#i probably have too many answers
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souenkun · 2 months ago
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Judging from these panels, would it mean that there's no other yorishima exorcist that's still alive (since natori said that the yorishima family "was once" a big name, past tense) in the canon timeline, and that the yorishima we know probably ended his family's exorcism business for good by retiring himself? If so, was the reason tied to the youkai living in his left arm, or is there another cause? And when exactly did he retire— was it before or during seiji and shuuichi's high school days, which was why his left arm appeared with the thick bandages when he gave them the loquats in the anime, but he still lived in the estate during that time, or was it after the two became legal adults, which lined up somewhat with him moving into his forest home, abandoning his family estate in favor of living in isolation?
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And, speaking of retirement, I wonder if we'll ever know why midorikawa told us that the takis were "famous" (which presumedly meant they were strong enough to be well-known) as occult diviners, since tooru herself only ever mentioned what their previous family business entails, and never about their status in the exorcism community? We don't really need this extra bit if she wanted to further establish how tooru has an aptitude for spell-casting, either. Again, there's another "strong" family (whose members are still alive in canon) that went into retirement, but did the taki family lost their power because the ability to see (if they were needed for diviners) disappeared for at least the last three generations (if we assumed that tooru and isamu's parents couldn't see youkai too), or was it due to another reason? How close was shinichiro (tooru and isamu's grandpa) to the matobas that even the current clan head came to pay his respects during his sixth death anniversary; was his relationship with seiji's father strictly resolved around exorcism business, or was anything else involved? Does tooru herself doesn't fully understand the prowess her family once had, hence why seiji was the one who told takashi (and us readers) about it? What would this tiny bit of lore mean for tooru with it revealed this late into the manga, when tooru herself only talked sparsely about her ancestors in previous chapters?
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halcyon-deluxe · 5 days ago
what do you value most in someone?
At *least* a 2x resistance to ground type attacks. My last partner died due to a 4x weakness to earthquake and it gave me SUCH an ick :/ likeeeee I haaaaate it when my partner gets one-shot by earthquake spammers. its such a turn off.
#LMAO but in all seriousness just someone who can match my energy.#I guess the short answer is patience. BUT also social compatibility.#i don't care if we have nothing in common#BUT i care immensely about our social chemistry.#I'm a pretty hefty home-body and my social battery dies pretty quickly unless I do a lot of mental prep before hand#so if you're the type of person that absolutely has to be talking all the time#or desperately needs to fill the silence we probably won't click#I'm very comfortable in silence and I'm also very okay with us doing our own thing in the same home#so if that makes your skin crawl we definitely won't work lol i am so introverted when I'm at home#i also really appreciate bluntness. if I'm pissing you off just be straight up about it.#OH i also value confidence. like sticking to your guns and loving who you are in spite of what other people think is so sexy and rad and ho#if you like something that i don't and still try to enjoy it despite my opinions i think that's really admirable#I've had too many friends / partners that would give up on things they liked because i didn't like it#and while i get the intention that type of thing just makes me feel bad#because you shouldn't be stopping on my account. do what you love and love what you do. who tf cares what i think of it if you like it?#like just because i hate taylor swift doesn't mean you gotta bottle up liking her ya know?#sorry i feel like this is a very broad question that doesn't have one individual answer in my mind lol#I'm very open minded when it comes to clicking with a partner#but i wanna learn about all your hobbies and interests even if i don't personally care for them.#like if its important to you its important to me#answered#ramblings
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utilitycaster · 4 hours ago
i just finished this week's episode and I'm so blown away by Celia's portrayal of faith in exandria and how deep her understanding is and firstly, god, it's just so beautiful to watch but, secondly, it is kind of creating this juxtaposition to me of this person who's been brought in for a mini series, given a lore primer, does seem to have watched SOME episodes, has such a grasp on worship and the role of the gods in exandria vs bells hells who had hundreds of episodes to learn about it
So I agree that Celia's performance has been an absolute highlight, and while I'm try to taper off some of the post-mortem C3 stuff I think a couple things were going on. Most crucially, as Divergence is a limited series with actors who aren't terribly familiar with Exandria, I am sure there was a lot more guidance with regards to character creation and series tone. I would not be surprised if Brennan and Matt wanted characters with a range of attitudes towards the Prime Deities, ranging from Nia and Garen being faithful despite it all, to Crokas and Fiedra's neutrality/apathy, to Erro's loss of faith, and who could show how all of these people, despite those different attitudes, could work together if they prioritized community and hope.
The thing about Bells Hells is again, the cast is aware of the role of the gods in the world, as we've seen in past campaigns. I think again this was a lack of guidance and people building characters who were not prepared to engage with the question of "what would you do if the gods - all of them, not just the Prime Deities - were threatened" in a meaningful way, and Matt did not guide the campaign when they began aimlessly circling that question and indeed simply threw more options at them. They - and their fans - consistently believed the worst not just of the gods but of those who worshiped them and their fellow Exandrians (we've already extensively talked about the breathtaking selfishness of "I don't know if I want to save someone who doesn't love me," but consider how Ashton assumed the gods would smite them down for knowing the true story of Aeor [something Bells Hells chose to suppress for reasons I actually don't understand, like, I don't mind that they did this but it feels like they nearly got Liliana killed simply to go against Ludinus, which wasn't even their ultimate motivation in the end] and repeatedly treated the gods-as-mortals plan as a punishment to humble them, even though the Primes very much did not see it as such). It is, as I said sometime last week, an aberrant party attitude towards the world as compared to Campaigns 1, 2, EXU Prime, Downfall, every canon or semi-canon one-shot (eg: Song of the Lorelei) and, I would even posit, not even in line with the portrayal of the gods within C3's main story (not even Downfall) itself. So I don't want to diminish the excellent work Celia's put in, because they've been fantastic throughout, but I really think it's just...Bells Hells had a bunch of character concepts that probably should have been further refined early on, and far more guidance was given re: Rei'Nia's development, and it shows.
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forged-in-stardust · 8 months ago
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>>> Um... Thanks? I think? >>> Did you mean to give this to Pleione? I feel like she'd enjoy this more than me. And not just because it's her colour...
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
I know I've asked about First before, but how does he relate to Sky, exactly?
Well, in lu we don’t totally know yet, though I do have some guesses. More on that in a minute though.
First is Sky’s predecessor, according to the manga (which is questionably canon, but isn’t everything in zelda?) at the back of the Hyrule Historia. He’s a good man, but is wrongfully imprisoned for several years before being freed, and is then chosen by Hylia to use the Master Sword to help defeat the demon armies currently trying to take over the land. Hylia rides a crimson loftwing, and it ends up choosing Link as it’s rider as well later on.
Link fights the demons, and ends up in a battle with a leader (its probably Demise, but it’s a bit unclear), and First is grievously injured. First ends up using the Master Sword to send his people up into the sky (this eventually becomes Skyloft) but is unable to join them because of how badly he’s injured, and finally succumbs to his wounds.
I’m mostly cutting out the bits with Hylia, but she does come here and says her whole plan of being a mortal so they can meet again in another life... which I have some lore issues with but you know. Questionably-canon manga. The story then goes to many years later with little sksw Link, who meets the same crimson loftwing First once rode, evident by the marks on its beak, and becomes its new rider.
So. The biggest connection between them, aside from the reincarnation thing (which I’m ignoring because Jojo said for lu, it’s not exactly reincarnation between the Links), seems to be the crimson loftwing. Who, in the manga anyways, is the exact same bird, ridden by both First and Sky.
Lu doesn’t seem to be going that exact direction though. Here’s my thoughts.
Remember the crimson loftwing? In the manga, it’s the same one between First and Sky, but in lu that isn’t the case. We see Sky cuddling with a baby Crimson in these doodles, so my guess is that the Crimson Sky has is actually a descendant of First’s.
My biggest proof for this? Well look at them next to each other.
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Notice something similar between them? Aside from the color and all that?
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The same beak markings, only fainter on Sky’s bird (which adds again to my theory of the birds being descended from each other theory).
It might just be a neat reference, but we all know how much thought Jojo puts into everything in this comic. And First, though he hasn’t been entirely confirmed to be in lu, has been hinted at more then once. (I actually have a post around somewhere that points out all the hints to him and how it’s likely he will be in lu).
But yeah, I think I got a little off track from your original question, sorry XD Hopefully this explained things!
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
Send 💛 to see them with their best friend (NPC or OC).
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-- at the water's edge. [feat. @iron-sparrow!]
Yein is Odette's best friend and also her paladin mentor, truly putting the PAL in paladin! The pair are very close, having even lived together while Odette aided in Yein's recovery from [redacted]. There is very little they wouldn't do for each other.
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Thank you so much for the ask @raynshyu!! ][ Screenshot Meme ][
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canisalbus · 2 years ago
What do you think would have happened if (somehow, idk how but somehow) Machete rose to the rank of pope?
To be perfectly honest? I think most realistically he would've ruled maybe six months at best and then keeled over from stress and exhaustion.
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arsenicflame · 3 months ago
why is it so easy to show my friends so much grace i can never show myself? a friend doesnt respond to me for a week, a month, longer, and it doesnt bother me, because i know theyll get to me when its in their bandwidth, i trust and love my friends and want them to do whats best for them! but when i stare at my dms and replies and think of about 3 words to say before blanking.... no... i am a bad friend and everyone is judging me and getting annoyed. i could respond if i really tried, couldnt i?
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astralleywright · 30 days ago
and the curse, of course, is that i wouldn't want VM or M9 being the ones answering the questions and making the decisions BH is making. they really were the perfect party for this, and having these other favored, more powerful groups hanging over their head only enhances their mythos. so like they were perhaps doomed to the short end of the stick by exactly what makes me love them so
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pynkhues · 2 months ago
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There is soooo much in this beat, from the literal lampshading going on between the lamp and Lestat's tie being the same colour (incredible mise en scene), to Louis trying to downplay the fact that he went to an opera and enjoyed it, to Lestat's look of betrayal at that downplaying, to Paul immediately seeing that as leverage around Louis' sexuality and Louis and Lestat's relationship, and just !! Mess! I love it!
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kittycatred · 10 days ago
I won't throw it, I'll place it...
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YUM !!!
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arttsuka · 9 months ago
I originally followed you (or at least thought I was following you until I recently realized I wasn’t) for your Jedtavius content, and then I found out you’re a Lupin III and Ace Attorney fan too????? This is like Christmas came early, it’s amazing art for my three favorite fandoms!!!!!!
:) Here's a Lupin doodle for you ☆
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I'm in way too many fandoms...
Edit: ok I found it
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not-poignant · 9 months ago
u seem like the kinda person who'd know about this? apologies if u dont want these sorta asks, my sole source of fan stuff is ao3 and this specific page but i will totally understand if u dont wanna answer !
u know the trope where like. little evil guy goes thru horrific traumatising event and/or everyone discovers they previously went thru horrific traumatising event and then everyone feels sorry for them and, yknow, feels and redemption and whatnot (kinda like falling falling stars except im not expecting anything else to be as good as that <3<3<3<3)... is there an ao3 tag for that? and/or like... a collection (honestly not sure how collections work)?
sadly ao3 has not yet learned to read my mind and scrolling thru every fic tagged with 'angst' has been Not Fruitful. sincerest thanks if u do decide to answer!! and have a good day/night regardless!
Hi anon!
So, the term is probably closest to something like 'woobification' or turning a villain into a woobie (terrible things happen to them, everyone feels sorry for them, and they get accepted etc.)
However, this tag is often viewed negatively in fandom so almost no one tags with it. It's very hard to find these kinds of fics and you'll be much better off actually targeting specific villains in fandoms and then looking via tags like angst and hurt/comfort.
For example, these sorts of fics have happened a lot with Loki. You'd be looking for long wordcount Loki angst fics with hurt/comfort as a tag. And then having to weed out specific ones. You might want to start with Lise's series re: Loki and Steve Rogers here, called Remember This Cold. This is nearly a million words long, so it's a good place to start. Loki goes through many traumatising events, and it's nice watching everyone slowly come around to him (some faster than others).
Unfortunately there's no universal tag though, along the way people got shamed for doing this to villains, and so at best you might be able to search for 'redemption arc' but that's not really going to give you the kind of woobification you're probably looking for. I know it happened to Loki a lot, if you go into my bookmarks and search via Thor + Marvel fandoms specifically for longer fics re: Loki, most of them will be like this though.
There are other villains people love to do this to, but none are immediately coming to mind for me. Other folks can add them in the tags! Some villains are more appealing for this than others, so often targeting a character is more fruitful than searching like...all fics for this phenomenon. It's important that the fics be generally longer than about 20,000 words, because that's long enough to establish a decent turnaround redemption narrative. And you'll probably want the hurt/comfort tag as well (though not everyone will have used it.)
Also, Lise does this with other villains too! So that's an author I think you can find a ton of great fics out of if you like her style! (if living can be this, is also very good).
It might not always be villains you know well, but the stories are often very worth it regardless of how familiar you are with the fandom!
It's one of my favourite genres to read (and write), so I appreciate how frustrating it can be to find them!
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months ago
Gonna ask this to a few people that inspire me, but how do you take inspiration from things without feeling like whatever you make is just bad in comparison? Or like a downgraded version of the thing(s) that inspired you?
(If this is too negative feel free to delete/ignore, I'm sorry)
Oh gosh this is such an interesting question since, I dont think I really have feelings of thinking my version is bad? Or that I am just a copy?
I am honestly just grateful my work became as popular as it is in the first place haha- low expectations going in to begin with. That and, I am very aware my art style isnt as defined and polished as other peoples styles, but I have come to terms with this! And hey the improvement in my own artwork over the past year is a massive trip if you go back through some of my older stuff- I am improving, slowly.
I mean, 2AL started by complete accident, and was "inspired" from me wishing the Leos from OMO or MNMC would hug it out already- but if you were to compare 2AL to one of those, they are very different. Hell even comparing OMO and MNMC, same starting point, but still very different.
I think my only advice to other people trying to make an AU is to try and find some core theme/idea and work around that, rather than gather a bunch of little things from other sources you like into a big pile. Find some key message to start up a base with.
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applesaucesomething · 1 year ago
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Some recent deltarune wips that i dont really like that much but meh
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glass-noodle · 2 years ago
Do you have any hankcon fic recs? 👉👈
I DO 👀
(more under the cut because this got super long)
Most of these fics contain nsfw, if that's alright with you. Nsfw marked with an *
IRQ (Interrupt Request)* by rara_avis. Follows canon except that Hank and Connor become intimate just after the bridge scene. Lots of cool formatting and technical language as the story delves into Connor's psyche on his journey to deviation, which I think is so cool and really makes the fic stand out. I always come back to this one🥹
slow down, you're doing fine* by jilliancares. Hank helps Connor navigate various emotions post-revolution. I love the slow burn, and I love how the author writes Connor struggling to identify what he's feeling despite knowing the names for each emotion.
Instructions Not Included* by Vinci. Set directly after the revolution, Connor is experiencing strange Feelings and it all comes to a head when he and Hank are forced to go undercover at the Eden Club. Sexy, sweet, and well-written. What more could you ask for!
Skin Deep* by bughnrahk. A canon-universe soulmate AU which I'm admittedly not usually drawn to, but this one is written so well. Hank struggling to come to terms with not only having a soulmate at 53, but an android soulmate, and Connor confronting both the fact that he's alive and the fact that he has a soulmate, is written in such an exciting and captivating way.
the other way to someday* by theslap/bigspoonnoya. Connor is Cole's second grade teacher - his very attractive second grade teacher. You can probably already tell that I'm a sucker for canon fics, but this AU had me crying and laughing and fanning myself the whole way through. A fandom classic
Buried Beneath the Snow* by ConnorRK. MIND THE TAGS, heavy CWs for this fic. Gavin is not a good guy in this. That being said, if you're looking for insanely good writing and characterization, loads of hurt/comfort, Connor whump, and protective Hank, this is your fic. An Eden Club AU set post failed-revolution; Connor is resold as an Eden Club android with no memories of being a deviant hunter, and no memories of Hank. The slow burn and Connor and Hank falling for each other despite Connor having no memories of the time they spent together, and despite the fact that his memory is wiped every 2 hours, has had me crying at 2 am more than once
stargazing by Molias. Honestly, everything by this author is fantastic, so you should definitely check out the rest of their work. But I have a soft spot for this fic and A Secret Singing in Our Fingertips* by the same author. They're both so lovely and sweet and full of emotion; whenever I want to read something that will make me absolutely swoon, I come to these fics.
Seiche by CeilingKiwi. On the other hand, if you're looking to get your feelings hurt this fine MerMay, this is for you. A gorgeous and heartwrenchingly bittersweet merman AU featuring depressed organic!merman Hank and abandoned android!merman Connor, and the ways they try and keep each other from falling apart.
you, the moon. you, the road. by plutoandpersephone. A post-revolution oneshot - Hank is injured on the job, and Connor is forced to confront the emotions that have been steadily, silently building within him since deviating. The writing in this fic leaves me breathless; it's the type of fic you never want to end. While you're at it, check out dieu et mon droit*, a prince Connor/president Hank AU fandom staple ;)
anything by Jolli_Bean. Honestly, I can't decide which fic of theirs I like best, haha. Just know that there's something for everyone - short or long, sweet or dramatic, canon or AU; all of them gorgeously written.
he's making a list; i'm checking him out* by connorsjorts. The mall santa AU we all deserve! This fic is so fun. Sweet, cute, sexy, and full of Christmas shenanigans.
Count the Stars by dbhprincess. Another stargazing fic because I'm a sucker for them apparently. Complete with sharing a sleeping bag, mildly awkward/sexy shenanigans, and first kisses <3 (also check out their Martian AU series, No Longer Alone!)
Whole* by blackeyedblonde. This time it's Connor who's injured at work, and they're both more than a little overcome with emotion. I enjoy any story that explores Connor's android features and his ability to feel pain, and the shaky aftermath of tenderness and desperation that follows a grievous injury is something I will ALWAYS eat up.
For mostly-smut fics (some with more plot, some with very little. Also mostly bottom!Connor, sorry if you're a big fan of bottom!Hank):
Tell Me How to Feel a Thing (I Want it All)* by bibliomaniac
Nightcall* by FAB900
Pulse* by biocomp
concede, comply (contend, deny) by biocomp
Slide On In* by teasoni
Glut* by bigolegay
Pleasure Liberation* by (orphan_account)
Knuckle, Buckle, Kneel* by Synekdokee
Flowers in My Mouth* by Molias
Finally, there are a couple of fics that I'm currently reading: Synthetic Blues* (ongoing) by jaemyun, downloading to paris (ongoing) by sevdrag, A Seraphim Story* (finished) by anonymousEDward, and Electric Indigo* (ongoing; unsure if on hiatus) by taranoire. All worth checking out!!
WHEW. Okay, I think I'm done. There are sooo many good fics out there, and I've only read a few out of a sea of thousands. If anyone has their own recs, feel free to add them! I will definitely be adding more the more I read :)
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