#i really didnt expect his death to hit me as hard as it did?
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nyxdoingartsometimes · 8 months ago
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Flame Breathing Esoteric Art Ninth Form:
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dabuerre · 3 months ago
so, normally, i would post way more, about specific episodes, as i tried to do, but like damn. my watch of season 2 absolutely flew by.
i have so many thoughts about everything. i think this is for me the same thing as star trek. thats the highest compliment i can give it.
i love the "crew". with every new episode, sam grows more beautiful.
"Holiday" hit me pretty hard, which i didnt expect.
apophis is dead? damn bro. like finally. but he died the most horrible death. i feel awful for his host. because, even though Daniel Jackson did the whole capture the soul in the statuette thingie, it doesn't matter, because heru-ur probably keeps torturing him eternally. not sure.
my god. "One False Step". also incredibly good. i knew, that Jack cared deeply for Daniel, but their friendship wasn't really there. something was missing for me, i guess. this episode completed it for me. that scene, when they are sitting on the hospital bed apologizing to each other? perfection. and the whole idea behind the concept, with the singing mushroom guys, i love this episode so fucking much. when daniel exploded with the whole "we are genociding a people" i was genuinely very worried that they are just gonna all die.
"Show and Tell". the Retoor. so fucking cool damn. but creepy asfuck aswell. that whole mother business creeped me the hell out. when the boy told Jack that he wanted to be called "Charlie" i was devastated, because i thought for the third time, Jack was gonna lose his son. atleast that didnt happen, ig. i do think though that the Retoor are possibly even a bigger threat then the Goa'Ulds.
"1969" was my kind of episode. absolute perfection. we got. time travel shenanigans check. we got hippies in a cool fucking bus? check. we got young lieutenant hammond? check. loved the whole road trip feel that the episode has. i think the actress for "old" Clarissa was not well chosen though. small nitpick.
and now, "Out of My Mind". now i immedietally you know that only Jack being in 2077 was impossible. the show couldnt continue if they got off-screened. but in my mind i assumed that maybe Jack is gonna time travel back to 1997 or something. but then when the Tok'ra doctor gave him the "high-tech hypnosis" device, i suspected that something shady is going on. the Teal'c insert, with the whole speech, and Bratak being beaten, was suprising to me. i genuinely thought more people would rally. but again, stargate is perfection, cuz yeah. these people completely lost their identity. like, jaffa, to me, is a title, right? Teal'c is not a jaffa, he is Tauri, i guess, be grew up on Chulak. so are they Chulakians? were there ever a time when they weren't occupied by the Goa'ulds? idk. cool to thing about. more to come i hope.
and then of course came the peak moment. now i dont really ship Jack and Carter yet. atleast i didnt use to. i thought they worked completely well as just great friends who have huge respect for each other. but when Jack killed Hathor, in that manner, and then the hug... yeah man, i knew. i knew haha. but yeah, not possible. fuck regulations. so i guess this will be another Beverly situation.
gonna start watching season 3 now. im so happy that i found this series haha. i thought it would take longer to find something on the same level as startrek. you people got it good in the 00s. haha.
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empty-dream · 4 months ago
Just played To The Moon Beach Episode
Just kidding it's been almost one month since I played and I'm NOT over it.
Chronologically taking place sometime after the end of Impostor Factory, specifically after the Bestest Dancers comic.
Happy note first, I LOVE the surfing minigame. I played with all 4 characters just so I could get all the winner banners lmao.
Also the conversations, when funny, are funny as fuck, classic Freedbird Games.
My favorites were the night pool scene and the basement scene. I LOST MY SHIT lmaooo.
The beach memories with messages from players is so cool and heartwarming. Is there any way I can put my message there too? I'd probably write an essay inside tho.
Kan (and I assume his wife and son?) makes an appearance is so cute.
On the other hand, it is indeed the most depressing beach episode.
Or rather, the first half was wacky as shit with just a sliver of hints, and then BOOM DEPRESSION.
The aforementioned night pool scene? When I picked "says nothing" I laughed my ass off. Then I restarted the game at that point and picked "show approval" thinking that it would lead to another hilarious exchange. It slapped me with realistic truth and sad what-ifs instead.
Kan Gao made To the Moon when he was mulling over mortality since his grandpa had life-threatening illness, and since then it has always been about grief and questions revolving death and life.
And I personally feel like the Beach Episode is the peak of everything the series is about: Grief, regret, what-if, the parameter of "a great life."
After following the series for around a decade, it just hits so hard I still don't even know what to say.
"I wanted to build you a garden." "You didn't give me enough time to prepare." WHAT THE FUCK BRO YOU CANT JUST DO THIS TO ME TT O TT
You know, when you think about it, what happened to Neil and Eva is exactly the opposite of Quincy and Lynri.
The only reason why Neil never confesses to Eva, despite loving her since teenager, was because he knew the pain of losing a loved one like how his father Quincy lost his mother Lynri, and Neil didn't want that to happen to Eva.
And it was all for nothing. Eva still ends up doing exactly what Neil fears, and WORSE.
Not only she suffers watching him die and losing him in the end, she keeps reliving all their days together. Since the very first game in fact. It's the only explanation why there was pain signal even in real life back in the first game and why the Minisode had Eva in her room.
It begs the question, would it have been better if he admitted his condition and feelings for Eva sooner? If instead of fearing what would happen in the end, Neil opened up earlier, like how Lynri did to Quincy? If Neil and Eva had more time, if Eva had more time to prepare, if they had more time to be together in the way that they've always wanted, if they had more time to make peace with the knowledge of what would come together, would it be any better?
I personally don't know the answer to that. At first glance, I thought the answer would be yes. But somewhere in my heart, I knew it'd still hurt anyway. It'd be just a different kind of pain. And I don't know if it's fundamentally right to compare those pains.
When they say grief is a difficult topic, they are not kidding.
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eternalera · 1 year ago
Some problems i had with the finale in hazbin hotel
now before i start i just wanna say that i absolutely love and adore this show with all of my heart but with that being said i can still recognize its flaws and god does it have some
lets get one of the most obvious things out of the way first. charlie did literally nothing. she hit adam once or twice and he beat the shti out of her which was just a dumb excuse to have lucifer show up nad beat the shit out of him.
but more on that later. charlie is the main character and she only gets the motivation to go full 'god mode' when sir pentious dies? even then she didnt do anything. dazzle ends up dying but oh well its fine (or razzle i cant remember). she stabs adam once and even then he beats her up more than anything. hes powerful yes but charlie couldve put up more of a fight
she even has a song in episode 7 about taking charge but honestly... she doesnt really do that. actually sir pentious had a better arc than her and we hardly see him throughout the entire show
sir pentious' death was fine we see him gearing up and it was kinda leading onto the big scene where he would take on adam but...
bro got obliterated in less than like a second and then adam made a joke off of it. tbh at this moment i started laughing so hard because goddamn was it hilarious but then you have charlie and the hotel mourning it like not even five seconds after- like half a second after the joke.
the tonal whiplash of that scene was just... ugh-
like i didnt care about it being serious because guess what? im already laughing at the joke like everything that i cared for about him just thrown into the gutter because guess what? haha funny :)
but for that to be what makes charlie go into her full form still makes me mad- ugh
adams death was fine. he was killed by nifty so like- okay i guess. honestly i didnt really care for it. it was funny but then ONCE AGAIN you have lute cry over him and actually i cared more for that than nifty-
but its just like- nifty?
dont get me wrong its funny asf but... nifty? they treated both of what was meant to be serious deaths in this show as a goddamn joke and expect me to not call them out on it? like okay nifty shes a funny character but her killing adam just made me go though 3 different stages in the span of like- five seconds
bro just got stabbed wait what-
omg its nifty thats kinda funny
actually i dont really care for nifty so wtf-
like huh?
the death just kinda felt like... nothing to me. like i get thats its funny misogynistic asshole gets stabbed by crazy straight small bug woman. but i didnt really care for it. nfitys fine but i dont care about her enough for me to laugh out loud at this moment
lucifer's entrance was horrible. bro can open portals, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was coming yet he comes in like- halfway through the fight only when charlie's getting hurt
all im sayin is that if he was in it at the start the final episode wouldve been like half the amount of time it actually was...
oh yeah and pentious would be alive, but no they needed him to die to show that the hotel works so why not just hold him off.
im sorry but lucifer stole all of charlies glamour in this scene like charlie was getting choked after hitting adam once and then boom. daddy to the rescue ig
like are you kidding me? at least make it fucking vaggie or smth. not lucifer and why was he late? we've pretty much established that man doesnt do shit so like-
its fucking pointless it a quick and pretty damn cheesy ending. if he wasnt there at the start we dont need him at the end. or at least have him arrive earlier not at a convenient ass time
going back to the fact that NOT A SINGLE DEATH WAS TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
i know that sir pentious was coming back so its fine to make it a joke but like adam? bro thats your main villain right there. a show is only as good as its villain and honestly his death just wasnt satisfying (as i mentioned before)
like seriously wtf?
this all being said though i really enjoyed this show with my whole heart and i do love it and some of the things that it did. the fact that this show even got out is a goddamn miracle <3
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petorahs · 2 years ago
holyfrick. wait. kaveh. he's kinda so relatable to me
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i didnt expect his character stories to hit so hard 😭 i get the feeling that they really put in the effort to weave his viewpoints and why they both work and fall apart. I feel like he's also the dev's take on art in an increasingly capitalistic environment + artblock... its all so wordy and poetic i kinda love him.
more of my faves from his lore:
A person who wished to ascend to the garden of heaven upon steps made of thin air would inevitably plant their feet on an empty stair and fall to their death. As a genius, Kaveh longed to belong in a crowd, subconsciously fearing separation from it — this was the difference between him and Alhaitham.
People should not give up, for even if they are doing good in an attempt to make up for something, the results will still have meaning for some. Even if he could not enter that promised land of his ideals, that did not mean the radiance and the attraction of such a realm should be denied.
Page 31: Some academic notes and architectural drawings. Postscript: "Our views are aligned, and they are complete." This line has been struck out. "Our views are contradictory, but it is through contradiction that more speculation and philosophy may be born." This line has been retained.
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monotonecomplainyguy · 2 years ago
For the send a fandom: Tsushima.
Left field. Bitch.
Mofo making me add yet another game onto this blog, spoiler alert I loved ghost of tsushima and think everyone should play it. ps. spoilers ahead cause I cant for the life of me figure out how to hide text till you click it.
The first character I fell in love with: tbh Yuna, her blatant disregard for the rules and expectations in favor of doing good is great, even if that good is selfish from time to time. Her growth throughout the story just reaffirms this even more too.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: That'll have to go to Masako, her introduction led me to believe that her as a character would be nothing more than a cheap revenge ploy, and while her questline kinda leaned into that hard her as a character grew on me. The duel with her had me literally yelling that I better not have to kill her.
The character everyone else loves that I dont: Shoot me, but Ryuzo. As a character hes as good as every other major character but thats why I dont like him, his betrayal hits hard especially after listening to the banter between him and Jin about their childhoods. As they spoke about parting ways after their initial duel I seriously hoped they could reconnect over the course of saving their home.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I dont know if hes necessarily a hated character but Ive heard several people say they really didnt like Norio. A lot of people say his quest is two dimensional and bland but looking past that Norio feels like the only character that really understands Jin's struggle with what needs to be done and his expectations as a samurai. Through the second and third act he feels like a reassurance at Jin's back, that his decision is a difficult one but one that needs to be made.
The character I used to love but dont any longer: Ishikawa, Initially I thought he would be the basis for a growing understanding that what Jin and Yuna did was necessary, especially with what he did with Tomoe. But he remained just as stubborn and while I can understand why it doesn't mean I have to like it. Hes a good character but not my cup of tea.
The character I would totally smooch: Probably no one in the way you would expect, but Yuriko needed a kiss on the forehead and praise for doing such a good job even in her old age and told not to worry about Jin. At least she was one of the few that got to pass peacefully.
The character I'd want to be like: Taka hands down, he tries so hard to be something hes not, and when he found a way he could help he put his heart into it. Then even in the face of the Khan he put on a brave face and knowing full well he stood no chance tried to do what he thought was right. In many ways hes a reflection of Jin yet not so gifted that he can fight for his home, yet he still raised a sword when it mattered the most. His death by far killed me the most.
The character I'd slap: Lord Shimura, this man infuriates me so much yet I cant hate him because of how sad he is. The ending killed me, seeing his pain in having to face Jin, losing the person he considered his Son, and even more so after sparing him. He could've helped change everything and even if he disowned Jin officially he could've still let him go after everything that happened. But now he continued to be shackled by his idealology of honor and it forced him to push away his son all the more. I get its not easy to change what someone is raised to believe in whole heartedly but you would expect the loss of the last of your family to help with that, but no.
A pairing that I love: Jin and Tomoe, I feel like they are two very different edges of the same coin. Jin choosing a path that leads to a great many regrets that become overshadowed by the good that followed, and Tomoe falling down a selfish path filled with many more regrets and struggling to correct it. Is this generic? maybe, is it cliché enough that I like it still? of course. What do you want from me cliché is my middle name. Also yes Im aware she hardly had any screen time and her and Jin hardly interacted, I like thinking about unlikely things, its called headcannon for a reason.
A pairing that I despise: I dont despise it but I dont really like it either, Jin and Yuna feels kinda wrong. The two of them went through so much together and it feels like one of those dynamics thats very rooted in a deep friendship and nothing more. Plus after spending so much time together in so many stressful scenarios changing how they see each other would be a monumental challenge, especially after Yuna lost Taka and would most likely be hesitant about getting close to someone else. Losing a family member often causes people to push away the thought of relationships for awhile.
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offsidekineticist · 2 years ago
△ - What happened between you and your brother?
Thanks for the ask! Also, oof, right for the jugular. Full disclosure, Regill remembers this a little differently.
CW: accusations of genocide, physical violence between siblings, death of a parent
Ask him - he's the one who left.
Alright, alright. Fine. So things between us were always kind of weird - we're half-brothers, so we didn't actually meet until I was seven and he was five. And I just didn't fit in as a kid. I was the bastard with the weird accent and the massive outbursts and clothes scavenged somewhere between Katapesh and Finderplain. But we found a sort of mutually beneficial arrangement - I mean, I counted him as my friend, but I think he just saw me as this useful nuisance he was onligated to tolerate. And that was OK, I was fine with that. I loved him because he was my brother. He didn't have to feel the same way.
And it worked out fine until he joined the hellknights. I thought he was crazy, but he wanted me to understand - I don't know why he cared so much - so he tried to explain. It didn't really work. I mean - ok. Hypothetically, if the hellknights get their perfectly ordered world, what do you think happens to gnomes? We die. We bleach and we die. It's the easiest genocide in the world because they can just stand there and do nothing, and we'll start dropping like flies, and here's Regill deciding he's going go be a good little undesirable and help things along. And Regill tries to come up with excuses about bleachlings and Irrere and returning to the First World, and I'm not having it, and -
Do I really have go into detail? Fine. He says something about how I "should know better than most the cost of refusing to accept the bleaching." I lived with my mother until she died when I was a child. She died of the bleaching. That's why she had me.
I loved my mother. I still do. She was amazing. Best mother I could have asked for, and she deserved a better son than me. And here's Regill, who never met her, acting like it's obvious she should've just lay down and died instead of being my mother, like she didnt deserve every second she could claw back from her curse. And I always knew he didn't think much of me, but that he just took it for granted that I'd agree I was a mistake -
I backhanded him so hard that the only reason he didn't hit the floor was that there was a table there to catch him. I had a temper, and we fought plenty, but that was the first time I ever physically attacked him. But, I mean - what did he think I was going to do? You don't say shit like that! I don't care how right you think you are, my mother is off fucking limits. And he looks at me like he's expecting me to apologize like I always do when I lash out and we fight, but he went after my fucking mother, I'm not apologizing! And when he figures that out, instead of manning up and apologizing for what he said, he just fucking bolts out the door. Not so much as a "fuck you" on the way out.
And that's it. Next time I saw him, he was hanging on a hook in the Lost Chapel. And before you ask, no, this had nothing to do with why we didn't divert to help his unit. I'm not that petty. We didn't divert because I thought the whole thing had 'cultist trap' written all over it. I was wrong, and I failed him.
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acaciapines · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
i was tagged by @snarky-wallflower and i love talking, lets go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
70 total, but 5 of those are chara's! so under my name its 65.
2. What’s your total word count?
cannot wait to break 2 million w the owl house daemon au. lets go!! never stop!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whatever i'm into, but for fandoms i see myself continuing to write for in the near-ish future: deltarune and the owl house!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you're something special: my first kris-identity fic! i have mixed feelings on this one lol. you can tell its the first i wrote and i hadnt yet solidified my version of kris, tho i think this one probably fits better with canon. overall i like it though!
but then a bigger heart grew back: ooooooh i REALLY love this one. its postcanon owl house fic centering on hunter's grief over flapjack's death and his friendship with waffles!!! i wrote and posted it the DAY after the finale came out which is still really wild to me. its also the only fic ive seen that uses my favorite headcanon of 'hunter didnt carve waffles, she found him' which im so so fond of.
i hope your organs fail you (before i do): this was the first deltarune fic i wrote after chapter 2 came out!! the beginning of my deltarune spiral....its sort of a messy non-chronological look at deltarune's various routes and how kris might experiencing the game's multiple save files. also it has such a banger title. salt lake city by motherfolk is just banger after banger lyrics-wise
non-imaginary friends: god i hate that this is up here dkgjdfg i wrote it back when deltarune first came out and it SHOWS. i refuse to reread it but i think it's kris trying and failing to introduce the dark worlds to asriel. c'mon guys ive written so many better deltarune fics. blease. let this one rest in the past <3
we don't belong (but we're together): oooh, a warrior cats one! im....i mean, this one is like, fine, i guess. it follows hollyleaf and jayfeather in an au where the two of them flee through the tunnels. it has fun lore and i do like my oc pine but. man. its also the fic where i gave hollyleaf a power and if theres one thing i would change about my warriors au its that holly would NOT get a power. this is why i pre-write all my fics before posting now!
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes!! or at least i try my best to. i love and appreciate all my comments sometimes im just Bad at responding to them....i never know what to say beyond 'wow thank you' so sometimes i try to focus more on comments where i can actually say something of substance, yknow?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh thats hard hmmmmmmm. i think i'd have to say it's and i want to tell you something-- which is a fic about kris & ralsei & the player/soul, where susie and noelle try to save kris from the soul, but both kris and ralsei know they cant survive without it. so in the end kris shatters the soul and is implied to die rather than keep being trapped.
its!!! certainly a time!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm. i think most of my ending are pretty bittersweet so in terms of pure happy ending...gonna go for a deep cut here and say its my naddpod fic +1 dad in which moonshine meets lucanus when shes a kid and they hit it off and they get to have that father-daughter relationship from the start. bc lucanus is the BEST naddpod npc and oh my god he loves his daughter so so much you guys--
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but its never been like, super major. the funniest time is. i deleted the comment so i dont have the exact wording but im pretty sure someone called me a fandom-deserting cur for. not writing more warrior cat fanfiction?
like what were they expecting. truly.
9. Do you write smut?
no im very aroace lol. i barely write romance.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i used to!!! i did the adventure zone crossed with both how to train your dragon and pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky. i was a different person back then. i dont think i'd do it now, but. who knows.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i HAVE had a fic pod-ficced which is still so amazing. like......woag. someone liked my fic enough to read the words out loud?????? huh????
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not exactly co-written but both sometimes i think i left you just to see if i'd be missed and a buy one, get one free sort of friend were inspired by conversations i had with my friend @hyperfixations-go-brr! they would not have existed without those long discord chats. halloween festival will live on forever. synth my love.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
im not super into ships beyond like. basic 'oh thats fun' when reading but i WILL actually give the two im the most excited to write in my dess raises kris au someday:
noelle/susie/ralsei: YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. like. this is an au where noelle basically replaces kris in the fun gang but not in the prophecy and dkjgdfg its about. this budding relationship. and ralsei clinging to the prophecy that doesnt want noelle here and susie who bucks against anything that acts like it knows what shes supposed to do and noelle struggling with the return of her sister and a world that wants to write her out of the story and all of them wanting to be there for their friends but ralsei is dealing with so so much and in the end she gets to throw off her chains and be free <3 noelle/susie/ralsei is so real in my heart.
dess/chara: literally the funniest queerplatonic relationship ever. theyre reluctant coparents. dess trusts chara with kris's life. chara would never ever let dess watch either frisk OR kris unsupervised. chara is 'i can fix you' to dess's 'im literally the most perfect wife in the world.' dess doesn't believe romantic love is a real thing people feel. chara puts xir kids above everything else. dess never asked to be a mother even though she literally kidnapped her best friends baby sibling. they get married for the tax benefits. they should absolutely get a divorce.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh god theres so many i would love to finish but its been so long i doubt i'll go back to them lol. the sequel to +1 dad that involves baby moonshine going to gladeholm. wall-e daemon au. gravity falls transcedence au daemon au. percy jackson daemon au. deltarune daemon au fangame.
as you can see its mostly various daemon aus. they were fun while they lasted! but ive moved on </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
pov you are me suddenly forgetting every single thing i have ever written.
i think im very good at writing otherkin or otherwise nonhuman characters. the comments that always bring me the most joy are those on my otherkin fics, by people who were able to see themselves in what i wrote--i think this is a thing that took me a lot of failed attempts to get just right and im really really proud of what i have.
im very good at writing daemon aus <3 there is sort of. an art to figuring out if one a work even needs daemons and two how daemons enhance or add to some aspect of the original work. theres a lot of things i like that i dont think really work with daemons but i always really enjoy figuring out how to add daemons and how to make my daemons like, characters in their own right, you know?
i like to think im good at dialogue and characterization! theres a few characters--kris and the collector, firefly to an extent--that im really proud of the voices i've made for them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fight scenes. fight scenes. oh my god i hate them so much they are SO HARD. stop making me put!! visual things!! in my text based medium!!!
really any scene that relies on having a strong idea of like, physical descriptions and sense of a place--i have aphantasia so having to describe scenery and landscape and just, anything really is always a struggle for me.
i also struggle with pacing, to an extent, especially across longer works (im looking at you, owl house daemon au)--knowing how long a plot arc needs to last and how to make it interesting still even when its going to be around for 600k+ words is a challenge and if the owl house daemon au was my first massive fic undertaking i dont think i'd be able to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
god im so bad at it but i really really am trying to be better--one big thing im going to focus on in my owl house daemon au edit is based on this because i want luz's identity to stick with her throughout the fic rather than it taking a backseat, but i am not a spanish speaker!! i know like, a LITTLE, but nowhere near enough to feel confident writing it.
so. its a time!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats. and beyond just 'oh its the first fandom i posted fic for' no i was writing warrior cat fanfiction from the START. i was out there on the playground coming up with warrior cat ocs. i was printing this stuff out in the school library. i would hand-write fanfiction about my childhood cats becoming warrior cats and starting their own clan. i would roleplay warrior cats on my bedroom floor with pictures of cats i cut out of printer paper and bits of plastic folders i folded into triangles and write down the stories i came up with.
i was the most warrior cat kid to warrior cat kid. I Have Always Been This Way.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
ohhhhhh this is SUCH a tough question i have so many im so fond of, but i think i'm going to have to go with alterhuman. it's an animorphs fic about tobias post-canon and its an exploration of species identity and being a hawk and as a red-tailed hawk myself, a lot of it is deeply personal, a lot of it is my love letter to animorphs, and a lot of it is neffit, who is the best oc i have ever created, hands down.
as for tags, uh....anybody who wants to talk about their fics! even if we dont know each other!! go forth! ramble on about your own stuff for an hour!! truly so so fun.
also @wynterwulf7 and @mackerelgray and @hyperfixations-go-brr. obviously. <3 even if its about fic that isnt on ao3.
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haunter-geist · 1 year ago
tw graphic descriptions of animal death;
grief is really hard to cope with, its kind of odd because ive lost people in my life before, like my nanas when i was a lot younger, but now losing my cat it. hits harder. Daimyo was my orange baby and best friend, this past year his health had been noticeably declining VERY quickly and he had been rapidly losing weight, and i knew he was close to the end a few months back when he started clinging to me and getting upset every time i left the room.
This cat loved me, the night before his passing when we were heading to bed, he curled up on a chair where my phone was placed (as there was no room on the bed) directly next to my head, and i knew he was dying in the morning when he got upset with me holding him, and simply flopping onto the bed when i set him down. He actively turned away from the tunafish i tried to give him in my vain attempt to get him to get up. Selfishly i couldnt sit and watch, and headed over to my siblings house to do something i had already planned for that day. I later heard once i got there, from my grandfather on the phone that Daimyo had tried to get up only to flop over onto the floor.
He held out for me. waited till he could be brought to me to pass. I heard him sniffle and maybe gasp for air before he looked at everyone else around me, and me, as i saw him grunt in pain at his body shutting down. The tears i had been so desperate to hold in during this finally spillt from my eyes, and i couldnt sit and watch his lifeless body, or his burial.
The room feels empty without him, his purring (which he did near constantly since he was very young. very content kitty, not like in the pain relieving way although it may have been that way towards the end of his life) was always very loud and i could easily hear it across the room. Its gone. I keep thinking i see him everywhere, i keep expecting him to try and leave the room to go scratch his claws on the carpet outside, im expecting to hear him meow for food, or the trickle of water as he drank from his fountain. or the sound of him at his cat box. Every sign of him is gone and i have a sinus infection so i cant smell whats left. my best friend of 15 years isnt here anymore and its so hard to cope with.
As hard as i try to be a rock for the rest of my family, whos affected as much as i am, i keep finding myself crying or breaking down, especially in the small moments where im alone. I miss him and the way he used to call for me whenever i paced in the hotel hallways with the door propped open a crack (which hed watch me through)
i miss being a 4/5 year old and holding him when he was a kitten and so so tiny.
I just wished i could have done something, but his health was out of my hands, as i had little to no transportation, and a father who refused to take him to the vet. Who loaded all of the responsibility onto someone with no job, money, transport, bank account, or phone service. i did my best to find vet services, and yet he still refused to take care of daimyo. I tried my best to spoil him in these last few months
i knew these months were past the point of no return in a way, i knew he wasnt going to get better even when he did start eating again. i gave him tiny bits of cheese, plenty of treats, catnip, anything to make him happy. he used to reach up and grab the cheese out of my hands while standing on his hind legs, i could get him to do tricks.
I knew when he stopped playing with his favorite toys a few months ago it was close and i still didnt want to think about it
i just wanted him to get better.
i tried my hardest to convince my dad to do something for years so maybe just maybe daimyo could stay for a few months to years longer. i just want him back. the memories are here yes but it feels like a piece of me is missing. im 19 and 15 of the years i had on this earth were with him. what am i to do? I knew it would be hard, but i didnt think it would feel like this. I didnt think it would hurt this bad.
i dont even want to wash the clothes i have that have throwup stains or hair on them, because its some sort of piece of him i can keep as weird and gross as it is. i just dont want to let him go.
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babesonly · 3 years ago
just watched the new texas chainsaw massacre! mixed emotions abt it will elaborate in the tags don't read if you don't want spoilers
#the good: i actually really liked the first kill it was very unique in a way that made it genuinely shocking#a lot of kills in this type of movies are overdone but breaking someones arm to stab them with their own bone? definitely isnt!!!#was expecting the iv stand to come into play was pleasantly surprised they got mire creative#definitely my favorite kill#least favorite kill was the bus scene 100%#it was very silly but clearly not Meant to be silly (the kill part. the recording part was funny on purpose the kill part was just dumb)#the fact the windows couldve opened the whole time and not one person tried until the very end...#sally asking if he remembered her was really funny like girl you were a teenager how tf would he recognize you 😭#lila being a school shooting survivor was handled weirdly#it was focused on too much and not enough. like they brought it up SO much but also when she had to shoot someone with a gun her ptsd#somehow didnt come into play at All? idk i just dont think they thought very hard abt it#unimpressed w characters none of them were very interesting except maybe lila. they never made me care abt these ppl so the kills didnt hit#melodys death wasnt a shocking as they clearly wanted it to be everyone knows if you dont see a corpse the killer isnt dead i knew he was#gonna get one or both of them from the car#i DID like him spinning around w the chainsaw to parallel the 1st movie#whether he wins or loses he IS gonna do a funny little dance with his chainsaw#overall it was like#it was a fun watch i don't feel like i wasted my time with it but the writing quality was spotty and they relied too much on visually#interesting kills to try to make up for that#OH also i will say i thought redneck guy was gonna play a bigger role than he did and think the movie could've been more fun if he did
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Our little love - mafia/soft Yandere au OT7 Drabble
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So I might’ve started this with a little angst and really soft hints of yandere behaviour however I think I might do a part two for this with a little bit more yandere and jealousy vibes (I got ideas okay, just needed a starting point)
“Tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet in your head little love?” Even with the gun pressed firmly against your head, the cold of the barrel threatening to do as he said, you know Yoongi won’t do it, even if you deserved it.
All seven of them stand around you, no matter which way you face you’re met with the disappointment and the consequence of your betrayal in their eyes, but you refuse to look down in shame, you deserved to feel the guilt that pumped in your veins.
“He asked you a question Y/n,” Jin doesn’t have the smile he reserves for you on his face, all their demenor’s are cold, and you are the reason why.
“You love me,” you whisper, looking Yoongi dead in the face with no fear.
“I thought you loved us too,” Namjoon steps forward, breaking the circle around you, coming close to stand next to Yoongi. He has his hands in the pockets of his black blazer, silver hair pushed back.
“Was it all a lie?” if a voice could break you it would always be Jungkook’s, he was the one it took the longest to become close to, and when you had you could see the softness in his eyes despite his career. Of course he would sound the most hurt, he trusted you the most.
Yoongi, with his unfaltering gun, was the other member of their team that took you almost as long as Jungkook to get close to. While Jungkook was just shy, Yoongi didn’t trust anyone, he pushed people away, hurt them to keep them far, you learnt that the hard way. While his eyes looked like they held no emotion in this moment, you knew better, he had shown you his soul, you could see behind the barrier of his expression.
You took his wrist into your hand and pressed the gun harder against you.
“You should shoot me,” it would be better to be dead than live without them, they would never forgive you for what you’d done. The betrayal cut too deep, these wounds wouldn’t heal.
Yoongi scoffs, but you don’t let his wrist go.
“I told you all she shouldn’t be trusted,” he says to the others. “Why would a girl like her fall for men like us?”
You can feel the pain in his words, because above all else, no matter what he says, Yoongi just wants to be loved. They all do, that’s why it was almost too easy.
“Well now we know, don’t we babe?”
“That wasn’t my intention,” you swallow the sob that threatens to rise in your throat, you hate seeing him like this, you hate that you’re the reason why they’re hurt. Every time they came home with a bullet, or a cut or wound, it would kill you inside and you realised then you were compromised.
“No your intention was to infiltrate our defenses and rat us out,” Jimin’s the one to chime in, standing next to Tae who looks at you like you’re dead to him.
“Detective L/n, did you really think we’d never find out?”
You look to your side to make sure Jimin could see the honesty in your eyes.
“It wasn’t my intention to fall for you,” you sound like you’re choking with the way you’re holding back tears, but you don’t want to cry in front of them, it would feel like giving up.
You were assigned to go undercover to infiltrate the uprising gang called BTS, they climbed the heirarchy of organised crime too quickly, too dangerously, something had to be done. You went in with every intention set to take them down until you got to know them, love them, and you knew then you couldn’t do your job. The internal battle to do what was right but felt wrong and what was wrong but felt so right was causing all your morals to be questioned.
Tae scoffs at you now, not believing a word from your mouth.
“I don’t think we should kill her Hyung,” he says to Yoongi, “she needs to feel her betrayal, it would be too easy to escape us with death.”
Namjoon hums in agreement. The cold of the gun leaves your skin and you almost feel unsteady without it. Yoongi doesn’t look at you anymore now that it’s not there, instead he takes your wrist as you previously had, and they walk you to the car. You don’t fight, or talk, or argue, or ask what they wanted to do to you.
The boys had trusted you infinitely, while others had agendas and seeked their downfall they knew you were the only one that wouldn’t betray them, how wrong they were. For your safety they kept an eye on you, when you went out one of them would follow to ensure their little love didnt get into trouble or worse, get hurt. Imagine their surprise when you walked into the police station.
You didn’t tell them you went in to hand in your notice, unable to continue with this lie, it didn’t matter, the damage was done, anything you said would be meaningless.
Your sat inbetween Jungkook and Hoseok, who still hadn’t uttered a word to you, but you could see him restraining his hurt and anger. Jin was in the drivers seat with Yoongi beside him. The others must’ve taken the other car, you don’t really acknowledge it you’re too deep in your own thoughts.
You don’t come up for air until you feel a hand soft on yours in your lap, Jungkook doesn’t look at you, just at how he’s stroking the back of your hand with his thumb comfortingly. You don’t mean for your heart to swell in your chest, pushing the tears up and out.
Jin and Yoongi don’t miss the way your bottom lip trembles in the rear view mirror, the small sniffles or the tears glistening down your face that you wipe away quickly with your other hand. Hobi puts his arm around you, still looking out the window as if you’re not there, but his actions show what they all know in their hearts; they still loved you.
“Why are you crying baby girl you’re not the one with the knife in your back,” Hobi mumbles. They think you’re scared of what they’re going to do with you now they know, but that couldn’t be further from your mind. They want to reassure you, but the words are stuck in their throats.
“You need to be punished darling, otherwise you won’t learn,” Jin can see you nodding to his words in the mirror in acceptance.
“I know.”
You expected them to put you in the cellar where they tortured their enemies, you don’t even realise you’re in the living room until you’re placed on the couch. You don’t look up until Namjoon is standing in front of you.
He traces his finger from the edge of your jaw to your chin, your eyes big on him from his soft touch. The calm should scare you, but the only anxiety you have is over whether you should hope for another chance or whether they’ll throw you onto the street when they’re done.
When a tear hits Namjoon’s hands he frowns, they didn’t expect this from you when they confronted you with what they uncovered. They expected you to reveal another face, the true colours beneath the girl they all fell hard for, kick and scream and throw insults their way over the life they had, how awful they were, how they didn’t deserve to be loved. But you kept quiet, eerily quiet, and they didn’t know what to think anymore.
Letting you leave was out of the question, whether you wanted to stay or not. Not because they were concerned that you had seen too much, they didn’t care, they couldn’t imagine their lives without you anymore. The trust might’ve faded, but their love for you was real. Yoongi might’ve created a farce with the gun to your head but it was done to see your reaction, the truth behind the last 6 months of your relationship.
They expected you to beg for your life like every other person at their mercy, but you always defied their expectations.
“You’re so quiet my love,” Namjoon says to you. “Nothing you want to say to defend yourself?”
You shake your head, no there was nothing you want to say or explain.
“Then you take your punishment without complaint?”
You nod without hesitation.
Namjoon releases a deep breath, building the nerve to do what they knew would reveal whether your feelings for then were real or a lie you fabricated for your job. But he wasn’t one to easily be vulnerable, especially not after the blow that they faced today.
Jimin can sense it, the words on their leader’s lip, and he decides to take over. Namjoon steps aside as Jimin kneels on the floor in front of you. He takes your hands that are fidgeting on your lap and place them by your side on the seat, resting the weight of his head there instead.
He hugs your lap with so much love you can’t mistake it for an illusion, he rubs his head into you as much as he can.
“Stay with us,” if his actions weren’t a shock to your system enough, his words pushed you over the edge. You look into each of their eyes and the vulnerability you had learned to recognise was there begging you to want to stay.
“But I...” you don’t know what you want to say, the beating of your own heart was overwhelming in your chest. “I- I hurt you all so much.”
Yoongi hums in agreement, stepping forward to stroke your hair back, the hurt was still there they couldn’t lie to you, but losing you would be worse.
“Do you love us?” Jungkook asks taking a seat beside you, Taehyung sits by your other side. Jimin rubs little circles into your thigh while they wait for your answer.
“So much,” you confess. “I couldn’t do it, I- I”
Your words break off in a sob, as Tae takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to the back of it, a weight lifted off his chest. Jungkook pulls you into him, arms wraps around you as you let out your cries and the man in your lap places little kisses on the expanse of your thighs. You feel overwhelmed with the love theyre displaying when you were expecting their hate.
“But I dont understand,” you cry, “why aren’t you all angry, why aren’t you yelling at me?”
“We love you too,” Jin smiles the way he only reserves for you, and you feel thankful for it.
“It doesn’t matter how you got to us dove,” Hobi comes to kneel beside Jimin, wanting to be close to you too. “If it weren’t for your job you wouldn’t have met us.”
“I don’t know about that Hobi,” Namjoon chuckles. “You were meant for us my love, we would have found you one way or another.”
“We forgive you,” Jungkook kisses your hair. “Just don’t leave us.”
“We wouldn’t let you go even if you tried,” Tae voice rumbles in, leaning his face against your neck while the youngest holds you, still latched to your hand.
“You’re ours,” Jimin’s muffled voice comes from your lap, he’s pressed his face into you.
They would never let you go, and you don’t want them to. You thought all they wanted was love, but now you think you’ve reflected your own desire into them, they just wanted you.
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kyyuri · 3 years ago
silent cries || kim seungmin
a series: reasons why skz broke the relationship off
lower caps intended ! taglist open for this series ! permanent taglist open as well !
word count : 764
warnings: might contain profanities
genre : angst
a/n: ik ive been mia for a while ,, ive been really stressed due to exams but i really wanted to give yall some content so here is my attempt to revive this series that has been put on hold for a really long time. i hope u enjoy it !
when he chooses your bestfriend over you
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[series masterlist ] [masterlist]
you played with the hemline of you skirt. it was SO awkward. this was supposed to be a picnic planned for you and seungmin only, but somehow he insisted for your bestfriend, yena to come as well. why ? you had no clue either. “here babe.” he said as he passed you a strawberry shortcake, not forgetting to hand one to yena too. you gave him a weak smile as you placed the plate on the ground, opting to take a sip from the coffee he had ordered. it tasted bitter.
“ so yena, how’s your progress on mr kim’s project ?” seungmin asked, taking a bite into the cake. “the same, nothing. i swear to god mr kim can kiss my ass. he made the work so hard, ugh ! “ seungmin chuckled at her reaction. all you could do was sit in silence. it didnt help much that you didnt arent in mr kim’s class. “you know, if you really needed help, we could do it together right ?” yena’s face brightened up immediately as she forced a smile with her mouth full of cake “really ?! youre such a god sent seung ! i literally love you so much-“ the words had slipped unintentionally. yena’s eyes widened in horror “ NO WAIT Y/N I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY-“ you gave her an awkward chuckle, assuring her that it was fine.
you caught yourself staring into blank space as they continued their long rant about how horrible mr kim was as a lecturer. poking at the strawberry cake infront of you, you were bored to your death. what kind of date is this ? you thought. and thats when it all clicked. it wasnt supposed to be a date with you, but her. he was just obligated to bring you with him because you were his girlfriend. come to think of it, you were always the one who initiated things, whenever HE initiates something, yena would somehow have a part to play in it.
did he only agreed to date you for his own benefits ? did he ever truly love you ? all those “i love you” exchanged, did he ever mean any of it ? you were drowning in your thoughts until someone called your name, snapping you out of it. “y/n ! stop playing with your food… its getting everywhere. why didnt you eat it ? its your favourite…” that sentence confirmed your suspicions, your worst fear. “no.” “no …? i-im lost…”
you were unsure what happened but something inside you snapped. “ no. im done. im done with this hangout. im sitting here like a fool, watching you flirt with her ?! “ seungmin stared at you, offended. “excuse me ?! i set this up for you ! i just thought you would appreciate it if i like your BEST FRIEND come with. unless youre saying you wish she wasnt here.” a scoff youve been holding in left your mouth. “ dont put words in my mouth. but at this point, if this keeps up, i wont mind admitting to that. considering how IM ALLERGIC TO STRAWBERRIES and her FAVOURITE cake is STRAWBERRY shortcake. and lets not forget how you got me an expresso knowing damn well i only drink mocha and SHE only drinks expresso. “
“you dont seem to mind it at all. “ you were dumbfounded. how could he say such things ? “ i didnt want to say anything because i wanted to see how far things would go… but its gone far enough. “ tears threaten to spill from your eyers. “you dont love me anymore do you ?“ you mustve looked pathetic in their eyes. “i know that i-i just need to hear it from you in order to move on. “ he looked you dead in the eye. “ i dont love you anymore. i love yena.” you didnt expect the second part at all. it hit you so hard you couldnt hold it together anymore. “y/n im so sorr-“ yena said as she attempted to hold onto your arm. funny how the hands that once brought you comfort was now seen as disgusting by you. “dont touch me !” yena looked away guiltily. “lets break up y/n. im sorry things turned out this way. “ seungmin said as he handed you a tissue. at least he wasnt THAT heartless. “i always knew you loved her. even more than you loved me. have a good life. the both of you.” and with that, you walked out forever, never looking back.
perm taglist: @soobin-chois @aksemy @ja4hyvn
all works here are strictly mine. please do not translate or steal them without permission. © kyyuri
all works here are strictly mine. please do not translate or steal them without permission. © kyyuri
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wildflowertips · 4 years ago
Hi! I was curious if you had anymore Kuroko fic recommendations? Thank you! 🥺💗
hey! 🥺 i do have more kuroko fanfic recs. i didnt know what type of kuroko ship you wanted, so here are a few from some kuroko ships <3:
Kagakuro Recommendations
the flower that blooms in adversity by aotetsu
When Kagami falls for Kuroko Tetsuya, a famous prostitute from the red light district, he manages to find a whole lot of trouble and a person worth it all.
this fic deserves more love and attention. kagami love for kuroko absolutely made me sob
Brothers in Woo by buttwade
in which Himuro jokingly offers to help Kagami win Kuroko over and the joke's on him
kagami is drunk & himuro cracks jokes. this fic is funny. jealous!kuroko
Beastly call by TCon
"You mean," Kuroko started. "You'd be my Heat Partner?" He didn't expect Kagami to explode into a myriad of different shades of red more impressive than his own hair. "Y — yeah tha's what I'm sayin'!" for some reasons he lapsed into english with an odd accent. KagaKuro Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics & Sex Pistols AU - Fusion
Lots of smut in the beginning. there’s crime, suspense, and i read this fic like 5 times.
Stamina Training by tnsxbunny
As the weakest member in the team, Kuroko stays back after basketball practice to train on his stamina. Kagami watches from afar and decides to show Kuroko what real stamina training is.
The advantage of being Kuroko by heartfilledteddybear
mayuzumi hits on Kuroko & Kagami gets jealous 🥵
Akakuro Recommendations
Forget me not flowers in our hair by miniaturepsycho
When Kagami is captured by a beast Kuroko doesn't think twice and bargains to take the red head's position instead but it seems that there is more to this castle than meets the eye, and what has it have to do with forget me not's?? Basically a beauty and the beast AU that I decided to do after seeing the live action (which I totally did not cry at, not at all!!) COMPLETE
Contains Aokaga. Akashi as beast & kuroko as belle. So good 🥺
All I ask by TsuruKuni
"It's none of your business." "Tell me, Aomine. How can it be none of my business when you're throwing away the only person I've ever wanted?"
THIS FIC MADE ME SOB AT 3 AM. I highly recommend listening to ‘All I ask’ by Adele. I promise you will cry. Aokuro & Akakuro.
Bridezilla by DancingMarshmallows
Weddings are stressful... try helping people plan them. With two months to get everything together, a bridezilla and her bitch of a maid of honor, and finding love at the worst time, Kuroko would be lucky if he makes it out alive.
CEO!Akashi & WEDDING PLANNER!kuroko. you will not regret reading this one.
That Ridiculously Long Dance by Harmonia_Silverberg
Aomine, Kise, and Kagami never learn, do they? But apparently their "joke" works in Akashi and Kuroko's favor this time.
literally one of my all time favorite akakuro fanfic
What Would Chihiro Do by anewtinystory
Akashi is dating Kuroko, whose two brothers are very protective of him.[Based on a Tumblr anon's prompt: Nijimura and Mayuzumi are Kuroko's brothers; while Nijimura approves of Akashi, Mayuzumi feels the opposite]
slight smut. protective bros. i love it sm.
Aokuro Recommendations
Traded Mistakes by Acetate, Chrystie, exuberant_imperfection, kate882, luckypen
For the prompt: Aomine having an accident and losing his memory so all he remembers is being best friends with Tetsu and he doesn’t understand how that could stop.
Angst, oh the angst 😫😭.
Third time’s a charm (or maybe fourth) by LajtHane
Aomine really didn't mean to crash into him at Quidditch practice.
HOGWARTS AU. if that doesn’t temp you, idk what will. My fav Aokuro fic.
Maybe a touch of your hand by skinandbones
[Written for AoKuroWeek 2015]: Aomine moves into a new apartment and befriends a ghost boy.
no bc this fic made me cry too. pls read it 🎶ifwehad5moreminutes🎶
The Boyfriend Jersey by exuberant_imperfection, kate882
Kuroko, in a half-asleep mistake, ends up wearing Aomine's jersey to school.
Hey, Come Here Often? by imabignerd
In which Momoi holds his magazines hostage, Aomine hates everything and everyone, and Kuroko is politely bewildered.
Aomine crushes on the lifeguard!Kuroko & Momoi is a little shit about it 😌🤍
Midokuro Recommendations
It’s Always your Fault! by warsandwich
Kuroko and Midorima are secretly dating, but Takao finds out their secret. De-anon from the anon meme.
Short, sweet, & funny 😌.
Partnership by Fayah
Their partnership starts in English class, but like everything else in their lives, turns into a matter of basketball.
Midorima really cares for Kuroko 🥺
Midokuro Ficlet by pandacchii
based off of imagineyourotp blog post: "Imagine your otp confessing while they were half asleep" Pairing: Midorima/Kuroko
short story but it’s really cute ☺️
An Unexpected Alignment by cinnaelle
Midorima Shintarou does not expect such a reoccurring encounter. But the wheels of fate are turning and Akashi moves his shogi piece.
well-written i love it sm. deserves more praise
The Way You Come Undone by oshare_banchou
"Midorima Shintarou is completely silent during sex. And Kuroko, who is both fascinated and frustrated by this discovery, wonders just how much it would take to make him come undone." - Kuroko/Midorima, in that order
do i need to say more? 😫
Kikuro Recommendations
Careless Whisper by DarkWoods
When Kuroko is dared to come up with some dirty talk, no one expects him to be good at it. Certainly not Kise.
my favorite kikuro fanfic. flustered!kise & tease!kuroko
如果的事 (If) by stormterror
People fall in love in many different manners. Love feels like many different things to many people, but Kise Ryouta thinks there's nothing that quite beats the feeling of being in love with Kuroko Tetsuya. [kise/kuroko]
SO GOOD I CRIED I SMILED SO HARD. pls kikuro deserves the world
Wires, Connecting by Bakagami
It's like being blind but not, like touching air, grasping at straws, voices dissipating and reverberating.
This story is locked so you need to login into ao3 to read it. PHONE SEX & DIRTY TALK 🥵
He Promised by imabignerd
Kise promised he'd smile for Kuroko the whole way through, all the way to the end.
Zombie apocalypse AU. Death. sobbing violently.
It’s a Small World by SilentSilhouette
Kise tries to find his soulmate through social media. Soulmate AU where a picture of your soulmate is tweeted to you on your sixteenth birthday.
This one made me crackle & laugh😂😂
Murakuro Recommendations
No Such Thing as Too Much Vanilla by plumtrees
Kuroko and Murasakibara have baking days. What do you mean it isn't canon?
baking!boyfriends & fluff 😌😉
Vanilla Cream by yoimrei
Murasakibara eats Kurokos ass after something Ahomine says which sparks his jealousy.
here me out first, the ass eating in this is *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏽🤌🏽
Philia by DarkWoods
That time Murasakibara and Kuroko started kinda-sorta fake dating, and kinda-sorta never bothered to break up.
Still going & i love this writer sm. i read all their stories 😙✌🏽
Lavender Secrets by SailorHikarinoMu
Kuroko was the one to bring out his true love for basketball, which had been hidden from prying eyes since the beginning. It was one of those things he was unsure whether he should feel grateful for, but all the same, it did mean something. What this 'something' was, exactly? Murasakibara did not know. Not yet.
Rainy by overdose
Kuroko listened to the rain pouring, and more importantly, Murasakibara's steady breathing.
smut. couch sex. size difference. 🥴
Hanamiya Makoto/Kuroko Tetsuya
Scotomas by Darkenedcrystal
After the game against Jabberwock, Kagami goes overseas and Kuroko finds himself without a light. A slightly angsty, rather light-hearted story about what happens to Kuroko after Kagami leaves. Features teens finding their way around life, Seirin without a light, the Generation of Miracles being a family, the teens finding love and appreciating the heartbreaks. Kuroko tries to find his own style without a light, and stumbles into the darkness that is Hanamiya Makoto instead. Extra chapter added!
love this fic so much. downside: akashi is kinda a dick
Of Unlikely Friendships, Sneaky Bets, Shogi and Sake by itsthechocopuff
Imayoshi had introduced his two favourite kouhai to each other as an experiment. He did not predict they'd get along so well, both being shadows, but they did, and they worked, oddly enough. Hanamiya brought out the worst in Kuroko, while Kuroko brought out the the best in the other; and they both caused heartattacks to unsuspecting teammates who could not believe their darling shadow was not as innocent as he seemed.
you wont regret reading this one omg
Haizaki Shougo/Kuroko Tetsuya
A Taste That Lingers by therealmoyashi
I couldn't say anything, and that was alright because he didn't want an answer. I'll never forget the way that tasted. Yeah, I thought, he ruined me.
i cried reading this for the first time. out of character kuroko
By the Tomatoes by Wayfarer_Rye
It starts with a blue-grey t-shirt that says "Nothing but Net".
Haizaki wants to try again.
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cynettic · 4 years ago
Hii,I’d like to request a fanfic about kaeya and venti(seperate) comforting a gn!reader after losing their pet
Summary - Venti and Kaeya comfort you after the loss of your pet.
Pairings - Reader x Venti / Kaeya
Warnings - Pet angst
Penpal - Sorry for getting to you late! If you did by chance lose a pet like that I’m so sorry to hear that- I tried to make it extra comforting for that case. If not and I’m just overthinking it- I hope you enjoy it either way :)
A/N - Ahhhh- I havent posted in so long ;-; sorry sorry, been stuck with 40-50 hours of work this entire week, and when I get home I just grind Inazuma. I havent even caught up to the archon quest, just exploring lol
Comfort after Losing a Pet
Venti has lived for a very long time, and even with his cheerful chatter and harmless jokes, he’s gained a strong sense of wisdom from these years. He has no doubt attached himself to people throughout these years and lost them, but instead of feeling sad for them, I feel like Venti would keep them close to his heart instead.
He’d urge you to do the same.
Things like these take time, taking in the death of someone important to you is not easy, he understands that.
Venti can be incredibly patient, even though it might be hard for him to put himself exactly in your shoes, he will wait alongside you.
Unless it’s a cat.
He’s allergic to those little fuckers- and even if he doesn’t share a particular hatred towards them…
Jk jk he’ll comfort you and mourn your pet with you either way, he just wants to see you smile again.
What Venti could best give you is words and time, he doesn’t really have much archon duties so he’ll spend the day doing things with you. He’ll even skip a few nights at the bar just to cuddle with you and make you feel safe and like you have someone to rely on.
As for words, we all know Venti is a smooth talker- who’s to say he isn’t good at soothing someone either?
He probably won’t be as touchy as Kaeya will, and will rely on the things he can do to cheer you up. Playing his lyre, telling you jokes, and just being by you.
"People and animals come and go, I know for sure that -pet name- loved you dearly Y/n. And even if they can’t be here with you," Venti pressed a loving kiss to your chest right where your heart was. "They’ll always be right here with you.”
“They’re gone.”
You slowly sank to your knees, lips pressed firmly shut as you tried to blink away the tears. Shock coursed your body as you tried to understand just what had happened. But every time you thought about it, your heart thud a bit too loudly against your chest, and suddenly you wanted to cry all over again.
Venti, who was right beside you didn’t know what to do. His hands were outstretched to bring you into his arms, but he was unsure of whether it was the contact you need at the moment.
He decided to simply rest his hand on your back.
The two of you had just been on your way back home after having to put your pet down, something you’d been trying to delay, but knew you had to with their age and actions. Venti had stood with you through it all, but you hadn’t shed a tear back then.
But the shock gradually faded away, and you were a sobbing mess.
Venti rubbed his hand on your back, whispering soft promises and loving words into your ear. It hurt him to see you like this, and even if he was close and had known your pet well, it didnt affect him nearly as much as it did you. However, when you continued to sit crouched on the floor, he knew he needed to take action.
Slowly, he lifted you to your feet, opening the door to your home and slowly helping you inside. Tears continued to trickle down your face as he walked you over to your bedroom, a firm grip on your arm so you wouldnt fall. His thumb gently brushed the skin of your arm, a contact that reminded you he was there.
He gently sat you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Y/n,” he began gingerly, already taking off your boots and unnecessary accessories. “Take a deep breath in.”
You did just that, but another sob broke past your lips and suddenly you were wiping them away.
“No no,” he took your hands in his, your wrists encased in his gentle grip. “I’m not asking you to stop crying… I just want you to clear your head a little.” His gaze was soft as he looked up at you from his crouched position. “Being sad over this is completely normal, I’ll be with you through it all.”
He slowly brought your fingertips to his lips, pressing a featherlike kiss to each of them. So soft that by the time he’d finished, you’d stopped crying. His touch made you feel warm, a bright reminder that he was here with you, that you wouldnt be alone during this.
“(Pet Name) loved you Y/n. I want you to know that they were happy till the end, happy with you. I know you need to grieve, but don’t ever think that you’ll have to do it alone.”
Kaeya may not as lived as much as Venti, but he has certainly gone through enough to understand handling a loss. He’s lost a great amount of family, and has lost his relationship with his brother. He probably hasnt had a pet before, but knows the importance they hold.
He probably got to know your pet too, formed memories and came to love them as well.
It wont hit him as hard though .
Kaeya will also be patient with you, theres no rush to heal over what happened or finish your grievances. Expect him to be there with you for the majority of the time, he might ask for a couple of days just to stay with you.
But Kaeya still needs to work, hence time not being one of the main providers he can give you. Instead, he would wrap you in his arms and wouldnt let go. Physical contact and giving are what he’s gonna be doing.
You feel hungry for eggs and bacon? Chef Kaeya to the rescue-
Tbh I dont even know if he can cook.
Like Venti, he will remind you constantly that he’s there. Because he knows that its exactly what he needed back when Crepus died. He’ll remind you through his words, actions, and contact.
24/7 Cuddle buddy.
He most definitely calls you nicknames all the time, but the names before the death of your pet might have been more like, babe, doll, honey. He might’ve switched to love, dear, dearest, stuff like that for a little.
Idk- but ‘Your pet loved you doll,’ doesnt sound as nice as, ‘Your pet loved you dear.
“We made so many memories with them,” he whispered into your ear, arms around you. “You were always there with them, loved and took care of them, I know they loved and appreciated you for it.”
“I’m fine Kaeya,” you mumbled as he held the cup of tea to your lips. Your hands could easily grasp the sides, but for some odd reasons he insisted on being the one to do everything for you. You knew it was partly because he’d have to start going back to work soon, and he just wanted you to feel comfortable.
“I know,” he simply said, a smile playing at his lips. “But I want to spoil you with love, just take it.”
You felt your throat go dry and your chest thud painfully, something you’d gotten used to since yesterday. The loss of your pet struck hard, but you found it all the more bearable with Kaeya, who stood alongside you through it all.
Finishing the tea, he climbed into bed with you, hand coming to pull you close to his chest. His fingers slowly brushed the skin of your back, soothing patterns that would send you to sleep right away. But instead, you nuzzled your head deeper into his chest.
“I miss them,” you spoke softly.
Kaeya didnt stop with the motions on your back, but instead drifted his other hand to the back of your head. He brushed his fingers through your locks, lowering how own head down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know you do,” was what he said in a whisper. “Theres nothing wrong with it either, you will miss them for an eternity.” He spoke from experience, but was never harsh with his words as if he expected you to know. “But eventually, you will solely remember those good memories with (Pet name). Those are the only ones that matter, because you made them happy, and they made you happy.”
The deep breath you took in was painful.
But he was right, you knew well that their memories and your yearning for them would turn into a past adoration. You would never forget them, but you’d come to accept their loss and always remember them in a happy light.
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly to the boy, wrapping your hands around his waist. “You always know what to say and do… thank your for being here for me.”
“I will always be here for you,” was his answer.
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zoobus · 3 years ago
oh, got other "shounen for adults" type recs? also oof forgettin stories that seemed meaningful in the moment. that was a feel i didnt expect.
I don't have many shounen recommendations because it's not usually making stories for me. I do see the appeal in shounen for adults and I've even enjoyed it but I have less insight into what's happening over there.
I previously mentioned Devilman Crybaby, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man (Naruto except good), and Dorohedoro (post apocalyptic dark fantasy slice of life) already. Those are all good and you should read/watch them. The rest of these were read a long time ago but I recall liking them. Keep in mind I never finish series, so I can't tell you if it remains good either.
Darwin's Game - Battle Royale murder-to-the-top shounen with an interesting evolution-based premise. It stood out because 1) the confront the misconception of what being "the fittest" entails and make that a core element which means 2) our protagonist has to *think* about what being the most fit to a situation requires. More often than not it means communicating, understanding different points of view and their compatibility with his, resource management, minimizing interpersonal conflict, and so on. His power is gun and yet that's his least interesting.
Nice guy MCs are tricky but he has a strong incentive to emphasize amicable relationships over violence (certain death).
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don't read if you're grossed out by loli designs. There's no porn, but all the major female characters have a certain look.
there's a turning point where imo the MC's personality, the story, and the overall quality 180. If you think "why is he taking the death of this random guy he didn't seem to know that well so hard," you can stop and make up your own end.
Talentless Nana - not sure this really counts as "adult shounen" but I liked it so much I spammed five discord servers with the first chapter when it came out. I relished every last "holy FUCK" I earned. See for yourself!
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Caveat: I hear it ends kind of sloppy but can't confirm. I will say it felt like the writer didn't have a concrete conclusion in mind so I'm inclined to believe it.
Kumo desu ga, nani ka - this is a seinen and frankly it's unlikely you don't already know about the spider girl isekai but recommendation lists should have at least three suggestions and it fits the shounen vibe.
It's interesting that all the images I'm seeing looking up the title are so...kawaii? I can't even say cute. Pink, goofy, smiling chibi spiders. Never saw the anime, kept up with the manga until her second or third interaction with humans, so maybe the anime differs or at I'm remembering wrong.
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Kumoko is heavily insinuated (but never quite confirmed) to be a victim of high school harassment and she seems to go out of her way to not think about what happened to her. Did she get chased in front of a truck? Did she commit suicide? Who knows, she doesn't want to talk about it.
She isekais as the weakest spider at the bottom of a dungeon filled with F to S-tier bosses who intentionally and unintentionally almost kill her. She gets to do the fun video game skill system/achievement lock thing HOWEVER! there is one skillset that's intentionally not explained or even given a name. "Don't rank up in that skill" is the most she's given. So of course it's ding, ding, ding flying straight to the top, maxing out the forbidden skill that continues to not be explained as she accidentally hits its requirements and tells herself it's probably nothing.
I never found out what it is but I've assumed it's something related to losing your humanity, some kind of unforgivable evil that can't be named. That would fit with the overall thing of celebrating kumoko's hard won battles and clever thinking with much stronger opponents but also in the back of your mind it's like huh this teen girl sure has been trapped in a pitch black cave miles under the earth gagging down roaches and centipedes, gradually accepting that being burned with acid or losing some legs is normal life, always thinking about her next kill, and just generally seems to forgotten about being a human at all, for plausibly years; I wonder if this could become problematic in the future.
I stopped reading after a while because the battles were getting dull
I assume the girl posing on all the covers but it never comes up. She takes up 50% of the page, why?? Even if it is her, it's not even relevant
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
Manager!Seijoh Part 3
a/n: yall i love seijoh so much like theyre my favorite school and my favorite boys and i know their names by heart and im just so SOFT for them !!!!!
also: yall will find out what other fandom ill be writing for in the future in this one
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
combined two anon requests:
- Could we get the boys reacting to finding out the seijoh manager is quite popular to both genders?? Maybe they over hear a confession?
- Why do I feel like half of the team would be all pouty when word comes around that a guy confessed to manager, the others would probably be annoyed/irritated. Oikawa being all bratty cause no matter what he tried,she never showed ant interest when he flirts. But now this boy comes alone ... (but like you said manager is too focused in school and the team)
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oof girl the world is ending
so basically,,,,,
the entire just magically knew about what happened earlier and yahaba’s theory of team telepathy really does work bc not even a minute after it happened, they all spammed you messages and next thing you knew, oikawa was naruto-ing down from the 3rd floor to your class in the first floor
tbh, they shouldve seen this coming yanno?
you were ridiculously pretty and you carried yourself w such elegance and grace that it just seemed to hypnotize everyone into stopping what they were doing and watched you in awe doing the most mundane things like walking or sitting
lmao couldnt be me
your confessions usually happened over letters bc either tol boys kunimi or kindaichi are usually around you at all times so theyre too scared to do anything
hence why your locker was always filled with envelopes yet no upfront public confessions
it ranged from upperclassmen and upperclasswomen who expressed their interest in you and wanted to date you and get to know you better
but tf you dont even know them and you werent about to date a whole stranger
this made the boys a little peeved because you were popular with both the boys and the gals so they were constantly on edge on who was talking to you
it was like having an oikawa 2.0 but not indulging them and pretending theyre not even there
like when you walk to class and sit down, they would flock over and offer you drinks and snacks but you either turned them down or just flat-out ignored them
maybe this was what fueled others on more
your reserved attitude and your refusals made it look like you were playing hard to get and it was almost like a game on who could win the heart of the princess of seijoh
this was proven really difficult because not only do they have your dismissals, you also had guard dogs at every corner and would bite their head off at the slight indication of an interaction
this morning,,,,
at 7:53 AM,,,,
they saw you walking down the hallway with a purple-haired boy holding your bag and you giggling at what he was saying
and ofc, the boys would immediately know even though theyre spread all over the school
it was kyoken who saw you as he was leaning against your locker and his eyes narrowed before he secretly took a picture and sent it to yahaba, asking if there was a new guy who entered the team while he was away
when he replied with a panicked, ‘NO WHO IS THAT’
kyoken was already advancing to you
yahaba-san immediately sent the picture to the team group chat, that excluded you rood, and oikawa wasted no time and even pushed some fangirls so he could go to you
‘-and she destroyed my sheets’
you laughed at the story and hitoshi stared at you with awe in his eyes
how can someone laugh so beautifully?
like a snort should be considered ugly and gross but it was like cute little squeaks from you and he thought you were like a fairy
‘oh god, i wasnt-’
you were cut off with a hand that held your arm
you came face to face with the glaring face of one of your boys and you immediately turned to him in concern, immediately grasping an arm with the other hand on his cheek to look for any cuts
he rarely comes to you on a normal basis so you thought something was wrong
‘whats wrong, kyo-san? did you get into a fight? do you need me to patch you up?’
he didnt care what you were saying, instead heatedly glaring at this new guy, and grunted a response to agreeing with you going to the nurse
just anywhere to get you away from this,,,, stranger
‘toshi i have to-’
then you were cut off again
from behind you, 5 tol looming figures were running towards you and next thing you knew, you were in the arms of your captain
‘oikawa-san! what are you doing?!’
oikawa held you tightly against his chest and had his arms tightly around your form to prevent you from being taken away
most of the volleyball team were now circling you and pointedly glaring at the poor boy who was so confused that he wasnt bothered by the death glares
‘oh, its you’
kunimi grumbled
‘kunimi, whats happening?’
hitoshi questioned
you fought away from the hold of oikawa and pushed mattsukawa and hanamaki to stand in front of shinsou hitoshi
‘so sorry about this, toshi. i’ll help you with your room later and ill text you when practice is finished, okay?’
you sheepishly smiled and he nodded, his own smile reassuring you
‘yep. ill see you later then’
you softly said and he turned to walk away
but as soon as he was out of sight, you turned around with a grim looking expression and your hands on your hips, a hard look in your eyes
‘boys, what was that?’
you gritted out
‘y/n-chan! don’t you see?! he was going to take you away! he was an intrude-OW!’
he yelped when you reached up and grabbed his ear before grabbing the other closest who was iwaizumi
they both whined and complained about the ear and slapped your hand but you didnt let up
‘he is a friend, oikawa-san. you have no right on who i can be friends and who i can hang out with because i still have a life outside the team!’
you scolded and the others hung their heads low like puppies
‘sorry, y/n-chan’
oikawa mumbled and iwaizumi also mumbled his apology so you let go of them, dusting off your hands
‘and the rest of you, hold back your captain and dont intimidate him like that!’
you sighed but ruffled their hair before turning to go to class
‘now, be good boys and dont bother others like this again’
they chorused and you nodded, satisfied
‘ill hold you to it!’
you shouted as you walked down the hallway
when you turned a corner, oikawa grabbed kunimi by the arms
‘you know him, dont you? who is he? what class? address? mother’s name? father’s name? age-’
‘oi stop it, shittykawa’
but despite that, iwaizumi looked at the younger, expecting answers as well
kunimi sighed
‘thats shinsou hitoshi from class 1-3. we have gym together’
and ‘we’ was kunimi and you since you were both in the same class so you constantly saw this shinsou boy?
nuh uh, dont think so, francisco
from the looks of it, you were still single and there was a pining from shinso’s part, maybe yours they dont know
and they were going to do everything in their power to keep you away from him
this was excused to them as protecting their manager from someone else and they werent going to let you be taken by someone else
during practice, they grilled you over your relationship with him
‘i honestly dont know why this is your business but if you must know, his adoptive father, aizawa-san, is my mother’s co-worker and i usually catsit for them. dont worry, we’re not dating. just friends, that’s all’
but they know it wasnt just a friendship type of situation
so when the 4 third years saw you being confessed to by this ‘friend’ outside, they almost toppled out the window as they tried to listen to what was being said
‘shittykawa get off my back!’
‘nuh uh! i want to see clearly!’
‘everyone needs to know that code red is happening!’
yall what
mattsun took a picture and sent it to the gc about their princess being confessed to 
no one replied, possibly too upset or too busy sulking
kyoken actually had to be excused outside bc he was glaring at everyone and everything and the teacher and students were so scared that they had to take him out of class
they were even more peeved when you just walked in like nothing happened
you didnt mention the confession to anyone else the whole day and when you entered the gym, it was very tense
the coaches even looked confused
‘did you guys fight?’
you questioned but no one answered
kunimi and kindaichi were playing with a ball and glaring at it as it hit the floor
the 2nd years yes including kyobabie were pouting to the side
the 3rd years looked annoyed and pissed off 
overall just not seijoh babie vibes
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today🧚✨
you gently said and walked to the captain to figure out what was going on
‘oikawa-san, what happened?’
‘are you dating him now, y/n?’
the seriousness in his voice shocked you and you took a step back in surprise
your expression made him think that you did accept the confession and he scoffed before walking away and doing a jump serve that sounded like a canon blasting
but you were actually confused and surprised that they even knew bc you were sure it was a secluded area where no one could see you
‘dating,,,? dating who?’
you asked to them and the 3rd years just knitted their eyebrows
‘dont play coy, y/n-chan’
oikawa hissed
‘no matter how many times i flirted or asked you on dates, you never said yes. never agreed or even showed a little bit of interest. on me!! your captain!!! but now!!! this little grape boy comes along and you suddenly start dating just because he has cats! what kinda bias is this?!’
he started ranting and whining and being a brat that you pinched his nose shut
‘oi, oikawa-san, are you jumping to conclusions again? first the hickey accident and now this?’
he made a whining noise for you to let go and rubbed his nose when you finally let go
you turned around to face the others and you sighed, massaging your temples
‘everyone, who spread this misunderstanding?’
no one pointed to anyone but their gazes settled on the thick eyebrow boy that you were sure wouldnt have ratted you out
a noise of surprise and betrayal escaped from you as mattsun quickly scrambled to get everyone to stop staring at him
you pointed at him and mattsun rushed forward to grab your hands before holding them close to his chest
‘y/n-chan, we just saw you when we were passing! it was makki who wanted to tell the others!’
the betrayal made iwa laugh but makki ran up to kick mattsun to the side
‘youre the one who committed the deed! i was merely suggesting it! it was iwaizumi who wanted to watch them first!’
you gasped at the normally chill third year and you didnt expect him to be the one who started it first
iwa panicked and held his hands out cautiously
‘y/n-chan, understand that i was just worried and i didnt want you to be outside by yourself after what happened, okay? i didnt know he was confessing to you’
you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose tightly
‘again! whoever and whatever happens in my love life is my business! mine! and only mine! you cannot control it and get angry at ME because i do want a boyfriend and i do want to experience dating bc i want to know how it feels to be loved like that! so i wont let a bunch of children stop me from having that!’
the third years shared a look before they they gave up and nodded in defeat
but oikawa was the most offended
he whined and stomped his foot after crossing his arms and a pout on his face
you shook your head, not even bothering to answer that, and went to the others
‘dont be mad and be upset, okay? i refused him bc i have no time for a relationship when im too busy looking after my own boys. i really dont want to add another’
kindaichi and yahaba’s face scrunched as they rushed forward to hug you 
‘we thought you would leave us y/n-chan!’
‘stay as ours forever, okay?’
you were so relieved that they werent as aggressive as the oldests and gave each player their own favorite hugs
but you stopped in front of kyo, not really knowing how to hug him since youve never exactly showed any type of affection like that
so you were just awkwardly standing there with raised arms but he patted your head, you smiling and leaning more to his touch
‘hm, kyo-san, ya finally warming up to me?’
you teased but he scoffed, gently headbutting you with his forehead against yours
‘now, everyone! dont misunderstand and know that for as long as i will be a manager, i wont be in a relationship bc my time as a manager is too crucial since i would probably have to look after you so you dont get yourself to jail. a boyfriend is adding more boys in to that list and i dont want that. you will be my boys forever and i wont be taken from you so please trust on me and stop being so overprotective bc i wont give them the affection or wishes they want!’
oikawa teared up and was about to go trample you but he was held back
‘no! i want a hug! i want a family hug! cmon, iwa-chan!’
practice went by quickly but you demanded them to do 10 diving laps in punishment for all the misunderstandings theyve created 
but they gladly did it bc it meant that you wont be taken from them and you would be theirs forever and their cute manager is going to pay attention to them and them only
i got serious yandere vibes from this but its so heartwarming that theyre so overprotective and lowkey you got yourself a harem
after practice, they all wanted to walk home with you but you told them that shinsou’s house was the other direction
‘y/n-chan! you said you wouldn’t-’
you rolled your eyes
‘oikawa-san, just because i refused that confession doesnt mean i will stop earning money. i still have to catsit for his family and earn my money!’
they only agreed when kyo said that he was walking that way too but they were still weary and jealous bc he got to spend more time with you than them
as you were both walking, you looked up at him
‘kyo-san, what type of hug do you like?’
he looked down at you bc we short with wide eyes and flushed cheeks
you smiled and looked forward, skipping slightly
‘everyone in the team has their own special hugs. i want everyone to have one bc you all are individually special to me so-’
but he stopped walking and pulled arm before he lifted you up, making you squeak and wrap your legs around his waist
thank god you were wearing your tracksuit and not your skirt
bruh is it obv that kyoken is one of my favorite seijoh boys like bls love on him
he didnt want you to see his flustered expression bc he still has a reputation to uphold, yanno?
so he tucked it in your neck and you softly smiled before playing with the baby hairs at the base of his neck
‘you like this kind then, kyo-san? kinda aggressive but perfectly suits you, yanno?’
he just grunted and you laughed
he wasnt about to tell you that he liked holding you on his arms bc you were so tiny and so you that holding you like this makes him feel like he was protecting you and feel good about himself bc he gets to be the one who shields you from the world
yuhhhhh get it kyo
‘so yahaba-san told me that you got kicked out of class bc you scared the teacher and kids?’
you questioned and he left his spot on your neck and pulled his face back so you could clearly see his face
it was red and possibly flustered but you just snickered
he still held you by his strong arms so you were able to move your small hands to his face where he flinched at first but relaxed when you touched his cheeks
your fingers gently pulled the sides of his lips and you tilted your head to the side
‘you,,, look really handsome when you smile, kyo-san’
you whispered and he was so surprised that his tough mask fell and was replaced by wide eyes and his eyebrows rose up, the intimidating look disappearing from his eyes
‘i-i do?’
you bit your lip bc this was so different from the aggressive kyo you knew and you didnt expect this type of innocence that he just showed you
maybe he wasnt so innocent from the fights and arguments he has started or been in 
but he was so innocent to soft touches and compliments bc he wasnt exposed to it, only used to the ones that were said due to the aura he exuded or his looks
‘yep, you do. so keep smiling for me, kay? dont have to be around the others or all the time, but i,,, want to see it sometimes’
he blinked at you but quickly went back to your neck to hide the big smile that was threatening to come out
you felt his lips move and you laughed
‘noooo! kyo-san!!! i want to see your smilee!!! dont hide it!!!’
but it was cut short when a familiar shout was heard from the other side of the street that was near the school
it seemed that oikawa was worried about you walking alone with kyoken so he followed you both with the other third years
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan!’
he shouted in betrayal
you were about to get away from kyo’s hold but he tightened his grip and leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, still staring straight at the captain
again, do you know what happened next?
oikawa screamed
this was actually pretty funny to write bc wowza oikawa is so oikawa and hes just so oikawa-like, yanno? and im still simping over kyoken and shinsou is my ult fave in bnha and i really love him like ugghhhh :’)
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