#i say this like i think parenting is easy which it isnt
babydarkstar · 1 year
of the very limited media i will allow my children to watch, the cinematic masterpiece that is megamind will be on the list
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nostomannia · 1 year
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It's kinda funny.
I talk about how I don't want people to misunderstand Solita as a character. There's no easy answer to her. Where do the sins of an abuser end and the sins of the victim begin? There's no simple path forward. You can't just separate Solita from Deity, there's a long, convoluted path she has to walk to be able to walk away.
But Solita is also meant to be misunderstood. She's purposely misleading. She's a habitual liar, and not even honest to anyone, not even herself. She's confusing and unpredictable, and shapes herself to what others want her to be. A friend, an enemy, or anything in between. She's approachable and yet unreachable. An actress in life.
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satansappendix · 1 year
#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#im so fucking frustrated!;!!!_;$+-_647757⁵7#im mad and annoyed and angry and tired#and i cant even do anything about it its all fucking hopeless#like im tired cause i had to watch the stupid fucking kids from the moment they woke up to the moment they wnet to fucking sleep#LIKE IM NOT THEIR FUCKING PARENTS I DIDNT HAVE FUCKING KIDS I FONT WANT TO WATCH THEMM ALL FUCKING DAY#i watch them furing the day because i babysit and km fucking paid to do it but nope now i have to watch them all fucking fayt#and the only reason im not gonna today is cause i have to go to my second fficking job because my sister wont ficking pay me#and even if she did its basically no money#and i cant rven be frustrated im not allowed to yell and scream like i need to#because the alternatove of my screaming is beating the literal dhit out of myself THE OTHER OPTION IS LITERALLY SELF HARM#BUT NOPE SCREAMING AY NOTHING TO RELEIVE ANGER ISNT ALLOWD THATS WHAT FIVE YEAR OLDS DO AND THATS BAD OR WHATEVER#and i csnt fucking tell any of this to my mom cause it doesnt help me this only ever hurts me#oh im tired because i have eork well everyonr is fucking tired and mom works 18 hours so shut up#literally cant tell my mom cause i say im looking for a therapist and thats fucking hard and then shes just like it doesnt take six months#which FUXK OFF I HAVE BEEN DOING OTHER THINGS AS WELL AS FINDING A THERAPIST AND ITS NOT FUCKING EASY SO SHUT UP#MAYBE IM STRUGGLING TO FIND ONE AND I NEED HELP THINK OF THAT JNSTEAD OF JUST MAKING DIGS AT MY INABILITY TO DO THIS#MAYBE I SHOULD JUST GET FUCKJNG HOSPTALIZED FOR SOMETHING REALLY AWFUL AND BAD AND IT WOULD ALL BE BETTER#MAYBE IT WOULD BE FUCKING BETTER IF I FUXKING DIED OKAY#BUT NOPE IM THE VILLIAN IN THE HOUSE#MY BROTHER HATES ME FOR BEING TRANS AND THINKING THAT HUMAN DESERVE RIGHTS WHEN HES THE ONE THAT STARTS THESE ARGUEMENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE#MY SISTER HATED ME FOR HATING MY DAD BECAUSE HE WAS AWFUL AND FOR 'NOT HELPING AROUND THE HOUSE'#WHEN I LITERALLY CLEANED THE ENTIRE FRIDGE AND FREEZER ON SUNDAY AND I DO THE DISHES AND SHIT WHEN MY BROTHER DOES NOTHING#HE DOESNT EVEN PHT HIS FUCKING CANS IN THE RECYCLING OR HIS PLATES IN THE FUCKING SINK HE DOES NOTHING BUT IM THE PROBLEM#AND NY MOM FUCKIN HATES ME FOR BEING ME SHE SAYS IM DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH AND HATES THAT I AM DISABLED AND AUTISTIC AND FAT AND TRANS#BUT I CANT SAY ANY OF THIS AND THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO ANY OF IT#I JUST WANT TO BE DONE WITH LIFE BUT IM SO FUCKING SCARED OF DEATH IRONICALLY#SO INSTEAD I JUST WISH FOR AWFUL THINGS TO HAPPEN TO ME MAYBE I CAN BE DONE WITH IT#soap spoilers
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obliviouskara · 1 month
top 5 supergirl episodes?
full disclosure i haven't seen the entirety of supergirl (ive literally only seen like 7 eps & its all season 1) so this list will probably change over time (bc im starting to painstakingly watch the show - imagine slowburn but watching a series) however ive watched like a ridiculous amount of supercorp edits so im going to base my choices on the parts where supercorp exist ha!
5. Season 1 - Red Faced
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this would probably be the only none supercorp related yet still somehow my personal fave for a few reasons. i love this scene in particular bc it shows that cat grant cares for kara and what cat says here is very relatable. no matter how harsh cat can be at times, cat was a girl's girl here. she gave an advice which was helpful to both supergirl and kara. she had every right to rip kara viciously apart but instead she took a completely different route. i like the line she says here.
"You really need to figure out what's really bothering you." "You really need to find that anger behind the anger. And you really need to figure out what's really making you mad."
i think this was also the ep where kara acknowledged where some of the anger was coming from. even with zero dialogue and with mel's incredible acting skills she was able to convey so much emotions during that scene where she releases all her anger towards the red tornato. From losing her parents, losing her planet —her home, for losing everything and maybe even angry with her parents for the choices they made for her. it was such an incredible and very emotional scene.
im putting the rest in read more bc of how unnecessarily long this post has become
4. Season 2 - "The Adventures of Supergirl"
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this should be easy. this was the first time kara met lena and changed the trajectory of every queer person watching this show and lena first delivered the first of many many questionably fruity (gay) lines fjlkajdla
"You couldn't have fooled me."
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also bc of this scene thank you very much
3. Season 2 - "Luthors"
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if there is one particular scene that convinced me to even give supergirl the time of day its obvs this one and lena "suspiciously straight" luthor delivered one of the most iconic lines on television in my opinion and now forever engraved in my mind. let's not forget lcorp CEO lena luthor took the time of day to fill catco employee kara danver's office with flowers like it's a regular tuesday but oh well
"now you'll have someone to stand up for you. always" "supergirl might have saved me but kara danvers, you are my hero."
screaming, crying, throwing up
2. Season 2 - "Exodus"
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tada! i mean, look at it! how heroic! i also find it funny how grateful and confused lena was that kara danvers was having coffee with supergirl late at night but still
Season 2 - Ace Reporter
so this isnt at all groundbreaking bc honestly, 5 isn't enough and anything that has supercorp will be my favorite even though again i havent seen the rest of supergirl yet but we're ignoring canon so we're ignoring that fact too. i think this was the ep where kara was comforting lean about jack's death. i personally have a love and hate relationship towards this scene for many reasons but im a sucker for supercorp and there was a clip where kara hesitated and looked like she was about to plant a kiss on lena's head but then hugged her instead and i think its beautiful and im a sucker for kara leaning in towards lena
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im too lazy to figure out where these clips are from which episode but this. i love every scene and its more like these below are my reasons for watching supergirl and has nothing to do with being my top 5 bwahaha
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oh did i mention i also happen to have a weird obsession with superrojas i will not rest until i reach the ep where andrea rojas exist
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lyss-sketchbox · 2 months
Wrio and Arle meeting will actually be so cool!! They’d definitely dislike each other, but I do think they’d still bear a begrudging respect for the other
I mean, it’s so interesting to see how similar their circumstances were and yet how differently they turned out. All because of how their respective countries reacted to it. Wrio was imprisoned and had to make a name for himself there, while Arle was straight up promoted and given a name to uphold through continuous bloodshed
Its kind of like looking at yourself and having that ‘what if’ moment
Anyway ramblings aside they’re going to have the most passive-aggressive tea parties ever
Yeah urgh despite having basically the same plot beats, Wrio rose up in the fortress to make a better life in the fortress, Arle was deemed the strongest for usurping the previous Knave.
The interesting thing though, is that they both DID technically create better life for their wards. Because those under their care still looked up to them and respect them to some capacity.
I forgot who's line it is but the fatui siblings described that the previous master of the house would instill that they must do whatever it takes to complete their goals. Now that Arle took over she instilled that everyone is special and must take care of each other instead of fighting each other (we know that the previous Knave made them compete). To the orphans in the house of the Hearth, the Knave is the best care they couldve gotten and they love her for it. Even if at the end of the day it is only for her goal, these people would follow her because she took care of them when noone else would.
Its so EASY to say that Wrio and Arle did the same thing. Took over an organization and made it better. But i think Wrio could never symphatize with her because while he made a better fortress because he wanted a better life, Arle took advantage of children in their time of need, took advantage of their love for her to further her goals.
Which is... something Wrio's foster parents did isnt it?
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yeahimcal · 1 year
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Anyways (headcanons below the cut)
Margo loves Minecraft but she is very much like “I am going to fight these zombies and kill these enderman and kill these Ghasts and win this game” and Miles is like “I’m going to build a red stone contraption the likes of which have never been seen and I’m going to spend twenty five Minecraft days in the mines” but Margo is also “let me build the house using insanely complicated tutorials and NO I won’t be doing it in creative mode that’s cheating etc” and miles is “I’ll decorate the house with flowers and paintings and gather animals for us to use for milk/wool etc”
Miles loves to paint Margo especially in the coloring of her avatar because he thinks she’s absolutely gorgeous
Margo always always begs Miles to let her do stuff with his hair and sometimes he will relent and say yes and that’s the story of how he had twists for like two months
Margo is an avid sims player and does the Hashtag Girl Thing of making her and Miles in the sims and planning out their life together
She and Miles will bike through his Brooklyn a lot and hit like three convenience stores one right after the other, they are tiny (respectful!) menaces to bodega owners, they’ll drop off lunch for Rio at the hospital and drop off lunch for Jeff at the police station, head back to Miles’ house and crash on the couch with their snacks and lunch and energy drinks and Margo will play games while Miles draws
Margo likes the games in Miles’ universe a lot more than her own so he shares whatever games he has with her
Margo will leave kiss marks on his face with her lipstick and he sometimes forgets and goes out to see his parents and Rio just teases him about it as he desperately tries to wipe it off to no avail
Miles makes really wonderful flower crowns and Margo dries them out to keep them, she has a wall with them hanging up in her room
They go on roller rink dates a lot and Miles is very good and Margo is very bad so he pulls her around the rink while she squeals and yells at him to stop going so fast
Margo sends him a specific gif whenever she wants to talk but can’t really type very well bc her hands are shaking (she gets very excited very easy and her whole body starts shaking as a stim) and he’ll immediately hop on call
They call all the time Miles has slept on call many many times, Margo is a chronic insomniac but having him on the phone makes her fall asleep easier
They have so many playlists together :] they love listening to each other’s music
Umm they love each other and stuff :] that’s it that’s the post
Follow me for more Cyberflower! Or don’t idk
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loverboyjamespotter · 9 months
ive said this before but i dont really think remus and sirius would have gotten on THAT well during their hogwarts years mainly bc the marauders is a dynamic that is characterised by sirius, remus and peter all revolving around JAMES. like james is the central figure to that friendship group and i think theyre all trying to get his attention. i genuinely believe that if remus was going to have a crush on any of the maurauders it would be james absolutely. like james is the one cheerfully calling one of the most traumatising experiences in remus' life his 'furry little problem' which, considering hope and lyall isolated him from all other children HIS WHOLE LIFE, would be a RELIEF. the fact that it was james who stepped in during the whomping willow incident with snape whereas sirius was the one instigating it. the fact that remus has such fond memories of james, the fact that james paid for remus' expenses after hogwarts, etc etc. like i completely believe remus had an unrequited crush on james which knowing james being as like emotionally clueless as he is probably wouldnt even have FIGURED THAT OUT. but this is all a long winded way of saying i really dont think sirius would be the one that remus would have romantic feelings for during their hogwarts years. part of that also is sirius' personality which is quite aloof and cold when he wants it to be. we're canonically told that the only person sirius really opened up to was james so i automatically think remus wouldn't even go there because of who HE is too. like i think growing up so isolated and alone like he did and being worried that no one would accept him for who he is then he meets the veritable whirlwind that is james potter who not only TURNED INTO AN ANIMAGUS FOR HIM but tries to normalise his experiences as much as possible this would critically inform who he would have a crush on. i think sirius' personality is too ... distant for remus to ever actually consider having a crush on him. for lack of better phrasing .... sirius is Too Traumatised. remus is proven time and time again to be an incredibly selfish character. i really dont think his idea of a crush would include trying to piece together a SEVERELY broken person (sirius). i think to him someone like james (or someone who james APPEARS to be) would be highly attractive. the golden boy, ridiculously clever and arrogant and silly and friendly and loyal and mean too. i think james' openness and capability to be extremely warm would be very thrilling for someone like remus whereas sirius' moodiness and mystery and closed-off nature would be exactly what remus is trying to escape FROM. this is exactly why we're canonically told that remus and sirius mistrusted each other during the war years which was not said of remus and james' relationship. i think in having a crush on james potter, captain of the quidditch team, the most popular boy in school, remus gets to live out his fantasy. james with his easy and loving parents, his great childhood, his spoilt naivety ... would all be what remus craves. so again.... this is all to say i think thats the fundamental reason why i think remus would be more likely to have a crush on james than on sirius and i dont know why theres not more fics of this/why this idea isnt more popular.
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smashlovesscream · 25 days
Interviewer: How would you describe the way you were feeling, during all the murders?
Billy Loomis: Which ones? The ones I actually committed? 
Interviewer: Yes.
Billy Loomis: I'd say it was ecstatic. Fueled by adrenaline and Endorphins. 
Interviewer: Is it true that you seemed to have manipulated Stuart Macher into being your accomplice?
Billy Loomis: No. Stu can't- couldn't be manipulated like that. He's actually the one who came up with a good bit of the plan. I'm just the main one who acted it out.
Interviewer: So it's true You And Stu were rather close?
Billy Loomis: Yes. We had been very close.
Interviewer: How close?
Billy Loomis: Randy and Tatum would often say that I was his closest friend, but really I was probably more like his wife, if anything.
Interviewer: Interesting choice of words, Mr. Loomis.
Billy Loomis: I have nothing to hide. You've already caught me. 
Interviewer: Right.. Now, can you tell me about your feelings of Stuarts death?
Billy Loomis: He'll surely be missed, even if it's only by me. Though, I'm sure his parents will want me dead. Assuming they're the ones who think I manipulated him.
Interviewer: They have strong opinions on your trial, yes.
Billy Loomis: Any more questions, Doctor?
Interviewer: Just two more. How would you feel if Stuart wasn't actually dead?
Billy Loomis: Relieved, maybe. I'd want him to be okay, even if it's not easy for him.
Interviewer: And, if he was alive, do you know where he'd go to hide?
Billy Loomis: I'm sorry Doctor, I don't carry that kind of information on hand.
Interviewer: You're aware that withholding such information on an ongoing investigation could ruin your trail, right?
Billy Loomis: Yes, I'm aware. But regardless of what the end may be, I want him far away from you people as possible. Which, unfortunately, means I'm utterly useless to you guys in finding him. Sorry to disappoint. 
"Nothing to hide" He says, as he hides something from them- HAHAH- okay anyways MREOW ENJOY
Explodes yes ye suebwysbeosbsoa
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gooeyringtown · 8 months
summer romance au headcanons
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((inspired entirely by the song “striptease” by carwash))
*slight nsfw warning*
i like to think this all comes about by gloria winning another cruise at sasha’s school raffle
(but she and her husband are divorced now, and she finally has enough vacation days at work, so she can go!!)
sasha will be staying with her dad in the meantime
the cruise is going to the Caribbean and gloria will be gone for roughly a month
she’s a little hesitant at first because she’s not sure if she feels comfortable being apart from sasha for so long, especially since the divorce is rather fresh, but eventually she’s persuaded. more than anything sasha expresses that she’ll be fine and her mom should go for it. with the green light from her daughter, gloria feels a lot better about it. she really does deserve it, after all
it’s a little lonesome at first… the service isn’t always great, and the feeling of being disconnected and alienated is a little jarring for gloria
it gets better though
they dock at a beach village in the caribbean where they’re scheduled to stay until the end of the cruise
one beautiful tropical morning (they all are, honestly), gloria sits on the beach reading a book
and barbie tentatively approaches her, and asks if it’s ok if she sits there too, because it’s the only spot on the beach with shade, and barbie is already sporting a slight sunburn that she doesn’t wanna make worse
and gloria of course says yes
through small talk, they dissolve into an actual conversation
they are both from california. gloria from LA, and barbie from the bay area. she is not part of the cruise like gloria, though. instead, her parents own one of the resort’s restaurants and barbie more often than not spends her summers there, helping out
barbie is really sweet and tells gloria she should stop by the restaurant sometime
(she promises she won’t get offended if gloria doesn’t like the food, which makes gloria laugh)
then she has to leave, but she really hopes to see gloria again
she does, because gloria goes to the restaurant a few days later, for lunch
barbie spots her as she walks in and is immediately beaming
(and maybe gloria showed up because she’s had that smile stuck in her head ever since seeing it for the first time)
the food is actually really really good, which isnt even the point but still
barbie sits down with gloria while she has her meal and the two talk again. it feels so nice and so natural. so easy.
gloria is the most captivating person barbie has ever met. she has this ambition and this fire about her, while also being sophisticated yet very down to earth, and wow
barbie, in turn, is so sweet and easy to talk to and get along with. she has this air about her that is soothing and calming. it’s so hard for gloria to imagine ever feeling anything negative around her
barbie offers to show gloria more around the village sometime if she’d like
(gloria would very much like)
so the next day they meet up and barbie gives gloria a day tour of the village. they visit all these little shops like fudge ones and tea ones and farmers markets and souvenir shops
gloria uses this as an opportunity to get sasha a postcard that she can mail to her later
(barbie ends up infiltrating on the postcard. where gloria signs “love, mom” barbie adds in her pink pen “+ barbie! <3”)
they get these small matching keychains of their first name initials because they think they’re so cute
they end their day by having dinner at barbie’s restaurant on one of the private patios overlooking the ocean and drinking wine
barbie offers to walk gloria back to the cruise ship which gloria happily accepts
(and maybe barbie has to keep her hands in her pockets the whole entire time to have self control because gloria looks so unbelievably beautiful right now)
they get back to the ship and barbie is a whole mess talking about how wonderful today was. but she’s still somehow able to stumble out the words “will you go out on a date with me”
gloria says yes
(actually she has the biggest smile on her face and she leans up to kiss barbie’s cheek first and then she says yes)
barbie is dazed the entire walk home
and gloria tries her best to go to sleep, but she’s smushing her face into her pillow to hide the smile on her face that just won’t go away
the next evening barbie “picks” gloria up at the cruise ship, and she has a bouquet of flowers and looks so extra sweet and nervous, and gloria melts
her blue eyes are so sparkly and tender when she sees gloria, and she’s breathless at the sight of her
gloria’s stomach flutters, because barbie looks so pretty… and because barbie looks at her the way gloria has always dreamed of being looked at
they go on their date—barbie has pulled some strings with some people in the village and has arranged a moonlight picnic with fresh berries and warm chocolate
and after, they have the town bookshop all to themselves to browse
they pick out books for each other<33
at the end of the night barbie walks gloria back to the ship again
and this time they kiss
and thus begins their relationship
they spend the next few days and weeks with each other. swimming in the ocean and sitting on the sand, having wine on the restaurant patio, drinking sweet, tropical cocktails and eating delicious food. they trade the books they picked out for one another and read them, annotating the pages and leaving little notes for when they switch back and the other person reads it. they also trade keychains so barbie has the G one and gloria has the B one
the cruise has an event one night on the beach with an extravagant dinner and a fireworks show and they dance all night, as well as at the end, slowly, to this one song
and the cruise is coming to an end soon, and gloria will have to to leave
the night of the big event, they are in a private villa for the night, making out on the bed with barbie sitting on the edge and gloria straddling her, and there’s only the light of the moon, and barbie can’t stop thinking about gloria leaving, so she pulls away
she feels spontaneous, and unwilling to let this go. it is like a young love: reckless and unfazed by the consequences. she tells gloria to please stay. they can go to the bay area for a few days, to barbie’s house, and then barbie will drive gloria back home to LA
at first gloria only shushes her, puts her finger on barbie’s lips and wants to keep kissing her. because they’ve talked about this. there are so many things. it has not even been that long since her divorce, and what will sasha think? she is still struggling with her parents’ separation. and what about their jobs? they can’t just relocate overnight.
but barbie keeps asking. she is practically begging. and she looks so hopeful. so pleading. her hands are on gloria’s hips, over her flowy dress
and maybe gloria is drunk off this feeling. off barbie, and so she kisses her again, softer this time. more patiently
and whispers “okay” against her lips
and FINE i’ll give the titular satisfaction. gloria nudges barbie back on the bed and
“lie back for me. just relax and watch me.” whispered in barbie’s ear
and so gloria does a little striptease for her
barbie watches, eyes shiny and dazed, and her heart is like a drum inside her chest, and she’s completely enraptured, breathless and all she can think is oh my
the night seems to last forever then. they have sex and it’s warm and wet and the most sensual thing in the world, gloria thinks. she is molded to barbie’s hands, to her touch, to her mouth. they are both a mess that doesn’t stop. barbie’s soft cries of pleasure—here in the middle of the hot, humid caribbean island with sweet rum and blue water everywhere—make gloria’s heart race. and barbie’s cheeks flush and her neck arches when gloria hits this one spot inside her, and it’s addicting
gloria thinks this could be the christening of their newfound life together or something, if life was easy
but a few hours later, when she checks the time on her phone, her lockscreen with sasha in the picture stares back at her
and the answer is clear, isnt it?
when barbie wakes up, gloria is not there
and fuck it’s already almost noon
and she has this horrible feeling in her stomach
and she throws on her crewneck—which smells like gloria because she has spent all these weeks wearing it—and some shorts, running outside only to see-
that the cruise ship is now gone
but… maybe gloria is still around… maybe she is somewhere around the island, and will come back, right? she said yes to barbie after all
barbie picks up the book with all of gloria’s little notes inside
and when she opens it up she sees there’s another one, in a different-colored ink, which means it was made later, and it says–
“I’m sorry.”
and barbie crumbles
and you always like to think love is enough. the prevailing force that drives everything to an end, to completion, and that you’ll find your way back to each other. don’t you?
but a lot of the times… is it really? and will you ever?
gloria gets back home. and a few days later, sasha makes a comment. in passing, really. super offhanded. she points to the postcard on the fridge, and says
“who’s barbie?”
it’s innocent, but gloria has not stopped thinking about her. this whole time. she probably will not, ever, she thinks
“oh.” she responds, and the B letter keychain sits heavy in her pocket, like it’s burning a hole right through her.
“a friend.” one day she will have to pick up the book barbie annotated for her. she will have to admit barbie was so real for her
“she was just a friend.”
why did this turn out so much more sad than i thought…
i was thinking of making a pt 2 though 👀 should i?
ps i have a whole playlist for this au if anyone is interested or wants to hear it!! lmk or message me 🩷
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dysfunctionaldyslexic · 7 months
So rewatching the prequels and I noticed something
In the second movie when Obi wan jokes about Anakin being the death of him. Anakin says that he sees Obi wan as a FATHER figure “the closest thing i have ever had to a father”
Multiple times we have seen Obi wan say that Anakin is like a BROTHER to him. (In the movies and shows)
- which makes sense when you think about how young he was when to took on Anakin as a Padawan. He wan’t even sure if he was ready to be a knight let alone raise a 9 year old
While Obi wan and Anakin had an amazing and close relationship in both the movies and in clone wars. They also often had these like moments of frustration with each other that they never really talk about and definitely make it easier for Palpatine to make Anakin doubt Obi wan/their relationship.
With this information of Anakin looking at Obi wan as a father figure and Obi wan viewing himself more as a teacher/older brother it is easy to guess that it was probably frustrating, especially Anakin, if they did not realize they viewed the nature of their relationship differently.
A teacher pushes you and guide you to improve, but there isnt the emotional connection that a parent child or sibling relationship would have
An older sibling jokes with you and at you, dose fun things with you, gives you advice… and while closer than a teacher still not like a child and there parent
A parent teach their child, but they are mainly supposed to guid their child to adult hood. Helping them to understand who they are, what they are feeling and how the world work around them. They are who you go to with the really random questions. And most importantly they are supposed to be the one person you can always count on to be in your corner, who will tell you that you did a good job, that they are proud of you.
Especially with Palpatines manipulation influencing him (stepping in to overly lavish Anakin in praise while also feeding his insecurities) Anakins comments about Obi wan being overly critical make sense.
Similar to Anakins frustration with Obi wans “blind faith” in the Jedi code and refusal to disagree with the council. When anakin struggles to follow the code and has a rocky relationship with the council.
Anakin’s expectation of the relationship are different from Obi wan’s.
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Hey :] i am a trans 20 year old but I have identified as and been openly trans since the age of 11 so I am very familiar with being a trans youth/trans child and this page came up recommended for me and I wanted to say thank you for running this page. Being a trans kid is unbelievably hard because people think you cant make your own decisions and your parents can decide what is best for you (which isnt always best for you). So much anti trans legislation targets trans kids and trans youth and when I was a trans kid I felt very scared and isolated because I didn't have any support in the face of the rules being made to hurt people like me. I think it is so so good that you are running a page like this to support trans youth and showing kids that they arent alone. I think trans kids really just need a glimmer of hope that there are other people like them and people who can support and give them advice. I hope u all have a great day :]
Hey :) Thanks so much for your support of this blog, you have improved my day so much with your kind words! As you said, it isn't easy being a trans youth, but if I can help even a single kid to feel a little less scared and like they aren't alone, then I have made a difference.
This blog is currently run by a single mod who goes by Sage [he/they], and is a minor.
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hajihiko · 1 year
I interpret Kaz's relationship with his dad a little differently from that one convo. He says something like 'he knew better than anyone that we didn't have the money' and I took that as his dad wanted him to go and have fun like a normal kid and not worry about the money. Of course, I don't justify physical discipline and it is abuse, even if the parent is well intentioned. I think that Kaz does love his dad and they're relationship might be more complicated. But you know that's just one of the many things he needs to work out in therapy.
(Again this is just my interpretation and I'm not saying yours is wrong. I do love the art.)
Just gonna use this as a little jumping point to talk about this bc why not, warnings for obviously sensitive topics
I dont think you're wrong, I actually probably agree, but one thing;
It's not uncommon for public perception to weigh more than actual actions or intent. In the example given, I see it like so; yeah, Souda sr. wanted his son to go on a field trip that they couldn't really afford. Yeah, Kaz wanted to help the household by not going on the trip and saving the money. Both have good intent here. It's not about that, though, because in Souda sr.'s eyes, refusing to go on the trip is like admitting that they're poor, which is like saying the father can't provide for his family, which is like public humiliation- in his eyes. In a fit of rage (and insecurity, if it's something that's already weighing on his mind, as these things often go) the assumption isnt that his son was trying to help, just that he did something that makes the father look bad. Which is a bigger trigger than most things, often, for patriarchal authority figures.
And it not an excuse for physical harm, no, nothing is. Probably, Souda sr. knows that, and didn't mean to snap- doesnt think he committed an act of child abuse- but he's been under a lot of stress, and his son was talking back, and, well.
I think they do usually get along alright, and Souda sr. does his best to provide for himself and his son and keep their relationship good, and Kazuichi is genuinely grateful for everything his dad's done for him? But in the end, it's another person Kazuichi trusted teaching him the lesson that people will let him down and hurt him, in some way at some point. If your parent whom you trust has made you genuinely afraid of them, it's hard to come back from it, and someone as anxious and emotionally sensitive as Kazuichi will hold onto that forever, probably, even as he might internalized some of it as his own fault.
It's a lot more complicated than just "bad father, sad son" (but again, not excusable, you don't hit your kids period). It's father and son who love each other and might be the only family they both have, but they clash horribly on occasion, make up (or don't talk about it at all), things die down, stay good for a while, then there's another clash- so it goes, even if the bad times are only occasional. The biggest Thing about these kind of relationships, to me, is that it's so easy to fall into a routine and let things stagnate, and before you know it, it's just How Things Are and it's easier to just deal than start rocking the boat.
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𝒩.𝐵. || 𝒶 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝑜.
shocker, i know
word count: 1,964
warnings: death/dying, mentions of incestual tendencies on Norman’s part, survivor’s guilt, ambiguous ending?
tag list:
@takemercyonme @when-i-miss-you @damagnificentcookie @straight2hades @marvelgeek09 @herashifts @crime-ninja @onebigsimp @emiliaisdead @sapphic-stress @nonbinary-cryptid-baby @merci-bitch @feartheclipse @mxbeezkneez @fxoehy @ahoy-gays @sythaerin @consciouschunkofmoss
if you’d like to be added to my tag list, send me an ask or comment, or fill in this form! <33
enjoy xx
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I had been in love with Norma Bates for as long as I could remember. From the moment I laid eyes on her, probably. It took almost two long years for me to finally confess to her, and three for us to completely and totally settle down with each other. It was on what was supposed to be a calm, easy day—one where neither of us had work to do, and we could just exist with each other—where something finally went wrong.
Well, that isnt entirely true; the past couple of days we’d been having this weird tension between each other. Norma had been busy with the Motel, Norman was being a pain in my ass, and my estranged family had decided to reach out again after years. All of the stress culminated today, though. When we had nothing to distract ourselves with, and somehow it ended up in an argument. One of our worst we’d ever had, in fact. I mentioned something about my parents getting on my ass, which led to the conversation of Norman. This was already a rather sensitive topic for everyone, and I’d been too stressed to filter myself. A stray comment I made had Norma all up in arms, and so here we are; in a screaming match in our shared bedroom.
“You can’t say that! I know you don’t get along, but Norman is my son, whether you like it or not!” Norma exclaims, throwing her hands up exasperatedly. I scoff and cross my arms. “Yeah, thats the problem, Norma. He’s your son.” I give her a Look, “He acts like he’s your boyfriend. Have you seriously never even been slightly freaked out by that?” I make perfectly valid points; Norman has always been weirdly attached to his mother, in a very creepy way. But Norma was unwilling to acknowledge that. We bicker back and forth some more, poisonous words thrown back and forth between us. “At least he didn’t abandon me!”
That. That was the final straw right there. Norma knew exactly how to get to me. I confided with her about my family issues and there she was, using them against me. I reel back with a hiss. “You—what?” I spit, glaring at her. But Norma doesn’t even take it back; I sense we’re both too upset to really consider each other's feelings. I shake my head. “No, thats too much. I can’t—you know that isnt what I did!” Norma mirrors my action, shaking her head and giving me an exhausted look. “Isn’t it?” she asks, and I have to clench my fists to stop from hitting something. We stare each other down for a moment, neither of us willing to speak. And then she does.
“That’s it. I’m done. We, this,” she gestures vaguely between the two of us, “is done.”
It hits me like a bag of bricks. I’m not stupid, or dense. “Are you breaking up with me right now, Norma..?” I ask, tears stinging in my eyes. “I didn’t want to say it but yes, I think that’s what has to happen. I just—I’m done.” I keep staring at her in shock, trembling violently. I can’t speak, can barely even breathe, and Norma wont even look at me. Finally, I choke back a little sob, and with a cracked little voice, I go “Fine. Fine, then. G-Goodbye, Norma Bates,” before turning on my heel and doing my best not to run from our room, from our house, from our life. It doesnt take me more than twenty minutes to grab some essentials, only what I’ll need for a couple days before I can come pick my stuff up, and throw it and myself into my car. Not once does Norma show her face, and I’m almost grateful for it. I only spare one glance up at that old house on the hill before pulling out of the lot and onto the freeway. I don’t know where I’ll go, I don’t know what I’ll do—I just need to get away.
I drive down the highway, vision dangerously blurry from tears, for what could be minutes or hours. I have the radio up as loud as it’ll go, I’m clenching my fists around the steering wheel to the point of my knuckles aching. But nothing matters, because everything just hurts. Everything hurts so much.
It hurts so much that I don’t notice myself shaking so badly my driving has become erratic. It hurts so much that I don’t see myself accidentally veer to the left with a particularly body-wracking sob. But it doesnt hurt enough to stop me from seeing the headlights blinding me. And all I have time to do is let out a choked gasp and shrill shriek before—darkness.
Norma had been a wreck. Since she watched you from what used to be your bedroom’s window, watched you drive away and not look back, since she realized what she had done. She fell onto your—no, her bed—and put her head in her hands. She didnt cry, she couldn’t. But she did just sit there in silence, running through everything that had happened in the past hour in her head. When she did finally get up, her stare vacant and eyes dull, she went about the rest of her day without any of her usual fervor. Dinner with Norman was filled only by him, telling her about whatever taxidermy he’d done that day. And when she went to bed, Norma finally let herself cry. When she went to bed without you, and realized how cold her bed was. When she realized that the sheets hung too loosely over her shoulders because your body wasn't behind her to elevate them with your own. She didn’t sleep that night.
The next morning, Norma Bates is roused from her exhausted silence by her phone ringing. Not by her alarm, it was much too early for that. No, this was a call. With a sleepy groan, the blonde turns to grapple for it, answering the thing without reading the caller ID with an unimpressed “What?”
“Is this….Norma Bates?”
Norma didnt recognize the voice on the other end. “Uh…yes, this is she. Why..?” she mumbled, rolling onto her back. “This is Pine Bay Medical Center. We have Y/N L/N here with us…you were her emergency contact.” This immediately snaps Norma’s exhaustion out of her and she sits up in bed quickly. “What? You—what happened? Y/n? Is she alright?” “Ma’am, please breathe. Are you sitting down?” Norma’s breathing is already rapidly increasing, and she nods before realizing they cant see her and quietly choking out a “Ye-Yes, I am.”
“Mrs Bates, I regret to inform you that Miss L/N passed away this morning at…15:23 PM.”
The world goes silent. It falls out from under Norma and leaves her reeling; she nearly drops her phone from her hands as she just…stares. Stares at her wall in silence. The woman on the end of the line must be speaking to her, but all Norma can hear is a persistent buzzing behind the ringing in her ears as those words bounce around her head. After too long, the woman finally croaks out “Can I see her?” The moment she’s given the okay, she hangs up and snaps into action. She throws on the closet dress she can find, and doesnt even bother checking on Norman as she practically throws herself out the door and down the stairs.
Norma makes it to the hospital in record time, thankfully not stumbling across Alex to give her a speeding ticket, and the car is barely in park before she’s out the door and sprinting into the ER. Her voice shakes something fierce as she begs the receptionist to let her see you; as though begging them to bring you back. It takes too long for them to understand her but when they do, they give her a knowing look. “She’s..already at the mortuary, second floor.” Norma doesn’t bother thanking them before she’s gone, up the stairs and frantically searching for the room.
It doesn’t really sink in, she thinks, until she gets through to the workers and is finally led to the wall. When the small door is opened and a metal slab is slowly pulled out. And when she stares down at you. Down at her girl; peaceful but cold to the touch. It doesn't sink in that you’re gone until she rests a trembling hand on your cheek and can’t feel the warmth of your skin, when you don’t automatically lean into her touch. It isn’t until that moment that the world, reality, finally comes crashing back in and down onto her shoulders. The reality where you’re….not here.
Without being able to stop it, a shrill sob falls from Norma’s lips, and just like that she collapses against the wall. The mortuarists don’t intervene—they’ve seen this happen too many times—and let her grieve. They let her sob and plead and press her fingers to every cut and scratch on your pallid complexion, until she’s finally guided slowly and carefully from the room, still crying and repeating your name desperately. She’s sent into an empty room to be by herself, but she can’t even make it to the chair before she’s on her knees on the ground, sobbing all over again. Face in her hands, nearly screaming with the agony filling her entire body and soul. Gone, gone, gone, gone. You’re gone. Nothing Norma can say or do can take back what happened, and now you’re gone.
You’ll never wake her up with breakfast in bed again. You’ll never laugh at her stupid jokes. You’ll never hug her from behind and press your face into her hair as you grumble about the workweek’s stress. She’ll never kiss you again. She’ll never stay awake talking until past midnight about anything and everything again. She’ll never even…see you again.
Norma doesnt know how long she stays like that; eventually someone must have shown up because now she’s sitting in an uncomfortable chair and being asked too many questions, being talked at too much, and everything’s too loud. And Norman is there. He appeared a few hours back, but didn’t dare try to speak to his mother. She was too deep in her grief to even recognize his presence yet, and when she answers questions they’re brief and mumbled. The clearest thing that passes by her hearing is a doctor saying “Your wife was very strong in the OR. She fought hard, and it’s a real shame she didn’t make it.”
Her wife? When had she been put into the role of your wife? It was only once she was given your phone that she realized her contact was titled “wifey <333”, her name only written in the subtext inside the contact info. This brought on a new wave of tears. More unidentified time passes, until Norma is finally left alone with Norman in silence.
“I’m done.”
Norman looks up at his mother with a confused look. “What did you say, mother?” She slowly raises her head from her hands; “‘I’m done.’ That’s the last thing I said to her,” she breathes, eyes glistening with more tears that prepare to join the ones already streaming down her cheeks. “The last thing she thought she knew was that I hated her,” Norma chokes, sobbing again and letting her head fall back into the wall. She doesn’t even register the dull sting, too consumed by guilt and shame and grief.
What flowers will they have at your funeral? Did you ever write a will? Who would they tell? Would she let your family know?
But worst of all—how would she live with herself knowing that this was all her fault?
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butchniqabi · 7 months
Hey if you're willing to share I'm curious to know what being a teacher has been like for you! I'm actually considering becoming a teacher but I know its mentally a lot, however I do love kids and teaching something to others has always felt like something I'd end up doing
so full disclosure im an after school teacher so i only get kids for 4-5 hours every day and its structured differently from normal school. teaching isnt my Passion per say and im a bit grumpy with my management rn so that sometimes shades the posts i make, all that being said i think it's alright! kids are great and funny as hell, but we have a very tough site because we're a tk-8th and its...A Lot. i wanted to be placed with older kids but i got placed with 2nd and 3rd graders, which is not Bad per say, but not really a grade level i feel 100% confident in teaching all the time. i feel like the job is very rewarding and fun, but also incredibly hard. a lot of our kids have really hard home lives and its hard to be the strong one sometimes, yknow? i think the hardest part of teaching so far has really been being Miss Amatullah, Teacher Extraordinaire all the time. when im depressed i still have to go in with high energy, even "easy" days (like today) are hard when i have to comfort multiple crying children and simultaneously maintain control of my classroom. i think flexibility is so so necessary and if you cant handle a sudden change of pace or energy, it's going to be really tough. loving kids is only a small part of being a teacher, because you have to be able to discipline kids too, which is REALLY hard for me because there are situations where if i was a parent i would be fine with the behaviour but as a teacher i cant let happen.
to wrap things up: yes it is a very rewarding profession but you cant always be robin williams and miss honey, and if you cant deal with that it might not be the right field for you (like me, i dont intend on doing this long term). it's fun and kids are great, but make sure youre doing this because you Want to, not because it seems like it would suit you. love of children alone isnt enough, you need to be able to manage a classroom, multitask while multitasking, be creative, understanding, and utilize all the emotional labor you are capable of squeezing out of yourself
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Have you noticed that Lonnie is pretty much the only descendants kid who is forgotten by the franchise? Like, there's barely anything about her(or her actor) on Descendants instagram unless you go way down to like 2017. It's pretty sad tbh.
oh yeah, the franchise never actually *cared* about lonnie, she was def that, unfortunetly, 'hey look asian person!' that descendants had to include for diversity, since Jay/booboo is the only other main asian character/actor that has a main part, not only that, but they kept putting her in japanese style outfits, like they kept giving her obi-belts?? those arent chinese fashion, thats japanese/another asian culture that isnt chinese, Lonnie/Mulan are of chinese culture/descent and yet they keep ingoring that just putting Lonnie in whatever is asian, plus they never actually gave her a proper story, in d1-she was one of hte first aks to see the vks as more than villain kids, willingly going to Mal without fear to get her hair done and then later showing emmese compassion and sympathy for the vks upon learning they-didnt have loving parents or good childhoods-after that, she kinda fizzles out, shes seen but not heard.
in D2 shes suddenly 'girl power!' lonnie, who-while rightfully-fights against the sexist rules that Chad presents during roar-which i dont think its an actual rule??? Men was probably just being used as another word for humans and Chad was abusing that and without fact checking or even talking to the coach-Jay just accepts that the 'a captain and 8 men' is literal and doesnt even try!-anyway-she helps on the isle, becomes captain as a 'easy' solution to the sexist rule-aka the writers didnt actually finish her storyline and just went 'there shes captain all done!'- and then takes Mal's side during cotillion and then dances with jay and then-poof! shes gone!
her actress by d3 is filming something else and cant be apart of d3, though im sure she would've liked to be, but i have utterly no clue what she would've done, other than be a background supporting character. Descendants has/had no clue what to do with lonnie, they didnt know what to do with her design, her fashion, her story, nothing, she was just kinda-there, and yes that sucks. she did deserve just as much of a story like-jane did-who in d1, is the insecure daughter of FG which Mal uses to manipulate to try and get the wand-jane steals the wand due to her heavy insecutiry and in d2-shes grown into her own fashion and confidence, joining the cheerleading squad, blah blah blah-
but yeah, descendants never actually cared about Lonnie, the actors and probably even Kenny(the director for the first 3 movies, god i hate saying that) did, but the francise/script writers didnt.
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necrophiliak · 8 months
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umm. bhaal thoughts nd stuff under the cut. ive seen a lot of stuff mischaracterising/interpreting/whatever and it bothers me. i like him.
bg1+2+3 spoilers btw.
i dont wanna seem uhhh. confrontational or anything so this is just me airing thoughts out cz its true u dont rly Hear from him much directly in bg3 so i guess i get why ppl wouldnt know or think certain stuff. and im not the worlds expert on the topic as much as id like to be. but writing gods in stuff is never easy i think, especially as a fan, since they function on totally different ideas and have worldviews we could never possibly understand, etc etc
i think what bothers me the most is the misconception that bhaal would give a shit what the urge does. he definitely doesnt. the canon bg1+2 is a human male goodguy (derogatory) and even he was still supposedly favoured by bhaal (in that achieving slayer form was from a feeling of 'divine hatred' and not an actual gift since bhaal at the time was dead and he was favoured not for this but in that he was the strongest of all his spawn (this is bg2 stuff btw i highly recommend u play both those games if u liked bg3 durge)) i actually miss how bg2 introduced that form its way better than in 3 but thats a big tangent ToT and i get why since the durge was quite literally made with it in mind anyway he didnt care about the prev spawn because their only purpose was to die anyway. but he doesnt care abt what durge does either. he would not care if he was fucking gortash. the one constant w him is that all he cares about is the end goals, the process doesnt matter at all. i cant be bothered putting screenshots in rn but both the durge's old diary and sarevok say "bhaal cares only for death. death in numbers, death in droves." and the ingame proof is in that even if u refuse to kill isobel u can still get the slayer form by agreeing to accept his gift in the temple. whether u killed isobel or not just determines if u get slayer form early. the other proof is orin, who doesnt follow him as he would ideally want either (too focused on making 'art' with death instead of actually killing) but still gets to be his chosen if u play as tav instead of durge (he also doesnt like the way shes loyal to sarevok more than him) hes pretty pragmatic
also the other thing... abt the butlers. sceleritas isnt there to ensure u are loyal, thats his own prerogative and pride as a butler. tho i think the specifics of him in general are left intentionally vague. the rest of bhaals butlers are always imps, and his own was also an imp (theyre made in his imps image after all), bt sceleritas is made in bhaals image. since he has a glued on nose and the colouring on his face looks like a skull. and the earrings are mirroring the slayers facial horns. thats a bit of a tangent tho umm anyway, my point is that durge got a very special butler for reasons we can only guess at. (tho i enjoy thinking that he really was meant more as a nanny/standin parent figure)
anyway that got sort of long. i love dad a lot. everyones durge can be different frm canon obviously... bt bhaal is an established char, nd a super interesting one (i have a lot of thoughts abt the similarities w mystra+shar especially cz of bg3 and the way sheart+gale narrative's play out bt again thats uhhhhh a HUGE tangent and im not even sure how to word my thoughts)
anyway tldr bhaal is a very hands off parent and doesnt give a shit what u do as long as u get the job done (and i love him very much 🥺)
oh also if u math the years out, durge is 20yrs old at max. and that takes the assumption that bhaal made u ASAP after he was resurrected. trivia. if u wanna read the thing wheree he gets rezzed, its the 'murder at baldurs gate' story which also comes with a rly intensive worldbuilding manual for the city which could help w fanfic or whatever u want. i enjoyed reading it (helping w dnd stuff T_T).
another edit: i doubt anyone except me is rly interested bt i have soooo much to say on the topic of how bhaal treats the urge (positively+unconditionally), sceleritas in general, and the way the urges journey mirrors bhaals own fall from grace and coming back stronger, etc etc, i already wrote half of it on twitter anyway so if theres interest i can share it here too
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