#i really really love these little kinds of details
goldsbitch · 14 hours
Hello hello! I am still absolutely obsessed with the "Fire" fic you wrote. You are such a talented writer omg, the storytelling, the humour, everything!
So I thought, I have an idea for a funny fic and I'm just gonna send it in LOL I remember Lando saying in an interview that he's really scared when he's the passenger. So what if his GF is speeding all the time and Lando is just internally freaking out and sweating while trying to keep his cool next to her?
Just an idea, if you don't wanna write it that's fine too (:
omg omg omg thank you so much! i'm blushing and i'm scared - hopefully you'll like this one! i added a detail that might be little over the top - but who knows? not me anymore.
I'll drive
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"You have a car?!" Lando uttered, forgetting any table manners, the food he had been chewing nearly falling out of his mouth.
Y/N was dead silent, the look on her face strongly resembling a child who lied about cleaning their room and just blushed every toy under their bed.
Her boyfriend gave her a cheeky questioning look, and when it finally set in - the fact she had been hiding the existence of her car from him - he was truly stunned and somewhat amused.
"So, wait. You know how to drive?! Why am I always taking you places?" he asked rhetorically, never actually being bothered by that, but still.
"I don't know how to drive-" she tried before getting interrupted by her father.
"Of course she does, I taught her myself," the jolly man said and patted her on her back with a proud smile. Y/N's face got washed with crocked smile, as if she swallowed something truly detestable.
"No, I do not know how to drive-"
"Nonsense, she's alway been so hard on herself," he father continued. Y/N just sighed.
The young couple came to visit her hometown for the first time. It was lot of reminescing of old times and her school days - a context that Lando very much appreaciated. He had met her as a grown up woman, but that weekend, he witnessed many amusing moments and heard lots of stories that only childhood small towns hold. What did he love the most about this experience? The fact there was nothing for her to do to stop it, no matter how much she frowned. Influx of surprising moments, but this discovery topping all of them.
She saw Lando's perplexed face and tried to save the situation. "I never lied to you, technically you never asked...I just figured you like driving so much, why bother, especially if I am so bad at it..."
Lando was not having it. "Oh, you're not getting easily out of this one," he replied, biting his lower lip, actively having to remind himself of the fact her family was right there. There was something innately attractive about her being so raw and pushed into a corner. Just pure cuteness. "I'm sure you're not half as bad as majority of the people out there," he said, new plans forming in his head. "I think you and I should take her for a spin," he said, referring to the car, and hid his smile behind a glass. Her eyes were piercing his with an energy so intense, it was electrifying.
"No, Lando, I am not driving while you're in the same car," she stated firmly, not breaking the eye contact.
"Come one, sweetheart, it'll be fun," he said, honey dripping out of his mouth.
"It will be anything but that," she said, but Lando ignored that, turning into her father for more information.
"So what kind of a car it?"
The rest of the conversation continued in description of a car Y/N herself could only describe as red, her father telling a story about how he got it for his daughter and how she actually barely ever drove it, which apparently broke his heart.
Let's not forget, this was Lando - of course he had ulterior motives. While it was great, spending few wholesome days in the company of his girlfriends family, his frustration grew, because for some reason, she refused to have any intimate activities in her family's house. Why, he had no idea. But of course, he respected that.
She never mentioned anything about not having some nice outdoor sex in a car. He wanted to see her drive and also ride. His perfect afternoon.
Lando is not the best of passengers, often uneasy about the common mistakes casual drivers made. Taking over the wheel is a natural thing for him to do. But, this was an exception he was excited to make - how bad could it be, right? He learned the hard way not to ask that question again.
"You sure you don't want to switch places?" she asked, once again, doing everything she could to get out of this.
"Nope babe, passenger seat is the vibe for me today," he smirked, making himself overly comfortable sitting next to her.
She raised her eyebrows. "Here goes nothing, I guess," she murmured and put the keys into ignition.
Lando found it amusing, seeing her so hyper-focused, as if she was launching a rocket ship. To be fair, it was a manual car - so it was close.
Three deep breaths - I fucking hate this, she thought, turned the key and released the clutch. When the car immediately jumped, Lando regretted sitting in his usual obscure way, his head hitting the door with quite a loud bump.
"Told ya," she said and started the car again. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't possibly sell her mistake as an intention.
"You released the clutch too soon," he said while assessing the bump forming on his head.
"Do not give me advice when I drive, makes me angry," she announced and this time actually managed to start the car in a semi-ok way.
Lando watched his bubbly, happy-go-lucky, girlfriend turn into a monster and there was nothing for him to do to stop it.
Everything was somewhat fine when they were still on the quiet roads surrounding her neighborhood. She stopped on the way to the main road, watching two cars that were comically far away and letting them pass. They didn't have to say anything, both knew what the other one was thinking. Y/N knew there was plenty of time for her to join the road before those cars, but the lack of trust in her own abilities was making her wait stubbornly. Lando watched the scenery, amused and starting to understand that in this relationship, his place as the driver was more than secure. She didn't want to be in this position, in fact she was increasingly more mad, that Lando and her father teamed up on her. But since she was where fate got her, she was absolutely not accepting Lando smirking at her.
"I know what you think, we have plenty of time, so I will not be doing some stupid moves to get us both killed," she said and gripped the steering wheel even more.
To prove his point, Lando leaned over her and squirted his eyes and watched the slowly approaching cars. He gave her a sarcastic nod. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm joking, I'm joking," he said, putting his hands in defense.
"You better be, otherwise I'll just yeet us into the ditch."
And that was when the line got crossed.
"Fine!" she said, having no control over her emotions, and pressed the gas with new found energy. She turned, almost into a drift, and joined the main road, nearly having the two cars crash into her.
Lando gripped the handle, not expecting her to speed so much. His eyes went wide with realizations - she was the kind of driver operating on emotions. Had this been a racing track and an F1 car, he'd be having more fun, knowing the cars were epitome of safety. He was not so sure about this vehicle.
She had the "Tsunoda" energy and absolute lack of skill to go about it. Weaving, wrong gear almost constantly and not bothered by the sound her car was making.
"You're driving quite close to the lane, baby," he commented, getting more and more worried about their safety.
"Shut up, don't be all smart about it," she said, lips locked in a line. She was focused - not that it helped.
Another hard turn where she missed the right moment to go into it. Lando took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second, trying to stay calm.
After few hundred metres, he couldn't take it again.
"I think you're way over the speeding limit," he mentioned.
"That's not what this says," he nodded to her speedometer. Lando leaned over and had to laugh.
"Yeah, that's definitely not correct. Honey, I'm sorry, but the lane - you are too close to it," he said in the calmest tone he could gather.
"My brain does not work like that, I see it more in an abstract way..."
His eyes nearly popped out. "You see the road in an abstract way? Oh dear god."
She sighed, not understanding what was the big deal was. "No like, it's a concept. It's not real, if there is nobody on the road, you can be anywhere."
"I'm pretty sure that's not the case, sweetheart," he said and thought for himself that it could be the case if she knew how to drive, but not like that. "Change the gear, you're burning your clutch."
She slapped the steering wheel. "I. Do not. Accept. Advice. At the moment. Thank you!" she said slowly before going on a rampage. "We both know you're exceptionally good at this, it was your idea, I tried to stop you, so now face the situation and do not tell me what to do because I might panic even more!"
"Ok, ok, calm down," he said, putting his hands up in defense and turning his head away to avoid watching her inventing a new way how to turn the steering wheel.
This sent her over the edge, truly giving up on any rules. She was mad, scared, uncomfortable and kind of hungry to be honest.
Lando stayed silent, worried for his life, regretting his decision and making a mental note to listen to her if she says she can't do something - if they survive this.
A huge bump and a loud noise. She barely managed to keep the car on the road.
"What is that?" she screamed, not knowing what to do.
"Front left tire puncture, retire the car! I mean, shit, stop, over there," he gestured, to the sideline of the road.
"Ok, so what now?" she said once it seemed like a decent amount of time for him to stop observing the wheel.
"It's just the tire, I'm sure you've got a spare at the back, right?" he asked and like the gentleman he was, got up and looked in the back for a replacement. When he got it out, he proudly put it in front of her, considering his part of the job done. She stared at him, not moving. "There you go," he said, encouraging her. "They taught you how to do this at driving school."
"Um, yeah. I missed that lesson. Can you do it?"
"How could you miss that lesson?" he asked in desperation. Both of them stood there, waiting for the other to take the lead. It was very unusual for Y/N to see him this passive around a car. "Come on, you must have had a question about this on your test," he pleaded.
And then it clicked. "Lando?" she asked, having a very strange feeling about his behavior. "Do you know how to change a tire?"
He stayed silent, pretending to ignore her question. Y/N's eyes went wide. "Oh my god, you don't know how to change a tire?!" she asked once again, unable to believe that could even be the case. "Isn't that like half of your job?"
"Well no, actually, my job is to drive. There is a whole team dedicated for changing my tires," he said matter-o-factly.
"You're a racing driver. Spend more time in a car than in a bed. And you don't know how to change a tire," she stated and started to laugh. "That's so rich."
He let out a heavy sigh. "I've never actually done it myself. Plus these are normal tires, different system."
"Oh my god," she said, unable to process.
The way how much this whole thing has backfired had Lando stuck. He was suppose to be engaging in inappropriate activities with his girlfriend at this moment. In his understanding of that, it did not include getting his phone out and searching for an online tutorial for bloody tire change. But, there he was. Y/N was suddenly having so much fun, coming off a high that was the adrenaline her body produced during driving. She was free and driving was impossible now. Bliss. In her opinion, this was all Lando's fault - she told him she couldn't drive. Payback time - hopefully Oscar would pick up.
She was dialing her phone, while he was trying to understand how to go about this.
Yes, he picked up! "Hi, this is Y/N," she said in a very serious tone. "Who are you calling?" Lando mouthed, his biggest worry that she dialed up her father and he is now going to have a reputation until the end of time. "Help," she mouthed back silently.
"Hi Y/N," was Oscar's response, the driver being somewhat confused as to why she was calling him. "What's up?"
"Glad you ask. Me and my boyfriend got into a serious situation."
"You and Lando?"
Lando frowned. "Are you calling assistance? We don't need them..."
She ignored him."Yes, I was forced to drive-"
"He let you drive?"
"What kind of assistance is it?" Lando asked, doubting the whole phone call.
Y/N continued without pausing. "And we managed to get a flat tire, which I don't know how to fix and to surprise of the whole universe, he can't fix as well."
There was only laughter on the other end of the call.
"Y/N, who are you calling?"
Y/N pretended not the hear Lando. "Do you know how to change a tire?"
Oscar was more than amused, knowing he just gained a wild card to use on Lando anytime he would want. "Yes, of course I do. Put me on Facetime with him."
Y/N smirked at her boyfriend, who was still confused and with sparkles in her eyes handed him her phone.
"Oscar says hi!"
Lando blinked, several times. "What? No!...Shit. Hey Oscar," he waved at his teammate awkwardly.
"I have been summoned," Oscar announced, finding this all very amusing.
"Yes," Lando replied, defeated.
Oscar did not wait and took the situation in charge. "First step to do is make yourself seen, guys. You got a triangle?"
"Where's the bloody bucket hat when you need it the most..." Y/N mumbled, having Lando roll his eyes in reaction.
"I'll go and find it and you guys figure this out, ok?" she said handing over the phone to Lando and giving him a little peck on the cheek.
"I hate you," he said with a smile.
"I hate you more," she replied and skipped over to the trunk.
After series of creative curse words, one pair of ruined jeans and a celebratory high five, the pair stood once again in front of her car, staring at each other.
"I guess I'll drive us back," Lando decided loudly and waited for her approval.
"Agree. Let's not disturb the gods anymore. You're such a bad passenger princess anyway."
The past hour was filled with lot of conflicting emotions, but the only one that stayed was the love the two shared just by looking at each other.
"I'm sorry I forced you into this," Lando apologized softly. "It was not fair. I see that now."
Her lips turned into a weak smile. "Thank you. And sorry for calling Oscar. I'm sure he won't let you forget this."
He see right though her. "No, you're not sorry about that - I can see the devil in your eyes."
She bit her tongue. "Yup."
It was hard for Lando not to kiss her in that moment. It was impossible for her to resist.
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Hey, I love mystery stories and I really want to write one myself but I don't know where to start. A mystery story is just so complex, with all the details and red herrings and subplots and the truth being buried under lies and in little things that many may overlook, and you have to balance it so the answer is not too obvious but also not coming out of nowhere, and I worry about things being contrived. Should I start with writing the truth and basically write the story backwards? Or should I start somewhere else?
Plotting a Mystery
I'm not a mystery writer, but if I was going to write a mystery, I think my plotting would go something like this:
1 - Fleshing Out the Truth - What actually happened, "whodunnit" (if someone dunnit), and what events led to this happening? Imagine the event as it's playing out. What sort of evidence might be left behind as to what really happened? What evidence might be obvious upon closer investigation (looking into things like cell phone data, computer searches, hidden motives, etc.)
2 - Fleshing Out the Back Story - In addition to the events that led up to the event in question, what other back story details are important? What players and situations need to be fleshed out and understood in order to understand the truth of what happened?
3 - Fleshing Out the Clues - Knowing the truth of what happened, as well as the relevant players/back story, what kinds of clues might be evident at the scene of the incident? Would there be any forensic clues like fingerprints, blood, hair, or touch DNA? Would there be any circumstantial evidence, like say a matchbook with a particular bar name on it, a cigarette butt with a smudge of red lipstick, shoe prints or tire tracks? What about clues like surveillance videos, eye witnesses, and apparent motives? Which of these clues do you want to be found by any first responders? Do you want any to be found later by other characters who are investigating?
4 - Fleshing Out the "First 48" - What happened in the first 48 hours after the incident? Who discovers that something happened and how do they make this discovery? How do they respond? Do police and investigators get involved? What do they do? What clues do they find and what do they make of them? Who do they interview? What conclusions do they come to? Who are the possible suspects?
5 - Fleshing Out the Trail of Clues - If there are a lot of clues that stretch out across a period of time and/or space, I would probably plot that out on paper so I could see when/how each clue was left, then think about how and when my characters might come upon those clues. For example, if I know one clue was discarded on the interstate, I know that's a clue that won't be found until later. And, I'll have to think about what led my characters to look there, or how some random person stumbled upon it.
I hope that gives you some ideas about how to proceed, but if you're still stuck, I know there are some really great guides available that will walk you through plotting a mystery.
Happy writing! ETA: See the reblogs for tips and resources from @incobalt who is a mystery writer! :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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shoyoist · 8 hours
𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 : hinata shoyo.
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hinata catches your eye for the first time one afternoon, while you were walking home from school. you'd been taking this route home since your first year, and now, as a second year highschooler, you were sure you'd never seen him go by this way before.
you'd been looking up at the sky, admiring the colours splayed out and blending together along with the setting sun, when you heard the ting-ting of a bicycle bell in the distance.
upon casting your view back onto the street, you were met with the sight of him cycling past— and your eyes had met briefly, you think — and in that brief moment in which you'd caught sight of his eyes, you'd immediately fallen in love.
perhaps not really, but the firecracker tint of his eyes as they flashed in the sunlight had indeed captured your attention - and you'd thought about him the entire way home. it was a i-met-the-cutest-guy-today-and-i'll-never-see-him-again kind of moment.
except you did see him again, the very next day as you walked the usual path home from school. this time, he'd been with a friend — a black haired, dark eyed boy that didn't even fully register in your mind, because you were too busy taking in a second detail about hinata himself.
his mouth was stretched in a wide, summery grin — and then you learned his name, too, because his friend angrily yelled out, "hinata you fucking moron!"
he was pretty, you thought — really pretty. not handsome in the traditional sense, but good looking in a boyish, mischief-laden way.
after that, you saw him almost every day. you'd see him cycling down the street and disappear around the corner on your way home from school, and on occassion, it was the only thing you ever looked forward to.
this boy, this cute (and athletic, it seemed, since he cycled and seemed to be in a sports team, assuming from the jersey he donned some days) stranger whose name you'd caught only by chance — had become all of a sudden one of the constants you looked for to keep you grounded throughout your highs and lows.
he becomes more attractive to you as the days, weeks and months go by, and sometimes you hear his laugh, catch a word or two of what he's saying to the friend he cycles home with — and you fall in love with it all.
a little pathetic, it was perhaps, but sometimes it was just how it was. you didn't bother chiding yourself over it, or try to get over it — you just let it be, hoping and believing that the sight of this boy would just carry you forward for a while, and then you'd move onto other things and forget he ever existed.
after all, even if you wanted something to occur out of it, how could there be a chance of starting anything with a boy you only knew for a few seconds every day, a boy you only ever spare a glance from across the street at?
you just let it be. until one day, after an exam, you decided to stop by a shop to buy a pastry to satisfy your post-stress hunger with, and run into him.
he looked flustered, talking to the guy at the counter — and you couldn't help but overhear that he'd forgotten his wallet back in school and was unable to pay for the yakisoba bun he'd already taken a bite out of.
this was your moment, to discreetly return the favour he's been doing you everyday by cycling past and giving you something constant to rely on, to keep you on track. by becoming one of the many methodical repetitions you carried out on the daily, to help yourself through any and all the things that ever happened to you.
"excuse me," you push in, feeling timid all of a sudden as his fiery gaze, coupled with the bright curls of his hair that frame his eyes, suddenly focus on you. "how much is the bun for? i can pay for you."
of course, hinata has no choice but to let you help him, and as the two of you step out of the shop, he's bowing to you and expressing his gratitude to you, loud and fervent.
it's a little stunning, he's much better looking up close — and despite looking shorter than the rest of his friends, he's muscled and has height enough.
it was like having the sun suddenly be in your face after having hung so far up in the sky all the days past — but you manage to hold your composure and try to tell him he doesn't need to pay you back.
"no, really! how about we meet here tomorrow, same time? i'll have the money for you then." he kept insisting. "and maybe i can buy you something, too. an ice cone? a muffin?"
you were sure your heart couldn't take that. it was hard enough already, to play it cool and convince yourself that your feelings for this not-so-stranger-anymore were something temporary, something minimal.
but if he tried to make friends with you? if he bought you something to eat? if, fuck it, you had to stand so close to this summer of a boy a second time?
no, it was too risky. you couldn't. "no, it's fine. you really don't have to."
"but i gotta pay you back," he sounds disappointed, now, and you don't even know this guy, you try to tell yourself — but you can't help but soften.
"tell you what," you say, and his head lifts immediately, eyes locking with yours. "just keep cycling."
"hm?" he tilts his head to a side, and his fluffy hair bounces with the movement. "what does that mean?"
"just," you wave your hand towards the street. "take this road home everyday. you don't need to, but i think you do that already, anyway. i see you cycle past sometimes."
everyday, you think. i get to see you everyday, and that's all i'll ask for.
"so i just have to take my bike this way?" he asks, a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth. god, he's cute. "ah, so i'll see you, right?"
"mhm." it's all you can offer, and he nods enthusiastically. "sure, sure! i'll be looking for you, then — i'll wave if i see you!"
you agree, say you'll wave back — and then he's getting on his bicycle and going back on his way. you stand there and watch, and just as he's about to turn around the corner and disappear, he turns around and gives you a small wave.
you're not sure he even caught the way you waved back. but what you're suddenly starting to feel certain of is that, you know what, maybe the feelings for him that you have buried within your chest might not be as easy to ignore and leave behind, after all.
he hadn't told you his name (you knew it already, but that wasn't the point) and he hadn't asked for yours either, but you had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last time you talked to him.
you could feel it, not out of some lovey-dovey instinct but because you knew already that he was bright, fiery and someone that enjoyed connecting with everyone around him.
he'd probably ask for your name. and you'd probably have to witness firsthand, up close, the sight of his firecracker eyes again.
letting what was budding in your heart be something temporary, letting it fade away, forgetting that hinata ever existed — was probably going to be hard, impossible, even.
but the least you could do was believe, if not try. you lie to yourself.
the truth is that once you've seen the sun, the afterimage of it is stuck behind your eyes for the rest of your life. you're never going to forget that summer sun of a boy.
you walk home, thinking about how maybe one day, there'll be a night where you get to light a firecracker with him and watch the way he watches it — watch the way they light up his eyes.
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misc-obeyme · 2 hours
Demon Brothers as Doms Headcanons
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Here it is, as requested by anon! I don't know if these are better or worse than the demon bros as subs version... I honestly can't tell lol. But hopefully you guys enjoy them. I will be doing the side characters, too, so stay tuned for that.
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GN!MC x the demon brothers
Note: We got another paragraph of warnings. Some of them are a little more detailed, but most of them are just mentioned.
Warnings: Sub!MC, bondage, blindfolds, gags, multiple orgasms, edging, orgasm denial, overstimulation, manhandling, begging, praise, degradation, dirty talk, spanking, collars, dacryphilia, tailfucking (and related tail stuff), drooling, jealousy, cockwarming, mirror sex, exhibitionism, toys, aphrodisiacs, magic stuff, blood kink, biting, size kink, food play, somnophilia, wet dreams, semi-public sex, after care, cuddling, and kissing. HOO BOY. I hope that's all of it, if not lemme know and I'll add stuff.
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He has intense dom vibes and he knows it. He will be strict and harsh with you if that’s what you want, but if left to his own choices, Lucifer becomes a pleasure dom. All he really wants is to make you come over and over and over again. He doesn’t care what it takes, he’ll use his cock, his fingers, his tongue, anything and everything as long as it makes you cry out his name in ecstasy. He likes the way it makes his pride swell.
He’s a strong and powerful demon. If he wants you in a certain position, he will put you there himself. He has no problem manhandling you a little, but he’ll be careful about it. He very much enjoys tying you up and he’s a master at shibari. His other favorite thing is blindfolding you. He likes when you aren’t aware of when he’s going to touch you.
Lucifer is absolutely the type of demon that will do subtle things outside of the bedroom to make you crazy. A hand on the back of your neck, a brief squeezing of your arm, a whispered “behave” or even just a look that says everything. They’re all warnings - be careful, MC, or he’ll be dealing with you later in private.
He likes to be called sir, but he’s willing to discuss other options. He’s very bossy, though, and will give you orders constantly. If you’re good and compliant, he’ll reward you to the point where you’ll probably forget your own name. But if you’re a brat, he won’t hesitate to punish you. He likes to make you wait, so he might tie you up in his office and then not touch you while he works on his stacks of paperwork. He wants to see how long it takes you to start begging.
And begging does him in every time. Because the minute you break down and beg for him, his pride takes over. He’ll smirk and likely tease you and say something about how he’s not surprised that it didn’t take long.
But in the end, Lucifer likes to make you moan and cry and come, which means he’ll do whatever it takes to get you to do that. Do you have a praise kink? He will shower you with it while he’s deep inside you. Do you have a degradation kink? He will make a point of finding the words that make you clench around him in pleasure.
Surprisingly good at being a dom, but far less restrained than Lucifer is. He’s going to do all kinds of things to get a reaction out of you, but the second you moan his name, he’s moaning right along with you. But not before he takes the time to get your full consent and makes sure you know all your safe words. He wants to go all out, but he wants you to feel safe with him.
Mammon is a bit too impatient to do things like tying you up intricately. He’s going to go for things like handcuffs or gags. He finds he likes the way you moan low in your throat when your mouth is otherwise occupied. Similarly, he loves when you suck on his fingers. He’ll remove them sooner than he expected, though, because he wants to listen to you beg.
He’s cautious at first, giving you easy orders to test the waters. If you’re generally obedient, he’ll push a little harder, go a little further, see just how much you can take. He will absolutely become a brat tamer, though, so if you’re more inclined to mouth off, you can expect swift punishment. He can’t take too much disobedience and he’ll get impatient with you quickly. Punishments can range from spankings to orgasm denial depending on how irritated he is. But they don’t last long because he just really wants to fuck you silly.
He’s constantly buying you things to wear. He obviously has a preference for gold, but whatever he just likes to see you on display in something nice. If you’ll wear a collar, he will absolutely be thrilled to buy you the nicest one he can find. It makes him a little crazy any time he catches a glimpse of it outside the bedroom.
The King of After Care. When things are calm again, he gets very clingy. He’s going to want to cuddle you all night, whispering in your ear about how good you were for him, asking you if you’re doing all right. If you endured punishment or any kind of pain, he’ll make sure you’re recovering from it. He just loves you so much, MC.
Surprises both you and himself by being a really good dom. It’s like he flips a switch and suddenly he’s all confidence, but it’s only possible with you. However, it can also get really intense really fast and he might not realize how far he’s going. Communication is key with Levi. You need it to even get him to start being more dominant to begin with, but then you also need it when he’s a little lost in the sauce.
Because he finds that dominating you makes him lose his whole mind. When you’re whimpering or begging, he just wants more and more. He loves to hear you whine his name. He likes it when you cry, so he will try to make it happen. He’ll use pain or insults or anything else he can find that will work. But if it does happen, he’ll get soft when he sees the tears on your cheeks. Then he’ll start praising you and telling you how perfect you are and how much he loves you.
He likes to use his tail for all kinds of things. He’ll wrap it around your body, pinning your arms to your sides, and put the tip of it in your mouth until you’re drooling around it. He’ll use it to spank you if he thinks you’re in need of punishment. But his favorite thing is just to fuck you with it.
To nobody’s surprise at all, Levi is a jealous dom. If you so much as look at someone else, he will notice and make you pay for it later. His favorite punishment method is orgasm denial. He’s trying to make you forget about anyone but him and he’ll ask you while he’s edging you who you’re thinking of. He wants to hear you cry and tell him that he’s the only one you ever think about.
Levi will definitely start out with degradation and some dirty talk - he’s likely going to tell you how much of a whore you are for him - but by the end of things, he’ll switch to praise. He starts to come out of dom mode and then he actually feels bad. Depending on how you react, he will likely apologize before pampering you to make up for all the nasty things he said. If you laugh at him about it, he’ll just blush. He gets embarrassed about how much he can lose himself. Don’t hold it against him, MC! He’s just obsessed with you.
By far the most balanced dom of all the brothers. He’s always so careful about keeping his wrath under control, the very last thing he would ever want to do is give in to it during a scene with you. It’s a tricky balance, but he manages to find a good middle ground. He focuses on you the most, but don’t think that means he’ll be lenient with you.
Satan is really good at interpreting how you’re feeling in the moment based on how you react to him. He’s able to tell when he should get more intense and when he should back off. As for himself, he prefers to control you with words. He’ll tie you up if you want him to, but he’s more interested in simply telling you what to do. And he’s clear about what will happen if you disobey.
Although he’s careful about keeping himself level headed when he’s punishing you, just know that he won’t hold back. There really isn’t any kind of punishment he isn’t willing to employ and he’ll find the one that has the most impact on you while still getting his message across.
Definitely prefers praise over degradation. He will be rambling the whole time he’s doing anything with you and it’s all romantic poetry. It starts out really flowery, but eventually kind of devolves into how perfect you are, how good you feel, etc. This is the guy who will spank you and recite sonnets to you at the same time, probably timing his swats with the iambic pentameter.
Satan also really enjoys cockwarming. He’ll have you sit in his lap while he reads, just to see how much you can take. Scolds you gently any time you move too much. Be good and hold still for him, MC. In the end, he’s the one who can’t take it, but he frames it as taking pity on you. You’re both probably aware of the truth, but neither of you will say anything. And anyway, you’re content to let him bend you over and pound into you if it means finally feeling that sweet relief.
The most versatile of doms, he can be anything you want. You want him strict? Done. You prefer a soft dom? Easy. You just want him to make you come as many times as possible? It would be his pleasure.
If you’re too shy to tell him what you want, that’s okay, too. He’s able to feel out what will make you react the most. And that’s what he goes for. He just wants to experience you losing your mind over him.
He really can do it all, but he’s also going to bring his own flare to the situation. You have sooo much mirror sex. If you’re willing to try exhibitionism, he will really push the limits of that, too.
Asmo will also have a lot of toys, accessories, and clothing items. He’s always suggesting something new and interesting. You just won't believe what he found, MC! He likes to explore with you, to see what you’ll tolerate. This also includes things like aphrodisiacs or magic related things. He’ll always take care of you after you use something like that, but he’s often finding new things to try.
If you don’t really give him any guidelines and let him run the show entirely, he will step up to the challenge. It turns out he really enjoys making you submit to him. He finds he has a fascination with your blood. He loves the way it looks against your skin. He also loves to see it on his own lips, so you can be sure he’ll be drawing it by biting you.
Asmo really loves to tie you up and have his way with you. He enjoys sensory deprivation - blindfold, gag, etc. - he likes to keep you guessing. He wants you to react to his touch the most, loves the way you shiver in anticipation of what he’ll do next.
Mixes pleasure and pain so effectively, you almost can’t tell which one you’re experiencing. He’ll be using his fingers masterfully on your sensitive spots at the same time that he’ll be digging his nails into your back.
This is his area of expertise, so there’s no way he’s going to let you go with only one orgasm. He’s going to make sure you have multiple before he's done with you. He loves overstimulation. If you start crying, he’ll coo at you and wipe your tears, but he won’t stop.
Always doms in demon form. He can’t help it, he’s fully embodying his sin. No matter what he’s doing with you, he wants you to remember that you’re being dominated by the Avatar of Lust.
The softest of soft doms. He’s not really into degradation, so he’s going to shower you with praise instead. He’s just going to mumble into your skin about how amazing you are and how lucky he is and so on and so forth. But don’t think that makes him a pushover.
Beel is a big strong demon and he will manhandle you. Probably his favorite thing is to just sit you in his lap and move you himself. You’re riding him, but he’s doing all the work.
He’ll tie you up if you want him to, but he’s more likely to use things like blindfolds or gags. Only one at a time, he doesn’t want you completely helpless. He secretly likes it when you struggle against him, so he likes to keep your hands free.
Beel has a bit of a size kink where he likes his partners smaller than him, which works out because he’s just generally much larger than most people. Even if you’re larger for a human, that’s still just a lil cutie to him. This kinda ties into the manhandling thing - he likes to pick you up and move you around himself. And he can do it, too, because of his size and strength. You might as well get used to it at this point.
He doesn't really enjoy inflicting pain. He's far more likely to use positive reinforcement than punishments. But if he has to get serious with you, it's going to be stuff like edging, orgasm denial, or overstimulation. If you're crying it's because of how he's making you feel, not because he's hurting you or insulting you. He finds it's just as effective, too.
If you ask, Beel will do pretty much anything you want. He'll work through the discomfort of hurting you if you enjoy it.
As always, Beel loves food. He'll involve any kind of food play he possibly can because he really can't help himself. It's like the ultimate expression of his sin - to involve food in these intimate moments with you.
Another one who will be incredibly attentive during after care. He wants to make sure you're okay. He will stay beside you as long as you need him. Probably brings you drinks and snacks, too. He's already been praising you all night, but prepare yourself for even more. You are everything to him, MC.
Kinda lazy for a dom, to nobody’s great surprise. He enjoys being one, but he tires out quickly. If he can make you do all the work, he will. Expect him to give you a lot of orders.
He really loves when you beg. He wants to see you on your knees and if you beg enough, he’ll fill your mouth with his cock. You look so good, MC.
He’ll leave you tied up and unattended, too. He’ll just sit there and watch you, see how much you can handle before he does anything.
Belphie is, of course, into somnophilia. If you give him the go ahead, it’s going to be any time he wakes up with you in his arms. If you’re still sleeping soundly, he wants you to stay asleep, he’ll just take care of things himself. But if you do wake up, he'll probably whisper quietly in your ear about how he's just making all your wet dreams come true. In fact, we also know Belphie can go into dreams, so… you can expect your normal dreams to become wet dreams if he shows up.
He likes exhibitionism and semi-public sex. He likes fucking you in places where you’re right next to other people, but you’re still trying to stay hidden. So he’ll use his hand to cover your mouth, trying to muffle your noises. But it’s only because he likes the way it feels to gag you that way. He doesn’t actually mind if you’re discovered.
He likes dirty talk and degradation. He will absolutely call you all kinds of filthy names. It’s not all like that, though, he’ll also throw in some praise. Especially when you’re whimpering beneath him and he's losing control because he feels so good. That's when he starts telling you how good you are.
Belphie is kind of an after care guy by default. After he's had his way with you, even if he was really rough (which he probably was), he just wants to snuggle and cuddle and sleep. He'll also kiss you slowly and softly and lazily because he likes the way your lips feel.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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mustainegf · 2 days
Sooo james is your best friend and he is a plus one for a wedding and he knows nobody there and he sees you talking to some guy and he gets possesive and jealous and you tell him that he is your cousin but then you realise that he likes you or smth aaaaaand you fuck in the car outside the venue
(i know this is too long, I'm so sorry)
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𝐏𝐋��𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ¹⁹⁹⁶
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I toyed with the delicate lace sleeves of my dress for the millionth time as I stood in front of the mirror. The soft ivory colored fabric fitted, dare I say, just right, while the detailed beadwork sparkled delicately in the light.
I exhaled, trying to gather my nerves. Weddings always made me a little nervous, but tonight was a totally different story. Tonight, I had James as my plus one.
James and I had been friends for years, cemented in so many memories. For me, he was way more than just a friend. Though his exterior was quite thick, he had a heart of pure gold, and he knew just the way to make me smile.
I heard someone knock at the door, and when I opened it, there James was, dressed in his tailored black dinner jacket suit. His usual casualness turned into some polished elegance, though his eyes still held that rogue gleam.
"Wow," he said, his voice low and appreciative as his eyes traced up and down my figure. "You look beautiful."
A blush crept up my cheeks as I smiled shyly. "Thank you, James. You clean up pretty well yourself." I chuckled softly, pretending to dust off his shoulders.
He laughed, stepping into the room. "I do what I can. Ready to go?"
I nodded, reaching over and looping my arm through his as we left. That brought the problem, with this many guests at the wedding, James was going to be known by at least somebody, and while he had agreed to be my date, I still was nervous that he might be a bit ticked off getting attention.
James didn't like to show it, but he really was quite shy, preferring to slip into the crowd rather than be the one directing it.
The ceremony was gorgeous, such a great mix of love and tradition. During the ceremony, several times, James would glance my way, his soft, admiring eyes, rarely ever to be seen, something that made me feel special.
We ended up sitting at a table with some of my distant relatives during the reception. They were excited to meet James, who, in turn, was very polite. I could feel his discomfort.
"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked, bending close to me. His breath in my ear, and that deep voice of his sent ripples down my spine.
"Just some water, please," I replied, smiling up at him. "Thanks, James."
He nodded and made his way to the bar, leaving me with my relatives, who immediately bombarded me with questions.
"How did you meet James?" asked one of my second cousins, whose round eyes nearly popped with her curiosity.
"I did stage work for his band like years ago," I said, trying to sound polite. "We've just been friends since then I guess." I say with a laugh.
"Friends, huh?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "He seems pretty into you."
I laughed it off, but her words stuck like superglue. Was James into me? I shook my head once more. He was just a friend. Surely...
He came back with our drinks and set a glass of water before me. "Here ya go."
"Thanks," I said, taking a sip of the water. "Are you okay? You seem kind of jittery."
He shrugged, giving me a small smile. "Just not used to being in a room full of people who don't know me... Well most people. It's really nice, actually."
I nodded, I understood what he meant, having done work with the band, I knew how relentless some fans could get.
We spent the next hour chatting with other guests and dancing. James was shockingly an excellent dancer, guiding me effortlessly across the floor. His hands slipped into a grip on my hips that felt like always should've been.
As the evening ticked on, I was having a conversation with one of my cousins, Mark, who I hadn't seen in years. We were chatting about old times, dumb stuff we did as kids, when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning back, I found James, his jaw clenched, his eyes a little squinted.
"Who is this?" he asked, so easy, yet laced with something that I knew was less than kind.
"This is my cousin, Mark," I said, introducing them. "Mark, this is James, my date."
James relaxed a little at my words, though in his eyes, I could still see the unease. "Nice to meet you, man," he said, holding out a hand to Mark.
Mark shook it, smiling up at James, who was much taller than him. "Nice to meet you too, James."
There was this awkward silence, and I felt the need to break it. "James, why don't we go get some air?"
He nodded, and we excused ourselves, stepping out of the venue, just outside the doors. The sweet night air was cool and forgiving. I turned to James, who was staring out at the stars with clenched shoulders.
"What's going on?" I asked gently. "You were weird back there."
He sighed and ran a hand through his short ruffled hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off like that. I guess I just… I didn't like seeing you with some other guy."
I blinked in surprise. "James, he's my cousin."
"I know that now," he said quickly. "I just… I don't know. It felt weird. I'm sorry. I feel really dumb now."
I searched his expression. Could he mean more in his words? Was it the continuous lingering gaze throughout the evening, the possessiveness in his tone, that finally could be a proof he has feelings for me? Could he really?
"It's okay," I nodded softly. "I understand."
He turned to me slowly, his eyes boring into mine. "Do you?"
I nodded, though I wasn't entirely sure that I did. The idea that James might have feelings for me was paralyzing. In a good way.
The idea of him feeling the same way that I did, because, if I'm going to be honest with myself here, I have developed feelings for him too, was something that was hard to be ignored.
"Let's go back inside," I said, clearing my head. "We still got a wedding to enjoy."
He smiled, and in that second, things were good. "Yeah, let's do that."
The rest of the night was spent dancing and laughing, but I just couldn't get that question out of my head. Had James felt something for me? If so, what did it mean?
With the sky darkening, James and I walked toward his car to find the soft hum of crickets filling the night air as we were leaving.
James, being the gentleman he was, matched strides with me with a light hand resting at my lower back.
We walked to his car, sleek and black. "Tonight was… interesting." He said with a low chuckle, almost like he was trying to relieve any sort of ill air.
I turned toward him, his tone piquing my curiosity. "Yeah,but I had a great time with you. Even if you were a bit tense."
He rubbed the back of his neck, and a sheepish grin tugged on the corners of his lips. "I guess so. I just—" He looked aside for a second before his eyes locked with mine again. "I didn't like seeing you with someone else."
I blinked, taken aback by the admission. "James, I told you, Mark is my cousin ".
He chuckled, but of course, it was nervous. He didn't have to make that, like his usual, confident laugh. "I know, I know. It's just… seeing you with him made me realize... a lot."
My heart felt a heavy beat. "Realize what?"
He drew a deep breath, as if bracing himself. "That I'm in love with you."
Those words strung along in the air, floating around as I tried to collect them. I stood there, stunned, shocked, bewildered, unable to form any coherent response. James shifted uncomfortably, mistaking my silence for something else.
"Seeing you with him just brought something to the surface, and I'm sorry if this is gonna... fuck things up."
I didn't need to think, I reached up and cupped his face in my hands, pulling him down to my level. Standing on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his in a kiss that was loving but thirsting. For a heartbeat, he was still, then responded as his hands instinctively slid around to my hips, drawing me closer to press against him.
It was as if the whole world had opened up in front of us after years of saying 'Just fuckin' kiss already!'
With mingling breaths and soft laughter escaping through the kisses. When we finally pulled back, our foreheads rested against each other, with our lips still touching.
"I´ve been in love with you for so long, James," I confessed, my voice shaking from my emotions as I ran my hand over his cheek, feeling his prickly facial hair.
He smiled at me then, such a natural, heartfelt smile that I'd always loved for its uniqueness. "That makes two of us."
His hand trailed down my arm, fingers intertwining with mine. "Get in the backseat, missy," he said, murmuring low, his eyes full of intentions and a tad bit of the liquor from earlier.
My heart grew weak in my chest at what I knew he meant. I nodded, letting him lead me around the back door he had opened on his car.
He gestured for me to get in first, and so I did, feeling the quickening of my pulse.
James quickly slid in beside me, closing the door behind us as my arms instinctively reached for him. His eyes brooded into mine, soft but still insistent as they ate me up. "You're sure?"
I moved in closer, lightly touching my lips to his. "Always."
As we kissed, hands moved over each others bodies, discovering all the curves and lines with our touch rather than just sight. I straddled him, my dress hitching up around my thighs as I settled onto his lap. His hands found their way to my hips, pulling me closer, and I felt the heat of his bulge pressing up against me.
"God, you're beautiful," he whispered against my lips, voice hoarse. "I've wanted this since the day I saw you."
I smiled, my chest spilling with love and lust. "Me too, James. M-Me too..."
Our lips met again, and this time, it was much deeper. Our tongues danced, explored, each shock was evident in his taut body and the barely restrained need. But what turned me on was how I couold feel him getting harder by the second, his clothes erection rubbing my thigh.
"I want you," I begged, pleading for anything he would give me. "Right here, right now."
"I need you, James. I need you so much."
James responded with his hands sliding under my dress to stroke my thighs. I moaned into his mouth again, this feel of his hands being something I never knew I needed. He lifted my dress higher, exposing my delicate panties, and he was tender, reverent.
"You're so perfect," he murmured against my skin, his lips trailing down my neck. "So fuckin' perfect."
I ticked at his words, my fingers threading through his hair as I held him close. "I love you, James."
He looked up at me then, his eyes very dark. "I love you too."
He pulled my panties to the side, the tips of his fingers touching my most private parts. I gasped as my body arched up into him. His fingers took teir sweet ass time, learning each crease and vulnerable nerve.
"You're so wet," he whispered in wonder. "All for me."
"Yes," I breathed, already dripping just at the thought of what we were about to do. "I want you inside me, James. Please."
He didn't need any other invitation. He undid his zipper and quickly released himself from within his dress pants. He sat there for a split second, gripping the base of himself that the breath caught in my throat. With a soft chuckle, he pressed himself at my entrance, his eyes locked with mine.
"This might be a bit awkward," he said with a small, nervous laugh.
I giggled at him, falling in love with his dorkiness all over again. "I'm sure we'll live."
Slowly, carefully, he guided himself inside me. I could feel every singl inch, every vein, as seated his complete length inside me. I moaned softly, trying to dig my fingers into his shoulders as I adjusted to the feeling of him inside me.
"You're tight, baby," he groaned, restraining himself. "You feel s-so good."
Slowly I rocked my hips, trying out different angles to find a rhythm that suited the both of us. I gasped as I felt his tip just gently graze my G spot.
I bounced softly, his greedy fingers pawing at my sides as he helped buck upwards. Everything was more in the close confines of the car, every touch, every movement as we whispered soft, breathless words.
"That's it, honey," he murmured against my lips, "so, so perfect."
I whined softly, my frame trembling with the stretch of him. "Keep going, James. Don't stop."
His free hand grasped gently at my bouncing breasts, squeezing at me like I was his own personal toy, looking to enjoy every second of it. "I love you," he said again. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," I replied. My voice was breaking with emotion. "So much."
It was creeping in, the thrusts, so timed and deliberate. I could feel my orgasm approaching, knotting in my stomach.
"James," I gasped, trying so hard not to cum right there and then. "I'm so close."
"Me too," he groaned, his hands clamping on my hips, my flesh spilling from between his strong fingers. "Cum with me, baby. Cum with me."
With one last, mighty thrust, I was cumming all over his cock, my walls gripping him as if begging for more. The air was occupied by my cry as fingers bit into his shoulders. Soon enough, James followed. He quickly pulled out, pumping his fist to reach the edge.
"Quick, grab my shirt-" He gasped.
I laughed out loud at him, rapidly bunching up his shirt to his chest, just seconds before he was spilling cum all over his tummy. The warm, thick liquid dripped down as the final spurts washed over him.
The two of us just sat there for the moment, gasping for breath and trembling.
Both James and I locked eyes before falling into laughter. "That was amazing," he choked out, still hoarse.
James helped me balance myself carefully, his hands remaining on my hips as he did so. "it's a good thing your suit isn't wrecked," I mumble with a short giggle.
"Yeah, thanks for that..." He chuckled, paying a short kiss to my lips.
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happylandvn · 21 hours
We've had their NSFW alphabet but what about SFW? When you have the time but no pressure! ^^
Clown SFW Alphabet
Very affectionate, though his methods can sometimes be questionable. He'll do classic cuddles, kisses and pet names. But they will also lick half of your face, try to scare you, pick you up randomly and run around with you in their arms, jump into your arms, too, and of course, attempt to tickle you.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The type of friend that drags you around to do questionable things with them and get you into slight trouble. Any friendship with Exe starts with them deciding you have to be their friend now and can't escape.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He does enjoy cuddling. It's probably the only time he's quiet and calm. He likes laying down for it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Not the settling down type. They can cook a decent meal if you give them a recipe and they know how to do minimal amount of cleaning, but they might try to turn it into some type of game.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He wouldn't.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Crazy enough to say yes if you asked for their hand three hours after meeting if they like you enough.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Depends. He's not very gentle on the surface. But if you're close to him and you're in need of gentleness, he will provide it, both physically and emotionally.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
They do like hugs. They believe a hug a day is how life should be lived. Their hugs knock the air out of you. Sometimes they pick you up.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
When they think the moment is right, whenever that may be.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Incredibly jealous. He will taunt people, try to freak them out, kill or torture them depending on who they are and what they've done.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Wet and sloppy most of the time. Lots of tongue. They can be small gentle on occasion, though. They like kissing you on the mouth and they'll take kisses anywhere on their body.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Not great. He tends to scare them. He gets along well with the brave ones, though.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Clingy. They like waking you up with kisses or small pranks depending on their mood. If it upsets you, they'll make you breakfast as apology.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddly, nsfw, or sometimes full of blood and guts. Depends, really.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
They're a pretty open person. They don't tend to keep secrets. If they don't tell you something, it's probably because you never asked and they never thought to tell you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
If he likes you, it's hard to anger him. He's a very cheerful, hard to faze person.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He'll remember what you tell him is important, but he might forget other things or remember them only partially.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first meeting, whether it was bad or good. He considers it special regardless.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
They will protect you against anything they believe could be a threat to you. If you're a capable person yourself, they'll be less protective. If someone or something were to cause you harm though, they will feel their wrath. As for themselves, they require emotional protection more than physical.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
A decent amount of effort, though some of them may be questionable. Would you consider a special seat at one of their vivisection shows to be a good present? They'd try to do something extra special for anniversaries and your birthday.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He throws things around carelessly and talks very loudly regardless of where he is.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Pretty preoccupied with his appearance, although his standards can be considered odd. He likes looking colorful and he'll show skin when he wants to be seductive.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
They like how it feels when you trace their horns with your fingers.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Manipulative or sly people. They can't stand that. They'd rather someone state their intentions clearly, including you. Trying to manipulate them is a sure way to make them furious.
He talks in his sleep.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Although he likes receiving it, it can take a while before he starts showing it himself. And when he does, it tends to be in the form of acts of service. He can show physical or verbal affection, too, but it takes a bit of encouragement.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Quiet and reserved, but one who gives good advice and tries to keep you grounded.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He does like cuddles. You have to gentle with him, though. He doesn't like being held tight or having weight on him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He thinks the thought of settling down is sweet, but he isn't sure how you might settle down with a demonic clown who cries all the time. He's very good at both cooking and cleaning.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He wouldn't.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Terrified. He's never even thought about marriage. Why would you even want to marry him?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very very gentle, like you're a speck of dust, waiting to be blown away by the wind. His touches tend to be feather soft and he always tries to make sure he doesn't upset you in any way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He does like hugs, but again, not the tight ones. He never initiates them without being asked, but his hugs are gentle, barely there.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He'll only say it after you say it first. But he'll have a bit of a freaking out session before he does so.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He can get quite jealous, even from small things like people touching your waist or paying you too many compliments. He rarely, if ever, voices it, though. He just cries alone and curses his own fate.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gentle, soft, often just butterfly kisses. If he must pick a place to kiss you, it would be your cheeks. He doesn’t have a particular place where he wants to be kissed. He will be particularly touched and flustered if you kiss away his tears, though.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Awkward. Doesn't really know what to do or say, mostly just stared at them nervously.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He doesn't tend to sleep, so he will be making breakfast for you in the morning. Then he'll serve it to you, hoping you'll like it.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If he's not watching you sleep and you're awake, he loves nighttime strolls. If you convince him to sleep, he'll scoot over close to you, just an inch away from touching you and try to sleep like that.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He reveals things slowly and with reservation. Some things he'll never reveal at all unless necessary.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It's near impossible to anger him, but if you manage it, he simply goes quiet and avoids people's gaze.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tends to remember a lot! Perhaps not every little detail, but most things about you will stay in his memory.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The moment you tell him he's special to you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not the most protective out there. He hates conflict and doesn't know how to fight. He'll act like he owes you the moon if you protect him, though.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Once you get him used to the idea of them, he puts in a lot of effort in attempts to not disappoint you. He tries to find out everything you like and then makes sure every gift, date and plan is suitable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He cries. A lot. About anything and everything. And he runs away from confrontations.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He'd like to have more of a say in how he looks, but his nature prevents him from changing much.
Yes, pretty likely.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves praise. If you want to see him swoon, praise him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Poor hygiene. He has a bit of an obsession with staying clean and he'll try to get you to stay clean yourself.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he does fall asleep, he sleeps very deeply.
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jupitermoontarot24 · 6 hours
👮🏽18+ What Are Your Persons Weird Kinks?👨🏽‍🎨🥵
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Hi guys Im finally back!💗 If you're ever looking for me I'm over ON PATREON EVERYWEEK! yayyyyy lol thanks for tuning in
Lets get spicy and dive into what they might not tell you really tickles their fancy 👀👀
Entertainment purposes ONLY
Pile 1 🥷🏽
So for you pile one this person's weird Kink could be stalking. they could want to know where you're at where you live, something about you at all points in life. yeah knowing where you are in the world turns them on. Also having a smell that represents you, so knowing what perfumes you wear or what scents you like Yeah I feel like they will buy your perfume and smell it when they miss you. Their weird Kink could be knowing your state so they can send you stuff, always having a trail that leads to you. yeah because if they don't know where you're at it's going to drive them crazy, they would feel like you could be absolutely anywhere. Definitely would have to kept in touch with this person and provided them with your address. They wanna continuously send you stuff every now and then too. They have to know where you're at. This person doesn't have super weird kinks tbh other than stalking. I don't think anything too sexual. they will also want to know every piece that youve made. so you got famous they would be your biggest fan. What every art,writing, art you make then know every detail of it. They want to have a track of you for the rest of their lives. they can always find you. this person will track you down. They have your back they mostly want to make sure that you're protected and that you live out your legacy so that's another reason they want to know. Even if you moved on from them they would hate to know you wasted your talent. They love you and they just want to make sure that you're safe and it gives them Peace of Mind knowing where you're at. Sexually they like when you try to give them head but you can't take it all, you can't fit all of it in your mouth. Makes them feel turned on. Another weird kink is they could like to imagine you as their wife/husband.So they might tell people that they're married, call you wife / husband in  public and private and act like you guys have already been married. they might even want to go to the courthouse and make it official if you were okay with that. they also like when you kind of Boss them around a little bit or you're in charge. yes I feel like they take it out on you in the bedroom that night so they don't mind if you get a little bratty during the day. 
Chris Brown - Autumn Leaves (Explicit) ft. Kendrick Lamar
Chris Brown - Wheels Fall Off | From The Block @4ShootersOnly Performance
Pile 2 👨🏽‍🎨
This person's weird kink is thinking about when they first met you. they can think about the first day they met you a lot. they can talk about it a lot as well. this person could talk about this when they get drunk. yeah I think this is a good memory for them, this is a highlight that happened for them. their life could have been going bad until they met you. Yeah they can think about what you looked like, your hair was looking like the things you said. they could weird kink is comparing you to other women/men they know..whose butt is bigger, whose hair is longer, stuff like that,better in bed. Their weird Kink could be seeing how much they can control you or how long they could keep you in their life. Their Weird kink could be seeing how much they can turn your life upside down. yeah this person if they don't have anything going on or even if they do they still want to trade places with you. yeah they want to be in your orbit just so they can lurk in on opportunities that you get in see if there's something  lingering around for them. This person's weird Kink is the fact that they're in your orbit at all is a kink to them. the fact that you like them, that you give them the time of day is a weird kink for them. this person is very strange not going to lie they want all the benefits and they don't want to do any of the work. they want you to go through all the pain and for you to expose yourself and then they just get what they can out of the situation. they're weird Kink is pretending. this person I think they like becoming what you need. yeah they might just listen in to what you talk about or your likes and then they become that. so you might notice this person likes the same music as you, they pick up the same Hobbies as you, like the same food you like. it's all so they can get in good with you and get closer to you. this person seems like no good ngl. 911!! please
Replay (Prequel) [Music Video] - Iyaz
DJ Khaled - LET IT GO (Official Music Video) ft. Justin Bieber, 21 Savage
Pile 3 👮🏽
your person's weird kink could be getting the right person pregnant so you? Or picking the right segregate. Yeah this person could have had a troubled past or been misunderstood so they can feel like they have something to prove almost. yeah they feel like they're powerful and misunderstood so they feel like their kids are powerful too so they could want to get the right person pregnant to show and prove how good they are through their children. There weird kink could be you dressing like different cultures. Specifically Indian or african culture. so that could be gold jewelry, bracelets, bendy's, Henna stuff like that. You could be Indian or some culture that specializes and beautiful gowns and jewelry and art. Their weird Kinks could be wanting to be the first person that you talk to in the a.m. They want to be the first person that you see when you wake up, that brings you breakfast or coffee. they would hate for you to start your day without talking to them. yeah even if you have plans with friends that day they still want to be the first person to talk to you. they still want to have coffee with you first. they want a routine with you. so they're weird kink could be having a morning routine with you. like everyday you guys wake up and talk and drink coffee. Their weird Kink could be wanting to know your plans for the day, whatever you have planned they want to know where you're going what you're going to wear. it doesn't seem malicious I think they honestly are just curious and protective.  they could want to help you plan out your outfits, pack if you're going somewhere. so they're weird kink is really wanting to be emerged in your life even in the mundane things. they really want to know what you're going to wear lol. they're the type to pick out your clothes before you wake up or buy clothes for you they think will look good on you, even give you their pieces to style. if you leave without saying goodbye I think they would honestly go get you to make sure that you hug and kiss them. this person has a really strong healed feminine energy even if they are masculine. they're nurturing and protective so they're really balanced. Their weird kink could also be making you annoyed on purpose lol. They wanna press the right buttons and right before you explode they attack! Sexing you so good you forget what the problem was. yeah their weird kink could be keeping you safe even if you arent in danger. they like being in communication with you so their kink is staying in communication with you all the time. They also really like cream pies, the thought of their semen entering you. 
Chris Brown - Sex So Good (Visualizer)
Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On (feat. MØ) (Official Music Video)
Pile 4 👼🏽
Their weird kink could be the thought of being a bad boy/girl. they want to call I meant to say cause. They could be calling other ppl tho? Or someone could call them to be messy.Etiher way they want to cause some trouble, they want to evoke emotions within you and the people around you maybe?Thats their weird kink. yeah because the picture is Nikki Parker and she honestly made everyone's life  kind of living hell how much she wanted the professor. She ruined his relationships just because she wanted him so this person could have a weird kink of calculated chaos is what I heard. so that could be trauma bonding or just having a really strong emotion tied to a memory of them. Their weird kink is they want a child with you that looks literally just like you. they're weird Kink is they want to have a really interesting story to tell in the end. it's like they want you to stay through all of these very intense moments and you don't leave because you guys were together through the intensity. like for instance the video channelled for this pile, it's like yeah you guys don't leave each other because you got into a car accident together, and that's something tramatic so instead of breaking up even if you were about to or should  you guys together you stay and cope from the car accident. I hope that makes sense. so basically trauma bonding in simpler terms. the other weird kink would be you thinking that you need them to get through things because you guys have already gone through things together. yeah like you don't even need your friends, maybe even family because you've already gone through the worst things with them instead. Sexaully they could really like when you're naked and youre only half covered up. So wrapped in their blanket, their t-shirt, their jacket.  Their weird kink could  be wanting you to be completely nude around them but in public kind of modest. they might like for you to wear clothes that cover up more of your skin. They could like to leave marks on you or they like the fact that people know you're theirs. another weird kink they can have is playing victim. Yeah if they were in the wrong for something they could have a kink of  switching it and making it seem like they didn't know any better or just being the victim of the situation in general. they actually get off on that. Also its this energy of control this person might be trying to slowly groom you to act how they want to. So eventually they don't even have to say these things because you already do it:; you already dress modestly when you go out or you post them on social media so people know that you guys together or you assume they didn't know any better when they do things, stuff like that almost like father figure? Is their weird kink. They do dream of you guys being together through anything even if you guys go through with patches. Their weird Kink could be wanting to dance, party,drink/smoke, sex away any of the rough patches or arguments you guys go through.
The Weeknd - The Hills
Jay Sean - Down ft. Lil Wayne (Official Music Video) ft. Lil Wayne
Pile 5 😇
This person's weird kink could be falling too deep or feeling the relationship so deeply early on. Yeah they're weird Kink could be leaning too much into the relationship. Like they think about it a lot they become codependent on it almost on purpose tho? They could Really just like love, the act of Falling in Love, getting acquainted with somebody new. Yeah I think this person dives completely in, even if they see red flags they still do it. they want to see if there's something deeper in this person, why this person is like this, what have they gone through to be like this. they want to get very vulnerable so they can understand you more. yeah they weird Kink could be wanting to know the different people you have cycled through and I mean as yourself. like how many different versions of yourself have you been through for you to be like this? Yeah this person feels like there's three sides to a story and there is  lol so they want to get all sides of it. they're weird kink is wanting to get answers. they want to know what made you, what experiences, what people shaped you. Sexually Their werid Kink could be giving. so even if they pleasured you all night they still want to wake up before you and get you a cup of coffee. they just want to be beside you, they're weird kink could be wanting to be near you all the time, wanting to be in your pocket. They could also like biting or the mouth a lot. Their weird kink  could be flexing. they want to have the prettiest girls/boys beside them, they want to have the nicest car, they want to pull up with the freshest entourage. Their Weird Kink could be initiating sex anywhere even in the elevator, the staircase, when someone else is home. yeah they want to get it on and popin everywhere. yeah they going to have sex in really inappropriate places is their kink. they might try to have you busting it open somewhere crazy lowkey. Knowing you're in the shower could be really sexy to this person so they might try to have sex with you in the shower or soon as you get out the shower they're already riled up like waiting to pounce on you. They could also be openly possessive so they could actively try to scare people away from you and that's a weird kink of theirs. 
Justin Bieber - 2 Much (Live from Paris)
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senawashere · 2 days
about those TGM requests
me with fanboy... that's it.
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First rule...
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x Female!Girlfriend!reader
Summary: Movie date night turns into a little lecture with Mickey.
A/n: Thank you sweetheart for requesting this!! Love you!!💋💋
Warnings: None just pure fluff,just kissing!
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"What is the first rule of fight club sweetheart?" Mickey asked looking at you with a grin,soon to be a disappeard.
"What?" You ask. There is 50 second eye contact with Mickey and he looks at you with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
“How have you never seen Fight Club before? How babe?”
Mickey’s shocked expression made laugh hard while he was still looking at you like you have 3 heads. That’s how you end up watching Fight Club for the first time
The night was crisp and chilly, the kind that made you want to curl up with someone you love under a thick blanket. And your boyfriend who freshly returned from a long deployment was looking good for this.
Mickey and you had settled into the couch, your legs tangled together under layers of soft, cozy throws. The dim light from the screen of your TV flickered across the room as the opening credits of "Fight Club" rolled.
Mickey had insisted on movie night after a long time, and you had eagerly agreed. He loved "Fight Club"—its gritty realism, the intense performances, and its provocative themes. It was the perfect escape. Mickey, however, had a tendency to dive into the details, dissecting every scene with an intensity he usually reserved for his flights.
"Did you know that David Fincher wanted the audience to feel the subconscious presence of Tyler Durden from the start?" Mickey's voice was animated, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "They actually spliced frames of Brad Pitt into scenes before his character was even introduced. It’s so subtle that you barely notice it."
You nodded, smiling at his enthusiasm. It was only 10 minutes and he was telling every fact he knew.
"That's pretty impressive," you said, trying to keep the conversation light. The last thing you wanted was to dampen his spirits, but you really just wanted to enjoy the movie without the running commentary. And with the movie being a hard one to understand you were struggling.
As the film progressed, Mickey continued his enthusiastic ramblings. "Right here!The chemical burn scene? They used vinegar and baking soda to create the smoke effect on Norton’s hand. And Fincher actually used footage of real skin-burning reactions for authenticity."
You nodded again, more absently this time. Your eyes were fixed on the screen, trying to lose yourself in the gritty visuals and dark humor, but Mickey's voice kept pulling you back. What the hell was going on in this movie? As you thought while Mickey gave you every single fact for every shot.
"For the scenes where they destroy the corporate art, they used a combination of practical effects and CGI. They really wanted it to look and feel anarchistic, like a real middle finger to consumer culture," Mickey continued, his voice unwavering in its excitement.
"Mickey," you said softly, hoping to gently steer him back to just watching. "I am really trying to understand it and it is very hard while you talk like this baby.”
He glanced at you, his smile apologetic but still eager. "Sorry, I just find all these little details fascinating. Like, did you know when Marla and Tyler were fucki—"
You leaned over and kissed him, cutting off his words mid-sentence. His lips were warm and soft, a stark contrast to the cool night air that seeped through the windows. For a moment, he was startled, but then he relaxed into the kiss, his hands finding their way to your waist.
When you finally pulled back, you looked into his eyes and saw a mixture of surprise and amusement. "I just really want to enjoy the movie," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the yelling from the narator.
He chuckled softly, his hand coming up to brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "Got it," he said, his voice a gentle murmur. "I'll try to keep the commentary to a minimum."
"Thank you,my love" you said, snuggling closer to him. "But I do love your passion for it."
Mickey smiled and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. You lay there together, the movie playing on, and for a while, he managed to stay quiet. You lost yourself in the dark narrative, the twisted philosophy, and the raw performances.
But it wasn't long before Mickey couldn't help himself. "They filmed this scene in an actual abandoned building. Can you imagine how creepy that must have been?" Mickey continued, his voice unwavering in its excitement. You turned your head slightly to look at him, your expression a mix of exasperation and fondness. He caught your look and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry," he said, kissing your forehead. "I just got carried away."
"I know you do," you said with a sigh, though you couldn't keep the smile off your face. "It's one of the things I love about you."
You settled back into silence, and you tried to focus on the movie again. Mickey's arm was around you, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your shoulder. The warmth of his body next to yours, combined with the soothing rhythm of the film, was enough to make you forget the world outside.
But true to form, Mickey couldn't resist one last comment. "The ending... the whole twist with Tyler Durden being the Narrator's alter ego. Fincher hinted at it throughout the film with subliminal flashes of Tyler before he actually appears."
You didn't respond this time, just leaned your head against his shoulder and let the movie's final scenes wash over you. When the credits finally rolled, you felt a tear slip down your cheek, moved by the powerful conclusion. Mickey wiped the tear away with his thumb, his expression soft and tender. "Told you," he whispered.
You nodded, unable to speak for a moment. Then you looked up at him and smiled. "You were right," you said. "It was brilliant."
He leaned down and kissed you again, and this time, you didn't stop him. The movie was over, but the night was still young, and there was no place you'd rather be than here, wrapped in Mickey's arms, sharing these quiet moments together.
“Okay baby,spill all the facts now.” You said watching him forming a big grin on his face.
“"The guy who plays the Narrator—Edward Norton—he actually punched Brad Pitt in one of the scenes. They wanted it to look as real as possible and also did you know that they used CGI to create some of these opening credits? That's so cool and you see the way the camera moves during this fight scene? It's a single take. No cuts. That takes incredible skill from both the actors and the crew and listen you know the scene where they blow up the buildings? We saw it right now. They used a combination of miniatures and CGI to get the perfect shot. It’s so realistic that people thought they actually demolished a skyscraper. And this is so funny, did you know that Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually learned how to make soap for their roles in 'Fight Club'? They attended soap-making classes to prepare for their characters' underground soap business,isn’t so funny. And als-”
“Okay that’s enough baby please!!”
Need a man like this🤭
I'm tagging people who might be interested: @ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsign-fox @greenorangevioletgrass @roosterforme @teacupsandtopgun @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @eternalsams @callsigns-haze @promisingyounglady @els-marvelvsp @cevansbaby-dove @atarmychick007 if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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luminouslywriting · 2 days
hey love! can you do a BoB boys when their partner has the same personality as them? please?
love your work 🤭❤️
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Hi Nonny, you're so sweet :) I'm glad that you enjoy my work so much! Reminder that my requests are open and that I don't mind spam BUT PLEASE, I don't write actual smut scenes/imagines/x readers :) So don't ask?? Thanks??
Cut for length, more under the cut:
Dick Winters:
-You mean this man finds someone of equal responsibility, maturity, kindness, and social grace? The world is unprepared for the level of wholesome that this relationship is going to be.
-I think that naturally, this is the type of person that Dick Winters attracts anyway, so it all works out
-You know that quote about how the Lydia's of the world don't attract the Mr. Darcy's? Yeah, totally applies here. To be in a relationship where there's equal level respect, focus on the job, and genuine care for one another is rare
-He's very grateful for you and for the relationship and never misses an opportunity to express this
-The men of Easy Company easily consider you the parents of the group, hands down
Lewis Nixon:
-This relationship is so chaotic, SMH—like—this man is out here getting drunk most of the time and so are you, as you helpfully suggest an unhinged thing that actually works
-The level of genius and smarts is unparalleled, it's just soured by the attitude that is doubled when the two of you are together
-He considers you his soulmate (like, way more than Vat-69 is) and vice versa
-I think that ultimately, this is a relationship that is consistently burning and like a wildfire, but in the most sensual and best of ways—you're there to help each other be both simultaneously worse and better
-Iconic, if I do say so myself
Ronald Speirs:
-Scary dog privilege goes both ways now?? Iconic, truly.
-Two rather quiet people who are there to work hard and get the job done by whatever means necessary meet and fall in love and therefore the stories about the two of you are UNHINGED
-But behind closed doors, you're both just very soft for one another and in love
-And if you steal as much as he does? It's maybe a competition to see who can flatter the other person more via stolen Nazi goods, but hey—if it works for you two lol
-Honestly, the leadership and compatibility in the way that you two work together is unparalleled
Buck Compton:
-Two college kids that are out there with natural charisma and fun but care about the men in Easy Company more than anything else? Bestie, this is just for you
-This man is utterly besotted with the way that you can talk college/academics with him and not even miss a beat
-There's a fun and healthy level of competition when it comes to games and downtime, which the both of you enjoy
-And everyone knows how good you two are at keeping spirits up and preserving morale, especially for each other
-The kind of emotional atunement to one another is rare to find I think that everyone is slightly envious of the two of you
Carwood Lipton:
-A responsible mom friend meets another responsible mom friend—and you know what? The level of married couple that you two are off the bat from meeting one another is just too much haha
-It's the domestic details and trying to check in on people/their mental health throughout the war, it's the way that the two of you know exactly how to care for one another in a non-overbearing sort. of way—
-If Lipton is the undisputed leader of Easy Company during Bastogne, then you're the undisputed right hand person—always putting the needs of the men and your S/O before yourself
-Selflessness and genuine love is also really rare to come by and I think that this is just what Lipton really needs—a support who is just a little bit too much like him
-You two are easily married by the time you end up in Austria
Joe Liebgott:
-Why is this giving gremlin energy? I can't explain it, but the way that the two of you constantly flirt and joke and have each other's backs is amazing
-Everyone is just like, "Lieb, there's two of you" and they're not wrong
-Supporting one another's beliefs and vengeance—because sometimes it's not about making the other person better, it's just about accepting them as they are and loving them anyway
-Easy Company simply adores the two of you and the way that you two succinctly work as a team and in tandem most of the time
-But you two are also so incorrigible and horny at any given time, so that's their one vice with the two of you
Donald Malarkey:
-This man?? Right here? The best friend energy that he exudes and now gets to have with you? Amazing
-It's the way that your relationship feels like breathing air because the two of you are so easily able to talk to one another, are each other's best friends, and the way that you care fiercely about one another and everyone else
-Sometimes it's like looking in the mirror though and the two of you are like, "please just go take a nap,"
-And unwillingly taking charge of situations w/Easy Company because it's just you or him that's left to lead? Also part of the deal, but everyone is on board with you
-Lots of hugs and cuddles are needed between the two of you
Eugene Roe:
-Oh goodness—two people who are out here burning themselves out for everyone else because they care so much? You two are either the most passionate lovers ever or you two are arguing about how the other person needs to take care of themselves and there's no in between
-You're both nurturers and lovers by nature and so being in this war is hard for the two of you
-Exchanging stories from home and sternly commanding the other to please "get some sleep or eat something" because you love them?? It's a love language
-No one wants to be on either of your bad sides—let alone the two of you at the same time. It's giving the energy of upsetting the nicest and clearly bravest people ever.
-If you two aren't engaged by the end of the war, then what's the point?
Bill Guarnere:
-Loyal to a fault, good sense of humor, probably from Philly? I mean, it's no wonder this man fell for you, you're just him in another font
-Literally everyone out here just wants to be friends with the two of you because you're already lowkey married, if that makes sense
-The conversation alone leaves everyone just wishing the two of you would get a room though
-Physically affectionate best friends who also makeout and maybe have some serious feelings for one another? Absolutely
-He absolutely writes you letters throughout the rest of the war after Bastogne and wants to marry you ASAP
Joe Toye:
-Quiet energy that lowkey makes people scared because of an RBF but then is super gentle? Oh yes, the two of you were made for one another
-You two easily become friends and easily fall in love—after all, the level of devotion and friendship, but also the ability to actually talk to one another? Unmatched
-He always has your back and vice versa; he already wants to talk about domestic life and you're out here naming your future dogs together
-And then Bastogne happens and you promise that you're gonna make it home so you can take care of him
-And no one is surprised when the same week you get home from the war, you end up married to him
George Luz:
-The comedic value here is too great and far unmatched. You're either super menaces together and leadership hates the two of you or you are carrying the morale of Easy Company on your backs.
-He's never met someone to match his humor so well or encourage him in the same way that he does others—and it's a beautiful match made in heaven
-Everyone is half-convinced that you're just his twin or something, but then the two of you are in love and everyone is rooting for the two of you
-You probably both propose to one another in a joke at some point and then have to actually do a proposal later on at the end of the war
-Everyone shows up for the wedding because no one was gonna miss out on the speeches that the two of you prepared haha
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fountainpenguin · 3 days
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"I was climbing, now I'm falling- I've been pushed off by a man who has made it to the top and now defends it 'cuz he can…" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 38 - “Tuesday: Tango's Long Night”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Tango layers more anti-viruses in Scott's player file. This goes against everything he knows about corrupted code... Should he keep going? ... Or, without consent, do what he knows will actually save this man?
Meanwhile, Pearl balances Rhetoric, Scott, and Grian visiting her unit at the same time. Yeah, this is gonna go well.
# 1 of 7 of our monthly intermission chapters
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(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Location: His studio, West Bailey Wall, Bottom Floor
🖤  🖤  🖤
Tango does not often regret choosing a path of codework. He loves modding. He loves adding pretty details; he loves giving people what they want and polishing the rough edges off blocky faces and backs and butts. His species is classed as avian, though he last respawned under a waxing crescent and lacks the wings and feathers to show for it. He's got tiny talons, blaze rods, and hair that shifts into flames, and that's it. Coding the fluff-tipped tail he wears now was a challenge that captivated his brain since the start. How do add twitchy muscles to lower back? Apply tail to butt, haha. Meld it in. Let the mind control it. Do it beautifully so it's elegant and won't drop frames.
His tail isn't dexterous, but he wears it like a trophy- Adding a mammal tail to a species that’s meant to have feathers there, and not only making it twitch and curl instead of hang, but look natural, is one of the most difficult things you can ever do with aesthetic mods. He's thinking of forcing out the wings he would have under a stronger moon, but never really got around to it. The conversion time takes a kabillion years. You gotta be careful with wings anyway- they release a lot of body heat. Between's a lot cooler than the Nether, so you might fall over and croak. You ever seen strider wings? Yeah, guess how much heat they put out, even if they are tough and resilient around lava. Anyway.
Let's just say it's a good thing his office doesn't have a window. He works with a lot of film in here, so darkness is peak necessity. He's got two copper bulb lights up tonight. The glow's hazy, but at least it keeps his attention on his work, eyes all goggled up and tongue pinned beneath his teeth. Working with player files isn't like working with redstone wiring, with all its tangled tubes of dust and tiny caps that easily get lost and spill all over the stupid floor. Nah.
Code work uses the coding table, and it's a whole lot less messy. You don't need to be super accurate. It's a lot easier to tap a delete key and remove a string of words than it is to rip out a chunk of wires and get all huffy when your machine stops working. They should sell more partly assembled redstone machines in the market- more than, like, comparators. Except all the serious redstoners still won't buy 'em in case corners were cut in the process and because they have to take 'em apart anyway to modify 'em, so there you go. Fiddling and tweaking can really suck you in. It's kind of like making banners you're printing on your soul.
Tango does not often regret choosing a path of codework. But it's a good thing he doesn't have a window. He glances up only on occasion, staring at the chipped, gunpowder-streaked blocks that separate him from the rest of the world.
I should be with the pack right now.
Hey. Little recap for you: Most people aren't going to bed tonight. The hub flower got skadoodley-yoinked. Without its roots hooked in, everyone's comm is black; they're all off the system. There's no way on a server right now. There's no way out of one either. The phantoms are under contract; they can't just log people out right now. Hope they got fed, then.
Eh, they'll be fine. They've got souls in storage. Tango keeps working, checking details on his screen and typing on the table keyboard. What time is it? The sun's officially gone-zo at 14k. That was a while ago.
Do you remember our biology fritter-fratter from before Dog's Life began? 'course not- That was a long time ago. Well, no worries! we'll cover it again. See, the Nether doesn't have a day-night cycle. The heat waves shift. Sometimes the dimension cools. There's never a schedule to it, but when the heat's down, it's down (whether it's been hours, days, or weeks since the last lull). Nether creatures group together for sleepy times. If Tango played on some of those raw servers where traits are turned up to max, he wouldn't even survive the Overworld- Not without a lot of prep from his friends on the other side. Thank goodness for vanilla servers that even out the playing field.
Blaze don't really hang out alone in Between. When they do, they have to keep their internal fires up, and that can really drain the metabolism. The pack is warm. The pack is safety. And Tango's fingers tremble as he blinks his lashes, pushing through the dimension's fading warmth. Nightfall is here. Capture the Flag will be winding down. It's time to go to sleep.
He does his work. He chose this path. Scott's crystal floats on the crying obsidian block beside him, casting a white glow over his workspace. The goggles tune it out a bit. Tango yawns wide (like one of those lions in the emerald savanna biome), then realizes what he did and shakes his head back and forth. "Brrrr! Whatchu doing?" He smacks himself in the cheek. Hard. "Come on, man- He needs you."
He keeps typing. Scott's code is layered in anti-virus protections. Lots of stuff to dig through. Tango's got a book on the edge of his desk, open to a page about data conflicts, and he's still checking and closing loops. Scott didn't want to amputate. He didn't want a graft. "More anti-virus protections," he said, and he was serious.
"Are you sure? That- That probably won't work. If you wait too long, there's no chance a graft will take. That kinda sets you up for like, either being an allay with a prosthetic or just a vex."
"No grafts, please. Just tell me where to sign."
"Okay, buddy… but that's against medical advice. Don't say I didn't warn you."
"He prob'ly would've listened to Etho," he mutters, typing more. "I swear, everybody thinks I just do visuals: slap a little colored fire on this guy, slap some wings on her… Hey, just because I work in the aesthetics department, it doesn't make my license any less legit. I've been doing this almost as long as he has." Who scrubbed in to save Impy? Who helped him and Skizz with the soul-sharing? Who once patched BigB up when he got shot in the neck? That was a Tango original. Just me. Why is he even doing this? All evidence in book and mind is screaming that this isn't going to work.
Fingertips stall. Blank stare. Soft breathing.
Scott would've listened to my medical advice if I was Etho. Should he have tried harder? Should he have done more? He got the signature, Scott confirming exactly what he wanted. He really shouldn't go against that. It'd be medical malpractice at this point.
… Even though the anti-viruses aren't going to stop him from becoming a vex.
Which he's trying to avoid by using stupid anti-viruses.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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scififettuccine · 10 hours
A Wild Fix: Part 1.5?
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Pairing: Platonic!Butcher x Supe!Reader
Summary: 3 weeks into your alliance with The Boys, you and Butcher go through the Vought Database. Butcher being curious about a Supe he's never heard of leads him to put together a plan that's less than safe. But does he listen to your warnings? Of course not.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Exposition, mentions of casinos, mention of suicide
Notes: Hey ya'll! Long time no see! You're probably wondering what the fuck this is. As you may have noticed I haven't posted anything in a few days. This is because when I got into writing Part 2, it became A LOT more complex and involved than I intended, including new characters and a sharp left turn in the story line that I didn't plan. Considering the results from the pole, I figured no one would really be mad if I did this. Part 1.5 is A LOT of exposition, setting up the actual second installment of the series. I could have made Part 2 longer, but it was way past how many words I wanted to have in each installment. I didn't want to call this an actual part two, because this alone isn't long enough to qualify as its own part, so...✨1.5✨ As you can most likely tell, I'm not following the canon plot exactly, I find that to be EXTREMELY boring. I know it's something that some people don't love, but at the end of the day it's creative writing and I enjoy doing it. Here is a link to Part 1 if you missed it! The official part 2 of A Wild Fix will be out very soon, but for now, enjoy this expositional interlude from our good lad, William Butcher.
It was safe to say that, since your first meeting? You and Frenchie didn’t get along very well. You had been running with The Boys for almost a month now, yet the two of you couldn’t agree on a single thing. But honestly? That didn't really matter to you. He didn't seem like the kind of person you wanted to be close with, anyway.
You had adjusted pretty well to this double standard of life, working for Vought, and working with The Boys. You were very careful, and there hadn’t been any close calls…yet. As for adjusting to the basement hideout? That didn't necessarily get any easier. You had carved out a little spot for yourself in one of the less occupied corners, just big enough to set your computer down, and maybe put a cup of coffee off to the side. And at the moment, that's where you sat. Working out time to help out wasn’t very hard. You were a member of The Seven, yes, but due to your powers, you were more of an alternate. You still went to meetings, and you still lived in the tower, you just weren't sent out as much. Butcher had requested that you dig into a few things for him in the Vought database. The Vought database had become available to you since you signed the contract with the company. It didn’t contain anything majorly world shattering, just some more detailed info on every Supe that had ever been involved with the company, including deceased, and currently active Supes. The info pages almost reminded you of trading cards, you laughed to yourself at the thought. It almost made you wonder why Vought hadn’t cashed in on some sort of trading card game.
“Something funny, love?” Butcher asked. You could see him approaching from behind in the reflection of your laptop screen.
“Yeah, actually…” You said, beckoning him over. Butcher crouched down next to your chair, looking at the computer screen. “Don’t those stats kinda look like trading cards? I mean, even the way it’s set up. Surprised Vought hasn’t cashed in on that yet.” Butcher raised a brow and leaned a bit closer to the screen, letting out a small ‘hmph’ sound. 
“You’re not wrong.” He examined the screen for a moment. “So you can see every Supe that's ever been involved with the company?” You nodded.
“For the most part, yes. But usually if there's anything they need to hide, the Supe goes to whoever runs the database and asks for that piece of information to be taken off of it. It’s actually in the contract somewhere, in the fine print, if I remember.” Butcher gave a small hum of acknowledgement.
“So if I had to guess, Homelander doesn't even have a file?” He asked. You narrowed your eyes towards the screen as you clicked out of the file you were on, and searched Homelander’s name in the top bar. When the file came up, you clicked it. Low and behold…? Not much. Just his in-company stats, The Seven logo, showing his affiliation with the group, and the year he had been signed onto the company. 
“Yeah…nothing much. Most of The Seven are like this, actually. If I remember correctly…” You clicked out of Homelander’s file, and clicked on the search bar again. You went to type in ‘Maeve,’ but Butcher stopped you, placing his finger over one of the file cards on the screen.
“Who’s that bloke?” He asked. You raised a brow and moved his finger out of the way. He had been pointing to a file card for the Supe named Mixer, who belonged to a new Vought owned Supe team that had been gaining steam recently…Residency. Vought had always sort of branded it as the new age Payback, but it was more of a marketing thing. The Supes on the team were legit, powerful, and some of them popular…But it definitely wasn't anything close to Payback. Mixer, admittedly, was one of the more known Supe’s on the team. He had been a musician first, gaining popularity from his young start in the industry. And as soon as Vought could get its bloodstained hands on the poor guy? He was signed on. Now? He had a residency at Planet Vought Casino & Resort in Las Vegas, and a spot in Residency.
“That's Mixer. He’s around my age, I think…Super popular in the music industry.” You explained, clicking on his file card.
“You know’im?” He asked. You shook your head as you scrolled through his file. 
“I met him at a convention a few years back, around this time of year actually…He seemed kinda full of himself. He has a residency now, though, kinda ironic, at Vought’s casino in Las Vegas.” You explained. Butcher nodded, clearly thinking.
“How is it ironic?” He asked.
“Mixer is part of a Supe team too, but the team is called Residency. So I thought it was kinda funny that he had an actual residency-” Butcher cut you off.
“Another Supe team? Owned by Vought?” You nodded.
“Yeah. It's him, Klepto, Bloodshot, Laugh Track, Void-” Butcher cut you off again, before you could even finish naming the members.
“The convention you met him at…Was it a Supe convention?” 
“Yeah. But not like the crazy fan ones. It's by invite only. All of Voughts Supes go, it’s a huge event. They invite new, upcoming Supes, and Vought investors. It’s a 3 day affair. They usually hold it at the Casino location that's here in the city, though, not the one in Vegas.” You turned your head to look at him, narrowing your eyes. What was he thinking?
“You said it was around this time of year?” He asked, turning the laptop towards himself so he could scroll.
“Yeah, usually towards the middle of fall…Why do you ask?” You raised a brow.
“I’m assuming you're invited?” He asked, the smirk on his face growing.
“Yeah, like I said, most contracted Supes are there. Annie is going too, we kinda have to…You’re not thinking what I think you are…right?” You asked, narrowing your eyes once again.
“That's exactly what I’m thinking, love.” He chuckled and stood up. “A whole casino full of Supes and Vought officials? That's practically an information gold mine. And with your connections? We’re bound to uncover something. Do you get a plus one or anythin like’at?”
“I’m pretty sure contracted Supes get two guest passes, but this is out of the question, Butcher. Digging at a Vought run Supe convention? It’s suicide for anyone involved.” You said, closing your computer. This wasn't a good idea, not even in the slightest.
“So if both you and Hughie’s girl go, that's four guest passes between the two of you?” He asked.
“Yes but-” Butcher cut you off before you could protest.
“Just enough passes for Hughie, MM, Frenchie, and meself. It’s settled, then, love.” Butcher gave a smug smile and patted your shoulder. You cringed internally. Butcher wouldn’t take no for an answer…and you didn’t favor the idea of being on his bad side.
 If you were caught, no, if any of you were caught snooping around at this convention? You’d be dead before you could leave the building…or worse.
And that's the end of my exposition bomb. Again, Part 2 is coming very soon, and I'm sorry that I had to break it up like this. This series became more involved than intended, as you can probably see. More information regarding Residency and its significance is to come👀 Stay tuned to get back to your regularly scheduled Frenchie x Reader content <3 Adieu!
teeny tiny taglist: @llynx7 @stinkysam
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lostinforestbound · 2 days
Maybe sfw/nsfw headcanons with Cal and a gender neutral tiefling?
I love that you asked this because it means I can talk about Cal more!!! I love Cal so much! Sorry for the wait, I really had to think about this one!!
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Tail holding. He LOVES tail holding! Any physical touch with their tiefling traits he absolutely melts.
Rubbing horns together, nuzzling, feeling along their infernal ridges with his fingers. It's only one of the many ways he shows his love.
If his partner is ticklish around their ridges he 100% teases them. He's ticklish himself so this often ends in a massive tickle fight that he ends up losing every time.
Even when they lay together in bed, his tail is always on theirs, winding them together when possible. If they don't want their tail held for whatever reason, he'll wind it around their thigh or calf.
He's the big spoon! It would definitely rock his world if he's suddenly the little spoon at any point. His brain gets that windows error screen, but he loves it.
He likes to tease with his tail as well! Never as far as tripping them up, he'll definitely smack them playfully. He loves when he gets the same treatment back, it's a form of play fighting!
If he needs to blunt his sharp nails for any reason, he'll offer the same to his tiefling partner! If they like painting theirs he's totally down to do that as well.
If his partner is big on horn jewelry, he's happy to buy some for them! Cuffs, jewels, horn caps, anything! If he can't find something to but, he'll go straight to Dammon to commission him.
He would be attentive to EVERY detail in the jewelry, wanting to compliment what they like subtly. If they're the type to enjoy flower themes, he'll ask for vine patterns along the trim. Stars? Can you make their favorite constellation the center piece?
He would LOVE to wax his partners horns if they like doing that for themselves. Horn care is important to him now that he's off the road, and it's a nice pass time!
He would be more comfortable with biting his partner since tieflings have thicker skin! He's also totally okay with being bitten back.
I see him as a service top no matter the partner but is happy to bottom if that's his partner's preference. Honestly bottoming for the first time would bring a whole new world of possibilities for him.
He loves to use his tail during these kinds of activities too. He'll use it to spread their thighs, the spade to tease their sex, and even will try tail-play if his partner is interested.
Just like how he usually play fights, he takes that to the bedroom as well when feeling playful! Usually he lets his partner win and takes the opportunity to flips them over and pin them.
While prepping his partner, he loves to tease the underside of their tail near the base. That area is known for being very sensitive, and usually it's not touched unless during intimacy.
If his partner's ridges are particularly sensitive, he'll tease those as well with feather light touched. He absolutely loves how it makes them squirm.
His partner raking their sharp nails along his shoulder blades and back would drive him crazy in the best way. It makes him feel incredible that they're feeling so good they have to hang onto him for support.
Cal can be pretty clumsy! Unfortunately, it's not an uncommon occurrence for one of his horns to get stuck with his partners, but it's easily laughed off! It personally doesn't ruin the mood for him, so he'll unhook them and then continue.
He personally doesn't like to choke his partner, but if they wrap their tail around his neck while he's giving oral, he only gets more enthusiastic.
He would also love it if his partner held onto his horns and lead him where they want him. It definitely does things to him. He would also grab their horns if overwhelmed if they gave oral (and would immediately apologize after, even if they liked it)
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 12 hours
Hello! I am back again. I got a operator/slenderman plushy from Marble Hornets! The one that glows in the dark. It got me thinking, how would some of the creeps (slendy himself too) would react to seeing reader with a plush of them? More like a comfort thing that they bring around and such.
Here’s some boba and drinks drop off too, stay hydrated! ☕️🍵🥤🥛🧃🧋🚰
-🪱 anon
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Summary: Marble Hornets reactions to seeing reader with a plushie of them
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/n: omg ty i love drinks my poor little mini fridge is overflowing with tea and soda! Also, happy 15th anniversary to Marble Hornets!!
Credits: Masky/Tim- Marble Hornets, Hoodie/Brian- Marble Hornets, Slenderman- Creepypasta, Divider- bunnysrph, lavendergalactic, Pictures- Pinterest
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When he sees you with a plush of him, his first thought is "Where did you get that???"
Then he remembers the large amount of people who know how to sew plushies in the manor
And the fact that he's kind of popular in the underworld
He's still never seen a plushie of him before, and the fact that you went out of your way to get one makes him giggle
He calls it his "mini me"
He loves seeing you walk around with it, he thinks its so cute
Every now and then, he'll just take it and look at it
For example, let's say you're sitting on a couch
He'll find you and come lay on your lap, asking if he can see his "mini me"
When you give it to him, he'll just look at the details, seeing what they got wrong and what they got right
And when you ask if he likes it, he will grunt and go "yeah, 's cute"
Sometimes he finds it annoying though
Not super annoying just a little bit
Like when you're going to sleep together, he will hop into bed with you, only to see you already cuddling with the plushie
He will sigh and gently take it from you, place it somewhere behind him on the bed, and promptly cuddle up to you
"you're being so stubborn. The real thing's right here, y'know" he grumbles with a kiss to your ear
He thinks it's super cute!
Immediately he makes the correlation between the plush and Coraline
He'll cheekily ask if this is your way of spying on him
The first time he sees it, he holds it up in front of him like that one scene in "The Lion King"
He gives a big grin at it, so big you can see his gums sticking out
I think he likes it more than you do
He treats it like it's your shared child lol
Whenever you kiss, he will cover the plush's eyes
Whenever you go to bed, he will prop the plush up in between the two of you on a pillow and gently cover it with a blanket
You just giggle at his antics
Another thing you like to do- just to tease him a bit- is kiss the plush on its forehead, cheeks, etc around him
He will see it and raise a brow, as if to ask "What are you doing?"
And then you will lean over and kiss him in the same places
God forbid something ever happens with you two, because then your child will be in a split house hold
Because Brian will not just abandon his child like that
His child that you bought
Bought for yourself
It's his kid too guys
He doesn't really care about it
When you first show him, he simply goes "Oh, what a strange little creature"
When you tell him it's supposed to be him he tilts his head and asks to see it
He holds it like a baby and pokes its face before going "Ah, I see"
He hands it back and goes about his day
Every now and then you try to use it to get something out of him
"Love, I was thinking we could go out tonight?" You ask him as you approach his desk
He doesn't even turn his face in your direction, only continues writing as he says "I'm sorry dearest, I have too much work tonight"
You pout and clutch the plush in your hands "You always have work." You grumble "I bet plush Slendy doesn't have work" You say, looking at the toy in your arms
He still doesn't react so you amp up your antics a little " Would you like to go out tonight?" you ask the toy
In your best British accent and the deepest voice you can muster, you speak for the doll "Oh yes, darling. That would be wonderful, because I just love you soooo much"
He scoffs "You're being ridiculous"
You simply turn on your heel so you aren't facing him anymore "Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of me and my man going out"
He lets out a dry chuckle and a sigh before finally giving in "Let me lock up the house, then"
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rui-drawsbox · 1 day
Ok pls what was your process for doing the hair in that last commission? It must’ve taken forever
hell yeah i was waiting or someone to ask about it, i love talking about my process >:D
and it's actually not hard at all! my process is all about time/effort optimization and adaptation! its just a fancy way to say i just use shortcuts as long it doesn't affect the final result lolol
anyway im just gonna give you a quick video of how i did it again in less than 10 minutes it because it really is that easy, and a few more specific steps below the cut
1- usually i block the shape into a sketch before i start the curls but as long you know from where to where the hair flows i think that's enough. As you can see, the joke is not actually drawing the full curls but rather an illusion of them.
2- the second layer below is to actually block the proper shape with a darker shade that also gives it depth.
3- for the extra shades i actually use the air brush instead of going curl-by-curl bc a) makes my life easier and b) it gives it a cleaner look to the coloring(?)
4- Extra: shadows and highlights! for these ones i also use both airbrush and crunchy brush. Normal brush for the details and shadows in the darkest parts and airbrush to give it a little something™
Plain -> Highlights (+airbrushed soft shadows) -> Celshading
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of course since the whole hair is on a separated folder/layers and the actual lineart has to be below the hair to make it work, there is a chance that you'll have to add another layer below everything in case you have transparent spots peeking out lol
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oh i personally leave the eye's lineart above everything so they don't end up hidden behind the hair
anyway, just to be clear, i'm not an expert in this kind of hair and i recently discovered this method for this commission in specific. Thankyou for your atention!
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In Snape's memories in DH, one line that's stuck with me is 'Perhaps we Sort too soon'. It's clear Dumbledore's implying Snape isn't truly a Slytherin, despite being Sorted there. Maybe he's saying that when Snape was a first year, he might have shown Slytherin tendencies, but Dumbledore thinks that if he hadn't been put there, if he'd grown a little and had become a little more stable, the Hat would have put Snape elsewhere.
And here's the thing: students can influence the Hat. What's most likely is that Snape asked to be put in Slytherin, and the Hat agreed. But maybe if he'd been given more time to adjust, he wouldn't have made that request because he could have seen all four houses. And honestly, I see that moment, when Snape got put in Slytherin as the moment he was doomed. Lucius Malfoy was the person to welcome him, and I doubt that he's in any way a good influence. The other Slytherins were definetely not a good influence, and Slughorn probably wouldn't have even noticed what's happening to the smaller, weaker slytherins. By Snape going there, in his state, he's just been doomed to make every wrong choice and end up the way he did.
Either way, the idea that Snape isnt a true Slytherin just interests me, and so I was thinking which house Dumbledore thinks he should have been. Part of me thought maybe Gryfindor, considering Dumbledore had called him brave just before that. But Snape doesn't really seem like a Gryfindor to me. Actually, he seems to be more of a Ravenclaw, really. He likes strange subjects that most people misunderstand- just like how they misunderstood his interest in the dark arts, most people misunderstand Luna Lovegood later on. He's intelligent, a trait always accosiated with Ravenclaws. He's cunning, yes, but he's just intelligent in general. Heck, he basically rewrote his potions books (I doubt he only did it in that single text book), and invented spells, and I dont think any other character did so. Ravenclaw would have fit.
Well, I was nosing around the offical site's articles, and I found one on how people could have been missorted and who. And Snape was one of them. And I'm just gonna show the paragraph
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Hufflepuff. The one house I was sure he didn't fit in, and yet... it's not wrong. Snape's primary motivation is love. And it always has been. He's the way he is because he was completely unloved. He took a definite dive down a darker path because he lost love. Calling Lily a mudblood killed their friendship, and that's his worst memory, not nearly being murdered, his worst memory is on love he destroyed. It's love that led him to betray Voldemort, to leave the group where he was respected and feared and return to the place where he had some of the worse memories of his life, surrounded by the adults who were not there when they should have been. His loyalty and love for Lily led him down that path. His loyalty to Dumbledore is what let him kill Dumbledore even though he knew he was gonna lose everything he'd gained. And his loyalty to Harry is what made him so furious when Dumbledore wanted Harry to die.
Ultimately, ironically one of the most hateful people in Hogwarts is actually ruled by his loyalty and love. And so now I'm starting to think maybe he actually was always a Hufflepuff. Maybe, he was always supposed to be kind and helpful, but instead the universe decided to break Severus Snape and make him the way he is. The kid who got Sorted into Slytherin wasn't whole, wasn't okay. Slytherin just doomed him on that first day.
Just changing that one detail could have saved everyone.
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zaebeecee · 1 day
Fight and Flight ••
Pre-RadioDust Oneshot •
Read on AO3
Based on this headcanon from @alastorsfluffydeertail. Thank you for letting me use this as a prompt, my dear, and I’m sorry I took it a bit off the rails (as I am wont to do). This is what I get for never planning anything out.
But also if anyone thinks the Hazbin Hotel residents wouldn’t prank each other, they’re wrong.
When Angel Dust had first agreed to move into the Hazbin Hotel (back when it was the Happy Hotel, whose name alone was almost enough to make him refuse no matter how well he was paid for the evening), it was the first time in his entire existence in Hell that he had known exactly what to expect. The princess had a fucking stupid plan about getting sinners into Heaven and her bodyguard/girlfriend/what the fuck ever was apparently determined to help her see it out; Angel knew a hopeless cause when he saw one, and more importantly, he knew how to capitalize on it.
Of course, he had forgotten one very key detail: sinners were human at their core, and when humans spent a lot of time in close proximity, they got to know each other really well. And when people got to know each other really well, that meant bonding was basically unavoidable.
It was easy to forget the ‘human’ factor of sinners at VoxTek, particularly when someone spent too much time around the Vees. Sometimes, Angel thought of them as less ‘humans’ and more ‘evil entities that had learned how to mimic the worst of human behavior with extra capitalism’, and because of that he had kept company with them as little as possible since Valentino had showed his true colors and backhanded Angel for the very first time. But the Hazbin Hotel was not VoxTek, and the other residents of the hotel were not the Vees. They were mostly relatively normal people, when you put aside things like noble station and overlord rank, and that complicated Angel’s initial plan.
Originally, he had agreed simply to take advantage of not having to pay rent and not having to live under Val’s thumb at all times. It was a simple scheme: follow just as many rules as he absolutely had to in order to avoid getting kicked out, keep as much of his drug usage off the property as he could, and bat his eyes and make super sappy apologies about ‘trying his best’ whenever he got caught. It would have gone great if not for one tiny little hiccup.
He liked them.
Damn them to a lower ring of Hell, but Angel liked the fuckers, and it wasn’t long before he realized that they were becoming friends. Of course, they were also a bunch of pricks who’d been punished with eternal damnation for the crime of being assholes in life, so with friendship came the inevitable bullshit of having asshole friends. This, frequently, meant pranks of varying degrees of severity and creativity.
In Angel’s defense, he didn’t start it. The whole thing began when someone (who was never actually identified) convinced all of the Egg Bois that they were named after different members of the Rat Pack (to go with Frank) and that Pentious really loved being serenaded with ‘Ain’t That A Kick In The Head’ at all times. It had started out kind of funny—the Egg Bois couldn’t keep time with each other and it got even worse when they tried to manufacture their own Dean Martin impersonations—but it had quickly grown into the absolute worst thing Angel had ever had the displeasure to suffer. Husk, accurately, determined that it was “proof of Hell’s eternal punishment”. Eventually, Charlie helped Pentious right them, but it was way, way too late.
The war was on, and it quickly spread to everyone in the hotel without mercy. And, unpredictably, it seemed everyone was in on the game in one capacity or another.
Everyone had their own weak points when it came to getting ‘punk’d’, as Vaggie called it with an impressively straight face. Charlie could be convinced of just about anything if you said it with enough conviction, and Husk was alarmingly easy to gaslight if you could rearrange or abscond with his bar equipment when he wasn’t looking. Niffty was, of course, weak to cleaning pranks (but they had quickly determined the Stabbing Threshold, which was the point where it wasn’t funny anymore and she would legitimately gut someone), and you could do a million things to Pentious if you got into his lab, as long as you didn’t break anything. Angel was particularly proud of the time he got Vaggie to fully arm herself and go all the way up onto the roof of the hotel to ‘challenge an intruder’ who ended up being a hellsquirrel, but she had gotten him back by coming into the kitchen while he was cooking, staring him dead in the eye, and breaking all of the spaghetti before he could stop her.
And Alastor? Well, no one could get into his room, or his radio tower, or even find him if he didn’t want to be found, which rendered him immune to most forms of planned tomfoolery. But when he was there? He was easy, because he was a jumpy fucker if you caught him off guard, and a single loud noise close enough behind him would send him shadow teleporting onto some other surface (the mantle of the lobby fireplace on one particularly memorable occasion).
It was fun. Or, at least, it was supposed to be fun. That was why they had a set number of rules: no staining anything Niffty had to clean (and no glitter, which was a personal rule for Angel after that one time), no making Charlie cry, no breaking Pentious’s equipment or Husk’s bottles, no fucking with Vaggie’s weapons and armor, and absolutely nothing involving Fat Nuggets. Other than that, it was open season on everyone.
Charlie was conducting one of her little trust building exercises one evening, the entire hotel (sans Alastor) her captives for the duration of the entire exercise. Cherri had made the mistake of showing up just before it began, and curiosity had roped her in; now, she was sitting next to Angel and watching Charlie coaching Vaggie and Husk through some kind of role playing exercise with an open sort of fascination.
“Is it always like this?” Cherri murmured, leaning on Angel’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” Angel whispered back. “I got no fuckin’ idea how this’s supposed to get us redeemed, tho, all it’s ever done is made me hate kids.”
Cherri snorted. “Why isn’t Radio Face here?”
Angel rolled his eyes. “He’s the hotelier,” he said, exaggerating Alastor’s transatlantic delivery and overly precise French pronunciation. “He don’t gotta participate, apparently, because he ain’t up for bein’ made better or whatever. Come to think of it, I ain’t seen him in a few days. Think he’s been out.”
Like Angel had spoken a cue, the radio on the lobby table made gentle static noises, and a couple of the lights flickered, just slightly. Everyone stopped, glancing around, because that meant one thing: Alastor was nearby, and he was either very angry or very tired, and either way it meant he wasn’t checking his power as much as he usually did. It had freaked Angel out the first time, but eventually, he learned to interpret it as a sign that Alastor was returning after a long bout of ‘personal business’ and probably wasn’t going to be bothering any of them.
Cherri grinned. “I’m gonna fuck with him,” she said into the silent room.
Angel let out a single barking laugh as Charlie said, “Oh, no, don’t, he’s probably exhausted.”
“That’s the best time to get him,” Husk said reasonably, immediately discarding the script he’d had thrust on him as soon as he noticed that Charlie wasn’t focusing on him anymore. “He’ll probably be too tired to actually retaliate.”
“Besides,” Pentious said, “he hasn’t exactly held back with anyone else. I’m still positive he started this. I just need to prove it,” he hissed, hunching over his clasped hands and rubbing them together.
Niffty patted the table with her palms a few times, grinning brightly. “I wanna see Cherri scare Alastor~”
“You can’t scare Alastor,” Angel said with a disbelieving snort. “Startle him, sure, but scare? Bullshit.”
Vaggie sighed. “Do I need to prepare damage control?”
“Relax, I’m not gonna cause property damage,” Cherri said. “I just wanna get the bitch back for what he did to my stuff last time I was here. I’m still finding ticker tape everywhere, even in my own goddamn apartment.”
Charlie looked uncomfortable, but of course, she was always the most hesitant when it came to their petty little game. “Okay, I guess that’s fine,” she said reluctantly. “But don’t overdo it, okay?”
Everyone waited with bated breath, Cherri tossing a small bomb over to the corner near the front door. It was only a few seconds before they heard the click and Alastor stepped in, looking as though he had been through the wringer and was doing his damndest to hold it together. He didn’t even notice any of them, shutting the door behind him and immediately beginning a slow beeline for the stairs.
Angel had only half a second to form the thought that it might not be a great idea after all when Cherri clapped her hands sharply and the little bomb behind Alastor went off with a loud crack and a spark of bright pink light. The sound Alastor made wasn’t quite a scream; it was really more of a startled yip, a high and animalistic noise that hurt Angel’s ears with its sharp edge. He bolted instantly, dropping his microphone staff along the way and running blindly straight into a wall. There was a loud impact as he collided with the immovable structure of the hotel, the sound a little weird and followed by a series of loud yelps. Almost immediately, everyone could see exactly what happened: in his alarm, Alastor’s antlers had expanded, and they were now stuck pretty firmly in the wall.
Cherri was the first one who laughed, but she wasn’t the only one. Angel had to admit, it was funny, watching the big bad Radio Demon struggle to unstick himself from a wall, of all things. The laughter was contagious, spreading through the group in a rippling wave. In moments, the only one who wasn’t laughing was Charlie, who dropped her own script pages and ran straight over to try and help Alastor liberate himself.
Angel leaned forward as Cherri slapped his back in her laughter, and he rubbed a tear of mirth out of his eye, looking over to where Charlie was failing to even approach the struggling overlord. Angel watched as he took a swipe at her with a clawed hand, ineffectually scrabbling at the wall with the other and kicking the baseboard in an attempt to extricate himself without retracting his antlers.
The moment Angel heard Alastor’s distressed keening noise, he realized Alastor couldn’t retract his antlers. He wasn’t just exhausted, he was panicking and…
Angel jumped to his feet, guilt smothering his amusement like a bucket of water on a birthday candle. “Shut the fuck up!” he yelled over everyone’s cackling, his unusually sharp tone enough to startle all of them into a silence that highlighted the way Alastor’s breathing had become high and far too fast. Angel didn’t bother with any admonishment, instead running over to where the other sinner had trapped himself and taking Charlie by the shoulders. “Move,” he said, not taking his eyes off Alastor.
She looked up at him. “But— but he’s—!”
“I got it. Move.” As Charlie backed off, Angel approached, trying to put himself in Alastor’s line of sight. His sclera had gone entirely black and his smile was tight and stressed; Angel couldn’t actually see, but he was pretty sure Alastor’s irises had turned into radio dials. “Hey, Alastor,” he said gently, immediately bending backwards as the overlord took a vicious swipe at him, too. “Whoa, whoa, big guy, it’s okay.”
When Alastor put both of his hands on the wall and ineffectually shrugged with a cry that was almost pathetic, Angel took the opportunity to swoop in, hoping Alastor’s physiology was as close to human as it looked and that this didn’t get him gutted. He pushed one hand up into Alastor’s hair from his nape, cradling the back of his head with his palm and gently pressing his fingers into the bases of Alastor’s antlers. A second hand cupped the back of Alastor’s neck, thumb and forefinger immediately seeking out the pressure points at the base of his skull. His third hand went to Alastor’s back, stroking down his spine before lifting and repeating the motion as though he was trying to calm a stressed animal. And his fourth hand just rested on Alastor’s shoulder, primarily so he would feel it if the Radio Demon lashed out and could attempt to evade if necessary.
“Hey, Smiles, it’s okay, it’s just me,” Angel said as soothingly as he could when he felt Alastor’s muscles growing so taut that he feared the other demon would snap into pieces. “Shh, it’s okay, ain’t nobody in here gonna give you any shit, I promise. And if they try, I’ll kill ‘em for you, or at least hold ‘em down while you kill ‘em, okay?”
Angel kept up his gentle touches, leaning close to murmur low enough that only Alastor could hear him, and silently marveled at the fact that he was touching Alastor and Alastor was letting him. His hair was soft, and his coat was clearly made from expensive material, but even through the thick cloth Angel’s fingers could have counted his ribs and each individual vertebrae. And slowly, in response to his touch, Alastor actually began to relax. His breath slowed, his smile grew less tense, and with a crackle of broken plaster, his antlers slowly began to recede.
“You can rip everybody up into tiny pieces, and then I’ll help ya make jambalaya or gumbo or whatever you want outta their bits. Or I can make bolognese outta them. Whatever you’re feelin’.” That was enough to get the smallest noise of amusement from Alastor, more of a huff of breath than anything else, but with that his antlers returned to their usual shape.
As he finally freed himself from the wall, Angel made to release him, but Alastor spun to face him at an alarming speed and seized him by his upper arms. “Alastor—?!” Angel’s voice was a soft exclamation, but he froze, watching Alastor hang his head and regain control of his ragged and pained breathing.
Angel was anticipating having his arms ripped straight from his body—nobody touched Alastor, especially not when he wasn’t expecting it—but Alastor just held onto him like he was genuinely afraid Angel was about to disappear. His grip wasn’t even painful, just tight. Desperate, maybe, though with his panic gone Angel couldn’t begin to understand why. But even as he held onto Angel’s arms, Alastor’s wicked claws didn’t so much as scratch him, and his hands… they were soft.
It felt like an hour passed before Alastor’s breathing evened out, but Angel knew it was only a few seconds. Slowly, Alastor raised his head to look up at Angel, his ears laid flat against his head and his eyes wide, but no longer manic. Before, Angel had always associated Alastor’s eyes with the color of blood, but this close… they were more like deep garnet set into rich ruby. For the eyes of a mass murdering serial killer, they were almost alarmingly warm as they caught Angel’s gaze and held it.
“…thank you, Angel.”
The words were spoken so quietly Angel wouldn’t have heard them if Alastor hadn’t been mere inches from him. Before he could even consider formulating a response, the shadows Alastor so fondly called his friends swirled up from the ground, wrapping around his body and pulling him into blackness. It was his hands that pulled away last, gently releasing Angel’s arms and leaving trails with fingertips that made the spider’s flesh tingle. For the briefest moment, Alastor’s shadow remained, and Angel thought it was watching him with something that felt like wary curiosity before it too vanished.
Angel stared at the broken wall and the plaster that littered the carpet as Charlie stormed back to the group, lighting into them for being mean and immediately beginning to lay new ground rules, but Angel barely heard a word she said. He folded his arms and placed his hands where Alastor’s had been moments before, like he could still feel the other sinner holding onto him like a lifeline, and marveled at his own foolishness.
When, he wondered, had he started caring this much about Alastor’s wellbeing? When had Alastor decided that Angel Dust of all people was worthy of breaking his five foot rule, even in such extraordinary circumstances? When had Angel determined it was worth risking his own health and safety to prevent Alastor from hurting himself?
And, most importantly, what was he doing thinking about Alastor at all?
The next evening, Angel was in his bedroom cleaning his toys when a dome of shadow manifested on his floor mere feet away from him. He squealed in alarm, launching himself backwards and tumbling off the other side of his bed to land in a graceless heap on his floor. Swearing he could hear something giggling somewhere around him, he grabbed his comforter and hauled himself up, leaning on the mattress with his arms and peering around suspiciously.
The shadow was gone, and Angel didn’t see any threats or blood or threatening animal corpses. He did, however, see a plate sitting on his floor. That plate held a stack of some kind of pastries and a folded card with his name on it.
“…the fuck…” Angel muttered, clambering over his bed and hopping down to land beside the plate. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the plate was full of freshly-baked beignets, generously covered with powdered sugar and still so warm that the sugar was beginning to melt. He picked up the card and looked at the delicate penmanship spelling out ‘Angel Dust’, then flipped it open, taking in the simple message written so beautifully.
Tell no one. You know what will happen if you do.
Angel felt himself actually smiling in a way that he hadn’t for a very long time, folding the card again and pressing the corner to his lips. He considered for a moment, then glanced at a nearby shadow. “You can tell him I ain’t gonna let anybody know he baked somethin’ for me like a sweetheart.” He didn’t see Alastor’s shadow, but he heard another giggle and he knew it was there.
He picked up the plate and carried it to his bed, opening his bedside table drawer and slipping the note in with a few other belongings that he didn’t want anyone else seeing but liked having on hand. As he laid on his bed, petting Fat Nuggets and nibbling on delicious baked goods and texting with Cherri about how Alastor had apparently gotten into her apartment and hidden all of her explosive components around the city, leaving only a very obtuse list of scavenger hunt-style clues… Angel wondered if he was starting to remember what being happy felt like.
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