#m super sleepy rn i hope my words make sense
heph · 2 months
It's so interesting how submissive House is to Wilson. In basically every scene where Wilson gives his 2 cents about a case, House without fail (for the most part) follows his opinion. Wilson gives him unsolicited advice and half the time he listens without saying anything, and the other half he argues but ends up listening to him anyway. House starts psychoanalysing Wilson and Wilson does it right back to him and House shuts the fuck up or gives a one line quip back at him (to have the last line) but knows deep down Wilson is right.
For a man of House's stature and how he interacts with Literally Everyone Else, the writers really hammer it into your soul that House only really listens to Wilson and no one else
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novalunosiss · 3 years
Okay!! The post strangerthingstv just made on Instagram looks really interesting! The whole thing gives me fear street vibes (like the title sequence with the news paper articles and whatnot) but I digress… Seems like season 4 is going to have some kind of murder plot.. or this murder could potentially be one from the past (like how Hop was looking at old newspaper articles in season 1). Anyway the video goes really fast but I saved it to my camera roll and slowed it down to read. Most of the information is blacked out but I’ll write what is legible below. I’ll write everything in the newspaper in a different font, my own thoughts will be in the regular font. For simplicities sake and because I don’t know terminology I’ll be calling the pictures “frames”. I won’t be discussing the frames that are just pictures, only the ones that show the text. This means that when I say “second frame” or something, it might not actually be the second frame in the video, but it’s the second frame with text on it. Hope that’s not confusing. Not sure if anyone will find this useful but i thought it was interesting, so here goes. Just as a warning, it’s 3:00 am where I live rn so this will probably be a little scattered.
First frame:
Lana stalked by crazed fan page 3
The Murder That Shocked A Small Community - PAGE 10
The Star-studded ‘bonanza’ premiere - CENTER PAGES
Policeman shot 12 times survives - PAGE 3
Inside Jayne and Mickey’s ‘Palace’ - PAGE 24
Thousands seek gold in jungle - PAGE 7
Magic Pill helping people lose weight
Second frame: you can only see part of the newspaper in this bit, but I’ll still try my best
s are certain Creel is to blame, but he claims
BLANK: Killer or t
m of a vengeful sp
by Addie Ba-cock
Okay so after this there’s a blank block of text but I’ll use this to point out some stuff. In this frame the text starts with the end letter of a word, s. I’m gonna assume that the word in question was ‘Authorities’. That would make sense considering it’s about a murder case and it fits well into the rest of the sentence. Not sure what the T or the M could be for, but the Sp is definitely the beginning of Spirit. This is later confirmed by another slide. As for the dash in the surname of whoever wrote this article, I couldn’t quite make out a letter so I left it like that. Back onto the text.
Whoever you believe, the strange case of the Creel family has put the heretofore sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, on the map. It is safe to say that the entire region will never be the same again. District attorney Phillip Bradley said of the ordeal.
Once again this is followed by a block of text. Now. Im fairly confident I’ve got most of this right, but it’s hard to be sure because the text is pretty small and blurry. The two lots of dashes are words I couldn’t quite figure out. Credit to @the-one-and-only-asha who figured out that the missing words were entire and region and let me know in the comments. For some reason it won’t allow me to link to their profile, as it says her blog is missing. But full credit goes to them :) To the right of this text is another bit that is featured in two slides. By piecing together both bits it is still incomplete but more together. It says the following.
‘I thought I was dying… so I w
flooded with relief… but there
a sense of terrible grief, too.’
The first time this bit of text appears it is in the second frame and has a block of blanked out text under it. However, the second time it appears, in the fourth frame, you can see some of the previously blanked out text. It says:
The discovery of a dead an-
the property. One evening,
ether Alice found a rotting
The third slide is also a closer up version of the second slide with a bit more information that was not previously seen.
Crime scene photos from inside the Creel Home obtained EXCLUSIVELY by TWW reveal a complete blood bath.
Underneath it is a picture of the scene but it’s blurry and you can’t see much. To the right there is more text, though most of it is cut off.
to the super
The Cre
home in Ha
Court docum
had recently
itance with
murder hou
Creel cl
in to their
a series of
A lot of this you can use common sense to figure out. Cre is obviously Creed, Ha is most likely Hawkins, docum is documents, hou is house, cl is claimed, and after paranormal I’d assume it says events.
After this the video blurs through some more text but if you slow it down you can read one bit.
Didn’t know what I
told the court.
“I said I thought
teenagers set the gra
wouldn’t listen to me
dener tells our source
ly had enough
Not sure if i got all of this part right, it was lighter than the rest of the text so it was a little harder to read. For “gra” that could be grave, I’m thinking. Dener sounds like it could be a person, probably a surname, but im definitely not sure I got that right, it could be a completely different word/name. The ly in the final sentence is probably finally, as in “finally had enough.”
That’s it, I’ll include the video and the screenshots I took below but hopefully someone finds this as interesting as I did!
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