#i pormise
thevoidstaredback · 4 months
Red Hood was furious. Beyond that, actually, and he could tell that Nightwing shared his sentiment. Danny was technically the new worker in the alley and had basically been adopted by all the working girls and boys, which is why he had yet to meet him. Apparently, he would scare him off?
Anyway, Red Hood would be out for blood as soon as he got Danny dropped off at The Club. The poor kid was still in shock, cowering in on himself, letting the jacket hide him as much as it could. He could tell the kid was anxious to have Nightwing following behind him, but he was glad he was bearing with it. He needed the insurance that someone wouldn’t try to take Danny while he didn’t have eyes on him.
When they did get to The Club, he and Nightwing watched as Danny walked inside with his jacket still wrapped around him. The kid was bombarded by several of the people still there, though they all backed off when he flinched, gently guiding him to a chair. Lucy was the one to come out and greet them.
“Thanks for bringing him back,” they said, their voice soft.
“It was no problem, Lu,” Red Hood shook his head slightly, his posture relaxed.
Lucy shook their head in denial. “No, I mean it. We were all so worried when he didn’t come back! The others had lost sight of him and came in panicking.”
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Nightwing stepped up next to Red Hood, “what happened?”
Lucy worried at their bottom lip, glancing at Red Hood, who nodded, before answering. “We always make sure to keep within sight of each other, just in case someone steps outta line. It’s for our safety. That, and keeping in lit areas. I wasn’t out tonight, but there were seven others on the street with him. There must’ve been a few seconds when they didn’t have eyes on Danny and he was nabbed because none of the others said that they saw anyone else out around the time he disappeared.” They met both vigilanties' eyes behind their masks. “Who was it, Hood?”
Nightwing was hesitant to tell, obviously having an idea of what would happen to the BJ. Red Hood had no such reservations. He knew the names and faces of everyone in Crime Alley, including the addresses of those who have them. They all know his rules and the punishments for not following them. “Go back for the night, Nightwing.”
“No. Plausible deniability and all that.” he waved off, following Lucy as they led him into The Club. “Tell Batman I sent ya early because Alley business came up.”
“It’s no place for a Bat,” Nightwing sulked, “I know. Good night, you two!”
“Goodnight, Nightwing!” Lucy waved as the man grappled away. They turned back to Red Hood before opening the door. “Who was it?”
“Mr. Jameson in apartment 25 of the Katt Building near the middle of the Alley.”
They hummed and opened the door. “I’ll pass it on to everyone.”
The group of fifteen were comforting Danny, helping him clean up and offering an ear to listen to. Danny, throughout it all, was staring mostly blankly at the coffee table in the middle of the commons area. He only really reacted when someone gave him a dog plush. Though, that was only small, hesitant movements to take the plush and pull it close to his chest, Red Hood’s jacket still hiding him as though he were a child hiding from a lightning storm. And that’s what he was, a child hiding from the outside world because it hurt him.
Red Hood had to admit, though, that the guy’s cute. He was really hoping to meet him under better circumstances. Regardless, he took off his helmet, the domino underneath keeping his identity mostly safe from getting out, though he trusted everyone here to keep the secret if they ever found out. He knelt on the floor in front of Danny, keeping his movements slow and telegraphed as he made sure to stay in Danny’s line of sight. “Hey there, hun.”
Danny didn’t respond. He didn’t even move. His breathing had slowed back down to a normal pattern, though, and it seemed to be slowing even more.
Red Hood made sure not to touch him or get too close. “Hey, can you hear me?” he asked, “Blink if you can.”
For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, very slowly, Danny blinked. Red Hood smiled at him.
“Good. I’m not gonna ask ya what happened, okay? None of us are. We’re gonna take care of the guy, though. He won’t ever bother you again, ‘kay?”
Again, his blink was slow, but tears slowly fell from his eyes as he did so. Relief seemed to wash over his expression as he relaxed into the couch, the jacket and plush being held slightly looser.
“Do you want to stay here, or do you want to go somewhere else?”
The response was quiet, barely a whisper that Red Hood almost missed, “Somewhere else.”
Not too surprising. “Where do ya wanna go?”
“Where’s home?”
Danny didn’t answer as he pulled the jacket around the plush in his arms. Not a good sign, but it was an unfortunately common one for Crime Alley residence.
Red Hood thought for a second, mostly for show, before saying, “I’ve got a safe house you could stay in to recover. No one but me will know where you are if you don’t want them to. You’ll be able to stay as long as you want and you can leave at any time. Sound good?”
“Can Lu or May or Jakey know where it is?”
Not ideal, but anything to make him feel safer. “Of course they can know.”
“Do you want me to tell them?”
“Maybe tomorrow.”
“We’ll touch base then,” He slowly stood back up. “Let me or one of the others know when you’re ready to go and I’ll take ya to the safe house. No rush. We’ll go at your pace.”
Stepping away for a second, he put his helmet back on and turned on his comms. He listened to the conversation he’d tuned into, knowing that Oracle would make him known if the others didn’t stop talking in a moment.
Sure enough, after about thirty seconds, she muted them all and said, “Red Hood, nice of you to join us.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” he muttered, ‘Nothing particularly nice about this situation.”
“Oh?” Oracle asked, “What’s going on?”
“Ask Nightwing for details.” he said, “I’m not gonna answer calls for the next few days. Everyone stays out of Crime Alley until I say.” “So normal rules then?” He hummed in response. “Alright. Goodnight, Red Hood.”
Red Hood turned his com off completely, turning to face the kid on the couch and lean against the wall. Danny’s was gonna be okay. He was going to make sure that he’ll be okay.
Part 2 Part 4
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echohousehold · 11 months
They Told Me I Had to Put a Title Here
we are so normal about
The Amazing Digital Circus
i promise. we watched a (one) amount. we did (not) go through gooseworx tumblr to consume information about it.
there are
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milosirlgf · 1 year
does tthentheme meow tho?
it does it meows
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*screams in Cherik shipper who just finished x men 97*
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thunderjackal · 7 months
oh my boy my little traumatised boy *breaks down crying*
anyway listening to cherry wine by hozier while was ~an experience~ and i am never going to recover from it
ALSO ANY ONE ELSE LISTENED TO THE BITTER MEDICINE DEMO BY THE CRANE WIVES??? ITS SO HIM actuslly going to go crazy until it/if it comes out offically
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nyaskitten · 1 year
16 new unlisted videos, and only 6 days left !!! :]
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nightraiderwrites · 1 year
There will come a time where you will never call the house you grew up in home.
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ezlo-x · 1 year
I remember in an old blog you had a design for the Poe enemy. I can’t get it out of my head. It’s the perfect mix of creepy and vague and I love it.
tysm i cannot find the image or file </3 i know its somewhere but oh my god grabbing 2019/2020 me by the neck by not saving the images as a jpeg or png
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hrrraandm · 2 years
I think that people focus too much on Miles Bron being stupid and ignore that what defines people like him is that he will do anything to protect and push himself forward. He KILLED his longtime best friend and business partner because of an overly ambitious and dangeorus experiemental investment, and even then he was too much of a coward to do it to her face!! He's stupid but he will do anything to save himself. He stripped Andi of her reputation, dignity, social status, and life, all for something that he was too stupid and bullheaded to listen when everyone told him it could hurt people. In the end even when the Mona Lisa was destroyed by his own creation, he only truly felt remorse and consequence for his actions bc of the material possession destroyed and the effects of that. He never cared that Andi died for his careless and foolish invention.
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goob1enerd11 · 1 year
littol roll drawing because I felt like it
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none of these shows are technically associated and yet... in my mind they are all best friends
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Carmelita: It's June! Which means it is ILLEGAL to be straight! Anyone caught not being gay will be immediately reported to Interpol!
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garbage-can-do · 7 months
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guess who is gracing us with their presence in the Zoom call tonight
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roscvcins · 26 days
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"Here is a riddle to guess if you can - " The - FORMER evil god is dressed like a man who goes to an office, rather than one that assists with hunting down the supernatural all over the world. As it turns out - B.ai L.iu never much liked doing OVERTIME anyway - even more now that he technically works for the state and the pay is comparatively sad. "What makes a monster, and what makes a man?"
@divcrse liked for a lyric starter !
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trixibebe · 10 months
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oc stuff - Teaching Ichiban to use the computer :3
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mewintheflesh-2 · 11 months
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