#i posted one a while back but i don’t like it anymore. it’s Incorrect
crocodilenjoyer · 8 months
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adventures in trying to figure out how the hell i want to draw this guy
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Kpop Exposé Reading
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There have been some posts going around about how kpop could possibly lose its fame a few years down the line due to music quality and possible scandals taking place. So… I wanted to do a quick deep dive as to what could possibly be exposed in the Kpop industry.
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What will be getting exposed? : QoS, The Magician rx, 9oS rx, 4oP, AoW rx, 8oP rx, The Emperor rx, 8oW rx, 10oW, PoP, 9oW, AoS, KoC, KNoC, 2oS rx, The Chariot, KoW
Idols will come out and expose the industry for its constant overworking of the idols. Some contestants from group shows and possible ghostwriters,singers and rappers will come out and talk about how they were not given the opportunity to establish their career because of their looks and rigged group shows.
Idols will come out and talk about the mental illnesses they’ve gained during their idol years, and how the company did not care. They would be pleading for a break but they weren’t given one. They’ll talk about their greedy ceos and industry people who only care about money and will constantly overwork idols while they don’t have to lift a single finger.
Idols will talk about how much they hated being an idol… all of the “luxuries”, brand sponsors, stage outfits, m/v’s and etc meant nothing to them. Other than trauma and exhaustion. The idols will talk about how fed up they are with having to act all innocent and well behaved in order to avoid negative reputations. They’ll talk about the overworking and underpayment. As well as exposing the disharmony within their groups too.
Idols will come out and expose either a ceo/manager/staff member and even their own members of being bullies. They’ll talk about the abuse and tormenting they faced thanks to that bully under their companies. Idols will talk about being tricked into overworking by the company and being told if they work hard they’ll be successful… which is true but that led to the company taking majority of the income from the idols work.
This whole expose will be making its rounds all over social media, but there will be one male figure in particular who will avoid this whole fiasco.
Overall, the idols who decided to expose the industry will be feeling really victorious and are happy to finally expose. They got tired of hiding, being forced to keep quiet, hiding secrets no… they just want to be free. This will also allow them to escape the K-pop industry for good.
Who will be exposing the Kpop industry? : KNoW, 7oP rx, The Star, KoC
An extroverted idol or just an idol who is like genuinely fed up will start exposing. Nugu idols/ idols with stagnant careers will also begin exposing. A really well known idol/songwriter will also expose the industry.
Possible Astrological Signs?! : PoS, KoW & 3oC
Idols with Earth placements, Fire placements and Mercury in Cancer
(Card placements are like a domino effect. One courages idol will start exposing, then a 2nd idol/figure who’s known will participate and then there will be an influx of emotionally drained and fed up idols exposing everything and everyone.)
Aftermath : 7oP, 7oW rx, KNoS rx, 4oS rx
The industry could take a while to get back up on its feet, but they will really push to regain its image again. They’ll be unable to try coverup and defend people anymore. The industry will definitely be judged and looked down upon. They’ll try debut more groups and some industry people will come out and talk but they should be careful as they’re words will be used against them. They will get back on their feet… but it could be a really slow process.
General publics thoughts: 4oW, 2oP, Hanged man rx, The Magician, 9oS, QoS, KoC rx
People will be happy?!😭 I think other music industries could start establishing their own things thanks to kpop going into shambles. Some could also not really care tbh… and people will try divert the attention from the exposé? There will be a lot of talk on social media, and more artists could be glad that their creativity will be shown? Some people will be heartbroken, they could just be in utter shock tbh. People will be happy that ppl are getting exposed now. Overall, just a lot of talk on social media, different sides and opinions as per usual…
Kpop stans thoughts : KNoC rx, 3oS rx, KoW rx, QoP, Death & AoP
They will think idols are lying and are jealous of their faves. They will not believe any of the news coming out and will attack the idols still and say they fake. Some kpop stans will definitely be leaving the fandom, and never come back. It will just be a mess tbh, a lot of death threats and doxxing will happen. People will definitely defend and some will applaud the idols who exposed to industry.
Woke Kpop stans will possibly leave this whole kpop industry and this will also lead to the declining finances in the industry.
i hope we will all be prepared for when this day comes because it’s going to be one longgggg bumpy ride 😵‍💫
Thank you for reading 📦
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lvndr-alt · 2 months
Okay, I’m not going to say any specific accounts because I am NOT inviting that into my life right now, but I’ve noticed more than a few good omens blogs that are just dedicated to negativity and being angry over takes on a (for now) ambiguous ending.
Correct me if I’m fundamentally wrong and missing the point because sometimes I totally miss the mark on things, but I feel like people are allowed to have different takes? I know that there is strong evidence supporting different takes (which I also personally believe,) but I feel like people should keep in mind that no matter how strongly we believe something, there is no canon confirmation for ANY take.
Taking things at face value is okay. Reading into things in multiple different ways is okay. Specifically what I’ve seen people taking heat for is saying that Aziraphale believed in some way what he said in the final fifteen. I have a very halfway view on it, but even if you take everything at face value, you aren’t inherently incorrect (or I’ve seen people go so far to call people bigots for? Believing what he said?)
Aziraphale is a beautiful character for the fact that he’s imperfect which allows him to be changing and unstatic. What makes Aziraphale such a great character in my eyes is that we see him majorly change over time, from his views in Edinburgh to the beginning of the Apocalmost to the final fifteen; it’s not the completely insane bigoted take that I’ve ever seen to say that he still is changing to a completely separate point of view.
I saw someone get an 8 comment character-limit essay on how wrong and bigoted they were for making a JOKE on the anniversary the other day, from an account that proudly proclaims that they don’t even talk to people individually anymore because they make massive assumptions about someone’s moral character over a media (haven’t we seen that somewhere before?) and just go straight to screenshotting posts to put them on blast for 2 essays straight without even bothering to interact or ask for any context or talk or debate or anything while people cheer.
I just find it exceedingly negative, and i feel like we need to go back to the basic Fandom Principles of “don’t like, don’t read” and the basics idea of there is no such thing as a thoughtcrime (because that’s a slippery slope)
Everyone here is so so so wonderful and amazing and generously overwhelmingly kind as a fandom, so around our one year mark for S2, stay positive and I’m wishing everyone quite the happy ineffable divorce, lmao. Here’s to S3 filming beginning next year 🫶🫶
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webanglikethat · 2 months
so, I just want to address something I found out recently. await a long rant tbh.
while scrolling through my second account (which I do not use often — it’s on my iPad and it’s simply because I couldn’t be bothered to remember my login details for this account), I searched my username because I wanted to find a very old post I reposted about ice skating. while doing so, my name popped up in a post I had never seen before. thus, I realized my name was on a blocklist. I was extremely confused. I just recently, during May (don’t quote me on that though), began being active on Tumblr. before that, I was mostly lurking and reblogging fics from fandoms like Obey Me! or Haikyuu. so, I really didn’t know why a person would put me on such a blocklist.
turns out, they’ve been looking through the “narcissistic abuse” and “#narcissistic abuse is real”, “#raised by narcissists” and “surviving narcissism”. the reason why they put me on this blocklist is because they believe I am of the notion that every person with ND (narcissistic disorder) is an abuser. to say I was shocked would be an understatement tbh. I was so confused. I never stated that ANYWHERE on my account. so I began looking and combing through my liked on those tags. I did find two / three posts with those tags that I liked.
One of the posts in question says:
'you're so sensitive'
i was never fully allowed to express my emotions as a child because when i did i would get yelled or made fun of”
narcissistic mother is the 13th tag. or for example this one:
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now, me personally I don’t get it. I think it’s fucking ridiculous — and pardon my language but the anger has been rising more and more since reading all of that — to look and nitpick for every. single. post. I had no idea they were even tagged with narcissism. I never claimed that my mom nor dad are narcissists. sure they’re messed up. but I never claimed that. the fact that someone has extrapolated such a specific and serious claim from my online activity is not just incorrect, it's irresponsible. I get that people are trying to be aware and protective of others online. that is great, really. but this level of scrutiny and assumption? it is not helping anyone. it’s just creating more misunderstanding and division. can’t someone like stuff they relate to anymore? I got fucking trauma thanks to childhood abuse, can’t I be allowed to look at stuff and think “wow, me too!” without being afraid of misjudgment? that’s kind of the whole point of social media, isn't it? to connect, to feel less alone in our experiences? I should be able to see a post that resonates with my experiences, think "Wow, me too!" and hit that like button without fear of being misunderstood or labeled. it’s not about diagnosing anyone or pushing an agenda. it’s about finding moments of connection in this big, messy digital world despite the gloominess of the real one.
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this person stated they weren’t 100% sure if I believed in this or not.
isn’t that just so stupid. you go out of your way, nitpick my name and then state you’re . Not Sure? you’re ruining my character and my image. I don’t even know you.
this is SO infuriating. I’ve worked hard to curate my online presence to reflect my interests and personality, only to have some clueless jerk — again, excuse my wording but I can’t be bothered to care about someone’s feelings right now — misinterpret my intentions and slap my name on a blocklist based on pure assumptions. it’s so insane that liking or relating to a post is enough to get you labeled and shunned without any direct statements or actions to back it up.
what’s even worse in my opinion is that this person admits they’re not sure of my stance. they have jumped to conclusions based on a handful of posts I’ve liked, without any solid evidence of my beliefs or intentions. it’s one thing to fight against harmful ideologies, but it’s another to vilify someone based on wild guesses.
to the person who put me on this blocklist: you don’t know me. you don’t know my experiences, my thoughts, or my intentions. your actions have real consequences, and you’ve chosen to act on baseless assumptions instead of facts. this isn’t activism; it’s a witch hunt. and it needs to stop. you claim to be fighting against harmful ideologies, yet here you are, perpetuating the very toxicity you pretend to oppose. you are not solving problems; you're creating them. you’re not protecting anyone; you're just stroking your own ego and patting yourself on the back for being such a "good person." Newsflash: good people don't engage in character assassination based on hunches and half-baked theories.
I mean for god’s sake — did it ever occur to your brain that your actions have real consequences? that by putting me on a blocklist, you're potentially cutting me off from communities, conversations, and connections that matter to me? all because you couldn't be bothered to do actual research or, God forbid, reach out and ask me directly about my views? and let's talk again about your spineless approach to this whole situation. you block me, refuse to engage, and then have the audacity to claim you're "not 100% sure" about my beliefs? if you're not sure, then why the hell did you take action? your uncertainty doesn't absolve you of responsibility; it makes your actions even more reprehensible.
so while you might never see this since 1) you blocked me, 2) are not replying to me on my second account — I demand an apology and a retraction. not just for my sake, but for everyone who’s ever been misjudged and slandered by people who think they know better. this isn’t how we build understanding and empathy. THIS is how we build walls and create divisions. and I refuse to be a part of that bullshit.
and to anyone else who thinks they can pull this kind of stunt: think again. I won't stand idly by while keyboard warriors with delusions of grandeur try to dictate who I am or what I believe. again. you don't know me, you don't know my story, and you sure as hell don't have the right to define me based on your misguided assumptions. I mean, who appointed you as the moral arbiter of the internet? what makes you think you have the right, the authority, or the wisdom to dictate who I am or what I believe? you’re not a hero; you're a nuisance, a digital mosquito buzzing around, causing irritation and spreading disease.
if you truly care about making the internet a better place, start by looking in the mirror. examine your own biases, your own knee-jerk reactions. ask yourself why you're so quick to judge, so eager to categorize people into neat little boxes that fit your worldview.
remember that behind every username is a real person, with real feelings and real experiences that you know nothing about. your actions have consequences, and it's high time you started considering them.
I won't be silenced. I won't be labeled. and I sure as hell won't stand by while you and your ilk try to dictate the terms of online existence. this is my story, my identity, my truth. and no amount of your misguided, self-important crusading will change that.
the mic is yours @cccat-in-a-meat-sack,
will you finally answer?
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
You really are a dumb fuck, aren't you? You repeated exactly what I said, then told me I was wrong for saying what you parroted back to me. Living in your brain must be fucking insufferable.
Your own words were that they did not know each other ten years ago. Incorrect.
They have both said that they have known each other socially (i.e., friends) since 2001. They did not become close until they were in Good Omens. Yes, that is what I said. That's what you agreed to after I corrected your initial false statement. My god, little wonder you think this blog is a good idea when these are your thought processes.
Nothing else you said makes the slightest bit of sense. I can't even decipher the point of that word salad, and I am a teacher. Why would Michael use the names of the characters when he is talking about the show that the characters are in? What? You are reaching so hard that it is comical.
You are a class act making jokes about a congenital defect that kills newborn infants. Is that the kind of thing the mother of a newborn infant who claims to be a nurse would do? We have established that you are lying about both of those things. You are just an awful person. When it comes down to the real point of this blog, you don't care about the greater good of the fandom. You only want attention. You are shouting about a tiny corner of Tumblr that draws no attention to itself. You bring attention to it. You make it loud. Even when it disappears, you keep bringing it back. What's the real point here? You want attention for yourself. You want to be the hero in a war that doesn't exist.
Maybe you don't ship the hairband. Maybe you just have bad taste in music? I don't care. Either way, you have no place calling out anyone when you support those losers. They are the epitome of the scum of society. Actual misogynists. One of them even murdered someone while driving drunk. That is just the tip of the iceberg. But someone no one knows said something mean about Georgia Tennant on Tumblr? Someone suggests that two men who keep talking about having sex and being in love might be in love. Better clutch your pearls over that! Pathetic.
bae that isn’t what you said. You said they’ve been friends for almost 25 years. Do you write things and just fucking forget them? Or can you just not stop lying?
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I can’t imagine being a teacher and just constantly being so goddamn wrong, I bet your students can’t stand you.
also saying you don’t have a brain isn’t making fun of a congenital defect babe. I’m neither lying about being a mom or healthcare professional. Most people I talk to pretty regularly here have seen my baby, and it would be pretty hard work to have an entire baby to…fake being a mom??? I’m not going to put my baby’s face on here to prove to someone like you that she’s real, and frankly I think it’s a little strange you wanna see that bad babe. Like? Your obsession with an internet stranger’s newborn (i guess infant now omfg) is kinda creepy.
As for my health certification, you don’t know shit actually. I busted my ass in high school to be licensed because of the people who helped me as a kid. Also I’m not a nurse😉 you are right about that. There’s more to healthcare than your RN and MDs lol. You seem like you’d yell at underpaid healthcare workers in the worst way possible.
you obviously did understand, but didn’t want to lick your wounds and slink into the corner.
btw this group absolutely does draw attention to yourself. I found these people by looking for cute Georgia and Anna stuff and finding hate and misogyny spread about them. As for Motley Crue, I hardly listen to them anymore, if literally ever. I haven’t posted anything about them in over a year and that is why I removed 2000 of my followers on instagram and made it private to have a personal acc. I just never bothered changing the username lol. So try again I guess.
Anyways here’s my daily reminder to you that David and Michael would be disgusted with you. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Keep sending these I think we’re falling in love boo🚨🔵🚨🔵
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goldenlevi · 2 years
note: ok, so i posted it here properly. if you prefer to read it on ao3 here other works: here / i hope you enjoy, happy new year everyone
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A loud sound in the distance woke you up.
Unsure of what it was exactly, as you were still groggy with sleep, a yawn escaped your lips while your arms stretched in front of you. For a moment, you thought you were back at your apartment and not in a public library.
You should be studying, not sleeping. The fault wasn’t entirely yours though. The previous day, you were stuck inside the Hospital following your mentor for the next six months which forced you to spend the night studying for an upcoming exam that was draining you. That’s how you end up in the library today next to Chishiya.
He was supposed to be helping you, and vice versa, not letting you fall asleep on top of dusty books. You looked down, as a frown took over your face. Why the fuck are they dusty? And where the hell was he? Your head turned in search for the blond. It only took a couple of seconds to notice that the setting was not exactly right.
It was the same familiar library, sure, one that you’ve set foot in many times. The same one in which you even met Chishiya in. But in spite of that, uneasiness was all you felt.
Too quiet, you thought. No traffic sounds were heard, no sighs from tired students nor any fingers pressing on keyboards in a hurry. Your legs moved before you could tell them to and practically jogged to the nearest windows. Just as you thought…empty streets. That is impossible, a voice inside your head argued. Shibuya doesn’t equal to empty streets nor any form of quiet. In fact, it was the exact opposite.
This had to be some type of illusion… a dream! yeah! You were still dreaming, it’s not like you were a stranger to lucid dreams and it would explain why you’re all alone. Well done, you pat yourself in the back.
“I know what you’re thinking; it’s not a dream” Your boyfriend’s voice rang through the room, another reminder of the silence. He cuts your train of thought off utterly unbothered. “There’s no one here” He says, beginning to walk over in your direction.
You turned your back to the windows, following his voice. You click your tongue, “That’s exactly what dream you would say. Even in my head you argue with me” He rolls his eyes upon hearing the answer your brain decides to come up with. Yet, until this day they still held a slightly less harsh stare as soon as he takes you in. His little smirk however, doesn’t flatter.
“Hmm” Your eyes barely have time to register his fingers as they quickly flick your forehead. Once and then again.
“Ouch! You asshole” You slap his hand away, rubbing your forehead. “Ok, fine I see your point”
Your eyes scanned your surroundings, not quite knowing what to make of it. Where were you? Both of you walked through the streets, ultimately deciding to go to your apartment since it was closer.
Everything felt…off. “What is this place?” Even then, your voice sounded foreign to your own ears. It was truly like you had been sucked out of your own reality and placed in a mirrored version of your world.
You rolled your eyes. Idiot.
“I'm serious. It may look like it but it doesn’t seem like we’re there anymore” Each time your eyes picked on something new, more and more questions followed.
“Dorothy~ I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” he said playfully in your ear. Knowing that he was trying to make you feel more relaxed about the situation you both found yourselves in; you couldn’t help but smile. Chishiya was always playful, at least to you. Others generally seemed not being able to get past the arrogance and coldness. It wasn’t that they were making an incorrect assumption, only a superficial one.
“How long do you think has it been?” He asked while taking a look around the familiar place you used to call home.
“At least a month, I'm sure of it. I don’t know how though...this feeling of uncertainty — I don’t like it” You then noticed a few items that were out of place. “Someone’s been here” Your voice slightly raised as slow burning agitation filled your body.
The feeling of invasion of privacy was a foreign one. One you didn't know how to deal with just yet. People have been inside your house - messing with your things who knows what they could have taken? What could they have seen?
From the library to your apartment, if you could still call it that, you didn’t hear a sound. However, he pointed out stores that had been broken into, cars left in the middle of the street and so on..
If there’s really people out there, being able to enter anywhere and everywhere, if there’s no one to stop them…then…what else could they been doing?
That same night, while walking aimlessly through familiar streets that no longer held any attachment, you both spot bright lights coming out of a building. At the same time, your bodies turned to each other and spoke without words.
In less than a mere five minutes, those same bright lights stared at you seemingly mocking you. Curiosity filled you from the moment you had woken up and now you suspect some of it was going to be satisfied.
One hour later you found yourself staring at the same piece of paper together.
A small one with a bold title of ‘VISA’ right in the center of it. Immigration status Certificate.
What the- Better yet how did these people know your names, and how did they just decide to attribute points to the game you had just played.
“Valid until Monday. Hm, I wonder what fate awaits if a person lets it expire” He mused. His eyes glanced at you in anticipation.
“We just played a game where four people died just because they made the wrong choice. What do you think happens?” You asked rhetorically, arching your eyebrows.
“Ah yes. I just wanted to hear you say that you’ll continue playing” He shrugged, crushing the paper, letting it fall on the floor.
A teenager that survived alongside you both, shared all the information they knew. Apparently, this place was called Boderland. The amount of people who were actively there participating in the games was unknown.
The black haired teenager looked at the two of you as if they were waiting for a new answer.
“All of us saw fireworks before we got here. Did-did you guys see them too?” You almost felt bad at how their voice shook, clearly longing for new information that could help figure out this surely long puzzle.
They confirmed that in order to survive, everyone was forced to play the games. But, you could also die in them. You weren't certain how long they had been there. The only certainty you had so far was that not many people would view the challenges as you and Chishiya did.
You shook your head with a small smile. “Did you?” They asked Chishiya. He stared at them before answering, contemplating if he should answer truthfully or not. He concluded they seemed harmless and so he said, “I heard them at first, then saw them through the windows” He explained no further.
In addition, you also learned that the games take place each evening and it could happen anywhere. Each game had their own set of rules, making them highly unpredictable. The one thing they had in common was the fact the symbols had a meaning and you could gain information if you paid enough attention.
“Clubs are team based games, you can generally win them with teamwork. Spades: Mostly physical as they test your endurance” They paused. “Diamonds, well, those are made for testing intelligence, and problem-solving skills. The hardest one is Hearts. Hearts have no limits,they test everything, attack you physiologically and easily manipulate you”
“Sounds fun” You hear him say under his breath, resulting in you discreetly lightly pinching his side. Last thing you need is the only person kind enough to give you any type of explanation to think you’re nuts.
After that first game, they decided not to play the second one together. It would be risky since you wouldn’t have the means to know what type of game it would be beforehand. If they had to let lives end in exchange of their own, then there’s no reason why they should complicate it even further.
Sunday Evening
You had just cleared a game.
The wind hit your hair as you ran, your feet moved one after the other without guidance, as the adrenaline remained in your veins being pumped through your blood stream.
Suddenly your eyes became hyper aware of the surroundings and you found yourself exactly in the spot you previously had agreed to meet Chishiya.
There he was, leaning on the empty store’s front wearing a blank expression as he often did. His eyes were dark as night, observing everything that moved.
You stopped beside him; leaning backwards allowing your head to hit the wall while a breathy laugh escaped your lips. “Fuck” you swore nearly panting. “Can you believe this? This is incredible. Whoever designed this, got a lot of inspiration from Saw”
“Saw?” He repeated, arching an eyebrow. You nodded, smiling wide just for him.
Chishiya turned his head towards you, searching for any possible injuries. Only after making sure you were physically unharmed, did relief fill him. Even now, it still felt like a strange feeling for the blond.
He then chuckled shaking his head in disbelief, “When the game ended, I was scared of one thing,” he placed one hand on his girlfriend’s cheek pulling you towards him. His mouth ghosted yours, teasing you as it always does. “that you wouldn’t find this as much fun as I did”
He pressed his lips against yours, speaking through a simple kiss. A pressing kiss, which screamed euphoria. He was happy that, once again, you found mutual pleasure.
Chishiya wouldn’t say it, nevertheless it wouldn’t be untrue, but he couldn’t bear to lose you. So, he spoke through his mouth right on yours grabbing you by the waist while biting your bottom lip teasingly. He decided that if he made all the right decisions he could have it all. And he would make sure of it.
Your hands met his neck touching him possessively. With nails grazing his skin, you deepened the kiss. Your tongue met his slowly wanting to taste him all of him.
Kissing him always felt too good. But something in the adrenaline and in the strange land made it feel fucking fantastic.
A week ago you were studying for an exam, today you had just fought for your life in a place where nothing matters. You decided right there and then you would rather live through a hundred todays especially if by the end of it, you got to have a kiss like that.
Their hearts pounded memories of the game they had just played behind their eyelids.His knuckles tightened around her clothes. And he kissed her like he wanted to scream he felt free.
Unprecedentedly, he was free.
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
sooo i'm curious about Nephews (And Nieces) Of Inexplicable Origin.... (Is it possibly what I think it is?? 😆)
Thanks for the ask! It most certainly is!!! 🤪😁 I had to go back and find our reblog chain with @that-one-loth-cat which started with your “Bo-Katan’s Obitine Flashbacks” (and this Satine & Sabine incorrect quote)…but yeah, the ‘nephew’ in question is Korkie, and the ‘niece’ is a Sabezra kiddo. 😉 The fic chronicles Bo’s saltiness over Satine passing off Korkie as her nephew, and she eventually gets to hit Ursa with an I told you so! that’s about 20-25 years in the making.
I didn’t have too much of this written when you sent the ask a few days ago, but I couldn’t help myself, so I finished the whole first scene. 😅
And fair warning, this snippet is from the POV of young Death Watch Bo-Katan, so there’s a fair amount of Star Wars cursing, i.e. variations of ‘kark’ and ‘kriff’. (Also, I gave Korkie a real name since ‘Korkie’ feels like a nickname. I’m not sold on it, though…might post a poll with a bunch of different candidates for what ‘Korkie’ could be short for.)
(Link to the WIP list for the ask game.)
“And then she had the audacity to call him her nephew! Her nephew! That’s how she decided to explain the baby she brought back with her! It doesn’t make any kriffing sense. I’m her only sister — her only sibling — so how do you think that made me look?”
Bo growled into her cup of tihaar and, rather brashly, swallowed down the rest in three fierce gulps. Her throat ached and eyes threatened to water, but not so badly that it blunted her ire over the red-haired little karker Satine introduced to her years ago.
Not that he was such a little karker anymore — Korkelan would be twelve now, and Bo wondered if he’d managed to connect the dots (of which there were only two, his ‘aunt’ and her Jedi protector), that had taken her all of five seconds to connect herself. The whole affair was more suspicious than a Jawa in a droid bar, and she had no doubt that it would explode in Clan Kryze’s face someday.
Glancing up, Bo found that her friend didn’t seem to be all that concerned with the not-so-inexplicable origins of her nephew.
Handle pinched between forefinger and thumb, Ursa bent her spoon back, preparing to catapult a red lentil across the banquet table. “One moment,” she murmured, squinting in the dim lighting of the tent. Slumped low in her chair to remain inconspicuous, she waited for the Saxon brothers to take their seats at the other end, each with a fresh cup of tihaar — one of the few tastes of Mandalore they still enjoyed on Carlac.
The head of the spoon sprang from her fingers, sending the lentil hurling across the table, soaring over Pre Vizsla’s bald head, and plunging right into Gar Saxon’s drink with a PLOP!
For a few long seconds, he stared down at the floaty in his cup. Stunned confusion morphed into disgust (as if a mynok had flown into the tent and taken a kriff on his plate), which simmered into a blind rage directed at the most likely culprit:
Skinny, slimy, pretentious Tiber.
“Aruetyc upstart,” Gar growled — and before the younger Saxon could utter a word of self-defense, his arm shot across the table and grabbed him by the collar of his bodyglove, lifting him off his feet and heaving him to the other side of the tent like a sack of joguns.
Ursa snickered in delight, sinking back and crossing her arms while watching the Brawn of Clan Saxon march over to the Brains and clobber him like a rabid rancor.
“I’m sure Count Saxon sleeps well at night knowing his clan’s future is in the hands of those two kriffhead di’kuts.”
Twirling her dinner knife, Bo leaned forward, planting her elbows on the table.
“Well, if you don’t want the future of Clan Wren to be in even worse shape, you should take my story as a warning. Anywhere you go in the galaxy these days, there are philanderering Jedi Knights preying on honest, Forge-going Mando girls. They whip out their lightsabers and put on a show with their perverse telekinetic shenanigans, and next thing you know, your sister is carrying around a ‘nephew.’ All it takes is one romantic jetpack ride. Mark my words.”
Ursa pried her attention away from the one-sided brawl to give Bo a flat, unconvinced look.
“Right. I’ll start worrying about Sab’ika going on romantic jetpack rides with unscrupulous Jedi boys when she can chew solid food.”
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isabelguerra · 9 months
worked on Comics for 10 hours today im making like two posts then collapsing into bed.
in my imaginary headcanon zone i think about what a compelling retake on monsters could have been like, and always come back to spirit fusions gone wrong. as the comic continues, this concept has gone from widely-enjoyed headcanon to factually incorrect fanon- which is a worthy rebuttal. however as a concept that still rules it is a rebuttal ive elected to presently ignore
iiiii think fucked up spirit fusions wouldve had sooooo much potential. we’ve seen spender fuse w lucifer a few times, but lucifer is a conscious and considerably stable spirit that us willing to collaborate. what if the spirit you’re trying to fuse with is a grudge? what if they didnt want to work with you? what if they hated being trapped with you? we’ve seen spirits temporarily possess their hosts to speak and move the body. what if that got taken to the extreme? like, hey, remember spirit ethics? because i do.
could you imagine being trapped in some guys body for ages. objectively it’s a really sweet deal- free food, safety, you get to go when times up. but what if youre reckless. impatient. you don’t want to sit around waststing time when you could be out there living your life, instead of wasting away in here. while some blithering parasite keeps you jailed and boasts your unique talents as weapons of their own. i’d get pretty annoyed. frustrated, even. dare i say mad. fed up. restless. humans can instigate spirit fusion, who says spirits cant? except, maybe they can’t. not really. not in the same way. you didn’t need to wait for your body back- you had a perfectly good one tied to your soul and all you needed was to commandeer it. too bad hosts aren’t made for that. separate mind and body is one thing, but both haphazardly melded under force? you attempted a hostile takeover that blew up for both of you when faced with resistance- well done, now neither of you are in control. you and your human are stuck as a mishmashed consciousness with a mishmashed body. you cant exist like that. youre barely conscious, acting on instinct. what else are you supposed to do? no wonder the cousinhood wants to hunt you down. youre not a spirit anymore and youre not a human anymore. youre a monster
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sleepy-razor · 2 years
Request!!: I would sell my soup to Satan for you to write a Xiao x reader fanfiction where Xiao is clumsily trying to figure out "modern mortal courting" cause (at least in my hc anyway) he's vaugely aware of really old courting traditions but is trying to learn new ones for his s/o.
Notes: Anon when I tell you I laughed so hard from reading the first line, I mean it. I’m guessing you meant to type “soul” and it didn’t quite work out for you, but regardless it was a good laugh. I did my best with researching dating culture in older China compared to now, but if there’s anything incorrect that you guys catch, please let me know as I am not Chinese or Asian in any capacity!
Warnings: I don’t think there are any here? As always, if you think I should have posted a warning for anything in my works, please let me know and I can correct it!
Characters: Xiao, GN!Reader, Reader’s parents(only mentioned)
To say that Xiao was a bit out of touch with human culture is an understatement
He has no clue how to go about starting a relationship in the ways people do it nowadays
He’s more familiar with the traditional way of doing things, although he’s never wanted to partake.
He’s used to arranged marriages, no dating required, and those are always set up by the parents rather than the parties actually involved, so when you approach him and ask him if he’d like to go on a date with you, he’s at a loss.
Poor guy is so clueless, he’s stiff as a board on your first date and he didn’t do great as a conversation partner.
He was surprised when you wanted to go on a second date.
To be completely honest, he was surprised you wanted to go out with him in general. He sees himself as nothing more than a weapon at Morax’s expense, so the thought of you liking him as a person?? Unheard of.
He’s a bit apprehensive at the thought of a second date, worried that you’ll be tainted by his karma if you got too close, but he decides to just let it be.
He eases into it eventually, but please be patient with him, he has no idea how this works.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
“Won’t your parents be upset that you’re going against their wishes?”
If it had been anyone else, you’d expect them to burst out laughing and claim they were just messing with you, but Xiao looks dead serious as he stares at you from across the table.
Confused, you put your spoon back down on the wooden tabletop. “Against what wishes?”
Xiao frowns. “Did your parents not arrange a marriage for you?”
“Arrange a what?”
“Is… that not the practice anymore?”
Xiao sounds so utterly clueless when he asks you this question, watching you with wide eyes that sparkled with curiosity and self-consciousness.
“For some families, probably,” you answer, waving your hand. “But not mine. I’m as free as a bird!”
You grin at him, and return to your food as Xiao falls into a thoughtful silence.
In all honesty, Xiao is relieved to hear that your parents aren’t upset with your decision.
He ends up approaching Yanfei and Ganyu to ask how to arrange dates, and while Ganyu isn’t able to help much, Yanfei is able to direct him to someone who CAN help.
It takes a while, but he slowly eases into the modern practices, although he’s still learning, so please go easy on him and give him feedback. He just wants to impress you and make you happy.
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
O-kay, you’re a smart girl and I’m presuming you’re female, here but we all saw the red-carpet stuff. Despite being for promo, it got people talking far beyond what the Zegler/Rivera team wanted and it’s been going on six months now. It’s one thing to have chemistry in a movie, it’s another for it to last as long. Basically, it's become one giant distraction and her fans really want that attention back onto her immediate circle. And, no you are incorrect; her fans do care about Rivera. As I already said, immediate circle. Blyth’s fans aren’t really important here.  
The issue is: Ballad is over. There’s nothing to promote and this zeglyth b.s, can’t believe I typed that out, is confusing everyone. Debates on whether she’ll break up with her love and get with Blyth are equally nonsense. Whatever friendship Zegler thinks she’s got with him is pointless here. Since that’s all it’ll ever be.  The facts are everyone needs to move on. There’s no point dwelling on dreams and forget to live since we are quoting literature and art now.
There’s so much wrong here I don’t even know where to begin.
“O-kay, you're a smart girl and I'm presuming you're female, here but we all saw the red-carpet stuff.”
Actually my pronouns are zeglyth/shipper. Please be respectful and use my appropriate pronouns moving forward.
“Despite being for promo, it got people talking far beyond what the Zegler/ Rivera team wanted and it's been going on six months now.”
How this my problem? This sounds like a personal issue for R and her idiotic team if they can’t figure this out going on six months now. Anons send stuff to the blog to air out their grievances towards me but shouldn’t you be saying this to R? Shouldn’t her team be telling her to stop talking about T / Zeglyth for a while if they want it to stop? I’m not understanding why this is a huge topic of discussion. You seem like you know R or in her circle so why hasn’t she stopped? And don’t give me that BS about “she can post him since they’re friends”… yeah, that’s not good excuse anymore. If she wants zeglyth to go away, have her make an announcement (she did last time and still continued to like T and Zeglyth stuff) and not posting T stuff altogether.
Can you explain this post to me? She called out shippers for being inappropriate in this video on Feb 23. On the same day (? don’t think it was the same day but whatever). She posted photos of her favorite people on IG, including T with her dad, DJ, J and her dog. Pretty symbolic if you ask me!
There’s two options here: either she’s lying to you all about what she really wants or she’s telling you truth and is a complete idiot not realizing how any of this looks?
Which option is it? Careful. It’s a trick question.
“It's one thing to have chemistry in a movie, it's another for it to last as long. Basically, it's become one giant distraction and her fans really want that attention back onto her immediate circle.”
Again this isn’t my problem at all. I don’t care what high school dropouts and 10 year olds want and neither should R. The more famous R gets, the more “her immediate circle” will be in jeopardy. Gate keeping a celebrity’s attention and time is weird. R has given people too much access to her and the way fans talk to her, demanding stuff from her, is nasty. This is troubling and not the behavior of a real celebrity. She’s blowing away her talent on her bf and her fans. You and her “immediate circle” disgust me. Truly. You’re scum for not telling R the truth. You aren’t a real fan.
“And, no you are incorrect; her fans do care about Rivera. As I already said, immediate circle. Blyth's fans aren't really important here.”
Answer this question: would you care about J if R wasn’t dating him or dumped him?
It’s a rhetorical question because we know the answer. He doesn’t have real fans. No one except her immediate circle cares about him. You’re an idiot too if you believe otherwise. I mean you’re already an idiot but that’s a personal issue you have to deal with. Best of luck.
“The issue is: Ballad is over. There's nothing to promote and this zeglyth b.s, can't believe I typed that out, is confusing everyone.”
Why are you idiots so confused? What’s going on in this immediate circle? Did no one graduate high school over there? Is that a trend? Is the requirement to join her circle that you shouldn’t have a high school diploma? It seems like it. Explains a lot actually. Again, how is this my problem? The “zeglyth bs” started because of R so you’re angry at the wrong person. I have nothing to do with her choices and decision making.
“Debates on whether she'll break up with her love and get with Blyth are equally nonsense.”
Her love? Ew. If it’s nonsense, why do you care? A harmless ship shouldn’t have everyone this mad. People call us delusional but are always crying and throwing up on here. One zeglian had a meltdown a few weeks ago because they invaded a personal space. Obsessed. I’m embarrassed for zeglians.
“Whatever friendship Zegler thinks she's got with him is pointless here. Since that's all it'll ever be. The facts are everyone needs to move on.”
Oh, you’re not a complete idiot. I’m happy for you, some knowledge is a good thing. Keep it up.
So you do know that this is R’s fault to some degree? You admitted here. You know R has a problem moving on from T and their “friendship” so why not call her out on this? You can’t because you don’t want to upset your fav and get kicked from the circle.
You sound frustrated with her. Understandable. She’s giving you mixed signals about her feelings and you don’t know how to feel about it so you’re taking out your frustration on me. Got it.
And “everyone needs to move on”? What does R need to move on from? You said she’s focused on “her love” so move on from what exactly? Why is everyone always saying that R is reaffirming her love for J or is moving on? It’s a common theme. R is clearly struggling and doesn’t do as she says. Why is this so hard for R? You said this has been going for almost six months? Wow.
I’ll make you a deal. I’ll move on from Zeglyth when R’s moves on T /Zeglyth.
I know a flash of fear went through your heart as you read that because we both know deep down she’s not letting go and moving on from him. Which means, you’re stuck with me :) Oh well!
“There's no point dwelling on dreams and forget to live since we are quoting literature and art now.”
Yes, since we are quoting literature and art:
“You’re like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again.”
Thanks for sharing :)
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quietwings-fics · 11 months
and so the tower fell
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Samifer Additional Tags: Enochian (Supernatural), Enochian-Speaking Sam Winchester, With A Twist, Angst, angst masquerading as cute scenes, Post-Lucifer's Cage Sam Winchester, Memory Related, Languages, Universe Alteration, Ambiguous/Open Ending Wordcount: 1941 Podfic Length: 16:26 Summary:
Lucifer taught Sam how to speak Enochian in the Cage.
The spell calls for a few lines of Enochian chanting.
The logical thing in this situation is to call Cas, see if he’s up for doing it. It’s his language, and he’s the one least likely to fuck it up. Dean’s out, because even with the words written out phonetically, he can’t get them to sound quite right. Sam...
“I’ll do it,” he says, just as Dean is about to pass off the role to Castiel. They both glance at him, Dean with a raised eyebrow and Cas’s brow furrowing. Sam’s read and reread the lines over a dozen times now. He can practically feel the words vibrating from where he’s keeping them under his tongue. Dean shrugs.
“Hey, let Sam show off his nerd brain,” he tells Cas. Castiel’s brow furrows even more, if that’s possible.
“Are you sure you know the pronunciation, Sam?” Sam nods. Pronunciation? That was the first lesson, the very basics. Sam could hold a conversation. Sam could recite entire prayers and verses in Enochian. Sam knows the language like he was born speaking it, and sometimes he still talks to himself in it. It brings him back to before.
(“Are you sure this is how it sounds?” Sam asked in English. Lucifer looked annoyed.
“Yes, Sam, I’m sure.”
“It’s just...” Sam licked his lips, turning the words over in his mind, the way they had rolled so easily off of Lucifer’s tongue. “I think I learned some Enochian topside. It didn’t sound like this.”
“Do you really think any human understands our language better than I could? None of you heard it for centuries.” He smiles at Sam, sweet, almost indulgent. “Except for you, now. Don’t you feel special.” It’s only teasing, but Sam focuses, gets his words in order.
“Yes, I do.” He speaks the Enochian the way Lucifer taught him this time. (Because of course, the first thing Lucifer ever taught him to say was yes, even if that can’t mean what it once did anymore.) It doesn’t sound anything like the books he once read said it would, but it sounds right in his mouth the same way it does in Lucifer’s. Lucifer’s smile widens.
“Oh, Sam.” He sounds delighted. Sam finds himself smiling back.)
“I’m sure.” A few hundred, or a thousand years, or an eternity later, because time never really worked in Hell, and Sam forgets more words in English now than he ever does in Enochian. He can even see where whoever translated this spell did it wrong, and he’s already fixing the Enochian in his own head, replacing a few words and changing the sentence structure. He’s not sure how Cas didn’t catch it, but maybe it wasn’t incorrect enough to matter. It matters to Sam.
They go through the motions of setting up the spell, and all the while, those words are buzzing in Sam’s head. It’s the opportunity of it that excites him, a chance to speak aloud a language he’s confined to his own whispers, a chance to show that Lucifer’s lessons were still useful, could still help Sam even when he wasn’t there to talk to anymore. Sam’s thought about asking Castiel to converse with him in Enochian before, briefly. That would invite too many questions, how Sam knows the language beyond spellwork, when he learned, who taught him, and then he’d be staring down the barrel of pity or distrust again. He’s not sure which is worse at this point.
This is an acceptable middle ground. Castiel and Dean won’t question him knowing this. He can say the words out loud, feel the thrum of them in his throat again. Sam wants to hear himself say them. He wants to close his eyes and hear the words echo and pretend, for a moment, that someone will speak back.
(“Tell me something,” Sam said. Lucifer was rearranging a sky that did not really exist above them. He was frowning as the stars darted and flickered in and out. Sam couldn’t tell how close he was getting to the real night sky, but some of it must have been off or Lucifer wouldn’t look so tense. Sam leaned back further into Lucifer, and Lucifer looked at him. The frustration melted away.
“Like what?” His hand came up to stroke Sam’s hair. Sam remembered being scared the first time Lucifer touched him here, not just because it was Lucifer, although, yes, but because it had felt like no physical touch he’d ever experienced. Sam could remember freaking out, but he couldn’t recall what he compared this against, what being touched felt like when you were only flesh and bone and not soul and grace.
“Anything. For practice. I want to see if I can understand it without context.” Lucifer tilted his head. His eyes were nothing like the stars twinkling far away above them. They were closer to supernovas, a never-ending explosion at the core of him, terrifying and glorious.
“The language of angels was made for your tongue,” Lucifer said. “My siblings never made it sound so perfect.” Sam swallowed.
“I was thinking more of a fun fact or something.” Lucifer leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“That is a fact.”)
“Ready?” Dean asks. Sam and Cas both nod. Sam can feel his heart beating faster. A few more seconds. For a moment, he can almost hear Lucifer’s voice, and he worries he’s hallucinating again.
(“Sam.” Lucifer was perched on his bed. Lucifer was still in the Cage. “Talk to me. You’ll forget how otherwise.” Sam glanced towards the motel bathroom. Dean’s shower was loud enough that he wasn’t too worried about being heard, as long as he kept his voice low.
“And if I make a mistake, you’re not going to be able to correct me,” Sam pointed out, “because you are me.” His hallucination inclined his head, accepting the rebuttal. There was a subtle wrongness in the way he moved. Every time Sam saw this version of Lucifer, the gap between him and the real thing grew wider, but Sam couldn’t bring himself to shut this out yet, not when it was all he had, a walking talking memory.
“Do it anyway. It’ll make you feel better.” Sam’s chest ached. It needed to remind him every now and then that there was a hole there that would never be filled back up. That Lucifer was right, and they were the missing pieces of each other, and the moment the puzzle came together, the universe came along and pulled Sam’s piece back out.
“What do I even talk about?”
“Whatever you want. Tell me about your day.” Sam snorted humorlessly.
“You weren’t there. It sucked. Same song-”
“Different verse,” Lucifer finished. Sam knew he goaded the hallucination into it on purpose, if that was even something you could do with a figment of your imagination, but it was just close enough to something the real Lucifer said to ease the hurt a little. Sam bent down to get a change of clothes out of his bag. “I miss you,” Lucifer said, quietly.
“I-” Sam responded.
“What did you say?” Dean interrupted. Sam hadn’t heard his shower end. He shut his mouth. Lucifer was gone.
“Nothing.” It took him a moment too long to translate Dean’s words, find the right response in English. The look Dean was giving him let Sam know exactly how little he believed him.
“Sam, you know you can talk to me...” Dean pushed. Sam straightened, holding his clothing close to his chest.
“You better not have used all the hot water,” he said and fled the scene.)
Sam runs a hand through his hair. Dean gives him the go signal.
He opens his mouth, and the words spill out, and they’re perfect and right and he missed them-
He speaks for about twelve seconds before Cas shouts at him to stop, and he falters in surprise. Cas looks horrified, as though Sam has been slaughtering babies with his bare hands and not simply talking.
“Cas, what’s wrong?” Dean asks, reaching out to put a hand on the angel’s shoulder. Cas startles badly, eyes still locked on Sam. Sam feels himself shrink back from that gaze.
“Where,” Castiel demands, and though his voice is hard as iron, his face is a cascade of expressions, all of them ruled by a combination of horror and confusion, “did you learn that?” Sam can’t breathe.
“From-” He struggles for something, for the right word, and it’s there in Enochian, from another hunter, from a book, anywhere but from Lucifer himself, but he can’t translate any of those thoughts into English fast enough.
“So he mispronounced a few things, Cas, calm down. We’ll start over, and you can say the magic words this time.” Cas shakes his head.
“No. This wasn’t a mispronunciation. It was far too consistent. And... archaic.” Cas almost sounds angry when he continues. “Who taught you this? It’s wrong.” He spits the word out.
“I don’t understand,” Sam says.
“The way you speak hurts. Enochian is harmonious, it’s... beautiful. I can barely stand to hear what you’re saying, Sam.” Dean is giving Sam a weird look now. Sam can’t see a way out of this.
“I can explain.”
“It feels... defiled. I’m not even sure how someone could twist our language like that.” Cas continues.
“Lucifer,” Sam says, "he taught me.” Dean’s mouth twists angrily. Cas looks... less so.
“So, what, that son of a bitch shoved a cursed version of Enochian in Sam’s head?” It’s not cursed or defiled, Sam wants to protest, it was his, it’s ours, it’s the only part of him left in me. He doesn’t say any of that. Castiel and Dean don’t know what happened in the Cage. They know Sam came back with damage, a fuckton of damage, and they’d assumed Lucifer was a part of it, if not the sole cause. Sam’s pretty sure any attempt to defend Lucifer at this point will lead to accusations of Stockholm Syndrome or worse, so he’s keeping quiet.
Castiel is watching him. He still looks shaken, but there’s something else there. Something sad.
“No, Dean,” he says. He takes a deep breath. “Sam, Lucifer was alone for a very long time.”
“So?” Sam knows. Sam was there. Sam was the reason he wasn’t alone anymore, until Dean and Cas tore them apart.
“What you’re speaking is not Enochian.” Cas sounds like he’s trying for gentle and missing by a mile. “Not anymore.”
(“Thank you,” Lucifer said as he trailed a hand down Sam’s bare chest, a tease that may or may not lead to sex.
“For what?” Sam reached down to take his hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing along Lucifer’s fingers and palm and wrist. Lucifer watched him, pleased.
“Many things,” he murmured, “but right now, for talking with me.” He stroked Sam’s cheek, back down his neck and his chest again, fingers tracing the tattoo that had done nothing at all to ever keep him out. “It’s one of the last connections I have to them.” He looked so tired, Sam realized. “They cast me out, Sam. Michael destroyed my wings beyond any hope of healing. They condemned me to silence outside of the revelations of the Host. But they could not make me forget my own tongue.” Sam reached up, pulled Lucifer closer, and the angel came without much protest, laying in Sam’s arms. “I spoke it to myself for centuries, and now, here you are, willing to learn and converse with me.”
“Of course I would. I love you,” Sam said before kissing him. Lucifer sighed happily.
“Beautiful,” he said.)
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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cowandcalf · 2 years
NaNo has started well and I made a great choice by writing one shots. No matter the length but it keeps my focus sharp and it’s really fun because I can actually bring a story to its end during November. I reach my daily word count easily. I’m working already on the second McDanno one shot. All will be edited and posted after NaNo is over but I want to share. I don’t have fun often while I’m crafting a story. That’s not how this works with me. It’s more like a super task that has to be done and I’m still finding my footing but this time it’s different. And I’m always together with Steve and Danny and that’s the best part! :-)
Be Your Very Best in The Darkest Time (soul swap AU) - snippet
The low flapping sound vibrates in Freddie's chest and the down drift of the rotor blades tears at his drenched uniform. He watches with terror how a lifeless Steve gets loaded onto the stretcher. The blood drips onto the concrete. A bullet hit him right in the back of the head and left a big hole. Freddie has no idea how they made the two-mile swim underwater, but he brought Steve home and now he must let the medical team take care of him.
"Give him the shot! He needs to stay calm! Hey Sir," the military EMT turns to Freddie, shielding his face against the swirling dirt in the air.
"What?" Freddie hollers back to drown out the enormous noise.
"With what element is he bonding?" The young, serious man points towards Steve. "Just so we know with what we're dealing here." He shouts over to Freddie.
"Air!" Freddie answers and hopes the guy won't ask anything else.
"How bad?"
"Massive sandstorm level bad." He can't lie they need to know the danger they are in.
There's that moment where both medical personnel look at him mildly shocked. "That's rare! Shit! Where?"
"Hindukusch, Afghanistan last year." Freddie yells. "He got hit by a blast wave, got knocked out a for few seconds and created a sandstorm while out. He didn't know shit when he came to. Was pretty bad."
The guy nods and makes a waving motion with his hand. Ready to load.
The fear makes a grab for Freddie. "You don't fucking die on me, brother. Do you hear me?" He yells in Steve's direction. "You don't die on me." Freddie murmurs desperately to himself while he watches how the medevac helo lifts up and cuts through the air loaded with precious cargo. Freddie watches until he can't hear the rotor blades hitting the air anymore. Steve is getting transported to the Navy medical center in Coronado near the base. Freddie dreads to face his brothers to inform them about the mission failure and about the worst part that he has brought Steve home severely injured and in a state where he has become a threat to himself and all others. If they won't be able to get Mary back it could turn really ugly.
What if he can't calm down? Not even with the heavy doses of chemicals the doctors just shot him up with? What if he unleashes his powers, unwanted and uncontrolled while in pain and unconscious?
Freddie pivots on his heel and storms back to the cubical where the command operates to receive his next order. They have to get back to the USA without anyone noticing that U.S. Navy SEALs have been operating in international waters, in forbidden territory, in the China Sea. The aircraft carrier that picked them up is the U.S.S. Independence.
Freddie storms into the command center. "We need a Spirit Shifter! The best the Navy's got. Steve's going to tear the hospital apart. I can feel it." He shouts before the doors are even closed.
(incorrect information will be corrected in the editing process.)
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teamgamble · 1 year
Team Gamble Shadow Pokemon Crisis Meeting
Judas slammed the side of the abandoned warehouse with the side of his forearm. “God fucking DAMMIT, why did they have to come back here out of all places!?” Laz wasn’t incorrect, the Orrish boy was extremely unhappy about this.  No wonder, Isaac thought, she wouldn’t be happy either if he was in their position.
All thirteen members of Team Gamble were in here.  Presumably once belonging to a small company, they had taken it as their own, decorating it with tables, lights, beanbags, and other amenities.  The shutters were rusted shut, but there was a way in only those who have been inside knew of.  Team Star actually used this as a base, once, before it grew so much Team Star required multiple separate large scale bases all over Paldea.  Perhaps that’s why they don’t do anything anymore, whereas with a smaller team it was easier to coordinate plans.
“I know this is a stressful time,” Isaac piped up, “but we need to keep our wits about us.  Team Snagem are scary for sure, but if they were beaten back once, people can do it again.” “They ain’t making it easy though,” Samson pointed out, sitting up in his beanbag chair.  “They’re skulking ‘round in the shadows and shit like that.  I mean, motherfuckers nabbed Pokemon from Larry just ‘cause he dared to eat lunch in a restaurant.  Snagem’s ain’t the sort to play fair.”
“So why should we?” Azazel grinned, leaning forward.  They were silent up to this point, silently petting their own Staraptor, Starlo.  “I mean, they’re probably gonna go straight for our ‘Mon in a battle, right?  What’s keeping us from joining the battle and breaking their kneecaps?” There was a tense aura around them.  They could see their own starter Pokemon getting injected in the shoulder blade and thrashing about instead of Larry’s Staraptor--something they boiled their blood.
“Violence isn’t always the answer, you know,” Maggie said, but she was interrupted by her stepbrother. “No, no, they got a point,” Isaac said, standing up.  “We can’t have our Pokemon be the only ones fighting for innocent lives.  I think it’s time we also do our part.” He looked at Jacob.  “How good are we on money?  Because I doubt we can get self-defense weapons with League Points.” “Very very good!” the brunette boy clapped (and a “thanks to me” from his lighter haired twin which earned the latter a glare).  “We might have enough to arm everyone here!” “And I don’t need ‘em,” Samson spoke up.  “In fact, I could probably teach y’all a bit of how to wrestle a Pokemon.  Don’t Shadow Pokemon like going for the trainer anyway?”
Beth nodded.  “Yes, but no.  Isaac, may I?” Isaac nodded back at her, and Beth stood up and walked over to the used Smartboard Eden had managed to salvage a while back.  She pulled up a slide, which contained her research and clips from the videos the Team Snagem blog posted. “Shadow Pokemon being emotionless is in fact, mostly a myth.  It’s more like hatred and anger driving them forward, because a major part of the process involves trauma, along with whatever agent is being used to help close the door to their hearts.  I’d detail the process more, but, well...” Beth leaned forward on the nearby computer and pulled up two tabs on The Koiking’s Pond blog.  “Here’s a bit of reading, I think the owner behind this could explain it better than I do.” “But as for who Shadow Pokemon target...it’s less that they prefer opposing Trainers, and more that they’re indiscriminate,” Beth explained.  “Opposing Pokemon, opposing Trainers, even their allies and their own Trainer.  You can get them to focus their attacks, but it takes training.  You’re sacrificing effort ,the Pokemon’s own health, and others’ health for more power, essentially.”
Beth switched back over to the Groovyle Slide, showing some photos from Orre’s Snagem-Cipher crisis that came from before they were all even born. “Snagem at first got their Pokemon from Cipher, and they may have picked back up the reins, but they were the original makers of Snag Balls and Snag Machines.  Only an ex-Grunt managed to get the original model to turn them back on them, but I have reason to believe they may have newer and up to date models.  It’s in the name, after all.” Beth looked back at the others.  “In short, if we encounter a Snagem grunt and win, don’t just take their Pokemon.  Take every equipment they might have.  If they happen to have Snag Balls or a Snag Machine on them, we want them.  Then we can capture back the Pokemon they stole and turned into Shadow Pokemon.”
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shiroganeryo · 2 years
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Now and then, I have this habit of taking some time to reminisce about things. I’m one of those people who tend to stick to old favorites, staying passionate about said things even if I don’t actively engage with the fandom anymore; they’ll always have a place in my heart and I think of these things I love on a regular basis.
One of these things is the VocaUTAU fandom, which I interacted with a lot back in the day as Ritsu Namine’s RPer here on Tumblr. 
Ritsu still is my favorite virtual singer of all - I still listen to many of the songs and covers - it’s amazing to see how far the character and his voice provider have come; and it’s tons of fun to remember all the moments I had interpreting him and doing my own PV projects (despite being terrible at tuning USTs!), fanarts and even going as far as to do cosplay.
These are definitely happy memories that I cherish. And when I’m going through hard times, I tend to think about such things.
This was my first post in Ritsu’s blog; 12 years ago! It’s truly amusing to revisit all the posts and even cringe at myself a little thanks to my own immaturity (and slightly incorrect English) in both IC and OOC. Many of those posts were rather chaotic... 
Though I still quite like how I interpreted him back in the day, ahaha.
I still feel like Ritsu is part of me, the petty, child-like and somewhat stubborn part of me. He also was my very first experience with an openly queer character and I feel like that helped broaden my horizons and understand things better as well; though I already was pretty aware I was sapphic, the concept of gender was a somewhat late reveal!
Looking back now, it makes a lot of sense why it felt so comfortable to interpret him.
I lost the access to Ritsu’s account as the email it used was deleted by Outlook due to inactivity, and Tumblr had the amazing idea of not giving people an alternative to log back into their accounts after the data leak that forced users to change their password - something that required the email originally linked to the blog in question.
The old URL I had before changing to ritsu73, namineritsu, is linked in the old RP HQ blog. See that Namine Ritsu? It was me! I don’t know who’s the current owner of that URL, though.
As for the current URL, ritsu73... I’ve been holding it as a sideblog of mine, since Tumblr adds a “-blog” to the URL of blogs that’ve gone inactive - as you can see on my posts linked in this small text. I probably won’t do anything with it, but I can’t seem to let it go due to my attachment to the blog and the memories I have thanks to it.
If you have read until now, thank you so much for your attention! I don’t know if you have come across Ritsu’s blog in the past when it was active 12 years ago, or if you happened to find some post while searching or if you hadn’t even heard of it until now...
...but still, it’s really nice of you to stay and read through my long, reminiscing babbling. I appreciate it, truly. 
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hey friends!
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some of you have been following me for a while, some of you are new, welcome! i’m gonna go on a bit of a personal rant here so, feel free to read or not or just read the tldr.
cw/tw: mentions of separation, toxic relationships, moving towns, haven rambles about their personal life for a while, medical discussions, autoimmune disorders
tldr: life flipped me upside down and fucked me and that’s why i haven’t been posting or super active
i don’t often talk about personal stuff on here but figured i’d provide some context as to why everything’s a mess and i haven’t been writing/posting like i said i would, or like i used to.
back in january i split from my long term partner who’d i thought i would marry, right down to having matching tattoos, and calling him my husband on here often. to make a long story short; the relationship was very toxic. it wasn’t a healthy situation for me anymore, and im happy to be where i am now. luckily my name wasn’t on any paperwork for our apartment (since i live in BC Canada there’s something called “common law” if your names on paperwork), and i was able to get out of living there quite quickly and easily. i’ve traveled the country since then, got to see sleep token, made new friends, seen and done tons of new things, and feel truly blessed with the life i have now.
as some of you may know from my posts, i have been diagnosed with celiac disease, and im also in the process of being diagnosed with POTS, both of which can be super draining on my body and mental state. im trying really hard to push through and continue to move my body as much as possible to maintain my health. i’ve taken to bringing my ipad to the gym and reading fics on it while running on the treadmill, as apparently thats supposed to be good for me, the juries still out on that one.
i also graduated university during this time and will be starting my career in the fall! i’m hoping that having a proper work life balance will allow me to start publishing more on here and on ao3 like i’ve wanted to, and being a more active part in my fandoms.
i’m still a huge SW fan, even if my page has shifted more into the bad omens/sleep token genres. Star Wars is still very near and dear to my heart, but was something my partner and i watched together, hence the matching lightsaber tattoos, and can sometimes be a little hurtful sometimes. but alas, you will still see me reblogging SW content that i read on here, as a lot of my mutuals are from that fandom, and i love to support them.
i’ve got all sorts of stuff on this page, I will be going through and organizing it now that i have more time to make my page a little less confusing. i’ll be posting my current readings, fic recommendation lists and my own fics again in a masterlist either today or tomorrow, once i have the whole thing organized. i’ve been writing a ton to keep my mind off everything and as an outlet while dealing with my issues, and hopefully i’ll be able to edit and post some of those soon. for now, you’ll continue to see me reblogging art, fics and some other nonsense stuff about bad omens, sleep token, and whatever else i come across.
i’ll probably go back to posting some incorrect quotes as i come up with them, since that’s how i gained a lot of my traction. i’m also planning on starting up streaming on twitch again, so i’ll be posting a stream schedule once i get my room all set up for it!
anyways, if you made it this far, thanks for listening to my rambling. as always, if yall ever need anyone or are going through something similar to what i went through, please reach out, i’m always happy to talk about literally anything. this blog has always been my outlet and has been and always will be a safe space for everyone.
love always,
haven <3
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fnaf-fanatical · 1 year
(I tried uploading the audio file but tumblr doesn't like me for some reason :[ )
School Project
I’ve been writing for a while, which actually started through here because tumblr posts with incorrect quotes led me to reading stories, which in turn made me start writing them. I was 11 or 12 at the time, fresh into my first real fandom, and very into wattpad stories, which as anyone on this site will know are unhinged, unedited, and due to the fact that most people writing there are very young like I was, are more than often lower quality than other writing sites (which is not to hate on wattpad writers - i’ve actually even read some really good and profound stories on there, both fanfic and otherwise, but that’s not the vast majority of the site, at least from what I’ve seen).
Honestly I first started writing because not only did it let me make the things I want to see - and was the start of my maladaptive daydreams though I didn’t know anything about that yet - but because it was also an outlet. Life was shitty, and it showed me that other people struggled, that my favorite characters could suffer from anxiety and depression and just shitty mental health, and that meant that I could project onto them. I wasn’t the one who wanted to kill myself dramatically or mutilate my body to get people to finally recognize I was in pain, the character was. I was too scared to ever harm myself physically, at least with a blade or the way I’d seen depicted in stories, but when I wrote, it didn’t matter how realistic it was or how gorey or graphic, because it was all fictional, and the rules were fake anyways.
And over time, obviously, my writing got better and I learned to Care About Myself more, until I didn’t really need to do that anymore. Except... I still liked making stories. I’d always been a storyteller, and writing gave me a medium to do so that would actually get me listened to, my stories could be long and rambling and people wouldn’t be annoyed or stop listening because it was a text, so they could stop reading if they wanted or not look at it or come back to it when they had more energy, and I wouldn’t directly face that, probably wouldn’t even know it was happening.
And, well, one of the things with time blindness is that you can be sitting there, know the time is 2:30 and you’ve got to eat something before you go to bed hours later, and yet you’ll blink and suddenly it’s 10:45 and you haven’t eaten anything, used the bathroom, or even really moved in 8 hours and where did the time go what happened. I started setting an alarm to remind myself to eat dinner, but that didn’t change the fact that I could get so “in-the-zone” that literal hours would blink by like seconds, because while my perception of time has always been wack, focusing - likely hyperfocus cause of the undiagnosed adhd - knows no rules or bounds and disregards the passage of time like a used bandaid that will inevitably show up again later where you least want it yet will go unnoticed and un-thought of until then.
Genuinely, I think I’ve grown a lot as a writer and I enjoy most of my own works, both because they’re what I want to see and because I can appreciate the skill that goes into it - which doesn’t mean I don’t still have a lot to learn, just that I’ve learned to stop shitting on my own abilities because it’s not perfect.
I’d always noticed when I was reading - usually proper books, when I was younger at least - different mistakes or ways things could’ve been articulated better, and when I didn’t know what a word or concept was I’d do everything I could to find out. So it’s no surprise that those skills transferred over to when I became a writer and took every source I could to try and improve my writing, some more valid than others.
Just... yeah. Writing helped me a lot, and I like where I’m at now.
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