and asks “hey can you do this small thing so I can benefit from this environment” they shit and throw up on themselves and scream how Normal People shouldn’t have to make room for them and how they should just stay home.
Asking for accommodations IS the way disabled people “handle things themselves”. How is asking for something once you get to the place More entitled than Calling Ahead like a celebrity? They’re both the same levels of Handling The Problem. You’re so quick to hate people because their needs cost money and you’ve been taught that money is a finite resource and “wasting it on the freaks who are gonna die soon” means you somehow get less. You can live your day to day life without needing more than maybe some pain relief pills for headaches every now and again. It doesn’t matter if only one person ever needs something. They shouldn’t be tossed aside because you’re upset by a ramp or low tables.
“I’m very tall and if I bend over all the time it’ll hurt me” So what? Being super tall is not as common as being average height or shorter so shouldn’t the world cater to shorter heights?
“They’re so entitled and lazy and only complain” if your life was made difficult since birth and any time you tried to stand up for yourself you were met with condescension and hatred and anger you would start pitching a fit too.
“There’s no way to accommodate for every single disability so it’s a waste of time” while it’s true that not everyone needs the same or even benefits from the same kind of accommodations, many do overlap. Ramos work for wheelchair users and those with walkers, making sure the sidewalks and streets aren’t filled with potholes is good for wheelchairs and those with canes and the blind so they they aren’t fighting for their lives getting to the crosswalk. Benches and chairs in stores and in the public are good for everyone.
No you can’t make each and every space in the world safe and good and perfect for every single person. But leaving things bad or making them worse helps no one. And you yelling at people because you’re afraid of being disabled, because you’ve been taught people who aren’t “normal” are secret millionaires who get government handouts, is YOUR issue to fix and reflect on. People existing and needing help and comparing that shit is fucked in the smallest of ways that affect their lives greatly are not sucking up resources. When your phone won’t load YouTube for ten minutes you get annoyed. Imagine not being able to go to the bathroom without doing a bicep workout because the door is weighted like a shot out ball
Stop. Bring. A dickhead.
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siriannatan · 1 year
Series of Unexpected Occurences
So I decided to write an origin story for fWhip from Jinn & Other Troubles and it's all because Jimmy's No Good, Very Bad Year (Made Better) by TrosesPink has inspired me to come back to this AU.
To say fWhip was at a loss would be an understatement. Yes, he has somehow made it to Stratos safely. He even found the Evermore Academy. And had someone talk to him. All that just to be said 'No, go home kid'.
Well, he was not about to go home after that. Father would be much more than just upset with him. Gem was off, studying magic at the other end of the world the whole year already. And she was just a girl. fWhip was more than aware that Gem, unlike him, was born a genius. Always good at everything she touched. Moving on, what was he to do if he was not going back home? 
What he decided to do was find a job. Practice his magic a bit more and try again next year.
And so the most exhausting time in the whole sixteen years of his life started. He jumped from doing errands to helping at the docks to even more errands to used things stores. He barely had any time to think about practising with how much of his time was taken just by paying for the room he was stuck in. And it wasn't even in a nice inn but some dingy one by the docks. Finding a stable, not overly expensive apartment in the big town was much harder than expected.
Finding a small job helping someone start an inn or restaurant or something like that was possibly the best thing that had happened to fWhip in a long time. The woman in charge - Katherine she introduced herself, was apparently a former adventurer and a mage of some sort. fWhip was not too knowledgeable about the kinds of mages. But that wasn't important. What was important was that she paid well compared to everything fWhip did so far. And not only that. Unlike all the gruff warehouse owners and captains fWhip dealt with so far she was darn nice.
"What is that?" Katherine asked as she caught fWhip and his lunch out the back of her new restaurant. She has just decided they should have a break, rest a bit and eat something.
"My lunch?" fWhip mumbled over his meat pies. They haven't even gone fully cold yet. Thank you nice weather. He was a bit confused why his lunch was an issue. Meat pies were nice even when cold, and filling, while also cheap. Maybe he should have gone somewhere a bit further away with it? "I can move if..."
"No. No. No. I'm not having a young man work on all the hard and heavy things on just meat pies alone, in with you, the stew's almost ready," Katherine stopped the young tiefling and nearly pulled him inside the inn. 
fWhip was left by one of the tables he helped bring in. Actually, it was just him and Katherine doing all the stuff. Well, most of the port freelance workers probably scoffed when a woman asked them even if she was offering good pay. No matter, it meant fWhip's pay was a bit higher and didn't need to see certain people so he was not complaining. But for now, while waiting for Katherine he finished his first meat pie. He was not about to annoy someone who was paying him but he was also not about to waste his already half-eaten pie. Leaving it like that would not be good.
He was barely done with his pie when Katherine walked in with a tray with two steaming bowls and some bread and a jug of juice and two glasses on it. It was a really big tray. "While helping me out don't worry about lunch or any other at-work meal," she announced and left no room to argue. fWhip just nodded as a steaming bowl of stew and a couple of thick slices of bread were placed in front of him along with a cup of juice. "No need to be so polite," she chuckled when he mumbled a thank you.
"I... I'm still getting used to being away from home," it didn't really matter what he said. It wasn't like he'd be much in this part of town anytime soon. Too fancy and expensive for him. "More work than back home," he quickly added, just to avoid having to elaborate too much. He'd hate to lie to her after she fed him. She absolutely did not have to be that nice. "Didn't want to get stuck there," avoiding the truth was not lying. Right?
Katherine seemed satisfied with it so fWhip shut up and focused on the stew. It was really good. Bread and juice too. Actually, he didn't have food this nice since leaving home... But he was going back. Maybe the enchanting shop he walked past needed someone to carry heavy things? fWhip was getting good at moving boxes lately.
After food - Katherine offered him seconds but he politely declined, after the first bowl and the meat pie he was quite full - they moved furniture and boxes couple more hours before fWhip was paid and asked if he can come back the next day. He obviously accepted the offer. Anything to have some time away from the smell of the sea. It got boring very quickly - the smell of rotting fish and fish guts and constant noise did not help.
On his way back fWhip checked a couple of used things stores and even found one useful book. Lucky for him whoever the store got it from and the store staff knew nothing about magical things so it was really cheap. Illusion's weren't something he was ever really interested in but it was the first book he managed to find so he was still very excited. Who knew what would be useful in the future?
The next day he made his way to Glimmer Grove a bit late. Who could blame him, the book was much more interesting than he anticipated. So interesting he brought it along in case there was even the briefest moment to read some more. Somehow there was a chapter on familiar summoning in this one, and while fWhip had no idea what he'd like his familiar to be he was immensely fascinated. Unfortunately, it was rather difficult and expensive to summon one but if he could do that then maybe he would be able to get into the academy. A good option to have just in case.
Katherine did not mind that he was late or that he was reading during his breaks but she put a limit on lunchtime. "No books next to food," she said sternly but with a smile. "Interested in magic? Shouldn't you be in Evermore then?" she asked as fWhip sheepishly set it aside.
"I tried, apparently being able to do magic is not enough... At least it was a good excuse to get to the..." he instantly started stringing together an excuse as close to the truth as he could without sounding as bad as it probably was.
"And you're stuck in town because you don't feel like going home after failing? Believe me, you're not the first to have that happen to them, I know several people who were told no and who are now the pride of Evermore," Katherine instantly cut him. "I have free staff rooms so you can stay here."
"I... I'm very grateful but I can't pa..." fWhip instantly protested. Katherine was already the nicest person he's met since coming to town. She paid well, gave him regular breaks and fed him. He had no real way of expressing how grateful he was to have met her.
"You can pay by occasionally helping with boxes and cleaning, it'll make saving for Academy easier won't it?" he was once more cut short. "And I can ask some friends if they need any help? Recommend you based on how well you worked here? You don't have to agree now. But if you do feel free to bring all your stuff tomorrow."
"I... I... Thank you, it's a very kind offer... I'll think about it," fWhip nodded, staring at the scrambled eggs, bread and vegetables Katherine made for them. She was a really good cook. 
"It's nothing big kid, one less room for me to clean," she laughed and fWhip felt a bit better. There was no saying what she went through as an adventurer. Or.. was she even a human? Or did she retire adventuring very young? She could be an elf, her hair would easily hide the ears and it was hard to say how old elves were.
"Just never call me 'mam, I'm not THAT old," she finished the topic and they finished their lunch before it's gone cold. Unlike meat pies scrambled eggs were not too good cold.
After another round of boxes and furniture moving Katherine said she was nearly ready to open. Just some more cleaning and organising, stocking up and finding at least a cook. Luckily she was in a good spot by one of the main roads through the city and there were already curious customers peering in and asking if it was open. And promising they'd come by when it was. Citizens of Stratos liked a good restaurant and were always eager to visit any new one - as long as it was at least in the Middle Stratos it usually stuck a while and prospered well enough.
On his way back fWhip bought a couple of meat pies. Maybe he could ask Katherine if she had a good recipe for meat pies... for later in life. A memento of her? That sounded lame. Just because he liked them. Yes. He also stopped by the same used-things stores. No more books but he got a well-priced dagger just in case. It was a bit rusty and dull but he could deal with that.
He barely got any sleep while thinking over Katherine's offer. It was very generous and would help him greatly and he did not mind helping around Glimmer Grove if he was ever out of errands around town. And if she ever told him he needed to move he could find another cheap inn to stay at. So feeling only mildly bad with how little he owned at the moment - he just got to the city and travelled light okay - he packed his meagre belongings into his bag. Ate his pies. Read some more about illusions and tried out a couple of simple ones. With shocking success too.
The next morning he paid for his room and went to Glimmer Grove feeling like his life was tuning out to be a bit better. At least there'd be much less fish smell and seagull noise in it. And hopefully, the room Katherine would give him would be on the ground level... Or have curtains so he could not see it was not...
"Decided to grab that room?" Katherine grinned at him from next to a cart full of ingredients and general supplies required to run an inn. 
"If it's still open," fWhip smiled sheepishly. He was suddenly feeling even more awkward with how little he owned. "I was supposed to be at the academy now," he excused himself just so she would not feel too bad for him.
Katherine was fine with the excuse and after quickly showing him the room - ground floor with barely any window, lucky for him, and had him helping unload the cart and then with some errands and picking up more things around the town. And after that she had him helping clean the place as she interviewed potential cooks. In general, a great day even if he didn't get much reading in and all but passed out after it.
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juliettedunn · 2 years
Looking Out For You
Summary: Luz gets increasingly frustrated with her homework, until Camila finds her and they have an important talk.
Luz paced her room, thumping her head with her fist every so often when her thoughts became too out of control. The others were at the old shed, working on finding a portal, and she ought to be with them. She didn’t have much homework; she could have finished it hours ago if she had just focused.
Every so often she turned to face her computer again, but the moment she saw the computer screen and thought of all she would have to do, tightness rose in her chest and she would turn away and pace once more, faster and faster, breath quickening, until she let out an involuntary shriek. Clapping her hands to her mouth, she retreated to her bed, trying to force herself to be still.
This was why she didn’t fit in here. Only a week after her return to school, and she was already back to her old procrastination habits. She had tried, she really had. Luz made every effort to pay attention, but the more she tried to stay on track the harder it got, like there was an impenetrable wall physically blocking her mind from focusing.
“Luz?” Camila knocked on the door.
Luz clamped her mouth shut. She couldn’t burden her mom with this; not when Camila already had five other kids to look after. Luz had to be strong and responsible. Vee found that easy enough, and xe wasn’t even from the human realm.
“Mija? Are you alright?”
“Fine, Mamá.” Luz winced as her words ended in a strained croak.
“Luz, you don’t have to talk, but I want you to know I’m right here if you need me. You’re going through a lot right now, and I noticed you haven’t been spending much time with your friends.”
“No it’s okay, I…I…” Luz couldn’t stop the tears from building.
“May I come in?” Camila asked.
Luz couldn’t find the energy to say no, and so Camila opened the door.
At the sight of her mom, Luz started crying harder. “I’m sorry, Mamá! I’m trying, I swear!”
Camila opened her arms and Luz embraced her, sniffling into her mom’s shirt. Camila’s clean, perfume smell was familiar and comforting, and Luz spent a few minutes doing nothing but breathing it in and sighing as Camila gently rubbed her back.
“Breathe, Mija. It’s okay, I’m here.”
Camila didn’t try to get Luz to speak, even after Luz had stopped crying. Sometimes it took hours before Luz was ready to talk, and Camila had always been patient. Today, though, Luz looked up, eyes still watering, and said “I need help.”
“Of course. What’s going on?”
“I…I can’t focus. I’ve been trying to get this homework done for hours and I can’t do it. I’m so sorry, I know it’s really annoying and I need to just focus, I shouldn’t be complaining and this should be easy, Vee can do it and xe’s not even from here, and -”
“Baby, slow down.” Camila put her hand on Luz’s shoulder and gave her a warm smile. “It’s okay to be upset.”
“Not when it’s so simple! I should have had this done days ago.”
Camila’s brow furrowed. “You’re being too hard on yourself. You have so much happening right now; of course it’s going to take you longer to finish your schoolwork.”
“But I’m always doing stuff like this! Even before I ever went to the Boiling Isles. You don’t have to lie, I know you’re sick of my issues.”
Luz jumped at the sudden sternness. “Yes?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth. I can speak for myself.”
“Sorry, Mamá.”
Camila’s voice softened once more. “I’m not sick of your issues, but even if I was, that wouldn’t matter. You’re my daughter, and I’m supposed to look out for you. You haven’t been letting me do that.”
“You have enough problems to deal with. There’s six of us.”
“Yes, and I want to look out for all of you.” Camila sighed. “I don’t think I always handled things in the best way. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you were doing something wrong by not being able to focus.”
“But I am doing something wrong. Vee doesn’t -”
“Stop comparing yourself to Vee. Xe’s a completely different person. Xe may do better at school, but xe also couldn’t create all those wonderful fanfictions.”
“You know about those?”
“Amity may have mentioned your AO3 name to me.”
Luz groaned. “Don’t read those. They’re stupid.”
“They’re not stupid. They’re creative, and funny, and emotional. I’d love to be able to write like that.”
“Well it doesn’t help me out in the real world. And it’s just another point against me. If I can write over two hundred thousand word Azura fics, then why can’t I finish this one-page homework assignment?”
Camila sighed. “Have you ever heard of something called ADHD?”
Luz looked up quickly. Luz had long suspected she might have ADHD. So many of its symptoms made sense. She had spent a few weeks researching it right before she discovered the Boiling Isles, but she had been too nervous to bring it up to anyone. What if they thought she was just making excuses?
“It runs in our family,” said Camila. “I don’t know if you remember your uncle, but he had it. I never looked into it much because I was scared, but now I think I might have been wrong to be. I’ve been doing a lot of reading, and I was wondering if you might want to read some of the things I found with me?”
Luz smiled. “Yeah. I’d really like that.”
“I don’t want you to feel bad if it turns out you do have ADHD. There are many ways to support you, and I promise you we’ll be trying all of them.”
“I…I actually thought I might have it for a while but I didn’t want to sound stupid or like I was jumping on a trend. I thought you would think I was making excuses.”
“Oh Mija, I’m so sorry you felt that way. I should have done more to make you feel safe about talking to me. You feel safe now, right?”
Luz hesitated. “I want to, but I just…I’m scared. I’m so scared of making things worse for you, like I made them worse for my friends.”
Camila sighed. “You are my child, Luz. You have way too much to worry about already. I’m supposed to take care of you. I wouldn’t have had you if I didn’t want to be there for you in everything, even when it’s confusing and hard. You’ve put so much pressure on yourself, and you’re just a teenager.”
Camila laid her hand on Luz’s shoulder. “I did the same thing at your age. Pushed myself too hard, because I thought I had to be the best. But all that pressure just made things worse. Did you know I failed the first time I went to college?”
“You failed a class?”
“Many classes. I had to take a break or I was going to fail out of college completely.”
Camila nodded. “I had spent so much of my time in high school pushing myself, I didn’t have any energy left for college. It was only after I took a break and learned to go easier on myself that I was able to go back and graduate.”
“But…you’re so successful!”
“That’s only because I know when to take a break. And I was also lucky. I had a professor who believed in me and was willing to make adjustments. Luz, you’ve had a lot of responsibility placed on you, and you’re so young. This would be hard for anyone, and if you do have ADHD, that makes it even harder.”
Camila smiled tenderly. “You put yourself down for not trying, but I see you trying immensely every single day. Your taxidermy, your fanfiction, your art…you are so incredibly talented, and it’s not your fault that the world doesn’t recognize your passions as valuable.” She gently ran her fingers through Luz’s messy curls. “I don’t think I made it clear enough how much I value your interests, and I’m sorry for that. I’ve been having to reflect on a lot of things, and I regret not being firmer with your teachers rather than you. I love your passion so much, and I’m going to be right here fighting to make the world value it too.”
Luz wiped her eyes. “Thanks, Mamá.”
“How about we email your teacher and ask for an extension? We’ll go for a walk and see if we can find any cool animals before they all hibernate. And when we get back, if you’re ready, I can help you with your homework.”
“Yes. But we’re not going to do it all tonight; just one homework question. Don’t even think about the rest today. One question, and only after we’ve found a cool spider to look at.” She ruffled Luz’s hair. “I love you, Mija, and I’m going to look out for you.”
Luz smiled. “I love you too, Mamá. Thank you.”
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heinousactszx · 1 year
Skyward sword was the first game in my little chronological playthrough and it was the first time i played it, so i thought i'd do a little review
first, the good. the dungeons in this game are fantastic. easily some of the best in the series. they really force you to think ahead and think about the dungeon as an actual space and plan your way through it. there were more than a few times where i was stumped and had to use every tool available to me to figure my way through, which for me is a big plus.
I also think the sword combat was very well implemented (when it worked). by tying success in combat to precise movement instead of random slashing or just waiting to use an item, they can create truly challenging fights that i can't say most other zelda games have. ghirahim is the standout here, all 3 of his fights were fantastic
The story was overall fine, I liked it enough. Groose's arc was predictable but enjoyable. Ghirahim is an amazing villain, one of the best in a series that doesn't have too many standouts. Link and zelda's relationship was okay, they did try and flesh it out, although it wasn't nearly as involved as people led me to believe. They also damseled her again which I guess I should expect but still, not a fan. I thought fi's ending was pretty good for a character that's really just annoying up to that point. I like that she's ultimately been the companion of many successive links
Unfortunately that's kind of where the good times end. As good as the dungeons are, the overworld is very much not. There's only 3 real areas in this game, and while they are fairly large, the fact that you have to revist each multiple times really cuts down on the excitement of exploration. Not that you can explore much anyway, these areas are mostly hallways that funnel you towards your objective without a lot of choice. I don't mind linearity in games, but the railroading in this game is frustrating and the constant backtracking does not help
And this is made worse by the handholding, which really is as bad people said. so many times fi will just spoil a puzzle before you can even look at it. so many times she'll explain something to you that is very obvious, or was already explained to you. so many little things you have to do, dragged out, before you can get to big things. the game becomes a slog both because you have to constantly stop to get helped, and then doing what you need to do stops being fun and just becomes a chore.
finally, as much as i like the sword stuff, the rest of the motion controls are just painful. Flying sucks, skydiving sucks, swimming sucks, those tightropes are a nightmare, just using bombs is an ordeal, and that's before you get into the constant communication errors. for the last third of the game i ended up bringing in a kitchen chair and sitting 3 feet from the tv just so i'd stop getting errors, and it still happened!
ultimately, unless you're doing what i'm doing and playing them all, i can't recommend skyward sword to anyone. the genuinely good bits of game design are surrounded by frustration that affects the whole experience beginning to end. I'm aware that the remastered version fixes some of these issues, but quality of life updates can't truly change a game with flaws this fundamental. is it a "bad" game? no. is it worth 40 hours of your life? absolutely not
but enough about all that. we're done with skyward sword and we never have to go back. up next is the zelda game i love more dearly than any other: minish cap! easily my favorite of the series, it'll be a great followup for many reasons. I can't want to actually gush about a game instead of complaining, i'll start playing later today
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Things I notice Across Fandoms as someone who has been in it for Around 15 Years
There's always that one fic you can't help but reread all the time even if you left the fandom cause it's so good.
There's also that one fic everyone else loves and you hate
People who write swears like 'f**k' or the such tend to be younger then most and don't know that it cheapens their work to do this.
Fanon takes the reins in a lot of fandoms and you have to refamiliarize yourself with canon at least once in a while to make sure you don't fall down the hole.
Some people only watch the movie/anime and it shows.
Not everyone agrees on if a piece of fanon is good or not, and that's okay. You don't have to read or write it. But you don't get to come on fanfics and complain.
There's this sort of 'lull' from time to time where all the fandom newbies kinda realize they're being jackasses so they calm down and then things go great until the next batch comes in and starts acting like assholes.
People hate taking responsibility for their actions so if they complain about YOU letting them access things it means they're innocent lambs. Nothing pisses them off more then pointing out THEY chose to read/look at your stuff.
Every so often there's a character who everyone agrees on is a certain way but there are a couple of people who disagree. Arguments over this are never settled because they're to minor in canon.
Some interpretations of canon feel wrong, and guess what? That's okay.
Disliking characters is fine and so is writing posts about why you don't like them. Making posts complaining about specific people who do like them is not okay, so is sending death threats. General complaints is fine. Vice versa as well.
Comment etiquette goes through various waves as well similar to the above comment about fandom newbies.
People who admit to starting imaginary drama are trash and should not be followed. (A TikToker admitted to sending herself fake hate and then joked about how her followers were upset on her behalf. That's just gross)
Anyone who says they refuse to read anything not canon but read fanfic or write it are kind of dumb cause fanfic is NOT CANON and everything they write is fanon.
People who hate the main character tend to either be very young and trying to be edgy or are just... kinda weird in my opinion. Especially if it's all about how they're a wimp/weak and refuse to give them any of their good canon traits but praise the hell our of some other character for being better when they're either just more violent or cruel. Like dude.
That being said, I only think the above because for me the fics hating on the main character come this way. If you don't like the MC, I respect that I just wonder why you're watching/reading it.
Femininity is a concept that people struggle with and it leads to the influx of 'not like other girls' ocs/gender bends.
Speaking of gender bending: Let people live. It's not bad or weird to make an MC a girl or a boy. You having issue with them doing it to make a gay ship straight is valid but not all of them are like that. You're not cool for hating on it.
Some fandom jokes get stale. IE: Completely oblivous Todoroki Shouto.
A/B/O can be really good interpretations of canon and the trope, good stories discussing how culture and such changes with this dynamic, porn, or just a fun addition to canon. There is a lot of variation of it and if you like it who cares?
Religion is really fucking annoying in fanfics and we can TELL even if you try to write around it. If your character is religious fine, and if the canon character is fine, but dude stop writing atheist/non-Christian characters Christian or with those values. Especially if they're in a culture where the religion isn't prominent.
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lastoneout · 2 years
I haven’t played Coral Island yet bc it’s midterms and I’m not allowed to buy new games until exams are over but I’ve had it wishlisted for years and I feel… really disappointed that it’s getting so many bad reviews for being a farming sim that isn’t Stardew, so thanks for putting it into words better than I can.
I love Stardew and I’ve played Harvest Moon and Rune Factory for years (still have an og copy of Rune Factory 1 that I love and play to this day) and I’ve been trying Wylde Flowers on Apple Arcade bc I love this genre! And it’s so sad to see that new games in this genre we love are getting hate just for being a part of the genre.
To be completely fair, the negative reviews are def in the minority, at least on Steam anyway. The main reason those few stuck out to me was just because of how ridiculous they were and how clear it was that the person who posted them had never played another farming sim before and assumed that Stardew was the first to come up with even the most basic standard gameplay mechanics and story beats of the entire farming sim genre. (I mean I wasn't kidding there were actually people claiming that you upgrading your tools and buying seeds at the general store was stuff copied from Stardew. Like...seriously?? SERIOUSLY???)
Also a couple of the reviews were just annoying, like one that had a stuck-up tone as it implied that Stardew was the "original" that "perfected" the genre and everything else was derivative trash and we should all go support ConcernedApe because he was clearly being unfairly robbed by a "bigger studio", then another that claimed Coral Island was "just Stardew Valley with better graphics" which irritated me because Stardew doesn't have bad graphics!! It's intentionally using pixel art as its style!!! Legit made me offended on Stardew's behalf like literally please stop talking forever.
And it's frustrating because I do agree with one of the neutral reviews I read that points out the actual flaws in the game as it is right now! I think there's a lot of value in talking about the issues and I also agree that honestly the game kinda isn't really worth $24 right now given how many critical features are missing. Yeah, it's in early access, but currently there's no accessibility options or controller support, you can't rebind keys(which lord is annoying lemme tell ya), there are a LOT of game-breaking bugs, the characters start to feel really bland really fast cuz of how much dialog is missing, seed and crop prices are unbalanced so it's hard to make money that way, they don't always make it clear when something actually isn't available yet which leads to frustration(especially around the festivals, which basically don't exist at all even though the game keeps prompting you to go to them), stuff like that is worth talking about!! People SHOULD know all of that going in so they don't spend $24 on something they aren't going to enjoy(or even be able to play) yet!!
But instead of bringing up any of that the negative reviews are all just "blah blah it's copying Stardew Valley" which isn't helpful or even really true! And hell even when there is some stuff that's a little too close to Stardew for comfort the reviews ignore that and instead just complain about all of the stuff that's true of like, every farming sim ever. Like let's critique how the General Store is closed on Wednesdays instead of how the farming sim is, you know, about farming??
But anyway, I really do like Coral Island so far even though it does have a lot of problems that need working out(I've already sunk like 18 hours into it lmao), and I think once they do work all of it out it's going to be a really, REALLY fantastic farming sim that is just as beloved as Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory. I just also wish that people who clearly don't know anything about farming sims would stop complaining that it's a Stardew clone and instead talk about the real issues or even just shut up entirely.
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foxqueen-katarian · 24 days
So I don't know if this is a me issue, or if this is actually a thing to be irritated by.
I have a coworker, who for lack of better terminology sucks. Just all around. Their personality leaves a lot to be desired. Their work ethic can be summed up as 'Well I showed up'. And they have the emotional regulation of about a six year old.
I know that I find them off putting and my reactions when they do things is sometimes more aggravated than necessary, so when they do things that annoy me I have to filter it through 'If another coworker did this would I be as annoyed?' to know if I'm over reacting. I don't think I'm over reacting
They have this habit (?), ritual (?), of apologizing when they fuck up. Which, like, yes if you're gonna ruin someone else's day you should apologize, but it's the way they do it. Like, they have a script, or a madlib where they just plug in the details of the offense, and it's the same apology every time.
"Can I say something to you" -pause for answer (no is not an answer they will accept, they will simply start over or continue anyway if you say no)-
"I just wanted you to know, that I'm sorry about ~Thing I did~. I feel really bad about it, I was just ~emotion~ because ~unrelated/irrelevant event~. " [There is often crying at this point] -pause for acknowledgement/person they're apologizing to to say that it's fine- "I just need to know that you forgive me for ~Thing I did~. I feel ~terrible/horrible/awful~ about the ~situation/incident I created~" -pause again for person to tell them it's fine- "I won't do ~Thing I did~ again" (Spoiler they will do Thing again, probably before the end of the day)
I don't engage with it anymore, because it's a waste of my time, the apology isn't for me, and the behavior is going to continue they just don't want to get in trouble over it, so they 'apologize' so if someone complains they can tell management that they 'apologized' and whoever just doesn't want to let it go. And it's so fucking annoying. My stance on things that are disruptive is that if you feel bad about doing it, you should stop doing whatever it is. The apology does nothing for me (even sincere apologies don't really do anything for me, like very rarely if ever has an apology made me feel better about a situation), and if you're going to further disrupt my day to try and get me to agree that you shouldn't feel bad about something you did (that you absolutely should feel bad about) I cannot help you. And I don't know if I'm just being a bitch because I don't like this person, or if this is actually a thing to be annoyed about.
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
Why did you elbow me? 212
Achilles Castle part 114
Lemonade and lies Part 57
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 21
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov Kovitch tells me about his non-existent relationship with Carl the guy that was arrested. His employees never knew Carl or met him. We chat while getting some work done packing boxes for delivery. Garter is going to drop them off, hey how about I get us some food, Garter will probably be a while so I will just save him some for later. Kovitch gives me directions to the food place.
Kate/Stana: pov I thought i saw Pamela hovering by, the next person i’m helping is already annoying me and we haven't even started yet. As soon as the person starts coughing, I backup which gets the person angry. He is shouting how dare you, backup from me. I'm not contagious, he is saying you can't spread stuff by being near people that is a lie. For my own health and safety I tell the guy if he is sick I can't help him. He is definitely getting more angry. He is shouting why can't you do what I'm asking as an employee here? You work for the customer and help us, so shut up and do your job and stop complaining. As I start to walk away from him he grabs my wrist hard preventing me from leaving he says you don't get to walk away from me that easily. Anger suddenly overwhelms me, I have health issues so I'm sorry that I don't want you to get me sick. He goes on another weird rant before I can finish speaking. His rant doesn't make sense to me. I’m done talking to him. I shouldn't have to explain my medical history to him. I manage to pull my hand away from him. All of a sudden he shoves me hard with his hands on my chest saying are you going to have a problem doing as I say. Thankfully I didn't fall and Parker was turning the corner and heard a good amount of the conversation.
Parker: pov I run over and shout for Pamela, as soon i walk over the guy acts like nothing just happened. Stana is definitely angry right now. I tell Pamela to take her to the breakroom. Barton is behind me asking what is going on. The police should be here soon. He grabs the guy and takes him into another room telling Jeffrey to watch the guy.
Pamela: pov I don't know what triggers her so I ask her if I can help her to the breakroom. Stana is very angry. I can't imagine someone putting their hands on you. How rude. Are you okay, Stana says fine.
Parker: pov me and Barton both head to the breakroom to see how Stana is doing. Barton tries to call Greig but he won't answer so he calls Lanie who is her other emergency contact. She should be here in a few minutes. I head to the fridge and grab Stana a water bottle. Pamela is trying to calm her down. Since the guy put his hands on her the police have to get involved.
Lanie: pov Kate/Stana's boss Barton calls me telling me a customer was rude to Stana and shoved her, I will be there in a few minutes her meds should be in her bag if she needs them. Barton, do you know If she is okay? He says from what Pamela and Parker tell me she is okay, a little angry and probably shaken up by the whole experience. I let Esposito know where I'm going, same with Castle.
Kate/Stana: pov the police arrived very quickly officer Franklin went to talk to the guy who shoved me. Crap I know this officer who is talking to me. I've worked on a few cases with him before. Hi I'm Stana and I'm new here. Today is my first day on the job. Actually, do you have a piece of paper and a pen? I wrote UC 41319 and handed him the paper making sure no one saw. I can't have him blowing my cover, I can tell he understands what I mean. He asks me for my side of the story. The guy was coughing and when I told him I couldn't help him if he was sick he got very angry and wouldn't let me walk away then he shoved me.
Franklin: pov after talking with the guy I realize he doesn't understand what he did is wrong. Barton had explained a little bit over the phone to us. I grab the guy and take him to the room Stana is in so he can see that what he did has consequences. Barton said it was okay. He talked with Stana first to make sure it was fine. I can hear her telling my partner about her time in the ER. It turns out she got shot in the chest and almost died. Stana explains to the guy her medical history and how him getting her sick could have sent her to the ER. She is definitely getting emotional.
Barton walker: pov a woman runs into the breakroom in scrubs. This must be Lanie, she immediately sits next to Stana and grabs her wrist while checking her pulse. Lanie grabs a stethoscope to check if Stana is okay; Lanie then lifts up her shirt a little to make sure everything looks okay. That scar is huge, Lanie whispers something to Stana which I can't hear. I can only hear her reply, which is okay, that's fine.
Pamela: pov Lanie is rubbing Stana’s back in a soothing way she looks like she is about to cry. Barton says if she wants to go home she can. It looks like she is staying, Jeffrey offers to get all of us some food. Stana just looks so tired, Lanie asks her if she is sleeping okay and how many hours she is getting because she looks exhausted just like a few days ago when she was over because Stana had a medical issue. To be continued. …………..
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vitos-ordination-song · 10 months
Was anyone else abused thru forced exercise? Like I can remember my brother being punished by sadistic exercise routines and stuff but most of the time it wasn’t even punishment. It was just my parents being psycho. Something that’s been depressing me is that when my mom visited a couple months ago, I felt bad because I didn’t realize how much her body had deteriorated. She’s still healthy enough but she can’t hike like she used to. We only did 3-4 miles but she started to be in pain towards the end and I was sympathetic and helped her out when we got home. Then I thought about it… I showed her way more care than she did towards her own children when we were growing up (story of my life but anyway).
Almost every vacation we took was full of hiking. I was tiny and the only girl for a while and my dad literally wrote a song to make fun of me for being “delicate.” Neither my sister and I could keep up with the rest of the family and my parents would just leave us behind on trails! This was out in national parks. I was hiking in Arizona as early as age 3, and I remember doing a 14 mile hike at age 7. Typically the hikes were 3-10 miles, often strenuous. Sometimes we did more than one a day, and we usually didn’t get any days off. It was absolutely fucking exhausting. I’d get horrible cramps in my stomach, I’d be hungry, thirsty, and bored. And they just didn’t give a shit. No complaining, we should just be grateful for the opportunity. Pretty sure my ankles and feet were damaged because of overexercise at a young age.
When I was around 6, my family visited Yosemite and we started doing the upper falls hike. Around halfway up I begged to stop and, for the only time I can remember, my mom granted mercy and took me back down the mountain (possibly because she was also having a hard time). But my actual sadist of a father forced my brothers to finish it. Years later when we visited the park again, trying to prove I was tough, I did climb myself. And I had horrible leg pain for MONTHS afterwards. The hike is so steep that going back down is just as bad as going up, and honestly it’s pretty dangerous. The fact that my dad made my six year old and eight year old brothers do it is just shameful. They were resentful of me for years after I got out of it that first time.
My mom always signed me up for sports, whether I wanted to do them or not. There was a lot of embarrassment involved there, but I could usually just get over it. Around age 12 though, she forced me to join a professional swim league. I am a strong but not fast swimmer. I was okay with summer league but this was something different: two hour practices in Olympic length pools. We got yelled at if we stopped to breathe. I felt like I was drowning. It’s incredibly stupid but it turned into a huge power struggle with my mom, ‘cause I started refusing to go and she wouldn’t tolerate any threat to her authority. She of course had given me other body issues (she used to joke about giving all her kids eating disorders) so I would go to practice hungry and tell myself at least I was losing weight. I was literally still a kid, I wasn’t even done growing…
In my teen years, my mom got into CrossFit. She was super annoying about it and made me go too. I hated it of course, and I was usually the only kid there unless my siblings came along. The type of exercise they do is dangerous; to this day I think being forced to do “box jumps” damaged my legs, and CrossFit definitely contributed to my mom’s stress injuries.
This is part of a larger topic I guess: my parents are totally dead to the flesh, don’t even know they have bodies, and tried to rob me of mine too. It’s taken so long to rebuild a healthy relationship to my body and to exercise; it’s been a struggle to balance between avoiding it out of depression or overdoing it out of anxiety.
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