#i reallyy like his voice. also
unknownarmageddon · 19 days
its called!!! youre so creepy!! (2013 remastered) by ghost town!!
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evansbby · 1 year
steve u should tell omega that sometimes other omegas call there alphas daddy in public if they REALLYY love them
Yes. I’ll do that. In fact, I’ll do that RIGHT NOW.
(No he actually will, click read more hahaha)
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“Baby, do you really love me?” Steve asks, coming up behind you and snaking his arms around you. He lets his palm rest on your belly, loving how round it’s getting. It turns him on beyond belief, the fact that he knocked you up and you’ve finally begun to show.
“Of course I love you, Steve.” You smile brightly at him, putting a bookmark in your novel before setting it aside.
“Mmhm, I’m not sure you do.” He says, kissing down your neck.
Your jaw drops in dismay, “You don’t believe me?”
He shrugs, grabbing your hand and leading you to the edge of the bed. He sits down and pulls you into his lap, his palm remaining splayed out on your belly because it’s quickly become his new favourite part of your body.
“The thing is, all good baby omega wives call their husbands daddy from time to time, just to show how much they love them.” Steve explains, his voice dripping with condescension as he traces his initials on your stomach.
Your eyes widen, and you suddenly feel shy, “O-Oh… But Steve, I do call you…that. You know… during…uh…when we’re…”
Your voice trails off helplessly and Steve can’t help but be smug. You’re so cute, the way you’re still so shy around him despite the fact that you’re his wife now. He also loves how demure and innocent you still are, in fact, it drives him fucking insane and he has to restrain himself from grinding his clothed dick up against you right now.
“You mean during sex, baby? While I’m fucking your little baby pussy with my big daddy dick?”
You gasp at his crassness, gulping and nodding before bowing your head. Steve’s chest rumbles with amusement. God, he’s so fucking hard, though. You, his little baby omega wife, on his lap. So cute and shy and pregnant. Fuck, even your tits were getting bigger now… Everything about you being pregnant was so maddeningly sexy…
“Well yes, but that’s a given. If you ever slipped and forgot to call me daddy during sex, you’d get punished.” Steve says matter-of-factly, although he can’t really imagine punishing you now while you were knocked up. “But tell me, baby, you want to be a good little wife for me, don’t you?”
You nod, “Of course I do.”
“That means you need to call me daddy outside of sex too.” He explains slowly, as if you’re a baby. He knows you’re not dumb at all, but he also knows it turns you on when he babies you like this. In fact, now that you’re pregnant, basically anything Steve does turns you on. Like right now, he can see you subtly grinding your thighs together, and he knows that all he has to do is press a finger down on your clit and you’d easily cum for him. The thought makes him almost salivate.
“So, baby omega, from now on, you need to call me daddy in public sometimes. In front of other people. It’ll prove that you love me.”
He watches you mull over his words, and you’re so innocent and he knows your thoughts are clouded by lust and his scent right now.
“B-But that would be embarrassing.” You say, gasping lightly when his hand slips up your dress, cupping your panty-covered core (which is soaking wet, just as he’d thought it would be).
“I call you baby in front of other people, how is this any different?”
“It’s pr-private, Steve! Ah!”
All Steve has to do is circle your clit with his thumb just once, and you cum. Hard. In fact, you squirt all over his fingers as you grab his bicep and bite your lip, humping against his hand as you ride out your orgasm. Fuck, Steve loves how sensitive your pregnancy has made you. He makes you cum about fifteen times a day on average.
“S-Sorry,” you look up at him bashfully, and Steve almost scoffs because in what universe would he ever be offended by you cumming on him?
“Sorry, what?”
“Oh, uh… sorry, daddy.” You bow your head submissively, and he knows he has you in that headspace now.
“That’s right, baby. Was that so hard?” He kisses your temple, holding you close. Fuck, he loves you so much. You’re so cute and perfect m, trembling in his arms, all pregnant and showing with his baby inside you. Not to mention all submissive and weepy for him.
You sniffle, “B-But it’s different in public. Wh-What if people laugh? Or judge me?”
Steve strokes your hair back, “Then I’d murder them. But that’s besides the point, baby. Now tell me, what will you be in a few months when our baby is born?”
He watches you look down at your belly which his hand is still stroking.
“I’ll be a mommy.” There’s a hint of pride in your voice and Steve can’t help but smile.
“That’s right. And what does that make me?”
“A daddy.”
“Good girl. That’s correct.” He pats your cheek and watches as you glow from his praise. “Which means you need to start addressing me as daddy while we’re out in public. I think you should start tonight, when we go to that charity gala.”
You bite your lip again, “B-But Steve, I don’t think I can—”
“You will.” Steve says firmly. He’d make sure you did. He’d ease you into it, he’d refer to himself as daddy when talking to you throughout the day. He’d desensitise you to it, then scent you so you’d be all submissive at the gala. You’d be bound to slip and call him daddy, because of course he knows you’d be too shy to ever do it off your own accord.
But then Steve grows distracted, pulling his hand out from under your dress and immediately his nostrils twitch at your scent. He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking your sweet juices off his digits but it’s not enough. And fuck, you’re just so small and cute in his lap, all pregnant and sexy with your tits almost spilling out of the dress he’d chosen for you to wear. Not to mention the needy look on your face… Oh fuck…
“Baby,” Steve breathes.
He lays down on his back, keeping a firm grip on your hips as he drags you up over his body, till you’re hovering over his face.
“Sit on my face, baby omega. Daddy wants to taste you properly.”
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peachybeom · 2 years
Drunk On You
non idol!yeonjunxreader
swf, slight suggestive.
note: how could i witness drunk yeonjun confessing his love for moas and not write a fic!?
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Hitting send on the screen of your laptop. You finally let out a huge sigh and leaned back stretching your hands.
Work had been hectic these days due to a major lay off in your company, and all the burden was now put on you.
Icing on the cake was that your incompatible boss did nothing to ease your stress, he simply 'requested' you to work overtime for an entire week while he himself ran off on a trip to Hawaii.
You rubbed your face in irritation and ruffled your hair, letting out a silent scream.
A ringtone interrupted your mild breakdown and you reached for your phone to look at the caller ID.
Your lips automatically twisted up in a small smile as you dragged your finger to take the call.
"I just called because I really re-reallyy like you and I don't think you how much I love youu-uu ," Your boyfriend's voice boomed through the phone.
His words were slurred and his tone was loud, making you slightly flinch while putting the phone away from your ear.
"Yeonjun are you drunk?," You asked incredulously, trying to hide the amusement in your voice.
"No! What makes you th-think that? I'm just a bit ttipsy," Yeonjun replied through the phone defensively.
This time you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
Yeonjun had called you earlier today and informed you that he had gotten a promotion at his job-one for which he had been working for almost two years now. You were so happy for him that you had squealed loudly, earning questionable looks from your coworkers.
But this happiness was short lived as you had to tell your boyfriend that you won't be able to celebrate with him because you had to work overtime.
In fact it was you who suggested that Yeonjun should go out with his friends tonight and celebrate with them instead. He was first hesitant about this plan but eventually agreed.
And now he was drunk. Choi Yeonjun was drunk.
Yeonjun was rarely someone who lets alcohol take over his senses. He was the type of person who was calm and collected. Someone who was always incharge and in control.
So a slurring and stumbling Yeonjun was a sight you rarely got to witness.
You were about to inquire further when you heard shuffling through the phone accompanied by your boyfriend's dismayed whines.
"Hey Y/N, I'm so sorry Yeonjun got carried away and had a little too much to drink. Don't worry I'll get him home safe." A very concerned and almost scared Soobin apologized to you.
Much to Soobin's relief you just laughed.
"We both know him Bin, he must be really happy, to get this drunk. I would come over but unfortunately I still have some work left, so thanks for taking him home," You waved off the concerned friend and thanked him.
Upon reaching the apartment, you entered the passcode and opened the door gently, careful not to disturb your boyfriend, who you thought would probably be passed out in the bedroom by now.
But once you entered inside you were startled by Yeonjun sitting on the couch, eyes closed and body leaning backwards as he moved his head lightly swaying to the soft music playing the the background.
His undone cuffs, loosened tie, unbuttoned shirt, messy hair sticking out in every possible direction indicated that Yeonjun still was very much under the influence of whatever drinks he had.
The tip of his ears also turned a light shade of pink, which you found adorable.
Yeonjun looked like a mess, a hot one nonetheless.
He didn't notice your presence until you kicked off your heels, jumped on the spot next to him on the couch and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hello," You greeted him while nudging his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked down at you.
You expected a reply or a goofy grin, even a smile but instead he just stared before flicking his gaze away.
You sighed inwardly.
While you throughly enjoyed intoxicated Yeonjun, your least favourite part was that whenever he got drunk he became extra petty and demanding, to the point where you had to give in to whatever he wanted.
You knew what this was about but still decided to ask him.
"What's wrong baby?"
"You didn't show up today," Yeonjun mumbled while pouting.
Your heart broke at his words but you reminded yourself not to take it personally.
You knew that out of the two of you it was always Yeonjun who encouraged you to prioritise work over him, even when you didn't want to.
He was so persistent and always insisted on waiting on you whenever you had to take overtime shifts.
Still you felt like shit because you weren't able to be there for him to celebrate such an important milestone in his life.
"I'm sorry Junnie, what can I do to make up to you?" You asked while reaching out for his hand.
Yeonjun titled his head to the side and tapped his chin like a toddler.
"Dance with me," He said finally flashing out a toothy grin.
So he wasn't being serious before. Thank God.
"What" You replied, chuckling.
"Yes now get up," Yeonjun said as he turned up the music and pulled you on your feet.
The next ten or so minutes were spent with the two of you dancing like dorks, well mostly Yeonjun, with his 'cool' moves.
While you were gonna tease Yeonjun relentlessly once he got sober, you were also going to reminisce this adorable and embarrassing side of him.
Breathless, you finally excused yourself from the dance party to take a shower and change.
You got out while drying your hair with a towel ten minutes later and saw Yeonjun standing near the kitchen counter while holding two eggs.
He was staring at them closely and was about to smash them together before you stopped him.
"Hey hey! What're you doing?" You asked grabbing the eggs from his hands.
"About to make scrambled eggs, want some?"
While the idea did please you, you didn't want the entire house to smell like raw eggs for a week by letting a drunkYeonjun cook. So you decided to do it yourself.
You greased the pan and cracked the eggs all while trying to avoid your boyfriend's intense gaze fixated on you.
"Here," you said as you pushed a plate before him and went back to grab one of your own.
Yeonjun's plate was still untouched when you returned from the kitchen.
"Y/N Feed me,"
Ah the demanding side.
You almost burst into laughter at his request but contained yourself to not offend him.
You needed to tape evidence now. Yeonjun wasn't gonna live this one down.
Sitting beside him, you placed a big spoon in his mouth and he chewed quietly. Before the next bite you sneaked in a quick kiss and he made a face at you.
"You are so cute, can I eat you too?,"
Now under normal circumstances, this would turn you on, like so much on.
But right now you knew he wasn't thinking right and probably meant if he could actually eat you.You nodded as he leaned in to lightly graze his teeth at the tip of you nose.
Chuckling, you pushed him back and stood up.
"C'mon let's get you changed and ready for bed, you big baby,"
You picked out a sweatshirt from the closet for Yeonjun and made your way to the room.You saw your boyfriend struggling with his shirt buttons and went up to help him.
He was evidently getting more sober, face no longer red and steps more coordinated. Successfully undoing the shirt, you gently slid it off of him.
That's when you felt the atmosphere shift from being playful and light to something more intense. You looked up at him as he slid his hands around your waist.
"So sorry I wasn't able to be with you, it's just there's so much work. I'm the worst-," Yeonjun placed his finger on your lip to cut you off.
"Don't. It's not your fault, stop apologizing," He said hushing you.
"I'm proud of you," You smiled at him.
Yeonjun replied by placing a full kiss on your mouth, tangling one of his hand through your hair while the other slid downwards below your waist.
You broke the kiss, pushing him and making yeonjun stumble back slightly.
"Still want to eat me?" You teased, noticed a mischievous glint in Yeonjun's eyes.
He shook his head.
"I want to devour you."
taglist: @uno7
(dm or comment to be added <3)
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yourlocalmoon · 9 months
Caregiver Dazai hcs
Warnings: None! (Surprising considering its Dazai right?)
Notes: I ACCIDENTLY POSTED THIS WHEN I HADN'T FINISHED IT YET :( anyway, I don't understand bsd characterization yet.. So if Dazai seems reallyy ooc I'm sorry :[ This is centered around reader or you~ But if you want him for actual characters feel free to send an ask and request :D
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- Dazai is a very excited caregiver, he likes taking care of you and he isn't afraid to show it! He's very affectionate- Hand holding, kissing your forehead, holding you close. Lots of hugs!! And I mean lots.
- But Dazai is also secretly, very overprotective. He keeps you safe in ways you wouldn't notice unless you looked closely, but you are much too small for that !! So let Dazai cuddle you instead of walking near that alleyway- "Oh- Nope! No going over there~ It's cuddle time!!"
- Speaking of him being secretly overprotective, he's so silly that you won't notice him glaring at anybody who comes a bit too close for his liking!! If he even hears of port mafia members walking near the place you two are headed (because he obviously can sense Chuuya coming a mile away) he will switch walking routes instead of doing his thing where he purposefully walks down that road.
- He will probably baby you even when you're big, which means it's impossible to ignore your regression with him.. And you better not try. You're too busy? Not anymore!! You wanna focus on a project? Uh.. Nope!~ You can't regress? That's alright! Just let him wrap you in a blanket, give you a paci and watch your favorite cartoons together.
- Dazai uses you as an excuse alot to get out of doing paperwork- Kunikida is yelling at him and Dazai is just pouting, "My baby needs me! I can't stay here when my precious baby needs help-" and the thing you need help with is changing your cartoons, somehow it takes three hours before Dazai comes back to do paperwork.. But oh! Atsushi finished it already sooo-
- Dazai coos at you. Constantly. 24/7. You will literally breathe and Dazai is dying from how adorable you are, People know to avoid the room where you can hear the high pitched- "Awh you are such a cutie!!!- oh you need help? Ofcourse- AWHHH~~~"
- In the agency, no one cares you regress. However.. Kunikida IS TIRED OF DAZAI AVOIDING HIS PAPERWORK. So after a bit, they build you a little area near Dazai's desk where you can play.. Now he can't LEAVE. BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE- *Ahem.* anyway.
- But!. If you don't want others to know you age regress, or more specifically the agency- Then Dazai will keep it a secret! He's good at excuses, and very good at knowing when you are regressed or slightly drifting near your headspace. So if you guys are in a important meeting but you're starting to regress, Dazai literally does not care. Man will just pick you up and go "Okay cool, we are gonna leave now :D" just up and leaves with you in his arms.
- Dazai doesn't seem like much of a cook, and he isn't, but he can make the basics. You know those mom's who cut their children's lunch into shapes? Dazai does that. If you are older when regressed, he will make your food into funny shapes and HE LOVES IT. You caused him to start following millions of mom's just so he can keep getting new shapes and ideas.
- Dazai is SO into doing funny voices when you two play together, just hand him a stuffie you want him to play and he's already going into a voice and acting out things.. No matter how dramatic. And no, he isn't embarrassed about getting caught. He'll just drag whoever caught you two into it, so congrats! You'll have another playing buddy!
- If you prefer coloring, he's happy to color right with you! He started using the agency's printer to print out coloring sheets for you, (It also gets on Kunikida's nerves, I mean he loves you too! Thinks you are adorable, but seriously- please Dazai the printer is for agency matters-) and will happily buy you whatever materials you need.. Including finger paint. He's so supportive when you're messy. "All the great artists have caused messes!!" He reassures you.
- But if you are a smaller regressor, or maybe a more calm/sleepy one, he's good at being just quiet enough but still excited enough. If you are tired, he'll carry you. It's comforting to have you rest your head against his chest while he walks around, it's nice to know you are close.
- It's even cuter if when tired, you talk or do sleepy babbles because Dazai literally just nods quietly and goes "Mhmm... Oh really? Wow!" He's trying to stay as quiet as he can, but internally he's cooing :( look at his sweet baby, so sleepy.
- Dazai loves being called 'Dada', I mean, he loves whatever his baby will call him but dada makes him feel all warm inside because yes!!! He is your dada!! It makes him feel even more happy about being able to take care of you.
- Calls you 'His little star' or the most common 'his baby', Usually adds 'his' instead of just baby. A bit possessive, but he adores you too much for someone else to take care of you. "My little star, how about we cuddle and go to sleep together hm? Dada is so tiredd~"
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platimoonie · 25 days
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in which, you are getting ready to celebrate holi with your fiance.
pairings; chris prince x reader
word count; 584
cw; just fluff, gender of reader not specified, reader wears a kurti, this is lowk cheesy lol, so sorry if chris is ooc its my first time writing him
words; pari = angel/fairy
(also idk who that couple is but many thanks to them for putting these pics on pinterest)
a/n: hii @meowmaii !! im reallyy sorry this took so long and also it's kinda short. im not sure that this is exactly what you wanted, but this was all i could come up with so pls excuse me im really sorry. if u want I'll rewrite this (T▽T人)
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"so, how do i look?" chris asks you with an uncharacteristic nervous edge in his voice. with both hands still tending to the gold earring you were putting on, you turn away from the mirror to look at your fiance.
as soon as your eyes fall on him, they widen as you eagerly take in his form. "oh- oh my god baby you look so good!" you exclaim, unable to keep the awe out of your voice and you quickly fixed your earring, your hands now reaching forward to fix the collar of the white kurta he was wearing. and god, did he do it justice, the cloth fitting his muscular form perfectly, his veiny forearms peeking from just under where the sleeves ended.
chris grins, his ego now inflated back to normal. "think your parents will be impressed?" he asks. you huff, deciding to humor him. "i think maa is more excited about having you here than she is about me returning home after a good six months, so yes i'm pretty sure they will be." chris laughs, his chest rumbling like it always does when he guffaws.
soon, his eyes soften as he takes in your form. you're wearing a white kurti with some floral embroidery at the edges of the sleeves along with matching dupatta and salwar. "you look like a pari." your mouth falls open as you stare at him for a second when you hear him say pari in an english accent and as soon as you understand what he said, you immediately burst into giggles. "oh my god who taught you that?" you ask, as you catch your breath from laughing. chris blushes lightl, averting his gaze from you, all of a sudden very interested in your vanity mirror. "don't tell me... did you learn that from google translate..!?" once again a peal of laughter leaves your lips as you try your hardest to control it, and he presses his lips into a thin line, slightly embarrassed.
"gosh you're so sweet, you have no idea how much i love you" you mumble under your breath, shaking your head, and you smile as you kiss his cheek. "come on now, let's go. i think i heard didi call us." you say as you walk towards the door to your room, chris following you. honestly he gets so easily flustered because of you, its almost funny. its hard to believe hes such a confident and alluring figure to the public, an egotistical and expressive footballer, yet a lovesick puppy for you.
"are you guys coming?" your sister asks as she puts on her sandals, preparing to go out. you nod, "yeah go ahead we'll join you in a minute." your sister nods and leaves.
“before we leave-” you say spinning towards chris to face him, who looks at you, his eyebrows raised. “-happy holi!” you say, your hands quickly swiping some of the pink-colored powder from the tray kept on the stool near the door and coming up to his cheek and smearing it. chris's eyes widened in surprise, overtaken by the moment, the earthy smell of gulal filling his nose. he quickly recovers as he grins at you, reaching for the same powder and he too rubs it on your cheek, laughing as he does. you can't help yourself and laugh along with him. “should i take these bad boys?” he asks, gesturing towards the few water guns leaning against the stool. “you know it!” you say grinning as you take one and hand the other to him.
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gurokiitty · 6 months
Like the readers older sibling was missing and they were looking for them, who also got kidnapped (and possibly killed by strade) he meets them at the bar, reader is like REALLYY drunk, she whines about not being able to find their older sibling, and Strade knows. He knows what he did.
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a/n: what a fun idea!! strade would definitely be extra horrible if he knew his victim was a cop. hope you enjoy, anon!
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{ strade x gn! reader }
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word count: 1.3k
warnings/tags: alcohol use, violence, kidnapping, psychological torture, forced voyeurism, implied sibling death.
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The room spins and the edges of the world soften as you gulp down another shot, the sting of alcohol burning a path down your throat. The dim lights of the bar flicker, casting elongated shadows that dance mockingly around you. This place is a sanctuary of sorts— a shabby dive where lost souls come to drown memories and silence their demons with liquid oblivion.
Strade finds you there, at the edge of dissolution. His entrance is unremarkable, yet somehow you feel the atmosphere shift, a predatory chill seeping through the smoky haze.
His eyes catch yours across the crowded room, glinting with a dark curiosity as he takes the stool beside you. "Rough night, buddy?" he asks, his voice smooth, dangerously inviting.
You nod, swirling the ice in your nearly empty glass. "You could say that." The words spill out of you, heavy with bitterness.
His smile holds a semblance of warmth, perhaps a touch too studied, but under the weight of your despair, you don't notice. He leans in, the movement calculated, as if setting the stage for a confession. "Wanna talk about it? Sometimes airing it out is the only way to breathe again," he suggests, his voice a careful blend of intrigue and concern.
You hesitate, the words hanging precariously on the tip of your tongue. The presence of a stranger, oddly enough, feels like an opportunity to unload, to confide. "It's my older brother," you finally say, the words escaping in a rush. "He's missing, and I feel like I'm chasing shadows. It's like he just vanished into thin air."
Strade’s interest sharpens, his gaze locking onto yours, unblinking. "Disappeared? That’s heavy. How long has he been gone?"
"Three weeks," you reply, the number feeling more substantial with each passing day. "Three weeks of not knowing. It’s eating me up inside."
"And the police?" Strade probes, his voice a soft nudge pushing you deeper into your own turmoil.
"They're doing what they can, I guess. But I'm a cop too, and it feels like I should be able to do more. It's different when it's personal, you know?" You take another sip, the alcohol a poor salve for the ache of helplessness.
Strade nods, feigning empathy. "I can only imagine. Being so close to it, being expected to just wait and see. Must be tearing you apart."
"It is," you admit, your guard crumbling under the weight of your grief and the false security of his attentive gaze. "I keep thinking I'll miss something, or that I’ll get a call saying they've found him, but not... not in the way I hope."
He leans back slightly, giving you space to breathe, yet his presence envelops you, thick as the smoke in the bar. "Sounds like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders. Someone like you shouldn’t be alone with this."
You laugh, a hollow sound. "Feels like I don’t have much choice in the matter. Everyone else is just... moving on."
"But you can't," Strade concludes, his voice soft. "Not until you know."
"Yeah," you whisper, feeling the truth of his words like a punch to the gut. "Not until I know."
He watches you for a moment, a predator disguised as a confidante. "Let me do something for you tonight. Let's make sure you get home safe. It’s the least I can do."
Gratitude, misguided and dangerous, washes over you. "Thanks, I... I appreciate that, really."
"Don’t mention it," he replies, a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he signals the bartender to settle your tab.
You lean heavily on him as he guides you outside, the cool night air a sharp contrast to the stuffy atmosphere of the bar. The alley beside the establishment is dimly lit, deserted, and as you stagger against the cold brick for support, Strade’s demeanour shifts imperceptibly.
"You really think I'd help a cop?" His voice is suddenly sharp, a serrated edge that cuts through your alcohol-fueled haze.
"What?" Confusion clouds your mind, struggling to keep up with the sudden change.
"I’m not calling you a cab," he sneers, his face inches from yours and his grip tightening painfully on your arm.
Before you can react, your head slams against the wall, a burst of pain radiating through your skull as stars explode in your vision. Strade’s mocking laugh is the last thing you hear before darkness claims you.
When your consciousness creeps back, it’s a cruel awakening. Your body aches, bound tightly to a cold, metal pole in a room that reeks of blood and decay. Panic claws at your chest as your eyes adjust to the dimness, the figure of Strade emerging from the shadows.
He's watching you intently, holding an expensive-looking laptop under his arm. "Awake already?" He asks, his voice mockingly gentle.
"Where the fuck am I?" Your voice is raw, fear sharpening each word.
"My little workshop," he replies nonchalantly, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather. "You want to see your brother, don't you?" Strade smiles, sensing your fear. You quickly nod, hope and desperation surging through you.
"Then relax. You won't want to miss this."
He casually opens the laptop, types something on the keyboard, and turns it towards you. The flicker of the screen casts eerie shadows across his face as the video begins to play.
You squint, trying to make sense of the images flickering across the laptop as he holds it just out of reach. Your heart sinks as you recognize the figure in the video— it's your brother, bound and terrified. A cold dread washes over you as Strade walks into frame, your mouth dry, words failing.
"What is this you sick fuck?!" You manage to spit out, your voice laced with horror and revulsion.
The screen flashes with horrific scenes, your brother's pleas echoing in the cramped, dark space as Strade approaches with a knife.
He watches you, a perverse glee lighting up his eyes. "See, your brother... he's become quite the celebrity."
Despite the overwhelming urge to look away, to shut out this nightmarish reality, you can't. Your eyes remain glued to the screen, each image searing itself into your memory— your brother's fear, his pain, his futile attempts to plead for a life already doomed as Strade's knife slices through his skin.
Guilt surges through you—irrational and overwhelming—guilt for not being able to stop this, for not finding him sooner, for every moment you spent doubting the worst had happened.
Strade's face twists into a smirk as the video unfolds before you. "Touching, isn’t it? The bond between siblings..." His words hang in the air, a new kind of torment. "Y'know, he talked about you, even towards the end. Kept saying, 'My sister is a cop. She’ll find you. She'll stop you.'" He laughs, mocking your brother's voice with an exaggerated shrill.
Your response is visceral. A scream rips from your throat, raw and hoarse, as the full weight of the horror crashes down upon you. Hot tears stream down your face, mingling with the bile on your tongue. The bonds around your wrists chafe painfully as you struggle against them, the metal pole unforgiving and cold.
He stands over you, a dark silhouette against the dim light, watching your every reaction with an analyst's eye. As the final scenes play out, your brother's wet, gurgling screams fade into a haze of pain and terror. Strade closes the laptop with a slow, deliberate motion and leans in close, his breath foul against your ear. His voice, a venomous whisper, sends shivers down your spine. "Your cop friends are probably wondering how torn up you are about your brother... It wouldn't be too surprising if you just... disappeared too."
"Now, why don't we film a sequel, little piggy?" His words slither around you, tightening like a noose. "And find out if you squeal just like your brother."
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sunny6677 · 27 days
The House On The Hill.
(A rewritten version of the Hatzgangs scene from The Stars for the Saturated AU.)
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It shows the kids walking along the sidewalk for a brief shot, with Skid being like. "Sheesh–how could this get any—"
He stops, noticing something off screen and then seeming frustrated. While Pump becomes visibly confused.
It cuts to the Hatzgang, who is standing in front of them. Roy's friends have mischievous looks on their faces, while Roy has a genuine smile from ear to ear.
"Hey! Those are some nice costumes you got there!"
"Uh—thanks?" Pump says, arching a brow.
"For us to ruin!" Ross suddenly cuts in with a smirk. Roy tries to protest, but before he can stop them, Robert and Ross both walk foward—straight up hitting the kids in the face, kicking them in the stomach and then punching them across their heads. Before they can go any further, Roy intervenes by getting in between them.
"He—Hey! Stop! What are you doing??"
Ross blinks. "..uh.. duh..? They're weirdos. They deserve it."
"No, they're not!" Roy exclaims, and then faces the kids while his friends glare a bit. "Uh—sorry about that. What are you two here for?"
"..uh.. we were just trying to find something cool to do until your friends decided to beat us up." Pump shrugs, speaking bitterly.
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"Oh—reallyy?? Y'know—there's actually this really cool house over there on the hill! It's really Halloweeny and junk!"
"..really?" Skid looks over to where Roy points, and sees it. He still seems skeptical though, glancing over at Ross specifically. "..well.. we'll go check it out, I guess. This better not be a trick though. C'mon—let's go."
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The kids slowly walk away as the three watch.
"..I bet they're gonna have a lot of fun with that guy who sold me the special sugar in the alleyway!" Roy grins aloud to himself. This sentence makes both Robert and Ross glance over at him, their expressions becoming more serious.
"..what..?" Ross says.
It cuts to the interior of the house on the hill, only for the doors to practically slam open. The kids skeptically look around, and see no one inside, so they walk in.
"..huh." Skid says aloud to himself, looking around. "..guess it's empty after all."
But then, when the two look ahead—they see a gigantic opening in the ground. There appears to be some kind of strange wrapped box beside it, but also a splatter of blood trickling from the hole.
Skid becomes noticeably cautious, and as does Pump. As bravely as he can, Skid steps foward to maybe ensure that whatever is inside doesn't hear him. But the moment he peeks in, a tentacle shoots out and grabs him. Skid screams out. Pump yells, only for a tentacle to shoot out again and grab him too.
They're both dragged down into an eerily silent, bright red void. And..
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..Eyes is standing there right before them, his eyes looking straight down at their faces. Skids face becomes noticeably irritated instead of frightened, while Pumps becomes absolutely horrified as he stares into Eyes's red sockets.
Eyes loud, rumbling voice begins to speak. "..HELLO, MORTAL FLESH.."
"..hi." Skid frowns. "Can you let us go? We're trying to explore a house up here!"
When Skid feels Eyes's tentacles tighten at a painful level, he reacts quickly and literally slaps Eyes on the tentacle. "Hey! Stop! I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not letting you push us around!"
"Yeah. That's very nice of you. Can you let us go? Please?"
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It shows Eyes ominously emerging from the house for a frame, and then cuts to the Hatzgang.
"What do you mean that wasn't candy?" Roy asks his friends, who then look up with even more horrified faces as a shadow looms over them. Roy looks behind himself, and it shows Eyes, who has two of his eyes in the center brightly lit up. It cuts to the Hatzgang, who now have red pupils and are visibly distressed as red marks begin to appear on their skin a bit.
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Skid slaps Eyes on the mush they're sitting on, and Eyes briefly stops making noise.
Skid yells, "I said we'd show you the town! Not eat people's flesh!"
Skid then just let's out a irritated sigh, but his eyes light up, seemingly getting an idea on what to do.
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irishmammonagenda · 12 days
Asmodeus x Witch!Reader
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sorry this was late gng i needed to get in a halloweeny mood, also idk how to write asmo.
dividers by @/fisshbones (gng i love divider people on tumblr theyre so fun)
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bro 100% makes a pact with you.
he prolly puts his pact mark either around your collarbone or somewhere else around your neck.
be prepared to hang out with solomon
he will show you off like you're the demon in the pact.
gossip sessions <3
one time he cursed your coven bc they didnt recognise him :(, you had to get him to stop with the pettiness.
will design clothes for you.
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You shiver. It was a dumb dare from one of your coven friends, and you were really starting to regret accepting.
The old stone room was dark and damp. A draught from the barely boarded up window seaped into your bones, bringing the cold with it.
The pink candles you had lit around the stone floor flickered softly, providing you with your only light source as you grip the chalk tightly.
A warm, nervous sweat coats the back of your neck and the palms of your hands as you draw out complicated sigils; every so often you glance at the textbook you had stolen borrowed from an ivory haired man with far too much pact marks at the Sorcerer’s Society.
Sticking your tongue out in concentration, you eventually finish the sigils and the summoning circle.
This was it.
Once you started chanting, there was no going back. You knew that, and so, taking a deep breath, adjusting your pointed ceremonial hat so it sat right on your head, and stealing your nerves; you began to read the Latin enchantments from your stolen spellbook.
You passed the Rubicon.
The stony ground began to shake, pink candles danced panickedly, their tempo ever increasing until finally being snuffed out. A strong gush of wind crashed around the edges of the summoning circle as the sigils began to glow a harsh pink.
In a frenzied haze you grabbed onto the window sill, uncaring of your hat that'd blown off your head. You tried to keep your balance.
Squinting your eyes to allow yourself some semblance of vision, you saw a silhouette materialise in the middle of the circle. The eye of the storm.
You shut your eyes in terror, wondering if it was too late to turn to God, and pray it all away.
You were so caught up in the storm of thoughts swirling around your brain that you hadn't noticed the miniature hurricane die down, or the handsome man that stood in the middle of the summoning circle, holding onto your hat with apparent interest.
“Hm.” The entity says to himself, running a delicate finger along the seams of your hat. “Interesting choice of stitching…”
You whimper in fear, his lips curl up, a playful glint in his eye. You take a deep breath, and sigh softly, silently begging your voice not to escape you.
"Lord Asmodeus....Avatar of Lust....I summon thee today to-"
A manicured hand is placed against you lip as Asmodeus inspects you, a flawless brow arched. "What glamour spells are you using?" He hums.
You blank.
"N-none sir..."
"Sir?~" He giggles, "I'm not that old....." He sighs semi-dramtacially, semi-playfully before blinking at you owlishly. "You're serious? No glamour spells? Well aren't you just gorgeous.!~"
You blush, he grins devilishly.
"Y'know....I already have a pact with a handsome sorcerer....I wouldn't mind collecting a pretty witch....." Amber eyes glisten playfully as you splutter.
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[months later.]
You squirm as poised hands hold you in place at the vanity, scrunching up your nose like a bunny as you're attacked with a beauty blender. The only demon you'd ever had a pact with was currently beating your face up with a sponge to blend concealor.
He talks excitedly about sparkly eyeshadow as you meet Solomon's eyes and silently ask for help. The ivory-haired man just grins at you, sitting back on the bed and watching as you're attacked on the bed.
Asmo hums softly. "I'm thinking that silver and pink would reallyy make your eyes pop....Oh! and lipgloss! But you can share mine...."
He puckers up. Your face burns up.
Best horrible summoning gone wrong you've ever done.
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camzverse · 6 months
Top five Pizzeria Simulator animatronics, for the ask game. (Can have the vent 4 or the ones from the sim section, either's good.)
SCRAP BABYYYY!!!!!! i love scrap baby so much u dont even know.yay i love freaks. Also she literally has the coolest design in the entire game perhaps even the entire franchise tbh. SHES SO COOL
wait does helpy count. ok im saying helpy counts. i <2 helpy !!! <22222222
lefty :3 the design is just so appealing idk bro
security puppet :o) it looks so jester-like and i looove jester and clown themed stuff so so super much
rockstar freddy cuz hes funn . and i reallyy like his voice in ucn its so good tomy ears. please deposit five coins 🤑
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Watching Horror Movies With Bakugou And Kirishima!
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Scenario: its time for your annual horror movie night with your best bois!
Your voice echoed through the dorms and reached the ears of a very irritated kacchan~
“Hold on a dam minute you fuckin idiot!”
He called back from his spot in front of the stove in the kitchen(the microwave is RIGHT THERE but nooo he insists on using the stove for popcorn 🙄{i do too tbh😭})
“Guyssss,”kiri whispered. “Youre gonna wake everyone uppppp”
At this you gasped and quickly held a finger over your mouth in a ‘shush’ gesture and kiri nodded.
Not long after,katsuki walked in,a huge ass bowl of popcorn in his arms
“Cant belive you assholes burned the last two batches” he said as he sat to your left
You happily took the bowl into your lap and onto your,now crossed legs.
The couch had been decked out in different fluffy blankets and poofy pillows
For what? you might ask(yh its in the title..)
Well it was your annual besties halloween movie marathon of courseeeee
You guys did it every year!
Just you,kiri and katsuki on the commonroom couch with a big fat bowl of popcorn in dark,watchin scary movies
This year youd decided to change it up just a liiitle bit
Instead of goin for the regular halloween-y horror films you settled for the final destination movies
Guaranteed to make you scared and also wary for daysss
So once you were all situated and comfortably snuggled in,you pressed the play button
And the film began
Like ik we all know and love out little kachchan as this brave courageous hot headed best boi but even these movies get to him :’)
Like itll be a particularly gruesome death that yall can see it comin and he’ll slowly grip your hand under the blankets
Neither of you acknowledge it,but you feel happy and proud knowing that katsuki feels safe enough to let down his walls around you.and we all know how high his walls and defences can be,(theyd give even eugene fitzherbert a run for his tiara!)
Kiri on the other hand is very expressive
We know that tho dont we besties~💅🏻
Like he’ll he yelping and gasping and shouting warnings to the charcters and suddenly the kid who was telling yall to shush was makin enough noise to alert even the league of villains!(dw the entire dorm had earplugs in,they knew how loud you guys got on ur traditional movie night)
And when you stop for a break you guys completely lose it and both chastise and mourn the characters who passed
The one where the guy gets his organs sucked out in the pool really had kiri TRAUMATISEDDD
Give him a hug please he needss ittt
Also youre gonna need to make sure he doesnt go to any pools for the next two weeks
Bakugou was really shook by the one where the train got derailed and killed them
He was out here cursing the rat :’)
You and kiri reallyy needed to work hard to calm him down :’)
And finally to wash it all down you guys watched some masterchef and Attack On Titan: Junior High.
And when the boys saw you were still a little shaken up,your eyes lookin at the windows and the shadows, they knew what they had to do
Bakugou pulled you to your feet and kiri got the tunes
And together they made sure you danced your fears away!
You went on till past 2 am and finally when you were tired enough you plopped back onto the couch and just chilled
You were the first to fall asleep that night,so the boys decided ‘you know what? Fuck it! And just stayed there with you!
You guys woke up at about 8 am the next day and had breakfast with the rest of your class all while still discussing the previous night’s movies!!
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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viharbinger · 3 years
Rengoku with a s/o that works in an elementary school!
pairings: rengoku kyojuro x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
date: 1/3/2022 - 4/3/2022
warnings: nothing but fluffff, ch i l d re n
a/n: im sorry i just really love the idea of rengoku with children and its making me go crazy
also very self concious this fic sucks GN😭🙏
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As an elementary school teacher, you'd have to be faced by silly questions by six year olds everyday. Your most frequently asked question would range from "Whats your favourite colour from the rainbow?" to "Do you have a boyfriend, mx L/n?" The latter always does catch you off guard.
It's not like you don't have a strong and handsome boyfriend who also happens to be pretty famous for his title as the flame hashira. It's just that the children have no filter at all when asking such questions!
You'd try your best to explain to them in a way that they'd understand, being six years old and all, "Yes, I do! In fact, he is one of the strongest swordsman in Japan!" The children would gush, and always listen intently to your stories about him.
They'd sometimes beg to see a picture of him, or ask to meet him. Luckily for them, it was one of Kyojuro's rare days off! You didn't even need to convince him to come to the school because he's already on his way to visit you and the kids.
Even on such a rare day off, he's still holding onto his nichirin blade and in his demon slayer attire. When he stepped into your classroom, the children were already swarming him, asking him all kinds of things. "Are you really mx L/n's boyfriend?" "Whats that long thing on your side? Can I touch it?" "You have weird hair!"
Despite all the overwhelming questions, he's still smiling brightly, answering them all very patiently. The sight of seeing him like this, it's really heartwarming, and you just think. Wow, thats my boyfriend!
Finally, it was nap time for the kids. Although on multiple occasions they'd attempted to touch Kyojuro's sword and almost accidentally get harmed by it's blade, they've all been tucked in already and are sleeping soundly.
You sighed in relief at the sight. It was kind of stressful making sure the kids weren't hurting themselves while they were speaking with Kyojuro. "You're really great with kids. " Kyojuro praised quietly as they were still sleeping, moving to sit next to you.
"They really like you, though." You smiled softly, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "Me? It seemed like they liked my sword more than me!" He exclaimed, accidentally speaking a little too loud, causing one of the kids to stir, making you two freeze.
Thankfully, they didn't wake up and went back to sleep, making you both sigh in relief once again. "You sure? They are always asking questions about you during class, though." You chuckled, leaning back onto his shoulder once more whilst holding onto his bicep.
"Really? What kind of questions?" He asked, grinning proudly. "Do you have a boyfriend, mx L/n? Who is your boyfriend, mx L/n?" You replied while using a high pitched voice, stifling a laugh.
After a few hours, the kids were picked up by their parents, waving goodbye to you both. One of the kids, a little boy was waiting a long time for their parents. Everybody else was already picked up and left to go home and he was alone so you had to keep watch on him.
You needed to go to the bathroom so you left him in the hands of Kyojuro. And when you came back you noticed that they were speaking to each other, making the little boy really happy. You didnt want to interrupt, so you just stood by the doorway, watching them quietly.
They spoke some more before his parents had finally come up to pick him up. He'd ran to them but stopping and turning right back to give Kyojuro a reallyy big hug, making Kyojuro laugh, hugging him back and patting his back.
That moment was really to be cherished, you wouldn't know what they were talking about and you dont intend to know because it was just a moment for the two of them alone.
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Heyy i reallyy love your writing. Could u please do an alternative inn scene (from acomaf) where rhysand asks feyre what she wants and feyre replies with 'you' instead of 'i want a distraction'?? I would very much love thatt! And also insert whatever u know u write best😉😏
OH INTERESTING okay, yeah I'll bite! Gonna just start by copy pasting a whole chunk because I quite liked the lead up but yeah let's get real divergent.
I murmured, "We should go to sleep."
The patter of the rain was the only sound for long moment before he said, "All right."
I crawled over the bed to the side tucked almost against the slanted ceiling and shimmied beneath the quilt. Cool, crisp sheets wrapped around me like an icy hand. But my shiver was from something else entirely as the mattress shifted, the blanket moved, and then the two candles beside the bed went out.
Darkness hit me at the same moment the warmth from his body did. It was an effort not to nudge toward it. Neither one of us moved, though.
I stared into the dark, listening to that icy rain, trying to steal the warmth from him.
"You're shivering so hard the bed is shaking," he said.
"My hair is wet," I said. It wasn't a lie.
Rhys was silent, then the mattress groaned, sinking directly behind me as his warmth poured over me. "No expectations," he said. "Just body heat." I scowled at the laughter in his voice.
But his broad hands slid under and over me: one flattening against my stomach and tugging me against the hard warmth of him, the other sliding under my ribs and arms to band around my chest, pressing his front into me. He tangled his legs with mine, and then a heavier, warmer darkness settled over us, smelling of citrus and the sea.
I lifted a hand toward that darkness, and met with a soft, silky material- his wing, cocooning and warming me. I traced my finger along it, and he shuddered, his arms tightening around me.
"Your finger... is very cold," he gritted out, the words hot on my neck.
I tried not to smile, even as I tilted my neck a bit more, hoping the heat of his breath might caress it again. I dragged my finger along his wing, the nail scraping gently against the smooth surface. Rhys tensed, his hand splaying across my stomach.
"You cruel, wicked thing," he purred, his nose grazing the exposed bit of my neck I'd arched beneath him. "Didn't anyone ever teach you manners?"
"I never knew Illyrians were such sensitive babies," I said, sliding another finger down the inside of his wing.
Something hard pushed against my behind. Heat flooded me, and I went taut and loose all at once. I stroked his wing again, two fingers now, and he twitched against my backside in time with the caress.
The fingers he'd spread over my stomach began to make lazy, idle strokes. He swirled one around my navel, and I inched imperceptibly closer, grinding up against him, arching a bit more to give that other hand access to my breasts.
"Greedy," he murmured, his lips hovering over my neck. "First you terrorize me with your cold hands, now you want... want is it you want, Feyre?"
More, more, more, I almost begged him as his fingers traveled down the slope of my breasts, while his other hand continued its idle stroking along my stomach, my abdomen, slowly- so slowly- heading toward the low band of my pants and the building ache beneath it.
Rhysand's teeth scraped against my neck in a lazy caress. "What is it you want, Feyre?" He nipped at my earlobe.
What did I want?
I wanted his hands lower, and all over me. I wanted to not feel guilty anymore for Tamlin. I wanted us all to be okay and to not have to worry about a war coming our way.
"What do you want?" Rhys's words rumbled against my skin and his nails scratched lightly back and forth above my waistband.
And Cauldron damn it, at the end of the day what I really wanted was to just fuck all of it off and to just be with Rhys.
I had no idea how to say that though, without it all sounding so... trite. So human. And there was Rhys, waiting with his nose under my ear and the unliftable weight of his court on his shoulders.
What did I want?
In the end, all I could say was, "you." And it was as much a relief to admit that to myself as it was admitting it to him.
Rhys's hands stopped moving and for a second, I thought I'd said the wrong thing. He went so still- then I remembered his words.
I can't breathe when I look at you.
Let me touch you.
Because I was jealous, and pissed off...
She's mine.
And I knew better.
"You want me?" Rhys echoed, low and dangerous in the curve of my ear. He started moving again, coming up and over my body like another heavy layer of darkness.
"Yes," I whispered, and he nudged my knees apart so that he could settle between my legs.
"Is that so?" Rhys leaned his forearms either side of my face, and rolled his hips against mine so that the heavy length of him ground into me just where that ache needed the friction. I bit my lip against the things that did to me, and struggled to control my breath.
Not to be out done, I reached up and smoothed my hands across his back and up the arches of his wings. The shudder this produced had him rocking into me again, and now both of us were breathing a little hard.
"You'll be the death of me, Feyre darling," Rhys said, and then he kissed me and everything went more thoroughly dark than I had ever experienced in my life.
At the time I honestly could not have said whether this was Rhys's power flaring, or whether my mind just blanked out hard as soon as he kissed me. But what I knew is that I couldn't see anything and that just left me to feel everything a hundred times over.
The weight of his body pinning me down on the mattress.
The pull of his fingers tangling into mine just above my head.
The almost bruising pressure between my legs.
And the sure but honey-slow movement of his lips against mine, one lush press sliding into another.
Rhys groaned softly against my mouth, and I felt the sound all the way down my spine. The first touch of his tongue had me leaning up off the pillow, unable to reach for him because his hands still held mine against the bed. Rhys let go of one hand to smooth down the side of my thigh, sliding under my calf to hitch it to his hip. I threaded my freed hand through his hair, but Rhys chuckled and gently pinned it down again.
"Feyre," he purred. "Feyre, Feyre you have to tell me. What do you want?" His lips moved down the column of my throat and I struggled to answer him.
"I told you," I gasped. "I want you."
"You're going to have to be more specific," Rhys murmured against my collar bone.
"I want... everything." I lifted my hips for emphasis, and loved how his flexed in response. Rhys's mouth came down on mine again, this time hungrier and less gentle. He ground his erection into me and I moved back against him eagerly. He finally let my hands go and I twisted them around his neck, pulling him closer. The taste of him was intoxicating, all sea spray and cointreau. One of Rhys's hands slid behind my head and into my hair, and the other snaked down between us and slipped between my legs.
My moan broke the kiss, and I could hear the grin in Rhysand's voice. "Is this what you wanted?" he asked me. He moved his fingers slowly, rubbing against my clit through my pants.
"More," I groaned, and with a flicker of magic my clothes vanished and his fingers were still against my bare pussy. My nails dug into his shoulders and I couldn't care enough to be embarrassed about how loud the next moan was.
"Mmm Feyre you're so wet for me," Rhys muttered. His fingers started moving again, at first just going back and forth over my clit but I moved my hips up to him.
"More," I ground out again, tilting so that his fingers were reaching further down. Rhys took the hint and pushed inside of me, swearing softly as I started to fuck myself on his hand. Rhys's other hand came up to squeeze my breast, his thumb stroking over my peaked nipple.
"Just like that?" he asked me.
"Gods yes," I struggled out.
"Still want more?" he said. I couldn't quite formulate a response because he had just added another finger. Rhys didn't wait. He ducked his head down, and while his fingers were still pumping inside me, he sucked my clit into his mouth.
"Fuck, Rhys!"
Rhysand did not respond. Just kept flicking his tongue, while my fist tightened in his hair and my climax built behind my eyelids.
"Rhys, I'm... Ohgodsfuck," I mumbled incoherently, my brain not connecting with my tongue.
What was that darling? Rhys asked without lifting his lips. I moaned. The intimacy of him speaking right into my mind was almost unbearable right now, and in the moment I had completely forgotten we could communicate like that.
Rhys... I sent back, but even non-verbally that's all I could muster.
Are you going to come? he asked me. Are you going to come on my tongue like a good girl?
Black talons scraped down the shields of my mind and they may as well have scratched straight down my belly.
Do it, he said. Come for me.
And cauldron help me, I did. I came so hard the scream hurt my throat, and then before I could fully regain consciousness Rhys was rising back up toward me and kissing me with pussy wet lips so I could taste myself on his tongue.
"Mmmm, you," Rhys said between kisses, "are absolutely, fucking delicious." I kissed him back and tried to catch my breath, but now his cock was twitching against my over-sensitive clit and my head was empty.
"What do you think?" he asked me, grinding slow circles with his hips. "Had enough pleasure for one night? Should I let you get some sleep?"
"No, please," I whimpered. "Need you so badly." My hands clawed at his chest, tried to reach down between us to touch him.
"You know, I have had a very long time to think about how and where I want you," Rhys said. The darkness lifted a little, and I could now dimly see Rhysand's face above mine. He was so beautiful I wanted to cry. "And I never thought it'd be in a tiny room where I can't even fuck you against the wall." I shivered at the suggestion.
"I don't care where we are," I breathed. "Just want you." Rhys moved his tongue the hollow of my throat.
"Do you?" he asked softly.
"Of course. I want you, I want all of you, I want..."
Rhys cut me off by kissing me, and I had to remind myself to breathe in.
"But do you know what all is?" Rhys asked hoarsely. And then I looked into his eyes and realised that there was real fear there. That for all his swagger, the reason he kept asking was because he still wasn't sure what I wanted from him. I put my hands on his face.
"Rhysand," I said. "I want every single, beautiful, terrible, wicked, brutal, lovely part of you. Okay?"
"Okay," Rhys whispered. But he just started at me for a minute.
"Don't you want me, too?"
And that got him moving again.
"Do I want you?" Rhys slid his hands under my shoulder blades and skimmed his nose across my jaw. His fingers tightened beneath me as his teeth tugged my ear lobe and his lips began working once more. "Feyre, gods. You have no idea how much I..." He cut himself off and groaned as his erection pressed insistently against me. "Feyre."
I pushed at the waistband of his trousers and he let me, kissing my lips as he removed the rest of his clothes. And then he was completely naked above me, and his bare cock on my pussy was more teasing than I could take.
"Rhys, please," I whimpered, my fingers finally touching the length of him. A snarl rumbled out from Rhys's chest, and then he was pressing into me.
Just a little. Just the head of him. But my body caught fire, and then started to tremble as the pressure built. He was big enough that he had to wait for me to adjust, and yet the need for him pulsed through me like a madness and my nails dug into his arms so hard I might have cut him.
I breathed through my nose as Rhys pulled out and came back, pushing a little further in this time with a hiss through his teeth.
"Fuck," he whipped out, half way in with the third pass. His forehead dropped to mine and I took his bottom lip between my teeth as he finally sank all the way in, eyes snapping open as we hit the hilt.
For a second, we just stared at each other. His eyes were black, and raw, and bottomless. Then he started to move and my mind slid.
In and out, painfully slow, and as my body got used to the size of him suddenly he was perfect. Suddenly something snapped into place and being with Rhys was like breathing air. I moved with him as he picked up his pace, and with every stroke I was being filled with something better than oxygen until I was brimming with it.
But somehow the more complete I felt, it appeared the more Rhys was coming undone. He buried his face in my neck, and his movements became more frenzied, more desperate. He gathered up my legs like he just needed to be deeper and couldn't get enough, and the sounds he made were like a starving man.
And all of it felt so fucking good. I went liquid under his touch and let him devour me. Rhys drew back a little to look at me, and when he made eye contact I almost came again. My eyes rolled back, but Rhys tugged at my chin.
"Don't ask me if I want you," he said when my eyes were back on his. "I will always, always want you." Rhys gripped my hip tightly as he fucked me faster. "I want you more than I've ever wanted anything." His other hand cradled the back of my skull. "I want you more than I want my next breath." And indeed his breathing was labouring now, and his movements jerked hard into me. "I want you to be mine. Mine. Mine." His hips punctuated his words, slamming into me harder and harder each time until I was out of my body and screaming and coming and trying to tell him that I already was his.
When Rhys came he shuddered and shook so hard I heard his teeth click, and maybe my shields had slipped but I swear I felt his climax rip straight through my body like it might tear me in half.
I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to.
Of course as we lay there in that tiny room, in the dark, I never wanted to move again. I wondered, and could not bring myself to ask, if it was always like this for Rhys, if this was just how good he was in bed in general, if I was just overwhelmed because I didn't have much experience with fae.
"No," Rhys said quietly. "It's never like that for me, either."
So my shields were down.
But I didn't care at all, not in this state, not when Rhys carefully pulled out and rolled me onto my side so he could pull me into his arms again, not when he cleaned us up with a breath of magic and then started stroking gently over my flank while consciousness slipped from me.
"You want me?" Rhys whispered into my hair. "You've got me, Feyre darling. You've always had me."
And that was the very last thing I heard before sleep found me.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars @fandomstalker27
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lordbib · 3 years
Hi lord, are you still accepting asks? If so, 7,22,25,30. Have a great day!
7. 3 fruits that you love the most
1. mango!! its my grandpas favorite and whenever i go to my grandparents house he still cuts it up for me. My favorite is mangga gedong which is more colourful and is the best manggo in general
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2. Durian!! its good and its not stinky i love it. i also used to eat this with my grandpa on ramadan after we break the fast.
3. Longan! they're nice and sweet and i can eat a lot of them like rlly fast. i can finish a pack of them in an hour or less hdjsgf.
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honorable mention (im too indesicive leave me alone): raspberries! best berry fight me
22. 3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry
ok but disclaimer EVERYTHING makes me cry
1. Inside out. Bing Bong. Traumatic.
2. Banana Fish. Self explanatory i was sobbing by the second episode holy shit it was bad. 9th episode i had to take 2 days not continuing out of sadness.
3. A Silent Voice. this hit me HARD i was sobbing baddd. Just how symbolic and how it explains the two povs of bully and bullied is just amazing. Go watch it.
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of
i cant choose so this will be like 20 dif ppl
1. My cousins Adri, Nay, and Jin. (tbh especially Jin) jhsdf. We've been really close since we were babiess. Me and Jin are 6 months apart in age and went to school together for like 10 years so yaa we basically saw each other everyday. Adri and i are further apart in age so i dont share my secrets as much with her then i do with Nay and Jin. Nay and i are reallyy close but not as close as me and Jin. Also Nay is currently in boarding school so sadly i only talk to her every two weeks or so.
2. Irls! my friends from my old school who ive known for 8+ years, and also friends from my current school!! Me and the girls from my old school still talk everyday and vc sometimess we have weekly zoom game times. Also my closest friend Sha who isnt answering my dm rn smh (thats a joke shes in school hihi) she is the one who got me into kpop (suprise i like kpop i might post more abt it later on)
3. proceeds to tag all of the levihan server naur but i genuinely never get tired of them hdjfg. let me attempt this hollup. @gremlinelrics @immagoudaboi @callantry @solborealis @mello-jello my lovely parents <3 love u all. also @glassesandswords and @renrampant are technically also my parents but Rens also my sister. dont question it our family tree is a tumbleweed. @snudootchaikovsky my dear grandma <3 @thexanwillshine my dear mother <3 holy shit how will i do this @malunggaybe @lilnazx @mashedpotatoforhanjo @thehyscriptures my dear siblings <3 and also all of these ppl:
@chili-aux @oyzoe @bluesylveon2 @cherryhatesmaths @djmarinizelablog @clickerisha @agoldenheartedsnkfan @free-pancakes @fanmoose12 and so many others i absolutely love with my heart but im way too scared to tag them omg scer sorry for the tag love u all sm <3 i would never get tired of all of u the server is very dear to my heart and i love u all <33
30. 3 moments you could never forget
(ill leave the trauma out of this hsdhs)
1. moving from my school of 10 years and also my friends of 10 years (during a goddamned pandemic too) but it was genuinely a sad and memorable moment a lot of experiences at that school and with those people are also very memorable
2. eids at my grandparents with my family eating, talking, playing. The last 2 eids we havent been able to do that because of the pandemic so i miss it a lott.
3. holidays with my mom! Theyre always really fun
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irene-sadler · 3 years
dog metaphor
a short about reynard and knickers for @wafflesthedragonslayer
totally harmless nonsense, could be sorta mevexreynard if u reallyy squint but could also just be about how meve loves her lil boy (knickers) (the dog)
ps. no war story this week i have like 6 different math research papers to parse for my senior project and several of them are totally new things that i have never seen before
---anyway i call this one DOG METAPHOR i’m an expert title thinker
 It wasn’t that Reynard didn’t like dogs. Meve still didn’t know all that much about his personal life before the war had thrown them into near-constant close contact. She did know he kept a pack of hounds at his estates, had seen them in person during a boar hunt in happier times. She suspected his disapproval of Knickers had more to do with the mutt’s owner than the animal himself.
    Not that he complained about it. Reynard never complained about anything. He studiously ignored the intrusion on his usual sense of order, even when he grudgingly started playing the occasional hand of cards with Gascon, ostensibly to pass the time in the evenings. As far as Meve could tell, the feeling was mutual; even when Knickers started following her around constantly, he took absolutely no interest in Reynard. The cold war continued through rainy woods and burning fields. Knickers got mud everywhere in the former terrain, spread ashes and scraps of discovered carcasses and other, less identifiable items in the latter. Reynard just frowned disapprovingly at the mess.
    Then, one day, she stepped into the mess tent. Gascon was missing - on watch, she supposed - but Reynard was there. He looked up at her, automatically, a stiff frown settling onto his face.
    She’d seen him slip Knickers a bread crust under the table. She decided not to mention it, but she couldn’t not smile at him. He frowned back at her until she remembered why she’d walked in and quickly embarked on a discussion of the planned route through Aedirn.
      The incident slipped her mind. She remembered it again on the other side of the mountains and the far side of the swamp after a particularly bad day because, as she was enjoying a private hour of brooding, Knickers trotted uninvited into her tent and Reynard followed.
    She hadn’t known they were spending time together. Then again, she hadn’t had the time or energy to waste thinking about it. In fact, she had been avoiding thinking about Reynard at all, if she could avoid it - or Gascon - or any of the various things that kept reminding her they existed. The dog stopped, shook water all over her threadbare rug, dropped the remains of a bone on top of the mess, and stood, panting vacantly at her.
    Reynard apologized for the mess, of course. Half the things he said were apologies, when he wasn’t talking about the business of the day, in an apologetic tone, or looking around saying nothing and looking apologetic. She didn’t want to hear it; she waved a dismissive hand, listened to his hesitant report about weather and reports, and sat, glaring at the wet spot and discarded bone on the rug.
    A few weeks with a face full of stitches and a low-grade fever - and, possibly, at long last, a series of tangible military victories and a sight of home - cured her bad mood. It certainly had nothing at all to do with the efforts of her associates. If Gascon wasn’t hanging around her at all times, constantly chattering about nothing, Reynard was there, almost totally silent. Knickers never left her alone, even when Reynard attempted to budge him out of medical, or out of her tent, or out of command briefs. The status quo continued and then, one morning she woke up and he was gone. Everyone was gone - Knickers, Reynard, Gascon.
    They were in the command tent, she realized, after shaking off the weird feeling. She shuffled through the crisp fall morning under a cloudless sky and found them sitting in the musty interior. Gascon was halfway through a sandwich. Reynard had a map in front of them and the dog in his lap. None of them noticed her for a minute, or, at least, neither of the humans noticed her. Knickers looked up and started wagging his tail in a blur. She smiled painfully at the scene.
    “Oh,” Gascon said, spraying crumbs. “You’re up. Just in time for another one of Reynard’s strategy sessions.”
    She couldn’t think of anything to say. Reynard glanced from her to the dog, apparently misread her expression, and said, “He, uh, likes to be part of the planning process. I can put him out -”
    “Don’t worry about it,” she said, quickly, hoping no hint of the strange fuzzy feeling in her chest was finding its way into her tone of voice. Reynard smiled at her, like he somehow noticed it anyway, or maybe like he just didn’t want to get up. “He’ll just come back in if you try.”
    “Damn right,” Gascon replied.
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adezahnae · 4 years
Little Song Bird (Part 4)
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A/N: Part 4 is now here!!! This is the final part of this mini series😭 I don’t know about this Mini Series, I thought it wasn’t really that good or if I didn’t put enough effort into it, but its okay! enjoyyyy😊😭
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: Smut, angst, masturbation, sex recording, rough sex, dirty talk, choking, just dirty again XD
Tagged People: @supernovapluto
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Taeyong’s POV
Why can’t I get Y/n out of my mind? The moment she told me she wanted me yesterday, I couldn’t resist. I just want to slam her against the wall and pound into her like no tomorrow...The moment I have her, legs open, wet for me- “Mr. Lee?” I heard a voice say. I snapped out of my thoughts and seen one of my female students. I rolled my eyes, Yasmine. “Yes?” I replied. She leaned over my piano, putting her chest on display.
“Can you change my role?” She asked. “To what?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “To main singer.” She said. I sighed and continued to play. “No.” I replied. She pouted. “But Mr. Lee, why? I’ve done a good job.” She whined. “By your voice cracking? How is that a good job, Yasmine?” I asked. She walked around the piano and placed her hands on my shoulders. “But..I thought I made up for it though...” She whispered. I sighed. “Really?” I questioned. “Mhm...” she replied. “Do you think sucking my dick and sending two videos of you touching yourself is really gonna make me replace Y/n with you?” I asked getting up.
I turned around and placed my hand on her chin, getting close to her face. “I don’t replace golden girls for sluts like you.” I whispered as I was hovering over her lips. She gulped. “I thought you loved me...” She mumbled. I lightly chuckled. “Wow...you are reallyy naive.” I said. I heard a gasp coming from the door. I looked over to see that it was Y/n. “Hello my Song Bird.” I said. She stumbled back. “I-I came for my lesson but I must’ve came at a wrong time..s-sorry..” She mumbled. Why is she so cute?
“No you came at a right time, come here.” I said pulling away from Yasmine. “And you. You can leave.” I said to her. Yasmine scoffed and left the room. I walked over to Y/n and kissed her on the lips. She pushed me away and didn’t look at me.
“What was she doing here?” She mumbled. “It’s unimportant. right now, it’s you and me Kitty..” I said. “I don’t care..Why was she here and why were you-“ “Touching her?” I finished for her. “Y-Yeah..” She mumbled. Awwww she’s jealous. I walked up to her and caressed her check. “Is my Kitty jealous because I was touching another girl?” I asked her with a little laugh.
She rolled her eyes and pushed me away again. “Stop calling me that. I’m done. I’ll just go.” She said. Okay, now she’s pissed me off. I grabbed her by her arm and yanked her back towards me. I gripped her chin harshly. “Kitty. You came here because I told you to. You are my main singer and you will finish out the part weather you like it or not. Don’t make your teacher angry Kitty..” I whispered. She scowled and looked away. “You don’t scare me..” She mumbled. “I don’t?” I asked with a raise of an eyebrow. I deeply chuckled and leaned down to her ear.
“We’ll see about that...” I whispered. I pulled away from her and pulled her to the piano bench and sat her on it. I pulled out my phone. “What are you doing?” She asked. “Touch yourself.” I told her. “What?!”
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Your POV
“What?!” I exclaimed. “Don’t make me tell you again, Kitty. Do it.” He growled. I suddenly felt shy. He was recording me. “I-I...” I mumbled. “You’re shy aren’t you? This is your next lesson and also the main lesson. You will have so many people watching you and recording you. What’s the point of being a singer when you have stage fright?” He explained. I sighed and nodded. “Yes Mr. Lee...” I said. “Good girl...now go ahead. Touch yourself. Let Mr. Lee see how much of a performer you can be..” He mumbled.
I slowly opened my legs and rubbed my heat though my underwear. I pushed my hand inside and felt myself completely, without a barrier. I looked away from the camera and whimpered. “Mm mm, look at me Kitty.” He ordered. I turned to his direction and looked at the camera. “Good Good girl..” He praised. I slipped in two of my own fingers and let out a soft moan. I sped my pace up and moaned louder. I see him bite his lip and smirk.
“Let me see how wet you are baby..” He whispered getting closer. He moved my underwear out of the way and recorded my slick fingers going in and out of my dripping heat. He pulled them all the way down my legs and watched me more. He placed spit on his fingers and rubbed my clit.
I groaned and whined out as I was getting closer. “Are you close?” He asked. I nodded my head. “U-Uh H-Huh!” I replied. “Look at the camera. Be a dirty little Kitty and show your face when you cum.” He whispered. I did so and came all over our fingers. He took his fingers and sucked on them.
“Get up.” He ordered. I got up off the bench and waited for the next order. He led me to his desk and sat up his phone. He got behind me and bent me over the desk. He landed a strong hit on my butt making me jerk forward and whine. “You bad bad Kitty..getting angry with me and pushing me.” He whispered in my ear. “You need to be punished...” He dropped his pants and boxers and rubbed the head of his member against me.
I wiggled my butt back, desperately wanting to feel him in me. It’s what if waited for for the longest..I want him so badly..he spanked me, making me cry out. “Don’t be impatient. You know I hate that.” He growled. I gulped and nodded my head. “Yes sir..” I said. He finally pushed in me.
I cried out and gripped the desk. He felt soo good..so big and hard..he was what I imagined. He groaned out. He sounded so angelic. He gripped my hair and pulled me up. “Look at yourself while I fuck you senseless..” He growled. I looked at myself in the camera and moaned at my appearance. He stared back at me while kissing my shoulder.
He started to move his hips, snapping in and out of me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and smiled at the feeling. I looked back at the camera and seen Mr. Lee’s eyes closed and his face scrunched in pleasure and focus. “You feel so good around me..way too good.” He whispered as he opened his eyes again. I whimpered and clenched around him some more. I groaned and smacked my butt. “Yess..Fuck yesss Kitty...” He whispered. He locked eyes with mine and wrapped his hand around my neck. I gasped. “Yes Mr. Lee!” I squeaked. He smirked and bit on my ear. “You like that?” He asked me. I nodded. His hand got tighter around my neck. “Use your damn words..” He growled.
“Yes! Yes sir! Please don’t stop!” I cried. He smirked. “That’s my good little song bird.. sing for me..sing for your teacher.” He whispered. I whined out some more. I felt my high reaching. “Mr. Lee! Mr. Lee! M-Mr. Lee!!” I chanted like a mantra. He felt me getting closer and he pounded harder. “Yes, say my name..sing out my fucking name..” He growled. His high was approaching close as well. I felt him twitch and he groans. “When you cum, sing out your highest note..just like I taught you.” He said breathlessly.
I felt my orgasm tear through my body and I screamed. He groaned and came after me. Yes..I wanted to feel his load in me as well...He bit down on my shoulder and slowly pulled out of me. I whimpered at the loss of the feeling and sat up a little. He took his phone and stopped the recording. He smiled at me. “You did wonderful, Kitty...” He said. I smiled back weakly and tried to move. He stopped me and took a tissue. He wiped me clean and landed a kiss on my butt. I took my underwear and pulled them back on.
He gave me a piece of paper. “What is this?” I asked. “My place arrangement for the song. You will be in charge on who will be with who.” He said. “What? I’m in charge of the arrangement?” I asked. “That’s also the main singer’s job. You hold all the power..” He said. “Why can’t you do it? What if anyone doesn’t listen to me?” I asked grabbing my stuff. “I won’t be there. Besides they’ll listen.” He said simply.
I pouted. “You’re not gonna be there to watch me?” I asked. He smiled and kissed my forehead. “It’s okay sweetheart. You’ll do great.” He said. He walked to the door. “Mr. Lee! Wait!” I said. He turned around. “So...you’re done with me?” I asked. He sighed. “I’ll see you around, Y/n.” He smiled. He walked out the door, leaving me in the room alone...
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“Okay is everyone in place?” I asked. Everyone nods, getting ready. One girl was leaving the bench and going off the stage. “Where are you going?” I asked. “You aren’t the boss of me, I can go where I want.” She said. I went silent but I thought of Mr. Lee’s words. ‘Tell them who taught you..they’ll listen.’ I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Well if you don’t know, I am the boss of you, Mr. Lee put me in charge. Were you taught by Mr. Lee?” I asked “Yes!”“Personally?” I finished sternly. Her mouth was now closed. “Now get in your place.” I said pointing in her spot. She did so and bowed. “I’m sorry..” She said. I hummed and turned around.
Wow..thank you Mr. Lee. The lights were dimmed and the crew was rolling up the curtains. Soon, the spotlight was on me and the others. I heard the song being played and I started to sing. As I was singing I remember each lesson that he taught me. I hit the high note in the song mid way that was lesson one, pitch. I watched people’s reactions from looking in their eyes, lesson two, eye contact. I heard others speaking and whispering, lesson three, focus. Lastly, I watched everyone’s cameras as they watched me, lesson four, confidence.
The song was now done, and the crowd cheered and clapped. I bowed and smiled at the crowd. I waved while looking around. My eyes suddenly went to the back of the room. I spotted Mr. Lee. He was clapping and smirking. “I would now like to invite one of the best musical artists of all time, Mr. Lee Taeyong!” The host said. I gasped and seen Mr. Lee approaching the stage.
He walked up and grabbed the mic. “Thank you everyone for coming to my show. I’m glad you all enjoyed one of my best students.” He said looking over at me. The crowd clapped. “Good job Kitty..” He mouthed. I nodded. He was a musical artist?! I HAD SEX WITH A MUSICAL ARTIST?!?
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I was picking up all my things and felt someone behind me. I turned around and seen Mr. Lee. “Hello my little song bird.” He smiled. “H-Hi.” I said. “Aww, what’s wrong?” He asked. “You’re a famous artist?” I asked. “Under the name of Taeyong, yes.” He said. “I...I...” I mumbled.
“What? Is it because you were taught by a famous artist or you that you had sex with one?” He asked with a chuckle. “B-Both..” I mumbled. He walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. “I got you something..” He said. “What?” I asked. He pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to me.
I took and read over it. I gasped and covered my mouth. I can’t believe I got “A contract?!” He smiled and nod. “You will work with me at my company.” He said. I squealed and gave him a hug. “T-Thank you!” I cried. He hugged me back. “Let’s go, you’re moving with me.” He said. “Moving? Where?” I asked. “My place in Seoul. I’m taking you home.” He said. “But what about my life here? Why me, actually?” I asked. “I’ve known you before you even introduced yourself. I knew you were special, the moment I laid eyes on you.” He said. “Why the sex though?” I asked. He chuckled. “That was on you. Your writing really spoke to me.” I blushed and looked away.
He picked up my bag and held it out to me. “I want to make you a star, along with me..I want you to be with me..let me take you home..” He said. I smiled and grabbed my bag. I took his hand and we walked out of the door to his car. I got in and we drove to my place to get my clothes.
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shoyodon · 4 years
Hiiiii!!!! i reallyy love your inarizaki's manager headcannon and also the inarizaki accidentally made their manager cry! can i request a one shot of seijoh with a manager that got bullied cause of the bois fangirls? she hid it from them, not wanting to worry them thank youuu so muchhhh
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cheating, bullying
A/N: I’m back!! Ty for 400 followers 🥺 I’ll be doing something special for my 500 follower mark so watch out for that!!
WC: 1.4k
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Out of any highschool, Seijoh is most known for their abundance of fangirls and some fanboys, mostly because of Oikawa.
The boys have grown used to having to deal with hordes of female fans after their games and pestering them in and after practice, due to working with the infamous Oikawa Tooru
However, when you get onboard and start managing Seijoh, it's a large adjustment to make from being a quiet girl that no one really knew too well to being whispers on people's lips when passing by them in the hallways.
You were close friends with Oikawa and Iwaizumi since you were children, often playing together as your houses were on the same street, but as you grew up, you grew distant.
The boys noticed, but decided ultimately that you were probably going through your own things and needed space, and that is exactly what they gave you until your second year of highschool.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi slowly started worming their way back into your life a little at a time, until it was normal for one of the boys to walk you home if not both of them at the same time. 
It wasn’t like Oikawa fangirls didn’t take notice of this, though. How he’d wait for you, Iwaizumi by his side at the front gates while you stumbled clumsily to the gate, books and papers held messily in your hands as you apologized profusely for making them wait. Or how one would hold your books for you while another held your bag, speaking peacefully about your days with each other.
They noticed, but they also noticed how disheveled you looked. Messy haired, clumsy, tired.
In their eyes, you weren't a threat.
Until you became the manager.
Your third year, Oikawa finally formally asked you to become their manager.
 By then your relationship with the boys had mended to the closeness you had shared as children, so it wasn't an outlandish question for him to ask, and you were expecting it by the amount he speaks of not “Having a cute manager like the Karasuno boys.” but it still took you slightly aback
He gave you time to think about it, and eventually you caved and said yes. Over the course of a month you had fallen in love with the team. The boys treated you like you were an old friend, and you snuggly fit into their little family.
When I tell you those boys cherish and adore their cute shy manager I MEAN it.
You were there when they needed you 100% of the time, no matter the task, you supported them and took care of them, win or lose.
They treated you like a godsend, which you were. Kunimi even thanked Oikawa for his endless pestering to get you to join because of how much the team took a turn for the better.
Sappy shit aside, let's get to the drama
As you went from the quiet clutz that occasionally walked with Oiikawa and Iwaizumi home, to the cute third year manager that has the entire volleyball club wrapped around her finger, the fangirls started to realize you were no longer just some harmless extra. 
They thought of you as an obstacle to get to oikawa, and that meant they had to put you in your place.
Rumors started spreading fairly quickly. Multiple different ones, but they all circulated around the first year hallway, meaning no one other than Kunimi and Kindaichi heard them. You were the talk of the class.
Kindaichi heard your name being uttered during lunch and his head perked up, Kunimi took notice of this as well and turned. 
A boy in their class was talking to two others about you. Kunimi called his name and asked him what was going on and the boy cocked his head
“Aren’t you in the club? I thought you'd know first. Y/n-senpai has apparently been dating Iwaizumi-senpai this whole time, but she's been seeing Oikawa behind his back!” 
Kunimi visibly cringed at the obvious lie, Kindaichi sat there in shock, also not believing it, but purely taken aback on why such lies were being spread.
Over the course of the next few days more rumors emerged. Some of you sleeping around the club, being seen on dates with different boys, and some girls claiming you were even seeing boys from different sports teams. 
The first day Kindaichi and Kunimi heard of these they brushed it off, believing whoever started the rumors would let it die down over the next couple days, but it just got worse. 
The rumors ended up reaching the third year hallway, but as a majority of the third year boys didn't care much for the drama and rumors that normally spread about them, they didn't even realize that these new rumors were much more sinister and related to you, because they opted to avoid all conversations starting with “so I heard…”
But you, however, were not used to having eyes on you at all times, so ignoring these rumors was a lot more difficult. Especially when a well known third year girl, who also holds the title of Oiikawa's fanclub president, Mako, slammed her hands on your desk one morning.
The intensity of which she was staring at you made you physically recoil in your seat, and, in front of everyone, she began to rant
She called you all the names in the book, embarrassing you in front of your teachers and class, even attracting some attention from students passing by in  the hallways
A crowd began to form, and through your now tear filled eyes, you left, pushing past the now whispering crowd of bystanders, leaving your books and bag in your now empty seat.
You ran through the halls, bumping into the chest of a man with an all to familiar blue and teal jacket. As you hit him, prepared to take a sharp turn and leave their prying eyes, he grabbed your wrist, his other hand resting on the small of your back. 
“Woah...Y/n what happened?” Oikawa's voice whispers
“Oi Shittykawa we have to- Y/n?” another voice calls out, footsteps getting louder as Iwaizumi joins Oikawa's side, gently placing his hand on your arm.
Through the sobs and tears you manage to whisper “rumors” and “Mako” and they understand.
 Oikawa gently pulls you away to an empty hallway, Iwaizumi following suit. Mattsun and Makki happened to be passing by as they led you to a less crowded area, and Iwaizumi gently instructed them to head back to your class and collect your things, which they did.
The remaining two boys sat down with you on the floor of the hallway, Oikawa's arms loosely hanging around you as you sobbed into his chest, Iwaizumis hand gently rubbing circles on your back. 
“I-I don’t even...know what I did wrong..” you sob. Oikawa shot Iwaizumi a pained look, which he returns, and he gently places his chin on your head.
“You didn't do anything...there are just some people that thrive on putting others down...Mako has another thing coming if she thinks I'd be interested in someone insulting one of my best friends..” he whispers. 
After you have calmed down significantly, and Makki and Mattsun arrive with your things and a cold water from the vending machine, they all sit with you as you patiently explain what happened.
Oikawa apologizes profusely, knowing that these girls only did what they did as they thought of you as a threat, and you, with a small, weak smile, tell him that it wasn't his fault.
Over the next few days the boys are very protective of you. Yelling at any idiot that brings up those outlandish rumors. Oikawa has a stern talking to with Mako and the rest of the fangirls, explaining to them that you were apart of the team now, and if they didn't support you, they didn't have the right to support anyone on that team and he would personally make sure that he wouldn't be seeing any of them at his games from here on out.
Kunimi and Kindaichi also do their fair share of work dispelling any rumors that somehow make their way back to the first year hallways, Kunimi with hurtful snapbacks and Kindaichi with positive affirmations of how you would do anything those people said you did, and how kind you were.
Those boys would go to the end of the earth for you, and after the third years saw you crying that one time, they all made an unspoken agreement that they'd never see you cry like that again.
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