#okay. okay. hello????? this already fucks
jockwrites · 3 days
Can you write something aggressive please 😩
warnings: smut, (r receiving,) use of drug substances, cursing
a/n: this is pretty short, not that aggressive tbh..but i’m trying a new writing style! also please please please send requests <3
for @billiesmainchick @doyouknowhowtob3nd
paige is manspread on the couch, the aroma of weed sorrounding her.
at the moment, she’s mad because you’d rather spend time with your friends than her. but this isn’t a one time thing—you always do this.
she thinks maybe she’s just overthinking, maybe she’s just in her mind too much. but regardless, if you called she’d answer. if you came in, angry, upset, she’d comfort.
no matter how mad she is, she’s always there for you.
but you aren’t answering her calls, and she’s starting to get heated minute by minute. that’s when she decides to call you one more time, just for closure so she can go to sleep. she’s already high as it is.
you giggle & laugh with your friends, noticing an incoming call from paige before accepting it.
“hello?” you speak into the phone, your smile blatantly obvious through your voice.
her voice is shaky, and there's a hint of anger in it "hey, where are you right now? who are you with?" she asks, trying to keep her tone even. but it's clear she's on edge.
you roll your eyes, knowing she’s just in one of those moods, “im with my friends, paige,” you huffed.
“why can’t you spend time with me? and why the fuck won’t you answer my calls?” she questions, her voice wavering. she’s getting upset, her voice shaking a little. she’s a bit too high.
you shake your head “paige, they’re my friends. and i didn’t answer because we’re having fun, i’ll be back soon.”
she scoffs, getting more heated “so i'm not important enough to answer? i'm sitting here alone, waiting for you. and you're out having fun with your friends. do i not matter to you?”
you get agitated, rolling your eyes as your hand comes up to rub your temple in distress and annoyance, “paige, i’ll be home soon. stop overreacting. yes, you do matter, but they just wanted to spend time with me.”
she laughs bitterly, “stop overreacting? really? you're telling me to stop overreacting when you're the one who keeps blowing me off?” her voice raises. she's definitely high and definitely pissed, “i've been waiting for you all day.”
you scoff, “paige, God. chill the fuck out i said i’ll be there soon.”
she pauses, her breathing heavy. silence. then she speaks, her voice low, “you know what? forget it. i don't give a fuck about your friends.” and with that, she hangs up the phone. you stare at your phone, confused. that was harsh.
you look around, then eagerly tell your friends you need to go, “hey guys, im gonna head out. paige needs me”
you get a simple, in sync, “bye bye,” from everyone before you get up to leave.
you don’t know what’s gotten into paige.
by the time you arrive to the apartment, she’s high as can be, her eyes bloodshot red. she’s in some joggers and a white tee on the couch, her legs manspread. her eyes are low, the expression on her face enough to scare a child. the stench of weed is thick in the air.
you walk in, noticing the unusual disposition she has, “hey baby, are you okay?”
she looks up at you, her gaze hazy as she speaks with sarcasm dripping in her voice. “yeah, im fine. just chillin.” she reaches for her phone, texting someone quickly before putting it down. “so, what made you come back after you fucking left me for those bullshit excuses of ‘friends’?” she asks, her voice husky and low.
you roll your eyes in annoyance, putting one hand on your hip, “paige,” you speak calmly, “i just wanted to have fun. am i not allowed?”
“take a fucking look around hazel,” she says, her voice a low mumble. her eyes are heavy, the high she’s on making her lazy, “they’re not your fucking friends. i’ve already explained this to you. i can’t let this shit keep happening, it happens again and again and i’m sick of it. fuck them.”
you furrow your eyebrows, “but they’re my friends paige. i can’t just not hangout with them.”
she sits up, her eyes finally focusing on you. her gaze is intense, serious. “bro, hazel, i don’t give a fuck about your friends. i’m right here, why can’t you see that? i’m the only one who’s been there for you. they just want you to come out with them so yall can drink and get fucking laid.”
you look at paige in annoyance, wondering why she’s so bitter all of a sudden, “paige, i do see you. but you need to stop, they are my real friends. you’re just jealous.”
she stands up, her face slightly red with anger. “real friends? really? are you fucking kidding me? they don’t give a shit about you, hazel. they only care about themselves. but you, you care about me. you always have. and i care about you more than they ever could.”
you’re getting agitated, the frustration clear in your voice.“paige, yes they do,” you protest.
she gets in your face, her breath reeking of weed. “no, they fucking don't. you're just too stupid to see it,” she grabs your dress, pulling you closer. “i've been waiting all night for you. you wouldn’t answer my calls.. you wouldn’t text me back.. i’ve been rolling crazy all damn night.”
you look paige in the eyes, going from a bright blue to dark grey. you lean in to whisper, “paige.. im sorry. i didn’t mean to keep you waiting on me.”
“you don’t act like you’re fucking sorry,” she hisses, her voice low and seductive, “you gotta understand baby, i don’t give a fuck about them.”
paige backs you into the wall, the dark scenery of the living room making it hard for you to see, “paige, please.”
she presses her body against yours, pinning you to the wall. her hand comes up to grip your throat, not squeezing, just resting there. “please what, hazel? please stop? please let you go back to your so-called friends?”
you look up at her, this interaction slightly turning you on, “no, paige. i meant could you forgive me,” you whisper, breaking eye contact in guilt.
her grip tightens around your throat slightly as she leans in close, her lips brushing against your ear, “forgive you for what, hazel?” her hand moves down your chest. her touch is so scary, yet so gentle. “for making me worry? for blowing me off?”
your breathing is speeding up, you gulping as her hand comes back up to your neck, “yeah, kind of.”
she leans in closer, her lips barely touching yours. her voice drops to a whisper. “you gotta let me prove i love you more than they do.” her hand moves from your neck, slowly sliding down to grip your waist as the other hand mimics.
you can feel paige starting to kiss your neck, biting your soft spot which makes you bite back a moan, “you can prove it baby.”
her hands move, groping your boobs softly as she kneads them. her kisses trail to your jawline, “it’s not gonna happen again, is it?” she whispers into your ear, her right hand going to grip your ass.
you moan, your arms wrapping around her neck as you speak, slightly breathless, “mhm, no baby, it won’t happen again i promise.”
she growls softly, nuzzling into your neck, her touch getting firmer. she picks you up by the back of your thighs, wrapping your legs around her waist. she carries you to the couch, lowering you down gently. she climbs on top of you, pinning your arms above your head.
you look up at paige, biting your bottom lip in pleasure, “what, you gonna punish me or something?” you provoked, pushing your chest up slightly.
she grins mischievously, leaning down to bite your bottom lip, tugging it gently. she kisses your neck, your collarbone, your chest, slowly pulling the shoulder straps of your dress down. she looks up at you, her eyes cold. “you wanna be punished?”
you smirk, “maybe.”
she growls softly, her hands trailing down your arms, your sides, to your thighs. she grips them tightly, parting them. she leans down, her breath hot against your core. she looks up at you from beneath your dress, her face neutral. "maybe?"
you nag, body desperate for friction, “yeah, maybe.”
without warning, she tugs your panties aside and dives in, licking a slow stripe up your slit. she moans at your taste, the vibrations sending shockwaves through you. her tongue circles your clit teasingly before sucking it between her lips.
you immediately moan, the sudden traction of her tongue onto your clit making you go senseless.
she continues to eat you out, her hands spreading your legs wider as she laps at your pussy. she sticks a finger inside you, curling it to hit that spot that makes you see stars. “you gonna stop acting like a bitch?”
you bite your bottom lip, hands going to grip her hair aggressively as you buck your hips against her face. practically grinding, “mm paige fuck! yes baby!”
she moans into your pussy, the vibrations intensifying your pleasure. she adds another finger, pumping them in and out rapidly as her tongue flicks over your clit. her free hand comes up to pinch and roll your nipple through your dress. “that’s my good girl, always listening to me.”
you let out a wave of curses and moans, the whimpers eliciting a sudden burst of energy in paige,“oh! paige just like that oh my-”
she growls into your core, her fingers pumping faster and harder as you buck your hips against her face. she can feel you getting closer, your legs shaking against her shoulders. she wraps her arms around your thighs to hold you in place as she doubles her efforts, “come for me baby, let me know you know i love you.”
you moan, grinding against her face as you grope her hair tighter. you use your free hand, going to pull your dress down further to knead your tits, “fuck paige you’re gonna make me cum-”
she sucks hard on your clit, her fingers curling inside you as she presses her palm against your ass. she holds you in place, not letting you move as she devours your pussy. she feels you tighten around her fingers and knows you're about to cum.
you start to approach your climax, your legs quivering, “paige please don’t stop ohmygosh!” you whine out.
she can feel you tensing up, your breathing hitching as you get closer and closer to the edge. she growls encouragingly, her fingers beckoning inside you as her mouth sucks hard on your bundle of nerves. “that's it baby. keep being a good girl for me.”
you reach your climax, riding out your high. she keeps going, drawing out your pleasure until you're boneless and gasping. she slowly eases back, wiping her face with the back of her hand as she grins up at you. “you did so good,” she climbs back up your body, kissing you deeply so you can taste yourself on her.
you kiss her passionately, wrapping your legs around her waist as you cup her face, “i’m sorry baby, i promise i won’t leave you alone like that again,” you promise, still out of breath from the static orgasm.
she deepens the kiss, her hands roaming your body possessively. she breaks the kiss to bury her face in your neck, breathing heavily. “you’re mine, you hear me? no one else gets to touch you like this.”
“i know, i love you.”
“i love you more baby.”
a/n: ok this took forever and it’s still bad but i wanted it to be perfect bc i didn’t like my other fics also new writing style who cheered! nobody. anyway thanks for reading pls pls pls send requests/asks other than just “smut” because that’s literally all i have .. also i used this website to help with words to use for my writing and it works like magic bro😭😭 ok bye yap yap
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moonstruckme · 17 hours
Hi lovely! Can I have wolfstar (or either of the two boys, it’s up to you) with reader who is just not having the best time, but doesn’t like being comforted/taken care of (even though she rlly needs it once in a while) because she doesn’t like the feeling of not being totally independent if that makes sense-? Like, she feels if she gets help then that means she can’t manage stuff on her own, and she wants to be able to manage stuff on her own. But at the same time she needs comfort rn yk?
I swear the way you write wolfstar has me kicking my feet every time. I fucking love your writing! Bye bye and thank you 👋
Thank you for your request lovely! I adore them <3
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Coming home and taking off your coat doesn’t hold the same relief as it used to lately. The weight of the day stays with you, coiled up around your ribcage like a snake that squeezes incrementally tighter every time you think of it. Still, it’s nice to come home to the smell of basil and the sound of Remus’ music playing from the kitchen. 
You set your bag down, going to find your boyfriends but spotting a plate of brownies on the table. You slow looking at it, and Sirius meets you halfway. He kisses you hello and wraps you up in a hug. 
“I’m so happy you’re home,” he murmurs conspiratorially. “Remus’ knee is hurting him, but he won’t say and he won’t get out of the kitchen. I need you to distract him.” You hum your assent, and he chuckles at your distraction, kissing beside your ear. “How was your day, beautiful?” 
“Fine,” you say. “Are those brownies?” 
“Yeah, Rem made them. The kind with the dark chocolate you like. Now, a real answer, please. How was your day?” 
“Oh, it was…it was okay.” 
Your voice sounds hesitant and melancholy even to your own ears. Sirius coos, hugging you tighter. He strokes up and down your spine, encouraging you to relax into him. “M’sorry, lovebug.” 
You shrug him off when he starts to sway you gently, shoving down on the emotion that rises in your throat. 
“Don’t be sorry,” you say, offering him a little smile. “It was fine.” 
Still, Sirius looks sad. “Okay,” he says. “Why don’t you go put on something more comfortable, and I’ll make sure our lovely boy is ready for you when you come back.” 
You huff a laugh. “Is that code?” 
He grins wickedly. “It is if you want it to be, gorgeous. Go on.” He turns you by the shoulders towards your bedroom, giving you a pat to your bum. “Go. Remus,” he calls towards the kitchen, “our angel just told me she really wants a cuddle from you. Sounds like you should join her on the couch.” 
It surprises you when Remus actually is waiting for you when you get back. He’s stretching his knee out, foot propped on the coffee table, but he smiles when he sees you. 
“Hi,” you say, your own lips tilting as you sit beside him. “Did you make me brownies?” 
“Well, I’d like to have at least one.” He takes your face in hand, kissing you with a grin on his lips. “But they’re mostly for you, yeah.” 
“That was sweet of you.” You take his hand in yours. The pads of your fingers rove the lines of his palm. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.” 
“I wanted to,” he says simply. His gaze is warm as he watches you, so knowing you have to look away. 
“Did you leave Sirius in the kitchen?” He nods. “What’s he making?” 
“Pasta for dinner. It’s nearly done.” 
“I should help.” You start to get up, but Remus holds onto your hand. 
“He’s got it, sweetheart. I wouldn’t normally trust him in the kitchen, but even Sirius can boil water.” 
“I know, but—” You extricate your hand from his gently, making it up with a smile. “—you’ve been doing stuff in there all day. It’s my turn to help.” 
Remus calls after you. Sirius must hear, because he apprehends you as soon as you enter the kitchen, keeping you from going further. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Stop,” you laugh, pushing against his hands. “I want to help.” 
“No one has any faith in me,” Sirius complains. “Remus has already done the hard work of chopping the basil and everything. I’m perfectly capable of boiling water.” 
“That’s what I told her,” Remus defends himself from the living room. 
You look behind Sirius for something that needs doing, but the collection of prepared ingredients gives you pause. You know this recipe. It’s your favorite pasta, your comfort food. 
“Why am I cursed with beautiful, stubborn partners who won’t take a rest when they need it?” Sirius laments. Now that you’ve stopped resisting, he’s able to bully you out of the kitchen, back towards the living room. 
“My knee doesn’t hurt,” you argue. 
He levels you with a look. “No. But that’s not the only thing that could cause someone to need a rest, is it?” 
You frown at him. The snake in your ribcage gives a malicious squeeze. “I’m fine. I don’t need to be coddled.” 
Sirius’ expression softens. “Sweetheart…” 
“No one is coddling you, lovely,” says Remus. “You’re going through a lot right now, and maybe you are fine, but it’s okay if you’re not, isn’t it?” He gives you a significant look. You press your lips together. “Either way, we only want to make things easier for you.” 
“I appreciate it,” you say, voice growing softer, “but I don’t need you to. I can manage it myself.” 
“Hey, who said you couldn’t?” Sirius asks. His eyebrows are bunched together, imploring. “You are managing it, gorgeous, and you’re doing a killer job. Really, it’s impressive, but we—” 
“We can still be there for you at the same time,” Remus finishes. 
You waver. Some of the playfulness comes back to Sirius’ expression. He cocks a brow at you. 
“So,” he drawls, “if you can handle all that by your lonesome, I don’t want to hear any more complaints about me boiling water without supervision. Got it?” 
You crack a grin. He mirrors it, giving you a shove so that you fall back onto the couch. 
“Good,” he says, turning around and starting back for the kitchen. “Take a rest, you freaks. Let me handle dinner for once.” 
“There’s a reason that doesn’t happen often,” Remus murmurs, drawing you into his side. He presses a kiss, soft and warm, to the bridge of your nose. “Are you going to be okay if your favorite pasta is al dente, lovely?” 
You laugh quietly, and he smiles for hearing it. “Yeah, I think I’ll live.” 
“Good. Because I’m afraid it’s all but guaranteed.”
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noosayog · 16 hours
The Agreement] part 1. directory here
wc: 600
warnings/content: angst
The first time you had slept with Suna Rintaro, you were convinced that the two of you were meant to be. You remembered being unsure of whether to leave or stay after your first shared night, but he had simply tucked you in and fell asleep curled around you. That had solidified your dreams of this being the start to a beautiful relationship. 
The following morning, however, ended those fantasies just as quickly. You had patted him on the cheek, waking him just enough to whisper that you were going out to grab some breakfast for the two of you. He had hummed in acknowledgement and fell back asleep. You remember being very pleased with how comfortable he was in your bed already. It was upon your return, that you had found Suna sneaking out of the apartment building. You were this close to yanking his sweater and demanding an explanation when you noticed he was speaking on the phone, agreeing flirtatiously (you would know, he used that tone to seduce you the night before) to brunch with whoever was on the other end of the line. You had cried about it over the two coffees in your hand, before rationalizing that you two had never talked or agreed about anything. You had never been a one-night stand type of person, but you had no choice but to wrap up your daydreaming and carry on with your life. Two weeks later, you run into him on campus again and end up in his bed that night. This time, you leave before midnight and that’s the start of some sort of unspoken understanding between the two of you. 
After that, every night with him goes the same. Even though continuing to sleep with the man goes against your better judgment, somehow, it worked out. You don’t feel the spark and fireworks from that initial touch so you figure your feelings for him are gone. And anyway, you’re entitled to sleeping with someone who makes you feel good. 
And it is. Fine, you mean. It’s all fine and good until the day you fail a test, get chewed out by a professor, and your roommate kicks you out because she’s hooking up with someone. The only person you can think of is Suna to shelter you. 
As his line rings, a part of your brain flashes signals somewhere, something about knowing better than to turn to someone whom you only have a physical relationship with for comfort. It rings long enough for you to consider taking it as a sign and hanging up, until it connects. 
You blink, taking a look at your screen to make sure it’s Suna’s contact you had dialed. 
“Hello?” the high-pitched voice asks again. 
“Oh, um. Hello?” You try to keep the sniffling to a minimum. “Um, I’m looking for Suna?” 
“Yep, this is his phone, but he’s in the shower right now. Can I relay anything for you?” 
“N- No,” oh fuck, the person definitely knows you’re crying now.
“Uh… are you okay? I can go get him if it’s urgent…”
“No! It’s okay! You know what, don’t even tell him I called. I’ll just… talk to him another time.” 
“Are you sure? You don’t sound-“
You mute your line to get the sniffles of your system and pull yourself the fuck together. “Please. I’ll just talk to him later.” 
“Okay… if you say so.” 
You muster all the energy left in you to chirp out a fine-sounding, “thanks!” Before hanging up and running to the nearest campus bathroom to cry in the privacy of a stall.
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newtonsheffield · 2 days
“this is not his real number not his real number”
“hello is this my number one fan?”
Kate would die when she realizes it’s his real number and will have to answer yes to all of her dad’s questions
Kate genuinely expected to be contacting his people when she finally got up the courage to call him the next day.
“Is this my number one fan?”
His voice was rich and deep and prickled down her spine and her lips parted in surprise before she cleared her throat. “Is that how you always answer the phone?”
“Obviously.” He laughed, “And usually it’s my mum so I’m dead on.”
Why was he so charming? Why?
“You um… took a pretty big swing putting your phone number on a bat. I could sell this on eBay or post it online and you’d be bombarded.”
“Sometimes you have to take a swing. The question is: Did I miss?”
“You didn’t miss.”
“And if I asked you to come and watch again tonight?”
Kate’s stomach lurched, “I would tell you that I need to start paying you for the tickets. And I’d have to bring my sister because she’s seen us all over social media and won’t leave me alone.”
“You can pay me by having a drink with me after.”
Kate’s stomach twisted, “Okay but your ego will have to survive the fact that I won’t be wearing your jersey. It’s in the wash.”
“Ah, deal’s off then.” Anthony tutted before he laughed, “The tickets are already waiting for you. I’ll see you tonight!”
She arrives a little later that night, still a little sure nothing would be waiting for her and Edwina trailing behind, already with a snack in her hand.
“God, I forgot how much I loved baseball food”
“We aren’t even inside yet. It’s… semi baseball food at best.” Kate rolled her eyes as she approached the desk smiling awkwardly at the same woman. “I might have some tickets again? Kate Sharma.”
The woman didn’t look through the system this time, but she smiled curiously, sliding an envelope across the counter. “Mr Bridgerton would also like you to have this.”
The woman passed Kate a bag, branded with the team logo. Kate peered inside even though she already knew what it would be, Anthony’s number and signature staring back at her against the blue pinstripes. She plucked the note out of the top of the bag.
Something else for you to sell on eBay.
Wave to me if you recognise me.
“Jesus he’s fucking smooth.”
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fuctacles · 1 day
What about milf 6?
Well, apparently I only had to proofread it so...
The voice on the other end is not the one Eddie wants to hear, but he should have expected it. He did call a total stranger, after all. 
"Robin, right?"
"Yeah, who is it?"
He feels like he's already fucked up, somehow, but he pushes on.
"Eddie, I'm taking care of Stephanie's cats. I, uh, I think they want to talk to her."
He breathes out in relief when the woman on the other side laughs. 
"Yeah, I can hear that. Gimme a second. Steph!" She pulls the phone away from her, but the volume is still a bit too much. "Your boy is calling!"
"He's not my boy!" he thinks is what he hears from even further away before there's a clatter in the receiver, and a way softer "Eddie?"
"Hi." He brings the phone closer to his ear again. "How's your weekend going?"
"Really good, thank you. Robin nearly broke her finger trying to beat me in bowling and I ate way too many steamed dumplings. But I swear they are the best in the state."
"You a big fan of dumplings?" he asks with a chuckle.
"You have no idea, I'll eat any kind. Pierogies, dim sum, samosa... How are you doing with my little idiots, though? I can hear they're being evil again."
"Uh, yeah." Eddie turns to look at the three furry menaces sitting in a perfect line and meowing more off-tune than even Gareth ever could. "Seems like they really want to get into the bedroom."
Steph huffs into his ear.
"They think I'm hiding from them. Let them in and keep an eye out because I'm not getting new drapes again. Lure them out with catnip if they won't leave on their own."
"And, uh, if you see something weird, like, on the bed or something, just throw a blanket over it and pretend it's not there, okay?"
Eddie blinks at the closed door, Robin's distant laughter and the cat's very close cacophony melting his brain.
"Weird how?"
"Shut up, Rob!" Steph hisses to her friend before coming closer to the phone. "Underwear, uh, toys, the likes," she explains, voice slightly pained. 
"Gotcha," Eddie gulps at the prospect of running into Stephanie's sex toys. 
"I think I put everything away, but I'm not used to having men in my bedroom."
"Uh-huh, yeah, me neither."
Eddie is really tempted to bash the receiver into his skull. 
Stephanie clears her throat. 
"Hey, could you feed them this evening too? I was—"
"Absolutely," Eddie interrupts her, cringing at his own eagerness. "You just have fun with your friend."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Don't worry about it."
"Thank you so much. I'll pay you when I get back."
"What? No, absolutely not."
No no no no no, don't you dare turn it into a transaction, Stephanie.
"Well, help yourself to the beer, then."
That's better, that's how friends pay for favors. He deflates with relief. 
"Or food, the TV, anything you want."
"Thanks," he says, but doubts she's heard him over the commotion on the other end. The sounds are not dissimilar to Jeff's two toddler siblings fighting. 
"Well, I'll be back tonight or early morning, so just leave the key under the doormat."
"You don't have a spare?" he frowns. 
"Robin has it, in case of emergencies." 
That sounds like a weird arrangement but Eddie's not going to question it. 
"I could wait for you," he offers, but as soon as it leaves his mouth he realizes how weird it sounds. "I stay up late anyway, you can just drop by my uncle's and I'll hand you the key," he quickly amends.
"The doormat is really enough," she assures him but he doesn't like the idea of leaving anyone's key in an obvious place.
"What? Sorry, I can't hear you over the meowing. I'll see you later."
She huffs, and he hopes it's an amused, fond huff, like his uncle gives him. Then hopes it's not. He doesn't want Steph to respond to him like his uncle does. 
"Sure. Later, Eddie."
He finally opens the door to her bedroom, and it's like a switch has been flipped. The noise immediately ceases, and the cats rush inside. 
"You guys are insane," he mutters, following them. He turns the light on and looks curiously around, tamping down any sense of guilt. 
He spots a white bra thrown over the end of the bed and pulls the blanket over it so he can pretend it's not there. Everything smells like Steph and he has this millisecond urge to plop face-first into her bedding and just inhale her.
When they don't find their owner where she should be, the cats retreat without the need for a bribe. Eddie closes the door behind them and his body deflates with a soft sigh.
When he's back in the evening though, he makes a grave mistake. 
He lets himself indulge a little, grabs a beer from the fridge, and peruses Stephanie's movie collections. It's mostly romantic comedies, and, surprisingly, the Star Wars movies. He picks the first one and plucks it into the VHS.
The couch sinks under his butt and he sighs in contentment as the opening credits appear on the screen. He could stay here, binge the trilogy, and welcome Steph home.
Open her a beer and massage her feet and kiss her hello. Like a loving husband.
Eddie sighs at his own thoughts, falling deeper into the cushions. He met Steph two days ago and meanwhile, there's a girl back in Indy he's been idly flirting with. And that cute guy from Battle of the Bands.
But they fall apart in the face of Stephanie's beauty, of her luscious hair and disarming smile. Eddie slides down a little bit further. Arwen decides it's an invitation to sit on his lap and he welcomes the distraction, petting her mindlessly. 
Sometime later, he considers getting another beer, but he's trapped under the black cat. He nudges her gently, but all he gets is a warning side eyes so he raises his hands in defeat.
"Okay, I'm not moving." He admits his loss and focuses back on the movie. 
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httpvomitello · 2 days
Hello~! I live your writing. Can I request a one shot with an older Leo x F!Reader (I was thinking bayverse but any era could fit) inspired by the ross and Rachel scene from friends where reader gets drunk and confesses to Leo through voicemail?
Hello, hello! I think I forgot to mention that the turtles and the reader are age-up. So, no need to worry! I hope you like it ♡♡♡♡
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The lair was dark, save for the faint blue glow of the aquarium in Donnie’s lab. The day had been long, and Leo was exhausted, but as leader, his mind never fully rested. He paced around the dojo, replaying the events of the last few days, thinking about patrols, missions, his brothers, and you.
You had been a constant in his life for years now. Your friendship with the turtles, especially with him, had grown stronger over time, to the point where he couldn’t imagine a world without you in it. But lately, Leo had found himself thinking about you more than just a friend. It was driving him crazy, the way his heart sped up when you were near, or how he caught himself smiling like a fool when you laughed. But he couldn’t act on it... shouldn’t act on it.
After all, he wasn’t exactly a normal guy. He wasn’t even human. And you? You were beautiful, brilliant, and entirely out of his reach.
His thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of his phone. He rarely used it, but it was a direct line for you and his brothers to reach him when needed. Pulling it from his belt, he saw your name flash on the screen. It was well past midnight.
Frowning, Leo answered. “(Y/N)? Everything okay?”
No answer, just a loud beep indicating he had a voicemail. He hadn’t even heard the phone ring. Maybe it was a mistake?
Confused, he dialed into his voicemail, listening as it started to play.
“Uh... hey, Leo. It’s me. (Y/N).”
Your voice sounded off, a little slurred, and Leo’s heart clenched. You were drunk. That in itself wasn’t alarming, but you didn’t usually drink like this unless something was bothering you.
“I don’t even know if you’re gonna listen to this, but I... I just... I need to say this. Or maybe I don’t. I don’t know. But, here I am!”
Leo chuckled despite himself, sitting down on one of the mats, already feeling anxious about where this was going.
“Okay, okay, so here’s the thing. I’ve liked you for soooo fucking long, Leo. Like, really liked you. And I know it’s stupid. I know you’re... you’re a fucking sexy turtle and I’m... well, I’m me. But every time I see you, I get these butterflies, and I think, ‘Why can’t I just be normal and tell him?’ But I never do because... because I’m scared.”
Leo froze, his heart hammering in his chest. He could hear your soft hiccups through the message, and it tore him apart.
“I’m scared you’ll think I’m dumb, or that you won’t feel the same way. And I can’t lose you, Leo. You’re my best friend. But God, I just... I need you to know that I think about you all the time. When we hang out, when we’re at the rooftop watching the stars, when we’re just... talking. You make me feel safe, and I don’t even know how to deal with that.”
You paused, and Leo could hear the faint clinking of a glass being set down on what he assumed was a table.
“I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. It’s probably the alcohol. Stupid liquid courage. I mean, you’re probably never even gonna hear this. Maybe I’ll delete it in the morning or something...”
There was a soft laugh, tinged with sadness. “But in case you do hear it... I’m in love with you, Leo. I’ve been in love with you for a long time. And it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way. Really. But I just... I needed to say it.”
Another pause, longer this time, and then: “Okay. Uh, I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one night. Goodnight, bab... Leo!”
The message ended with a click, leaving Leo sitting in stunned silence, your words replaying over and over in his mind.
In love with him?
His heart raced as the reality sank in. You were in love with him, and you’d been carrying this weight alone, scared of ruining your friendship. The same fear he had been wrestling with for months.
Suddenly, Leo felt an overwhelming need to see you, to tell you that he felt the same, that you weren’t alone in this. But he hesitated. You were drunk, and it wouldn’t be right to have that conversation when you weren’t fully yourself. You deserved better than that.
For now, all he could do was wait until morning.
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The next day came far too slowly for Leo’s liking. He kept himself busy training, hoping to distract himself from the growing tension inside him. His brothers noticed his quiet demeanor, but they didn’t press him for answers.
Around noon, his phone buzzed again. It was you.
He stared at your name for a long moment, anxiety creeping in. Were you calling to apologize for the voicemail? Pretend it didn’t happen? What if you had already deleted it, thinking he hadn’t heard it? There was no way he was going to let you brush it off like that.
With a deep breath, he answered. “Hey, (Y/N).”
“Leo.” Your voice sounded... off. Less cheery than usual. “So, uh... did you get my voicemail?”
There it was.
Leo swallowed. “Yeah. I did.”
“Oh God,” you muttered, clearly embarrassed. “I was really drunk, and I just—I shouldn’t have—”
“Don’t.” His voice came out sharper than he intended. “Don’t apologize.”
You fell silent on the other end, and Leo took the opportunity to speak before he lost his nerve.
“I’m glad you told me. I wish you hadn’t been drunk when you did, but I’m glad you were honest with me.”
You let out a shaky breath. “Leo, I—”
“I need you to know something,” he cut you off gently. “I’ve been feeling the same way. For a long time.”
“I’ve been in love with you too, (Y/N).” The words came out quietly, but they carried so much weight. “I’ve just... never known how to tell you.”
There was a beat of stunned silence, and Leo could almost hear the gears turning in your head as you processed his words.
“You... love me?” Your voice was barely a whisper.
“Yeah,” he admitted softly. “I do.”
“I thought you... I mean, you never gave any signs...”
Leo laughed softly. “Trust me, I’ve tried to hide it. I didn’t want to make things awkward between us.”
You let out a breathy laugh, clearly in disbelief. “Oh my God. I thought I was the only one.”
“You weren’t,” Leo said, his voice softening. “But I didn’t want to put that pressure on you. I didn’t think it was fair. But now that it’s out in the open... I don’t want to pretend anymore.”
“What do we do now?” you asked, your voice uncertain but filled with hope.
“I guess... we take it one step at a time,” Leo said. “No more hiding. No more pretending.”
You were quiet for a moment before you finally spoke. “I can do that. I want to do that.”
Leo smiled, relief flooding through him. “Then it’s a start.”
It wasn’t going to be easy, nothing about his life ever was, but for the first time in a long while, Leo felt like he was heading in the right direction.
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skyrim-forever · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Hello everyone! It's another Wednesday <3 Thank you to @changelingsandothernonsense for tagging me (love the Josh and Erra updates) I'm tagging @lady-iizsil @dirty-bosmer @theoneandonlysemla @thequeenofthewinter (you've already since this snippet oops) @lucien-lachance
This is a part of a much dark part 2 to this fic, my depraved Thalmor Embassy shenanigans. So this snippet features mentions of things in that fic including: sex, blackmail, voyeurism, the glove (iykyk). Under the cut also has mentions of torture, murder (as speculations) and Rulidnil being even worse (that's definitely present). So yeah, MDNI and read if you're cool with that. Anyways time to tease the horror. Chapter 1 is done and currently being edited, expect to see it soon~ its 6k OOPS
“Theodora.” She almost snaps her neck with how quick her gaze finds him. How did one of them know her name… she had only met one other male Thalmor… Akatosh preserve me. With each step inching closer, her body tenses as the suspicious are concerned. 
“Ah, Rulindil.” She grits her teeth. “Fancy running into you here.” 
It was none other than the mer who used them for sexual blackmail, first listening into their conversation and other activities at the Embassy, and then demanding to watch them engage in more of these activities. That had been his compromise after being told he could not fuck her himself. Originally Theodora had told Ondolemar she would have done it just to shut him up, but after meeting him, she could see his concerns were not unfounded. Her lover had told her all about how he ended up in the position he occupied now, how his life experiences lead him to serve the Dominion and of how he was harbouring severe doubts. Many of which had come from knowing her. With Elenwen, she could see that although she could be cruel, having been a torturer during the Great War, she understood there were multiple ways to solve a problem. Violence was not the only way to get information, treating people well, good wine and good food, could do wonders and was far easier than bleeding them out. The Ambassador was firm, but fair; at least as far as the Thalmor went. 
She didn’t see any of that in Rulindil. Interrogation was not his job, it was his passion. I enjoy making people scream he had told her. Enjoy. There was this pit in her stomach thinking about the fact that even if he was not in the Thalmor, he would likely still be doing that very thing. Perhaps he would be not unlike the Butcher in Windhelm, carving up all manner of people to just hear the sounds they made dying. The screams of those she killed during the war made their way into her nightmares sometimes. How anyone could desire such a sound she hoped to never understand. From the way he shook her hand, less shaking it than grabbing her wrist, grip lingering too long that the mere memory of it caused her to shudder; to the way his sexual degeneracy had no bounds. Stealing a glove that had been inside her. She hoped it was just a trophy, but the sinister look in his gaze now told her that that was decidedly untrue.
“I am freed from the confines of the Embassy for a few nights. Many of us are here, I believe Ondolemar is having a solo meeting with our lovely Ambassador.” Slight panic washes over her face at that. The dark chuckle that comes from him unsettles her even more. “Oh no, it’s not like that, I haven’t said anything. Seems he's been especially productive to the cause lately and is currently getting a rare bout of praise from Elenwen. Isn’t he lucky?” She smiles, happy to hear he’s okay and so that Rulindil stays friendly until she can leave this conversation. 
“Very lucky indeed.” She clears her throat, stance facing towards the Temple. “Wonderful to see you again” she lied “but I’m afraid I must be going, I’ve got plans.” 
“Your plans don’t include him do they, unless you’re all dressed up for someone else?”
“No, not him nor anyone else. Just going to have some drinks and do a bit of dancing.”
“Perhaps I will join you.” He smirks as he says this, enjoying the uncomfortable look on her face. 
“I was planning to go to the tavern here. The Skeever, and I don’t think you’d like to be seen in public with me, least of all places in a grubby Nord tavern.”
“Hmm.” She continues smiling. “Well, you own property here, don’t you? Why don’t we return there instead?” The smile falters. 
“How do you know I own property here?” His hand reaches for her hair, she forwent her normal circlet for some wildflowers, to match the embroidery on the new dress. One of the flowers is plucked from her. It twirls between his fingers.
“I know a lot about you.” 
“Ondolemar said you were… satisfied.” 
“I am satisfied with him, I never said anything about you.” Chest tightens. 
“I’ll tell him, you must know that.” Another sick laugh from him made her nauseous. 
“And what will he do? Harming a fellow agent is grounds for extreme discipline. Killing me would be certain death. There would be nothing he could do that wouldn’t result in more eyes being drawn to you. Not everyone will be as kind as me.” Kind. The word makes her nauseous. There’s an audible gulp. “All I want is a little time with you, Theodora. Why can he have that and not me?” She wants to tell him why, all the reasons Ondolemar is leagues above him, in every manner from their organization to her affections. But upsetting him is the last thing she wants to do.  
“I suppose you’re right. There’s no harm in a few glasses of wine.”
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unknownarmageddon · 19 days
its called!!! youre so creepy!! (2013 remastered) by ghost town!!
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was it casual when i sat in your lap in public? was it casual when i said "recently my heart is crying because you're leaving"? was it casual when we decided how your last name would fit with mine? ("yuki tsunoda-gasly" / "no tsunoda, only gasly" / "yuki gasly?") was it casual when we sang adele's "someone like you" together at your going away party? was it casual when i knew it was you just by touching your ass? was it casual when i knew it was you by smell alone? was it casual when "will you miss me?" / "for 2-3 minutes maybe" / "i'll take that. even if it's just 2-3 minutes, i'll take that"? was it casual when that bus was completely empty and we still sat right next to each other, all the way in the back? was it casual when i picked you up multiple times so you could dunk a basketball? was it casual when i begged to come over to your house multiple time and then you finally let me and we cooked fried rice together? was it casual when we played christmas twister together and i said "your big eggplant is touching my ass"? was it casual when we were pressed up against each other on a scooter going two miles per hour? was it casual when-
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eikichi-supremacy · 7 months
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If nothing else Koenma is a Kuwabara stan and I'm right there with him o7 (I need to write the kuwameshi fic that goes with this fr)
#maybe one day i'll write that au i have sitting in my head#ever since the comment he made about making kuwa spirit detective instead ive been thinking about it#like...what if yusuke is still recruited same as canon but like#kuwa was already spirit detective? doing assignments for the guys upstairs and all#and they made yusuke help him after his resurrection instead of going solo#and it's hilarious because they still have the ''rivalry'' set in place so it's like#now i gotta be coworkers with this guy i was in a fist fight with last week?#yusuke is like you can't be serious you want me to fight DEMONS with the guy who cant even beat ME? lmaooo okay#kuwa would be more in tune with his powers atp in this au and super offended like hello#why would i use my reiki on a FELLOW HUMAN CHILD you DICK i can hold my own on my assignments just fine#but he's actually really excited to be able to spend time with yusuke doing something besides getting his ass handed to him#they're both genkai's students (she's endlessly annoyed but they grow on her)#i just think it'd be fun cos like#it'd be harder to exclude kazuma from shit if he's literally been involved in this shit before he even met#kurama and hiei#kuwabara isn't really told about yusuke's resurrection so things go mostly the same up til he's brought back#they're both called to koenma's office and it's the spiderman pointing meme 💀#it's koenma's first time seeing kuwa in person as he usually just sends assignments with botan#yusuke has already seen him cos of the resurrection arc#and koenma is SUCH a fanboy ''kuwabara it's such a pleasure. you know you're my best worker 🥺''#''um urameshi am i seeing things or is that a fuckin baby'' yusuke will NOT stop laughing#it fucks koenma up so bad he makes sure he's in his adult form when he's around kuwa next#cos he wants to be the respected boss but also guy that you can chill with!! he's so cringe#okay yeah i need to write this it's such a fun concept#kuwameshi#yu yu hakusho#kuwabara kazuma#yusuke urameshi#koenma
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blueggrass · 3 months
i know theres not much of a fandom here for the will of the many but ,,,.., i just finished it and.,,,,, im in shambles. life is moving around me and I'm still in shock. I have things to do but i cant even think. what,, am i supposed to do. just go on? pretend im okay with this till the next one comes out??? I FEEL LIKE A ZOMBE. I FEEL LIKE NOTHING MATERS. ALL I FEEL IS-
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i dont think ive ever been hit by a book hangover as much as this like wtf even was that /pos HELLO??? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME??? LKSJFLSKJBFLKSJBFLKSBFK:BSF:KBSF:KJBHSF:KJ
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volivolition · 6 months
✨ thinking of him thursdayyyy ✨ (<- said in a monotone deadpan with jazz hands)
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lilmeowmeowsagelesath · 9 months
not ME feeling betrayed by the big reveal of time catcher mc’s true allegiance/mission 😔💔
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never understanding y'all who hate shakespeare or studying shakespeare because ONE shakespeare fucks very hard and TWO if you are in like middle school high school it is the easiest shit to study i mean the EASIEST if you don't like to read shakespeare you can go to YOUTUBE DOT COM and type in ANY OF SHAKESPEARES WORKS and you will find a FULL PRODUCTION OF IT for FREE you SHOULD follow along with your book but you don't HAVE TO because you're experiencing shakespeare in the WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED and you will ENJOY YOURSELF and you will LEARN SOMETHING and this is the ONE OPPORTUNITY YOU'LL EVER HAVE IN LIT/ENGLISH/WHATEVER TO WATCH THE "MOVIE" VERSION OF THE BOOK I CANNOT BELIEVE PEOPLE BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT HOW BORING AND DIFFICULT SHAKESPEARE IS!!!
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two-bats · 7 months
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i have 100 hours in bg3 and finally decided to draw my tav :)
[image ID: a light blue background with reference images on the left, and a portrait on the right. the reference images are several screenshots of a Baldur's Gate 3 player character, which is a pink tiefling with long horns that spiral upward, black facial markings, pointed ears, and red shoulder-length hair that parts in the middle. the screenshots are all from the hips and up, with the character facing multiple different directions. to the right is a half-rendered bust of the player character, notably with a slightly larger nose, fluffier hair, and thicker horns. their expression is neutral. end ID.]
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taylorsabrina · 4 months
tiktok did you just like.... forget your target audience here? because why tf are you pushing sabrina slander videos my way??
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