Miracubots AU: Bits and Pieces
Thought about doing a vague timeline for the AU, but this one was niggling at me more.
So I've detailed about the main Rescuebots, but what about the others and the Autobots? Mostly the main Rescuebots want them to STAY. OFF. GRIFFIN. ROCK. They are having a rough enough time with just the four of them, they don't need to be worrying about other Cybertronians getting Akumatized. Hightide is mostly the one taking care of that. The moment he get's told about Swallowtail he pretty much goes 'Welp, I'm staying out to sea because I'd be a weekly Akuma' And agrees to help wrangle the other Bots and especally Optimus to keep them off the island, and offers his ship for the others to come to, to let off steam without worrying about Akumas. We've actually joked that he pulls a Swerve and just opens a fucking bar XD
I vaguely made mention of my OC Dusk who's this universe's Evilistrator and becomes Graham's boyfriend, he also has a little sister Claire who's the OC of my friend @beesquared whom I made this AU with. We go back and forth on it quite a bit because we play about with different versions of this AU but we typically agree. Dusk ends up with the Rooster Miraculous becoming Asmodeus and Claire the mouse becoming Pinkie.
Taking some Inspiration from Lady Luck, the Miraculous if you hold them for long enough have a physical and minor psychological effect on the holders. Not much but enough that if you know what's happening it's pretty obvious. The physical is pretty much just that no matter what the animal related to your miraculous is, you end up growing fangs. Even the Kwami don't know why and are confused when this ends up being true for the bots as well.
Food cravings relating to your Miraculous also start to happen. Cody develops one hell of a sweet tooth thanks to Tikki, and discovers he's gotten a taste for rarer meat as Ladybugs are voracious predators. Frankie and Plagg bonding over using science to make more camenbert and her also developing a hunger for meet, Doc Greene (Who despite not getting a Miraculous is let in on the secret) has to stop keeping mice in the lab for experaments because it is a constant test of Frankie's will power. Chase's to.
Chief, Kade and Graham end up developing a slight aversion to meat. Not too much in Chief and Graham's case as horse and goat meat are hard to get, though Graham can't stomach goat milk, and find themselves drawn more to vegetarian options. Poor Kade though starts getting nauseous at just the smell of beef cooking and the family agrees to stop stocking cow milk completely. Dani is just laughing at them slavoring anything she can get away with in honey
The bots *also* develop cravings, mostly for meat as most of them are carnivores, though Boulder when he's using his holoform is usually happily noshing on mushrooms and the vegetarian options the family starts having.
Other ways the Miraculous effects them, Cody and Dani end up accidentally making a flower garden together, they both enjoy unwinding by taking care of it, though Cody trys to make sure he never does it on an empty stomach as the aphids on the flowers look....*way* too tempting when he's hungry.
Graham starts chewing on anything and everything, especally when thinking, to the point where exasperated with him destorying some of his paint brushes Dusk as a joke gets him some baby's teething toys...Only to notice it's actually helping Graham and more seriously getting him chewlery he can wear all the time.
Other effects are a bit more subtle, Kade snorting like a bull when angry, Dani having the urge to move constantly when she's trying to explain or give someone directions.
And others are the bots literally starting to purr (Heatwave) Yipp (Blades) or snort (Boulder) when happy and hiss (Chase) when upset/stressed. Chase get's whammyed by Sass's miraculous quite a lot, if the familys ever on the beach and not on a rescue, Chase will just flop on the sand and bask for a while. And when he starts getting grumpy in winter the other bots set up sun lamps for him.
The snake miraculous literally gave the guy seasonal affective disorder.
#rescue bots#miraculous au#black cat miraculous#ladybug miraculous#miraculous plagg#miraculous ladybug#miraculous sass#tf#rb#cody burns#chief charlie burns#kade burns#graham burns#dani burns#heatwave rescue bots#boulder rescue bots#blades rescue bots#chase rescue bots#frankie greene
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Miracubots au: Akumas
Been a few days but I'm back!
Upfront, we don't have Akuma forms settled for everyone. SOME BITCHES *Stares at Chief, Dani and Kade* ARE SHOCKINGLY HARD TO DESIGN FOR.
So this isn't a complete list, hell if this ever became an actual fic some of them might end up changing.
Without further Adu, a very incomplete list of Akumas:
Ticket Master: Might as well get the Mr Pidgon equivilant out of the way, Don and his speeding tickets make him a weekly Akuma giving everyone in Griffin Rock headaches, especally the Heros. Everyone keeps begging Chief to just impound his car already but Don always pays off his fines so his hands are kinda tied.
Crawdaddy: So you know how there's occasionally a Dude who just has a Flobbster on a Leash? Ya, Ya he get's Akumatized over worrying about his pet's health. Don't worry the Flobster turns out ok.
Demolicious: Expect the spelling of this one to change a half dozen times because I hate myself and thought a portmantu of Demolition and Malicious was a great idea. Graham's Akuma form surprisingly enough formed when Graham just comepletly lost his temper after a stressful week and having to deal with a Karen of a tourest who decided to let her kids play in a derelict building he and Boulder where trying to safely demolish, and blamed him for the kids getting hurt.
Evilistratior: Alright this one was briefly mentioned and is something I kinda put in just for me. Being a very old OC of mine Dusk who I love very much. Think Bendy and the Ink machine meets Samarah from the ring and you kinda get the vibe of our Evilistratior, though instead of objects he creates ink creatures by drawing in his sketch pad as Dusk's an artist. As part of the self indulgent nonsence he becomes Graham's boyfriend. They even end up getting reakumatized into Demo and Evie together and are just an annoyingly sweet couple even when Evie's setting ink demons on everyone and Demo's trying to blow up the fucking island.
Glory Hog: Heatwaves Akuma caused by lingering stress over the entire Swallowtail situation and Kade falling back into his own glory hog ways. Glory Hog has the ability to 'Take away all attention and direct it to his self' Basically if you get hit by his beam, you kinda seace to exist for other people. They don't see you or acknowlage your there, your basically a ghost walking through your own life which is kinda horrorfying.
Emperata: Chase's Akuma formed after their reveal, Chase struggling with the sudden change in dynamic when he's become so acustomed to just the Burns family knowing. Coupled with the towns people not knowing how to treat him and just falling back on treating him like a robot when the more socal members of the team get readily accepted. Causes him to become Emperata, appearing as if Chase really had the horrorfic surgery done to him, and able to inflict the same on his brainwashed minions.
Halloweenie: More of a joke Akuma TBH, Blades after getting scared during Earlyween and getting upset at some teens tormenting some frightened younger kids, becomes the pumpkin fairy themed Halloweenie....Who makes everything cute. That's it. Cody and Frankie actually let him run around unchallenged for a bit because he is literally hurting no one, even if someone's wearing a scary costume and get zapped they can just, take the costume off no problem. And there have been a few occasions where letting the Akuma get it out of their system has calmed them down to be beatten without much of a fight.
Razorback. Boulders Akuma and it's a *bad* one. The idea I came up with was uhh....Graham and Dusk on a date off island when they run into uhhh....Anti-Anti-Fascsits if you catch my meaning. Resulting in Graham getting hurt enough to need the hospital and Dusk in jail needing bailing out for defending the pair of them. Boulder having never known about this side of humanity is just so blindsided and *angry* he's more or less a ball of walking distruction before he's calmed and deakumatised.
Defensor:....You saw it coming, don't pretend. Ya in this universe the episode where Cheif get's hurt and goes the hospital goes a little worse, not too much so, but the bots getting a nasty reminder of not only how fragile humans are but how short lived they are...What's more, their humans are emergancy responders, a profession that famously *shortens* those already brief lifespans....Ya, their pain and grief causes them to be fused into the group Akuma Defensor, who desides to take over the security systems Vigil was meant to once operate, they'll keep their family safe....no matter what....
#rescue bots#miraculous au#miraculous ladybug#tf#rb#boulder rescue bots#blades rescue bots#chase rescue bots#heatwave rescue bots#cody burns#kade burns#graham burns#dani burns#frankie greene#chief charlie burns#akuma#defensor#emperata
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Miracubots: Miraculous Holders (Bots)
New day new post, and yup, if you read to the end of the last part you where probably looking forward to this XD
As this is an alternate version of season 4, the invasion where the Bot's finally reveal themselves, doesn't occur meaning the Bot's are having to hide longer with the family bluffing that the bots where upgraded with a 'Defence mode' to cover up when the bots work to help deal with an Akuma attack.
Though, things can't stay secret forever, especally not with a villain who target's negitive emotion, and some bots who are less able to express themselves freely.
The reveal to the town that the bots are alive, happens when Heatwave reaches a breaking point with Kade's glory hog ways (Which he'd been slipping back into just a bit, especally after he got to use a Miraculous) And he ends up becoming the first Bot Akumatized.
This has pretty much everyone reeling as the bots and the Burns family had started to assume the Bots being alien where immune to Akumatization. But the revelation gives Cody an idea.
If a bot can be Akumatized, surely they can wield a Miraculous as well. And with a little nudge from a Luck charm on which to pick. Boulder is chosen to use the Pig Miraculous becoming Porcine Punch. The name was off the top of his head and he likes it too much to change it.
Porcine Punch with help from Beetletron and Felidae is able to stop Glory Hog in his tracks and calm him down with the use of his Gift to be deakumatized.
Two things about the Bot's as Miraculous holders:
Their altmodes change when their transformed to the animal of their Miraculous with their root form adjusting to the new altmode.
They may use different names as heros, but there's no secret identities going on, everyones knows who's who in regards to the bots. As Cody points out when giving Boulder his Miraculous infront of his brothers, people will figure it out within five minutes so why both trying to hide it.
Sadly the next Bot picked to become a Miraculous holder happens because of another Bot getting Akumatized as well. This time Poor Chase, struggling silently after the public reveal and getting treated poorly by a few towns folk struggling with the transition, becomes the horrorfying Akuma Emperata.
IDW fans are now screaming at me for inflicting that on Chase.
Heatwave this time is the one entrusted with a Miraculous becoming the Hero Tigereye with the....Well Tiger Miraculous. He also get's let in on Chief being Ranger as Beetletron asks his father for help as well to get them past the army Emperata is creating.
He's not even the only Bot to find out a humans secret ahead of the mass reveal as Blades accidentally reveals Dani revealed she's Hornet to him when their both called on to deal with a replicating Akuma. Hornet to sting the clones and keep them still. And Kitsune the new Fox hero to use his illusions to control and confuse the clones.
Blades is BEYOND happy to finally have a grounded alt mode.
Last but not least of the Bots to get a Miraculous is Chase, we haven't fully settled on the events surrounding when he get's it. But Chase out of the four arguabley get's the most powerful as he's entrusted with the Snake Miraculous becoming Aposis at Sass's suggestion for his hero name,
And yes. People do make the 'Theres a Snake in my Boot!' refrence regarding him and Chief XD
#miraculous au#miraculous ladybug#tf#rb#transformers rescue bots humans#rescue bots#chase rescue bots#heatwave rescue bots#blades rescue bots#boulder rescue bots#kade burns#dani burns#cody burns#chief charlie burns#miraculous sass#snake miraculous#pig miraculous#fox miraculous#tiger miraculous
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Miracubots: Miraculous Holders (Humans)
Since this has gotten a little attention and seems to have gotten people curious I'll continue inflicting this AU on you XD
For a while Beetletron and Felidae Fatale are the only heros running around Griffin Rock doing what they can to obfuscate their identities. It helps that due to Cody in his hero form looking like a miniature Rescuebot, has people believing he's a smaller more advanced model of bot with an AI controlling him and Felidae acting as his handler.
And has the Bot's thinking he's a Minicon running around with a human friend. Cody is absolutely having a blast dropping hints that he and the bots are related and Plagg is pouting that Tikki got the holder who's causing the most Chaos.
As the fights start escalating Master Fu starts trying to teach Cody about the Miraculous and being a guardian....Only for Cody to insist either Frankie be there in the lessons to, or he'd just teach her behind Fu's back. Yup, no one person being Guardian over the other, Cody and Frankie are equals.
As part of the training Fu allows them to take the Turtle Miraculous to find someone that would be a good temporary hero. Unfortunately, during an Akuma attack the Turtle ends up being lost...And Priscilla Pync is the one to find it.
Priscilla at first mostly uses the Turtle as somewhat an escape from her life under her mothers thumb and while Terraprincess isn't much of a fighter and rarely turns up for Akuma attacks, she's been finding her footing acting to evacuate people from fights and acting to help with the more natural disasters of the island.
(We very much want Priscilla to be somewhat of a fusion of Adrien with the villain as their parent, and the redemption Chole deserved learning how to be a hero through Wayzz)
Fu is not happy with the pair for losing one of the Miraculous, even if it found it's way to a heroic individual and intended on preventing them from using any of the others for a while to teach them a lesson.
This is till an Akuma fight where as Cody's rushing to the scene...He's stopped by Plagg holding the ring, explaining that...The Akuma's Frankie, and she ordered him to take the ring and run when she realized what was happening.
Ya, being a Miraculous holder isn't a get out of jail free card in regards to Akumas. Though we've gone with the interpretation that 'A Holder if they have the mental fortitude CAN keep secrets from Swallowtail' to explain why they get given their Miraculous again.
And Cody, finding out his best friend, his platonic other half and his partner in crime fighting is the one Akumatized...Has a bit of a panic attack, freaking out at the thought of not only fighting his best friend, but having to fight her alone. It's to the point, Plagg has to get him to transform back so Tikki can help calm him. And she has a plan.
Give someone else a Miraculous to help.
And she even knows the perfect person to give it to.
Thus Chief Charlie Burns, becomes the first offical Miraculous Hero after Beetletron and Felidae Fatale, using the Horse Miraculous to become the cowboy inspired hero Ranger. With Rangers Help their able to beat Haywire and Deakumatize her back into Frankie, she feels guilty about the whole thing and resolves to work even harder as a Hero to make up for it.
The second Burns family member to be entrusted with a Miraculous is surprisingly Graham. as when this universes version of Evilistrator is created, Cody and Frankie considering their options realize, if the Akuma can create ink creatures out of nothing, why not fight fire with fire?
Thus Graham is picked to become Capricorn the holder of the Goat Miraculous and is able to create objects to counter each creature Evilistrator creates till the Akuma runs out of pages in his sketch book and can be then taken out.
Hot on his heels Dani is tapped to become the Bee Hero Hornet to help deal with a super fast Akuma wreaking havoc all across the island. Dani absolutely loves her Hornet get up, it even comes with bee wings that she can use to actually fly!
Kade is the last of the Burns family chosen to be a hero but that doesn't make him any more or less valued then the other. Just that the Ox needed a real challenge that called for it's power. And when an Akuma is able to cause a time dilation effect around it. well. Bullocks ability to utterly no sell any magic that tries to effect him is really your only sane choice now isn't it?
Keep an eye out for a part 2 of this post where talk about the Rescuebot's much more dramatic reveal (Spoiler, The BOTS can be Akumatized to) and the Miraculous they are eventually entrusted with.
#rescue bots#transformers rescue bots humans#transformers#tf#rb#miraculous au#miraculous ladybug#miraculous tikki#miraculous plagg#ladybug miraculous#black cat miraculous#goat miraculous#horse miraculous#bee miraculous#ox miraculous#cody burns#chief charlie burns#graham burns#dani burns#kade burns
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Miracubots AU
Sooooo, me and a friend reconnected after a few years of silence (Thanks depression) and discovered not only do we still share similar old fandom brainrot, but we share NEW fandom brain rot and have very similar opinions about the Miraculous series, which lead into the brainrots fusing and with their permission. I present. THE MIRACUBOTS AU
AKA What if we took the cool and interesting magic system and initial set up of Miraculous....AKA the only good bits, and put it in a show with great writing and characters who we love and who deserve to go feral on a villain every now and again?
The AU takes place instead of the canon season four, Cody is aged up a little to 14/15, Doctor Morroco never lost his Verns device to Madeline Pynch so he's still around to be a menace, and the Prime bots...We haven't fully established if Prime is still happening, or if it's after RiD but the Autobots are still around and mentioned occasionally. And since it's a different version of season 4, the bots are still undercover to the town, only the family knowing they are sentient.
Madeline takes stage as the main villain of the series having acquired the Butterfly Miraculous and after discovering Nooroo and it's power, forcing the Kwami to tell her all about the other Miraculous, including the fact that using two of them, the Ladybug and Black Cat together gives one the power to alter reality.
Seeing an easy way to get her goal of being the riches and most powerful person on the planet, she forces Nooroo to tell her where the Miracle box is, but the poor Kwami can only confirm he senses it on Griffin Rock. With her goal in mind Pynch uses the Butterfly to become Swallowtail creating her first Akuma to draw out the guardian and hopefully the Miraculous she seeks.
Master Fu once he realizes what is happening, charges Tikki and Plagg to find two children they resinate strongly with to become the new holders of their Miraculous, reasoning that Children will be easy to teach and control, and he'd be better able to take the Miraculous back from children if the pair chose poorly.
To no one in this fandom's surprise, Cody Burns is who's picked by Tikki to be her holder. He does try to convince her to go to his dad or siblings so they can protect her after she tells him she's what the Akuma is after. But Tikki insists that she picked the right person to be her holder able to sence Cody having a loving heart full of courage.
Cody becomes the new Ladybug Hero Beetletron! looking very much like a miniature version of one of the Rescuebots, though one with a beetle Altmord, when he asks about it Tikki explains that it's because well, the Rescuebots have more or lest become his mental image of what a hero should *be* and thus the Miraculous copied their form. The name comes from Cody trying to think of a Cybertronian sounding name and vaguely remembering hearing the bots talk about some important mech from Cybertron....something-tron? Well it sounds robotic and he's a beetle so, Beetletron!
Fighting against the Akuma he's joined by another hero, a girl in a cyber punk looking get up, dark leathers and neon greens with a head covering mask, she even has a USB cable acting as a tail that she can use with her tech knowhow to hack! The new Black Cat introduces herself as Felidae Fatale, named for the scientific cat family Felidae, and well, she might not be the classic version of a Femme Fatale, she'll prove she can be just as badass as they can be.
Working together feeling like they've known each other for years though they just met, they beat the Akuma, and when Swallowtail makes her threat to claim their Miraculous's they confidently announce they'll make sure a villain like her, never wins.
In the aftermath the pair meet up and agree, keeping a secret identity from the other would be pretty silly considering the life and death danger their in, so. Reveal themselves.
And Cody laughs crying as he hugs his best friend Frankie, as there really could be no other person it would be.
Feel free to tell me or ask me about this AU, We have a TON of stuff planned out, what Miraculous's people get, Akuma forms for almost everyone. Admitedly have some self-indulgent stuff like putting in OC's we love to use XD but it's all in good fun
#rescue bots#transformers#transformers rescue bots#cody burns#frankie greene#miraculous ladybug#miraculous au#ladybug miraculous#black cat miraculous#miraculous tikki#madeline pynch#tf#Transformers rescue bots humans#maccadam#rb
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I saw ur fic, Reap the Whirlwind, do you mind if I write about the au
Eh sure I'll check it out myself if you do and send the link
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Outward Bound Update!
I keep forgetting to do this, oh well, Outward Bound is up to Five chapters now and look! Their an offical Rescue Team now!
#submas#pokemon emmet#subway boss emmet#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokemon black and white#pokemon black 2#pokemon white 2#AO3 fanfic
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Outward Bound Update!
After almost a fucking *week* straight of having to work, I finally finished the next chapter and we get a little peek at what happened to Bonnie when she fell :3
#submas#subway boss emmet#original child character#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokemon black and white
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Outward Bound Chapter 2
Update is here! And now we get to see things from Bonnie’s prospective, and she’s....Verrrrrrry confused
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Outward Bound
Well I did it, the brainrot infected me and the First Chapter of Outward Bound is posted
Feel free to ask me about anything relating to the fic! Though I’ll be trying to avoid giving spoilers XD
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Emmet Mystery Dungeon AU
Well I’ve fallen ass backwards into hyperfixating on the Submas twins (FUCKING THANKS YOSUKE, EMMET I COMPLETELY BLAME YOU TWO!) To the point I have competing AU’s and this is the one I feel like sharing and am tentitivally writing a story for. I’m on chapter 2 and I have shit planned out WAAAAAAAY out.
The Twins where actually together when they where taken, but they got split and ended up with themselves and their memorys Scattered. Ingo ended up as canon back in time in Hisui.
Emmet got sent to an entirely different space in one of the Mystery Dungeon worlds. Juuuuust as the Arceus of that world noticed things where going wrong and had plucked a human soul from a world without Pokemon to fix it. While the God was puzzled by the extra human he pretty much shrugged ‘Oh well having two can’t hurt’ and put them down in the same place transforming them both into Pokemon.
Emmet: Is a Galvantula, is very confused about what happened and searching for answers. Emmet can recall facts about his past life better then Ingo can, but missing all the context and unless it touches on a deeply personal memory without the emotions. For example upon seeing a pokemon he can typically rattle off facts about it. but has no idea how he knows those things. Emmet is however very aware he’s missing *someone* and feeling their absence like a wound in his side. Overtime the pain fades but he never stops glancing to the side expecting *someone* to be there and is saddened when he sees no one.
Bonnie: The human Arceus actually intended on putting through the wringer, comes from a world without pokemon and other then some fuzzyness around her memorys just before coming to the Pokemon world *doesn’t* have amnesia. Transformed into a Jangamo-o. Is very nervous and suspicious of Emmet when they first meet. Literally the only reason she trusts he used to be human is that he mentioned it first, and the constant train references, even if Emmet seems to lock up and not know when asked anything specific. Eventually warms up to him and bonds very tightly with him.....I know the going vibe is ‘Uncle Emmet and Ingo’ but I give you....Father Emmet, Father Ingo and their two daughters who think the other one is the cool uncle. Comes from a very neglectful homelife, to the point where she’s baffled by the easy affection Emmet gives her but latches onto it and him for dear life. Get’s a grey hat matching Emmet’s and never takes it off. Later down the line after evolving she and Emmet get coats matching the style of Emmet’s Subboss coat with her’s in grey.
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God that is fo aweful, I love playing bards because they can work as great ‘Jack of all trades’ magic users that let you slip into any slot your team currently needs pretty alright. Not as well as a class built for that role but enough to pick up slack when needed. So seeing that terrible meme bard, and a lackadasical DM who just did not care. I feel for you so much.
Why did you stop playing D&D again?
One of the players in the first game I played was a bard who's memeing bullshit ended up making every single scene and encounter and ordeal to get through.
The first encounter in the game involved us having to flee an angry mob that she created. And when she was explaining how she'd pissed off an entire village for no reason and I legit suggested leaving her tied up to their mercy.
And I tried to engage with it to an extent but she just made the whole game so unenjoyable simply because she couldn't stop memeing, and her terrible rolls meant all her memeing was costing us.
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Izanagi Challenge run part 1
Well here we are at the start, I’m starting a clean save and thinking over how I think this is going go.
My best guess is the start is going to be realitivally easy, not exsactly sure how far I’m gonna manage to get, my hopes is to at least beat Chie’s Shadow if not get about half way through the dungeon. She shouldn’t be too hard, but hopefully when I start getting Shuffletimes I get either a Dia card or if I’m lucky a Bufu to help with Yukiko’s Shadow in the future. Thinking about it I don’t see the early game being too hard especally Kanji’s Shadow but who knows what RNGesus has for me.
Middle game largely depends on the skillcards I can get but I can see it being a challege. and oh dear god I am not looking forward to the Amino-Sagiri fight that fight has been the bane of my existance in every other run and I expect no different now. Oddly enough I think I’ll be able to handle the last two bosses pretty ok long as I’m not stupid
I love the fact when you pick Very Hard difficulty the game warns you that you can’t change the difficulty, then immediately says ‘Relax and enjoy the game!’ No, No I’m here to suffer.
For the name I went with Yu Narukami for canon’s sake, I don’t normally use the canon name But might as well for this run.
I’m also not going to go over the story unless it’s somehow related to a dungeon, I find something intresting to comment on, or some way to make a joke. So your pretty much just gonna hear how the dungeon crawling’s doing and how much a boss is pissing me off. And I’ve also recently finished my NG+ Run of the game so Ya I’m gonna be fastforwarding and skipping a lot.
....I’m not the only one who wished in NG+ It was at least an option to ask Yosuke if he was ok when you see him crash right? As it is your a complete jerk to him by ignoring him when he’s in pain and distress twice before helping him out of the trashcan. AND BEST BOI DOESN’T DESERVE THAT SHIT!
Tutorial fight and huh, those shadows definately got a damage boost, ended up using a medicine before the boss...This can only mean good things.
At least Yosuke’s Shadow is an easy boss, weak to Zio meaning Izanagi can just zap him into submission, though he does use Winds of Oblivion which, is a wind skill which we’re weak to.
...I’mma just rant here for a second YOSUKE DESERVED HIS OWN DUNGEON!
Like I get why they did it on several levels, give you a party member before the first dungeon, teach you how boss fights are gonna work. I even get why they thematically did it with his Shadow appearing in Saki’s space.
The thing is though, it doesn’t work properly which sucks because they did it perfectly with Chie who also doesn’t get her own dungeon. Chie’s Shadow takes up residence in Yukiko’s Castle and it fits her issues *perfectly*.
Chie’s problem is her fagile ego, she thinks of Yukiko as being better then her so needs to keep Yukiko co-dependant on her to prop herself up. Which makes it thematically appropriate for Chie’s Shadow to be in Yukiko’s dungon. She views herself soo poorly and as being soo weak she can’t even form a dungeon and can only leech off of Yukiko’s, her ‘betters’ dungeon.
Yosuke....Ok...He...Tries to date Saki to deal with his boredom but...She isn’t the *core* of his boredom or resentment, that’s the town at large, if he saw Saki as a symbol for the town he’d hate her not want to date her. She was a means to an end and while Yosuke’s charicter arch does involve him working through his complicated feelings for her *their not why he formed a dunegon*
Just...I know we just got the Steam port but if Atlus ever does a remake of P4 In the updated P5 Engine, Yosuke deserves to have his own dungeon.
And my estimation of myself took a nose dive when not only did the Shadows of the tutorial fight deal way more damage then I thought, but Yosuke’s Shadow actually killed me...So much for him being an easy boss....
Second attempt I actually remember the tutorial Shadows are weak to Zio (I thought they where weak to phys hence why they got off enough attacks on me I ended up needing one of those medicines I needed for Yosuke’s fight) and Yosuke’s Shadow goes down since it has a pretty damn easy pattern along with it’s Zio weakness, just guard when it uses power charger and when it guards and you’ll be ok.
Anyway first team mate get and thanks to his boyfriend Privileges he will never leave the party.
For real though Yosuke is the only team mate who has wind skills other then Naoto who only has the single target spell (And you only get in October), has the best speed of all your team mates and is the most vercitle learning skills from pretty much every branch avaible to him, want him to be a healer he can heal, want him to be a magic power house he’s got you, wanna do physical he can do physical. His adaptiblity is really second only to the Protags with the Wildcard (Which we don’t have in this run) and I happily keep him at my side through the entire game.
Yosuke Social link go, Chie causing drama, basically filling time till you see Yukiko on the Midnight Channel then hijinks, getting supplys and heading to the castle.
I only got armour for myself and Yosuke and spent the rest on medicines since I...You know...Wanna live through the dungeon.
And I was right to do so as the first Shadow, a pises took out HALF MY HEALTH IN ONE HIT.
Also god damn it P4 Why do I have to manually switch Yosuke and the others to my control it’s soo goddamn annoying to have to do that the first time I use anyone.
First floor cleared and first skill card earned! It’s Tarukaja which...Not what I wanted and I just personally favor the automatic boost skills you can get. And the ones that offer a plus for using it like Yosuke’s Youthful Wind not only being a Sukaja but healing you for some of your health. Course he’s not going to get that skill till january. *Sigh*
About to face Chie’s Shadow and I deside to restore some of Yosk’s SP since he has Garu which she’s weak to and hope for the best, I really hope I’m not gonna have to grind the first floor for this...
First turn and she kills Yosuke. This is only going to go sooooo well.
It went ok...Till I got her into her low health animation and she killed me with a lucky Mabufu. Alright let’s try this again before I go back and....Attempt to grind.
And I got booted all the way back to the town....*Sigh* Least this means I get a reroll on that skill card...IF I get another one.
Which I don’t. *Sighs* and like a fucking IDIOT I forgot to restore Yosuke’s SP before the fight. At least since I resist Zio I could do a little the first turn and settle in for her attack loop.
This time I don’t even make it to her low health animation before she get’s a lucky crit and kills me with Bottomless envy. *Grumbles* Ok I’m starting to get frustrated so, Chie’s Shadow can be smug over her victory while I cool my head for today.
#Persona 4#izanagi#Izanagi challenge#shadow yosuke#yosuke hanamura#Shadow Chie#chie satonaka#I fear I made a mistake
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P4G Izanagi Only Challenge announcement
As I’m currently finishing up the Final dungeon in NG+, I’ve found myself wanting still yet more P4G Fun before I finally go over and play P5R.
As such, I’ve desided to be a bastard to myself and set myself a challenge. Once I have finished, I’m staring a new game. NOT New Game Plus, completely new game, cranking the difficulty up to max and setting out to do the game ONLY with your Intual Persona Izanagi.
My thoughs before I even start the challenge: While the start is gonna be realitivly easy, I can see this game getting real hard real fast due to a lot of factors the key ones in my mind being- Izanagi STOPS learning new skills at roughly level 14 if my memory serves me right, and he DOESN’T learn anything to help with his weaknesses.
So what I’m gonna need to lean heavily on, is luck with the Shuffle time cards and my other Personas. For those potentally new to the games here’s what I mean:
If you win a fight due to a critical hit, an all out attack or you where just lucky enough to sweep the deck during your last Shuffle time. You get taken to a bonus screen where a random number of tarot cards show up, the most common are the minor arcana: Cups, Wands, Coins/pentacles and swords and each one having a different effect that get’s stronger with the number on the card. Cups Heal, coins are money, wands EXP and swords crutally are skill cards that can be used to teach Izanagi skills to cover his weaknesses. Less common are the major arcana cards which, most of which either gives you another chance to pick a card, or raises one of your stats by one. But the Magician arcana card would be the one I’m hunting for the most as the Magican *Gives you a free rank up to one of your skills changing it to a more powerful form* You can’t pick which skill, but it’ll be a big help.
In the case of leaning on my other Personas, there’s a coffee shop in the game, where if you go with a Persona with a card next to one of it’s spells *you get that spell as a skill card*
Admittedly it’s going to be hard to get those skill cards unless I bend the rules a little when I grind and equip those other Persona and just don’t use them purely to level them up as well, I am most likely going to struggle for money the whole run and I doubt I’ll be able to afford to put Growth spells on all of the Persona with useful spells.
Other then that, I’ll pretty much be soley focusing on raising my teams Socal links exclusivly and likely use the days their not avalible to either get money or grind because I can see this run easily going wrong.
As I said, I’m still finishing my NG+ But within the next few days I’ll likely start blogging my reactions to how the runs going. So look forward to updates.
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How's the writings going Also how are you doing Have a good day good vibes and good luck remembers that you are beautiful and valid 😸💐-dream
Heh, I swear I wasn’t delibrately ignoring this, just struggling a lot with Reap and working on a Persona side project so I was at least doing SOMETHING Semi productive with my time. By the time you read this though the newest chapter of Reap should be up so enjoy! :3
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imagine you’re souji/yu and you ask yosuke to meet you in the tv world for practise and he shows up wearing this
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Shadow Circus
(This was a request from @sunflower-frog involving her two Shadow Boi’s who I love very much and I just had to do it!)
Telekami startled as he felt his cables getting pulled off from around Shadow Kanji’s wrist. With an angered hiss the Shadow pulled himself out of his TV set only to blink when he came face to face with a very familiar grin.
“Sorry partner, stealing you.” Cirquedu chuckled adjusting his top hat, Telekami blinked and settled back down inside, his cables looping around Cirquedu’s arms to help him carry his set.
“ ‘Kay, could have warned me. I hate getting suddenly disconnected. You know that.” Cirquedu adjusted his hold on the other Shadow to pet his cables to soothe the static laced growl behind the other’s words.
“I promise you’ll like this surprise.” Telekami perked up, a surprise? From his partner? His cables tightened around Cirquedu eager to find out just what his partner had in store. Cirquedu chuckled fondly at the clingy shadow carrying him to a small brightly coloured and lit tent he’d set up. Inside was a small stage props all ready waiting to go and a half dozen seats in the audience giving the whole thing a close intimate feeling. “I’m going to put on a show for you partner.” Cirquesu grinned setting Telekami’s tv set down gently on the centermost seat where the other Shadow would get the best view.
Telekami rose up out of his TV and settled back against the seat purring at the soft comfortable material, once sure Telekami was settled down and his Tv was in no danger of falling off the seat Yosuke let go of him and tried to pull away.
The TV Shadows Cables where still wrapped around his arms, Circuedu rolled his eyes fondly “Partner.”
“No.” Telekami’s cables tightened.
“Partner I can’t put on a show like this, I need my arms.”
“I’ll come up and do it with you.” Cirquedu chuckled a little.
“Kinda defeats the point of me putting the show on for you doesn’t it? Besides I have a plan for that.” Telekami tilted his head looking like a confused kitten “Look, how about this.” Telekami’s eyes widened as Cirquedu in a movement to fast for him to follow pulled a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere and presented them to him “White magnolias for you, yellow carnations for me.” Telekami delicately took the flowers from Cirquedu in one of his cables. “Just for the show you hold onto those, and after you can cling on to me all you want.”
Telekami looked between the flowers and Cirquedu before hugging them to his chest leaning back against the seat “Alright.” He considered though there was a small pout on the shadows face as his cables loosened letting Yosuke free.
With a single powerful hop Cirquedu was on the stage and with a feral grin bowed to his audience of one. “I AM CIRQUEDU, THE SHADOW FORMERLY KNOWN AS JIRAIYA! PLEASE ENJOY THE SHOW!” Music started to play as with a flick of his wrist Cirquedu produced one of the Kunai his other self was so fond of, he carelessly tossed it into the air letting it twist and spin before catching and repeating. He flicked the blade with one hand letting it settle into a rhythm before he did the same with the other hand producing the Kunai’s twin from thin air and flicking it into the air.
The Kunai dipped in and out of rhythm with each other, though Cirquedu kept up with careless ease. Then he changed the game, at the same time a third and fourth Kunai appeared in his hands and Cirquedu shifted from simply flicking and catching the knives to juggling them.
The Kunai glinted in the stage lights transfixing Telekami as he watched them constantly spin and twist between one of Cirquedu’s hands to the other, the edges threatening to slice the other Shadow but never managing to catch him unawares. The music suddenly cut out as Cirquedu tossed all four kunai into the air letting them spin, just as they started to fall he opened his mouth long frog tongue flicking out and catching them all perfectly by the handle.
Telekami applauded as Cirquedu bowed to him, His cables made to start to pull him off the seat before Cirquedu tisked at him “Pretty poor show if I only do one trick partner.”
“Two.” Telekami’s cables held up the flowers.
“Just settle down ok? The shows just starting.” Telekami pouted settling back in his seat.
From there Cirquedu flittered quickly from magic trick to magic trick, following the kunai juggling with some a little less impressive card tricks, until Cirquedu started flicking the cards into the air letting them burst into flames producing birds that flew around the stage. Telekami watched eagerly as Cirquedu took his hat off the birds diving down into it, once all the birds had vanished the Shadow reached in and pulled out a rather annoyed looking Beast.
Cirquedu’s eyes widened and he hurriedly shoves it back in before giving Telekami a smile and putting the hat back on. “You know what let’s get to the finale shall we?” He laughed trying not to let on the Beast hadn’t been part of the act. “For my final trick, I need a volunteer from the audience.”
Telekami blinked startled pointing at himself, Cirquedu chuckling offering a hand “Yes partner that means you.” Telekami smiled grabbing onto Cirquedu’s hand with his own and using his cables to help get his TV set on the stage.
“What do I do?” Cirquedu grinned pulling him over to a large box on the stage.
“I’m going to get in, your going to close the door, spin the box once and open it again.” Telekami blinked watching as Cirquedu opened up the box.
“That’s it?”
“Trust me you’ll be impressed.” Cirquedu flashed him a cocky grin “You up for it Partner?” Telekami nodded watching as he stepped in, he carefully shut the door and followed his instructions spinning the box on it’s pedestal once before opening the box revealing-
Telekami’s eyes widened in alarm cables reaching in and checking every inch.
Cirquedu was gone.
Telekami let out a low whine of panic trying to think of what could have happened to the other Shadow when he felt a tapping on his shoulder spinning around a snarl on his face for who ever was distracting him from finding-
“Good trick huh partner?” Cirquedu grinned Telekami staring at him blank faced. Cirquedu’s smile faltered worried by the others look and silence “Partner? Telekami? Are you alr-” Cirquedu yelped as clawed arms and aggressive cables wrapped around him pulling him into a chokingly tight hug Telekami’s chest reverberating with static laced hisses and growls.
“Don’t DO that to me!” Telekami hissed Cirquedu wincing as the embrace tightened “I thought I lost you, that I’d never get to hold you again…”
“...Alright on reflection maaaaybe a vanishing act wasn’t the best magic trick I could have used…” Cirquedu tried to pull away only for Telekami to snarl and tighten his grip “...And I’m going nowhere.”
“Nope.” one of the TV Shadows Cables scooped up the flowers Cirquedu had given him and pulled them into the tight embrace with the two shadows content to spend the rest of the day tied up like this with his dear Partner.
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