#i realized its probably a bit ooc for dark but i tried!
icedhotkopi · 1 year
POV: you’re on a date with Darkiplier
(Or alternatively, what might’ve happened after one of the endings in A Date with Markiplier)
Song : Red Flags (ft. Montaigne) - Tom Cardy
Favorite frames under the cut!
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zayneslady · 8 months
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summary: it's been a while since the last time you saw him, but you missed him so terribly.
warnings: angst/comfort. Happy endings for the win *sobs* Pt. 2 of these scenarios
characters: Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier x reader (separately)
a/n: I wanted to apologize. I got some comments saying that perhaps I wrote them a bit too ooc and that they wouldn't do something like this, so I was thinking maybe I should step out from writing these; I'm probably not understanding the characters very well. I'm really sorry! I had this one written already, so this is probably going to be the last post I make! Thank you for your support! In only a couple of days you guys were so amazing and loving, I'm super moved and I don't deserve you all at all ❤️
classification: scenarios
tag list: many of you asked me to tag you in the second part, I hope you guys like it! 💕
@biitchyberry @rosaryia @lcheerymotion @mo0nforme
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It's been four weeks since your argument with Zayne. The first days had been like hell. You had already tasted the honey of a relationship with the person you liked the most and loved the most. You wanted more of him, you needed more. You felt anxious without him, like you had become addicted to his kisses, his gentle touch, and the sweet words he whispered in your ears. You missed him more than you dared to admit.
The days passed slowly, each second seemed to last an eternity. When you got home you felt the emptiness of his presence and you felt like dying, but life continued on, and eventually you got used to being without him. The pain was still present, but more bearable as time kept its course. 
You had stopped frequenting the places you knew he liked for fear of running into him. The dessert shop, the cafe near the hospital, the night stands near the library. You even avoided getting sick so you wouldn't have to go to the hospital. Your life was limited to going to work and coming straight home, with occasional visits to buy groceries. 
You would never have thought that you would have to live a life again without Zayne and only because he didn't know how to separate his friendships from his romantic partner. So smart, but so stupid at the same time. 
You sighed, returning to the present and the food you were making; it was too late when you realized it, but unconsciously you were making one of his favorite dishes. You weren't going to waste the food, so you just carried on trying not to think much about it. 
“Now, where did I put–,” you stopped, surprised by the sudden knocking on your door. You frowned, you were not expecting anyone, but the knocking continued once more and you sighed, turned off the stove. “I'm coming.”
You regretted opening the door. Opening just a crack to see who it was, your heart fluttered in your chest as if there was a small caged bird inside it. Zayne was standing in front of you. He looked ridiculously tired, more than you'd ever seen him. The bags and dark circles under his eyes were deep, his skin did not look radiant and healthy as always and his eyes did not shine like emeralds. 
Your hands were sweating and your insides were churning. "Are you okay?" You asked with a broken voice. Zayne shook his head and he fainted, but with a gasp, you quickly wrapped an arm around his waist and tried to keep him upright. “Zayne! Hey, what's happening?” 
Zayne didn't answer you, and just leaned on you. Not knowing what to do, you dragged him inside and carefully guided him to your room. Once there, you laid him down on your bed, he looked weak. 
“Zayne? Can you hear me? Are you okay?” 
He mumbled your name and your heart raced. “I'm… I am sorry,” he said as he finally passed out. You gasped, but soon heard the soft snores you were so used to. 
Was he that exhausted? And what was he doing at your house? You frowned, fighting back the stinging sensation in your eyes as you tried to hold back some tears. He really always appeared to stir everything inside you. You had already accepted your life without him, but here he was. You sighed heavily, taking off Zayne's shoes and covering him with a blanket.
Your eyes couldn't help but admire him. Even though he was tired, he still looked as handsome as ever. It seemed like a dream, an illusion that would disappear at any moment. You wanted it to happen. You wanted him to disappear, but at the same time, you wanted to take him in your arms and kiss his face. But no, clearing your throat, you grabbed an extra blanket and left the room, closing the door behind you. It was better to let him rest so he could leave as soon as he got up. 
The next morning you woke up to soft steps. Sitting up and whining a little after sleeping on the couch, you saw Zayne coming out from your bedroom. His hair was messy and he was rubbing one of his eyes like a little child, something warm spread across your chest and a smile tried to spread your lips, but you stopped it. He seemed more rested, the bags under his eyes had diminished considerably and his skin looked a little more alive. 
He seemed a bit startled as he looked at you with slightly wide eyes. “Hello… I am sorry I fell asleep.” 
You hummed, folding the blanket. “Haven't you been sleeping well?" You didn't want to sound worried, but you were. 
“I haven't… I constantly have nightmares and I've been working over time… a lot more."
“Because I can't stop thinking about you,” he said and despair filled his eyes. “You have no idea how much I've missed you. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I have been working nonstop so I can have my mind occupied, but you're always there, in the back of my head.” 
Don't cry. Don't cry! 
“And what exactly do you want me to do about it, Zayne?” You said coldly, wanting to get over with this. 
Zayne approached you and you couldn't move as he took your hands. “Please, please. Give me another chance. I swear. I swear in my life that I do not have feelings for her. I just… I was just stupid and took you for granted. Please, my love, please.”
Tears began to well up in your eyes and you cried even harder as Zayne grabbed your face. "N-No, don't touch me.”
“Please. How can I show you I truly want you? Do you want me to stop talking to her? I'll do it. I'll do it, so please. Just… please. I can't live without you.” His words sounded sincere.
His eyes were glassy and the pain on his face was evident, but your heart still hurt. How did you know that he really wouldn't leave you as a second option anymore? You couldn't even tell him to stop talking to Miss Hunter, you knew this was just Zayne's fault. 
“Zayne… Zayne you're hurting me so much.”
“I know. I know I am and I am terribly sorry for this. I love you. I truly love you.” 
You also loved him, so much. 
“... If this ever happens again, Zayne… I won't forgive you another time. Remember that.”
His green eyes shone with happiness as he pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged him back, the tips of your fingers tingling as you felt his warmth, the tip of your nose digging into the crook of his neck, you breathed deeply, enjoying his scent. 
“You're on trial, Zayne.”
Zayne chuckled and he nodded. “Yes. You won't regret me, I promise you.”
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Life was boring without him. He was the spark and the spice in your days. With him, every day seemed like a small adventure, but now that you no longer saw him, the days seemed dark and lifeless. You didn't even remember how much time had passed since that day. One week? Three days? Two months? You weren't sure and, honestly, you tried not to think about it too much because, even though you missed him, the pang of pain in your heart almost made you gasp for air every single time you recalled every moment with him. It was almost as if his bodyguard had also been there, on every date with Rafayel, for all of your conversations were about her. 
He was full of praise for her. He named each of her virtues and laughed affectionately at her defects. He didn't accept anyone claiming that they were better than her or stronger, because his precious bodyguard was the strongest and the bestest. Just thinking about it made you feel tears filling your eyes. You didn't want to remember any of it, but as you held your phone with your thumb hovering over the dial button, you couldn't stop thinking about how miserable Rafayel made you feel, even when he also made you feel like the most loved person in the world. 
When he didn't have his mouth full of his wonderful bodyguard, Rafayel showered you with affection. His kisses, his hugs, and his caresses all felt full of love and tenderness. His beautiful eyes looked at you sweetly, as if you were the most precious thing that ever existed on earth. He liked to tease you and make you laugh and he always said that you were like a muse for all his paintings: The sparkle in your eyes, the color of your hair, the texture of your skin, the curves of your body, everything was inspiration.
How could he be so cruel and loving all at the same time? Poor bodyguard, you even didn't like her although she hadn't done anything wrong, as far as you knew. 
Sighing, you finally tapped on the green button and your heart raced faster and faster at every beep coming from the other side of the line. Would he answer you? Was he… with her? Was he busy with one of his paintings? What if- 
His voice calling your name surprised you, making you jump. “I’m here! Hi!” he sounded out of breath and your cheeks blushed. “Hmm, h-how are you d-doing?” 
“Rafayel…,” you took a deep breath. “I… have some clothes at your place. Could I stop by later to get them?” 
“YES! I… I mean… yes. I'll- I'll be here all day. You can stop by at any time you want.”
“... Right. Then, see you there, Rafayel.” 
You let out a long sigh after hanging up. You had forgotten how wonderful his voice was and the way he pronounced your name. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. You were going to see him, you were really going to come again, but you shouldn't be excited. What if he and his bodyguard were dating? The thought made your stomach twist and you decided it was best to leave immediately. The quicker you finish this, the better. 
As always, the door was open, but you didn't immediately enter, your hands were shaking and your heart was racing against your ribcage. You didn't want to see him.
Taking a deep breath, you gently pushed the door open and you were greeted with that aroma that you had missed so much. The smell of acrylic paint, the sea and Rafayel's scent. You couldn't help but take a long breath- this exquisite smell felt like home. Your eyes watered a little, but you tried to stay calm as you walked deeper into the spacious house.
“R-Rafayel? Are you here? "You heard a gasp from the room and in a second, Rafayel appeared in front of you. Ah, he looked as wonderful and beautiful as always. His gorgeous eyes were wide, looking you up and down as his mouth stretched into a shy smile. You wanted to hug him. “The door… was open so I just- I'm sorry.”
“No! That's okay! I… I left it open for you!” 
You nodded. “I see… do you mind if I just…”
“No, go ahead, please.” You excuse yourself as you made your way to his room, as you passed by him you felt your legs tremble and you gasped in surprise when he suddenly took your hand.
“Rafayel, what-
“Please, forgive me,” he begged, his eyebrows furrowed in a painful expression. “I was absolutely wrong, you were so right. I was stupid and careless and hurt you so badly.”
“Rafayel… I just came for my clothing, let me g-
“Please!” He hugged you and you went stiff. “Please, please,” he sobbed in your ear. 
“Are you crying?” 
He nodded. “I can't live another second without you. I can't paint anymore. I feel like a piece of me has been taken away, I live half and barely. I really, really do not have feelings for my bodyguard. You're the only one I can think about.”
“Then why- 
“I just… I was just stupid, I didn't mean anything to hurt you, I swear! When I said I missed her, what I wanted to say is that I wanted to train with her, I would never make you train, that's too dangerous,” he started to explain in a rush. “When I told you about the candies, it's because she gave me some amazing chocolate I wanted to gift you and then-
“Please. Just this once, I swear,” he said, finally showing his reddened face, tears streaming down his face. You gulped, reaching up to clean his tears away and he whined. “I wasn't there to wipe your tears, I am so sorry.” 
That made you burst into tears. That's right, you really wanted him to wipe your tears. He gently cupped your cheeks and his thumbs brushed against your cheeks, catching all of those tears falling from your pretty eyes. 
“You can break up with me if I do something like that again! But please… just this once. I love you so much. I really do.” 
You looked at him, His eyes were still wet and some tears were still falling down his cheeks. Maybe…
“Just this once, Rafayel… I won't forgive anything like this ever again.” He beamed and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, but you covered his mouth, frowning slightly. “I'm still mad at you.”
He blinked and gently smiled behind your hand before taking it in his. “Of course, I'll prove myself to you, beautiful creation.” 
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You couldn't sleep. It's been two weeks since you last slept properly. Two weeks ago you were in Xavier's arms and he held you lovingly, whispering words of comfort in your ears. You weren't sure why, but being around Xavier always made you feel relaxed, a little sleepy, but never bored. You loved spending lazy times with him, taking naps and frolicking in bed, giggling like fools and giving each other soft, tender kisses. 
With his warmth and love it was not difficult to fall asleep at night, he always wanted to sleep so that tranquility that emanated from him was enough to relax you and make you sleep throughout the whole night. In the mornings you felt rejuvenated and full of life and seeing his sleepy smile was like living in a dream. 
You felt your bottom lip quiver into a pout. You missed him too much. You never thought he would behave that way. Had you never really been important to him? If he wanted to be with his partner so much, why had he even agreed to go out with you in the first place? 
“Agh! I hate you Xavier!” You cried, banging your fists against the table in your kitchen. “Why did you let me fall in love with you?” Maybe you really had gone crazy, talking to the table like that. 
There was no time for this. It was almost dark and you still needed to go buy some groceries for your dinner. You struggled out of your house, so tired and dragging your feet. You wanted to sleep... with Xavier. You wanted to feel his warmth. But... what if he now wrapped his partner in his arms? Your cheeks turned red and, trying to avoid thinking about it, you hurried to catch the bus. 
You found a seat near the door and next to a young man, there weren't as many people as you imagined and as the bus started to go you felt your eyes heavy. Maybe... you could sleep for a few minutes? The store wasn't far away, so just a few minutes... just a couple of minutes… 
You heard your name being called between clouds. From far away. Over and over and over. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. 
“Hmm?” You opened your eyes and gasped, How long had it been?! Where were you? And... why was your head...? Had you fallen asleep on someone's shoulder?! "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" You said, raising your head only to find that the young man next to you... "Xavier?!" 
The hunter blinked, his eyes avoided yours for a second before looking directly at you and nodding a small greeting. Had he been there next to you the whole time? You could barely notice what was happening around you with how tired you were, but, strangely, you felt very good. It seemed like he really was the cure for all your ills. You chuckled softly, shaking your head. Xavier looked at you confused, tilting his head to the side like a little bird. 
“I'm sorry, Xavier. I didn't know you were there,” you jumped, “but wait, where are we?!” Checking outside the window, you could tell you were far away from the store now. 
“We're almost at my place,” he said gently and the alarms in your head set off. His partner... didn't she live in the apartment below?! Oh no. Before, you had no problem staying at Xavier's house, but... if they were really in a relationship…
“I gotta go,” you said, seeing the next bus station. It was already dark outside.
“Where are you going?” Xavier asked and you frowned.
“What do you mean? Back home. I only wanted to go to the store, but I fell asleep as you could see… Now it's even dark. Thankfully it's not raining,” you were babbling to yourself as you waited to arrive at the next stop, when you finally did, you got up. “Sorry about that, Xavier. Goodnight.” 
"Now... The next bus…," you mumbled checking the bus's schedule. "10 minutes? Lucky~"
“I'll go with you.” 
You couldn't help but squeal and jump when you heard his voice right behind you. Turning around, you saw him standing there, as tall as he was and as bright as the stars. 
“I'll take you home. It's dark. Something could happen.”
You rolled your eyes. "What could happen, I'm only going home.” 
“Some witnesses have seen wanderers in the area. I can't let you go alone." 
You sat on the bench, arms crossed, Xavier sitting next to you. "Ah, that's true. I'm not strong like your... Forget it." Your cheeks turned red. Very well! Keep opening your big mouth! Xavier didn't say anything, but you could feel his gaze on you and the blush on your cheeks traveled to the tips of your ears. 
Silence reigned between you. You could feel him, his warmth, he was so close to you, you could reach out and touch his knee. Your eyes felt heavy, you wanted to hug him. 
“I am sorry,” he suddenly said and you thought you imagined it but then he repeated it. “I am sorry for what I said the other day.” You turned to look at him and flinched when he saw his bright eyes looking sad and red. “I don't know what I was thinking. Talking like that in front of my girlfriend. Acting like I didn't want to have been there with you, but you're the only person I want close to me. I don't like nor have feelings for my coworker, I only want and need you.” 
He gently wiped a tear from your rosy cheek, his touch was electrifying. 
“You haven't been sleeping well.” You didn't answer, but he continued. “I haven't been able to sleep either. I keep recalling that day and seeing your crying face, I can't stand it… please forgive me.” 
He took your hands and you finally looked up at him, your eyes widening as you saw a small tear fall down his cheek. 
“I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I still beg you, I beg you to give me another chance. I promise I'll do better. Something like this will never happen again. I was an idiot." 
You frowned, “you were an idiot. Do you have any idea how you made me feel? It's hard to believe you love me.” 
He nodded, listening to you carefully. “I know it's hard to believe, but please let me prove it to you, let me show you how much I love you, please. I can't be without you anymore, my star. I need you, otherwise I'll go crazy. Please.” 
You sobbed and Xavier gently pulled you close to him. Wrapping you between his warm arms. You tried to pull away, but he didn't let you and soon you melted in his embrace, crying into his work clothes. 
“Please, give me another chance.” 
You nodded softly. Just one more chance. “There's not gonna be a second time,” you warned between sobs and he chuckled, kissing the top of your head. 
“I won't need them. I will treasure you as the most valuable thing that you are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” 
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evanpetersmybf · 7 months
All he asked for was you
Tate Langdon x female!reader
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Summary: Tate loves you too much. He would do anything for you, to keep you by his side, to make you love him forever. He would cross any line to make you his, it doesn't matter how evil it is... But was it really worth it?
Genre: ANGST!! and some smut
Word count: 5,104
Warnings: Obsessive, stalkish and violent behavior, implicit toxic relationship; mentions of weapons, murder, mental health issues, family issues, school shooting; use of Y/N, swearing, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected p in v. (i hope i'm not missing any...) NOT PROOFREAD !!
A/N: English isn't my first language!! Sorry if I have some mistakes and if Tate's a bit ooc (i tried to keep him in character as much as i could). I wasn't sure (and still not) if this is good but I spent days writing it, so I had to post it.
A small playlist with songs that inspired me for this: monster by meg and dia, pacify her by melanie martinez, all i want is you by rebzyyx, skyfall by adele, psycho by doko, paparazzi by lady gaga, dark red by steve lacy.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ཐི ♡ ཋྀ
Tate never believed in love, nor was he a romantic one. 
In fact, he despised it. How could he even believe in that feeling when he never felt loved by his own mother? At least that’s what he pretended.
The blond always had the facade of a tough guy, although he couldn’t fool anyone. Constance knew well he was a sensitive boy. Probably the most crybaby ever to exist… And the most unstable one.
Now he was here. His chest going up and down, breathing shallow and fast. His eyes were darting around the room, looking for something or perhaps someone. Some silly tears were rolling down his cheeks while he anxiously fidgeted with a ring on his finger. The clock on the wall continued its tick-tack. The time kept running. His heart kept beating. It was getting late.
He refused to look at the wooden floor. He didn’t want to accept reality. If Tate did that, he would feel like the biggest monster on Earth.
Nevertheless, he couldn’t stay like this.
He had to do something real fast.
Today, 18:40
You were supposed to arrive at 19:00.
But he remained there, next to the corpse of his rival. A bloody ax beside the dead man’s bleeding head.
Whom he thought was his worst enemy, was someone really dear to you.
Well, Tate fervently believed this was something justified. He couldn’t stand that fucking asshole anymore! That scumbag needed to be put back in his place. And Tate only did that. Furthermore, he actually helped him. He took him away from this shitty world. It was a favor.
He had already killed his mother’s boyfriend, so why was he feeling guilty?
Maybe because his victim was special to you. Because his death would hurt you. And Langdon swore to God he would never let anybody or anything hurt you, including himself.
He loved you.
He wanted to be the one to hold your hand forever.
Tate snapped back to the present and frowned. He picked up the weapon, putting it in his backpack. He didn’t even mind cleaning it. Then, he proceeded to knelt right next to the lifeless dude and cleaned the blood surrounding his body; afterwards, he dragged him to the basement and…
A knock on the door.
You arrived.
He left his dead foe lying limp on the cold basement ground and quickly ran upstairs, straight to his room. He also left the backpack there.
Tate spent the last twenty minutes cleaning the mess he made in the living room after he atrociously smashed your friend’s head, forgetting that had poor time to get ready. 
He desperately looked for clean clothes, scrambling the entire closet in search of fresh garments while he cussed at himself, at his mother, at that freaking boy, at the entire world but you.
Finally he found some jeans and a striped shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror after changing and cleaned the tiny drops of blood that stayed on his face and hands. He never realized he left the bloody clothing on the bed.
Another knock.
Tate opened the door, immediately throwing himself at you and giving you one of the warmest hugs. His demeanor with you was completely different; you were the only creature capable of changing his fucked up mind into something more beautiful, more peaceful. The issue was that it only happened when he was with you, otherwise he would be aggressive and rude as usual.
You got the best of him. 
“Missed you so fuckin’ much, babe…” Voice muffled since his face was buried in the crook of your neck. Tate always did the same thing; clinging onto you like a small koala would.
“Heh, me too, hun!” You spoke with the same soothing voice he adored. Tate giggled and placed a tender kiss on your jawline, then another, and another, and another.
Soon enough, he was peppering kisses all over your neck, making you moan softly. Oh those sounds. He could hear you melting under his touch, his embrace, for the rest of eternity.
He loved making you squirm, making you laugh, making you feel loved.
He was way too sweet.
Only if you knew.
Four weeks before today…
Tate has always had the bad habit of stalking you. Yeah… He wasn’t proud of it. But can you blame him? He’s constantly afraid of you leaving him. He wanted to make sure you never did so… Otherwise he would die. Literally.
Don’t ask how he would die. You already know the answer.
You two were supposed to have a date, albeit you had to cancel your meeting.
And that, of course, made him overthink. It didn’t matter how many times you told him you were going to study; he felt betrayed, as if you were rejecting him. And Tate hated and feared rejection to the bone.
“Pretty please? Please, Y/N! I don’t wanna go home early, mom’s gonna be there and-and–”
“Tate, I can’t skip this. I have like, a test every day next week and I must study. I don’t wanna fail. Please, sweetie. I promise I’ll make it up to ya’, mhm?” 
He rolled his eyes and whined, almost throwing a tantrum. He didn’t try to manipulate you on purpose. It came out naturally. “But I need you, Y/N! Why do you always do the same, huh? Am I not that important? Don’t you love me any longer?”
His childish crying continued for a couple of minutes, until it stopped and the blond agreed a deal with you.
You thought he was calm now, but no. How naive.
You went to the library to study as you said… Without noticing he followed you.
Quietly, he got into that maze of books after you and hid behind some shelves.
Tate noticed you sat on an empty table. Thank God. Oh?
Who. Is. He.
A man Tate didn’t know sat next to you. Really close. Too close for Tate’s liking. He tried to think he was a stranger, that he wasn’t going to talk to you… He was wrong.
He clenched his hands into a ball when he saw that idiot talking to you, and the worst part was that you followed suit. It seemed you two were friends or something.
How DARE YOU talk to another man? No, how dare you talk to another HUMAN BEING!?
Tate was insecure 24/7.
If you weren’t there, Tate was falling apart. It was simple.
No Y/N, no happy Tate. Was it too hard to understand?
Three weeks before today…
It was Friday. Tate was impatiently waiting for you outside the campus, hanging a small bouquet of flowers he picked up.
Once he spotted you coming out from the building, he waved his hand and embraced you tightly once you were in front of him. He gave you the adorable present.
“How did you do? Did you pass your tests? Don’t tell me, I’m sure you did.” Said, grinning from ear to ear. He was away from you for an entire week. How did he survive? He didn’t know, but he was glad to have you with him again. “Tell me about your life in the last days, baby. Please? I feel like I haven’t seen you in years!”
There he was, the one and only drama queen Tate Langdon.
You talked about the tests, about how the teachers were being a pain in the ass (which clearly triggered in him the intense desire of hurting them because they stressed you), and… About a guy. The same guy from the library, with whom you spent the entire last week studying. He couldn’t stand it. He saw him as a threat to your relationship, especially since he was an old friend that you met many years ago. 
As the days went by, you gave him more reasons to hate that jerk. Why? Well of course because you spent hours at the library doing homework or studying with him. Or even hanging out with him and other people.
In reality, you went out with him to a museum just once, and then skating with other colleagues. Nothing compared to the time you spent with Tate; in a week, you would hang out with him almost daily, and if you were way too busy, he would go to your place and spend the night there. He was so attached to you to the point he had to see you at least once a day. And that’s why he was so jealous of your friend. Tate couldn’t stand the idea of you sharing your life with someone else who wasn’t him or your family… And he also got jealous of them, but he was handling it.
Two weeks before today.
After Tate’s pleas, you decided to introduce your friend to him.
Probably a big mistake.
The date was really awkward; your friend tried being nice, and Tate acted surprisingly kind. Of course it was odd; usually, he despised all of your friends and treated them badly, yet this time was different. You were stunned, however, you tried to ignore it and instead got happy as he finally accepted a random person as your buddy. 
Still and all, he hated that moron. It didn’t matter how much he tried liking your pal, he was jealous of him. He was getting on his nerves. He denied the fact that you had more love for other people that wasn’t him. Tate desired being your only one. Your number one. Your entire world. Because that’s what you were for him. And he was willing to do whatever to keep you with him.
Tate exchanged numbers with him and meticulously plotted a plan to ascertain he would never talk to you ever again. At first, it came out as a simple “I’m gonna scare the shit outta him”, nonetheless, it turned into a darker idea, very likely involving physical violence.
One week before today…
The last few days, Tate won Peter’s trust. Ah yes. That’s your friend's name. You were glad that he finally opened his warm heart and began to meet more people besides you.
You thought he needed a friend, an empathetic person who could support the blond when you weren’t available, that way he would feel less lonely and depressed.
They went to the cinema, to the arcade, even to a music store. Everything was going according to what he planned.
Eventually, he invited Peter to his place to play chess and other board games on a Sunday afternoon, before you arrived and had a date with Tate due to your anniversary. 
Today, 16:00
Peter and Tate were eating pizza and having a great noon, talking about their lives and random stuff, like school and music. They both enjoyed Nirvana, and since Peter played the guitar, he agreed on teaching your boy how to.
If it weren’t for Tate’s twisted mind, they would’ve been best friends.
The guitarist wasn’t a bad guy. He was a great buddy that really appreciated you and the crybaby, but Langdon had something else in mind.
The men watched a movie. Tate didn’t even know its name; in fact, he didn’t even pay attention to it. Instead, he was focused on his next actions, plotting them carefully.
“Crap, mom’s gonna arrive soon…” Tate mumbled with annoyance, biting his nails and tapping his foot on the floor. He was lying. You were going to arrive, not Constance.
“Damn, bro. Well, I don’t have a problem. I wanna meet her.”
“Huh? No no no, you shouldn’t. That bitch is crazy.”
Peter scoffed, disagreeing with Tate’s rude manner to call his own momma.
“Hey, you shouldn’t talk like that. I bet she loves you!”
That pissed him off. “You don’t know anything, Peter. Your family is different. Your life’s different. You won’t understand!” He yelled, standing up from the couch and now pacing around the room, trying to keep it calm.
“Dude, calm down!
“NO! I fucking won’t!”
The screaming continued for a while. Tate revealed his unstable and crystal self. Even something so insignificant could drive him to the edge, like what happened today. That definitely surprised the other one, who used to think that Tate was a sweet boy. “I dunno why Y/N is dating you.”
“What did you say?” Tate abruptly stopped pacing.
“Y/N. Y/N doesn’t deserve you.”
“WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT!?” He pounced on Peter, gripping his neck with one rough hand, applying enough pressure on the sides to stop the blood circulation in his carotids and make him lose consciousness.
Before passing out, Peter, getting pale, managed to croak out: “Because she deserves better…”
Soon enough, he fainted, giving Tate minutes to think about what else to do. 
Your boyfriend wasn’t planning on murdering Peter today. No, he didn’t have time. He also was supposed to meet you.. But this was the perfect excuse! And not only that; he indirectly admitted he was in love with you! Or that’s what Tate interpreted with his delusional point of view.
Peter didn’t feel anything romantic for you, he was just worried Tate might be too unhinged to be your partner.
Thus, he went to his room and grabbed his backpack. Then, went to the garden shed and picked up the ax that belonged to his father, and a bottle of lye.
He had to get the job done quickly, nevertheless, he lost track of time.
Tate came back to the living room, just to notice that Peter wasn’t there anymore.
“FUCK IT!” Langdon got nervous. What if he escaped? What if he told you that Tate was crazy? He couldn’t allow this, not at all.
Thankfully, or maybe not, Tate found Peter crawling towards the front door, the poor dude still feeling dizzy after being choked.
Tate didn’t have any mercy.
“Where do you think you’re going, lil’ piece of shit!?”
Tate finally did it. He brutally murdered Peter, smashing his head several times with the ax.
He got rid of that little issue. He took him to somewhere clean.
Once he assured the other man wasn’t breathing, he dropped the weapon on the floor, making a loud metallic thud.
Tate was pinning you down on the couch, the same couch where your dead friend was sitting just an hour ago.
His hands were traveling all along your body, tracing sweet patterns on your skin.
Eventually, his fingers were clumsily pulling down your panties, not minding to take off your skirt. “Did you bring this for easy access, baby?” Tate chuckled and buried his face between your legs, holding your thighs in place; his lips plastered messy kisses over the warm flesh, biting it and leaving tiny marks after sucking.
Your reaction was alluring to him; he enjoyed listening to your pleas, to your whimpers. If it was for him, he would spend the entire day making you cum over and over again.
He finally got rid of your underwear, tossing it aside. Without further ado, the boy spread your folds with his large digits, and continued to lick your throbbing wet cunt.
“So fucking pretty… So wet for me, huh?”
His tongue lapped your small clit two or three times, then, traced a zigzag and circles on the sensitive nub. While he devoured you, he inserted his middle and ring finger, pumping them in and out of your cute hole, curling them and hitting the right spot to make you feel butterflies.
Tate could feel his arousal growing; his erection being restrained by the tight fabric of his jeans. He was desperate, yeah. But he always put you in the first place, and that included pleasuring you before him.
After a while, he replaced his fingers with his tongue, fucking your pussy with the agile muscle and now rubbing your clit with his thumb, applying pressure that sent electric waves through your body. He stopped using his tongue on you and instead looked at that stunning face of yours. He was delighted with your flushed cheeks, with every single gesture you did, with the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He wanted to take a picture of you to remember this moment forever.
His thumb increased the pace, while his free hand lifted up your blouse and tried to undo your bra. He couldn’t. You giggled when he groaned in frustration; he was too horny to think straight and that’s why you helped him to take off the garment.
Tate sighed and after that awkward and funny moment, he kept rubbing your bud, using your own juices and his saliva as a lubricant, intensifying the sensation. His left pinched and pulled your nipple, making you gasp and twitch beneath him, whilst his mouth abused your other one, greedily sucking on it.
“Tate, ‘m gonna cum! I-”
Tate cut you off by kissing you harshly; his tongue invading your warm mouth, exploring it and then nibbling your bottom lip until it bleeded. He licked the tiny drops of blood, savoring the metallic taste of it.
Unable to hold on any longer, you reached your orgasm, coming undone while Tate kept caressing your pussy, decreasing the velocity while you finally calmed down.
He left you panting; your heart beating so fast just like his.
You tried to sit up on the couch, breathing deep for more air, but the blond prevented you from going away.
“Where do you think you’re doing? We’re not done yet, you’re gonna cum again!”
Tate carried you bridal style and went upstairs straight to his bedroom. He threw you on the bed.
Without stopping looking at you, he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans along the boxers; his dick already erect and throbbing, the veins thick and the tip leaking precum.
Using the clear liquid as lube, he stroked his shaft for a while, jerking off to the sight of you. He groaned and whimpered, closing his eyes as his hand pumped himself.
One of your hands went to your breasts, massaging them softly as your right went down between your legs, slowly teasing your womanhood and coating your index finger with your arousal, using it to rub your aching bundle of nerves.
Tate’s dark room was now filled with both of your moans; Tate calling your name several times and you begging him to fuck you.
He couldn’t stand this anymore. He NEEDED to be inside you, to feel your warmth enveloping him. “On all fours. Now.” You immediately obeyed, feeling as eager as him.
“Look at me, mhm?” He positioned behind you and rubbed the tip against your wet folds, teasing you for a bit. Afterwards, he slowly entered his cock inside your slit, moving it slowly at first. His thumb went to your clitoris, toying with it just like minutes before. He picked up the pace and fucked you fast and hard; his cockhead brushing your cervix. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, Tate pulled your head towards him, still with the deep thrusting.  “Fuck, Y/N! You’re so pretty… So fucking precious, so fucking mine!” Moaned against your ear, voice raspy and agitated.
Panting, you stopped looking at him and instead looked to the bed. Why? Who knows, but you did it. And you saw Tate’s dirty clothes. Dirty with blood. A lot of blood.
You froze. Maybe it was red paint? 
“U-uh, Tate?” You muttered, feeling already bewildered by the sight. You tried not to jump into conclusions, although you knew Tate and he has always been… Secretive.. And aggressive, of course. 
After your boyfriend heard your shaky whisper, he stopped moving, even if he wanted to keep going. “Hm?”
“What’s this?” Tate sighed and pulled out from you, not understanding what you meant. 
“What’s what?”
Without saying anything else to him, you grabbed the shirt and touched the weird stain. It was still fresh. You took your fingers to your mouth to taste it; and the metallic tang was too obvious. “Tate, what the fuck is this!?”
You threw it at him. Freaked out, you stood up and picked up your clothes, putting them on again, all meanwhile Tate connected the dots and realized he was probably going to get caught.
“Wait, Y/N! It’s not what it looks like, I swear, damn it!” He yelled and grabbed your arm, not wanting you to leave like this. He had to save his reputation, he couldn’t let you think bad of him even if you had all the right. Because, why the fuck the fabric was soaked in blood?
“Then what is it, Tate? WHY DOES IT HAVE SO MUCH BLOOD!?”
You attempted to get away from his grip, struggling with him until, somehow, you managed to do so. However, you tripped with his dirty shoes and fell, realizing they were also stained with the red liquid. “Tate, what…? Why? What is this?”
“Nothing, I swear!” He didn’t have any excuses. Saying it was paint would’ve been lame. You were too smart and he knew lying wasn’t a good choice.
Feeling overwhelmed with the matter, you went downstairs, walking as fast as you could. Passing through the living room, a very familiar bag caught your eye. It was definitely Peter’s. You decided to grab it and realized it had his phone inside. Something was off.
Tate was standing behind you; fists clenched and heart beating like crazy. He tried to approach you, still thinking about what to do or what to say. 
“Tate… What is this doing here? Peter’s here?” 
“Huh? Yeah… He— He came earlier and had to go soon, he left this accidentally, yup…” You could see him fidgeting with that ring on his finger, again. 
Tate scowled and grabbed your chin, making you look at his dark orbs. “Tell me, Y/N, do you trust me or not, huh? Look me in the eyes and say you don’t!”
The struggle continued for what seemed eternity. You trying to run away from the house and he trying to make you stay. “Please, Y/N, just listen to me!”
“You did something to him, right? I know him, Tate! He would NEVER leave his phone like this! Is this a joke?”
“Why do you care so much about that asshole!? What has he done for you!? Tell me!”
“Oh my, you’re jealous! I knew it! All that crap about being his friend was a lie, right? Tate, you’re being delusional! I can have friends, I can hang out with whoever I want, whether you like it or not!” 
Tate pressed your cheeks between his thumb and the rest of his fingers, squeezing the flesh with his veiny, big hand, pressing it tightly enough to leave the mark of his long digits on it.
“You can’t! You’re mine. Only mine. Since the day you were born you were meant to be mine. Not his, not anybody, just me.”
“Tate… We should end this…” You thought this was the best for both. Being in a relationship with him was draining; always being careful to not hurt him, make him jealous or mad. He was such a sensitive boy that always took everything too personally. He felt everything a little too much.
Since the beginning you knew he was unstable and that he had many issues, but you tried to see beyond his sick mind, you tried to understand him despite being so different.
Tate felt so safe with you. You were the only person who understood him, or at least made attempts to. 
He felt rejected by the entire society, even by his own mother, until he met you and he had a minimum spark of hope that the world didn’t suck that much.
That’s why he clung to you. That’s why you were his everything. He would lose his mind if you leave him.
He felt like dying when he heard you wanted to finish the relationship.
He couldn’t breathe. 
Some tears were now falling to the floor, his eyes puffy and an ugly frown on his face. His mouth twisted as he sobbed loudly, tugging the hem of your shirt while he begged you to stay. He was crying like a newborn, like a baby who had to be apart from his mother for a second.
“No no no no, you can’t do this to me!” He whimpered, his speech cracking as he tried to hold you close whilst you were stepping back. You were slipping through his fingers, you were leaving him.
“Tate, if something happened to Peter, I will never forgive you! Can’t you see you’re hurting me?”
Tate swore he would never hurt you, nor let anyone. But here he was, finally snapping out of it and seeing the cruel truth. 
“You’ve been hurting me the whole time, Tate! I tried to understand you, I really did, I tried to help you, to save you from yourself! But it’s impossible. I’m losing myself here with you, I don’t even know who I am anymore! You don’t want help, do you? ‘Cause it doesn’t matter what I do, you’re never satisfied! You suffocate me!”
All those words were like daggers penetrating his skin, touching his nerves and making him die of pain. You were tearing him apart, just the way he was destroying you.
He finally let go of you, feeling a tornado of emotions. Tate felt depressed, mad, resentful, like he was going crazy. Though, he knew he had to leave if that’s what you wanted. He couldn’t bring himself to break another promise.
Thereby, he confessed his crimes to you. He explained he killed his mom’s partner a few days ago, and that now he had killed your friend. Why? He was jealous, he was scared you’d left him. You did it before you discovered the cruel reality, anyways. That’s why he told you. Because he couldn’t lose anything else.
The situation was utterly disgusting. Tate was sick. He murdered an innocent man and then proceeded to fuck you, as it was the maximum test of love, as if his life meant nothing.
You knew he wasn’t what people often considered “normal”. But this was definitely more than just being a “weirdo”. Tate needed psychiatric help… And being arrested, of course.
“You make me wanna puke, Tate! You’re the evil!”
Without hesitating, you left Tate behind, running as fast as you could from that living hell.
You just wanted to cry, curl up into a ball and wake up from this nightmare. You wished it was merely a bad dream.
Tomorrow morning, you’d go to the police, but for now you needed to sleep.
Monday morning, 11:05
You couldn’t sleep all night. You spent hours thinking about everything, about how this looked like a cruel joke to you. Eventually, you fell asleep at 4AM, and didn’t wake up at what seemed almost midday. 
An intense sound of police sirens woke you from your slumber. Startled by the loud noise, you rubbed your eyes and went to the window, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening outside.
Police cars and SWAT vans were going in a specific direction… Towards Tate’s street. It couldn’t be, right?
Did his mother find the corpse? Or perhaps something else?
You looked at the clock, realizing it was late and you had to go to class. 
After the most painful night of his life, Tate decided today everything would be over.
He had to cleanse the world… To take people to somewhere else, to some place full of peace away from the piss and the vomit that runs down the streets.
He was doing this not only because of your breakup, but also because of many other reasons. Your split up was the straw that broke the camel and drove him to the edge.
 After shooting the school, Tate left the place, looking unfazed about what he just did. He was unhinged. 
He peacefully got into his place, went to his room and stayed there for some minutes. 
The blond sat on the edge of the bed, leaving the gun right next to him and stared at nothing. His gaze was empty, but also there were some tears threatening to spill.
His mind was a whirlwind. Some part of him was satisfied, but the other was confused, wondering what was he thinking, what had he done?
What would you think of him now? Were you even there? Did he kill you too and he didn’t even notice?
In the end, he recognized he indeed was the evil you said. Damn it. You were right, again, as ever.
Tate wanted to hear your voice, to comfort him, to hear you saying everything was okay. That he’d be okay. He desired to hear “I love you” from you once more.
You went downstairs to find your family apparently mourning you.
They thought you were at school when the shooting happened. They believed you were gone, but here you were. 
Eventually, they explained to you what happened.
The first thing that popped into your mind was Tate’s wellbeing, still unaware that he was the culprit. You were afraid something terrible could’ve happened to him, you were regretting your last words to him, but you also had to get him prisoner.
Your heart dropped when they explained to you he was the shooter.
No, it couldn’t be possible. 
It was possible. After all, he had already killed two men.
Even if you despise what he did, some part of you still longed for him, still was in love with his once kind heart.
A terrifying feeling of dread filled your body, making you feel numb, as if none of this was real… 
After running to Tate’s house and seeing it surrounded by the cops and the SWAT team, everything stopped. Constance’s distressed cries and pleas were heard from outside, followed suit by the sound of bullets. It was over now.
Tate was certainly a troubled individual who dedicated his entire life to searching for something, to feel something, to feel loved.
All he asked for was love, to be loved, to love. All he wanted was you.
But at the same time, your love led him to an never-ending obsession that ultimately broke both of you.
He became your biggest regret.
All he feared, all his nightmares came true. Everything he was so afraid of was him and only himself. 
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dustyevskyy · 5 months
This is an OOC post btw!! I might add more to this later.
I think I should put a TW here for mentions of self h4rm and eating dis0rders, and hinted child abuse!! I know curiosity can get the best of us but still, TW in hopes that people with triggers dont read or atleast prepare themselves!!
Normal hcs!!
• He probably LOVES cats (dont make this weird guys.), but doesent know how to comprehend loving cats, like he doesent know how to comprehend loving most things.
• He likes winter. He likes everything about it, the snow, the holidays, and because thats when he has an excuse to bring freezing animals into his home, he likes animals, like I said he just cant comprehend liking them.
• He LOVES Disney movies, you cant even change my mind. Just imagine him watching Tangled, I feel like he'd pretend to hate it but be so attentive. He also likes documentaries, but he only watches them when he wants to feel more at peace.
• He writes in russian cursive. If you cant read it he'll baby talk you through the sentence mockingly and act like you just cussed him out.
• Hes a picky eater but he eats weird foods, i have no clue how to explain it. Like he'll say no to sushi because he hates the idea of eating raw fish but then eat mulberries dipped in cottage cheese or something.
• In his thousands of years alive he never once tried to actually learn to cook, so he does not know how. At all.
• He is cat coded. I dont care what you say, talk to the wall.
• He downplays how much money he has. Hes been working for thousands of years and barely spends it, he probably has hundreds of millions saved up but thinks that hes broke and works himself to death because of it. He didnt have cash in his wallet once and got paranoid about it happening again when he didnt realize that not having cash doesent mean that youre dead broke.
Ship hcs!!
• He likes cuddling. i feel like hes touched starved, so he likes to cuddle or just hold his lover, even just for a little bit.
• His love languages are probably gift giving and physical touch, he'll gift the most expensive thing he could find and then apologize about how it isnt much and then come back with a shitload of stuff the next day. The 1st hc pretty much explains the physical touch one.
• Yea, he has a temper and he looks a bit intimidating, but he can be extremely gentle and cuddly as well, only if its toward someone that he loves though.
• I feel like hes the type to complain about not getting enough attention and then just pushing it away as soon as he gets it.
• Clingy, but tries to hide it because he thinks being clingy is annoying, but he is clingy and cant stop being clingy.
• Hes the type to project the love he wishes he could have had onto his partner, or tries to because he isnt exactly sure how, but he tries!
Angsty hcs!! (ok so remember that TW? This is where it comes into play so prepare yourself!!)
• I feel like his parents tried to sacrifice him to Satan once or twice in his life because of his ability so he has a bunch of odd scars from it and thats why he wears layers, like pentagrams and random symbols just there on his skin.
• He probably got the habit of carving little things into his skin as a stress reliever because of the trauma so he just has more scars of crosses and random things
• He probably has major attachment issues from being alone most of the time, sitting in a dark room all the time with his silly little computer probably drives him insane without him even realizing it. So when he finally finds someone that he feels genuine concern or care for, he struggles because he has no clue how to love them since he was never taught or shown but also just knows he doesent want to lose them because its comforting to have them around.
• Hes probably a perfectionist when he wants to be or is totally focused on something, and so that drives him insane too.
• His parents also probably like, hardly even fed him, and when they did theyd probably bully him when hed just be trying to eat in peace, and so this is probably another habit from the trauma and now he has the mindset that eating more than one plate of food a day is gluttony (Basically an0rexia, but he doesent even realize thats what it is because he uses his religion as an excuse for it)
Extra hcs/sidenotes!!
• He likes to chew on ice.
And no, his parents were not satanists they just thought he was a sin and god would forsake them for having such a disdainful child so they offered him to satan, because they were a little bit insane!! He only stuck with the christian beliefs because he thinks maybe satan didnt take him because god wanted him here, hes a bit delulu too but thats fine!! (he probably is a prophet because why is he ancient what the flip)
Anyway here are MY takes on headcannons for Fyodor, I know they're a bit extreme but im too eepy to redo this. But I do apologize if this triggered anyone, I tried to warn the best I knew how to, thanx for reading!!!
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blubrryy · 1 year
Hello All!!
My name is Bloo //She/Her//. I am 19, and I have been roleplaying for at least five or six years now! I started out on amino as a kid and then grew away of it (thankfully), so after a long break, I am looking for a new place to rp with people in my age range! would say I am a literate to Novella writer, but I do match my partner’s writing length. My rules and preferences will be included below!
I will only be roleplaying with people 18+, obviously. If your age is not included in your bio I will not respond.
I am in the EST timezone, so keep that in mind in case our times conflict!
I would prefer a partner who enjoys playing colder, or more dark characters! Even if the plot doesn’t call for any romance. I just really enjoy playing softer characters (not “crybabies”, but less intense) and I like the contrasting personalities!
Pls be semi-lit to novella! Really anything in the middle of that range is perfect.
I rp in and out of fandoms! But I don’t like to rp canon characters or doubling up.
I LOVE brainstorming plots and events in an rp! So an ooc is essential for me.
The Last of us, Avatar(Blue People), Avatar(Bald kid), The Legend of Korra, Arcane, Spiderverse, Castlevania(Netflix Series), Any Rick Riordan Series lmao (“Heroes of Olympus” being a favorite)
Found family, Enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, survival together, fantasy, sci-fi, slice of life
For pairings I mainly do MxF! But I have also done FxF! all my ocs are Pan so any pairing works really. I would just like to be the F in each.
Here is a short drabble about my favorite oc for you to get a feel of my rp style!
Ahlia is quiet, peaceful, and relatively easy-going. She’s very sympathetic and cares about others, yet tries to hide or reserve her own emotions, seeking instead to influence others through gentleness and cooperation. She is good at resolving conflicts and problems by way of making sensible compromises but, on the other hand, she may also be too self-sacrificing or unambitious in the name of avoiding conflict. Ahlia rarely becomes angered or annoyed with people, but it most often shows itself in silent treatments, sudden outbursts, and complaints under her breath.
❥I am Lit to Advanced Lit. But I do tend to mirror whoever I am rping with. So pls try to stay within the Lit/Adv range. I do reach the see all mark somewhat often, multiple posts if its warranted, but half posts are fine too! Especially if there isn’t much to write about lmao. I hate when people fill in reply space with unnecessary things just to get to the “see all”.
❥I dont rush for replies, so pls dont do the same. But if you will be very late for a reply for whatever reason, heads up would be nice. Even just saying you forgot or weren’t feeling it at the moment is alright, because it happens to me a lot.
❥Please pm me for rp requests if you are sure you will have the time. I get into so many good rps with people only for them to ghost me without an explanation. If you are unresponsive for more than two weeks without some sort of explanation or heads up I’ll probably leave.
❥I do enjoy some 🕊️ topics! But I also have limits. Topics like racism, homophobia, and excessive gore are not really something I am into. Though things like SA are alright for me as long as there is none of it actually taking place in the present of the rp. (Ofc I understand with the fandoms I am a part of (especially TLOU), the topic can be brought up and posed as a realistic threat). This goes for romantic and platonic plots.
❥I am not really fond of nsfw. Just makes me a bit uncomfortable to write. But I am open to fade to blacks after a certain point.
❥I am BLACK. PUHLEASE don’t message me with weird race kink shit or assume I’m white and starting being the most racist person alive omg I didn’t realize so many people were like that here😭
I hope we can create something fun together! Just comment or message me if interested!
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sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
Im gonna spam ur requests but don’t feel pressured to write any of them lol- maybe bakugo with a reader with some type of flight quirk? And since baku can somewhat fly with his quirk they go flying together in the middle of the night above the clouds and look at the ✨stars✨
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word count: 1.7k+
mentions: ending kinda shitty don’t @ me, no pronouns mentioned i think, ooc baku?? maybe??, just a bunch of fluffy stuff
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✧˖°When you wish upon a star…
It was one of those nights.
No matter how long you lay in bed, staring aimlessly at the darkened ceiling above you, you found that you just couldn’t fall asleep. You tried everything: counting sheep, drinking warm milk with honey, even laying still in the hopes that you could trick your body into shutting down. But nothing would work and you were slowly growing irritated.
A quick glance at your phone told you it was sometime around one in the morning. Shit. You were lucky that it was a Friday night, but you still longed to sink into the realm of your dreams. The worst part of it all was probably the exhaustion you could feel just beyond your eyelids, begging you to slip into slumber. But you couldn’t and you found yourself slowly sitting up to glance at the moon through your bedroom window.
It was a semi-clear night, a few puffs of clouds sprinkled here and there. Your window was cracked open a bit, so you could feel the cool air of night occasionally whenever a breeze drifted lazily by. You stared at the sky for a bit, watching the stars twinkle above you. Then you got up, deciding that maybe a walk would do you some good. Maybe you could tire yourself out enough to fall asleep.
Slipping one of your hoodies on, you slid into your slippers and made your way quietly out of your room, blinking slowly as your eyes adjusted to the new darkness of the hallways. You ambled around the 3-A dorms as gently as you could, tiptoeing past the doors of your slumbering classmates. You didn’t know how many times you must’ve walked around the entire building, but your mind wasn’t growing tired yet. So you walked.
And you walked.
Until you found yourself dragging your feet past a certain someone’s room for the umpteenth time. And he was awake.
You startled when the door on your left suddenly snapped open, whipping your head in its direction as your eyes came into contact with burning crimson ones. Bakugou glared at you from his doorframe, his hair rumpled and his dark clothes slightly askew. You stared wide-eyed at him before he hissed out, “What the hell are you doing? It’s almost two in the fucking morning and I can hear you stomping up and down the hallways like a fucking donkey.”
“I wasn’t stomping,” you huffed as you rubbed your face, feeling slightly guilty that you’d apparently woken him up. You were being as quiet as you could! “I just can’t sleep.”
He stared at you unimpressively for a moment, eyeing your equally messy hair and bunny slippers. You shifted uneasily then pointed a hand over your shoulder. “Maybe I should-”
“Shut up and get in,” were his only words before he turned around and made his way back to his bed. You stared in after him for a few seconds, then closed your mouth and followed. Once you shut the door quietly behind you, you turned to watch Bakugou flop back onto his bed, glaring up at the ceiling as though it had personally offended him.
You walked over to the side of his bed and peered down at him, his eyes sliding over to watch you. “Sorry if I woke you,” you whispered into the darkness of his room, “I really didn’t mean to.”
Bakugou was silent for a while after you spoke. In fact, you were just starting to feel a bit awkward being bent over him before he opened his mouth to reply. “You didn’t wake me,” he muttered in a voice so low, you almost had to strain your ears to hear it. It was then that you realized he had slight bags under his eyes, an exhaustion settled into his face that made you frown slightly. He looked as tired as you felt. You wondered what kept him up.
“How long have you been awake?” you asked as you straightened and peered around his room. It was dark, but the curtains across the sliding doors leading to his balcony were open, allowing more of that unfiltered moonlight in. You were allowed a better look at the night sky, so you stared at it as you waited for his reply.
“Hell if I know,” he eventually gritted out, lifting his head slightly to watch as you walked over to his balcony door. You couldn’t tear your gaze from the sky and all its twinkling stars. Shining so brightly down at you that you felt like you could just reach out and pluck them right out-
“I have an idea,” you suddenly said as you twirled around to look at Bakugou still sprawled across his bed. He lifted an eyebrow up at you, prompting you to continue. “A stupid idea. But well, we’re both awake and I don’t think we’ll be sleeping anytime soon and you don’t have to agree but I thought I’d just-”
“Fucking hell, just spit it out for fuck’s sake,” Bakugou groaned and you paused in your little speel to take in a deep breath.
“What if we… get a closer look at the stars?”
Bakugou propped himself up on his elbows, staring at you in an incredulous manner. You fidgeted but didn’t relent under his gaze. “What.”
“I mean, what if-” You broke yourself off and turned back to his balcony door, sliding it open to let the cool air in. You shivered slightly, but found yourself still staring up at the sky. It was so close. So close, yet so far. “You know what, let me just-” With that, you stepped out onto the balcony, summoning your quirk as you grabbed onto the railing and pushed yourself up into the air. Bakugou shouted something behind you, but you controlled the air around your body to float yourself up, up, up, just inches closer to that shining brightness you suddenly craved.
You twirled around in the air to stare down at Bakugou, who had pushed himself out of bed to stand outside on his balcony. He stared up at you with wide eyes. “What the hell are you doing???”
“Getting a closer look,” you repeated as you floated yourself down closer to him to stick your hand out. He glanced down at your outstretched palm.
“Do you trust me?” you asked quietly.
For a moment, all Bakugou did was stare at your hand. Then he looked up at your face, your expectant look that just teemed with suppressed excitement and hope. And he sighed.
“Whatever,” he said as he grasped your hand. You pulled him up, simultaneously using your quirk to keep him up in the air. It took all your concentration to keep him and yourself suspended. You knew he was able to fly on his own with his explosions, but well, it was the middle of the night and you didn’t think having him blow up into the air was a good idea. Not yet anyways.
“Hang on,” you said as you gripped his hand and floated the both of you up closer to the sky. The wind got slightly stronger the farther you rose up, the cold kissing at your cheeks. You passed through some clouds, the moisture of them causing your clothes to get slightly wet, water droplets littering your skin. It wasn’t until you found yourself above the clouds, surrounded by the darkness and twinkling stars that you looked down at Bakugou.
He was staring out at the crescent-shaped moon, but made eye contact with you once he saw your head turn. Your fingers were starting to feel numb, but you held on.
“Can you take it from here?” you asked him, feeling glad that you had decided to slip on a hoodie. He nodded and you released his hand, still using your quirk to keep him in the air until you saw his hands ignite in a warm tangerine color.
It took him a few seconds to catch his balance and use his explosions to keep himself suspended in the air. You grinned once he looked at you, giving him a thumbs up before you spun yourself around to take your surroundings in.
Here, up so high in the sky, you felt as though you were swimming in an ocean of stars. They were so much bigger and brighter than they were when you were looking at them from your window. You reached a hand out, feeling as though your fingers could brush against the specks of white, maroon, teal, and sunshine. Here you could see clouds of nebulae much clearer than when you were on the ground and you felt your breath get stolen from your lungs.
“It’s so much prettier than I expected,” you breathed out, still spinning around to drink everything in. You floated yourself up, daring to inch closer to the moon. If you wanted, you felt like you could reach out and hook onto it’s curve. You could almost see the individual craters on its surface too, the sight filling up your eyes entirely. The cold didn’t bug you anymore either, its sharp nips being drowned out by the spectacle before you. You could hear the distant popping of Bakugou’s explosions from behind you, letting you know he was still here. Still with you.
You didn’t know how long the two of you just floated around, time lost to the magnificence of the universe. But at one point, you found yourself looking at Bakugou, at the way the wind ruffled his ash-blond hair. You watched as he kept himself close to you with his explosions, his face relaxed into an expression that no longer held a trace of that previous exhaustion you had seen on him. You felt warm inside, a heat spreading from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. And you realized.
You realized that if it were anyone else up here with you, anyone else flying as the Peter Pan to your Wendy, you wouldn’t be feeling this content. This satisfied. This happy.
And when Bakugou turned his head to look at you, his eyes shining brighter than any of the stars around you, it felt as though you had fallen right back to the Earth.
And you knew that if you could, you would give him the entire universe and all it’s stars in a heartbeat.
...your dreams come true✧˖°
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kenganenjoyer · 3 years
Meguro and Hayami Slice of Life Headcanons
Just a few slice of life headcanons with Meguro and Hayami. Apologies in advance if this is a little ooc but I just wanted a little fluff ><. I’ll probably make a separate post including their s/o but this one will more or less just be about them chilling outside of judo practice O3O
When it comes to meals at home Hayami usually handles most of the cooking. He has a couple cook books tucked away in the corner of the kitchen and enjoys having his older brother try out new recipes. Meguro has made a few attempts to cook on his own but the food either turned out burned or inedible. Meguro isn’t a picky eater but does prefer the food Hayami makes.
Hayami loves to read and will sometimes read out loud when his brother is around. Meguro may not have much interest or patience to read as much as Hayami but he’ll sit by him and listen from time to time. Occasionally Meguro will even bring back books he thinks his brother might like. Half the time he has no idea what they are about but Hayami appreciates the gesture nonetheless.
They both take care of various chores around the house though Meguro will sometimes forget and need a couple reminders. They’re both strong af so moving furniture around to clean is a breeze for them. (Cut to Meguro smacking an entire couch to the side to vacuum under it)
They have the same physical build and will sometimes wear each other’s clothes if they get mixed up. Hayami doesn’t mind and Meguro doesn’t care.
(slightly less fluffy hc) Let’s be real here…. they probably do laundry often if not every day. Judo training between them can get brutal and blood isn’t the easiest thing to clean off of a pure white gi. Meguro doesn’t really care as much since his coveralls are dark blue and the blood is less apparent but he’ll wash them every now and then.
Nikaido once visited while Meguro was out doing something for Katsumasa and instead was greeted by Hayami for the first time. He was pretty shocked at first thinking that Meguro had somehow changed entirely until Hayami finally explained they were brothers. He still has trouble believing they’re related with how different they act.
Between the two of them only Hayami can drive. Please do not entrust Meguro with vehicles or heavy machinery.
While their hair styles are quite similar Meguro’s hair is longer and sticks out more. Hayami has tried to comb it out and smooth it down but it always poofs back to its usual pointy look.
They both wear glasses and have accidentally worn each other’s glasses for a week without noticing.
When Hayami was younger he once tried to copy his brother’s face markings with a marker. He even tried sticking his tongue out to look more like his older brother. Meguro humored him for the day before he realized Hayami had used a permanent marker….
Hayami is used to his brother’s blep face but he did panic one time when Meguro accidentally bit his tongue while talking. Luckily it wasn’t serious and there wasn’t a lot of blood though Meguro did seem oddly happy when it happened.
It’s all fun and games until Meguro stubs his toe on a coffee table and a very confused Hayami walks in wondering why there’s moaning coming from the living room.
If you would like headcanons of other Kengan Ashura/Omega characters feel free to leave a request in my ask box ^_^
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gaeasun · 3 years
Vacancy and Bed Bargain with Commander Ponds please???
I have not forgotten these! Going to be honest, I've never really thought much about Ponds, or Neyo (he's just as central as Ponds really), but I enjoyed writing them here! Hopefully they don't seem ooc.
Everyone I want to be alive is alive. Just go with it.
What was a soldier to do when the war was over?
Drink, apparently.
Commander Ponds wasn’t about to drown himself in a bottle, though. Now that he and his batchmates and other close vode weren’t scattered throughout the galaxy, they planned a night at 79’s, where they could relax for maybe the first time in their lives. No Separatist plot, no wayward General to worry about (not that Ponds’ ever had to worry about his general, because he was fortunate enough to have an alor who was responsible in all matters). Just drinks and brothers.
Ponds’ yawned and leaned back in his chair, wondering why he was so tired. He’d gotten a full night’s rest and more. Maybe it was his body protesting the sudden drop in activity. Yes, that was likely it.
A sharp rap at the door caught his attention, and Ponds nearly fell over.
Neyo stepped in, his eyes neutral as usual. A clone of few words, he tossed his head towards the door, indicating he was ready.
“Alright. Let me change my shirt and we’ll go.”
Neyo nodded.
Soft clothes were nice, as Ponds had discovered, but incredibly impractical. He’d torn the first shirt he’d bought with the pension the Republic had set up, and resolved to be more careful in the future. So he had soft shirts for the apartment, and tougher shirts for going out.
Neyo only had sturdy shirts, something about always being ready for anything. But Ponds had a good memory, and had noticed that his shirts on occasion looked ever so slightly ruffled, almost like someone had taken one out and put it back.
He’d never seen Neyo wear any of them. Ponds didn’t ask about it either.
He finished changing and yawned again before heading out the door, slapping Neyo on the shoulder as he did so.
Or, that had been his intention. Neyo dodged back, eyes wide and hands clenched like he was expecting an attack.
“Sorry,” he muttered, once he’d forcibly unclenched his fingers.
Ponds moved slowly to touch Neyo on the shoulder, more gently this time. “No need to apologize, brother. I’m sorry for startling you.”
Neyo shrugged, slowly relaxing again. He started out the door, Ponds following.
On the way, Ponds was unable to keep himself from yawning again and again.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he muttered. “I don’t think I slept poorly.”
“You didn’t,” Neyo said. At Ponds’ raised eyebrow, he added “I did.”
“Hmm,” Ponds pondered. “Do you need another blanket?”
“Too warm?”
“Less sweets before sleeping?”
“You know I don’t like... sugar.”
Ponds laughed at the distaste his vod put into that word. “I know. Just joking.” Neyo could barely handle fresh fruit; the one time he tried a cookie he spat it across the floor and rinsed his mouth out. Eating mostly ration bars your entire life wasn’t without its consequences.
Ponds just hoped Neyo would be able to drink enough to smile tonight. He wasn’t sure if his brother was happy or not, and his guarded nature made it difficult to tell.
79’s was alive tonight, with various commanders and a few adopted CT’s. Ponds laughed as he spotted Captain Rex arm wrestling Captain Howzer. The former he knew from Kamino, the latter he knew from Ryloth.
Neyo followed closer than his shadow, his eyes scanning every exit, entrance, and window in the place. He wasn’t the only one; too many vode sat with haunted eyes, nursing or quaffing drinks.
“Ponds!” Someone hollered- Bly, Ponds spotted, sitting with some other commanders. Ponds walked over, and the others spoke their own greetings. Fox had to take a break from his drink to do so, going right back to the glass and only setting it down when it was empty to slump against his seat. His eyes were dark and exhausted, which was no surprise given what Ponds had heard he’d been through, so his slowly relaxing posture was probably a good thing.
Ponds nudged Neyo to sit next to Fox, and then slung an arm around Cody. “Vod! Hoped you save me a drink or two.”
Cody laughed. “Of course, Ponds. How you doing, Neyo?”
Neyo nodded, which could have meant any number of things but at the moment was his equivalent of I’m fine.
Rex returned in triumph. “Hah! Told you. Pay up Cody.”
Cody groaned. “Osi’kyr. Now that we actually get paid I keep forgetting we actually have to keep our bets now.” He flipped a credit to Rex.
“Ponds! See what I did?” Rex grinned, and Ponds laughed in delight that their blond little vod’ika was cheerful after the war.
“Way to go, Rex’ika. Howzer’s no pushover.”
Rex rubbed his bicep and grinned. “Yeah. Now, move. My seat.”
Ponds held up his hands in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. I was going to get a drink anyways.”
After ordering something fizzy, he returned and sat next to Neyo, who was “talking” to Fox through rapid tapping on the table. Ponds chose to drink instead of translating.
The next few hours passed in a blur, going faster as it grew later. Ponds didn’t have too much to drink, but his head spun all the same. He laughed and joked without understanding, until he grew too hot and was burning and had to go outside.
“‘M fresh air,” he muttered before hastily stumbling towards what he pretty sure was the door.
The cool night air was a relief, even if the stink of the air wasn’t.
Ponds groaned as his stomach churned. He moved away to vomit somewhere away from the entrance, then sat near his pile of sick.
Finally he decided he’d been sitting for long enough, and unsteadily rose to find his way back inside. But all the music and sound and light blurred together, and he kept walking. And walking and walking. He had to reach the entrance sometime, right?
But the sound and light faded into darkness as he wandered, in reality further and further from the bar. Ponds had no idea where he was, but he couldn’t stop. He just kept walking, too dazed to change course.
“Hey clone!”
Not good. Other way.
“No you don’t!”
Something roughly slammed into him, and Ponds toppled to the ground head spinning.
“Hmm?” was all he could manage.
“Can’t believe my taxes had to pay for you. Doesn’t that still make you property?” An ugly, potbelly man jeered from somewhere above Ponds.
“No. ‘m not your property, ‘m my prop’rty. G’ ‘way.”
A boot slammed into his side, and Ponds realized his stomach was not completely empty yet. He proceeded to vomit the last dregs of whatever was in his stomach onto the boots in front of him.
“You filthy-” The man tried to knee him in the face, but battle instincts and vertigo saved Ponds when he collapsed onto his side, narrowly dodging the concussion.
The boot reared back again, and Ponds curled up, his arms protecting his head.
The kick never came. Instead, Ponds heard something- the indignant squawk telling him it was probably the man- hitting the ground.
Firm hands pulled tugged Ponds onto his back.
“Hey Neyo,” he slurred. “When’id you ge’ here? Where’s here?”
Neyo put the back of his hand to his forehead, and pulled it away. “This isn’t just alcohol. You’re sick.”
“I am?”
Neyo hauled him to his feet, and pulled one arm around Ponds, carrying some of his weight. With his help, Ponds stumbled… stumbled somewhere. It was a long trip, and Ponds just got dizzier and more exhausted. By the time Neyo started slowing down he was supporting Ponds almost completely.
Neyo took Ponds directly to a medic, who confirmed Ponds had come down with something and the alcohol had exacerbated it. The best thing to do now was let Ponds sleep it off and check him again in the morning.
Ponds only heard muffled voices and saw blurry lights. He still didn’t know where he was, but he was with Neyo, so he knew he was safe.
Neyo helped him to somewhere soft. A bed, maybe?
Soft clothes hit his lap, and Ponds recognized his sleep clothes by touch. He instinctively began tugging at his shirt, but he was too disoriented to pull it off completely.
Then gentle hands were helping him, pulling the shirt off the rest of the way and putting his head and arms through his pajamas. The pants were much easier and Ponds managed to do them himself.
“ -o- ee-” Ponds heard Neyo say, but didn’t know what it meant. When Neyo got up, Ponds followed him like a duckling in his namesake.
“ -ee-” Neyo said again, but Ponds could only stare in confusion. Neyo moved away again, and Ponds followed.
Neyo was quiet, then sat down on the bed. He nudged at Ponds til he was laying down, then laid down himself beside him after wrapping Ponds securely in a blanket.
Ponds waited to see if Neyo would move again, but he didn’t, so he closed his eyes and tried to move past the light-headedness into unconsciousness.
Past all the confusion, Ponds could faintly hear Neyo’s heartbeat, steady and sure. He focused on the rhythm a bit, until he relaxed into sleep.
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plentyelegant · 3 years
never mind about the shape I'm in, I'll keep you safe
(alternative title: Klaus just loves his baby sister send tweet)
Summary: After getting bested by their umpteenth threat to the world's continued existence, the siblings not only get scattered across the city, but their powers scattered amongst them. After waking up without his powers, a clue which of his siblings' powers he did have, or where his siblings actually were, Klaus starts looking for them... only to see possibly the most heartbreaking sight he could have imagined: Vanya, obviously burdened with his powers of seeing and hearing the dead... in a cemetery.
Words: 3.8k
Pairings: PLATONIC Klaus & Vanya (and some platonic Klaus & Allison near the end)
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort. Sensory overload/panic attack. Discussion of seeing/hearing ghosts. Mentions of death, drugs, and Reginald's abuse (The Mausoleum). One mention of insanity (klaus being worried his powers might drive vanya insane).
A/N: This is my first tua oneshot! I've been working on it since Friday because... well... the idea wouldn't leave me alone until I got it out in a fic. I actually did it instead of finally finishing s2, so... it might be a bit ooc? But I hope you like it! Title from "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by MCR. Based on the second addition of this post of mine. <3
Well, Klaus thought, isn’t this just swell?
“Swell” was probably, by far, one of the most inaccurate ways to describe this debacle that he could come up with. Just earlier that afternoon - Oh, what a nice afternoon it had been! - he and his siblings were dealing with some threat. Maybe it was more nefariousness from the Commission, maybe they were preventing the apocalypse of the week. Who knew? Who kept track, anyway, of the fires they’d been putting out?
(Well, Five probably did. But that wasn’t the point.)
But it just so happened that this fire they’d been putting out had been able to best them and scatter them across the city. What’s more, this fire wasn’t an ordinary fire, but one like themselves, or that chameleon-esque one from the 60s. Maybe that fire had intended to erase or absorb their powers, and the act had been botched, or this was their intent all along. It didn’t matter, really; all that mattered was that this fire managed to give his and his siblings’ powers a whole switcheroo before scattering them.
(Alright, metaphors aside, it wasn’t a fire. It was a villain.)
Klaus’ only reassurance that their powers hadn’t been erased entirely (or taken by the villain for themself) was that, after they’d sent a blast out at him and all of his siblings, leaving the six positively reeling, Klaus had seen a very confused Luther start “blipping” everywhere, ala Five’s teleportation, before they’d all been scattered. Oddly enough, he’d been grateful for seeing that; if Luther had Five’s powers, it stood to reason that each of them had the power of another sibling instead of their own… right?
Well, it was what Klaus was going with.
But when he came to without any of his siblings around, a clue where they were, or that power-swapper in sight, he decided against trying to figure out which of their powers had been thrown at him. He may not have been the smartest of the bunch (that was either Five or Allison, really. Probably Allison. Yeah, it was Allison.), but even he knew it would have probably been a bad idea to see if he could control things’ directions like Diego, or rumor things into existence (or nonexistence) like Allison, or make use of Luther’s super strength.
And he could only imagine the catastrophe that might come about if he tried to use Vanya’s powers. The only one who knew how to best handle them was Vanya herself. And even she wasn’t exactly well-acquainted with them!
No, no, no. The best plan - if he could call whatever the fuck he was improvising a plan, which just didn’t seem like the right thing to do - was to find the others, figure out who had whose powers, and realize which one he had through process of elimination.
Speaking of elimination, as Klaus searched through the streets for where the other five ended up, he’d at least been content with the power-swapping ensuring that he wasn’t hounded by the dead as he attempted to round up his siblings. Silence from the ghosts was a pleasantry he’d never quite been used to, especially silence that hadn’t come along with either being as high as a kite or drunk as a skunk. At least, it made it easier to look for the others.
“Allison!” he called out as he walked the streets, “Vanya! Diego!”
Of course, sober or not, he still drew stares from passers by as he called their names. That was fine. He just had to find them as soon as he could. They couldn’t have been far!
(Well, they very well could have, but right now, Klaus took quite a liking to trying to reassure himself through falsehoods so he didn’t panic. It was fun.)
After an hour or two of searching fruitlessly for his brothers and sisters, he eventually turned into a lesser-populated street of town - a street which harbored a cemetery.
He winced at the sight of the large plot. He always hated going into graveyards; they only bombarded him with ghosts (which he’d never forgotten Reginald taking advantage of with that fucking mausoleum). Of course, the dead couldn’t do much to him now, since he’d been stripped (or relieved?) of his usual powers that afternoon, but that didn’t stop him from grimacing.
But his grimace fell when he saw someone in a patch of trees far off on the opposite side of the property from where he’d stood outside it’s gates.
“Oh no,” he mumbled to himself as he shook his head, “Oh, no, no, nononono-”
He wished he was mistaken in thinking he recognized that quivering little frame, curled up against a tree with her forehead against her knees as she kept them close to her chest; he wished he didn’t recognize her all-black outfit from earlier, or her brown hair which she’d had her hands dug into as she covered her ears.
He’d recognized that posture all too well. Not from her, but from himself; from his days locked in the dark of that mausoleum, trying to cover his ears to block everything out and make himself small, because he felt small - and he was, he was just a kid - and curling into a ball because he’d had no one there to hold him but himself.
It was Vanya.
Vanya had his powers.
...And she got dropped in a fucking cemetery.
“Oh, fuck!”
Klaus half-ran, half-stumbled into the graveyard. Thankfully, it was nearly empty, and the few people there paid no attention when he ran across the yard, dodging and hurdling over headstones when he’d needed to. He’d dodged them on instinct and reflex alone, because all he could think about was that scared little ball up against that tree. He didn’t try to call to her; not only was he almost out of breath, but he feared that trying to call her name while she didn’t see him would just add to the bombardment of voices that no doubt rang out in her head.
As he got closer, the sight just became more and more heartbreaking, but it was at its worst when he’d gotten right in front of her, and he could hear her sobs.
“Go away.” she pleaded, a little muffled with how her head had been ducked behind her knees, “Please, please just go away.”
Klaus knew she wasn’t talking to him, but the ghosts. She wasn’t even aware of his presence yet. And he couldn’t let that stand, so he dropped to his knees and put his hand on her arm.
“NO!” she jerked away from his hand with a sob. He didn’t blame her - he would have done the same, after being left alone with the ghosts for…
...Oh, fuck, it had been hours since they’d been scattered. Hours since she’d ended up here. In a cemetery. With overwhelming powers of seeing the dead. Alone. 
“Vanya!” he said louder, trying to speak over the ghosts if he could have. Gently, instead of putting a hand on her arm again, he placed both his hands on her shoulders.
Finally, her head snapped up, and when he saw those big brown eyes shine with tears that hadn’t already joined the others that streamed down her face, it took all Klaus had in him not to start crying too. Instead, he just put his hands over hers. It wouldn’t do much to actually deafen the ghosts, but he hoped it at least gave her some comfort.
“It’s me, Vanny.” he said, hoping she’d hear it, or at least know what he was saying, “It’s just me.”
Her lips, which had been relaxed as they trembled from shock, contorted into a grimace.
She hugged Klaus so tightly that it almost winded him. Even with her powers being as incredible as they were, he always got surprised at how much physical force could be inside one little violinist. Still, he hugged her back, tight enough to reassure her while not making her feel restrained. No one really hugged him when the ghosts got too strong before, but if they did, this was how he would have liked it.
Klaus could feel Vanya grab fistfuls of the back of his shirt and hold them in what he aptly assumed was a white-knuckled grip. That was alright, he was just glad she hadn’t scratched him in the process.
“There’s-” she started, her head nestled against the crook of his shoulder, her voice shaking, so little, “There’s - there’s so many of them-”
Even though she couldn’t really see it, he tried to smile reassuringly.
“Ohhh,” He tried to make his voice as reassuring as the smile she couldn’t see. “Don’t pay any mind to those silly gooses, Vanny. All their snarling and shrieking’s just for show.”
Klaus could hear her sniffle against his shoulder.
Klaus twisted his neck a little to look at what was visible of Vanya’s face, “Hm?”
Vanya picked her head up a bit.
“Not gooses.” she said, her voice strained and her eyes red, both obvious byproducts of crying as she was bombarded by the spirits of the dead in a cemetery for hours, “Geese.”
Klaus rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. Of course, of all the things that helped ground her, it was correcting his grammar. Still, he took what he could get.
“Oh, so you write one bestseller, and now you know everything about grammar, don’cha?” he said, smiling and giggling when he’d finished so she’d hopefully know he’d been trying to be lighthearted.
Apparently, it worked, because a smile twitched at the corners of her lips, and she laughed a hoarse little laugh…
...until her little smile fell, and that laugh turned into more shaking breaths again, getting deeper and deeper until she gasped with every breath.
Oh, no.
Of course, it hadn’t grounded or distracted her for long; she hugged him tighter and nestled her head against his shoulder again. But this time, she screamed against his shoulder, a sound that wasn’t made one bit less heart-shattering by being muffled. As he tried to stop his own lips from trembling and his own eyes from watering, he just hugged her tighter.
“Shhhh, it’s okay, Vanny, it’s okay.” he said, his shushing more to sooth her than to actually make her be quiet, which he knew wouldn’t work the moment she shrieked again, “You’re okay. Just focus on this. Just on me.”
“I can’t.” she choked out, “I can’t - I can’t do it - I can’t-”
As hysteric as she was… Klaus knew she was right; she couldn’t withstand this. Not for much longer. Even after almost thirty years with the ghosts, he still had a hard time keeping them at bay. For years, he couldn’t. That’s why he’d started the drugs. But even his experience with the ghosts all his life, as nightmarish as it had been, was nowhere near as bad as what had been thrust upon Vanya. He, at least, had ways to withstand it, or keep it drowned out. Vanya didn’t have that.
And it was killing her.
It was killing his baby sister.
Maybe it wasn’t killing her, but without a way to quiet it, or keep it at bay, Klaus didn’t have any doubt that… that it could drive her mad. He feared it for himself, some days in his childhood, but that fear became so much more real - and so much worse - as his sister shook in his arms.
“Klaus. Please. Help me.”
But he didn’t know how.
She was in too much hysterics to walk out of here, and he wasn’t strong enough to carry her. He didn’t have any drugs on him either - even if he did, he was not going to give them to Vanya; there was no way in hell he was going to fuck her up like that. She didn’t have any of the mood regulators she used to take, either, which might have dampened the ghost-seeing powers just like they did her moon-blow-uppy powers before.
He didn’t know what to do. His little sister was in pain and terrified and he didn’t know how to make it go away.
...He had an idea.
There was one thing he could try - something he’d wished and asked fruitlessly for often when he was little. He didn’t know if it would work, but he didn’t know for sure that it wouldn’t work, either. If it could help Vanya, it was worth a shot.
“Vanny, I have an idea,” he pulled his arms away, “But you have to trust me, okay?’
He felt her head move in a frantic nod.
“I do, I do, I do, just - just do something -”
He put his hands on her arms and gently pulled them away and pushed her back a bit so she was right in front of him, and he could look into her eyes. He didn’t know if eye contact was necessary for this, but why risk messing it up if it was?
He took a deep breath and said something he wished countless times to hear as a child; something he’d probably look really, really stupid for saying if this didn’t work, and he didn’t get the power that he really, really hoped he did.
“I heard a rumor that the ghosts went away.”
…Vanya’s eyes clouded over.
Klaus didn’t think he’d ever felt so relieved in his life. Not even after he’d been brought out of the mausoleum, or when he’d needed anaesthetics to wire his jaw shut after he fell down the stairs, and he realized that drugs shut the ghosts up. No, this was more of a relief than all of that, guaranteed.
After a few seconds, Vanya’s eyes cleared up, going from milky white back to their normal brown. Immediately, she closed them as she brought her hands to the sides of her head, her little frame sagging with fatigue.
“Did it work?” he asked with a tilt of his head. Letting out a deep breath, she nodded.
“Thank you…” she mumbled, exhaustion evident in her voice as she opened her eyes, though her eyelids were heavy.
Klaus smiled again.
“Pure luck, Vanny.” he said, “That’s all that was.”
“Mhm…” she nodded a little, sleepy nod before her eyes fell shut and her head lolled to the side… 
And the rest of her body followed.
Though she was still kneeling, and it wouldn’t have hurt much if she hit the ground, Klaus still caught her as she fell unconscious, keeping her back and neck supported as best he could as he gently laid her on the ground next to the tree she’d been curled up against. Of course she collapsed; he knew how exhausting this must have been for her.
So, Vanya has my powers, I have Allison’s, and…
Klaus thought back to earlier, when he’d seen Luther frantically blipping around.
...Luther has Five’s. Great.
Well, it wasn’t like he could go searching for the others and figure out where the other three powers ended up. Vanya, laying flat on her back in the shade, was already dead to the world, and would probably be for a while yet, and Klaus would never just leave her here. Also, since he didn’t exactly have Luther-like super strength (or, depending on who got it in the switch… Allison-like? Diego-like? Five-like? Oh, now that would be rich.), or as much upper body strength as he’d like, he couldn’t carry her out.
No… the best thing to do was wait here. Whether he was waiting for one of the others to find him, or for Vanya to wake up, or for someone to kick the both of them out when the graveyard closed, he wasn’t sure. But he knew he’d wait right there for one of those things… preferably any but the latter.
Resigned and relieved, he moved over to sit up against the tree, next to his sleeping sister. With his back against the bark, he let his head loll back. Until now, he hadn’t realized how exhausted he’d been in all of this, after walking the streets for hours, running to poor Vanya, and finding her as he did…
It had been a full afternoon, and he decided resting his eyes for a bit wouldn’t hurt.
Klaus was lured back into the realm of the conscious by the sound of voices.
“There they are!” he’d heard.
No, not the voices of the dead he usually heard. Those would be with Vanya when (if at all) that rumor wore off (and honestly, he hoped it wouldn’t).
No, it was the voices of his siblings.
“Klaus!” he heard Five’s ever-snippety tone.
“Vanya!” he heard the worry in Allison’s voice.
He opened his eyes to see the rest of his siblings coming towards them; Allison and Five, who he heard moments before, as well as Diego and Luther. He let out a sigh. Thank fuck. He’d been worried that he might get kicked out first, as that would’ve been his luck.
It didn’t take long for them to make their way over to them.
“What happened-” Luther started, a little loud due to his concern. So it didn’t wake Vanya (or disturb nearby mourners), Klaus brought a finger to his lips and shushed him.
He pointed down to Vanya, still sleeping at his side, and put up his hands - and their ouija board-esque tattoos - in a flourish, a clear gesture saying that Vanya had his powers.
They all got it immediately.
“What about you guys?” he whispered.
“Well,” Allison started, still glancing at Vanya. “After I tried seeing if I could control where things I threw went, I figured out I had Diego’s powers.”
She nodded to Diego as he stood behind her, looking over her shoulder to stare down at Vanya with a troubled gaze, which almost looked… restrained, as if he was trying to keep his emotions at bay.
“I landed by a lake, so it was easy to find out with skipping stones.” she explained. Of course, leave it to Allison to find the most practical way to deduct which power she’d gotten.
(It must have been fun holding the family’s brain cell.)
“And after a few broken streetlamps,” Five announced, hands in his pockets, “Figured it would be best if Diego here kept a cool head for a while.”
So, he’s got Vanya’s powers. Klaus figured out. Makes sense.
It didn’t, but none of this did. Nothing in their lives ever did.
“And it took a bit to find Luther when he kept blipping across the street every time he sneezed.” Allison said, eyeing a very sheepish Luther behind her.
“Sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“That means…” Five trailed off.
Klaus nodded.
“I’m all…” he brought up his hands and wiggled his fingers, “rumory.”
Allison looked between him and Vanya. “Did you use it?”
Klaus nodded again.
“Just to get the ghosts off her back.” he assured, looking down at his sister, “Ohhh, they just terrified poor Vanny. She was crying her eyes out when I found her.”
He looked back up at them.
“She alright now?” Diego asked. Either he was doing a terrible job at keeping his worry for Vanya out of his voice, or he wasn’t trying at all.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, she’s fine.” He waved his hand as nonchalantly as he could manage, as if it didn’t feel weird to talk about how “fine” his sister was after he found her crying her eyes out. “She’s just… out. She ended up passing out all on her own.” He shrugged and shook his head. “Wasn’t me, or the rumor. She was just tuckered out, poor thing.”
Five walked forward until he was right in front of Vanya, crouched down, put one arm under her back and one under her legs, and - much to Klaus’ surprise - lifted her with no trouble. Klaus’ eyes widened at the sight, and his eyebrows raised.
“Super strength.” he said, completely and utterly matter of fact.
Oh. Klaus held back a grin and stifled a giggle. Of course.
“Which means,” he grit his teeth, “it won’t be hard to throw one of these headstones at you if you let out that laugh you’re doing a shit job at holding back.”
Keeping a poker face, Klaus put up a thumbs-up.
“Come on.” Five turned around, “Let’s figure this out.”
Five started to lead the pack of power-mismatched siblings out of the cemetery, and even though he wasn’t sure where they were going, Klaus followed where Five was leading. That always took him and his siblings to the most lovely destinations, didn’t it?
He ended up falling in stride with Allison, who kept looking at the ground.
“So…” she lifted her head back up and looked at him, “You used a rumor on her?”
Even though she’d already asked that, Klaus nodded.
“If there’s one thing I know, Allie,” he started, “it’s how bad the ghosts are. Especially somewhere like…”
He gestured around them.
“...this. I felt pretty out of options, really. I didn’t even know I had it. Pure luck - that’s what we usually run on, right? Luck, I think, is the lifeblood of the Hargreeves.”
“You sure it’s not things going wrong?” she asked. Klaus shrugged.
“Hey,” he said, “the family can have two lifebloods.”
Allison seemed to agree. “God knows we need it.’
After another moment or so of walking, she laughed a little laugh - not really a laugh, but close enough to one that any other word would have been too inaccurate.
“I remember…” She let her gaze fall to the ground. “When we were kids, you’d always ask me to use it. All the time. When we’d come back from missions, when you’d have nightmares, when Dad let you out of…”
She didn’t finish that thought. Instead, she shook her head.
“...and I never did. I wanted to, but-”
“Alliiie, you don’t have to explain yourself.” He waved it off with a shrug, “I get it! Dear ol’ Dad would’ve lost his marbles. I never held that against you, and neither-” he put his hand on her shoulder, “should you.”
Allison nodded before she said…
“It might not wear off.”
Klaus gasped, putting a hand over his mouth.
“Oh, nooo! That's... the opposite of a problem!”
Allison rolled her eyes.
“Come ooon.” he said, “Seeing ghosts all the time is, surprisingly enough, not all it’s cracked up to be. Kinda spooky, actually.”
“I'm just saying,” she said, a little exasperated by her brother’s sarcasm, “It might be permanent. Even when we do get our powers switched back. Sometimes… rumors stick around for a while.”
“Well…” he winced, “I guess we’ll just burn that bridge when we get to it.”
“You mean cross that bridge?”
At that exact moment, they both heard a loud sneeze and whipped their heads forward at Luther - or at least, where he was. Much to the other four’s exasperation (Vanya didn’t respond, as she was still asleep), he’d blipped across the graveyard.
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meenah-chan · 3 years
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Requested by: @zimelu-eloni-nova-lycan (hope you see this since I can't tag you ಥ‿ಥ)
My apologies in advance if Malleus is OOC. Other than wanting to play TW and doing a bit of research of him, I know nothing 😂 I never thought of taking requests coz I'm a slow writer but it was quite interesting so I did it anyways. (And took daaays to finish 😂)
To Thine Own Self Be True
An OM! Brothers x GN! Dark Fae MC (slight OM! X Twisted Wonderland crossover)
5.47k words
Genre: flangst
Trigger warnings: self harm, violence, self depreciation? (cringe jk) Read at your own discretion.
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"You're an incomplete puzzle... I hope you find your missing pieces." And thus, they were sent to someplace they didn't know...
They... have always been alone. But Y/N is not lonely. They have Malleus, a powerful yet caring brother. They have their grandmother, that even as busy as she is, tries to show her love as much as possible.
They are the only one they need. As long as they have them, they needn't anything else. Or atleast they think so.
"As a part of royal family, you have to broaden your horizon." But they think otherwise.
Before Malleus' departure for Night Raven College, he left Y/N a word, "You're an incomplete puzzle, Y/N. I hope you find your missing pieces." and that was months ago, and they were still confused by it.
Incomplete puzzle... It doesn't feel like they are. They are content of what they have. They capable of doing most tasks perfectly. They fulfill their responsibilities impeccably. It's not like they can't live on their own either. Having no friends and acquaintances but they're two family members is also fine. They don't need any more. No one who could stand their presence anyways.
The intimidating dark energy far more destructive than a fae possessed, in which Y/N could never control. Those menacing, sharp green eyes. Their skin as pale as the dead corpse, and lips charred black. But most of all, those pair of disgustingly sharp, black horns that keeps on growing back no matter how hard they try to get rid of it.
Y/N is the epitome of fear. They knew it more than anyone. If they were to be reckoned that way, it is better to maintain distance from everyone.
But I should fulfill my duty, atleast. They thought, fortifying their resolve as they stood before the future King of Devildom and his butler. "Welcome to Devildom, Y/N Draconia."
"It's an honor to be of your acquaintance, Prince Diavolo." Placing a palm on their chest, Y/N bowed.
As per the two Kingdom's agreement, they were to live in a safe place different from a lavish lifestyle they have been used to inside their gold plated walls. And thus they were led by the Future king's shadow, Barbatos, to their new home. The House of Lamentation.
House of Lamentation. What a gloomy and dreadful place, befitting a sinister being like me. they scoff.
But the sight the dark fae witnessed within that walls was not within their expectations.
"Beel! Don't eat the my wallet! H–Hey, I said let go! My goldie'll snap! B–Belphie, help me!" A white-haired man is pulling a leather wallet from the teeth of a bulky orange-haired one.
"Smells chicken mushroom oil." While the orange head kept their teeth sunk into the wallet almost ripped into two. "It's just a drop, stop going crazy over it!"
"Belphie, wake up! You promised you'll help me with clearing dungeons today! The raid will start anytime now!!" A violet haired male violently shakes an asleep man in blue but the man is far from dazed at all.
"Hrmm... Five more minutes—" "We have no more time!! I can't play with a missing player!"
A feminine faced guy appeared right in front of them, instantly invading their comfort zone and kept locking eyes with them. "Ohh? Who is this with you Barbatos? Ahh, The one moving in! You're quite early, darling. Ignore those bunch in the back and play with me?"
"Behave, you fools!!" A booming voice reverberates and in an instant, the rowdy bunch is silenced. "Such a disgrace..."
Except for one, who didn't make any ruckus until that very moment.
A bucket came flitting up in the air and in the next second, all of its contents all poured on the man who controlled the ruckus a while ago.
"SAAAAATAN!!" It was an utter chaos. This place far from the gloomy place they have in their imagination. It is filled with rabid demons that could obliterate them were they to join forces, and now Y/N have to adjust in this new environment.
"I see it's not a great time to introduce myself." Said Y/N, yet the only one who probably heard them is the butler beside them. "If you'll excuse me, I would like to know where my room is."
"As you wish, your Excellency. Allow me to lead you the way." The butler responded to them. They left the common room, where the rowdy ones moments ago, were trying to suppress the supposedly-most decent of the seven, from destroying the mansion.
Y/N usually do not receive a normal greetings on the events they've been into or more like, forced to come by either their grandmother or by Malleus. It could be the fairies either— gives them space with no one dare shorten the distance; reluctantly greet them before leaving them as fast as they could or; flat out ignore them.
Yet so far, the experience I have today is by all odds, the most insulting way I have ever been greeted. Y/N clasps their trembling hands as they sat on the bed.
I wish this will end sooner. This will be a hell for me...
Almost everyday is a crazy, eventful day. Far different than their everyday life in the Valley of Thorns, their homeland. First impression doesn't really matter to Y/N, but for some reason, they couldn't stand them since day 1. Sure, they haven't done anymore distasteful things like the rude way of welcoming them. Still, the members of the family are crazily weird in their own ways. And they hate it.
Lucifer is the eldest of the brothers. The one who leads the brothers and manage everything in place.
"As your family have wished, you were to live differently than you have thus far. So I won't exempt you with the cooking and housework."
"As a part of Royal family, I expect great things from you. I won't tolerate screw ups."
"Remember to complete your tasks. I am assigned by Diavolo to take care of you, so I will check on your activities throughout your stay here." He is an ass. A bossy and dominating dictator who think he could order a royalty like them.
But one time, when they entered his study, they saw a scene they never thought they'll ever perceive.
*Tak* A fountain pen falling from his gripless hand.
He was splayed on his desk filled with tall stacks of paper, out cold. Y/N didn't know they would witness such vulnerable side of such condescending demon.
So they chose to put off their business for tomorrow, placing his coat over him and letting him rest.
But the event didn't occur only once. Atleast twice a week of exact time before midnight, he's always been unconscious on his desk. That's when Y/N realized: he is not strict and short tempered for no reason.
As the eldest, he took it to himself to be the father figure to the brothers, all while perfectly doing his job as Diavolo's right-hand man. He fulfills his job with perfection. But perfection doesn't come without hardwork nor sacrifices. For the sake of his great responsibility he sacrifice himself, working so hard until he drop on his desk.
With thoughts of him made Y/N ponder over something.
Does having a father feels like having a Lucifer in my life? Maybe it is, they never knew since they never remember their's. He isn't as bad as they thought he were if they think it that way. That is praiseworthy, as they think so themself and deserve some respect.
No more stern expressions whenever speaking to him. Being more compliant if his instruction is reasonable. Thanking him even for a simple thing he does for them.
Soon, they noticed he doesn't nitpick them either and praise them for every job well done. The dark fae may still be annoyed with him but that's not a bad outcome at all.
And then there's Mammon, the second eldest, who is supposed to assist the eldest.
"Ye're a royalty right? So ye're loaded. I'm in a pinch right now so let me borrow from you." He leans on their shoulder, with his smug grin.
"Don't listen to that fool. It's past 200 years and he still haven't paid his debts to me yet."
"Shut up, you otaku!"
Behind violet-haired appears the black haired demon. "MAMMON..."
"EEK— W–Wait!! Lucifer, this is not wha–ACK—!!" Mammon is a scum. A rude demon who could care less of his words and language. Trouble is where he is. Even so, in his tough exterior, Y/N took note of a soft side.
Y/N saw him one time, poking at the mopping otaku demon outside his room. "Yo Levi. What you doin' there?"
"Just let me be... I lose my raid last time because I couldn't play... Now I can't even bear looking at my PC... No one would want to play to a no-show gamer like me..."
"Hmm... Then, it can't be helped. C'mon, your big brother Mammon will play with you!"
"Yeah, Yeah. Let's play to your heart's content" He pulled him up and push him inside his room.
Consoling a sad brother, lending a helping hand when they need it. He may not look like it, but Mammon is also taking good care of his brothers. All the emotional support Lucifer fails to give his brothers, Mammon provides.
So before Mammon entered the room, the dark fae decided to tap his shoulder, earning his attention. "You really love your brothers."
"W–Wha... Where does... who loves—"
"That's really admirable." They promptly reach out a bottle of a jet-black faerie dust only they could concoct. Mammon gingerly took it from them and scanned the inside. "That may help you settle some of your debts. Then..." After giving the bottle, they went on their way.
"AAAAHHHH!! THIS IS ULTRA RARE!" As expected to a man who could appraise goods.
They remember Malleus from his caring side, they couldn't help but smile and commend the yellow demon. I miss my brother...
Leviathan on the other hand, has a different case. He is the third-born of that household. A timid person... At first glance, atleast.
They just can't understand him. He spoke in language they couldn't wrap their head around like, "LOL! ROFLMAO!", "Tss, normie..."
It is tolerable, at least. What they can't tolerate is the fact that,
"UUWAAH!! MY RURI-CHAN LIMITED EDITION COBALT PIN AND FIGURINE IS HERE!!" He is, by far, the loudest. His sudden and unexpected outbursts kept on triggering every jumpy cells in their system.
Leviathan is too hyped he seemed to enter his own dimension. He skipped through the corridor, he sung a Ruri-whatever song that is, until, "Ahh—" he made a misstep in the stairs, a few steps away from them.
Y/N dashed and caught them barely in time, with firm hold between his shoulder blades and another to his package, which should be flying right now but was pressed secured to his chest.
"You should be more careful or you'll hurt yourself. Your treasured package almost fell." They sighed.
"... An angel has descended." He stared at them in awe. As he move his hand to the box, he touched their hand. That's when their position fianally sinks in to him. His face flared beet red and in a few seconds blew a fuse, passing out right on the spot.
"... What a troublesome demon..." With no other choice but to bring him themself, he carried the unconscious Leviathan up to their room. After opening the door, what welcomed them is a messy room.
No, not messy. The room is filled with items and materials of all sorts. Tons of CDs, figurines and posters on shelves and walls. Stuff toys and pillows of all shapes and sizes. Hanged intricate costumes and clothes, which in just a glance, they knew is made with effort. Even pins, threads and needle atop a... Sewing machine? Did he made all of this?
Y/N took another glance on the other side of the room. There he saw three monitors with various programs registered. A game, video editor and a Photoshop... I wonder what else can this man do?
Is this what they call a hobby? Such passion and dedication in pursuit of doing what he loves... An unfamiliar feeling for this dark fae.
They... can't really understand this man. Not at all... But I can now see him in another light, I guess...
The one who sought Y/N first were Beelzebub, the sixth-born. A bulky, tall demon who loves to eat. They were having a snack on the balcony when the older twin sniffs his way in. Such action that freaked the dark fae out internally, considering the sight they witnessed when they first moved in. The fact that they saw a few times 'accidentally' eating inedible things doesn't helped at all either.
"I followed the smell from the kitchen. Your cake smells delicious!" The drooling giant stood by them, and they couldn't take another sip from their tea.
"Hmm... Help yourself." Or you may help yourself with my flesh if I didn't satisfy your hunger.
"Really?!" He sat oposite to them and within minutes, all the plates on the table were wiped clean. "That was delicious!... Ahh that's right. Y/N, why aren't you eating with us during meals?"
"I'm used to eating by myself."
"But why? Eating with someone make the food taste better." Y/N doubt that'll be the case if that someone is him, who could definitely eat them if his appetite cries its needs.
Beelzebub touched his chin, thinking. "Hmm... How about I eat with you during snacks time? I'll bring food you'll definitely like!"
"Ah—" And they lost their timing. His eyes sparkles like stars and the pure happiness in his voice made it impossible for them to refuse. They wouldn't know what he could do were they to decline what he desire.
Since then he would appear without fail during Y/N's snack time, sharing both of their food with each other.
They tried to slowly end such dangerous activity yet, the enthusiasm in his eyes whenever he eat held them back. In the end, Y/N conceded, increasing their baked goods everyday to sate the needs of the ball of sunshine before them– who could bring warmth or burn them. As a response he will also eat it all like it's his first time eating their goods.
He is a man of few words yet, also quite easy to read, especially when eating the sweets they made themself. A straight forward person who means just as he say.
He would even sometimes bring his other twin, who will eat a few bites before snoozing.
"Beel really likes you, you know..." They glanced from their teacup to the youngest, seating beside them as the gobbling twin is busy with his food.
Belphegor stares in an ever-drowsy eyes. He is the man they least interacted with. How can they? Whenever they see him, he is always asleep. And it's not like Y/N is interested in communicating with him or anyone at all. "He even does his research for everything he brings you here. I don't know if you knew, but he really want to convince you to eat meals with everyone."
"...Ehh? Why? We're not even..." Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"Because he loves everything you make. He wants to talk to you ever since the first time you cook, but you're too antisocial to even eat with us."
"Says the demon who is always sleeping whenever I see him." Y/N snorts before taking a bite from the cupcake Beel brought. Hmm... this is good...
"...You, are you getting enough sleep?" Belphegor peers at their face.
"...None of your business."
"Whatever..." He frowns before burrying his face on his pillow.
What a keen observant. Y/N thought.
They've also been observing him since the first day. They share a lot of classes together and the dark fae knew, he is someone who rarely attend his classes, and whenever he does, he is always asleep. They also never saw him hold a book, much more read it. Yet, when they have exams, he finishes halfway the alloted time, almost the same time as them and sleeps after. The worst thing is that he could pass them easily.
He... is a dormant monstrosity. They conclude as they unlock the door to their room the day after. But before they do so, they noticed something.
Beside the door is an unfamiliar paper bag and inside... is a pillow, a bit caved it to the top center—similar to the one they use back to their home to be able to sleep well. It also comes with a note:
'The caneles and the stew is passable. You can throw away the pillow if you don't want it. Just know that it took me a great deal of effort to buy that.'
Really, what a frightening observant.
And there is Satan, the fourth-born, a pretty decent guy who craves for nothing but knowledge. If Y/N may say, he is the one they spend the most time with, though it's not that much.
"What are you reading?" Voicing not a word, they faced him the book cover.
"L’intelletto e Il Cuore... Hmm, that's a good choice." With at least 3 meters away from him, and few to no words exchange between them inside the library, it's not really that much.
He is a rational and intelligent man who respects personal space. Though, from time to time he would snicker eerily between the silence they have, holding either a cursed or homicide book. Creepy.
"What did you say...? The books you borrowed from me... Fell in the river? And it was washed away...?" And when he is angry, all his rationality is thrown out of the window.
"I–I will replace it I promise–" Pleads the peach-haired demon, kneeling before him.
"Replace, you say...? Didn't you know they were a Century membership gift to me from the Bibliomagicus Guild? Do you think that's replaceable...? Ha... Haha...HAHAHAHA!! THEN WHY DON'T YOU REPLACE THEM WITH YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE, HUH?!"
His wrath makes Y/N tremble, like all the bookshelves and books present in the library. Right, the books, the bookshelves. He'll destroy everything if this continues.
"Somnus Enim a Dum." So in a snap they cast a spell, amplified by their own dark pixie dust, and render him unconscious.
"Y/N!" That night he showed up in the library, frantically and still disheveled clothes and hair.
"Thank you. I don't know what would've happen if you're not there. And I also apologize you get to see that side of me." It's the first time they ever saw him smile without looking at the book. A smile similar to their brother.
"You're weird. You got so angry because of books that you'll ruin all the other irreplaceable books here."
"Don't mind it. I'd feel bad if the books are ruined."
"...Right." He chuckled, brushing his hair with his fingers and fixing his clothes to place. He then picked up the book he's reading, pulling the other sofa to sit beside them.
Now that's annoying. Nevertheless they let him. For they're a mere guest.
The fifth-born, Asmodeus, is not a problem back then. Having only a few occasional invitations for salon and parties, they could decline politely. But after the book incident, everything about his approach changes.
Since then, there was Asmodeus, everywhere!
In the classroom, in the library, in the music room, in the planetarium, in the balcony, in the bed, even the bathroom! He won't give them a break!
"Y/N~ I noticed you're always with Satan in the library. Are you getting along well? Beel too, you always bake and eat with him. That's so unfair! And you invite Belphie without me? Don't tell me you already like one of them?"
"If you'll choose one of us, shouldn't you choose me, the most beautiful demon of them all? I swear I can love you thousandfold than any of them, but... of course you can only be my second~~"
"What's with you and Lucifer? You always went to him every night. Is it a nightly endeavor? Hey~? Y/N, don't ignore me~!" He is a complete chatterbox. A motormouthed demon who don't know when to shut up.
But being with him comes with a few merits. Despite not looking like it, Asmodeus is a real gentleman. He maybe not as keen as Belphegor's capability to observe, but Asmodeus is an attentive and thoughtful demon. He does his everything to provide every small help he could give to them.
Whilst not needing help, it's much better than him being a clingy, dead weight. Y/N tries to look at the bright side.
"But this is tiring..." Y/N sighed, closing the book they are holding.
"Are you tired of reading? C'mon, let's go out and breathe fresh air!" I'm tired of you, you idiot.
"If you want to go out, you can go." The dark fae massaged their temple. It's been throbbing from time to time after that incident with Satan and Asmodeus bugged them.
"No! You've always been cooping yourself here or your room since coming here. You have to go out from time to time or you'll wither away!"
"You're so noisy Asmo. Y/N said they don't want to go." Asmodeus pout at Satan sitting beside Y/N, before pulling the dark fae out of the library and House of Lamentation.
"I'm telling you, I don't need this." Asmodeus holds 5 hangers of clothes, pondering which one fit them best.
"But~ It's such a waste for a beautiful person like you if you don't try dolling yourself up..." They stare at Asmodeus as if he just said the most ridiculous thing he could ever say.
"Don't tell me..." Asmodeus stared at them in disbelief, gasping dramatically like he always does,t "Y/N, YOU'RE GORGEOUS! DON'T EVER THINK YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE A DROP DEAD BEAUTY AND—" They covered his lips before he could even shout louder in such a public place.
He then pulled their hands off after a few moments. "And look! A bit of blush suits you! And black lipstick—" Y/N let him dressed them up— in exchange of shutting up. He chose meticulously, accenting every parts that they consider an abomination. A dizzying position they were in.
But the real deal has yet to come. What's worse than being bothered by a bug? More bugs...
"Asmo, are you nuts! You're hogging them all to yourself!" Mammon barged in their room as Asmo is applying makeup to them who gave up on him for a while now.
"Y/N couldn't come to our snack time because of you." Beel and Belphegor followed close behind, clearly unamused of Asmo's action.
"I haven't even got a chance to introduce them to the wonders of anime and games!" So do is Leviathan.
"They prefer reading in the library more, right Y/N?" Satan rest his back on the door frame, crossed arms.
"Excuse me? If I may say, Satan, Beel and Belphie are the one who took their time more than I!"
"YOU—" And their greatest fear since living in Devildom occurs. All hell broke loose. An all out brawl of the short tempered demons before them with all the six brothers, a thread away from transforming and blasting everything they touch. No... That's not it. Without transforming, they're already smashing everything into pieces.
The dressers. The desk. The chairs and mirrors. Everything but the bed they are sitting on.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!" The last and the strongest of the brothers made his appearance, yelling in his most intimidating voice.
And they...finally snapped.
"Each and everyone of you... GET. OUT!!!" Such horror reflected on their eyes, with their whole being trembling uncontrollably. Tears poured down one after another. All of the emotions the brothers have never seen them make all spilled before them. As if a predator threatened to the end of their life.
On their hands...
were horns severed from their own head. The seven demons were so taken aback their bodies moved on their own to comply to Y/N's order... or more like, plead.
And the doors were completely closed.
They never left their ransacked room. They wouldn't open their doors to anything. No food, gifts nor even apologies. All but the brothers' words received a single response: "Malleus... I want my brother."
Hence the brothers and future king have no choice but to call him as soon as possible, or they will perish inside such place, alone like they've always been.
"Thank you for taking good care of my sibling. I hope you will continue so in the future."
"We also hoped we could. Yet considering the circumstances, I doubt they would want to stay here a second longer."
"Let—" but before Malleus could even finished his sentence, Y/N came flying down on him.
The distressed fae buried their face in their safe haven's chest. He then proceed carrying them in his arms, assuring them they are safe.
Lucifer led them to the music room, giving them privacy in their conversation.
"You've become so light, Y/N. And what happened to your horns?"
"...I wanna go home."
"Why? Do you hate this place?"
"I'm scared of them since the first day."
"That's understandable... But is that all?" Y/N stare at him in disbelief, while Malleus smiling softly at them.
"...Then what else... should I feel? I know I'm a monster... But that doesn't mean I could live with such monstrous demons! I'm just a monster with a weak heart!"
"Then you can blame it all on me. I'm the one who chose this place for you after all." All words were blown off Y/N's mind. The furrow between their eyebrows disappears as their face relaxes.
"Brother... But why?"
"I want you to realize your own self."
"Now answer me. You said you're scared of them, but do you hate them? Do you want to leave this place so badly? Is that really everything you've felt in this place?"
"Of course! I... I..." Y/N already knew the answer to his question, way before he even asked.
"They were annoying, noisy and self-centered bunch who does things as they pleased. They keep dragging me on their antics, I never had a peace of mind... I hated it, I despise it. I..." They bit their lips.
"I felt so frustrated! Why do they look so lively and happy despite being so unruly? They're always on each others neck yet they were having fun? Why?! And hobbies? How can they have such thing? I have nothing of sort! I just wake up day after day, desperately searching for something and fill this empty void inside me!"
"I fulfill my responsibilities without fail, on what cause? I have no purpose! Seeing that demons made me feel so miserable with my existence!"
They looked on their lap, holding back the tears on verge of falling. "What do they have that I don't? They're also the strongest, incredibly so that even I shook when they unleash their power! So why aren't they isolated like I am? How can they live a normal life unlike me?!"
"I think you already know the answer."
"...Because... They rely on each other. I never relied on anyone nor let anyone rely on me..." Malleus' smile widens when they hit the nail on the head.
"You're a strong person, Y/N. You won't even depend on us, not until today. You're capable of anything. You're just afraid of any more rejection, of being left behind." He paused and lift their face to meet his eyes, "Diavolo and others explained to me what happened. They said the incident frightened you. Yet knowing you, I doubt it is fear. Will you tell me why you blew off?"
"...I was overwhelmed. They were fighting over me. It never happened to me before so don't know what to feel. The attention was too much that I hated it. And I don't know how to respond to them..."
"So you brushed them off and isolated yourself." They nod weakly.
"And you snapped your horns to show them you're not who they think you are; to scare them off."
"Something like that..." Malleus smiled at them as he pet their head. "See? It's not bad being honest to yourself. Do you still want to leave, now that you let it all off your chest?"
Y/N shooked their head. "I want to stay."
"My Y/N is amazing... To surpass all the beings who estranged them. You're all grown up now." He held them in his arms, Y/N nuzzling onto his chest.
"Come on, they've been waiting for you for the longest time. You know what to do, right?"
"Yes." They left the room, Y/N clinging to him like never before. As childish as it seems, Malleus knew they grew a lot in just a few months of living in Devildom. It is indeed a great decision to choose the brothers to take care of them. They were no longer the incomplete puzzle he saw before he left for his studies.
"Y–Y/N..." Waiting in the common room are the seven brothers with Diavolo and Barbatos.
"W–We understand if you really want to l–leave." Mammon looked down as he clenched his fist.
"It was our fault." Leviathan followed.
"We've been insensitive, pressuring you despite knowing you're not accustomed interacting with a lot of people." Satan said with a serious frown.
"We even destroyed your belongings." Asmodeus glanced away, holding onto Satan's jacket.
"We'll make it up to you in any form."
"Y/N, sorry." Belphegor and Beel voiced respectively.
"It was due to my negligence you have to experience such incident. I also want to apologize." Lucifer held his palm to his chest for a slight bow.
"N–No!" Y/N strongly shook their head, "I should be the one to apologize! I'm so sorry!!" before bowing deeply.
"Y/N!? No, please raise your head—" Diavolo held Lucifer's shoulder to stop him like Malleus cued to let his sibling continue.
"It was all my fault! I've been a coward all this time. I was wrong for trying to push you all away when you don't mean harm. It was all my fault for venting all my frustrations to you. Please, if you would still allow it, I want to stay a bit longer."
"Y/N you are more than welcome here so please raise your head now. We don't deserve your apologies." Satan was the first one who walked towards them to raise their head.
"Y/N?!!" But as he did so, a crying Y/N appears in the brothers' view.
"This is the first time I will ever ask someone but," they sob and sniff, "will you guys be my friends?"
"Y–Yes, so please stop crying!" As conflicted as the brothers are, being asked such question that could hinder their future plans with them, they were forced to agree to their wish instantly.
Let's leave it for another day... The same phrase runs in the thoughts of the brothers, a very rare occurence to happen once in a millenium.
With Asmodeus' lead—he, Mammon, Leviathan, and Beel wrapped their arms around them to console the crying faerie. Lucifer, Satan and Belphegor stood a feet away from them, watching the five in the middle.
As things calms down, they decided to sit on the same dinner table for the very first time. Food were served by Barbatos, who prepares who knows when. He could actually have predicted such outcome for all they know.
The place were so warm, and lively. "This tastes wonderful." That's an understatement. The food have the richest taste than everything Y/N ate in their entire life. "You're right, Beel. Food were best eaten with someone." Beel have them a toothy grin. "I'm glad you get me."
After the meal, Y/N fell asleep on the spot. "Hehe, they're so carefree now." Belphegor played with their fringe. They didn't woke them up and instead carry them in a new room, letting them have the deep sleep they couldn't have for days.
"Congratulations, for being Y/N's first friends. I'll leave them in your care." Malleus bid his farewell to everyone, not bothering of waiting for Y/N to wake up. "I also hope this incident will be the last one."
"Yes, we won't let such thing happen again, and ensure a comfortable life for Y/N throughout their stay here." Diavolo answers in stead of everyone. The brothers are not in the shape to reply as they absorb Malleus' first sentence.
First friend. Such a bitter-sweet word. Whether the word stings them or not, it doesn't matter. It won't stop the brothers from trying to achieve the same goal as subtle as possible.
And so, a not-so-obvious scramble goes on.
This took longer than I expect 🤣😂 In all honesty, it was quite challenging, making a blatant All Brothers x MC. I also don't have a plot and flow until I actually wrote it sksksk dunno if that's a good or bad thing 😂🤣 and this was the longest one I wrote for the past half a year.
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tldr: As of this October, it has officially been one year since I first watched Torchwood and started reading fics. Although I didn’t start writing my own fics until March 2020, I have written...like a lot of fics in the past seven months. But I wanted to celebrate my favorite fics by other people. So here is Part 1 of probably several eventual fic rec posts. These are what I consider fandom staples.
To The Sticking Place by zephyras13 
The end justifies the means. Failure is not an option. There is always a choice, except when there isn't. These are the phrases Ianto Jones lives by and he refuses to allow anyone, even Captain Jack Harkness, to change that. Jack/Ianto, AU, Torchwood One Agent!Ianto.
(janto & others | complete | mature | 96K)
Nik: I legitimately cannot explain why I love this fic so much other than the fact it is so great! It was one of the first fics I read, and I still adore it. It follows canon so well while making you feel very range of the emotion spectrum. The author’s take on Ianto is so complexly-written but still feels true to the canonical Ianto. Literally one of the first fics I’d rec to anyone new to fandom. A must read.
only fools fall by transjackianto
“Oh my god,” he gasps out when his laughter has died down to softer chuckles, “I am so glad I stuck around to hear that.  Thank you Jack, I needed to laugh today. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he pushes back from the table for the third time but Jack stops him again with a hand over his own. It is a softer touch than before and that unnerves Ianto more than anything.
He looks up, terrified he’s going to see some kind of earnest emotion on Jack’s face.  When he finds Jack looking instead like he swallowed a handful of pins he relaxes. He’s not sure he could handle finding out Jack had some kind of ridiculous unrequited crush on him.
“I know,” Jack groans, dropping Ianto’s hand and letting his head thunk against where his arms are crossed on the table, “I want to punch myself just for saying it, but I mean it Ianto. I need you to be my boyfriend.”
Aka, Ianto just wants to make it through his summer as a newly single sixth form graduate and eagerly await the end when his ex comes back from her summer trip and they can reunite.
His ex-friend Jack Harkness throws a wrench into the works.
(janto, lisaianto, & others | complete | mature | 182K)
Nik: Okay, so I’m a tiny bit biased with this one considering that the author is my friend whom I adore and also one of my favorite people in this fandom. And I...also betaed this entire fic. But take it from me! It’s so, so well-written and the shift from enemies to lover is so perfect. There is angst, oh so much angst, but it is worth it. Plus, it’s incredibly hot! And I know the author has eventual plans for a sequel, although no promises when it’s coming. Another must read!
Halfway Back by Sholio (@sholiofic)
Team Torchwood run a sanctuary for magical creatures, and this time they've got a basilisk on their hands.
(gen | complete | teen | 13K)
Nik: Okay, so literally anything by Sholio is perfect. They have an incredible grasp of the team dynamic that still blows my mind, and their fics have topnotch Owen-Ianto interactions. But I chose this fic because the premise felt like almost nothing I’d read in this fandom before. Plus, there is still the requisite amount of Owen angst in this. (Also check out The Cartography of Feeling, which is another personal favorite.)
Conversational Japanese, Plus Frogs by james
Tosh and Ianto have been taken prisoner. They cope.
(janto | complete | teen | 6K)
Nik: One of the older, shorter recs on this list but still a classic. A fascinating in-depth character study of Ianto and Tosh and their friendship in confined quarters that also explores the trauma that follows some of Torchwood’s misadventures. I don’t think I can say much else besides urging you to read it!
Sharkreef (Or, Why Torchwood Was Set in Cardiff and Not the Bermuda Triangle) by queenfanfiction
There is the story of a team who tried to save Earth from aliens. This is not that story.
(janto & many, many others | complete | teen | 2K)
Nik: Look, I know that some will actually despise that I included this rec, but this fic is ICONIC. It’s cracky, yes. Cracky crack. Very crack. But it’s also legitimately one of the strangest/whackiest/what-the-fuck fics I’ve ever read. It always startles a genuine laugh out of me. It has all of our favorite tropes...coupled with some lobsters. (Sidenote: This reminds me of John Mulaney/SNL’s Diner Lobster sketch, which I also encourage you to watch.)
Insignificant Other by parachutewoman 
Ianto is tasked with telling Rhys that his newly wedded wife has ditched him to go to London with Jack on a “very important mission”. Refusing to have his day ruined, Rhys drags Ianto along to the Six Nations final and the two ‘other halves’ try to make sense of their place in the world and their partners’ lives.
(janto & gwenrhys | complete | mature | 6K)
Nik: Ianto-Rhys friendship content is something that is severely lacking in this fandom, which is a damn shame. You can see from COE that Rhys seems to genuinely care about Jack and Ianto, which I presume is from post-Exit Wounds bonding with his wife’s coworkers. And I know that the audiobook Ghost Train has a lot of good Ianto-Rhys bonding, although I just haven’t had the time to listen to it yet. Either way, this fic, and the other fics by this author, are very well-written and beautiful. This one, set circa S2, has just the right amount of angst mixed in as well as you watched Ianto go from reluctantly accompanying Rhys to actually enjoying himself. I definitely enjoyed this fic.
Beast Inside by Flamingbluepanda (@flamingbluepanda)
"Argue with anything else, but don’t argue with your own nature.” - Phillip Pullman
Inside us all, there is an animal that expresses our soul. How would the world change were those animals outside?
(janto & others | complete | mature | 26K)
Nik: Admittedly, this one is also a bit biased because the author is my friend and I am their loyal occasional beta, but I started reading it before I met the author. Although daemons do come from His Dark Materials, they have become a sort of AU on their own, and thus, you do not need to have read HDM to read this excellent fic. I definitely have not. There is angst, there is fluff, there is canon compliance. And there is Dai. Dai, Rhys’s corgi daemon, is probably not the one you would expect to steal the show, but he stole my heart. (I mean, Navi and Emma, Jack’s bear daemon and Ianto’s terrier daemon, adorable respectively...but Dai!) Expect to fall in love with Dai by ths end of this fic!
To Let by Amand_r
Ianto Jones is a good housemate.
(janto & lisaianto | complete | not rated | 12K)
Nik: Now this fic is a little bit different from the rest because it is not only second person POV but is also outside POV, which makes it slightly odd to read at first. But I can assure you, it is most definitely worth it. Ianto’s unnamed housemate makes for an interesting perspective into Ianto’s personal and domestic life as well as exploring his relationship with Jack. His housemate, of course, doesn’t remain one-sided, with loss and love and life of his own, but you can tell that his bond with Ianto is genuine. This fic provides a nice break from the explicit canon while still exploring familiar events.
Your Job Knows What It Is by ShastaFirecracker
Torchwood Three, 2045. Bram Hudson's just been recruited by Jack Harkness, it's xir first day of work, and orientation is being handled by some old man named Jones.
(janto | complete | gen | 9K)
Nik: Okay, I lied. This fic is outsider POV as well, but Bram is so well-written and complex even from the short while we have with xem. As an alternate to the previous fic, this one provides great, interesting exploration into a future, slightly different Torchwood while also serving as a COE fix-it fic. Older Ianto is just as badass as when he was younger, and the insights into his relationship with Jack are sweet and will leave you craving more.
Worrisome Heart by thepsychicclam
It's 1922. Ianto accidentally stumbles upon a speakeasy owned by Captain Jack Harkness. When Ianto becomes a bartender, he quickly learns how dangerous everything around him truly is, and more importantly, how dangerous Jack is. But the longer he knows Jack, the more he doesn't care.
(janto | complete | explicit | 42K)
Nik: This fic, this series in fact, is one of the only complete Historical AUs I have found in this fandom. Set in 1922 New York, it features all our beloved characters as completely human and sans Torchwood and aliens, which - of course - means that they can feel a bit OOC at first. Still, as you read on through this fic and its three sequels, you will realize just how well adopted the events and characterization from canon are. If you going in thinking of this as original work rather than fic, it might help you adjust to the differences. Quite well-written!
Intersecting Geodesics by NancyBrown
Stuck in a time with a Jack who hasn't met him yet, all Ianto wants is a way home.
(janto & jackjohn | complete | mature | 37K)
Nik: There are numerous “Ianto gets sent into the future by the Rift or an artifact and meets past!Jack” fics existing in this fandom, but this is one of my favorites. For one, it’s written by the incomparable author who has many, many excellent fics that I like. (Their smut is seriously topnotch, especially for some of your kinkier tastes if said tastes exist.) The distanced younger Jack provides just the right amount of angst, and his eventual fall for Ianto is built-up just enough to work believably. The resolution is satisfying enough, and the author has a few other fics in this series to keep you going! 
For Captain and Cardiff by blackhemlock
"At midnight, a nationwide security alert was sent out... Torchwood London, demands all agencies' cooperation in issuing an arrest warrant for Ianto Merric Jones, 24, of Cardiff."
Torchwood Three's Archivist has gone rogue. But, he does have a very good reason, and he looks stunning in his new suit.
(janto & tenjack | complete | gen | 42K)
Nik: Admittedly, I will often be picky in my fics featuring the Tenth Doctor because of how he mistreated Jack, but this fic features a true-to-canon portrayal of Ianto and the Doctor that I adore. It does well in building up your expectations of Ianto and the Doctor’s encountering and then subverting it. There is also good room for Jack-Ianto angst, which only adds to my enjoyment of the fic. I don’t necessarily know how to explain it, but this fic also feels sleek and modern despite its timey-wimey elements.
What Dreams May Come by AVAAntares (@avaantares)
It's bad enough that a plague of alien parasites have fallen through the rift and are preying on Cardiff's citizens. It's worse that someone from Jack's past has come from the future to confront him on Earth. But when Jack himself is taken by the rift, Ianto and Gwen are forced to rely on the most unlikely of allies to keep Torchwood running without him.
Stranded in another century on a distant planet, Jack has only one hope of returning to Earth. But time travel with the Doctor has never been an exact science, and when he returns to Cardiff, things are not at all as he expects to find them...
(janto | complete | teen | 88K)
Nik: Honestly, I think one of my favorite parts of this fic may be the inclusion of an OC, Jamiya Thane, AKA Jack’s mother. I’m just a sucker for fandom’s takes on Jack’s canonical family and past as Javic Thane from Boeshane, and this plays into it well. It’s endearing to watch Jack’s found family, especially Ianto, interact with his mother. Also included is a rather brilliant time-travel mystery that will tug at your heartstrings on many levels. Excellent soft Jack-Ianto content in chapters and a creepy use of a one-off Doctor Who creature.
Ghost Story by Mad_Maudlin
I called out. "Would you like to hear a ghost story?"
For a moment Jack didn't move, and I knew he'd recognized my voice. After a moment he said, flatly, "I don't believe in ghosts."
"It's a complicated story," I admitted, and pulled the watch from my pocket by the chain. "And it starts with 'Long ago and far away.'"
(janto | complete | teen | 70K)
Nik: This fic! I passed this fic many times on my search for new fics to read, and the summary always threw me a bit, but when I decided to take a chance on it, I realized what I’d been missing out on. There’s so many fics in this fandom, and on this list, that take familiar tropes but twist them into something new, just like this fic. Without giving too much away, I can say that this fic features Time Lords, pocket watches, shifting POVs, and a COE fix-it, all packed with a brow-raising plot twist. It’s enough to make me forgive the first person POV, which I can usually not stand but actually works quite well for this fic! A fic worth reading at least once, if not many times. It feels so utterly unique!
Time Tracks by Cyborgtamaki (@cyborgtamaki) and thirteeninafez (@thirteeninafez)
It took him a second to realise what had happened; what had felt like hours while travelling through the rift shrunk itself in his head to a mere instant of searing gold. That’s when the flicker of the fire in front of him finally registered through his confused daze. In his haste to get away from the flames around him, he slipped and fell, scrambling back until he was a safe distance away from the smoke and the heat. It was only then that he took notice of the voices behind him. He turned towards the noise of a deep, northern voice spluttering and saying, confused and almost angry: “Who the hell are you?” The man rolled over onto his knees and stood up, looking around like he’d never seen a street before. “Jones.” He sounded uncertain but then spoke again with more confidence. “Ianto Jones.”
(janto & ninerose | complete | teen | 174K)
Nik: There’s many “Ianto travels with the Ninth Doctor and Rose” fics in this fandom, but this one is the longest, most recent, and one of the most excellent that I’ve read. The authors have written in-depth chapters of the Doctor Who Season 1 episodes we already know and adore as well as adding their own unique “episodes,” all of which are deeply enjoyable. There is excellent character interactions, specifically a wonderful Rose-Ianto friendship, and so much soft Jack-Ianto. The authors have, personally, promised several more installments coming by the end of the year or later, and they are sure to be worth the wait!
Club Wales by pocky_slash
In the wake of Jack's disappearance, Gwen finds comfort in a new friendship with Ianto. Gossip, bonding, and other hijinks of understanding ensue.
(gwenrhys & janto | complete | teen | 19K)
Nik: This author is single-handedly a Gwen-Ianto dynamic icon. Their grasp on Gwen and Ianto’s respective characterization is brilliant, and their friendship in this fic, and any fic the author writes, is well-fleshed out and believable enough for the moments we only really see on-screen briefly in the show. This fic, and overall series, serves as a compelling insight into how the team originally views Jack and how Gwen and Ianto grow closer. Gwen truly was one of Ianto’s big sister figures, which is excellently reflected in this fic. A must read!
Just this once by Beleriandings (@ultraviolet-eucatastrophe)
(Everybody lives.)
(Or: when a certain Doctor arrives to save Owen Harper from a stricken nuclear power station, it begins a chain of events that will lead Torchwood Three down a very different path. From time locks and telepathy to tea and coffee, high-speed chases to unresolved sibling issues, their new lives (and new and old loves) may be different, but their bonds of friendship and family grow stronger every day. But when every child on earth starts speaking with one voice, the team are torn apart again as they’re forced to fight for their lives, and to confront monsters they’d thought they’d left behind in the past. But with all of them working together – along with some allies they’ve made along the way – Torchwood Three will stop at nothing to save their friends and set the world to rights. The consequences will ripple out across the universe and into the distant future. But they have to start somewhere, and the present is as good a place as any.)
(janto & others | complete | teen | 239K)
Nik: Many fics are post-Exit Wounds and COE fix-its, at the same time, but dare I say that this one is the best? (Or one of the best at least.) The Tenth Doctor receives his own iconic “Everybody lives” moment, but that is only where this fic BEGINS. This beautiful monster, which I mean in the very best sense considering its length, traverses Exit Wounds, COE, and slightly Miracle Day and gives everyone a happy ending. In addition, the author, another friend of mine, I’ll be honest, manages to redeem and humanize Gray in a way I didn’t think possible, but I actually found myself liking him. This is definitely a must, must read, especially if you’re new to the fandom or just finished having your heart thrown out.
The Stars Might Stick You Where You Stand by methylethyl 
Following the fall of Torchwood One, Jack Harkness went to ask Torchwood Three for a job. He didn’t expect to fall a little bit in love with its director, the practical and ever-calm Ianto Jones. He also probably didn’t expect that Ianto Jones would end up holding the answers to his most precious secret.
(janto | complete | explicit | 20K)
Nik: I’ll be honestly - I’m a sucker for role reversal AUs in any fandom, and this is one fic I see rarely mentioned or recced, which I think is a damn shame. It is definitely in my top five fics; I adore it so much. Jack is cast in the role of Ianto, gunning for a job at Torchwood Three after the fall of Canary Wharf. His “Lisa” is his desperate, life-long search for his brother Gray who was taken by Torchwood when they were both children. Ianto is, obviously, the immortal director of Torchwood Three, but what makes him even more compelling is the lack of direct reference to his AU past. We don’t know who this Ianto Jones was before he, like Jack, arrived in Cardiff in the 1800s, newly-immortal and ensnared into working for Torchwood. Instead, this fic, and series, focuses on a stretch of episodes from Season 1 intermingled with elements from Season 2, as well as subverting the expected team relationships. Jack and Ianto are believably different but still realistic in their characterization, and look, I adore this AU, which I’ve already said. A personal favorite and must read!
Cling to the Ways of My Name by engagemythrusters ( @iianto-jones)
If Ianto Jones thought his legacy would die out with him in Thames House, he was dead wrong.
(janto & gwenrhys | complete | teen | 37K)
Nik: Hopefully, you’ve already read this fic by now. If not, may I dare ask what you’ve been doing with your life? This is one of my favorite fics of all-time in this fandom, as well as my favorite kidfic ever. It’s so well-written and just so damn unique. I cannot capture in words what makes it so special, although I will try. Ioan Jones is the sweetest janto baby ever, and I love him with all my heart. Jack’s adventures raising Ioan are just so endearing, and later installments, which feature Ianto, serve to satisfy the domestic Jack-Ianto as parents craving you might not even have known you had. There’s just so many little details about this fic I love, including but not limited to - Jack’s found family in the Joneses, Ioan-Anwen friendship, and Ioan loving blue. A definite must read fic to give you the serotonin you need.
Waking Gods by toldthestars 
Why are Ianto's dreams coming true? What's in the box with the symbol on it? Oh, and while we're at it, what's the meaning of the life?
(janto | complete | not rated | 7K)
Nik: This fic is another one with a completely unique premise in this fandom. In fact, there is only one other fic I’ve read that even gives me similar “vibes” for this fic. Here, Ianto suddenly finds himself gaining powerful, unexplainable abilities, essentially becoming a god, and oh my, this is excellent. Ianto is just trying to do good in the world, and the team’s growing fear and distrust of him and his power really sucker-punches you straight in the heart. It’s all so beautifully-written, with powerful imagery that left me awe-struck. The janto angst is oh-so-excellent. Reading this fic for the first time is an experience that I don’t believe can be replicated. 
fool me once, fool me twice by princessoftheworlds (aka me)
When, after the events at the House of the Dead, the Rift spits Ianto out on an alien planet a thousand years later, so begins a goose chase that will take him across the universe and across time until he finds Jack again.
(janto & others | complete | explicit | 52K)
Nik: What kind of fic writer would I be if I created a list of fic recs for Torchwood and did not include one of my own? I consider this fic my masterpiece. The House of the Dead!Ianto get sucked through the Rift and spat out across time and space, turned into another fixed point, as he begins his search for Jack. I don’t know if I can say much else without it sounding like bragging, but it features - in no particular order - a happy ending for one, Ianto getting some badass adventures of his own, a sorta redemption arc for John Hart, numerous references to Big Finish, and too many spinoffs with more to come! Give it a shot, why don’t you?
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wait a minute. So I've read your bits on civil war 2008, and I have a question for you: all the characters in the civil war event, at least the major players(like stark, Cap, Spidey, FF), do you believe that they are acting OOC, or that the writers chose to bring out the character's worse qualities to create drama?
And do you think that if the writers had written them In Character, or at least written them to be more balanced, would it have improved the story? Actually, do you think that Civil War could have been... at least A not Bad Story under an intense rewrite? or that the whole concept should have been thrown away?
The OOC talk is tempting and also partially justified. There is a batch of previous stories scattered through the years with the Fantastic Four dealing with similar scenarios where Reed is pretty much anti-government.
1) In one Social Services sue the FF4 for endangering Reed and Sue Kids by keeping them in the Baxter Building despite it being blown up once every 2 weeks. They ask them to "register" them and put them in a safe government facility, so to spearhead a new law where they can get pre-teen superhumans "out of harm way" or some shit.
Keep in mind Franklin is still a Mutant in this story (And still is right now because FUCK YOU SLOTT). Anyway, Reed seemingly agrees,only to set up a dummy facility and "register" his kids there. He doesn't even announce it he literally only writes it in the Government's documentation and shit.
The facility is razed to the ground a couple hours later. Because yes the Baxter Building can explode at any time but AT LEAST they are there to protect the kids from the countless people.
2) In another story, Reed is asked by Congress to create a device that outs mutants and "abnormal" humans, so the government can better individuate them for "reasons." Reed agrees, and makes a device SO POWERFUL it detects every deviations from the supposed norm, so when he gives a demonstration in Congress, he reveals half of its members would qualify as "Mutants" if they kept that line of inquiry, which makes them hastily drop the whole thing. This was intentional, because who the fuck are they to decide who is or isn't not normal?
3) Compare and Contrast with Civil Ear Reed Richards, who is a McCarthy apologist who goes "Logically speaking, we need to listen to the government on this one otherwise we might get burned just like my (gay coded) artist uncle was by the McCarthy Trials in the 50s when he told the court to shove it and his life was ruined as a result. It's the rational way to do it."
4) (The three main proponents of the Registration Side being Rich, White, Heterosexual Men in positions of powers, with jobs in the science field that justify their decision with "Facts and Logic" was PROBABLY unintentional, but is also a great unintended allegory for this kind of shit. The ones who are hurt the most but these kind of laws are the ones who can't afford it after all, and who is ever going to go after the rich and powerful first? Especially if they come with little repercussions on their lives (Tony, Reed and Hank where all already outed as Superheroes after all))
5) Peter is OOC in OMD mind you, Civil War goes pretty much how you'd expect him to go (gets manipulated by authority figure into it, MJ and May are supportive of him because they see only half the facts, the SECOND Peter realizes that those people are monsters he drops them and gets the shit beaten out of him for it, unlike Reed or Tony who can AFFORD having their identities public Peter barely has the money to survive which ends with May getting shot for it). It's an incredibly poignant scenario that I wish was used to TELL A MESSAGE rather than just a backdrop to shoehorn OMD in.
6) Which is to say Civil War could indeed be written better under the same premise. If they want to keep the Patriot Act Allegory, they should be aware of what that would entail for the characters that support it.
We are currently seeing a similar scenario going on in Marvel in the Champions comics where the registration side is pretty much spearheaded by an unambiguous evil corporation and shit. In light of Civil War I existing the whole thing kinda loses its impact (Like that one joke scene where Tony goes "Maybe we should register them" with a smug look on his face as if he isn't responsible for so many deaths), but at least they are trying to shift the conversation? The villain is not the Government of course it's Evil Apple, but at least it's not a "Both Sides are equally ok" centrist bullshit take like they did in Civil War or in Skyrim.
Like, fuck, it's literally called CIVIL WAR to invoke the American Civil War in the context of the "brother kills brother" interpretation some bastards are so fond off, I wouldn't call THAT a "Both Sides are valid" scenario by a long fucking mile, yet here we are.
7) I think the best way to put it would be to set up the same scenario but make it realistic to the setting and shit.
Hank and Tony still support the Government because one is a Skrull Chaos Agent the other is misguided, Carol takes Reed's place in the Triad because Women can be War Criminals too (She was leading the equivalent of a child soldier program during Civil War so she is one already at least). Steve is also anti government because this is happening during the fucking BUSH ADMINISTRATION and he goes "When will Washington decide who the villains are?" Like he did in canon but in, like, a poignant moment.
Speaking of Reed he will keep his family neutral and go "I admit superheroing does need failsafes and some kind of oversight mind you, I just don't this this country's government has demonstrated their right to be that."
Let's not put the "Cap you are out of touch because you don't know what MySpace is" or "Luke every time I see a Sentinel that's like seeing a Burning Cross" rants in the story too because those were some raw shit.
Tony, again, lives in privilege, so it wouldn't exactly affect him, and is genuinely trying to do good, so we need to put him as the "Patsy" who gets duped by Skrull Hank Pym for it, the government is the one with the secret prison for Superheroes, Hank is the one recruiting Nazi Scientists and starting child soldier programs, clones Thor, sets up with the Government a Super Prison in the Ocean (can't use the negative zone without Reed), outside of US Jurisdiction so the government can ship then there with no trial and torture them. When Skrull Hank Pym is confronted for it, and the blame is attempted to be pinned on him and him alone, he goes "Are you earthlings daft or something? I did almost nothing, it was your government who did most of the work in their desire for security and safety, I just sped up the process for them, they would have done all of this with or without me."
Around the ending Tony finds out and is devastated and drops the whole thing."
When someone tries to comfort Tony over it because he didn't know any of this he goes "Oh, that's were you're wrong Peter. I knew. Deep down, I knew things weren't right, unjust, but I did nothing, because I could make things better from the inside, because it didn't affect me, because It would have been inconvenient to me to stop this. This is on me for passively accepting it as it is on the ones who enforced it." Which leads him to make amends, that way he is not as much of a awful character here.
The scene where The US kidnaps Ororo so they can strong arm Tchalla into getting registered happens but is treated as a international crisis as it deserves.
The Prison Break finale happens because Namor discovers the prison in HIS FUCKING DOMAIN and just goes ham on it with the help of the Anti Registration side, he drops a line like "I've seen shit like this before, I've seen what happens when man declares another man a criminal for things out of their control, for what they've been from birth, and I say NOT IN MY KINGDOM!" or some shit (He is a WWII veteran after all).
Since Steve isn't pummeling to the ground Tony in this scenario there isn't the dumb as fuck Everyday Heroes scene and he doesn't get shot by Sharon later on..
We have instead the scene from Secret Invasion where Skrull Hank Pym kills Steve (In SI it was Skrull Queen killing Janet Van Dyne) on national television, which leads to the anger of everyone involved who rush him, only for Tony to be the one who pull the trigger.
Tony is put in charge of SHIELD, which leads to Iron Reign (Dark Reign equivalent), and the story ends with him going "Let's see if things can reach change from the inside this time" as he actually reforms Shield from his position of power. The Registration Act becomes unpopular due to Steve's death and Alien Interferences, so that helps, and leads to actual protests in the streets after Namor reveals to the UN the war crimes the US is committing. It's a slow process, but is something.
OMD doesn't happen, The Peter storyline remains pretty much the same, but instead of Tony bragging about his private prisons for Superheroes in hell, it's the Punisher who shows up to him and reveals some troubling shit he discovered, Peter Confront Tony for it who dismisses it as fake news because he doesn't want to believe, Peter drops the registration side out of disgust, which then leads to the government sending villains after him rather than Tony. Tony is then seen strongly arguing with Maria Hill for this since Peter almost died from what he got from his suit readings (which he never hijacked or deactivated), but the Skrull Hank Pym shows up and supports Maria Hill for it, and Carol is busy with her child soldier program to comment.
May still gets shot and dies right as Peter and MJ discover MJ is pregnant with their second Daughter, which is ripe for lots of good stuff.
Maria Hill will therefore have to take even more of a role as a Government Plant and shit, but what's new.
Johnny Storm still gets hate crimed on but not by black people. Maybe confirm him as Bi while we're at it? You know, to get topical and all.
Ideally No More Mutants never happened so mutants are still a thing and most of them are vehemently anti registration. Emma Frost appears neutral at first glance, but ultimately she is playing the long game, secretly helping militant mutant groups and shielding the school from unwanted attention. She still has a restraining order filled for Tony Stark, she still points out to Carol how fucking dangerous a mutant life can be if outed via mind powers.
Can't think of much else for now, maybe Felicia helping MJ and May while they are in hiding? MJ is nauseous and all and she goes "must be the nerves" and Felicia agrees but May knows. This could lead to the polycule post May death since Felicia blames herself for it for not being fast enough, and MJ now is pregnant and scared and the Registration Act is getting repealed by the future is still glum and Peter is depressed so they all comfort each other and then 69 issues later we have a two parter maxi event where they face their fears and BANG we get the polycule.
Aunt May still poisons the Chameleon while he was posing as Peter. She actually actually poisons him rather then just drug him this time, because she knows of that one time he tried to force himself on MJ while posing as Peter which lead to MJ beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat, and May is a nice old lady but there are things she really can't stand you know?
Felicia and MJ help her hide the body. Peter never finds out.
And that's it?
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠.
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➵︎ You’re a fairy who accidentally wound up in this world, but with the help of a human you met, you’re hoping you’ll be able to find a way back
Pairing: Tsukkishima x Fairy!Reader Word Count: 1.6k [one-shot] Genre: fluff(?), fantasy Warnings: none
A/N: yepp this is pretty late but ive been busy lately plus i wasn’t rlly happy with how this turned out but figured might as well just post it -lily 
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The ground glowed blue. Fallen leaves and loose pieces of grass started swirling around you. 
This is not good.
You saw a flash of white and suddenly fell through the ground. 
The world became dark. 
You screamed and flailed, flapping your wings out of instinct. It proved futile and you soon realized your surroundings were devoid of air. You were just… falling. 
As soon as you realized this, everything became light again and you saw the grassy ground approaching fast. You hit the ground with a thud a second later and knocked yourself out. 
When you woke up, you groaned and slowly got up. Turning around, you took in your surroundings. A few bushes sprouted here and there, grass that extended in all directions, and a smooth gray pathway that cut through the vibrant green. 
That’s odd. There aren’t any pathways like this in the fairy kingdom. 
You shrugged. Ah well who knows what projects the higher-ups are cooking up. This might just be another one of them.
You didn’t actually think it was some project the senior fairies were working on. It was just a way of trying to reassure yourself, and it wasn’t exactly working. The moment you woke up, you knew you weren’t in the Fairy Kingdom anymore
The scenery here wasn’t that different from the ones at home but there was still something that felt off about it. Maybe it was the pathway, or maybe it was the way the wind that blew in your face smelled a bit old. It didn’t seem to have the same freshness as the wind from back home. You tried your best to brush it off and come up with a plan.
Deciding the best thing would be to follow the path, you spread your wings, picked a direction, and let the path guide you.
After what must’ve been hours of flying, both wings were exhausted and you resorted to using your legs. The sky had become a palette of reds and oranges. 
It’s dusk. That means the night folk should be coming out soon.
You shuddered remembering the last time you had a run-in with one of the night folk. Not wanting something like that to happen again, you picked up the pace.
A while later, you spotted two lights in the distance. It was coming closer and closer at an alarming pace. You froze on the spot and couldn’t move until you heard a loud, blaring sound and instinctively dived out of the way. 
The lights zipped past and you could see they belonged to a shiny moving box of sorts. It wasn’t a creature you were familiar with and the fear that was inside since you fell through the portal started to grow. 
You hurriedly got up and continued walking. The further you went, the colder it became. You huddled your thin wings around your arms and continued forward, not wanting to stop until you found something, anything, that could serve as shelter. 
The pathway sloped downwards and you could make out faint lights coming from the valley below. Hurrying forward, you spotted what looked like a town and immediately uncurled your wings and flew down to it. 
Upon closer inspection, this town was nothing like the towns of the fairy kingdom. Lights came from strange places and gave off a white tang. There wasn’t any grass here, save for a few patches here and there. Instead, the ground was all smooth. There weren’t many trees either and you wondered what these creatures used for their homes. Did they live in the huge blocks that covered the area? 
You were curious to know what creatures lived here, and even more so, if they were welcoming.
Practice had just ended and Tsukkishima was all ready to go home. Yamaguchi had stayed home sick so it was just him walking home today. He put on his headphones and strode out of school and onto the sidewalk leading home. 
He was well past the school when he noticed a few street lights flickering. This area of town always gave him the chills. At this time of night, no one was out and the streets were ominously empty. It was also very quiet, which didn’t exactly bother Tsukkishima but always struck him as a bit off for some reason. 
He was about to turn a corner when he bumped into someone. Looking down, he saw something, or rather someone, fumbling to get up. The force of walking into Tsukkishima had knocked them down so he begrudgingly gave them a hand. Begrudgingly because he was Tsukkishima, because he didn’t know this person, and because they were dressed head to toe in what looked like huge leaves and flower petals. 
The oddly-dressed person ignored Tsukkishima’s hand and jumped up on their own. It was then he saw the insect-like wings protruding from their back. 
Thinking this person was probably just another dedicated cosplayer, he muttered an apology and continued making his way back home.
You stared at the creature you had just bumped into. This one was unlike the shiny moving box in that it had features similar to fairies. 
It had a nose, two eyes framed by something unfamiliar to you, a band that extended across its head and covered the sides of it, two arms and two legs clothed in interesting-looking garments. It didn’t have wings but was carrying a sack of sorts over its shoulder. The creature was quite tall, taller than you by much, so you had to look up towards it. 
Before you could say anything, he muttered something lost to you and turned to walk away.
“Wait,” you called out, going after it.
The creature didn’t turn around so you kept calling. It finally did and looked at you with what seemed to be extreme perplexity.
“What do you want?”
You paused, not quite understanding what this creature was saying but sensing it was somewhat annoyed. 
Ohhh we don’t speak the same language. You smacked your head, ashamed of not realizing it sooner.
In one fluent motion, you took some golden-colored dust from a pouch by your side and sprinkled it on your lips, murmuring an incantation while doing so. 
“Can you understand me now?”
The creature looked unimpressed and merely looked at you before repeating, “What do you want?”
“Umm..well you see, I’m lost. Could you tell me where we are..?”
The creature looked even more unimpressed and in a sarcastic tone he answered, “Japan.”
You’ve never heard of this Japan place before and you were starting to worry more.
“What? Don’t know what Japan is?”
You nodded sheepishly regretting not paying much attention in world studies class.
Now the creature just seemed to look shocked.
“Where are you from then?” it asked.
“The Fairy Kingdom,” you replied almost instantly. 
It narrowed its eyes and scowled, “Where are you really from?”
“I told you, the Fairy Kingdom.”
Tsukkishima had no idea why he was still talking to this person. They were clearly unhinged. He told them they were in Japan like the smartass he was but they seemed to have never even heard of it. 
The Fairy Kingdom? Wings? Clothes made out of plants?? Yeah, they definitely needed help. 
He was about to walk away, again, when they flew in front of him. They flew, with their insect wings that were apparently not a prop. He blinked once, twice. 
“Could you--”
“You’re an actual fairy?” he interrupted.
“Uh yeah.”
“And you’re from the..Fairy Kingdom?” 
“Yes. That’s what I’ve been saying,” the fairy pouted and flapped their wings in a huff.
Tsukkishima found that action a little cute but kept it to himself. He was still processing all this.
You stopped pouting and fluttered to the ground. 
“Umm, so it seems I may have gotten myself a little lost and ended up here.” Looking up at him, you asked in your most pleading voice, “Could you maybe help me find my way back… please?”
He hesitated. He’s heard stories of deceiving fairies and how people said to not get into deals with them. Or maybe that was another fictional creature… Either way he wasn’t about to risk anything without the prospect of getting anything in return.
“What do I get? In return for helping you?”
“The satisfaction of doing a good thing?”
He shook his head, “Not good enough.”
“Ummmmm… I’ll owe you?”
“Hmm interesting offer,” he said with a smirk. “We can discuss that in detail later. For now, let’s go. It’s getting late.”
“Wait so are you going to help me?”
You cracked open a wide smile and jumped up in the air, flying alongside him as he walked down the path. 
“Thank you… What was your name? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“You can call me Tsukkishima.”
“Tsukkishima..that’s kinda long. I think I’ll just call you Tsukki,” you said with a grin. “By the way, my name’s Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
He cringed internally wondering what he had just gotten himself into. 
It’ll all be fine though. There’s no way this could be real. This was just some dream or hallucination brought on by his exhaustion from practice. Yes, that was it. He’ll gladly humor this fairy. It was just a dream anyway.
The next morning when he woke up, the first thing he saw was your face, wide-eyed curiously peering down on him.  
He let out a yelp and quickly reached for his glasses. 
Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and realized two things: he was late for school, and you were still here which meant… it wasn’t a dream after all.
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A/N: qksnkd okk not my best fic,,, it feels incomplete somehow? idk maybe if i get some inspiration in the future i’ll consider writing more parts. also hoped tsukki wasn’t too ooc;-;
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heyy can i request head canons with the haikyuu captains or the karasuno first years with how they would react to a haunted house. just to get in the spirit of halloween :)
heyyy anon!! yes ofc, i love that request :)
i hope you don’t mind but i decided to go with the karasuno first years bc i have a lot of ideas for them. If anyone wants though i can make a part two with the captains :)
alsooooo im sorry if anyone seems ooc, this is just how i think they would react + this is my first headcanon sooo forgive me if it isn’t the best <3
anywhooo, ty for the request, i hope you enjoy !!
•Haunted House w/ the Karasuno 1st Years•
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[art credit : @boonooniee on twitter]
warnings: a few curse words
genre: crack
characters: hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, yamaguchi, and yachi
surprisingly enough, this whole thing was his idea
he just wanted to spend time with his friends 
he had to practically beg everyone to go, half of the group was scared out of their minds and the other half just weren’t interested in the slightest
when everyone finally agreed, he was quite literally jumping for joy
days leading up to it, he would not shut up about it
this boy was beyond excited
“Are you guys excited for the Haunted House? It’s gonna be so much fun!”
he was all smiley and giddy about it until he was standing at the entrance
now he was about to shit himself
“Heh um, who wants to go carve some pumpkins?”
mans had to be dragged in that hoe
he kept trying to tell himself that everything was fine and this would be super fun
then the first jump scare happened, and every ounce of courage in that tiny body was gone
he was clinging onto anyone that was in proximity of him
at some point he got a little bit of courage back and started to threaten to beat up one of the decoration
yeahh that “decoration” was one of the actors
that boy literally screamed and tackled the nearest person poor yams
now tiny yelps could be heard whenever he suspected something was about to pop out at him
at one point he literally started to hold his breath and Kageyama had to smack the back of his head so he would exhale
he finally reached the end after one of the actors chased him all the way to the exit
had to stand there for a minute to catch his breath after he realized the actor went back to their post
on the walk back home he kept talking about how it “wasn’t so bad”
luckily Tsukki had gotten a video of him jumping on Kageyama and knocking him over to remind him just how bad he seemed to think it was
little pouty after he realized that video was sent to the team group chat
he cheered right up when Yachi suggested they go get hot coco though
just no
he did not want to spend his time going to a haunted house
he had volleyball to practice 
which is why, initially, his answer was no
but Hinata would not stop asking him about it and it was making it impossible for him to focus 
he thought that if he agreed he would finally get some peace and quiet
ohh boy, was he wrong
Hinata would now not stop talking about how excited he was
Kags definitely had mixed feeling about all of this
he wasn’t the worst when it came to scary stuff but he’s never actually had to experience anything like a haunted house before
he figured if he could handle scary movie, he could definitely handle this, right?
he was a little nervous once they arrived but he would not let himself get startled so easily
mainly because he didn’t want to freak out the others 10x more and also because Tsukishima would never let him hear the end of it
so he decided he would suck it up and get through this without getting the absolute crap scared out of him
at first things were actually going pretty good, just some gory decorations on display
maybe this would actually be kind of fun
then one of the actors popped out and all hell broke loose
everyone was now terrified well except tsukki, mans got the popcorn out
Kageyama was trying his very best to play it cool but on the inside he was losing his shit
this was definitely so much more terrifying then the movies
Hinata and Yachi’s screams were not helping either 
he tried to mask his fear by yelling at Hinata any chance he got
Tsukishima saw right through that,
“Oh? is the king getting scared?”
yes, yes he was
but Tsukishima did not need to know that
flinched at anything that could potentially pop out at him
got knocked over by Hinata a few times
Yachi had a death grip on this mans arm half the time to be honest he kind of felt less scared with how scared she was so he didn’t mind
ended up using Hinata as a shield a few times
he got to the end after what felt like an eternity
never wanted to do something like that again
Tsukishima unfortunately got most of his unfortunate experience on camera
cue the never ending teasing
Yachi had told him it was okay and asked if he wanted to get hot coco with the rest of them bby is too kind
sir was definitely in the mood for some hot coco after that nightmare
that was his immediate answer
its’s not as if he was scared to go mans knows everything is fake and does not care in the slightest
he just did not find them as entertaining as most people did
and going with the others?
yeah, count him out
but Hinata was determined
Tsukishima was ready to resort to violence when Hinata had bothered him about it for what felt like the millionth time
when he realized that that midget would not shut up until he got the answer he wanted, he finally caved
“Fine. Just shut the hell up, would you?”
Hinata did not shut up
listening to Hinata go on and on was worth it once they got there though
this was one of the most entertaining things he’s seen in a while
everyone was already loosing it before they even got inside
teasing was at the max today yams was the only exception
Hinata was the main target of his laughs
Yachi was runner up but he didn’t really have to try, miss girl was scared of everything tbh he went a little easy on her bc he lowkey felt bad
he even got to poke fun at the king himself
documenting everyone’s misfortune and sending the videos to the gc
purposely walked in front of the group so they’d bump into him and get scared
he and Yamaguchi were the first one to reach the exit so he got to watch everyone run for their lives
now he was really running his mouth
told Hinata he never wanted to do something like that again though
in reality, he had a lot of fun
he surprisingly agreed to get hot coco with them afterwards mainly because he knew the cafe they were going to had strawberry shortcake
oh no
Yamaguchi was definitely not one to willingly participate in things like this
he honestly was about to refuse the offer until he found out Tsukki was going 
he decided it was now or never to get over his fears I’m convinced that if Tsukki jumped off a bridge, Yamaguchi would too
Hinata talking about how excited he was did nothing to calm his nerves
every time it was brought up he would try to change the topic 
he preferred to pretend as if it wasn’t a thing that he was actually involved in
As soon as they arrived, Yams was clinging onto Tsukishima for dear life
he was very grateful that Tsukki didn’t deny his attempts to use him as a human shield
It didn’t start off too bad
sure there was a few props that were uncomfortable to look at but for the most part he thought he could actually get through this pretty easily
he had even loosed his grip on Tsukki’s arm a little bit
then things started popping out at him
sir did not sign up for all of this
he was right back to cutting off the circulation in Tsukishima’s arm
Yamaguchi wasn’t the type of person to scream when he got scared 
he preferred to shut his eyes as tight as he could and repeat that he was okay over and over again in his head
if he wasn’t so terrified he would probably be laughing right along with Tsukishima 
but at the moment all he was focused on was getting the heck out of that place
funny enough, he didn’t even notice that they had reached the end until Tsukki told him he could open his eyes
poor baby was pretty much on the brink of tears after all of that
Hinata apologized profusely as Kageyama scolded him 
he felt much better later, laughing at all the videos Tsukishima took with some hot coco in his system 
poor girl 
when Hinata suggested going to a haunted house she felt her heart drop to her stomach
she agreed none the less though, figuring that it would make Hinata sad if she refused seeing how excited he was
leading up to it, she was still scared out of her mind but some of Hinata’s excitement had surprisingly rubbed off on her
maybe she could get through this
her mind changed when they actually arrived
nope nope nope nope nope nope
definitely could not get through this
she was furiously nodding at Hinata’s offer to get the heck out of there  but that idea had been shut down 
she tried to gravitate towards Tsukishima, since she figured that he was big and he could be a shield or something of that sort
she ended up taking off in the other direction once he began telling her about all the scary stuff that was inside he was just teasing but poor baby definitely did not sense the sarcasm
she opted to clinging to Kageyama since sticking around Hinata and Yamaguchi just made her more nervous
“Kageyama-kun, am I going to die in there”
once they got inside she calmed down a little bit
the decorations at the beginning were mostly just bloody props and Kageyama kept hitting them to show her they weren’t real we love big brother Kags
it was probably just a coincidence that every prop he hit ended up smacking Hinata in the head
then the jump scares begun and Yachi was just about ready to faint
miss girl was just babbling nonsense, trying to distract herself from how terrified she was
every single jumpscare she would let out a squeal and shut her eyes
she ended up bumping into Tsukishima a few times which just made her even more terrified I mean, mans is huge and it’s dark what do you expect 
almost got lost
she had run in the opposite direction and Yamaguchi thought one of the actors kidnapped her
Hinata started flipping out
Kageyama just started yelling at him
Tsukishima ended up spotting her running back to the group after getting chased back by one of the actors
someone was now in front and behind her at all times
by the end of it Yachi was on the cusp of needing medical attention 
she suggested getting some hot coco once she calmed down mainly just to get her mind off of everything she just had to experience
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thatnamelessbutler · 3 years
(OoC: So, what's the AU thing about?)
((ooc: Okay so basically I got an idea form a song completely unrelated to the fandom and long story short, Bi n Bu are no longer able to escape from the Egg except through a very specific method, and then Karl comes back along and bippity boppity your body is now our property!
So, yeah. Body-swap AU except Karl kinda dies because to get the swap to work everyone's body had to die. Karl's gets healed afterwards through magical time shenanigans-
So Billiam and Rune(Bu's new name in this AU) wake up in the library, in our current DSMP present, in the weird body of this weird guy who's apparently a weird color-shapeshifter.(yeah, i'm going with the cryptid creature Karl for this one because. it's cool as heck and I never see this anywhere)
a little while after they wake up in the present, karl wakes up after being dormant because he literally died and it's like "HEY WAIT WHAT THE HECK YOU STOLE MY BODY" and everyone else goes "shit shit shit shit"
p.s if you're wondering where hubert is he's dead. the egg killed nearly everyone except billiam and butler because bi is its main caretaker and bu will never leave his side
(more under the cut please there's so much and i actually love this au so much)
Now I'm not a system but I imagine these four(yes, four; Billiam, Rune, Piam(Billiam's Piglin side), and Tune(Bu's Other) operate kind of like one. They have an innerworld and everything, they aren't just all constantly crammed into the front. That would get confusing, stressful and difficult to manage overall. Bu's usually the one fronting because no one else wants to; Billiam doesn't wanna do it because he doesn't wanna mingle with the "poor", Tune doesn't wanna do it because it always gets tripped up with literally everything about the body, it's not even dangerous enough to protect now, and Piam doesn't wanna do it because he's kind of scared of the Overworld someone that doesn't know how to be a Human Person
Oh yeah and I've also talked about all this and more with my bestie so here's a copy-paste of that conversation-
I think an encounter with Sapnap and/or Quackity would go terribly too, until they sit down and explain things as best they can wait no actually "So basically, we killed your fiancée so we could inhabit his body and escape from a really bad situation. sorry" Acid Sapanap would go feral and I can't even begin to conceive what extremely destructive thoughts Quackoty would start having Me MHM Sapnap probably pulls a sword on them and they automatically reach for their own before remembering "Oh shit, we don't have it. OH SHIT-" and then they just gotta r u n Butler's trying desperately to teleport but without a pearl, eeeeeh that's not gonna do anything buddy I'm not sure if Karl has armor in his inventory or not but either way they wouldn't have the time or coordination to equip it Acid they just immediately die it'd be so funny Me "NOT AGAIN, WE JUST GOT FREE- death" Now lets hope either Karl has some extra canon lives, or those lives Billiam bought carry over Acid PFFFFT, BILLIAM'S LIVES GET CARRIED WITH THEM AND IT'S JUST revives ok listen we don't gotta dies revives please let's just dies revives why do you do t dies revives this is just gonna last forever isn't it? dies rev- Me wheeze YEAH "GET OUT OF KARL'S BODY!" "We can't!! It's already been done!! dies" "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!?" "We are!!??" ohhh, bonus angst points if every time they die, Butler goes a little more dormant- Butler was only meant to have one life, he never got any Totems and his soul cannot take this in the way Billiam's can After about 15 deaths, Billiam gets Sapnap to stop for about five seconds, and in those five seconds he realizes that he can no longer hear or feel Butler Acid oh god Me If he manages to get far enough away and find someplace to hide(perhaps the library again), he dips into the headspace and finds Butler just gone. He looks around for a while and finds them far away from where they were, collapsed on the ground, flickering slightly, and entirely unresponsive. And no matter how much he tries, they just won't wake up, and their Ender half has disappeared completely. He can't do anything except wait for them. Acid fjsjdj oh my god imagine Billiam just goes feral after that he's like "what did you do to m y B u t l e r" and just jumps on Sapnap with his bare hands Me Oh absolutely, he will Murder Sapnap without a second thought and he doesn't care how many deaths he has to go through to do it even though dying more will make it take longer for butler to wake up, and then afterwards he'll be pacing around random areas stress-stimming intensely and waiting for his child to wake up Acid yeap Me Somehow he finds his way to Kinoko Kingdom and is like "oh, this looks like a good place for a walk" and then spends the entire time not actually looking at anything and drowned in anxiety
Anyway, Rune was fronting when they fell asleep and then their chronic nightmares came back. Sapnap wakes up(or was he ever really sleeping?) to some almost animalistic gasping in the other room and runs in to find Karl Karl's body curled on the bed, barely humanoid and random flashes of color spiking over him in waves and clawlike hands digging into his head
So he tries to wake him up, and when he does Bu's first reaction is to scramble away in pure terror because he's not fully out of the nightmare yet, there are even tears running down his face that just get absorbed back into the mass of color. Sapnap tries to calm him down, and eventually succeeds enough to ask him what the hell happened, and who's fronting once he remembers that that is a thing-
Thing is, Bu's gone nonverbal, but hey at least Karl was some sort of shapeshifter so they can just shift blobs of color into the air to answer Sapnap's questions
He very quickly learns only to ask yes/no ones because he can't read Galactic which is the only thing Bu can respond in, but that whole night ends on a pretty good note :3
Acid IS KARL IN THE SYSTEM CANON? HE'D BE THE MAIN FRONTER IF IT IS I THINK Me After that nightmare Rune finds himself trusting Sapnap a little more but also not as able to front, he's just so tired of it. No one else wants to front, he always has to stay there and he never gets a break. At least before, Tune had control during the night and he got to rest some. Now his sleep schedule is just as abhorred as before and no one else even comes near the front. He tries as long as he can, for everyone else's sake, but after weeks of fronting alone he just can't anymore. So he finally leaves the front and just collapses face-first into idk a patch of grass in the innerworld or something, and he's so exhausted of being a person that he can't even think straight, He doesn't want consolation, he doesn't want promises, he doesn't even want cuddles he just wants someone else to take over for a bit. Me OOH MAYBE He wakes up and wanders around the innerworld figuring out what the heck is going on and wondering why he can't see the outside anymore and oh god is he dead, are they all dead maybe they're all dead and none of them know it, and then Rune comes out of front and practically begs to not have to be a person anymore, he tells Karl "please i just want a break, just go out there or get someone else to go out there for a while please" and, well, Karl takes a chance and goes out to front and holy shit is this the real world, holy shit are those his fiancées, holy s h i t Acid THAT'S THE BESR OUTCOME ACTUALLY Me YESSSSSSSSS MASQUERADE SYSTEM + KARL THE MAN HIMSELF JACOBS Acid YESSS Me Karl and Rune are now host and co-host, because. no one else wants to front Acid Karl tricking Billiam into fronting.mp4 Me GSHDFGBSGDHFBSF Rune and Karl lock him into front and Rune proceeds to lean against the nearest flat surface, slide down and then dissociate for the next couple/several hours Karl makes sure no one disturbs him, even if Tune and Piam are Very Worried about their exhausted Human hybrid Acid them taking care of Rune (affectionate)
Acid OK WAIT I WAS THINKING AND IN SYSTEMS PEOPLE USUALLY MANIFEST SO I WAS THINKING HOW THAT'D WORK IN THE MASQUERADE SYS AND I REALIZED THAT EVERYONE IN THERE IS TECHNICALLY DEAD IN A WAY WHAT IF THAT'S THIS AU'S LIMBO? ONE DAY WILBUR POPS UP AND COMMITS MULTIPLE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Me HOLY SHIT OH SHIT EVERYONE THAT PERMA-DIES JUST ENDS UP AS AN ALTER IN KARL'S WEIRD COLOR-SHAPESHIFTING BODY XDDD You can always tell who's fronting by the colors, as long as you actually know them enough to know their colors- Acid Wilbur: hello Quackity, I am BAC- Karl: oh my GOD Wilbur shut the FUCK UP we understand it you're gay now please get out of front I have a date in 10 minutes Acid OOOOO YES Me Like Rune is purple/pink(mainly pink) gray-red/dark purple/orange/green eyes(right/right/left/left, respectively), and then he has some other colors sifting through, like a dark indigo-blue and a yellow the color of Endstone Tune is all of that but some of it is darker(the pinks/purples and Endstone color), some of it's the same(the eyes, except they have a light pink shine over them) and some of it is inverted. Clouds will waft around the body when it's fronting and whenever you look through the clouds you'll see the colors inverted Billiam is solidly pale pink except for his eyes(maroon) and his hands and feet(gold, with veins streaking out and tapering off at about the elbow) Piam is a slightly redder pink, with spots of a Netherrack color here and there, and his gold is more orangey, like there's fire reflecting off of it karl is just. karl. Of course he's got the signature swirls in bright violent and teal but other than that he's just a smorgasbord of color, usually bright and neon. When he's near/thinking about Sapnap and/or Quackity, little hearts start popping off him
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Cosmic Love Nightmare
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Whittaker!Master x Reader, 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: DW AU. You and the Master are definition of bad romance. The Doctor is determined to separate the two of you.
Warning: ooc, use of violence, mention of rape, murder, bad moral, depression, dark!reader, etc
 A/N: So, lately, I have been reading plenty fan fiction about Whittaker!Master and Dhawan!Doctor and I love each one of them. I got inspired to write one too.
I’m sorry for the quality of the language as English is not my first language so you will probably get a bit or a lot of headache. So, I’m not sure about this fic, I hope you all enjoy reading it? And if you do like it, please like/comment.
   The Hybrid.
 A Galiifreyan prophecy that predicted that a hybrid creature of a crossbred from two warrior races would stand over the ruins of Gallifrey and unravel web of time, breaking a billion billion hearts to heal its own.
 “Hybrid bla bla bla...” The Master said with a mocking tone as she rolled her eyes.
 I frowned. “And...what? The other Time Lords think that hybrid thing is us?”
 The Master shrugged her shoulder. “Look around.” She said. “Here we are standing in a ruin of a planet.”
 We stood on top of a cliff with the best view of the ruination.
 “Not Gallifrey though.” I said with a shrug. “This is just a general chaos.”
 She smiled as she come closer to me and whispered, “Only you would call the ruin of planet a general chaos.”
 I shrugged. “If we didn’t do it, someone else would.” I said with a careless tone. “I’m not the only one who called it general chaos. You did it too.”
 The Master grinned and did a dramatic twirling. “I know. Let’s call ourselves team Hybrid from now on.” She said.
 As if on cue, they could hear a distant echo of groaning Tardis of the Doctor.
 I sighed. “And here come team Tardis.”
The Master sighed dramatically just as a man walked toward us followed by his three companions. “Oh, Doctor, have you come to join the party?”
 “Stop it. Both of you, stop this nonsense right now!” The Doctor yelled in fury.
 “But where is the fun in that?” The Master said with adorable pout.
 I watched the interaction between those two. Apparently, they have been dancing around like this since forever with the everlasting theme of savior-villain. I let them have their moment and then turned away to watch with fascination the fiery ruin before me.
 “How could you stand with her, (name)?” Yaz suddenly called out to me.
 I rolled my eyes. I have no interest in defending myself to a bunch of goodie-good. I shushed her much to her dismay. But she didn’t get the hint and stepped forward toward me, demanding my attention. What a foolish bitch. The only reason she still standing is because I’m currently in a good mood and also the Master told me not to harm the Doctor’s companion directly. She warned me that the Doctor is a goodie-good but he is also dangerous when it come to the protection of his companion.
 “Don’t come any closer. I won’t be held responsible for hurting you if you are within distance for me to break your...” I looked her up and down with disdain. “...well, everything...” I said with a fake sweet smile.
 Yaz still opened her mouth to blabber but thankfully, Ryan and Graham pulled her away from me immediately. They knew I am a mutant, that I am very strong, I could break their bones without breaking a sweat. They also knew that I am a killer and a monster. Who else would join the Master in her quest for chaos?
 I sighed. I got bored already. “Master, can we just go? This is getting boring...”
 The Master and the Doctor stopped their banter and glanced at me.
 The Master gave me a fond smile before stepped forward toward me but was stopped when the Doctor gripped her wrist.
 “Master, please...” The Doctor begged. “The way you are going right now...Gallifrey will come for you and her...”
 “Doctor, are you worried for us or are you worried me and (name) will destroy your precious Gallifrey, Mr President, dear?” The Master pulled her wrist out of his hold and mockingly took a bow at him.
 The Doctor groaned in frustration.
 The Master grinned mischievously as she walked backward and then turned around to face me. She pulled me to her and kissed me hard.
 I smiled into the kiss. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the companion of the Doctor making a disgusted face at the sight of us kissing.
 “Come on then, my dear, our work here is done.” She said.
 “I’m sorry.” The Doctor suddenly said.
 We ignored him as we walked away from them. I was about to put on coordinates on my vortex manipulator that would get us back to the Master’s Tardis but stopped when the next thing he said gave me chill.
 “But I can’t let you two be together any longer.” The Doctor said.
 I turned around and growled at him for the threat on us.
 The Master stopped me and turned to glare at the Doctor. “And how are you going to stop us?”
 Yaz suddenly grabbed me and put some bracelet on my wrist. I didn’t expect that so I have no way to stop it. She is quick to release me and took a few steps away from me before I could attack her.
 “Master!” I yelled when I realized I couldn’t get the bracelet off me.
 The Master turned to look at me and at the bracelet just as the Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver toward me, activating the bracelet. Her eyes widened as she realized something. “Nooo!” she yelled as she tried to reach me but before she could, I vanished in a blip.
 The Master fell into the ground in shock then she turned to look at the Doctor. “What have you done, Doctor? Where did you send her?”
 The Doctor actually looked almost sorry but he was calm. “(name) is safe. I just send her faraway from here, to a place not of this universe, where you can never reach out...”
 The Master stood as she glared at him. “Oh, you just watch me, Doctor.” Her eyes blazed in fury.
 I fell into the ground and immediately puke. Cold sweat covered my face. I blinked my eyes and tried to focus on the surrounding.
 I was in a park on Earth...I think? But something is wrong. The sky...the color is a bit off and the oxygen here just not the same as I used to. The Master once told me in passing about alternate universes where some things were different and others remained the same. I dreaded the thought that damn Doctor actually would go this far in order to separate me from the Master.
 The Master. My heart felt like it was about to shatter. I was hoping to hear her voice right about now. But I realized I was alone. I glanced at the cursed bracelet on my wrist. To my surprise, the bracelet fell off my wrist easily this time as if it knew it already finished its purpose. I growled angrily. I begrudgingly picked up the offending item, hoping to figure out a way back using it. But I am not a genius like the Time Lords, hell, not even a human genius. I am just me, a mutant, and a result of human experimentation gone wrong.
 I fingered the vortex manipulator on my other wrist and to my great frustration, it was broken. Not that the vortex manipulator would be much use, it can’t be used to travel to another alternate universe.
 I prayed I was wrong, that I wasn’t in some alternate universe. My hope got smashed when I confirmed my worst fear as I pick up the newspaper from the nearby seller.
 I made a vow though that I would do everything in my power to return my beloved, the Master. I have to find some calibre genius to use to figure out this dilemma. I wonder if I should track down the version of the Master in this world but decided against it until further investigation.
 “Just you wait, Master, nothing can separate us...” I whispered.
     Six months later...
 Six painful months later, I was still stuck in this alternate earth. I have to work to support myself. I worked in a diner somewhere in New York. I went my daily life with annoyance. It was a miracle I could restrain myself from killing half the idiot people here.
 I lay on my dirty bed inside my small and dirty rent room. I raised the vortex manipulator, hoping it would stop being broken already and let me use it to travel off the earth. I growled as I shake the damn thing really hard. To my surprise, it started to make a bleeping sound.
 I moved into a seating position and observed the vortex manipulator. “No way, it works!” I said with a disbelief laugh.
 Thank God, the vortex manipulator works otherwise I would have loss my sanity and started killing people just for breathing wrong near my vicinity.
 So, what is the first thing I do? I track down a version of myself in this universe. Apparently, the thing that remained the same is the other me being caught and experimented on by the Division.
 Division is an organization who worked outside the law and consists of both alien and human. Their main purpose is to monitor the happening within the universe and sell the information to those who is willing to pay a high price. They are not the good guys, obviously. Their purpose is to create a world that fit their agenda, so, depending on the current agenda; they might step in as the saviour of the people or become the instigator of chaos.
 Their purpose at the time they caught me back in my universe is to create super soldier with the intention to sell them to the highest bidder.
 I was an orphan after I lost my parents in accident. I was nobody, no family, so they thought even if I was missing, no one would truly care. I was taken to be used as an experiment. Luckily, if you can call it that; I was one of the successful experiments. I got super strength. I broke through the restrain in my fit of anger and attacked every last one of my tormentors with my bare hands.
 I was covered in blood from head to toes after I finished with my slaughters. That’s when the Master came into view. She took me in after that, she took care of me and she helped me understand my power and to use it to do the most damage. I love every second of it.
 Of course, at first, I didn’t trust the Master. I almost kill her that first time but something she said made me let her go and it helped that my rage already subsided by then, enough for me to see reason. I demanded to be left alone and she did for the most part. She gained my trust after she saved me when I was taken by surprise and ambushed by Division’s soldiers. 
 She saved me even though I almost strangle her to death the first time we met. She reasoned with me that she is on my side. She gave me my space albeit with a lot of mocking on her part. Once I let her in, she showed me everything, taught me everything I need to know to survive and to fight back. I knew she is not on a side of good, she told me so, but thanks to her, I craved for chaos as she did after she show me the joy of ruining lives. They have ruined mine so why shouldn’t I ruin others too?
 The Doctor found me and wanted to take me in his care. The Master allowed him to take me just so we could play a nasty game with him and his companion. That’s how I knew the Doctor and his stupid fam. Apparently, I passed the test from the Master regarding whether I would be influenced by the goodness of the Doctor.
 The Doctor warned me that the Master is only using me, that she didn't really care about me. But he didn't know us. I have enough confident after the time we spent together to believe that the Master did care for me. I didn't know if she loves me but I didn't mind it for now. I love how she kissed me hard and flirted with me. She made me happy and that's what matters.
 Anyway, back at present time, the base where the other me is imprisoned, located in the same place as my past so, sneaking my way into the base is quite easy. I disguised myself and I located the other me, she was restrained and looked absolutely pathetic. Do I want to rescue her? But I would like to know if she is truly the same as me? Will she gain super strength too?
 I thought about the Master and wonder what I should do. I think she would want me to mess the version of the Doctor here. So I made a plan to get the Doctor here and rescue the other me and the others. The Master taught me how to cheat with psychic paper. I was able to send SOS signal toward what I hopefully into the Doctor’s psychic paper. Now I only have to wait for the goodie-good team to arrive.
 I was floored when I saw the version of the Doctor here. I recognized her companion, the annoying fam I remembered back in my universe. But the Doctor...she has my beloved’s face, she has the Master’s face! How is that even possible? I confirmed her identity when I heard Yaz called her the Doctor. Ugh, I’m going to barf. And what kind of clothes she is wearing? Glad to know every version of the Doctor in universe apparently have bad taste in fashion. Seriously. My beloved Master dressed better than her!
 Wait, if she is the Doctor, then the man who is called the Doctor back in my universe would be...the Master over here? Ugh, what kind of twisted world is this?!
 As predicted, once team Tardis found out about the human experiment going on inside the base, they set their goodie-good shoes to set them free. The Doctor even gave whoever in charge of the base a firm oncoming storm talk.
 I watched in secret as the Doctor interacts with the other me. The other me looked very grateful to be rescued. The Doctor took all patients to the best hospital in galaxy. They even stick around for a while to observe the damage on the patients.
 That’s when I made my way to the room where the other me currently lying in bed peacefully. She woke up when she noticed someone in the room and her eyes widened in shock when she saw me.
 I grinned viciously. “Hello, me.” I said as I pulled the machinery that monitor her heartbeat off. It wouldn’t do to alert the others that I was here.
 “Goodbye, me.” I said flatly as I grabbed a pillow and pushed it to cover her entire face rendering her unable to breathe. Easily, I removed her body and dumped it somewhere where no one would find for a long while. I took her place and get into the bed and put the machinery back on me.
 Not long after, a nurse came in for my check-up and to draw some blood. The result of that blood test would surely get the Doctor to come and see me. The Doctor can’t resist mystery so she will definitely want to talk to me.
 Mission to infiltrate the Doctor’s inner circle is now commencing.
 All I have to do next is put on doe eyes and pretend to be surprise to suddenly have super strength and faked a mini freak-out. I purposely broke everything in sight in my total panic and acted as if I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t hard to do. I smiled as I remembered my past. I once got amnesiac and forgot about my power and did exactly that, breaking stuff without meaning too. The Master told me I was very adorable and very damsel in distress-like. But she was glad when I finally got my memory back because she can't stand that version of me who was stupidly innocent.
 So, now I just have to pretend I didn’t know my own strength. As predicted, the Doctor invited me to travel with her on board of the Tardis. She said she will help me understand my power and if there is a way to cure it off me in case I didn’t want the power. I got a bio damper on my person to hide the void stuff that the Master once told me someone who have crossed on alternate universe will have. I can't allow the Doctor to find out that I was not of this universe.
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham are very welcoming and friendly. They kept sending me a look of pity every time I told them about the torture that the Division put me through. Since it really did happened to me, I didn't have to fake the emotion regarding it. 
 The Doctor, though, seemed very upset. I could see the dark look passed her expression for a few seconds and on that few seconds; I almost thought she is my beloved. The Master once told me about the Doctor's dark side and should he ever give in, he will be the cruelest villain in the whole universe. I must admit I'm curious about the Doctor's dark side but on this version of the Doctor, the one who has my beloved's face.
 The Master, I wonder how she is doing back in our universe. Did she still trying to get me back? She has to, right? She has yet to grow bored of me. I'm the best companion she could ever have. My heart aches for her. Seeing this version of the Doctor certainly didn't help. 
 Sometimes I want to kiss the Doctor whenever she is being adorable, then next thing I know, I just want to punch her and claw her stupid face whenever she is being too sunshiny for me. Why did she has to have the Master's face? 
 She made my life difficult because sometimes I could have believe she is a better version of the Master, one that might be capable to love me properly. But I know better. I am a monster and the only one who could ever love someone like me would only be someone who is as mess up in the head as me, like the Master, one could hope. Even then, I still don't know what exactly I am to her. We were not exactly traditional couple. The circumstance of our meeting is shaky at best. 
 I clawed at my arms till I drew blood at the thought I almost got swayed by the goodness that is the Doctor. If the Master knew, she would be disgusted with me. 
 We went to a random planet on the Doctor's whim. Next thing I knew, the fam and me were taken hostage by the royal family in order to ensure the Doctor's cooperation. I was ecstatic to see the oncoming storm in action. I was planning to let thing unfold to see what is going to happen.
 And then this royal bastard has to go be an ass-hat. He went after Yaz for being mouthy. Stupid bitch. He tried to rape her. And he was going to do it in front of us too. I snapped, enough said. I must have black out for a bit because I woke up drenched in blood in a corridor littered with mangled corpses. And the companions were understandably decided to keep their distance from me. They were afraid of me.
 Well, this is suck. I hated it when my fit of rage turned me into a basic hulk. I have no control. It was a miracle that the Doctor's companions survive unharmed during my raging period. This kind of ruined my plan to stay the innocent companion for a while. Will the Doctor kick me out of the Tardis now that I did this? Surely, she would want to keep her companion safe from me. But I have to stay with the Doctor until I could figure out to use her to get back to the Master. What do I do now?
 I must still in haze from the blood lust that I didn't realize the Doctor has bent her knees in front of me, uncaring that her clothes will be littered in blood. She was fussing over me. She pulled her sonic screwdriver to scan me. She look relieved upon realizing I was unharmed and that relief immediately turned to horror when she realized what exactly I have done. The companion steered clear of me. They cautioned the Doctor to do the same. But the Doctor ignored them and gently shaking me out of my stupor. 
 She thought I was in shock and I played along. I was mostly pissed at my out of control rage. And then, I remembered when I have that royal ass-hat's neck gripped tight within my hand, I saw the Master, or at least, a hallucination of sort.
 "I love it when you are feeling murderous, dear." She said with a wink. "Go ahead, you know you want to. Make it bloody. Make him suffer. I knew you always had a weakness for these types of bad guys..."
 She was right. I would kill indiscriminately if I have to and if she asked me to. But rapists and torturers pissed me off greatly, the Master said I suffered traumatic experience with that sort of thing, which make me lose my shit whenever I come across those types. I honestly didn't quite remember the trauma though. I took very great pleasure in torturing and killing them. The man was begging me to release him but I ignored him. I would rather listen to my beloved.
 "Though, I'm kind of worry that you are beginning to be a softie, dear. Staying with the Doctor would do that to you. Are you now good, my dear?"
 I growled at that.
 "Was it because she has my face? Did she make you want to be a good girl?" She asked teasingly.
 I tightened my grip on the man's neck.
 "Prove it then. Kill him. Kill his royal family and his soldiers. Make it bloody rain, dear." The Master grinned as she urged me to surrender to my blood lust. "Show me a bad girl."
 I could distinctly hear the companion saying something to me but I ignored them. I lost my shit afterward.
 The Doctor covered up my crime. I would have thought the goodie-good would surrender me to authority. She said she forgives me. She knew I didn't mean to do it. Yaz did say I did it to save her from being raped...somewhat. Even though she can't explain why I lost my shit and gone on a killing spree.
 I faked a panic attack and asked to be left alone after I cleaned myself off all the blood. I even cried telling them that I was a monster and I deserved to die and sobbing stuff like that. As predicted, the Doctor and companion tried to calm me down and reassured me that I am a good person at heart. I almost snorted at that. Almost. I purposely being dramatic and said I have to leave the Tardis now. The Doctor won't let me go though. I think she wanted to keep an eye on me. Ugh, now I have to be extra careful around her. I hope I could get back to my universe soon. This universe is suck and I miss the Master so much.
 In the end, all ended well, I remained on board of the Tardis. Though, the dynamic is changed now that they were wary of me. It was like they were waiting for me to lose my sanity again and go on a random killing spree. But I remained angelic for display. I acted with hesitation and wary of leaving the safety of the Tardis. The Doctor promised me she would keep an eye on me and made sure I will be okay for the duration of our next adventure.
 I purposely put myself in danger in order to rescue the Doctor during one of our routine adventure. I did it to establish reputation within the Doctor's circle that I could be redeemed or whatever. At least, that is what I said to convince myself. It was her face, my beloved’s face that made me want to save her. For a second, I forgot that she was not the Master and I didn't want her to get hurt so, I jumped into a line of fire to save her. That is what happened. No more.
 The Doctor kept giving me a look I can't decipher, once I was on board of the Tardis, resting in the med-bay, after she treated my injuries. She was upset that I risk my life for her; that I could tell. Well, that won't happen again, pal, don't worry!!
 Oh, this is bullshit. Of all the thing that could happen to me, I had to get ambushed by the Division. They somehow heard that the experiment on 'me' was successful and now they wanted to capture me for their own gain. But they were prepared. They slapped a cuff that somehow damper my ability. I was helpless and under their mercy much to my annoyance.
 And then I saw her. Sonya. I knew her back in my universe. During captivity, we became friend. But, she was one of the failure subjects and she got disposed as a result. But, this Sonya...she has power. She can control mind and bitch is trying to control my mind. Well, shit! Apparently, the Division has got to her earlier in this universe and she has become their lap dog. I saw the collar she wears though. I recognized the collar back in my universe. It has a calming effect and a bomb encased within to ensure the subjects' cooperation. They put one on me here too. Double shit!
 The Doctor and companion have no idea who captured me but I have faith that the Doctor will figure it out. She is smart, isn't she? She will know and hopefully come to my rescue soon before they turn me into mindless pet of the Division. 
 Back in my universe, the Master made it a point to invade my mind once I deemed her okay. She said she wanted to make sure I would be ready in case someone or heck, maybe even the Doctor, tried to get inside my mind to make me agreeable to whoever. She taught me to put a block on my mind. I was very grateful for her lessons now. Sonya is hilariously frustrated because she can't remove the block in my mind. But, I could tell she is very powerful. It would only be a matter of time before she breaks into my mind. I can't afford that. She could outed my true identity. If only I have my power, I would have snapped her neck in an instant.
 It finally happened. She broke through the block. I immediately pushed my memory of being friend with the Sonya of my universe. Sonya look confused. I showed her my devastation when the Division took my Sonya away. I showed her the experiments on me and how I lost my control and killed most of Division's people on the base back then.
 "You...are not (name)." She said. "What happened to the real (name)?"
 I showed her my memory of killing the other me.
 She stared at me as if I was crazy. "Why would you do that?"
 I pictured the face of the Doctor and my intention with her. "I want to go home..." I finally whispered.
 'You...are really not from this universe?' She asked telepathically.
 I nodded and I said some stuff to her from within my mind so that no one can hear. 'But you can't tell anyone...' I begged. 'Please help me. Don't let Division control us.'
 Sonya didn't reply for a few seconds. 
 'That collar contain bomb, you know, they lied to you. It does have calming effect but it was also a tracker and a bomb. They can't afford of losing their asset and if the assets become useless or a loose end, they will detonate the bomb.' I explained. 
 'Do you know how to get the collar off?'
 'I know of a way, yeah, but we need a sonic screwdriver. You need to contact the Doctor and tell them where we are.'
 'The Doctor?'
 'She can help us. She will be able to receive your telepathic message too.' I said. 'Do it if you want your freedom, Sonya.'
 Sonya left without a word. I hope what I said convinced her or I have no choice but to serve as the Division's pet. Ugh, I would rather die. I tried to carefully mask my thought of killing Sonya deep down. If she knew, she would not want to help me.
 Alarm within the base suddenly blared loudly. I sighed in relief. I hope that would be the Doctor coming for me. Shortly after, the Doctor came inside the room where I was restrained. She let me go and I expressed my most sincere gratitude. 
 "Thank you." I whispered weakly. "Thank you for coming back for me."
 The Doctor gave me a sweet smile as she sonic the collar offs me. But I noticed she hesitated for a brief moment to sonic the damn cuff off me. Thank God, she did. "I got your message from Sonya. Nice girl."
 "Where is she?"
 "She is controlling the Division men to leave us alone." The Doctor said. "I really need to do something about this Division."
 But, the Division is like that villain organization from those superheroes movies, hydra something, cut off one head and another grow, like worm or whatever? At least, back in my universe, when I hunted them, they just seemed to come back again one way of another. Even with the help of the Master, I still can't completely get rid of the Division. It would probably be the same over here.
  "So, you already freed her from the collar? I'm glad I was right about you coming back to rescue us." I said with the most angelic look I can muster.
 "Of course, I would. I would never abandon my companion." she said with cheerful tone.
 "Is that what I am? Companion? Not a charity case?" I asked.
 The Doctor glanced at me with an expression I can't comprehend. "I would like to think we are friend now, (name)."
 Shit. That face... My heart just skipped a beat and I didn't like it one bit. I can't be catching feeling for her. I think I will barf.
 The Doctor took us to a carnival in some planet for holiday. I managed to purposely lose them. I pulled my vortex manipulator intending to take care of the loose end called Sonya.
But, she knew I was coming for her and she warned me not to cross her. What a bitch. She did promise to keep my secret. I warned her back that if she broke the promise, I would come for her and torture the hell out of her.
"You saw within my head. You know what I am capable of." I said.
Sonya nodded. "And you better not come back for me again later. Or I will take control of your mind and make you my puppet." she said.
So, I left her and returned to the carnival. I found the Doctor and companion immediately and apologized for making them worry.
The Doctor pulled me close to her and showed me one of the attractions that caught her attention. She asked me to play with her and so I did. Some people in the carnival thought we are a couple on a date.
 The next time team Tardis got into the usual trouble, it was the Doctor who stepped in and pulled me out of harm way to the point that she was the one who got hurt. I was pissed at the random villain of the weeks and I kind of lost my shit, wanted to go after him. I didn't see his minion drew their weapon toward me but the Doctor did and the goodie-good actually jumped and pushed me out of the way.
What the hell, Doctor? What the hell is wrong with you?? I was pissed at her and worried for her. That last one is new. But I calmed myself down by telling myself she would do the same for the other companion. But, her face, I hate to see her in pain. I kept telling myself it was because she looks like the Master; not because I care for her. The Doctor was okay, though, thankfully.
I suddenly was feeling angry at myself. Did I actually worry for the Doctor? She might have the Master's face but she is NOT the Master, dammit! Get a grip, Me!
 I have to kill someone, right now, preferably, one of the good guys. Better yet, I thought I should leave the Tardis for the time being or maybe forever. The Doctor is no help anyway in figuring a way of home. Though, that was partly my fault because I didn't exactly tell her what I need from her, did I? Shit. Shit.
Perhaps I should try locating the version of the Master in this universe as much as it would make want to puke to ask the face of the Doctor back in my universe. But, with the Master, there is no guarantee he will want to help.
I growled angrily. "This is bullshit!!!" I raged at the world. "Fuck you, Doctor! Fuck you!!" I cursed the Doctor back in my universe. I hope the Master made him pay greatly for what he did to us.
 I left the Tardis. Pretty sure, the companions were relieved that I decided to go, especially Yaz. I was not blind; I knew she has feeling for the Doctor. And, I knew the Doctor also care for her a great deal. Given time, I think they would end up together. I also get that feeling with the Doctor and Yaz back in my universe is the same. Some things were meant to be. Did that mean I robbed the Master of this universe his (name)? Ugh, just no! The other (name) is better off dead.
 The Doctor tried to stop me but I asked her to respect my decision. I spouted bullshit about wanting to find myself. She was reluctant to drop me off but eventually relents.
 So, I left and I decided to take a break from the world for a while. Then I found her, my mother, I meant, the other (name)’s mother. It was purely coincidence to meet her. But I recognized her from the picture I used to keep back in the Master’s tardis. How can she be alive here? If she is alive, the other me actually still got a family, so, why was she captured by the Division?
 I eventually found out that the other (name) ran away from home. Her mother was so happy to see me. She hugged me in tears. I was shocked. I let her took me home.
 I missed my mother. I suddenly felt guilty for killing the other (name). I couldn’t tell her that I wasn’t her daughter. I was weak with nostalgic emotion and all I wanted right now is to be a daughter. So I did exactly that.
 I was happy for a while with my mother until the Division came again for me. This time, they knew the truth that I was not the real (name). They found her body and they were very curious about who I really am.
 During the confrontation, my mother was taken hostage and eventually got killed. And the rest is…you can guess. I lost my shit again and went on a killing spree. I was lucky to get a move before they could slap that power-dampening cuff on me.
 I was in pain. The grief of losing my mother, she wasn’t even my real mother, but it still hurts so badly. So, I did the only thing I could do to lessen the pain, I went hunting for Division and I tear every member of the cursed Division limb to limb. I let the monster out and I didn’t care.
 Like I said before, this version of Division is pretty much the same as back in my universe which mean I knew most of their secret bases. I didn’t always use my bare hands. I used weapon and bomb to lure and destroy them. The Master would be proud of me. The Doctor would frown and be disappointed but who care about her opinion?
 I went to one base and another. Pretty sure, the Doctor would eventually caught wind of what I have been doing and knowing her, she would try to capture and reason with me. Just like the Doctor in my universe once did to me. I didn’t care though. Let her come. But I won’t be letting her capture me. I have an exit strategy, one that I hate to use but I will if I have to. Lately, I felt like giving up altogether. I felt like I could never come home to the Master. I lose hope. What if the Master also given up on me? Why else she still not here to get me?
 To my surprise though, it was Sonya who appeared before me. She was sorry for my loss but she begged me to stop killing.
 “Get out of the way, Sonya! Do not make an enemy of me!” I yelled.
 “If you won’t listen to me, maybe you will listen to her.” She said with a sigh.
 I frowned before realizing that it was a trap as I turned around, the Doctor was already behind me and she was quick to put that damn power-dampening cuff on my wrist.
 I screamed in rage as I attacked her. But I was no longer strong. She easily captured both of my wrists and tried to have me calm down. But I wouldn’t listen. I started sobbing and crying in her arms. Before I knew it, she put her hands over my forehead and I fell into a deep sleep.
 The next time I was awake, I was in a glass prison. Predictable. I was angry as I raged within my prison. I knew I was not on Tardis, the Doctor probably didn’t want me to endanger her precious companions. This is somewhere I don’t know. But the security of the prison is of high quality. I can’t believe it. The Doctor actually put me in a private prison, not a galaxy one that I can be thankful of, but still a prison is a prison. I hated this.
 The Doctor and Sonya eventually came to visit me.
 The Doctor glanced at me in sorrow.
 I observed her and then turned to Sonya. “You broke your promise.”
 Sonya shrugged. “I have to. You are making scenes with your reckless killing.”
 “When I get out of here, I’m going to enjoy torturing the hell out of you, bitch.” I said with a cold smile.
 The Doctor stepped in front of Sonya and pleaded with me. “What happen to you, (name)? This isn’t you.”
 “Really? And how do you know that this isn’t me, Doctor?” I asked mockingly. “If Sonya here has told you the truth, then you know everything you think you know about me is a lie.”
 “But you saved me. You saved my friends. We saved each other.”
 I scoffed. “It was just part of my elaborate ruse.”
 The Doctor looked like she want to argue but she didn’t. She scrutinized me with her sad eyes. Finally, she asked, “Why did you kill the Division men?”
 I shrugged. “They killed my mother.”
 “Don’t you mean the other (name)’s mother? Who are you, really? Sonya said that you are from an alternate universe. How did you get here?” The Doctor asked, no, demanded. “Why would you kill the other you?”
 I smiled viciously. “How else would I be able to get your attention, Doctor? I need to be with you in the Tardis.”
 “I want to go home.” I finally said. “I thought if I stay with you, I would eventually figure out the way home.”
 “Why didn’t you come to me and ask for my help honestly?” She asked. “Why use the elaborate ruse to gain my trust?”
 I sighed. “I suppose I thought it would make her proud.”
 “The Master.”
 “You know the Master back in your original universe?”
 I smiled evilly. “Jealous?”
 The Doctor scoffed. “You kept bad company.”
 “Well, ours is always a bad romance.”
 “You? And the Master?” she asked in disbelief.
 “Why so surprised? Who else would love a monster but a fellow monster?”
 “You are not a monster, (name).”
 “You are still deluding yourself, Doctor. The (name) you think you know never existed.”
 The Doctor is visibly upset with herself and me. “How did you get here?”
 “I never wanted to be here. It was you, the other you, who did this to me! He felt threatened by the Master and me, so, instead of killing me, he sent me far away from my beloved.”
 “You want to go back home to the Master.” The Doctor said, finally understanding my motive.
 “She can’t be allowed to come back to the Master.” Sonya suddenly said.
 I glared at her. “Shut your mouth, bitch!”
 “I saw her mind. The word ‘hybrid’ came to mind.” Sonya turned to face the Doctor. “…something about a crossbred of warrior races that will stand in the ruins of…”
 The Doctor’s eyes widened as she turned to look at me again. “You and the Master…are the hybrid? Did you two destroy Gallifrey?”
 I rolled my eyes. “Gallifrey still stands, at least the last time I heard about it.” I said.
 “The Doctor, in your original universe, he believed that you and the Master are the hybrid.”
 “Not only him; the Time Lords seemed to think so, at least that was the Master said to me. They kept trying to kill us. We haven’t even step one foot within Gallifrey and already they condemn us. Time Jackass.”
 The Doctor frowned at me. “Sonya is right. I can’t let you go back to the Master.”
 My jaw dropped at what she said. “Doctor, don’t you dare…”
 She glanced at me in sorrow. “I’m sorry, (name).”
 “So what? You are going to keep me here? Like a freaking pet?” I yelled as I hit on the glass wall in front of me in my anger.
 The Doctor sighed. “I will cure you, (name). That power of yours, I study the project, you are always angry because of the power within your veins. I am going to help you.”
 “I don’t need your help. If you think you can experiment on me again, think again!” I yelled.  “You think I wasn’t prepared for this eventuality?!”
 “Oh, I know what you did. I removed that bomb you planted inside your body. I won’t allow you to hurt yourself.” The Doctor said calmly.
 My eyes widened in panic when I realized my exit strategy is basically taken away from me. “No. NOO.”
 I didn’t know how long I was in the prison. It felt like months. It has been a while since the Doctor’s last visit. Sonya is within the prison as some sort of warden. She saw my mind and she knew I have been thinking various way of killing her once I got out. But she was confident that I wouldn’t get out.
 With times, I did lose my hope of getting out. I can’t even kill myself. The Doctor has taken that choice away from me. People always do that to me, except, the Master. But she is not here. Why isn’t she here???
 I got depressed.
 “Hi, honey, I’m home.”
 My mouth hangs open as I saw the Master, my Master, right in front of me.
 The Master winked at me. “Step back; let me get you out of this horrid place.”
 I followed her instruction and took a step back away from the glass wall.
 Once the glass wall shattered, I walked forward and stared at her, still not believing my eyes.
 “Well, what are you waiting for?” The Master asked impatiently.
 I slowly smiled as I jumped out and hugged her. “Where were you?!”
 “Ugh, you smelled.”
 “Oh, nice, ruin the moment, why don’t you?” I said in annoyance.
 It was then I noticed she wasn’t alone. Yaz is there but she looks like she is in daze. The Master must have used mind control on her.
 “Is that…?” I asked as I glanced at the Master.
 “She is the Yaz of this universe. I found you through her. Her Doctor dropped her on earth for a break. She thought I am the Doctor.” The Master explained. “Speaking of, I can’t believe that the other me is actually the Doctor. What’s up with that?” She scrunched her nose in disgust.
 I laughed. “Exactly what I thought the first time I saw her.”
 The Master grinned at me. “I heard you have been a very naughty girl. Tricking the Doctor into making you a companion…but you got caught. What happened?”
 I frowned and grinned slowly. “Did you happen to meet a Sonya on the way here?”
 “The telepath. She tried to use mind control on me. But I turned the table on her.”
 “Of course you did.” I said as I glanced at her with fondness. I raised my wrist in front of her. “Do you mind?”
 The Master smirked. “Say please.”
 I rolled my eyes. “Pretty please.” I said deadpanned.
 She grinned and used her version of sonic cane to disable the cuff off my wrist.
 I smiled. “Thank you, love.”
 Sonya was screaming non-stop as I kept my promise to torture her. The Master is dancing in the middle of room, waving her cane around, dancing to the telepath’s scream.
 I knew she is sending psychic message for the Doctor to help her. But I won’t let the Doctor rescued her so I snapped her neck immediately. I know the Doctor will be coming anyway…for Yaz. I glanced at Yaz who finally regained her bearing and was staring at me and the Master in fear.
 “How could you do this, (name)?” Yaz asked.
 I rolled my eyes. “Why wouldn’t I do this? The Doctor and Sonya trapped me in a prison.”
 “They just wanted to help you.”
 “I don’t need their help.”
 “Obviously you do.”
 “You really need to shut up, Yaz, don’t make me want to kill you.”
 Yaz visibly paled and she, thankfully, shut her mouth.
 “The Doctor is on her way here. Should we leave?” I asked as I turned toward the Master.
 “Why? I would like to meet the other me, the one you have been chummy with.” The Master replied.
 I rolled my eyes. “You can’t seriously be jealous. She was annoying as hell, you would hate her. I hate her.”
 “Then, we should torture her together.” The Master said with an evil grin. “What should we do to her Yaz?”
 I shrugged. “Are you sure? You said the Doctor is…”
“I know what I said about him and I don’t care. The Doctor here will pay the price as the other Doctor did for what they did to you.”
 I was touched that she actually was mad on my behalf. “What did you do to the other Doctor? I hope you give that bastard hell.”
 “Oh, I trapped his Yaz on the same mirror he used to trap one of his enemies, a family of blood? Whatever. He went inside the mirror to fetch his pet so I shattered it. It would take him a while to figure out a way out. Best case scenario would be making him watch his Yaz grew old inside that mirror while he remained trapped and immortal. He always hated ending and now he will be forced to face an ending.”
 I frowned. “Wish you would throw him into the void…” I muttered. “He has the tendency to come back.”
 “Don’t worry, my dear, we will deal with him once we return to our universe.” The Master promised with a feral grin. “And then we will fulfill the hybrid prophecy…” She pulled me to her and kissed me hard.
 I honestly didn’t care about the prophecy. I was just happy to be back by her side.
 The Doctor’s Tardis materialized on the room. She stepped out of the door and was taken aback to see her own doppelganger was kissing me.
 The Master stopped the kiss and turned to greet the Doctor. She grinned at her. “Hello, Doctor. I heard you have been treating my companion very poorly.”
 The Doctor turned to look at me. Her eyes widened. “I…she is the Master?”
 I smiled a chilling smile. “Now you know…”
 The Doctor’s face looked very pale.
 Of course, the Master and the Doctor would have to have the same usual dialog of savior-villain theme again. So, I let them have their moment.
 “What did you do to Yaz?” The Doctor demanded.
 “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” The Master said.
 “Yaz, are you okay?” The Doctor asked.
 “I think so.” Yaz replied.
 The Doctor then proceeds to threaten us but was stopped when she saw me put a hand over Yaz’s neck.
 “Let us leave and you can have her back.” I said.
 The Doctor frowned. “You know I don’t take kindly to a threat.”
“And I don’t take kindly to people who imprison me!!” I yelled angrily. “Don’t test me!” I turned to the Master who is glancing at me curiously. “I just want to go home. I’m done with her and this universe.”
 The Master nodded, for once acknowledging my wish. “Your wish is my command.” She raised a hand toward me.
 I pushed Yaz hard toward the Doctor. The Doctor was barely able to catch her. I walked toward the Master as I rose to reach for her hand.
 The Master and I disappeared with her vortex manipulator.
 They are now inside the Master’s tardis in space.
 The Master put her forehead over mine. “I’m sorry that I took so long, my dear.”
 “I’m just glad that you found me.” I said with a watery smile.
 “Did you ever doubt I would?” She whispered softly
 “Well, truthfully…”
 The Master pulled away from me. “Don’t ruin the moment.” She said.
 I laughed. “You did it first.”
 “You did smell bad before.”
 “Now who is ruining the moment?”
 “The Doctor, she said, this power I have, it was what causing me so much anger, a side effect of the experiment? Did you know?”
 “Why didn’t you tell me?”
 “Does it matter?”
 I pondered over it. “Not really. I don’t regret it. This power, it was what led me to you.”
 “Oh, stop it; next, you are going to break into a song.”
 And they returned back to their original universe where the wrath of Galifrey descends upon them, leading the army to squash down the suspected hybrid before they ever think to set foot into Gallifrey.
 The Master lost her only companion that day. She was taken and imprisoned within Gallifrey where she eventually hack her way out and found out the truth of the Timeless Child. She is the Timeless Child.
 In a fit of rage, she destroyed Gallifrey.
   A/N2: I love Florence and the machine; I listen to Cosmic Love on a loop while writing this.
Originally, I planned to make the Master and Reader stay a while in 13th Doctor’s universe causing chaos. 13th Doctor would eventually defeat the Master and tricked the Reader by pretending to be the Master.
But the Reader would recognize her as the Doctor through how she kissed her. Because the Master is complicated person and although she does love the Reader, she also hates her that every time they kissed, she would give her psychic message in her mind about how much she hates the reader for making her weak.
I decided not to write this because I kind of feeling like the reader is tired and just want to go home and hopefully cuddle with her beloved? Though that bit with the reader’s death come so suddenly. I wanted to end it with fluff but somehow it ended with the timeless child fiasco.
Well, that’s it folk. Hope you love this fic. I know it is far from perfect but I’m just going to say that I’m evil that’s why I posted this regardless whether anyone actually bother reading this fic.
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