imacontra · 5 years
reblog this post and tag it with how you like your steak, how you like your eggs, and how you like your coffee
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
My ED when I eat like a normal person:
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
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I got a request to make a masterpost on motivation, but I decided to focus on the bigger issue that makes us constantly need motivation: burnout. Doing work when you’re motivated is great - you’re focused on determined. Waiting for the motivation to hit you is a different story all together. What if instead of waiting for motivation to hit you, you learn to find it within yourself? 
Avoiding Burnout
you know that feeling you get when you have the flu and you just can’t get your ass out of bed no matter how hard you try? that’s how your brain feels when you’re burned out. You’ve got so much to do but you just can’t get yourself to do it and you just don’t care about school/work/grades anymore. Burnout is linked to depression, so if you are feeling any other symptoms of depression, please talk to a counselor or therapist. 
some tips I’ve picked up along the way: 
stay on top of your shit. If you know what to do and what you have coming up, you can afford to take time off for yourself if you need it. A little turbulence is better than crashing and burning. (I made a post on time management a few days back if you want to check it out)
your needs come before anything else. If you’ve been working hard for the past few days, take a few days off and relax. Even if you haven’t been working hard for the past few days, take a day off if you need it. 
break up daunting tasks into multiple not-so-bad small ones. Have a giant research paper due at the end of the semester? plan out your work so you don’t end up spending 15 hours working on it in one day. 
find a hobby and make time for it at least once a week. One of the biggest stress relievers for me is painting. It keeps my brain occupied so I’m not overwhelmed by my thoughts, but it also frees up some space for me to think about what’s going on my life. It’s like the brainstorming you get done in the shower. 
brain dump before you start working. Getting everything that’s in my mind out of it makes it so much easier for me to focus on the work I have to do. Instead of worrying about 10 different things, I tell myself that I can deal with them later because this way I make sure I don’t forget about it. 
create a support system. Have that one person you can rant to if you’re overwhelmed (If you need one, I am here). You will feel 10x better after you bitch about all the things that are on your mind (no matter how stupid they are). 
Find motivation that doesn’t really on that “spark” you get every once in a while. Riding that wave will only take you so far. Finding intrinsic motivation will help you learn better and consequently, do better.
Check out this gr8 pdf to learn more burnout and strategies to avoid it
Finding Intrinsic Motivation
There’s a great TED talk called the Puzzle of Motivation by Dan Pink that completely change my perception of motivation. He talks about extrinsic motivation (reward systems) and how they actual prevent us from thinking critically. Instead of focusing on our overall goal (getting a good grade in the class) we focus on getting the reward (finishing the assignment so we can get whatever we promised ourselves). Studies actually showed that intrinsic motivation increased the amount of critical thinking involved. Interesting stuff. There’s a whole field of psychology dedicated to this, but I’m going to try my best to condense the research into a few bullet points. 
Remember why you are here. Your education is a choice, not a requirement. If you’re reading this, you obviously what to do well. Why do you want to do well in school? To get into college? To get a good job? Money? Whatever the purpose is, you are here for a reason. Don’t forget it. 
Negative reinforcement is your friend. If your goals can’t keep you motivated, think about what will happen if you don’t get your work done.
The biggest key to getting your work done even if you’re not motivated is discipline. Here’s a great post about developing discipline (sorry for linking it on my blog, it seems the original post has been deleted) 
Other helpful links
motivation masterpost by @areistotle 
avoiding burnout by @acdemic
study music to give you motivation 
dopamine-rich foods (to help keep you attentive) 
managing studying with mental illness by @kawaii-geekgirl-studyblr 
how to study with a mental illness by @haleystudies
how to get motivated when you’re feeling depressed
my tag for motivation
my tag for some gr8 study playlists 
my tag for some words of inspiration 
if all else fails, please go talk to your teachers/professors/counselors. they are here to help you and they want you to do well. 
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imacontra · 5 years
Maybe I should starve forever...just kidding...haha...unless...?
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imacontra · 5 years
*drinks some water* oooh yeah baby…..health goth … *washes hands* ooooooohhh yeah it’s cleancore …
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imacontra · 5 years
Not to be dramatic but John Mulaney saying “every time I walk down the street, I need everyone, all the time, to like me so much–its exhausting” is quite literally my biography and I’m shocked he knows so much about me
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imacontra · 5 years
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plaid mini skirt 27,480원
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imacontra · 5 years
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tie-neck chiffon blouse 26,280원
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
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imacontra · 5 years
new goal is to eat 1 thing with every meal like my biggest problem is that i have like 3 different foods w every meal n that’s why i cant stop eating . like tmrw i plan to have just oatmeal for breakfast instead of oatmeal w a piece of toast n then tomato soup for lunch instead of tomato soup w/ a pbj sandwich . i might be more lenient w dinner bc my mom likes to do the whole main protein w a side n a veg thing n i dont wanna make her concerned so yea but i feel like this is my main point of error that i’m really gonna focus on fixing bc i just dont know what im doing anymore like im at such a loss w every aspect of my life n i need to control this one thing at least . i need to clear my head n at least start looking nice on the outside so i can start feeling nice on the inside
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imacontra · 5 years
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Waist check
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imacontra · 5 years
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short-sleeve plaid mini a-line dress
click source if ur interested!
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