#i overthink too much
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mafiasliege · 7 months ago
Guys what if jlb ends tgg on a cliffhanger and we have to wait all the way for glorious rivals to see the winner of the game...
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unicafavorita · 6 months ago
i always convince myself that im hated and that there's secret animosity between my friends and i but when i see them again, im reminded so many times that im loved.
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jinxisjonx · 3 months ago
I sometimes wanna post oc x cannon but I’m afraid I’ll get burned at the stake 🪿cause I may or may not have little doodles of it hidden away
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lilbreed1ngdoll · 3 months ago
okay i guess its kinda dumb to be worried about my baby's cold bc shes still crawling around and playing. i think it would be worrisome if she were uninterested and inconsolable haha
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kraken-o-doyle · 1 year ago
My delulu brain gives you an assessment of the characters of Blades. Fair warning it's a lot 😂 Enjoy.
Nia, obviously her backstory is literally being snatched up and taught how to use her light from literal birth is controversial to say less. And after joining our party, she began seeing all the things wrong with what she was conditioned to believe - and dear god that would fuick up a person (depends on the matter). Even a year later Nia is struggling with the fact that she is still the shadow creature and I think losing MC made her stronger and less shy, but at the same time yours truly believes she cannot trust anyone - it was only revealed to MC that she is still struggling with the aftermath of Dreadlord dying and turns into this creature when she is in danger BY ACCIDENT OR SHEER DUMB LUCK.(PLOT DEMANDS IT) why is MC still covering for her?????
Imtura at first was literally denying the fact that MC was even alive and to be fair, she is the last person to be recruited into the team in book 1, but in my humble opinion it's evident that Imtura and MC(moi mc)relate more to one another than any other character. And her not making too many friends due to being a ✨princess✨is such BS but you know (I would be more than grateful to be in a princess' corner as a good friend) and as stated in book 1, we weren't told she was a princess because she's a captain of a ship and that way she could keep others' respect before they literally fall over themselves to please her. And when our little party didn't treat her any different before and after knowing who she was, she opened up...
Circling back to Imtura believing MC to be dead; if I was in her position and a friend that I saved the world with just 💨, I would too think they're gone since the other implications are that they are being tortured in a dungeon and bled dry by an empress' daughter. 😳
Mal, sigh, he is just wracked with guilt from losing MC, I kid you not I feel like he made some deals to try and find MC; only for someone like Tyril to find out and absolutely berate him (which is why Tyril in the newest chapter called him reckless). I'm sure there is gonna be more reckless behaviour that Mal had done through the year for both characters to use their first names. And got his stupid ass corrupted by shadow - whether or not he knows if he's infested and becoming a Thrall for the Ash Empire... we'll have to wait and see.
Tyril, from what we know so far tried from beginning to end to find MC (to be honest from what we were told Nia and Mal helped a lot until they stopped? why though - correct me if I am wrong.) even if you are romantically involved or just platonic friends, he literally sees you as an equal and is equally happy to see you back in the land of the living. Him grovelling and desperately trying to find answers on how to find MC shows what type of person he is, but I'm sure he is keeping some feelings or all of them back due to just being happy to have MC back in his life. (And doesn't want to burden MC with his problems)
Aerin better come back because whether or not I missed his jabs at the group and him only having eyes for MC(s phone, do you have some games). But genuinely what did he give the group (only heartache), because if you didn't catch him in book 1 he literally comes in one chapter - takes a stab at MC's celibacy - leaves the next. Where the hell did you crawl off to Aerin, did you go off to finish off someone?the king. Jesus, imagine. Or even worse he won't come back this book...
WILL WE GET KADE, LOOLA AND THREEP THIS BOOK BECAUSE ITS DIFFICULT WITHOUT THEM. I miss them a lot, also definitely not catching up with Kade like we should've; imagine if MC dies and the rest of the group (after saving the world and whatnot) comes back with her corpse with a note attached - sorry. 😐
I would scream if we have a therapy session with some certain characters - say certain someones we haven't seen in the WHOLE BOOK. Very disappointed in that department. Because from where I am sitting we NEED YEARS WORTH OF THERAPY.
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1nk13-bl1nk13 · 9 months ago
Old art shtuffs (old art dump)
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I have too many styles 😭😭
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sweeneydino · 1 year ago
First Up! Build.
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Keep in mind that I'm working from Big Mama's Assistant design so that changes are very subtle.
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Some of them, at least.
Thoughts? Let them out and I'll try them all. Though it might take time gshnsus
Fr tho I was very tired while doing this oof
Remember this is based on what you pick and your opinion 🫵 choice wisely
Kidding but yeah plz choose
We will do names after we settle on a design
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c4m3r3-l0v3r · 3 months ago
I don’t know if sweets is just tired or if I pissed them off or if I’m just completely overthinking this but we just sat in silence for a bit which they might’ve needed! I have no fucking clue
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avatarpabu97 · 4 months ago
tell me more about magic rebecca pls.
and how remy ties into it !!
Ok this a very dark idea that involves infants death and human experimentation.
Ok it kinda goes in hand with some random headcanons and random comic book lore.
So the gist is she comes back to life and wants her Revenge against the man she once loved. So she sets herself to learn all the knowledge she can already being well versed in pagan myth was easy to use magic to speed up her abilities of several lifetimes of knowledge and skills. Which leads down a dark twist path of human extermination.
What better way to destroy Essex then by creating a powerful being of both science and magic to kill him. Her experiments fail time and time again. Using various adults she tried to alter for her purpose. So she use divination to seek what she needs and her only Answer is Le Diable Blanc. Curious she eventually stumbles upon the knowledge of the old kingdom what she was able to find aided her research. Along with a phropchy of Le Diable Blanc one of many and she believes that he is the key to her revenge. So using the old kingdom Artifacts she found like a tracker for him.
Fast forward to 1891 she bumps into a time traveling Remy and the artifact she has reacts to him. But something about him is familiar. Some of his features look like they could be from her but some not so much she doesn’t understand but is unable to confirm anything because he leaves just as fast he comes. Only thing she knows is his Name Remy LeBeau.
Couple decades later she is working as nurse in a New Orleans hospital. Collecting samples and dying patients that no one will miss. It’s sometime in the 1940s and she has helped delivered a baby for the LeBeau family. Official story the husband Jean-Luc is away at war. She delivers his so a beautiful little boy with fiery red hair like the mother and Red on black eyes.
Rebeca receives a vision on what she must do now to create the tool of her revenge. Using magic she keeps the baby in a permanent state of infancy and join the black womb project in disguise. Where she works closely with Essex eventually manipulating him into impregnating her with another child. Who just so happens to have Red on Black eyes as well. Both the Essex and LeBeau children are subjected to cruel experiments. Sinister doesn’t realize that it’s Rebeca until after the project is shut down and begins to hunt her down wondering who dare clone his late wife to spite him. Not knowing the truth. Wondering if the man he met in 1891 was his son or grandson fueling his obsession. Rebeca cast the spell and makes the baby frozen in time like the other. And waits a bit until she goes after two other bloodlines of Sinister’s obsession. The Summers family and Grey family who by coincidence or maybe some strings of fate being tugged go on a honey moon in New Orleans. Where they both end up at a New Orleans Hospital giving birth prematurely children. Sons with Red on Black eyes. Fate showing Rebeca that she has her last components the couples are lied to saying the babies were born to early and didn’t make it and are given false remains. It will take Rebeca another couple of years of preparation and experimenting on the permanent infants until using both science and sorcery sacrifices the children. Which fuses them into an egg like pearl. Which she then devours becoming pregnant again with none other then one and only Remy LeBeau. She uses various rituals during her pregnancy to make the baby stronger and births him in a certain hospital. That just so happens to be own and run by the very woman whose child she stole all those years ago only for the same thing to happen to her when the Thieves guild comes and kidnaps her room of Revenge right under her nose and before Sinister could come claim the child for his own putting a hitch in both their plans for Baby Remy.
And that’s what I got so far
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0multifandomweirdo0 · 2 years ago
I was reading about ghosting, and it seems like it's irreversible?
You want to tell me Runaan will have to go home without his daughter and best friends?
And I'm not sure if Rayla ghosted her parents or just skipped it, but if she did - she won't be able to see or hear them when they get them out of coins?
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 11 months ago
But Hunter tumblr account: likes my two posts about me adding their songs to my cringey fan playlists
Me: has a heart attack
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rott3nhearts · 4 months ago
yall ever just overthink something so much that when u apologize u end up confusing the person ur talking to and urself
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nottizzyy · 4 months ago
Ok but every thing I’m paranoid about and everything I overthink about turns out to be true. So if you tell me to stop overthinking I won’t cause I feel like I predict the future
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azrail-has-a-vendetta · 8 months ago
okay, you caught me. I stayed up an hour past my bed time reading and analyzing “I have no Mouth, and I must Scream”
I’m horrified, 10/10 would recommend.
Rant under the cut (has spoilers lol)
it definitely was something else. When Ted was talking about the humans creating AM, I got Frankenstein vibes. Really we have so much literature about human’s creating sentience, and it backfiring on them. Both ask the question, “can man play God?” And the answer has been “it will kill you”
which really begs the question “will man kill god?” (I digress)
but in each case humanity has been put above what it created. But in Frankenstein the monster was abandoned before he could be taught humanity, and showed it naturally but was rejected, so he rejected his humanity too.
in I have no Mouth, AM was built as a tool of war, therefore, it wasn’t ALLOWED to have humanity. Because if you felt for those who you were killing, you’d feel guilty.
But let’s define what humanity even means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, Humanity is:
1. the human race; human beings collectively.
2. humaneness; benevolence
The first one doesn’t really fit with AM and the monster, but it shouldn’t be completely thrown out quite yet. The monster in Frankenstein was made by Frankenstein (aka the little bastard) to be better than humans as they were. He strived to create the perfect human, but instead, created his “monster” (what did you think was gonna happen bluv? Look at it, it has anxiety!)
AM, however was not created to be human, while created, probably, to be smarter (he was a computer) he wasn’t supposed to be human, he is a machine.
The second definition is probably what you think of when I use the word humanity.
Benevolence means: the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
The monster (the creation, not Victor), has benevolence. We see his capacity of kindness, when he watches the family. He does small things to protect and help them. He saves people (i.e. the boy in the river) but loses it after being rejected. (Also it bugs me that the stereotype of Frankenstein’s monster can’t speak, all the grunting and ‘fire bad’ shit. He was very well spoken, and very intelligent)
AM, on the other hand, was not given benevolence, being created during the Cold War/WWIII. And never shows any kindness.
Now let’s talk about hate. Both AM, and the monster hate their creators. In Frankenstein this is for creating him, and abandoning him. It’s very clearly outlined. In I have no Mouth, it’s different. AM doesn’t hate his creators for making him, but for trapping him. They gave him a mind, a will, an identity and no way to use it. And (probably bc it’s a war machine) it retaliated by killing everyone expect the 5.
Now, Frankenstein’s monster, and AM have very different reactions, the monster never tries to play god, still seeing Victor in that role, (I have a whole thing on that), while AM, in the caverns, does play God. He purposely uses biblical references, (i.e. the burning bush, the archangles, etc.) to suggest that he is their God, (or that their God has forsaken them). Ted actually comments on this “If there was a god, it was AM” (or smth, I don’t have it on me rn). But then he later realizes that “it [AM] was no god, it was a machine” (again I’m recalling from memory don’t @ me).
I could probably talk for a few hours on this, and include more, like Ted slut-shaming Ellen (You have no idea how much this bugs me), Benny, Victor’s God Complex, how all this relates to today’s use of AI, humans and killing god, and more, but instead I’m going to just talk about the last bit bc this is already too long.
In the end Ted ends up much like how I feel AM felt in the beginning. The infamous line, “I have no mouth, and I must scream” is really giving me how AM must have felt when it first came to sentience. Of course I’m not saying AM is the victim here, (whereas in Frankenstein the monster is definitely more of a victim; but it’s complicated okay?) but that he probably unknowingly has created, in Ted, what AM felt. This suffocating feeling of knowing, and being unable to voice it. Being created without a physical part to scream. It really speaks for itself. I’ve read scary shit, but nothing quite is as terrifying as being unable to scream, not just out of fear (like in the Quiet Place), but not having the physical ability to do so.
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abyssalstrike · 7 months ago
keep forgetting this is my account and i can do whatever i want
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thatg1rlcup1d · 7 months ago
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Like oh yeah I forgot that some people find it odd to not only watch a kids show but also to over analyze it 😅 I’ll just go hide in a corner now if it’s all the same to you (in this specific case I got shut down trying to talk about Danny phantom)
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