#i only really started noticing this after the “i am in charge of our relationship” scene and LIKE
heph · 2 months
It's so interesting how submissive House is to Wilson. In basically every scene where Wilson gives his 2 cents about a case, House without fail (for the most part) follows his opinion. Wilson gives him unsolicited advice and half the time he listens without saying anything, and the other half he argues but ends up listening to him anyway. House starts psychoanalysing Wilson and Wilson does it right back to him and House shuts the fuck up or gives a one line quip back at him (to have the last line) but knows deep down Wilson is right.
For a man of House's stature and how he interacts with Literally Everyone Else, the writers really hammer it into your soul that House only really listens to Wilson and no one else
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raineydays411 · 1 year
My Fathers Daughter pt 11
Okay! so here's part 11 <3
It has been so busy in my life lately, I just started a new job so I'm getting used to that. I'm also thinking of starting a patron? But honestly I don't think I'm good enough to charge people to read my stuff plus I'd feel bad.Idk if thats something I should look into let me know.
Summary: This is basically set up for the more important chapters
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You are going crazy.
Like literally insane. You might end up on the news honestly.
These people are driving you insane. And it's so boring! After the initial feeling of anger and resentment passed, and that awkward conversation with Dick you made a decision.
You were going to make the best of this situation. There was no point in wallowing in self pity when you were already there. Just like Jason said, you can let the anger consume you or you can make it work.
You're making it work.
You started out slowly. As much as the thought of just walking out and pretending like everything was normal amuses you, you realize that it may not be the best choice given that you have been surly most of your stay here. So you made a plan.
First you started by waking up early and offering to help Alfred with breakfast. Because of there was anyone you wanted to win over it was him. He was certainly surprised at the offer but didn't turn you down. He had you mixing the pancake batter because the one time he let you try, you ended up burning the pan and the pancake. Hey, you were still a rich kid no matter how independent you were. You also set the table, and while you were doing that everyone started waking up and coming down stairs.
No surprise that Christine was the first one down.
"Y/n!" She says in shock," Good morning! What..what are you doing? Is everything okay?"
You look up from the plates you were setting down, "Uh..yeah, I just..I just wanted to see if Alfred needed any help."
Christine, despite the common consensus, was not a dumb woman by any means. She knows that she has come on wayyy too strongly when it comes to mending her relationship with you. She really couldn't help it, the guilt has been eating her alive. But seeing you here, downstairs talking Alfreds ear off and setting the table, makes her want to take a step back and recalculate her approach. So, instead of loading you with questions and offers to have girl time woth you, she simply beams a bright, genuine smile and says
"I'm glad you did, Alfred tends to overwork himself even though he won't admit it." Smiling when she hears Alfred scoff from the kitchen, " Thank you."
You stare at her. Not really knowing what exactly to say, but you're saved from responding when Tim and Damian come stomping down the stairs, bickering.
"I am telling you only once Timothy, the next time you hog the shower-"
'Damian dude there are like five other bathrooms, why do you insist on using-" "You know that that shower has the best water pressure!"
The arguing ceases when they notice you downstairs.
"Oh, so you're taking to ruining our day before it even begins then" Damian says snidely.
"Oh yeah," You reply, " Nothing makes me get up faster in the morning than the thought of specifically ruining the day of a preschooler."
Damian just tsks and takes a seat. The glares of his mother and butler daring him to make another remark that might scare you off.
Tim just looks at the two of you and flashes you a soft smile saying a quick good morning and takes a seat. He really doesn't know what to do around you. He has a feeling that maybe the two of you can get along, but so far the hostility you harbor towards his mother figure has really put him off you. Logically of course he understands, the history the two of you have is enough to make anyone hate his mothers' actions. But despite that, Christine is his mother. And he's only known you for a few months. he also feels that even if there is bad blood between you and Christine, there is no reason to take it out on his brothers. They didn't directly have a hand in Christines actions. But again, your hard feelings make sense. It was a very complex situation.
Bruce was the last one to come down. He was already dressed in a nice suit and tie, kissing Christine on the cheek and mumbling a quick good morning to the boys. Upon seeing you at the table, he pauses, gives a soft smile and ruffles your hair with a "good morning Y/n, thank you for setting the table." Grabbing his quick breakfast and nodding goodbye.
It leaves you stunned. He acted so casually, as if you've been setting tables here you're whole life. But that might be the one thing you appreciate about Bruce you're entire stay here.
The rare times you would leave your room and be in his presence, he would treat you just as he treated his other children. There was no forced conversations or abrasive and demanding questions. No ill will towards you because of the circumstances. Just Bruce rolling and adapting with the punches.
You guessed that maybe him being Batman, he's probably deducted that you don't like the way everyone (Christine and Dick) has made such a big fuss over you being at the Manor. Or maybe he's just adopted enough kids to know what tactics work and what don't.
Who knows.
Breakfast goes by without too much conversation, except for a few snide remarks from Damian that everyone ignores. And the day goes by pretty slowly. Until night time.
Now, you knew coming to Gotham that it's basically the Crime Capital of America. But actually being in the city watching it from your living room is a whole other story.
Joker is loose in the city causing absolute mania. He has taken over the main hospital, lacing ivs with his poison, causing hundreds of patients to go insane. The screams and manic laughter can be heard from outside the hospital, that is being featured on the news. Just watching through your screen and knowing that you aren't able to get a first person POV is absolutely killing you.
The manor is silent all night. You go downstairs to ask Alfred some questions and he is nowhere to be found. Neither is Christine or Bruce. Damian gone. Tim? nowhere . Dick and Jason not there. The girls are missing as well.
Now, if you were anyone other than Tony Starks daughter, you would find the disappearance of the Wayne family during Jokers terrorist event to be pretty concerning. However you did manage to inherit some of your fathers smarts and managed to deduce that Bruce Wayne was the vigilante Batman and his sons were his sidekick Robin. Honestly you found out a long time ago when you were trying to hack into Wayne enterprises to pull a prank when your father came back from a gala annoyed. But now you were just getting stir crazy.
You were watching as all these innocent people were getting their minds turned on them in their most vulnerable moments. And it seems as if Batman is having a hard time creating an antidote as well as contain the hospital grounds. So you do what you do best and hack into the Batcomputer. You skim through files about previous interactions with the Joker and his venom, noting that this man has been basically let off the hook wayyyy to easily for the atrocities he commits but that none of your business.
You manage to find a pattern when it comes to the way that the Joker creates his venom and the additional components he adds to it to make it more potent. This most recent upgrade, he had to add a certain chemical that wouldn't burn the victims veins upon entry and would quickly affect their minds. There was one chemical that you knew about when you were researching Hydras mind controlling tactics back when you had first met Bucky and wanted to help him. Immediately you realize that it is the same chemical that the Joker must have put into the IVs and rush out to tell somebody.
Only, nobody's in the manor. Amd you have no idea how to reach them.
So, you figure that Bruce must have a "secret lair" of some sort and got exploring. You honestly get lost a couple of times, and come across a grandfather clock, noticing that the time is wrong. You move the hands, hearing a hiss and scraping. You turn and see the staircase behind a bookshelf.
You slowly walk to the door, heart pounding.
Despite being occasionally involved in your fathers infamous superhero lifestyle, you didn't know how Bruce and the others will react to you being upfront about your knowledge of their double life. So far, they have been content on ignoring the fact that you have hinted multiple times about you knowing their secret. Even Jason will redirect conversations if you mention the strange lack of vigilante activity that Gotham was to famous for. For the few months you have been in Gotham, it seems as if anything having to do with the Bat, whether its news articles or reports, has seemed to disappear. And you feel as if it was purposeful.
You were supposed to be laying low, and how can you do that if you throw yourself into the night life.
And now that you are truly seeing the cruelties of said nightlife first hand, you're glad you have been shelter from it. It was one thing to see it on a computer screen, it was another to see it in real time.
You finally reach the bottom of the staircase, slightly out of breath as it really was a long way down and you were rushing. You look around seeing a cave made of limestone. When entering the cave you noticed the musty air usual caves have was not there. Platforms connected to each other as water ran by the sides. You saw a....t rex and a giant penny? As well as many other what you assume is memorabilia from previous fights. Clear cases containing multiple versions of the Batman and robin suits. There were different gadgets and weapons' lining the walls, a training area, a replica hospital area, as well as a freaking platform for the Batmobile.
Honestly it blew your mind that Bruce has enough time ans the resources to make this cave so extravagant. But you guess that thats what rich people tend to--
A panicked voice breaks your train of thought. You look up to see Christine rushing towards you in a panic, " What are you doing down here?! I told them I didn't want you to be in this!"
Excuse me?
"Excuse me? What do you mean you told them?" You said in shock anger starting to slowly simmer in your body.
Before an argument could start, Alfred gave a quick
"Miss Christine, perhaps this isn't the best moment for your overprotective mother routine."
Before he returned to the massive collections of screens that looked like a supercomputer. It was showing the first person povs of what looked like multiple people. And it was bad.
In one screen, someone was trying to pry off what looked like a crazed hospital patient from another one. In another screen, someone was trying to get the non infected patients and doctors safely out of the trashed hospital only to encounter men in clown makeup. The worst one was the screen that was obviously Bruce/Batman, being mercilessly taunted by non other than the Joker clad in a stereotypical doctors outfit. His cruel smile twisting and he menacingly loomed over a woman who was petrified. She was being held down by some of the Jokers' henchmen as he stalked towards her with a syringe filled with a clear unidentified liquid. Batman was fighting a hoard off Jokerfied hospital patients, all crazed with maniacal laughter that sent a chill down your spine. Wide crazed smiles filled every screen you looked at no matter who's point of view it was. It made you a little worried about little Damian. Even if he was a pain, he was a child. There is no way he should've been out there.
Christine pursed her lips at Alfreds remark and nodded, probably setting a mental reminder to lecture you later before heading to a smaller set of computers.
"What are you doing?" You ask following her, wanting to get away from the horrifying scene on the main one.
"I'm trying to find some sort of antidote. Every one we usually use seems to make this one stronger." Christine says grimly. You watched for a bit, wondering how someone could do this to innocent people.
"I think I can help with that." You say, but before you are able to continue your speech, Christine cut you off.
"No. No way. Y/n as your mother I cannot let you get involved in this. No way"
You frown, " What do you mean no? I don't think the lot of you have many options at this point Christine."
"I said no. I am not letting another one of my children get ducked up in this life. Go back upstairs." Christine demanded in a stern voice.
Honestly it made you more amused than scared. She really didn't have the same grip of fear Pepper had when she was angry with you.
"Christine if you would just list--"
"Y/n thats enough! Go back to your room and wait for me up there young lady."
"This isn't some parental disagreement this is life and death i can't stand by and let innocent people die just because you wanna play mommy." You say sternly.
Christine looks visibly hurt by your comment. But she looks back into the screen and says
"My family is out there risking their lives for those innocent people. If your father lets you run around unchecked during his mission then that's on him. I however will not let you endanger the lives of my children and husband as well as what seems like half the freaking population of Gotham. Now GO up stairs."
And with that she turns and heads back to the smaller set of computers and refuses to engage with you until you have no choice but to go back up the million flight of stairs back into the manor, then climb up the other flight leading back into your bedroom.
You were fuming.
You slammed the door upon entering your room and threw a pillow to harshly into the wall.
Hundreds of people might die or become permanently insane because of the stubbornness of one woman.
That's when you hear a chime go off from your desk. You look over to see your laptop.
The same laptop you happened to upgrade with protective features that allowed you to hack into hydra files.
The same laptop that you had used to hack into the Batcomputer. The same computer that was downstair...
With in a beat you wear sat in your desk, logging into your computer. You figured if the people downstair weren't going to listen to you, then maybe the ones in the field will.
You look around for what you think is a link to who you hope is bruce and say a small
Whoever it was gave a pause, and then says
"Y/n? You finally decided to stop pretending you didn't know huh?
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lilacspider · 1 month
TUA should’ve ended after season 2
i am just so kriffing disappointed in this final season. i am disgusted. steve blackman has absolutely zero regard for these characters, their development, and the story. he has no respect for the ACTORS. he threw the entirety of these past three seasons in the trash in just one season. they had so much opportunity and yet he chose to make it a fetish-filled, scandalous, and completely lazy season.
all the vomitting???????? klaus being force fed marigold (which dare i say might’ve made a good storyline for him IF HE WASNT PIMPED OUT AND THEJN NESRLY BURIED ALIVE????) which in turn made him into an alcoholic???
five and lila????? they scrapped fives motivation of saving his family and keeping them together because of his LOVE FOR THEM, all SO HE COULD HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH LILA????? that is probably the biggest mischaracterization altogether. lila would never cheat on diego. they are married. THEY HAVE CHILDREN TOGETHER. it’s NORMAL to have arguments and trouble in a relationship but by no means does it mean there’s room for affairs as a result. it just makes me mad. ritu has known aidan since he was 15, like this is so nasty.
diego being the stereotypical “bad father” for lack of better words because he apparently has no consideration for his family which is NOT TRUE AND IS A HUGE MISCHARACTERIZATION!!????
luther going back to being the guy that no one really listens to because they feel he has nothing of value to offer (it wasn’t super evident but i noticed it which made me sad bc we made so much progress with his character!)???
allison becoming a single mom whose husband, RAYMOND, walked out on her??? that literally makes no sense for raymond or her, yes allison is a strong and independent character but it feels like it’s just stereotype after stereotype.
viktor becoming a womanizer and LEAVING HIS FAMILY BEHIND! all viktor has ever wanted since childhood is to be apart of his family, and they take that away this season??? makes no sense.
dont even get me started on sparrow ben. i have never liked his character he is wayyyy too much of an asshole, but your saying he can’t have common sense??? they turn him into a criminal who is contaminated by this essence that is meant to end the world and ends up making him insanely attracted to the one consistent mystery in this entire show (jennifer/the jennifer incident) and then throw away the entire plot line to just have them end the world. **and then making him and jennifer overly sexually attracted to each other was just straight up weird, where did that even come from?? i had to skip those scenes because it was so kriffing cringe.
because out of no where, abigail had a change of heart. and reginald is somehow one of the only mentally stable characters this season which is new!??? jean and gene were completely and utterly useless. they had no point, the only five i liked in this season is brisket, newspaper, drunk, and season one five. CIA five can leave.
one of the only redeemable moments of this season is the flashback of our brellies. that was good. there were other parts that i liked but that is first that comes to mind. **and the birthday party scene where they reunite. very cute and family vibes. sucks they couldn’t all be together because viktor was straight up kidnapped by some crazy.
and then the subway to different timelines. that could’ve been such a freaking awesome idea and would’ve made a great plot device IF THERE WASN’T ONLY SIX EPISODES AND SOMEONE ELSE WAS PUT IN CHARGE OF WRITING. like why are five and lila the only ones who are aware of this?? this couldn’t have been utilized earlier?? also can we talk more about how ben is an asshole, people focus too much on the attractive aspect of his character (which no offense, i see no appeal to bc the personality is just awful—NO HATE TO JUSTIN H M, he’s fantastic it’s just we did not lose brelly ben for this), like he force fed/tricked EVERYONE into consuming the janky marigold. except klaus because he’s the only smart one there. also good on him for trying maintain sobriety. but still. that is so messed up???? if he had never given anyone the marigold, everything could’ve been fine. they could’ve lived long happy lives in this timeline reggie made.
and then they had david cross, pitch perfect 2 ref, iconic man, play an irrelevant character. i’m so mad. wasted potential right there.
AND! it’s a crime that there is no family dance montage/scene like past seasons. it hurts. **oh and also there being like zero MCR songs is such a slap in the face because if the producers and directors actually listened to the fans opinions and ideas every once in a while, they would know that we’ve been hoping for an MCR song to be included as an homage/reference to Gerard Way.
and then that ending. where they just accept death???? choosing that the world is better off without them??? that is such a lazy end. if they had ten episodes and let gerard way have some sort of say in the writing/directing process, we could’ve had something so good. something so creative and fun and fulfilling. but no. they die and come back as marigolds. **which i personally really liked, out of everything this season i’m not sure why so many people hate the fact they kind of turned into flowers 😭😭 the ending sucked cause it’s so obvious it wasn’t given much thought but it was still sad and seeing the eight marigolds was sweet and gave closure in a sense. as much as it could i guess. **also, the farthest marigold is ben regardless bc brelly ben is dead and sparrow ben doesn’t really consider the brellies as his family. it is not five or klaus or whoever, it is ben. it has to be imo. the two flowers closest together are lila and diego. fight me.**
another thing, all the bad guys having a happy ending? irks me. like they were iconic, but why them and not the brellies? **(while i still agree with the idea of why couldn’t the brellies be happy too, i actually liked the fact that the main villains or side characters had completely different lives had the umbrella academy never existed. like that’s actually crazy sad and really interesting. also two things: is detective patch in that last scene? i’m not sure if she is. and second: why is grace like alive? like she would still be alive, but she was alive in the sixties, so wouldn’t she be like super old by that point in time?? why is she still young? and having kids? the inconsistency is realll)** also i liked the version of i think we’re alone now they used but i think it could’ve been better if they used the tiffany version again 😞
anyway—thank you for reading my rant because i am just so baffled by how horrible this season was. i feel so bad for the cast because even they knew that this season would not be it. that not one true fan of TUA would like it. and it’s sad because this has been such a huge part of their lives and careers as actors. so they did great with what they were given and for that they have my respect.
** signify edits i made — mostly grammatical and clairty edits, and a few of my opinions updated or added on to now that i have had time to really think about what occurred this season.
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hunieday · 8 months
Momo - Drama Collection (Winter) Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Momo: Good work, Torao! Hope you enjoy your time today at the drinking party 😆
Momo: I'm super looking forward to drinking with the drama cast! 💯 ✨
Mido Torao: I’m also looking forward to it.
Mido Torao: Seems like Nikaido and Yaotome will be late though, did you hear about that?
Momo: I did! They said they're busy with work~!
Momo: Is it okay if it's just the two of us until they come ⁉ Or do you want me to invite the super handsome special guest Y-san ⁉
Mido Torao: Yuki-san huh…
Mido Torao: Um
Mido Torao: I want to be alone with you, is that okay?
Momo: ba-dum...
Momo: I was joking around to lighten the mood, but Momo-chan got all giddy... 
Momo: I’m not cheating on you, darling ‼ 😭 💦
Mido Torao: You were joking huh…
Momo: But thanks for saying you’re okay with just the two of us alone 👍✨ I'm really looking forward to drinking with you!!
Mido Torao: Thank you. I'm looking forward to it too
Momo: Huh!? Really!? 
Mido Torao: Yes
Momo: What should I do!!! I feel like Momo-chan is wrapped around Torao’s fingers... 🥺
Mido Torao: no i’m not HAHA
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Momo: But you know, you've become cute! You’re a lot rounder around the edges nowadays
Mido Torao: Are you saying I got fat!?
Mido Torao: I mean yeah, the other members keep giving me unusual snacks to eat lately...
Momo: that’s not what i meant lolololol you’re already cute lololol
Momo: By the way, what kinda snacks are you getting? 🤭
Mido Torao: Puffed rice? They come in pouches and are crispy and delicious.
Momo: Puffed rice~~!! How nostalgic! Makes me wanna go to a candy store (*ノωノ)
Momo: Tell me more stories over drinks okay!
Mido Torao: Got it. I also have something I want to talk to you about
Mido Torao: I’d like you to teach me a lot more about acting.
Momo: Torao... 🥺 ✨
Momo: Now that you mention it, you know, Yuki liked Torao's role and found it really interesting! 
Momo: "I thought he'd stop Momo from recklessly breaking into someone else's territory alone, but he charged in head first" he looked like he enjoyed watching it 😂
Mido Torao: The part where I ride my bike and blurt out, "I’ll be the one who paves the way for the leader" right?
Momo: Yes yes! Vice-leader-kun is quite reckless!
Mido Torao: Of course his followers would be bloodthirsty when their leader’s like that.
Momo: Well, the leader is a tiiiiiny bit of a rascal, isn’t he? 😅 💪
Mido Torao: a bit is the understatement of the century.
Mido Torao: Chasing after the enemies up a three meters high wall, jump-kicking them from the stairs... I thought it was quite the violent script
Momo: right lolol the action scenes sure were intense~~!!
Momo: I tried my best to follow your example 😤💪
Mido Torao: My example?
Momo: That's right! Watching Torao work so hard on his stunts motivated me!
Mido Torao: Is that so...
Mido Torao: I was an inspiration for Re:vale…
Momo: Are you getting fired up?
Mido Torao: Burning hot.
Momo: Just! too cute!!! 😆 😆
Momo: Apparently our relationship was popular on SNS too ;P🫰
Mido Torao: Really? What were they saying?
Momo: "Vice-leader-kun always standing next to the leader with a smug smile, they’re my bias!" (1)
Mido Torao: There it is, “they’re my bias”. What’s a bias? what the hell does that mean?
Momo: there it is lololololol
Mido Torao: I’m curious. I heard Haruka use it the other day too.
Momo: It means someone you like the most! 😆 saying “bias” sounds stronger than just saying “love”~!
Mido Torao: I see. It does feel more intense.
Momo: How about you start using it, Torao!
Mido Torao: In what situation would I even use it?
Momo: For example...
Momo: It’s everyone’s bias, Momo-chan! ;P 🫶 🫶
Mido Torao: I don’t think that’s for me…
Momo: That’s not true!!! Just try saying it for a bit!!
Mido Torao: I’m your bias, Mido Torao.
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Mido Torao: I’m not sure about this one…
Momo: No it's really good!!!!!???
Momo: But well, your fans are most likely looking for a strong and cool Torao (*ノωノ) 🤎
Mido Torao: Well, I’m confident that I can make someone fall in love with me just by standing there and not saying a word.
Momo: Nice, I want to hear tons of stories about the confident Torao 👍
Mido Torao: Hell yeah, later. I’m looking forward to it.
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The original conversation went a bit different, Momo ends his message with “好きピ= sukippi”, Momo later on explains that it’s a combination between 好き=suki (like) and ピーポー=people (pi=ピ), which means a “favorite person” even if it’s sometimes used on objects and such. The closest and most “literal” translation would be “fave”, but I doubt Torao wouldn’t know what a fave is so I went with bias instead.
HUGE thank you to Ai (soushibana and chettiri on twitter) for helping me out with the snacks translation! I wouldn't have understood it without her, big props & go check her accounts out!
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mindful-of-ideas · 2 years
Headcanon: Peaky Blinders
-Being Finn’s twin sister
A/N: I still haven’t watched season 6 (I know, I know, I’m getting around to doing it) and also there’s some Finn x Isiah if you squint.
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Growing up, you were glued to each other. You would do everything together, mischief as well as good deeds. And you are very protective of each other.
Everyone thinks it’s because you’re twins but the truth is that Finn’s the only one who truly understands how you feel since your mom died. Your brothers, Ada and Polly sure tried to be there for you, but they had their own grief to deal with, so Finn and you could only rely on each other.
Even if you guys are close, it doesn’t mean that you can’t mess with each other. The nastiest pranks you ever pulled were at Finn’s expense.
But as you grew older, you started to drift away from each other. No one really noticed until your dad came to visit. You couldn’t stand the man, hiding behind Polly and clutching onto Tommy, hoping nothing bad would happen. But Finn tagged along with Arthur and you just couldn’t understand why.
“Tommy, don’t let him touch me,” you whisper as your brother pulls you closer. Your dad leaves, ruffling Finn’s hair. You could see your brother smile at that small gesture. “Finn… you know he doesn’t… he doesn’t mean it…” you say, still in Tommy’s arms, tears running down your face. “You’re lying!” he says before storming out.
It was around that time that you also realized you wanted to do something with your life. Seeing Polly take charge of the business had been inspiring, and just like Finn wanted to be like Tommy, you wanted to be like your aunt.
But those differences never stopped Finn and you from staying close. If Tommy wanted to keep you out of some Peaky activities, Finn was the first one to tell you and would drag you along if that’s what you wanted.
“You’re close to that Isiah guy?” you ask.  “He’s cool, he’s like my best friend…” he trails off seeing your face, “… friend… boy… friend I mean… as in a boy who is my friend… like all of my other friends “Good,” you say, “cause I’m your best friend.” “Of course,” he says, punching your arm playfully, “of course.”
As you get older, you realize you want to stick with school and try and get to university, which meant no more outings with the Peaky.
Finn is super supportive even if he’s sad to lose his partner in crime.
And you’re super supportive of everything he does as well. As long as he’s not flirting with death and as long as he’s happy, it’s fine by you.
Still, you make sure to celebrate each victory with him and your brothers, even if it means falling asleep at the Garrison (John always makes sure to put his coat around your shoulders, making sure no one is bothering you)
After John’s death, you decide to leave and study in London. This time Finn encourages you to leave. Even if you know you will hate being away from him, you both know you will feel safer the farther you are from Birmingham.
You love London, but you miss Finn, so you force him to write every week.
“This week, nothing new happened. Why am I writing this? Cause you’re forcing me to even if NOTHING EVER HAPPENS! Love, Finn  PS: Arthur just walked in screaming and swearing, apparently a rat ate his hat!  PPS: I had to explain to Isiah the ‘boyfriend’ thing, sorry it’s not our inside joke anymore.
Life in London is hard, being a girl living alone, but you manage and Ada is always close by. Your relationship grows during that time.
You come back every summer to visit and it’s like you never left.
“Here,” Finn says handing you a baseball bat. “Are we bringing your boyfriend as well?” you ask. Isiah gives you a reproachful look, which makes you giggle and miss Finn’s playful punch. “I’m just being polite by asking,” you add.
Isiah secretly likes you, but he will never admit it.
Finn’s punches are his way of showing affection, but if you ever need a hug, he’ll happily give you one. You’re the only one who gets to be this close to him.
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sshbpodcast · 29 days
Character Spotlight: Kes
By Ames
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Star Trek: Voyager may have only had Kes on the show for three seasons, but that’s actually a pretty large percentage of her Ocampan life! And in that time, she definitely made her mark. It was just a mark that struggled to hold a candle against the character who swoops in and takes her place (more on that next week!). But we here at A Star to Steer Her By came to really appreciate the short show life of the short-lived character, even if the show rarely gave her much to do.
Kes is one of those nuanced characters (boy, Voyager sure is full of those), who you may not notice unless you’re looking for her. She’s compassionate, curious, and clever, and her eidetic memory really makes sense for someone who needs to grow up licketty split. Was the quick lifespan a good idea or a terrible one? You decide as we compile our Best and Worst Moments for Kes below and listen to our chatter on this week’s podcast episode (jump to timestamp 1:32:15). YOLO!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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I’ve learned very well. I saw the sunlight. The very first thing we learn about Kes (other than the fact that she’s dating Neelix) is that she’s left the safety of the Ocampan homeworld, a stagnant culture subsisting almost entirely under the eye of the titular “Caretaker.” This young prodigy has greater ambitions though, and she seeks to encounter more of the universe while she’s got the chance, and we give her credit for it!
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What crop has sprung from the seed you planted today Immediately after joining the Voyager crew, Kes shows some initiative and starts up an airponic garden to supplement the ship’s rations. It’s only her second episode in “Parallax” and already we start to see her not only as a nurturer and someone who shows compassion to her fellow shipmates, but as someone who can take charge of a task and handle herself.
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One lung to give While overall our opinion on the Kes-Neelix relationship is that it’s cringey, the two of them clearly care for each other. So Kes’s offer to donate her lung to Neelix in “Phage” is quite touching. She doesn’t even hesitate in the moment of crisis when the EMH is floundering, and then gets to carry it through when the Vidiians are able to perform the procedure.
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He’s your Medical Officer. He’s alive. The EMH may complain and complain that no one gives him the credit he deserves, but Kes has always had his holographic back. We get to benefit from her outside perspective in “Eye of the Needle” when she requests that the crew treat him more nicely. And she also advocates for his existence in “The Swarm” before they risk losing him by restarting his program.
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Someone was walking your grave When the show remembers that Kes has telepathic powers, she is frequently at her best. The way she learns whatever the hell was going on in “Persistence of Vision” depicts how she’s learning to master her mental capabilities while also keeping firmly in reality. Everyone else has succumbed to their delusions, and Kes is able to save the day by keeping a cool head.
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Get down with the sickness Like how Torres insists the Doctor not take shortcuts in creating his holo-family in “Real Life,” Kes makes sure his Levodian flu is just as unpredictable as normal illnesses in “Tattoo.” How is the Doctor supposed to feel vulnerable if he always has control over his virus? Kes sneakily adds two hours to the ailment to show him how uncomfortable and stressful working while ill can be.
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Use the Force, Kes! It was obviously too good to be true when Kes met a batch of hyper-powered, slightly longer-lived Ocampans like Tanis in “Cold Fire” offering to teach her their ways. When their caretaker, Suspiria, is trying to destroy the ship, Kes uses her new abilities back against Tanis in a display of defiance against their corrupted ways because she’d never hurt others willingly.
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I don’t know how to say goodbye to Neelix and Tuvok No matter which side of the “Tuvix” debate you fall on, you’ve got to admit Jennifer Lien nails the scene with Janeway in which she breaks down over being caught in the middle of things. Even if you’re pulling for Tuvix to keep existing, you feel for Kes. She’s put into such a devastating position, admitting that while she doesn't want Tuvix to die, she wants Neelix back.
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I can’t wait to see if Blaine’s twin brother is the father of Jessica’s baby She may barely be in any of the two-parter “Future’s End,” but Kes might be in the funniest moment. She and Neelix are scrutinizing the televised feeds from Earth in the past, and they immediately get addicted to soap operas. It’s quite a cute little moment. As Kes says, “There's something to be said for non-interactive stories like this, being swept away in the narrative.”
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I walk through mindfields Jennifer Lien doesn’t get a ton of episodes to stretch her legs and show her range, especially since Kes herself is typically such a reserved character. So it is a delightful surprise to see what she can do when Kes is possessed by Tieran in “Warlord.” And it’s an even better surprise to see Kes fighting back in her own mind with a ferocity we’ve never seen from her before.
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Kes has become unstuck in time Every so often, you get glimpses of just how intelligent Kes is, as Ocampans need to have eidetic memories and amazing deductive reasoning to develop mentally as quickly as they develop physically. So when she’s traveling backwards in time in “Before and After,” Kes is able to put together the out-of-order puzzle and keep from getting winked out of existence.
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Something to remember me by Kes’s final episode with us (or really, what should have been her final episode with us, as you’ll see in our next section) sends her character off in a very satisfying way. “The Gift” does a great job completing her arc, as Kes’s mental powers improve off the scales until she uses them to send the ship ten years closer to home. It’s yet another selfless act from the ship’s sweeting.
Worst moments
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Chekov is finally redeemed Firstly, is the wig we see Kes in for early episodes like “Parallax” worse than the one they put on Walter Koenig when he first joined TOS? We’re willing to give Walter the benefit of the doubt since it was the 60s and wig technology wasn’t where it was in the 90s. So what’s Voyager’s excuse then? Why does Kes look like she’s wearing a lhasa apso on her head?
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I saw them burn. Their bodies ashes where they stood. The main complaint I can muster against the Kes character is how criminally underused she is throughout Voyager. The couple of times we lauded her mental powers above are just that: a couple of times. Most of the time, like in “Time and Again” when she senses Janeway’s presence in the other timeline, exactly nothing comes of it and it’s a huge wasted opportunity!
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I felt like there was someone in the room with me Another episode where Kes’s telepathic powers could have benefited the story is in “Cathexis” when Tuvok is being possessed by the Komar. The entity sees that she could pose a threat and knocks her unconscious for the whole episode. It feels like such a tease! Remember how Kes has superpowers? Well, we’re not going to actually use them for literally the whole first season.
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Then I guess our marriage is over Look, I’m grasping at straws because Kes doesn’t get to do much, let alone bad stuff. So it’s not technically Kes as the Doc’s wife in that weird fakeout scene toward the end of “Projections” – it’s another layer of holodeck malfunction. But I still don’t like it because it’s an unnecessary twist. And when the EMH is back to reality, it’s just as weird that Kes acts like maybe he’s not?
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Kes, you’re baby crazy Can we just say all of “Elogium” here and be done with it? No? Ugh. While we can’t blame Kes for experiencing Ocampan heat, we sure can blame her for how she acts during it, hormones or no. And we also can blame the writers for making this forced pregnancy plot a thing in the first place because it turns a huge personal decision into a cringey couple’s squabble.
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That green-eyed pus hog called jealousy It’s been said on the podcast so frequently that you’re probably over it that Kes and Neelix would have made better friends than romantic partners. But you love who you love, so who are we to judge? What we can judge is how Kes stayed with Neelix during his jealous, clingy phase, and barely even spoke up in “Twisted” when he basically accused her of being the town pump.
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A watched Tuvok never boils As one of a couple episodes that remembers Ocampans have mental powers, “Cold Fire” really gives Kes a lot to do when Tanis and the other space-venturing Ocampans try to teach her their ways. And in the typical Kes fashion of someone who barely has any experience in the world, our girl immediately goes and boils Tuvok’s blood. Slow down, girl!
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Help people, hurt them, give life, kill, it’s all the same Even when she’s gotten a [slightly] better handle on her powers later in “Cold Fire,” Kes still plays the innocent as she trusts these rogue Ocampans. Anyone watching the show could tell you right away they are trouble. But this young emancipated woman becomes so obsessed with her newfound powers that she nearly leaves with Tanis and crew, whom she’s only just met!
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Caution: No Kes Allowed What on earth, or whatever stupid planet this is, makes Kes think she can wander off from her tour group and go trespass in these people’s sacred temple in “Sacred Ground”? Even though she didn’t know it would knock her into a coma, you’ve got to think someone as respectful as Kes usually is of other people wouldn’t think to go anywhere without asking permission first.
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I think we should be possessed by other people Like last week when I included the omission of a scene that we desperately needed for Neelix to not seem like an asshole, we’ve got another scene that never happened for Kes. Kes never actually breaks up with Neelix! Tieran does it while possessing her in “Warlord,” and that guy’s an asshole! So why do we never actually get acknowledgment from the real Kes of what their status is?
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Suffering from severe FOMO Kes is indeed back on the market after that nebulous breakup, and she’s already found herself a new boy in “Darkling.” Zahir seems perfectly nice as far as Mikhal Travelers go, but Kes is ready to pack her bags and get whisked away right after meeting this guy! I guess when you live as short as she does, you’ve got to follow your heart. But Kes is too quick to trust cute strangers.
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You blame Captain Janeway, but the choice was yours But possibly the worst moment for Kes is whatever the hell happened in “Fury.” The episode feels like a “fuck you” to Jennifer Lien for leaving the show. Instead of the character we loved, the Kes who returns has been rewritten as a bitter, jaded, apathetic husk. And worse, there’s no good reason for it except that she forgot how good she had it on the show- I mean the ship.
And we’ve reached the end of our very short Ocampan life, so let’s hope we transcend into energy beings or whatever. Next week, we’re replacing our Ocampan sweeting with the show’s sex symbol, and I don’t mean Sandrine! So keep tuned here for more character spotlights, finish off our watchthrough of Enterprise with us over on SoundCloud or your favorite podcast app, reach out to us with your minds over on Facebook and Twitter, and thank you for changing out that wig!
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S2 EP24 - Katsuki Bakugou: Origin
Or final exam battle: Deku/Kacchan vs. All Might.
*takes a deep breath* I have SO many fucking emotions when it comes to this episode. Honestly, I'm trying hard not to cry like the emo bitch I am right now lol Fuck... Okay. 😑 This post is going to be fucking long and all over the place and I apologize in advance.
Let me actually begin with the ending of ep23 where we have both Deku & Kacchan's voicing the preview and that fucker talks over Deku and shit, yelling "PLUS ULTRAAAA" and you hear Deku little "Traaa?" at the end, hkdmqmmsd that's so fucking funny.
Now for the real shit. Man rewatching that fight after being caught up on both s6 and the scans? Yeah, my heart can't take that stuff...😫
All Might is our top bkdk shipper, man. Apart from Aizawa, he's probably the only other adult really seeing what the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki can truly become (gotta love Aizawa for being so observant and forcing them to team up btw). That fight against AM is truly the first big step in mending their broken relationship, eh.
(my mind's a fucking whirlwind and I'm trying hard to be coherent, bear with me)
I'm thinking of something as stupid as this but... look at the distance between them here - and compare it to how it's going to be after s6 and Kats' apology? That dude has grown so fucking much and it shows even in his placement next to Izuku lmao *damn*
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We start that ep with Kats' POV and all his anger and frustration towards Deku making progress right? He's set on winning that shit on his own, refusing to cooperate and telling Deku to not follow him (yeah my dude we know you'd die if the nerd didn't follow you anymore). All in all, it's a freaking bad start when facing All Might, we even have that scene where he's yelling at Deku and Deku is yelling back "STOP YELLING! It's because you do that we can never have a normal conversation!" and boy... 😫
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Since we all know Katsuki's an overthinker (how he's been bottling shit up after 'ending All Might's career?) and that he is obsessed with the nerd, he's probably been thinking about this too, "If I start yelling we won't be able to talk" so he actually starts the convo softly during Deku vs Kacchan part2, like hello?!
Ahem. Anyways, what's also interesting is that moment where they knock each other out because they aren't working together at all. Katsuki is only thinking of charging to AM to defeat him and win while Izuku is literally too intimidated by his idol and wants to run away. They don't even think about each other and what the other is planning to do, hence the clashing. It's so great to actually see this because it brings out their cooperation (later in the episode but also in the whole series) and how they're really a fucking 'wonder duo' when they do work together. Once the relationship is on the way to being mended and they start seeing each other as rivals (see movie 2 Heroes Rising for instance), we actually see how much they're in synch, they don't even have to fucking talk to one another to understand what the other is thinking or planning next and it's just so fucking amazing man... Like really, that connection they have on the battlefield is ridiculous.🧡💚
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(sorry the fucking screen cap is hilarious lmao it's like they're lining up in the air to dance or something omfg I'm sorry rlekrjemzrmzer)
Moving on to when Deku is stuck under a fence cuz AM is an asshole djdmmds he literally just fucking broke Kats' ribs or something, the dude is puking, like what the hell...
Anyways we got Deku's flashbacks of their childhood and him fawning over Kacchan. "I always admired you for that [winning]" - and I don't know, but have you guys noticed how Izuku's memories are always about Kacchan and his admiration for him, like he'd be following him around spying on him, just watching him with stars in his eyes the whole fucking time - THIS is what's in Izuku's mind everytime he thinks of their childhood and at the opposite end what do we have? Katsuki hung on the damn river scene OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The contrasts is crazy and it holds so much meaning aaaah 😖🧡💚 I love Hori so much for this, man.
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We move to Izuku punching Kacchan in the face to save his ass and run away in an alley, literally hopping like a bunny (pyon pyon) and they have a sorta normal convo (yeah Kats is still yelling and exploding a wall but eh I call that progress). Then they face AM again and tadaaaaa we have another scene of Katsuki's crying face and WHY? Because he's fucking frustrated! When I tell you guys that dude only cries like this when he's frustrated and only in front of Deku and AM (for the record, that's up till he's accepting all of his feelings for Izu and Izu's love for him in the latest scans... *cries thinking of it*)
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I think that's also when he's slowly but surely starting to accept that yeah he's eventually going to have to cooperate with Deku, not just for this fight but in the future too. Right now it's still too raw, his inferiority complex is still too present and yeah... but we'll get there, won't we? 🧡
Anyways, Katsuki Bakugou's Physical strength appreciation moment because... Fuck, even Izuku is astonished by the weight and strength of that dude's gauntlet and Kacchan is moving around and blasting that shit like it's a piece of cake, like what?!?! 😲🔥 Hot.
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(our baby is so cute and hot with his bf's gauntlet I swear 💚)
Also this episode is literally the introduction of "Win to Save" vs "Save to Win" in a way, because it focuses on Katsuki's 'Origin'. Like I said, that episode is so fucking important for Deku vs Kacchan pt2 *sigh*
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Win to save 🧡
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Save to win 💚
There are still so many things I wanna say about this ep but damn it's already way too long as is it lmao Let me just end with how AM really doesn't give a shit about injuring his students hdmqmdlq the way he fucking pushed himself to Deku and broke his fucking back? Like damn man, any normal dude could have died of just that lol
All Might ending this post with this 👇🏼💚🧡
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Now let me go cry my heart out cuz this episode fucked me up
Bonus: I forgot to add my fav scene hdlkdezmdeoe "I'm gonna send you flying!"
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plinko-mori · 1 year
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@dizzyfuzzy I hope you will enjoy these...
More than 30 reasons of why I relate a lot to Ougai Mori
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1) Clingy and cloying
2) Rational and logic
3) Necessity to have many things around us under our control
In those three aspects we are the same
My closest friends use always those words to describe me too, and well I can't deny it... I'm clingy as fuck
I always use, and try to avoid it but it's hard
4) We have our both "Elise-chan" that people confuse it with a crime because of the weird obssesion
This needs an explanation but not too deep because this is not analyzing Mori's character with Elise
Mori's relationship with Elise is bad seen for most of the BSD fandom, telling he is a pedophile (something I disagree) and pedophilia is actually a crime
Incest too, but why is it related?
Because when I talk about my dad, I sound like clingy Mori interacting with Elise... When I clarify the fact it's just my dad and I love him a lot, people think I'm incestuous
5) Way to talk, same tone of voice
6) Manipulation
7) Emotional blackmail
8) See someone small and younger, adopt them, give them our affection, traumatize them, we loving them and hope the same affection back
Also having favouritism which from time to time are noticeable
9) Taking the charge of a leader very seriously
10) Dramatic bitches
11) Be with a person, torture them, affect them my own words and see how they fall to pieces in front of you over something as minuscule as words
Attitudes and parts of my personality that I share with Mori, not only that I notice but that people tell me while explaining to me why they call me «Mori»
8 and 11 may look the same but they are actually not
8 is about how I actually adore many people that I end up traumatizing by mistake when I try to give them lessons... While number 11 is related to me enjoying some people suffering!
12) Walking red flags
I don't think this one is necessary to explain tho...
13) Necessity to take care of people, to make them grow in their biggest potential
14) Throwing everyone's emotions and desires (including our own) out the window in favour of the """optimal solution"""
15) Can hurt people close to us if it's necessary for them
This is getting way too personal but that's basically how it is
Last year I wanted to break a friendship that was basically annoying me but the other person still wanted to be my friend
So I started to do things with some people to make her lost interest, hate me, I betrayed her trust whatever and basically how she ended the friendship was like that scene of PM Dazai arguing with Mori after the Oda-event
16) Observers and analytics
17) Changing our mood from one second to the next
18) Being reserved with our emotions about how we really feel about doing various things we do/did/will do
Idk I just don't like sharing many emotions tbh... It's not like «lmao I'm edgy» but a «I won't tell you the truth so believe what you want to believe»
19) Choosing the worst possible option that makes us look the shittiest
20) Both wanted to die when we were younger
21) Similar to Mori, I'm in charge of my house and I I have to organize everything
I make sure everyone is taking good care of themselves (they don't so I do it), I make sure how they spend the money so later we don't have problems, I organize almost everything they do and make them remember everything because hahan't good memory
I feel like a slave to my own family as I am the only one who takes care of their welfare lol
22) We both act "childish and silly" to "strangers", to people we are starting to know oh but the people we know for a long time? They know we are bastards
Anecdote but that Atsushi scene of Mori interacting with him happened to me in real life and it was weird but hilarious
23) "Even if that's true, so what?"
Ignoring the fact that this happened with an ex friend... Because I literally said it and had the Yosano scene-
I love that phrase, ignoring the post I'll do analyzing it... I don't feel it's necessary to explain everything to everybody
Even if there are horrible interpretations of things, people should be prepared to face anything. Bad or good things, also to ignore their emotions and do anything they need to do or should do... So what? What's the problem with it? Ignore the reputation you give to people and worry a little more about yourself, about the things you must or should do
24) Friends that treat us like trash and we don't do anything to stop it <3
25) Ideals, optimal solution >>>>>>>>>>>
26) Know exactly what to do in our lives and who to actually trust to stay at our side
27) People trying to understand or predict us, kind of, understand us, but they don't quite manage to do so– Dazai when Mori released Q, me with ex friends and more etc
Some people tried to predict me into something??? And I literally did something worse and they got shocked and I laughed
28) Dislike dirty things, probably hate them
29) Medical things, like, if someone tells me my hand are cold I will answer something like:
"Cold hands are often a sign that your body is trying to maintain its normal body temperature. However, always having cold hands could indicate that there is a problem with blood flow or blood vessels in the hands"
30) Being paranoid (a little, maybe) about ending up as one person we don't want to be like but it's not like we say it a lot-
31) People do not fucking understand us and that offends me tbh... The things I do is for the greatest good for them and Mori also did it for the best of them
32) «Heart!? This is war. It's a side where the side that cares about "heart" first loses»
For me it's a fact and you can't convince me otherwise
33) Dude our friends/people we interact to are the same I see my friendships and ex-friends there
34) The necessity to control almost everything around us (I'm sorry)
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birdofdawning · 2 years
So the Warehouse went to China or whatever, and everyone went on with their lives.
“People find Doctor Bering focused, even remote. She has little patience for time-wasters or fools,” said the Chair of English Literature, standing beside the tea trolley that had been wheeled out to herald the end of the evening. “She is that lecturer — the one the students both hope and fear will notice them.”
“I am intimately familiar with both sentiments,” said H.G.
“She is always the complete professional,” went on the Chair, “A conscientious teacher… a brilliant researcher — even I must admit that. The most dependable, reliable member of Faculty...” She gazed across the room. “And then that man comes to town and suddenly she’s a twelve-year-old.”
They both stood watching as Myka, furious, punched Pete Lattimer in the arm, paused to listen to his response, then punched him in the arm again.
“They… have been through a lot together,” murmured H.G.
“Yes, I can recognise the connection. The military wasn’t it?”
“Homeland Security, I understand,” said H.G. giving the Chair a glance that showed she could recognise when someone was delving for information. The Chair gave her a wry smile of acknowledgement.
Pete was now speaking quickly while Myka regarded him with a face of abject disbelief.
“It doesn’t bother you, the bond they share? I know if my husband…” the Chair trailed off and gave H.G. a long look.
She was still watching the two, Myka now gesticulating and Pete putting up his hands in apparent supplication. After a moment she said “Myka never really got to have a childhood. Not an easy one. Pete gives her that, lets her be that person, have that freedom.”
“You never tried to… I don’t know, oust or… diminish Mr Lattimer’s role in Myka’s life?”
H.G’s smile faded. “Only once, very soon after I had met them both. Pete had the kindness to forgive me for that. Eventually.”
She turned to regard the Chair. “You speak as if in condemnation. Yet I suspect that you’re not really that perturbed by Myka’s relationship with Pete Lattimer.”
The Chair laughed. “Perhaps not. Perhaps I was merely… probing. Honestly, seeing Myka like this reminds me of Thanksgiving.”
“Oh?” said H.G. interrogatively.
“I have three sisters. One is a surgeon. Two are lawyers — Raquel is a D.A, of all things. And yet, come Thanksgiving — or Christmas, or a some other family thing — within an hour of being together all four of us are teenagers again, bickering, and pleading with our mother — who is in her eighties now — to listen to our side of the argument.”
“That sounds charming.”
“I… yes, it is,” said the Chair. “So perhaps I can understand Myka’s need for play from time to time.”
“Good,” said H.G tonelessly, and the Chair gave her a quick, appraising look.
“Forgive me,” she offered, “if I have… overstepped.”
“Not at all,” said H.G.
They both stood watching as Myka threw bread rolls at Pete Latimer, who was trying to deflect them with a serving tray. One still hit him in the head, and Myka did an awkward little dance of triumph, arms raised as she shuffled around in her chair.
“Yes, Ms Wells, as I said: I am pleased that Doctor Bering has an outlet for her inner child,” said the Chair, “And yet…”
“… And yet perhaps it is time I took the two of them home before they start setting up some species of obstacle course and propose we all participate in Indoor Games. I quite agree,” said H.G, turning to her and giving a small bow, “Good evening, Doctor Halliwell. I do always enjoy our conversations.”
The Chair nodded back and watched as the slight woman, with a touch on Myka’s elbow and a poke to Lattimer’s ribs, managed to herd her charges out of the hall. An odd trio, she thought. But pleasant enough, all three of them. In their different ways.
Dismissing her thoughts, she turned to the people on her left and joined in the general condemnation of the new anthology of Imagist poetry a rival college had edited.  
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whatllitbetoday · 10 months
I really didn't think I would be getting myself into this kind of trouble at my age.
I am fifty-eight, and yeah, that's not that old, but I had one love of my life (preceded by a couple of guys who I thought could be--but weren't) and when he had a heart attack three years ago I had no interest in any other romantic relationship again. I had my great romantic adventure, and I was done. Besides, I was planning on meeting up with him on the other side and continuing as before. So I'm a sap, sue me.
Nobody bothered me about it either, for the first year. The kids and I grieved and our deep scars began to knit together enough for us to look forward towards what was next. They moved out and so did I, opting for a little two-bedroom apartment. One room for me, one my yoga things and bunk beds so the kids or maybe their kids could visit. With the saving and pension intended for two people, and the equity from the house, I had enough money as long as I lived frugally.
I started growing things in pots on my patio. I walked to the library twice a week. I volunteered at an animal sanctuary. And there I met Josh.
Josh was the volunteer in charge of the large livestock animals on Wednesdays, the day I volunteered. I had a little experience with that so I was sent to help him. He had a wry sense of humor and knew what he was doing, and it was nice to make a friend. We seemed to be in the same life stage, with adult children and no partner and navigating life alone for the first time since our college days.
I talked about wanting to have someone to walk with in the early mornings, while it was still dark, and he offered. I asked around first, and heard only good things. We got to know each other and became friends.
Somehow my kids got it in their head that I was dating this man, whenever I would talk about "my friend Josh from the sanctuary." The kids started to tease me, and tell me they were glad I was happy. I just rolled my eyes and said there was no way I was bothering to date again, it was too much work. "Riiight," they said, with knowing smiles.
Later I asked myself, do I want to date Josh? Am I attracted to him? Did I want to invite another person into my life, my tidy little apartment that for the first time I could make exactly how I liked? The attention was nice, but no. I didn't. I just enjoyed having someone to get a cup of tea with after a rainy day outdoors, or who could empathize with me about watching my adult kids make mistakes and look at one moment so grown up and at another so be so young and needy.
I decided we were together too much and told him I couldn't walk in the mornings anymore, but that wasn't enough. I decided to be subtle, to talk like *of course* I'd go sky diving before I ever did anything like dating again. I talked about how I could never do *that* again, when he brought up his friend's relationship woes. We stopped by my apartment and I let him notice my twin bed, my little world set up for one permanent resident. I described the conversation with my kids where they asked when I'd get out there again and I emphatically replied "Never! One husband is enough for me."
A couple of times I thought I saw something pass over his face, but I may have been imagining it. Then he started joining in. He talked about being so glad he'd never date again. And I felt comfortable in our friendship again.
Until he began saying things like "Good thing I've got you!" And I would think, "He means as a friend, right?" And then I'd cancel coffee the next week. But as busy as I was with my porch garden and volunteering and substitute teaching and hosting Sunday dinner, it felt so good to have a friend.
One day after we'd successfully processed in a new potbelly pig (those suckers are heavier than I am) and we were having a moment of celebration after some hard work he reached out and held my hand. For a split second it felt normal and right, and then I jerked away as Ai realized the romantic implications. Can't I just enjoy human touch without it having to *mean* something? No, not like that. I think I need a cat.
I got a cat.
He asked me to go with him to his niece's wedding. I was busy. He asked me to go to the movies, but I don't enjoy the noise. He asked me to go with him and help him drive on a short road trip to take his son's furniture to his new home, after graduating college. I had to care for my new cat.
So imagine my shock when he asked me to marry him.
There was going to be a meteor shower, and a local astronomy group was having a viewing party with telescopes the public was invited to. I'd mentioned I was going and he got excited about it. When he arrives he was wearing a peacoat and dress shoes. I was in an oversized sweater, sweatpants, and a beanie. "Did you just come from a work dinner?" I asked. "You'll see," he grinned at me. I didn't care enough to pursue it.
Everyone took turns on the telescopes, and there was someone who talked about the shower and the astronomy club. A couple of kids recognizes me from teaching. It wasn't quite wrapping up, but getting towards that way, when Josh began,
"Hey Jennifer?"
"You know, I've really appreciated our friendship this last year."
"It was really hard being single after the divorce and living alone again and I was really lonely."
Ok, ok. "Oh I know," I smiled.
"It really made me feel like life could go on, to have something to look forward to every week. Talking to you."
This is getting kinda sappy, I thought.
"You're so smart and compassionate and always want to help people. I think being around you has made me a better person."
I opened my mouth to protest, not even sure what to say, but he gestured to me to wait.
"I know you have an absolute dread of dating ever again, you made that really clear," Whew ok that was about to get weird...
"So, because I want to spend every day with you, and so you never have to date again,"
"will you marry me?" He went down on one knee, and held my hand, and looked up into my face underneath the falling stars, and there were gasps around us, and a few claps.
My mouth was stuck in an O of horror. Finally I found my voice.
"Nope," I said, and turning on my heel I booked it to my car and drove home.
I locked the door.
I made some tea.
I blocked him on my phone.
I emailed the sanctuary that I'd have to quit.
I drank the tea and had a piece of chocolate cake I'd been saving for guests and railed at the world and watched West Wing and went to bed mad.
In the morning I decided to volunteer as homework help at the library instead. And then I called my best friend, who lived two states away, and told her the whole story. After she was adequately shocked at appalled, I felt much better. Then there was a knock on my door.
I checked the peephole. It was Josh.
Well. I guess it would be responsible and mature to talk to him once, at least. He looked sad.
I opened the door and before a single thought entered my brain, the words "Why the HELL did you think that someone who doesn't want to date was just waiting for a MARRIAGE proposal?! What happened to being friends?! You are a stupid JERK!" spilled out of me. So I closed the door, just as I noticed the sad and shocked look on his face.
I locked it.
Well. Um. Whatever, that was good enough.
I went to bed and watched an entire season of West Wing with my cat lying on my chest. I had vegan ice cream for dinner and a salad for dessert and ignored my plants because I was afraid that Josh would come back to my porch.
I only saw Josh a couple of times since then, at community events, and he avoids me. I told my kids that we aren't friends anymore because he wanted to date me, and they looked surprised but didn't say much. I made a new friend at the library, Jay. She's doing a lot for the local LGBT youth. She's got some very different life experiences than me and that is refreshing. But she's got a girlfriend, so I should be safe from unwanted proposals. For now.
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returntosaturn271995 · 11 months
Tuesday, October 24th: The Crying Game
I truly am Pavolv's dumbest dog.
Within five minutes of sitting down to therapy, I start crying like the walls are emitting pepper spray. It's both a relief and embarrassing as I slowly collect tissues from my therapist into an ever-growing ball of Kleenex and mucus.
I hope there's never a murder in that building because, after a year and a half, it's basically coated in my DNA.
"Issues" covered:
The insane guilt I feel about "wasting" years of my 20s feeling depressed
Worries that my productivity is only temporary, and I truly am just human garbage
That I'm only as good as my last accomplishment
That I only have so long to fix my personality
The fact that I see my personality as something to be "fixed"
The fact that I still think I'm kind of right ^
Is it so wrong to want to love myself but also try to make myself more lovable at the same time? (Like I'm doing it for myself...so that one day someone can actually love me. I'm doing these things to feel more confident...because confidence is attractive.)
Thinking 28 means I've "run out of time"
Worrying is a form of avoidance
Learning to see who I am outside of what I've done that day, that month, that year
Remembering I still have made a fuck ton of progress
It's okay to notice depressive thoughts. That's not a slide.
Remembering there are aspects of my life that are successful
One of them being my job and waking up at 6 am for it
Another having good relationships with friends and family (no major interpersonal drama)
Massive fear of failure
Continuing to cut back on alcohol, (I retain my right to CBD, this is still California).
Issues not covered:
My low-key non-belief in romantic love
The not-unrelated recent emergence of my biological clock
How I dress better on the days I see her to look like I have my shit more together. Would a depressed person wear $150 wide-leg trousers from Aritzia? (ignore small iced coffee stain).
How just today I downloaded an app called "WaterLlama" for $9 because I can't be trusted with my own hydration or apparently my own money. (I am now peeing what feels like constantly).
How because her practice is in a normal office building, I regularly traipse by people after all the tearing up has given me "ham-sandwich-face". I then feel the urge to explain to them that actually I just paid to cry in therapy for $160 which is healthy. I'm not just some emotionally unstable girl who hates her job in this building. (Well, not this building anyway. And not at this job currently).
My on-going battle with Etsy's customer service department to escape fraudulent charges that were made yesterday.
I'm supposed to focus less on my daily goals being a metric of my self-worth...
But whatever I still did good things:
Cardio: Shin splint is back because I ran on it too soon, I hit my fitness goal by walking 4 miles to the beach. Great walk, beautiful view, 10/10 dog watching.
Work: Up at 6 am, powered through like a champ, and did 2 things I've been putting off which I consider high performance.
Cooking: Ate apples and overnight oats I made Saturday night, baked a chicken pot pie from Trader Joes.
Reading: I finished "Really, Good, Actually" and will be collecting its quotes to share here when I feel like it. Very quotable book.
Meditation: How what we love is what we dedicate our time to. I clearly like to meditate, read, cook, and cry in front of trained professionals. Oh and spending time with friends making fun of reality TV.
Yoga: I may not have it in me today for yoga. But I will attempt a relaxation one and tell myself I'm happy with any length of time.
Organization: The pile of shoes in my closet will be my master no longer. But again...going to let myself eat first.
Today's fragrance: Ameline by Phlur.
Current mood: Drained (but in a therapeutic way).
Now I'm going to fuck off, smoke a little weed, and enjoy some carbs.
That's how you win the crying game.
0 notes
deepestkoaladonut · 1 year
Today, I learned an important lesson in my life, and i could say that i learned it the hard way...
I have a boyfriend who is working as a Personal Fitness Trainer now. I have been very supportive of him with his career, making sure that whatever he needs that i can give, i will give. I honestly thought that i would continue to show him 💯 of my support. But recently, I have been struggling to give that 💯, especially when he was starting as an intern, because i have thought and experienced it first hand how he will train other people plus the thought that he will be surrounded by people who perhaps have better body shape than me. I am not the type to be insecure, in fact i would say that i am most of the time overconfident about myself. Going back... I cannot help but think of all those things. I noticed how he slowly lost time for me, and struggled to make time for me because whenever he tried, he would often just fall asleep. It was so much of a big deal to me whenever it happens because it would often remind me how I've been taken for granted in the past. I would wait and wait for him, understand him, and wait for him again, not knowing that he's becoming more comfortable with the changes that are happening in our relationship. He used to be so excited to go home to come and see me, but then he started to change. Whenever he has an opportunity to rest and not work, i would wait for him to say that he will spend it with me like he used to, but he didn't. I actually perceived that he liked the company of those at work with him more than me and whenever he would say otherwise, i wouldn't believe him. I tried to keep to myself whatever i was feeling because i never wanted to stop him from doing something he enjoys to do. But i was a human after all, whenever i'm hurt, sad, angry, happy or what, my actions would say it all, no matter how much i try to hide what i feel it would show. So the confrontation came, it didn't go well at first but fortunately, it ended well. We say we would make it work, he promised to be better and not make me feel that i was being left behind and i trusted him. We became okay. But just like all other relationships, we still argue from time to time, and just recently, something i never wanted happened.
He had a client, a girl. I didn't care much at first but because of his stories, i started to become curious with her. I stalked her and found out that she may be looking for a special someone as per her friend. I also noticed the way she talks to my boyfriend, which did not sit well with me because the vibe she gives was really different with the vibe that his other girl clients give. Just recently, something happened that i instantly regretted happening because it tainted my faith in Christ. A cursing word came out from me and i hated that it did because i was so mad at what she did that i wasn't able to think about it much. Not that i regret showing her boundaries as a client, but i regretted the way i showed it to her because it was under how i handle things, and it is not what is expected of me as a Christian. And i hated my bf because i've been telling him to handle her and show her boundaries because i am not really in the position to do so, since she was a client to him. I also hate myself because of how i felt that caused all of these, I am a Christian so more is expected of me and I feel ashamed to God for bringing shame to his name.
Right now, i don't really know what to say so silence is the only thing i could give. Hopefully, i would be for the rest of my life so i wouldn't complicate everything around me. Care less, and shut up... I also realized that it is not my job to do something to make other people know that he has me, it was his job to do that since it was his relationship with other people and not mine. What i can do is to kneel it all to God, pray, and let the will of the Lord take charge just as what Maxine Magalona said in an interview.
Help me please...
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gaitwae · 2 years
I also have non-sentence prompts too:
Reader pampers Loki after he has had a rough mission
summary: above!
Warnings/notes: pre-established relationship, mention of fire and horses
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“There we go,” your voice soothed as you helped your husband into his ice bath. Loki’s burn was rather ugly, and his leg was torn up from all sorts of fires and magical heats that he hadn’t expected during the last mission.
It had been a quick fight — one flaming horse had trampled through the boroughs of New York City, whinnying and stomping about. Many fires had been started. Strange had been in charge of putting them out while he had been in charge of breaking in the horse.
That foal had not been bombproofed. 
It wouldn’t have ever let anyone ride it, and it certainly wouldn’t have won any show.
It was easily spooked. It was angry. It hated being ridden; it hated magic; it hated Loki riding it while he used magic. It was just a recipe for disaster, and he spent the entire time waiting for it to be over just so he could go home to you.
He hissed as his skin made contact with the cooling liquid that was supposed to help him recover. “Being mortal isn’t nearly as fun as it’s cracked up to be.”
“I told you I should have been Asgardian.” You laughed and kissed his head. “You did great today.”
He groaned as he felt your fingers massage his scalp. “Darling, I fought a fire monster next to Stephen Strange! Do you think that was smart of me?”
“I’d rather it be you and Strange than just you.” You deepened your touch. “I really can’t tell you how long I’ve stopped worrying when I see your progress on the news. I only start worrying when there’s less coverage.”
The more news there was, the less importance the story actually had. Y/N was only ever fretful when you heard evacuation notices and saw the TV glitch out. On those days, you gave him what for when he came home. Loki didn’t blame you — he would have done the same if he had not been fighting the threats on the front lines. 
“You mean because that J. Jonas Jameson really loves making fools out of mutants and supers?” he scoffed. He rested his shoulders against your chest. “That’s endearing. You know, I should retire. I love spending time with you when I don’t have to worry about aliens and monsters attacking our neighborhood.”
“You’d be a wreck without having some higher calling, babe, you know it.” You gently removed him. He sighed with disappointment. “Should I get the aloe mask out yet or do you want to go straight to the manicure first?”
Loki heaved a sigh. “The mask, preferably. I wasn’t done feeling your fingers in my hair.” His eyes glittered. You laughed. 
“You said you were going to cut it, didn’t you?”
“I changed my mind. I like fighting with a ponytail.” He grinned, sat up, then winced. “I feel stylish. With dashing Strange, I always feel one step behind. How can I impress you without copying his goatee?”
“I married you, not Strange,” you teased, bringing the mask over. “So there. My opinion matters most.” You kissed his lips and then set the mask over his face. 
“I am ever-so-grateful that you did.” He kissed back, not ready to let you go. “I like the thrill of aging. It makes my life feel more meaningful.”
You moved away, going into the next room where he could still see you. You prepped the necessary accessories to his pampering. “But we’re still together forever, right?”
“As long as you treat me like the king I am!” he joked.
You laughed harder at that. He melted at the sound — after so many years, he still loved it. “I would never think of such a thing. Now, I’m getting ointment for your burns, okay, babe?”
Loki sighed. “I really do love you…”
“Oh, I know. I had to rein you in the hard way, remember?”
“You hardly did any of the hard work. I wooed you,” he insisted. He scrunched his nose up. “I still have the memory of a god, for whatever that’s worth.”
“Thousands of years in your brain isn’t too reliable, honey.” You walked back with ointment and more fun things. You sat down beside him, gingerly taking his leg. You began to rub in the ointment while he threw his head back in pain briefly. “Maybe you should just believe me.” You smirked. 
“Why should I do that? You’ll make me sound like a damsel in distress.” He chuckled. “I do care about reputation.”
“I can change it in an instant.” You winked. 
“You tease!”
Tag List: Tag List: @make-me-imagine @bwemph @myraaaa17 @wolfish-trickster @lucywrites02 @mostly-marvel-musings @winterfrostsarmy @superheroesandstardust @castiels-majestic-wings @geekns @naterson @cozy-the-overlord @megthemewlingquim @whatafuckingdumbass @thebookbakery  @wrenhyperfixates  @itscomplicatedx @sophlubbwriting @darkacademicfrom2021  @lilyofthesword @xlehukax @electroma89 @joucebox @high-functioning-lokipath @lokislittlesigyn @funsized-mimi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @kingix-the-confused-earthling @moonchildmp3  @mayday-dinluke @moumouton4 @marvelouslovely-barnes @thewindandthewolves @theaudacitytowrite @lostgreekgod @lokistoriesblog @cosplayingwitch  @myriad501st  @wolfsmom1  @lowkis   @queenjosielaufeyson  @lokiprompts @vbecker10  @floweramongstthestars
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 3
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Third chap, here we go! It’ll start picking up soon. I know there isn’t much ‘horror’ rn, but it will get there, I promise. Also, I’m sorry Tamaki’s part is a bit longer than Hawks. I just adore Tamaki so much and he deserves the world and lots of hugs and kithes.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing. More to come.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
You peek over your clipboard to see his cocky smirk and hide your eyes again. "Keigo, would you please put on a shirt?"
He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows. "What, too embarrassed to look at me, baby bird? I'll tell you what. You tell me who you are, and if you're single, and I'll cover myself."
"My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist in this facility, here to observe you, hoping it helps to find a cure. And there is no need for you to know my relationship status."
"Ah, ah, ah. If you don't tell me, you'll have to do this interview while gazing at my gorgeous body." You hear the cockiness in his voice.
"I swear to fu- fine, yes I'm currently happily single. Now, please put your shirt on." You mumble under your breath, "this is so inappropriate."
After a minute of rustling, Keigo leans back onto his bed. "Okay, my single baby bird. I'm all covered up for you."
You lower your clipboard just below your eyes to make sure, seeing the smirking bird man lounging on his bed with a shirt on. You finally lower your clipboard all the way before giving a curt nod. Making your way to the desk chair, you smile at the man.
"Thank you, Keigo. As I said before, my name is Y/N and I'm here to get to know you."
He snickers, "well, I'm here to answer any questions you have for me, baby bird. Fire away."
You sigh and open your notebook. "Must you call me such a name?"
"Awe, do you not like when I call you that?"
Sighing once more, you decide to just move on. You know you'll end up going in circles. "Please state your full name, age and date of birth for me."
"My name is Keigo Takami. I'm 28 years old. My birthday is December 28th." He paused to let you write that down before opening his mouth again. "Did you need my star sign and my relationship status? Well, I'm a Capricorn and I am definitely sin-"
"Nope, that's enough." You cut him off before he could ramble on even more. "Now, can you tell me what your quirk is exactly?"
Keigo blinks before turning around, the chains on his ankles clanking against the bed frame. Your eyes light up being able to actually see the giant, beautiful red bird wings coming from his back. You frowned slightly noticing they were pinned down, preventing him from being able to use them.
"Does that hurt? Having them pinned like that?" You tilt your head eyes following the edges of each feather.
Keigo lets out a quiet chuckle, eyeing you from over his shoulder. "A little. But nothing I can't handle. Why, is my baby bird worried about little ole me?"
Your frown turns into a glare and you clear your throat. "So, what exactly can you do with these wings of yours?"
Keigo's mouth twitches into a smirk as he turns back around to face you. "Well, I can fly. And I can also disconnect each feather from my wings and use them individually."
You nod, not wanting to show how impressed you were, knowing he'd make a crack at it. You finish writing down that information before asking your next question. "Now, can you tell me why you are here?"
"Getting down to the nitty-gritty, I see. Well, I was arrested and charged with Drug Trafficking, Forgery and Assault." You look at him, motioning him to continue. He shrugs. "There isn't much else to it. I'm a mafia leader. This shit happens on a daily basis, for years. Just so happened that I eventually got caught, on account of a leak in my group. Fortunately, for me, I use other people to do the killing for me. So that means they couldn't get me with murder." He cocks his head. "Unfortunately, though, trafficking and forgery are also felonies, so. That's why I'm here."
"So you spent your life moving copious amounts of drugs, forging money and assaulting clients who did you wrong?"
Keigo thinks about your words for a moment and nods. "Essentially, yes."
"Alright then." You stand up and bow your head to the mafia leader who was watching you carefully. "I will take my leave, as I have one more inmate to see before the end of my shift." You head towards the door, but pause for a moment. "Oh, and Keigo?" You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder. "Your wings are beautiful."
Keigo's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly, watching you walk out that door. His face turns bright red after processing your words. He mutters under his breath, "oh, baby bird…"
After shutting the door behind you, you breathe out. Aizawa looks up from his phone. "How'd it go?"
You raise a brow, "what, you weren't watching me through the security cameras like before?"
"Oh, I was," he deadpanned. "But, visually, it didn't look as compromising as the last two visits. The cameras don't pick up audio."
"Well, besides the lack of clothing in the beginning and the incessant flirting, I was pleasantly surprised."
Aizawa looked at his watch. "Now, I think we have time for one more before we have to turn in paperwork and unchain the more dangerous inmates from their beds to give them some room to stretch out." Aizawa flips through the profiles before stopping on one. "How about Amajiki?"
You turn to his profile and scan the words in front of you. "A cannibal, huh. Well that's not something you see every day."
"I think he'd be good to end the day with. Despite him being, well, a cannibal, he's actually extremely reserved and quite timid. I don't think he'd try to hurt you or get close to you. He suffers from borderline personality disorder, as you see." Aizawa looks up from his notes and eyes you. "However, he is a level 10. He may come across as innocent and somewhat angelic, but remember, he is one of the most dangerous criminals in this facility. He has multiple murders under his belt. So just keep that in mind."
You nod your head, slightly bouncing with excitement. This one sounds quite interesting to you. You've never met a cannibal before and this one has a quirk that sounds intriguing. Aizawa sighs before turning away from Hawk's door and heading further down the long hallway. He stops in front of a heavy door and scans you in.
Once you step inside the white room, you furrow your brows, not really noticing anyone. That's when you hear a small whimper and a few muffled, stuttered words coming from the floor next to the bed.
"W-Who are you?"
You lean to the side to see an indigo-haired figure huddled against the wall between the desk and the bed. You notice his body is trembling, only his eyes visible through his bangs, his arms covering the rest of his face. Head tilted, you squat down from a distance and smile.
"Hi there, Amajiki. My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist at this facility. I'm here to talk to you and get to know you to help further our findings for a cure. I'd like to be friends, if that's possible." You reply gently. You can tell he's scared out of his mind.
He raises his head up, giving you a full view of his…
Your eyes widen slightly. The bottom half of Amajiki's face, from his nose to under his chin, is completely covered by a silver muzzle. It's strapped around his head and locked in place by a padlock. Your eyes travel down to see his wrists chained together with quirk cancelling cuffs and, as you expected, both of his ankles are chained to the heavy duty bed frame.
"They have you muzzled like that?" You stare in disbelief, slightly angered at the treatment. You understand that he's a known cannibal, but to strap that heavy muzzle around his head on top of chains already weighing him down.
Amajiki nods shyly, "y-yeah. I guess it's because of the whole e-eating people… thing."
You sit yourself down on the floor across from him, your notes in your lap. "Is it uncomfortable?" He nods slowly, his eyes avoiding yours. You give him a small smile. "I'm sorry."
His eyes shoot to yours, confusion flashing through them. "Why are you sorry?"
"It...seems like a lot of you are possibly being mistreated here. I've noticed a few things here and there."
Amajiki's brows furrow. "And why should you care? W-We're criminals."
"True. However, this facility isn't supposed to be judge, jury and executioner. You're entitled to a fair trial, just like everyone else. That includes not being mistreated." Your smile never leaves your face as you look the man in the eyes. "I am not only here to research a cure, but make sure in doing so, it won't harm any of you. It'll be humane, I promise." Amajiki just stares at you with an unreadable expression. You sigh and click your pen. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions, Amajiki?" He shakes his head but stays quiet.
"Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"U-um. Tamaki Amajiki, 25, March 4th."
"Thank you. And what is your quirk?"
Amajiki hugs his knees tighter. "I-It's called Manifestation. Essentially, whatever I eat and digest, I can manifest as a body part."
Your leg bounces in excitement. "So, if you were to eat, let's say, Takoyaki, you can turn your hand into tentacles?" He nods his head. Your eyes light up. "That is incredible, Amajiki. That's such a powerful quirk!"
Amajiki's eyes widened, a blush spreading across his cheeks that were partially hidden under his muzzle. This is the first time he's ever been thankful to have this thing attached to his face. "U-um, t-thanks."
You let out a soft giggle and continue writing in your notes. "Here's a little bit more of a difficult question, Amajiki. Can you please tell me why you are incarcerated in this facility?"
Amajiki stays quiet, not looking at you. You notice his hesitation. You think for a moment before looking around the room. Amajiki sneaks a glance at you, watching you look around the room. His brows furrow. "W-What are you…"
You finally spot the locations of the camera and move your body so your back was facing it. Ignoring his question, you place your pen down directly in front of you so only Amajiki can see. You furrow your brows in concentration and stick your tongue out as you hover your hand over your pen. To Amajiki's utter shock, the pen starts floating in the air.
"Y-You have a quirk?!"
You nod your head and release the pen from your power. "Yeah, I do. It's nothing fancy like yours, but it is a mutation, nonetheless. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who understands more of your situation than you might think. So that's why I wanted to show you." You smile at the man, who is looking at you with pure adoration. "Please, keep this to yourself. I don't know what Aizawa would do if he found out about it." 
"I-I won't tell anyone, I promise."
You giggle and sit back down in your original spot. "Thank you. Now, can you please tell me why you're in this facility?"
He nods his head, still slightly dazed about this new-found information. "I was charged with multiple counts of 1st degree murder a-and…" his voice drops to a whisper, "s-serial cannibalism."
You couldn't help your interest in the subject and started rambling. "Would you be so kind as to explain how this came about? Did you grow up into a family of cannibals or-"
"NO!" He lashes out, causing you to flinch slightly. He winces as your reaction, not intending to scare you. "N-no. Nothing like that. It happened… against my will, so to say?" Amajiki sighs and rests his chin on his arms, not meeting your eyes. "I was one of the only kids in my small town to have been born with a mutation. My parents tried to hide it, tried to hide me. I don't know if it was from fear of people hurting me or fear of everyone judging them for having me."
He blinks a few times before continuing. "The town I lived in was small, a bad side to say the least. Lots of low-lifes and gangs running around. Well, long story short, someone found out about me and what my quirk was. They kidnapped me and…" He trails off. Suddenly, his eyes snapped to yours, an uncomfortable and intense feeling overwhelming you. "They forced me to eat another person, someone with a quirk. They wanted to see if I could turn their power into my own."
He cocks his head and lets out a cackle, still making eye contact with you. "Can you believe that?! It actually worked! So what did they do? They forced me to eat ANOTHER quirk user. They wanted to turn me into an ultimate weapon." Amajiki lets out a strange noise, sounding like a mixture between a guttural sob and a laugh. "Well, the joke was on them in the end. I ended up killing and eating them in the end and escaping. But after that point, something mutated further in my quirk. I couldn't stop craving human flesh." He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "A-And that's why I'm here now."
Your eyes are wide and your breath is heavy. Something inside you feels a sense of panic, looking at the clearly broken man in front of you. It's so much information to take in, you stay quiet for awhile, your body on high alert. Amajiki notices how quiet you are and he opens his eyes. He notices a terrified look on your face and internally panics.
"W-Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I-I'm not going to hurt you." He finally moves out from his huddled form and kneels instead, the sound of chains clinking together snapping you out of it. "I-I would n-never hurt you." He whispers the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it.
You clear your throat after taking a few deep breaths. "T-Thank you for telling me this, Amajiki. It was really brave of you to relive those experiences." You look at him and notice the fear and concern in his face. Giving him a small smile, you close your notebook. "I'm fine, I promise." You stand up on shaky legs and bow your head. "I need to get going."
Amajiki quickly stands up, making you slightly flinch again, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. "Y-You're leaving already? Will I get to see you again?"
"You will. I'm an employee here now, so I'll be the one to check up on all the inmates and work on everyone's individual sessions." You turn your back and walk to the door. "I'll see you later, Amajiki."
The indigo-haired man watches you walk through his door, longing written across his face. The only thing running through his mind are thoughts of the pretty telekinesis that made his heart race.
Once out the door, Aizawa meets you in the hallway. "How'd it go with the man-eater?"
You scowl at the doctor. "Why do you say things like that? He has a name."
"He's a criminal, Y/N. They're all criminals. Shouldn't matter what we call them." He rolls his eyes. "Just come with me. We have to finish our paperwork before the end of the day."
You grumble under your breath but follow the tired-looking doctor to his office. "You also need to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You will be meeting Kaminari, Midoriya, Shinso, Bakugo, Todoroki, Dabi and Kai. And 5 out of the 7 are level 8 and above."
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @megumitodoroki @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @dabis-s-whore @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors @maggiecc @tspice283 @orenjineki @aaannabbanana @letskidaddle @yzviea @jjk-is-my-shit  @iwachanslove
[If your name is bolded, I wasn’t able to tag you]
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a nsfw story about Levi + f reader getting walked in on by one of the cadets? Then Levi needing to the the Corps about their relationship then ending with some fluff/Levi holding his ground when others are upset about about a relationship in the workplace? I would really appreciate it 🥰
AN: this is such a cute request! I feel like I could've done a better job with this one so maybe I'll come back to it haha
Summery: Jean, Sasha, and Connie walk in on you and Levi. Chaos ensues.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: oral sex fem receiving, cussing.
kinda steamy in the beginning so a put a cut just in case you aren't into that ;)
Moments like this were fleeting and far between. You took what you could get, in empty storage rooms, open fields, in his office. Levi's breath was hot against your lips as he pressed you up against his desk, his knee slotted between your legs. You pulled away briefly to jump onto his desk, sweeping the papers off to the side. He shot you an irritated look but you only smirked wryly back at him. His hands were planned on your knees, prying them apart with fervor and then tugging you closer to the edge so he could press his growing bulge to your own needy cunt.
You groaned and rolled your hips into his as he pressed his hungry mouth to yours. You opened your mouth wider, allowing him to slip his tongue in and properly taste you.
"Levi, we've got to hurry." You felt delirious as he kissed down your throat, his lips burning your skin. His fingers began to tug at the straps of your gear and you began to unbuckle his own belts and buttons. After you had both been stripped of your tops he continued to kiss his way down your chest, gently urging you to lay back on the desk. You did so, propping yourself up on your elbows so you could watch as he tugged your pants down to rest at your ankles. He lifted your legs over his shoulders, bringing his mouth to your dripping pussy.
You spread your legs as wide as you could but he grabbed your thighs and brought them to press tightly against his ears, his stormy grey eyes blown out. You whimpered as he liked a fleeting stripe up the length of your pussy, your hips rolling to meet his tongue. He had just begun to tease your clit when the sound of the doorknob rattling made your heart leap into your throat.
"Levi" your fingers that had been in his hair, pushing him closer to you now tugged his hair, urging him to get his face out from between your legs.
"Mf" His voice was muffled as he still had his lips pressed against your cunt.
"Stop!" You hissed, but it was too late, the door swung open, Jean, Sasha, and Connie stood with wide eyes as they took in the scene before them.
"Captain!" Connie cried, Jean's hands flew to either side and covered his friends’ eyes, while his remained wide as he watched Levi scramble to cover you. You pressed yourself against his back, looking over his shoulder.
"Get the fuck out." Levi's voice shook a bit and Jean nodded, steering his friends away before reaching back for the doorknob and slamming the door shut.
"I told you to stop." You hissed, fingernails digging into his shoulders. His hand was pressed over his eyes, hiding the flush that had developed on his cheeks.
"I know." He groaned, turning to face you, his usual stoic exterior slowly falling back into place.
“Well, what do we do now?” Panic was bubbling up in your throat, thoughts of the cadets going to Erwin or even worse, Hange.
“I’m thinking.” Levi stepped away from you, the mood ruined. You stumbled off of the desk and tugged your pants back on, hurrying to buckle your gear back on.
“We can’t not address it.” You thought aloud as Levi buttoned his shirt.
“I thought I locked the door.” Levi seemed to still be in shock, and you felt for him.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, they saw and now we have to confront them.” You said tugging your jacket on over your shoulders.
“We should call them back in here. Tell them to keep quiet.” You were pacing now, the bare soles of your feet padding against the pristine wood floors.
“They probably already spilled to half of the regiment by now.” Levi scoffed, stooping down to pick up the papers you had tossed onto the ground.
“We’ve got to try.” You felt helpless, so irresponsible, and guilty. You were here for humanity, you weren’t supposed to get caught up in your lust. You were a soldier damn it.
“Fine, you go round them up then.” Levi flicked his wrist towards the door and you scowled at the back of his head as you marched off to find the kids.
You found them in the mess hall, all of the 104th cadets gathered at one of the large tables. You figured that at this point it would be easier to just bring Levi here. But you paused, noticing that they had not yet felt your presence.
“I don’t believe a word out of your mouths.” Reiner sat with a skeptical look on his face.
“Yeah, no way they would do that on Levi’s desk. He’s too much of a clean freak.” It was Armin speaking now, his fingers twisted together as he processed the information.
“You’ve got to believe us! They were about to fuck right there in the office!” It was Jean who was speaking now, Connie and Sasha both began yelling over him in a hurry to agree. You decided to cap it now before it got too rowdy and anyone else walked into the conversation.
“Cadets,” You rounded the corner you had been hiding behind and they all stood, chairs scraping against the cobblestone floors. Their firsts were clenched over their hearts as you stood with your chin held high.
“Stay here we have something that needs to be discussed.” Their faces were flushed with embarrassment at being caught gossiping. Then slowly sat back down as you retreated, hurrying to get Levi. You came back a few short minutes later, Levi in tow the cadets were silent now, faces turned down to look at the table.
“...” The silence was thick as Levi remained by the door, clearly, he wanted you to take charge here.
“The rumors are true.” You said simply, their heads whipped up, eyes wide with astonishment.
“Captain Levi and I are in a relationship. We’re sorry that you three saw us earlier.” You apologized and Connie’s ears were so red as he avoided eye contact with you.
“I thought relationships were strictly forbidden,” Jean mumbled, and you inhaled sharply.
“They can be...tricky. But I don’t feel that we have to explain ourselves to you. Our relationship has no impact on you.” You glanced back at Levi who was glaring daggers at the kids.
“But you’re our squad leaders.” Armin looked concerned.
“Yes, and we don’t intend to let it affect our work here.” Levi finally spoke up, taking a few more steps into the room to stand next to you.
“But captain-” Eren didn’t get to finish his thought, Levi held up a hand for silence and he deflated in his seat.
“You’re 16 years old you know better than to stick your noses in other people’s business,” Levi grumbled, and the kids all shared some uneasy looks.
“Or at least I hope.” He turned on his heel to leave and you shot the kids a tight-lipped grin.
“See you guys in the morning.” You waved at them and they all looked at you, clearly, they had more questions. But frankly, you didn’t feel like explaining anything to them.
You never got to finish what you started with Levi earlier that evening. Instead, the two of you ended up in his office going through the stacks of paperwork and letters that needed signing. You had been working in silence, sipping on lukewarm cups of tea when there was a soft knock at the door. It was timid and it made you flinch, you looked to Levi since it was his office after all.
“Enter.” He said plainly, not even glancing up from his work. Hange came in with Connie in tow, Connie’s shirt balled up in Hange’s fist.
“I got the best news today.” Hange thrust Connie in front of them, their brown eyes alight with mischief.
“Oh? And what would that be?” Levi refused to give them the satisfaction of acting surprised or nervous.
“A little birdie told me that you two were fornicating here in this very room.” They sat down heavily in the sofa and propped their feet up on the small coffee table.
“Really.” Levi huffed, setting his pen aside and looking up, glaring daggers at Connie.
“I-I swear they just heard me and Sasha talking about it! I didn’t mean to tell them!” Connie fell to his knees, hands clasped together in a pleading motion.
“Hange, this is so unprofessional.” You groaned, running a hand through your hair.
“Oh yeah? And getting down and dirty in the office is professional?” They cackled as you rolled your eyes and stood from your seat. Now it was your turn to manhandle Connie. You grabbed his shoulder and hauled him to his feet, pushing him towards the door. He turned and grabbed your forearm, and you paused.
“You gotta believe me (Y/n) I’m really sorry and I’m happy for you two I really am!” He was rambling and you gave him a soft smile before shoving him out of the door.
“Yeah, Connie I believe you, go to bed.” You ruffled his nonexistent hair before sending him on his way. He smiled up at you before turning and running off down the hall. Hange was still comfortable on the couch, and Levi was still scribbling away at his desk.
“Hange you have two seconds before I lay your ass on that floor.” Levi threatened and Hange groaned before standing up slowly and walking backwards towards the door.
“Bye Hange.” You waved to them and they saluted you, fingers pressed to their forehead as they slipped out of the room and shut the door behind them.
“We’ll talk later.” They promised and you nodded in agreement. Once they were gone you rounded the desk and stooped to press a kiss to Levi’s temple. He grunted but leaned into your touch as you rubbed his shoulder.
“It’s been a long day, you should go to bed soon.” You knew that he wouldn’t but you would never stop trying to get him to sleep.
“Mhm.” He mumbled as your fingers wandered into his hair, massaging his scalp.
“I mean it.” You said, this time pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips. He loosened up, his head turning to finally face you.
“I’ll try...stay a while longer.” His soft plead made your heart flutter and you hummed in response, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Sure, but I’m going to bed.” You laughed and Levi sighed, shoving his work aside and standing to follow you to his adjoining bedroom.
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closetedbumblebee · 3 years
White Wedding (Addison Montgomery x Female Reader)
Weddings are supposed to be full of love, happiness and gratitude. A wonderful celebration of two souls coming together as one. Today was one of those days. Callie and Arizona were finally and officially tying the knot.
It was supposed to be a happy celebration all round; all the happy couples loved up, attending the wedding together. Meredith and Derek, Christina and Teddy, Owen and Amelia, Richard and Catherine, among others showed their support for the sweetest couple who were currently reciting their vows.
You sat alone in the third row from the front, extremely proud of your friends. You were smiling from ear to ear as they each walked down the aisle. You knew their story like the back of your hand, and couldn’t contain the happiness you felt when Callie and Arizona finally came through for the other, especially after the accident. They had come so far.
You felt a pang of sadness, taking a look around the room at all the couples. You wished your girlfriend, Addison was here with you, but she had to fly back to LA after Sofia’s delivery. You barely spent enough time together as it is, both of you living in separate cities, leading separate lives. You did, however have a relatively strong and healthy relationship, taking the time to have long phone calls, FaceTime, and send as many text messages as you could. You tried to sneak weekends away  to LA, also. 
But, things felt strained for the last few months, and you both felt the need to remedy that. 
The last time you and Addison saw each other was during her stay, which was 4 days long. You hadn’t seen each other for five weeks, and you could tell the strain was getting to you. But, you both pushed those feelings down to focus on your friends. After all, you were both doctors.
When you did catch up, you and Addison had a slight argument the night before she was set to jet out of Seattle. You sort of made up, but you hadn’t really spoken since, just the odd text and call here and there.
You reminisced… 
“Honey, I really want to stay longer, but I can’t. I’ve got patients to get back to and-“, Addison said sadly.
“We’ve barely seen each other for weeks on end, and when we do, you suddenly have to rush off again. I get that you have a new life now and I respect that. Of course I do, but where the fuck do we fit in?! When you took the job in LA, we promised we’d make each other a priority regardless of whatever happened. You only fly back to Seattle when Richard needs you. I’m busting my butt every other week, rearranging schedules, going out of my way to see you. Because guess what, Addison? I love you! Clearly you don’t love me enough, otherwise you’d be making some sacrifices” you snapped.
Addison was taken aback. You had never seen her look so sad and upset. You just missed her so much, and wanted to be with her. You instantly felt guilty for snapping because you didn’t mean to go that far and before she could say anything, you jumped in again.
“Shit. Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just miss you so much. You know that. I’m so so sorry”, you said, equally sad as you reached for her hand.
“We’ll, I’m not going to say that didn’t hurt, because it did. But I understand. I guess it was deserved. I’m sorry too, sweetheart. I’m gonna do better, I promise”, she said.
You held each other tight, “I love you”, you said in unison.
Addison was about to say something else when - 
Her watch beeped, reminding of her flight and you drove her back to the airport where you shared one last kiss.
It wasn’t the way you wanted to make up, but it was a start.
Upon arriving back in LA, she texted immediately.
‘I’m back. I won’t say back home, because it isn’t home. Never has, never will be. My home is with you. FaceTime with me tomorrow? I love you baby xxxxx’, she texted
“Me too, my love. I most certainly will. I’m so sorry again. I love you too xxxx”, you replied.
Things improved between the two of you over the next four weeks, before she told you she couldn’t attend the wedding…
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really wanted to be there, but I just can’t get away”, she said, evidentially disappointed.
“Oh…okay. It’s fine. I can try and film it for you. It’s not going to be the same without you. I love you”. You were sad, but you didn’t want to push her.
Drawing you from your thoughts, you noticed the last of the guests arriving before the brides made their voyage down the aisle.
“Excuse me, beautiful, is this seat taken?”, you heard a voice say.
You thought you were dreaming. It couldn’t be. You looked up, to see a familiar, beautiful face smiling sweetly at you.
“Addison?!”, you shrieked
You both started crying as she pulled you up into her arms, holding you tightly.
“Surprise”, she whispered huskily into your ear.
“What are you doing here?! I thought you couldn’t come”, you cried.
“I couldn’t bear being away from you anymore”, she said, smiling through tears.
You kissed her with everything you had, before she pulled back.
“I mean it. I’m miserable in LA. I can’t stand it there. So, I’m coming home - for good”, she said.
You didn’t exactly comprehend what she said at first, but then gasped in delight, wrapping her up in your arms. Looking around, your friends were watching you both, all clearly happy for you.
You and Addison still had a lot to talk about, but right now, you put it to the side when Callie and Arizona appeared….
Everyone cried during the vow exchange, and you and Addison shared sweet, knowing looks, never letting go of each other’s hands.
At the reception, everyone gathered around Arizona and Callie as they had their first dance as a married couple.
Addison wrapped her arms around you from behind and rested her chin on your shoulder as you watched the happy couple. You hugged her arms, and she reached around to peck you on the lips. You two couldn’t get enough of each other.
When it came time for other couples to join the dance floor, you and Addison wasted no time walking hand in hand to the floor. At this point, everyone was in their own worlds, all content and happy, buzzing from the day’s events, while you and Addison were completely wrapped up in your own little bubble.
“So….”, she said, arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close as you swayed to Shania Twain’s ‘You’ve Got a Way’.
“So…”, you repeated.
She jumped right into it. 
“I’ve missed you, my love. I really have. You are everything to me. I’m so sorry for making you feel otherwise. I shouldn’t have been neglecting us”, she said softly, her eyes not leaving yours.
“Addie, hey… No, please. I’m sorry - I had no right to go off at you. I should’ve been more understanding. You uprooted your life and that’s a huge deal; because you’re a big deal, babe. I thought about what I said to you that night, and it was completely unfair, way out of line, in fact.. I was just projecting my feelings onto you. I was so scared that by you moving would have jeopardised our relationship without thinking about anything else. It was me, I was selfish”, you said, sheepishly.
“In other words, you thought I’d cheat on you. That’s it, isn’t it?”, she asked.
You felt tears in your eyes. Blinking them back, you smiled sadly and nodded.
“Come on now, you know I would never, ever, do that to you”, she said.
“I know. I…know. I just should've been more supportive of you. I know what this opportunity meant to you”, you said, your tone apologetic.
“It’s not all on you, okay. I realised I was working longer hours, and I turned my back on us because I was so overwhelmed with all of it, and avoided you, because I think deep down, I was scared too. I was afraid of hurting you, and was terrified the long distance wouldn't work at first. So, I can see how you must’ve felt that way”, Addison said, gently touching your face.
You looked into her eyes, to see the tears shimmering like white diamonds.
“Baby…”, you said.
“Being away from you, not being able to see you, or hold you, or kiss you, made me realise that you, that what we have, is worth more to me than any job. So I told Naomi I quit, called Richard, and he offered me a new job”, Addison smiled.
“Oh, Addie, that’s great!”, you said gleefully.
“Yes, yes it is. But, the best part is that I am now Grey Sloan’s Chief of Neo-Natal Surgery. I’m officially the boss now, baby. You know what that means. This is going to be so good for us!”, Addie said.
You were crying softly and gently touched her face. You knew what this meant; Addison being in charge of her own specialty, back on home soil meant everything to her. She was determined to fight for her relationship with you, so being the boss meant she could make her own rules and schedule. But, not only that, she deserved that title; worked hard for it her whole life; and you were determined to fight to the ends of the earth for her. 
It hit you then that she was really back.
“You’re home?!”, you asked, almost in shock.
“Mm-hmm. I’m home, baby”, she beamed.
“No more messing around, no more arguments. This is it - you and me. No more turning back. I want to fight for us”, she continued.
“I want to fight for us too”, you said back.
You smiled brightly at each other, feeling more connected and more in love than ever.
She was just about to kiss you when you heard the clinking of champagne glasses, as Callie’s father, Mr Torres called for a toast.
“Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my beautiful daughter, Calliope and her wonderful new wife, Arizona on their special day today. These two have gone through hell and back to be together. I have never felt prouder of my little girl, than I do today. I look around the room, and see it filled with such love. It’s a really beautiful thing. Real, true love is a once in a lifetime feeling, so if you’ve found it, hold onto it with both hands and never let it go, because it’s one crazy ride. Ladies, I congratulate you both on overcoming your obstacles and finding your way to each other. I love you both so much, my dear daughters. To Callie and Arizona!”, Mr Torres exclaimed, full of pride.
“To Callie and Arizona!”, everyone said.
The newlyweds kissed, before turning their attention to the wedding cake.
You and Addison watched the whole exchange, extremely proud of your friends, grateful to be a part of their special, historic day; however, deep down, you both pictured this day of your own, in your not so distant future.
Addison and you shared a look, and you both just knew. This was the path you wanted to take.
“Forever and always, Addie”, you said, winking at her.
“Forever and always, Y/N”, she repeated, clutching your hand, bringing it to her lips.
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