#i promise that none of these are actually as lighthearted as they sound
thecheshirerat · 2 days
Wow that sounds like I’m about to summarize some sort of discourse but I promise I’m not. I guess I’ll say that I really like this show and I will keep listening even if my worst fears come to pass, so keep that in mind!
For reference, I started listening near the end of Amnesty.
I’ve noticed, with the past few arcs- really since Ethersea- the narratives have just… not been fulfilling their promises, so to speak. They’ve been placing a lot of guns that don’t go off. What I mean by that is, the characters are great. Excellent, really. Lady Godwin? HELL YES. Emerich Dreadway? Fuck yeah! And so on! And the settings and premises have been epic- the goofiness and also horrifying nature of Engrave, the mad and thrilling world of Steeplechase- these things are COOL AS FUCK.
and then the actual narratives keep flopping?
And honestly, I notice it most in the endings, because you can really tell when an ending doesn’t land. You feel the sense of disappointment. But with vs. Dracula, for example, I could kinda see leading up to it that the ending couldn’t really BE anything special, because they lowkey didn’t set themselves up for it.
They spent the campaign fucking around in Engrave, finding clues and solving problems and not really experiencing any particularly meaningful character arcs or growth or, idk, forming relationships? So there wasn’t much to pay off, I’m not gonna lie!
Of course it doesn’t feel quite as dissatisfying when you’re in the thick of it, because they’re funny and the stuff is cool and- oh hey! Lady Godwin’s been turned into a werehorse against her will?? that’s got some real potential for a LOT of allegories and exploration of some fun character development! And then it’s kinda played as a joke. And then they do that again and again.
And they actually said that that was a move they made intentionally, in the TTAZZ. I’m not quoting them perfectly here, this is from memory, but I do remember them mentioning that they wanted lighthearted comedy without the burden of real life story stuff. And I get that, honestly, but… it’s not the choice I would’ve made. I do think you can keep a lighthearted tone while also, idk, forming relationships and wholesomely engaging with some amount of emotion. And sometimes going way too deep is funny as a tone shift!
But I digress. One thing that’s also popped out to me is the almost complete lack of any kind of romantic storyline or even references. This becomes obvious if you’re in a fandom because everyone is always dying to ship SOMEONE, and you can tell when people are really getting desperate. I don’t blame them for not wanting to roleplay romance with their family, and I do think stories lacking romance are COOL and SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED!
However if you can’t find ANYBODY to ship together… that may mean you just don’t have character bonds. The growing popularity of the PC polycule is interesting to me; I wonder if it’s partially because
a) none of the pcs have significant relationships outside of their party and
b) even within the party, there doesn’t seem to be much chemistry between any given pair of characters…? I hope I’m making my point well here- the PCs all seem equally close and have more or less the same relationship to all of their compatriots with little distinction, meaning, essentially, no shipping fodder that doesn’t involve just all of ‘em.
Either way, it makes me wonder if I can blame the “Graduation has too many NPCs!” critique. They really stopped giving the parties tag-along main NPCs after graduation, with the exception of maybe.. Urchin? Kodira? Shlabethany? Poppy? and even they get relatively little “screen” time. Steeplechase has great NPCs, I love them to death, but none of the PCs seem to ever have one on one conversations with NPCs or each other that do not explicitly focus on the plot. And I think that’s part of why the characters feel so underdeveloped despite having spent a lot of time with them- because in this character-driven genre, we get very little insight into their feelings or motivations or even their rudimentary backstories.
I started watching Fantasy High recently and it made me realize a couple things about TAZ.
1) Recently, TAZ has sooo few core NPCs, and it’s weird that the characters aren’t doing more one-on-one purely character based scenes. And that makes it really tough to develop them.
2) TAZ is- and I should have realized this before- one of many good dnd podcasts. They’re probably looking for a niche they can master.
And it sounds like they’re trying to get back to that old “Here there be Gerblins!” energy. They’ve referenced it so many times in recent TTAZZes- they wanted to be job-focused, allowing story stuff to happen organically, so they tried a more open world vibe with Ethersea. They wanted to be less afraid to kill stuff, so they tried playing criminals (and were still afraid to kill stuff). They wanted to be silly and light on character, as they tackled with taz vs dracula. Now they’re trying to bring in the silly cartoon vibe with Abnimals. I think they’re trying to make that family-friendly, funny and goofy show their niche. Something other actual plays can’t be better at them at.
And honestly it kinda makes me sad, that they keep trying to go back to Balance while ignoring everything they learned during it. Because I loved Dust. Because I loved Amnesty. Because I loved Ethersea. I loved these past arcs! But they keep doing their brilliant characters dirty for some reason!!! And i don’t know why!!!!
You know that meme about people who ask questions in movies and then the person responds “Have you ever been to a movie before? You watch them and the information is revealed.” There have been so many times in TAZ recently where information has Not been revealed and if they keep doing it the audience will stop bothering to suspend their disbelief, because the trust just isn’t there.
What is Montrose’s deal? What on earth was Carmine Denton’s whole thing? Tell me more about Zoox’s feelings, about Devo’s past, about Amber’s future. Show me how Lady Godwin feels about the body horror that is her life- like, seriously! WHY DID WE HAVE TO COMPLETELY DISMISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS GENERATIONAL TRAUMA IN MUTT’S LIFE FOR A JOKE??
Do you remember in Steeplechase where the boys were getting medical attention or something- i don’t remember, but they were all in one room and only talking about The Plot. And Poppy literally banged on the door (speaking for both Justin and me, tbh) and was like “does anyone want to share any feeeeelings??” and they were like NOPE! and they moved on!!
like. cmon. you can’t just put a character like montrose out there and then leave them severely underdeveloped to the point that what would be interesting in proper context, with audience insight, becomes confusing and chaotic.
I just wish they would take their stories as seriously as we do.
It feels to me like they don’t believe in themselves, and it makes me sad. Maybe they didn’t get the response they wanted from Ethersea and so they’ve been trying to pivot, hoping to recapture whatever it was that earned them a loyal audience.
Again, I love them. They’re so funny and I’ll keep listening until the day they stop making this show, and when it happens I’ll cry.
But i KNOW they have more in them. Remember the “we’ll grow gills” monologue from Justin in the Prologues? Remember Travis’s SOLID acting with Devo? Or his awesome choice to give Lyndon/Beef a clearly delineated work/irl identity? His excellent narration and prose? Remember when Montrose described being lonely?! Remember all those moments where Shit Got Real and you cared??? The nanofather said some dope shit! dracula and victor and sweater dracula had such a wild dynamic! Clint’s acting in Dust 2- I can’t remember the characters name right now- was ASTOUNDING, I genuinely didn’t know he had that in him and it blew me away!
I’m not referencing Balance on purpose, both because the fandom is way to hung up on it and because I want to prove that you don’t even have to look at Balance, or even Post-Balance arcs, to see this kind of good cool stuff!
GAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! I want them to have fun. But also. We’re starving out here.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
WIP tag game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
i was tagged by @ipreferfiction, i'm tagging @exlibrisastra, @voiceofthetraveler, and @prowlingthunder!
okay here goes:
- Wow The Voices Sure Are Loud Tonight (me, well i'm well, well i mean i'm in hell) - HP Revan :eyes: - man with terminal repression attempts fatherhood - horrible men - *fixes a tragedy through the sheer power of Dad* - in which wei wuxian's home life gets even worse - trauma! - amnesiac sith lord saves the galaxy - the Novelization - it's time to get ~sandy~ - the Hoth Incident
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I just saw the rock band au and that was amazing! I got a request, The brothers visiting MC in the human realm possessing a human soul could this be MC own reaction
Oh, anon, I'm so glad you liked that rock band story! It gave me a little trouble, but I think it turned out pretty good despite that!
Okay, okay. So I feel I must apologize because this ended up being kind of... ridiculous? I don't know if you wanted something more serious and dramatic, but for some reason I found the idea of the brothers possessing people in the human world just to see MC rather humorous. So I'm afraid that's the direction this one went in! But if you were wanting something more serious, please let me know as I have ideas for this request that would result in a lot of angst instead.
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC reacts to finding the brothers have possessed a human in the human world in order to visit them
Warnings: possession which necessarily means that the random humans don't have control over their own bodies, but this is pretty lighthearted and they would mostly be unaffected by it
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You're sitting in a public place somewhere - like the park or a cafe - when a good looking man randomly sits beside you. He's dressed like some big shot - a fancy suit, an expensive watch. You don't know him, but he smiles at you and says hello, using your name to address you.
How confusing? Who is this guy? You're pretty sure you don't know him. You can't just say that, though, can you? What if you do know him and you just forgot his name? You settle for a general greeting and completely forgo using his name, since you don't actually know it at all.
He chuckles. Don't worry, MC. You didn't forget his name. This is actually Lucifer possessing a human so he could come visit you in the human world. And that's when you notice the ruby eyes. You're amazed. He must have something important to say to you. Normally, he'd just show up in his own body, right?
But wait, how did you not realize that demons can possess humans like this? What's going to happen to that nice person he's invaded like that? Express your concern and Lucifer will calm you by telling you that the man he's possessed will be none the wiser. So there's no need to worry about him. He'll forget this ever even happened. Now hurry up and return to the Devildom, please. There's quite a stack of student council paperwork that needs your attention.
It's an unusual circumstance, but you're at the bank. Maybe you needed to get a new debit card or you're thinking about taking out a loan. You've been waiting in line, but now you are finally called up to the teller. It appears to be a nice young woman with bright blue eyes. You're about to start telling her about what you need when she reaches across the counter and grasps your hand.
You look up in surprise and see that her eyes are practically sparkling. Is it just you or do they seem to have a little glint of gold in them…? She leans across the counter and whispers at you. MC! Don't ya recognize your first man?
Well you certainly do now! You demand to know what Mammon is doing in the body of this bank teller! He better not be up to something shady… He's going to attempt to reassure you. It's nothing like that! He just wanted to come visit you! It was a surprise, that's all!
You're suspicious. You ask him directly if he's planning on stealing money from the bank. He pretends to be offended. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to exchange human world money for Grimm? If he was to steal money here, he'd have to spend it here, too. Now that he's thinking about it though, that doesn't sound too bad… Tell him to get out of here before you banish him yourself. (You don't know how to do this, but he doesn't know that.) He agrees reluctantly, but only if you promise to come back to the Devildom quickly.
You're just going about your day, walking down the sidewalk, when you come upon a line unlike anything you've seen in a while. You don't know where the end of it is, but it appears that all of these people are waiting to get inside a store for something. A video game maybe? You're afraid to ask. You go on your way, walking next to the line, looking at your phone, when someone grabs your arm.
You whirl, about to whack them over the head, but they fling up their hands. MC! Please don't hurt him, he just didn't want you to walk past! You stop because of the fact that this stranger knows your name. When he lowers his hands, you see a pair of orange eyes and instantly know this has to be Levi. But his body belongs to some rando? What is going on?
He possessed someone to visit you, but saw this line on his way to where you are and got sidetracked. He's embarrassed to admit that he doesn't even know what the line is for. He just assumed it was something limited edition and that he likely needed to get one for himself before he lost his chance.
You're not surprised by this, but you are surprised by the possession. Was that really necessary? Couldn't he have just called you or something? That just isn't the same as seeing you in person. And since you wouldn't summon him yourself, he had to do something else to get to the human realm. Tell him that he had better go home once he's had his fill of waiting in line. He'll go, but he's going to get whatever this line is for. Gets you one, too.
You're taking your precious pet to the vet for a check up when it happens. You encounter the usual vet tech, someone you've seen plenty of times before. But something seems a little off about them. They sound different, they're more casual with you, and their eyes seem really really green? Have their eyes always been green? You honestly can't remember.
They take you into one of the vet rooms. Then they turn to you and there's a light shining in their eyes unlike anything you've ever seen. MC, it's him. It's Satan. Do you have any idea how many cats he's had the pleasure of petting today? So many. He came here like this just to say hello to you, but now he never wants to go home.
You're in shock. Does he know enough about being a vet to stay here for any real amount of time? He's offended at your question. Of course he has extensive knowledge on the medical treatment of animals. And anyway, all he really does is weigh them before handing them off to the vet. Okay, but what about that poor soul he's possessed? Please give him more credit, won't you? They won't remember a thing once he's gone.
Tell him that if he goes back to the Devildom, you'll go to all the cat cafes with him when you come back. He's a little annoyed at you for trying to bribe him like that, but he can tell that you're stressed about your vet tech being possessed. Very well, he'll go. But don't think he won't remind you of this promise when you finally come back.
You are at home, minding your own business, when your doorbell rings. You open it to find someone in a big floppy hat and a pair of dark sunglasses. There's a swarm of paparazzi behind them. They push their way into your house and close the door, locking it behind them. When you finally get a good look at this person, you are in shock to see that it's a famous pop star. She's trying to look as unobtrusive as possible, but there's no mistaking her.
Oh, MC! You've saved him by letting him into your house! He had no idea this person was going to be hounded by paparazzi like that! Not that he's not used to it, of course. But he really came here to see you! Takes off the sunglasses and suddenly you realize you're actually talking to Asmo.
He must be insane. He has possessed a pop star in order to come see you in the human world. Why in the world would he do that? He explains that he just wanted to see what it was like to be this famous person! It really didn't measure up to being himself - he's far more beautiful of course - but it was certainly an interesting experience! If he's going to possess someone to visit you, might as well make it worth the effort.
Tell him that he has to return that pop star where he found her before he goes home. He can't just leave her, dazed and confused, in your house. He waves you off, it's no problem. He's going to take care of her, the poor thing. He's going to do her makeup and nails before he goes, though. She'll be thankful when she comes to. He's also going to insist on staying with you for a little while. You can't get rid of him so quickly!
You're sitting in the park, maybe reading, maybe feeding some ducks, when someone sits on the bench beside you. You turn to look and see a beautiful woman dressed in athletic gear like she just sat down from a jog. There is a pile of churros in her hands, which she clearly got from a nearby vendor. She smiles and offers you one.
You find this very unusual and you're not sure about taking food from strangers. You're about to decline, but she seems to be able to tell. Don't worry, MC. These churros are really good. He's already tried ten of them. And then you get a better look at the eyes - purple and pink - and everything clicks into place.
You can't believe Beel has possessed some poor jogger and stuffed her body full of churros. Doesn't he realize what a problem that is? This body isn't his! She's going to be insanely sick later! He's really sorry, but he couldn't resist the smell of those churros. He only possessed someone near you so he could see you. The food just sidetracked him.
Take all the remaining churros from him because he will eat them if you don't and this unfortunate jogger will be the one dealing with it later. Tell him that you'll bring him all the human world food he wants when you come back. He accepts this offer. Promises to be patient and wait for you.
You walk out your front door and nearly trip over something curled up on your doorstep. You look down to find… a person? What is this random guy doing here? He looks normal enough, but he's sleeping in front of your door? You can't just leave him there, right? Should you call the police? You opt for shaking him awake. As soon as the eyes are opened and blinking up at you, you know something isn't right.
Sorry, MC. He was coming to see you, but he fell asleep before he could ring your doorbell. Yes, that's right, this unsuspecting human has been possessed by Belphie. You pull him to his feet and brush off the person's clothes, which are only slightly dirty from him being on the ground.
You ask him who he's possessed and he tells you that he has no idea. It was just someone who seemed close enough for him to reach you. He just really missed you. You're his best napping partner, you know. How is he supposed to get any decent sleep when you're always gone?
Tell him he can't go around possessing random humans just because he wants to nap with you. He'll have to nap with Beel for now until you return to the Devildom. He won't be happy about it, but he'll listen to you. Fine, but you had better come back soon. Everybody is losing their minds without you, it isn't just him. So hurry up, will you?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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dianneking · 2 years
Intoxicated - Larissa/Reader Drink One. In Vino Veritas.
Summary: Larissa is a handsy drunk. Vampire!Teacher!Reader, is a sad drunk. This fact, and their inability to talk about their feelings, blows what could simply be a drunken accident out of proportion. 
 Angst! Drama! Drunkenness! 
Links to part two here. Cross posted on AO3 here.
Here's my fanfiction masterlist.
A/N: I swear I was trying to make a cute, lighthearted drunken mishaps fic, and then it became this mountain of sorrow and angst and drama. With a happy ending, I promise! But beware of the content warnings below if you are at risk of being triggered. TW first chapter: Drinking, intoxicated people, blood, swearing, angst, mildly dubious consent in touching.
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Crash. The unmistakable sound of a glass being broken came from the principal’s office. You stopped in your tracks, on the way to your own quarters, after the debacle that had been the Outreach Day. It was way past midnight already and you didn’t think anyone was still up, Nevermore’s halls surprisingly silent in the aftermath of the day. That made the sudden sound even more evident, and you decided to go investigate, knocking lightly on the imposing wooden door.
“Principal Weems? Is everything alright?” You could hear indistinct muttering on the other side of the door, but no actual answer.
“Principal Weems? I’m coming in, I hope you don’t mind”
You pushed the door open, and found the office bathed only by the light of the dying fire. In front of the fireplace there was a vacant armchair, with a pair of heels and an empty bottle of wine abandoned to the side.
“Ouch, piece of crap. Fucking useless glass.” The string of expletives was coming from in front of the armchair itself, and as you cautiously moved forward, you were treated to the incongruous sight of Larissa Weems, a woman you had never seen if not in perfect  control of herself and of the situation, kneeling on the ground.  You tried not to notice the way her tight dress hugged her shapely backside as she crawled on all fours, trying to scoop up the broken shards of glass with unstable hands.
“Principal Weems, be careful, you could…”
But a yelp stopped you in your tracks, as did the tangy, coppery smell of your employer’s blood. She smelled as lovely as you had imagined, and you instinctively licked your lips, before your sense of responsibility won over your more ignoble urges.
“Principal Weems, please stop, that’s neither safe nor sanitary.”
She only seemed to notice your presence now, and she lifted her head up to look at you, as her mouth opened in a brilliant smile. It felt weird to be the one looking down on her, instead of craning your neck to meet her eyes as usual.
“My dear! How nice to find you here, I was just looking to pick up this fucking piece of fucking glass that had the audacity to cut me.” If her actions and the profanities weren’t enough of a hint, the slurring in her voice gave her away immediately.
“Principal Weems, are you drunk?” It was stating the obvious more than an actual question, but it was so utterly preposterous that you felt like you needed a reality check. Larissa Weems, drunk? The Larissa Weems you might have been admiring from afar for years now? Who never stepped a foot out of professionalism?
“Nonsense darling! I can hold my liquor perfectly well. I simply cut myself, see?” She waved the offending finger in your face. Thank goodness you had had your meal before, otherwise the temptation of that one single droplet of blood from the woman you had a raging crush on would have driven you crazy. As it was, you felt your fangs lengthen slightly, but managed to ignore it as you crouched beside your employer, trying to get her to stand back up.
“Come on principal, let’s get you away from this, before you shred yourself to ribbons.”
“None of that formality darling, it’s Larissa when we’re alone.” She shook a reprimanding index in your direction, then went slightly cross-eyed as she studied her own finger “Oh my, blood!” She peered at it as if it held the answers to the whole universe. Then she looked at you and in an unmistakably provocative way, she proceeded to lick the single droplet off her finger, her long tongue darting out of her lips, and running along the digit, twisting almost as if she was trying to wrap it around the very tip, before guiding it to her mouth, closing her lips around it, and moaning.
Oh gods. This was way above your paygrade.
“Come on, Principal. Let’s try to avoid more injuries” or a heart attack for yourself, if she kept being so damn alluring. Except you were a vampire, and there would be no help coming from the useless muscle inside of you. Since you were turned, it wouldn’t do anything except churn with feelings that you would never act upon. No heart attack would prevent you from being in this torturous situation.
Slowly, you pulled on your boss’ free arm, draping it on your shoulder, to try and hoist her up. Surprisingly enough, she seemed to understand what you were trying to do, because she got her own feet under her and stood up, only to sway dangerously once she reached her full height.
“Woah there, easy, Principal.” You two made quite the sight, you imagined: even without her heels, she was a full foot taller than you, and while that made it easier to fit under her arm to hold her steady, it also made it more awkward for you to steer her wobbling frame away from the glass shards.
She seemed quite unaware of your struggles as she turned her head down, finally releasing her finger from her mouth with a quiet pop that drove your mind back into the gutter.
“I thought I just said to just call me Larissa!” She tried to sound like her usual stern self, but her attempt at an angry face came out as more of a pout than anything else. She looked much younger when she let her emotions run freely on her face and – impossible as that might sound – even more beautiful.
“Sure thing, Larissa. Whatever makes you happy. Do you think you can walk?”
She craned her neck to the side, a look of intense concentration on her face, before finally “Yes, I think I might. I did learn that at some point, I am sure.” She said, fully serious. You couldn’t help a snicker, filing this surreal situation away to have a full laugh later. It was a pity that Principal Weems didn’t get drunk more often. She was a funny drunk.
“Good to know. Come on, let’s try to get you to your quarters. Thank goodness they are just down the corridor.”
Gently, you tried to coax her into moving, letting the hand closer to her circle her waist to give you a better hold. She tentatively took a few steps, leaning on you like you were a crutch. Your kneed buckled at first, partly due to the unexpected extra weight to adjust to, partly because of the overwhelming heat of her body pressed against your side. You breathed in her scent, the intoxicating mix of her and wine, and the faintest traces of her blood still lingering in the air. Stop it, you told yourself sternly, she’s your boss, she’s wasted, and you are just helping her out.
 You repeated this as a mantra in your head as the both of you half-wobbled, half-walked through the office door, then down the darkened hallway. Your uncoordinated steps and heavy panting seemed to ring so loud in the silence that surrounded you that you were surprised none of the other teachers heard the commotion, or came to investigate it. After what felt like hours, you arrived at the simple oak door to the principal’s quarters. You stopped, trying to catch your breath and looked up at your drunken employer’s face.
She was tracing the patterns of the wood with her free hand, her lips pursed in a small Oh of wonder. Her face turned suddenly down, searching yours, eyes open in a show of delighted surprise.
“These are my quarters!” She exclaimed, her voice bright in the quiet of the night.
“Shhhhhh!” You admonished her, looking over your shoulder to check. You were still alone. No other sound graced these halls.
“Oh” she let a whispered giggle out, and bent her neck further down, so that her lips were next to your ear “I said, these are my quarters!” she repeated, her voice little more than a breathy murmur now. You tried to ignore the effect that that was having on your traitorous body and focused on answering her.
“Yeah, they are. Do you have the key with you?” You hoped she did, otherwise it would mean another trek down the hallway and ransacking her office. And you really, really didn’t want to be doing that right now. She let out her giggle again. It was a bit of a disturbing sound, coming from what you were used to think of as one of the sternest women alive. But all of this evening was bordering on the side of disturbing anyway, so what was one more thing?
“Of course I have it, silly. This dress has pockets.” She stood up a bit straighter, and rummaged through her pockets until she finally fished out her keys, before letting them immediately slip through her long, uncoordinated fingers to the ground. “Fuck!”
“Right, sorry” she amended, lowering her voice once again “Fuck!” she whispered. You shook your head, she was completely out of it, unbelievable.
“I’ll get those. Can you hold yourself up on your own?” You asked. She moved her weight completely off of you, removing her arm to brace herself against the door. You took that as a yes, and swiftly crouched on the floor, moving in front of her to grab a hold of the escapist keys. Once you had them, you quickly stood up, before you realized your tactical mistake:  you were now boxed between Larissa and the door, her long arms preventing your escape, her towering body looming over you.
The keys jingled softly as your hands shook.
Right. The keys. The keys to open the door. The keys to open the door to your employer’s quarters where you had to deposit said employer before someone else took notice of her wasted state. Those keys.
Almost robotically, you turned on the spot, now facing the lock. There were three keys on the ring, and you didn’t think Larissa was in any condition to point you to the right one. Trial and error it was, then.
You tried the first key. It skidded against the keyhole, not even able to gain entrance. Larissa’s body got closer to your back.
“You know?” Her breath on your neck made goosebumps rise all over your body. “I’m pretty cross at you.” Her tone had not lost the playfulness of before and yet it was different, more gravelly, with a hint of danger.
“Y…you are?” You focused on the second key, who slid with a bit of effort in the keyhole, but refused to turn. You grasped at the handle, trying to see if with a bit of jostling it would cooperate.
“Mh-mh.” The murmur of assent vibrated directly against your ear, as an arm snaked around your side and across your front, holding you in place as a body pressed against your back. Oh gods. Larissa was a handsy drunk. You valiantly took out the second key, and chose the third one instead, as the mouth on your ear continued to whisper “You could at least have taken me out for dinner before coming back with me to my rooms.”
The third key luckily did its job, and finally the door in front of you opened. Instinctively, you took a step forward hoping to escape from Larissa’s clutches…
…but she didn’t release her hold on you. Quite the contrary, in fact. She followed you inside as if you were part of a single body, and then, with a move so sudden and coordinated that it was a miracle she managed to pull it off without spraining an ankle, she closed the door behind the both of you and pinned you to it.
If having her holding you from behind had been distracting, having her completely pressed against your front, a leg having found its way between yours, her hands gripping your hips as if they were a life-saver, well, it was maddening.
Especially because you knew you couldn’t.
“You are lucky you are so gorgeous, darling, I can forgive you this one time…”
Her mouth was still murmuring in your ear, the slurring in her words as much a dead ringer for her inebriated state as the smell of wine on her breath.
She didn’t mean it.
As pleasant and heady as it was, this wasn’t right. While sober, Principal Weems hadn’t given you any hint that your attraction for her was reciprocated. For drunk Larissa, you were probably just the closest available warm body.
As she warm lips moved down your neck, pressing sloppy, wet kisses on your exposed skin, you finally broke out of your daze.
“Larissa, stop.” She hid her face deeper in the crook of your neck, nuzzling you as her knee slowly moved against your thighs, bestowing the most delicious of frictions. You closed your eyes, mustering up every ounce of strength and morality you could find in your body and you put your hands against her shoulders, pushing her away.
“Just STOP!”
She stumbled back, eyes wide, uncomprehending. Her lipstick was sinfully smudged on the side of her mouth, her pupils were dilated. She looked like the personification of lust. And yet she looked so fragile, too. As you two stood there, panting , facing each other without talking, you could see her lower lip start to tremble, and tears welling up in her beautiful eyes.
“I…I’m sorry” she whispered, a hand coming up to her mouth. You felt so very sorry for her, for not being able to give her what she wanted. But between the two of you, you were the sober one, the one that had to be responsible. You sighed.
“It’s alright, Larissa. You’re just a handsy drunk, I get it. Now try to drink some water and take your make up off and go to sleep. Tomorrow we still have to work.” You injected a bit of your teacher voice in that. You hope it would help her take care of herself. The gods only knew how completely out of it she was. Well, the gods and yourself, the unsuspecting bystander.
“Goodnight, Larissa.”
You softly closed the door behind you, walked all the way back to your own rooms, and once there, you collapsed, letting your limbs shake and tears well up in your eyes.
That had been too much emotion for a weeknight.
The next morning saw you softly knocking on Larissa’s door, just to be met with the sight of her wrapped up in a fluffy robe, her face bare of any makeup. As soon as she saw you, her gaze hardened. You held up the bottle in your hand, almost as a peace offering.  
“Are you alright? I brought you some Advil, I thought you might have some use for it.”
“I…thank you. And apologies for yesterday. I…wasn’t myself.” It was almost painful to hear how strained and awkward her usually confident voice was. Her eyes darted along the empty corridor, as if afraid someone might eavesdrop on your conversation.
“It’s quite alright, Principal Weems. You just had a bit too much, it happens to the best of us.”
“Be as it may, it was highly unprofessional of me to do so on a weeknight. I guess the stress of the day got to me. Again, I apologize.”
“I mean, that’s perfectly understandable, and no harm was done. We can forget it all happened.” Except you were painfully aware that you’d never be able to forget how her lips had felt exploring your neck, or how perfectly your bodies fit together as she pressed against you. But Larissa didn’t need to know this, and she probably didn’t even want to know it.
She plucked the medicine from your hands, her forehead still creased in a frown. No other emotion could be divined from her face, that without the alcohol coursing through her veins was back to her usual professional mask.
“Thank you for the thought. See you around.”
“Sure th-” But Larissa’s door was shut in your face before you could attempt an answer. Actually no, it was back to being Principal Weems’ door. The warm, unguarded, flirty woman you had helped out yesterday was just the product of a bottle of wine and it was obvious that your boss wanted it to be quite clear to you.
Principal Weems seemed to make sure she underlined the message as much as she could in the following days, treating you with cold professionalism just one step shy of outright rudeness. She never stopped for a chat in the halls or in the teachers’ lounge if you were there, she finished her meal quickly if you sat at her table for the meals, she never communicated with you except for inevitable things that had to do with the school or your classes.
It's not like you had been the best of friends before, and you knew that her current mood was probably mostly due to the embarrassment of being seen so out of it by her employee, but at the same time it felt like you were being punished for caring enough to help her out.
It wasn’t fair.
Link to Part Two.
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bowcaketeadelete · 11 days
Cake Chaos (PolyDokis)
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Time to feed yall some cute PolyDoki fluff! You can take them as just friends here, or dating! TW: None! This iz fluffy fluff Fluff. ☁️ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── The sun streamed through the large kitchen window, illuminating the scene of delightful chaos. Flour dusted the countertops, and the sweet scent of chocolate filled the air as the dokis attempted to bake a cake for the festival. Laughter bounced off the walls, mixing with the sounds of clattering bowls and whirring mixers.
Natsuki, the self-proclaimed chef of the group, stood at the center. She surveyed the scene with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “Okay, team! We need to focus if we want this cake to actually resemble something edible!”
Sitting on the counter, Sayori grinned, her hands covered in flour. “But you love us, don’t you?” she teased, winking at her.
“Don’t say that every time you make a mess!” Natsuki shot back. "D-dummies…" she muttered.
Beside Sayori, Monika rolled her eyes playfully, her own hands busy mixing a bowl of frosting. “I think the mess is part of the charm. It’s our signature style!” she chimed in, her voice light and teasing.
“Signature style? More like disaster,” Natsuki retorted. She turned to the final member of their quartet, Yuri, who was dutifully cracking eggs into a bowl, a look of deep concentration on her face.
“Yuri's the only one actually doing something!” Natsuki said, rolling her eyes.
"Is this real? Natsuki complimenting Yuri?" giggled Sayori.
"S-Sayori!!! Yuri's a dummy!" Natsuki exclaimed, covering her eyes with her hands.
Yuri looked up, her purple eyes brightening. "E-eh, Natsuki??"
Natsuki sighed. “Just forget it, Yuri.”
“Uh, Natsuki… it’s okay. I like being part of this—mess and all. Besides, I wouldn’t want to miss a moment with all of you,” Yuri said, flashing a shy smile that made everyone’s heart swell.
“See? That’s the spirit!” Monika exclaimed, setting her bowl down and stepping over to Yuri, wrapping her arms around her in a quick hug. “We’re all in this together!”
"M-Monika…" mused Yuri.
Sayori, wanting to keep the lighthearted mood, dramatically scooped up a handful of flour and tossed it in the air. “Flour fight!” she shouted, laughing as the white powder floated down around them.
“Oh no!” Natsuki gasped, but it was too late. The kitchen erupted into laughter as Monika retaliated, grabbing a handful of frosting and aiming it right at Sayori.
In the ensuing chaos, flour and frosting flew everywhere, and the kitchen turned into a playful battleground. Even Natsuki found herself laughing uncontrollably, her earlier frustration forgotten. As she grabbed a spatula to defend herself, she caught a glimpse of Yuri, who was trying to hide behind the mixer, her face a picture of surprise and joy.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of playful warfare, they all collapsed onto the floor, panting and covered in a delightful mess. Natsuki looked around at her friends, their faces smeared with frosting and flour.
“Ugh… now we have to clean this mess! I hate you guys…” grumbled Natsuki.
"I know!! I'll trick MC into doing it for us!" yelled Sayori.
"Uh, Sayori…? That's not…" mumbled Yuri.
"Hey, I'm in on this too! Let's trick MC!" grinned Monika.
"O-okay then," said Yuri.
"Fine… I guess we could do it… so we can spend more time together."
“See? I told you! You do love us,” Sayori said, grinning widely.
“Of course I do!” Natsuki replied, rolling her eyes. “But let’s try to keep the next baking session a little less… messy?”
Monika sat up, wiping frosting from her cheek. “No promises! But I think this is what makes us us.”
“Agreed,” Yuri added, her smile warm and sincere. “As long as we’re together, it doesn’t matter how messy things get.”
They all shared a laugh, the warmth of their bond wrapping around them like a cozy blanket. In that moment, amid the chaos and laughter, they knew that their love—messy and beautiful—was what truly mattered.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── read this on wattypadd This is so cute my heart omgg I cant believe I wrote thisss requests are open btw this picture looks just like the story lol you could say it was my inspo
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question: who is best doki? a) monika b)sayori c)natsuki d)yuri nah the correct answer is e) MC HAHAHAHAHA
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sgt-scottymoreau · 10 months
What happens in Siberia, stays in Siberia - Part 1
Summary: After months of secretly feelings, things lead that another and some of these feeligs comes out in a rather messy way. But honestly nothing is ever easy.
Warning: None
Words: 3.9 // AO3 // Part 2 // Masterlist
A/N: So I posted a poll on my main to know which fic should be next, this one won. However, from my three options, this was also the one that I wanted to rework a little (actually second time I do lol) I'm not quite done yet, but this fic is already getting as big as it is, so it will be in two (maybe three? I mean so far I have over 12k words!) part. I suppose as a heads up I could say that part 2 will have some spicy to it, if you catch my drift. What did you think I mean when I say everything will be messy?! lol
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Although it was known that the 141 was considered an international task force, it was odd for some to see someone from another country roaming around the base. Especially that it had been give or take five months since Scotty joined. It’s true that she did stand out while wearing her work uniform, she was always proud to wear her colors and everyone was aware of her background. Words spread fast. So did the rumors as to why she would remain here. Especially among new recruits who might not have all the latest updates. But whatever the others were thinking, Scotty didn’t mind much. Because whatever the others could say or think, she actually enjoyed the team. It was a change to have something stable after some many issues. No one ever bothered her about it. Some curious characters here and there did ask or engage in a conversation to either put a clear view on whatever rumor they heard. Meanwhile, others could be bold and unafraid. Just like today.
The five of them were sitting at the table, enjoying some well deserved rest and meal with a lighthearted conversation. Mostly the three sergeants engaged in it, talking about everything and nothing. Or about the old days before the task force. Ghost was listening in silence, it was entertaining, but he didn’t find the need to add more, and Price simply enjoyed the calm. Especially since he was waiting to meet Laswell soon for some important briefing. ‘’So there’s that one time I tell my teammates that if the amount of cocaine found was one tonne, I would jump in the water.’’ Scotty said.
‘’Sounds like you did.’’ Soap laughed, taking another bite of his meal.
‘’I, in fact, did not. I think it was De Keyser who said it wouldn't be more than 700 kg. According to our intel, it was a small drug bust. If he lost he was the one to jump. So here we are counting, not even close to 500 kg, I start to worry. But then, one of the port security found another container. Low and behold, 856 kg in total! According to De Keyser, the water was freezing cold that day. It was funnier to fish him out.’’
‘’Poor man ran out of luck that day.’’ Gaz laughed. He could imagine how her colleague must have felt to lose by not much. Lost in their shenanigans, none of them saw the recruit approaching their table. When the young one was in range they looked at him, curious about what he had to say. Even more when they noticed the other recruits in the back pointing at him and whispering at each other. Obviously, it was dare or something along those lines.  
‘’How can we help you?’’ Soap asked, offering his kindest smile.
‘’Hmm, not you. Her.’’ Oh even if it was a dare, he had a certain arrogance in his tone. That was promising. Scotty raised an eyebrow, putting down her fork and giving her full attention to the newcomer. ‘’You're not exactly from here, so why stay with them? What’s your job? Task Force’s bitch?’’ Boy had a lucky star watching over him, because everyone at the table stopped what they were doing to stare at him. Everyone shifted on their seats. Price put down his paper ready to reply something to the young one disrespecting his superior but Scotty was faster. She kept a calm tone and serene face.
‘’Oh I fucking wish!’’ This reply took everyone by surprise, even the rookie who suddenly didn’t know what to say. ‘’That’d be the dream! No more brushing with death, no reports to fill after mission, no exhausting training to stay in shape, fixed work hours and weekend free perhaps.’’
Price let his head fall on his hands with a disappointed sigh. Ghost who had been ever so silently following had not changed his expression but behind the mask wasn’t holding a smile. On the other hand, Gaz and Soap were almost rolling under the table. She said this with such seriousness and calmness, it was almost unbelievable. Her face had and was still impassible, the most serious she could be. ‘’Would that be all or should I also told you how I would satisfy every single of these men?’’ Scotty added leaning on the table to be closer to the rookie.
Gaz and Soap were on the verge of crying at this point, after Price groaned loudly in emotional pain. There were some things he didn’t need to hear, even as a joke. The recruit's face went red so fast, it was a miracle he was still standing on his feet and had not passed out from embarrassment. He tried to mumble some sort of excuse now that his smugness was all gone. He quickly ran back to his friends who had heard some of the conversation and were also laughing. She waved at them, resisting the urge to flip them off. It took Soap and Gaz another minute to finally be able to breathe again. Price watched his watch; what a relief. 
‘’I have to meet with Laswell.’’ He said getting up. ‘’I hope you will behave while I’m gone.’’ He had a smile on his face. Even if he couldn’t believe what just happened, it was better to see his team able to bond like this than be at each other's throats. 
Hadn’t finished their meal yet, they all remained in the mess hall. Still joking about what was going on. ‘’So that be the dream, aye?’’ Soap brought this statement back.
‘’Anything that allows me to stay alive another day and have fun. Sure.’’ She laughed. ‘’Isn’t like the 141 was made of bad looking guys.’’ It wasn’t far from the truth. Which was a bold statement to say when everyone concerned could hear. The only thing that made her a little awkward was that she was saying this next to Ghost. While she was maybe teasing the other two, Ghost was another story. Even if she hadn’t seen his face yet, the mystery of the man had some effects on her. That and his damn voice. And how large he was. And… she could go one for a while. He had been cold at the beginning, but over time he did show that he did care for everyone equally. Scotty also learned to act a little more relaxed around him, instead of being tense and awkward, even if she had some feelings for him. It was hard to know if he would reciproque them and honestly she did not expect, so better live with this and just be herself than restrain herself. It was always easier to joke when Soap was around anyway.
‘’Glad to hear, I’m good looking.’’ Soap grinned. 
‘’Oh please, you would be the first one to ask for anything. Gaz? I don’t know, you look like the kind of respectable man who wouldn’t.’’
‘’You could be surprise.’’ He commented.
‘’Price? Too much respect for the Captain, that would be awkward.’’ She snorted. 
‘’What about Ghost?’’ Soap asked. Scotty turned slightly to look at the lieutenant who suddenly was very focused on the conversation. She felt she had been pushed in the spotlight. His gaze through his mask was stern. She wasn’t sure what to answer here. However all of it was casual banter, nothing that could hurt.
‘’You are a bunch of idiots right now.’’ He groaned before Scotty spoke up. 
‘’We all know the lieutenant doesn’t care about this kind of stuff.’’ She shrugged it off, getting a small laughter from the other two, but a cold glare from him. Few months back this would have scared her to death, now it was just a background thing. ‘’That’s why I keep my mind on only Soap would be using my service and honestly that would make him the second whore of the 141.’’ Gaz wheezed again at this remark. Soap was amusedly offended. 
Ghost would have also smiled at the comment, it was a good comeback. However there was something different this time. He knew, deep inside he knew so bad she was just joking. It was how she was; laidback, cracking jokes around less dark than his but everyone had their way to light up the mood. He learned that over the time they had missions together. She had changed a lot since she joined. He remembered how she was so tense around him that one time they had to lay low at her family. Nowadays, it was great to see her more relaxed. But that was beside the point. The point was that as much as he liked her being like that, something was in this moment, in this specific way of being so casual with Soap that… annoyed him? Ghost couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the feeling was. He never felt that before. She had joked like this before, this wasn’t the first time. If he was good with little army humor that mostly consisted of dark humor, Scotty was a pro at innuendos jokes. She had no filter sometimes and he appreciated her directness. He had no right to feel so… angry at her for doing so? 
No he wasn’t angry at her. Nor Soap or Gaz to follow up in shenanigans. It wasn’t annoyance either. But he knew it came from how close the two looked at the moment. How they exchanged these ideas like… maybe there was something more behind the laugh. Right now, Ghost didn’t like how Soap was looking at her… It hit like a rocket to the face. It was jealousy! He was being jealous of his sergeant. But why? It wasn’t like… Her bursting in laughter at whatever had been said, sent a wave of warmth through him. It felt appeasing and nice. Come to think of it, it was not the first time this feeling was flaring up. Some days, even the most mundane conversation with her had the same effect. When she would be back from a high risk mission. Ghost watched her talking without paying attention to the conversation. Only to realize, she was actually trying to get his attention.
‘’Lieutenant, everything is alright?’’ Scotty asked. It was now that he finally noticed that the other two were gone. It was just her and him. ‘’You have been staring for a while now.’’
Had he? Seeing that it was indeed only them at the table, he sensed a small relief on his jealousy. That didn’t help how confused his head felt. It added more to it. ‘’Sorry, I was thinkin’.’’ He said hoping this would be enough for her to let go and not ask more questions. But her brown eyes didn’t look away, as she was about to question him. He made eye contact. It was this precise second, that he was once more hit so hard by the obviousness that he couldn’t believe it was that. But it was pointless right? He was too cold for her right? He was the opposite of her. She was far more like Soap, they would fit well… Jealousy came back at this thought. Yes it was this… He had feelings for her… ‘’Fucking hell, you are fool Simon.’’ Ghost thought to himself.
‘’Glad to see you are still here.’’ Price took him out of his thoughts. The lieutenant and sergeant gave their full attention to the captain.  He dropped a file on the table. ‘’I have an assignment for you two. Siberia.’’
They have been dropped a few klicks away from their target to ensure that now one would spot them. The night was cloudless allowing the moon to come through and light the way. It was still very cold, thanks to their winter gear, they were able to keep warmth in. Another positive point, the weather was clear at the moment, allowing them to make their way through the heavy snow more or less easily. It reached above their ankles at almost every step and they were traveling with light gear equipment. This was hell of a workout. Their mission was simple; infiltrate an old abandoned Russian facility. Intel showed that it wasn’t as desert as they thought and sight of convoy bringing in and out materials required a deeper investigation. It seemed to be chemical in origin. Arriving at their destination, they lay low on the snow. Scotty readjusted her hood to keep the wind from blowing her face. 
"Ghost, Scotty sitrep?" Price's voice came through their radio.
"We reached the target point, Captain." She replied.
"Roger, from now it will be radio silence till you get what we need. Contact me when all is over and I’ll give you the coordinates for evac. Good luck."
Ghost had already his sniper out and scouted the area. Scotty took out the binocular. The building didn’t look heavily guarded. Being in the middle of almost nowhere, there wasn’t much reason to waste assets on the outside. Still, two guards on the front entrance, four making rounds on the higher roof. Two more near a back door and finally three walking around the base of the building. This was a decent number, rather normal for this kind of facility, and nothing they couldn’t handle. 
“See anything good?” Ghost asked, always focusing with his snipe. 
“We have two options.” She replied, grabbing her infra light. She pointed to the bigger door. “We can either force ourselves by the front door by taking down the two guards.”
“Bold move, dangerous.”
“Or, here, by the east side of the building. There’s an exit, unguarded. Only one of the walking guards passes by once in a while.” Ghost followed the ray to see what she meant. This was a safer way in. 
“Good job, let’s move.” They put away their tools and advanced toward the building. The snow was softly crunching under their weight at each step. Their warm breath clashed with the cold Siberian air. Little clouds forming each time. Eventually, they crouched in the white, their tactical clothes allowing them to blend. Near the site, they took the first cover available to keep advancing. Two guards walked by laughing about something. Once clear, they quickly made their way to the exit door. Of course it was locked on the outside by a security system. Scotty took a small device and connected it to the keypads. There were so many possibilities but hopefully the combination will be found fast. 
Ghost kept watch. “How long?” He whispered.
“I don’t know, it could be in a minute or five. Anyone coming?” Her eyes never left the screen for a second.
“Negative.” They returned to silence. Ghost suddenly caught the noise of crunching snow. “Wait.. Fuck. Scotty tells me we have something, someone is coming!”
“We have three numbers out of five lieutenant… four. Come on, come on… Yes!” She disconnected the device quickly, opened the door and they quickly infiltrated in. The door closed behind him a little before the guard arrived. It was like no one was ever there. The warmth of the building was the first shock. A welcomed one. They carefully and steadily made their way inside the facility. The distance to their target destination was a long one. Although they were on the lookout for any chemical containers, which they actually saw a few as they advanced deeper in the building, their main target was the servers room. If they could extract more information over this whole operation, this would prove very useful. Somehow, Ghost and Scotty go on the lucky side, they barely encounter any security. If any, it was easy to avoid them. The last thing they needed was to leave or make a mess that would attract more trouble.
Crouching around the corner, Ghost looked over his shoulder. The servers were right there. Only two guards were standing there. Obviously, the value of what was in there was worth stationning personnel there. That was good and bad. "Got your knives?" He asked her. 
"Always." She smiled and took one out. "What's your plan?"
"Distraction. Hopefully they move. Once they are both more in the open, they go down." On this, he threw a piece of metal that was hanging there. The guards mumbled something and stepped forward of their station. Ghost counted down and on three, they threw their weapon. One last surprised cry came out of these men before falling to their death. The two operatives swiftly grabbed their bodies and dragged them in the room. From now on, they had to work fast. Anyone who would pass by might be alerted by the missing guards. To their surprise, the servers looked to be handmade. A bunch of recovered pieces, patched all together into something somehow working. Their enemies were quite resourceful. 
Scotty took place at one of the servers built in computer and plugged the drive. Ghost kept overwatch. "How long will it take?"
"I wish I could give you an answer but you never know with this kind of equipment." Scotty admitted. Without wasting more time she started typing. She first needed to get in the system, then will have to look around for the specific files. Hopefully it will be a piece of cake.
Thirty minutes later and the only piece of cake was that no one had shown up. Ghost was running low in patience and so she was. "What do you want me to do!" Scotty raged between her teeth after he had voiced his annoyance at the stagnant work. 
"Anything that would make it go faster." He replied in the same tone. 
"No wonder you like to work alone…" She was racking her brain to find a solution. She had breached the system, but they had encrypted everything, so it was hell of a process to unlock all files. This would take longer than the time that had already passed. Unless… She grabbed her multitool. From what she guessed during her quick look around, this server was mostly made of random hard drivers all connected together. Half of them had been checked without anything interesting. Her last option was to simply remove the leftover drivers and take them home. Ghost watched her as she popped the drivers out of their slots, completely taken off guard. She took ten of them out and wrapped them in whatever she found, so at least the components would stay intact as much as possible. Then shoved the bounty in her backpack. 
Through the mask, Scotty could feel the wondering gaze. She simply shrugged it. He wanted fast and she gave him fast. He did like that in a sense. Now it was time to get out of this place and rendezvous with the exfil. Coast was clear. They stealthy made their way out of the room, making sure to not make a sound. They barely had turned the corner of the hallway, when shouting came from behind. "Here goes the smooth sailing." Scotty thought. The man shouted something that did not seem right for them. As if he was alerting the others. 
Ghost turned around with his gun and shot without hesitation. However the sound of it echoed throughout the area loudly. More reason to not stay here and see what happens next. The two soldiers ran down the stairs. Footsteps followed from behind, lots of them. They had to exit the building now, but how? It seemed like the building was swarmed by guards. They could retrace their steps to the emergency door they found earlier. That is if it was still unguarded. It would be surprising if by now the enemies had raised the alarm and all exits were compromised. Ghost took the lead in to figure out a way out. They covered some distance on the ground floor before they were forced back up when they saw many shadows stretching from the hallway in front and the steps from behind. They hid behind crates when they heard commotion coming their way. Crouched, they attempted an escape when one man noticed them and yelled something in russian. ‘‘Go! Go! Go!’’ Ghost ordered pushing her in front of him and he started shooting. 
Making their way who knew where, they found themselves cornered. Scotty looked around for anything where they could hide. ‘‘Lieutenant, there!’’ She shouted pointing out some old lockers.
‘‘Are you out of you mind there’s not way we fit in!’’ 
‘‘Well we have no choice!’’ She pushed him towards them. They had only a few seconds to spare. They quickly checked some lockers which all had something inside or were locked and when they finally found one to hide in, there was no more time to look at the others. They would have to cramp in there. They jumped in it and tried to close the door. If none of them moved, they could make it. They heard footsteps and voices on the other side. ‘‘They couldn’t have gone far! Find them!’’
They remained still. There was still some activity outside. ‘‘Let’s wait a few minutes then we get dash out of here.’’ Scotty whispered.
‘‘Roger that.’’ He replied, looking away. She was pressed so close against him, if it wasn't from the bulletproof vest, he dared to think… No! He had to focus on the mission. However it was hard to do with her squirming around to be comfortable and not get any numb limbs. Ghost was so large he took most of the space! ‘‘Can you stop moving!’’
‘‘Sorry it’s hard to find a comfortable position…’’ The voices had gone by now, but they agreed it would be safer to stay put a little longer in case someone was still scouting the surrounding area. She felt something against her leg. ‘‘Lieutenant, can you move your pistol?’’
‘‘That… is not my pistol.’’ He said between his teeth. Scotty was glad that there was barely any light in here, because her face turned red understanding what it was exactly. Time froze around them realizing the situation. Only brought back to reality by steps moving away along with shouting. Then silence returned. "Let's get out now." 
Clear or not clear, they didn't hesitate to exit the cramped space. Ghost contacted Price as soon as he could to know the rendezvous point. At this point they only wished to be out of there, safe. A wish shattered when the earpiece rang with bad news from the captain. "Ghost, Scotty, a big storm is heading your way. We won't be able to extract." 
"If we make it out alive, where to then?" Ghost replied, scanning the corner. He gestured to her to move forwards. 
"Gaz found an abandoned safe house five klicks away, North from your position, hidden in the beginning of the forest. Stay put till the storm passes. Over"
"Roger, will give a sitrep once we are there. Out." Some good news. They wouldn't be dying from cold at least. They could still die of bullets though. Avoiding as many enemies as possible they luckily made it back to their entrance. Ghost told Scotty to be ready with her gun. He will advance to take one down with his knife while she shoots the other. The two guards taken care off, he pushed the door and they ran outside. The two soldiers were met with a cold piercing wind. Snow was already falling heavily. The walk to the safe house would be a painful and exhausting journey.
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rosereflects · 8 months
It seems as though I am unable to maintain my own good spirits for very long. Just now I have reminded myself of my own lowly status. Though unintentionally, on what is supposed to be a happy day, I made my little sister cry. My own sister, the person I care most about. This act speaks volumes on my degraded nature. That I am so easily able to cause in others pain, anguish, and unhappiness is perhaps the clearest indication that I must remain isolated. I could see it in her eyes; she wants nothing to do with me. I cannot see why anyone would. An existence like mine is not much good for else besides causing pain and discomfort. The worst part may be how careless I am despite knowing this. Why can I not keep my mouth shut? It truly must be better for her, and all else, to know me as a quiet recluse than as a villain.
If the damage I cause is truly unintentional, then it must simply be a result, or byproduct, of my own nature. This I have accepted. I have resigned myself to the fact that I am not a good person. But the acknowledgement that I am a terrible excuse for an older brother hurts more still. Though this I accepted long ago, it still remains one of the worst axioms of my existence. Reasons to hate myself still further find me constantly, but none weigh on me as much as this one.
It seemed like such a lighthearted comment. And truly I meant it as such. Yet I have been shown before the ease with which my words and actions can be misinterpreted, or else discomfort others. Now, all I am left to say is that if I knew my words would lead to her tears I would not utter even a sound. You see, it was as a small number of us sat to eat that she began to speak of her boyfriend’s father, in particular, she spoke of his new girlfriend who was described as less than half his age. It was then that I remarked ‘Oh, it must run in the family’, referring to the fact that my sister is several years younger than me, whilst her boyfriend is nearly a decade my senior. This, though greatly displeasing to me, is something I have learned to tolerate over the roughly two year span of their union, choosing to trust in my sister’s good judgment. The few reasons why I find such a large age gap displeasing should, I believe, be quite obvious. Despite them, this was the first time I actually voiced any such criticisms, and it was most obviously a mistake. This I understood instantly, as following my thoughtless comment my sister stood up and retreated to her room. I waited for some minutes outside, with each passing second making me feel worse and worse. Once she did exit, I apologized, said her life was not for me to meddle in, and promised I would not do it again. I doubt that meant much. She said only ‘It’s ok’ and walked away, without so much as making eye contact.
Rose then did what Rose does best. I slammed back a couple of shots, poured myself a drink, grabbed another that was just sitting there, and locked myself in my room. I rolled a joint and hopped out through the window to smoke it outside. I should not be smoking, with a drug test so close, but I hardly care at the present moment. I assumed it would make me feel at least a little better, but in typical fashion, I was wrong.
There have been a number of knocks at my door over the past few minutes. I suppose I should stop ignoring them and return to everyone else. I truly am not in the right mood, as is clearly visible in my expression. I feel like shit, but there are only a couple more hours to go.
0 notes
wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
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Ah. Well, there it is! 
Okay, let’s take this from the top. 
(cut for length)
Another thing I said previously in this episode was that I felt that Lilith takes their conflict a lot more seriously than Eda does. But here, Eda’s immediate response to Lilith offhandedly bringing up her attempts to catch Eda is to get defensive and assume the worst. 
There’s barely concealed hurt in her voice, to the point where she almost sounds as though she’s holding back tears, and she’s genuinely surprised when Lilith denies her assumption. As much as she cracks jokes and plays it lighthearted about their constant fighting, it must weigh quite heavily on her too. 
Lilith’s change in her approach to getting Eda to join the coven since her last few appearances has me wondering: is this because she had the chance to bond with Eda again in this episode, or was she already considering asking Eda directly to join the coven from the start? 
It’s also interesting that this comes shortly after her last appearance in Episode 8, which left her incredibly frustrated with Eda all around. I wonder if she put two and two together eventually and figured out that it wasn’t actually Eda she was talking to back then? That may have led her to think that she might have a chance of convincing Eda to join her if she asked her personally, without any bodyswap weirdness interfering.
Now, we come to Lilith’s last line. While the mystery from the end of Episode 5 still remains, what she says here does confirm one thing: Lilith believes that the Emperor can fix Eda’s curse. Lilith thinks that if Eda were to join the Emperor’s Coven, not only would she no longer be a criminal, but her life could be saved. (As it is, Eda doesn’t seem to have any way to get rid of the curse on her own. As Lilith said back in Episode 5, her days are numbered.) 
And this has led me to consider an interesting implication that this whole situation has about their conflict. To some degree, it is fundamentally based on differences in their ideologies. Eda hates the coven system, while Lilith has flourished in it. But, at the same time, there’s no indication that Lilith has any strong feelings about covens themselves. 
She sees value in playing a part in the system in order to mentor the next generation, but I don’t think she’s said much (or anything, really) in praise of the coven system. The reasons she’s given for wanting Eda to join the Emperor’s Coven have nothing to do with the coven and everything to do with Eda herself. Eda joining the coven would clear her of being a criminal, Eda joining the coven might save her life. 
I think that, while Eda’s refusal to join a coven and hatred of every part of the school/coven system is purely based on her own moral and ideological standards, Lilith’s own stance has much less to do with what she thinks is right (despite her position as leader of the coven that serves as part of law enforcement) and much more to do with people. 
In a coven, she can lead others, supportive headpats and all, and play the role of mentor to promising young witches. Plus, in Lilith’s mind, joining a coven would solve all Eda’s problems. None of this implies that she thinks covens are inherently good, though it is true that she considers being part of one to be beneficial, and that she trusts in the system. I think, in a way, Lilith just takes the system as a given, and works within it because it’s easier, while Eda can’t get past all the problems she sees with it, no matter how tough that makes life for her. 
Their motivations come from different places, and I think that may fuel their conflict even further because neither of them really understands what the other is thinking. Eda dismisses Lilith’s perspective because she can see that what Lilith is doing is wrong. Why would she perpetuate a system that’s rotten from the ground up? Does she have no sense of morality? Meanwhile, Lilith thinks that Eda is frustrating because she can’t understand why Eda would act in a way that’s actively harmful to herself on a personal level. Things would be so much easier for her if she just joined a coven, why can’t she see that?  
Hmm. This got pretty long. I’m not sure how much this holds up overall, but these two have such interesting characters and I keep having thoughts about them that beg to be shared. I’m sure there’s more to come, too!
Man, this episode is good. 
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harksness · 3 years
Gwen Stacy x Reader
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A/N: Okay so I promised to write this/wrote it before I went mia from this blog for the fattest of minutes and I have no clue why I didn't just post it. I think it's bc I didn't like it at the time, but now that I reread it I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. So I hope you enjoy this dusty Gwen x Reader I dug out of the pit of hell that is my drafts!! Also, I'm working on chapter 3 of No Longer Yours and it'll be out soon I promise!!! I've just been so busy!!
Summary: Gwen had a rough night out on patrol and she needs her girlfriend to ground her.
Word Count: 1,320
Warnings: None
You've always been a light sleeper. So, when you felt your bed dipping next to you, it startled you awake. Initially, you freeze. Waiting for the stranger to do something, your heart is pounding in your chest. With your brain still foggy from sleep, you roll over quickly, the sheets tangling around your waist. You don't know what you were hoping to accomplish with that. 
“It’s alright, it’s just me.”
Immediately you recognize your girlfriend's voice, and you feel yourself let out a breath that you had been holding, the tension leaving your body. You blindly reach out as you blink the remnants of sleep from your eyes until you feel her arm, then proceed to give it a soft, lighthearted smack.
“Jesus, Gwen! You scared the ever loving crap outta me!”
You exclaimed, your voice still slurred from sleep. You suddenly sense the tense air surrounding her. She stays silent, staring out the window and into the night sky. That’s when you notice your apartment window is still cracked open from her entry. The cool night air drifts into the warm room, and it feels nice against your overheating skin. That’s when you remembered- Gwen only comes in through the window like this after a bad night. Like, a really bad night. Like, someone died or got seriously injured sorta night. You feel your heart tighten at the realization.
You sat up, scooting a bit closer to her. You slowly raised your hand and rested it on her shoulder. Her suit is still on, her hood bunched up at the base of her neck. You squeeze her shoulder comfortingly. When she didn’t protest, and she never does, you brought up your hand and began combing your fingers through her soft, blonde locks. Gwen only continued to look out the open window, and at that moment a gentle breeze came through and danced with her hair. 
“What do you need, baby?”
You asked softly, gently. Once again you moved your hand to her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You wanted to remind her that you’re here, that you’ll always be here for her. Gwen’s gaze shifted to her lap where her hands rest and you follow her eyes, finding her mask clutched tightly between her gloved fingers.
“I just need you.”
She finally spoke. Your heart aches at how broken she sounds. She turns her head to look at you, those stunning blue eyes of her finally meeting yours. Concern etched across your features at the ruined look in her eyes. Your heart aches again. All you want to do is hold her and protect her from the world- let someone else be Spider-Woman. Let someone else save the day. All you want is for Gwen to be okay, and she can't be okay with the weight of the world on her shoulders. 
“You have me, Gwen. I’m right here.”
She shifted so that she was facing you, one hand bracing herself on the bed, and the other coming up to cradle your cheek. Gwen pulled you towards her, and you didn’t resist. You didn’t want to. Her lips met your own, desperate and needy. It knocked the wind right out of you. You did your best to return the kiss, but still, drowsiness slowed your thoughts and your movements. You leaned forward, tangling your hand in her hair as she slipped her tongue into your mouth. 
She pulled back abruptly, and you took a moment to catch your breath.
“God, I’m sorry. I come in here in the middle of the night and wake you up, then just grab your face and just shove my tongue down your throat? I’m so stupid.. I should’ve asked you if it was okay. I shouldn’t have woken you up, you need your sleep. I’m sorry.”
She sighed, dragging her hands down her face in embarrassment. You grab one of her still gloved hands and shake your head.
“Never apologize, Gwen. I’m here when you need me. I’ll always be here... And I could never turn down a makeout session with my extremely hot girlfriend. I love your kisses, Spider-Woman.”
You smile playfully at her, with your fist still tangled in her hair, you bring her face closer to yours and simply rub your nose against hers lovingly. She smiles softly in return, a quiet laugh falling from her lips.
“What would I do without you?”
Gwen smiled, and you smiled back.
“You would be so lost."
"I would be."
She says quietly, her smile turning soft as she looks at you with eyes full of love. You lean in and leave a kiss on her forehead. 
"Even though you look really good in that suit, it's time for bed. And I'd prefer that you don't sleep in that thing."
Gwen hums approvingly as you get up from the bed and make your way to your closet, the moonlight illuminating the room in grays and whites, only tints of color. Giving you just enough light to clearly search through your closet. 
"I love wearing your shirts more than this thing, anyways. I love wearing your shirts more than anything, actually."
You grin at her words as you find a ratty old grey t-shirt. Hopefully this one will do.
You turn around just as she’s bending over to shimmy the suit off of her feet. You can’t help but admire how good she looks- the moonlight hitting her back makes her look radiant. She's so beautiful and stunning, in moments like these you can't help but be in awe that she's even real. 
“My eyes are up here.”
She wiggles her eyebrows at you and you feel your face flush. You clear your throat and laugh it off. 
“You’re too observant, I never get to secretly oggle you.”
You pout and she laughs as she folds her suit and stuffs it into her backpack. Her laugh makes you relax a bit, happy that she’s starting to become a little more normal.
“Here, catch.”
You interrupt before she can say anything else. You throw the shirt at her, and she catches it with her amazing reflexes. She holds it out in front of her and studies it for a moment, a slight pout now making its way onto her lips. She’s so cute.
“I want to wear your Fall Out Boy shirt, it’s my favorite.”
You throw yourself back into bed, bouncing slightly as you do so before getting under the blankets. 
“It’s dirty, gorgeous. You’ll have to make do with this one.”
Now you’re the observant one, because you notice a hint of red on her cheeks as she slips the shirt over her head. You smile to yourself, happy to have been able to successfully fluster her. 
She slips under the covers next to you, and you open your arms. Gwen scoots in closer, and she rests her head on your shoulder, bringing up her hand to rest on your chest. You bury your nose in her hair and kiss the top of her head as you wrap your arms around her. You feel her relax in your embrace, a soft sigh leaving her lips. 
She’s safe here, in your bed, in your arms. She can drop all of the stress of being a superhero at the door and pick it up again in the morning. Moments like these are her only bits of peace amongst the chaos, the only thing that keeps her sane and grounded. She really doesn’t know what she would do without you. You’re an angel, and she doesn’t understand how she got so lucky. 
After a moment of silence, Gwen says your name softly.
“Yes, dear?”
You whisper into the roots of her hair.
“Thank you for always being here for me.”
She says, even softer than before. You smile, running your thumbs against her skin.
“Of course. I’ll always be here when you need me.”
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mviswidow · 4 years
i can’t feel it
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 2,727
Warnings: wandavision spoilers!! i recommend catching up before reading this if you haven’t already. also, i cursed like, twice.
A/N: this was literally edited while i was falling asleep, so if there are mistakes, that’s why. Please pm or reply, telling me and I'll go back and fix it.
Prompt: hi!! what about a wanda x reader where r has similar powers to wanda & enters the hex to talk her into letting everyone in westview go & coming home with r? :)
Summary: R has to convince Wanda to let everyone in Westview go.
    part two
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“Are you sure you remember everything?” Jimmy asked you, concerned about how fast you were being thrown into everything. 
You nodded confidently, you were nervous, kind of scared, but ready. After getting a call from Monica, you knew whatever was going on was important, and you made your way to the outskirts of Westview, New Jersey before she even had to tell you what was going on. “Wanda’s robot boyfriend-”
“-Synthezoid,” Jimmy corrected before seeing the look Darcy gave him. “Sorry.”
“Synthezoid boyfriend died because Thanos pulled the mind stone out of his head, she had to watch him die twice and freaked out, stole his body from S.W.O.R.D., and created a fake sitcom reality where she goes through decades because she’s a grieving 30 year old with an odd obsession with tv shows. Oh, and she’s mind controlling a whole town and I’m supposed to convince her to let them go. Almost forgot that one,” You said, pointedly making the lighthearted joke because of Jimmy’s evident stress, chuckling softly.
“Just be careful,” Darcy cut in, “Wanda doesn’t seem to want to leave and we won't know if things go wrong because she chooses what goes in her show and what doesn’t.”
“I’ll be just fine. Let’s go,” You sighed and the four of you started to head out the door, but Hayward pulled you aside before you could leave the building. You told them to go ahead and you would meet them by the car.
“Ms (Y/L/N),” Hayward nodded, and you nodded back to him. Warm greeting, you thought. “Director Hayward.”
“If you cannot get Wanda to submit and release the people of Westview, I want you to fight her. Do whatever you have to, I need the Vision’s body back in S.W.O.R.D. custody and the citizens of Westview to be freed.”
Your brow furrowed, “My assignment is to try to persuade Ms Maximoff. I’m not fighting her, Sir. She’s grieving. I just got here and I can tell. She seems like she just wants to be happy.”
He scoffed at you and shook his head, “Her happiness means nothing to me. Ms Maximoff has thousands held captive. So, I think you’re misunderstanding me, Ms (Y/L/N), I am ordering you to kill her if needed. We need her to bring that barrier down.”
“I don’t take orders from you, Director. I’m just here to try to work things out, not to fight anyone,” You retorted.
“So you would let her continue to mind control the people of Westview? To continue controlling a sentient weapon made of vibranium?” Hayward asked pointedly, but you weren’t having any of it.
“With all due respect, you seem awfully concerned about the Vision when there are ‘thousands held captive’. And regardless, do you have any idea what would happen if Wanda died while all those people were in there?” You paused for a moment, giving him a chance to answer. “I didn’t think so.”
And with that, you turned on your heel and huffed, quickly making your way to the car that was waiting to take you to the border of the hex, Darcy, Monica, and Jimmy sat inside of it.
“What did he want?” Jimmy asked.
You sighed and started playing with the sleeve of your long sleeved shirt, “He wants me to kill Wanda if she doesn’t stop mind controlling Westview.”
Darcy’s eyes widened, “Sorry, what?”
You looked up at her and saw her concerned expression, “Oh, I’m not going to.” You said quickly, not wanting any of them to get the wrong impression. “He isn’t in charge of me. Wanda doesn’t seem to want to hurt anyone in Westview, and besides, it would be foolish when we know nothing about what would happen inside the barrier if she died.”
Darcy nodded as Monica parked the car and the four of you got out of it.
“Thank you for doing this, (Y/n),” Monica smiled softly as you reached the hex.
“You know I’m always willing to help you when you need me,” You smiled and looked towards the barrier.
You knew the trio was watching you intently, with the other agents standing outside, waiting for you to go in, but your heart was racing and you had to take a few deep breaths before bringing your hands up, moving your fingers in a way that they recognized to be similar to the way Wanda did, and you stepped closer, the blue light from your powers flowing forward and hitting the hex.
It kind of looked like when food coloring is dropped into water, and the color spreads, except your powers were the food coloring, and the hex was the water.
Not wanting to waste any more time, you pulled your hands further apart and groaned as you slowly but surely pulled apart a section of the barrier that was big enough for you to fit through before walking right through it.
As soon as you were through, you looked behind you and saw nothing. None of the S.W.O.R.D. tents or buildings or cars, Darcy, Monica, Jimmy, and all the other agents who were outside were gone. It was just a plain old normal street.
You looked down at your clothes and chuckled, the 80s. If Wanda had anything, it was a fashion sense, whether it was conscious of it or not. You were dressed in a fitted white shirt, and an electric blue skirt and cropped blazer set. Was it a bit tacky? Sort of, but you couldn’t help but love it. However, you were very pleased that the white boots you were wearing didn’t have too high of a heel. 
You sighed and knew you needed to go quickly. Vision had just left for work and this was the best chance you were going to get to talk to Wanda. You doubted she would let you convince her to let everyone go if Vision was there with her.
You extended your arms to the ground below you and used your powers to lift yourself up into the air, waiting until you saw the house you recognized to be Wanda’s to fly down to a street that had no one on it that was close enough for you to arrive quickly.
Your hand trembled as it reached up to knock on the door, but before you could overthink any longer, you tapped your knuckles against the wood three times and waited, playing with your fingers.
Wanda opened the door and smiled, though she wore a confused expression on her face, “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met before, or have we?”
You offered a smile and shook your head, “We haven’t, I’m (Y/n).”
“Wanda,” she said, with a lilt in her voice.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something, if you aren’t busy? It’s important.”
She gazed at you curiously before nodding and stepping out of the way, “Come inside.”
You walked inside her home, the feeling you got was weird. You’d seen it on Darcy’s tv, but it was different to actually be in the room.
Wanda noticed the way your eyes flicked around her living room, looking at the couch, the photos hanging, the random decorations, and the few toys on the floor.
“Do you want something to drink?” She asked politely, before noticing you staring at one of the toys Tommy happened to favor. “My boys are upstairs.”
You smiled politely and shook your head, “I’m alright, Wanda, thank you. I need to talk to you about what you’re doing.” You started, not very strongly, but it wasn’t like you could just blurt out what you needed to say. This was a difficult situation.
“I’m sorry?” She tilted her head, not catching on, but she looked worried.
“I know about your powers, you’re controlling everyone in Westview, and Vision is starting to-”
“Leave,” Wanda extended her hands and tried to levitate you out, but you put your hands at your side and grounded yourself, blue mist surrounding your feet.
Wanda faltered and her eyes widened at the sight of your powers, “Who are you?”
“I’m Y/n Y/l/n. I was sent here to convince you to let everyone in Westview go. I promise I don’t mean you any harm, I just want things to go smoothly so no one else gets hurt.”
Wanda shook her head, “I can't just let go of this, I finally have everything I want.”
You sighed and nodded, “I understand how you feel, I have lost family too, but the people of Westview, they have their own lives and families. They’re in pain, Wanda. I can feel it. Can’t you?”
Her eyes snapped up and met yours, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill. She shook her head, “I can’t feel it.”
You stood for a moment, the two of you just looking at each other, before taking a breath and letting the blue mist that was keeping you grounded fade away. Cautiously, you walked closer to her and let out a breath of relief when she wasn’t backing away or looking like she was going to attack you.
“You can look into minds, can’t you?” You asked, knowing that showing her the pain she was unknowingly putting these people through was the best chance you had at convincing her to do the right thing. 
Wanda nodded without saying anything and understood what you wanted her to do. Shakily, she lifted her hand and bit her lip, she looked scared.
You blinked a few times, thought, fuck it, and gently held her wrist, bringing her hand up to your temple. You watched her eyes glow red before closing your eyes, allowing Wanda to see inside your mind.
All Wanda could feel was an unbearable amount of agony, she heard thousands of voices overlapping each other, panicked screams and crying. It was too much. Everyone sounded so scared. She did this.
The feeling was excruciating and let out a strangled sob, which made your eyes open on instinct.
Tears were flowing freely down Wanda’s face and she slowly sank to her knees, trying to catch her breath.
You got down on the floor in front of her and held one of her hands, using your other one to tilt her chin up towards you, “It’s okay, Wanda.”
She shook her head furiously and squeezed your hand, leaning forward, into you.
You wrapped your arm around her and let her cry into your shoulder. Your stomach felt twisted and you couldn’t believe Hayward had asked you to kill Wanda if she refused to comply, not when she was reacting like this.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen like this,” She managed to get out between deep breaths and whimpers. “I just - I wanted Vis back.”
Tears pricked at your own eyes, but you ignored them, knowing that you had to focus on Wanda, “I know, it’s okay. Everything will be okay. You just have to put down the barriers around Westview and stop mind controlling everyone.”
Wanda’s breath hitched, but she nodded, “Okay.”
“Okay?” You asked. Surprised at how you managed to get her to listen to you.
“I’ll do it now,” She sniffled and wiped her tears, standing up slowly.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Well, hold on, don’t you want to see Vision first? Or call the twins down here?”
Her lips pressed together as another tear slipped down her cheek and she shook her head, “I don’t know what I’ll do if I allow myself to see them again,” She said quietly.
You nodded and stepped back, letting her go about this whatever way she wanted.
You watched her work, even though the two of you were inside, you could see out the window that the sky had turned red and it was gradually getting more blue, looking like she was chipping off pieces of the sky, if the sky was red, away from the inside out. 
Before you knew it, the house the two of you were standing in had been reduced to the foundation of a home, just concrete laying on the floor in the shape of the house Wanda had been living in. 
She was wearing a burgundy shirt, a jacket, and jeans instead of the big jeans and plaid shirt she’d had on before, and you were back to wearing your comfortable grey long sleeved shirt and jeans.
Her bottom lip started to tremble and she turned towards you before her breath started to quicken.
You wore a pained expression and stepped towards her, holding your arms out. You thought she was going to deny the embrace you were offering her, but she walked forward and buried her head in your neck, letting you wrap your arms around her, “I’m really proud of you, Wanda. It takes a lot to be able to give up something that important to you.”
She nodded, but said nothing. You stood there for about two more minutes before her breathing had calmed and she’d stopped crying. “Thank you, (Y/n).”
You nodded and smiled sadly at her before you both looked towards the red buick that was now sitting in her driveway, “I think I’m going to have to take you back out of Westview with me. I’ll get in trouble if I just let you leave, I think.”
“It’s fine, I’ll go,” She fished the keys to her car out of her pocket and played with the keyring. “Do you think you can drive us? I kind of want to look around before we leave.”
You took her keys and she let out a breath before quietly thanking you and walking to the passenger seat of her car.
Before you pulled out of the driveway, you spoke, “How did you do all of this?” You asked curiously. Sure, you had magic yourself, but there was no way you could even dream about pulling off anything like this.
“I’m not sure. All I remember is feeling so completely alone and sad, and I went to S.W.O.R.D. to see Vis for the last time before coming here, because Hayward wouldn’t let me take his body to give him a funeral or anything, so I guess I made a version of him here. I really don’t know how I managed though, because -”
“Sorry,” You interrupted, turning to look at her with your brows knitted together. “You said the Vision stayed in S.W.O.R.D.?”
“Yes?” She nodded. “What is it?”
You huffed and started the engine of the car, pulling out of the driveway, “The lying bastard. Hayward edited security camera footage to make it look like you stole the Vision’s body and used it here.” 
“That’s ridiculous. I know better than to make myself a criminal again. Well, I mean-” 
“It’s fine Wanda. You didn’t mean to,” You continued driving, enjoying the neighborhood.
When you were getting close to the edge of town, she spoke again. “Am I going to jail?”
“I won’t let them put you in jail,” You said simply.
“What, why?” Wanda asked, and it was clear that she was asking because she thought she deserved it and she was expecting it to happen.
“You don’t deserve it,” You shrugged. You didn’t want her to suffer alone, again. She already tried that, and look where that got everyone.
Wanda shook her head, “You know that isn’t true.”
“I believe it is. I know that your actions were wrong, but Hayward was wrong for denying you when you asked for Vision’s body to bury. It wasn’t his to have. All he cares about is money and power and the Vision would cost a lot of money and would give him a lot of power. I mean, realistically, he’s kind of the cause for this. But that’s not the point. The point is that it was never your intention to hurt these people and it’s not fair to you that he set you up like this.”
“And what will you do if they try to put me in jail?” Wanda asked curiously, her voice low.
You sighed as you started to be able to make out Jimmy, Monica, and Darcy from far away. “I dunno, maybe we can run away together or something.”
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heyaeolus · 3 years
Control Freak Tendencies
With: Bokuto Genre: angst to fluff Warnings: bokuto is unconsciously manipulative in this WC: 1.2k
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You’ve got a nice ball of energy for a boyfriend and it’s everything that’s been making you sleep nicer at night
He is also someone who is especially adept with emotions so he knows when something is off with you. He sends you hugs and showers you with lots of kisses. But of course, life is not a fairy tale and Bokuto comes with his own imperfections.
Being sensitive with emotions also brings him knowledge on how to use them best
It wasn’t intentional but he unconsciously manipulates you into doing things he wants. When you realized it, there was nothing but a rotten feeling growing in your chest.
The warm sun against your face was the first thing you felt as your senses awakened on a lazy Sunday morning. The second thing was the heavy arm against your stomach restraining your breathing. You looked to your right and found your boyfriend still deep in slumber. It was a nice view to see everyday.
But as much as you wanted to stay, you promised your friends lunch today so you slowly crept out of bed. Knowing your boyfriend, you know waking him up is the least of your concerns since he sleeps like a bear in hibernation. You dashed to the bathroom and got ready to go.
Just when you were about to finish your shower, a gentle series of knocks disturbed the silence in the bathroom. “Baby?” you hear Koutarou’s raspy morning voice seep through the door. You grabbed your robe and hastily wrapped it around you, “Yes, baby?” Your half-awake boyfriend stood before the door, head covered under the blanket he is still clutching. Upon seeing you freshly showered, he rubbed his eyes, “Going somewhere?”
You nodded, walking past him and got to the closet, yanking pieces of clothing out. “Can I go with you?” he asks. You frown, “It’s a lunch with the girls, baby.”
“Can’t I go?” his eyes turn glassy as he pouts behind you, towering your small stature. This is exactly what you were wary of, his clinginess.
“Baby, you know the girls don’t like it when a partner comes in at our lunch dates,” you sigh.
“But it’s lonely here without you,” he reasons, almost breaking your walls. But this lunch is something you’ve promised with your friends that you wouldn’t miss unless you are on the brink of death, that is. And it’s something that keeps you, you.
You face your boyfriend, hands coming up to cradle his face. He instantly slouches to feel your warmth better. “Baby,” you start, “This is one thing I can’t skip so please behave, okay? I’ll just get you a treat once I’m back.”
He sniffs, tears starting to break out, “But you can always attend your next lunch dates! Would you rather me be lonely?”
You huff, now angry. Here he goes again, using emotions to battle everything with you. He somehow always manages to guilt-trip you over small things you wanted to do for yourself and it’s taking a toll on you. He follows you when you go to the bathroom to get dressed but you slammed the door to his face.
“Are you angry now?” he sobs behind the door.
You don’t answer him because you can’t take his possessive antics. You ignored his ramblings, drowning him with the sound of music from your phone. By the time you were done, you dashed to the door out with Koutarou trailing behind you, calling out your name.
“Come on now, baby. Listen to me,” he says and you halt, turning to him with a glare.
“You can’t lock me up in here just because it makes you lonely, ‘Tarou! I’m also a person with a life aside from the one I live with you so I’m going whether you like it or not!” you storm out, making sure the door closes with a loud bang behind you. You didn’t spare him a glance because you know it will also hurt to see him so dejected but that habit of his has to go.
And now here you are, headed home with a heavy feeling in your gut. All throughout the lunch date, you were bugged by the confrontation you had with Bokuto. And it did not help when everyone talked about each other’s relationship. You didn’t open up the fight, you don’t want to dampen the lighthearted atmosphere. You kept it all in until the very moment you had to enter your apartment to be welcomed by an eerily still home.
Not even the television was on, and you have a gut feeling your boyfriend is not home either. Your heart skipped a beat, anxiety creeping up in your veins. You called out his name to make sure but there were no responses. A lot of negative thoughts were running through your mind as you scampered to the bedroom, to the bathroom, to every nook and canny in your house just to make sure Koutarou isn’t hiding there, depressed. But your big buff boyfriend is nowhere to be found.
You pulled out your phone to dial his number when the door opened, revealing none other than Koutarou. He stood there – dumbfounded.
“It’s only two,” he murmurs as if he had been found out. Well, you think he is at least, as you take in the box he before him, roses peeking out of it. You have an inkling of what he plans to do with them.
“Yeah, two,” your voice was shaking when you spoke. Chest heaving up and down as you stop yourself from breaking down. You were so close to weeping your heart out in the thoughts of your boyfriend leaving but now that he is here, you don’t know how to approach him. Are you supposed to be mad again? But your heart says it needs a warm, tight hug from him.
Bokuto deflates before you – emo mode. His eyes were on the ground as he mumbles, “I’m sorry I messed up I didn’t mean to be so clingy, annoying, and possessive, and I don’t want you missing out on events because you don’t ever do that to me. And I know how important your friends are to you – ”
“Tarou,” you attempt to stop him but he completely ignores you, lost in his trance.
“ – and it doesn’t help that I could get so childish sometimes. And I know I can get so annoying and unbearable and I’m lucky to have you and I don’t know – ”
“Koutarou, stop!” you lunge at him, throwing your arms around his neck, clinging ever so tightly.
“Don’t do that again,” you say against his neck. You feel his arms creeping around your waist, the box on the floor long forgotten. “It also pains me to think I’ll have to leave you.”
“I know baby,” he kisses your cheek, “Why were you early though? I was supposed to throw rose petals everywhere! The plan is now wasted.” He groans loudly as he carries you to the living room, settling on the couch with you on his lap.
“I’m here to stop you so I don’t have to clean your mess.” You answer, booping his nose with your index finger.
He gasps dramatically, hand slapping his mouth, “Babe it was a surprise, you know. That hurts.”
You just laugh at him before you were silenced by a sweet kiss from him, “That was actually one of the five boxes. Can you help me pick them up from the car?”
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craving for angst to fluff stuff he he he i'm actually planning to make this one into a series so yeah tell me who you want to see next! requests are also always open :>
and yes, i’m trying to be more *active*
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skzsauce01 · 3 years
A Good Man
Anniversary Request Special
Description: Seungmin loves you so much so that he wished he was the one left behind in the plane crash, not your late husband.
Warning: guilt, plane crash, death
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: fem!reader x Seungmin
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Chan was a good man— loyal, loving, reliable. Seungmin is a good man too, but Seungmin is not Chan, and he knows it. He knows it well.
He approaches you, bouquet in hand. You turn and smile when you hear him.
“Hi, Seungmin.”
“Hello, Y/N. Where’s Miyeon?”
“I left her with her grandma. She isn’t quite old enough to sit still for stuff like this yet.”
“I see.” He set the flowers by the picture of his late leader. “I should leave the two of you alone then.”
“No, wait, Seungmin,” you stop him. “Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?” 
You’re inviting him to dinner? His eyes slide to Chan’s framed smiling face. No, he mustn’t get his hopes up. There probably isn’t something more to this invitation. You probably just don’t want to be alone on your late husband’s fifth death anniversary. “Sure. Where? I’ll see if any of the boys are free too.”
“No, I meant just the three of us at my place,” you clarify. “I… I have something to say.” 
Seungmin can’t stop his heart from accelerating even though he knows it’ll hurt more later. “O-okay.”
You nod and turn back to the memorial. Seungmin watches as you whisper something into the single white carnation in your hand and set it on the altar before he himself turns to give you room.
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He finds it ironic that he was actually the reason why you and Chan were together. You were his classmate whom he reunited with when Stray Kids did a reality show at a site you worked. He was even the best man at your wedding. He remembers that day clearly— that day when he saw you walking down the aisle dressed in white. He’d never felt so sick as he did then when realization and regret hit him all at once. He loves you. Since when, and for how long, he didn’t and doesn’t know, but it was and is too late. 
He finds it even more ironic, however, that he is the reason you two are now torn apart.
He raises his finger and presses the bell. Within seconds, the door is thrown open wide and a bubbly five year old greets him. “Hello, Uncle Seungmin!”
He automatically bends down and scoops the child up. “Hi there, Miyeon. Have you been a good girl today?”
“Uh-huh! You can ask Mommy!”
As if on cue, you pop out from the kitchen. “Yes, she’s been a well-behaved angel. Welcome in, Seungmin.” 
You take the melon he’d brought while he takes off his shoes. Seungmin’s a bit surprised to see three lit candles on the dining table when he walks in, but says nothing of it. He does, however, raise an eyebrow when you off-handedly mention you baked his favourite chocolate cake. He knows the recipe calls for red wine, and for a single mother such as you, anything that does not involve your child usually does not fit into your schedule, let alone cross your mind. 
After dinner, you take your daughter to her playroom upstairs with a large plate of cookies that are obviously meant to keep her distracted for a while.
Seungmin watches as you scurry back downstairs afterwards. You’re wearing a skirt. He doesn’t remember you wearing a skirt since you gave birth. He thinks you’re gorgeous in anything, but the effort you put into looking nice makes him blush a shade darker.
“Shall we?” you dramatize, pulling out the dessert.
Seungmin helps lay out two plates while you serve a slice onto each.
“You mentioned you have something to say?” he asks as you both tuck your chairs in.
Are you blushing, or is it just the heat from these candles?
“I, uh… Let’s eat first.” You smile sheepishly. “I haven’t had this in so long.”
Despite having his favourite dessert, Seungmin cannot concentrate on its taste at all. He watches as you cut through the moist cake with your fork. He can tell you’re nervous by the way your joints are turning white by your grip on the utensil. He’s used to being the anxious one, so this is new. What could have gotten you so on edge?
At last, you’ve scraped every last drop of cream you can procrastinate with into your mouth. Seungmin takes the plates and sets them into the sink before sitting back down in front of you, waiting patiently.
“What I want to say is,” you begin carefully. 
He nods once and leans forward, letting you know you have his attention.
“We’ve known each other for a while now, haven’t we?”
“Yes, why?” Goodness, this sounds like a line from every other friends-to-lover romcom skit. Not that he would mind. As long as you tell him you feel the same way he does, he wouldn’t care if you quoted “Twilight” verbatim. Oh, to be in a lighthearted romcom with you, Seungmin dreams of nothing more. Then again, he reminds himself, these are just dreams.
“Ever since… ever since Chan passed, we grew closer, and I depended on you a lot. You’ve been my cornerstone, and I wanted to say ‘thank you.’”
He nods again, but doesn’t say anything. He knows you enough by now to recognize you have more on your mind.
Indeed, you continue. “And over these past five years, my heart has—”
“Mommy!” A sudden cry sends you both to your feet. 
“I’ll tell you later,” you toss over your shoulder to Seungmin who’s running right on your heels towards the cry.
“Miyeon!” you gasp, seeing the state of your daughter. Somehow, she has managed to squeeze through the gaps between the railing of the stairs and is hanging from the second floor. Below her, her stuffed monkey lays sprawled out on ground level.
“I’ll pull her up,” you decide, but Seungmin stops you.
“It’ll be hard to fit her back through those rails, and she’s crying too much to cooperate.” He stands under your daughter and extends his arms upwards. “Miyeon? Miyeon, let go. Uncle Seungmin will catch you. You’re going to be alright.”
The little girl stops wailing for a moment and looks down only to cry again from the intimidating height.
“Sweetie, it’s okay. You can do it. We won’t let you fall,” you add in. “You trust us, don’t you? You trust Mommy and Uncle Seungmin?”
She quiets down again and sniffles as she looks at you and Seungmin now instead of the floor. Her tiny arms are shaking, and you brace yourself, knowing she’s going to fall soon whether she wants to or not.
Miyeon whimpers once more and closes her eyes. She then finally releases her grip and lands squarely into Seungmin’s awaiting arms.
“Oof. There we go. Safe and sound,” he assures her. 
Once she’s set on the floor, Miyeon again begins to bawl from shock. “Mr— Mr. Bananas wanted to climb. Mr. Bananas wanted to climb!” she sobs, gripping the stuffed animal you’ve returned back to her arms.
“Okay, okay, we understand. Still, no more climbing for you or Mr. Bananas, alright?” hushes Seungmin.
You pick up your daughter and bounce her on your shoulder. “I think she’s learned her lesson. I didn’t think we still needed baby rails, but I guess you can never be safe enough.”
Seungmin reaches for Miyeon. “Let’s put her to bed. She must be exhausted after all that.”
You nod and let him carry the five year old up the stairs once more. You have him wait downstairs though as you change the child, so he heads back down and makes himself comfortable on the couch. On the lamp table beside him, there’s a photo of you and Chan excitedly holding up an ultrasound. It is the only picture of the three of you together.
He runs this thumb over the other man’s face, wiping it free of any dust. “I’m sorry…” he whispers. “I know it’s not worth much, but I’ll keep Y/N and Miyeon safe and happy. I promise.” 
He quickly sets down the picture and stands when he hears you closing the bedroom door. 
“Is she alright?” Seungmin asks when he sees your head appear from around the corner.
You nod, descending the steps quietly. “She’s sleeping now. She’ll forget all about it by tomorrow morning.”
“I wish I could say the same when I get hurt. I can’t even sit in certain positions anymore,” he jokes.
You laugh lightly. “I’m glad you were here, Seungmin. Things could have been a lot different if it were just me.”
“I’m always happy to help. I should get going now though. You must be tired too.”
“Wait.” Your voice stops him at the front door. “The accident… I’m thankful you were here, and I realized it had to be you. You had to be the one to do it.”
His stupid hope is rising again. He can feel it in his chest. “Y/N, what are you saying?”
“Miyeon, she wouldn’t have trusted anyone except you. She needs you, and I… I need you too.” 
Is he hearing incorrectly? His silence and bewilderment prompts you to explain. “The thing is, ever since Chan passed five years ago, you were the only one who’s been by my side, supporting and caring for me, and slowly, I’ve fallen for that. Seungmin, I know I come with a lot of baggage, but would you be willing to give us a try?”
He wants to jump, he wants to cheer, he wants to accept your confession, but none of this makes sense to logical Seungmin, so he restrains himself.
“Y/N, do you realize what you’re saying?”
You nod. “I-I know it’s sudden, but I like you, Kim Seungmin.”
“But you love Chan.”
You hesitate but nod in agreement anyway. “I’m not going to put you second. I—”
“Y/N, I killed Chan. Don’t you see? You should hate me instead. If it weren’t for me, you’d still have your husband, and Miyeon would still have a dad. If I hadn’t stood under that propeller after the plane crash, Chan wouldn’t have had to push me and get crushed in the head. I killed Chan, and no matter what I do— no matter how much I love you too— I can never stand in his place.”
You take a moment to stare at him, trying to read his body language after that confession of insecurity. After a while, you straighten your back and look him right in the eyes.
“You’re right.” He’s startled by your sudden firm tone. “You can never be Chan. You’re not a music-producing insomniac. You’re not Australian. You’re not born with curly hair.”
He swallows and hangs his head.
“But,” you continue. “I’m not looking for another Chan. I’m not looking to replace him; I’m looking for you.”
You soften your voice. “When I found out how he passed saving you, I knew I was going to be okay. I knew Chan wouldn’t leave me and his unborn child to fend for ourselves. He saved you because he knew he could count on you, and it’s why I trusted you from the beginning and why I let myself fall in love again.”
You walk up to him and take his hands. “Let me ask this again. Will you, Kim Seungmin, stand by my side, not as Chan, but as someone who loves and is loved?”
His heart pounds in his head, yet he cannot take his eyes off of yours. His throat is tied into knots, yet he cannot stop the words from tumbling out.
“Nothing would make me happier,” he breathes. 
You smile and wrap him in a hug, which he finally returns. Just then, footsteps thump down the stairs and a five year old child waddles into view.
“Mommy?” she calls. She then takes a moment to look around before her eyes land on Seungmin. “Daddy?”
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damn-stark · 3 years
Ch.21 Heartache
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Chapter 21 of Different light
A/N- let me know what you thought :)
Warning- Angst, some fluff, some swearing, cliffhanger of sorts.
Pairing- Harry Potter x Malfoy!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Your entire body freezes at the edge of the borrowed bed, and your eyes remain stuck on Harry for a long moment as your mind remembers what happened the night prior.
For whatever reason he didn’t seem upset at the sight of you. Harry seemed relieved to see you wake up under the same roof as him. For whatever reason. And as much joy as your heart began to feel upon seeing him, as much as you wanted to hug him and kiss him, you remained stuck to your spot. Instead panic and worry began to plague your mind.
You pull your eyes away from Harry and shake your head. “I can’t be here. My family will be looking for me.” You whisper in a panicked voice. “They’ll be worried and find all of you. I can’t be here.”
You swallow thickly and stand up, the commotion that you made waking up the twins, and Hermione. It took them a few minutes to focus on what was going on due to the grogginess they were under, but once they noticed the tension, and the stress you were under they became worried and seemed to fully wake up.
“You can’t leave just yet,” Fred tried to assure you.
You shake your head and walk back to the end table, trying to search for a wand hidden in your sleeve, but as you tuck your hand inside your sleeve and search for the wooden wand with your fingers, there's nothing that stands out. Harry notices what you tried to do and answers the question that looms in your head. “They took it. But you don’t have to worry, y/n, no ones going to hurt you.”
“No,” you mutter as you lift your gaze and meet his. “You don’t understand, if they find me, they’ll hurt everyone here. They’ll hurt you.” You say while you inch towards the window inside the room just a feet away. “I can’t be the cause of that. So please let me go, I promise I won’t say anything.”
“Y/N, listen,” Hermione chimes in as she and the three boys watch you stop beside the window, knowing your intention before you could even reach the window and letting you try to accomplish it.
And once you reach the side of the window and turn your body to face the window, you throw open the curtains and open said window to turn into black smoke to escape. But once you reach your hand out the window, your palms hit some invisible wall. “What the,” you whisper through gritted teeth before you pull your hands back to hit the invisible wall again.
“It’s for your protection, and ours,” Hermione answered, her comment making you stop your attempts to break it and stay with your hands pressed against the invisible wall. Hermione walked up behind you and gently grabbed your shoulder. “We didn’t want to do it, but well, some people in the order don’t trust you.”
“Yeah,” you nod in comprehension whilst you slowly drop your hands to your side and tear your eyes from the sweet morning sky outside the window. “I understand, but I still can’t be here, please understand that.”
“They won’t find you here,” you hear George speak up to try and assure you as well. “They put up hundreds of cloaking, and protection spells.”
“Yes,” Fred continued for his brother. “You won’t be safer anywhere else but here. We promise. They won’t find you unless you leave the protective bubble around the property.”
A deep exhale leaves your lips, and your shoulders drop a bit as some weight is lifted from them. It still didn’t mean you were relaxed, or completely relieved, but there was room enough for you to breathe fresh air and not suffocate under the fear and stress that Voldemort caused. There was a tiny bit of space where you could enjoy seeing the morning sky and bask in the warmth from the sun rays that gently peeked inside the window.
“You all swear that it’s fine?” You ask as you turn to face them all, noticing in that moment, the bandage around George's head and the patch on his ear. “I don’t want to put anyone at risk.”
Harry nods and steps towards you. “You helped Fred, you saved him from getting hurt. You might still be a Death-Eater, but you’re a good person.”
Your lips twitch, but you can’t make yourself smile seeing that George is hurt, it makes your heart sink and your lips fall to a small frown. He seemed to notice and quickly assured you. “It wasn’t you, so don’t go blaming yourself now.”
His words travel through your ears, but you have a hard time registering them in your head. You knew you didn’t directly hurt him, that you didn’t directly hurt anyone else affected by last night's attack but the people fully responsible were part of the same order as you. You were out there too. So in some ways you hurt them too.
Which reminded you. You did actually hurt someone—killed someone. Shit.
Now your head began to pound, and your stomach churned and made you nauseous. The one thing you didn’t want to do, happened, and it was someone from your order too. As bad as they were, they were still human.
“Are you okay?” Hermione asks beside you as she tightens her hold around your shoulder.
You snap from your stupor and look over to her and nod. “Yeah, I’m just sore now.” You offer her a faint smile and she returns it before she suddenly pulls you in for a tight embrace that leaves you surprised for a few seconds. “Oh.” You mouth as you stand stiff for a couple seconds more before Fred and George join the hug. After that you pick up your hands and try your best to wrap them around the three of them. You continue to close your eyes as you feel your heart flutter with happiness. It was such a small moment, but you relished in it even if Harry failed to join.
But you understood why he wouldn't. Before the others could question him or pull him in, a knock sounds on the door and then seconds later an older woman with the same bright red hair as Fred and George walks in with a plate of breakfast in hand; Molly Weasley.
“Oh you’re awake,” she directs to you as she sets the plate down on the desk beside the window. “Good. Here’s some warm breakfast, you must be starving.”
You all pull away from the hug and you watch her take some distance away from you once the plate is set down. You frown at that but don’t let them see. “Thank you,” you smile, “I appreciate it.”
“You’re very welcome.” Her eyes turn to the other three and she points out the door. “Breakfast is on the table, let’s go before it gets cold. Let the girl have some space.”
None of them argue and leave the room with Harry lagging behind before he stopped by the door after everyone had disappeared down the hall. “I’ll be back,” he assures you and you respond with a single nod as his eyes linger on you for a second before he walks out and closes the door after him, leaving you completely alone in the room. You walk towards the desk and pick the plate off the surface, admiring the plate and feeling your mouth water at all the warm and delicious food on it. Deciding not to let it go cold you sit back down on the edge of the bed and begin to eat the food with a child-like smile on your face that is quick to fade away as you hear the happy commotion downstairs.
There was a bit of laughter, high risen voices that gave no indication that anyone was arguing, or angry. There was no one they feared to keep the breakfast table quiet and uncomfortable, there were no unwanted visitors who overstay their welcome to make the meal awkward. From the muffled sounds you could hear from where you sat, they all sounded like they were enjoying each other’s company, they were being the family they were even with what threatened them. Hearing that made you miss your family even if it was just a day without them….or really you missed the dynamic you had before the war began. Sure your father could be seen as cold, but he was a caring father in his own way.
You’ve only now realized that as you sat in the room alone, watching the gold tall wheat that surrounded the home. But then again, was he even your real father? He’s never treated you differently so it was hard to figure out if you really wanted to find out. Yes you were in the middle of an investigation, but did you really want to find out the truth?
Yes…No—you set the plate down on your lap and run your hands down your face to then let out a deep sigh. “By Merlin's beard this all makes my head hurt.” You cup your face and close your eyes to stay in the darkness for a moment before the door begins to slowly creak open. You open your eyes and look up from your hands to see Harry poking his head inside. “May I come in?”
You set your hands around your plate and nod. “You basically are in,” you scoff in a lighthearted manner, “so yes please do come in.”
Said boy pushes the door open wider, and steps inside to then close the door behind him before he walks further in and stops in front of the window. He stood quiet for a couple moments after, his eyes averting yours as you stayed sitting on the bed with your half eaten food on your plate. Perhaps he was waiting for you to finish, or he just couldn’t find a way to speak up, but you broke the tension first. “Have you eaten breakfast yet?” You smirk and set your plate down on the end table. “Breakfast is important for a growing man such as yourself, you know?
Harry scoffs and a faint smile tugs on his lips. “Really?” He played along, “I didn’t know, thank you.” He looks up and leans back to press his back on the window sill as he meets your gaze. “I ate some, I couldn't come up here if I didn’t. Did you enjoy breakfast? I mean I know it’s nothing you’re used to.” He snickers.
You grin and shrug. “Yeah, it’s not freshly made breakfast from Paris, or my private island, but it will suffice. I’ll definitely tell my personal chef about my meal.”
Harry’s smile turns to a toothy grin before he begins to laugh, having you join him seconds later. It’s such a brief moment, but it’s sweet and it’s one you knew you’d look back at once you returned home. And once the laughter died down, and your smiles turned faint, you stood up and joined him in front of the window, unlike him however, you faced fields outside. You admired how quiet it was out here in this secluded place in the middle of nowhere, how peaceful it seemed with no neighbors for miles, and how beautiful it looked as the sun blazed in the sky and over the field, making them shine a brighter gold. It was lovely, truly, but it didn’t keep the gloomy and dreadful thoughts and topics away.
“Harry,” you whisper as your smile falls to a frown. “I’m sorry.” You rest your arms down on the window sill as you lean forward and hesitate to continue, instead you watch the sunbeams dance on your fingers as you move them very carefully. “About,” you pause and sigh out deeply, from the corner of your eye watching him turn his body to face the window and shift his eyes to look at you. “…what happened to Dumbledore. I know how much he meant to you, and I’m sorry that Voldemort killed him.” You lift your head and slightly turn to meet his intense gleaming blue eyes.
“It was Snape,” Harry corrected you with a hint of anger lacing in his voice. “Not Voldemort, not you, not Draco, Snape. He killed Dumbledore.”
Your eyes roam his face and your lips part, but nothing comes out but silence. Your heart sinks and the sadness within you grows deeper. You want to argue against Harry. You want to defend Snape because he only did it because of your own failure to complete the mission, but you knew that Snape was a traitor in Harry’s eyes. You’d be angry too.
“Still,” you breathe out whilst you drop your gaze to Ron taking things outside his house. “I’m sorry. Not only about that but that I lied. I didn’t tell you the whole truth of my intentions and I’m sorry.”
Harry nods in comprension and follows your line of vision, watching Ron struggle to take barrels out. “I understand why you didn’t…I mean I was angry at first,” he admits, making you snap your eyes back to him. “…But I came to understand why you wouldn’t say anything. You couldn’t,” Harry pauses and slowly lifts his eyes to again meet yours, sharing a pity you saw clearly in his eyes. “I heard what Draco and you said on that tower, I understand why you wouldn't say a word. Voldemort would’ve hurt you if you did. Which is why I can’t be angry at you.” Harry reaches for your arm and pulls your sleeve to see the brand on your arm. “You didn’t want that burden. But you have no choice. I…understand a thing or two of burdens.”
His words sting like a hot dagger to your heart. They hurt to hear. But they also made you feel a spark of happiness. You weren’t alone in your burden, you knew that, but hearing that Harry didn’t hate you like you thought he did made your heart jump with a bit of joy—“thank you,” you whispered with a crack in your voice. “For understanding.” You grab his hand that was on yours before you rest your head on his shoulder and bask in the silence that blanketed over the both of you.
In the silence Harry slightly shifts his head to press a kiss on the side of your head, before he presses his forehead against yours and releases a soft relieved breath of air as he feels your hand caress his cheek after you lifted your hand to cup his cheek. He finds solace in your touch and in the comfortable silence, taking this time to burn this moment in his memory, not knowing if a shared moment like this could be your last. He didn’t want it to be, but he couldn’t be hopeful about what he wanted.
And after a while of nothing but silence, he spoke up about it. “You don’t have to go. You can stay now that we have you here.”
“Harry,” you exhale deeply, shutting your eyes for a painful moment. “You know I can’t stay, I have to go back to my family. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did stay.”
Harry pulls away and even if it upset him, he understood. “I just needed to ask once. Which reminds me,” his lips twitch and he steps back to lean back on the desk as he shoves his hand into his sweater pocket. “I need to show you something.” He pulls his fist out of his pocket and grabs your hand from your side to place a small locket on your palm.
When you look at the gem and design of the necklace your eyes widen and your whole body stiffens, your gaze flickers from the locket to Harry in disbelief at what he placed down on your hand. “Is this the Slytherins locket? The horcrux Voldemort is looking for?” You pick the locker in between your thumb and pointer finger and lift it to examine it better, noticing that something looked off. “Wait,” your eyebrows furrow and your eyes narrow. “This—”
“It’s a fake,” Harry finished for you as he went to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, I noticed. Dumbledore and I went through all that struggle to find a fake locket that I can’t even open.”
You pull your eyes from the locket and look at him with a baffled expression. “What do you mean?” You inquire.
“I can’t open it.” Harry repeats himself. “I hear something inside, but I can’t open it to see what it is.”
“Hmm.” You move your thumb to the small latch on the side to try and see if maybe you could do something, and as you press your thumb on the side something sharp pokes the pad of your thumb that takes a drop of blood and turns the gem green before the locket opens. “Harry!” You run to sit by his side and hand him the opened locket that contained a folded piece of paper.
“How did you do it?” Harry mused with an impressed look on his face.
You lift your thumb and began sucking the stinging area as little drops of blood kept coming out of the wound that thing made. “I don’t know,” you shrug, “it stabbed my thumb and once it took out some blood the gem turned green and it opened.”
“It happened to me a few times when I tried, but I never got it to open.” Harry meets your gaze, but he doesn’t add anything else, you were both equally as confused and equally as clueless when it came to as to why or how? Instead he continued to pull out the paper and unfold it, revealing instead a short note. “It says, ‘To the Dark Lord, I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.’.”
“R.A.B? who’s that?” You ask yourself outloud.
Harry shrugs and sets the note down on your lap, “don't know. But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux. Which means it was all a waste.” Harry stands up and let’s out a frustrated sigh as goes back to stand by the window.
“I don’t think so. I mean you found this right? In the place where the actual locket was supposed to be,” you try and assure him as you watch him. “Which means that Voldemort doesn’t know where the locket is, or where it will be.”
Harry looks at you over his shoulder and nods stiffly before the corner of his lips tug to a slight smirk. “You’re right. I can still try to find it before he can.”
“Exactly.” You grin proudly.
“But,” Harry inputs, “I still need to find out who R.A.B is.” He then turns slowly to face you. “Could you maybe try and look for an answer? If you return home?”
You nod without hesitation. “I’ll see what I can find when I do go back home. And if I do I’ll send it with Dobby, I promise.”
“Bellatrix! Bellatrix!” Narcissa shouts echoed down the hall as she stormed down to the drawing room where her sister had arrived alone. “Where is she? Where is my daughter?!”
Bellatrix scoffs and shrugs. “We weren’t glued to the hip. I don’t know, it was dark and chaotic.”
Narcissa looked at her sister in disbelief and took a minute to process the words that had come out of her sister. She didn’t want to believe something had happened to you, she couldn’t. “I told you to keep an eye on her.”
“She’s an adult,” Bellatrix argued, “and she’s a good witch, even I have to admit that because the Dark Lord does. The girl probably just ran off.”
Narcissa shook her head and her eyebrows furrowed deeper as she grew more upset. She knew that after a heavy night like this, you wouldn't run off; you were a good girl, you would return to the comfort of your home, you wouldn't just take a stroll. That’s why she couldn’t accept what was said—“no she wouldn't.” Her heart then clenched as she thought of the worst possibility. “What if she’s hurt? Why didn’t you double back to make sure?”
“I’m not her babysitter,” Bellatrix retorted. “Besides, why are you so worried? She isn’t your daughter.”
“She is,” Narcissa protested with anger. “Just because she isn’t my biological daughter does it mean that I love her any less. I cared and raised her for sixteen years. She is my daughter Bellatrix. She’s also still part of the Black family, just like you and I.”
Bellatrix is unimpressed by her sister's speech, she doesn’t argue because she knew Narcissa would simply bite back every time with something more clever. So instead she just rolled her eyes and assured her. “She’ll show up if she was smart enough to survive a simple attack.” Bellatrix giggles before she walks past Narcissa and leaves the room and her sister alone. And that’s when it really set on Narcissa that you could’ve died, she didn’t want to accept that reality, but it could be true and it terrified her. Yes, you might not be her actual daughter but she loved you like one since she saw you for the first time.
That’s why she couldn’t fathom losing you. It’d be like losing a part of herself.
Tears slipped past her eyes and she couldn’t hold them back. She looked up at the family portrait just above the fireplace and your face was lightened by the orange hue of the dancing flames; unlike Draco, herself and Lucius, there was a faint smug smirk tugged on the corner of your lips, and your eyes even if they were painted on, showed the happiness you had once felt. All their eyes showed it. Now they were replaced by sadness and terror. At least yours and Draco’s were.
“Narcissa.” Her husband's voice suddenly echoed in her ears, snapping her from her train of thought.
She pulled her eyes from the portrait and met Lucius' tired gaze. “Have you found something?”
He shakes his head and drops his eyes. “No. But Draco and I are going out to try and search for her.”
Narcissa exhales deeply and a faint hopeful smile tugs on her lips. “Alright, good.” She walks up to Lucius and grabs his hands in hers. “Find her.”
Lucius nods and his gaze twists with determination. “We will. I promise our daughter will return to us alive and well.
“Is there anything you could give us?” The Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt repeated the question across the table you were sitting at.
You grab onto your wrist and glance at the black brand on your arm, study the snake coming out the skull's mouth and simply shake your head. “I don’t have anything valuable.” They had been interrogating you since noon and now the sun was beginning to go down and dinner smelled from the kitchen. “I mean I can’t give you anything even if I do want to help.” You bite the inside of your cheek and briefly flicker your eyes up to the few members who remained seated around the wooden table in the brightly lit living room.
“Anything will help, anything you’ve heard in a meeting. A location maybe.”
You sigh and glance at Harry for any sort of comfort he could provide. He notices and from under the table he grabs your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, making you look back at the aurors and other ministry workers. “My house.” You reveal, “Voldemort and the rest of the Death-Eaters meet at my house, the Dark Lord says it’s an honor, but I know it’s bullshit and he’s just punishing my father for what happened in the past.”
“Only at the Malfoy Manor?” Shacklebolt questions as he looks up from his paper. “Are there more meeting places?”
You shake your head. “No. Just there.” You look away again, averting everyone’s gaze in hopes they’d stop pressing you for information you couldn’t give. But they were insistent, they needed more.
Remus Lupin, a man you’ve heard of from Harry and the Dark Lord leans forward in his chair and talks in a gentle manner, in a way that was comforting and not demanding and aggressive like the others who seemed to hate you for being here. “Is there more? I know you said you couldn’t say a lot, but the smallest piece of information will help.”
You could tell them about the coup to take over the Ministry of Magic that Voldemort was planning, but it was a risk. If they manage to stop it in time then Voldemort will find out that someone passed information of it, he’d most likely find out it was you and then punish your family, and you. You couldn’t run that risk. So you shake your head and tell them your reasons behind it instead of bluntly denying their requests. “If I say anything and Voldemort were to find out then he’d punish my family and me. He’d hurt us, or worse.” You swallow thickly and tighten your hold around Harry’s hand. “I can’t run that risk.”
“And we promise that your family will not run any repercussions.” A member that you didn’t know said, albeit you didn’t believe him.
“No.” You deadpan. “I told you already that I cannot give you any information.” You narrow your gaze on the man and turn your lips to a frown.
“Then why did you save the Weasley boy?” Shacklebolt asked. “You could’ve let him get hurt by the Death Eater but you got out of your way to save him in the thought that it was Harry. There will be repercussions there. I’m sure the Death-Eater didn’t hide the truth.”
Your eyes shift to him and you answer honestly with a hint of disgust and bitterness in your tone. “He’s dead, so I don’t expect anything to come out from a pile of ashes.”
The drawing room goes silent and the tension that had balanced over the table grows thicker. They all look at you with questioning and hesitant looks and stay quiet for a moment, letting you add an answer to his question. “Plus Fred is my friend, I couldn’t let him get hurt. No matter what side he was on.”
“Malfoy?” A member scoffs, “are we sure Lucius raised her? She acts more like her—”
“Please,” Hermione cuts the man off. “Shut it.”
More like her? What did he mean?—you let your eyes linger on the man with the square face and bad stubble and crave for more, but then a piece of information you could give pops in your head, making you look back to Shacklebolt. “There's actually something I can share, something you might have your suspicions on.” You fix yourself on your chair and clear your throat. “Ollivander. Some Death-Eaters took him last year, he’s been imprisoned in my house for Voldemort’s personal wand needs. He’s the one that told Voldemort that he couldn’t kill Harry using his wand, he could only hurt him because the wands share the same core. They’re in some ways, twins.” Harry focuses on you and his eyes widen slightly with surprise. “But that’s all I can say. So please don’t ask me to say more.”
The expression Harry had was shared amongst the other members of the order before a woman with brightly colored hair spoke up. “The girls been at it all day. It’s best we let her rest.” She looks at you and offers you a sweet smile. “Thank you, we appreciate all the information you gave us.”
You mirror her smile and stand up with the rest of your friends to filter out of the room, leaving the older members inside to discuss further.
When you walked down the hall that would lead to the stairs, you couldn’t help but notice how brightly lit everything was, the frames on the walls were lopsided and in the pictures everyone was smiling wide. As you passed the dining room you noticed that it matched the disorganized and mismatched theme the living room had; for example different pieces of furniture were different colors, none too dull or bland. All of the colors and mismatched patterns didn’t make the room glum, honestly it had a positive energy that didn’t let you stay upset for too long. You could stay here, it would be lovely and in a lot of ways comforting, but you did miss the organized house you lived in.
“What a lovely house you have here, boys,” you direct to Fred and George as you take in every inch of the hall you were walking through. “It’s colorful.”
“Sorry it’s nothing to your liking, Malfoy,” Ron remarked, making you scoff but smile.
“It’s not what I’m used to, but I truly like it.” Your eyes fall on the couple outside seeming to be in deep debate about something they were pointing to outside. “What are they doing?”
Hermione follows your line of vision before her eyes look up the stairs you began to climb. “They’re planning their wedding.”
“Oh,” you breathe out, feeling your smile fall to a straight line and your mind begin to question their timing to have such an important event. There was a war going on and they were having a wedding?—“Why?” You ask the group out loud. “Why now?”
“You wouldn't plan a wedding now?” Ginny questioned you as she looked at you over her shoulder.
“No.” You answer bluntly. “We’re at war. I don’t think I’d be in the mood to have such an important day.”
“I think that’s why they’re having it,” Hermione answered, “to have a bit of happiness in such dark times. No one knows what’s going to happen. Why not share such an important day and spread a bit of positivity?”
You nod and take in her words for a moment as they walk you back to the room you were staying in with Hermione and Ginny. And even if it didn’t sit right with you, Hermione was right, they didn’t know what’s going to happen a month, a year or week from now, at least if something bad happened they had happy memories to loom back on. They couldn’t let this darkness overwhelm and take over them. You had to make happy moments, no matter how small they could be.
“Before you go inside the room Malfoy,” George interjects as he, Fred and Harry block the door. “We want to share something. A proposal of sorts.”
You shoot the three boys a questioning look and roll out your answer slowly. “Okay, what is it?”
The three of them share a quick look before Fred is the one that shares what they had anxiously been sitting on for the majority of the meeting. “The order, our family and Harry have been discussing and well,” he pauses and sighs out deeply. “We want to offer you refuge here. It might be a bit crowded, but we will make it work.”
“What do you mean?” You ask in disbelief.
“Well,” Harry steps forward. “We want you to stay here. Join us and leave the Death-Eaters and Voldemort.”
“After what you did,” George continued, making your eyes shift to him. “The order, our parents—our mother mainly, want to offer you a place here. You don’t have to go back to that hellish place. You can stay here. With us. Fight alongside us.”
Harry meets your gaze and finally asks, “what do you say?”
A/N- what do you guys think? Should she stay? Or go back home?
Tagged- @peter-laufeyson @swiftlymoniquesblog @spideyyypeter @gsvshsjsbs @accio-prozac @cherriesanwine @kokomaesadie @april-14-blog @prettypinkpeachh @pest-ill-ence @ilovespideyyy @m3ssytrash @hogwarts-babe @yodaboo @rafeyybabyy @itsoakaa @nonamesgame @weird-pale-blonde-person @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @lunanargles17 @narcissism-iskey
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auramindedd · 4 years
Talent ||
Desc: You and your new friends decide to a drunk Among Us game. You have lots of fun and you’re glad to be able to have amazing friends like them. After ending the stream and sobering up, Corpse asks you something you’d never thought you’d be asked.
Warnings: Cussing, drinking
Notes: i’m using these fake social media apps bc they’re fun &’ i like using them for messaging and twitterrrr! i hope you guys don’t mind them! <3
also, i’m super sorry for not posting in a while. my motivation comes and goes, but right now i have lots of it.
i wanna work on an smau series so, be on the look out for that! :))
“No balls!” Rae shouts, daring you to kill Jack who is trying to get something out of the vending machine, but him being drunk as fuck doesn’t help.
“I have three, actually.” You joke. Both you and Rae burst into a fit of laughter, but not for long since Jack goes up to you two.
“What are you two laughing about?” He asks, laughing with you guys even though he has no idea what he’s laughing about. Gosh, Jack, you’re really making it hard for me to kill you right now, you think to yourself.
“This,” You answer, killing him. You and Rae run away, screaming whenever you see someone. Thank God for everyone being drunk or else you two would be sussed out for being complete maniacs.
“Y/N,” Rae whispers. She gestures towards the green room and you can see Sykkuno watering the plants.
“No!” You whisper-yell. You’ve become Rae’s hitman, Brooke being the other Imposter. You need someone to vouch for you so, you don’t mind being by Rae the whole time.
“Hey, Sykunno!” Rae shouts when Sykkuno walks out. He’s slurring over his words, trying to say ‘hey’ back. Yeah, no way you’re killing him.
“See? Absolutely no fucking balls. Small dick, too.” Rae taunts. You want to kill her, but if you do, you’d immediately get voted off. So, you kill Sykkuno instead. It hurt, but you had to show Rae what’s up.
“How come no bodies have been reported?” You ask to nobody in particular, just wondering out loud.
“I’m good at hiding them.” Corpse jokes from behind you, scaring both you and Rae. Corpse knows how sensitive you are to any sound when it comes down to places that are quiet, and since only you and Rae have been together, his voice was the cause of your overdramatic ass scream. Playing along, Rae starts screaming with you two, the both of you being extremely obnoxious.
You know that he was just joking about hiding the bodies because Brooke is your partner for this round. You’re not even sure how Corpse isn’t dead yet.
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Corpse chuckles. “I won’t sneak up on you like that anymore.” You and Rae stop screaming, relieving Corpse’s poor eardrums of being blown.
Rae starts running around you in circles while you and Corpse are in the middle of a conversation. You know what she’s hinting at, but you decide to ignore her. You’re not going to kill Corpse.
“No balls!” Rae shouts competively.
“What?” Corpse asks, sounding confused.
“I have so many, Rae, you don’t even know, but I’m not gonna- I’m not gonna kill Corpse.” Good going, Y/N, you think to yourself. Well, now you have to kill him.
Corpse starts running away and you do everything your drunk ass can do to catch him and kill him. He’s laughing, running into walls, you doing the same. Finally, you’re able to kill him.
Rae catches up to your avatar, laughing maniacally. She cheers you on, knowing that’s the only way that you’ll continue to be her hitman. Jack, Sykkuno, and Corpse. You’re not even sure if Brooke has killed anyone.
“Brooke! Brooke, have you killed anyone yet?” You try to be quiet, but your shitface drunk and you don’t think that’s working.
“No, have you?” She asks, trying to be quiet, too.
“Yeah, three people. I’m Rae’s hitman.”
“Okay, I’ll do better.” And with that, she’s off to go kill people.
“His body was in the hallway to Decontam... I think, don’t quote me on that.” Dream says, slightly slurring on his words.
“There’s 4 bodies and we’ve only found one? What the fuck?” Charlie sounds exhausted and you can’t help but laugh.
“Sorry,” You try and catch your breath, but once you do, you’re still giggling a bit. “Sorry, that was funny.”
Everybody else starts laughing and eventually, the voting time ends and nobody is voted out.
Wow, a tactic you didn’t even mean to use actually worked. It’s either because of how drunk everyone is or because of how contagious your laugh is - a lot of people call it cute and adorable.
You guys decide to end the game, everyone else ending their streaming while you just close your laptop. You all seemed to sober up towards the end, none of you wanting to drink anymore. Right now, you’d say you’re 85% sober. Taking a shower and drinking lots of water should have you good and all sobered up.
After taking a shower and getting a cold bottle of water, you lay in bed, watching random Minecraft speedbuilds of people building cute cottages.
You get a DM from none other than Corpse Husband. You smile to yourself before answering.
Tumblr media
You wake up with a minor headache. Last night, you’d say that the Minecraft speedbuilds helped sober you up, but right now, you know it was the cold shower and cold water bottle.
You remember the text message Corpse had sent you, about wanting to check up on you. You two have only known each other for about a week or two now, and you two haven’t really talked. It’s nice, though - having someone who wants to check up on you. He’s done it these last three days you’ve played with him and his friends.
You text Corpse, telling him you can talk on the phone now. You both have been trying to plan to talk to each other just so you guys can get closer. You and Corpse relate to a lot of things and talking in Among Us with proximity chat and Corpse’s stream, it’s not the best way to have a deep conversation.
“Hi,” You greet him, placing your phone down that way you can make breakfast and talk to him. He wanted to FaceTime, and you’re not sure why because he said he’d be covering his camera. It’s fine with you.
“Good morning, Y/N. What are you up to?” A small yawn escapes his lips.
“Making some chocolate chip pancakes.” You grab your phone, showing him the pan that’s mostly filled with chocolate chips.
“Gosh, Y/N, want some pancakes with your chocolate chips?” He chuckles. You giggle, placing the phone back down and turning the camera to face you.
“I’m an amazing cook, puh-lease. I know what I’m doing.”
“I think we’ll have to test that theory.”
“You live like 2 hours away from me, how are we gonna do that?” You ask him, placing a pancake on your plate. You put more butter on the pan before putting more pancake mix on.
“I’d 100% drive two hours to your apartment just to try out your food.” He says. You smile at him, shaking your head and rolling your eyes playfully. “Speaking of going to each other’s houses, I have a question.”
“What’s up?”
He chuckles nervously, “Do you maybe want to collab?”
You’re caught offguard by this. You quickly put your pancake on your plate before answering.
“I’d love to.” You’re able to contain your excitement, surprisingly. “But Corpse, if you’re not comfortable with meeting me, we can find some way to do it over the phone. I really don’t think it’d be that hard. You could record your parts and I cou-”
Corpse cuts your rant off, chuckling a little bit. You smile sheepishly, taking a bite out of your pancakes.
“I’ll be fine, Y/N.”
“Okay,” You give him a small smile. “We can make plans later.”
“Good,” He says and you can hear a smile in his voice.
You and Corpse talk about anything and everything, alternating from really deep conversations to lighthearted, funny ones. Lots of laughing, but also lots of crying on your end. Corpse telling you that it’s okay and that everything will be okay is your new favorite thing. You never knew how much those two phrases would be changed just by coming from a different person. They never really meant anything when they came from anyone else - as much as you appreciated people reassuring you. But hearing it from Corpse, it really did feel like everything was going to be okay.
You two end the call, both of you being busy today. He promised to call you more often and you did the same.
Taglist:: Updating it tonight, comment or message me if you want to be added!
@bakugonua @emsies-dream @i-love-scott-mccall @anyasthoughts @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @campcampie @happyheartsss @izthefangirl @just-that-bi-girl @fire-heart-raven @tayloryorkscurls
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cicissketchbook · 3 years
Y’all wanna read my Apritello story?
So sometimes when my artistic drive is down, the writing bug will come bite me. I’ve been working on an Apritello story for awhile that currently has three chapters that are up on my Patreon. Eventually I’ll post it publicly, but I want my patrons to have early access. Anyway here’s an excerpt from the first chapter.
It’s kind of angsty.
The summary is, April invites Donnie to join her for a long weekend at the farmhouse, which sounds romantic until you consider that she’s been plagued with visions of his accidental death and is desperate to stop it from happening.
To say there was tension in the air was a drastic understatement. Truthfully, things had been tense for a while. Blame it on cabin fever, or perhaps they were outgrowing their sewer lair, but the brothers had been quick to jump down each other’s throats. 
Leo was especially on edge, and not unlike how it had been since they were kids, his mood had set the tone for everyone else. One thing that differed from childhood though, was that he had been butting heads with Donnie, while Raph remained a mostly neutral third party. 
There was the knowledge that they were getting older and they all had desires to get out there and live their own lives, and then the realization that doing so wasn’t really possible for them in the world they lived in. They wanted what any young adults would want, but they were mutants.  The world still saw them as freaks. They couldn’t lead normal lives the way they wanted to. They knew this, they had known this all their lives. They had all been on the same page about it. They realized that living their lives in the sewer, at least most of it, was probably in the cards. April had always contested this idea, believing that the world would accept them in time. It’s not like people didn’t know mutants existed, but the turtles weren’t willing to take the risk. It’s not like they couldn’t go out and do things like they always had, but leaving the nest for good just wasn’t feasible. And they were content with this. The sewer was all they’d ever known. They’d always been together and they were happy to always be together. 
But like all families, arguments were inevitable. Familiarity breeds contempt, after all. And they were accustom to bickering. But… it was different now. Leo seemed ready to explode at the drop of a pen, Raph never seemed to be able to find enough alone time, Donnie felt like he brought more to the table than the other three combined, and Mikey… sweet Mikey was such an incurable optimist that he sought to find the positive in every situation, but they knew he did this to mask his depression.  
If asked what they were arguing about today, the simple answer would be that they were all just getting on each other’s nerves. Donnie couldn’t even remember how the argument started because they fought about trivial things so frequently, but he remembered the thing that Leo said that set him off.
“God, why is it so hard for you to just do your part? Why do we have to pick up your slack?”
Donnie was silent for a moment, almost unsure he’d heard correctly. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me, you never fucking help out with anything!” Leo’s tone implied that there was something else he was upset about that he wasn’t speaking of. 
Donnie, by his best effort, kept his voice calm and composed. “I’m sorry, are you referring to three days ago when I didn’t help clean up the disaster in the kitchen because I was literally putting the microwave back together? Or perhaps last week when you left a mess for me to clean up that you all made while I wasn’t even here? And then you got mad when I didn’t?”
Leo seemed to get more aggravated at the mention of Donnie not being there, but continued on. “C’mon man, there are four of us that live here, it’s really not asking too much for everyone to help clean up around here.” 
“Dude, I clean up after myself more than anyone. The difference is, when I make a mess, it’s in my lab rather than communal space and-“
“Oh, right, I forgot. The huge space you have that’s your’s. That none of us have.” Leo turned to their other brothers who sat near by. “Hey Raph, other than your tiny bedroom, do you have your own creative space that you can do whatever you want in? Mikey, how about you?”
Raph hadn’t spoken, but seemed invested in the exchange his brothers were having. It was impossible to tell who’s side he was on. Before Mikey could speak, Raph stopped him and said firmly, “Leave us out of this, man.”
“So now your mad at me… because of my lab?”
Leo paused, not making eye contact, before he huffed. “No.” He admitted quietly.
Normally, Donnie was used to these arguments making little or no sense, but Leo seemed genuinely angry and he couldn’t understand why. 
“Bro, what is up?” He demanded. “Why are you actually so upset?”
“I just…” Leo started. Donnie could tell there was something he didn’t want to say. Leo crossed his arms and turned away from his brother. “I just want to know… where your priorities are.”
“My priorities?” Donnie was trying not to lose his patience. He had no idea where this was coming from nor where it was going. Which meant one of two things. Either there was something his brother wasn’t telling him, or this was in fact going no where. Like, this had started out a fight about cleaning duties, and now he’s talking about priorities. If Leo did have a point, he wanted him to hurry up and make it because this argument seemed like a waste of time.
“It just…” Leo blew another huff through his nose. “It just seems like… you are… distancing yourself from us, Donnie.”
This statement completely threw Don for a loop. He hadn’t expected that at all. “What in the world are you talking about?” He asked, truly bewildered by the turn in conversation. “Because I don’t want to clean up messes that aren’t mine? Like what the hell-?”
“No, obviously it’s not that. It’s alot of things.” Leo spoke quieter now, not as impassioned. 
“Well, I would love to know what those things are, because I am completely lost here.”
“You never want to hang out with us anymore, and when you do, you act like you’d rather be doing anything else-“
Donnie cut him off with a humorless chuckle. “We’re brothers, we all get on each other’s nerves.” 
“And I get that, but we do all still live together and we all need to contribute to the household chores, and you’ve just been acting like you are so far above doing any type of housework that doesn’t directly effect you.”
“Well, excuse me Leo, sorry if when it rains and the power get knocked out and I have to go topside by myself in the cold pouring rain to fix the power line, I don’t also want to have to mop up the leak in the kitchen when none of you did anything to help!”
“Okay, you keep bring up specific instances, but I’m talking about in general-“
“No, you’re talking alot of nonsense is what you’re doing!” Donnie’s lack of patience was starting to show. “First you’re mad that you think I don’t clean enough, then you’re mad that I have a lab and you don’t? Then you say I’m distancing myself from you all…?” Donnie stood and made a move like he was going to walk away. “If you have something to say, Leo, you better just say it because this whole conversation seems like a waste of time to me. It’s late and I’m tired, so make your point, or I’m going to bed.”
“Are you distancing yourself from us because of April?”
Donnie had already started walking away, as he didn’t expect Leo to actually have a point, so he was halted to a standstill at his words. “What does she have to do with anything?”
Leo looked away again, like he didn’t actually want to have this conversation. After a moment, he sighed and continued without making eye contact. “It just seems like… I mean… I thought we were all on the same page here. We’ve had this discussion, a long time ago. We aren’t…. Human. We’re getting older and it makes sense that we’d want to start living our own lives, but… we can’t. Not really. The world doesn’t accept us, so staying down here is just how it has to be. I thought we had agreed on that. That no matter what the world thought of us, no matter that we can’t lead normal lives, at least we all had each other. But… now it seems like you have other plans, Donnie.”
He finally looked at his brother and Donnie could see the emotions in his eyes. Nothing of what he said had been new information, of course. Donnie knew, painfully well, that the world saw them as freaks and being “normal” was not a luxury they’d ever be able to have. Alot of their friends were at the point where they were starting to branch off, which didn’t help. Karai and Shinigami were currently back in Japan. It was just a visit, but the kind of visit that lasted for a month or two. Casey had gotten a hockey scholarship for a different school than the one April attended. He was trying to go pro, so he poured all his time and attention into practicing. He still came around, but not like he used to. Mona Lisa had left Earth awhile ago, also with promise to return, but they hadn’t heard from her in a few weeks. They were sure it was just a new mission she had, but that didn’t make Raph feel any better. April was the only one who still came around all the time. With most of their enemies gone, everyone was moving on and it felt like the world didn’t need them anymore. 
The pain in Leo’s voice would’ve normal made Donnie want to hug him, but it was the accusation that he couldn’t get over.
“Leo…” He gestured non threateningly with his hands. “Why are you acting like I’m not literally living down here in the sewers right along with you? And I still don’t see what April has to do with anything-” 
“Okay, I’m going to jump in here.” Raph said unexpectedly. “Look, Dude, I know we don’t… we don’t say it enough but… we would be up schitts creek without a paddle without you.” He crossed the room to give Leo a lighthearted punch in the arm. “Wouldn’t we, Leo?”
“So because of that, the idea of you leaving is…. It’s scary.” Raph admitted. He was going to say something else, but Donnie interrupted.
“I’m not going anywhere! What in the actually hell are you guys talking about?!”
Leo rolled his eyes, apparently getting annoyed again. “Don, can we please stop pretending like you’re not going to marry April and then move in with her?”
Donnie froze. To say they touched a nerve was an understatement. April was his best friend, but truthfully, it was very painful to be her friend sometimes. His feelings for her were still just as intense as ever, but for different reason now. In his youth, he’d maintained a kind of innocent hopefulness that they would someday be together, and he never even really thought of the details of how. He knew, even back then, that it wasn’t that simple and when he really thought about it, nothing about it made sense. Which is why he didn’t think about it. Now though, after some soul searching and dropping into a deep depression which he was starting to get better from, he’d resigned himself to the reality that she would never be with him. He’d accepted it, and told himself that it was enough to just be her friend. But the truth was, that pain never went away.  They had such a close friendship, they had developed such a level of comfort with each other, but he knew it would never be enough. The idea of never seeing her again was unbearable, but to be so close to her, knowing that it was as close as he would ever get… it was torture. He didn’t care though, he just couldn’t let her go.
What really hurt was when she would talk about the next stage in her life. She was in school now, but with her grades and what she was studying, she could go anywhere. She wanted to travel, she spoke of it often. She never made any committal remarks about moving away, other than when she talked about the farmhouse and saying how expensive it is to live in the city. Her dad had signed the property over to her for tax reasons, and she would’ve inherited it anyway. She wanted to renovate it.
He was only vaguely aware that Raph and Leo were still talking.
“It’s not like we’re mad at you for finding love, that’s not it at all!” Raph was saying, obviously more concerned than Leo about ruffling his brother’s feathers. “It’s just, we need to be realistic about what would happen if you weren’t here.”
“Yeah, and the reality is, frankly, I think we all feel left behind by our friends, but we didn’t think  our clan would be breaking up as well!” Leo threw his hands up, finally letting his true feelings out. “I mean, all we have is each other, we’re the last of the Hamato clan! I can’t let this clan die, I just can’t.”
“Why do you guys feel the need to do that?” 
They stopped, taken aback by how low and serious Donnie’s voice was. He was done barking, he looked ready to bite. 
“Do what?”
Donnie’s chest felt tight and he had to taken in a sharp breath through his nose to keep his cool. “Why do you guys feel the need to not only remind me of my unrequited feelings for my… our  best friend… but now, you’re holding it against me?”
Raph looked concerned at first, but then sighed. “Donnie, c’mon, don’t act like you wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get out of here. April isn’t going to stay in New York forever.” 
The statement, while probably true, hurt to hear. “What does that have to do with me?” He said, quieter this time. “I can’t help what April does.”  
“Dude, she is literally planning her future with you in it. Have you not noticed that?” Leo nearly screamed. “You have the opportunity to get out of here and do something with your life, and we’ll be-“
“No she’s not!” Donnie shouted back. “Are you guys smoking crack or something? Don’t say that shit to me! April doesn’t…” He paused, his words getting caught in his throat. “April doesn’t want me. I thought we’d been over this.”
Mikey, who hadn’t yet spoke, immediately picked up on how much pain Donnie was in. “Hey guys, let’s just drop it, yeah?”
Leo pressed on as if his youngest brother hadn’t spoken. “Maybe she didn’t five years ago, but she sure as shit does now.” He didn’t seem bothered by Donnie visible cringe. “I mean, dude, you’ve spent the night, alone at her house.”
“So has Mikey. And Raph once, I think.” Donnie said quietly, and Raph nodded in confirmation. “And she’s spent the night here a billion times, that doesn’t mean anything.”
“Mikey and Raph didn’t sleep in her bed.” Leo said accusingly. 
“I did.”  
They all paused and turned to the youngest brother. Raph spoke. “You did?”
“Every time I go over there, I sleep in her bed.” Mikey said matter-o-factly. “Whenever… whenever I’m sad, she let’s me come over and… she’ll listen. She doesn’t try to offer solutions, she doesn’t try and tell me things to make me feel better, she just… listens. And that’s what helps me the most. Then we watch funny videos.”
None of them commented at first. They all knew Mikey struggled with depression, but he rarely, if ever, talked about it. They all had told him at some point that they were there if he needed to talk, but he never came to any of them. One might of thought that hearing that his brother shared a bed with April might make Donnie jealous, but quite the opposite, it made him very happy and appreciative to hear about it. It made sense that Mikey would be more comfortable talking to April than to any of them, and to know that she had been there for him was comforting. Donnie wanted that for his brother. 
“See?” He said finally, more to Leo than anyone else. “April… she’s there for all of us. She cares about all of us… I’m not special.”
“Donnie, don’t say that.” Mikey offered and rose from his seat to place a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Donnie placed his own hand over Mikey’s and squeezed it, staring at the floor.  “She cares about you the most. More than you know.”
“Mikey, please, please don’t.” He said through his teeth. “I can’t… I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation right now. You know how long it took me to accept the fact that I was kidding myself by thinking there could ever be something between us? Of course you guys know, which is why it is so baffling to me that you feel the need to do this.” 
“So if April wanted you to move away with her, you wouldn’t do it?” 
Raph punched Leo in the arm again. It was a strange thing, to see Raph scold Leo for being insensitive. Donnie had had enough though.
“I’m out of here.” He turned on his heel and heading towards the turnstiles. 
Yes, it’s NSFW, of course it is.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
I don’t love what this idea turned into, because it was supposed to be lighthearted, but it really spiraled. I will say, I like the ending.
Summary: Reader breaks down after a tough case. Spencer is there to help. 
Warnings: mentions on child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual assault, unhealthy coping mechanisms, therapy
Word Count: 2930
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She didn’t mean to overdo it, but sometimes it’s inevitable. It’s her only escape.
 The team just finished up a domestic violence cult case in Laramie, Wyoming. It took six days for them to even realize the cult aspect, having been trying to connect the victims to one offender. The case was draining for everyone, but especially for her.
Everyone in the BAU has some kind of past trauma. Nobody randomly decides to do this kind of work for a living without some significant inspiration. Over her time in the BAU, Y/N has come to learn about these traumas and how they’ve shaped the people around her. She has yet to share hers though. Not because she doesn’t trust them, but rather because she only ever talks about it to her therapist. She’s made significant progress in coping with her trauma, but she hasn’t worked through it enough to bring it up herself.
 Of course, keeping it bottled up doesn’t work so she found a way to relieve the stress. Exercise. It’s never been a problem before now. She’s never overdone it before. If a case has her thinking about it, or she’s having a particularly bad day, she’ll do a HIIT or fully body workout until she’s tired enough that her brain shuts off.
 Her therapist is working with her to limit the bad days. Honestly, since joining the BAU her bad days have been rather infrequent. There’s just too much else to worry about for her to think about her own problems.
 But this case hit too close to home. Every new victim and every new piece of evidence reminded Y/N of what it was like growing up with abusive parents. She went into foster care at 15. Three years later, she went to college and did everything in her power to forget it.
 But history has a way of repeating itself. Her college boyfriend hurt her. It started small. He grew controlling, accused her of cheating, and then tried to beat the “truth” out of her. She finally left him, only to wind up with another guy who wouldn’t take no as an answer. So she stopped dating. She threw herself into her work, trying to rid the world of men like those of her past. That’s what lead her to the BAU.
 The group of profilers on the jet could all tell something was off, but Y/N isn’t one to be pushed into opening up. They know she’ll come to them when she’s ready to talk about it. Whatever “it” is. So, rather than poking and prodding, each member shows they are there for her in their own way.
 Derek and Emily each give her a hug before departing, something reserved for after especially difficult cases. Rossi squeezes her shoulder, much how she would imagine a loving parent to. JJ offers a kind smile, the one that always brings you joy, and reassuring eyes before heading out for the day. Hotch gives her less paperwork than everyone else. Penelope sends her extra videos of cute animals to lift her spirits. And Spencer stays by her side for the entire flight. Normally, Spencer would sprawl out on the sofa to catch up on the sleep he always lacks. Instead, he sits beside Y/N and offers her the blanket he typically uses, calming her nerves with the gentle swishing of pages being turned in his book of the hour.
 With everything on her mind, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She should call her therapist, but they aren’t landing until 9:30 pm and she knows Dr. Robbins has a family of her own. So, she treats it like she used to treat a bad day. She finds a workout to do, and puts every last ounce of energy into the different exercises.
 Only, it doesn’t work like it used to. After completing the nearly hour long workout, her mind is still whirring with the pictures from the evidence board. Every time she closes her eyes she sees her father’s face, and hears his drunken yelling. Her mother in the background, unbothered because she only had Y/N so he would have a new punching bag.
 So, she finds another workout. And then another. And then another. After three more hours, she’s finally exhausted her brain into tuning out the memories long enough for her to sleep.
 She sleeps for most of Saturday, waking only long enough to shower and eat dinner. Sunday morning, the memories are back. So, she’s back to working out.
She knows in her head that it isn’t healthy, but the logical part of her brain isn’t exactly functioning at its highest level. All she’s focused on is making the pain go away. If turning the emotional pain into physical pain is what it takes, then so be it. She’d rather have the aching muscles.
 All of that, lead her to now. It’s Monday morning and she can barely walk like a normal person. Every step requires more energy than the last. Hell, she can’t even sit down without falling into the chair.
 The elevator doors spring open, revealing the glass doors that lead to the BAU bullpen. She walks in as best she can, tossing her bag on her desk with a dull thud. Of course, she’s later than normal and so Spencer and Morgan are sitting at their desks, watching as she throws herself into her chair.
 “Hi Y/N…” Spencer trails off when he sees the bags under her eyes and notices her stiff posture. “Um, are you alright?” Spencer’s puppy like concern warms her heart.
 “Yeah, I’m fine. I just did a little too much at the gym this weekend is all. I’ll be fine in a few days.” She tries to hide the underlying emotional stress behind why she did too much. Morgan can tell she’s hiding something though, even if he is way off base about what it is.
 “Yeah, the gym.” Morgan snorts his response, cutting Spencer off before he could start rambling about how to combat the negative effects of too much exercise and simultaneously drawing the attention of Emily and JJ who were reentering the bullpen after getting coffee.
 “What’s that supposed to mean?” JJ questions before Y/N can defend herself.
 “Little mama over here is sore from too much time at ‘the gym’.” It’s clear to her, and nearly everyone else in the room, that Morgan thinks she is sore from being absolutely railed. Suddenly all eyes are on her. It’s just too much for her to take. The combination of mental and physical exhaustion crossed with not wanting to talk about it causes her to break.
 She’s not sure what thought process her brain is following when she replies. Actually, she’s pretty confident her brain isn’t functioning at all when she starts speaking. Her words are painfully quiet, lacking the typical edge one would expect from someone so mentally and physically exhausted. She sounds broken. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I was in the gym for four hours Friday night and seven more yesterday, so excuse me if I’m a little bit stiff. It’s hard to work in time to stretch afterward when you’ve finally exhausted yourself enough to sleep without having to worry about remembering-.” With tears in her eyes, she cuts herself off, pushes herself from her chair, and starts the walk toward Hotch’s office, stopping to whisper her gratitude to Reid. “Spence, thank you for checking in on me.”
 Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, and Reid share confused glances as she opens and closes the door to Hotch’s office without even knocking.
 “Hotch, I think I need to go home. I- I need to talk to someone and I can’t do that if I’m here.” She manages to mutter out the words without fully breaking down, but Hotch can still clearly see something is wrong.
 “If that’s what you need to do, please go ahead. I just want you to know that we’re here for you too. You’ve been part of this team for a little over two years now. None of us want you to feel like you have to keep it all to yourself. Unfortunately nightmares come with the job, but I want you to know we all-” He stops talking as the tears begin to stream down her face. Rising from his seat, he walks around his desk to offer her support.
 Without even sparing it a second thought, Y/N collapses into his arms. She’s too exhausted to hide her emotions anymore. It’s all become too much.
 “I just can’t keep it in anymore. I feel like I’m hiding a piece of me from all of you, and I just don’t want to anymore.” It’s not exactly how she pictured letting it all out, but it makes sense. She’s hit a wall and there’s no way forwards but through.
 “Shh, it’s okay. What do you need?” Hotch is protective over his entire team, but something about Y/N makes him feel like an older brother. Like it’s his job to protect her from anything and everything he can.
 “I just want to go home. I need a break from remembering it all.” Hotch nods in understanding, reaching for his coat.
 “I’ll take you now.”
 “Actually, can Spencer take me? I want to tell him first. And can you tell Morgan I’m sorry? It wasn’t fair to say that. He didn’t know.” Hotch guides her out of his office, promising that Morgan wouldn’t hold it against her.
 “Reid, take L/N home.” Spencer nods in understanding, already reaching for Y/N’s keys since he takes the metro.
 It feels like hours have gone by, but it couldn’t have been more than 30 minutes before Spencer was sitting next to her on her couch in her apartment. They didn’t talk at all on the drive. Tears were still falling down her cheeks, but at a much less alarming rate.
 “You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. We can just sit here.” Spencer has never felt less equipped to handle a situation. His years of learning everything there is to know haven’t prepared him for seeing the one person he cares about more than anyone else in the world so broken.
 “No. I- I want to tell you. But I need you to do me a favor afterward.” She sniffles, slowly looking into his eyes.
 “I’ll do anything you need me to.” His words are so sincere, it almost brings about another round of sobs.
 “After I tell you, I need you to tell everyone else. I just know I won’t be able to force myself to relive it more than once, so if I tell you, then you can tell everyone else because-”
 “I’ll remember exactly what you say.” He nods to himself, thinking she picked him for his memory rather than because of any potential feelings.
 “Well, yeah. But, also I wanted you to hear it from me. I wanted to tell you because I couldn’t bear the thought of you hearing it from anyone else. I wanted to look into your eyes when I say it all for the first time without being with my therapist because I know you will still look at me the same way afterward. You won’t treat me any different because you know what it’s like to feel like the baby of the group and as much as everyone else cares, with you it’s different. I just know you’ll understand what I need in a way nobody else will because you’ve always been able to read me, even when I tried to hide it.” She manages a weak smile in his direction, taking a deep breath to prevent anymore ramblings.
 “I don’t… I don’t know what to say. I- thank you for trusting me enough to be here for you.” For the first time since meeting Y/N, Spencer feels like she might feel the same way about him that he feels about her. Of course, now isn’t the time to act on it, but it still fills him with a confidence he would have otherwise been lacking.
 Before she starts talking again, Y/N reaches for Spencer’s hand. An action he would quickly come to understand is a big deal for her.
 “As far back as I can remember, I never had anyone who cared about me. My dad, he would hit my mom. When she got pregnant, she saw it as a way out. He stopped hitting her because she told him once I was born, he would have his own personal punching bag, but I had to actually be born for that to happen. I don’t really know when he started hitting me. If I was an infant or a toddler or whatever. But it’s all I can remember of them.” Spencer begins rubbing circles into her hand with his thumb when he hears her breathing speed up.
 “It was like that until I managed to tell one of my teachers there was something wrong. I was fifteen when I was placed in foster care. I switched between homes until I went to college on scholarship.” Spencer does his best to provide comfort to you, but he can tell there’s more to the story.
 “Freshmen year of college a met a guy. We started dating, and I thought I found someone who cared, ya know? But, he started to get angry at the smallest things. He would lash out, break things. One day he started hitting me, forcing me to do things.” She takes a shaky breath before continuing. “I was more prepared this time though. I had a therapist I could call. She helped me work up the courage to leave him. But then right after graduating I met another guy and it all turned out the same.” Silent tears pour down her face as she continues.
 “I felt trapped. Like there was no way for me to escape the cycle. No matter what I did differently I kept meeting people who hurt me to deal with their own pain. I gave it all up, figured I’d never find people who would care about me. I focused on work, made it to the BAU. On bad days, I would work out until I was so tired I couldn’t remember my own name let alone the things they had done to me. Then when I met all of you, it felt too good to be true. There was this whole team of people who suddenly cared about me. It was hard at first, to accept that it was real. But you have to know I never thought any of you would hurt me, it was just in my head that I would never have this kind of familial bond with anyone.
 This last case, I don’t know what it was about it, but I couldn’t stop seeing the evidence boards. The faces of women who were passed around from man to man as objects to abuse. So, I fell back into my old habit. Only, it didn’t work like it used to so I just kept going and going until I could escape.” The tears slowed as she managed to get everything off her chest. All that could be heard in the room was her ragged breaths.
 “Y/N, I… I can’t imagine how difficult that was to share.” Spencer shifted closer to her, but not too close in case she didn’t want the touch.
 “I’ve always felt like the team- like you would understand. I’ve been working on it in therapy actually. Figuring out a way to tell you all, but I guess I hit the proverbial wall first...” She’s shaking her head as she looks at the floor.
 “Hey, none of that. I know self-deprecation when I see it, and I will not tolerate it from you.” His words carry a gentle conviction. “You are truly one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. I’ve seen you take down unsubs three times your size with pure physical strength. I’ve also seen you talk an unsub down, saving countless lives without laying a hand on them. Never doubt that you are strong enough for this job, because you are one of the strongest people I know.”
 Spencer’s words bring tears to her eyes, but the happy kind this time. She throws her arms around him, snuggling as close as she can. Spencer, at first surprised by the contact, freezes. He quickly melts into her embrace, rubbing circles into her back until she falls asleep.
 Spencer manages to fill the team in via text, explaining enough that everyone understands what happened without having to go into too much detail. He helps her move to her bedroom, trying to prevent any more soreness. When she asks him to stay, he lays down by her side.
 The next morning she wakes up cuddled next to Spencer with several texts from her BAU family. Rossi invited everyone to his house for dinner, an offer she greatly appreciates.
 That night, the team shows her what it feels like to have a family over pasta and wine, a classic combination. In the future, they’ll continue to show her what family really is.
 Spencer will show her what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship. He’ll show her how it feels to be loved without living in constant fear. She’ll show him what it means to be loved for who you are.
 They’ll show each other what it means to be happy.
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