#i should be sleeeppp
I think @osbob-the-existent said something? I may have imagined it.
But I have an outline!
(Walking takes so long and sleeping is gross because I have to wait for my thoughts to be coherent again, which takes forever and sleeeppp issss grrooossss I wish I could go back to not sleeping.)
Journey off and collect things. I already have flowers, and perhaps I can find other things. Do this by following the roots so I can follow it back and not sputter around in circles.
Take materials back home. Follow roots back carefully. The one around my wrist should be easy to remember and follow.
Make differing creations. Use @osbob-the-existent's world as a prompt.
From there... keep talking and making art? Telling stories? I just have to stay here.
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sunkingwrites · 2 years
i’m giving you kisses rn, your posts are making me m e l t
also! I learned how to make sour candy rolls (officially named rainbow rolls, totally not stolen, by the cat) and i think i made mine too sour- wayyy too sour for me— but i feel like i’m just overreacting to the taste? i dont eat much sour sour candy so maybe that’s why, BUT ITS LIKE MY NEW FIXATION AND IM TRYNA LEARN HOW TO MAKE MORE CANDIES AAAA ;v;
bleh but but, running around in the cafe has gotten to me so I’m dead, on the floor, on the brink of sleep 😔 YOU SHOULD SLEEP AS WELL- well, at leaaaast don’t sleep too late, AND i’m like a very comfy teddy bear so uhhh cuddles?? the sugar is wearing off i’m just hHOJjIjJuhijashItwkjekjks
bleh xP
Olliiieee!!! I'm about to get cuddled in for sleeeppp- comeon comeon- jump in- we'll have a cuddle puddle <333
Also fjjsjfjne I'm just reblogging my little fascinations- if that's what's making you melt, then imagine what will happen when I'm able to post your moot board <33333
I am suuucchhh an eager and willing taste tester btw uh yeahyeahyeHyeah- I'm bringing you over to Canada rn rn so I can try your cannddyy
Let's go to sleep together, my little love, and we can both dream about candy! ☆
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oranberryorion · 1 month
Try talking to him!! You say he’s really chill, right? I personally doubt that I think he has a lot wrong with him but
the guy isnt THAT bad he doesnt have all that much wrong with him....
isnt he with other people ?!?!! and i dont wanna be a bother or anything !!!!!!! plus itll be awkward if he thinks its weird and then i .!.!!!!!!! if he thinks im weird!!!! uururrgghhh
i probably should just man up and taallkk...... or i could lay on my bed scrolling on rotomblr until i sleeeppp .!
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icharchivist · 6 months
werent you gonna sleep
do you need me to tuck you in
I was going to sleeeppp i was answering some last ask before knocking out but everytime i answer one there's a new one in the inbox.......
I should get going now i can barely keep my eyes opened KSHDKDHD
Good night o7
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droppedgloves · 5 years
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that’s 7-0-0 at home babbyyyy || 1.16.20
+ bonus captain
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icarusinterlude · 4 years
When 5sos said I'm really not fine at all🎶, I really felt that.
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spacecop-archived · 5 years
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wholesome-lesbiab · 6 years
Me kicking down my psychiatrist's door: buckle up because BOI do I got some S H I T to share with you that the sadistic universe has once again thrown at my miserable life!! So everything started with Russia hackers.....
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thatoneleftshoe · 7 years
I’ve finally finished an art piece. It’s 3:30am where I am. My neck and back hurt. My eyes are blurry. Where is my other sock? I don’t know. I still have 3 nuggets left. They are cold. I am sad.
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Thank you for tagging @twileighplantssadism ❤
favorite color: blue has always been my most favorite; I'm also especially fond of purple and green
favorite foods: tacos, spaghetti and meatballs, cookie dough, pineapple dole whips
song stuck in my head: "Maybe It's Time" Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born - this played randomly on my playlist yesterday and it will not leave my head
last thing i googled: suicide squad sequel title
dream trip: I would love to travel to England, Ireland, and Scotland; I'd love to visit Italy and Germany again; I'd love to see Japan and South Korea
time: it's 10:39 pm right now, I should go to sleeeppp
tea or coffee: tea, but I do love the smell of coffee
last show i watched: Supernatural
currently reading: KH akrk fanfiction: Passion and Perfection, and Nozaki-Kun #6
currently watching: The Suicide Squad (sequel)
sweet, savoury, spicy: Sweet
last song i listened to: "Bad Habits" Ed Sheeran - which gives me Risem vibes
last movie i watched: Jungle Cruise in the theater, I really enjoyed, kind of Pirates of the Caribbean -esque
cravings: muffins?
hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, painting, crafting, walking, hiking, visiting new places, trying to learn Spanish
feeling: sleepy, excited for tomorrow
Tagging the last few people in my notes, if any of you want to play! Zero pressure of course: @midriffmoors @argumentativebisexual @teddybear-93 @mirogeorgiev
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
I should be sleeping off whatever I have left of this virus and preparing my sleep schedule for the upcoming semester but then again,,, deep diving into Red Velvet MVs is always an option
noooooo you need to sleeeppp!! (but if you're really gonna watch MV's I love their peek-a-boo video)
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bulletproofwhalien · 7 years
mommyyyy~ it's like 5 am in the uk right now... you should sleeeppp~ •-•
It's only 4;34 ... well I should still sleep but I can't 😭😭
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blissfulexcape · 7 years
~~Twins?!?~ Freya x {Relative}Reader~~
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~~This was something that I was hoping someone would write for a long time. So I decided to take a risk and try to write in myself. Hope it goes ok. Requests are open. Love ya!~~
“She’s still not answering.” Elijah says as he enters the room urgently. He walked around the room before stopping across from Freya who was doing a communication spell to send a message to Rebekah. Elijah stays quiet as Freya chants.
“There’s nothing to connect to.She’s gone..” Freya explains sadly. Her hands covered in blood. “She’s gone.”She informs as she looks shocked at Elijah.
“What do you mean she’s gone?”He asks cautiously. Trying not to think the worst of his sisters whereabouts.
“I can’t find her. Which means her witch body, her connection to magic, it’s as if it just vanished.” Freya fully explains standing up. “But there was something else..” Freya says as she looked as Elijah confused.
“What else could there be?” Elijah asks worriedly. Coming to stand directly in front of his other sister. 
“I think I might be able to locate her. I think I felt her in her original body.” Freya said before jogging off to get started.
She worked nonstop until Marcel came to check on her. “Anything?” Marcel asked as he walked up to the table Freya was working at.
Freya looked up frustrated, “I can’t find the continent she’s on, let alone the city. Marcel looked around feeling so helpless in helping find Rebekah whom he still cared deeply.
“Maybe you just need something of hers. Maybe a hairbrush.” He tried to reason weakly as he stared at Freya from across the table.
“Her blood is in my veins, that should be enough.” Freya disbanded the idea simply. Growing more frustrated by the moment before going to walk out of the room.
“Whoa… Hey. Freya.” Freya stopped as Marcel called for her. “You can’t just give up.” He said as she turned to face him. “Yes, Rebekah’s blood is in your veins. But maybe the blood needs to be more direct on the map.”
“I’m not giving up. But seeing as you won’t give that ridiculous idea up unless I try it fine.” Freya resigned and held her hand out to Marcel. He pulled her back to the table. He picked up a compass/divider to prick her finger. Freya winched a little but didn’t pull away. 
Her blood slowly dripped from her her finger. She held it over the map and sighed before starting the chat again. Wind engulfed the room and papers flew about. Marcel watched as the blood moved all together to form on singular blood drop. He waited impatiently for it to move. His eyes growing wide in excitement as it finally moved across the map to California. 
“Well?” He said triumphantly as he smiled widely at Freya. She looked between him and the map still looking perplexed. “Well. It worked, why aren’t you happy? Is it because I figured it out?” He teased her lightly.
“No. It just doesn’t feel right.. It doesn’t feel like her… Not completely..” Freya said as she looked confused at the map.
“Fine then. We won’t tell the others and we will just go look and see if it is her.” Marcel suggested simply. She stared at him as if he was crazy. “I know a guy with a jet. We can be there in no time. I just have to do something, please?" He begged showing Freya just how concerned he was.
“Fine. But only because I want to be sure it’s not Rebekah and find out why my magic landed there. I have the address. We leave now.” Freya commanded as she stared determinedly at Marcel. 
“As you wish.” He said holding his hands up in surrender already backing up to the door.
“How was your flight?” Marcel asked as they exited the airport. Freya only glared at him. “Excuse me for trying to make conversation.”
Freya rolled her eyes and followed Marcel to a car. He unlocked the doors and they drove away from the airport. “The address is 28416 Memory Ln, Laguna Hills.” She said as she typed the address into her phone.
“Yeah.. Well.. We’re going to take a break.” Marcel said as he pulled up to a hotel. He knew Mikaelson’s didn’t exactly have patience in their dictionary. So before Freya could launch into a complaint, “You didn’t sleep the whole way here. The flight crew told me. And we don’t know what we are walking into. So we both need to be at our most alert and ready to fight if that’s necessary. To do that you need to sleep.” Freya could only glare at Marcel. Deep down she knew he was right but she still wanted to keep going. Sighing in defeat she nodded in agreement. “Good. Let’s get inside and get some food inside of you. Your stomach hasn’t stopped growling since Colorado.” She laughed at his lame joke and followed his example and got out of the car.
“I can’t believe you only got one room.” Freya said as she walked around the car to the passenger side. Stopping before opening the door. She looked across to Marcel who was smiling at her.
“Well, It worked didn’t it. You couldn’t get past me to go and find out for yourself and possibly get yourself kidnapped as well.” He said smiling as he opened the door and climbed into the vehicle. Freya again rolled her eyes and a smile fought to her face but she wouldn’t let Marcel have that.
They drove up and down the street twice before parking in front of the large two story blue and white home. They gave each other a look of confusing seeing the balloons and big banner out front saying, “Welcome Potential Parents!”
“This can’t be right. But we should still have a look around.” Marcel said as he began to walk up to the house. As they walked up the steps to the front porch they saw an unattended table with name tags. They exchanged looks seeing all the names were Mrs. and Mr. “Come, on Honey! We have potential children to meet.” Marcel smirked at her. Causing Freya to pout.
“Of course, Sugar Plump. Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting.” Freya smiled at his face of annoyance and distain. She laughed as she grabbed a Mrs. Wheatherbee and followed the sighs on the porch to go around the house.
“Wheatherbee. Are you kidding me?” Marcel said in contempt as he followed her around the home and to the humongous backyard. The grass was green and there was an apple tree in the far left corner and a pool on the right side with a slide. A little closer to the house was a small modest playground.
And all over the place were running children. “Children. Children everywhere. Children as far as I can see.” Marcel said poetically. Freya looked at him for a long while before Marcel cleared his throat. “I don’t think Rebekah is here. Why do you think the spell led you here?” He asked as he looked around at the adults who were doted around watching the children.
“I don’t know but I intend to find out.” Freya said dryly and she continued onward. They watched the children with a careful eye all day as they laughed and played. They had ice cream and talked with them, but nothing stood out to Freya. “I have no idea why my spell brought us here. And I don’t sense Rebekah so she definitely isn’t here. Which means I failed. I should be able to find my own sister!” Freya groaned in frustration. Dragging her hands threw her hair in defeat.
“Whoa. Now, calm down. You may not have gotten anything, but I think I have.” Freya looked up at him in hope. “I smell Mikaelson blood. It’s different but still Mikaelson.” She instantly looked away in doubt. “No! Listen to me. It’s not you and not Rebekah and it’s too fresh to be anyone else. We have to keep looking. Come on she’s personally inviting all the parents into the house for reading time. We can search in there.” Marcel reasoned with Freya as he pulled her towards the back door people were going inside. She slowly nodded and let him pull her up the stairs.
“Oh! Hello, Mrs. And Mr. Wheatherbee! It’s such a pleasure to finally see you. ”Come on into my home! Reading time will start soon. Tray and _______ have quiet a surprise for us.” The boisterous elderly person smiled. Noticing their looks of confusion, she explained. “You haven’t meet the ‘Golden Twins’ yet. They prefer to stay away from potential adopters in fear of being separated.” 
Marcel exchanged a look with Freya who nodded before they entered the house together. Both exhaling a breathe neither knew they were holding. They walked to the den where the adults were sitting in chairs and the children sat in front of them on the floor. Marcel and Freya took the last seats in the back.
There was a small puppet stage in front of everyone. The curtains were drawn and everything faded to darkness except the little stage. A blonde puppet appeared and started to run back and forth before another puppet came and chastised her. She looked down in shame and the other puppet hugged her. All together the children told the story as the puppets acted out the scenes. “The two sisters were very close before the younger sister feel in love. The strong man of a viking village. She slowing drifted away from her sister. The older sister Dahlia was jealous but that soon turned to anger. The younger sister, Ester, tried to reason with her that they could have a family again. But Dahlia wanted it to just be them two. Ester disagreed because she loved the viking..” Freya turned and looked at Marcel. From the look of discomfort on his face he knew what story was being told. Freya raised her eyebrows in the silent way of asking how could they know this story? Marcel shrugged and shook his head not knowing.
They missed a lot of the story because when they looked back at the stage the children were no longer the ones telling the story. It was two other voices. “Then Dahlia killed the man and dragged Freya back home. She was too distraught to fight back after loosing her first love. In her pain she decided to try to join her greatest love. Mathias.” Freya had to cover her mouth to keep from crying out. “She soon passed out from lack of oxygen from crying so hard. While she slept. Dahlia knew what her niece would do, so she decided to do something without Freya’s knowledge. Dahlia cast a spell on Freya to take away all traces other love including the part that was growing inside her.”
Marcel looked at Freya but Freya was too engulfed in the story. He looked at her awhile longer before turning back to the puppets. “When Freya drank poison to try to get away from Dahlia. Dahlia just shook head and caught Freya as she fell. She would never tell Freya that the love her and Mathias made was still alive. That because of her interruption that the love split because of Dahlia’s dark magic. It also changed one twin to look like Dahlia. One day though, Freya will find them and take them home. Because darkness can’t snuff out all the light that true love makes. Then the twins will save a whole city from ruins." The story finished and lights came back on in the dark room. Freya and Marcel blinked to just their eyes to the light. And clapped with everyone else in the room waiting to be introduced to the ‘Golden Twins.
Marcel and Freya stood and he held her arm to make she she was alright. She could only nod. They both stared eagerly at the front where all their answers were. Then out stepped two young teens. No more than 15. Freya would have crumpled had it not been for Marcel who was holding her tightly. The young boy with gold curls and Mathias’s eyes. The similarities were overbearing. It was what Freya imagined Mathias looked like when he were young. Then the girl.. She had Freya’s eyes and lips.. But that hair... So dark and more curly. She saw the mixture of her and Mathias there. But so was Dahlia..
Marcel pulled her from the room and into a bathroom. She leaned on the counter top and tried to process what she was hearing. Marcel paced back and forth in the small room. His phone went off and he took it out to read the message. He looked up at Freya and sighed. “They found Rebekah. She was in the ocean. But to get her home she’ll be coming to a port near here. So we’ll pick her up." He said as he rubbed his face.
There was a knock at the door and they both jumped at the sudden sound. They exchanged looks but didn’t say anything. ‘’Who is it?” Freya lip talked to Marcel. He sighed and was about to answer when the door opened and in walked the twins. It was quiet crowed in the small bathroom.
“You’re our mother. I’m Tray and this is my little sister _______." The boy stated simply. Freya’s face contorted in shock.
“Please take us with you!” The young girl shouted as she tried to hug Freya. A loud crunching sound causing Freya to scream and look behind her. When she looked at the mirror it was cracked and when she turned to look at the twins the boy seemed to be wordlessly chastising the girl.
He sighed and reached over putting his hand on the mirror. Slowly a frost starting from where his hand touched the mirror covered the whole thing. When it melted the cracks were gone and the mirror was whole again.
Marcel looked at Freya and stared into her pleading eyes. She wanted this to be true so bad. He looked between all of them. Then back at Freya and nodded in confirmation... They were hers.
The twins gathered their things quickly and the four of them left to get Rebekah. Then the five of them flew back to New Orleans together. They had a long road ahead of them….
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underthemadness · 7 years
"why do you still interact with me" Shall I list the reasons? 😅 I mean first off y'all are being so nice omg like I'm being noticed by tumblr-famous people this is fabulous (oops im an attention whore can you tell? 😂) Second, this conversation is the shit, I found my lame unicorn friends! 😄 and yesss SLEEEPPP. Also I think if we ever met you would just be thinking "what have I gotten myself into" 😅 ~unicorn anonnieee
I will purposely make a fool out of myself to embarrass the both of us or to make you laugh oml lol
Even though we’re like 300 away from 2k I STILL refuse to believe we are anything more than a small blog with like, 50 followers lmao
That does remind me, I’m sometimes tempted to go live while I’m bored and just jam out and talk to you all and try to be productive lmao
so essentially make a giant fool of myself in-front of you all
and I can be an attention whore as well SO I GOTCHU BOO 
I’m really hard core enjoying these interactions more than I probably should lmao lesssss beee honesttttttt
- Admin Min-Y~~~
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
never. never ever will i give in to such mortal needs. i will not be beaten. no.
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angelosblood · 6 years
Why am i awake at four amm!!!!! Someone should choke me or fuck my throat until i pass out to help me sleeeppp
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