#i put 10 whole minutes of effort into this
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it's always sunny in the dungeon
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I love Green Day. I miss iTunes. The streaming platform I downloaded just a few years ago could never know the sheer numbers their whole discography held in my most played list.
#jesus of suburbia was always top spot#and thats a whole 10 minute song you guys#i fucking love green day#bring itunes back#mine specifically#i put a lot of effort into it
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pt 1 | Not Even at All
jinx/powder x female reader — 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬⠀𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

summary: vi is off limits until her sister gets a date that doesn't end within the first ten minutes. eager to date vi, a certain girl approaches you with a proposal. date jinx. win her over. and for your efforts, she's willing to be generous. (10 Things I Hate About You AU) warnings/themes: fluff, kinda enemies to what, one sided fake dating, highschool, modern au, smoking (reader), kat!jinx, patrick!reader words: 5.8k notes: because of the age difference, caitlyn is in college that's why she's always on calls.. — ✩ part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
You pick up at the third ring, hearing a deep sigh of relief. “Oh, good, you picked up.”
It's Caitlyn.
You put the phone down for a few seconds to eat your sandwich, before picking the phone back up. “What now?” you ask through a mouthful of sandwich. “I just woke up, y'know.”
The line is silent for a minute.
Then, you hear Caitlyn clear her throat. “Are you busy right now?”
It's 9am on Sunday, of course you're not busy. “Kinda busy eating my breakfast,” you reply, taking another bite. “Why?”
You hear some shuffling on the other end, some muttering, and another pause before Caitlyn speaks again. “I have… a proposition.”
A proposition already, and so early in the morning? you put your sandwich down, sitting up and making sure you heard that right. “I'm listening.”
Caitlyn clears her throat again, and there's sounds of footsteps and whispers in the background, as if she's moving somewhere more secluded. “…Do you know Jinx?”
It's a strange question. Pretty much everyone knows Jinx. “Yeah,” you reply. “Why?”
The shuffling resumes, a few footsteps, and the murmur of voices. “I'll cut to the chase. I'm asking for your help. I need you to do me a favor.”
You pause, raising an eyebrow. What does she want? “Depends on what it is.” You shrug. “And what I'd get in return.” You take a sip from your glass.
The murmuring on Caitlyn's end of the line stops, and you hear the sound of a door clicking shut. “I want you to take Jinx on a date.”
You nearly choke on your drink. “You want me to what?” you manage to ask between coughs.
“It'll be a fake date!” she says quickly. “If you can make this date go smoothly and… make her like you, even a little bit, I'll pay you a hundred dollars.”
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head. “100 dollars?!” You cough again. “You can't just throw me under the bus like that. You've lost your damn mind.”
“Please just hear me out,” Caitlyn pleads. “It's not like you have to ask her to marry you. Just think of it as a challenge. You get 100 dollars if you can get her to enjoy a date with you. Come on, you're good with girls, aren't you?”
What does she think you are, some suave James Bond-esque ladykilling playgirl? while you've kissed a couple girls, you can't call yourself super suave.
“Caitlyn, Jinx hates me.” It's common knowledge. Jinx hates nearly everyone, especially people she was in class with. “She's gonna kill me if I ask her out on a date.” You shudder.
“That's why I chose you for this,” she says. “I figured you were the type to face any challenge head-on.”
“This isn't just a 'challenge', it's a mission for the suicidal,” you retort. “You're setting me up to embarrass myself and get ridiculed in the process.”
You hear her scoff. “So you can flirt and tease the whole damn school, but a date with Jinx is the line you draw, is that it?”
You scowl at her comment. You've been known to flirt and joke around with a few people at school, but that’s all it is—meaningless flirting with no strings attached. This is completely different—this is Jinx we're talking about. “You're comparing apples and oranges here,” you protest. “They're not the same, Cait.”
“Maybe,” she replies. “But I've seen how you've charmed your way out of trouble. You're good at talking your way out of things. And that's exactly what I need right now.”
That's true, but that's with a teacher, or a TA, or a store manager who's trying to bust you for shoplifting. Not with Jinx, of all people.
“Caitlyn, c'mon. She's either gonna punch me in the face, or call me a dumbass, or both.”
“Just listen,” she cuts in. “All you have to do is go on a fake date with her. You don't have to actually like her.”
“No, no, no.” You shake your head, gripping the phone in your hand. “No way, no how.”
“150 dollars.”
“You really, really want me to go on a fake date with Jinx?” you murmur. “Are you that desperate?”
“I'm very desperate.”
You groan, rubbing your temples. “Why are you so fixated on me doing this?”
You hear movement on the other line, like Caitlyn's pacing back and forth. “Okay, look,” she begins. “I… really like her sister. Like really like her. Like…”
This wasn't just a fake date. It was a way to get closer to who she liked. “Oh. Ohh.”
Wow. This was a lot more desperate than you initially thought.
“But why don't you just ask her sister out?” you ask.
“I did.” She sighs again. “I asked Vi out last week, and she said she can't go on a date with me until her sister finds someone. Jinx has to be happy before Vi can go on dates, according to her.”
What the hell kind of ridiculous rule is that? “So let me get this straight,” you start. “You want me to go on a fake date with Jinx.”
“Until she becomes my... girlfriend?”
“And then you can date Vi.”
It sounds crazy, ridiculous, batshit insane. “Holy shit, Caitlyn.” You run your fingers over your eyes, shaking your head to yourself. “All of this just so you can get laid?”
A huff comes from the other end of the line. “Are we making a deal or not?”
“Hey, wait a minute—I'm gonna need the money first,” you say, drumming your fingers against the table.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah,” you explain. “You know, the whole dating thing. Dates, food, gas, that kinda stuff. You can't expect me to pay for all of that with my own money.”
Caitlyn doesn't respond immediately. You can hear some shuffling, and you can imagine her biting her lower lip anxiously, maybe staring out the wall.
“There's a high probability I won't even get a Harley after all this,” you add.
“So I'm gonna need the money...”
There's a pause, then an annoyed hiss. “Don't you trust me?”
“Oh hell no. Give me the money first and then I'll consider the deal.”
She sighs. “Fine. Whatever, I'll give you the money.”
“All of it?”
“…Yes. All of it. All 150. For your shitty, awful fake date.” She huffs. “Deal?”
You step into the office, finding Caitlyn's mother already hunched over her laptop, staring over the rim of her glasses. You hated coming into this office. It always felt like you were in the principal's office.
“I see we're making our visits a weekly ritual,” Mrs. Kiramman says, staring at you over her laptop.
“Only so we can have these moments together,” you reply, your mouth already curving into a grin. “Should I, uh, get the lights?”
Mrs. Kiramman sighs, her eyes scanning over the paper in front of her. “Exposed yourself... in the cafeteria,” she mutters. “I seriously don't understand why my daughter associates herself with you.”
“It was for a good reason, I swear.”
“Oh, really?” She raises her eyebrow. “And what reason is that?”
“I was joking with the lunch lady,” you explain, spreading your hands out. “She was being snippy with me, so I started unbuttoning my shirt, it's not like I was actually going to flash anyone.”
Mrs. Kiramman takes off her glasses and pinches the bridge of her nose, her other hand coming to rest on her forehead.
“But I suppose if we've already looked through all my wrongdoings, you can release me back into the wild, eh?” you continue.
“Just... make it more than a week before coming back here, alright? I don't want to see you in my office every week—you're a walking headache.”
“Sure thing, Mrs. K.”
“And stop calling me Mrs. K.”
Jinx kicks the ball here and there, back and forth, side to side. She's taking all of her frustrations out on this ball, dribbling it down the field, passing it to her teammates, dodging opponents.
Her moment of peace is interrupted when a player tries to intercept her pass. She grins, dribbling out of the way and kicking the ball hard into the player's face.
The coach blows the whistle. “Great practice, everybody!”
Practice over. Jinx tosses the ball aside. She rubs her eyes with the heel of her hands, a headache thudding against her skull. She bends forward to grab her water bottle from the edge of the field, taking generous swigs from the bottle.
Jinx is the captain of her high school's soccer team. She's good—really good. She has quick feet and a mean kick, and she's scored a lot of points for the team. In games, however�� Jinx is aggressive. She kicks hard. She kicks fast. She kicks a lot. She does not pull her punches when it comes to her opponents.
She's halfway done guzzling water when a voice interrupts her.
“Hey there, girlie.”
Jinx pauses, swallowing the last of the water in her bottle. She glances up at you, watching you approach her as you shove your hands into your pockets.
“How ya doin'?”
“Sweating like a pig actually,” she replies, pulling out a small towel and wiping her face. “And yourself?”
You hum, rocking back and forth on your feet. “I'm good. Just thought I'd come and chat with our wonderful captain.”
Jinx grumbles as she slings the towel over her shoulder.
“That was quite a performance out there,” you continue, raising a hand to give her a slow clap. “You were brutal today. Worse than usual, not-gonna-lie.”
Gathering her stuff, Jinx zips up her bag, slings it across one shoulder, then strides past you.
“Hey,” you say, quickly catching up to her. “Where are you going?”
“Where do you think, genius? I'm leaving.”
You huff, following her as she marches out of the soccer field. “Pick you up on Friday, then.”
Jinx makes a face at that. “Oh, right, Friday,” she mimics. “Uh-huh.”
You cock a smirk. “Well, the night I take you places you've never been before.”
“Like where? The 7-Eleven on Broadway?”
“Ha, very funny.” You shake your head. “And actually, no, smartass.”
“Do you even know me?” she asks, not slowing her pace.
You hurry to keep up and shrug. “Yeah, we have the same class on science and english.”
She stops in her tracks and turns to look at you, eyes flitting up and down, up and down. Once, twice, three times. “You're the one that never shows up in Mr. Viktor's class?”
“Hey, to be fair,” you say, putting your hands up. “That's an 8 a.m. class. No one shows up for an 8 a.m. class at ass o'clock in the morning.”
Her expression remains unamused as she shifts her bag's backpack strap further off her shoulder. “Except you're the only one who never shows up. You have the same attendance rate as Mr. Blitzcrank,” she tells you, turning back around to start walking. “Which is absolutely none.”
“What can I say?” You chuckle, jogging to catch up to her again. “I'm very talented. Gifted, even.”
She mutters something under her breath that sounds suspiciously like “Talented at being an idiot, more like.”
“Hey, I heard that.”
“Good,” she says over her shoulder. “Maybe don't try to impress me with your shitty grades and your non-existent attendance record next time, then.” Without a second glance, she continues walking, leaving you behind.
“Ouch!” you exclaim. “Rude, by the way!” you shout at her, and you see a flash of a smile over her features.
Jinx stands at her locker, gathering her books—a variety of books with names like Introduction to Rocketry, Engineering and Architecture, Chemistry Vol. 3: Chemical Reactions, Organic and Inorganic Compounds and Mixtures, and a few other engineering books, all with worn spines and yellow pages.
“Hey,” you greet.
She doesn't even glance at you as she continues sorting through her books, shoving what she doesn't need aside with a flick of her wrist.
“You hate me, don't you?” you ask, leaning against the locker beside her.
She gives you a side glance but doesn't fully look away from her locker. “What are you, five?” she asks. “I don't really care enough about you to hate you.”
“It's the truth. As far as I'm concerned, you're better than a mosquito,” she says, continuing with sorting through her locker. “Annoying, but not something worth paying attention to.”
“Mosquito, really?”
She slams her locker shut and locks it. She turns to look at you, adjusting her backpack straps on her shoulders—a backpack that is covered in various patches and colorful pins. “What exactly do you want?”
“Spend Dollar Night at the track with me.”
She arches one eyebrow. “And why the hell would I do that?”
“Come on, the ponies, the flat beer... you with money in your eyes, me with my hand on your ass…”
“You covered in my vomit,” she cuts you off. “That's what's going to happen. If I go within ten feet of whatever greasy-ass food joint and cheap liquor you're going to take me to.”
“Damn, you're feisty. I kinda like that.”
She scowls at your words. “And you're annoying. I kinda despise that.”
“Ouch,” you mock. “And you're a bit more than feisty. You're like... feisty on steroids. Are you always like this?”
Her scowl deepens, and in one second, she suddenly has one of your arms twisted behind your back and pinned to your torso.
She leans forward, her face so close to yours. “Maybe, if you stopped annoying me,” she whispers. “I'd stop acting like this.”
You flinch, letting out a low hiss. “Ow, ow-” You try to pull away from her grip, but she only tightens it. “Ow, okay, I get it—let go, let go!”
She holds you still for a moment longer before roughly releasing her grip. You stagger forward, rubbing the spot where her hand had been. “What-” you gasp “-the hell was that for?”
“Consider it a learning experience, dipshit,” she snaps, before stalking off, her long blue braid swinging behind her.
“You can't just-” you start to call after her, but she's already halfway down the hall. You huff rubbing your sore arm.
Yep. Jinx is as prickly as a cactus. This is gonna be harder than you thought.
“She's a freaking Ronda Rousey,” you mutter into the phone, massaging your throbbing arm. “She damn near twisted my arm off!”
“Jinx? Did she hurt you?”
“Just my dignity.”
You hear Cait chuckle faintly. “I'll take that to mean it didn't go very well?”
“You could say that,” you grumble. “She's difficult.” You watch your clothes spin around in the washing machine. “I think this may take longer than you think, Cait. Waaay longer.”
“I can't just flirt my way through this,” you go on, moving to grab one of the nearby magazines to distract yourself. “She's smart, witty, and sassy—the whole package. Very pretty, too. But she's rude.” You shift your phone to fit between your shoulder and ear.
“Rude,” you stress again, flipping to a magazine page with random trivia questions on it. “Who the hell is rude these days? It's all sugarcoating, bullshit, and fake smiles.” You glance idly at the question titled 'How Compatible Are You with Your Ideal Partner?'. You scoff, turning the page. “She's downright ruthless.”
“Have you even tried asking her out?”
“Hell yes I have. I even tried asking her to go to Dollar Night at the track.”
“You tried asking her to go to the race track?”
“You don't think she's a fan of ponies and alcohol?” you reply, grinning.
“I think she's a fan of punching you in the face.”
“Yeah, she did not like that idea.”
There's a pause on the line.
“Okay, I'll admit that wasn't the smoothest plan.”
“Or smartest,” Cait interjects. “Anyway, are you reading a magazine right now?”
“I'm at the laundromat.”
“And you're reading a magazine.”
“To pass the time,” you justify.
“I'm boooored.” You set the magazine down on a nearby chair, turning back to watch your clothes spin around. “And I'm tired of watching my clothes spin around. It's boring. I haven't had a good date in ages.” You move to rest your head against the glass. “I need something interesting. Someone interesting.”
Your eyes move across the storefronts and streets outside of the laundromat.
Wait… It can't be...
But, yes.
Yes it is. It's Jinx's car.
Your gaze focuses on the shiny blue vehicle before shifting to Jinx, who gets out of the car and walks over to a nearby music store just down the road.
You hear Caitlyn's muffled voice. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
“Yeah, Cait, I heard you,” you lie, taking your eyes off her car to turn your attention back to the washing machine and your phone. “Uh, I'll call you back. I think I just saw Jinx.”
Jinx pushes the entrance door open, juggling a small bag of CDs in one hand and rifling through her purse in the other. Her lips form a small 'o' when she finally pulls her keys out...
...and looks up to see you sitting on the hood of her car. She groans to herself.
“Nice ride. Vintage fenders.” You turn around to face her, leaning back against the hood.
Jinx stops a few feet away from you, shifting the bag of CDs to the other hand. “Are you following me?”
“Nah,” you shrug. “I was at the laundromat,” you pause, gesturing to the building in front of the store she just walked out of. “Saw your car. Thought I'd say hi.”
“Hi,” she grumbles.
Jinx walks over to her car, but you quickly stand ahead of her, placing yourself between her and her vehicle. “You're not afraid of me, are you?”
“Why would I be afraid of you?” she retorts, her nose wrinkling.
“Some people are,” you reply.
“I'm not.” “Maybe you're not afraid of me… but I bet you've thought about me naked.” You smirk, taking the time to wink at her.
“Am I that transparent?” she mutters. “I want you... I need you... Oh, baby, oh baby.” Jinx rolls her eyes dramatically as she tries to step around you, but you shift your body to block her path again.
“Now, don't ignore me,” you tease.
“Let me pass, I have places to be,” Jinx says irritably, trying to step around you for the third time, only for you to once again move and block her.
“Come on now,” you urge. “Just a few minutes of your time.”
“You're being a pest,” she complains. “What do you want?”
“Just a little bit of your time, that's all,” you answer, holding your hands up in surrender before resting them back on the car. “C'mon. You don't have anything better to do anyway, right?”
“Piss off,” Jinx snaps, reaching out and grabbing the handle. The door swings open, throwing you off balance and causing you to topple forward.
Jinx throws the bag into the passenger seat, slams the door shut, and starts the car. She doesn't hesitate to throw the car in reverse, and you have to lunge out of the way to avoid being hit.
RUDE! You scowl in Jinx's direction, watching her drive away. With a sigh, you reach into your pocket and grab your phone, heading back into the laundromat. You begin to dial Caitlyn's number.
The phone only rings once before it's picked up immediately. “Well? what happened?” she starts without any sort of introduction.
“I just upped my price,” you declare.
“200 dollars a date.” You stand your ground. “In advance.”
“And why are you increasing the price?”
You sigh heavily, rubbing your forehead. “I told you she's difficult,” you remind her. “She's prickly, short-tempered, and violent,” you explain. “I'm increasing my price because I'm taking a hell of a lot more risk dealing with her.”
“Forget it.”
“Forget her sister, then.”
Silence falls for a heartbeat. Then, reluctantly, she grunts. “Fine. 200 dollars a date. But I want results.”
“No promises,” you warn her. “And first things first, we need to find some way to make Jinx actually want to go on a date with me. How well do you know her?”
Caitlyn hums. “She's Vi's sister, so we have some, ah…” She searches for the correct word. “History,” she finishes awkwardly. “But I'm not an expert on Jinx's inner workings, if that's what you're asking.”
“Great.” That really wasn't the answer you were hoping for. How was it that Caitlyn was apparently able to make this plan without knowing anything about Jinx? “Do you think Vi would have anything?”
“...Maybe,” she responds slowly. “I could probably ask Vi.” She pauses. “Actually,” Caitlyn continues. “I might know someone who... might know Jinx pretty well.”
“Ever heard of a kid named Ekko?”
He glances over his shoulder at you, a paintbrush in hand. “What do you want?”
After a bit of searching, you're able to find Ekko at his usual spot—painting the empty space on the school wall. Some of your friends mentioned that he usually hung out here during free periods.
“I want to know about your friend... Jinx.”
Ekko rolls his eyes, resuming his painting. “Yeah, sure, stranger I don’t even know.”
You huff in annoyance. “Alright, listen,” you begin. “I'm not here to cause trouble, or gossip, or any of that. I…” you pause, shifting uncomfortably. “I'm trying to ask Jinx out on a date,” you explain. “So I thought you might be able to help me.”
That makes Ekko pause. He blinks slowly, slowly glancing back over his shoulder at you. “…You're shitting me, right?”
“I'm not,” you insist. “I'm being serious, alright? and I'm not getting into some of the details, but I…” you pause awkwardly. “I kind of need this date to happen.”
“You need this date?” Ekko echoes, staring at you. “The hell does that mean?”
“I mean,” you reply, avoiding direct eye contact. “I just need it to happen, and for reasons I'm not going to disclose,” you add. “I need it to go really well. You get me?”
Ekko scoffs but nods his head. “Sounds like you're desperate or something.” He sets his brush down, turning around to face you. “Why Jinx, anyway?”
“I…” you start, not really sure how to explain this to Ekko without spilling every detail. “Let's just say my reasons are my own.”
“Hm.” He studies you up and down. “First off, who the hell even are you? how do I know you're not some creep trying to take advantage of Jinx?”
You open your mouth to defend yourself, but then close it and sigh. “Okay, you have a point,” you admit. “But listen,” you soothe. “I'm not a creep. I'm a senior student, like you and Jinx. I want to ask Jinx on a date, and no one really knows her all that well, so I thought you could help me because she's your friend-”
Ekko shakes his head, picking up the brush once again. “Nah we're not that close anymore.” He gives you a sidelong glance. “Jinx and I used to be close friends a few years ago,” he explains, returning his attention to the painting. “But things between us… got complicated.”
Juicy. But that’s none of your business, and definitely not Ekko's place to share. So you move on, clearing your throat. “Right. Um… Okay, so back to Jinx,” you begin. “You still know her better than most, right? you must have some good insight on her.”
“I don't know,” he replies slowly. “Yeah, I know a bunch of things about Jinx. But… honestly, there's just as much that I don't know.” He starts painting again. “She changes her mind like… every five seconds. She's unpredictable. Reckless. Wild. Dangerous.”
“I'm not here to psychoanalyze Jinx,” you clarify. “I just need to know… how the hell to even talk to her one-on-one, without her throwing a pencil at me or something.”
Ekko snorts. “Oh, that's easy.” He glances at you through his eyelashes. “Good luck.”
“Of all the places you want to meet up, you chose here?”
You straighten up and glance over at Caitlyn, who's standing off to the side, looking around the place. She looks rather out of place here, especially compared to the other customers in the pub—greasy-looking old men, rough-looking teenagers dressed in leather and denim, and drunken bums hanging around the slots.
Caitlyn grimaces as another patron spits tobacco juice to the floor. “Gross…” she mutters, wrinkling her nose.
You shrug, taking a puff from your cigarette. “You're never late,” you reply. “And this place is never busy. Figured it would give us privacy.”
“Right.” Caitlyn takes a seat on a nearby stool, folding her legs neatly. “So… how's Ekko?”
You line up the cue ball to the 8, taking one last look down the table before glancing at Caitlyn. “Um… he's good,” you reply. “A bit unhelpful, but that's alright.”
You aim the cue ball at the 8 again and give it a good hard smack, watching it glide across the table. It hits the 8 ball, which rolls a few inches before stopping. Damn. You’re just off.
“What about you, how's Vi?” you ask, taking a drag from your cigarette and exhaling a billowing cloud of smoke. You set the pool stick down.
Caitlyn coughs, fanning her hand in front of her face to try and clear the smoke away from her lungs. It doesn't work very well. “First thing you should know...” She snatches the cigarette from your hand and drops it to the floor. “She hates smokers.” She stomps on the butt to snuff it out.
“So, you’re telling me that I'm a-” You make air quotations with your fingers. “-non-smoker.”
“For now, yes.”
“Alright, alright. No smoking, got it.” You lean your pool cue on the wall. “Happy?”
“Another thing…” She purses her lips, eyes flicking over your features. “Vi mentioned that Jinx… likes pretty girls.”
“Are you telling me I'm not pretty?”
Caitlyn jumps as soon as the words leave your mouth. “N-no!” She gestures at you. “You're pretty. Definitely pretty.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
Caitlyn reaches into her pocket, pulling out a thick sheet of paper with a few bullet points written on it. “Anyways… there's more.” She glances over the list, then looks back up at you. “Jinx likes: …art, drawing, bombs, explosions, tinkering, sweets, plushies, dogs, punk music...” She continues reading down the list. “Dislikes: teachers, school, rules, authority figures, boredom, being told what to do, being ignored…”
She shoves the list into your hands, and you stare down at the words written in neat, orderly rows. “That's everything that I could get out of Vi.”
A few likes and a bunch of dislikes—what an absolute nutcase.
You look back up at Caitlyn. “So what does that give me? am I supposed to… bribe her with art supplies, draw her a picture, give her some sweets, then blow up a building?”
“Have you ever been to The Last Drop?”
You respond with a nod. You've been there a few times... it's usually filled with shady people, but the alcohol is reasonably priced.
“Letters to Cleo will be playing there tomorrow night.”
“Come on, it's just one night-” Caitlyn coaxes.
She gives you a nudge. “Just assail your ears for one night. It's her favorite band, after all.”
It's a stupid idea. Spending your free time in a bar, listening to some god-awful music? It's the perfect recipe for a terrible night.
But if it's what Jinx likes... “Fine.”
“Atta girl,” Caitlyn grins, clearly satisfied. She pulls out her phone, glancing down at the time as her fingers dance over the screen. “Oh… and I'm throwing a party on Friday night,” she says, looking back up at you. “It's the perfect opportunity.”
You blink. “Opportunity for what?”
“For you to ask out Jinx, of course.”
“…I'll think about it.”
Your car pulls up to a stop out front, the engine making a low noise. You step out of the car and start walking towards the entrance when you notice Sevika standing outside.
Sevika looks up, and her lips stretch into a smirk as she sees you. “Ah, my friend,” she greets. “It's been a while.”
You shake her hand. “It's good to see you again, Sev.”
Sevika eyes you up, raising an eyebrow in surprise. “Didn't have you pegged for a fan,” she says. “Aren't they a bit too pre-teen belly-button ring for you?”
“Just a fan of a fan,” you reply.
The door is slightly ajar, and you can faintly make out the music coming from inside.
“Did a blue-haired girl come in by chance?”
Sevika nods towards the door. “Just sent her through. She's with some other gal.”
You nod and head towards the entrance when Sevika calls out to you. “What happened to that girl you brought in last time?”
Ah, right. It has been a few months. “I dunno,” you reply with a shrug. “I just never called her again.”
Sevika chuckles and shakes her head. “That figures.”
You squeeze through the crowded floor and eventually find an open spot at the bar. The music from the stage is so loud you can feel the floor vibrating under your feet.
You flag down the bartender and place an order, then start idly scanning the crowd. You can make out a flash of blue hair, and your gaze lands on Jinx singing along to the chorus of the song.
You rest against the counter and watch Jinx dancing along to the music. She’s happy, and surprisingly, no “attitude” is present—not the usual scowls, or frowns, or cold looks.
Seeing her like this… giddy, with a wide smile and flushed face, makes you find yourself… smiling.
Huh. That’s... something.
Jinx, who is thisclose to having her eardrums explode, yells at the top of her lungs, “I NEED AGUA!”
“Sorry, what?” Lux yells over the music.
“I need agua!” Jinx yells again.
Jinx nods and points to the bar.
“Alright!” Lux yells, but Jinx is already pushing past her through the crowd.
Jinx manages to reach the bar and signals for the bartender. She glances around as she waits, her eyes landing on you a few feet away.
Before she can catch your eyes, you look at a random patron nearby, pretending to be looking at something else.
The bartender walks up to Jinx, shouting over the music. “What can I get for you?”
“Two waters,” she responds, casting a glance back in your direction only to find you completely focused on the stage.
The bartender brings out a pair of water bottles from the cooler and sets them on the counter. Jinx fishes out some change and pays, then grabs the water bottles.
She approaches from behind and raps a knuckle on your shoulder. “If you're planning on asking me out again, you might as well do it already.”
Playing dumb, you gesture back at the stage. “Do you mind? you're kind of ruining it for me.”
Jinx seethes, but stays where she is. “You're not surrounded by your usual cloud of smoke.”
The music dies down for a while to give the band a rest, so you no longer have to yell over the music. You turn to face her. “I know. I quit.”
“You... did?” Jinx gives you a weird look, trying to figure out your angle here. “Are you feeling alright?”
That's a pretty fair question, to be honest, because for once in your life, you're actively not trying to flirt with someone.
What's even more weird is that Jinx is actually engaging with the conversation. Jinx moves closer to the stool, standing beside you. “Since when?”
You clear your throat, avoiding her gaze. “Since… yesterday.”
“Yesterday? you quit smoking just yesterday?”
“Just yesterday.”
Jinx looks you up and down. “Why?”
You look over at the band, who are currently changing out their gear. “Because... apparently they're bad for you,” you mumble. With a shrug, you gesture back towards the stage. “They're no Bikini Kill or the Raincoats,” you reply. “But they're alright.”
You step into the crowd, and Jinx is surprised enough to be momentarily stupefied. “Wait-” she sputters before following you. “You know who the Raincoats are?”
You stop in the middle of the crowd, spinning to face her. “Why? don't you?” you ask. “I saw how you were dancing out there. I’ve never seen you look like that...”
“I.. well, I-” she stutters, before clearing her throat and collecting herself. “Yeah, I do,” she replies. “I'm into grunge and punk and stuff. Ever heard of Nirvana?”
You scoff. “Of course. Who hasn't?”
Jinx laughs, and you resist the urge to smile when you hear it. “Yeah, fair point. What about... Siouxsie and the Banshees?”
“Love them. But you can't tell me you don't know The Damned?”
Jinx's eyes light up at the mention of The Damned. “Hell yeah, they're awesome,” she exclaims, before frowning. “Wait, how do you know The Damned?”
You give yourself a pat on the back. Nailed it. “Excuse you, I have excellent taste in music,” you reply. “How do you know The Damned?”
“I'll have you know, I'm very into music,” she retorts. “I've got a collection of 1300 CDs. Mostly punk and grunge, but some 70s rock and other stuff.”
Her response is a pleasant surprise to you… and maybe attractive. But you squash that thought down because she's Jinx, and no way are you going to feel your heart flutter at anything this woman does.
You whistle. “Only 1,300? That's cute. I have almost 2,000.”
“No way.” She shakes her head. “No WAY you have 2,000 CDs. You're bluffing.”
“I'm not,” you insist. “I've got 2,000 pieces of music in my home.”
“Damn. You got me beat, then.” She looks around the club, then looks back at you. “Anyway, I gotta-”
“Come to Caitlyn's party with me. Friday night,” you cut her off.
“-Why should I?”
“-Because I guarantee you'll have a fantastic time.”
She laughs at your persistence. “You never give up, do you?” she mutters before walking away through the large crowd.
“Was that a yes?” you yell after her.
Her only response is a middle finger held high in the air.
You cup your hands around your mouth. “I'll see you at 9:30 then!”
This is good. Not great, maybe, but not awful either. You didn't get kicked in the face for asking, so you're taking that as a win.
“How did it go?”
You tap your fingers on the steering wheel. “Hey, Cait…” you hesitate, glancing around at the empty street. “How much money does it take to buy 2,000 CDs?”
The line goes dead.
After a few minutes of silence, it rings again.
“You've got to be kidding me.”
#arcane#jinx#arcane x reader#arcane jinx#jinx arcane#arcane x female reader#arcane x you#jinx x reader#jinx x female reader#jinx x you#jinx x y/n#jinx imagine#10 things i hate about you#fluff#not even at all
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just a proper written fic for the one i posted abt earlier! not a part 2, which i will be writing soon :3
tag: @msilwrites <3
It’s been a month since Johnny had gotten shot in the head, and as his spouse you were the first one to receive the news of his accident. When you arrived at the hospital, to see Johnny still there and alive, well barely, it felt like your heart sunk to the deepest pit in your stomach.
Recovery wasn't quick, that's for sure. As of now, Johnny is still going through physical therapy, medication, all of that. His speech was apparently affected by the injury as well, so…him not talking as much wasn't that strange, right?
Whatever it takes for him to recover, I guess. You remained positive, hoping that Johnny will make a full recovery soon. After all, you researched that younger people like Johnny have a better chance of recovery.
Dinner hasn't been this quiet in like what…3 years?
Johnny’s has been staring at his plate full of food for the past 10 minutes now, you're not exactly sure if calling his attention is the right thing to do. He was unresponsive, despite you trying to initiate a conversation.
With a sigh, you continue eating anyway. The food was getting cold. ‘Johnny will get better soon. This is fine, you can wait. You will wait.’ You think, the words flooding your mind.
Shit. Johnny was gone, where the hell could he possibly be? He never wanders off, even before he got shot! You've been scrambling around the house for a good half an hour now, practically turning it upside down. It was no use, maybe you could find him outside..
Hurriedly, you put on your coat and scurry away into the city in hopes to find Johnny mindlessly going around.
The park, not there. The restaurant you two always used to go to, not there either. Where can he be? You’ve basically toured the whole place! There were swirls of worry forming in your heart, making it beat faster.
You weren't looking at where you were going from how much you were panicking, shock when you collided with what felt like a wall basically. You look up, realizing that it was Simon you bumped into.
This was good! Maybe he saw Johnny, maybe he was with him even! Hope fills inside you, spreading throughout your body.
“Simon! Oh, it's so good to see you–have you seen Johnny? I’ve been looking everywhere for him!” You ask, clearly exhausted judging by the beads of sweat running down your forehead and the way you panted.
But you don't miss the way Simon’s eyebrow raises, eyes peering at you. “What do you mean, love? It's Johnny’s death anniversary today.” He replies, seeing your gaze move from his eyes to the bouquet of flowers in his hands.
You blinked multiple times, waiting for Simon to hopefully say it was a joke. You even make the effort to check your phone that it wasn't April Fools. Trying to speak was impossible as you felt your words get stuck in your throat, it wasn't difficult for Simon to notice.
“Take a deep breath, alright? Take your time.” Simon attempts to soothe, placing a hand on your back and patting it rhythmically.
Once you got a hold of yourself, your voice still shakes as you respond. “Johnny is…what? Are you kidding me right now, Simon? T-this really isn't funny..”
Denial. Simon isn't surprised, he's seen go down before. It's better to approach the situation gently, to not startle you as much.
“I'm not lying, Y/N. I’d never lie about something so sensitive like this, I am telling the truth.” He tells, his voice firm yet reliable. He was going to be your rock, it's the mission Johnny had left for him to do.
“Johnny is gone…” You mumble under your breath, repeating the words as if you were in some sort of twisted trance. But some kind of realization dawns on you, you look up at Simon with eyes widened in horror.
“Who the fuck was I living with this past year?”
And even Simon couldn't answer that.
#cod#call of duty#cod fanfic#cod fanfiction#cod x reader#cod x fem!reader#cod x gn!reader#cod x y/n#cod x you#cod x male reader#cod fic#johnny mactavish#john soap mctavish x reader#john soap x reader#soap mactavish x reader#cod soap#soap x reader#soap call of duty#soap cod#john soap mactavish#johnny mctavish x reader#john mactavish x you#cod john mactavish#john mactavish x reader#johnny soap mactavish#ghost cod#simon riley#simon riley cod#ghost riley#ghost call of duty
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I Hate The New Hero!
Pt 8: The Trapeze Artist's Fall
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 (You're here) - Pt 9 - Pt 10
It was his second week of school for him. In no way was he excited. Gotham was a fresh start for the young boy, private school was meant to be a fun experience - many would kill to be able to get premium education - but he finds he misses the countryside hills that he'd watch pass by as his mamă taught him how to spell and read. He misses his tată teaching him math and cool sciencey things.
He misses his family.
The school wasn't the problem, though he found he was falling behind in learning due to his homeschooled life beforehand. The problem was his classmates, the ridicule he'd get for simple slip-ups. It wasn't his fault English is his second language, it isn't his fault he slips-up.
Last Friday one boy in the class, Mac Doust, had put gum in his hair. Dick ended up crying in the bathroom until Alfred came to pick him up - not Bruce, no, Bruce was as unavailable as Dick's dead parents honestly.
Gripping the straps of his backpack Dick mutters under his breath, trying to assure himself he'd be okay. The whole weekend he had practiced hiding his accent so kids would think he was normal.
Upon walking into the school he held his head high and didn't mess around, he headed straight to class.
That's strange, why was the door only opened partly? Ms Xavier keeps the door wide open, always greeting Dick with a wide smile and some Romanian she had put in the effort of learning for him.
Dick opens the door hesitantly, peeking inside.
He only gets to see Mac's stupid grin before water is dumped on him, the metal bucket clanging on his head harshly.
He doesn't know what to do, he stands there, the bucket on his head as the sounds of giggles and cackles fill his ears. Warm tears contrast with the cold water soaking his face.
Dick went home early that day. The incident struck a chord in him. If he wanted to stop the bullying he had to become better than them, put in the work and effort.
He will be popular, he will be better.
He will never do that cruel prank to anyone. Never
Looking down at his phone as he walks he feels nothing but a cringing sort of pain. He stooped to a level he never thought he'd get to. It was disgusting really.
Dick feels like he's no better than Mac. That he's no hero. The video plays on loop as the man takes in the pained look on your face, he can't bring himself to look at the messages in the group chat.
They're most likely supporting it, congratulating him for doing what they all wished to do.
Hell, if he was in their place he'd probably be celebrating it too. But to be there, to be the reason you reacted that way, is sickening for the young male.
Even now all he can think about is himself, how he feels. God, how self-centered could he be? It's not like he was the victim in this.. But still, surely he can't be the true bad guy in this, right?
Dick had decided against getting driven home, he felt that if he walked to the manor in the rain it'd be enough to be even with you - look, we both ended up soaked! Everything's better now!
He chuckles under his breath at his thoughts - what would Aranea even think of him?
She'd probably be angry at him for his actions but comfort him, telling him the things he needed to hear. That it wasn't his fault, that Y/N was a bad person who deserved it.
Whatever words needed so he could sleep at night really..
Dick finally decides to exit the looping video, the image of you burnt into his mind forever.
He goes into his messages and pulls up Aranea's comm number - he had put it into his phone so they could talk off shift, something she was hesitant about but ultimately caved in.
He types out a simple message. Then another. Then another.
"Heyyyy!!! Are you busy rn??"
"It'd be cool to hang out and patrol together!!"
"Bruce doesn't have to know"
He stares at the messages, waiting for them to be marked as read. 1 minute turned into 5, then 5 turned into 10. Dick sighs and exits out of the message log, clearly Aranea is busy.
He gazes on the chat log "Y/N. 🤮"
Maybe he should message her? Say sorry and try to make it up to her.. Yeah, that's what Aranea would say to do! She was always about communication.
"I know you're probably upset, I get that. I'm super sorry for what I did|
"I know you're probably upset, I get that. I'm|
"I know you're|
"What I did wasn't right. I'm sorry that I did that because you had a different opinion than me. I never meant to make you cry, only angry, I promise!"
Finally happy with the message he sends it off.
Only to remember the wonderful fact that your phone is fried due to the water.
Lucky him. He sighs, fed up with this bad luck streak he's been having.
Suddenly he remembers that he has money! More than you can even imagine!
He can buy a new, amazing phone to make things even. Yes, it's perfect. Surely you'll forgive him now!
He changes course and heads to the nearest electronic store, determined to make things right in his head. The purchase was swift and quick, the best phone he could find in the place.
Now, all he had to do was go to your apartment and give it to you!
Lucky him Tim leaked your address to everyone in the family as soon as he entered your apartment. So, with a high head he makes the slightly anxiety-inducing journey to you.
Knocking on the door of the apartment Dick stands straight as a board. The door opens and on the other side is a woman, she has severe eye bags and (H/C) hair. She seemed to have just gotten back from work. Her grey, lifeless eyes peer at him with suspicion before realizing who he was and smiling brightly.
"Mr Grayson! What a pleasure, is there anything you need?" She asks, Dick internally cringes, there was something about her voice that just grated against his ears.
There was just something so... Off... About her.
Still, he does what he usually does. He smiles and remains patient.
"Hello ma'am, is your daughter available? Something had happened and well.." Dick trails off, he doesn't want to get on Y/N's mother's bad side.
Her mother's eyes seem to cloud over at the mention of an incident, yet her smile remains in tact, if not strained. It's possible you told her already..
"Oh. An incident? What has she done, Mr Grayson?" Her mother asks, dark undertones coat her otherwise curious words. Dick furrows his brows slightly at the sudden change in the woman's mood. "Ah, well, it was my fault. I had played a nasty prank on her and her phone was ruined, I bought a new one to make it up to her!" He shows the brand new phone in it's box.
The woman doesn't look impressed, still, she smiles and hums. "Hm. Well that's lovely! Would you like to come inside? She isn't home currently but I'm sure she'll be home soon."
Something in Dick tells him not to go inside. Something was wrong. Yet, he reminds himself that he is a hero, if anything happens he will be prepared.
So, he heads inside, trailing behind the woman as he takes in the dungeon-like interior. "It's a... Lovely place, ma'am" Dick says, hoping to seem polite. The woman scoffs.
"M/N, my name is M/N. No need for such formalities!" The woman hurriedly states before flicking her hand dismissively "Y/N's room is the second door. You can wait there, or, if you want, you can hang around me!" She smiles sweetly, too sweetly, disgustingly sweetly. It reminds him of eating giant spoons of brown sugar.
He smiles politely, trying not to show his discomfort. "I'll just wait in her room for her..!" He hurries to Y/N's room, shutting the door once he's in. That woman gave him the creeps.
He looks around the small room, holy shit, no wonder you're always so pissy! He'd be pissy too if his room was just a bit bigger than a school storage closet!
The man knows he shouldn't snoop, he's done enough damage. But, maybe, if the guilt doesn't settle he can use information gathered here to help!
Dick makes his way to the chest and looks around, picking up an engineering bit, he isn't too into the whole mechanical side of things so there was no name he could pin it to.
Placing it back he moves to sit on the bed and wait. As he sits on the bed his eyes are drawn to a floorboard that seems to stand out from the rest. He kneels on the floor and digs his nails into the floorboard.
He starts to lift it up when..
His phone goes off, he scrambles to answer the call, not checking who the caller was.
"Dick? Dick, okay, you're the only one that has answered!"
It was Duke, he sounds frantic. What happened..?
"Duke? What's going on? Is everything okay?"
"No, no, something bad's happened! Steph, Cass and I were at a cafe and Y/N and her friends were there as well but some waitress had messed up the orders and Y/N had an allergic reaction - or something like that!" Duke rambles, his words slurring together in a rush.
Dick's eyes widen and he feels the air leave his lungs, forgetting about the floorboard and quickly leaving the room. He'll put the new phone on your bed for when you return.
He brushes past M/N and leaves the apartment. Holy shit your luck was bad, he couldn't help but think.
"Okay, stay calm, are you guys at Gotham City Private Hospital or Gotham City Public Hospital?"
"I'll be there in half an hour, it'll be okay."
With that he hangs up and runs out of the apartment complex.
Like hell was he about to let anything bad happen to you before he could make things right!
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gf!reader
Word Count: 600
Warnings: simon being slutty n walking around in grey sweatpants, playfighting, minor smut, mentions to sex
Summary: Simon teaches you to fight.
After the attack on you, Simon became panicked.
The more he loved you, the more people would use you as his weakness. He knew one thing.
He wouldn’t always be there to protect you.
So you would have to know how to protect yourself.
So there he was. Moving the sofa in your shared apartment, creating a bit of space. He laid down a throw blanket. It was small, but it would work. He was shirtless, in just his grey sweatpants.
You, however, stood off to the side, watching him move your pullout sofa with little effort. You take a deep breath as he calls you into the makeshift fighting ring.
“Okay, lovie,” he starts. “Hit me. As har’ as you can.”
You throw a weak punch at his chest. He doesn’t even blink.
“Lovie, what the absolute fuck was ‘at?”
“A punch…”
“Lovie, ‘at wasn’t even a poke. Try again.”
You hit him again, a bit harder. His chest is like a rock. You pull your hand back after the impact, wincing as your first stings. “Ow! You’re like wood! That’s not fair!”
“Yer doing everythin’ wron’.”
You pout at his words, “I’ve never fought before…I’m just…I don’t wanna do this anymore.”
He shakes his head, “Too bad. Lovie, ‘m doin’ this for you. Now, come on, I’ll show ya.” He fixes your posture, “Keep tension here. Pull your first back. Shift your weight onto this foot.”
You shift, “This is hard.”
“Learn,” he puppets you, throwing a faux punch with your hand. “Like that.”
You throw a better punch, finally making him stumble. Just slightly.
“That was better. Again.”
He teaches you numerous kicks, punches, and even a way to hold a person and put pressure on their neck. He tells you to demonstrate, to hit him, but your eyes are focused on something else.
His abs.
His arms look so good, so huge. His abs glisten with the smallest amount of sweat. He looks so good.
“Lovie,” he snaps in front of your face. “Oi. Focus.”
Your eyes snap up to his, “You’re distracting me.”
“Am I?” he flexes.
You gasp, “Asshole.”
He smiles, “Deal with i’. Now come on, we have work to do.”
“Fine,” You strip off your shirt, your bra hugging your tits. “Let’s go.”
His eyes lock on your tits.
You chuckle, snapping your fingers in front of his face, mocking him. “Lovie, my eyes are up here.”
“Fuck this,” he tackles you onto your couch, pressing his lips to your exposed skin.
“Okay,” Simon says, putting your ear protectors on. “All good?”
You give him a thumbs up. He presses his front into your back, puppeting you. He aims the gun into your hand at the target.
“Okay, shoot.”
The shot echoes off the walls of the shooting range. Your bullet hits the dummy’s shoulder.
“Nice! ‘Ats not bad, lovie!” Simon smiles wide, kissing your temple. “Again.”
You shoot again. It hits the left pec. Another kiss.
Another shot. Hits the neck. Another kiss.
Simon lets you practise for another 10 minutes. He feels proud. Too proud. “Lovie?”
You stop. “Hmm?”
“You’re great. Can we go home now, hmm?”
“Okay,” you smile, taking off the protectors. “Thanks for teaching me this.”
“After what happened, I’d be a fool not to,” he kisses you. “Yer my whole life.”
He presses himself into you.
“Now, we’ve got a little problem. Yer solving it in the car. Let’s go. Legs spread.”
#ghost call of duty#ghost imagine#ghost simon riley#simon ghost riley x reader#simon riley cod#ghost x reader#ghost cod#simon riley#simon ghost riley#simon riley fluff#simon#simon riley imagine#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley smut#simon ghost x reader
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Ahhh I do NOT know what this is other than depressed af Bakugo, who is trying to be a good boyfriend with a hint of fluff

It starts as something as innocent as forgetting to fold your laundry after a hard day of work. Although he never does that, he's too meticulous about the house chores even after a 12 hour shift. You don't yell at him and he doesn't yell at you. He has ordered take out before even getting home and he eats in silence, after offering you some of his pizza and you decline, hurt that the portion of food that you made for him will go to waste. He doesn't say anything else for the remaining twenty minutes he remains awake and you end up folding the laundry.
By the time you go to the bedroom he's fast asleep, blond hair covering his forehead and mouth open enough so he can breathe through it. you notice the band aid on his nose; another wound he didn't bother telling you about.
It's a silent, muffled goodnight that puts you to sleep and not his arms around your waist but it's okay, you’ve been more than used to it.
When apathy isn't something that's enjoyable or even barely tolerable when you're in a relationship, you overlook it.
You think of him more often than you see him and you see him all the time.
He delivers flowers to your workplace as an atonement for giving you the cold shoulder last night with a note.
‘Sorry for being so grumpy lately, date tonight at 8?’
Your coworkers definitely enthuse about it and you grin like a schoolgirl. You think that even if you get off at six and you barely have enough time to get ready you can make it. So you text him, frenzied and insanely happy that you can make it and he snaps a picture of him drinking his smoothie while sitting on a railing of a building. Then he tells you where you're going for the night so you can be there as he'd be coming right after work.
Or at least he was supposed to.
So what? He doesn't show up on a date. Katsuki's a pro hero, in the top five, too, so you can forgive that one time, despite having to endure the looks of pity from the waiters at the restaurant he has booked, and despite paying the minimum order fee all by yourself. All while downing a bottle of wine, dressed in your best clothes, make up done so nicely, in such little time too.
You try not to cry, at least not in front of anyone, because it's one time and it's okay that he didn't even bother to cancel on you, he for sure must have been busy!
But you don't find it in you to plan another date anytime soon, and you don't allow him to mention whatever happened that night when he gets home to you. He’s battered, he’s bloody and behind red eyes there's that sorry expression of a dog that’s trashed the whole roll of toilet paper.
You dont yell, you don't fight. He runs a bath for himself and you wash his hair.
Though, you'd love to actually at least leave a sassy remark on what he did, you're scared that his response won't be up to your standards or liking and hurting yourself like this -yes, begging for an explanation to the happening is begging- is not something you plan on doing.
Until it happens again.
This time, it's worse, because he's supposed to meet you and your friends at the cinema, on a day patrol shouldn't take too long to end. On a day there's no new article about a monstrous villain destroying the city. And yes, you do refresh the news section on your phone every second, with the way he's been getting so beaten up on the daily.
But this time, it's okay, because he lets you know beforehand.
10 minutes beforehand.
Through text.
And even if it infuriates your friends, you can live with it. It's fine, you tell yourself and your friends. It doesn't usually happen, and he actually made an effort to let you know so you don't have to wait on him.
It's more than understandable, you tell your friends, because your boyfriend (if you could call him that still) is a pro hero, and you, nothing but a civilian. His lifestyle is far more important than yours. Which, you actually find funny in the moment, now that everyone's staring at you.
But your friends do not find it funny, actually. They don't lecture you yet, if they did, you'd burst in tears, and you enjoy the movie as much as you can in their company and rheir company alone.
They're all you have, at the end of the day.
Katsuki doest really have an everyday life as a civilian. And while striving to become number one he's overworking himself
There's also the time he shows up to your friend's art gallery opening with his hero costume -broken left gauntlet and grease and mud all over his hair and face- because 1) you've lectured him about never showing up and the impression he's left on your friends and 2) he really is trying to make an effort and well 3)he doesn't really care about an amazing public image.
Your friends hate him.
You don't.
The annual hero ratings come around the corner and he's fallen one place on the chart. The two of you spend that night at his parents’ and some subtle comments that youre not sure from whom it is worded sparks a fight with his mother, she tells him to not visit her again if he doesn't fix his attitude. They end up fighting over the phone every single day.
He gets worse after, always towards himself, as if he's done all the bad in the world. He spends most of his day on patrol and in the gym, but he doest bulk anymore. He’s more than okay with you making him lunch for work, he’s not mindful of any of his habits for a while.
Every single day that passes he’s more unhappy. Every day is worse than the other.
You continue to wash his hair and do the laundry on days he comes home bleeding and you don't get mad when he just wants to stuff his face in pizza. You go to bed with him and never let him sleep alone.
“you're s’nice to me when you don't have to” he mutters as you're stroking his hair away from his forehead. Not one of you is focusing on the movie that's playing. He;s sprawled like a cat on your chest, breathing from his mouth like that night.
“Its just cause i want to”
“m sorry i stood you up on that date”
“no need to talk about it” you reassure him. And its like he gets mad when you place a kiss on his exposed forehead. Brows furrowed, eyes half lid in exhaustion.
You pay him no mind, averting your eyes to the screen on your right He’s been so frustrated, you just know he's going to want to pick a fight
“dumbass. you should have dumped me.”
“You want me to dump you?”
He shakes his head in your chest as a response, hands wrap even tighter around your waist.
“Stop saying dumb shit then okay? and stop thinking you don't deserve to be happy because life is shitty right now. You're the one who told me. Remember?”
At that he hugs you impossibly close. Pebbled chest pressing on your stomach as he wiggles his hands to wrap your feet around his waist. Your hoodie is lifted, just above your belly so he can plant a kiss on your skin and slanted red eyes look into yours again, this time more determined.
He knows how life has been for you. Things keep happening to you one after another and he's been there to witness it. To hold you. Your relationship with your own mother is only a little worse than his own and now, for the first time he actually understands how it's like to have someone hold him through all that he's been going through.
No one can understand him better than you do, no one can love him better than you do.
There's an end to his restless nights, as you're spending them wrapped in his arms, face squished between his pectoral muscles. And now it doesn't matter if you sleep for two, five or eight or twelve hours. You're always rested. He’s not grumpy in the morning. Your migraines are gone. His muscles aren't sore anymore.
Katsuki never had a civilian life, but when he comes home to you it's the closest he can get to one.

(this is my first post in two years be nice)
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ᣞ ⊹ ݁ summary: your boyfriend suguru finds the best way to punish you !!
꒰ content: mean!sugu, fem!reader, pussyslapping, praise/degradiation, cum denial, feel like this whole thing is kinda a niche kink
ㅤㅤㅤ⭑ notes: my ‘mean suguru’ drabble was based on this so if some stuff sounds familiar it’s cus i took this n drabble-fied it; also this is for the anon who asked for it <33 ALSO @d0nk3y-k0ng my new-found geto fixation is your fault <33
“Suguru, can you help me?…this thing is too heavy!” you called out, voice straining as you struggled to bring the giant cardboard box through the door. It was way too heavy for you, and of course the delivery people had quickly set it outside the door, escaping the potential work of having to bring it inside. Your boyfriend quickly rushed to your aid, grabbing the opposite side of the box. “I got it baby, where did you wanna put it again?” Suguru asked, setting the box against the wall and looking at you.
“I wanted to put it in the living room. That way it’ll be the most accessible.” You told him. You two hand just moved into your new place and decorating was the sole thing on your mind. You spent hours on pinterest, trying to find the perfect aesthetic for your new home. You valued your home,so much so that you started repeating all those cringey aphorisms whenever you were questioned about your new-found obsession.
“Home is where the heart is, sugu.” You told him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Okay, but what does that anything to do with spending $100 on a house plant?” You let out a sheepish laugh. “Well…I can take care of the plant. Which takes heart…?” You murmured. It was an inane suggestion, which was appropriate for the circumstance of spending $100 on a plant. “Sounds a bunch of bullshit to me.” Your boyfriend told you. He was necessarily happy with all the money being spent on what seemed like superficial things, he seemed to be happy with the results of your decorating.
It took about 30 minutes to situate this new mirror, but for good reasons. It was big, like really big. Leaning, it was taller than you and almost as tall as your 6’3 boyfriend. It was wide as well, providing a perfect view of anyone who looked into it. It was a gorgeous peice of furniture. The frame was a creamy white, with ornate molding. There were carefully crafted swirls and curves on it, with tiny clay embellishment. It had looked like something out of a fairytale, like a mirror that could reveal the deepest desires of whoever dared look inside. It was perfect for your new house, the only thing that wasn’t so perfect was the extravagant price. Your jaw almost dropped when you saw the cost. No way in hell would Suguru let you buy it, no matter how much you beg or how many tears you spill.
So you searched for alternatives. Any sort of duplicate or listing on another site would be scouted out and search throughly before you succumb your wallet to $2,500. You must’ve been god-kissed that day, as the only cheaper listing was $1,700. Still, it wasn’t something you felt 100% sure about buying, but what other options were there? Suguru would be proud of you for finding a cheaper offering and thinking about a budget. So, you went ahead and bought it, feeling pretty proud of yourself for doing so. Did you tell Suguru about the purchase? no way. You’d only tell him if he asked, and you prayed with all your heart that he wouldn’t.
“Sooo…do you like it?” you asked him hopefully. Maybe he would say yes and then move on to something else, and not ask that dreadful question. Maybe, when you told him about the bargain you made, he’d be proud of you for your efforts. “Mhmmm, t’s real pretty.” He put his hand on his chin, as if thinking. “How much did we pay for this again?” Suguru asks, stepping back and giving it an appraisal.
Shit. It was silent for a good 10 seconds. You could feel the way your words dried up on your tongue and died, as if they were too scared to come up. He raised an eyebrow and asks again, looking at you through the reflection of the mirror. “How much did we pay for this thing?” Stil not answer. He came up behind you, snaking one arm around your waist, while his open hand went to your chin. “Baby, you gon’ answer me?” His ghostly purple eyes searing yours through that cursed mirror.
“I-I just forgot to tell you-…!” you whined, legs buckling as you felt another sharp stinging sensation land on puffy clit.
“Oh, you did?” Suguru asked facetiously. You nod and cry as you feel another slap land on your clit. He then grabs your face with his hands, holding your cheeks between his slick-coated fingers. “At least look at me when you lie, baby.” He said as he guided your face in the mirror.
This was humiliating. He had you spread out on the floor, pussy glistening and your back pressed up against his chest. He had took upon himself to punish you, which subsequently turned into something lewd and twisted. Hence the being sprawled out, leggings and panties long discarded and receiving countless slaps on your cunt. It was painfully obvious that he was hard, feeling his length that was being squashed up against your ass. Your hair was messy and out of place, your skin sticky while drool and tears coated your chin. The worst part? He was doing this right infront of the new mirror and he wouldn’t even let you look away, so you were forced to fully embrace your current state.
“Please sugu. I didn’t mean too…just lemme cum please? You begged, your voice shaky and full of hiccups.
“Noo, only good girls get to cum .” He cooed, his finger playing with your little bundle of nerves. You’d been at this for about an hour now. He’d start to finger your cunt, and then he’d hit it as punishment. The closest you’ve been to finishing was the half-broken orgasm you’d stolen from his fingering, which in return you got another slap.
“Could’ve been done a long time ago. You’re making this so difficult for me baby.” He whispered in your ear, as if this hurt him more than it did you. “So now, are you gonna tell me the truth, or are you gonna keep lying to me? Cus’ trust me, I won’t hesitate to hit this pussy again” He threatened, the hand on your sticky clit moving even more slowly as an incentive.
You meant to shake your head, but when he swiftly plunged his fingers into your weeping cunt, the sloppy sounds of your slick, must’ve drowned out whatever of your senses was left. “y-yes…!”
You saw the gleam of that dangerous smile in the mirrors reflection. “I knew you would. Such a smart girl, yeah?”
Then your boyfriend laughed, a soft and smooth laugh that should not have gone down to your lower stomach with molten delicious heat. Could you blame yourself though? His fingers were pumping in-and-out of you with tantalizing proficiency, making your insides do somersaults. The way that syrupy-sweet praises dripped off his tongue alongside bitter jeers. Your brain was too far fucked out for so many conflicting emotions. “Go on now..say what you needa say to me.”
“m’ sorry for spending your money sugu! I shouldn’t have bought it, should’ve a-asked!” You confessed, buckling you hips in tandem with his fingers. “Ah ah…no moving.” He reprimanded, taking those fingers out and slapping your hole again. Your body jolted at the sudden sting and then slumped back against his chest.
“Look at you, all teary eyed and wet-pussied. You like this shit, don’t yeah?” He catchesized, with that stupid-stupid smirk on his face. “I bet you’re not sorry at all.”
“No-yes-no m’ sorry..! M’ really really sorry! ” You could barely understand what he was saying. Your pleasure was the only thing that mattered right now, all other senses finger-fucking out of you a long time ago. Geto loved you like this though. Fucked dumb and too far down the abyss of your own pleasure to think properly, all inhibitions lost. It was the easiest way to get an answer out of you.
“I think you bought this mirror just for yourself. Just so you could watch yourself get fucked? He guessed, dragging his hands across your quivering thighs. You hated how soft his voice sounded, especially when accusing you. whimpered as he did, wishing he’d just hurry and put you out of your misery. “N-no”
he frowned, stopping his hand in its tracks. He brought his lips close to shell of you ear, sending shivers down your spine and more wetness to your cunt. “Look at me, and don’t lie.”
You looked at him, straight through the mirror. “I promise, i didn't sugu. I just wanted our home to look nice!” you confessed, sniffling and squeezing your thighs together to create some sort of friction for your achey pussy.
Suguru felt his heart melt a little. You were so pitiful with your shaky mewls and whines . He couldn't help but feel a little bad for being so mean to his precious girl. He shouldn't punish you too hard, obviously you didn't know much better. “Aww..look at that face. How could I be so mean?” He told you, trailing that finger up on down your slit. He smiled at how you hips yet again bucked at his wandering digits. “So needy. Poor baby, drooling n’ crying just like this pussy. Guess I should give you what you want, yeah?”
“Mh! Yes sugu, please lemme cum now! I’m so sorry, won’t do this ever again.” You begged. At this point you were full on crying, all other senses overrides by your need to cum. His thick fingertip teased your sopping entrance, re-coating the fingers in cum.
He simply laughed, diving those fingers back into your pulsing heat. “Oh, I know baby. I know. Now watch me as I give this pussy just what she needs.”
#that ending kinda sucked#jjk#jjk smut#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen#getou suguru x reader#geto x you#jujutsu geto#geto smut#geto x reader#geto suguru#jjk geto#jjk x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk fanfic#smut#jjk suguru#gojo smut#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jujustsu kaisen smut#jujustu kaisen#jujutsu suguru#jjk gojo#jjk headcanons#jjk fluff#jujutsu sorcerer#saturo smut#geto x y/n#jujutsu kaisen suguru
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Alright so can we talk about the Rafayel to Caleb girlie - pipeline because I’m seeing something interesting
I feel like a lot of Rafayel girlies are so into Caleb right now. Like I saw a lot of us posting about Gege and discussing about his storyline more than other girlies does.
What is with us here? 😂
I saw the post talking about Caleb is for the only-child/ or oldest child who grow up ALONE and I was like, hold on a minute. I think I cracked the code
1. We do have a type. A complex, have a tragic back story but also very passionate man. The type to not be very easy to love. But will be the most loyal& devoted to you through thick and thin
2. From howl in howl's moving castle to Prince Zuko to Gojo Satoru to Oikawa to Rafayel to Caleb- something like that
3. Plus if you are an ARMY, who's your bias in BTS and why it is Min Yoongi??
4. You are not scared of a complicated (fictional) man, you’re not scared to put in the effort for them, to understand and get to know who they are (bc maybe nobody has ever put an effort to really understand you before)
5. And you’re the type to not scared of their ‘flaws’ or ‘imperfections’ (bc you also have some parts of you that is not perfect and you know they would accept them as what it is)
6. you're attracted to someone who doesn’t care if you make mistakes or not be a perfect human being all the time (because you have to be like that all your life)
7. We need a man who is a little bit intense. For some people they’re too overbearing, but for you it's just right. Someone who’s not scared to be ‘too much’ for you in terms of expressing their love (bc that’s what you fear you are so you learn to keep most of your emotions to yourself- leaning more on avoidant side)
8. The kinda guy who would hide their emotional side behind those playful gazes (bc sometimes you did that too)
9. THE BANTER, they have to be a bit of playfulness from them and be able to joke about serious stuffs with you
10. You need someone to heal your inner child. A part from you that never got taken care of
Now with the only child who grew up ALONE topic
As an only child, I grow up in a household where every woman in my life are living the life of “Strong, independent, girlboss” woman to the point of burning themselves on the ground. I see the cycle repeating for several generations until my own.
I grow up mostly alone, having to take care of myself in every aspects. And I mostly did it well.
But In reality, I just can’t effort to be reckless. Because if I don’t take care of myself and keep myself in check, nobody else will.
(Nobody will save me but me)
For some people the “Yandere” side of Caleb are a red-flag but for me?
to have a man care about you and taking care of you all the time? Notices about every details in your life and makes sure you never have to lift a finger? the man who's so down bad and would burn the world down for just you alone?
That’s my wet dream, A fantasy.
unlike MC, maybe because I have to live as an independent woman my whole life. I have nothing to proved.
I just want to be loved.
I just want to be a woman
I just want to just 'be'
His doting & overprotective personality healed the little girl inside me.
Same with Rafayel, being with him always heals my inner child that I never fully experience as a kid.
Both of them are so 🥺🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
#sorry for the trauma dumping at the last part lolll#I just have so much thoughts about these 2 men#I need them in real life#please come take me in#off-topic but I’m so fucking sick of driving my own car#I knew Caleb would NEVER let me drive if he’s with me#Gosh I missed my dad lol#He would never let me drive also#love and deepspace#lads#rafayel#lads rafayel#love and deepspace rafayel#about caleb#love and deepspace caleb#lads caleb#caleb love and deepspace#caleb x mc#caleb x reader#rafayel love and deepspace#🦢: post
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(SMUT/NSFW +18 - minors DNI !)
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭.: Joo Jaekyung x f! reader - 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑 , 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: '𝐉𝐨𝐨 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐕𝐒 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥' — The eventful match that could rewrite team BLACK’s history is nothing but a few hours away. But a sudden rush of adrenaline had his very assistant and physiotherapist Y/n acting out her own character. Unwillingly, her fiery lust unravels for the sadist athlete, leading to a torrid pre-match night.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬/ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: TOXIC! behaviour, dark content ahead!, explicit/ graphic content, power dynamics, authority, Dom/sub dynamics, masturbation (fem. receiving)/ blowjob/ unprotected/ vaginal sex, anal sex (rough), reader losing all sense of self-control and just wanting to be pounded STUPID, reader turning into a braindead romantic slut, heavy degradation, taunting/ teasing, rough/hardcore manhandling, pining/begging, heavy squirting, water stuff *Ahem* (just a hint, you’ve been warned :) ), creampie, reader clearly catching feelings throughout the whole thing.
𝐰.𝐜: 2,7k.
'What brings you here?'
He stood in the entrance, his thick dark eyebrows frowned upon the almond-shaped eyes.
‘I said to meet me at 10, didn’t I?’
'Sorry, I know. I'm way ahead of our… meeting.'
He let you in with a low grunt − a strong eau sauvage cologne scent filling his hotel room made you already more sensitive…
You struggled to sleep the whole night. The pent-up anxiety combined with the anticipation for Jaekyung's fateful match twisted your stomach into a million knots. Time trickled by painfully, waiting on his phone call to finally have you over.
You waited in your room, eager and in heat. Your little fingers fiddled with your pussy for minutes that led to hours. You figured pleasuring yourself to the thought of him would cut it off and finally offer you some relief, but the burning arousal between your legs dripping through and through put your efforts to shame.
Becoming jaekyung's personal slut within the first week you two met each other got your little inexperienced body so used to his. Nothing else but his strong scent, his bulky weight, his suffocating heat and his rough touches satisfied your cravings anymore. And it showed every time you tried getting yourself off on your own.
Your visual memory turned into luscious eroticas of the handsome man, fogging-up with vivid shots of him choking you out, groping your ass like a pervert and whispering the filthiest insults into your neck. And so came the moment where your own legs took you to his room, nerve-burning lust already clouding over your brain −
He opened the door and stepped closer to the door frame, height difference soaking your cunt instantly.
'Well…I don't feel like it now.'
He smirked and looked you up and down, the upwards curl on his rosy lips paired with his thick adam’s apple tempted you to suck on, peck and nibble.
You hated to feel so small and needy, but you were soaking through your thong. His thick cock is all you had in mind all day, and the ache between your legs persisted, if anything it got worse now that you saw him in his black sleeve, his stomach muscles still contracting from his pre-match training.
'And you didn't bother putting something less slutty than that? How lewd of you…' He pinched your left nipple over your thin shirt, 'You walked down the hallway with your nips perked out. And showed up to my door two hours prior…
Have you lost it?'
'But sir…Please, w-what does it matter if we did it a bit…sooner?'
'So we asking for it now, huh?' He raised a brow, 'I'm so used to your bitchy whines whenever I lay a finger on you,
He stepped forward, closing the distance between your bodies as his beautiful black eyes stared you down
's not like you at all to be so eager, doc.'
'P-Please fuck me! I’ll take all of you, promise!' Your voice softens, legs almost giving in from lust.
'How shameless. begging me to run a train on you in a hotel room' He crosses his arms over his chest, giving you a better view of the inked dragon on his forearm.
'Go play with yourself for me, yeah? Take your time till I hit you up.' He coos, leaning down to reach your head level.
'But it's…n-not working!' You protested, eyes filling up with tears. There was clearly no waiting further, your poor pussy begged you to touch Jaekyung and your brain rotted away, picturing him thrusting in every hole you had on repeat.
You took a couple steps forward and propped yourself on his bed, sliding your hand beneath your underwear. Back arching and head digging into the matress, you pulled your thong to the side, giving him a perfect shot of your bare ass and slickened folds. His brows furrowed, curious at a slutty doc slowly losing all her shame.
You brought your middle and ring finger to your lips and coated them in your spit, shamelessly staring dead into his eyes as he watched with crossed arms. You thrusted your fingers into your hole with a loud ‘Oh gosh-‘, no thoughts left in your mind to care.
His pheromones took over your brain the moment he opened his room door. Or so you chose to blame them for slowly corrupting you. You hated to see yourself begging him, but pride be damned! Your pussy acted on her own free will, and you weren’t about to hold her back no matter the reason.
'You need cock this fucking bad huh, Y/n?’ He sneers, eyes glued to the lewd sight you just offered him,
‘You’re dying to take it, hmm?'
‘Mr Joo, please c-come closer to me,
‘C-Can’t take it anymore, mr Joo…please’ Your fingers sped up the thrusts, slimy precum dribbling down your thighs ‘Fuck me till I squirt! It’s so much better when it’s your cock fucking me!’
'Remember how much you begged me tonight, doc…'
He yanked a fistful of your hair backwards, lining your face lower with his throbbing bulge.
'Get my big cock hard for me and I’ll see if I can be nice to you, would ya?'
You shoved your face into his crotch, breathing in his slightly tangy scent as much as your lungs could take, muffling your nose into his freshly shaven pubes. You whine deliberately, sending vibrations through his shaft and squichy balls. The slit on his cockhead drips more cum, spreading the slight saltiness over your tastebuds.
‘Hey, look at me’
He stuffed his thumb into your mouth, slapping his flushed tip on your lips as you you planted a wet kiss right on his cockhead.
The feverish desire to touch him drove you insane, swirling your tongue over his tip and twisting your little fists all over his veiny length. you splayed your palms on his abdomen, fingernails tracing his strong V-line and groping his large pelvis for leverage.
‘mmh need it so much…’ Your tongue flattened, gliding along his thickest vein, that one that makes you moan in pleasure every time Jaekyung stretches your tight uterus.
He groans and falls back onto the couch, spreading his legs wider as you deep-throated most of his fat cock. You smirked and wrapped your lips shut, feeling proud of yourself as his thick base finally made contact with your lips.
‘Mmmh…look at you, Team Black’s sweetheart. Acting all nice and coy while milking my cock dry’ He falters and throws his head back, grunting louder.
His thick, toned hips clenched upwards as you hollowed your cheeks, letting go with a wet pop. You pumped him up and down, lips pleasuring his warm, fat ballsack. You suckled his left nut and softly fondled the right one in your palm, smearing it with his overflowing precum.
His fingertips dug into your scalp, messing your locks up and bobbing your head on his length. A deep crease formed between his raven thick brows, his plump lips forming a cute o shape.
‘You’re leaking so much precum, mr Joo..’ You coo ‘You shame me for wanting you…while your balls feel so full and heavy in my mouth’ You smirk and gently massage your fingers into his warm balls, kissing them even slower.
‘look…I made you hard… just as you told me’
You bat your lashes and stare into his eyes, leaning your head on his thigh and stroking his cock next to your cheek. You pump him faster, your free hand caressing his stomach and hips.
‘Ngh…you’re loud tonight, doc’ He shoved your head deeper in, gagging you till the fat tears came out. ‘But guess I gotta keep my promises huh?’ The two large hands held your head still, squeezing your already soaked chin. Your tears blur the sight of his reddned cheeks, hiccuping from how much your throat squeezed on his cock.
He props his hands under your arms and lifts you up. Noticing the spot of your wetness on the carpet. Your pussy throbbed from Jaekyungs raw groans. A clear puddle of wetness formed under you cunt, getting bigger and stickier the whole time you sucked him off on your knees.
'Did you cum yet, miss Doc?' he smirks and whispers into your neck.
The faux empathy in his voice struck a nerve. You shook your head no in frustration and turned around to face him. ‘You p-promised to make me feel good too!’
You straddled his thigh, small hands groping his hard pecs.
‘I don’t wanna wait anymoore..’
'I wonder what would you do without me, miss y/n.' He flicked his tongue, grabbing your waist firmly and setting you spread on bed surface.
‘Where do you want me, doc? which hole of yours wants me more?’ He stood over you and gave himself a few pumps, hand wrapped on your hip.
‘Whatever hole you want, I just want you!’
‘Both are damn tiny to me’ the cocky smirk on his face never falters, throwing you over his bed and pulling you closer by your ankles.
He flips you over and pushes your face deep into his sheets, pulling your thin T-shirt over your head. The soft flesh of your breasts tingles, nipples all raw and sensitive from the friction. His full weight pours onto your back, both your skins sticking on each other.
‘Want them both fucked loose tonight? I’m feeling generous’
You spread your legs wide, taking him past your puffy lips. His fists pinned your wrists to the bed, pushing a low curse under his breath.
He folded your legs over your head, pressing firmly till he shaped you in a perfect mating press. You gasped and clawed at the sheets, feeling the harsh push of his thick cockhead. You felt that puffy vein again, frotting in and out of you as your clenching got worse.
‘Fuck…mr Joo..feels so good- so fucking good!’
His steady pressure got heavier, ridged sides of his girth restlessly bumping into your cervix, ripping some of the loudest moans from your mouth. You locked him between your arms, pressing down on his back to keep him closest to you.
Taking him deep inside you did feel good, but the warmth his body covered you in got you to a different high, one that had you almost confessing to him mid sex.
‘I l-like it, mr Joo…I like you a lot-
'You're a fucking mess today, aren't you?' He grasped your throat tighter, slapping both your cheeks. You jerked away from the stinging pain, mouth opening to shamelessly ask him for another one.
‘I-I want more, want you…mr Joo..so bad’
'Hey, You're fucking wasted, are you?' He spits on your pursed lips and smears it, large palm hitting across your tender cheek again.
His stirred breaths ran heavier. The steamy air between you and him barely found a way, your skins sticking flush on each other, only separating to come back together with loud ‘plap‘ noises.
‘Mghh mr Joo…I-I’m close’ Your nails traced along his chiseled back, ripping your first orgasm for the night. The spasms coursed through your body as you creamed a frothy ring at the base of his dick. The blurry sight of his raven eyes turned you hungrier, babbling pleas in the crook of his neck,
‘Don’t stop, Joo…I want m-more, much more…please-‘
‘Dropping formalities now? Don’t recall you being so friendly, gross girl’
Your pussy flutters at his insults, He swept you off the bed with ease, hooking his thick biceps around your legs. suspending you mid-air with his fingers buried in your asscheeks. He lifted you up to his chest level, holding your legs wide open to the full-size mirror covering the wall.
‘If you want more you better watch every damn second of it, miss Doc’ His pearly teeth showed a cheeky smirk, ‘We look so good in this position, don’t we?’ He chuckles and bucks his hips up, thrusting again with a deep groan.
'Too much…I don't think I can..keep up− mmh fuck!..' He picked his pace up, his bulky thighs slapping yours senseless. The Room filled up with the lewdest noises as you grew worried about strangers on the other side of the wall.
You slipped a trembling hand into his hair, his smooth undercut and soft supple neck felt so pleasant to touch. He’s achingly handsome, crimson lips almost inches from yours. You seized your chance quick and slammed his mouth on yours, suckling his tongue like the lovesick mess you are…
A lovesick mess you’ve for a while now. You did hate him…almost to death. His demeanor, his bold advances, his rude mannerisms and even his mere presence were unbearable to you at first. And yet you opened your eyes to the intimate sight of him inside you. A sight that got you obsessing over for weeks before this night.
Suddenly being his slutty stress reliever felt so good to you. And the more he took it out on you the weaker your self control ran.
‘brace yourself, I’m making you face me now’ He flipped you around over his torso with almost no effort, your little hands holding still onto his shoulder blades. Your breasts pressed tight against his hard pecs, giving you a mini heart attack. You lost yourself on his cock again, amourously blabbering some lovedrunk nonsense.
‘F-Fuck…c-can we do it more p-pleasee, my pussy feels so good, I l-like it when mr Joo does it-‘
You stared at Jaekyung, eye to eye level. His thick baby-like lashes and the glossy sweat glittering on his skin had you all soft and fuzzy. You got so shy your stomach turned, realizing the tiny distance separating you two..
‘Mmh…still fucking tight’ He pants and bumps your foreheads together, teeth clenching the moment he slides into your tiny asshole.
You dug your heels into his firm butt, pushing deeper from the thick intrusion. And so he responded, smacking your ass a couple more times just to hear a few more cries.
You’re just about high on Jaekyung, he’s everywhere near and close to you, overwhelming your senses and taking over your trembling frame. His delicious musk got stronger, not only from his just ended workout session, but from pounding into you with a beast-like pace.
‘Fuck fuck it hurts…s-slow down, mr Joo’
‘Shhh…you’ve been a pain in the ass lately, making demands and being a brat as you please’
He chomps your neck, finding a better angle to viciously prod your G-spot from behind. Your bladder almost crushed with his heavy shaft weighing on it for long hours.
‘Joo…I feel like..peeing, m-my tummy-‘ You dragged your nails down his back again, bouncing your ass up and down his dick.
'Make a mess then, piss, cum, squirt-' He licks your cheek and grunts, hips still slamming yours ‘I’m curious how more gross you could get tonight, nasty slut’
A furious heat rised to your face. His rough words fueled the wetness between your bruised thighs and squeezed your tiny butthole tighter.
'Aww…such a weak spot ya got for me, doc.' He huffed, his sharp jaw clenched tight. Your pussy clamped around the emptiness in shame, legs numbly dangling over his burly arms, and heart palpitating as you finally sprayed your juices all over his abdomen.
You gush more, covering is lower half in your essence, seconds before Jaekyung busts between you two. He keeps it up, milking you both to the last bit of your pleasures.
His warmth pours loads into you, shaping your pussy walls to fit his dick once more.
‘I liked it so so much…mr Joo felt s-so good’
You panted, the wild orgasm lagging on your little head. The following minutes you spent cradled in his arms, legs folded around his sides and head resting heavy on his chest.
He held you closer for a moment and and you didn’t miss another chance. you nervously planted your lips on his own, feeling them instantly push back on yours…
his short embrace stopped time, blocked all your senses and swelled your little heart with euphoria. You felt so complete, almost as if you had a…lover..
You woke up to a bold fraguance filling the room. The joint white covered beds surrounded you, soft and empty. And so felt your heart, fragile and addicted to the champion fighter.
𝟐𝐤 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 −> 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟒
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 :)
#joo jaekyung#joo jaekyung x reader#jinx manhwa#jinx mingwa#jinx#jjk smut#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#toji x reader#toji x you#toji smut#jjk headcanons#jjk imagines#jujutsu kaisen smut
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Dress to Impress Headcanons ‧₊˚ ⋅ Blue Lock Chars.
ଳ what's it like to play the roblox game dress to impress with the blue lock boys?
ଳ characters; isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, michael kaiser, alexis ness, shidou ryusei, nagi seishirou, reo mikage, Chigiri Hyoma
ଳ tags; crack, some profanity lol, gn reader, no y/n, can be established rs or not
[🐟]: Let me know if you want more characters to this hehe ~
ᯓ Isagi Yoichi
"How do you change the skin? Where's the hair? Why do the others have faces?"
He's so lost... poor baby. Expect a lot of questions (some of which get repeated) from him about how the game works. He's going to be overwhelmed with the buttons and stuff around his character.
You think 5 minutes is more than enough to put together an outfit, but somehow Isagi comes out of the runway without hair or with a bunch of clothes layered on top of each other.
He also asks how you do the poses on the runway.
"Hey, what's pose 28?"
HE RATES SUPER HIGH, so you're over there pouting 'cuz he's helping these 10 year old children win.
"This one's really nice. She's got a big bow on her head." / "But the theme is sad day, Yoichi..." / "And? Won't a big bow make it a happy one?"
Gets a bit sad 'cuz he gets rated low even if he rated all the others with 4 or 5 stars. Awww...
ᯓ Bachira Meguru
Expect that he will always use the most blinding colors known to man. He's gonna walk out on that runway looking like a traffic light.
He's so noisy when he plays. It's like he's commentating everything that's happening to him as if he has a whole stream going on. But in reality, it's just the two of you.
Spams pose 28 because all of the other cool ones aren't free.
Says "slay" every time he walks out because you said it once to him.
But if he's on a losing streak, he'll suddenly go quiet and focus more lol.
"Why are you quiet all of a sudden?" / "Shhh, don't interrupt my creative juices."
ᯓ Michael Kaiser
"What? Are you playing this game with your eyes closed or something?"
He said that. On voice chat. To a little girl. Who cried.
You had to reprimand him and tell him to apologize to the girl. But with his pride, he only allowed himself to rate her 5 stars the next round as his way of saying sorry.
"There. 5 stars... for the most clown outfit I've ever seen." / "Mihya!"
So mean to everyone else, but will always compliment your outfit even the ones you barely put effort in. You're starting to wonder whether or not it was condescending or heartfelt...
"That outfit looks great. We should duo in the next round." / "No, everyone in the server's mad at you and it'll affect my rating too."
He never makes it to the top 3 despite the good outfits he puts together because he talks shit on everyone in the server.
ᯓ Alexis Ness
"I got all the new codes; let me type them for you."
HE'S SUPER GOOD AT IT? It's to the point that you're jealous because his rank's way higher than yours.
"Just type M3RM4ID in that box." / "It's not working." / "Did you type the E as a 3 and the A as a 4?" / "What?" / "Never mind, gimme your Ipad."
He definitely knows all the codes that unlocks the hidden special items of the game. Plus, he's super into the lore as well. The nail technician? You bet he's going to talk about her extensive lore.
Super efficient when putting together an outfit. He's got a whole routine down to a T.
He actually rates outfits objectively—not too low and never too high.
ᯓ Shidou Ryusei
He has also made a kid cry before. But unlike Kaiser, he doesn't listen to you and doubles down on it. Just an absolute menace all around.
He's definitely muted by the other people in the server because regardless of what he says, no one is responding to him. So there's only you left to talk to him.
Doesn't even try to put together a decent outfit. You're not even sure if he reads the theme at all because he walks out on the runway looking like the personification of a fever dream.
"Haha look. This pose makes it look like I'm thrusting in the air." / "Ryu! Oh my gosh..."
Definitely has been banned from Roblox before and he's using a new account to play with you.
Everything he types just shows up as hashtags at this point...
ᯓ Nagi Seishirou
"This theme is such a hassle... when is it going to be the pajama party theme?"
He already plays Roblox to begin with, but he needed extra convincing from you to play Dress to Impress because he didn't see the thrill in it.
He was only convinced when he saw you rage quitting after losing with such a fabulous outfit. He realized the competitive aspect of it and decided to play with you.
Nagi doesn't realize it but his rotation consists of the same tops and bottoms, so his outfits always come out looking the same. This leads him to losing all the time.
He definitely complains when the runway has too many players. Like... when is it going to end?
"Sei! Did you just tell the kids in the server to leave? What the hell?" / "Yah. They were making the line too long and I don't wanna wait."
Also complains when he doesn't show up in the top 3 even though he didn't really put any effort into his outfit.
ᯓ Reo Mikage
"Hey, babe, look. I bought the VIP. Want me to buy it for you too?"
HE'S SO PAY TO WIN. He's a VIP player, has all the pose packs, and literally everything you can buy in the game. He's not shy about flaunting it to the other players in the lobby.
He'll spend the first minute in the VIP area then walk all smug in the cOmMoNeR's area wearing the biggest fuck-you dress ever.
If the theme is anything normal, he'll still manage to make the outfit look high-end.
Trust that he'll spam all the expensive poses once he's on the runway. The little rascal would be smirking to himself as he presses the different poses.
Reo grumbles to himself when he loses. He can't help but be annoyed when he gets only a few stars while literally wearing a dress that costs thousands of robux.
"I was literally wearing the biggest ball gown and I still lost? What the fuck."
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma
"Hm? Oh, yeah. I gave you 5 stars. Yeah, for sure... for sure."
SUPER COMPETITIVE! Not even you are safe from aggressive dressing and impressing.
You two will be in duos, but he'll always one up you.
"Hmm... interesting choice of colors." / "Is it that bad?" / "Bad? What do you mean? It's great. I promise."
He won't be talking shit on anyone, but you can tell what's running through his head with that smug look on his face.
"What's up with that look? / "Hm? Oh... haha. I'm just enjoying the game you know? / "..."
Will refuse to choose any other hair that doesn't resemble his own. It doesn't matter if the theme requires a different color. He will be using his red/pink hair and no one will stop him.
tag list; @meowkages , @shidousprincess
ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
o-sachi © 2024
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TANS AND WHORES (just one and his name's rafe)
in which rafe plans a last minute beach day
fem!reader x rafe cameron
warnings!: playful whore and slut shaming (between reader and rafe), not a warning but reader is kinda suggested to have darker skin than rafe
a/n: may the ancestors forgive me for writing about a white man who'd probably call me a beaner if he was real 😓🙏. it's so hard to write any petnames in english cuz it's not what the language i use for petnames typically. but i have to compromise and have reader call rafe something silly or simply just rafe 🥸 pls lmk of any spelling errors tysm!
beach days with the pogues were definitely one of your favorite past times. no doubt about it. there was just something so intimate about spending the whole day together by the ocean without a single care in the world other than partying, surfing and being inebriated.
but you loved beach days with rafe cameron just a bit more. especially when rafe was the one who planned them.
it was only 10am when the buzzing of your phone from under your pillow had awoken you. you groaned, annoyed that someone had disrupted your beauty sleep. without even looking at the contact , you answered the call.
“what.” you made no effort to hide your annoyance.
“hey baby, you just waking up?”
quickly, you sat up. your sour mood instantly turns sweet at the sound of your boyfriend's voice. “hey sexy, yeah sorry i slept real late last night. what’s up?”
rafe chuckled at the switch up, “the uv’s at 9 and supposed to reach 11 so, i thought we should go to the beach. it’d be perfect for you to try that oil.”
“aww you remembered! you’re such a cutie patootie, awww!” you teased.
“yeah yeah, whatever. anyways, i have our bag packed. i want you ready by 10:30. i’m about to leave tannyhill.”
you pulled your phone away to check the time and gasped. “rafe it’s already 10:16! that’s not enough time to get ready!”
“yes it is, you don’t needa put on makeup or do your hair. just throw on a fucking bikini,” he demanded, “i already packed some extra clothes in the bag just in case we go somewhere after.”
you groaned into the phone dramatically, letting your frustration be known. but rafe stayed unbothered, already used to your bratty attitude.
“10:30.” he restated before hanging up.
at the beach, rafe set up your spot with your towels, umbrella, and chairs all while you stood next to him serving looks. once everything was set, you kneeled on your towel while digging into the bag rafe had messily packed, desperately searching for your tanning oil as rafe sat on the towels behind you, putting on sunscreen as you had advised him the u.v. rays were far too intense for his sensitive pale skin to handle.
“baby can you get my back please.”
you looked back at rafe only to find his bare back facing you, “put on a shirt whore!”
“you’re literally wearing the skimpiest bikini ever, slut!” rafe called back, used to your usual antics.
you gasped, “i’m gonna let you burn until your skin flakes off.” you threatened, smacking the blonde’s back causing him to grunt.
“do it then.” he challenged, knowing you would never let him suffer such pain. responding in a sigh you stayed quiet as you gave in and covered his freckled back with spf. “how come you can practically be naked while i can’t even take my shirt off.”
“because,” you massaged the sunscreen into rafe’s tense muscles, “i’m super hot and sexy and i have an even hotter and sexier, jacked, six foot something boyfriend who can fight. unfortunately for him, my manicures matter to me too much to wanna ruin them. that and i can't fight for shit. okayyy my turnnn!”
you quickly handed rafe the expensive ass tanning oil you begged him for. according to you, it worked wayyy quicker than the typical drugstore oils that had barely even tinted your naturally tan skin plus it even had skin benefits or some bullshit.
rafe only hummed, before switching places with you. he poured the greasy oil into his hands, rubbing them together. he scoffed, not believing he had spent nearly 100 dollars on the oil. not that it had hurt his wallet or anything, he just didn’t understand what the big deal was. regardless he bought it for you just to see the smile he loved so dearly.
large hands began messily roaming your back. rafe made sure to get every nook and cranny of your back, partly because he wanted to protect you from the sun, but mostly because he would take whatever chance he could to touch you.
“want me to help you with your front too?” rafe asked ever so kindly, but you looked back at him to see him with the biggest smirk on his face that immediately let you know this generous offer was nowhere as innocent as it seems. he raised his eyebrows, eager for a response.
“fine, but don’t be nasty.” you turned back around, patiently waiting for rafe as you watched the waves crash.
“yea yea, whatever you want.” rafe muttered. you didn’t have to see your boyfriend to know that he had the biggest smile on his face, with no intention of staying true to his word.
bonus a/n: originally, this was supposed to be a bit longer, i was gonna write them in the water just bullying each other but then it became really suggestive and like i scrapped it.
i write to have a lil rafe cameron fluff in the sea of smuts and angst 😓 and yet here i was, close to unintentionally writing smut !!! beyondddd ashamed of myself. but no hate to smut writers, i love u freaks 🙂↕️
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
AN: heads up, next post is NSFW so it will be broken up into "two parts" (even though it's one post). First part is the SFW part which will post on tumblr as normal, and the rest will be on Pillowfort which will be linked to the post. I'll drop a formal TW/CW before the post drops tomorrow he he
Transcript under the cut
Nancy Narrates: [There was a certain feeling that arose within me when I saw her name on properties around the city; it stirred a mix of both anger and desire]
Nancy Narrates: [If I was going to revel in the satisfaction of her loss to me, I knew I would have to put in twice the work, even if it came at a price]
Geoffrey: Go, Johnny! Go! Keep pushing!
Bob: You got it, kid! Bring it home!
Geoffrey: YEEEAAH! That’s my boy! That’s my son!
Bob: Whoa! Kid’s a natural athlete!
Jonathan: I-I made it? I made it! I did it!
Jonathan: Mom! Mom, I made my first goal! Mom!
Nancy: I guaranteed to Mayor Dreamer that I could cut cost 20%. We have 15 days left before the bid is awarded. We need to make this happen!
Malcolm: Mommy, come look at my sketches! I made a big house, just like you-
Nancy: I can’t keep burning daylight waiting for answers- one second. Malcolm, not now. Mommy is busy.
Malcolm: [whines] But you’re always busy! I want you to look at it right now!
Nancy: [groans] Please, no whining. Spare Mommy for a moment, please? Give me an hour.
Malcolm: [huffs] One hour!
Nancy: One hour.
Malcolm: It’s been exactly one hour, lady! Mommy? Heeyy...are you sleeping?
Nancy: She thinks she can best me at my own game? I’ve prepared my whole life for this, I refuse to let some second rate nothing firm challenge me.
Nancy: And I’ve research her work, her designs are horrid. She’s a brutalist. Of course she is. Anyone can put no effort into a tacky, soulless desolate building and slap a sale price on it. It requires no talent which she clearly lacks.
Geoffrey: Nance. [huffs] Listen, I love hearing about your day, but when I asked how you would like to celebrate our 10 year anniversary, you said you'd be busy with the Dreamer Project, which I understand, but when I asked could we make arrangements after, you went on a tangent about Lily Feng for 45 minutes.
Nancy: D-did I? ...I’m sorry.
Geoffrey: I know I married a passionate woman. It’s just, you have to find a balance with these things. You have to make room for the boys and for me.
Geoffrey: Johnny is feeling sore about you missing his big shot at his game.
Nancy: But I didn’t miss it. I was there!
Geoffrey: There’s being there, and then there’s being there, you know?
Nancy: God, I’m making such a mess of this. I’ll make it up to him. Perhaps... we can make a thing of it, our anniversary. We can take a trip with the boys.
Geoffrey: I’d love that. Baby, I don’t mean to make you feel bad-
Nancy: No, you were right to. I’m getting too carried away.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] I don’t know why you’re so worried, we all know you’ll win.
From: Nancy Landgraab ([email protected]) 3 more days until I’m awarded the bid. I may have a janitorial position open for you if you ask me nicely for it.
From: Lily Feng ([email protected]) Up so late thinking about me, are you? I guess we’ll see who ends up begging on their knees for work, Landgraab.
Assistant: Mrs. Landgraab, the site manager from Tomarang returned your call. He’s on line one. He also has his translator on the line as well.
Nancy Narrates: [I was going to win. Fortunately for me, money was a language spoken everywhere and I had plenty of it]
Lily: [speaking in Tomarangi]
Victor: I need to speak with you. It’s urgent.
Lily: [scoffs, laughs] More important than the needs of our clients here?
Victor: It’s about the Dreamer Project and the Landgraabs.
Victor: The contractors pulled out. They were paid off.
Lily: Fuck! This cannot happen, Victor! The fucking proposal is due in 24 hours! Where the hell are we going to get the cheap labor and materials?!
Victor: We can’t! We’re screwed!
Lily: So... so she won? Is that it?
Victor: Won? Are you serious? Damn it, Lily! You and this- this game of yours will ruin us! We needed this!
Lily: [murmurs] She- actually beat me?
#the art of being seen#tw mild sim spice#the landgraabs#Nancy Landgraab#Lily Feng#Geoffrey Landgraab#Johnny Zest#Malcolm Landgraab#sims 4 simblr#ts4 simblr#sims 4 stories#sims 4#sims 4 community
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How the boys (mafia Steve and Bucky) gonna apologize When they forget a date night with you? 🥺
The Fun Game // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
+ wattpad request: "Reader is relaxing and doing yoga, stretching provocatively and Bucky/Steve decide to help".
A/N: this is just pure smut, please enjoy! (and thank you for the requests)
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, bdsm, dom/sub, teasing, begging, size kink/difference, bratty behaviour, masturbation, sex toys (vibrator/butt plug), manhandling, ripping clothes, oral (f and m receiving), rough sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, sir kink, daddy kink, praise kink, sex on a car, possessive, anal, cum as lube, subspace, aftercare
Words: 7k
my masterlist ���� AO3 Link
The minutes ticked by slowly, the tension had been growing with each tick of the clock, finishing yet another glass of water that had been served by the waitress. Glancing at your phone one more time, the laugh bubbled in your throat with just how late it was getting, it was almost becoming embarrassing with the length of time you’d been waiting.
Two hours. Two whole hours you’d been left waiting for Steve and Bucky to join. Thankfully you weren’t on your own as Sam your bodyguard had been stationed to stay by your side until Steve and/or Bucky was with you.
“They’ve forgotten”, you insisted to Sam with a calm smile etched on your face.
“I wouldn’t say that, I mean maybe…” Sam was unable to think of an excuse for his bosses, coming up empty and finally lifting his shoulders in defeat.
“It’s ok to say they’ve forgotten”.
Sam sighs and smiles to match your own, “Yeah ok, they’ve forgotten about your date but, it is the first time and they’ve been busy recently”.
This was very true and one of the main reasons why you weren’t in the slightest bit angry with them. The only annoying thing was that you were all dressed up to come out but now wanted nothing more than to go home if they weren’t joining. Glancing down at your short dress and heels, you pondered on a small idea, maybe you could use it to your advantage after all.
“I know for a fact that smile means you’re planning something”, Sam observed, squinting his eyes slightly in an untrusting manner.
Taking another slow sip of your water, you pretended to not know what he was referring to, “I don't know what you mean, Sam”.
Instead of returning home, you asked Sam to take you to the office which was undoubtedly where Steve and Bucky would be. Throughout the journey, you contemplated your plan for payback.
Knowing them, they would be apologetic and beg for your forgiveness and even that thought alone had you twitching in the seat, the imaginary devil on your shoulder laughing with more ideas as to just how long you could string this out for. Nothing drastic, just a little tease here and there wouldn’t hurt anyone, they needed to understand just how much effort you’d put into getting dressed up tonight, just for them!
Sam opened the office door for you, leading into the main meeting room where Steve and Bucky were currently sitting at the vast table that was large enough to sit 10 people, a multitude of papers, phones, coffee cups and laptops haphazardly scattered across the top.
Making sure your heels snapped louder against the wooden floor, you walked further into the room, half aware that Sam had shut the door, leaving the three of you alone. Steve didn’t look up from the report he was reading on his laptop screen as he turned his swivel chair slightly towards you. “Hey baby, I didn’t think we would be seeing you this late. Everything ok-?”
Steve finally glanced away from the screen as you stood next to his chair, looking down with a quiet calm, watching as his eyes widened slightly, looking up and down your body, appreciating every little detail about your outfit. Raising one eyebrow in a silent question before displaying a cocky smirk. You laughed internally, he obviously thought you’d dressed up just for them which you had but not in the way he was thinking.
From across the table, Bucky too finally looked up, a low whistling leaving his lips, “And what did we do to get such a fine mama this evening?”
You don’t answer, just instead giving them a simple smile but tighten your gaze, turning to look between Bucky and Steve. The latter of which seemed to click on first, quickly grabbing his phone to look at the date and time before resting his head on his palm.
“Yes, shit indeed”. Your tone came out clipped, following along with your plan.
The brunette across from Steve still looked confused as he glanced between his boss and his girl, finally asking, “What am I missing here?”
Steve slumped back in his seat, the leather squeaking slightly as he rubbed a hand over his face, saying the name of the restaurant's name that you’d been sitting in for over two hours, waiting for them.
“But that’s tomorrow”.
“No… no, it was today.”
Finally deciding to speak, you crossed your arms over your chest, looking between them both. “Yes it was in fact today. It’s a good thing that I had Sam with me, otherwise that could have been mortifying”. You held the smile on your face to not look as angry with them.
It was now Bucky’s turn to drop the pen in his hand and swear to himself. It was the blond gang leader’s actions that had you watching him closely however, as he pushed his chair back, standing in front of you, even with heels on, you only reached his shoulders in height, head tilted back to look at him.
You kept the smile on your face, but you were having to bite the inside of your cheek to stop from outright grinning up at him, wanting to go along with your plan for longer but it was hard keeping up the teasing game when all you ever wanted to do whilst around them was to jump into their arms.
For once in your life, you saw uncertainty in Steve’s eyes as he wasn’t sure whether to hold your hand, cup your jaw or pull you into a kiss. Instead, he bent down to lay an apologetic, gentle kiss against your cheek, “I’m so sorry baby, you look beautiful”.
“I know”, you responded smugly before tugging uncomfortably on the edge of the dress that tightly curved over your breasts. “But, it is starting to get a little uncomfy, it’s been on for so long now, if only there was someone to take it off”.
Steve and Bucky’s sad puppy dog expressions turned into sultry smirks, liking the way in which this conversation was going.
“Oh I know someone that would be more than happy to take it off for you”, Steve’s voice was deep and gruff as his hands rested against your hips, trailing around to the back towards the zipper.
What he hadn’t anticipated was you taking a step back out of his grasp, your ever-growing smug smile piercing your face. “Oh it’s fine, I’m just going to get changed in the bathroom”, you casually state, brushing past him to the private bathroom in Steve’s office.
“If this is punishment for missing dinner, I don’t like it” Bucky shouts as he watched you walk away, paying particular attention to the way your hips swayed.
Quickly shutting the bathroom door, you had to bite your lip from laughing out loud at their dumbstruck faces, maybe this teasing game could be more fun than you’d initially anticipated. Looking around the bathroom, you did actually get changed into the joggers and top that were always kept here in case one of them ripped your clothes or for instances like today and you wanted to be in something more comfortable.
Steve was sitting back in his chair as you returned, carrying the dress and heels, your bare feet now padding across the wooden floor. They both looked up as you walked closer, smiling nicely at them both.
“How much longer do you think you’ll need?” you asked, placing your clothes on the table.
“Not much longer, maybe an hour, you can come and sit with me whilst you wait if you like-” Bucky offered, holding out a hopeful arm, giving space for you to climb into his lap but once again you were quick to cut him off.
“Oh no it’s ok, I’ll get Sam to drive me home, I’ll see you both in a bit”. You felt bad for a moment at the look of sadness that passed over Bucky’s face as he dropped his arm. Not wanting him to feel too bad about missing the date, you quickly approached him, kissing his cheek before rushing to the door, glancing back only to wink at Steve who was watching you with a knowing smirk on his face that had your cheeks warming and rushing out of the door.
As you arrived home, you were ready to move onto the next stage of your plan, stripping down until you were bare and climbing into bed, holding your phone tightly.
Opening up the group chat, you sent a picture of your naked legs in the middle of the bed with the caption: ‘It’s so cold in this bed’.
You found yourself laughing as not even 10 seconds later Bucky was responding with his own text: ‘We’re on our way home’. You really had these boys wrapped around your little fingers.
Quickly placing your phone onto the side, you continued on with your deviant teasing game, reaching into the bedside drawer for the special gift that Steve had given you for your birthday. A beautiful rosegold vibrator, which you eagerly placed between your legs, already pent up with images and thoughts of all the things the boys could do to you when they were home.
Just as your second orgasm pulsed through your body, did the sound of the front door opening reach your ears. Whilst trying to catch your breath, lazily you placed the vibrator back into the bedside drawer, making sure to be slow enough that as Steve and Bucky walked through the bedroom door, they saw what you’d used.
Not that it would take a genius to notice your antics however with the subtle scent in the air, and most importantly, the way you looked, still buzzed from the orgasms, knees bent up. They definitely knew.
“You did it without us?” Bucky asked shocked. It was actually the first time you’d masturbated without them being there, usually, they liked to watch at the bottom of the bed like you were their own personal show for them to watch.
“Well, I wasn’t going to wait for you again”. Steve rolled his eyes, reaching the edge of the large bed and grasping both of your ankles, tugging them both until you were at the edge of the bed, legs now hanging on either side of his body as he towered over you.
Leaning both of his fists next to your head, he dipped his head low. Your eyes were wide as you watched him, finding his dominant stare both intimidating and yet thrilling. “I know this little cat and mice game that you’re playing, baby girl”.
“I don’t know what you mean”, you responded nonchalantly.
Steve wasn’t settling for this however as he gripped your cheeks to force you to look up at him. “You know exactly what you’re doing, now let me ask, do you want us to beg? Because I will, I’ll get on my hands and knees and beg if that’s what you want”.
Maybe you should have anticipated this reaction because the small whine that left your mouth with the mere thought of Steve on his knees before you, begging you, was enough to have you contemplating ending this game, especially as he gently thrust his hips so you could feel just how hard he was.
If he carried on looking at you like that for much longer, you knew you’d lose the game so instead of continuing to play along, you did the only option that you could get away with and rolled over, shifting out of his makeshift cage and crawling back up the bed. “I’m not playing anything, I just want to go to sleep, goodnight”.
You added a yawn for more effect as you lay on your side in the middle of the bed, closing your eyes and pretending to go to sleep. Even though there was nothing that you’d wanted more than to let them snap and fuck you all night, there was also the new plan to see just how far you could go with them both before they snapped completely.
This was the only thought keeping you from reaching out for them as they both sighed and began to undress for bed, realising they’d been played massively into returning back early even though they were busy. As Steve and Bbucky clambered into the bed, laying on either side and moving in close, their bodies wrapping around yours.
The evidence of your teasing was very clear as you felt both of their very prominent erections brushing against your naked skin but both respected your wishes, even though it took you a lot longer to sleep as your mind kept drifting back to the cocks that you so desperately wanted to ride but eventually, the three of you managed to fall into a peaceful sleep.
Steve was the first to wake in the morning, his arm slung over your hips, holding you close to his front. His cock was just as hard as it had been that night, in his half-asleep state, he idly thrust into your lower back, kissing gently against your shoulder.
The touches were soft, you could feel the warmth of the precum spreading across your skin, moaning into his touch, momentarily lost in everything he was willing to give you.
“Steve…”, you muttered under your breath, rolling your hips back against his, feeling his cock throb at the touch. Steve smiled against your skin, shifting his hips further down the bed and easing one of your legs up, giving him the perfect position to slip his cock in as it teased at your soaked entrance.
“What do you want baby?” he asked huskily into your head, his nose running along the length of your throat as your fingers reached back to stroke through his hair.
Opening your mouth, you were about to say that you wanted him to fuck you but as Bucky moved onto his side, kissing your temple and planning on watching Steve fuck you, it all came flooding back. Now you had to make the ultimate sacrifice, let Steve have his way with you, and lose the game you had been playing, or get out of bed and see just how far you could really push Steve and Bucky.
“I want to go to the toilet”, you answered Steve’s question louder, pulling your leg out of his grip and beginning to climb over Bucky who looked wildly confused by the abrupt ending.
“What the fuck?!” Bucky shouted as Steve turned to groan into the pillow. You almost felt bad as you turned back, Steve’s cock was throbbing with need and so was Bucky’s from what you could see from where he lay on his side.
“What? I need the toilet! Can’t be upset with me about that!” and with that, you shut the door, silently screaming into your hand with how horny you were feeling and already regretting coming into the toilet. How much longer were you really going to keep this game going? You didn’t plan on it lasting for much longer and to be honest, you were surprised that neither Steve nor Bucky had decided to hold you to the bed and have their way with you, something you desperately wanted them to do.
The control over the situation was something you were thoroughly enjoying, however, even if you were so incredibly damp between your legs that it was uncomfortable. Contemplating for a while as you washed and prepared for the day, maybe you just needed to think outside of the box, what would really have them snapping?
Exiting the bathroom, the bedroom was now empty of boyfriends as you could faintly hear them talking downstairs. Trying to decide what to wear today, the bedside drawer caught your eye and a delicious plan formed in your head.
You felt almost giddy with excitement as you stared in the mirror a little while later, especially looking at your arse, Steve and Bucky really knew the right gifts to buy. Bucky had purchased some leggings for you that shaped and lifted your arse and every time you wore them his eyes would almost bulge out of his head, they left nothing to the imagination which was perfect for the second gift that you were wearing. Steve for your anniversary had gifted you a silver butt plug, with a bright blue gem that matched the shades of his eyes. It had taken some prep but it was now delicately inside your arse and if you bent over, the outline of the gem was very much visible to anyone standing behind. Oh, this was going to be a lot of fun.
Making your way downstairs, it felt strange with the object between your legs shifting with each movement. You smiled softly at the sight that welcomed you into the kitchen. Even though neither Steve nor Bucky was there, they’d arranged a lovely breakfast, with the addition of a candle and a note courtesy of Bucky: ‘We’re outside beautiful, enjoy your breakfast x’.
Your heart filled with warmth and love, even though you’d been teasing them, they still looked after you, and now you were even more excited for the following few hours. Taking your time to eat your breakfast and giving it time to settle, you finally joined them outside to a sight that had you drooling.
Steve and Bucky were both in the garage, the boss leaning over his car to fix something under the hood and Bucky squatting next to his bike but it wasn’t this that had your eyes unblinking, flicking between them both. No, it seemed they were doing their own little game as well as neither was wearing tops and seemed to be covered in a suspicious amount of grease and dirt that had your thighs clenching at the way their muscles gleamed in the light.
Bucky noticed you first, stopping what he was doing to take in your appearance, eyes hovering over the leggings and with the shake of his head, he knew he was in for a long day. Noticing Bucky’s movements, Steve looked over his shoulder, turning and leaning against his car, folding his muscled arms over his chest, sweat slowly dripping over his abs from the warm weather outside, even though you were all shaded inside the garage.
“So we’re continuing this game as we still?” Steve asked casually, his own eyes wandering over your body.
“I don’t know what you mean Steve. Thank you for breakfast, by the way, it was yummy as usual”.
“No problem, anything for you”.
Steve knew exactly how to make you nervous as you dropped your face to hide the giddy smile on your face, losing a little bit of nerve as both of them stared at you with grins. “Can I do some yoga here please? I don’t want to do it alone in the house”.
“Of course you can Doll”, Bucky answered, wiping his dirty fingers on a cloth. The three of you tentatively began to move, both men returning to their work whilst you laid out the yoga mat that you’d bought out with you, trying to ignore the glances they were both making in your direction.
Facing towards them, you did spend a little time stretching out your muscles, hopefully, if this all went to plan the stretching would only be an aid with the way they often liked to position you.
Checking that both men were still working, you turned towards the exit, and bent over, reaching for your toes, you were less than halfway down when a crash sounded from behind you, followed by Bucky cursing.
“You’ve got to be kidding”, he muttered mostly to himself but it caught Steve’s attention as he looked to his friend asking for answers.
But Bucky wasn’t listening, no, he was already on his feet and marching over to where you now stood facing him, biting your lip to try and hide your gleeful smile. Much like Steve, Bucky towered over you, his shoulders broad enough that it hide your form from Steve’s eyes.
“Is that what I think it is?” he asked, his voice low. Bucky almost looked like a predator with his intense gaze, and you were his prey.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about���, you answer innocently.
“Oh yeah, I'm sure you don't. How about you show me that move again”, his smirk was enough to have your heart beating faster in anticipation. Steve was also beginning to walk over now, giving you his full attention as he waited to see what the fuss is about.
“You’re being slightly dramatic today Buckaroo”, you try and sass but it only caused his head to tilt to the side, eyes unblinking.
“Bend over”, his voice held more authority now that only seemed to go straight to your core, your hole clenching around nothing.
“Ask nicely”, your voice was sultry, holding his eye contact, really pushing the lines between being a brat and teasing.
“You’re making me lose my patience”, his words were strong but his actions were soft as he stroked a finger down your cheek, ducking his head so his lips hovered over yours. “Please”, he added for emphasis.
Unable to think of any retort, you turned away from the both of them, feeling them take a step back to watch as ever so slowly reached forward towards the floor. Bucky was the first to squat, his eyes now level with your arse, and your whole body was warm as they both swore at the right before them.
Bucky’s thumb reached forward to brush against the outline of the butt plug, “I knew I saw something”.
He didn’t make a move to do anything at first, instead looking up to his boss and best friend, waiting for a decision. Steve’s eyes were dark as he looked at your little plan, making the decision for everyone as he leaned down to grip the flimsy material of your leggings and effortlessly ripped them down the seam, completely exposing your arse and cunt to them.
“They were my favourite pair of leggings!” you half-shouted whilst trying to keep yourself from toppling over. Neither of your boyfriends was listening at all, however, not when they were staring at just how wet you were now, the gleaming jewelled plug teasing them.
“Sit on my face, right now”, Bucky growled.
He didn’t bother to respond, pushing gently against the back of your knees, forcing your body to drop on them, onto the yoga mat that he had quickly led down on positioned between your legs. Both of his hands were then tugging on your hips, pulling your body down until your cunt was resting against his lips.
Instantly his tongue was pushing into your folds, lapping up every drop of liquid that you’d produced, almost like a starved man, moaning as you coated his mouth with your sweet taste. Bucky was relentless, moving back and forth between sticking his warm tongue into your cunt to moving it up to circle and edge your clit before sucking it into his mouth. You were almost seeing stars with how good it felt, looking down between your legs, gripping his hair and shifting your hips to ride his face, which only caused his chin to nudge against the butt plug but that only added to the sensation.
It felt good to finally be touched there and it was well worth it with the way that Bucky seemingly couldn’t get enough of your pussy.
Steve walked around the two of you until he was in front, blocking your view of the outside. His fingers grasped your chin, forcing you to look up at him rather than at Bucky, whose name you were chanting frantically but now Steve was in front of you, there was nothing that you wanted more than to taste him.
Releasing your grip on Bucky’s hair, you reached forward to try and pull the waistband of Steve’s joggers down but he simply held your wrists away, smirking down with arrogance at keeping away what you wanted so badly. “Why do you think I should give you what you wanted after being such a tease?”
“Because you left me in the restaurant on my own, so give me your cock…sir”, you added for good measure, moaning between every other word as Bucky was rubbing his nose against your clit as his tongue pushed further into your cunt.
You knew you’d won the argument with the way Steve’s eyes softened slightly, his grip loosening enough for you to quickly pull down his joggers. His proud cock throbbed as it was released from its confines and you marvelled at its beauty for a second, making sure to pull his balls out as well before firmly gripping the base.
Working in tandem with Bucky, every time his tongue would graze over your clit, you would lick the tip of Steve’s cock, tasting the salty precum, loving the way he would gasp as your tongue flicked on the sensitive underside. But then as he moved back down and breached your walls, you would attempt to take as much of Steve’s length into your mouth, sucking as you moved and stopping only when you were gagging.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby, just like that”, Steve’s praises were causing your cunt to clench, feeling more courageous with each bob of your head to take his veiny cock further down your throat.
Steve was moaning just as loudly as you were, his hands resting gently on your head, his eyes unmoving from yours as you looked up at him but then the sudden rush and tightening in your abdomen had your eyes clenching closed, pulling back on his cock until only the tip was laying on your tongue.
Your moans filled the air, hips frantically riding against Bucky’s face, fingers gripping into Steve’s thighs to keep yourself up as your orgasm took your breath away, having been so pent up it was a welcome relief. The waves of pleasure had your mind in a momentary blank state, thighs trembling around Bucky's head.
“Breath baby”, Steve reminded you, his hand gently cupping your jaw to ease you away from his cock so you could breathe through your mouth, the rush of air blissful. You were gasping for air as your body calmed from the orgasm, leaving your blood pumping hard and your skin buzzing.
When you felt more aware of your surroundings once more, your eyes opened to look up at Steve, reaching forward to lick his member but he stopped you by taking a step back. “But I want you…”.
Steve's eyes trailed down your body at your desperate tone, stopping his journey as he looked at Bucky who was sitting waiting for the next move, wanting nothing more than to delve straight back into his feast but knowing Steve, he would want a taste of the action.
He was correct as he held out a rough, dirt-covered hand for yours to take. Helping you to steady yourself on wobbly legs, Bucky jumped to his feet behind you and it was almost like they’d had a silent conversation as they both began to easily tear through your remaining clothes and you didn’t even have the energy to moan about the waste of material.
They left you in only your trainers and nothing more, even though it was a warm day you still felt chilled by the sudden exposure. Steve didn’t give you time to adjust though before picking you up, his hands massaging the globes of your arse cheeks as your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, glazing over the muscles.
The sensation of movement was felt as he walked across the garage but you didn’t open your eyes as he kissed you breathlessly, tongue daring to slip between your lips, dancing and twisting with your own. You held onto him tighter, becoming lost in his mouth, saliva swapping, breath fanning across each other's skin, noses almost bruising with how hard they were pressing into each other's cheeks.
The sound of the hood of Steve’s car slamming shut didn’t even deter you from Steve’s mouth. It was only as he began to lower you back to your feet, kissing one more chaste kiss, tugging your bottom lip back between his teeth and watching it snap back with a ‘pop’, that you realised his intentions. His calloused fingers rested against your hips, turning you around and bending your upper body onto the hood of his car, the metal almost too cold against your bare breasts but you didn’t complain, simply just lay there waiting for whatever they had planned.
Steve and Bucky just admired your body for a moment. Seeing you pressed over the car, ass perked in the air for everyone to see the jewelled butt plug, your cunt coated in Bucky’s spit and your juices. Glancing over your shoulder, you could see them both touching themselves, Bucky having now pulled his own joggers down until they were mid-thigh, revealing his just as hard cock that had a drip of precum dripping from the end.
Just as you were about to beg for them to touch you, Steve proceeded to stroke from the top of your neck, all the way down your sign, causing goosebumps and a shiver to brush over your skin, not stopping until he reached the sex toy.
“Oh how could we ever leave out pretty girl alone in that restaurant, what were we thinking?” he muttered, lips parted as you moaned as he gently tugged on the toy, not removing it but just teasing your hole. “Do you know what we would have done if we had turned up to that restaurant and seen you all dolled up like that? We would have bent you over the table in front of everyone and shown them exactly who you belonged to and absolutely fucking worshipped your body”.
Steve had the tendency to be an exhibitionist so you had no doubt in your mind that he would definitely have done that yesterday. You groaned at the thought, and pushed your hips back against his hand, wishing for him to touch you more. “Please…”.
“Shh it’s ok baby, I can see how touch-starved you are. Bring your leg up here sweetheart, that’s it. I’m going to make you feel so good”. Steve helped to lift your leg onto the hood of the car, opening up the area between your legs further. Bucky then stepped forward beside the car, easing both of your hands into one of his, holding them above your head onto the car, and the other hand held up your leg as his lips kissed along your shoulders.
At the same time, Steve was contemplating just what to do with you, ultimately deciding on inching his cock into your cunt. “Fuck, you’re so tight!”, he gasped, loving that he could feel the outline of the plug through your walls and the way you clenched around his harsher at his words.
Steve took a minute for you to adjust, not wanting it to be painful for you before pulling out halfway and then sliding back in, resting one hand on your hip, he leaned his weight on the hand that rested next to your head.
“You’re so big”, you mewled, eyes closed, taking in every sensation from being held down, the metal you were leaning on, the exposure of being outside of the house fucking, the plug that shifted slightly with each of the slow, long thrusts from the man hunched over you.
Steve remained with those calculated strokes of his cock inside of you, never once changing his speed, even after you began begging for it. Even though they were in a way apologising for missing the dinner, you also had been a sassy brat, only getting away with it for so long before you needed reminding who was really in charge.
With his slower pace, you could feel your orgasm building with each fuck into your body, your core tensing as everything felt high and euphoric. “Please can I cum, sir?”
“Yeah, cum for me baby”, Steve was feeling generous and you had been taking him so well.
“Thank you, thank you”, you repeated as that tension finally snapped, your cunt fluttering around him. Steve praised you through your orgasm, making sure you knew exactly who you belonged to before slowing his pace until completely stopping, allowing you once more to get your bearings.
“You’re going to listen to me closely now baby. Are you comfortable here? Because I’m going to fuck you for as long as I want until I’m cuming in this perfect tight pussy and after, Buck over here is going to take out this little present you have here”, he pulled gently on the butt plug, “and he's going to do the same, fuck you, against my car until you’re fucking ruined. Do I make myself clear?”
It felt like you weren’t even breathing. When you had hoped they would snap, this was exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
“Yes sir”.
Steve kissed your back delicately at your words, the same as Bucky with the hands that he still held down on the car. Steve had to clarify one more thing before continuing with his plans. “Do you remember your safe words in case you need to stop or have a break?”
“The colour code, sir”.
“Good girl”.
Those were his last words for a while, not that you’d be able to hear over the sound of pounding in your ears as he turned almost feral, fucking you hard and fast, releasing any restraint that he previously had. Steve’s grip was almost bruising against your hip but you didn’t care, only focusing on the blinding pleasure that came from his unfiltered thrusts, each one causing your body to push further into the car, the sounds of your moans and hips slapping echoed around the garage.
At one point you had begun to cry with how good it felt, but also because Bucky had refused to let you move your hands to try and toss his cock off.
“Please let me touch you”, you’d begged but he only smirked down at your pathetic state, nearly succumbing as your wide eyes looked up at him.
However he kept your hands still firmly pressed to the car, “No honey, just concentrate on the Boss here, I’ll have my turn soon enough sweetheart.”
You just wanted to make him feel as good as you felt as another orgasm rippled through you, causing your leg which was holding your body up, to slip. But Steve’s hips were now just taking the brunt of your weight, holding you up effortlessly.
Time seemed to stop for you as Steve’s hand slammed down on the metal that you were leaning on, his forehead resting against your back as he finally found his own pleasurable orgasm, your name spilling from his lip like a thankful prayer. Kissing along your back a few times as he eased his cock out, his cum spilling down your thigh, he made sure to check in with you before moving.
“What’s your colour, baby?”
“Green, sir”.
“That’s a good girl”, he praised before pulling off, replacing Bucky’s hands from where they held your hands and leg up. You almost slipped off with no one behind you, holding up your body, the sweat and tears coating your body now causing it to be slipping but Bucky was swift to stand between your legs.
“I’ve got you, mama. I’m going to need you to keep talking to me during this bit, ok?”
“Yes, sir”. He smiled at how well you were responding, slightly surprised that you hadn’t become a bit spacey yet but thankful for what he had to do, needing you to be level-headed so as to not cause any injuries. Even though the three of you had done this countless times, it was still something that needed to be prepped for, Bucky and Steve weren’t exactly small in size.
“Tell me if you need to stop”, Bucky encouraged as he gripped the edge of the Jewel, slowly beginning to ease it out, loving the view of your asshole stretching over the silver, with your dripping pussy just beneath. You didn’t tell Bucky to stop, loving the sensation as it got to the thickest girth before slipping right out, you released a heavy sigh at feeling empty. “Well done hot mama”.
Bucky then looked at his fingers, still coated in dirt and grease from where he was fixing the bike. Not wanting to mess up his pretty girls inside, he began to suck his fingers clean, spitting out the dirt onto the floor before pushing two fingers into your asshole.
“Ahhh!” you half gasped and moaned, leaning your forehead against the car, hips bucking back into the fingers, wanting and needing more. “More please, I can take it”.
“Ok, here we go”, Bucky added another finger, tongue sticking out slightly with his smirk at how you were responding to his touch, feeling full of his long, thick fingers.
“Feels so good, I can take it, please”, you glanced over your shoulder at Bucky, not wanting to wait anymore to feel his throbbing cock. The brunette nodded, feeling that you were ready as well, moving his hips closer as he removed his fingers, just about to spit when he had another idea.
“Just going to get my cock wet for you”, he explained, moving his cock south and pushing into your cunt once, pulling out and now he was covered in both your juices and Steve’s cum. “Perfect”.
You were moaning desperately now as he began to gently push into your ass, keeping a strong grip on your hips as you tried to buck back into him but again, he didn’t want you to be hurt, keeping it steady until felt like he was impossibly deep.
“Breath for me Doll, I’m not going to move until you nod your head”.
His words helped to ground you once more, taking a few steady breaths as Steve stroked his fingers against your scalp, also helping to keep you calm and not overwhelmed. Feeling the muscles over your body begin to relax, you nodded your head happily.
Much like Steve, Bucky fucked you slowly, still being cautious with his strokes but before long, he was fucking you just as hard. You were lost in endless pleasure, finally thankful for being held down as you felt completely limp, sure that if Steve and Bucky moved, you’d collapse to the floor with no attempt to stop yourself.
“Fuck you feel so good, you’re taking me so well”, Bucky praised between thrusts, feeling your hole clenching desperately through yet another orgasm. They were all starting to just spill one into another as he didn’t stop his pounding.
“Nearly there Doll, just a little bit longer, fuck that’s it”.
Bucky continued to talk to you but there was a faint buzz filling your mind, no longer were you able to form words as just a constant stream of mewls and moans streamed out of your mouth. Everything just felt so good, Bucky's cock, Steve’s fingers, even the coolness of his cum against your thighs felt good.
Much like Steve, Bucky slammed his metal hand down onto the hood of the car, the metal bending and creaking as he finally came, hard. His knees even wobbled slightly as he pumped your asshole full of his hot seed, leaving a trail of kisses up your damp back as he shot his final spurt.
“You still with me?” he asked quietly into your eyes, observing that your eyes were closed.
“I’m still with you, Daddy”, you responded, your voice sounding light and gentle. Steve and Bucky glanced at each other, anticipating this, it usually happened after a hard fuck.
“Good girl, you did so well for us. We’re going to look after you, ok?” Steve calmly informed, not waiting for you to respond before massaging your limbs. You’d been held in this position for so long that you were feeling very achy and sore so the two of them made sure to rub over your body as slowly moved each of your arms, shushing as you released little whines at being moved.
Eventually, Steve was able to pick you up into his arms, your head lolling onto his shoulder, cum and other bodily fluids dripping from between your legs. He kissed your forehead tenderly as you attempted to nuzzle into his warmth but were unable to do so with how weak you were feeling.
Bucky picked up the discarded butt plug, both mafia members looking at the wrecked hood of the car with dents and scratches in the paint, especially from where Bucky’s hand had been.
“You’re paying for that”, Steve remarked before beginning to walk back towards the house.
“Oh, I’m sure I will”, Bucky laughed, following his best friend into the cooler home. The two of them took you straight up to the bathroom, resting you in the tub, filling it with luke warm water and making sure that your head didn’t slip under the water as they cleaned your body.
The warmth helped with the control of your body to come back as eventually, you opened your eyes to look at them both, cheeks warming at their loving stares having been watching you rest. Bucky leaned over the bathtub edge to peck your cheek.
“How are you feeling?” the second-in-command asked, his metal hand reaching into the water to hold your hand which you gladly squeezed back.
“Very good, a little tired and kinda hungry”. Bucky looked more relieved to hear this, glad to hear you weren’t feeling spacey anymore as you didn’t refer to him as ‘daddy’.
“I’d actually rebooked to return to that restaurant again tonight if you wanted to”, Steve asked quietly, a slight twinkle in his eye as he observed your hesitance, already knowing that you’d be too tired to go. “We’ll go another time, I was hoping to make up for our blunder yesterday, we’ll order takeout instead, how does that sound?”
“Perfect. You’ve also more than made up for last night”, you replied with a smile.
#mafia!steve rogers#mafia!stucky#mafia!bucky#steve rogers#bucky#bucky barnes#steve rogers smut#steve rogers one shot#bucky barnes smut#bucky smut#bucky barnes one shot#bucky one shot#marvel smut#marvel#mine*
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Be my valentine
Rafayel x reader
1.4k words
You try to ask Rafayel to be your valentine. The keyword is try.
A/N. First time I have written something for a holiday or event and actually managed to post it in time! Basically, I couldn't sleep, and Rafayel possessed me. Hope y'all enjoy!
My masterlist
Is this...rejection?
You'd spent some time planning it, even bribed Thomas to get Rafayel the day off. But when you and Rafayel arrived at your usual spot at the beach. He didn't seem to take note of the seagulls at all.
The seagulls you had somehow managed to train into landing in the right order so the letters you stuck to them would ask him to be your valentine. Now, you'd be the first to admit, the whole plan was a little crazy, but with your and Rafayel's history and connection to the seagulls choir, you'd thought it would be cute.
If it had been any more subtle, you might've believed he genuinely missed it. But it's quite hard to believe someone like Rafayel would not see the literal seagull choir the two of you were here to visit. So naturally, you had to assume he was letting you down easy.
Even being let down easy hurt. It completely blindsided you. You were absolutely certain something had been brewing between you and the artist. Hell, last time you'd spent time with him after wearing new perfume, he'd spent about an hour shoving his face against you to breathe you in. You were SO certain that crossed the line of platonic.
You start questioning if perhaps you'd been reading social interactions wrong your entire life, as next to you, Rafayel starts getting antsy.
"Cutie, as much as the sky is beautiful today and I would love to spend time staring at it with you, we should go get lunch now. Thomas' endless texting has tired me out, and I'm huungry. " He speaks, his tone light and whiney as always, and for a second, you consider him world's greatest actor.
You decide that what you felt for Rafayel combined with the effort you'd put into this plan was worth the risk of heartbreak, so in a final effort to get him to acknowledge you, you speak up.
"Don't you want to see your trusty choir first? They're right there behind you. I'm sure they've missed their conductor." You're not sure if you manage to keep your tone quite as light and playful as intended, desperation tinging the edges of your words, but you've spoken them, now he HAS to respond.
A pause, anticipation clogs your veins, and you practically feel your blood pressure rising. "...there's a boat ride with a buffet that might be nice today, since the weather is so nice and all."
Your eyebrows raise, the casual tone of his voice so steady that you almost start questioning if you even did bring it up at all. But the quick look he takes at you and the way he turns away tells you he is definitely doing this on purpose.
It was truly rejection then, your stomach twists and a buffet and a boat ride with Rafayel suddenly sound daunting. You could get over rejection, but maybe not within 10 minutes.
"Hmm, that sounds nice but I'm actually starting to feel a little off," you muse on your excuse "I think I might head home a little earlier than planned today, Rafayel, rain check?"
He turns to face you now, slowly. Eyes wide and brows furrowed, expression reminiscent of that time you gave him a single apple when he checked himself into the hospital. A mix between shock, offense, and a silent command to change your mind.
He grabs your wrist and starts pulling you along. His expression changes in a heartbeat, and it's like you never said anything.
"They apparently have like a super long waiting list, but I got in pretty easily. Guess being well known does have its perks after all, huh?" He keeps talking in that same casual tone of his, which is starting to frustrate you to no end.
"Rafayel, I get that a rain check for the boat might not be easy if it's like that, but I really need to go home." You plead, trying to pull yourself out of his grip but he just turns to you, gives you that same expression that you're convinced only Rafayel can make properly, and then keeps going like you never opened your mouth.
You're baffled at his behavior, and by the time you recover, the two of you are making your way onto the boat.
"Now, I'm going to need you to stop looking so surprised, cutie." He reaches out to gently smooth his fingers over the muscles of your brows, which you will admit are a little tense from how you've had them raised the entire way here. "I need you looking as cute as you always do for the pictures we're gonna take here."
It was one thing to completely ignore what was practically a confession, another to blatantly ignore your request to go home, but the audacity to tell you to not be surprised at his antics? That was too far.
He tries to pull you along again, but you hold steady. He shoots you a questioning look. As if you're the one acting out of the ordinary.
"Rafayel, I want to go home," and you're proud of yourself for standing on business, convinced there is no way for him to just ignore that. In your defense, he doesn't.
Instead, he huffs, his gorgeous features taking on that oh so familiar, annoyed expression. His response is a short "no, you don't" before he takes a step closer to you, only to link your arms and pull you along with the new leverage that gives him.
Then, before you know it, you're standing at the front of the boat as it slides through the water. With no way home except a very prolonged dive.
Rafayel entertains you, and the entire situation had been confusing enough to distract you from his blatant rejection, but now that his weird behavior seems to be settling, reality starts creeping in. You're stuck with him now, so you'll have to keep yourself together until you manage to get off this boat. How vexing.
His first cough doesn't shake you out of the deep thoughts you're in and neither does the second so, Rafayel resorts to nudging you with his elbow when a red fish surfaces with a bottle in its mouth.
You look at him, but he pointedly looks away, like he didn't just practically poke your ribs out. When you lean towards the railing, the fish jumps, and the bottle flies towards you.
You're not actually in the mood to catch it, but your hunter instincts kick in, and in the blink of an eye, the intricate glass bottle is in your hands. You can see a note neatly curled up and tied with a bow, resting inside it.
"Wow, cutie, those are some reflexes." Rafayel feigns being impressed and then presses on. "You should open it. You won the bottle's secrets fair and square once you saved its life."
You narrow your eyes at him. This could not possibly have been more obviously set up by him. Though you will say, his sheer determination to have things go his way is admirable.
You comply, already knowing the only other option was to face his huffing and puffing before then having to comply after all.
The cork takes more effort to open than you'd like, and Rafayel smiles fondly at the slight flush that rises on your face in result. Once you unroll the note, though, your eyes widen.
There, in Rafayel's eclectic handwriting are the very words you'd strung up on your seagulls.
A beat passes, and Rafayel looks at you expectantly. A cute expression on his face, and for a second, you are torn between accepting just to keep him looking like that and raining down righteous retribution on him.
You decide you'd do both. "Rafayel, of course I'll be your valentine, but did you really ha-" his lips halt yours before you could complain at all and you feel said complaints melting away.
The kiss is sweet, Rafayel brings you into his arms as he starts to deepen it, you'd always suspected he'd be a needy kisser, but he pulls away before he gets carried away.
"Sorry, cutie. Couldn't have you interfering with my plans though, you have no idea how long I've waited to make this move." His voice sounds breathy, and his eyes don't leave your lips. His words are so sweet you could almost ignore how he's pretending this was your fault. Almost.
Yet, you'll let it slide. Because as he leans in for another kiss, you just can't find it in yourself to be upset with him.
#also i know i said id fix my masterlist after the first thing i post but...#in my defense this one wasnt on the list mentioned!#anyways time for the plethora of tags#love and deepspace#love and deepspace rafayel#love and deepspace fluff#love and deepspace rafayel fluff#lads#lads rafayel#lads rafayel fluff#love and deepspace x reader#love and deepspace rafayel x reader#lads x reader#lads rafayel x reader#rafayel x reader#lads x reader fluff#lads rafayel x reader fluff#love and deepspace rafayel x reader fluff#love and deepspace x reader fluff#okay i think that was every possible way to say that#happy valentines day!!!
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characters ♡ (all aged up) midoriya, todoroki, kirishima & kaminari
request for ♡ anon
tws ♡ implied sexual content - minors dni!
♡ so flustered by the request
♡ no matter the circumstances
♡ like y'all could be going out for a couple weeks or you could be married for ten years with children, homie still doesn't know how to act
♡ and he is so apprehensive to ask why you want him to pick it out for you because on one hand he's curious about the implications and wants to explore that further but the LAST thing he wants is too ask too many questions for you to then turn around and be like "you know what, nevermind. i'll just buy it myself."
♡ so he will try to get information out of you covertly
♡ "well i think you'd look great in anything.. maybe something floral. unless you are dressing for a specfic occasion?????? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ "you know i like the red one you have. you should wear that if i get to see you in it 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ "oh you like the orange one? ... orange like the colours of pro hero dynamight ? 🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ he somehow manages to spiral and come to the conclusion you are having an affair
♡ but then he remembers he's with the most faithful partner in the world and moves on
♡ he also so believes that this is like.. a relationship milestone
♡ like "omg we are dressing each other now ow 🤪"
♡ if it turns out y'all are going to the beach or pool or something he will ask you to choose his bathing suit too
♡ but yeah he just thinks its so sweet you let him choose what you wear and he gets a strange (temporary) power trip from it
♡ whenever you get changed next he'll silently be praying you let him pick your outfit for you
♡ the power trip doesn't last long though because when he actually has to pick the outfit he is lowkey kinda nervous especially if you are gonna wear it out in public
♡ he is so afraid of making the 'wrong' choice
♡ like he doesn't want to be held responsible if you go out in a ugly fit and people give you funny looks
♡ overthinks asf
♡ it takes him like 10 minutes of pinterest surfing and coordinating to decide and eventually he goes with the same bathing suit you wear almost every time
♡ if you guys are staying indoors though, he is too respectful to say it aloud so he simply blabbers on for ages in hopes you get the hint
♡ "uh well i mean me personally i just don't see the point of going to all the effort to put on a whole new bathing suit after taking your clothes off if it's just going to get wet anyway i mean it's just a waste of washing machine power, pro hero wash doesn't risk his life everyday for people to just throw things in the laundry when they don't need to , right —"
♡ there's more
♡ like he goes on for ages but you pick up what he trying to say after two sentences
♡ and you give the man what he wants 🤷♀️
♡ so confused
♡ like he is genuinely baffled; he just doesn't understand why you would want him to choose for you and why, out of all the outfits you wear, it's your swimwear you want him to pick
♡ he is going to ask a million questions before he even tries and i wear he's not doing it to be difficult or defiant , he is just so incredibly curious and WANTS to know what thought process led you to entrusting him with your ootd
♡ you explain that it's just a cute thing you wanted to try, so you could see what colours and designs he prefers on you
♡ he still doesn't fully get it because he's made it inexplicably clear by now that he loves the way you look in virtually anything — you could have rolled up to your wedding in crocs and he would've still been completely enamoured. in fact he'd fall for you even harder for making practical footwear choices.
♡ (not that he's a fan of holes in shoes , he thinks it defeats the purpose. but he'd find something positive about them if you were to wear them)
♡ but after being with you for so long and being a pro hero in an evolving society , he has learned to be open-minded and entertains your idea
♡ he is naturally quite stylish , so it likely goes into your wardrobe and picks something very understated and minimalistic
♡ anything you own that happens to all be one colour; a boring colour too like beige, grey or off-white
♡ even if it happens to be a skimpy piece he truly pays no mind to it, he's more focussed on the design and colour (or lack thereof)
♡ so likely he'll end up handing you a two-piece that is essentially just two pieces of thread on a hanger , and of course you will think there are implications behind that and start eyeing him 👀
♡ but having been married to him for x years, you recognise the blank expression he wears when there is not a thought in his head and you quickly realise that he wasn't suggesting anything by handing you such a provocative outfit
♡ he just likes the colour and fabric lol
♡ "it will really bring out your eyes"
♡ (doesn't know what that means; heard someone say it on tv once and now it's his go-to fashion compliment) (what he really means is "fashion fashion style bags purse clothes purse")
♡ it's only when you actually put it on and show him when he realises what he has done lmao
♡ standing there and staring at you like 🙂 "cute. where's the rest of it?"
♡ it looked a lot bigger when he was holding it and he didn't take into consideration how it stretches
♡ tries to subtly get you to change without admitting its revealing
♡ "very pretty. but i heard jean shorts are in season, why not try those?"
♡ "oh— is that a loose thread? hmph. i think you'll have to throw bathing suit away since it's ruined."
♡ "it's nice but i doesn't bring out your eyes like i originally thought. more so your chin."
♡ tbh he does not want to even admit to himself he has a problem with you wearing revealing clothes because there is no rational reason as to why he should have an issue with it but he just does and it hurts his brain
♡ even if other guys are checking you out that shouldn't matter bc he knows you're loyal and would never cheat so WHY does the thought make him want to freeze an entire city ???
♡ anyway you can tell just by looking at him that he's conflicted and fighting internal battles so you put him out of his misery by just changing into a different one
♡ (after that chin comment tho , he did NOT deserve your compassion 😞)
♡ once he has successfully styled you into a cute outfit he feels so proud of himself lk??
♡ also he still has a hard time understanding why you wanted him to pick your bathing suit 'just because' so in his head he rationalises that dressing each other is just something all long-term couples do and you guys have reached a relationship milestone
♡ similar to izuku except todoroki takes it WAY more seriously
♡ like randomly when he is getting ready, he'll ask you to pick the tie he is going to wear or even his shirt
♡ and if he is getting ready in the morning and you're not awake yet , he will literally make you help him plan his outfit the night before
♡ even for super formal pro hero related events where he is likely being styled by professionals, he will ask you to choose his cufflinks or belt or something like that
♡ just so he has a piece of you on him at all times ( besides his wedding band ofc 🤪)
♡ and yeah this isn't a temporary thing either. unless you ask him to stop, he will be asking you for your input on his clothing for the forseeable future
♡ he'll even start asking other people ( who he knows are married ) stuff like "what did your wife choose on your outfit?" or "oh nice watch, did your husband pick it out for you?" and he gets weird looks every time
♡ he's probably the most normal about it
♡ like he doesn't see it as any sort of test so he isn't nervous or confused
♡ and he is able to aknowledge that it is only an outfit for one day so even if it isn't his best work, at least he tried ??
♡ but yeah he thinks it's sooo cute that you want him to pick your bath suit , makes him feel like he's putting his own mark on you (in a wholesome way) and he finally gets to dress you in his favourite colour
♡ RED!!!
♡ if you don't have any red swimwear he will fr go out and buy you some because that is all he wants to see you in lol and he would LOVE to match with you
♡ red bikini + red truncks combo question mark
♡ if you don't own any red or you don't want to match with him , he'll probably choose a top and bottom from two different sets and pair them together and think he is some sort of style icon for pairing neon pink and sage green but in reality it such a crime against fashion
♡ but you wear it anyway just to see the big dumb smile of his face when you walk out wearing his "creation"
♡ oh and be warned that after you let him style you once he is going to be obsessed with giving his input on your outfits for at least the next six months or until you tell him to stop
♡ it'll be like "kiri, i'm gonna wear this white blouse to the dinner tomororw. does it look better with these black trousers or this brown skirt?"
♡ you'll show him the two options and he'll STILL reply, "hm, have you considered jorts ?"
♡ wants to be nonchalant about it sooo bad but is internally screaming dancing and doing backflips
♡ like he is THIS close to blowing a fuse when you ask him
♡ and like you've been married to him for this long so you knew it would drive him crazy and that is exactly what you wanted mwahaha
♡ yeah he tries to play this off casually like a cool , reserved guy who couldn't care less
♡ but we both know that is NOT who he is , in fact that is the furtherest thing away from what he is in this moment
♡ "i- i get to choose?" he stammers, pointing at himself before he clears his throat. plastering a confident grin on his face, "yeah, duh. i'm your husband of course i'm going to choose what bathing suit you wear."
♡ pro hero chargebolt recently saved a politican from a very life threatening fajita incident so naturally your household has come into a lot of money and thus had a pool built in your back garden so he assumed you wanted to take it for a test run
♡ you've both been so busy with work that the pool has been finished for over a week and neither of you have tried it out yet
♡ so he saunters over to the warbrode and shoves his arm in and rummages around
♡ less like he is sifting through clothes; more like he is pulling out a prize from that mystery bag filled with random treasures at the carnival
♡ after a couple seconds of searching, his face lights up as though he has found the perfect outfit for you
♡ he pulls out his arm; lo and behold he has his hand in the air with his fist wrapped around... nothing
♡ literally nothing
♡ he still looks at the air where a bathing suit SHOULD be with wide eyes and an impossible grin, "this would look great on you !! you've not worn it in so long. try it on!!"
♡ he throws it towards you and of course you 'catch it' despite there being nothing there because you are plenty familiar with his antics and have learned by now exactly how to deal with them
♡ you 'hold it' in your hands and nod along, "yes! i forgot about this old thing. i'll go put it on right now." you muse, walking out and towards the bathroom, "i'm sure the dads at the beach will love this one."
♡ denki nods confidently, chuffed with how awesome and fly he is .. until he caught that last part
♡ "(Y/N) WAIT !!!"
#bnha x gender neutral reader#todoroki x reader#kirishima x reader#kaminari x reader#midoriya x reader#deku x reader#mha kirishima#kaminari headcanons#todoroki headcanons#bnha x y/n
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