#and that’s weekends only!!!! for 30min-1hr
babydarkstar · 1 year
of the very limited media i will allow my children to watch, the cinematic masterpiece that is megamind will be on the list
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ineruditehills · 2 years
GOING TO POST ON THURSDAYS INSTEAD I have been wanting to change it for a while, and I guess I should have done so before I came back... but I'm going to change it so that I post on Thursdays So Monday's page will post on Thursday instead. I might switch back at some point, but ever since I moved (to my temporary stay until my new official home is ready).. I spent WAYY too much time driving since I live so far from work. I only have maybe 30min-1hr to draw on weekdays. - posting on Monday meant I could only do a little bit each weekday, and then try and finish everything on the weekends before posting. - posting on Thursday means I can do most of the drawing on weekends (right after Thursday/Friday).. and then do finishing touches until posting which I think is more forgiving maybe doing it this way will allow me to catch up on my backlog. sorry guys!! thanks for your patience so far
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at least nobody can say any loose ends weren't tied up now am i right haha i'm in shambles
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thanakite · 2 years
I'm posting this information separate from the rant I just went on so hopefully this data gets out there
In 2021, Netflix (US) had over 6,000 titles in their library. If I am generous with my numbers let's say 4,000 are movies and set every runtime as 1hr. 45min. And then assume that the 2,000 TV shows are all single seasons with 10, hour long episodes each
That is 27,000 hours of content on Netflix alone
That is is 3 years, 4 weeks, and 2 days of straight content on 1 single service alone (math was done through a time calculator on calculatorsoup.com)
That is insane
If I was even more generous to Netflix and kept that the shows were all 1 season with 10, 1 hour long episodes, but made only 1,000 of the 6,000 listed titles TV shows and lowered movie runtimes to 1hr. 30min. It would still be 17500 total hours of content, equal to 1 year, 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, and 4 hours of straight content
To add some further prospective on this, I'm going to use Critical Role. Critical Role is not on Netflix, is technically an individual show and thus would completely add to the above data with no overlap (so like if I took the number of titles on the other streaming services and did what I did above and just added to that number, it would be difficult to account for duplicate titles within them, Critical Role is just a single show that would add time to how much content you could watch before having no choice but to watch something new, and would show the extreme saturation in the market for movies and TV shows that proves Netflix doesn't need to be cranking out so much content)
According to what I can pull up from critrolestats.com they have the runtimes for the Core series, core series+other, list the times separated for Tal'Dorei, Wildemount, Marquet, ExU, and one shots that are further broken down into gameplay time, and time for the 1st and 2nd half. I will simply use the Gameplay time but will give both core alone and core+other
The Core Series Gameplay time is 945 hours, 52 minutes, and 39 seconds
The Core Series + Other Gameplay time is 1138 hours, 47 minutes, and 25 seconds
For those of you who don't know about Critical Role, the information you need for this is that they release episodes that are generally 4+ hours long, they have had 3 campaigns on top of spinoffs and such, typically there are 3 episodes released a month (On Thursdays). It is a massive undertaking to go through and watch (or, heaven forbid, rewatch)
With these numbers I can determine that Critical Role would provide 39 days, 9 hours, 52 minutes, and 39 seconds of straight content from the core series alone
The Core Series + Other would provide 47 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, and 25 seconds of straight content
That is so much content from 1 single additional show, but let's also take this one final step further. For this part I will only use the hours and will round down no matter what so it remains underestimated not overestimate. People talk about Critical Role being prohibitively long, but Critical Role's is the equivalent of about 3.5-4.2% of the length of the total amount of content on Netflix from the first generous data set and still only about 5.4-6.5% of the total amount of content available on Netflix
These numbers appall me and I am going to take it a step further AGAIN. Let's say you work a full-time (9 hour days (Includes 1 hour lunches), 5 days a week) job. I will be generous and say you live close to work and thus have no commute factored in but will not say you watch TV during your lunch or before work at all. I will be generous again and say you only sleep 6 hours a night and that eating, personal care, etc that can't be/isn't done while at work or sleeping takes up 1 hour of time hour of time, during which TV also isn't watched. That leaves 8 hours a day 5 days a week you could be watching TV, with an additional (for the weekends I will say you sleep 7 hours, have 2 hours of other time you are not watching TV during) 30 hours of TV time on the weekend, for a total of 70 hours of TV a week
That would mean it would take you over 385 weeks (Over 7 years) to finish all of Netflix's content under the first conditions and still 250 weeks (Over 4 years) under the second set of conditions
I watch way more TV than most people since I'm disabled and home all day. If I was a bit overly generous let's say I watch TV 13 hours a day, which is 91 hours of TV a week, it would still take me over 296 weeks (Over 5 years) with the first set or 192 weeks (Over 3 years) to watch all of Netflix's content without repeats
That is 1 service and is incredibly generous with the numbers. Other services along with normal movies and TV shows not on a streaming service would only bring these numbers up even higher
That is too much content
The entertainment industry is becoming bloated with content (a lot of it being poor to medium quality) because they've completely lost touch with their point. It has become a cash grab instead of listening to audiences and consumers and creating content that people believe in and/or enjoy. The plot has been both literally and figuratively lost as Netflix and other companies continue to throw shit at us (most of which we either don't care about or was poorly done or doesn't actually work/make sense) and expect us to thank them and ask for more when the reality is we are begging them to stop
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narumxato · 3 years
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Narumi’s entire family shows up. He stands straighter when he sees his father, smiles gently at his step-mother Mariko, and hugs his younger sisters ( Chiharu, Aoi, and Emiko ). His older sister Ai just stares at him and doesn’t say a word, he’s the same way. As for his mother Athena... he hopes to please her during this game of capture the flag. He would hate to disappoint both of his parents on TV.
Okay so Narumi wasn’t going to the dance but when his sister’s learned of there being one, they dragged him off to some store and got him clothes to wear. They even FaceTime him before the dance to make sure he looks good. “As your favorite sister, I can’t have you looking a mess! If you look bad then I look bad.” - Chiharu Kato for president 2k24 or whatever. And he doesn’t look bad at all! He’s a cutie with his long hair and shit. Probs only stays at the party for like 1hr 30min before he dips.
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bearfeathers · 5 years
Had that phone interview! And agreed to an in-person interview on thursday. Not sold on the job yet, trying to weigh the pros and cons.
$5/per hour pay cut, which would be a pretty big cut, especially considering I got a new car back in March and my payments alone are equal to nearly a week's worth of pay.
Commute is anywhere from 30min - 1hr+ depending on traffic; my current commute is 7min.
Unfamiliar new place, which means stress, which means I will be fucking overstimulated af for the next few months most likely. And the ever looking threat of a Crohn's flare up with it.
Paperwork, changing health insurance, etc.
I have to leave all my friends at the department and won't see them everyday anymore. :(
Unsure what the work environment is like. Could potentially be stepping into something I dislike more than my current job. (Which I don't think is possible but who knows.)
Despite pay cut, position has opportunity for pay raises with three month reviews during the first year, as well as opportunity for promotion, which my current job doesn't have.
I'm not dealing with people's actual lives/emergency situations, which means less stress on that front.
Normal 9-5 type job, so I get weekends back and a normal sleep schedule.
Drive thru Starbucks that I am familiar with about two minutes away and right off the highway exit. (A small thing, but their lattes really are the only thing that get me going.)
So yeah, still iffy, especially in terms of that pay cut, but I figured an interview wouldn't hurt and I could maybe try to get them to go up a dollar or two. Anyway, we'll see.
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Brazil - Just let go and enjoy
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro & Ilha Grande
So Brazil is my country of origin. So I ended up spending quite a bit of time here. I will then give you a few tips on a few things and a few cities so its not an overload. I am also yet to explore its grandeur in full.  São Paulo, I will save you for later my dear one.
I spent approximately a week in Rio, not followed by collectively so I will write below a quick guide.
Day 1 - if you are arriving by plane I advise you try and get into Santos Dumont which is super close to the city centre. From there you can get the VLT which is just outside the airport to Cinelandia and at Cinelandia you can cross the tracks and get into the underground so you can head southbound to Ipanema. Make sure when you buy the ticket (which will be a card) of the VLT you put enough cash for that day (around R$20 should do). If you arrive early and are staying in Ipanema or Copacabana (which I highly recommend as these are safer areas), go for a walk on the beach.
Botanical Gardens
Day 2 - When I arrived I headed straight to the Parque Lage and Botanical Park by Uber (they also have an app called Rio cabs which also works well and its like an Uber). But that depends when you arrive in the city. This trip could take you half a day or a full day depending how easy you want to take it. The Parque Lage and the Botanical Park are beautiful and you can have a coffee and picnic over there. On your way back you can also go for a wonder around the Lagoa (Portuguese for the Lake). I took the bus back but equally you can get an Uber back. Again make sure you miss the rush hour. As for food I recommend this adorable vegetarian / vegan place near the Botanical Gardens called Prana. 
Mureta da Urca
Day 3 - Wake up early and head to Pao de Acucar. It’s a bit difficult to get there by public transport as you will need to get the tube and the bus so perhaps look into getting a cab there. You can also chose to trek up Pao de Acucar. You can either book with a guide all of it or you can do half by yourself. Equally you can just get the cable car (at R$100 for an adult (you have discounts for students)) all the way up. Enjoy the view and then go for a wonder around Urca, or better yet hand around until sunset to enjoy it at the wall (which they call “mureta”). There is only one bar around there and I advise you buy a few large beers (at R$10 if I recall right) and keep the tickets to reclaim later so you don’t have to queue again. I also recommend you order a portion of pasteis (cheese and shrimp are my favourite although meat is good too).
City Centre
Day 4 - Head out early to Cinelandia and check out the library, the royal gabinet and walk around this city centre. There also should be some walking tours leaving from the square in front of the National Library around 9:30am/10am. You can either walk towards the Tomorrow Museum or you can leave this to another day. Whenever you decide to go to the Tomorrow Museum (in Portuguese: Museo do Amanha), make sure you either buy the tickets for the Museum before or you arrive around opening time (10am) so you are not stuck in the queue for too long. This museum is definitely work it and at R$20 per adult its super doable. Then go and wonder around the market to the left of the museum (in fact between the tomorrow museum and the art museum which are on the same square area) and enjoy the view of that huge wall with these worldly colourful faces. If you have time you can also head to Santa Teresa that same day and do the Ruins Park and the colourful steps (Escadaria Selaron). 
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Escadaria Selaron
Day 5 - Escadaria Salaron (Escadaria meaning staircase and Salaron the name of the guy who made it) is the various steps up near Lapa made of mosaic. You have a lot of people there but if you head up to a park called Santa Teresa first you have a nice view of the city and then work your way down. Take your time and enjoy the views. Also be careful as the Lapa neighbourhood near the staircase isn’t super safe. You can then go for lunch at one of the many bars in the Lapa (look up places on Avenida Mem de Sa).
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A Day at the Beach
Day 6 - You can look to do go and just chill at Barra da Tijuca beach or Ipanema or Copacabana. If you chose a weekend to go and chill at the beach you will see what Rio is truly like. Make sure you buy some mate (which is a typical Rio drink, sold anywhere really but the best one is at the beach from these guys with these metal like tanks). Make sure you also buy the ‘Globo’ snacks they carry around. Only then you can truly experience the Rio spirit. Also make sure you watch the sunset at one of these beaches as its stunning. Equally head down the Ipanema beach to the Pedra do Arpoador (the Arpoador Rock) to watch the sunset. 
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Cristo / Christ Redeemer
Day 7 - If the weather is good I would highly recommend waking up early and heading out to the Cristo. I got an a taxi with 99 but you could also plan to get an Uber. I would recommend booking a taxi back. Perhaps speak to the driver or pre-book the Uber as its quite busy and there are less taxis on the way back.
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Saturday Markets
Day 8 - If one of your days in Rio is the first Saturday of the month you can head to the Lavradio Street Market. It is a vintage market in the Lapa neighbourhood. There is also the Rio cathedral next door that is a very interesting architecture (built in a triangular manner). 
In terms of safely I would say you stay in Copacabana or Ipanema. The Lapa neighbourhood is dangerous although a fun night out. But know that I only went out there with locals I trusted. Rio is beautiful but please be careful because it’s not the safest place so be careful and don’t stray too far from the safe areas (Leblon, Ipanema and Copacabana) unaccompanied by locals you trust. 
Other things to do:
Climb Sugar Loaf 
Barra beach
Tijuca Park
Pedro da Gavea climb
You can take another 3-4 days or even more to head to Ilha Grande which is super close to Rio and super worth the visit.
Day 1 - All you need to do is get the 5am bus to Mangaratiba from the Rio bus station. You can buy the ticket online and get it on the day. I would recommend you arrive at the station around 4am. Once you get to Mangaratiba (a 1.5 hr drive from Rio getting you there around 6:30/7am), head to the port which is about 100m on the same side of the road that the bus will drop you off. There might already be a queue so just join. The boat costs R$17 one way. When you get to Ilha Grande you can buy the return on the day or do what we did which was to get a transfer back that included the boat and the bus back to Rio. The boat to Ilha Grande took around 1hr. When we got there around 9/10am we headed to our camping site. It was called Camping do Bicao. You can chose more expensive options but Camping do Bicao was super well equipped. When you booked with them (at R$30 per person per night for the camping space), you can ask to rent anything from the tent (R$120 per night I believe); mattresses (R$60 per night for a double); pillows and bedding (another R$30 per night I believe). They also have hostel rooms but they go quickly. Everything was clean and super well organised. 
On the same day we arrived we had all our stuff up and organised by 11am. If you rent the tent they help you do it up and take it down for you so you don’t even need to worry about that. We then headed to the Poço (translated to Well but really just a pool of water) which is to the north of the island (20 minutes from the town). We then treked for an 1 hr to the Feiticeira beach and waterfall. Super worth it and doable with half a day. As we came back into town around 3pm we bought some food (I also advise you buy some food in Rio and take it with you as Ilha Grande options are limited and things are expensive). We also booked a tour for the next day called Meia Volta where you do half of the island (that’s what “meia volta” means). Most agencies do the same spots and cost about the same so just ask around and see which one you prefer.
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Meia Volta tour
Day 2 - Meia Volta tour. Enjoy and take some food but the boat should have water. Also take a snorkel if you have one. 
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Lopes Mendez trek
Day 3 - Make sure you do not miss the trek to Lopes Mendez. Leave early in the morning - say 9/10am. Take at least 1lt of water per person and food. The trek took 2hours but its uphill then downhill. Plus its through the forest so although you don’t usually have the sun on you its pretty humid and super hot. Also make sure you buy your return ticket before you leave (the long boat at 45mins should come to R$15 and the fast boat at 30mins comes to R$25). If someone on the trek tries to sell it for more or doesn’t give you the less expensive options keep walking. Make sure you keep an eye out for anyone selling the tickets and ask how much. We bought our return tickets with a lady at the third to last beach before getting to Lopez Mendez. Normally they keep an eye out and ask people whether they have return tickets. If I were you I would buy the tickets in town for the 5pm slot so you can truly enjoy Lopes Mendez and the other beaches. We arrived at 1pm and realised that 4 hours was not long enough. On our last night we also headed into town to enjoy some music. Be warned that booze is expensive although we managed to find a tiny spot one street away from the Main Street selling stuff fairly cheap.
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Day 4 - On this day we headed back to Rio early. We got the transfer (at R$110) including ferry and bus to Rio at 10am. If you decide to stay longer there are other beaches you can explore. 
In Rio Stay either in Ipanema or Copacabana. I rented an air B&B. There are also hostels in Barra da Tijuana which isn’t bad but a bit away from the city centre. 
Places to eat: 
- Mate and Globo biscuits at the beach 
- Jockey Club by the Botanical Gardens
- Prana (address: R. Lopes Quintas, 37) by the Botanical Gardens
- Ella Pizzaria (address: Rua Pacheco Leao, 102) across from the Botanical Gardens
- Puro Restaurant (address: R. Visc. De Carandai, 43) again across from the Botanical Gardens
- Bar Pavao Azul (address: Rua Hilario de Gouveia, 71) in Copacabana. Amazing little bohemian split with amazing “pasteis” (fried pastries) and good vibes.
- Urca Grill (address: Rua Mal. Cantaría, 10). This place you got to go at the end of the day to watch the sunset sat at the wall - you will see what I mean because it will be hard to find a spot to sit. Get some beers and some “pasteis” and enjoy the view and the vibe. 
- Confeitaria Colombo (address: R. Goncalves Dias, 32). This is a century-old cafe with an incredible colonial architecture, amazing traditional snacks, sweets and coffee. It’s in the city centre so perhaps go after a morning stroll / tour / museum visit. 
Where to go:
- Christ Redeemer (half day)
- Mureta da Urca & Sugar Loaf (full day)
- City Centre (walking tour) (half day)
- Escadaria Selaron / Santa Teresa (full day)
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imacontra · 5 years
daily workout routine june 2019
50-100 squats - 50 when i wake up, 50 before bed
2 sets of 30sec plank - one at the beginning of routine, one at the end; eventually work up to 1min
50-100 mountain climbers - love these, easy minimal impact cardio; maybe 50 as a warm up, 50 to wrap up routine
5-8 stomach vacuums - slightly bent forward standing up position works best for me
20 hip dippers - i love exercises that i can actually feel working and this is def one of them
20 leg raises - each side, then together
20 crunches - i wanna see how good i can get at these bc rn i can barely lift myself off the ground
20 in-and-outs - recently found this exercise- absolutely LOVE, i actually feel it working my abs
along with this, i will do 30mins-1hr of high intensity interval training on the treadmill (walking for 30sec, running for 1min (vice versa towards the end of routine) for 15 minutes then taking a 3-5min rest, repeat until 30mins is reached or completely worn out) about 4-5 days a week or more if i can get to the treadmill on weekends
this routine may seem overly flexible but that is the only way i can convince myself to stick to it!
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What My Schedule Looks Like
I always build myself a weekly schedule before each semester starts. For me, scheduling everything helps me keep organized and on track. I’m able to prepare and pack for the next day knowing what is ahead of me. I just finished putting together this semesters schedule and I thought I would share it with you all.
Before we start looking at my schedule, I want to emphasize some things.
1. This schedule is NOT set in stone. I frequently deviate from my schedule as things come up. For example, my schedule does not take into account doctors appointments, shopping sprees, coffee and/or ice cream runs, or spontaneous date nights with my fiancé. If you make a schedule and try to follow it 100% of the time, you will fail. Be adaptable.
2. Scheduling like I do is not always the best thing, or even possible, for everyone. If scheduling the same way I do doesn’t work for you, that’s okay. Do whatever feels best for you and fits your life.
So, let’s take a look at my schedule for this semester:
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If the schedule above looks blurry or is hard to read, you can also view it here: https://imgur.com/dgaiiWy
Monday - Thursday:
These days all have roughly the same format for me. I wake up around 7:00am, get ready, and eat breakfast before heading to campus. That hour and a half is pretty loosely scheduled for me. Most days it only takes me about 15 min to get ready because I shower at night, don’t wear daily make up, and have a pixie cut that take 2 min to style. Somedays I grab a protein shake and run out the door and sometime I take the time to make myself a fresh omelet with veggies. My commute is really only 15-20min and as long as I make it to campus by 8:30a or so, then I’m happy.
I get to school several hours before my classes start for a couple of reasons. First, if I want decent parking, I have to be there before 9am. Second, I’m most productive in the mornings. I usually find a quiet spot in the library to study until classes start.
My class schedule varies day to day but once I finish classes I hit the gym before heading home. After dinner I take 30min to clean up the kitchen and do a quick whole house pick up. It’s not on the schedule but I usually take 10-15min after picking up to prep for the next day. Finally, right before bed, I take some wind down time. For me this really just means I put my laptop, iPad, phone, etc. away and get in bed. I usually read or knit until I feel tired enough to fall asleep which is almost alway before 11:00p.
The afternoons on these days have a lot of relax time scheduled. When needed, I use this as additional study time.
Friday and Saturday:
I typically sleep in 30min - 1hr on these days. I also take some extra “get ready” time in the mornings to just relax, drink tea, and enjoy the morning. After breakfast, I head to the gym for a workout.
On Friday, I come home from the gym and do the weekly cleaning things like vacuum and mop. On Saturday, I go straight from the gym to the grocery store.
After doing that days tasks, I usually study or do homework for a couple of hours. After that, my evening looks just like my weekday evenings unless the fiancé and I decide to have company over or go out.
Sundays look just like Friday and Saturday for me except I meal prep and clean instead of grocery shop. I also don’t do any studying on Sunday’s unless I absolutely need to.
And that’s my weekly schedule. Like I said before, I adapt a lot week to week. Some weeks I use my relax time as more study time. Sometime I use my study time as relax time. Some days I skip the gym and just go straight home after class. Some weekends I’m lazy and spend all day Saturday laying on the couch binge watching Gossip Girl and that’s okay with me. Most weeks, I follow the schedule 90% of the time but it took me a long time to learn myself and my habits well enough to put together a schedule that I would follow. The first dozen schedules I ever made for myself failed miserable either because I wasn't adaptable or I scheduled things in a way that didn’t work with my normal habits and work flow.
If you have any questions, or want to know more about my schedule or how I schedule, feel free to send me an ask!
Blog Posts Coming Up Include: 
My Workout Plan
How I Meal Prep
My Study Methods
What it is Like Living on an Island
Why I’ll be an Apple Person for Life
All About My Fur-Babies
My Knitting Projects
Where I am at With Planning My Wedding
My Tips & Tricks for Staying Productive & Motivated
What it’s Like Having a Pixie Cut
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ignisgayentia · 7 years
How was Alan? I hear he's super nice! But according to the photo schedule he's only gonna have half an hour for photos so it'll probably be super fucking rushed
i saw their photo op schedule... and it seems kind of unrealistic. sold out people are only getting like 30mins-1hr for photo ops? like... they’re gonna run way behind
ALAN IS THE SWEETEST!!!! he took the time to personalize and write a little k2so line on my autograph. took a photo op w him the next day last weekend, and he even remembered me and my gf (and she didn’t even get an autograph lol). he’s absolutely adorable!!! 
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foxfitness-blog · 7 years
april / week 2
April 9 - 15
Fit Journey:
Run / Nike Running App [5/7] – Achieved! Challenging my captain was great motivation to get my butt moving! 
monday - hike; mainly walked bc of ankle injury.
tuesday - 2mile / 20min
wednesday - 2mile / 17min
thursday - 4.5mile walk & jog with nova / 1hr 20min
friday - 4miles / run to track, at track (fastest mile 7min 30sec), suicide, run home
Morning Stretches [4/7] – Unsuccessful :( Wow megan... lol. I did zero morning stretches. I don’t prioritize it like i should. All yoga sessions are at the least, 30min and I haven’t been able to make that kind of time for stretching in the morning. I’ll try to do better!!
Gym / Workout {4/7] – Unsuccessful :( With the weather being better, I am focusing more on getting outside and doing cardio. I think I just need to push myself to get into the gym.
sunday - soccer 50min
wednesday - abs outside & quick shoulders
Step Goals [10.5k; 4/7] – Achieved!
sunday - 14k; won weekend challenge
monday - 15k!
tuesday - 15k
wednesday - 13k
thursday - 11k
Overeating - [do not binge eat] -
thursday morning - not a “binge” but did delve into some roasted seaweed chips for quite a bit...
friday - a mini binge on two packets of mini oreos ... 
saturday - them damn seaweed chips again! 
Anger & Stress
This whole week I’ve had some constant stress. I still haven’t spoken to my bf since Sunday. My head has just been going back and forth and I just honestly don’t know how to feel. Maybe tomorrow something will change? I don’t think I like being stuck in this limbo.
I’ve also been impatient when it comes to my job. I think this whole “break” thing with my bf is causing me to just be on edge about everything. I’m just never in a good mood.
Meal tracking
I have not tracked my food consistently because I found it hard to include accurate measurements. I recently used my tablespoon measuring spoons to actually measure out my pb and it turns out I’ve been only using about 1 tbsp per meal. so I’ve been overestimated my calories and fats.
Only need to pay $100 to the school and then my graduation papers are done. I’ve also already registered for fall semester.
Still need to stay on top of homework (actually need to catch up)
My workouts have been mainly cardio and I’m really getting back into it! I mentioned in my “cardio vs weight training” post that I find it simpler to run than to create a workout plan for the gym. I still am interested in weight training and have goals set for it however, I’m going to decrease the goal by one day for the upcoming week.
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daverosebud-blog · 7 years
Coast to coast rat race Scotland 2017
The day really started the night before
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So I started the morning sat in the garage having new tyres fitted at 8 in the morning
Where as I started the day really early with my Pt's finishing them at 7 god your lazy lol
Nice morning with parents before meeting at Daves to help pack the car
That took a while bags in boot then I had to work out how to put the bike rack on the back of the car
Where as I was trying to work out how to deflate and remove the front wheels on the bikes
Helps if you take the dust cap off first hehe
Could have told me that before you went out side 😖
That wouldn't have been as much fun 😛
Bikes on back and we are ready to go ...300 miles and about 5.5hrs
If only that had been right but that will come later. Love traveling ... on the M1 time for a nap
That's about right ...what was it you said just a small nap 😴 wake me when we get there
I meant at the first stop ... you didn't have a snooze did you 😮... good job I woke to remind you to get ⛽️ it helps to have it
Yeah yeah lol it works on fumes ...for a while so first stop a rest area just before scotch corner not exactly on the A1 but close and a costa bonus
Toilet and a coffee would have been a nice but omg the wait after 10'mins it was time to get back in the car 🚗 with no drink
That was rubbish service so fuel and chocolate bar and back on the road ....more naps?
No cheeky ...cocky was good and now back on the road A1 to Scotland...wait for it
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Whooop whooop .... that weather needs to cheer up
Don't think it's going to got this all weekend getting bored of the A1 ... Edinburgh on the signs we nearly there but time for some food
Found a nice little place Purdy lodge lovely nice sandwich and pasta shame it took 30mins for them to heat up your soup hope your not hungry
Starving lol oh well it was nice when it got here
Back on the road with still more rain getting excited now ....but it's not getting any closer
What you mean it's not getting closer
The time is getting longer we now have 25 miles to go and it's going to take us 1hr 20 to get there ....traffic is awful all the way around Edinburgh towards Queensferry
That traffic was mad didn't help my sat nav thought we could still get on the old bridge
But the new one is amazing
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Whoop whoop there's the hotel we here and only took 7 hrs
Yep I see it but how we get to it and ooops there goes my batt on my phone and the sat nav. Made it thanks to the hotel and directions...let's get checked in
Yes omg love the place and free cookies and warm
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Beaut and omg they amazing...... straight for tea then early night .....did I mention I'm excited 😊
Only once or twice every 5mins lol this is a lovely hotel really nice and the food is great
Yes it's amazing but why oh why the oysters dave!!!
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Can't beat fresh oysters and the fish was wow
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It was and now time for that early night and a nice bath before ....oh and I'm still excited
Yep I know lol .... just one problem there's no plug in the bath 🛀...no ducks for you
lol it's fine the nice man came and put the plug in for me and bath and now bed ....just getting a little ....
Excited 😝 I kinda know me too time for bed and a 100 mile journey to glencoe tomorrow might have been closer but someone booked the hotel on the wrong side of Scotland 😱😱
Ok ok funny time for bed night night
Night more tomorrow
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mabsj · 4 years
Hi there Tumblr. Late update on my Tumblr. Been busy quite lately. And lots and lots of paperwork that needs to be done after a long weekend holiday of Chinese New Year. Yes, I do still have to work. But I do at home. Using my personal laptop doing excel, connecting it with Microsoft word and email up. a lot of things I would like to share out. But first on my updates regarding of my Vlogger.
 Well YouTube have already approved of the video that I’m going to publish on my YouTube Channel. But beforehand I need to make a Channel to start up with. It’s my first time using my handphone doing a channel. As a start up by the way. But Insha’Allah, I hope in the future, it will be easy for me. Like I have said, it won’t be too soon. It might take more longer time than expected. Will update on that soon.
And another topic is, my work. My contract with the company that I work for is expiring. I don’t plan to recontract. But my work supervisor asks me whether if I could continue my journey as a permanent staff. Yes, there’s standard benefits. But after think thoroughly, I decided to continue but as a contract basis. Yes. The benefits might not be that much. But the salary is slightly higher that permanent staff. So, waiting for their confirmation. The reason why he wants me to continue becoming an Audit Officer. Yes. Not only me but there’s a few like a total of 4 staff of Audit Officer. It’s not an easy job. But I’m a person who like to make things from hard to becoming easy. But only for me. Nobody knows except the staff warehouse that I do the audit. Usually my audit will be based either in Selangor or Perak. I don’t really mind which area I will be posted. If Selangor is near with Kuala Lumpur. So, I can just either stay within 1hr around that area. But I rather choose further. Got a time I was based in Selangor but I stay at Cameron Highland. Hahaha. But the trick is, you have to plan it out how you going to make your job done. Once you are done with your work, then you can just head back to your hotel and snooze off. Usually it will end like around midnight. But my other staff they would stop at 8pm and head back to their hotel and continue tomorrow. But for me, I finish it off straight. I could remember I finish my job at around 1.30am and I was based at Selangor and my hotel is at Cameron Highland. My hotel named Copthorne Hotel. It’s very high that from Tanah Rata it took 45mins to reach to that hotel. And total journey is 1hr 30mins. But my mindset is, my job is done and what do I care for tomorrow then? Time to get my peaceful sleep. But this time round I will be based on Perak. It will be 4D3N. So I plan to stay at Penang. Penang to Perak will takes about 1-2hrs depending on the traffic. I got 2 hotels in my mind. One is Copthorne Hotel near Georgetown, and another one is at Lexis Suite Penang. Both is seaview. But Lexis attracts my view. It has a private pool inside the room. Sauna and everything. So gonna try it out. And lastly what’s my transport? My own personal car. And I don’t worry at all because my petrol, my toll is claimable from them. And the best thing is, if my full tank is RM100, they will convert it to Singapore Dollar in the exact same amount that is $100. Same goes to my Malaysia Toll. I got my trip commission that is $100. I don’t even need to worry about my hotel expenses because it’s been cover up by the petrol cost. And how do I count it. simple. If my hotel for my who 4D3N cost about $430 including breakfast, my starting petrol from reserved tank till full will be around RM120. So if convert it to SGD is $120. Journey to Penang takes about 600km-700km. my full can cover up to 350km. so I need to pump twice. That gonna be RM240 = SG$240. And I need to refill my petrol again once I reach to my hotel and that’s going to be RM360 = SG$360. My TnG toll card estimated around RM50 = S$50. That’s total of S$410. And that is only for one-way trip. But how about including return trip? Make it double and that’s going to be $820 and including my commission is $920. Let’s deduct my hotel cost that is roughly about $450. So, balance is $370. And that’s how only contract staff earns it. why I do that is because I use my own vehicle. Unlike other’s take airplanes or drive company car. But I don’t want to because there is bond if I were to use company car. Better my own car rather than bond for 5years. Hahaha.
 Next topic is eating.
I love to eat same goes to everybody in this world. Who doesn’t like to eat right? Well eating happily is much more fun and it’s called peacefully. But I wish to have it. I’m staying at my family-in-law house while waiting for my Owned house to build. They love to eat outside by western type. I’m not into western. I’m more into Malay culture food which is white rice and asam pedas or malay kampung delicacies. But ignore that. I choose to eat either last or first. But mostly will be last. Why? I tell you guys why. You see. Whether you are in what races or religion, the aspect of the way you eat is important. Do you ever realise some people who eat don’t matter what type of food they eat, but just see how they eat. You will see some eats and munch with their mouth open, you will see their mouth close and munch. And many more. People would say it’s normal. To me, if only that 2 criteria, I would be more pleasant to eat together. But I just wondering how do some people eat just similar munching with their mouth open but this one including the sucking sound. If you eat just only munching with your mouth open, it would make a very slight sound but not as aggressive as you sucking the food up. And yes. I pissed off with that. I will get irritated by that. My wife eats like that and I ask her, are you eating or are you sucking? Its so loud that I feel like just want to slap his face till I satisfied. That’s why I prefer to eat later than them. Hahahaha.
 Alright guys. Time for me to snooze myself. See you guys on the next chapter. Goodnight
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sn0tcl0wn · 6 years
me: *makes plans 2 see my bf this weekend a week ago instead of going to a con because his parents can drive me to ajd from and spare my family from having our car break down*
my bf: shit sorry my parents can only drive you one way
me: *internally screaming because i gave my ticket to my little sister and dont have the energy for a con anyway and because his parents literally only drive part of one way if they even decide they can drop me off at the meeting spot and are currently accusin me of "using them for rides" when my mom is actually the one who does 98% of the driving and also because he's been spending the past few weeks going out w his boys every single night and has a total of 30min-1hr to actually talk to me and doesn't even talk most of the time even tho he hasnt seen me in three weeks and even when he does see me he drags me out w his friends when i wanna spejd time w him i want to die*
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harty54 · 6 years
Saturday 23rd June York cont
Well this is a first for me regarding train delays! We got as far as Lancaster and we are delayed due to a bloke on the rail track ahead pulling wires and generally illegally trashing rail property! Apparently the transport police are after him. I do hope they check the workings etc as well before they let the trains through. Would rather be late than derailed or blown up! Looks like I will now miss all my connections and have to re plan the rest with no booked seats. However I still have a first class ticket so that may help. I also have no time frame to get to York as my first thing to do is a 1hr boat rip on the Ouse at 7pm. Feel sorry for those on this train who are on their way to Manchester Airport which is our trains final destination. I get off the stop before at Manchester Piccadilly and being a big station it will take time to get to the correct platform anyway. Fortunately I had saved the timetables for each trip and included a good number of services so I can sit here and decide which is my next possible option train wise. We have bee stopped for about 15mins and there is a bloke in hi vis pulling bits of torn off cable off the line! Travelling on British trains has been eventful I must say! My hint to anyone intending to travel by train in UK especially at present would definitely be build lots of time into your plans! Can’t imagine the stress those going to the airport must be feeling! Now 30mins stopped. They are now checking to see what has been affected by the cable damage. I suspect this is going to create chaos on this section as trains start to build up behind us and potentially going the other way.
We are off after a 30min delay.
We are now at Preston and took on endless passengers who are northern rail passengers affected by the strike so there are people standing up everywhere!
First class is also now just anyone who fits in! Still am off next stop in about 40mins. This will undoubtedly be a bun fight so have decided will go for a train leaving an hour after we should arrive so have time and will even see if I can book a seat but doubt it.
Much later
Got to Manchester Piccadilly ok and glad I went for the later train. Gave me time to have a comfort stop, find correct platform and nibble some snack I had with me. The B&B had provided me with a brown bag breakfast but it was not as much as I have been forcing myself to eat at breakfast to get me through unreliable food stops! Went fast and the train not so crowded as the earlier one for York that required a change at Huddersfield. Despite the issues turns out I saved a change! With the 30min delay I was 1 1/2 hrs later than planned but no biggie as I mentioned earlier. I got to the hotel and have since spent an hour doing a walk around recci. However I am feeling quite faint from lack of food so have decided to have lunch/dinner at 4.30pm as have hr long boat cruise at 7pm and by then I will need a rest!
The whole of the city is packed. This hotel in full and it has 200 rooms! The streets from the minute I got here are heaving and this is from lunchtime. There are thousands of youngish people all in their best obviously come to party. The
Pubs and restaurants are also alive with people. All of this is probably added to because the weather is fine and warm if a bit overcast and humid. The taxi driver told me it is always like this on weekends especially Saturday night (it is Saturday night!) apparently it is hens and bucks nights and any other celebration the preferred venue is the city!
My hotel is right by the river and easy walking distance to York Minster so good position. Despite being about 10mins from the station I caught a taxi and glad I did given the throngs.
My room is a budget single and it is tiny and on the 8th and top floor! Why do the singles seem to end up at the top? Although I do notice that some of the premium suites are also on this floor. The receptionist offered a bigger one but as hotel is full no options until tomorrow. It was nice of her to offer but I don’t mind the room. It is well set out and has all I need and there is a lift! Anyway I am out all day every day so only use it for showering and sleeping really. I can lay on my bed and look out the window (which opens)across part of the city. No interesting buildings but still trees and buildings rather than dirty roof tops which have been my view in some hotels.
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Italy,the 5th most visited country in the world is where I went missing this summers with my partner #oldmonk and I come back with a bag full of happy memories.To add anything to already existing travel articles and data about Italy on the Internet can be difficult as there is no dearth to it, so I will just write about what we enjoyed the most and what you can add in your bucket list if it matched your wavelength:)
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Ah!This Turquoise 🙂
Now the order that I list are almost equal in terms of my experience, the thing is that when you are there in flesh and blood experiencing it, it’s all together a different high so the list is in the sequence we visited.
1.Cinque Terre:Hiking,Wandering,Sunset and Night Photography
“Cinque Terre”,the cluster of five villages on the rugged Ligurian coast are very picturesque and you can hike all of them.As my Old Monk is not a big hiker and he reluctantly agreed to do only one, we chose the blue hiking trail from Monterosso to Vernazza and boy, it is just spectacular!!
The hike gives you an opportunity to take in gorgeous views of the sea and as you keep hiking and look back at the village you have left behind, it just keeps getting cuter and tinier.
The highlight for me was when I got the first glimpse of Vernazza from a distance and second was when I saw Monterosso again from Vernazza’s harbour:) So I suggest a hike is a must if you can.
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Views while Hiking.This is Monterosso!!
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View of Vernazza while Hiking
Also,be a early riser as the sun can get strong and this comes from someone who stays in Delhi where we experience excruciating heat:). Also the crowds can get to you.Again from someone who lives in the second most populated country in the world:) So starting early can be a really good idea.
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Hiking Trail!
Secondly,when we reached Riomaggiore (our 5th village) by train of course, we climbed up the stairs on left of the harbour and it had gorgeous views of the village, sea and sunset, this was an absolute highlight.See the sunset time online and make sure you don’t miss it.
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Finally we planned and got back to Vernazza again after the sunset to take night shots of the village.The best part,at night the village was almost empty ,with all tourists gone and it thus became the best time to spend eating focaccia and admiring the village harbour while experiencing the softest sea breeze.
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2.Detour- Porto Venere
So when we were doing “Cinque Terre” our Airbnb host suggested we must take a detour and visit Porto Venere, and we are glad we listened because we just loved it.My highlight was the view from the Window and then Balcony of San Pietro Church.I also liked walking the steps of Byron’s Grotto,Sipping a coffee in a corner tucked away cafe, walking the oldest lanes of Porto Venere ,chatting with a Nun who lives there from Kerala and buying the best Pesto I ever had.Ah!
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Views from the Cathedral
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Byron’s Grotta
Try Pesto here, the best!
3.Staying in a Vineyard in Chianti-Tuscany
We chose Chianti Classico region for the first part of our stay in Tuscany.Our stay was in the midst of endless vineyards of Casa Sola, in absolute wilderness.
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My Chianti Abode (only a section of it of course!)
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View from my Tuscan Window
From here we drove around the Chianti Classico region…The landscape was serene with endless vineyards, olive trees and the beautiful red poppy flowers.
We did the Castellina in Chianti (beautiful village where we had a hearty breakfast), Radda in Chianti (I bought traditional coffee makers from this village), Gaiole in Chianti (famous for L’Eroica cycling event each year) and Greve in Chianti.
We also did day trips to two beautiful town/city San Gimignano and Siena.
4.Staying in an Ancient Castle in a tiny Tuscan Village, Castle Muzio.
With a population of just 35 residents, Castle Muzio was the perfect, fairy tale village we chose for staying during our later part of Tuscany. Here we divided our time checking out the Tuscan villages and landscape .The castle stay was cozy and here my window overlooked the village’s chapel and it’s bell tower that rang every hour:)
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Castel Muzio
View from my Room in Castel Muzio
So our highlights here were Val’Orcia,San Quirico and Crete Senesi regions…endless rolling hills and Poppies made us so happy.Our cameras kept clicking but to just be and soak in everything that Mother Nature has to offer was just soul satisfying.
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My most cherished spot if I have to pick will be “Capella Della Madonna Di Vitaleta”,the chapel with cypress trees.So simple yet so profound.
In terms of Villages I definitely recommend “Montepulciano” and also “Pienza” actually.
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  Street in Pienza
5.Salerno a Lovely Surprise
After doing the famous Amalfi Coast we relaxed in Salerno.We had done absolute zero research on Salerno and hence it became a sweet surprise.Firstly we stayed in a Port facing room in the apartment of an Old Couple who were the sweetest.The view of Yatchs, Ships and the Sea was so cool and the sound of Seagulls made it all so unforgettable..
View from My Window!
The old town of Salerno has also so much to offer.Because it is less touristy we saw Italians in their weekend bests enjoying the promenade and in the shopping streets of the old town .I got two pairs of Italian Shoes here, probably that’s why it is also a highlight:)
The Cathedral was hosting a music performance by different schools and it was open for all to visit, which we did.Supernice!
Also we had a very authentic Atypical but Gourmet dining experience in Cicirinella,Salerno.A definite recommendation, but book your table in advance here.
6.Lecce-For Art,Music and Culture
For a few nights we made the historic centre of Lecce our Basecamp to explore the Southern Puglia region. The Old town of Lecce is beautiful and we liked it because of it’s eclectic mix of Working Artists, University Students, Monks,Nuns and Musicians.
We were happy to catch up with the Lecce music scene too with the band “Almoraima”.
It just had a good feel to it and people peacefully were having a great time.
7.Puglia Coastal Routes 
This Mediterranean coastline is endless with it’s Azure water.We drove down from Lecce to Leuca and had the best time.We hopped from town to town dipping in the Azure waters, swimming,relaxing on the rocks and savouring seafood.
The halts on the route we took and recommend is Porto Badisco- Castro Marina – Tricase Marina – Marina Di Novaglie – Il Ciolo (the bridge that’s famous for jumps, though I just swam underneath!) and Pescoluse (Maldive del salento).Just Fab!
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Castro Marina
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Porto Badisco
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8.Staying in a Trulli
Ah!The truly magnificent experience ever.We stayed in a 200 yrs old Trulli in the fairy tale “Itria Valley” of Italy right outside Alberobello. This Trulli was our home for four days.I felt like a wealthy farmer of medieval times.I had an underground room to myself which the owners have converted in to a Museo, an underground cellar which was so cold  I could imagine it acting like a big natural refrigerator of those times and a room in the air practically, basically a wooden loft with a wooden ladder.I love restoring things so this was such a delight.
The host left us unlimited table wines to savour and other goodies.Here we went to the local market, cooked food and basically relaxed as if we were locals.
9.Walking the lanes of Old Towns of Puglia
You pick any town in Puglia region you will like it for it’s stone washed buildings, the sea view,harbor and marinas.We visited so many towns and it ‘s hard to choose the best but I am going to # some so you can google and pick yours.Just wander and get lost in these towns, you will love it.
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Polignano a Mare
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  Street in Martina Franca
#Otranto #Polignanoamare #Ostuni #Alberobello #Locorotondo #gallipoli #Martinafranca
10.Binging Out in Italy
Now Italian Cuisine is every kids favourite and we were absolute childlike in eating our Pizzas and Gelatos for sure.We ate absolute amazing pizzas but our favourite Pizza was at La Pia in La Spezia and it was right next to our bnb.
You will see locals and tourists queuing up.We saw locals ordering a slice of Pizza with Farinata (a local chickpea pancake) and we did the same.But the Slice was so good that we then ordered a full size Pizza (that just melts in your mouth) and we also went there the next day and the day after:)
I am also going to pick L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele for our Pizza journey in Naples for the sheer theatre of it.First you get a slip with your queue number, ours was 84 so imagine we had 83 tables before us, practically a wait of 1hr:30mins, but the best part is you have people from around the world waiting outside for that one bite of the legendary “Margherita Pizza” or “Marinara Pizza “(my pick is the Margherita )and it is more like a celebration.Due to the crazy waiting line, we saw people having beers,gelatos and even pizza from another shop before they entered to have the legendary one.haha!!
Btw,you won’t believe where I had the third best Pizza.It’s the authentic Neapolitan Pizza I made myself..haha..! We did a cooking class with Tonino Academy in Naples and the Pizza we made was so soft and yum and I just couldn’t believe that I could make such a yum tum Pizza:)
My coffee cravings was satisfied in many cafes where I would have a shot of cafe macchiato and I like to have it with fresh orange juice which may sound weird but it’s my fav pair.
In the land of Gelato it’s difficult to pick one right ? but I think we know our favourite and it’s at Perche No! in Florence.In midst of the historic centre this melt in your mouth Gelato was the sweetest experience ever.We highly recommend it because  you cannot go to Florence and not have Perche No! gelato.You just have to.
On that sweet note, Go Missing!
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#italy #puglia #tuscany #gelato #pizza #rollinghiils #cinqueterre #trulli #salerno #lecce #castlemuzio #italytravel #traveleurope #europe #siena #florence #travelaroundtheworld  #italianholiday #italyroadtrip #italymustdo #italythingstodo #travelitaly #holidayinitaly #italybucketlist #europebucketlist #thingsdotoinitaly #pugliaregion #chianti #tuscanyroadtrip #trulli #trullo #tuscanvillages #cinqueterrehiking #cretesenesi #valdorcia #sanquirico
Ps:-All pictures are clicked by us!!Except the Riomaggiore Sunset(taken from Google) as our Camera acted up a little that time.
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  Ciao!! x
            My Top 10 Italian Holiday Experiences Italy,the 5th most visited country in the world is where I went missing this summers with my partner #oldmonk and I come back with a bag full of happy memories.To add anything to already existing travel articles and data about Italy on the Internet can be difficult as there is no dearth to it, so I will just write about what we enjoyed the most and what you can add in your bucket list if it matched your wavelength:)
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