#i really want lizzie to win
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robintheantihero · 3 months ago
Lizzie will win Wild Life tomorrow. (I say while being dragged to a padded room)
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shittyness · 1 year ago
thinking about how Joel was the only one who really cared about Lizzie’s death
but he was the one who caused it
he asked her to go after Scott, that’s why they were both in the end
but by the time they were in the end Joel had already failed his task
but he never told her
maybe it was because he forgot, or maybe he still wanted her to harm Scott and didn’t expect her to fall
but at the end of the day, Lizzie probably wouldn’t have been in the end with Scott if it weren’t for Joel
and he probably blames himself for her death
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mimefish · 1 year ago
GEM IS GREAT oh my god. Gem lovers eating well tonight. SESSION SEVEN GOES CRAZY
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grellestie · 1 year ago
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faeryworlds · 9 months ago
#₊ ⊹ Gwen Stacy ❙ ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#₊ ⊹ Peter Parker ❙ ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#₊ ⊹ Yelena Belova ❙ ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#₊ ⊹ Kate Bishop ❙ ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#₊ ⊹ Harley Quinn ❙ ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#₊ ⊹ Mia Queen ❙ ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#₊ ⊹ Katniss Everdeen ❙ ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#₊ ⊹ Malia Tate ❙ ❝I won’t judge❝#₊ ⊹ Allison Argent ❙ ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#₊ ⊹ Emma Swan ❙ ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#₊ ⊹ Hope Swan-Jones ❙ ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#₊ ⊹ Tinker Bell ❙ ❝The question isn’t who’s going to let me… It’s who’s going to stop me!❝#₊ ⊹ Katherine Pierce ❙ ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#₊ ⊹ Caroline Forbes ❙ ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#₊ ⊹ Luna Mikaelson ❙ ❝I can take care of myself ❝#₊ ⊹ Davina Claire ❙ ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me. ❝#₊ ⊹ Rebekah Mikaelson ❙ ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#₊ ⊹ Lizzie Saltzman ❙ ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#₊ ⊹ Hermione Granger ❙ ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#₊ ⊹ Ginny Weasley ❙ ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily Merchant ❙ ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#₊ ⊹ Victoire Weasley ❙ ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily L Potter ❙ ❝Wandering around aimlessly in the dark.❝#₊ ⊹ Bree Tanner ❙ ❝Rushing into things blind isn’t going to help us win.❝#₊ ⊹ Alison DiLaurentis ❙ ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#₊ ⊹ Aria Montgomery ❙ ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#₊ ⊹ Max Mayfield ❙ ❝Be running up that hill❝#₊ ⊹ Nancy Wheeler ❙ ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#₊ ⊹ Mary Stuart ❙ ❝I am Mary Queen of Scots and I have come for my throne. ❝#₊ ⊹ Kenna Livingston ❙ ❝So I say to hell with what people think.❝
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the-somwthing · 5 months ago
Poorly describing the life series players to help people pick which pov they want to watch
Grian: acts like he really cares about the rules but he doesn’t
Joel: probably on his red life right now
Jimmy: The Underdog
Cleo: arsonist in a constant state of divorce
Scar: just wants friends and money, but uses money-making tactics to make friends and friendship-skills to make money
Bdubs: extremely devoted, But Watch Out
Tango: least careful guy out there
Impulse: his series never has any form of betrayal in it trust
Etho: watch in real time as his reputation as a cool guy gets washed away
Skizz: wholesome and vicious but tends to mix up when he should be which
Martyn: funnyman lore guy theater kid
Scott: thought this was a house building competition. always killing himself. wins.
Pearl: watch in real time as she slowly goes insane
BigB: adhd but not in the overstimulating way. Watch in real time as he slowly becomes a compulsive liar
Ren: theater kid SUPREME
Mumbo: the least loyal guy in the whole series imo
Lizzie: doing her best to understand what’s going on at any given moment, terrified
Gem: (I wish I had more than one season to go off of) likes to make fun of people
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ceratedfish24 · 4 months ago
I just saw someone say that Scott has a hard time saying that he loves his teammates. I- have you watched Scott? Scott “‘We don’t need [ender]pearls, we already have the best Pearl’ right to Pearl’s face” Major? Scott “saying ‘I love you’ isn’t going to be a hard task for me cause that’s normal behavior for me” Major? Scott ‘“‘the sweetheart’ as deemed by Skizz, Impulse, and Grian” Major? Scott “‘I love you, say it back’” Major?????????? Scott the most loving person on the server other than maybe Skizz?????????????
“Scott is manipulative. He makes himself look good to protect his teammates.” “Manipulative” implies that Scott is lying. Scott stays true to his word. He’s one of the most earnest people on the server. If he isn’t going to defend someone, he tells them that he’s not going to defend them. If he says he’s going to do something for you, he’s going to get it done, which is why a lot of people value him as an ally. It might blow your mind, but Scott’s openness and honesty is what makes people trust him.
“Scott makes himself look strong.” Scott is strong. He wiped the floor with Impulse. He has escaped being chased so many times. He succeeded at a legendary and remarkably underrated bucket clutch. You think Scar’s bucket clutch was good? It was, but he was expecting to fall and onto flat land. Scott was knocked off of a tower onto a hillside. Nobody talks about that. He’s really good at PvP, and people know that. Additionally, Scott has never made himself look strong. He’s a very passive person. He doesn’t like starting fights. Bdubs is terrified of Scott, and Scott has only ever tried to be friendly to Bdubs. Bdubs just knows Scott’s reputation. Martyn is scared of Scott. Martyn has fought Scott first hand and won, and yet he did not want to make an enemy of Scott after Limited Life. Skizz picks a direct fight with a LOT of people, but he never picks a direct fight with Scott. He knows way too well how that fight’s going to go. Skizz will take on Lizzie and Scar and Tango, but he’ll never target Scott if he can avoid it. Scott knows that he’s strong. His MCC rankings are pretty solid proof. You can’t fault him for having genuine confidence in his PvP skills but not actually wanting to fight if he can avoid it. If he loses, that sucks. If he wins, he’s angered a team.
You’re calling him “manipulative” because his enemies are afraid of him and his allies trust him. That is what happens when an honest person is powerful. Most people who have had any experience with Scott know that Scott is not someone to mess with. After fighting Scott in Limited Life and being on his team in Secret Life, Impulse got WAY bolder on Scott’s team, because he trusts Scott to have his back, and Scott does have Impulse’s back. He’s constantly apologizing for Impulse and was very upset when he was asked to keep a trap secret from Impulse. Scott works so hard to be honest in a game where honesty is not always rewarded, and he does not deserve to be slandered like this, especially when nobody else is being treated like this.
Scott never makes himself out to be anything other than what he is. Lying doesn’t go well for him. He is just a guy trying to keep the fighting away from his teammates, and lying isn’t the best way to prevent that when so many people in this game are so clever or so quick to assume you’re lying anyway. Social games don’t have to be about control. Social games can be about building a reputation of integrity by having integrity.
This excludes Joel because Joel is too close to Scott in real life and will attack him because it’s funny to see your friend get irritated with you.
You know who will never say “I love you” in the life series?? Grian.
You know who was “manipulative” last session? Pearl knew there was a trap, promised not to tell her teammates, knew that Scott knew about the trap, and told him “why are we whispering? why are we crouching? there’s nothing there. you’re being paranoid”. Nobody says ANYTHING about that.
You know who likes to look strong? Bdubs, Jimmy, Ren, Impulse, and Skizz. Those are the ones who make themselves out to be bigger than they are, which is a normal strategy in a competitive situation. Bdubs loves to be LOUD and aggressive. Jimmy loves to puff his chest up and make threats, but he backs off the moment someone hits him back. Ren loves to take the lead (3rd Life, Double Life, and now Wild Life). Impulse loves to get aggressive and petty, and his confidence is often his end. Skizz LOVES to be overly aggressive once he’s allowed to kill, but he’s really bad at backing people into enough of a corner to keep them in a fight. Scott is quiet, because he doesn’t like the attention. Scott likes being distanced from the other Wild Life teams, because he likes being out of the way, but he went with the others anyway.
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minceraftyuri · 9 months ago
i remembered i can just make insane posts so in my head traffic cleo is absolutely a smoker and in the (probably inaccurate) vision in my mind this is how it would go if she invited and of the other traffic gals to smoke with her it would go like this
if cleo offered lizzie a cigarette i think it would send lizzie into like a death note internal monologue where she tries to figure out if cleo actually wants her to take one or not and untimely decides that cleo doesn't want her to take one so she takes one as a power move. and then she smokes it really badly and coughs and coughs while desperately trying to come off as cool (cleo was offering her one in the hopes that this would happen)
if cleo offered gem a cigarette gem would passive aggressively remind them of the heath risks and deny one for herself, clearly trying to position herself as morally and physically above cleo in order to gain control of the situation. and cleo would get turned on a bit by what a bitch she is
if cleo offered pearl a cigarette pearl would take it and put it in her mouth and chew on it and swallow it and then be like 'that doesn't taste very good cleo :( why do you like them' and cleo would be like 'its and acquired taste i guess' because she cant tell if pearl is purposely doing this as a bit to make her uncomfortable or possibly make her laugh of if she's just stupid but cleos not going to let her win regardless
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jellieland · 1 year ago
"You know," says Jimmy smugly, "I think second is the best spot to die in, actually."
"Really," says Mumbo, exasperated.
"Yes, I don't know what you're so happy about," says Lizzie. "You barely lasted ten minutes more than me."
"Doesn't matter. Not out first, baby!" He crows, triumphant, to the neverending void.
"And you killed me last session!"
"...Yes, I, uh, I'm sorry about that one. Sort of. Mostly," he says, momentarily cowed.
"I can't believe you people," says Lizzie. "They didn't have a funeral for me. I died first, and you got one, and they didn't even have a funeral for me!" She sounds indignant, but a look of genuine hurt crosses her face for a moment.
"I'm going to be honest, Lizzie," says Mumbo awkwardly. "I think they had bigger things to worry about. I- I think Joel was quite sad about it, though. If that helps?"
"I suppose it's better than nothing." She crosses her arms.
"But- wait, hang on. Jimmy?" says Mumbo abruptly. "Did you say you wanted to go out second?"
"No!" Jimmy protests. "I just think if you have to go out, then second is sort of ideal, really, if you think about it!"
"No!" says Mumbo, indignant. "No, surely third is better, actually! And to extend that logic, fourth would be better as well, and fifth, and- well, you get the idea. Anyway, my point is that I did better than both of you!"
"Hey, don't bring me into this!" says Lizzie.
"Anyway, you're wrong," says Jimmy, back to being smug again.
There is a short silence.
"You, uh. You gonna elaborate on that one, buddy?" asks Mumbo.
"Well," says Jimmy. "Obviously going out first is terrible. Would not recommend. I don't know why anyone would do it, honestly, I know I would never-"
"You're going on my list," says Lizzie, cheerfully.
"Wait wait wait, no, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I really am!"
"Hmm." Lizzie narrows her eyes. "Acceptable. For now."
A few moments pass.
"You may continue," she says.
"Right," says Jimmy. "What was I saying?"
"You were being wrong about how the ranking in this game works," offers Mumbo.
"No I wasn't!" says Jimmy. "Just, let me explain. Now, you obviously don't want to go out first, sorry Lizzie, but it's true."
"I will concede that point," says Lizzie. "It wasn't great."
"But—have you seen how they get?"
"How they... get?" Mumbo frowns. "What do you mean?"
"The people who don't die."
"I- now, I don't know if you remember this," says Mumbo, "But third is a new record for me, so I really don't know how you expect me to know that."
"Anyway," interjects Lizzie, "Mumbo and I have only done this once before. I mean, I guess people started losing it a bit once you two died, but it wasn't that much different to how it already had been. Although I wasn't around for that long at that point."
"Yes, but, it-" Jimmy frowns. "I haven't seen much of it either. But there's something- I don't know how to explain what I mean. Maybe you haven't noticed, but there's stuff with Grian, Scott, Pearl."
He stops, sighs. Looks at the ground.
"Martyn's going to be alone, now," he says.
"Well," says Lizzie, a little acerbic. "You don't have to have people die for that to happen, you know."
Jimmy gives her a look that is a combination of sheepishness and genuine regret. "Ah. Yeah. I guess not."
"So you're right," says Lizzie. "I don't know what you mean."
"...I did feel bad," says Jimmy, quietly.
"You... did?" asks Lizzie. "What about?"
Jimmy looks at her, then off to the side. "...When I killed you."
"I really didn't mean to," he says. "I felt bad. It wasn't satisfying. It was just... a person I cared about. Dead. Because of me. Because I acted without thinking, because I wasn't paying attention."
"...Oh." says Lizzie, softly.
"And that was when I knew you would come back," says Jimmy.
Lizzie and Mumbo exchange glances, unsure.
"I'm good with second," says Jimmy. "I think it's the closest you can get to winning, actually."
They stand there, silent, for some time.
"Well," says Mumbo eventually. "I still feel like third is a bit better, though."
"Mumbo!" cries Jimmy.
"Mumbo, come on, we were just having a moment!" says Lizzie.
"Yes well, look, I really need this, guys," says Mumbo, shifting his weight from side to side. "I don't know if you know this, but I've had a really bad day. It was just terrible!"
"I think we've all had pretty bad days, Mumbo!" says Lizzie, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we all died!"
"Yes, I- I had picked up on that, actually."
"I don't know," says Jimmy. "My day was great!"
They keep talking, and bickering, and the emptiness stretches off into the distance.
It's nice, not to have to be there alone.
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ooooo-mcyt · 2 months ago
Do you guys ever think about what a turning point Double Life was for Joel?
During Third Life and Last Life, Joel was alone.
In Third Life he kinda floats around from alliance to alliance, being pushed into whatever faction is pushing hardest, and then dying with very little notice from the rest of the server.
In Last Life, Joel has allies sometimes, but they cycle in and out of his life. Scar, Grian, Lizzie, they're all there for an episode or two, but then they're gone. Joel is lonely, and he knows it, he feels the aching hollowness in his chest. Over and over Joel talks about needing a team, but instead he ends up the most hated man on the server with a roster of situational alliances.
That's who Joel is, someone who causes chaos, setting the world ablaze, who is sometimes tolerated for mutual benefit, but who's almost always alone, and who (as far as other people seem to notice) doesn't mind it that way.
And then Double Life happens.
The universe itself hands Joel a partner. Someone who's life relies on him, and who he has to rely on in turn. Someone who he has to trust implicitly. Someone who won't leave, because the two of them being a team is sewed into the fabric of reality for the season. And you can see how much lighter Joel is, how much he thrives when he isn't alone, when, for the first time ever, he can end one session and be able to fully trust that he'll still have someone on his side when the next one starts.
Of course, Double Life doesn't last forever. Limited Life comes around and, as far as alliances go, it's like the previous season never happens. It's..difficult for Joel. He takes every little betrayal (of which joel perceives many) from Etho very hard. Which could have left Joel in a worse place than he started. Joel could have lost Etho and decided to never let himself care about anyone again. But instead, he does the exact opposite.
In Limited Life, Joel clings to Jimmy and Grian. The universe showed Joel what it was like to be loved, and I get the sense Joel couldn't stand to lose that, so he found a team and held them so close they could never leave (he would have given jimmy more time, all the time he needed, to keep him at his side).
In Secret Life, Joel absolutely surrounds himself with people. Joel joins the largest faction on the server, never far from people, from life, from laughter or joy. There's no chance for Joel to ever really be alone unless he chooses to be.
And finally, Wild Life. Joel wins because of family. Because he came into the season and he fully opened himself up to love and trust from other people, and he received it back in droves.
I've seen people say it's ironic that Joel won through "family" instead of bloodshed, when he's such a hostile and isolated player. But, while Joel is still chaotic, he never wanted to be alone. Joel was isolated for the first two seasons, in part because of bad circumstances, and in part because he didn't think there was any other way to be. And then the universe showed Joel how it felt to be loved, and he's never let himself be alone since. Of course Joel thrived in Wild Life.
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marzghost · 4 months ago
Being a Tango pov enjoyer and Rancher shipper who enjoys angst is so wack for me rn because on one hand I don't want Tango to die because I need more chances for rancher interactions during wildlife and I'd like to continue watching my wet cat of a failure block man fail at killing but at the same time I need him to be the first one out (best for lore building and in general significance) or really just out before Jimmy just so I can study how he reacts to it after watching that one clip where he gets physically upset at just thinking about his rancher being out soon.
He doesn't want Tango to die and neither do I but if I get to watch Jimmy be even just a bit upset at Tango's death message I think I can call it a win for my silly rancher heart. Just the implications... The way it could be twisted. The fanficsss! Hmmm YESSS. I hope c!Jimmy did break that canary curse. I hope he got exactly what he wanted when c!Lizzie died first during secret life because now he has to LIVE. He has to see the carnage without the joy of realizing his curse is broken. See exactly why the canary curse wasn't necessarily a curse to begin with when you live in a death game and have come to see those within the games as friends and family... I hope he gets to see his rancher FALL. See his allies FALL.
I hope the coal mine collapses rather than fills up with gas. I hope that canary continues to sing long after its favorite caretakers/miners have long since stopped mining. I don't want him to win. I want him to die of neglect all alone because he couldn't find a way out from the new cage he put himself in.
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yourlazykitkat · 3 months ago
Joel's celestial symbol being a car isn't complete crack and actually might be a good idea.
In Fast and Furious franchise, one of movies' climax have the characters strap jetpacks to a car which is strapped to a military aircraft in which two characters drive off and are sent into orbit. Yes this is thing that happens and yes, it somehow does perfectly capture the narrative of joel's victory and what it brings to the celestial symbolism.
I have never watched the fast and furious movies, all i know about this franchise is this scene and that it's about family and that's all you really need to know. But still, i shall yap.
The Fast and Furious movies are a perfect intertextual lens to view the Wild Life season and Joel's victory. The franchise has two highlights to it: the fucking spectacle and the interpersonal relationships. Did I enjoy the mechanics of wild life? Not particularly but I enjoyed the spectacle; the rush of I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm here for the ride. Did I enjoy the storylines? There won't many clear and strong storylines this season as much as there were ever-resonating character beats that I ate up like it was the last supper. (JUST LIKE IN FAST AND FURIOUS)
Pearl and Scott reluctant allies and healing, BigB and Cleo healing, Etho's slut arc, Bamboozlers overcoming their character's persistent struggle with loneliness together, whatever the fuck treebark is doing, pearl picking her champion in impulse, grian losing his two wings. DESERT DUO DIVORCE ARC IS OVER? OMG DESERT DUO DIVORCE ARC IS BACK ON. Bad boys finally kill scott, shinyduo situtionship (going insane over them- i can't wait for more of them), tango and bdubz as angry wives and of course: The family.
Gem and Joel's alliance was the most stable alliance in the season. We made jokes about the 4Gs as they became the 5,6-7 Gs. They never knew who they truly could trust. Mumbo and skizz' paranoia might of been a joke but grian's curse did wipe them out in the end, martynn has forever ruined any trust in future alliances after limited life (especially given how he planned to betray ren in third life...) so i did not have any faith in treebark lasting. I don't need to explain tuff boys, etho was cheating on them to their faces and bamboozlers came close but any bamboozler fan will tell you how anxious they were that something would ruin a group. Look at Timmy on the high that he could finally win and break the curse, always running off carelessly. Scar, who was so desperate to win grian's favour that he was spilt between him and bamboozlers. Lizzie, who wanted to do anything but die alone but multiple times in the series, could not find her boys.
But gem and joel were always there for each other, their trust and love in the each other displayed for the whole server to see in the centre of the map (the most dangerous part). Not only did it help each other, they solidified so many other alliances that were shaky for so long (adopting grian when he's alone coz no one deserves to be alone, giving the Gs a common enemy to unite against, "we are bamily"). This perfectly encapsulates the fast and furious thematic core, we have no idea what' going on but we'll make our last stand together.
Very long-winded post, might come back later to fix it (i haven't had the chance to explore joel specifically and what this victory means for him) but even though it ruins the celestial aesthetic, the car for joel is so perfect. If u need it all celestial, the shooting star works pretty well in adjacent but it's so perfect for the wildest, most scuffed season to ruin the aesthetic of the life series BUT STILL BE THEMATICALLY COHERENT.
I have my complaints for this season and it did take me a while to decide how i wanted to approach the narrative of this season. Genuinely the more i think about it, the more i love the season.
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nikamuhlsrealwife777 · 15 days ago
After that absolutely masterclass by the one and only Azzi Fudd, I think this means we should get an Azzi fic 👀
Keeping it simple and just her and her gf celebrating her domination in that game and her gf being so freaking proud of her
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yet again guys....if it's not good let me know
For our princess, Azzi, cause she cooked today
"UCONN UPSETS SOUTH CAROLINA IN A BLOWOUT GAME," I couldn't believe my ears. UConn really just played like their lives depended on it, and it gain them a win. The shouting, the upsetting groans, it was a thrilling experience I didn't think I was gonna experience...ever.
"Oh my God! We did it!" Azzi pulled me into a hug over the bench she had been sitting. Laughing aloud, I hugged the girl back. The energy radiating off the girl and the team.
"Baby, you need to go celebrate with the team...not me."
She shakes her head, nuzzling it further into my neck, "but I wanna celebrate with you."
I sigh, "Azzi...."
"Yes, my love?" Her eyes meeting mine, playing innocent.
"You know what."
"Fineee...but I wish we could go back to the hotel....cuddle...maybe throw in a movie while I read my book," I laugh as her eyes light up.
"And we'll do that...after you spend some time with Paige," I noticed the blonde making her way towards us, "speaking of the devil."
Paige scrunches her face up in disgust, wrapping an arm around Azzi. Pulling the girl away from me a bit. "First of all, I am an angel...not a devil. Second, why are you holdin' the people's princess back from her team, y/n/n? Like, girl, come on!"
Rolling my eyes, I snap back, "sorry your best friend would rather hang with me....guess I'm just better."
Paige's turn to roll her eyes, Azzi's never leaving mine, "whatever, bruh...can I steal your girlfriend for like two minutes?"
Azzi's eyes plead for me to say no, but that didn't matter to Paige. She would've taken the girl anyway.
"Sure...just don't keep her too long...I wanna have my fun with her too."
The blonde's eyes widened, "aye yo....chill out there."
Blushing, Azzi laughed, "P....get your mind out the gutter. We're just gonna have a movie night."
"Sure....almost 30 point game and watching movies is all you're gonna do....right," The curly haired girl shoved Paige playfully. Sending the blonde back, her raising her hands in surrender before walking back with the team.
"Yeah....I wouldn't wanna wear you out of course," she slapped my shoulder, "ow!"
"I need you to stop being a flirt," she took a quick look before leaning in to place a soft peck to my lips, "You might make Paige jealous."
"Good," a smirk played on my lips, "cause she's missing out."
She rolled her eyes, "wait for me by the exit, okay? Oh, we should totally grab something to eat on the way to the hotel too."
I snicker, "you got it, princess."
She leaned in for another quick kiss, running off into the locker room with the rest of the Huskies.
After about 20 minutes, I get a message, Azzi was on her way out. Waiting by the doors, I watched as the girl made her way through the hallway. Her smile was bright, her laughter was warm, she made me forget about everything else in the world. Everything bad or good. The only thing I knew was Azzi.
"Hey babe," kissing my cheek, I intertwined our hands.
"Hey baby," Paige let out a loud gag before sprinting off, "I don't even have to flirt to make her jealous."
"Whatever...I was thinking...."
"What were you thinking?"
"What if we stopped and got a pizza," I nod, "then, we run to Barnes and Noble."
"And why do we need to go there, Az?" I tilted my head, knowing what the answer was going to be.
"Since I had such an amazing game....maybe you could buy me a book?"
I laughed, "you got it, but that's totally a princess move."
"And I'm proud of it," she held her head up high, soft chuckles falling from both of us.
The car ride was nice. We listened to whatever she wanted to play, we stopped by Barnes and Noble to buy the book she was wanting,.we grabbed drinks from Dunkin, and finally stopped to get pizza before heading back to the hotel. I sat down the box before throwing myself on the bed. A small laugh fell from Azzi's lips.
"I'm so tired," I whined.
"You're tired? Baby, I'm the one who literally played a game," a teasing tone dripped from her voice.
"I get your tiredness... we're just connected or something," a laugh escaped her again.
"What happened to movie and cuddles though," I could hear the pout in her voice, my head snapped to look at her. Her lips out in a pout, her eyes wide.
I jump up, pulling Azzi into me, before falling back in the bed, "then come lay with me!"
Without fighting, she just let me hold her. Her arms tighten around me, her head resting on my chest. I knew I loved her, I always had, but something about this moment felt different. It was so easy yet so charged with emotions. I didn't know what to feel.
"I love you, princess," mumbling the words against her hair, placing a soft kiss afterwards.
"I love you too, y/n/n."
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dredgesnails · 1 year ago
i very badly want a double life 2: electric boogaloo but crucially no one is allowed to be paired up with their soulmate from the first one (except ranchers) and also lizzie and gem and mumbo and skizz are there too. anyway here are some pairings i think would be funny or interesting or would please me personally:
mumbo + scar: complete the mumscarian circuit
mumbo + lizzie: statistically the worst players right after jimmy. lizzie died before him once and she can do it again (and take mumbo with her)
grian + jimmy: nightmare scenario for the both of them
pearl + gem: an unfair matchup as they would win no problem but i love them together and i think we deserve them together after the events of secret life
scar + tango: wildly unpredictable. scar takes damage constantly but (almost) always escapes by the skin of his teeth. tango on the other hand has blown himself up before
pair them up best + worst in order (pearl + jimmy, gem + mumbo, scott + lizzie etc) and see if they manage to balance each other out. this takes out some of the randomness but there are still some fun duos i think would come out of it (etho + bdubs, skizz + martyn, impulse + bigb) and i also think pearl could keep jimmy alive long enough to not die first
and for lore reasons:
grian + bigb: lets see how the secret soulmates can handle being real soulmates
scott + jimmy: ok i know the last time they were together jimmy doomed them both with his curse but this time it’ll be different scott’s lucky now
cleo + etho: the progression of divorced with kids > roomies > soulmates tickles me
ren + martyn: i miss renchanting
+ bonus because i have been thinking about who i would want joining the life series a lot. this is who i want to join
doc + anyone really but mostly grian: okay seriously i imagined doc in the life series once and now ive been consumed by the desire to see it. especially with his health linked to grian. think about it. would be fun with ren also for entirely opposite reasons
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betweenlands · 1 year ago
Jimmy Solidarity's Guide To Dying First
Congratulations and/or sorry that happened! Dying first in a series is always really rough, and people are probably going to feel bad they ended your series early. Unless you're me. They don't feel bad about killing ME off first, which is probably why I beef it a lot.
Anyway, here's some specific ways you might have your death invalidated or made about me:
Are you new to this series? Oh my god I am so sorry. The Watchers are about to be SO weird about you and I honestly hope I die next so I can take some of the heat off you.
Did we die in the same incident? Expect the Watchers to say I died first anyway.
Are you Lizzie? Expect the Watchers to say it's because of our ~sibling bond~.
Are you Scott or Tango? Expect the Watchers to make up something about our whirlwind romance dooming us both.
Were you TEAMED with Scott or Tango? See above, except it's actually because my "curse" is super contagious or something.
Were you teamed with ME? See previous two points.
Are you Pearl or Grian? Expect the Watchers to say it was totally, definitely because of wanting to ensure the same person didn't win twice, even at the cost of the canary curse being broken.
Are you Martyn? Same as above but also -- Lol. Nerd.
What else should you expect?
You're going to start growing feathers. Sorry! The Watchers are going to try to "canary-code" you too, so they don't have to stop being weird about me.
The Watchers loooove to take credit for things that were barely even them. If anything happened involving the two of us for five or more seconds, it's a sign that I "cursed" you to die first.
If you're really lucky, the Watchers will make up some nonsense about toxic fumes or something that ensures I still get the brunt of their weirdness.
See you soon, probably, because for some reason Martyn has decided to cater directly to the Watchers and make it his sole goal in life to ensure I permadie as soon as humanly possible!
Love or whatever, Jimmy Solidarity
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silly-anon · 3 months ago
One thing I always think about is Lizzie's Secret Life death
Like, it's so abrupt. Sure, it seemed inevitable when she backed herself onto the ledge but the ENDERMAN! I couldn't spot where or when she looks at it. So, here's what I propose.
That enderman was already mad at Lizzie when she brought Scott to the End. Why? Because she planned her death. She broke the Canary Curse on purpose.
After Last Life, Jimmy told Lizzie about the curse and how much it hurt. Lizzie made a decision there and then. She would break it.
Before leading Scott to the End, she set up that enderman. She angered it and trapped it in a mechanism that would release it once she was on the edge.
The Watchers despise Lizzie for this. The only time They took notice of her before was when she made the bet that Joel would be the first red during Last Life. They involved her because of Kingdom Craft, They wanted to get Their hands on her. They realised They couldn't force Lizzie to be insane during Last Life so They forgot about her. But she freed the Canary, she broke one of Their curses.
The assassination attempts during Wild Life weren't just everyone trying to get Lizzie off dark green, it was the Watchers trying to make a new Canary. But they underestimated Lizzie. Now They really want her either dead or under their control.
Lizzie keeps evading Them. She isn't playing Their game, They are playing her's. Lizzie is no fool, she builds an image of herself and drops it when it's convenient.
The other thing They despise about her is the fact that she's keeping Them from making Joel follow the lore. This means They can't get to Joel.
Because Joel wasn't meant to win. They wanted Ren to win, They wanted to show Martyn what happens when he ignores Them. Making him win Limited Life wasn't enough, so They went after Ren.
Lizzie has an obligation to protect Ren after Last Life, so she did the one thing she could.
Be a shadow leading people to their death.
Lizzie breaks the rules, she puts a dent in the Watchers' plans. And she gets away with it. Because she doesn't mess around like everyone thinks. She knows what she has to do.
She took Jimmy out with her. She knew Grian had trapped the bunker but she didn't care because she could get Jimmy out of there with it. She's doing what Grian can't because the Watchers can't touch her. She bows to no entity.
And it's not the first instance of it either. Throughout Empires SMP 1, she wasn't concerned by Xornoth, she barely acknowledged him. And he left her alone because he knew better. She was constantly after the crown when it was introduced and hesitant to follow the others laws at best.
The same thing happened in Empires SMP 2, she made people bend to her whims and she didn't get involved with the crossover. She had her own agenda and wasn't going to be put off.
But she took notice of Tag. Because it showed her how Grian functioned as a runaway. She observed him and deduced what she could use against the Watchers.
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