#i probably did overreact but i still feel like they shouldn’t have acted like this
nimbus713 · 2 years
gonna document this here so i don’t feel like i’m going crazy tomorrow
so i got yelled at multiple times. someone called me stupid. people made me go over to explain something to them then told me they’d take anyone else because i’m bad at explaining things. i started crying.
people forced me out of a group for a game. i started crying. someone pointed out i was crying and started laughing, making me cry more. i settle down, have a decent time playing the game but still feel like shit
later ask people to not laugh at me for crying, since me crying has become the butt of the joke constantly. people tell me i’m overreacting and they weren’t laughing at me they were laughing in their conversation (may have been true for some but others were definitely laughing at me specifically). explain that no, i heard someone literally laugh at me. people tell me again that no, that’s not when happened.
i get a bit angry, tell them not to invalidate what i’m saying because i know what happened. also apologize to everyone who did actually care and ask me if i was okay.
two people leave group chat. i’ve been crying this whole time but i start crying even more. i get mad because this is the only time i’ve ever actually expressed my feelings to these people. i also leave group.
either i’ll get added back tomorrow along with the other two or i’ll never get added back because everyone hates me. we’ll see.
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wayfayrr · 10 months
So this is very much a self indulgent mini-fic, venting about some stuff that I've been dealing with recently <3 I'm working on requests and some other fics but I got told to post this to get it off of my chest anyway @cloudninetonine @angry-trashcan thanks for the confidence boost to be able to post this
“Hey, you’ve been sitting over here for a while, you feeling alright?”
“Just been thinking… I was part of some drama before I was uh brought here. It’s just, it’s just messed with me a bit I guess. I’ll be fine when we need to start moving again, don’t worry wars.”
After a brief second of fabric shuffling, he sits down and leans on me. It’s an oddly comforting feeling, different too like he’s bothered by something? What could’ve set him off so badly?
“Would you mind if I asked you about it? It’s clearly bothering you so, you should get it off of your chest and well, I’d just like to help you through this.”
“If you really want to know, it’s a little complicated though and while I can make a lot of it make sense to you I’ll have to leave a couple of things out.”
“Sounds like you’re willing to get it off of your chest though, so would you care to explain it to me honeybee?”
He’s being more persistent than usual too, have I really been looking so badly bothered by my thoughts? The worry does feel nice however, it feels more like talking to an old friend than anything which is wonderful seeing as I’ve not been able to reach them recently. I’ve just been stuck rereading old messages in a new context while my phone endlessly buffers to reach impossibly far servers.
“It’s… I’d been having issues with this person for a while… they used me more than anything, kept asking me for advice and making everything about them and brushed anything I or my other friends were trying to say off and sent things they really shouldn’t to people unwarrented… and then everything else.”
“Everything else? You don’t have to cut yourself off, with how you’ve been acting the rest feels like it’ll be worse anyway.”
“They just - someone connected some dots and pointed them out to me and I just… I’ve been going back over what they said and - and - and it made me think. They told me they associated my voice with a character they always got weird over, they kept fawning over my accent and how they’ve only ever heard it in fiction before, they gave me weird compliments when I was talking about things I did as a kid and that’s not even getting me started on how they treated my friends. I just… I feel so disgusted, seeing it in this light. Every bit of my skin just itches with disgust towards myself. Sorry I didn’t mean to share so much at once - I’m just tired. They didn’t even like me, it was like they only wanted me for where I’m from.”
The way he stilled sent a shiver down me, did I say to much? He might have not meant it when he said I could share… I mean theres no way he could’ve known… or does he think I’m simply overreacting? I’m probably just overreacting anyway.
My heart started beating again when he softened and pulled me to rest on him.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that all. They’re the one who is disgusting, not you, never you. I’ll speak to time, you should just rest for the rest of the day. I can lend you my scarf and you can just have a nap or I could ask wild to make your favourite food and you can just rest.”
I didn’t get a say before he’s already draped it over my shoulders; he’s leading me back over to the others and setting me down next to sky as he goes to speak with time. 
“Hmm? Did something happen, are you feeling alright dove?”
“Ah well, wars is going to ask time if we can stop for the day because I’m just dealing with some memories. I hope it won’t bother the others.”
“I doubt it, everyone’s been tense and tired recently. I know I have, I’ve been about dying for a rest. Would you care to join me too?”
Leaning back against him is all the response he needs as my eyes flutter closed, he’s so warm and comfortable. There are few people I’d prefer to rest next to. 
“So then old man, I think that’s a good enough reason to settle for the day, don’t you?”
I know he’ll agree, asking him like this is simply a formality. After all, how could we continue when a member of the group is in such a state? On the verge of tears just from thinking about someone for a little bit too long. 
“You’ve never asked this for anyone else, but fine.” “Thank you Time, I’ll pay you back for this.”
“And Wars?”
“Go take your anger out on something, it’s not a good energy in the camp. Not if they’re so fragile right now. There’s apparently a standard bokoblin camp just a little south.”
He’s seen right through me then, but now I don’t need an alibi for when I come back.
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ashinaisshin · 2 years
Why I find Alhaitham more defiant and snarky (and funny) in Chinese than in English
Thank you @echoelbo​ for asking me to elaborate! so I have an excuse to make a rant post about the English localization 🙈
Disclaimer: I will only discuss a few scenes from the Sumeru archon quest where the difference especially stood out to me. That said, I don’t think the English localization did a bad job at portraying Alhaitham (he is still a defiant, snarky, funny piece of shit guy in EN), but I just think some of his lines that I found very iconic in CN didn’t quite achieve the same effect in EN due to some minor mistranslations and/or changes in wording that seemed unnecessary.
Act 4, after investigating the hospital (this is more of a subtle mistranslation)
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In CN, he says “只是我性格比她好而已”, lit. “I just have a better personality than her (Shani)”, instead of “I’m just a more likable person than her”. Surely, being likable is an aspect of having a good personality, but judging from the context, I think by "good personality” here Alhaitham is saying that he doesn’t give a shit about what others think of him he has more self-confidence and a more positive mindset than Shani, who is very self-conscious of her identity and learned to live her life cautiously to avoid offending anyone. The localization team could’ve just done a literal translation here, but instead they decided to specify “good personality” in a way that doesn’t make the most logical sense based on the context imo.
Act 4, before heading into the underground palace
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This is a pretty big change. A direct translation would be “Indeed. In my view, gods are just a higher form of living being. You could also say they’re animals.” He literally called gods “animals” here. I remember being impressed by his boldness when I first did the quest in CN, precisely because of the word “animal”. “Creature,” on the other hand, doesn’t have nearly the same effect.
Act 4, the “20 languages” line
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As a real PhD student in linguistics on Earth and not a member of Haravatat on Teyvat, I admit I might’ve been more triggered by this line than people usually would. No, linguistics students do not need to speak 20 languages to graduate as far as I know. I think Alhaitham is just trolling here. Sure, MHY can let him speak 20 languages because well, he is Alhaitham, but definitely not “every student”. In CN, I think it’s arguably more obvious that he isn’t serious in this scene by saying, lit. “It’s nothing. Every young person should master at least 20 languages before they graduate, shouldn’t they.” In EN, the “shouldn’t they” part got deleted, which turned his line into a direct statement. The EN voice acting here does sound a little sarcastic which made it better, or maybe it’s always been obvious to you that he’s trolling and I’m just overreacting, but the way this line was translated still feels counterintuitive to me.
Act 5, his dialogue with Dehya + Cyno before Jgnagarbha Day
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When Dehya asked for a word of encouragement from Alhaitham before their big day, Alhaitham, living up to his “just here to strategize, not to lead” self, answered, in CN, “If you’re asking for my personal opinion, I’d probably choose to go home.” The key point here is, he wants to go home himself. He doesn’t care what “we all” do as the EN version seems to suggest, let alone if “we all” should “get some rest”. Dude’s just a tired feeble scholar who wants to go home after his work is done, not a leader caring for his comrades! Although the English still conveys the same idea, I honestly found the CN version much more hilarious.
What made it even funnier in CN is that in Cyno’s “...” line, CN Cyno made a light “pfft” sound – like, he literally lowkey lol’ed at Alhaitham’s statement about wanting to go home. In the EN version, however, Cyno’s “...” sounded more like a displeased grunt to me.
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evansbby · 2 years
akskskskdkefnhejejeje not this blog just being a source of inspiration for me??? i never wrote this much, && i can't stop thinking about this au since i sent my ask in-
You gag when you smell the meat, stomach lurching. It’s disgusting, worse than the smell of cow manure, worse than the near two-week long food you left out to rot. God, this was like someone was flipping your stomach upside down, ready to spill its contents.
And though you asked the staff to keep the meat away from you—specifically beef—they ignored you. Of course they did, because you weren’t the ruling king here. Probably thought you were overreacting, and you thought so, too. But you couldn’t help it with your pregnancy and odd cravings. 
Besides, Ari is king here, and if he wanted meat with his business partners who he invited once a week, he would get it. You just made sure to avoid when that happened, but you missed the memo this week apparently.
Especially because the meeting which usually happens on Wednesdays occurred today, too.
“What the fuck is going on?” You hear Ari through the haze. Arms grab you and pull you up towards a firm chest, and though you know he hates the contact, you bury your nose in his pine and earthy smell. God, but it still lingers in the back of your nose, and instinctively, tears fall from your body’s reactions.
You didn’t want to act like a fucking baby, but you’re much more emotional than usual. And Ari hates emotional—you know this. You didn’t deserve to gain pity, not when you’ve done so much to destroy his life. 
“I’m sorry—” You lurch away from him and pinch your nose, trying to breathe through your mouth. In. Out. It’s fine. Stop struggling in front of Ari, show him that you’re okay.
“It’s not the baby—” Unable to take it anymore, you run to the bathroom, hearing cries and questions follow you. Before you know it, you’re ripping the toilet lid open and spilling the few bites of lunch you managed, a raging headache following. Hands clench on the floor, and in a blurry haze, you feel the calm, gentle rubs on your back. Round, circular strokes that cause your shoulders to relax, and he brushes your hair back in a ponytail in his hands. Facing the floor, you focus on erasing the meat from your memory. 
Though Ari’s expression is anything but, eyes hard and eyebrows knit together. “How long has this been going on?” The voice is dangerous, demanding an answer, alerting the hairs on the back of your neck.
In reply, your voice is meek. Ashamed. You make sure to block the disgusting pile of vomit, hoping that he won’t be able to smell the stench. Because whenever you throw up, you know that it’s awful. Heck, the maids here give you dirty glances when they enter the bathroom, complaining that this is above their pay-grade. “A few weeks. But I’ve been cleaning up after myself, I swear!” 
“And the maids?” You peer up at Ari. He’s not just angry, he’s fuming.
“They don’t need to worry about it… it’s above what they should be paid. They shouldn’t be cleaning up after my messes.” 
“What did you just say?” Uh, wrong answer. Nose starting to sting, tears start to gather again. Lately, your ups and downs have been severe, and with your insecurities growing, this incident doesn’t help. 
“Look. I’m sorry, okay? I know I’m in the wrong, and I shouldn’t have shown something like this or caused a scene. But I had a rough week, and I would like to roll in bed and—”
“Hey, hey. It’s not your fault.” You can’t help but cry when Ari cups your cheeks. It’s the most gentle, the most loving, he’s been since the start of your marriage. Am I that pitiful? 
“It’s not your fault,” he repeats. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s okay if you did,” you sniffle. 
“But I don’t.” Another surprise: Ari scoops you up from under and carries you to the bed, gently placing you there. You hear the click of the bathroom door shut, and turn away from him so that you won’t breathe on him. God, it sucked having bad breath. 
Except Ari turns your head back. Places his forehead on yours.
Your breath hitches in surprise. You stare at his long lashes, at the frown marring his features, at his thumb stroking your stomach. 
You never want to break this moment. The most precious one you’ll save.
With a half-smile, you pat his hand and remove it from its place. “I promise it’ll be better soon. You should head down, okay?”
The next time you come down for dinner, on the day that Ari has another meeting, you’re surprised to see the staff place sushi in front of you. For weeks, you insisted that fish is okay—that in fact, you crave it more than anything else. The sudden shift from neglecting your needs to almost… adhering to it is an odd change.
“Please, try it.” Rather than walking away the moment they slide the plate over, their hands are folded together, backs straight. Like… they’re nervous? 
“I’m sure I’ll like it—”
“You like the sushi?” Ari comes down from the stairs, slinging his suit jacket on. Why is he coming down so late? Usually he’s gone by the time you wake up, but you heard the shower go on as you got out of bed. And now he’s checking in on your food? 
What’s more surprising is that he sits next to you, elbow on the table, a casual posture. But the workers in front of you seem to be vibrating with nerves, especially as he cuts them a hard look. 
“Mr. Levinson!” The chef blurts. “We didn’t know you were joining, er, Miss… we can make you a plate!” 
You smother a giggle at how he’s tripping left and right for words. It is true—Ari is an intimidating man, and you’ve been in that position countless times. With the dominance and charisma that he carries around, it’s impossible to not want to please him. Not that you’ve ever gotten a praise from him, but still. 
Facing you once again, Ari nudges the plate closer to you. “Eat one.” 
The fact that he’s concerned about your eating habits only adds to the complex feelings you have towards him. Right now, you’re practically melting, heart filled with warmth that he cares. And this is why being around Ari is so dangerous: you’d do anything for him, twisting his intentions selfishly so that you think he’s worried about you, and not the baby. 
“Okay,” you whisper, dabbing the California roll—you love the bland flavors—into the soy sauce, and taking a bite. 
It’s good. It’s exactly what you craved for the last few weeks, and you devour one after the other. 
 “You like it?”
“Like it? It’s the best thing I had all week! Not that I craved it, but I craved it.” Another bite. 
For some odd reason, he smiled. It lit up all his features as his eyes crinkled, filled with gentleness, enough to make you pause. Did something good happen to him? Maybe it’s because he’s going to meet Sharon. 
“Good,” he murmurs. “Eat a bit more.” 
It isn’t until later that you realize the chef never came back. 
BESTIE IM SOBBING! Dark!Ari standing up for her!! Also yum sushi 🍣 😌😌 YOU NEED TO WRITE AND POST THIS ON YOUR TUMBLR BESTIE (if you want!) bc it’s amazing!! 🫶🏼😩✨
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My Top Five Least-Favorite “My Two Dads” Episodes
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(As always, these are just my opinions. You may think these are great. Ain’t no shame in that!)
5. Love and Learn
I should love this episode. Nicole learns a lesson, the dads learn a lesson, everyone hugs at the end, and I cry like I’m PMSing. My issue with this episode, though, is that Nicole doesn’t act like herself. Every decision she makes in this episode feels like something Shelby or Nina would do, or some other teenage girl, but not Nicole. She’s always been consistently smart and self-aware, possibly more so than other girls her age, but in this episode she acts like a love-sick puppy. She’s writing bad poetry, she’s sulking in her room, and generally isn’t in character. She’s dated boys that were “bad for her” in other episodes, but always in an obvious and aware “just doing this to get back at her dads” reason. (Heck, the VERY NEXT EPISODE, “You Can Count on Me” shows just how aware Nicole is, when Shelby wants to have sex with a boy she barely knows, and Nicole manages to talk her out of it.)
I also feel like this episode didn’t impress upon Nicole, or the audience, the seriousness of her being fifteen and dating an nineteen year old. And this show was obviously before the present era where this is FAR more taboo, but I feel like the boy should have made the point that what they were doing, even just by kissing, was HIGHLY illegal. I still like elements of this episode, especially the message that Nicole’s dads will always love her, no matter how many mistakes she makes, so it’s not a total loss and that’s why it’s #5. But still not one of my favorites.
4. Who’s on First?
Again, for the most part, this episode is actually alright. It’s more the second half I don’t like than the first. Nicole goes on a date and has her first kiss, something that makes her dads very uncomfortable. After they send Cory to her room to spy on her, they catch them in a very awkward “not what it looks like” scenario. One in which the dads definitely overreact, but I can’t exactly blame them entirely. It did look bad.
After Nicole explains herself, with the Judge as a mediator, the dads realize they should probably learn more about the teenage girl experience. So, they read a book? They talk to moms of Nicole’s friends? NOPE! They decide to go to a “Female Sexual Awakening” seminar (how they thought this would be about puberty is beyond me). And, of course, they act like absolute pigs. With Michael saying a shockingly inappropriate line that I refuse to repeat and I’m surprised they got away with. The lesson of this episode seemed to be more about “men will act like men, women will act like women, and no one should try to do anything different.” The talk they have with Nicole at the end was fairly decent, where they make a vague attempt to say “you can come to us about anything,” but they’ve had better family moments.
3. Getting Smart
I like the overall ATTEMPTED lesson behind this episode, but I don’t truly feel like Michael learned anything, which was what the episode was trying to do.
Nicole begins to think that she shouldn’t act as smart as she is because “boys don’t like smart girls.” Shelby is the one who impresses this on her, but Nicole actually is more influenced by the way her dads talk about their boss, Karen (more on her later in the list). Nicole ends up asking her dads to let her drop back into normal literature instead of being in the advanced class, which they allow, before realizing why she’s done it. Michael’s attitude towards his boss left a bad taste in my mouth, and I really felt like he didn’t change hardly at all, and the room for self-reflection on his part was not taken advantage of.
The episode felt like it ended on a more “agree to disagree” message with Michael and Nicole, which I didn’t really like. Other episodes have done this better, in my opinion, such as “Dirty Dating,” showing that her dads are still the parents and still in charge, but should also always consider Nicole’s feelings and opinions.
2. See You in September?
For those that don’t know, this is the series finale, and most would agree that it was not satisfying in the slightest. Though I can’t find a lot of background information on this, I have a feeling that the creators were told halfway through Season 3 that they wouldn’t be picked up for another season. Characters that got more of a relationship arc were suddenly rushed together for the sake of a happy “heterosexual” ending.
Sarah just happens to be having her wedding in New York, and Joey goes to stop her from getting married. Which actually works! He then makes an uncharacteristically abrupt decision to leave Michael and Nicole and move to San Francisco to be with Sarah and Gracie. And no matter which way you lean on the “are they?/aren’t they?” thing with Michael and Joey, most can see Joey was very against leaving Nicole in “Bye Bye, Baby” (one of Joey’s best episodes). And though Michael has his own love interest at this point (fuck if I can even remember her name), it was all very weirdly abrupt. I’ve only seen the finale once, and once was enough for me.
1. Together We Stand
Remember when I said in another post that this show can be sexist as hell? Well, this is the crowning jewel of these episodes. Michael and Joey have recently been rehired by Mr. Kelcher to run a financial magazine. At first, we think Michael is going to be the boss of their department, but it turns out both men have a new boss named Karen. One that they, but especially Michael, treat like absolute garbage.
I don’t necessarily have a problem with showing workplace sexism in the media; it’s a very real issue, and when handled correctly, can be entertaining and informative. (“Anchorman” does this really well, in my opinion.) But in this episode, our favorite boys are shown to be absolute pigs. And this is never shown to be the “wrong” or “bad” thing to be. They’re seen as right, and they never get any comeuppance. I found no redeemable qualities in this episode and I am quite comfortable throwing the whole thing away. It was the cream of the crap!
Dishonorable Mentions:
* The God of Love: Overall a VERY uncomfortable episode. The whole segment with Nicole talking to Joey’s nude date (AND THE DADS LETTING HER) made me want to barf.
* Crushed: (see my feelings on “Love and Learn.” But with less “meh” enjoyment.)
* The Wedge & Fallen Idol: Solidly fine episodes, I just truly couldn’t care less about Joey’s rockstar friend.
* Who’s Night is it Anyway? & Stupid Macho Guy Time: Jesus, what is with the women in this show? These were bad episodes that make Michael and Joey look like horrible idiots.
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dessarious · 2 years
Balancing Dynamics Pt9
Prologue   Beginning   Previous  
"I have no wish to discuss it. What’s done is done." 
"Gen-" Mari flinched when Gen glared at her.
"No. This is not something for you to stick your nose in." Whatever her issue with Luka was, it must be bad. She’d never snapped at any of them. The only time Mari had seen her this upset was when Hawkmoth said he Akumatized Adrien’s heart. 
"Don’t take that tone with her. She was just asking a question." Damian stepped between them, and Mari could hear how agitated he was.
"It’s okay Damian. We all have things we don’t like to talk about." She looked back at Gen. "Is it something we need to be worried about? I don’t want to be friends with someone who will cause you problems." Gen relaxed slightly.
"No. With the order gone, it shouldn’t be an issue." Oh… oh. The order must have used his soul to find her in the past. No wonder she had such a vehement reaction to him.
"Still. We won’t bring him here even if we decide to hang out with him, and I’ll let you know when we are so you don’t have to run into him constantly." Gen was still frowning at her, and she didn't know why. Finally, she huffed and looked away.
"That isn't necessary. I should not have overreacted the way I did. It won't happen again." She wanted to argue, but Gen had closed down. Trying to talk about this now wouldn't do any good. 
"How are things going with Adrien?" Gen just blinked at her, but Damian's song turned erratic. He still wasn't thrilled with the fact that he didn't face any real consequences.
"I'm thinking about using the potion to bring his base front and center. It will help us figure out who he is and how many of his actions were because of the taint on his home. It'll give us the best idea of how much progress we can make with him." 
"It won't hurt him?" She hesitated. Gen had been working with Adrien for months to rid him of the darkness he'd been saturated with since birth. The fact that she was even considering this meant it wasn't going well.
"Not directly. I can't vouch for what will surface, though. I haven't been able to get a good enough read on him to even guess." 
"You'll explain the risks and give him a choice?" 
"Of course. He's getting frustrated with everything though, so I don't think it'll matter." Mari hadn't been keeping up with Adrien, more out of guilt than anything else. At the same time, he didn't have anyone he could really talk to about the things that had happened. She felt guilty for staying away, but after everything, she couldn't see him. Not until they had a better idea of who he was, at least. 
"Are Emilie and Nathalie helping at all?" Gen's face scrunched up in annoyance.
"Nathalie tries, but Emilie... she's bound and determined to blame Adrien for Gabriel's treatment of her, or at least insist that he's the same as his father. It's unhelpful. Honestly, I'd be willing to bet she had some mental issues even before all this, given the way she's acting. Once we establish Adrien's true personality, I plan on suggesting he be removed to a less hostile home, or Emilie and Nathalie go on an extended vacation." 
"Even after you've explained everything? Why would she blame Adrien?" Gen sighed.
"Lots of reasons. She can't get to Gabriel, and Adrien is the next best thing. Despite everything that's happened, everything she's seen, she doesn't really believe me about the taint on the house. She also sees Adrien as a tether to her old life. Gabriel is the one who insisted they have a kid in the first place, so she's probably resented him since he was born." 
Marinette felt her guilt spike. Yes, he'd been annoying as Chat, but no one deserved to be treated that way. He was all alone, and she wouldn't help him. What did that make her? 
"This isn't your fault." Damian hugged her from behind. "You have to prioritize your health right now and that's not something you should feel guilty about. You didn't cause this, and it's not your job to fix it." 
"But I'm the Guardian, and the Order caused this." Adrien's entire life was destroyed first, because the Order wouldn't just leave Gen be, and second, because they let the Miraculous fall into the wrong hands. It absolutely was her job to fix this.
"And you've delegated the task to me, someone who's more qualified to do what needs to be done. There's nothing more you could be doing, and Damian's right. It's more important for you to heal than to help heal others right now. I know it goes against your nature, but if you burn yourself out, it will cause irreparable damage to the world." 
"What do you mean to the world?" Mari was hoping she misspoke, but Gen winced. 
"I shouldn't have said that. The last thing you need is more stress. Just let me worry about Adrien. I promise I'll do everything I can to repair the damage that was done. The best thing you can do right now is concentrate on you and Damian. Especially since we still don't know why the two of you can't separate for any decent length of time." Damian tightened his arms around her. She knew Gen was right, but it didn't make things better.
"I don't know why everyone is so concerned with separating us in the first place." Damian's tone and song were agitated. He really didn't like talking about this, and it seemed to be the only thing their families focused on. Gen just rolled her eyes.
"No one is trying to separate you. If you want to hang all over each other, that's fine. The issue is that if something happens and you can't be close together for some reason, you're both going to be in a lot of pain. That makes it far less likely that you'll be able to do anything useful to fix your being apart." Damian grumbled, but didn't argue. Mari liked having him with her all the time, but he deserved to live his own life too. He'd already made so many sacrifices for her. "So just try to concentrate on you for right now... and maybe Luka."
"Luka? Why?" Gen had sounded less than enthused about that last part. Damian was glaring at her for it, too.
"He's dangerous in the wrong hands, and not just to me, unfortunately. His ability could make him very valuable in certain groups. Consider the League of Assassins, Damian. The way they currently weed out people with soul mates or even traitors would be much more effective if they had someone like Luka who can literally hear their emotions. He has a lot of uses. The only advantage is that the order usually found him first and had tunnel vision about finding me. Most people don't know such a soul exists, and luckily, he's the only one. Well, at least the only one I've encountered." 
"You just said he wasn't a problem." Damian sounded ready to explode.
"No, I said if Mari wanted to be friends with him, he shouldn't be a problem for me. He's definitely someone to keep tabs on to make sure he's not talking to the wrong people, though."
"Fantastic." The amount of sarcasm Damian put in that one word was impressive, but there was a sour tone to his song that Mari didn't like.
"Why don't you like Luka? He's been nothing but nice and helpful."
"He pays too much attention to you." He said that like it made sense.
"So people aren't supposed to pay attention to me?" Gen was frowning at them before she let out a groan.
"Oh, for the love of... You two still haven't defined your relationship, have you?" Mari felt her face heat.
"We're soulmates." Damian's tone was dry, but his song was slightly panicked. 
"Yes, captain obvious, but what kind of soulmates do you want to be? I thought you had talked about this and just didn't feel the need to announce it to everyone, but obviously not. Your jealousy is almost certainly part of the reason you can't get away from each other." Mari could only blink at Gen in confusion, but Damian's song was livid. Gen rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll do it for you. Mari, Damian wants to date you, so you don't have to worry that he will want to leave. Damian, Mari wants to date you, so you don't have to act like a possessive jackass anytime someone else comes near her. Are we good now?" When they just continued to stare at her, Gen threw up her arms and stalked out of the room.
"Are you really afraid I want to leave?" Damian's tone was soft.
"You gave up so much to stay with me. I just... what if you regret it? I don't want you to think you don't have any options." 
"I gained far more than I gave up. And... do you want to be in a romantic relationship with me?" Mari felt like her face was burning, and panic made its way into her song, but she couldn't help it. 
"Yes." Her voice was a whisper, and she almost hoped he didn't hear her. What would happen if he didn't feel the same? Would he resent her for the rest of their lives? Would he just leave and never come back? What if- Her thoughts were abruptly derailed by the pure joy she heard in Damian's song. He turned her around to face him, and his expression was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She'd call it soft if not for the intensity of it. 
"In that case, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'd like to formally request that you be my girlfriend."
"Really?" Mari couldn't help the wide grin she felt take over her features.
"Really, Angel."
"Yes! Of course I will." He brought a hand to cup her cheek, and she leaned into it. When his head tilted towards her, she felt like she couldn't breathe. He was so close, and then Chloe's voice killed the moment.
"It's about damn time." She was smirking in the doorway, and Damian glared at her. Mari was just caught up in her amazement that this was really happening. She had a boyfriend. Wait... how did that change things? What was she supposed to do differently? Oh, no. She needed a plan.
"Angel, stop thinking so hard."Damian's voice was amused, but she could hear concern in his song.
"Sorry. I don't want to disappoint you."
"That is impossible." She took comfort in the surety of his song and his touch. 
"Gross, get a room." Chloe's amused taunt caused Damian to let out a growl.
"I live here. If you have a problem with it, you can leave."
"Chloe, what do you want?" Mari tried to hide her annoyance. For all her faults, Chloe wouldn't have interrupted them without a reason. Maybe not a good reason, but a reason none the less.
"My mother wants a meeting with you." Mari frowned at her, and Chloe held her hands up. "This is absolutely not my doing. She found out who your soulmate is and thought that it might be more appealing to come to New York now. I honestly didn't even know she was still interested. I also didn't know she was in Paris until she ambushed me when I got home and started questioning me about you." Chloe wouldn't look her in the eye, and Mari could feel the hurt coming off her. 
"You deserve better." Chloe just shrugged, so Mari went to hug her. "Really. That woman has no business being a mother, and I'd rather jump off the Eiffel Tower than go anywhere or be in a room alone with her. Tell her she can talk to Penny." That conversation would get shut down quickly, but Chloe winced.
"I'd really rather not be the one to deliver that news." 
"Right, sorry. Just give me her number then, so I can give it to Penny." Chloe practically shoved a piece of paper in her hands and hurried out of the room. It had Audrey's number, but also an offer that had Mari's eyes widening. When Damian looked over her shoulder, he scoffed.
"You're worth at three times that much, apprentice or not. Besides, if she knows who I am, then she knows that you can snap your fingers and get the capital to expand your current business to any size you please. That offer is insulting." Mari leaned back into him and let out a sigh.
"I'm not going to ask you or your father for money, Damian. Business advice maybe. Either way, I'm not going into business with someone who constantly hurts and abuses one of my best friends, or anyone else, for that matter."
Prologue   Beginning   Previous  
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frostluvrs · 2 years
almost every portwell literally does not give a fuck about gina and we all knew this but it’s been proven so much after ep 5 😭😭 i was going to wait to say something but they’ll probably be making up in 3x06 so i want to say it now while the gina slander is still up and running.
“gina is being immature she needs to communicate with him ” this is her first relationship and she’s 16 and she HAS been communicating with him. he’s the first person she’s been going to with anything. she’s been asking him if he’s alright and if everything in general is alright. he just says yes and talk to val about it instead. she has been more than obvious she’s upset and he’s either being purposefully oblivious and/or he can’t read her AT ALL. asking RICKY what’s wrong and if his own gf is mad at him (after taking digs at him and their friendship for 2 days straight) instead of continuing to try to communicate and get her to open up? 😭😭
“she’s making a scene in front of everyone” and getting mad at her for talking about it in front of everyone. so was ej right for making nasty digs at gina and ricky for hanging out for 2 days straight? implying they’re sneaking around and then trying to tell ricky he got lost with her purposely? in front of everyone embarrassing them both but especially his gf who doesn’t even know he’s jealous of ricky and has no idea what’s going on. he can be jealous that’s normal but not the way he goes about it. and then they say it’s character regression but he’s been like this since s1 and even s2 (with cancelling his date with gina) where he assumes something and then doesn’t communicate his feelings and self sabotages instead. he never grew from it.
also let’s talk about how they want want to claim she’s been emotionally cheating on him this whole time. but i thought she’s over ricky? is that just not true anymore? and if it’s not true then they shouldn’t be together at all considering she never got over him? gina and ricky have not been intentionally flirting at all they’ve been friends. only during the duet did she flirt with ricky and i support her!
they don’t understand why she’s so upset either. it’s not overreacting and it is a big deal to her. she’s 1.) been abandoned by so many ppl in her life (with them never showing up or showing up but not staying) and she has trust issues because of it 2.) she said she hates liars and he KNEW that but continued to put it off. the fact he was going to tell her is not good enough he needed to set everything aside to tell her and he didn’t. he’s doing this “for them” but cant he bothered to communicate with her since they got to camp he’s been going to val instead and probably now miss jenn instead of gina. every single one of their conversations this season has been about him and her supporting him but she’s not supportive? he needs to be a grown up (yes he’s only 18 that’s hardly a grown up but i mean in the context of what he’s going through right now) and face his dad and put his foot down with the play. gladly he seems to be doing that by admitting he needs help to miss jenn.
does her doing the same things he’s doing make it right? no but shifting it all on her and acting like it’s not a reaction to the wrong things HE’S been doing is crazy. he’s been in so many relationships he can take the reigns and fix this. but it doesn’t really matter because at the end of the day it all goes back to them just not getting each other at all and them being in 2 different life stages
they “loved” gina during 2b (once she was away from ricky) and especially during 3a because she was a watered down version of herself who was trying to make herself the perfect gf. now that she’s showing her true self and what has made her her since s1 and is not perfect anymore they’re turning on her because they never liked her in the first place.
she’s not gina 1.0 or 2.0 or having character regression she’s GINA like she said in 3x02 and THEY DONT LIKE HER. but we all know they’ll pretend to like her again when they make up and potentially say they love each other.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Brothers Accidentally Make the MC Cry
Hello, this is the obligatory italics blurb that I have to put under my titles or else things look weird and it bothers me. Don’t mind the blurb. The blurb is a friend. (Though I could start writing pieces of a little story up here just to see if anyone even reads them… Hm…. Ideas, ideas...)
Warning: Angsty
If he were being honest, he’d say that a part of him had always feared this would happen...
Lucifer likes to tell himself that he’s invincible, but everyday stresses can get to him just like anybody else. And like other people, he may not always act his best when he’s dealing with a full plate…
The MC hadn’t meant to make his day harder when they told him that they accidentally broke a lamp. It was a genuine accident! But Lucifer was still dealing with the fallout from another one of Mammon’s failed schemes, Satan had cursed all of his ties again, and Beel had eaten every scrap of food in the House… for the second time that week...
In comparison to everything else, a broken lamp was quite minor, but for Lucifer it was just the last straw and, for just a moment, he lost control…
His palm slamming against his desk hard enough to snap its legs and send it crashing to the ground. He scarcely knew what kind of look he had on his face, but whatever it was, he had made his human jump back in shock...
Really, it was silly for them to assume that he had gotten that upset over a lamp, but he saw tears starting to gather in their eyes all the same as they stammered out a quiet apology… 
It felt like an ice spike to the heart. Damn his temper… He really ought to have been more careful with them after… well, everything he’d done before…
He was quick to go over to them, catching their face with his hand and giving them the most sincere apology he could muster while wiping away their tears… Overreactions aren’t becoming of him and he hated to cause them pain… 
He, of course, took care of the lamp himself as penance and on the surface that seemed to be it (but to anyone paying attention, he had softened up on the MC considerably for at least a week. They probably could have sworn in front of Diavolo and he’d let it slide, he felt that bad about it...)
“I’m sorry, MC, I shouldn't have reacted like that… You haven’t done anything wrong, I promise… Please, there’s no need to cry…”
Oh? What's that? His heart is now in a million pieces now...? Well, that seems fair…
He and the MC were out on one of his gambling nights and he was actually on a killer winning streak for once! Jackpots around every corner, he was rolling in it!
The MC had tried to convince him to just throw in the towel early, take his winnings while he had them and bail, but he wasn’t hearing any of it.
In hindsight, their insistence must have really shown how much the MC cared about him and wanted him to keep his earnings... but in the heat of the moment all he saw was someone trying to spoil his one night of fun.
To be fair to Mammon, it’s rather rare for him to lose control of his anger like he did. But when they tried to pull him away from the roulette table, he genuinely snarled at them and told them to get lost...!
Fortunately, he regretted his actions immediately after he saw the hurt in their eyes…
If their goal had been to get him to step away from the table, they achieved it. But only because he got up to pull them into a hug while stammering out apologies… Watching them actually shed tears hurt worse than any rope Lucifer had ever tied around him...
He spent the rest of the night away from the casino and trying to cheer up his human like his life depended on it... Seeing them in pain just tore him up that much.
"Ah, come on MC… I'm sorry, honest…! Please don't look at me like that, I'll do whatever ya want okay...? Just no more cryin…"
Now thinks he's the worst, literally the worst. Lower than lesser demon spit. Lower than Cerberus' shit. Lower than… well, you get the idea…
Levi can get very… intense when things involving his passions are brought up. This can be a fairly endearing quality… but it also means he gets disproportionately impassioned about seemingly minor things.
Levi ended up snapping at the MC when they let him over-sleep one day. This wasn’t unusual for them to do as Levi’s sleep schedule was notoriously shitty, but they shouldn't have done it that particular day…
An item he wanted on Akuzon was going to go live that morning and he had to be awake to participate in the bidding. He had mentioned it to the MC the day before, but he blew past it so quickly they didn’t actually remember…
He found out that he missed the bidding after he woke up and he was pissed. Genuinely enraged that they didn’t remember to wake him up to the point that he was shouting and baring his fangs! 
… Really it was not a good look and he should have known better.
The look of fear and the tears gathering in the MC’s eyes snapped him out of it like a hard slap to the face, and somehow, it stung even more than that would’ve... It wasn’t long before he was crying along with them, practically begging for forgiveness...
He made it up to them by having a private showing of their favorite movie using a projector in the Planetarium, cuddling with them under a blanket while still, occasionally, muttering apologies under his breath.
“M-MC…? MC don’t cry…!! Please don’t cry, I- I’m sorry!! I… MC… I’m so sorry…”
Like Lucifer, he always worried this would happen and he hated when it finally came to pass…
He’d spent all his life learning how to restrain his temper, but it’s not a perfect science. There are the occasional times where the heat of the moment gets the better of him and he does something he regrets…
The MC had walked in on him one morning while he was fuming about Beel leaving the fridge empty again. It hadn’t been the first time they’d seen him like this, but this time he was absolutely furious.
He had told Beel again and again and again to get his snacking under control or to, you know, get up early and get more food so the whole family wouldn’t spend the morning starving but noooo! Mr. I’m Hungry never thinks about anything but his own stomach and then leaves whoever’s on kitchen duty to pick up the slack like some dimwitted muscle-bound meathead and THEN-!!
When the MC tried to take his arm to calm him down, he jerked their hand away from him and roared right in their face. He may not be a lion, but the full sound of a pissed off demon could make humans have breakdowns all on its own…
Which was more or less what the MC began to do as he gripped their wrist, panicking while taking shallow, stuttered breaths…
Satan's anger left him swiftly and he let them go, only reaching out to touch them again when he tried to wipe the tears from their cheeks… He had to coo and beg for them to calm down, which was only so successful because he was fighting back tears himself… 
On a scale of 1-10 of the worse things his temper has ever done, he'd rank this a firm 200... He refused to touch them for about a week afterwards and it took a long time for him to trust himself again… He just didn't want to hurt them...
"MC?? MC…? M… Oh no… MC, I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you! I… I wouldn't dare… please believe me..."
Oh baby! Sweetheart! Love of his life!! No, please no… don't subject him to this…
MC and Asmo were out dancing and some witch came by to try and flatter him.
Now, Asmo is a flirt normally, but get a few drinks in him and well… Let's just say his love of attention overrides his better judgment far more often than it should and friends don't let friends go home with creepy witches.
When the MC told the witch to scram, Asmo was confused and, frankly, quite irritated. That lovely lady had been stroking his ego in all the right ways and his human just scared her off so rudely!
Under most situations, Asmo would have kept his cool better but the haze of Demonus made his tongue loose... which let the venom fly…
He couldn’t quite remember what he said. The words left his mouth so quickly that they slurred together on his clumsy tongue, but it must have been enough because the MC flinched away from him.
That hurt all on its own, but as he started to process the pain in their eyes… he had never sobered up so fast...
He had their cheeks cupped in his hands and were kissing away their tears within the instant. Though the loud music at the club should have drowned out his apologies, the MC could see it written all over his equally tearful face…
He pulled them into his arms and then out of the club shortly after, the fog of Demonus that plagued him just moments before had long left him and all he knew was that the MC needed to be brought home and cuddled… stat.
“M-MC…? I’m sorry was it something… did I…? I’m so sorry… Please don’t cry…!”
He really didn't mean to shout so loud… honest... 
Beel becomes a completely different person when he’s hungry. He’s not entirely to blame, as his hunger can get so intense, but he still can snap from time to time when he really doesn’t mean to…
It was right after one of his practices and Beel hadn’t gotten a chance to eat in a few hours by the time the MC came to grab him from RAD. That already had him in a bad mood, but practice hadn’t gone too well for him either… 
He honestly didn’t realize how sharply he snapped at the MC when they asked him how he was. The irritation and frustration of the day all hit him at once and he became much harsher towards them than he ever intended…
It must have been the shock of seeing ever-sweet Beel suddenly get so aggressive with them that startled them so. He saw a couple tears gathering in their eyes before they could hide them and his heart just sank…
The MC was picked up in a crushing bear hug before they even let out their first sniffle. Beel didn’t even have to say how sorry he was, they could feel it in every squeeze he gave them. All while he completely ignored the growling of his stomach...
Beel wouldn’t let them go until he was certain they’d forgiven him which, honestly, took a while. Mammon was the one to ask why he had carried them all the way back to the House like a baby but… well, he didn’t need to know, now did he?
“MC, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have shouted… Are you alright...?”
Stubborn boi is stubborn and trying really, really hard not to crack right now...
That's not going to last long.
Belphie can be a bit of a brat and since he's the baby of the family so he's used to getting his way. He and the MC don't argue a ton, but when they do, he always digs his heels in and refuses to budge an inch on anything.
So what started out as a simple disagreement on how often Belphie would flake out on his chores turned into a kick-the-door-down argument over how much his laziness left the MC to pick up the slack...
It ended as all their barn burning arguments do, with demon-form Belphie sitting cross-legged on his bed refusing to look at them and the MC angrily pacing about the room until he cools off…
And then he heard it.
First a sniffle… and then a hiccup. Another sniffle then muffled whine…
Oh no… not this… Why are they crying…? They don't normally cry…
To his credit (or perhaps discredit), he managed to hold out for about two minutes before he finally glanced back at them. Seeing the MC wiping their tears all alone on the floor crumbled his resolve real quick.
The MC found themselves enveloped by Belphie's arms before they even noticed he got up. Naturally, he was pouting and trying to make it seem like "not a big deal or anything" but they could tell by the nervous twitch of his tail that he was hurting too…
Needless to say. Belphie started remembering his chores a lot more after that.
"Humans are so fragile… I didn't mean to make you cry, you know? I'll get things done just… Don't cry… please…"
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sundaysundaes · 4 years
Lee Donghyuck/Haechan X Reader | Smut, Fluff | 5k | Idol AU
Summary: Donghyuck has been busy promoting his new album and no matter how much he misses you, he can’t see you in person due to his schedules. Desperate for your touch, he begins to call you late at night.
Warnings: Phone sex, masturbation (male and female), dirty talk (but is it still called ‘dirty talk’ if Donghyuck is just being honest and saying whatever that comes to his mind?), no plot with a lot of dialogues
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The vibration of your iPhone wakes you up from your dream. Being thrown back so suddenly to reality makes you feel slightly lightheaded but it’s all worth it the second you see his name written on your screen. Rubbing your eyes away from sleep, you answer his call, “Hyuck?”
“Hey, Noona.” The airiness of his honeyed voice sounds familiar and pleasant in your ears that it instantly paints a smile on your face. “Did I wake you?”
You refrain yourself from yawning. “Yeah, I fell asleep reading.” Narrowing your eyes irritatedly at the brightness of the fluorescent light hanging on your ceiling, you decide to switch it off and uses the dim glow of the bedside lamp instead.
“What time is it?” He gasps when he notices the time on his screen. “Three AM?! Shit, I didn’t realize it was this late. Sorry.” 
“It’s fine, I shouldn’t be sleeping anyway. I still have to work on my papers, so it’s actually good that you woke me up.” You nuzzle close to the pillow, holding your phone to your ear with one hand, blinking sleepily. “Did you just get back from schedule?”
“Yeah.” He sighs wearily. “I’m dead tired right now. I wish I could just take a day off, you know? I mean, performing is fun, but promoting a new album can be so hectic. I’ve only been sleeping for, like, two hours per day since last week.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You bring the teddy bear he’d given you on your birthday close to your chest, pretending like you were embracing him. “I wish you could take some days off, too.”
“Yeah?” Somehow, he sounds like he’s smiling. “Then do what?”
“I don’t know, play games, I guess? Or just lie around in bed, doing nothing.”
“I’d rather be doing something, actually.” He chuckles softly, a hint of teasing in his voice. “Or someone.” 
“Gross,” you retort but you can feel your lips curving upwards. “It’s okay if you want to rest, Hyuck. You don’t have to force yourself to call me every day. Your health should be your number one priority.”
“What, you don’t want me to call you?”
You freeze. “Of course I want you to call me. I just—”
“I thought you’d be excited to hear my voice.”
The sudden bitterness in his tone makes you sit up from the bed, eyebrows adjoined in confusion. “What—Hyuck—”
“You know what?” He exhales loudly. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have called. It’s late anyway.“
“Can you please just listen—”
“I’m tired. Let’s just talk tomorrow.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“Hyuck—” But you’re only answered by silence when the line gets disconnected. You stare at your phone, eyes wide in disbelief. 
What the hell just happened?
Upset and vexed, you dial his number. You wait with your jaw clenched until he picks up on the fourth ring. “Can’t you listen to me for one second?!” Not sure if it’s because of the drowsiness or exhaustion, but you find yourself shouting even before he says anything. “Of course, I want you to call me, you idiot! It’s the only thing I’ve been waiting all day. Every day, Hyuck, I wait for your call every day. I keep catching myself checking on my phone every ten minutes, waiting for your texts, wanting to call you. I miss you, of course, I miss you—you’re—” You turn stiff when you hear him cackling from the other side of the phone. “Are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry.” His laughter is contagious but you put up your best effort not to get infected. “You’re so cute when you get all riled up. Isn’t it obvious that I was just joking?”
“Right. I’m hanging up.” 
“Wait, Noona—” You listen to him with your eyes throwing ice daggers to the wall. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise.” There’s a small pause where you’re too irritated to talk and he’s too unsure to start but he tries. “So, like… you miss me?”
“Not right now.”
“Aaw, come on, I was just messing around.” You can imagine him puckering his lips, batting his eyelashes for forgiveness. “Please, tell me. Tell me how much you miss me.”
You throw yourself back to the bed, huffing. “I don’t think I want to.”
“You get cuter when you’re angry, you know that?” He sighs to the air. “Aaah… I miss you. I miss you so much, Noona, you don’t even know. Probably more than you miss me.”
I don’t think that’s possible. “Of course,” you reply, holding back a smile from breaking on your face. “Since I only miss you a little bit.”
“A little bit?”
“A tiny, tiny bit. On second thought, maybe I don’t miss you at all.”
“Is that so?” You can tell he’s exhausted by the way he lets out his chuckle, but it doesn’t mean it’s less sincere. “It really has been a while since we last saw each other, hasn’t it?”
You nod to yourself. “Four months.”
“You keep count, huh?” His teasing tone makes you flushed. “Love me that much, do you?”
“Around four months,” you correct him, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible when the truth is, you can practically hear your heart hammering against your ribcages. “Or maybe three? Five? I don’t know.”
“Why are you so cute? Seriously, how can you be this cute?” Donghyuck sits on the edge of his bed, lips forming so widely that it nearly splits his face in half. When his chuckles have receded, his eyes begin to soften. “I love you, Noona. You know that, right?”
People might be thinking about how lucky you are to have a member of one of the most prestigious boybands in the world confessing his love for you at 3 AM, but honestly? You’re just so grateful for the fact that Lee Donghyuck, a boy who stole your heart nearly a decade ago when you were too young to even understand the word love, finally realized that your entire relationship with him was deeper than a mere friendship. It took years for both of you to finally gain enough bravery to act out your feelings, especially when he managed to shine brighter than you could ever imagine being. You were afraid of it—afraid that you would be burnt by his fame, afraid that he would discard you for he had everything and you only had him. But Donghyuck didn’t want anything. He only wanted you.
You love him. You’ve been loving him for as long as you can remember so hearing him say the words, no matter how often he has mentioned it already, still sparks fire through your veins. You’ll never admit that out loud, though.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot these days,” he sheepishly adds. 
“More than you think about yourself?” You snort. “I’m shocked.”
“Eeyyy, I’m serious.” The sound of your giggle makes him sigh, longing to hear it in person. “I wish I could be with you right now. I thought about you a lot during today’s photoshoot too.” He lies down on the bed, running a hand through his hair. “I thought about our last date. About that red dress you wore. Man, you looked so cute in that dress.”
You half-buried your face in the pillow, heat blossoming on your cheeks. “Now this is the topic I like to talk about.”
Donghyuck scrunches up his nose. “Aren’t you gonna say I looked nice too that day?”
Even the slightest thought of him—any version of him, whether it was him dressing handsomely on a date or him waking up in the morning with a bird’s nest on his head—never fails to send butterflies swirling in your stomach, but again, you’ll never admit that out loud. “Meh,” you jeer, even adding a shrug when you know he won’t be able to see. “Could’ve dressed better. I mean, ripped jeans? Really?”
“Yah, yah, yah. You said I looked good wearing those jeans!”
“We were going to a fancy restaurant and I wore a semi-formal dress, Hyuck. They just didn’t match my outfit. They didn’t match anyone’s outfit there, really.”
“Really? You’re gonna say that? Even after you spent the whole night stealing glances at me with drool on your face?”
You wish you could say he was lying, but you indeed spent the entire night drooling at him over the sight of his black leather jacket and the way his jeans just wrapped his thighs so perfectly. “I have lost interest in this topic.” It’s for the best before you combust into flames. “Where are you right now?”
“Back at the dorm.” He softly yawns. “In my room.”
“Yep, since Johnny-hyung is filming out of town.” When you stay quiet, unsure of what to say, Donghyuck grins mischievously. “Why, do you wanna sneak in? I think I can afford to lose some sleep tonight, if you know what I mean.”
Flustered, you retort, “After Johnny caught us cuddling last time? No way.”
“Yeah, about that,” Donghyuck says a little awkwardly, “After you went home he said to me that he heard the whole thing—”
“What do you mean the whole thing?” The horror in your face and your voice is clear.
“I meant, the whole thing. Us having sex and stuff.”
You could practically feel the exact moment when your soul is leaving your body, but Donghyuck continues as if he’s simply talking about getting caught cheating during a test. “But it’s okay, he’s cool. He’s got my back.”
“Oh my God.” You nearly faint. “I will never show my face in front of your roommate, ever again.”
“Yeah, about that—“
“Are you fucking kidding me, Hyuck—”
“Jaehyun-hyung heard us too.”
“And he told Mark-hyung about it later on, and that’s the reason why I had this bump on my head for three days.” Donghyuck pouts, rubbing the back of his head, lean fingers carding through soft brown locks. “He hit me with a book, lecturing me about bringing you to the dorm as if he never did that himself.”
Not trying to overreact about it, but you’re suffocating by this point. “Why are you so chill about this?!”
“They heard us having sex, not murdering the innocents.” He rolls his eyes but seems amused at your reaction. “To be honest, I hear a lot of stuff happening in our dorm that I’m sure you don’t wanna know. Like, a lot a lot. Way worse than what I did with you.”
“And does Taeyong know about this?”
“Taeyong-hyung needs his beauty sleep so we agreed not to tell him stuff.”
“I feel sorry for him.”
“I just feel sorry he’s not part of our antics.” Donghyuck shrugs, kicking off his shoes and socks before he leans against the headboard. “How about you? Are you alone?”
“Yeah.” You heavily sigh, still feeling quite dizzy after hearing the truth he just blurted out. “My roommate’s gone for the weekend.”
“Oh…” He taps his fingers against his stomach, a weird feeling swirling inside his chest as a thought begins to form. “That’s… great…”
Donghyuck’s tongue lays heavy in his mouth, suddenly loses the ability to form a simple conversation as his mind begins to focus entirely on something else. It all started that one night when he pretended to be asleep, when in fact, he was listening to his roommate, Johnny, speaking to his girlfriend in hushed whispers. The way the older man was chuckling to his phone was suspicious, and the more he tried to listen intently, the more he realized that Johnny wasn’t conversing. He was giving orders with a voice thick with seduction. The sensual words Johnny used made Donghyuck’s ears turn scarlet, and he buried his face deeper behind his blanket. Since then, the curiosity within him has been rising more and more, nearly suffocating him sometimes when he desperately yearned for your touch but his schedule never let him take a goddamn break.
Not knowing the dirty thoughts that flit across his mind, you carry on your conversation like usual. “I guess, but it does get lonely sometimes when she’s not around. I actually like having a roommate.” The sandalwood aroma from your diffuser, combined with his velvety voice, comforts you and you’re finally able to relax. “Have you been eating well? I’ve been craving for strawberry—” 
“What are you wearing?”
“I…” Donghyuck heaves out a heavy breath, biting the corner of his lip, unsure yet not ready to give up on his desire. “I just… I was wondering—Are you wearing pajamas?”
“Umm…” The way he asks about it sends heat rising to your cheeks. He doesn’t sound as innocent as the words he uses. You look down, fingers curling at the hemline of your clothes. “I’m wearing one of your shirts, actually.”
Donghyuck throws his head back, eyes tightly shut as he curses silently into the air, his phone pressed against his chest. The sight of you wearing his oversized shirt has been one of his most recurring fantasies and not being able to see you, but knowing that you are wearing his shirt, kills him. 
Donghyuck brings his phone back to his ear. “Sorry, there was a… Mark.” He mentally slaps himself on the head. 
“There was a Mark?”
“I mean, Mark-hyung was here—but he just left so—" 
“Are you drunk again?”
“No!” Donghyuck rubs his temple. This is not going well, he shouts in his mind. “Why—” He winces when he hears his voice crack. Clearing his throat, he tries again. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
Because it smells like you and it helps me sleep better. “Just because,” you quietly mumble, eyes locked to the ceiling. “Why are you asking me this exactly?”
“Just because,” he mimics. His breathing sounds more prominent as if he’s in the same room, only a few inches away from your ear. It’s the reason why you enjoy talking to him this way instead of taking video calls. You can focus solely on his honeyed voice, almost like a lullaby to your ears. “Can you tell me…” he continues, laced with both hesitation and anticipation, “What else you're wearing?”
“Umm…” You take a deep breath, trying to keep yourself composed. “I don’t think I want to say.”
“Please, Noona.” The sudden desperation in his plead startles you as if he’s losing control of himself, little by little. He seems to notice that too because when he speaks again, it’s steadier, almost formal. “I just… I want to know. If that’s okay.”
“Well…” You curl your toes. “Aside from your shirt, I’m…” Just say it, for God’s sake. He’s your boyfriend. He’s seen you naked. “I’m only wearing my panties.”
There’s a pause that makes your heart thump. “Not, uhh…” Donghyuck wets his lip. “Not even a bra?”
You fiddle with your fingers. “N-no.”
You nearly drop your phone. The guttural groan he just emitted from the back of his throat catches you off guard. “Hyuck..?”
“Noona, there’s—” Donghyuck sits up straight, nails nearly sinking to his jean-clad thigh. “There’s something I want to try.” There’s a sense of urgency mixed with minimum self-control. “I-if you don’t mind…”
You know where this is going. “What is it?”
“Just—Just follow my lead, okay?”
You shakily nod your head. When he calls out your name again, you remember that you have to say it in words. “Okay.”
“Can you…” Donghyuck’s heart is beating out of control.  His mind desperately tries to answer how the fuck do I start this?! “Can you, umm, lie down on the bed for me?”
You can tell he’s nervous and it’s both reassuring and endearing to know that he’s never done this with anyone else before and probably not mentally ready to do it with you, but tries to go all the way because he knows both of you need to find a way to release all of these pent-up emotions. 
You follow his order. “I’m…” You take a deep breath so your voice won’t tremble too much. “I’m lying on my bed.”
Donghyuck always takes a few seconds before answering, as if he’s battling inside his head as he tries to sort out his thoughts. “Is your light turned on?”
“Turn it off.”
You switch off the button on your bedside lamp. “Okay, it’s off.”
“Okay, mine too.” Then all you can hear is his slightly ragged breathing. “It’s… a bit awkward, isn’t it?” He chuckles nervously, followed by an inaudible, “Fuck, why am I so nervous,” as he’s straying away from the phone. 
A smile paints your lips. “You’re adorable.”
When silence strikes, Donghyuck scratches his cheek. “Do you… want to know what I’m wearing?”
You gulp. “S-sure.”
“Well…” Donghyuck takes a look at himself. “I’m wearing a denim jacket, a white shirt, a pair of jeans—I just got back from a photoshoot so—”
So he must look good. “Take them off.”
He’s probably as startled as you are when you hear the words tumbling down your mouth. But even if he is as embarrassed as you are, he doesn’t make it as obvious. “Sure.” A rustling sound can be heard, and you let your imagination wander. You can tell he’s taking off his jacket and soon, his shirt will follow. Donghyuck would always take his shirt off by grabbing the fabric from the back and yank it over his head, instead of crossing his arms at his waist. There’s something masculine about it, but you tend to get more distracted at the way his muscles would contract in his lean stomach. His silver necklace would dangle around his neck, and he’d smirk whenever he caught you staring at him for a second too long. 
“My shirt’s off,” he quietly states, snapping you out of your reverie. “Now take yours off—wait! Wait. Leave it on. I want to imagine you wearing my shirt. Just take off your panties.”
“I’m—” It’s so damn hard to focus when you feel so ashamed just by hearing his instructions. “Okay…” Your fingers are quivering when they slide down your stomach, thumb hooking around the hem before you pull your lingerie down to the middle of your thighs.
“Lie down,” he whispers, “Prop a pillow behind your back. Are you comfortable?”
“Y-yeah, just…” You sigh, head going dizzy. “Embarrassed.”
The airy laughter that flows from his mouth is too innocent to be heard in this kind of situation. “So cute. Me too, actually. I’ve never done this before.” When his chuckles have receded, the nervousness grows vivid in his voice once again. “Do you, umm... Do you want to stop?”
You’re supposed to say yes, or at least a bit conflicted about it, so it shocks you when you immediately answer, “No,” without hesitation.
“Thank God.” Donghyuck sighs, smiling softly against the phone. “‘Cause I wouldn’t know what to do if you said yes.” He unbuckles his belt with one hand, taking it off as his heartbeat soars through the roof. “Then, umm… can you spread your legs? As wide as you can.”
You feel so exposed even when no one is looking. Following his guidance, you question, “What about you? What are you doing?”
“I’m…” Donghyuck swallows hard, looking down at the way his hand is pressing against his semi-hardness. “I’m rubbing myself over my pants.”
Fuck, you mentally groan. “Why aren’t you touching yourself directly?”
“Cause I want to wait for you.” He has his eyes closed, hand slipping under the hemline of his jeans, stroking himself over his boxer. “I want to picture you rubbing your fingers on your clit. I want to hear you moan my name when you do.”
Oh my God. “Then guide me,” you plead. There’s something so irresistibly sexy about him touching himself while picturing you pleasuring yourself with your fingers. “Tell me what to do, Hyuck.”
He runs his tongue over his lower lip. The excitement of being able to act as a puppeteer, tugging on your strings, sends all blood rushing south. “Can you push your shirt up? Don’t take it off, just—” He exhales, taking a moment to collect himself after a certain obscene thought of you touching yourself entered his mind. “Just make sure it’s not in the way.”
“Okay.” You grip the hemline of your shirt, pulling it up until it pools above your chest. “Now, what?” 
“I want you to touch your breasts.” You’re more aroused by his breathy voice and lustful tone than embarrassed at this point. “Imagine me, Noona,” Donghyuck whispers, and he sounds so close, as if he’s lying down next to you. “Imagine me with my hands on you, caressing your breasts. Can you do that?”
You squeeze your breast, mumbling out a weak, “Yes…” The memory of Donghyuck, embracing you from behind, his naked chest pressed against your spine, hot mouth lazily pressing wet kisses against your nape suddenly comes alive in your mind. You still remember how sexy he sounded moaning out your name as he rocked his hips forward, his fingers exploring around your chest, rubbing and pinching at a certain spot to make you press closer to him in desperation for more of his touch. 
“Suck on your fingers, make them wet, then bring them back down.” Donghyuck’s hips are bucking against his hand, his fingers tugging his zipper down. “Imagine my mouth latching on your nipple, sucking it the way I always do. The way you like me to do.” 
You bring your fingers to your mouth, coating two of them with saliva before you bring them back down to pinch your sensitive bud. With your eyes closed and his heavy breathing in your ear, the wet sensation of your fingers gives you a clear image of his tongue flicking against your nub. 
“Tell me how you feel.”
“It’s not enough,” you croak out, “I want to feel you directly on my skin.”
Donghyuck takes a sharp breath. “You don’t even know how much I want to be there and touch you.” The way his voice suddenly becomes deep sends shivers down your spine. “I want to suck bruises on your skin. I want to mark you everywhere, again and again, so the bruises will last for days. I want you to remember me every time you see yourself in the mirror.”
You sheepishly smile, though your heart is still racing. “I always remember you even without that, Haechannie.”
The sudden change of his name warms his heart. “I wish you’re the only one who calls me that. You make my stage name sounds better, special. I could have thousands of people screaming my name but none of them makes me feel the way you do.” As he slides his hand under his boxer, finally making direct contact with his skin, Donghyuck becomes desperate once again. “Bring your other hand down. I want you to touch yourself, Noona, please.”
You slide your hand between your legs, tentatively rubbing yourself between your folds. “Hyuck…”
“Does it feel good?”
You nod, eyes shut, and your mind wanders. “Yes…”
“Rub your clit for me. And imagine I’m doing that with my tongue.”
You can picture him with his head between your legs so perfectly behind your closed eyelids. He has done it several times and you remember how he would always start slow, placing open-mouthed kisses on the inner part of your thigh before dipping his head down and swipe his tongue along your folds—all the while never breaking eye-contact. He would press a kiss against your clit, and lick you slowly because he’d want you to beg for it. He never directly told you but you could tell he liked being in control because the second you whispered “Please, Hyuck,” he would immediately indulge you with everything you wanted and more. 
Donghyuck would suck hard on your clit, doing it so suddenly that you’d nearly crush him by wrapping your legs too tightly around his head. Amazed and delighted by your reaction, he would break into a smile with his tongue still darting out to taste you, mouth pressing harder against your skin until he plunged his tongue inside your heat.
You moan out his name at the memory, directly to the phone.
“Fuck, baby, you sound so perfect…” Donghyuck nearly whimpers and the word baby stirs something within you as he never called you that before.
“Call me like that again…” You rub yourself harder on the spot you like the most. “Please, Hyuck…”
“Baby…” Donghyuck’s fingers are curling harder around his length, pumping himself in accordance to every gasp and moan you’re emitting. “I wish I could see you—I wish I could lock my eyes with yours as I eat you up. I want to see your face, every single expression you make—I bet you look so cute, so goddamn... erotic.”
Your hold around your phone loosens but fortunately for you, the pillow pressing against it keeps it close to your ear. “Touch yourself,” you breathily murmurs, “I want you to touch yourself too.”
“I am, baby,” Donghyuck softly moans, his fingers tightening around his length. “What else do you want me to do?”
“I want you to stroke yourself harder and run your thumb over your slit.” Donghyuck zealously follows, cursing under his breath at the pleasure. “And I want you to keep doing it until my name escapes your lips.”
“God, I want you.” He repeats your name over and over again, as ordered, with him stroking himself faster each time. “Noona, I want your mouth on me. I want to see you hollow your cheeks around me—like how you did to me when we were backstage, that time after the concert. You looked so pretty that night, so eager—so desperate for me—”
“Me too. I want to make you feel good too. I—” You nip at your bottom lip, feeling goosebumps creeping up your skin when he moans out your name. You’ve always loved his voice, loved it more than anything else in the world, and the sounds he makes when he’s in bed with you is the sexiest thing that even your poor mind can’t even begin to imagine. And now, focusing solely on his voice, listening to his filthy, sinful words, he’s driving you to the edge of your sanity.
“I’ve touched myself before at the thought of you,” he confesses breathlessly, “Several times, even way before we started dating.”
You’re trembling at the thought. “Haechannie—”
“You don’t know just how much—” The sound of him trying to stifle down a moan only makes you crave for him more. “—how much I wanted you back then. How much I want you now. Even during high school, I just—I wanted you—wanted to touch you—wanted—ah fuck,” a whine slipped out his lips, “Wanted to hold you so bad, to make love to you until—”
At the rustling sounds, him whimpering at his touches, and you rubbing yourself on the perfect spot, you know you won’t last long. “H-Hyuck, are you close?”
“Just a little bit more, Noona, ah—” He thrashes his head against the pillow, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows hard. “Fuck, I need to be inside you. I need to feel you clenching your walls around me.” At the memory of you gazing at him with anticipation building inside your seductive, half-lidded eyes, as you parted your legs to give him permission to ravish you the way he wanted, Donghyuck quickens the pace, thrusting vigorously into his hand. “Fuck yourself with your fingers, baby, please.”
You’re more than keen to follow, inserting one digit inside your heat with another one following soon after. You can visualize him bringing your legs in the air until they dangle over his shoulders, his hips slamming hard against yours with each thrust. “Hyuck—”
“If you were here right now,” he nearly growls, “I would fuck you so hard until you’re mewling my name against the sheets. And I won’t stop, I won’t stop even if you beg me to. I won’t stop until I’m done with you.”
Donghyuck doesn’t sound like he’s trying to dirty talk which only makes it even more arousing to your ear. It’s as if he’s losing control of his mouth, just saying anything that comes to mind. The honesty, the urgency, his breathy, desperate calls of your name between lewd words—
You choke out a sob. “Hyuck—I’m close—”
“Me too—N-noona—Kiss me—”
It’s one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever felt and it’s funny because you never really enjoyed touching yourself before. Donghyuck follows a few seconds after, moaning your name so erotically that will probably give you a hard time falling asleep for days at the thought of it. You’re left dazed, staring at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes. Your phone lays forgotten on the pillow next to you. Mustering all the strength you have left, you reach out for it. “Hyuck…?”
You can hear him breathing heavily. “I’m here,” he says. “Are you okay? Did you get to come?”
“Y-yes.” Now that it’s over, you begin to feel self-conscious again and the heat that blooms on your cheeks nearly wash every bit of your orgasm away in an instant. “Did you?”
“I made a huge mess.” He chuckles, sounding just as embarrassed as you are. “Fuck, didn’t realize it was going to be this good when we started. What would’ve happened if we had Face-Timed each other instead?”
Your head nearly explodes at the thought. “One step at a time, Hyuck. I’m practically dying from shame right now.”
He laughs a little at that. “So, you don’t really oppose the idea? Man, I have something to look forward to then.”
“Shut up, you’re gross. Is this the reason you called me?”
“No,” he hastily says, “I swear, I called because I missed hearing your voice.” Then he thinks about it again. “Well, I mean, I have been thinking about doing, uhh, these kinds of things with you but trust me, it wasn’t the reason why I called.”
“Sure,” you flatly reply, teasing him.
“Yah, yah, yah, it’s your fault for saying that you were wearing nothing but my shirt!”
“It’s your fault for asking me what I was wearing!”
It’s always like this with him. You’re bickering at one point, having sex at another time, then goes back to bickering once again. But it’s endearing, you suppose, because after this, you’ll be murmuring loving words, and just when you begin to think about it, Donghyuck whispers into the phone.
“I love you, Noona. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
And you smile. “I love you too, Haechannie. You’re the second best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“What the hell is the first one?”
“Chicken nuggets.”
“You’re so dead.”
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Territory Getting Hotter
Pairing: Carol Danvers x enhanced!Fem Reader
Words: ~2.9k
Summary: You’ve made another mess for the Avengers and they find out about your relationship with Captain Danvers
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fe receiving oral sex, use of toys, squirting, overstimulation, light dom aspects), mentions of canon level violence, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: I love these two!!! Dom!Carol is it you guys, wow. Also, reader is such a massive pain in the ass and I love her for it, I can’t wait to piss off every single Avenger with her antics.
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You beamed at Carol when she walked into the kitchen, still bleary eyed from sleep as she stretched and ran a hand through her hair.
“Hey babe!” You grinned at her. “Guess who made pancakes?”
“You’re the best sweetie.” She murmured, wrapping around your back and nuzzling into your hair. “We’ll make a housewife out of you yet.”
You laughed as she moved to pour herself some coffee when there was a sudden pounding on the front door.
“Danvers!!” A low voice shouted through the door. “Open up, its Rogers!!”
“Shit!” She hissed, looking around frantically as she tried to find someplace to stash you.
“Would you relax?” You said as you rolled your eyes at her. “He has to find out sometime.”
“Yeah, but not today! He already sounds pissed. One second!!” She shouted back, throwing on some sweats. “Just find somewhere to hide, I don’t feel like dealing with this today.”
She moved to open the door as you shook your head at her, weighing your hiding place options.
“Hey Steve, what’s up?” She said, nonchalantly as she let him inside.
“What’s up? Have you watched the news yet this morning?” He seethed as he stormed into the kitchen.
“Oh no. What did she do?” Carol said, taking a deep breath and cursing you in her head for whatever shit storm you’d started now.
“I can’t even talk about it, I’m so mad.” He growled, moving to pour himself a cup of coffee without even asking. “Even Stark was pissed, and he’s usually pretty lenient.”
“Uh-huh.” Carol said as she chewed on her lip and nibbled on a piece of bacon.
“She managed to drag Thor into it, too. We may have to move her to a full time handler, one that she can’t corrupt.” He said, starting to calm down a little bit. “We’re having a meeting about it in 30 minutes, just wanted you to be prepared. How would you feel about taking her on?”
Carol heard a snort from somewhere in the apartment and did her best not to whip around to find you. Unfortunately Steve heard it to with his damn super soldier hearing.
“What was that?” He hissed, his eyes darting all over the quarters.
“Uh, my smoke alarm’s been acting up.” Carol muttered, trying to usher him out the door. “I’ll think about it, see you soon!”
She slammed the door closed and started searching for you.
“What the fuck did you do, baby?” She asked, scanning the apartment for you.
“Y’know, I think I’m gonna leave that for a surprise.” She heard from above her head and shot her gaze upwards.
You had somehow managed to wedge yourself into a tiny corner in the ceiling of the hallway leading to her bedroom. She was giving you a disapproving look as you dropped to the floor with a grunt and grinned at her.
“You think you can handle me babe?” You said as you moved to the bedroom to get dressed.
The two of you were sitting across from each other in the conference room half an hour later, trying to act like you didn’t fuck each other’s brains out every chance you got.
Or, at least Carol was. You were sliding your foot up the inside of her leg as she glared murderously at you and you just grinned like an idiot. She shook her head at you and turned to look at the giant screen where Tony was pulling up the surveillance footage as the rest of the team gave you exasperated glances.
“Oh, here we go, we’re getting to the good part.” Tony said, giving you a meaningful look as he slowed the footage down. “Now who’s this guy you just punched in the face and then threw across the club like a rag doll?”
“I think that’s the Duke of Edinburgh.” You said with a shrug, leaning back in your chair.
“No, that’s the Duke of Sussex, y’know, the queen’s nephew.” Nat said as she took a long drink of her coffee, looking exhausted.
“Oh shit, really?” You said, still grinning like an idiot. “Whoops.”
“And wait, here’s where Point Break blows all the lights in the club, which he says was your idea, so the two of you can make a run for it.” Stark said when the video suddenly went black.
“We weren’t making a run for it, we were pursuing our suspect.” You said, staring daggers at Thor as he tried to sink into his chair.
“Uh-huh, and did you catch your suspect?” Steve said through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, he’s in holding right now.” You said with a shrug.
“What?! Why wasn’t that in your report?” Rogers said as he started to dig through the pile of paperwork in front of him.
“I haven’t completed the report yet, Captain Rogers.” You said lightly. “I made sure to update Captain Danvers though.”
“Let’s not get off track, this is about you assaulting a member of the royal family.” Tony said as he tried to redirect the conversation.
“He assaulted me first! He grabbed my ass and made some very ungentlemanly comments about what he would do if he got me in his car.” You said, pouting as you rested your head on your hands.
“He did grab her ass, Stark. I saw it.” Thor piped up before Rogers shot him a look and he went back to inspecting his coffee.
“So you threw him? That seems like a bit of an overreaction.” Tony said with an uncomfortable shrug.
“It’s a reflex, Stark.” You said, your eyes rolling back in your head as the other women frowned at him. “Sorry, I don’t think putting up with sexual harassment is in my job description.”
“Ok, ok fine. Nat, is there anyway you can spin this?” Stark said, turning to Romanoff as she let out a deep sigh.
“Yeah, the man is a pretty notorious dog, shouldn’t be too hard.” She muttered.
“Great! Excellent meeting team, see y’all at the next one!” You said, starting to stand up before Steve turned his attention to you.
“No, we still need to discuss your recklessness, Y/L/N.” He seethed, shooting you a scowl that you returned with a mocking air that had Carol trying to hold back a snort. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I think the best course is to have you under more direct supervision. I considered splitting up you and Odinson but I feel like that would just spread the chaos around after how much you’ve corrupted him.”
You shot a grin and a wink at Thor that he returned as the two of you finally relaxed, but Steve was still talking.
“So, Danvers is going to be accompanying you on your missions now. I feel like her levelheaded attitude is just what’s needed to keep you two in line.” He said with a satisfied smirk.
“Uh, you sure Danvers is the best choice there, Cap?” Tony said whole Nat snickered into her coffee.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t she be?” Steve said as he looked around at everyone’s amused expressions with confusion.
“They’re fucking each other Steve.” Nat said nonchalantly, sending Steve into a spluttering fit as you started cackling and Carol just rolled her eyes and groaned.
“What?!” Rogers roared, his eyes moving frantically between you and Carol as you grinned at him like an idiot. “How long has this been happening?”
“Six months.” Carol said resignedly, taking a gulp of coffee as she shrugged uncomfortably. “Didn’t really feel like dealing with the paperwork.”
“Si... six months?” Steve groaned, burying his face in his hands. “And you didn’t think that might be a conflict of interest?”
“Don’t worry Cap, Danvers is quite the disciplinarian.” You said with a wicked grin as you waggled your eyebrows suggestively.
Carol growled at you and gave you a meaningful look, and you just rolled your eyes at her before leaning back on your chair and propping your boots on the conference table.
“Well... shit.” Steve sighed, running his palm over his face in exasperation. “I guess Bucky can probably oversee some of your ops, and I’ll take over the rest of them. What?”
You and Thor both groaned at that, rolling your eyes at each other.
“Just, Barnes? Could you pick a bigger stick in the mud?” You said with a shrug. “I mean, we get it dude. You were tortured by evil scientists for years who turned you into a mindless killing machine, who wasn’t? And, I love you Steve, but do you even drink?”
“Ok, we’re gonna head out now.” Carol said as she frowned at you, stepping between you and Steve before a real fight broke out. “Guess we’ll report to HR as soon as we can.”
“Uh-huh.” Rogers mumbled, pouting a little as she ushered you out of the room.
Nat followed after the two of you lazily, shaking her head at Steve and Tony as Stark and Thor tried to assure the Captain that he was loads of fun to be around and a blast at all their parties.
“Congrats again you two.” She said with a grin as she split down a different hallway to her own quarters.
“Thanks Nat! You ever gonna tell him about you and Wilson?” You yelled after her, laughing when she flipped you off over her shoulder. “Told ya they knew, babe.”
“Yeah.” She mumbled before grinning at you. “So, you beat up a royal?”
“Shit. In my defense, I didn’t know he was a royal until after I threw him.” You said, following her down the hall back to her apartment. “I thought he was just a smarmy asshole.”
“That’s the problem, sweetheart.” She purred over her shoulder. “You never consider the consequences of your actions.”
“That’s all I think about, babe.” You said with a wicked grin as you waited for her to open the door.
“And now you’re dragging poor Thor into your messes.” She tutted, shaking her head at you as she closed the door and stripped off her jacket. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you had a little crush on that himbo.”
“If you didn’t know better?” You beamed at her, starting to unbutton your jeans and step out of your boots. “Honey, he’s a literal god. I have a massive crush on him.”
“Oh, are you trying to make me jealous?” She ripped off her tank top and threw it aside. “Cuz I’m already pissed at you.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?”
She stepped forward and gripped your jaw tightly, smashing her mouth to yours as she started steering you towards the bedroom. You yelped when she tossed you on the bed, grinning as she climbed on top of you.
“You’re such a bad girl.” She growled at you, ripping your bra off in one quick motion.
You screamed when she slapped your tit harshly, the stinging sensation warming your chest while she bent to open the top drawer of the nightstand.
“I am. I’m fucking horrible.” You gasped as she rifled around. “What are you doing?”
She grinned at you as she straightened back up, holding a set of extra shiny looking restraints.
“These are vibranium.” She cooed as she grabbed your wrists and dragged them above your head, hooking them through the headboard as you panted underneath her. “I stole them from R and D, and there’s no way even you can break out of them.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” You said around a smirk, giving your hands a test yank and nodding appreciatively as Carol shackled each of your feet to the opposing bedposts.
She bit her lip as she stared at you, your legs spread wide over the bed and making your back arch. You moaned as she tore off your panties and slapped your pussy, your muscles twitching as arousal seeped out of you.
“Mmm, you look so good like this.” She mumbled, sliding down until she was laying between your thighs. “Can’t decide whether I should edge you all night or make you come so many times you forget your own name.”
She ran her tongue over your slit in a heavy stripe and you let out a shriek as you came as soon as she reached your clit. She pressed your hips into the mattress as she lashed her tongue against your bundle of nerves, making your legs quiver with the strain of your orgasm.
“Looks like you made my decision for me.” She grinned at you before diving back in.
Her tongue swirled through your folds expertly, sucking your lips into your mouth and humming against you as your pussy started clenching around nothing. She wrapped her lips around your clit and you came again with a sob as your limbs pulled against the restraints, your body trying to arch off the bed.
She shoved her tongue inside you and you screamed as another orgasm crashed over you when her teeth brushed against your tiny bundle of nerves. Carol kept curling her tongue inside you as you vibrated underneath her, moaning as your release flowed into her mouth and soaked her chin.
“Fuck, Carol!” You whined as she sat up between your legs and lightly ran her fingers over your inner thighs. “That was almost too much.”
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” She smirked as she watched you panting underneath her, reaching for the bedside table again while you squirmed.
“Hey!” you exclaimed as she pulled out a massive dildo from the drawer of toys. “Is that my stormbreaker? I’ve been looking for that!”
“Yeah, well I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” She murmured before dragging the length on the thing through your slick coated folds, making you keen. “Did you know this thing comes with a thruster?”
“Yeah, why do you think I bought it?” You teased before your eyes rolled back in your head as she shoved it inside you.
She started fucking you with the toy at a punishing pace, grinning as you came apart like putty in her hands. Tears started leaking down your cheeks when she turned the vibrating function on and angled it so it was teasing against your clit with each push.
You whined as she bent over you and wrapped her lips around your nipple and swirled her tongue around it. She grinned against your chest as you tried to arch into her mouth, your restraints still holding you in place.
“Mmm, you gonna come again baby?” She muttered, nipping at the curve of your breast as your body started twitching, your release looming over you as you sobbed wordlessly. “Do it, you look so pretty when you fall apart.”
She twisted her wrist and you shrieked as your pussy fluttered wildly, your release leaking out around the dildo and pooling on her sheets. Your cried as she kept fucking you through it, wet sloshing sounds filling her bedroom as the toy slid in and out of you easily.
You let out an inhuman wail when she turned on the thruster and you felt the tip of the toy punch you in the cervix, coming again immediately as your body writhed wildly.
“Shit, I see why you love this thing.” She smirked as she kissed her way up your chest, still shoving the toy into your overworked cunt as your body went lax, your head polling to the side and drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. “You think about Thor fucking you when you use this, babe? Maybe I should bring him in here to fuck you stupid while I watch, would you like that?”
You just mumbled stupidly as your body shook with another orgasm, sinking into the bed in your fucked out state. Her slap snapped you out of it, making you take in a sharp breath as your brain rebooted.
“I asked you a question.” She growled as she twisted the toy again and you let out a low moan.
“I feel like this might be a trap.” You gasped as she palmed at your breast and laid down against your shoulder, still thrusting the toy into you viciously.
“That sounds like a yes to me.” She purred, nuzzling into your neck as she gave the toy a final push.
You screamed as she pulled it out of you suddenly, your release squirting out of you in a violent rush. Your body thrashed violently with the power of your orgasm and Carol cursed as you snapped her headboard and bedposts, the bed frame shuddering before one of the legs gave out and it sank to the floor with a crash.
“Holy fuck, you ok?” She asked, sitting up and grinning at you as she assessed the damage you’d caused.
“Yeah.” You said, swallowing thickly as you moved your limbs with a groan. “At least we know the cuffs work! Sorry about your bed.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She murmured, grabbing the key and unlocking the restraints before pulling you back against her chest. “We’ll just use yours I guess.”
“Are you gonna move in with me? I think that may give Rogers an aneurysm.”
“He’ll get over it.” She shrugged as you nuzzled into her chest. “Now, how do you think we should approach Thor?”
“What?! You were serious?”
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redheadsinmybed · 3 years
Sick days
Wanda x Natasha x Reader
Summary: Readers appendix ruptures. What happens when reader has to get surgery???
Notes: Hey guys!!! Here’s another one for ya!! Hope you enjoy!!!
Wanda wakes up to a hotter than usual weight on her chest. It was you. Uh-oh she thinks. You had just returned from a mission out in Alaska. You thought that a winter coat would be enough to keep you warm. And it did, until you fell off the ice and into the water.
When you got home you were exhausted and went right to bed with Wanda and Tasha. Wanda takes her hand and feels your forehead. You definitely had a fever.
Wanda carefully reaches over to wake up Nat. Since Natasha joined your relationship she’s been sleeping with you and Wanda every night. Wanda on your left and Nat on your right, you loved sleeping in the middle. Getting to be cuddled by not one, but two of your girlfriends.
You were on top of her right now with your head in her chest. Wanda knew that if she moved she would risk the chance of waking you up.
Wanda decided to wait to wake Nat up wanting you to get as much sleep as you needed. She sighed knowing that you probably weren’t going to feel good when you woke up.
Wanda uses her powers to carefully get you off her and cuddled up against Nat. Then she gets out of bed to get you some medicine. When she came back she noticed that Nat had woken up and had a worried look on her face.
“She has a fever,” Nat says quietly, not wanting to wake you.
“I know I was going to wake you up and tell you but I didn’t want to wake her up. I got her some medicine for when she wakes up,”
“Poor baby,” Nat says looking down at you.
You feel like sh*t. You haven’t even opened your eyes but you can hear your girlfriends talking about you. Just great, you just had to fall in a frozen ocean.
You groan when you try to snuggle closer to Tasha. Your abdomen hurt, really stinkin bad.
“Hi baby” Nat says softly.
“I know you probably don’t feel good baby, but I need you to swallow this.” Wanda says holding up a clear cup of pink medicine.
You finally open your eyes. When you see the pink medicine you instantly hide your face in Tashas chest.
“Protect me from that woman with the mean medicine” You say into her chest. You feel Natasha chuckle.
“I’m sorry baby, but I agree with Wanda. You need to take the medicine.” You launch yourself from your hiding place groaning in pain.
“Since when did my girlfriends become such meanies?” You say looking between the two.
“Take it, right now or no cuddles for the rest of the week,” Wanda threatens you. You gasp in disbelief.
“You wouldn’t” You say staring her down.
“Oh I would, Tasha too,” you look at Nat with puppy dog eyes but she just shakes her head.
“You should listen to your mama, baby,” she says.
“She’s not my mama when she’s being mean,” you pout, “And she’s only my mama when I’m little. And I’m a big girl right now.”
“You sure aren’t acting like it,” Wanda says.
“Fine” you say mumbling something about being a grinch and hating mean mamas. You take the cup and swallow it down in one go. Gagging and being dramatic about it after words.
You didn’t think it was dramatic, it tasted bad, but your girlfriends definitely thought you were overreacting. Luckily Wanda had grabbed you some juice to wash out the bad taste afterwards.
You take the cup glaring at her because you wouldn’t have needed the juice if she hadn’t made you take the medicine.
You sit on the bed pouting not looking at either of your girlfriends. Wanda and Natasha exchange looks. They definitely noticed that you were more childish when you were sick and in your big state.
You flop backwards onto the bed and whine in pain.
“You guys are the worst girlfriends ever,” you say not even look at them
“You still love us though,” you hear Wanda say. You try hard not to smile at her comment. Instead taking the defensive way out.
“No I don’t,” you say.
“Well if you don’t love us then I guess you won’t get anymore cuddles from now on,” Nat says to you. That is the second time your cuddles have been put on the line this morning and now you were mad.
“You know what,” you say sitting up carefully and getting out of bed, “I don’t need you guys or your stupid cuddles,” you say as you move to the door.
“Where are you going,” Nat asks you.
“Somewhere where my cuddles aren’t going to get repeatedly threatened,” you say as you shut the door.
“She’ll come back,” Nat says because Wanda has a worried look on her face. She just shrugs and gets back in bed with Nat.
Now what? You were walking outside the compound slowly, your abdomen still hurt. You walked around the parameter lost in thought.
Your plan was so genius that you out geniused yourself. You really thought that one of them would ask you to stay. Why didn’t one of them ask you to stay.
You start to spiral down a deep path. Maybe they didn’t want you around. Maybe they just wanted time to themselves. Maybe they didn’t… didn’t love you enough.
When you come across that thought you start to cry, switching to your little state. You keep thinking that thought on repeat as your cries got louder.
“Mama,” You say through sobbs, did she not love you enough?
Wanda sat up in the bed she was lying in. Untangling herself from Natasha where they were cuddling.
“Something is wrong…” Wanda says.
“You feel it too?” Natasha asked. Wanda and Natasha lock eyes.
“Y/N,” they say at the same time. Both jumping out of bed and getting out of the room.
“Friday where is Y/N,” Wanda says after not seeing you outside the door.
“Miss Y/N is outside the compound. She seems to be in distress.” Friday says above.
“Dang it,” Wanda says, her and Nat running outside. When Nat and Wanda see you you 're on ground curled up into a ball sobbing.
“Baby?” Nat says as she approaches you carefully.
“Mommy?” You whisper through tears. You must've dropped when you were outside Nat thought.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Wanda asks you.
“I-I fought y-you didn’t love m-me. Do y-you not love me?” You ask through tears.
“Baby of course we love you, why did you think we didn’t?” Wanda says.
“Cause you did-didn’t stop me from weaving. Fought you didn’t want me,” you say sadly.
“We always want you baby, no matter what. We should have stopped you and for that I’m sorry,” Nat says to you helping you up.
“Willy?” You ask looking up at both of them.
“Yes baby,” Nat tries to pick you up but stops when you scream out in pain.
“Hurts mommy,” You say as new tears form in your eyes.
“Where does it hurt baby girl?” Wanda asks as she wipes the tears off your face. You point to the lower right side of your abdomen. Nat and Wanda exchange worried expressions.
The medicine that they gave you should be working right now, and having a fever shouldn’t be affecting your stomach.
“Baby this is going to hurt but mama needs to carry you back inside to get you checked out by Bruce,” You nod at her trusting mama to make it hurt the least possible she could. Wanda leans down and scoops you up avoiding your stomach.
You whine out in pain and she coos at you telling you it’s going to be okay. You hide your head in the crook of her neck and suck on your thumb.
When you get back inside the three of you make your way to the medical wing.
“Friday, tell Bruce that we're coming up to have Y/N checked out,” Tasha says.
“I will do that right now,” Friday says above. When you guys arrive Bruce is already waiting for you.
Wanda tries to set you down on the bed but you whine and don’t let go of her. You start to cry when she tries to take your hand off her shoulder.
“Okay, okay. Baby don’t cry,” She coos at you as you hide your face back into her neck.
“Hi Bruce, sorry she’s shy,” Nat says to Bruce.
“That’s okay, so what is the problem?”
“Well I tried to pick her up and she screamed out in pain, and I asked her where it hurt and she pointed at her right lower abdomen. We thought she just had a cold because she has a fever, we gave her some medicine but it didn’t seem to work,” Nat explains to Bruce.
“Okay, well it sounds like she might have ruptured her appendix. Did she fall and hit her stomach or anything like that.”
Tasha looks over at Wanda. They have been with you since you got home.
“She fell off the ice and into the water on her last mission. She could have hit her stomach then,” Tasha says.
“Baby girl, mama needs you to remember when you were on your mission. Did you get hit in the abdomen at all while you were out there?” You stay still for a while just thinking about it.
You shake your head yes into mama’s neck. Bruce asks you some more questions and confirms that you ruptured your appendix and will need surgery tomorrow. Wanda and Nat thank Bruce before taking you back to their room.
Wanda lays you down on the bed into Natasha and you snuggle up into her. Then Wanda joins you two.
“Baby girl, what’s wrong,” Natasha asks.
“Swared mommy,” you say into her.
“What are you scared of, baby?” Wanda asks you.
“S- sur- surg,”
“You’re scared of the surgery baby,” Nat says more than asks.
You shake your head yes.
“Baby, it’s okay you don’t have to be scared,” Wanda says to you.
“Wut if it hurts?” You ask.
“If it hurts then mommy and I will kiss it better,” Wanda says.
“Promise?” You ask.
“Promise,” both Natasha and Wanda say.
You smile and close your eyes. It was about 2 in the afternoon, but they let you sleep for a while.
When you wake up it’s about 4. You were big and only snuggled up around Wanda this time. Wanda was watching a sitcom while you slept. You groan in pain.
“Hey sleepy head,” Wanda says to you.
“Where’s Tasha?” You ask her.
“She’s training with Clint right now. She’ll be back soon. How are you feeling?”
“Like someone took a baseball bat to my stomach.”
“Aww i’m sorry baby, you’ll feel better tomorrow.”
“Can we do something when Tasha gets back?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know something fun so I can remember it in case I die,” you say seriously.
“Baby you are not going to die. I promise I will not let that happen to you. You can’t get away from us that easily,” Wanda says to you. You nod your head. Cuddling back into Wanda and waiting for Tasha to come back.
“OOOOO!!!!!!” You say out of the blue.
“We can go to the beach and take a truck, and have a picnic in the bed of it while we watch the sunset! And- and we can fill the bed with a bunch of blankets and pillows and cuddle!!!!!” You squeal out with a huge smile on your face forgetting the pain in your abdomen.
Wanda laughs and shakes her head.
“Sounds perfect baby.”
You wait excitedly for Natasha to get done with training while you and Wanda pack food for your picnic.
“Tasha, Tasha!” You say when you see her enter the kitchen.
“I see someone is happy,” she says with a smile.
“We are going to the beach for a picnic and in the truck we’ll have lots of blankets and pillows and we are gonna watch the sunset while we cuddle!” you say with the biggest smile on your face that Nat has ever seen.
“Sounds like you got it all planned out baby”
“It’s going to be great!!!” You say with a squeal. You and Wanda finish up packing all the food. Then you go to the bedroom where you grab your love blanket and Bunny, your stuffed koala.
Wanda and Natasha grab some more blankets and pillows. You guys make your way out of your room and spot Tony.
“Hey Tony,” you say waving to him.
“Can we take one of your trucks to the beach?” You ask him.
“Hmmm, I don’t know Y/N. You were so mean to me during the play date,” Tony said to you.
“I wasn’t being mean, I just wanted to play cars with Steve, plus you only had one action figure.” You say, he seems unconvinced.
“Please, this could be my last day on earth,” you say to him with puppy dog eyes.
“What?!?” He asks, shocked.
“Yeah I could die during my appendix surgery tomorrow,” you say seriously.
“Oh, I thought you were serious.” He says
“What? I am being serious”
“Yeah I know, but you realize that the death rate for that procedure is less than 2%?”
“Okay whatever, can we use a truck, pleaseeeeeeeeee?” You ask.
“Yeah sure”
“Thank you so much” You say smiling and giving him a hug. You, Wanda, and Natasha walk out to the garage.
“You are awfully affectionate today baby,” Wanda says to you. You make a noise of agreement as you pile everything into the back seat of the truck. Wanda got in the passenger seat and Tasha got into the drivers side. That meant you had to sit all alone in the back seat.
“Wanda, will you sit with me in the back?” You ask with puppy dog eyes. Wanda could never say no to you so she gets in the back with you. You sit in the middle seat so you can cuddle up into her.
You lay your head on her shoulder and she strokes your hair. You close your eyes falling asleep on Wanda.
You feel someone shake your shoulder.
“Baby, time to wake up, we are here,” you hear Wanda say. Then you remember, the beach. Your eyes fly open and you jolt upright groaning in discomfort.
“Lets go,” you squeal excitedly getting out of the car. Wanda and Natasha following you.
You put a big king sized blanket on the bed of the truck. Then you put the rest of them on top along with the pillows, the love blanket, bunny, and the picnic basket. Wanda helps you climb up into the bed of the truck. Soon after Tasha and Wanda join you.
You eat in silence letting the waves talk to you. Once all of you are done you guys put everything back into the picnic basket and off to the side.
You arrange the pillows so that you can lean up against them where the bed meets the rest of the truck. You scoot back and Natasha and Wanda follow you. You are in the middle like always, you pick up the love blanket and throw it over Wanda and Tasha. Making sure that they are both covered by the blanket you lean into Wanda while Tasha puts her head in your lap.
You three watch as the sun sets. Yellows and Oranges slowly blend into pinks and purples. Snuggled in between your girlfriends you close your eyes feeling warm and safe drifting off to sleep.
Waking up you realize it’s morning. You are in bed cuddled up on top of Wanda, covered by your love blanket. Natasha isn’t in bed with you two, or in the room. You get off from Wanda carefully trying not to wake her. But, you do.
She yawns and stretches her arm out searching for you or Nat. When she comes up empty she whines and opens her eyes. Spotting you she sleepily smiles.
“Morning baby,” you say to her.
“Mmm morning”
“Thank you for last night,” you say, going over to her to give her a kiss. She immediately deepens it tugging at your bottom lip making you groan. She begs for entrance to your mouth and you let her. Muffled moans coming from both of you when your tongues touch.
“Ahem,” you hear pulling away. You both look up to see Nat smirking at you two.
“So this is what I miss when I try to make breakfast in bed for you two, unbelievable.” She says with a smile.
“You made breakfast? For us?” You ask. She shakes her head and rolls in the cart that has your favorite on it. Your eyes light up as you walk over to her, kissing her deeply.
“Thank you Tasha,” you say as you pull away, her lips chasing yours. You laugh and boop her nose.
“Yeah yeah, go get back in bed,” she says. You turn around and she slaps your butt playfully making you squeak and turn back around to see her smiling while biting her lip.
You get back in bed with Wanda and Nat brings the food trays over to you two then she gets in and puts her own tray in front of her.
“Wait… am I even allowed to eat before surgery?”
“Oh my god, I forgot.” Nat says as she face palms.
“Y/N I’m so sorry, I just wanted to do something nice for you,” she says as she puts her head in her hands.
“Hey Tasha, it’s okay.” You say taking her hands in yours.
“I can just have it after.”
“Are you sure?” She asks, sounding defeated.
“I’m positive, thank you for thinking of me,” you say softly kissing her.
You all avoid eating and instead cuddle until it’s time for you to go down and have your surgery. Making your way down to the medical wing you tell your girlfriends that you’ve never had surgery before and that you have no idea how you’d act when you are on the drugs.
You changed into the gown that they give you and lay down on the bed. They have to put in an IV which means you’ll have to get a shot. You hold Wanda’s and Natasha’s hand when they do it squeezing tightly.
After they give you the IV they roll you down the hall.
“I love you guys,” you say to Wanda and Natasha when they stop you right in front of the door that says ‘surgical wing permitted people only’
“We love you too,” Wanda says
“We’ll see you after surgery,” Nat assures you.
When you come out of subconscious you hear a rhythmic beeping noise. You notice that both of your hands are being held by someone. You open your eyes to see that Natasha and Wanda are the holders of your hands.
You also see that you are wrapped in your love blanket and Bunny is sitting on your bed. You squeeze both their hands the best you can.
Both their heads shoot up at the same time.
“Hi baby” Wanda says with a smile. You try to say hi back but your throat is too dry for anything to come out. Natasha gets you a cup of water and puts a straw in it for you.
“Hi,” you finally say after taking a sip of water.
“How are you feeling?” Natasha asks you.
“Tired, but good,” You say to them as silence encases you.
“God you are beautiful,” you say out loud, clearly the drugs they gave you is affecting you.
“Who?” Natasha asks you.
“Welllll you are super beautiful,” you say to Natasha.
“But have you seen her? She’s like a goddess. You say pointing to Wanda with big doe eyes.
“I wish she was my girlfriend,” you whisper to Natasha, at least you thought you whispered it to her. Wanda giggles and Natasha just smiles at you.
“Baby, I am your girlfriend,” Wanda says to you.
“Yes Tasha too,” Wanda says to you. You look at Natasha and she shakes her head agreeing.
“Wow… So have I had sex with you yet?” You ask Wanda, not remembering. Wanda blushes and Nat snorts.
“I mean cause you are, like, super beautiful, like so beautiful,” you say repeating yourself.
“You know someday when I get the chance imma marry both of you,” you say. Wanda and Natasha just look at each other surprised.
“Ooo Bunny!” You say grabbing Bunny and holding her close to your chest as you yawn.
“I’m tired,” you say out loud.
“Okay baby, close your eyes, well be here when you wake up.” Natasha says to you as you close your eyes drifting off into sleep again.
When you wake up there’s no more annoying beeping noises. You can feel two bodies on either side of you and you instantly know it’s Wanda and Natasha.
You groan in pain, the drugs long worn off. You open your eyes seeing that you are no longer in the hospital, but in your room.
“Hi baby,” Wanda coos at you.
“Hmmm,” You hum back.
“How are you feeling?” Natasha asks you
“Pain,” You groan out as you sit up.
“Here, I’ll go get your medicine,” Wanda says as she starts getting out of bed.
“No, I can get it,”
“Babe, you just got out of surgery,” Natasha says to you.
“I’m fine, I can take care of myself. You guys don’t need to fuss over me. Plus I have to go to the bathroom anyways.” Wanda and Natasha just give each other worried looks as you get out of bed.
Walking like an old hunchback you make your way to the bathroom. Filling a glass cup with water you set it down getting out the pills you need. You take your pills and put the glass back down on the counter.
You must’ve missed the counter though cause the next second you hear the glass shatter to the floor.
Wanda and Natasha hear it too and rush over to the bathroom. You had locked the door so Wanda has to use her powers to get it open.
When they open the door they see you curled up in a ball crying and wet. The sound must’ve made you drop and you had wet yourself.
“Hey baby, it’s okay it's just mama and mommy,” Wanda says as she comes near you.
“Mama, I-I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay baby girl. You just had an accident, it's okay. Did you get hurt, baby?” Wanda asks you while checking you over. You shake your head no.
“Okay baby, do you wanna take a bath?”
“Will you and mommy join me?” You ask shyly.
“Of course we will baby,” Wanda says to you. Natasha had already cleaned up the glass and started the bath.
Wanda undresses you and helps you sit down in the bath. She gets in across from you and Natasha gets in behind you holding you to her front.
Natasha and Wanda wash you up whispering sweet nothings to you. When they’re are done they help you dress and into bed.
You snuggle up to Wanda holding her with one arm and your other safely secure around Bunny. Natasha holds you from behind and you drift off into a peaceful sleep knowing you’re safe and loved.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
OHSHC: Mitsukuni (Honey) x Fem!Reader Fluff
A/N: Okay so this was something I wrote WAY back in 2013 when I was obsessed with Ouran Highschool Host Club. So I did make a bunch of revisions (like fixing typos and changing up some of the events that occur).
But if you wanna read the original check it out on my DeviantArt!
Welp, hope ya'll enjoy this!
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It was a lovely Friday afternoon. School was out and most students were eager to go home. 
But you, on the other hand, decided to visit the Host Club for a few hours. You always looked forward going to it everyday after school, though not just because you desperately wanted to be swooned by handsome men.
You just liked to observe the hosts indulging in their element, be it Tamaki’s flamboyant acts or the Hitachiin twins’ performances. All the while, you drank tea and ate delicious pastries whilst chatting with other ladies who babbled about their crushes.
Most had their eyes on Tamaki, for obvious reasons, but for you there was a different host that stole your heart every time, without fail:
Mitsukuni, or “Honey” as everyone liked to call him. 
You did have a slight crush on him, considering you both shared classes and hung-out quite often on the weekends. But even after all the years you’ve known him, you never actually acted on this crush, not wanting to take away his duties as a host.
Besides he might treat you extra “sweetly”, but you assumed he was like this with all the other girls.
Unbeknownst to you, however, Honey didn't see you the same way as he saw them. To him you weren't just another visitor to entertain.
He saw you as something, well, more.
'Okay this wasn't...what I expected. But I guess I'll have to stay for a little while longer..' You sighed as you looked down at the blonde who was now laying on your lap.
Honey must've had a sugar crash, since he fell asleep on the same sofa you so-happened to be on, even though the club meeting had ended fifteen minutes ago.
'Poor guy must be tired, running around and entertaining..he deserves at least this.' Relaxing back against the sofa, you gently stroked his hair with one hand, and kept Usa-chan wrapped around your free arm. You were sure he wouldn't mind it, given that he's let you hold it before.
All the while, you hummed a gentle song, taking note of the tiny smile that adorned his sleeping face. You knew very well that you shouldn't move, but you didn't mind it. 
Being able to get this close to him made it worthwhile.
Haruhi, Mori, and Kyoya would glance over every so often while they were cleaning up, smiling at the scene. Meanwhile, Tamaki and the twins were hiding behind a nearby couch, looking at you with comically-wide eyes. They wondered how you've managed to not wake up Honey at all, and how you were so calm.
You looked over and gave them a bemused smile, waving politely. Honestly you didn't know what their deal was. They were staring at you like you were about to invoke the wrath of god.
Or in this case the wrath of the loli-shota.
"H-How does [y/n] do that?" The frenchman stammered as he gazed at the twins.
""It must be Nekozawa's sleeping magic. Maybe she's in cahoots with him."" The brothers replied, trembling too.
"You guys are acting insane." Haruhi sighed as she walked past the three with a porcelain tray in her hands. "She’s known Honey-senpai for years, so..it's obvious they're close. Doesn’t take a genius to know why she’s not afraid of him.”
"But why does she keep choosing him every time she visits?!! A-Am I somehow unworthy?!!" Tamaki cried out, already tearing up. "It makes no sense!! Mommy!! What do you make of this?!!" He swung his head to the already-annoyed Kyoya.
"Tamaki..our job here at the club is to make every girl happy, right? That includes Miss [L/n]-"
"B-But-But..she could at least give me a cha--!!"
"If you'll let me finish..." The black-haired male huffed. "Like every girl here, she has the right to choose whichever host she desires. You don't get to make that decision for her. So I suggest you keep it down, lest you wake up Honey-senpai." Fixing his glasses, he turned back to his laptop, ending the conversation.
Tamaki pouted in defeat and got up from his hiding spot. The twins followed him to where you sat and crouched down, now more curious than fearful.
"Gentlemen." You sighed quietly, waiting for them to get to the point so they could leave you alone.
"How are you able to keep so calm??" Hikaru hissed.
"We told you how he acts when his nap is disturbed.” Kaoru added. “You’re taking a big risk-”
“You’re overreacting a bit.” Finding it hard not to chuckle at their bewildered expressions, you kept your gaze on Honey instead. "I see no reason to be terrified of him waking up from a nap. People get cranky after naps all the time. But they eventually get over it, don't they?"
Then you glanced back up at the three, smiling reassuringly. "I do believe that little “horror story” you told me. But don't worry, if anything happens I'll protect you guys, okay? Nothing bad will happen to anyone here...especially not Honey.” You patted the sleeping blonde’s head.
The twins were relieved--moved, even--by your response, but Tamaki on the other hand seemed a bit freaked out by your promise to protect them. He tried grabbing your shoulders to yell about how “guys should protect girls, not the other way around”, though the duo managed to restrain him.
"B-Boss!! Cut it out!"
"You're gonna wake him!!!"
Unfortunately, the commotion they were making was exactly what stirred Honey from his rest. The three hosts immediately retreated back to their hiding place, expecting their fellow club member to awaken in rage.
But all he did was open his eyes and rub them tiredly. 
"Morning, Hon." You chuckled, ruffling his hair lightly.
As he realized you were still in the same spot as before, he smiled up at you. "Did I really sleep all night, [y/n]-chan?"
"No, only for a little while." You allowed him to sit up, and you handed him Usa-chan. "Have any good dreams?"
"Hmm..yeah, I did." Honey took his rabbit plushie, legs swinging as he tried to recall the details. "I..we were at a fair with lots of cake and ice cream! Then I...o-on the ferris wheel I might've..." He hugged the rabbit closer, to the point of hiding his blushing face.
You tilted your head in curiosity. "Might've what?"
"A-Asked you out and..and k-kissed you."
His response stunned you, and you could feel your heart skip several beats. In truth you've had similar dreams, although you never did get to the kissing part--instead you'd wake up with disappointment, never knowing if he accepted your confession.
"You know I dreamed of that, too. But..I never knew what your answer would be." You sighed despondently. "No matter how much I try to fall back asleep..I can't finish that dream. It's a shame.."
He shyly looked up at you, and he set down Usa-chan before taking your hands into his own. You gazed at him with surprise, wondering what he was going to do. "Honey? What-?"
His face inched closer to yours, and before you knew it, he kissed you perfectly on the lips.
Yep! Right here and right now he was kissing you!
The kiss tasted sweet, much like his personality and all those desserts he's had throughout the day. And you were in shock that this was really happening, but you smiled into the kiss, wanting to return it before he got the wrong idea.
When you both broke apart, Honey's eyes were large and tearful. But they were happy tears. "Y-You really do like me? But..I-I thought...I was too-"
"Honey, there's nothing about you that I don't love." You chuckled. "You're a good-hearted, smart, strong, and kind man. And that's all I could ever ask for. We've been great friends for a while and...the fact we share the same dreams must mean something."
"Something like...u-us being a couple, right?"
"Exactly, and right now..I wanna make those dreams a reality. Will you help me make them so?"
He was so overjoyed that he embraced you tightly, nearly crushing your spine. But you hugged him back, resting your chin on top of his head. You could feel his vigorous nod and knew that this is what he wanted for so long.
Of course he was probably still worried about his position as a host, so you looked to the others in question. "A-Ah..I meant to ask-"
"I see no issue with this," Kyoka smiled lightly. "I trust that this newly-blossoming relationship will not interfere with club activities."
""We knew you two were gonna get together eventually."" The twins spoke in unison once more, although they were just glad that Honey didn't snap at anyone this time.
Haruhi and Mori only flashed smiles at you two, the latter happy about his cousin finally confessing to the one he loved. He’s known about it longer than anyone at the club.
Once you let go of Honey, he jumped up and grabbed your hands, pulling you to your feet. "Takashi!! Can [y/n] come over for the weekend??"
"Sure, why not?" The tall male nodded.
"Yaaaay--huh? Tama-chan?" Honey blinked as he noticed the only one who didn't react positively was the club leader himself, who was sulking in the corner. "Aren't you gonna say anything?"
"Yes..I'd say we're all done here," he sighed in an exasperated tone. "If [y/n]'s happiness lies with Honey-senpai then...that's how it is, I guess. The host club is dismissed. You’re all free to leave now."
Of course, that wasn't the kind of send-off anyone expected. But the other hosts left, figuring Tamaki would eventually get over it. Though you told Honey to wait outside for a moment, not wanting to end this day on a sour note.
You reentered the now empty music room, seeing the princely-type staring out the window solemnly. Part of you felt guilty for not spending more time with him, even though he was often a nuisance trying to steal your attention.
"Hey, Tamaki-senpai..I have a feeling I somehow offended you by choosing Honey over you. And I'm sorry-"
"Nonsense." He glanced back at you, the brightness returning to his violet eyes. "I'm so obsessed with trying to charm every lady that it turned me into a blind fool. Until now I never realized that, in the end, it's what makes you happy, not me. I won't get in the way of your relationship with Honey-senpai. Cross my heart."
He made a gesture to seal that promise, smiling softly. "I mean it. I'm very happy for you two and I wish you all the best."
Knowing that he wasn't angry or upset anymore, you smiled and rewarded the "king" with a peck on the cheek. He gasped lightly and stared at you, touching the spot where you kissed him.
"Thank you. It's because of you and this club that I got to know Honey even more so...I owe you at least this. Have a good weekend." You winked before you turned on your heel and ran after your new boyfriend, leaving an incredibly flustered Tamaki alone in the room.
'Ahaha..her heart may belong to another, but she took the time to repair mine.’
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Everything He Wants pt.3
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Carl Grimes x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2080 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: The reader and Carl finally get to the bottom of what they feel for each other, but doing something about it isn’t as easy as it seems. 
Part 1
Part 2 
There was a bit of awkward silence between all of you for a moment as the men did their best to figure out what was going on.
Clearly, there was something happening but even Carl was lost, and he was part of it. 
Rick and Negan had no hope of understanding, and frankly, that was by design. This was something you were going through with Carl and you didn’t want to involve them.
There was no way this was going to end well.
You couldn’t help but scoff, thinking about how something like that would go down. The two of you in love? It was insane. If Negan could hardly even handle a look shared between the two of you, a conversation would kill him.
However, you couldn’t exactly avoid it.
If you didn’t talk to Carl soon and figure out what was going on here, you were going to lose your mind. 
Since the last time you’d seen him, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the strange feeling you got when you were around him, and you weren’t sure where to go from here.
This wasn’t something you were used to, after all. You had never been in this situation before, but you knew one thing for sure.
It wasn’t in your nature to just accept anything, and the way you felt for Carl made you uncomfortable. Because of that, you needed to know how he was feeling or what was going on in his head before you went crazy.
This was too much.
“Hey Carl, why don’t we get out of here” you suggested, offering your hand to him which he took slowly, completely unsure if he was okay with what was happening. After all, this was just as new for him as it was for you, and it wasn’t exactly foolproof.
Neither of you had ever done this before.
You had no idea how this was going to go down, but to be fair, there was more at stake for Carl. He didn’t want to get his dad into any trouble, but once he deduced that Negan wouldn’t overreact, he followed your lead.
Nothing terrible could come from such a casual action, right? No one was going to die because you had a conversation.
You hoped.
Neither of you spoke until you were far enough away from the rest of the people in Alexandria to have some privacy, but when you did, it was casual enough. You had no idea where this was going, but Carl was easy to talk to.
Easier to talk to than anyone else you’d actually spoken to before.
“I’m so sorry about him, he can be just awful sometimes” you shrugged, acting as if your father had just made some inappropriate joke at a parent teacher conference, instead of being the murderer he truly was.
It was a bit dramatic, of course, but Carl decided it would be best not to address that. Instead, he nodded, trying his best to think of what he wanted to say. 
For some reason, his tongue always went numb around you and made it impossible to speak.
It was pathetic, and he wouldn’t be surprised if you hated him because of it. He should have been able to talk to you, at the very least, but it just didn’t look like that was going to happen.
You made him nervous.
“I’m really glad you came outside” you smiled, forcing yourself to channel some of Negan’s unending confidence you’d grown accustomed to instead of worrying about what could go wrong here.
Worst case, everything went up in flames and even if that happened, you never had to come here again. 
The only thing that could come out of this was good, or at least, something new.
In this world, you lived like every day was your last because it very much could have been, and this wasn’t going to be the end of the world. This was one of those things that people did all the time before.
There was no reason you couldn’t do it now.
“Yeah, it’s no problem. I wanted to” he replied, swinging your two joined hands between your bodies. It should have been a casual motion, but instead, it was stiff and uncertain.
He clearly wasn’t much of a talker but that didn’t bother you, you could fill all the empty space there was.
“This is weird, isn’t it?” you hummed, doing your very best to address him. You had no idea what the best way to do this would be, but evidently, you had decided to just throw away all the strangeness in exchange for reality.
You were both real life people and there were no rules about how you needed to do this.
After all, you didn’t owe anyone anything.
“A little” he decided, still blowing his own mind with the fact he was here at all. There was no reason that the two of you should have had anything in common or cared about one another but here you were.
This was just what happened.
“To be fair though, I think that everything is weird anymore” you shrugged, thinking about how everything had changed. 
When you were kids, there was still so much normalcy ahead of you.
You never thought that this was where you would be, but here you were nonetheless.
This was what life was now.
There was more silence between you as you walked, still holding Carl’s hand in your own, and before long, you were both outside his home, having made a huge circle around the walls of Alexandria.
The streets were still swarming with Saviors and Alexandrians alike as the raid ensued but you paid them no mind. 
For you, this was a real sanctuary, something that you hadn’t had in a long time.
There was just something about being with Carl that made you feel like the world wasn’t constantly on the edge of imploding.
It was nice.
You had no idea where this was going or how this had possibly happened, but you weren’t going to argue. Instead, you followed Carl into his home, ignoring all the saviors still littering the place, and made yourself at home.
“You wanna meet Judith?” he asked, his jaw tightening as he watched a few of your men carry out some boxes of things that they were never going to see again. 
It was just another reminder of why he shouldn’t be here with you at all.
You were always going to be the enemy.
...And even still, he was introducing you to his sister.
She was absolutely precious and you fell in love immediately. She was a giggly, cooing mess and you couldn’t help but swoon. She had this joy that just radiated off of her that no one else in this world could ever hope to imitate.
It was incredible, but as taken as you were with Judith, Carl was with you.
Even knowing that there was no way this was going to work, he couldn’t help himself.
It was the strangest thing, he couldn’t handle the sight of you with Judith cuddled in your arms. It was the most wholesome scene and it took his breath away, because he’d never felt like this before in his life.
He was in way too deep with you and it was going to be the end of him.
All in all, he was completely screwed.
Then, once Judith had gone down for her nap, you found yourself sitting on Carl’s bed, looking through a few dirty comic books. You hadn’t seen them in several years, of course, as the sanctuary didn’t consider them viable goods.
Still, you were glad to see them.
“You have quite the collection here” you hummed, leafing through the pages, now a bit weathered with age and grime. 
This was one thing you didn’t get at home, in the cold industrial environment of the sanctuary.
It wasn’t exactly personal.
Even with all the things that Negan made sure you had, you just felt like there was something more comfortable here than there. It was a home, which was much more than just somewhere that kept you safe.
It was more than a house.
“I like comics” he shrugged back, going out on a limb and sitting down beside you, taking another one of his discarded books in his hands, fiddling with the pages instead of looking you in the face.
He felt weird.
This was weird.
“I like you” you grinned, not looking at him as you spoke, your eyes staying trained on the page in your lap. You had no real idea where a statement like that would get you but you couldn’t help yourself.
You did like him.
There was silence between you both for a few more moments as Carl tried to decide what he wanted to do with that information. 
It wasn’t something that surprised him, because you both had been dancing around how you felt for one another, but that didn’t help him know what to do about it.
He didn’t know what he wanted to say or what you wanted to hear.
“I like you too” he smiled, doing his very best to keep his racing heart from stopping completely. This was shaping up to be the first time a girl ever liked him and that was nice, but he was terrified too.
He had never done anything like this before.
“That’s good, cause that would have made this whole thing a lot more awkward” you laughed, reaching out as gingerly as you could to take one of Carl’s hands in your own.
It wasn’t something that was new for either of you, as you held hands on your way up here but for some reason, this was a little different. 
There was something going on, something strange, but you had already decided to leave it go.
It was what it was.
This was what it was.
You wanted to say more, to do more, but before you could, you heard that familiar boisterous laugh of Negan. More than likely, this whole thing was coming to an end, which meant that you would have to leave.
It was the last thing you wanted to do, but you didn’t exactly get a choice in the matter.
“I should probably get going. I’ll see you later” you allowed, reluctantly standing from your spot. You were racking your brain, desperately trying to think of any excuse you could find to stay.
...But there wasn’t one.
There was nothing you could say or do that was going to keep you from having to go back to the Sanctuary at some point.
Thankfully though, before you could get too far away from him, Carl decided that he wasn’t willing to just let you go. He was worried about it, worried about what would happen if he let you walk out that door like this.
He needed you to know just how important this whole thing was to him.
Gingerly, he did all that he could to pull you back down to his side with a hand on your wrist. 
Then, before he could remind himself that this whole thing was a terrible idea, he brought his lips to your own.
You had no idea what to do at first, but immediately found yourself kissing him back. It wasn’t something you saw coming, of course, but you couldn’t have been more glad that it was happening.
This was all you needed.
This whole time, the feelings you had for him were just swirling around in your stomach, nearly making you sick. However, now that you were here, pressed up against the male, you knew everything you needed to.
It didn’t matter that the two of you were on opposite sides of the war, or from completely different worlds. The two of you shared something much more important than that, experience.
You were the same age, living through the same things, and you didn’t even want to underestimate how important that was.
“Woah” you hummed, resting your forehead against his own as you tried to figure out how you were going to make this whole thing work. It was strange, but you knew that it was going to be fine.
You’d make it work.
Even Carl knew that.
He may not have been any good with words, but at least Carl could find it in himself to make a move.
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nerdzzone · 3 years
The Aftermath
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Summary: Dealing with the fall out of their first night together isn’t easy for Whitney Taylor or Chris Evans, but given the complicated results of their frivolous activities, it isn’t something they can avoid forever.
Chris Evans x OFC
Part One: Luckless Romance
Note: I was originally going to leave Luckless Romance as a one shot, but I had some requests for a part two. I had it all planned out in my head anyway so I figured I’d write it up to explain more of where our two lovely character’s heads were at!
Please let me know your thoughts! Or if there’s any other parts of their story that you’d like to hear about!
When Chris woke up, the first thing he noticed was the throbbing in his head.
The second thing he noticed was the warm body curled into his side.
His initial reaction to that sensation was confusion, but as the events of the night before quickly came back to him, he was filled with an unignorable sense of dread.
He'd fucked up.
He'd spent a year burying his feelings for her to protect their friendship and all it took was a few drinks and flirtatious remarks for him to risk it all. He cared for her, there was no doubt about that, but he knew she didn't feel the same way. Clearly, she was at least attracted to him, but he'd hazard a guess that her loneliness was the driving factor in why she'd chosen to indulge in the activities they'd partaken in a few hours earlier. She’d had no luck in the dating scene, so she'd settled for him and now, when she woke up, she'd break his heart.
She didn't want him.
She didn't want the life that he could offer.
She'd made it clear that she found the world of Hollywood exhausting when she'd talked about her discontent with living in L.A. and that was a world he couldn't escape from. Plus, his fans had given her a hard enough time when she was just a close friend. If she was to become something more, they would tear her apart. He didn't want that for her and he knew that she didn't want that kind of hassle in her life either.
But he couldn't stand to hear her say it. He never did well with rejection and rejection from this woman - who he knew was absolutely perfect for him - was more than he could handle.
So, after carefully extracting himself from her grasp without waking her, he left.
He felt sleezy and awful not even saying goodbye, but he needed to quiet the noise in his brain before he could face her and he figured she would probably appreciate his absence. He knew firsthand how awkward it was to let down a one night stand the morning after so, really, he was sparing her just as much as he was protecting himself.
The heat outside was stifling already and made Chris realize just how desperate he was for something to quench his thirst. They'd drunk more than he normally did and he was feeling the effects. Perhaps that was why his mind was so fuzzy and unable to process what had happened, but he figured it was a safe bet that he could pin that on his anxiety.
And there were only two people who had much luck soothing him when his mind started racing: his mother and his brother.
He knew his mother would be disappointed in him if he told her what happened. He'd poured his heart out to her several times about the confliction he felt with his feelings for Whitney, he dreaded to think what she would say about him finally doing something about those feelings in such a reckless way and he was definitely too hungover to deal with her reaction to how he'd handled things that morning.
So, that left Scott.
Pulling out his phone, he glanced at the time and cringed. It wasn't even six thirty yet and with it being a Sunday there was a good chance that Scott was in a worse post-inebriated state than he was, but he took a chance and hit 'call'.
It took a few rings, but eventually Scott answered, his voice still groggy from sleep.
"Hey, Scott," Chris greeted him as he crossed the street. He needed to flag down a cab to get home, but figured the quiet park across from Whitney's apartment was a better place for this conversation. No extra ears listening in. "I fucked up."
"Chris, it's not even seven o'clock in the morning. How badly could you have fucked anything up this early?"
He sounded tired and Chris felt bad, but he needed someone to talk to.
"I slept with Whitney."
There was a moment of silence before Scott let out a cheer.
"Finally!" He practically squealed, but then he paused as he took in what Chris had said. "Wait, how did you fuck up? Did you not use your best moves?"
"What? No, nothing like that," Chris' brow furrowed in annoyance. "I fucked up by sleeping with her at all. She's one of my best friends, Scott, and now that's ruined. It’ll never be the same, if she even wants anything to do with me now."
"Did she not seem happy about it? What did she say when you left?"
"Nothing," Chris admitted. "I left this morning before she woke up."
There was a moment of silence as Scott processed his brother's words.
"Okay, I'm starting to see where you fucked up. You shouldn't have done that."
"No, I fucked up by sleeping with her!"
Chris' tone was snappy and uncalled for, but his headache was getting worse by the minute and he was feeling exasperated enough without Scott's judgment.
"Alright, alright, calm down," Scott sighed. "If you want my honest opinion, I think you're overreacting. You two have always had a 'will they won't they' vibe about you. She's clearly just as interested in you as you are in her."
"Why 'clearly'?" Chris questioned. "She's never acted like she sees me as more than a friend."
"Uh, yes, she has. She blushes and giggles like a schoolgirl every time you compliment her, she practically drools at the sight of you and listens with hearts in her eyes whenever you talk. She's got it just as bad as you do."
"Don't do that," Chris groaned. "Don't put ideas in my head that aren't true."
"It is true. I wouldn't lie to you about that," Scott insisted. "I think this is just your anxiety talking. Go back to her place before she wakes up, hear what she has to say and go from there. She might surprise you."
"I'll think about it," Chris lied, knowing already that he couldn't face going back. "Thanks for answering. I'll let you get back to bed."
"Don't mention it," Scott assured him. "I know you're stressed now, but I'm happy for you. It's about time the two of you came to your senses."
Chris smiled despite his disbelief in what Scott had said. He laughed it off and said his goodbyes before walking towards the nearest road to catch a cab.
He saw Whitney's message a few hours later, but he ignored it. He needed to get his head straight and steel himself for however she chose to let him down before he would be ready to talk to her.
It took days for him to get to the point of acceptance, but she never messaged him again. So, working on the assumption that she was relieved by his silence or didn't care enough to demand any explanations, he got on a plane and headed back to Massachusetts with plans to spend the next few months drowning his sorrows and pushing her from his mind.
Three Weeks Later
My period was late.
For the last ten years of my life, my period had arrived with impressive reliability and now, a few weeks after having unprotected sex, my period was late.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. There was no doubt in my mind that I was pregnant.
"It's not that easy to get pregnant," Hannah insisted as we sat in my living room, counting down the minutes until the pregnancy test would be ready. "A lot of people who actually want to get pregnant have to try for months before it happens. It seems super unlikely that you'd get pregnant from a random one night stand."
"Yeah, but it does happen to plenty of women," I pointed out. "And knowing my luck, I would get knocked up by a man who then flees the state without another word."
Hannah winced as I paced in front of her.
"Still haven't heard anything, then?"
"Nope, nothing," I sighed. "I haven't reached out again, but he made himself pretty clear by leaving before I woke up and then ignoring my text."
"I just don't get it. He was so obviously into you. I would have bet money that you two would live happily ever after."
"You did bet money," I reminded her. "I'm still waiting for that thousand dollars you promised me."
"You didn't accept!" She smiled. "I owe you nothing!"
While I didn't really expect her to pay me, I was going to argue the point, but the timer we'd set for the test went off and snapped our focus back to the task at hand.
"Oh god," I groaned. "You read it. I can't deal with this."
Hannah nodded and carefully picked up the little stick before looking up at me with a grin.
"It's negative!"
I felt a wave of relief, but it was quickly replaced with doubt. I felt like I was pregnant. My period was late for the first time in years, I'd had sex without a condom and I was nauseous and my boobs hurt. It seemed too good to be true that it was all some kind of coincidence.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yeah!" Hannah smiled. "There's two lines!"
Her words hit me like a truck as my stomach dropped.
"Hannah, two lines means positive."
"No, it doesn't," she insisted, reaching for the box. The fall of the smile on her face told me all I needed to know before she even spoke again. "Shit. Sorry, babe. You're pregnant."
I let out a groan as I flopped onto the couch next to her.
"This is a nightmare."
"Shall I get my shotgun?"
I raised an eyebrow at my friend.
"For a shotgun wedding?"
I laughed at that suggestion, but shook my head.
"No, I don't want him to be forced into anything."
"Well, what are you going to do?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "It doesn't really seem real yet."
"Are you going to tell him?"
I looked down at my still flat stomach and nodded my head.
"Yeah, I'll have to. I know it's still new, but I want to keep it so he'll have to know," I sighed. "If he even answers my calls."
"He will," she assured me. "Or we'll fly out to Boston and you can tell him after I kick his ass."
The image that statement conjured in my mind pulled another laugh from my lips as I felt an overwhelming wave of appreciation for my friend. I knew that no matter what, she was in my corner and that was a comforting thought even in the midst of all the uncertainty that was swirling around me.
"Thanks, Hannah," I smiled. "I really appreciate all your support."
"Of course," she reached out to squeeze my shoulder. "Are you going to call him now?"
"No, I think I'll do it later," I informed her. "I want to wrap my head around it a little bit first."
"That's probably sensible," she agreed as a grin slid onto her face. "Wow, you're gonna have a baby, Whit. I know it's scary, but that's really cool."
"Cool isn't the word that I'd use. Try absolutely terrifying."
My earlier smile was still on my face despite my bleak words as I thought about what she'd said. It was somewhat good news. Definitely worrying, especially given my situation with Chris, but I'd always wanted to have kids so it would have been a lie for me to say that I wasn't at least a little bit intrigued by the idea.
When Hannah left my house, about an hour after we read the test, I planned on taking some time to fully comprehend the news before I shared it with Chris. However, almost as soon as I closed the door behind my friend, I remembered the time difference. Chris was three hours ahead of me which meant that even though it was only five o'clock for me, it was already eight o'clock where he was.
I felt the anxiety bubbling in my stomach as soon as I came to that realization because I knew that if I wanted to call him that day, I had to do it right away and if I didn’t call him soon, I was worried I’d lose the nerve.
I took a deep breath and went straight for my phone, dialing his number before I could change my mind, but I was crushed when he didn't answer. I waited a few minutes and then tried again, but still, there was no answer and I let out a growl of frustration as I frantically typed out a text.
Hey. Call me as soon as you can. It's important.
I paced around my apartment, the reality of the situation starting to creep in now that he, once again, seemed to be rejecting me. 
I didn't want to tell him news like this over the phone, but I'd seen the paparazzi pictures of him arriving at the airport in Boston so I knew that I had no other choice. However, if he wasn't even going to answer my calls, I'd have to get the news to him another way. My mind immediately started racing with all the possible ways I might have to break the news to him as the panic of potentially having to do this alone started to rise.
But luckily, all those concerns were irrelevant when my phone lit up with Chris' name on the screen.
"Hey," I answered quickly before he had the chance to change his mind and hang up. "Thanks for calling."
There was a moment of silence before he replied.
"Sure," he kept his tone cool and steady, but there was an underlying tension. "What's up?"
The sound of his voice brought tears to my eyes. This was it. This was the make or break moment and I felt my palms start to sweat as it hit me just how devastated I'd be if it didn't go well.
"I, uh, I don’t really want to tell you this over the phone, but I guess I don’t really have much choice," I started. "I got some news today that you have a right to know."
It seemed obvious to me what I would be hinting at considering our current situation and the silence that followed my words led me to believe that he had a pretty good idea what I was going to say. When he stayed quiet, wordlessly waiting for me to continue, I took a deep breath and dove in.
“I’m pregnant.”
I hadn't thought much about how I was going to tell him, but I figured there was probably a better way than blurting it out that bluntly. I cringed slightly at my harsh delivery as his silence was almost immediately broken and he started spluttering and stuttering, stumbling over his words until he managed to blurt out one clear sentence.
"Is it mine?"
A burst of anger flashed through me at such a suggestion.
"Yes! Oh my God, Chris, of course it's yours!" I insisted. "How many people do you think I've slept with in the last month?"
Maybe he thinks you're a slut, the voice in my head taunted me. Maybe that's why he left without a word.
That thought was enough to get the tears flowing and, when Chris didn’t answer my question, I let out a sob. I covered my mouth to hopefully stifle the sound, but I knew he heard it loud and clear.
"Shit, Whitney," he sighed. "That was a dumb thing to say. You just caught me off guard."
"Well, how do you think I feel?" I hissed. "I'm scared, Chris. What are we going to do?"
This time there was no hesitation before he answered.
"I'll get the first flight out tomorrow morning," he informed me. "We can talk about it then."
"Okay," I sniffled. "I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry," he assured me. "It's just as much my fault as it is yours."
My emotions were overwhelming me by that point and I stayed quiet, knowing I'd fall apart if I opened my mouth to speak, but Chris didn't let the silence last too long this time.
"Are you, uh, are you gonna keep it?" He asked, sounding heartbreakingly similar to a small child asking his parents if he could keep the stray dog he'd brought home. "It's your call, but I'm behind you one hundred percent."
"I am going to keep it," I told him quietly. "But you only have to be as involved as you want to be."
"I want to be very involved," Chris answered quickly before letting out a sharp laugh. "Fuck, I'm gonna be a dad."
The sound of more laughter floated through the phone after that realization, but I couldn't tell if it was giddy or hysterical.
"You are," I agreed, feeling some relief from his reaction despite how complicated I knew things would be. "But we can talk about it all when you're here. If you really don't mind coming back."
"Not at all, this is important." He assured me. "I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll text you with the details as soon as I know."
"Okay, thank you."
He insisted that I didn't need to thank him before we quickly wrapped up the conversation.
There was a lot to say and a lot to discuss, but it wasn’t something to be talked about it over the phone. We needed to discuss it in person once we'd both had time to understand exactly what it meant.
And we needed to figure out what the hell we were going to do about us.
I thought having almost twenty-four hours to compose my thoughts would make things easier, but as I waited for Chris to get to my apartment I still had a lot of questions and concerns
But I had decided one thing for certain: we were better off as friends.
When we were friends, he didn't ignore my calls. When we were friends, he didn't run out of my apartment without saying goodbye. When we were friends, he hadn't broken my heart because I never gave him the chance. I was frustrated by his behaviour since the night we spent together and it made me angry. When I thought about it too hard, it made my blood boil and I wanted to tear a strip off of him for making me feel so used. When we were friends, I'd never felt more than a hint of annoyance towards him.
So, the only solution as far as I could see, was for us to stay just friends.
That would prevent any more heightened emotions and if we didn't do it that way, I would end up resentful and bitter. I didn't have much experience with children, but even I knew that those feelings would create a very toxic relationship for raising a child.
Which is why, as soon as he stepped into my apartment, I was on the defensive.
"I think we both know that we're better off as friends," I blurted out before the door was even shut behind him. "What happened was a mistake and now we just have to find a way to work together as friends."
Chris looked surprised, which I found surprising, but he recovered quickly and nodded his head. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't bittersweet. I didn't have the energy to argue with him, but part of me was definitely hoping that he'd put up a bit more of a fight.
"Yeah, I think you're right," he agreed after a moment of thought before changing the subject. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine," I shrugged. "A bit nauseous and very emotional, but nothing I can't handle so far."
"Good, that's good," Chris smiled. "Have you been to a doctor yet?"
"No, not yet. I have an appointment tomorrow."
"Can I-" Chris paused to clear his throat, looking nervous. "Can I come?"
I felt my heart flutter at the thought of him caring enough to want to come to a doctor's appointment, but I shut those feelings down as fast as they popped up. He cared for the baby, not for me.
"Sure," I nodded. "But it won't be very interesting. I think it's mostly just checking all my basic information so they can keep track and probably some blood tests and vitamin recommendations."
"Doesn't matter," Chris insisted. "I want to be there for it all. We're in this together."
Those words brought more tears to my eyes, but I blinked them back and looked away. In a move that I wasn’t expecting, Chris noticed immediately and took the few steps needed to put him right in front of me.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
His hands settled on my arms and the way he rubbed them would have been soothing if it didn't break my heart. How could this supportive, comforting man in front of me right now be the same man who slept with me and then never called me?
"I'm just overwhelmed," I choked out. "We really fucked up, Chris. How could we be so stupid?"
"I don't know," Chris sighed. "It was a dumb mistake, but we can make the most of it. We can do this."
"I know, I know," I took a deep, shaky breath to try and pull myself together. "It's just a lot to take in and I don't think it's really hit me yet."
"It is a lot," he agreed. "Here, let's go sit down."
I let him lead me over to the couch and then flopped down on it. He sat next to me, but we stayed quiet, neither of us really knowing what to say. After a few moments of tense silence, Chris finally spoke.
"I know this might be asking a lot," he started, the hesitation in his voice making me nervous. "But would you consider moving to Massachusetts?"
It wasn't an unexpected request. I knew Chris was happier there and considered it his home and I had told him how tired I was getting of living in Los Angeles. It was probably the better place for raising a child as well. I'd heard plenty of stories about Chris' childhood and it was pretty idyllic - full of experiences that children growing up in a big city like L.A. didn't often get.
However, it meant that I would have to leave my entire support system behind. All my friends and my family would be here and I would be completely alone except for Chris - who I wasn't even in a relationship with - and a child - who was hardly going to be able to provide much emotional support.
It seemed like the best option for everyone involved except for me and I wasn't sure that was a sacrifice that I was selfless enough to make.
I realized how long his words had been hanging in the air between us as I got lost in my thoughts and my head fell into my hands with a groan.
"I don't think I'm cut out for this," I whined, tears filling my eyes again as I felt a strange mix of emotions There was plenty of regret and with that came guilt because this poor child deserved a mother that didn't dread it's existence. "I'm not mom material, Chris. I don't have the instincts."
"It's all still fresh," he reminded me. "The instinct isn't instant. But I didn't mean to upset you, if you don't want to move to Massachusetts then we'll figure it out."
"No, no, it makes the most sense," I sniffled, lifting my head to look back up at Chris. "It's just scary. I don't want to leave my family and friends and I'll have to move soon if I'm going to so I can find a doctor, it's a lot to think about right now."
"It is, but I can ask Carly about a doctor. My family will support you one hundred percent."
I forced a weak smile, but I felt more nerves bubbling in my stomach.
"Have you told them?" I asked. "Does your mom hate me? I hope she doesn't think I'm trying to take advantage of you."
"No way!" Chris insisted with a chuckle. "She gave me a very stern lecture about being responsible, but I've talked about you enough for her to know you're not some crazed fan looking for a payout."
"That's good." I breathed out a sigh of relief. I knew he was incredibly close with his mother and I didn't want her to think badly of me. "I haven't told anyone yet, except Hannah."
"Downey's gonna kill me, isn't he?"
He shot me a sheepish look as he spoke, but I shook my head.
"Nah, I think he'll be thrilled. He loves babies and he's been teasing me about us getting together since the night we met," I informed him, watching his face for a reaction to that statement. There wasn't any. "He'll probably have a bet to cash in on as soon as I tell him the news."
"Well, that's reassuring," Chris smiled. "I think we'll have enough people who'll be mad at us..."
He was clearly referring to his fans and I cringed.
"What are you going to do about that?"
He shrugged.
"What do you want me to do?"
I took a moment to think before I answered him.
"I don't want you to publicly deny that the baby is yours," I warned him, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to bear hearing that even if I knew that he really had no doubts. "But I don't care if you don't make a big announcement. We can just let people draw their own conclusions."
"Making a statement might be better. It would stop the rumours from getting out of hand. There'd be an uproar, but it would eventually die down," he pointed out. "I'll talk to my team and let you know, but you should probably make all your social media private whatever we decide."
I didn't use social media much and I definitely never posted pictures of Chris, but even so I'd felt the wrath of his fans more than once after we were spotted out together so I knew how they could be.
I nodded in response to his instructions and another silence settled between us.
My mind was racing with questions that I wanted to ask. I wanted to know why he'd left, why he hadn't called, why he'd even slept with me if he really didn't see me that way. Part of me even wanted to cry and plead with him to give me a chance, to let me show him that I was good enough to be more than a friend, but I knew I couldn't handle the rejection. Whatever his explanation would be, it wouldn't change the situation and with everything else we had to deal with, I didn't have the strength for more heartbreak too.
When Chris left almost an hour later, we had a firm plan in place.
I would try to get out of my lease - or Chris would pay whatever fee I was charged for breaking my contract - and I would move to Massachusetts by the end of the summer to stay with him. I'd argued that point at first, but his reasoning made sense. He would be in and out once they started filming the last two Avengers movies so I would have the place to myself a lot, but when he was home he'd be able to help with the baby. After the first year, when the newborn phase was done, I would get my own place and we'd work out an official custody agreement.
He promised to come to as many doctor's appointments as he could and offered to pay for absolutely everything that I needed. I assured him that wouldn't be necessary, but I appreciated that he was already committed. Many men probably would have run for the hills in our situation or, at the very least, demanded a paternity test before they made any promises, but Chris was enthusiastic and supportive and I couldn't ask for anything more.
Well, I wanted to ask for something more. I wanted us to be together - I wanted us to be making plans to be a family, not to be co-parents - but I knew that wasn't what he wanted and I was determined to accept that. I needed to focus on counting my blessings and being grateful for what I did get out of our relationship instead of focusing on what was missing and unobtainable.
Even if it broke my heart and hurt me more than the loss of any other romantic relationship I'd ever had, I was going to make the most of it for the sake of our child. It didn't ask to be born into such a messy situation and it's safety and security were quickly becoming the most important things in my life despite the fact that it was hardly more than a bundle of cells at that point.
And as that thought hit me, I realized that maybe I wasn't as lacking when it came to maternal instincts as I had thought.
@maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10 @partypoison00 @theladybiers @sidepieces @firoozehmoon @patzammit @sparkledfirecracker
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I've read your fics of Ron and loved them so much. Do you know if you can make one with them eating at the Burrow? She gets jealous of Fleur talking to Ron and is feeling insecure about her looks and concerned her ' muggle' status? Ending with smut and comfort.
Sorry if this is long
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 3.3k Blurb: Her jealously of Fleur has been building up since their fourth year, even if she knows Fleur doesn’t mean it and Ron reminds her that she is the only one he loves.  Warnings: There is sex but it is just really soft :(. Like Ron just eats her out and keeps praising her. And it is at the end, the first part is mainly fluff and a little bit of angst.  A/N: honestly fuck canon, I just made this my own, oops. Also I literally don’t know how to write a scene where Ron does something to really make her jealous so this is what you get. Flashbacks are in italics. 
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“Are you okay, sweetheart?” she hummed in confusion before realising she had been staring at the ceiling, her fists clenched and jaw tense. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she gave him a half-assed reassuring look before turning back to stare at the ceiling. They were laying in their bed, both on their backs with their heads on the pillow, laying next to each other in the dark room which was only slightly illuminated by the weak flame on Ron’s bedside table. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, turning his head to look at her. 
“I don’t forget how brave you were at the second task,” her thick French accent was ringing in her ears as she watched the way she grabbed onto Ron’s arm making his whole face turn red. 
“Oh really,” she glared at him as she watched him tense at her touch, “it was nothing,” Fleur removed her hand from him and she so desperately wanted to ask her if she also remembered the time Ron had made a fool of himself asking her to The Yule Ball. 
“Yes Ron,” she didn’t mean to sound so annoyed and she hoped that it was too dark for him to notice the way she rolled her eyes. 
She didn’t mean to act so harsh, it wasn’t Ron’s fault. It wasn’t Fleur’s either. Ron couldn’t help that he was always so pathetically a victim to her veela charm. She probably shouldn’t feel jealous of this ‘veela charm’ and Ron probably didn’t even realise he was doing it, but she couldn’t help the green tinge which plagued her whenever it happened. 
“Ron,” her fourteen-year-old self was hitting his chest, “Ron!” she repeated after his lack of response, “you’re pathetic,” she slapped his chest one more time before folding her arms across her chest and rolling her eyes. 
“Did you say something?” his body turned towards her but his eyes were still on the veela who were dancing in front of them at The Quidditch World Cup. 
“I guess not,” she had grumbled underneath her breath realising that it wouldn’t have mattered if she said it louder because it would only fall on deaf ears. And busy eyes. 
Her first introduction to veela had left a sour taste in her mouth, even if she knew it was nothing personal and she was just overreacting. And besides, her and Ron weren’t even dating then so she really did have nothing to be jealous over. 
But now they were dating and Fleur still seemed to have an effect on him even after the war and all the times he had spoken to her. She couldn’t help but let her fourteen-year-old self’s words ring in her ears, “you’re pathetic.”
“Sorry,” he turned his head so it was again facing the ceiling, “I didn’t mean-”
“I’m sorry,” she cut him off with a sigh, “I shouldn’t have snapped,” and she turned her head to see him nodding slightly. He had moved his arm so that one was resting behind his head, the other resting at his side.
“Do you think she is upset with me?” Ron had asked Harry the night he had asked Fleur to the Yule Ball. 
“Uhm,” Harry wasn’t sure whether to lie to make him feel better or give him the truth, “I don’t know,” he settled for the safe answer. 
“I mean, we were walking and she was talking about the The Yule Ball,” they were in their respective beds and Harry couldn’t see the way Ron nervously bit his lip as he recalled the events of the evening, “she was really excited.”
“Does she have a date to The Yule Ball?” Harry had asked. They both still needed dates. 
“No, I think that was what she was talking about,” it was what she was talking about, hoping that Ron would get the hint, “and then I think I might have cut her off,” there was an awkward pause. 
“Because you asked out Fleur?” Harry had asked, trying to break the awkward silence. 
“Yeah,” it was silent for a moment again as Ron started to question his actions, “and then I did it and Fleur said ‘no’, obviously,” Harry didn’t say anything as there was another pause, “and then when I turned to her she looked kind of angry,” Ron’s heart leapt as he remembered the way her mouth had turned into a thin straight line and how her gaze hardened, “thought I might of embarrassed her.” 
“Because I made a fool of myself and she wouldn’t want to be associated with me,” Ron said as if it was the most obvious explanation. 
“Okay,” Harry spoke slowly. 
“And then she dragged me to The Common Room,” he shrugged his shoulders, “and she hasn’t spoken to me since,” he sighed, “and she hasn’t stopped glaring either,” he had mumbled that under his breath. 
Harry didn’t know how to comfort his friend. It was obvious to Harry what both of their actions meant, but apparently neither of them could understand it. 
Ron felt exactly like he had that night. He only had a small bed and with his large frame there was no position where they could lie without touching each other. But he felt very far away from her. 
He would do anything to realise what he had done wrong and to make this all better. He bit his lip as he tried to remember the events which could have caused her to stop clinging to his arm and start glaring at him instead. 
“He is so pathetic,” she had screamed in her dorm, slamming the door behind her before sitting on her bed and facing Hermione opposite her. 
“What do you expect?” she waited for a reaction, “Ron has always been a bit daft hasn’t he?” 
“But I was making it so obvious,” her shoulders deflated, “and then she had to come along and ruin everything,” she sneered at the memory. 
“You know just as well as I do that this isn’t Fleur’s fault,” she let out a mix of a sigh and groan in response knowing that Hermione was right, “besides, you could do a lot better than Ron.”
“But I don’t want to do better than Ron,” she had sulked the rest of the night letting the scene play through her mind over and over again until she felt physically sick and couldn’t sleep. 
“You would tell me if something was wrong, right?” Ron had finally built up the courage to address her again. 
“Yes,” she grumbled.
“So what’s wrong?” he really just wanted her to feel better so he swallowed his pride and moved so he was laying on his side and looking at her properly. 
“Nothing,” she refused to look at him, “it’s dumb.”
“Well it can’t be that dumb if it was making you this upset,” he reached out an arm to hold her hand and she squeezed it to let him know that she was upset, but it was still okay. 
“Could you please pass me the salad, Ron?” Fleur had asked Ron that night and it honestly hadn’t even bothered her. 
“Of course,” Ron had spoken and acted so quickly that he had knocked his glass of water down making his ears turn red as Molly shook her head and stood up to clean it. Fleur had laughed it off and told him that he was cute. 
That didn’t really bother her either. She liked Fleur and it was common for Fleur to talk to people that way. It really didn’t bother her. 
“Ron, could you please pass me the chicken?” he wasn’t as enthusiastic and maybe, as foolish as it was, that was what set her off. Or maybe it was because Fleur was sitting across from her and all she could focus on was how pretty she was. Maybe her eyes were tricking her but she couldn’t help but notice Ron stare at her for a little too long. And maybe these feelings had been building up since they were fourteen, but she didn’t really know why all of a sudden a wave of emotions had washed over her. The rest of the night she couldn’t help but steal glances at Fleur, noticing how effortlessly gorgeous she was compared to how average she was.  
“You’ll laugh,” she knew he wouldn’t laugh. 
“I won’t laugh,” he sounded offended. 
“I’m just,” she tried to find the right words, “not feeling well.”
“That’s a lie,” she couldn’t see the way he raised his eyebrows at her. 
“Fleur,” they had finished dinner and were sitting in the living room. Molly and Arthur, Bill and Fleur, Charlie and George and herself and Ron were the only ones in the house at the moment, “I’m so glad Bill met you,” Molly had gushed as Fleur finished her story about work.. 
She wanted to slap herself in the face when she felt her whole body tense at the words and if she didn’t want Molly’s approval so bad she probably would have done it.
“Me too,” Ron had chimed in making her head snap towards him, “still can’t believe Bill got someone so out of his league,” he smirked as Bill shouted a profanity at him. 
It was harmless, she knew that. It was just to annoy Bill, she knew that. But she couldn’t help the way her teeth began to grind and she instantly let go of Ron. 
“Sometimes I have a lot of emotions,” she began, eyes still on the ceiling. 
“Trust me,” she heard him breath out, “I’ve noticed,” she finally turned to look at him and glare, making his face fall as he mumbled out a few a, ‘sorry, love’.
“And I know I'm being silly,” she turned away again, “but sometimes I get really jealous of Fleur.” 
“Stop looking at her!” she had moved her head so it was in line with Ron’s eyes who were desperately trying to find the Beauxbaton girl who had just stolen their food. 
“I’m not looking at her,” he had tried to defend himself, “I’m trying to find her so I can look at her,” he mumbled it under his breath and into his food but she still heard him and sent a filthy look. 
“You’re pathetic,” she rolled her eyes at him making him sit up again. She didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered behind her. 
“Why do you care so much?” his ears were turning red and she blinked at him a few times realising that she didn’t have an answer.  
“You’re probably making her feel uncomfortable,” she sat up straighter and pushed her shoulders back.
She returned her focus to her food, feeling a little embarrassed and missing the way that Ron’s eyes were now flickering onto her. 
“Why?” she turned to see his reaction. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a look of utter confusion etched on his face. 
“Because she is really pretty,” she mumbled, “and a veela,” she said that more clearly. 
“And you’ve never been shy of showing off in front of her,” she raised an eyebrow at him and the flame - which had suddenly become stronger - allowed her to see the red tinge which spread upon Ron’s face. 
“It’s her veela charm,” he said quietly, not entirely sounding convinced. She didn’t say anything prompting him to tease, “or maybe I’m just pathetic,” there was a slight grin forming on his face and she couldn’t stop the one forming on hers. 
“I think that’s a better explanation,” she giggled as he let his grin grow wide as well. She moved so that she was on her side as well and Ron reached out his arm so that he could rest it on her hip and bring her closer to him. 
“Get a hold of yourself, Ron,” she rolled her eyes at the red-faced boy standing in front of her, “it was just a peck on the cheek,” he had a blanket around him and he was slightly shivering. 
“That’s not fair,” he gave her an annoyed look, “I just came out of the bloody lake,” he pointed to the lake next to them and glared at her.
“Sure,” she gave him a sarcastic look before mumbling, “he is so pathetic,” under her breath. She crossed her arms over her chest missing the way that Ron’s ears perked up and went a deeper shade of red as he heard the words muttered from her mouth. 
“You have nothing to be jealous about,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead and she let herself relax under his touch. 
“I know,” she looked up at him innocently making him chuckle, “but, I don’t know,” she looked back down, “I think this has just built up since our fourth year and I think something set it off tonight.”
“You’re so stunning,” he pressed another kiss to her nose, “have nothing to be insecure about, yeah?” she looked up at him to be met with a soft gaze which pulled at her heart. 
He pressed another soft kiss to her lips and he pushed himself up so he could continue kissing all over her face. 
“I love you so much,” he had murmured in between kisses, “so beautiful,” he moved so that he was kissing her jawline, “can I show you how much I love you?” he pulled away so he could look at her face and she nodded eagerly making him smile before he continued kissing her. 
Her hands found his hair as he kissed around the sensitive area under her jaw and she tugged at it when he bit down. 
“So everyone knows you’re the only one I love,” she rolled her eyes at his comment but still pulled him closer by his hair so that she could press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“Thank you,” she murmured as he continued kissing around the now red area, “I love you so much.”
“Let me see that beautiful body, yeah?” he pushed himself up again so that he could lift her shirt up, pressing another kiss to her lips as soon as it went over her head. He moved down to her pants and pulled them off as well as her underwear. Her body shivered at the cool breeze which hit her hot skin but she hummed in content as Ron started kissing her chest and continued murmuring about how beautiful she was. 
“You’re a goddess,” he commented as he started kissing around her nipple, while one of his hands reached to grab the other. She giggled and he smiled up at her, glad to hear the beautiful noise again. 
“You’re doing a good job at making me feel better,” she sighed in content as he started leaving a trail of kisses on her tummy, pressing soft kisses along her hips before placing a soft kiss on her clit which made her gasp. 
“Gonna make you feel even better,” he smirked up at her before he let his tongue touch her heat. 
“Yes,” she moaned out, “Ron,” her hands reached out to grab onto his hair. She arched her back and Ron moved his arm so that it was over her hips and holding her down. She moved one hand from his hair and put it over the one on her hips. He turned it around and she held onto it, giving it a small squeeze. 
With his other hand he pressed his thumb to her clit, placing pressure on it and making her cry out his name. 
“Better be quiet love, don’t want anyone to hear us,” he pulled himself away and gave her a cheeky grin before going back to devour her again. She felt a heat rise to her cheeks as she remembered where she was. 
“Sorry,” she moaned, “can’t help it when - ah,” she squeezed his hand as he started rubbing her clit and she let out a big breath, “when you make me feel so good,” her breathing was uneven and soon she was trying to whisper to let Ron know that she was going to cum. 
His fingers moved faster and his tongue was going deeper and soon her back was arching and she was trying to squirm under Ron’s grip, but his tongue followed her movements and she let go moaning out his name. 
“Feeling better, sweetheart?” he asked as he pushed himself up and started taking his pants off. 
“Yes,” her eyes were still shut in her post-orgasm bliss and Ron pressed a soft kiss to her nose, once again reminding her how beautiful she was. 
“So wet for me,” he commented as he let his fingers move between her folds. 
“Hurry up,” she bucked her hips towards him, making him tsk. 
“Be patient, sweetheart,” usually she would never get away with such a demand but she only smirked at him before replying, “I thought you were trying to make me feel better?” she pouted and he shook his head before aligning his cock at her entrance. 
“Going to be the death of me, love,” he thrusted his hips into her making her gasp, “be quiet,” he grabbed onto her thighs and pulled her legs up so that they were resting on his shoulders. 
“Ron,” she moaned out as he started thrusting at a much quicker pace, “ah-” she had cried out when he found the spongy spot which made her scrunch her eyes up and receive a shushing from Ron.
“I told you to be quiet,” but he thrusted harshly between each word making her mouth fall open as she reached her hand down to rub at her clit. Normally he would have smacked her hand away, but instead he took the opportunity to put his fingers in her mouth. 
“Since your fingers are doing my job,” he grunted, “and because you can’t keep quiet,” he smirked as she instantly began sucking on his fingers, “good girl.”
Her other hand went to grab onto the one in her mouth when she was about to cum and Ron told her to cum on his cock, coaxing her and praising her, telling her he wanted to see her pretty body come undone on his cock. Her legs were shaking and she was lazily sucking on Ron’s fingers now as her breath got caught in her throat and she thrashed her hips, trying to moan out Ron’s name as his thrusts became sloppier. 
He replaced his cock with his fingers so he could let her ride out her orgasm while he let his cum fall onto her tummy. 
She took a deep breath and smiled in satisfaction as Ron removed his fingers and left to go to the bathroom so he could clean her up. 
“Thank you,” she smiled in content as he started cleaning her up, “I feel much better about myself now,” she sat up as he began to dress her and she started pressing soft kisses on his face. 
He laid onto the mattress, resting on his back as he lifted an arm up so that she could rest her head on his bare chest as he traced patterns on her shoulder. 
“I love you so much, you know?” his voice was soft and she let her eyes begin to close, “so in love with you,” he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “so beautiful,” another kiss, “so good to me,” she hummed. 
“I am,” she felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. 
“So lucky to have you,” she was starting to get tired now, “don’t ever want you to question that,” he was still kissing her head, “don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he started playing with the ends of her hair, instantly making her body relax. 
“I love you, Ron,” she mumbled sleepily. 
“I love you, sweetheart,” he pressed a long and gentle kiss onto her forehead before blowing out the candle which was now illuminating the whole room. He continued to whisper how much he loved her and what she meant to him as she fell asleep in his arms, the green tinge gone from her face and Ron’s mind happy that he could go to sleep confident she knew how much he loved her. 
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
lessons in romance // nate mackinnon x reader
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summary: nate mackinnon is really bad at keeping a steady girlfriend. so bad that’s become somewhat of a joke between him and the boys. but you come along and try to set him straight.
word count: 14k+
author’s note: it’s finally here. i’m honestly surprised at how fast i cranked this out... which is actually a LOT longer than most people write on here so mayb i shouldn’t brag lmao! this fic was inspired by THIS gifset. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me feedback/reblog!!!!!!
warnings: smut (i jumped out of my comfort zone people. i finally wrote some lmfao) & mentions of a past toxic ex
Weekends were better spent in bed or visiting family, not sitting in a crowded bar with men who reminded you slightly of your ex-boyfriend. You were probably overreacting a little bit because the guys truly meant well, but their overly boy-ish energy was startlingly similar to that of your ex. Maybe a few more drinks would help the cause and you could get passed the sex jokes.
Mel Landeskog was the reason you were there. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, much like her husband, and so you were sitting across the booth from some of the largest men you’d ever seen in your life. Gabe gave you the rundown of their names as they arrived though the only one you could remember was Cale. He was a perpetually blushing 21-year-old named after a vegetable; how could you forget him?
“Do you think Nate’s upset about this one?” Cale asked. The new topic of conversation was their friends’ disastrous date since he texted to tell them he was broken up with and was on his way to them. “They were sort of serious.”
“We’re about to find out,” Gabe announced, nodding towards the entrance of the bar. Nate was on his way to the booth, tired smile on his lips. As he got closer, he started shaking his head and the table erupted in chirps at his expense.
You recognized him from earlier at the Landeskog’s pregame. He was slipping out of the front door as you stepped in. His cologne was the type the good-looking guys always wear, and you weren’t disappointed when you looked up at him. He was handsome with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled to his elbows and the top three buttons undone, and when he smiled, you all but swallowed your tongue.
He began to greet his teammates. The chain around his neck caught the light of the DJ booth and you found yourself gazing at it. You tore your eyes away from the gold at the sound of Mel’s voice introducing you.
“This is my girlfriend, YN, from my Saturday morning Cycle class,” she said. “And, YN, this is my husband’s boyfriend, Nate MacKinnon.”
He threw his head back in a laugh at Mel’s joke as he extended a hand to you. “Nice to meet you.”
You listened to the quips from his teammates, each one with their own opinion about Nate’s relationship or lack thereof. It seemed like this wasn’t the first time in recent months that he’d been broken up and it had become somewhat of a spectacle to the boys. Mel, who’d seen this song and dance one too many times, wrapped her fingers around your elbow and tugged you with her towards the bar.
“What was that about?”
“Nate can’t hold down a girlfriend,” she explained. “It’s been a joke since he first came here because they almost all have the same issue with him.”
“And what is that?”
“He’s not romantic enough.”
You glanced back over your shoulder and watched the boys laughing amongst each other. It looked like they were celebrating as they lifted their beers in a sad looking toast, and it hit you right where it hurt.
You really saw your ex-boyfriend in the group now and, though you tried not to make assumptions, you found it hard to set the first impression aside. The liquor in your system didn’t help. With each joke about his dating misadventures, you became less of a fan of him and by the end of the night you were bubbling over in annoyance.
Gabe and Mel offered Nate a ride home towards the end of the night and you managed to keep your expression neutral when he accepted. As they headed out to grab the car, you and Nate waited at the curb several feet away from each other.
“I’m sorry about your break up,” you offered after a moment of silence. The statement came out more like a question and Nate’s lips quirked up into a smirk at the inflection of your voice. “Sorry, I just can’t tell if you’re upset or not, so I don’t know if I should even offer my condolences.”
“I’m, uh, I’m not upset,” he began. “I saw it coming.”
“How so?”
“Let’s just say this isn’t the first time a girl’s broken up with me for not being romantic enough,” he said. Thoughts were filling your head faster than you could make sense of them. There was no reason for the situation to annoy you as much as it did. You didn’t know this guy and the odds that you ever saw him again were slim.
“So, if it’s not the first time, why hasn’t anything changed?”
“Excuse me?” he asked. There was a crease between his eyebrows. He hadn’t been expecting you to respond like that. You shouldn’t have. It wasn’t your business
“I mean, you act like a martyr when you probably would be successful in love if you just put in the romantic effort these girls are craving,” you said. Your anger had begun to boil over and words were spilling from your mouth faster than you could stop them. “Guys like you are the worst. You lead girls on and make them think they’re special. Next thing they know, they’ve been wasting time on you and your lack of effort.”
The comment made Nate take a step away from you. His eyebrows drew together in shock and confusion. As you spoke, he turned his body to you and crossed his arms over his chest. The moment you closed your mouth, he interjected. “You don’t even know me.”
“I don’t have to,” you argued, turning to him. You were in a stand-off with a man several inches taller than you, and to any passerby it probably looked a little bit funny, but you weren’t backing down. “I know guys like you. I’ve dated guys like you.”
Before Nate could continue arguing, the Landeskogs pulled up to the curb. Mel hollered out for you two and the topic of conversation was dropped.
You regretted everything you said to Nate the moment you woke up the morning after. It wasn’t like you to be so rude, especially not to someone you didn’t know. Your heart stopped every time Mel texted you in the days following. You thought that at any moment she’d confront you about what you said to him, but it never came. As the week carried on, you found yourself forgetting the harsh words spoken outside the bar and the worry stopped.
Until Thursday night.
The knock at your apartment door was unexpected. You met your roommate, Mara’s, narrowed eyes over the dirty dishes you were working on. By the look on both your faces, neither one of you had a guest on the way over. She turned on her heel to check the peephole and the next look she gave you was equally as confusing as the previous one. She still opened the door.
“Does YN live here?”
The voice sent shockwaves through your veins and you stopped your movements, plates held just above your head as you were about to slide them into the cabinet. Nate MacKinnon was at your apartment. Mara nodded at him slowly before stepping back to let him in.
“Hi,” he greeted. His hands were tucked into his sweatshirt pocket, legs clad in compression leggings and a pair of shorts. He looked like he’d just come from a workout and his hair was still wet from the shower he’d taken before coming over. “I hope you don’t mind. Gabe gave me your address.”
“No problem,” you told him through a shaky breath. “Come in. Come sit at the island.”
He removed his shoes and approached slowly, sending Mara one last smile as she crept off down the hall. You silently cursed her for leaving you with your shaking hands as you cleared the clutter from the countertop. You watched him as he settled into the stool across from you, mirroring the kind smile he was sharing with you.
“Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? I have food, too, if you’re hungry.”
“Don’t worry about me,” he said. His voice was softer now than it had been before. “I wanted to talk to you about the other night. It won’t take long.”
“Oh?” you asked, trying to ignore the way your stomach dropped. You wanted to start apologizing right then. You didn’t have a reason to go and butt into his personal life like you had. You should’ve kept your mouth shut. Guys like him didn’t care about your opinions. “I’m sorry for what I said. When I get drunk, I have the tendency to shoot off at the mouth.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said. Your mouth snapped shut. “No one keeps me in check. All the guys think the fact that I can’t keep a girlfriend is a big joke because I’m so bad at dating. It shouldn’t be a joke. So, I’m sorry and thank you.”
You dropped your hands to the counter and leaned against it. The last thing you expected was for Nate to thank you, so you needed a moment to gather your thoughts. His eyes glistened as he watched you and then the corner of his lip quirked up because you started giggling.
“You should not be thanking me,” you said. With that simple statement, the tension in the air lifted. You turned your back on him, indicating that if the conversation must go on, you were going to be doing the dishes as well. “I was just being bitter the other night.”
“You had every right to be,” he said. “I was gloating.”
“You were kind of gloating,” you mumbled. You hadn’t meant for Nate to hear, and he knew that, but he laughed anyway. You turned to face him with an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” he said. He didn’t even know why you were apologizing at that point. It seemed like you’d apologize for taking up space and that made him feel a bit sad. He smiled politely at you anyway, to signal he wasn’t annoyed by the apologies, and it lit up his features in a way you hadn’t noticed the other night. “Anyway, I came here for a reason.”
“I need you to teach me to be romantic.”
He delivered it tentatively, as though he was afraid of the way you might react. In the split second that followed, your mouth open and closed twice as every possible response came to your mind. He waited patiently.
Finally, “You don’t even know me. How can you be so sure that I’m the right person to teach you this stuff?”
“You’re a girl,” he explained, deadpan. “Girls know romance.” You snorted at how adorably dumb he was. Your hand flew up to cover your mouth in embarrassment and your cheeks burned as he grinned at you, amused by the sound of your laugh. “What do you say?”
Mondays were always your least favorite day of the week. Every weekend, your workload piled up and most Mondays you could hardly take a lunch break because you were so busy getting shit done. Whenever you came home from work on Mondays, you were wiped. Mara always made sure to have dinner ready for you when you got in, and the two of you often sat on the couch while eating those nights.
That Monday, you were sure that you’d be in bed before the Bachelor even started. But then Nate showed up unannounced. Mara was in the middle of washing the dishes this time, so you were the one to open the door. He greeted you with a goofy smile and a large electrical wire. Without a word, you stepped to the side and he was kicking off his shoes to enter the living room. Mara caught the roll of your eyes as you followed him.
He was standing beside the television when you entered the room. The wire he’d brought with him was connected to his cellphone while he found a port for the other end. You sat at the corner of sectional and waited, yawns escaping your mouth every minute or so. The day had been long enough already.
Suddenly, the television lit up with his cellphone background on full display. He held it up to show you, a grin present on his face.
“I need your help,” he began. He tapped one of the dating apps on his home screen and immediately you were regretting letting him in. You realized he wasn’t leaving any time soon as he unraveled the cord and plopped down beside you on the couch. Mara entered the room, eyes catching on the beautiful brunette woman on the screen, and then she gave Nate a curious look. “Come on, Mara. Join us.”
An amused smile came to her lips as she sat on the other end of the couch.
“I am not swiping for you,” you grunted, rubbing at your eyes. “I have no interest in judging girls off these apps.”
“Relax, YN,” he said. “I’m not asking you to play matchmaker. Just help me talk to this girl.”
“You need help talking to girls?” Mara asked as she gave him the once over. You laughed out loud while Nate blushed.
“I don’t need help,” he began. He turned his attention back to the television and pulled up the profile of a beautiful brunette woman. “I just don’t want to come on too strong, or douche-y. This girl is perfect and I wanna take her out.”
“Can you two make this quick?” Mara asked. “The Bachelor’s on tonight.”
“And my bed is calling my name.”
Nate peered at you over his shoulder. He smiled at your tired eyes, drooping as you leaned your head on your hand. He leaned back, stopping inches from your face and said, “I’ll make it quick.”
To your surprise, and Mara’s delight, he reached up and ran his hand over your hair before turning back to the television. He gave a rundown about the girl on the television, but his words went in one ear and out the other. Your glazed eyes watched as he typed out messages to her, and you laughed when Mara made fun of the way he was talking. (“Why the fuck are you talking like that? Are you her father?”) Finally, he turned on you.
“Are you gonna help or what, love doctor?”
“Give me the phone,” you said, extending your hand. He plopped it into your palm and watched you type out the message on the television screen. It took you less than a minute to type out a sweet message asking the girl out on a date before you were shoving the phone back into his hand. “You overthink too much.”
“That’s it?”
“Short and sweet,” you noted with a shrug. “I’d say yes.”
Nate’s eyes cut to you and you felt a chill run down your spine at the intensity behind them. Mara cleared her throat as you diverted your attention from him, shaking the feeling you got from his baby blues. She smiled sweetly at the two of you. “Can I detach your phone from our TV now? It’s almost time for Bach.”
You peeled yourself off the couch and headed to the bathroom to wash your face before changing into sweats and a t-shirt. You returned to the living room to find Nate with his feet up on the coffee table. Mara had tuned the television to ABC and the Bachelor recap was playing. He looked up as you entered and frowned.
“Stay out here a little bit longer,” he proposed, bottom lip jutting out in a pout. “We’ll watch some of this and see if she says yes to the date.”
“Nate, I’m exhausted.”
You couldn’t say no, not when he was pouting like that. So, you rolled your eyes and walked around the couch to plop down in the spot you’d been before. Before long, your eyes were closing and you couldn’t keep them open any longer.
Nate didn’t realize you fell asleep, but he didn’t mind when you leaned against his arm as a pillow. He stiffened for a moment, unsure of what to do, but a soft snore escaped your lips and he found himself smiling down at your peaceful face. He didn’t move for the rest of the episode because he was too nervous to wake you. When the credits began to roll, he dropped a hand to your knee and shook you lightly.
Your eyes opened, bleary from sleep, and you found that you’d fallen asleep on him. You jerked away, realizing that it was probably too close for comfort, and smiled apologetically. He returned the smile before standing and gathering his things from the coffee table.
“Get some sleep,” he said on his way to the front door. You hummed in response, following him to the door to say a proper goodbye and lock up. He pulled you into a hug before going, shocking you once again by with how gentle he was despite hardly knowing you.
“Did she say yes?” you asked as he pulled away from the hug. “I almost forgot to ask.”
“Yeah, she did.”
Lesson #1: The First Date
In the chaos of the week that followed, you’d almost forgotten that you promised Nate your assistance before the date. You weren’t used to being accountable for someone else like you were now, so it wasn’t surprising.
“There is a man at reception asking for you.”
The office receptionist, Debby, was standing in the doorway with a giddy smile on her lips. You knew immediately from the look in her eye that the man at the front desk was going to be the talk of the office for a week.
You stood, following her out the door of your office and down the hall. As you rounded the corner to reception, you saw Nate leaning against the desk. He was sucking on a mint from the bowl in front of him and smiled wide when he saw you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I have my date tonight, remember?” he asked. One glance at your watch told you that you worked a little too late. You cursed under your breath, turning quickly to head back to the office and send one last email. Nate hesitated, but ultimately decided to follow you down the hallway. He eyed the pencil skirt you were wearing, eyes lingering a little too long on your ass. He shook his head from his trance, knowing damn well that he was just asking for trouble.
Nate lingered in the doorway of your office for a moment before his eyes landed on a picture frame across the room that caught his attention. It was a marble frame without a photo like it had been removed and never replaced. He picked the frame up and turned it over in his hands, then turned to you.
“You need a picture.”
“What?” you asked, eyes still trained on the screen. They flickered up to see what he was talking about and then got right back to work. “Used to be a picture of me and my ex. Nobody’s important enough to put in.”
Nate placed the frame down. He felt a pang of sadness for you in that moment, but distracted himself by moving onto the next shelf and playing with some of the desk games on it. He was in the middle of fiddling with your Rubiks cube when you stood from the computer.
“You’re wearing that?” you asked. Nate winced at the question, glancing down at the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing. When he looked back up, you were wearing a shit eating grin. “I’m fucking with you.”
“Jesus, YN.” He clutched his heart and released a deep breath. You rounded the desk and grabbed your jacket from the hook. As you swung it over your shoulders, Nate stepped up to help. You slipped your arms through the arm holes trying to suppress the flair up of butterflies in your stomach.
When you reached the sidewalk outside the building, you led him down the block to a florist. Their window displays were your favorite in the city and you often found yourself going out of the way to peak at them on shitty days. You daydreamed about the day someone bought you a bouquet from there specifically.
The bell above the door rang as you stepped in. The smell of fresh flowers hit your nose and you sniffed it in happily. You grinned back at Nate and he felt a tug at his heart at your excitement.
“Can I help you?”
You bounded over to the woman behind the counter, Nate following behind you a little awkwardly. You gave him an expectant look and then his brain finally caught up with the question. As he leaned forward to look at the flowers in the case in front of you, his hand pressed against the small of your back.
“What would you get?” he asked curiously. You took a sharp intake of breath at the lack of space between you and pulled away to look at the flowers.
“Sunflowers and baby’s breath are my favorites.”
Nate smiled at the woman behind the counter and repeated what you’d just said, adding, “It’s for a first date, so I don’t need it too big or anything.”
You laughed at his explanation, and then the blush that come to his cheeks when he realized how silly he sounded. Neither of you noticed the confused look on the florist’s face. She was about to comment on how cute the two of you were, and in hindsight she was glad she kept her mouth shut. He reached out and squeezed your arm as a warning to stop teasing him. You stepped away completely, still smiling stupidly as he turned to pay.
“I’d’ve put roses in there too,” you told him once you were back on the sidewalk. “But this is only a first date. It might’ve been a little intense.”
“Roses?” he asked. You hummed in response, plucking the flowers out of his hand as you continued in the direction of the restaurant he was meeting his date at. “Good to know, you know, for the future.”
The walk to the date spot was only about ten minutes long and most of it was spent talking about your plans for the weekend as opposed to his date. He was going to be away with the team and you had plans to visit family. You kept thinking to yourself that you needed to stop getting distracted by him and his good looks and his sweet disposition. He was dating someone, and that person was not and would not be you, but he kept surprising you with the way he weaseled himself into your life.
“We’ll have to hang out next week sometime, then,” he said, snatching the flowers back out of your hand playfully. You nodded, but you were taken by surprise. It didn’t make sense that he’d want to hang around you without getting something out of it, whether it was dating advice or something more. Clearly, Nate didn’t care and you were beginning to wonder if maybe you’d get a beautiful friendship out of this nonsense.
“Any last-minute advice?”
“Don’t say anything dumb,” you said to him, emboldened by the realization that you might actually be friends now. Nate laughed out loud. “You think I’m just being funny, but sometimes you say stupid shit.”
“Jeeze,” he muttered. “Way to fuck up my self-esteem right before a date.”
“Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes and came to a stop just before the crosswalk he’d be using. He slowed to a stop as well, the bouquet of flowers falling to his side as he looked down at you. You reached out to right them with an amused smile. “Careful with these.”
“Got it, boss.”
You stalled a moment more, gazing at the flowers. You almost felt jealous of the girl going to dinner with Nate because those flowers would look perfect in a vase on your dining room table. “God, I really hope she appreciates those.”
The tone of your voice took Nate by surprise. It sounded a little sad, and full of yearning, and he felt kind of bad that he’d be walking away with the flowers you’d been admiring the entire walk from the florist. Even so, you said your goodbyes and he watched you turn on your heel to head home. He felt stuck in place, eyes trained on your retreating frame while his feet were cemented to the sidewalk. Before he could second guess himself, and his motives, he called out your name.
“Wait, YN!” When you turned, he was halfway down the sidewalk to you and, once he was within arm’s length, he plucked a sunflower from the bouquet and extended it. “For you.” Your cheeks felt red hot as your fingers curled around the stem. You hoped he couldn’t notice a blush. If he did, he didn’t make it known and left with a simple, “I’ll talk to you later.”
A stupid smile sat on your lips the entire way home. You felt the thumping of your heart long after you’d entered your place and placed the flower in the dining table vase. No matter what you found yourself doing that night, Nate remained at the back of your mind. You swore to yourself that it was because you wondered how his date was going, nothing more. But, when your eyes kept finding their way to the sunflower on the dining room table, you worried that maybe the reason you couldn’t stop thinking about him was something more.
You grabbed dinner with Mel the next Tuesday. Because of your trip to visit family, the two of you agreed to take a week off and reschedule some sort of get together for Tuesday. Gabe was home so he’d be with Linnea, and you were just happy that it wasn’t Monday. She was in the middle of a story when your phone lit up beside you; Nate’s name was on full display.
When’s our next lesson?
You snatched the phone off the table and away from Mel’s prying eyes, hoping that it wouldn’t peak her curiosity. The movement itself was enough to stir her, though, and Mel was soon leaning forward to see what was going on. She reached out and pushed the phone down, craning her neck to read the text.
“Next lesson?” she asked, eyebrow quirking. “Who is this?”
“It’s Nate MacKinnon.”
You said it so quickly and so nonchalant that Mel actually continued picking at her brunch before she reacted. Her fork clattered to the plate. “Did you just say Nate MacKinnon?”
“This,” you began gesturing at her wild eyes and wicked smile, “is exactly why I didn’t tell you.”
“Why?” she asked, feigning innocence. “Because I’m totally going to take this and run with it?” You dropped your face in your hands. “You should go for it. He’s a little dumb, but mostly cute. You definitely have the patience to deal with him though.”
“Mel, it’s not like that at all,” you told her. “I’m helping him learn how to be more romantic.” Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline in shock. “I’m serious. You know just as well as I do that he’s bad dating. He asked for my help after we met. I have enough experience with douchebags to tell him what not to do.”
“You sure do,” Mel agreed. You laughed at her response and an easy smile spread across her face. “Maybe teaching him a thing or two about how to be romantic will remind you of what you deserve.”
You sighed, picking up the coffee in front of you to take a sip. Mel knew better than anyone, besides Mara, how shitty the guys in your life had been. She met your ex last year just before your break up and she hated him from the moment you introduced the two. He never deserved you and her heart broke the longer you spent wasting your time on him. When you finally ended it, she was your biggest supporter.
You left the message unanswered, not wanting to give her anymore ammo in what was sure to be her new mission. When she got up to head to the bathroom before the check came, you opened the message from him. The last conversation was from Saturday night and he was letting you know that the girl he’d gone out with was looking forward to their next date.
What do you need help with now?
Do you know how to cook?
Lesson #2: A Homemade Meal
“I can’t believe you don’t know how to cook,” you grunted as soon as Nate pulled his apartment door open on Friday night. The grin on his face was anything but apologetic and you pushed past him with two large grocery bags in hand. You brought them to the kitchen and began unpacking them onto the counter.
“I do know how to cook, by the way,” he said, stepping up beside you to help you remove everything from the bags. You eyed him skeptically. “Mostly just the basic meats and vegetables.”
“You can’t cook a date your pregame meal.”
Nate knew that. He wasn’t that stupid, but he did love saying stupid shit around you. You tended to roll your eyes at him, but your lips always gave away how you really felt about his stupidity. The right side always curled up into a smirk, like you were trying to fight the laughter bubbling in your chest. He loved it when you did that.
“Is this, like, a meal your ex used to make?” he asked after grabbing some spices from the cabinet. You were grateful that his back was turned because the easy smile on your lips disappeared at the reminder of him. You busied yourself with the pot of water on the stove and set it to boil.
“No, my ex never actually made dinner for me,” you answered in a poor attempt to keep your voice steady.
Nate stopped prepping the meat and turned to face you. Questions sat on the tip of his tongue, begging for him to ask, but you wouldn’t look at him. He felt a little bit angry at your confession, though he couldn’t quite place why. Admittedly, he had been that boyfriend before – the one that didn’t cook dinner. Now, he was mad at himself for ever being that guy.
When you didn’t turn to look at him, he dropped the subject. You worked in silence, you busy with the pasta and him with the chicken. As you waited for the food to be ready, you hiked yourself up onto the counter. Nate grabbed a bottle of red wine from the end of the counter and poured glasses for the both of you.
He stood across from you with a dish towel over his shoulder and his own glass of wine in his palm. He asked about work and you filled him in on all the hot office gossip. The smile on his face didn’t fall once as he listened to your stories, and he never tried to change the subject or take over the conversation for himself. After a while, you stopped.
“I’ve been talking forever.”
“Yeah, and I’ve been enjoying it,” he told you. You laughed. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall in your office.”
Feeling a bit bolder, you kicked your foot out and nudged his side. “Maybe I can take you to bring your pet to work day.”
Nate’s jaw dropped, a reaction you weren’t expecting, and you began laughing hysterically at his surprise. He placed his wine glass down beside him and took a step closer, wrapping a hand around your ankle to tug you closer to the edge of the counter. You yelped in surprise.
“Pet?” he asked. You wiggled your foot out of his grasp, giggles falling from your lips as he dropped his hand to his side. The oven started beeping, interrupting whatever moment you were having before it could continue. “Saved by the bell.”
“Looks good, Nate,” you praised as he pulled it out of the oven. “My mouth is watering.”
“Go sit down,” he ordered. “You have to evaluate my presentation and make sure I look good.”
Nate entered shortly after you sat down and placed the plates on either side of the table with a smile. He slipped back out and returned with the wine. There was mischievous glint in his eyes as he topped your glass off and added to his.
“How is it?” he asked, leaning back. A look of cockiness flashed over his features and you felt it in your stomach when you looked at the way his arms were crossed and his biceps filled out the sleeves of his t-shirt. You picked up your utensils and cut into the meal, picking up a bit of each piece before putting it in your mouth.
Nate leaned forward eagerly. He watched your eyes light up when the flavor hit your tongue and he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. You nodded emphatically as you swallowed your first forkful. He cut into his own meal and the moment he took a bite, he moaned. The meal was so good that conversation was sparse and, by the end, it looked like your plates had been licked clean.
You didn’t stop Nate from filling your glasses again, though you figured you should have. The third glass always lowered your inhibitions.
“How pissed off would you be if I asked you about your ex?”
“Not pissed off,” you answered. You took a sip of the wine, then leaned your cheek in your palm as you spoke. “What do you want to know?”
Nate sat up at this, suddenly realizing that he hadn’t prepared himself with a question because he didn’t think you’d give him the go ahead. He let out a tuft of breath, took a sip from his glass, and thought. Finally, he asked, “Why’d you break up?”
“How long do you have?”
“As long as you need,” he answered. His voice was soft, comforting, and you felt yourself relax into the question.
“Honestly, I didn’t want to break up with him,” you began. “And, if I didn’t have friends like Mel and Mara, I might still be with him. Things have changed now, though. I realize what a crap human being he was but, if I stayed with him, I don’t think I would’ve realized how much better I deserved.”
“Did you fight a lot?”
“Do I seem like the fighting type?” you teased. He shook his head. “He did enough fighting for the both of us. He would yell at me for no reason sometimes, just because he felt like it.”
Nate was angry. His features were contorted in distaste as you told him about your ex. Even though you tried to make light of the situation with a few light-hearted jokes, Nate couldn’t find it within in him to react with laughter. You deserved so much better than what you’d been given.
“When I broke up with him, Mara was there. We packed my things and moved it all out. I was going to leave a note, but he came home from work early and caused a scene. He went out the night after and sent me all these videos and pictures of him out with his friends. They were flipping me off, girls were draped all over him, etcetera. I blocked him the next morning and I haven’t seen him since. That was over a year ago.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, dropping his head in his hands. He felt ashamed. “That’s why you yelled at me.”
“Yep,” you answered. “Emotions got the best of me.”
“I don’t blame you.”
Silence filled the room and you felt vulnerable. You didn’t share the story about your tumultuous relationship often, but with Nate it just slipped out. You grabbed your glass from the table and finished it off.
“I’m not staying for another,” you announced. Nate sat back, his face flashing with an offended expression. As you gathered the plates from the table, you tried to ignore the knots in your stomach that were becoming more and more prevalent when he was around. “Nothing good ever happens after the third glass. But, if I was your real date, I would definitely stay for a fourth and you would probably get to kiss me at the end of the night simply for how good that meal was.”
The words fell from your lips so easily that it shocked you and you hoped that the playful tone of your voice wouldn’t scare him off. You gathered yourself before turning back to look at him. He was still sitting at the table, chair pushed back with one arm over the back of it. The way he was looking at you was lethal, eyes drinking you in as you stood in his kitchen. You couldn’t tell if you were imagining the tension or it was real.
“Thank you for dinner,” you said finally. You grabbed your bag from the counter and pulled it over your shoulder as you headed for the door. Nate stood then to walk you out, pulling the door open as you slipped into your sneakers. “It was delicious.”
“Thank you for teaching me how to cook something actually good,” he said. “Poor girl would’ve been eating chicken and vegetables or pasta if you hadn’t come by.”
“Can’t let that happen, can we?” you asked. “Let me know how dinner goes.”
Nate leaned down, wrapping an arm around your waist to tug you into a warm embrace. You melted into his arms as yours came up and around his neck. For a moment, the two of you just stood there in each other’s arms. You wondered if he could feel the beat of your chest again him. It sped up as his hands flattened against your back, crossing over each other to engulf you completely.
“I’m not that kind of guy,” he said. He leaned his cheek on the top of your head and his chest rumbled beneath your own cheek as he spoke. “You know that, right?”
Your blinked away tears before he couldn’t notice then and nodded in response to his question.
When he pulled back, he leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek and his lips caught the corner of your mouth. An electric shock coursed through your bloodstream and you pulled back quick before offering one last smile and tossing a goodbye over your shoulder.
Nate called you the next Friday night with plans for Saturday.
“Mel and Gabe invited a bunch of the guys over and she told me I should see what you were doing tomorrow.” he said. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you much since last week. The guys would love to meet you.”
“Meet me?” you asked. “So, it’ll be more than just the ones I know?”
“A few more,” he answered with a laugh. “They’ll love you, okay? I’ll be at your place to get you at 5:30.”
It was the first time you were going to see him since you made dinner together last Friday. You exchanged a few texts throughout the week, but nothing of substance. You knew his dinner date went well, though you didn’t know to what extent. You found yourself wondering if she stayed for that additional glass of wine after dinner, or if she stayed for the night after.
He showed up to your apartment wearing a white dress shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows. You welcomed him in while you went back to your room to get your heels on. He gaped at the dress you were wearing as soon as you had your back to him. His eyes wandered over your curves as you bent to grab your heels from the floor in your bedroom. When your dress slid up your thighs, he had to force himself to look away.
You tried to get more details about his dinner date out of him on the way to Mel’s, but he kept quiet. She liked dinner, she stayed for an extra glass of wine, and then she went home at the end of the night. An invisible weight lifted from your shoulders upon hearing she didn’t stay the night and you settled back into his passenger seat.
Nate noticed the way you relaxed into the seat and tore his eyes from the road for just a moment to sneak a peek at you. You were watching the world go by from the window, unaware that he was even looking at you. When he turned his attention back to the road, all he could think about was his sweaty palms and accelerated heartrate. Why did he care so much about what you thought?
Everyone was already at the house when you pulled up. The two of you walked up the driveway, his hand against your lower back much like it had been in the florist. Mel opened the door, lunging to sweep you into her arms and whisk you to the kitchen, her husband and your, well, Nate left behind.
“Thanks for having me, Mel.”
She handed you a drink complete with a salted rim and said, “I’m glad Nate asked if you could come.”
“Nate asked?” you repeated. She affirmed with a nod and ushered you to join the others in the living room while she and Gabe finished dinner.
You swore half the team was there, which meant not one seat was open on their couch. As you passed Nate, he grabbed your hand and sat you on the arm of his chair. He pulled your legs over his lap and began introducing you to the boys you didn’t already know.
You caught Cale’s eyes and felt heat rise to your cheeks. Out of everyone in the room, he was the only one making note of the lack of space between you two. Though you weren’t technically sitting in his lap, it still felt a little inappropriate. Nate’s hand was like fire where it rested against your thigh and you had to remind yourself to stop peeking at the placement.
Nate lied about your invitation to dinner, and for what? He could’ve just invited you himself instead of disguising it as a joint decision between him and Mel. What was he so afraid of that he couldn’t man up and admit he wanted you there? Better yet, why didn’t he ask Gianna?
You somehow ended up seated away from Nate at the dinner table. Cale settled in on one side of you and EJ occupied the other. Across from you sat JT and Tyson, bickering as always. You don’t know how you ended up separated from Nate, but you welcomed it because you needed the breathing room.
The meal was delicious, but Nate couldn’t even enjoy it because you were so far away. He was going to get fucking whiplash because of the way he kept looking back to see who you were talking to or hear what you were laughing at. How did he even end up this far down from you?
On the other hand, he couldn’t stop the smile that kept creeping up to his lips when he saw you with his teammates. They loved you, probably almost as much as he did, and he was proud to have you by his side that night. But then came the harsh reality that you weren’t actually his to show off.
When the party relocated, he made sure to slide up next to you on the way to the couch. EJ’s laughter mocked him, but you didn’t catch on to his teammate’s playful ribbing. With Gabe and Mel’s eyes in the room, he didn’t pull you over his lap and opted to lower his arm over the back of the couch instead. There were just inches between your skin and his but, after having you on his lap earlier, it felt like miles.
Drinking games were played, stories were shared, and you all left the house with full bellies and large smiles. Nate was driving, so he eased up on the drinks after dinner. You, on the other hand, were feeling just as free as you did after three glasses of wine at his place last week, and feeling daring enough to ask him the question that’s been on your mind all night.
“Why did you tell me that Mel asked you to invite me?”
“What are you talking about?”
“When you invited me, you said that Mel told you to,” you explained in a slow voice as if you were breaking the situation down to a child. “But she said that you asked if you could invite me.”
“Why does it matter where the invite actually came from?” he asked. A slight panic was rising in his chest because he didn’t have an answer for you. This wasn’t supposed to come back around to you. “Everybody wanted you here anyway.”
“Why didn’t you ask Gianna?” you asked, stepping down to join him on the path to the driveway. He rolled his eyes at this, and you noted it because though you’d done it to him many times, he’d never done it to you. He began walking, so you followed. “Are you going to answer my question?”
“Because I didn’t want to introduce her to everyone yet,” he answered. “You just fit in with us.”
Nate saw your face fall and decided not to push the conversation any farther. He said something wrong, but he didn’t know what. As far as he thought, he was complimenting you. He was complimenting how easy going you were, how his friends got along with you so easily. You were already a part of the group. It was great.
You continued along to the car in silence, not bothering to argue with him over a dumb comment. He wanted friends, so you were giving him friends, but the touches and the invite to team dinner was something more than friends. You needed distance. And he needed to figure his shit out, fast.
Lesson #3: Meeting the Friends
Something changed. When Nate dropped you off that night, he left you with a half-assed hug and a quiet goodbye. You couldn’t catch a wink of sleep that night because something changed. But then, Nate texted you tomorrow and tried to carry on as normal. Things weren’t normal.
And you knew that for sure when Nate didn’t invite you to EJ’s house the next weekend. Mel invited you instead and since you could never say no to Mel, you went. The thought of texting Nate to let him know passed briefly through your head, but the sheer fact that he hadn’t even bothered to talk to you about it in the first place was enough to decide against it.
When you entered EJ’s living room, you knew exactly why he hadn’t asked. Gianna was sitting on his lap, fingers curling through his hair as they talked. Anger rose in you no matter how hard you tried to suppress it. Just last week he said he didn’t want to bring her around and now she was here? Now she was here and he couldn’t even talk to you?
There was an uproar as Nate’s teammates noticed you standing in the doorway and Nate’s eyes cut to you in surprise. You lifted your hand in a pathetic wave before Cale was wrapping his arm around your shoulders and leading you to the kitchen.
“Who’s the girl with Nate?”
“His new girlfriend,” you answered, hoping that you didn’t sound bitter. “I don’t even know if that’s the right title for her, but they’ve been on a few dates.”
Cale let out a soft hum, his tone indecipherable, just as Tyson entered the room.
“What’s the deal with Nate’s new girl?” he asked as soon as he saw it was just you and Cale in the room. When you didn’t answer, he nudged you for an answer.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Well, she’s no you.”
Nate couldn’t help but ask himself, “What the fuck are you doing?”
As you were pulled into his teammates arms, he watched and couldn’t decide whether he wanted to get up and hug you too or if he just wanted to disappear. When Gianna’s fingers gripped his bicep, he decided he wanted the latter.
That’s when you looked at him, of course, and the smile that was on yours lips faded just a bit. At least, that’s what he thought. You lifted your hand in a wave before Cale was looping his arm around your shoulders and directing you towards the kitchen.
“Who was that?” Gianna asked, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He looked up at her with a simple answer. “One of our friends.”
Gianna kissed him and for the first time since he met you, Nate thought about what it would be like to kiss you instead. He brought her to EJ’s in a pathetic attempt to right the way he was feeling about you, but it only made it worse.
“Nate was weird last night,” Mel murmured after Cycle the next morning. You were waiting for her to say something. Since all the guys made comments the night before, you knew Mel was next. “Did you guys fight?”
“Fight? Me and Nate?” you repeated, stalling for time. “We didn’t fight.”
“What did you think of his girlfriend?”
“I actually didn’t get to talk to her,” you answered. You shrugged, giving the illusion that you didn’t care all that much even though you were fuming. After all the help you’d given him, he couldn’t be bothered to introduce you to her? And that wasn’t all. He hardly spoke to you all night, only entertaining conversations with you when someone else was around. You ended up spending most of the night with EJ.
“My sitter just bailed for tomorrow.” She’d been tapping away at her phone for a few minutes, no doubt panicking to Gabe. You watched her a moment longer as you wondered what her plans were for the next day. Then, it occurred to you.
“There’s a game tomorrow, right?” you asked. She nodded, still typing out messages to whoever was on the other end of the phone. “I can watch Linnea tomorrow. Don’t worry about finding a sitter.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” She waved you off absentmindedly and continued talking, “Besides, I thought Nate had a ticket for you or something. Didn’t he ask you to go?”
“Tomorrow?” you said incredulously. “No, absolutely not. Isn’t it like a WAG game? It would make no sense for me to be there.”
“Oh,” she murmured. “I just thought that he told Gabe,” she paused and noticed your set jaw. You were clearly not Nate’s biggest fan at the moment, so she decided to tread carefully. “You know what? Nevermind. I would love it if you could watch Linnea.”
As expected, Linnea was an angel the next day. You spent the time lounging in their living room with the game on TV while you played together. She took a bottle in the middle of the game and you brought her to her nursery once she’d been burped to rock her to sleep. But, you couldn’t quite peel yourself from the chair to put her in her crib. She was sleeping so peacefully and for the first time in a while you felt calm, so you stayed with her in your arms long after she’d fallen asleep.
You didn’t know what time it was when Gabe and Mel got home, but you heard their car doors close. You waited for them to happen upon you in the nursery, so you were surprised when it was Nate that knocked at the door.
“Hi,” he whispered, stepping into the room. He studied the decorations as he approached the rocking chair you were sitting in. When he stepped up beside you and admired Linnea, you tried not to look up at him. You knew it wouldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach, but you did it anyway. He was smiling down at the peanut in your arms. “Mel and Gabe are in the kitchen. They saw you on the baby monitor and told me to come get you.”
“Okay, I’ll put her down and meet you in there.”
“I can wait for you,” he said, stepping away. You stood, cradling Linnea to the crib and then craning to put her down in the center. Nate was watching you intently from the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face.
He stepped out into the hallway first, but he wasn’t walking towards the kitchen. He stood, waiting for you to stepped out into the hallway and look at him. You gave him a half-assed smile, still feeling a little hurt that things had been so weird between you two, and he asked, “Are we okay?”
“We’re fine,” you answered. He wasn’t convinced, but you reached up and shoved him lightly to get him to move down the hall. He didn’t budge, hand coming up to grasp yours against his chest. The beating of his heart sat right at your fingertips. “How was your game?”
“It was good,” he answered. “I wish you were there.”
“Well, then, you should’ve asked me to come,” you said, quite boldly. His lips parted, but whether it was to speak or not you wouldn’t know because you were continuing down the hallway without him.
You slipped into the kitchen to find Mel, leaving the men on the couch in the living room. The moment you stepped in, she was turning to greet you with a smile. You hissed, “Are you behind this?”
“I mentioned you were babysitting, his eyes lit up, and Gabe was the one to invite him over.”
“Team effort?”
She feigned an apologetic smile before ushering you out to rejoin the boys. Gabe got the fire going and Mel curled in his chest once he settled back on the couch. You sat on the other end, legs extended towards Nate in the corner. You felt his eyes whenever there was a suspended silence. You knew he was thinking about you, and selfishly you relished in the attention.
“YN, did you know that Nate’s parents were visiting next weekend?” Gabe asked during a lull in conversation. Nate glared at him, but the Swede happily ignored his buddy at the center of the couch. His eyes cut to you.
“I didn’t,” you answered. “But that’ll be fun. I know how much you missed them.”
All he could offer was a stupid ‘yeah’ before Mel swooped in to save the entire group from a very awkward moment.
Nate was going to kill Gabe. He was going to kill Gabe, but first he had to make a decision. He knew exactly what he had to do. It felt like you were a thousand miles away, not only physically but emotionally. Gabe should’ve kept his mouth shut. He was going to have you meet his parents, he just hadn’t gotten the chance to ask. Now, he looked like a dick. You couldn’t even look him in the eye.
“I was going to tell you about my parents,” he said, practically chasing you down the driveway after you ducked out while he was in the bathroom. To his surprise, you stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. “Seriously.”
“It’s getting hard to believe that, Nate,” you said. “I don’t know what’s going on in your head.”
Nate felt his heart sink. He began to rack his brain for a way to salvage the conversation, but it was too late by the time you reached your car. You stopped before opening the door to look up at him.
“You’re thinking too much.”
“I just—I know you’re upset with me,” he began. “I want to make it better. We haven’t really talked since EJ’s, and that’s on me.”
“Were you going to invite me today?” you asked. He gave you a curious look. “To the game. Mel mentioned something about it at Cycle. That you told Gabe you were thinking about giving your ticket to me.”
Nate ran his hand over his face. The Landeskogs had really gotten him into some trouble here, and he wasn’t sure it was accidental.
“You’re the one I wanted at the game,” he admitted. “I wanted to invite you, but I knew how bad it would look if I didn’t ask Gianna.”
“So, you invited her,” you concluded.
You looked at him in shock, mouth agape, and asked, “You’d rather no one go than give the ticket to her?”
“Well, when you put it that way,” he grumbled. You threw your arms up in surrender, hoping the words would sink in. “I don’t know, YN.”
“Yes, you do,” you argued. He kept his mouth shut at that, knowing you had enough. You sighed heavily, allowing the conversation to roll off your back. “When are your parents going to be here?”
“Saturday morning.”
“What are you planning to do?”
“They’ll be at my game in the afternoon and then I was getting us a reservation for dinner,” he trailed off only momentarily. “I haven’t made it yet because I was going to invite you, but Gabe beat me to the punch in there.”
“What about Gianna?”
“YN, if I didn’t want her at my game, why would I want her to meet my parents?” he asked. He made it sound like you were asking the stupidest question in the world. But, he wasn’t answering the most important one. Was he breaking up with her? You wanted to ask, but part of you didn’t want the disappointment. He worried while you thought.
“I’m around on Saturday,” you answered. He smiled, and you forced one back. You hated the feeling between you two. The air between you had never been so stuffy and you wanted to clear it. “Anything else you wanna tell me before the Landeskogs do? Is Sid actually your long-distance girlfriend?”
Nate laughed loudly as he stepped away. He answered your question cryptically, “No, nothing to tell you right now. Not yet.”
Lesson #4: Meeting the Family
You planned to meet Nate at his apartment before dinner since his parents had gone to the hotel upon arrival. On the way, you picked up a box of pastries from your favorite bakery. You were taught to do little things for important people, and anyone who was important to Nate felt important to you. You tried not to think about the implications of having dinner with his parents, but it was hard to shake the nerves.
“What’s this?” he asked as soon as he opened the door. His finger slid over the logo on the top of the pastry box, eyes catching on the word bakery. When he looked up at you, his eyes were shining. “For me?”
“For your family,” you told him. “Don’t get any ideas.”
“I thought maybe you heard about my break up and you were trying to comfort me,” he said like it wasn’t breaking news. “I’ll put these in the kitchen.”
“You broke up?” you asked, following him to the kitchen. You stopped in the doorway as he put the pastries on the counter. He nodded simply as he cleared some clutter from the countertop. You could see his muscles moving beneath his navy polo. Guiltily, you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring the way the sleeves hugged his biceps or the wide expanse of his back and shoulders. “What happened, Nate?”
“We can talk about it later, alright?”
“Are you single or not?” you asked. Nate caught the frustration in your tone and he’d be lying if it didn’t make him want to kiss you right then. You needed to know what was going on with him, and that made him feel good about whatever was going on between you two.
Nate started to exit the kitchen, but stopped in the doorway beside you. You were crowded against his chest as he smiled down at you and answered, “Yeah, I’m single.”
You released a breath once he stepped out of the doorway. He slipped his shoes on while you stood nearly the front door. He caught the look on your face, a little scrunched up as you spaced out. You were thinking too much, worrying about what happened with him and Gianna. When he walked back over to the front door, he took you by the hips and said, “We can talk about it later, if you want. Right now, I just want to be with you and my family.”
“I’m nervous,” you admitted as Nate pulled up to valet outside the restaurant. He looked at you in shock. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not gonna make fun of you,” he promised. He reached over and dropped his hand to your thigh. You pouted at him, and his first instinct was to lean over the center console and kiss it off your lips. He knew better than to risk it all just before dinner, so he grabbed your hand and dropped a kiss to your palm instead. “You’ll be fine. No need to be nervous.”
A heavy sigh left your lips as he stepped out of the car. He rounded the front and opened the passenger door for you, grabbing your hand as you stepped out. After he handed his key to the valet, he laced his hands in yours and led you into the restaurant.
The MacKinnons were already at the table that had been reserved for them. There was uproar of cheers when they saw Nate walk in. You stole a peek at his face and the pure joy on it set your heart aflame. He dropped your hand as you approached the table to hug his parents and sister. They introduced themselves to you as well, sweeping you up in tight embraces like they had with Nate.
“It’s great to finally meet you,” they spoke as they hugged you.
Nate pulled your chair out from across his mother and then situated himself beside you. The menus were passed out and Nate whispered suggestions in your ear while his family members debated their own meals. She took the time to calm her nervous. Parents loved her, so there was no reason to freak out. Eventually the drinks were handed out, orders were taken, and the chaos at the table stopped.
“Now, how’d you two meet again?” his mom asked. You looked at each other, stupidly, both stammering in response until Nate got his shit together.
“We met through friends,” he answered simply. Then, his lips curled up and he said, “She yelled at me.” You dropped your face into your hands, embarrassed by the picture he was painting of you, but they took it in stride, laughing at your expression. “It wasn’t that bad.”
He continued, “As you guys know, I’ve been very unlucky in my personal life.” Sarah snorted at this. Their mother smacked her knee as a scolding. “I literally suck at being romantic and all the guys were joking around about it after I’d just been broken up with. YN called me out, so I asked her to teach me how to be romantic.”
“Well, what’d you learn?”
“How to cook a meal other than my pregame types, and I also have a new favorite florist,” he said. He reached into his back pocket for his wallet and flipped it open to slip out their business card. You didn’t realize he grabbed one. “There are some other things, like her wine rule.”
“Wine rule?”
“Nothing good ever happens after the third glass of wine,” you explained. They laughed at that, though they seemed bewildered by your reasoning.
Nate elaborated, “It just means that if your date stays for a fourth glass, you’ll probably get lucky.”
This earned him a smack on the arm from both his sister and yourself.
Nate’s family was just as kind as he was and it was clear how much they all adored each other. You fit in seamlessly, at least that’s how it felt, and when they asked the waitress to take a picture of them, Nate tugged you into his side to keep you in the frame.
“Take one without me,” you urged him. He just shook his head, gazing down at the picture on his phone. He passed it off to his parents and sister for approval. “Nate.”
“I want you in the picture,” he whispered to you. His hand came up to the back of your neck and he pulled you in to place a chaste kiss to your temple. He pulled away, like kissing you in public and on the forehead was normal now, and asked, “How was your food?”
When you got back to his place after dinner, you presented his mother with the pastries and earned a hug and kiss on the cheek as a thank you. They settled into the kitchen as he made drinks, chatting as a family about the people back home and his life in Denver. You slipped out to go to the bathroom, and give them some alone time.
“I like her,” you overheard his mother say as soon as you slipped out of the kitchen. You slowed your steps on your pursuit to the bathroom even though you knew it would be best to keep walking. You couldn’t help but be a little nosy.
“That’s good to hear,” Nate said. You smiled to yourself. “I like her, too.”
Nate’s family only stayed for another hour before you were bidding them farewell from his front door. They squeezed you and thanked you for the pastries, and then began inviting you to visit before Nate had to shut it down. Your heart felt full after spending the night with them, but sitting alone in Nate’s apartment in anticipation of what was to come was scaring the shit out of you.
Your hands were a little shaky and your palms were definitely sweaty. There was change coming, change that was already present, and you were both excited and terrified for it. Nate reentered the apartment not long after. When he saw you sitting on the couch, he released a breath he’d been holding.
“Are you going to stay for another glass?” he asked after locking the door behind him. “That one’s only your second.”
You eyed his smile, heart beat stuttering a bit beneath his gaze, and lifted the glass to your lips to finished what was left. You nodded and followed him into the kitchen. While he filled both your glass and his, you picked yourself up onto the counter like you’d done so many times before.
“I did a bad thing,” he murmured after handing your glass back to you. You raised a brow at him as he reached over to one of the cabinets and opened it to reveal two pastries in a Ziploc bag. “I stole two of them from my mom.”
“Nate!” you exclaimed. He chuckled at your exasperation. “I can bring you to that bakery whenever you want! Your parents don’t live here! It was a gift!”
“And they have the other eleven pastries,” he argued. “They’re not going to miss two.”
Reluctantly, but still with a smile, you took a pastry from his hand. You bit into it at the same time, eyes lighting up at the taste. At the sight of each other’s faces, you were doubled over in laughter before you had the chance to swallow what was in your mouth. You looked away from him to regain composure and only looked back when you were sure you wouldn’t choke.
“Those were fucking good.”
“Only the best for your mom.”
“Thank you,” he spoke. “For the pastries and for hanging out with my family today. I’m sure you had other things to do, but it meant a lot. They’ve been hearing a lot about you.”
“I had a lot of fun with them,” you said. His smile was soft, shy even, and he watched you carefully as you sipped from the glass in your hand. “It was nice to meet the people who made you who you are.”
“Wait until you meet Sid.”
You decided to move from the kitchen to the living room in favor of more comfortable seating. He reached his hand out behind his back, and you linked your fingers with his lazily so he could lead you to the couch. You slowed to a stop as he sat down, legs spread to pull you between them. Your hesitation caused a look of confusion to flash over his features.
“Can you tell me what’s going on inside your head now?” you asked, placing your glass down on the table beside the arm of the couch. He followed suit, then placed his hand delicately at your hip to urge you closer.
“Sure, I can,” he answered. He pulled you into his lap. You looped her arms around his shoulders as he flattened one hand against your back and curled the other around your thigh. “I don’t want to waste those romance rules on someone I don’t really like all that much.”
“You really didn’t like her?” you asked meekly. Of fucking course he didn’t like her, you were thinking. You were in his lap, not her, but you still couldn’t wrap your head around it. “Why?”
“The only reason I looked forward to going on dates with her was because I got to spend time with you before,” he confessed. You felt it all through your body. “I broke up with her the morning after we were at Gabe’s together. After you called me out on my bullshit, I knew I was being stupid.”
“Why me, though?”
“Because you deserve the world and I want to be the one to give it to you.”
It was only natural for you to lean in and capture his lips with yours. After all this time spent waiting and beating around the bush, you didn’t want to wait a second more. It was passionate, and new, and exciting. His hands held you close while your fingers curled into the back of his hair, but he wasn’t close enough.  
You swung your leg over to straddle him, not caring that you were wearing a dress with just panties underneath. His hands flew to your hips as you grinded against him. You gasped against his lips at the friction as he held you tighter, teeth nipping at your bottom lip until you covered his mouth with yours again. He guided your hips to grind against him once more, but you braced your hands against his chest to push away.
“I’m not staying for a fourth glass,” you said breathlessly. He smiled up at you, eyes falling to your lips that were red and plump from kissing him. Kissing him! He leaned in, tongue swiping along his bottom lip, and pulled you down by the back of the neck.
He murmured through his kisses, “You didn’t even finish your third.”
At the challenge in his voice, you reached over for the glass on the side table and finished what was left. He held you close, laughing against the crook of your neck. You giggled along with him until you felt his lips against your skin again and a gasp fell from your lips.
“You gotta leave before I pour number four,” he warned, breath ghosting over your neck. He kissed your neck again, this time sucking lightly enough to earn a strangled moan. You pushed back against his chest and stood, flustered as you adjusted your dress and your hair. Nate couldn’t help but smile as he watched you cross the room for your purse. He grabbed a pillow and held it over his lap to hide his hard-on.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked as you put your heels on the end of the couch. He was admiring your flushed cheeks and your wild hair as you busied yourself. You fastened the strap on each heel before looking back at him. It took everything in you to not go back over there and unbutton the rest of his shirt.
“Nothing,” you answered as you stood. He followed suit, adjusting his dress pants just a bit so he was comfortable and making you giggle in the process. He stepped up beside you and pulled you against him again. He placed one, two, three kisses against your neck then your jaw then your lips.
“Let me make you dinner.”
Nate wasn’t going to be able to keep his hands to himself. He knew that the second you walked out of your room in that little black dress, but he was really trying to be on his best behavior. It was technically only your first date and he wanted to impress you. You just weren’t helping very much. As soon as you were in his car, you were grabbing his hand and lacing it with yours to drop them into your lap.
He was a little nervous that he wasn’t going to be able to pull this off. He was sure that he’d fuck up somewhere and you’d go running. And, truthfully, you could tell that he was overthinking every little thing he did. The tension in his shoulders as he moved about the kitchen to prepare everything for dinner was clear.
“What’s wrong with you?” you asked.
He gave you the most pathetic shrug and shake of the head as he tried to wave off your concern with a soft, “Nothing.”
“That’s a lie,” you called him out. “You look stressed.”
“I mean, I am a little stressed,” he admitted, diverting his eyes from yours as he headed over to the fridge. “I don’t want to fuck this up.”
Before he knew it, you were standing between him and the refrigerator. You flattened your hands against his chest and slid them up until your hands were linked behind his neck. A slight tug on him was enough to get him to kiss you. He finally relaxed, arms dropping from the refrigerator door to grip your hips.
“You’re not going to fuck this up.”
“I don’t have a very good track record.”
“You do with me,” you said softly. He looked skeptical, not quite understanding what you meant, so you pressed against him as his arms enveloped you. “You gave me a sunflower the third time we were ever around each other. You’ve cooked me dinner already. Sure, it was under different circumstances, but it counts. Nate, you know exactly what you’re doing. Don’t overthink it.”
“Go sit,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You managed to calm his nerves better than anyone he’d ever known in a matter of seconds. “I’ll plate dinner and then I have to grab something for you, okay?”
Nate entered the dining room a minute later, placing both plates down across from each other before disappearing to grab wine glasses and another bottle of wine. Then, he was off down the hall to his bedroom. Your eyes followed him curiously, wondering what else he could possibly have up his sleeve. He’d already impressed you enough by cooking a meal you didn’t teach him.
“Oh, wow,” you breathed out when he appeared in the hallway with a bouquet of flowers. “Nate.”
“For you.”
You stood to take them from his hands and kiss him in thanks. When you pulled away, your fingers danced along the petals of the roses tucked between the sunflowers and baby’s breath Nate had grown to love too.
You filled your glass for a fourth time as inconspicuously as possible after your last bite of dinner, but Nate caught your eye over the bottle as you poured and you knew he knew what you were doing. He tried to stifle his smile unsuccessfully, picking up his own glass to cover it. One sip and his third glass was done.
“More?” you asked, extending the bottle in his direction.
“Four glasses?” he teased. “What do you take me for?”
“Okay, more for me then.”
Your voice was low, eyes dark as they settled on him, and suddenly he was lunging forward to grab the bottle and pour another glass for himself. Your giggles filled the room. He wanted them to echo off his walls forever.
“I want to take a picture with you,” he said. You gave him a curious look, though your stomach was doing cartwheels at the suggestion. “I keep thinking about your empty picture frame and I want you to have something to put in it.”
“We can take a selfie,” you suggested. He was quick to shake his head, pushing away from the table to take your hand and lead you to the patio. He pulled the phone from his back pocket and set it up against the couch. He removed the glass from your hand to place it out of view of the camera.
“Now, this is quite the set up,” you murmured as he moved furniture out of the way so there was ample space to take the photo. Denver’s city lights were sure to be the perfect backdrop and having Nate beside you wasn’t too bad either.
“Well, it has to be perfect if it’s going in your office.”
“How do you know I’ll even want to put it in the frame?” you asked. Nate pressed the timer and turned to walk back at you, smirk on his lips. You were teasing him, but you were playing innocent with those doe eyes. He curled around you, arms pulling your back against his chest to pose for the picture.
“After tonight, I’m sure you will,” he murmured in your ear. “Smile.”
The audacity of a man who tells you to smile after igniting your entire body in goosebumps.
The camera went off in a sequence, five pictures for the one timer. You smiled twice before he reached up to turn your face to his for a kiss. The sound of the shutter had you pulling away from his lips with a giggle. He smiled down at you for the next photo as laughter spilled from your lips, and then he was kissing you again.
When you finally pulled away from him, all giggly and handsy, Nate dragged you along with him to his phone. He curled around you as he flipped through the photos, each one cuter than the one before.
“Are you saying you wouldn’t put that in your office?” he asked. His breath tickled the back of your neck. You were just trying to tease him before, but with the lack of space between you and the way he was looking at you in these photos, you just couldn’t tease him anymore. His fingers trailed up your arms, goosebumps rising in their wake once again.
“How’s that fourth glass of wine treating you?” you asked. Nate tucked the phone in his back pocket as you turned to face him. His hands were on you once they were free, curling over the curve of your ass.
“I shouldn’t have let you talk me into it,” he murmured against your lips. “I’m trying to be good, but it’s impossible to keep my hands to myself.”
“What if I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself?” you against, arching your body to press against him. You could feel him hard against your hip and knew you had him exactly where you wanted him. You pressed your lips to his and, as you pulled away, you took his bottom lip between your teeth and sucked on it.
A growl ripped through his chest as he lifted you into his arms. Your legs came to wrap around his waist as he carried you into the apartment and slammed the patio door shut behind him. He dropped you onto the bed, one hand coming to tug you towards the end by the ankle. His hands spread your legs so he could step between them and they slid up your thigh, pushing your dress up as they went.
“You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to do this,” he murmured in your ear as his hands reached your hip, dress bunching around his wrists and revealing your lace panties to him. “Stealing touches in a crowded room just doesn’t compare.”
You lifted your arms as he guided the dress over your body and tossed it to the floor. At the sight of your match set, Nate pushed you up the bed and crawled over you. He peppered kisses along your skin from your collarbone to your chest. He worked his way down your stomach until reaching the top of your underwear. In on swift movement, your thong was on the floor and he was spreading your legs.
“So pretty,” he murmured, fingers spreading your folds. You moaned out as he slipped his finger in. “You like my fingers in your pussy, baby?” You could only manage to nod because he’d already slipped a second finger in. He curled them while he pressed a kiss against your inner thigh. “How about my tongue?”
Nate licked a stripe up your center and you gasped, hands flying down to curl into his hair as he continued to eat you out. He sucked on your pussy, continuing to thrust his fingers into and curl. He dragged moans out of you, obscene words dripped from your lips, and the filthy sound of his tongue filled the room.
“You taste so good.”
You tried to grind against face for some more friction, but he held your hips down and continued. You whined, tugging his hair and arching your back as he brought you to orgasm.
“Nate, I’m gonna cu—” you moaned, toes curling at the feet of his lips around you. Suddenly, cool air shocked your core and your orgasm retreated. You sighed as your whole body sank into the bed at the absence of stimulation. Nate crawled up your buddy, licking a stripe up your neck before attaching his lips to yours.
“Sorry, baby,” he said. He nudged your knees apart and situated himself between them, hand falling to his dick as he lined it up with your entrance. “I just need you to cum on my cock.” You moaned as he pushed his head between your folds. “YN, as long as you’re mine, I’ll never make you feel like you don’t deserve all the most romantic things.”
You answered with a moan as he bottomed out inside you. He watched your face as you adjusted to his size and smiled as you whimpered, pulling your teeth between your lips. You felt so good around him and as he began to pull out and thrust in again, your nails dug into his biceps.
You knew he was trying to take his time, but you could hardly take it. As far as you were concerned, Nate would have all the time in the world to take it slow with you. Tonight was not that night.
“Fuck me harder.”
When you sounded like that beneath him, how could he say no? His previously slow and calculated thrusts became sloppy at your request. He relished in the sound of your moaning and the way you called his name like a prayer. You were unraveling beneath him and he wanted to get you there. He adjusted your leg over his shoulder so he could hit a new angle.
“Come on, baby,” he moaned against your lips. “I wanna see you cum for me.”
He reached down and placed his thumb against your clit, rubbing in circles as he pumped into you. You screamed out and your body arched as your orgasm ripped through you. Nate pumped into you a few moments more as he chased his high while listening to your whimpers. He spilled out into his condom as a string of curses left his lips, then collapsed onto of you to catch his breath.
Your fingers immediately found his hair as your breathing evened out together. His body was hot on yours and a sheen of sweat covered both of you. Nate’s fingers curled around your waist and into your skin, squeezing you like he needed to get closer but couldn’t. Finally, he pulled out of you and sat back on his knees.
“You’re so beautiful,” he sighed, hands rubbing up your stomach to cup your breasts. You shivered at his touch. “I never want to leave this bed.”
“Not even for shower sex?”
“Okay, maybe for shower sex,” he murmured. He picked you up, tossing you over his shoulder to carry you to the bathroom.
A few hours (and orgasms later), you were clothed in Nate’s sweats and t-shirt and waiting for him beneath the covers in bed. He was cleaning up the glasses you left on the patio and running the dishwasher, though he was quick to finish it up and return to you. You looked so cute propped up against the headboard that he couldn’t stop smiling as he got ready for bed. He pulled on a pair of sweats, but remained topless as he slid under the covers. Instead of pulling you down to rest on his chest, he dropped his head onto your stomach and pulled you tightly to him. Your fingers carded through his hair.
“Thank you for tonight, Nate,” you spoke. “This was the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
“I’m counting this as our fourth date,” he responded. You laughed at him, slapping his bicep lightly at his teasing. “Let’s be honest, I was trying to impress you this entire time anyway.”
“Consider me impressed.”
Nate pulled you down to eye level with him, heads on your respective pillows, and then turned to shut the lamp off beside him. When he turned back, he pulled you against his chest. With your ear to his chest, you listened to his heartbeat and his breathing as it evened out. His fingers scratched your back ever-so-slightly as if soothing you to sleep.
“Are you happy?” he asked. You looked up at him with a curious gaze. Could he not tell how happy you were?
“Of course, I am,” you answered. “Are you?”
“How could I not be?” he asked. “You’re so far out of my league.”
“No, I’m not,” you groaned. You covered your blushing face with your hands at his words, hoping that he couldn’t feel the beat of your heart. Nate was quick to tug them down, holding them against his own chest. He didn’t care if you felt how hard his heart was beating. In fact, he wanted you to know. He wanted you to know the effect you had on him.
“You feel my heart, right?” he asked. You nodded. “You did that. You do that to me every single time I’m around you.” Your eyes began to water and you tried to pull your hand away from his to wipe the water pooling in the corner. Nate grabbed both your hands with one of his and wiped it with his own thumb. “I’ll never let you go to bed thinking I don’t love you. I’m going to shower you with flowers from our favorite florist and buy you pastries from that little shop you like, and I’ll never make you feel like you need to stifle yourself and who you are on account of me.”
“Just listen to me, alright?” he asked, voice soft. You nodded. “Your ex stuffed you down and he didn’t appreciate you. That’ll never happen with me, and if you feel like it is, you need to tell me, just like you did when we first met.”
You tried to stammer through some type of coherent response, but words failed, so you kissed him. His arms wrapped around your waist to pull you flush against him and your legs intertwined. He was intoxicating, you couldn’t get enough, but he felt just the same. He wondered how anyone had let you go before and simultaneously thanked them for the gift that was you.
That night, Nate vowed he’d never let you go to bed unhappy and he’d never let you feel any less than perfect. He waited forever for a partner like you, honest and kind, and he finally had it in his hands, in his bed. And you promised that you’d never love anyone as much as you loved him. You just knew it.
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