#i really loved her dynamic with bendy
djevelbl · 1 month
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Sorry I have iPad Baby Brain™ syndrome — who tf was Alison???
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halfusek · 4 months
is batdr canon to abomination?
oh hell no
honestly nothing aside from batim is canon to abomination (so none of the other games and none of the books) because i based abomination on my super hyperfixated analysis of the batim game
i did include some things from other things - like i included the characters of buddy and dot - but their stories in abomination are very different and more like cameos rather than proper includement
abomination wouldn't be abomination if it included other materials aside from batim - because it relies a lot on how vague batim was
other games and books (whether they're canon in general or not) were less vague and tried to be more definitive and finite - and the story and the world they ended up to paint just turned out to be different than what i've imagined with batim and created abomination to be
so, no, the way batdr is, i cannot make it canon to abomination, even if i wanted to (which i don't), there's too many logical and thematical contradictions
but maaaaaayyybeeee i'll think about how i could use elements of batdr for a continuation of abomination. maybe. big maybe fdgjknfd
because there are some cool concepts that i could definitely make work or use in a different context
but then there's some that are very troubling - for example, uh. audrey. audrey's existence. dnfgfksd
basically abomination does have "family" and "parenthood" as a theme but it's very different than what batdr did. in abomination joey is bendy's father (the squish one, the inky blobby one and also the toon one, to me both joey and henry are his parents)
however the way it works is that joey is a terrible father, he does love bendy as his son/creation and he maybe even loves him a lot but that doesn't change how awful he is. obviously. and bendy loves him as his father but recognizes his awfulness and with time oposses him more and more (the abomination version of bendy is generally very naive and doesn't know much about the world, he had a lot to learn and still does). and it's not like joey doesn't recognize how awful he is. he does. he did not really ask to be a dad, he didn't expect that to be the outcome of the things he's been trying to do. he tried to be one but let's agree he wasn't the best at it. SO YEAH they have a VERY complex father/son dynamic
so if. he was to just. go out of his way and make a random daughter??? it would be really weird and unfitting and go against EVERYTHING that i established in abomination so far gfdnkgjnfkd
(and i'm not gonna lie. not the biggest fan of that narrative decision from the bendy devs either but oh well fdnjkdgf it's their story)
but it would feel weird to try to "include parts of batdr but without audrey specifically" so i might think about her in all this more, but she just might end up being someone else and not be related to joey in any way. i'll see
so yeah TLDR
batdr is not canon to abomination but i might do something in the future that expands on abomination's story and includes elements of batdr but they most likely will be very recontextualized
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garnettfox · 5 months
Miracubots au: Akumas
Been a few days but I'm back!
Upfront, we don't have Akuma forms settled for everyone. SOME BITCHES *Stares at Chief, Dani and Kade* ARE SHOCKINGLY HARD TO DESIGN FOR.
So this isn't a complete list, hell if this ever became an actual fic some of them might end up changing.
Without further Adu, a very incomplete list of Akumas:
Ticket Master: Might as well get the Mr Pidgon equivilant out of the way, Don and his speeding tickets make him a weekly Akuma giving everyone in Griffin Rock headaches, especally the Heros. Everyone keeps begging Chief to just impound his car already but Don always pays off his fines so his hands are kinda tied.
Crawdaddy: So you know how there's occasionally a Dude who just has a Flobbster on a Leash? Ya, Ya he get's Akumatized over worrying about his pet's health. Don't worry the Flobster turns out ok.
Demolicious: Expect the spelling of this one to change a half dozen times because I hate myself and thought a portmantu of Demolition and Malicious was a great idea. Graham's Akuma form surprisingly enough formed when Graham just comepletly lost his temper after a stressful week and having to deal with a Karen of a tourest who decided to let her kids play in a derelict building he and Boulder where trying to safely demolish, and blamed him for the kids getting hurt.
Evilistratior: Alright this one was briefly mentioned and is something I kinda put in just for me. Being a very old OC of mine Dusk who I love very much. Think Bendy and the Ink machine meets Samarah from the ring and you kinda get the vibe of our Evilistratior, though instead of objects he creates ink creatures by drawing in his sketch pad as Dusk's an artist. As part of the self indulgent nonsence he becomes Graham's boyfriend. They even end up getting reakumatized into Demo and Evie together and are just an annoyingly sweet couple even when Evie's setting ink demons on everyone and Demo's trying to blow up the fucking island.
Glory Hog: Heatwaves Akuma caused by lingering stress over the entire Swallowtail situation and Kade falling back into his own glory hog ways. Glory Hog has the ability to 'Take away all attention and direct it to his self' Basically if you get hit by his beam, you kinda seace to exist for other people. They don't see you or acknowlage your there, your basically a ghost walking through your own life which is kinda horrorfying.
Emperata: Chase's Akuma formed after their reveal, Chase struggling with the sudden change in dynamic when he's become so acustomed to just the Burns family knowing. Coupled with the towns people not knowing how to treat him and just falling back on treating him like a robot when the more socal members of the team get readily accepted. Causes him to become Emperata, appearing as if Chase really had the horrorfic surgery done to him, and able to inflict the same on his brainwashed minions.
Halloweenie: More of a joke Akuma TBH, Blades after getting scared during Earlyween and getting upset at some teens tormenting some frightened younger kids, becomes the pumpkin fairy themed Halloweenie....Who makes everything cute. That's it. Cody and Frankie actually let him run around unchallenged for a bit because he is literally hurting no one, even if someone's wearing a scary costume and get zapped they can just, take the costume off no problem. And there have been a few occasions where letting the Akuma get it out of their system has calmed them down to be beatten without much of a fight.
Razorback. Boulders Akuma and it's a *bad* one. The idea I came up with was uhh....Graham and Dusk on a date off island when they run into uhhh....Anti-Anti-Fascsits if you catch my meaning. Resulting in Graham getting hurt enough to need the hospital and Dusk in jail needing bailing out for defending the pair of them. Boulder having never known about this side of humanity is just so blindsided and *angry* he's more or less a ball of walking distruction before he's calmed and deakumatised.
Defensor:....You saw it coming, don't pretend. Ya in this universe the episode where Cheif get's hurt and goes the hospital goes a little worse, not too much so, but the bots getting a nasty reminder of not only how fragile humans are but how short lived they are...What's more, their humans are emergancy responders, a profession that famously *shortens* those already brief lifespans....Ya, their pain and grief causes them to be fused into the group Akuma Defensor, who desides to take over the security systems Vigil was meant to once operate, they'll keep their family safe....no matter what....
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spot-splatter-splash · 4 months
We all know I love the Storm E. era content for this franchise (Lalaloopsy Girls & We're Lalaloopsy). But! I'm willing to admit that it is flawed. As much as I put it on a pedestal for it's humor, It's only fair that I acknowledge the strong point of the Webisodes and Nick Jr. Series. The animation.
Where I (personally) feel that the later pair adds more in terms of personality for the cast with the dynamic between Storm E. and Jewel being my favorite to watch and explore. The animation in those series does feel stiff when held next to the earliest set of media.
A lot of the time Its because of how sharp the joints are when they bend as opposed to the earlier series rounding them out. That created the ragdoll feel that the later series lack which breaks immersion.
This could have been a budgeting issue due to the declining popularity of the franchise. The puppet style animation bends at odd and sometimes sharp angles. Which breaks the illusion of them being rag dolls.
Mind you there is a way to make that style look good, if im not wrong the earlier series were rigs too. Just designed with more attention to the ragdoll feel. The bendiness of the limbs and squashing and stretching for emphasis when interacting with certain objects. Good examples that come to mind are Mouse and Pix E. In the episode Flight Plan And Peanut. In general Peanut has some of the cleanest animation.
While I hail the later series for the personality they give the characters that is not to say I think the eariler media is boring or does it poorly. I find the Webisodes and Nick Jr. Series really cute and pleasant to watch. But they also had more characters to work with and had to split that attention between them.
I have seen comments about the cast being boring in We're Lalaloopsy. A criticism which is subjective of course. But one I struggle to see. (I also see a lot of people shoot Storm E. down as being too mean. A rant for another post surely).
And while I acknowledge the subjectivness of it. I think Jewel, Storm E. and Spot are really well done in that series.
Spots is still an energetic artist who doesnt mind a mess. But added onto that she doesn't like conflict, struggles to voice her thoughts when frustrated, get attached easily, is eccentric and pleasantly weird, sensitive and forgiving almost to a fault. And yet still stands as her own person capable of putting her foot down when she reaches her breaking point. Shes lovable and I adore a weird girl whos just so comfortable being weird.
Jewel is clearly rising the ranks of favoritism. Shes still 'perfectly perfect' Jewel having a checklist for everything she deems important enough too. But now shes someone who can be easily frustrated, doesn't enjoy her schedule or plans being disrupted or altered, kinda of ditzy yet not entirely stupid. She focuses on herself to the point she talks over others and cant see that shes being an issue and has to be reined in. Perfectly perfect Jewel is actually wildly flawed. Shes not malicious but can come off as hostile or petty. Shes dramatic, a primadonna, self richeous and sometimes holier-than-thou and needs to have others correct her or to fail to learn and better herself. I am wildly enamored by this. She sucks shes my favorite. Her flaws are what makes her so fun to watch.
Finally Storm E. Shes polarizing and due to her being the most recent doll to make it into the animated series theres not much to compare her to. By design shes suppose to be the odd one out. A black sheep. I see a lot of critique about her being too different which is the point. Shes often yeilded as this unlikable asshole by some of the really critical fans but I feel that doesnt do Storm E. justice.
Shes different by design in both media shes in. Shes has a dry sense of humor, isn't as comfortable with affection as the other girls, isn't as open about her feelings as others, tends to fall to the back of the pack and a bit of a loner. But she's not a bad person. She does care about others she just has a hard time showing it. It does bother her when she hurts other people with her behavior.
We're Lalaloopsy handles this with her dynamic with Spot and Jewel. Spot is someone she has a soft spot for. Shes more open to Spot being in her space and feels like Spot kind of gets her as another artist. Spot likes Storm E. as she is. Her personality isn't the problem to Spot, it's certain actions that are. And that soft spot for Spot doesnt stop Spot from getting hurt. Storm E. (like Jewel) doesn't necessarily intend to harm others with her behavior. Intent doesn't negate hurting someone and Storm E. learns that. She does feel remorse and is apologetic. I like that shes never urged to be more like the others just corrected when her actions hurt someone.
Which is why her and Jewel work so well. They parallel eachother. Both of them have a tendancy to focus on and put themselves above others without any real malice behind it. Jewel needs to feel important and Storm E. feels she had to be independent. Storm E. is misunderstood and Jewel is melodramatic. Theyre polar opposites on the serface yet are so similar when cross examined. They clash but also relate to eachother.
The others get unique little peronality quirks too. Crumbs is very particular to an obsessive degree, Rosy will put herself last at the expense of her own well being and is anxious, Dot frequently fails, yet is excited by any chance to invent something.
Tangent oops, this post is getting long. The point is every bit of media for this series has merit and def worth watching for whatever it offers. Could be a good laugh, clean animation, fun dynamics, or a unique take on an old favorite.
Feel free to ask me about characters I can write essays about some of them. I know I haven't talked much about proper reboot stuff and thats because I'm in the process of watching everything I can to get a feel for the extended cast.
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chainsawcorazon · 7 months
Hey so I'm interested in writing for bartkon week, but I like doing frankly excessive research on characters before I try writing them...and honestly I don't really want to read all of SB94, impulse and YJ just to get a handle on what I'm doing, that's a lot even for me. I know some general stuff about the both of them, but not to the point where I'm like "Ah yes, I understand the soul of the matter" So I was wondering if there were like any specific arcs or points of characterization that I could read through to get the dynamic right?
shfkjdsfd ngl, I'm the worst person to ask bc my romance with BartKon didn't even start with BartKon....... it started with Clark/Bart from Smallville 😭😭😭 I'm exceptionally weak for Kryptonian/Speedster romances, but whereas Clark/Bart was the gateway, Bart/Kon is where my heart resides. And I don't ship any other Kryptonians with Speedster. Literally just Clart from Smallville and BartKon from the comics. Just giving you context so you don't think I'm some subject matter expert with a phd in BartKononomics ...... I am just a lady in her thirties who has carboard boxes full of sb/imp/yj singles cuz Clart made her Feel Things when she was a kid and she decided to Do Something about it (aka read comics).
If you want a high level overview of the ship, @radioactive-earthshine's KonBart Manifesto is a great place to start. It has the ship's Best Highlights, and really sums up why there is a small but dedicated fanbase to it. Dedicated enough that I broke my near-ten year cold turkey of mainline DC comics because my main man Bendis put BartKon back on the map while I was living my life blissfully unaware that DC had even hired Bendis to begin with and that the Diamond distro monopoly died. I was shocked. Still am. Two things I never thought would happen in my lifetime.
Now to understand the soul of Bart and Kon.... you're gonna have to look at that things that don't really have Bart and Kon on the same page. Part of the reason why BartKon Speaks to Me is because their relationship progression over the year directly ties back to their individual growth as characters.
So reading material 1: In Impulse, Bart starts off as the speedster equivalent of a feral bobcat, but slowly progresses into an empathetic, understanding, and an overall Good Man. Much of his story deals with the harsh realities of simply growing up different. Running theme of Imp fandom is that Mark Waid created and wrote an autist with ADHD without meaning too, and by Allah he sure did. It's fascinating because Bart harbors both grief and rage due to his predicaments, and the adults in his life are incredibly unkind (even if they are well-meaning), so Impulse has always been, in my understanding, the slice-of-life that really helps Bart to come of age into a Man and a Great Hero. You don't have to read the whole series, but if you can read at least the first twenty or so issues, you'll find yourself rooting for the little man and see how he shines in terms of empathy, understanding, love, and dealing with unresolved rage/grief/loss.
Reading material 2: Superboy is a trick and a half because it deals with issues of child neglect, grooming, the allegory of child star exploitation, and so on and so forth. The BartKon implications are There, but the reason why Superboy is incredibly important is because Superboy as a character is more than just his parentage. Contrary to popular belief, Geoff is NOT the main man in this story. Reading even just the first twenty issues of Superboy will show you Kon was failed by most of the adults in his life, and Superman is NOT his villain. Or the root of his daddy issues. Bro didn't even have a name until much later. If you wanna know who Superboy REALLY was before the Geoffian Era, you can read the first twenty odd issues. If you wanna go earlier, you could read his parts in Reign of the Supermen, just to get an understanding as to why he HAD to be the way he was during this time.
Reading material 3: I do not recommend reading all of YJ 98 for the BartKon bc YJ 98 is hijinks fun. It's GREAT reading for absurdist and comical situations, but only really works with context from Impulse and Superboy to get to the BartKon heart of it all. Not to say YJ 98 wouldn't give you the BartKon goodness, it sure does, but the soul doesn't come together if you don't get how Bart evolved in Impulse and how terribly Kon was treated in Superboy. You can read really anything in YJ to have fun with the group, but if you wanna fast track, you can read the last twenty or so issues and Titans/Young Justice Graduation Day.
Reading material 4: The Geoffian era..... I wouldn't wish Teen Titans 2003 on my worse enemy. Funniest thing is that at the time, I was just starting to watch Smallville. In love with Smallville!Bart already, I embarked on my Superboy journey.... had mixed feelings, so I stuck mostly to the 90's content. Ended up reading impulse a decade later, but long story short.... the Geoffian Era set a Tone and Direction for Bart and Kon that never sit well with me. There IS story there, if you are interested in reading about Daddy Issues, Masculine Identity, and a shit ton of other stuff that really pulled Kon away from his roots and made him more of a Emotionally Tortured Super. If that floats your boat, you may enjoy it. You can read a handful of comics from this era. Just know that in the end, he suffers anyway, just in an ugly ass outfit. The only real bit I'd recommend forreal forreal is when he dies. His whole arc in the Geoffian Era really just tells us he doesn't know how to live and thus he... dies. It's sad bc the writers before him despite having tortured Kon relentlessly, never really made him so...... hopeless.
Reading material 5: Flashpoint.... Bart dies, but I personally did not feel much for him because Bart didn't feel like Bart in the end, but yeah, he kicks it. This is where I pretty much kicked DC to the side too, minus the mistake that was reading RHATO. You can read Kid Flash Lost if you'd like.
Do not read New 52.
Reading material 6:.... my main man Bendis. No you do not have to read all of YJ 2019, but BartKon reunion and then Bart's explication as to WHY he found Kon is all you need. Bendis, despite the hate he gets, actually shows that he has great love for the YJ line. BartKon especially. The bald headed demon proves yet again that he care not for the world, only for his faves, which I'm cool with bc BartKon are me faves.
I know. A lotta reading. Those numbers I gave you.... you can also just read half of what I said kjdhgkhd Googling also helps! I know it's not always feasible to read so many comics, and I'mma be real, the Tone for many may not entice you either. Impulse feels like a slice-of-life to me, but YJ's an absurd shounen, and Superboy is the saddest book you'll ever read that is absolutely hilarious when you can accept that 90's writers just Did Not Care. Geoff hates Bart and Kon. New 52 is not real. Bendis actually loves BartKon a LOT, so you can just read their tidbits and find peace in the fact that Bart Allen, the loneliest fucker in existence, found his Kon El, who is the saddest fucker in existence. Something something, I will find you even if God wants us both dead. And God (editorial) did. I don't know how Bendis pulled the shit that he did, but he put a decades old rarepair back on the map after the Geoffian Reign. And Geoff hates Bart and Kon.
Happy Reading/Googling/Researching!!!!
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theluckoftheclaws · 1 year
What is your opinion on Rose Sorenson if you've read new Bendy book?
Hi! Thanks for asking, I really love Rose. She differentiates herself very well from previous protagonists. Even without saying any identifying details, just the way their narration talks about the world is very distinct, I feel I could identify a passage at a glance. She’s funny, she’s empathetic, and her dynamics with the other characters—especially Joey—are fantastic. There’s a lot I could say about those dynamics, but to avoid spoilers for my friends who haven’t had the chance to read it yet, I’ll stop here.
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inkabelledesigns · 11 months
Bendy and the Donut Run
Oh Nemo, you have given me too much fuel. XD Okay so how would I write this as a fic? Well my first instinct is that this is a pre-ink fic where one of our human employees is out on a donut run, maybe sees some questionable ink horrors on the way to and from getting donuts, along with a bunch of shenanigans of a cartoony nature.
But then it occurred to me, Audrey likes donuts. How fun would it be to have a post BATDR fic where Audrey has escaped the cycle and the ink creatures are in the real world with this premise? Audrey is working so hard, trying to get her job done as an animator while also uncovering the secrets as to how she looks so human so that the others can blend into society and live their lives again, and she is utterly exhausted. And so in a very "main character does so much for us, we should do something nice for them" move, we could have some characters try to do something sweet and get her donuts, because she loves donuts with her coffee and doesn't have time for them.
There are multiple combinations you could go with for a story like this. My first thought is Bendy and Sammy, since that would be comedic and fun, and depending on characterization, it could be either of them babysitting the other and trying to stay out of trouble as they don't want to be caught as ink creatures. (Admittedly I have my friend Victor's (@reanimationstation ) Sammy and Bendy in mind with this take, I think their dynamic would lend itself well to this.) I also really like the possibility of Betty trying to make donuts in the kitchen, only to have Malice and Allison try to help, and it's a mess of arguing over the best technique, but eventually they learn to work together. I can also see Porter trying to leave the house for donuts, stealing them because he doesn't understand the cost of a donut, and needing to be rescued because no Porter, humans don't flow, you're gonna get in trouble.
My personal favorite would be Memory Joey trying to do this and Cyclebreaker Henry exhaustedly going after him to keep him out of trouble. On their way back with the donuts, they get into trouble, maybe get stuck in a sewer or a construction site, and they have a heart to heart where Joey admits to struggling with being a better person. Joey is trying so hard, he knows the real Joey Drew hurt a lot of people, not necessarily the why and how of it all, but he feels like that's his sin to atone for. He loves Audrey so much, even if he's not really her father, and he wants to do right by her, but he doesn't know how. Henry, believing that he too is a clone of a real person, feels this, admitting that Joey put so much blame on him for not setting him straight and leaving the studio, that he also feels like he has a lot to atone for, but the truth is, they aren't the same people. They're them. He ran after Joey because he too feels the need to do better than the real deal, because he cares about Joey and doesn't want him to end up in another bad situation by being impulsive. And for the first time, in the midst of danger and tragedy, albeit a smaller scale than the studio, they finally start to work through some of their conflicts. And I think, they come out of it better friends and trying to move forward, saying that they don't need to be like the people they came from. They can be something new, something them. They get home with the donuts, Audrey is either worried sick or just asking where they've been, and they merely smile and hand her the box of donuts. They're a little battered and smushed from their adventure, but they're still delicious, and there's at least one that managed to stay all pretty and together. Audrey is very grateful for the donuts, they gather around for some coffee, and Henry and Joey split a donut and clink their mugs together. This is the start of a beautiful friendship, again.
See I told you you gave me too much power.
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sineala · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy by Al Ewing
I wrote this review last month for Pride Month but am reposting it here.
No one asked for this, but in honor of Pride Month, I would like to review Al Ewing's Guardians of the Galaxy run, because I reread it last night and it is extremely, extremely, extremely gay and I know a lot of people don't read Guardians so you might not know how gay it is. It is very gay. All my faves are gay now. Plus, it was finally released in one big trade paperback in April, so you can get the whole run in a big book. (Also included is a noir-ish miniseries about Rocket; I didn't read it.) It's eighteen issues plus an annual; it's a pretty fast read.
This is, hands down, my favorite Guardians run. Everything else can move over.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are a team that was thrust into prominence by the MCU, and the subsequent post-MCU runs -- Bendis, Duggan, Cates -- have mostly pulled the team lineup and dynamic into something much closer to the MCU. If you're an Iron Man fan, the run you're probably familiar with is Bendis', which is the one where Tony went to space. I get the impression that Guardians fandom did not like this run much; IIRC, Bendis said he had never read Guardians, and it... kind of showed. It was Not Good.
I understand why Marvel wants to capitalize on the MCU success. I can't claim to have been a longtime Guardians fan before the MCU, but I very quickly became a fan of the 616 team. To prepare to watch the original GotG movie I decided to read all of DNA Cosmic in about two weeks, and I discovered that Phyla-Vell (Quasar, at the time) and Heather Douglas (Moondragon) were my new faves, because what's not to love about space lesbians, one of whom is sometimes a telepathic space dragon. I didn't even know they were a couple until I was halfway through Annihilation Conquest. I observed that they really cared about each other, and then I turned the page and they were kissing. Surprise!
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DNA Cosmic also got me shipping Peter Quill and Rich Rider. Rich is one of the few other humans to have a consistent place in Cosmic Marvel; he's a character from the 70s, starting out as a teenager, who was given the status and powers of Nova Prime by the last surviving member of the Nova Corps -- their world, Xandar, is being destroyed -- and then had to defend the galaxy. Eventually Xandar was rebuilt, and Rich went to Earth for a bit and joined the New Warriors. (Civil War happens during the Annihilation event; Rich has some very complicated feelings.) During Annihilation, Xandar is destroyed again, and now Rich has to host the Nova Force and the entire Xandarian Worldmind in his body because he is the last of them. So there's a lot of angst for him. He has a very close friendship with Peter Quill. I dare you to read this run and not ship Peter/Rich. The scene where Peter has to leave Rich in the Cancerverse is extremely angsty. They clearly love each other. They were not, at this time, canonically into each other. But they were obviously BFFs.
So, to summarize, my favorite character elements of it were the relationship between Phyla-Vell and Heather Douglas, who quickly became my favorite Guardians, as well as Rich Rider and his friendship with Peter. Now I was definitely ready for the movie! I think you can see the problem here.
You know what isn't in the MCU? Any of that. Heather, Phyla, and Rich are not in the MCU. So I was disappointed. And then I had to sit through a bunch of Guardians runs where none of these people were main characters anymore because they weren't in the MCU and, thus, everything I loved best about the team wasn't there.
(Also Phyla and Heather have taken turns being dead, and given that they are not big names, they often stay dead for a while; at this point I think Phyla was dead, though she came back before the Cates run, although it was actually her from another universe, and she came with her Moondragon, and 616 Moondragon still existed. This wasn't really explored all that much, until Ewing's run, where the Moondragons merge.)
But then Al Ewing got the book, and he appears to have taken the stance that most of the major characters will be people who have never appeared in the MCU, the character dynamic will be much closer to DNA than the MCU, and, oh yeah, almost all of these people will be queer if they weren't already queer. A bold choice! I'm surprised editorial let him do this. But I am very happy.
Seriously, here are all the characters who are some flavor of queer or in some kind of queer relationship: Peter Quill, Gamora, Rich Rider, Heather Douglas, Phyla-Vell, Noh-Varr, Hercules, Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Avril Kincaid. This is probably the majority of the heroes. You will also note that most of them are not in the MCU. 
Literally everyone on the starting team (Peter, Gamora, Rich, Heather, Phyla, Noh-Varr, Rocket, Groot) ends up in a queer relationship except Rocket and Groot and who even knows what counts as queer for those two.
I originally started reading this run because I was happy that Phyla and Heather were both alive again (after the events of Infinity Watch and Infinity Wars) and that they were both Guardians again and also a a couple again; IIRC they were also both in Cates' run but it wasn't really about them. They are major characters here. They go through, uh... let's just call it a rough patch... but they're together again by the end and the universe thing is resolved. And if this were all the run had done, it would have been enough, actually. More than enough. But then the rest of the run also happened.
By the end of this run, Peter Quill, Gamora, and Rich Rider are all in a romantic relationship together. I definitely did not see that coming.
Near the beginning of the run Peter dies. Both Rich and Gamora blame Rich for Peter's death.
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 There's an entire issue of Rich going to therapy to attempt to deal with his grief.
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In the course of this, we find out that Rich talked with Gamora, that Gamora used to be in love with Rich (they did date at one point, so this wasn't entirely out of left field), and also we find out that Rich was definitely in love with Peter. "I loved him too. You know that, right?" Rich asks her.
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Gamora's response is "Yes, I know. That makes it worse." So, yeah. That's a thing now.
This is easily my favorite issue of the run. As far as I'm concerned, more heroes should go to therapy. I would absolutely read a comic book about a superhero therapist. A good one. Not, like, Faustus.
If you have ever read a comic book, you will know that Peter is not really dead. He is in another dimension where years pass, having a bisexual polyamorous relationship with a couple people in that dimension. (I wasn't kidding about how gay this was.)
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And then eventually he comes back to life, joyously reunites with Rich first (priorities!)...
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...and finds out Gamora is now mad at him.
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So he has to rejoin the Guardians, defeat the main villain, and navigate his very complicated relationship with Gamora and Rich, who also have to work out their relationship with each other.
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But all of them work out their issues, and just as they prepare to take down the villain, Peter tells Gamora, "I love him too. You know that, right?"
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And this time Gamora says that makes it better, actually. Character growth! Rich then tells both of them he loves them. It's very sweet.
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Anyway, the whole run ends with the team partying victoriously in a bar (Billy/Teddy and Phyla/Heather are both making out in the background, and no, I really wasn't kidding about how gay it all was).
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And it's not really as clearly stated as I would have liked, but it is heavily, heavily implied that the three of them, who have their arms around each other, will be spending their vacation together. I'll take it. It's canon now.
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If this run has a flaw, it's that the actual main plot keeps getting derailed by tie-ins. I know this is not entirely Ewing's fault, but a good part of this is King In Black and Empyre tie-ins. I didn't read King In Black, but I did fine anyway. Empyre -- which, yes, Ewing also co-wrote -- is probably the more important one to know, otherwise it might be a little confusing why Billy and Teddy are there for half the book. And then Peter and Rich go to the Hellfire Gala (where Rich picks a fight with Magneto), which is of course a crossover with Ewing's SWORD run at the time. It gets to be a bit much.
When it's staying on track, the main plot is serviceable enough. Ewing often has a tendency to make his cosmic work really big-picture and trippy (no, I didn't like his Ultimates run) but he refrains from that here, which I appreciate. The main villain ends up being Dormammu and it's easy to follow. Also watching them put Doctor Doom on the team was pretty great.
I have no idea how well it will read if you only know the MCU -- I'm guessing probably not well -- but if you'd like to see all your 616 faves be gay now, this is the book for you. It's the only Guardians run I've actually bothered buying in paper and not just reading on Unlimited. As far as I am concerned, this book was written for an audience of me and I am 100% fine with this. But if this sounds like your thing, please read it. It is delightful.
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ab-arts · 2 years
I finished the game a few hours ago, still almost doesn’t feel real skndjsjs
But HOLY FUCK it was amazing!!
Of course I have my nitpicks but overall I give it a solid 9/10! Wish my shit ass computer would’ve given me more than 3-5 fps sometimes (not exaggerating)
Some rambles regarding the game below, nothing coherent or an official review just some thoughts:
Alright so first of all HOLY SHIT THE GRAPHICS, GOREGOUS
Even the very beginning of the game I was on edge, the atmosphere the game gave was immaculate
Once again wish I hadn’t been lagging so bad I was constantly faceplanting into walls XD
All the mirrors in the game actually worked!! Idk why that amazed me so much but it did
Audreeeey, omg I love her, I love her so much,,
She reacts to things! She’s dynamic she’s alive!! Henry I love you too but please man you’re a little bland considering the horrors around you dhdjdh—but ooh I love her and her personality,, there’s some parts I wished she’d reacted to more n had more lines but mostly I just really loved listening to her talk,,,
SPEAKING OF HENRY, HENRY HAS A CANON DESIGN NOW!! NEAT! Still keeping my own the same though cuz I like it better jdndjdh
ALSO JOEY WAS THERE TOO—he was so fascinating?? Like..he wasn’t this evil guy, he regretted what he did? And he and Allison were friends I think? And he helped Audrey? AND OH MY GOD THE REVEAL THAT HE MADE HER IN THE REAL WORLD?? I was blown away honestly. And omfg my design for Joey had a Bendy pin and GUESS WHAT CANON JOEY HAD
His design is a little weird for me tho? Like it’s cool and absolutely is scary, I’m just not fond of his face?? His teeth?? That’s not a smile that’s just teeth, he gotta have a smile, turn up the corners of his mouth plz
Also was not very thrilled by the mechanic where you have to hide from him, except he’s not even there and it’s just a countdown to insta-death? I was hoping to actually get hunted by him and have to stealth, Alien: Isolation style. The mechanic also annoyed me in another way cuz it usually caused a lag spike aaaand it’s hard to hurry and find a hiding spot when you have 3 fps and keep running into walls, though that was caused by my shit computer, not the game itself, so it gets a pass. Still would’ve preferred getting hunted by the Ink Demon though
Also can we talk about whatever the FUCK the Keepers were?? Those things were CREEPY like, EIEHGHHG WHAT THE HELL, the way they TALKED dear god
They don’t even have legs they just SLITHER AROUND
The Lurker was funky but I don’t have too many thoughts about it itself, more about the LONG ASS SIDE QUEST you can do for it that I didn’t know was OPTIONAL
I had to go all the way back up to the fuckin Animation Ally and oh my god the amounts of times I died, the many times the map broke or the one time it just wasn’t there at all (once again I blame my computer), the time in a fight in which it was lagging so bad it nearly crashed and the audio was freaking out, and what do I get after all that? A FUCKIN SCHEMATIC AND SOME COLLECTABLES
Allison omg, I loved her in this- I only wished she showed up more, she was a delight and I really wanted her and Audrey to become friends. Tom was there too but I don’t really care about him kdndjjd
ALICE THO, GOD what a return, and it was SPECTACULAR. The riddle (that was fun to solve, and not stupid hard like some of the other fuckin puzzles I hate puzzles I suck at them), the fucking ELECTRIC CHAIR she put Audrey on, HAVING A GUN??? THE WHOLE OH SO TENDER SCENE BETWEEN HER AND ALLISON,,,?? God I have feelings
Wilson is..hard to describe cuz honestly I didn’t know what to make of him? Like the beginning scene with him in the elevator was very ew creepy please stop, I could just feel Audrey’s discomfort, and obviously the whole turning on the ink machine (I was so obsessed with the gathering ritual items for the pedestals parallel) and murdering himself and Audrey scene was a big red flag, and ofc the creepy ass posters and lying and just having dictator-y but distant vibes, but later on he kind of seemed like he had decent motives?? Idk..but OH IT WAS A TRICK, A TRICKY TRICK—HE TRIED TO TURN AUDREY INTO HIS OC
It was sooo funny to watch that scene play out and Wilson starts dragging her toward that machine, and I was just going like “push him in push him in push him in” and then she DID and I was like YEEEAH
I’m not sure which is scarier though, that thing whatever it’s called or the fuckin SPIDER THINGS WITH TEETH
Oh my GOD I hated those so much, ESPECIALLY THE BIG ONE
I think I was either lagging too much of never got killed directly by it to see it, but aPPARENTLY IT HAS A DISTURBING DEATH SCENE WHERE IT EATS AUDREY ALIVE
I wanted to see the deaths scenes in non-laggy format and I watched it and YEAH
Oh I can’t forget about Bettyyyy, what a sweet gal, I love her and I need more of her
And whatever the fuck that weird book was, the Mug and the Maiden?? Who wrote that they sound hilarious
The whole thing about the ink world and the real world being SEPERATE WORLDS was wild too, like—there was a CITY there, it was HUGE, and the implications of the ink people there being memories, like Joey—the real world versions not there at all but simply alternate copies living a hell (ofc the exception being Audrey and Wilson I’m assuming who’s real world selves were Actually There)
OH OH AND BABY BENDERSSS!! Didn’t do hardly anything and kind of just followed me around for a bit but he was cute! Immediately followed with oh my fucking god as I found out he got tortured by the Keepers
Also in this butcher shop (which had a clever little Meatly reference in the name that made me chuckle) there was just these words that said “the beef is people” and like wow, Audrey accidentally committing cannibalism real
NO CUZ ID BEEN EATING IT. THERES FOOD ALL AROUND (more than just bacon soup! It was all very creative and I liked it ^^) AND SOME OF ITS SLABS OF MEAT
But anyway, I saved the most important details for last—THE PARTS WITH SAMMY!!
There were hardly any. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. BUT, I did enjoy the ones that were there! Sammy having a couple memos, him being held in a cell by the Keepers (FREE HIM) as he’s designated a Cyclebreaker, just playing his banjo looking all vacant, and during the final combat scene HE HAD VOICELINES! A few, before he was SHOT OFF A BALCONY BY ALLISON. ALLISON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. FIRST YOUR HUSBAND NOW YOU. WHY
He did a fucking Wilhelm scream as he died (for the 4th time in the series mind you) tho so that was hilarious, but STILL
GIVE ME MORE IN DEPTH SAM CONTENT JDS. DO I NEED TO BRIBE YOU. (for legal reasons this is a joke)
But yeah! Overall these are most of my thoughts regarding how I feel about the game, and though there’s things I would personally change (aaand considering I didn’t get nearly all of the achievements and there’s probably bounds of secrets I didn’t find, there’s prolly a shit ton I still don’t know), I still thoroughly enjoyed playing it! For me it was worth the wait ^^
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prismatic-cannon · 2 years
wrt the p5 vball au (!!!!!) i'm pretty sure yusuke is canonically Very Bad at the sports (see beach episode, his absolute terrible performance in beach vball) but he is so tall and lanky... so stronk... but i cannot see him being particularly "athletic" and coordinated in that way (part of that is just me projecting my lack of coordination on him lmao.) granted he does have high agility plus the "scoundrel eyes," in royal, but i just don't see him actually... having that sort of hand-eye to hit ball and not whiff. of the kosei boys though... knowing its artsy reputation, i don't know if anyone has that lmao... though also with him being that tall, maybe he gets saddled with middle? but also. 180cm is still, like, libero height for a lot of teams lol
they do make the joke that mako too stronk for the boys a lot (again, see beach episode) but i think she'd probably follow her combat abilities and be really well rounded in both offence and defence. haru is really nimble and bendy, and probably has a great swing (axe) but idk if she has the height/hops for the net. akechi and joker being the setters... makes so much sense oh dear it's almost upsetting. though imagine them on the same team.... akechi would probably also make a great opposite (lefty, good power) as would joker (literally perfect) and we know they're both fairly athletic, which makes me think... 6-2? maybe they hit... and set....? i think you made mishmash a libero which makes a lot of sense?. i hc him as being faster and better than ppl give him credit for, despite him being the lamest canonically. (ilu mishima) and ryuji thinks this vball bullshit is lame af dude
this is a wall and tl;dr i think vb au is so good !!! i want to chew on it thank you sorry for too many words ;-;
damn anon you had some thoughts 😂 (gonna put this under a cut so i don't flood anyone's dash)
Tbh I totally forgot that there was a beach volleyball scene in Hawaii until you reminded me omg. The way Makoto spikes it hard into the sand ... a murderer 😂 But yes she's easily captain-material for sure, especially since she's already student council president and everything
I think people would underestimate Haru at first, but you could definitely give her an edge up on something e.g. one of those scary killer serves. Bottom line is that Haru should have her sweet murderous moment where she's bouncing delicately on her heels all \o/ \o/ \o/ oh my I hope you're ready — because I won't hold back!! 💕 while the opposing team cowers in fear or something lol. I love my wife can you tell
Middle blocker is totally viable for Yusuke too I think!! He's a tall guy, so he could definitely do stuff if he puts the work in. If this was based on canonverse then yeah I could see him whiffing the ball from time to time. I’m sure the hand/body coordination for handling a sword vs doing da sports ball is different lol. My reason for making him ace was so that he could be a temperamental but formidable ace, and place him as one of the key players for Kosei so that the Shujin team could have rivals to go up against ya know? I just think the idea of seeing Yusuke's murder eyes as he blasts a spike through a block is just. (chef's kiss) sublime shit. It would be an honour to die by his hand (also is 180cm really normal libero height?? All my volleyball knowledge is gleaned from HQ so I’m probably missing something lmao)
Also I see your point about making Akechi and Joker on the same team, but considering that it’s these two dudes we’re talking about I feel like we have to double down on their whole rival dynamic, it would be a crime not to imo (and this is coming from someone who hates shu/ake and Akechi lol). The setter mind games they could have with each other is too good — like if you have Akechi be his superficially genial and amiable self while Joker actively goes out of his way to antagonise him just to peel back that fake veneer of charm and throw him off his game??? Delish
😭 Mishima my beloved ... I think I mentioned this already but I really like the idea of him being a libero since it's a near 1:1 parallel to his role in canon (no spike, only support!!!!) I HC that his low-to-zero presence lowkey serves him well on court, in the sense that he's a solid defense player that quietly keeps chugging along and making sure the ball stays up while everyone else focuses on offense. He's a silly little NPC that keeps his head down and stays in his lane ... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ofc sometimes the opposing team is going to target him to try and break through their defense, but once he gets into his zone it's hard to shake him off his groove imo. If you're telling me Mishima can hyperfixate this hard on his dumb little website then at least some of that focus is going to bleed into his vball game headspace (wow I didn’t go off on a shu/yuu tangent. it’s a miracle, let’s keep it that way)
Anyway thank you for your volleyball thoughts!! It’s always fun to think about it even though it’s too much effort to actualise it lmao
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djevelbl · 2 months
So. 341, IM!Cup & Holly...
I read one (1) comment on Inky Mystery's Cup & Holly's dynamic and now feel the need to go on a vague-posting rant about them--
TLDR: if we're critiquing Holly's reaction to Cup's rejection & her actions in the aftermath of the gala in regards to him, we gotta talk about his as well; it's a symbiotic conversation - you can't talk of one's fuckups without at least giving an honorable mention to the other's mistakes either, aknowledging they happened and all that.
I have thoughts, and all of them stem from a convo I saw in my fyp about Holly's most recent interactions with Cup in 341 - rant ahead y'all, the TLDR is there for a reason. Good readin'.
Sure, Holly outright ignoring Cuphead and making excuses to not talk to him about what happened is not okay - especially when he's making an effort to talk to her (shit he doesn't do with anyone unless they're Mugs) and I'm like. the first person to scream at the screen for them to talk, but I typically go about it in the sense of "this motherfucker really let her go on a trip without so much as a SORRY or even trying to rectify the situation, thus letting her form all the wrong conclusions, huh." And sure, he's trying, I'll give him that - I'm sure that's fucking hard for him considering all his love-related endeavors ended in him jaded & hurt, but she doesn't know that - to her, this is just a man who's deeply hurt her with a straight face that only fell and let her see his real emotions & feelings about the whole thing when the "find out" part of "fuck around and find out" came to slap him in the face, shaped like a tree-charmed bracelet. He lied to her face, saying to her such wonderfully nice and beautiful and forgivable quotes like: "... you are in way over your head. What you wanna tell me amounts ta bunk 'cause the truth is you don't. Cussin'. Know me.", or "Because you’re a pretty little princess. You have no idea what the real world is like. Hell, half the time you’re out there causin’ the rest of us more work gettin’ these cussin’ parts. Coulda spared us the hell of Nightmare Night if you’d just kept your damn hands to yourself. Couldn’t keep outta the way even when it should have been easy. Not since the moment I met ya. Not even one damn time. Ya think I could ever like someone like you? You’ve been a thorn in my side ever since that first starfallen night I stuck ya in a tree."
He demeaned her, humiliated her by leaving her waiting at the gala to get a taxi of her own when he'd gone there with her (I'm sure no fucking blood-in-the-water-sniffing newsie noticed that and talked about it on a tacky tabloid, huh), insulted her for literally no reason as he rejected her, played with and preyed upon her insecurities of feeling like she's in the way of the quest (and of everyone in her life tbh) to emotionally hurt her - all for what? To send the message across that he didn't wanna date her? He could've just said "not right now, we're busy with the quest" and I'm sure she would've understood! And that's also a lie! All she wanted was an answer: did he or did he not like her back. A yes or no question, a simple thing to respond to. And instead of answering like a normal fucking person, Cuphead dropped a nuke on her: "... And that’s if you really thought we were friends ta begin with. So I think it’s best for you to go."
She asked if there was reciprocity in her feelings. He told her that they weren't even friends to begin with. And sure, Cuphead is the least normal man ever - the least socially adept, the worst at romance we've ever seen (bar Bendy maybe), I'm not necessarily expecting him to be a Don Juan, to be the perfect man who's perfect at relationships and can do no wrong, but there's a limit; and when his interactions with Holly go from 0 to 100 - from good, supportive friend who's developing feelings to immediate self-hating nuking of a friendship - I'm sorry, but that's crossing the fucking line. He's fucked up, he knows he's fucked up and in an ideal world he'd throw himself at his knees and beg for forgiveness, making it up to Holly every day. And in that same perfect world she'd forgive him, because he's not perfect, he's gone through deep, deep shit, shit neither you nor I could fully comprehend, things that funamentally break and change a man, especially one as young as Cup (can y'all really believe he's barely in his early 20s?? Crazy shit, that is.) I'm not saying he's completely reprehensible, that there's absolutely no redeeming quality about him - he's loyal to a fault, he'd go to bat for you the moment you asked, he'd help you with anything and everything you ask for. He's only mortal, after all - he's not perfect, that's what being alive fundamentally is: imperfect, rough edges and some of which are sanded down, some of which will never be. Growing beyond what you once were, and Cup is doing that - slowly, but getting there. Yet we're the readers. We know this. Holly doesn't.
In any critique towards any two characters in a relationship, especially if we're discussing how they treat each other and how they react to each other's presence and actions, one must consider things from their point of view and whatever information they got access to - it's only in chapter 341 that Holly realizes that the more she waits, the less ready she'll be to talk to Cup. It's only now that she's processed her emotions, feelings and the situation enough that she can notice that Oh shit yea, maybe she should talk to his dumb ass. She wasn't ready for that conversation with Cuphead before, and maybe she's not ready yet - has that stopped her at any other point, though? She jumped in basically head first to study on Toon Town, even when her mother wasn't completely sold on the idea. She joined the Questers on a whim, believing she had to see things first hand before she could go ahead and judge them (unlike the news at the time). She's battled creatures ten times her size and strength with her wits and runes, barely any training, and lived to tell the tale. God-fucking-damnit, she started confessing before she could question herself any further! She's strong, resilient and determined - yet she doesn't read minds! Cup's never talked about his struggles on any area of his life, let alone his love-life, how is she supposed to know she should give him a second chance right off the bat bc he's just inexperienced?! Do you think she knows what she's doing? NO! Of course not! I don't think she's had any significant romantic relationships over the course of her life - she was basically babied as she lived in her hometown, being a human in a zany residence! Everyone was afraid of hurting her beyond repair - d'you think she knows what she's doing? That she's got any experience to draw from? That romance books would tell her what to do?? NO! Of course they wouldn't! They're fiction! She's in her early twenties, just like Cup. She's inexperienced when it comes to romance, just like Cup (debatable on his side, but I won't go there) - why are we letting him off the hook, but we're dogpiling on her?
She's barely keeping it together as is - she got called naive, dumb, a thorn in Cup's (her crush!) side, she got called a little girl in one of the worst ways a woman can be called that: demeaningly, with full intent to insult, because women's value is typically regarded in how young they look, in how pretty they are (both things depicted in the mind when we call women "girls") yet is twisted when right after Cup says that he "like(s) a woman that knows what reality looks like."
Uh oh, he talked about knowing reality - they just got out of the fucking Labyrinth! Low blow Cup, low blow. Even for you.
And what has she done? Putting distance between them because she's been emotionally beat down mercilessly just a month (maybe) ago? Desperately try and piece herself back together after being so thoroughly dissected apart by cold, calloused words that weren't even true? Be a tiny bit of a dickhead to the man who brought a metaphorical loaded gun to a conversation? Not let the person who's hurt her the most up until today (bar her mom) have any more opportunities to damage her? Would you have done it any differently? 'Cuz I would've - I would've done it worse. Holly has handled herself with a surprising amount of grace considering what Cup did - I would've been depressed all fucking day in my room had that happened to me. I would've starved not feeling the need to get up from the bed, I would've let it fucking show how much it actually hurt what he said. She didn't. She gave herself the time to process and understand the situation and grieve their friendship - because in her eyes, that shit's well and truly dead, buried in the backyard of her memory. Her talent is memory y'all - that conversation is recorded into her psyche for the rest of her life most likely. She probably has to do a conscious effort to repress such an awful night. She went there expecting it to be a wonderful night - she'd rectified her lie, explained why and asked Cup herself if she could accompany him to the gala as his plus one - only to come out of there with emotional scars that won't heal just bc he says sorry, or explains the situation. That conversation will open the wounds that have tentatively - tentatively - started to heal, he's gonna have to rip them bloody and gory open again for his own healing to happen, and she's willing to let it. Because it's for her own healing too. What he did is unforgivable, unhorthy of hearing him out - yet the ending of 341 whispers implications of a conversation happening between them at Holly's decree. Can we, instead of raging about Holly being rude to him one fucking time, direct our anger and sorrow and grievances towards Cuphead? He's our favorite character, sure, the he can do no wrong and if he does I still love him one, but he's still flawed. I don't know about y'all, but my favorite thing about my blorbos is when they're broken and imperfect, when I can criticize them and see them build themselves back up - bc wholly morally good or wholly morally bad characters are just boring, and sometimes you want someone you can love and yet hate. Can we, instead of fixating on the one instance of Holly being unable to handle what's been thrown at her, and throw it back at her face, commend and celebrate every instance she's been able to keep it together? Can we talk about and appreciate how calm and collected she's been over all of this? How nice she's been playing it? Can we cherish and revel in how she hasn't broken his nose and gone for the throat even though I find it a worthy escalation to make?? Can we not demean the one female lead who's been given this much screentime within a high-stakes, emotionally-charged conflict like this one, and has managed to keep it together??
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camellia-salazar · 2 years
Some Moral Orel doodles because I'm obsessed with this show now.
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The first page of this doodle post is Moral Orel randomness for the most part. Just trying to draw some characters just to see how it goes. Also I drew on the page a week ago.
I first drew 4 year old Orel because I wanted to after watching Trust. He was so pure! 😊💖
I was trying to see what kind of dynamic Orel and his brothers can have and I thought "brother band". AJR probably helped with that (I probably was listening to Bud Like You while drawing this or something I don't remember it was a week ago).
Comparison of Clay before he married Bloberta and afterwards. Idk I just thought about it and drew.
Speaking of Bloberta, I watched an animatic of her and decided to doodle a fan doodle of it.
Danielle, Nurse Bendy, and Joe were drawn since I wanted to get use to drawing them. Also because uncle, mom, and son.
Raymond because I wanted to and he seems good, or ok at least. Better than Clay with alcohol but not really focused on enough for character. Still I kinda like him.
Snakey Fakey since there's a lot of talk about Wolf Clay but not a lot of talk (that I know of) about how Principal Fakey is a scummy snake.
Finally Wolf Clay because many fans have drawn him so I wanted to. That and because I love wolves.
The second page has a few more furry stuff since I thought more on the Clay Wolf thing.
Orel fits more on the role of the "loyal and kind" thing so I gave him puppy ears. He seems like the kinder Clay (dogs being kinder than wolves thing).
Shapey and Block hugging like Bluey and Winnie in the episode Cafe.
Bloberta. Wish I could think of drawing something more with her. But I can't think of any ideas for her.
Basically the aftermath of Orel's Movie Premiere where Clay gives Orel the talk about furries.
Inspired by a Bluey episode called Onesies, it's Orel wearing a Zebra onesie and Shapey wearing a Cheetah one.
The last doodle is basically more brother bonding but this time I've included a bit of the theme song for the DHMIS TV show. I was listening to the theme when I was drawing them so I thought I should include the lyrics.
Hope you like the Moral Orel doodles. I thought I should just make doodles for this show only for once (and like I said, I'm basically obsessed with it now). Also thanks for reading this if you did. 👍✨
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dumbferal · 2 years
What moral orel ships do you like?
omg my first ask… hiello anon!!! …this is such a good start actually because the gears in my brain have been rotating… ok here we go (no particular order):
SUCH A RAREPAIR I JUST THOUGHT OF IT ONE DAY BUT!!! dolly and miss secondopinionson…. girls who are tired from their job.. they should nap and cuddle together, hold hands even. unironically adore this concept srsly might draw them 👀
orel and christina!!! very obvious n silly but.. theyre actually too sweet i heart them so bad.
nurse bendy n stephanie!!! i know this ones pretty popular but it really is such a wholesome concept…. thinking of the family dynamics between her, bendy, n joe.. waaawaaa….
aaaaand i love clay n danielle together, in like a funny oh my god they suck so much im hooked kind of way. like an…”excluding the shows context” kinda way 🫢
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
What do you think Thanos and Gamora's relationship should be like? It's something that has changed a bit through the decades, right?
I think it's one of the most complicated ones in Marvel & I don't like where it is currently, specifically because we don't know how we got here.
Gamora, prior to Bendis, had a really fucked up dynamic with Thanos. Like as readers, we could objectively say, yeah, that man abused her horrifically. He literally removed her tear ducts. It was bad.
But Gamora... I think W&TIW #9 is very interesting because there's a part where Gamora says "I swore I would never let anyone use or abuse me again" and then it goes to her training with Thanos. Some of the times when she talks about it, she makes it sound almost transactional; Thanos got a soldier, she got the skills she needed to fight the Magus.
Gamora, in stories like Infinity War & Infinity Abyss, notices a change in Thanos & notes his less nihilistic tendencies & at the end of Infinity Abyss, they part on good terms. They still seem, albeit tentatively, on those good terms towards the end of Thanos Imperative.
And then Bendis arrived.
Now, we know MCU Gamora isn't a one-to-one adaption of her comic counterpart & a lot of that, IMO, stems from the significant change in their dynamics with Thanos: MCU Gamora has fully accepted that Thanos tortured her while where we last left her, comics Gamora wasn't able to do that.
There should have been something about Gamora getting to the point that MCU Gamora debuted at and Thanos Imperative does leave it at a good point to start! Gamora's just lost Warlock, Drax & Rich, three of the people she was closest to, in one go -- with Thanos directly responsible for at least one of those deaths. There's a story to be told there, about Gamora coming to terms with exactly what happened to her.
But no one ever told that story. We get reintroduced to Gamora in an Infinite Comic where she now hates Thanos and is doing everything in her power to fuck with him.
What should have been one of her biggest character arcs was skipped over for synergy.
That's not to say that it's all been shit. As much as I despise her other work, Tini Howard's Thanos mini does get a lot of their earlier dynamic right; it also acknowledges that, even though she'd hate herself for it, Gamora would be upset by Thanos's death.
It also falls more in line with Starlin's view of their dynamic; that, while Thanos isn't even truly capable of loving anyone, if he was going to be loyal to any other living person in the universe, it was always going to be Gamora.
But one mini focused on their early dynamic isn't enough, IMO. It's extremely frustrating when the female lead of the GOTG gets a massive character arc happily skipped over, especially when the end point of that arc is such a strong feature for her subsequent appearances.
I genuinely don't think we'll ever get to see that story, either.
(Also, slight tangent: I do think James Gunn was right to start Gamora out where she was. Infinity War proved that people don't have critical thinking skills; the amount of people that genuinely believe that Thanos loved Gamora is fucked up).
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inkmchine · 2 years
❤ + fantasywritten
send ‘❤' + a url & i’ll write what i think // always accepting
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oh hello!! allison is a wonderful mun and a friend of mine. she manages to write so many characters with such different voices. ranging from sammy lawerence to mugman. all on one blog to boot! like i am stunned. she is genuinely a really talented writer and i look up to her. i enjoyed all of the threads that we have had:
the dynamics our characters have are interesting. i love discussing ideas for them with her, we have so many cute (and heartbreaking) headcanons. my favorite being what we developed so far with bendy and sammy! our two silly silly dorks. i cannot wait to write with her again.
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sstvar · 2 years
Hey I noticed you’ve gotten a lot of shipping asks so sorry if this kinda takes away from your story telling 🥲 but from what I can tell so far I really like they dynamic you have set up with Anya and your version of Bendy so far!!!!!!!!!!! So this isn’t really an ask but more of a question for you but what kind of flirt would he be towards her if he flirts at all since he’s more open about his feelings ;) (saw that in your previous post)
i genuinely love receiving those types of asks just because it lets me make lil movies in my brain and they fr occupy my headspace 24/7 now 🥲 BUT YA THEM HHEHEHEHEHEHE I’M SO GLAD U LIKE IT
tbh i haven’t done shipping content in a LONGGG time but it’s so nice to return to it and see that other people enjoy my perpetually pining little guys
okok now for your actual question:
okok like I’ve said before he’s a bit of a recluse and prefers to keep to himself, so he’s really not the “cake eater” type. that said, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have game ;)
in the beginning Anya made the mistake of assuming the opposite and it was basically like “oh yeah this guys a little bit of a loser i can mess with em lol” oh that was wrong-
he sets himself seriously on one person and once he’s sure of it he goes. he’s not confident for nothing, he knows exactly what he has to offer.
bro would pull up with the “dangerously yours” POETIC TYPE OF LINES I’M TALKING THE
“What is it, what’s wrong my dear?”
“You know nothing about me, you’ve known me only three weeks.”
“Three weeks? Catherine, I’ve known you all my life!”
“All your life?”
“It’s true. I’ve seen you in a thousand plays, read you in as many books. Well, I’ve heard beautiful music, I’ve thought, ‘she’d like that.’ I’ve looked at flowers and known one day that I’d give them to you.”
he’s got class that’s for sure but he’s not below being a little tease about it either.
Anya finds it genuinely sweet but girl rlly just goes “oh he’s nice, wonder where that came from” 💀💀 like i said DENSE
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