#hope this helps i definitely dont want to scare you away asdghdfgh
butchniqabi ยท 7 months
Hey if you're willing to share I'm curious to know what being a teacher has been like for you! I'm actually considering becoming a teacher but I know its mentally a lot, however I do love kids and teaching something to others has always felt like something I'd end up doing
so full disclosure im an after school teacher so i only get kids for 4-5 hours every day and its structured differently from normal school. teaching isnt my Passion per say and im a bit grumpy with my management rn so that sometimes shades the posts i make, all that being said i think it's alright! kids are great and funny as hell, but we have a very tough site because we're a tk-8th and its...A Lot. i wanted to be placed with older kids but i got placed with 2nd and 3rd graders, which is not Bad per say, but not really a grade level i feel 100% confident in teaching all the time. i feel like the job is very rewarding and fun, but also incredibly hard. a lot of our kids have really hard home lives and its hard to be the strong one sometimes, yknow? i think the hardest part of teaching so far has really been being Miss Amatullah, Teacher Extraordinaire all the time. when im depressed i still have to go in with high energy, even "easy" days (like today) are hard when i have to comfort multiple crying children and simultaneously maintain control of my classroom. i think flexibility is so so necessary and if you cant handle a sudden change of pace or energy, it's going to be really tough. loving kids is only a small part of being a teacher, because you have to be able to discipline kids too, which is REALLY hard for me because there are situations where if i was a parent i would be fine with the behaviour but as a teacher i cant let happen.
to wrap things up: yes it is a very rewarding profession but you cant always be robin williams and miss honey, and if you cant deal with that it might not be the right field for you (like me, i dont intend on doing this long term). it's fun and kids are great, but make sure youre doing this because you Want to, not because it seems like it would suit you. love of children alone isnt enough, you need to be able to manage a classroom, multitask while multitasking, be creative, understanding, and utilize all the emotional labor you are capable of squeezing out of yourself
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