#i promise he'll figure it out eventually
js589 · 1 year
First chapter of TCS is up and things are... yeah. 😓
But the only way out is through, and Lockwood they're all going to learn important lessons along the way!
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avirael · 3 months
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The Frozen Lake
It was the third day since he had stopped feeling like dying.
About a week ago he had woken up from his far too lifelike fever dream and a few days later the last spikes of the fever itself had been gone too just like the hallucinations it had brought in his sleep.
He still had been sick though and welcomed Rael telling him to stay in bed until he was perfectly healthy again all too eagerly.
While he still sneezed every now and then, it was at least tolerable now, still annoying but he didn’t feel incredibly uncomfortable anymore.
That day, just like the last and also the ones before that, he had awoken late. Against Rael’s order to stay in bed he had found the courage to get up and take a look out of the window. It was a sunny day, which in Coerthas still meant that it was bitterly cold though. But the sun was shining brightly and already high in the sky too which meant it had to be almost midday. He had slept way too long again, way to many hours for a surprisingly dreamless sleep. Or maybe it was exactly the lack of dreams that allowed him to finally rest, after all in the past there rarely had been good ones…
For a moment he considered to go downstairs and ask for a late breakfast if that wasn’t too insolent given the late hour but then a knock sounded from the door.
Quickly he hurried back to bed, just in case it was Rael, but the person who carefully peeked into the room a few seconds later wasn’t a viera.
“Ah, you are awake! That’s good!”, Haurchefant exclaimed happily and brought a small tray with hot soup and also something warm to drink. “It is so late already, you must be horribly hungry. Alphinaud checked in on you earlier but you were still fast asleep and he didn’t have the heart to wake you.”
A little uncertain on how to answer to that, A’viloh just nodded. Haurchefant grinned, put down a mug on the bedside table and handed A‘viloh a comfortingly warm bowl filled with some rather delicious smelling stew.
Instead of fetching the chair from the small desk by the window, Haurchefant sat down at the lower end of the bed balancing the tray with his own lunch on his knees. Rael once told him that ishgardian society had an absurd amount of strict and antiquated rules and so A’viloh couldn’t help but wonder, that although it seemed like a very appropriate distance to him, in Haurchefant’s hometown the fact alone that he dared to sit on someone else’s bed was probably scandalous.
“I hope you don’t mind me having lunch with you.”, the Elezen asked as he noticed A‘viloh staring.
Quickly the Miqo’te lowered his gaze to his bowl of soup. “Not at all.”, he muttered and tried a spoonful of the food just to change the topic. “Mhh, this is very good!”, he mumbled, still chewing, surprised by how good this really was compared to the bland food and bitter teas Rael had usually brought him these last few days. It must have been the Viera’s way of punishing him for running away.
Haurchefant laughed and then for a while they ate in silence.
“You look a lot healthier already.”, the Elezen stated after a while with an amiable smile on his face before taking a sip from his mug.
A‘viloh shrugged a little embarrassed, since it had been his own fault that he hadn’t been well in the first place. “Only because all of you took so good care of me.”
Haurchefant nodded. “You know, you had us all horribly worried right?”
“Sorry about that.”, he said and guitily looked into his mug.
Curiously Haurchefant eyed him for a moment. “Why did you do that anyway? Run out into the storm.”
A bit surprised A’viloh looked up. Had they all thought he had done this on purpose? “There wasn’t a storm when I left! What do I know about weather? I didn’t expect it to start snowing, let alone that much!”
That made the Elezen chuckle again but he still looked at him expecting an answer.
“Still… why did you leave?”
“I assumed Rael told you…”, A’viloh replied not sure what Haurchefant wanted to hear exactly. He nodded. “Rael did. But maybe I want to hear it from you…”
A’viloh sighed. His plan hadn’t been very smart and he felt a little uncomfortable having to explain his reasons to someone else, when in retrospect it didn’t make much sense even to his own ears.
“You know the… circumstances under which we fled Ul’dah… I couldn’t… um… the fact that we didn’t even know what happened to our friends… I wanted to find out, because it doesn’t seem fair to me that we escaped while all of them didn’t…”
“Mhh…”, Haurchefant nodded thoughtfully but let go off the topic for now. Instead he asked, „And how are you feeling today?”
Somehow that question confused A’viloh even more.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a simple question, isn’t it?”, he said still smiling politely.
Of course it was a simple question. Just the answer felt unreasonable complicated to him. To make things even more difficult people who asked such a question usually wanted to hear “I‘m fine, and you?” or “Very good, thank you.” for an answer and rarely the truth. They certainly didn’t want to hear “A few days ago I was convinced I was going to die and honestly it wasn’t that bad, so now I‘m still not sure wether I am happy to still be alive or not”.
“Alright… I guess.”, he mumbled instead. He had never been a good liar and could only hope that this fact wasn’t too obvious for the Elezen.
“You know what?”, Haurchefant proclaimed after watching him thoughtfully for a second. “Today is a wonderful day. We should go for a walk.”
“A walk?!”, A’viloh exclaimed wide-eyed, as if he had just asked something unreasonable of him.
“Why not?”
A’viloh couldn’t think of a good reason why not, other than that he was supposed to stay in bed, so he shrugged.
“Where’s Rael?”, he asked instead.
Haurchefant smirked. “Do you need Rael’s permission to go outside?”
“Of course not.”, the Miqo’te protested. “But Rael will be mad if I run off again, especially against their orders to stay in bed.”
“Rael and Alphinaud went to the observatory earlier.”, Haurchefant explained. “We’ll be back before they are, I promise.”
What was A’viloh supposed to say against that and also against the expectant look on the Elezen’s face. He took another glimpse towards the window and decided that it looked nice enough to go outside.
“Good!”, Haurchefant exclaimed happily and collected their empty bowls and mugs. “There should be warm clothes for you in the wardrobe. If you need anything else just ask someone. I’ll wait for you by the northern gate.”
After Haurchefant had left, A’viloh remained sitting in his bed for a moment longer contemplating on the Elezen’s question. Yes, he felt better again. But better in what comparison? Better than a few days ago when he had felt and also been half-dead? Though he didn’t feel sick anymore now, there still was a weigh on his heart. From his plan that had failed so spectacularly and even more so from the dreams he wouldn’t have minded to keep on dreaming forever.
Vehemently he shook his head and decided not to think about that now or he would just crawl back under the blanket of his comfortably warm bed again. Instead he got up and took a look into the wardrobe. Almost none of these were his own clothes of course since all he possessed were the ones he had worn on his body that day they fled Ul’dah. Very unsuitable for this climate. But neither did he see the borrowed clothes he had worn that night when he had tried to run away. Everything in here looked even softer and warmer like someone had wanted to make sure he was feeling comfortable. To his surprise the things didn’t look that much too big for him either, unlike his last set of clothes. Besides a few Hyur most people here at Camp Dragonhead were grown up Elezen but these clothes looked like they belonged to neither. Maybe it were clothes for Elezen children, he wondered and also thought that in that case someone must have brought them here just for him.
Grateful for so much effort he picked a few pieces and got dressed. Lazily he ran his fingers through his hair to get rid of the worst knots but the look into the small mirror at the washbasin, where his tired face stared back at him reproachfully, just made him sigh. Once he was ready he took the warm coat out of the wardrobe too and went out to look for Haurchefant. Just as he had said, the Elezen was standing by the gate that led to the north-east, towards the ruins of the Steel Vigil.
From afar Haurchefant already recognised the Miqo’te, his bright red hair a singularity among all the people living here. Pleasantly smiling as always he waved at him and A’viloh couldn’t help but smile a little too and wave back as he hurriedly walked towards him.
“There you are! I see the clothes fit you nicely.”
A’viloh nodded.
“They do. Thank you very much for these.”
Haurchefant dismissively waved with one hand. “It’s the least I could do…”
But he had done a lot more than that, A’viloh thought. “I think there’s more I need to thank you for. Rael told me it was you who saved my life.”
“Mhhh…”, Haurchefant tilted his head as if he wasn’t sure if this statement was entirely the truth. “Rael is too humble. They played a bit of a role in that too. After all it was Rael who noticed you were gone. And it was also Rael who didn’t leave your bedside and tried their best to heal you.”
A’viloh remembered waking up and finding the usually quite touch-averse viera cuddled up to him with a look on their face so horribly sad like he had never seen on them before. Rael had pretended it was nothing but it had been a very unconvincing performance. Asked about it Alphinaud had only offered a few sentences about how worried Rael had looked and how they had used all kinds of spells he himself had never seen or heard of before, all of it to try and save him. It had made him feel even more guilty for his stupidity.
So maybe Haurchefant was right. But still it had been him who had risked going out into the storm to find him.
“Anyway. I still want to thank you! Honestly.”, he insisted. But how honestly was it really?
Sure, he was glad to still be alive. After all his plan hadn’t been to run out into a blizzard and freeze to death, although some of them seemed to think that was the case. But once he found himself in this situation he had to admit that he had welcomed his fate rather willingly. A fact that shocked even himself a little looking back at it now.
“You’re welcome. After all you wouldn’t be any help to your friends frozen to death out there.”, Haurchefant joked with a wry smile on his lips.
“I guess not...”, A’viloh muttered, the topic of his friends making his mood visibly sink again.
Of course the Elezen noticed and his smile turned into a playful grin. “But I acted a little selfish too, you know? I think Camp Dragonhead is a lot friendlier with your company and I would like to have you and your pretty smile around a little longer.”
For a moment A’viloh’s eyes shot up to look at the others face before he quickly pretended that something somewhere a little bit to his left was a lot more interesting. Sometimes Haurchefant randomly said things, A’viloh hadn’t had the slightest idea how to react to. Not because he was that oblivious but simply because it puzzled him. Nonetheless the air suddenly didn’t feel that cold anymore on his face.
Haurchefant was always very kind to him. Well, he mostly was kind to everybody but sometimes he seemed to admire him especially. Him of all people, although there was nothing special about him. Haurchefant sometimes spoke of him like he was one of the greatest heroes of all time and it felt so ridiculous to him. He was just silly, cowardly A‘viloh! What had he ever achieved in his miserable life to justify such admiration? The people called him a Warrior of Light but wasn’t that some grand overstatement? Some days he thought all of this had been a horrible mistake. A great misunderstanding! Then he wondered how he had ever gotten entangled in this madness in the first place and also if he ever would get out of it again. But what else should he do with his life anyway...
While A’viloh’s brain still screeched in desperate search for a proper response, Haurchefant seemed to realise he had flustered him and glossed it over by gesturing to the gate.
“How about we walk a few yalms? There’s something you need to see!”
Still too dumbstruck to speak or to even wonder what the Elezen was talking about, A’viloh nodded and then proceeded to follow him out into the snowy landscape.
After a few minutes Haurchefant paused and took a deep breath. “Isn’t the air wonderful today?”
A’viloh followed his example, breathed deeply and let his gaze wander over the snow covered landscape with a few pines here and there and the mountains and ruins of the Steel Vigil in the distance. The air was cool and fresh, still cold enough that the warm sun couldn’t melt the snow. Instead the rays of sunshine made the scenery shine and sparkle as if everything was covered not in ice but in millions over millions of tiny diamonds.
“It is.”, he answered and smiled, surprised how beautiful this inhospitable landscape could be, before with a sudden spark of curiosity he finally asked. “Where are we going?”
“It’s not far anymore.”, Haurchefant said with a grin on his face and pointed into another direction. Shortly after and only a bit further ahead they reached a small lake.
As they got closer A‘viloh noticed that it not only was covered in a layer of snow and ice but also that quite a few off-duty soldiers, given the proximity to the camp he assumed they had to be, were standing right on top of the frozen lake. No, they were not quite standing. It looked more like they were dancing or flying maybe. More or less gracefully they moved over the lake‘s surface in fluid swift strides, some just moving in wide circles and other swirling around this way or that. A’viloh had never seen something like this and it looked strange and impossible but at the same time very beautiful to him.
The two of them had almost reached the lake by then, A’viloh a few steps ahead to get a better look at the wondrous people on the ice and he already wanted to ask how they did that, when his attention was drawn elsewhere by a curious squawking sound.
“Oh! Look at them!”, the Miqo’te exclaimed, his fascinated smile still turning a little brighter, as he gestured to a small flock of wild geese resting at the shore of the lake. With ruffled feathers they sat closely huddled together at the edge of the ice and suddenly A‘viloh couldn’t help but worry about them. They looked so unbothered by his presence, sleeping through the day and all the hubbub around them, looking all exhausted and frozen with their puffed up feathers. Like anything could happen to them and they wouldn’t even mind.
Strangely he wondered what he himself had looked like when Haurchefant had found him unconscious in the snow. He must have been a pitiful sight. Had the Elezen thought him beyond saving too, just like he himself had. What if he had found him a little later or not at all? Maybe that would have been better, a voice murmured to him just like it had so many times before and for a moment, tempted by the grief heavy on his heart once again, he almost believed it.
But no, he would be dead then and while he would have liked to imagine that this would mean he could be with his loved ones again, it was not exactly what either of the tribes he had lived with believed.
Vaguely he remembered his father working for hours, digging a grave at what used to be Wellwick Wood. An elderly woman too exhausted by their long journey, his grandmother if he remembered correctly, had died shortly after they had arrived there. With a sad smile on his face his father had explained to his children, who had stared down into the hole in the ground with confusion in their eyes, how by returning her body to the earth there could still grow new life from this death.
Or the drake tribe of the Sagolii Desert, who always burned their dead and left the ashes to be carried away by the desert wind, believing that it would make it easier for the deceased‘s aether to return to the Aetheric Sea and create something new elsewhere.
With a sudden sharp pain in his heart A’viloh realised that neither of the people he loved had gotten the burial they would have wanted for themselves. And neither had A‘viloh himself wanted to die in the coldness of Coerthas and be forever forgotten under a thick layer of snow and ice. He had thought about dying before but never had he been this close to it. For a second he wondered if this was something worth speaking to Rael about, but he wasn’t sure they wouldn’t misunderstand and get mad at him again.
“Why do you make such a sad face now?”, Haurchefant asked having noticed the smile slip from the Miqo’te’s face. But A’viloh just vehemently shook his head and focused on the geese again.
“They must be horribly cold.”, he wondered in a voice that suggested he already planned to take all of them to the safety of his comfortably warm room.
Haurchefant chuckled. “Don’t worry, they survived the storm out here after all. They keep each other warm, that’s why you‘ll rarely see one of them alone. A bit like you and your friends.”
“Maybe…”, A’viloh answered thinking about this comparison for a moment. “I just wish it wouldn’t always be me who needs to be taken care of. But as proven in Ul’dah and now once again I am simply too weak and useless to keep myself alive, not to mention anyone else.”
The Elezen’s face got a little stern as he folded his arms in front of his chest. “Don’t say that, I am sure it’s not true! This was just bad luck! You are neither weak nor useless!”
A’viloh shrugged. “But that’s how I feel right now...”
Slowly Haurchefant nodded before speaking again with a silent but determined voice. “Listen. I‘ll never forget how bravely you fought for Francel although you barely knew him. You could have gotten yourself in trouble with that and you helped him anyway.”
“It’s not like I did that on my own -”, A’viloh tried to protest but was immediately interrupted. “But you still helped! And I’m sure even without Rael you would have done so!”
Another shrug was all Haurchefant got in response, so the Elezen thought for a second before making an offer. “You want to make yourself useful, right? Get stronger? I could teach you how to fight like a real ishgardian knight, with sword and shield. Or we have some dragoons at Camp Dragonhead too! I’m sure there’s a lot you could learn from them.”
A‘viloh‘s face turned to disbelief. “I really don’t think I could fight with armor and weapons this heavy…”
“You can’t say so if you don’t try! And I have you know that dragoon armors are surprisingly light. How do you think they could still be this agile otherwise? Promise me to at least try training with them a little!”
He didn’t really want to agree to that. He knew he would make a fool of himself. But how could he say no with Haurchefant trying everything in his power to cheer him up. Weakly he shook his head and muttered: “Fine…”
“Perfect!”, Haurchefant exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. “I think an early reward for your efforts is appropriate then!”
Confused A’viloh watched him take a small bag off of his shoulders, which he hadn’t even noticed until now. For a moment the Elezen was busy undoing a knot before he opened the bag and presented to A‘viloh a set of two weirdly shaped blades attached to pieces of wood with leather straps. He had no idea what these constructs were meant to do and that was plainly visible on his face. “What’s that?”
“Ice skates of course!”, Haurchefant said as if that would explain it all but the Miqo’te‘s face remained clueless, so Haurchefant gestured to the lake behind them. “You attach them to your boots so you can walk on the ice like this!”
“Oh!”, A’viloh exclaimed as he understood what Haurchefant was planning. “I don’t think-… I mean I‘ve never-… You don’t really want me to step on that lake do you?” The idea somehow scared him.
“Why not?”, Haurchefant asked for the second time today with this smile that made the question sound like a challenge.
“It’s just a bit of ice!”, A‘vi objected. “What if it breaks?”
The Elezen shook his head and proceeded to fasten the metal blades beneath his boots. “Ah, don’t worry. The ice is thick enough, it will take at least a few more days to melt.”
“I don’t know…”, was all A’viloh replied as Haurchefant pressed another pair of skates into his hands. But the Elezen remained determined and took a few wobbly steps through the snow and onto the ice. “See! I can stand on it and it doesn’t break! You are a lot lighter than me, so why wouldn’t you be able to?”
Oh, you don’t know my bad luck!, A‘viloh thought but Haurchefant didn’t look like he would take that for an excuse. Instead he stretched out a hand towards the Miqo’te. “Come one! Believe me, this is going to be funny!”
For a second A‘viloh pondered his options. The idea of nothing but a little bit of ice between him and the water still terrified him but Haurchefant seemed so excited about this and the other people actually seemed to have fun too. Maybe he should at least pretend to try... Reluctantly he sat down on a rock and tried to put on the skates just like Haurchefant had done a moment ago.
“The clasp on the back too. Make sure none of them are loose… Yes, that looks fine!”, Haurchefant helpfully explained. As A’viloh got up, he almost flopped right back down into the snow. It was a weird feeling to balance his whole weight on only two thin pieces of metal. As he carefully took the first few steps towards the lake Haurchefant reached out for him once more. “Here! Take my hand! I don’t want you to fall…”
Hesitantly A‘vi stepped onto the ice and immediately felt like the ground was being pulled away beneath his feet. He struggled for balance, feeling himself falling backwards, so Haurchefants arm was a very welcome thing to hold on to.
With a chuckle the Elezen tried to loosen A‘vi‘s desperate grip on his arm and instead took each of his hand in one of his own before carefully making slow steps backwards pulling A‘viloh over the ice, which A’vi could swear was making suspicious crackling sounds below them. There was no way to tell the blades beneath his feet not to move, so all A’viloh could do was try not to fall and plead to Haurchefant with ears flat on his head and panic in his eyes, as he slowly was pulled further onto the lake. “No, no, no. Take me back, that’s a horrible idea!”
“Calm down. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I promise.”, Haurchefant said soothingly and continued to explain to him how to move on the ice skates. And in fact the Elezen’s calm voice slowly made A’viloh feel less anxious. His hands, frantically clasping at Haurchefant’s, relaxed along with his legs. It was still a weird feeling to be standing on the ice but now it felt a lot easier to remain balanced. He glanced at the people around them while remaining as still as possible, studied their movements for a moment and then tentatively tried to mimic the way they slowly pushed their feet above the slippery surface. To his surprise he really moved forward without much effort and also without feeling the sensation of falling again, closer to Haurchefant who had steadied him with his outstretched arms so far.
“See! It’s not that difficult.”, he said while making another step backwards so A’viloh had to follow with another step forward. The Miqo’te, strangely excited about the fact that he was actually moving on these weird ice-blades, laughed happily. “You are even going backwards!”
Haurchefants laughed. “One step after the other. Let’s teach you how to go forward first, hm? I‘ll let go off one of your hands but don’t worry, I still got you. One feet after the other just like you did before…”
In fact it almost felt easier now that he could use one of his arms to balance himself. Very slowly at first they floated above the icy surface of the lake but soon A‘viloh got braver. Once he almost lost his balance but for a comparably tall and strong person like Haurchefant it seemed like a very easy task to keep a small Miqo’te on his feet. Almost falling had felt like a shock for a second but only moments later they were laughing about it and in the end A’viloh was surprised and also a little proud how quickly he had learned and how much fun this was.
He wasn’t sure how much time they spent there on the frozen lake but at some point a bell sounded from the nearby Camp. Startled A’viloh looked up (and almost lost his balance again). “How late is it? I’m sure you have more important things to do than this! I’m sorry if I’m keeping you from doing your work.”
But Haurchefant just laughed and teased, “What could be more important than prove to you that not all of Coerthas is a deadly wasteland trying to kill you? But I think we really should return soon. I don’t want you to get cold again and after all we also don’t want Rael to find out about this little excursion, do we?”
For a second A’viloh wished the viera could see him now and wondered what their reaction would be like. The thought made him chuckle.
And as they floated, one last circle around the lake, A’viloh couldn’t help but wonder that maybe it was happy moments like this. The reason he was still here. Moments that made his life worth living.
inspired by the poem The Reversal by Leila Chatti
#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ffxiv writing#ffxiv screenshots#gpose#Aviloh Tia#Haurchefant Greystone#This ended up sadder than I wanted actually XD#But at least it ends on a good note and thats worth something huh?#I read that poem while I was still writing the last story and thought it fitted A'vi's mood quite well#and that it would be sweet to make him go ice skating although he has no clue what that is and how to do it :D#Did I ever tell you A'vi is his own worst enemy sometimes? I probably did or you figured that out by yourself by now...#If he thinks he can't do something he won't even try#I like to blame that on the expectactions people had for him and which he failed repeatedly but it's probably a bit of a character flaw too#However before late HW it is probably also very easy to talk him into pretty much anything if you have the slightest bit of persuasion skil#oops thats probably a character flaw too... but in this case it is useful at last :D#A'vi will get better soon I promise!#Well obviously he will get worse first for obvious reasons but then he'll get better eventually!#Maybe... I hope... Oh boy I am seriously trying but this sad cat doesn't want to be happy D:#I think getting the Scions back will help a little and so will the happenings of Stormblood I think...#And regarding Haurchefant: I don't think I see this as particularly romantic (I mean from Haurchefant's side maybe given his character)#I should probably make a post one of these days giving some iside look on A'vi's emotions! because it's complicated! XD#he's been alive but not really living for so long now and maybe this near-death-expierence was necessary to make him think about that...#rant over! I'll make a different post another day! this already got out of hand again...#and once again I’m posting this on a Friday! i might just start calling it FanficFriday! which doesn’t mean you get something each week XD
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horrorhot-line · 8 months
xavier's nsfw alphabet
➵ pairing: xavier x female!reader
➵ word count: 2.3k
➵ genre: nsfw
➵ warnings: minors dni. this post is pure smut, no plot here. cockwarming, breeding kink, slight exhibitionism, sex toys, edging.
➵ summary: pretty self explanatory, the nsfw alphabet on your favourite boy.
➵ zayne's ver. | rafayel's ver.
➵ masterlist  (requests are open)
horrorhot-line © 2024. all rights reserved.
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notes: true to the poll, i will be doing xavier first, while i work on any other oneshot, i hope this keeps you fed ;)
also anon, if you see this, the zayne one is on its way dw <3333
credit to @multi-fandom-imagine for the template
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➵ a for aftercare (what is he like after sex?) it takes it out of him completely, pounding your pussy and making sure you're satisfied. so unless you tell him to get up specifically, he'll stay balls deep inside you until he goes soft, letting your warmth and twitching body lull him to sleep. "5 more minutes…"
➵ b for body part (his favourite body part of his and also his partner's) he likes his arms- toned biceps that are the perfect handle for you when he's stuffing you with his cock. he loves watching you struggle underneath him, knowing he's the only one you'd cling to so desperately. his favourite body part when it comes to you has to be your boobs. if it were tits or ass for him, he'd choose the former any day of the week; xavier loves squeezing your nipples between his fingers, cupping them in his hands as he fucks you. he loves the way they bounce when he's pounding away at your stretched pussy. that, and they're the perfect pillow for when he's done with you, letting your heartbeat soothe him as he drifts off to sleep. "so perfect- you're beautiful, you know that?"
➵ c for cum (anything to do with cum, basically) xavier loves plugging your sopping cunt when he finally cums inside you, loves the way your body twitches under him, spent with how many orgasms he's pulled out of you, pussy spasming around him as he pumps his dick into you a few more times, making sure every last drop ends up inside you. he'll leave his dick in, ignoring the cum staining the sheets, your slick covering his thighs as he wraps his arms around you as he goes for a short nap. "i'll clean the mess up in a bit, don't worry."
➵ d for dirty secret (self-explanatory, a dirty secret of his) he won't admit it; he doesn't have to because you eventually figure it out. xavier loves edging you, slowing down his thrusts right as you're about to cum, so he can string your orgasm along and have you seeing stars. he loves the way your eyes roll back when he starts pounding into you again, his headboard slamming against the wall as he fills you up. "not yet, baby- just a little more. i promise i'll make you feel so good."
➵ e for experience (how experienced is he? does he know what he's doing?) he's not that experienced, of course not. how could he be when he's saved all his firsts for you? that doesn't matter, though; he makes up for what he lacks by being a quick learner. the first time he fucks you, it's nice and slow, has you craving for more, and the minute you manage to moan, "please," and "faster", he picks up the pace, drilling his dick into your cunt and swallowing your whimpers as his lips latch onto yours. "like this, princess?"
➵ f for favourite position (this goes without saying. will probably include a visual) he loves spoon fucking you. the number of times he's been cuddling you, and you readjust (innocently, of course), rubbing your ass across his dick one too many times. he slips his cock out of his pyjama pants, grinding into you to let you know he's in the mood as he pulls your panties aside. he rubs his cock against you, coating his tip in your slick before he pushes his dick into you inch by inch. he fucks you like this most nights, one hand wrapped around your stomach, the other squeezing your tit as he trails kisses across your nape. "so good- 'm gonna cum."
➵ g for goofy (is he more serious in the moment, or is he humorous, etc) he's not serious during sex, but he isn't goofy, either. he's laid back and mostly focuses on your needs, chasing your orgasm, angling his hips just right until he finds that one spot that has you sobbing. "does that feel good?"
➵ h for hair (how well groomed is he, does the carpet match the drapes) he's well groomed, it's not bushy. it's too much work taking care of it every day, so he shaves every other time he showers. better for you, since when he's balls deep inside you, you can feel his stubble against your clit, and fuck does it feel good. he'll shave the minute you ask him to, no questions asked. "it's not too hairy, is it?"
➵ i for intimacy (how is he during the moment, romantic aspect…) he's the romantic type, when both of you have time, he'll set up candles, greet you with flowers at the door, and carry you to bed bridal style before gently laying you down. he'll trail kisses down your body, tongue edging your clit until you're begging for him, and that initial first thrust has both of you moaning. "let me make love to you tonight, princess."
➵ j for jacking off (masturbation headcanon) he doesn't do it often and doesn't see the need to. he'd much rather stay horny, letting his balls fill up, saving it all for you so when he finally has his way with you, you're looking all cute and exhausted, leaking his cum. "you look so pretty like this, taking every inch. yeah? you feel good?"
➵ k for kink (one or more of his kinks) he's very vanilla to begin with. mostly because he doesn't know what he wants. after a while though, you suspect he does have a few kinks. one of them being- he has a breeding kink. the amount of times he's thought out loud in front of you, telling you how pretty you'd look with a baby bump. and you definitely don't miss when he makes sure no cum leaks out of you once he's done; he'll either stuff you full of his cock or his fingers, falling asleep with either still inside. also, he loves cockwarming, and nothing will convince you otherwise. he loves the warmth your pussy provides for his dick, and the way he has the best naps when he's buried inside you. "just a little longer…"
➵ l for location (favourite places to do the do) your apartment or his, he doesn't mind. as far as xavier's concerned, it's free reign. though, he does enjoy bending you over his balcony, being an s-class senior hunter means he has the paycheck to afford a penthouse. he'll slide your panties to the side on the days you wake up before him to enjoy the morning sun, and he'll nudge your legs apart before angling himself into you, raising your thigh over the glass fence so his tip kisses your cervix. you love the thrill of anyone seeing you and the added security that he won't let you fall. "so tight, you like the risk that much?"
➵ m for motivation (what turns him on, gets him going) honestly? touch his dick and find out. he's not an overly horny individual, but just one touch from you, one sultry look, and he's ready to go. towering over you as you shoot him a smirk, peeling his shirt off and discarding it in the corner as he pulls you across the bed to him by your ankle, "stop teasing me."
➵ n for nicknames (what are his favourite pet names for you? what does he call you when you're both alone?) princess is his favourite, it's the one he uses most often when he's balls deep inside you, hand underneath your shirt squeezing your tit, lips trailing kisses along your neck and leaving goosebumps in their wake as he pumps his cum into you. he calls you baby occasionally, but he prefers calling your name, whispering it alongside praises of how good you feel, when he's fucking into you.
note: if you know his backstory you'd understand the first nickname, i am on my knees sobbing and begging
➵ o for oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc) he's okay with either, doesn't have a prefrence because he prefers filling you up with his cock. though, his dick does twitch when you offer to give him a blow job, and he makes sure to return the favour. he adores it when you grab his hair and force his face closer to your cunt. "enjoying yourself?"
➵ p for pace (is he fast or rough? slow or sensual?) this one is obvious, he's slow when he fucks you, lazily humping you from behind as he holds you close. he loves the way you squirm beside him, grinding on his cock, signalling for him to speed up. he'll roll his hips into yours, letting his dick hit all the right spots, teasing you as he slowly pulls out, leaving just the tip in. "begging for more, baby? tell me how you want it."
➵ q for quickies (his opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) he's ready to go if you are; all you have to do is palm him through his pants and give him that look that says, 'i need you to fuck me, and i need you to do it now.' he'll blink, before taking your hand and leading you to the closest secluded place before he's balls deep inside you, "couldn't wait until we got home, princess?"
➵ r for risk (is he game to experiment, does he take risks, etc) if it makes you happy, he's up for experimenting when it's something you're interested in, and it isn't unreasonable. he just can't find it in himself to say no when you put your hand on his thigh and give him those eyes, it couldn't hurt to give in to your whims, "if that's what you want, my love."
➵ s for stamina (how many rounds can he go for, how long does he last) he definitely has stamina, not breaking a sweat as he snaps his hips into you, slowing down as he lowers his chest to meet yours, hand on your head to hold you in place as he sets a brutal pace that pushes you over the edge. that doesn't change the fact that he loves his sleep, and as you come down from your high, you realise that. you're still twitching at the way he's lazily humping you, cum leaking out of you as he snores softly. he tries his best to last longer than you, letting you get your release first, but the odd times he doesn't, he'll grind into you until you finish, twitching from how sensitive he is as he lets out hushed moans next to your ear.
➵ t for toy (does he own toys? does he use them? partner or himself?) he owns just one- a vibrator he got off the internet by accident, having thought it could massage his fingers, and you couldn't hold in your laughter when he showed it to you, confused as to why it didn't do its job properly. when you were done explaining that it was a sex toy and what it was used for, you enjoyed the lost look on his face and the initial realisation of what it was until he got an idea. you moved back, suddenly scared at what his smug expression implied, "who knew you'd like it this much, princess? look at how wet you are- good thing we found a use for it, hm?"
➵ u for unfair (how much does he like to tease) xavier is unfair, and not in the way you'd think. he has no idea the effect he has on you, hands on your thighs underneath tables when the two of you are on dates, palm on the small of your lower back as you walk the streets, hands finding yours, tracing his thumbs on the back of your hand when he's looking something up on his phone, and those eyes, fuck those eyes really did you in. you're horny 24/7 around him, hyperaware he's there, and that he's yours, you end up asking him to help you. "how did you get this wet, baby? i didn't do anything this time."
➵ v for volume (how loud is he? what sounds does he make?) he's not that vocal; he's on the quiet side, but he knows how to make up for it. the initial moan he lets out when he's slipping his dick in, inch by inch, is music to your ears. he'll bury his face in your neck or place his head beside yours so you can hear his soft groans.
➵ w for wildcard (random headcanon for him) he will listen. you think it's the best thing about him. you have one problem, little or big, you have one tiny complaint, and it's fixed, he'll ask you what you need, and it's done. you want him to touch you more often, want him to spend more time with you, want him to do the dishes when you've had a rough day, it's done, no questions asked. you think he's the sweetest for this, he's definitely a golden retriever boyfriend.
➵ x for x-ray (what's going on in those pants of his) he's not the girthiest, but his dick is long and hits all the right spots. you do realise one day though, that his cock bends slightly to the left, no wonder he has you seeing stars. his v-line is to die for; you love it when he wears grey sweats, the band of his briefs slightly visible as he stretches, and his light blonde happy trail leading down to…
➵ y for yearning (how high is his sex drive) he's more into the romantic aspect of the relationship, having lived as long as he has, he's just happy he has you by his side. but if you tease him… grinding as you sit on his lap, your soaked panties and his pants between the two of you, and he watches you trying to get off, it's all over for you. "you know i can't say no to you."
➵ z for zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards)immediately, he is knocked out, feeling safe in your arms as you trace circles into his back and rub your hands through his hair, he's sleeping like a rock. the one time the two of you forgot to say 'i love you's' to each other before bed, you had muttered those three words when you had realised, and your half-hearted strokes across his shoulder stopped when he mumbled them back, still asleep.
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ktkat99 · 4 months
Update to this prompt I posted a little while ago. Scroll to the bottom for a link to the story.
Tim gets injured while not wearing his suit one night.
Bernard, who has never met Tim before, finds him and takes him home. He ends up losing his memory and Bernard decides to let him move in while he heals, unaware that he's really Red Robin.
Bruce and the rest of the family can't find Tim anywhere.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn to months.
All without a trace.
Tim and Bernard are getting used to living together, and both the pros and cons of being roommates.
Tim will sometimes have nightmares or flashbacks, but he’s also started to heal.
His family ends up torn, with Jason, Dick, and Steph convinced he’s alive, while Bruce, Cass and Damian have all resigned themselves to believing that he died.
One night, Tim and Bernard take a nighttime walk to a convenience store and witness a robbery.
Tim stops the guy on instinct and has a flashback of fighting with Nightwing. He assumes he was a criminal and runs off before the clerk can thank him.
Something the clerk mentions to Officer Dick Greyson when he arrives to arrest the thief. The clerk hands over the surveillance footage, which ends up being proof that Tim survived.
Dick is overjoyed, but Steph and Jason point out that he isn't being held hostage. He's free and yet never contacted them.
Was he in hiding?
From them?
Or for his own protection from someone?
Or maybe the civilian he was with had done something to him?
Whatever the reason, they decide against telling the rest of the family until they can figure out what's going on.
They begin following Tim, keeping their distances.
Tim, meanwhile, after ‘remembering’ being a criminal, can't stop obsessing over his scars, and who he might have hurt to receive them. He keeps thinking about the convenience store clerk and Bernard, wracked with guilt about all the things he may have done.
Bernard stays by him the whole time, doing his best to calm him down.
Tim doesn't tell him what's on his mind out of fear of being kicked out, and Bernard assumes the event was too stressful for him and doesn't push him to talk.
Eventually, the two of them fall asleep together, and Tim promises to make up for his past crimes by protecting Bernard. Things gradually go back to normal with Bernard going to work and Tim, who has no valid id, staying home and taking care of the apartment.
Nightwing, Red Hood, and Spoiler take turns watching Tim and Bernard.
They still haven't told their family, but know they can't just follow Tim forever.
Before they can decide on their next move, though, Cass bumps into him while grocery shopping. She freezes and he doesn't recognize her, but Dick, Jason, and Steph have to come clean.
Cass is pissed, Bruce wants to bring Tim home immediately, and Damian points out that he might not even want to come home, and that they should leave him be.
They decide that, before they make their decision, they need to talk to Tim. Maybe he really did just decide to quit.
Tim, meanwhile, has been using his free time while Bernard is at work to help people who need it. He becomes somewhat of a neighborhood vigilante, believing that he needs to make up for his past crimes.
Most of the injuries he incurs are minor and easy to hide from Bernard, but one day he takes a knife to the arm.
Bernard freaks out and tries to give him stitches in their kitchen, but then has to convince Tim to let him take him to a hospital.
Tim, not wanting to be arrested for crimes he doesn't remember committing, therefore leaving Bernard alone, argues that he's fine.
It doesn't hurt that bad.
He'll heal.
Bernard gets frustrated and shows off his own scars, which he had worked hard to always keep hidden. He explains what happened to him, and how his family disowned him as a result of ending up in the cult, and that he promises he won't put Tim in a situation where he could be in danger.
He asks to know why Tim is so adamant against going to the hospital and Tim reluctantly admits what he's pieced together from his flashbacks.
Bernard is shocked to find out that he might have been sharing his apartment with a criminal, but reasons that that must be why Tim knows how to fight.
Deciding to focus on the problem at hand, Bernard convinces Tim to at least let him take him to Leslie’s place, as she doesn't ask questions.
Leslie proceeds to ask questions, prompting Bernard to be the one to answer them for Tim.
Leslie comes to the conclusion that Bernard is answering so that Tim doesn't say the wrong thing, and only grows more concerned when she tries to subtly give him openings to slip her a message or some sort of sign that he needs help and he doesn't.
She decides that, since he's acting like he's never met her, she'll play along.
Once Bernard and Tim leave, she calls Bruce and tells him what happened.
Bruce decides it's time to step in because something is clearly wrong with Tim.
Tim and Bernard head back home and have a long talk about everything Tim's been hiding and what he's been up to.
Bernard wonders if Tim might be wrong about his assumption that he was a criminal, but Tim remembers stalking Batman, fighting with Nightwing, Robin trying to kill him and a few other things.
Tim was a criminal, and he's certain of it.
At a loss of what else to do, Bernard convinces Tim to get takeout for dinner, since neither have eaten yet.
Tim agrees and they walk down to Tim's favorite place.
On the way there, Batman and Nightwing show up and order them into the Batmobile.
Tim manages to fight off Nightwing as Batman is driving and Nightwing isn't expecting Tim to fight him and escapes with Bernard.
Their suspicions all appear to be confirmed; the Batfam believe Tim is being controlled by Bernard, while Bernard and Tim believe he's a wanted criminal.
Tim decides he needs to leave, since he's obviously being hunted, but Bernard refuses to let him.
Not alone, at least.
Tim wants Bernard to stay safe, which means away from him, but Bernard is just as worried about Tim's safety. They argue, but ultimately both find an abandoned building to hide in together.
They decide to take turns sleeping and Tim falls asleep wondering what sort of crime he committed to warrant the Bats searching for him. He ends up dreaming of the night he found his father's body and wakes up believing that he killed him.
Bernard has nodded off at this point and Tim needs to clear his head so he heads up to the roof to process what he dreamed about.
The bats decide that, for their safety and his, Tim will need to be taken by force and they can figure out what's wrong with him once they have him back home.
They track them to the abandoned building and break in, but only find Bernard.
Bernard ends up getting captured quickly and taken to the batcave for questioning.
Tim, who witnessed the abduction but hadn't been quick enough in getting down from the roof to do anything, decides it's time to go on the offensive against the bats.
He has had enough flashbacks to piece together that Batman is Bruce.
He's tired.
He's been living for months without knowledge of who he used to be and having to deal with random flashbacks and trying to piece together what his life before looked like.
The bats taking Bernard is his last straw.
He decides to start by breaking into the manor and looking for Bernard there.
Bernard, meanwhile, is desperately trying to convince Bruce and the others that he has no idea where Tim is, that he didn't do anything to Tim, and that Tim has amnesia.
They don't believe him until Tim shows up and goes all-out trying to attack them and escape with Bernard, but Bernard is the one who manages to calm him down and convince him to listen to his family.
It takes a while, and a lot of proof, but Tim finally regains his memory.
He and Bernard officially start dating and move back in together.
They like to joke that Bernard had the craziest introduction to the family, despite being a civilian.
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deathbxnny · 4 months
Heyy! May i request gallagher, sunday and boothill with a reader who is like furina?
(hiding her problems and fears while acting happy and quirky)
I absolutely love this idea, especially because it's about Furina, who I also love, hehe!! I also made this into a teen reader, which I hope you don't mind, anon!! I'm just craving some platonic stuff lately. So thank you for this request, Anon, and I hope you like my post!!<33
Content: Platonic relationships, teen reader, angst, hurt/comfort, manipulation/brainwashing for Sundays part, father figures hsr men, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Gallagher saw through your facade with ease yet didn't dare push you to reveal your true self to him for a multitude of reasons. He mainly, however, didn't want to overwhelm you, figuring that you hiding your true self was just a coping mechanism for a darker past you were desperately trying to keep away.
And so he let you prance around the bar in your fake grandiose personality, whilst he kept his eyes on you at all times just in case. He knew you'd break eventually, and not because he necessarily wanted that to happen. He just knew that a young kid like you couldn't hold out forever.
Whether you do finally let the facade drop one day or not is up to you in the end, however. He makes it clear indirectly that he's there for you no matter what. And even if you never reveal your darkest fears to him, he'll always watch over you anyway as well.
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Sunday also immideatly notices that your rather loud and proud personality was all a facade to hide a dark past even he had yet to discover. And unfortunately for you, he doesn't shy away from confronting you for your own good. Some may say that it was a little harsh or maybe even reckless, but Sunday always believed to know better.
This most likely leads to you having to drop your mask and tell him the reasoning behind your fake smiles and quirky behaviors. Whether through your own will or his own is up to you to decide, although he also sees no shame in either. If it helps you, then he'll stop at nothing to make you feel better.
You can get angry at him, you can cry to him, you can also bury your face into his shoulder and let yourself get comforted by his sweet, soothing voice as well. He doesn't mind it. Even if some of it is influenced by his tuning ability. But you can't blame him for using his power on you, right? You understand that it is for your own good, yes? He just wants to help you.
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It takes a bit for Boothill to realise that your personality is fake, mainly because he sometimes finds himself doing the same thing at times. He only notices that something is amiss when you suddenly burst into tears, overwhelmed by your hidden emotions at last. And it all suddenly clicks in his head, that he couldn't help but knock on it in self-disappointment.
He's not good with emotions, but he likes to think that he was once good with kids. He'll pull an arm around you, pat your head, tell you that it's all good and to just let it alllll out to your old man Boothill. He doesn't mind your tears staining his steel, an old memory of him soothing a young toddler coming to mind when he allowed you to cry into him.
He knows that as galaxy rangers, you should be independent from him, fully able to be on your own and deal with your emotions as they come. But he finds himself simply making you promise to be yourself from then on as you continue on your journey together. He may be breaking some rules... but it's all good in his book, If you're happy with it, too.
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Alrightttt... I hope this was okay Anon!! And thank you again for the request, I loved it!!<33
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lexirosewrites · 1 month
popping in for slick sunday again with another bit on a fic im working on :) i hope you enjoy :)
(warnings ahead for mpreg, angst, and some medical stuff that probably doesn't make actual sense bc i possess no more than a basic knowledge)
this fic's big focus is secret pregnancy. steve and eddie are not dating, but they have this more "friends with benefits" type thing going on. that is, until eddie leaves. he's off with Corroded Coffin, trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. what eddie doesn't know, and what steve finds out a few weeks later, is that steve is pregnant (with twins).
steve decides to keep it a secret because he doesn't want to "ruin" eddie's life. he knows eddie would come back the second he knew, and he didn't want to be the reason eddie gave up on his dream. steve doesn't tell anyone for the first month or so, and then slowly, their friends start being pulled into the loop. robin first, of course. everyone promises not to tell eddie, even though most of them aren't happy about it. eventually, even wayne and the rest of corroded coffin find out about it.
wayne insists on being part of their lives, if steve will let him. which obviously he does, because he loves wayne and would never want to keep him out. so then it's weekly dinners at the trailer, and wayne offering to babysit when steve has to work, and wayne coming over to their apartment often. the twins spend a lot of time with wayne, and he spoils them whenever he can. he's really the only grandparent figure they have, and he's more than happy to take on the role.
when eddie does, eventually, find all of this out, it's not under the best circumstances. it's been about six years since he left hawkins without looking back. the band is at the studio, recording for the new album, when eddie gets a call. the first time he's heard from steve since he left. his entire world is flipped when steve drops the news. eddie has pups he's never known about, and one of them is sick. really sick. the doctors don't think she has much time, and she needs a bone marrow transplant, but finding a match is taking longer than they'd hoped. eddie might be the only option left to save her.
of course, eddie's on a plane back to indiana that same night, no questions asked. well, very few questions asked at least. his mind is reeling the whole time. he doesn't have the full story. all he does know is that he has to get back. he meets the twins separately. first, his daughter, before she's taken for more testing. she lights up, so excited that he's there and asking 100 different questions all at once. he loves her so much already. he meets his son a little later, and it's different. he's more closed off, wary. he's sitting on steve's lap glaring daggers at eddie across the room. it's clear that he holds some resentment, and eddie can't say he blames him. when eddie tries to explain that he's there to help, that he'll be there however long they need him, the boy blows up. he's angry, spitting back at eddie that they don't need him, they never did. steve immediately tries to step in, but eddie stops him. he's right, and eddie knows that. he deserves this.
it may have been steve who kept the twins from eddie, but eddie's the one that never bothered to come back. never called. never visited. he's just as much to blame, and he knows that. all he can do is try to make up for his own shortcomings, and hope it's enough.
happy slick sunday!
oh my god my heart is broken😭
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youunravelme · 11 months
to all the girls you've loved before part six
author's note: okay......so i can explain. i know it's been like four months, but i swear it wasn't on purpose and tbh i lost track of time. so here's it is after months of waiting. i promise i didn't forget about it, i just had other projects i was working on (like the 30k words i wrote for two separate fics) that really took up most of my inspiration. there is a time jump in this, but not a huge one. but enough excuses! here's to part six (which is 9.4k words, i figured y'all deserved it)!
pairing: single dad!mat barzal x reader
summary: being a nanny for rich people was probably the worst thing that ever happened to you, until you started working for mat.
warnings: children, rich people, fear of falling in love, moving into angst city baby
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day forty-five
you woke up in an unfamiliar place. disoriented, you looked around, noting that it was still dark outside. there was a weight around your waist that was familiar in the sense that you'd felt that sensation before, but unfamiliar in that it smelled like someone new. your heart started racing at the feeling, until you recognized it for what it was: an arm.
your heart rate settled for a moment until you blinked and realized that while you were at home, you were in a different room and considering there was no crib, you could only make one leap in logic:
it was mat's room.
jason's words came back to haunt you almost immediately.
he'll get bored of you eventually. people always do.
your hands felt clammy as you slowly slid out of mat's hold. your knees were shaking. the air was too thick to breathe evenly, but you knew if you started hyperventilating in mat's room, he might wake up and freak out with you.
so you took some shaky breaths and then booked it back to your room.
you stared up at the ceiling for two hours until ella woke up. immediately, you got up, thankful for a distraction from the conflict brewing inside your chest.
when you opened your bedroom door, mat was standing across the hall in his own doorway. his hair was disheveled and his white tee shirt was askew, but it was clear he had the same thought as you.
the two of you stared at each other until one of ella's cries snapped you both back to reality.
"i'll get her," you said quickly before darting into ella's room and ignoring the feeling of his eyes on you. they burned into your back like someone was steaming the clothes hanging off your body.
in the crib, ella was kicking her legs and flapping her arms as much as her sleep sack would allow. and for a moment, you forgot the momentary discomfort at the sight of her gummy smile.
"good morning, sweet girl," you crooned. you reached into the crib and unzipped her sleep sack before picking her up and into your arms. she immediately snuggled into your chest, tucking her head under your chin.
you changed her diaper before heading out to the kitchen where mat was cooking eggs.
you wouldn't look him in the eye, just focused on getting ella into the high chair. mat walked past you, putting her plate of fruit on her high chair tray. it was the closest you'd been since that morning in his bed. and while it was technically innocent, it didn't feel innocent.
as much fun as he was, you'd forgotten that mat was still technically your boss, a friend too, but your boss nonetheless. and sleeping in his bed, regardless of how much you believed you needed it, was a mistake.
you couldn't lose this job, lose ella, lose sydney, but you didn't think you could handle losing mat. not entirely.
so you'd settle for losing the smaller moments of closeness. you'd stay professional with him if only for the sake of keeping your heart and income safe.
god, you hated thinking of him just as an income, but jason's words rang in your head like a small town church bell at noon. was he just waiting to sleep with you? was he just taking pity on you?
it was too early to get a headache.
you sat in a chair next to ella and checked your phone for any messages when a plate was placed in front of you with eggs made in the way you loved and a piece of toast.
"it was all i could manage without giving you food poisoning," mat said sheepishly.
you said a quiet thanks and turned your attention back to your phone, missing the way mat's face contorted into a frown.
"what do you have planned for today?" he asked, taking the seat across from you.
you shrugged, not feeling too keen on going out in public after what happened the night before. you weren't stupid, logically you knew new york was a large city and the odds of running into natalie or jason were slim, but you saw them last night and you weren't too eager to chance repeating the same thing.
"i think we'll just take it easy, stay home and hang out," you said. the words what about you were sitting on the tip of your tongue, but you kept your mouth shut.
mat hummed as he took a bite of his toast. "i'm gonna go work out with tito before practice, and then i think we have some interviews or media to do," he said.
you nodded but said nothing. when ella finished her breakfast, which looked like her tossing eggs onto the floor, you scooped the plate up and hurried back into the kitchen, excited to do something more than just sitting in a room with mat. you started washing the plate, not even thinking about the dishwasher three feet away.
"i can get that," he said, reaching around you and grabbing the plate straight out of your hands. he placed in in the dishwasher before grabbing the broom and sweeping up the eggs on the floor as he cooed at his daughter.
your heart lurched in your chest at the sight, at the view of him being so gentle and doting. you cleared your throat and dusted your clean hands on your pants to keep them from doing something stupid like pulling mat to you and asking him to hold you like he did last night.
"i hate to rush off," mat started as he placed the broom back in its corner and washed his hands. "but i told tito i'd actually be on time today." he got ella out of her high chair and kissed her chubby cheeks. "dada loves you ella bean," he said before approaching you.
you did your best to prepare for eye contact. but the bottom line was as soon as you met his eyes, you couldn't move, couldn't breathe.
he was the prettiest man you'd ever seen, with an even bigger heart.
you snapped out of it when ella reached for you, focusing on how her downy brown hair was growing longer, instead of how she was a complete carbon copy of her father.
for a second, you almost felt bad for her birth mother, nine months of being pregnant, all that labor, only for ella to look just like mat.
but then you remembered that same woman dropped her daughter off with him with just a note, and any lingering feelings of empathy and pity immediately vanished.
you took ella and scampered off to her room, ready to get out of mat's presence.
the two of you were playing with some of her toys when you heard mat call out a goodbye before the door shut behind him.
it wasn't until the lock clicked that you could finally breathe.
day fifty-five
"are you coming to the game tonight?" sydney asked over the phone.
you had your cellphone tucked between your shoulder and your ear as you prepped ella's lunch for the day. the baby in question was babbling to herself when she wasn't stuffing her face with the cheerios you gave her until you could give her lunch.
"uh..." you hesitated, trying to play it off like you were too focused on mashing up bananas.
"oh come on," sydney said. "i feel like i haven't seen you in forever."
"you saw me last week."
"that was seven days ago. you didn't even come to the game earlier this week. what was that about?"
the words were on the tip of your tongue, the truth dangled in front of you like low hanging fruit, but you couldn't get yourself to say it. not in his home, not when he would be getting home shortly, not in front of ella, even though she would never be able to repeat it.
sydney said your name. "are you there?"
you sighed through the receiver. "i'll be there."
"great! i'll pick you up!" she said before hanging up.
you and ella ate in silence until mat came through the front door. ella immediately squealed and threw her bananas in the air, some of which landed in her hair, other pieces ended up on the floor.
"ella bean!" mat smiled as he dropped his things on the ground.
he walked over and you shot up out of your seat to walk into the kitchen under the guise of grabbing paper towels to clean up her mess.
"how was she?" mat asked, taking over your job in supervising his daughter eating her lunch.
you shrugged even though he couldn't see you. "she's been fine. it's been a normal day."
"are you coming to the game tonight?" he asked. truthfully, he'd asked you earlier that morning, or maybe the word begged was a better word to use. you could tell he was disappointed that you hadn't gone to his game earlier that week, but he was never going to pressure you.
"yeah, we're riding with sydney."
"do you have anything to wear?" he asked.
your back was turned, so you didn't see the hopeful gleam in his eye. so when you shrugged and said "sydney said she would get me a shirt," you didn't see the way his shoulders sagged and how the corners of his mouth turned down.
when you turned back around, he was back to looking happy.
you started cleaning up the banana off the floor while mat handed ella her water cup.
"she takes a nap right after lunch, right?"
you looked up at him to find him already staring at you. his hazel eyes felt like they could see right through you, like they could tell you were pulling away and wanted to know why.
you nodded, rendered speechless by his gaze.
"i'll put her down, i've missed her." he booped her nose which made her immediately shriek and squeal. "i don't have to be at the arena for another two hours, so you're free to do whatever."
you expected as much, after his first long roadie, mat wanted to do everything concerning ella. considering he got back earlier that week before having a home game two days later, he hadn't been as present as he would like.
and the result was always a clingy mat.
"sounds good," you said.
maybe you'd text sydney to hang out at a coffee shop for the time being. or maybe you'd lock yourself in your room under the guise of napping while you stared at the ceiling and wondered how you got into this situation.
as ella finished up, the idea hit you immediately.
erin, the woman who you nannied for first.
when mat put ella down, you snuck out the front door and across the hall, praying she would be home. you knocked and waited, fully expecting to turn around and go back to mat's apartment.
you stood outside for all of five minutes before turning back around and heading back into mat's apartment.
"everything okay?" mat asked when you walked back inside the apartment. he was just coming from putting ella down if having one of the baby monitors in his hand was any indication.
"yeah, i'm fine," you said. "i'm just gonna go lay down for a little while."
"oh," he replied. "thought we could watch one of those reality shows you like. felt like i haven't seen you in awhile."
you gave him a small smile. "rain check? i'm really tired."
mat smiled back, though it wasn't as confident as it usually was. if you looked hard enough, you could see the edges of it shake, like he was doing his best to keep up appearances.
but you headed back to your room before you could do something stupid like apologize for the emotional distance and ask for forgiveness.
you got got into bed and stared at the ceiling, only taking your gaze off of it to turn your baby monitor on. you weren't sure how long you were in that borderline comatose state, just repeating jason's cutting words in your head, when ella woke up.
you got up when she cried, fully expecting mat to be gone by then, considering it had been an hour and a half. but you walked into ella's room to see him pulling her out of her crib in his game day suit.
and it should've been illegal to see him snuggle and kiss her cheeks. to witness him cooing back at her as he changed her diaper. you leaned against the door frame, unable to keep your heart from soaring at the sight. just to think, a month and a half ago, he was terrified, now he was changing a diaper like he'd done it his entire life.
he didn't notice you until he turned around and nearly jumped ten feet in the air at the sight of you standing there. "jesus fucking christ," he said. "you scared me."
you couldn't help yourself. "you don't say," you quipped with a grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
mat closed the distance between the two of you and passed off ella. "i hate to run, but--"
"you don't have to explain yourself to me," you said. "we'll see you later."
he nodded and booked it out of the room, but not before pressing a kiss to the side of ella's head.
you heard the door lock behind you a beat later.
you and ella spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around before it was time to start getting ready for the game. you had her dressed in her barzal jersey and a coat while you slapped on a pair of jeans and a tank top, waiting for sydney to bring you the shirt you'd end up wearing.
it was a quarter to six when sydney knocked on the door. she had her daughters with her. winnie immediately went to see ella, who was sitting in her playpen with one of her toys in her mouth.
"you look cute," sydney commented before tossing the shirt at you. without even thinking about it, you tugged the shirt over your head and threw on the jacket you had laid out on the couch.
"so do you," you replied while slinging the diaper bag over your shoulder. you quickly scooped ella up and looked at sydney. "you ready?"
she nodded as the two of you got three kids out to her suv. you had ella in one arm, her car seat in the other, with her diaper bag weighing heavily on your shoulder.
fifteen minutes had passed by the time you got all the girls in the car and strapped in yourselves. you thought everything was normal until sydney turned the music on a little louder and looked at you from the corner of her eye.
"what's going on with you and m-a-t," she spelled out his name probably as a precaution to prevent winnie from picking up any details.
you froze, but tried to play it off. "what do you mean?"
sydney rolled her eyes. "don't play dumb. you asked me for a shirt to wear tonight instead of raiding his closet like you usually do. you didn't go to the game earlier this week under some flimsy excuse."
you sighed, knowing you had been caught.
but sydney wasn't done.
"not to mention, m-a-t asked me what happened at the bar because you'd been distant ever since and hadn't talked to him about it." sydney sighed. "i'm not mad," she said. "i just want to know what's going on with you, i thought things were going well. you two seemed..."
you looked over at the blonde. "seemed like what?"
she shrugged. "just thought you two were a good fit is all."
you groaned. "syd--"
"but we don't have to talk about it, i just think you need to have a conversation with him sooner rather than later."
whatever you had to say was cut off by winnie screaming out the lyrics of baby shark.
the five of you arrived with an hour left until the puck drop. thankfully, the wags rented a suite which meant you didn't have to contend with a huge crowd and ella didn't have to feel confined to just one seat the entire night.
grace along with the other wags greeted you and ella with grace offering to take ella from you in exchange for a margarita, an offer you couldn't turn down.
when the boys came out for warmups, you went with sydney and her daughters and ella down to the ice. ella fought the headphones on her head, she kept reaching for them but you had to pull her little hands away so she wouldn't hurt her ears.
it took a few seconds for matt martin to spot the five of you before he was skating over and waving at his daughters and wife. he smiled at you and ella, tapping the glass once before continuing his warm ups. it was seconds later when your mat showed up with a big smile on his face. ella shrieked, and though the sound was lost in the ruckus of the arena, mat looked happier.
your eyes met and the noise died down, even if it was for a brief moment.
you okay? he mouthed.
you nodded and gave him your most convincing smile. it seemed to do the trick because he was beaming back at you as he skated away backwards, eyes locked on yours.
you turned away and caught sydney staring with a smirk. and while she didn't say anything, you could almost hear her train of thought.
when the game finally started, you were all back in the suite. ella was clinging to you, refusing even the idea of being held by someone else. you couldn't blame her, it was getting close to her bedtime and she was always clingy around that time.
you did your best to pay attention to the puck, to the other players on the ice, but your eyes kept finding 13 whether he was on the bench or the ice. he kept glancing around the ice, probably following the puck like you should be, and occasionally talking to his teammates.
you turned when someone nudged you. grace was standing there with a cup of ice water in her hands. "do you wanna sit?" she asked. "i know your arm is getting tired." you smiled and nodded thankfully, following her over to a pair of seats.
she let you sit in silence for just a moment before she started talking. "are you okay? you seem lost in thought tonight."
part of you wanted to be annoyed with the constant interrogation. no one had ever asked you this many times if you were alright. but that thought alone had your heart lurching.
no one had ever checked on you this many times like sydney, grace, and mat had. it was an unusual feeling, and one that made your heart beat faster in your chest while also making your stomach turn.
"i've just got a lot on my mind," you said, hoping the answer would suffice.
grace nodded, like she could recognize when it wasn't worth the effort to keep pestering. "if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here. i know running into an ex is never fun."
you kept a straight face even though grace hit the nail on the head.
the game continued on with the islanders winning 6-2. but you had been so out of it, if anyone asked, you wouldn't be able to tell them who the isles played against.
you made your way down to the locker rooms with ella sleeping against your shoulder and the diaper bag slung over the other shoulder. you would've put her in the car seat, but after an earlier attempt ended in her crying and screaming for ten minutes before she fell back asleep, you decided to just hold her. grace had the car seat in one hand so you wouldn't have to carry it while holding winnie's hand with her other one so sydney could carry her diaper bag and her youngest.
the three of you waited with the other wags, making small talk amongst yourselves like you had all night.
anders came out first and kissed his wife before greeting everyone else. matt came out shortly after with casey. his attention was immediately drawn to winnie who ran into his legs with zero hesitation.
you waited for ten minutes before your mat came out with his game day suit on and wet hair. it felt as familiar as your mother's homemade cooking.
he smiled when he saw you, anything anthony was telling him didn't matter anymore.
"what'd ya think?" he asked.
"you played a good game."
his gaze drifted from your eyes to your lips then to the baby on your shoulder. his brows creased in confusion. "she didn't sleep in the car seat?"
"we tried, but she screamed and wouldn't settle unless i was holding her."
he nodded before adjusting the bag in his hand so he had a free one to scoop the car seat out of grace's grip. he nodded towards the diaper bag on your shoulder. "want me to carry that?"
"you saying i'm not strong enough to carry it by myself?" honestly, you were supposed to be keeping things professional between the two of you, but you just couldn't help but quip back at him. not when he made it so much fun.
mat rolled his eyes and took the bag off your shoulder and slung it over his own. "let's go home."
day sixty-eight
with christmas approaching, you were spending all of ella's nap times, packing your bags and wrapping presents. thankfully, you had the foresight to ship your family's christmas presents to your parents' house.
it was just a matter of wrapping mat and ella's presents.
you might've gone overboard with ella's presents, spending too much money on books and a stuffed animal you thought was cute. mat's present was different.
it was always gonna be different.
originally, you weren't even sure if you were going to get him a present considering you were trying to keep things professional. but sydney let it slip that his present to you was really thoughtful, so you immediately left the apartment as soon as mat got home.
in the end, the tie felt a little impersonal, but you added a note, heartfelt enough to not be insulting, but maintaining an air of professionalism. you kept the presents in your room, knowing mat wouldn't try to guess what you got him if it was out of sight.
mat had roped you into decorating for christmas, a tradition he hadn't honored since moving out to new york, but with it being ella's first christmas, he was going all out.
with ella's first christmas approaching, mat's family made plans to fly in two days before to attend the game. you made plans to leave the city so his family didn't have to get a hotel room and you could miss the christmas eve traffic.
your bags were packed by the door while mat got ella ready.
"who's driving you to the airport?" he asked at the dinner table the other night.
"no one," you said after you'd swallowed your food. "i'm taking an uber."
mat made a noise in the back of his throat. "no you're not. i'll drive you. what time do you have to be at the airport?"
"mat, it's not that serious."
"it is to me. so again, what time do you need to leave?"
mat came walking down the hallway with ella all bundled up against the cold weather that was raging just outside the window. snow flurries were falling down at a rapid rate, something that might've concerned you had mat, a canadian, not been the one to drive you.
he handed ella off to you before scooping your bags up in one hand and opening the front door with the other.
"you don't have to carry my bags, mat."
"well, you're carrying my child, so why would i make you carry bags on top of that?"
"you could've carried ella!"
"not when i was planning on carrying your bags! now let's go, you don't want to miss your flight, now do you?"
the three of you headed out to his car and loaded it up. mat placed your bags in the trunk while you strapped ella in before you both hopped in the front and headed towards the airport.
"you excited to see your family again?"
you nodded. "it'll be good to see everyone again."
"you don't have any relatives you'd rather avoid?"
you couldn't help it, a laugh burst out of your mouth without your permission. "actually not this time around but--"
an alert on your phone cut you off.
flight BA4739 has been cancelled due to a mechanical issue.
"you've gotta be shitting me," you said.
mat glanced at you before quickly turning his eyes back to the road. his attention, though, was still on you. "what happened?"
"my flight's cancelled."
mat eased into the right lane and began the drive to the apartment. "are there any flights you can catch?"
you were a step ahead of him, checking every possible flight out of jfk and shaking your head when you came up empty handed. "it doesn't look like it." you sighed and pressed your head against the head rest. "god, i'm sorry mat. i know your family is coming in tomorrow and this puts a dent in things."
he scoffed. "it's fine, just means they'll have to get a hotel, but i can take care of that easy."
your eyes shot open. "mat, don't put them in a hotel, i can find someone to stay with."
"i'm not kicking you out of our home. that's ridiculous."
you clenched your jaw to keep it from dropping at his statement. mat said it so plainly, it was almost like it wasn't a big deal.
"listen, you're not going to a hotel, that's final. when we get home, we'll check for the next flight out and i'll buy the tickets."
"you don't have to--"
"consider it my christmas present to you," he said like there weren't presents under the tree with your name carefully written on them.
you rolled your eyes, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
when the three of you got back to the apartment, you grabbed ella while mat took the bags. the second you three were settled, you were pulling out your laptop and double checking for flights. when you couldn't find anything, you sighed and resigned yourself to a white christmas in new york.
day sixty-nine
you and ella were dancing to christmas music in the living room when the barzals came in through the door.
"let me see my grandbaby!" nadia said, dropping her purse on the couch.
you handed ella over immediately, though you hung around for a second to see if she would cry. but ella just smiled and stuck a fist in her mouth.
liana came through next, hugging you briefly before turning her attention to her niece.
a man who you'd never met but knew to be mat's father walked in carrying bags of his own with mat following behind him. you fully expected to be bypassed in favor of ella, and you wouldn't even blame him. but he stopped in front of you and placed the bags on the ground at his feet. with a heavy hand he'd placed on your shoulder, mike barzal began to speak.
"thank you," he said. "thank you for taking care of my son and my grandchild. when we heard the news, my wife and i were trying to figure out what to do, but then mat called a few days later and sang your praises." he squeezed your shoulder gently. "i can't tell you how much it means to us knowing that you're here taking care of ella and helping mat."
you managed a smile, not really having the words to communicate how much having mat and ella has changed your life.
mike squeezed your shoulder one more time before walking over to where his wife and daughter stood.
mat approached you next, the bags he carried in were resting by the door.
"i can sleep on the couch, or go out and buy an air mattress and sleep in ella's room," you said. "just say the word."
mat rolled his eyes and elbowed you lightly. "quit it. this is your home too, i'm not kicking you out."
"i hope i didn't hear you offering to vacate your room," nadia turned around and faced you, quirking an eyebrow. "we're not going to make you leave."
"you wouldn't be making me do anything, i'm offering--"
"and we're denying the offer," she said matter of factly. "there's a nice hotel not too far from here."
"i don't want to split up your family for christmas!"
nadia approached and with the arm not holding ella, she reached out and squeezed your hand. "sweetheart, you've been taking care of my babies, you're family to me now."
you swallowed the lump in your throat.
"i'm sorry you don't get to spend christmas with your family," she started. "but i'm glad i get to watch you open the presents we got you in real time."
your jaw dropped. "mrs. barzal you didn't have to--"
she shook her head. "you deserve to be appreciated, sweetheart." then she directed her attention to ella. "isn't that right, baby?"
liana turned her attention to you. "are you going to the game tonight?"
you shook your head. "i'm going to grace's to help with last minute decorations for the team christmas party."
"are you taking ella?"
you shrugged. "i figured i'd leave that up to you. i can take her if you'd rather focus on the game and not a cranky baby.
nadia pressed kisses to ella's cheeks, enough that the little girl shrieked with laughter. "let's play it by ear, if she's cranky before the game, she can go with you, if that's alright."
you smiled and nodded.
as the day went on, ella stayed in pretty high spirits, even when mat left to head to the arena. she took a lengthy nap which gave nadia enough confidence to take her to the game. you ubered to grace's house, a secret that was meant to stay between you and liana, who saw you ordering the ride.
you arrived at grace's house five minutes before the puck dropped. in true hockey wife fashion, she had the game pulled up in the living room so you could watch while you worked. sydney's daughters were camped out in front of an ipad, watching bluey while their mom came in and out of the room with bags of groceries. grace's daughters, you were told, were already in bed.
"where's the baby?" winnie asked when she saw you.
you couldn't help yourself and laughed. "she's at the game."
"why aren't you with her?"
you smiled and squatted down to look her in the eye. "her grandparents are watching her, so i came over here to help."
winnie furrowed her brows, scrutinizing you. "but you're her mom, you're supposed to be with her. my mom is always with me."
"i'm not ella's mom, winnie. i'm her babysitter. like when your parents go out sometimes and they have a babysitter watch you? that's my job."
"then where's her mom?"
you opened and closed your mouth a few times before you realized the words just failed you. there was no way to say the truth other than plainly.
so you shrugged and said "i don't know."
sydney and grace rounded the corner and smiled when they saw you, greeting you with hugs.
"so it shouldn't take too long," grace started. "we're just adding a few decorations, sydney's gonna help me in the kitchen with prepping some of the food for christmas." her attention turned to you. "do you think you can handle the decorations around the house? it should just be the downstairs and the railings up to the second floor. nothing too extravagant."
you looked at the totes of decorations numbering in three total on the floor. "i can do that," you said.
grace smiled wide. "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
you smiled back and immediately got to work. it wouldn't take you long, the house was already pretty decorated, but grace had gone about and beyond and insisted on getting stockings for every player's family still in town, which was more than half the team. there was a table in the front entrance where you put the players' stockings and laid them out in neat rows.
on the stockings, there was the last name of the player with names below it being members of their family. marty's had sydney's, winnie's, and alice's name below his own. sorokin's just had his own name. but you hesitated when you pulled mat's out of the tote.
barzal was in big letters with ella's name underneath.
and then your own.
you blinked over and over, thinking maybe you were hallucinating.
"i hope i didn't overstep!" grace's voice startled you out of your stupor. "when mat told me you were staying in town for the holiday, i went ahead and added your name. do you know if his parents and sister are joining us?"
you shook your head. the plan was you'd be with the barzals christmas eve and christmas morning, but christmas night, when you went to the lee's house, nadia, mike, and liana would stay back. as far as you heard, anders had extended the invitation, but they declined it, not wanting to impose.
grace nodded. "okay, sounds good then!" she made a move to walk away but stopped when she saw the look on your face. you weren't quite sure what she was seeing from her perspective, but your mind was racing and your feet felt like lead. "are you okay? you seem in your head."
you shrugged. "just trying to figure things out."
"is everything okay with mat? you two seemed fine not too long ago."
and you were. but you hadn't told sydney or grace about how you slept in the same bed as mat the night you ran into your ex. and you weren't going to share that now. they'd both read into it, think things were different than they actually were.
"i just miss my family," you said.
it was clear she didn't believe you, but thankfully, grace let it go. she walked back to the kitchen while you continued to lay out the stockings.
you finished with the stockings shortly after, not sparing another glance to the one with your name on it.
it took another thirty minutes to finish the decorating before you joined grace and sydney in the kitchen. you took a seat at the bar and watched them prepare some of the dishes for christmas. it was mostly just chopping and putting things into pans and oven safe dishes.
you were halfway listening to the chatter happening between the wives when your phone buzzed.
liana told me you ubered to anders'?
you texted back, a small smile on your face. sydney was already here, i didn't have a ride otherwise.
could've asked me to drop you off.
two hours early? no thanks.
well, stay there until the game is over. i'm picking you up.
you rolled your eyes, but still couldn't keep yourself from smiling.
"what's mat saying now?" sydney asked.
"huh?" you asked, head snapping up to see two smirking blondes staring back at you.
"mat," grace said. "what did he say?"
"how did you--"
"you only smile like that with him," sydney explained. "certainly never smiled like that around your ex, the one time i saw him with you."
at the mention of jason, your stomach churned, but you kept up appearances.
you, grace, and sydney were chatting on the couches when the front door opened with matt, anders, and mat walking in. winnie, who was originally dozing off, popped up from laying on the couch to see her father standing there. she smiled and ran over to him.
anders walked in the living room and kissed his wife.
which just left you and mat, staring at each other across the room and not saying a word.
"how was the game?" sydney asked.
all three of the hockey players shrugged in unision. "fine," anders said before collapsing on the couch next to his wife. "how was your night?"
grace looked at you and sydney before smiling and turning to her husband. "i'd say it was productive and fun." you and sydney hummed in response.
matt came and sat next to his wife and a sleeping alice who was in sydney's arms. which just left an empty spot next to you and mat who was still standing in the doorway.
"barzy, you gonna come sit or stand there awkwardly?" anders chirped.
almost like he was snapped out of a daze, mat walked over and took the seat next to you, leaving about four inches between your hips and his. almost immediately, he threw his arm over the back of the couch behind your head.
you turned and looked at him for a moment, forgetting about the other people in the room. "ella with your parents?"
he nodded. "i offered to take her, but my mom insisted on putting her down."
"did you score at all tonight?"
he grinned and nodded yet again, but it was marty who cut him off.
"should've seen him! two goals, one assist."
your jaw dropped as you looked back at mat. "that's insane!" he immediately beamed at your reaction. your eye contact was broken up when his phone vibrated. mat's face twisted into a frown before he stood up and offered you a hand.
"hate to rush off, but my mom just said ella keeps crying and won't go to sleep, so we gotta go."
marty and sydney stood to their feet, each carrying a child. "we should also be heading out," matt said. anders and grace stood up a beat later, offering to walk all of you to the door.
matt and sydney exited first, with you and mat trailing behind them. mat's hand rested lightly on your lower back, something that had your knees trembling.
grace and anders hugged all of you goodbye and promised to see you in two days. they stood on the front porch and watched as all of you got into your respective cars.
mat didn't say anything until he was pulling out of the neighborhood. unlike the times before, the silence wasn't tense or awkward, it was just calm.
"did you have fun?" he asked.
"yeah, it was nice seeing them outside of hockey games and bar meet ups." you yawned.
"missed you at the game, it wasn't quite the same without you there."
"you scored twice and assisted on one goal, i'd say you did fine without me."
"could've gotten a hat trick if you were there."
you furrowed your brows, but there was a small smile playing at the edges of your lips. this felt normal, like nothing had changed, just you and mat. "how do you figure?"
he shrugged. "i always play better when you're there."
you almost did it. you almost asked him why. but you were scared of the answer, scared of what it would change.
scared that it wouldn't change a thing.
he's not gonna fall in love with you.
it was only a matter of minutes before you were back at your apartment. the two of you took the elevator to get to your floor.
you could hear ella's cries through the front door as mat hastened to unlock it. the second the door was open, every head turned towards the two of you. mat shut the door while you walked over to where liana was holding a crying ella.
ella immediately reached out for you, rubbing at her eyes when she finally settled on your hip. "sorry," you apologized to mat's family.
"what're you apologizing for, sweetheart?" nadia asked. she squeezed your arm before ushering her family to the front door. "we need to get to our hotel and get some rest. we'll see you three tomorrow."
"bye mom," mat kissed his mother's cheek and hugged liana and mike before walking them to the door and locking it behind them.
you stared at him, even as he turned around and made eye contact with you. you finally noticed a line on his forehead that you missed earlier.
you gestured to your own forehead. "you have a line right here..." you trailed off.
mat reached up a hand and felt for it before rolling his eyes. "it's from my helmet, dumbass."
you gasped and covered the one ear of ella's that wasn't pressed against your collarbone. "in front of the baby?"
"you said worse two days ago when you hit your hip on the kitchen counter."
you rolled your eyes, which seemed to be a recurring theme between the two of you that night. "i'm gonna try to take the queen to bed, wish me luck."
"i can put her down if you want," he said but you were already walking down the hallway and waving him off.
it took twenty minutes to settle ella down enough to go to sleep, and by the time you hit your mattress, you were out like a light.
day seventy-one
you woke up when the sunlight peeked through the blinds. your heart immediately shot to your throat when you realized you couldn't hear ella's sound machine through the baby monitor. the panic didn't settle when you turned over and realized it was off.
you jumped out of bed, barely remembering to throw on a sweatshirt over your tank top, and threw the door open.
you were immediately greeted with the sound of christmas music coming from the kitchen. it wasn't until you rounded the corner and saw mat making eggs with ella on his hip that you finally relaxed.
mat turned around at the sound of your heavy panicked breathing. his brows were furrowed and he moved the pan off the stove when he saw you were winded. "are you okay?"
"the monitor was off, i'm so sorry i thought i turned it on last night but i forgot--"
"i turned it off this morning," mat said. "figured you deserved a chance to sleep in."
ella smiled at seeing you and reached for you. mat didn't hesitate to walk her over, probably to make it easier to cook breakfast. you took ella and cherished the snuggles she gave you.
"when is your family coming over?"
mat tapped his phone, presumably to check the time or his texts. "fifteen minutes or so?"
you spared a glance outside. "will they be okay in the snow?"
"uh oh, mama bear's coming out," he teased. "we're literally from canada, my family will be fine."
you nodded, feeling heat crawl up your neck at the slight overreaction and concern.
the three of you sat at the table, eating the eggs and sausage mat made. normally, when you were with your family, you'd eat homemade cinnamon rolls, but maybe this year was about changing traditions and embracing them.
you picked up your phone and called your mom, waiting for her to answer. when she didn't pick up, you just shot her a quick "merry christmas" text and telling her to call you back when she gets the chance, that you couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.
by the time the three of you finished breakfast, his family was knocking at the door, greeting the three of you with an excited "merry christmas" when mat opened the door. while they got settled, you took ella out of the high chair and carried her into the living room.
you sat on the floor in front of the recliner and plopped ella in your lap while mike and nadia brought their wrapped presents in. mat and liana were the ones to pass them all out while their parents got situated on one end of the couch.
you were surprised to see some presents for you written in handwriting you knew did not belong to mat, part of you fully expecting nadia to have been bluffing two days ago.
when the presents were passed out, mat took the seat behind you in the recliner, even going as far as to let you lean against his shin for support.
"now, i don't know how you do it in your family, but in the barzal family, we going youngest to oldest, and we record everything," mike said, holding his phone up. "our sweet ella, though, is the first person to take away liana's long standing reign over opening presents first."
mat got out of the recliner, choosing to sit on the floor on your left, seemingly to help ella open her presents. you scooted back to use the recliner as back support now that mat was sitting next to you.
you heard a beep, presumably of mike's camera starting to record.
"let's open this one, ella bean," mat said to his daughter. he started ripping it at the edge, carefully placing the present in front of her and waiting to see if she did anything with it.
ella stared at it, but otherwise seemed uninterested
"look ella," you said, reaching around her and tugging the paper a little more.
she was uninterested until she heard the distinct sound of ripping. then she tried it for herself, laughing and clapping her hands when it made the noise she liked.
her first present was a puzzle made up of the letters of her name from liana. her next present was from nadia and mike, a box of playpen balls. you couldn't wait to open them, to get her settled in her playpen with them and watch her entertain herself.
mat helped her open the books everyone had bought her. he must've told his family she'd gotten into reading lately, because you weren't the only one contributing to her library.
mat's present to ella was a walker. she'd started crawling a few weeks ago, and mat was determined to get her to start walking before the end of the year.
your last present was the last one for her to open. it was just in a gift bag, and ella thoroughly enjoyed taking the tissue paper out once she got a hang of it. but nothing could've prepared you for the shriek that left her mouth when she saw the stuffed hippo.
you didn't think you'd ever seen her smile that big.
she reached for it with grabby hands, bringing it to her chest when she got it.
"guess we know her favorite gift," mat chuckled.
the rest of the morning was filled with the other presents being opened. you ended the morning with cute sweaters and a barzal jersey.
"so you can stop wearing mat's," liana had said. "figured you'd at least want something clean to wear to games."
mat had mumbled something under his breath, but when you asked him to repeat himself, he just pressed a kiss to the top of ella's head and kept his mouth shut.
when it was mat's turn to open gifts, you could feel yourself flush with embarrassment when he opened your gift. you didn't know the platonic way of saying "i got this because it would bring out your eyes," so you settled with "i thought you'd like it."
and he did, he swore it would be the tie he'd wear in the first game of the new year when you got back in town.
nadia made a wonderful christmas lunch. it was light because she knew you were going to the lee's in a matter of hours, but still better than anything mat could've cooked up.
it wasn't long before the three of you were saying your goodbyes with mike, nadia, and liana all promising to come see you soon, and to thank you for taking care of their newest addition.
just like any other time the three of you left the apartment, you carried ella while mat grabbed the diaper bag.
ella sat in her car seat, snuggling her hippo while mat drove.
"you must be pretty proud of yourself for that hippo gift," he said.
you smiled at him, reveling in the way he'd occasionally take his eyes off the road to look at you. "i am. i have an extra one in my closet just in case this one gets messed up."
his jaw dropped. "you're a fucking genius."
you weren't the last ones to get to anders' and grace's house, but you surely weren't the first. there was a line of cars parked on the street, none of which you recognized.
"are we taking the car seat inside?" you asked when mat put the car in park.
his hand paused over the door handle. "do you think we should?"
you shrugged. "we could always come back out and get it if we need it. but i'm willing to bet that she's gonna be passed around like a hot potato tonight."
mat rolled his eyes but sighed anyway. "as long as dobson doesn't hold her, it'll be fine." with that, he got out of the car and opened the back door to grab the bag.
"wait why?" you asked, getting out and unbuckling ella. "what's wrong with dobson?"
"he's like 23!"
you blinked. "am i missing something? why is that a problem?"
"he's too young to hold her, he'd do something dumb like drop her."
you rolled your eyes as you picked ella up, but said nothing.
the three of you were immediately accosted by christmas music and food smells when you walked through the front door of the lee house.
"you made it!" grace exclaimed, coming out of the living room to greet you. "grab your stocking and head to the couches, i think my husband is gonna do a toast and then we'll get started on dinner."
you nodded along and turned to look at mat who hadn't said anything. your heart dropped straight to your toes when you saw him pick up the stocking that made your mind go blank the other night. his fingers traced over his last name, then ella's name, then yours. he hesitated on yours though, fingers running over it like it was something delicate.
it felt weird to watch that moment, like you were intruding on something private, but before you could look away, he looked up at you. "did you see this?" he asked.
you nodded. "saw it the other night. are you mad?"
he quickly shook his head. "nope. just caught off guard." he glanced back down at the stocking before looking up at you and smiling. "let's get on with this, shall we?"
the night started with anders toasting to the team, but more importantly the wives and girlfriends and support behind each member who'd played a large role whether they realized it or not.
mat nudged you at that moment, which earned him an elbow in the side and a wink from anthony who stood next to him.
when they broke off for dinner, mat offered to take ella so you could get your plate first, but you declined, saying you could wait a few more minutes.
while he was gone, sydney approached. "so, how was this morning? get caught up under any mistletoe?" she nudged you. "get any sentimental gifts?"
when you thought about it, you didn't really. the gifts you got, while amazing, weren't tear jerking, which was surprising considering sydney had said mat's gift to you was thoughtful.
but what was thoughtful about a spa gift card and some bath bombs?
"nope, just the typical gifts, you know?"
sydney's face twisted a little before it righted itself when mat came back with a plate of food.
"got you what i thought you'd like," he said, handing the plate to you.
your brows furrowed. "i thought we agreed you'd eat first."
but he smirked. "no, you did."
"mathew. go eat!"
he shook his head. "not before you. now, let's trade, i'll take my child and you take the plate and go eat with sydney and the other wives if you want." mat handed the plate to sydney before taking ella and walking away before you could say anything.
you watched him walk away for a moment before turning to your friend, only to find her already looking at you. "what?"
she had a smirk for reasons you weren't sure you wanted to know about. "oh nothing."
the night continued on without much fanfare, with you and mat leaving around the same time as the martins again because of the children all three of you brought.
you'd made it back home before midnight. mat this time, wanted to put ella to bed, making sure to leave the hippo out of her crib.
you were in your room packing the last bit of your things so you could leave tomorrow and fly home. you were in the zone until you heard a throat being cleared. when you turned around, mat was leaning up against the doorway with a box in his hand.
"i know you're probably tired, but i have one last present for you."
"i didn't want to give it to you in front of my parents and liana, just seemed too personal." he offered no other explanation and just handed you the box.
you took it carefully, going to your bed and sitting down on the edge to open the present. when you pulled the lid off the box, you were staring at tissue paper until you pulled it away to reveal a photo album.
oh god.
it was the thoughtful present sydney had talked about.
you immediately pulled it out of the box and started flipping through it. the photos were some you'd never seen before, but they were all of you and ella. until you got further in, the photos went from just you and ella to you, mat, and ella.
you looked like a proper family.
sydney or grace must've had a hand in it, because half the photos you didn't remember being taken and they were all candids.
you could feel your eyes water, you noticed the pressure. but you kept wiping at your face to prevent them from falling onto the album itself.
you looked up at mat who looked the most unsure of himself since that first night he had ella. "i hope it wasn't over stepped, i just figured you would like to see how important you are to me, to us, me and ella." he gestured at the book. "some of the photos i took, others i got from grace and syd. i hope it's not weird or anything--"
but you were already up and crossing the room towards him.
a beat later you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled his lips to yours.
he responded not even a split second later, his mouth moving against yours. mat's arms came around your waist while your hands made a home in his hair.
was kissing always supposed to be this charged? to feel this right?
you had no idea how long you stood there, kissing mat, before you both pulled away to breathe. your eyes opened slowly, only to meet his hazel irises almost immediately.
and then reality hit you.
jason's words haunting you at just the right time.
he's not gonna fall in love with you. you're a no good bitch who didn't know what she had when she had it.
you pulled away instantly and stumbled back into your room, dodging mat's hold when he tried to reach out for you.
"what's going on?" he asked. "what just happened?"
you shook your head and grabbed your bag, moving past him without making contact. "this was a mistake," you said. "i have to go."
god you felt sick to your stomach.
mat was calling your name, but you kept walking, out the front door, down the stairs, and onto the street where you hailed a taxi.
it wasn't until you got in that you exhaled.
what the fuck had you done?
@nicoleloveshockey @thg02 @fallinallincurls @bbbbruins @random-readers-world @sydsxoxo @jhughesy @whenmypartysover @sunflowerhood @spencereidbasis @icanfsplel @avareadsthings @zegraswrites @matthewkniesys @heyitsmeimdead @kashee-h @bordelhoe @diary-of-jj @literatureluster @dani746 @barzyblogbabe @tomhollandsbabymama @wickedlovely121 @coldheartedmar @oh-my-ladymay @heartsforhischier @brrbrina @sebsfeverdream @cathamnsns-diary @coldheartedmar @wickedlovely121
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safetycar-restart · 11 months
NOTE: This is an NSFW fic with sub!Logan and dom!reader. If you are under 18 or uninterested, scroll past. Alternatively, if you like what you see here then consider checking out my blog :))
This work forms part of a kinktober series where I discuss a different kinky concept with a different motorsports athlete every day. We also discuss the concepts in more detail on my blog so if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(Since it's COTA, I figured we should have some Logan thoughts)
It's no secret that Logan has had a tough season, and that he's being very very hard on himself about it. And honestly I think the best thing anyone could do for him is just give him a safe space?
Logan feels so much pressure to perform, to be good for Williams, to represent his country, to prove himself, to perform for his family and himself and it just... it gets too much for him sometimes. When the race goes badly, or even just mediocrely. He gets so stuck in his own head and he doesn't need someone to try and distract him, he needs someone to just give him a safe space where he doesn't have to perform like that.
And cockwarming is perfect for that?
He starts to ask for it actually, starts to come to you after races and fall into your arms, mumbling against your ear and asking if you two can spend the night in the hotel and not go out. You say yes of course, knowing that Logan needs quiet time.
He holds your hand the whole trip to the hotel, trying to keep it together in front of the team but you can see how he's struggling. It's all reaching the point where he's put too much pressure on himself for too long and now something has to give.
When you get to the hotel, he says he's going to have a bath by himself, clearing trying to tell you he needs a moment and so you agree of course, telling him you'll order room service in the mean time.
You're alone in the hotel room for all of ten minutes before you hear crying from the bathroom, and two minutes later he's calling for you. You have to wait until he calls, because you know how much trust it takes for Logan to let someone see him like this. If you go before he asks, he'll feel violated and uncertain if he can leave the door unlocked anymore. You would never ever do that to him.
So you wait until he calls, and then go.
You find him sitting in the bath, crying with his knees brought up to his chest. When he spots you, he just mumbles, " 'm sorry, it's just... I dont know it's all so much."
Your heart breaks for him, and rather than say anything you just hold your hand out for him to take. There's nothing you can say, but you can look after him.
You dry him off, ignoring that tears are still running down his cheeks and then take him to the bedroom. He hides under the blankets with you, resting against your chest and talking about his day. He tells you how sad and disappointed he is, how much he wishes he could do better, how much of a disappointment he is.
You let him talk, kissing his head and rubbing his back at the same time to give him some extra comfort. He talks himself hoarse, letting himself complain and rant and have a little pity party because he needs to be allowed to feel those things.
When he stops talking, he stays cuddled against your chest. After a little while, he looks up at you and gives you a small smile, thanking you for listening and saying he loves you. You give him a little kiss, promising him that you love him too and that you're always willing to listen to him.
It's then that he moves up and requests some more kisses, turning into a slow makeout session. You know where this is going, and you're more than happy with that.
"Can we?" logan asks, a little smile on his face.
"Of course we can," you tell him, always happy to be close to him.
So you stroke him to hardness, kissing away his little whines and shaky breathes until he's ready for more.
It's so slow as he enters you, inch by inch until eventually he's as far as he can go and then he just collapses against you. You hold him close, trading soft kisses and just enjoying being close.
You two will stay like that until Logan gets soft enough to slip out, and then you'll warm up the room service you ordered and talk about anything except racing.
But for now, Logan is happy and safe in your arms, finally able to let everything go and just enjoy being close to you.
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simplyreveries · 8 months
I noticed that you opened the requests. I wanted to ask related to staff (separated) with mc/yuu who had daddy issues in their world and who sees them as a father figure
i love this sm,,,, TY<3
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dire crowley
he is…. interesting- he does mean well but he just does a poor job executing that sometimes. he was never expecting to feel such a sense of protectiveness and being overly doting to you. it started when he couldn't help but feel pity for your own situation and watching you adjust to this world is tough.
you’ll find him randomly popping up out of nowhere in school and he’ll ask how you’re doing. a way as a check up on how you’re handling this world and school life so far, he’d tell you if you ask him. as soon as you ask him about home… "oh! is someone is calling me?" and just literally disappears.
In this case, I feel like his reluctance to figure out a way to bring you home stems from the fact that he really does care for you and doesn't want to lose that. so, let's just say, it'll take him awhile to figure that out. crowley seems to be trying to convince you how amazing, twisted wonderland really is! you could thrive and live so happily here! (minus the overblots… terrifying magic… creatures and more) he tells you how great it is for you already have a home, a whole dorm for yourself, as he’d say: “for i am so gracious!” that he’s done such a generous thing for you.
the first time you tried to give him a hug as thanks for something he was completely confused and didn't know how to react. he laughed and gave you the awkward pat on the back but once again, he means well i promise.
divus crewel
you have blatant favoritism from him… he seems a little less strict with you and if a student asks he’ll deny and tell them he doesn't do that or that he has to be since you’re not even from this world. he wouldn't expect you to know how to do certain things after all.
but still, ace and grim could groan because they got in trouble for forgetting homework or assignments but if you did he’d sigh and be like “bring it in tomorrow” and they are always so UPSET. it's also rare to get some compliments from him, but he seems to point out something well you did and give you a little “good improvement” and such. It's so obvious how he seems to care for you.
divus is literally the epitome of judgment when it comes to anyone having eyes for you or you tell him about even liking someone yourself… he is too protective and feels like any boy at this school is undeserving of you. he sees any attempt during class of one of them flirting or anything as them simply bothering you. If you mention someone like floyd he’d give you the most concerned look and be like “oh… him, how troublesome”. he doesn't really say what he thinks, unless you really ask for his opinion. he more so listens to you talk and he does genuinely try to give you some advice, even if it's a bit blunt.
mozus trein
now despite his strict and sternness, he can be a very calming person to be around and talk to. he will be pretty quiet, but he can become someone you just find if you need to talk as he listens and grades assignments, doing some work. if you really need to take your mind of certain worries and stresses, like finding a way back to your world- he'll offer you some tea and maybe even offer to play a game of chess with you (as he does with divus sometimes!)
trein is a father himself, he was very close to his daughters- so it actually is quite easy for him out of all of the staff members to develop a familial like relationship with. he enjoys having that feeling of looking after someone again and being someone, you could look up to in that sense. he would eventually notice that you do see him in such a way, he wouldn't say it, but it does warm his heart.
he'll let you play and pet lucius, it's just part of your special privileges. surprisingly, the cat likes you and always tries rubbing against you. since trein trusts you though, you will be given the duty to buy lucius cat toys from sams shop with money he gives you, he says its "in compensation" haha.
if you happen to be causing trouble with grim or some student in class, he'll scold you. but through it, he will remind and tell you he knows you're a good kid and doesn't want other bothersome students tarnishing your potential.
ashton vargas
oh poor you if you dread fitness or sports because he's always booming so loud, excited and pumped to get you involved more. even if you don't want to do something with others, he loves initiating one on one games with you and challenging you. he will not go easy though and laughs proudly whenever he wins. he'll still pat you on the back and tell you "nice job, kid!" or something of that sort. he's very supportive even if hes overly competitive at times.
sometimes you do have to hear his tangents on how he became so fit and strong... especially his "advice" on how great it is to consume raw eggs... this guy . he tries telling you it'd benefit you.
lowkey makes a big deal if you got hurt and needed to go to the infirmary. he always tries to keep a special eye on you in case and tries his absolute best to make sure you're alright. even after getting help, you needed from the nurse, still!!
he tends to keep a watchful eye on you... he would much prefer and even offer, saying you'd be perfect to be working beside him at his shop. he wouldn't want you resorting or going somewhere like the mostro lounge really. but other than that, he is a very carefree guy who you could easily find yourself talking to about problems or issues you're having. his attitude and approach to things can be a good help.
also, if you're in general in need of something from his store, because you're extra special to him he'll sometimes just give you heavily discounted or even be like take it, ("it wasn't selling anyways"). hehe. he cares. especially when it comes to like snacks or food he'll have, he'll claim it's your "employee benefits!" if you're working there.
sam is pretty much in the loop with anything interesting happening at school or things he may have overheard from students. you can easily get gossip out of him, just saying. but sometimes that just turns him into trying to discreetly warn you about certain students at nrc.
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moodymisty · 2 months
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: I decided though no fault of my own, to make a Mortarion fic. I had some ideas I wanted to do, and wanted to write him more. I'm not happy with it, but I just wanted something to be FINISHED. I wanted to post something instead of staring at a half finished doc for an hour. This actually was far longer, but I ended up cutting off chunks like a bad plastic surgery XD I have a bunch of full NSFW stuff coming soon, sorry for the wait lol
Summary: Mortarion yearns for someone who he believes he'll never have, only to learn you feel very much the same.
Relationships: Mortarion/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lewd but not full nsfw, Size difference, Kind of a beauty and the beast undertones with Mortarion thinking he's dirty and gross and is going to stain you
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Mortarion barely remembers the first time he'd met you. He attempted to block it out of his memory, cast it away; He'd assumed that he'd never see you again. You were just one face in a sea of unpronounceable numbers.
The second time however, he remembers far more vividly.
You'd spent the entire time indulging him with pointless chatter, asking of his homeworld, his legion; You even asked him if he had a favorite drink. The question stumped him more than forming the plans of some of his most hard fought battles ever had.
No one had asked it before; It was such a stupid, pointless, human question, one that he responded to with a quiet I don’t know when he came up empty.
He instinctively wanted to walk away, cast all this as stupid and meaningless, but he found himself staying still as you continued to indulge him with a almost forbidden feeling taste of normalcy. He's gone so long without conversation that wasn't filled with undertones of violence and conquest.
When the sky had started to turn purple, you had dared to ask if you'd see him again, promising you'd meet him here. And he wanted to ignore it, despite the way his chest tightened at the thought.
You were just saying it to be kind. Who would want to see him?
But he still stood in that same damn spot, staring at nothing and waiting. He felt like a fool, but he still did it anyways.
You did eventually show, racing down the hall and stumbling to your knees right in front of him when your feet caught the front of your dress. Your Lord had a million and one things to ask of you, you'd said. The sentence made Mortarion's mouth sour, but he didn't say anything.
You both ending up talking for hours that day; When someone had come to get you, to scold you for being late again, Mortarion had cast them a glare and told them off, telling them you were busy. They wilted under the gaze of a primarch and shuffled off, but you looked even more worried than when they had first arrived. You left a few minutes later, apologizing profusely to him before scurrying off to placate some surely worthless Lord. You deserved better.
The fourth time he saw you, you'd said that your lord hadn't been happy with you being tardy so much. You didn't smile at all that time, until it was time for you to leave. Mortarion had enough pieces of the puzzle to figure that weren't getting treated with the respect he thought you deserved; His hand cracked the marble railing with his grip.
Mortarion then softly asked for your Lord's name, and you looked at him confused before responding.
Perhaps if he was a more impulsive man, he would've done something else. But he didn't want to frighten you, and so he only made it so no lord would breath down your neck again.
The way he did such a thing was to take you for the Death Guard; But he wouldn't tell you that. At least not now. He didn't want you to think he was now your owner, and the genuine relationship that had been planted become tied to a trellis and forced into form.
And so when you returned to him again and happily explained that your debt to your lord was paid, that you were free, Mortarion gave nothing other than a curt nod.
But while he had already done so much for you, he hated that he had done it so easily; That he was already so deeply attached to you. But the fact that you'd not only spent time with him of your own accord, but seemed to enjoy it? To want to be near him? Mortarion would embarrass himself more with the things he would do to keep you this close to him.
Especially as time passed, and what had become friendly, meaningless conversations had turned into something with far more meaning, at least to him. He had begun to talk with you about things that no mortal should hear; About his legion, about himself and the other primarchs; His own doubts about the Emperor. You listened to them all and while you could never truly sympathize with him, your comfort gave him more than he's ever felt before.
He'd thought it simply desperation for even the simplest companionship at first after a life so lonely, until one day he had told you some of his history on Barbarus and you'd- upon the conclusion of his talking- had given him a small hug in a silent gesture. He knew in that moment that his feelings went far deeper than he had originally thought.
But he had no doubt that you would never feel that same way about him. You enjoy his companionship, sure he can see that, but the idea of someone wanting his rotten, soulless husk of a body as their lover is a miserable bit of hope that he doesn't even want to entertain lest it get shattered before his eyes.
But throne, that doesn't stop him from thinking about it. About how your skin must be so soft to the touch, how your smile is so warm; He wonders what you might sound like as he slipped his hand between your thighs. His nightmares have waned, but only to have been replaced by dreams that have him waking up sweating and painfully hard.
That wanting had continued for months and Mortarion had almost gotten at peace with it, until you managed to surprise him again.
He had been explaining to you something about Barbarus, about his role of primarch. How despite such a grandiose title, The Pale King was seen as little more than a failure from the start by most of the other primarchs.
You'd shocked him however, by politely speaking up.
"You have so many titles, you're just Mortarion to me."
The look he'd given you was of the most pure, genuine surprise.
Moments later he'd then knelt down as close to your level as he could get, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you to him before pressing his lips to yours.
Your arms tightly wrapped around his neck like he was going to push you away at any time, no matter how much he would never even consider doing such a thing. He loved the feeling of your tight grip, the way it made him feel wanted. He tested his own limits by brushing the tip of his tongue across your bottom lip, feeling the way you softly sigh and parted your lips for him. He cautiously explored your mouth feeling the way you pressed your lips against him harder; You tasted sweet, just like your favorite drink you'd told him about.
Mortarion's lips then left yours with a soft pop, leaving you catching air after so long of being denied it. When he pulled away, your face looked noticeably warmer and your lips were still parted, panting softly. Your eyes glanced away for a moment.
"I, I'm glad you feel the same. I was too afraid to say it myself."
Mortarion looked at you with a furrowed brow.
"For how long?" You pursed your lips.
"The third time we spoke, when you told me about Barbarus, I kept forgetting what I was going to say. I just wanted to stay there forever."
Mortarion had felt his heart almost stopped. To hear that you desired him before he even desired you, that you wanted him not out of pity, but of genuine attraction... He can't deny it either, he heard your heart in his ears, smelled the way you've gotten sweeter.
He knows he's disgusting. That he's rotten, that the taint of Barbarus had poisoned him; That he stands in the shadow of better men like Sanguinius, Horus, Guilliman. And yet you still want him despite it all.
You want him. You genuinely, truly want for him. Not just as a confidant, or perhaps a dear friend; You want to be with him, for him to fuck you. To touch you, ruin you, defile you.
You want him more and more, your face looked hot and he could feel your hands tight in his hair.
"I might hurt you."
Even kneeling he's still taller than you, his strength could kill you if he wasn't careful. Your fingers shifted on his neck.
"I want to try." You pursed your lips again. "And if we need to, we can get creative."
How did he get here? How did he despite all the odds find someone who wanted him? Who’s willing to figure out a compromise just to feel him?
You had yelped when he picked you up, taking you back to his personal quarters with no warning or fanfare.
On Terra each of the Primarchs had their own wings, compete with both custodes and their own legion guards. Both of those factions gave him confused looks when he walked straight to his innermost quarters with a baseline human they had zero knowledge of and slammed the door, locking it tight.
He gently tossed you onto his bed and you bounced, unable to stop your laugh. When he crawled over you however, even his lanky limbs still covered you in complete shadow, as you looked up at him quietly. You were so small.
He leaned down to press his lips against your neck, and internally scolded himself. He feels like he’s pretending or mimicking, and he feels so stupid. But you let out a soft sigh and tilted your head to give him more, and he at least thinks that it’s working. That's all that he wanted.
You were just so soft underneath him, so small and cute and begging for him with no cares about the repercussions of it. He pulled off the dress you wore with a few smooth motions and tossed it aside, before his own shirt followed suit.
But he was still remembering that he's never done this before. He doesn't want to look stupid. He doesn't want to disappoint you; After months and months of what had felt like the most unique torture you could put someone under. Torture strong enough to nearly crack a Primarch. Who would've thought it existed.
You speak so softly, his name slides off your lips like you were spilling wine as he gently abused the soft skin on the side of your neck with his teeth.
"Say it again."
If you had listened closely, you could hear a shake in his voice as his lips moved against your throat.
He felt his cock throb in his trousers. Your hands gripped at him so softly, even though it felt like you’re putting all of your strength into it.
An odd thing for him to lament about his primarch nature; Your nails or teeth with never leave marks on him. He would love nothing more than to have them, to feel the way they ache. Perhaps one of his fellow Primarchs might see them, and know he has something they cannot.
His hands were almost shaking as he removed his trousers, watching you keenly as you looked up at him.
You were so unafraid, and so eager. He never thought he'd see someone like this. Let alone you. All of those wandering thoughts he had alone are within reach, and in his desire to have them all he keeps you away until the sun is rising, and only then do you both finally get some rest.
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He heard his name whispered in his ear, before a laugh followed. His eyes flickered behind his lids as he slowly awoke; It’s been far too long since he’s indulged in true sleep.
He opened his eyes, and sees you leaning over him. He acts slightly irritated, but within himself he's conflicted over the feeling of seeing someone when he wakes up.
Your hands press against the pale skin of his chest as you lean slightly on him. He could see you were still a bit sleepy yourself, as you wrinkled your nose.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
His hollow cheeks shift as he swallowed the sticky morning taste in his mouth.
"No." He raises a hand and cups your jaw for a moment. "What did I say?" His hand falls back down. Nothing that would unsettle you, he hopes. He doesn't realize until this moment that he's glad he didn't have one of his night terrors this time; He could've very easily hurt you. Maybe even killed you. The thought makes his stomach sour.
"I couldn't understand most of it. You were mumbling." He silently expresses relief.
“Good.” You roll your eyes. Your stomach grumbles a moment later however, and Mortarion perks.
“You’re hungry? I’ll have the serfs get you something.” He moves to leave, but you grab his wrist before he does.
“Will you come back? I want to stay in bed with you for a bit longer… if you don’t mind.”
He stares at you for a moment.
He’ll feed you, and make sure you never go hungry. He’ll make sure you are no longer indebted to your lord, and you’ll never have to slave away for him. He’ll do anything to keep you with him, now that you’ve showed him so much kindness; so much want and desire.
“Yes. I’ll be back soon.”
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merakiui · 1 month
MERAAA what do you think about having a friends with benefits with both ace and Deuce? Like they're friends with reader and having no boundaries with them ykyk
:O I love this omg!! Fwb with Ace and Deuce is so fun because they're both loser virgins in their own ways. Ace thinks he's the love god because he's had a girlfriend before, but the truth is that he's very inexperienced in a lot of aspects of relationships (especially college-aged relationships since you're technically his first in that respect). I like to think he and Deuce would bicker over who can please you better, but they're both fucking you in missionary and kissing you awkwardly and sloppily. They'll get it eventually. ^^;;;
It's a lot of figuring out what works and what doesn't with them, seeing their faults and flaws, but also appreciating the things they do unconsciously. Like when Deuce worries over whether or not he's hurting you, telling you to let him know if anything's uncomfortable, promising to go slow. He's very diligent about making sure he wears protection, and his aftercare, while at times suffocating, is very sweet. He just wants to make sure you're happy and feeling good. <3 he's a sweetheart. He's much the same outside of the bedroom, too. But now that you're fwb there are moments where he just stares at you and gets flustered because he now knows what you look like without clothes on. He's so down bad.
Ace also cares immensely for you, but it isn't as outright or obvious as Deuce (or so he wants it to seem). But if you look close enough and the more time you spend with Ace, the more you'll begin to realize his way of caring is just as obvious as Deuce's. Ace is very observant and he picks up on certain things you might not expect him to. It's how he's learned some of your favorite things and preferences without you having to tell him. Teasing is his love language. He'll tease you and be characteristically childish, but he never goes too far. He knows the line between being mean and being playful. If his words were to cause you distress or leave you crying, he'd genuinely feel bad. It's never his intention to hurt you. Ace just doesn't know how to admit to his feelings sometimes, which is why he'll act like he doesn't care if you eat that pastry he nearly fought other students over when it's bakery day, all of it just to get your favorite.
Both he and Deuce mean well. <3 also,,,,, the first time they saw you in lingerie or just your usual undergarments,,, they folded. These two would do anything for you. They love you so much they sometimes try (and fail) to sneak out of Heartslabyul just to drop by for spontaneous sleepovers.
I think fwb with them works (until it doesn't because they fall hard) because you're already so close. They just railed you into the mattress and now the three of you are dropping by Sam's store to get snacks for movie night at Ramshackle. And omg don't get me started on how it's canon that Ace and Deuce often accompany the player/Yuu on grocery shopping and how they visit town together!!!! OTL visits to town start to feel a lot more like dates when Ace and Deuce are in love with you hehe.
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
Would love a request where something sweet has been brewing between Roy and reader since she came and sat with him in the locker room after his injury and she’s been working up the nerve to tell him her feelings but hasn’t yet and it all comes to a head when she sees him walking onto the field in his coach suit 😍 maybe she’s still been going to games in his jersey even if he isn’t playing but he didn’t know till he saw her after he coached that game
ooooh you know what i like. this is good stuff, thank you so much, i've already written this dressing room scene once so i hope this is different enough!! | 2k words, tw language, some miscommunication but it all works out
You sat up in the owner's box with Rebecca, screaming at the top of your lungs for the club you love with all your heart. Of course, you used to have a season ticket before you were head of recruitment at the club, but your seats were never quite this good. The team were never this promising, either. There were many reasons why you now loved Richmond more than ever.
One of those reasons wasn't there, however. Roy Kent, the prick, had stuck around just long enough to let you fall madly in love with him and then disappeared into thin air once he retired.
The only time you ever saw him now was on the TV, if he was on Match of the Day on a Saturday night or you'd recorded a match just to watch his punditry. He was angry and rude and refused to bash the younger players 'cause he knew what that felt like. You swooned every time you watched, so you tried not to watch very often anymore.
"He'll come back eventually," Rebecca smiled at you, seeing the telltale drop of your smile and guessing the reason for it instantly, "You know that man won't be able to stay away from you for long."
"He's been doing a great job of it so far," you muttered bitterly and Rebecca only shook her head at you fondly and returned her attention to the players lining up beside the match officials. You knew part of her statement to be true - Roy wouldn't be able to stay away from Richmond, his family, forever. But you? Maybe she had overestimated your importance.
You knew you categorically shouldn't be here, but it just wasn't enough to stop you. Roy was in pain and nothing else mattered. When you pushed open the dressing room door tentatively, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
"Y/N?" his voice is strangled and doesn't sound like him at all. He stares at you for a few moments before he bows his head between his knees, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"So rude," you murmur, walking over to sit near him but on the floor, not wanting to crowd his space, "I'm just here, okay?"
Roy grunts. Then:
"I don't want you here."
He looks down at you, assessing for a few moments. You're not moving, just sitting still, staring at the door rather than him. When he buries his face in his hands rather than shouting at you to get out, you scoot closer to him, close enough to rest your head on his good knee, wrap a hand around his calf firmly.
He's shuddering a little, but there's no sound of crying. You know he's trying to hide his tears and there's no use telling him not to.
"I'm just here," you repeat, and he leans his head over, still buried in his hands, until your temples are pressed together. Like he needs the contact. Like he needs you.
But that was then. Now, it had been a couple of months and your one brave text to him remained unanswered. It had only been checking up on him and you should have known he wouldn’t reply to something so benign, but you figured it was worth a try. Clearly, you’d been wrong.
The match had started, despite you getting lost in distractions of your own making. You tried to get into the game, shouting for Sam and Jamie loudly at the front of the pack but to no avail. A huge cheer rang out in the crowd all of a sudden, although nothing had happened on the pitch. You glanced at Rebecca questioningly, and saw her staring open-mouthed at the tunnel, so you followed her gaze.
Your lips parted. There was a gasp lodged in your throat. Roy Kent, in all his black-suited glory, was striding down the touch line towards the coaches, where he took his rightful spot beside them to the delight of the crowd. You gripped the railing in front of you desperately as you stared at him. He was here. He was back.
Taking the cue from Rebecca, you joined in the familiar chant of his name, trying to blink back the tears in your eyes. Whether he’d talk to you or not, whether you’d misread everything between you in weeks gone by, you were overjoyed for him - he was back where he belonged.
It may have still been another draw, but it didn’t feel all that frustrating this time. You weren’t sure where to go, whether to go in search for him or wait for a better time. While sat in your car agonising over your decision, there’s a loud knock on your window and you almost hit your head on the roof as you jump, startled.
Roy hovers outside your window, looking bashful, for once. You wind the window down.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, even though you know in your heart you should be saying ‘Hello’ and ‘I missed you’ and ‘I love you more than anything’.
“What does it fuckin’ look like? I’m coaching. Turns out I can be good at more than one thing.”
It was something you’d said to him when he was leaving, when he was refusing to stay and try his hand at coaching. You’d known even then that he would be perfect for the job, but that he was in his own head, getting in his own way. He insisted and you relented, but reminded him of a few of the talents he had. Told him he could be good at more than one thing. You’d no idea he had actually taken your sentiment on board at all until now.
“No, I meant-“ you sigh as you stare up at him, then unlock the door and step out the car to talk to him. It’s painful when he takes a step back to give you space, “I meant, isn’t there a Ted Talk you should be listening to right now?”
“Ted Talk? Nice one,” he says, small smile on his face, but its still tentative. It falls completely when you fold your arms and lean against the car, still staring at him, “I told him I had something to fucking do, alright? Something important.”
“Right. Which is?”
“Fuck, okay,” he swears, like he hadn’t been expecting to launch right into it, “I’m fucking sorry. And I fucking love you. Fucking want to be with you.”
Your heart is fit to burst out of your chest with each extra sentence. Still, its been months. You need more.
“You’ll need to elaborate on those. All three.”
Roy shakes his head as he stares at the ground. But when he looks back up at you, he must see the look in your eyes - the one willing him on, the one pleading with him to give you more so that you can cave.
"Fuck," he mutters again, a broken record, "Okay. I'm sorry I left without fucking saying anything. And then you texted me and I still didn't, like fucking idiot. I am a fucking idiot. I didn't know what to say or how to say what I wanted to say so I didn't say anything. Fuck, am I even saying anything right now?"
He was rambling somewhat, but there was no world in which you were going to tell him that.
"Yes. Keep going."
He huffed, but carried on regardless, hands in his pockets as he stared down at you, clearly determined to keep eye contact so you could believe every word.
"I didn't know how to talk to you when I didn't have work as an excuse. Like if I spoke to you, you'd know I was actually only talking to you because of how I fucking feel about you. Then, when I realised I wanted to coach, I also realised I should just be telling you how I feel about you anyway. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N."
You try and digest his words quickly enough, because he's practically spat them out.
"Yeah, okay. I get that. It just sucked. More than anything else, I thought we were friends."
He growls, but you get the feeling it's at himself rather than you.
"We were. We fucking are. I couldn't talk to anyone after I left. Couldn't even come back here. Just felt...god, it felt fucking shit. But I've come to terms with it now, you know, the fucking retirement. I've got a lot of apologising to do."
"This is a pretty good start. I know it must have been hard, Roy," you try to sound as sincere as you feel, "I wanted to be there for you so fucking badly. But I get it. Really."
"You do?"
"Yeah. And I'm sorry for not pushing it. A proper friend would have been banging on your door to let me in so I could fucking check on you. I gave up a bit."
He scoffed, but didn't reply. It was more true than you'd previously realised. Maybe what Roy really needed during that time, rather than a half-hearted text message was some loud and proud support. You could forgive him if he could forgive you.
"We're good," you confirm, when he still doesn't say anything. His expression is unreadable as he stares at you, hands still in his pockets but fidgeting there. Dying to break free, "That's the first one covered. Continue."
"The first one...? Oh," he says as he realises what you mean, and there are butterflies fluttering up a storm in your stomach as he takes a step forward and continues in a sinfully low tone, "I fucking love you. Like, really. I know you won't fucking believe me, because it's out of the blue or whatever, but it isn't. Tell me this hasn't been coming for the past year?"
He takes another step forward as he says it, forces you to look up at him, crowds you against the car but with enough space for an exit if you want one.
You never, ever want one.
"Yeah, maybe an 'I like you' has been coming," you say instead, because you need him to confirm it. Need him to explain exactly what he's feeling so you can see if you match up, "I love you is another level."
"Yeah, and it's our fucking level, Y/N," he says through gritted teeth, "I love you. It's so fucking easy and simple, or it would have been if I'd said it two months ago. I'll do whatever you want to make up for all that fucking lost time."
"You seem very sure I'm going to reciprocate this in some way," you say, almost teasing. You believe what he's saying. You can't come back down to earth. Reaching forward on a whim, you grab his hand in yours and tug him that final step towards you, enough that he has to rest his hands on either side of you on the car.
"You're telling me," he murmurs, leaning in so that his breath just brushes against your outer ear, "You feel absolutely fucking nothing right now? Even though we haven't talked in months...and you're wearing my name on your back?"
You felt the heat all the way down in the tips of your toes. You'd forgotten what you were wearing. Of course, you still wore your Kent shirt. It was a prized possession - he'd signed the inside label.
"You like that shit?"
"I love that shit," he groans, "Fucking hot. You're telling me it means fucking nothing?"
"No," you hiss back, satisfied in making him work for it, "I'm telling you that I fucking love you too, you idiot."
And he's kissing you before you can comprehend it. Devouring you, even. You forgot about asking him to explain number three, but it didn't really matter. Roy did plenty of elaborating in his own way for the rest of the evening.
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shwoyo · 1 month
can we get tsukishima and kuroo x figure skater gf headcanons pls?
skater gf hcs ! ﹫kuroo ; tsukishima
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🏷️: fem!reader, skater!reader, fluff, not proof-read :))
wc: 536
a/n: sorry for the long waitt! honestly i wanna be a skater girl so bad but the second i'm on one i'm screaming. also, if there's any grammatical errors or wrong spellings, this is NAWT proof-read so i'm sorry
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he's neutral about it
he talks to yamaguchi about how cool you are me thinks
is also worried, but keeps to himself most of the time
will always say "keep safe" when you leave to skate
when you bring him to watch you skate, he'll be smiling brightly when watching you
BUT will drop his smile once he sees other people near him LOL
will take videos of you skating and puts it on his story to flex you :3
i feel the other first years will find out about you, and of course ask tsukki about it
"hey hey! i heard your girlfriend skates" hinata says
tsukki will keep his response short though
"hm, yeah, she's very good at it," he says stoically
"how is she? does she get injured a lot? can she teach me some tricks?" hinata asks
"she's fine, and rarely gets injured. and no, she cannot" he replies
would keep entertaining hinata's question though, cause he gets to show you off
his ig feed would probably just consist of volleyball & you, skateboarding, or just with you with your skateboard
if ever your skateboard breaks, he'll probably save up and buy you a new one on your birthday
if you get injured though, he's worried
"are you okay? are you stupid" "tch, you should've been more careful" he says as his eyebrows furrows
he's not angry no, he's just vv worried okay !!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals
would already know what you're craving & would buy it immediately
would do your errands as well !! willingly !!
when you recover, he'll watch you 24/7 when you skate
but he'd probably not let you skate right away
"dumbass, be careful! do you wanna get injured again?"
he gets so worried sometimes
"don't do that, it might harm you baby" with a pouty face
but all in all, he's okay w/ it! he just wants you to be safe.
will talk to kenma about you, he'd boast about how good you are
will have the biggest grin if you master a trick
"you're so cool baby! do that with caution, though."
at some point, would also wanna try skateboarding...
"teach me, baby, please!" "i'll be fine, promise!"
but once he's on a skateboard, he's screaming n crying LOL
"maybe... i'll just leave you to it... never again."
when you get injured though, he's reciting everything he says about safety
"i told you to be safe!" "you should've done that carefully" "don't do it so carelessly"
he's only saying those because he's worried !!! ok !!!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals (2)
will do anything you ask of and will buy you your favorite food (or current cravings)
once you recovered, he's not letting you skate yet
"after a month! what if you get injured again?"
again, he's only saying this because he's worried !!
and after that happens and he lets you skate again, he'll be watching over you 24/7
"be careful, y/n!"
will calm down eventually
but whenever you leave to skate, will always remind you to "be careful" and "watch your movements carefully".
OH and random thought, he would buy you both skateboard keychains & phone charms !!
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© shwoyo, all rights reserved
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bakugosatoru · 10 months
My Hero Academia Comfort Headcannons
Male Characters
Requests Open!
Warnings: None Genre: Romantic Fluff Fic Type: Headcannons Fandom: My Hero Academia
Authors Note: Very self indulgent, just doing my favorites but will happily do the others or the girls if requested!
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- Immediately drops EVERYTHING if you seem upset. - Doesn't matter if he's at work, on patrol, in a meeting, he is on the way to wherever you are with your favorite snack. - Will sit and hold your hand and try and coax you to tell him what's wrong. - Just want to sit in silence? He's fine with that too! He'll happily hold you and just hum some song from an All Might movie he watched recently while rubbing your back. - If you do want to talk, he will do an amazing job listening (although he might mumble a bit after while he tries to figure out a solution) - "Hey, no matter what, I love you okay? I'm always here, whatever it is we'll get through it"
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- Wont pry if he can tell your upset, will wait for you to come to him if you need comfort. - If you don't tell him but he can tell somethings on your mind, that's when he takes matters into his own hands. - He wraps you in a large hug, trapping you against his body and softly rubs your back. - Will most likely try and get you to sit down and relax. - "Tsk, stop being difficult. Just sit and let me handle it" - He'll put on your favorite music and make you a warm drink before sitting down with you and pulling you to rest against him. - Forehead kisses, enough said. - "Whatever you need, I can do it babe. I got you."
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- "Woah woah woah baby, somethings on your mind. What's going on?" - IMMEDIATLY knows when something is wrong, its like a sixth sense. - Scoops you up and wraps you in a blanket before plopping you in front of the tv and turning on your favorite show. - "I'll be right back honey" - He runs to the kitchen and comes back with your favorite food, exactly how you like it. - He pulls you into his lap and rests his head on your shoulders while playing with your hair. - "Love you so much babe. Every day 'till the day I die"
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- Is knocking on your door the moment someone tells him your having a bad day - He's worried but tries to hide it so he doesn't stress you out. - Pulls you into a hug right in the doorway, before dragging you inside and putting on some music. - "Come on gorgeous, dance with me for a bit. I promise it'll make you feel better!" - He'll spin you around the room, dancing terribly but making sure your having fun. All he wants is to put a smile on your face. - "There's that gorgeous smile I love so much. I love you"
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-If you try to walk past him in a bad mood you will VERY quickly find yourself being pulled back into his arms by his tape. - He'll quickly remove the tape, only to trap you in his arms. - "Alright dove, you have to tell me what's going on. What can I do for ya?" - If you can't think of anything you want, he'll settle with just curling up on the couch with you so you can watch him play videogames. - During any cutscene or pause in the game, he's holding your hand or rubbing your back. - Eventually he just pulls you onto his lap, so he can hold you even while he plays, his chin resting on the top of your head. - "Tell me if you need anything baby, i'll do anything to see you happy. I love you"
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beastofburdenxo · 7 months
Tommy and his new "business deal" officially meet.
No smut. Requested by @koalamysterio
Age gap relationship. She's early 20s, and he's pushing 40.
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Tommy walks in the empty Garrison. He figures it would be best to meet you before the wedding to soothe your fears. You are young and pretty, and your family used you as a pawn in their latest business deal with the Shelby's. In return for helping them out, Tommy gets you for himself.
The bell rings above the door, signaling his arrival. You try and duck behind the bar to hide from him. You've heard rumors about what he does, and you're afraid of him. Tommy sits calmly at the bar, like any normal day. "Please come out, love." He lights his cigarette. "I won't hurt you. Please let me see you." You timidly peak out from behind the bar, fear evident in your eyes. "There she is. Have any drink you like love. All of this will soon be yours."
You gain a bit of bravery and fully stand. "I don't want any of it." This makes Tommy chuckle. "I know. Honestly, this whole arrangement thing is new to me too. I surprised myself and my family by agreeing to it." You look anywhere but at him. "So why did you?" You wait for his answer. "I can see that they are not the best people. You are not like them, I can see it in your eyes. I figure getting a sweet thing like you away from them and into my arms would soften the blow of their eventual betrayal."
"So I'm just supposed to be your pain killer? Your arm candy? I literally have met you one time, Tommy! This isn't fair!" You freeze at your tone towards Tommy, afraid he'll come over the bar at you. "I know it's not, love. But your life will be better now. You may be getting married to me, but you still have free will. Anything you want is yours. The Shelby name will open so many doors for you. Your family will no longer have a say in what you do once you are mine. I have no desire to hinder you and keep you locked in a big house all day."
Being locked in a big house is all you know, so this is very tempting. The trips, the shopping, no more being a personal maid to your overbearing family. You may come from money, but your family acts like you are just the help. there is just one more hurdle. "Will I have to sleep with you?" You whisper, cheeks turning red. Tommy raises his eyebrow at this. "Well, would you like to? You'll be my wife, after all." You look down at the floor in embarrassment. Tommy picks up on this immediately. "I will never force you love. Never. Hell, you can have your own room for awhile if that makes you feel better. On a different floor even. I know of your innocence, and I want you to know that nothing will happen without your say so. I'm not an animal. We can just be roommates and get to know each other a bit, yeah? Would that be okay?"
You meet his eyes for the first time today. There is no malice in them, just slight concern at what you thought he would do to you. "You promise Tommy?" He reaches over and grabs your delicate hand. "I promise sweetheart. I will only touch you when you are ready for me to. I may be an older man, but I'm not like your father. I will take such good care of you. Now, I will have to kiss you at the wedding." This causes a slight smile to form on your face. "But after that, nothing else until you say. I promise."
Your fears are slightly eased. You just don't know how to feel about having your first kiss ever in front of a bunch of people. "Well, I've got to go, sweetheart. I'll see you at the wedding Mrs Shelby?" Your heart races at hearing your new title."I'll see you there, Tommy. "
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deathbxnny · 3 months
hello, jing yuan, aventurine and sunday with a teen!assasin reader who was ordered by their master to kill them but couldnt and [character] took them in due to their young age and frankly them being pitiful
Another similar ask:
hiii, dr ratio aventurine and boothill with an IPC agent/assasin teen!reader?
Reader was practically forced onto assasination, is hardened and doesnt show much emotion due to their past kinda similar to bronya zaychik backstory in the azure waters manga
This post is made in combination with these two asks, so I hope you'll like this!! And thank you to the anons for their request!!<33
Content: Angst, assassination attempts, Reader is a teen assassin that has no direct origin, platonic relationships, father/older brother figures, fluff, some brainwashing on Sundays end, sfw
Characters: Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not fully proofread))
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He finds your attempt at killing him rather amusing. Maybe a bit too amusing. He laughed hysterically when he finally pinned you down with ease, thinking this was all just a joke... until he realised that you were serious.
Now, Boothill was used to people trying to off him through various ways, his robotic body the perfect proof for that, but he never had a kid try him before. And he had to admit, that you would've gotten him, if he was still fully human! Truly impressive!
He won't bother asking you where you're from or what you lead him to you in the first place. Once he gets you to settle down and hears you telling him that you can't return to your master until you kill him, he just sighs and scratches his head. Well... he doesn't really want a kid to die at the hands of their abusive master... so he supposes that he'll just have to take you in until he finds a hime for you.
He isn't put off by your emotionless behavior and even understands it very well, if anything. He doubts anyone could be happy under the harsh conditions you grew up in, but that doesn't mean that he won't try and teach you how to loosen up a bit. It doesn't occur to him over time that he never really looked out for a home for you as promised. Perhaps you have found it with him already anyway.
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Sunday found your attempt quite saddening, absolutely pitiful and near pathetic, if he felt cruel that day. He felt no worry or fear, knowing that whoever sent you must've been a fool to think that a child could end him of all people, and yet, he doesn't tease nor punish you for it. It wasn't your fault that you were born to be mistreated at such a young age, after all.
He takes you under his wing as a disciple or student in a way. He wants to teach you the "truth" about life and what it means to be alive in the dreamscape. Your dreams can become true here, so why not teach you how to live on after your palms have been stained red forever?
Your emotionless and apathetic behavior does little to deter or bother him. He sees you as a child he had to save before the shadows of this sinful took over you completely. His tuning ability is not spared on you either, if that's what it takes for you to get better. He eventually starts to view you as a little sibling and is delighted when you get along with Robin.
Deep down, he will, however, always feel a little... worried that you may turn around to betray him the way you betrayed your original master by leaving him, too. But he hopes that all his lessons and the home he gave you makes you stay and be grateful for all the love and mercy he had given you
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Similar to Boothill, he finds your attempt amusing at best. Pitiful at worst, as he sees a younger him in your cold gaze. He knows he shouldn't trust you after what you just tried... but he makes a deal with you anyways, after you were forced to take a seat infront of him by some IPC guards. If you beat him in a card game, he'll let you take his life and get away with it. If you lose, then you'll have to allow him to take you in as a little "assistant" of some sort. In reality, he just wants to save you from yourself, this determination even foreign to him yet welcomed bravely.
Unsurprisingly, you lose. He jokes that it must've been due to his unbeatable luck... but he really just rigged the game a little. There was no harm in it, and if anything, he just saved your life through it. Otherwise, the IPC would've just executed you for trying to attack one of their agents. Even if Aventurine doubted, they even cared that much for him... but he won't tell you that either.
He gave you a calming, stress-free life, one far away from all the hurt and death you've been surrounded with since birth. He hears your story and perhaps even shares a part of his own, as he shows you that you are the same in a way. You don't have to kill and hurt anymore under his care, he promises you that and to a younger self he was trying to heal through it.
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